Lexus | 25 | Romania | Here I will post every imagine/fanfic I will write, but you're free to request anything. Requests: OPEN.
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 18 of ?
Hi guys! <3
Long time, no see. Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. I had a rough time when things did not go how I wanted it and I couldn't bring myself to write anything. Now I'm better and I hope you'll like this part :)
Warnings: language.
Tags:@multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie, @kaite1996, @coc41nn, @xxsparklezzzxx, @shilohrosechicken, @k-pop-luv04, @mariemarquess1989, @imralxmerve, @zombiedixon89, @vinyardmauro, @imralmervex, @xslavicprincess, @black-damask1999
Requests: OPEN.
While still being sleepy, I was moving my hand to find Blair. A wave of panic ran through me when I realized she wasn’t there. For a second I even forgot I was in a hotel and not in my house. At that moment I was fully awake, going into every room to find my baby. The image I saw when I opened the kitchen door made my heart melt completely. Blair was sitting at the table with her favourite toy in her arms, while Ricky was feeding her pancakes.
“It’s not cool eating without me.”
They both had their eyes on me, and I couldn’t tell who had the biggest smile.
“Good morning, my love. You needed to rest more than ever. How do you feel?”
“I’m good, I think. I panicked a little when I couldn’t find Blair next to me.”
“Sorry about that, but the little princess was hungry.”
After eating, she went straight to the other room to play with the rest of her toys. I wanted to have her around me as much as possible, but right now I wanted to find out more about Ricky’s plan, and it wasn’t good for her to hear something.
“I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for you to give me more details. Can you tell me now, please?”
“Not yet, love. But very soon. How about you get ready, I’ll get myself and Blair ready, and then we’ll go to a really nice place?”
“Ugh, fine. But this is not helping me at all.”
He took my face in his hands, looked me in the eyes, and kissed me for reassurance. Something to make me feel better and not forget that I don’t have to fight alone anymore.
After a drive of about 30 minutes, in which Ricky said nothing about this “really nice place”, we arrived in a heaven like place. We were surrounded by big trees that had little white flowers in them and we could see a lake in the distance that had the clearest water I had ever seen. It was so peaceful and quiet that I felt how every fear I had was vanishing in the air.
“I discovered this place yesterday and I knew I had to take you both to see it.”
While I had Blair in my arms, taking the beautiful view in, Ricky got a picnic basket out from the car. He really had everything planned apparently. After he put everything in place, we sat down, watching Blair running around, discovering every possible piece of this place.
“Yesterday while I sat here, I was thinking about everything that happened between us. We’ve been through some things, not really nice ones, but I’m so happy we are here now, together.”
“How so? I thought we left those things behind us.”
“Of course we did, it was not in a bad way, believe me. But after you told me what Corey intends to do, it made me realize some things.”
“And what did you realize exactly?”
“That even though I was really dumb in the past, now I consider myself the luckiest man on earth. I had moments when I thought, “what if we stayed together and Corey was never in the picture”? But I still won’t have it any other way, knowing that Blair wouldn’t have been here with us today. I don’t care she is not biologically mine, I still consider her my daughter.”
My eyes were full of tears while he had his little speech. By the time it was done, they were running down my cheeks. I never told him how many moments I had thought that maybe one day he would be gone, thinking that he didn’t fit in this picture. He never did anything to lead me in this direction, but my fear was present nevertheless.
“Ricky, you have no idea how happy you make me and Blair too. It was always you, and I was sure of that from the beginning. We both are lucky to have you in our lives.”
He took me in his arms, kissing my forehead. His hand was running down my back, trying to stop my tears from falling.
“Now it’s the time to tell you about my plan. And you’ll understand why I had to wait.”
“Alright, what is it?”
“So Corey said his reason for taking Blair is that I live with you both, right?”
“Yes. He made it seem like you are a stranger, not my boyfriend.”
“Well, if that it’s his problem, we will have to change some things to show the court it’s not what he thinks.”
To say I was confused was a misunderstanding. A little wave of panic ran through me as I thought he wanted to move out of the house. I was so used already having him around that I couldn’t take this idea even as an option.
“You are staying with us. Moving is not a solution to this problem.”
“Moving? I was not talking about that.”
“Then what? I don’t understand.”
“I have just one more thing to add. If you don’t agree with this plan, I will completely understand.”
“Just tell me, please. I’m so confused, I don’t have any idea what you are trying to do.”
“I’m trying to show you how much I love you, Lexus. That you and Blair are my world, and I’ll do anything to keep you both safe.”
He moved a little, so now he was standing right in front of me. His hand reached his pocket and got a little box out of it. When he opened it, I saw the most perfect and beautiful ring.
“Lexus, my love. Will you marry me?”
#miw#motionless in white fanfic#motionless in white#requests are open#taking requests#request#ricky horror imagine#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror#ricky olson#justin morrow#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#chris motionless
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Hi everyone!
Quick little announcement.
As I said before, it's a very busy time for me, so there will be no update in the following week. My last exam is on 17th July and after that I'll be free to write as many fics as you'll want me to.
Until then, please keep your fingers crossed for me to get a good grade and I can't wait to share more of my stories with you all.
Thank you! 🤗❤️
#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror imagine#ricky horror#ricky olson#motionless in white fanfic#miw
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 17 of ?
Warnings: language.
Tags:@multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie, @kaite1996, @coc41nn, @xxsparklezzzxx, @shilohrosechicken, @k-pop-luv04, @mariemarquess1989, @imralxmerve, @zombiedixon89, @vinyardmauro, @imralmervex, @xslavicprincess, @black-damask1999
Requests: OPEN.
My hands were shaking so bad while I tried to call Ricky. At that moment I forgot completely to check if he was on stage or if it was too late for him to pick up. Thankfully, he did.
“Hi babe, I actually was about to call you, but… are you crying?”
“Corey didn’t lie…”
“What do you mean? What’s wrong? Tell me!”
“I received a letter from the courthouse. He wants full custody of Blair, saying I’m not a good mother for her, because I let her live with my boyfriend.”
“Please tell me you’re joking. I swear I’m going to kill him.”
“Ricky, please, don’t do anything stupid! Then he will have real reasons to do this.”
I could sense from his voice how mad he was. The only thing I hoped for was for the two to not cross each other’s path’s.
“I think I have an idea. But I need both you and Blair here with me for it.”
“What’s the plan?”
“I can’t tell you over the phone. How soon can you come?”
“Right now, I’m looking for two tickets… There’s a flight at 7 a.m. and we would be there at around 2 p.m.”
“Perfect! Now, please calm down. I promise no one would take Blair from us. Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do, Ricky.”
After the call ended, I just stared into the nothing. I thought this would be my day, to get all the stress out of me. Now I need to prepare for whatever Ricky has planned. Even if it doesn’t make any sense how flying over to him would help, I was glad to know I would be in his arms in a couple of hours and everything would be alright.
Blair and I just arrived at the destination, and we were looking for our taxi. She was really sleepy, even though she slept the entire flight. When we were in the car, she asked I was surprised I hadn’t got earlier.
“Are you okay, mommy?”
“Of course, sweetheart. I’m happy we’re going to see daddy in a bit.”
“You don’t look happy. Did I do something to upset you?”
“You could never do that, I assure you.”
I took her little hand in mine and tried to give her the most genuine smile. Looking into her eyes, I knew she was sure I was lying. But this was a very sensitive topic, and even after all the bad things, I still don’t want her to see her real father as a bad person.
When we arrived at the hotel the boys were staying at, I saw Ricky waiting for us in the lobby. I felt the tears forming in my eyes, but I tried to keep them under control. He took me into his arms and I finally felt like I was home. For a second, everything felt right in this world. When he kissed me, the tears came running down my cheeks, finally realized how much I missed him. He took Blair into his arms and kissed her forehead.
“How much I missed my girls. I’m so happy you’re finally here!”
We went to his room and placed Blair on the bed, who fell asleep in his arms on the way there. He took my hand in his and led the way to another room.
“I missed you so much, Lexus. I’m sorry we had to see each other in this situation.”
“I missed you too, Ricky. With you being on tour I thought I had to deal with this all by myself.”
“You would never have to deal with something alone. I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.”
Then I started crying the way I wanted from the beginning. I couldn’t control myself, and I was shaking in his arms. His hand was playing with my hair, trying to calm me down.
“He would never take her. I never saw him once spending time with his daughter, and now he claims he wants full custody. This is bullshit.”
“The judge doesn’t know that.”
“We will tell him, Blair will too. You know she’ll have to be there too, right?”
I nodded while Ricky wiped my tears with his hands. He gave me a kiss that felt like a promise for all the words he said.
“So what’s your plan, Ricky?”
“You had a long day, and now it’s not time for that. What you need to do at this moment is to get some rest next to Blair, while I’ll go to do the soundcheck.”
“No, please, tell me now.”
“I promise I’ll tell you tomorrow, okay? Now, please go to bed.”
I wasn’t happy with his answer, but I knew he was right. I was exhausted, and I needed to sleep more than ever. He followed me into the room and kissed both of our heads before going to see the other boys.
#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror#ricky olson#ricky horror imagine#miw#motionless in white fanfic#justin morrow#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#chris motionless#motionless in white
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 16 of ?
Hi guys! <3
Hope you're enjoying this story :3
Warnings: none.
Tags:@multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie, @kaite1996, @coc41nn, @xxsparklezzzxx, @shilohrosechicken, @k-pop-luv04, @mariemarquess1989, @imralxmerve, @zombiedixon89, @vinyardmauro, @imralmervex, @xslavicprincess, @black-damask1999
Requests: OPEN.
We helped each other to get dressed faster, in case someone would knock on the door. Thanks God it did not happen. Now we were sitting across from each other and I saw how Ricky’s expression changed drastically.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something that I’ve been kind of afraid to say.”
“You know you can tell me anything. What is it about, Ricky?”
“I hate the fact that no one knows about us and we have to hide our love behind close doors. Maybe we can tell the boys, for the start. If you want to, of course.”
For a second I thought how funny this situation is. In the past, he was the one that wanted to keep us a secret, and now he wants the whole entire world to know. I thought about it for a second before I would give him an answer.
“I think it’s a great idea. At least our close friends deserve to know.”
Ricky took me in his arms and kissed me passionately. This was his way of thanking me for giving him exactly what he wanted. At that moment, I forgot about every bad thing in my life, focusing only on the man who was holding me tight in his arms.
It was the time for Motionless in White to leave for tour, and I had mixed feelings about it. Of course, I was happy for them, but I hated the fact that Ricky would not be here with me for the next few months.
We also prepared for the big reveal of our relationship. This was the best moment to announce what we hope it was a secret.
Every time one of my bands would leave for tour, I would meet with them to wish them good luck. I always felt we were all a big family, as cliché as it sounds, and I tried my best to show each one of them how much I cared.
It was time for them to leave, so I put my phone in a place where no one could see it. Of course, I wanted to have this moment forever with me.
I went first to hug Justin and then Ryan. Vinny came running to me as a happy little child to get his hug. When it came to Chris, he looked down at me for a second, before he would get me up and spin me around.
“Okay, just put me down now!”
“It’s not my fault you’re so little.”
Then it was Ricky’s turn, and it was our plan to leave him last. We wanted to be sure we had their attention.
I hugged him, as I did the others, and then backed off a little just so I could see his face.
“Good luck, Ricky.”
Then he kissed me, right in front of them. They were all shocked and speechless, besides Vinny.
“I knew it! I told you there was something going on with them!”
“How did you know?”
“Are you kidding me? I lost count of how many times I saw you talking in a corner or looking at each other like you were about to fuck right in that spot.”
That was unexpected, and we were all laughing, except Chris. His eyes had no emotion in them while he was looking at me. That’s when he left us to go on the bus, without saying a word.
I left Ricky’s embrace, telling him I had to do this alone.
“Chris? Can we talk?”
“For how long has this been going on?”
“A couple of months… but officially together for almost 2 months.”
“I thought I was your best friend, Lexus. What happened with that?”
“And you still are! But I was afraid you’ll be judging me for choosing Ricky once again.”
“If he would’ve been the same, I would clearly do that. But he is a good friend of mine now, and I know he will never hurt you again. Are you happy with him?”
“Yes. I’ve never been happier. Blair loves him too.”
“Wow, you moved pretty fast with that. I guess Corey isn’t happy with this whole situation.”
“No, he’s not. But I really don’t care. Both Blair and I deserve someone that would make us feel loved. It’s not our fault he couldn’t do it.”
“That’s true. You know, I hated you for a second back there when you two kissed. I truly had no idea, and it was clear it was happening for some time.”
“Believe me that I really wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. I was afraid he might leave me again.”
“And now you’re sure it’s not going to happen?”
“Yes. Even though we haven’t told each other the magical three words yet, I know the feeling is there.”
“Then I’m happy for you both.”
He hugged me and put his head on mine, and that’s how Ricky found us. The big smile on his face reflected mine, knowing that we both needed to share our secret with the ones we love.
The next 3 months passed very slowly, and I tried everything to keep myself busy. I was more present at the studio than ever, and no one thought this could even be possible. The only times I was home was when Blair was there, keeping me company. I never thought she would miss Ricky as much as I do, but we tried to communicate when he got some free time.
I was so happy for them, the tour was going amazing. Almost every show was sold out, and some venues called me to ask if I could add some more dates to the list. Even though I didn’t want to have to wait even more, I asked them every time what they thought about this idea. I was glad to hear them all say they have enough shows to perform for the moment.
Today I felt like I needed a day for myself, staying at home, watching a film, maybe reading a book. I need to live for myself for at least a day, not thinking about how much time I have to wait for Ricky. And I couldn’t choose a better day, as Blair was going to sleep at one of her friends tonight.
I decided to go for a book first and to leave the film for later. While I was searching for something to catch my eye, I heard my phone ring. A big smile appeared on my face, thinking that Ricky made some time for me. But when I checked, I saw it was actually Corey.
“Hi, Lexus. I hope your day is going well.”
“Um, hi? It was until you called. What do you want?”
“I just wanted to ask if you received any specific letter?”
“Why? What is going on?”
“Just go and check. I’m sure it’s there already. I told you that you’re going to regret it.”
And with that, he ended the call. My heart was racing as crazy as I went to the kitchen. I got a lot of letters to look at on the table, but not one second I thought something important was on there. While I was moving them like crazy, my attention was caught quickly by a sender: the courthouse. I opened the letter as fast as I could, and I tried to find the important part of why was this sent to me.
“No! You can’t do this to me!”
I started to cry uncontrollably, and my hands were shaking, making the letter fall on the ground.
Corey wants full custody of our daughter.
#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky olson#ricky horror#ricky horror imagine#justin morrow#miw#motionless in white fanfic#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#chris motionless#motionless in white#requests are open#taking requests#requests#request
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 15 of ? - +18
Hi guys!
I don't really write smut, so please let me know if it's the most cringy thing you've ever read, so I will not include it in the future, haha <3
Warnings: +18.
Tags:@multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie, @kaite1996, @coc41nn, @xxsparklezzzxx, @shilohrosechicken, @k-pop-luv04, @mariemarquess1989, @imralxmerve, @zombiedixon89, @vinyardmauro, @imralmervex, @xslavicprincess, @black-damask1999
Requests: OPEN.
Without wasting any more time, I called Ricky and told him every thing that Corey said.
“You know how he is, darling. Don’t worry about him.”
“That’s exactly why I’m reacting like this. When he gets mad about something, a war is going to start.”
“If you want, I can have a talk with him.”
“Even though I appreciate it, I think it would make the situation even worse.”
“Why? He is threatening my family after all. I have every reason in this world to know what’s happening.”
And with that, all of my fears went away unexpectedly. When he said “my family” I swear my heart skipped a bit.
“Maybe you’re right, and I overthink it.”
“I’ll be at the studio in half an hour and I promise I’ll get your favorite coffee to make you feel better. How does that sound?”
“Knowing that you’ll be delivering it makes it even better.”
With that, I left every fear aside, waiting for Ricky in my office. I hope with my whole heart that everything is going to be fine. It wasn’t like I had other things to worry about like my boyfriend leaving soon for 7 months.
Even though we were official, I still had my doubts about not seeing each other for such a long time. I know deep in my heart that if our relationship is not going to work, I will not have another one. He is the one made for me, as I am for him.
When I heard a knock on my door, I realized how fast half an hour had passed and that Ricky was now hugging me and kissing the top of my head.
“Hope you’re feeling better now.”
“I really am, thank you for coming here.”
“You know I’m always here for you.”
Looking into his eyes, I knew he was telling the truth. He is the only person I had this feeling with. I closed the space between us and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Things got pretty heated, and he was the one to break the kiss.
“Lexus, you know how much I want this, but someone could hear us.”
“Then I promise I will be quiet.”
In a matter of seconds, our clothes were on the floor. We both knew the possibility of someone coming in and discover that we were together was really high, but we loved the adrenaline of it.
I was sitting on my desk and Ricky parted my legs to have a better view. The way he was looking at me like I was the most precious thing in the world made my heart beat faster.
“All this for me?”
“I’m all yours, Ricky.”
He got on his knees, leaving kisses on my thighs, knowing well this would kill me. My hand went to grab his hair, trying to lead his mouth where I wanted it.
“You’re so impatient, my darling.”
“Well, if you’re asking so nicely.”
Even though he started with sweet and slow kisses, now he was devouring me. His tongue was making me tremble with its every move. Two of his fingers made their way to my entrance, feeling them penetrating me. A small moan escaped my lips, making him stop.
“Forgot what you promised?”
“Please, don’t stop.”
He was now standing on his feet, one hand around my neck and the other one hitting the right spot every god-damn time.
“No one knows about us. Do you want them to see us fucking before the big announcement?”
“I… oh my god. No, of course not.”
“Then be a good girl for me, and I promise tonight I will make you scream and moan till morning.”
That’s everything I needed to hear to make me go over the edge. He knew I was about to cum and he stopped. His smirk was everything I needed to know that we were not done yet.
He got me off of the table and turned me around, my back facing him. Another moan was about to leave my lips when I felt him deep inside of me, and I had to bite my hand to not let it out.
“Just one sound and I would not let you cum, got it?”
All I could do at that moment was nod, trying to not show how much I was enjoying it. I knew he could feel how much pleasure he was making me feel, being so wet for him. One of his hands was now around my neck, closing the space between us so that I could hear him better.
“Cum for me, baby. I want to fill you in with me.”
I knew the bite would leave a mark on my hand, but that was the only way I could stay silent. When I felt his seed coming like a wave into me, I came as well. My legs were shaking, but Ricky held me against his chest, kissing the top of my head.
“Was it that hard to not make a sound?”
“Oh, you have no idea.”
#motionless in white fanfic#justin morrow#miw#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#chris motionless#ricky horror imagine#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror#ricky olson
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Hi! First of all, love love love your story ❤️❤️
I know you said you are busy now, but can you say when we'll get the next part?
Thank you so much! 🥺❤️ It means a lot!
Actually, I have two more parts scheduled, the first one on 20.06 and the second one on 22.06. Hope this will make up for my absence 🥰
#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror imagine#ricky horror#ricky olson#miw#motionless in white fanfic
0 notes
A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 14 of ?
Hi guys!
Long time no see, and I'm sorry for that :( I had a lot of exams and I still have a couple left, but I finally got some time to write the next part. Hope you're not that mad at me <3
Warnings: none.
Tags:@multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie, @kaite1996, @coc41nn, @xxsparklezzzxx, @shilohrosechicken, @k-pop-luv04, @mariemarquess1989, @imralxmerve, @zombiedixon89, @vinyardmauro, @imralmervex, @xslavicprincess, @black-damask1999
Requests: OPEN.
After cutting some of the vegetables for the salad, I glanced at Ricky, who was really focused on making the perfect steak. I put the knife down and turned my body towards him.
“Ricky, can we talk about something?”
“Yes, of course. What’s bothering you?”
At that moment, I had all his attention. He was now closer to me, looking me in the eyes, reaching for my hand.
“I can’t stop thinking about the fact that you are going to leave soon.”
“You know I’m not leaving for good, it’s just a couple of months. I mean, you know how a tour works. What’s really the problem here?”
Deep in my heart, I knew what actually was bothering me. The problem was that I didn’t know how to tell him, without making the situation worse.
“Do you think something will change between us in those months?”
His expression changed from worried to confused in a second.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Maybe what we achieved by now will be gone while you are going to be on tour…”
The biggest and brightest smile appeared on his face. His hands reached for my waist, bringing me a little closer to him.
“Nothing in this world will affect us, I promise. I will call you each time I am free, and I will try to make this time go faster than it sounds.”
“But what if you’ll find someone else in the meantime? And that person will have a perfect relationship with you, not like me, being afraid of everything.”
“Lexus, you have my heart. I don’t care if it will take you 2 years from now on to kiss me. You are worth the wait.”
To say the truth, I didn’t know where those thoughts came from. In those 6 months, he never did something that would make me question what we had. Maybe it was the fact that we were not in a relationship and that he could choose someone else whenever he wanted.
As his hands were on my waist, I decided to close the distance between us by putting my arms around his neck. He was surprised by my gesture and not sure what to do next.
“Then let’s not wait for 2 more years. Kiss me, Ricky.”
His eyes scanned my face for a couple of seconds, making sure it was not a joke. Not once in those 6 months, I showed any romantic gesture towards him. Something in me sparked today, finally giving me the reassurance that he is not the boy I met on Warped Tour anymore. Now he was a man, who would not make the same mistakes.
The hands that were on my waist, made their way to my cheeks. His thumb caressed my skin for a bit, leaning in slowly.
“Are you sure you want this, Lexus?”
I couldn’t wait any longer, so I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me. The moment our lips connected after so much time was magical. At first, it was a slow kiss, like we were both trying to see if it was really happening. But then, Ricky started to kiss me with all the passion he had in his body. All the love he stored for me was now released through his lips.
While we were in our little world, we heard little steps coming closer to us. It was Blair, holding her favourite doll, looking very confused at us. She never understood what role Ricky had in her life, and as little as she is, the terms boyfriend and husband did not make that much sense to her.
“I only saw you kissing daddy. Is Ricky my new daddy now?”
My eyes met Ricky in an instant. For a second, we tried to think of a good answer, but the only answer we had was laughing. It was a really cute moment indeed, but nothing we expected as we wanted to pour our feelings into one another.
The truth is that Ricky was more of a father to Blair than Corey was. Even though we shared custody, he rarely came to spend time with her. Numerous times I had to call him to remind him of her existence. Her little face changing from happiness to sadness when he did not show up would break my heart.
On the other hand, Ricky adored her. He would always take her to the park when he had time, prepare her favourite food for her, or buy her toys that he thought she would like. I never asked him to do any of these things, but it felt natural to him. They bonded over these months and I know her little heart would break again if he would leave us like her father did. But now I was sure it was not going to happen.
Ricky took Blair in his arms, putting some of her hair strands behind her ears. He looked at her for a couple of seconds and then moved his sight towards me, giving me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Right at that moment, I knew I had my perfect little family.
“Would you like him to be?”
“Yes! Can he move in with us, mommy?”
“Only if he wants to.”
Now he was holding Blair with one arm, the other one grabbing me by my waist, pulling me closer to them.
“It would be my pleasure.”
Ricky has been officially living with us for 1 month now, and Blair and I couldn’t be happier. He was the only morning person in the house, so usually he would be the one to make breakfast for the both of us. When I would be busy at the studio, he would go to take my daughter from school without me asking him to do it. We were living life as a family, but no one knew that he fully moved into my house… until a couple of days ago.
While I was at the studio, I got a call from Corey. It was unusual from him, especially when I know he would never return my calls when it’s his right to spend time with his daughter.
“Yes, Corey?”
“I need to talk to you right now, and I don’t want to hear your lame excuse that you’re busy.”
“Well, hi to you too, I guess. What’s happening?”
“What’s happening? Maybe the fact that my daughter is living with a man that I didn’t approve of?”
“Approve? You really got a laugh out of me with that.”
“It’s not funny, Lexus. I want him out of your house.”
“Well, I want you out of my life as well, but I guess this would not be happening too soon.”
“Fine, then you’ll face the consequences. Good luck with that.”
I was about to ask him what all that was about, but he ended the call. For the moment I thought he may be drunk and tomorrow he will not even remember our conversation. All I was hoping for was that he would not do something stupid that he would regret later.
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 13 of ?
Hi guys!
I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry for that. :( Hope you'll like this part. <3
Warnings: none.
Tags: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie, @kaite1996, @coc41nn, @xxsparklezzzxx, @shilohrosechicken
Requests: OPEN.
Ricky’s point of view
We had to stay for 4 more hours to work on the song. It was still not done, but we made some changes to it. In the meantime, Lexus told Chris that she was not feeling well and she would go home. Of course, it was a lie, and he knew it had something to do with me. But surprisingly, he did not say anything to me.
While I was driving home, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. There must be something I can do to make her trust me again. At the same time, I hated myself for being another burden on her mind, next to her ex-husband. He did her so wrong, and I hoped I would never see him again because I knew I would regret later what I would do to him.
Suddenly, I took the right exit instead of the left one. My brain made me choose the road to her home instead of mine. I decided that it may be a sign, something I need to do right now, or I’ll never get another chance. 6 years have already passed and I couldn’t wait any longer.
I parked my car and went to the door. For a couple of minutes, I contemplated if I should do it or if it was better to leave. Again, my unconscious moved my hand and knocked on the door. After a couple more minutes, which felt like hours, Lexus was in front of me.
“Ricky, what are you doing here? I thought I made myself very clear when I told you to leave me alone.”
“I know, and I’m sorry for that. But I really can’t get you out of my head and my heart. The only thing I am asking is for one more chance to make things clear. After I will explain everything, if you don’t want to have anything to do with me, I promise I will step back.”
She looked at me dead in the eyes and a tired sigh left her lips. Still thinking that it may be wrong, she moved a little so she could let me enter.
“We can talk in the living room, my daughter is with her father. Start explaining.”
“I don’t know how many times I can say it, but I’m really sorry for everything. From the moment we met, I only brought sadness into your life. Now I’m sure, more than ever, that the only thing I want in this life is you.”
“This is not easy at all, Ricky. You can’t expect me to forgive you just like that, jump into your arms, and pretend nothing ever happened.”
“Of course, I know that. But we can take things slowly. Then you’ll see I’m not the man I used to be. You can trust me.”
“How slow do you think would be best?”
“Well, I can assure you, nothing intimate would happen. Not even holding hands if you don’t feel comfortable doing it. We can be friends first. Having dinners together, watching a movie or just talking when we need to get something out of our chest.”
“What if it will make things worse?”
“It can never happen. We can try and when we feel things are going in the wrong direction we can stop. But at least we will know that we tried.”
Lexus stood up from the couch and walked around the room. While she was thinking of an answer, I was feeling like I could faint at any moment. There she was, the woman of my life, deciding our future.
“I guess we can try.”
All I wanted at that moment was to take her in my arms and kiss her with all the passion I had in me. But remembering what we agreed on, I just smiled, knowing this was a win as well. Now I had the opportunity to show her how much she means to me.
After 6 months
Lexus’s point of view
Motionless In White released their album “Scoring the End of the World” and it was a huge success. Their fans loved it so much, the songs did so great on the charts, and I couldn’t be any much happier for them. Now they had to prepare for the world tour, which will start in about 2 months.
At the same time, Ricky and I got to be the most talked about topic. A lot of pictures were released with us from what we thought was going to be a private moment. The speculations started right away, all of them saying that we got back together, which was not the case. There were some not-so-nice ones as well when people would say that I divorced Corey just to be with Ricky, not thinking of my daughter’s feelings. After a few of those, I stopped reading the news when they popped on my phone.
Apart from these things, I was having a really great time with Ricky. We started to get to know each other for a second time, discovering how much we changed through the years. He kept his promise and never tried anything without my consent and after 6 months of being friends, we only got to hold hands. I appreciated how he never complained about it and forced me to do something I would not want.
Even though there was not much happening romantically between us, I took him home to meet my daughter. Corey was not happy about it, especially thinking that Ricky could become one day her stepfather. Regardless of that, my daughter liked him from the beginning. She would show him all of her favourite toys and make him play with her, which was the sweetest thing I ever saw. I knew that in my final decision, I had to include her as well, and I was glad to see how well they got along.
Tonight we decided to have dinner at my place. While we were preparing the food, Blaire was upstairs in her room. The tour will start in 2 months and I knew I wanted to make things straight before he would be gone for 7 months. I knew I would never have this good of an opportunity any time soon, and I wanted to get it out of my chest.
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 12 of ?
Hi guys!
Sorry for keeping you waiting, I had a couple busy days, but I'm back now <3
Warnings: none.
Tags: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie
Requests: OPEN.
Ricky’s point of view
In the week we had time to prepare for our first studio session, I was a mess. Not one song felt right to me, my mind was on a completely different dimension, and Lexus wouldn’t respond to any of my messages or calls. I was completely lost, and I didn’t know what to do at this point.
Chris heard about everything that happened, and he wasn’t happy at all. He tried to make me let her go for the sake of the band. Yes, we have a big chance now with her to go above and beyond, but I couldn’t stop my feelings for her just like that. Especially when I know it’s all my fault.
Now we were in the studio, waiting for her. I couldn’t pretend nothing happened or that I was heartbroken. While I was making a plan to talk to her after, she entered the room, making all my thoughts go away. Even though she greeted us, her eyes would not dare to look in my direction, and I could feel we both shared the same sorrow.
“Alright guys, being the first day I don’t necessarily want a name for the album, so any song you think is almost done would be great. Just to get an idea of what you want to do. From there, I would be happy to help you with the rest.”
Chris came closer to the rest of us to decide on a song. We had 3 songs we worked on really heard, but none of them were close to be done.
“I think Porcelain would be fine. What do you guys think?”
Good song, but I don’t think it’s the best idea to be the first song she will hear from this album. I had another idea in mind.
“Let’s play Cause of Death. I think she will like it more.”
“But you have a part in it as well, and the last time we tried to play it, you weren’t using your voice properly.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll do my best.”
Lexus’s point of view
They started to play their song while I wrote the name of it on a document. I hated to do all this paperwork, but it was a part of my job. Chris said that Ricky would sing a part of it as well, and that made me really curious.
From the very first seconds, I knew this was going to be a really good song. I loved everything about it. As I have a lot of new bands, making their debut album where they have a lot to learn, I missed these moments when everything will be perfect from the beginning. You can clearly see the years of experience they had.
The whole time, I was looking at everyone, except Ricky. Something in me missed him deeply this past week, but the other part of me was almost set to send Motionless to another label. Of course, I wouldn’t be able to do that, but still, that thought crossed my mind for a second.
I was absorbed by their song, loving every second of it. But Ricky’s turn made me to finally look at him.
No hope, no time
Can't go back, can't rewind
I still belong to you
No hope, no time
Can't go back, can't rewind
You still belong to me
While he was singing, I felt like he was looking directly in my soul, not just in my eyes. Until the song finished, I couldn’t look at anyone else but him. Chris was the one to bring me back down to earth.
“So, what do you think?”
“It’s perfect, guys. Of course, you still have to work a little bit on it, but I loved it. Congrats!”
While they were cheering for their success, I stood up, only wishing to be alone in my office. After I closed the door, I tried to catch my breath, thinking about what happened. Of course, he wrote those lyrics to get in my mind. But this time I had to be careful, to not suffer once again because of him.
Someone knocked on the door and I thought it would be Stephanie, to get all the documents I signed earlier. But there was Ricky, with a sad expression on his face.
“I’m sorry. I know I messed up really bad this time, but give me one more chance, please.”
“What story do you believe now?”
“Yours, of course. Look, I talked to some friends who happen to know Corey. Everything you said was true. But they all keep it behind the scenes for his image.”
“So, you still had to check which one of us was lying. Ricky, I’m sorry, but I’m really tired of this. Please, leave me alone.”
“Alright, I’ll go now, but I promise you something. A long time ago I realized we were made for each other and one day you’ll be mine, and I’ll be yours, officially, for eternity.”
#ricky horror#ricky horror imagine#ricky olson#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#chris motionless#justin morrow#miw#motionless in white fanfic#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#motionless in white
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 11 of ?
Hi guys!
Enjoy! <3
Warnings: none.
Tags: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie
Requests: OPEN.
Ricky’s point of view
It was almost 8 pm and I had 5 minutes left to get to Lexus’s house. Corey’s words were repeating over and over in my mind, “her heart is still full of you”. All the excitement I had before was now gone. I ruined her marriage, her family, her everything. Now, I was afraid I would ruin her life even more if I would do something stupid again.
Before deciding what would be the best next move, I had a plan. I want to hear her perspective on this. Maybe Corey wasn’t right and she really had different reasons to divorce. Even though it was clearly who was the one suffering, maybe there was something more to the story that he actually didn’t know about.
Lexus’s point of view
I heard Ricky’s car in the driveway, and I looked in the mirror one last time. Everything seemed fine, from make-up to the dress. I decided to wear something casual, as this was a dinner between friends and nothing more. After I got my bag, I got out of the house.
My heart was going crazy, thinking anyone could hear its beatings. After he left my office earlier, I only thought about what the future may hold. Maybe he was not the same man I fell in love with, and that would make things easier. But what if he still is? What if he’ll make me fall for him even harder? Now it wasn’t just about me. I had to consider my daughter, Blaire, as well.
In the car, I was greeted by a not-so-happy Ricky. He had a little forced smile on his face.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous. These are for you.”
He reached his hand on the backseat to get something. It was a beautiful bouquet of red roses, my favourite type of flower.
“It’s really beautiful. But I thought this is not a date.”
“So, every time you receive flowers on your birthday from friends, you consider you are going on a date with them?”
A little laugh escaped from his lips, being the only time his face lighted up for a little bit. Neither of us said anything else while we were on the way to the restaurant.
Only after we got inside, I decided to break the ice.
“Are you okay, Ricky? You barely said anything.”
“Yeah, don’t worry about me. What would you like to eat?”
We both ordered our meals, having some wine as well. I could feel how stressed he was, but I did not know what to do or how to get the answers out of his mouth. The thing that worried me the most was that he avoided looking me in the eyes.
“Look, if you don’t feel okay, or you’ve changed your mind, it’s fine. Just tell me, and after we eat, we can forget this night ever happened.”
“It’s complicated. The whole situation.”
“What do you mean? Please talk to me.”
“Corey and I met today, and he had some interesting things to say.”
My hands were shaking at this point. I was prepared if he had said this was a mistake, but I did not think this could happen.
“And what did he say exactly?”
“That you never loved him, and now you’re divorcing him because you are still in love with me.”
What a nice conversation I will have with Corey the next time I see him. All I wanted now was to get up and go home.
“Look, Lexus, the reason why I wanted to see you tonight was to see if I still have a chance to make things right. After hearing this, I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I do still want you so much in my life, but not at the cost of someone else’s happiness.”
“You know me, Ricky. Do you really think I would have married someone if I didn’t feel anything for that person? Or having a child?”
“That’s why I don’t know who I should trust. While he was talking about you, I could see the pain in his eyes. You had none.”
“Have you asked yourself why? While we were in a relationship, everything was perfect. When he proposed, I couldn’t contain how happy I was. But after Blaire was born, he became a different man. He refused to stay too much at home, even though I needed his help. At some point he made me look like a bad person, saying I should give up on the studio to raise our daughter, saying I was a bad mother. I refused to obey. The night when he came drunk home and almost hit me was the point where I decided to divorce. But thank you for believing him without hearing my side as well.”
Ricky’s point of view
How could you respond to something like that? I was almost 100% sure she would agree to his story, with some little adjustments. Now it was even more complicated. Would he actually be violent? If that turned out to be true, I would regret I didn’t punch him in the face when I had the chance.
“I’m sorry, Lexus… I never thought he would…”
“Of course you didn’t. Everyone sees Corey as a God. But have you ever thought his story was just a strategy? He knows what happened between us, Ricky. Maybe it was his way to get into your head so you could back off. Before this conversation, I would have said that you had all the chances in the world to make things right. But now, I’m not that sure anymore.”
“You have all the right to hate me right now. All I tried was to find the full story, to know what happened.”
“And now that you know, it feels like you don’t know who to believe. I never expected that from you. I’m sorry, but I’m going home.”
“No, please. Let’s just change the subject and …”
“I said I’m going home. Before I’ll do something I will regret my whole life.”
“At least let me take you home.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get a taxi.”
While she got all her stuff, I saw tears forming in her eyes. She left without saying anything else. I fucked up really bad for the second time.
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 10 of ?
Hi guys!
Apparently, I got more ideas, so who knows how many parts we have left, lol. Enjoy! <3
Warnings: none.
Tags: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie
Requests: OPEN.
“Why tell me first?”
Lexus’s point of view
That’s what I was asking myself before I did it, but now, hearing the question out loud, it was even more complicated to answer it. For the moment I felt like I could trust him with this secret, but now I realized it was a way to give me courage. Yes, the papers were already signed before he got here, but my mind couldn’t fully process that my marriage was officially done.
“Don’t think I did it so you could feel better about this situation. Or to give you any hints. You brought this up in our conversation and I had the need to let you know.”
“Do you want to talk about it? Maybe it will help you somehow.”
“It’s a lot to say, and now it’s not the time.”
“What about tonight at dinner?”
I expected him to shoot his shot, but not this fast.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Ricky.”
“Look, I promise you it’s not a date. We are just two friends who have a lot to catch up. And one more promise, I won’t try to do anything, without your consent, of course.”
A little laugh escaped my lips, which made his eyes shine a little with hope. That part of him that could win the heart of every woman did not change.
“Alright, I guess talking while having dinner won’t hurt us. But it’s not a date.”
“Noted. I’ll pick you up at 8.”
Ricky’s point of view
Saying that I was on cloud nine would not compare to the feelings I had at that moment. I closed the door of the office behind me, hoping it was not a dream. When I was close to the lobby, I heard a very familiar voice – it was Corey.
“Hey Ricky, didn’t expect to see you here.”
We know each other for some time now, so we were no strangers. I can’t count how many concerts or tours we did together.
“Happy to see you, man. Yeah, Motionless signed with Lexus today. We will be here a lot.”
I could feel how weird it was for the both of us. Lexus’s now ex-husband talking with her ex-friend with benefits.
“Congrats, but be careful, she will work the shit out of you.”
The whole thing was weird, and I waited patiently for him to leave me alone. But then I was stricken by a question – why was Corey here? I was trying to find something else to say, maybe to find the answer to this question, but I was glad he did it first.
“Well, I have to go now, need to get some documents from Lexus. But actually, I wanted to talk to you for a long time.”
“Talk about out?”
“There’s a lot to say, and I don’t want to risk being heard by Lexus. How about meet me at the café around the corner in 10 minutes?”
“Sure, I’ll see you there.”
He went towards Lexus’s office without adding anything else. There was nothing in my mind about what he wanted us to talk about. I get that he is upset, maybe angry with this situation, but I hoped he was not blaming their divorce on me.
While I was waiting in the café, my mind made a lot of bad scenarios. What if he thinks she cheated on him with me? Does he know we lost contact for years, way before they got married? Did our contract make him think she knew we were coming and that’s why she signed their divorce papers today? I was truly afraid and for a moment I was about to go home, when I saw Corey coming in my direction.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting. It’s a really delicate situation.”
The only thing I did was to nod and to get a little sip from my coffee. It hasn’t been a minute yet, but my anxiety was over the top.
“I guess you know already that Lexus is going to be the star of our conversation. Don’t worry, you’re not involved in it. All I’m just trying to do is to warn you.”
“What do you mean?”
“As you were the only one to come out of the office, I’m sure she told you the news about our divorce. Again, I know you don’t have anything to do with this.”
“Yes, she said she signed the papers today.”
“Right… Let’s just say that if you want to try again with her, I don’t mind it. It hurts, of course, but if she’s happy, I will be happy for her as well. Especially because I haven’t seen her smile in a long time.”
“But she said that you both agreed to divorce. Because things were not working out between you two.”
“If it was for me, I would’ve never divorced her. I love her and our daughter with my whole being. She was the only one who thought this was the only solution.”
As I was hearing two completely different stories, I tried to see which one made more sense. Corey was devastated and even now he talked about Lexus with so much care and love, while she had no feelings left for this man.
“Look, Corey, I’m sorry for this. I never wished something like that would happen to you. The problem is, I truly don’t understand why am I here.”
“Because I analyzed everything from the moment, I met her until now. You know what I noticed? The things that happened between you two are still affecting her to this day.”
“This can’t be possible. In this case, she wouldn’t’ve married you in the first place.”
“She did it because she found in me something you did not have at the time: stability. I told her I wanted to get married, to have kids, and saw in me exactly what she wanted to have with you.”
Apparently, I was implicated in their marriage without knowing it. Maybe not even Lexus acknowledged it. I ran my hand through my hair, thinking how badly I fucked up her life.
“Ricky, listen to me. If you want her back, this time in a serious way, think really good about it first. She has a child now, my child. Fooling around is not something she would do now. Only do it if you are ready to love her and to make her happy. I don’t know if she can go through that pain again.”
“Why do you think she would actually want me back in her life?”
He laughed a little, even though he had tears forming in his eyes.
“Because she never loved me. Yes, she cared about me, but the feeling of love was reserved already by you. She married me thinking she would finally forget you, but apparently, it was not the case. Her heart is still full of you, Ricky.”
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 9 of ?
Hi guys!
Hope you enjoy the story so far <3
Warnings: language.
Tags: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie
Requests: OPEN.
Motionless was about to arrive. At first, I was completely fine, not having any kind of emotions, thinking it was just another band coming in to sign a record deal. But now, knowing they could enter my office any second, I was nervous.
The knock on the door was the one to get me back to reality.
“Come in!”
Chris came in first, and I was sure he knew from my smile that my emotions were skyrocketing. As they entered, they took a seat in front of me, and funny enough, Ricky was the last one. For a second, I didn’t recognize him, his hair being now short and completely unexpected. His blue eyes glued on mine for a couple of seconds, making sure I knew exactly who he was. After he took his spot, I tried to find my voice back.
“I’m glad to see you all here today, and I hope Chris told you the good news already.”
They all nodded, except for Ricky. He had a little smile on his face, his eyes analysing my every move.
“I already had an idea of what to offer you, but I looked at your older contract as well, just to be sure it’s a little bit better. Here is a copy for everyone. If something is not as you expected, please let me know.”
I didn’t make any exceptions just because Chris was my best friend. I’m always trying to give my bands the best, and yet I’m always questioning myself if it’s going to be enough for them. Chris looked at me with widened eyes, trying to find his words.
“Not as expected? I hope you’re joking now. I’ve never seen something better in my life.”
All of them agreed and I was happy to see their reactions. With me by their side, they were going to conquer the industry, I just knew it.
“Alright, if there is nothing you want to change, my receptionist will be waiting for you outside to sign the real contracts. And I hope in one week I can hear a little about your idea for the new album.”
I think Chris waited the entire time to give me a hug, which now he finally did. He said that I will love the song they’ve been working on lately and I couldn’t wait to hear it. They all got up, getting ready to leave, when I saw Ricky moved from his chair to sit on the one right in front of me. My eyes were searching for Chris for explanations, but they were already out of my office.
“Don’t worry, Lexus. I just want to talk to you and I told the guys I wanted to do it in private. If you don’t feel okay about it, I can leave whenever you want.”
I sat back at my desk, trying to find my pen, so I could distract myself somehow.
“Sure, what do you want to talk about?”
He smiled and I heard him sighing. I bet he prepared mentally for a hysterical Lexus who would call the guards to get him out of the building. But it was not the case. Not today, at least.
“It’s been a really long time, and I am aware of that. All I wanted to do from that Warped Tour was to apologize to you. But I’ve never had the chance. Now that we are going to work together, I had to be sure there were no hard feelings.”
That was a surprise. He seemed more mature now, knowing that younger Ricky could’ve never said something like that. When I realized this was going to be a calm conversation and not a fight, I put the pen away, looking into his eyes again.
“You didn’t have to apologize. As you said, it’s been years now. I do appreciate it though, and I’m glad we would be working together.”
For the moment, I thought this was going to be the end of the conversation. But Ricky had other plans.
“When I was making my plan of having this conversation with you, I told myself I would not get into any other subject. But I can’t help myself.”
“Well, I guess it’s going to be better if we will say now everything we have in our hearts. It will make our lives easier.”
“Lexus, I was so fucking stupid that night. Not only then, for the whole time, but especially on our last night. Every day I asked myself why I let you leave. That’s the biggest regret of my life.”
Apparently, someone had a lot to say. I tried to not have any physical reaction that he could see. The truth is that I missed him deeply, but I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing these details.
“Don’t blame yourself. We were both young and stupid, not knowing what we wanted in life or in a relationship. It’s happening all the time to a lot of people.”
“You don’t understand. I was in love with you, but I was too scared to say it. I’ve never felt this way for someone before, and I was afraid you would break my heart like no other.”
His words from that night came again in my mind. At that moment, he said he didn’t know if there was something for me in his heart and now, he is saying the complete opposite.
“I guess you were right when you said we can’t be together. Maybe it’s better things happened this way.”
“No! We would’ve been so happy together, Lexus. The only time you truly broke my heart was when you announced you were getting married to Corey. But I couldn’t blame you.”
I thought for a second about his words, while looking at the pile of documents that were on my left side. Something in me screamed at me to show him, but I was not sure if it was the right thing to do. He was confused when he saw me randomly looking for a specific document.
Ricky’s point of view
It wasn’t my plan to pour out my heart in front of her, but it just happened. My intention was not to make her feel bad in any way. All I wanted was to show her how much I loved her after all these years.
She was even more beautiful, if that was possible. Maybe happiness was her secret, something I wasn’t capable to give her.
I was waiting for her to say something. Anything at this point. She can say that she hates me for everything I did, or, if I was lucky, that there is something left in her heart from me. But she started to look for something out of nowhere.
After a couple of seconds, she gave me a printed document. I was confused, but I decided to read it. The first lines made me have mixed feelings, having no idea why she would show me that.
“You’re filing for divorce? Why?”
“Corey and I have been talking about this for months. Things are not that great between us anymore, and we have to put our daughter’s happiness first. Divorcing is the right thing to do. And actually, you’re the first person to hear about it.”
For a moment, I didn’t know if I was confused or shocked by the news. Maybe a little bit happy? I knew it was wrong to feel like this, but maybe I could still have a chance to make things right. It was weird that she wasn’t sad while talking about it like it was nothing.
My gaze moved to her left hand and to my surprise, there was no ring. She was telling the truth.
#ricky horror#ricky olson#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror imagine#justin morrow#miw#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#chris motionless#motionless in white#motionless in white fanfic#miw band#miw fanfic#miw imagine
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Last updated: 16.09.2024
Ricky Olson (Motionless In White)
A love you deserve (not finished)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18,
King Roan (The 100)
Long Live the Queen
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
Our little miracle (Imagine)
For my people (Imagine)
Bellamy Blake (The 100)
My knight (Imagine)
Lucifer (Supernatural)
You made my life perfect (Imagine)
Jensen Ackles (Supernatural)
Marry me (Imagine)
Bobby Singer (Supernatural)
You saved me (Imagine)
#masterlist#ricky olson fanfic#ricky olson x reader#ricky horror imagine#king roan the 100#king roan of azgeda#king roan#king roan imagine#requests are open#taking requests#miw fanfic#motionless in white fanfic#imagine#oneshot
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 8 of ?
Hi guys!
I know I said in the last part that this story will have 2 more parts, but apparently it would be more than that, haha. I hope it's a good thing.
Warnings: none.
Tags: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares,@roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens (thank you for reblogging! <3), @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie
Requests: OPEN.
After 6 years, Lexus’s point of view
6 years ago, I promised Chris I would be happier, and I like to think that I kept my promise. Not fully, but I’m definitely better than I was.
A wish that I always had was to have my own personal record label, where I could help the new bands to make a name for themselves, and I’m happy it actually came to life. Our beginning in the industry was rough, and now I could make it all easier for them. Even though we were busy with our band as well, the boys helped me in every possible aspect to make it work. After we celebrated one year of the record label, people started to say that everything that was signed by me turned to gold, and that was the best compliment I could have ever received.
Our band was doing better than ever. We have received lots of awards in these past years, our albums were doing great, and we were touring all around the world.
While professionally everything was going great, when it came to love it was a completely different story. It took me a little over a year to forget about Ricky, and it was the most difficult thing I had to do. He never contacted me since that tour, and I tried to avoid him at all costs. Now, I don’t have a problem when someone mentions him, but it seems like our paths don’t want to connect anymore.
After the worst year of my life, something great happened. While we were working on the album that was released in that year, we got a call that changed our lives. More precisely, my life.
The one and only Corey Taylor called to let us know he has a free spot on the Knotfest with our band’s name on it. We thought it was a joke at first, but he said how perfect we would be in the line-up. Of course, we accepted it, and we got the chance to play on the same stage as Korn, Trivium, Parkway Drive and of course, Slipknot.
While we were on tour, Corey and I got very close. At first, we would only share about our experiences on tours or talking about music in general. Then we started to know each other better and got to see what an amazing man he is, making me laugh in every occasion he got. He had a little acoustic concert on one of his free days, and I was the only one to get an invite, and he played my favourite song from Stone Sour, even though it was not on the set list. After this concert, he asked me if I would go on a date with him after Knotfest ends. I said yes.
We started dating shortly after our first date. Our relationship was always seen as weird, because to the world we seemed very different. It was true, he was more extroverted than I would always be, but we made it work. After one year, he proposed. To which I say yes.
After 3 months into our marriage, I found out I was pregnant. We were both extremely happy when we got to hold our baby girl. I remember when I got to hold her for the first time how I thought she was the most perfect thing in this world and still is to this day.
It’s hard having this kind of career and being a mother at the same time. But for our little angel, I would do everything in my power to have the most perfect life.
Today was a special day for me. While I was driving to my record label, Chris called me saying he will visit me there. Our schedules rarely matched, so seeing each other was really hard. But I still consider him my best friend.
When I opened the door, I was greeted by Stephanie, my receptionist.
“Hello, Lexus. Chris is waiting for you in your office.”
“Thank you, Stephanie.”
While I was walking to my office, with lots of papers in my hands, I tried not to drop them.
“Chris! I’m so happy to see you!”
I put the papers carefully on my desk and turned back to Chris to give him a hug.
“I missed you so much, Lexus. I think it’s been 3 months, right?”
“Yeah, too much if you ask me.”
We both laughed, and then I sat on my chair, while Chris sat on the one in front of my desk.
“Well, even though I truly missed you, that’s not the only reason I am here.”
“Is this reason more important than me?”
“Of course not, but it’s really important for me.”
He seemed worried. I saw him playing with his fingers, trying to find the best way to tell me about his problem.
“So, the thing is that… our contract will come to an end soon. We can have a new one with the same record label, but I wanted to ask you if there is a possibility to sign with you.”
At first, I didn’t know what to say. I sat there for probably more than a minute to think about it.
“Look, before you answer, let me say just one more thing. If you don’t feel okay with having Ricky here, I get it and I promise it will not affect our friendship at all.”
“I don’t have a problem with him anymore. What happened, it’s in the past. I think we can act like two adults now, right?”
“Of course. I can assure you, he is not that much of a jerk now.”
“I would be happy to have Motionless here. But I need to talk to all of you, to make sure the contract is fair for you all.”
Chris had the biggest smile on his face. I was doing this only for him, for every little thing that he helped me with.
“Is tomorrow at 3 p.m. alright?”
“Yeah, we will be here.”
He hugged me once again, spinning me a little. After I was back on the ground, his eyes moved to my desk.
“What’s with all the paper work? A new band coming in?”
“Oh, no, it’s nothing important.”
He raised his eyebrow, feeling that something was going on. For the moment he was too happy to bother with it, so he left the subject in the air.
#ricky olson#ricky horror#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror imagine#justin morrow#miw#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#chris motionless#motionless in white#motionless in white fanfic#miw band#miw fanfic#miw imagine
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 7 of ?
Hi guys!
I think this story will have 2 more parts, but we'll have to see. If you have any requests, you can send them for future fanfics or one-shots. <3
Warnings: none.
Taggs: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie
Requests: OPEN.
The last week of the tour was pure torture. I refused to get out of my bed if it didn’t imply getting on the stage, that was my only exception. Chris came to see me every day, trying to know what happened that changed me so drastically. Even at that moment, I kept the secret as I promised - not one soul would ever hear it from me.
After we ended our thing, I thought I would suffer in peace, but that was not the case. Apparently, someone saw us one night, leaving Ricky’s bus. That person took pictures of us and posted them online. I cried even more when I saw them. We were holding hands and smiling at each other. The photo in which we were kissing destroyed me the most. His arms were on my waist, making sure there was no space left between us, while my hands were in his hair. Even while kissing we were both smiling and everyone thought we were very much in love. I wished this was the case.
While we were trying to put out the fire separately, because I refused to talk to him, Ben decided to make this whole thing even worse for me. One hour after the pictures were posted, he made a post on a social platform about me. He called me all sort of names, saying that Ricky was the one to end our relationship and promised that things will not stay this way. I knew what he can do when he is jealous, but I was sure this time it was only a strategy to clear his name in case I would decide to tell the world the real reason behind our breakup.
I was still looking at those pictures when I heard Chris came to visit me for the last time.
“How are you feeling?”
“Nothing changed. Maybe a little bit worse than before.”
“You can’t stay like this forever.”
“I know. I just need to get out of here.”
“Well, this is the last day. And as the tradition goes, we start with a party and we will end with one as well.”
“I’m not coming. And you’ll never change my mind.”
“Believe me, it will help you. I’ll make sure Ricky will be nowhere near you.”
“I said no, Chris. We have one more concert in an hour. After that, we will go home. I already talked with the boys and they said this is the best thing to do as well.”
He sighed and looked at the ground. I knew he was trying his best to help me, but no one could do anything at this moment.
“Alright, I won’t try to convince you anymore. I promise I will come to see you when I’ll be in L.A.. But you have to promise me the next time I’ll see you, you’ll be happier.”
“That I can promise.”
I gave him a hug, thanking him for being my best friend.
Ricky’s point of view
Even though he denied it every time, I know Chris hates me. I broke Lexus’s heart and for that, he will never forgive me. He started a fight after the pictures were posted and demanded to know everything. Unfortunately, I had to break my promise and tell him everything. I couldn’t help her now, but Chris could, only if he knew the truth. Every time I would ask how she was feeling, he would respond that it was not my business. I wished to be that easy to ask her myself, but Xander acted like her personal bodyguard.
While I was walking to the party, I realized how afraid I was to see her. Maybe it will make her even more upset, or she will pretend I do not exist at all. I don’t know which is worse.
I got a drink and found a free table, searching the place for Lexus. I really hope Chris convinced her to come, under the pretext that she will feel better. Not seeing her for a week started something in me that I could not explain.
After some time, I saw Chris approaching me, but he was alone.
“Congratulations, Ricky. I’ve never seen Lexus so heartbroken before.”
“Where is she? Maybe I can try to talk to her and …”
“She just left. Being here made her feel worse, so she decided to go home.”
I had enough time for 7 days to apologize to her and I didn’t. Now she is gone and who knows when I’ll see her again.
#ricky horror#ricky olson#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror imagine#justin morrow#miw#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#chris motionless#motionless in white#motionless in white fanfic#miw band#miw fanfic#miw imagine
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 6 of ?
Hi guys!
I know this part seems as if it's the end of the story, but don't worry, we still have a couple of parts left.
Warnings: language.
Taggs: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf
Requests: OPEN.
We couldn’t keep our hands off of ourselves, so must of our nights ended like this. When our buses weren’t free, we would go to a nearby hotel, meaning that we could sleep together too. Even though he said many times that we were just friends with benefits, some of his gestures made me question his words.
In the first night at the hotel, I thought we were going to sleep on our side of the bed without any kind of touching, which is how it started. But when we were almost asleep, he pulled me into his arms, not saying a word in that moment or in the next day. From then on, when we had the chance to sleep together, my spot will always be in his arms, with my head on his chest.
Another thing that made me question whatever was going on between us was his care towards me. He would always ask me beforehand if I want to do anything, and ask me after if I’m okay or that if he hurt me in any way. Even when we were with our friends, his eyes will always try to catch mine to see if something is wrong with me in that moment. Which brings us to the first problem: some of our friends knows there is something going on between us. We tried to be careful, to not disappear at the same time or to show up together. Regardless, Xander was the first to ask me about it.
“So, you and Ricky? When we first met him and I said you looked at him in some way you said that I was crazy.”
“And you still are, because there is nothing between me and Ricky.”
“Lexus, you forget the fact that I have known you for years now. I was there when you fell in love with Ben and I know how to read the signs. Whatever you feel for him, is more than you have ever felt for Ben.”
And that was exactly what hurt the most. I knew this already but I had no power over it. Deep inside I was hoping everyday that Ricky will change his mind. I hated the fact that at any moment he could have any other woman, because we were not exclusive. Although he never said something towards this direction, I was aware that it still could happen.
The other problem was related to interviews. He was the first to experience this and even though he never thought it will happen, he managed it nicely. At first, the interview started as usual, with questions about their latest album and Chris answered most of them. Then a little bit about their experience on the Warped Tour from which it took a sudden turn.
“I’m glad you guys have fun here, but I guess no one beats Ricky at this aspect, right?”
He was very confused, as were the other members. Even though Chris has told me he suspects something, he never tried to get the answers out of our mouth. He was waiting for us to confirm the rumours.
“I really don’t understand what you mean by that.”
“There are some speculations that you are in a relationship with Lexus. Do you want to address them?”
“Yeah, because there is just one simple answer. I don’t know how these speculations started because I’m single and Lexus is just a friend I met through Chris.”
He never said anything to me about this question after the interview. When I watched it and I heard how easily he gave that answer, my heart broke into pieces. It was the truth after all, but I hoped I would see a little bit of emotion behind his eyes, to show me he never meant to say this. But there was nothing.
It was one of the nights when we would stay at the hotel, but this time Ricky was the only one sleeping. I tried for an hour but my mind wouldn’t let me get some rest. Today I realized that Warped Tour was going to end in a week, which meant our thing was going to end as well. While I was on the balcony smoking a cigarette from his pack, my thoughts were interrupted by Ricky, who woke up and joined me.
“Well, that is new. Never seen you smoking before. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep and thought this was going to help.”
He knew I was lying because what I said did not make any sense. Now he lighted a cigar for himself and came next to me.
“Come on, Lexus. We both know there is something going on, just tell me.”
That took him by surprise. He put his arm on my lower back and I put my head on his shoulder. He kissed me on the forehead, knowing I will give in at some point. I wished I could freeze time in that moment and to not let him ever go.
“You know you can tell me everything. I’ve never seen you this upset before. Did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s not about you Ricky, it’s just… Warped Tour is going to end in a week. What would happen to us next?”
It looked like he never thought about it before, because it took him some time to find an answer.
“First, there is no “us” and we made that clear already. And to answer the rest, I don’t know. I guess there are going to be some tours where both of our bands will play so it’s not like were not going to see each other ever again.”
“But what if you’ll find somebody by then?”
“What if you’ll find somebody first?”
I lifted my head to look him in the eyes. We were both angry but for different reasons.
“We both agreed we would just have fun, nothing more than that. So where does this question come from? If you’ll find someone, I would wish you all the best. If it does not happen and we meet again, we can continue this if you want.”
By the time he finished his answer, tears were already running down my face.
“This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have agreed to do this.”
“Then why did you do it?”
“Because I am in love with you, Ricky. What happened between me and Ben or you and your ex-girlfriend has passed. Why can’t you see we are meant for each other and that we will never break each other’s heart?”
He stood up and took another cigar. His back was now facing me while he was reflecting on my words. When he turned around, he looked like a completely different man. His eyes looked like he could kill and I could feel the tension in his body.
“We can’t be together and deep inside you know it too. I know I said in the beginning that I might be in love with you, but to this day I still don’t know what I feel for you."
“How can you say that? You act like you are my boyfriend all the time. When you have the chance, you will steal a kiss from me. Every night that we slept together, we would cuddle just like a couple. Look me in the eyes and tell me while we were fucking you felt nothing for me.”
Even in this moment my heart hoped the realization would finally hit him. Will he let me go this way?
“I did those things because they were usual stuff I did in the past relationships like I’m sure you did as well. To not let things get boring, I guess. But apparently, I was the only one to follow the rules, because there was not one night where I have felt something for you.”
What can you say to something like this? The only thing I was able to do at that moment was to leave. I took my belongings from the bedroom and I turned my head to the balcony to see him one more time. His back was facing me and he already lighted another cigar. I wiped my tears with my hand and I opened the door, promising myself I would not let a man hurt me like this ever again.
#ricky olson x reader#ricky olson fanfic#ricky horror imagine#ricky olson#ricky horror#justin morrow#miw#motionless in white#motionless in white fanfic#ryan sitkowski#vinny mauro#chris motionless
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A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 5 of ? - 18+
Hi guys!
This part is a little different and a little spicier (at least I hope it is) and I want to say sorry in advance if it's not good, because I rarely write this kind of scenes, but I thought they were important to the story. So I hope it will not be that bad, haha.
Warnings: language, 18+.
Taggs: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf
Requests: OPEN.
The next 3 weeks went by very quickly. Having to perform nearly every day, helping around with the merch and preparing the international tour were no easy tasks. But they kept me going and helped me forget what happened. Our manager changed the program of our band in Warped Tour, making sure I will not see Ben at all, which was very sweet of him.
We had fun parts as well, every band having a party in their bus from time to time. Tonight we were going to be the hosts, but thankfully the guys had the task to buy everything we needed. I was left to clean a little bit, even though the place will look even dirtier than it did before.
I took a little break when I heard the phone. It was a message from Ricky:
~ What time should I be there? Maybe you need an extra hand. ~
~ See you at 8. ~
That’s one thing that changed. Ricky and I got closer these past weeks. We helped each other to feel better and I think both of us did a good job. All I can say, Chris is a little jealous over our bonding.
After a little chatting with our friends from Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, All Time Low and many more, everyone wanted to play our favourite game: truth or dare with shots. Tonight I was glad to not be the only girl, as some of their girlfriends came to visit them. I usually have a drink or two before this game, to be ready for what it will come, which I did while Ricky was helping me.
The first one to go was Jack Barakat.
“Kellin, truth or dare?”
“Boring, but let’s see. Is it truth that you use lube to make your hair look greasy?”
Okay, so it was that kind of night. Seth chose dare and had to show us his favourite position, the twist was to show what the girl will do. Chris dared Alex to moan every time he had to say something for the entire game. Then it was Justin’s turn to ask me.
“Lexus, truth or dare?”
“I’ll say truth.”
“Between Andy and Chris, who would you choose to have a one night stand with?”
“Andy, of course. Chris is like my brother.”
After I answered, I saw that my glass was empty. The whisky bottle was closer to Ricky and when I was about to ask him for it, I saw his face. Furious will be an understanding. I took my phone out, planning to send him a message. When I was about to send it I heard him say:
“Continue without me, I’m going to smoke.”
That was odd, he liked this game. I sat there for a couple of minutes when I decided to go after him. Maybe his ex-girlfriend tried to contact him or something. I don’t know what could upset him this much.
He was not next to the bus, where I thought he would be. Looking around I spotted him at the exact same table where we shared our first moment.
“Ricky, are you okay?”
“Just leave me alone, go back inside.”
That was new and weird. I never thought he will ever speak like that to me.
“I won’t. I’ll stay here with you until you say what’s wrong.”
He started laughing. But it was not that kind of laugh when you hear something funny. It was a nervous one when you try not to let out what was inside.
“Let’s just say it’s my fault. I’m stupid and I should’ve not made a scene. It’s that alright for you?”
“It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Then go with Andy, maybe sleeping with him will make more sense.”
I was shocked. From everything I thought he will say, that was not on the list. The only question my brain could produce at that moment was:
“Are you jealous, Ricky?”
“Let’s just change the subject.”
“No, answer me. Now.”
He looked into my eyes, trying to find something in them. Maybe he was thinking of an answer, expecting to see my reaction in them before he would even say it.
“I like you, Lexus. Maybe I’m close to being in love with you, who knows? All I know for sure is that neither of us are ready for a relationship now.”
“Ricky… you are not the only one to feel this way.”
“It’s not a good idea and you know it. We will break each other’s heart.”
The silence took over our thoughts. What in reality were a couple of minutes of neither of us saying anything, felt like hours. Then I heard a small laugh escaping from his mouth.
“You know what stupid idea I had earlier? Maybe we can’t have a relationship, but we can have some fun together. I know what you’ll say, but…”
“Yes.” I interrupted him.
His eyes widened. I’m sure he thought I was joking and trying to make fun of him. But if that is the only way to get closer to him and to show him that we can be happily together, then so be it.
“Are you sure? I hope you know that means no strings attached, or love, or anything like that.”
“I know and I’m sure.”
He gave me one more look, making sure I was saying the truth. In the next second, I felt his lips on mine. He was kissing me like there was no tomorrow and I responded in the exact same way. We were both waiting for this for too long. We had to pull apart for a bit, to catch our breath. That’s when Ricky found the perfect timing for his next question.
“My bus is free. Do you want to go there for more… privacy?”
I didn’t expect it will happen that fast so all I did was to nod. He took my hand and lead the way.
“Look, if you do not feel comfortable now, we don’t have to do anything tonight. But we need to be careful, to keep this a secret.”
“I understand.”
A lot has happened in the past hour, so my answers were short and to the point. While we were walking to his bus, hand in hand, I was asking myself if this was actually a dream. On one hand it was a beautiful one, but on the other hand, not so great with having to keep it a secret and to “just have fun”.
Ricky opened the door for me, making sure there was no one around. After he got in, he decided to not waste anymore time. He pushed me to the wall and started to kiss me with such a passion that I’ve never experienced before. His hands wondered on my body carefully, knowing he didn’t have permission to do anything yet.
It felt so wrong but so right at the same time. He moved his lips to my neck and that’s when I realized how much I wanted him. I put my right hand on his cheek, guiding him to look me in the eyes.
“Stop teasing me, Ricky. I want you, now.”
“Are you sure?”
I pushed him on the couch to answer his question. When I took of my shirt he smirked and took my hand to pull me over him. He took care of my bra and I got his shirt off. Not having much control was not his style so he laid me down and he got on top of me. In a matter of seconds, we were both completely naked. While he was kissing down my neck, he pushed to fingers inside me.
“Now I can see how much you want this.”
It was at a slow pace, wanting me to beg for more. And that’s exactly what I did.
“Fuck me, Ricky. I can’t wait any longer.”
A moan escaped from my mouth when I felt him inside of me. This time he moved fast, making sure to hit the right spot every time. I tried to not make any noise but it was impossible, the pleasure took control over my body.
“Nobody can hear us. Scream my name as loud as you can.”
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