#they also gave the guy amnesia lol
huntingsys · 10 months
a friend in one of my dnd parties has given their character (basically) DID but describes them as personalities and i am very okay about it (((i am lying)))
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t1oui · 1 month
going to school and being friends with percy jackson would be REALLY WEIRD so let's discuss it rq
he gets dropped off every day in his stepfather's car, which inexplicably has hoof prints on the hood?
the panic attacks... there's a lot of them, and nobody can even tell what's triggering them at this point
the old counselor disappears about a week into his first year at AHS (here's some cotg lore for yall) and is replaced by a weird lady who finds a way to bring percy up to every. single. student. who visits her office.
randomly disappears multiple times throughout the year
very very sea green eyes and a gray streak in his hair
once got out of the pool after swim practice and was completely dry (he insists it was a trick of the light)
the blue food obsession ofc
talks about his girlfriend annabeth all the time... even his friends are convinced it's a "my canadian girlfriend" situation bc he never calls her. he doesn't even have a PHONE
always carries around a pen in his pocket and even though it's just a shitty old ballpoint, NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH IT. also he never uses it. ever.
every teacher has sent an email with their concerns about him to the counselor and when that doesn't work to his parents. the responses are always very awkward and vague
talks about his bio dad a lot... never explicitly negative but bro clearly has daddy issues lol
will sometimes randomly mention camp/war/gods and then brush it off like it never happened
absolutely vibrated in his seat the entirety of the greek mythology unit... told the teacher "a demigod named perseus fought ares once" and the teacher just assumes he means the og (aka the one he's named after)
that one upbeat popular guy everybody knows absolutely nothing about, his friends included
they probably have a spreadsheet with all the info they actually DO know about him
finds a way to brag about his mom in every conversation no matter how irrelevant... his friends are used to it atp
everyone's so used to seeing him smiling and laughing that when, say, he catches a younger kid being bullied, it's actually terrifying to see how angry he gets. everybody in that hallway gets chills
there's something off about him and nobody can tell what. that's just how he is
sometimes weird people in weird outfits are hanging around the school and they're ALWAYS looking for him.
every time someone asks what college he's going to he gives a different answer or straight up avoids answering so nobody actually knows
(if he says a school and someone is like "omg me too" he changes his answer right then and there lol... he's like "oh nvm i forgot i'm actually going here my bad" and the person is so confused)
nobody ever sees him working on college applications but he complains about having to do them all the time... bro is like "yeah i had to go through a sewer system but at least my girlfriend and my best friend were there" and his friends are like yo HUH
never explains anything he says
presentation night presentation = all the shittiest things my family has done and he's laughing about it but wdym your aunt kidnapped you and gave you amnesia???
sometimes he's getting fed up with a teacher or another student and a pipe randomly bursts in the school. like it's weird how often his anger ends in a plumber being called when he's nowhere near the problem
where everyone else is excited to watch a movie and chill in class, percy complains through the entirety of hercules - not just "oh this movie sucks", more like "god hercules is such a dick, idk why they made him chill in this movie"
the weirdest part is how, when percy complains about zeus being a good dad in the movie, it starts thundering outside
nobody can keep track of how many schools he's been to at this point... there's a whole section of the spreadsheet for this
when percy's friends finally meet annabeth they are SHOOK bc they truly did not think this girl was real
alright i can't think of anything else but if i DO i will add on later
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kingsandbastardz · 1 year
I've reached episode 25 of Mysterious Lotus Casebook and current thoughts and questions:
Amnesia a-Fei is fantastic because his personality stays the same except being less restrained with his facial expressions.
His sense of humor (comic timing on the mountain is A++) and style of wandering in and out of the scene bearing unexpected "gifts", digging his heels in when he doesn't want to do something, and attacking full force when the group is in danger -- it reminds me of a very large house cat
Are they implying that his lack of taste is psychological? Since he's able to taste food with his memories wiped. That means he lost his sense of taste as an adult, right? I wonder if it was gradual or a triggered event...
One scene i found particularly interesting: Li Lianhua asks a-Fei about his past history and a-Fei truthfully tells him that he remembers killing a lot. And that he came from "a mountain of corpses" with an almost-smiling and completely pleasant expression on his face. Li Lianhua changes the topic immediately without blinking or reacting. I'm split between whether he realizes it's a heavy topic and he personally doesn't want to know? Or if maybe he realizes that a-Fei was using a style of phrasing I like to call "shock and awe conversation stoppers" You know when you drop a bomb into a conversation you want to end with a banger like "They split my ribcage open with giant forceps while I was still half awake. It sucked." *pregnant pause, pleasant smile* So being sensitive to that, he prioritizes moving the conversation to something more comfortable?
I like how Fang Doubing is seriously cute but in a quietly burly-bro-potentially-strong way (which is especially reinforced with his style of stomping ppl into the ground during fights). Li Lianhua is also similarly deceptive where his fighting style and physical build is delicate but he's actually deeply imposing and overbearing when active (verbally or physically). Which is interesting because I find it's the opposite with Di Feisheng. Di Feisheng is super imposing on the surface and ok about 10 feet near that surface? But put him in the right conditions (like around the other two guys) and all the softness comes out. It's just the softness has natural claws like a feral cat or a snake or something. I mean, when you're a strong as he is, softness is relative. So in the case when he was fighting at the wedding party, he felt actually... gentle, to me? Despite wiping the floor with everyone. From the sect's perspective he was viciously attacking, but he didn't strike me as even being seriously upset at getting trapped in the array. It was like... I'm here's an analogy - you know when zoos give giant cardboard boxes to a lion? And it plays with it but cardboard doesn't stand a chance so it'll be crushed pretty quickly under its weight and butt just from the act of playing. I feel like in a lot of fights, Di Feisheng actually modulates his force a lot more than his reputation suggests. It's just he's THAT fucking strong.
Side note: this also explains why Li Lianhua used to think the sect couldn't do without him. I mean if he was the only one strong enough to go against an enemy that his ppl couldn't fight even as a group...
Lol what was it 7 vs 1 and Di Feisheng still wiped the floor with the entire sect leadership in the cherry blossom security trap
Li Lianhua attracts all the single ladies looool (and lads)
The alliance guy that does Di Feisheng's errands is cute. And loyal, which makes him more cute. Does he have a name at all?
Li Lianhua's smiles any time DFS does whatever is great. Oh he's wandering the mountain side and this widget gave him sensory issues so he yanked it out and brought it back in his own volition (like a cat with a corpse) ? That whole episode Li Lianhua was dropping secret smile bombs even more than when DFS folded himself into a 6yr old body
I want to see DFS as a 6 yr old again. Deliberately for a case.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
ooooh interesting thoughts about stage 1. ironically, killer is his own worst enemy. i wonder if he just subconsciously goes into stage 2 as a defense mechanism so as not to think or feel about the things he's done. is he just constantly in stage 2 the whole time under cross' monitoring period? maybe he only lets himself be vulnerable in stage 1 around color.
and the selective amnesia!! oooooh the angst!! stage 1 doesn't have any idea about what's happening. is he dreaming? is he hallucinating? because color wouldn't do that to him, surely. i wonder if he sometimes thinks he's back in nightmare's grasp, and all the happy times he has with color are just happy dreams he has. that kinda implies that stage 2 is the one in the most lucid state, and i don't know what to think about it tbh.
also delta anon is so true. i'm imagining delta just holds color's shoulder and goes "i think we're gonna have to kill this guy", like the meme lol. i think cross wouldn't mind that either, but dream would be so disappointed so he would try the talk-and-rehab route. though, with this huge bump in the recovery road, i think most people in cross' advisory circle would suggest cutting killer from color indefinitely. at least until killer can actually accept help, which he truly needs. color needs some therapy after all this too, and it's really uncertain if he will forgive killer once he gets professional help and realizes objectively how much killer fucks him up.
~ crowshipping anon
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damn :( (please dont kill him we need him alive for the angst and hopefully the healing process)
imagine this story from stage 1’s perspective. the confusion, the pain, the disbelief mixed with moments of relief. maybe he even just convinces himself all the good parts are a wonderful dream he never wants to wake up from.
..what do yall think was the most impactful or “severe” lessons. either that killer taught to color or color gave to him (with killers prompting). what was the worse punishment.
..did he make color punish him for showing emotion. like color comes to dread the mornings after taking care of stage 1 because st2 will immediately start provoking him to punish killer for daring to be upset or scared or in pain or for trying to get away from colors touch.
and did he stay in stage 2 throughout the whole monitoring process? i know hed definitely try, but did he succeed. was that apart of one of cross’ goals—try to coax him into stage 1, trying to pry some slimmer of truth of what’s going on in killers head. did color have to give tips and ideas on how to provoke it (or did killer come to a conclusion that color was commanding him to be in stage 1) (I wonder if that’s another form of punishment killer used to have with nightmare)
and will cross and killers’ dynamic develop with having to be in close proximity—especially when killer really fucking feels threatened by cross right now (doesnt help that cross is another connect to nightmare in killers mind).
how is colors therapy going? Will nightmare somehow learn word of all this and try to get in contact with color somehow—either just to mock him, offer to “take killer off his hands,” or even give tips on how to better handle killer…what if thats been happening for awhile even before cross and the others interfered. and its so disturbing how likeminded killer and nightmare can be even without having any contact.
what is the moment out of this entire thing that will stick with color the most. what is one specific part that he just can’t forget or stop thinking about
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deans-baby-momma · 6 months
Anonymously Yours
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Will a wrong number lead to love? 
BOLD = wrong number's messages
Italics= Y/N's messages
A/N: Thanks to @kazsrm67 for being my beta for this story and also @chriszgirl92 who bullied me into letting her read it before it was posted, who actually found mistakes that had been overlooked. LOL
‘Hey girl! I had fun last night with you. Maybe we can do it again sometime.’
‘Wrong number.’
‘Girl, quit playing! It's me. Did you get so drunk you developed amnesia?’
‘DUDE! It's 6 am. I've been asleep all night. As I said before, wrong number!’
‘Oh come on darlin’. I know you didn't give me a fake number.’
Y/N's phone lights up her face as she reads the last message. This guy just wasn't giving up. 
‘Listen Romeo. Whoever you met last night either gave you a random number or you put it in your phone wrong. Sorry but I'm not her.”
‘I can't believe this. This never happens to me. Well, I'm sorry for waking you up. Have a good day.’
Y/N slams her phone down on the mattress and closes her eyes, willing for sleep to overtake her. But it never comes. She can't stop thinking about the poor schmuck at the other end of the conversation. 
She sighs as she re-opens her eyes and grabs her phone
‘I'm sorry for being such a bitch. It's early. I didn't sleep well and shouldn't have taken it out on you. I hope you find the girl who fooled you…..but seriously if she just gave you a random number, she probably wasn't all that into you.’
‘Yea. That's pretty obvious. But thanks for laying it out like that. And sorry for waking you up. Again.’
Y/N read the message and then threw the comforter off her body, sitting up and placing her feet on the cold concrete floor of her room. 
That's the thing about living in an underground monster-proof shelter….it's always cold! Especially in the deeper quarters, like the bedrooms and restrooms. 
But being in the business of keeping the world safe from what goes bump in the night, Y/N and the Winchester Brothers must adapt and overcome the inconvenience of living off the grid.
So, an old defunct Men of Letters safe house is Home Sweet Home for the martyrs.
After using the facilities and brushing her teeth, Y/N heads toward the kitchen area, her stomach growling for sustenance.
She and Sam had spent days researching and analyzing tomes, trying to gather lore on how to kill a Khiksaz, the newest threat to the population. So much so, that it has been close to 24 hours since she had eaten anything. 
She was starving!
The delightful aroma of coffee engaged  her senses as she neared the kitchen. Inhaling the caffeinated fragrance, she entered the room to get her fill. 
Dean, the oldest brother, stood at the stove flipping bacon. The sizzle of the meat met her ears and she hummed in bliss. 
Y/N loved Dean's cooking skills. He could turn the most mundane ingredients into a delectable, magnificent meal.
“Good morning sweetheart,” he says as turns to look at her. “Sleep well?”
Y/N sips the hot beverage, letting the liquid brew wake her more and warm her from the inside.
“I guess,” she answers as she takes a seat at the table. “No nightmares, so that's a plus I guess.”
Dean approaches the table with a plate of bacon and pancakes that were warming in the oven and sets it in front of her.
“Progress though, right?” 
That's the thing about Dean and Y/N; they share a connection of both suffering from nightmares. Dean’s of Hell and Y/N’s of witnessing her family get murdered by a rugaru while on the annual family camping trip.
The only thing that saved Y/N from the monster who stole her family was the fact that she had stepped out of the tent and wandered into the woods to find a spot to relieve her full bladder. She had watched from her hiding place behind a big oak as the giant beast tore her mother, her father and little brother to shreds. The guttural screams still haunted her all these years later!
“Yea, I guess so,” she admitted. “But I also feel like if I don’t dream about them, it means I’m forgetting them.”
“I know sweetheart,” Dean says from his side of the table as he pours a generous amount of molasses on his hotcakes. “But I’ve told you before. Just because you don’t dream about them doesn’t mean they’re not still in your thoughts; doesn’t mean you don’t love them or miss them anymore.”
“Yeah,” Y/N answers forlornly. “I know you’re right.”
She takes a bite of her own breakfast and moans obscenely at the burst of flavor. 
“So how was your night?” she asks, knowing Dean had left to search for a hook-up to take his mind off the monotony of research. “Did you find some willing girl to get your rocks off?”
That’s another thing about Dean and Y/N’s relationship-friendship; they were crass and blunt with one another. They were like two peas in a pod. And it all started when Dean came to Y/N for advice on what exactly women want in a hook-up.
“Y/N,” Dean says as he sits at the table where she had been scouring an old journal she’d found in the library. “You’re a female, right?”
The question catches Y/N off guard and she laughs. “Yes, Dean. Unless I’ve been cursed in the last 5 minutes, I am a female. I have a vagina and boobs.”
“Smart ass,” Dean says with a smile. “Can I ask you something though? Something that only another female might understand.”
“Sure, Dean. What is it?”
“What do women look for in a hook-up?” 
“I’m going to be blatantly honest with you here,” she says and continues once Dean nods. “Plain and simple. To get off. Someone who knows what to do with what the good lord gave him.  We don’t really care about size but if you don’t know how to use what you got, we have to do It ourselves. And while that gets the job done, it's not as fun. As the saying goes, ‘It's not topside of the boat; it's the motion of the ocean’.
“So, Mr. Winchester,” Y/N smirks as she places her elbows on the table and rests her chin on her palms. “Do you know how to use what you got?”
She smiles as she notices the blush creeping up his neck. Who knew Dean Winchester could get flustered so easily? 
Y/N would be lying if she said she'd never noticed how handsome Dean Winchester is. She has eyes with perfect vision, she can see the sex appeal. But she swore to herself that she would never be the fly caught in his web. 
Dean Winchester was a player and a philanderer. He didn't do romantic relationships. Something else they had in common.
Y/N found out very early in her adult life that her choice of profession didn't lead to having a partner who understood the need, the commitment to keeping others safe from attacks of the paranormal.
So, much like the oldest Winchester, she sought out one-night stands, a love-em-and-leave-em situation was what worked best. 
“Awww is Dean-o embarrassed? Well, tell me this then.  Canoe, yacht or cruise ship?”
Dean flips her off and pushes up out of his chair and rushes off down the hallway, Y/N's laughter following him.
After breakfast was finished, with Sam popping in after his early morning run to mix up a smoothie Y/N and the Winchesters gathered in the library to research more about the Khiksaz.
About an hour and one less brother later, Y/N's phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulls it out and notices it's the same number from earlier with another text.
‘You single? There's not some big burly man out for my head for waking you up this morning is there?
‘No worries Romeo. Single as a Pringle over here.’
‘That's good. You seem nice.’
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at that. This morning she had been bitchy and quite frankly rude to this stranger and he just called her nice.
Sam looked up from the book he was reading, an eyebrow raised in question.
“Sorry. Just read something funny on my phone.”
As soon as Sam was once again studying what he was reading, Y/N began texting her new friend.
‘Is that your way of asking to be friends?’
‘What if it is? What would your answer be?’
Y/N left him on Read as she contemplated his question.  Would it be so horrible to befriend this guy? She knows nothing about him and he knows nothing about her. It could remain anonymous and be something to get her through the boring task of research. 
‘It stays anonymous. You don't ask my name and I don't ask yours. We'll keep it casual unless one of us has a bad day. Then we'll help the other out. No pictures, no voice messages, no videos. Capichè?’
‘You sure do drive a hard bargain RG. But okay.’
‘Yea. Regina George….you know the bitchy bitch from Mean Girls.’
‘Are you seriously calling me a bitch this early in the friendship?!’
‘NO!!! God no! You said it yourself this morning. You apologized for being a bitch. Sorry. I'll come up with another name for you.’ 
‘Oh. Haha. You got me. Okay, Regina or RG is fine.’
‘Good because I already gave you that moniker in my phone.’
The rest of the afternoon consisted of researching this new species of monster and texting Romeo, as he was now labeled in her phone.
Dean was once again absent from the library after he had brought in some sandwiches he had whipped up. 
As evening approaches, Sam and Y/N were still poring over the lore and taking notes. Dean walks Into the library with a whistle on his lips and his keys twirling around his finger.
“See ya later nerd,” he calls out as he heads up the stairs.
“Wrap it before you tap it,” Y/N yells.
“Fuck you!”
“No thanks.”
And then he was gone.  Off to find some floozy in a bar to make him forget the awful world they live in.
Y/N retired to her room around midnight, her eyes tired and her back aching from leaning over all day.
As she changes into her pajamas She hears her phone ding with a message.
‘You awake?’
‘No. I'm sleeping peacefully.  Ha! I just climbed into bed. What's going on?’
‘Eh. Nothing much. Just lonely.’
‘Lonely? You mean Romeo didn't go out and try to find another conquest?’
‘Not really in the mood. Just wanted to have a conversation that didn't lead to anything.’
‘Okay. So tell me about your day.’
Y/N laid in bed, reading texts about Romeo's job in pest control and how he hated that customers would call him in about their problems but when he eradicated the vermin there was no appreciation, no gratitude.
She tells him about her work as customer service and how she suffers the same fate. 
‘The adage “The Customer is Always right” is bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit!’
‘I feel you there sister.’
The two of them keep texting back and forth throughout the night until Y/N hears Dean’s early morning return from wherever he’d been. She made a note to sanitize Baby’s backseat before their next trip.
She listens to his footfalls approaching and then continues past her room to reach his,  further down the hallway.
‘God this night sucks! I just want to fall into bed and sleep. Text tomorrow, bestie?’
‘Tomorrow Romeo.’
That night, Y/N’s sleep is plagued with nightmares. They consist of the anonymous person on the other side of the phone. As the night continues the images behind her eyelids morph into more pleasant ones. Her dream guy is tall, muscular with beautiful features and a complete sweetheart; a complete and adorable heartthrob.
She wakes the next morning with a smile on her lips and an urgent need to masterbate. She sends out a silent  thank you  to the girl who gave out the wrong number; before making her way to the bathroom.
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A week later, Sam and Y/N finally had enough knowledge and data on the Khiksaz for the three of them to venture out to the small community of Sikeston, MO and take this monster on. 
With help from the immense amount of lorebooks and tomes in the library of the Bunker, they figured out that a Khiksaz was a phantasm from a tribes of Arabian descent that had been captured and stored for millennia in a handspun clay jar after the spirit ripped through the older members of the tribe and began to beseech the still infantile and juvenile members to allow it to lead them.
One of the oldest chiefs, a religious man, conjured up a binding spell that captured and trapped the Khiksaz creature into the urn for all eternity. Unfortunately, someone in Missouri had come across the container and, not knowing what it contained, unleashed the beast which   was causing chaos and devastation in the small town. 
Sam and Y/N had worked mercifully at creating a copy of the enchantment and found a similar vessel to once again apprehend the offending spirit.
It was a 9 hour drive that took Dean only 7 to accomplish. Once they were checked in and unpacked, the three of them set out to make sure they had what they needed to accomplish the job.
Well, Sam and Y/N did. Dean sulked and flipped through the television channels until he found an old John Wayne western to watch.
Y/N felt her phone buzz in her pocket, but she was too busy perusing the spell once again to check. 
After a few minutes, Dean huffed and turned the tv off and announced he was going out to find some fun in this one-horse town.
Y/N had had enough of his attitude for the last few days. He had been agitated and snippy at them both. 
“God damn Dean! We are here to get this Khiksaz not for you to get your dick wet in some strange pussy!”
“Don’t you fucking worry about where my dick is going!” Dean yells back. “I don’t need a cunt to get off. My hand works just fine. I just need a drink or twelve.”
“Asshole!” Y/N says, stepping up to the older Winchester and getting in his face.
“You’re insufferable! I’ll see you two when I see you.”
He steps toward the door, throws a middle finger sign over his shoulder and sings, “Don’t wait up.”
Y/N growls. She literally and audibly growls.
“What the hell is his problem?!” she asks, rhetorically.
“He’s Dean,” Sam tries to reason. “You know how he is.”
“Yea, he’s a giant asshole.”
Once the two of them get the spell and weapons, along with the container to hold the Khiksaz in, they decide to go find something to eat. 
While waiting on Sam to use the restroom, Y/N pulls her phone from her pocket to see a text from Romeo.
‘How you doin’?”
‘Friends fan huh? So maybe I should call you Joey. By the way, that is the lamest pickup line ever.’
‘I thought it was pretty good. In the 90s. It worked a few times.’
‘Yes I tried it.’
‘An no, I’m not hitting on you’ 
‘I don't know whether to be pleased or offended.’
‘Why what?’
‘Never mind. So what are you doing?’
‘Getting ready to head out and get a bite to eat.’
‘Nope.  My brother is coming with.’
‘Oh. You have a brother? So do I.’
‘Cool. What are you doing? I thought we were keeping this anonymous?’
‘You're right. No deep seated questions about one another. Sorry.’
‘Feeling like a jerk. A co-worker of mine and I got into it and I said some things I didn’t mean and now I regret it.’
‘So go apologize.’
‘Yea. I probably need to. ‘
‘Go apologize Romeo. Or I’ll send my brother to kick your ass.’
‘You make your brother do all your dirty work?’
‘I don’t make him do anything. But anyway, he’s out of the bathroom now so I’ll catch you on the flip side.’
‘And go apologize.’
As they walked across the highway to the diner, Sam brought up the texting.
“You have a boyfriend or something?”
“No,” Y/N answers sheepishly. “Just a friend….who might be a guy.”
She waits until after the waitress takes their order before delving into the whole story of how some random guy began texting her because he was given the wrong number by a girl.
“Ouch! That’s harsh.,” Sam says. “But what do you know about this guy? Is there a reason the girl gave him a fake number?”
Y/N shrugs as she takes a sip of water. “I dunno. Like, he seems nice. And we get along. But just through text. I don’t even know his real name. I called him Romeo in jest and it kind of just stuck.”
“You don’t even know his name?! Does he know yours?”
“No,” Y/N laughs at the ridiculousness of it. “He refers to me as Regina or RG.”
Sam looks at her confused so she explains. 
“Regina George from Mean Girls. I was kind of a bitch to him, like Regina is to everyone in the movie. I didn’t take offense to it. I thought it was quite hilarious.”
“Let me see your phone,” Sam says, holding his hand out for it.
Y/N watches Sam scroll through her contacts until he gets to ‘Romeo”. He opens the information tab and studies it. His lips pull into a quarter smile as he closes the phone and hands it back.
“What, nothing? What was the smile for?”
“What smile? I’m just happy you made a friend outside Dean and I. I mean, you gotta be careful because of our line of work. But I like that you have someone else to talk to.”
The waitress brings their food and the subject is dropped. Their attention and concentration goes back to the job at hand and they discuss how to lure the Khiksaz out and distract it while the incantation is said.
In the early morning hours, Y/N is awakened by Dean stumbling into the room, blitzed out of his mind. He staggers to the mini-fridge and pulls out a bottle of water, opening it and downing it. 
Between the smell of booze and the aroma of some of the most fragrant perfume, Y/N can’t help but gag. Dean notices the involuntary movement and shakes his head.
He cautiously walks to the bed and sits down beside Y/N. 
“Are you here to gloat?” she whispers. “I really don’t want to hear about your sexcapades with some poor hometown girl.”
“Y/N, we’re friends right?” Dean says instead and it shocks her.
“Yes, Dean. We’re friends.”
“I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to call you an uptight cunt.”
“Um, Dean? You didn’t.”
“Yes, I did. On the drive over to the bar. I called you an uptight cunt and a self-righteous prude and I’m sorry.”
“All is forgiven,” Y/N says, burrowing her nose into the pillow. “But please go shower and wash that stink off you before I puke!”
Dean chuckles. “Yes ma’am.”
Unfortunately the next day does not go to plan at all. Both Winchesters and Y/N are thrown around while fighting and trying to capture the Khiksaz. Sam ends up with a concussion but Y/N breaks a couple of ribs. 
With horrible dictation, Dean gets the spell read and the monster is once again bottled up and will make the trek back to Kansas to be stored away in the dungeon of the Bunker.
Y/N feels every curve and bump in the road of the 647 mile trip. Broken ribs are uncomfortable and painful when you're lying still but Dean insists on driving like a bat out of Hell. 
He is on a tangent about how the information they had to the Khiksaz wasn’t complete and they didn’t know it had powers and how it’s his fault for leaving the research up to the two of them.
Sam tries in vain to reason with his hard-headed brother. 
“We don’t always know everything about the monsters we go up against. This is just another instance!”
“Yea. Well-”
“Well, nothing! This hunt was no different than when we went up against that Wendigo or the rugaru that killed Travis! What?! Is it because Y/N got hurt? Is that why you're so pissed off?”
“We all got banged up; it's not just her,” Dean defended. “You have a concussion for Christ's sake!”
“And your brooding and griping isn't helping.  Let's just call it a win and move on. Please!” Y/N pleaded from the backseat. “And Dean? Slow the fuck down! You're killing me back here.”
Knowing that his erratic speeding and Baby's lack of sufficient suspension is probably agonizing with busted ribs, he took his foot off the gas.
“Sorry sweetheart,” he apologizes.  “I just want to get back to Bunker to rest and recuperate. I'll go slower.”
The rest of the ride was quiet and uneventful, other than when Sam tried to fall asleep and Dean blasted Metallica to keep his brother awake.
Once parked in the garage, Dean hurried to help Y/N sit up and get out of the car and hovered around her as she made her way to her room.
“You need anything, just holler okay?”
“Thanks Dean.”
As soon as he was out of the room and the door was closed, Y/N pulled her phone out.
‘I've had a shitty day at work. Tell me a joke.
There was no response for the longest time; so long Y/N began wondering if Romeo had actually blocked her.
‘Did you hear about the Italian chef that died?’
‘No. What happened?’
‘He pasta-way!’
‘OMG! They was corny as fuck!’
‘Forrest Gump’s email is 1forrest1.’
‘That one is no better. Lol. But they made me smile.  Thank you Romeo.’
‘You're welcome Regina. Wanna tell me about your day?’
‘Nah, that's okay. It was just another one dealing with ungrateful, unappreciative customers.’
‘How was yours?’
‘Honestly, about like yours. Customer called with a rodent nuisance and I took care of it. Customer never acknowledged it.’
‘People suck!’
‘Yes, they do.’
The phone was silent for a few minutes before it buzzed again with an incoming text.
‘I ordered a chicken  and an egg online. I'll let you know which comes first.’
‘Ya know, I'm starting to understand why that girl gave you the wrong number. You. Are. A. Dork!’
‘You asked for it missy! I am quite offended. I'm the farthest thing from a dork. I'm suave and charming for your information!’
‘And a dork. But you made me smile with your silly dad jokes. So thank you.’
‘Glad I could make you feel better. Our conversations make me happy.’
‘Same goes for me. But I'm getting pretty tired so I'm gonna try to get some shut eye. Good night Romeo. :*’
Y/N's eyes widened as she realized what she had done. She'd sent him a kiss face! A stranger! Someone she didn't really know. 
What if he took that the wrong way? They had agreed to be anonymous friends. FRIENDS, nothing more. So why did she send him that?
What did it mean?! Was she developing feelings for this mysterious man? 
She thought back to just a few nights ago, the erotically passionate dream she'd had with what she imagined this stranger to look like.
She reminisced of her dream Romeo kissing her breathless, worshiping her body as if it were a temple; of how they had fervidly made love into the early morning hours. He had brought her pleasure numerous times!
Oh fuck! She was falling for him.
‘Sweet dreams darlin’ :*’
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Y/N laid awake for hours, contemplating on how to handle the knowledge that she was falling for the stranger. 
How was it possible to develop feelings for someone you've never met, someone you'd never laid eyes on. Hell, she didn't even know the sound of his voice.
Around dawn, she decided she would no longer exchange messages with him and as soon as her body was healed, she was going to go find some willing guy to fuck Romeo's memory away.
Of course, she was awakened by her phone alerting her that a text was waiting.
‘Good morning beautiful’
‘You're probably still asleep’
‘I just can't get you out of my head’
‘Maybe we should break the anonymous rule and meet?’
Y/N read each of the lines over and over, each time making her heart drop. She didn’t know what to do.
She began to think that maybe she should’ve just ignored and erased his first message; when she realized it was a complete stranger who had accidentally texted the wrong number. She shouldn't have engaged with him. Now she was in this predicament. Of course, this is how her life is, fucked up and confusing as hell!
Y/N silences her phone and rolls out of bed carefully. The motion takes her breath away as her broken ribs shift with the motion. She makes her way to the door and down the hallway toward the bathroom, only to be almost bowled over when Sam, dripping wet and shirtless, comes barreling out of the bathroom.
“Oh god Y/N. I’m so sorry,” he apologizes, profusely. “I didn’t expect you to be out of bed. Dean said he was going to bring you breakfast.”
“That’s sweet of him,” Y/N responded with a smile. “But that doesn’t negate my bladder issues.”
Sam laughed and stepped to the side. “Yea, I guess not. So, ummm…I guess I’ll come check on you later?”
“Okay,” she says as she closes the door to the communal bathroom and shuffles to the row of toilets. As she went to sit, she realized that the mundane task was hindered; she couldn’t bend without excruciating pain radiating from her thorax. 
Even though her bladder was yelling at her to be emptied, Y/N stood and studied the ancient throne. With a small shrug, she grabbed the roll of tissue and tore off a few squares of paper before pulling her leg out of one side of her sleep pants and straddling the seat.
After cleaning up-because peeing like a man isn’t as easy for a woman as you’d think- Y/N heads back to her room, where as Sam said, Dean was waiting with a tray of eggs, bacon and coffee.
“Oooh, nectar of the Gods,” Y/N says as she reaches for the hot beverage. “Thanks Dean!”
“You’re welcome. How’re you feeling?”
“I’ve been better. I can tell you that,” she answers. “I’m going to try to wrap them later.”
“I can help you do that,” Dean says as he watches her sit on the bed before sitting the tray of food on the table. “You probably can’t get it tight enough.”
A few hours later
“Dean, I swear to Chuck if you try to cop a feel, I’ll kick your ass!”
“Oh be quiet, Y/N/N. It’s not like I haven’t seen them before,” Dean teases. 
And he was right. On a couple occasions the eldest Winchester had been witness to Y/N’s top half of her body exposed; whether it’d be walking into the bathroom as she was exiting the shower or when she got wasted at that bar the three hunters visited and she flashed the whole crowd as she finished singing “Natural Woman” by Aretha Franklin; well butchered it would be a better word as she couldn’t hit a single good note in her inebriated state. 
But she was being ogled by a fellow patron and was feeling frisky so after placing the mic back on the stand, she flipped her shirt up and flashed the whole bar. Her bra covered the main parts but it had been a ragged one and didn’t hide much. 
So, yea Dean and Sam and half the community of Bumfuck, NM had seen her tits.
“I know,” she giggles and then groans as he wraps the gauze around her torso tightly. “Motherfuck! That hurts.”
“Cry baby,” Dean jokes. 
“Let me kick you in your balls and see how you feel,” Y/N threatens. 
“Hey now. If I can’t grope you, you aint groping me!” 
“You’re such a dork!” Y/N says and they both laugh.
“Okay, you’re all bandaged up now,” Dean says as he hands her her shirt. “Go on and get redressed.”
As soon as Dean leaves, Y/N feels her phone buzzing in her pocket.
‘Regina? Are you there?’
‘Did I scare you off?’
‘Could you please answer me?’
Y/N pockets the device and heads back to her room. How is she going to answer him? Is she? 
She sits on her bed and stares at the phone as it begins vibrating again.
‘I’m sorry. Whatever I’ve done, I’m sorry.’
Deciding to throw caution to the wind, she answers.
‘I’m here. I’m fine. No you didn’t scare me off. You actually didn’t do anything. I did. We agreed to be friends and I went and let my feelings take control and didn’t even realize it until I sent you the emoji after my message.’
‘I know you aren’t interested in me. I know I’m just the consolation prize for the busty brunette or blonde, maybe even a redhead, that you were really hoping to talk to and text. I won’t hold it against you if you want to stop texting. No need to meet in person to tell me.’
Y/N reads over her message a couple times before hitting send and laying her phone down. It immediately starts ringing.
Romeo calling…..
‘I’m not answering you.’
The phone stops ringing and then a message comes through.
‘You have it all wrong, darlin’. You are not a consolation prize…not even close! I wanted to tell you, to say the words to you. But you won’t answer so I’ll just type them. I’ve fallen for you too.’
‘Don’t just say that to appease me. I’m a big girl. I can take rejection’
‘Baby, rejection is the last thing on my mind. Will you please answer the phone?’
Y/N reads Romeo’s last message a few times before she opens the chat box and responds.
‘No. But I will agree to meet you. Work is going to be pretty busy for the next few weeks and I won’t have much free time. So, how about two months from now we meet at a mutually agreed upon place and see where this goes?’
Y/N knew that in a couple months her ribs would be healed enough to not raise any questions or alert Romeo to the fact that she fights monsters for a living and not existing in a dead-end customer service job as she had alleged to.
The next few days, Sam and Dean went on a couple little salt-and-burns, leaving Y/N at the Bunker to continue healing.
Y/N and her mysterious Casanova texted continuously, getting to know one another better and just regaling one another with childhood memories and stories. 
It was nice; it was befitting for two strangers to become acquainted. Y/N still refused to actually speak to the man she had feelings for. The secrecy was thrilling to her and she preferred the voice he had in her now-nightly dreams.
To pop that bubble by finding out he had a high pitched, nasally voice would be most crushing.
Of course, she hadn't told Romeo her real past. He knew her parents had passed, but she claimed a car accident took them from her.
She felt terrible for lying to him but how do you tell someone that your parents were killed by a beast that isn't supposed to exist?
What Y/N doesn't know though is Romeo had lied to her about his past also.
When Sam and Dean returned from their latest hunt, neither one of them acknowledged Y/N or said a word.
Both Winchester stomped to their respective rooms and she heard one door slam right after the other did.
“What's gotten into them?” she wondered aloud before going back to reading the book she had found. It was an erotic novel.
Greg  cups her cheeks in his hands and he leans into her, closing the distance until their lips meet. His were soft and plump against her thin, chapped ones, but the lack of moisture on her lips was the last thing on her mind. He licked the dry vessels until she obliged opening them, inviting him in to taste her.
Greg’s, Romeo’s  moans filled her ears as he explored her mouth, his tongue wrestling with hers.
Layla Regina threw her arms over his shoulder and planted her hands against the back of his head, pulling her lover closer and deeper into herself. 
They stumble and almost fall but right themselves before hitting the bed, her on her back and his weight pushing her into the mattress. As his hands begin wandering her body, Regina silently begs for his hand on her most intimate area. As his palm slides down the skin of her abdomen, she wonders if her prayers were heard.
After becoming so enthralled with the book that she was even substituting her and Romeo’s nicknames into the plotline she missed the sound of Dean’s boots thudding down the corridor.
“What has you all dreamy-eyed and drooling?”
Y/N jumps in her seat and slams the novel shut, internally lamenting the fact that she didn't mark her place for later indulgence. 
She looks up to see Dean standing at the mouth of the hallway, a couple of beer bottles in his hand.
“Are you reading porn?” he asks with a laugh and a smirk.
“It's a romance novel, dumbass!”
“Eh, same thing,” Dean shrugs as he steps toward her and offers her one of the beers. “Romance guy woos the damsel right into his bed.”
“So, you know oh so much about this subject, I take it you've read a lot of romance novels?” Y/N snarks.
“You know as well as I do, life doesn't happen that way,” Dean says instead of answering her. “It's a lot more messier and a lot less loving.”
“Are you telling me you don't woo all those unwitting hookups you have? Not even just a little bit?”
“Oh no. I woo the hell out of them. Tell them exactly what they want to hear-” he takes a drink then continues. “Then I get what I'm after and leave before daylight. Easy in, easy out.”
“You are a real piece of work Dean,” Y/N says with a laugh. “Those poor women probably think they've finally found the man of their dreams and the poof! you're gone.”
“Oh like the schmucks you hook don't know you're a one and done?” Dean says, rolling his eyes. “I've heard them before, telling you all their hopes and dreams. I've heard them during, thinking you are ‘the best they ever had’- their words, by the way- and then you're usually in the back of Baby before Sam's even gone for his run.”
“Oh my god,” Y/N laughs, trying to hide the embarrassment of the fact Dean has heard some of her excursions. But that's what you get when you stay in cheap motel rooms with thin walls. “That was one time! And he was a clingy fucker. Always had to be touching me; my face, my hands, my hips. Hell he even tried to suck my toes. Eww!” she shivers at the memory. “I couldn’t get away fast enough.”
They both laugh and then it goes quiet as they drink. 
“So, um…” Dean begins. “Girls, ahem women, don't like that? The touching?”
“No. I mean yea we love an attentive man but sometimes it just takes away from the whole experience. Touch me all you want, run your hands all over me. Play with my tits, my clit…hell a little ass play ain't out of the cards but once he's inside me, I expect to get fucked! Not just filled and rubbed. Use that dick and make me feel it. Ya know? It's inside me for a reason.”
Dean shifts and adjusts his body in his chair and clears his throat. “Okay. Okay. I get that but let's change the subject.”
“Oh is Deanie-poo getting turned on?” Y/N jests. “You got a big ole boner under this table?”
“Shut up Y/N,” Dean mutters before  getting up and bolting back toward his room, his half-empty beer bottle still on the table.
Y/N shakes her head and laughs before opening her book to try to find the place she left off at.
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Why is it that time crawls when you are looking forward to something? 
Y/N's ribs are slowly healing, thanks to the Winchesters generous and considerable care. They both made sure she was taking it easy and mending.
Sam always made her stretch and exercise what she could so her muscles wouldn't lock up and get sore while Dean kept her fed and hydrated and in good spirits with his complete goofy foolishness.
Y/N also noticed that as time went on and closer to her “date” with Romeo, Dean began to get happy and cheerful and just completely giddy. 
Not like him at all. She'd also noticed he went out a lot more than usual. Once the day was done, Dean would disappear with only the sounds of his beloved Impala leaving the compound behind.
Does he have a girlfriend? Has he met someone and is unofficially officially dating? Who is she? When will she and Sam get to meet her? Will they?
Y/N didn't put much more thought into Dean's disappearance because truth be told, she had her own secret. She was in deep with Romeo.
They had texted regularly after their proclamation and had even done a little sexting.
Nothing too graphic, just a few descriptive words here and there and talking about using and touching. But it was enough to make Y/N wet and yearn for the day she finally sets eyes on her Romeo.
‘What are you wearing, gorgeous?’
Y/N smiled as she read the words on the screen. 
‘Wouldn't you like to know.’ she teased.
‘I wouldn't have asked if I didn't.’
‘I'm sitting on my bed in a lace bustier with the matching thong. I'm so lonely Romeo.’
‘Is that an invitation? Because I can be there in no time at all.’
‘Haha. I’m only joking with you. I’m sitting here in an old pair of ratty sweats and a tee-shirt that had way too many stains to be presentable. My hair is up in a bun on top of my head but most of it has already fallen out and is just blowing in my face. I do not want you to see me like that at all.’
‘So when we meet in a few days, I still won’t get to see the real you? You’re going to be all dolled up and not the picture of perfection that you just described.’
‘Romeo, believe me….NO ONE wants to see this.’
‘I do. I am going to be honest with you. I am tired of going out and hooking up with people who don’t show their true selves. Who lie about who they are, what they do….give out random wrong numbers. I’m ready to be with a real person.’
‘Wow. That is honest. And truthfully, I feel the same.’
‘Maybe getting the wrong number was an omen. Someone up there believes we are both ready for something substantial. Shit, duty calls. I’ll text you soon :*’
As soon as Y/N read Romeo’s last message, Sam was knocking on her door.
“Come in,” she calls and the tall, long-haired man peeps around the open door.
“Just got off the phone with Jody. She needs help. I called Dean and he’s coming to pick me up and head to Sioux Falls. Wanted to let you know.”
“Okay. What’s Jody got?”
“Sounds like a cursed object wreaking havoc. A couple of bodies have come up….” Sam begins to explain and Y/N pushes herself off the bed and begins throwing items in a bag. “Wait, what’re you doing?”
“I’m coming with, I’m tired of sitting here by myself. Don’t worry,” she says as Sam gives her a pointed look. “I will stay away from the line of fire so to speak. I can hang with Claire and Alex or something.”
“Okay,” Sam answers, skeptically. “I don’t know if the girls are even home. You know, Claire has been hunting and Alex….well, she has her own friends now. You might be stuck at Jody’s by yourself so how’d that be different than staying here?”
“Sammy,” she says, patronizingly. “Jody’s has windows and sunshine and warmth and just please let me go?”
“Yea I guess I can see your point,” Sam answers and Y/N pumps her fist in the air before finishing packing. “By the way, Samuel, were you calling me old? When you said the girls might not even be there? Insinuating that they wouldn’t want to be saddled with the old, hurt woman?”
“Shut up, Y/N” Sam says with a smile. “You know that’s not what I meant!”
Dean didn’t seem surprised at all when Y/N threw her bag into the back seat of the Impala and climbed in. He just nodded and as soon as everyone was loaded, took off toward South Dakota.
“Y/N!” Sheriff Mills exclaims as we all exit Baby. “I didn't expect you to come. But am I glad you did.”
She hugs me and whispers in my ear, “I sure could use another female to talk to.”
“I'm here,” I whisper back and then pull away from her embrace. “I'm gonna crash on your couch while these two help you with your case.”
“Good. Good.” 
She turns to the Winchester and greets them with their own hugs. After the warm welcome, the three of them head toward the station to discuss the case.
Y/N pulls the erotic novel she's reading and heads to the park across the street and sits at a table.
Opening to the page she marked, she immerses herself back into the story. As she continued reading about the marriage of Greg and Layla, the fictional characters in the story, she began fantasizing about another wedding; one that featured herself and Romeo. 
She is brought back to the present when her phone buzzes in her pocket and she pulls it out to see a message from the man she can't seem to quit thinking about. She smiles as she reads the words, remembering how she felt as they vowed their lives to one another.
‘Another day, another rodent to take down.  Please tell me your day is better’
‘Not really. This seminar is taking forever.’
Before Romeo can respond, she hears Dean call her name and she turns to see him slide his phone into the front pocket of his jeans as he heads to the Impala.
“We're heading to Jody's,” he announces. “You coming?”
Y/N hurries to mark the place she thinks she left off at and shuts the book before jogging across the empty road to get to the Impala.
“Did you figure out what’s going on this time?”
“We think it’s Lamia,” Sam answers. “Bobby went up against one, years ago but he put it through a wood chipper so this is not the same one but it’s the same M.O. They look female and seduce men and then choke them and eat their hearts.”
“Ew. Well, where’re we going to find a woodchipper?”
“We’re not,” Dean says. “I’m going to pretend to be the victim and then stab it with a blessed  silver knife and burn it.”
“That’s risky,” Y/N states, worry about her friend filling her with dread.
“Well…” Dean says with a shrug and the conversation ends.
They pull into Jody’s driveway to see the Sheriff having a very animated conversation with her surrogate daughter, Claire.
They watch through the windshield as Jody hugs Claire and then the young blonde heads toward an old jalopy of a car and takes off.
“That girl is going to be the death of me,” Jody exclaims and her three guests join her. “Come on in guys. I’m making lasagna.”
That night, after helping Jody with the dishes, Y/n and the Sheriff join the Winchesters on the back deck of Jody’s modest ranch-style home.
The conversation flows but no one brings up the case at hand. 
Y/N notices Dean is distracted and keeps looking down at his lap and wonders if he is beginning to regret his role as the Lamia’s victim.
‘Just to let you know. Something’s come up and I gotta leave town for a few days so you might not hear from me for a while. Just know I will be back for our date. I’m looking forward to it.’
Y/N reads the message and smiles. She’s been looking forward to it also. 
‘Be safe and I’ll talk to you soon :*’
After the guys go up to bed, Jody and Y/N finish their glass of wine and stargaze.
“So what’s new with you?”
Y/N turns her head, looks at the older woman and smiles.
“I have a date.”
“Oooo, tell me more. Who is he? Does he know about….?” Jody begins badgering her with questions.
“I don’t know his name. I call him Romeo; it’s a joke between us. He, uh…..a few weeks ago, someone apparently gave him a fake number and he texted it but it wasn’t exactly fake. It was mine. We’ve been texting back and forth since and agreed to meet.”
“Oh,” Jody says, looking apprehensive.
“What is it?”
“How do you know this ain’t some demon or monster just trying to get to you and the boys Y/N? 
“I’ve thought about that, Jod. I’m wearing my silver rings and I’ll have a flask of holy water to spike his drink if need be,” Y/N explains. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got it covered.”
“Sounds like,” Jody chuckles and then lightly punches Y/N in the shoulder. “You gotta tell me all about it, though. Even the juicy parts, especially the juicy parts. Damn, I ain’t got laid in forever. I need to find a man.”
They both laugh and then settle back down and stargaze some more before heading inside and going to bed. 
Dean Winchester almost becomes the Lamia’s fifth victim. If it hadn’t been for his fast thinking brother, Dean would’ve succumbed to the creature’s power and  be dead. 
Although he was alive, it was only barely. The Lamia had sucked so much blood from his body that he was unconscious for days.
Sam and Y/N had maneuvered him into the backseat of the Impala and raced back to the Bunker, hoping to find something to revive the oldest Winchester.
While they waited and researched, Y/N realized that she hadn’t heard from Romeo in almost a week. Their date was coming up and he had gone radio silent.
Sure he had told her that he had to leave town and wouldn’t be able to text her but couldn't he at least take a second to check in?
As soon as she could, Y/N sent him a message.
‘Haven't heard from you in a few days. Are you okay?’
And then, for the rest of the day, she kept an eye on her phone for a response.
The device stayed silent.
When Dean finally came around two days later, it was much to the relief of both Y/N and Sam. 
They sat at his bedside and regaled him with the story of how the Lamia was not who they thought it was but that Sam caught on pretty quickly and used the current from an old stove hookup to burn the creature before she could take Dean’s life.
Dean, as stubborn as he was, refused to stay in bed. He was adamant that he needed to get up and that he wasn’t wasting away in his room while there were other monsters still roaming the world. 
Sam and Y/N eventually gave up and left him to his own devices, going to their respective rooms to rest themselves. It was tiring trying to save a life then having that same someone argue that they hadn’t needed it.
Y/N was awakened by her phone buzzing with an incoming text. She opens the message thread and sees that Romeo has responded.
‘Sorry darlin’. I’ve been extremely busy. But I’m back in town and chomping at the bit for our date. Wanna move it up a few day?’
Y/N felt her face flush. She had been excited and eager and wishing that time would move faster as well.
‘A few days would mean tomorrow. You want to meet tomorrow?’
‘Yes. Tomorrow.’
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Y/N woke up the next morning, nervous but excited. She was going to meet the man she had been messaging and getting to know through texts for the last three months. 
She joined the guys in the kitchen for breakfast and then headed back to her room to determine what she was going to wear.
What do you wear when meeting someone new? She knew him, she thought, but she had yet to see him face to face or even hear his voice.
What if he was not at all what she’d been picturing all this time? What if they meet and one (or both) of them weren’t completely different from what the other thought?
She chose her nicest pair of jeans; nicest meaning they weren't covered in monster blood and guts and other bodily fluids of the creatures she has murdered. 
Next, she chose a nice flowy camisole that wasn’t so low cut it showed much cleavage but low enough to show off her chest. Over that she wore a fitted leather jacket with the fancy schmancy silver buttons.
She slid the silver and turquoise necklace on with the matching silver ring, that way if Romeo went in for a hug instead of a handshake, she could still test if he is a werewolf or skinwalker and she had a vial of holy water in her purse to confirm he wasn’t a demon.
As she was finishing her makeup she heard Dean walking past her room, a whistle on his lips.
“Why is he in such a good mood?” she wondered out loud then went to look at her reflection once more.
By the time she got to the garage, the Impala was gone. Y/N was glad because she did not want to explain to Dean why she was borrowing one of the many cars there.
She chose an older model black Ford Mustang because it was one of the few inconspicuous cars they owned.  Heads wouldn't turn at the sight of it rolling down the street, unlike the Bel-Aires and the Fairlanes would.
She didn't want to bring attention to herself for a set of wheels that should be in a museum somewhere.
As she drove toward town she hummed a tune that had been stuck in her head for days. She'd finally realized it was ‘Hooked on A Feeling’. 
Y/N had no idea where she'd heard the song or even who sang it but it seemed appropriate for the situation. She was hooked on a feeling that she'd found her soulmate through a mistaken wrong number.
Once she got parked and walked toward the door of the restaurant she was to meet her Romeo, something caught her eye.
Down past the building was a sleek black car that she'd know anywhere. A 1967 Chevy Impala that if you looked closely had been rebuilt at least twice but was in pristine condition.
She turned her head to look through the window of the restaurant and her heart dropped. Dean was inside!
What was he doing here? Did Sam tell him about her rendezvous with Romeo and he was here to stop it? But then she realized that she hadn't told Sam about the meet-up.
Turning on her heel, she walked with purpose back to her car and slipped inside.
‘Something has come up and I can't make it. Sorry.’
Y/N raced back to the Bunker, parked the car and ran to her room.  She flopped on the bed and let the tears flow.
How dare he be there? Finally, when life was going her way, she was going to meet the man of her dreams, Dean fucking Winchester had to go and ruin it!
Her phone buzzed a couple of times in her pocket but she didn't check it until she was all cried out.
‘Hope everything is okay. Is there anything I can do?’
‘Are you ghosting me?! Really?’ 
She didn’t answer. Y/N wasn’t sure how to answer. She was no better than the woman who gave Romeo the wrong number to begin with. 
What was she supposed to do? Tell him that her “brothers” were actually just two men she lived with in an underground shelter that was warded to keep out supernatural beings that were out for their head? That her job consisted of continually being on some demonic radar?
Yea, he’d think she was nuts!
So instead, Y/N turned her phone off and laid in bed, wallowing in her own self-pity. She would never find a man to understand her lifestyle and she wasn’t going to give it up.
Fighting monsters and demons was her life! She was dedicated to making sure no one ever had to witness or live with the fact that their loved ones were murdered by things that shouldn’t even exist!
A few moments later, she heard the bunker door slam shut and could make out the boys’ voices but couldn't understand what they were saying. It got heated quickly though as she heard Dean yell, “You don’t fucking understand!”
Y/N got off her bed, wiped the tears from her face and left the bedroom, heading toward Sam and Dean.
“I just don’t understand it, man,” Dean says as she reaches the doorway to the library. Y/N stays just out of their sight; she can see them but the boys have yet to notice her presence.
“We get along so well. She’s funny but smart. She puts me in my place.”
“Maybe you should just man up and tell her your real name,” Sam suggests.
“No, no way. That opens up this whole world-” Dean says as he waves a hand around, motioning to the room and all the books on the supernatural they have. “She’s not like us. She wouldn’t understand. I just don’t know what happened?”
“I’m telling you Dean,” Sam says sternly but compassionately. “You may just be surprised.”
“No. I’m not telling Regina about this life.”
Y/N gasps and puts her hand over her mouth as it all comes clear. Romeo is Dean. Dean is Romeo. Holy shit! Wait, what? Like, what the actual fuck?! Dean is who she’s been chatting with via text for months now?
She thinks back to the first message and tries to remember if it came in as Dean since she has his contact information saved. But no, it was a number that came up, not a contact. She quietly runs back to her room and grabs her phone.
As soon as it turns on, she goes into her contacts and scrolls down to Romeo’s. She opens it and sees it is indeed a different number than she has saved for Dean….and his other phone….and his other, other phone.
So what is going on? 
She walks back toward the library and this time she makes herself known. 
“Oh hey Y/N.” Sam says with a smirk on his face.
“Hey Sweetheart,” Dean says, his tone melancholy before taking a drink of his beer.
“So, which came first? The chicken or the egg?”
Dean swallows the drink in his mouth and then slowly turns his head toward her. “What did you say?”
“Which came first? The chicken or the egg?”
“Um, how do you know that?”
Y/N walks closer to Dean and holds out her hand. “Hello Romeo. I’m Regina.”
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Dean froze. The only thing that moved was his eyes, from her outstretched hand to Y/N’s face.
Time stood still as Y/N waited for Dean to catch up to what she had said. Suddenly his eyes widened and his lips opened and closed like a fish trying to breathe.
“What?!” he finally found his voice and spoke.
“I’m Regina and I’m assuming you’re Romeo from what I’ve heard.”
“You are the amazingly hot chick I’ve been texting all this time?”
Y/N nods her head and Sam laughs from his spot across the table from his brother. “It’s about time! I was getting tired of watching you guys pine for one another, and not realizing it.”
“Shut up Sam,” Y/N and Dean both state.
Dean pushes his chair back and stands up, pulling a dinosaur of a phone from his pocket. It’s a frigging flip phone for Chuck’s sake!
“What the hell is that?” Y/N asks as she laughs and watches Dean flip the phone open and punch in numbers on the number pad. “How old is that phone?”
“It was Dad’s,” Sam explains as they both watch Dean work on getting into the phone and open up the text thread.  “I didn’t even know it was still usable but apparently my brother uses it to hook up.”
Y/N turns her attention back to Dean and watches as he looks at the screen, apparently re-reading all the messages.
“Well, fuck!” Dean says with a chuckle. He then turns to her and smiles. “Romeo at your service. And he is a dumbass. I didn’t recognize your number, but I do now.”
Sam stands and closes his laptop. “I’m going to go to my room and give you two some privacy.”
Neither Dean nor Y/N pays attention as the taller Winchester leaves the room, their eyes glued to one another’s, studying one another. No words were spoken for a few minutes.
“You’re Regina?”
“And you’re Romeo,” Y/N states with a nod. “I just have one question though. How the hell do you know who Regina George is? That's a chick flick if there ever was one!”
Dean shrugs and blushes. “Rachel McAdams is hot. What can I say?”
They both laugh but then Dean surges forward and wraps her up in his arms.
“But not as hot as my Regina. She can't hold a candle to you, baby.”
Y/N feels her heart squeeze around such a heartfelt compliment and smiles. “How idiotic are we?”
“Well sweetheart, this idiot has fallen for you.”
Y/N’s phone slips out of her hand and her arms wrap around Dean’s neck. “It’s a good thing I’ve fallen for you too then.”
They stand there, wrapped up in each other just taking it all in.
“Can I kiss you now?” Dean asked and Y/N nodded.
He slowly leans in, their eyes glued to one another's until at the very last second he glances down to her lips.
As soon as their lips touched, it was like everything became clear. The world had been dark and gray and now it was bursting with vivid color.
Dean licked against the seam of her lips, begging for entry and Y/N immediately granted him access.
When the need for air became necessary, they pulled apart but not before Dean placed his forehead on hers and smiled.
“Who knew love was right under my nose?”
“Well, here it is,” Y/N says as she tightens her hold on the older Winchester. “Who knew we belonged together? Now take me to bed!”
@spnbaby-67 @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam  @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @supraveng @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @kazsrm67 @chriszgirl92 @deanwithscissors @raisinggray @fanfic-n-tabulous @hobby27 @stoneyggirl2 @purpleeclipseeggsland @kmc1989 @leigh70
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totally-lyrical · 5 months
What is different in Crown of conquest compared to the regular COTL universe? (Does Kallamar play any role in that AU?)
btw go here for stuff on lamb gift culture in my au it was inspired heavily by op's wedding bells au which yall should totally take a look
ok so first i added a sixth grown, being the crown of amnesia. it's not actually in the land of the old faith, Woolbur's gonna have to go find it elsewhere but its an orange eye :3 (im also gonna write its own fic about it, bc i thought of it awhile ago) but i added another crown so i could justify the last crown having a seven pointed star lol
second, i gave all the other crowns animal forms as well. none of these are set-in-stone, but shamura's crown is a scorpion, kallamar's is either a jellyfish or a locust, heket's is probably a gecko or a salamander, and leshy's is probably a mouse or rat. leaning towards rat. the crown of amnesia is probably gonna be like a really small elephant or smth idk imma need help with that one, but the final crown, the crown of conquest, is gonna be a butterfly.
third, I want woolbur to interract with other lambs. that doesn't mean their people survived, oh no, he gets to meet lambs from outside the old faith. he joins a council of lambs, gathered to protect their kind, and quickly the rest of the council realizes that they placed a very powerful person on the council.
fourth, all of the bishops eventually join him. Narinder is last. in each one he overcomes their domain and gains their trust: for Shamura, they win a war they had no chance in. for Kallamar, they find a cure for a terrible plauge and administers it to all afflicted people in the cult. for Heket, they pull the cult through a great famine, and they even begin to thrive. for leshy, they whack him really hard on the head and runs away. in narinder's case, though, he just proposes to them and they get married lmao
theres a lot more that im going to talk about but these are the main things about it!! im really excited for this au
(also, OF COURSE Kallamar plays a role, hes my favorite guy!!!! hes important!!!!! this may be a narilamb au but i simply could not write anything without including kallamar even if its just subjecting him to minor suffering, also im still looking for more members of Kallamar's polycule so send me an ask if you want your follower oc to date him lol i'll also make a separate post abt it)
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amygdalae · 1 year
Oh I had a very fun, vaguely gothic horror flavored dream last night if any1 wants to hear about it. The dream itself wasn't particularly long but so much happened I won't be able to recount it in a way that isn't long-winded. So I'm putting it under a readmore lol.
Not the most "out there" as far as my dreams go but 1. It was very vivid, intricate and cohesive and 2. I actually remember like 90% of it. There is a haunting in it though! Always fun.
Not sure exactly where or how the dream started, but I was in this bigass old musty castle. I had amnesia, but I knew I lived there (or used to? I felt wistful, like I was returning after some time away). I also knew someone (a friend or sibling or something) used to lived there as well, but died of mysterious causes. I kept finding their belongings, small fancy things like lockets, jewelry boxes, expensive trinkets made of gold and porcelain. I'd try to pick them up but they were oddly light and they'd crumple or shatter in my hands.
There were only a few other people in the castle--one of whom was some sort of groundskeeper, a handsome but very tired-looking young man who I knew I had some kind of intimate relationship with (but couldn't remember the particulars). he was sweet and affectionate but had an air of sadness and anxiety about him (he seemed to know something I didn't, but was unwilling or unable to tell me)
I felt agitated, and was trying very desperately to find something. I remember wandering the courtyard and gardens awhile before goign back inside the castle and finding myself in an old theater. instead of a singular stage there were three small curtained stage-like platforms arranged in a half circle in front of the rows of seats. everything was coated with a film of dust
I went backstage, and there were old vividly-adorned puppets hanging in storage. As I walked past a rack of them, one started shaking on its own, and chattering its teeth very loudly. This scared me quite badly and I started to run.
I made it halfway down a hall before the floorboards beneath my feet gave way, and i fell into a very dusty room full of old furniture. The walls were somewhat rough-hewn and unadorned. The second I got my bearings I felt a deep dread rising into my chest, like whatever presence had animated the doll followed me into the room. I was then attacked by several large bugs--i could hear them muttering something angrily at me but couldn't make out the words. I waved my arms above my head to keep them at bay while they swooped down to bite me and looked around for an exit. I had this terrible feeling that if I didn't leave the room I would drown, or suffocate? (something to that effect. Vague indescribable dread is a very common thing in my dreams so it's hard to put into words)
I was able to kick my way out through the rotten planks of an old boarded up door, and wandered out into the sunlight-- I'd emerged into part of the garden, musty and suffering from neglect. I found my way to a pergola (covered patio). The groundskeeper found me there, seeming worried. The pergola was run down and coated with dusty moss; I rooted around some overgrown shelves and pried free a music box. I had to hold it very, very carefully; like other objects in the dream, it weighed nothing at all, and the metal seemed eager to crumple in my hands as soon as I picked it up.
Something about the music box filled me with bone-deep anguish. I sank to the floor, the groundskeeper joining me there with an arm around my shoulders. He seemed to immediately understand the significance of the music box, though I couldn't remember it myself. The last thing I remember is us sitting there together as I veeery gingerly turned the crank on the box. I have no memory of the melody that played, but (unsurpirisingly) it was mournful. Strangely, a comfortable numbness overtook me, and yet tears were streaming down my face. I think the other guy was crying too. The last thing I can recall is a warm glow emanating from somewhere; either the box itself or simply centered in our embrace. then I woke up.
anyways! 10/10! kind of rambling but overall a surprisingly well structured dream. I don't tend to have cool dreams like that without some off-color and insane shit thrown in by my subconscious for flavor but this one was weirdly cohesive? Felt worth documenting
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planetkookie · 2 months
Bling and change for all three oc’s go
EEEEK. im going to be terrible and do it for the other three I didn't list too bc I want to and im terrible :3
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
Ollie does not wear jewelry, however if they did, they would probably wear a very simple twine necklace with a charm that reminded them of before the explosion (iykyk, the world exploded, the norm). I don't think they know that they can really... get... jewelry??? like. I think they'd fuck up some earrings but they dont know what those are enough to get them lol
Hallyr wears a bracelet that is magically attuned to the health of his beloved, Thale. The bracelet will tell either of them if the other is in danger, and it was needed for Hallyr to even remotely feel comfortable letting Thale out of his sight again after the campaign ended. Having your boyfriend taken and used by the Rive (bbeg) will do that to a person. Eventually though, Hallyr does wear a ring because he was never a fan of the ceremonial proposal daggers and so he and Thale designed rings together after Thale proposed <3
r0b... r0b doesn't know what jewelry is. hes just a little guy (robot). His campaign hasn't started, but it'd be cute if a little kid gave him like a little friendship bracelet or smth. ugh
casrai is the jewelry BITCH. he has a lip piercing, septum, whatever the piercing is on the bridge of your nose, many many earrings, necklaces, the whole shebang. The only ones that have significant meaning to him though are the gold circlets he wears around his horns, as they were family heirlooms given to him by his parents who died. They grow as he grows (magic) and he has not taken them off since except to wash them when he knows he is under no risk of being atttacked
Aldeah has lots of jewelry, and it all has very significant meaning to her. Her nose piercings are connected across the top of her nose by a chain, signifying the unity of the soul and the mind. Her lip piercing is one that came from her mother that she gave herself after her mom died. her earrings represent the virtues of the soul, and her necklace is the outlet of her magic that she also got from her mother.
finally Elias, before he ran away from home, he wore tons of jewelry because he was touted around as a hot commodity. He's the prince of the land, and as a changeling, he was sold for his body, so his family wanted to ensure that he looked his finest in all of the gold and sparkles they could muster. Nowadays, he has a few piercings but overall he tries not to put on a whole lot of glitzy stuff despite adoring it.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Ollie has not, they basically look exactly how they did when they left home, just a little older and a lot more fucked up haha, unless you count them getting their arm chopped off and then subsequently getting a prosthetic arm
Hallyr... also has not? I think he maybe tried getting tattoos after everything with the Rive ended but the ink didn't stick due to his skin being stone-like. He's too scared to chop his hair since it's been with him since the very beginning. He has also lost an arm and gained a prosthetic tho
r0b I guess would have a changed wardrobe! He has amnesia due to an unknown accident that happened that fucked up his programming, and now he has a cowboy hat and little cowboy boots and he absolutely loves it. sometimes he dreams of having a fancy cowboy wardrobe. he doesn't quite know why
Casrai had his hair buzzed as a teen after his parents died and he didn't have the mental capacity to manage it. Once it started matting, his mentor buzzed it off. He hated it, but at the same time it allowed him to start moving forward with his life. He's changed his wardrobe so many times, he absolutely loves fashion, and his current style I would probably say is e-boy... lol. he also has a mullet now, but he has had many different hairstyles over the years, from buzzcut to mohawk to wolf cut.
Aldeah, after her few years after escaping the convent where she was tortured, kept her long hair to try and connect with her mom, but eventually chopped it off once she felt restrained by it. The haircut has been incredibly freeing for her, and she feels less connected to her grandmother (the goddess of joy) and more in control of her own future.
Elias has held many forms as a changeling, BUT the ones that he has made himself were the two forms that he has taken during the campaign. He was pretty unsure when he first ran away, so his first form was very similar to his "true form" (the prince, not the changeling), and while he didn't hate it, looking in a mirror reminded him of the place he left. However, after being recognized and having to change form again, he has found a lot of confidence in himself. He's changed hair and length, eye color, and clothing style, and he finds that he feels a lot more confident now that he can look in the mirror and still be glamorous but now for himself.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 10 months
ok and here we are with a shorter-ish part 3 wrapping everything in the reverse amnesia loop thingy up! (1, 2) featuring an appearance from @hallothere's guy Bregadir :) (sorry I couldn't Not include him, he was Worried about Tossdir and I'm love him)
also huge thanks to Hal for helping me brainstorm ideas all those... months ago? dang has it really been that long? rip other asks in the box lol. anyway I love Bregadir
Tossdir gave you quite a fright once the curse was broken. You were dazed for a moment after all your memories of him came flooding back to you, the memories of your stalwart but reckless companion, the little brother you never had, the one you would die to protect. 
When you found him crumpled on the floor before you, you feared the worst. But you were able to rouse him, he had only been knocked out for a moment by the sheer mental strain the flood of memories caused him in the heat of battle. You nearly cried with releif. Once the young Ranger regained his senses he clasped you in a desperate embrace. Tears were shed, but you both had little to say save for quiet assurances of ‘I remember you’ and ‘I know you’. You joked that Bregadir would have had your head if you had let something happen to him, and Tossdir laughed but did not disagree.
Once the two of you exit the cisterns, it wasn't long before the other Rangers found you. Once the enchantment was broken they all remembered everything. They remember you, stalwart guardian, cunning loremaster, Golodir’s shadow. And they remember Tossdir, loyal brawler, lonely child, Meneldir’s shadow.
They remember now, too, everything that happened while the curse was in effect. They remember both of your pleas for help, and they remember thinking of you as madmen or worse. As soon as the curse was lifted they scoured the city looking for the two of you, and after they found you spent the next few hours making near-tearful apologies and trying to make absolutely certain you’re both alright. 
Well, most of them were near-tears, but poor young Helcheon couldn’t hold them back. In one of your earlier attempts at convincing him of your story you must have sounded particularly suspicious, and he actually tried to attack you. You insist that you hold nothing against him for it, if you had been an imposter it would have been the correct reaction after all. Mincham thinks that he never really posed any danger to you in the first place, and you're inclined to agree, but won’t say it out loud for Helcheon’s sake. He clearly feels bad enough already, you don’t need to add insult to injury.
Mithrendan wasn’t able to hold the tears back either. Apparently when Tossdir had come to him for help, Mithrendan had called the guards on him. He recognized the sword he bore as once belonging to Elenath, and thought he had somehow stolen it. 
But now he has the memory of that event, of Tossdir shouting at him through tears as he was being dragged away, begging him to remember, but he remembers Tossdir not as the raving madman and stranger he saw then, but as Elenath and Orndir’s son, the lonely boy he watched grow up in Tornhad. 
Mithrendan has returned the sword to him, apologized for it probably a hundred times now, and Tossdir has forgiven him the same amount. Tossdir now says that getting him arrested ‘wasn’t even a big deal’, as the wardens forgot about him at the same time every night so escaping was a trivial task for any ranger, even one with so little skill in the art of stealth.
But earlier today when he told you about that incident, while the curse was in effect and he thought you would not remember the conversation, you could tell he was near tears even just remembering it. He laughs about it now, he doesn't want the memory to be painful.
The most unexpected one present is Bregadir. You thought he was far away aiding in the cleansing of the Morgul Vale, but soon after the curse was broken you were informed that Bregadir had already been on his way back to Minas Tirith since a few days ago. After a dark mood came over him in Rath Dúath, Dagoras believed it was the darkness of the vale taking its toll on him so he was made to return to Minas Tirith for a respite. But now you can put the pieces together, the reason for Bregadir’s sudden depression was being made to forget his younger cousin and believing he truly had no family left. Needless to say you’re a little alarmed at just how far the range of the curse’s effects truly were, but it’s over now at least, only terrifying in hindsight.
You all expected that the breaking of the curse would hasten his journey towards the city, you all expected him to arrive tomorrow or maybe the next day. None of you, however, expected to see him burst into the room mere hours later haggard and disheveled, breathing like he had just run over ten miles (he might have, but for the sake of his health you hope not), and demanding to know if Tossdir was alright.
He got his answer when he was nearly knocked to the ground by Tossdir, hugging him with a running-start. He’s all right now, at least.
But everything has calmed down now. You’re all back here in Ethedis’ room in the guest houses, really a cramped place for so many Rangers to be gathered at once, but no one wants to leave despite how late it is. Some of them are crowded on the two small couches in the room, seated on the bed, or just on the floor. You yourself are huddled next to the fire along with Tossdir and a frankly absurd amount of blankets and pillows. The horrible chill caused by the curse did not leave all at once, but warmth has slowly but surely been seeping back into your bones over the last hours, and here surrounded by your friends and kinsmen you finally feel comfortable again. You’re glad none of them have left yet.
None of you have said such out loud, but you all share the same worry at the moment. Your kin remember how quickly the curse could take effect, they remember you becoming a total stranger to them mid-conversation, and it’s a thought they’re all now horrified by. 
The curse took effect late at night, and it’s getting late now. You all know, logically, that the curse is broken, but knowing something isn’t quite the same as believing it, not when it has been your reality for nearly a month now. As the night wears on the conversation becomes much quieter, and you catch some of them casting nervous glances to you or Tossdir, making sure they still recognize you. You catch yourself doing the same.
Ethedis is curled up under your arm, as close to you as she can be. Partially because she’s afraid to let go of you, partially to make enough room for Tossdir and Bregadir to sit with you as well. You long for sleep, you have hardly slept at all these last few weeks, and you can tell just by the look of him and the same is true for Tossdir. Your eyelids are so heavy they threaten to remain shut every time you blink. But both you and Tossdir are still awake, both too nervous for any rest at the moment.
Eventually you all hear distantly the ringing of a bell marking the hour, a familiar sound in the city that you might usually ignore, but not this time. You know what it means, it is the late watches now, and the curse always took effect a little while before that time, never after.
No one is alarmed by your presence, you know the young man next to you is Tossdir, and you do not feel cold. You feel perfectly warm and comfortable. Safe too, for the first time in a long while.
Tossdir looks at you with a little uncertainty, just checking one last time to make sure he’s still remembered. You respond with a gentle smile, putting your other arm around him and pulling him close.
“It’s really over then?” he quietly asks for maybe the fourth time, but for once sounding like he’ll actually believe the answer. 
“Mhm,” you respond groggily “We did it, Toss. Everything is going to be alright now.” You feel all the tension go out of him at once.
“Well,” you cheerfully address everyone in the room now “If it was going to happen tonight, it would have done so already. I think I can safely say the curse is officially, irreparably, broken.”
“You will not get rid of us that easily, brother.” Radanir says with a wry smile from his spot on the floor.
“I am still not going anywhere,” you hear Lothrandir say from the couch. “As long as Ethedis does not mind our continued presence, that is.”
Ethedis merely shakes her head “And you two aren’t going anywhere either…” she mutters sleepily, squeezing you a little tighter “Not letting you out of my sight.”
It looks like Tossdir is already asleep against you, you wouldn’t dare disturb him “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, Eth.” you say softly. You adjust yourself into a slightly more comfortable position, and are soon lost in a long overdue slumber.
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x0401x · 8 days
Hi, if you don't mind, can I ask from this ask game :
For no. 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28
Thanks if you want to answer whichever that you want.....
Ayyy, sure! Sorry for taking so long to reply to this!
4. Least favorite anime character: Kinoshita Kazuya
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This one was hard. I usually have lots of characters I like and lots that I’m neutral about but none that I quite hate. One character that left me particularly grossed out, though, was this guy. I can’t say I hate him, but I’ve never been so instantly put off by a fictional character. The combination of being plain disgusting and stupid with having absolutely no redeeming qualities and nothing going on for him was particularly unsettling. It’s not even that he gave us nothing; he really only gave his worst.
6. Popular anime that you didn’t like: Violet Evergarden
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Y’all know me. Y’all know where I’m coming from. 🫠
8. Anime character you’re the most like: Honestly, no idea. I’d like to know people’s opinions on this one.
13. Funnest anime you have watched: This one is kinda abstract. I have no idea how to measure the fun. My all-time favorite isn’t exactly what I’d call “fun” and I have too many that I consider fun animes.
14. Saddest anime you have ever watched: Midori Shoujo Tsubaki.
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I know that this one aims to be a lot of things way above its intention to be melancholic, but it’s definitely the anime where I’ve felt worst about the protagonist. The ending is surrealistic yet too real at the same time. It’s probably the anime that had me going “damn, that’s sad as hell” the most.
15. Anime you never get sick of watching: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
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I have quite a few anime that I’d rewatch anytime if I felt like it, but this is the only one that I feel like rewatching whenever I see anything related to it. I probably have answered this in every anime ask game I’ve played, but Sen to Chihiro is my all-time favorite anime and movie.
Another anime that I never get tired of rewatching is Gakkou no Kaidan. I used to rewatch it every year on Halloween as a personal tradition when I was a kid and I have a physical copy of all the books in the series. I only don’t rewatch it anymore because I hardly have time for binging nowadays, but if I could do it again? Damn right I would.
16. 10 best animes you have watched: That’s tough! I have a long list of favorites. Aside from Sen to Chihiro, in no particular order:
1. Heike Monogatari
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2. Fullmetal Alchemist (I’m combining the first one with Brotherhood here because I love the whole franchise and I’ve always felt that they complete each other)
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3. Mushishi
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4. Card Captor Sakura
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5. Inuyasha
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6. Rurouni Kenshin (the first one)
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7. Soul Eater
8. Nana
9. Yu Yu Hakusho
10. Monster
18. 10 worst anime you’ve watched (this one is also in no particular order and there’s actually way more than just 10 but here we go):
2. Diabolik Lovers
3. Drammatical Murder
4. Kaze no Na wa Amnesia
5. Nora
6. Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2025
7. Berserk (2016)
8. Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
9. Ro-Kyu-Bu!
10. Kamierabi GOD.app
20. Least favorite anime ships: Literally any inc*st and p*do ship.
23. Unpopular character you love: I don’t really have unpopular characters that I love, but there sure are characters whom I love yet a good chunk of the fandom detests.
24. Popular character you hate: Also don’t have any. I’m either neutral or love them. But then again, there are characters that the fandom is obsessed with yet make me feel next to nothing.
28. Most upsetting moment in anime and why: The entirety of Tsurune, lol. Because the novels (albeit not well-written) are leagues above it in content, depth, overall plot and character handling. It’s pretty much a spiritual experience once you realize what the author is trying to convey, which the studio not only didn’t understand but also tried to run from like the devil runs from the cross. Pretty sure the author also wasn’t too hyped about some things in the anime, as implied in one of her afterwords.
This was fun to do! Thank you!
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nientedal · 1 year
my phone is being annoying but BOOK EMOJI
ahahaha omg 😂 ok so book emoji, talking about a fic i have in my head but have never written down!
stereotypical amnesia fic beneath the cut, lol
Roxanne gets into some kind of accident and hits her head. Wakes up in the hospital with her mother dozing in a chair. Mom is OVERJOYED Roxanne is awake; it's been sort of touch and go for a while as to whether she would wake up at all. She's had people working on a solution but this will be such good news, hooray, she's lucid, she's feeling mostly fine--
And then Roxanne sees the ring on her finger, and oh. Okay. She is not fine, actually. She's lost nearly all of the last three years, and several prior to that are exceptionally spotty.
Her mom is left with the unenviable position of navigating some...ah...fairly major news. Yes, you're very happy together. Three rings, right, wedding band and two engagement; you're sort of...well, also married to his best friend? What's that word your brother is...? Aromantic, queerplatonic, yes. Neither of them is anyone I would have ever picked for you, but you're happy and I do know when I'm beaten, so... well, anyway, the only reason your man isn't here is I made him go home to take a shower and a nap. And to start putting together a better MRI scanner so he would stop fretting over your charts. Yes, he's building it himself. And no I haven't said his name yet, and... yes you do probably already know him, it's just-- well, you see-- um-- tell, tell you what, let's call Wayne, shall we? I think this will probably sound a little better coming from Wayne--
So that's a thing.
Roxanne takes the news...not well, but not totally poorly either. Mostly she's just stunned. But if her mother can admit she's happy with Megamind, that says a lot. That's...promising. Reassuring. And Wayne confirms everything her mother has said, which is similarly reassuring.
Megamind, on the other hand, takes it VERY poorly. Wayne says she's awake and his heart leaps, and then Wayne says there's a slight problem, her last clear memory of you is from early 2009, and his heart sort of collapses in his chest. He's been working on his self-worth and has come a long way but he's had a long two weeks and right now, from where he's sitting, all he can think is that Roxanne was a miracle that is not going to happen twice. This is absolutely the end for them. He'll start researching divorce lawyers immediately.
(Roxanne is initially of the opinion that yes, that is probably for the best, but Wayne convinces her to at least give the little guy a chance. Come on, Roxie, for Minion’s sake. Please?)
From here it's sort of...Roxanne slowly regaining her footing. Traumatic brain injuries are a helluva drug; her mind works differently from how it used to and it's a struggle sometimes in ways she doesn't expect. And she can't remember things she wants to and it's SO disorienting, and Megamind and Minion are obviously both struggling as well for other reasons but they are being so lovely with her, and she keeps shying away and it's awful, she hates it. Megamind gave her a photo album to maybe help her put some things together, and it isn't really working yet but maybe if she just keeps at it she'll be able to remember just a little more-- okay, Wayne was right, he is worth trying, but come ON, brain, fucking WORK--
Megamind wanders down to the kitchen in the wee hours one morning a few weeks later for a snack or something and Roxanne is there with the album. She's...having a little bit of a moment. Little bit of a cry. She's sitting at the kitchen table looking at this one picture that someone took of all three of them-- Megamind and Roxanne and Minion when they were on some vacation somewhere together and Roxanne snuck up behind the other two to pounce on them and hug both of them at once. So she's in the middle with her arms around their shoulders and all three of them are laughing. And she's like, "I can't remember this and I WANT TO, we look so HAPPY and I don't know if I'll ever get any of this back-- you're so sweet to me now and your bed smells like home and I don't know why and I want to, I want to--"
He's been keeping his distance since she came home. Has been waiting and letting her initiate whatever contact between them. But he goes to her now and pulls her into a hug without thinking because he cannot fucking stand it, and she just wraps her arms around him as hard as she can.
"Okay," he says, patting her hair and trying to think of what to do and mostly just wanting to burst into tears right along with her. "Okay. It's okay."
It's not okay. It's not okay and she doesn't know how to make it be okay, but it's been a few weeks and Roxanne is tired of waiting to maybe remember and tired of hoping for something that isn't coming and tired in general, and so she asks him to come to bed with her. Just stay with her, please; she's freaking out and she wants to be held, and fuck it. Fuck it. Come to bed.
In the morning at breakfast, hearing all this, Minion says, okay. So, photo album isn't working, or if it is it's not working the way we were hoping for. New plan: let's go on another trip? Let's all go somewhere together. Traveling. Maybe go see some places we've seen already, definitely go see some places we've never seen. Maybe your old memories will come back and maybe they won't, but either way we'll make new memories and have a good time making them. Let's go.
.............And idk if that's the end of the story or if there's more story that's just them going around places. I haven't played much with the traveling itself
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
Top 5 vs Personal 5
List your top 5 fics ranked by kudos on AO3. are you surprised by what's most popular to your readers? then provide your ranking of your personal top 5 fics, and tag a few fellow writers!
ty for the tag @sillyunicorn :D this is cute and also interesting. i tag @starwarned @urban-sith @tea-brigade @fortheloveofexy @nanatsuyu @justadreamfox @jaydreams @halfpintpeach
im actually going to do my Personal 5 first because that's what i want above the read more cut 😂 no one is escaping looking at my babies.
Thorns (E), 18k, andreil // a post-canon fic where andrew and neil cope with doing a long distance relationship when u both have fatal levels of attachment issues lol. i spent a stupid long time on this fic for the word count, but there is love in every single word. i like this universe bc it's what i want for post-canon andreil. no one gave them the tools for this shit, but i love the idea that they will always figure out how to be together, even if its messy.
No Turning Back (E), 31k, andreil // this is perhaps recency bias, but i think this is the best thing ive ever written. i have a hard time summarizing it.. but it's an au where the conflict is almost entirely in andrew's head, which of course means he Causes Many Problems. i actually built this fic out from Andrew's fucked up internal journey, which was cool for me -- like, the main plot was developed to fit his character arc. i think that's probably not rocket science or unique but it was my first time doing it that way!
We Can Live Forever (T), 46k, andreil // i used to not like hs aus and then i wrote a huge one lol. its childhood best friends-lovers, and centered on this ridiculous lip sync serenade fundraiser ?? i made them all dance. a lot. sometimes its serious, but its mostly very silly. i wrote it w the intention of giving people that "read until 4am screaming into ur pillow bc cute aggression" feeling that so many fics have given me, and the feedback ive gotten implies ive succeeded, so im rly proud of that!!
Stoner AU (E), 21k, snowbaz // i'm cheating a bit because this is a series, but i almost consider this thing to be like a collection of sitcom episodes lol. it's a normal au, simon is a weed guy and baz buys from him and also falls in love w him. theres a lot of penny and shep and its all just very FUNNY imo. and they are all so fucking devoted to each other in kind of unhinged ways. i love rereading these fics.
I'll Come Back To You (T), 6.9k, andreil // ok, for 1: that's the exact word count. every time i fix typos on rereads i have to edit it to preserve the wc. but 2: this fic is Not Silly or Smutty LOL. it's probably my plottiest/most serious fic in some ways -- it deals w, like, multiple dimensions ?? and amnesia. and loneliness. i'm proud of the ambiguity, because i tend to be a writer that punches you in the face with The Theme. this one leaves a lot for the reader to figure out (to the dissatisfaction of some commenters lol), but i like that you have to think about it a bit.
ok, AO3 Top 5 under the cut!
all of these are andreil, because aftg fandom is a lot bigger than carry on </3.
boyfriend privileges (T), 4k // i should not have been surprised that this did the numbers, but i was kind of shook when my ao3 inbox blew up like never before. it's fanfic catnip -- a 5+1 post-canon with resolvable angst interspersed with soft moments. i wrote it in like 2 days and didn't edit, and aint that just the way of ao3 lol.
flashes of intimacy (T), 7k // this is a series of fifteen <500 word fics that i add to pretty often, so it also makes sense that it's got a lot of readers! ive always been proud of my ability to write short, so it makes me happy that it's up here. it wld probs be #6 on my personal rating.
Inside Thoughts (T), 1.5k // andrew gets his wisdom teeth out and is a goober about it. one of my first aftg fics -- i think it's up here bc it's almost a year old. i am not passionate abt it tbh, i wrote it kind of as a joke one night while i was high lmfao
Do Not Disturb (T), 2k // another of my first aftg fics that i kind of dont care much about hahaha. it's another catnip situation, a post-canon moment where neil panics & unconsciously calls andrew, similarly to how he does in canon. and then they r soft <3
Tequila Sunrise (M), 4k // i know people love this one -- it's also my most bookmarked. it's fun!! drunk neil!! but i almost can't read it anymore lol. there's some prose im proud of in there, but there's also some lazy characterization choices i made bc i had no idea it would get so many hits. its hard for me as the Characterization Guy to reconcile that hahaha.
ok as usual that was long-winded as hell. i love 2 talk abt writing :) also i feel bad 4 the lack of snowbaz representation here lol, but i think that i'm 1. better at writing andreil and 2. have gotten a lot better at writing while i was unemployed the last few months. i think a lot abt taking snowbaz for another whirl now, but consider: then i wouldn't get to write abt Andrew Minyard :(
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neopuff · 2 years
Since you recently finished watching it, how would you improve class of titans?
WELL I think the show suffered really badly from having to stick to the status quo. Things couldn't significantly or noticably change til the end of the series which really doesn't work for a show like this - like, I'm still confused about what happened with Cronus in the middle of season 2. They captured him but then no they didn't and he's out? I felt like I'd missed an episode or two somewhere lol
So overall writing a coherent story for the show to follow would've been nice. Also more consistency on how the Gods are portrayed. I liked Theresa's anger in the finale but it came out of nowhere, it would've been really easy to build up to it. Everytime they have to fight a gods battle because of a terrible thing the gods did in the past, they should be upset about it, y'know? Who wants to fight someone else's battles.
Also I love that they had fun with the gods but I'm disappointed that they gave Zeus and Hera a cutesy romantic moment near the end. In the Christmas ep maybe? Anyway Hera should hate his cheating ass it's funnier for me
Cronus is a fun villain but what made me like him so much at the beginning was that he was charming and polite lol later on in the show he got meaner and maybe that's intentional but it just felt like they lost track of his personality
(which reminds me - the ep where everyone except Neil got amnesia? Probably the best ep of S2. I would've made that a double ep and continued the amnesia shenanigans for an excessively long time)
I would also redesign a lot of characters. Whoever did the character designs for this show seems to think all the Greek gods and their descendents have red hair. Like. There's less than 10 dark haired characters in the show, and I'm including every side character. That's stupid. The obsession with making everyone redheads or blondes is annoying.
Romance-wise, I think Jay and Theresa are fine but they could've had some more fun stories. I also sometimes felt like they were already dating and sometimes it seemed like she just had a one sided crush on him?
Archie and Atlanta were a nightmare ship for me. Everything I hate in a ship thrown together into a ball of bad writing. In the first ep where they talk about his crush, I 100% thought it was gonna stay one sided and Atlanta would be Without A Man since that's how shows portrayed lesbians back then lol (one of the characters said something like 'i don't think any guy has a chance with Atlanta' so I was hoping it'd be like the lesbian from Fred's Head) but noooo. Goddddddd they were so painful to watch. I would've gotten rid of that 'romance' and let Atlanta be gay (also Neil, though based on his midas touch ep I think it's possible that the writers were headed that way).
Archie as a whole needed an attitude adjustment. At first he was interesting and then they just had him get in fights with everyone on the team. Like...why is he in conflict with every single character? Maybe there should be an ep exploring his anger issues instead of making fun of his fear of water all the time. I think he suffered from Status Quo stuff cuz he could've been an interesting character. Nothing wrong with the angry guy who doesn’t trust anyone but his characterization was so inconsistent it was hard to keep up
That being said, a lot of the characters were inconsistent. Neil and Jay were the most consistent (except for Neil randomly bullying Odie in that S2 ep with the sphinx, i don’t remember Neil being a huge awful bully in any other ep?) but everyone else would occasionally just be all over the place. I think this is definitely due to the Status Quo problem...most of the problems in the show can be tied to the inability to develop your characters properly. 
Also back to character designs: there's no reason why Odie had to be the only character of color in the main cast. We're going back thousands of years and you're telling me only one of these kids ancestors ever had a baby with someone who wasn't white? Bad. Dumb. Also it's lame that none of the kids were Greek immigrants imo I know Jays mom is but why couldn't Jay be an immigrant too? Give him a lil accent and have him be fluent in Greek. Obv it’s not necessary but I think it would've been nice.
Okay I'm getting off track but that covers a lot of stuff I'd change. I really did enjoy S1 of the show and I felt like it had a lot of promise but then it just fell off the wagon. S2 had a lot of episodes that I struggled to get through 😔
Oh also Cassie! I would've introduced her earlier and had her be recurring cuz she could've been fun
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taibobo · 2 years
brain damaged postal dude mental illness lore hcs no one asked for and also self ship stuff
he has some kind of dissociative identity disorder, whether it’s DID or OSDD or how many alters he may have is entirely unclear and his levels of amnesia vary wildly depending on his mental state/what his alters were doing/why they fronted
the only alter he’s had contact with/actually recognizes the existence of is alter dude/the other dude (he calls him the other dude, but the alter self identifies as alter dude)
alter dude is pretty self aware of the reason why he exists and holds some significant level of childhood trauma related to postal dude’s father (who in this universe/my hc is the postal 1 postal dude or someone similar. an extremely mentally unstable paranoid man who may have involuntarily taken his delusions out on his kid. american health care is not good) this is why alter dude has the voice of rick hunter
postal dude is fairly pacifist and doesn’t kill people often, while alter dude kills people with only some modicum of discretion, usually when they’re keeping him from or antagonizing him while getting things done. postal dude is somewhat aware of this but has stopped letting it affect him because it doesn’t seem to matter
my s/i (i’m just gonna use first person from here on out lol) was informed at the beginning of the relationship that postal dude has at least one recognizable alter and was just like “oh. okay cool (is also mentally ill)” cause idgaf clearly
i am dating postal dude formally and dating alter dude informally. neither of them care because they consider themselves two parts of a whole and not really separate people. even if they did consider themselves separate identities they are not really the monogamous exclusive type so
alter dude is the less touchy/affectionate of the two, but makes up with it in a lot of false bravado and corny embarrassing dom flirting (he doesn’t know what he’s doing. he doesn’t exactly front during sex or dates and his memories of those aren’t shared mostly so he’s basically a hapless virgin)
postal dude is more physical in terms of his love language, but speaks much more casually and frankly as if i am like his best friend who he makes out with and says he loves. very good chill vibes
sometimes they get mad at each other because they basically operate like roommates who never see each other in terms of living. postal dude complaining about alter dude not washing the dishes or eating his food when he knows he’s been out, alter dude annoyed that postal dude doesn’t do his specific strange neurodivergent rituals, etc. they don’t actually hate each other though they just like to squabble
though dude’s head trauma didn’t give him his dissociative disorder or exacerbate it or anything it probably gave him some sort of physical symptom like chronic migraines or nerve damage. as someone who also has both of these i love projecting ❤️ and also it would make me a good nurse for him ❤️
i call alter dude A.D but he doesn’t like when anyone else calls him that. he just prefers being called dude by everyone else as if he’s the same guy as postal dude because he finds drawing attention to himself causes him more problems (which makes him want to kill which triggers his stuff about his dad which makes him more violent etc etc. negative feedback loop. he’s gotten a little better at grounding himself though)
champ can tell the difference between the two and treats them differently. he’s basically their service dog but without any real formal training. he’s just a smart boy
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wakanai · 10 months
i know oda is the blorbo of all time if im remembering correctly, but what's your top 5 bungo favs?
omygosh!! An ask from you??
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Sure!! Hmm.. tbh besides Oda, I haven't really thought about it that much. But I'll think hold on
******************** (pending) *******
5 bungo favs (besides Oda 🤭)
BEAST Atsushi
: ugh. something about how he is literally how Atsushi would be like if Atsushi was in the PM. There's just something that attracts me to him. Like most characters in BSD, he isn't evil and doesn't enjoy the things he does. He's deeply traumatized. He has a shy-kind personality but is placed in the PM where he's made to be a murderer. Interestingly, he isn't as obsessed with BEAST Dazai's approval as Akutagawa was with Canon Dazai (maybe bc Dazai liked Atsushi more? idk..) But BEAST Atsushi has sm going for him and I'm curious about his life after BEAST. I'd like to see more of it ❤️ (don't even get me started on the fanarts of BEAST Atsushi meeting lit. anyone in the Canon world).
2. Verlaine
: This bad boy can fit so much trauma inside him. What makes humans human? What makes him worthy of human dignity when he's just a bunch of codes? Honestly his thoughts and existential crisis is tragic. The fact that he wanted to raise chuuya in the countryside too 😭 and how he helped Chuuya save the world because deep down he knew one person who he thought deserved to live. How he hasn't moved on from said person. How he trains PM assasins to become weapons for the Port Mafia even though he's gone through the same thing. How he (both metaphorically and physically) isn't in the light because he's literally been rotting in a basement for 6 years. No friends. No family. Nothing outside that interests him. With no purpose other than teaching because Rimbaud used to teach too. No one in the mafia can reach him emotionally. He could be like BEAST Dazai tbh. I can see it. Except rimbaud is dead so Verlaine just decided to.. stay in a basement and rot. Someone bring him out of there please 😭😭
(also in another version of BSD I thought of in my head, I gave him a sort of backstory so that increased my personal attachment lol)
And speaking of the guy Verlaine misses...
3. Rimbaud
: This guy... has so much love to give. Idk much about his past but he was a government spy. As I've seen others mention, He may have had to abandon family members for his job. By the time he met Verlaine, he must have been so lonely that he decided to pour all his love into this one partner whom he intended to be with forever. So. Dang. Selfless. Got betrayed by Verlaine. Still went to hell and back for him. Also Verlaine disliked him while he was still alive so there must have been so many moments where he got hurt by Verlaine (like that one birthday gift 😭) but he still kept trying to be a good friend and doing everything to make Verlaine happy. Even when he got amnesia, Verlaine was the one thing he remembered. He didn't even expect Verlaine to apologize!!! Like?? Instead HE was the one who apologized for not understanding Verlaine. He held no grudges whatsoever. My gosh. That's true love right there. He gave Verlaine his all and expected nothing in return. Even when Verlaine betrayed him or didn't appreciate him or was mean to him, he cared sm. Even in his dying moments, his main concern was Verlaine. ouch.
Besides that, he's VERY cool. His ability slays (literally) and his long black hair is just 😫✨
Rimbaud should've picked me instead. I would've treated him much better than Verlaine did 🤭🙄 /j
4: Mori Ogai
OHHHH~ controversial character alert ‼️
Hehe alright. *cracks knuckles*
I initially didn't have much feelings for Mori. I thought he was a pedo and hated him as a villain (cause of how much of a threat he was and what he did to the characters) but I also didn't think about him a lot. And it was hard for me to grasp his character.
Thankfully though, the BSD fandom made me change my mind after a while 🤭
@the-boss-of-the-port-mafia made this amazing compilation of Mori analyses that made me appreciate him more.
also my tumblr bestie @plinko-mori helped me understand him <3
Long story short, tumblr made me realize 2 things:
a. Mori may not actually be a pedo
b. He's more emotional than he lets on
^^ This description was made by Asagiri himself 😶
anyways onto my rambling abt Mori 😭
I like him. I think he's badass. He's giving anti-hero vibes ✨ and he's also tragic in a way because he's doing what he thinks is best for Yokohama and the PM even if he has to be ruthless about it. At heart, he has good intentions. He hates war. He hates needless violence (he disliked the previous bloodthirsty boss; suggested that his death would leave to even more violence during the guild arc; has not once been shown to enjoy committing violence for kicks and giggles; etc). He manipulated Yosano because he thought it was the optimal solution and would result in them winning. He planned Oda's death because again, it was the optimal solution and would result in the mafia winning + less casualties. If there's a conflict, Mori is the guy who will pick the fastest, most convenient solution even if it means getting his hands dirty. He'll always pick the lesser evil with no hesitation.
While characters like Fitzgerald/Dazai/Junichiro would sacrifice the world to save their loved ones, Mori would sacrifice his feelings/loved ones to save the world (not that he's extremely attached to anyone. this guy is very lonely lol. His face when he told Koyou that she could leave the PM and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it shows just how much he's resigned to losing people.)
That being said, it does hurt him when he loses people.
This post by @hina-has-no-life explains very well his regret towards Dazai and Yosano 😭
In BEAST, he didn't have to play the role of the mafia boss hence, he showed his softer sides and treated Atsushi like a son, even admitting that he regrets not being able to help Dazai.
so..yeah. There's something interesting about a villain who forces himself to ignore his emotions for the sake of doing 'the greater good.'
Yes, Mori is manipulative, makes millions from exploiting people via the PM, has done many bad things, will continue to do bad things --but he does have a heart (even if he constantly ignores it lol).
It's also worth mentioning that apparently the management in Yokohama is so bad, the Port Mafia (a literal criminal org) is the one responsible for keeping the crime rate in check (considering bsd Yokohama gets bombed like every month tho, Ig that checks out 😭)
Anywy. Mori. yeah, he's shades of grey (the darker side). Like Dazai, he can act like a silly uncle sometimes. His backstory is so cool with lots of potential.
From military doctor (holy hell. military doctors in history are usually involved in a LOT of shady things) to an underground doctor (uhm. how and why?) to finally, the boss of the Port Mafia.
so interesting. and so much potential.
The quote, "I must be cruel to be kind" suits him quite well.
About the mafia though - I do wonder what he does being filthy rich 🤭 besides the constant ignoring of emotions, I'm sure he must have some greed or ambition in there. That makes him even more nuanced imo.
and last but not the least:
Mr. Bungou himself
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this man, I-
***if I had to insert every single analysis of this guy that I like, my PC would crash LOL***
I won't elaborate too much since Ikyk hehe 🤭
I hated Dazai at first cause I felt he was overrated. While watching the anime, I was annoyed that Dazai seemed to be able to solve everything and that no one could defeat him and that he was presented as this 'untouchable figure' of sorts. I'm like, 'WHY DOES HE KEEP WINNING' as if he's omniscient or something like a deus ex machina 😭
overtime, I grew to like him tho (mostly because of Oda LOL 😂)
his character is interesting (especially in the LNs. I think he's more nuanced in there than in the anime).
I like how he's clearly hiding his heart from everyone around him. He doesn't open up to anyone. Doesn't reveal his plans unless he deems it necessary. manipulates team mates in certain situations (ex: what he did to aku and atsushi). continues to act like a jerk (messes kunikida's plans for fun; belittles akutagawa, etc.)
He's a manipulative jerk with little empathy for strangers but he's trying to fight for the good side. he's trying to save people. he's trying to be better. (and he is actually being better).
Reminds me a lot like Jouno tbh haha.
he's also a little menace with a dark but goofy side to him.
In the BSD rewrite fic I have in my little head, I like to imagine PM Dazai as somewhat like Mahito from jjk. (In the sense that he's an absolute nightmate, truly the "Demon prodigy" whose "blood is blacker than the mafia" but who also has a very childish feel to him).
Ik it's implied that Dazai did in fact commit atrocities like killing innocent people, killing mafia suboordinates who were subpar, torturing people, etc. but I'd like to see more of that. I'd like to see PM Dazai actually hurting someone the audience cares for and being evil instead of it just being told to us by the narrator/other characters.
Like yes, we got bits of his 'evilness' in SB, Dark Era and BEAST but Ig I just want more of that on focus 🤭
like, don't just tell me 'His blood is blacker than the mafia.'
Make me FEEL chills from reading him; make me think, 'oh this kid is really a devil spawn. I hate him' before moving onto dark era and making me surprised that 'dang. i never thought i could feel bad for this dude.'
idk it's prob just a preference I have. 😅
Same with the PM too. I wish we got to see them doing more of their exploitative work to better understand it when characters describe them as 'the demons of Yokohama' or something along those lines. Cause from season 1-3 (of the anime), they kind of...felt less threatening? Season 4-5 was quite a ride though.
The face of BSD. Mr. Bungou 🤭🤭 I think he's a very cool and interesting character. I want him to cry lol.
I want him to LOSE IT in the main manga before the series ends and see what happens.
RN, he's bottling up a lot and is using different masks. It would be interesting to see him being himself more.
aand that's all hehe 🤭😄
Honourable mentions:
✨Adam ✨
"N" <- interesting because despite being who he is, he apparently genuinely cared for his younger brother, Murase. I just find those kinds of things interesting ig..
Also it is with great shame that I confess..
I haven't finished reading Stormbringer yet LOL 🤪🤡🤡
(but I did read some spoilers 😂😭)
so if there are any inaccuracies regarding that, please feel free to correct me <33
******* end ******
Idk I just wanted to share this cause it's funny and (kind of) related.
But a bsd tiktok account I follow used to be named
(yes the fandom is insane 😂😭)
but recently, they changed it to
Ngh~Beast Atsushi~H-Harder~
and I found that funny for some reason lol.
anywy thank you for the ask!!! I hope you liked it hehe 🤭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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deltoravivisection · 10 months
Thoughts on ttd:
I got it spoiled that the silver door was an alt future but I was still pogging when I realized that the burning of the forest was what would have created the Saltings. Also that flooding it with saltwater was why it was called that. Also didn't know the golden door lead to the past so that was a good twist.
I really liked the main cast. In contrast to Deltora they felt a lot more animated. Kept picturing them pulling cartoonish expressions lol. Might have been because the general tone was a bit more whimiscal.
That being said the horror elements that were present were really well-done. Book 2 was my favorite of the 3 for this. Obviously.
I liked the macguffins. At some points I was like "geez these are wildly op and Rye is totally underutilizing them" but then I would remember that they're being wielded by a teenager who has not been jaded by post-apocalyptic conditions. Sorry I keep comparing it to Deltora but I do find it funny that if you gave Lief that bag of powers, Deltora Quest would have been joever in like 3 days. But I think it's a sign of good writing that the power balancing was still believable. If that makes any sense.
To be a hater for a second, I thought book 3 was kinda mid. The finale was good but I hateee amnesia plots they always decimate the pacing. I find them sooo frustrating and sort of lazy. I didn't like how there was just one bad guy either like I get Why it's like that. The themes and all. But a general criticism I have of both ttd and Deltora is that it always seems to be a case of there being One Guy pulling the strings. Which is whatever but considering how strong the rest of the writing is it just feels like a bit of a cop out sometimes.
Also the twist of Sonia being the warden's daughter felt kinda ehhh unnecessary. I was sooo certain she would be his bastard child or something but her switching places with Annocki felt 🙄 idk pointless??? It worked with Deltora because the mystery of the heir was built up so much, but not here. Like I truly don't care.
That being said, now that I know they aren't related, Annocki and Sonia should have gotten together lol. Sholto is gay to me as well I know it. Maybe he and Annocki are each other's beards idk. My headcanon now sure why not.
Liked it overall 👍 Cool lore cool ideas
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