#they all have different music tastes but all can vibe in each other’s scene
wanologic · 3 months
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live fast die young
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marengogo · 1 month
Are You Sure?! - #2: The Right Side of the Bed
Interlude: Shadow - by SUGA  [Map of The Soul: 7]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Hello my Bangtan Loving Gurls, Bois  & Enbys,
How have you been? Yesterday was a bit shit in Tanniedom, wasn’t it? But fret not! My Spousy @chikooritajjk has us covered. They have written and most likely still writing ARMY-SPIRIT-UPLIFTING posts and for that and many other things I am super grateful, so do check them out if you need a boost of positivity. Hence, I thought I’d venture into giving us also a very little break from all dat and talk about our recent Are You Sure?! VMINKOOK Edition episodes, as there actually is a lot to unpack at the same time I am also working on another post which I actually started before this, like on Monday, about certain type of 431s (for does who don’t know, 431 stands for ARMY) and it is not the most “positive” post so maybe I’ll wait until Mercury Retrograde ends to post it 🤡… which is in 1 day.  Ayte then! Let’s start, shall we?
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Now, y’all know I’m OT7 right? If it is your first time landing on my page, do not that I am OT7, it is very important to me, and to you as well, trust me bro! Yet, I know many also have biases, which is perfectly fine in my books, as long as you do respect all the other members as well. It is very much impossible, in my not-so-humble opinion, to do any relationship assessment if you hate/dislike/don’t respect to a certain level/don’t understand aspects that are intrinsic parts of the environment of what/whom you are trying to analyse. Already having a bias can affect opinions if not controlled being OT7 is also having a bias by the way, but Hate … child … Hate is The Ultimate Influencer, but so is Love, by the way, which is why The Gray of it All is important during discussions like this one. That being said, let me spell it out so that we have no confusion or misunderstandings.
Tae & JK are very intrinsic parts of JM’s life. 
JM & JK are very intrinsic parts of Tae’s life. 
JM & Tae are very intrinsic parts of JK’s life. 
This is the same and equally important for all 3 of them for all 7 really, however, the degree, intensity and shape they take into each other’s life is different depending on the pairing, and this episode gave us a trivial synopsis taste of all 3 dynamics, which you could only observe and appreciate if you allowed Mx. Gray do their thing and let Hate and Love sit this one out, or comfortably watch the backseat, to each theirs.  
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Let’s start by setting the scene. Ignoring what Capulets, Montagues and the VPD have to say, with their weird-ass, borderline-offensive and obtuse takes: Are You Sure?! Is a JK and JM show. Does it mean they hate the rest of the members? No. Does it mean they are trying to leave the band? No. Does it mean that they have finally decided to cave in and provide shippers with the ever-sought fanservice they’ve all been waiting for? No. All it ever was meant to be, was a single travel vlog from these two particular members who expressed the desire of wanting to spend some quality time together and share said time with ARMY. Simple as that. Eventually, regardless of JM’s IBM and JK’s cold, they had so much fun that they decided to go on one more trip, and that apparently was such a blast, that they decided to make a whole show out of it.
It is important however to point out, and rationally acknowledge, that both JK and JM have tried their darn, polite and explicit, best to make sure that it was understood that this show was something they wanted to do just the two of them. They loved the time they spent with Tae, no doubt about that. If you ask me, they actually made an exception because it was Tae and would have probably refused the Hyungs y’all vibes don’t really check out like that, for this type of trips, sorry 🤡. Even so, they have Bon Voyage, In The Soop, private time, and they can even create a Makane Line Show if they want, where they can satisfy the desire to travel together. Furthermore, the fact that no other guest was invited to Sapporo, coupled with JK jokingly mentioning that they should hone their vlogger skills and keep going until they turn 50 years in addition to other comments, in my opinion, makes it pretty clear that they just want it to be a JungJi thing now that JungJi is a thing, or JimKook or whatever for reasons they only know, and we may never.
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The Guest
Do you know the type of confidence you have to have to, so nonchalantly and publicly, let it be known, that you are aware of the fact of being a guest? HYB3 could have easily marketed this as a subunit show, with mainly JK & JM as units. USA - JK & JM; Jeju - VMINKOOK; Sapporo JK & JM. It wouldn’t MAINLY JK & JM because, as we all should know by now, IT IS A JK AND JM SHOW. Yet, here he is, Tae in all his glory, spending time on an island he seems to care about for his own reasons with people he obviously loves and feels so much at ease with:
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Things like sleeping in a bed he knew was supposed to “be JM’s” he could only pull off because he knew that JM wouldn’t care about it, in the same way JK & JM raced for the other available bed like they knew they were okay with sharing it. 
In general,Tae is the band’s Englishman in New York. He does thing at his own pace, feels emotions with his own intensity and also understands things at his his own pace which has come to bite him in the ass many a time 🤡 …. He is also a man who quickly adapts in any given situation and isn’t shy about getting what he needs with/around people he is completely at ease with, such as a deep conversation with JM, all kinds of foolery with JK, absolute cosyness with JM and/or tenderness with JK. He is also extremely tactile, and if he is comfortable with you he will promptly ignore any personal space, almost as if physically connecting with you is the one way he can connect with you on all levels, which doesn’t sit well with everyone, and Tae will try his best to understand why on Earth you would reject his embrace, LOL, like when Joonie didn’t want to hug while sleeping during Bon Voyage season 4. 
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Throughout episode 3 and 4, it felt to me like Tae had things going on and was perhaps past the processing time, and needed some wholesome I-don’t-want-to-think/distraction time, which is why he was with Wooga and JK & JM in this particular period of time. It’s almost as if he was looking for some kind of relief. Like he wanted to know that things wouldn’t change when in the presence of people with whom he needed things not to change. If he had things his way, I’m sure he would have had Hobi be also part of this Jeju trip  but as we all know …. Whatever he was trying to process he really didn’t want to think about, so he ventured out into places where people would allow him to just be. 
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In fact, I’m not sure if people have noticed but, during this Jeju trip, in many an instance Tae has for example allowed himself to slide himself in and out of situation or just do as he pleased, irrespective of what the other two did, for example, he was having a phone-conversation about a gym with an acquaintance of his while they were at the cafe, or stayed alone on one side of the boat, while the other two were fishing right next to each other. 
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Tae was basically living the type of holiday I would aspire to experience at this time in my life. I had a difficult break up at the start of the year which sometimes I still questions, but I honestly know it was for the best and even though I want to be alone, I have accepted that human beings are not islands, and to that respect, I am lucky enough to be around people who let me just be, they involve me the right amount, I involve myself the right amount, but for the rest I am allowed to just space out when I do, or get lost in my cell phone, or heavily rant, or do whatever other random thing comes to mind of recent. Obviously, I don’t know what most have happened to Tae, but I think that Tae also has this type of relationship with his close friends, be it Wooga or Bangtan. In particular, when it comes to JK, he is able to enjoy comradery, understanding and tenderness, whereas when it comes to JM he can relish in comfort, reassurance and allowance. 
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The Hosts
JM and JK have been formidable hosts, in my humble opinion, or at least the type of hosts that I would like. If we follow my line of thought where I think something was bothering Tae, they have tried their best to involve Tae in everything they did as a means of distracting him, in the best way they could, while still keeping true to themselves. And even though, on different occasions, they have pointed out that Tae was a guest because my boys had plans with each other, which couldn’t be carried out as a pair, but the fact that a guest is actually present means they are fully on board with it all, BUT they still need to somehow mourn their foiled plans, I am pretty sure it was just part of their usual a maknae-line role-play/banter. Furthermore, for the most part, they also didn’t force Tae to participate in things after they asked him once, and he’d refuse. They really did let him be, but always made sure to try and involve him where they could.
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Basically JK and JM came ready to do what they had planned to do and they were comfortable enough to also do it with their guest in such a way that they didn’t feel obliged to change anything, because they knew that they could be themselves in the presence of Tae. For example, I’m not sure why, but I knew that Tae was gonna sleep in JM’s bed, because JM is never averse to Tae’s tactfulness Joonie, we ain’t judging you 🤡, JK we ain’t judging you either! if anything, he embraces it; JM seems to be the type of person that amplifies your traits. So my question, leading to the sleeping scene was: will JM sleep with Tae or would JK sleep on the spare bed as a consequence of JM ending up on the other bed because of seniority?
You should have seen my shocked face when JK & JM came running into the room and were already aiming for “JK’s bed”. There was no shock at the fact that Tae was already occupying JM’s bed, it was like they already knew that there would have been only JK’s bed available, and apparently the mattress wasn’t an option which is ironic for a person who is known for having mattresses scattered around his house. But let’s go deeper. Not only did they immediately aim for JK’s bed, but they both seemed to aim for the right side of the bed. At some point during the night, they both took a shower, after playing in the pool, and JM seems to have taken a shower upstairs as they showed JK entering the downstairs bathroom.
If JM took a shower upstairs, he would have seen Tae in his bed watching TV and most likely would have chatted with him and found out that Tae wasn’t feeling too great, which as we saw he then told JK. Thus, there must have been a moment where JM and JK discussed bed allocations before going upstairs and we are going to ignore, for the time being, that both their luggages are on the ground floor … this eventually turned into a race/game as JK sprinted for the right side of the bed, a side which so far, we’ve only seen JM sleep in, as JK has, thus far, only slept on the left side of any bed. 
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So now we have a situation where JM is on the left and JK is on the right and they don’t bother changing, but they’ve kinda promised each other not to hit each other, so they are somewhat self-conscious, and stay quite far apart, most likely to assure that they don’t hit each other. Yet, as the night passes you can notice that my Twin-flame subconsciously gets closer to JM. I think he was particularly stressed about not hitting JM at which point he wakes up and decides to go and sleep on the left side of the floor mattress. And me being me thought “If they were cuddled together, they wouldn’t have hit each other…” which made me realise that perhaps JK hit JM in the CT cabin because they were sleeping apart, like on that bed in Jeju, but in opposite positions, because you know … cameras on and all. 
Bed arrangement aside, there are little things that seem to be a constant with the two of them, such as JK ordering food for the both of them, or JM making sure to order food for JK. If we want to be super specific, JK making sure to know if JM is having fun, JM asking JK specifically if JK has tweezers but not asking Tae, who quite quickly gets into his personal space and offers to take whatever hair out with his bare fingers. “Let’s shower”, “let’s eat ramyeon”, “let’s go to bed” … almost everything they do, seems like they want to do together, same as all the activities they have chosen, they seem to have chosen to each other's liking, exerting activities for JK, ocean activities for JM, as well as excellent restaurants for the both of them. In addition “JK, are you no longer hungry?”, “JMsshi you are not eating well”, “JK relax your shoulders”, “JM is prettier …” they also seem to be very attentive to each other, constantly. In fact, if I were to summarise their relationship based on these two episodes, I would say that JK and JM relish in longing, consideration and intimacy.
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Episode 4 is by far my favourite episode, and the one I’ve admittedly watched the most. It allowed me to explore all these dynamics and the three of them just seemed to live through their personas so nicely, without having to worry too much about having to entertain while being unintentionally entertaining, like taekook hitting their head on the same spot on the boat or JM giving JK “CPR” as a consequence. NGL to you, I am really looking forward to episode 5. It is their last night together and I think our hosts are truly enjoying their time with their guest. As it is their last night, JK and JM will probably try to be entertaining enough for their guest and Tae will probably try to be just as easy-going to his hosts, regardless, their serenity and lightheartedness is quite soothing to me, so I honestly CAN’T WAIT.   
Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾💜,
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
Meeting the Haitani brothers in their clubs
A/N: literally no one asked for this but I am a firm believer the Haitani brothers are raveheads. Rindou is for sure a wook, while Ran stays in his progressive house lane. I could literally talk about them and their music taste for hours, writing a dissertation as we speak.
Haitani Rindou Artists inspo: ATLiens, Svdden Death, Rezz
⁍When you first met Rindou you were at one of his smaller clubs. Definitely an edm club, one that he owned for fun and not to push drugs or be a cover for any other illegal activity. He knew it was a silly club but it's one he often visited for the fun of it if he wasn't doing business. That's when he was his most casual. ⁍He was by the bar area, leaning by the rails of the elevated section and looking out to the sea of ravers. That's when he saw you. Across the masses, you were on one of the pillars that has some footing (not its intended purpose but you know what it worked). It let you be above the crowd for some air, really taking in the lights and visuals of the artist performing.  ⁍He’s seen it done before, not a new concept, so he let it be. Though his eyes lingered for a beat longer than normal of any other girls that frequented his club. For one, he hadn’t seen you before, a newcomer he assumed. But you were so comfortable in the scene it must have not been your first rave. Second, your attire might have matched his aesthetic in terms of rave gear than anyone else. All black, showing skin in a tasteful way, but paired with spikes and chains. Hot.  ⁍He watched you every now and again throughout the night, but not acting on anything. And then he saw you next weekend. And the weekend after that. And each time, no matter the artist, your aesthetic regularly stayed the same save for a jersey or pashmina that matched the artist. Each time you were heavily involved. Either fanning the crowd to give some air, trading kandi, hell even turning up in the pit.  ⁍The third time he saw you Rindou decided to say something. He got there early enough before the crowd started to form. You turned to him with a bright smile, and he thought just for a second you were too pure to be here.  ⁍You got to talking before it got too loud, and he learned you were new to the city, and you just found this club. He asked you your opinion, almost anxious on what you thought of his club. When you gushed over how amazing it was, he almost preened. ⁍Rindou wasn’t much of a smooth talker, didn’t really continue much conversation from there but he lingered, dancing and headbanging with you to each of the performers. You gave him a piece of kandi for the great night and wished him a safe trip home. ⁍He spoke to you again the weekend after that, and ultimately decided to just man up and ask for your number. You gladly gave it to him. Your hangouts eventually made it out of the club, now turning into breakfast dates, lunch dates, park dates.  ⁍Rindou over time confided in you, telling you that the club you frequented was his, and your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He laughed in your face, immediately apologizing but it was too funny not to.  ⁍The two of you continued to see each other in and out of the rave scene, promise of this new found relationship blooming into something more.
Haitani Ran Artist inspo: Slushii, Dabin, Elephante
⊛Like his brother, Ran owns an edm club too, though a much different vibe. You were a bottle service girl at his club, and a diligent one at that. You’ve jumped in to help on nights you weren’t supposed to work, and even took on cleaning shifts if the rest of the bar was understaffed. ⊛All the bottle girls knew Ran, he liked to hire them personally to make sure they all fit the bill he was looking over (aka running background checks on them and making sure they were clean.) ⊛Every night he’d show up you greeted him with a cheery ‘good evening, Mr. Haitani!’ to which he responded with ‘you can always call me Ran, pretty girl.’ It ended with a giggle and a roll of the eyes, before heading off to your duties. ⊛You weren’t any different than the rest of them, not really, but he did notice you tended to get more tips than the rest and he was interested to know what you did. Maybe it was heavy flirting? Or maybe you ended up taking shots with the poor bastards and you milked them dry of their money that way? ⊛When he started watching you more, he noticed he was completely wrong. While the other girls tried to dance sexy with their tables you actively ended up singing all the words to the songs the performers would play and headbanged with them. That’s what got you more tips, you genuinely enjoyed the music. Huh.  ⊛At the end of the night while you cleaned up Ran came to find you and ask you about it. Oh boy, your face heated up so much you swore you could fry an egg on your forehead. You apologized for your behavior, stating that you ‘just really like the music, so working is really fun’.  ⊛Ran threw his head back and laughed, and asked you out on the spot. You paused, confused at the random offer and started to decline. That was your boss and you were pretty sure it was definitely against policy. ⊛But Ran was so pleasant and asked so pretty it was hard to say no. ⊛So you went on a date with him, thinking it would be one and done, and that it’d be short. Turns out, you had the best night of your life with him.  ⊛Every shift after that started the same, with your eager ‘good evening, Mr. Haitani’ his rebuttal ‘Call me Ran, pretty girl’, a giggle and smile.  ⊛And ended the same, Ran driving you home with a kiss and finally getting to hear you say ‘good night, Ran’.
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
Can you do a creepypastas characters x scene and emo reader
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Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Ticci Toby
1. Music Bonding: Toby enjoys listening to your favorite scene and emo bands. Your shared love for music becomes a significant part of your relationship. He loves watching you get lost in the lyrics and often joins you in your room for impromptu jam sessions.
2. Supporting Your Style: Toby is fascinated by your scenemo style, from your brightly colored hair to your layered band tees and skinny jeans. He might not adopt the style himself, but he admires your confidence and uniqueness.
3. Quiet Company: Toby appreciates the time you spend together just sitting quietly, working on puzzles, or doodling in your notebook while you’re playing your favorite music. These moments bring him a sense of peace and comfort.
4. Late-Night Conversations: With Toby’s insomnia and your tendency to stay up late, you two often find yourselves chatting through the night. These conversations can range from deep talks about life to silly debates over which band is better.
5. Shared Love for Cats: Your shared affection for animals, especially cats, is something you both cherish. You might even have a few stray cats that you take care of together, creating a little family of your own.
6. Adventurous Side: While Toby isn’t a fan of crowds, he loves going on nighttime adventures with you, whether it’s exploring abandoned places or just walking around the neighborhood in the early hours.
Ben Drowned
1. Retro and Scene Aesthetic: Ben loves your scenemo aesthetic and often admires how you blend modern emo culture with retro elements in your style. He might even introduce you to old-school video games with similar vibes.
2. Gaming Together: Ben enjoys spending hours gaming with you, especially since you share his love for all things retro and nerdy. Whether it’s a multiplayer match or just watching each other play, gaming is a major part of your bond.
3. Late-Night Gaming Marathons: Since you both have a tendency to stay up late, you often find yourselves in front of a screen at 3 AM, either gaming, watching YouTube videos, or scrolling through meme pages together.
4. Thrifting Together: Ben enjoys your love for thrifting, and it becomes a shared activity. You both have a keen eye for finding the coolest band tees, old video game merch, and other quirky items that suit your styles.
Eyeless Jack
1. Calm Presence: Jack’s calm and quiet demeanor complements your energetic scenemo personality. He finds your style fascinating, though he’s more reserved about expressing it. He’s supportive of your choices and admires your boldness.
2. Music and Silence: While you blast your favorite emo music, Jack often prefers classical or instrumental when he's alone. However, he finds a middle ground with you, appreciating the emotional depth of the lyrics even if it’s not his usual taste.
3. Shared Love for Exploring: You both enjoy exploring abandoned places, though for different reasons. You’re in it for the thrill, while Jack enjoys the quiet solitude these places offer. These outings strengthen your bond, with Jack providing a protective presence.
4. Artistic Expression: Your love for drawing and doodling catches Jack’s interest. He might even offer some anatomy tips to improve your sketches, finding joy in your shared creative outlet.
5. Comfort in the Dark: Jack understands your affinity for the darker aspects of life. He appreciates your ability to express yourself through your style and music, and he offers quiet, comforting support when you’re feeling down.
Jeff The Killer
1. Chaotic Duo: Your style and Jeff’s chaotic energy create a unique, unpredictable dynamic. He loves how fearless you are in your fashion and attitude, finding it refreshing and a little bit challenging.
2. Shared Rebellion: Both of you share a rebellious streak. Jeff admires how you don’t care about societal norms, and he encourages you to push boundaries even further. Your relationship thrives on challenging the status quo.
3. Music Matches the Mood: Jeff fully gets your music and he appreciates the passion you have for it.
4. Adventurous Spirit: You often drag Jeff on adventures, whether it’s to concerts, late-night walks, or exploring sketchy areas. He loves the thrill of these outings, especially when they end in some kind of trouble or excitement.
5. Fashion Influence: While Jeff isn’t one to care much about fashion, he appreciates how your style contrasts with his more haphazard appearance. Sometimes, he’ll let you dress him up a bit, just to see your reaction.
Nina The Killer
1. High Energy Bond: Nina’s adrenaline-fueled personality blends well with your energetic vibe. Together, you form a high-energy duo that’s always looking for the next thrill or adventure.
2. Music Sharing: You introduce her to your favorite bands, and she does the same with hers, leading to an eclectic and fun shared playlist.
3. Expressive Style: Nina adores your style, often complimenting your bold fashion choices. She might even borrow some of your accessories to add an edge to her own outfits, loving how the mix of styles looks on her.
4. Emotional Understanding: Nina understands the emotional depth behind your person, and she’s always there to support you through your highs and lows. In return, you help her channel her energy into more positive outlets.
5. Fashion and Makeup You both enjoy experimenting with makeup and fashion, often spending time together getting ready for your next outing. Your bold styles complement each other, making you an eye-catching pair wherever you go.
Homicidal Liu
1. Grounded Connection: Liu’s calm and introspective nature provides a grounding influence on your energetic and sometimes chaotic scenemo personality. He appreciates the passion behind your style and music, finding it inspiring.
2. Late-Night Conversations: Both of you tend to stay up late, leading to deep and meaningful conversations. You talk about everything from music to life’s struggles, finding comfort in each other’s understanding and support.
3. Artistic Collaboration: Your love for drawing and expressing your emotions through art resonates with Liu. He’s a fan of your artwork and often joins you in creating, offering his own insights and techniques.
4. Fashion Support: While Liu’s style is more understated, he supports your fashion choices. He enjoys seeing the creativity in how you express yourself and sometimes offers to help you pick out outfits or accessories.
5. Music Appreciation: Although Liu has a more subdued taste in music, he’s open to exploring your bands. He appreciates the emotion behind the lyrics and finds a few songs that resonate with his own experiences.
6. Quiet Moments: Despite your high-energy style, you and Liu cherish quiet moments together. Whether it’s watching the rain, or simply enjoying each other’s presence, you find a sense of peace and connection.
Jane The Killer
1. Mutual Respect: Jane is drawn to your strong sense of identity and the confidence with which you wear your style. She respects your boldness and independence, finding it aligns well with her own values.
2. Music as a Bond: Your love for emo and scene music intrigues Jane, and she begins to understand the emotional depth behind your favorite songs. She often listens to your playlists and finds comfort in the intensity of the lyrics.
3. Shared Silence: Both of you appreciate the value of quiet companionship. Jane enjoys the moments when you’re together, even if you’re just listening to music or reading. Your presence is comforting to her.
4. Fashion and Stealth: Jane admires your fashion choices and how they reflect your personality. She might not adopt the scenemo style herself, but she appreciates how you express yourself.
5. Protective Nature: Jane’s protective instincts extend to you, and she’s always ready to defend you if needed. You, in turn, offer her support and understanding, helping her navigate the emotional challenges she faces.
6. Exploring Interests Together: Jane introduces you to her collection of books and enjoys your take on them. You often discuss the themes and characters, finding common ground in your love for intense, dark stories.
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Hope this was good enough!!
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scaryspears · 9 months
My rant on ITSV and ATSV
So I've just finished watching the ITSV and ATSV because I'm a late watcher, and when the movies came out I wasn't myself. I'm glad I took the time to watch them, although I had to buy ATSV online because it's no longer in the cinema. This means I got to watch my favourite scenes without issue. With that being said, I have a lot of things to get off my chest regarding both films, mostly with the characters. 
Warning: Long post and slight bashing of characters and terrible screenshots.
I don't want to be one of those people who hate Gwen just to hate on her, and I don't hate or dislike her character, but right from the jump her vibe was just off. She felt like one of those characters that disliked the main character for no reason despite barely interacting with her/him (them). I know that isn't the case but I didn't like the way she was blankly talking to him. I'm using the word 'blankly' because I can't think of another word other than 'coldly'.
During the chase scene where Miles and Peter steal the computer, she comes out of nowhere and helps save the day. I was glad but at the same time what the hell. Anyways, Miles compliments her haircut and she snaps with "You don't get to like my haircut.", referring to when he accidentally got his hand stuck to her hair and she had to get half her hair shaved off, I understand getting angry about that. It was an accident, and Miles could've apologised (I don't remember him saying sorry), but she's acting like he did it on purpose.
To top it all off she knew he was like her, which meant she knew what he was going through as he was transitioning. Getting taller, hearing multiple voices, hands sticky, and all that stuff. So that means she's aware that it was an accident, and there's also the fact that she pretended to be a student at his school and hovered around him. She bumped into him on purpose knowing he was a fellow spider.
When you think about it, why didn't she try to get to know him and investigate with him about what's going on? She just left him to discover his spider side chaotically. She should know how scary and confusing that is, but not once does she attempt helping him out. 
I'm gonna sweep it under the rug because they are teenagers, and even if they were adults they shouldn't be expected to be more sympathetic to each other. But you'd think she'd be a little bit more understanding. (Don't get me started on her going into his artwork and opening his collectable in ATSV)
Now, Uncle Aaron. I love his dynamic with Miles, the true cool uncle. His love for his generation of hip hop and us seeing Miles' taste of music. The graffiti art bonding, loved it. There were small hints that he was the Prowler. The 1610 Peter getting killed near where Miles and Aaron did the graffiti, Miles calling him while he's being chased by the Prowler, and the Prowler appearing in Aaron's home. I'm thinking "Where's Aaron in all this?" dun dun dun, he's the Prowler. I loved every bit of it. This also makes Miles different from other spider men, being the fact that his loved one ended up being an antagonist, and one scarier than Kingpin. There's no "With great power comes great responsibility." instead it's "In a bad person you can find good in them." Also, the inner torment that he was about to harm his own nephew is chef's kiss. Uncle Ben who?
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Moving on to ATSV. It opens up with Gwen and her meeting Miguel and Jess. She looked at Jess and said "Will you adopt me?" Like??? Where yo mum at? I know she passed away, but still. You've only had one look at this woman and that's one of the things that comes out of your mouth? You don't know this woman! Jess sounds like one of those women that only talk with attitude no matter what so I had a hard time rocking with her, like what is her problem??? And she's fighting while pregnant... smdh.
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Spot. Funny villain, I liked his banter with Miles, but he's a pu**y punk bi**h. He's blaming Miles for what he became, when he's the one that decided to become a mad scientist and work with other mad scientists under Kingpin. I'm pretty sure there's more to it than a bagel. Lesson is: once you become a mad scientist something happens to you. Norman Osborn became Green Goblin, 65 Peter (Gwen's home) became a monster and died, Shang Tsung got Rick Rolled by himself, you get the idea. Spot made himself like that not Miles.
So Gwen didn't talk to Miles for a really long time because of the whole Spider society thing. When you think about it, none of the other spiders he met did, and I get that they couldn't with the exclusion of Peni. But not one visit? Not one letter? Something??? Now Miles has a little short conversation with Hobie and admits that he only wants to get into the Spider society to talk to his friends and help out with defeating Spot. He just wants to hang with his friends, but Peni and Gwen decided not to do that.
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Moving on, I'd like to talk about Miles' walk through within the spider society. They acknowledge Gwen and only Gwen, they don't bother saying hi or even looking at Miles. It was like Miles wasn't even there. Never thought I'd say it, but these Spider men are arse holes. I also got annoyed at the way Jess was talking to him, I get that he's not supposed to be there but she needed to chill.
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This anger went when Miles bumped into Margo, and she looked like she was about to lose her cool but she lightened up once she saw who it was, a complete stranger. I'm not a MargoMiles shipper, but I don't mind it (granted so long as they are the same age).
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So the scene that goes 0 to 100 quick: I watched a bunch of memes and edits that painted Miguel as racist and I didn't understand why, and thought it was like a Millie Bobby Brown situation. Re-watching the scene where Miles meets Miguel I can see why.
All the other spidermen showed up to gang up on Miles.
"You can't ask me not to save my father."
"I'm not asking."
And hit him with this.
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While Miles is freaking out at the sudden imprisonment we can hear Miguel say "We just need to hold him a few days." They were treating Miles like a criminal and/or a confused wild animal. And then Miguel had the nerve to say "All he had to do was listen." when Miles escaped them. I don't think Miguel is racist, but the memes I will support.
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Hobie was looking out for Miles as soon as he met him, and I love that so much. He knew Miles wasn't like the ones in the spider society, and made sure to tell Miles to be better. Gwen didn't do that. She did, but she didn't if you know what I mean. She followed along with the crap Miguel was spitting.
And then there was the chase scene. Bro had a bunch of spider men chase Miles and not one of them could catch him. That is the biggest L I've ever seen. One 15 year old boy, and he didn't use his other 2 powers until after Miguel slammed him onto his back. Miles was not playing. Also, Miguel was endangering the lives of people who were driving. And yes, Miguel's at fault and not Miles.
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They gave Miles crap just because he didn't want his dad to die, unlike Miguel who actively replaced the life of his other self. Gwen was really going to let her dad die, and Peter B tried to justify it by saying their uncle's death made them who they are. Pavitr was just supposed to get over his love interest's dad dying? They knowingly let that happen.
Miguel calling Miles an anomaly is mega projecting. Miles becoming Spiderman wasn't on purpose it just happened, and that's always how the story goes. No one is simply meant to be Spiderman, they just become him/her. It's also funny coming from a man who crawled on all fours chasing down a teenager.
42 Miles. Prowler Miles. Gonzales. Kilo Immorales. I love him already, can't wait to see the next film where we'll see him in full action. I love how we as a fandom collectively agreed that these two would have a sibling dynamic even though we've only seen 42 Miles for like a minute. I love the Boondocks comparisons as well. I need 42 Miles to hate everyone. I need Miles to be full of rage in the 3rd film Adult Gon style. Prepare for double and make it double.
In conclusion, I should've watched these films when they first came out, they are so great. The art, the incorporation of hip hop and correctness of Afro related backgrounds and the storyline. I honestly felt like Miles was a great representation of the new generation. I saw myself in him, and not just being black but the graffiti and finding out that a family member of yours isn't really a good person. I don't do graffiti or art but I do find them beautiful whenever I see them. Also, the Air Forces. Step aside Peter Parker, we have a Spider man with more drip.
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herearedragons · 2 months
Six-Song Soundtrack
thanks for the tag @shivunin and @ndostairlyrium!
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following:
An event that defines your character's past
How your character sees themselves
How others view them
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
A major fight scene
End credits song
...no one should be surprised that I'm doing this for Selene. (songs here, lyrics + reasoning under the cut. content warning for a mention of Sensitive Topics (cults + suicidal ideation) in some of these)
Twenty One Pilots - March To The Sea
Lyriel - Voices In My Head
Tarja - I Walk Alone / Chloe Foy - Oh You Are Not Well / EPIC: The Musical - Ruthlessness
Imogen Heap - 2-1
Tarja - Lost Northern Star
Imagine Dragons - Selene
tagging: @curiouslavellan @solas-backpack-mug @apeirotilio @dragonologist-phd @galesdove if any of you feel like it!
Twenty One Pilots - March To The Sea
And about this time of every year The line will go to the ocean pier And walk right off into the sea And then we fall asleep
And as we near the end of land And our ocean graves are just beyond the sand I ask myself the question Why I fall in line
Then out of the corner of my eye I see a spaceship in the sky And hear a voice inside my head Follow me instead
The go-to past-defining event is definitely her leaving the sea/oblivion-themed cult she grew up in (which. kind of worshipped her for a while due to her being marked by their goddess, then asked her to ritually drown herself. she said no thanks. those were also the people who raised her so the "no thanks" part was difficult and did involve her killing some people when they wouldn't take no for an answer)
Lyriel - Voices In My Head
All the different, noisy, loud and harsh Voices in my head, they follow me To break me down Oh, I can't resist a single one Tempting me to stay, to see, to give, and I obey
When I change my mind They are holding on to me And pushing me into water Cold and dark and beautiful I am not alone They are with me in my time of need, in me Quiet is the tempting sea and beautiful Her dark and cold embrace Peacefully I breathe the need to be with her And taste her grace
She's psychic! She sees and hears souls! She's still processing the cult trauma! And I do think that the struggle with all of that is a big part of how she defines herself. Like. For a while, that was probably the core of her identity.
Tarja - I Walk Alone
Go back to sleep forevermore Far from your fools and lock the door They're all around and they'll make sure You don't have to see what I turned out to be No one can help you I walk alone Every step I take, I walk alone My winter storm holding me awake It's never gone when I walk alone
...I'm doing three "other people's perspective" songs because each one of those is a very specific perspective and I think they're all fun.
This one is the general vibe people probably get from her, which is "ominous, kind of otherworldly, distant" and that's about it.
Chloe Foy - Oh You Are Not Well
Oh you are not well You cannot string your thoughts together How, you do not know To make it any better What you can't decide To love life or to lose it How can we despair When all we do is move it
There is one way of telling If a Mad Man's what you'll be You'll take one look, and with one look Your eyes will flash with fury But don't be hard, have some heart For one day you will see Have some heart and hold his soul and give him all your body
...while people who don't know her that well find her very intimidating and don't really get past that, the people closer to her do know that she's kind of a mess (a highly functional mess, mind you, but still). Also encroaching on the next question's territory a little bit because she does get a Crush Arc and a Pining Arc and it happens to be represented here (to be fair, that's something only one specific character in one specific universe gets to observe as it happens - thank you for your service @curiouslavellan's Helaine - but that counts, I think)
EPIC: The Musical - Ruthlessness
You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great A Greek who reeks of false righteousness, that's what I hate 'Cause you fight to save lives, but won't kill and don't get the job done I mean, you totally could have avoided all this had you just killed my son But no
You are far too nice, mercy has a price It's the final crack, we're bound to break the ice now You reveal your name, then you let him live Unlike you, I've got no mercy left to give 'cause
Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves
...this one is fun for me, personally, because it fits Ondra's perspective of her. You know. The goddess that marked her and is kind of responsible for the whole cult thing.
This also relates to some late-game Ondra-related events in POE1 (if you know you know), but even without that context, the point is that Ondra has some beef with Selene and her "people shouldn't be thrown away the second they have served their purpose" stance and the fact that she's still alive. Which is fun for Selene to deal with.
Imogen Heap - 2-1
I'm dying to know What's in your head I'm dying to know How it all got in there I'm dying to know To help make some sense of it all I'm dying to know Tell me is it my fault?
And I care about you, darling And I care about you 'Cause I care about you More than anyone else
Things are not always Things are not always How they seem
They don't turn out always Don't quite turn out always How we think Will we be ready?
Ship song!! Early relationship vibes, and by "early relationship" I mean "no one even realizes they have feelings yet". But yeah, it's the "falling for a telepath"/"telepath falling for someone and trying to UnderstandTM them" and the "I don't know why but you're Important to me" and the "there's some kind of horrible danger looming over us but we don't realize it yet" of it all.
Tarja - Lost Northern Star
Lost northern star Buried in sorrow I'll guard your mind Let demons howl outside
My soul burns
I have been known to refer to the different versions of this song as her boss music. phase 1 / phase 2 / phase 3
Imagine Dragons - Selene
To the demonstrated smile To the lonely love child Destination desolation, tell me when you reach the brink of life Just a picture on your wall Thats nice, what a metaphoric fall Typically, I was a validation on your sleeve Oh what an indication To the center of the pain Through your tattered window pane To the middle of your heart
Resolutions and lovers in the kitchen Love is clueless and destiny is wishing This is my heart, it's on the line, Selene
Less lore-accurate lyrics and a way more upbeat sound than the rest of her playlist, but I feel like a credits song should be allowed that. I mean, come on, it has her name in it!! also there IS some Selene-adjacent stuff there with "lonely love child / destination desolation / tell me when you reach the brink of life", and I do kind of read "just a picture on your wall, that's nice / ... / I was a validation on your sleeve" as her addressing the people who raised her. And I can't NOT make "this is my heart, it's on the line, Selene" about Ship Stuff. It's literally in the author's notes of Cold Water.
(also, this IS the last song on her actual playlist for this exact reason. credits music)
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
hi! i love your work on ao3 so much ahh 🩷🩷
what kind of music do you headcannon the characters of tbaw to listen to? i’ve been wondering since the reader/eren car scenes hehe
Ok, so it's taking me a million years to respond to this because I'm making PLAYLISTS and I have to listen to a lot of songs I've never heard before, but I don't wanna leave this unanswered for too long.
Here are some of the vibes that I get when I think of music that these boys would like. It might sound like it, but there are no spoilers here for anything in TBAW, these are just vibes ☠
Music Headcannons - Eren, Jean, Reiner
Jean Kirstein
he's pretentious about his music for sure. typically listens to soft, slow alt/indie songs (but like mainstream indie, if that makes sense lol). he might like some of the top hits rn but he'll never admit it. always has to have the aux because he thinks other people have trash taste in music
arctic monkey, the neighbourhood type vibes
songs about falling in love, bittersweet love, unrequited love, heartbreak
right person, wrong time type of love. if things were different they would be perfect but they're not and it hurts knowing things are going to end
pushing people away because it hurts too much to hold them close
meeting the perfect person while out one night but forgetting to get their name and never seeing them again
playing board games with friends on a weekday night
sitting next to the fire on a cool summer night by the lake and sharing your deepest fears and insecurities
cooking dinner together with a glass of wine and kissing on the countertop
making love on a lazy afternoon and whispering i love you into each other's skin
Eren Jaeger
really similar taste in music to jean but a lot more upbeat, produced, and sexual. he listens to big bootie mixes when he's working out and he has random generic playlists when he's hanging out w girls but when he's on his own or w friends he has a specific vibe
the weekend, tame impala type vibes:
songs about sex, passion, one-night stands, and firey type love
a summer fling that you know would never work out long-term but you think about for the rest of your life
bad boy/i can fix him type love. everyone warns you about him but you just can't stay away
sneaking out to go see him in the middle of the night and coming home just as the sun starts to rise
long drives late at night talking about everything and nothing with his hand on your thigh
showering together and then getting ready in the bathroom for a party or some big event, catching each other's eyes in the reflection of the mirror
going to the beach on a hot summer day, making out and wandering hands, needing to remind yourselves that there are people around before you get carried away
burning hot love that you know is going to shatter your heart but you're having too much fun to care
intense, passionate sex. just needing to feel each other in blind desperation, losing yourselves in the whirlwind of pleasure
Reiner Braun
definitely made a playlist when he was in highschool of all of his favourite songs and hasn't listened to anything else since but somehow still doesn't know who sings what song
red hot chili peppers, simple plan type vibes
songs from when you were kids that make you feel nostalgic for the past, songs that you don't know the name of but you can somehow sing every word, upbeat songs that somehow make you feel sad
reminiscing and romanticizing the past just because things in the present are overwhelming. wishing you could recapture the innocence and obliviousness of youth
hanging out with old friends and talking about people you once knew
long road trips with the windows down, music blasting, and singing along to every song
being woken up at the crack of dawn by someone with way too much energy for this time of day but somehow still feeling excited
being with friends outside and playing lawn games like bocce or cornhole
(crying with your head down late at night at the office, feeling like you're an imposter and you don't deserve the job you have.
still feeling like a kid even though you're legally an adult. never knowing what you're doing but feeling like you're expected to have your life together.)
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darkpoisonouslove · 6 months
Trivia Tuesday
Who says Trivia Tuesday is only for written works?
I have been putting this off for 3 months but I wanted to share this compilation of my favorite moments from my Daylight video for Griffin x Valtor and do some commentary on them, talk about the process behind this video.
*I chose to overlay the song from the beginning instead of making you listen to the different segments that go with the footage smashed together in a cacophony. Here's the full video if you want to reference which parts of the song correspond to the respective segments.
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There is no reason for me to bring this up other than that in the og video the line "you and I drink the poison from the same vine" just so happens to play while this is going on. I swear that was not on purpose. I chose the vine attack against Valtor because of the dark green glow around the stem which looks like Griffin's magic in order to make this more convincing... and then I realized that this moment happened right as that lyric was playing.
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This whole segment starting from Griffin and Faragonda and then switching to Valtor in his lonely tower before Griffin contacts him because she wants to talk to him too and can't tear herself away is just so wistful and nostalgic and the music (especially in the actual video) only adds to that vibe. They're both brooding - out of the daylight - because they despise their obsession with each other but still can't help it.
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I especially love that he proceeds to break into Alfea to talk to her and she blasts him with a vortex of books because she sensed his presence (I just didn't include that part in this compilation because then I'd have to post the entire video). It is a headcanon that I've had for a while that because they were partners for so long and the Dragon Fire is the most powerful magic which created the whole universe, Griffin has learned to home in on his magical signature because she can distinguish it from anyone else's.
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-- Join me. -- A horrible idea.
I find this moment utterly hilarious. I don't really have anything else to say about it but I guess I can share the process of picking the dialogue for the video. Valtor's lines were easier to pick because they mostly come from a couple of scenes but I had to scour the entire season 1 (aka every scene with Griffin) to figure out which of Griffin's lines can be useful and then I had to piece together actual conversations from them, the one above being my magnum opus.
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I simply enjoy the way I made these two different scenes fit together into one to make it look like his whole "teleporting in your chair" shtick happens right in front of Griffin's and the viewer's eyes. This is why I love video editing!
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This one! Oh, this was a legendary moment for me! A whole new step in my video making career. I feel like I unlocked a whole new part of my brain when I realized that I could use the mirror effect to showcase Griffin's spell creating her clone. I have never used the mirror effect before and finding such great application for it that adds to the story (because I wasn't sure my idea with the spell was coming through before I came up with this) was certainly a highlight of my video making process.
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Kind of on the other end of the spectrum this is here because I wanted to explain that the vortex is the portal that Griffin opens to sneak back to her office and catch Valtor off guard while he's watching her clone. I wasn't sure all of that was clear but I was running out of ideas, mental energy and remaining seconds from the song so I kind of had to speedrun that if I wanted to fit everything in the video.
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I thought Valtor deserved a taste of his own medicine (aka payback for the illusion spell he used on Griffin, Faragonda and Saladin at Light Rock lake). Is this scenario realistic? Mayhaps not. But! Griffin used to study under Lysslis with him so she could have picked up some very convincing illusion magic too!
I'm thinking that perhaps I would have been able to provide more insight into the video and my thoughts on it if I had written this back in January when I could still remember the process of making this but it is what it is. I got to talk about it again and rediscover some of the joys that this particular video brought to me which was fun! And now this post works as a throwback to refresh all our memory on my latest efforts in video making before we see where I go from here.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 6 months
OC in Fifteen Tag
I was tagged by @mysticstarlightduck a very long time ago, and I have 2 more of those, so I am just gonna leave this one an open tag 😅
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
For this one, I am going with Laurent from Nuisance and Sweet Little Lies, and I am gonna put them under a cut, because well. They're from all over Lies, so obvious spoilers ahead.
“Erm. Hello! I’m looking for candy.”
“Uhm. It’s not for me, actually, it’s for”—shit—“my friend. He… His niece! It’s for his niece.”
“I fear I come with bad news,” he said, followed by a dramatic pause. Then, “She didn't like them.”
“I am aware you barely know me, but if there’s anything that weighs on your heart, you can tell me. If nothing else, I can promise you I’ll listen.”
“It’s me. Laurent. I need. Help.”
“Don’t be afraid to push. It feels different than fabric.” The effort it took him to keep his voice steady was obvious. “Do single stitches. Half a finger’s width apart. If you can. Cut off the thread after each one. If one fails. The rest will hold.”
“The sun’s rising. I think I should be going now. I put the boxes I pushed under the bed back next to the door. They’re probably in the wrong order, if that mattered? And I put the crystal back on your desk, on the right side next to that frame thing there. And I checked to make sure there’s no blood anywhere. Well, your bedsheet has blood on it. I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure where you wanted it, and where to find a new one, so…”
He raised his thickly bandaged hand. “I’m gonna need a healer or you’ll have to find someone else to forge your papers for you in the future.”
“Working on it.” Laurent said. “It’s looking good. It seems that in his attempt to obfuscate his affairs, he has involved a great number of relatives, using their names to dodge the thresholds for property and income taxes. I can’t prove it yet, but I think some of the paperwork was forged. Even if not, it means there’s either a dozen accomplices, or a dozen more aggrieved parties. Either way, he will pay. Big time.”
“A child got a bit too excited and ran straight into a shelf,” Laurent said. “Luckily, no one got hurt, but she’s upstairs now making a list of what she has to replace, and I offered to take over for the moment.”
“The jars aren’t labeled, but you told me there was a system to it. The shelf below has the same order four to the right, and the one below that four to the left.”
“First things first. You don’t have to face any of this alone. I’m here for you, okay?” He waited for her to nod before he added, “And the first thing I’ll be taking care of is Mathias Gabrel.”
“Hey. It was just an offer. I won’t lie and pretend I wouldn’t enjoy it a great deal, but I understand if it’s too much for you. Just. Think about it. Dress up like a princess. Listen to beautiful music. Eat incredibly lavish food in incredibly small portions from incredibly expensive plates.”
“I can take care of it.” He laughed softly. “I would ask of you to leave me the key for the till, though, so I don’t have to pick the lock again.”
“You know.” His forehead touched hers. “There’s one thing I still haven’t tasted.”
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one-silly-cart00nist · 8 months
Memory Lane [Velvet & Veneer]
Am I writing for Trolls? I guess so :'D Inspired by THIS fanart
Wordcount: 1.3k past bullying, hurt/comfort, mentions of canonical troll abuse
The cell is small and unceremonious. Cold most of the time. The space is empty, spare for a twin bed and a desk. White walls that could seriously use a wallpaper treatment but the torturing temptation to glamour this place up is probably part of the punishment. 
A guard shows up three times a day to escort them to the cafeteria and the showers. (Those are gross. No use without slippers.)
Overall it’s not that bad. 
Boring and dull. Sure. But honestly that’s a pleasant change from the hustle of fame. No schedules to attend to, no guilt crippling up your spine. 
He’ll miss the yachts, and the stylists, and the modelling gigs… but he’ll survive. 
His sister on the other hand… 
Velvet has fallen quieter ever since their sentence started. Once she finally accepted that making scenes won't get them out. He hated seeing her helpless but Velvet made it clear none of his attempts to play therapist will help. Not even a little “you’ll get wrinkles from frowning that much” nor a little shimmy to the beat of their favourite songs. 
If anything, bringing up music made it worse. 
Which made sense… 
Veneer too wished it wouldn’t have ended this way. He wished it would have ended sooner, the ethical crimes at least. If Velvet listened and they tried practice maybe none of this was necessary. They could have just asked the troll to teach them to sing! 
On a rare night when Veneer felt courageous enough to speak up, he suggested just so. But Velvet burst out laughing like that was the best joke she’s heard all year and rolled her eyes. “Why bother asking if you can just take it?” 
Back then that was all it took. One word from her made Veneer bite his tongue and lower his head. Because she wasn’t that wrong was she—it was nice, all the wealth, all the positive attention. He wasn’t used to the latter. 
Veneer didn’t care about fame as it was, not until he tasted it at least. But who wouldn’t want attention? Who wouldn’t want the world to echo with praises to their name? 
That’s what she promised. 
Suburb house and dentists for parents. Not a pitiful life by any means. It still felt lonely spending half of their lives in school among kids who looked down upon them. At least they have each other. 
And sometimes that meant vibe checks at 1AM on the bathroom floor doing each other’s make up. Veneer’s favourite sibling bonding activity.
This time however the vibes were off. Deep blue. Less vibrant navy. 
Veneer could barely hold back hiccups, still too shaken to let go of the earlier events of that day. They were worse that day. Harsher than usual. Or maybe Veneer was just tired, weakened from the nonstop pushing and pulling, to have let them push him that far into the corner. 
“Are you gonna let him boss you around forever? Haven’t I told him off? Want me to bite harder next time?” 
Veneer shivers at the memory. Velvet’s teeth sunk into that guy’s forearm was terrifying but for wholly different reasons than what’s been going down beforehand. Now that he looks back it’s almost funny. “Geez girl you’ll get yourself expelled if you keep that up…”
“Perfect auditions backstory—kicked out of school, all hopes shattered but the humble dream of a star!” Velvet mused. 
“You’d have to survive mom’s lecturing first though,” Veneer teased her. A scoff is all he got in response, and the room fell quiet again. They’ve gotten quite loud with their conversation. If they don’t want to be caught here and now, they should tone it down. 
(And Veneer really doesn’t want to be seen like this—with eyeshadows and green nail polish. It’s a look for his own delight. For Velvet, when they pretend to be celebrities while they brush their teeth. For himself, to feel pretty.)
“Must I go to school tomorrow?” 
“Unless you want to be the one lectured…” Velvet echoes his own warning. 
“I’ll just get teased again…” 
He reaches up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind his ear. Velvet stops him, slapping his hand away, waving her own hand as a reminder his polish is still wet. 
“What a drama queen. Like I won’t. Do you see me complaining?”
“Well… yeah. All the time.”
“Gah. Cause they’re just being awful,” she groans and rolls her eyes while her hand flies mindlessly into the air, sprinkling a few drops of nail polish onto the tiles. Mom will kill them if that leaves a stain. Velvet doesn’t notice. “But we’re better than them! We’re better—than anyone. We’ll make them see.” 
She always sounds so sure of herself, so ambitious. It’s something Veneer has a hard time pretending. He’s grateful to have a sister like her. Someone to help him stand up on his feet and push him forward. Even if he doesn’t always see or like where they’re headed. 
Everything is okay with Velvet there. She’s always there for him.
When the kids at school make fun of his love for dancing, Velvet’s there. Words sharp like razors but pointed away from him. 
When he comes home crying. And shuts himself in the bathroom because they still share a room even at fourteen and he doesn’t want a confrontation. There isn’t a no confrontation option when your sister is Velvet, though.
She’s here. 
On the cold tiled floor of their bathroom, in the nook furthest away from the door where she’d lured him out from underneath the sink. She’s not even complaining about interrupted beauty sleep. 
She grabs his chin with the hand that’s holding the brush, turning his head. Her eyes are intense for a moment, distant like she’s not even looking at him. And then she softens, leans back. Pats his cheeks for good measures before she returns to the task at hand. “Wrinkles. You don’t want them, Ven.”
The world would see them and like them for a change. 
Veneer had to promise some things too: to stop crying at every mishap, to follow Velvet’s lead and never turn back. A compromise. 
First of many. Some more fair than the others. 
Guess there was a gradual change in attitude on her side throughout the years. Veneer wishes he would have noticed sooner. That he would have had it in himself to resist. But the truth is—he owes that part to someone else. 
They never asked for his name but Veneer thinks he caught it among all the chaos of that fateful Rage Dome performance. A troll named Floyd. Whom they have kidnapped, exploited, abused, and almost killed… Not proud of that one. 
Yet that little soft guy still spoke to Veneer’s heart in a moment of panic and desperation. Echoed words that were already there locked in the closet with everything else Veneer wasn’t ready to think about. Seeded a spark of hope. Not quite confidence, but close to it. 
How did a little guy like him see through Velvet better than her own brother…? 
Well he did spend months with them in the diamond prison. Must have heard enough. And he hadn’t known her at her best like Veneer did, so memories didn’t cloud his vision either. 
Who knows—maybe he had a sibling like her too and knew exactly what was going on. 
None of that matters anymore though. He did what he did. 
Veneer wonders if he’d have shared more wisdom, would they have had time. Would he have listened to him sooner. He almost regrets letting him free, but the keyword is almost. He looked so much happier hopping with his little friends than he was clawing at the perfume bottle walls. 
Too bad they got arrested right afterwards and Veneer hadn’t even had a proper chance to thank him. 
He hopes to meet him someday again. 
In better circumstances, but hopefully soon. 
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vmures · 6 months
Thinking about Teen Wolf and it's funny (funny-strange, not funny-haha) to me how vicious some of the meta and discourse gets and how defensive people get over their favorite characters. Then you add in fanon and fandom creep with a nice dash of "this is how I understood that scene and that is the only way it can be understood (aka my headcanon is canon)," and you get a hot mess of ugliness.
Of the episodes I've watched, pretty much everyone on the show is a dick at one point or another, which tracks because they're teenagers and I remember the horrors of puberty and emotions all over the place. I find most of the fully adult characters worse because they don't have the excuse of youth--with its general lack of experience and fluctuating hormones. But there is not a single person who doesn't have several scenes where you go "wow, that was a dick move." And if you really look at the actions and words of the characters, there isn't anyone particularly nurturing either.
Stiles has those he considers his and he'd probably burn the world down for them, but most everyone else he can care less about. We do see moments where he does go out of his way to help someone not necessarily his (the scene in the library with the kanima and him running over to check on Erica comes to mind). Scott does try to look after others, even strangers, but also has moments where he blatantly manipulates those around him for his own gain (he blatantly uses Danny at the dance in season one to keep Finstock from kicking him out of the dance and the implication, at least to me, was that he knew Finstock wouldn't make a scene about kicking out Danny's date for fear of seeming homophobic). You can find examples of kindness and assholishness from each and every character is this show and the tendency trends towards asshole for all of them. Different types and varying levels of assholes, but still assholes. But you know what? That is okay. They're very human characters in that regard. Every single person on the planet has someone who thinks they are an absolute dick. Their complexity makes them fun to write.
But just because they're all assholes in their own way, doesn't mean I have to like them all. Just like shows that are comprised of characters that flip this metric (mostly nice with moments of dickishness) can have characters that just don't vibe with you. Just like in real life there are foods you don't like, music that isn't to your taste, and people who just grate on your nerves for one reason or another. It's just a matter of personal preference. The world would be very boring if we all liked the same things and reacted the same to everything.
So some people like some characters and focus on those points of view and their takes on the characters may be wildly divergent from your own, but it doesn't necessarily make them wrong. Where it gets even more tricky is the fandom creep and headcanons as canon additions. Because if you are willing to debate the merits and behavior of a character and you cite something that doesn't ever happen on screen, some are going to get frustrated because they don't see that as canon. We all have to add conjecture about what happened off screen to make a story make sense, but that is still conjecture and it's going to vary widely from person to person since everyone views a story through their own experiences and issues.
Sadly we seem to have culturally misplaced the art of debate and the notions of civility. In particular the "agree to disagree" notion where each side acknowledges that they are unlikely to persuade the other side and people move on to other things rather than rehash the same material over and over or devolve into outright harassment and suicide baiting. Muting tags and blocking people who frequently have takes you can't stand is so much better for your peace of mind.
So that's my take. I do not think this is the only way to interpret things, but it is one of the ways you can interpret it and it's what shapes my headcanons when I write. You can have different takes, but I am not required to agree with them and you are not required to agree with mine.
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loveydoveylex · 1 year
Angel with a Shotgun, Sk8er Boi, and Monster please! Hope you’re having a wonderful evening and weekend!
hiii mimi! thank you for the ask! my evening has been a bit... eh, but I'll survive haha. hope you're having a wonderful weekend as well!
ANGEL WITH A SHOTGUN :: How does your f/o respond to someone mistreating you?
oh he gets PISSED. he is not above causing a scene and starting a fight if someone's treating me badly. sometimes I wish he could maybe just do it verbally though... the dude packs a punch, that's gonna leave a bruise! 😆
SK8ER BOI :: What’s both of your music tastes like? Are they alike or are they really different from each other?
both of us are into all kinds of music, I don't think we'd have too many problems in that regard! our music taste is 'whatever comes on the radio' lol. pretty much every genre out there we can vibe with.
MONSTER :: Do you have any AUs for your ship? If so, any notable details about any of them?
I'm not really an au type person ^^; so no, not many aus of significance to talk about haha.
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hollygl125 · 2 years
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10+1 questions: Sara Sidle + Gil Grissom
Just look at these two—they each think the other is so sweet! They have been smitten genius fools for over two decades!
@coping-via-clint-eastwood, I started preparing in my head fairly detailed responses to these questions after I saw your posts, so for the sake of my sanity I had to put my responses in a post of my own.  (This is basically how I ended up writing gsr fanfic, too, to be honest—because I kept rewriting the same scenes over and over again in my head.)
Who’s the cuddler?
Both.  They spent so much of their working hours just recycling each other’s air that I cannot imagine them not doing the same in private.  I think Grissom wants to be as close to Sara as possible because (1) he wants to be as close to Sara as possible and (2) he wants to protect her and to take away her pain.  I think Sara wants to be as close to Grissom as possible because (1) she wants to be as close to Grissom as possible and (2) she wants to reassure him.
Who makes the bed?
Sara.  Grissom can put up with some appearance of disorder in his surroundings (see: office).  But Sara likes order and is a control freak, so she would want the bed made.  Plus she lived in such tiny apartments pre-Grissom that they would quickly become messy-looking if she didn’t.  Plus she never sleeps.  Plus she told Greg that before she left Vegas she never left the house without making the bed.  Plus….  Although, that said, I could see Grissom becoming really good about making the bed just to please Sara.
Who wakes up first?
Sara.  Again, she doesn’t really sleep much.  But I like to think that post-“Immortality” she learned to relax and to sleep in a little more and that it becomes more of a mixed bag regarding who wakes up first.
Who has the weird taste in music?
Grissom, although it’s not really weird.  I think during her original run Sara is shown possibly to have the best general, well-rounded appreciation of music of the CSIs.  (See below the cut for a little rant on Sara and music and the writers in the later years.*)  I think Grissom has an appreciation for a lot of different types of music, but his penchant for Italian opera is in this age most atypical.
Who is more protective?
Both, although if forced I would give a slight edge to Grissom.  Again, especially after he learns more about Sara’s past, he really wants to make her feel safe and to take away all her pain (even if yes he makes a bunch of mistakes and inflicts a lot of pain along the way).  I think Sara most of all wants to protect him from himself, because she knows how hard he is on himself.  Post-“Immortality,” especially, I imagine her wanting to make sure he doesn’t blame himself for the things that went wrong between them, because she knows that wouldn’t be good for their relationship moving forward (and because she loves him and, again, doesn’t want him to be hard on himself).
I went kind of long on a couple of the remaining questions, so the rest of my responses are under the cut.
Who sings in the shower?
Sara.  Sara sings to herself.  (Grissom sings to Sara to amuse her, but not necessarily in the shower.)
Who cries during movies?
Sara.  Obviously (thought not often).  She is the most openly emotional of all our CSIs.  (I don’t mean this as a knock on her at all.  I too am a crier, even if the crying actually means “f*** off, you absolute pr***.”)
Who spends the most while out shopping?
Grissom.  Foster kid on scholarship to Harvard, Sara, must have learned to be really frugal.  Plus her wardrobe is (let’s be honest) occasionally not so great (that heartbreaking scene in 05x14, “Unbearable,” springs to mind), so I imagine she must have been buying mostly relatively inexpensive clothes she could chuck without a second thought if they got ruined on the job.  (Her wardrobe in CSI: Vegas was way nicer, so I headcanon Catherine having gotten them both some store credits at the Eclipse so they wouldn’t embarrass her by giving off salty sea captain vibes.)  Also, pre-relationship with Grissom she seems to have chosen pretty modest apartments.  So I see Sara still instinctively being frugal and Grissom (who is more senior professionally and otherwise and has more money and at least at one time drove a Mercedes) wanting to spoil her and buy her nice things (nice vegetarian food, necklaces, silk robes and lacy things, etc.).
Who kisses more roughly?
Neither, although if forced I would give a slight edge to Grissom as less rough.  I think, as @addictedtostorytelling has written (and apologies for any errors in paraphrasing), they are both incredibly gentle with each other—incredibly gentle and kind and respectful.  I certainly see them both as being very enthusiastic and sometimes intense in their interactions and yes definitely sometimes just fucking (pin me down, etc.), but absolutely not being rough.  That being said, I think Grissom would even basically have negative amounts of roughness.  Having seen WP’s sexual/romantic interactions in movies, I think his gentleness here is very deliberate (not that we got to see a lot of gsr kisses).  Grissom knows Sara’s past, and he wants her to feel totally safe and protected.  He knows she wouldn’t appreciate roughness or aggression (and it’s not in his character anyway, which is one of the things she loves about him).  I kind of imagine that, if she ever (after years and years and years of being comfortable with and having absolute trust in this man) playfully suggested he tell her she was a bad girl or something, his response would in essence be like, “No, you’re a good girl, Sara; you’re the best person I know, honey; you’re an angel, sweetheart; you’re a goddess, darling; sorry, my dearest, I can’t; you’re perfect.” Also, given their size (NOT height) difference, Sara could get away with a slight roughness without it really having any effect on Grissom, but Grissom has negative roughness with her.
Who is more dominant?
Neither, although if forced I would give a slight edge to Sara.  I see them as absolutely equal partners.  Especially given the inequality for many years in their professional relationship, they would strive for total equality in their personal relationship.  Given her personal history, Sara would not take well at all to someone trying to dominate her; she would be out the door.  But unsurprisingly, when she falls madly in love, it’s for someone who would never try to dominate her.  I think, because he wants to make up for all the pain she has suffered, and because he knows he was dominant in their professional relationship at the crime lab, Grissom would be okay with her being slightly dominant in their personal relationship.  But I think that, given her personal history, she would also not want to dominate him in the personal sphere.  But I can see Sara telling Grissom, like, “It’s time to fuck now, Gil,” (maybe not in those exact words) and him just being like, “Okay, great,” but I cannot imagine the reverse, on his part.  I can see her having to lift his head out of the microscope sometimes (and, post-“Immortality,” being more confident in doing so)—telling him it’s time to eat or to have sex or to whatever rather than to look at bugs or to make models of the crime lab or to try to fake DNA or to whatever.  So I guess I can see her taking the lead in some things (just like she occasionally has to smooth over what he says or to step in when he doesn’t know what to say) because he can be obtuse.  Also, through to the demise of their first marriage (and then some), they were just two science nerds in love who never fully lost their own individual insecurities in their relationship; I like to think that in their second marriage they have fully recognized their earlier mistakes and Sara especially would be pretty quick to take the lead to correct things if she saw a risk of anything going amiss.
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
*Rant on Sara’s appreciation of music: I have a lengthier note about this in something still unpublished, but in her original run Sara seems to have a good, well-rounded knowledge and appreciation of music.  Then the later-season writers (the same ones who brought us “The preposterous divorce that will crush your hearts and souls and then oh yeah we’re just going to ignore your co-favourite character’s personal development anyway”) give us the “Who’s Beyoncé?” line.  I’m not saying Sara would care much about B either way, but she would definitely know who she was.  To me the line is this really lazy, hack way to show Sara as the out-of-it nerd contrasted with the fun blondes Finn and Morgan.  And I think that’s bullshit, and I hate it.  Sara was a cool science nerd.  So my headcanon is that Sara just said that to get out of doing karaoke with Morgan. All of us have a silly hill on which we would die, and this is mine.
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vile450003 · 1 year
Love for SSENSE
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From 2012-2014, the Canadian clothing brand SSENSE made an appearance on Soundcloud.
Adam Hirsch wrote on Run the Trap (2013):
Over the past year or so the high end clothing retailer SSENSE has been churning out remixes from some of the best (downtempo/ beat/ insert sub-genre) related producers in the game right now. Bringing in the likes of Kaytranada, Stwo, Brenmar, The GTW, THE DRUM, Different Sleep, Yarin Lidor, Falcons, Esta, Phaeleh, Sango, Saint Pepsi, Ruddyp, Equator Club, Kastle and many more artists for mix duties, this series is definitely something you’re going to want to check out and keep tabs on.. A ton of these mixes have been featured in our Lovetrap series posts, but I wanted to make sure to highlight what SSENSE has been bringing to the table with a collection of a majority of the mixes they’ve released so far. You can find all of the Mixes for SSENSE via their soundcloud here, and a majority of my personal favorites below in order from newest to oldest. Enough vibes to last you for the rest of the week. Enjoy.
Other than a few mentions scattered loosely around the internet, a sparse spattering of re-uploads from a small handful of the artists hosted, there's not much record of this on the internet. A few snapshots are available on the Internet Archive, yet most of the tracks remain lost.
There is an energy and mood to these mixes, solidifying themselves as little sonic time capsules for the early 2010's music scene. Melding the underground with the popular musical zeitgeist, their aural aesthetic is very unique in their gestalt, as a collection, and also individually per the musician's tastes at the time. Now, I won't often get too personal on here, as I predominantly want to use this space for sharing art and media that inspires me, but these mixes are very nostalgic and all of them are nestled comfortably in my memory. They are a happy place.
While the project was short lived, I managed to save a good chunk of these mixes and was able to keep them over the years, despite everything. I would like to share them with you, and hope you enjoy listening to them, as I have for the past decade. This is not all of them, I do not have track listings for each mix, and there was one I was unable to identify, but I hope you enjoy them none the less.
Download the SSSENSE Soundcloud Collection here
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One of these days I’ll be done answering asks. Anyway, @lavenderlevetan 1/3 of “twos not divisible by 3” ✨
2: talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
run away my beloathed. Changed plans in that fic so many times. The current defeat Vecna plan, without spoiling anything, was not my og plan when I started the fic
4: what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
Technically run away but I am actually writing that, so I’ll lean into the low key abandoned but soon to be resurrected monster hunter Nancy au. I had read a few other monster hunter Nancy/werewolf Robin fics and was worried I couldn’t measure up. I think I also tried to do too much in one fic in my original plan, so I dropped it. It will undergo massive changes for sure. I think simpler is better for me in most cases
8: what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
I have a love/hate relationship with it. It HAS to be asked for. Genuinely is so helpful when I have someone beta who can point out weird wording and stuff, or give advice about different aspects. However, unwarranted comments on my fics that criticize the plot or whatever, those bother me more than they should. I think I overreact but it feels rude and tends to make me want to drop the fic for a bit and get self conscious about it. I will seek it out!! But I only want it if I ask for it lmao
10: at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
I honestly tend to do titles pretty early, and often will base vibes somewhat on the title! They’re easy for me because I love to use music lyrics. I’ll take some time to find the perfect song (and because of the range in my music taste, I’ve got something for everything), and then boom a quick look through lyrics and we’re titled
14: what’s your worst writing habit? 
Skipping around. I get bored and move on to the next scene. It becomes a lot harder to make everything flow in a way that makes sense when you have to stitch together pieces like Frankenstein
16: where is your favorite place to write?
My warm and cozy bed <333
20: what is your favorite trope to write?
Slow dancing, if that wasn’t obvious!! Also There Was Only One Bed 😏
22: describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
This has actually changed since I first started. If it’s an au, start with figuring out what roles each character is going to fill. Next (or starting here if not) I get a basic idea of the plot. I tend to kind of just fly by the seat of my pants after that, with a few notes on scenes I’d like to have. I do have two fics with actual outlines (cyberpunk and there in the garden!). Then I toss it all in a Google doc, edit round one, beta, edit round two, and post
26: do you like to write one-shots or series, and why?
Series! I like a good slow burn. Also it’s what I tend to like to read. I like the way you have more chance to explore long term development of characters and relationships, and there’s often a richer, deeper plot, which I LOVE
28: handwritten notes or typed notes?
Typed. Carpal tunnel my beloathed. Also I hate pencils and can’t erase pen
32: do characters influence your writing style?
I think so! Maybe it’s just in my head, but I feel like my writing tends to be looser and more rambly with Robin, and more correct and introspective with Nancy. Again, that might just be how it feels in my head tho
34: how do you name characters and places?
Inspiration from real life and Fantasy Name Generators. I 100% will use names from towns I’ve seen, and I keep a running list in my phone of cool names I’ve heard and could use
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doctorkane · 2 years
Table Lamps - Adding Excellence and Style
Table lamps are utilized not exclusively to give sufficient light for perusing however they additionally assist in making the spot with looking more a la mode. Today we can find different sorts of lamps designed diversely to draw in each individual. According to your building example of the room you can have different styles to amount to it. Current, metropolitan, oriental, nation and western styled lamps are not many classifications which are dependably on request. Simply investigate the different example and designs really all sort of shapes and sizes to figure find out more here out which one fits wonderful with your home decor.
On the off chance that you have a diletantish looking decor, current style lamps will impeccably squeeze into the design. They assist in making the spot with looking more present day and future looking. You can highlight the theoretical artistic creation on the wall by utilizing these styles of lamps. In the event that your room tastes imagination, this lamp will be an ideal match to suit its design and idea.
The lamps which project an Asian looking society are oriental lamps. These lamps are by and large made and come from Asian nations and give Asian shifts focus over to your rooms. Accordingly assuming that there are Asian keepsakes, Asian decorations and Asian roots put in the room oriental lamps will without a doubt match the style and looks of the room.
The metropolitan style of lamps began from the suburbs towns of America and different nations. These lamps project Mother Nature and have designs like bears or different kinds of creatures in them. They might try and have sparkling bases and seem to be a bloom case on the room. A portion of these lamps convey spray painting on them which provides the room with a scene of the suburbs. Having such a lamp lit in the room will unquestionably provide you with a vibe of being and waking in the suburbs.
The Nation styled lamps has livestock designed on them like, chickens or the cows. These lamps give a nature style variety scene to your room with these livestock's designs. These lamps are additionally famous for making the room bright and are believed to be something like having down home music in the room.
Other style of lamp is the Western styled lamps. The most widely recognized design is a rancher riding a pony yet you can likewise find a pony radiating light lamp. These lamps gives your room woodsy kind of conditions and coordinates with Indian decorations or some other sort of curios from the west of your room.
You can choose from the previously mentioned kinds of table lamps which match the vibes of your room. Other than searching for them at the close by store you could look through them online by perusing different web-based stores. There are numerous web-based stores which represent considerable authority in designing such lamps and you can track down hardly any most recent designs. They offer a wide choice having various kinds of lamp which match your taste and complete mood of the room.
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