#danny wants to spit blood
wanologic · 3 months
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live fast die young
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Family Resemblance
I had another 11pm brain worm.
Daniel Wayne, the younger toddler brother of Bruce Wayne and the son of Martha and Thomas Wayne had been kidnapped the night their parents were murdered.
Daniel had been snagged the moment their killer heard people headed to the alley and Bruce in his state of shock didn't realize it until it was far to late and could only scream in horror (from everything) as his baby brother is crying his name. (If you wanna make it even more heart wrenching, make it Danny's first time being able to say Bruce's name right and/or Bruce had said some mean things to Danny earlier after he accidentally broke something of Bruce's, something like 'I wish youd go away' or 'I never wanted a brother, you're such a bother!')
Bruce is being held by Alfred as some police officers are chasing down the Wayne's parents killer while some stay behind to see if they could do something.
Minutes turn to hours and as they wait, praying the police at least found Danny, Bruce is ridden with guilt. From his parents death to allowing his brother to be kidnapped.
Eventually the police return to give Alfred and Bruce the news. And it's not good.
The killer escaped and Danny was nowhere to be found.
And it would take many years before he would be found.
Bruce gets a call from Damian during school hours one day. When he answers he is greeted with Damian demanding him to get to the school and explain himself.
Confused Bruce asks what does he mean and Damian responds with
"The two new students in class today are the spitting images of you and I father! Either they are poorly created clones or you have more hidden blood children!"
Meanwhile the very students being discussed are calling up someone too
"Ellie? Dan? What's wrong? You better not have made too much chaos already, I just paid for the uniforms for that place."
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evilminji · 1 year
Oh shit :D ?
I just remembered! (Thank you, historical fantasy section!) But like? Serving and protecting The King, especially a HIGH KING, is quite literally not just an incredible honor... but it can sometimes be a person's Life Ambition?
Specificly a WORTHY king.
Perhaps they were denied in life. Perhaps they FAILED. And in their dying moments struggle with all they were to LIVE. To PROTECT. Perhaps the PREVIOUS king was a great and worthy ruler... but their heir is...
Maybe they are born to an age without Rulers. Power shifting between hands in hidden halls. Unclear and murky. All they want is for their loyalty to MEAN something. For things to be SIMPLE.
The universe is large. The Infinite Realms? Unimaginably larger.
And Pariah Dark was a BASTARD.
Who would willingly swear to him? Fools! That's who! Every warrior soul worth ANYTHING gets as far AWAY from his Realm forsaken resting place as they can. Hides. Lest they be dragged in to his infernal, gods forsaken, cess pit of a so called "army"! *disgusted spitting noises*
But what does this mean? It means every trained FIGHTER... got the hell out of dodge. Oh, sure, a FEW refused. Like Pandora and her people. But most? The farthest side of NOWHERE, several layers down! Some still GOING! Better to be decried as cowards then have ANYTHING to do with THAT(said with loathing)!
It also means they weren't where Pariah could get to them when he woke. Couldn't help. Couldn't fight. Couldn't be commanded to kneel. Nothing. They removed themselves completely. Planned on CONTINUING to remove themselves. Preferably to the farthest reaches of forever, far beyond the bastard's gaze.
But! The whole REALM INFINITE felt it? When that... that hissing, acidic, malicious undertone? SLAMS back and away, like somebody's knocked a parasite from their backs. Replaced by coolness and starlight. Delicate balance and blood on your teeth. The pounding in your chest of HOPE.
It flutters so small across their backs, inside their chests. Washing away the old.
The King... feels tiny. Young.
.......what are they doing? Running like this. Hiding away like that will change anything. How long... when did...
There are so many of them now. A veritable army of souls, of all Ages and People's. Every armor and crest imaginable. They'd been so.. so REPULSED by Pariah... nothing else had mattered but to get AWAY. Where even ARE they? What YEAR is it? Does any of that matter?
The King.
Their Obsessions whisper. Loyalty. Service. Protection. Honor. You have left you post! Abandoned your DUTY! What are you DOING!?
They are AGHAST. They turn around at once. The King! How could they have ABANDONED the King!? Who is guarding him if they are all HERE?!
(Yes. Danny is fine. He is eating the "Thank You for keeping us all from dying to whatever the FUCK that was!" tamales Paulina's mom pushed into his arms on his way back home. He didn't even try arguing. He made eye contact and knew he would lose.)
(Why does he feel like something really, really bothersome is headed his way?)
It's UNACCEPTABLE. Unthinkable! The King? Unguarded? Where assassination attempts and nefarious PLOTS could occur?! What if someone tried to steal his eggs!? Or attacked him while his exoskeleton was molting!? They aren't entirely sure which species he is yet, but there are SO MANY NEFARIOUS PLOTS OUT THERE!!
*panicked honor guards*
Just? Imagine becoming king. And thinking "well, aside from the skeleton army I have to figure out, at least I don't have to manage anybody!" Only to *WABAM!* your ENTIRE GHOST COURT shows up like a week later. Turns out they were hiding from your predecessor.
You have a whole ass honor gaurd. Who REFUSE TO LEAVE YOUR SIDE. You have Chefs. Who WILL cry if you send them away. The Literal Best In The Multiverse are all following you around... YOU, a RANDOM TEENAGE, with Excited Shoujo Sparkles in their eyes... because you punched a jackass really, REALLY hard.
There is no way to make this stop. Your friends are laughing at you. The interior decorator wants you to look at swatches. What are swatches and why are you being harrased by them at 1am, you wonder? If you are Mean(tm) they throw themselves upon the floor and blame themselves for their Wicked, Evil, King-Upseting Ways and you can't even TELL if your being played here.
It's like being bullied by house elves. Or Miette.
Your parents are too excited by all the New Research (at least the reveal went well?) To SAVE THEIR SON, and your sister is HELPING THE ENEMY (Traitor!), so now you're being bullied into eating vegetables and studying more.
Then? THEN!! WHO SHOWS UP?! Like... five WEEKS late?! The Justice League. Gee! GREAT RESPONSE TIME, GUYS! Reeeal snappy! But ya, JUST missed the guy!
@hdgnj @stealingyourbones
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starry-bi-sky · 10 months
i've mentioned in a few past posts about an au where Danny is a variant of Jason Todd. I haven't made a post about it yet because I need a good rhythm flowing however i've been listening to Gladiator by Jann and I have been having thoughts.
but first, let me set the au:
Danny Fenton is Jason Todd, or at least, a variant of him. A him from a universe separate to the major Batman timeline - but still Jason Todd, down to the structure of his face and his name itself. The only thing that changes, is who picks him up - and, that he follows old Batman canon, and was an orphan. Jason Todd steals the tires off the batmobile and wallops Batman with his tirejack, and then runs off. Shortly after, he gets picked up by the Fentons.
(Customary line break,,,, word count check: 5k)
And his name changes from Jason Todd to Danny Fenton. He doesn't care much for the new name change, it stems from his mute refusal to share his name to the people that picked him up; an attempt to make him untraceable should he get away from them, and to keep something of his to himself. So they name him something new. He grows to like it enough as he acclimates to his new family.
(He hangs onto the name Jason Todd like a secret - he may be 'Danny Fenton' now, but he'll never forget his time on Gotham's streets. He'll always be Jason Todd.)
(Jazz is the only one who he tells his name to in the family - she affectionately calls him Jay whenever she wants.)
He becomes friends with Sam and Tucker and deals with Dash and his bullying. And when Danny steps in during a fight between Dash and another student, Dash gives him a bleeding nose and mockingly says, "Do you think you're Robin just because you're from Gotham, Fenton?"
Jason looks him in the eyes and he bares his teeth, "Why not?" he asks, spitting blood, "being Robin gives me magic."
The nickname sticks. It's supposed to be an insult; Daniel Fenton is not Robin, he'll never be Robin. Not now, not in a million years. Jason Todd has always wanted to be Robin, so he takes the insult and wears it proudly. He buys a school varsity jacket and painstakingly undos the stitching of all the school's motif on it. On the breast of it, he embroiders in a black circle with the Boy Wonder "R" on it instead. It's not good stitching, but the next day Danny wears it down to breakfast and into school.
In normal au canon, Daniel Jason Todd-Fenton (its a mouthful, just call him Danny) only meets the Waynes after he becomes Phantom - an event that leans more towards Daniel Fenton's accident than Jason Todd's death, but traumatizes him all the same. (Is it too much to want to be mourned? His best friends like to deny that he died - and Danny - Jason? - wishes they wouldn't, even if he did come back.)
(The accident embitters him, even more when his parents don't seem to pick up on it. He stops calling himself Danny Fenton - he's always been Jason Todd. It shows itself in his ghostly form. He doesn't want to wear the thing he died in, not in something that belongs to the Fentons, and his suit reflects that.)
In this timeline, Daniel Jason Todd-Fenton, aged 13, meets Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne after a mishap with magic on the other end of the reality sends the three of them careening through time and space, and spat back out on the other end, in a world not their own. And together.
Danny is paired with a very confused Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson. Luckily, there's a few heroes there to help them. Danny can hardly comprehend the idea that he's in another universe - he doesn't know why Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne are seemingly handling it well.
On their way to a secondary base with the heroes, Danny turns to Bruce Wayne and asks, "So, is it part of rich-person training that you're just totally chill with being sent into another universe, or are you just weird?"
Bruce Wayne huffs at him, rather than get offended, and he smiles that dumb lopsided billionaire smile that Danny's seen on every vogue magazine he's been in. "I'm not so worried with these skilled heroes here to help us get home."
Danny silently concludes that he's just weird. At least Dick Grayson is biting back a smile behind him. "Riiiight..." He says, dragging the vowel out dryly.
When they get to that secondary location -- a safehouse that one of the heroes had set up -- the three of them are sat in a living room-like room while one hero, Zatanna, goes and calls someone from the Justice League. The other two heroes stay with the three of them.
Within a few hours, Danny is face to face with Batman - someone who he hasn't seen since he whacked him in the stomach with a tire iron - and Nightwing. For a moment, Danny swears that the both of them look almost spooked by him.
Batman stares at him for a moment when he enters, and then he goes to speak with Bruce Wayne. Danny doesn't care enough to hear what they're talking about, he pulls out his phone as Nightwing goes to speak with Dick Grayson.
"Are you a fan of Robin, little man?" Someone says, and when Danny looks up he locks eyes with Dick Grayson -- who is leaning around Nightwing to talk to him, the both of them are smiling. And considering who Nightwing was, Danny finds himself turning pink to the ears.
But he will not hide his jacket. He forces a grin through his embarrassment, "Hell yeah, man, Robin's cool." He says, and pushes his arms down to pull out the hem of his letterman, showing off the emblem. "I made it m'self out of a school varsity after the A-Listers started callin' me Robin."
"Popular kids," Danny corrects, loosing his hold on the hem and brushing invisible wrinkles out of the embroidery. "They didn't like that I kept stepping in when they were bullying. Dash asked me if i thought I was Robin because I was from Gotham."
Dick Grayson looks intrigued -- and concerned, and he leans forward onto his knees and raises an eyebrow. "What did you say?"
And Danny grins a shark-like thing, straightening back his shoulders with a burning sort of smug pride and all the sharpness of broken glass left in Crime Alley. "I told him being Robin gave me magic, and then I punched him."
Dick Grayson's smile widens, splitting into showing teeth as he leans back into his seat. Danny isn't sure why he's so delighted - but Nightwing looks incredibly amused, and he suddenly remembers that the Robin himself was there in front of him.
Danny's face burns anew and his arms fold themselves in front of him once again.
"I don't think I ever caught your name, Robin." Dick Grayson goes, his voice thick with laughter, and Nightwing steps off to the side as Batman and Bruce Wayne walk over to join them both. They're just close enough that Danny can see Bruce Wayne raise an eyebrow at them both.
"It's Jason." Danny says before he can think about it, and barely stops himself from frowning at himself for the slip. He amends himself, glancing over at Batman and Bruce as they get closer. "But everyone calls me Danny."
Dick Grayson's head recoils slightly, and he looks a little surprised. "Why Danny?" He asks.
"Why Dick?" He shoots back, and Bruce and Dick both smile at him, with Dick Grayson shrugging with an expression that looks like 'you've got a point.'
In the end, the three of them - yes, three - get sent to this world's Wayne Manor, and Danny is bewildered by that decision to include himself -- he's not a Wayne. Why not just send him to the Fentons?
Batman tells him that the Fentons don't exist in this world, and Danny falls silent. "Oh." He says quietly, a pit growing in his stomach with an ill-kind of dread. He can't keep Batman's gaze, looking away with unease.
No Fentons in this world. No Fentons. Where was he then, in the grand scheme of things? Where was he in this world? What happened to Jason Todd? Was he even alive? He can't keep the worry off his face, and he jumps when a hand lands on his shoulder. When he looks up, Dick Grayson squeezes him gently.
Dick Grayson is steadily beginning to remind him of his sister.
They end up driving back in the Batmobile. It's such a shock to Danny that he momentarily forgets the lack of Fentons. He makes a laugh sound, actually, and immediately he covers his hand with his mouth and stares at the car -- tank? with his teeth sunk into his lower lip.
"Jason?" Dick says, and hearing his name being spoken feels like someone touched him with a livewire. It's weird, it's foreign - he hates, in some way, that it's foreign - and it's so nice. Yes, that's me.
He drops his hand immediately. "Sorry." He says, realizing he'd stopped in his tracks, "I -uh, was just surprised."
"It's not every day someone sees the Batmobile." Dick agrees. Nightwing has his back to them but Danny swears he sees his shoulders shaking a little.
"Yeah," Danny nods slowly, dragging his eyes over the batmobile as Batman opens the driver's side and gets in. He thinks for a moment, of what he should say next - whether to admit that he's seen it before, or to pretend that he's seeing it for the first time. Snd as Nightwing opens the door for him, Bruce, and Dick, he chooses the funnier option; "The last time I saw it, I was stealing its tires."
To his surprise and unsurprise, Danny only gets two pairs of eyes on him. Nightwing gets into the passenger seat as both Bruce and Dick turn their gaze onto him; Dick's eyes big like they were going to bulge out of his head.
"You what!?"
So Danny tells an amazed Dick Grayson that he hit Batman with a tire iron after he stole his tires - something he is very proud about and also incredibly embarrassed about when he retells what happened in the backseat of the batmobile, with Batman and Nightwing listening in from the front seat.
(Bruce Wayne doesn't ever tell Dick shit, he's going to lord this over Bruce's head the moment they are alone.)
"Please tell me this didn't happen in this world." Danny groans behind his palms as he sinks into his seat. Dick Grayson is killing himself laughing on his left, and he saw Bruce Wayne stifling a smile before he obscured his vision with his hands.
Much to his luck, its Batman himself who speaks next, (Danny was being mostly rhetorical). "It did." He says, and his voice sounds like the rumble of the earth before a stampede. It will never not throw Danny off every time he hears it. "It takes quite a lot of spunk to steal the tires off the batmobile."
He can't believe it. Batman is making fun of him. Fucking, Batman.
He wants to die with embarrassment. He groans even louder as Dick Grayson's laughter crescendoes. Danny risks a peak through his fingers, he doesn't know whether to regret it or not because he can just barely see Batman smirk very faintly from his position in the middle.
(His world axis tilts five degree leftways seeing it; like someone dunked a bucket of ice water on him.)
"He ended up being adopted by the Bruce Wayne of this world."
Danny's hands drop with his jaw into his lap. Dick Grayson on his left chokes on his laughter and careens into a coughing fit. Bruce Wayne on his right chokes on air, and quickly recovers himself with a cough behind a closed fist.
"What?" Danny croaks.
Apparently, Bruce Wayne's family is much larger in this world than it is in his. Danny can barely wrap his head around the idea that he ends up adopted by the man, but now he has to learn that Wayne had several children in this world?
He's still not wrapped his head around it when the three of them wind up at Wayne Manor, finally, or even when he's standing in front of him himself. For his effort, Bruce Wayne does a good job at looking unruffled by it.
God, he's weird. Danny's starting to quite like it, actually. How human of him.
He still can't wrap his head around it when he meets the rest of Bruce Wayne's children, all of whom are already aware of the three of them. Danny thinks that someone from the Justice League might've alerted them before they got here.
It makes sense, he supposes.
It helps that they are just as weirded out as he is. A boy named Tim Drake sees him for the first time and blurts out; "Oh wow, you're tiny." In a tone like he's just seen a two-headed snake burst out of the ground.
Danny is still offended. He's still growing. It's not his fault he spent twelve years of his life malnourished. "I'm gonna be taller than you," he tells him seriously, "and when I do I'm gonna kick your ass."
Tim snorts at him.
The other Bruce Wayne -- Mr. Wayne's -- youngest looks at him up and down with a face of carefully controlled judgement. His name is Damian, he's Bruce Wayne's only biological son. Danny can't believe that there's only one.
If anything, Bruce Wayne himself looks surprised too.
"Todd, yes?" Damian says, his green eyes narrowed at him.
Danny feels like the specimen under his parents' microscope, he feels like he's standing on a platform that's being slowly spun by scientists. He looks over at Bruce Wayne in confusion, and then back at Damian. "I- yes?"
Damian Wayne nods, and then leaves.
Danny does not once see himself. That is unsettling in and of itself - surely Jason Todd would have been told about another version of himself in this world, wouldn't he? How old is he here? An adult, probably. Danny doesn't know if he wants to see him. What does he look like when he's grown up? He pulls his Robin jacket around him a little tighter, like a cocoon, like a shield.
"It's weird to hear them call me Jason Todd." He says aloud to himself, and it leaves a weight behind in his chest that shouldn't hurt the way it does. It shouldn't be weird to be called your name. It shouldn't cobweb up your throat to hear your name being said. It was his name. It was his.
Danny acclimates to the manor slowly. The house is big, massive. He's never been in a house so large before, he feels like a stray cat being taken in for the first time, again. He and Bruce and Dick Grayson are all given their own separate rooms - one of many inside this mansion - and the sheer size of his bedroom is bigger than his living room and kitchen combined.
it's daunting. Danny sits outside on the balcony and stares at the stars he can see - Wayne Manor is far enough away from Gotham that its light pollution doesn't obscure the sky here like it did in the heart of it.
Danny finds the constellations he can find and wishes he had his books with him. He finds the library the next day and buries himself in the back, curling up into a comfy armchair next and inhaling each book he can get his hands on.
Tim Drake wanders past him at some point, Danny would have missed him if it weren't for the fact that Drake stared at him strangely when he saw him. He walks away when he realizes Danny was staring back.
It's a rinse and repeat for the next few days. Danny doesn't go to meals, he sneaks food from the kitchen afterwards, and then buries himself in hundreds of books in the library.
Dick Grayson, the one from his world, goes and finds him three days later. Danny's eyes hurt with strain by then, but he is furiously halfway through a Jane Austen novel when Dick sits down across from him.
"Have you been here all day?" Dick asks, he drapes himself across the side of his chair, contorting himself into a position that Danny doesn't think is comfortable when he looks up at him.
Not that he looks up at him long - he hums absently and goes back to reading. Frowning when he realizes he lost his place on the page.
Dick Grayson raises an eyebrow, "Have you at least eaten anything?"
Danny hums. No, he hasn't, and he hadn't thought about eating all day. Until now that is, his frown ever deepening as his stomach pangs with a deep hunger.
"That's not healthy."
"Are you going to eat something?"
And this gets Dick to frown. He straightens himself up, propping onto his elbows to stare at Danny. "Jason." He says strongly. And it's that that gets Danny to finally look up from his page, jumping like he'd again been poked with a live wire as he stares at Dick with wide eyes.
"Put the book down." Dick orders, gesturing towards the side table next to Danny with a nod. "And come eat something." There's very little room for argument in his voice, he sounds like Jazz when she's trying to parent him, but instead he actually sounds authoritative. Not bossy.
Danny still frowns at him. "You're not the boss of me." He says, sinking back into his chair with a thumb bookmarking his page.
Dick gives him a look and makes a decisive noise, swaggling his head side to side while he does. "I'm pretty sure that for as long as we're here, me and B actually are the boss of you."
He's never really liked authority figures, not ones that tried to boss him around, that is. Danny doubles down, his lips curling into a shadow of a scowl. "Just because you're my brother in another world doesn't mean you can act like it."
"That's not what I mean and you know it."
"I don't want to go eat."
"It's not good for you to skip meals."
"Quit talking like Jazz."
Danny sinks his teeth into his lip and scowls darkly at him, shrinking into the back of his armchair in hopes that it'll swallow him whole. The idea of going into that large fucking dining room fills him with a dread that makes him completely forget his appetite.
"Your fucking- dining room is- it's too big." He grits out, finally closing his book and hugging it tightly to his chest.
Dick blinks at him. "What?"
"You heard me! It's too big. This whole place is too big. It's- what do you even do with this much space? I don't know how this- other me ever lived here."
Dick Grayson surprises him, and his expression softens. "Oh," he says, "I get it."
"You do?" The tension bleeds slowly out of Danny's shoulders
"Yeah, I felt the same way when I first moved in with Bruce. I lived with the circus for most of my life, but I slept in a trailer." He says. And he talks more.
The end result of their conversation ends with Dick Grayson offering to let Danny sit across or next to him during mealtimes, and that he can talk to him if he starts getting uneasy. But he can't keep skipping meals - it was making them all worried.
Danny agrees, and Dick takes him down to the kitchens for food.
"They look at me weirdly too." He grumbles as they leave the library, Danny's book returned to the shelf where it belonged. When Dick looks at him curiously, he scrunches his nose up. "The - your other siblings. They look at me like I'm- I'm someone else. S'weird."
"Isn't that a good thing?" Dick asks, "You are someone else."
Dany shrugs, staring at the ground with a heavy frown. "I don't know."
Danny seeks out Dick more after that. And vice versa. Dick reminds Danny of Jazz, and he latches onto the familiarity like a leech. If Dick is bothered by it, he doesn't show it, whether he's talking to his other world's self, to the Bruce's, or to one of the other Wayne kids.
Damian Wayne seems particularly keen to seek him out, Danny finds. He thinks it means that they're close in this world, and that Damian wants to see more of what a young Dick is like. That's what he would do, at least.
He takes up on Dick's offer of seating near him during dinner, and finds an open spot across from him. Unless he has something to show him, then he sits next to him.
("You can call me Jason." He tells him one day when they're in the Wayne's massive, fuck-off gym and they're both climbing over the jungle gym. Dick's showing him how to be more flexible. It's the most Danny's worked out ever, he likes the burn it gives him.
Dick looks at him in surprise, "Really?" he's doing a handstand on the bars and Danny's more than a little jealous at his balance.
"Yeah, dipshit," he says, rolling his eyes, "I'll even let you call me Jay, it's my nickname."
Dick happily takes him up on that offer, and much to Danny's embarrassment, starts calling him Jaybird. All because of his stupid Robin jacket.)
Danny has yet to meet his other self still, it's scaring him a little. Where was he? And matter of fact, how long until he could go back to his home dimension? The three of them hadn't gotten any updates since they arrived.
Speaking of, he was starting to talk to Bruce more, it was just... strange. Even stranger than talking to Dick. Bruce Wayne in another life would have been his adoptive father, Danny can't wrap his head around it for the life of him.
Whatever did Bruce Wayne see in Jason Todd that made him worth adopting? He's too afraid of the answer to ask. They start talking more after they run into each other late at night. Danny had been hit with a bout of insomnia and was going to the library.
He ran into Bruce on the way. He was just.. staring, out the window, with a faraway look in his eye. He didn't even look startled to see Danny standing there.
Danny asks him if he wants to go to the library with him. It was out of panic. He isn't expecting Bruce Wayne to agree, and they walk there in suffocating silence. Danny keeps looking at him from the corner of his eye.
("You're staring?" Bruce doesn't sound upset, Danny jumps anyway.
"Yeah, sorry." his voice sounds stilted, "it's just..." his jaw wires itself shut for a spell, "...you looked like you were about to disappear."
When they reach the library, Danny leads Bruce Wayne into the science section and takes out books upon books about stars. He leads him over to the armchair and fire and they both sit down on the ground.
"When I lived in Gotham I would stargaze." Danny says, it's the first thing he can think of. Bruce Wayne looks at him quizzically. "Well, I would try to. The sky's too polluted for that. Mostly I would just watch the skyline and try and spot Batman and Robin, was the same thing."
That cracks a smile out of Bruce. It's a small one, barely there. "I hardly think the two are comparable."
Danny is still serious. "Not to me."
He goes on, talking about how after he was adopted he got his hands on every star book he could find. He loves english and he loves to read, but something about the stars drew him in like a song. He rambles about every star fact he knows with Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne surprises him by telling him facts he didn't know. Danny soaks it up like a sponge, listening intently to him speak. And when they run out of star books to talk about, Danny tells Bruce that it was his turn to find something for them to talk about.
Bruce Wayne smiles again at him, a sly little thing like Danny's challenged him, and gets up. He comes back with a stack of film books, and they spend the next few hours going through them. Bruce Wayne rattles off every single movie fun fact he knows, and there is so much that he knows.
Danny is in awe, and moves to press against Bruce's side to see the stuff he points at in his books.
"You're smarter than people give you credit for." He says at some point, when his eyes hurt from being open for too long and his head leans against Bruce's arm for support. It follows with a jaw-cracking yawn that he tries and fails to stifle.
"Thank you, Danny." Bruce says, his voice soft and soothing and not helping with Danny's weighing exhaustion. His eyes drift, and then jerk open. "Do you want to go back to your room? You look tired, chum."
He bites back a smile at the nickname, and fails to keep it bitten. "No, no, I'm awake." He mumbles, shaking his head slowly. "I wanna hear-" he yawns again, "-hear you talking."
Danny swears he can hear the smile in Bruce's voice as he speaks; "Alright. Now, where was I?"
In the end, Danny falls asleep on the floor of the library next to Bruce Wayne. He doesn't even realize it until he wakes up the next morning. But it's not to worry, Bruce Wayne fell asleep too, an arm thrown around Danny protectively like he was his own kid.
This becomes a thing for them soon enough. When neither of them can sleep, they go to the library and talk and talk about whatever comes to mind.
There comes the dreaded night after they've finished whatever book they were looking at when Bruce, the little shit, turns to Danny and goes; "You never mentioned what happened after you hit Batman with a tire iron."
Danny groans, big and dramatic, burying his head in his arms, and ignores the low chuckle. "I thought he was gonna chase me down for sure." He complains, his voice muffled by his arms.
"Why did you hit him with a tire iron?"
The look Bruce gets is one of pure disbelief. "If Mothman suddenly showed up behind you while you were taking the wheels off his ride, you'd hit him too!"
"Last time I checked, Mothman isn't real." Bruce told him amusedly, and Danny flops over onto his back to stare him down. His arms sprawl out like a starfish, intentionally hitting Bruce in the shoulder.
"You don't know that, Batman's a cryptid and he's real."
Bruce roars with laughter, and Danny preens like a bird.
That next morning when Bruce passes by him for breakfast, he reaches over and ruffles his hair. It's the same thing he does for Dick every morning. It's the first of many, and it gets many stares from the surrounding family.
Bruce has a newspaper tucked under his arm, and when he sits down Danny stands up and skedaddles over to him, leaning over the side of his chair to peer at the paper.
"Any cryptids spotted, Buzz?" He asks, getting a startled laugh out of Bruce, who looks up at him.
"Well, yeah," and Danny states it as matter-of-fact. He gestures his head at Dick Grayson. "Dick calls you 'B', and B is for bees, and I can't just call you Bees, that's dumb. So; Buzz."
He grins triumphantly when Bruce laughs quietly, his shoulders shaking imperceptibly. "I know," he tilts his head up proudly, "I'm a genius."
Now he's actually laughing, dropping his head into one of his hands and trying to quiet himself as much as possible. Danny is positively beaming, ignoring the stares of the other Waynes as he flounces back to his seat just as the other Mister Wayne enters the room.
When Jason Daniel Fenton Todd meets Jason Todd for the first time, they both just stare at each other.
Danny recognizes himself immediately in the library, and he freezes up. His tongue ties to the roof of his mouth, and he's unsure of what to say.
He doesn't need to say anything at all, because when Jason Todd looks up and they lock eyes, they both just stare. And stare. Jason Todd is a large, hulk of a man, built like a brick shithouse, with a tired, traumatized look in his eyes and a white streak in his black curls. The same black curls that Danny himself has.
He has no idea what to say. Or if he should turn back around and leave.
Jason Todd sighs at him, "I know they told me you and another world's Bruce and Dickie were here," he says, but it sounds like he's talking to himself. Even moreso when he mutters half-heartedly, "-but I was hoping I wouldn't run into you."
Danny feels small next to him. He doesn't know why. "Sorry." He says lamely, his one foot skips back, "I can leave if you want." It's unlike him to be meek, he thinks. Not after years of Gotham living and dealing with the likes of Dash and his Jerk Jocks.
But this also isn't the streets, and this isn't other kids being dicks. Jason Todd shakes his head, and gestures with one large arm for Danny to come over. "You don't need to do that, you were coming to read, right?"
He nods, and tentatively makes his way over. When Jason looks at him, he sees him cast his eyes over his Robin jacket - he wears it everyday. Danny sees him narrow his eyes, just slightly. But he says nothing.
It's... a strange conversation. Interaction. Jason Todd doesn't talk to him much, and if he does it's stilted and awkward, like he doesn't know how to treat him. Like he's holding him at arm's length.
Jason's getting tired of being treated like a ghost.
They talk about their books. They compare lives. Jason Todd was picked up a few days after he stole the wheels of the batmobile. He wasn't an orphan, he lived with his mom and his stepdad before he lived with Bruce. They both like to read, only Danny has an interest in the stars.
("What do your adoptive parents do?" Jason Todd asks him, one arm slung over the back of the armchair, he looks relaxed. He looks tense. Danny feels like he's back in Crime Alley again.
"They're 'ectologists'." He says, making air quotes over the word. He rolls his eyes, "Ghost hunters. They study the dead and all things afterlife."
Jason Todd makes a dry laugh huff, a sarcastic half-smile on his face. He doesn't explain why he does, Danny doesn't ask why. It doesn't seem like his business.)
Danny wants to ask him where he got that white streak in his hair. It doesn't feel right. It feels like his parents' lab, and that isn't right. Nothing ever feels like his parents' lab.
Jason Todd leaves first after giving him a few book recommendations. Danny isn't sure how to rate the experience. Being in Jason Todd's presence was like standing in a liminal space. An empty parking lot at night. When he leaves it feels like much the same thing.
He struggles to read his books afterwards, unable to shake the feeling of being haunted.
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help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Summoning Game Show 3
I got so inspired and had so much fun writing for part 2 I just kept going. I have determined that this 'fic' should be about 7 parts long total. And here's Part 3, because I'm enjoying the nonsense of this so much.
“Congratulations on successfully finishing the first challenge! You can make your way back to the main room to receive your clue.”
The screen changes once Nightwing is on the stage with them. It now shows what looks like a wheel of fortune puzzle. Three words, four letters, four letters, and seven letters.
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“For your clue, you can choose a letter for the puzzle!” Danny explains. “Since there are four of you we will give you four letters automatically, and you each have the chance to earn an extra letter. For the freebies! E, the most common vowel in English.”
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“Looks like no E’s in this puzzle.” Danny shrugs at the boys with a grin on his face. “For the next three letters, we have the three most common consonants: T, N, and S!”
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“Three letters up, two N’s and one T.” Danny turns away from the screen to face Nightwing. “What letter would you like to choose?” Dick turns to look at Red and Jason “This portion is not collaborative.” Danny cuts in with a small frown, making everyone look back at him. “You earned the letter, you choose the letter. They only get to pick a letter after they’ve earned one.”
Nightwing grimaces slightly. “A?” 
“A!” Danny turns back to the screen.
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“One A!” Danny turns back. “The next challenge is a sword fight against Fright Knight! Who would like to sword fight?”
Damian very quickly raised his hand. Tim almost wanted to smack him, but as similar as a bo staff can be, and as much as he doesn’t want Damian in danger, Damian does have the most extensive sword training amongst them.
Danny takes Damian to pick out his sword. “I see that you have a sword already, but the fight is to first blood and you can’t harm Fright Knight with that sword, so that’s kind of unfair. We need to get you a weapon that will actually be able to hit your opponent.” They leave through a side door, but they leave it open so everyone can see all the weapon racks and Danny as he shows Damian around.
Tim leans towards Dick and Jason as Dick takes his seat in the middle chair. “Cool, so our weapons can’t actually hurt them, good to know. What exactly are we going to be asking the King at the end of this?”
“What do you mean?” Dick asks.
“I think he means that if we want to get back to our dimension we don’t want to piss off everyone here by wasting their time.” Jason spits out, sitting up and turning towards them. “They didn’t seem to take too kindly to that idea earlier.”
Dick winces and nods. “We could ask him to deal with the cult that brought us here.”
“What if he kills all of them?” 
“Well, you clearly have an idea Red, why don’t you tell us instead of making us guess.” Jason complains.
“Diplomatic relations.” Red states. “New dimension, new culture. We’re here to learn, maybe we could ask to set up a meeting between the King and Batman, or the Justice League.”
“The whole point of this is to get a meeting, what do you think he’s going to do if we use this meeting to ask for a different meeting?”
“Jason has a point. Maybe we could just ask to set up a way to communicate between us?” Dick suggests.
“I have obtained a sufficient weapon.” Damian calls out as he and Danny approach. Danny comes up onto the stage, heading back to the podium, but Damian doesn’t waste his time going back up and instead waits by the short stairs for further instructions. He is holding a katana, similar to the one he is used to, but with a different grip and that is glowing.
“So, since you’re using a semi unfamiliar weapon, Fright Knight is not going to be allowed to use his Soul Shredder, just to make it fair. And just in case he draws first blood, we don’t want to accidentally send anybody to their nightmare dimension!” Danny chirps out cheerfully. “You will be fighting in here, just stay on the main floor and away from bystanders. Fight will immediately end at first blood, no maiming, no killing, no excessive force. No use of powers is permitted.”
Danny gestures to where Fright Knight is exiting the armory with a regular looking broadsword. “This is Fright Knight.” Fright Knight waves as he comes over, stopping next to Damian so they’re both standing beneath the stage.
“Are you both ready?” The two swordsmen take a few steps away from each other and take positions before nodding. “Begin!”
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aliidarling · 2 months
i literally love how you write danny so if that’s okay i want to ask you if you could do Danny x Fem reader cuddling please🙏
thank youuuu😭🙏🙏
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DANNY JOHNSON x fem!reader
— sfw content
summary; just cuddling with your psycho boyfriend!! :3
warnings; danny himself is a warning, blood, stalking, fluff, cuddling, pervert danny, non-dbd au, no beta read we die like danny’s victims
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you and danny’s relationship was close to normal. you were aware of his antics and how he snuck out at night to end the lives of other, but who were you to judge? you were the one in love with him knowing he had ruined several lives.
there would be quiet nights where you laid in bed waiting for him to return home from one his stalkings. anxiety would pool at your feet, taunting you. your head yelled at you and told he he probably got himself arrested or he broke into the wrong house.
but each time the sound of the front door slowly creaking open always seemed to comfort you. you’re quick to sit up and rush out of your bedroom, peeking into the living room. he’s still in his ghostface get up, the bloody robe and mask telling you he had succeeded once again. a grin tugged at your lips and you ran into his arms, giggling lowly.
“how did it go? are you alright? did they fight back—“ you bombard him with questions that had been lingering in your mind for the last two hours. your hands grab at him to hold him tighter to you, eager to feel the warmth of his body.
he chuckles at your needy attitude and pulls off his mask, his dark eyes staring you down. he was as pretty as the day he met you.
“it went well, sweetheart. lil’ brat fought back but as you can tell,” he snickers, motioning to himself, “i won.” the cocky tone doesn’t go unnoticed. whenever he comes home from a successful kill he’s always in a good mood.
“good job, baby.” you coo happily, pressing kisses all over his face, from his jaw to his forehead. he hums and picks you up. you wrap your legs around his waist as he holds you close, carrying you to your bedroom.
“she managed to land a few blows on me, though.” he grumbles into your ear, subtly feeling you up through your pajamas. he loved these little flimsy things you wore to bed each night, a cami with cotton shorts, they were always so soft and comfortable to cuddle with.
“awwww, are you okay?” you frown, looking over his bloody robe. “s’all her blood, right?” you bat your lashes.
he snorts.
“yes, baby, all her blood. but the sore ribcage is from her bitch ass landing a few blows on me.” he spits out the last few words, feeling quite frustrated that the young girl he went after managed to hold quite a fight. he had stalked her for weeks, memorized every single thing about her, but he didn’t know she would pack quite a punch. she was barely 130 pounds for gosh sake.
“poor baby.” you coo as he sets you down onto the bed. he strips down from his robe, throwing it into the hamper with no hesitation. underneath is his usual black jeans with black tee shirt, completed with black gloves. he turns to the closet and starts to rummage through for some pajamas as you sit on the bed, fiddling with your fingers, waiting for him.
he glances at you out of the corner of his eye, a scowl tugging at his lips. there was a small scar at the corner of his mouth that reminded you how dangerous his career was, but it also definitely enhanced his beauty no matter what anyone else told you.
“why you still awake, huh?” he asks as he grabs a pair of grey sweatpants and a black crewneck. he pulls down his pants and throws his shirt into the hamper with no care, and then quickly changes into the comfortable pajamas.
“was waiting for you.” you pout, watching intently. you weren’t a pervert, no, you just loved to watch your boyfriend in his glory.
“of course you were.” he sighs with a subtle hint of mirth. he fixes up his messy hair and crawls into the bed right next to you, shoves away some of your stuffed animals even after you yell at him not to, and pulls you close to his chest. you sigh happily and snuggle into his chest, his firm arms wrapping around you. he had a cold heart but he’d never say no to cuddles.
“gimme a back massage tomorrow, okay?” he whispers, hugging you. he rolls over so he’s on top of you, happily sighing at the new position. it’s more comfortable for him and slightly suffocating for you, but he doesn’t care. he just likes the feeling of having you in his arms underneath him with your boobs in his face.
“so squishy….” he mumbles, burying his face into your breasts, hands squeezing your waist.
“goodnight danny.” you yawn and press kisses to his head. he hums back, his voice muffled by your body, eyes already closed and zoned out. he’s always exhausted after one of his killings. it’s quite a work out for him. “night, brat.” he purrs.
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 months
Secret Brothers
I have been thinking about a Demon Twins DCxDP crossover, specifically one where absolutely everybody is confused.  Also Ra’s is the Asshole. 
Let’s take a walk.
Damian and Dante(Danny) were twins, raised together, trained together, and loved each other deeply. Talia, though not the best of parents by most measures, does love her children.  The twins are raised as assassins and were extremely effective when teamed together. So effective that Ra’s Al Ghul decided that together they were a threat. He decides that Damian is the preferred twin and heir.
At age nine, almost exactly, Ra’s sends Dante out with another Assassin, who has orders to kill Dante.  The results of this attempt leaves Dante wandering around Northern Arizona to be found by the Fentons (who were on a road trip), with head trauma that means that the only thing Dante remembers is that his name starts with DAN. Talia and Damian believe that Dante was murdered and his body stolen by parties unknown and decide to hunt down Dante’s murderer.  Ra’s, believing Dante dead, allows it for several weeks before deciding that he did not want his daughter and his heir obsessed with an inconsequential spare. So he has a strong magical spell cast on anyone who would have known Dante in the league, hiding and disguising their memories. 
Eight years pass, Damian and Danny are 17. Damian has been living with Bruce since he was 10 and still does not remember he has a twin. Talia still does not remember that she had two sons. 
Dante, now Danny,  still has no clear memories from before he was found by the Fentons. Even the accident with the portal did not bring back those memories.  By the time we start, he has already come out to his parents about being Phantom (in admittedly the most traumatizing way for the Fenton parents as possible-He, Tucker, and Sam sat them down and showed them the full raw security tapes of the accident before telling them anything. Jack and Maddie may be oblivious and obsessive but they are very intelligent. They realized almost immediately what it meant that their portal opened with Danny inside, even before he was spit out a blackened corpse who healed into Phantom). 
This is a good Fenton Parents, who not only took the half ghost realization well but also immediately became a bit obsessed with not only lab safety, as one of their inventions had killed one of their children, but also with understanding ghost culture. They also immediately started manufacturing weapons for ghosts to use against the GIW(The Fentons are 100%, ride or die, enthusiastic at all times and in this one the moment they realize that there were people hurting Danny…they were ready to rip the GIW apart molecule by molecule).  Phantom has also connected with the Justice League, joined the Justice League Dark, who were able to get the Anti Ecto Acts reversed. The Justice League as a whole knows that Phantom is a half ghost, half human King of the Infinite Realms whose civilian name is Danny Fenton but Batman, nor any of his kids, has not had the opportunity to meet Danny out of uniform, as it were.  Batman and Red Hood know and Trust Phantom, as he has also helped with the Pit Rage (The Lazarus Pits are corrupted Ectoplasm for the win).
Which brings us to our start. 
It’s a pretty basic premise. A Cult (14 people present) decides to summon the Ghost King for power.  When Danny was first crowned he set his summoning, but really didn’t want it to be an open season on summonings. So one of his ‘ingredients’ is a drop of family blood (not specifying if it had to be those he considered family, or blood family) with provisions in place so that Danny would be able to tell if it was being forcibly taken or not through the summoning spell. The cult captures the Batfam and uses Damian’s blood to summon the Ghost King. Who arrives, a little confused. 
He’s even more confused when he sees Batman and Co tied up. Ghost King Phantom peers at Batman, not even paying any attention to the cultist. “Did you call?”
Batman grunts a no and jerks his head to the cultist.
Phantom redirects his focus back to the head Cultist who starts to do a grand speech about glorious power. Phantom interrupts him to ask “How did you get my summoning?��
The Head Cultist lights up with pride, “I have a spell that was able to transcribe your summoning, we used another to make sure we got the right ingredients.”
After a little bit of back and forth the Cultist admit that none of them actually understand the language that they used to summon Ghost King Phantom, nor do they know why they needed the ingredients they did.  Ghost King Phantom pinches the bridge of his nose as he laments that cultists have gotten so damned stupid. Phantom asks each cultist what they hoped to get out of this: 1-13 said they wanted power (in reality the head cultist had a hyperfixation on using the spells he used to transcribe the summoning and gather the ingredients and wanted to see what would happen), number 14 was paid to be there; Number 14 was also a little pissed that the people paying her were not doing basic research so that they knew who or what they were summoning. The Cult thought 14 would be an auspicious number. 
Phantom, now curious, takes a brief interlude (after restraining the other 13) to get more information on 14. She was given $200,000 to be part of the circle. She had a magically binding agreement saying that her soul was not to be offered as payment, that there would be a 5 year moratorium on destroying any planet she happened to be on, and that she could not be targeted directly or indirectly by the cult after they gained power. She was also a former Pre Law Student with an interest in contract law. 
Phantom recruits her for Justice League Dark, even going as far as calling Zatanna down to take her back to the Watchtower.  After she was gone he turned back to still tied up Batfam to apologize. He went to say that Constantine had agreed to go to therapy if they could find a way to fix his Contract/Soul issues, of which there were so many (some of the pieces of his soul had been sold multiple times, other were sold as a larger piece then resold by Constantine in smaller pieces while the contracts for the larger pieces were still active, a half dozen of the ‘your soul belongs to me after death’ type contracts had defaulted on the demon's side before they defaulted on Constantine’s side, one piece of Constantine’s soul-in theory a downpayment on a contract- may or may not have been straight up stolen, then sold by a metaphysical fence three dimensions over and might be in the soul equivalent of The British Art Museum) and that Phantoms sister has been eagerly waiting to study Constantine psyche under a microscope. So a Pre Law student with an interest in contract law was too good a find to pass up. 
After untying the Bat fam, Phantom turns to Batman and says that Phantom really does need to figure out how the idiot cultists managed to summon him, so he needed the cultists for a bit to go over what exactly they did and said but after that they could be arrested.  One of the remaining cultists, not the head cultist, objected to being sent to prison. Without missing a beat Phantom shrugged and said he could throw anyone who objected into a hell dimension for a while, clarifying a while could be anywhere from three days to the heat death of the universe. 
The cultists were more cooperative after that. 
Red Robin suggested that the Bats stay too, since it was also in their best interest to figure out how Damian managed to be an ingredient in Phantom’s summoning.  
Phantom goes over every step of the preparation, the spell to know the ingredients, the spell to transcribe the summoning, and the words themselves all the while sighing every so often in irritation at the downward spiral of cultists in general. 
Despite a cacophony of errors including but not limited to:
 -Mixing the ingredients for the ‘paint’, which the instructions specifically said to mix on site and only as needed, early and storing it in one of the cultists bedrooms (Phantom:...you know that mix is highly hallucinogenic, right?/Cultist: Is that why I’ve been followed by a pink bunny for the last three days?/ Phantom<sighing>:Yes, that is why you have been followed by a pink bunny for the last three days) 
-Adding additional runes to the summoning circle, specifically the runes for sacrificing someone (Cultists: The picture of all the other circles had those rune, we figured it was a typo/ Phantom: it wasn’t)
-Inverting one of the added runes, which switched the party receiving the power and the party being sacrificed (Phantom: Because of those runes, I am able to eat all your souls for the purpose of powering Batman and his entourage/Batman:Please don’t, they all give me enough headaches without getting powers/Phantom:looks like you are all in luck.)
Despite these errors the summoning actually worked exactly as intended. So Robin makes the suggestion that they must have some sort of blood relation.  Phantom shrugs and says that he always thought he was an orphan. One of the birds goes “Thought?”. Phantom smiles sheepishly and says that his sister thinks that Phantom escaped from a cult, but that he has no memories prior to being found by his parents at age 9. He also wonders how closely related he would have to be to someone to show up as family.
An offer is made to go to the Batcave and check with a DNA test to see how closely related they are, which Phantom accepts. On the way there Spoiler asks how one gets a Half Ghost. 
Phantom, who is very blase about Death having a near Danny experience, says: Well, you take a 14 year old idiot, yours truly, put him in what he thought was a non working portal to the realm of the dead, add in an accident that caused him to hit the on button that was inexplicably on the inside. And I do mean inexplicably, to this day my parents still don’t know why they put the on button there. It turns out having a portal to the dead open on top of and through you has some really weird side effects.   
This is a slightly worrying answer but frankly masked heroes/vigilantes don’t have a great grasp on normal anyway and Phantom assures them that his parents got much better about lab safety afterwards.  This dovetails into a very casual discussion between everyone about what everyone thought was the most painful way to die and which kind of events sucked the most to live through. 
They get back to the Batcave and Phantom transforms back into Danny (to get the most accurate comparison. Phantom's blood is mainly ectoplasm which would mess with the DNA test, Danny’s blood still has ectoplasm but much less).  Everyone stares at Danny, before Nightwing makes a joke about Robin and Danny sharing a face.  
At the minor cajoling of Nightwing, supported by Agent A, the Bat Fam unmasks. Danny blinks at them and says to Damian ‘Hey, we do share a face.’
They start the blood test. Everyone is taking bets on how close they are related and from what side. This is all still very casual, very much an air of ‘what a weird coincidence’. 
The blood test comes back twins. Everyone looks at the test, then back at Danny and Damian, then back at the test. Without needing any discussion Bruce runs the test again, despite the fact that the visual clues do indicate it was correct the first time.  It still says Twins. 
Damian is both baffled and a little offended. He did not know he had a twin out there. In theory, if Danny left the League at 9 Damian should have some memories of him. Most of the Bat fam thinks this is another case of Talia being a lying asshole.  Cass peers at both Danny and Damian, and signs that something feels strange about the lack of memory (Oracle puts forth the idea that it’s possible they were raised apart in the league. Damian is sure his mother would have told him if he had a twin).  At some point magical memory manipulation is brought up and they contact Zatanna (masks having been put back on, though Danny remains in human form), who comes down gushing about the 14th cultist, whose name was Rachel, who was already plowing through Constantine contracts and already found a clause that would let Constantine reclaim one of the shards of his soul.  
Zatanna is able to find the spell that hid the memories of Danny in Damian's mind.  She warns that it looks like it affected more than Damian and breaking it would remove it from everyone who was affected. Damian looked for Danny’s permission first (as they did not know who or why the spell was cast- it could have been for Danny’s protection). Danny gave the ok and Zatanna removed the spell. She left quickly so that the Bats and birds would feel comfortable showing their identities again.
The effect was immediate. Damian went pale and teary eyed (due to the spell he was never able to process the ‘death’ of his brother, basically the trauma spent the last eight years festering under the spell) and whispered ‘Dante?’ before lunging to pull his twin close. Jason was a little dazed (he had a few memories of seeing the demon twins together, at a distance). Danny, whose amnesia was not because of the spell, was unaffected but still hugged Damian, who was now clutching at his brother and crying. 
Far away Talia sat straight up from a sound sleep. Her mind flooded with memories of her precious second son. The son who was murdered and has remained unavenged for 8 years. She quickly made arrangements to head toward New Jersey, she would stop and see Damian and invite him on a hunt. 
It becomes clear quickly that Danny would be staying in the manor for at least the night, Damian did not want to let go of him.  He calls his parents and gives them a brief rundown of the situation (was summoned by weird cultist, found blood family-a twin brother and a father, twin brother was bespelled to forget he had a brother and breaking the spell had made him clingy, would be staying in Gotham for a bit). 
His parents run through a Jazz created set of call and response code phrases to make sure that Danny, and now his brother, were not being held by the cult they presume Danny escaped from. After Danny gives the all clear phrases, Maddie asks to speak with his Biological Father.   
Danny hands the phone over to Bruce, where Maddie cheerfully tells him that He and his entire family would be bringing Danny back to Amity Park on Sunday (it was a Thursday, but it was also summer so Danny could stay for a few days) and staying for dinner, that Maddie, Jack, and Jazz all had some concerns about Danny’s condition when he had been found, that any of Danny’s siblings (making it clear that this also included anyone Damian considered a sibling) were now one of her children as well and if Bruce was or became a threat to any of her children Maddie would kill him, and should Bruce pass her vibe check they could discuss shared custody of the children.  Then, without changing tone, asks how many she should be expecting for dinner on Sunday. 
Bruce answers and hands the phone back to Danny, reminding himself that he had gone toe to toe with actual Gods, he should not be intimidated by a cheerful voice on a phone. He is also trying not to think about the fact that he had acquired yet another child he had not known about. Not to mention running through everything that Phantom had ever told him and trying to stave off several retroactive panic attacks.
It takes a bit but they get Damian calmed enough that they are able to get everyone upstairs, where Danny ends up sharing with Damian (who is still working through eight years of trauma and panics if Danny is not right there). 
On Friday, Talia gets in contact with Damian about hunting Dante’s murderer down. Once Damian assures Danny that Talia was not his murderer (as he could now remember them hunting for Dante’s murderer and their combined grief) and did love him, Danny was willing to meet with Talia.  The Bat fam insist on going with the twins to meet with their biological mother. 
Talia takes Danny being there about the same as Damian did.  Not even Bruce had ever seen her cry before.  She, in her own way, practically begged to be allowed to stay in Gotham with her sons for a bit. Bruce agreed and arranged that she would also go with them to Amity Park to meet Danny’s family. It also takes Talia about 45 second of thought, now that she is not blinded by rage and grief,  to realize that the only person who could have arranged Dante’s murder would have been her Father, and that he was probably the one responsible for their magical memory loss as well.  Tim might have his issues with Talia, but he actually hated Ra’s more; they started scheming together to help Talia and Damian express their displeasure over his actions.
I do want to note, Danny does not start getting memories of being Dante. Those memories are gone as a result of head injury and trauma. While both Talia and Damian would prefer if Danny remembered them, they are so pleased that he is actually alive, as it were, that they are not pushing him.   
When they bring Danny back to Amity Park that Sunday, Jack and Maddie greet all of the ‘kids’ (Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass, Duke, Steph, Barbara) with specialized weapons, non lethal but will knock out a human quickly  and customized to each child's preferred weapon, hugs, and the family Fudge recipe (which they also give to Alfred) for each of them. Plus gear to prevent being overshadowed and an offer to upgrade all of their current armor and gear.  Talia and Maddie, after a quiet heart to heart, got along frighteningly well (there is a brief discussion about Ra’s and Maddie increasingly creative threats). Jack gets in loud, delighted conversations with each of his new children, somehow finding a special interest for each of them to ask questions about.  Damian is able to step away from Danny for a bit to get into a discussion with Sam, in which everyone decides that they did NOT actually hear the two of them planning some kind of eco terrorism campaign that would end with Lex Luthor broken and crying on the ground.  Tucker and Barbara are enthusiastically talking about hacking while Tucker promises to introduce her and Tim to Technus, who would be a huge fan. Jazz is chomping at the bit to put together psyche profiles for each of them so she can be the best sibling possible. 
At some point Vlad comes in (he had mellowed out once he, Jack, and Maddie got together. It turns out he had been pining for both of them but convinced himself it was only Maddie) and booms that he needs to come meet his brother Bruce. Vlad, knowing exactly how Jack can be, sighs a little and asks how long Bruce Wayne has been his brother. Jack responds cheerfully since he brought Danny back and they realized he was Danny Biological father (Maddie had not asked Bruces name nor any identifying information during her threatening phone call. Jazz despaired).
I think it would be very funny, after the trope of Batman/Bruces Adoption thing, that the entire bat fam is forcibly but cheerfully adopted by the small mid western family, their close friends, and a very haunted town.
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flamingpudding · 10 months
Drake's family secret #2
Previous Part
Tim was prepared, he had done as much research / digging as he could squeeze in between meetings, even going so far as rescheduling some of them to get more time until the tour guide would lead the high school students to his office.
Some things he had found were worrying even to the point of wanting to just take Danny and move him permanently to Gotham. Even if he knew that Gotham wasn't the safest city either. He had seen the other boy's interest in the aerospace department through the cameras, but with his digging he had found that Danny had been on a fast track for a Junior Space Program with the grades to support it.
Diggin that information up had made Tim proud, thinking that if there was something good about the Drake family it was that both Danny and him appear to have a very good set of brain cells. Though that proud feeling didn't last long when he dug further.
Because then an accident happened to him, leaving him with his last medical record stating a heart condition. After that there were no more dated medical records. In addition the timing of the accident lined up with when Danny's grades pummeled. He went from a A student to a C student in the month following the accident. Not only that but it also appeared that he racked up quite the number of teacher complaints to which he then got labeled as a delinquent student in his files.
Tim had narrowed his eyes at the screen as he lined up the timeline, with some additional information he had found about Amity Park. That information had not been easy to dig up, he had rescheduled at least two meetings so he could work uninterrupted on the strange firewalls that were protecting it, and even then he only got a handful of newspaper clips out of it. But that had been enough, for now.
Because Danny Fenton's accident and declining grades lined up with the appearance of a ghost menace hero Invis-o-Bill. A coincidence? Definitely not. Looked like hero-ing wasn't just a Wayne family thing.
Either way Tim had dug up a lot in a short amount of time about his possible brother. He was still missing a lot of puzzle pieces but he figured he could probably get that information once he made a successful first contact with Danny.
Which was about to happen in a little more than 5 minutes.
His eyes flicked to the door, then to the live security camera feet on his laptop. Yep they were right outside his door. Taking a deep breath and closing his laptop Tim moved to lean on his desk from the front, facing the door.
His plan was easy. give the kids a little motivational speech, spout some inspiring nonsense of 'you too can achieve great things' before dismissing cheerfully but hold Danny back, because his last name was Fenton and Tim 'recognised' it from a list of potential scientist to investment. Have a successful talk and show some interest in the - weird he actually didn't want to touch on but probably will have to consider because Danny had an accident that gave him meta powers that made him decide to go out as meta hero - stuff Danny's foster parents were researching. Ruffle his hair and subtitle pluck one of his hairs in that motion.
For a first DNA test that would be enough. Even if blood or spit would definitely be better, since he had no guarantee to also get the hair root if he just plucked one.
When the knock on his door resounded he cheerfully told them to come in and started phase one of his grand first contact plan. If anyone asked him what he told the students afterwards, he probably wouldn't be able to recount anything he told them as 'motivational speech'. He did his best though to not let his eyes constantly wander over towards the boy.
He took a little satisfaction in the fact that one of the two close friends his possible brother had appeared to be starry eyed at the fact that they got to meet him. That definitely would come in handy later on.
When some of the students started to look rather bored with their attention wandering, Tim thought that this was probably the best timing to enter phase two. Dismissing them with some scripted farewell words, he waited a little. As he expected Danny and his two friends lacked behind when the students left his office.
He cleared his throat, catching their attention. "Mr. Fenton?"
Danny looked at him wide eyed as he turned around to stare at him and Tim internally laughed. "Your parents are on our list of Scientists for possible investment. If you have the time, would it be possible to have a little chat right now?"
He noted how Danny exchanged a look with his friends and the girl among them instantly started to glare at him suspiciously as Danny's seemed to narrow. He cleared his throat once more. "I will ensure that you will get safely back to the hotel your school is staying at. I just think this would be the perfect chance to learn a bit more about ecto-science? That was what they called it, right?"
Okay, plan was not going as hoped as Danny was now full on glaring, not as heated as the girl but still glaring. His other friends had now also lost the starry eyed look in his eyes and was watching him with clear suspicion.
Damage control, damage control! Stop sounding so formal! His mind screamed as Tim once more cleared his throat nervously. "If now is inconvenient, maybe we could meet for a coffee later? I really am hoping to learn a bit more than what's written in stuffy reports."
"We got some free exploring time tomorrow afternoon. It's Tim Drake! We could at least hear him out." One of his friends stage whispered to Danny who continued to watch him with narrowed, glaring eyes.
"Tucker, no." Danny whispered back before addressing Tim. "Sorry, I have no interest in my parents work."
Before Tim could say anything else Danny dragged his friends out of his office to catch up with the other students. Leaving Tim stunned before he dragged a hand down his face. So much for phase two of his first contact plan.
"Okay noted, his parents' research is not the best way to open up contact." Tim muttered before walking around his desk and opening his laptop again. He needed to readjust his plans. Luckily one of Danny's friends, Tucker, gave him some valuable information.
Maybe he could convince Steph or Duke to go to the mall with him to make it appear more natural. Dick could also be an option, he was in town at the moment. But either way that would also risk further questions, when he 'coincidentally' ran into Danny Fenton. He didn't think reasoning with Dick about some good old brotherly bonds would distract his eldest brother long enough.
Maybe it was about time to get at least one of his siblings in on the Drake's family secret.
Or not depending, he could also check their exploring route via the city cameras and then just go coincidentally into the same coffee or food place Danny and his friends happened to go to.
Yeah that sounded better than getting his siblings involved already.
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clockwayswrites · 10 months
A bitty bit and a poll... cw: post canon typical violence, blood, offer of smuttiness ship: Danny/Jason
“Hood,” Danny said, pushing his hair back as he turned Jason’s way. His thumb ran over the shaved side of his head. A streak of blood trailed behind by the motion.
“What did they want?” Jason asked. He kicked at the side of one of the groaning thugs for emphasis as he strode over to Danny.
Danny just shrugged. “The usual.”
“Not supposed to be the usual in my territory,” Jason growled.
“Yeah, well,” Danny said with that crooked grin of his. There was something all the more feral about the grin that night between the blood and the way the harsh magenta neon that adorned the outside of Danny’s shop broke through the light rain. “I’m in that grey zone; not in one place or the other.”
“Shut the fuck up. You’re my mechanic so you’re my territory.”
Danny’s grin widened and he had the audacity to wink. “Kinky.”
“What did I say about shutting up?” Jason asked as he started to look Danny over for injuries.
Danny pliantly, and almost with amusement, let Jason check him over. When Jason found a cut on the other’s arm, he huffed, tossed the bloodied tire iron Danny was holding away, and started to roll up the sleeve of the black over shirt.
“It’s fine Hood, it’s nothing,” Danny said as he peered around Jason.
Without letting go of Danny’s arm, Jason pulled out a gun and twisted enough to point it at the thug who was helping the one Jason had kicked off the ground.
“This street is off limits.”
“Ain’t Crime Alley!” the one said, spitting blood. “Old Gotham is—”
“Right over there. This street? It’s mine,” Jason said. He cocked his gun for emphasis.
“It ain’t—”
“It ain’t worth dying over! Leave it!” the other thug hissed and tried to pull them away. “If fucking Red Hood says it’s his then it’s his! Now come on.”
“Make sure you take the rest with you,” Jason ordered. He kept his gun trained on them until they were long out of sight.
“Do I still have to shut up?” Danny asked cheekily into the silence. “Because I can think of some fun ways for you to make me.”
Jason turned slowly to look at Danny. “What.”
It wasn’t exactly a question. Jason knew what Danny was implying, but what?
Danny just shrugged, still with that smile. “Can’t a man thank his knight in leather armor? I mean, totally feel free to turn me down. I’m not going to pressure someone into that sort of thing, but I figured it didn’t hurt to offer. You seem like you’re a little tense—”
As if they weren’t just in a fight.
“—and could use the release. I’m not going to pretend that I would mind being between those thighs. So what do you say, wanna let me blow you?”
Danny might as well have hit Jason with that tire iron for how his thoughts scrambled at that offer. Who the fuck did that? Danny had no reason to. Jason already made clear that Danny was under his protection. Jason had also been ramping up the amount of work he gave to Danny versus handling himself. It wasn’t like the guy needed to offer sexual favors.
Jason shook his head, as if that would clear his confusion. “Next time or something. I’ve got work.”
“Sure, wouldn’t want to keep you,” Danny said and took a step back.
“Wrap that arm.”
“What arm?”
Danny laughed and tucked his hands into his pockets as he backed up into his shop. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll wrap it. Go out there and take on the big bad night, hero.”
“I’m not a fucking hero,” Jason called after him. “And lock your damn door!”
Danny gave a cheeky salute before disappearing into the shop.
AN: NOW, you all know by now, I'm sure, that I love playing around with how balanced Danny is as a half and his hair color and things like that. This is the new idea I was whining about earlier. It's going to be about as pwp as I'm able to get and supposedly a one shot. Danny is very, very forward, Jason is very, very confused (and later very, very satisfied). So all that said...
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confessedlyfannish · 8 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt #10
Damian wakes up to low-pitched arguing, and in his daze thinks the hand running through his hair is Richard's.
"S'rry," he murmurs, turning his cheek into the hand. His head hurts, and Richard's hand is cool against his cheek, delicate nails ghosting over his scalp.
Hm. Richard does not have delicate nails. Nor a woman's voice.
"-lty is to Danny, all you've done is put a bigger target on our backs!"
"So be it," the young woman says, voice measured. It's her hand that's in Damian's hair. He'd pull away but his body is weighed down, eyelids barely ably to slip open to grab a glimpse of ginger hair before slamming shut again.
He's...drugged. He thinks. Nothing he recognizes immediately, but it's been a while since his poisoning sessions and thinking right now is difficult. His mask is still on, which means his identity is intact. There's nothing he can do except hope it will stay that way.
And so he sinks back under.
Some time later, he resurfaces with more lucidity. He's still costumed, mask on. His body still feels heavy, but this time he can wedge his eyes open enough to catch three figures next to the bed he now lies on. The redhead stands closest.
"--you an out," she is saying, her back to Damian. The other two, a pale girl with pitch black hair and a boy wearing a red cap, look at each other.
"That's not what we're asking for, and you know it!" The pale girl yells.
"That doesn't mean you shouldn't take it." The woman says, her voice extremely level in comparison. This only seems to agitate the girl further.
"Team Phantom means we make decisions as a team, Jazz." The boy says through grit teeth. "And if you had run this by us, we would've,"
"Said no--" the pale girl says, meanly.
"--At least figured out a better way," the boy says, head turning sharply towards the girl. "Between this and Jefferson you've been making really rash choices. We can't find Danny if we get caught by the Justice Loogies--"
"Team Phantom," the redhead interrupts. She turns towards Damian, and if she notices he's awake, she doesn't say anything. "You really don't get it, do you. There is no Team Phantom, because Danny's gone. We're not going to find him."
"Stop eating their bs--"
"Stop living in denial, Sam. Both of you. We can't find Danny because Danny's not anywhere to be found."
"They wouldn't get rid of him--"
"Why wouldn't they? Don't you see?" Jazz says, whirling around. She waves a blurry arm in Damian's direction.
"They can recreate the experiment anytime they want. And they do want. They found his genetic doppelgänger when they got their hands on Robin's blood. That's what they had on file in Jefferson."
Jefferson, Damian thinks. It's familiar. Information starts to filter in. It's not a person, but a place. There was an explosion at a government facility. Blew up three city blocks. 45 Casualties.
The redhead's a terrorist. He thinks. Redhead.
Fuck. She'd been getting mugged. He'd rescued her. Her face had been bruised.
She'd wanted to go to the hospital. Held onto his cape for dear life. Flinched back from Richard.
He'd smirked at Grayson before offering to escort her.
He'd felt important.
...He'd been an idiot.
"--You really think he'd just hand him over?"
"I don't know anything about Batman," the girl says. "But I'm not letting another brother die."
There's a sharp inhale, and neither side speaks.
"So that's it," the pale girl says. "You give up and immediately go get a replacement?"
"Sam..." the boy says warningly.
"Danny would want me to protect him," Jazz says. "So that's what I'm going to do. And you are free to leave."
"You're acting fucking crazy," Sam says. "And you're too deep in your grief to realize it. Danny would want none of this."
"Well then maybe it's a good thing he's not here," Jazz says, "Maybe I should be thanking you two instead."
The resulting silence is so sharp Damian hears only the sound of his own breaths.
"Fuck you," the girl spits, a door slamming a split second later. The boy doesn't say a word, crossing over to Damian.
"I'm going to keep looking, Jazz," he says, after a long moment. "I'm going to find him. Because he's alive."
Jazz doesn't respond.
"Listen, they found Robin's blood, right? They don't know who he is, so if we tell him to stop with the costume, lay low-"
"They'll finger prick all of Gotham if they have to. You know that. They can't get to him here, not with the portals and research destroyed. Even if they catch Mom and Dad, the ghosts will rip them to pieces if they ever step foot in the zone."
Jazz steps closer to Damian. "Here, Superman won't be able to hear his heartbeat."
"What happens when he wakes up? Wants to go home? He must have a family out there, he can't be Robin 24/7."
"You know I used to read to Danny?" Jazz says. Her voice is distant. "Every night before bed. He'd never heard a fairy tale before. He could read, of course, but he liked the way—" Jazz swallows. "He liked the way I did the voices. We were supposed to be in bed by 9 but when Mom would come to check on us we'd just pretend we were asleep. Danny was really good at it, but I could always tell when he was pretending."
A hand brushes through his hair again.
"You really are his twin, Damian."
Damian opens his eyes and sits up as the boy, a teenager his own age, takes a startled step back. Jazz, yes, the woman he'd 'rescued', smiles warmly at him.
He's in a canopied bed, surrounded by rich fabrics and what looks to be purple-bricked walls. There's a green tinted window to his right. Bookshelves with old looking tomes lines the walls and a suit of armor stands by the door. He notes the mace in its hands. With any luck, it won't be welded to the gloves.
"Danyal is dead," he says shortly. Jazz's smile turns sad.
"Yes," she takes his hand. "I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. He was so brave—,"
Damian yanks his hand away. "No, he's not newly dead, he's been dead. For years."
Jazz shakes her head, that same sad condescending smile on her face. "No, Danny didn't die. He escaped the League. He told me all about you. He," her voice wobbles, "he loved you very much."
Damian's blood churns. "You're lying."
"He lived, and he was a hero, like you. He helped people. And then he became a King," Jazz says. She continues to smile, even as tears start to trail down her face. "Which makes you a prince."
She sounds, to quote Sam, fucking crazy. And now that he can see the manic gleam in her eyes, she looks it too. Damian shoots an incredulous glance at the boy, but he refuses to make eye contact.
Jazz stands up and opens her arms out, gesturing to the room. "This was his home. And now it's yours."
Damian weighs his responses. Remembers Dick's lessons in diplomacy.
And still chooses the nuclear option: "If you know of the League then you know what it means to be the heir of Ra's Al Ghul. I will not be made into a prisoner and if you attempt to keep me here, you will be sorry."
The boy mouths "the league" to himself, questioningly, but Jazz doesn't so much as flinch.
"I know this is a long to take in," she says, voice dripping with sympathy. "But I promise, it will all make sense, and in time you'll come to adjust. Let's let Damian rest, Tucker."
The boy, Tucker, looks at him now with a troubled gaze, but when Jazz opens the door he reluctantly walks out. Jazz pauses in the doorway.
"Damian," she says, that same far off tone in her voice, her back to him. "Danny used to tell me about the League's code. Hunting down those that threatened its power without ceasing. Ensuring every target was dead. No mission left uncompleted. No failure tolerated."
Jazz looks back at him, a small serene smile on her face. "I'm going to avenge our brother Damian. I'm going to hunt down every last one of them. Without ceasing. Without failure. You have my word."
She cocks her head at him thoughtfully. "Danny loved macadamia nut muffins. I'll pick us up some on my way back. A welcome home present."
She strides out the door. Damian waits to hear a lock turn, but there is nothing but the sound of her fading footsteps. He waits until the noise has fully faded before he attempts to stand, glaring at his legs until they sluggishly begin to respond.
A squeaking noise erupts from the far wall and he watches in disbelief as the suit of armor creakily moves to stand in front of the door. Sufficiently positioned, it ceases all movement once more. However, now Damian can make out the two glowing red dots staring straight through the slits of its helm.
Damian's lip curls up in a wicked snarl that Jason calls feral as it becomes clear the guard is not going to attack but rather...guard. He heads for the window instead and stops short as he gets his first peek of the outside.
The window is not tinted green at all. Instead, for as far as he can see, there is an unnatural, electric green. Blobs of more of the green float and drift through the expanse, as if he is trapped in a lava lamp.
Here, Superman won't be able to hear his heartbeat.
"Where am I?" Damian asks, staring out into the void. This whole time he's been angry, and embarrassed, and annoyed. But for the first time since this ordeal began, he feels afraid.
"Where am I?"
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Danny and jason clown soulmark
Danny and jason HATE clowns, hates them with a passion
If danny sees a clown and they need a kick in the ass, he's gunna give them one
Jason, at witnessing a clown will shoot first and ask questions later( this resulted in alot of bribes with the circus from bruce)
So it wasent a suprise that when they finally got their soulmarks and it was a clown dew to their mutualhatred of them, they had similar reactions, the thought that their soulmate was a clown made danny want to punch something, jason is slightly terrified the joker is his soulmate,
So after a few years danny is 17 and jason is 19/20 they meet for the first time.
Well the fentons were visiting gothem and got caught up in a joker attack, danny the second he caught sight of the joker himself,
Slowley took off his hoodie, handed it to jazz...and proceded to spider drop on him, hissing, biting and clawing and the joker couldn't get him off
And thats what the batfam walked into, a twink going feral on the joker while 2 people watch in pride and 1 in exasperation
After the CHALLENGE that was getting danny off the joker batman and red hood approached the kid tland asked why he attacked the joker
Danny smiled a too sharp smile, pulled up his sleave and said "my soulmate might be a clown but that dosent stop my hatred of them" danny then spit out a mouthful of jokers blood
The batfam, who recognised the souldmark, were thinking 'they really are made for each other'
Meanwhile jason is wondering when his birthday is so he can marry him legally
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(un)dead beat dad (Chapter 1)
I hope you all suffer as much as my beta readers do, love you guys @justagaygoosehoard and @le-maidenless
and for those of you who wanted to be tagged, enjoy :) @starkcravingmad @terzatheunderscorerima @sunsetdew0101 @onyxlightdragon @ace-aro-agender @roseinbloom02 @aikoiya @blacksea21090 @the-legal-shipper @paperlicense687 @cursedchaosboys @corfinnsunrise @ascetic-orange @eonic @frostedthroughghost @readerkayden @reach-for-the-horizon @xno-more-smilesx @undead-essence @bluebeariis
edit: please ignore my misspellings im super sick :)
Danny spits blood onto the floor of the tower he was in, his hand pressed against the cuts in his chest, barely holding himself together. He cursed as he felt the ice melting around his chest and dripping to the floor. With a shaky breath, he froze it up again, not as thick this time though. Damn. Danny stood, using the wall to stabilize himself. Smearing his glowing green blood all over the wall. He stumbled up the stairs, spilling puddles of green throughout his walk. He got to the top and fell into the door, black impeding his vision as the large blue-skinned figure floated towards him. “Heya clocky,” Danny whispered with a wet chuckle as he lost consciousness fully, slumping to the floor in a pile of green blood as the white rings encompassed his body.
“Fuck” clockwork said out loud. Somehow, some way, he had not seen this reality. I mean, of course, he had seen the realities where the Fentons had reacted… badly… to say the least. And of course, he had seen the realities where Danny ventured into the ghost zone to find help, hell he had seen every single one and ancients did his heart ache at those. But this? Clockwork hadn’t seen a reality where Danny came to him. How had he not seen that? How had he glossed over that reality? Maybe if he went back through all of those again and tried another time, maybe he could see what he was supposed to do to stop this, maybe he could see what direction he was supposed to go, maybe he could see what he's supposed to do now-
A cough cut him out of his thinking. For once, time is the thing he didn’t have. He thought quickly, what was he supposed to do? He can’t take care of Danny himself, and Danny wont last much longer if he just stays here thinking but ancients what is he supposed to do…. Clockwork snaps his fingers and carefully picks Danny up in a bridal carry, careful not to upset the angry-looking Y-shaped wound on his chest bleeding through his torn medical scrubs. Clockwork waved his staff the best he could while holding Danny, making a portal, and floating through.
Gotham had been having a wonderful night. Her knights had taken down more than a few of her least favorite assholes, and, as a reward, she made the sky a bit more clear. She loved when those stars shone through her sky. Well, her night had been going well, until she felt a familiar portal open up behind her. 
“Ahhhh, my favorite stuck-up bastard. How's it going clockwork? Time treating you well?” She said in her sweet new-jersey accent; snickering and smiling at her pun, taking a drag of her cigarette. Holding the opera-length cigarette holder just past her lips, she blew out the smoke. She rested her other hand on her hip, her sparkling sangria-colored dress flowing over her plump hips. She turned around, her gorgeous crown of black corkscrew curls coming together in a beautiful afro, bouncing as she looked at clockwork. She took a moment to assess the bleeding boy in his arms before looking clockwork in his ruby eyes. “Clockwork, love, what the fuck.”
Clockwork sighed and floated toward Gotham. “This boy… This is the king. He was attacked in his own home by his guardians. He came to me but… but I've never seen this timeline. I wasn’t sure what to do with the boy, but I knew you had knights that could protect him.” Clockwork stared down at the boy in his arms. Gotham took a moment to digest the new information.
“The king, his majesty phantom, is this boy?” Gotham asked, disbelief clear in her voice, Clockwork only nodded and held out the boy to Gotham. 
“Yes, he is. I don’t have anyone else to bring him to. I’ll make this easier on you, as thanks.” Clockwork said, handing Danny to Gotham. Gotham flicked the cigarette and its holder out of existence, her feathered boa tickling the boy now in her arms.
“A bit scrawny, is he not?” She smiled lovingly down at the boy king. Clockwork smiled at the two and brought his hand to Dannys' head, a deep blue glow found its way between his hand and the boy king. Gotham stared in wonder as Danny shrunk in her arms. She looked at Clockwork in disbelief for a moment. “Clockwork, I usually do not question your ways, but what are you doing this for?”
“All as it should be. Good luck Danny.” Clockwork smiled and patted the small boys black hair, though it was caked in blood.
Gotham looked down at the boy in her arms, “Daniel. A name fit for a king. Now, I know exactly which of my knights to bring you to. No need to worry your highness, He will take care of you as none else have.” She turned her head to where clockwork was with a thank you on her lips, seeing he already left. She huffed in annoyance and turned towards the streets of her city, she knows exactly where her knight is.
Jason was having one hell of a night. I mean, the muggings, a robbery, and the riddler? A great night, really. Well, his patrol was finally over, so he crawled through the fire escape to his house and stilled at the chill in the air. Someone else was in his apartment. Jason swung his arm around, pistol cocked and ready to fire, pointing at…. Nothing? A huff of laughter came from the too-dark shadows in the corners of his living room. A tall woman with deep ebony skin sashayed her way from the shadows, a gorgeous dress hugging her thick curves in all the best ways. She smiled at Jason and held the boy in her arms higher, so Jason could see him.
“My knight. I have a request of you, a friend of mine has placed this boy in my care, but I know nothing of raising children.” Jason tried to cut her off with a ‘you think I know jack-shit about kids either???’ but she shushed him with a wave of her hand as she laid the small boy on his beat-up couch. “Of all of my knights, I have deemed you to be the most well-suited to take on this task. This is Daniel, High King of the Infinite Realms. Though he looks younger than he truly is, do not underestimate him. He needs medical attention and someplace to call home. You, Jason, are the best and only option for this task.” Jason stood there dumbfounded. Who the fuck does this lady think she is? Coming out of nowhere giving him a kid and talking to him as if she knew him? And she knows his secret identity! 
Jason went to say something but found no words on his tongue as the woman before him dissolved into smoke before his eyes, leaving a bloody kid on his couch. Jason sighed and took off his mask, leaving only his domino. “Well, fuck me I guess” He ran his fingers through his sweaty hair and took off his jacket. Who on earth was that? And how did she disappear like that? How on earth did she get into his apartment? Why did she leave a bloody kid- oh fuck the kid-
Jason stopped what he was doing and stared at the bloody kid on his couch. The kid looked bout six, if he had to guess, but was far too skinny for a healthy six-year-old. Jason paced over silently and let his eyes wander over the small boy. Jason breathed out a small ‘fuck’ and bent down to where the kid's eyes were and tapped his shoulder… nothing. He tapped again and a small groan escaped the boy, huh. Jason gently shook the boy and watched as the small boy's eyes fluttered open to reveal an icy blue. The kid took a moment to adjust, as he glanced around the room, his eyes landing on Jason. Immediately, the boy jumped up, falling over the backside of the couch with a loud thump, scooting to the wall behind him. Well… that wasn’t, exactly what Jason was expecting. Loud heaving breaths were heard behind the couch and jason crawled around, to peak at the boy. As soon as his eyes found the kid, his breath hitched in his throat. That's a lot of blood.
“Hey bud,” Jason started softly, “your names Danny, right?” He asked. Jason tried to scoot closer but when the bleeding boy in front of him moved he stopped. The boy Danny glanced over Jason, taking a minute to observe him before deeming Jason safe, nodding his head yes.
“Well, I’m Red Hood, nice to meet you. A friend of yours dropped you off with me, said you're a king or something?” Jason said slowly, lowering himself to sitting criss-cross on the floor. Danny blushed heavily in front of Jason. 
“They… they said that?” Danny said, his voice squeaking out. Danny looked confused for a second and quickly glanced down at his body, ‘he's so small’ Jason thought. Apparently, Danny thought the same as he looked at his body in confusion flipping his hands over in front of his eyes. Jason moved again snapping the boys’ attention back to him.
“So, Danny, Your friend said that you needed some help and that I could help you out. If you trust this friend, I’ll trust them too. You don’t have to trust me right away, but know I’ll help you out the best I can, okay? Sound good?” Jason said, turning his palms flat up to show he wasn’t a threat. Danny took a second to think about it and nodded his head again, slowly, but hey a yes is a yes.
“Alright, kid, we need to get you patched up, I have a friend who can get you fixed right up-” Jason was cut off by the boy frantically shaking his head
“oookay, uh, no hospitals?” Jason guessed. 
A slow nod. 
“My friend’s clinic?” 
A shake.
“Well, I can't do it myself…” Jason smiled in realization “What about my grandpa? He patches me up when I’m out on patrol, that sound good kid?”
There was a moment of silence. Jason was thinking he might have to just call Alfred at this point when the kid hesitantly nodded. Jason let out a sigh. “Alright kid, I’m gonna have to carry you there, okay? “ another nod. Jason scolded over and carefully scooped Danny up in his arms and walked over to his still-open window and crawled out.
“I’ll be as careful as I can, alright? Let me know if anything hurts.” Danny nodded again and Jason carefully hopped off his fire escape, he wasn’t getting any sleep tonight.
Chapter 2
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cat-autism-wizard · 1 month
wes watching phantom is nothing new. everyone knew wes was spitting nonsense about that poor ghost boy and they just stopped listening to him at one point. it came to bite in the ass for him.
after the countless fight for the day, phantom was tired of everything and just wanted to go home and sleep but lady luck never smiled at the fentons other than to mock them. as he was flying towards a safe space to change back he heard very familiar voices shouting after him.
"we will catch you phantom and we will dissect you molecule by molecule." he heard his father shouting.
not this again.
he usually was better at avoiding his parents but this time his exhaustion was catching up to him.
wes saw phantom flying and decided to follow him. he knew nothing was going to happen since it was the fentons. until they shot him. wes didnt think too much about the shot, danny endured so much worse than a little shot from his parents. wes saw danny fly away to behind some building, probably to transform so he could get rid of the target on him. so he waited him to come out of nowhere to excuse him of being phantom but he didnt come out.
"i swear to ancients if you flew away to not to face your parents or me i will-"
wes' sentence was cut by the scene in front of him. danny passed out on the ground with blood coming from where he was shot.
shit. this wasnt supposed to happen. it shouldve been the regular easy-to-heal wound, not the wound-so-bad-turned-human wound. shit shit shit SHIT. what was wes supposed to do? he cant leave him like that, even though they dont get along the best danny was still a person, half ghost or not.
wes decided to go to the fentons for help. he could get danny some help and could expose him too. two birds with one stone.
what he didnt expect was how the fentons react.
maddie and jack laughed like it was the funniest joke ever.
"you silly boy. ghosts cant turn humans, if something like that happens its just a ghost manipulating you to pity it." maddie said.
"no i mean what if theyre a half ghost?" wes tried to explain but it was to no avail.
"nonsense, everyone know half-ghosts dont exist. theyre like leprechauns, nonexistent!" jack stated.
their ideas were not even budging even a little.
"what if that ghost turned into someone you know?" wes asked trying to hear some sympathy or just a little hope that they will help.
"then we will regret that ghost ever taking that form." maddie said smiling but anyone could tell it was a violent smile.
wes weston was a lot of things. observant, annoying, stubborn.. and apparently stupid was one of them.
he was stupid to think two of the most ghost obsessed mad scientists could change their ideas just by his words.
"oh. oh yeah alright. i uhh i need to go." wes sadi and ran towards the place danny was lying unconscious. he tried his best to put some pressure on the wound to hopefully stop the bleeding. the moment he put his hands on it he heard danny hiss with pain.
he didnt know what to do. he couldnt call an ambulance, half ghosts probably had a different bodily functions he guessed after seeing danny avoiding to go infirmary even after a concussion in the school. he couldnt call his parents apparently.
"who knows about phantom after than me. think wes think" he thought out loud. then he realized.
ancients he really was stupid.
wes tried to find danny's phone in his pocket and called one of his friends to get them to help.
as the phone was ringing he was getting more anxious and worried by the second.
"dude this better be good i was middle of a mission in do-" wes cut tucker.
"foley i'll send our location. you have to help fenton."
"wait is that you wes? why do you have danny's phone? i didnt know you were a fully a creep-"
"folley shut the fuck up and come here. fenton's hurt." the line went quiet. then wes heard some typing and a chair noise.
"i texted sam. send us the location we'll be there in 5. and wes if something happened to danny because of you i'll make sure you regret everything." tucker hang up. wes expected a threat but he thought it would come from the goth and not the geek.
wes send their location and tried to get danny in a more comfortable position without moving him too much. he put danny's head on his lap and pray to the ancients that tucker and sam would be there soon.
tucker and sam came after five minutes like tucker said but for wes it felt like hours.
sam without even talking started to tend his wounds best way she could while tucker started to ask questions to (investigating) wes.
"what happened to him?" tucker asked with no sign of his normal upbeat tone.
"his parents. fenton was flying and they shot at him and actually succeeded then he flew here i followed him and i found him lying on the ground unconscious." wes explained.
"so you were stalking him again." sam spitted like venom.
"i was not stalking. i saw him and i followed him. would you rather him dying here with no one by himself?" wes argued.
"dont you fucking there saying stuff-"
"sam thats enough. we will shout at him later." tucker tried to stop sam. she mumbled a 'fine' and continued to make sure danny was not losing any blood.
"he needs ectoplasm and blood." sam said after a while of silence.
"ectoplasm is easy we can get into fenton lab easily but why blood? he never needed blood before." tucker asked.
"yes because he never go unconscious when he got shot like this. he lost blood as a human too this time." she stood up as she collected her aid bag. she sighed.
"i dont know how we're going to find blood for him though. i could try to buy some but it will land us in a list or something. we cant go to a hospital and cant ask his family for some blood." she thought out loud like she was asking them.
"i can give it to him." wes said suddenly after a quick thinking.
"he has an O negative type he could only get from O negatives." sam explained annoyed.
"i am an O negative." wes said as he took of his jacket and put under danny's head as he stood up. sam and tucker shared a glance.
"i guess it would work." sam said with defeat. "tucker you get the ectoplasm from the fentons, i'll get wes and danny to my house for the blood transfusion." she gave out orders. tucker nodded hurried up to the fentonworks.
"help me get him to my house." sam said, wes just nodded and lifted danny bridal style and sam got her aid bag and wes' jacket. he was careful not to touch the wound or fuck up any bandages. all the years he knew danny for the first time he looked vulnerable like that. it hurt wes' heart. he looked tried, it was obvious he didnt get any sleep more than a day. he was too focused on not hurting danny, he was only reminded of sam's existence when he heard a pic take noise. he gave her a questioning look.
"black mail." she said as if it explained anything for wes.
"dont worry my house isnt that far." sam informed wes and started to walk, wes following after her. after a little while they stopped in front of the manson mansion. sam waited for wes' reaction to be like everyone else's but he just stood there and waited for sam to open the door.
"not gonna react? 'wow you were actually rich? why didnt you tell anyone?' or something?" sam mocked as she was unlocking the door. then she realized something.
"wait dont tell me you already knew my house because of the stalking." sam accused. wes with wide eyes.
"what? no!! seriously do you guys think anything about me other than a creepy stalker? i figured out you were rich after you paid for almost everything for the both and even offering to buy blood if it didnt land you in some list!!" wes defended himself.
"now can you open the door so we can get to saving your friend, who im carrying?" sam opened the door and guided him to her room.
"put him on my bed. i'll get the syringe." wes did as she said and sit on the bed waiting for sam. he stared at the boy who was on the bed. his white shirt he always wore now had blood stains and another stain wes guessed as ectoplasm. he was sweaty from the pain, his hair was sticking to his face. wes gently removed his hair from his face and stared some more.
wes was an observant person but he never really looked at danny other than him being the phantom. now he looked at him as a person and not just phantom. and he was pretty. really pretty.
"alright weston, roll up your sleeves." sam came into the room with the necessary equipment at hand.
"have you done this before?" wes asked as he rolled his sleeves up.
"with blood?? no. i did it with ectoplasm multiple times though. however they feel different, so it'll be different for me. blood is more liquidy than ectoplasm." sam explained as she set the stuff accordingly.
"this does not help me relax at all." wes mumbled with anxiety.
"relax it will be fine. probably." sam flashed a teasing smile. wes gulped.
sam carefully inserted a sterile needle in wes' arm. they were really lucky that wes grew out of fear of needles or it would be impossible for him to stay with a needle on his arm in a teenager's room without any professional.
oh ancients he was about to lose it.
"ho-how many more you do you- uhh do you need?" wes stuttered. sam checked the blood in the bag.
"not much like a five minutes top. why?" she turned to wes, who looked like they saw a ghost which ironic because he was currently donating blood for a ghost.
"wait. are you afraid of blood? wait, no you were fine when you were helping danny. are you afraid of needles?" sam grinned. wes didnt say anything knowing it was pointless to deny it.
"wow. thats what i call a character development. giving your archenemy your blood even if youre scared of needles?" sam started to laugh. wes wanted to deny it but with everything that was happening she could be right.
"hes not my archenemy." he mamaged to get that out.
"sure whatever you say, weston. but good news is the is enough for now. we could think about other options when danny wakes up." sam said as she get the needles out of wes' arm. he sighed with relief. she started to set the bag for danny when the door rang.
"wes open the door its tucker." sam said as she continued to set things up. wes opened the door for tucker.
"okay i got some ectoplasm luckily i think its from the blob ghosts' ectoplasm so no ghosts were damaged with this one also i saw some disturbing new weapons." tucker started to explain as he gave the container to sam.
"what kind of weapon?" sam asked.
"was it the one they used on fenton today?" wes asked. tucker was about to start explaining but he stopped himself.
"sam can we talk after you set up danny's ectoplasm and blood?" sam nodded and finished up inserting needle into danny's arm. she put the contained ectoplasm into a bloog bag and put next to blood. after the blood she was gonna set the ectoplasm to the intravenous line.
after the set up tucker and sam went out of the room to talk. wes sighed. he couldnt blame them for not trusting him. he did try to expose danny to everyone everyday for two years now.
as the time passed by wes pulled up a chair next to the bed and waited.
then danny moved.
"danny?" wes gently said as if he was afraid of waking him up.
"wes? why are you here? where am i?" danny tried to get up only stopping when he realized the needle in his arm. he looked around and was relieved when he realized its somewhere he was familiar with.
"dont move. i'll get manson." wes stood up but danny held his arm to stop him.
"alarm her later, she wont let me breath if she knows." danny said weakly and sat up. wes didnt think it was a good idea but still played along and sat down.
"what happened?"
"you were shot and then passed out i found you, called foley and now youre here." wes explained briefly.
"shit." danny said as he started to remember stuff.
"do my parents.. know?" he asked but he didnt want to hear the answer.
"no. they dont." wes assured. danny looked at him with suspicion in his eyes. he didnt blame him.
"i'll get manson." he get out of the room this time without letting danny stop him again. then he overheard tucker and sam talking.
"what do you think? should we trust him?" tucker asked.
"he does seem changed but i dont think we can trust him just yet." sam replied.
he couldnt blame them.
he knocked on the door to alert them. that he was coming.
"hey, danny's awake." he said. both tucker and sam quickly went into the room to check up on their friends. it was more of a scolding than a check up.
wes smiled at sight. he had so much to think about. he went to the door.
"where are you going?" danny called out for wes. he turned back.
"since you were good, i thought i would leave you guys alone." wes explained like it was the most obvious thing ever. the trio exchanged looks and turned back to wes.
"do you wanna stay more?" tucker asked.
"he asked if you wanted stay more, weston." sam repeated.
"geez we thought you would like to stay more. no need to-" wes cut sam mid sentence.
"no no i mean why would YOU want me to stay? you dont trust me, understandably so. we're not friends. i actively put you in danger by trying to exposing you. why would you want me to say?" wes explained still not processing the question.
"because you helped me." danny said. continued to explain when he saw wes' confused look.
"if you actually wanted to hurt me you would left me to perish or expose me at my lowest but instead you stole my phone to call for backup."
"also gave blood while being afraid of needles" sam added.
"also uncharacteristically you were quiet the whole time you were helping, you listened to us without questioning." tucker stated.
"so? what? are you gonna give me the 'not much of an asshole as i couldve been' award?"
"no, we're giving you a chance to be less much of an asshole. like a second chance." danny explained.
"it still doesnt make any sense. why would you-" wes started to argue.
"wes just shut up and join us for the day, okay?" danny said with a faint smile. wes looked at the trio. they seemed genuine.
wes never knew he had so many common interests with the trio. they talked for hours, never excluding wes from the conversations and explaining stuff if he didnt understand.
he felt good.
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evilminji · 28 days
You know how there are always Sith Artifact McGuffins?
What if? After Gallidran? One of the Jedi felt so unspeakably awful about the massacre of an INNOCENT and Rightful Ruler?
That they... maaaay, JUST POSSIBLY, kinda, sorta.... went into the Off Limits Archives? He he... WAIT DONT GET MAD!!! Ack! Stop hitTING! Ouch! Ow! *violence in librarians*
It's just? There needed to be BALANCE right? They needed to FIX this!
.....but... uuuuh.... they kinda don't know what they... did? Exactly?
Madame Nu? Spitting blood. Frothing at the mouth. Force SAVE HER from well meaning senior padawans! You FUCKING IDIO-!!! No. No! Breathe.
What. Did you. TOUCH?
Oh GREAT! The green portal thing! That does SOMETHING. Last used to peacefully remove Sith Lord Darth Pariah from existence. Fantastic. WHY did you touch this?
"Force told me too".
Ooooof course it did. What else did she EXPECT. MOTHER FUC-! *CENSORED*
Meanwhile? The Mandalorians? Specifically the TRUE Mandalorians? Fuckin BETRAYED. By one of their OWN! Jaster Mereel, wounded. Fighting for his life. His people. Things looking grim. A fatal blow... about to strike!
.......w-why is there ice? *spitting sputter noices* is this SNOW? Why is it glowing?
Wookies? Those kinda look like... no, no wrong shape. Have different color. Horns. Uuuh. Hello! Sorry for landing on your frost cabbages. Why, yes. Yes they WOULD love some freely offer medical assistance. By the way... where the fuck are they?
Child king. Itty bitty ad'ika. Wittle fangies. His crown don't even FIT right. *various Mando cooing noises* one of them accidentally spooked him? And he BIT them! Right through their armor! A BABY. He felt so BAD about it.
The Yeti people want to exchange mentoring the adi'ka for continued help. Maybe an alliance.
Just?? Give Danny Mandalorian buir! For reasons!
@legitimatesatanspawn @mayfay @babbling-babull @hdgnj @spidori
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sacredjake · 1 year
After Dark
Tumblr media
pairing: Danny Wagner x Reader
word count: 11.5k
warnings: 18+ MDNI! alcohol, cussing, teensy bit of blood, violence, a guy being a creep, smut, oral (m. & f. receiving), slight face fucking, fingering, thigh riding, daddy kink, spit play, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you get silly). let me know if i missed anything!!!
a/n: first danny fic, yay!!! this was inspired by Something In Your Mouth by Nickleback (of course) and snowballed into this after i watched Burlesque a few weeks ago. almost 12k later, here we are. i hope y’all like it, i’m pretty proud with it being my second smut. enjoy <3
“C’mon, Sam, can we please just go home? I really do not want to go in there.” Danny groaned from the passenger seat of Sam’s car as they pulled up to the club.
“Oh relax, Daniel. You’re gonna have a good time. Don’t be such a prude.” Sam threw the car in park, the giant neon sign illuminating the inside of the vehicle. He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened up the driver door, stepping out into the chilly night.
With another groan Danny followed Sam’s movement and stepped out of the car. He wasn’t necessarily opposed to going into a burlesque club, but he just wasn’t in the mood tonight.
All he wanted to do was go home and put on his favorite show before calling it an early night and going to bed. Clearly Sam had other ideas that did not involve getting home before midnight. Sam had been begging Danny to go to this club with him for a while now, claiming that he had heard really good things about it from one of the roadies.
“It’s a classy place man, this is right up our alley.” They walked into the dimly lit building and were met with a small ticket stand with an employee who eagerly welcomed them inside. They purchased their tickets and continued further into the venue to find a low key place to sit. The inside was nice, burgundy curtains adorned the walls, small, black circular tables and mixed-matched chairs filled the open floor. Matching booths were nestled in the back corners of either side of the room with a black top bar in center also at the back.
Sam chose a booth in the back near the bar in case a fan happened to be in attendance, and slid in as Danny stopped at the end of the table.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink from the bar. Do you want anything?” He jabbed his thumb in the direction of the bar behind him as he spoke. If Sam was gonna drag him here, he at least wanted to have a drink.
“Uh, yeah, can you grab me a tequila sour?” Danny nodded his head yes in response and made his way to the bar top. He leaned on the counter, elbows just resting against the cool top waiting for the bartender to come up.
“Ugh, Andi, I don’t care if he has a lot of money! I’m a performer, not a sugar baby, I don’t want his gifts!” Danny shifted his head towards you, curious of the situation that was going on just at the end of the bar.
You had an elegant black gift box in front of you on the bar with white tissue paper spilling over the sides. He couldn’t see the contents, but could tell whatever was inside must’ve been an expensive gift.
You shoved the tissue paper back inside the box and firmly placed the lid back on before sliding it towards Andi. “Tell him I don’t want his gifts, and that I can’t be bought.” Andi shook her head, taking the box off the counter, and placing it out of sight to be returned to the mystery pursuer.
“And can I please get a green tea shot? I need it after dealing with all this bullshit.” You pleaded with Andi, pinching the bridge of your nose and giving her puppy dog eyes. Performers weren’t supposed to drink before they went on, which you were very much aware of, but like you said, you needed it.
“If I get fired for serving you right before you hit the stage, I’m selling you out to Monica.” Andi rolled her eyes at you and you offered her a grateful smile.
“Thank you!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re just gonna have to wait a bit, cause I have a real customer who’s been patient with us.” Andi nodded her head in the direction of a man who was standing towards the middle of the bar. His body was leaned slightly over the counter facing the back of the bar, but his eyes were trained on you, his mouth pulled into a side smile. He gave you a curt wave when your eyes caught his and you couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was.
His dark brown hair rested at his collarbones in gorgeous curls, and because of the way he was standing, his biceps were flexed, showing off his muscles. You felt your cheeks heat under his gaze and returned the smile and wave. As Andi walked over to him, he stood straighter showing off his true height and stature. He was tall, and broad, and had some of the largest hands you had seen as they shifted to grip the edge of the bar, leaning his weight into them.
“What can I do for you, sugar?” His attention turned to Andi as she made her way over.
“Can I get a tequila sour, an old fashioned, and two green tea shots?” He gestured his head towards you at the mention of the shots, “Wouldn’t want her to be late on the stage.” He turned back to you and winked.
“Sure thing.” Andi smiled and turned away to make the shots, but not before mouthing an ‘Oh My God!’ to you. It wasn’t uncommon for men to buy you drinks or shots, but for them to be this attractive? You were definitely intrigued. You walked towards the man to introduce yourself and thank him for the shot.
“Tequila sour, huh? Doesn’t seem like your kind of drink.” You giggled lightly once you approached him. He turned his body to you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s not,” He chuckled, “It's for my buddy. The old fashioned is for me.” He tossed his head over his shoulder a bit, roughly signaling where his friend was sitting.
“Ah,” You nodded, playfully eyeing him up and down, “My kind of guy.”
Andi set the shots on the counter in front of the two of you before he had a chance to respond. “Two green tea shots, bottoms up!” She turned back around to finish making the other drinks he ordered.
You grabbed the small glass off the sticky countertop, holding it out between the two of you. He mirrored your action and you tapped your glass to his before downing the shot easily and holding his eyes.
You could feel the liquor warming you instantly along with his sultry gaze as he downed his shot. You set the glass on the counter still holding his eyes with a coy smile on your face.
“Thank you…” Your sentence drifted off, hoping he would fill in his name.
“Danny,” He smiled back at you with slightly hooded eyes as he placed the shot next to yours, the glass looking tiny in his hands, “It was my pleasure, and you are?”
From the music that played you could tell that the previous performance was wrapping up, and you knew you were cutting it close to show time, especially since you weren’t in costume yet. You gave him a teasing smile, your thumb resting at your lips as you your teeth toyed with your nail for a moment. Danny’s attention was solely on your thumb at your mouth, his cheeks flushed ever so lightly.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You whispered, his eyes snapping back up to yours at the sound of your voice, and your thumb leaving your mouth. You smirked at him, shooting him a wink before sauntering backstage to get ready.
Danny watched your form as you walked to the back of the stage. He shook his head and blinked himself out of the trance you put him in once you disappeared behind a door. With a dumb smile on his face, he paid his tab, grabbed his and Sam’s drinks, and walked back to their booth.
“It’s about time, geez, did they have to plant and grow the fruit?” Sam exasperated as Danny finally arrived back at the table. Sam took his drink from his best friend, scooting in further so Danny had a good view of the stage.
“Relax, it didn’t take that long. One of the dancers was talking with the bartender about something and I bought her a shot.” He shrugged, taking a sip of his old fashioned. Sam nearly choked on his drink, sputtering and looking at Danny with wide eyes.
“You bought her a shot?”
Danny turned and looked at Sam, eyes basically bugging out of his skull.
“That’s what I just said, yes.”
“Man, she must be hot. You’ll have to point her out!” Danny rolled his eyes and turned his attention back on to the stage. The house lights had started to dim not too long after, eventually shrouding the room in darkness.
A familiar song started to play through the surround sound in the space. As the curtain raised, Danny recognized the song, After Dark by Tito & Tarantula. Immediately he spotted you sharing center stage with another girl. You were wearing a red corset top with black lace accents, a black ruffled mini skirt with bows placed on each hip bone, black feathers laying over top red ones on the sides of your hips, and a black fishnet garter.
Danny’s mouth parted as he took you in, not understanding how you could be sexier than before. Meanwhile Sam was trying to guess which one you were. He followed Danny’s line of sight and landed on you.
“Is that her? On center stage to the right?”
All Danny could offer him was a slow nod, closing his mouth and swallowing thickly. There was no other girl on the stage. His eyes were glued to you as you danced, every move drawing him in more. He had barely blinked, afraid he was going to miss something, heart pounding.
Towards the end of the dance you did something that he could only assume was meant for him. You had run your hand down the opposite side of your face, drawing your thumb across your lips before taking in between your teeth, closing your lips around the digit and languidly pulling it out. Although it was brief, Danny had latched on to the movement and suppressed a moan that threatened to leave his mouth.
When the routine ended you had blown a kiss towards the back in the general direction of where Danny was sitting. You had been silently hoping he caught on to the little surprise you gave him. And he did. In fact, he was hanging on to it, replaying the way you looked with something in your mouth.
The rest of the night, Danny waited on the edge of his seat hoping to see you on the stage again. Of course you couldn’t be in every number, but you were in a few more, and his eyes never left you each time. Eventually the curtain closed on your last performance of the night, and after touching up your makeup, you changed into some leggings, a comfy shirt and your favorite sneakers. It was time for a drink.
You hopped up into the barstool at the end of the counter and waited as Andi made the rest of her drink orders. Looking around as you waited you spotted Danny sitting next to another man in the corner booth at the other end of the bar. His focus was on the stage and he seemed to be waiting for something. When the next number started you realized that he had been waiting to see you appear on the stage. His shoulders slumped when he didn’t see you, turning his gaze down to his drink and swirling it lightly, moving the glass around on the table.
It wasn’t until his friend sitting to his right noticed you staring and caught Danny’s attention with a gentle backhand to his bicep. His head turned to see what his friend wanted and then shifted towards the bar after receiving only a nod in your direction in response. After a few moments, Danny finally landed on you, a smile tugging up the right side of his mouth. You waved at him, wiggling your fingers in a teasing way hoping it would entice him enough to join you.
He leaned in to say something to his friend before standing up from the booth and heading over to you. Before he could reach you, Andi had finished up with her customer and beat him to you.
“He was watching you the entire time, y/n.” She whispered, picking up a glass and setting it on the bar to make your usual drink.
“Good, I had a feeling.” You hushed back as Danny approached.
“May I?” He gestured to the open seat on your left with a small smile and cocked eyebrow.
“I’d be offended if you didn’t.” You picked up your drink and played with the two tiny cocktail straws as you spoke before taking a sip. Once again, his gaze had drifted down to your mouth as you toyed with the plastic.
“Then I guess I must. I wouldn’t want to offend you.” He chuckled and slid onto the barstool, gaining Andi’s attention. You waited while he ordered his drink of choice, another old fashioned. He thanked Andi for the drink before turning back to you.
“You put on quite the show here.” Danny gestured around the room with a lazy hand. While he seemed to be talking about the Burlesque club in general, you had a sneaking suspicion he was also talking about you.
“Why thank you, Danny.” He smiled a little wider at your recollection of his name. “What brought you in tonight?” You set your glass on the bar, swirling the ice around with the straws. Danny huffed a quiet laugh with a shake of his head.
“Actually, my best friend dragged me here. I was ready to go home, get in bed, maybe watch a show before going to sleep early for once.”
“Ah, so he kind of ruined your night?” The teasing tone of your voice was apparent in your reply, but Danny wanted to play along.
“Oh yeah, big time. And then when I came up to the bar, I had to wait for this gorgeous woman to stop talking to her friend so I could order my drink.” You felt a blush rise in your cheeks at being called gorgeous by one of the most attractive men you’ve seen.
“That’s unbelievable, how dare she?”
You were smiling at him with twinkling eyes, obviously enjoying the little game. He hummed in agreement before going on.
“Well, it seemed like she was having a bad night, so me being the ever so kind gentleman I am, I bought her a shot.” He waved his glass in the air as he talked, adding character to his story.
“But get this! She wouldn’t even tell me her name!”
You gasped dramatically with a hand over your chest. “That bitch!”
The two of you busted out into a small fit of laughter at your exclamation. You winded down and took another few sips of your drink before talking again.
“Tell me honestly though,” You had caught his attention once again, “What did you think, it being your first time and all?”
“Oh it was absolutely great!” He beamed at you before his smile turned into something more sly. “I noticed, by the way.”
You knew exactly what he was referring to. The small tidbit in your performance you had hoped he would catch. Still, you chose to play dumb, as if you had no idea what he was talking about. Your eyebrows furrowed and raised, the edges of your mouth turning upwards in a small confused smile. For an added effect, you tilted your head slightly before speaking.
“Noticed what?” You couldn’t help the way your smile grew the tiniest bit more honest. It seemed as though Danny could read you like a book, even though you two were practically strangers.
He leaned in towards you slightly before speaking in a hushed voice. “The little display you put on during your first performance.” His tone was somewhat cocky, and it turned you on significantly. However, you weren’t going to show your cards so soon.
Instead you gave him a sweet smile, trying to sound as innocent as possible while giving your best doe-eyes. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” You shrugged, leaning forward in your chair to rest your left forearm against the bar while your right elbow rested on top of wood. Your right hand came up to your mouth letting your thumb rest at your lips, the pad playing with the plump flesh.
Danny’s eyes were back at your mouth, watching your thumb tease your lips, smile widening a fraction as his eyes adopted something more wild. Your lips tugged up in a smirk, dropping your hand back down to your drink to finish it off. His gaze lingered on your lips, and you wanted to know what he was thinking about.
A hand on his right shoulder brought him out of his thoughts, peering up at Sam who had finally come over.
“Hi I’m Sam!” He beamed, extending his right hand to you and you took it as he introduced himself. “Hi Sam, I’m y/n.” You smiled back, shaking his hand briefly before letting go.
“I hate to be a cock block, but I gotta get going, and seeing as I’m Daniel’s ride for the evening… well yeah.” You chuckled at Sam’s brazenness, looking over to Danny who seemed to be wishing he was dead. Or that Sam was.
Sam seemed to catch his best friend’s energy, retreating his hand from Danny’s shoulder. “Alright well, um, I’ll let you two kids say goodbye, and I’ll go wait in the car.” With that he turned around and walked towards the exit, leaving you and Danny alone.
“Sorry about him, we think he was dropped on his head as a child.” Danny shook his head, making you laugh.
“That’s okay, hopefully he’ll drag you out again soon.”
“Oh no, next time I’m leaving him at home.” The two of you shared a laugh before you grabbed a bar napkin and pen, carefully jotting down your number on the flimsy paper.
“In case you don’t come around for a bit.” You folded the paper up neatly and slid it into his jacket pocket.
“I’m sure I’ll be back soon, but I’ll keep this in mind.” He patted the pocket you slipped the napkin in with a wink. He stood from the barstool, ready to leave before turning to you one last time. He leaned in, his mouth close to your ear. “You look pretty cute with something in your mouth.”
You could feel the heat flame in your cheeks and between your thighs at his words. You watched him leave with widened eyes, and a smirk on his lips. You didn’t move from your seat for a few moments, still reeling at his comment. Eventually you gathered your things and headed home for the night, thinking about Danny the entire ride home.
You thought about him the rest of that night. You thought about his tall, sturdy frame and how broad he’d feel under your hands as you changed out of your work clothes. You thought about his large hands as you washed your face, and how they’d feel on your bare skin. You also thought about the way his voice sounded in your ear as you laid down, the sound on a loop in your mind, wondering if he’d sound that way in bed as well.
Eventually you drifted off to sleep with him invading your every thought.
When you woke the next morning you were surprised to see an unsaved number pop up on your phone. You slid the message open to see who it was from, already having a feeling it was Danny.
Maybe: Danny
“Hey, it’s Danny, I forgot to ask you when you work next.”
You weren’t shocked that it was his number. You were shocked, however, that he was already reaching out less than 24 hours later. You saved his number in your phone before sending him a quick text back.
“Hey :) I work the next three nights, actually. Miss me that much?”
You felt satisfied with the flirtatious tease and set your phone on the table next to your bed. Feeling the nervous bubble of anxiety in your stomach, you left your phone in your room while you showered and brushed your teeth, knowing you’d check it every couple of minutes if it was in sight. Deciding to give it more time, you made a small breakfast before heading back to where your phone lay face down on the bedside table. When the screen lit up, you were excited to see Danny’s name pop up under messages.
“Perfect. Something like that… Are you gonna put on a secret show for me again?”
You couldn’t help the grin that stretched across your face at his text.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
You hit send on the message, and waited a few moments, seeing the “delivered” under it turn to “read at 10:56 AM”. You exited out of the messaging app quickly before you could see his reply. A moment later your phone buzzed as his text came through.
“Maybe I’ll refresh your memory some day.”
You couldn’t help the way your stomach tightened and legs clenched in response to his suggestive reply. The effect he had on you was laughable. You had only known Danny for ten hours and you were ready to jump his bones, which you were well aware was a tad crazy, but you wanted him. Needed him.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
You sent your own suggestive text and waited, biting the tip of your thumbnail in anticipation. Once again the “delivered” changed to “read” and immediately you saw his text bubble appear before his next message came through seconds later.
Another grin spread across your face as you read the short message. Usually a man being so forward would turn you away, but Danny had only drawn you in further. Leaving your messages at that, you locked your phone and continued about the day, thoughts being flooded by him. The day went by quickly and before long you were heading to work, excitement burning in your veins.
You were sat at your vanity backstage applying your makeup when Andi came in.. You could see her reflection in the mirror as she approached, holding something in her hand.
“He’s back.” Was all she said, setting a small blue Tiffany box on the vanity, and meeting your eyes in the mirror. Your stomach sank a little, hoping she was talking about Danny, but quickly realizing she wasn’t as you saw the box. The hand applying your mascara stilled and you rolled your eyes.
“I am so tired of his little offers. Take it back to him and tell him I don't want it and I don't want him.” You picked up the box and shoved it back towards Andi’s hands. She took it from your grasp, but stayed a moment longer before speaking again.
“Do you think Danny will be back?”
“I hope so. He’s like the first guest to ever come on to me that didn’t give me the absolute creeps.”
“And he’s hot.” You nodded your head in agreement.
“He’s so hot. God, I wanna climb him like a tree, Andi.” You both shared a light laugh as you stood from the chair, tapping your phone screen to check the time. It was almost showtime, and you still needed to get dressed.
“I don’t have time to come down to the bar tonight, but I’ll visit after my last number.” You moved about the small dressing room gathering all the pieces of your costume for the first routine. Andi nodded her head as she spoke, walking towards the door that led out to the side stage.
“I’ll tell Jeff to shove it,” She winked, and shook the Tiffany box, “I’ll see you later, kick some ass.” With a blown kiss, she was out the door.
You pushed Jeff and his stupid bribes out of your mind, focusing only on your upcoming performances. With the exception of Danny. Every time you were on stage you tried your best to look for him only to come up short each time. You had hoped that he would come tonight, but by the end of the last routine you were feeling you had gotten your hopes up.
Going through the motions of your post-show regimen, you changed your clothes before preparing each costume for the next shift, and gathering all of your stuff. You took your usual seat at the end of the bar and waited for Andi to be free of her current customer.
“I think this belongs to you.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned to see Jeff standing behind you with the Tiffany box in hand. He set the box in front of you on the bar as he slid into the seat next to you.
“No,” You shook your head giving him a firm look, “I told Andi to relay to you that I do not want it, and I am not interested.” Pushing the box back towards him, you faced forward, staring at the liquor bottles that lined the back shelves of the bar.
“Why do you have to play so hard to get, doll?” You wanted to gag at his pet name, but out of what little respect you had left for him as a regular, you refrained. Opting instead to face forward to simply ignore him, praying he would leave you alone. Of course though, that’s not who Jeff is.
“I just think I can take care of you… and have a little fun along the way.”
And just like that, you had reached your boiling point in a short amount of time. You scoffed, turning back to face him.
“Haven't I made it clear? I do not need to be taken care of, thank you, and I do not want to ‘have a little fun along the way’ with you. You can not bribe me with these ridiculous gifts.” Your blood felt like fire in your veins, heat rising to your face the angrier you became. In an instant Jeff’s hand flew to the back of your stool, turning it so you were forced to look at him.
“Listen here I-“
“Everything okay here?” Jeff had been effectively cut off by another male voice sounding out from behind you. Your chest felt tight, recognizing it as Danny’s voice. Jeff’s hand retreated from your chair and he reached up to straighten his tie.
“Everything is quite fine.” Jeff stared Danny down, but he only pushed further.
“Y/n, is everything okay here?” For the first time since he spoke you turned around to look at him. His face was serious, silently asking if you needed help. You knew that now was not the moment to be prideful and decline his offer to help, but you didn’t want to make matters worse.
“Actually, I think Jeff was just leaving.” You turned back to Jeff, seeing shock written all over his face. He stared at you with hard eyes for a brief moment before looking at Danny. With a few annoyed sputters, Jeff rose out of the seat next to you, snatching the Tiffany box from the counter and stormed out of the club. Once out of sight, Danny took the newly empty seat next to you, visibly relaxing.
“Geez, I thought I was gonna have to beat the guy up.” He breathed out a chuckle with a shake of his head, eyes landing in you.
“Thank you for stepping in, I appreciate that.”
“Don’t mention it. I noticed the two of you talking, and didn’t want to interrupt, but when he grabbed your chair rather forcefully I decided that it may not be a welcome conversation.” He shrugged, leaning back into the seat.
“Well, you were correct to assume that.” The two of you sat in silence before you spoke again.
“So did you enjoy the show?” He looked at you with a wide smile and eyes lit up.
“Oh absolutely. Even better the second time around.”
“Do you have a favorite routine?” You gave him a smirk, hoping he caught your little show for him again tonight.
“Hmm…” He paused briefly, seeming to be thinking about his answer. “Just about anything you’re in I suppose… although I do enjoy the first one just a little more.” He leaned in towards you before continuing his thought. “I’m a little disappointed that you don’t need a refresher.”
“Hmm, that’s weird, because I still am not sure what you’re talking about.” A cocky smile played on your lips, shrugging your shoulders. His own lips turned up into a grin as he playfully huffed a breath.
“What can I get y’all tonight?” Neither of you had noticed Andi walk over, both so caught up in the other.
Andi got to work making the drinks you and Danny had ordered. Your usual go to and an old fashioned got him. The rest of the night the two of you chatted and laughed, getting to know one another. You told him about how you got into burlesque, and that you had recently moved to Nashville for your graduate program. He listened well and asked the right questions, wanting to know more about you which was nice.
He told you about the band he’s in and that they’re from Michigan. You hadn’t heard of them, but you insisted you would give them a listen, always wanting to expand your musical horizons. You learned that he played the drums, but could also play a plethora of instruments. Impressive and hot. Eventually, the night was coming to a close as the stage lights dimmed on the last number.
“I should head out. I hate staying after the last performance, too many regulars come up to me afterwards.” You stood from the bar stool and grabbed your bag that was hanging underneath.
“In that case, how about I walk you to your car?” Danny stood from his own seat, his left hand resting on the bar while the other sat on the back of his chair. Part of you wanted to decline his offer as you were sure you could handle yourself, but the other wanted to spend more time with him. Even if it was just a brief walk to your car.
“Yeah, uh, that would be nice.” You gave him a thankful smile. Danny held his right arm out as if to say ‘after you’ and waited for you to lead the way. As you passed Elliot in the ticket booth you gave him a tip of your head and said ‘goodnight’, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head seeing Danny’s hand pressed lightly to your lower back, guiding you out through the small crowd. Danny’s hand never left your body until you had stopped in front of your car.
“Well, this is me.” You stopped at the front of your car, arms gesturing towards the vehicle. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it also wasn’t a lemon. Thankfully your parents had helped you buy a newer car as a graduation gift, a simple Jetta, because it was good on gas mileage.
“Cute.” His head nodded to the memorabilia of your home state hanging from the rear view, a smile on his face.
“A gift from my best friend. She didn’t want me to forget where I came from.” You laughed at the ridiculous idea. Kennedy had been adamant that you didn’t forget her while living in ‘lustrous Nashville’ as she put it. You, of course, insisted that you wouldn’t.
“So, um, are you gonna come to the show tomorrow?” Sitting your bag on the hood of the car, you dug the keys out, and unlocked the doors. Your eyes found your beat up shoes, suddenly more interesting than before as your feet shifted against the gravel.
“Only if you’ll be dancing.” You looked back at Danny as you made your way to the driver door. He was smiling down at you, following your movements towards the door.
“Yeah, I’ll be dancing.” You could feel the blush spread across your cheeks and down your neck as you opened your door and threw your bag on the passenger seat.
“Then I’ll be here.” Danny moved closer to the open door that separated you, arms crossed and supporting his weight as he leaned on its frame. You got in the driver’s seat, keeping the door open as Danny peered down at you.
“Wouldn’t wanna miss my secret show.” He shot you a quick wink and a goodbye before standing up and allowing you to shut the door. You sat in silence as he walked through the parking lot to his own car. Once out of sight you turned on the car and headed out for the night, thoughts of Danny filling your mind until you drifted off to sleep like the night before.
Over the next week the nights that you worked went the same. You would show up, perform and then head to the bar where Danny would be waiting. He would have your drink ready, quickly catching on to how long it would take for you to meet him after leaving the stage. The two of you would talk until the end of the last performance where he’d walk you out to your car. The only thing that changed was your ‘secret show’ for him. You decided to change little bits of it, knowing he would notice each time, and keeping him on his toes.
Like the past nights, tonight was no different. Although the air between you felt different while he walked you to your car. He seemed almost nervous. You came to a stop at your car and turned to bid him goodnight.
Instead, no words came out as you realized he was a lot closer than you expected him to be. Closer than he normally was. He brushed a few strands of hair away from your eyes, behind your ear. His fingertips ghosted the shell of your ear down to where your neck met your jaw, his hand resting there with his thumb laying across your cheek.
You watched with bated breath as his eyes flicked from where his hand was cupping your jaw, to your lips, and then to your eyes. Your lips were pulled into a content smile, watching as he silently asked for permission to kiss you. His smile matching your own when you gave him a barely-there nod.
He didn’t waste any time, gently pressing his lips to yours. Soft and warm against your own, everything about the kiss felt right, like it was meant to be. After a moment, Danny pulled away leaving his hand on your jaw, and looking down at you with soft eyes and a giddy smile. You knew your expression was probably similar to his.
“Goodnight, y/n. Until next time.”
“Goodnight, Danny.”
You watched him retreat to his car, looking over his shoulder only once to see you one last time before disappearing in the sea of cars. And like all the previous nights, he never left your mind.
After the night he kissed you, things progressed each time. Slowly, but progression nonetheless. The next night, he kissed you again, his lips lingering longer than the night before. The following night the two of you made out before he pulled away, whispering something about how ‘Jake would kill him if he was late to the studio again’.
Each time he left you were desperately craving more. To be honest, you had been craving him since the night you first met, but things had been developing slowly, which was alright with you. You were enjoying getting to know Danny, and the build up was kind of hot. The constant flirting, making out and teasing promised an eventual hookup, one that was bound to be worth the wait. You often thought about what it would be like. What he would be like. Constantly clouding your thoughts, like he was right now.
Once again sat at the bar, you and Danny had been talking and enjoying your drinks before he excused himself to the restroom. You waited for his return, watching the ongoing number even though you knew it like the back of your hand. In the dim lights you could see a figure staggering towards you from one of the VIP booths along the walls. As he approached, you knew exactly who it was. Jeff.
By the way he swayed and stumbled while he walked, you could tell he was absolutely wasted and dreaded his arrival. He had his eyes set on you, clearly waiting for Danny to leave your side so he could get you alone. You turned your attention back to the performance, pretending he didn’t exist.
“So you’ll entertain some average guy who more than likely can’t support you, and turn me down?” Every other word was slurred, the liquor coming off his breath prominent, as he rested a hand on the back of your chair and the other on the bar. He had trapped you in. When you didn’t respond, he sneered, bringing his face closer to yours.
“I’m not quite sure who you think you are, you little tramp, but you don’t get to ignore me. I practically own this place.” You kept your eyes on the stage, not giving in to his attempt at scaring you. He didn’t retreat, keeping his face close to yours until you were joined by another.
“I suggest you back up.”
Danny had returned from the bathroom and was now standing behind Jeff. He was calm, and confident, but if looks could kill, Jeff would certainly be dead.
“Oh look, it’s your little boyfriend back to rescue you.” He spat, the smell of the alcohol wafting from him penetrated the air around you. Danny took a few steps forward, closing the space between him and Jeff.
“I said, I suggest you back up.” He put a hand on Jeff’s shoulder as a warning, his tone more stern, clearly becoming angrier. Jeff drew his eyes from Danny’s hand on his shoulder to Danny, a bewildered laugh coming from him. He stood up straighter and in an instant, rounded on Danny, landing a sloppy fist to his nose. You gasped, clearly shocked at the outburst, Danny stumbling back slightly. He brought his hand up to his nose, blood beginning to trickle from the side of the impact.
You watched his face harden, a look you’ve never seen from him take over. Closing the distance between them again, Danny’s right fist connected with Jeff’s jaw, sending him back towards the bar. Danny grabbed the collar of Jeff’s shirt with both hands, pressing him further into the edge of the bar before rearing his fist back again and landing another punch to Jeff’s face. When he went to wind up again, you wrapped your arm around his bicep trying to stop his motion.
“Danny stop! That’s enough!”
He stilled his body, listening to your pleas. Jeff had gotten what he deserved, you knew that, but you didn’t want Danny to get in trouble. He let go of Jeff’s shirt, and backed away from him, leaving him slumped against the bar.
“C’mon we have to get you cleaned up and out of here before security comes over.” You grabbed Danny’s hand and drug him towards the women’s staff bathroom hoping it would be mostly empty. Leading him inside, there were a few of the girls occupying the space who stared at you with confused, wide eyes.
“Everyone out.” You pushed past them, Danny in tow behind you. Most of them gave you annoyed huffs while others scurried out without a word. You locked the door behind them and grabbed two of the many stools along the wall on your way back. You placed one in front of the large vanity mirror, the other next to it, but slightly closer to the mirror.
“Sit down, let me help you get the bleeding under control.” He did as you asked wordlessly and sat on the stool that faced the mirror. You grabbed a stack of napkins, and wet a few before sitting on the other chair. You brought a dry napkin to his nose and dabbed at it gently trying to stop the small flow of blood from getting further down his face. As you threw that one in the trash, you grabbed another one and twisted it a few times.
“Here. Put this in there.” You held the napkin out for Danny, and he took it. Again, he did as you asked and stuck the rolled up tissue in his nose. “Now lean your head back.”
“I’m sorry I caused a scene at your work.” His face was parallel to the ceiling, but his eyes were on you. He looked genuinely worried, as if he had offended you.
“Danny,” You shook your head and huffed a laugh at his silliness, “It’s okay. It’s not your fault… besides maybe he’ll finally leave me alone.” He hummed in response. After a few minutes passed in silence, Danny looked over to you.
“Can I stop looking up now? My neck is killing me.”
“Yeah. Actually stand up and let’s go over to the sink, see if it’s still bleeding.” He followed you over to the sink and leaned over it, holding his hair out of his face when he pulled the tissue out. You waited a minute or two, but nothing happened letting you know that the bleeding had stopped.
You led him back over to the stool and had him sit while you cleaned him up with a wet napkin. He watched you as you patted the area, a grin forming on his lips. You were focused, your teeth biting the inside of your cheek, brows furrowed. He thought you looked cute.
“Thank you for cleaning me up… I still feel kinda bad.”
“Danny, really, it’s okay.” You wiped his nose one last time before turning to throw the tissue in the trash. “Besides,” You shrugged, making eye contact in the mirror with you back to him, “It was kind of hot…” He caught your smirk in the mirror, his eyebrows raising in slight shock at your admission.
“Is that so?” His eyes stayed locked with yours as he walked up behind you, his body pressing you to the vanity counter with light pressure. He placed a kiss to the junction of your shoulder and neck, tracing his fingertips up the side of your body. You hummed, your smirk turning into a smile with your eyes fluttering shut. He placed another kiss on the same spot, this time letting his tongue graze your skin teasingly. You leaned into him with a small gasp, resting your head against his shoulder, allowing more access to your neck.
His lips traveled up your neck to find your lips, your hand tangling in his curls at the back of his head. His hands landing on your hips, turning you to face him, fingers digging into your skin. You deepened the kiss, dragging your tongue across his bottom lip and pulling it between your teeth. Danny let out a groan at the pleasurable sting, leaning into you more and swiping his tongue against your own. You could feel him growing harder against your body, and it only enticed you to continue.
You let your hand travel between the two of you, ghosting his chest and abdomen before landing on his clothed dick. You ran your hand along him for a few moments until it traveled up to the waistband of his pants, where you began to pop the button of his black skinny jeans open when his hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling it away from him and forcefully placing it on the edge of the countertop behind you. His lips had left yours, bringing his mouth next to your ear as he spoke.
“You’re a teasing little thing, aren’t you?” His voice was low and gruff, sending electricity through your body. You only smiled smugly before giving him your usual answer.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
He leaned away to look you in the eyes, a devilish smile upon his face. The hand that rested on top of yours on the counter skirted up your arm, to your neck, and then to your jaw. His large hand encapsulated most of your jaw and neck, his thumb resting on your lower lip, gliding the pad across it before dragging your lip down slowly.
“Mmm,” His eyes were transfixed on his thumb as it pulled your lip down, “I guess it’s time for that reminder?” As your bottom lip met your top again, his eyes flicked back to meet yours, thumb still resting faintly on your lip. You were giving him your biggest doe eyes, making him suppress a groan, his cock twitching. You could feel the movement against your thigh. Wanting to tease him just a little more, you opened your mouth letting the tip of his thumb slip inside, and wrapping your lips around it.
You pushed his thumb past your lips, earning a groan from Danny. The corner of his mouth was pulled into a dazed smile as you let him gently slide his thumb back into your mouth, fully this time. You ran your tongue along the digit till it reached the tip, while sucking as he pulled it out of your mouth.
He gripped your jaw, pulling you to him in a heated kiss. Your teeth clashed, but you didn’t care, if anything it turned you on more. His other hand dug into your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him, his hard cock pressing into your groin. Your hands flew back to their place on the button of his jeans, working it open and pulling the zipper down. Still locked in the hungry kiss, your hands pulled at his jeans and boxers to free his growing erection. As you busied yourself with his pants, Danny’s hand left your face to knead your chest, thumb brushing over your hardened nipple.
Your hand finally wrapped around his dick, free of it’s confines. He was thick and heavy in your grasp as you pumped him a few times, wrist twisting your hand around his head before coming back down the shaft. Deciding you couldn’t wait any longer, your hands landed against his chest, shoving him away from you to give you room between him and the counter to move.
Danny almost questioned what you were doing as you moved closer to him before sinking down to your knees in front of him. You took him in your hand again while looking up at him through your lashes and gave him a few more pumps. Your hand continued to work him as you brought your lips to the side of his shaft, leaving open mouthed kisses from his base to the tip. Once you reach the tip, you swirl your tongue around his head, then licked a slow, flat stripe from the underside of his head, over his slit, to the top.
Danny’s hand flew to your head, his fingers gripping at your roots as you began to swallow him down. You took as much of him into your mouth as you could, nudging the back of your throat and holding him there for a brief moment. He couldn’t help the breathy ‘oh fuck’ that flew from him lips at the sight of you staring up at him, mouth full of his cock. It was something he had thought about since that first night. You hummed around him, making his hips buck into your mouth, and forcing him down your throat more.
Tears welled in the corners of your eyes, unprepared for his movement, and he pulled out of you slightly allowing you a moment to breathe. As his tip slipped back out of your throat, you gagged around him, your mouth filling with more saliva. His fingertips danced along your chin urging you to look up at him, and you obliged.
“You look so pretty choking on my cock, baby.” You couldn’t help the whine that escaped your throat. He was still in your open mouth, resting against your tongue.
“Be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth, hmm?” He held eye contact with you, a smirk still on his face. You nodded your head as best you could with the position you were in. Danny wasn’t satisfied with this action, gripping your jaw in his large hand.
“Uh-uh, use your words.” He hadn’t even been touching you and you swore you could’ve cum right then. “So let’s try that again,” His hand released your jaw to move the hair out of your face sweetly, “Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth?”
You closed your mouth around him, pulling off of him softly. You pressed a kiss to his head before answering, all while maintaining eye contact. Giving him a wicked grin, and mischievous eyes you responded.
“Yes, daddy.”
His eyes turned to something darker, hooded with lust. “Ah, princess… now you’ve done it.” He gathered your hair up into his fist, making a makeshift ponytail.
You obeyed his command, opening your mouth letting him slip inside once again. He held your head still with the hand wrapped in your hair, and began to thrust his hips into you. You opened your mouth wider, letting more of him glide down your throat.
“You take me so well.” He grunted above you, picking up the pace of his hips. You sucked him as he glided in and out of your mouth, trying your best to breathe. It wasn’t much longer before you could feel him twitch, his hips stuttering and breath becoming increasingly labored. You could tell he was close.
“Gonna swallow me down, princess?” You hummed around him, eyes fluttering at his filthy words and the pet name he gave you. That alone sent him over the edge, his cum shooting down your throat as he hit his high.
He retreated from your mouth slowly before pulling you to your feet and into a kiss. You relaxed into him, hands resting on his chest.
A knock on the door pulled the two of you away from one another. “C’mon!! You’ve been in there for twenty minutes!” One of the dancers shouted from the other side. You fixed yourself in the mirror, and Danny pulled his pants back up quickly, both of you blushing fiercely. As you walked past him to unlock the door, he grabbed your hand and pulled you into him.
“This doesn’t end here. I’m taking you home tonight. Go get your stuff and meet me at the entrance.” His breath was hot against your ear as he spoke, teeth nipping your earlobe before gently sending you back towards the door, landing a playful slap to your ass. You unlocked the door and apologized as the two of you left the bathroom, doing your best to avoid eye contact with your coworkers.
Danny headed towards the front doors while you did as he asked and grabbed your things. You met him at the door where he took your hand and laced his fingers with yours, leading you out into the parking lot.
The two of you got in his car and headed in a direction you could only assume was his house. To your surprise, he didn’t live very far from the club, only about seven minutes down the road. And you were kind of relieved that he lived so close because the tension in the air was almost unbearable. He pulled into a driveway and threw the car in park, neither of you wasting time to get out.
Danny made it out of the car before you could unbuckle your seatbelt, meeting you as you stepped outside. He grabbed your hand in his and pulled you up the driveway of his house quickly, making your body buzz with excitement. You made it to the front door, still hand in hand and waited while he fished for the keys in his pocket.
A moment later the front door swung open, and the two of you stepped inside the mostly dark apartment. You couldn’t make out much in the little bit of faded moonlight that danced about the space. Danny closed the door with one hand, the other on your sternum pushing you against the hardwood where his lips crashed to yours, teeth and tongues colliding in an instant. Your hands found the hem of his shirt trying to push it up his body, signaling to him you wanted it gone. His hand abandoned your sternum to reach between his shoulder blades and yank the shirt off in one motion, tossing it to the floor. When his mouth met yours again, he wedged his thigh between your legs, pressing into your heated core and earning a breathy moan from your lips.
His hands mimicked the action of yours moments prior, grabbing the bottom of your shirt, but taking initiative to pull the fabric over your head for you. It landed with a soft thud on the ground somewhere near his in the barely lit space. You grabbed the waistband of his jeans and worked them open as he kicked off his shoes and began to unclasp your bra before tossing it to the ground. Your effort to rid him of his pants and underwear was long forgotten when he flattened his tongue against your nipple, and captured it in his mouth, flicking his tongue over the bud. Your back arched off the door, hands gripping the roots of his hair, silently begging for more. His teeth grazed the sensitive bud before pulling away and moving to the other nipple. His knee was still firmly pressed against your aching core, driving you crazy for some sort of friction. You began to move your hips, rutting slowly along his thigh, trying to quell your aching need.
Danny pulled his lips away from your chest, casting his gaze downward to watch as you glided up and down his thigh. You whined pathetically when he stopped your hips from moving, hands firmly placed on each one.
“Fucking yourself on my thigh won’t earn you any brownie points.” He shook his head, and removed his thigh from between your legs. You groaned at the loss of contact, throwing your head back against the door.
“Don’t worry baby,” His hands moved to your backside, sliding down over your ass and gripping underneath your thighs, “I’m gonna take good care of you,” Effortlessly, Danny picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, “Such good care of you, you’ll be begging for more.” He whispered the last part in your ear, low and husky, sending shivers down your spine and making your skin raise with goosebumps. He reattached his lips to yours, walking through the dark house down a hallway.
For a brief moment your head and back were pressed against his bedroom door while he reached down to twist the knob. You were welcomed into the room by a faint orange hue emanating from the salt lamp he had left on. The calm light was a stark contrast to the dark, and lustful look in Danny’s eyes as he tossed you on the bed. He began to tug his tight jeans down his body, leaving him in his underwear. You quickly followed his lead, kicking your shoes off, and slipped your pants down your legs.
Danny closed the distance between you, and rested his hands on top of your knees that were propped up. He pushed your knees apart gently, letting them fall open, his gaze traveling down your body to your underwear. His fingers drifted down to your clothed pussy, tracing over a damp spot in the fabric.
“What’s got you so worked up?” His eyes drifted back to yours, eyebrow cocked, and a pompous look on his face.
“You.” You said almost breathless, his featherlight touches to your core beginning to muddle your thoughts.
“Me? I’ve hardly even touched you, baby.” His finger traced up your slit to your clit slowly, setting the skin ablaze even with a barrier between you. You were growing impatient and needy, bucking your hips into his fingers.
“Danny, please.”
“Please what?” He continued dragging his finger up and down your heat, your underwear becoming damper by the minute.
“Touch me, please. I need more.” You had hoped that the whining beg of your voice would encourage him to do something. However, he did nothing, but continued to torment you. You tried your last-ditch effort, giving him the same doe eyes as before, and sweetening your voice.
“Please daddy? I wanna feel you.” You cooed, a hand trailing up your body to grope your own boob. Danny groaned audibly and palmed himself through his boxers, his head falling back.
“Fucking hell.” His eyes fell back to you, continuing to stroke himself through the fabric. “Move up to the pillows.”
Not wasting any time you did as he asked and moved to the center of the bed, your head laying against his pillows. Your heels dug into the mattress, leaving your knees propped up as before. Once settled, Danny made his way up the bed on his knees to you, stopping between your open legs.
He pulled his hair into a bun at the crown of his head swiftly before laying on his stomach, throwing your knees over his shoulders. Using his index finger, he lightly pulled your panties to the side, dragging his other finger up through your folds to your clit. You carefully watched his every moment like you were trying to commit it all to memory. His eyes flitted up to yours, mouth tugged into a smug smile.
Holding your eyes, Danny’s tongue licked a teasing stripe following the path his finger had previously. He focused on your clit, running circles over it with the tip of his tongue and sucking it between his lips. Unable to hold your head up any longer, your head fell back against the pillows with a sigh of pleasure.
A finger teased your entrance while he repeated the motions of his tongue on your clit, and his other hand snaked up your body to pinch and tease your nipple. You couldn’t help but sink your fingers into his hair, nails raking against his scalp. His mouth hummed around your sensitive bundle, enjoying the feeling of your nails against his skin. You repeated the action, this time Danny slipped the fingers that were teasing your entrance into you, curling them up and pumping them at the same time. His name tumbled past your lips accompanied with a breathy and drawn out ‘fuck’.
His mouth was still working against your clit, licking and sucking, while his fingers slid in and out of you, the combination setting your core on fire. Your breathing was ragged, moans and curses flying from your mouth as he pushed you closer to your climax.
“That’s it baby, I can tell you’re close. You’re squeezing around my fingers so nice.”
His thumb had replaced this mouth, keeping your build up steady.
“Oh, fuck.” A particular swipe against your clit had your back arching off the bed, hips moving to gain more friction.
“Gonna come all nice and pretty on my fingers?” All you could do was moan, there were no words or phrases left in your mind. Only white hot pleasure.
“I’m- fuck, I’m s-so close.” You lifted your head, and watched Danny work you over. His thumb was still circling your clit as he held your gaze, and pulled his head back slightly, spitting directling on the bud, his thumb spreading his spit over you .
That was the final push, your climax taking over, feeling as though you ascended to the heavens for a brief moment. Danny never stopped his movements, carrying you through your orgasm until you became too sensitive and placed your hand over his. Coming down from your high you watched Danny pull the hair tie from his hair with one hand, letting his curls fall freely, and step off the bed, while licking the fingers covered in your slick clean before removing his boxers. He joined you back on the bed, dipping his fingers into the tops of your underwear and pulling them down your legs with some help as you lifted your hips.
He made his way up your body, kissing a trail from your lower stomach up to your lips, his dick nudging against your lower half as you made out, making the wetness pool between your legs again. Danny broke the kiss, to sit back on his calves, and pulled your hips towards his. He gripped himself, running his tip through your dripping core, coating his hard cock with your arousal.
“Ugh, Danny please, I need you. Fuck me.”
Without needing anything else from you, he lined himself up with your entrance and eased himself inside, watching as you sucked him in. He stretched you in the most delicious of ways, slightly painful, but euphoric at the same time, and you both groaned and sighed as he bottomed out.
“Such a good girl taking daddy’s cock like that,” He brought a hand to your pubic area and pressed with light pressure, “Feel me? Feel how full you are?”
“Yes, fuck,” You nodded frantically, “I feel it. You fill me so well.” The increased pressure was unlike anything you had ever felt. You almost didn’t want it to stop, but the feeling quickly left your mind as Danny began to move.
His pace was slow and calculated in the beginning, but quickly grew faster and harder. He was pounding into you relentlessly, the sounds coming from your bodies purely pornographic as they filled the air. You were approaching another release, the band in your core growing tighter and hotter with each thrust.
Danny changed the angle, your legs hiked up around his hips, with him leaning over you, allowing the tip of his dick to brush your sweet spot each time. Your eyes rolled back, moaning his name at the new sensation.
“Open.” He tapped the side of your jaw with his fingers. You let your jaw fall slack, opening just enough to let him insert his middle and ring fingers into your mouth, his index and pinky fingers pressed against either cheek. You moved your tongue against his fingers, still tasting yourself slightly on them.
“Keep it open for me.” He grunted as he removed his fingers from your mouth to play with your clit. You followed his instruction, leaving your mouth open. Danny let a small string of spit slip slowly from his mouth into yours, landing against your tongue.
“Swallow.” You obeyed, closing your mouth and swallowing his spit.
The speed of his fingers on your clit sped up, sending heat through your entire body. Your core felt like it was on fire, the pressure so intense you thought you might explode. Your hands found Danny’s back, pulling him closer to you while raking your nails across his skin.
You could feel pressure being released, ecstasy coursing through you, but it was different from your usual orgasm. There was an immense sense of wet coming from where Danny drilled into you. You could tell he felt it too as he leaned back to look where your bodies connected.
“Oh fuck, angel.” Danny groaned, his pace picking up impossibly harder, fingers grasping your hips, sure to leave bruises. “You’re so perfect, squirting all over my cock like that.” You could barely register what he was saying, your second orgasm mere second away.
“That's it, just like that. Keep that pretty pussy crying for me.”
Your climax crashed over you, wiping your mind completely blank. You weren’t sure how long it lasted, stuck between decades and seconds. When you finally came down, Danny was reaching his own end, his head was thrown back and mouth agape as he continued to thrust into you. He pulled out of you quickly, sending his release onto your stomach before collapsing beside you.
You both laid there, in fucked out bliss trying to come down and steady your breathing.
“Holy shit-“
“That was-“
“That was fucking amazing.” Danny laughed breathily, turning his head to the side to look at you.
“Yeah it was.” You agreed, turning to look at him as well. You both chuckled for a moment out of breath, and enjoyed the post-sex feeling.
Danny sat up slightly, brushing sweat-slicked hair out of your eyes and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
He hopped off the bed and walked towards an open door in his bedroom. When he flicked the light on you could make out that it was a bathroom, and you watched him grab a towel, before turning the sink on and running it under the water. He came back to you, and cleaned you up, being gentle between your legs due to the sensitivity. He threw the washcloth into a hamper before holding his hands out for you to take.
You simply groaned in response, not wanting to move.
“I know, I know, but we kinda need to change the sheets…” You looked at him quizzically, not understanding what he was saying.
When you sat up you saw what he was talking about. Beneath and all around you, the sheets had been soaked through. You had made quite the mess.
“Oh my god. Danny, I'm so sorry!” To say you were embarrassed was an understatement. You were mortified. “I-I’ve, um, I’ve never done that before!” You covered your face with your hands trying to hide in any capacity.
“Whoa, hey, y/n, look at me.” His hands grasped your wrists trying to ease them away from your face. You averted his gaze as his eyes tried to meet yours.
“It’s okay. I don’t give a fuck about these sheets, we can just toss them into the wash. It's no big deal, okay?”
“Are you sure, Danny? I feel awful.”
“Yes I’m sure. Besides,” His finger curled softly under your chin, finally making your gaze reach his, “That was the hottest fucking thing I have ever witnessed. I’ll take some wet sheets any day to have you do that again.” You couldn’t help the smile that creeped onto your face as you pulled him closer for a kiss.
You smiled into the kiss, feeling Danny smile back before he broke away to walk over to his dresser, and pull out a few items.
“Here, you can wear these.” He handed you a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. You thanked him, grabbing the clothes from him and slipping them on while he pulled on some boxers as well.
You helped him toss his sheets and comforter into the washer, and fitt his bed with fresh ones. Thankfully the mess was contained to just the sheets.
“I think this is kind of apparent now, but you’re staying, right?” Danny asked once the bed was made, looking quite shy as his fingertips brushed your forearm up and down.
“If you’ll have me, yes. I’d love to stay.” He grabbed your arm, pulling you into a hug with his arms encasing your body and chin resting on top of your head.
“I’d like that very much.”
He released you from his hold so the two of you could crawl into his bed, Danny instantly pulling you into him as he settled. He reached across you to turn off the salt lamp he had on his bedside table, chuckling.
“What’s so funny?” You snuggled back into him as he laid back against the mattress.
“I just realized I’ve never seen you in the daytime. Tomorrow will be the first time I've seen you, not after dark.”
“Oh, huh, I guess that is true.” You laughed along with him. Comfortable silence quickly filled the room, and you thought that maybe Danny had fallen asleep until he whispered your name.
“Yeah, Danny?” You whispered back into the open air, your fingers dancing along with his.
“Would you like to go on a real date with me tomorrow night?”
Your heart warmed, a fuzzy feeling spreading throughout your body. You laced your fingers with him, grinning ear to ear.
“I would absolutely love that, Danny.” He released the nervous breath he had been holding, and squeezed you tighter.
“It’s a date then.” He pressed a kiss to your temple followed with a, “Goodnight, y/n.”
“Goodnight, Danny.”
Your body melted into his as sleep took you under. In that moment you knew you were exactly where you were meant to be. Where you were always supposed to be.
taglist: @malany-gvf @gold-mines-melting @sacredthefran @dannyandthekiszkas @gretasimp @popejosh4ever @indigofallingsky
add yourself to my taglist!
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
I sent in another prompt about a Gemini Home Entertainment au, it was in a diffrent device so I wanted to see if it came through- if not you can let me know by answering this before the other- I do have another prompt! This one will have more overt gore than the first mystery Flesh Pit au I proposed, but hear me out here-
The Lazarus Pit Ra’s has is Danny’s stomach acid- the entire DC Earth has grown in Danny’s body- space doesn’t see anything bc Danny’s been intangible/in his core (the Moltan Core of the Planet) but RA’S pisses Danny off unknowingly to the point where when he takes his next dip, he is. Digested! I say this takes place while Bruce is out of time and Tim is with Ra’s, so he watches as ra’s tries to show off his pit, but instead hears him scream as his skin peels and burns, as his eyes pop and his blood boils and mingles with what’s left of his flesh, his bones burning and melting while RA’S is kept awake by Danny’s ecto, only dying when his last nerves Finnaly shut down.
The Mystery Flesh Put National park is only one limb, but one aspect of Danny’s body, when he twists and is the planet, covers and breathes what the Microfauna (the inhabitants >o<) exhale, only waking up when say, darkseid comes by, the earth shaking and the sky seeming to break apart as wide, eye searingly green eyes pear down, turning as if with a head before slanting and turning to the invaders, a hand made of night shattering the day lurches down and crushes the invading armies, the blood coating and dripping in near continuous streams from the fingers as large as a semitruck, the justice league frozen as Tim whimpers, realizing what’s happening and what he saw happen all that time ago. The hand reaches and grasp darkseid, his abilities and weapons breaking or bouncing off the ‘skin’ the stars the bloody dyinglivingloving of the sky, unwilling to allow more harm. The darkseid is brought up to a large gap that wasn’t there before, ice forming teath as a tounge of light and deathcoldhotcrowbarpain leaches out and around, pulling the intruderinvaderunwilling into his demise, into the maw of the one he tempted. The mouth shuts, raining tye blood and viscera and the acidic spit, visibly boiling where it landed only to sprout flowers- but why where the flowers as green as the eyesbloodskyskinstars looming above
Before it’s all gone. The sky is not cracked, it is blue and sunny and beautiful. The grass is a natural green, no sign of unnatural flowers or blood, no stars in the day sky aside from the sun. No one is hurt. No one is dead. No one forgets.
I wasn’t lying about my dipping into gore, if this violates anything and I didn’t realize feel free do delete? I hope your having a great day!
Mystery Flesh Pit/Analog Horror Ask| GHE Ask 1, GHE Ask 2, GHE Ask 3,
oh this is BEAUTIFUL! All Danny has done is move to pluck the annoying thing with bad energy off of him and eat it so it stopped bothering him and went back to sleep. What the Justice League sees is a cosmic horror of mind breaking proportions defeat the most dangerous New God in a single swipe. One cannot fathom the size of this creature and none of the JL WANT to try to comprehend it.
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