soaplickerrr · 2 months
Accidentally Coincidential
CHAPTER 1 (click pictures for better quality)
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a/n: updates will be slow, i'm workng on a pretty long fic on my side blog.
pairing: Idol!Kim Seungmin x Fem!CollegeStudent!Reader
genre: contemporary romance
synopsis: Y/N, a regular college student accidentally texts Seungmin, a star in the K-pop group Stray Kids while trying to text her Ex, Soonyoung to come pick up his things, leading to an unexpected connection that blossoms into a heartfelt romance.
ignore time stamps 🫡👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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TAGLIST - CLOSED (comment to be added) if your name is in pink, i couldn’t @ you
🏷️: @disasterousdangerousbi @akitfffr @alexateurmom
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
Anybody of your choice with a reader who likes to randomly bite for no reason
How about everyone?
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Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
Ticci Toby
1. Playful Bites:
- You have a habit of playfully nipping at Toby’s arms or shoulders when you’re feeling particularly affectionate. He always laughs and pretends to be offended, but secretly he loves it.
- Toby's tics might make him a bit jumpy at first, but he quickly gets used to your playful bites and even starts looking forward to them.
2. Affectionate Gestures:
- Toby enjoys the unique way you show affection. Your bites are never harsh, and they make him feel special and adored in your own quirky way.
- Sometimes, Toby will bite you back, though he's always gentle, mimicking your playful nibbles with a grin on his face.
3. Comfort and Calming:
- When Toby is stressed or anxious, you gently bite or kiss his knuckles or the back of his hand. The familiar sensation helps ground him and brings him a sense of comfort.
4. Inside Jokes:
- The two of you develop a series of inside jokes about your biting habits. Toby will often tease you about being a “little vampire” (GIRL YOURE MY FAVORITE, sorry, its a kpop reference) or “his personal piranha,” always with a playful glint in his eyes.
- You respond by pretending to bare your teeth and growl, which never fails to make Toby laugh.
5. Public Reactions:
- In public, your biting habits can sometimes catch others off guard. Toby finds it amusing when people react, but he also loves how unique and unapologetically yourself you are.
- Toby has been known to protectively explain to others that it’s just your way of showing affection, ensuring no one misunderstands or disrespects you for it.
Ben Drowned
1. Playful Mischief:
- Ben finds your biting habit absolutely adorable and matches it with his own playful nature. He often encourages you by pretending to run away or daring you to catch him.
- Your playful bites often lead to laughter-filled chases and impromptu tickle fights, making your relationship feel light-hearted and fun.
2. Virtual Bites:
- When Ben is in his digital form, you tease him by pretending to bite your screen, which makes him laugh and play along, sometimes glitching the screen as if he’s been “bitten.”
- He occasionally sends you silly gifs of biting or nibbling, keeping your playful dynamic alive even when he’s not physically present.
3. Casual Bites:
- Ben loves to watch you while you’re focused on something, waiting for the perfect moment to lean in and “surprise bite” you. It’s his way of keeping things spontaneous and exciting.
- Your biting habit often catches Ben off guard in the best way. Whether it’s a gentle nip on his ear or a playful bite on his arm, he loves the unpredictability of it.
4. Protective Instincts:
- Despite his mischievous nature, Ben is very protective of you. If anyone ever mocks your biting habit, he’s quick to shut them down, making it clear that he loves you just the way you are.
- Your biting habit becomes a form of affectionate reassurance for Ben, reminding him that you’re always there and that your bond is strong.
Eyeless Jack
1. Calming Times:
- Your gentle bites become a calming thing for Jack. When he’s stressed from his medical tasks or haunted by memories of his past, your affectionate nibbles or gentle kisses help ground him.
- Jack appreciates the intimacy of your bites. They remind him that he’s not alone and that someone cares deeply for him, despite his monstrous appearance.
2. Quiet Affection:
- Jack isn’t one for grand displays of affection, but your bites fit perfectly with his understated nature. A soft bite on his shoulder while he’s reading or a gentle nip on his hand while you’re walking together speaks volumes to him.
- Your biting habit becomes a silent way to communicate your love, something Jack deeply values and reciprocates in his own quiet manner.
3. Medical Curiosity:
- Jack is curious about the physiological reasons behind your biting habit. When he asked you about it, you answered with “I just like doing it”, leading to him finding it fascinating and endearing.
- Sometimes, Jack will gently bite you back (bcs of his teeth), experimenting with different ways to reciprocate your affection while ensuring he's always gentle and caring.
4. Shared Solitude:
- The two of you often spend time in abandoned places, enjoying the solitude. Your biting habit fits well with these quiet moments, adding a layer of comfort and intimacy to your explorations.
- Jack finds your bites reassuring, a reminder that even in the quietest, most desolate places, he has someone who understands and accepts him.
5. Late-Night Conversations:
- During your late-night conversations, you often kiss/nibble Jack’s hand or arm when he says something particularly insightful or touching. It’s your way of showing appreciation and connection without interrupting the flow of conversation.
- Jack has a dry sense of humor and occasionally teases you about your biting, calling you his “little predator” (which you send glares his way when he does so)with a rare, affectionate smile.
Jeff The Killer
1. Playful Defiance:
- Jeff is initially taken aback by your biting habit but quickly grows to enjoy it. Your playful defiance matches his chaotic energy, and he finds it both amusing and endearing.
- Your bites often lead to mock battles, with Jeff pretending to be “attacked” and dramatically retaliating with tickles or playful wrestling.
2. Boundary Testing:
- Jeff likes to push boundaries, and your biting habit becomes a game of who can surprise the other first. He’ll sneak up on you and pretend to bite you back, always keeping things lively and unpredictable.
- Despite his rough exterior, Jeff appreciates the unique way you show affection. It adds a sense of normalcy and connection in his otherwise tumultuous life.
3. Affection Amidst Chaos:
- In the midst of Jeff’s chaotic world, your biting habit becomes a source of stability. It’s a small, constant reminder that there’s something tender and real amidst all the violence and madness.
- Jeff might not say it outright, but your bites make him feel cared for in a way he hasn't experienced before. It's a comforting contrast to his usual interactions.
4. Protective Reactions:
- Jeff is fiercely protective of you, especially because of your biting habit. If anyone mocks or misunderstands it, he’s quick to defend you with his usual brashness.
- Your bites are a reminder to Jeff that he has someone who sees beyond his violent tendencies, someone who cares for the person he is underneath.
5. Unexpected Softness:
- Over time, Jeff becomes surprisingly soft when it comes to you. Your bites are the only form of physical contact he doesn’t recoil from, and he even starts to look forward to them.
- Jeff might occasionally let his guard down and return your bites, albeit clumsily, showing a rare moment of vulnerability and affection.
Jane The Killer
1. Soft Moments:
- Jane is initially wary of your biting habit, but she soon realizes it’s your way of showing affection. Over time, she grows to appreciate it, especially during quiet moments when you’re alone together.
- Your bites become a way to break through her emotional guard, reminding her that it's okay to feel and express love.
2. Tender Affection:
- Despite her tough exterior, Jane has a soft spot for you. Your gentle nibbles on her hand or shoulder are a reminder of the gentler side of life, something she often misses in her dark world.
- Jane reciprocates in her own way, sometimes brushing her fingers lightly across your skin or giving you a soft kiss in return.
3. Silent Communication:
- Your biting becomes a form of silent communication between you two. A gentle nip on her ear or arm tells Jane you’re there for her without needing words, which she finds comforting.
- In tense situations, a quick bite can calm Jane down, helping her focus and reminding her she’s not alone.
4. Protective Nature:
- Jane is highly protective of you, especially when she notices others reacting to your biting habit. She’s quick to defend your unique way of showing affection, ensuring no one misunderstands or disrespects you.
- Your bites become a symbol of trust and safety, reinforcing the bond between you two in a world full of danger and deception.
5. Shared Solitude:
- The two of you often enjoy moments of solitude, where your biting habit fits perfectly. It’s a small, intimate act that brings comfort and closeness without needing to say much.
- Jane finds these moments soothing, a rare respite from her usual life of constant vigilance and danger.
Nina The Killer
1. Playful Affection:
- Nina loves your biting habit. It matches her nature, and she often initiates playful bite-fights, laughing as you both try to outdo each other.
- Your bites become a regular part of your interactions, a fun and affectionate way to express your feelings.
2. Cute Moments:
-She often teases you about being her “little biter” and encourages you to keep it up.
- Nina might respond with her own playful nibbles, turning it into a game that keeps both of you entertained and connected.
3. Mutual Protection:
- Nina is fiercely protective of you, especially because of your unique way of showing affection. She admires how unapologetically yourself you are and makes sure no one mocks or misunderstands your biting habit.
- Your bites remind Nina that she has someone who truly understands and accepts her, which is rare in her chaotic life.
4. Shared Excitement:
- Your biting habit fits perfectly with Nina’s love for excitement. It becomes a part of your shared adventures, adding an element of spontaneity and fun.
- Nina often initiates playful challenges, daring you to bite her in unexpected moments, making your relationship dynamic and full of surprises.
5. Comforting Presence:
- Despite her tough exterior, Nina finds your bites comforting. They remind her that she’s not alone and that someone genuinely cares for her.
- Your biting habit becomes a way to bring Nina back to reality when she's feeling overwhelmed, grounding her with a simple, affectionate act.
Homicidal Liu
1. Gentle Affection:
- Liu is initially surprised by your biting habit but quickly grows to appreciate it. Your gentle nibbles on his hand or arm are a welcome reminder of affection in his otherwise tumultuous life.
- He finds your bites soothing, a way to ground himself when he’s struggling with his internal conflicts.
2. Grounding Presence:
- Your bites become a grounding presence for Liu, especially during moments when he’s mentally battling with Sully or dealing with his PTSD. They remind him of your unwavering support and love.
- Liu appreciates how your bites help him stay connected to reality, offering a sense of stability amidst his emotional turmoil.
3. Silent Understanding:
- The two of you develop a silent understanding through your bites. A gentle nip on his shoulder or arm tells Liu that you’re there for him without needing words, which he finds comforting.
- In moments of distress, your bites become a way to reassure Liu that he’s not alone and that you’re always there to support him.
4. Protective Instincts:
- Liu is highly protective of you, especially because of your biting habit. He ensures no one mocks or misunderstands it, making it clear that it’s a special part of your relationship.
- Your bites symbolize trust and safety for Liu, reinforcing the bond between you two in a world full of danger and betrayal.
5. Shared Solitude:
- The two of you often enjoy moments of quiet solitude, where your biting habit fits perfectly. It’s a small, intimate act that brings comfort and closeness without needing to say much.
- Liu finds these moments calming, a rare respite from his usual life of constant vigilance and danger. Your bites become a reminder of the love and trust you share, something he cherishes deeply.
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Hope this was good enough!!
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soaplickerrr · 1 month
Accidentally Coincidental
CHAPTER 5 (click pictures for better quality)
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a/n: updates will be slow, i'm working on a pretty long fic on my side blog.
pairing: Idol!Kim Seungmin x Fem!CollegeStudent!Reader
genre: contemporary romance
synopsis: Y/N, a regular college student accidentally texts Seungmin, a star in the K-pop group Stray Kids while trying to text her Ex, Soonyoung to come pick up his things, leading to an unexpected connection that blossoms into a heartfelt romance.
ignore time stamps and typos
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Seungmin puts his phone down, a full-teethed smile spreading across his lips, his heart lighter than it’s been in days. The conversation with Bang Chan had gone better than he had hoped. He knew it was a big ask—one that could have easily backfired—but he trusted Chan, and in the end, his trust was well-placed. Seungmin leans back in his chair, his mind already wandering to the possibilities. He imagines the look on her face if she gets the opportunity, the way her eyes might light up when she realizes her dream could be within reach. It’s a feeling of contentment, of knowing he’s done something good for someone who deserves it.
While Seungmin is lost in his thoughts, Bang Chan is already taking action. He wastes no time, picking up his phone and dialing his manager’s number. The phone barely rings twice before the manager picks up, his tone professional as always.
“Chan, what’s up?” the manager asks, his voice carrying that hint of curiosity that always comes when Bang Chan calls unexpectedly.
“I need to set up a meeting,” Chan says, cutting straight to the point. “I want to talk to the editing team manager, JYP, and the CEO.”
There’s a brief pause on the other end of the line, the manager processing the request. “That’s a pretty serious meeting, Chan. What’s this about?”
“There’s someone I think might be a great fit for our editing team,” Bang Chan explains, his tone steady but urgent. “I know two people from the team quit last week, and we’re a bit short-handed. I want to see if she can step in and help. But first, she needs to be tested—see if she’s got what it takes.”
The manager is silent for a moment, considering the proposal. It’s not every day that one of the members takes such a personal interest in something like this. “You’re sure about this, Chan? This is a pretty big deal.”
“I am,” Chan replies without hesitation. “She’s got potential, and I think we should at least give her a chance to prove herself. If she passes the test, great. If not, then we’ll know. But I want to make sure we give her a fair shot.”
“Alright,” the manager finally says, his voice carrying a note of resolve. “I’ll talk to them and see when we can schedule a meeting. We’ll discuss it further there.”
“Thanks,” Bang Chan says, relief washing over him. “I appreciate it.”
“No problem, Chan. I’ll get back to you once I have more details.”
As the call ends, Bang Chan lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He knows the road ahead isn’t a guarantee, but he’s done what he can. Now, it’s up to the higher-ups and, ultimately, up to her to prove she’s got what it takes. He hopes, for Seungmin’s sake—and maybe a little for hers—that this all works out. There’s something about this situation that feels right, like the pieces are starting to fall into place.
He leans back in his chair, glancing at the clock. It’s late, but his mind is still buzzing with the day’s events. He thinks of Seungmin happiness. That alone makes it worth it. Bang Chan isn’t one to take risks lightly, especially when it involves careers, but there’s something about Seungmin’s trust that makes him want to try.
As he sits there, Bang Chan’s thoughts drift to the upcoming meeting. He knows it won’t be easy to convince everyone, but he’s prepared to argue his case. He believes in Seungmin’s judgment, and he’s willing to put his own reputation on the line to give this girl a shot. It’s not just about filling a spot on the editing team—it’s about helping someone chase their dream, just like he did once.
The night stretches on, but Bang Chan doesn’t mind. He’s already planning his approach, the arguments he’ll use, the points he’ll make. There’s a quiet determination in his eyes, the kind that only comes when something truly matters. He’s ready to fight for this, and for Seungmin. Because at the end of the day, that’s what being a leader is about—trusting your team and doing whatever it takes to support them.
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This feels very empty for some reason 🧐🧐
TAGLIST - CLOSED - if your name is in pink, i couldn’t tag you.
🏷��: @disasterousdangerousbi @akitfffr @alexateurmom @jeonginplsholdmyhand @sunarins-whore @feelikecinderella @minniesuperversee @istglevi-gotmesimping @dreamerwasfound @whiteghostt @your-favorite-pirate @pnutbutter-n-j-elyy @chuuyaobsessed @ihrtlix @onlyhyunjin @jisuperboard @dazzlingjade @sellomaybe @lixiesbrownies333 @kkamismom12 @iatemycatfreckles @puppyminnnie @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @ayyonoona @missvanjii @jc003 @dontwannaexsist
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soaplickerrr · 1 month
Accidentally Coincidental
CHAPTER 4 (click picktures for better quality)
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a/n: updates will be slow, i'm working on a pretty long fic on my side blog. Also, CHAT I HAVE 141 FOLLOWERS RN
pairing: Idol!Kim Seungmin x Fem!CollegeStudent!Reader
genre: contemporary romance
synopsis: Y/N, a regular college student accidentally texts Seungmin, a star in the K-pop group Stray Kids while trying to text her Ex, Soonyoung to come pick up his things, leading to an unexpected connection that blossoms into a heartfelt romance.
ignore time stamps and typos
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Have a little filler chapter💕💕
TAGLIST - CLOSED if your name is in pink, i cant tag you
🏷️: @disasterousdangerousbi @akitfffr @alexateurmom @jeonginplsholdmyhand @sunarins-whore @feelikecinderella @minniesuperversee @istglevi-gotmesimping @dreamerwasfound @whiteghostt @your-favorite-pirate @pnutbutter-n-j-elyy @chuuyaobsessed @ihrtlix @onlyhyunjin @jisuperboard @dazzlingjade @sellomaybe
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soaplickerrr · 1 month
Accidentally Coincidental
CHAPTER 3 (click pictures for better quality)
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a/n: updates will be slow, i'm working on a pretty long fic on my side blog. Also, CHAT I HAVE 127 FOLLOWERS RN
pairing: Idol!Kim Seungmin x Fem!CollegeStudent!Reader
genre: contemporary romance
synopsis: Y/N, a regular college student accidentally texts Seungmin, a star in the K-pop group Stray Kids while trying to text her Ex, Soonyoung to come pick up his things, leading to an unexpected connection that blossoms into a heartfelt romance.
ignore time stamps and typos
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Seungmin turned his phone off, a small smile lingering on his lips as he placed his phone down. The realization that he was smiling hit him, and the smile quickly faded. He glanced around the room, trying to compose himself, only to catch I.N smirking at him from across the room.
TAGLIST - CLOSED (comment to be added) if your name is in pink, i couldn’t @ you)
🏷️: @disasterousdangerousbi @akitfffr @alexateurmom @jeonginplsholdmyhand @sunarins-whore @feelikecinderella @minniesuperversee @istglevi-gotmesimping @dreamerwasfound @whiteghostt @your-favorite-pirate @pnutbutter-n-j-elyy @chuuyaobsessed
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soaplickerrr · 3 months
╰┈➤ How I feel like SKZ would reveal your relationship!!
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
Go show some love to “Stray Love”, It's an Idol!Hyunjin x FemReader fic, first part is out!
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Warnings~ FemReader | Established relationship | Idol Au | kinda ooc | I can't write very accurate personalities so pls forgive me for that 😔
Ps: These will be accidental moments when a fan notices something and the member can't help but just reveal it.
Summary: Bangchan was live from his studio, and as he was reading the comments, one reads: “Who is that in the polaroid behind you?”
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Bangchan felt a rush of nervous energy surge through him. With a sheepish grin, he gently grabbed the Polaroid and turned back to the camera, he looked down at the polaroid as he held it in his lap and contemplated telling Stay.
He decided he would tell Stay. It’s not like he has a dating ban, is it? He saw Stay constantly calling him “bitchless” and saying things like “We need to get him a girlfriend” so he’s assuming nothing bad will come of it.
He lifts the Polaroid and holds it close to the camera, making sure it's focused.
"Hey, you've got a good eye," he chuckled, holding up the polaroid for everyone to see. "This is someone very special to me."
He felt the anticipation hanging thick in the air even though he was completely alone with the ongoing livestream. With a shy smile, Bangchan continued, "She's been my rock through everything, and I'm so grateful for her love and support."
He watched with a happy smile as the chat erupted into a chorus of "awws" and supportive comments, there were some mean comments but he pretended to not see them. Bangchan felt a wave of relief wash over him. It was a weight off his shoulders to finally share this part of his life with his fans, knowing that at least most of them would embrace it with open arms.
He continues talking about his “Rock” and doesn't fail to notice the last ten texts you've sent him, all along the lines of “What are you doing??” and “Are you allowed to do this?” He laughed at your texts and the only reply you got was “I got this❤️”
From that moment on, the atmosphere in the live shifted, buzzing with excitement and admiration for Bangchan's honesty and vulnerability. As he continued to interact with his fans, he couldn't help but feel grateful for their unwavering support, both on and off the stage.
He laughed at the comments that went along the lines of “I guess I lost my chance” and “It's not like I had a chance in the first place”
“Maybe I’ll bring her to one of my next lives, who knows?” He spoke, giggling at the comments that encouraged him to.
Yeah uh- he got in trouble with the company because he didn't say anything about revealing his relationship.
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I'M SO SORRY THIS IS SO OUT OF CHARACTER😭😭. Please forgive me, this is so so short.
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soaplickerrr · 1 month
Accidentally Coincidental - M.List
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a/n: updates will be slow, i'm working on a pretty long fic on my side blog.
pairing: Idol!Kim Seungmin x Fem!CollegeStudent!Reader
genre: contemporary romance
synopsis: Y/N, a regular college student accidentally texts Seungmin, a star in the K-pop group Stray Kids while trying to text her Ex, Soonyoung to come pick up his things, leading to an unexpected connection that blossoms into a heartfelt romance.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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TAGLIST - CLOSED - if your name is in pink, i couldn’t tag you
🏷️: @disasterousdangerousbi @akitfffr @alexateurmom @jeonginplsholdmyhand @sunarins-whore @feelikecinderella @minniesuperversee @istglevi-gotmesimping @dreamerwasfound @whiteghostt @your-favorite-pirate @pnutbutter-n-j-elyy @chuuyaobsessed @ihrtlix @onlyhyunjin @jisuperboard @jeonginplsholdmyhand @dazzlingjade @sellomaybe @lixiesbrownies333 @kkamismom12 @iatemycatfreckles @puppyminnnie @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @ayyonoona @missvanjii @jc003 @dontwannaexsist
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soaplickerrr · 3 months
╰┈➤ How I feel like SKZ would reveal your relationship!!
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
Go show some love to “Stray Love”, It's an Idol!Hyunjin x FemReader fic, first part is out!
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Warnings~ FemReader | Established relationship | Idol Au | kinda ooc | I can't write very accurate personalities so pls forgive me for that 😔
Ps: These will be accidental moments when a fan notices something and the member can't help but just reveal it.
Summary: The sight of a ring leads to so much speculation..
THANK YOU TO @hereforthedrinkss FOR THE PROMISE RING IDEA 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️
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Seungmin was always a private person, and his bandmates in Stray Kids knew this well. But lately, they had noticed something was different. Seungmin was spending more and more time alone, canceling plans with the group to go somewhere else or stay in and text someone. He always seemed distracted and preoccupied, constantly glued to his phone. The members couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious, and they started to exchange glances whenever they saw Seungmin sneaking glances at his phone or hiding it from their view.
One day, during a live, a fan caught view of a ring on Seungmin's left hand. It was subtle, but it was there.
The fan recognized the ring as one they had seen while shopping for promise rings on Etsy with their boyfriend. Excited, they shared their discovery online, speculating about the ring and Seungmin's relationship status. The tweet quickly went viral, with fans debating and discussing the possibility of Seungmin having a girlfriend.
As the rumors spread, more and more fans started to point out instances where Seungmin had seemed to hide his left hand during live streams and recording sessions. Fans recalled seeing him shake his head "no" when staff pointed at the ring, and how he always seemed to hide his left hand when getting styled so they don't take it off.
The online discussion continued to grow, with fans pointing out more instances where Seungmin had seemed to hide his left hand. Some fans even went back and rewatched old videos, noticing that Seungmin seemed to be careful to keep his left hand out of view in several live streams and recording sessions.
Days passed, and the rumors and speculations continued to spread like wildfire. Fans were becoming more and more convinced that Seungmin had a girlfriend, and they began to connect the dots between all the clues they had discovered.
Fans started paying even closer attention to Seungmin's behavior during their live streams and TV appearances. They noticed that whenever the group was being interviewed or had group photos taken, Seungmin would often position himself so that his left hand was out of view or not visible.
Whenever the members of Stray Kids live streamed times when they were eating together or having casual hangouts, Seungmin would constantly check his phone and seemed to be texting someone. The other members tried to pry and ask him who he was texting, but he would always brush them off and say he was just talking to a friend.
The fans began to piece together all the clues they had observed about Seungmin's behavior and realized that something was definitely up. They wondered why Seungmin was being so secretive about his left hand and who he was constantly texting on his phone. Some fans even began to speculate that Seungmin might have a girlfriend, citing all the evidence they had gathered.
As the rumors and speculations continued to swirl online, JYP Entertainment, Stray Kids' agency, released an official statement addressing the rumors about Seungmin.
The statement explained that Seungmin had indeed been in a relationship for the past two years and that he wanted to keep his love life separate from his idol life. JYP acknowledged that the members of Stray Kids were unaware of Seungmin's relationship, emphasizing that Seungmin had gone to great lengths to keep it private.
The statement further mentioned that while the agency respected Seungmin's privacy, it also recognized the importance of fans' support for the group's members. JYP assured fans that Seungmin's personal life would not affect Stray Kids' activities or his dedication to his career as a singer and performer.
The statement concluded by asking fans to respect Seungmin's privacy and to refrain from speculation or harassment regarding his personal life. JYP reiterated that Seungmin was still the same talented and hardworking member of Stray Kids that fans had come to love and support over the years.
The statement quickly spread online, with fans expressing a mixture of surprise and relief that the mystery had finally been solved. While some were upset that Seungmin had kept his relationship a secret from his bandmates and fans for so long, many expressed understanding and respect for his decision to keep his love life private.
The members of Stray Kids reacted to the news with various levels of shock and amusement. Some were taken aback by the revelation and admitted they had never suspected Seungmin had a girlfriend, while others claimed they had their suspicions all along.
Despite the surprise of the revelation, the members of Stray Kids expressed that they were happy for Seungmin and respected his decision to keep his personal life private. They joked about feeling left out and teased Seungmin for being so sly and secretive, but overall they were supportive of his relationship and his desire to keep it out of the limelight.
From that day forward, fans of Stray Kids were reminded that behind the glitz and glam of their favorite idols' public personas lay real people with their own private lives and emotions. Despite the excitement and curiosity surrounding Seungmin's relationship, fans ultimately respected his choice to keep it out of the spotlight and continued to support him and Stray Kids in their music and performances.
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soaplickerrr · 3 months
╰┈➤ How I feel like SKZ would reveal your relationship!!
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
Go show some love to “Stray Love”, It's an Idol!Hyunjin x FemReader fic, first part is out!
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Warnings~ FemReader | Established relationship | Idol Au | kinda ooc | I can't write very accurate personalities so pls forgive me for that 😔
Ps: These will be accidental moments when a fan notices something and the member can't help but just reveal it.
Summary: While showing off his sketchbook on live, Hyunjin accidentally flips to a page where the drawing is of you.
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Hyunjin was livestreaming, showing off his sketchbook full of his drawings to his fans. He was flipping through the pages, explaining his thought process behind each drawing. As he reached a particular page, his expression suddenly changed. There it was, a drawing of you, and at the bottom of the page, your name was written. A brief moment of panic flashed across his face before he quickly turned the page.
But his luck wasn't on his side as the next page revealed another drawing of you, this time with the caption "our date" and a specific date written below.
Hyunjin let out a defeated sigh, knowing he had accidentally revealed his relationship. He quickly ended the live, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
His heart was pounding in his chest as he realized what he had just done. He had been carefully keeping his relationship private, not wanting to draw unwanted attention to you. And now, he had carelessly shown your relationship to millions of fans.
He groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. How could he have been so careless? He knew how obsessive fans could get, and now he had given them ammunition to pry even further into his personal life.
Hyunjin picked up his phone, dialing your number. He knew he needed to tell you what had happened before you found out from elsewhere.
You picked up the phone, your voice laced with concern. "Hey, is everything okay? You never call me during your livestreams."
Hyunjin sighed, bracing himself for your reaction. "Yeah, about that... I may have accidentally revealed something."
There was a moment of pause on the other end of the phone before you spoke again. "What do you mean 'accidentally revealed something'?"
Hyunjin took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Well, I was showing my sketchbook to the fans and I accidentally showed a drawing of you... with your name written on it and a date."
There was another moment of silence before you burst out into laughter. "Are you serious?" you asked between giggles. "You accidentally revealed our relationship to millions of fans in a livestream?"
Hyunjin couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction. "Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous. I wasn't planning to reveal anything until we were ready, but then I accidentally showed my sketchbook and it all went downhill from there."
“Well it’s not like you have a dating ban is it?” you ask.
Hyunjin chuckled again, grateful for your lighthearted reaction. "No, I don't have a dating ban. But I just wanted to keep things private for a little while longer, you know? I didn't want the fans to make a big deal out of it or invade our personal space."
You were quiet for a moment before you spoke again. "I get it. And I respect your decision to keep things low-key. But now that the secret's out, I think we need to address it. Otherwise, fans will start spinning all kinds of theories."
Hyunjin's heart sank as he heard your concern on the other end of the phone. He knew you were right; they needed to address the situation. But before they could discuss further, he noticed a call from JYP Entertainment, his agency. He knew that this call wouldn't be good.
“I’m in so much trouble..” Hyunjin said, before abruptly hanging up the phone.
He quickly answered the phone, putting on a brave face. "Hello?"
He’s banned from doing any lives alone for two months..
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This feels so..not it, y’know?
171 notes · View notes
soaplickerrr · 3 months
╰┈➤ How I feel like SKZ would reveal your relationship!!
Lee Know:
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
Go show some love to “Stray Love”, It's an Idol!Hyunjin x FemReader fic, first part is out!
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Warnings~ FemReader | Established relationship | Idol Au | kinda ooc | REALLY bad drawing (literal stick man) | I can't write very accurate personalities so pls forgive me for that 😔
Ps: These will be accidental moments when a fan notices something and the member can't help but just reveal it.
Summary: Lee Know accidentally posts a picture with you in it, it was a mistake, but it's not like he regrets it.
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This is all Lee Know posts on bubble, with the caption being: 😼
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It took Lee Know about a minute to realize that he sent the picture to his bubble instead of the group chat, he went to delete it but Stay works fast. (I swear most of y'all are jobless w how fast you work)
There were already hundreds of replies asking who’s in the background, there are twitter pages already posting about it, and JYP’s already calling his phone.
He decides that damage has been done, and it’s not like he wasn’t going to go public soon anyway, all he says in bubble is:
: ㅋㅋㅋ😺
and leaves it to sit for a couple hours.
He’s already texted you, and you were freaking out because how the hell does he look at this situation and sends you :
You continue to spam his, and the entirety of Stray Kids’ phones, talking about how sorry you are, and how you should’ve noticed he was taking a picture, but all of them reassure you, letting you know that everything will be okay because JYP works fast.
Soon, he sends another message on bubble, it reads
:리노 : 춤 동작과 로맨스 모두 전문가!😎
(Lee Know: An expert in both dance and romance! 😎)
He basks in the chaos for a little longer before sending another picture of you and him on a walk in the park during the night, the picture is you guys holding hands as you walk, and the caption reads :
: 순이, 둔이, 도리 엄마예요 하하 😼
(It's soondoongdori’s mom haha 😼)
It's an understatement to say that he got scolded, one: for revealing his relationship without permission, and two: for not picking up the phone when JYP called him.
(He now has the manager managing what he does on his phone for the rest of the month.)
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203 notes · View notes
soaplickerrr · 3 months
╰┈➤ How I feel like SKZ would reveal your relationship!!
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
Go show some love to “Stray Love”, It's an Idol!Hyunjin x FemReader fic, first part is out!
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Warnings~ FemReader | Established relationship | Idol Au | kinda ooc | I can't write very accurate personalities so pls forgive me for that 😔
Ps: These will be accidental moments when a fan notices something and the member can't help but just reveal it.
Summary: Felix gets a call from you during a live.
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Felix was having a great time on a live stream with Chan, answering fan questions and chatting with Stay. They were having a lighthearted conversation when Felix's phone started ringing. The sound caught both of them off guard, and Bang Chan raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
Felix immediately recognized the caller ID as yours, and he panicked. He didn't want to let your relationship slip on a live stream, so as he picked up the phone, he frantically started repeating, "I'm on a live, I'm on live, I'm on live," hoping you would understand the message and hang up.
As Felix continued repeating the words, Chan couldn't help but chuckle at his panic. "Who called, man? And why is your phone not on DND" Chan asked, still amused by the situation. But Felix simply gestured to his phone, still facing away from the camera, signaling that he couldn't reveal it on the live stream.
Fans in the chat quickly noticed the interaction and started speculating about who had called. Theories about secret girlfriends and other scenarios flew through the comment section. Some even joked that it could be a ghost calling him. Chan couldn't resist joining in the fun and playfully teased Felix.
"Sounds like someone very important, huh?" Chan teased, a smirk on his face. Felix rolled his eyes but couldn't help but laugh at the situation. He quickly composed himself and got back to answering fan questions, trying to distract himself and the fans from the phone call.
Shortly after, Felix felt his phone vibrate with a notification. He discreetly checked it and saw that you had understood his signal and hung up. He quickly texted you a message, letting you know that he was on a live stream and would call you back later. He breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that their secret hadn't been discovered.
The rest of the live stream continued without any further interruptions. Chan and Felix continued to chat and interact with Stay, unaware of the whirlwind of theories and speculations they had caused with the brief phone call. However, the incident lingered in the backs of their minds, a reminder of the secret they had to keep.
A few days later, JYP Entertainment briefly broke the news that Felix had been in a relationship for the past year. Fans reacted with shock and excitement, many expressing happiness for the couple.
A couple weeks later, Felix uploaded a picture on his Instagram Story of him dressed up in a stylish LV suit, you sporting an expensive, captivating, LV gown beside him, attending a Louis Vuitton event together. The picture confirmed the rumors and speculation that had circulated after the live incident.
Fans were both surprised and elated to see the revelation. They praised the couple's secretiveness and wished them happiness.
Stray Kids' members were supportive of Felix and you guys’ relationship. When Lee Know was asked in a live stream about the situation, he chuckled and responded, "Oh, I already knew. I was the one who found out, anyway."
Stray Kids fans reacted with amusement to this revelation. They knew how close the members were and how they often shared each other's secrets. The fact that Lee Know had been the first to find out about the relationship only added to the bonding and connection among the members.
Fans praised Stray Kids for their supportive friendship and the strong bond they shared. Many commented on how Lee Know's statement showed the close-knit relationship within the group, where they supported each other through thick and thin.
The incident further strengthened the fans' adoration for Stray Kids. They admired the members not just for their talent and music, but also for their genuine care and support for each other. Stray Kids' authenticity and loyalty to each other resonated with the fans, making them even more endearing in their eyes.
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189 notes · View notes
soaplickerrr · 3 months
╰┈➤ How I feel like SKZ would reveal your relationship!!
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
Go show some love to “Stray Love”, It's an Idol!Hyunjin x FemReader fic, first part is out!
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Warnings~ FemReader | Established relationship | Idol Au | kinda ooc | This feels so much longer than the previous ones 😭| I can't write very accurate personalities so pls forgive me for that 😔
Ps: These will be accidental moments when a fan notices something and the member can't help but just reveal it.
Summary: Gym picture turns into so much chaos.
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Changbin didn't think any of it, sweaty and exhilarated, he decided to snap a quick selfie to share with his fans on Instagram. Little did he know that this innocent gym selfie would set off so much speculation among stays.
As the picture went live, the comments section exploded with excitement. Fans zoomed in on the background, fixating on the figure fixing stuff behind Changbin. One fan commented on the unknown girl in the background igniting a frenzy of theories and detective work among the fandom.
Changbin couldn't contain his amusement as he watched the chaos unfold. He basked in the playful banter and wild speculation, deciding to play along and let the fans run wild with their imaginations. For days, the mystery girl in the background became the topic of heated debate, with fans poring over every detail of the photo in search of clues.
Finally, unable to resist teasing his fans any longer, Changbin dropped a bombshell. In a follow-up post, he shared a cute photo of himself and the mystery girl together said girl had her head of his lsp as he took the picture from above. The caption read: " 그냥 내 체육관 친구(그녀는 내 여자친구입니다!!)"
“Just my gym friend (she's my girlfriend!!)”
The fans went into a meltdown, their theories crashing and burning as the truth was revealed. Changbin's gym buddy was none other than his girlfriend, the comment section exploded with a mix of shock, excitement, and adoration for the couple, hate comments here and there but it's not like they cared did they?
As the news spread like wildfire across social media, Changbin couldn't help but giggle at the chaos he had unleashed. The fans' reactions ranged from disbelief to uncertainty to overwhelming support, with many expressing their joy at seeing Changbin in a fun and carefree relationship.
Embracing the playful energy, Changbin and his girlfriend continued to share lighthearted updates on Bubble, showing off their goofy antics and quirky moments together. The fans adored their dynamic and couldn't get enough of the couple's cheeky charm.
In the middle of all the goofiness and online shenanigans, Changbin felt a deep sense of gratitude for his dedicated fans. Their unwavering support and lighthearted spirit had brought so much joy and laughter into his life, making him realize how grateful he is to have such understanding fans.
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Can you tell Changbin is on top in my list of biases?
150 notes · View notes
soaplickerrr · 28 days
Accidentally Coincidental
CHAPTER 6 (click pictures for better quality)
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a/n: updates will be slow, i'm working on a pretty long fic on my side blog.
pairing: Idol!Kim Seungmin x Fem!CollegeStudent!Reader
genre: contemporary romance
synopsis: Y/N, a regular college student accidentally texts Seungmin, a star in the K-pop group Stray Kids while trying to text her Ex, Soonyoung to come pick up his things, leading to an unexpected connection that blossoms into a heartfelt romance.
ignore time stamps, dates ( other than tge ones mentioned during texting) and typos
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The meeting room at JYP Entertainment was filled with a palpable tension as the key players gathered around the large, polished table. The CEO sat at the head, flanked by the editing team manager and Bang Chan's own manager. The atmosphere was serious, almost formal, as everyone waited for Bang Chan to speak.
Chan cleared his throat, his usual easygoing demeanor replaced by a more focused, determined air. He knew this wasn’t just any conversation—this was about convincing the higher-ups to take a chance on someone they’d never even met.
“Thank you all for taking the time to meet today,” Chan began, his voice steady and professional. “I want to talk about an opportunity that could benefit both our company and someone outside of it. I’ve recently heard about someone who has a passion for editing, specifically in the realm of music videos. Given that we’re currently short-staffed in the editing department, I think we should seriously consider giving this person a chance.”
The CEO raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical but willing to listen. “And who exactly is this person? Do they have experience in the industry?”
Chan nodded. “She’s not a seasoned professional, but she has talent and a genuine love for the craft. What I’m proposing isn’t an immediate hire. Instead, I suggest we put her through a rigorous test—a project that would allow us to gauge her skills. If she passes, we hire her. If she doesn’t, we look elsewhere. It’s a win-win situation. We get to explore potential new talent without committing prematurely.”
The editing team manager leaned forward, interested but cautious. “What kind of test are you thinking? We can’t afford to waste time on someone who might not be up to par.”
“That’s exactly why I’m proposing a test,” Chan explained. “We can assign her a project—something that’s demanding but realistic. She can work on a segment of an upcoming music video or even a practice reel. We give her a deadline, clear guidelines, and see how she performs under pressure. It’s a controlled environment where we get to see what she’s really capable of.”
The CEO interjected, his tone still carrying a hint of doubt. “And what makes you so confident in this person? We’ve had people with potential come through before, only to realize they weren’t cut out for the pace and demands of this industry.”
Chan met the CEO’s gaze steadily. “I’m confident because I’ve seen her work. More than that, I’ve seen her passion. This isn’t just about filling a role—it’s about bringing in someone who genuinely cares about what they do. Someone who sees the art in editing, who understands the nuances of our music and visuals. I believe she has what it takes, but I’m not asking you to take my word for it. That’s why I’m proposing the test. Let her work speak for itself.”
There was a moment of silence as the CEO considered Chan’s words. The room was thick with anticipation, everyone waiting to see which way the decision would go.
The CEO finally nodded, a small but decisive gesture. “Alright, Chan. You’ve made a compelling case. We’ll arrange the test. If she meets our standards, we’ll consider bringing her on board. But I want to be clear—this is a one-shot deal. If she doesn’t impress, we move on.”
Chan smiled, relieved but still composed. “Understood. I’ll work with the editing team to get everything set up.”
The meeting wrapped up soon after, with everyone agreeing on the next steps. As the others filed out of the room, Chan stayed behind for a moment, letting the success of the conversation sink in. He had done it—he had convinced them to give her a chance. Now, it was up to her to prove herself.
Once he was alone, Chan couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. He quickly pulled out his phone and sent Seungmin a message, his fingers moving swiftly across the screen.
Seungmin’s POV
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Seungmin stared at his phone in disbelief, a grin slowly spreading across his face as he realized what this meant. He quickly composed a message to Y/N, his heart racing with excitement.
Your POV
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Seungmin put his phone down, unable to wipe the grin off his face. He couldn’t wait to see how this would all unfold. For now, he just hoped that Y/N was ready for what was coming her way.
Seungmin’s POV:
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I dont like this chapter and college sucks.
TAGLIST - CLOSED - if your name is in pink, I couldn’t tag you
@disasterousdangerousbi @akitfffr @alexateurmom @jeonginplsholdmyhand @sunarins-whore @feelikecinderella @minniesuperversee @istglevi-gotmesimping @dreamerwasfound @whiteghostt @your-favorite-pirate @pnutbutter-n-j-elyy @chuuyaobsessed @ihrtlix @onlyhyunjin @jisuperboard @dazzlingjade @sellomaybe @lixiesbrownies333 @kkamismom12 @iatemycatfreckles @puppyminnnie @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @ayyonoona @missvanjii @jc003 @dontwannaexsist @everglowdaisies
115 notes · View notes
soaplickerrr · 3 months
╰┈➤ How I feel like SKZ would reveal your relationship!!
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
Go show some love to “Stray Love”, It's an Idol!Hyunjin x FemReader fic, first part is out!
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Warnings~ FemReader | Established relationship | Idol Au | kinda ooc | I can't write very accurate personalities so pls forgive me for that 😔
Ps: These will be accidental moments when a fan notices something and the member can't help but just reveal it.
Summary: Tired Jisung reveals something on accident.
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Jisung stumbled through the hallway, his exhaustion evident in the way he rubbed his eyes and yawned. The rest 3racha chuckled at his sleepy state, currently live streaming their walk back to the dorms after hours of producing.
"Stay, it's so late," he muttered, as he looked at his phone, checking the time. "Look at the time."
He turned his phone around to show the camera, not realizing your face lit up his Lock Screen. Realizing too late, Jisung quickly turned off his phone, his eyes wide with panic.
His bandmates, now curious, noticed the brief glimpse of the Lock Screen and the hint of pink on Jisung's sleep-flushed cheeks. Before anyone could say a word, Jisung muttered something about having to do something and quickly walked ahead of everyone else, almost running.
For the next few days, Jisung avoided the subject like the plague. The rest of the group teased him about his obvious flustered state, but he just mumbled awkwardly and changed the subject. Even during their livestreams, he was unusually quiet and tense when their fans brought up the topic of dating.
It took a few more days of speculation and rumors before his agency finally stepped in and released a statement confirming that Jisung was indeed in a relationship. The news spread like wildfire among their fans, and soon, the internet was flooded with comments and discussions about his secret relationship.
Eventually, a few days later, Jisung uploaded a picture on his Instagram account. It was a picture of you and him, both of you smiling and looking happy. The caption was just a simple "…"
The fans were ecstatic, and speculations about your identity, your occupation, and how you met immediately began swarming social media.
Jisung stayed silent, watching as the online world buzzed with excitement and curiosity. He was too nervous to address the situation directly, leaving his fans and the public wondering about the girl who had captured his heart.
But behind closed doors, Jisung was happy. He knew that his fans wanted to know more about his relationship, but for now, he kept it private, savoring the moments he had with you away from the public eye.
As time passed, Jisung became more comfortable sharing snippets of you guys’ relationship with his fans. He would occasionally mention you in his livestreams, or drop a hint about your adventures together in his tweets. But he still kept your identity a secret, knowing that it was best for both of you to have some privacy.
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This feels oddly formal..my eyes hurt idk why
145 notes · View notes
soaplickerrr · 9 days
Accidentally Coincidental
CHAPTER 7 (click pictures for better quality)
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a/n: updates will be slow, i'm working on a pretty long fic on my side blog.
pairing: Idol!Kim Seungmin x Fem! CollegeStudent!Reader
genre: contemporary romance
synopsis: Y/N, a regular college student accidentally texts Seungmin, a star in the K-pop group Stray Kids while trying to text her Ex, Soonyoung to come pick up his things, leading to an unexpected connection that blossoms into a heartfelt romance.
ignore time stamps, dates (other than the ones mentioned during texting) and typos
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The towering glass facade of JYP Entertainment stands in front of you, gleaming under the afternoon sun. The building is sleek and modern, almost like a beacon calling you forward with its promise of dreams fulfilled and careers made. For a moment, you pause outside, taking a deep breath to steady the nervous energy buzzing in your veins. Today is a big day, your chance to prove yourself at one of the biggest entertainment companies. The opportunity to showcase your editing skills is finally here, and you’re determined to nail it.
You step through the revolving doors and into the lobby, where everything is polished to a shine, from the pristine marble floors to the sleek, minimalist decor that screams sophistication and class. The soft hum of conversation, the rapid tapping of heels, and the occasional chime of an elevator create a symphony of activity around you. You can feel the eyes of staff and visitors glancing at you as you make your way to the receptionist’s desk, your pulse quickening with each step. You straighten your back and put on a polite smile, trying to project a confidence that you don’t quite feel.
The receptionist looks up with a professional but somewhat warm smile. “Hello, how can I help you?”
You clear your throat, trying to keep your voice steady. “Hi, I have an appointment today. My name is L/N Y/N.”
The receptionist nods, typing something into her computer with swift, practiced keystrokes. Her eyes flick up to meet yours again, studying you briefly. “Alright, just a moment. Someone will be with you shortly.”
You manage a tight smile and nod, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you wait. You try not to fidget, but your hands feel awkward and out of place, unsure where they should rest. Just as you’re contemplating what to do with them, two men in suits approach from a side door. They move with a certain authority, their expressions serious, no, stern, but not in a way that feels threatening. Just…official.
“Excuse me, could you tell us your name again?” one of them asks, his tone flat and his gaze steady.
“Uh, Y/N,” you reply, a bit taken aback by the second request but deciding it’s best not to ask why.
The men exchange a quick, wordless look. Then, one of them speaks again. “We’ll need to take your phone. Company policy. No recording, photos, or unauthorized communications inside.”
Your eyes widen a little at the unexpected request, and you blink, momentarily caught off guard. “Oh, sure. Right.” You fumble with your bag, pulling out your phone. Handing it over feels strange, like you’re parting with a lifeline. You watch as they slip it into a small, padded pouch and secure it with a seal, locking it away. You know it’s standard security protocol in a place like this, but the absence of your phone suddenly makes you feel vulnerable, almost exposed, like you’ve had a piece of armor taken away.
“Follow us, please,” the other man says, turning sharply on his heel. You nod, swallowing down the nerves bubbling up inside, and fall in step behind them. The click of your shoes against the immaculate floor seems louder than usual in the otherwise hushed hallway. You try to keep your breathing even as they lead you through a series of corridors that seem to grow more pristine and imposing with each turn. Bright overhead lights reflect off polished surfaces, and you catch glimpses of framed awards, photographs of famous artists, and plaques of achievement lining the walls.
Finally, they lead you to a set of heavy double doors, which they push open to reveal a spacious conference room. Inside, the air is cooler, almost chilled, and there’s a tension you can’t quite place. Several people are already seated around a large, glossy table, including the CEO of JYP Entertainment himself, as well as a group of individuals who appear to be part of the editing team, seasoned professionals by the looks of them. A sense of awe mixed with anxiety twists in your stomach.
“Welcome, Y/N,” the CEO says with a smile that is both warm and assessing, his gaze sharp. The tension in your shoulders loosens a little. “We’re glad you could join us today. We’ve heard some promising things about you. Today, we’ll be putting you through a series of tests to evaluate your editing skills and see if you’d be a good fit for our team.”
You nod, your mouth a bit dry but you manage to offer a polite smile in return. “Thank you for this opportunity. I’m excited to get started.”
They don’t waste any time. One of the team members, a woman with a sharp bob and an even sharper expression, gestures for you to follow her to another room. As you walk, you take in the atmosphere: a blend of high-stakes professionalism and intense creative energy. She leads you into a larger room, even more imposing than the last, lined wall-to-wall with high-end computers. These aren’t your average editing setups; they’re top-of-the-line, the kind of equipment you’ve only seen in magazines or YouTube reviews, machines that look like they could handle any project you could throw at them and then some. Your fingers itch with anticipation.
You’re directed to one of the stations and take a seat, feeling the weight of their expectations settle over you. “Alright, let’s get started,” the woman says. “We have an unedited scene from a music video here. Take a look, and tell us how you’d approach it. What kind of cuts, pacing, effects, anything you think would make the scene really stand out.”
You lean forward, watching as the raw footage plays out on the screen. It’s a good scene, but there’s a lot of room for improvement. Your mind starts to race with ideas, visualizing how you could tighten the cuts, adjust the pacing, and use color grading to make certain moments pop. After a moment of silence, you start speaking, sharing your thoughts. You can see the team members watching you closely, a few nodding slightly, others jotting down notes. When you finish, you notice a few raised eyebrows, they weren’t expecting that.
“Interesting approach,” one of them says, scribbling more notes. “Not the usual take, but it’s got potential.”
Then, they take you over to another project, they reveal what the unedited footage actually is. Your breath catches in your throat. It’s “JJAM” by Stray Kids, you recognize the song. You’re momentarily stunned, feeling a rush of excitement and disbelief all at once. You’re a huge fan of the group, and now you have the chance to put your spin on something this important. It feels surreal. But there’s no time to get lost in the moment. You’re given two scenes to edit, the first chorus, and the scene right after it. You listen to the hype music as you edit, the next scene’s calmer sound a blessing, both Seungmin and I.N’s voices loosening your shoulders.
You refocus, your heart pounding.
Your hands move with a blend of instinct and precision as you begin editing. You adjust the cuts to match the intensity of the beats, sync transitions perfectly with the energy of the music, and add visual effects that enhance the atmosphere without overshadowing the artists. Time starts to blur as you fall into the familiar rhythm of editing. You’re in the zone, entirely focused on the work in front of you.
When you finally lean back and look at the clock, three hours of cutting, moving and placing have passed in what felt like a blink. You hadn’t realized how deeply you were holding your breath until you exhale and call the team over.
“I’m done,” you say, trying to keep the fatigue out of your voice but unable to hide the pride in your work.
They gather around, their eyes on the screen as they review what you’ve done. The room is filled with murmurs, some nodding, some pointing at specific cuts or transitions. You can’t hear everything they’re saying, but you pick up a few key words: “clean,” “sharp,” “unexpected.” You try not to overthink it as they finish their discussion.
“Very good, Y/N,” the woman with the sharp bob finally says, nodding in approval. “Now, let’s test your attention to detail. There’s a tiny flaw in this already-edited video. It’s subtle, but we want to see if you can spot it.”
You nod, feeling a fresh wave of determination. You lean in closer to the screen, eyes scanning carefully over the footage. A few seconds pass before you see it, a tiny synchronization issue where the beat of the music and the cut don’t quite match up perfectly.
“There,” you point out confidently. “The beat and the cut are slightly off-sync. It’s almost imperceptible, but it’s there.”
There’s a pause, and then a few murmurs of approval ripple through the team. You catch a few nodding in agreement, clearly impressed, though they keep their expressions controlled. Over the next several hours, they put you through a series of additional tests, each one more challenging than the last. Some require speed, others a sharp eye for continuity, and a few push your creativity to the limit. You’re exhausted, but adrenaline and sheer willpower keep you going.
By the time you finish the last task, you’re nearly slumped over the desk, eyes tired but heart pounding with a mix of hope and anxiety. You can barely keep from fidgeting as one of the senior editors, a tall man with graying hair, speaks up.
“Well, Y/N, you’ve shown us a lot today,” he says, and you hold your breath, waiting. “We’re pleased to offer you a position on our editing team. Congratulations.”
The words hit you like a wave, and for a moment, you’re not sure you heard correctly. Then, a wide smile spreads across your face, and a rush of relief and joy floods through you. “Thank you! I’m so excited to be here. I promise I’ll work hard and give my best.”
They hand you your phone back, still sealed in its pouch, and guide you back through the maze of hallways. You bow in gratefulness, a huge, full-teethed smile adorning your face.
As you step out of the building into the cool night air, you finally allow yourself to breathe freely. You tear open the pouch and grab your phone, hands slightly trembling with excitement. The screen lights up, and you quickly navigate to your messages, fingers flying over the keyboard.
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Idk how to feel about this chapter , ALSO I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT EDITING SO DONT BASH ME 😭😭😭
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
any in a relationship toby head canons for the crowd? :))
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Ticci Toby relationship headcanons!! (Reminder: I stick VERY closely to my HCs and WILL apply it to all my work unless you refuse it in your request!!)
Initial Stages
- Toby would be extremely hesitant and nervous about starting a relationship due to his traumatic past and disorders. He’d worry about his ability to be a good partner and fear being a burden.
- Despite his anxiety, he’d be drawn to your kind and patient nature. Your acceptance and understanding of his quirks and tics would make him feel safe and valued.
- The relationship would start slowly, with Toby taking small steps to show his affection. Simple gestures like holding hands, giving you small gifts, or leaving you doodles in your notebook would be his way of expressing his feelings.
Affection and Support
- Toby would be very protective of you, always ensuring you’re safe and happy. His soft spot for animals would extend to you, and he’d often compare you to his favorite stray cats, finding comfort in your presence.
- He’d enjoy spending quiet, peaceful moments with you, especially during stormy weather, which he loves. The sound of rain would soothe his tics, and he’d love to cuddle with you, listening to the thunder and rain together.
- DEFINITION OF AWKWARD, but he starts warming up to you, soon enough, your presence would become his safe haven.
Daily Life
- Puzzles would become a shared activity between you two. He’d find it calming and would appreciate your company while solving them. It would become a bonding activity, helping him focus and relax.
- Leaving Toby to cook alone is a disaster waiting to happen, good thing you guys love cooking together huh?
- Drawing would be another way he expresses his affection. He’d often sketch little portraits of you or scenes from your time together, leaving them for you to find in your notebook or around the house.
Challenges and Growth
- Toby’s insomnia and PTSD would be major challenges, but your understanding and support would help him cope. You’d develop routines to help him relax and get some rest, like reading to him, playing soothing music, or just holding him close.
- Crowds would be overwhelming for Toby, so you’d find alternative ways to spend time together without triggering his anxiety. Quiet walks in the woods, late-night stargazing, or simply watching movies at home would become your favorite activities.
- Despite his initial reservations, Toby would eventually open up about his past and struggles. Your patience and love would help him feel secure enough to share his deepest fears and emotions.
Future Together
- Toby would want to learn how to skateboard, and you’d support him, even if it means a few falls and bruises along the way. It would be another way for him to channel his energy and focus.
- You’d often find yourselves raiding the kitchen together, laughing and enjoying each other’s company in the quiet hours of the night.
- Toby’s room, would become a sanctuary for both of you. It would be filled with his sketches, puzzles, and little mementos of your relationship, creating a space where you both feel at home.
- In a relationship, Toby would be deeply affectionate and protective, finding solace and joy in the little moments you share. Your understanding and support would help him navigate his challenges, and together, you’d create a bond that’s strong and enduring.
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