#they added a whole visual MV to the end of the actual MV
ewkpop · 2 months
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Rolling Quartz 🍷 Red Wine
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Eras tour thoughts, part 3: Burning the Lover house
So, after my Anti-Hero/Matilda theory, here's another brain dump of thoughts on style choices for the Eras tour, now that the first leg has officially finished and we are on the international leg of the tour. Warning, this is bit of an essay...
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This part is about maybe the most glaring visual choice of the whole tour, one that pretty much every swiftie has picked up on: The burning of the Lover house. I've seen a lot of confusion in the fandom about this and some theories about how this could represent 'burning down' her old work as she releases the re-recordings or making space for new albums because the house is full if every room represents an era.
In terms of gaylor theories I've only seen one and that is THIS one by @keepingsecretstokeepyoutk (I hope you don't mind me borrowing your theory for this post). It's a brilliant theory that burning the house is another step on the road to coming out and I'd like to extend this with a few observations on my own.
Firstly, I'd agree that the midnights cover image of Taylor holding the lighter was definitely a sign that something was going to get burned before the tour even started. Even with the midnights songs themselves, if we think of it as a journey of stepping into the daylight, the songs on this album are definitely pretty gay and only one song with he/him pronouns. But back to the lover house...
True to my TRUE Lover
So the lover house to me has always represented her public relationships, it's not where her real lover lives and that is for two reasons:
The OG lover house is in a snow globe (see lover mv) so it is to be displayed/looked at but not to be actually lived in. And
Maybe most importantly, the house doesn't have a kitchen. In all of Taylor's music the centre of her domestic life/the place where her lover is, has always been the kitchen. Dancing in the refrigerator light / barefoot in the kitchen/ you're in the kitchen humming, and so many more. Not to mention that her actual love story literally started with the line 'your kitchen or mine...' So yeah, the absence of a kitchen in the lover house has always been pretty telling to me, that this is the 'love's for show' house and her true lover is somewhere else.
What happens to the house during the Eras tour?
So not surprisingly, the house first appears during the lover era set which is the opening act of the tour. Notably though, it isn't furnished and 'lived in' anymore like it was in the lover mv, it's empty and the lovers have very clearly moved out. It's also not night time anymore, it's now daytime and the sun is shining in through the windows:
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The only person we see in it, is Taylor in a yellow dress in the pink bedroom where she climbs into the big mirror and disappears. The first 'burning' then occurs at the end of the set, during the transition to fearless era. The last song of the set is the Archer, during which golden arrows fly around on the stage that form a ball of light that explores into a cascade of sparkling rain that sets the house on fire.
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It doesn't really burn like a normal house fire though, it just stands in the rain of sparks, looking almost peaceful and golden. So much so, that she added a massive smoke effect to drive home the message that the house really is burning. Look how much smoke there is:
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So at the end of the lover era, the contents of the house and a few of the walls have burned, but the house is still pretty much intact. It can be repaired. And that's pretty spot on for the actual lover era, which was meant to be her coming out era, but ended up just being a nice gentle golden (aka pastels and rainbows) fire that left some damage to her straight image but could ultimately be repaired and the public bearding continued. Keep that in mind, because we now don't see the house again until way later in the show.
1989 - Now it really burns
During the 1989 set (which is the second to last in the show) there is a ton of fire imagery, starting with the flame in the hand and the bed on fire during Wildest dreams and then finally, during Bad Blood, the final song, we see the house again looking a bit charred. Now, this is where things get interesting. We see Taylor walking in wearing Karlie's 2014 VSFS outfit, full strut and including the flick of the cape as she sits down at the vanity. She then flicks a match at the floor and the rooms lights up in blue flames.
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So despite this being Taylor, I think the outfit and the strut make it pretty clear that this is Karlie who is lighting the house on fire again. And I think now in hindsight we can safely assume that this was foreshadowing Karlie showing up and setting in motion the events that follow. Even in the last few weeks since Karlie's appearance at the LA show, the fandom has been pretty much on fire over it, no matter what side of the fence you're on. And this time it's not a gentle sparkly rain, it's a blazing inferno, blue first, then it turns orange (or whatever colour normal fire is) before the house eventually collapses in a smoking heap and is gone for good.
video credit: ryan pily on YouTube
So...are we nearing daylight?
My interpretation is, that the blue flames indicate that 1989 TV will have a significant impact on this journey, and the different cover images that we have seen so far have confirmed that for me. They are all imitations of original 1989 era polaroids, but taken outside in broad daylight with seagulls flying freely and Taylor's face smiling on full display. They are also the first re-release covers that have the album title and Taylor's Version written on them so she wants her name on these, which feels significant. Now, I don't think that this will be the 'coming out era' or anything, I still think we are 12-18 months away from the end of this whole process, but I think Karlie showing up was a big shift in the story and I hope we'll be seeing a lot more of her and a lot less of any 'boyfriends'. But let's not forget that the general swiftie fandom still have a long way to go from 'she's straight and has only ever dated men' to 'she's been madly in love with the same woman for the last 10 years'. The house finally collapsing suggest to me that we are done with the bearding narrative, and tbh Taylor seems over it. She's been the happiest ever on this tour and didn't even attempt to look sad over her supposed breakup with Joe... I'm trying to collect my thoughts on how the remaining two re-release albums will further this journey, but it's all a jumble at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if tour visuals for the Asia/Australia/Europe leg of the tour change as time goes on to reveal more as we get closer to rep and debut re-release. And personally, I think that once the tour and all re-releases are done, we will get TS11 and that will be the gayest album yet, songs with she/her pronouns and all. 🤞😉
If you've made it all the way to here - Thank you indeed, you are a star!
(pictures and gifs not mine)
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
Hi! I got an idea how "mahiru poison theory" can go down that dosent involve her poisoning the food on day 16!
On day 9 we see a recipe for "corspe reviver" right next to Mahiru. Corpse reviver and it has multiple recipes, right next to Mahiru is "corpse reviver 1" but it also has "corpse reviver 2" which actually involves absinthe. Absinthe is deadly in high dosages.
Because of the day 9 entry, talking about how Mahiru's boyfriend nearly drank himself unconscious of Mahiru's first bar date (and possibly first date, but that's not confirmed I think) and inclusion of a written down hangover cure may imply Mahiru's boyfriend had a drinking problem and Mahiru had to remember how to make hangover cures (hence corpse reviver being written down).
Also along with the boyfriend's other bad traits implied throughput the days- distant, insensitive, and also the bad implications of day 12 (not sure if you need a memory refresher on this but Mahiru states she went to his house foe the first time, and mentions that she was so nervous she couldn't eat all day and can't actually remember anything. Not being able to remember anything on her end may be because of a traumatic experience that day).
It would make sense if one day while Mahiru was making an hangover cure for him- she intentionally, or maybe even unconsciously (cause she said her murder was a result of her just being herself after denying the murder was cause of jealousy) added more absinthe than needed and her boyfriend ended up dying of alcohol poisoning.
Maybe even her intention for adding more absinthe than needed was just to try and scare him into not drinking anymore, like giving him a taste of what alcohol poisoning was but he ended up dying anyway.
I'm just rambling now but those are just some thoughts on mahiru poison theory lol
You're fine I don't view it as rambling it's a remarkably interesting point I hadn't considered. Though it's always funny to me to see people that don't think the poison theory is possible because of all the allusions to it spread across Mahiru's voice drama, mv visuals, and song lyrics. So, first with your hangover remedies idea.
Your theory can directly tie into the comment Mahiru makes about Es' memory problems within the voice drama. Three minutes and three seconds into Mahiru's first interrogation her and Es have this exchange.
Before getting back into that though-
TL;DR- This is the second contrast between Shidou and Mahiru. Shidou is a doctor in the technical and legal sense. However, people have conveniently overlooked that holistic doctors exist. It's likely that Mahiru was a practitioner of traditional or holistic medicine. Her door even resembles that of a fancy garden or greenhouse.
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"Hey, hey! Is Es your real name? Could it be that you're not Japanese? Don't you have a surname or anything?"
"I- I don't know. It doesn't matter. I'm Es. I don't know anything other than that and I don't need to either."
"What? You mean you have amnesia? Oh, you poor thing. Are you sure you're not curious about it? About yourself, I mean."
"Not a bit. I just tackle the work I have at hand. Sparing myself from any unnecessary information helps me concentrate better."
"Eh, but I'm so curious about you, prison guard. Come on, let's do it! Let's get to know more about you, prison guard."
"Get to know...about me?" [piercing sound]
"Prison guard? What's wrong? Hey...prison guard?"
"Oh...yeah. Uh...I apologize for that."
"Did you zone out just then? This job must be pretty difficult. So, you might be mentally burned out from work. Herbal tea's good for that, you know? Oh! Like Gingko Tea! they say it helps improve brain function."
This is the second contrast between Shidou and Mahiru. Shidou is a doctor in the technical and legal sense. However, people have conveniently overlooked that holistic doctors exist.
"A holistic doctor treats people using a whole-body approach. That means they focus on your body, mind, spirit and emotions when diagnosing and treating you. Holistic doctors use traditional medicine and also consider factors such as your lifestyle, diet, sleep habits and stress level."
Traditional medicine in this sense could mean herbal or plant based remedies. Something that This is How To Be In Love With You highlights by showing and telling us-
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It's not uncommon for shops like these to allow employees to take/keep flowers that didn't sell in time. There also happens to be multiple flowers tied to holistic medicine and traditional medicine. Including well known ones like Jasmine, Lavender, Rose. A friend got me a facial for my birthday and the technician used orange water stating how it benefits the skin as she did.
This makes it likely that Mahiru was a practitioner of traditional or holistic medicine in some way. Especially if she can recall the benefits of Gingko Tea from memory in casual conversation. That showcases a level of comfort with the topic as though it's something she looks out for in her everyday life.
Which would definitely make her crime just being herself or doing what she usually does. However, that doesn't necessarily excuse it. If she knew what she was doing was lethal or not should be interrogated before coming to a conclusion on her. Especially since she isn't ignorant to these things and makes active choices to immerse herself more deeply in them.
Her, using homemade remedies to cure his hangovers is possible. However, the timing portrayed in her mv fails to properly support this idea. Now admittedly the timing could be warped and out of order leaving room for this to be possible. However, Mahiru wakes up and sees something that upsets her that us the viewers cannot see.
This is similar to Futa sitting in his room and looking over his phone at the end of Bring It On. Most, including myself, have assumed these to be their responses to news about or the incident in question. If Mahiru woke up to him dead and taking into consideration hangover remedies tend to be used the morning after drinking she wouldn't have had time to make him one before the incident.
Now she could've gotten up early with that in mind and made him one in a bit of a morning haze knowing his drinking habits then went back to sleep. However, that is the most generous and benefit of the doubt giving interpretation of events. Yet, it is very much still possible.
She cooked him a lot of food and if he'd just gotten back from work he could have had drinks alongside it a bit of one man party as Mahiru went to bed knowing she'd have to make something to stave off his hangover early the next morning. This line in her first mv might not even be referring to a clingy nature but a doting one similar to how Shidou is with Amane-
"Giving you love to the point of pulling you down. It’s just because I still get worried, please forgive me."
She could have been a mothering type of girlfriend one who goes "Have you been eating enough? You've been working a lot don't you think it may be time for a break." Something we see a lot during her first interrogation with Es.
This line could be referring to her tendency to worry and dote on her significant others to the point it comes off as babying and infantilizing. But- she doesn't mean any harm by it- It's just love- she just gets a bit worried, and she wants the people she loves to be healthy and happy... She's sorry if she overstepped any. It's difficult for someone to be genuinely mad at that sort of behavior when with someone.
In fact, when I showed my nephew who is married Mahiru's song giving him the knowledge she was voted guilty beforehand he viewed it and was like, "Guilty she was just being a good girlfriend Gigi look at how much food she cooked him! Guilty why what did she do tell me what they think she did?! All she been doing is being nice-you can't be nice now?" showed him Mahiru trial two and he was like "Damn she got fucked up bullshit she didn't deserve this god damn."
Even the line after that one isn't as bad as it was made out to be.
"Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual Is because I love you."
It's very common for people in unbalanced relationships to break up repeatedly. Especially if one partner is taking on a caretaker sort of role and they feel their actions are underappreciated and the other partner is getting rightfully annoyed at being treated like a baby. A breakup doesn't mean the relationship is inherently unhealthy or toxic. It doesn't even mean it's over for good.
At times it means that a miscommunication has happened that can't be resolved through further communication at this time. Breaking up or taking a break is a good way to take a step outside of and away from the relationship to reflect on one's feelings towards it. A lot of people in long standing adult relationships have broken up twice or more along the way.
Most relationships in life will at one point or another benefit from one or more partners having the tenacity to realize they need to come back be present and hear out their partner even at times they feel they aren't being understood. This mindset isn't even limited to romantic relationships.
If two or more people can't do that then that's when any relationship ends. It isn't good to keep relying on breaking up to work past communication hurdles and it can become manipulative after a point. However, it is something that happens and doesn't immediately lean towards an abusive framing.
However, all of the information we have on Mahiru, and her relationship lead me to believe that it was not an equal partnership. That while her boyfriend and her weren't bad for each other their communication styles stunted and ultimately hindered their progression and ability to foster the open communication necessary to have a long-lasting healthy relationship.
Though at this point I might be rambling- Thanks for asking! I don't remember if I ever had the opportunity to highlight that both Mahiru and Shidou could be medical practitioners just in different ways. I've said a lot about Mahiru's relationship but not her sadly. She really is interesting and incredibly knowledgeable about things that interest her. I bet she'd have great romance book recommendations. I hope we get to see more about her outside of her relationship in her second mv.
Though we probably won't. Oh! Mahiru's ties to traditional medicine may tie into why Amane threatened her but not Futa. If Amane had seen Mahiru using herbal remedies to an extent before getting the wheelchair she'd have more reason to be hostile about it. Amane may have viewed the wheelchair as more of a problem since it can be construed as Mahiru progressing in medical practices. Moving from traditional to technical.
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yuuana · 2 years
Music Monday #214: ATEEZ - Paradigm  release: November 2022 genre: Jpop cw: bright flashing throughout, potential seasickness warning
You know you've missed me and my Kpop nonsense. ;) November was too full of everything and then some, so sure, I have a backlog a mile high, but like I was going to wait on my boys.
This MV is pretty bad for anyone with photosensitivities, so if you just want to hear the song, here's a Spotify link or search on your preferred streaming platform. As a performance version, the video doesn't have the same level of lore clues as more story-driven MVs like Guerrilla or Turbulence, so if you can't watch it, it'll be fine. Theorytiny will be filling in gaps for awhile. ;) The thing with ATEEZ is when they say they're doing something new this next release, we know by now they mean it. Considering that first minute was in all the previews for the album, it wasn't really a surprise when Paradigm opens with that whistling. If Guerrilla was the mating of hard rock with EDM, Paradigm dropped the rock elements to play with blending EDM and lyrical pop elements. So if you're looking for dance-pop with post-apocalyptic pirate vibes, definitely consider adding this to your collection. As much as I'm actually an opponent of the whole "anything but even line distribution is unfair!" brigade and while Jongho definitely gets the most, the distribution feels a lot more even than some other title tracks (in the end, it isn't, but the only line distribution analysis I've seen so far counts seconds a little wonky, counting some "ad libs" but not others). If I didn't know odds were Edenary (of which Hongjoong and Mingi are both a part) initially wrote this no less than six months ago (and probably more like 8-10+), I'd be tempted to look at some of those lyrics and try to apply them to the ongoing BS with Vata/SMF. If this was written as a clapback, it was more likely in response to the previous BS between KQ/ATEEZ and Mnet. "Nobody can stop me"? "Even devils call me up, I don't cheat"? They know how often others have copied their homework. As for the video ... again, performance version means the focus is meant to be on the dance moves. Minimal sets and costumes designed to draw attention to the flares both help with this. The swooping camera moves, not so much, but then again also sort of yes? But the more I watch it, the more I'm wondering if any ATINY might be familiar with Japanese sign language? A lot of those hand/arm moves could just be flares to highlight the musical moment, but a few of them feel like they're intentionally saying something? But I barely know anything in ASL, so I'm not qualified to really go there. And now...the lore paragraph! As I said, this is a performance video, so the lore elements are fewer. Fewer but not none. Again, we're maybe peering at Z-teez, but which one (I still maintain that A and Z are clusters of parallel timelines)? Visually, this feels a lot like a part of the Deja Vu storyline, but there's so little here, it's hard to say, especially when the blue set also feels like a callback to the door we see opening in the Wonderland MV ... which is an A plot. A connection that's further supported by the art on the cover of the EP. A whole new world, a whole new paradigm. The A team walked through that door and after Wonderland came Answer, which could be anywhere (and any time), but shows A-teez (Pirateez) meeting Z-teez (aka Halateez) making their alliance as the end of Treasure era. Does this connection (Paradigm and Wonderland) mean we're back to rolling forward from "now" instead of still in flashbacks? Only time will tell. Of course that particular location has been used by a number of groups over the years, looking for that very same dystopian vibe, but my silly little fangirl brain can't help connecting it to the maze in EXO's Overdose. Because I have a sickness and the only cure is EXOTEEZ. XD The World Ep.Paradigm is out now on all streaming platforms and for physical sale wherever you buy Jpop releases. As an aside, given the year it's been, a part of my heart is grateful to see Mingi wearing the safety pin. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but with ATEEZ's history of vocal support for the LGBTQ+ community, I like to think that was a purposeful choice and not just a fashion statement. And it's Mingi, so it's probably both. Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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armoredisopod · 3 years
Just felt like compiling some stuff i remember/thought worth mentioning from the two Arknights anniversary livestreams today
JP Livestream
A lot of merchandise and banter, like 3 hours of merchandise and banter
Max Risk CC Spectrum is apparently possible and 0.004% of players in the JP server did it
Dossoles Holiday confirmed to start on 14th/15th depending on timezone after the usual maintenance
Some decent operator skills display (compared to Under Tides JP livestream at least), Ch'en Alter 3-tapping some Ursus Imperial Guards with her skill 3 is fun to see and Mizuki's S3 showcase looked like a paradox sim stage
They made a new original song featuring Sora and sold it as a vinyl record, then proceeded to talk about the behind the scenes of it for like half an hour
Arknights anime key visual revealed, along with Takeshi Matsuyama as Ace's VA and a microscopic teaser of Dokutah's voice at the end
They didn't show the actual event PV not sure why
KR Livestream
Before the livestream started they had a timetable for the contents of the livestream itself
Started with a brand new collaboration song 'Crack in the Ark' MV performed by Korean rock band Guckkasten
Did a lot of giveaways and quizzes, one segment had a quiz show that ran for 20 minutes
Showed a lot of playerbase stats from the past 6 months, unsurprisingly KR players love R6S so much to the point that Tachanka is #9 most used Guard (and that's honestly pretty impressive considering his competition), Blitz is #6 most used Defender above Nian and Frost is #2 most used Specialist behind Phantom, also reportedly 88% of the KR playerbase pulled Ash from the collab
A segment where someone made a cool replica of Guard Amiya's sword and ended off with a neat Guard Amiya cosplay
They showed the actual Dossoles Holiday event PV and did a recap afterwards with more detail on the operators' skills and high tides event gimmick
Oh there's also Amiya and Mudrock vtuber models narrating the recap segment, both KR voiced, Mudrock stayed in her suit up until they started talking about the new line of Coral Coast skins with hers being the first and they switched the vtuber model to the summer skin
Confirmed that KR voicelines are in the works for KR version, unknown if it's strictly for that version or if all versions will get it, JP livestream didn't mention anything about getting CN voicelines either
Announced that Blaze, Broca, Greythroat, Reed and Ambriel are being added to recruitment
The whole thing ended around 1 and a half hours before JP livestream finally ended
EN livestream should be around 10 hours from now at the time of writing and honestly after sitting through the entirety of JP livestream i just hope it's short and shows playerbase stats, people keep saying it'll be awkward but i'm sure i'll live as long as they can keep audience retention
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stanharu · 3 years
beastars episode 24 thoughts!
this post got kinda long i have Many Thoughts on this one
Overall I had fun watching this ep but I could really tell it was rushed and there was so much that got cut, which makes me super sad. our fears about the finale having pacing issues due to all the added scenes & rearranging were confirmed & it rly sucks, but i'll elaborate more on that in a bit.
this week's ep covered the end of chapter 92, chapters 93-97, and included small bits of chapters 98 & 99.
so the ep starts with the ED and the latter part of the tunnel scene with ibuki and louis. i liked the visual effect they used to show that they were in the dark. louis' voice acting was also On Point. for the most part i think this scene was done pretty well but I can tell it's being rushed also. I really wish we got more buildup and narration instead of just jumping straight to ibuki telling louis to shoot him. the way it is in the anime feels less impactful imo.
also im sad we didnt get to see this in the anime
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before i move on, i wanna talk a bit about louis and his relationship w/ the shishigumi and ibuki. i feel like in the anime quite a few of the lil moments that really endear you to the shishigumi and also ibuki were either cut or kinda glossed over, which is strange to me considering how much effort and care went into the ED. it's very emotional and good but i feel like maybe anime onlies are missing out only seeing the anime and the MV. but idk.
legosi and riz's fight was quite rushed as well. there's so much narration and dialogue missing from it and that really rubs me the wrong way. It wasn't all bad but compared to the manga I just don't think it's as good. I will say tho that I really liked the sequence w legosi and the moths. I thought it looked really nice and was pretty well done.
also i liked how the backgrounds had some anti-yahya graffiti, its a nice touch imo
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it says "high quality horse meat"
I was happy to see legosi do the "tell me more" pose but I'm honestly disappointed that the anime took out the whole exposition about why legosi did it. like i feel like without that it's just legosi being weird when he has a reason for it!!! This is just one example of the anime taking out crucial narration during the fight.
I also think it's kinda weird how they changed how louis shows up at the fight. im not sure how i feel about riz just charging at him like that, but i liked how legosi kicked him before they ran lol.
i dont have much to say about pina's small scene but I did wanna say that during my first watch thru of the ep i was too distracted trying to read the graffiti behind him that i didn't notice him getting his phone out of the dumpster and calling the cops lmao
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it says "devour yahya"
and now... here we are... the predation scene.
overall i thought it was pretty well done but, like the rest of the ep, i could tell it was also being kinda rushed. some important beats werent given enough time to really sink in, and there's a few bits of narration taken out of this part as well that i find disappointing :^(
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tho i did like how the anime called back to this scene in s1 when legosi mentions utilizing his strength.
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also this part where louis is remembering ibuki had me like😭
I also really liked seeing louis cry. I was crying too sjdflskjdflsjkdf. i thought that scene was really good, its prolly my favorite part of the ep tbh. getting to hear the whole predation scene voiced made me kind of a mess lol. i really liked louis' expressions throughout this whole ep too. studio orange used their whole louis expression budget on these last 2 eps lmao.
seeing legosi instantly get all beefed up was great too. he looked a little ridiculous but i kinda loved it lol. he's so huge and poofy. i love him.
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big pomeranian
anyway, im also sad they took out louis' line about being reduced to a flashback character lol. instead he tells legosi "be a hero" again which... im not sure about that change. i liked the part with riz thinking back about tem tho. tho imo the way riz realizes he's in the wrong feels pretty sudden. again adding to how rushed the whole ep feels.
before i move on again i just wanna say legosi looks so cute. even all puffed up and covered in blood. how does he do that
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baby boy baby. i wanna ruffle his cheek floofs.
i think one of the things im most disappointed about from this whole ep was how the fight got wrapped up. i really like how the cops show up and totally shift the tone in the manga jslkdfjskljdf. im also really sad we didnt get this interaction
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tthe anime really took out most of the sillier moments from the finale, which makes me pretty sad to think about. i know the anime and manga have different tones but pls let the boys be silly sometimes!!
the next part where legosi and louis finally establish their friendship was really cute tho ❤️ even tho it was pretty different i enjoyed it a lot.
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the wrap-up for this arc and this episode gave me whiplash sdjlfkjsdf. it literally speedruns thru legosi's predation conviction, being released, louis & haru's graduation, and legosi deciding he's going to drop out of school. that is SO MUCH AT ONCE. also i was holding out hope that legosi would have his new years call with haru after the fight instead but that didnt happen!! so it just got cut!!! kinda mad about that tbh. legosi and haru having a lil scene at the very end made up for it a lil bit but that's still one of haru's few moments in this arc that's just not included.
we didnt even get the part wher legosi learns he can't marry haru bc of his conviction.
ive been really hoping for a season 3 announcement once this season ended. with all the background allusions to yahya, the added plot point of someone stealing elephant tusks, and sebun and melon's lil cameos in this season, it seemed to me that studio orange was kinda teasing a 3rd season. but now, with the dismissive way the anime ended, and paru's note from earlier today, im less sure about the possibility of a 3rd season. i'd still like to see the rest of the series animated, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see if more anime is announced in the future.
if we do get another season in the future i just hope that we swing back around and actually address the things that got completely glossed over in the last couple minutes of this episode instead of charging forward w/o touching them again.
i really think the finale for this arc should've been two episodes at least. not including the tunnel scene. i think then things wouldn't have felt so rushed. people have been saying this season really would have benefitted from at least 1 extra episode and i cant help but agree. some have even suggested a whole 24 episodes just for this arc, but i think that this arc couldve been done properly with 12 or 13 episodes if there was some better prioritizing on what to include and what to cut.
like i dont mind not getting the parts about legosi's family if they can be addressed somehow in a future season (or if theres no more future anime seasons thats a plot thread that doesnt have to be worried about). i could have lived w/o seeing sheila & peach's chapter animated if it meant more time for the focus of this arc. and was the kangaroo red herring really necessary?
adaptation wise, i dont think this season was as good as the first. i still think it did fairly well, but i know that it could have been much better. ive been excited to watch this season with my friends once the dub releases, but now im wondering if i should just tell them to read the manga instead. sighs idk. perhaps it comes thru better as a bingewatch, or perhaps im being a bit too harsh. idk. at some point ill do a rewatch and see how i feel about the season as a whole, but that wont be for a while.
if you've read this far, thanks for reading my ramblings!! it's been fun to make these posts every week and im gonna miss getting new episodes every week.
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annetteblog · 4 years
Intro & My take on KM
I’m new around here so it’s supposed to be (not so short) introduction, since I don’t know how to start a blog heh. I hope to sprinkle my 0.5 cents into the KM conversation and maybe to bring a new perspective from someone, who is not a part of the typical English-speaking West.
Who /the hell/ Am I?  
(please, consider it to be said with NJ’s voice from Intro: Persona :D)
I was born in Siberia (it’s in the Asian part of Russia), currently live in the European part of the country while studying at a Uni (European in terms of geography, not in terms of everything else i’m definitely not shading rn lolllll). English is not my first language, I’ve just kind of learnt it to some extent. Due to this it takes me more time to write a post; and I may (and will) make some grammatical & other mistakes. Plus I’m lazy AND busy with Uni, so I won’t even promise to be consistent in posting smth lol. But I thought I need more practice in terms of writing in English, so here I am, actually scribbling something. This feels weird, because I’ve been around stan Tumblr since 2015, but never ever interacted, just read.
How I ended up around Jikook/Kookmin (and BTS) & My (long&messy) take on this matter
Although I had heard of BTS before, I became an Army only in October 2018. I had kinda avoided them, because you know... boybands.... sing songs about romantic love and how they love girls.......... (+I had been around Twitter when 1D been at their peak and I remember a quite toxic community of fans, whom always had scared me). Shortly, hello stereotypes. Obviously, after I got engaged I felt terribly sorry that I had been sleeping on them, but what is done cannot be undone. 
Someone I knew back then reposted one of their MVs and I, during my sad hours of procrastination, decided to watch it. Then I saw their live performance with the same song. And I thought “wow these guys can sing and dance and the music is kinda cool, i need to check this out maybe??” 
Then a funny thing happened. One of the next videos I watched (the same person had it added to their page) was a 2016 BangtanBomb where JM and JK practiced their Coming of Age dance. 
Do you know this moment with Gina from the 1st episode of Brooklyn 9-9:
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Well, that was precisely me after I watched it. I don’t even know how to explain this, it was kind of a gut feeling? Whatever you call it, I started to get suspicious and couldn’t even explain to myself why. /actually now a do have questions to this vid and the main one - why does everyone cringe that much? if it’s a girly choreo than they had done some “girly” moves before. why is there such strong reaction??/
I started to get deeper and went to some ru-shipper communities. Shipping culture among Russian speaking fans is... well, weird to some extent, but I maybe address this topic some time later. You need to consider that (as far as you probably know) Russia is quite homophonic country and sadly is not the greatest place for LGBTQ+ community at the moment. The non-frienly influential attitudes hanging in the society + the general shippers’ weirdness = the result is not that nice honestly. 
I struggled for some time in order to find more mature people (not just in terms of age but in general sanity), failed, ended up with some EXTREMELY toxic ru-fans of TK, which was/is the most popular pairing here, spent among them like 15 minutes and ran away horrified. After that I didn’t even try to engage with shippers or believers or whatever of any pair and just decided to enjoy the music and the content (which is a great idea, highly recommend!)
After a couple of days I discovered that JK makes videos. I love video, films and visual art so I immediately found them on YT, saw the titles with names of different cities from all over the world and was like “Oh that must be so cool, he’s visited so many outstanding places I’ve never been to, so I really need to watch it! I shall enjoy some beautyyy”. Then I clicked on GCFt.
Well, what can I say. I did enjoy some beauty, but not the type I had initially anticipated. The biggest clickbait in my entire life. JK should be proud of himself.
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                                       /as I said - the beauty/
I had already known Troy back then and I known the song’s lyrics so it would not be an underestimation to say - the video just blew my mind. I was like - hold on is this real? seriously?? no really really????? he manage to get away with something THAT obvious?????? dude how
As a person who edited videos AND is not a native English speaker, I don’t buy the explanation “oh he mustve didnt get the lyrics lmao”. You just don’t do that. You don’t. DON’T. You google and translate every shit you don’t understand, every word and idiom you’ve never encountered, because otherwise the possibility of an epic failure is very likely. You wouldn’t want to give your mum a video as a birthday present and then discover that you used a song with WAP-ish lyrics, right? (well maybe that would be okay in your family, I don’t judge, but that’s not the case for people I know). So don’t you dare to degrade JK’s intellectual capacities; such assumption is really offensive. He is a smart boii, he knows exactly what he’s doing in terms of his art.
So I was shocked, but decided to look for the context - maybe I missed some previous events regarding this Tokyo thing (another great idea - always check the context). Well, apparently I didn’t, because the whole narrative with the trip for two, lovely selfies etc. made my poor brain lowkey explode. (I still don’t buy the rings theory thing though)
But I didn’t give up lol! I’m a bit stubborn and it’s very hard to convince me in anything, so I decided to search for more context, more of their interactions, moreeee. Remember, the late October 2018, there were no swan lakes, RB, and even MMA18 hadn’t happened yet. 
This time I ended up watching content in more or less consistent way, and when I saw all of these scenes with affectionate JM and a cool badass i-don’t-care-about-anyone-i’m-a-manly-man-with-no-feelings-whatsoever JK, I just hysterically laughed. 
Homophobic Russia, remember? I recognized this. Growing up here being LGBT myself, taught me the same type behaviour during my high school days. When a girl I kinda liked but didn’t what to admit it to myself was nice to me or (oh god) flirted with me, I did something similar. It’s like a huge panic mode. Being an introvert doesn’t help either. The funniest thing is that you may not entirely realise what exactly is going on in terms of your own feelings, especially at that age (16-18ish). In my personal case, I thought I liked her but as a friend, only later to realise that well not as a friend oops :DDD The second thing (already not so funny) is that you actually consciously or unconsciously try to avoid the subject as much as possible, as long as possible and pretend that nothing is going on. We’re just bros. Stop doing this stupid gayish thing and don’t look at me like that, you’re annoying. If you ever do this again I (gently) kick you. I’m straighter than a straight line in my math textbook. IDK, but probably that’s your brain is somehow trying to protect you. Again, in my case&position I knew that the consequences for any non-straight person being outed would be bad (TW not to the point of being killed bad, but to the point of being excluded from a big part of society). So for me it was a mixture of the internalized homophobia + lack of self reflection + just being a bit emotionally slow + very! straight community around. Shit happens, I was a teenager and made my share of mistakes, but that experience helps me to recognize the same pattern of behaviour up to this day.   
So coming back to KM, because the post is already waaay too long and I just ramble. It’s been 2+ years for me being a part of this fandom, and what can I say... Things become more intense and eventful with every year passing by ;) Funny how I felt that vibe from the 2016 dance practice video. Seeing the Black Swan performance a week ago almost had me choked, no joking. They are amazing.
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                                                    Pure Art
However, and I would like to emphasize that, I do not incline that KM are 100% romantically involved and/or gay or whatever. I tend to treat people with respect and not to make too much assumptions about their private life. That’s not my business. However, I’m also not a fan of heteronormativity, so I’m just sitting here and observe everything that’s going on putting some distance and not forgetting being generally polite and critical thinking. But if they are just straightest besties please give them an Oscar before Grammy
Anyways, I hope this blog won’t kick the bucket from the very start and I will post something every now and then. You can always ask me questions about some BTS/Jikook related stuff or something about Russia and a Russian view on mass culture topics, since I’m pretty sure some of you have very stereotypical view of what is going on here :) However, do note that I’ve never been to America or Europe, therefore I may not be aware of something verrrry obvious to you or just have a completely different experience. 
P.S.  And yeah, I’m used to say Jikook, since it’s the name which is used much more frequently in Russian.  i like it better and what will u do haha
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Let’s talk: the Vmin “no on screen interaction = no bond” Paradox
by Admin 1 & 2
One of the reasons that are usually stated for why people are so insistent on their claims that Jimin and Tae supposedly aren’t close anymore, that their friendship is nothing but PR for Friends, and that the whole “soulmate agenda” is fake as well, boils down to the statement of “we rarely or never see them interact on screen, no touching, no talking, nothing”. We find this both misleading, since it isn’t true, but also disrespectful, since it means that the only way in which some are able to accept closeness between the members as real and valid is if they see it, nothing else. So, just because you don’t see it through grand physical touches, hugs and whatnot, does that mean if they speak about each other, for example, that doesn’t count? 
You could argue that the power of pictures is greater than that of words, but to that I would like to ask: do they owe us visual proof of their closeness when we already have so much that shows how truly close Jimin and Tae are, how much they care about each other and how much work across years they’ve willingly and eagerly put into their bond for it to grow as deep and beautiful as it is?
As a way to showcase how misleading the screen time = friendship/closeness argument is, especially in connection to Jimin and Tae, I’d like for us to look at two different instances: Black Swan MV (the MV Sketch as well as the “opera” b*omb and the basket ball b*omb) and the Jingle Ball 2019 EPISODE.
Let’s start with the videos surrounding Black Swan below the cut:
Around that time I saw a lot, and I mean a lot, of chatter (mostly negative) about vmin since a very loud portion of the fandom were very up in arms after we got Friends. Not only did it solidify their preconceived notion that they are just friends, because the song is titled like that and none of them really cared enough to check the lyrics, but also because it opened up a whole new discussion about “but like, are they really friends?” To which, of course, their answer was mostly “no”. It’s just PR, they actually don’t really like each other, they barely interact, we see nothing of them, both interact way more with the other members, you know the drill. So when the MV Sketch for Black Swan came out it was, once again, like more “am/munition” for their arguments.
The thing we find laughable though is this expectation of “ship moments” in a video that’s literally about the filming of their music video, most of the scenes showing said filming happening though there’s also a few scenes of the members interacting. But, at the core, this isn’t like a bangtan b*mb of them hanging out backstage waiting for something or another where it makes sense that we’d see them interact a lot and be silly, instead it’s a video in which their focus (as well as ours should be) is on filming and giving the best performance they can so the MV turns out amazing, which it did. They are doing their work, not enjoying their free time. When you’re at work, do you really spend the majority of your time playing around with your friends? No, you do your job, the thing you get paid for doing.
The first few times I watched the video, I was so captivated by the theatre and their dancing, their mindset and performance, I didn’t even really notice any of their interactions or pay attention to who interacted with who or who did not. Guess my priorities and expectations are simply a bit different when watching a music video being filmed...
So what was the conclusion people drew? While Jimin and Tae are both close to JK and the other member, they are not close to each other, they don’t even particularly like each other. It was a narrative I saw repeated across various sns and, really, while it made me sad, I also wasn’t surprised. It’s nothing new that people treat vmin in such a manner.
Then, months later we got two Bangtan B*mbs from the same time and surprise, surprise Jimin and Tae did interact, a lot even, in ways that show how attuned with each other they are, how easy it is for them to fall into one of their role-plays or just be silly together, how gentle and thoughtful of the other they are, and how much they enjoy doing something together, regardless of what it is.
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The first, posted October 1st 2020, showed Tae playing basket ball while Jimin and JK sat off to the side and watched him. Like you can see in the above pictures, eventually Jimin joined Tae and they played together for most of the video. Since the sun was shining at them, Tae stood before Jimin and raised his hands so the shadow fell onto Jimin’s eyes and he could see better, later on doing the same for Tae. It’s a small thing and yet it shows they care about each other. At some point Jimin pretended that he’ll be leaving, twice, and yet he stayed and they played some more. Toward the end of the video Namjoon joins them and eventually vmin leave and Namjoon stays behind and plays with Seokjin before the video ends.
Based on all that you’d assume the people who, seven months earlier, claimed vmin are essentially estranged and barely even like each other would reconsider, but of course not. Despite the focus being largely on them across the entire video, many comments by non-vminies (and non-namjinists) I saw on sns were about Tae playing on his own, Jimin and JK sitting off to the side together, and Namjoon playing with Seokjin. 
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The second video was posted October 24th 2020 and began with Jimin pretending he’s an opera singer, which Tae noticed and immediately joined in, since we know this is the sort of thing Tae enjoys doing, even occasionally turning their own songs and lyrics into opera style to make the other members laugh. This sets off this entire sequence of Tae and Jimin singing different things, JK also joining in for a moment, and then vmin ending on that sweet moment of Jimin standing behind Tae with his hands covering Tae’s eyes before concluding that “it’s hard to play with him”. And yet, even if it’s hard, can we talk about these two screenshots of Jimin fondly watching Tae and looking like he can’t wait until his stylist is done so he can go join him? Adorable.
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But again, even here while the focus is on vmin for a large portion of the video, this fact was largely omitted and instead people zeroed in on moments in which Tae was alone, Tae or Jimin interacted with JK, and Tae singing with Namjoon and Seokjin. It seems to me like the council of “how valid is a friendship” decided on their opinion months prior and stuck with it even if it meant, as always, to just ignore vmin interactions in favor of other things while at the same time spreading the “vmin are not friends because they don’t interact” agenda to anyone who’ll listen.
Generally I don’t really care all that much for all the chatter happening among parts of ARMY, but seeing these comments belittling and erasing the bond Jimin and Tae have, regardless if you see it as platonic or potentially romantic, is just really hard to read sometimes. Not even because I’m a vminnie, but simply because they are erasing something that is so important to both Tae and Jimin, this bond they have with each other they themselves spoke so much about, showed so much of, and yet people refuse to accept it, like they have any right to make such judgements about their bond.
The second example I’d like to show is Jingle Ball 2019 in LA and how deceptive, paradoxical and misleading the no screen time = no bond agenda really is.
For context, the Jingle Ball happened some time in December 2019, the same month as when we got the vmin “let’s take a half bath together” while holding hands during Seokjin’s birthday vlive happened, meaning a time when Jimin and Tae were just as close as ever, even occasionally giving us glimpses into their bond, giggling together and being all smiles. Also the same month as the famous holding hands because we think no one sees us anymore moment at the airport.
On July 22nd 2020 we got the EPISODE showing the behind the scenes of the Jingle Ball performance. It’s 11 minutes long and includes the BWL performance with Halsey, but largely shows the members getting ready, practicing their English and being excited to perform. If we focus solely on vmin then sure, I’ll agree that there were no interactions between those two whatsoever, not a usual or out of the ordinary thing, and not something I see any kind of problem in. They don’t owe us interactions in every piece of content. And yet, as always, it just added fuel to everyones favorite agenda that vmin are not close, ignoring all the prior time frame context we established previously. But who cares, they didn’t interact in this 11 minute video therefore they definitely didn’t interact at all and now hate each other.
Jokes on those people because of course that isn’t true.
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Excuse the rather mediocre quality of those pictures, I tried my best with the screenshots taken from a video taken by a fan (one of many) who got to see BTS behind the scenes before going on stage from the stands further up. There’s this video on twt that shows just vmin and then I found a longer version in this person’s vlog (around the 7:25 min mark and onward). You can check both and confirm that it really is vmin in those screenshots. Also, as memory refresher, Jimin was the only one with a black collar and shirt along with blond hair. Namjoon stands further away and can be seen in the three lower pictures.
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So, what does this tell us? Easy--just because it wasn’t shown in a condensed and edited video it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just because Jimin and Tae don’t show us things on screen, or the editors don’t use scenes where it can be seen, it doesn’t mean that it’s an accurate representation of their actual, real life bond. They weren’t in the EPISODE but hugged and walked together off camera.
Notice how this agenda merely applies to vmin, how their bond, their soulmate status and closeness is the only one that gets questioned at every possible moment. When Seokjin said that Yoongi feels like his soulmate nowadays in an episode of In The SOOP no one questioned his words and accepted them as true, because he said so himself and we should believe their sincerity when they say these things. And yet when it comes to vmin, the rules are entirely different.
This was a post brought to you by Admin 2 coming across yet another thread on twt filled with ARMY claiming outlandish things about vmin and their bond and getting annoyed.
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insomnihan · 4 years
han’s Entire Thoughts & Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Odd Eye”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE?????????????? LINE DISTRIBUTION?????????????? IS SO SE*Y?????????????? THE IMMENSE POWER IN SIYEONS AND YOOHYEONS VOICES I CANT- ACTUAL SUA RAPPER CRUMBS idc what yall say minuscule sua rapper crumbs THE AMOUNT OF HANDONG AND DAMI LINES IS F UCKING DELICIOUS 😩😩😩 HANDONG VERSE CHORUS AND BRIDGE?????????????? DAMI BRIDGE??????????????? ‘LIVE IT UP’?????????????? BICTH IM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
forgot to do this for boca so imma do it here kinda
THE AMOUNT OF HANDONG?????????????????? I CANT BREATHE??????????????????????
and ofc her ooOOOooOOO-
sua rapper crumbs idc idc-
jiu ‘no more utopia’ AND sua ‘no more utopia’ pls took me three (3) tries to type ‘utopia’
okay for the dance i will be using the mcountdown fancam BC I DO WANT THE F UCK I WANT 👁👁 I JUST WANNA SAY i lit rally CANNOT believe how stable they are dancing LIKE THAT™ thE POWER THEY HOLD ANYWAY as always the dance always S L A P and is literally impossible to dance to without feeling like youre absolutely f ucking d*ing and out of breath……………… LOVE THAT
im delusional but lowkey deja vu clown me idc idc-
siyeon doing this
putting a bullet point for just that one (1) second of dami doing That™
handong right after…………………………………
gahyeons part with the other members doing different moves my eyes liked it
like jiu and dami with handong ive literally watched that for five hours-
i just like the way they lined up and needed it to be linked here
S C R E A M……………………………………………………… Iconic™
DO YOU SEE THE BUDGET IN THE VISUALS JESUS CHRIST- the f ucking set up all of the effects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of the lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of thE GLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the black and white set and theyre wearing red…………………… the red and white set and theyre wearing black……………��…… that purple and green place…………………… the tree and random nature but everything is so futuristic looking…………………… dunno why yoohyeon is in a graffiti covered restroom but im LIVING for it- SIYEON SURROUNDED BY THOSE TVS DAMI IN THAT TRAIN THAT MULTICOLORED PLACE WHEREVER SUA IS EXCUSE ME- I COULD LITERALLY NAME EVERY SCENE IN THIS DAMN MUSIC VIDEO AND THEY👏ALL👏SLAP👏HARD👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
jk ill name some😊😊😊again id name everything but ill just show one i liked more than others bc this is alreADY TOO DAMN LONG-
this is self restraint btw
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helL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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AND IF I CRIED????????????????????????
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this is here for no reason other than bc i wanted it here-
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OOP- x2
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………………………………… F-
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it was this or the close up shot either way it k*lled me
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OOP- x3
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honestly let me just mention i really clowned and set myself up for heartbreak bc the album is only called ‘road to utopia’ but i assumed theyll find utopia bc thats how trilogies work but then this slaps me in the face- what im saying is im 🤡
W O M E N™
plus this truly is long enough good god-
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OH BICTH SHE GRABBED ME BY MY NECK RIGHT AT THE START WHEN SHE JUST POPPED UP- lemme just talk about this screenshot for a second the STREAKS IN HER HAIR and THE PIERCING???????? THE JACKET???????GOOD GOD????????? L I S T E N her outfits during the dance scenes the R E D especially jeSUS- its that red one for me im pretty sure some of yall saw me go F E R A L™ on the dashboard about it so i WILL NOT go into it again- and theN THAT DRESS A F CUKING QUEEN LOVE TO SEE IT
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ONCE AGAIN I HAVE TO BRING UP THE VERY START WITH THAT SLOW MO- RED👏IS👏HER👏COLOR 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏  the dark hime cut………………… the choker on both the red and the black is it the same one doesnt matter im d*ad……………… yo her wavy hair and that dress when it looked like she was in some hair shampoo commercial bicth i liVED FOR THAT- and theN T H I S YES THIS THAT IN THE SCREENSHOT the leather and the jacket the writing on her face i waNT HER TO BEAT ME WITH THAT LIGHT-
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I SWEAR TO GOD I SCREAMED EVERY TIME SHE WAS ON THE SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls breathe yes i see that orange coat with the collar and her two different colored eyes and how she is sitting in that chair i see her looking so fine in that red outfit especially near the end of the mv oh mY GOD- those pants yall bringing that style back from boca literally let me bREATHE FOR LIKE TWO (2) SECONDS
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LISTENLISTENLISTENLISTEN my eyes legit started tearing up when i saw her so soon in the mv yall DO NOT understand the emotions im going through to rewatch this mv again and again anD- iiiIIIIiiII CANNOT FULLY EXPRESS MYSELF BUT I JUST WANNA DIRECTLY MENTION THOSE CRYSTALS AND HER HIGH PONYTAIL SHE MADE F UCKING SURE TO SHOW OFF HOW POWERFUL SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YOOHYEON WITH BUNS??????????????????? THAT LIPSTICK COLOR RIGHT AT THE START???????? THAT OUTFIT WITH THE RED PLAID SKIRT????????? like when you REALLY look at the outfit the polkadot jacket and the tie makes not a lot of sense but she made it woRK!!!!!!!!! okayokayokay her lip ring and dance outfits lets talk about it to be honest its something about that chain that hangs on her torso that makes it really hit………………… but like the entire outfits HIT™ she ripped her pants didnt she
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I CANT STAND THIS WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me why for literally one (1) second of that ‘live it up’ it snapped my neck???????? it was HARDLY A FLASH OF LIGHT YET IT WAS ENOUGH TO HURT ME- i prefer her short hair but listen the longer hair is making so many points rn- i think i said that for boca too… SHES LITERALLY SITTING YALL AND YET HERE I AM- the jacket the necklace the gloves and then that dramatic spin and the leaves OH MY GOD- DID YALL👏SEE THE WAY👏SHE KEPT👏FEELING👏HER NECK👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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GAHYEON THE WOMAN YOU ARE- i wanna start with the black hair and thee stickers look bc i wanna buT WE LOVE NOIR BY SUNMI but like i love that look like overall????????????? she literally wears the same outfit for that and this screenshot but the vibe is so different i LOVE this purple color she got going rn and that black hair IS A STATEMENT imma be more open here about it but lowkey i am genuinely missing her dark hair rn- anyway THAT DESIGN AROUND HER EYE WITH THAT RED OUTFIT BRUH DO I D*E-
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (short thoughts and parts i liked)
Wind Blows
this instrumental……………………… holy god????????????? its chill for like a second in the beginning and then it just YEETS you in- imma be real i wasnt sure about that ‘wind blows’ part i dunno why i ……… into it at first but yknow whaT THATS ONE OF THE BEST PARTS DAMIS RAP I SWEAR- but then the prechorus parts are so chill??????????? is it bc its handong its probably bc its handong ‘always be with you like gravity’ siyeon pls- it gives me the same energy as tension and break the wall where i feel like i jusT GAIN ALL THE STRENGTH AND CONQUER THE WORLD yes i saw the dance multiple times it k*lled me every single time
Poison Love
literally what the f uck- when i heard it in the highlight medley i knew i was gonna LOVE this like i cant stand how much i love their sexy bops like dami got me immediately ‘why do you?’ YOURE RIGHT DAMI WHY DO I- you could NEVER go wrong with lower register dreamcatcher NOTHING👏CAN👏GO👏WRONG👏 DAMI AND GAHYEON THEIR RAPS JESUS CHRIST i put my hand on my heart i was so taken aback- maybe i went back to replay it a few times when i was listening to it and then handong……………………………………………………… UH ANYWAY-
4 Memory
JIIIIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE THE HAPPY AND BOUNCY AND FUN BOP OF THE ALBUM- like ive said this to a few moots that this song just makes me happy and lifts up my mood its the little instrumental parts in the chorus for me i dunno what it is its just pleasant to my ears and then damis rap is so fun like :cccccc cute- like this is a song about the seasons and wanting to be with someone (well jiu help write this is this about like insomnias or am i a stupid clown-) like i REALLY WISH i could express how much i enjoy this song but i would just be repeating myself that its a feel good happy song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New days
DAAAAAAAAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE i dunno how to describe the energy this song holds except ‘friendship energy’- its literally the guitar all throughout the song for me LIKE i feel like im just wrapped in a nice hug BUT NOT JUST ANY KIND OF HUG its the kind that the other person opened their jacket and theyre holding me and their jacket is around me listening to this song yall i kinda wanna cry i dunno- everyone sounds so lovely especially jiu pls her voice is so soft and DAMI OFC HER RAP GETS A HELL YEAH™ FROM ME like the ‘find you’ AND THEN AT THE END ‘FOUND YOU’ IM 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 (if yall cant see its the pleading puppy eyed emoji)
LIKE WHAT A WAY TO START THE F UCKING YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so in awe of everything about this as SOON AS SOON I SAY i saw the very first photo teaser and i COULDNT STOP LISTENING TO THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY AND THE TEASER WITH THE SUITS AND THE DRINKS IS STILL LIVING IN MY HEAD- alright alright ill calm down for this part but its one of my FAVORITE ALBUMS FOR👏SURE👏 like i really cant think of any criticisms regarding anything about it!!!!!!!!!!!! since im posting this after promotions are over (odd eye promotions anyway) i will just say im EXTREMELY proud of what we have accomplished as fans and what the girls have achieved during this era!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was hella wild all around and i am once again saying that im very happy to be an insomnia <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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miannedomusings · 3 years
I was indirectly tagged by @miingyu to list my  5  6 favorite creations that I’ve posted. Thanks for the open invitation Stevie! this is good excuse to get motivated to make more stuff!
In order from recent to old:
LUCY, Irrelevant Answer
 A.C.E, Higher
A.C.E, Yuchan
LUCY, Snooze
LUCY, Merry-go-round of life
BTS, Wings 
ramblings on each below the cut...
1. Irrelevant Answer : by far my favourite thing that I’ve made lately! I often try to make complex composition gifsets (i.e., not using tumblr’s grid), but they usually die before I finish... either they’re too much work, or I just can’t get it to meet my vision. But composition is my favourite thing, and when a set comes together as a unified work... WOO BABY, so pleased. This one was actually really quick to make given the style, and admittedly the only thing I’m not 100% on is the colouring which could have used more time. But I think this came together really well, and perhaps more importantly, I think it suits the source material -- it feels like the MV to me and I’m very proud of that. 
2. Higher : I tend to think of this as a moving poster and I think it’s pretty cool! This is one of those moments where watching the video these two shots instantly linked in my mind as mirrors of each other, and so this just had to happen. This one was an interesting challenge. Fitting these two shots together was a little trickier than I anticipated since they don’t have matching camera movements in them. And I basically never use text so settling on a font  and a placement took an eon, not to mention pulling out the sun/moon graphic from the video. This is another one where I feel like I did a decent job capturing the feel of the video. In particular, I like the flicker at the end that I added to smooth out the loop but also to reference that effect in the video. The notes on this one are very gratifying, I really appreciate the comments people left in the tags
3. Yuchan : this one is simple, but I think it’s basically the best colouring I’ve ever done. There’s nothing crazy here, the colouring wasn’t especially hard, but damn, that end product does not look like I made it 😂 It doesn’t hurt that Chan is charming as all hell here
4. Snooze : the other two concept heavy gifsets above are ones where I knew what the end product was going to be basically as soon as I started, and there wasn’t a whole lot of early work to get there, just finessing at the end. This one though, I knew that I wanted blue and yellow, and that was it. Hunting for the shots, and then adding in the light to dark element, and for some reason deciding it had to be a faceless set too made this one a lot more of a process. I’m very proud of the end product. It feels gentle and soothing. I’m also happy that the visual themes (yellow and blue, light to dark) come out really clearly (at least to me). There’s always a risk that it’ll be too subtle and get lost, but I think I did it! The dark at the bottom also makes for a good grounded composition so that’s nice :)
5. Merry-go-round of life : In general I’m not very experimental with my colouring, the goal is usually to just go with how things look, and just do some tidying for the gif format. But this one I actually did some stuff! At a glance the colouring might not look especially wild, but it’s pretty different from the original, and it took a while to convince myself that I like it 😅 
6. Wings : Initially I wasn’t going to include anything from before 2021 because it wasn’t til this year that I upped my gif game. BUT the two sets I made for the Wings short films are a demonstration of my goddamn determination.  I made these sets before I had photoshop, using free online gif making websites. Picking the shots, editing them so that the edges were black or white and attaching on the circle animation... MY GOD. Each of these at one point or other were at least 4 separate gifs that I had to stitch together. All of which done on software that really didn’t allow for colour editing beyond contrast and brightness... I don’t know how I did it as well as I did. I genuinely like these. I think they’ve got big impact and fit the unsettling vibes of the short films. Good job past me!
...I’m just now realising that “creations” would also include my writing, eh?
Given that I haven’t posted an analysis this year I think it’s prob fair that I skipped them... but I genuinely love all of the things I’ve written! ...maybe not the writing per se, but the ideas! I spend a ton of time on those and the ones that I’m not 100% on (idea-wise), I don’t post. Though I actively post them before I’m satisfied with the writing because otherwise they would never see the light of day 😂
Special shout out to my Love Yourself colour series. Series are always extra hard to pull off, but I think I fucking nailed those. Also they were surprisingly concise, which is not a strength of mine, and they were some of my first ones so they have a special place in my heart and on this blog
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taehyung-rambles · 3 years
Who Was the Center in Each BTS Era? (Up to Permission to Dance)
As an opening statement, I’m gonna advise anyone reading this to look at my blog to see if I’ve done this with the B-sides yet because I plan to in the future, which should be a pretty interesting post.
So, this post is exactly what it sounds like. As if I haven’t gone through the BTS eras enough on this blog (and I will continue to do so), we’re going through them again because sometimes I just wanna binge all the BTS music videos. What we’re gonna do is look at a few different options for who ended up being the center--if their was one--for all the BTS eras. 
Those options will be: no center, center, co-centers, secondary center(s), and MV center(s).
Before anyone else says it: I know Jungkook is the center of BTS, but BTS have always been really flexible with their positions, and believe it or not, Jungkook isn’t the sole center most of the time. So, that’s why this post can even be a thing.
A couple things to bear in mind here: this is not based on line distribution. This will apply to the B-sides more than the singles, but there are times--even with BTS singles--where one member may not be the most represented within the song, but they were clearly chosen to center or co-center the song. Of course, more times than not, the center or centers are the most represented, but not always. There’s one high-profile one toward the end in which that is the case. Obviously, when I say “secondary centers,” that means that the member isn’t as prominent in the era as they would be if they were a co-center, as this would mean they and one or more of the other members are equally sharing the load.
This list also has zero to do with biases. I bias Taehyung like nobody’s business, but--and I’ll say it upfront now--he’s not been the center in very many instances (at least, not in the BTS singles; if you’d like to know about his time being the center in the B-sides, check that post out). Also, I’m considering almost all aspects of BTS’s eras when making these decisions. I’m thinking about the MV, I’m thinking about the choreo, I’m thinking about the vocal; the only thing I’d say I’m only considering sometimes is the marketing. I’m not going out to do a bunch of research on how BigHit advertised these songs to people for this post, so there won’t be a lot of talk about photoshoots or interviews or anything like that. That being said, I’ll probably talk about it when we get to Dynamite because the marketing for that was everywhere, and it’d be difficult not to know which member(s) they were pushing the most to sell that song.
Finally, as you can see by the above list, I’m going to be mentioning a MV center or centers--if it applies--for each MV. This is, obviously, something that can’t be done in the B-sides version of this post. The reason I’m adding it here is because there are quite a few examples of BTS MVs that really heavily feature a certain member when they aren’t that prominent in the vocal or the choreo. However, as the MV is also a part of marketing for the song, whichever member(s) were chosen to be the face of the MV have an important, central role to play. In fact, in many ways, the members that end up being MV centers without being a center in any other way often become one of, if not the, face of the era for a lot of fans. So, clearly, the MVs hold a lot of weight, and can sometimes overshadow the actual track for many people.
DISCLAIMER: Most of this is based on how I perceive the face(s) of these eras. Some of my conclusions are weird, and I can’t explain them, but it’s what I feel is true about these songs. Ergo, yes, there’s gonna be songs where two members have the same part, but only one feels like a center. Sue me. All the members have their different ways to shine, and that’s what makes BTS the best.
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Center: Namjoon
Namjoon just feels like the center of No More Dream. If you’re listen closely to the vocal, he’s obviously a big foundation for the song to stand on since he’s got all these supporting parts. Those parts add up to make him the member--no questions asked--with the most airtime in No More Dream. That’s not really why I chose Namjoon for this position, though. No More Dream really felt like an introduction to BTS with Namjoon as the MC. I guess a better way of saying that is that Namjoon really came off as the leader of BTS in this era. So, I didn’t really have to think much about who I was giving this position to because it seems obvious.
Secondary Centers: Jimin & Jungkook
So, I feel like some people would say Jungkook’s the center of this era, and that’s fair. The reason he’s listed as a secondary center here is because he didn’t feel like he had much in-your-face presence; it was more like, if you were looking for Jungkook, you could find him within the song and the choreo easily. I don’t know if that makes sense. It’s not like the chorus is a background piece or Jungkook’s rap verse isn’t fire, but he just isn’t as prominent as Namjoon is.
Jimin is much less of a secondary center than Jungkook in the No More Dream era, but if you consider the choreo, Jimin is extremely prominent. It’s one of those situations--which happen more often than you might think--where a member doesn’t actually feel that present in the track itself, but if you are visually consuming it in any way at all, that same member sticks out the most. That’s how Jimin is here.
No MV Center
I thought hard about whether Jimin and Namjoon should be in this category because of the insert shots, voiceovers, and the choreo, but I think that has more to do with the entire package of the era than it does with the MV alone. The conclusion I came to was the MV doesn’t have a center. This section probably seems redundant, but it’ll make more sense once we get to an era that actually has an MV center or two.
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Center: Jimin
This one’s probably pretty obvious to most people. I mean, this is a Jimin era. Usually, eras that are so heavily weighted to one member are Jungkook eras, so it’s interesting that the We Are Bulletproof Pt.2 era was such a Jimin era. I don’t know how to go into this further, but Jimin’s got the most parts--parts in the chorus, namely--so Jimin’s also the center in the choreo the most. I mean, I know this isn’t about taking the person who has the most airtime and giving them this position, but sometimes the eras do translate literally like that, and thus is this one.
Secondary Center: Namjoon
I was surprised, going through the MV, how much Namjoon appeared like a secondary center. I’m realizing that, for most of BTS’s early career, Namjoon was an important anchor for BTS’s music. That’s how it was in We Are Bulletproof Pt.2. It’s because all these parts that seem more like part of the beat than actual, singable parts go to Namjoon, so his presence runs underneath the entirety of the mix.
No MV Center
I know it seems dumb to talk about this when I say there isn’t a center in the MV, but this is kind of where I get to talk about the other members and how they fit into the era like, for instance, if any of them were close to being considered a center. Surprisingly, We Are Bulletproof Pt.2 is kind of the exact opposite; it didn’t seem like the MV really tried to enunciate any member specifically. Like, even in No More Dream, you could tell Namjoon was featured a lot, but this era didn’t do that. I found that interesting. I guess it’s probably because they were all just dancing on a chess board, but ya know.
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Center: Jungkook
I couldn’t tell you why I don’t co-center Jimin with Jungkook, but Jungkook really feels like the face of this era. I don’t know if it’s the fact that he starts off the song--after Namjoon’s intro--or because he starts the choruses or what. I guess it might be because it’s a chorus that repeats during its two halves, so Jungkook’s voice is the one you’re going to pay attention to, since it comes first. Plus, this song was obviously produced to compliment his vocal tone because his voice is, not only layered under the other members’, but has more punch to it than the other vocalists’, as well. By that logic, clearly Jungkook was supposed to be the center for this era.
Secondary Centers: Namjoon & Jimin
So, as far as Namjoon goes, it’s the same thing I’ve said already: he’s working as the foundation for this song by filling in all the extra bits that support the track. Jimin, though, I wasn’t planning on adding--and I’m not really adding him because of the choruses. By the end of the N.O choreo, you’ve got Jimin in a central spot to finish off the performance as the instrumental closes out. As that part is so long and so clearly focused on Jimin, I couldn’t not put him down as a secondary center.
MV Center: Jungkook
Here we have our first MV center. Now, I will say there are stronger examples of an MV center, but Jungkook was obviously the main character in the school scenes of this MV. Of course, the school setting didn’t last the whole MV--and it’s not like the MV stopped and turned into a short film for a quick second like we’ll see later--but Jungkook still stuck out.
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Co-Centers: Jimin & Jungkook
So, I really struggled trying to pick out which members were the most prominent in this song, but we’ll talk about why with the next member. Jungkook and Jimin are the centers of this era for basically the same reasons. Both of them are on the chorus, and--more importantly--both of them stick out in the chorus. Both of them have these opportunities to be charismatic that they use really well, and both of them are out front during the choreo most of the time. It all adds up to them giving off “center energy.”
Secondary Center: Taehyung
I really thought Taehyung would be a co-center, as well, but he disappears halfway through the song. To be clear here: if we’re talking about the parts that Taehyung had in this song, and if those parts had ranged the entire song, Taehyung would be the sole center of this era. Like, watch any performance of this song, let alone the MV and dance practices, and tell me he doesn’t give off center energy. Anyway, after his parts are over, Taehyung falls to back of the dance formation and effectively vanishes--which is a real shame because he makes this era for me. Enough of my biased rambling--long story short, the first half of Boy in Luv has Taehyung as a center, and the last half doesn’t. A secondary center is the option that meets in the middle.
MV Centers: Jin & Yoongi
Straight off the bat, because of the scene during the bridge, Jimin and Jungkook are also kind of MV centers, but I’m not looking for “kind of’s” here. Jin and Yoongi were the ones who had the flirty scenes with the actress in the MV, so they stuck out a whole lot. It created a bit of a story around each of them and their characters in the MV, and the other members didn’t really have that.
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Center: Jungkook
Who was jumping out their skin being surprised by this one, am I right? I mean, if we even talk about the choreography alone, this would be super obvious. When I first started learning about idol groups, this song is what I thought a “center” meant. This is obviously no shade to Jungkook himself because the members probably didn’t really have a hand in who was getting the most airtime or how much airtime that would be in comparison to everyone else, but BigHit really wanted to push Jungkook for this song. 
I guess it was probably because he’s the youngest, he has a clear and soothing voice, and he’s the exact type of boyfriend material that’s easy to sell to young fans. I know this song has deep meaning that came from Yoongi, but the way this song was presented was so fluffy and soft, and my guess is that Jungkook fit the bill to be the face of it.
No MV Center
I mean, yeah, Jungkook stuck out the most, but that was because of the choreo, which is already covered by the center position. As far as the MV itself, no member stuck out more than another beyond the choreography. Jin, of course, does have his moment with the rose, but a.) that’s a part of the choreo, b.) it wasn’t long enough for him to be considered an MV center anyway, and c.) that piece of choreo can’t even make him a secondary center because the vocal line distribution was so heavily tipped in Jungkook’s favor--again, not throwing shade at Jungkook; just stating how the song is divided up. The long and short of it is that, while the choreo had central-ish parts for Jin and definite central parts for Jungkook, the MV didn’t do anything more with them than with the other members. No MV center this time.
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Co-Centers: Jimin, Taehyung, & Jungkook
Just to give myself a backdoor here in case I change my mind on this later, I’m gonna say that I was sure the 95s would be secondary centers here, but after watching the MV and really paying attention to the choreo and line distributions, I think all three members of the maknae line stood out equally during their parts. Actually, the 95s do have a stronger vocal presence than Jungkook does, but Jungkook owns the choreography, so it more or less balances out.
I will say that Taehyung doesn’t feel as prominent as Jungkook does on the chorus, so that’s what made me want to put him down as a secondary center. However, the post-chorus is absolutely enough to make Taehyung stick out like Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin--dare I say--is the most center-like out of all three of them as far as general feeling goes. Again, considering everything, they’re all equal, but Jimin really reads like a center in Danger.
MV Center: Taehyung
All the members have got their individual scenes in the MV that are used for the inserts, but Taehyung’s scenes were clearly supposed to be the central ones since they, you know, ended the MV with him cutting his hair off. Even besides that, though, Taehyung’s parts in Danger came along with the best camera work and set design. I mean, there’s a better way of saying that, but I don’t know what it is. Like, go the MV and look at the first post-chorus so you can see how they framed Taehyung during that part. That really made him feel like the central member in the MV.
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Center: Taehyung
This is one of two (or few, depending on when you’re reading this because new music is always coming out) eras in which I can 100% say for certain that Taehyung is the sole center. If we’re talking B-sides, that number might increase a bit, but as far as singles go, Taehyung really does not get the opportunity to be the sole center that often. Anyway, explaining this would be like explaining the obvious. The brief for this era was “impish bad boys that look like they’re thirsty as fuck.” And Taehyung fit the brief.
No, but seriously, BigHit clearly wanted to sell War of Hormone as a song by a bunch of punk kids that have just a little bit too much fun, and if 2014 Kim Taehyung wasn’t a little punk, I don’t know who would be. Not because Taehyung’s actually a womanizing asshole--Taehyung’s clearly the softest and kindest person ever to exist--but because he can tap into that sensual and mischievous type of character really easily. He’s an actor after all. Plus, there’s the whole “sexy growling thing” they obviously wanted in the vocal, and Taehyung’s the go-to member for that.
Secondary Center: Jungkook
Here’s why Jungkook is the War of Hormone era’s secondary center: they needed a cute member to calm the whole thing down. I’m now going to put myself in the mind of BigHit as they were producing this track.
“We can’t have Taehyung out here killing everyone with his growls and his expressions and that tongue thing he does. We’ve clearly gotta put a soft bad boy character in there so this song doesn’t entirely decimate our fanbase. Put Jungkook in.”
In the same way Taehyung fit the super-duper bad boy brief, Jungkook fit the cutie pie bad boy brief, and that was needed to balance out Taehyung’s parts in this era. All vague descriptions aside, Jungkook was used as a support for Taehyung in the War of Hormone era, or that’s what it felt like, at least--despite Jungkook having more airtime. If, in any universe, Taehyung ever went easy on us, this era could’ve been a co-center era for the two babies of BTS. However, Taehyung chose violence, so Jungkook didn’t get a chance to pop out as much. Considering their overall discography, though, I’d say that’s fair enough.
MV Center: Taehyung
I’m mostly saying this because of the end of the MV where the actress--or her character--picks him, but also, Taehyung’s stage presence in this song kind of makes him the MV center anyway. Not the choreo--even though he’s the center of that for a lot of the time, too. I’m talking about his attitude, his expressions, his gestures, and on and on. That kind of made him the central figure, for me. Plus, you know, Taehyung got the girl or whatever.
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Co-Centers: Jimin & Jungkook
This song is so freakin’ weird because Jungkook has exorbitantly more airtime in the studio version of I Need U, but Jimin features really heavily in the choreo because they give him most of Jungkook’s final chorus when they do it live--which obviously means that Jimin centers in the choreo the most. So, it’s like: listen to the song, and Jungkook’s the center, but watch it live or in the dance practice video, and it’s Jimin. Either way, both of them read like centers to me. Even though Jungkook is in the song a lot, and therefore, has a big presence, Jimin’s vocal is the one I associate with this song because it fits so well while sticking out just a skosh.
MV Center: Taehyung
Most of me was thinking that there wouldn’t be an MV center for this era because every member had a story that ends up getting carried into the Wings album era, but then I remembered that the original MV for I Need U literally stopped everything dead so Taehyung could hit his in-verse father in the head with a bottle. And then, after that and a couple seconds of showing a few of the other members, the MV cuts back and forth between hardcore violence and Taehyung laughing with the other members. 
The MV goes, “Wow, look at this. Taehyung’s so happy. Oop, now he’s stabbing his father with a broken bottle--oh, he’s happy again, that’s nic--oh. Oh, no he’s back to stabbing his father--no, look, he’s happy, so... Damn, that’s a lot of blood.” I mean. I don’t know if they knew already that Taehyung was good actor or what, but BigHit nearly gave him a short film all to himself. So, yeah, I’d say Taehyung takes the center position for the I Need U MV.
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Center: Jungkook
I’m kind of naming Jungkook here because I feel like I have to, but I want you to know that the For You era is really close to not having a center, in my opinion. It’s more so the parts they gave Jungkook that made me put him down as a center. He starts the song, he ends the song, he’s got the first chorus, and there are parts where you go, “Oh, they’ll probably let that member sing here,” and then you get to the next line, and you’re like, “Ah, no; they went with Jungkook.” That’s not a bad thing, mind you, because Jungkook’s vocal is perfect for this song; it’s just that Jungkook had more airtime than the other members by a good bit. Again, I’m not making this list according to that, but it’s gonna be a factor in a song where every member sings on the choruses.
MV Center: Jungkook
Do I need to go into this a whole lot? Jungkook’s trying to get money to see this girl he likes, so the whole MV is about how the other BTS members are struggling alongside Jungkook but put together the means for him to go see the mystery girl. That’s the K-drama, and Jungkook is the lead. I mean, fair enough; Jungkook could definitely be the lead in a K-drama.
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Co-Centers: Jimin & Jungkook
I know this is a hardcore Jungkook era, but Jimin sticks out, like, a lot. At the very least, you’ve got to credit the choreo to Jimin in the same way you would for Jungkook. I mean, yeah, Jungkook’s vocal pierces the entire song, so he’s obviously going to center for this era. He’s a forefront figure in the choreography, as well, and putting him in that costume for the MV is essentially assault. However, I think Jimin managed to make his presence just as big through the choreo and his unique vocal tone. So, I’ve got to give the Dope era’s center position to both of them.
No MV Center
Since this MV is basically just the choreography, I can’t say Jimin and Jungkook were centers just because they were the choreography leaders for Dope. Actually, I thought the overall MV was almost equally representative of each member since they all had a different concept with their wardrobes.
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Center: Jungkook
I mean, Jungkook just permeates every single cell of RUN. The choreo, the vocal, and nearly everything else are extremely centered around him. There’s not really a whole lot else to say. When there’s such a large difference between line distribution for the members, it makes it obvious that that member will be in the center of the choreo most of the time, as well. That’s the case for Jungkook in the RUN era.
Secondary Center: Jimin
This era is a little bit like the I Need U era, but Jimin doesn’t stick out quite as much. He does stick out enough to be considered a secondary center, though, because he’s also highly represented in the vocal, so he’s got mirroring parts in the choreo. Jimin doesn’t have as much of a focus in this era as Jungkook does, but it’s close.
No MV Center
I thought this would be like the I Need U MV, but it really wasn’t. You’d think Jungkook’s the center because of the bit where the camera zooms in on him while everyone is partying, and then the rest of them are gone, but there’s also several bits where Jin has close-ups while he spaces out. Or maybe Jungkook could’ve been the center because, after the music stopped, he looked back at the camera. But that can’t be it either because Taehyung had bits like that of him falling into and coming out of the water at the beginning and end of the video. Maybe it was Jimin because he got pulled into the room toward the end of the MV, but it was Namjoon who was pulled in at the beginning. Basically, they were all well represented, so there’s no center to speak of.
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No Center
This song isn’t really supposed to have a center, is it? I mean, we can talk about who had the most airtime, but that’s not what this is about. I think this song was supposed to be a message from all the members, so one member wasn’t going to stick out more than others. That’s just how it goes sometimes.
MV Center: Taehyung
Taehyung being the MV center is stretch, and I know that, but he does have bit of a role that makes him stick out at the end. It’s kind of like Jungkook being the center in the For You era--it doesn’t feel totally accurate to give it to him, but it also feels inaccurate to not give it to him. There’s that little bit at the end of the MV where Taehyung steps out of the maze at last and the other guys are waiting for him on the other side. Taehyung’s also the one to look back at the plane or camera or whatever at the very end; basically, Taehyung gets more solo shots in this MV than any other member, as far as I can tell without actually counting, so he takes the center position.
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Center: Taehyung
I wasn’t actually planning for Taehyung being the sole center for this era, but I feel like I can’t really justify anyone else co-centering with him. Taehyung does feature fairly heavily in the choreography, but a lot of the reason he ended up the solo center for the FIRE era is because of the part he was given. As someone who had heard “bow wow wow” everywhere before even knowing what K-pop was, I’d say it’s safe to call Taehyung’s part the most globally iconic--though Yoongi’s part is obviously the most iconic within ARMY. Plus, the end of FIRE is almost a full minute of just Taehyung’s solo with group vocals around it, so. I mean, he’s got hella presence in this era, no doubt.
Secondary Centers: Yoongi & Jungkook
Initially, I thought Jungkook was going to co-center with Taehyung because Jungkook is extremely centered within the choreography, but the “eh eh oh eh oh” part feels more like a supporting piece--which is absolutely fine, by the way. However, Jungkook is pretty damn close to being a center for the FIRE era because his vocal is absolutely everywhere, and he’s the center for most of the choreo. As an aside, I kinda wanted to add Jimin in this category because of the 333, but ultimately, that wasn’t enough to support him being a secondary center, for me.
Yoongi, I’ll be honest, I’m kind of putting in here because he feels like a center for the era after all the attention his opening line got. If I’m looking at the choreo or even the vocal, Yoongi doesn’t stand out as much as it seems (though his verse in FIRE is one of the best rap verses in BTS’s discography; fight me about it), but the fact that he opens and closes the song has a large overall impact on my perception of the FIRE era. Yoongi is definitely one of the faces of FIRE, at the very least.
MV Centers: Jin & Yoongi
So, though Yoongi wasn’t the main center for this era, in my opinion, the MV does make it seem like he is. Which, I guess, is mostly because of the opening scene before the music actually starts. But whatever; Yoongi still sticks out regardless. For Jin, I don’t know if it was because he doesn’t have that much airtime or what, but the scenes in the MV that focused on Jin were really focused on Jin. No other member got that kind of solo within the MV, so Jin’s parts seemed like they were meant to be special.
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Co-Centers: Jimin & Jungkook
I don’t know how to explain why this is how it is, but this is how it is. It’s one of those eras where the amount of airtime does predict the centers because of how much more airtime Jimin and Jungkook have compared to the other members. I mean, that’s what a main and lead vocalist are for, I suppose, but it ends up with these two being pushed so far forward in the Save ME era that you can’t really make room for another co-center. They’re also the two with the most central pieces in the choreography, but that’s obvious with how much airtime they have. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, either, because BTS’s discography celebrates all the members at one point or another. It’s just that Save ME was a song that suited Jikook the best, so they’re the obvious centers.
No MV Center
Since this is an MV that’s literally just choreography, there’s obviously not going to be an MV center. I mean, if you wanna say that Jimin and Jungkook’s parts meant they had more close-ups, and so they’re the MV centers, then fine, but that’s a bit of a cop out.
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Center: Jimin
This is one of the few--maybe even less than that--clear Jimin eras where Jimin is the only center. It’s not really that he has so much more airtime than the other members, but Blood Sweat & Tears is a song that just fits Jimin. He actually doesn’t have much central time in the choreo until the end and at the beginning, but it’s another one of those feelings I’ve got. I’m not saying this to alienate the other members because I actually do have my own opinions on who owned this era (check that post out on my blog, by the way), but this song makes Jimin shine the brightest. Every member has a song that does that for them, and this is Jimin’s. 
Secondary Centers: Hoseok & Jungkook
Are you screaming at me for not considering Hobi a co-center? In the studio version of Blood Sweat & Tears, I’d probably put Hobi in as a co-center, but considering everything from the track to the choreo to the live performance, Hobi’s presence is just a touch smaller than Jimin’s. Just a touch. Like, they split his post-chorus with Jungkook live, and Hobi isn’t really a center in the choreo after a certain point, so it’s a bit like Taehyung in Boy in Luv.
As far as Jungkook goes, he’s not really a strong secondary center for this era, but he’s enough of one that he has to make this list. Part of it is because of his additional parts in the live performance and the choreo, but it also feels like Jungkook was meant to act as a visual and performative support for Jimin. I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it does it me.
MV Centers: Jin & Taehyung
I was gonna put Jimin here, too, but he only got that one shot at the beginning where Yoongi covered up his eyes that felt like it was really Jimin-focused. Taejin, though, had their own little mythology film going on. The Blood Sweat & Tears MV is the prime example of “this member doesn’t actually have much going on in the song, but the MV is all them, baby.” That’s how it is for Jin in this era. A lot of people say Jin is one of the ones who owned this era, and a lot of that has to do with the MV, what with the statue-kissing and all.
Tell me why I don’t feel like Taehyung was as big of an MV center as Jin even though Taehyung had a shirtless scene with slits on his back where his wings apparently used to be. I don’t understand, either. But I’d say a shirtless scene with wing slits is a pretty good reason to be included as an MV center.
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Co-Centers: Jin, Taehyung, & Jungkook
After consulting the choreo because, you know, the MV doesn’t have it, I came to the conclusion that, both vocally and choreographically, these three are the centers for this era. Spring Day was initially an era that I thought didn’t have a center, and I don’t think it does have a super defined center, but I do see Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook as the more prominent members. For one, the choreo really clearly centers around Taekook more than the other members, but there’s also the fact that all three of these members really stick out in the vocal itself. I landed on these three for my co-centers, but Spring Day is really close to not having a center at all.
No MV Center
I thought this was going to go to Jin because I thought I remembered him featuring in the MV a lot more, but he didn’t really. Actually, I’d say Taehyung and Jungkook are closer to being MV centers since the beginning has a little scene with Taehyung before the music starts, and there’s a bit around the bridge in which Jungkook has some solo-ish focus, but those things still aren’t quite enough for this position. All the members had their own inserts and settings, so it felt fairly equal all around.
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Center: Jungkook
This was another era I was sure didn’t have a center, but Jungkook’s extremely prominent. Actually, I thought, if anything, the rap line would center in this era, but even they don’t seem nearly as prominent as Jungkook. It’s just that the lyrics are really repetitive for the vocalists, and Jungkook bleeds through all the vocal line parts. At least, it really feels like he does. As far as the vocalists go for this era, Taehyung’s vocal is the only one that sticks out, aside from Jungkook’s. But Jungkook’s vocal sticks out above all the other members--in terms of prevalence, mind you; the best parts of this song are obviously the rap verses. As such, he’s really active in the choreography, as well. It felt like I, more or less, had to give Jungkook this era.
Secondary Center: Taehyung
I can’t tell you why I’m putting Taehyung down. I was about to move on from this section, and my brain said, “Think about the chorus,” and so, I ended up here. This is all about that feeling I’ve talked about already. I think it’s because Taehyung’s the one that starts the chorus, and he’s got really powerful choreography to go along with his already powerful vocal. It makes his presence in the track and the live performance feel a lot bigger.
No MV Center
I mean, yeah. It’s a choreography-driven MV. When you’ve got the bits with them running or whatever, Jungkook centers a bit, and Namjoon kind of feels like an MV center, too, but a lot of that has to do with the choreography being shot the way it was. It’s the same with Taehyung since he got some great framing during his choreo parts. But prominent choreo parts do not an MV center make.
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Center: Jungkook
I mean, there’s not really any way to get away from this one. I don’t blame BigHit, though, because Jungkook’s clean vocal is literally made for bright pop songs like this one. It makes sense that they’d want to use a vocal that blends in with the instrumental so well. As we know, the vocal affects the choreo, so Jungkook felt like a strong foundation to this song that the other members built upon. I don’t think many would argue that Jungkook is the sole center for the DNA era.
No MV Center
Can you believe I’m not putting down Taehyung, Hobi, and Jimin as a type of center, even though most people think this was Taehyung’s era, Hobi’s best work, and even though Jimin is the only other member on the chorus? Somehow, even though they all feel prominent in my memory of this era, diving back into it revealed that Taehyung is only prominent in the intro, Hobi is only prominent at the end, and Jimin is only prominent on the first chorus. How weird, right? They’re all almost secondary centers, though.
Anyway, that had nothing to do with the MV center, did it? There isn’t a true MV center because this MV is mostly the choreo. However, Jungkook is the closest one to being the center, simply because he’s got that little whistle bit at the beginning. Obviously, one scene isn’t enough to list him here, though.
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Co-Centers: Yoongi & Hoseok
Don’t ask me why I didn’t put down Namjoon, too. I wish I could say something other than “because this is what felt right,” but that’s the situation. I’m sure most people would say Hobi is the sole center of this era, and that’s entirely fair, but I felt like Yoongi brought his presence to MIC Drop just as much as Hobi did. The two of them, more or less, have the same amount of time in the center for the choreography, as well. Again, I wish we could be talking about Namjoon, too, but despite him having the most airtime in this era, he didn’t feel quite as front-and-center as Hobi and Yoongi. His verse is still fire, though.
Secondary Centers: Taehyung & Jungkook
Should I be doing this because I feel like it’s true? I guess we’ll find out. I don’t know; it seems pretty clear to me that JK and Taehyung were meant to be secondary centers for this era since they got the most central parts in the vocal line the most often. I feel like this is partially influenced by the fact that both of them murder the choreo when they’re in the center for MIC Drop, but I really do feel like these two stuck out.
No MV Center
Let me tell you, though, if we were bringing choreography into this discussion, Taehyung in the MV would make this list easily. He’s so aggressive in the MV, you know? No, but, this is another choreo-based MV. You know the drill by now.
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Co-Centers: Jimin & Jungkook
This one’s another obvious one for most people, I would imagine. Actually, at first glance, this looks like it’d be Jungkook’s era as a center, but Jimin has a lot of prominence, as well. The best way to describe it is that Jimin was the strong support he’s meant to be for Jungkook considering their positions as main and lead vocalists, as well as lead dancers. However, because of the refrain, Jimin then ends up also feeling like less of a support and more of a center in his own right. Basically, there was a lot of good give and take between Jimin and Jungkook for the FAKE LOVE era, which is why I ended up seeing both of them as co-centers.
Secondary Center: Jin
I’ll be honest--I don’t really get the feel of a secondary center from Jin in this era, but I can tell that that’s what he was meant to be. He’s very present in the vocal, and that translates to him being present in the choreography, as well--which ends with him in the center, if you recall. I don’t think this era is quite the era for Jin as a center, but he does still feature really prominently, regardless of how my perceptions may be situated.
MV Centers: Jin, Jimin, & Jungkook
This is another instance where I thought Jin was going to seem like a stronger MV center than he was, but it’s really the visuals of him toward the beginning-what with the windows shattering and all--that stick with you. I still think the theater of Jin’s scenes are enough to consider him an MV center. For Jimin, his piece wasn’t as stand out, but you can tell Jimin had extra focus on him when compared with Taehyung or the rap line. In the scenes between the last pre-chorus and the last chorus, Jimin did have a scene where most others didn’t, so he felt like enough of an MV center to include here.
Jungkook is probably obvious. He had a fairly long scene in between the last pre-chorus and chorus, so there’s that, but the overall MV seems to have more images of him than the other members. I imagine Jungkook was probably the main character for this story, though all the members had really cool set pieces and insert shots.
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No Center
I really was gonna sit here and be like, “Oh, yeah! Namjoon’s obviously the center!” But, listen, everyone’s parts in IDOL stick out so much that I don’t think it’s fair to say that Namjoon was the sole center. In fact, I’d say Jimin is actually the closest thing to being a sole center in this era, but it’s really only vocally because, as far as the choreography goes, he feels just as well represented as the other members. Ergo, this era is too chaotic for any one member to take the spotlight. Namjoon is the face of IDOL, though. And, vocally, Jimin’s pretty damn close.
No MV Center
I mean, the chaos was too much. Yes, Jimin has special focus on the bridge and during the final dance break on the chorus, but again, that’s just one piece of the whole. At the beginning, you’ve got a lot of shots of Taehyung, and then you’ve got the rap line having multiple focuses since they have two verses each. Jin and Jungkook got some cool focus during their parts, too, so an MV center isn’t really possible to find.
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No Center
Jimin sticks out the most in this song, don’t get me wrong, but that’s mostly because his vocal on the chorus sounds so special. It doesn’t exactly work out to be even in a literal sense, but the vocal line at least seem like they have equal airtime in this era since they all get to sing on the chorus. That meant that a true center wasn’t going to be a thing, especially since it’s almost one of those songs where every member has their piece and then they disappear for the rest of the song.
No MV Center
I mean, should I call Taehyung the MV center because of the beginning and end? I don’t think so, since it was only a few seconds each time, and the rest of the MV was choreography. I mean, Taehyung did kind of feel like the face of the MV because of that, but I don’t know that it’s enough of a reason to put him down here. He’s the only option for an MV center, anyway. Maybe I’ll feel the need to change this later. We’ll see.
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Center: Jimin
I’m still convinced that this was supposed to be an era dominated by Jimin. We’ll talk about Taehyung in a second, but when I first watched the Boy With Luv MV, I thought that Jimin was the clear center. I still do, even though my opinions on who owned the era are a bit different. Jimin is pronounced in the choreography, but his vocal is exactly the right color for a song that’s this bubbly. The choreo obvious matters a lot, but I think Jimin’s voice, more than anything else, is the face of this era. I know that sounds weird because of what I just said about Airplane pt.2, but that era was more like, “Wow, Jimin sounds so unique,” and the Boy With Luv era is like, “Jimin is the song.” So.
Secondary Centers: Taehyung & Jungkook
Jungkook does not feel like a secondary center to me because I find that he gets lost a bit in the Boy With Luv era, but like in the FAKE LOVE era with Jin, I know that Jungkook was meant to be Jimin’s support for this song. Jungkook feels nearly as pronounced in the choreography as Jimin does, and his clear vocal serves to fill in when necessary for this pop track, which is one thing Jungkook’s vocal color does best.
Taehyung, though, for all intents and purposes, shouldn’t really be a secondary center since his standout parts are the opening to the choreo and the parts on the chorus he shares with Jin. However, I don’t think you can find me any ARMY that genuinely deny that Taehyung isn’t, at least, one face of this era. Most people I’ve seen discuss the Boy With Luv era ardently agree that Taehyung owns the era, no questions asked. Whether it makes sense within the standards we’ve laid out for centers so far or not, Taehyung, his vocal, and his visual absolutely dominate this era. In terms of being the face of an era, Taehyung may come out on top as the sole center, but for the purposes of keeping this list objective, a secondary center he shall be.
No MV Center
Again, like, this is another situation in which Taehyung would be brought up if we were talking about the choreography; so would Jimin. Their visuals are so heavily tied to this MV, but it’s all attached to the choreography. Outside of that, no member had more solo focus than another.
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Co-Centers: Jimin, Taehyung & Jungkook
I know some of you will be upset that Jin isn’t in this list, and I understand. Initially, Jimin wasn’t going to be in this list, either, but his vocal felt like it fit the tone of this song the best. Actually, here’s how I came to this conclusion: Lights was made for Jimin’s vocal tone, but Jungkook and Taehyung clearly stick out the most. As such, Jimin doesn’t necessarily have less prominence than the babies of BTS, but the babies of BTS were strong in this era. Jimin still deserves to be a co-center because of how well his vocal fits this song, but Taehyung and Jungkook were fucking power vocalists in the Lights era, so they’ve got to be centers, as well.
MV Center: Jungkook
This MV feels a bit like the Magic Shop VCR; it’s a lot like Jungkook is frozen or lost, and the other members find him. It’s not so pronounced like it has been for other MV centers, but it was still clear to me that Jungkook was the main character for this MV.
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Co-Centers: Jimin & Taehyung
I mean, this would be an obvious choice if you really listened to Make It Right. When we don’t have choreo for a song, we’ve got to look at the vocal, right? The 95s are all over this track. Admittedly, the live does take just a touch of that away from them during certain performances, but the studio version of Make It Right is littered with Vmin. First of all, their solos are pretty pronounced anyway, but even if you listen to the crowd vocal on the “Oh, I can make it right” lyric, you usually only hear Taehyung plus the rest of the members singing in a clump underneath him. And if it isn’t Taehyung you’re hearing on the main vocal, it’s Jimin. Or Jimin and Taehyung. Like, I don’t know if it’s because these two have the most unique vocal tones in BTS or what, but their individuality really shone in the Make It Right era.
No MV Center
Unless the MV center is ARMY? I don’t know; Make It Right is one of those stage mix MVs, so it wasn’t gonna have a real MV center anyway. Unless the MV center is that animated couple that’s in the original version of the music video? Nah, I like the the idea of ARMY being the center more.
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Center: Jungkook
I don’t need to go to the MV for this because Jungkook’s got hella pipes that’s he’s using for a hella long time during the bridge of this song, and that’s so much center energy. It’s been a long time since we’ve had an era that feels like all the other members are about equal, and then there’s Jungkook. It is what it is, though; I mean, the man is the center of BTS, after all. If I’m being really honest, though, the bridge is the only thing that makes Jungkook the sole center of this era. If Jungkook’s solo on the bridge wasn’t a part that caused the rest of the song and choreo to stop dead, the ON era probably wouldn’t have had a center at all because I don’t feel like Jungkook was all the pronounced anywhere else in ON. I guess me putting him down as the sole center tells you how impactful the bridge was, though.
Secondary Center: Jimin
It’s the “hey na na na” line, you know? No, but really, both in the choreo and the vocal, Jimin is a big foundation for ON. I mean, obviously Jimin has parts besides that line, but even as a whole, Jimin feels like a part of the basic structure for, both the track, and the choreography. I’ve felt this way about other members in previous eras, and I don’t know how to explain it well; think of it as though Jimin is a part of the beat. It’s essential to ON’s sound, even though it may not always stick out as an individual piece.
MV Center: Jungkook
Jin did have a bit of focus at the beginning, and I almost put Taehyung down as an MV center because there was a good bit in the middle where it was literally just Taehyung, but the entire story of the MV revolved around Jungkook, like, escaping slavery or whatever. I mean, the man blew into a conch shell and ran up to the top of BTS’s Pride Rock; if that’s not MV center energy, I don’t know what is.
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No Center
I’m gonna keep it a buck with y’all: the vocalists nearly all sound the same on the chorus of this song because of the effects on their vocals. It’s kind of cool, though, considering the message of the song. Like, the lack of individuality is almost an extra piece to the lyrics, but I swear to you, Taehyung is the only one who sounds distinct on the chorus of Black Swan. As such, no one could’ve really been the center for this song. As you can probably tell, the vocalists are usually the centers--if there is one--and that’s because they get the choruses, which repeat the most; they have more opportunities to be the centers. In an era where their uniqueness is stripped away, there’s not going to be a center.
Also, if you’re asking, “Well, if Taehyung is so distinct, why isn’t he the center?” the answer is: because all the vocalists have basically the same parts. Yoongi, actually, would be the closest, in my opinion, to being a type of center for this song, but the chorus is the base of Black Swan, and so Yoongi doesn’t quite fit, either. Nothing wrong with an era without a center, my friends. Just means more central time for every single one of our boys.
MV Center: Jimin
Clearly, this was going to be the case. I don’t actually find Jimin to be that prominent in Black Swan, but the MV is what makes everyone say Jimin is the face of this era. And there’s a good reason for that. The Black Swan MV is such a wonderful platform for Jimin’s gorgeous, gorgeous artwork. It was like a portfolio of his talent, and it’s absolutely captivating watching him dance. Of course, Jimin does have a small bit of centralization that the other members don’t have in the stage choreo, but the MV is where Jimin got to really shine. Black Swan is really the only era where, rather than a song fitting a members vocal, we got to partake in a song that complimented a member’s dance style. I hope BTS do more with this kind of combination later for other members because Jimin getting to shine like this was really lovely.
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Center: Jungkook
There’s really no other reason for this other than Jungkook’s vocal is very nearly the entire song as far as vocals go. Again, sometimes airtime predicts the center, and in this case, Jungkook has, like, double the amount of airtime when compared to the other members. So, obviously, Jungkook representing this era was the overall goal. Stay Gold is another one of those songs that benefits from a vocal tone like Jungkook’s, so that’s probably why Jungkook got such a large focus for this era.
No MV Center
Taehyung’s the closest thing to an MV center since he’s got that bit at the end where the camera focuses on him while he releases magic from the tree or whatever. So pretty he looks in the Stay Gold MV, by the way. If you’re watching all the way to the end, it does feel like, “Wow, Taehyung’s a bit of a main character,” but it’s really only at the end. So, no MV center this time as everyone had really beautiful set pieces that got shown fairly equally.
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Center: Taehyung
Call me biased; call me whatever you want, but Taehyung’s presence is so fucking strong in Dynamite. Yes, Jungkook has a lot, a lot of vocal focus; yes, he centers in the choreography the most, but have y’all seen Taehyung’s attitude? Dynamite is the second era on this list that I’m sure Taehyung is the sole center for. Here’s where we’re gonna talk about marketing a bit. Taehyung’s visual was used to absolute death for the Dynamite promotions. I’m assuming it was because the retro look was especially fitted to Taehyung’s style, but Taehyung was everywhere. Not to mention the parts in Dynamite Taehyung got were really important pieces of the song--such as: ending the song. The choreography, as well, though not centered around Taehyung, was absolutely dominated by him regardless because of the way he decided to carry himself in this era. I don’t know; maybe I’m seeing things other people aren’t, but to me, Taehyung was obviously supposed to be the face of Dynamite.
Secondary Centers: Jimin & Jungkook
I don’t think Jimin is as strong of a secondary center as Jungkook, but I do still think Jimin’s role in Dynamite was really important. It’s sort of because he was a foundational piece, but it’s also because Jimin came off as bubbly and fun during the Dynamite era, and I think that helped to sell the overall visual of the song.
Jungkook, I’m sure a lot of people will say, should be the center for this era. I feel like I can kind of tell that an attempt was made to have Jungkook be the center, but then Taehyung and his charisma kind of ended up blowing up once Dynamite was released. Jungkook, to me, has the true foundational pieces of Dynamite. The beginning of the choruses, for example, are the catchy parts of the chorus, but not the punchy parts of the chorus. You see what I mean? Jungkook did have the first verse, too, of course. I’ll say this: vocally, Jungkook is absolutely the center of this era. It’s just that, as a total package, he didn’t stick out quite as much as Taehyung.
No MV Center
I mean, the beginning makes it feel like Jungkook is the MV center, but every member has their own set and solo shots. Plus, you’ve got the improvised choreography and the insert shots where every member appears to be equally represented. I don’t really see Dynamite as an MV with a definite member at the forefront.
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No Center
So, there is a definite excess of Vmin in Life Goes On, which I think is beautiful because their vocal tones are full of emotion, but I don’t think that necessarily means they’re the centers of this era. If we were going based on airtime, Taehyung would be the sole center because of the amount of airtime he’s got, but again, I don’t know that it’s fair to call him a center for just that reason--even though Taehyung is very prominent in the vocal. Mostly, Life Goes On is a song BTS is giving to ARMY, so it feels like they’re all singing it to us, and no single member sticks out more than another.
MV Center: Taehyung
Jin does have a bit in the MV, just before the final chorus, where the camera stops on him for a moment, but it’s only that one part, so I couldn’t really call him an MV center. Taehyung--in the original version of this MV, at least--was definitely the one leading the narrative. Most of the MV was the boys having fun or singing to the camera, but there were also the clips of Taehyung driving BTS around, looking at an arena, longing to perform; it seemed like Taehyung was chosen to convey BTS and ARMY’s feelings about the pandemic and how much we all miss each other.
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Co-Centers: Jin & Jimin
I gotta be honest: getting a handle on the Film out era is kind of difficult because it feels like such a fragmented song--and that makes it beautiful, but it’s hard to pin down a representative for this era, even though it definitely feels like there is one.
Obviously, I’ve decided that there are two. Again, without choreo, we’re looking at the vocal. To me, Jin and Jimin’s vocal tones stood out the most in Film out. I found both of their contributions to this song to be absolutely stunning, but even being objective, Jin and Jimin seemed like they were supposed to be the ones sticking out this much. I assume that’s because this is a very ethereal song, and I think I can confidently say that no other member has the monopoly on songs that sound like Film out than Jinmin do. Jimin’s angelic adlibs and falsetto was the thing I noticed right away when listening to this for the first time, but the more I listened to it, the more Jin came to the forefront, as well. We may only have vocals to go on for deciding a center--especially since Film out wasn’t marketed much--but Jinmin’s vocals really took center stage for this era.
Secondary Center: Taehyung
I really don’t know what it is that makes me see Taehyung as secondary center for the Film out era and not Jungkook, but Jungkook didn’t feel that prominent at all, despite having written the song. Taehyung felt like the anchor for Film out, which is something I noticed within my first few listens. Jin and Jimin were definitely the shining stars, in my opinion, but Film out still needed Taehyung for balance. The last half of the song is where all three of these members shine the most, and I think it’s really clear that Taehyung’s vocal was able to add a depth of emotion to Jimin and Jin’s. I think secondary centers, to me, are the members I can tell are being used as supports for the center or co-centers, and that’s what Taehyung was for Film out.
MV Center: Jin
This is the exact opposite of Life Goes On, actually, because Taehyung was the one who was last seen in the MV, which makes it tempting to see him as an MV center, but Jin was the one present in the narrative for the whole MV. I don’t know what that narrative was for certain, but I think it was something like looking in from the outside and getting lost in some kind of metaphorical storm. Jin was the one doing all that. So, he’s the MV center, for sure.
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Co-Centers: Taehyung & Jungkook
Jungkook is a co-center, in my opinion, because it feels like he was supposed to be. I can’t really pinpoint what it is about Butter that makes Jungkook a co-center, but he’s got airtime on every chorus, which means he’s gonna be prominent in the choreo, as well. That’s probably what it is, now that I think about it. The chorus is the money piece of almost every song, so Jungkook being chosen to be in each of the choruses is a big thing.
Taehyung--look, I don’t know what it is about Taehyung, but the fact that he went from a single line in No More Dream to being this central in one of BTS’s biggest eras is insane to me. Like, listen. Taehyung got to start and end two seperate choruses--which means he’s pretty prominent in the choreo, but he’s also prominent anyway because he’s nearly always in the front--and he got to sing half of each verse. That never happens with Taehyung. Vocally, Taehyung has the most “I’m the motherfucking center” energy than he’s ever had. Something about this era has Taehyung way out in front, and I think that’s so fun since he doesn’t always get that opportunity.
Secondary Center: Jin
I wanted to put Jin down as a co-center; I really did, but the slight difference in vocal prominence between him and Taekook is what made me give him the secondary center position. Jin is still really prominent in the Butter era, though. I thought Jin really outdid himself with his vocal tone in Butter, and he’s been killing the choreo every single time they perform. Jin really does feel like one of the faces of Butter.
MV Centers: Jin & Taehyung
I wasn’t gonna put down an MV center, but didn’t Jin and Taehyung’s MV scenes stick, like, way the fuck out? Jin in that lineup scene did me in, for real. I wasn’t thinking straight for days afterwards. Plus, he’s got that scene during the second verse where he’s in that chair, looking like he owns three islands, and that feels like super big MV center energy. Then, you’ve got Taehyung in the elevator, which is one of his sexiest MV scenes, period. The attitude on him, I swear. The orange suit was the end for me, honestly. I know I just talked about how hot Taejin are, but the way they carry themselves is why it felt like they stuck out in the MV more than the other members. I feel like I can’t deny them the MV center title.
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No Center
This is another song that isn’t really supposed to have a center, you know? Permission to Dance is meant to send this hopeful message to ARMY and people around the world, and I just don’t think a center was necessary because the center is BTS as a whole. At the very least, no one really stuck out to me as a sole, or even, co-center. It felt like all the boys shared the load of sending us this message, so I can’t put a center down for this era. I think, for a song like this, though, that’s a pretty damn good thing.
No MV Center
Again, this was really an equal opportunity kind of era. Other MVs have really focused on each of the boys having their own set, and one member often sticks out because of that; the Permission to Dance MV, though it had solo shots of each member, was mostly just the boys, all together and having fun. I mean, Jungkook had that solo dance bit, but that wasn’t enough to sway me.
Okay, that’s it, for now. Let me know what you guys think in the replies. I tried to keep my opinions out of this because I was just looking for which member(s) BigHit was trying to use to sell each era. I’m excited to do this with the B-sides since there’s only vocals to go on, but doing this for the singles was super interesting. Thanks for reading!
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saltypicks · 3 years
reviewing may’s comebacks (in june, because i have shit to do)
There were a lot of comebacks this month. I guess it's summer now? No idea, there's no summer in my country. The girl groups have started coming back in full force but are not impressing. The boy groups seemed to mostly go the groovy route and now I need an adjective other than 'groovy' to describe songs.
Not The End, Highlight
I'm so glad it's not a ballad. It's not bad.
You are so beautiful, SGO
Everyday I'm grateful for the retro trend and this is a great representation.
Gray Area, Hi Cutie
At some sections I like this song (the verses and the chorus) and at others I dislike it (the trap breakdown, the middle of the chorus). I complained about MAJORS' company having no money previously but Hi Cutie's company is bankrupt. Poor nugus.
Dreamcatcher and GWSN have far superior 'Red Suns' but this song is okay and I'm happy the girls look so happy to have some work (and hopefully some money) at last.
Today, CITI
A nice midtempo song. And no, I did not hear it first from a drama OST.
Make Up Your Mind, AILEE
Sounds like a Beyonce-type song.
Apparently this is a drama OST (Imitation, to be specific. It's based on a webtoon). Basic boy group song but it sounds like it's from the 2010s or something, and that's a compliment.
Hot Sauce, NCT Dream
Initially: Um...at least Renjun looks good? Honestly I don't know what to say about this song. NCT is a group I stan so this will definitely grow on me but...is this really not an advertisement for hot sauce? Also the set resembles the set for SHINee's Atlantis in my opinion. Now: The shouting is annoying and unnecessary. Love Chenle's voice in this; it provides a nice contrast to Haechan and Renjun. Someone said the chanting should've been left to the rappers and I fully agree. Don't know about Jisung and Jaemin but Jeno and Mark would be a good fit with a chant. In my opinion the dance break isn't really needed but is it NCT without a dance break? Also, wtf are they wearing around their necks? Someone should inform the SM stylists that less is really more.
It's light and pleasant but if this song was a meal it would be a tiny appetizer that tastes good but doesn't satiate you.
I didn't think I'd like it at first but this is groovy and makes me want to dance while doing my chores.
Always, VAV
Song for the fans but if you need a VAV song to listen to I recommend Gorgeous.
Hurt, Baekhyun & Seomoontak
Hasn't Baekhyun been shipped off to the army yet? Anyway, love how dramatic this is.
Waiting for Victor, 015B ft. Dawon
Another great retro song! Also the singer is cute and her hair is cute as well. She reminds me of Chuu a little.
Uncertainty Principle, 015B ft. Dawon
I prefer their other song, but this one is retro as well and it's great.
척하면 척, 강혜연 (Kang Hyeyeon)
Trot that's kind of subdued but still danceable.
Badly, SURA
Loved it from the first second.
Then: Is it good enough to make up for No Diggity? I don't know about that, but this song is groovy and I'm somewhat okay with it. Doesn't have much replay value for me though. Now: Eh, it's basic groovy boy group song but I won't skip if it comes on.
Breathe Again, BLITZERS
Another boy group with a somewhat questionable name. This song is pretty good as a debut and it's somewhat memorable. I wonder if my rating increeased because of the guitars? District 9 was the same for me, but right now it doesn't interest me. I think this song will stay for a good while on my playlist though. I like the anthemic vocals in the chorus and this song needed more of that.
The girls looked good but the storyline kept getting interrupted by shots of the girls. Yes, we know they're all visuals but I'd be more interested if there was actual action and plot. The song is good objectively but doesn't really interest me. Who knows? Maybe a few more listens will change my mind.
Outerspace (ft. Loco), Kang Daniel
Groovy and better than his last two releases.
Giant, Yuqi
So nice to hear Yuqi's voice on its own. The song was fine until the chorus crushed all my love for it.
Glass of Tears, HONG JA
Appropriately dramatic for a song named 'glass of tears'. It's good and if you like trot you'll like this one.
Taste of Life, Yang Ji Eun
What do you call this? Folk trot? Whatever it's called, it's good.
WE GO, fromis_9
It sounds like the token girl group summer song. I don't dislike it, but nothing about this song stands out to me. Honestly with a mini-album called '9Way Ticket' I expected more, because it reminds me of Nine Muses' Ticket everytime I see it. The b-side 'Airplane Mode' is pretty good though and the other one, 'Promise' is a slow song but I don't really mind it, it's fine as background music.
Next Level, aespa
Umm...what is SM's plan for these girls? How can a rookie group from the big 3 have only 3 songs? And only one is an original? The song is not the best thing ever and SM surely can do better but at least it wasn't as bad as M.A.F.I.A. aespa deserves more than this.
Finally after Bim Bam Bum these girls have a title track I enjoy. You can't go wrong with covering Take On Me, can you? It's no Platonic Love or Sea of Moonlight, and it certainly could have done without the rubbish trap section but it's a bop anyway. Meanwhile, the b-side Ride is great and I hope they promote it. This song would be more enjoyable if their voices weren't so shrill in the chorus. High notes aren't a necessity for good songs.
Advice, Taemin
Not the best of Taemin but it's good. I love the fast tempo of the piano and the way it drives everything. Taemin's performance also elevates this song and I'm grateful he's leaving us with a good song before going on his two-year vacation.
They're really going all out with this 'tribe' thing, aren't they? It sounds very Middle Eastern to my ears at times, sometimes it sounds African-ish and the other times it is just typical trap kpop. DOOM DOOM TA was better and more fun. At least they got the catchy catchphrase right. Blackpink in your area who? Tri-bee da loca! The b-side 'LORO' is not much fun either. The only difference is it's Latin-influenced.
Shadow, Dreamcatcher
Typical Dreamcatcher song slowed down by a lot. It's not bad, plus it's nice to hear Dami sing. Also what is it with Korea and zombies? With the MV the song sounds a lot better but the MV distracts me. Shouldn't zombies be mindless? How do they use tools and know martial arts? Or is it just my eyes? And can that tiny gun protect anybody? Are you sure that's not a toy?
The beginning of spring, E'LAST U
Not horrible but not for me either.
One of the few new ggs in a while with unfortunate names. They've clearly upgraded in terms of styling and MV budget, but their song quality is no different.
Let Me Know, PIXY
Sonically it sounds nothing like their dark concept. Actually it does sound like a dark concept, if done by a boy group. It's not bad but it's not good. The industrial-like sounds in the back are interesting but the whole song is not.
Son of Beast, TO1
TOO rebrands as TO1 with this song. It's groovy.
For the first time I like a Heize song. The MV is interesting too, the story was cliche but I liked the visuals and aesthetics.
Rhis song was from the [BORDER: CARNIVAL] mini. I listened to that mini but I remember not really liking any of the b-sides except the outro and the intro, so this is a surprise.
My Flower, Kim Jaehwan
Nice upbeat song with guitars all over it. I like it.
Corazon Perdido, Yesung (Super Junior)
Initially I wasn't going to review this because I didn't even review the title track but the final moments of this song are beautiful and it deserves a mention.
Butter, BTS
The song is smooth as its title. The MV is fine except for that ARMY thing; I cringed so hard.
Bonnie and Clyde, Yuqi
Better than the other one.
This is so great and I'm glad it got its own video, even if it was just a dance video glorified as a 'Special Stage'. Now if only I could stop chuckling whenever I hear "looks rike a lainbow".
Rush Hour, GAHO
Love it, especially the guitar strumming moments and the chorus when the electric guitar comes in.
Love how the vocals don't distract from the great instrumental.
In a comment section someone said La Di Da was a fluke and I kind of agree. Everglow returns to their usual style (chanty chorus + catchy riff repeated over and over) and this song is in the same vein as Adios. I like the chorus but the rest of the song is hard to recall. Siyeon, Aisha and Yiren are the only ones who actually look good and EU needs more lines and her blonde hair back. Also why does kpop think that moving the camera around a lot creates the illusion of motion? All it does is make me dizzy.
Like It Hot, GWSN
Sometimes I like GWSN title tracks, and sometimes I don't. I don't think much of this song, but their album is great.
Je T'aime, Joy
I love you Joy but this is boring. If it was meant to be a lullaby then SM succeeded.
Burned All Black, Kim Jaehwan
His other song is a ballad which is somewhat pleasant. Well, it was until it slowed down in the first chorus.
Purple, woo!ah!
Still not one song from woo!ah! I like.
GGOMA, Tae Ho (IMFACT) and Choi Ye Geun
Loved Choi Ye Geun's Scarecrow so I was happy to see her again. The song is groovy but the chorus sounds somewhat...empty? Love the scat at the end, should've been longer. This is also a great example of a bright boy group song. See? Upbeat and bright boy group concepts don't have to be childish.
DIAMOND, Sparkling
Another Imitation OST. I honestly doubt that there are actual kpop songs as bad as this.
7days Tension, Weeekly
Ad song. Bright and the chorus is nice.
0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You), TXT feat. Seori
The angsty opening line caught my attention, then the verse after it dropped the energy. It picked up again in the chorus and pre-chorus, thankfully. It's very much pop rock, except there are no guitars in this. Doesn't stop the song from being good though.
Hello, Joy
I love Joy's voice as always but this song doesn't do much for me even though it's upbeat. A few more listens might change my mind.
Call Me, Omega III
Another Imitation OST. Doesn't do much for me, just like all the Imitation MVs. At least let us understand what your drama is about. Instead we get these random shots of what idols are supposed to be like? I don't know much about idol life but it's obvious these girls would be called nugus in real life, and I honestly doubt nugus have such nice living conditions.
No Answer, LA LIMA
Jiyeon from T-Ara is on this one. This and MALO are my favourites from the Imitation OST so far. The song is nice with a sleek catwalk vibe to it but like the rest the MV is boring.
Show Me, Tea Party
Are these the Omega III girls? Not sure but I think so. MV still boring, song doesn't interest me.
Let me go!, The Volunteers
Great rock song, I just wonder why it's all in English (I'm not complaining).
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slowlydiving · 3 years
ohhhkaaayyy so I might use a read more or even only publish this privately but I wanted to write out my first thoughts about Higher (I only just watched it)
to me the unconquered king of a.c.e mvs is favorite boys, so I was worried I would be disappointed by this one, but I'm really really not! it can't dethrone goblin for me, but it's amazing in its own right
this is maybe an odd place to start but honestly, I think the CG elements are very well chosen and fit the whole aesthetic beautifully, same with the outfits of course, but what really carries the aesthetic of the mv is literally just the members' beauty... they knew they could go with a fairly minimalistic set and color scheme because a.c.e's faces are more than enough haha
I think it was a brilliant choice to cut from the softer start right to the bold red dance outfits & also just as great to cut to the open air dance scene near the end, it kept the mv fresh and super interesting to watch
on that note, I don't think I even have to point out what an impact donghun has in this mv both during the dance scenes as well as his solo close ups - I get why sehyoon called him the best fit for the concept
speaking of sehyoon (and the other members) I thought they did a brilliant job of giving each of them their own look (I particularly enjoyed how byeongkwan's set balanced out the others) and part but still blending them together (this is something that they actually did better here than in goblin!), and I absolutely adore sehyoon's moment with yuchan, they manage to create amazing tension in the air between them
every time I thought I'd seen it all the mv hit me with another visual jewel without it feeling out of place at all, I was amazed (also I loved that they actually kept many visual elements from the teaser pics)
junhee was a little bare-skin-heavy but his heavenly looks are a good excuse for that ^^
I really like it and I like it more every time I listen to it
at first it seemed like it turned the volume up and then just stayed up but no, I actually think there are beautiful ups and downs in terms of speed, volume, mood and intensity (I particularly like the moment where donghun's soft singing voice is contrasted by byeongkwan right after)
I really like that both Sehyoon and Byeongkwan get to sing as well and that their slightly more rap-y parts don't feel like something added just because every kpop song "needs" a rap part
I love love love how they distributed the parts of the song, it might seem boring to have the same members sing the same parts throughout but they just suit their individual voices so so well that I don't mind
I like that I have a really hard time describing the mood of the song, I think that's actually a strength of a.c.e's best title tracks (except darling tmh maybe)
I think it's the kind of song that gives you a lot of energy if you turn it up, which is what we I need
a.c.e have such amazing songs that I'm not sure it'll end up in my top 3 or 5 but I wanna emphasize that I nevertheless really really like it
when I first heard the chorus I was honestly worried, because it's so energetic, high-impact and fairly long that I wondered how they could do a choreo to match that but I think they (/whoever their choreographer was) did a bang up job of producing the necessary visual impact without immediately tiring them out and letting them actually have enough breath and smaller movements that let them sing live
I'm a fan of that move they do (I think with jun center) where they do a small jump down on the floor because that's exactly what I'm talking about: especially with the background dancers the visual impact is great but I feel like it wouldn't be too exhausting
also I feel like there are many elements borrowed from other choreographies of theirs; this can be seen as good or bad, I'm kinda undecided myself, but it was fun watching and trying to figure out what the moves reminded me of (for example parts of baby tonight or the similar ending pose as slow dive)
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chaeryybomb · 4 years
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ngl I’m kinda sad bc a lot of y’all don’t like the song ;-; but I can’t do anything about it since it’s your opinion so
but I hope that people know the difference between hating and giving criticism saying the song sucks and that it’s trash music is straight up music
I can get why people are disappointed with the song since everyone wanted almost the same thing, “jennie getting a rap part”, “jisoo saying blackpink in your area” and a high note from rosé
personally I really like the song, to me it’s not the same as dddd and ktl tbh I think it’s different
plus I kinda expected it to be like that bc their songs usually follow that yg style ya know the only songs I say that don’t follow that stereotypical yg style is “love scenario”, “stay” and AKMU’s songs
i mean if you compare the song with other yg artists song, they all have the same vibe to it because of the “yg style” we always say
the song also gives me nct and skz vibes too, like specifically “punch” and “side effects” bc of the heavy edm and also bc their songs has been called noise before dhshd
but enough of that
I really like how the song starts calmly in the beginning and then it starts to be more aggressive
also I like the fact that each of the girls get a chance to say “how you like that”
lisa’s rap????? y e s
personally I feel like this time it had more of a fairer distribution, including lines and center parts
like jisoo actually gets some center parts in the dance break and chorus
i also really like the outfits this era, especially the modernized hanboks! though I have mix feelings about the pink wig dhshdh
speaking of hair, jennie!! she fucking dyed her hair!!!
and rosé is no longer blonde dhsjdj
the parts I found weird is when rosé says “look up in the sky it’s a bird it’s a plane” i have no idea how that fits in the song so
and the “dumdudurum” part at the end, it sounds out of place, like especially after it the song ends
i also think that this is their best choreography! right next to don’t know what to do
overall, I really like the song, if you don’t it’s fine! hylt has the most aesthetic mv’s I’ve seen and the outfits are so much better and it has been said that BLACKPINK’s old stylist left the company in January no not maeng
lisa’s fur coat outfit reminds me of yeji’s outfit in wannabe
would I say that hylt is their best song? no, I think playing with fire was their best song but it’s not a terrible song either
another I like is jisoo owning this era, say what you want, hylt is Jisoo’s era period.
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what even is a concept anymore
we all thought it was going to be some street racer concept
buT NO
it’s a kung fu panda concept dhshdh
felix!!! my baby has lines !!!!
his demonic voice is bACK
hyunjin’s blond hair 😭😭
what the fUCK
the way he tied it up in a ponytail, like sir that is diSRESPECTFUL he really is jaebum’s son huh
okay okay on to the song
it honestly shocked me so much, like the rap parts were so aggressive like and the vocals are kinda angelic???
i really really like the pre-chorus, seungmin’s voice is just so !!!!! i also like seungmin+i.n’s little duet after felix’s part
“looking like a chef I’m a five star Michelin” bro that part is lowkey demonic looking in the dance
like mans pulled his knees up and put his hands through them while looking directly at you
does that not look demonic to you??? my friend said it reminded her of a spider dhshdhr
also the “dududu” part instantly reminded me of bp’s dddd dhshd like can someone edit a part of bp going “oh wait till I do when I hit you with that” and cuts to skz “DUDUDU”
the fact that no one has done it yet astounishes me
also what the fuck is that chain thing on Chan’s face, who put it there and why dhshd
bless whoever gave changbin dual contacts lens
at first I found the choreography a bit funny bc they added like cooking gestures to it dhshd, like stirring the pot in the chorus but my favorite part of the dance is changbin’s part
the entire album was a bop okay, the fact that “god’s menu” wasn’t even the title track and they decided to change it, the fact that jyp has so much TRUST in bang chan also we get to see chan and sana being best friends uwu
“pacemaker” is literally “my pace” 2020 ver dhshd it even has the “nananana” part!
my favorites from the album is “TA”, “blueprint” and “haven”!!
also “easy”,,,, chan what did u do that it can’t be performed in shows
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wow girl groups are really being criticized this month huh
if y’all don’t know what happened with twice, a lot of people are criticizing twice for not singing live during their encore stages
a lot of them are especially going after momo
I’ve watched their encore stages and I don’t know why people are saying they sound bad???? maybe they need a better vocal coach but the fact that people are taking advantages of the situation just to hate on them smh
a n y w a y s
the song definitely gives a whole lot of “dtna” vibes bc of the tropical concept, its like “dtna” but the mature version
if “dance the night away” had an older sister, it would be “more & more”
also I really like the eve & adam concept, “more & more” is also another “creepy”ish song that is hidden behind a catchy tune, like “yes or yes” where ppl think it’s a cute song but the lyrics says otherwise
okay actually writing this out, it’s mv has “dtna” vibe but the song is so much like “yes or yes”
if you read the lyrics, the girls are basically saying that “no matter how hard you try to hide, you’re going to be mine again”
even in dahyun’s rap she says “I’m naturally selfish, I’m sorry if you didn’t know” and “you will fall for me, you can’t say no no”
it’s almost the same as her part in “yes or yes” where she says “there is no letters n and o” dhshdh sorry this becam a whole theory
back the real song review, I’m so glad that momo got a dance break! I think that this is their fairest line distribution yet. jeongyeon got her lines, dubchaeng got their rap parts and momo has a lot of center parts!!
and the girls look so much happier during their promotions especially tzuyu! she was smiling so much, maybe it’s because mina is with them and I’m so happy they get to perform as nine again
i really like their choreography and the part where they do the chest bounce is really satisfying idk why dhsdh
plus jeongyeon got better outfits this era cough feel special era cough
overall, I really like this comeback and it’s nice that nayeon got the high notes this time instead of jihyo
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oh boy this is definitely my favorite song of this month
it’s so much different than their other songs!!!
and there’s so much to go on about!
wonyoung, minju, sakura and hyewon literally improved so much. im so proud of them !!!
hyewon, nako and sakua getting to sing the chorus??? y e s
chaeyena rap parts????? y e s
chaeyeon getting a dance break AND a high note???? Y E S
my favorite parts is eunbi+chaewon pre chorus wow I have a thing for pre choruses don’t I dhsh
i will say that this song vies the girls the chance to show how much they’ve improved throughout the eras, especially the j-line and visual line since a lot of people said they didn’t belong in izone
wonyoung and yujin's expressions are really on point as well
and yena's hip move dhshdhs
it's also rlly cute how eunbi throws confetti at her part dhshd
it’s refreshing to see how the girls improved
unfortunately, izone will be disbanding this year ;-; this is why I never liked the produce series
but we do have some ideas what will happen to the members though, we all know yena will be added into everglow, i having a feeling that eunbi and chaeyeon will be debuting as a soloist, they have so much potential plus the radiate chungha energy
nako, hitomi and sakura would most likely return to Japan, although I see sakura staying in korea to pursue an acting career and hitomi as a producer since she wrote some of izone’s songs
yuri might debut as a solo or debut in a new girl group as main vocalists, the same goes for chaewon
i see minju and hyewon going into acting careers and CF contracts, the same as kang mina, especially since minju is now an mc for music core
whereas for wonyoung and yujin, their both still young so I think they’ll finish school before re-debuting in groups plus yujin will be attending sopa
especially wonyoung, we all know that she’s actually really smart and is good at academics, i also think she might do modeling work, she fits the criteria
i also kinda see yujin pursuing an acting career because she will be in the theatre and film department in sopa. unless starship is going to debut a new girl group, I hope that yujin can debut as a soloist instead
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I’m so happy dhshdhhs
also lua fits the short hairstyle so much, I’ve literally fallen for her help I can’t get up
as much as I love yoojung, it’s nice to see lucy rapping
the song is very catchy, I especially like rina’s part in the second verse of the song
i also love the “wolf & hunter” concept for the album
like the pictures were very beautiful, I also like how they use white for the wolves and black for the hunters, it’s like painting the hunters at the bad guys and the wolves as the good guys
I am in love with Lucy, Lua and Sei’s “nonono” part in the chorus
and the choreography for the chorus too
as much as I love elly’s blue hair, she slays in black hair dhshd I
I really love their outftis this era, i like how it’s all pants for the girls too
my favorite outfits are the black outfits from the gif
overall, this is definitely their fairest line distribution cough tika taka and dazzle dazzle cough
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this is my second favorite song of the month
I love the whole horror concept and I also like the fact that they released the uncensored version of the mv
it’s give the song much more of the horror vibe
I’m new to Nature and as far as I know, a member is stuck in China and another member sat out due to an injury. please correct me if I’m wrong
the outfits might be simple, but it fits so right with the song, I prefer the white dresses over the black ones
it kinda gives out the feeling that the girls are like asylum patients ya know, whereas the black dresses gives out that the girls are rich daughters that were sent away
I really like LU and Haru’s parts
the dance is also kinda a simple but it looks great!
overall, I hope that Nature will do this concept again, actually I hope to see more groups do this kind of concepts more
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did this comeback scare me? yes yes it did
bro the teasers were so scARY
yangyang was literally laughing like a mANIAC
their teasers gave me so much suicide squad vibes
also, why the fuck were 4/7 members not wearing shiRTS
sm do you have a shirt shortage??? I’m sure nctzens are more than happy to donate some shirts to you
okay anyways, I’ve always liked wayv’s sci-fi concept, I don’t know if the mv’s are connected or not but I think they are
“take off” is them basically flying away from earth and they landed in space in “moonwalk” and it seems they have been captured in “turn back time”
very inch resting dhshd
listen, I may be chinese but I can’t understand 70% of the song because of how fast it goES
so with that saying, yANGYANG DID NOT COME TO PLAY
his rap was amazing !!!! he is definitely one of sm’s best rappers along with taeyong and mark
my favorite part is lucas and hendery’s rap parts and then it switches to xiaojun and yangyang + kun, ten and xiaojun getting highnotes
the dance break is so satisfying to watch too
“stop, rewind, turn back time” and “5432” part is so satisfying
also I’m really impressed with how fast LabelV responded when fans pointed out that some of the outfits had offensive phrases in them, they took the time to edit it out of the teasers and the mv, cheers to them
also! i find it funny that wayv released the Korean version of “turn back time” but all of us were much more shocked at the fact that Ten got another cat dhshd
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first of all, dokyeom looks so gOOD IN THE MV
second of all, vernon and wonwoo’s “hana dul set” will forever be iconic
third, seungcheol is back 😭😭
just like twice, they get to perform as 13 again dhsjdsn
also if y’all don’t have tiktok, svt has been doing the “left & right” with so many other idols including chungha and apink’s naeun!
haha joshua hong and wen junhui being real disrespectful with those sleeveless shirts
bonus point we got svt x nct china line + mark and joshua interaction at music bank
their choreography looks so fun too dhshd
the entire comeback is so cute and colorful
my favorite parts are vernon and seungcheol’s rap parts
also vernon be rocking that greaser style
their new album is so versatile, like, “fearless”, “left & right”, “kidult” and “my my”?? who’s doing it like seventeen
i love their new songs so much especially “kidult”
overall, I really really love this comeback
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I couldn’t find a group scene gif pls forgive me
let me say, I am absolutely in love with the concept, the outfit concept for this is so creative, I don’t know if any other groups have done it before but !!
their outfits evovle like a butterfly!!
at first, the outfits were plain pastel colours but they slowly become more detailed and colourful throughout the stages, like a caterpillar to a butterfly!
center yeoreum!!!
and dayoung looks so pretty in short hair 🥺
and again, as far as I know, the Chinese members are in China, two of them are apart of the Chinese group Rocket Girl and I think Chengxiao recently returned to Korea
I really like their ending pose where their hands are in the butterfly gesture and the “wings” are slowly flapping
and how their arms represent their wings during the chorus
by far one of the moor creative comebacks in my opinion
also, it’s nice to hear soobin doing the high note instead of yeonjung, let yeonjung rest her voice once in a while ya know
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also wonder girls reunion uwu
the teaser gave me so much "barbie: island princess" vibes so the entire mv was not what I expected
at all
the mv literally describes sunmi a lot, she basically does whatever the fuck she wants like when she posted that pic of jyp on instagram dhshdhs
it’s so funny especially the scene where sunmi is wearing the teletubbies head
and at the end when she wakes up and goes back to sleep is just a mood lmao
something about the song really gives me a lot of “siren” vibes but happier???
i really like the way she pronounces “pporappipam” it took me one week to finally pronounced it dhshd
idk why but I really like the instrumental, especially the intro, it’s very melancholic
also she wears converse while performing the song bc she has to step on the dancers at one part !!
speaking of that part, it’s so cool!!! the way she climbs up the dancers like stairs and then she just trust-falls into their arms
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 4 years
My Online To Do List:
I’m legit so busy in both real life (kind of) and esp. for online stuff.  The stuff I am busy with is mostly fun stuff.  Including the more time-consuming stuff.  Still it does cause me a bit busy.  Like, he is my list of stuff of to do.  I might add more this list, as I think of more stuff and more stuff comes up.  
A long post and to-do list under the read more cut.  I was gonna put the cut further down, but I didn’t really know where would be a good place to put one.  So I am just going to put one here, since it makes sense, and it is a good place to put one.  And that is just what I am going to do.
So this is a legend type thing I have decided to for this to-do list, and I am going to do it for all or most of the sections/parts of this ‘Legend’.  This is to help track my progress of the stuff on this list.
For the Game Section, the ‘Legend’ is:  Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.  Maybe some other ones in the future and some Section/Part specific ones.
For the Fics/Writings Section, the ‘Legend’ is:  Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
Whatever is bolded, is what is applicable to that section/thing.  So for example if Haven’t Started is bolded, and not Started, that means I haven’t started it yet. And etc.  Alright, that is all there is to the ‘Legend’ for now.  Now on to actually adding this/these to the parts/sections of this list, and on to the actual to-do list itself.                                                             
                           PC Games I Want to Play and/or Finish:
1.  DATING START!  Undertale Sans Dating Sim Visual Novel/Game:  Been meaning to play this, since the demo was so good and it just looked so good in general.  I even was following the countdown to full release super closely, because I wanted to play it right when it came out.  Which I did dip up opening up, just to see if everything was good boot up wise, and I saw the intro.  But then I ended up not playing it, even though I wanted to play it right when it came out, lol.  I got busy with the HxH Big Bang and other stuff.  And I wanted to make sure once I started playing the game, I really got through a lot of it.  
Basically, I wanted to have a decent amount to actually play it once.  But I just couldn’t set aside a lot of time.  However, I am less busy now, and also a bit less busy with my HxH BB.  So I am finally going to get to playing this game, and I am very excited to play it.  I may or may not post stuff about while I play or/& after I finish it.  Will tag spoilers if so.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
2.  Your Turn To Die and  Your Time To Shine: Island Existence!  Visual Novel/Sprite Game/Game/etc.:  I am still in Ch2.  So I got the rest of Ch2 and part of Ch3 to play.  Been meaning to do finish what is released of this currently for awhile, since it is really good.  But my break from it ended up being longer than I thought.  
Anyway, I am going to get back to it and play and finish this soon.  I also just need to outright play ‘Your Time To Shine: Island Existence!’, since I haven’t started that game at all.  Will tag spoilers if I post anything about them.
Your Turn to Die:  Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
Your Turn to Shine:   Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
3.  The Witch’s Heart/Witch’s Heart Game/Sprite Game/etc.:  Haven’t even started this yet, and from what I have seen and heard of it on YouTube I am really missing out by doing so.  And honestly, if I don’t play it soon, I am probably going to get even more spoiled about it, hahaha.  So yeah, gotta play this game.  Will tag spoilers if I post anything about it.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
4.  Undertale:  Act to Flirt:  I am about halfway through this.  I kind of what to wait until 0.4 comes out to get more through it, but we will see.  I might not be able to resist finishing up what is already out for this VN.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
5.  TS! Underswap Demo:  I both need to download AND play this.  From stuff I have seen of it, some let’s plays thumbnails, character designs, and etc., it just looks really good, and I should really get to playing it.  From what I have seen of character portrayals in this too, I am also liking them, and I think this is probably one of my favorite versions of Underswap of a/the Swap AU.  I am looking forward to more of it too, whenever that ended up being.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
6.  UT MV (Undertale Multiverse) Bonely Hearts Club VN Demo:  Currently not finished, and is just a Demo. still want to play the demo though.  Which is what is out of the actual game/VN so far.  There will be ? routes and ? dates.  They already say how many of these things, but I forget.  So I will add the number(s) later after I remember them, or look it up.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
7.  Shattered Hope F:  Cabin Confiding (Events):  Haven’t started yet.  But I what to soon, because they say people should watch/play this and the Social Butterfly events, before watching the new batch of episodes; which have started to come out.  Also, it just looks fun, so yeah.
Haven’t Downloaded/Have Downloaded.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Playing/Not Playing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Not Replaying/Replaying.
8.  Some other visual novels, games, demos/chapters, and etc. that I will add later.  Since the games above, are the ones I want to play the most currently.
                         My Planning and Writing of my Fics and etc.:
1.  The Meeting of a God and a Demon:  Just need to do some slight edits.  Nothing major to the story, just fixing some typos/grammar errors I missed, maybe removing/adding some tags, and adding some page dividers (Since I now it is a good idea to add these, and because I also now how to them kind of on AO3) to make reading a bit easier.  So yeah, just some minor edits for this.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing. Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
2.  Secret Upcoming Fic:  The fic is basically completely beta’ed, just some stuff earlier on in the fic we need to get back to, and just some more beta’ing and editing.  But we have already gone over the whole fic, it just needs a bit more editing, beta’ing, and polishing it up.  
I said I will probably will release this fic this month (or next one), but it looks like releasing it at least this month (February) might not super likely for a couple of reasons.  1.  My beta has been bit busy lately, and so I am just waiting when there less busy and for them to reach out to me again when they are less busy and ready.  And 2.  This fic (or at least a snippet of it.  I am going to release the whole fic after the zine with the snippet of it is released) was originally meant for a TAU Zine.  More specially, TAU Zine ED2:  Demonology and the Occult.  
I thought since I had taken so long to get this fic done and beta’ed, that I was too late to enter it in the zine, but I was wrong, and I was able to sign up for it.  Now I am just waiting for the deadline date(s) for the zine to be posted on the transcendence-zine tumblr.  And because I am waiting for the deadline date, I actually don’t know when the zine itself will release.  And I can’t release the fic until the zine gets released which I don’t know if that will be February or March.  Pretty unlikely to be February though.  So those are the reasons why I am not sure if this fic will be released in March and esp. February.  
I will try for both release of this fic for both months, but like I said, due to needing it be finished beta’ing and due to not knowing when the deadline for this and zine release dates are, I am not sure it will be in February or March and might end up being later.  So like, maybe April or May instead.  Still trying for February or March though, so let’s just *cross our fingers* that I will be able to.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing. Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
3.  Hunter x Hunter Big Bang 2021 Fic:  I have already started planning this fic out, but I got a lot to do.  I have a few months until when the draft is due, but I have a lot to do for it, and I want to make sure this fic is good as my 1st HxH fic posted online and because this my first time actually entering the HxH BB.  I have read and seen a lot of HxH BB stuff in the past, but I haven’t entered myself, until this year!  So yeah, pretty busy with this.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing. Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
4.  Planning for and a another TAU (TAU meaning the Gravity Falls AU called Transcendence-AU) Fic:  Got some ideas for a fic, but before I can really get started planning and writing this fic and stuff about it, I am waiting for the transcendence-au tumblr to answer a question/submission of mine.  Depending on the answer, this fic might either need more or less behind-the-scenes stuff and planning.  This fic probably won’t be able for awhile.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
5.  Planning for and another yet again another TAU (TAU meaning the Gravity Falls AU called Transcendence-AU) Fic:  Most likely another God/Goddess/Deity Fic like my Gaia one.  And while I have other stuff planned for Gaia, this fic probably won’t be focused on her, though she might get mentioned.  This fic is much more likely to release before that other fic am planning and talking about for the previous numbered point, 4.  And while I don’t have an estimate date for when this will be released, hopefully it won’t be TOO far off in the future.  This fic should definitely be interesting.
Out of the Planning Stages/In the Planning Stages.  Haven’t Started/Have Started.  Not In Progress/In Progress.  On Break/Currently Writing/Not Currently Writing.  Haven’t Finished/Have Finished.  Hasn’t been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Currently being edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed/Has been edited, proofread, or/& beta’ed.
6.  Maybe/Probably other stuff in the future.  But the above is my current to-do list for my writings and fics.
                                              Miscellaneous Stuff:
1.  Start and get caught up on some fics.
2.  Start and get caught up on some comics.
3.  Watch YouTube Videos.
4.  Some other stuff to write out, that aren’t fics.
5.  Maybe/Probably other stuff in the future.
Hahah, I know this might not seem like a lot (this just my online stuff), but it it is defin. a lot to me, and is gonna keep me busy for awhile.  Which I am happy I have stuff to keep busy, but this is still quite a lot.  Still looking forward start really making way through this to-do list.  
This took me so long to do, lol.  The list itself took long enough, but trying to do the legend stuff, which I originally had spaced differently, but that wasn’t working, so I had to fix it/them to make it/them look good, and that took me even more time.  Finally done for now though.
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flowery-skz · 4 years
Top 20 Songs of 2020
Okay y’all, here’s my top kpop songs of 2020 list for this year (finally, good lord this year felt like an eternity). These are the 20 songs that I felt really made an impact on me this year and why 💕
Starting from last to first, here we go!
20. Dr. Bebe, Pentagon - this song deserved so much better tbh the music video was everything, their acting was excellent and the vocals were *chefs kiss* i also loved the dark, creepy vixx -reminiscent vibes
19. Back Door, Stray Kids - Ok like objectively i know that God’s Menu was like their piece de resistance this year, but Back Door was just so fun and had a great bass line and the choreo was SO good
18. Cry For Me, Twice - this literally JUST came out like two seconds ago but let me tell you cry for me has legit been stuck in my head from the SECOND i heard it just ask my sister she’s this close to killing me next time i sing the chorus
17. Red Sun, Dreamcatcher - Let’s be real, dreamcatcher’s entire studio album was perfect from start to finish, and red sun was a standout among that perfection for me like from the magical mystical instrumental to dami’s absolutely earth-shattering rap line, just absolute gold my dude
16. Kick It, NCT 127 - This was a very polarizing song for a lot of people i feel, but for me the concept was literally executed to perfection. It had so much potential to be cheesy and gimmicky, but it totally wasn’t and i think it’s because nct 127 committed SO wholeheartedly to the concept
15. So Bad, StayC - THIS song. I actually already had my list all written out when i discovered so bad by stayc and i literally had to reconsider my ENTIRE existence. They are so so good with such a talented production team backing them and they’ve literally just debuted.
14. Dun Dun, Everglow - A lot of people really hated this song, and don’t get me wrong i had my own issues with the line and screen time distribution for sure, but you can’t deny it’s a total banger
13. Nonstop, Oh My Girl - This is the kind of song that i never really expected to fall in love with. It’s bubbly and cute and quite like youthful, but oh my girl honestly pull that concept off so well and they had me immediately hypnotized
12. Be In Love, Itzy - 2020 was the year of bailey eating her own words aka the year of me falling in love with itzy. when itzy debuted i seriously thought if they stuck with their concept i probably wouldn’t ever be into their music but lmao. they showed me. anyway this b side is seriously underrated and it really shows the girls vocal talents off, especially lia and yuna
11. Love Killa, Monsta X - hyungwon. that’s it that’s the post . . . jk but for real, visuals popped off. love killa was exactly what i’ve been wanting from mx for the past year or so. they hit the nail right on the head with the this one.
10. Secret Story of the Swan, izone - my relationship with izone is basically like my relationship with itzy part 2. I always appreciated them for their talents and having a very recognizeable sound but i could never get into their music. then SSOTS happened, and to be honest it STILL gets stuck in my head at random times
9. Phobia, Stray Kids - i LOVE this b side. for a while i thought it might replace Voices as my favourite skz track, but it just didn’t have the longevity that voices does. that said, it’s still such a good song with an important message did i mention that i love stray kids
8. La Di Da, Everglow - i have said it before and i’ll say it again: no one is doing it like everglow. this song came so out of the blue and blindsided so many people with how unexpectedly different it was, all while being a certified banger. the line distribution is aMAZING, you get to hear each member’s unique flavor, the straight 80’s vibe is immaculate, the styling is God-tier, just . . . everything. i LOVE this comeback
7. Eternally, TXT - if you know me, you know i love a good beat switch-up (i mean, my ult group is stray kids for crying out loud) and ladies. this song is the switch up to end all switch ups. txt somehow managed to combine two completely different tracks, each of which would have been A+ songs all on their own, and somehow make something a million times better. listening to eternally is a whole experience in and of itself and i haven’t heard anything that could compare to it to this day
6. Girls, Nature - UGH. WHAT an underappreciated masterpiece. girls by nature does everything that other companies are so afraid to do with their girl groups: a strictly dark, horror concept, a haunting melodic line with no need for a rap breakdown because it stands on its own as is, a visual concept that does not sexualize the girls in any way but instead tells a story of a person at the mercy of the one they love. it’s e v e r y t h i n g. Not to mention the song has one of the best pre choruses i’ve EVER heard.
5. Wannabe, Itzy - Let’s be honest, you knew this was going to be here. Everyone and their grandma was learning ryujins shoulder move. this was literally the summer of itzy’s wannabe. This is actually the comeback that got me onboard the itzy train and now i’m barreling down the mountain going 200mph and can’t find the breaks
4. I Can’t Stop Me, Twice - I think onces really had no idea where this comeback was gonna go. after more and more got such mixed responses from fans, we all weren’t really sure what direction the company was going to take twice in next. personally, i’m SO happy they went for the retro synth 80’s vibe concept. it was current enough to fish in non fans and keep new onces engaged but they also added their own unique twice spice to it, and i’ve been playing it on repeat for weeks also stan risky risky wiggy wiggi
3. Oh My God, G Idle - Ahhhh, yes. another polarizing song from gidle. omg for me was exactly what i needed from gidle. They’d been playing around with the darker concepts but had never fully committed to the potential that i saw in their music, but with omg we finally got the see them go full out with it, and i don’t think ANYONE could have done it better. The drop while empty was somehow so satisfying, the visials in the mv were visceral and witchy and to think that soyeon wrote and produced such a masterpiece. all i can say is bravo
2. Daisy, Pentagon - if this song doesn’t hold a very special place in your universe heart then buddy i think it’s time to throw the whole heart away. daisy, on top of being the first song to earn pentagon a well deserved music show win, was so emotionally moving from the lyrics to the mv to the choreo. you don’t need to know korean to feel exactly what the writer is feeling when hui sings that chorus, and that my friend is true artistry.
1. Answer, Ateez - Bet you were expecting a stray kids song. answer though has had my whole entire heart body and soul from the second it came out all the way back in january. for it to last a whole year as my favourite song of 2020 really speaks volumes as to how incredibly talented ateez and their production team are. Over the course of this absolute shit year, this song really inspired me to push forward, to keep working toward my goals and to keep believing in myself, and i think that’s a pretty amazing feat for one single song.
Anyway y’all sorry for the unnecessarily long post. I’ve just been compiling this list for months and was really excited to share. If any of my followers or just anyone who reads through this wants to share their own list, id love to see what songs impacted you this year! Happy New Years’ yall!
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