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sunsdrop · 6 months ago
Unprompted, always accepting.
@thespindle asked: "Where is your mother, my dear?" The woman in black appearing in a corner of the young woman's tower. A mere surprise as it were, especially since darkness has befell upon the land. Night was always best to do her biddings, the sun would give her headaches. "Do not freight. I'm merely here to do business." Course if Rapunzel had something else to share, that would take most importance.
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"Huh?"   Fear   immediately   washed   over   the   entrapped   Maiden.   Aside   from   her   Mother   and   of   course,   Pascal   ...   no   one   had   ever   entered   the   Tower.   Even   more   baffling   was   the   fact   Rapunzel   hadn't   seen   this   stranger   enter   ...   with   only   one   way   up   there   wasn't   a   fathomable   way   she   could   get   in   without   being   noticed.
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Wide,   emerald   eyes   scanned   the   darkened   room,   the   only   true   source   of   light   being   the   candlestick   grasped   in   her   hand.
"Who's   there?"   And   then,   like   magic   ...   she   spotted   the   woman   donned   in   dark   clothing.
Though   it   was   eerie   ...   something   kept   her   from   crying   out.   'She   was   in   search   of   her   Mother?   But   why   -?'
"Mother's   ......   not   here."   was   her   response.   "She's   gone   on   a   three   day   trip..."
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sayasaan · 2 years ago
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♡ ⁡ ⁡ #レクサスって高級車なの? ⁡ ⁡ てなくらい車のことはよくわからないけど。 スタイリッシュなカフェだったので入ってみた。 ⁡ #lexusmeets #thespindle ⁡ ⁡ 日比谷や有楽町ってカフェは多いけど 混んでること多いし、ゆっくりできないとこ 多い気がするのでここはのんびりできて明るくて広いので私好み♡ ⁡ また海外みたいなデリカテッセンスタイルも またまた良き♡ フリーウォーターも炭酸水があるし これも良きっ♡ ⁡ ⁡ #展示車があったようだけどそれを見ずカフェへまっしぐら #お気に入りカフェを見つけた時はやたら嬉しい ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧ ⁡ #カフェ #カフェ巡り #日比谷カフェ #カフェ活 #カフェスタグラム #カフェ記録 #カフェさんぽ #グルメスタグラム #グルメ好き #グルメ女子 #グルメテロ #グルメ記録 #美味しいもの好きな人と繋がりたい #美味しいもの巡り #おいしい #美味しいもの #insta #instagood #instafood #instagramjapan #japan #instadaily #ドラゴンズファン #ドラゴンズファンと繋がりたい #ドラゴンズ大好き (THE SPINDLE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CndrTv-vnNk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orpheusterminals · 4 years ago
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a2cg · 5 years ago
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クリエイティブな人と私 ・ アパレル企業の担当をしていることがありました。自分の中で「アパレルで暴れる」というテーマの元、出会ったブランドのデザイナーさんは皆個性的。 ・ 感性の塊で生きているなと感じたのは発する言葉の数々。自分が頭の中で思い描く世界を体現するための説明は相手に伝わることに主眼を置いているというよりも自分の内なる思いをそのまま吐き出すのが印象的でした。 ・ ノストラダムスが「1999年7か月、空から恐怖の大王が来るだろう」という予言をしたのと同じ位、抽象的に「この糸をもっと粗野にした感じに」と言われた先輩は元々提出していた糸をライターで炙って「もう一度これを出してみよう」と提出して「そう!その感じ」と言われていました。 ・ その時の糸はトイレットペーパーの軸のようなスピンドルに巻かれていたのが今でも良く覚えています。という訳で本日のカフェタイムは #THESPINDLE #ザスピンドル です。 ・ ここは #東京ミッドタウン日比谷 にある #レクサス の世界観を体験できるコンセプトカフェ。プライベートでもあっている数少ないクリエイティブな友人が丁度有楽町で打ち合わせがあり新橋から近いでしょってことで誘われてやってきました。 ・ まだ日は高い時間でしたが会社が休みの日だったので #ザスピンドルエール をパイントで頂きます。ゆったりとした席に座り爽やかでフルーティーな味わいの #エールビール が最高。 ・ チェイサーがわりの #スパークリングウォーター も飲み放題とはありがたい。店内にある雑貨や展示してあるレクサスも素敵だなと思いながら #ビール を追加発注です。 ・ #LEXUS のユーザーは新橋のリーマンがもたれるイメージのような「ザおじさん」なのにお店の客層は自分たち��除いてお洒落な女性ばかりでした。さながら東京カレンダーの世界観に似たエロさを感じる素敵なお店でした。今度は食事も楽しんでみたいと思います。 ・ #日比谷ランチ #有楽町ランチ #銀座ランチ #日比谷カフェ #有楽町カフェ #銀座カフェ #とa2cg (レクサスミーツ日比谷) https://www.instagram.com/p/B82ENSjghvt/?igshid=10q5q03xzaegg
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culletyard-blog · 7 years ago
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#lexus #レクサス #hibiya #日比谷 #hibiyamidtown #日比谷ミッドタウン #lexusmeets #lexusmeetshibiya #thespindle (TOKYO Midtown Hibiya) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnRP0GLHP9t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mv41nqowz3od
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whdmotors · 2 years ago
What Compels Spindle Motor Repair So Tricky?
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Thespindle motoris likewise called a high-velocity engine, which alludes to an air conditioner engine with a speed in excess of 10,000 rpm. Principally utilized in wood, aluminum, stone, equipment, glass, PVC, and different ventures. Spindle motors enjoy the benefits of being fast, small in size, lightweight, with fewer consumables, low commotion, and low vibration, and are progressively esteemed and applied by related enterprises.
The Guideline of Spindle Motors
Spindle motors acquire different velocities by changing the recurrence and excitation voltage of the ongoing contribution to the stator twisting of the engine. Since the heading of the alternating attractive field of the engine relies upon the stage success of the three-stage substituting current contribution to the stator, changing the stage grouping of the information current of the mechanized spindle can adjust the revolution course of the mechanized spindle.
What Compels Spindle Motor Repair So Tricky
For those new to what a spindle motor is, an engine is intended to pivot at high rates, most ordinarily utilized in applications, for example,CNC machine spindle. Like all engines, spindle motors can and will break, experiencing many similar disappointment modes as different sorts of engines. In any case, fixing a spindle motor can be precarious, a significant part of the time requiring exceptional devices and skill. What are a few parts of the spindle motor fix that makes it so troublesome?
High-Speed Considerations: By their actual nature, spindle motors are intended to pivot at exceptionally high velocities. Thusly, a significant number of the parts inside the engine should be made both more solid and planned with extremely close resilience. For instance, standard direction won’t work inside a spindle motor and will warm up rapidly. A direction made for rapid has exceptional materials and ointment to endure the velocities at which these engines run — and are exorbitant. These parts should be introduced utilizing exceptional tooling and assuming mix-ups are made they are costly.
Balancing: Legitimate rotor balance is fundamental for all motor applications, however, it is particularly significant on a spindle. Pivoting contraptions can foster issues over the long haul. The quicker the pivot speed, the also more likely issue will happen. Rotor irregularity can harm tooling, overheat motors, or cause total harm to the spindle. It is urgent to guarantee that the CNC spindle rotor is adjusted inside as far soon as possible after any maintenance.
Precision Machining: Most spindle motor fixes include fixing mechanical harm. These fixes should be possible to fix worn bearing diaries, keyways, or device holder harm. This sort of work is particularly challenging for spindle motors. The motor’s rapid and low burden can cause motor disappointments rapidly. Each machine work should be finished with accuracy estimations and outright motor balance.
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sharifoto · 7 years ago
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The @jay_bird_films, El Silencio, is a story of the highs and lows four cyclists experiences as they traverse the mountainous Peru Divide in the Andes Mountains. This incredible bikepacking journey was filmed entirely by bike and will be showing for the first time in The Spindle Cafe. Seating is limited. Link in bio. Pre show 'Bike Pack for a Cause' ride will leave @LooseNutsCycles lead by @Toecutters at 6pm for a short trip to @theSpindle. Strap those Spindle and bike packing bags to your bike and load them up with canned goods and other non-perishable items which will then be donated to the Collins Memorial food bank that #mashtoBrash riders greet on Wednesday mornings! If you need another incentive to do something awesome those cans will get you beers and raffle tickets. You don't have to be on the bike ride to bring perisable item for the food bank. All donations will be accepted. 2 canned goods = 1 beer ( 2 beer limit til we run out) 1 canned good = 1 raffle ticket Three cheers to @archesbrewing for the beers!! . . . . . . . . . . #rideforacause #thespindleatl #movienight #docoolshit #tumbleweedbikes #jaybirdfilms #toecutters #loosenuts #lovethoseguys #film #viewing #documentary #bikepacking #peru #andes #beersforcharity (at The Spindle ATL)
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little-briar-rose-blog · 9 years ago
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So having no sewing skills, this is my first attempt in trying to figure how to secure the borders of cloth squares.  I’m making fabric swatches to practice embroidery on. I tried a rolling hem(second pic) I believe it was called, couldn't do it so i tried to figure what else i can try so i i tried a blanket stitch (first pic)which was easier in my opinion. Does the blanket stitch seem semi-decent?
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skidviciouss-blog · 10 years ago
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Come out this is gonna be a good one ladies and germs. @mosthatedcyclists & @thespindleatl presets D-Day Dash 3 June 6th Woodruff Park 6pm Registration $10 #mosthatedcyclists #mhc #thespindle #thespindleatl #lovethoseguys #theheavypedal #godandfamous #chromeindustries #jackspizza #jackspizzaandwings #skreambikes #lockfootposi #lockfoot #millerhighlife #
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whdmotors · 2 years ago
Spindle grinder And Their Types
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What is a spindle grinder?
The spindle grinder is a device made and intended to assist you with accomplishing a smooth, level completion of wood pieces, for the most part, those that are point by point or have bent edges. Gone are the times of scouring away at your high high-quality rail or seat with a piece of worn sandpaper.
TheSpindle motor can and will break experiencing large numbers of similar disappointment modes as different sorts of motors.
Different Types Of Grinders
There are a few different types of grinders, each filling a particular need. Three of the most well-known kinds of grinders are angle grinders, surface grinders, and die grinders. Each is examined momentarily underneath.
Angle Regularly utilized for both development and metalwork, the point grinder is put to utilize when an end piece of introduced materials should be ground down at a point to appropriately fit. The grinder has an inconsistent plate that can be utilized for something other than a straightforward point grind, in any case. The plates can be utilized for different positions, including sanding, cleaning, and, surprisingly, cutting. This grinder can work at a point as opposed to only straightforwardly onto a level surface, making them exceptionally flexible development instruments. TheCNC spindle, now and then called spindle drives, assumes a significant part in machining.
Surface Surface grinders are utilized in development to give a particular sort of completed surface on an item. Most surface grinders can work with materials like cast iron, steel, aluminum, metal, and plastic. There are various types of surface grinders, including fringe, wheel face, and circle grinders. Fringe crushing purposes the level edge of the wheel, wheel-face crushing purposes a responding table, and circle crushing purposes a greater amount of the plate to make the required surface.
Die Die grinders get their name from their unique reason: crushing the exact state of hardware kicks the bucket. This grinder is typically hand-held and looks like other borers. In development, these grinder are frequently utilized for better sanding and cleaning.
CNC two-spindle grinder
The essential justification for why a CNC two-spindle grinder is so well known is the grounds that it is much of the time described by its huge power and brilliant accuracy. Envision it as the mix of a CNC grinding machine and a CNC processing machine. With a CNC two-spindle grinder, you are fit for complete exact, and clean results, as would a huge CNC grinding machine. This is particularly valid for carpentry projects wherein crushing power and legitimate completion are both expected to yield ideal outcomes.
CNC two-spindle grinders which come underCNC spindle motorare an ideal apparatus processor for the two specialists and experts who need to exploit the reasonableness and usefulness of the device.
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whdmotors · 2 years ago
How to prefer A CNC Spindle Motor?
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Thespindle motorhas become well known at an extremely critical point in the field of accuracy undertakings. The spindle is another innovation offering lightweight and low vibration. It is the most basic piece of the CNC machine apparatus and generally decides the productivity and exactness of the hardware. Because of the broadening of results of the axle, it is vital to pick the right one. Minute varieties because of human blunders are close to unimaginable. For this degree of assembling, PC mathematical control, or CNC, is a mechanization cycle that utilizes a coded program to perform high-accuracy errands in cycles like boring, crushing, and planes and lights.
The electric spindle has two essential highlights: steady force and consistent power. The force is more affordable and comes in two variations air-cooled spindle motor and a water-cooled spindle motor. It works along three pros: the flat x and vertical y — and the third z-hub, which presents the third aspect. The way to CNC innovation is the spindle, which moves along the z-pivot to punch, drill or cut material according to development along the x and y tomahawks, and bring it into place. The spindle requires unrivaled accuracy given by a specific sort of electromagnetic motor. There are various motors for differing positions, and this article will investigate how to pick aCNC spindle motor.
Stepper Motors
More established variants of CNC motor use stepper motors, either working around long-lasting magnets attracted to their lodgings or attractive lodgings to draw in the rotor. In this last option model, the spindle can accomplish higher rates than it would with a super durable magnet in the rotor. Stepper motors are less well-known and less strong than the two motors generally normal to the spindle. Stepper motors are adequate for fundamental CNC applications, which infers that errands requiring more power or accuracy require another methodology.
Servo Motors
Servo motors are a more modern variant of the stepper motor. However they are electromagnetic, and their motors have lower spindle counts than steppers. The basic contrast between stepper and servo motors is the correspondence circle. Stepper motors work on an open correspondence circle they can get flags just from voltage. Servo motors, in actuality, utilize shut-circle correspondence, and that implies they convey and get messages from a regulator. Servo motors work as a team with gearboxes so that high rates are kept up at high forces, and when changes happen, servo motors can compensate for these movements. With extraordinary speed and speed increase, servo motors are the spindle motor of decision for mostCNC spindleapplications. Nonetheless, the impediment is that there are a more prominent number of moving parts in a servo than in a stepper motor, and that makes it more inclined to disappointment.
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