No Hunting In Graveyard
933 posts
Cas, Dean, and Sam, my chaos children. Headcanons | character study | fanfiction | [no smut; no ships sailed here save canon pairings and some Meg/Cas.] Talk to me about SPN. [SPN]
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spiritclusters · 2 months ago
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spiritclusters · 3 months ago
i'm always ALWAYS thinking on the breadcrumbs season 1 feeds us on John's parenting for the finale plot twist to be "that cant be my father, he said he's proud of me" and Dean is RIGHT
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spiritclusters · 3 months ago
@anassemblageofpassions 🥺🥺♥️ thank you so much for sharing this. Seriously needed some positivity on it :')
Hiii!! I just read lies omissions and false truths on ao3, it was one of my favorite spn fics I’ve ever read!! It was so emotionally devastating but it was so cathartic. Are you thinking of ever doing b another chapter?
hi!! i'm so glad you liked it! man i haven't thought about OLAFT in ages, i really liked working on it when I was in my massive spn phase, and it was so much fun to bring all the characters to the brink of their emotional endurance.
Lol, In my original plan for it, I was going to do a lot more with michael and have them do this whole war on earth for heaven thing, but i grew kind of tired of it toward the end and decided that I would cut the fic short with one final chapter to wrap things up I did have and then...did not lol. I have like half of it in a doc somewhere in multiple pieces, but I just didn't get around to finishing.
Oh man. Yeah. I was also going to do sam and cas's pov in a one-shot for everything too, because after that point their pov wouldn't spoil everything. This project was massive in my heart. XD
It got super draining eventually, because I was working on so much at the time and it felt like my attention was split between seventeen different things. I've been working mainly on my original series for the last year or so, which has sucked up a lot of my time and energy.
Honestly, this was such a sweet ask to get and so unexpected that I will go look at the doc for you. I make no promises, but I'll see where I got to and if I feel like a *checks notes* almost three year hiatus is enough for me to feel like i've got enough distance to pick it back up again and enjoy it.
but for now *opens coat like a pocket watch dealer* hey buddy, you wanna preview of what would have been the next chapter?
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spiritclusters · 3 months ago
Oh man I would love to hear your thoughts if you want to share them 😅🥺
Hiii!! I just read lies omissions and false truths on ao3, it was one of my favorite spn fics I’ve ever read!! It was so emotionally devastating but it was so cathartic. Are you thinking of ever doing b another chapter?
hi!! i'm so glad you liked it! man i haven't thought about OLAFT in ages, i really liked working on it when I was in my massive spn phase, and it was so much fun to bring all the characters to the brink of their emotional endurance.
Lol, In my original plan for it, I was going to do a lot more with michael and have them do this whole war on earth for heaven thing, but i grew kind of tired of it toward the end and decided that I would cut the fic short with one final chapter to wrap things up I did have and then...did not lol. I have like half of it in a doc somewhere in multiple pieces, but I just didn't get around to finishing.
Oh man. Yeah. I was also going to do sam and cas's pov in a one-shot for everything too, because after that point their pov wouldn't spoil everything. This project was massive in my heart. XD
It got super draining eventually, because I was working on so much at the time and it felt like my attention was split between seventeen different things. I've been working mainly on my original series for the last year or so, which has sucked up a lot of my time and energy.
Honestly, this was such a sweet ask to get and so unexpected that I will go look at the doc for you. I make no promises, but I'll see where I got to and if I feel like a *checks notes* almost three year hiatus is enough for me to feel like i've got enough distance to pick it back up again and enjoy it.
but for now *opens coat like a pocket watch dealer* hey buddy, you wanna preview of what would have been the next chapter?
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spiritclusters · 3 months ago
Hiii!! I just read lies omissions and false truths on ao3, it was one of my favorite spn fics I’ve ever read!! It was so emotionally devastating but it was so cathartic. Are you thinking of ever doing b another chapter?
hi!! i'm so glad you liked it! man i haven't thought about OLAFT in ages, i really liked working on it when I was in my massive spn phase, and it was so much fun to bring all the characters to the brink of their emotional endurance.
Lol, In my original plan for it, I was going to do a lot more with michael and have them do this whole war on earth for heaven thing, but i grew kind of tired of it toward the end and decided that I would cut the fic short with one final chapter to wrap things up I did have and then...did not lol. I have like half of it in a doc somewhere in multiple pieces, but I just didn't get around to finishing.
Oh man. Yeah. I was also going to do sam and cas's pov in a one-shot for everything too, because after that point their pov wouldn't spoil everything. This project was massive in my heart. XD
It got super draining eventually, because I was working on so much at the time and it felt like my attention was split between seventeen different things. I've been working mainly on my original series for the last year or so, which has sucked up a lot of my time and energy.
Honestly, this was such a sweet ask to get and so unexpected that I will go look at the doc for you. I make no promises, but I'll see where I got to and if I feel like a *checks notes* almost three year hiatus is enough for me to feel like i've got enough distance to pick it back up again and enjoy it.
but for now *opens coat like a pocket watch dealer* hey buddy, you wanna preview of what would have been the next chapter?
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spiritclusters · 3 months ago
the s6 revelation that there are like 80 campbell cousins adds a certain something to the fact that sam canonically spent significant time in his childhood thinking well here i am age 8 alone in this motel for the ninth day running, what am I supposed to do if my father and brother are dead leaving me alone in a world they have assured me is fundamentally hostile. i may even now be an orphan with no claim to anyone left alive on this earth. meanwhile gwen mark taylor and johnny are having a round of target practice together with 9 adults available.
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spiritclusters · 4 months ago
dean: you didnt look for me when i was in purgatory 😠😠😠
*mary gets put into apocalypse world*
dean: mom is DEAD!!!! give up sam!!! dont piss me off!!!
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spiritclusters · 5 months ago
So funny that the entirely offscreen relationship of John Winchester and Pastor Jim is the emotional catalyst for the s1 finale episodes. John gets wreckless with urgency because he hears Meg kills Pastor Jim. He openly cries about it. This man did not come and see his son when he was dying in hospital but he's TORN UP about Pastor Jim.
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spiritclusters · 5 months ago
So funny that the entirely offscreen relationship of John Winchester and Pastor Jim is the emotional catalyst for the s1 finale episodes. John gets wreckless with urgency because he hears Meg kills Pastor Jim. He openly cries about it. This man did not come and see his son when he was dying in hospital but he's TORN UP about Pastor Jim.
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spiritclusters · 6 months ago
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spiritclusters · 6 months ago
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spiritclusters · 6 months ago
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I was kind of a lonely kid, Dean.
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spiritclusters · 7 months ago
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spiritclusters · 7 months ago
that 3 second scene in 14.17 where Sam's got this snarl on his face and he slams Nick up against the wall of the bunker and has to be physically pushed off of him by Dean...........
We almost never see Sam have an immediate physical reaction to someone that causes him to get violent. But here he charges straight for Nick the second he lays eyes on him.
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And then when Dean says "Nick said he wanted to talk. So let's talk." and Sam grins a little wild and replies with "Ohhh yeah, let's talk" in a way that is so menacing Dean once again physically puts a hand on his chest and stops Sam who has already started stalking toward the door.
Dean is 100% correct when he says to Sam "The way you are right now, if Nick looks at you wrong, you're gonna waste him."
You know shit is going off the rails when Dean is the one stopping the fights and physically restraining Sam.
*twirls hair* God Sam is so fucking crazy I love him.... 💖😚
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spiritclusters · 7 months ago
it is so funny to me that STILL in season 14 they haven't found a better ghost defense than their little salt circles lmao.
every single time they say "ghosts can't cross the circle!! so whatever you do, do not leave it!!!!"
and then every single time the ghost blows the fucking salt circle away lmao guys c'mon
you killed the DEVIL can you like squeeze some glue on the ground before you sprinkle the salt or something idk
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spiritclusters · 7 months ago
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"Your dad said you were off at college [...] Well, he was real proud of you. I could tell. He talked about you all the time." "He did?" (1.04 "Phantom Traveler")
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spiritclusters · 7 months ago
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Sam Winchester- About a Boy (10x12)
I just want to note this moment when Sam resorted to violence so quickly. Sam, who hesitates even when someone is attacking him, doesn’t believe in unnecessary violence, always tries to talk it out first, and has the capacity to even forgive monsters. All that’s thrown out the window when someone messes with his brother. 
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