#these two make my heart so warm
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allequelin · 2 years ago
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Cecily & Agnes - bedtime stories
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greenelight · 3 months ago
mason during the xmas season has no family nearby ( his uncle trenton is the only person he talks to but he lives in colorado ), so he & his co-workers always do a fun lil xmas party together with a potluck, a white elephant & even wine / painting (since most of the shelf indulgence crew are artists). many of the people in their circle aren't accepted by family, have cut ties, or family has passed (stacey being the youngest is in college and is close to her fam but they live across the country), so it's nice to have a chosen family that you can enjoy your holiday with.
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dent-de-leon · 11 months ago
It still gets me that there were moments when Molly told Lucien to surrender and go back to the Mighty Nein--promised him that they'd still take him back, that there was still a way out. Mollymauk trying desperately to save his friends. But also, Molly tying to save Lucien too--
"They've only given you this much grace because they want to believe you're me. They'll find a way to best you, they'll kill you before you reach Cognouza, but not if you stop this now. Admit who you are. Admit that a part of me still exists within you...I'm your only way out of this."
After everything Lucien did to him, after how much he tried to hurt him and the rest of the Nein--Molly had absolutely no obligation to save him. But he did. He wanted to. Mollymauk comforting Lucien when it all falls apart at the very end--asking him if he's tired, if he wants to rest. And when Lucien is so sure it's all over? "When a hand reaches out to you in accord, you take it." "Yes, Lucien thought. I'll take it--"
Mollymauk still feeling for Lucien after everything, still deciding to reach out to him in the very end. Because of course he would, of course Molly couldn't just leave him.
And now we have this lovely new lore in the context of the Luxon--about how people would split their souls to better understand themselves when they became whole. Learning to love and accept yourself, seeing the world from another perspective. Thinking of Lucien taking Molly's hand, and the two of them deciding to come back together. Both of them learning to care for each other--
Also, sidenote. Maybe I'm missing something or it was just the effect of Vess killing Lucien while he was in the Astral Sea. But I do wonder how exactly Vess managed to really shatter his soul in the first place, or how Molly's piece found his way back--
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I cannot, they’re so cute, I’m living for this photo shoot. I want to put it on my wall. These duos are elite. 
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sp-growingpains · 3 months ago
Hi hi again!! I havent gotten around to answering your ask yet, but in the meantime let me ask about your girl Jean once more 🫶🫶
1. How would you define Jean's style and aesthetic? What kind of clothes does she wear: is it more form or function? What clutters her room?
2. Does she have pets/would want pets in the future? If so, what kind of pet?
3. I'm not sure if you've answered this one before, but what kind of job would Jean have? And do you have a Post Covid design for her?
4. Since I asked about her SOT AU last time, can you tell me about her TFBW/superhero version?
Hi you!! I'm so glad you're back! You genuinely brighten my day! When I get over my crippling fear of being annoying, you will be bombarded with love back!
What an Ass-testic!
I've always seen Jean as a person who prides comfort over style.
When she's a kid, she's all about overalls and things with pockets. The front pocket of her overalls has any cool bug she finds and/or a cool lizard! The freakier looking the creature the more likely it's going to stuffed into the pocket, at least until someone makes her put it back.
Middle school turns to gym clothes mostly. Jean is 100% that fucko who's wearing basketball shorts in the cold, the baggy kind that come down to your knees. But this is also where she starts wearing more band shirts! Dio, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Black Sabbath...the whole nine yards!
High school, there's not much of a change. The only difference is that she starts to embrace the fact that she is in fact a woman. It's around this time where she begins the uphill struggles of accepting her body. Jean honestly thinks for a long time that she's a lumbering, giant. (I won't go into this too much because I'm working on a tiny fic that goes into her inner monolog). Long story short, through the help of the other girls, she begins to wear skirts. She starts small, putting shorts under them and if it gets to be too much she carries a pair of jeans with her. But this era of Jean is what I could only lovingly describe as "Tony Hawk Underground 2 grunge."
When she's an adult, she grows a little more and gets comfortable in her own skin. She realizes that her height shouldn't restrict what she wears and rocks the punk/80s rock style.
If we had to pick a defining clothing item, the "poof ball hat" or the "orange parka" for her, it would he her blue jean jacket. The one with her patched all over them. That jacket she keeps as long as she can, each patch she has on there is for someone special to her. (I plan on redrawing that soon!)
Her space!
Oh man, is it embarrassing to say that I've redone her room like three times in the sims? Her room is what most can relate to where it's an ADHD mess. Like, she understands where everything is because it's in its own little special place. If she cleans it or organizes it, it might as well be gone. That's not to say her room is insanely messy... just well lived.
For starters, lots of posters and pictures. The picture with her and Stan gives a good little look. Jean has those lights and printed photos along her walls, hanging from her ceiling. Posters of horror movies and different bands she's seen live! Beside them are her different instruments. Guitars of different sizes and colors, a few bases, maybe a few records.
The only guitar that isn't up on the wall is her purple one. That stays beside her bed or on her back. When she's bored or feels the need to practice, it's within arms reach. I can see her also having a few energy drinks within reach as well.
She chooses sentimental over material value. The only thing she really splurges on is her bed! She's a tall lady and treats herself to many blankets and pillows. On it is her old stuffed tiger. You know the kinda plushy that's old as hell and has clearly been patched up too many times, so it looks kinda creepy? Yeah, that's just sitting there in her room, sometimes on her beanbag chair.
While Jean would have loved a dog, especially when she was younger, she's not really responsible enough for one. She neglects herself quite often, and even though I just went into detail about her room, she's not home if she can help it. Jean understands that it's not fair for any pet, so she doesn't really get one until she's an adult. Though she does live vicariously through Stan with Sparky. Or Cartman with his cat!
I can see her doing some research and getting a snake when she's an adult! Probably a Western Hognose Snake! She'd fall in love with their goofy little faces. Letting it rest on her shoulders and neck when she finally gets comfortable with being home. That little guy makes it easier to want to be home!
I do have a design for her! Maybe once I finish the mountain of projects I have, I'll post an actual picture! I don't see Jean changing too much!
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This one is pretty close, though! Jean keeps up with her body, growing to really love it! The only real difference that I would add is that she kinda ditches the braids and starts putting her hair up in a bun. The only time she cut her hair was when she was a kid, and she looked a little too much like Tweek and swore never again. So she keeps her hair long, and the braids just get to be too much. That and she gets a few tattoos! But those are on her back and on her calves, and I'm still debating an arm one for her. (One of them will be a call out to Rhea Ripley because that's who I based Jean's body type off of!)
Professional Dumby
I have talked about it before, but it never hurts to say it again! I kinda said it in passing anyway!
Jean stays in South Park her entire life. That mountain town is her home, it's a part of her. It's something she loves with all her heart.
So, of course, she centers her career around the very thing that made her who she is. Music!
Jean is a high-school music teacher full time! It isn't until the very last minute of high school that she figures this out. Teaching some younger kids how to play guitar because she got roped into volunteer work, and she finds that she's pretty good at it!
The music and arts are very important to her! Especially in such a little town!
Fractured, Broken Even
Oh baby! You know AUs are my favorite thing to ramble about! So yeah, I have a design for her Superhero!AU design. I scrapped it a few times and I've got to work on it again but I based it heavily off of Pizzaz from Gem and the Holograms!
She's not a hero, just like her TSOT!AU, she's an antagonist!
If we're talking about them being kids: She puts on this 80s glam wig, paints her face these vibrant colors of orange and green. Grabs her stupid little guitar and causes problems! Why should Professor Chaos have all the fun? He shouldn't be the only one! Besides, it's unfair that South Park has two superhero teams and theirs only like one antagonist (and Cartman). She's goofy and plays up wanting an arch-nemesis so bad it makes her look stupid!
As for the AU: Jean Wellman only wants one thing in life, the consistency in every universe, and that's to be remembered and loved. What better way to do that than to carve your name into music. So she takes to the stages and gives the people all that she is.
That is until a fight between The Freedom Pals and Professor Chaos crashes into one of her shows. Electricity from the Professor goes haywire, hitting the wanna be Rockstar. Stage lights, wires, amps, the screams of the crowd. It's all she hears before things go dark.
She hears it. Feels it thumping in her veins. She's not carving her name into music, it's carving itself into her.
And fuck does it feel good. It makes her feel alive. More alive than she's ever felt on stage.
That's when those buzzing fluorescence lights pry her eyelids open. When she comes to, her body feels like energy. Feels like a power cord.
Her hair's changed. A single bolt of blue through her raven locks. It's puffed out just like those 80s glam rockers she grew up loving so much. It won't go down anymore, but why would she want it to?
It's when she checks herself out of the hospital, her legs taking her back to the stage where it happened, that every step feels like she's walking on air. It's when she pulls her guitar out of the wreckage, seeing how it's still in great condition. It's when she slams her nails across the metal strings, and it plays the perfect note; that it all clicks and makes sense.
She cackles, it crackles.
She laughs, it echos.
She's a star baby, and everyone is gonna know it.
Name: Hologram
Class: Blaster/Support
》 Hologram uses a mix of short-range attacks mixed with long-range support moves. She is by no means an ally to anyone, however. Constantly playing both sides. She's a hero when it's convenient and fun, a bad guy when she thinks the tides are a little unfair. Her favorite thing to do is to get the crowd going! Order has no room in her life. It's all about the show!
○ First Move: Catch The Rift- Hologram pulls a cord on her trusty guitar, and in a straight line, enemies are staggered back by the sick rifts. (Causes enemies in a straight line, up to 3 spaces, to get knocked back. Causes confusion.)
○ Second Move: Amp Up- Hologram strums her guitar, and the music heals the soul, rejuvenating her allies. (Small AOE heal in a cross pattern from her location. Cures debuffs)
○ Third Move: Punk Tactics - Hologram brings down the axe crushing legs and hitting below the belt. (A front melee attack that deals massive damage, Causes stun. Can be used every other turn)
☆ Special: Backstage Pass- Hologram steps up to the stage and demands the attention of the crowd. All eyes on her, her song causes the crowd to get lost in the music! (Attacks the entire battlefield. Enemies are charmed and shocked. Allies get an attack up. Does no actual damage.)
How Well She Plays With Others
Fastpass: Is her favorite hero, one of the only heroes in her eyes. Not only is he a true hero, but he's fun! He's so much fun! His speed makes every fight a challenge. Less a game of cat and mouse, and more like two lighting storms going at it. Flashy, hard to predict, charming. What's not to love?
"Fastpass! Can I get an autograph!? Wanna sign the guitar? Come ooooon buddy! Surely you have the time?"
> Will most likely team up with
> More likely to quip with (which she loves)
> Will try to outrun just because it's funny
Captain Diabetes: Her second favorite hero. This is the other true hero to Hologram! She knows that when it comes down to it, he will always do the right thing. Which means he's perfect for the show! Hologram often puts him in a predicament where he's forced to choose. Chase her or save the victims? Knowing him, he always chooses to save civilians. Hologram then makes a scene about it.
"Look at you! You'll do anything for these people! God, you're amazing! You're my favorite superstar!"
> Will never team-up with him, despite really wanting to.
> Loves getting him riled up, even though it's incredibly bad for her
> It's absolutely a game of cat and mouse with him
Toolshed: The fix it hero. He was the one who brought her to the hospital. The reason she can hear the music. The reason why the electricity hit her in the first place. If he hadn't dodged that attack. If he hadn't been there. Well, she wouldn't be the main event. He made her. So she owes it to him to make him a real hero! Hologram knows if she breaks it, he'll always fix it. Make it better! Like he did her!
He's a hero, sure, but he's not a real hero. Not yet. He's got some imperfections, little kinks that she's more than happy to work out! The day she knows she's won is when he acknowledges her as his arch-nemises.
"Look at me! You made me a star! You made me something! It's the least I can do for you, Toolshed! You need me to make you a hero!"
> Will never team-up with him
> Wants more than anything for the city to love him like they love Mysterion
> Acknowledgment or not, she's gonna make him a hero
Human Kite: An alien? From the stars? How fucking rad is that!? At least Hologram thinks so. Her favorite thing to do is to knock him out of the sky. It's a game to her because, in actuality, no one flies higher than her. No one is ever allowed to make her look like a stage hand! She's the main event, and no one from this planet or the next is gonna take that from her! If he remembers that and stays out of her way, they can work together. She'll even let him play alongside her...if he's good.
"You never fucking learn, maybe you need another lesson. Call for backup, I want them to watch me knocking you outta my sky."
> Will team-up with him sometimes, but she'll be pissy about it.
> She does think it's really fucking cool that he can shoot lasers out of his eyes and that he's an alien, it's all jealousy really
> If she successfully knocks him out of the sky, she'll make a show of catching him, smirking the entire time.
Professor Chaos: What a funny guy. What a perfect opener, like those small bands that open for the main event! He's got plans that are beyond her understanding, but they're fun! If they leave room for her and they don't get in the way of her goals, then he's fine! If the city starts to love Mysterion a little more because of him, though, she's gonna have some words for the Professor.
"Look Proff, I owe ya. You're part of the reason I'm like this...but lets not pretend you're the only one playing games. Some of us want a turn too."
> Will team-up with him with no complaints, even follow orders to a degree
> If she thinks it's funny, she'll turn the tables and go rogue
> Is a pain in the ass for both sides, it's only fair!
Callgirl: The last and final true hero on her list. This woman can do no wrong in her eyes! This woman's presence both online and in person leave Hologram star-struck. She's the one person who's allowed to share a stage with her. If only the female hero could see that!
"You're her! You're Callgirl! I'm a huge fan! Can I write your theme song?"
> Will always team-up with her unless Toolshed is involved!
> Constantly tries to get a photo with her. Often photo-bombing if she can help it
> Was a fan of Callgirl before she became Hologram, still follows her social media!
As for the others? She's not really concerned about them. They're small stuff. Boring. Or at least they haven't given her a reason to give a shit. Although, Wonder Tweek's lightning is fun. She loves the feeling of it, tastes like coffee for some reason?
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huellitaa · 7 months ago
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🎀💭 blog revamp: complete!ㅤ۫ ㅤ۪ㅤ۫ 💭 🎀ㅤ
i know i've not been very active lately, and i apologise! i have been getting my shit together in real life and online and have been working through some personal bits. i know i often go on and off of hiatuses randomly, but i'm attempting learning consistency in all areas of my life (and managing my time better because i'm absolutely terrible at it) and tumblr seems to be one of them that i need to work on too. anyway, thank you for your patience, and look forward to my usual messy, non-consistent chaotic girly posts ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 WHAT'S NEW?
my blog is now divided into two seperate parts: @hue-hearts, my music, k-pop, media, reviews, etc. blog, and @huellitaa (this blog), which is my digital diary, photo dump, glow up, chaotic it girl blog.
updated my intro post, making each of my blogs now easy to navigate and giving you all more information ♡
i still don't have a posting schedule and no i will not be using the queue. i want to post what i want when i want without being held to any kind of schedule.
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melien · 9 months ago
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When the road began to crumble in front of my eyes There was only one person I wanted to find It was you, it was you, it was you It was you, it was you, it was you
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wildsaltair · 1 month ago
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theunfairmaiden · 2 years ago
Some of my favorite Papa Rei moments excluding episode 9
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When he first calls himself Miri’s papa. I LOST it.
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When he falls asleep holding Miri’s hand while she’s sick because he’s so worried about her and just wants to make sure she’s okay.
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When he smiles when he comes home to see that Miri and papa Kazuki spent all day working to make him happy for his birthday.
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THIS. God. I lost it. Need I say more?
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warlordfelwinter · 3 months ago
im more of a cat person than a dog person i think but there is just nothing quite like being a dog's favorite person and seeing the just full body exuberant joy in them when they see you
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sarcasticgaypotato · 3 months ago
Hi there sarcasticgaypotato, I'm Starstruck [you may or may not remember me from this year's artfight]. For almost 3 years now, I've been a huge fan of your fanfic The Resurrection Project, and, for the past several days now, I've been working on drafting something big, that being a webcomic adaptation of your aforementioned fic. I just wanted to message you to ask if I could have your permission to actually complete this thing, and start posting it on tumblr once prepwork is finished. I will make sure to credit you as the original author, of course. This is just a solo passion project of mine, and I've been meaning to make something for TRP since I first finished it honestly [although I held off earlier because I wanted to improve on my art...]. I understand if you decline; I just wanted to ask to be safe rather than sorry. Respectfully, Starstruck
Yes, you did that cool Finley piece!
First of all, thank you so much for the compliment and for being so considerate. I adore fanart, so I'm honored to hear that my fic has inspired you to take on such a cool project! Transformative work like a webcomic is more than alright with me, I'd love to see what you do.
My only requests are that no money is made off of it (TRP itself is a piece of fanwork and it's important to me that it remains not for profit in any way) and that you link back to the original fic (which you already offered to do!).
Consider my permission freely and eagerly given! Make sure to tag me when you post the first piece, I want to see it! If you have any questions about the fic, the characters, or the world, my inbox is open and I'm happy to help.
Good luck and happy drawing!
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frogatz · 1 year ago
i want to play in the space of isa/sif&mira qp throuple but there are so many ideas and so little time
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fairdale · 10 months ago
oh... i did this playlist the other day about bts' songs that feel like home to me/comfort me and now i can't stop thinking about how this is what alec must have felt like when he met magnus and when he starting knowing him better and when they started dating and when they formed a family together...
like home.
because even if his family loved him, even if he had jace and izzy and everyone else, there was something missing. there was fear. there was insecurity.
i'm not saying it was all magnus (or that the others were all to blame), since alec had to be the first one to decide to break out of his shell (and he did, multiple times), but he definitely helped him feel more confident and brave.
so, yeah, i just started thinking about how freeing it must have felt for him to meet someone like magnus and how reassuring at the same time.
because home isn't a cage, it's where you get to be yourself.
and for alec, home is magnus.
anyway, here you have the playlist in case you want to hear it or in case you need to feel a little bit like alec <3
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faaun · 11 months ago
she says my heart is yours, from the caspian shores.
#in astana there is haunting symmetry. in the summer there are flowers breathing fresh air and fumes. in the winter ice covers the park#sole-deep so you let the LCD screen advertisements warm your heart. the serpent offers her a gold apple from a brass tree.#she bites the serpent. in london a biochemistry graduate becomes obsessed and beautiful. she designs gene sequencing devices.#she says the rubber components smell like cinnamon.#in tashkent the trees shine under the sun and the sky is vast. by the blue pond and the tall marble spires you see the fractal patterns#on the ceiling in her eyes. she feels like a strobe light firing onto your eyelids. she takes revenge. you can hear the water droplets fall#from into the fountain. she tells you about cre-lox knockout and how you should head into the city cafe and you cant#stop staring into her eyes and you can't listen very well. when she laughs all your hearts almost become an ocean.#in bishkek you suffer death by a thousand sunsets. your world is white and lilac and mountainous. you learn about the joy of#taking without giving. backstage of the opera theatre you kiss him again and again and again until briefly you are the apex.#in tehran the sun is almost as fervent as their full-up lungs (it takes up the span of your window. crisp edges through a particulate storm#they spend an hour making a 10-minute ride to chamran and the wheels are melting. the two girls in the car spend that time wisely.#the air is filled with smog so she breathes her instead. you like how she looks at you like she'll rip you apart.#here they sold the mountaintops. the girls take a brother'a army-issued rifle to the forest with them.#she says she could start a war. she says my heart is yours، from the caspian shores.
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always-a-slut-4-ghouls · 1 year ago
I’ll make myself tea, drink half of it, forget it, and then be less sure what i want to do when I find it again three hours later
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katierosefun · 2 years ago
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i know this show isn’t totally perfect in how it handles things but man . . .
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