#these two are so sweet just kiss
3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 - Haru and Tarhos
Not-as-spicy sinday asks.
3. Where does your muse’s libido fall on the scale? 10 being hyper-sexual, 1 being the opposite.
Haru falls at around a 7-8 without much question or any crazy fluctuations when he's in a relationship or not. That being said when he's with Tarhos he's far more likely to just act on what he wants instead of dealing with it himself. They have a lot of random "why not" sex just because they can. They both think the other is hot as hell, best to indulge in it while they can. I feel like these two are a lot more likely to actually plan a romantic night with the intention of getting frisky, they're both pretty romantic and sensual, so it checks out.
5. Is your muse a top, bottom, or a switch? Why?
Big ol' switch, he doesn't care as long as he gets some at the end of the night. He actively enjoys both roles and will happily do whatever Tarhos wants at the time. Although this can also change based on how Tarhos is acting in general, if his pretty boy is flustered Haru will want to take full advantage of that and top him until he can't walk. However if he's holding his waist and has already started moving Haru into his lap, he's not going to fight getting moved around whichever way.
7. What kind of underwear do they wear on the day-to-day?
Black boxer briefs if he's going out. If he's staying at home for the day I really don't think he bothers and just wears gray sweatpants™ with nothing underneath.
9. Do they get embarrassed easily when it comes to nsfw things? Or are they shameless?
I can guarantee that 99% of the time Haru does not give a single care in the world if Tarhos wants to talk about it or initiates it out of no where, he'll be flattered and want to ride out the experience. That being said, he doesn't bring up his sex life or the specifics of what he and Tarhos do, he thinks its a little tacky to brag about the experience besides simple "yeah I got head last night" or something else along those lines. Haru is more likely to get annoyed about the inquiry because thats his baby doll don't think about him like that--that's for his eyes only. (Robin is similar in that regard but also gets embarrassed, Haru just gets pissy) That being said, I'm sure they when were at the cabin with Durkos, Alejandro, and Sander, and Haru couldn't walk after the first night--he probably blushed quite a bit that day.
11. Are they a virgin? When did they lose their virginity? If they haven’t, do you think they ever will? Are they waiting for someone special, or do they just not care?
Haru is not a virgin, he dated as a teenager and ended up losing it to a close friend. Despite his high libido and general "dont care" attitude, he stopped having one night stands after college as he finds them way too much work and effort. He'll happily play the "pure virgin" character though if Tarhos wants to try that kink out.
13. Are they loud in bed or quiet? Talkative or more of a noise maker?
Oh he's loud - and he doesn't particularly care if it bothers anyone else, if he's feeling good he wants to let Tarhos know, and he will. Haru is talkative in bed, but its different from Robin's conversations - and usually falls way more in line with general dirty talk and teasing Tarhos until he makes him stop. His sounds change depending on what role he's taking, but he will curse outwardly for both.
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lil-lemon-snails · 4 months
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decided to draw some of your guys' tags from my harlequin sun and moon post!!! These guys are so much fun and you're all so funny >w<
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imorphemi · 8 months
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This moment in Ep 45, when Caleb/Liam found out that Nott was on 1hp escaping from the dragon....oh the guilt
And Nott still being like "i got you some more books :D"
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eeepgrove · 16 days
First kiss
Just a quick heacanon that won't leave my head...
But I so imagine Damirae first kiss as a complete accident. They're lounging by the shore outside Titans Tower enjoying the tide and each others company. Nothing new for them when Raven turns to look at Damian, maybe he's saying something but pauses as Raven looks closely at him lingering on his face. Damian stops what he's saying on the verge of asking her what's wrong as she starts to lean in into his personal space. This whole time he's kinda holding his breath. He'd recently come to terms with the fact: Yes, he does have a crush on his best friend. He feels her hand on his cheek and our Boy Wonder puckers up and leans forward closing the distance between them.
It's a brief kiss- a peck before they pull apart. Now they're looking at each other in shock but before Damian can say anything Raven giggles and tells him he had sand on his face. Damian's flustered because he just impulsively kissed Raven and on top of that he misread the situation. It just makes Raven laugh more before she leans in and kisses him again.
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cerealbishh · 8 months
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"You really care about me."
"Yeah. I really, really care about you."
"I- I really care about you too."
"No, but... I like, really, really care about you."
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alwayshinny · 20 days
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Hinny - 💍 The One Where Ginny says “FUCK YES!”
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yashley · 2 years
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“Wasn’t that close.”
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kusuokisser · 1 year
oomf is slowly converting me to torisai.. like. yeah... youre right... they are total losers.... total losers in love.....yeah..
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togrowoldinv · 9 months
I’ve been thinking all day about insisting that Carol puts on a holiday sweater and then calling her “A Christmas Carol” all day 🎄
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0rph1x · 1 year
look at them look at them look at them look at them look at th
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blissfulalchemist · 1 month
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Aria Dawson (uncharted) // Siberite Akagane (ffxiv) // Alma Pataki (ffxvi) Tia Caro (bloodlines/va) // Clio Zandra (twc) // Sahar Mahin (m*rv*l)
Got tagged by @rhettsabbott @shellibisshe and @adelaidedrubman to use this meiker to create some ladies so have this variety pack of them!
tagging: @belorage @florbelles @unholymilf @strafethesesinners @confidentandgood
@shallow-gravy @chyrstis @jackiesarch @leviiackrman @deputyash and anyone else that wants to!
opt in tags ver. 1 and ver. 2
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squeiky · 3 months
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Some of the charts got repetitive, so i cropped it.
NOTES: there may be someee minor inconsitences as sometimes id change mind my across one chart to another.
If you want an expliantion for ANY of my choices here, please ask! I am starving for conversation about this relationship- so please please please ask my questions- or just tell me your own ideas! Idk! Communicate! Your words and thoughts are not dumb!! They are very important to me and must be shared!!!
Also, some more of my thoughts + notes after the cut:
I think my favorite charts are the first two, since the first one was pretty thourghough and easy to get whilst also including intresting and unique questions to the relatio ship dynamic. the second one i added a bit of character interaction so its really cute, and thats practically why i like.
I particularly like the touch chart, as i really had to consider wthe physicality of these two, and the custom model was fun to make (look they're even holding hands haha). It was a bit tricky considering i had to figure out what touches where welcomed and what weren't based on previous canonical interactions, and my own theories/speculations.
Oh, to explian the "lends clothes" and "borrows/steals clothes", i always found the neat detail of Neo Metal Sonic's wardrobe possesing a kind of.. arm warmer/bell sleeve? As well as its pants(?) Being a bell bottom.
Without the belt/butt cape, it does make metal sonics limbs somehwhat resemble the sillouette of Chaos' body, so obviously- i just figured that Chaos, if he were to wear any clothing, would probably be stolen by Metal Sonic since it already seems to be fond of that particular look that Chaos naturally has.
Oh, and Metal and Chaos being somewhat organized is due to thier jobs and enviornment they grew up in. Eggman, being the opposite of Sonics carefree, chaotic attitude, would likely prefer more cleaner, organized or "controlled" enviornments. Thus, i feel that Metal Sonic may have picked up a few tidying or cleaning habits that were a cause of eggman simply teaching or implimenting features in his bots to prefer the "clean up" of "dirty" or "messy" areas.
For chaos, i do recall reading something (perhaps on the chao wiki) of him purifying the Altars water and keeping it relatively clean from debries and such. Furthermore, having to be sole guardian of little children chao, the altar and the master emerald, requires a lot of responsibility and- if anyone has worked with children before- it can get very messy very quickly. So its mere speculation, but i do think Chaos would have picked up many cleaning habits as well, as well as cooking/harvesting skills due to him having to take care of large batches of critters.
Surprisingly, for a creature named "Chaos", the name only truely applies to the singular instance in which he is "Final Chaos" (as thats likely what the echidnas called him during and after that time.) Turns out, Chaos is way more controlled and responsible than chaotic and carefree.
So to segway, out of the two, Metal Sonic would be way more chaotic considering its nack for stirring up trouble (CD, Sonic Heroes, Chaotix.. ect) for the heroes, as well as it not really having major responsibilites outside of its purpose to "destroy sonic" and occasionally obey whatever task eggman requires of it.
Thus, is why in the driving promps, i title it "a speeder".
To explain the "Cognito Egro Sum" (aka. I think therefore i am) and the "infinty symbol" for the ages, er.. Metal sonic is a robot, and Chaos is an immortal being. If your being technical with it, you can say they're both relatively young, considering Chaos chao can't age and are often stuck in the form they were hatched in- despite the fact that chao do infact change as they age-
One can consider the idea that Chaos, for all intensive purposes, looks and probably is pretty young- if we apply chao logic to him.
Though one will argue "but Chaos is ancient" which is true, but his case is similar to Shadow's as he was trapped in that Master emerald for... millions of years............. so, similarly to how shadow was stuck for 50 years yet remains a teenager both inside and out, Chaos- for whatever age he was before he got trapped, probably still thinks and acts like that, as well as Tikal. Except now they probably need a LOT of therapy.
^hence why i put chaos's sleeping habits as "sleeps poorly" and "sleeps to little". In hindsight, being trapped in a emerald for thousands of years, with your freind of who's father killed your entire* family and burned your house (altar) down and tried to steal your most precious item (master emerald) and being the girl whos stuck with your freind(?) who killed your entire bloodline and basically genocided your entire community- stuck with him for THOUSANDS OF YEARS- is.....is going to require a lot of therapy.
So y'know, bad sleeping problems. Also probably why i depict Chaos hugging a lot + being affectionate, since being deprived your community that is entirely reliant on the concept of "caring, loving, and nurturing one another" (cause.. the opposite of that means chao will basically die upon reincarnation), for thousands of years is... a good recipe for touch starvation and a need for attention.
^hence why chaos is also on the attention side of some charts.
^ just conintuing off of that previous statement, i did move Chaos closer towards "extrovert" in the "extrovert or introvert" prompts, as since Chaos, unlike Metal Sonic, deals closely with many chao, and often is surrounded by a crowd of them, i do believe that Chaos would have to atleast gain some energy from social interaction in order to surivive that every day, without burning out.
The whole "who talks more" thing is kind of funny because, technically, its metal sonic (see Sonic Heroes + Sonic Free riders) who has more lines than.. Chaos's total of zero!
Meaning that, if anything, the "he said no pickles" meme would probably mean that Metal Sonic would be at the counter whilst Chaos is sitting in the back.
Though, compared to MANY other characters, these two are practically dead-silent, and would most likely rely on non-verbal ways of affection than verbal.
Oh and the "ethical v. Immoral thing" where i emphasized that chaos was "neutral" was because by compsring him to "chaos chao", theres a dark side, good guy side, and then neutral. Considering Chaos's history of amazingly goodwilled to horrendously incidous, one can conclude that he practically in the middle in terms of ethics or morality.
Metal sonic is definetly on the more immoral side, though i wouldnt put it all the way, as i do have considering enviornmental aspects to its behavior (such as well.. being a badnik, and being constantly exposed to eggman's immoral behaviors). So, other than like, unnesecarily abusing animal freinds in CD, and throwing a ship probably full of people at sonic (Sonic heroes) there aren't many instances in which Metal Sonic does something completely immoral and unjust- without any context regarding eggman ordering it too, or simply it just doing its job as a badnik.
However those actions are prettt bad on its own- though compared to... killing out an entire species... drowning thousands of people in a city and attempting to kill eggman with a giant laserbeam... and to whatever hyjinks eggman gets up too...
Its actions seem.. relatively small (though not obsolete.)
So like, theres not going to be many issues regarding "metal sonics gotta be a good guy"/ "i can fix him🥺" mentalities, since its kind of hard to do that, when you have a kill count of a 100+ whilst Metal Sonic is still on the "i'm needlessly harming animals, and threw a boat"...
Then again, i like to think the leiniency allows for them to work on themselves together, rather than tear eachother down or hate eachothers guts.
Transgender - both for my headcannnon, but also a refrence to it literally going "i transformed myself with my own hands" and well, i cant resist a pun/play on words now can i?
Agender- chaos dont have.. genders.
However, i thought this would change when introduced to concept of feminine and masculine models of the ancients in frontiers, but looking at Chaos, he doesnt resemble either one very much (tbh, in Sonic Forces, his model actually looks more akin to the fem version, than the pointy and sharp masc ones) and looks more akin to that of the children, if anything.
Plus, being masculine or feminine isnt really and indicator of gender anyways.. so like..???
So what? Does Chaos, gender? NOPE! Chaos isn't an ancient (thats his ancestor) and is a mutated chao. Chaos are genderless, or atleast out of that particular binary.
If Tikal showed up one day and started calling Chaos a "he/him", its likely that Chaos could've just.. adopted that. Assigned pronouns by random. Amazing.
So agender, as i can't think of anything else.
Sexuality -idk. Look, i dont consider whomth one likes. The knowledge of my characters, or other characters sexualites comes upon me in the way preists suddenly hear the words of their gods.
I dunno, until suddenly i know. Thats just how it is.
Ending it here cause im hungrt and cant think of anything else to chat on.
#metal sonic#chaos 0#chaos zero#metal sonic x chaos 0#metaos#shipping chart#still obssesed with that touch chart btw#like i did not realize Metal Sonic had such head-pat energy untill now#i even added an extra' lighter green to indicate where the nirvana spots are#like considering i kind of just had to guess and speculate based on minor context clues- ESPECIALLY with Chaos-#i think i did an okay job with Metal?#but damn i didnt realize how much upper body touches between these two have effected my physce. like of COURSE they'd have opposite touch-#but just seeing that stark difference is so fascinating to me. like#the no no spots make sense because these are important assets to their body inorder for them to function properly. touch a brain is danger-#-ous and touching its inner jet engine wings incorrectly may break then and ground Metal Sonic (in bird logic- that equals to death!)#but like the hands and chest thing for chaos makes some sense considering he'd have to care for chao who may have to be picked up- or#even carried in his arms- of course he'd feel comfortable there. but metal sonic who is mostly orange- would only be accustomed to generall#negative or bad touches like punches- hits- the sweet kiss of concrete scratching every once of metal off its body...#with the only generally positive ones being for mantience by eggman- thus everything is a “depends”.#but the head- the head pats- that area is the one that gets the most positive attention- especially considering eggman in the mixture#due to being tall- hed have to settle for doing head pats to give it praise- which mightve made Metal Sonic associate his head with “good-#-touch“. whilst the opposit reind true for chaos- whos body is practically impenterable except for its head (particularly its brain).#so people would attack it from that particualr region#and the vunerability and lack of defense would cause him to associate that area with “bad touch”#fun stuff!! this was super fun!!!!!!
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canonically47 · 6 months
sending the request for a review in now so you have time to prepare!
DCAS episode 6 spoilers!!!
(but you knew that)
i surprisingly don't have much to say about this episode despite being a musical nerd but.
never expected to... genuinely care about connor, but he's a good guy. i really wanted yul gone, but i know his arc isn't quite finished yet.
the yellow team's number was surprisingly underwhelming, i think my favorite was cyan team's, IT ATE SO HARDDD
i love that aiden is chill about the kiss like "anyone can tell it was just acting lol" and it cuts to jake like "I FUCKING KNEW IT."
also. wh. why did this episode have me actually caring about jam again. like. i want them back. wh. what is happening to me
jake and ally ate. idrk guys. also marcus and nina. fuck yeah. fiore's outfit was underwhelming but going full glam on a child must be hard so i get it. ashley on the other hand had no reason to not eat
conalec vision is getting to me and of fucking course it also happens to be connor's elimination episode. ourhg
kinda sad that the episode had to be premiered early, but i ultimately don't regret staying up for it. now excuse me as i pass out (it's almost midnight)
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untilyouremember · 2 months
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Yamaguchi-kun Isn't So Bad
Available digitally
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
You always have such insightful posts! Thank you!
I was wondering what you thought the ten best golden wives episodes are and why
Oh, my goodness, thank you so much!! That's so sweet!! I’m really glad you enjoy reading my thoughts :)
And that's an... impossible question, oh my god. You might as well be asking me to count the stars in the sky 😂 Honestly, any episode could do -- their love for each other (whether you think it's platonic or romantic, whichever colour you want to give it) is just so woven in the way they talk, the way they move, the way they're affectionate with each other... I'm fairly sure that I could find at least one Golden Wives moment for every episode (with the possible exception of S2E26 Empty Nests, but I'm not willing to watch it again to find out).
That being said, there are some episodes that feature a specific focus on the relationship between the three of them. Through a lot of deliberation, I managed to narrow the list down to these, which you can count as my favourite 10 (in no particular order) -- under the cut, because of course I have a lot to say about them:
S1E5 The Triangle
An absolute banger. The fight between Blanche and Dorothy is harsh (they're both really hurt!!), but Rose gets to show off her abilities as she works to bring them back together (which is the literal expression she uses!!! she wants to 'get Dorothy and Blanche back together'!!!). And I mean -- that final reconciliatory hug?? The way Dorothy and Blanche look at each other?? Them yanking Rose into their hug??? Hello???? Wives behaviour????
S3E15 Dorothy's New Friend
I think my appreciation for this episode is renowned, at this point. Blanche and Rose working in tandem are adorable; I love that they do their best to warn Dorothy about Barbara, but they also try to get along with her, despite her treatment of them, because, well -- if Dorothy likes her, she can't be that bad, can she? And I love that, despite her anger and objections, Dorothy is really worried about the way Blanche and Rose feel! She says out loud that she values Barbara's friendship, and that's why she feels like she can ask her advice on someone as important to her as Blanche and Rose. Besides, I love the casual intimacy they throw in there! This is really a constant in the show, but it's so nice when it takes the spotlight like this. When speaking about Rose's masquerade ball, Blanche says: "Since when do we have to say we're going? We've gone for the past five years. We may hate it, but we always go." It's so obvious that they're going, because this is important to Rose, that they don't even have to say it. You get what I mean?
S6E12 Ebbtide's Revenge
Hear me out for a minute. This is, of course, an episode centered on Sophia and her grief for the death of her son, and it's excellent at that. But let's not forget that Phil was also Dorothy's "kid brother", and while her pain may take second stage (except for her beautiful, heartbreaking eulogy) while Sophia's is in the spotlight, it's still very obviously there. And what does she do to face the immense, unthinkable pain of losing a sibling? She turns to her wives, that's what. Rewatch this episode and pay attention to just how much Dorothy physically leans on Rose and Blanche, whether it's reaching for them, holding their hands, touching their arms and shoulders... Dorothy is always very physical with the two of them, but I feel like it's especially meaningful in this one. And, for their part, Blanche and Rose act exactly as two people with a grieving spouse would (or, at least, should) do; they support Dorothy (and Sophia) as best they can, they take care of practical things (like preparing snacks), they mostly stay out of the feud but they (especially Rose) try to offer another point of view when they think it's going to make a difference.
Also, this quote from Dorothy to Rose:
"Honey, you've been more than a help. I wouldn't have gotten through the past few days without you. I mean it."
S5E19 72 Hours
This is (unsurprisingly) one of my favourite episodes in the series, and it's especially good from a Golden Wives lens as well. I've been meaning to take a detailed look at this episode and examine Dorothy and Blanche's support of Rose, and how it shows a) how much they love her and b) how well they know her (which might actually be the same thing, now that I think about it). And Rose, of course, relies on them to an incredible degree; it takes her a little while, but eventually she allows herself to be openly angry and dejected, to lose her happy-go-lucky attitude with them, which is something she only does when she's at the end of her rope. And she's right to, because they hold her up. Look at what she says when she finally gets the good news:
"You guys were terrific. Thank you for being there for me. And thank you for making me feel you'd always be there for me, no matter what happened."
I could go on, but I'd like to make a post specifically on this episode as soon as I get the time (and some brain power...), so I'll postpone any additional observations for now.
S1E22 Job Hunting
This fills the same 'niche' as 72 Hours, in that it's an episode where Rose has a serious problem and Dorothy and Blanche give her the support (both practical and emotional) she needs to get out of it. It takes a spot of its own because it's REALLY heavy on the physical affection, even by Golden Girls standards. There's LOTS of hand/arm holding, hugging, laying next to each other in bed, sitting close, plus a cheek AND a forehead kiss. It's a delightful little gem.
S2E1 End Of The Curse
The whole mink business would be enough for me to consider putting this one on the list. Dorothy and Rose working together on a silly thing like this always warms my heart; they're a delight to watch. Of course, though, the reason why this is here is because of Blanche's situation. As always happens when one of the Girls has a problem, there's lots of physical and emotional support (Dorothy and Rose literally run after Blanche through the house to try and comfort her -- two times!!), but the real kicker is all the baby stuff!! I'm not a big fan of children, but it's impossible not to be endeared by Dorothy and Rose acting like proud moms ("the baby will have three mothers!") before the pregnancy is even confirmed, splitting up chores and bickering about the college he'll go to, while at the same time showing Blanche their unconditional support. And -- Blanche loves them for that, of course. She goes through a lot of emotional distress in this episode, but she comes out on top, and it's because of the Girls:
"It was you girls. Yes, you just let me carry on and be crazy and you were right there through it all. [...] You were caring and supportive and I wanna thank you for it -- I'm really lucky to have friends like you."
To be honest, I like her similar speech in the pilot just a bit better, but between the two this is the episode I prefer overall (if only because their characters are well settled at this point!).
S3E3 Bringing Up Baby
This is such a comfort episode for me. First of all, we get the whole raising a baby theme again (with both Rose and Blanche going from scared/unwilling to enthusiastic participants as soon as they figure out that they're going to raise the baby together!!). Dorothy and Blanche are all over each other, even more than usual -- they barely ever stop touching, like, hello?? Find a room, girls?? And Blanche's sheer glee at the thought of getting a Mercedes for all of them -- her "Don't you just love it? It's ours!" lives in my mind rent free!! And then, of course, the nose kiss. I melt out of sheer adorableness every time I watch this one. The kiss itself is super cute, but it's just the whole scene -- Blanche and Dorothy getting each other's intentions with a single look, the way Blanche smiles as she leans in and then boop's Rose's nose on top of the kiss, Rose immediately dissolving into giggles, Dorothy hugging them super tight, I love them so much oh my God 😭
S2E10 Love, Rose
Do I even have to explain this one? Blanche and Dorothy writing Rose letters? Love letters (as in explicitly romantic letters!!)? Complete with poetry? And they write them so convincingly that Rose gets the biggest crush on the author of the letters?
"It was so nice. It was so important to me that someone cared about me as much as the person who wrote those letters. It meant so much to have somebody like that in my life."
"You do, Rose, honey! You have us!"
"We're the ones who wrote those letters, Rose, and we meant every word."
Are you reading this?? Are you?? Oh my God?????
S7E4 That's For Me To Know
I adore this one and I'm not sure I can explain why in just a few lines, but I'll do my best. The way the Girls handle the major conflict of the episode (the threat that they can't all live together anymore) is so so sweet. They squabble, but they apologize and reconcile quickly; they 'vote' Dorothy out and are immediately heartbroken about it; Rose decides to sacrifice her happiness and move out herself, so the other Girls can keep living together, and she's so clearly devastated about it. I've already noted down Dorothy's speech a couple of times on my blog, but I just have to share it again, because it perfectly sums up the reason why this show works so well, imho:
"I'm afraid that no one's leaving. You see, we're a family here. Well, not the conventional one, but we love each other and [...] It's real love, Mr. Benson. It's an honest love. And, yes, we might have secrets that we stubbornly try to hide from each other [...] But we're a family nonetheless, and you can't break us up."
You see? You get why I go feral over this one? And then -- AND THEN -- Blanche decides to make them co-owners. I have no words to explain how monumental this is. This is the house she lived in with her beloved George for years, and she decides to sell part of it because she can't bear the thought of separating from her Girls. "That way you'll have equity and nobody can make you leave." It's the wonderfully poetic conclusion to the beginning of their journey; they met as landlady/renters, each alone in her own way, each hurting in her own way; here they become co-owners, equal and together, each a part of a single tight-knit unit. It's the closing of a circle. You get what I mean? Oh, I love this one so so much.
S7E23-24 Home Again, Rose
I cannot be coherent about this one. I cannot be coherent about this one. It's just. I should do a play by play of literally every second of this episode to explain why I love it so much. If I had to pick a favourite, it would be this one. It's the family of it all, the fear and then the desperation and then the joy, the casual expressions of love, it's Dorothy screaming and begging for help as soon as she realizes Rose really has fainted, it's Rose asking Kirsten to take care of the Girls while she's going under for open heart surgery, it's Blanche saying that's what house mortgages are for as if it's obvious, because to her, to them, it is. Of course they're going to help Rose with everything they have. Of course they’re going to take care of her, of course they wait for her in the hospital even if they can’t see her, of course they pray for her, of course they promise to freeze their heads for her, because they love her and she loves them. Love is stored in Rose, Blanche, and Dorothy holding each other's hands as if they’re keeping each other above water. If it’s not like that, then I don’t want it. (Coincidentally, this is also one of the best episodes when it comes to the bond between Sophia and the wives. The way she greets Rose with ‘Welcome back, baby!’ when she finally returns home lives in my mind rent-free.)
I need you to know that it took me a good couple of days to compile this list. I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since I read your ask. I wrote down about five different versions before settling on this one, and so, I think I've earned the right to mention some special runner-ups:
S1E25 The Way We Met: come on. The Great Herring War? One of the best scenes in the show -- and an incredible demonstration of chemistry from the Golden Wives.
S1E8 Break In / S4E20 High Anxiety / S5E1-2 Sick And Tired / S5E11 Ebb Tide / S6E9 Mrs George Devereaux: for when you need to scratch that hurt/comfort itch.
S3E21 Larceny And Old Lace / S4E4 Yokel Hero: I'm always a slut for the times when Dorothy and Blanche need to earn Rose's forgiveness (and get it immediately, because she can't stay mad at them).
S2E21 Dorothy's Prized Pupil / S5E23 The Mangiacavallo Curse Makes A Lousy Wedding Present / S5E24 All Bets Are Off / S7E19 Journey To The Center Of Attention: all super cute, involve a conflict and a beautiful resolution, great watches. They lose a couple of points in this context because you asked specifically about Golden Wives episodes, and these highlight a couple within the Girls (Rose/Blanche, Dorothy/Blanche, Dorothy/Rose, Dorothy/Blanche again).
Thank you so much for your ask -- answering it was hard, but I had a great time going through the episodes and picking the ones that stood out! If you'd like to share your top10, I'd love to read it :)
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uranium-city · 1 year
guys i really hate to say it but Abe's kind of been the highlight of the last two episodes for me & feels most in character to his S1 counterpart when compared to the other main characters 😭
ALSO him & Joan had more genuine chemistry in the one hospital scene than JFK & Joan have had all season & as a member of the JoanFK nation i am frustrated
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