#these bitches I swear
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Badly edited meme of Patrick and his two Emotional Support Blondes
Inspired by @dearlybelovedemilyko
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grezzirossi · 3 months
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My Bg3 Party with the cutest barbarian and 3 pathetic guys.
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Language! Part 2
[1 - 2]
The speech bubbles are a little odd, a holdover from when I used to draw these small and all on one layer and canvas.
Somehow, some way, Splinter’ll always catch them and make them pony up to the swear jar! Darn ninja dads, I swear, it’s like they can hide in the walls or something
Anyway, thought it would be fun to hint at Splinter having a life and acquaintances from his time in yokai society, in that weird way that parents have when they mention a crazy skill they picked up from their mysterious life before parenthood that their kids have no knowledge of yet. Plus, it’s interesting to think about what Splinter does in his day. He loved entertaining and stardom, I doubt he’d up and quit forever. His voice is the last thing truly his after his transformation, I’m sure he’d use it somehow to keep doing what he loved! He’s also a ninja warrior specifically trained to fight the supernatural, that probably comes with some pretty fun skills!
My mom once stole a boat and sailed to an abandoned condemned island for a whole couple of days, a story which cropped up once and then wasn’t explained until years later, much to my intrigue. She’s so calm and well collected, it was crazy to hear the shit she used to get up to lol
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uchiwaflame · 5 months
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has this been done yet
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loopnoid · 1 year
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my piece for the second edition of the annual Star Trek Swimsuit Special! <3
and some alternate versions because i couldn't pick:
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obamerzslop · 8 months
uhrm caine and queenie fighting over kinger
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Caine is having none of that lol, Kinger just dosen't want them to fight :[
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miss-rum-hee · 2 months
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If your movement is made up of people who say shit like this, you may need to check for whether or not you're haboring Nazis.
Sidenote, but that first is just "JEWS CONTROL DA WURLD!1!1!1!!1" rhetoric repackaged in a progressive bow to sound "nice".
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p4nishers · 11 months
aziraphale is so fucking silly he makes me wanna bash my head in with a rock everything he says is absolute bullshit wtf is 'jiggery-pokery' ??? bitch im gonna kiss you on the mouth
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limpnoodles · 3 months
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guys we only have 4 more episodes, how the hell are they ganna do this??
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a-hazbin-reader · 23 days
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monoruz · 2 months
why cant i wife miraak up what the fuck
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yurislotusgarden · 9 months
Wearing their Clothes, Part 2
ʚїɞ Separately! Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ Part 1 for those who want to read it <3
ʚїɞ word count: 1164 (Fyodor - 329, Nikolai - 368, Sigma - 461)
ʚїɞ Tw's: None! Just pure fluff, pet names used, reader's gender is not specified in any way, probably ooc but I live for soft characters
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
No matter what, you getting his ushanka won't be an accident or a surprise for this Man. He probably knew for quite a long that you wanted to try it on.
Probably would make sure that you won't get it for Some time just to tease you and see your reactions to failing. 
Once he decided he had enough torturing teasing you, he would leave the ushanka on a chair or the bed, in a way that it looks like he for once, doesn't have it in the bathroom with him (Yes the rat showers even if forced) and just left it there. 
So, you obviously had to take your chance and try it on.
"Myshka, what are you doing?"
He definitely came out faster than you anticipated. You spun around, looking like a deer caught in headlights. To say that you took off the ushanka at the speed of light would be an understatement. 
"Ehm... Nothing?" A raised eyebrow. 
"Nothing you say."
 "Yup! Absolutely nothing! Was just looking if my eyebrows are equal!" A dumb response? Very much. Did you care? Not in the slightest, not right now. 
"So my ushanka in your hand doesn't exist?" Fyodor started to walk up to you as he said that. 
You threw the ushanka onto the bed in a hurry. "I don't know what are you talking about Fedya" 
"Sure you don't" 
Fyodor picked up the ushanka from where it lies and put it gently onto your head, fixing the few strands of hair that fell on your face. Are you hallucinating or do you see a small smile on his face? 
"You look nice in it, Myshka" 
“Of course, I wouldn't lie to you after all.”
You looked better in the ushanka than the dark-haired Man first thought, to say the least. And if he told you that you can wear it whenever you want, then no one needs to know, yeah?
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Nikolai Gogol 
The little shit /affectionate I swear 
He probably knows you wanna steal either his hat or his cape, but wouldn't give you an opportunity to steal it just to see your reactions. It's amusing and he wants to see your emotions what can I say? 
I feel like the first time wouldn't be an accident but planned by him. Casually kidnapping taking you out in winter or just a colder day without letting you get warm clothes first, resulting in shivering and being cold soon enough. 
"Cold?" Came with a teasing smile from the clown. He knew what he was doing and had the audacity to tease. You swear you will hit him with something once you're back home. 
"Shut up, Kolya. Why did you even bring me out here so suddenly?" Your confusion was as clear as a clean glass. 
"Why, to have Some fun! Time for a quiz, dove!" 
"Oh no" 
You swear Nikolai loves giving you quizzes that no one but the rat Fyodor could get or guess. You could bet with the dark-haired Man in question and win the bet.
"And you lost once again!" 
"I did" You chuckled. As much as you lose, they certainly never feel like ones. "So what happens now that I lost?" A good question as every time you lose, Nikolai manages to make the 'punishment' -his Words not yours- a different one. 
And before you realized it, you felt something heavy on your shoulders, but it also was warm. Looking at yourself, you see that Nikolai put his cloak over you, and fucking hell if you could you would just curl up in a ball and sleep, or even hibernate in this shit. The material inside is softer and warmer than you thought, no wonder he doesn't get cold.
"Your cloak?" 
"Didn't you want to try it on, dove?" 
"Is that why you brought me out in this weather in my pajamas?" 
"Of course! How else could've I given you the honor of wearing my cloak?" 
"...Listen here you little shit-"
Next week he whined all around, whether at home or at work, all because of you not cooking his favorite cookies that you do every week.
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I had to think about what would you even steal from this Man but then I remembered this guy wears heels. 
You probably wouldn't need to think of it that much, it would probably be a random idea you got when noticing that he left them somewhere. I feel like he Has a big ass room in the Sky casino, an apartment more like, so getting the heels that would be left by the door wouldn't be hard at all.
You have to say, that even tho the heels don't fit perfectly on your feet, you are absolutely slaying the look. 
"I have to steal them more often goddamn" You mutter to yourself, looking in the mirror.
You continued to walk around a little, just for fun, the heels were more comfortable than you thought, and now your confusion about how does Sigma wears these every day and doesn't complain about feet hurting has been cleared up. 
"Name? Have you seen my heels?" Fuck. 
"No? Why?" From what you know he doesn't wear them after 10 pm (22), since people tend to not come to his office much after if anyone even does, so why is he searching for them at 11:30 pm (23:30)? It's almost midnight for fucks sake. 
"They need me down in the Main room, but I can't find them." 
"Maybe you left them somewhere else and don't remember?" 
You thought you were safe when you heard him walking away… until you heard him walking directly to the bedroom where you were a few minutes later. 
'Shit-' You thought as you realized that and took if the heels, lightly throwing them under the bed so it looks like they were left there after being taken off by Sigma and kicked under by accident. 
You went back to standing in front of the mirror just as the Man Opened the door. 
"You sure you didn't see them?" 
"Yeah. Why?" 
"The heels are under the bed" Came the soft reply from Sigma, together with a finger pointed at the pair of shoes. 
You leaned down, making it look like you didn't know. 
"Oh, sorry love" To your pleasure a barely noticeable blush appeared on his cheeks due to the pet name. 
"Don't worry about it" A quiet response this time. Sigma Walked over to get the heels before putting them on. 
He stopped at the door before he walked out of the room and turned back to you. "I know you tried them on [name], just so you know." And casually Walked out. 
You want to jump from the window. Fuck. 
Sigma didn't mind, not at all. In fact, he bought you a matching pair of heels. It’s needless to say that this pair is one of your favorite shoes.
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Notes, comments, reblogs and anything else is greatly appreciated <3
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youngpettyqueen · 4 months
was talking with someone irl about Star Trek the other day and this person really hates Discovery for many stupid reasons (misogyny) and he was whining about like. casual swearing. in Star Trek. like he was mad they said fuck. and he looks at me and he's like "it completely sucks you out of the experience right??" and I just looked at him and went "no it makes me want a modern DS9 show of some kind cause I think Kira Nerys deserves to say fuck" which wasn't the answer he wanted I dont think
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nosfelixculpa · 1 month
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It must be hell. A hell you can never escape from. I know because I'm down there too. So if you have time to cry, make those bastards who did this burn in hell. That's the only way to survive it.
THE DEVIL JUDGE (2021) Director Choi Jung-kyu
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samdeancrimespree · 2 months
the wincest marriage parallels in roadkill are so. fucking blatant. like molly goes “the only time we fight like that is when we’re stuck in the car.” and sam goes “yeah, i know how that goes.” and dean kinda raises an eyebrow at him. and then she’s like “you know the last thing i said to him? i called him a jerk.” ??????!!??? ok writers we get it. sam is the wife. please shut up
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nebulanightsky · 8 months
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Suddenly remembers their dark experiences with an alternate version of their counterpart
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