#They best kiss before the end of the show
mywritersmind · 3 days
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summary : Lando doesn’t know anything about runways, especially a certain Victorias Secret runway that’s breaking the internet. When he gets the invite, it’s certainly a surprise, but with one old and one new friend by his side, he starts to see the appeal of this whole model thing. He likes it for one reason, and that reason is opening the whole show.
listen up : lando x vsangel!reader 💞✨ a bit long!! will prob be multiple parts if you guys like it!!
word count : 2192
I don’t know how I got here or why I was invited. But as I sit in my assigned seat as the girl next to me stares at me, I can’t help but think that my invitation was for a reason.
I have a good feeling about tonight, maybe it’s because i’m about to watch pretty girls walk in underwear and wings, or maybe it’s because that girl I mentioned looks like she’s itching to tell me something.
As soon as I look at her, she starts, “You’re Lando Norris.” She's pretty, has a short bob, pale skin, and is examining me closely.
“Yeah…” I nod slowly.
“Sorry. Big fan!” She laughs, “What are you doing here?”
“Good question… I was invited. Actually, my mate Carlos is supposed to-” As if I spoke him into existence, the driver plops down next to me, “Hey!”
He grins and nods at the girl, “I’m Kay! My best friend is in the show!” I like Kay. She’s eyeing Carlos like he’s a piece of meat and it’s hilarious.
“So I don’t really understand… Why this runway is big a deal.” Kay practically scoffs in my face and immediately dives in, giving Carlos and I all the lore. After ten minutes of throwing random facts and stringing the whole story line together, I stop nodding and the lights go out.
“This is exciting.” Carlos nudges me, like he’s some big fan or something. Then again it’s a lingerie company so he’s probably a big supporter. “So your friend, how long has she been a model?”
“Forever!” Kay nods, lowering her voice and talking to Carlos across me, “But this is huge because it’s her first show with Victoria Secret and she’s opening it!”
The music starts and a motorcycle with a girl on it comes up from the stage, she starts singing and everyone is going absolutely crazy for her.
Carlos is basically dancing in his seat next to me and Kay is singing along, clapping her hands together.
I try not to think about awkward interview Carlos and I did on the pink carpet, the woman looked stunned that we were even there.
I focus on the girl singing again, it’s quite fun, I feel like i’m at a concert. The lights go out and the singer and her backups are gone.
Kay hits my arm excitedly, pointing to the stage. That’s when I realize the stage is lifting someone up.
The first thing I see are the wings, pink, sparkly and huge. But then I see her.
Fuck being model pretty, this girl looks like a legitimate angel. She’s got long legs, an insane body that’s being accentuated by the white lace that’s practically dripping off her. She's got long wavy hair that is streaked with highlights, and as soon as she starts walking I understand it.
She’s got confidence, fucking power. The room breaks into screams and applause as she grins, god her smile.
She’s elegant, beautiful, and breaks her model smize as she turns in my direction. She blows a kiss to Kay and the smile she pulls has me catching my breath.
The wings she’s wearing starts to move, almost growing above her. She stops at the end of the runway, poses, then walks back. People are screaming her name and she winks at them, turning back to face the end of the runway, she gives a tiny wave before women on both sides of her amerge.
Carlos hits me in the chest, “Dude!” He laughs, “You star struck or something?” Kay giggles.
“I- Why does everyone know her if this is her debut?”
“It’s her debut as an angel! Not a model! She’s a complete fan favorite!” Kay claps as the girls continue to walk, they’ve all got lingerie on and look amazing.
I can’t quite seem to shake her face out of my mind. The show goes on, the performances are fun and I can tell who’s the most awaited models because the crowd is quite opinionated.
My favorite is definitely the woman with a sick guitar. Who wouldn’t want to see pretty girls walk while rock music plays?
I may or may not fan-boy over Cher. My mum is a super fan so I make sure to take videos. And as that icon is performing, My eyes catch again.
She’s in full red and I wonder why I've never been to a fashion show before.
Kay catches me staring again, “Yeah- you’re definitely meeting her after this.” I laugh uncomfortably, smiling at the shit eating grin on her face.
“Tyra!” Kay screams next to me, I watch a tall woman with very big hair appear from the floor, the panels behind her open and all the models flood in.
I clap along with everyone else, watching the girls celebrate and smile at one another. Confetti falls on us as Kay spins around.
We stand and clap for them, before they leave and a voice thanks us for watching. I’m in a haze by the time the lights come up, “That was cool!” Carlos grins.
“Hey so because Lando was making goo goo eyes at my best friend-” I side eye her, “You two should come to the after party! Y/n and I are hosting some friends!”
I’d be an idiot to say no.
They share a studio apartment overlooking the city. Carlos grabs a beer before we start looking around and meeting people.
Carlos is off talking to Kay when I walk into the kitchen, looking for some water. There’s a girl standing on her toes, trying to grab a box of what looks like cereal from a top shelf.
I freeze when I realize it’s her. What the hell is wrong with me? I can’t even talk to a girl? Come on.
I clear my throat and go to tap her shoulder but she starts talking before I can, “No you can’t have sex in my bed, if you’re gonna throw up, do it somewhere that’s not my apartment, and no smoking inside! My landlord will-” she spins around in a little pink dress, looking pissed off.
She clocks the confused look on my face and stops talking, “I’m not looking to have sex in your apartment…” not yet at least. Shit, Lando shut up! “Or throw up. And I don’t smoke.”
She smacks her lips shut before laughing, “Sorry! Like three people have asked me that tonight!” She bites her bottom lip and I realize how close she is.
Now that I'm not twenty feet away from her, I look her up and down quickly. She’s got freckles, is blonder up close, and her half gone makeup fits her perfectly.
She blinks and I realize that I'm just staring at her.
Why is this British man staring at me?
He coughs as I smile slightly, intrigued by this random man in my home, “Well if you’re not gonna ask me about any of those three horrid topics, what do you want?” I put my hand on my hip, watching his very pretty green eyes glance to the cereal I was trying (and failing) to grab.
He reaches up and grabs it with ease. He's not that much taller than me, I'm still short for a model and without my usual heels, he has a few inches up.
I take the box, “Thanks.” I open it immediately, sticking my hand inside the chocolate breakfast.
“I was just looking for water.” He shrugs, not meeting my eyes.
“I got you!” I perk up and rummage around in our fridge, handing him a bottle. I usually don’t give out our personal chilled stash, but I like this guy.
“Thank you.” He takes it, brushing my hand slightly.
“No problem!” I glance over to see Alex Consani practically in a plant, “Alex! Please don’t hurt Kay’s children!” I stomp away and get stampeded with conversations and questions.
I laugh, “You’ve told me like a million times! But thank you!” Kay knows it’s been my dream to walk for Victoria's Secret since I was little and didn’t even wear a bra.
She squeals, “Oh I gotta have you meet my new friends!” She drags me to the corner where some people are standing, “Carlos! This is my best friend ever, Y/n! Y/n this is Carlos! He’s super cool!” She leans in to whisper, “and super hot.”
I choke on a laugh, shaking the guys hand, “Nice to meet you!”
“Pleasure! Kay’s been talking you up since the show.” He is hot. He’s got a spanish accent and dark hair, exactly Kay’s type.
“Oh you were at the show?” I say, not realizing he was there with Kay.
“Yeah! Me and-” he looks around, “Norris?” He turns and grabs a guy by his collared leather jacket, “Lando!” He spins him around and I realize it’s the guy who I gave water to.
Kay nods excitedly, “Lando and Carlos were totally cheering you on! Especially Lando.” She tries to whisper the last part but fails.
I don’t miss the look that settles over Lando’s face. Lando, hmm. Interesting name. “Hey.” He nods, sipping his water as I smile.
“Hi! I’m Y/n.” I eye his curls, I like his hair a lot already.
“Anyway- They've only been to New York like two times! We’re showing them around this week!” I try to seem interested but I can’t really focus on Kay when Lando is giving me all his attention. “Carlos, I love this song!” She grabs him by the hand and they’re gone in a second.
Lando and I glance at them, then each other, then laugh, “She’s got a lot of energy.”
“It’s the ADHD.” I sigh, standing next to him and looking around my apartment, “So… you liked the show? You don’t seem like the type.”
“I don’t seem like the type to enjoy pretty girls walking in lingerie while a concert is going on?” He raises a brow and I roll my eyes.
He reaches a hand out, “Hey hey- I’m kidding! I did enjoy you walking, though.” It’s my turn to raise a brow now. “Kay said it was a big thing- opening the show.”
I nod happily, “Huge! Like made my career completely worth everything I've been through and sealed it for me that i’ve made it…” I trail off, realizing I'm telling this to a complete stranger, “Sorry you probably don’t care.”
He frowns, “Of course I do. I get it.” He shrugs and for some reason, I completely believe him.
I tilt my head, “Do you wanna go outside?”
My words land us outside on my balcony, I'm wrapped in a blanket with a beer in my hand. Lando clinks our glasses and looks out at the view, “So what do you do?” I sip my beer.
He sighs, leans his head back on the glass, “I’m a racing driver.”
This takes me aback severely, “What.” I say it so bluntly that he laughs.
“I drive in Formula 1.” My jaw literally drops.
“That’s sick! You win yet?” He looks young, probably a year or two older than me.
The grin he gives me makes me feel nauseous in a weirdly good way, “Yeah. Kinda my ‘I made it’ Moment, too.”
It’s easy to talk to Lando. There’s something about him that makes me comfortable even though we’ve just met. That’s dangerous, especially for me.
He tells me that he lives in Monaco (of course he has to live far), and that he travels most of the time. This is good, I tell myself. I feel like this is going somewhere and it’s perfect if he just leaves after tonight!
I feel this way because Lando’s eyes keep flicking down to my lips.
I explain how I moved from California to New York after modeling for a bit in LA, “I’m Twenty Two.” I shrug, singing the song a big.
“Shit.” He brings the bottle to his lips again as I scoff.
“Right…What are you? Twenty six?”
He almost chokes on the drink, “Twenty six!? Tell me you’re lying!”
I laugh at his reaction, “No! Tell me how old you are!”
He shakes his head, a curl falling onto his forehead, “I’m Twenty four, you muppet.” I slap my hand over my mouth to quiet my laughter.
“Muppet!?” I laugh, my head falling back.
“Yeah, you’ve made me feel all old.” He shakes his head.
“I like your accent.” I just say it. I don’t know why I do, well, when I glance at the bottle in my hand I have a guess.
He smiles, his eyes reflecting the city lights, “Thanks, love.”
“Love?” I eye him, “You’ve got that winner attitude, pretty cocky.”
He runs his tongue over his teeth, “Not cocky, just hopeful.” I shake my head, looking away from him and focusing on the night sky. I am so fucked.
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gloomwitchwrites · 3 days
Trick or Treat
John "Soap" MacTavish x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): brief mention of alcohol, dad!Soap, married life, fluff, suggestive themes (at the end)
Word Count: 750
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A/N: Requested by @glitterypirateduck for 3.5k Spooky Bingo (Trick or Treat)
You and Johnny take the kids for their first American Halloween. Afterwards is for the adults.
ao3 // main masterlist // 3.5k spooky bingo masterlist
"Are the kids ready?"
"Aye, love. Wee ones are ready."
"Yes, love."
Johnny slips his arms around, pulling you into him. He has a lazy, contented smile on his face. "We're all ready to go. Stop fussing."
Your lips part, ready to ask another round of questions, but Johnny silences you with a kiss that sends heat right down to your toes. You can’t help but return the kiss, draping your arms around his neck, leaning into the kiss.
"Mum! Da!"
Your children's voices float down the hall, their pounding feet accompanying them. Johnny retreats with a wink, grabbing his coat and yours off the bed, and offering yours to you as the children appear in the doorway.
Both of them are dressed as their characters. The choice was made last minute, as was the trip to the local Halloween store to procure everything necessary. They are eager. Excited. This is their first Halloween in the States and not Scotland.
"We're going to miss all the candy!" groans your son.
Johnny chuckles. "Goblins. The both of you," he teases, ushering the two of them out the bedroom door and into the living room.
You slide your coat on and follow them. The children grab their empty pillowcases, and Johnny herds the two of them toward the front door.
"What's that?" you ask, staring at the red wagon parked next to the coat rack.
"Survival," replies Johnny.
"For who? Us?"
Johnny grins and grabs the handle, the four of you exiting and heading into the neighborhood with all the other families.
From the wagon, he retrieves two thermoses. "Added something extra," he says as the children charge for the first house.
You open the lid and smell it. A warm, comforting aroma greets you. Taking a sip, you smile around the rim. There's an underlying burn.
"Naughty," you laugh.
Johnny flashes you his best smile.
As the children's pillowcases fill with candy, the burn of your drink becomes a warm tingle, leaving you light and a bit buzzed. Johnny keeps an eye on the children, monitoring their candy progress and touching up makeup instead of leaving you to do it all. You're able to enjoy yourself, and when the night becomes a bit colder, he wraps you up in a blanket.
"Show me," you say, and your children open up their pillowcases. They're full to the point of bursting. "Good haul."
Your son picks something out and starts to unwrap it.
"No. It's late. Bedtime." Johnny snatches it right out of the boy's hand before he can get it open.
"But Da!"
"You have school tomorrow. Costumes off. Shower. Brush your teeth. And then bed."
The children groan but they leave their pillowcases of candy on the kitchen counter, the two of them taking off to see who will get to the bathroom first. Johnny rinses out the thermoses and unpacks the wagon, taking it to the garage once it's empty. You start the dishwasher and hit the lights once the children are tucked in.
Both children crash the moment their heads hit the bed. Yawning, you head into the bedroom, removing your coat and getting ready for bed yourself. In the bathroom with your toothbrush in your mouth, you don't notice Johnny entering. You spit the minty toothpaste into the sink and glance up, only to jump in surprise.
He's wearing a mask that covers everything but his mouth. It's black. A skull face. Other than that, Johnny wears nothing else except black boxer briefs.
"You startled me," you laugh, rinsing the toothbrush and putting it back in its holder
He saunters forward, grabbing your hips, and pulling you close. "Looking for my own treat tonight."
"Are you?" you tease, offering your mouth.
Johnny leans in. The kiss is deep and demanding. His hands slide from your hips to the curve of your ass. He squeezes, and then descends further, slipping his hands under your nightdress to find his prize.
You gasp against his lips as his fingers part you, seeking your slickness.
"Will you go willingly? Or do I have to drag you?"
A little resistance is always fun.
"Is the door locked?" you ask.
"It is."
"Then no. I won't go willingly."
With an amused growl, Johnny's finger delves inside. You moan, head falling back slightly with pleasure. Johnny's lips skim the side of your neck. He nips. A tease. Then, a bite.
He inserts a second finger.
"Trick, then," murmurs Johnny. "Treat comes later."
@coffeecaketornado @km-ffluv @tiredmetalenthusiast @miaraei @cherryofdeath
@ferns-fics @tulipsun-flower @miss-mistinguett @ninman82 @eternallyvenus
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@voids-universe @iloveslasher @talooolaaloolla @sadlonelybagel @haven-1307
@itsberrydreemurstuff @cod-z @keiva1000 @littlemisscriesherselftosleep @blackhawkfanatic
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@ash-tarte @enarien @gingergirl06 @certainlygay @greeniegreengreen
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hwaslayer · 2 days
vivrant thing (jwy) | five.
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—SUMMARY: after getting into a little accident, wooyoung decides to do his sister a favor by pretending to be your date at the company summer party. as soon as the night ends, wooyoung would go back to his usual routine of hanging out with his boys, keeping his distance from committed relationships and being a typical brother to jiwoo. except, the favor comes with more than what wooyoung expects and he finds you occupying his mind more than usual. 
—PAIRING: jung wooyoung x f. reader
—GENRE: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriend’s brother au | fluff, angst, smut
—CHAPTER CONTENT / WARNINGS: cussing, mature language/sexually implied content, crying, chapter is pretty heavily papa-focused, mentions of illness, the talk happens!!, crying, bbygirl is sad and exhausted but wooyoung tries his best, yes im sorry i had to reference the howl/wooyoung thing, small sweet kisses and affectionate acts, very brief mentions of alcohol consumption / intoxication / hangovers, also very brief mentions of wooyoung's past again, more jiwoo vs. wooyoung (bickering not actual arguments lol), lots of apologies from jiwoo lol sorry if i missed anything!
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Something's wrong, and Wooyoung can't figure it out. It's bothering him. As much as he's trying to respect your space, he can't help but worry about you. Especially when you haven't returned any of his texts or calls. He was expecting something, anything by now, so he can't help himself when he sends another text—
wooyoung: are you at work?
you: i'm about to head home.
You only respond because even though you aren't quite ready to face him regarding all of this yet, you don't wanna worry him unnecessarily. But, it still does anyway. Why aren't you at work?
And maybe, he should've asked if it was okay to see you first. It's the anxiety, the panic, within him that isn't letting him rest. He just needed to see you and make sure you were okay after everything that went down. His sister could be a piece of work, and you didn't necessarily have Yeosang to lean onto. Truthfully, you wouldn't be mad if he actually showed up at your door step. He is the comfort you need as much as you'd hate to admit it right now. At the same time, it'd make you a little more sad though, more confused. 
Lo and behold, when you get home from the long night in the hospital, Wooyoung is leaning against the rail; waiting right by your doorstep. You don't question why he's not at work either, but you feel a sense of relief come over you seeing him there. A sense of relief mixed with nervousness. He doesn't say a word, simply cause he's trying to read you. He's trying to figure out if he's the reason why you look so low and tired. If it's his sister, Yeosang. All of the above.
"I don't really have time to talk about this, Wooyoung—" Is all you mutter as you unlock your door and step in.
"Then, we don't have to talk about it right now. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He slips in and slowly kicks off his shoes, watching the way you drag yourself towards your closet. You're not sure why that's enough to trigger you, but you find yourself starting to tear up. Exhaustion hitting you tough, sadness stemming deep from your gut. Wooyoung can tell, and even if you're trying to be incredibly sneaky about it, he can still hear you quietly sniffing away. "Y/N." He says, forcing you to pause your movements as you continue to cry. "What is it? Whatever it is, let me help."
"Wooyoung, please just go. I need to go back."
"Go back where?" 
"The hospital." You mutter softly.
"The hospital?" He furrows his brows. "Wait, what's going on? Why are you shutting me out?"
"That's a bold question to ask after that everything that's happened." Fuck, Wooyoung thinks. Don't be fucking stupid, Wooyoung.
"You're right, I'm sorry. I'm just—" He pauses, watching as you pack things in your bag before setting it aside and grabbing a new change of clothes. "I'm worried about you."
"Don't be."
"Y/N." He calls you again, and you take this moment to look him in the eye. Everything within you wants to cave when you see him looking down at you the way he is, hand gently tugging at your wrist. He's basically pleading through his eyes, and the only reason why you continue with your next response is because he actually looks like he means it.
"Papa's in the hospital." You softly say.
"W-what?" He stutters. "What happened? He got worse?"
"Kidney infection." Wooyoung sighs. "He's been hiding it, but he's been feeling more than just being tired. The pain got really bad. Super sudden and sharp. He almost went into sepsis cause of the fever he had."
"Shit. Is he okay now?"
"He's stable." You try to brush past him to quickly wash up and change, but he blocks your path.
"Let me take you." You try to move past, yet you're still unsuccessful.
"I'll take you back—"
"Stop it. I don't need you to. I don't need you to do anything for me. I can handle it." Your response almost makes him flinch. Truthfully, he knows he deserves it. He knows it shouldn't have taken him this long to talk to you, to reach out to you. So, he knows. He's fully aware. It doesn't make it sting less, though.
"I fucked up. I acknowledge that and I'm sorry. There's so many things I can tell you when the time is right. But, for now, please don't shut me out and do this alone. I wanna be here for you." He pauses, every inch of his heart slowly shattering the more he sees the tears constantly staining your cheeks. "Please let me be here for you." You nibble on your bottom lip, shifting your attention away from Wooyoung as you wipe at your tears and try to suck it all up, try to regain composure. Before Wooyoung can even reach out to wipe the stragglers away, you step around him and lock yourself in the bathroom, leaving Wooyoung in the middle of your living room area. You give yourself a good 15 minutes to freshen up and change before meeting him outside again. He sits on the arm of your couch, patiently waiting.
"I just need to grab a few more things."
"Do you need me to help pack some stuff up?"
"It's okay." You pack some clothes and the rest of your necessities in case you'll be able to stay the night again, though you know it's probably a long shot. You hate having to be away from Papa, and now [even more than ever], you feel the need to keep him close. You feel the need to make up for not being there when he needed you the most; the guilt eating you alive.
Once you've finished, you grab yourself a bottle of water and turn to Wooyoung who is now waiting for you near the door. He gives you a small, toothless smile, gently grabbing your bag from you before leading the way out of your studio and to the car.
The drive is so, so incredibly quiet, but Wooyoung understands you need this more than anything right now. The only time he spoke a word was when he asked you which hospital you needed to go to. Otherwise, he let you sit in your peace. He'd look over from time to time, itching to hold your hand, kiss your hand or gently massage your head as a way to affectionately reassure you that things would be okay. Instead, he looks back out to the road and adjusts the heat a bit to make sure you're warm enough— hoping it's enough to provide comfort from a distance.
"You sure you don't wanna stop by for food or coffee? Anything? You should eat."
"I can just eat at the hospital."
"Mmkay." Wooyoung says, pulling into the hospital and straight towards the parking garage. When he pulls into a spot on the second floor and shuts off the car, he immediately steps out to grab your things from the trunk. You walk alongside of him towards the main entrance, checking in with the front desk before slapping on your visitor stickers and heading down the hall. It's quite the journey of twists and turns before you get to Papa's room, and a sense of relief washes over you when you finally arrive. He's sleeping in his bed, TV on to one of his favorite cooking shows.
"Papa." You gently rub at his arm to wake him. He looks up at you with sleepy eyes, mustering all his energy to smile back at you and Wooyoung.
"Y/N, Wooyoung."
"How're you feeling?" Wooyoung asks.
"Better. Not the best yet, but better." Wooyoung nods before turning his attention to you. "Why don't you go eat? I'll stay with Papa." Wooyoung looks at you sympathetically. You simply nod in response, tugging Papa's blanket up before you let him know you'll be stepping out for a few minutes.
"Papa, do you need anything right now?" He shakes his head. "I'll be back then, okay? I'm going to get food." Papa nods sleepily. "Wooyoung is here." You turn back to Wooyoung, who is now sitting in the chair next to his bed. "Want anything?"
"I'm good." He gives you a pursed smile, watching you walk out of the room and down to the cafeteria on the other end of the first floor. After grabbing some toast, a bit of egg and bacon, you order a latte to go with your food. You sit at a table near the window and slowly eat away, scrolling through social media and stumbling upon Jiwoo and Hongjoong's pictures. You like all of them, though the two of you hadn't really talked much since the fight, since she left. Despite all of the commotion, you still sent her a text wishing her a safe trip, in which she replied with a heart reaction. 
You left it at that.
It was hurtful, and you were sad you and Jiwoo were like this. But, you were still optimistic that the two of you would return to your usual ways soon. Besides, you still needed to figure out what was going on between you and Wooyoung.
All of this was a mess.
You feel your bottom lip tremble and you press the back of your finger flat beneath your nose to try and prevent yourself from crying in the cafeteria. When you feel the wave pass, you let out a shaky breath before focusing on finishing your food. Meanwhile, Wooyoung continues to watch the TV while Papa lays next to him, in and out of sleep. At least, that's what he thought until Papa breaks the comfortable silence that had fallen between them.
"Wooyoungie." Papa is barely able to make out, his voice hoarse and tired. Wooyoung is surprised to see him awake right now, only being able to imagine how tired he is.
"Mhm?" Wooyoung tugs his blanket up a little more on the side, returning his attention back up to Papa's face afterwards.
"Take care of my Y/N, hm?" He smiles softly. "My body isn't what it used to be. I'm afraid it'll only get weaker, and at some point, my time will come." Wooyoung's heart drops hearing the statement fall from Papa's lips, though, when he faces the reality, it's only the truth. "Take care of her. Please don't leave her alone."
"I will. I promise I won't leave her side, okay?" Papa lets out a content breath, resting his head back against the pillow. "Although, I think I might've messed up with her."
"You didn't." He pulls another tired smile.
"Pretty sure I did." Wooyoung licks his lips. "I was being stupid."
"You needed time, I assume. It happens to the best of us." 
"Did she.. tell you everything?" Wooyoung asks, afraid of the details Papa might know. And he knows, to some extent. You did tell him that dinner with Yeosang was terrible. You did tell him that you drank a little too much after, that you accidentally texted Wooyoung instead of Jiwoo. You did tell him things 'kinda' escalated. 
And then you apologized profusely while you cried at his bedside for not being there because you got into a fight with Jiwoo over the whole thing with Wooyoung. You cried your sorries nonstop; Papa didn't even know what was more painful to endure: you breaking down and sobbing, or his kidneys going outta wack.
"Papa?" You step inside his apartment and slip out of your shoes, a small smile on your face when you see him watering his plants out on his balcony.
"Hey, there she is." He laughs a bit, putting down his watering pot before placing an arm on his lower back. "Was just watering my plants." He winces a bit as he steps inside and plops onto the couch.
"You okay?"
"Ah, my lower back's been bothering me, but it's not too big of a deal. Probably just need to exercise and stretch more."
"You sure? We can go to the hospital just to get it checked out."
"No, no. No need." He sits back and smiles up at you. "I am sure."
"Okay. I'll brew us some tea? I got us a few pastries from your favorite café." You sit the box down on his coffee table and pop it open, revealing a matcha cream pastry and a fruit danish with seasonal berries [which is Papa's favorite].
"Sounds good. Thank you." You smile at him and start heating up some water before seeping bags of green tea. Papa lets out a content sigh as he flips through his TV and starts watching the news while you prep. "So, wanna tell me how dinner with Yeosang went?" You briefly pause, hearing the electric kettle click and automatically shut off. You take two mugs out from his cabinet and pour the tea into each before dipping the green tea bags. You set them aside for another 3 minutes, grabbing two small plates and utensils for the pastries.
"Well, to be straightforward, it was awkward and terrible."
"Awkward and terrible. That bad?"
"I don't even know if we'll even go back to being the same, Papa."
"I'm sure you will. Just give it some time. It's all fresh so it'll feel weird for a little bit." He looks at you and observes the way you avoid eye contact with him, even while you cut the pastries in half. 
"Mhm." You hum.
"Something else happen?"
"Why do you say that?" You pass him his plate and utensils, still avoiding eye contact.
"You're avoiding your old man." He chuckles and you briefly look at him before shaking your head and returning your attention to the matcha cream pastry on your plate. "You were never a liar, so it's easy to tell when you're not exactly telling the truth and covering up."
"I don't know."
"You can tell me when you're ready."
"I am ready. I just don't know how to say it."
"You know I'd never judge you."
"I know, I know." You sit back on your knees before looking up at him. "Hm. After the dinner, I went to the convenience store near my house and drank some soju to get my mind off of dinner with Yeosang. Plus, I dunno, I didn't feel as satisfied so I grabbed some snacks. I got a pretty tipsy again and ended up accidentally texting Wooyoung instead of Jiwoo. He came to my rescue. We hung out at my apartment and um." Your bottom lip pokes out. "Things kinda just.. happened." Papa nods slowly.
"Ahhh." The response is somewhat elongated.
"I know, it's awful."
"No, it's not. But, why do you seem sad or upset about it?"
"Because I dunno where this leads us. We haven't talked. I haven't even told Jiwoo yet either and I know she won't take it well. That'll probably ruin our friendship, too." You sigh. "I'm just losing my friends one by one."
"Don't say that. They love you and care for you as much as you do. Fights will happen but it won't compare to the strong foundations you've built." He pauses. "Where do you want the whole thing with Wooyoung to lead you?" You shrug.
"Is it dumb to say that I like Wooyoung? It all started from the party and—" You let out a frustrated sigh. "I know he probably doesn't feel the same." And that's the issue for you.
"You don't know that. Maybe he needed time to form his thoughts, Y/N." You look at Papa blankly. "People who have feelings will often need time to form their words. It's too deep for them to understand quickly so they dissect carefully. Especially if they don't wanna mess things up. Give him some time before you overthink and start jumping to conclusions. Can you do that for me? Wooyoung wouldn't just leave you without answers like that."
"I guess, ya." Is all you say, shaking it off before you start crying in front of him. "Anyway, tea is ready. I'll go grab it and we can watch your favorite movies?"
"Sounds good to me." He chuckles a bit, though deep down he is a little worried about you. Himself. He's been feeling off lately, and after this, the last thing he wants to do is worry you more. 
He just hopes whatever he's been feeling will pass so it'll be one less thing on your plate.
"She didn't have to tell me specifics." Wooyoung nods. "Do you find yourself feeling any different about her now that time has passed? You can tell me and it'll be safe between us."
"I like her. A lot." He does a slight head tilt. "Wouldn't blame her if she didn't feel the same, though. I handled it poorly."
"My girl's got a big heart." Papa chuckles a bit. "I know she feels the same about you, or else she wouldn't have been sulking over it." He lightly teases, making the heat rise to Wooyoung's cheeks. "Just promise me you'll take care of it. You'll take care of her?"
"I'm sorry. It was my fault in the first place. But, you have my word. I will. I'm gonna make things right after this."
"I trust you." Papa holds out his hand for Wooyoung to take, and he does. He holds it tightly, giving it a squeeze.
"For now, she still needs you, too. Promise me you'll take care of yourself?"
"I know, I should, huh? Might need you to be my personal trainer." Wooyoung laughs a bit.
"I think you're stronger and way more knowledgeable than me."
"Should we arm wrestle when I get a little better?"
"Sure, I'll let you hurt my feelings just once. I deserve it." Papa laughs just before shutting his eyes to rest again. The nurse comes in to give Papa his breakfast and meds, greeting Wooyoung as she sets it up on the table. As soon as she instructs Papa to eat his porridge and take his medicine right after, you walk in and greet her with a small smile on your face. You speak to her to check on any new updates regarding Papa and she reassures you that everything seems to be fine. If he continues to improve and remain stable within the next day or two, she thinks he can go home sooner than later.
"Do you think I can stay here again with him tonight?" You're holding a pastry in a bag and a cold, bottled americano for Wooyoung in your hands. "I-I just don't know if I can leave him alone here." The nurse looks at you sympathetically and shakes her head, her hand on your wrist.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I wish I could bend the rules even more for you, but we can't allow visitors to stay for another night. I promise he's in good hands, okay? And as soon as the morning comes, you're more than welcome to come back." You sigh and nod, trying to be understanding of the rules. You knew this would be the outcome, but mentally preparing ahead of time doesn't make you any less sad. Nervous. Anxious.
"No, it's okay. I understand. Thank you." She gives you another sympathetic smile.
"Call me if you need anything, okay? I'm here until visiting hours end tonight." You nod, watching as she walks out, leaving the three of you in the room. You hand Wooyoung his food and drink, pulling the table with Papa's food and medicine over.
"You didn't have to."
"You should eat, too." You look at him before looking at the food and unwrapping it. "Papa, you ready to eat? You gotta take your medicine soon so you can sleep a little more."
"I could eat." You chuckle a bit while Wooyoung helps him sit up properly. 
After Papa eats and drinks his medicine, he continues to fall in and out of sleep due to the exhaustion from everything that happened over the past day and overnight. The pain seems to be managed well, and the treatment plan that the doctor has him on seems to be working. It was caught at a time before things could get too deep and severely irreversible, so you're grateful for that despite the pain Papa had gone through. In between his naps, you and Wooyoung would talk about the show on TV or go on quick walks around the hospital before coming back to the room. The only time Wooyoung leaves your side is to briefly buy some food at the convenience store across the street, grabbing you an egg salad sandwich and some iced tea per your request, and grabbing himself a few other snacks in case you wanted some, too.
Which, as he expected, you ended up stealing his chips and mochi. You only left him with a bite of his favorite strawberry mochi, but he couldn't even be mad when you looked at him with wide-eyes, powder around your lips after taking the majority of the damn thing into your mouth. All he could do was sigh, suppressing the want to tease you and tickle you until you surrender [or kick him in the balls accidentally, whichever comes first].
When evening hits, you make sure Papa gets a good amount of his dinner in before taking his medication and drinking lots of water. It hurts you to leave him alone for the night, but you know he'll be coming home soon and you'll be able to spend as much time as possible with him then. You squeeze his hand and hold back your tears, reassuring him you'll be back in the morning before dragging yourself out of his room when visiting hours ends. Wooyoung trails behind, hand rubbing at your back gently as he guides you back to the car.
The ride back home is equally as silent as the drive over to the hospital, and Wooyoung is having trouble figuring out when he can talk to you about everything going on between you and him. No time ever feels like the right time, but Wooyoung knows he has to do this instead of pushing it off even more. 
"Thank you for driving me and for staying with me today." 
"It's nothing."
"It's a lot, and I really appreciate it." He looks over with a tiny smile before pulling up to your street. It's obvious Wooyoung wants to say more and you know what it is, but the assumption doesn't get solidified until he breaks the silence again; you're not entirely sure how to feel with where this is going.
Anxious? Afraid of what he might actually say to you about everything?
"Y/N." Wooyoung calls for you just as he parks his car and shuts it off. "Can we talk now please? It probably won't feel like the right time, but I'd really like to before the night ends. I don't want another day to pass like this." You look at him, hand tugging on the sleeve of your sweater as you nod.
"Okay." Wooyoung looks at you and gives you a small smile.
"Let me start off by saying I'm sorry about the way things happened. I was fucking stupid and I shouldn't have left you that morning. Truthfully, I just didn't know how to put my feelings into words because it's never been this way for me. I know it sounds cliché, but I really don't know how else to explain it. I just.. I like you. A lot. I have a lot of feelings for you and it was scary for me because it happened quick, and I wasn't sure if you felt the same. I know I should've just said it to avoid all of this in the first place, but clearly I'm bad at it." He chuckles nervously before shaking his head. "Um, anyway—I'm rambling. I'm sorry." He repeats, soft dark brown eyes on you. "Point is, I like you and there's nothing else I've been more sure of. I hope I didn't mess this up already, but I'd understand if you wanted nothing to do with me. I didn't treat you the way you should have been treated that morning, and I'm sorry for making you feel that way in the first place." His voice falls lowly, Wooyoung trying to stomach his nervousness for your response. He watches as you fiddle with your fingers before you look up at him.
"I appreciate the apology. I'm not gonna lie, it was hurtful Wooyoung. And it didn't make it any better that your sister was in my face with the 'i told you so.'" You sigh.
"I'm sorry, I know. That was never my intention, Y/N. And if you wanna do this with me, we can take this slow so that I can show you. Because I never wanna make you feel that way again."
"I feel the same way and I do want this with you, Wooyoung. I'm just scared."
"I know, and that's completely valid. But, I promise you that you can trust me to take care of you from here on out, okay? We don't have to rush into anything and just take it as it comes. But, I'm here with you no matter what. Nothing will change that." You slowly nod, the feelings slightly becoming overwhelming. 
"Okay." Is all you respond with. You're feeling happy, relieved, but also scared, anxious. It might just be everything that's been happening with Papa, but it feels good to know you aren't entirely alone. Because even if you didn't wanna admit it before, you were afraid of being alone. Despite your friends being with you over the years, there was always a sense of loneliness that was hidden in the corner of your mind. Loneliness without your parents. Loneliness without a person, your person. You tried not to look at it this way because you weren't really lacking anywhere and still had love coming from different avenues. But, you also can't lie and say you didn't think about it and how it'd feel to have your parents, or someone to call yours genuinely and wholly.
"And Jiwoo.." Wooyoung does a slight head tilt. "I won't apologize on her behalf, but whatever she said about me, I can't lie and say it isn't true. You know I haven't been the best in the past, but you mean more to me than that and I'm trying to do better this time around. It's not gonna be perfect but know that I'm trying." He lets out a breath. "She'll come around soon, too. I know you're worried about her. You know how Jiwoo is."
"I hope so."
"I'll try and talk to her."
"It's okay. I think I just need to sit her down and open up to her about all of this." He nods.
"We're okay then?"
"Yeah." You manage to push the rest of your feelings back momentarily when Wooyoung leans over to place a chaste kiss on your forehead. For a second, things do feel okay.
"Come on, let's get you upstairs. Been a long day for you." You nod. Wooyoung grabs your bag from the trunk, following closely behind you as you walk up to your studio. You still seem rather quiet and although he's happy the talk is done with and you two are okay, he can tell something else is bothering you. It isn't long before he finds out because as soon as you enter your studio, you let out a heavy sigh and drop your purse to the floor. You stand in the center, suddenly breaking down into your hands when the feeling gets immensely overwhelming, almost unbearable.
"Y/N." Wooyoung says, close to a whisper. He comes from behind and gently wraps his arms around you before turning you to face him. He pries your hands away from your face, thumbs softly coming to wipe your tears away. "Baby, hey. It's gonna be okay." He shushes you as you rest against his chest, crying and wetting his shirt. "Baby." He repeats at a whisper, shushing and cooing you in his arms. "What is it? What's bothering you?" He tenderly kisses your tears away, thumb caressing your cheeks while he looks at you with a small frown on his face.
"What if they didn't get there in time, Woo? What if he had been one minute late—" Wooyoung tuts and rests against the back of the couch, pulling you in between his legs. He continues to wipe your tears away, shaking his head.
"But, none of that happened, okay? None of that happened. You don't need to worry about that because he's still here. He's recovering and you've been there with him every step of the way. That's all that matters. He's gonna get better, he already is. He'll be better tomorrow and the next day, and so on." You sigh, looking at him before nodding. 
"I can't lose him right away."
"You won't. I promise. He's still strong and he'll get through this." He brushes the hair away from your face. "It's gonna be okay." He repeats.
"Don't be, love. Why don't you get comfortable, hm? We can hang out here and watch another Studio Ghibli movie."
"Will you stay?" You ask him softly, watching as he presses a kiss to the surface of your hand.
"Of course I will, Y/N. I'm just gonna grab some stuff from my place, but I'll make it quick and come back."
"Okay." You answer, voice dipping close to a whisper. Wooyoung pulls you closer, pressing a light kiss to your lips before standing. As you grab your pajamas, Wooyoung gets a hot shower started for you, tossing a bit of your lavender epsom salt onto the shower floor to help relax you. He reassures you again that he'll be quick before shutting the bathroom door and heading out. You give yourself time to just be under the hot water, letting it ease and relax your body while you cry out all your worries and concerns— letting them all go so that you can find some peace for the time being.
Maybe the universe will take the rest into its own hands.
After taking your time in the shower, you step out and do your nightly routine— carefully lathering the lotion across your body before working on your skincare. You throw on your red flannel pajama shorts and step into a vintage Disneyland crewneck before walking out to light up some candles and search for a good movie. It's not until about 15 mins later that Wooyoung comes through the door, holding a brown bag in hand; duffle bag slung on his shoulder while he's also [apparently] sporting red flannel pajamas and a black Stussy hoodie.
"Copycat." Wooyoung points to your red flannel pajamas as you watch him show you his own hiding underneath his sweats.
"Excuse, I threw these on first."
"What if I got to my apartment before you stepped out?" Wooyoung cocks a brow up, making you roll your eyes in return. He snorts and rushes to hold you from behind, kissing you on the cheek. "It does look better on you, though."
"I thought so." He chuckles a bit before pointing at the bag. "So, I might've made a pitstop to the McDonald's drive-thru because I was craving a shrimp burger and some fries. I got you the chicken sandwich. With a side order for their special sauce?" He says in a questioning tone. "And fries!"
"How'd you remember?"
"Please, I've only had to do the order for you and Jiwoo a million times over the years." You giggle.
"Thank you, Woo." He sets his bag down and slips out of his sweats to walk around in his flannel pajamas before coming over to you in the living room.
"No problem." He points at your hair. "You can get sick." He crinkles his forehead at you before walking into your bathroom and grabbing your hair dryer hanging off of the organizer you have. He takes one of your wide-toothed combs and plops back onto the couch.
"Wooyoung." You look at him as you take the food out of the bag and set it on the coffee table. "You don't have to dry my hair."
"Well, I know you won't and I don't want you to get sick. I don't mind. Come." He pats the area in between his legs. Once you've set the empty bag aside, he sits you in between his legs before plugging the dryer into your extension cord. He switches it to the low heat setting, taking the blow dryer to your hair as he gently combs through. You set the TV onto Howl's Moving Castle, picking at your fries as Wooyoung continues to patiently dry your hair. "You can eat." He says over the noise. You hold up a fry for him to take in his mouth, continuing his motions until your hair is mostly dry, a few strands still damp but not too wet. "There." He says, shutting it off and gently combing through your hair.
"Thank you." He chuckles before neatly tying the cord the way you had it done earlier and slipping out from behind you to put it back in the bathroom. You've moved back onto the couch with your burger box in hand, pressing play to the movie as Wooyoung sits down.
"Yoooo." He smiles. "This is one of my favorites!" You look at him with your eyes squinted. "What?"
"You know, since you started growing out your hair, I knew you looked like someone but I could never put my finger on who exactly. And now it makes sense."
"What?" He repeats.
"You look like Howl." He blushes and does his high-pitched giggle, making you snort in response.
"You mean that?"
"Shut up. You just wanna hear it."
"I do." He pouts.
"I'll change it."
"I mean go for it, you can always look at him here on your couch." He wiggles his eyebrows.
"Wooyoung." You whine, flipping to Grave of the Fireflies.
"Baby." It's his turn to whine. He'd probably kick his feet and cry about it if he truly wanted to. "Why'd you turn it?! I heard this is hella sad!"
"Then, we'll cry together this time! A core bonding moment." You press play.
"Sassy." He looks at you. "I just wanna remind you that you ate my favorite mochi earlier." Wooyoung reminds you and you sigh.
"I already said sorry!" He laughs.
"I'm just teasing."
"Do you really not wanna watch this?"
"No, I do! I don't mind. I just thought the reminder would help since hours passed." You roll your eyes.
"I'm just gonna buy you another one tomorrow." 
"I'm kidding. Honestly." Wooyoung laughs. "You know what I could take instead?" You cock a brow up.
"Dare I even answer?"
"Too late, I'll take that as an answer." He puckers his lips. "I'll never bring it up again." He says in between. You giggle and succumb to his wants, quickly pecking him on the lips that leaves him smiling in a daze. "I'll never get tired of that." You shake your head and press play, the both of you finally eating away at your food as the movie gets on to a start without interruptions. 
You finish your food within the first 15 minutes, not realizing how hungry you were for good, sloppy comfort food. Wooyoung surprisingly remains quiet for a majority, only making noises and reacting to specific scenes. Eventually, the food coma hits you and you find yourself switching positions until you're snuggled up to Wooyoung. He takes the outer end of the couch while you lay on his chest from the inside. The blanket you leave hanging on the arm of the couch is now draped over you two, Wooyoung's arm around you to keep you close. When the movie hits the last 20 minute mark, Wooyoung starts spilling out his thoughts, but finds that your responses get more and more delayed as time goes on.
"Mhm." You answer late, causing Wooyoung to look down at you. You're damn near falling asleep on him, and it doesn't help that Wooyoung feels incredibly warm. Comfortable. He laughs a bit to himself before gently shaking your shoulder and pressing another kiss to your forehead.
"Falling asleep there?"
"Just wanna rest my eyes for like.. 5 minutes." You mumble, with Wooyoung carrying on to finish the rest of the movie by himself. Suddenly, his phone starts vibrating on the coffee table, making him swoop it up in a haste to avoid waking you up from your so-called 5-min nap.
"Ay!" Wooyoung rests the phone on his ear, regretting it as soon as San's loud ass voice comes through on the other end.
"The fuck are you so loud for?" Wooyoung says lowly, hoping this doesn't wake you.
"Kinda drunk. Wanna head out? We're gonna head to the bars!"
"Uh, nah." Wooyoung looks down while you shift in your position, snugging closer to him. "I'm good."
"What?" San laughs. "You're turning down bar hopping? For what?"
"Just cause. Plus, it's the weekday. You're gonna be so fucked tomorrow."
"Wow, that's new." San snorts. "Are you with Y/N or something?"
"Yeah. She's asleep."
"So, you won't even head out for a bit while she's asleep?"
"No, dude. I'm not gonna leave her." There's a silence that falls between them before San is clearing his throat.
"I get it. Okay then! Well, we'll be at our usuals if you change your mind."
"Probably not. But, have fun and be safe." 
"Thanks!" He says before he mumbles something to the rest of the group and hangs up the call. Wooyoung wraps up the movie and switches it to a college basketball documentary that's playing on the TV, only making it about 15 minutes more before he finds himself getting sleepy.
"Y/N." Wooyoung calls for you before he can fall asleep completely. "Let's get ready for bed so we can sleep." You let out a small whine before rubbing at your face, sitting up as Wooyoung follows suit. You sleepily waddle over to the bathroom to brush and floss your teeth with one eye barely open. You quickly check the clock outside, seeing that it's only about 11pm but it feels late. You feel exhausted. Wooyoung is tossing the trash away before wiping down your coffee table, shutting off the TV before grabbing his things from his bag. You quickly pee and wash your hands before walking over to the bed and letting Wooyoung take over the bathroom. 
The entire studio is dark at this point besides the bathroom light seeping from under the door in the corner, and for once, the dark doesn't seem so frightening, so lonely. 
So cold.
For once, the dark is soothing, is peaceful. For once, the dark is warmth because Wooyoung will be there no matter which direction you turn. You crawl under your covers, scooting towards the inside of your bed to make room for Wooyoung. He takes about 10 minutes before he shuts off the light and heads over to join you. He sheds off his hoodie and tosses it aside, slipping under the covers in his pajama pants and white tee. You continue to face him as he settles, his hand coming to your side to pull you a little closer.
"Yeah, babygirl?"
"You know you don't have to stay at the hospital tomorrow, right? I'd be okay if you just dropped me off." He shakes his head.
"No, I don't mind. I'll stay."
"You sure?" You yawn.
"Mhm. I want to."
"You're gonna be so fired." He laughs.
"I've got hours, don't worry."
"Thank you."
"Stop thanking me, love. I'm only trying to take care of you properly." You sleepily smile at him while he kisses the tip of your nose. "We should probably sleep since we need to be up early tomorrow." You nod, his hand giving your side a squeeze. You initiate the kiss this time, feeling comfortable yet bold enough to give him a goodnight kiss. He holds it for a second longer before parting, chasing after your lips quickly after. You giggle when he starts to repeatedly kiss you and smiling into the kiss, almost having trouble prying himself off of you. "Okay, okay." He laughs. "Goodnight, pretty girl."
"Goodnight, Woo." You welcome yourself into his arms and almost fall asleep immediately, his arms feeling like home to you.
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The next morning comes, and you and Wooyoung are off to the hospital about 30-mins after visiting hours begin. You found it hard to sleep fully throughout the night, anxious and scared a call from the hospital would come through about changes in Papa's status. But, thankfully, none of the sort happened, and Wooyoung did his best to keep you comfortable throughout the night by whispering his reassurances against your head.
Through sweet, gentle touches and squeezes. 
To your relief, Papa looks brighter and more alert when you walk in. He's already slowly going through his oatmeal, the morning news on the TV screen. He smiles when he sees the both of you walk in, loosely hand-in-hand. You happily walk over to Papa and hug him, sitting on the edge of his bed while you place a hand on his forehead.
"How'd you sleep?" You ask, his temp feeling way better than the past days.
"Good! I was in a deep sleep." You laugh.
"No pain or anything?" He shakes his head. "Good. Everything seems to be working. You might be outta here tomorrow!"
"I just might." He chuckles. "The nurse said she was gonna come back and wash me up. Was hoping to get me up and walking around to get some movement in, too."
"That's a good idea. Let's go on a walk later." Wooyoung says as he sits on the chair by his bed. You nod in agreement, watching as Papa continues to eat away at his oatmeal and fruits. 
"Do you need to go home?"
"Mm." Wooyoung looks at his phone. "I was going to just to make some food for us."
"You should go. We'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"Yes." You give him a look, and he can't help but return the look in a playful manner.
"I'll go in a bit, but I'll be quick when I do." He tugs on your hand. "Come sit and relax." You sit in the empty chair next to Wooyoung. You continue to ask Papa about his night and if the doctor visited this morning. He says yes, sharing the optimism from the doctor despite the fact that he'll have to make a few lifestyle changes moving forward. You share in the excitement, agreeing that Papa looks way better and seems to be progressing back to his old self. You and Wooyoung let him know that you'll be there every step of the way, making sure those changes are implemented smoothly. Papa starts to tell you about his dream, and how he was hiking up a tall mountain without any issue. At the end of the trail was a beautiful view of a city, but he couldn't pinpoint where exactly. He describes all the pretty flowers blossoming on his way to the top, the sky clear and blue. He jokes about how he hopes he can make it come true soon, even if its a local hike. You chuckle, telling him he needs to take it easy for awhile until he fully regains strength and he remains stable for a good period. Wooyoung chimes in, volunteering to join him when that time comes.
When the conversation settles, Wooyoung takes this as an opportunity to head out so he can come back right away. He heads back to his apartment to whip up a good lunch and dinner [along with whatever snacks are lying around] to pack up for the two of you to grub on. While he occupies himself with food prep, he calls San to check on him and to ask him how the night went. As expected, his bestfriend is hung over as shit at work, groaning and complaining about how he drank too much and should've paced himself knowing he had work. Wooyoung laughs at him over the phone, giving him his own version of an 'i told you so' before San lowly cusses him out. He asks about you and Papa and if everything seems to be better. Wooyoung lets him know that Papa's improved, and that he was able to talk everything out with you. There's another silence that falls between them and it's because San simply isn't used to this Wooyoung. He's used to the Wooyoung that was a 'lil shit, playing his game and being up and about no matter what the time or day was. He's used to the Wooyoung that wasn't messing with serious relationships and the Wooyoung that had to give the 'i think you should go' talk after every fuck. Or the 'it was never supposed to get this serious' talk when the girls would find themselves talking to him about feelings.
It's just been a long, long time since San has seen this Wooyoung, and quite frankly, he wasn't sure if he would ever see it again. But, don't get him wrong. He is happy for you two, and it's almost like fresh air hearing Wooyoung talk about you the way he does. He's gonna have to get used to seeing less and less of him, and that's fine— as long as Wooyoung was genuinely happy.
RIP to those days, though. It was fun while it lasted!
Once Wooyoung finally finishes whipping up some food and packing it away, he grabs a few other necessities; fully expecting to be with you tonight so that he can help you with Papa's potential release tomorrow. He's glad he told work he'd be out for the week. Even though it was a bit last minute, he does have a shit ton of PTO and sick hours accumulated that he doesn't mind using if it meant he'd be with you.
God, he really fucking likes you. 
So much that Wooyoung finds a 'lil pep in his step walking back to his car, plopping the bag of food right onto his passenger's seat— buckling it up to keep it safe and steady. He blasts his music out of the parking lot, Mr. Donnell Jones coming through on his speakers with U Know What's Up. He sings along until he's rudely interrupted by a call coming through from his sister.
"Damn, Jiwoo. You couldn't call any other time?" Wooyoung clicks his teeth. "What is it?"
"I just got back to my apartment from the airport, jeez. Can I swing by?"
"No. I just left."
"Then do you think you can stop by really quickly? I got you a few things from Japan." Which, as we've learned, is Jiwoo's way of apologizing without having to flat out apologize to her brother. Wooyoung rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, shaking his head as if she can see him.
"Can't either."
"Why not?"
"Because. I'm on the way to the hospital."
"Uh. For what?"
"Well, while you were too busy being all upsetti-spaghetti, Papa's been in the hospital."
"What? Why didn't Y/N tell me anything?! Oh my god—"
"Jiwoo, if I were her, I would not be thinking about you first either." Wooyoung furrows his brows as he continues to drive off. "Besides, you being the good ol' bestfriend you are, kicked her outta your place, remember? I don't think she necessarily feels like she can come to you right now."
"Fuck." Jiwoo whines, feeling guilty about everything. She knows she was a tad too harsh, and she knows she should've come to you first. But, she was waiting until she could see you in person to apologize for the way she acted. "Which hospital?"
"I'll be there soon with Joong." 
"Don't come if you plan on yelling some more."
"I'm not! I need to see my bestfriend, Wooyoung. You can't have her to yourself."
"Can't hear you—" With that, Wooyoung abruptly ends the call. He drives into the garage and finds a spot on the third level, carrying the bag of food he made in his hand before making the trek over to Papa's room. 
"You're back." Your eyes twinkle when you see him walk in and he can't help but smile.
"That, I am." He presses a kiss to your temple. "I made some food for lunch and dinner. Or else my groceries were gonna go bad."
"Wow, okay chef." You laugh. "Thank you, Woo." 
"Mhm." He responds in a sing-song tone before turning to Papa, who is now coming out of the bathroom with his nurse. "He's up."
"He is!" She answers.
"Am I allowed to take him on a walk and get some steps in?"
"No, please. Go for it. Thank you." The nurse steps aside to let Wooyoung guide Papa and the IV pole out into the hallway. The nurse watches them until they head out, returning her attention back to you once they leave.
"Is that your boyfriend?"
"Mm. A friend that's a boy?" You tease with a small laugh. She gets it though, and she knows. You didn't even have to say it because she can clearly see it through Wooyoung's actions alone.
"Well, he seems to care a lot about you and your grandfather. It's very sweet."
"He is." You give her a toothless smile. "Thank you for taking care of him. I really appreciate it."
"No problem. He's been good, so I'm more than sure he'll be out of here tomorrow." You nod, watching as she walks out of the room. You sit back and look through the bag Wooyoung brought, giggling to yourself when there's a whole bag of sour punch straws and other random snacks surrounding the tupperwares. You pick at the tiny bag of biscoff cookies, nibbling onto one as you sit back and catch up on one of the podcasts you actively follow. 
Just as Wooyoung and Papa come back into the room about 30 minutes later, you scurry off to the bathroom down the hall. At this point, Jiwoo and Hongjoong barely miss you as they turn the corner and approach the room. Wooyoung is helping Papa get situated properly back in the bed post-walk, the two talking about the episode from his cooking show that's currently playing on TV. When he turns towards the door and catches Jiwoo'a figure, he gives her a small nod of acknowledgement.
"Joong, I think an intruder snuck in with you." Jiwoo rolls her eyes while Hongjoong laughs it off, the two of them formally greeting Papa and checking in with him. Jiwoo looks around the room, making sure she hasn't missed you before turning to her brother.
"Where'd she go?"
"Bathroom." Wooyoung gives his sister a particular look. 
"Don't give me that look." She pouts a bit and he shrugs.
"What else am I supposed to do?" Is all he says before you appear in the doorway, pausing in your steps when you noticed the additional visitors in the room.
"Oh. Hi—" Jiwoo comes rushing over, pulling you into the biggest bear hug known to man. At first, you're caught off guard even though this has happened during silly little one-off fights with Jiwoo in the past. But, once you've gotten over the initial feeling, you slowly wrap your arms around her and rest in her hold.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I really am so sorry. I shouldn't have done all of that, I shouldn't have yelled and kicked you out— I'm so sorry." She mumbles against you. "You must've felt so alone. I'm sorry. I wanted to wait until I saw you in person again but Wooyoung told me Papa was here so I had to come. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so angry and said those things—" She continues to repeat until she's basically sobbing in your arms, the three men in the back minding their own business and giving you two space.
"It's fine, Jiwoo. Stop apologizing."
"No, it's not." She pulls back and looks at you with a pout, brushing your hair back. "I treated you so poorly and unfairly and I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. I probably would've reacted the same way if I was in your shoes. It's fine. We're okay."
"Are you sure we are? I promise I'll make it up to you."
"Stop that. You don't need to, okay? I promise we're fine." She lets out a sigh and examines your features, somewhat relieved you don't seem too exhausted or stressed from everything going on.
"Are you and my brother good? Did you talk it out?"
"We did."
"So, is this a thing now?" She points between you and him, and you nod timidly.
"Y-yeah. It is. I hope you're not mad."
"I'm not. I'm only slightly grossed out just cause it's Wooyoung, but I'm not mad. You just let me know if he messes up ever again, okay? I'm sorry, Y/N. And wait, don't think about replacing me with him either." You snort, shaking your head at her. She hugs you tightly again before holding your hand and bringing you to the gift bags she set aside at the corner of the room. She hands you and Papa a gift bag, while shoving Wooyoung's his way. Her and Hongjoong tell you a little bit about the trip, but they don't go into too much detail before they start asking about Papa and how he had been feeling. As the conversation continues, Jiwoo notices the way Wooyoung completely changes around you [in a good way]. He's got you on his lap, hand gently caressing your arm. It looks so natural and so.. meant to be [and so not out of place] that Jiwoo can't even be mad or find a reason to justify her past actions. He cares about you, and you with him.
All she's ever wanted was for you to be happy, for Wooyoung to be genuinely happy. She's not gonna lie— it does melt her heart a bit to see it live.
They hang around for a good hour or so before Jiwoo and Hongjoong give Papa some time to rest; Wooyoung offering to walk them back to the car while you stay behind and sit with him as he falls into an afternoon nap. Hongjoong quickly runs over to the bathroom, leaving Jiwoo and her brother alone momentarily.
"You really care about her." Jiwoo says softly.
"Yeah, I do." He stuffs his hands in his pockets and kicks at the imaginary rocks below his feet.
"Don't fuck this up, okay?" She looks at him. "Seriously, I'll beat your ass if you hurt her."
"I won't, Jiwoo." He says, slightly annoyed. But, he knows she means well and is just being your bestfriend. "Could help if you had a little more hope in me, you know?"
"Okay. I'm sorry." She sighs. "So, what are your plans with her? You haven't asked her out officially, right?"
"Well, that's why I'm gonna take her out on a date once Papa's out and better."
"To where?"
"To mind your own business, that's where." He looks at her with a brow cocked up and she rolls her eyes.
"Idiot." He snorts.
"Actually.. I have a few ideas but there's this one I really like. Think she might have fun and enjoy it with me."
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—TAGLIST: @asjkdk @interweab @woojirang @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs @persphonesorchid @mxnsxngie @jycas @cowboydk @heyitsmetonid @ldysmfrst @intaksfav @wooyoungsbrat @hyukssunflower @yunhoswrldddd @gotthicbish @thespiffynerd @jaytheatiny @yoonrixx @aurorajoye @i-love-ateez @starrywoo @bitejoongie @thedistractedwriter @dalsuwaha @huachengsbestie01
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lunaritex · 1 day
𓏲࣪ ִֶָ ︎ִֶָ LIGHTS, CAMERA AND LOVE 𖤐. — nishimura riki
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↺ CONTENT: idol au, both reader and riki are idols, reader is female, brief tooth-rotting fluff.
↺ FROM HYE: this was inspired after watching his artist of the month video heh…
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“Hello everyone. I’m (Name) and today, I’m on the set of Studio Choom to film the video for the Artist of the Month,” you introduced yourself, clapping and bowing a little as you sat on the chair provided by the staff. 
“(Name), how does it feel to be chosen as the Artist of the Month?” 
Laughing, you shyly tucked your hair behind your left ear. “Ah, to be honest, I’m not that confident in my dancing abilities. So I was quite shocked when I heard I got selected. But thank you so much for the opportunity provided to me. I will show my best self for everyone and my fans.” 
“Can you tell us what you have prepared for us?”
Humming, you slung your left leg over your right as you rested your hands on your left knee. “I’ve chosen to perform two songs: Rude Boy by Rihanna and Work it by Missy Elliot. I have gone with hip hop and pop, as I always wanted to try dancing to these kinds of songs. And I like challenging myself to new things too.” 
“How would you rate the choreography?” 
You purse your lips, pondering over it before answering. “If you know Pass the Mic by ENHYPEN, take their choreography and multiply it by… three times? It’s quite hard and it took me a while to master it.” 
“Speaking of ENHYPEN, how long have you been dating Nishimura Riki?” 
You gasped, taken aback by the sudden question about your love life. Your face flushed red when you heard the staff laugh at your embarrassment. “We’ve been together for about six months now, and our monthly anniversary is coming tomorrow. Which is also the day the video will drop too. I hope everyone looks forward to it-?” 
You paused when you saw a familiar figure entering the place. You ignored how you were in the middle of an interview, face brightening at the sight of your beloved boyfriend entering. You excitedly waved as Riki got closer. He chuckled, leaning down to press a loving kiss on your forehead as he stood beside you. Due to him being too tall, the camera was not able to capture his face. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you’re still busy with your schedule,” you asked, having to tilt your head up to look at him. 
“We ended early and I decided to surprise you. Although, it looks like you’re in the middle of something,” he sounds sheepish, but the staff merely shrugged his apology off. 
You giggled, leaning against him and faced the camera. “Now that my boyfriend’s here, maybe we should hear some encouraging words from him. Right, Riki?”
“Huh? Why are you suddenly interviewing me?” His eyes widened, not expecting you to change the direction of the interview just like that. You laughed at his reaction, pulling at his hand. 
“Come on, just say a few words!” You begged. 
Sighing, he bent slightly to reveal his face to the camera. “Hello, I’m Nishimura Riki from ENHYPEN. Uh, I don’t have much to say but please show lots of love and support to (Name)’s performance video. It drops tomorrow and I can tell she has put in a lot of effort into making the video. Thanks.” 
“Before we end, could we have the both of you do a dance together?” 
“Aish, I knew there was something else after this,” Riki mischievously wagged his finger at the staff, eliciting a round of amused laughter from them. 
You chuckled, rising to your feet. “Sure, how about we cover Riki’s dance on Studio Choom? The Artist of the Month video and we can do the moment of the video where it's most replayed.” 
“Don’t tell me…” Riki’s voice trailed off, recognition flickering across his face when he saw one of the staff handing both of you sunglasses. 
Both of you got into position. Once the music started, the staff were amazed with how in sync you were with one another. Your facial expressions were on point, easily matching the vibes of the song. Thankfully, you did not have to perform the whole choreography and instead, only showcase five minutes of it. When it ended, you were panting and catching your breath. 
“Since when did you learn it?” Riki asked, amazed as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“It was meant to be a surprise, but I guess it’s out of the bag now,” you sheepishly scratched your head, squeaking when he embraced you in a hug, his taller frame hiding you from the camera. The staff took it as a cue to end the recording, wanting to give the couple their much-needed alone time. 
Seeing this, Riki took it as his cue to squish your cheeks with his hands. You made a noise of protest but he ignores it, sniggering at your offended expression. He could no longer hold back, leaning down to give you a searing kiss on your lips. Before you could react, he had pulled away. A satisfied smirk appeared on his face at the sight of your dazed look. 
“You’re so cute,” he teased. 
Needless to say, the video did well and most of the comment sections were filled with people squealing over your relationship. 
‘(Name) and Riki are so cute together! And the way they are in sync with one another is so cool! Truly the power duo we need.’
‘Forget Riki, I want (Name) instead.’
‘The part where they threw their sunglasses at the same time… chefs kiss.’ 
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ladykailitha · 3 days
A Love Connection Part 8
Can you believe we have finally reached the end? It has been an absolute blast going through this with all of you. With any luck (fingers crossed) Next week will also have another special story come out next Tuesday, the sequel to Icarus (metal band) so that I can get it out before Halloween.
In this we had the end of Steddie's date, the end of the episode and cute little reunion epilogue. (which may or may not have a 9-1-1 joke)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Once they had walked off their breakfast and was getting hungry for lunch, Eddie was given a picnic basket and cooler by the crew and they drove out to the park for their picnic.
They sat on opposite sides of the park table as Eddie unpacked everything. There were turkey sandwiches with avocado slices and ranch dressing. There were sour cream and onion potato chips, brown sugar baked beans, and homemade potato salad.
He then pulled out black cherry soda from the cooler and his favorite beer. Steve was instantly endeared further.
“Your bestie is an absolute hoot, by the way,” Eddie said, opening the bag of potato chips.
Steve grinned around his first bite of sandwich. “She’s like that. I don’t know what I would do without her.”
“Not be on this game show for a start,” Eddie teased.
“I’m not surprised she told you about that,” Steve huffed in good humor. “Did she also tell you that technically the whole queer dating season is my fault?”
“You mean your absolutely brilliant and amazing idea?” Eddie said grinning back. “Too much wine and you get really cute, according to her.”
Steve buried his head in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah. I’m a silly drunk.”
“Well, rest in peace Garfield,” Eddie said, “your death has brought me the best boy I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. To Valhalla!” He raised his beer and Steve clanked his soda bottle against it.
“He was a good fish,” Steve said solemnly. “I have a cat named Odie now.” He pulled out his phone and flipped to his photos. He handed the phone to Eddie.
“He’s adorable,” Eddie cooed. “My uncle is a huge Garfield fan. He collects mugs and his most prized possession is a Garfield head one.”
Steve grinned. “I’ve people give me flack for naming the fish Garfield and the cat Odie, but fish don’t last long enough in Garfield to have names. And Odie isn’t an orange tabby, so that wouldn’t work for him.”
“Makes sense,” Eddie said nodding his head. He took a bite of his sandwich. “Much better than Subway. I had a lot of fun making everything.”
Steve paused mid bite. “Wait? Really?”
“Yup!” Eddie said. “The potato salad and beans are my uncle’s recipe.”
“They’re really good.”
Eddie blushed and hid behind a lock of hair.
They talked about Eddie’s uncle, Wayne and all of Steve’s kids. Then it was time to pack up. They played at the playground a bit just being silly.
“Now,” Eddie said, after tackling Steve to the ground, “I understand this town doesn’t have minigolf, but it does have bowling and an arcade that has managed to survive the digital era, so what will it be?”
Steve thought about it for a moment. “The arcade. The flashing lights at the bowling can give me a migraine.”
“Score!” Eddie cackled gleefully. “I was hoping for the arcade.”
It was that moment that he realized how close their faces were. He leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to Steve’s mouth.
“Oh,” Steve stuttered when Eddie pulled back. “Wow. That was amazing.”
Eddie smiled widely. “An amazing kiss for an amazing guy.”
Steve knocked out Eddie’s arms and rolled them over, pinning the other man’s arms above his head. He straddled Eddie’s waist and looked down at him fondly. “Gotcha!”
Eddie surged up and kissed him.
Then there was a cough and Steve sprang off of Eddie, looking kinda sheepish. “I kinda forgot about the cameras there,” he said helping Eddie to his feet.
Eddie smiled, smoothing out Steve’s hair. “It’s all right.”
They got back into the car drove to the arcade. They played all sorts of games, they raced each other, played skee ball, Steve even shot a few hoops to win them extra tickets. Tickets they turned in for two matching tiger plushies.
“Hobbes,” Steve said pointing to Eddie’s, “and Tigger.”
“I approve!”
Dinner at Benny’s blew Eddie’s mind as much as Big Ma’s blew Steve’s. He loved everything about it. Including Benny.
Steve couldn’t remember having a date that went this well before in his life. They never ran out of topics to talk about and he was going to have to admit that he was falling a little bit in love.
Finally the date was drawing to a close and it was time for Eddie to ask his questions. They had gone up to the Quarry and set it up for them to sit on the hood of Eddie’s car on a blanket.
“All righty!” Eddie said pulling out cue cards. “First question, who was your first kiss?”
Steve smiled. “A girl named Alice. It’s when I learned it was strictly boys for me. Up to that point I had held on to hope that I was bisexual so that my dad wouldn’t kick my ass. Still dated women in a futile attempt to force myself. But once I got to college, I dropped the pretense.”
“Oof,” Eddie said. “I felt that. My dad was a homophobic asshole too. He came out of the woodwork briefly when I got famous enough to be in the news. But I sent him packing.”
“I think that’s what upset my parents the most,” Steve huffed, “was that I didn’t chose a job that they could depend on after they retired to mooch off of.”
“I hear you,” Eddie said. “Second question, have you played D&D?”
Steve burst out laughing. “No, I had sex in high school,” he said quoting that TV show.
Eddie held his hands to his chest. “Are you suggesting that I didn’t? For shame! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!” He moved to get up but Steve grabbed his wallet chain and dragged him back down.
“You’re ridiculous,” Steve said, his cheeks beginning to hurt from all the smiling. “I like that.”
Eddie beamed at him. “Yay!”
Steve kissed him on the cheek and he blushed.
“Third question,” Eddie said shyly, “What’s your favorite cartoon series?”
Steve hummed as he thought about it. “Avatar: The Last Airbender. There is just something so good about that show.”
“Yes!” Eddie crowed. “Secret Tunnel, Secret Tunnel!”
Steve laughed. “Or when Sokka got poisoned by the cactus juice?”
“I loved that,” Eddie said, bumping their shoulders together. “What is your favorite quote?”
“Shit, shit, shit, fuckity, shit, shit, fuck and willy. Willy, shit and fuck and...tits,” Steve said with a completely straight face.
Eddie giggled. He stopped to look at Steve in shock and awe and then he giggled again. It just bubbled out of him. “Where the hell is that from? Clearly I’m not watching the right movies, damn.”
“The King’s Speech,” Steve said with a huff of laughter. “It’s about the Duke of York, who had a stammer and was suddenly made king of England when his older brother abdicates.”
“You’ll definitely going to have to show me that one,” he said with a grin. “It sounds fun.”
“It’s not all swearing,” Steve said with a giggle. “It was a scene about his speech therapist trying to get him to swear so that he understands it’s all in his head.”
“Still,” Eddie replied fondly. “If you like it, I still want to see it.” He cleared his throat. “Last question.”
Steve took his hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Who had the better date, me or Billy?” Eddie asked shyly.
Steve kissed him. “I’ll tell you that in terms of kisses, he only got two. A kiss at the questions portion and again at the door to my hotel room. Now, how many kisses have you gotten?”
Eddie’s eyes twinkled. “I think I lost count.”
Steve kissed him again. “Me too.”
“I hope I’m not being presumptuous,” Eddie murmured, “but I got you a present.”
Eddie hopped off the hood and opened the trunk. He got out a large white box and brought over to Steve. He handed it to him as he clambered back onto the hood.
Steve opened it up and there nestled the white tissue paper was a lingerie set. It was pink chiffon and white lace. It was a babydoll top and matching bottoms. It wasn’t a thong for which Steve was grateful.
“Eddie it’s beautiful,” he whispered. “I love it.”
Eddie smiled broadly. “I’m glad.” He paused for a moment. “I have a small confession. I’m not a sports fan. The college basketball team was literally pulled out of my ass. I didn’t lie, I used to watch it with Uncle Wayne...”
“But you’re a nerd?” Steve teased.
“Yuck it up, pretty boy,” Eddie said dryly. “But, yes.”
Steve bumped their shoulders together. “I have a small confession too. Or maybe not so small, depending you.”
“Wha’cha got?”
Steve bit his lower lip and lift the box a little. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I wanted to see how Billy would react.”
“But seeing it here, with you,” he continued, not looking up. “I want it, with you. I want to be your princess.”
Eddie carefully removed the box from Steve’s hands and moved off to the side. Then he tackled Steve again showering him with kisses.
“Come on back to my hotel room, sweetheart.”
“I’d love to.”
“Welcome back to the ‘Love Connection’,” Bob said. He had changed suits into a nice dove grey one with a silver tie.
Steve was off to one side, while the three Suitors were on a large white sofa.
“Eddie was a runaway favorite leaving the question round,” Bob continued. “Did Billy’s date go well enough for a second date?”
Steve shook his head. “He was charming and sexy, but I don’t think we clicked.”
Billy nodded his head back and forth. “I’d agree, I was hoping for someone a little more adventurous and daring. Someone with hidden depths.”
“Ouch!” Bob winced. “Please tell Eddie fumbled somewhere. Like does he drool in his sleep or have a vodka aunt who is way too invested in his sex life? Something!”
Steve laughed. “I’m afraid not. Eddie was goofy and silly and as one of my students wisely said, the right person for the right now.”
“Wise kid,” Bob said softly. “So overwhelming in favor of Eddie Munson?”
“Very much so!”
Bob turned back to audience. “And there you have it. Join us next time for Tina Peterson, and her three lovely Suitors, Daren, Emily, and Carol.”
When he got home, he had Eddie’s number and promise that Eddie would come down from Chicago to be with him, he just had to do a few things first.
The first episode wouldn’t air until October, so they had to be discreet, but it was nice to have someone he knew was waiting for him.
They had to do a little reunion filming to see if they were still together and if Steve wanted to change his answer.
“Steve welcome back to ‘Love Connection,” the host, Bob said cheerfully. “Why don’t you tell us about what’s been going on in your life?”
“Hey, Bob,” Steve said with a smile. “I’m actually glad to be back. I went on a sabbatical from work after the school year ended.”
“What’s a sabbatical?” Bob asked, cocking his head to the side.
“It’s paid leave,” he explained, “usually in colleges and the like, but basically for a year, I can take time off to focus on other things, but my job will still be there when I get back.”
“I took it because I appeared on here,” Steve said wryly. “Nothing against the show, but it is a little racier than most schools like for their teachers. This way, the show will air and by the time all the dust settles I can go back to my job.” He shrugged. “If I want to. I haven’t really decided yet.”
“Smart,” Bob agreed. “Tell us about that adorable kitten of yours.”
They flashed up a picture on screen of Odie still tucked under his chin, but much bigger.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a grin. “We found that he’s probably a Maine Coon. Which if you know anything about the breed, biiiiigggg cat.”
“Will he get bigger?” Bob asked his eyes wide.
“Most likely,” Steve replied. “They stop growing at eighteen months.”
“Damn!” He turned to the Suitors. “Gentlemen. Welcome back.”
All three of them murmured their hellos.
“Let’s start with Tommy,” Bob said. “Tell us about what you’ve been up to.”
“I moved to LA and am working full time at a firehouse,” Tommy said with a blush.
The audience oohed as they flashed up a picture of Tommy in his gear with some of his fellow fire fighters.
“Congrats!” Bob said.
“I have a boyfriend, too,” Tommy said. “His name is Evan Kincade and he’s the one on the left of me.”
“Well then!” Bob said brightly. “That’s a first for our show. A discarded Suitor finding love on their own. Well done.”
Tommy blushed. “Thanks.”
“All right, Billy,” Bob said, turning to the man in the middle of the sofa. “Tell us about your last six months.”
Billy brought up one leg and showed off an ankle monitor. “Got into a fight in a bar over a piece of ass that I didn’t know was taken. So I’m teaching youths how to surf as part of my community service. That means I lost sponsors and couldn’t compete outside of LA. But I’ll be back at it next season.”
Bob and Steve share a concerned glance.
Steve is so glad he dodged that bullet.
“And Eddie,” Bob finished. “What have you been up to?”
“Moved to Hawkins to be closer to my uncle, Wayne,” Eddie said with a grin. “When I was working up in Chicago, we’d visit each other on occasion, but now that he’s thinking of retiring, he would really like me closer to home. And I do my producing from anywhere really, so I figured what the hell.”
“That must be nice for your uncle,” Bob said sweetly. “Added bonus of being in Steve’s backyard didn’t hurt either?”
Eddie laughed. “Those two are inseparable now. You’d have to use a crowbar to pry them apart. I also ran a D&D game for Steve’s kids over the summer. Kept it short, but fun. They all had a blast.”
“So are you two still together?” Bob asked, already knowing the question.
Steve smiled over at Eddie who blushed and nodded.
“We moved in together back in June.”
Bob’s eyebrows shot up. “I’ve heard of Uhaul lesbians but damn you guys move fast.”
“My lease was up,” Steve explained. “My best friend was moving in with her girlfriend of two years, and I didn’t want to stay there. So when Eddie got settled into a house in town, I moved in with him.”
“We scandalize our neighbors,” Eddie cackled with glee, “by being gay, democrats, and I’m a metalhead. All the ladies thought Steve was single and brought over baked goods. And only when the last one tried to seduce him, he kissed me in front of all them. Boy did they go running.”
“It’s been great,” Steve insisted. “Fences really do make the best neighbors.”
“Well there you have it,” Bob said. “A great success story.”
When they got home and curled up with Odie, Eddie asked, “Are you still mad at Chrissy and Robin for signing you up without telling you?”
Steve shrugged. “Maybe a little. I would have liked to have made the choice for myself, but I am grateful because I got to meet you.”
“I love you, Stevie,” Eddie said softly.
“I love you, too, Eds.”
Tag List: CLOSED
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @dreamercec @wheneverfeasible @themoonagainstmers @garden-of-gay @little-birch-boy
10- @ollieolive @dissociatingdemon @stripey82 @kultiras @micheledawn1975
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nocofamilyau · 2 days
Did Cody ever achieve his goal of being a billiards champion as mentioned in Before We Die? Actually, since I asked, did the other gen 1 contestants achieve their goals from the song (excluding DJ and Bridgette whose goals were the most achievable)?
I hc that Dave also likes cue sports and Cody is secretly thrilled over this cuz it means father and son bonding.
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While nothing too huge, Cody did get that billiards champion title in college, mainly just from clearing everyone out at the campus bar. As for the others, I'll just go in order the song went in (minus DJ and Bridgette like you said):
Leshawna, while not a billionairess per se, is pretty well-off working as a counsellor and running her own teen help centre in the heart of the city where she lives nearby
Sierra's life goal definitely did not happen officially (sucks to be her)
Lindsay made a guest appearance as a one-off character on a once-popular soap opera in her early 20's
Courtney would have definitely achieved her dream of being a lawyer
After the whole boyfriend-kissing love triangle fiasco of World Tour, Gwen probably didn't have the best time during the final stretch of high school so she skipped prom entirely (she believed it was worth it in the end)
Harold has a sick ninja star and katana collection at home and occasionally works summers as a head counsellor at Sensei Steve's Ninja Camp
Well, while nobody took any notice, Alejandro was able to keep a job taming lions for a while under a different name
Owen's actually quite well known across the country for his 'Oh-Nuts', a nut butter-filled pastry that's basically a fusion between a cream donut and baklava. He invented it while messing around in the kitchen with the munchies one night, but didn't reach true popularity until he tried making them on one of those Masterchef-like shows he participated on (it's one of the few reality competition shows he won AND managed to get something out of)
I have no idea how much of a bucket list item fixing up parallel bars can be, but I'm guessing Tyler must have achieved it at some point to... questionable results
As for that headcannon about Dave,, I will gladly take it and make it real
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utiwarrior · 3 days
Hi, I really like your work with Sanji! Can I request a fanfic where the reader is a person who didn't get love from his parents as a child, but only money? The reader is a woman, if anything! How the reader will try to show her love to Sanji is your choice! Thanks in advance!
This was a bit hard at first but I ended up getting into it eventually. It might've turned out a little more angsty than I thought but I felt like it worked really well. If you aren't at 1053 i'm really sorry I put it in there bc it worked really well too.
Insecure Love
Sanji x Fem Reader. Angst/comfort and some fluff. Major Spoilers for episode 1053. 2740 words.
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Sanji adores you, you’re perfect to him. Beautiful, amazing, talented, everything. You are the best woman he could ever wish for. Sometimes he even lays awake at night thinking of the memories the two of you have made, goofy smile on his face he’s so enamored. There is one problem though, just a teensy one, you’re not at all affectionate. You don’t stop him from being affectionate to you, but you don’t exactly reciprocate or initiate. Instead, you give him gifts, which was nice at first but he started to feel a bit conflicted about it the more it happened. He would rather get love from you rather than a material good you’d bought somewhere. What’s worse is that the gifts have stopped, it’s almost always just money now.
“Here.” You say blankly to Sanji while he’s cooking, handing him cash. He spots you and his eyes trail to the berri in your hand, a small frown on his face. “Is it not enough?” He jolts and quickly shakes his head.
“No, that isn’t it. Thank you.” He forces a smile and takes it, pain in his chest. Your boyfriend tries so hard to make you feel loved, cooking for you, complimenting you, showing physical affection, but all you do is hand him cash like payment for a service; like his love was simply something nice you pay him for. He’s tried refusing it before but you had gotten upset, putting it away with a sad expression until he agreed to take it. Now you look at him as he pockets it, telling himself he’ll use it to buy ingredients for a dish you’ll like. After he puts it in his pocket he hugs you, kissing you for a bit before pulling away. “I’m going to finish cooking soon, my love, would you like to stay here?” His eyes are expectant, hoping you’ll stay, but you shake your head.
“I’ll leave you to it, you should focus.” With that, you leave him alone in the kitchen. He looks at the ingredients he was chopping, the money you gave him weighing down his heart. Is this really so one-sided? Has he just been bothering you this entire time? Maybe he’s just a toy you can play with, a music box that sings for you when you put money inside. Those thoughts crowd his head as he cooks until he accidentally lifts a hot lid with his bare hand, burning his skin; but before he can go to treat it... it heals on its own. The cook grits his teeth, clenching his fist. What a creepy ability. He puts his head in his hands and takes deep breaths, it’s okay, he loves you, you’re still together.
“Are you alright?” Robin asks him as he sets food down in front of the girls, including you, completely spaced out.
“Oh, sorry Robin-chan.” He snaps out of it and smiles at her. “I’m doing okay.” The cook leaves to serve the rest of the crew, steps noticeably heavier than normal. The women watch this, then look to you.
“Did you two argue or something? What’d he do?” Nami asks, ready to defend you, but you shake your head.
“I don’t know, I thought he was okay earlier, I handed him money and he accepted like normal.” You’re confused, and they both look at eachother.
“Like normal..?” Nami asks again.
“Yeah, I’ve been giving my allowance to him since we started dating. I know he sometimes struggles with food budget so I like helping out.” You explain and the two girls stare at you.
“(Y/n) what have you been doing so far in your relationship with Sanji?” Robin questions you and you start to talk, explaining that you’ve been getting him gifts since you both started dating; but you ran out of ideas on what to give him so you’ve started to give him money when he makes you happy.
“Wow…That’s horrible.” The navigator states, starting to pity Sanji.
“Like a sugar baby?” Your jaw drops slightly at Robin’s comparison and you quickly shake your head.
“A sugar baby!?” You’re shocked but start to think about it. “Wait, is that what he wants?”
“Obviously not!” The navigator snaps at your obliviousness. “He basically collapses the moment a woman does something for him but you’ve just been giving him money?”
“Wouldn’t you like that though?” You point out and she frowns.
“That’s different.” She considers money an okay gift for her, though even she would get annoyed if she had a lover that would only give her money and ignore anything else. “Plus you hardly show him affection, I thought it was just your guys’ thing so I didn’t say anything but you’re clearly bumming him out.”
“I haven’t refused anything from him though, and I don’t get mad at him for flirting with other women.” The navigator sighs, mentally facepalming, this isn’t working out. You’re too oblivious and Sanji’s too much of an idiot to tell anyone something’s wrong, much less a woman he loves. Robin comes up with something.
“Tomorrow you should come to our room at noon. We’ll assist you” You tilt your head, confused, but agree.
That night, Sanji heads to bed still sad and only getting worse. He can’t sleep, he’s been having trouble doing so since that happened. ‘She was there, she must’ve seen.’ An unnatural thing, becoming the same type of monster he always despised. You must’ve fallen out of love with him, that’s it. He can’t blame you, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t digging a hole into his chest. He curls up into a ball on his bed, grasping at the sheets next to him like you’ll be there.
The next morning goes as it usually does on the Sunny. Sanji wakes up early to make breakfast for everyone and when they wake up it’s time to eat. The difference now is that Sanji seems off, tired, he doesn’t yell at Luffy or Zoro and his happy comments towards Robin and Nami aren’t enthusiastic. When he sets down your plate in front of you you look up at him, trying to scan his face if he’s sick. He awakened late so it would make sense if his Germa genes weren’t as strong, maybe he’s gotten sick? You’re worried and so is everyone else, except Luffy who doesn’t notice until after eating. He almost says something but is promptly elbowed so he keeps shut. He means well but mentioning it right now will make things worse, plus, the girls have a plan.
Afternoon finally strikes and you walk into the shared girls room, they aren’t there. 'Maybe I came too early?’ You think to yourself, checking the time to make sure it’s noon. Suddenly you hear footsteps and the door opens, revealing Robin, Nami, and your boyfriend. They push him inside and he spots you, looking shocked; but before he could ask what’s going on the door closes. He tries the doorknob but it’s locked, switched so the lock is on the outside.
“Don’t even try unlocking the door or breaking it down. You aren’t allowed out until you two communicate.” Nami states and footsteps are heard fading away. You stare at Sanji’s back, his hands on the wooden door. Does he not want to be with you alone with you this much? Usually he’d be excited to have time to spend with you.
“Is something wrong?” You ask him and the cook turns quickly, not prepared for this. He isn’t ready yet! He still needs to prepare his heart for the breakup and practice his apologies for you falling out of love. “Sanji..” You reach a hand out to him and he flinches, pressing his back against the wall like he’s afraid of you. He’s scared to be touched by you, scared that when you feel his skin you’ll retract from fear and disgust from the steel-like flesh. It isn’t right, these misunderstandings cause pain and you bite your bottom lip. What are you doing wrong, what did Nami mean by saying what you were doing was horrible? You step away from him and turn around, the both of you too insecure to speak. Fortunately, being trapped in this room will force you to.
‘She can’t even bear to look at me.’ Negativity clouds his judgment, irrational thoughts filling his mind. “I’m sorry.” An apology, it sounds guilty. This must be a sign.
‘He’s breaking up with me…’ There’s too much stress, him avoiding you, being told something is wrong, and now this breakup. The dam of stone formed by the years of trauma starts to crack, tears dripping from your eyes. Sanji doesn’t see it, but he can hear your shaky breaths. It causes his eyes to widen and his worry for you overpowers his instinct to pull away.
“Mon cœur!?” Your lover walks to you and scans your teary face, his hands cupping your cheeks.
“You don’t have to call me that,” His heart breaks, you’re breaking up with him so he would have to stop calling you that. Your next words confuse him, though. “I know you don’t want to.” …He doesn’t want to? Sanji blinks a few times, why would he ever not want to call his everything what she is?
“What are you talking about? I-”
“Stop forcing yourself!” You yell and he jolts. “It must’ve been hard. Your love for women made you stay with me for so long but I know you don’t love me. Being hesitant about my gifts, not talking to me as much, and you're starting to look tired too.” You step back and put your face in your hands. “You must be staying up late thinking about how you could break up with me.” He stands there, shocked. Him… breaking up with you? The perfect woman completely out of his league? Tears flow from your eyes faster and he tries to make sense of it all, his brain so focused on his own faults that the thought of you being insecure of yours is unable to cross his mind.
“Do you mean the berri you’ve been giving me?” He manages to put together and you nod. He continues to think. “You… it wasn’t payment to you?” He doesn’t know what else to call it so he settles with that word.
“Payment?” You wipe your eyes and sniffle. “Is that why you’ve been staying with m-”
“No, nonono of course not. I thought..” Sanji quickly interrupts you, stopping that thought. This is different from what he thought was going to happen, but it still hurts to speak his mind when it only reminds him of what’s wrong, well what he thinks is wrong. “I thought you were giving me those things as payment because you didn’t want to pay attention to me. So I wouldn’t bother you, that my love was just a transaction.” He says the last part more quietly and your heart drops. This is familiar, you’ve felt this exact way before when you were young. Going to your parents for love and only getting money in return to shut you up and get you away. You start to shake and cry harder.
“I-I, I didn’t know. I’m sorry..!” You’re just like them, but Sanji doesn’t care; hugging you.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.” He’s already forgiving you and you haven’t even explained anything.
“No, it’s n-not okay.” You say while shaking your head, it’s nerve-wracking to talk about your past but you choose to. For him. “I… I thought I was doing the right thing. That I was different from my parents who would give me things instead of love, I always made sure t-to never tell you to go away or reject you but I ended up making you feel the exact same way I did!” You pull away and cover your face. “I’m horrible!”
‘The same way she did?’ He processes what you said, what’s happening. The struggle of trying so hard to be different from family only to end up like them is something he knows as well. His hand goes to his chest, pressing down and feeling almost completely dense skin instead of the regular squish of flesh; just like his brothers. “You don’t think I’m a monster…” You quickly shake your head. “Why didn’t you say so? Are you sure- I mean you never wanted to be with me!” Whenever he was cooking or if he went shopping you would just give him money and wave him off.
“I..” You think about that, then start to get embarrassed. “I didn’t want to bother you, what if I get overly clingy and get you mad?” Sanji hears this and it’s like weight has been dropped from his heart, but hearing you say this so insecurely still makes him slowly sink to the ground. “Sanji?”
“Bother me.. being clingy.” Gods, he would do anything to have you cling to him when he’s cooking or shopping. “You could never, ever, not in an eternity, ever bother me by being ‘clingy’”
“But don’t you get busy? You work so hard cooking and when you’re out shopping you’re talking with women, wouldn’t I make it awkward if I butted in?” He hangs his head in shame, the few times that you’ve agreed to go shopping he has flirted with other women; but he had assumed you didn’t care. In a way, he would do it on purpose hoping to get a reaction, even looking back at you. Anything to show a sign you loved him, that he wasn’t a toy, but all he was doing was making things worse. This lack of communication was only causing pain to you both. How could he ever make this up to you? He was already unworthy and now he had dared to cause such suffering to the love of his life. “Baby…” You crouch down and cup his face so he’s looking at you, his eyes are teary.
“I hurt you.”
“We ended up hurting each other.” You wipe his tears with your thumbs. “Do you still want to be with me? Even if I've been messing up?”
“I should be the one asking you that, treasure. My love.” Sanji hugs you, pulling you close to him so you’re on his lap. You can feel his hesitance, the fear that you’ll pull away because he’s different now, but you don’t. Instead you press closer to him, lifting your head up to look at him. You don’t really initiate kisses, so you’re nervous as you place your lips on his. He’s only shocked for a moment before he kisses back, resting his hand on the back of your neck. This is the longest series of kisses you’ve had, almost a minute before you have to pull away. “S-Sorry, I’ve gotten better at holding my breath lately.” A bit awkward it’s from something he dislikes, though.
“So I don’t have to worry if I kiss you alot?” You ask and his pupils basically turn to hearts.
“No, you don’t.” Before you two can kiss again there’s the sound of the door unlocking, making you quickly get off of Sanji’s lap as he stands up so Robin and Nami don’t see you in an awkward position. They almost think that nothing has happened but seeing the two of you clearly panicked changes their mind, making Robin smile.
“It went well, then?” Robin chuckles happily as the two of you flush. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Sanji hums as he cooks, a good mood from making up with you so amazingly. His ears perk up when he hears you come inside, not needing to look to know it’s you. “I’m almost done, my love.” He states as he expertly flips a steak. You don’t say anything, which confuses him but before he can turn around he feels your arms wrap around him and your body press against his back. His girlfriend, who hasn’t shown real affection until yesterday, is clinging to him while he cooks. Is this a dream?
“Don’t turn around, I’m still a little shy.” You say quietly and it echoes in his mind. Shy… shy… Gods, you’re too cute. His face goes red and he falls to the side, blood seeping from his nose. “Sanji!?” You manage to stop him from slamming fully onto the ground, shaking him. He’s in heaven, this is heaven.
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How do u think Solomon would react if MC randomly kiss attack his face?? Lets mixing it up with in front of the other characters
I feel like it could go multiple ways but I wanna know how u would think it could go
(love ur works by the way!! 💛💛🐙)
Sorry I was a little slow getting to this, but thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my writing! 💜
Okay, let's do two scenarios - one where you kiss attack him when you're alone, and one where you do it in front of the others.
In the first scenario, Solomon has you over at his dorm room for the usual lesson. Even though he always takes his time to thoroughly lesson plan beforehand, he's currently flipping through a spell book he thought he had tabbed and is growing frustrated at himself for his lack of preparedness. After all, he strives to be the pinnacle of responsibility so that you don't lose faith in him as your teacher.
You can see the the irritation in the way he aggressively turns the pages, and hear it in the mumbles of curses and sighs as he still can't find the correct spell he wanted to you to work on today. To him, this is an annoyance, and quite frankly, embarrassing. To you, it's slightly amusing and oddly endearing. You know he works hard to provide you with an education that suits your needs and learning abilities. You've watched him switch up techniques in the blink of an eye to accommodate you when the previous way doesn't work, you've heard countless praise and reassurance (even when you fail to perfect a spell), and you've never missed the twinkle of pride in his eyes as he guides you through each lesson - privileged to see you learn from your mistakes and succeed in the end.
Solomon shows you so much patience and understanding, so you decide to take the initiative and return the same. You reach out to gently grab his face, turning him from his hurried search to start furiously kissing him. With each kiss around his face, you feel the furrowed and stressed muscles loosen beneath your lips until you feel the fat of his cheeks swell and warm with laughter. It's a successful distraction from his previous frustration, and serves as a reminder that you care about him beyond his capabilities. You care about him, flaws and all.
When you finally stop and let go of his face, he gives you the most lovesick expression. He doesn't even look as he closes the now abandoned book on his desk and leans in closer to you.
"I always appreciate your kisses. How about we reschedule our lesson for tomorrow? I don't think I can focus now that I've felt your love and am in desperate need of more..."
In scenario two, Solomon's coming over to pick you up for an outing to a nearby cafe that recently opened. Your waiting by the door unfortunately catches the attention of the brothers who begin bombarding you with questions. You feel like you're being interrogated by the government.
"Sneaking off, are you?"
"Yeah! Where do ya think you're goin' without me?!"
"Of course you wouldn't tell me you had plans today..."
"I don't think they're sneaking off. It looks like they're waiting for someone..."
"Ooh! A lovely suitor perhaps? Who is it?"
"Isth it smone we know?"
"Beel, chew your food before speaking. ...Is it?"
You grin cheekily as you check the time. "I don't tell you guys everything."
Solomon should be here any minute to sweep you away from the chaos that's going to ensue if you let slip he's the one you're going out with. Your secrecy is not out of embarrassment to be seeing him, it's just that the brothers can be overdramatic - especially where Solomon's involved. It's best to keep your lips sealed until you return as to not spoil the night before it even starts.
Just then, there's a gentle, but firm knock at the door indicating Solomon's arrival. You move to open the door, but Lucifer steps in front of you and opens it before you can.
Oh no...
Lucifer blinks a few times having expected anyone else but Solomon to be standing there before him. There's indifference on his face, yet his eyes tell a different story.
"Hardly a 'lovely suitor'."
"I'll say! The hell do you think you are, whisking MC away like this?!"
"Solomon? You're going out with Solomon?"
"Huh, fair enough I suppose."
"OMG! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Loo, Belphie, isth Stholomon."
"Yes, Beel, I see..."
You face palm as you hear their tirade of questions, comments, and complaints. This is exactly what you wanted to avoid.
Quickly, to shut them all up and to make an obvious statement about your feelings for Solomon, you push past the brothers crowding the door to reach him. He smiles upon seeing you, but is taken by surprise when you suddenly grab his face and attack him with multiple kisses.
The brothers go silent as they watch in envy as that blasted sorcerer gets all those nice kisses. Solomon goes redder than anyone's ever seen before as he tries to get you to stop since you are in the presence of others. Though internally he really doesn't want you to as he loves the attention and revels in the fact that the brothers get to see how much you love him.
"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm happy to see you too! But maybe we should wait to do this when it's just us?"
You begrudgingly stop, but in return, get the privilege of seeing his flustered face cupped between your hands. For not just the brothers, but for Solomon as well, your message was received loud and clear - you love him and you're proudly going out with him.
So much for keeping your lips sealed.
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reallychaoticwoo · 2 days
- [ ] Hello!!! Can I request an alpha Ateez(either Hongjoong, yunho, or Yeosang) x omega reader. Set in real time, where reader came with them on the towards the light tour because her heat or his rut was due to hit during the tour. And kinda drag out the waiting, maybe with a touch on the angst side. Like neither wants to separate cuz it hurts to be far from the other. Like reader or [HJ, YH, or YS] are already in pre rut/heat and when they finally get back to the hotel it hits. And maybe include nesting?
⛓️Sorry it took so long but this is my first a/b/o fic so i wanted to do some research and feel more confident in writing this. Id also like to add i decided to make some extra decisions and have some fun with it but i hope you'll enjoy it regardless!⛓️
✨️ Towards The Night Part 1 ✨️
📝 Word Count: 5.7k
❤️Pairing: Technically ot8 x reader but VERY Yunho heavy
⚠️Warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY!
‼️This is purely for entertainment purposes and does not represent the idols in any way‼️
🖤Hope you enjoy it! This is absolutely going to end up being a series, but it will take time! I'm not fully confident in writing a/b/o smut yet and am hoping to feel better about my spicey abilities before the next chapter comes out! I sincerely can't thank you enough for all your support and your patience as i know this took forever, but i genuinely hope you enjoy it!🖤
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Waking up in Seonghwa's arms wasn't out of the ordinary for you. This morning was no different. As your eyes opened, still hazy from your slumber, you rolled to nuzzle closer to the only other omega in your pack. You often found yourself searching for comfort in your fellow omega, falling into his arms when your anxiety was high, stress had gotten the best of you, or really for anything your alphas and betas wouldn't understand as well as Hwa would. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, "Good morning baby, did you sleep well?". You could only nod into his chest, smiling contently. You had slept well, but your anxiety was still high knowing your pack had an upcoming tour in America.
It wasn't but two years ago that you'd entered the pack. Seonghwa stumbling upon you after one of their concerts in the states. You were hiding in a utility closet in one of the back rooms. Your heat had started full force during the concert and you panicked, picking somewhere you felt would keep you safe away from the crowd, any alpha's, and hopefully, yourself. You'd always loved Ateez and it was your first concert ever. You knew your heat would be soon, but in the euphoria of the moment, their voices and dances mesmerizing you, your heat hit hard and sudden. Seonghwa had smelt your fear, and your heat, from the stage, and searched to find where it was coming from after the show. He offered help, and a place for you to stay. You half heartedly accepted knowing your only other option was to return to the pack you ran away from, the pack you loathed.
You explained to the dark haired man that you'd never had a partner during a heat and you were terrified to have one due to past instances. He eased your worries and helped you himself as much as he could but he knew it wasn't enough and that's when you got introduced to the rest of his pack, to Ateez. Yunho ultimately being the first one to fully knot you and subside your pain. He made sure to constantly ask if you were okay, what you were comfortable with, and even so much as went out of his way to get men's birth control before actually knotting you. He always made your comfort and wellbeing the most important priority. They all did, and still do.
Funny how much can happen in just two years. Now you were a sole part of them, a part they could never imagine living without. You'd gone from a shy little omega to a confident, goofy, and oh so loving woman. They loved you. You loved them. No one so much as questioned bringing you home back then and after about 3 short months you'd been fully integrated into their pack. You were theirs as much as they were yours. You trusted them with every fiber of your being and to this day they have never given you a reason not to.
Hongjoong, the head alpha. Captain, as you all call him. He is confident, strict, often busy, but he is also very loving especially when it comes to you and Hwa, his omegas. Yeosang, San, and Yunho are the other alphas of the pack. San being somewhat like Captain's left hand man. The mountain of a man is a force to be reckoned with if anyone tries to harm the pack. Yeosang taking the task of being a more behind the scenes helper. He's there when needed but he is often more calculated and helps with planning and the execution of events the pack will be attending (of course, this really puts him as more of Hwa's helper than Joong's but i digress). Yunho is Captain's right hand man, his 2nd in command if Hongjoong were unable to attend certain events or isn't feeling well. Although Yunho was one of the softer alphas in the group, you most definitely did not want to get on his bad side.
Of course you couldn't forget your betas, your choatic but "stoic" as Jongho would call himself, group of men. Jongho is definitely the least hectic of the three. You'd often spend time together quietly reading or conversing in each other's rooms. Wooyoung, your other half, constantly keeping you on your feet, taking almost everything as a joke, and rilling you up because he can. He's always been a needy brat, but so have you. And Mingi, somehow the world's biggest princess and also one of the most abrasive in the pack. You'd swear he was meant to be an alpha if it weren't for his unbearable but adorable need to be coddled every other day. They all felt like home to you now. They all are home to you now.
Pulling you out of your thoughts Seonghwa wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you to rest on top of him. You tried pushing yourself up only to immediately be pulled back into his chest before a soft kiss was placed to your hair. "I can tell something is wrong my love. Your scent isn't as lively and refreshing and you look lost in your eyes. Tell me what's on your mind." You sighed, knowing you couldn't keep anything from him, from any of them. Not that you necessarily want to hide things, but they always have so much on their plates you don't want to add to their stress. "I'm just nervous about you all leaving again.. My heat is supposed to start while you all are on tour and I don't know if I'll be able to handle it alone anymore.. Plus I'm going to miss you all like crazy." Your eyes were starting to gloss over at the thought.
You knew they'd have to leave again for tours eventually. It hadn't been a problem until now as most of their tours were close enough you could travel back and forth if needed, to visit them. Not this time though, this time they'd be gone for a least a month. "Darling, do you really think we would leave you here during your heat? Do you really think we'd leave you here at all??" The look on his face was like you'd pulled his heart out of his chest. He seemed pained at the possibility of you thinking they'd ever leave you behind. You looked at him with big doe eyes, a little embarrassed now. "You.. you never said I would be coming with you.. I thought.. I figured.." Unable to finish what you were saying, Hwa pulled you into him placing his soft lips on yours. A short but loving kiss calming every nerve in your body as his scent surrounded you in everything him. Once you finally relaxed into him once again he said, "We would never leave you behind my love. We couldn't even dream of it. You are absolutely coming with us." You smiled, a sigh of relief escaping your lips. Nuzzling yourself into him, your head resting in the curve of his neck, needing him as close to you as humanly possible in this moment. You were fine, of course you were, they've always made sure you were included and taken care of. Your loves.
After your morning cuddles, and reassuring talk with Hwa, the two of you got dressed and made your way out to the kitchen. Wooyoung was the first to spot the two of you. Sitting at the island, grinning ear to ear. "Good morning doll face! Did you have any good dreams? Dream of me?" You giggled, making your way over to the beta before wrapping your arms around his neck planting a cheeky kiss to his nose. Before you could answer the eager man, Hwa rolled his eyes and answered for you. "I highly doubt you were in her dreams Woo. She was in my bed after all." He didn't wait for the younger man to answer, making his way to the fridge to find something to make the two of you for breakfast. You climbed your way up onto Woo's lap pinching his cheeks once you were comfortably sat. "Oh don't pout Youngie. That just means you'll have to have me sleep in your bed tonight, so I can dream of you." You shot him a wink and leaned in to kiss his neck in the spot you knew would rile him up the most. "Oh, I'm not pouting babe. I'm plotting." The most Cheshire grin appearing on his face at his own admission. "Don't know if I should be excited or roll my eyes."
Hopping off the betas lap you spotted Yunho and Yeosang sitting in the livingroom playing Mario Kart and made your way to where they were sat on the couch. "Morning Yu, morning Yeo." You greeted them while planting small kisses to the top of each man's head. "Morning beautiful." Yeo looked up at you from his spot reaching up to pull you in for a quick peck. "How'd you sleep, sweetheart?" Yunho asked before pulling you around the couch and into his lap. Wiggling around in his lap to get yourself comfortable you looked up at him with a bright smile on your face. "I slept really well actually! I was a bit anxious waking up though but Hwa cleared that up for me." Yunho, ever the sweetheart, pulled you even closer into him so you could rest your head on his shoulder. Pushing out his scent to reassure himself that you'd continue to be happy this morning before asking, "That's good baby. I'm glad Hwa was able to help. I wanted to ask you though, since you're heat is coming up and we will obviously be in the middle of touring have you thought about who you want to help you through it? We won't all be able to take turns like usual without it becoming a bit obvious that something is happening."
You hadn't thought about it really. I mean just this morning you'd assumed you'd be at home fending for yourself before Hwa told you that you'd be coming with them. "Um.. no I haven't really thought about it.." Your scent was starting to sour only slightly but enough for the two alphas sitting with you to notice. "Wooyoung would be a good choice darling. Since he has a valid medical reason we could use to explain his absence." Yeo offered, always the one to think ahead. "I know he can't knot you but with his sex drive I don't doubt he'd be able to at the very least take away the pain." You looked at the two men before resting your head back in it's spot, breathing in deeply at Yunho's scent to ground yourself. "That would be smart, but I'd still like to think about it if that's okay with everyone?" "Of course baby, we'll talk to the rest of the guys and let them know that you need time to consider your options." Yunho said, before lifting you with him, to take you to Hwa who had just finished breakfast for the two of you.
Breakfast with Hwa went by quickly. The two of you just chatting and enjoying each other's company. Not long after, deciding you needed a shower and somewhere to think about who would be the one to keep you company this heat, you made your way to your room. Walking into the spacious bathroom connected to your room, you turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up. Once the temperature was right you stepped into the shower letting the streams of water encompass you and your thoughts. Yes, Wooyoung would be the most logical choice. He had recently gotten a diagnosis that the fans were aware of, so it made sense. Yet, something inside you knew who you really wanted, who you needed this time around. You pushed the thought to the side though. Knowing it'd be best for everyone if Wooyoung were the one to help.
You spent the rest of your shower thinking about Yunho. How even though he wasn't the head alpha of the pack he'd always kind of been your alpha. Hongjoong was a wonderful alpha and he was always so loving with you, but he was often busy, which you couldn't really fault him for. Yeosang, although an alpha, was more reserved and often his affection for you wouldn't come out on front of the others. You didn't mind that much, it just made the time you spent together more special. Yunho, however, he was the first to check on you when you weren't okay. He'd be the first to leave whatever he was doing at the drop of a hat to be by your side if you needed him, even if you didn't need him. It always felt like he needed you as much as you did him. He's always been caring, attentive, supportive, and everything you could ask of him and then some. You love them all equally, but Yunho holds a special place in your heart. After all, he was the first alpha to ever knot you, the first one of the pack to tell you that you belong with them but only if you wanted to be with them. He was the first one to tell you that he loved you. He was a lot of firsts and you needed him to be the first one who got to claim you, the first to adorn your neck with his mark.
Finally pulling yourself together and getting your thoughts back on the more logical side you left the comfort of your shower and dressed yourself. The second you were back in your room you heard a knock at the door. "Come in." You called sitting on your bed, propped up on some pillows. "Hey, just wanted to check in with you. Yunho informed us that you hadn't decided on your heat partner. I just wanted to see where your heads at." Hongjoong said, making his way to the foot of your bed. "Yeo mentioned that Woo would be a smart choice. You know, since his diagnosis and all. I know it'll be a bit rougher not being knotted, but I have to agree that Woo makes the most sense." Hongjoong nodded in response. "I think that is a smart idea, but are you sure you don't want one of your alphas baby? You know we wouldn't mind being by your side even if it meant having to come up with a reason to tell the public."
You knew that. Of course you knew they wouldn't mind but it's not fair to ask that of them. "I know, Joong. I'm happy to have Woo be with me during my heat. I think it may be fun to see if he can actually handle me all by himself. He always talks such a big game." A devilish smirk appeared on your face at the last sentence. You giggled at the idea of Woo having to admit defeat and call one of his alphas to help free him of the beast that is you during your heat. "If that's what you want then I'll let everyone know. If for any reason you do change your mind though, you can always call me, or any of us, to be by your side." With that, he stood, but before leaving he placed a quick kiss to your lips, slowly adding more passion as he pulled you closer to him. "I've missed you, love. I'm sorry I've been so busy. Once this tour is over I promise I'll take you somewhere nice and we can have some time together, just us for a couple days. Does that sound okay?" His scent was starting to dull, you knew he felt bad he wasn't always able to give you the affection you deserved, he wanted to more than anything, you knew that. He is an amazing alpha, but that comes with it's disadvantages sometimes, yet you never questioned his love for you regardless of the time spent together. "That sounds perfect Captain. I can't wait." This time it was you who was pulling him in for a kiss, before letting him leave to talk with the rest of the pack.
Time seemed to fly by oh so fast. After plenty of discussions with the group about how your heat would be handled on tour, your rooming arrangements for when you started feeling the urge to nest, and a ton of reminders that you can call any of them to be by your side if needed, it was finally time to head back to the states. Arriving at the airport, you made sure to dress like you were staff and not a member. You never minded having to hide your relationship with them much, but this time, it seemed to hurt in an unexpected way. It was probably something to do with the fact that everything inside of you has been begging you to finally claim your pack, to have them claim you.
You pushed those thoughts to the side, though, at least for now. The airport was full of fans, paparazzi, and the usual sasaengs. You'd heard a few fans making comments about why there was so much luggage, considering that at least 3 of the members of Ateez were usually half naked. You tried to hide your smile as you made your way to the plane, only you and the guys knew that 80% of those suitcases were the items you'd broughten with you for your nest. Finally boarding the plane, away from all the prying eyes and women swooning over your men, Yunho pulled you to sit in between himself and Mingi. "You can relax now, princess. I can tell something has you bothered. You're usually calm during travel. Are you scared of planes?" Mingi asked you cocking his head to the side. You smelled different, not bad, but not good either. He and Yunho didn't understand why traveling this time around seemed to cause you some kind of discomfort. The two men quickly started pushing out their scents trying to help ease your mind off of whatever was bothering you.
You leaned into Yunho's side trying to get closer to the tall male, pulling Mingi's hand into your own trying to keep him close as well. "No, I'm not scared of planes Min." You looked at him, and then back to Yunho before looking down to your tightened grip on the younger of the two's hand. "I just.. I hate having to hide that I'm yours.. that I'm with all of you. It didn't use to bother me. I've always understood why but for some reason it's just really gotten to me this time. I'm sorry." You were on the verge of tears. The two tower like men immediately sandwiched you between them in an awkward and somewhat uncomfortable hug. It helped though, they always helped ease your mind when it wondered a little too far into itself.
"Oh honey, you know we want nothing more than to claim you as ours and to be claimed as yours. I know we've only somewhat discussed it in the past but how about once we get back home we can all sit down together and really talk about it? This should be something everyone is on the same page about and something we all inform management of together, okay baby?" Placing a gentle longering kiss to your forehead Yunho lifted your face to look at him. "I promise there will be no more hiding anything very soon, okay darling? Even if it's just you and me, you won't have to hide what we have anymore." Mingi was quick to follow, "We are yours babygirl, no one else's. And soon enough everyone will know that." Pulling them closer into you, your tears started to fall, this time, because you felt reassured. Something you oh so desperately needed, something that's been clawing away at you internally, finally accepting that they want you just as much. "I love you." Your voice but a soft whisper to the alpha and beta that currently surrounded you in their arms. "We love you honey" They responded in unison.
Sleep had consumed you for the vast majority of your flight. Finally reaching your destination you and the rest of the members and staff all gathered your things and began to leave the plane. Discrete black vehicles waiting for you and the guys to take you to where you'd be staying for the first stop of the tour. Splitting into a group of 4 and a group of 5 you all loaded into the suv's. You'd asked to join the eldests members for the drive as you knew Yunho would be in their vehicle. You weren't quite ready to leave his side yet.
Sitting in the middle of the far back row, Yunho was to your right and Yeosang to your left. Seonghwa, who was seated in front of Yeosang in the row in front of you, turned to face you. "How are you feeling darling? Your scent hasn't been nearly as pleasant since we made it to the airport." His face was littered with concern. His eyes scanned your face searching for a glimpse of reassurance to his ever worrying mind. You couldn't lie to him if you wanted to, not when he'd been able to smell the souring scent that's been seeping off of you these past two days. So you didn't. You wrapped your hands around each other toying with your thumbs before opening your mouth, only to close it again.
Yunho, being the ever so attentive alpha he was pulled a hand from your lap into his before answering for you. "She's feeling a bit vulnerable with things being so close to her heat. We briefly talked on the plane, but we have something we all need to talk about after the tour." Gripping the tall man's thigh silently thanking him, you cleared your throat still unable to look up at your fellow omega. "Its just been a lot recently having to hide us. I know that's what we discussed when I came into this, and I have been perfectly fine with that until recently. I just.. it's almost painful now having to hide being yours.. having to hide us. But we don't have to talk about it unless you want to. ALL of you.." Hongjoong, who was seating in the seat in front of Yunho, whipped his head around to look at you. His face that of pure happiness, something you wished you could see more of from the head alpha, he looked ravishing when he was genuinely happy. "My love, I can confirm for all of us, nothing would make us happier. Yunho is right though, it still needs to be talked about with everyone. We will have to inform management as well, of course, but we can do that after the fact. Id rather ask for forgiveness than for permission when it comes to our blue bird."
Blue bird, you heart melted at the term. It took you back to when you'd officially come home with them after tour, after your first terrifying but exhilarating heat with them. Hongjoong and you talked for hours about your past with your previous pack and all you had endured during that time. He told you how with them you would never have to be scared. You would always be free to make your own choices, free to leave if you ever so wished, or free to stay, to be with them. But you were as free as a blue bird. The same blue bird that had given you the strength to leave your pack in the first place. Their blue bird.
3 weeks had passed and you were only a week away from your heat, or so you thought. Having joined the crowd of fans every concert, this time you did as well but stayed very close to the exit that led to the dressing rooms just incase. You'd been especially needy these past 2 days and even more so nurturing. You were constantly checking if the guys needed anything, making sure they were all well fed, and finding every excuse to have at least one of them sit down long enough for you to curl up in their lap. Now, staring up at the men you loved so desperately on stage you were their biggest fan yet again. The smile on your face was unwavering as you took them it like it was your first concert all over again. You danced with them from your spot in the standing area. You sang your heart out. You barked especially loudly praying they could pull your voice out of everyone else's in the crowd. Which of course they did. The sound of you, the looks passed between all of you had triggered some especially sexy demon line moments much to the crowds and your own pleasure.
You were in pure bliss. That is, until Wake Up began. Your heatrate skyrocketed, your body becoming insanely and intensely hot. You started to panic and then the chorus hit. Without missing a beat you looked to your loves and they all quickly looked at you, except Yunho who kept hold of your eyes his entire body roll. You snapped, doubling over in pain. You needed to get out NOW. Alerting a security guard to the best of your abilities, he help you through the small crowd in your way and to the dressing room. You were glad the guys had demanded that every dressing room be scent proof during the tour, otherwise you'd be terrified at the possibility of any other alphas finding you. You tried to pull yourself together but you were sweating profusely and undressing to try and cool yourself down as much as possible until Wooyoung could make his way to you. You'd found the luggage you'd kept in the dressing room. Their clothes from previous concerts you nuzzled into Sans ripped shirt trying to breathe in his scent. It only made the pain all the worse, you needed relief, any kind of relief. You were barely in control of yourself anymore your primal need had fully enveloped you.
As soon as you had given in to your urges, trying desperately to find any sense of relief through your own hands, Wooyoung opened the door and slipped in. "Poor 'mega you couldn't just wait for me?" His smirk was condescending but loving. "Need... n.. need help.. Please." "Pretty girl, so needy. We have to get you prepped first love." He said as he stalked his way to you. The look in his eyes hungry, he was going to enjoy taking his time with you. In seconds, he was between your legs, his hands massaging your thighs as he pulled them further apart. He licked a devilish slit up your folds, earning a soft moan from you. Another painfully slow lick and your hand shot to grasp his hair. "M-more. Need more." You could feel the smirk against your entrance as he indulged himself in you. His tongue making firm calculated flicks over your bud. He moved one of his hands up your thigh, giving it a hard grab before moving it down to your opening and inserting a single finger. He pumped it in time with his licks, and your eyes rolled back. "Such a pretty omega, so responsive, so needy for relief." He cooed. You whined and bucked your hips into his hand earning you a harsh slap on your cunt.
"I need more, please, please, Woo.. more." You couldn't get enough. you need for release so close and yet so far. He went back at it, his tongue picking up speed as he slid two more fingers in, finding the spot that would have you coming undone the fastest. You had tears in your eyes. It wasn't enough. Nothing would be right now. You knew what you really needed, who you really needed. Wooyoung was relentlessly thrusting his slender digits into you he knew he could get you there. You cried out, a feral growl escaping from deep within you. He stopped instantly, looking at you with wide eyes. "Get Yunho. Now." Your voice was barely your own. His face was a mixture of hurt and understanding as he stood from his place between your legs. "Wooyoung.. please.. I'm sorry.. I just need Yunho, please.. I need a knot.." You managed to get out between heavy panting breaths. Thankfully, Woo was understanding. He knew he wouldn't be able to knot you like you needed, but he was just happy you were willing to let him try to satiate your needs in the first place. "You got it 'mega." With that, he quickly left.
You were a teary-eyed, panting mess by time. Yunho finally made it into the dressing room. What seemed like it took ages really only took half of a song before Yunho was running off stage. You'd both have to figure that out later. Right now, you needed him and his knot. "Y-Yunho.." You whined, looking up at the skyscraper of a man through your lashes. "I'm right here, love. Did Woo get you prepped?" You nodded quickly. You couldn't wait anymore. "It's okay baby, we'll get you full and knotted. Alphas here now." You practically purred at the word. Alpha. As Yunho undressed, you were practically drooling. His muscular torso, the way his large hands unbuttoned each button painfully slow, his painfully long member finally coming into view. You were dripping in need. He made his way to you, grabbing you by the scruff of your neck and pulling you in for a breathtakingly passionate kiss while he readied his length with your slick.
"Now you're gonna be a good omega and take all of it right, sweetheart?" You nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes! Please, Yunho.. I'll be so good!" He placed a gentle kiss to your forehead before he made his first diabolically deep thrust. "Aahhh fuck!!" He was huge, in girth and length. His tip, kissed your cervix and you gasped in pleasurable pain. "Such a pretty girl, so beautiful when you moan for me baby." He reared back, pulling out all the way until the tip and snapped back in. "F-FUCK YUNHOOO!" Tears threatened to fall as you cried his name. His smirk was devastating handsome knowing you called for him made him all the more eager to please.
His thrusts became beautifully timed, each one hitting hard and deep, his balls slapping your ass as he buried himself in your walls. Your hands found purchase on his toned back, clawing and holding on as if he'd slip away before he could knot you before he could mark you as his. "Alpha... please.. please.." You knew exactly what you wanted, needed. "Please, what pretty girl? Use your words 'mega." His pace became faster, and he placed his hand over your stomach as he rutted into you, earning himself a beautiful moan with each and every thrust. "Please.. fuck... alpha. Need- need your knot.. need you to mark me.. please." Your legs were beginning to shake, tears escaping your eyes as you stared up at Yunho silently begging him to give you what you need. "Baby..." He wasn't hesitant. You haven't fully discussed it with the group. "Please Yunho, fuck please, I'm gonna... aahhhhhh!! Need it, need it now." He couldn't control himself any longer his thrusts became more frantic.
You had consumed his very being in that moment. Just as your walls began to clamp down on him, he spurted hot white ropes deep inside you, his teeth bared, and he bit down hard. As his knot inflated, you moaned in pain but also in relief. "S-so big.. so full." He lapped at the spot he'd bit, sealing it, when you finally realized. "Y-y..You actually marked me?" Tears fell again as you pulled him into you, careful not to tug him too hard and pull at the knot, still tying the two of you together. "You asked me to. You know I'd do anything to make you happy, and I've wanted it just as bad as you have." Before he could pull away to look at you, you bared your teeth and bit down on his mating gland. He let out a deep growl in your ear that made your walls clench on his deflating knot. Placing tiny kitten licks to the mark, you whispered in his ear, "I love you, but you know they're gonna kill us now, right?" He laughed nervously. He knew the rest of the men would not be happy, but he hoped they'd understand.
"We'll talk about it later, we need to get you fed, cleaned up, and to your room and your nest before you get too far into your rut." You smiled at his as he slowly pulled out of you. Feeling much more yourself now, you stretched your neck out, feeling the freshness of his mark in your skin. "You know, it's your fault it happened so suddenly. If you hadn't stared me down during that body roll, I probably would've made it through the concert." You giggled as you propped yourself up on your forearms, your legs still needing time to recover. "Well, I'm glad I did. It got me this." He said as he tilted his head to expose his mark. Once he was fully dressed, Yunho helped you put on your clothes, making sure to be extra gentle around your fresh mark. "Now let's get you to our room for the week, baby. I'm ready for some cuddles while I still have time to get them." You leaned into him, placing a sweet kiss to his lips as he lifted you bridal style. He carried you to the car he'd called before coming to the dressing room, and the two of you sat together in comfortable silence on the way to the hotel. You knew you'd have to talk to the rest of the guys soon before your heat came full force, but for now, you just wanted to enjoy this time with Yunho.
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random-writer-23 · 22 hours
Logan with a reader who loves to cook for him?? I’m from the south and food is a love letter here!! 😤 deer steak, peach cobbler, biscuits and gravy!!!
Need to fatten him up before the Canadian winter gets to him 🥺 come home Logan your dinners gettin cold
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~~~Wonderful request gorgeous!!!! Had my stomach grumbling while I was writing it. I hope you enjoy it and that this is at least somewhere along the lines of what you were looking for!! This was the only photo of Logan I could find where he’s eating~~~
~~~On a separate note, I'm sorry I've been away for a bit y'all I've been having a rough time, my nana passed away recently so I've been struggling with that. I may be posting less frequently for a while, hope y'all understand. But I did wanna get back into writing and I feel this is the perfect request to write to make my return. My nana was always making that good Southern food for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Her collard greens had to be the best I've ever had in my life, her broccoli casserole, mac and cheese, biscuits the whole shebang. She always had me in the kitchen with her insisting I learn how to make everything so I could carry on her recipes so when I saw this request I knew I had to pull out her recipe book. I know she'd also want me to go back to writing cause she loved Wolverine. She never got to see Deadpool and Wolverine but I showed her the clip where Hugh's shirt explodes and she went WOWIE! and watched it at least 10 times so I feel this is a good way to honor her memory, she'd want me to be thinking about Hugh Jackman. Nana this one is for you I love you.~~~
~~~Mostly fluff, implied oral at the end but nothing is explicitly written, also mostly unedited cause it's just a quick little thing~~~
I focus on my Nana's broccoli casserole recipe in front of me, carefully mixing the blend of cream of mushroom soup, eggs, onions and mayonnaise in a bowl until it’s thick and creamy. I pull the bag of broccoli florets out of the freezer and add them to the mixture taking care to make sure they’re thoroughly coated. I take some of the cheddar cheese shreds and sprinkle it into the bowl stirring it in thoroughly before pouring the ingredients into a dish. I take extra care in sprinkling whatever shredded cheese I have left on the top of the casserole. I read from my Nana's recipe, crumbling up a few packets of Ritz crackers, and sprinkling the crumbs along the top of the casserole alongside the shredded cheese, just as she taught me when I was little. I grab my oven mitts opening the oven door, gripping the casserole dish tightly in my hands, slipping it into the oven. I set the oven timer to 45 minutes, pulling my oven mitts off. I turn my attention back to the pots on the stove, lifting up the lids to check on my collard greens and mashed potatoes. As soon as I lift the lids up the sweet aroma of a home-cooked meal fills the kitchen. A smile making its way onto my face. I begin clearing the table setting up the placemats and getting the plates and silverware ready. I jump slightly as the front door opens and closes, Logan's voice wafting through the air. “Darlin I’m home!” He calls out and I grin as I hear his voice, I poke my head out of the kitchen and I sight watch him kicking off his shoes at the front door. He looks up catching sight of me and I watch him take a deep breath inhaling the smell of my cooking. “Something smells delicious” He chuckles taking a few steps towards me, I step out of the kitchen, meeting him halfway and his eyes roam my figure hungrily taking in the sight of me in my apron. “And something else looks delicious” He chuckles wrapping his arms around me.
“Hi baby” I grin, giggling as he nuzzles his nose against the top of my head, “have a good day?” I ask softly, and he grunts running his hands through my hair and kissing the top of my head. 
“Better now I’m with you” He chuckles gruffly holding me tighter and I smile, “So whatcha got cooking for me” he pulls away slightly, his hand cupping my face, tucking my hair behind my ear, his other hand finding its place on my lower back.
“Hmm, some broccoli casserole, mashed potatoes, collard greens…” I grin looking up at him, fingers lightly tracing shapes on his chest. He groans, his lips falling down to mine in a passionate kiss. 
“Oh darlin you treat me so well” He chuckles, his lips falling from mine, ghosting along my jaw where he presses light kisses against it. His lips kiss down my neck and I let my head fall back slowly as he nips gently at the skin of my collarbone “Always cooking delicious meals f’me” he groans lightly, burying his nose in the crook of my neck inhaling deeply.
“Well you take such good care of me, only fair I take care of you too” I giggle.
“And you do it wonderfully” he grins, tightening his hold on me, I wrap my arms around his neck. “I appreciate everything you do for me" He kisses me, murmuring against my lips "lemme show you how much” He kisses me again, his hands leaving my lower back to palm at the fat of my thighs, massaging the skin rhythmically. I giggle leaning into his touch, closing my eyes only to have them spring open at the sound of the oven alarm going off I chuckle lightly as he groans loudly at the interruption. Keeping his forehead pressed against mine.
“Baby as much as I’d love that,  I gotta go check on the food… can’t let it burn” I say softly pushing lightly against his chest and he grumbles reluctantly letting me go. 
“Fine fine, just so all your hard work doesn’t go to waste” He grumbles and I smile patting his cheek lightly, weaseling out of his arms and walking back into the kitchen. He trails after me sniffing the air, humming quietly to himself. I grab a pair of oven mitts, opening the oven taking the food out putting the dish on the kitchen counter. I turn the stovetop off stirring the collard greens and mashed potatoes one last time before grabbing two plates gently scooping a large portion of food onto Logan's plate. Repeating the process and scooping a slightly smaller portion onto mine. I hand the plates over to Logan who sets them down on the table pulling my chair out for me. 
“Thanks honey” I grin and he pushes my chair in when I sit down, he grins at me slyly pouring me a glass of wine. Pouring another for himself before settling himself in the chair on the opposite side of the table. I take a small bite of each food giving it a small taste test, while Logan across the table digs in like a man starved, practically scarfing down his food. I chuckle lightly sipping my glass of wine. 
“Oh baby you outdid yourself” He mumbles through a mouthful of food, making me laugh. “Absolutely delicious” He compliments and I smile. 
“Used Nana’s recipe” I grin, “same one she used for Thanksgiving dinner” I chuckle, scooping up another forkful of food and guiding it into my mouth. “well thank you, Nana” He chuckles raising his glass of wine, waiting till I tap mine against his, before he takes a sip. It doesn’t take too long for us to finish up our food and I start to stand up as soon as Logan's plate is cleared, reaching across the table to grab it from him, but he tsks shaking his head at me. “Oh no you don’t” he says making me pause my movements my hand hovering over his empty plate. He smiles walking behind me putting his hands on my shoulders massaging gently kissing the back of my neck, gently pushing me back down into my chair.
“What?” I laugh, letting him guide me back into my chair.
“You cooked, which means I do dishes” He insists, and I chuckle.
“Alright, alright” I smile watching as he clears the plates from the table, he puts all the leftovers in containers and stores them in the fridge. Carrying the pots to the sink pouring soap in the pots letting the hot water run and fill them up. I watch him from my seat at the table taking another sip of wine, watching the muscles in Logan's arms flex as he scrubs the pots and pans rinsing them of soap before putting them in the dish rack to dry. He grabs a tea towel using it to dry his hands, as he turns around leaning back against the kitchen counter, his gaze landing on my figure. 
“Well I’m stuffed” he smiles setting the tea towel aside, “but…” He grins standing behind my chair massaging my shoulders again. He takes my hand tugging me out of my chair, holding me close to him, kissing me softly hands gripping my thighs, lifting me up slightly to sit on the dining table. He pulls my body to the edge of the table, making me lay back leaning on my elbows. He pulls up the chair I was previously sitting on, perching himself on the edge of my chair. He pulls my shorts off, my panties following not far behind. He tosses them aside letting them land in a forgotten corner of the room, his lips trailing along my thighs kissing them gently groaning softly at the taste of my skin. He grips my thighs guiding my legs over his shoulders, biting softly at my upper thighs, “I think I’ve saved just enough room for dessert” He purrs, his head dipping down between my thighs. 
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stormyelliotwritez · 2 days
hello! i’ve written a request for you before and it was under anonymous but i’ve decided that i have no shame in my game soooo, i was wondering if you could do a fic or headcanon where reader is autistic and has touch aversion. And this obviously hard on logan and wade but, they find out part of the reason reader has touch aversion is because they’re uncomfortable with their masculinity (they’re ftm trans). Alsothey grew up with a difficult and toxic childhood so saying i love you and showing love through physical affection is hard. (they show they’re love by acts of service or cooking/gifts) but in they end they’re happy and reader is more comfortable with touch and stuff. Please and thank you! <3
(sorry this was so long i was just YAPPING)
yay!!! Hi!!!! hehehehehehehehe yeah i can and also coz this is so me and i love it, you can have headcanons and also a mini ficlet!!!
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they’re both very touchy guys so when you freak out and get annoyed at them for touching you, they both get a bit disappointed but they respect it
wades the one who finds out it’s partially because you’re trans because he accidentally bumps you in the chest and you just seem really uncomfortable and a lightbulb goes off in his head
logan does some research on how autistic people can feel weirded about by touch and he also talks to trans people about dysphoria because he wants to understand you
you start cooking and giving them gifts and logan goes oh because he’s seen this before in kids who came from bad homes who try to show their love in other ways
they wanna make you feel heard so they listen to you no matter what and they accept whatever you give them
after a while, you start to let them touch you a little bit and they’re both so happy.
wade literally squeals with joy when you don’t get annoyed at him when he gives you a hug
they wanna help you feel more comfortable in your masculinity so they make comments about how men are really hot and nice and how you’re great and that other men they’ve known weren’t as nice or cool as you
they also buy you clothes and other stuff so you feel more comfortable in your own body
when you let logan give you a kiss on the neck, he almost stabs his leg out of happiness
ficlet time!!!!!
Logan and Wade had been sitting on the couch. They were watching TV and waiting for you. Wade had left the recliner free so you could sit there if you really wanted. When you eventually walked in, you sat down in between them on the couch. Both their jaws dropped and they looked at each other behind you and both grinned.
“Are we watching something or not?” You asked as you leaned back on the couch and leaned your head on Logan’s shoulder.
Logan got a surprised look on his face like when you have a cat and it hates people but then it lays down on your lap. He covered his mouth with one hand so he wouldn’t make a noise and scare you off.
Wade was also shocked and he was even more shocked when you grabbed his hand and tried to pull him closer. He leaned his head on your shoulder as best as he could and wrapped his arms around you.
“I love you guys,” you said quietly.
They both smiled widely. They hadn’t ever expected this and it was fine that you didn’t like touch or saying that you loved them but they were both on Cloud Nine now.
“I love you too,” they both said at once.
The three of you then settled into a content silence as Logan turned the movie on. They were both so happy that you finally felt completely happy and safe.
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deadbaguette · 3 days
I got a DM asking if I could elaborate on the dynamic between OdyDio in my ‘Diomedes goes to Ithaca’ AU, so I thought I’d do an elaboration post about it!
Is it romantic or platonic?
It is romantic! Considering this IS an Odypendio AU I wanna make a dynamic between all of them :) OdyDio in this AU a little more explicitly romantic than PenDio, but there is a level of yearning that isn’t quite there with PenDio. Between Pendio there is a mutual understanding of what they are, and PenOdy are married. And while Diomedes and Odysseus are definitely more than friends in this AU, it’s still unclear what exactly they are to each other.
Does one love the other more/Feel their feelings more strongly?
Generally I don’t believe in this idea that in a relationship there is necessarily someone who feels more love than the other. But since they don’t actually really know what they are to each other, I imagine Diomedes is probably pining more? Well, he doesn’t exactly know this lmao. Odysseus knows what it means to love someone like this, and he treats Diomedes as such. But Diomedes? He’s never experienced this before. He’s never heard someone speak so lovingly of someone, has never been on the receiving end of someone who knows how to show their affections like this. It’s not like Sthenelus or Eurylus, this is Odysseus. For the first and very frightening moment, Diomedes realized he does love Odysseus. There is different kind of camaraderie, admiration, and love between them that Diomedes doesn’t know how to deal with. They’re more than friends, and in a way family but like… not in the platonic way?? Still, he yearns and loves the best he can. Odysseus was his first love in a way, I’m such a sucker for first love as a trope :)
Is it an unspoken love?
Yeah,,, I fear I am a sucker for unspoken love. Actions speak louder than words type love. But there it’s a little more explicitly romantic than PenDio as previously said. They’ve probably kissed and cuddled… but I’m very bad at romantic kinda stuff so that’s all I’m elaborating on AHGSGDHAGA
How much do they love each other?
A lot!! Odysseus would tell stories of his family to Diomedes, and Diomedes knows Odysseus better as a father than he did Tydeus. He knows more of Penelope than he does his own wife. Odysseus loves his family so wholeheartedly that Diomedes cannot help but love him for that. In a way, Odysseus is accepting Diomedes into the family. He’d tell him things like “my wife would love you” or “you should meet my son when this whole war is over”. I talked about it in my Diomedes and Telemachus post, but Diomedes carved a place out for Odysseus in Telemachus’ life. But in a way, Odysseus gave him the love and carved Diomedes’ place out in his life.
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This isn’t my typical dynamic for OdyDio!🙏 But when I make a found family, I will make the familyism strong.
Ask by @differentnerddiplomatopera in DMs
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m00nkissedlover · 21 hours
・。kiss of indifference 🌙
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"'cause i have hella feelings for you, i act like i don't fucking care, 'cause i'm so fucking scared"
post water of life! paul atreides x fremen! reader | word count: 2,076 words
summary: paul's recent indifferent attitude towards you causes new sparks to fly~ 🌙
warnings: long intro? before dialogue, slight angst, paul still loves reader while engaged to irulan (previously established relationship), yelling (you two make up in the end!), mild intimacy/ spice (MDNI), heated kissing
note: kinda rushed. first time writing this much, WOO! might be a bit inaccurate, i tried my best. 🫠 enjoy!
paul atreides. the skinny, dark haired, and pale skinned boy you had fallen for. the boy who didn't care about being lisan al ghaib, but who rather hated it. the boy who would immediately shut down his mother's talks of her bene gesserit lore and prophecy, who would instead find solace and comfort in your arms.
this was not him. this was some blue eyed doppelgänger wearing his skin, you were sure of it. the sudden shift in his attitude and overall demeanor after having consumed the "water of life" sent a chill down your spine. obviously, you weren't the only one that noticed. but you were the only one who was concerned about it.
paul was becoming...distant. especially from you. with his duties as the new emperor, it was understandable. even more so, since he'd asked for irulan's hand in marriage. the fact that he'd professed his love for you and then asked for such a thing in almost the same breath broke your heart and crushed your soul. you'd often see paul accompanying the princess to meetings and such. obviously he didn't love her, he never had 'that' look in his eyes when he looked at her. 'that' look being the one he'd have in his eyes as he'd sneak glances at you as you'd pass each other in the hallways of the grand palace or when you'd attend meetings as well to give some freman insight. saying that paul hated this was an understatement. but he had to keep up appearances, attending meetings and staying one step ahead of his enemies.
that was another problem, his enemies. he always had to keep up with his image of being a stern and almost cutthroat leader, which meant showing no weakness, ever. unfortunately, this also meant distancing himself from people he truly cared about: his mother, his unborn baby sister, and worst of all...you. after all, the only reason you were let into palace was by paul's orders. he'd have to force himself not to love you, or at least act like it. your greetings were met with a nod or a silent mumble, or, like most times, nothing at all.
it was late at night, the sound of your ticking clock keeping you awake. no, it was actually your never ending thoughts of none other than paul. you wanted nothing more that to rush out of your room to his, knock on his door, and give him the biggest hug you could give, to run your fingers through his dark brown locks again, to tell him that everything would be okay. you stood up, deciding to take a walk through the palace to clear your mind. as you opened the door, you were met by paul, mid-knock. his hair was a little messy and it seemed like he'd just retired from his study.
you didn't say anything, instead stepping aside to let him come in and closing the door behind him. there was a moment of silence that felt it had lasted a little too long before paul spoke up. "how have you been? you seem to be looking well." paul commented, standing in the middle of your room as you sat on your bed. "yes, i've been fine. and what of you?" he wasn't even looking at you. yes, he was facing you and to anyone else, it looked as though he was staring straight at you. but his mind was obviously elsewhere...he wasn't paying attention to you.
"paul," you said, raising your voice a bit and reaching out to hold his hand. you could see him being pulled out of his state of distraction, your hand squeezing his. "talk to me. this is the first time we've been alone together in weeks. please..." paul could see the pleading in your eyes, a soft sigh leaving him as he sat down next to you. "don't worry about it," he brushed you off, pulling his hand out from your grip. "i simply came to see how you're doing." an obvious lie. "paul, something's bothering you. you can tell me," you began. "[y/n], i'm fine," "but you're not. i can tell it's eating you up inside, the visions, your enemies."
"[y/n]-" he was staring to get irritated, not at you, but at the fact that you were right. it was eating him up, slowly consuming him and making him lose himself more and more each day. "it's why you've been avoiding me, right? you're scared they'll take advantage of your affection towards me-" paul stayed silent, his fingers curling up into fists as he looked at the floor. you grabbed his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. "these visions don't define you, paul! this prophecy doesn't define you! you can't just run away from us and face this on your own!"
that was easy for you to say. you didn't have throngs of people either depending on you or praying for your untimely death. you didn't have the weight of the entire universe on your shoulders. "you don't understand-" "i'll try to-!" "YOU CAN'T!" paul yelled, pushing your hands away from his face. you flinched, your eyes going wide as he stood up and ran his hands through his hair. "you can't possibly understand the horrific things i've seen each time i so much as close my eyes. do you know what i see? people dying from starvation. holy wars being waged in my very name. the people i care about with every bone in my living body being slaughtered in front of me! and you," he turned to you pointing an accusing finger at you as if it were a blade. "you sit here and act like you understand me?"
you didn't expect for paul's words to hurt so much. he'd never raised his voice at you, and he'd certainly never yelled at you. you felt like a knife was being twisted into your heart as the boy you loved turned into someone you didn't even recognize. "i'm just trying to comfort you," "well stop! because...because i love and care about you so much, it physically hurts me. i'd be a lost soul if something ever happened to you," you looked at your hands, feeling a whirlwind of emotions as you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. but you refused to cry.
"you should go. i'm sure irulan's looking for you." "you know we sleep in separate rooms-" "still...you don't need unsavory rumors on top of all you have to deal with..." you turned away from paul, using the back of your hand to dab away the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. you felt the bed dip, but didn't turn to look at him. "[y/n], look at me..." you didn't answer, sniffling softly and moving to get up, ready to try your hand at kicking him out once again. a soft yell left your lips as paul's slim fingers wrapped around your wrist and pulled you right back next to him, his face so undoubtedly close to yours. you could smell the pent up emotion on him, a word of protest ready on your tongue.
before you even knew what was happening, paul's lips were on yours. you let your eyes flutter shut, yelping softly into the kiss as he pulled flush against him, leaving absolutely no space between your bodies. another observation you'd made was that ever since paul drank the "water of life", he'd been extra aggressive in most everything: he'd give people harsher punishments, he'd execute orders with upmost precision, and when he loved...he'd love harder. his heart was practically bursting at the seams as all the love he'd been forced to shove down spilled out of him in the form of a bruising kiss.
you felt dizzy as paul pulled away from you, your cheeks flushed and your breathing a bit labored. the two of you just stared at each for a while, your fingers still twirling strands of his dark hair. "still want me to leave?" he asked, lightly brushing his lips against yours, his action making your eyes flutter shut. you felt your heart squeeze as you opened your eyes once again, gazing at him through watery eyes. "paul-" "i know...i know." paul's hands came up and cupped your face once more, his thumbs brushing over your cheeks and wiping away your tears. "me too...i'm sorry too..." he whispered before leaning back in to meet your lips again.
a shaky breath left your lips as you melted into the kiss once again, your hands clutching the front of his shirt as if he'd slip right through your fingers. paul's fingers playfully danced beneath the fabric of the shirt of your sleepwear, slowly tracing the skin of sides, as if trying to relearn their curvatures. your hand snaked up to tangle into his hair, a few tears flowing down your cheeks. not because you didn't want this; in fact, you wanted this so much it almost hurt. your breath hitched as you felt paul deepen the kiss, his body pressing against yours.
as you pulled away, breathing a bit heavier and cheeks flushed, you swallowed and met paul's eyes. the look in them was an untamed mix of love and something more. "...we should stop..." you murmured, your hands moving down to cup his face. you felt him relax into your touch, your heart warming. "you're right...but i don't want to-" just as he was about to lean back in for another kiss, a rhythmic knock on your door stopped him.
"ignore it." he muttered , a flash of irritation on his face. "but-" paul cut you off with another kiss, pushing you back into the mattress. his lips started to move with newfound fervor, pressing hot, open mouthed kisses over the skin of your jaw and down to the dip of your neck. feeling paul's hands start to roam under your shirt caused a soft sound between a gasp and a moan to leave your lips. "paul~" you muttered, letting your eyes flutter shut.
another knock made his hiss in annoyance. "[y/n], are you awake?" princess irulan's voice asked from behind the grand door. you and paul looked at each other, his eyes giving you a serious look. he got up and reluctantly hid in the little space between your bed and the wall.
"i'm sorry to bother you so late at night." the princess said, a gentle expression on her face. "oh, no, not at all, princess. what did you need?" "just irulan is fine. i was wondering if you'd seen paul. he wasn't in his study." you felt your stomach churn as the princess said his name. you shook your head, muttering a quick apology. "no, i haven't seen him today. maybe he went outside to get some fresh air." you lied. she gave your room a quick scan from where she stood and you knew she knew. she knew and decided to stay silent. "very well, have a good night." "you as well."
once the door closed, you were met with paul's bright blue eyes as he stood behind you, a soft but startled yell leaving you. you hadn't even heard him get up. he reached out and held your hand, gently squeezing it and kissing the back of it, letting his lips linger for a moment. paul then looked back up at you, leaning in and brushing his lips to yours one last time. "i'll see you soon..." he whispered against your lips, a soft hum of a response leaving you. you squeezed his hand, feeling your heart skip a beat. "yeah...see you soon..." he pulled away from you, making his way to the door and opened it a crack, glancing for anyone else that might be awake.
just as he was about to take his leave, you grabbed his hand, leaning back in to give him on final kiss. "good night." you murmured, your grip absentmindedly tightening. you didn't want to let him go, not now, not ever. not after knowing this would be the last night the two of you would share like this before paul went back to wearing that dreaded mask of indifference. "good night." you felt his hand slip from your as he took his leave, turning to meet your ocean blue eyes once last time. now you knew, he still loved you, even if he wouldn't show it.🌙
© m00nkissedlover, 2024
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doevie · 1 day
can you write a bsf2lovers woonhak fic? ty ><
DODGE A BULLET, GOT HIT BY A MISSILE   𓎢𓎡  김운학 ( © doevie )
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WHAT ? ♱  woonhak x f!reader ੭୧ bestfriends to lovers, fluff, highschool au, skinship, kissing, lowk jealous!woonhak ; word count ( 1.3k )
synopsis  getting hit on at a party was not on your bucket list, but woonhak kissing you is.
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new school year, new you.
that was the motto you kept endeared to your heart. last year, you didn't socialize with anyone. spending time at home is where you belonged, watching movies with your best friend woonhak. you and woonhak have been friends since your freshman years, and now that you're in your senior year, a blur between friendship and relationship has begun.
this year is going to be different, this year you'll need to explore highschool adventures. the perfect way to start is by going to a party. luckily, you and woonhak got invited to a party through a mutual friend. "are you sure you wanna go?" "i'm sure, besides what could happen?" and that's how you jinxed yourself.
the sunny breeze put you in a good mood as you walked home, holding hands with woonhak your heart raced. "what are you gonna wear?.." he asked. from the way your eyes looked everywhere but his proved that you had no clue. "you don't know, don't you?" you nodded. woonhak laugh made you burst into laughter. a few seconds pass; the both of you trying to get your composure.
"just wear whatever," he stands there, making you stop in your tracks before looking back at him "i'll know you'll look amazing." he beamed. your heart dropped, 'how could he just say that so nonchalantly?' you thought to yourself. "same with you" you blow a kiss at him, quickly grabbing his hand again. "you're such a tease sometimes.." you mumble. woonhak sighed before masking his disappointment with a chuckle.
after walking for a bit, woonhak dropped you off at home before heading off. you sprinted towards your room, dropping your bag and plopping onto your soft bed. even though you were excited, you were also nervous. this was expected! it is your first party. You took a deep breath and rose from your bed and searched for the perfect outfit. clothes were flung onto your bed, and grunts were heard from your room.
you cheered, after looking for a bit you finally found the outfit. you grab your phone and ring up woonhak, a smile on your face as you set your phone up so that your outfit is shown completely. ding! "(reader)?" woonhak calls out to you, looking forward. "woonie!~" you sang, shifting woonhak's attention to you. "hm?" his eyes widened. "woah.." his jaw dropped. "what do you think? isn't it nice?" you twirl around, showing off all the designs you have on.
"you look so pretty!" he hyped, making your confidence boost. "what are you going to wear, i hope it isn't anything dumb.." "yeah i'm ending the call.." woonhak laughed, making you panic. "no!!!" you screeched, making woonhak yell. a sigh emits from your lips as the end calls.
you sat back down, picking up your phone and began scrolling through it. thankfully, woonhak suggested picking you up, which you agreed to. so you didn't have to rush to get to the house where the party was hosted. minutes past and next thing you know you're in woonhak's car, on your way to the gathering. woonhak places his hand on your arm, soothing you from all the nerves you were having. "thanks" you mumble. woonhak smirks, still keeping his eyes on the road.
the car takes a holt, making you cheer. "we're here!" his hand raises, hinting towards you holding it. "may i?" he jokes, making you chuckle. "you may." he steps out of the car and waits for you, a smile clearly on his face. you rush over to him, wrapping your arms around his. music boosted from the house, teens dancing around and drinking whatever was in their cups.
suddenly, a hand grabs out to you; it's your friend. she pulls you close to her, and gives you a tight hug. "seeing you here is insane!" she yelled, making sure you could hear her under all of the music. woonhak was also dragged, taesan and leehan talking about whatever. your eyes roamed the room while talking to your friend, looking for woonhak. "(reader)?" a voice calls out, causing you to turn your head.
this isn't going to go well. the boy who called out your name was a guy who was in one of your classes, not extremely popular but everyone knew him. you knew he was crushing on you, but honestly, you couldn't care less. "oh! hey!" you waved. your eyes looked around as the whole situation was awkward. "strange seeing you here" "yeah.. i decided i wanted to try something new!" the music drowned out all of the awkwardness. as you were getting up to grab a drink, he stopped your hand. "uhm, may i have your number?"
you stared at him blankly, this was not surprising at all but still... it was weird. "no thanks.. I'm sorry" using all your force you pulled away from him. "that was something!" your friend remarked, she shrugged as she walked away. getting pushed by the raging crowd of high schoolers made you even more annoyed at this party. you rushed over to woonhak after being blocked by the crowd. he was busy talking to his friend when suddenly you sat next to him, clinging onto him.
"you okay?" he whispered into your ear. you nodded. his hand intertwined with yours, soothing your nerves. minutes passed and you gained the courage to get up and socialize with people. waving to woonhak as you get up, you walk towards the drink table. while you were serving yourself, he came back. "i'm sorry about that, i just think you're beautiful.. and i want to take you to dinner.." you squinted your eyes in annoyance. he was starting to rub you off the wrong way. "please let me take you out." he begged, and you stood there. from afar, woonhak could see what was going on. he got up from the couch and walked towards you.
"leave her alone, can't you tell she's getting uncomfortable?" he stepped in, and your head turned to look at him. a frown was on his face, which made you feel bad. the boy stared at woonhak, you could tell both of them were annoyed. "and you are?.. her boyfriend or what." he snarled. "i am, do you have a problem with it?" those words made your heart skip a beat. you were quickly brought back to reality after remembering the situation. "y'know what, let's just go woonhak." you grabbed his hand and excused yourself and woonhak.
you dragged woonhak to his car and got inside. "i'm sorry-" "so you're my boyfriend now?" you teased, calming woonhak down. "i could if you want to.." he whispered into your ear, making you flush up. he pulled his face away from your ear and looked into your eyes, he looked at you with love and a bit of yearning. "i like you, (reader)" he held your hand and placed it on his chest, you could feel his heart, it was pumping like crazy. "you make my heart race, and you make me the luckiest boy on earth whenever we hang out. so please, can i take you on a date?"
you cupped his face with your other hand and brought your face closer to his. woonhak's eyes widened in shock as your lips pressed against his. his eyes quickly close as the both of you get into it. woonhak's lips were soft which made you wanna kiss him even more but regardless you pulled out. "is that a yes?.." he questioned. "of course, it's a yes!" you giggled, making woonhak pull you into a tight hug. after that hug, it became awkward. "okay now take me the hell home, boyfriend.." you winked, making woonhak shy. "okay! girlfriend" he cheered.
you smiled softly and put your seatbelt on. oh, how you dodged a bomb... but got the best missle ever.
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( © doevie'24 ) the way this took me a whole 2 weeks to right this...
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This is the best way I can explain why Adult Lesbians, at least from my POV, are so upset about 1x06. Hope it makes sense.  
What hurts is once again Lesbians are being told to be happy with what you’ve gotten and don’t complain, don't be disappointed, because otherwise the entire queer community won’t get anything, (just like we’ve been told every time a WLW relationship was treated as a joke, pushed to the background, or fetish or ended tragically) but Disney Plus has changed their Agatha All Along Banner to just Billy. Black Hart means Billy and not Rio, the first kiss on the show that for weeks have been heavily promoting Agathario (by official marvel accounts no less) was MLM not WLM, and there are only 3 episodes left…
It hurts deep inside because of not just this but all the time something like it has happened before, which is why I can’t even bring myself to hope we’re going to get more Agathario than what we’ve already got. THAT’S why adult lesbians are so angry/upset because we’ve been here many times before, and a lot of us have trauma about it.
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Agatha all along ep 6 spoilers
I liked it, I didn’t think I would it ties up loose ends and really kept me interested actually I love Joe as Billy and seeing Lilia doing fortunes was great! I nearly jumped seeing her like “heyyyy witchy glad you’re getting paid at this bar mitzvah”
Also she put the glamour on him! And Agatha calling it a clumsy glamour and they’re beneath her, that’s hilarious poor Lilia bless her heart, can’t wait to see you make to the end of the road (👀👀👀)
Cop!alice! Fantastic, love her my baby please never die (oh wait , fuck nevermind)
Billy and his boyfriend are cute and fun, yeah so we got a mlm kiss before agathrio 😞🙄 but I did skip it actually because I’m a homophobic lesbian (jks im not don’t come at me) they’re cute I liked them, everyone calm down, yeah we’ll probably get an article about this kiss but when agathario make out with tongues in the next episode, that’s all we’ll be able to talk about (Jac I believe in you)
Ralph bohner! My man I’ll come to your one man show don’t worry and I’ll cheer the loudest, he was great honestly exactly how people would act in this situation, the other residents I just going back to their normal lives? No! I would act like Ralph too, my mind was taken over by an emotional and depressed witch (love you Wanda! ❤️) and then my house was stolen by an evil witch and she took over my mind and made me poison a dog and put me through hell, yeah I’d become so paranoid I’d carry around witch repellent too
Oh agatha, my poor poor witch killer under another witches spell, you were hilarious, walking around with your little fake gun and your funny T-shirt (marvel make that shirt and I’m buying 10 of them) I wanna kiss you on the cheek 😘
And the final scenes, her crawling out of that mud, amazing! That coat must’ve weighed so fucking heavy on her, a shame they’ll be no more cape swishing, my favourite part of the week RIP lesbian coat, you’ll be missed
The tears in her eyes! I just know she wants to protect him and teach him and make him the best witch he can be/or make him so powerful he blasts her with magic and she takes it all becoming even more powerful, whatever! She’s so proud but also pissed off of course like how dare you betray me??? God I’m so proud!
“I mean I’ve killed (pretends to count) my fair share” Agatha you’re so funny, bless my little witch killer, Rio definitely chose to right witch to love, all those bodies? Flowers and chocolates to death herself
Agatha is Jolene?? Agatha on the titanic??? Agatha as succubus???!! All makes perfect sense to me carry on
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