#there's still some holdback
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and off he goes!
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tanglepelt · 2 years ago
Dp x dc idea 25
Danny is forced to flee when pariah is released. The armor didn’t get done before pariah unleashed his terror. Pariah destroyed everything in his way. Danny was not able to save or protect his family and friends. He is all alone now.
Pariah takes to earth to conquer it. Danny was prepared to keep fighting a lost cause when clockwork appeared. He tells Danny that this isn’t the timeline that was meant to be. As it was the ghost king he was unable to rewind time.
To secure a better future tells Danny he needs to flee and when the time came fight pariah once more. Danny was not gonna listen to this man? Elder?? Child….. whatever it was.
He just gets pushed into a portal. Now he is in the dc universe. He had been forced through as human.
Here he does get questioned by the heros. I mean he did fall out of a green portal and land on earth. All Danny reveals is that he was fighting a tyrant who killed his friends and family and was set in destroying his planet. That some random dude pushed him through the portal.
Danny decided not to reveal he was half ghost or the words the nutjob left him. Danny being able to use his powers as human slowly gets used to them and better at using them. Learning the ghostly wail by watching canary. When his ice core forms he mimics Superman’s ice breath. Watching Martian manhunter helps him with his shapeshifting, invisibility and intangibility.
The heroes definitely think that he has some form of mimicking power. Danny can’t fly as a human tho. So no late night flights. Danny does slip info on who he fought so they have basic anti ecto weapons. Not that they realize it’s specific for ghost.
He’d probs end up with the teen titans given his age. Or maybe a hero snags him 🤷‍♀️.
One day giant hands rip open a portal in the sky and out comes fright knight and a horde of skeletons. Nothing they have works on pariah but keeps the skeletons at bay.
Danny decides this must be what the man was talking about. And for the first time since being here transforms.
JLD is here at this point and just is like you didn’t think it was important to tell us it was the fricken ghost king or the fact your a halfa. Danny just says nope.
Will Danny get a lecture. Most likely. Does he win. Yes. Did he become ghost king. Also yes.
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elllisaaa · 6 months ago
hi eli!! hope you’re well 💖💖 was hoping you could write husband headcannon for dino? including nsfw hc? 🫣 i know you wrote bf hc dino but i feel like husband hc would hit differently ykno lol tysm!! 💖💖
HUSBAND!CHAN hits different, that's true, because if as your boyfriend he was whipped, now he's a simp and he isn't ashamed of it.
he's so proud that you're his wife that he doesn't even call you by your name anymore, always saying my wife this, my wife that, because he cannot get enough of saying it, knowing that you're his forever brings a smile to his face and a warm feeling in his chest everytime. chan is also a sucker for the way you present him as your husband, and it's like he's never gonna get used to it. even if now that you're married he should trust you even more and feel less possessive because he knows you're his through and through, it gets worse. everytime you're out together, he needs to have his arm wrapped around your waist or your shoulders, showing off to everyone that you're taken, showing off his ring to anyone. even in private, chan is a lot more clingy and touchy (which is surprising because he was already very clingy and touchy before) but now it is necessary for him to be with you all the time, he never lets you go. and now that you're his wife, he can easily take you with him during tours and any event. it allows you to travel too, seeing so many cities and countries you didn't think you would ever visit.
"we're going to berlin next week honey, i'm taking you with me."
chan still feels shy sometimes when you compliment him, but now, he has found some ways to make you blush too. now, he's the one to fluster you most of the time instead. he's the type to retweet the posts saying "goodnight to my wife, fuck everyone else" without feeling any guilt because it's true. he takes the opportunity that he's your husband now to take care of you and spoil you even more. the way he sees it is that he has to be even more worthy of you and not make you regret marrying him. he buys you jewelry, clothes, books, flowers, everything that you want and need, and even what you didn't even asked for, he's always one step ahead of you to make you smile. you would've thought that after so many times, you would've been used to his affection and his tendency to spoil you, but you weren't, and chan loves how you react just like the first day when he gives you something new.
"this necklace is so pretty on you " - "but channie, it was so expensive…" - "don't worry about it my love, i just love to make my gorgeous wife happy."
HUSBAND!CHAN whose sex drive is even higher now that you're fully his, now that you live together.
chan cannot take his hands off you anymore. the day of your wedding was the happiest day of his life, yes, without any doubt. but as the night came to an end paired with the many drinks he had, by the time everyone left, he could hardly holdback from fucking you right there. chan definitely fucked you while you were still wearing your wedding dress and he was still wearing his suit. and then he spoiled you all night, only really falling asleep as the sun rose up through the window. also, during your honeymoon, chan had the same energy going on. he spent so much time in between your thighs because he couldn't get enough of your taste and the way you were his wife now.
"come on honey, please just let me give you one more. you can do that for me right ? my gorgeous wife…"
at first, he was scared that a routine would settle in your intimate times just as it did with your everyday life. and he didn't want things to get boring, so i think chan would probably want to try a lot of new things with you. he asks you to make a list of all the things you wanna try out, and he also makes a list. whenever the two of you have the time and the energy for it, you pick something from your lists to spice things up. you love that chan tries to keep things interesting, but you also do things to surprise him too and he melts down from the inside everytime. a lot of people told him that once you're married, nothing's refreshing anymore, but chan always brags about the fact that he never once got bored with you. there's also a lot of public sex with him once he's your husband, because as i've stated before, he cannot take his hands off you. be that at the fancy restaurant he took you out to, at a birthday party of one of your friends, in the middle of the park you planned your picnic date to. every occasion is worth pushing his dick inside of you.
"fuck, yes, bend over just like that for me. gonna make you scream my name for everyone to hear."
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snzluv3r · 9 months ago
hiii, it's the first time i send you a anon, while you is still having bad allergies could you try holdback please?? I just love your sneezes and holdbacks too :3
if you feel inspired maybe with a scenario like "hiding" or "watching a movie" for exemple, thanks for your attention, i wish you a great day full of happines.
thank you so much for the sweet message, anon!! i tried to do a scenario based on holding back my allergies while watching a movie with a partner (and failing miserably, because these allergies are just too strong to hold back in any way) so i stifled as much as i could after some very mediocre holdbacks (if you can even call them that) before i couldn’t hold back at all 🥴
LOTS of “i’m not gonna sneeze” and claiming to be done sneezing through desperate hitching
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syncsnzthings · 3 months ago
SFW OC snzfic - lab experiment - Rowan and Daniel
I've been obsessed with this concept for a while, I can't stop thinking about it.
SUMMARY: Rowan agreed to be the test subject for his friend, who works in/runs a lab that tests pharmaceuticals for companies that make allergy meds. He has no idea that he's not testing an antihistamine; it's something a lot more interesting. WARNINGS: Sneezing, long holdbacks (in a way), mild scientific malpractice if you squint, something akin to sneeze torture but not really WORDS: 3,100
The door to the lab finally opens and Rowan's head perks up to see Daniel wheeling in a tray covered by a thin sheet of cloth. Rowan, ever eager to help, had agreed to be the first test subject for a compound Daniel's lab had produced. Although he works in data entry and has no connections to the actual lab practices—save for his friendship with Daniel—he always ends up getting dragged into these things. He has such a hard time saying no when he's the best test subject any of them can think of.
Daniel and his lab associates do contract work for various pharmaceutical companies, mainly companies that produce allergy medication. Because of this—and factors unknown to Rowan, though he knew there were some—Daniel had taken up a project in creating his own compound with some of the research money the lab had been granted.
The basic rundown he was given was that this medication was supposed to prevent him from sneezing. It's a challenge finding something that will halt Rowan's allergies entirely; he seems to be allergic to everything under the sun, and he's never found an allergy medication that completely mitigates all of his symptoms. Hence, he's the perfect test subject for whatever Daniel and his associates cook up.
"Rowan," Daniel greets him with a friendly smile after he crosses the short distance from the door to the side of the medical cot Rowan is sitting on. He stills the cart, adjusts it slightly to be within reach but not in the way, then turns his full attention to Rowan. "Are you ready to test this out? You haven't taken your usual allergy medication today?"
Rowan returns the smile , his back straightening up in anticipation for the test. "Just like you said. I hope it's worth it, I've been itchy all day."
"Even in the winter, with no seasonal allergens around, your nose is insatiable," Daniel replies, dry amusement coloring his usually professional tone. "And you swallowed the liquid ten minutes ago?" Rowan fixes him with a look. "I have to cover all my bases. It's important that everything is accounted for."
"Yes, I took the stuff when you told me to and then came right here," Rowan says. "I've been waiting here for you forever, you know."
"Ten minutes is hardly forever," Daniel says distractedly. He pinches the thin cloth covering the cart between gloved fingers and tugs it aside, folding it haphazardly and placing it on the counter lining the adjacent wall.
Rowan finally gets a glimpse of what's underneath. He's used to a sight similar to this because of his history of volunteering as a test subject: a tray of allergens, each guaranteed to produce some kind of reaction in him. Usually the tests are for antihistamines, so triggering his allergies doesn't make him react too horribly. This time, he finds himself getting slightly nervous. Daniel had never used the word antihistamine this time, he only said that it was supposed to stop him from sneezing. Daniel is nothing if not precise, so the sudden switch in vocabulary had instantly struck Rowan as odd. He's off his usual allergy meds, and he has an unknown substance working its way through his blood.
"Are you ready to begin?" Daniel turns his eyes back to Rowan, a flash of something Rowan doesn't recognize passing over his expression.
"Well, as ready as I ever am, I guess!" Rowan replies, trying to sound chipper despite his increased nerve.
Daniel nods once. He reaches for the tray on the cart and picks up a long feather, pointed at the tip but quickly morphing into soft disarray closer to the base. Rowan takes in a quick anticipatory breath as Daniel's hand approaches his face. The sharp tip of the feather begins tracing a gentle path along the rims of Rowan's nose and his breath catches again, this time caused by the tickle that instantly spreads up through his sinuses. Whatever it is that Daniel had him take, it did not make his nose any less sensitive to the stimulus.
Rowan pauses, his breath hitching sharply for a long moment. He's entirely prepared to sneeze and let Daniel mark this one down as a failure for now. But nothing happens. His breath evens out again only to pick back up into quick hitches and gasps. He sniffles and blinks his eyes open to look at Daniel.
"Wahh- hih! What's hahhppening? I need to… ihh!" Rowan stutters through his unsteady breathing. His vision is slightly unfocussed, but he swears he sees Daniel's lips quirk up into a satisfied smirk.
"It looks like the compound is working perfectly," Daniel offers as a simple, unhelpful answer. He continues teasing Rowan's nose with the feather, turning it on its side now to let the soft, flexible plumes rub against Rowan's sensitive nostrils.
Rowan twists his head to the side and Daniel lets him do it, lowering his hand to watch intently for a reaction. Rowan's hands hover uselessly in front of his face, steepled to catch a sneeze that doesn't seem to be coming. His shoulder shake with rapid breaths and his face is pinched in pre-sneeze agony. "Haa-! Hih! Ihhh! Ahh… HIH! Uhh…"
After a moment, the immediate need to sneeze seems to pass with no real result, leaving Rowan itchy and irritated. He brings the heel of his hand up to scrub at the underside of his nose, trying to rid himself of the tickly feeling. He turns watery eyes to Daniel. "Wha-hat's going on?"
"This compound is designed to stop you from sneezing, not remove the urge to do so." Daniel watches Rowan rub his nose, then reaches out with his unoccupied hand to gently take hold of his wrist and pry Rowan's hand away from his face. "It's going to take some… extensive testing to be sure it works to its full capacity."
Rowan lets out a shaky breath and sniffles softly. "How much testing?" His eyes fall down to the tray piled with allergens and he suddenly feels much more apprehensive than earlier.
"I'd like to see how far I can trigger your allergies before your body fights the compound entirely. If it does at all, that is." Daniel doesn't wait for a response before reaching down to set the feather back on the tray. He switches to a small, unlabeled glass container with a spritzer. He unscrews the cap, extends it out to Rowan, and lifts it. "Go ahead and give this a sniff."
Rowan can already smell the strong scent wafting out of the container. It's definitely a perfume. His nose twitches with a renewed tickle without even needing to sniff the substance. But Daniel keeps the container held out to him, so Rowan reluctantly leans forward and gives the pungent fumes a tiny sniff. His eyes glaze over with moisture and his nose twitches again and his breath catches.
Daniel urges the container forward. "Again. I need you to take a deep breath through your nose."
Rowan makes a small noise in his throat, half way between a whimper and a gasp, but he does it again. He sniffs the perfume until he has to pull back to gasp again, his nostrils flaring in instant irritation. His sinuses burn and his breath catches, his chest heaving with the rapid inhalations.
Daniel looks satisfied with that and he replaces the cap back on the top of the container. He considers for a moment, then seems to decide on something. He aims the spritzer directly at Rowan and gives a few sprays. The droplets land everywhere; on Rowan's shirt, on his face, on his lap, on his hands which are once again poised in front of his face ready to catch the sneeze that won't come.
Rowan's eyes widen in distress for a brief moment before they flutter shut again. The scent of perfume surrounds them, invading every inch of Rowan's allergic nose and giving him no reprieve from the overwhelming burning, ticklish sensation. He gasps in shallow, rapid breaths that brig him closer and closer to the relief he so desperately needs. It's being kept just out of his reach, driving him wild with need. His hands begin fanning in front of his face like it'll help him escape the feeling.
"Still working as intended," Daniel notes, his own interest barely masked by scientific detachment. He watches as Rowan struggles against his allergies.
Rowan is stuck like this for several minutes, unable to get a single breath in past his desperate hitching and sniffling. He briefly tries to rub at his nose again, but the scent of the perfume is still stuck to his hands and only causes him to break out into another fit of helpless gasps. Allergic tears well up in his eyes and he doesn't have the control to blink them away.
Wordlessly, Daniel lifts a cut sprig of goldenrod blooms from the tray of allergens. As soon as Rowan's breath has almost returned to a manageable pace, Daniel brings the pollen coated flowers up to his face and rubs them directly against his pink, twitchy nostrils.
Rowan's nose is a sight; bright pink, quivering uncontrollably, reacting to even the slightest stimulation. The pollen sets him off again nearly instantly. There's a light dusting of golden dust coating his flaring nostrils and tears streaming down his cheeks. The way he's desperately sucking in breaths is starting to sound closer and closer to whimpers and moans of distress.
"You're quite a sight like this, you know," Daniel comments. He sets the flowers on the cot next to where Rowan is seated and steps directly in front of him. He can see the way Rowan's nose is running, the way he's only barely managing to contain the mess by sniffling nearly constantly—as often as his frantic breaths will allow.
Daniel lifts his hand up to Rowan's face. He uses his thumb to swipe away a tear that falls down his face, then drags it across his cheek toward his nose. Gently, he presses the pad of his thumb against the twitching tip of Rowan's nose. Rowan only reacts by gasping deeply and then returning to his efforts to mitigate his suffering. Daniel can't help an amused hum. He begins rubbing a small circle on the tip of Rowan's nose, adding pressure to manipulate and squish the flesh under his finger.
"The effects of the compound can only reach so far. If we stimulate your nose enough, you might just be able to get a sneeze out," Daniel says thoughtfully, his eyes laser focused on Rowan's nose. He presses up on Rowan's nose and watches his nostrils flare frantically with every breath. "You'd like some relief, wouldn't you? We'll have to increase the discomfort before you can let it out, obviously, but it'll be worth it."
Rowan can only nod rapidly in response, the movement causing Daniel's thumb to rub and press against his irritated skin. Daniel's lips quirk up and he removes his hand from Rowan's face. He looks down at the tray again and takes a moment to scan his options. While he puts together a plan in his mind, he takes a vial of chinkni in his hand and absently holds it near Rowan's face.
"Here, sniff as much of this as you can," he instructs. He doesn't even have to look to know Rowan is eagerly following his instructions. He can hear the desperate little sniffs and feel the puffs of breath against his hand.
Once he can no longer feel Rowan's breath on his hand and he can hear his test subjects whines rise in pitch, Daniel sets the vial down and reaches for the feather again. He tips another vial on its side and sprinkles a layer of dust over the length of the feather, coating it entirely. He does the same with a pepper shaker, then lifts the feather to inspect it, making sure the entire thing is coated in the substances.
Daniel's eyes flick over to Rowan before he decides to start. Rowan has completely given up on sniffing back the tide of runny mucus in his nose, instead just letting it drip down his upper lip in a steady stream. Allergic tears are flowing non stop from his eyes and he looks like he might break at any moment. Daniel plucks a tissue from the small packet on his tray and uses it to wipe the clear mucus from the underside of Rowan's nose.
"If this doesn't make you sneeze, then I don't know what will." He tosses the tissue into a trash bin in the corner of the room, then brings the feather up to tease Rowan's nose once again.
The light tickling against the outside of his nostrils doesn't seem to do much of anything anymore. Rowan is too lost in the throes of his allergies to notice the light stimulation. Daniel hums shortly and begins inserting the tip of the feather into Rowan's nose. He doesn't stop, slowly pushing until every inch of Rowan's nostril is filled with the tickly plumes of the feather, coated in layers of dust and pepper. Immediately, he uses his fingers to twist the feather in a circle, dragging the instrument against the sensitive inner flesh of Rowan's nose.
Rowan gasps wetly and his nose twitches uncontrollably. The entire appendage seems to be quivering with anticipation of the release. His tears fall in thicker streams and his chest heaves with the frantic, rapid breaths he manages to pull in. Despite all of this, he tilts his head back to allow Daniel better access to his nostrils. He's so desperate to sneeze, he'd let Daniel do anything to him if it meant he could finally get relief.
But still, nothing seems to be happening. He whimpers as the tickle builds and builds, but nothing comes of it. Daniel slowly begins pulling the feather out of Rowan's nostril, the agonizing stimulation causing him to whine in protest. Once the feather is almost completely withdrawn, Daniel shoves it back in as far as it'll go. He repeats the process, quicker now, until he's thrusting the feather in and out of Rowan's desperate, trembling nose. With a quick flick of his wrist, he withdraws it completely, then wastes no time in inserting it fully into Rowan's other nostril to do it all again.
To Rowan's dismay, and to Daniel's enthusiastic interest, Rowan still can't seem to sneeze, no matter how helplessly allergic he gets. Daniel pulls the feather free, watching as a string of mucus connects the tip of it to Rowan's red, twitching nose. With his free hand, he plucks another tissue free and uses it to break the string and pinch the mess away from Rowan's nose.
"Still nothing? This compound is more effective than I thought." Daniel drops the soaking wet feather into the trash bin along with the tissue. He pulls a few more fresh tissues free and guides them into Rowan's hand. "Here, you're going to need these. I have a backup plan."
Rowan's hands tremble as they weakly grip the tissues. He doesn't use them yet, too preoccupied with hitching around several false starts. Daniel watches him for a moment; takes in the sight of his nose, which is bright red, irritated, and wriggling with a mind of its own. Rowan looks like the picture of allergic misery.
After allowing himself to indulge for a moment, he turns to pick up an unlabeled container resembling a sinus spray. He steps closer to Rowan. "This should completely counteract the effects of the compound. You need to be ready, because the effects will be nearly instantaneous. Are you ready?"
Rowan gives a small nod and Daniel nods as well. He lifts the nozzle of the small container to Rowan's nostril and presses it inside. The cold plastic makes Rowan's nostril flare.
"Get your tissues ready. As soon as I spray this, you'll need them." Daniel waits for Rowan to lift his hands, still clutching the tissues, then sprays a mist of the liquid directly into Rowan's nostril. He quickly pulls it away and steps back to allow Rowan a bit of space.
Rowan's face scrunches up at the feeling of a foreign liquid in his nose, but that only lasts for a moment. His sinuses are instantly filled with the tickle that has been building up this entire time. He clumsily lifts the tissues to his face but he doesn't even get them there before he's exploding into a wet, desperate sneeze.
"Haa'tISHhuhh!! Ha-ahh-! 'tISShhUH!!" The force of the sneezes has him jerking forward into the soft tissues. A shaky whimper of relief bubbles out of him.
"Bless you," Daniel supplies, knowing full well that Rowan is nowhere near done.
"I-ihhHH!! Hiih'tISCHHuh!! Ha'TSCHHh'tISHH'TSCHHuhh!!" Rowan can't drag in a single productive breath. Every inhale sends him into another fit of wildly desperate sneezing. "Hih'tishHh'tiSHhh'tSSCHHH! HaahH'tisHHUUHH! Ih'tSHUH! Hih'tshUH! Haa-ahhHH-!! HahHH'TSHUUh!"
Daniel stands a comfortable few feet away from Rowan and watches him dissolve into a helpless, desperate sneezing fit. After a moment of just watching, he reaches to take a few more tissues. He steps forward and gently takes Rowan's hands, swapping out the wet, used tissues with the dry, clean ones. He guides Rowan's hand back to his face, then disposes of the soiled tissues into the waste bin.
"Bless you," Daniel says again, his voice soft as he watches Rowan's attempts to soothe himself.
Rowan stutters through an attempt to speak, ultimately interrupting himself once again. "ThahhH- hih! Thahh'ank y-yo-ouhhH'tISCHHH! Ihhtshh'tiSHhuh! S-Sorhhuu'tiSHhhUH!" He gives up on it and instead buries his lower face completely into the tissues and gives himself over to the reaction. "IhhH'TIShhuHH! Haa'tshUH! Hihh'TSHhh'TISHHhh'TISCHHhuuhh!"
"Wow. Bless you," Daniel muses, a smile tugging the corners of his lips up. "You're a mess without your antihistamines, aren't you?"
Rowan cracks his eyes open to look at Daniel. He tries to shoot him a glare, but all he succeeds in doing is looking water eyed and miserable. He can't keep them open for long, either, because he starts sneezing again.
"Okay, okay," Daniel relents. He hands Rowan another bunch of fresh tissues, swapping them out for the used ones again and discarding them in the bin. "This has been really valuable information. I almost want to do a longer test to see if I can run the compound through its course. Another time, though."
"And… h-hh… hopefully a… Hihh'tSCHhuhH! Proper warning next time," Rowan requests.
"I can arrange that." Daniel smiles at him again before turning to pack up the cart.
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mscherub · 1 month ago
From Rags to Riches
Ruggie Bucchi x Reader
Reader is gender neutral, referred to as Prefect
Tags!: Fluffy asf, also a little angsty, pining, very short read
Warnings!: swearing, self deprecation (Ruggie)
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Ruggie knew that out of all the people in the school he’d be the last choice, the last person that you would even ever consider picking. As someone to rely on. As someone to be friends with. As someone to love him. He was just nothing, just a mere background character in the eyes of everyone, going around and doing anything to make anything. You had all these other rich, more reliable, hell, more pretty guys than him. He doesn’t have any promises he can make towards you that will always stay true, he doesn’t have any money he guarantees that can always get you what you want— what you deserve, no. None of that. What are you compared to him?
It’s a funny, thought, it’s an obvious one, too, at that. If he wants to be really unoriginal, you’re amazing, a nice person, even to someone as lowly as him. But if he wants to say something his own way, maybe that’s unique, you’re the person in his life that doesn’t try and use him, and he painfully loves you from afar, pining, waiting for a moment, that glimmer of hope that maybe you, too, liked him. But it’s only hope, right, and hope is what drives anyone, yes, but if hope is false in the end, it feels as if it was all for nothing. And if it was all for nothing…what’s the point?
He usually takes things into his own hands, trying to win over a situation so he can better from it, but when you have so many prying eyes on you at one given time, eyes that show appreciation, it makes him withdraw and holdback from trying to win your affection. It’s…not worth it. He’s not worth it, anyways…
So, to his surprise when you approached him one day, confessing your love and giving a look so earnest it almost hurt him, he didn’t know what to do. He stood there quiet, not answering, trembling even as he tried to make sense that this was real and not some imaginary thing his brain conjured up to ease the longing.
But no. He watched as you still waited by him, looking down with your hands behind your back, your legs swaying as you try and fight away the embarrassment.
“You…do you mean that or is this…”
“I mean it, Ruggie. I like you.” You murmur out. Hearing it again is like music to his ears, a sweet melody that he can listen to over and over again and not get sick of.
“Why…” is all he can manage to spit out, even mad at himself for saying it. He tries to push out more words, the phrases “I like you, too,” or, “I love you, you’re the only one,” but he can’t get the words out, all of them stuck in the back of his throat and the tip of his tongue still. But you don’t back down.
“I like you because even with all the world throws at you, you continue to do great things and…it inspires me in a way. Plus, we all do what we have to do. Does love need to be defined to a reason? Or can’t I just love you…for you?”
He pauses. His mind stops working to put pieces together, and he can’t help his tail that begins to sway with betrayed happiness and yearning. He shakes his head, still in disbelief, but when you look at him like that, so sweetly, your eyes filled with that love and appreciation he seen others looking at you with, he breaks, his walls crumble down and he finally gets out what he’s been wanting to share since the start.
“I like you, too, Prefect.” He murmurs out, looking down quickly, keeping from making any eye contact. Your arms wrap around him, he flinches at first from the unfamiliar touches, but he hugs you back, tight, like he’s hoarding something he found first and shielding it away from everyone else so only he can indulge and enjoy it. Typically for a hyena.
Ruggie knew that out of all the people in the school, you chose him, the last person he thought you’d pick, not for anything he has, but just for him, just for Ruggie Bucchi, and no other strings attached.
He may not have anything, no grandiose amounts of money, but he feels brand new now, bettered and rejuvenated with that hope he hidden away but is now able to bring it back out again. He feels like he’s gained all the riches in the world. You.
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Hey how u doing now—
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Please don’t steal or copy any of my work! You may, however, reblog if you’d want to!
Pictures belong to Disney Twisted Wonderland but are edited by me :)
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sickfictropes · 14 days ago
just a little blurb abt why i personally like whump.
i like imagining myself in whumpy situations, normally where there is a caretaker involved and I am the whumpee. i don’t feel deserving of hurt or anything. i believe that it is my minds subconscious longing for a way to make my “invisible” suffering more tangible and actionable and recognizable. Things like depression, ADHD, sleep disorders, even hyperactive feelings in general, are sometimes understandably hard for people to grasp and recognize as a big deal for me. I don’t blame anyone for it, but next to no one has really been able to see how much it takes everyday for me to just exist. How much it makes me want to scream and cry all the time. And I also get the feeling a lot that i need to “deserve” care with something that’s obvious or “painful” enough to be recognized - otherwise, i don’t have a right to ask for help. Illogical of course, but still a big insecurity caused by people not understanding the depth of my suffering and innocently telling me that it will get better if i just grin and bear it or something similar like that.
So scenarios in which I am in the hands of someone who gets how much it hurts and knows somewhat what actions to take are very attractive to me. I would never want to be seriously injured or be seriously sick, but it’s a pleasant thought nonetheless to have a condition that is very obvious so I don’t have to explain to people and it’s not a stretch for me to need help. I don’t need to ask for it because it’s obvious i’m in pain. And I dream of someone who will see the raw pain, suffering, fear, despair, etc and still love me through it and care for me. Not see me as a baby, or a victim, or weak, or lazy, or anything like that, but see me as a respectable person with some sort of severe holdback.
I just wanted to get that off my chest to someone. Maybe some people will relate. Ever since I was a kid I felt bad for enjoying scenes where people get hurt and then cared for, but it was an inner subconscious desperation for understanding and unconditional love.
i think a lot of people here feel this way! you're definitely not alone. <3 i might possibly be in the same boat. i've never been able to pinpoint why i love it so much, but this feels like a piece of it at least. thank you so much for sharing!!
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dre6ming · 1 year ago
Christmas tree shopping
The delicate beginning rush
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/actress fem reader
Warnings: smut, sex, explicit content, mentions of blood, crying, bad family relationships, fluff
Word count: ~3000
Plot: Christmas tree shopping puts a small dent into your heart considering the past, so when Austin asks that you do it together, you have some holdbacks.
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I love Christmas! And that's that. I've always loved it, ever since I could understand the concept of it. I adore the buzz of the crowd searching for gifts, the smell of Christmas foods, the decorations, the songs, the movies. I mean you'd have to have a big lump of coal for a heart to not like Christmas. But with all my love for this time of the year, this year I'm just not feeling it.
As I walk the crowed streets of New York all on my own, with my big fluffy scarf covering most of my face, I look around at the stores wondering where I could go next, dreading going home, where Austin waits for me so we can go Christmas tree shopping. When he proposed the idea that we go together, I just nodded and smiled, but in my heart a big hole was being uncovered. I used to go Christmas tree shopping with my dad, some of my favorite memories with him, are of us choosing a tree, setting it up in the living room and decorating it together. Those were some of the best hours in the whole year. But then the divorce happened right before Christmas, no one bought a Christmas tree, I didn't even bother decorating that year, I stayed over at Timmy's house, then the year after that, was mine and Austin's first Christmas together, but he was with his family and I went again to Timmy's house.
This year though, he wants us to have a Christmas together together. He suggested that we spend it over at his LA home, but Christmas is supposed to be cold and wet and snowy, not sunny and hot, so we are going to have a small party at my apartment on the 25th, until then he wants all the Christmas stuff to be done. Which I'm more than happy to do, but I was hoping we'd get a fake tree from Amazon or something.
I feel my phone vibrate in the pocket of my coat and I know I can't ignore him, or he will get worried, so I sigh, taking the phone out and answering the call. "Hi, Aus! I'm still looking at a few shops, they've got really nice things out here, I bought some stuff." I lie, having not bought even a single thing. "Don't worry darling, I was just checking in, what do you say, I come get you with the car and then we go to the Christmas tree market?" He asks so sweetly, it hurts my heart. "Um actually I don't know, I don't think I'm gonna be much longer, so just wait for me back at the apartment." I hate the anticipation of the disappointment in his voice. "That's fine Y/n, just be safe, I love you!" I close my eyes and rub my temple with my free hand, feeling a headache creep it's way to me. "Love you too!" I cut the call short and keep walking, smiling as I spot the rusty old sign from Frank's record store.
As I enter the smell of cinnamon and chocolate, hits me, soft jazz playing in the background. The store looks empty today, except for Frank, sitting behind the counter, reading a book. As the door bell rings he looks up from his book and smiles at me, getting up to come hug me. "Hey kid, haven't seen you in a hot minute. Though I've heard plenty of you. I never knew fruitcake makes you sick" he laughs, referencing my latest album, a Christmas ep called fruitcake. "Very funny!" I giggle, unwrapping the scarf from my neck and undoing some of the buttons on my coat.
"Well I've been busy, but I'm home for the holidays." I say, looking around, skimming through some of the new records he has in store. "Hm I bet you're busy, touring arenas and all. Hey kid look what I have here." Frank says as he goes to the back and brings out a mysterious vinyl. "It's a first edition. A mix done on vinyl in the 90's, all your favorites are on here." He explains, replacing the vinyl he had one with the new one he brought. "Last Christmas I have you my heart.." the song starts playing and I start singing along.
"Want some hot cocoa?" Frank asks, putting the closed sign on the door, as I take of my coat to be a bit more comfortable. "Of course I want some, extra-" "-Whipping cream, I know" he finishes my sentence, making both of us laugh. As Frank goes to make the hot cocoa, I take my phone out and text Austin.
Hey, something came up, I'm over at Roxy's place. Can we reschedule?
Sure, hope everything is alright. Love you 💜🧶
Ofc, love you too
I hate lying to him, but I just don't feel like having a therapy session right now. "Hmm perfect!" I smile taking the cup from Frank and drinking some of the delicious hot beverage. "So any big plans for Christmas this year?" He asks, and I start telling him all about the dinner me and Austin are hosting for friends and family.
Before I knew it I had spent a few good hours over at Frank's store and then I had to call Matt to come get me with the car and drive me back home, as it had gone dark outside. So now I'm in the elevator, watching the buttons of each floor light up, until we get to number 10. I walk in and the whole place is quiet, no sight of Austin or any cats, so I guess that he must be sleeping. Tiptoeing to my room I find Austin sleeping on the bed with Simba and William cuddled up to him. Walking into the closet I try to make as little sound as possible and I start to take off my clothes.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I let out a small scream, startled for a moment. "Shh it's me" Austin whispers against my ear, kissing down my neck, I lean into him and reach my hand back, to comb through his thick hair. "It's ok.." I moan as he sucks the skin right above my collarbone. His hands travel down my abdomen and unbutton my jeans, his right hand sliding down between my legs, into my underwear. "Austin.." I sigh, putting all my weight on him. "Shh, don't talk." Austin says
He's skilled fingers work me like magic, his left arm tight around my waist holding me up, as he plugs a finger into me. I gasp, fisting his hair, as he moves slowly inside me. "Shh no talking." He repeats, after I try to moan his name again. This is something we've never done before, he usually likes me talking during sex, and he encourages me to be vocal, but this time he wants me to be quiet.
I'm lost in my train of thought and don't realize the moment he pulls his hand away and picks me up, taking me to the bed. "Aus?" I ask concerned as he removes my jeans but not my panties. He looks at me, but there's no tenderness like before, he looks mad? "No talking." Is all he says, as he takes off his clothes and puts on a condom, getting on top of me. "Aus baby, is something wrong?" I ask touching his face. A faint smile crosses his face and a glimmer of something sweet shows up in his eyes. My heart beats at a thousand miles per hour and I'm aroused as ever, but something is off.
"Nothings wrong, I just want to feel you." He says, kissing me, his hands going back to their ministrations. We move in sink and I reach behind me to unclasp my bra. Austin's hands go immediately to my breasts, kneading and pinching my nipples. "Fuck!" He grunts as I sneak my hand down and pump his cock, touching his tip to my covered pussy, wishing right now there was no thin layer of cotton between us.
"Please!" I beg as his head nudges at my wet pussy, brushing against my clit, sending electric shocks up my spine. "Fucking hell!" Austin curses, guiding his hand between us, to push my panties to the side, quickly sliding into me. I wince in pain, as he usually takes his time opening me up, but this time he seems to be in a hurry. His lips find mine and he swallows my whimpers. When he's all the way in, he stills and waits for me to give him the ok to move. After a few moments of sitting like this conjoined, with my legs around his waist, my hand in his hair and his around my waist, something changes, something in him, he starts feeling warm and soft, unlike the cold stiff feeling he was giving me before, it's like he melts into me.
His hands moves up my body, wrapping tightly around me. "I'm sorry!" He says in a broken voice. "It's ok, doesn't hurt anymore, please move." I say caressing his cheek, encouraging him to pull his hips back. When his pelvis meets mine again, fireworks sparkle behind my closed eyelids. Austin starts a slow pace, each time going deeper and deeper if that were possible. The room is filled my muffled moans and skin slapping noises, as both of us feel closer and closer to the sweet release. "Shit Austin, I need more, please!" I beg arching my back to give him a new angle.
Austin groans in my ear and picks up the pace, placing one hand behind my head on the pillow and the other on my clit, rubbing slow circles. "I love you! I love you so much!" I say, feeling closer to my orgasm, my walls spasm around hid twitching cock. "Fuck!" His voice sound strangled and he moves faster, sloppier. "I love you I love you Iloveyou!" I say over and over again and over again. He keeps his moves fast and rhythmic, I curl my toes and pull on his hair, my orgasm wrecking through my body, tingling head to toe. Austin keeps moving until I feel him tens and he cums moaning into my shoulder.
We sit a few minutes tangled together, breathing in sink, his heart thudding against my chest. The  without a word, Austin pulls out, leaving me empty, getting up and going to the bathroom. I'm left staring at the ceiling, wondering what this whole experience was just weird. I sit up in bed and wrap myself in my fluffy robe, getting up, going to the kitchen to drink some water.
I keep thinking what just happened, I can't imagine what must have happened to make Austin act like this. It's not that the sex didn't feel good, it did, but it felt like he was somewhere else, or at lest trying to be somewhere else. "Are you hungry ?" I jump at Austin's voice, dropping the glass of water on the floor. Without thinking I try to reach for the broom, to clean this up, but I step on a shard of glass. "Aw, fuck fuck!" I let out, holding onto the counter, lifting my leg up to see if the cut is bad. It's only a small shard, so the cut is barely a graze, but blood is already coming out of it. "Don't move!" Austin warns, walking around the broken glass and water, coming next to me. He puts both hands on my waist and lifts me up on the counter, the going to clean the mess I made.
We sit in silence, as he cleans and I feel the blood dripping down my foot. When he's done, he goes away and I start thinking if he just left me here, which I know is stupid, but my brain can't stop making weird scenarios up. "Show me your leg!" Austin says, kneeling down in front of me, cleaning my wound and putting a bandage over it. "All done!"
"Are you mad at me?" I ask at the same time as he speaks and he blushes, looking the other way, avoiding my eyes. "Where were you today?" He asks and as I open my mouth to answer he interrupts me. "Don't lie, Roxy came over, thinking you were here." I sigh and jump off from the counter, ignoring the pain in my leg. I wobble a little bit, despite my best effort, so Austin puts his hands up around me, ready to catch me if anything were to happen. I look him up and down, thinking about what I could say, I could just tell him the truth, but I haven't really told him much about mine and my dad's relationship. He waits patiently for me to answer and the way his arms are still around me, like waiting for a hug, makes me want to melt right into him, but I choose the childish part of me, pushing him away and walking past him.
"Did something happen?" His voice sounds like an echo and for a moment I feel like he didn't even speak and it was all my imagination. I turn around slowly, looking at his face, his eyes are read, teary. "Aus-"
"I know you weren't at Roxy's place, you didn't answer your phone, you were out shopping all day and yet, came back with no bags or nothing." Austin's hands are shaking, so I walk up to him slowly, taking his hands in mine, but he takes a step back, pulling away, which breaks my heart. "Can we sit down? I can explain everything." He shakes his head and I close my eyes taking a deep breath, preparing for the things I'm about to say.
"I was at Franks store, I did go out to buy somethings, but my head was somewhere else so I didn't get anything, just walked around." I start saying and he fiddles around with his hands. "Why?"
"I wanted to go Christmas tree shopping, but it just it hurt to much. I haven't gone shopping with anyone other than my dad, it was our thing, but I'm no longer a part of his life and it's, it's like slowly learning how to breathe again." His face saddens more, but this time, the sadness is pointed my way, and I appreciate his empathy, but I'd like if he'd stop. "I'm sorry I really am, it's just been hard on me to.." my voice breaks down and I lick my lips, tasting the salt of my tears.
Austin closes the distance between and hugs me tight. "You should have told me, I'm sorry, we don't have to go if you don't feel like it, baby" he says rubbing my back, holding me close to him. "I think if you go with me , I could do it. " he chuckles, kissing the top of my head and we stand hugging for a moment.
"Aus?" I ask softly something still on my mind. "Yeah?" "Is something wrong, you felt a little cold, you know, earlier." I feel him stiffen a bit, so I wiggle out of his arms to look up at him. "Well I was worried about you and my sister told me that she and the kids are down with some virus and can’t make it to Christmas, so I was just filled to the brim with worry." I smile at him, touching his hair lightly, placing some flyaway hairs back. "Oh my baby, want some hot cocoa? And how about we bake something?" I say, walking back to the kitchen counter and getting things ready for a feel better night. "Your butter cookies? With orange?" He asks puppy eyed, making me giggle. "Well I did just buy some oranges yesterday, so why even ask?" I say putting milk on the stove to warm up and already measuring the right amount of flour and sugar.
Between finishing the hot cocoa and adding the flour to the dough, someone decided to start a fight with flour, so we're now laughing, picking flour from our hair, as the cookies rise. "You're such a child." I chuckle, wiping his nose. "I just couldn't help myself" he shrugs, smirking at me.
The next morning we wake up as late as we can and now we're enjoying a shower together. His hands wash my skin tenderly, massaging all the stiff spots. "I don't think I'll ever get bored of washing your hair!" He admits, bubbling the shampoo between his hands, then applying it to my hair. "Well I'll never get bored of you washing my hair, so lucky for you!"
After what must have been the slowest start of day in months, we finally enter the Christmas tree market, hand in hand. Being here does feel weird without my dad, but not as bad as I thought. Austin squeezes my hand three times and that calms me a bit, so I take a deep breath, looking at all the trees. "Can we get a huge one?" I ask already having my eye on one. "I was thinking smaller, but whatever you want." He says, looking the opposite way the trees that are way too small for my liking. "How about two trees?" I suggest, smiling at him.
"Honey I don't think we'll fit in the elevator with this." Austin says, as he pull down the tree that's almost twice his height, from the roof of my heel. Driving around New York with this on top of the car was of course something out of a comedy. "So up the stairs?" I ask hoping he'd say "no"
"I think so." He sighs, looking with dread at the staircase door. "Ok then.." I say defeated, locking the car and getting ready to help him.
Around the 2nd floor it feels like I'm dying, we decided that best way was for me to go up pulling and him pushing form down. "I think we're going somewhere." I encourage, already cursing myself for not going to the gym enough. Austin laughs, form somewhere behind the tree branches. "Yeah the North Pole!" He jokes
On the 10th floor we  stop at the door of the apartment, him in better shape than me, but still just as tired. "You have no idea how lucky you are I love you!" Austin says, kissing my cheek. "I love you too!"
"Is it straight?" Austin asks from under the tree, trying to place it in the tree stand. "A little to the left!" I instruct. "My left? Or your left?" He asks, out of breath. "Mine, ugh no, yours. I don't know, can you get out of from there?" I ask and he comes to sit next to me. The tree is still very much crooked, but I think I like it this way. "I think I like it this way!" Austin says, rubbing my back. I snuggle into his side and stand on my tippy toes to kiss him. "I think I agree!"
"I think I love you!" He says, picking me up and spinning me around. "Did you notice that you kinda picked a tree looking like me and I picked one looking like you?" Austin jokes again, but as I look at the two Christmas trees, now realizing that the very obvious height difference does resemble the one me and Austin have between us. "I think we just did the funniest thing." I admit, going to the boxes on the floor and taking an ornament out, placing it in the smaller tree Austin chose. "Merry Christmas, y/n! I love you!" Austin says, placing and ornament in the tree I picked. "Merry Christmas Austin, I love you too!"
Tag list: @galaxygirl453
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waterfallofspace · 3 months ago
Holdbacks [kinda?] & Stifles [mooostly~]
soooo, tried my hand at a bit of holdbacks, which (as I will briefly explain in the wav) I am not good at because... I'm a bit too good at it... but!~ I still tried, and hopefully the results are enjoyable! took some chhinkni and induced a bit for this one~
feat: sniffling, sneezing, a few throat clears, maaybe a bit of nose rubbing? (not sure if that's audible), my voice (talking/rambling a bit), stifles, let out at the end~
did edit out a few noseblows, just not something I'm super into so I usually hesitate to leave them in, as well as the few times I used a bit more chhinkni as it was quite loud in the packaging~
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gay-for-the-snz · 1 month ago
Secret Santa #1
Hello!! So over on the OC server, we had a secret santa (with a twist!) We wrote for our own characters for anonymous prompters to tell us what they wanted to see, and my prompter was pretty fire with their requests so I wrote a couple of them! this is the first c:
It's hot nasty snezbian sex, and some weird unnegotiated D/s + degradation because that's just how they roll. Inducing, dust allergies. 3.1k
Prompt: "Rhoda having a desperate fit after a few failed holdbacks, bonus points if Florence is there to tease her about it"
"You move too much."
"I said I would sit for you. I never said I would be a compliant model."
"You've never once been compliant."
"You would find me terribly dull if I was."
"You're correct."
Rhoda's hands are deft in the way she arranges the carefully preserved mushrooms over the fabric, pinning them into place. Florence shifts, simply because she can, and knocks one askew with her restless fidgeting. "Aren't you almost finished?"
She laughs, bringing one hand down to take Florence's chin. "We've only just begun."
The toe of her shoes nudges beneath her skirts, raising them a few inches to graze the stockings above the tops of her heels. "I can think of something more fun for us to be doing."
"If I don't finish this commission, I'll be thrown out on my ear. You know an appointment for the Empress's Court isn't one to be brushed aside thoughtlessly, nor is it one to rush through." Having said that, she does nothing to move away from the contact, Florence's shoe nudging a bit higher and gently working its way between her shins to part her legs somewhat.
"Or..." She takes one of her hands by the wrist, gently works her fingers beneath the cuff of her glove to peel it off one hand, entwines their fingers. "...I could distract you now, and make it up to you later."
She tips the brim of the hat back away from Florence's face, lets the light fall over her pale, freckled skin instead of what she should be focusing on. "You won't help me. You will do what you always do; you will leave here, satisfied with yourself, and leave me to gather myself on my own, to return to my work and work at a feverish pace to make up for lost time."
"And you will do what you always do; you will fuss and fret and curse me for my distraction, and despite all this, despite your show of resistance and disapproval, you will still say yes the next time I leave my calling card for you."
She sets her work aside, and Florence grabs her by the lapel of her jacket, drags her over to the work table that stands relatively clear. With one swipe of her arm, she shoves whatever is laying on the tabletop onto the floor, then forces her to bend over it. She isn't even granted the opportunity to shed her first layer, palms pressed flat against the work surface, one bare, one still gloved.
"You're wretched."
She moans when Florence's shoe kicks the inside of her ankles in an unspoken but decidedly clear command to spread her legs, her skirts being hiked up and pushed beneath her torso on the table to keep them pinned up and out of the way. "I know."
"What do you want?"
"What do you want?"
"You, sir."
"That's what I thought." Her hat is pulled off, the pins clattering to the floor unceremoniously, her hair loosed from its careful arrangement so teeth can meet the back of her neck, grazing her skin. Her breath is hot against her when she snaps. "I want your breasts. Disrobe, now."
Warmth floods her as she strips off her jacket, unbuttoning her blouse and carefully undoing the layers to let her breasts spill out from the confines of her chemise. Florence's mouth is quick to take one dark nipple into it, running her tongue over the sensitive skin and earning a shiver of approval. She aches to touch herself, but she knows well that she will be punished for acting out of turn, so she focuses on merely enjoying what touch she is receiving rather than that which she isn't.
She is no stranger to the feeling of someone's body against hers. She could have most women she wanted--she is not titled, but she is well connected, well respected. She's ascended the ranks well as a parvenu, but proved to be shrewd enough to maintain the status she's achieved. Many climb, only to immediately misstep and allow themselves to fall once again into obscurity and squalor.
She could have any woman she wanted, and yet she always comes back to Florence. She accepts her calling card with eagerness, and occasionally even lowers herself to call upon her personally to serve as the model for her work.
There is a stack of advertisements in the drawer beside her bed, colorful illustrations of her in some of her works, calling upon the women of the Neath to make an appointment with Westing and Co. for her design services and ready-made product. Pages and pages of Florence, of those pale lips, those sharp eyes, those brightly lacquered nails shining beneath her chin. They always make her more appealing than she is--the artist is skilled at softening any harsh edges, at training that lazy smile into something proper, at making that half-lidded, rakish gaze into something bright and prim.
She is anything but as she sucks on her like a babe to nurse, the hand not occupied holding at her waist instead busied with pinching and rubbing at her other nipple. She moans, elbows on the tabletop to hold her up comfortably until Florence decides that she is finished and will move on to what she's really waiting for. She is forbade from rushing things along, but the heat coiled tightly in her stomach is bidding her to move on.
Perhaps Florence senses it, because she releases her with a wet pop. "Turn around."
"Yes, sir."
She resumes her previous position, bent over the tabletop and legs spread far enough to grant her unimpeded access to her body. She can't see her, but she can feel Florence behind her, feel the gaze raking over her flesh. "You belong to me."
"I know."
"Because no one else would want me."
"Nor would they know how to handle you as I do." She pressed against her, her spare frame draped across her back, arms snaking around to caress one cheek--and then to shove something in front of her.
Feathers, plush and speckled with the dust of disuse. Where she acquired them--real feathers, not something of the Neath's home!--is beyond her, but they are impossibly delicate. They waver in her mere breath.
"Sir, I can't..."
"Why not?"
"My hay-fever...you know what these will do to me."
"I won't hear another word from you on the matter. You'll have to find some way about it--I expect to hear nothing from you, save for your approval. Have I made myself clear to you?"
"Yes, sir." She knows this game. It lights a fire in her at the mere suggestion that she be forced to hold back like this, to keep herself in check until she's permitted to. She hadn't expected it when she called upon her services--that she may end up like this, she anticipated. When does she not? But to have this element mixed into it...oh, she is truly being spoiled. She knows this can only mean one thing: Florence wants something from her, something that she would say no to ordinarily. Something she will take advantage of her when she's too spent to say no to it to ask for.
The feathers are just beneath her nose, not touching yet, but she knows that when her breathing grows more labored, they will begin to make contact. She dreads and lusts for it in equal measure.
Florence hikes up the rest of her skirts, slips a hand beneath them to begin to gently tease at her. She gasps when her fingers brush over her bud, already met with the slick warmth of her arousal that threatens to drip.
Florence's breath is hot in her ear, her teeth meeting the lobe to nibble on it lightly. "So desperate already? What a greedy woman you are. I've hardly even begun and you're already trying to come undone. I can't trust your judgment. You would rush this along, just to enjoy your reward as quickly as possible. No, you will wait until I decide that you're ready."
She sucks in a sharp breath when her fingers slip into her, and she's torn between the pleasure of that feeling and the soft tickle that's already forming in her nose, the plush strands of the feather teasing along her nostrils from the gasp. She knows that even if she isn't being tickled, it's merely a matter of time before the proximity to them undoes her resolve, the dust having infiltrated deep into her sinuses already.
"Who do you bend to?"
"You, sir."
"And who else?"
"No one, sir."
"That's right." She makes a deep pass, and it makes her weak in the knees to feel those pretty fingers stroking into her. "What do I want?"
"How much of you?"
"All of me, because I'm all yours."
She's rewarded with Florence's mouth over the back of her neck, hungry kisses pressed along her skin. "You are, and you always shall be." She withdraws her hand from her, and she whines at the lack of contact. "Oh? You ask too much. You know you only receive what I feel you should. Certainly not what you've earned, nor what you deserve. You deserve nothing."
She pushes her down harder against the desk, the feathers being shoved into her face. "And yet...I give it to you all the same, don't I?"
"You do..." Her breath catches on the second word, her nose threatening to betray her. She can't sniffle, not like this, so she works to try and breathe through her mouth instead.
Florence knows it, of this she's certain, because she peels off the other glove she had previously neglected, and shoves it into her mouth, the supple leather on her tongue and inching towards her throat. "I said I didn't want to hear from you."
She has no choice--she sniffles, and the feathers grace the curve of her septum, peeking lovingly into her nostrils. The tickle is not yet unable to be ignored, but that doesn't mean that this feeling isn't difficult to contend with. She wrinkles her nose, hard, scrunching it and trying to avoid their ticklish barbs as they caress her like this.
The mere thought drives lust deeper into her core.
Florence grinds the heel of her palm over her bud, and she keens in response, biting down hard on the leather of her glove. It is going to be ruined after this. She will need to go visit her glover and see them replaced, as soon as she is able to come back to her senses.
"You're pitiful. Look at you."
She moves to pull away from the feathers, but doesn't have the choice--she is held in place by Florence's hand on the back of her head, holding a fistful of her hair to keep her motionless. She wants to hold it back. She wants to comply with the direction that she's been given.
But she can't.
She sneezes, the mist of it settling beautifully across the table in front of her nose.
Florence seems surprised, as if she had more faith in her than this, pausing almost imperceptibly in their little dalliance. "Come again?"
She moans through the inhale, before sneezing a second time, then a third, then a fourth. She is nearly beside herself in this moment, the hot arousal nearly molten in her core, Florence's skillful touch halting in response to her disobedience.
She pulls her back by her hair, turning her so she is leaning her back on the edge of the table and looking up at her. "That's what I thought you said. What did I tell you?" She doesn't wait for an answer, grabbing her by the chin roughly so that her fingers are digging into her cheeks. "Your willpower is shameful. You cannot behave yourself at all, even when I've commanded you to. You can't control your nose. You can't control your arousal."
She leans so close that they are nearly nose to nose. "You expect me to reward behavior like this?"
She doesn't answer her--not that she could--but the gaze with which she fixes her is one that speaks for itself, one that is not nearly so regretful as it ought to be.
Florence stands over her, still clad in the sumptuous shades of teal that draw the eye of any passerby. From this angle, she nearly forgets how spare her frame really is, standing several inches beneath her, even only in their stockings. She imagines that many have seen her from this position. That many more might even find her intimidating.
She, for one, revels in the knowledge that she is not going to be rewarded. That such a transgression against her mistress will be one met with the sweetest of punishments.
Florence knows that she is enjoying herself, and the sneer that graces her face is something that sends her heart hammering in her chest. "You've done this on purpose, haven't you?"
She shakes her head vehemently, but having told the truth does her no credit. Florence remains unconvinced, roughly pinching one nipple and making her weak in the knees.
"You're lying to me. We both know that you're a woman bereft of any patience. That you seek your own pleasure and nothing further, regardless of what I've ordered." She nearly straddles her, stepping in close to put her leg between hers, the pressure against her swollen clit maddening when she knows she doesn't have the permission to make use of it. "What am I to do with a bitch who pays no heed to her master?"
She shifts, ever so slightly, to try and take advantage of Florence's positioning, and it doesn't go unnoticed. Her heartbeat is in her ears as her mistress leans so close that there was scarcely a hair's breadth between their bodies.
"Your disobedience will have consequences."
She takes the handful of feathers off the table behind her, and brings them to her nose, shoving them in with a startling swiftness that gives her no chance to brace herself for the feeling. Her head tries to pull itself back of its own accord, but Florence doesn't give the chance, her grip like a vise.
She gasps sharply, but finds her nose pinched shut painfully, stopping the sneeze in its tracks, but doing nothing to halt the mounting irritation. "No. If you cannot control your nose yourself, then I will control it for you instead."
The glove is peeled from her mouth, finally, the leather gouged with teeth marks, shiny and slick with her saliva. She finds her voice is a thin, reedy thing when she's finally able to regain it enough for a wavering, breathless "sir--"
Of the handful of feathers, a small number were withheld from torturing her nose, instead being put to use beneath her skirts, lighting a fire beneath her skin as they make contact with her. "Sir what?"
"Where was this obedience earlier? How quickly a dog obeys the tug of the leash when reminded of its place. It's too late to appeal to my better nature; I have none, and especially none that you could avail yourself of. You have made your own bed, and now you will lie in it."
She draws in a shuddering breath, her mind clouded by the lust as the heel of Florence's palm provides her the leverage to grind herself against it. She's beginning to develop a rhythm when that hand pulls away, too far and too swift to allow her to simply give chase.
"No. I haven't decided I've forgiven you yet." She releases the grip on her nose, and the feeling is nearly intolerable. Florence's voice, that look in her eye, keep her barely present in the moment.
From her pocket, she produces a cigarette, and a match. The cigarette rests between her lips, and she raises an expectant brow, snapping her fingers impatiently and handing the match over to her. Rhoda's hands tremble as she forces herself to strike the match, to light the cigarette for her.
She takes a long drag, and slowly exhales the smoke. "Good girl. You're finally useful for something."
"M-may I--hh!"
The eyes on her feel predatory. She is a hare in a fox's den. "Very well." One lacquered nail drags itself along her septum. "You can have one."
The feeling itself was intolerable without her intervention, but now she's left with no choice. She sneezes, relentlessly, each one so close on the heels of the last that she finds herself struggling to take a breath between them at all. It's dizzying, both in the breathlessness it produces physically and the breathlessness it produces sexually.
Despite what she said, Florence's hand returns to her, deft fingers working as if this was the purpose they were created for from the beginning. She moans through each sneeze as the irritation slowly cedes, replaced by the heady intoxication of the approaching orgasm.
"You truly are a greedy, disobedient whore." She whimpers at Florence's voice, at her touch, at the white hot heat in the depths of her that mounts with each sneeze. Her fingers meet her clit, grinding firmly against it as she rocks with another sneeze.
It's too much to bear.
She cries out and melts to the floor, unable to support herself any longer. Florence leaves her there, the leather of her shoes shining with the results of her handiwork, glittering spray and ruined feathers strewn around them where they've been abandoned.
She steps beside her, leaning one hip against the edge of the table. Her cigarette's ember glows like a star between her lips. "Well?"
She sucks in a thin breath, can hardly find her voice to offer a quavering, "thank you."
Florence brushes back some of the hair in her face, lets her hand linger on her cheek for a second longer than it needs to. "You're going to get me into His Amused Lordship's next soiree. I need to meet someone there, and you will be my access. Bring someone else if you must, but ensure that I am on the guest list. I don't need his footmen turning me away at the door."
"Florence, I--"
"Radhika." Her eyes, cold and unnaturally blue, flash with anger as she bends down to her level. Her voice is absolutely frigid. "I did not ask you. I told you what you will do for me."
Hearing her own name in that tone, in Florence's voice, graveled with her smoking, is like burning herself stoking the fire. "I will do what I am able."
"That's not enough." She stands, tilting her chin up with the ferrule of her cane to have her gaze follow her as she rises from the kneel. "Send for me when the arrangements are made."
The room is nearly silent in her wake as she strides towards the door, taking only a brief moment to inspect herself in the mirror, straighten her jacket, and slip out. It closes against her cane, the devil of a woman leaning back in to flash her a lascivious smile.
"Miss Westing? God bless you."
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Charles Leclerc x Male reader
"Is it worth it?"
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I'm slowly trying to get back to writing so updates might have like days gap in between or maybe a week, depends on my mood really, but I will try to write as often as I used to. It's just author's block is a bitch.
Prolly gonna be one of those typical angst stories but eh, angst was what I wanted when writing this.
I will be opening my requests for a bit maybe I might get some interesting stuff.
Warning: mentions of sex but no actual sex or maybe a few lines referencing it(?) Idk really
Here I am standing all alone in the pouring rain on the streets of monaco, I country I once was delighted to call home. Walking around aimlessly I can't help but think back to the events that lead to this ending and letting the tears slide down my rosy cheeks. I think back to the times I once was in his arms as how she is now, how he would tell me how much he loved me and hold me tight while cuddling on the couch, slowly falling asleep to a movie we both don't really care about.
We lay on the couch my face buried in his chest, his hand on my waist holding me tight the other playing with my hair.
"Charles, will you ever find someone better than me?"
I ask letting my insecurity take over for a moment.
"Mon cour, tell me, how can I find something better than perfection?" He says with a chuckle while he pull my hair softly so I am now forced to look up at him.
"You're unbelievable." I say while my cheeks turn a shade of pink. "I guess I'm just afraid that you will one day get tired of me, or see someone better than me, I'm just afraid that the last 4 years of my life with would just go down the drain like it meant nothing." I continue now having teary eyes and burying my face back in chest wetting his shirt a bit.
"Don't ever think that, I will never leave you, you have been the best thing to happen to me. I have not woken up a single day for the past 4 years without wondering why you chose me, why you noticed me?" He says now sitting us both up with me on his lap and his hands now I my cheeks wiping the stray tears that are still falling down.
I look at his face, watery eyes meeting mine.
"Don't ever think that you are someone not worth keeping, I love you and I promise to be with you forever."
I sit down on the wet pavement, my tears not stopping yet. Not being able to holdback the sadness, I pat my pockets feeling for my phone and wallet before realizing I left them at his apartment along with the groceries I just bought.
"Charles?" I say loudly, not hearing a reply I try again.
"Charles?" I say a bit louder.
I decide to get comfortable first, hanging my jacket on the coat rack, removing my shoes and putting on my crocs. As walk to our bedroom I hear grunting, I walked slower trying to concentrate on the noise until I heard a feminine voice.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, chaaarles aahh, fuck you're so biiig."
"I know, now just keep quiet so I can hear if he's back yet." I hear charles say breathily with a few grunts in between.
Hearing him grunting in pleasure and the moaning woman broke me, I knew it was only a matter of time. That one day he would find someone better, and I guess today was the day, or atleast the day I found out. With my mind plagued with the thoughts of them together, naked, having sex, I ran out of the apartment trying to be quiet but on my way to the door I bumped into a picture frame hearing the glass shatter. I looked at the frame through blurry eyes, kneeling down to pick it up and looking at what the photo was, it was me and charles standing on a balcony at sunset, his arm wrapped around my waist, my head on his shoulder our backs towards the sun with smiles on our face.
"I think I heard something break outside." I heard charles' voice say still breathing heavily.
I put the now broken picture frame faced down on the coffee table. Running towards the door, I grabbed my jacket from the rack and put it on. I left the apartment having a feeling I forgot something.
"Even after all these years I'm still so gullible, not being able to see through those empty promises and guilty smiles." I chuckled to myself pulling my legs close to my chest and placing my head on my knees.
"I knew it was only a matter of time, I wanted to atleast savour the fleeting moments I had with him, I knew something was up when he started staying out late more often. I should've known, I SHOULD'VE FUCKING KNOWN LOVE IS NOT SOMETHING I DESERVE." I scream the last parts now looking at the sky laughing loudly to myself. As I feel the cold rain pour on my face with my eyes closed I relapse back to a time when I feel down I would always run to him, and he would make my problems go away.
"Mon cour, what's wrong? I'm in the middle of something at the moment." He says through the phone sounding a bit annoyed.
"Ow uhm sorry, I just ah- nevermind, goodluck today." I say, my voice cracking up a bit, hoping he didn't hear it, as I immidiately end the call. But a few seconds later he called me, doubting whether I should answer it or not, until the call went to voicemail. He immidiately called again this time I pick it up.
"Come on, amour, tell me, what's wrong? I always have time for you." He says with concern replacing annoyance.
"It's nothing really, just the anxiety hitting."
"Sorry I can't be there right now, babe, just caught up with work right now. But I'm almost done, so I might be there in say 30 minutes? Then we can cuddle on the bed and put on a movie?"
"O-okay, thanks, I'll be waiting, bye and goodluck." I say now with a smile.
"Okay, ciao amour." He says before hanging up.
True to his word, he arrived 30 minutes later, with my favourite snacks in hand.
"Ciao." He said as he saw me laying on the hotel bed wrapped in a blanket.
"Ciao." I say with a huge smile on my face spotting my favourite snacks.
"Sorry about earlier, bebe, was just busy at the track." He says with a sympathetic smile.
"It's okay, work is more important anyway, but what matters now is that you're here." I say unwrapping the blanket around me and making my way towards him. As I reach him a give him a kiss and reaching for the snackbag.
"I'm just gonna have a quick shower and change then we can start, sound good?" He says smiling widely before booping my nose and making his way towards the shower.
"Yea, sounds good."
As I sob on the sidewalk I hear a voice call my name immidiately knowing who it was.
"Y/n? Y/n! Bebe what's wrong? I heard something break in the living room and saw your phone and wallet on the kitchen counter along with the groceries." He says concerned, but now that I look at him properly, it looked fake, a look that you would give to a person you don't care about.
"Ow it's just nothing, I just needed to clear my mind." I say feigning a smile, luckily he bought it.
"Let's go back, you'll catch a cold." He says with a small laugh as he takes my hand pulling me up and giving me a hug.
'He still smells of sex.' I thought to myself.
"Okay." I say walking with him hand in hand back to our or rather his apartment.
I felt disgusted, did he even notice? Does he even know that I now know? Does he even care? Is he ignoring it hoping it would all blow over? Is it even worth it at this point? Is pretending a game I can play? Is keeping everything in, worth it to keep him? Is he even worth it anymore?
I look at him once more, seeing him still with a smile.
'Am I the reason for that smile or was she?'
Been a while but eh, creative juice not in me rn. Hope you enjoyed? Requests are open for a bit send something you want written or idk, peace ✌️.
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boobsneezevids · 1 year ago
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this is basically ten minutes of slow itchy torture. i figured the pepper worked so well that i'd try holdbacks. HUGE! MISTAKE! it started out fine - i had a couple of close calls but i held back pretty well. until it came time for me to let them out and...i couldn't.
but god i needed to sneeze so badly! so i kept putting more and more pepper into my itchy runny nose but it seemed like i'd never be able to sneeze. i was so desperate i ended up inducing my poor nose with a q-tip just to get some relief but even after some big boob-bouncing sneezes i still feel so itchy and unsatisfied. might have to have another round later and get some proper relief...
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snzinite · 3 months ago
SNZ STATLINE: 3/10 wetness, 7/10* mess, 6/10 pitch, 7/10 volume
short, sweet, punchy release
gets the * on the mess rating because she doesn't always make a mess, but when she does it comes out as a solid drip from her nose or mouth. which can land on/in her chest if she doesn't take care of it
sneezes down and into her chest, but not a tissue/her arm
never quite seems prepared for it, no matter how tickly she was before
half second breath before the sneeze
when she feels one coming she's pretty dramatic about it. breathy buildups, sometimes she'll wave a hand in front of her, she'll make a "dainty" kind of face, etc. etc.
will only announce if she feels it coming a long time before it happens. "Ooh, I'm going to sneeze..."
sneezes in singles only, not a fit sneezer
will still say "Goodness!" or make some kind of little comment if the sneeze is particularly big or if she sneezes more than once in a single moment
ADORES being blessed. you can expect a flirty "thank you" and a wink and/or a giggle for your trouble
also likes blessing people, especially if they get embarrassed during/after
not really naturally sneezy
no allergies or sensitivities beyond what would be considered "normal"
does get sneezy when she's sick, mess is much more reliable during
doesn't stifle or hold back (but see below)
HAS THE KINK, big time
likes making herself sneeze and hearing others sneeze
doesn't sneeze on people unless they're into that
she also like... has a LOT of kinks that she enjoys playing out with partners, so she's really indulgent in this one too
she'll experiment with all the good stuff (holdbacks, stifles, talkies etc), though her favorites are just letting them out
probably records wavs/vids honest to god lmao
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aller-geez · 2 years ago
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FINALLY, The fic I have been teasing!
Well, part 1 of 2!
(I may have gotten a little carried away with the preface of the night before, and after 4000 words I decided I needed to split it…)
Part 2 should be out in the next few days, and will be in collaboration with the lovely @thekinkyleopard who also owns Levi 🖤
Please enjoy some cold denial, obviously snz, some holdbacks (or I guess Rem’s attempts at holding back..) and of course, miserable Remi on the night before his 29th birthday 🖤
“So, the big 29 is tomorrow, huh, big guy?” The deep voice of his brother-in-law followed by the gentle nudge he gave the wolf’s shoulder broke him from the fog he was in, his slightly duller than usual green eyes adjusting back to reality as he turned his attention to the man next to him. With almost anyone else, Remi would have at the very least had some choice words for the person touching him, however, Biziil was already like a brother to him. The silver haired man had been dating both Remi and Levi’s sisters for a while now, and the girls never had anything bad to say about him. In fact, Remi couldn’t have picked out a better man himself for his sister, even if he was slightly intimidating to the large wolf.
“Yeah, I suppose so,” Remi responded with a small flash of a smile, clearing his throat gently as he adjusted himself in his wooden chair, the loud chatter of the crowded restaurant all blending together in the background around them. Remi seemed a little more distracted tonight than he usually did, although it was was a widely known fact that the wolf also hated his birthday. “Levi’s even making me have a party this year.” Remi’s head lolled towards the white haired man next to him who was deep in conversation with the two girls who sat on the opposite side of the booth, their fingers intertwined with each other’s as they chatted along. The mention of his name pulled Levi’s attention away from the girls and he smiled brightly at his boyfriend, who now sat with his head rested on his hand, elbow propped up on the table in front of him, but he still returned his smile as their eyes locked.
“What about Levi?” The leopard asked with a grin, taking notice of how tired his boyfriend looked as he sat there, the dark circles under the mans eyes hard to miss even in the dimly lit restaurant.
“Rem was just telling me about how you’re making him have a party this year?” Biz snorted a laugh as he grabbed his half full glass of water from the table, fixing the straw between his lips before sipping it.
Remi felt miles away even if he only sat a few feet from the group.
The wolf had been scrounging around the bus earlier that afternoon for a change of clothes while Levi was out running a last minute errand, and stumbled upon a black plastic bag that was tied up and stuffed in the back reaches of their shared closet. In his hurry to find something usable, all common sense was thrown to the wind and his sharp nails made quick work of the plastic, tearing a large hole into the side and allowing a light blue sweater to lazily spill out onto the floor. Without finding any other options thus far, the desperate wolf peeled the sweater from the bag, and pressed it to his face, inhaling deeply through his nose for a sniff test. Instantly, the large man’s bright green eyes began to water, an intense tickle building rapidly throughout his sinuses. “What the—?” The sweater was quickly removed from his face, and suddenly the soft black and grey hairs that littered the fabric where his face once was pressed caught his attention. Too late now.
“H’TSCHH!! HIHH’ITSCHH’IEWW!” Remi sneezed openly, spraying the sweater he held out in front of him. With a suddenly wet sniffle, the wolf grumbled obscenities under his breath, throwing the sweater deep into the closet again. Although that did nothing for the ever present tickle that now made itself home in the back of his nose. “Hhh..” His breath hitched, allergic tears threatening to spill over his eyelids already from the intensity. Waving one large hand in front of his face, his features remained twisted in pure helplessness as he tried to coax out the release he was denied. A few moments pass, and the stubborn itch retreated back into his nose, leaving the wolf painfully congested and desperate for the onslaught to subside. With the knuckle of his index finger pressed under his nose, Remi quickly made his way into the bathroom, where he fumbled to open the medicine cabinet on the wall, the mirror hitting the paint behind it as it flung open. As his thin fingers combed through the various bottles of god knows what they had in the cabinet, the burning within his nose made itself known yet again, despite his knuckle pressed against his septum. Remi never was any good at holding them back..
“H’IITSSCHHH’IIEW!! IH’TTSCHH! —TSCHH!” Each itchy sneeze continued to get messier, until his hand was soaked in small droplets, his eyes watering so badly he could barely see. With a quick swipe, he tore off a small amount of the toilet paper that hung up on the wall beside him, and blew his uncooperative nose into it with a thick gurgle. Thankfully, it was enough to repel the intense quivering of his nostrils enough to be able to locate the familiar white and pink bottle of Benadryl that was tucked in the corner of the cabinet.
“There you are, you little shit..” Remi grumbled, fishing two pink pills from the bottle and popping them into his mouth, swallowing them with ease with just the saliva in his mouth. As the pills slid down his throat, his now bloodshot eyes flew open, realizing his terrible mistake. “Welp, I hope I bake it till the edd of didder with Biz add the girls before passigg out..” The wolf muttered to himself, his voice thick with congestion, replacing the cap on the bottle of Benadryl and sniffling wetly.
“Yeah, of course I’m making him have a party this year! The man is horrible about his birthday and hasn’t even let me celebrate for the past 3 years!” Levi playfully put his hands on his hips as he spoke, an excited grin plastered on his freckled cheeks. He had been planning things to do for Remi’s birthday party for weeks; since Remi gave him the ‘shrug of approval’ after intense pleading on Levi’s part. When the man was asleep, he planned to decorate the bus they lived in to surprise him, and he had the recipe perfected for an amazing cake he just knew Remi would absolutely love. The gang was to come over to party and celebrate with them until the next morning, to which they were all going to head over to Remi’s favorite diner to have breakfast. It was a typical Levi plan, which is the only reason the grumpy wolf agreed to the idea.
Still propped up on the table on one elbow, the large man smiled back at the leopard, a breathy chuckle leaving him in response to the very true accusation. As he opened his mouth to explain himself to Biz’s and the girl’s shocked gaze, the familiar tickle in his nose that he knew so well caught him off guard, causing the wolf to gasp slightly before scrubbing at his twitchy nostrils with his knuckles.
“Hey, you good?” Biz’s concern for his brother in law was apparent in his tone, his violet eyes searching Remi’s exhausted, run down features. “You aren’t getting sick, are you?”
Remi shook his head quickly, waving his hand frantically in front of him in defense as his other hand rubbed deep, full circles against his nose, trying desperately to kill the distracting itch. “No, no, definitely not.. I Hahh-..” The tickle in the wolf’s nose only seemed to get more intense the more he tried to make it go away, causing his breath to catch but not enough to be productive, leaving his mouth slightly open and his eyelids fluttering helplessly. After a moment of suspense and nothing to show for it, he slumped back into the wooden chair with a frustrated sigh.
“No way, by allergies are actigg up.” Remi finally finished, trying to ignore the concerned look his boyfriend was giving him from down the booth. “I accidedtally foudd Levi’s jacket he wears after shiftigg earlier.. I swear its really just allergies. I’b fide,” The wolf’s voice was thick with congestion but he was able to give the others a rather convincing smile, despite how tight his face felt already from the building pressure behind his eyes. One thin hand suddenly came to rest on the wolf’s knee, and Levi scooted in towards his boyfriend, rubbing tenderly in reassurance.
Levi already knew. Remi might have been able to convince himself that he wasn’t going to be out of commission tomorrow, but the feline knew his mate better than anyone else. But then again, who was he to give him a reality check?
With a wet snort, Remi’s gaze was adverted to the floor beside him, a soft blush dusting his already reddened cheeks from the amount of eyes on him. By this time, Meeko and Connie who were still sitting as close as possible to each other with their fingers still interlocked were even focused on him, his younger sister’s lime green eyes laced with worry.
“Rem, are you sure? You just look really tired..” The pitiful tone of the girl’s voice made him grit his teeth tightly, and when Biziil clapped one of his own pale hands against Remi’s shoulder empathetically, the wolf flew up from the table, his heavy wooden chair squeaking loudly as it was forced back. The group suddenly became silent to watch the volatile man, unsure what to expect from the sudden outburst.
“Excuse be..” Remi grumbled, his voice hitching on the last word almost silently, but it definitely caught the attention of his boyfriend.
Without another word, he excused himself from the table, quickly darting for the bathroom in the back of the restaurant. His nostrils flared helplessly under the single knuckle he scrubbed desperately against them, bright toxic green orbs quickly filling with tears as he tried to hold back the tickle that tried so desperately to escape.
Not here.. not in front of so many people.. the wolf thought to himself in a panic.
His long legs carried him quickly through both of the crowded dining rooms, around booths and tables full of people who gave him a judgmental glare as he slid past them, and finally into the hallway that would obscure him from watchful eyes that led directly to both bathrooms before the buzzing of his nose finally won out.
“H-h’ngkt’ischhh!! HhH’Nght’tschh!” Remi half stifled into his elbow before once again scrubbing at his itchy nose, the release having done nothing to relieve the tickle that burned within his sinuses. “Nnnng..” he groaned after exhaling slowly, his head swiftly filling up with more congestion. Suddenly, the wolf had a hand at his shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze before the familiar body of his mate was wrapped around his waist from behind, causing him to jump in response before relaxing into him. Remi wasn’t usually startled whenever healthy, however the somehow both stuffed and runny nose he currently had definitely blocked his ability to smell anyone approaching him, thus making him an easy target.
“You okay back here, my love?” Levi’s sweet voice was like music to the wolf’s stuffed ears, and the anxiety melted from his rugged features. The cat’s thin arms rubbed at his mate’s chest tenderly, a freckled cheek pressed against the man’s warm back. With a telling liquidy snuffle, Remi swiped at his streaming nose with the sleeve of his suit, a wet trail joining the rest that already stained the fabric there.
“Yeah, I just dod’t wadt to be babied by by sister add her boyfriedd because by allergies are actigg up..” The large man grumbled thickly, his pride obviously hurt by the interaction.
Levi couldn’t help but let out a gentle chuckle at how someone of Remi’s size could have such a LARGE ego, but he only tightened his tender grasp on the wolf’s frame when he felt the familiar swell of his chest.
“ih’ttschh! ht’tttszch!! iht’tsschieww!” The large man pitched forward sharply with each sneeze, his eyes streaming against the single index finger he had pressed against his septum. Thankfully his last fit seemed to keep the irritating tickle at bay, climbing back up into his overcrowded sinuses, and leaving him slightly dazed. Purring softly behind him, Levi fished in his own pocket for the tissues he always carried for just occasions like this, and once his thin fingers slid past the plastic that wrapped them, he stuffed the personal pack of tissues into the wolf’s slightly clammy hands. The older man tossed him a defeated look of gratitude, before pulling out a tissue from the top and loudly blowing his nose into it.
“Cmon baby, let’s go home. Biz already picked up the tab for us for your birthday, and he and the girls said they’d be over tomorrow for your party.” Levi cooed, still wrapped around Remi’s waist from behind.
Remi let out a raspy sigh. He would never admit it, but he did kinda feel like shit.. The constant buzzing in his nose just seemed to get more and more aggressive as time went on, and he was starting to get a very raw feeling down his throat that made him a little uneasy.
Shaking his head quickly to dismiss any other thoughts, the raven haired man snuffled through his full nostrils, and finally nodded in agreement. “Alright, let’s go home..”
“Okay Mr. Birthday Boy! I know it’s not your birthday quite yet, but you get to pick the movie we watch before bed, okay?” Levi chimed happily as the two men pushed their way through the door of their fully converted school bus RV. The leopard was cheery as always, prancing up the stairs into the living room with his butt swaying back and forth with excitement. Remi, however, came trudging up slowly behind him, trying to hide the pure exhaustion that coated his features. He flashed a tired smirk in the leopards direction, already peeling the jacket to his suit off of his muscular frame and tossing it lazily to the side.
“I feel like you already know what I’m going to pick though..” he chuckled in a hoarse voice, clearing his throat softly to avoid the cough that caught in his chest as he spoke. Remi was notorious for always picking the same movie; his one guilty pleasure comfort that Levi was the only one besides his sister, Meeko, that knew about.
“Rem, come onnnn…” Levi whined to his mate playfully, removing his own suit jacket and folding it neatly over his arm, unlike the large man in front of him. “That can’t seriously be the only movie you ever want to watch..” The leopard gave Remi a quick shake of his head to show his shame, the white strands of his hair falling messily across his freckled forehead.
By this time, the wolf had managed to completely strip out of his fitting smoke grey suit down to just his boxers, the sudden quick bobs of his head as he changed causing his already noticeably red nostrils to leak profusely.
“Uh, Hey, who’s birthday is it agaid? Whed it’s your birthday you get to pick the bovie…“ Remi smirked again while helplessly dabbing at the already raw, chapped skin around his nostrils with a tissue he had retrieved from his suit, which brought a sarcastic eye roll from Levi, but was followed a smile. With another thick snort and a grumble under his breath at the ever present congestion that filled his already rather empty head, Remi managed to retrieve a deep crimson button up sweater from the back of the couch beside him and lazily drape it over his lanky frame.
Levi had already thrown on some teal silk sweatpants and a tee shirt in place of his once formal attire, and was sifting through their surprisingly large collection of movies with thin fingers, his butt wiggling in the air behind him. When the cat managed to find the movie he was looking for, he clicked his tongue loudly before swiping it from its place and thrusting it in the air above his head with a huge grin.
“Found it!” The feline giggled happily, bouncing back over to their shared bed that was blanketed in stuffies, with Remi already making himself comfortable in his usual spot with the small pack of tissues clutched tightly in one hand.
Levi couldn’t help but smile at the adorable picture Remi made among all of the brightly colored plushies, the wolf’s red cheeks and nose giving him a more animated appearance despite his constantly streaming eyes and mouth that hung slightly ajar as he struggled to breathe through the congestion. The cat’s ivory hands popped open the disk case, and carefully took out the DVD by the edges, before sliding it into the DVD player on their tv that hung on the wall of the bus. After a few seconds, the black screen faded to the title screen.
“The Princess Bride” the screen said in large letters, the familiar music causing a smile to tug at the corners of Remi’s mouth. Once the movie began to play, Levi scurried quickly back to the large bed, diving under the blankets and wrapping himself in the wolf’s strong arms, sighing in contentment when the older man pulled him tightly to his chest.
Remi could recite every line of The Princess Bride, and against the leopard’s wishes, usually did so under his breath throughout the whole movie, bright green orbs locked on the TV. However, this time was a bit different..
The words Levi had got accustomed to having breathed directly into his ear were scarce and far between this time, every few moments punctuated by an unproductive snuffle that seemed to get more and more frustrated as they went on. As they neared introducing Remi’s favorite character which usually drew a large reaction from the wolf, the buzzing that had finally subsided within his dampened nostrils roared to the front of his sinuses before he had a chance to catch it.
“h’dzzshh’uu! —’tschuu!!” Remi sneezed openly to the side, the air suddenly misted with hundreds of small droplets that cascaded down on the bed, although Levi’s exposed arm got the brunt of it. Before the feline could even turn his head to address his mate, the wolf’s sensitive nose exploded into another itchy fit.
“ih’ttschh! ht’tttszch!’iuh! hih— Ht’tssch’iew!! Sdnff—!”
Without another word to Levi, his freckled fingers quickly drew a handful of tissues from the box they kept on their nightstand, and he attempted to thrust them into the wolf’s trembling hands, but the other’s face was still twisted up desperately as the burning inside his poor nose only seemed to increase.
“I’b hih—! not d-donee!” Remi hitched helplessly, his huge chest hiking up and up as his wet nostrils flared, only a small sliver of glowing green iris visible under the pools of tears that poured over his eyelids.
Thinking quickly, Levi cupped one hand around the back of Remi’s head, and the other hand full of tissues pressed firmly around the wolf’s raw nose, his thumb and index finger on each side and pressing in on his quivering nostrils just in time.
“hH’kngt! Gnxxxt’iew!! HAh—! HIH’IITSCH’IEW!” The last sneeze tore through the wolf’s throat at an unexpected volume, even making Remi grimace before sniffling a few times, taking the wad of tissues from the felines hands and fully blowing his nose into them with a liquidy gurgle. Trying to rid his sinuses of the pressure that continuously got more intense with each unsuccessful sniffle, Remi rubbed quick circles into his dampened nostrils, a soft clicking noise could be heard from inside his nose as he rubbed.
“Nnnnh, sorry babe..” Remi apologized gently to the cat who still sat perched on the bed in front of him, concern filling Levi’s ocean blue eyes as the older man ducked into his shoulder, a short fit of ticklish coughs capturing all his attention now.
“Remi..” the cat’s voice was gentle as he rolled over to now have his dainty frame wrapped around the wolf’s huge one, his fingers combing through Remi’s jet black hair in reassurance.
It only took a few moments for the rhythmic motions of his mates fingers up and down his scalp to suddenly put the large man to sleep, and before long, the thick snores from the wolf’s stuffed nose filled the bus as he slept. With a small frown, the leopard got comfortable next to the older man, his limbs draped completely over Remi as they always were when they slept.
Levi placed a tender kiss in the middle of the the wolf’s sweaty back, his lips ghosting across the dampened skin as he whispered.
“Twenty nine, huh? You’d almost think you were celebrating your birthday as One Year Sicker, and not one year older every year..”
The cat chuckled near silently to himself, and slowly drifted off to sleep around the snoring wolf.
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allergic-to-buttercups · 1 year ago
Valentine's Gift For Dsnzfb
Hi @dsnzfb! I was your secret snz Valentine! I wrote some P/hoenix and E/dgeworth for you, I hope you like it!
Story features: allergies, holdbacks, stuck sneezes, very very slight character-with-the-kink, and E/dgeworth being the flustered mess we know and love.
Unfortunate truth the first: M/iles E/dgeworth was allergic to cherry blossoms.
Unfortunate truth the second: he had made this -fascinating- discovery due to the limited-edition Spring In Neo Olde Tokyo Samurai & Pink Princess Scented Plushie Set, a Valentine's Day-adjacent product of which only two hundred had been manufactured and sold.
Unfortunate truth the third: he had a meeting with W/right in approximately five minutes to discuss an upcoming case the man wanted E/dgeworth's advice about, and he very much did not want his...rival? friend? Crush...to know that he had purchased such an item. Yes, he no longer deluded himself into thinking that W/right wasn't at least a bit aware that he was a closet Steel Samurai fan, but owning a -bright pink- -highly romantic- -Valentine's themed- -limited edition- plushie set wasn't something he was -quite- ready to admit to the man who stirred in him such complicated (unnecessary) feelings.
Unfortunate truth the fourth: W/right was early for the meeting, for once in the man's blasted life, and E/dgeworth had time to do nothing but shove the plushie set in the top drawer of his desk and close said drawer, desperately hoping that the teasing, tickling scent would remain trapped inside for the duration of his conversation with W/right.
W/right hadn't even finished laying out the case documents he'd brought for E/dgeworth to look over when his hope was squashed.
He can smell it. The horrible, cloying, artificial cherry blossom scent. He's not sure if it's because his desk isn't doing enough to block it out or because enough of the perfume had spread into the office air before he sealed away the offending plushie, but he can smell it.
And oh, his nose -tickles.-
When M/iles E/dgeworth is allergic to something, he's not the kind of man who sniffs delicately or has a slight cough or develops hives or anything along those lines. No, E/dgeworth's allergies manifest in one way and one way only:
Enormous, trumpeting sneezes that simply -cannot- be stifled and -cannot- be stopped.
And, of course, -always- seem to come in fits.
He needs, he realizes, to hold off the fit until W/right has left. He remembers the other man having been aware of his massive fits when they were children together, back when it was a source of humor rather than embarrassment, but he does not want his rival-friend-possibly-crush-definitely-someone-he-wants-to-impress to know that he is STILL plagued by such undignified sneezes.
It is not going to be an easy task.
The scent is everywhere, in every breath. He breathes through his mouth, and it helps not the slightest. His nose wants desperately to twitch, to hitch, and keeping his face still is a Herculean task.
Still he tries.
And tries.
But oh, he has to -sneeze-.
And then, of course, it gets worse, because he's supposed to be helping W/right with a case, so it's not like he is able to simply stay quiet throughout the meeting. Soon, W/right has finished listing out the facts of the case - as though E/dgeworth hadn't researched it beforehand, which he of course had - and is asking the prosecutor for his opinion.
"The reason my client, Mr. Blossom, is accused of the murder is because the victim, Miss Addison Shoo, recently purchased a huge bouquet of flowers from his shop, Blossom's Blossoms. She had a boyfriend, who she planned to gift the flowers to. The prosecutor - one of the Paynes, although I can't for the life of me remember which one - is going to insist that the flowers were poisoned, because the victim's cause of death was poison."
"That's patently ridiculous," E/dgeworth responds. For a moment, he's so caught up in the insanity of the Payne's accusation that he conquers the tickle, getting out a full sentence. But then, he takes in a breath to speak more, and the tickle spikes, driving deep into the back of his nose. For a moment, the sneeze feels like an inevitability, and his attempt to get out his next words without hitching is a miserable failure. "How could flah...ehhh...flowers be poisoned?"
He hopes Wright won't catch the hitch.
He hopes in vain.
"Are you all right, M/iles?" the defense attorney asks in that damnably soft, stupidly caring voice. "If you're not feeling well, we can-"
"I'm fine!" the prosecutor snaps. Do not let your voice hitch, he tells himself. Do not take in a sharp breath. Do not allow your traitorous nose to twitch. You are in control. You are -fine-.
He is not fine.
"I am merely ahh...noyed that a prosecutor in my employ could make such a..." Here he pauses, forcing another hitch back, back, desperately trying to conquer the tickle. For a moment, he emerges victorious. "Such a ridiculous accusation. The poison must have been delivered another way."
W/right looks down, eagerly shuffling through the papers, presumably looking through the record of the victim's final hours for any sort of other method by which the poison might have entered her body. E/dgeworth takes advantage of the other man's brief distraction to press a single longer, aristocratic finger underneath his nose.
For a moment, it works. For a moment, it is bliss. The tickle subsides, and E/dgeworth keeps the finger pressed where it is for one, two, three, four, five glorious seconds. Then W/right looks back up, and E/dgeworth hurriedly removes his finger and tries to act as though he was simply adjusting his cravat.
For one blessed moment, he thinks the tickle is gone.
Then that scent, that horrid -scent- invades his nostrils once more, and he knows that he is wrong. Worst, he has misjudged the situation, quite badly.
Holding his finger under his nose had only allowed the tickle to incubate. Now, when it returns, it is sharper, fiercer, a battering ram against his formerly iron defenses.
He dares not move. He dares not speak. He dares not -breathe-.
He just needs to fight this cresting wave, and then the tickle will surely, -surely- back down again. He just needs to be strong for a little longer, and he will not sneeze. He! Will! Not! Sneeze!
"Huh, wait, this is weird," W/right says, his brow furrowing as he notices an odd detail in the paperwork he is scanning. "It says here that Miss Shoo was financially unstable, having lost her job a few weeks ago and not found any new one - but according to Mr. Blossom's testimony, she purchased the most expensive bouquet in the shop."
Oh, it tickles. Oh, it -tickles-.
"Consisting entirely of rare and exotic flowers-"
Do not sneeze. Stay strong.
"like passion lilies, birds of paradise..."
"Ahhh..." Okay, that had been a hitch, but acceptable damages, W/right had been too caught up in expounding on his new theory to notice.
"....oh, and hmm, also it looks like the bouquet contained a lot of..."
No, W/right, do not say it, or I shall lose this battle! E/dgeworth thought as his nose twitches and throbs. Somehow he knows that even the word will set him off, will remind him of the scent that invades his nostrils.
"...sprigs and sprigs of fresh cherry blossoms."
"HAH'SCHUUUUUUU!" The sneeze is out of him before he can even think to stifle or hold back. His allergies are so severe that even hearing the word -cherry blossom- was enough to spark a sneeze.
W/right looks up, shocked. "Ble-" he starts to say.
"kSCHUUU! hah'SCHUUU!" Two more sneezes follow before he can even get the word out.
"M/iles, are you all right? We can postpone if you-"
The tickle is still there, but he fights, he -fights.- "No, W/right, please, it was merely a brief irritation." He is not going to sneeze any more. He is not going to reveal the allergen tucked within his drawer that he had so foolishly purchased. "Continue."
"Okay, if you're sure..." W/right doesn't look sure, and E/dgeworth does not -feel- sure, not with the tickle still battering against his nasal defenses, not without now knowing just how -wonderful- the relief of a good sneeze had felt, but onward he presses.
"Well, purchasing such an expensive bouquet surely implies that she had come into some money, somehow? And we know it wasn't a new job, at least not anything official - she was constantly active on social media, and she posted about all of her previous jobs the same day she was hired." "Heh..." E/dgeworth agrees with a hitchy nod. There's another sneeze building, and he's tempted just to let it out. He's embarrassed, true, but he'd already sneezed in front of W/right and admitted to a "slight" tickle in his nose (although "slight" is not -really- the word he would use to describe it) and so another sneeze would not seem -that- strange. And this is a devilishly tickly one.
So he'll let it out, he decides. It feels like a single, and not a particularly large one, by his standards, and it will probably go a long way towards alleviating the teasing tickle.
Only, now that he's decided that, it seems that the sneeze doesn't -want- to come out.
"Heh...ahhh..." He hitches under his breath, trying to urge it a long. Just a moment ago, he had been desperately trying everything in his power -not- to sneeze, and now the sneeze simply...won't come.
"She hah...hahh...hahhh...d a boyfriend, didn't she? Wouldn't such a bouquet make sense for a romantic gift?" He breathes in through his nose as he talks, trying to urge more of the tickly scent into his nasal passages, but the dastardly odor seems to have at last dissipated, because the sneeze remains firmly stuck.
W/right eyes him oddly, but has the good sense not to question him. That, or he's genuinely too caught up in the discussion of the case to notice. "Yes, but they'd only been officially dating for three months, and it didn't seem from Miss Shoo's posts that things were getting serious yet. And it wasn't any sort of anniversary, or his birthday, and they definitely weren't getting engaged or moving in together or anything of the sort."
Breathe in, breathe out. Tickle, tickle. Sneeze, damn you, sneeze! he tells himself. But it won't happen. It will not come. The sneeze is well and truly stuck.
"So she wasn't in a financial place to buy him a fancy bouquet with no reason..."
His nostrils flare. "Ahh...heh..." For a moment, he thinks he has it. But no, the damned thing backs away again.
"...and there -is- no obvious reason, which makes me think it has something to do with money. She had gotten some, and was planning to surprise him with the bouquet alongside the good news. It would make sense - Mr. Blossom confirmed that the boyfriend was a regular customer of his, and his social media is full of pictures of his houseplants. He was a known flower fan."
"Did Mi...did Miss...heh...ahhh...Did Miss Sha....Miss Ah....Ahhhh...Ahhhh...." Even the victim's name seems to tease him, reminding him of the sneeze he desperately wants to release from his poor, tormented nose. "Did Miss Shahh...Shaaaaahhh....Ahhh..." The tickle is poised right there on the edge, but it -just won't come out-, there's nothing he can do, he can't talk without hitching, can't -breathe- without hitching, but he just simply cannot SNEEZE!
"M/iles, please, just sneeze if you need to. You don't have to hold back on my account. I'm not grossed out or anything, I promise." "That's nahh...nahhh....not..." His voice has taken on a helpless, whining tone that he hates more than anything. "It's stah...stuck!" "Oh." The tone of W/right's voice is not pity or amusement as he had dreaded, but genuine concern, mixed with...Interest? Fascination? Between gasping breaths, E/dgeworth looks up. The defense attorney's eyes are locked on his face - no, on his desperately twitching, flaring nose. In those eyes are an intensity E/dgeworth almost never sees outside of the courtroom. The evidence leads to only one conclusion, although he cannot for the life of him figure out -why- it is so: P/hoenix W/right wants him to sneeze. And he wants to sneeze, too, now. The tickle has been teasing him for well over a minute, he cannot -breathe- without even gasping. Throwing caution to the wind, E/dgeworth flings open the drawer, freeing the awful cherry blossom-scented plushies within. A wave of faintly floral air bursts upward, and the sneeze crests at last. "KA'SCHOOO! ahhhhCHOOOO! haaaaaa....ahhh....ACHOO! KER'SCHOO! AHHHHHHHHHCHOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Well, not sneeze, but -sneezes-.- When the fit has calmed at last, the expression on P/hoenix W/right's face has moved from mere interest into something pointed and dark, filled with the promise of very, -very- interesting discoveries for a curious prosecutor to make should he pry further. In a move far more spontaneous than he is used to making, he hands the scented plushies to the defense attorney. "Happy Valentine's Day, W/right," he manages to get out before gearing up for yet another tortured, allergic sneeze. "HAH'SCHOOO!" "Happy Valentine's Day to me indeed," W/right murmurs, the case documents on the desk completely forgotten as he thoroughly examines his new acquisition. (M/iles E/dgeworth's theory about the affect his sneezes have on one P/hoenix W/right turns out to be correct, and the scented Steel Samurai and Pink Princess plushies quickly become both the bane and the blessing of his existence over the next many, many nights spent in W/right's arms. Eventually, they do manage to solve the case, finding the stub of a winning lottery ticket that had been purchased by a Miss Addison Shoo but cashed in by her boyfriend, a Mr. O. Bviousguilt. During the trial, the cherry-blossom filled bouquet becomes a key piece of evidence, much to the delight of a certain defense attorney and the frustration of a poor prosecutor who decides to support his -own- new boyfriend by watching the whole thing from the gallery, a sneezy, allergic mess throughout the trial but there to cheer P/hoenix on regardless.)
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sneezyguppy · 11 months ago
Hello, I'm Casper!
I have been on Tumblr for quite a while, but sneezing is a new interest for me. This blog is where I explore that!
#caspersnzart - my art
#caspersnzfic - my fics
#spicychatter - anything I write that is not one of the above two things. Snzarios, brainrot, The Visions™, PSAs, and whatever other nonsense I feel like saying.
I have another sideblog for tickling -- definitely not a new interest -- which is here: guppygiggles
I have made a lot of art and fics on my tickling blog, and I will probably do that on this blog, too, albeit to a slightly lesser extent.
In terms of sneezing, this is what I like, and what I will write/draw:
- teasing... lots of teasing
- inducing
- tickling, particularly with feathers
- mlm scenarios
- embarrassment, and blushing, in general. Flushed faces, flushed noses, all of that will feature heavily, but especially on the part of the sneezer (is that a term y'all use? Further research needed)
- handkerchiefs
- desperation
- colds/allergies
- hitching/gasping
- trying not to sneeze (holdbacks?)
What I will not write/draw:
- mess (will mention but not describe/show in detail)
- spray
- sexual stuff... though there might be some measure of that in my reblogs, so please keep that in mind. I'm on the ace spectrum, I like fluster, but I do not really like sex/sexual stuff. Sometimes sexual stuff appeals to me for other reasons. I will reblog it anyway, even if it doesn't hit the mark completely, or uses language I don't relate to.
Uhh... Still kinda figuring this stuff out, so bear with me.
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