#there truly are very VERY few experiences truly unique and that's not a bad thing
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
When I find it hard to do certain things, I like to pretend I am a neanderthal living in a cave with my clan, and I must do The Thing in order to survive.
So, when I'm doing cardio at the gym, I'm actually chasing and tracking a mammoth, and when I need to cook, well, I'm not cooking on a stove top, I am hurdled over the first fire and watching the fat of our kill drip down onto the burning wood. And when I find it hard to crochet, I pretend that the first winter storm is coming and our clan needs me to make blankets to hurdle under and that I must contribute.
I hope whatever you do to do The Things will help. It is a uniquely personable trait to motivate yourself through pretend and stories. That's what makes this life interesting - that's what makes you feel larger than yourself 💛
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baphometsss · 1 month ago
I'm also going kind of insane over the romance description for Solas in the customise Inquisitor section of the CC. Like what do you mean 'even the Dread Wolf did not know what it would mean to fall in love'?? I'm frothing at the mouth!!!!
I mean, now it's had a few months to stew, it actually makes perfect sense. Solas doesn't seem to forge relationships in the same way as an elf as he did as a spirit. We know he loved Mythal and Felassan, but his relationships with both had rather different dynamics. Mythal had known him for the longest, and understood his spirit nature better than anyone. They spent a long time reflecting each others' spirits back and forth. Felassan we can assume was another Wisdom spirit (going by his eye colour), which once again tracks because Solas seems to connect with other Wisdom spirits very intensely. Nonetheless, there's a distance between them; they need each other and they share a common cause, and although Solas loved Felassan dearly, he was still able to kill him in The Masked Empire.
However, the thing that these two relationships have in common is that they both relate to Solas's spirit-self. All the dynamics are some kind of echo of how he behaved and related as a spirit. The person he is at the beginning of DAI is who he has been for a very long time. He is, despite everything, a little stagnant.
With the Inquisitor, he literally doesn't have a choice but to change, to connect not just as a spirit but as a man. Prior to that though... remember how spirits are asexual, like Cole is if you don't make him more human? Yeah. I don't doubt that Solas had physical relations with others after manifesting, but I think the feelings would've been absent as he doesn't connect romantically with them; a legacy from his spirit self, which he clings to dearly.
Weirdly enough, I think that this lack of romantic or relationship experience is what the romance in Inquisition actually hinges on. He's only able to take that chance specifically because he doesn't know what romantic love feels like. He may be a manifested Wisdom spirit, but this is something that must be experienced to be understood. He takes the chance in the end because he doesn't know how deeply it will affect him. Also as Wisdom, he can't help but be curious anyway. Clearly he underestimated how much of an impact it would have on him. He didn't expect to be known and loved so fully for who he was, after a life of being forced away from his purpose, who he truly wanted to be. To be given the space to exist as Wisdom is one thing, and certainly it would've been enough for him to maintain his love for his friends in the Inquisition alone, but to be loved for it? To be able to express these new, very earthly and yet somehow still spiritual feelings of love? Everything lining up, singing the same? Things he could never have experienced as a spirit? It's a union of the spirit and body that he likely never felt before. That has to have been overwhelming, a beautiful gift he never expected to receive. 'In all Thedas I never expected to find someone who could draw my attention from the Fade'--quite literally, 'I never thought I would want such an earthly thing'. I'm not surprised he almost threw away his plans for it. It's like a whole new world opening up.
It also makes his 'I would not have you see what I become' line more poignant. He doesn't want this beautiful, unique thing he's found to be marred by the actions he will take. He doesn't want his heart to see the wounds in his soul. So when the Inquisitor says they want to join him, it literally stuns him. When he warns them that he's got a lot of terrible things waiting for him in the Fade, it's his last, weak attempt to make them reconsider before they see the wounds on his soul laid bare. By responding that it won't be so bad if they're with him, the Inquisitor is also saying that being together will heal him, that those wounds will not be so terrible when shared.
That line from the elven poem Trick wrote from Solas to Lavellan: 'do not be sad, my heart, our love's endurance is a blessing, our love will be our joy' everything is so new to him brb crying :'<
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batbirdies · 2 months ago
What are your top fanfic recs for 2024?
aha!! I am late answering this as usual but I went through all of my bookmarks made in 2024 to pick out my favs and I saved the links in an email draft and then when I went to make this post it was poofed gone so then I abandoned the idea but am back, recollecting links here and half rereading them as I go lol.
So these are some of my particular fav fics read and bookmarked in 2024, not necessarily that were published in 2024. (Though I think most of them were)
Also I don’t know if most of these authors have Tumblrs or what their handles are if they do, so if you recognize one and know it please tag them! Or let me know and I’ll edit in the tag.
Ground Control to Jason Todd by TheThoughtsThief [22,520 words]
Jason died at fifteen years old. He recalled a light, searing and white against the expance of a black sky and the nothingness of space. He recalled a star, speaking to him with a morose calm. Then, finally, he remembered the universe giving him a second chance at life. A few years down the line, he goes chasing after myths to figure out why.
Or, a Dick and Jason space road trip au featuring Japanese death poems, Shakespearean tragedies, and Abba's greatest hits.
My first bookmark of 2024! This fic is super unique. I’m not usually big on AUs but road trips are my jam so I gave this one a shot and the ~vibes~ are impeccable. It’s soft and flowy and the recurring poetry and the relationship between Dick and Jason and the willowy liminal space experiences… so good.
Hope is the Thing with Feathers by TheSilencer [13,106 words]
"Oh." Nightwing said. "It's your first time."
"My what?" Jason said.
"It's like 'The Time Traveler's Wife.' Except I'm not your wife. Not that I'd be a bad wife, but not for you. That'd be gross - Wait, is that movie even out, yet?" Nightwing rambled, and Jason stood up on wobbly legs. "Shoot. I guess it doesn't matter. Not relevant -"
Or Jason Todd is a time traveler, and Dick Grayson is always his destination. 
A story about brothers doing their best.
Basically what it says in the description. Jason randomly moves through time throughout his life, always landing where Dick Grayson is. sometimes Jason needs Dick, and sometimes Dick needs Jason, and neither of them ever really has the full picture of what’s going on. But they do their best for each other<3 they’re brothers your honor 😭😭
Still hurts underneath my scars by valkyriered [2,928 words]
“Stop.” The man in the purple suit says, and Jason freezes.
“Stay there.” He says. “Don’t move.”
Jason tries to lurch forward, has some half-prepared snark about being told what to do, and he finds that he can’t. He can’t even move his arms. His eyes dart around the empty warehouse. Fuck. “Who are you?” Jason demands. “What is this?”
The man doesn’t even look over at him. “Stop talking.” 
I’ll warn, this fic says “no archive warnings apply” but there is heavy implication of previous sexual assault. No direct references but it’s definitely there.
The use of Killgrave in this is stellar, I still find him one of the most terrifying villains I’ve ever watched or read about in anything I’ve seen. The moment is small and doesn’t even seem that bad on the surface but the writing puts you in Jason’s head and you can feel how frightening it would be, and how scared Jason really, really is. Has made me think about using Killgrave in a fic sometimes cause it truly has some juicy potential.
There is comfort, and Selina is great in this, but it is from Jason’s POV and he is still pretty Not OkayTM when it ends, so just, you know, be careful with yourselves. It’s very well written and Jason is well taken care of by his loved ones in the end but it’s a hurty one.
Displacement by @imbecamiel [21,244 words]
“He’s dead,” Tim said, blankly.
“Look at me.” Jason ducked his head to catch Tim’s eyes. “Hey, look at me. You didn’t kill him. You just shot him. No big deal, right? You’ve injured lots of people. Just part of the job. Doesn’t matter it was with a gun this time. Doesn’t change anything. I’m the one who killed him. You’re fine.”
Loooove this fic. Tim accidentally fatally shoots someone in self defense. Jason is there, sees Tim panicking, and finishes the job himself so he can take the blame.
The relationships in this fic are so good, and the CHARACTERS are just SO GOOD. I started to say a lot more but then I just started summarizing the whole thing and spoiling it. Just know that Jason and Tim’s interactions in this are great, and Bruce and Jason have SUCH a good and satisfying end to their arch in this, which is so important to me and can be hard to find.
A Sad Song With Nothing To Say by WakingNightmares [14,805 words]
It starts with the Make A Wish foundation, and ends with a funeral.
Which, Bruce supposes, is unfortunately how things involving the Make A Wish foundation usually work. But what happens in-between catches him completely off-guard.
Ok, know first that this fic isn’t really my usual fair because it’s heavy on the hurt and light on the comfort. Be prepared if you decide to read this one.
A young gotham boy dying of cancer uses his Make A Wish Foundation wish to meet The Red Hood, more as a joke than anything, not expecting it to actually happen. The boy has no one else, he’s dying alone and in pain, and Jason can’t do anything about the pain but he can keep him from being alone. So he stays with the kid, whenever he can, and soon the other bats start helping, so he’s not by himself. But Jason grows attached, and Bruce knows, they all know that it is not going to end well. That the devastation this is going to wreak on Jason will be no small thing. But no one really has the heart to do anything but help.
Like I said this fic is damn well agonizing but it hit me in such a cathartic way. Because it’s devastating. The story is so painful, but everyone is helping. Everyone is there. There is so much love in this fic and as much comfort as can be offered even if it is not nearly enough. And when it ends—Bruce is there.
Open Line by @lurkinglurkerwholurks [2,140 words]
Dick pinched the phone between his ear and shoulder as he pulled the crate down from the top shelf. The line rang twice before connecting.
“Hey, you busy?” Dick stepped down from the stool and carried the crate to the table, popping the top and flipping it off to the side to reach inside.
“Everything okay?” Bruce asked. His voice sounded close, like he was in a small space.
Dick is dealing with some unexpected grief and Bruce is a good dad. That’s all you need sometimes, you know?
Eat Your Heart Out by Lishalalalala [35,527 words]
What people don’t expect of Bruce Wayne is his ability to love in such a detailed way. What people absolutely expect of Jason Todd is his ability to show up at the worst place, at the worst time, every damn time. But not all late-night calls from the hospital are bad, not all galas are bad, and not all of Bruce's culinary attempts are bad. Featuring food; Jason's self-esteem issues, his complicated relationship with food; and the different ways confidence can be filled. Also featuring one Bruce Wayne trying his best.
(Endeavoring to grow up shouldn’t have been this hard considering it’s the second round for him. )
A story of Bruce and Jason revolving around each other, pinging off in different directions when things don’t go well. Of love shown through food. Of Jason’s skittish and slow acceptance of that love.
Each chapter is its own scene, little time skips between, building on each other to craft a very soft picture. This fic makes me ache in such a way. It’s poetic, it manages to make sweet, nostalgic moments stab you in the heart. Very recently completed, and I still need to leave a comment on the final chapter, whoops.
Also gives a well thought out and reasonable explanation for Bruce’s poor cooking skills lol.
Thats all from 2024, but im gonna cheat and also add one from this month cause I read it yesterday and have been gushing about it since and there’s so little Steph and Bruce fic out in the world, it needs more love.
If they could only remember/which one is you and which one/the source of all fire by @luvo27 [9,086 words]
When she’s not with him on patrol, he knows she’s often patrolling on her own. When she’s not patrolling on her own, he knows she’s wandering around Gotham. She doesn’t spend a lot of time at home, not even after her father died. She seems, Bruce thinks, like she’s lonely. He clears his throat. Stephanie looks up from her phone. Bruce can read the screen upside down, she’s still looking up solar eclipses. An idea starts to form in his mind. He starts to ask, “Do you…would you—the path of totality crosses over Vermont. Or the state of New York.” “Yeah,” Stephanie turns her phone to face him. “I was looking at the maps.” “That’s a little over seven hours away by car,” Bruce says.
Or: Stephanie and Bruce take a road trip to see the solar eclipse, featuring: Stephanie Brown and her Stephanie Brown-ness, Bruce Wayne and his Bruce-ness, and grief.
Bruce’s POV throughout. Stephanie is Robin, Jason is dead, and Bruce can see so much of Jason in Stephanie that he can barely look at her. But even in his grief he can’t stop caring, can’t stop wanting to help her. Can’t stop being terrified that she will meet the same end that Jason did.
Bruce is messy and he’s not doing amazing but he’s trying very hard. Stephanie is also messy and not doing amazing, but she is trying very hard. Has a soft ending but deals pretty heavily with grief, so be aware.
Hope you enjoy these!!
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lonelywretchjervistetch · 7 months ago
The State Birds Initiative: New Jersey (#3)
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Welcome to the third official poll of the State Birds Initiative! Before the poll, though, one thing real quick. My suggestion is that you read the post below before voting in the poll below. That's especially important if you're lacking any context about the birds being presented as the new (or old) State Bird of the Garden State, New Jersey. This is to be fully informed as to why these are being presented, and to make your choices appropriately. Lastly, some of these birds, you will notice, may go against some of the rules listed in the introduction post. All is explained after the jump where the explanations are, I promise you that. But with that...OK! Here's the poll! If you'd like to see the last post, check out Pennsylvania (Poll | Results)
So, with that done...New Jersey.
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OK, I'll be honest, I have very little history with New Jersey. Only been there a few times, I've driven through it a decent number of times, and I mostly know it by reputation. But, uh...for whatever reason, every trip I take that requires me to go through New Jersey, NJ is the worst driving portion of that trip. Basically every time. Maybe that's a New Jersey turnpike problem, maybe that's unhappy coincidence. Hell, maybe it's conservation bias from being a New Yorker (upstate, but I've gone to the city regularly throughout my life). Or maybe it really is cultural reputation for New Jersey trickling in to my subconscious (looking at you, Jersey Shore). But either way...I have complicated feelings about New Jersey.
But this post is NOT about my personal geographic experience. Mostly. It's about birds! So, let's get into New Jersey objectively. Third state admitted into the union, state capital is Trenton, largest city is Newark, and it's the most densely populated state in the country. Famous for being the origin of electricity in civic infrastructure, as well as the home of their favorite son, Thomas Alva Edison. Which...when you learn more about the guy, makes you wonder about New Jersey as a whole. MOVING ON! It was a major staging point in the American Revolutionary War, and ever since, it's been all about freedom. Even though you can't pump your own gas there. Although, to their credit, the Statue of Liberty is actually technically in New Jersey waters. Yeah. That's absolutely true. But, like...it's spiritually a New York landmark, so we'll let it slide.
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Now, here's the thing about New Jersey, seriously and truly. It has a bad reputation because of media and New York City. This is for two more specific reasons, from what I can tell. One, the New Jersey Turnpike sucks, and it smells like raw sewage due to its proximity to industrial factories and processing plants. And unfortunate way to experience the state, and the main way I've experienced New Jersey personally. So, that's one, and it's not indicative of the state's quality. Number two is simply the fact that it's a hub for commuters, with lots of people going to either NYC or Philadelphia for work. Because of that, Jersey itself gets pieces of their cultures combined, which also makes it a very easy target with a unique accent. So, not Jersey's fault.
In reality, it's quite a nice state with more natural area than you'd expect for somewhere so densely populated. New Jerseyans, unsurprisingly love their state...and aren't big fans of tourists, from discourse I see online. It's a small state, which makes it crowded enough. Plus, there are tourist attractions there. There's the massive American Dream Meadowlands mall, there's MetLife Stadium, there's Six Flags Great Adventure, there's...Trenton. Actually, no, Trenton sucks, I stand by that assessment. But it's also a highly diverse state, with the highest proportion of Hinduism followers in the country, as well as the densest collection of LGBTQ+ social centers (AKA gayborhoods), amongst other things. NJ does deserve more credit.
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Now with that said, let's talk about the natural world of New Jersey, because there is a surprising amount to talk about. 45% of the land is covered in mixed deciduous-coniferous forest, which you've probably noticed is typical of the NE USA. Oak is our primary tree here, which is also probably why Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra) is the state tree. It also has some major ecological features that are well known for its natural advantages. Cape May is a seaside city and vacation resort, but also one of the most well-known and important sites for birders from the United States during migration seasons, making it immediately prominent for this post. Great Swamp NWR in the north is the first wilderness area ever designated by Congress, and also serves as a major refuge for birds during the breeding season for various reasons. And maybe most importantly, the New Jersey Pine Barrens are the largest remaining pine barrens in the NE USA, and act as a bastion of diversity. More on this later, I promise; there's a species entry dedicated to this unique environment.
And that's not all to talk about here. NJ's environment needs some focus for a number of reasons, not least of which being that the state has more toxic waste dump sites than any other state in the Union, which are the focus of the federal Superfund environmental remediation program. Yeah, there's some cleanup that needs to happen in the state, especially as it is so small. Of 150 federally listed sites, only 35 have been cleaned up since the 1970s. So, yeah. We should get on that, please. But with that said, NJ has relatively low carbon dioxide emissions compared to other states, they're seventh in solar power, and get most of their electricity from natural gas and nuclear power. So, it's a greenish state that could be a lot greener.
There's a lot to talk about for such a small state, it would seem. Let's not linger about, and let's get on with the show here! I'm honestly kind of excited. Birds after the jump!!!
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American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis)
Let's kick things off by talking about the incumbent, the American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis). Now, why was the American Goldfinch chosen as the State Bird of New Jersey in 1935? Easy answer: favoritism. The bird was nominated as the only candidate by the New Jersey Audubon Society because...it was their mascot at the time. Yeah. That's it. In reality, the New Jersey State Bird is the New Jersey Audubon Society. And even then, it's officially lost its relevancy, because that's not their mascot anymore. More on that later.
What's actually worse about the goldfinch here is...for some reason, not a lot of New Jerseyans have actually seen them. Part of the reason for this entire series, by the way is this Reddit post, which stoked the fires that had long been simmering deep within my soul. OK, not that deep, but still. Anyway, the header of that post is that the OP had barely ever seen an American Goldfinch, despite being a native. I thought that was insane (and said as much in my comments), because this is a ridiculously common bird, especially for birdwatchers. But, uh...I've looked into since then. And only 0.4% of its global breeding population resides in the state. What's crazy is, this is a common sentiment amongst New Jerseyans. They just...haven't seen this bird. And obviously, that/s not every new Jerseyan, and a lot have reported seeing it. But to be honest...is this bird really worth being called the State Bird of New Jersey?
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OK, can we make the American Goldfinch make sense in retrospect? Let's see, they're a highly social finch species throughout the year, living in dense colonies in the spring and summer especially. The males are late breeders with ornate flying displays meant to attract females, and may group territories with other males to defend against predators. And they're an open secondary growth forest specialist that live in the state year-round, including during the breeding season. Which means...well, actually, it means that they're perfectly suited to live in New Jersey, funnily enough.
Hear me out here. There are two things that goldfinches love most: forest clearings and weeds. New Jersey may be 45% covered in forest, but it does have deforestation as a minor problem around its settlements. However, that's not a problem for the goldfinch, who thrives in secondary growth forests that occur as a result of succession. Given an attempt in recent decades to recover New Jersey's forests, this means the goldfinch is a potential symbol of these efforts. Plus, its love of the seeds that come from flowers that are pest plants, like dandelion, thistle, ragweed, and cosmos, make it a potentially attractive bird for gardeners of the state to attract, especially as those plants thrive in open fields during stages of succession!
So...moving on.
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Clapper Rail (Rallus crepitans)
While the majority of natural New Jersey is covered in forest, it still has a fairly important habitat in the form of the saltmarsh. Just to get the definition in place early, a saltmarsh is essentially what it sounds like: a vegetation-dominated coastal biome with salt and brackish water, salt-tolerant grasses and plants, and the animals that depend on such. They're coastline preservers, trapping and binding sediment as it makes its way to and from the ocean, and acting as a major supply for the food web along the coasts. They're incredibly important habitats, and this will not be (and have not been) the last time you've seen them during the State Birds Initiative.
Now, obviously, these habitats are chockful of birds. New Jersey has a few major salt flats along its coast, all of which shelter some major breeding populations of birds. One of these species is the Clapper Rail (Rallus crepitans), which is our eBird-sponsored pick of this poll. Clapper Rails have 13% of their global population in New Jersey saltmarshes, meaning they're quite dependent on this unique habitat, and most of their population breeds in the state. Some people may never have seen or heard of a rail, but in case you're one of those people, just know that they're a smaller semi-aquatic relative of cranes. If you've seen a coot, moorhen, or gallinule, then you've seen a rail! And the Clapper Rail is a crustacean-eating, saltmarsh-loving, new Jersey-dependent example. And that said...it is kinda boring looking to the average person.
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Don't take me wrong! For me, this bird is fantastic, and would actually be a lifer for me, personally. But the average non-birder? Look, in instances like this, I usually tap into the part of my brain my fiancee lives in rent-free, and all I can hear is her shouting "LONG DUCK LONG DUCK" over and over. I love these guys, but I'm not sure they'd resonate with the public. Plus, as far as saltmarshes go, these are good representatives, but I'm not sure they're the best. Are these a good New Jersey representative? Possibly, since they represent a major ecosystem in the state, and that is important. But I'll leave that question to you all. Moving on!
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Cape May Warbler (Setophaga tigrina)
OK, onto the category of birds that are named after the state, and New Jersey has one of those! The Cape May Warbler (Setophaga tigrina) is so-named because the first specimen described by Alexander Wilson was collected in Cape May, New Jersey by George Ord. That said, it's certainly a unique warbler, easily recognizable, and dependent upon conifer forests dominated by spruce, which the Pine Barrens are...not. Still, an iconic bird in New Jersey! Except...wait, hold on...ah. It doesn't breed in the state. In fact, after it was described from a Cape May specimen, it wasn't seen in the area again for...a century. So...yeah, it's named after a major location in the state, known for birds at that, and yet it's barely found there?Love this bird, but...maybe think about renaming it one of these days.
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Pine Warbler (Setophaga pinus)
Now, the Pine Warbler (Setophaga pinus), on the other hand, that's a better warbler representative of New Jersey. Well, sort of. To be fair, the Pine Warbler only has 1% of its global breeding population in New Jersey, so the state isn't a bastion or reservoir for the species. However, there is a major reservoir of the species in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, which I'd mentioned earlier. And hey, Pine Barrens, Pine Warbler...slam dunk for representation of the habitat right there. And yeah, that's absolutely relevant to the species as a whole. They live, eat, and breed in pine-dominated forests, exactly like (and including) the Pine Barrens. It's actually listed as a "Significant Congregation" species by the New Jersey Audubon Society.
And as for making a good State Bird of New Jersey? It's a notable bird, even keeping the goldfinch's yellow with white wing bars. It's not terribly difficult to find, especially during the breeding season in areas like the Pine Barrens. And hey, they're even well-known to live with other species, making them an important biodiversity indicator for conservation purposes. Plus, if people go out to look for the Pine Warbler in the wild, they'll likely encounter other species like the Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca) or the Tennessee Warbler (Leiothlypis peregrina), amongst others. Fostering interest in birdwatching by chance! It works in a conservation sense...but I don't know that it's particularly emblematic of New Jersey, to be fair.
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Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonicus)
Now, here's an interesting choice! If the current State Bird, the American Goldfinch, was chosen because it was the mascot for the New Jersey Audubon Society at the time, then by that logic, their current mascot should actually be the State Bird of New Jersey. And so, in that case, may I present to you the current mascot of the NJ Audubon Scoiety, and the next candidate for State Bird...the...is that a Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonicus)? Yeah, looks like it, and some sources I have confirm that's the case. But, uh...why?
Let me be really clear about something first off: I adore the Northern Harrier. Also caleld the marsh hawk, they're a beautiful raptor native to brackish and salt mashes, as well as grasslands and fields, hunting small mammals, insects, and the occasional bird. They're one of the few accipiters that are silent fliers, ambushing prey from above like owls. They even have the disc-like face. They're one of the new North American raptors with sexual dimorphism (the smoky gray male is pictured above, as compared to the brown females), and their iconic coloration has given them the nickname of the Gray Ghost. WHICH IS BADASS. They're also one of the only polygynous raptors, meaning a male can mate with several females in a given season, nesting on the ground and hatching chicks. Because of their unique relationships, some indigenous peoples see them as a symbol of healthy marriage. Finally, these are considered good for agriculture, as they eat rodents and not chicken. I love harriers, they're super neat birds, and it's always a pleasure to see them in the wild. Also, they DROWN THEIR PREY!!! What the hell! That's terrifying!
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OK, harriers are cool, but do they have a relevance to New Jersey outside of being the logo of New jersey Audubon? Well...they do breed there...barely. But they've been observed doing so, so that counts. They represent key habitats in the state of New Jersey, so that's great. Their certainly charismatic enough (GRAY GHOST), and they've got nationwide conservation concern as an endangered species. So, it has those qualities going for it as the State Bird candidate. We'll see what the poll says. In the meantime, let's move on!
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Laughing Gull (Leucophaeus atricilla)
Y'know, my original plan was to put the Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) in this list as well...and then, I stumbled upon a fun fact. The black-headed cousin of the Ring-billed Gull, and Laughing Gull, is a regular traveler to New Jersey, and in fact has a colony right off of the Jersey Shore, making them a fairly well-known and recognizable resident of an iconic area of the state. But pretty importantly, the species has a pretty massive breeding population in New Jersey. 5% of the breeding population of the species are in southern NJ, which isn’t the bulwark of their breeding population in the USA (that'd be Louisiana, according the eBird Status and Trends), but it's still a significant portion.
That said, the Laughing Gull is a recognizable member of the New Jersey shore community, and I mean the term "community" in multiple contexts. Ecologically, they're omnivorous scavengers that are well-adapted to living in a densely populated state, as well as in saltmarshes and other coastal environments throughout New Jersey. Sociologically, they hang around human settlements so much that they see opportunities in human hands...literally. The Laughing Gulls of the Jersey Shore are pretty notorious for stealing food out of the hands of beachgoers and boardwalk visitors. There are even boardwalk restaurants with signs saying they won't offer refunds if your food is stolen by a gull. They're SO notorious, in fact, that falconers have been hired to use their falcons to drive away these birds. And honestly...that's a shame. After all, the Laughing Gulls are such prominent citizens that humans have had to adjust to them.
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But that said...I'm gonna quote Brian Donahue, the reporter at the end of the video/new report I linked to above...because it's hilarious, and it makes an interesting statement that I think people from New Jersey should think about. Read the quote, but trust that I have a somewhat well-thought out idea supporting it.
Derided as "flying rats" by many, I think it's time to reconsider the Laughing Gull, because if things haters say about Laughing Gulls (they're loud, feisty, there's too many of them... (Interviewee Kathy McCarey): They're rude...they're very demanding...and they come for what they want...I don't like 'em.) ...are the same things haters often say about New Jerseyans. Laughing Gulls are us. They deserve more respect.
Look, as extremely funny as that point is...there's a point about that statement. That is something that people say about New Jerseyans! They live in a state full of garbage, they're obnoxious and loud, all of that kinds thing. And New Jerseyans love their state as much as anybody else; SO MUCH, in fact, that many people online say they actually love that stereotype, because it means that people STAY OUT OF THEIR STATE. Funny or not, true or not...there's a point there. Laughing Gulls, as with all gulls, have a bad reputation, which is mostly undeserved. They're opportunists trying to feed themselves and their young, who see a smorgasbord of food right in front of them, in their neighborhood! In their place, what would YOU do? Honestly, these guys are a solid contender for that reason alone.
Plus, honestly...it's kinda funny.
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Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammospiza caudacuta)
Finally, let's look at the conservation focus for this post: the Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammospiza caudacuta). So, this is a pretty big one, especially when looking at New Jersey. A full 32% of the species' global population breeds in this state, which is, frankly, a MASSIVE proportion of any species. What's more, they're considered an endangered species, which immediately makes this an impressive contender for the State Bird of New Jersey. And as one of the most endangered species in the Eastern USA, not to mention a species of immense scientific interest for ecological and genomic reasons, this bird should get some attention by the public and federal government.
However...and this is a point to be made here...it's not exactly the most iconic bird for non-birders. As a birder who would kill to get this on his lifelist (I AM WORKING ON IT, LITERALLY TOMORROW AS I AM TYPING THIS), this is a prominent bird within certain communities. And to others? Ugh, this is gonna hurt me to say, you have no idea, but...it's a sparrow. It may be a little harder for people to become attached to a sparrow, and even more difficult for people to recognize the Saltmarsh Sparrow specifically.
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Don't believe that this matters? Do me a favor, bird people. Show your non-bird friends Bird A, Bird B, and Bird C. Ask them how many different species you showed them. I'm willing to bet the especially observant will say 2. The less observant are gonna say 1. And throw in these top two pictures, while you're at it. I'm willing to bet you'll still get a 2 or 3. Because, unfortunately, to many people, sparrows all look pretty similar. And going forward, that's something we'll have to keep in mind: a unique appearance. What makes a bird iconic is also in its uniqueness and identifiability. And sure, maybe I'm not giving the average person enough credit, but we're also talking about children. I've said it before and I'll say it many times over: kids are important targets to consider when choosing natural State Symbols. And I really don't know how many adults could tell the difference between some sparrows, even professionals. And, uh...the Saltmarsh Sparrow is a very important example of this, because it wasn't even a species until the '90s.
Oh, and kudos to those of you who caught on immediately to my little trick up there. Probably a good amount of you noticed it, but if you didn't...there are five species of sparrows shown in this post. The two birds pictured in the post? Different species. Yeah, hearing that now makes that more obvious, but you may not have noticed it immediately. The first bird pictured is indeed the Saltmarsh Sparrow. The second bird, however, is the Nelson's Sparrow (Ammospiza nelsoni), which was once considered the same species as the Saltmarsh Sparrow. Dirty question, I know, but it's also found in New Jersey. Not a breeder there, but it's enough to cause a bit of confusion. See what I mean?
Oh, as for the rest, Bird A is LeConte's Sparrow (Ammospiza leconteii), Bird B is a Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), and Bird C is a Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum).
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Please understand, bird-peeps: I hate making this argument. Genuinely. The New World sparrows are a wonderful group, and a really fun one to play around with and hunt down as a birder. And don't worry, sparrows will be getting a mention in my personal list. But as for the State Bird? I'll let you all decide.
And with that, that's the end of this post! I miss any big ones? Make any leaps a bit too big? Feel free to let me know! In the meantime, stay tuned for State #4 - Georgia! Wait...wait, the fourth state to be admitted into the Union was Georgia? Huh. Go figure.
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See you next time, and happy birding!
Introduction to the State Birds Initiative
1. Delaware - Poll | Results 2. Pennsylvania - Poll | Results 3. New Jersey - Poll | Results 4. Georgia - Poll | Results 5. Connecticut - Poll | Results 6. Massachusetts - Poll | Results
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princescribbler · 2 years ago
Quick Reminder For ABDLs:
You are allowed to like cuteness and cuddly things, even if you're a traditionally tough, serious, or masculine adult. Gender and sexual identity don't matter: it's OK to be an adult and an abdl and enjoy the cute and cuddly things.
There's no harm being done by you wearing diapers.. nobody is getting hurt, nobody's life is ruined, no public harm is occurring.... you're wearing absorbent underwear, and when you stop seeing it as a huge deal, you realize it... just isn't that shocking or bad!
Negative self talk is a major issue, and you can fight it by telling yourself (even just quietly in your own mind) about the things you ENJOY about this kink and dynamic! Tell yourself how cute you are in a diapee, not silly. Unless you like humiliation, in which you're a very very naughty adult baby who should be very blushy and embarrassed ;)
Public bathrooms are gross. I'm not saying that an adult using their diaper isn't, at the least, a bit unusual or maybe a strange strategy to deal with icky public bathrooms... but it's at least a nice edge case benefit from the kink!
Nobody is looking at you and waiting for diaper crinkles unless they're already aware of this kink, or you've shown them what you're up to. Seriously, I wore diapers to work for like 4+ years now, and the truth is nobody knows or cares! I don't carefully check to see what my coworkers are wearing as undies, and if they think I'm padded in diapers they'd just assume it's medical anyways, and never ask out of politeness!
Healthy cg/l relationship dynamics are complicated, but they aren't hard to put into practice. You might find the details hard to figure out, but finding a partner you can rely on and feel protected by really isn't particularly kinky... that's called a healthy relationship, whether it's kinky or not! So if you're with someone who makes this stuff impossibly hard or shameful or bad... that might not be an issue of your kink. It might be a fundamental issue in your relationship!
Stuffed animals are cozy and nice for everyone. You don't need to act weird to like stuffies, and you can even accept that if people see a house full of stuffies... they think Disney fanatic, not abdl. Or maybe they see it as cutesy, or an example of you being unique, but very very VERY few people see that kinda stuff and think "abdl". Cuz if they do.. they likely know enough about abdl to have experience, or have similar desires.
Nobody and nothing can make your needs invalid if you're acting safely, harming no one, and seeing to your needs. You need diapers? Great, go get them. Need pull ups to cope with a tough week at work? Not an issue, go for it. Need to carry a small pacifier in your Pocket to feel confident enough for a job interview? Go for it: you don't need to judge or dissect every one of your needs to be able to see them as valid and reasonable.
You're not nearly as kinky as you usually think... because fantasies aren't reality. Sure, I'm pretty kinky, but I've now been on here, on fetlife and bdsmlr enough to know... you just aren't that kinky. Unless you're cathed, caged, plugged, hypnotized, in a 24/7 total power exchange with your mommy/ daddy/ owner and their new owner who replaced you once you accepted your permanent role as house baby... I'm guessing you're fine. A lot of fantasies are just that: fantasies! So stop judging yourself as though every fantasy you imagine is one you think you need to do, ok? You're allowed to have extreme Fantasies or even scenes. Unless you're committing to more than that, though, you really don't need to be so convinced of just how extreme you are.
Disney really is that much fun. No you aren't crazy for still loving them.
Same with Pixar... except they might make you cry even more. And more often. Because damn you Pixar, you onion cutting ninjas!
When you feel bad and want to take a step back... you can! Truly it isn't an issue to step away or step back. As long as it's not like a binge/purge thing or completely panicking ... it really is OK to step away. Maybe you need a breather. Maybe you need a long break. Maybe it's just a day to recharge: that's ok! So stop judging yourself for every little change and decision!
No: having your mommy or daddy write a note to your boss ain't gonna work. Sorry, but it's been tried. "Mommy says I need to stay home and have extra cuddles" is still not recognized as a valid reason to miss work at most jobs. Sorry to break it to you!
Finally: kink and fetishes can sometimes feel isolating. That's a big part of why communities like this pop up on tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, bdsmlr, fetlife, and any other site you can imagine. Sometimes, you need to embrace these communities for your own good: it can feel so very, very nice to not feel isolated anymore. You really have no idea!! Give it a shot and you might be surprised!
I know it's not an exhaustive list, but that jumped to mind today and I felt compelled to type them out and share. If you think I'm missing key points, leave a comment or reblog and add your suggested addition!
And as always, stay happy, stay healthy, And stay kinky!!!
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shatcey · 5 months ago
Sariel sequel
I'm actually very surprised how much I like it. Of the three sequels I have read (Chev, Leon and Sari) that seemed to me the most interesting one. It's not that the others are bad, there's something about them that I really couldn't agree with. And that alone didn't allow me to fully immerse myself in the story (or believe in it).
I've finished all the sequels with only dramatic endings, so my opinion may be incomplete.
So… There was one thing I was very afraid of when I started reading Sariel's sequel. I was afraid Belle would feel "not good enough for him". He is much older, he has more experience, he knows much more than she does. It was pretty easy to imagine what she was thinking so. But to my surprise, she didn't feel it in the slightest. Moreover… I found that their bond is the strongest. I can't say why without spoiler, let's just say I feel that way.
I really like Belle in this route. Sometimes she cutely silly, but mostly she is very mature and calm. Her worries, her thoughts, her words, her actions are very logical… It was quite interesting to watch how her story unfolds.
I like Sariel here. He became softer, but it didn't change his core. It's like the ice has melted or… the stone has been polished… Slightly changed, but still the same. I like the way he interacts to Belle. This couple is really a couple. And I truly believe in their connection. It feels very strong.
I like that there was so much Azel in it. I like this guy, and his unique personality adds much-needed humor to the story. He definitely hadn't planned this. And there was a bit of Licht. He also added a few jokes. Again unintentionally.
The only thing that seemed strange to me was that Belle suddenly had paranormal abilities. Well… the same thing can be said for all sequels. She suddenly starts talking to Azel in her dreams even before she met him. In this story… she had a little more ability. But… it doesn't look too excessive to annoy, just the right amount. So, let's say that Tanzanite is such a magical place that even a simple girl like Belle has awakened special abilities.
So it should be a really good, even perfect sequel (and I still think so), but… There was a scene in the last chapter that just made me sad. I don't see this as a spoiler, it doesn't have any information about the plot, only before and after, but… just in case…
The delegation was sent to Tanzanite for one purpose only. Really. Just one. Find out the reason for the creation of the alliance.
And what are Sariel and Belle talking about when they get back? About their adventures, about the goods in local shops (including the gifts they brought with them). They weren't on vacation! This is not some kind of family reunion!
(exasperated sigh)
As a very loyal servant, first thing that Sariel has to say, "I'm sorry, my king, I didn't complete the task you gave me". But no… he didn't say that! Yes, a little later there was a scene where Sariel talks to Leon one-on-one, but it wasn't shown, it was behind a black screen. I belive it was about Sariel's past (judging by what was in the epilogue).
I'm just a little annoyed that they didn't even think about it.
I need to find a picture… a moment…
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Yes, Gilly-bee, they really truely forgot about the deal with you… (shaking head) Fools indeed.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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dendrochilums · 1 year ago
after finishing the books, have you found yourself wishing that you could immerse yourself in three hundred thousand words of fanfic so deliciously written and so masterfully constructed that you will NOT be able to stop thinking about it, ever? then i have GREAT NEWS FOR YOU:
NULLverse: The Bot-Construct Disaster Squad by @blessphemy
this series is a canon-divergence AU from the moment in Exit Strategy when Murderbot narrowly escapes the clutches of the Combat SecUnit it's fighting. In this AU, it is captured by Palisade (the security company running that whole showdown), experimented on, and forced into death matches with that very same CSU. That's the premise of the first installment! I'll tell you for free that they escape.
What follows is a few hundred thousand of the most riveting words I have ever read, an incredibly carefully woven story following murderbot and the machine intelligences and humans that it meets on its journey. note that this series does NOT closely follow canon--all the same characters will come back one way or another (with the addition of the CSU as the most delightful and deranged technically-canon OC you will ever see) (plus you will get LOTS more ART screentime), but it does not retread the path of the canon series. i truly cannot overstate how FRESH, CREATIVE, and UNIQUE this AU is.
To quote the series description on AO3: Consider this series if you like: feral shit, disaster, continuity of identity+memory, societies of people with divergent needs/wants, chaos, robot creation ethics, violence vs security, suffering, healing, bad puns.
there is no murderbot shipping here. there are a few short installments with some robo brain sex involving other characters, but those are also designed to be skippable if that's not your jam
I'm making this post because this series is STILL updating and the latest chapter was possibly the greatest thing I have ever read. It has filled my mind with electricity in the most fireworks way possible. The payoff you will get for reading this series is exquisite, and you will have so much fun along the way. Come join us!! Weekly updates await you if you catch up before the latest installment is complete.
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magic-shop-stories · 1 month ago
Hey, this might be a little out there, so feel free to ignore it if it’s too much, but I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your writing and I’m so grateful for all the stories you share! Thank you so much for all the inspiration!
So here’s my request:
I’d love to read a fantasy AU where BTS are immortal guardians of the cosmos, each tied to a different constellation. Their soulmates are mortals who have a starfragment embedded in their palm.
Imagine this: Jungkook, the mysterious guardian of the Orion Nebula, falls for a human astronomer who’s spent her life studying his stars—only to realize she’s his destined soulmate. But as her starfragment starts to fade he defies celestial laws and shares his immortality with her, unknowingly setting off a chain reaction that could destroy both of their worlds, causing a cosmic disaster.
It’s a little wild, but I think it would make for an epic story!
Hi there! ✨️
First of all, THANK YOU so much for your kind words and for trusting me with such a unique and creative idea! Your request was absolutely NOT too much—in fact, it was such a joy to write! I loved diving into this cosmic fantasy world and exploring the dynamic between Jungkook and Lyra (I guess I'm not very creative choosing names), with all the celestial drama, angst, and fluff that came with it. The concept of immortal guardians, star fragments, and forbidden love was so inspiring...
I hope the story I wrote captured the epic, emotional, and otherworldly vibe you were imagining! If there’s anything you’d like adjusted or expanded, just let me know—I’m always happy to tweak things to make it perfect for you.
Thank you again for such a creative and heartfelt request. It was truly a pleasure to bring your vision to life! ✨️💜
Nebula's Requiem
↳ Jungkook x f!OC Lyra (Soulmates); Fantasy AU, Angst with Fluff, Cosmic Romance
Rating: G maybe T (I'm bad at this and read too much stuff when I was too young so you better don't trust me)
Word Count: ~ 4k
Genre: BTS AU, Cosmic Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mythic Romance, Action, Found Family, Epic Battle, Emotional Whump
Warnings: Intense action sequences, strong language, near-death experiences, existential horror, celestial body destruction, transformation trauma, godly devotion, cryptic foreshadowing.
Pairings: Jungkook × f!OC (Lyra) – Godlike Devotion, Fated Bond, Mythic Romance
Featuring: Taehyung as the chaotic Pleiades guardian, Yoongi as the stoic black hole keeper, and Jimin as the dazzling Andromeda protector. Celestial warlords, space-time anomalies, divine power struggles, supernova awakenings, galaxy-shattering battles, sarcastic Yoongi wisdom, Taehyung’s chaotic brilliance, Jimin’s flamboyant mischief, and Jungkook as a relentless force of cosmic love.
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The abandoned Seoul observatory crouched atop its hill like a skeletal beast, its domed roof long stripped of copper, its telescopes rusted sentinels pointing blindly at the sky. Dr. Lyra Han’s boots crunched over shattered glass as she navigated the decay, her breath crystallizing in the subzero air. She came here every new moon, when light pollution dimmed enough to glimpse the truth—the Orion Nebula, bleeding crimson and gold through the observatory’s fractured dome. Tonight, its glow pulsed like a wounded heart.
Her gloved hand trembled as she adjusted the radio telescope, its gears shrieking in protest. Static crackled through her headphones, then...
...not her own.
Lyra froze. The frequency wasn’t hers. It wasn’t human. The voice wove through the static like smoke, low and resonant, speaking in no language yet understood by her bones. She’d heard it for months now, always when the nebula swelled brightest. Tonight, she’d record it. Prove she wasn’t hallucinating.
“Just… a few more adjustments,” she muttered, scribbling equations on the frosted windowpane with a half-frozen marker. Her breath fogged the glass, her left palm—always unnaturally warm—pressed against it for stability. The star-shaped scar there itched, as it did whenever the nebula flared.
Jungkook had not risen from his throne in three mortal decades.
Why would he? His realm was a graveyard. The Orion Nebula coiled around him, its once-vibrant gases now sluggish and dim, chained to his obsidian throne by filaments of dying light. His brethren called it a cage, and he its warden. They did not know it was his penitence.
But her voice...
It pierced the silence like a comet. Crackling through the radio waves, soft and stubborn, a mortal woman dissecting his prison with equations sharper than celestial steel.
“The Orion Nebula isn’t just a nursery for stars,” she’d murmured weeks ago, her words etching themselves into the throne’s armrests. “It’s a requiem. Something here is… grieving.”
Jungkook’s hand spasmed, fracturing the throne’s arm. Grieving. Grieving. How dare she...
He materialized in her realm in a storm of nebula dust.
Lyra didn’t hear him arrive.
She felt it.
The air thickened, tasting of ozone and burnt cinnamon. The radio static sharpened into a scream, then silence. When she turned, he stood haloed in the nebula’s bloody light—a figure carved from shadow and starfire.
His skin was not skin but a living tapestry of constellations, their patterns shifting like restless serpents beneath the surface. Hair as black as event horizons fell to his waist, threaded with filaments of gold that pulsed in time with the scar on her palm. His eyes—gods, his eyes—were twin supernovae, white-hot cores ringed with dying stars.
He wore armor forged from the remnants of collapsed suns, jagged and iridescent, and a cloak that billowed not with wind but with the gravitational pull of unseen worlds.
Lyra stumbled back, her hip striking the telescope’s edge. Hallucination. Sleep deprivation. Hypothermia. Her scientific mantras dissolved as he spoke.
“You are wrong.”
His voice was the death rattle of a star—a basso profundo that vibrated her teeth, layered with echoes of a thousand collapsing worlds. The observatory trembled, dust raining from the ceiling.
Lyra’s gloves slipped as she gripped the windowsill. “Wh-what—”
“It is not a requiem.” He glided forward, boots leaving scorch marks on the rotting floorboards. The nebula’s light bent around him, as though spacetime itself recoiled. “It is a cage.”
Her scar burned. She ripped off her glove without thinking.
The starfragment embedded in her palm—a shard of cobalt light she’d borne since birth—flared violently. Jungkook froze.
“You.” The supernovae in his eyes dimmed to embers. “You carry… my sorrow.”
Lyra’s knees buckled. The scar was reacting, tendrils of light snaking up her wrist. “What are you?!”
He did not answer. His armored hand hovered over hers, close enough that her skin blistered from the heat. The starfragment screamed—a sound only she could hear—and suddenly, she saw
A throne of blackened starlight.
Jungkook, younger but no less ancient, weeping diamonds as he shattered a star with bare hands.
A nebula screaming as chains of light cinched around its heart.
Her own infant fist, closing around a shard of celestial debris.
A voice -his voice- howling across the cosmos: “Forgive me "
Lyra wrenched back, gasping. “N-no. This isn’t—I don’t—”
Jungkook’s face contorted, the constellations beneath his skin roiling like storm clouds. “You should not see. You should not be."
“Be what?!”
The admission detonated between them. The radio telescope exploded in a shower of sparks. Lyra screamed, shielding her face, but when the debris cleared...
He was gone.
Only the scar’s afterglow remained, throbbing in time with the nebula’s wounded pulse.
Lyra’s apartment was a cathedral of chaos. Star charts papered the walls, equations scrawled in red ink bleeding over coffee stains. Her telescope pointed defiantly at the boarded-up window, and her kitchen—now a warzone of half-empty ramyeon cups—still smoldered from Jungkook’s abrupt departure. She’d spent hours scrubbing scorch marks from the floor, her starfragment throbbing like a second heartbeat.
It’s not real, she told herself, scalding her tongue on bitter tea. A stress-induced hallucination. Sleep deprivation.
Then the ceiling screamed.
The black hole tore through her apartment like divine vandalism.
One moment, Lyra was glaring at her starfragment—now dimmer, smaller —and the next, spacetime itself ruptured above her stove. The air curdled, condensing into a singularity no wider than a dinner plate, yet radiating gravitational malice. Dishes levitated, her textbooks shredded into confetti, and the microwave imploded with a metallic shriek.
From the void emerged a figure wreathed in dying starlight.
Taehyung, Guardian of the Pleiades, tumbled onto her linoleum floor in a cascade of supernova debris. His cloak—woven not from feathers but from the souls of extinct stars—billowed with phantom winds, its fabric shimmering with the trapped light of a thousand dead galaxies. His hair, a nebula incarnate, shifted from violet to ultraviolet as he laughed, shaking comet dust from his brow.
“Apologies for the mess, mortal!” His voice was a symphony of chaos, notes clashing like colliding asteroids. “Black hole shortcuts are… unrefined.”
Lyra staggered back, her spine hitting the fridge. Another hallucination. Worse this time.
But the stranger’s eyes pinned her—one pupil a spiraling galaxy, the other a pulsing quasar. His grin sharpened. “Ah. You’re the reason Kookie’s been moping for eons.”
Jungkook materialized in a supernova’s afterglow, his armor crackling with contained fury. “Taehyung.”
The Pleiades guardian waved a hand, and Lyra’s toaster erupted into a miniature supernova. “Miss me, Orion?”
“You violate celestial law.” Jungkook’s throne-scarred hands flexed, nebulae churning in his palms. “The mortal realm is forbidden.”
“Says the god who branded his soulmate.” Taehyung flicked a finger, and the floating ramyeon cups aligned into a scale model of the Solar System. “Adorable, isn’t she? All fragile bones and borrowed time.”
Lyra’s breath hitched. “Soulmate?”
Jungkook’s gaze snapped to her—a supernova’s glare. “Silence."
“Oh, let’s not.” Taehyung levitated onto her countertop, legs swinging like a child’s. His boots were soled with dying white dwarfs, their light leaching into her tiles. “See, darling, that pretty shard in your palm?” He pointed to her starfragment, now flickering erratically. “It’s a piece of his prison. Which means...”
“Enough.” Jungkook lunged, but Taehyung dissolved into stardust, reappearing behind Lyra.
“...you’re bound to his suffering. And dying because of it.”
Lyra’s vision tunneled. The room tilted.
Taehyung’s hand—cold as the interstellar void—closed over her wrist. Her starfragment screamed, projecting holograms of Jungkook’s throne, the nebula’s chains, her own infant face bathed in celestial fire.
“Your mortal coil can’t contain cosmic grief,” Taehyung murmured, almost gentle. “His sorrow is killing you.”
Jungkook stood frozen, his constellation-kissed skin gone ashen. The Pleiades guardian laughed bitterly.
“Look at him! The mighty Orion, who shattered stars to build his cage. Now he’d let you die to keep his hands clean.”
Lyra wrenched free, her scar searing. “Stop—stop talking like I’m not here”
Taehyung tilted his head. Jungkook’s fists clenched, neutronium armor groaning.
“You… feel nothing?” The Pleiades guardian drifted closer, galaxies swirling in his irises. “No cosmic pull? No recognition?”
Her laugh bordered on hysterical. “I’m a radio astronomer who hallucinates gods! What do you want me to..."
Jungkook moved.
One heartbeat, he stood across the room. The next, his hand—incandescent with dying stars—cradled her jaw.
“Look,” he commanded.
And she saw.
Scenes flashed...
A younger Jungkook, golden and laughing, weaving nebulae with Taehyung.
A council of gods sentencing him for crimes unnamed.
His hands, trembling as he carves a shard from his own nebula.
A newborn’s cry—Lyra’s first breath—as the starfragment grafts to her soul.
Centuries of watching, yearning, as her mortal life flickers like a guttering candle.
Lyra recoiled, tears boiling as they fell. “You… stole part of your prison. Put it in me. Why?”
Jungkook’s hand fell. "To remember.”
“To remember what?”
“That destruction is not all I am.”
Taehyung snorted. “Poetic. Now fix it.” He tossed Jungkook a jar brimming with stolen galaxy cores—primordial energy sources banned by celestial decree. “Share your immortality. Break the bond.”
Jungkook stared at the cores, their light refracting in his eyes. "The cost...”
“...is worth paying.” Taehyung’s levity vanished. “Or would you let her die a martyr to your pride?”
Lyra’s knees gave out. She slid down the fridge, staring at her dimming starfragment. “I’m… really dying?”
Jungkook’s silence was the answer that shattered her world.
The Cosmic Vault existed outside spacetime, a fortress carved into the ergosphere of a rotating black hole. Its walls were forged from quantum paradoxes—every step Lyra took fractured into infinite possibilities. To her left, a version of herself aged into dust. To her right, she became a god. Jungkook gripped her elbow, anchoring her to the present.
“Do not look. Do not think.” His voice was strained, the constellations beneath his skin fraying at the edges. "Mortals unravel here.”
“Too late,” Lyra muttered, her starfragment pulsing like a Geiger counter. The vault’s aura reeked of static and forgotten graves.
Taehyung materialized ahead, juggling three miniature neutron stars. “Remind me why I'm the distraction?”
“Because you’re expendable,” Yoongi said, emerging from the shadows like a wraith.
Yoongi, Guardian of Black Holes, was a study in controlled annihilation.
His armor was simpler than Jungkook’s—obsidian plates smoothed by aeons of gravitational erosion, their surface devouring light. His eyes, hidden behind visors of collapsed spacetime, glowed faintly with Hawking radiation. The gauntlets on his hands were twin singularities, humming with entropy.
“This,” Yoongi said, activating his gauntlets, “is why I hate poets.” The black holes whirred, unraveling the vault’s lock—a mechanism built from contradictions. “Sharing immortality? Might as well piss on the laws of thermodynamics.”
Lyra frowned. “But you’re helping.”
Yoongi didn’t glance up. “Taehyung owes me five hundred supermassive black holes. And Jungkook…” His gauntlets sparked, fracturing reality. “…deserves a second chance. Even if he’s an idiot.”
Jungkook’s jaw tightened but he said nothing.
The vault door split with a scream.
Inside, the Font of Eternity churned—a liquid star contained within a cage of gravitational ropes. Its light was alive, lashing against the bonds like a caged animal. The air thrummed with the screams of every mortal who’d ever begged for forever.
Lyra gagged. “It’s… sentient?”
“It is a compacted timeline,”Jungkook said, stepping forward. “Every drop contains a million potential eternities.”
Yoongi crossed his arms. “Touch it, and those eternities become your problem. You ready to babysit entropy, princess?”
“Don’t call me...”
“...Focus,” Jungkook snapped. He unsheathed his dagger, its blade forged from the last light of a dying universe. “The bond must be severed at the quantum level. Lyra—your hand.”
She hesitated. The scar ached, whispering of Jungkook’s grief, his rage, his regret.
“What happens to you?”
“Liar,” Yoongi muttered.
Taehyung’s voice crackled through their comms a nebula fragment stuck in Lyra’s ear. “Enforcer drones incoming! Kindly hurry with the cosmic felony!”
Jungkook sliced his palm, letting godblood—thick and iridescent—drip into the Font. The liquid star hissed, morphing into a vortex of screaming faces.
“Now,” he ordered.
Lyra pressed her starfragment to the Font. Agony erupted—a supernova in her veins. The scar unfolded, tendrils of light fusing with the liquid eternity.
Yoongi cursed. “Her mortal frame can’t stabilize the merge! Jungkook, you idiot...”
“Hold. Steady.”Jungkook gripped Lyra’s shoulders, his eyes bleeding starlight. “You are not small. You are infinite!"
The Font erupted.
Lyra’s scream echoed through paradox walls.
Her body flickered—mortal, immortal,
other. The vault trembled, quantum walls fracturing. Yoongi swore, black holes flaring as he fought to stabilize reality.
“Get her out!” he roared.
Jungkook reached for her, but the Font’s chains snapped. Liquid eternity flooded the vault, birthing and erasing civilizations in its wake.
Taehyung’s voice cut through the chaos. “Incoming Enforcers! And—oh hell—is that a class-9 supernova?!”
Lyra glimpsed it then—a detonation wave rippling through the cosmic fabric. Her starfragment ignited.
He tackled her as the vault imploded.
The asteroid belt was a graveyard of dead planets, its debris field stretching into infinity—jagged rock and ice glinting under the faint glow of a dying star. Lyra’s breath fogged her helmet visor, her body tethered to Jungkook’s by a cord of braided starlight. Behind them, the Celestial Enforcers’ warships loomed like steel leviathans, their hulls etched with runes of obliteration.
“Stay close,” Jungkook ordered, his voice fraying at the edges. The nebula in his veins pulsed erratically, dimmed by the Font’s backlash.
Lyra gripped his armored forearm. “Why? Because you’ll vaporize me if I wander?”
His jaw tensed. “Because I cannot lose you again.”
The words hung between them, charged and fragile. Then...
A missile of condensed dark matter struck their flank.
Lyra’s tether snapped. She spun into the void, the Enforcers’ gravity nets closing in. Jungkook roared, diving after her, but the second missile detonated inside his chest.
The supernova ignited.
Lyra caught him.
Or he caught her.
Their lips met in the electric silence between explosions.
Jungkook’s kiss was superheated plasma, a fusion reactor contained in flesh. Lyra’s tasted of stolen stardust and mortal defiance. For a heartbeat, the cosmos stilled...
Then her starfragment detonated.
The shockwave tore through the asteroid belt, vaporizing rocks into primordial dust. Lyra’s scream crystallized into a symphony of creation as light birthed from her scar—a supernova contained in a mortal shell.
Jungkook shielded her with his body, his armor disintegrating. “Lyra—control it...”
“I can’t...”
“...You must.” His eyes bled starlight, hands cupping her face. “You are not destruction. You are dawn.”
Yoongi materialized in a maelstrom of fury, black hole gauntlets devouring Enforcer drones. “ROMANCE IS CATASTROPHIC!” He annihilated a moon-sized asteroid, its fragments forming a temporary shield. “Jungkook! Contain your apocalyptic girlfriend!”
Lyra, half-blind with supernova energy, stumbled into a floating debris field. Her veins glowed like magma fissures, every exhale scattering starseed.
“Darling! Catch!”
Jimin’s voice. Then—weapons.
The Andromeda Stardust Nunchucks spun toward her, each chain forged from the galaxy’s spiral arms, their handles inlaid with pulsar cores. She grabbed them, and the universe sang.
“Flick the wrist!”Jimin called, his lithe form dancing across an asteroid in robes of living auroras. “Stardust is a language—speak it!”
Lyra swung. The nunchucks left comet trails, their impact rippling spacetime. A meteor shattered into glittering sapphire shards.
“Jealous?!” she taunted Yoongi, dodging an entropy beam.
He atomized a drone with a snarl. “Of what? Your impending supernova-induced death?”
Jungkook fought like a god unshackled.
Nebula tendrils lashed from his fingertips, binding Enforcer ships in cosmic vines. His blood—now liquid starlight—dripped into the void, crystallizing into black-hole daggers. But his gaze never left Lyra, a supernova blazing through her mortal frame.
“Kookie!” Taehyung’s comet skidded to a halt, Pleiades cloak singed. He hurled a galaxy core grenade, its detonation birthing a temporary star. “She’s not dying—she’s evolving!”
Jungkook froze. “What?”
“The starfragment wasn’t a leash—it was a cocoon!” Taehyung ducked an ion blast, grinning manically. “Her mortality was a lie! She’s the universe’s reset button—a primordial supernova!”
Lyra’s nunchucks faltered. Memories flooded her—not hers. Ancient ones...
A cosmos before light.
A council of gods fearing a power that could unmake them.
Her soul, forged in the first supernova, sealed into human flesh.
Jungkook, unknowingly binding her to his heart to protect her.
“No…” She gripped her head, supernova energy scorching her helmet. “I’m not—I’m not human?”
Jungkook reached her as the energy peaked. “You are Lyra.” He tore off her melting visor, forehead pressed to hers. “That is all that matters.”
The Enforcer flagship fired.
Yoongi intercepted the blast.
His black holes collapsed into a singularity shield, muscles straining as spacetime itself screamed. “Hurry!”
Taehyung tossed Lyra a galaxy core. “Take this!”
She swallowed the core.
The supernova erupted and shifted...
Lyra’s scream was not a sound but a rupture —a fissure in the fabric of spacetime that echoed with the agony of dying stars. Her body hovered at the epicenter of her own annihilation, limbs contorted as supernova energy ravaged her mortal shell. Skin crystallized into diamond fractals, hair unraveling into solar flares that scorched the asteroid belt to glass. The Enforcers’ warships disintegrated, their crews reduced to ash-motes singing requiems only she could hear.
Jungkook lunged through the inferno, his nebula armor sloughing off in molten ribbons. Beneath it, his true form flickered—a skeletal constellation, ribs cracked from eons of grief, eyes hollow supernovae. He crashed into her, their bodies skidding across a disintegrating asteroid.
“Lyra!" His voice was raw, bleeding stardust. “Anchor yourself! The power is yours—it does not own you!”
She clawed at her throat, veins pulsing with primordial fire. “It’s—too much...”
“You are more.” He cradled her face, thumbs smearing iridescent tears. “You are the dawn that outshines the dark.”
Their second kiss was not a collision but a symphony.
Jungkook’s lips burned with the desperation of a god who’d forgotten mercy. Lyra’s tasted of supernova ash and human defiance—salt, iron, and the faintest trace of peppermint chapstick. Where their mouths met, reality bloomed.
The supernova imploded.
Then... silence.
A newborn star ignited between them, its core a swirling helix of mortal DNA and celestial fire. Light rippled outward, mending shattered asteroids into delicate rings, repainting the Orion Nebula in hues of amethyst and gold. The Enforcers’ ashes coalesced into butterflies of condensed stardust, their wings whispering apologies as they scattered.
Lyra gasped, her crystallized skin softening into flesh. The starfragment scar now blazed as a constellation across her collarbone—Orion’s belt fused with a supernova’s heart.
“Jungkook…” She stared at the star, their star, orbiting them in lazy spirals. “What did we do?”
He laughed—a sound like nebulas relearning joy. “What you were born to do.”
Taehyung emerged from a supernova’s debris cloud, his Pleiades cloak now mostly scorched. “Dibs on naming the star!” He lobbed a galaxy core at Yoongi, who vaporized it mid-air. “Lyra’s Folly? Jungkook’s Redemption Arc? Sparkles McSparkleface...?”
Yoongi sat atop a black hole singularity, massaging his gauntlet-singed wrist. His visor was cracked, revealing eyes like event horizons—endlessly patient, endlessly exhausted. “Name it ‘Regret’ so I can christen it with your funeral.”
Jimin descended from Andromeda’s spiral arm on a comet, robes billowing with bioluminescent nebulae. His hair shimmered with stolen quasar light, and his smile could’ve jumpstarted dead stars. “A performance worthy of encores!” He tossed Lyra a thermos of liquid starlight. “Drink, darling. Supernova hangovers are brutal..."
Lyra sipped, warmth flooding her veins. “Why does this taste like… ramyeon broth?”
Jimin winked. “Andromeda’s secret recipe.”
Jungkook traced Lyra’s new constellation scar, his touch featherlight. “The council will come for you. For us.”
She leaned into him, their star nestled in her palm like a firefly. “Let them.”
Taehyung snorted. “Oh, they’ll try. But between your apocalyptic snogging and Yoongi’s chronic grumpiness...”
“...I will erase you,” Yoongi said mildly, summoning a black hole.
Lyra laughed, the sound harmonizing with the star’s hum. For the first time, her soul felt aligned—no longer a mortal borrowing time, but a cosmic equation balanced.
Jungkook pressed his forehead to hers, their breaths syncing. “You are stardust and supernova. Mine.”
“Yours,” she agreed. “But not only yours.”
Their star pulsed, casting shadows that danced like promises.
The Orion Nebula no longer wept.
Where chains of dying starlight once strangled its core, new stars now pulsed in rhythmic constellations, their light harmonizing into a symphony that echoed across the cosmos. Jungkook’s throne had been dismantled, its fossilized starlight repurposed into bridges that arched over nebula rivers, their waters singing with the memories of liberated suns.
Lyra walked those bridges often, her boots leaving trails of bioluminescent moss. The supernova tattoo across her collarbone shimmered with every step, its light fractalizing into miniature galaxies that drifted like fireflies. Jungkook trailed behind her, quieter now, his hands weaving stardust into intricate braids for her hair—each one a protective charm, a silent apology, a love letter written in celestial geometry.
“You don’t have to follow me,” she said one dawn-cycle, catching his wrist as he threaded a braid with pulsar beads. “I’m not going to dissolve into supernova debris.”
“I know,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her tattoo. It flared gently, casting his face in cobalt relief. “I follow because I choose."
Taehyung arrived unannounced, as always.
“Housewarming gift!” he declared, dumping a black hole bonsai tree onto Lyra’s dining table. Its event horizon swirled with tiny trapped stars. “Water it with starlight, talk trash about the Cosmic Council, and it’ll bloom into a portal to anywhere!”
Yoongi, nursing a mug of black hole coffee brewed in his singularity kettle, raised an eyebrow. “Or implode the quadrant.”
“Same thing!”
Jimin descended next, trailing Andromeda’s auroras like bridal veils. He gifted Lyra a mirror forged from the newborn star’s light. “For vanity,” he teased, though they all knew its true purpose—to track the Council’s approach.
Lyra caught her reflection: a mortal woman glowing with borrowed divinity, her eyes flecked with supernova remnants.
Not a god. Not human. Something… else.
Peace, Lyra learned, was a fragile nebula.
The Cosmic Council’s warships lurked beyond the galactic rim, their silhouettes blotting out star clusters. Jungkook’s spies brought whispers of tribunals and treason charges, of gods who feared her power—their power.
“Let them come,” Lyra said one night, her tattoo blazing as she stood atop the bridge. The newborn star orbited her like a loyal hound, its light painting Jungkook’s scars in gold. “We’ll turn their verdict into stardust.”
Jungkook’s smile was a rare, slow-blooming thing. “You are… terrifying.”
“You taught me.”
He kissed her then, deep and unhurried, as their star spun protective sigils into the void.
But in quiet moments, Lyra heard it—a dissonant chord in the nebula’s song.
The newborn star flickered when she wasn’t looking, its light dimming to blood-crimson. Strange symbols etched themselves into the bridges, vanishing when Yoongi inspected them. And Taehyung’s bonsai tree? It grew a single obsidian leaf engraved with a warning:
Lyra tucked the leaf into her journal, between sketches of Earth’s moon and Jungkook’s sleeping face. Outside, the nebula sang sweeter, brighter—a lullaby for the calm before the storm.
Jungkook found her there, braiding stardust into her hair. “You should rest.”
She leaned into his touch, her tattoo humming. “Soon.”
Above them, their star pulsed once, twice, as if counting down.
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soudakuwunmoment · 1 year ago
About Dirk's role in the downfall of DirkJake
I mentioned recently in a post that I don't like DirkJake as much as I used to, and credited that to how Jake treated Dirk before they broke up. I know it's far more popular to say the breakup was Dirk's fault, but I'm here to add my perspective, because I truly don't think this is entirely the case.
Disclaimer, I am BIASED AS SHIT. I LOVE Dirk as a character, I relate to him on many levels, and his breakup with Jake is one of those levels. I was in Dirk's place a few years ago in a near identical situation, with a partner who was dissatisfied with our relationship and refused to tell me, while simultaneously distancing from me in a way which was incredibly unhealthy. I don't hold it against him now, and neither do I hold it against Jake. Both were teenagers. Immature and scared. However, while this gives me bias, I also think it gives me a unique perspective and experience in this exact situation. I think I have a place discussing this.
So, where to start? Well, first of all, let's establish what the issue was and how it led to the breakup.
After the time skip, we see that Jake is frustrated with how clingy and overbearing Dirk is being. He is overwhelmed by the intensity of the relationship, but is too scared to say anything because he doesn't want to upset Dirk or put them on bad terms. After all, Jake DOES love Dirk, despite what many people think. Having issues with your partner does not automatically mean you don't love them. In response to Jake's distant behavior, Dirk tries especially hard to impress him, make him happy. Dirk is anxious; he has been lonely his whole life, and has loved Jake for 3 years at that point. He is finally physically close with someone who he loves and is having his feelings returned. But now he senses that he might lose that. Dirk is VERY proactive about his problems, and is notoriously a chronic overthinker. So, Dirk attempts to "mend" things. He offers adventures and treasure and tombs; Jakes favorite things. Jake doesn't see Dirk's intentions and is oblivious to how anxious he is. He doesn't read behind the lines and therefore comes to the conclusion that Dirk has just been far too clingy lately. And so, we have a vicious situation. Jake's reaction to Dirk's clinginess is to hide, and Dirk's reaction to Jake's distance is to overcompensate and be more affectionate. It's a cycle that only gets worse the longer it's left unchecked.
So how can this be solved? Communication, obviously. It's the key to healthy relationships. I feel very strongly about that.
Both parties could do to communicate their exact thoughts, but in reality, Jake is more at fault. Sure, it would help if Dirk were to express specifically that he is anxious about the relationship and that's why he's being more clingy. But realistically, Does Dirk know that? Is he self aware enough of his actions? He never makes it clear whether he is. And him saying this to Jake, while it would help, it would only get them so far. The responsibility ends up on Jake. After all, Jake is fully aware of the reason for his behavior, we KNOW this. He tells us why he is doing what he's doing. And if he were to express this to Dirk, it would not only soothe his anxiety ("I see, so Jake isn't avoiding me because he doesn't love me/there's something wrong with me") but it would also spark a conversation about what to do about their situation. Perhaps a "I will give you the space you need so long as you don't become too distant/spend time with me" from Dirk, or an "I will spend more time with you so long as you respect my wishes when I wish to be alone" from Jake. But no, they can't have this conversation, specifically because Dirk does not know WHY Jake is becoming distant. Yes, Dirk DOES know Jake wants space. He is aware of this. But he does not know WHY. This is why he is anxious; he thinks it's because of his own personality or because he is a burden or because he is "toxic" as he often describes himself. And as long as Dirk is anxious, he will become "aggressive" in his clinginess. Sure, you could say this is a negative trait of his, but it can be avoided with communication, VERY easily.
You can say the breakup is Dirks fault all you want, and yes, he plays a role. But my opinion is that if either of them were to be considered a victim of the other, Dirk was the one who suffered more as a result of Jake's refusal to communicate.
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serenityhime1 · 7 months ago
Reflections Commentary and Q&A
I'm going to put a cut below to avoid spoliers for anyone who doesn't want them, but I'm going to answer some questions that I was asked about Reflections and share a little commentary. Please feel free to ask further questions if you would like!
I am truly overwhelmed with the support I got for writing Reflections. It was a fun idea I had to write two stories that started in the same place but diverged due to a single change, and the way that played out in telling two different stories. It was important to me that chapters updated simultaneously to give the reader the experience of seeing both stories at the same time, rather than read one story and then the other in their entirety, because it was about how things were different moment-to-moment rather than telling two stories that started with the same premise.
Writing these stories was an exercise in patience as I went back and forth between stories to confirm details and make sure everything was in the right place and the right time. It was only 10 chapters, but definitely felt like the 20 chapters it actually was. Both stories together were over 80k words!
I didn't think anyone would really care too much, but it was well-received and I am incredibly appreciative. It was a strange creative project that was just meant to explore the way we tell stories, but people enjoyed the stories, too, and that means a lot. Anyways, questions below the cut!
@loverinthesnow asked:
Hi! Reflections was such a pleasure to read. I’m going to miss Bulma and Vegeta so much! My question for you: did Vegeta make any choices in the few weeks before each version of the fic that may have influenced the very beginning of the story?
Thank you for the kind words! Vegeta did a lot of self-reflection before the story started. At the time the story picked up, he'd been single for a few months and spending a lot of time thinking about what he wanted out of life, and out of a relationship. It takes time to unwind a lot of the damage an abusive partner can do to you.
Fortunately a lot of that self-reflection led him to a place where he was at least appreciative of the loud, beautiful woman he kept running into at the coffee shop, but he couldn't quite bring himself to talk to her. In a lot of ways it felt too soon, and too late. In one story he accidentally finds a way to start a conversation, and it takes him by surprise. In the other story, he makes a realization and uses his knowledge to his advantage to get her to start the conversation.
It's a little manipulative, perhaps, but it works!
@vegetasmyheart asked:
Reflection was a unique experience. Thank you for sharing your creativity. I was just curious if you prefer one version over the other?
First of all, how dare you ask if I have a favorite child, and the answer is yes of course I have a favorite child. I'm kidding of course! I'd say that taken on their surface I prefer Chiral, because I like a good, confident Bulma who goes after what she wants and gets it. She inspires the best in her partner, and even though she makes mistakes she navigates those with aplomb and we love her for it.
Taken together though, and in the spirit of the project, I really love Achiral. There was a long stretch where people felt like I (or the universe) was a little harsh on Achiral Bulma, but I think that it's important to recognize that insecurity is something we all deal with, and vulnerability is not a bad thing. I definitely don't see Achiral as the "bad" storyline - Bulma and Vegeta get together at almost the same time and they have sex there first, and it's wildly passionate. Perhaps it's a little less emotionally grounded, but we get to see over time that develops just as it did in Chiral.
I also had someone mention they were a little concerned about Krillin living with Roshi, and while I reassured them I just want to reassure all of you that Roshi, while an utter creep to women, is also weirdly progressive and therefore not interested in Krillin at all (since he's a man).
Thank you all for the kind words, loving comments, and questions. I am so glad I got the chance to work on this and had so many people who were invested in it. I appreciate it more than words can say <3
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lola-theshowgrl · 3 months ago
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"For The Wolf" by Hannah Whitten 4/5 ***
In all honesty, this book wasn't at all what I was expecting, and that's no bad thing. From the title, the bio, and various things I'd seen and heard about it, I'd expected a fantasy re-telling of 'Little Red Riding Hood', and while there are a few nods to this fairytale, it really isn't that at all. 
I found the story to be much better than a re-telling, with lots of interesting ideas and classic tropes that people who love the genre enjoy. The premise is an interesting one, and I found the magic system and descriptions of Red's experiences with it very compelling. The characters all had very unique voices, clear goals, and the setting was dark and rich with beauty and intrigue. 
I enjoyed the dynamic between Red and Eammon, the way their own relationship became something very sweet and tender in the end. Both characters are so intriguing even on their own, full of vibrant intricacies, secrets, and in the end a deep, genuine care for one another that I really appreciated. I do feel like the actual romance went from 0 to 100 - there didn't seem to be much between them except for a mutual regard and some vague allusions to attraction on Red's part, and if the book had been longer I think it could have made for a beautiful slow-burn.
As it was, I didn't mind the suddenness of their romance, because they genuinely were lovely together once they did get together, and it was fairly obvious that was where things were going to go from the beginning, but only narratively rather than from any interactions between the characters, I felt. I suppose I just wish they could have had a bit more room and time to actually grow into that, rather than the sort-of-attraction tempered with caution from both parties, suddenly turning into love. 
I admit, I found Neve a little difficult to care about, and I mostly skimmed over the 'Valleydean Interlude' chapters, but she was still a good character and I'm interested in reading her story in the sequel - perhaps it will change my opinion of her. I suppose it was a bit difficult to focus on what Neve was doing when she was being manipulated into such an obvious trap, all the while Red's own story had me itching to see more. That said, as much as anything it's definitely a story about the complex relationship between two sisters with wildly different fates and personalities, and that's always a theme that yields interesting ideas and outcomes, so I truly am looking forward to sitting down with the follow up.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book. The world-building was solid and clear, the action sequences were gripping, and the characters and plot pulled me right into The Wilderwood with Red as she navigated her way through all the dangers, secrets, and magic. The writing itself was lovely as well, the author flexing some extremely lyrical prose that I particularly enjoyed from a technical standpoint. I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone with a love of enchanted forests, dark curses, fairytale tropes, and sweet romance. 
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ferret-the-overseer · 4 months ago
since everything’s so shit right now (part 2)
So, I’m a writer. Some of y'all may know this (I’m looking at you all three of my followers who are also mutuals) (props to that one person who follows me who may or may not be a bot bc they’ve never posted or reblogged anything) (they’re probably a bot, anyway).
I went through a rough time about two years ago. I got through it when I met someone who brightened my life to a degree I had never thought possible. When I lost that person a few months ago, I managed to pick myself up recently. And I’m doing better now. But the important thing about the last two and a half years of my life is that no matter how it was going…
It got better.
I wrote my way through it.
Some of these things I wrote seemed very personal at the time, and some of them still are. But I think the most important thing about writing is sharing it with others. If you write anything no matter how “good” you think it is, it will mean something to someone else. To write is to create something in a truly unique way, something that could never come from anyone else. Share your writing. You never know how it will change someone’s life. Maybe it’s a small change, and they just have a moment of laughing or smiling. Maybe that's the first time they laughed or smiled in days, weeks, months. Maybe it was a bigger change, and they connected with what you wrote on a deeper level.
Maybe you saved their life.
Who knows.
But everyone experiences things. Sometimes the things are bad. Sometimes they’re good. It happens. We push through.
All that being said, I’m going to post some of these things I wrote. These are all true, all things that came from my mind as a result of my life. Some of them are thoughtful, some of them are dumb. Some of them are small, some of them are tedious. Maybe they’ll change someone’s life. Maybe no one will read them. I don’t know. But I created these things, and it is a privilege to be able to share them.
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4dkellysworld · 1 year ago
Lol even when you have $billions the excitement goes away, eventually. Sure one can curate a cute illusory life. Cap off the illusions with love. But the only thing that matters to me is reaching myself in eternity...there's simply no rush to experience the fulfillment of illusory desires. They'll happen, this is eternity...with yourself aware of who you truly are...it becomes a loving curation...
Idk that's my response to that anon, there is simply no rush and that's okay. Why exist in an illusion when we can know ourselves fully. Your series of moments and experiences can be curated in any which way "you want" lol. It's simple. Desires are nothing and something...they were created by the self...but they have no authority...just media to have fun with
Right, and I'm sure even billionaires have their own unique billionaire problems in this illusion, are they *truly* free? They are still subject to the limitations of the body-mind even if they have less limitations than the average man because of their wealth. None of that will even matter once that body dies either.
I think the desire and drive to know ones true Self becomes more and more appealing the more disillusioned you become from the material life, when you realize that it can never give you true lasting happiness. There is nothing I care more than knowing and being my true self deeply and completely.
You should think about "Who am I?" The mundane life is like a treadmill. It may go round and round, but still you are in the same place. Please do not live this mundane life simply waiting for death. The worst habit is that of mundane worldly life. It is called the "greatest addiction." By force of this addiction to worldly life, Paramatman is made to believe that He is an individual, and is compelled to live a worldly life as if in prison. All bad habits can be dropped, but the addiction to mundane life is the most difficult to drop. People try to strengthen their ties with others by speaking to them respectfully and congratulating each other over small things. People compete with each other for earning more honors and status. In this way, they feel that they are happy in life. They act as if this is a respectable bad habit. The "God of Death" is happy to give you many kinds of bodies and various troubles. Give up the sense of "mine." Know that the body is your enemy. Very few are those who have truly understood. Only those who are lucky enough to receive the blessings of the Guru, who is the Self, can escape from this Illusion by right efforts. All others are bound to the treadmill of life in various incarnations, and they make houses of bodies of various shapes and duration. from Chapter 41. Give Up the Addiction to Mundane Worldly Life - Master of Self Realization by Siddharameshwar Maharaj
And there is nothing to desire once you know yourself as everything, there is no need to desire when everything is you and yours. Only you must know who you truly are first.
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months ago
oh and you don't have to this post obvs but even macfrogs post contained points that were blatantly rooted in ageism. What do you mean the fandom is mostly twenty year olds? Do you not see the other groups that are thirsting after this man? I personally see a ton of "older" women and some men in this fandom. What do mean that personality traits like being frivolous are limited to twenty year olds? I wasn't aware that your personality completely changed at midnight on your 30th birthday. That response while well intended proved the OPs point by being ageist.
All the OP was asking for was writers to either show a 🌟little bit of respect 🌟 for older readers or simply leave them be.
Why is it so wrong to say stop with this don't worry this 30 year old doesn't have wrinkles so she's actually pretty (a real authors note btw) nonsense.
Because if it's fine you and other people to respond to OP, it should be fine fot her to express her opinion
Hi again!
When it came to the fandom age comments, that’s largely been my experience in this fandom. The vast majority of fandom spaces I’m in, I am one of the oldest if not the oldest one there at 34-years-old. That’s OK! At least in the spaces I’m in, no one is ever unkind about it, it just means I spend a lot of time on discord with people 10 years younger than me lol I don’t think the fandom is ENTIRELY young people but, by and large, most of the people I encounter here are in their 20s. Maybe I’m just in odd spaces, but that statement just seemed factual to me.
While I don’t think being frivolous specifically is limited to your 20s, I’m a very different person now than I was when I was in my 20s. That’s a good thing IMO! A lot of my interests are the same but my priorities have greatly shifted in the last 10 years because I’m at a different stage in my life. When I was 21, I remember feeling so stressed and anxious about going on a camping trip with friends and whether or not I could skip it because I was broke and still be a core part of the friend group. At 34, it’s a very different calculus because fitting in with a friend group just isn’t my number one priority now. I know myself better because I’ve had time to explore who I am as a fully realized person. In my 20s, I was still figuring that out. That period of time where you’re coming into your own, truly discovering what you want out of life and how you’re going to get it IS a unique time in my experience! I get the fantasy of wanting an older, wiser person (who also happens to be hot and great in bed) there to help you navigate it. Even though I rarely read fics where the age gap is the point (it’s just not my thing - and that’s OK!) I definitely understand the appeal.
I do agree that, if you’re going to write an older reader you should just write an older reader. Maybe I’ve just gotten lucky and not encountered content like that but, even if I did, I’d just roll my (ancient, 34-year-old) eyes, assume it was written by a 19-year-old who would know better in a few years, and move along. That teenaged creator isn’t going to change the way society views women, all that will be accomplished is making some random person online feel bad or dig in their heels even more. I think we can have these conversations (and should have these conversations) without throwing creators under the bus.
Sorry this was so long! Again, I hope it helps shed some light on my thoughts 😊
Thanks for reaching out!!
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year ago
TOMORROW X TOGETHER Unpack the “Story of Growth” in New Album The Name Chapter: FREEFALL
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"I thought about how far we’ve come," says Beomgyu
In the music video for TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s new single, “Chasing That Feeling,” Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai quite literally crash-land back on earth. It’s an apt visual for the focus track off their latest project, The Name Chapter: FREEFALL, which brings the boys back to reality after their spring EPfeatured a dreamy stint in a Neverland setting.
While TXT’s discography has explored young love and other narratives, so much of the group’s music hovers around themes of growing up in an increasingly complicated world. “We want to talk about the experiences that are unique to our generation,” Hueningkai tells Consequence. The Name Chapter: FREEFALL is the group’s first LP in over two years, and their longest collection of new music since 2021’s The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE. There are a few new angles to this project — a harder commitment to rock along with playing around with Jersey club hallmarks — but it’s a TOMORROW X TOGETHER project through and through.
“Happily Ever After,” like 2021’s “Ice Cream,”sounds bright but contains more serious themes in the lyrics . There’s also a song dedicated specifically from the members to their beloved fan base, MOA, titled “Blue Spring.” With more lyrical contributions than ever before from the members themselves, it’s exciting seeing TXT continue to develop as artists and creatives, and Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai are back to reflect on the process. Read the full interview with the members below, and catch the music video for “Chasing That Feeling.”
I feel like this album goes bigger with ideas you’ve played with before. Where “Good Boy Gone Bad” and “0X1 LOVESONG” played with rock sounds, “Growing Pain” dives all the way in. Meanwhile, “Chasing That Feeling” is straight-up 80s synth. What are some words you guys would use to describe this project as a whole?
Soobin: I’d call it a story of growth. It looks at the growing pains of our generation and picks up where we left off in our previous album. The main backdrop for the previous album was this beautiful but irresponsible Neverland. This album is about leaving this Neverland and facing the real world. Growing pains are inevitable in this process, and we wanted to delve into that in this album.
Yeonjun: I’d say a soundtrack for today’s youth. We wanted to talk about the courage and determination of today’s youth to face reality head-on.
I feel like you guys have accomplished so many goals we’ve talked about over the past few years. In 2022, you told me you hoped to perform at bigger venues, and to do well at your first appearance at Lollapalooza. You’ve since crushed a stadium tour, dome concerts in Japan, and headlined Lolla! How does it feel to see those things happen in real time? 
Taehyun: As you said, this year has been a really big year for us with our Lollapalooza headliner set, first U.S. stadium tour, and most recently the “Back For More” (with Anitta) performance at the MTV VMAs. It’s an incredible honor to perform at such iconic venues and events and be able to share our music to connect with a wider audience. I’m very proud of the hard work we put in, but we won’t be able to do this without our fans’ support, so we are truly thankful for them.
To that point, now that you’ve accomplished a few really huge goals, what do some immediate next steps look like for you? What are some smaller goals you have for finishing out 2023?
Hueningkai: The new album is another opportunity for us to connect with MOA, so I just want to enjoy myself and cherish each moment. As it’s our first studio album in a little over two years, we really gave our all into it. I hope that the album resonates with as many people as possible around the world.
I’m obsessed with “Deep Down,” it’s easily my favorite on the album. The synth-pop direction is so fun. Do any of you have special memories from being in the studio, for this song or others on the album?
Beomgyu: It was a lot of fun recording “Deep Down.” “Deep Down” talks about how a “horn,” something that you try to keep hidden, can actually be a crown, or a source of hope that represents who you are. There’s a clear connection to our debut single, “CROWN,” so while recording, I was reminded by those times as a lot of different emotions came to mind. I thought about how far we’ve come, both as individuals as well as artists.
Which song on the record do you feel is the most quintessentially TOMORROW X TOGETHER?
Hueningkai: I’d say “Happily Ever After.” It’s a song about coming to terms with the fact that there are no fairytale endings in reality. And with that realization, instead of giving into despair, you can decide to write your own story. That’s something that we as a group have tried to do with our music over the years. We want to talk about the experiences that are unique to our generation. I’d say that it’s a song that really speaks to our DNA as a group.
I know how much you guys love the song “Blue Spring,” and it’s so different from some of your other songs dedicated to MOA, like “Sweat” or “MOA Diary.” Why do you think the song fit with the concept of The Name Chapter: FREEFALL?
Beomgyu: This album looks at the pain and challenges of reality, but within this reality, there are still magical moments that we share with one another. On “Blue Spring,” we compare our fans to spring that brightens up a blue world. Our fans have always been part of our magical moments that fuel our spirit, so it felt right that this song was included in the album.
I love seeing you all becoming more and more involved with lyric writing with each project. Do any of you have something you’ve learned about your songwriting process during the making of this album that you’d like to share?
Taehyun: I think we have become better at putting our honest thoughts and emotions into our lyrics. This comes as a result of many hours of writing that we put in over the years, but I think it also has to do with the fact that we have become more confident in the kind of message and music we want to share with the world. I hope many people can feel that when they listen to our music.
All five of you wrote for the lyrics in “Blue Spring.” Do you have any dreams of someday sharing an entirely self-written project?
Yeonjun: That’d be amazing. Manifesting that for the future! I do love working with other songwriters. I’m always learning a lot from them. We also feed off each other’s creativity, so it’s an experience I very much enjoy.
Is there anything else we haven’t touched on that you’d like to share?
Soobin: This album talks about reality as it is, which is also reflected in our visuals for the album. We shot the music video for our lead single at Universal Studios, but it looks as if we land somewhere in a real city like New York or London. We wanted to show a world seen without a filter, so I think that’s another element that our fans can enjoy along with the music.
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cinnamontoastcroonch · 1 year ago
carrying on the trend of discussing our shadow knight headcannons as started by @xerith-42 :))
i’m gonna start tweaking here we go. prob will think of more later
- to begin— SKs have a different look to them than most. they tend to have duller hair and skin; paler than their natural tones but in a grey/dead way. this is amplified when in their SK form. additionally, their hair kinda floats while transformed.
- to add on, the actual armor is not really armor. i’ve seen multiple people talk about this— i think it’s like a hardened second skin in a formation similar to armor plating. it flows from them and hardens instantly, almost like blood. when caught of guard, say somebody strikes from behind or something, the armor may activate/materialize in that specific area first, before the response of the entire body’s transformation is triggered.
- the eyes. many people have mentioned this and i even tried to include it in a drawing, but the whites of their eyes turn black in their forms, and their red irises glow. depending on the intensity of power of the shadow knight, the irises will emit a sort of red smoke/aura. additionally, when the form is taken, the scars below the eyes literally rip open. it’s pretty violent and quite painful, although the entire process of taking the form is, so this part goes largely unnoticed by the SK. to bystanders, the blood that spills from them at first gives the illusion of tears of blood.
- back to the armor thing— i also thing the flowing of the armor originates from their death scar and coats the entire body. if that makes sense.
- i think that SKs body temperature is quite the interesting feat. they can typically regulate it, but as the calling onsets it begins harder to tolerate anything cold, as their body begins to prepare itself cruelly for its return to the hellishly hot temperatures of the shadow realm. cruel.
more calling stuff
- the calling is painful. extremely so. it starts as a dull headache. as time passes, the entire body of the shadow knight begins to experience a dull, burning ache. it intensifies and can even become unbearable in the presence of whoever the calling has latched onto. also, if an opportunity arises, such as a knife on a table near them while their back is turned, their hands and head with alight with a unique burning that cannot be cured unless they manage to remove themselves or follow through. each scar will throb as a reminder of their mortality without answering the calling.
- once, when the calling was particularly bad for laurance, this sensation hit him very suddenly. he was with aphmau, discussing important matters, when suddenly his speech was cut short, only a gasping cry managed to creep from his mouth; his eyes simultaneously glowing red. his jaw dropped, and silently, nearly sick with the shock of such pain, he braced one hand on the table and almost fell. he couldn’t speak. he could hardly think, over the ringing in his head and the insistence of the shadow lords mantra in his head to ‘kill her’. his other hand uncontrollably jerked to the hilt of his blade, and he managed one small word to aphmau. “go”. somewhere inside her she knew not to argue, and she exited, despite her fear for his well-being, and promptly informed the nearest (likely vylad) of the current situation. laurance spent the next few hours, alone, huddled on the floor of that study; shaking, sweating, grappling with reality. after that too-close incident, he truly started to distance from the group, becoming entirely terrified of losing himself.
- the SKs also have a sort of hive sense—only activated when something is happening with a portal in the overworld. if one is opened, a panging pain will be felt by the SKs, the intensity of it reflecting the closeness of the portal. usually, this continues as a headache until the portal is shut, or they move far enough from it. this is naturally much worse during the calling, and they will feel an additional pull to the portal.
- adding on, i think it would be interesting if SKs could physically see a certain purple, snaking aura leading to a portal if it is nearby, that no regular, non-SKs can see. this comes in handy if they are searching for the portal, and allows them to direct people precisely if needed.
my take on @adepressedgaydragon ’s doll hc
first off i think this hc is so interesting
- the sort of dissociation that occurs is quite frightening for the SK themselves
- i like to think that this paralyzed state is a way of the shadow lord reasserting his fear into the SKs. as a way of reminding them of his power over them. perhaps when they are paralyzed like a puppet with cut strings, they are living out some brief hallucination in their head.
- sometimes are worse than others, and these spells can sort of be used to determine the current strength of the shadow lord based on frequency and intensity. sometimes the SK will snap out of it and come to as if nothing happened, other times they snap back and suddenly they collapse into a heap of panic because they are so extremely terrified.
- these hallucinations that occur are similar to those that gene inflicted on laurance during his initial transformation. furthermore, it would be interesting if gene (due to his mind control abilities) had some sort of minor power involving these doll-like episodes. his manipulated version would be fightable tho, something others could resist, unlike the organic ones that are largely unavoidable.
- another scenario because i’m fueled by angst: once, during one of these episodes, garroth was keeping an eye on laurance. this was not much long after his transformation, and was one of the first doll-like happening he had. garroth was sitting nearby, having moved laurance to a sitting position near him. all was usual until instead of blinking back to reality, laurance went from being motionless to launching from the chair he was in, stumbling, gasping in bone chilling fear as he tried to wipe the hallucination from his mind. garroth, although unable to understand his struggle, tried his damndest to comfort laurance, practically catching him when he sprung from his chair, holding him steady as he struggled to breathe out of fear. ‘i’ve got you; it wasn’t real’ repeated frantically into his ear.
alright that’s all for now folks, please give your thoughts/ask any questions!! i love discussing these ideas!!
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