#the ferret speaks
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ferret-the-overseer · 6 months ago
there are three kinds of intimacy
It is very important that people understand the difference between these.
Emotional Intimacy: connection between two people in the mind – this is what makes the difference between friends and best friends, someone you dislike and someone you refuse to talk to. This is to love someone.
Physical Intimacy: physical comfort with another person – whether you’re comfortable with a handshake, a hug, a kiss, something more, something less. This is what determines how comfortable you are with someone physically. This is to feel safe.
Romantic Intimacy: connection with two people in the “heart” (I prefer to think of it as the soul). This is the type of connection that determines whether you are in love with someone, as opposed to just loving them. This is why people date, break up, marry, etc. (at least in American culture, I know some cultures don’t view marriage the same way). This is to be in love.
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daughterofsarenrae · 23 days ago
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If you even care
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speed-world · 5 months ago
I've been finding Y/N Cookie around my kingdom for a few weeks now and didn't find them but today...
Cream Ferret would be worried as hell on why their little one has been missing for several weeks and wasn't in their hideout. Was the possible cookienappings/abductions true?
Plus, why are they in front of the train? What they plottin'?
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*Huff…huff* “L-little one, is that you? Gosh, I’ve been, *huff* looking all over the Kingdom for you; I was worried sick to my stomach!! It’s been so long that Cookies were spreading rumors about you being abducted!! I was starting to think you were kidnapped or-or worse…!”
Y/N Cookie: “Oh, pffft don’t worry Cream Ferret Cookie! I know you would’ve gone crazy if something bad happened to me, that’s why I’ve been sending letters to you every day! You…did check the mailbox for them, right?
Cream Ferret: “I…I didn’t see anything in the mail from you. Now that you mention it, all I’ve seen in the mail are some messages from other Cookies wanting to know where you were. Most of them were from those obsessive mercookies…”
Y/N: “Ah-I think I know what happened to my letters now.”
Cream Ferret: “Yeah, me to-…little one, why are you at the train station? Are you waiting for someone or…?”
Y/N: “Yeah, about that-“
Before you could answer Cream Ferret, you both jolted from feeling the ground beneath your feet shake. You both turned around to see a giant horde of Cookies rapidly approaching you, and a large kraken was at the frontlines of the horde.
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“Y/N Cookie~!!! It’s been ages since we last saw you, where do you think you’re going~?”
Y/N: “….you wanted to know why I’m at the train?”
Cream Ferret: “Yeah-?”
Y/N: “There’s why, LETS GO NOW!”
Cream Ferret: “Huh-GUWHAA-!?
You tightly held onto Cream Ferret Cookie’s arm and yanked them with you onto the train. You shouted at the conductor to start the train immediately as the Cookie horde got closer.
Y/N (leaning out a window): “Can’t hear you, train’s moving, really loud ‘n stuff, gotta go BYEEEE!!”
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brittle-doughie · 8 months ago
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Another Special bab, been seeing some discourse that Cream Ferret is just Cotton in an outfit, oops.
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We’re apparently growing up to be Custard III’s height already? That is fast maturity.
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The gacha and the weaving shop look to be our sources of clothing options.
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Your reading comprehension of the CR lore will be tested.
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Error Busters makes a return, thank god-
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New summer outfits, my vote is on Twizzly’s, she has a shark decal for her minigun.
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“For the most special cookie ever.” How nice of them to give us that label.
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“You’re my best friend and I love you so, so much!”
How can you all be haters on them, fr fr
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peachypine · 3 months ago
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the roomies!!! i originally designed this ososan oc trio in full about a year ago to write on an rp blog. it's not really active rn, but i still want to talk and post about 'em, so here they are! just basic rundowns, but i'd be curious to hear which one (if any) is your fav of the three (feel free to leave it in the tags?? if u want!)
bonus transparent of them all together:
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aaand some rambling under the cut about their designs
i wanted to use orange as a character colour bc it's one that wasn't already used in the matsu rainbow, and i had a concept of a gyaru character named anzu kicking around in my head for a long time as well, so here we are. miwa from the mixer ep inspired the eyeshadow (orange rather than miwa's blue obv, to keep with her colour theme) and delinquent totoko's design inspired her ombre dyejob! i went with a blonde-to-orange look as a nod to anzu's namesake fruit (apricot).
the strands framing her face are split into 3 sections at the end (2/3 are grouped together and 1/3 flips in the other direction) which is a little nod to her being one of 3 siblings (eldest), as well as the "三" character used in her surname (mikado) meaning 3. the rest of her hairstyle is just because i thought it looked cute, though.
ososan's style is more simplified, but i wanted to convey makeup that was a little bold, but cute (long false lashes, eyeshadow, & and a soft pink or nude glossy lip). clothing-wise, she mixes and matches a few different substyles (agejo and onee are prominent, with some ane, tsuyome, and general old school gal influences as well?), with a particular fondness for animal prints, esp. tiger print. (that said, orange tiger print doesn't seem all that common in gyaru clothes, so in-universe i like to think that the top pictured above was originally a black-and-white zebra(?) stripe print she thrifted and dyed at home--close enough!)
her nails day to day are usually medium length since she has a lot of hobbies that involve her hands and anything longer makes those things a bit more cumbersome. sometimes they're decoden/bedazzled, sometimes they're just painted a cute colour/pattern, depends on the day! and i think she opts for press-ons over extensions for longer nails, since it's cheaper.
i'm just a bitch who loves purple, that's the reason for this one. i think the hime cut with shorter bangs is nice because you can showcase the eyebrows (i think eyebrows can really elevate a character design so i gave all 3 their own brow shape) without worrying about the lines for the eyebrows and bangs intersecting in an annoying way when you draw it. i like shorter, slightly sharp eyebrows like these because they're easy to draw, lol. i think they're usually furrowed like she's displeased with something, but that may just be her resting face. i also thought this blunter, sharper-looking cut (bold, standoffish) was a fun contrast to anzu's flippy half-updo (bright, bouncy) and yuzu's short, wavy hair (languid, relaxed).
5 piercings on each ear (2 spiked helix & 3 lobe) = 5 siblings including ran (4 older brothers). the other reason for this number of piercings was that her namesake flower (orchid) had--i thought--5 petals, but as it turns out i'm a fool, it's actually 3 petals (including the lip) and 3 sepals??? ah, well.
clothing-wise, influences from various punk/vkei styles alongside some rokku gyaru. (maybe anzu introduced her to this one?) this brash style is the total inverse of how she was expected to dress growing up. (when she and anzu first met, she was an OL with no piercings, undyed hair, and positively miserable, but that was a number of years ago now.) i'm really not reinventing the wheel with "small and angry", but y'know, we have fun here.
is teal distinct enough from blue to count as its own colour? i think so. for yuzu, i really loved the concept of a deadpan-looking character who is very much not the straightman, who in fact wants very badly to be the funnyman 99% of the time. that kind of straight-faced but silly comedic character is always really fun to me.
half-lidded/heavy-lidded eyes paired with thick brows are always a winner to me fsr, and i wanted to give her a more "handsome" looking face with a bit more of a defined jaw than you typically see on women in ososan. as a treat. i wanted her to look a bit like a mysterious prettyboy, but she's not actually mysterious, she's just a space cadet. (and very straightforward about her thoughts and feelings, saying them with little fuss or thought.) expectation vs reality, people deciding what you're like based on their own perception vs what you're actually like, etc. etc.
i don't have anything deep to say about her hairstyle, but maybe that's how yuzu would like it, what you see is what you get. (again, eyebrows vs hair... let that eyebrow scar that i gave her for no reason shine.) as for clothing, she prefers things that are easy to move around in, so her style is the most "matsuno"-like (t-shirts, hoodies, basketball shorts, sweats, etc.). in particular, she likes shirts with phrases, usually in english, that are funny or almost make sense but not quite ("for background visual gags" and "for the english speakers in the audience").
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damianito · 1 year ago
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He picks up one pet for nation [Free Palestine] Donate [Free Congo] Donate [Free Sudan] Donate
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maxcuntstappen · 11 months ago
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F1 via The Interwebs™️ (x) (trash animal edition)
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ferret-the-overseer · 4 months ago
since everything’s so shit right now (part 2)
So, I’m a writer. Some of y'all may know this (I’m looking at you all three of my followers who are also mutuals) (props to that one person who follows me who may or may not be a bot bc they’ve never posted or reblogged anything) (they’re probably a bot, anyway).
I went through a rough time about two years ago. I got through it when I met someone who brightened my life to a degree I had never thought possible. When I lost that person a few months ago, I managed to pick myself up recently. And I’m doing better now. But the important thing about the last two and a half years of my life is that no matter how it was going…
It got better.
I wrote my way through it.
Some of these things I wrote seemed very personal at the time, and some of them still are. But I think the most important thing about writing is sharing it with others. If you write anything no matter how “good” you think it is, it will mean something to someone else. To write is to create something in a truly unique way, something that could never come from anyone else. Share your writing. You never know how it will change someone’s life. Maybe it’s a small change, and they just have a moment of laughing or smiling. Maybe that's the first time they laughed or smiled in days, weeks, months. Maybe it was a bigger change, and they connected with what you wrote on a deeper level.
Maybe you saved their life.
Who knows.
But everyone experiences things. Sometimes the things are bad. Sometimes they’re good. It happens. We push through.
All that being said, I’m going to post some of these things I wrote. These are all true, all things that came from my mind as a result of my life. Some of them are thoughtful, some of them are dumb. Some of them are small, some of them are tedious. Maybe they’ll change someone’s life. Maybe no one will read them. I don’t know. But I created these things, and it is a privilege to be able to share them.
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chaotic-neutral-ferret · 8 months ago
never getting over marvin’s “oh fuck” at the end of something bad is happening (reprise). that shit knocks me out every time
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gummyyummyjam · 3 months ago
I figured I could post some of the scenes in my Ao3 stories just because... LMAO
Harry: What’s a ferret doing up here?
Draco, who turned into a sassy, French-speaking ferret: Great, now I have to deal with him.
Harry: You look familiar. Wait a minute…
Harry, upon realizing: You’re just like that ferret Moody turned Malfoy into a few years ago.
Draco: Just like? Excuse me, Potter, I am that ferret!
Harry, reaching out as if to pet him: Right. You probably have no idea what I’m saying.
Draco: Touch me and I’ll bite your hand off!
oh please this is way more funnier in my head!!
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ferret-the-overseer · 4 months ago
The miracle is the term limit and the senate/house/judicial control systems and the fact that states are increasingly cementing abortion access and queer rights into their constitutions. The miracle is the fact that let’s be honest he’s closer to a heart attack than four years in office. The miracle is that we’re still alive, we can still make change, and that we’re still us.
Let them try to take your miracles from you.
Then watch the fear in their eyes as they realize:
They can’t.
Miracles come from you.
They can’t take your miracles.
dear god please let there be a miracle
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otiksimr · 9 months ago
what if i give you cheese. i have so much. so much cheese. can i please hire your cheese thieves i have SO much cheese
i LIKE cheese but this is just. SO MUCH cheese
Rats. Get their ass.
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daughterofsarenrae · 1 year ago
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Get tubed idiot
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astro-b-o-y-d · 8 months ago
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It actually bugs me so much how Tumblr messed up the order in the original ask because this was SO CUTE and everyone deserves to see it in its originally-ordered glory.
Anyway, lovely art by @ferretwhomst and original ask it was sent in here~!
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ii-cant-word2 · 2 months ago
sometimes some people have to understand that all kismessisitudes are different just like matespritships. a lot of homestucks are just like "but if they don't seem like they hate each other then they cant be kismesis" SHUT THE FUCK UP YES THEY CAN!!! some are allowed to be able to talk just fine in public like they arent secretly mortal enemies..its called public decency. not all of them have to constantly be trying to kill each other. theyre not even SUPPOSED to want to kill each other. they can think about it sometimes but NO.
"that's not how pitch relationships work they can't be outwardly okay with each other" sir they inwardly hate everything about this guy please shut up.
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mars-ipan · 3 months ago
attention attention i want attention where iss myyyyyy… attention
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