#there is lots of emotion but at same time nots emotion
aqua-owo · 4 months
I just finished ep 41 of once upon a witchlight today and I am very brave
Everyth ing is ok~ay, nothing went terrible w-wrong at all!
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dramaticl0vers · 2 months
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@amoexii here she is, I tried my best 😭,and also I changed her name from "Dhelia" to "Olenna"
Information about this beauty:
-In the beginning she I named her Dhelia, but in the end I decided that her name will be Olenna, which means "Ray of light or sun", for the reason that I will soon explain
- She is the eldest daughter of Hades and Persephone ( I love this couple a lot in the series, because in the original mythology it is...well, TURBIOUS)
-The reason for her name: Hades called her Olenna because living in the underworld, which is such a lonely and dark place, her birth symbolized the entry of a “ray of light” into his life and that of Persephone, which brought with it joy, love, union and the feeling of never feeling alone again.
-After her are her little brothers, Zagreus, Melinoe and Macaria (WHICH I DON'T KNOW WHY THE HELL THEY DIDN'T INCLUDE IN THE SERIES, LET'S HOPE SHE JUST HAS NOT BORN YET)
- She has blonde hair like her mother and eyes like her father, a kind of lilac combined with gray.
- Although in her physical appearance she is more related to Persephone, in her occupations as a deity you can see a mixture between both parents, mainly dominated by Hades, given that she is the goddess of peaceful death, protector of the living and the dead and guardian of the Elysian fields, but at the same time she is also the protective goddess of flora and fauna.
-A curious fact about her is that she had really fast growth, to give you an idea, she was already an adult millennia before the events of season 1 happened.
- She has powers, they are a kind of purple “fire”, and she can also make some plants bloom, but she doesn't like to use the first ones because when she was a child she tried to control them and, not being able to do so, she always hurt someone and that scared her a lot, especially when she once accidentally hit Persephone with they.
- The flowers related to her are: Forget-me-nots (her favorites), lilies, bells and white jasmines.
- As for her personality, she is quite reserved with people she doesn't know, but she is pleasant and fun when he gains confidence.
-she doesn't like to talk a lot. Olenna is afraid of ruining things with people outside her close circle, other deities, for example. Therefore, when she is in a social environment and her close ones are not around, she prefers to remain silent and express her opinion only when it seems necessary.
-She does not usually get angry easily, but she HATES it when those she loves are bothered, she has grown up in a home full of love and has a high emotional responsibility, she is willing to defend her family no matter what the cost, she learned that from her parents.
-Try to avoid Ares at all costs. (Why did they make him so bad? He is so good in the original mythology, he literally killed the person who raped his daughter, my baby😭)
-She doesn't like Demeter. She doesn't hate her, but she doesn't want to form close ties with her either.
-now, what you are all here for, OLENNA AND HERMES💕
- She knew Hermes, bah, she had seen him a few times from the balcony of her room in the Underworld. , leaving the souls with Charont, but never approached him, and then had the opportunity to meet him in person when he arrived at Olympus.
- Regarding their relationship:
- They both love each other in such a way that they feel empty when his partner is not there.
- Olenna, as I said before, has a great emotional responsibility, she hates seeing Hermes sad or downcast in any way and she feels truly fulfilled when she can feel that he feels loved.
- Demonstrations of affection are both sentimental, physical and material.
- Sometimes, when Olenna is in her garden taking care of her plants, or talking to Artemis and Athena, among others, he passes by her side using his speed skills and alone He places a kiss on her lips or cheek before continuing with his work, it always catches her off guard, but she loves that.
- They are quite passionate and fiery, you wouldn't want to share the same sector of rooms after they didn't see each other for a week because of their duties. .
- They both have long hair, which is why they both love to brush and comb each other's hair, especially Hermes.
- Neither of them really likes the idea of sharing their lover, Olenna is quite territorial when it comes to his loved ones and the idea of another deity having the pleasure of sharing the love of his life is not something he likes very much, to tell the truth. As for Hermes, he is more than satisfied with having his wife, he is not TOTALLY CLOSED to having a threesome, for example, but he prefers Olenna first.
- Hermes would definitely dedicate his career victories in the Olympics to her and Olenna would be like : “Honey, you know that if you wear sandals that give you speed it's technically cheating, right?” and he would respond like: “I didn't see any rules, darling.”
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toomuchracket · 1 year
my current brain rot ever since atpoaim is a fort date with matty!! however in my head the cute date eventually gets crashed by all the band and ends up with everyone crammed into the tiny fort.
like maybe it's at mattys house, and it's well known George just lets himself in, so he does and immediately sees the large fort in the living room and goes to investigate. he sees you and matty cuddled watching a movie in a sea of blankets and pillows so very unceremoniously flops on top of you both and the myriad of pillows. he works his way into the date somehow and is half watching the movie and half just watching you and matty being sickeningly cute and wondering if that's how him and Charli look.
about 20 mins later, there's a knock on the door, and you and matty are like??? but George just pipes up with "Oh, I invited Adam and Ross to the hangout. I hope that's okay!" and matty starts being like "this actually was a date before you barged in and-" but gets cut off by you saying its totally okay and he should go let them in. Adam feels slightly bad for barging in, but you assure him it's fine, and eventually, the 5 of you are all crammed under this fort cuddled up watching some sappy rom-com you convinced them to watch. it obviously starts with lots of complaints "ugh nooo" "whyyyy," "cmon, do we have to watch this chick flick?"" but eventually divulges into gasps at how bad the guy is and comments like "oh my god she needs to leave him" but also on the other hand they're like "well no because she fucked up too" and finally when the movie ends it is just 4 grown men trying to keep their emotions at bay after watching like enchanted or Notting hill lol
anyway sorry for rambling, domestic matty and the boys kills me off everytime
i can't believe you apologised for this omg i LOVE it!! it kinda feels like slightly older flatmate!matty and his girl to me. like say the boys are on a break from work, and matty's built this fort all cute and romantic for you guys to just chill in all cutely, and you're lazily making out in it when you hear the front door open and close and a gravelly voice go "yoohoo!"; george, bored as shit because charli's off working somewhere, coming round for some entertainment. fully creased at the image of all six foot whatever of him just flopping over you all snuggled into matty - i bet you'd be like "hi darling!" to him, genuinely happy to see him, while matty's all tetchy like "george what the FUCK" (but that's his bestie, so he lets him stay and watch, idk, lady bird (it's my fav film) or whatever with you). and the whole time, george is side-eyeing you and matty in the nicest way, thinking about himself and charli AND how you and matty used to cuddle watching films together even pre-dating but it's so lovely that you're so openly lovey-dovey in the same scenario now. and i think george had probably texted ross and adam to hang out before he came over to yours, and then when they agreed he was like "oh i'm actually at matty's" so they just rock up there; like you said, adam is guilt-stricken and very much like "oh my gosh i am so sorry for intruding i'll be on my way" - matty's like "yes that sounds like a good idea considering my girl and i were having a little DATE before you fuckers showed up" - but you're like "honestly don't worry about it. if you don't mind sitting through my movie choices you can stay". matty sighs, but is appeased when you kiss him quickly and smile sweetly at him, so it becomes the five of you all chilling on pillows in this fort watching the devil wears prada (they would fucking hate andy's boyfriend they really would). and they all complain when you say "oh my god let's watch enchanted" as you go back to the disney+ homescreen, but maybe you all share some alcohol or a joint and then they get really into the movie, gasping at the change from animation to live-action and making little comments throughout the film - i bet ross is SO bitchy about giselle's outfit for the ball lmfao. but yeah, you turn your head to look at them all as the credits roll, and try not to giggle at these huge (and matty) men either sniffling or just beaming happily at the film they just watched. and as much as you've had a nice time, matty kicks the other boys out shortly after this so he can romance you as he had planned to the whole evening (but as you hug them goodbye i think you're like "same time next week? we'll watch 27 dresses and the lizzie mcguire movie") lol <3
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nabbit-unmasked · 7 months
(Technically update 3 on the Hazbin kin situation. This is more for my own logging/journaling though. Feel free to read or scroll on!)
Reasons I think I am/am not Vox:
• I look like him in my mind
• I feel that kin feeling when I see him and I've had that feeling for months
• I have some kind of deep connection to Valentino
• I have attachment issues that include anger, jealousy, and hatred towards anyone who might harm or take my attachment figure away from me
• I get stressed and think/say "fuck my lifeee" and then go out in the world and deal with it
• He shuts down when the world and his emotions become too much
• I don't feel a connection to tech (one of the biggest reasons why I'm feeling weird abt it)
• I wouldn't be so heartlessly cruel to others (unless they were working with the person I hate, see attachment issues)
• I feel positively about alastor, sir pentious, and everyone else that's redeemed
• I don't feel like I'm looking in a mirror when I see him (but I don't exactly feel that with Moisty [my confirmed fictkin] either)
• My connection to Valentino might actually be that I'm kin of him instead (I'll feel incredibly guilty if that's the case)
And for Adam...:
• I look just like him/his kind in my mind
• Immediately had that kin feeling when I first saw him, and that was in colorless fanart.
• I'm into punk rock and being punk is a huge part of my identity
• I swear a lot which is also (somewhat) part of my punk identity
• I feel a large connection to whites and golds (though I've determined this is because of my other kintype, a Lipizzan)
• I dont have it in me be to be so cruel to everyone (biggest reason)
• I feel generally positive about Charlie and her crew
• His outfit isnt quite right in shape
• I don't feel a connection to angels or heaven
• His mask/the angels masks would be my actual head, not a cover up.
• I feel zero connection to the adam and eve story
And lastly, for Sir Pentious:
• I saw him and immediately had that kin feeling (same with adam)
• I panic easily in social settings
• I love my dog like my baby and I like protecting people younger than me
• It felt right to go by "Sir Pentious" and I have a connection to his name
• I feel generally positive about Charlie and her crew (stolen from Adam's, but this time its in green)
• Absolutely hopeless romantic
• Again, I just look and somewhat feel like him.
• I don't feel like a snake
• I don't like girls (with very few exceptions)
• I cant easily see myself in his shoes (I am autistic tho)
• I don't actually have many nots...
Thanks for sticking around if you did. Have a free Voxtech tv!
+1 🖥
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bonefall · 2 years
Is there any plans to rewrite some of the Super Editions as well as the main arcs of the series? Or would be that something that's too big of an ambition with everything else?
Yep! Super Editions are a lot "looser" than the way I approach the main series. Where major conflicts and most big deaths are preserved in the main series arcs, I'm more willing to shift POVs and insert themes that weren't there before.
For example; Bluestar's Prophecy (Canon) vs Bluestar's Flowers (BF Rewrite)
Like the original, Bluestar does receive a prophecy about how she has a destiny... but this time, her fate is actually that she will never have power. She is destined to give birth to a hero of great prophecy, who will depose the horrible tyrant of ThunderClan, Thistlestar
In this version, she breaks the thread of fate itself by giving up her kits to RiverClan. Mosskit, the chosen one, dies in this process which severs predestination completely. See how the plotline is preserved, but deeply altered?
Because Thistle Law and Fire Alone are so important to the Bonefall Rewrite narrative, Bluestar's Flowers is about the development of the two ideologies. This is shown through the addition of her brand new friend group, the Forget-Me-Nots, the first friend group to have members from each Clan (plus an outsider) in years.
I add to and alter the super editions as I see fit, even gutting them completely when I think it serves the themes of the rewrite.
Yellowfang's Secret is replaced by Brokenstar's Cataclysm, covering his life and eventual rise to power, ending during the WindClan Massacre.
Ripplestar's Rot is a completely new story, jumping into an interesting point in time in Clan history a generation after SkyClan's Exile.
Short list of the other reduxes I am planning:
Stormpaw’s Demon (Crookedstar's Promise) About how Crookedstar's family is haunted by Mapleshade, and how he overcomes this haunting as opposed to him making a promise I consider a bit pointless tbh
Bluestar’s Flowers (Bluestar's Prophecy) Above: the development of Fire Alone through her friendships, and how she defies fate itself.
Brokenstar’s Cataclysm (Yellowfang's Secret) On Brokenstar's life, his emotions and relationships, and the escalating Mothermouth Moorland war between ShadowClan and WindClan.
Firestar’s Quietus (Firestar's Quest) The resurrection of SkyClan, with the spirit of Brokenstar replacing Sandstorm.
Cloudtail’s Vow (Graystripe's Vow) Cloudtail should have been the one to confront the Impostor so he's getting the nostalgia-trip back home this time around as he remembers his life.
Sol’s Game (SkyClan and the Stranger) Since Sol is now a god, he proposes a game to a cat named Cinders; Three Sacrifices and he receives terrific power. Cinders, now going by the name Harry, decides between stealing a final kitten as a sacrifice or becoming part of SkyClan.
Hollyleaf’s Century (Hollyleaf's Story) Sol brings Hollyleaf back in time to the ancient Lake cats, where she rules as a tyrant, eventually causing the cataclysm that causes the ancient culture to leave the Lake.
Squirrelflight’s Horror (Squirrelflight's Hope) Basically the same but this time Bramblestar's reputation takes a massive hit for his actions, and the cats of ThunderClan are more politically consistent. Establishes that he is not a good leader and this is why they didn't catch the Impostor sooner.
Darkstar's Commandment (New!) Following Mapleshade's Vengeance, Darkstar establishes the Queen's Rights to never allow such a senseless tragedy to ever happen again. Oakstar starts the Crusade Era in an attempt to please StarClan (it does not work)
Ripplestar's Rot (New!) He leads a rebellion to make room to bring SkyClan back to the Forest, eventually attacking the Clans at a gathering and getting a tree dropped on him by StarClan. SkyClan's revenge manifests as Brokenstar, generations later.
Additionally I have vague, wobbly ideas for a SE to contain the Bramble/Jessy kit drama in AVoS since that arc is MASSIVELY POV-shifted and cut out Alderheart as a protagonist completely. That one would be called something like Sparkpelt's or Alderheart's Family. bramblestar's divorce
OH and Pinestar's Choice becomes Pinestar's Crusade, to reflect the trauma of his father's legacy weighing down on him.
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So I first assumed if she were to show up it'd be either the orphanage or the sanatorium cause of the role she was a doctor and her obsession of being a mother
But the reason I feel like she'd be at the hotel would be 1
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This whole thing in the manga basically is my building blocks of upcoming emotion wounds we're gonna feel soon enough, hinting that it may be these people will return aka O!Ciel's biggest regrets in life/people he most likely wishes are still here
Madam Red being there will bring so much more flavor to the arc itself cause of how they last saw each other and just- a LOT
The theme of where she'd be at
H.H. Holmes baby!
H.H. Holmes is a very well known serial killed in the 19th century between 1891 and 1894 killing around 9 but one was legally confirmed. He's most well known for the fact he made a hotel to lure people in and then kill them and sell their bodies/bones to medical students and what nots cause that's what was cool back then I guess
But a lot of you must be wondering, Rae why would this case be related to Madam Red returning in the manga?
Cause H.H. Holmes, himself, was suspected by police, future listeners of his crime, and even his FAMILY to have been Jack The Ripper years prior.
In a journal entry he has it's shown he visited England during the time Jack was ripping away in the same location of White Chapel where the murders happened. Not to mention he was a medical professional
And where's the next location gonna be??
I know logically it wouldn't make sense in timeline of history but they mentioned Mustard Gas which was a weapon in WW1 and WW2 so-
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thehaemanthus · 2 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @whatishowedyouinthedark. Getting to this, what, like a week late? Time has existed to have meaning for me, alas.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 31
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
546,355. Goddamn, how did that happen?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly ACOTAR, occasionally Red Rising. There are some smaller fandoms that I've dipped my toes in. When I started out, it was PJO fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All ACOTAR fics!
lay yourself out, pick yourself up
live once (once is enough) FUCK YEAH MY OC KIDDOS
Our Savaged Souls
Haves and Have Nots (a collab fic with some lovely friends)
to take, to worship
5. Do you respond to comments?
I'm bad about responding to comments. I really try to do a "thanks for reading and commenting!" because as I commenter I like that interaction with the author. But lately I haven't been unless there's a question/interesting observation I'd like to engage with. I'm sure it doesn't feel that way to the commenter, but when I say the same thing (thanks for reading!) it starts to feel rote.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Second Son. Our Savaged Souls is an angsty fic, but it has a happy ending lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all of the one-shots in live once (once is enough) are fluffy kid fics. Does that count? If not, perhaps miracles, set in the same universe
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not really? I've gotten one or two "I don't like this" type of comments. I wouldn't classify it as hate, just annoyance
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Occasionally. I can't sit down and churn it out. Usually it's an idea that marinates in my brain for a long time, the emotions and the feelings setting in, before I can put it into words.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, but I'm not ideologically opposed lol. Just haven't had the inspiration
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm pretty sure I haven't
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone volunteered, but I don't know if it actually happened.
I do have fanart for the live once (once is enough) kids!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes!!! Gotta love the writing circles. The lovely @mmvalentine also helped with OSS.
14. What is your all-time favorite ship?
Bellarke from The 100. Feysand is good, and there's a lot to play around with in that sandbox. But man, Bellarke is just on another tier. The fanfic that came out of than fandom is also absolutely stunning.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oof, everything lol. I have some Red Rising fics that have gone stale, also an old one for The 100. I have the best of intentions to write The Illyrian Trials and all the other stories I have in mind for the live once (once is enough) universe, but I don't know if I ever will.
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk bro. Maybe dialogue? Can someone else tell me this, haha?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot lol. I know the structures, I can feel the beats, but I'm bad at sitting down myself and plotting something out. And is it bad if I say prose, too? Sometimes I feel like I'm pulling teeth for some good prose because all I want are long dialogues.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
YES always
19. First fandom you wrote for?
WELL. Technically it was Stuart Little for a 3rd grade school assignment. Then in 4th grade, again for a school assignment, I wrote Warriors fanfic (the books about the cats). Actual intentional fic was an unpublished Jily attempt, first published fanfiction was PJO
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably a toss up between The Second Son and Our Savaged Souls. I don't think The Second Son is my best writing, but there is a lot of me in there and it was a journey to complete. Our Savaged Souls was not planned in the same way, it just kind of happened. It happened pretty smoothly for a fic that was written mostly in one google doc lol.
i apologize, I gotta do the lazy thing and say "tagging whoever wants to be tagged" i feel like everyone has been tagged in this already because I'm so late!
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ur-boyfiend · 10 months
Bang The Doldrums
based on this board by @snug-gyu
-> writing stuff with happy / positive (or at least , not depressing) endings but also based on this song feels so weird lol ,,, didn't read the pete wentz livejournals for nothin. maybe i'll write some proper angst for it soon ,,, summer of like kinda content <3
also it's like 01:30 here and i'm tired but like what else is new lol. gonna see if i can write a bit more before i actually head to sleep
blue skies, forget-me-nots, winding country roads. a summer so much like the last summer you spent together, you have to force yourself not to think about it.
singing along to a playlist you made at 3am when you were lonely and in love, you continue your drive to the campsite. there was no real reason to go, he had been the one to like camping after all, but you need the catharsis more than ever.
you see the familiar gated dirt road and smile sadly, used to the feeling of missing people, but no better at dealing with it than before.
you pay the fee at the small office that sits just in front of the gates, waiting for a moment afterwards as the old metal creaks open. you thank the person working the booth and continue towards the lake near the middle of the park.
people usually gravitate towards the open area surrounding the lake and the noise filling the air is just as loud as ever, you're not planning on setting up on the lakeshore but you like the water anyway.
parking in the gravel lot you turn off your car's engine and grab the messenger bag sitting on the passenger seat next to you. you double, then triple-check that your car is locked before walking down to the lake's edge and sitting on the grass.
the messenger bag previously slung over your shoulder is now slumped on the ground next to you, and you grab the worn notebook and overfilled pencil case from the main pocket, flipping to a half-finished sketch you'd started the day before.
you're quickly lost in your work, focusing on the scratching sound of your pencil on the paper and the hushing of the water in front of you. when you turn to grab a different color pencil from your bag you're surprised to see someone sitting next to you, then even more surprised when you see who it is.
you don't say anything for a moment, not entirely sure that he's real. it wouldn't be the first time you saw him when he wasn't there.
but then he smiles at you, and you think you might start crying right then and there.
"chan...?" you curse yourself for how your voice wavers, though ultimately you're a bit surprised that you can speak at all.
his smile grows a bit wider, his dimples showing through even more, "hi."
you're not sure how to respond, but before you can make up your mind he reaches up, gently brushing his hand across your cheek, "you're crying."
you hadn't noticed, reaching up to touch your face you realize he's right. you wipe at your cheeks, trying to stop the tears still slipping from your eyes.
"sorry, sorry," you can barely hear yourself speak, your voice muffled by the way you've curled in on yourself.
but apparently chan can still hear you, because he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his side.
"it's alright, you're alright. you don't need to apologize to me, remember?"
you're frozen for a moment, not expecting him to reference the promise you'd made years ago, that neither of you would apologize to each other for their emotions.
"'course, that was the first time someone told me that i could have negative emotions without having to feel bad about it." you don't mention that you thought he might've forgotten, not sure if the promise held the same importance to him as it did to you.
you feel chan go completely still for a moment, and realize belatedly that you'd never told him that before. you don't have time to regret your choice because he pulls you even closer, resting his chin on top of your head.
you relax into his touch without even thinking about it, still used to the feeling even after all the time that's passed. you push the heels of your palms into your eyes, feeling the tears drying on your face and caught in your eyelashes.
after a couple minutes of comfortable silence, you pull yourself together enough to speak again.
"i missed you."
he weaves his fingers through your hair, and you hum at the action, leaning into his hand.
"i missed you too."
there's a tinge of bitterness in the back of your throat, and you swallow hard, words briefly sticking in your throat, unwilling to taint the sweetness of the moment.
it seems like chan can tell something's changed, because his hand stills to rest on your head, and he presses a soft kiss to your scalp, mumbling an "i'm sorry" into your hair.
you shake your head slightly, refusing to let him shoulder all the blame.
"no, no i'm sorry. it was my fault too."
"i was the one who left."
"and i was the one who let you."
you move slightly, kissing his cheek in an attempt to make him stop talking. it works, and before he can say anything else, you shake your head more firmly.
"you're not allowed to blame yourself completely, that's not fair to you. please."
he looks like he wants to say something else but after a moment he closes his mouth again and shakes his head.
"alright, alright. if you insist."
you laugh quietly, "i do."
after a brief pause he asks, "wanna set up at the same campsite?"
"yeah, yeah that'd be lovely."
chan stands up, offering you a hand. you take it and feel yourself being pulled to your feet, neither of you letting go even after you're both standing.
going back in the direction of your car, the comfortable chatter you'd missed so dearly wraps around you again, and it's like there was never any disconnect, never any time away from one another.
you'd had a last summer together, but maybe now you could have another first.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
73, 85 🧡
Hello there! 🌼
73.) how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
Hmm! Some combination of both, I think. I do a lot of planning ahead of time, and often daydream about what I plan to write. Music is a big help; so while I can't listen to music while writing, I often "pregame" by jamming out to music. And while I'm bopping around, I often daydream then. Flashes of images from the story, accompanying the song.
Then, in a way, it all flows once I get it started. I always feel like I know more than I'm showing/telling the reader. The image might be clear as day in my head, but not every little detail makes the cut. I have such a narrow focus on the characters, the emotions, and the story's aims that what I feel like are extraneous details will get the boot, lest I'm feeling self-indulgent about them.
So when I'm writing it sort of becomes more dreamlike; where the details blur a bit or shift. The primary mood and focus remain, but some things become a bit more amorphous and shift as the words flow free. Now and again the tone of an action shifts subtly. What I originally envisioned as "an action" takes a more tender or vicious edge in the process. I'm very particular about word choice at times. Now and then they seem like odd choices, but I feel too attached to them to change them.
And not to get too NSFW but in a current project, the idea of "stuffing it in" felt supremely unsexy, but when I tried to use a more neutral word, or even a sexier word, it just felt off, so back to "stuff" I went. 🤷‍♀️
85.) what would be on a moodboard for your current wip(s)?
Interesting! I've never made a moodboard before. I'd like to, I think. I'm so envious of other people's! It was the same with playlists, actually. Other people created such good ones, and I'd had playlist choices come under scrutiny before. And while I'm accustomed to my writing being a bit specific and niche at times, I've not made playlists or moodboards enough to feel confident in them despite by strange, specific tastes.
But I conquered that fear regarding playlists! Here is a compilation of playlists I've made. The Snarry one is admittedly a mess right now; I've been throwing random stuff in there the past few days to keep in consideration for other WIP playlists, and I plan to edit/rearrange it a bit over the weekend.
Anyway, back on track: MOODBOARD. I tried to throw something together for funsies, but it's really the first time I've dared even try ot make one 🙈
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My thoughts were really: skin/hands, candles/flames, books, absinthe, flowers (specifically: forget me nots, but other floral imagery okay), absinthe, vials/bottles/apothecary. I also had thoughts of: lonely grave, rundown house, sunlight and moonlight. Anything that would give a sense of life and death, dreariness and hope, focusing more on natural colors, nothing too bright or sterile looking.
Of course, that's just for one of many WIPs haha. Just the first that came to mind! Mayb I'll play around with moodboards more, we shall see!
ask game for fanfic writers
answered: 73, 85
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impressiverunaway · 2 years
Why the "runaway?"
Yeah, I said it. "This entire family needs therapy."
I said it while on the phone with my mother, telling all about my recent interactions with my father. The man that I always start to believe has turned over a new leaf only for that image to come crumbling down and the memories of my childhood with him flooding in. He's the type of man, that has a fucked controlling way of thinking. If he asks a "yes or no" question, and you respond with anything but, he's furious. He cannot comprehend that one cannot be forced to simply answer "Yes" or "No". Like free will does not exist in his mind.
So, he's got this wife he's married about a year ago that has come from another country. English is not her first language and cultures are different. Still, not something that is terribly difficult for one to adapt to. He's treating her, just the same as when he raised me, and just the same as he treated my mother. For them, they were adults put into an abusive, manipulative, narcissistic environment. They had been raised and lived life knowing what was what.
For me, a chunk of my early years, middle school through high school, I'm not even sure what the right way to put this would be other than robbed. I didn't know how life should be, how one should be. I knew, the way I was treated was not right, and if I spoke up about it, I was in the wrong. Didn't matter what I said, or how I said it. I was ALWAYS in the wrong in his eyes. He convinced me I was. I hardly felt comfortable speaking to others in school, on sports teams. Always so hesitant that everything I said would be wrong, that I was a bad kid. I lived my life thinking about how my dad would respond. I didn't dare do anything outside of home that would get me in trouble, yet that wasn't enough. I remember, I was forced to do a lot around the house. As if I was taking on responsibilities from my mother's absence from the home as well as taking on his responsibilities. Like, I had to mow the lawn, wash his car, clean the bathroom. My younger sibling and I would have a daily chore. I would clean the kitchen counter and he would clean the dining room table. I always felt it was unfair. The dining room table was hardly used. The kitchen counter was used more than anything in the house, by no surprise, my father its biggest user. It was often scattered with newspapers and mess. Random crap such as tools, batteries, chargers, and what nots. Every day my chore was to clean up after him and he never made an attempt to clean it himself. I always had to come to him after completing things, for him to check. So lets say I would clean it 10 days in a row. The first 9 checks I'm clear, I do the same thing every cleaning. The 10th time, all of a sudden it is not okay. Confused, I politely question it. But, now I'm labeled as someone that is talking back. Confused even more, I express that I do not understand how that is talking back when I'm simply trying to understand. This was always how these interactions would start and they would always escalate into extremes. He would say things to put me down. Further confuse the hell out of me. It never failed that I would be pushed to the point of feeling so shitty I honestly just wanted to die. There was no way to stop it once it started either, and it wasn't a fair fight with a child against an adult. I'd end up getting a whooping just for asking questions. The physical punishment was nowhere near as damaging as the emotional abuse I had to endure. Over time, I developed Borderline Personality Disorder, an emotional dysregulation disorder and depression. Something no one nor I could understand. My emotions were always felt on extremes, and considering the environment I was in, I'm sure one could imagine how explosively emotional I could become. After several hospital stays, medications, misdiagnoses, that didn't explain or fix how I was feeling. I would quit the meds and quit seeking help, convinced that I wasn't diagnosed correctly thinking there just isn't anything wrong with me. Turns out, I just wasn't diagnosed correctly.
It took a lot of fucked up shit to happen, by my own doing. Well, with this disorder's doing and the fucked mental state I was in. Mania. Psychosis. Sprinkled with impulsive, unthought out behaviors and intense emotions. I was convinced it was my situation that had me fucked up, my family, the entire state that I lived in. Of course, I was right about the family. But I was wrong to think that running away would fix my problems. I ran away to a state, several states away. Well, I ran away with a notice and a place to go. I had family that took me in. Within a few days, with my behaviors, I quickly learned that something was in fact "wrong" with me. I am forever grateful for the supportive, loving and caring people in my family. I would never be where I am today without them. I am on a phenomenal journey in life, finally. Yes, there are still going to be issues with my family. My father hasn't spoken to me in days. He's upset with me, because I put him in his place with his ridiculous complaining stories about his wife. I told him how disappointed I was in him. How I had just recently expressed how proud I was of him, thinking he had changed his behaviors. I informed him how listening to the way he is behaving and the reminders it brings up is in no way helpful for my current situation. I've only just begun my journey and I have plenty on my plate. I recommended he go to therapy. Specifically, that he speaks to a professional because clearly, he is not listening to anyone else on the matter. I'm hoping by speaking to a professional he will at least be a little receptive of what they have to say. I had gone to lunch with his wife, right before I heard from him last. His idea. Of course, we talked about him, a lot. About my experiences, my mothers, and hers. I found he suggested they go to couples therapy, only for him to turn around and say that therapy is "too expensive." So he calls me, shortly after she gets home. And he's complaining up a storm about how his wife came home "complaining up a storm" ABOUT A CUP. And he's pissed, because of course he throws in blame on the fact that we went to lunch together. It must be my fault and hers for us getting together. His idea in the first place. So this is all over a fucking cup. One he left full, in the car. One that she took out of the car, and placed on a shelf in the garage for him to take care of. As he's talking to me, he's literally just NOT getting it. She says he is responsible for the cup he left. The man who has drilled the term responsibility in my head, has a problem with someone else calling him out on not being responsible for something. He's justifying himself for leaving the cup in there as an accident, or he forgot. How ironic, dad, I recall countless times where I had genuinely forgotten something or did something accidentally and you would not accept that. You drilled into me how it was an "excuse". So it's okay for you, but no one else? Okay. I bring this to his attention as well, and he's even angrier at me about it. He won't be direct about it with me anymore, but I can hear it in his voice.
So I bring it up, how I recall all these incidents with me on the other end. He tries to justify it by saying something like "well if it's something that is repeated, then it is not an accident". I rebuttal with something like "well what if it was, every time". He cant even fathom that. Anyways, my emotional needs were not met as a child. And I was not in a healthy environment. I am going to therapy now, and I am on medication. I know, every member of our family needs therapy. My mother experienced a traumatic event before she met my father, and her entire time with him was hell. It's been hell for her, even after they split. He tricked her and got full custody. Even to this day, he causes problems for her. I bared the weight of it as a child, being raised by a maniac. I'm being dramatic, sort of. He's genuinely awful. The cover photo of a book about a perfect life but everything is "secretly" super fucking shitty. He lives the travel life, and the happy go lucky life on the outside but is a living nightmare behind closed doors. Then there is my younger brother, who did not experience nearly as much as the rest of us have. But he witnessed all of it. The yelling, the screaming, the beatings, I recall him screaming once for things to stop. I remember him running out of his room when my parents would fight. I remember quietly laying in bed hearing everything from my bedroom. I'm sure feeling like I wanted to die but numb to it, considering this wasn't anything new. I was 3 years ahead of him into this. The more people I talk to and learn about their family upbringing the more I find out that more often than not, we've all had a poor upbringing that has affected us. Is it a generational thing that needs to be broken, addressed. Do more people need to seek out their mental health issues, address their traumas. Its scary to think about having my own children, and being in the situation I was in. Feeling like I could see what my parents were doing wrong and no one listening to me. Expressing how I was feeling and not being taken seriously. Being labeled a bitch, crazy, bipolar, on my period, ect, ect. Its scary to think this is something I could pass on to them. Or it being something that will stop being the phenomenal mother I know I will be. But, I know I want kids. And I know this is something that will go away over time. I'll be prepping.
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A friend is going through a divorce and it’s really got me lost in thought about my own divorce and my healing journey. I feel like people don’t talk about divorce. Not what it feels like anyway. Ive noticed, people give off a chosen emotion when dealing with their divorce. Mine was the confident “I’m done!” And I was! I still am! But that wasn’t all I was feeling. I found it’s easier to say than trying to explain that I was feeling EVERYTHING and NOTHING all at the same time. I didn’t want to talk about the emotions because i didn’t want to feel them (thus giving the feeling of nothing). Thats the thing though. You have to eventually feel those emotions. I had to feel the anger, the sadness, the joy, the pain, the confidence, the love, the hatred, the fears, the hopes, the confusion, the irritation, the disgust, and face the “what ifs” the “why nots?” The “why didn’t I do that sooner?” the “how is my marriage over?” AND the big one “WHO AM I?” I’m still trying to figure that one out. I’ve obviously learned some things about myself since but I also went through a lot of nights crying alone, screaming songs, bad decisions and so much self reflection. I learned I lost a lot of trust in myself when my marriage ended. I’ve held that with me, day in and day out, this feeling of defeat and failure. How could I trust myself to do anything, if I couldn’t keep such a big promise. I learned I hide behind humor. I’ll turn one of my biggest heartbreaks into a joke. That’s problematic but also funny so is it a bad thing? ehhhhhh. I also came to the realization I couldn’t keep the promise til death do us part because doing so would be breaking an even bigger promise I made to myself when I was young. I promised that I would never stay in a relationship that wasn’t real. I didn’t get it even as a kid. Why would you pretend to love someone if you don’t? After everything was said and done, I wasn’t capable of loving her the way I use to and I refuse to pretend. I still loved her but it wasn’t the same and could never be the same. I loved me enough to not be willing to pretend. I can’t believe I can actually say that and it be true because I’ve lacked self love for most of my life, so I am really proud of myself for that. I’ve done so much healing but I’ve still got a long way to go. As awful as it’s been, I am so grateful for it. Im learning, I’m growing and Im getting there. I think we when CAN talk about things, we should talk about it. I’m in a place now where I’ve felt the emotions, so now I can talk about them to all my acquaintances, friends and family. Sharing is good for our own mental health but If my story helps any of you, even a little, I feel it’s worth sharing. Just because an emotion or emotions can’t be spoken at the moment they felt, doesn’t mean those emotions shouldn’t be heard.
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starfirexuchiha · 3 years
The Flower Meanings behind each P5R Flower Keychain Merch
After pre-ordering the P5R flower keychain merch, I decided delve into the flower meanings that each PT character is associated with in the new flower keychain merch.
I’m going to research into the Hanakotoba (花言葉) meaning of these flowers, the English meanings, and the relevant flower essences to hopefully get the right information. Then I’ll try to connect how they relate to the characters. Understand that what I’ll say may not be 100% right, because this is my own interpretation.
The flower meanings I gotten are based on the Japanese websites and English websites that I looked into. THIS IS GOING TO BE A VERY LONG POST so please excuse any potential grammar mistakes I may have made.
If I ever have time, I might make separate posts for each Phantom Thief regarding the history, folklore and meta of their flowers.
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Ren Amamiya - Red China Asters & White Daisies
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China Asters are called 蝦夷菊 (Ezogiku) or in Katakana, エゾギク in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) China Asters in general mean:
追憶 (Recollection)
私はあなたを想うでしょう (I will think of you)
変化 (Change / Shapeshift)
信じる恋 (Believing in Love)
貞節 (Fidelity)
And Red China Asters in particular mean:
変化を好む (I prefer change)
The English meaning of these Asters are:
Daintiness (Gentle and Kind personality)
Afterthought (Remembering someone who is no longer with you / Thinking if things should have happened differently)
Love of variety
And the Red color in an Aster is the color of passion that expresses strong emotions towards these meanings.
So basically China Asters mean Change and Recollection (Remembering something/someone), and “私はあなたを想うでしょう (I will think of you)”.
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Note: There are 2 different classifications of Aster flowers. One is the Shion (シオン) Aster. The other is the China (エゾギク) Aster. There is no such thing as a red Shion Aster. China Asters on the other hand, comes with a variety of colors including red. Therefore, the red asters are China Asters.
Shion Asters tend to have the meaning: “君を忘れない (I won’t forget you)”. China Asters tend to have a similar meaning which is: "私はあなたを想うでしょう (I will think of you)”. This indicates remembering someone who is no longer with you, or when they are far away and separated from you. It seems that Asters in general involve remembering someone and not wanting to forget them.
How this connects to Ren:
Since Red Asters in particular mean “change”, I think this refers to how Ren is a “shapeshifter” (from the Beneath the Mask song), since he is a WildCard user who uses different personas and masks. I think the “変化を好む (I prefer change) ” meaning refers to how Ren wanted to reform society as a Phantom Thief.
China Asters in general also mean “recollection”, I think this refers to what happened between Ren and Akechi. Ren deeply regretted how he wasn’t able to save Akechi in the engine room and wanted things to happen differently between them (Like peacefully playing chess with Akechi in his room in the “Bad Ending”).  For Akechi to be present and by his side...that was his wish in the dream world. This can also refer to how Akechi said “If only we had met a few years earlier...”. Recollection is also connected to the "私はあなたを想うでしょう (I will think of you)” meaning. Ren still remembers his promise with Akechi, even after the dream world ended. Akechi was separated from him twice but Ren still carries Akechi’s glove with him, thinking of him.
The meaning of these flowers are probably connected to the meaning of Akechi’s Forget-Me-Nots that I will mention later in this post.
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Daisies are called 雛菊 (Hinagiku) or just デイジー (Daisy) in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Daisies in general mean:
純潔 (Innocence / Purity)
美人 (Beautiful person)
平和 (Peace / Harmony)
希望 (Hope)
And White Daisies in particular mean:
無邪気 (Innocent)
The English meanings of these Daisies are:
New Beginnings
If the Daisy color is White then that specifically means “Innocence” and “Purity”.
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How this connects to Ren: 
Ren has his own sense of justice and righteousness, and he believes that what he’s doing is for the greater good. He is the Trickster who brings hope and drives away ruin. Shido falsely accused Ren of assault even though Ren’s innocent. He gotten a criminal record even though he is innocent. Ren started off as a misunderstood hero... and yeah I guess Ren is pretty good-looking too “美人 (Beautiful person)” lol.
Ryuji Sakamoto - Sunflowers & Red Ace Hydrangeas
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Sunflowers are called 向日葵 (Himawari) or in katakana ヒマワリ in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Sunflowers mean:
私はあなただけを見つめる (I only have my eyes on you)
あなたを幸福にする (I will make you happy)
崇拝 (Admiration / Adoration)
光輝 (Brightness)
あなたは素晴らしい (You are amazing)
偽りの富 (False Riches)
The English meanings of these Sunflowers are:
Joy & Happiness
So basically Sunflowers mean admiring someone or adoring someone and it also means happiness.
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How this connects to Ryuji:
Ryuji is Ren’s best friend, and he also greatly admires Ren for being the leader of the Phantom Thieves. Ryuji is also the type of guy who is loud, cheerful, and optimistic. This can connect to brightness and happiness.
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Hydrangeas are called 紫陽花 (Ajisai) or in katakana アジサイ in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Hydrangeas mean:
高慢 (Boastfulness / Arrogance)
冷酷 (Ruthlessness / Cold-Hearted)
謝罪 (Apology)
The English meanings of Hydrangeas are:
Honest Emotions
Desire for forgiveness
In Japan, Hydrangeas are usually used to express apology for bad behavior. That’s why negative words like 冷酷 (Ruthlessness / Cold-Hearted) and  高慢 (Boastfulness / Arrogance) are associated with it. It’s to apologize for behaving like that.
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How this connects to Ryuji:
Ryuji is a delinquent and a troublemaker. However, he’s also the type to apologize for the things he messed up on. One example is Ryuji feeling sorry for his mother because attacking Kamoshida ruined his chances of making things easier for her (like getting an athletic scholarship). Another example is the 3rd Semester where he deeply apologizes to Ren for abandoning him to enjoy the dream world. For 高慢 (Boastfulness / Arrogance), Ryuji wanted to have more fame and recognition as the Phantom Thieves were becoming more popular, but that was until the Okumura incident.
Ann Takamaki - Red Roses & Strawberry Blossoms
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“A Beautiful Rose has thorns!” - Ann
Roses are called 薔薇 (Bara) or they can be just called ローズ (Rose) in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Roses in general mean:
愛 (Love)
美 (Beauty)
And Red Roses in particular mean:
あなたを愛してます (I love you)
愛情 (Love / Affection)
美 (Beauty) 
情熱 (Passion)
熱烈な恋 (Passionate Love)
The English meanings of Red Roses are pretty much the same: Passionate Love, Romance, and Beauty. Roses are the most well-known flowers across the world.
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How this connects to Ann:
Ann is associated with the Lovers Arcana. Ann’s phantom thief attire is also associated around the themes of beauty, lust, and love. This is because her Persona is Carmen, who is a Femme Fatale (An attractive and seductive woman, especially one who is likely to cause distress or disaster to a man who becomes involved with her). Like what Ann said in battle: “A Beautiful Rose has thorns!“
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Strawberries are called 苺 (Ichigo) in Japan.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Strawberry Blossoms mean:
尊重と愛情 (Love and Respect)
幸福な家庭 (Happy Family)
あなたは私を喜ばせる (You please me)
先見の明 (Foresight)
完全なる善 (Perfect Goodness)
The English meanings of Strawberry Blossoms are: 
Spring / Rebirth
So basically Strawberry Blossoms mean perfection, love, and righteousness.
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The essence of a Strawberry Blossom can help those who are going through a mental loop of fear and anxiety. For people who are worrying themselves to exhaustion and tears.
How this connects to Ann:
Ann is very kind, compassionate, and also cheerful when she’s with the Phantom Thieves. When it comes to “righteousness“, Ann has moral values and tends to reflect on whether her’s or the PT’s actions are right or wrong. She also has a strong desire to help those in need. I think “perfection” connects to how Ann is confidant about her physical appearance, but she also wants to be mentally strong and confidant like the female villains she watched.
The essence of a Strawberry Blossom (a mental loop of fear and anxiety) could connect to what Ann was going through during the Kamoshida arc. She worries a lot about Shiho, and was unfortunately put into a situation where she had to deal with Kamoshida’s threats and sexual harassment. This is because she feared that Shiho would lose her position in the volleyball team. This situation was so stressful that she suddenly had to talk to Ren about it at the station.
Yusuke Kitagawa - Nemophilas & Lily of the Valleys
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Nemophilas (aka Baby Blue Eyes) are called 瑠璃唐草 (Rurikarakusa) or  just ネモフィラ (Nemophila) in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Nemophilas mean:
どこでも成功 (Success everywhere)
あなたを許す (I forgive you)
可憐 (Sweet)
The English meanings of Nemophilas are pretty much the same: Victory and Success.
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Nemophilas have essences for anyone who during their childhood, had lack of support from their father figure or had issues with their father figure.
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How this connects to Yusuke:
Sure the “success” meaning could probably connect to Yusuke trying to succeed his art career, but I think the Nemophila essence meaning connects to him more. Yusuke did have a father figure in his childhood who is Madarame. Madarame adopted him shortly after his mother’s death. He became corrupted by his distorted desires and treated Yusuke as a tool to help bolster his fame and riches. Yusuke had issues with Madarame‘s abuse and eventually fought against him in the Metaverse.
However Yusuke still have this conflicting case of Stockholm Syndrome towards Madarame and it shows during the 3rd semester. In the dream world, part of Yusuke’s wish was to have Madarame be a supporting and sincere father figure towards him. This can connect to the Nemophila meaning of “feeling supported and loved, especially by male figures”.
One of the birth flower dates for Nemophilas is January 28th, which is Yusuke’s birthday. So these flowers are REALLY for Yusuke!
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Lily of the Valleys are called 鈴蘭 (Suzuran) or in katakana スズラン in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Lily of the Valleys mean:
再び幸せが訪れる (Return of Happiness)
純粋 (Purity)
謙遜 (Modesty)
優しさ (Kindness)
The English meanings of Lily of the Valleys are:
Return of Happiness
You made my life complete
So basically the Lily of the Valley flowers mean “Return of Happiness” but it could also mean “Motherhood”, because this flower is considered to be the perfect flower for the month of May, and Mother’s Day takes place in May. On May 1st, it is a custom to give a loved one Lily of the Valleys.
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Lily of the Valley also has essences for those who are yearning or desiring relationships that are unattainable.
How this connects to Yusuke:
The “再び幸せが訪れる (Return of Happiness)“ meaning could refer to Yusuke becoming part of the Phantom Thieves and obtaining new friends. The PTs saved him from Madarame. Note that Yusuke first met the Phantom Thieves on the month of May, and Lily of the Valleys are heavily associated with that month.
I think this also relates to the Sayuri painting. The true form of the Sayuri painting expresses motherhood. The woman in the painting is holding a baby. Yusuke’s mother created this painting of herself happily holding her newborn son in her arms. “Yearning for relationships that are unattainable” could probably refer to how Yusuke deep down yearn for parental love. His biological parents aren’t present in his life and Madarame is a corrupted father figure. I mentioned before that part of Yusuke’s wish in the dream world was to have Madarame be a supporting and sincere father figure towards him.
Makoto Niijima - Canterbury Bells & Pink Tree Peonies
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Canterbury Bells (aka Bellflowers), are called カンパニュラ (Campanula) in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Canterbury Bells mean:
感謝 (Gratitude)
誠実 (Sincerity)
節操 (Loyalty)
思いを告げる (Telling your Thoughts)
共感 (Sympathy)
The English meanings of Canterbury Bells are:
Everlasting Love
So basically Canterbury bells mean “Gratitude” and “Telling your Thoughts”.
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The essence of Canterbury Bells are for those who are stressed and cannot think for themselves. Canterbury Bells can help clear their minds so that they can stand up for themselves and make their own decisions.
How this connects to Makoto:
Before she joined the Phantom Thieves, Makoto was considered to be an obedient “good girl type of pushover” who followed the rules and couldn’t make her own decisions. During the Kaneshiro arc, so many things were happening to her at once such as the Principal giving her a difficult task, Sae getting angry at her during dinner, and Goro calling her a pushover. All of this really stressed her because her obedience is suffocating her. This connects to the “思いを告げる (Telling your Thoughts)“ meaning because it wasn’t until she entered Kaneshiro’s palace that she was finally able to speak her mind and stand up for herself. 
One of the birth flower dates for Canterbury Bells is April 23rd, which is Makoto’s birthday. So these flowers are REALLY for Makoto!
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Tree Peonies are called 牡丹 (Botan) or in katakana ボタン in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Tree Peonies mean:
王者の風格 (Personality of a King)
富貴 (Wealth and Honor)
はにかみ (Bashfulness)
恥じらい (Shyness)
思いやり (Compassion)
The English meanings of Tree Peonies are:
Good Fortune
In Japan, Tree Peonies are well-respected and known to be called the “King of Flowers” (花の王様) or the “King of a Hundred Flowers” (百花の王). The reason why they’re called that is because back in history, Tree Peonies were used to decorate throne rooms and royal palaces. That’s why Tree Peonies tend to have meanings relating to royalty and honor.
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The essence of Peonies are for those who are overworking themselves and trying to work hard for everything.
How this connects to Makoto:
Makoto’s code name is “Queen”, because of her bossy and strict personality. This also connects to the “王者の風格 (Personality of a King)“ meaning. Makoto’s bossy personality can be a King-like trait. Also a Queen is just a royal female version of a King. Makoto also worked hard to keep her grades in check and studied a lot in order to go to a good college. This could connect to the Peony essence for trying to work hard for everything. Makoto also drove a lot in P5 Strikers and exhausted herself from it. This could mean that Makoto is also the type to overwork herself.
The “はにかみ (Bashfulness)” meaning could probably connect to how Makoto has vulnerable or cute sides to her. She is scared of paranormal activity and have cute buchimaru merch in her room.
Futaba Sakura - Dandelions & Red Carnations
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Dandelions are called 蒲公英 (Tanpopo) or in katakana タンポポ in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Dandelions mean:
愛の神託 (Oracle of Love)
神託 (Oracle)
真心の愛 (Sincere Love)
幸福 (Happiness)
別離 (Separation)
The English meanings of Dandelions are:
Youthful Thoughts
Dandelions are known to be a fortune-telling flower which is why words like “神託 (Oracle)” are associated with it. It seems like Dandelions also mean “Happiness” but also “Separation”.
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How this connects to Futaba:
Obviously Futaba’s code name is “Oracle”, so all of the “神託 (Oracle)” and  “愛の神託 (Oracle of Love)“ meanings of this flower connects to her. The “別離 (Separation)“ meaning could refer to how Futaba is separated from her mother because her mother died. The “幸福 (Happiness)“ meaning probably refers to how Futaba became happy again and gained new friends after the Phantom Thieves saved her.
One of the birth flower dates for Dandelions is February 19th, which is Futaba’s birthday. So these flowers are REALLY for Futaba!
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Carnations are called カーネーション (Carnation) in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Carnations in general mean:
無垢で深い愛 (Innocent and Deep Love)
魅惑 (Fascination)
愛情 (Affection)
And Red Carnations in particular mean:
母への愛 (A Mother’s Love)
The English meanings of Carnations are:
Love and Affection
Carnations are known to symbolize Mother’s Day which is why “母への愛 (A Mother’s Love)“ is associated with it. The Red color of that flower in particular are used the most for Mother’s Day.
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How this connects to Futaba:
Futaba loves her mother (Wakaba) a lot and she also misses her mother a lot. The whole Futaba Palace arc was about Futaba struggling to overcome her mother’s death. She later realized in her Palace that her mother doesn’t hate her and still loves her. This connects to the “母への愛 (A Mother’s Love)“ meaning. Futaba deep down still hasn’t overcome her mother’s death and it shows in the 3rd semester. Futaba’s wish in the dream world was to have Wakaba still alive. Futaba knew it wasn’t real early on, but she still rolled with it anyway because “If I got to see my mom again, then it was okay...”. She eventually apologized to Ren for this though.
Haru Okumura - Pink Roses & Hypericum Berries
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As you already know, in Hanakotoba (花言葉) Roses in general mean:
愛 (Love)
美 (Beauty)
But Pink Roses in particular mean:
しとやか (Graceful / Ladylike)
上品 (Elegant)
可愛い人 (Cute person)
美しい少女 (Beautiful Girl)
誓い (Oath of Love)
感銘 (Deep Impression)
The English meanings of Pink Roses are:
Ann’s Red Roses represent passionate love and romance. Haru’s Pink Roses on the other hand, have a different meaning. Pink Roses are more associated with beauty and grace.
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How this connects to Haru:
Haru is the “Beauty Thief”, and is associated with the themes of classy elegance, beauty and grace. This is because her Persona is Milady, who is a sophisticated and elegant woman. It’s also because Haru is rich. Haru is familiar with what it’s like to live in a high-class lifestyle.
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Hypericum are called ヒペリカム (Hypericum) in Japanese
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Hypericums mean:
きらめき (Sparkle)
悲しみは続かない (Sadness that doesn’t last)
The English meanings of Hypericums are:
Hypericums are usually given to those who are grieving or lost a loved one. They are also known to relieve depression, because the medicine that uses this plant are antidepressants. Hypericums are also used to drive away devils, witches, sorcery, and misfortune. This is the reason why Hypericums have “悲しみは続かない (Sadness that doesn’t last)" as its meaning.
How this connects to Haru:
I think this is connected to how Haru lost her father and she was really sad about it. Hypericums are for those “who are grieving or lost a loved one“. The meaning of “driving away devils, witches, sorcery, and misfortune“ could refer to how Haru had to fight against her father in the Metaverse in order to stop his corruption and save anyone (and herself) who were affected by his distorted desires. Even after the Okumura arc, she still grieved about her father to the point that her wish in the dream world was to have her father alive again.
The “悲しみは続かない (Sadness that doesn’t last)" meaning could refer to Haru joining the Phantom Thieves and not being sad anymore. Her new friends relieved her depression.
Sumire Yoshizawa - Baby’s Breaths & Blue Star Milkweeds
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Baby’s Breaths (aka Gypsophilas) are called かすみ草 (Kasumisou) in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Baby’s Breaths mean:
清らかな心 (Pure Heart)
無邪気 (Innocence)
親切 (Kindness)
幸福 (Happiness)
永遠の愛 (Everlasting Love)
The English meanings of Baby’s Breaths are:
Everlasting Love
Newborn babies
Holy Spirit
So basically Baby’s Breath mean “Innocence”, “Purity”, and “Everlasting Love”.
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How this connects to Sumire:
The name of the flower. In Japanese, Baby’s Breaths are called “Kasumi” (かすみ) in hiragana. The name of Sumire’s twin sister is also in hiragana: かすみ  芳澤 (Kasumi Yoshizawa). It appears that Kasumi is named after the Baby’s Breath flower. Sumire on the other hand, is named after Violets, and Violets are called  すみれ草 (Sumiresou). What is the Hanakotoba meaning of Violets? “白昼夢 (Daydreaming)” and “あなたのことで頭がいっぱい (You Occupy my Thoughts)”.
Kasumi = Baby’s Breaths (Innocence, Pure Heart)
Sumire = Violets (Daydreaming, You Occupy my Thoughts)
Sumire was the first to be affected by Maruki’s power. Her cognition was changed, causing her to believe that she’s Kasumi. This is connected to the “白昼夢 (Daydreaming)” meaning. During her time being Kasumi, she was completely oblivious that she’s not Kasumi. This could connect to the “Innocence” meaning.
It’s also the reason why the Sumire keychain have Baby’s Breaths flowers instead of Violets. This is the Sumire that thinks she’s Kasumi.  
The “永遠の愛 (Everlasting Love)“ meaning could probably refer to the bond between the two sisters.
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The Blue Star Milkweeds (aka Tweedias) are called ブルースター (BlueStars) in Japanese. 
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) BlueStars mean:
幸福な愛 (Happy Love)
虹あう心 (Rainbow Hearts)
信じあう心 (Hearts that believe in each other)
The English meaning of BlueStars are:
Faithful Affection
BlueStars are one of the common flowers that are used in weddings in a bride’s bouquet. I guess that’s why meanings like “幸福な愛 (Happy Love)“ and “信じあう心 (Hearts that believe in each other)” are associated with it.
The essence of BlueStars are associated with dream and reality. It helps balance the ability to daydream with the need to keep one foot fully grounded in reality.
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How this connects to Sumire:
Sumire’s 3rd tier Persona Ella, represents Cinderella during her wedding day. The blue color of the BlueStars could also refer to the color of Sumire’s 1st Persona, Cendrillon.
But the essence of BlueStars seem to connect to her more. Regarding the Inharmonious Expression, Sumire wasn’t able to accept reality at first, and wanted to stay being Kasumi in the dream world. This could connect to her lack of ability to move forward and her inability to travel to another dimension (Reality). Then during her time in the 3rd semester with the Phantom Thieves and Akechi, Sumire eventually gained the courage to accept herself. She was finally able to keep one foot fully grounded in reality.
Goro Akechi - Lobelias & Pink Forget-Me-Nots
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Lobelias are called ロベリア (Lobelia) in Japanese.
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Lobelias mean:
悪意 (Malevolence / Evil Intentions)
謙遜 (Modesty)
いつも愛らしい (Always Charming)
嫌い (Hate)
The English meanings of Lobelias are: 
So basically Lobelias symbolizes “Malevolence”. The reason why Lobelias have these negative meanings is because even though these flowers look pretty, they are really toxic flowers that can kill you.
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How this connects to Goro:
Goro’s true nature is full of malevolence and hate. He had caused psychotic breakdowns, had killed some people, and had attempted to betray the Phantom Thieves and kill Ren. His hatred comes from his desire for revenge against Shido, because Shido is the one who ruined his life as well as his mother’s. The 3rd semester showed this side of him even more. He is more ruthless, vulgar, aggressive, and wildly feral especially towards shadows. He takes great pleasure in killing them. Goro can also make himself go berserk by using “Call of Chaos” on himself. 
Goro being a murderer and taking pleasure in killing things can connect to how the Lobelia flowers are really toxic and can kill you. 
The “いつも愛らしい (Always Charming)” meaning could refer to how Goro is still pretty and charming despite showing is feral side. Like come on, look at this baby face:
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Forget-Me-Nots are called 忘れな草 (Wasurenakusa) in Japanese. 
In Hanakotoba (花言葉) Forget-Me-Nots in general mean:
真実の愛 (True Love)
私を忘れないで (Don’t forget me)
思い出 (Memories)
And Pink Forget-Me-Nots in particular mean: 
真実の友情 (True Friendship)
The English meanings of Forget-Me-Nots are: 
Don’t forget me
True Love
Eternal Love
Desperate Love
Memory of a dead person
The meanings of “True Love” and “Don’t Forget Me” came from legends of tragic romances in medieval times.
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The essence of Forget-Me-Nots are for those who never fully resolved their isolation and abandonment issues after experiencing the death of an important family member or friend during childhood.
How this connects to Goro:
The “私を忘れないで (Don’t forget me)” and “Remembrance” meanings refers to what happened between Goro and Ren. Goro made a promise with Ren and gave Ren one of his gloves. But then Goro “died” in the Engine Room and Ren was devastated about it. Ren still kept the glove that Goro gave him and remembers him from it. This can also relate to the meaning of the China Asters that Ren is associated with: "私はあなたを想うでしょう (I will think of you)”, and also relates to “Memory of a dead person”.
The “真実の友情 (True Friendship)” meaning from the Pink Forget-Me-Nots in particular could refer to how in P5R, Goro now has a manual confidant. Ren is able to have an “open and honest relationship” with Goro because of this.
The essence of Forget-Me-Nots also relates to Goro. Goro does indeed have isolation and abandonment issues. He mentioned how he’s an unwanted bastard child, and in the engine room he mentioned how he wanted to be loved. He also deep down wanted to be acknowledged by Shido since Shido is his only biological link. Shido of course took advantage of that. All of this is because during Goro’s childhood, his mother committed suicide, leaving him feeling alone and unwanted. The death of an important family member.
For the ShuAke fans:
Since Forget-Me-Nots gotten their name from tragic romances, this can connect to how ShuAke is a tragic and angsty romance as well. Since they have an “open and honest relationship”, their “真実の友情 (True Friendship)” can turn into “真実の愛 (True Love)” as the story progresses. Also… their flowers communicated to each other like:
Goro: 私を忘れないで (Don’t forget me)
Ren: 私はあなたを想うでしょう。 君を忘れない (I will think of you. I won’t forget you)
Whew.... I gotta say, making this post has made me learn a lot about flowers and the flower language. Thanks to this new knowledge, I will consider using the meaning of flowers in my future video projects from now on. Making this post also made me delve into the meta of the other Phantom Thieves and I began to like them more because of it. 
Like I said, my interpretations aren’t 100% correct, so make what you will with this knowledge. 
You’re welcome 👋
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strawbellyx3 · 3 years
Thinking about how the lyrics of Sayonara Moon Town perfectly fit Sasuke and Sakura's relationship and their scenes in Sasuke Retsuden :')
Look, the yet unseen future is reflecting upon the wavering moon on the lake
"When did Sasuke-kun get wrinkles?"
"I have wrinkles?" Sasuke asked.
"When you laugh, I can faintly see them."
"You didn't change." Sasuke touched the skin next to Sakura's eye. "It'd be okay if you get wrinkles."
"I think from the bottom of my heart that I wish I could always be next to Sakura."
I'm afraid that the things dear to me will just keep on increasing
Even though I tried to live closed off, I ended up meeting you, didn't I?
Sasuke living in hatred and thus rejecting Sakura for his own ambitions until he eventually accepted and reciprocated her feelings :( But the past is still haunting him and he is afraid of losing his family once again..
“I...” Sasuke said slowly, staring at the lake in front of him. "I've never been worried that someone might take my place while I'm gone. Never...But sometimes...It is frustrating, and there is a thought. When I come home after a long time and Sarada is growing taller or your hairstyle has changed, there are times when...”
Even if destiny tried to pull us apart,
Even if the world would get destroyed, I want to protect you
"Hey, Sasuke. I told you, don't leave your wife alone. People die easily."
"If my wife is gone, I might would want to do the same thing as Jiji."
(bringing her back to life, no matter the damage it would cause)
Although I know the pain of loss,
I still end up longing for someone else
There's nothing to lose if there's nothing we love; we understand that in our heads
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I think, a lot of people tend to forget what Tobirama said when they think of Sasuke as this emotionless character.
“No other clan treasures love more than the Uchiha”
The Uchiha's, although often reserved, carry lots of emotions inside and treasure love deeply.
That's what makes them vulnerable, when they lose a loved one it's easy for them to get consumed by hatred - Sasuke, having gone down that path knows full well about that and yet he's still longing for someone else.
Although I know the pain of loss,
I still want to love you
Until my last breath
I love how the verse changed into "I still want to love you" :')
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
“Beautiful ……” Sasuke smiled and watched Sakura's profile shining like a child.
Your lovely tears
soaked the forget-me-nots
"Forget-me-nots symbolize true love and respect. When you give someone these tiny blooms, it represents a promise that you will always remember them and will keep them in your thoughts. They are also considered a symbol of fidelity and faithfulness."
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"For Sasuke, Sakura was his family, his partner, the one he came home to. They wouldn't need a blood connection; their feelings wouldn't change even though they couldn't be around each other often."
and this small scene: "The fingertip with a familiar feel wiped Sakura’s tears."
Goodbye, goodbye
We'll overcome this farewell...
It's them
thanks for coming to my TED talk
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scarofthewind · 3 years
Please, pleeeease, give me more of this! Like, how it's going to be, when Mr. and Ms. Heelshire start hire girls to work as a nanny for their son, for some reasons. Or, maybe, Y/n had to leave for some important business, and, after a while, she returned, and now some strange lady (Greta probobly?) babysits a Brahms doll.
-Excuse me, what the *cursing like English royalty*..?!
A/N: Here you go, so sorry for the long ass wait!
Warnings: None, mentions of sex, fluff
Tip Jar (every bit helps!)
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The smell of rain was far too familiar as your cab drove up to the Heelshire Mansion. Your stomach had been in nots since your last talk with the Mr. and Mrs. about returning home and you couldn't wait to be reunited with Brahms. It had been well over two years since you last saw one another and you tried to imagine him pulling you into a tight hug and never letting you go again.
All the nostalgia and feel good emotions froze in thin air when the front door opened and a woman your age stood there with an unsure look on her face. "I'm sorry," you started, looking at her with just as much confusion. "Are the owner's home? My name is (Y/N) and I'm an old friend of theirs. I had spoke to them about coming and staying with them."
"They didn't inform me about anyone coming. I'm Greta, Brahms' babysitter." She looked behind her as if a noise had echoed within the home. Your eyes caught sight of the doll in a chair down the hall and you bit back a hum of understanding.
"Ah, well, I'll be going then, I'm sorry for the lack of communication-"
"It's alright! You came a long way right, a night or two won't hurt and I'm sure the Heelshire's will be back in a few days." Greta opened the door wider for you to step inside and shake the rain off your jacket. Slipping out of your shoes, you watched as Greta shut the door and you took in the house once again.
"It's all the same, just as I remembered." Your voice echoed through the hall and Greta smiled.
"Were you a nanny for the doll too?" She asked, pointing to the porcelain figure in one of the hall chairs.
"Yeah, you can say that," you lied. Greta laughed and started going on about how strange it was to babysit a doll and all you could do was agree, looking at all the paintings and hall decorations that you knew covered a secret entrance in the walls.
"Were there rats when you worked here?" She asked, catching your attention once again.
"Rats? No I don't believe so." You shook your head, following her upstairs and making your way to the bedrooms.
"There seem to be now, or the place is haunted. There's a lot of creeks and thumps in the walls. Almost as if there's a whole family of rodents in there." She waved the topic off and you nodded to yourself, holding back a smile.
Greta showed you to another empty bedroom that the Heelshire's kept for no specific reason and you unpacked while she babbled on about the grocery boy and the date she was supposedly going on that night. "I might stay the night if you don't mind? Would you watch the doll? I mean, I doubt he'll go anywhere." Greta asked with big eyes.
This poor woman had no idea what she was in to.
With a tight smile, you nodded, accepting her offer and waiting out the rest of the evening, getting antsy every now and then when a thump would resonate in the wall behind you or when something would move out of the corner of your eyes. It took a while but as soon as the deli boy drove off with Greta in the front seat, you shut the front door, locking it and immediatley hearing something loud hit the ground behind you.
"Is it really you?" A hoarse voice asked; one that never failed to make your heart hammer in your chest. When you turned to face your long lost lover, your mind was trying to register everything at once it almost made you dizzy.
"Brahms," you said in almost a whisper, your beautiful eyes peering up at him as he slid the mask from his face, letting you take him all in once again. "It's been a long time," your voice sounded weak almost and it made his heart ache.
"It has, and oh God how I've missed you," he said, wrapping his arms around you tightly and letting you hug him back. "I tried to write you back, I swear. It just got harder when they started bringing in the nanny's."
"It's alright, I know." You said in understanding, feeling him let you go to cup your face in his hands, his eyes scanning over your face. "I don't plan on leaving you again Brahms. Not after how hard it was the last time."
"As if I'd let you leave again in the first place." He chuckled, bringing his lips down to capture yours. It didn't take long for there to be a trail of clothes leading from the front door to the bathroom where a much needed shower and lots of love-making happened. From there, Brahms had practically dragged you to the bed, continuing his ministrations there. He had you seeing the whole world from another perspective by the time he was done with you, wrapping you in the clean bedsheets and pulling you close.
"I love you so much," you whispered to him, your fingers tracing circles into his chest as his breathing finally calmed.
"I know," he grinned, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I'm very happy that you're back, we have a lot to catch up on."
You hummed in agreement before sitting up at the sound of a car door shutting in the driveway. You let out an annoyed groan and Brahms shuffled to grab whatever he could find in the room. "Don't worry, I'll take care of her." He said with a huff, moving to slide your dresser to the side, revealing a hole behind it. "I'll see you tonight," he gave you a smug smile and you felt your face heat up as you waved him off, getting up and gathering the clothes up off the floor.
When Greta asked about all the clothes downstairs, you simply said it was the ghost in the walls playing a trick on you.
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bonefall · 2 years
Tangleburr, Deerfoot, and their Parents
EDIT 2: On 1/30/2023 This post was changed to be accurate to the current version of the rewrite.
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So here they are! Lizardstripe, her mate Mudclaw (renamed to Mudfoot in my rewrite because I don’t like major characters having name repeats), Tangleburr, and Deerfoot.
Info below
So in general, I give ShadowClan cats big eyes and very long whiskers, plus a lot of facial hair. Mudfoot and Deerfoot both have a classic ‘shadowstache,‘ a bundle of short whiskers around the mouth. I also wanted Lizardstripe to have green eyes because I always see Tangleburr with that color, and she got a bit of an overbite (which Deerfoot inherited) because there’s not enough cool dentition in Warriors.
She’s very, very different from canon. Instead of being just a sour, abusive mother, Lizardstripe is one of Bluestar’s oldest friends and used to sneak out to hang out with her friend group, the Forget-Me-Nots.
Lizardstripe was the first Forget-Me-Not to die, taken out in a battle over the Mothermouth moorland, before Brokenstar took power.
She was a young mother, not ready for the experience nor particularly happy about it, but she did still love her children. When she was bored, she would go on ‘exercises‘ and bring her kittens along, resulting in them being in Yellowfang’s den a lot for scrapes and dings.
She agreed to nurse Raggedstar’s motherless son for him when he still needed milk, but didn’t raise the little guy.
Mudclaw Mudfoot
Wasn’t the best mate, but a decent father. He was particularly close to Deerfoot, passing on many of his skills.
He was one of the best builders the camp had ever seen. They used to joke that he could out-dig a badger and still come back with a rabbit. He died of greencough and general weakness during the last winter of Raggedstar’s reign, shortly after which all three of his kits started to drift apart.
Inspired by a red stag, I wanted him to look noble, but not in a ThunderClan way. His brow whiskers are thick and brush back like antlers, with a big bushy ‘stache (he’s proud of it. Tangle makes fun of it) and dark paws like hooves.
While he supported Brokenstar at first, it quickly becomes clear that him and Runningnose are bending the code to fit their needs. But, he got the same smarts that his brother Runny did, and learned quickly to shut up and get sneaky. Sure, he’s loyal, sure, he follows orders... to the letter. And the rules didn’t say anything about sneaking a few mice to the exiles. Mice full of herbs. Birds full of messages. Frogs full of rebellion.
He’s principled and honorable. He can have a fair amount of the good old ShadowClan dark humor in his fangs, but he gets tired of nonsense very quickly. He honestly regrets a lot of the things he said as a kit, and gets frustrated that Tangleburr never seemed to grow out of being a bully. After one too many comments that went to far, he stopped talking to her entirely.
They had just begun to reconcile when TigerClan took power, and Tangleburr became a fast loyalist. Deerfoot organized the rebels, just as he’d done before, resisting tyranny at every step. After helping the half-Clan cats escape, he was the only one captured and put on trial. He refused to name his co-conspirators and was brutally executed.
Jaggedtooth, Mosspelt, Dawnflower, and Reedwhisker, just some of the cats who owe their lives to him.
I needed her to look like the funny little guy she is. She’s a little fluffy. A little chunky. She’s got this little tail and these big teeth and she’s always grinning. Her whiskers twist over each other, tangling at times. Sooo many appearances of her make her brown and white so I decided she needed ALL of the colors. Heterochromia also.
“Think before you speak“ but Tangleburr has never had a thought in her life. She’s all emotion. Swat first and ask questions later. She never has a good idea of boundaries or what the appropriate thing to say is.
In contrast to Deerfoot, Tangleburr was a loud and proud supporter of Brokenstar’s leadership up to the bitter end. She was ready to take over the entire forest, with no regard for how much space ShadowClan could actually use, or the suffering of other clans. After all, they’d never have peace as long as there were borders to battle over. She happily ate up every excuse and loophole Runningnose came up with-- she felt lucky to have such a smart brother and powerful leader!
As you’d expect, this caused a lot of tension between her and Deerfoot. When he cut her off, she blamed him at first for being stuck up all the time. Later, when they reconcile, she comes to realize that she was destroying the clan she loved, and that she’d lost so many clanmates while she’d been gone. When Deerfoot died, Tangleburr was distraught and could only think to keep him alive with her actions
She started asking herself what Deerfoot would have done, letting her paws be guided by his actions. This lead to a strong connection with StarClan (for a warrior, at least) and she became a good friend of Tawnypaw’s. She’s “No good at saying good, wise stuff, but I got two ears and one mouth! If you want a listener, I mean. Yeah.”
I’ve kind of fallen in love with her. Her son is Talonclaw; being saved from the vicious kittypets to help fix the family tree.
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astroyongie · 3 years
okay but I love park jeonseong so I thought why don't I ask you to do jay's sfw analysis, if you don't mind..... Idk if you're taking requests so 😅😅😅😅
But nonetheless, I LOVE YOUR ENERGY AND BLOG ❤️✨✨✨✨✨
A To Z Analysis : SFW
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A = Affection
Not the best to show affection because it causes him shyness however he can be a very sweetheart when you guys are alone
B = Best friend
The protective and possessive type of best friend, that always wants to be around you, wants to go out with you and be part of your life in general
C = Cuddles
Cuddles can be possible during movie session or after a nice meal is done
D = Domestic
He does his best at cleaning, he isn't neat but he isn't that messy either. When he wants he can be very organized and helpful around the house
E = Ending
It would depend on the reason you guys break up, it could either end up in hatred or still be good friends but no in between
F = Fiance(e)
Commitment doesn't scares him and he prefers to be committed and straight on his steps than being secretive and take his time
G = Gentle
A tease in most days but he is also very gentle with his partner, with emotionally and physically. He is a very protective boyfriend
H = Hugs
Hugs where you wrap around your arms around his neck are his favorite type of hugs
I = I love you
He definitely won't say it first and it would take him a very long time to spill it, because anything concerning affection and love verbally is difficult for him
J = Jealousy
He can get pretty jealous and pretty pouty about the while thing, mostly if he feels threatened by the other person or if you are teasing or the other person is going through boundaries
K = Kisses
His kisses aren't very wet, they are strong, earthy, devouring even
L = Little ones
He likes children but he feels very nervous around them, because he doesn't know how to properly take care of it
M = Morning
Mornings are usually soft, around a big breakfast and some gentle conversion about the day
N = Night
The night is the time for big cuddles, for gentle touches and just overall pillow talk and care
O = Open -
Not very open about his emotions or his private life, even with people he loves because he is very reserved. He will eventually open up with time and if he feels truly supported
P = Patience
Not easy to anger, but he gets pouty easily, but he usually controls his patience well
Q = Quizzes
He does remember quite about you, like favorite foods and nots, favorite colors and movies, little habits. Tends to forget details though
R = Remember
His favorite moment is when he realized he truly fell in love for you
S = Security
Extremely protective, he wants to safe you from all the pain and the hurt that the world has to offer. He can take people hurting him but not people hurting who he loves
T = Try
He puts a lot of effort to even try to bake you a cake or get you the gifts that you most want. He does a lot
U = Ugly
Has the habit to become mute when things aren't okay, he is unable to talk when he is sad or depressed he just Keeps it to him and expects people not to ask about it
V = Vanity
Doesn't care that much but at the same does. Like he likes to pamper himself and be handsome but in another hand he is lazy
W = Whole
He would feel like a part of him abandoned his Body when you are away
X = Xtra
If he really loves you he will be talking about future with you in a subtle way
Y = Yuck
He doesn't like when his partner is being irresponsible, impulsive and maniac over his wrongdoings
Z = Zzz
He sleeps on his belly most of the night, snores lightly with an open mouth
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