#there are so many good tododeku fics tho
shima-draws · 5 months
Sanlu consuming my brain like a goddamn fungus. Please send help. I’ve already written down so many ideas for fics I’m going to blow up
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Blurred bc spoilers and also some of these are really REALLY self indulgent (embarrassing) and may never see the light of day
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bibibbon · 4 months
Hello, can I ask why do you think there are so many BL ships from BNHA and JJK? Do you also have fav ships from those two series?
I don't mean any negative things to any fan fics writers or fan art artist (thanks so much every one for sharing your hard works in the fandom).
But like, I'm a fan of both series for years now, and I saw them mostly as just platonic (bakudeku, tododeku, kiribaku, satosugu, itafushi, etc). Now, I'm not anti mlm or wlw because I love BL and GL media (manga, manhwa, books, tv series, etc), but I'm kinda hard to enter into shipping. Do you think I'm weird? Or maybe I'm slow in understanding the romantic subtext in those scenes from both series?
My take on it I guess is that people just love shipping characters together. Fandoms low-key thrive on shipping most of the time and especially when it comes to rareships. In my opinion any legal ship can work depending on how someone writes the story so there's that.
Iam not a huge shipper myself and if I do ship stuff I tend to be a multishipper prefering to enjoy multiple amount of contents that people make. MHA has horribly written ships point blank. Sure togaocha could of worked but it doesn't the same with BKDK. Any ships in MHA that were introduced as possibilities also lack any sort of development. This obviously doesn't stop people from shipping and developing their own ships (as they rightfully should) but canon wise there isn't much going for MHA
When it comes to Jujutsu kaisen akutami already acknowledged that he isn't that good at writing romance so he chooses not to excpet of already established ships like hakari x kirarka or tragic ships like mechamiwa. Even when it comes to that people do view stgs and itafushi as heavily romantically coded and I can see where theyre coming from as there is some heavy romantic subtexts.
Overall, Iam not much of a romantic shipper myself I just love platonic bonds and ships. For some reason I find that platonic ships and bonds are just better written and can connect with the audience a whole lot more easily and better compared to romance. Iam not much of a romance fan so I don't consume much of that side of media. Iam not sure if it's only me but stories centering around one ship get really boring for me whereas other stories that go out to critique stuff or explore ideas are more enjoyable.
Also no I really don't think you're weird I do somewhat relate to you tho.
I don't think MHA has any romantic subtexts however I definitely do see the Jujutsu kaisen romantic subtexts.
Writers usually give readers freedom to decide how they view things. Iam not much of a romance type of reader so I just like viewing a lot of things as platonic just because I think platonic relationships are overall stronger and better then romance ones
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zannolin · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @beautyofsorrow, tagging @lordgrimwing @faebriel and anyone else who wants to do it!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
publicly associated with my account, 45. in total, including a couple i orphaned before i knew you could put them on anon, 84 i believe. 85 if you count the two chapters of that leakira zine i wrote that are up there somewhere. i could be off. but i forgot how to get to where it shows me the total number and i can't be bothered lol.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
438,464 baby. maybe 500k in 2024? who knows.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
ones 90% of you have never heard of, at this point. it fluctuates depending on whatever i'm getting ideas for, but actively at the moment, the mullverse (mostly beyonders), resident evil, and lockwood & co, national treasure (might be done with that tho, i've exhausted my must-writes). i have other stuff knocking around, like life is strange, mona lisa smile, mlp, some more shazam, bendy and the ink machine, a tlou fic...but who knows.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
ugh. 1. in this fearful fallen place (i will be your home) 2. welcome home, theseus 3. sanctuary 4. i'll carry the weight of you, i swear 5. eat you alive. it says a lot that only one of those is still publicly listed on my profile. even then i'm tempted to put it on anon. they're only my top kudos'd by virtue of being from a big fandom. definitely not my best. at all. even within that fandom. free me and my stats page.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
not all of them, but i make an effort when comments are thoughtful or especially brighten my day. it's easier now because writing for smaller very niche fandoms you don't tend to get a lot so i don't feel overwhelmed or anything, but man responding is hard sometimes. i want people to know they made me happy, though, when they do. so i try.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i mean there's that tododeku one where they both die brutally and were supposed to get married next week. there's also the batcat fic that i wrote solely for the purpose of killing bruce wayne (sorry). there's um. also the klance titanic (historical not titanic the movie) au i wrote ages ago. haha. yeah. anyway.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them. hfdsjkhfs no i honestly couldn't tell you. i have a mike flanagan-ass idea of a happy ending these days. maybe three's a crowd? hell if i know.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've had a couple instances of people harassing me over them but never like. "your fic is so bad i hate it die". so maybe?? i'm too obscure to be getting hate at this point lol. who out here is gonna read beyonders fic just to comment mean things.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do not. i did try years ago. that notebook has since been put through the shredder and dumped into the recycling bin for good measure. (yes, it was that bad.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
technically no but i've thought about it sometimes. they've all promptly fled my head though so just trust me on this one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
gee i hope not. there's been a lot of suspicious similarities in some old cases but like. that literally does not matter to me anymore idc. it's not straight up theft in any case so not to my knowledge ig?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again not to my knowledge but i do have blanket permissions for that if anyone ever wanted to. it's cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back in the 2010s my friend and i were writing a warriors fic together. she did one chapter, i did one, etc. i've had collaborative aus as well (cat's cradle and whatnot) but not a collaboratively written fic for any of them. me and tam were writing the coma au together but we're no longer in the fandom for that anymore, rest in peace coma au you were genuinely wonderful. i'm not opposed to the idea of collab fics but they always feel like a lot of work and i'm way way way too anxious to approach anyone about them.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
ah hell. i dunno. do i have to pick one?? like right in this moment i'd say locklyle and they've been here a hot minute (like. ten years almost) but i don't really have A Favorite I'd Choose Over Anyone Else.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
mm. penumbra anastasia au haunts me. i want it out of my wips folder. also wild geese is probably never getting finished ever. i do think i'll get split ends done eventually but that one's taking forever. as for ones not posted, well, rip the gospel tent au. i might try to convert it to a short story but lord. i don't know. and don't get me started on the final girl au or the empty grave possession au. throwing myself out a window. they'll never be done i'll never be free.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uh. i honestly don't know anymore. knowing exceedingly tedious canon details to the point where i can make all sorts of metaphors and allusions relevant to said canon? i really couldn't say. introspection i guess.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
yes. next question
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have an overbearing anxiety that i will fuck it up somehow since i am a monolingual american loser. if i ever did need to i would definitely see if there's any native speakers willing to help translate or whatever bc i am not relying on google translate for that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
like liv, lord of the rings. i still have my first fanfic btw. it's written on tinkerbell notebook paper.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
it changes. if i were to be completely objective (or as close as i can get), completely removing my emotions on fandom from the equation, prob without anesthetic. because i think i constructed it just right. being a dirty little subjective, right now i think it's three's a crowd or swallowing jupiter or the swing of things. they're all wonderfully unhinged.
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chilipepperconverse · 3 months
Ao3 Author tag game!
tagged by my bestie @plushie-sentai <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What is your Ao3 word count?
74,854 holy shit. i hadn't checked it in awhile lmao
3. What fandoms do you write for?
oh all kinds of shit, but rn i'm up to my eyeballs in tokusatsu. i tend to jump from fandom to fandom depending on my current hyperfixations HSKDJGS
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
in the fall we sleep all day (the magnus archives, jonmartin)
the end was soon (the magnus archives, jonmartin)
feeling so alive, feeling something (my hero academia, tododeku)
we both need it to forget this fear (the magnus archives, jonmartin)
if that's what it takes (my hero academia, tododeku)
all of these are like. at least 4 years old LMAO
5. Do you respond to comments?
i always do!!
6. Which of your fics has the angstiest ending?
mmmm depends on your definition i think. if you include canon compliant events its def one of my danganronpa fics (a foreign still or light of the moon) but that feels boring to me SO i might say my most recent fic for kamen rider ex-aid (or just mine tonight) since it ends on kindof a sour note for the characters? im not sure tbh, as much as i love angst in a fic i tend to like happier or ambiguous endings.
7. Which of your fics has the happiest ending?
that's an easy one! my dimension 20: mentopolis fic (whale fall) was written before the finale and was my guess as to what would happen w one of the pairs of characters, and its very sweet and wholesome i think :3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully no!
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
i do! i used to be terrified of it, but i think i've gotten better the more i write! i don't hold any bars on what kind of smut i'll write, either-- whatever the characters are workin with, i'll do it!! lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest crossover you've written?
i used to! back when i wrote for achievement hunter i wrote an au where the fake AH crew were killjoys, like from gerard way's comics and the MCR album danger days :p i got uncomfy with RPF as i got older tho so those fics are all lost media now HSJGHJD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope! not that i'm aware of anyways lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope but if anyone wants to... pleading emoji
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not unless roleplay counts... i used to rp a certain anime with friends mostly as a joke in high school but we did try and write story-format roleplay a few times
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i don't much care for it or the property anymore bc i've got some bad experiences tied to it, but i think the ship i've gone the most batshit over is probably jonmartin from the magnus archives. right now tho? definitely best match from kamen rider build <3
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my magnus archives dnd au (write an anthem worth repeating), for aforementioned reasons of not feeling good about the source material anymore :( a shame bc i thought my writing in that fic was nice
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i'm pretty good at characterization! i get a lot of comments saying i give good insight into how characters feel which is lovely to hear, bc thats what i like most about writing fanfic!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PACING... AND PLOTS IN GENERAL... why do you think i only write one-shots!! 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't trust myself enough to do it right... i write a lot of fic for japanese media so the most i'll do is use the japanese word for something that can't be translated (names of foods for example)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
god probably warrior cats in like 3rd grade... on Ao3 tho it was achievement hunter, but those are gone like i said earlier </3
20. Favorite fic you've written?
is it cheating if i say my wip?? ;3
i'm gonna tag @meganechan05 bc i cant remember who else im moots with who writes fic but if you see this and wanna do it go ahead n say i tagged you!! :D
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tamireli · 4 years
Okay now my heart needs some good tododeku fanfics. Any suggestions?
Ahhh this is is gonna be lengthy, lol. I have over 100 tddk fics bookmarked, but i’ll give you my top ten. They are in no particular order but all of them are the ones i find myself re-reading regularly because they are just so amazing and dear to my heart *touches chest*
1. The beauty of futility by wbtrashking (fan_nerd) • Tddk ft. baby Eri. I never seem to be able to shut up about this fic, and I’m usually always rec-ing it in twitter at any given chance just beacause it’s so good and relatable to me. Give me fics with protags being 30+ and still struggling to find their place in life, in need to be reminded that they are always worthy of happiness and love, and i’ll eat that without blinking!!
2. teach me your language of love by ArgetCross • omg this fiC!!!!! if izuku was ever to reveal shouto everything about OFA, this is exactly how i’d like it to be!! ((this fic is canon in my heart)). I love how much they support and value each other and this fic is just a terrific portrayal of them baby-stepping into love *aggressively clenches chest*!!
3. saltwater room by reapers • fake/pretend relationship done RIGHT!!! The last chapter is worth all the drama. Not like everything else is bad!! but just to reiterate that you do end up feeling satisfied on an spiritual level after finishing reading.
4. begin again, begin again by aknightley • the scooby doo au you never knew you needed but you end up wishing there was more of!!! like srly!!!! I wish the author wrote a continuation or a series out of this au *tear*
5. Serendipity by theroyalsavage • stardust au!! what else can i say but STUNNING, BEAUTIFUL, PERFECT, BREATHTAKING!!! This fic is everything what dreams are made of!!!
6. Out of Time (Out of Place) by ladyhoneydarlinglove • halloween au, featuring vampire todoroki in denial until is too late- but not really. This fic is ethereal and angsty but with the happiest of endings and who doesn’t like that!! Also the writing here is just *chef kiss*
7. Spark by MsMay • Shouto struggling with feelings and ending up getting the happiness he deserves (honestly that’s everything i always want to find in tddk fics). THIS ONE IS SO GOOD!!! it ignites my soul!!!
8. It’s exactly what it looks like by CrzA • this fic was a ride in the best way possible. and it made me laugh so hard!! izuku and shouto are the best dorks in every way possible in this fic.
9. Conventional Taste by WowBoring • This fic is so cool!!!! shouto goes with izuku to a hero con and pining and other fanboy-related shenanigans ensues. The writing here is unreal!!! 45k words and you don’t even feel them pass by. What a fantastic fic.
10. Duet in E♭ by Shegry • Just by thinking in this fic makes me weak in the knees!!! everything falls together so well *sobs into hands*. it’s super cute and everything you’d like any musician au to be like.
[An honorable mention] 11. life is a highway by ADreamingSongbird • cars au BUT LISTEn,, i know what you may think, but this is cute in a way a can’t describe.
- What The Future Holds by stanzas
- Send Endeavor to the Shadow Realm by
- Sweater Weather by crispykrimi
- flowers in our eyes by aknightley
•And basically everything these authors have to offer, tbh:
ArgetCross | theroyalsavage | PitViperOfDoom | celestialfics | CrzA | katarasvevo | hanwritesstuff (hannahkannao) | soulstring | furihatachlookie | Pouler (poulerslashes) | cricketmilk |
And that’s it! Please be mindful of the tags before reading any of these.
We are so blessed to have so many wonderful writers in the tddk fanbase, so please don’t forget to go and give them all the LOVE and APPRECIATION they DESERVE!!!!
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
⊱ UA University, a bnha au masterpost ⊰
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• AU synopsis •
This whole AU revolves around the lives of the students and teachers at UA University, and will consist of a mix between little posts on here, and a small series of fics on ao3!
It will work similarly to the upheaval au, but will be on a much lighter note!
Quirks and Heroes still exist in this universe!
The Uni is famous for it's very successful Hero Course (4 years), which is very similar to UA high in canon, just, different ages, but also have a normal university build up with Literature, Science, Arts, Physics and History departments.
The dorms are all in the same area no matter what department the students are in, but the Hero Course students share a building according to class much like in canon because of scheduling and training.
Grad students have the choice to live off campus tho, but not that many chose to do so.
• Main characters and their majors, ages and dorms •
The Dorms rooms 20-25 students, and each floor have two groups of 3-4 students who share a tiny common area, separate small bedrooms and bathrooms, with a large common area on the first floor, with two TV nooks and a kitchen and dining area.
Dorm 1-A, Hero Course 1st years
2nd floor
group 1: Katsuki Bakugo (19), Tenya Ida (19) class rep, Eijiro Kirishima (18)
group 2: Koji Koda (19), Rikido Sato (19), Yuga Aoyama (18)
3rd floor
group 1: Mina Ashido (18), Toru Hagakure (18), Momo Yaoyorozu (19), class vice rep
group 2: Ochaco Uraraka (19), Tsuyu Asui (19), Kyoka Jiro (19)
4th floor
group 1: Izuku Midoriya (18), Shoto Todoroki (19), Hitoshi Shinso (19), Hanta Sero (19)
group 2: Denki Kaminari (19), Fumikage Tokoyami (19), Mezo Shoji (19), Mashirao Ojiro (18)
Other Hero Studies students
Mirio Togata (21) 3rd year
Tamaki Amajiki (20) 3rd year
Nejire Hado (21) 3rd year
Other relevant Students
Keigo Takami (23) taking some random classes to cope with not being able to be a hero forever, more backstory will be revealed, lives off campus with Dabi
Dabi (Touya Todoroki) (24) getting his masters in Lit lives off campus with Keigo
Natsuo Todoroki (22) undergrad, majoring in Medical Welfare, living in dorms
Tenko Shimura (22) undergrad, major not decided, living off campus with Spinner and Sako
Spinner (Shuichi Iguchi) (23), undergrad, majoring in Visual Arts living off campus with Spinner and Tenko
Himiko Toga (20) undergrad, majoring in the Arts, living in an apartment off campus, nobody knows how she affords it, is dating Ochako
Atsuhiro Sako (25) Science PhD student living off campus with Spinner and Tenko
Jin Bubaigawara (26) Psych Major, getting his Masters, friends with Dabi & co
Teachers and Professors
Shota Aizawa (34) Hero Course teacher, Class 1A's main teacher married to Hizashi Yamada
Toshinori Yagi (49) Hero Course teacher
Oboro Shirakumo (34) Hero Course teacher
Hizashi Yamada (34) English Lit Professor, married to Shoto Aizawa
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) (29) Hero Course teacher
Nemuri Kayama (32) Visual Art and Combat Trainer for the Hero Course
Tsunagu Hakamada Best Jeanist (28) Mentor and Student Guidence Couselor, part time Pro Hero, good friends with Keigo and Rumi
Ken Ishiyama (35) Japanese Lit Professor
Thirteen (28) Rescue Training Teacher
Ectoplasm (38) Math Professor
Snipe (41) Science Professor
Higari Maijima (31) Support Course Teacher and Physics Professor
Other relevant characters
Rumi Usagiyama (26) pro hero, good friends with Keigo and Hakamada
Fuyumi Todoroki (23) elementary school teacher
• Fics •
(every sky is) Your Own Kind Of Blue, Dabihawks one shot, roommates to lovers, getting to know each other, fluff and humor with a dash of angst with happy ending
Moonlight, You're my starlight, dabihawks, part 2 to Every Sky, just a little fluff and smut piece I promised readers after the first one ehe
I Think He Knows (He Does Not) Tododeku, Izuku reflecting over his relationship with Shouto, fluff and humor, one-shot
Aizawa's Anglez, class 1A centric, just their group chat being chaotic lmao, multichaptered
Get out of your head (and into my arms) 5 times Denki helps Shinso get out of his own head, and one time Shinso gets to return the favor Denki, Shinkami, introducing characters, one shot, getting together, fluff and mild smut, one-shot
• Drabbles •
The Knockoff Merch Game, blurb
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chococustard · 4 years
i'm gonna be brave and not send this anonymously and also sorry in advance because this is VERY long 😅
hiiiii!!! i just got through (i'm pretty sure) the ENTIRE lovechild au tag and oh my g o s h do i LOVE IT. i rarely like abo aus but this????? amazing!!!
your character design is BRILLIANT and i absolutely a d o r e your art style, it's so freaking pretty!!!! everyone's BEAUTIFUL. also, i just can't get over just how freaking beautiful you draw girls???? like, the way you draw boys is great too, they're so, so, so, SO pretty, but the GIRLS, I- wow. just wow.
i especially noticed that when i got to your drawing of Eri, she's MARVELOUS. SO PRETTY!!!! Yukari is absolutely beautiful too. i also really like how you draw Shouto and Eijirou.
i've already mentioned character design and before i meant it visually, but like, personality-wise, your character design is great too! i love how you portray the original bnha characters and the kids you've created are excellent! none of the personalities seem repetitive or forced or something and the portrayal is very good in my opinion.
Ochako as a mother is hilarious lol. some of those little comics with her and Tenma, and Tenya too, made me laugh really hard, haha.
Kyou and Yu are PRECIOUS.
there's something i'm really curious about though, but you can completely ignore this next bit if you want to, i'm just throwing out an idea lol. in that one post with Toshi there's a boy in Chihiro's class who can see ghosts thanks to his quirk. i wonder what would happen if you continued with that and it somehow became known to the tododeku fam that he can see Toshi? like, idk, one day tododeku pick up Chihiro at school and, as they're standing together getting ready to leave, the boy, as kids are wont to do sometimes, just asks why there's a ghost of an older boy hanging out around her so much or something??? i don't think you've said that that's canon in your au, but, like i said, i'm curious. and also, idk, i imagine that would come out pretty angsty.
(idk, i just need more Toshi content, i know he technically doesn't even exist, but i LOVE him)
also, whenever i look at your art of Toshi, i kinda get a Dabi-esque vibe from him, mainly mannerism-wise??? like, the coat you draw him in so often or the poses, they just really remind me of Touya????
speaking of Dabi, Homura is a sweetie. i love her design.
that thing with the morning glories is so sweet and heartbreaking once you know their meaning, oh my gosh.
and one last thing!! what is up with Takami Kaguya??? as far as i'm aware you've only drawn her once so far, i think. i love her design and i know she was apparently never born, but i'm so curious about her! will we ever see anything of the backstory behind her?
so yeah, i am a BIG fan of both your artstyle and this au now. have a nice day!
//breaths hold on im overwhelmed first of all i didnt know tumblr ask can have this many characters now holy shit ive been on here for too long
i need to redraw eri tho at least give her a new design WITH A SCARF LIKE HER DADDY//SHOT
I drew toshi in a coat one time but tbh yeah he kinda was influenced by touya from fics it stuck and it just fit lol
regarding the ghost boy (lol) yes he’s not canon, and shouto and deku doesn’t really pick them up from elementary school, cause, well, gotta keep the girls’ identity hush hush. BUT, however, YU does go home with her sometimes if she doesn’t have afternoon classes/chi doesn’t go play with her friends
imagine the kid, asking the big sister, “hey your sister’s being haunted by some guy” and she just
“oh yeah that’s our brother”
won’t that be fucked up//SHOT
meanwhile kaguya is from an au where hawks is an omega and he and dabi has a kid and also kept homura lol. she was a joke that went to far like everything i ever did in my life//SHOT
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itsmyartfam · 3 years
Can I go ahead and say I am not all that excited about TodoDeku? What REALLY has me jumping at each update is the possibility of that platonic ShinDeku... ♥️ I just think they both deserve it! And hey, maybe now that Midoriya has a healing quirk Shinsou won't act so resentful around him? Then again, Izuku seems more impacted about the possibility of being controlled/helpless in this fanfic... (Just my opinion 😅)
Ayo, that’s alright, hopefully the platonic ShinDeku will be more than satisfying. I have a soft spot for ShinDeku, although tbh I’m kind of a multishipper myself so I tried to give Izuku a good amount of (platonic) chemistry with many of the characters throughout my fic. Shinsou won’t be showing up till chapter 12 tho, so patience :)
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lex-ex · 4 years
Todoroki Shouto fic recs (Tododeku but the focus is more on todoroki)
 A Genetic Risk (tw for a lot of things but mostly eating disorders and some self harm stuff)(It’s Tododeku but not too much tododeku it focuses more on the whump ha.. i’m not crying you are or you will be) -complete Anyways so this fic is kinda popular but its basically a Todoroki whump fest. There’s comfort and its a bit too relatable sometimes. It was completed recently and it’s so good. It’s very long so be prepared to sit for a good few hours. https://archiveofourown.org/works/22729111/chapters/54313951 Summer Stars (Tododeku) (tw for child abuse read the tags its a relatively tame fic in that aspect tho) -complete So I worship the ground the author walks on because holy (am I allowed to curse?) anyways this fic is yet another whump but more comfort and so sweet. No spoilers I promise but it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This fic is also long but hey it’s worth it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/9121246/chapters/20730049 Dear Izuku, The Stars Are Lovely -complete This. Made. Me. Cry. So Midoriya asks Todoroki to write him love letters because he doesn’t want Uraraka to confess to him. It’s beautiful my heart melted. Todoroki is sad like the pining is severe. They end up together but it still hurts and I think about this fic when I’m drifting off into dreamland. It’s a medium sized fic around 7k words. It’s really good. Read it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/7631629 quid pro quo -complete Todoroki is afraid of ruining his relationship with Midoriya so he avoids causing arguments and he’s a dork. This was a fic that got me into tododeku more. Also Todoroki is so soft like aww. https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/35324700 Chapstick, Chapped Lips And Things Like Chemistry (TODOBAKUDEKU) -complete This one is hilarious and adorable and my heart is weak. Mutual pining and just no whump this time I promise. It’s just cute misunderstandings and our favourite oblivious dorky todoroki. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23903173/chapters/57471442 The Weeping Angel (hogwarts au) -incomplete Okay so this one has my heart in a silver cage. I don’t know anything about hogwarts or harry potter but this fic just enlightened me. It’s amazing and sad and my poor baby todoroki is suffering but it’s okay because he has Midoriya now. I keep re-reading this fic and every single time I do my heart ascends to a different dimension. It’s super good the author updates every uhh now and then but it’s really good and its at 40k+ words now so yeah https://archiveofourown.org/works/18712870/chapters/44382355 There are sooo many more I wanna share but I can’t remember the names (these are the first ones that popped into my head) anyways if you’ve read these fics please talk to them preferably with me. I need people to geek out with. Commenting is highly appreciated ^>^ Ahhh also reblog and like if you liked the fics (:  also also if this post gets any attention whatsoever I’m going to attempt to find the fics I wanted to add in but couldn’t peace outtttt.
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nabtime · 4 years
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Hold My Broken Hands, Ignite My Burning Heart
1h27min/25 songs that make me think of Tododeku in different ways 
Fire - Diskopunk // Out of My League - Fitz and The Tantrums // Aawake at Night - halfalive // Bad Liar - Selena Gomez  // Collide - Howie Day // Falling For U - Peachy!, mxmtoon // Crush - Tessa Violet // Would You Be So Kind - dodie // Please Notice - Christian Leave // I See You - MISSIO // Talk Too Much - COIN // Tongue Tied - Grouplove // When the Day Met the Night - Panic! at the Disco // First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes // Home to You - Sigrid // Fall On Me - A Great Big World // Grow As We Go - Ben Platt // Two - Sleeping at Last // High Hope - Patrick Droney // Talk to Me - Cavetown // Sunkissed - khai dreams // I Do Adore - Mindy Gledhill // Pink in the Night - Mitski // Laundry Room - The Avett Brothers // Brand New Day - Kodaline 
explanations for song choice under the cut ! its looooong
Fire - “When I saw you a fire / Started in my heart / I looked at you again / Yeah, you've burned from the start” 
Every tododeku fic youve ever read has a moment like this or a moment similar. izuku has to light shouto on fire either metaphorically or literally. “It’s your power, isn’t it?” This song is for that. its about a spark that ignites between them, whatever the catalyst, and sets the world around them ablaze (wonder, gratitude, amazement, relief, an all-encompassing light and bubbly feeling that leaves them stunned and in love)
Out of My League -  “You were out of my league / Got my heartbeat racing / If I die, don't wake me / 'Cause you are more than just a dream”
both of these idiots, at one point or another, think that the other one is out of their league. Izuku is far too cute and personable and an over all sunshine beacon and obviously he is far too good of a person to ever be in Todoroki’s league and Todoroki is far too beautiful and composed and an over all competent badass to ever be in Midoriya’s league 
Aawake at Night -  “ Alone in a crowded room / My eyes will search for you / Abandoned by my company / I'll search for what's in front of me / And hope that I find something new”
a tribute to those fics where Midoriya and Todoroki meet at a party. where they lock eyes and everything begins from there bc damn if they hadn’t just spotted the hottest person theyd ever seen. its about those fics where theyre both awkward wallflowers finding solidarity in not wanting to be at this party that their friends dragged them and abandoned them in
Collide - “ I'm open, you're closed / Where I follow, you'll go / I worry I won't see your face / Light up again / Even the best fall down sometimes / Even the wrong words seem to rhyme / Out of the doubt that fills my mind / I somehow find / You and I collide”
what is this an early 20s comedy show that has its surprisingly deep/romantic subplot moments? absolutely and there’s noting you can do about it. its about Midoriya punching Todoroki with friendship and then showing him via the dekusquad how to be a person and that friendship slowly evolving into love. its about Midoriya being fumbling and awkward sometimes bc this is the first time hes ever had friends or a crush that he actually talks to?? on a regular basis?? and even though getting together is a clumsy mess they still come together
Bad Liar - “ Oh I'm tryin' /  Not to think about you /  With my feelings on fire / Guess I'm a bad liar “
Theyre gay and trying to repress their feelings and thankfully its not really working out for them. its about the boys trying so so hard to not be in love with the other for whatever reasons the fic has (he’s my best friend and i dont wanna ruin it, obviously he doesnt like me like that, my father would kill him, etc etc) and failing miserably. 
Falling For U - “ I didn't wanna believe my feelings for you / I didn't wanna believe that I could lose you / If I told you just how I felt “
Gay repression and mutual pining take 2 ! but also including That Moment when oh everything comes together and oh my goodness im in love ?? and Midoriya cant believe the world is crashing down around him and Todoroki has set himself on fire and theyre both so dense and suffering from so much emotional trauma but here they are, in love. 
Crush - “  You make it difficult to not overthink / And when I'm with you I turn all shades of pink, ah / I wanna touch you but don't wanna be weird / It's such a rush, I'm thinking wish you were here, ah-ahh “
doesnt matter when the fic is set, if theyre teenagers or adults, these boys are the epitome of puppy love crushes and blushes and fumbled awkward words and gestures and not quite knowing what to do with their feelings and theyre both so anxious about and its always such a relief to find out that its all mutual but still, having that crush is always like being hit over the head with affection
Would You Be So Kind - “ Oh would you be / So kind / As to fall in love with me, you see / I'm trying / I know you know that I like you / But that's not enough / So if you will / Please fall in love “
oooo its about that sweet sweet mutual pining that they both thing will forever remain unrequited and that yearning for the other to love just as much as them. its about the boys falling into daydreams about what it would be like if their feelings were mutual. its about that first fumbling confession maybe where its either todoroki being blunt or midoriya finally scraping together his courage and always always saying “its okay if you dont feel the same, we can forget this and still be friends, but i need you to know...” and its about hoping, hoping so much, that they wont stay friends and that maybe, if the other takes the chance, he’ll fall in love too (even tho he’s already there) its about skirting the edge of friendship and pushing boundaries into the romantic hoping that it sparks something (even tho it already has) its about fake dating with a crush and never demanding that the other not fall in love (bc maybe theres hope)
Please Notice - “ Do you know how in love with you / I am / Do you see how in love with you / I am / Every thing that you do, it makes my heart stop / Oh, it stops / And baby when you sleep, do you dream of me? “
its about that hope again. its about midoriya staying up so late at night overthinking everything hes ever done and wondering if todoroki is just humoring him bc his crush on the other is just so so obvious and it feels so awful to know that hes so obvious and todoroki is just playing along and he wonders if todoroki really knows how much he loves him. its about todoroki in his own room, worrying about the same thing. its about noticing the little things about each other. its about already knowing a whole host of secrets and knowing its okay to trust themselves to the other. its about midoriya noticing everything about todoroki and detailing all his little ticks and favorite things in his notebooks and hoping that todoroki notices just as many things about him, wanting the other to feel the same depth of feelings. its about todoroki becoming more and more emotionally aware (heroes can cry too) and noticing everything about midoriya and thinking hes just cataloging everything he’d need to take down a rival but do you really need to know all of someones different smiles in order to fight them?
I See You - “ I'm alone with you / You're alone with me / And I'm hoping that you will see yourself / Like I see you / Yes, I see you “
its about mutually loving each other even in the hard times, even in the sad times. its about that sweet sweet hurt/comfort that the both of them inevitably have to have bc of the trauma each of them have faced either in their childhood or together as heroes. its about being able to see through the masks that they both have whether it be a stoic one or a smile. its about hoping that the other will see their own inherent worth past their hurting and understand why they love them. its about hoping the other will see how much they love them 
Talk Too Much - “ You know I talk too much / Honey, come put your lips on mine and shut me up / We could blame it all on human nature / Stay cool, it's just a kiss / Oh, why you gotta be so talkative? / I talk too much, we talk too much “
a cute and silly song about midoriya being overly talkative bc hes a little chatterbox and we all know that todoroki loves it but sometimes it get a little frustrating when he wants kisses instead of the fifty-third rant about all mights golden age costume design (really todo it was a brilliantly done color scheme and- and the symbolism!) and maybe sometimes even midoriya would rather be kissing than talking too
Tongue Tied - “ I loved you then and I love you now / Oh yeah / Don't take me tongue tied / Don't wave no goodbye “
kinda debated about whether or not this one fit enough to keep but its a bop so it stays. its mostly the tongue tied part of the lyrics that apply bc both the boys get a little mixed up and tongue tied when it comes to talking to each other when theyre in love and crushing hard ( mostly midoriya but todoroki too) 
When the Day Met the Night - “  When the moon fell in love with the sun / All was golden in the sky / All was golden when the day met the night “
do i really need to day more than sun and moon motif tododeku? its about izuku bringing warmth back to shoutos life and shouto being a steady gentle presence for izuku. its about izuku being able to light up a room and shouto being full of radiant grace and the two coming together as opposites in harmony 
First Day of My Life - “  Yours was the first face that I saw / I think I was blind before I met you / And I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been / But I know where I want to go / And so I'd thought I'd let you know / Yeah, these things take forever, I especially am slow / But I realized that I need you / And I wondered if I could come home “
we’re getting into the really mushy gushy songs that make me sigh like a lovelorn maiden or something. i love this one for tododeku especially with the sports festival in mind as a sort of awakening. like shouto had only just realized what it was like to fully live for himself bc of izuku. izuku really opened up a path for him and guided him out of his misery into a brand new life full of acceptance and love. and shouto was there to return that love tenfold to izuku who hadnt really ever felt such devotion before. its about finally realizing that they can be so good together. its about wanting to come home to each other 
Home to You - “  But I see the world so different now / But there's a place by the sea and that's my town / When I don't know what to say / When I don't know what to do / There's a room I need to sit in / Surrounded by my favorite view / When I need a hand to hold / Someone to tell the truth / Would it be okay if I came home to you? “
One of my favorite ooey gooey songs about coming home and finding solace in another, which is just so perfect for tododeku. i love it when shouto feels like izuku is his home. that hes never felt like he truly belonged anywhere before he started belonging in izukus arms, holding his hand, and loving him. i feel like they would be good for settling each others doubts and fears. izuku worries that hes not good enough, that he needs to do more in whatever hes doing, that he will once again be found useless. but shouto is no nonsense enough to tell him straight that hes enough, hes wonderful, and already does so so much that its astounding and izuku cant help but to believe him. and when shouto starts to think hes like his father too much in the wrong way, starting to doubt is path in life, or thinks that his trauma makes him too difficult to deal with. but izuku is far too open and loving and shouto knows hes far too good to ever let shouto be what he fears most and izuku is there to remind him of all the good things hes done to earn that love. its about both of them being emotionally repressed in different ways and not knowing what to do or what to say but finding a way to communicate with each other anyway. 
Fall On Me - “  Fly like a cannonball straight to my soul / Tear me to pieces and make me feel whole / I'm willing to fight for it / To feel something new / To know what it's like to be sharing a space with you “
there can be a lot of challenges for the boys depending on the setting their relationship takes place in; shouto’s father always plays a role, kacchans attitude whether a constant interference or a ghost of izuku’s past, acceptance from the outside world, acceptance from friends and family, power imbalance (shoutos a prince and izukus a servant/knight/random adventurer) and a whole host of fic specific issues. this is about falling in love with each other despite them all, this is about begging each other to fall despite the dangers, this is about fighting to be together anyway. this is about finding an impossible love that shocks your soul and embracing it with all your heart.  
Grow As We Go - “  I don't know who we'll become / I can't promise it's not written in the stars / But I believe that when it's done / We're gonna see that it was better / That we grew up together / Tell me you don't wanna leave / 'Cause if change is what you need / You can change right next to me / When you're high, I'll take the lows / You can ebb and I can flow / We'll take it slow / And grow as we go “
you know some of those fics that hurt good bc mostly izuku but sometimes also shouto decide that their hero careers need to come first and that having a relationship would only interfere with that despite the fact that they love each other a lot? this is the song that plays when they realize that’s not true and come together and decide to be together anyway and that theyll be stronger for it. its about growing together as a couple as well as separately and still loving each other even through the changes. its about rising through the ranks together. learning about the world, together. and its about taking on any challenge thrown at them. together. growing, changing, loving.
Two - “  I know exactly how the rule goes / Put my mask on first / No, I don't want to talk about myself / Tell me where it hurts / I just want to build you up, build you up / 'Til you're good as new / And maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself too / Like a force to be reckoned with / A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss / I will love you with every single thing I have / Like a tidal wave, I'll make a mess / Or calm waters, if that serves you best / I will love you without any strings attached “
listen listen this song is so so so good for tododeku like look at those lyrics i just wanna cry about it. its about highlighting the flaws that can happen in their relationship when theyre both trying to fix the other more than to help themselves (especially izuku like baby boy please) its about making the promise to love each other unconditionally bc neither have really had that before outside of their moms? (and shoutos sibs) love without strings attached (doesnt matter if you were quirkless, doesnt matter if youre not the number one hero, doesnt matter that youve been through so much trauma ill help you and love you anyway) both of them striving to be the best fit for the other either a tidal wave or calm waters, eaither righteous fury or gentle love and its about just being so so thankful that they love each other even through the hard times
High Hope - “  Know you're coming from a bad place / Honey, I was there just yesterday / So I know the time it's gonna take / For you to feel like you again / And I'll be here if you need me / If you don't, just know / I've got a high, high, high, high hope “
this about past trauma and shared trauma and healing both on their own and together and knowing their relationship can weather through it all. this is about izuku comforting shouto through everything about his father and his family and the feelings that dredge up when someone asks about endeavor and its about shouto helping izuku through his complicated relationship with katsuki and how he flinches when a villain says his hero name in just the wrong tone. its about izuku covering shoutos scar with kisses and its about shouto tracing his fingers along the scar tissue on izukus hands. its about being patient and waiting and helping each other through times that feel like just too much to handle. 
Talk to Me - “ You don't have to be a hero to save the world / You don't have to be a prodigy to be unique / You don't have to know what to say or what to think / You don't have to be anybody you can never be / That's alright, let it out, talk to me “
its about both of them living up to the high expectations placed on their shoulders and telling each other that theyre enough. that izuku doesnt have to be the next symbol of peace exactly like all might. that shouto doesnt have to be the number one hero exactly like his father. its about encouraging each other to talk even though their both bad at it; izuku mumbles and stutters and takes forever to get to the point and shouto takes a long time to say what hes thinking and form it all into words and sometimes he still cant find the right ones. but shouto is patient and so is izuku.  
Sunkissed - “  So slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep / Feel the morning through the blinds / I turn my head to meet your sunkissed face / In this quite place I can give you all my time “
the ooiest and gooiest and again with all the sunlight that always used as a lovely motif. izuku is always lit up like the sun and shoutos hair always catches the light just so. its about finding each other and falling into a home and comfort together and being disgustingly in love with each other. its about the comfort that comes after the hurt and being happy and being at peace with each other
I Do Adore - “ When you're near, I hide my blushing face / And trip on my shoelaces / Grace just isn't my forté / But it brings me to my knees when you say / Hello, how are you, my darling, today? / I fall into a pile on the floor / Puppy love is hard to ignore / When every little thing you do, I do adore  “
ah another cute to emphasize that both the boys are dorks and sometimes even when theyve established that they like each other they cant help but combust into blushing messes. its about how sometimes shouto still lights himself on fire when izuku has a rare bout of confidence and really zuku that was very bold and my heart cant take it and about how shouto can still shock izuku speechless with a few well timed kisses 
Pink in the Night - “  I could stare at your back all day / And I know I've kissed you before, but / I didn't do it right / Can I try again, try again, try again / Try again, and again, and again “
izukus got a nice strong back and so does shouto (theyre heroes of course they cut a nice figure) and sometimes shouto gets lost in daydreams and sometimes izuku does too and its about the soft soft kisses that neither can get enough of. its about the yearning despite finding each other bc sometimes it doesnt feel real and ya gotta kiss again and again just to make sure and honestly its a mitski song what more to you want from me
Laundry Room - “ Don't push me out / Just a little longer / Stall your mother / Disregard your father's words / Close the laundry door / Tiptoe across the floor / Keep your clothes on / I've got all that I can take / Teach me how to use / The love that people say you made “
theres just so many fics about laundry? what makes doing laundry together so intimate? sharing detergent and smelling like each others clothes? showing a part of yourself to someone else? anyway, its about love and being home with each other and wishing the love will last. its about sometimes things dont end so well and you want to turn back time and sometimes izuku leaves and sometimes shouto runs but most times one or the other comes back and it all hurts but the love again is worth it
Brand New Day - “ I'll be flicking stones at your window / I'll be waiting outside 'til you're ready to go / Won't you come down? Come away with me / Think of all the places we could be / I'll be waiting, waiting on a brand new day  “
its about running away together or just traveling the word together or going out on a journey (always together) its about izuku wanting to go to the states for hero work or about prince shouto needing to complete a quest to be free of his father and its about izuku not wanting to go without shouto and about prince shouto only loving the journey after picking up a stray green-haired adventurer. its about beginning something new together, its about ending one chapter and starting another. 
oh tha t took soooooo long . ..  anyway ! hope you enjoyed !!!
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shima-draws · 5 years
BNHA movie was SO GOOD...I loved all the Dad Might content we got, Melissa was BEST girl, the MOMOJIROU, there were SO many good Kiribaku moments, Toshi got a worthy boyfriend...and Deku didn’t even break any bones this time so god bLESS
There was a distinct lack of Tododeku tho so you bet your ass I’m gonna remedy that, time to write a 5k word Tododeku Dadmight fic where Melissa just. Picks up on stuff. And gets invited into the “We all have a thing for Deku but we’re leaving him in Todoroki’s hands” club
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kiribak-uwu · 4 years
Oooh! Drunk asks sounds fum. Okay ummmmm... When you were watching MHA for the very first time, who was your favorite character, and are they still your favorite now? (Mine was Iida, but now it's Kirishima! Iida is still fantastic, though)
Ohh ,,, good question!!! My first fave was todorki. , at first I acu5ally shipped tododeku bit so many fics had kiribaku as the second ship that I fell in love with it.... obviously from this blog hahaha.... bit now its kirishima,,, hesss so manly and I just live his character development and he's just best boii.
Tododeku is still v good tho! Altho I am a multishipper its just obvously that I love kiribaku best
Thank you for the ask!!!! Ily ❤❤❤
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vivien-dot-exe · 4 years
Ask meme - every todoroki :eyes:
lmao BET
(this is super big huge I’m so sorry askdfjsh)
I don’t?? really think I have one. I’m pretty alright w/ all shouto ships tbh.
todomomo. I get the ships but I kinda see em as them Good Supportive Friends that are just close enough that everyone Thinks They’re Dating n cannot believe they’re not but like. they never would. (am I projecting my best friendship onto shouto?? Maybe. fuck off.)
rn?? enjishouto lmao. I love love enjishouto man,, favorite child lovin,,,,
second choice
I ~guessss~ todobaku?? but tbh I’m not all that into most shouto ships. like we neutral most days. we just stay lovin bakugou + denying they’re friends???? so cute man,,
tied though is reishouto bc mommy kink. I won’t sit here and lie to you I just love gentle mommy kink sm
fluffy pairing
cliche fan fave - tododeku. we love a pair of supportive boyfs. I still do like seeing some tododeku art sometimes cause it makes our heart warm
angsty pairing
enjishouto again - I play things for angst so fuckin much dude,, if I can’t play my otp for angst then it probably isn’t gonna stick.
poly ship
can I say like. natsu/fuyu/enji/shouto. cause siblings that thirst over their hot dad together stay together
however hawks/enji/shouto is an incredibly tasty rarepair. there’s only one fic for it on ao3 but it’s So dang good,, 
weirdest pairing
I guess still enjishouto!! I have a very small amount of ships for the boy, man,,
n/a once again. every fuyumi ship I’ve seen to date or conjure up from crack shipping is cute bc she’s cute. I love seeing her in general.
lowkey?? fuyuhawks. I can see them being excellent friends. I know romance takes are also good but. consider this: them chillin and acting goofy.
fuyunatsu. no question. it was my v first fuyumi ship and I will go down with it. (more explanation below)
second choice
fuyumi/miruko is really good!! maybe that’s just me being all ‘lesbians good’ @ the few fics n art pieces I’ve seen but Still.
fluffy pairing
reiyumi. we Love a girl n her mom huggin tight n kissing softly.
angsty pairing
fuyuenji. I’ve seen such good angst w/ these two man,, makes my heart heart Good ya feel?? them sad n guilty daddy’s girl feels Get Me
poly ship
sibling thorst: the ship (fuyu/natsu/enji/shouto)
weirdest pairing
if I was to make up a weird pairing,,,, bakuyumi. they interact Once but I like ships that are basically ‘we cook and it’s romantic’ (read: natsuki from ddlc anyone?). it’s a lil crack shippy and I’ve never ever seen any material for it, but wouldn’t it be cute to have bakugou cook w/ a cute older woman n have a cute romantic time while he’s all tsundere?? sighs wistfully,,
hmm,, I’m honestly thinking I should take this option out. I really do think it cute to think the whole ass todofam w/ Anybody you know??
natsushouto. like wow great job viv takin it Literally but as we don’t know much about natsu’s college life, I can’t exactly elect a best friend or nothin, and I Really love the concept of natsu and shouto acting like regular sibs. fighting n competing but hyping each other up, ya know?? sighs wistfully,, I actually really love brotherly dynamics a lot. like shipping em is usually my first thought but I also just???? like seeing em play around n be normal sometimes lmao. is that weird?? that it makes me happy?? idk.
fuyunatsu!! I love the concept of them constantly being there for each other, plus childish curiosity?? if you got sibs you know what that shit’s like. “you wanna try kissing??”
like listen not to be gross about it either but like. Puberty w/ that like entirety of the house to themselves. you can not tell me horny things never happened.
second choice
enjinatsu has Mad potential. I don’t get to see a lot of content for them but they make my heart happy. love the idea of both them being sweet to each other slowly in a path to forgiveness dotted with confessions and soft embraces,,,, or of course guilty dad thirst. both are Tasty
fluffy pairing
fuyunatsu is Cute. listen I want em to cuddle and support each other though they’re so different. like foils, ya know?? I am very weak for natsu having a weakness for fuyumi’s gentleness (though that could be said for the whole todofam. stan fuyumi)
angsty pairing
hmm,, I guess that’d be enjinatsu?? path to forgiveness enjinatsuo I can see being v feelsy and Tasty.
poly ship
sibling thorst Again.
weirdest pairing
man I don’t think any of these could be counted as Not weird. enjinatsu maybe?? as their dynamic is rather complicated n versatile + parent/child. I think the Least weird ship I’ve ever considered w/ him though would be natsuhawks, but I’ve not seen a lot of material for them nor do I have any ideas for dynamics. they just look nice together.
Touya (dabi)
okay I’ll be real w/ you I lied I do have One notp and it’s dabihawks (hotwings). it’s. it’s okay, I’ll admit, but it kinda squicks me out in canon verses. like, reverse aus, genderswap aus, most aus really that slightly shift the dynamic, I’m good w/ dabihawks, but Not In Canon or any approximations of it.
(big rant on why, feel free to skip)
I guess antis just kinda fucked it up for me?? I was kinda neutral when it first was proposed, ya know like ‘oh that’s cute!! not for me but more power to ya!!’ but then dabihawks shippers started getting in hawksdeavor shippers’ faces n giving the usual arguments against age gap ships (as if a villain/hero ship was so uwu pure n unproblematic), and then there came the ‘hawks will betray the heroes and become a villain for dabi’ theories from them and it just. that was 2018 and it Still makes me uncomfortable to think about. 
I very much enjoyed hawks’ double agent thing!! but I knew an infiltration mission would end with betrayal from the beginning and that’s what I liked about it. him doing the absolute Most for the heroes even if it feels scummy to do so. I was Devastated for a moment when I saw hawks’ first meetup w/ dabi and it looked like he might be spying for them, but then we were quickly assured that it was a ploy and I was like Oh My God Thank God I Near Had A Heart Attack. but other people, the loudest group being dabihawks shippers, were dissatisfied with this and wanted canon to take a different direction and I Dunno Man, I just had very strong emotions about that and still do. 
I love hero hawks in all his double agent endeavor fanboy glory and people wanting to take it a different direction in canon felt like a blatant kind of???? idk defacing of character almost, even though that’s a mega mega mega dramatic way to put it loL don’t ask me why I got such strong feelins about it I couldn’t explain it if I wanted. I’d love to go back to being chill about it I really really would.
idk, I think I might not???? have one for him. he seems kinda all or nothing to me, very intense w/ his emotions. if I was to Name one off the top of my head, maybe maybe togadabi, but even then I’m kinda hm on it.
first and favorite dabi ship is 1000% shigadabi. not even in most canon settings; I just like them chilling and being lovey (and going on large scale crime dates).
second choice
probably shoutodabi?? not Big on most dabi ships but love that older bro angst.
fluffy pairing
shigadabi bby!! if I wanna imagine dabi soft ever then shigadabi is a Lovely escape, canon absolutely notwithstanding.
natsutouya is also a good one to imagine, what w/ the image of them cuddling making my heart Warm
angsty pairing
shoutodabi. I saw this one reunion fic of them and I had So Many Emotions oh my god.
dabihaul is also a good candidate, though it’s less Angst more hurt little comfort. (not to mention I don’t ship it much myself lol a friend sold me on their interp) it’s not very emotional as I like my angst, more just got them whump aesthetics.
poly ship
good question. I’ve highkey not thought about it smH - maybe if I just,,,, *takes shoutodabi n shigadabi n smooshes them together*
idek how that’d work as a dynamic dude I Don’t KnoW LMAO
weirdest pairing
I guess enjidabi?? I think about it from time to time but I dunno how the dynamic would work but. very angsty whatever it is. lots of apology sexy times in my mind’s eye.
n/a - rei is definitely one I will take any ship for.
enjirei - I’m doing this out of order so I wrote the explanation on enji’s lmaO see below for details
oh man otp???? good question,, I’m a v big fan of reishouto tho. gentle mom lovin,,
second choice
rei/inko is also a good one!! something I still think is very cute from my early days in the fandom. just a couple of moms supporting each other and going on cute park dates,,
fluffy pairing
rei/inko is def the fluffiest. however, it can be argued that rei/anybody has good fluff material. rei is so,,,, ethereal lookin???? she looks like a flower or a ghost,, like breeze rustling sheer curtains in an empty sun lit room. gentle on the eyes but hella poignant. I can imagine her bein soft w/ everyone n everyone.
angsty pairing
reitouya. For Sure. rei taking care of her lost eldest who’s finally come home, ya know???? Sobs,,,,,,,, I don’t see shippy content of them ever but reunion fics/art Get Me
poly ship
this one might be a little weird, but inko/rei/mitsuki. I’ve only seen material for it Once but in my head it’s taking the cute mom ships of inko/rei and inko/mitsuki to make the Ultimate Supportive Mom Ship. and maybe masaru is there too supporting this bc I think he’s really good tbh I don’t want him sad or lonely.
weirdest pairing
uhhhhhh,,, idk man probably polyship is the only “Weird”/super rare one. mitsuki ain’t exactly gentle mom:tm: after all, but I think her spice goes well w/ it all, ya know?? inko n rei being gentle and mitsuki being the hype who arranges more fun dates n such for them to all take a cuddle pile nap afterwards,, and you know she’s the hype woman for the trio. 
never met an enji ship I didn’t like tbh. they’re all good and I will fight on that.
highkey?? enjirei. I ship em romantically sometimes, but I really like the idea of them divorced and getting other lovers but supporting each other fullheartedly. love that solidarity. like shit I could see them still living together n such but they just. drop the husband/wife shtick and support each other like friends.
enjishouto!! y’all been knew.
second choice
hawksdeavor is a longstanding fave. we love that fanboy/idol dynamic sm,,
fluffy pairing
oh jeez fluffy,, maybe enji/burnin?? I can see her being very energetic n supportive and being rewarded w/ soft forehead kisses. soft boss crush even if it’s one sided.
angsty pairing
both enjishouto and hawksdeavor provide Wonderful angst. the flavor is Immaculate y’all should try it.
poly ship
enji/the rest of the todofam/hawks/happiness. pls lma o
I am very much an enjibowl enthusiast, can y’all tell?? I just want him Smothered in love sometimes.
weirdest pairing
hmm,, enji/tsukauchi. I saw a doujin for it once and it was Lovely. an absolute crackship, but I love the hero/detective dynamic of toshinori/tsukauchi, but toshinori just doesn’t give it enough Spice in most interps I see. now enji being tsun n aggressive + level headed detective tsukauchi,, that was a tasty doujin for sure.
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temarisnara · 5 years
top 5 bnha ships, bc i'm curious. and also: top 5 fic ideas that you'll never actually write, but that are fun to think/talk about
top 5 bnha ships
i’m not going to sit here and lie to you and say anything other than erasermight. i dont know WHAT it is about them that got me so hard because i started shipping them as like...kind of a joke?? like “lol deku’s dad is dating his teacher” but suddenly they hit me HARD and now i’m suffering in hell. i just love the enemies to friends to lovers dynamic they have going on and how they’re VERY similar in opposite ways (all might is all smiles and optimism but he has a lot of self worth issues and doubt, aizawa is a perpetually tired and pessimistic bitch but is secretly kind and caring) and just. they had SUCH bad first impressions of each other but by working together they saw the other’s true self and decided they liked each other and its GOOD. also theyre the dads of class 1-a and i love it.
kirikacchako!!! because i am the ot3 queen and i LOVE any sunshine children/grumpy brat ships but i just think kirishima and ochako get along really well (even tho we haven’t seen much, they have cute small moments) and they both have GREAT dynamics with bakugo built on respect. kirishima calms bakugo down wheres ochako challenges him to stop being a fucking bitch. i think theres a lot of potential in this ship and i want more!! also they’re literally gavin/michael/lindsay and throw mina in and she’s meg its ridiculous. 
dabihawks!! i’m not gonna go into it too much cause you just met dabi and hawks is manga only rn but OOF. the POTENTIAL there. 
kiribaku, who I LOVE SO MUCH and i need to stop PAYING THEM DUST. i just love these two dumbass teenage boys who have so much respect for each other but are also teenage boys who are best friends. they both inspire each other but at the same time have no problem being complete assholes to each other. theyre SO FUN AND IN LOVE UGH I LOVE THEM.
honorable mention goes to kaminari/shinsou who are also more of a manga only ship but I LOVE PURPLE/YELLOW GAYS and kacchako bc OOF they would take a lot of growth on both (especially bakugo’s) sides but i think they’d be a great relationship. and like, all the girl ships are SO FUN but especially any with mina because she’s a disaster bisexual who finds any excuse to cling to the girls. 
fic ideas,,,,,,,,,,,,god i have so many but i’m blanking
erasermight amnesia i WILL not shut up about this because its a GOOD IDEA because aizawa hated all might and thought he was such a fucking loud mouth fake bitch so waking up and finding out he’s DATING/ENGAGED/MARRIED TO all might. god. the ANGST AND DRAMA.
BAKUGO/MINA AND DEKU/KIRISHIMA GROWING UP TOGETHER. because like. i love bkdk’s relationship but GOD what a fucking nightmare. bc deku stood up to bakugo but he still idolized him, which mina would NOT. mina and bakugo growing up together would mean when bakugo started getting worse and turning into a bully mina would stand up to him and tell him off but she also wouldn’t be bothered by bakugo telling her to FUCK OFF. so i imagine they’d get into a lot of fist fights and quirk fights but mina never gives up on him which ANNOYS bakugo cause he’s like “she’s annoying i hate her” but he gets used to it and he actually grows up to be SEMI more developed then he is in canon. and then kirishima and deku, the two fucking SUNSHINE CHILDREN. they would bond over their love of heroes and wanting to be one, and where kirishima thinks his quirk is lame deku is like NO ITS SO COOL and when deku’s quirk never develops and he’s diagnosed as quirkless, all the other kids don’t bully deku (bc bakugo isn’t there leading that) they do leave him behind pretty much but kirishima never does and theyre best friends and kirishima is SO HAPPY for him when his quirk suddenly “develops”. and then they all go to UA together and its FUN.
oh GOD i just remembered my erasermight life as we know it AU where they have to raise [manga character] after not liking each other for years after a bad blind date and they fall in LOVE 
college au. dicey and i discussed this a little but its tododeku but they are fucking, USELESS. pining for all 4 years of college and bakugo (who got a boyfriend and a girlfriend in the first fucking semester) hates them because theyre so LOUD and ANNOYING oh my fuckinG GOD JUST GET OVER YOURSELVES AND GET TOGETHER
theres a character in the movie named melissa who is Very Cute and fun and when we were watching we kept making ochako/melissa jokes but then we galaxy brained and realize HATSUME/MELISSA so. not really a fic idea but they would be FUN quirky science lesbian girlfriends
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favorite au ideas for iwaoi and kiribaku??? also, do u ship tododeku?
Warning: I don’t know what being concise means, apparently.
Favorite Personal iwaoi AU idea: I have two AU in mind since forever and dammit, I should just draw or write them.
Fifties AU: Oikawa is the president of the student council (all megane for our needs), Iwaizumi the golden quarterback. Childhood friends that took different routes, only to realize that their friendship has always been love. But it’s the fifties, my guys. Also, a lot of boogie-woogie that booty. And as a bonus, Kuroo Danny Zuko Tetsurou (with Bokuto and Akaashi as best rebel pals) and Tsukishima Sandy Olsson Kei. But, only visually-wise. Bc Tsukki is savage and Kuroo a sweet dork.
Ballroom AU: Oikawa is the son of a ballroom teacher and ex-pro. When he was a child, he met this grumpy adorable boy in his mother’s school. They both took lessons, become inseparable friends, until Iwaizumi’s family had to transfer to another city. Oikawa continued dancing and eventually entered amateur competitions. Iwaizumi, instead, dropped.It’s only in high school that they meet again. Iwaizumi learns that Oikawa is taking a pause from competitions and has just started to do some minor teaching in his mother’s school. Iwaizumi is looking for a part-time job, and Oikawa is looking for someone to help him with the kids and gramps he teaches to. The deal is easily made.It’s during those lessons that they start to dance together. After all, they have to show to the students how things should be done. It’s only natural, right?“Iwa-chan, do you remember how to do that?” - “Of course I do. You, though, you sure you can do the female steps?”. Oikawa just snorts and goes so very beautifully into position.Eventually, Iwaizumi discovers why Oikawa dropped out of competitions. To teach, Oikawa had to learn the female part, and against all odds, he found out he likes it better. He likes better the graceful position, the flashy sequences, the following instead of the leading. He’s always been good at listening to his partner and enhancing her steps. But following, he feels like he can bring out the 100% even from himself. Once he tried, he couldn’t get it out of his mind. He found himself practicing in front of the school’s mirrors without even knowing how he got there. Of course, his partner noticed. At first, she only teased him, but soon she started feeling annoyed and lonely, and Oikawa with her. Then, he ended up blurting hurtfuls “you should do that this way”, “why can’t you do that, it’s so easy”. Their break up and the drop out from competitions came next. And obviously, Oikawa’s mother’s disappointment, too.But all of this doesn’t matter when Oikawa and Iwaizumi dance together, and they do that a lot. In dance halls, during lessons. They dance together, and they fit together. After all, dancing together is like being in a team, a team formed by two people on a dance floor, and Oikawa doesn’t feel lonely anymore. Iwaizumi reminds him that just by holding his hand, and he feels kind of invincible.Then, Oikawa’s mother sees them, dancing a waltz right after a lesson. She’s not pleased. She wants her son to compete and reach the top, he has the skills to do that. But she sees them. She has eyes, thank you very much. And there are other types of competitions. Sure, unofficial types, but same-sex couples can only take part in those. He can reach the top there, for now. They both can… with a little help, of course. “Hajime, for God’s sake, broaden that step! You have long legs, use them. Now again, from the start”.It soon becomes clear that Oikawa’s mother has expectations. Oikawa is thrilled. He knows she wouldn’t spend a minute over them if she thought they didn’t have a chance, and truthfully, she spends a lot of hours instead. So Oikawa is thrilled, while Iwaizumi cannot breathe. He tries to, he tries his best to make this work. He sees how much Oikawa is happy… but that’s the problem, isn’t it. In the end, he can’t do this thing, this partnership thing, and he tells Oikawa that much.“I’m saying I can’t dance with you anymore”. - “What? Why? We’re so good together!”. - “Oikawa, I’m homosexual”. - “… I’ve always known that, kind of”. - “You have, haven’t you. Hah. You also know that I’ve always had feelings for you? … Yeah. Of course not. I realized it myself only when we got apart. That’s how I realized I like guys, in the first place. But now I’m good. About us, I mean. I really just want that friendship we had when we were kids. You don’t know how much I’ve missed it. But I can’t be your partner, I can’t do this. You… you don’t see yourself when you dance. It makes me want to be your partner in every other way”.*MIC DROP*. Iwa-chan, “now I’m good about us” my ass.
(I’m a hopeless ballroom and boogie dancer, OKAY. And yeah, I can’t help but want iwaois as childhood friends even in AUs.Also, I’m so proud to say that here in ol’ conservative Italy, official competitions are open to same-sex couples. Strange, isn’t it?)
Favorite kiribaku AU idea: I’m so in love with the canon fantasy AU. It’s actually a fanfiction. I’ll never get past that blissful moment when the canon confirmed the fanon and dragon!Kiri bit my ass. But then, nearly all the canon kiribaku content is a freaking fanfiction, most of the time I’m just “wtf am I even reading, this is too gay to be real”. Anyway. Back to the point. I don’t have a personal kiribaku AU yet. Just a lot of canonverse ideas and hcs. But as soon as I think of one (and believe me, that’s going to happen) I’ll make sure to share it!
Do you ship tododeku? Oh, yup! Not one of my favorite, but I read so many kiribaku fics and tododekus were just there that I kinda take them for granted. I like izuocha too, tho, and todomomo. Actually, I don’t really mind any other ship in bnha (apart from bakudeku and kacchako). My otps are kiribaku first and kamijirou second, so these babies are off limits - I don’t do multiship with my otps. The other ship tho, I kinda like em all? Hah.
Thank you for asking, anon! :D
Ship ask
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the-katuki-niliforv · 6 years
ao3 tag game
tagged by @forovnix juuuuuuuus!!! love you thanks for the tag sorry i take a million years to get to them XD
what is your total word count on ao3?
184,392 damn i have a problem
how often do you write?
mmm i try to write at least once a week (every day would be ideal but that’s just not attainable for me rn lmaooo) I write academically almost every day but for funsies it’s more like at least once a week
do you have a routine for writing?
it honestly depends on the story, for my original novel stuff i have a big doc where I put major plot points and scenes written out so i don’t forget with bullet points and everything laid out, and then a hand-written notebook dedicated to like. world-building and history. 
for my yoi stories i had docs dedicated to major points for each chapter to make sure it was all on track
for bnha it’s a little more of a mess T^T i have a note open on my phone for major points and a doc dedicated to bulletpointing the major story things but for that it’s a lot of just go go go and see what happens you know? idk why im like this tbhhh
what are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairings?
LOL UH. hmm. kinks. uuuuuuh. that’s hard i don’t read or write that much smut T^T;; i guess?? idk neck-kisses are nice?? honestly i like when people talk more in it or like. idk. banter?? i don’t think that’s a kink tho. sorry lmaoooo;;
for tropes??? ugh. i love royalty aus of literally any kind like please yes, the 5+1 fics are usually p cute, i like sickfics?? just people taking care of each other give me all of that right tf now?? aaaaand...idk if it’s a trope but i love like online relationships/talking online fics and then they like meet it’s just cute idkk
jfc ships like hold on tight my dudes. uuuh. obvs viktuuri, and tododeku but then also seungchuchu and uuh daisuga, aohina (it gives me so many feelings don’t @ me), bokuaka, tsuchako, kiribaku, TODOIIDEKU that shit’s cute af, MIRITAMA HECK! aaaand sanrai & miyusawa still can’t let those dna kids go either ((honestly this still probs ain’t all of them i have too many ships im not sorry))
do you have a favorite fic of yours?
AN EXCELLENT QUESTION. jeez. honestly?? probably this sanrai fic I did for a rare pair bang A Match Made In Magic it’s a hp au but also a soulmate au idk i still think it came out p cute ((and also i got to work with such a dope artist like wtf)) 
((small side-note tho i don’t think that I wrote a character’s stutter very well, so that’s a nice warning out there now. I’d like to go in and rewrite those bits at some point bc i think i can do it better/more realistically/respectfully now but yeah for now I don’t think that’s represented as well as it should be. It’s not outlandishly bad but I think that it can definitely be better.))
your fic with the most kudos?
omg that would be An Intangible Force of Motion (681 wth!!) still, not that I’ve done a big fic and finished it since but i’m still surprised that it ended up being all that popular lmao;;
anything you don’t like about your writing?
hmm. i don’t like the way I write descriptions, I think that they always feel forced and still don’t really contain enough for anyone to visualize anything. I always want to be better at descriptions, but I feel like I still end up lacking in a lot of places, but I’ll just keep working on it for sure and hopefully yield some results lol
now something you do like (about your writing)?
I like how I write dialogue! I think I usually do a pretty good job of making things sound realistic and as in-character as I can get them for fanfic! so...yeah! 
thanks for the tag again, Jus!! 
now for me....hmmm. I’ll tag... @maydei, @paledreamsblackmoths, @rayrayswimusic, @spookyfoot and @history-rover any anyone else who wants to, this is me tagging you officially!! But also yeah like don’t feel pressured to do it, guys, just if you wanna! <3
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