#therapy pig fat nuggets
void-occupation · 2 months
After Alastor's last panic attack, Angel's been keeping a close eye on the Radio Demon. Unfortunately from what he can tell, the overlord hasn't been doing too hot since the extermination, and it's only a matter of time before everything boils to the surface.
An idea from @TeddyLockwood in the comments of the last one in this series, where Alastor is coping with his injuries from the battle. I couldn't say no to another opportunity to write Alastor whump with Therapy Pig Fat Nuggets lol
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demonictacobeard · 7 months
Adam, still going through it, texting Lucifer because that’s the only fucker he knows here who he only hates most of the time: Why is a fucking pig lying on my bed?!
Lucifer, texting back right away: It’s hard being the only one of your kind in a place, he must have been so excited to hear you were here that he came to see you himself
Adam, using Doomgle for the first time to find pictures of ducks saying die in a fire: Die
Lucifer, torn between being pissed at the duck meme or loving it: You first, no that would be second wouldn’t it?
Adam, sending a rolling eyes Hellmoji: Oh no I’m dead, so fucking original. Not like I haven’t done this before, bitch nothing you say will piss me off more then dying from advanced aging
Angel Dust, accidentally reading the whole thing over his shoulder, an easy task: That’s where Fat Nugget is?! Fuck, why’d he run off there? I don’t wanna go into the depression cave, and I know Adam doesn’t want me to come knocking either
Lucifer, waving his hand and opening a portal into Adam’s room: I’ve got this. Adam! You can deposit the pig here into the waiting arms of his owner
Adam, shoving his hands through the portal while holding a whining Fat Nugget: Who’s miniature ham is this even?
Angel Dust, scooping Fat Nugget up: Mine! Nugget, my sweet little shit. Why’d you go and fall asleep in a lamb paddock?
Adam, flipping Angel off through the portal and slowly dragging his hand out of it: Wilbur got lonely, guess Charlotte isn’t entertaining after all huh?
Angel Dust, flipping him off back with his lower arms: Just shut up you shitty ass sheep, a Shepard would leave you behind on purpose
Lucifer, cutting that short by closing the portal: Charlie’s going to be so happy he spoke to someone today
Husk, cleaning his lemon juicer: She’ll be happier about it then Adam himself
Lucifer, shaking his head: No, trust me he lives for this shit. He’d rather argue then being left completely to himself. Because if he’s all alone he’ll get bored. He hates being bored
Angel raising a suggestive eyebrow: And…your majesty just how do you know that?
Husk, slapping his face because he warned Angel about teasing the King Of Hell a hundred times: He has fun undoing everything I do to keep his ass alive, doesn’t he?
Lucifer, staring at him silently before laughing a little too loudly: No reason!
Angel after Lucifer tugs his collar and leaves awkwardly: I think the king doth protest too much, Husk
Husk, sighing: I think you are doth interested, in the business of a man who can kill a seven deadly sin if he wanted to, too much
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 21 days
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Fat Nuggets Redesign! (1/???)
Very quick post for today because it is my birthday! I wanted to draw a character that I actually enjoy and genuinely have like no issues with because he is just a pig. I plan to draw some other pets like Vark but that’ll be more complex and about Vox because Vark will be a seizure alert animal and I want to put a lot of stuff into that post. Fat Nuggets though he’s just. God he looks so stupid. I love this pig man. Fat Nuggets is not a minipig in my rewrite by the way! He is a hellhog piglet and is at least 11 years old, however hellhogs age very very slow and he will not be big for a long while.
Considering he was also previously raised in a bad environment and was in someone else’s possession prior to Angel who did not treat him well at all, there are some things Fat Nuggets cannot do or experience. After his previous owner tried to disbud him for “less hassle”, it has permanently stunted and damaged his horns and spikes so they can no longer grow any longer than they are now. Fat Nuggets is now being well cared for and has not had any unwilling cosmetic procedures performed on him, is happy and healthy, and enjoys eating oatmeal.
If Angel actually signed him up for it I have no doubt he could become a therapy animal. Honestly I may look into the idea, I think a lot of these guys could benefit from a warm pig on their lap. Oh also, reminds me, because Angel is cold-blooded (technically) Fat Nuggets is his main source of warmth whenever clothes or blankets aren’t available or working well. Very good pig!
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starlightrosa · 2 months
Husk's Manicure
With thanks and full credit to @kitselfindulgencefluff for this wonderful idea in a discord server we're both in! I just had to write this, tis too cute!
Pairing: Husk/Angel Dust - or Huskerdust as we know them <3
Summary: Husk allows Angel to do his nails. Husk, however, was not counting on it to tickle so much. But fret not, for our cat pays it back in kind.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Tickling, lotsa teasing, swearing, romantic Huskerdust, much fluff ahead, tons of cute fluffy pet names they both use, non-English words (in italics, translation list at the bottom haha)
“Yeah, my dove?” Husk asked, looking from the book he was happily reading, as he looked to his beautiful boyfriend Angel Dust, curled happily on top of him as the two enjoyed each other’s company. From losers to lovers. Husk loved Angel dearly, and he could tell Angel felt the same.
“Can I do your nails? Give my favourite kitty a manicure? Pleeeeease? Pretty pleeeease?” Angel begged.
“I ain’t your damn mannequin.” Husk grumbled in an effort to regain some of his usual grumpy demeanour from this soft scene between the two, though the effect was lost both from the soft voice and the little smile to Angel. He jokingly put his book back up to his face, enjoying the whimper from Angel as his book was lowered back down by one of the spider sinner’s many hands, and he was faced with the biggest puppy eyes (spider eyes?) he’d ever seen.
“Pleaseeee, Huskie! Ya know I love ya, so much.” Angel tried again. Husk chuckled and softly kissed the top of Angel’s head. Damn it, this spider was turning him soft. But how could he ever say no to someone like Angel? The short answer to that question was the fact that it was impossible to ever refuse Angel Dust, because Angel deserved the world. To Husk, Angel was his world.
“For you, mi corazon. For you, I’ll sit through it, because you are my beautiful spider. Just don’t put any pink glittery shit on me. I don’t look good in glitter.” Husk joked.
Angel had a wide grin as he cuddled deeper into Husk’s warm fur. “You’re still beautiful enough for me, Huskie~!”
Husk chuckled, his wings curling around Angel’s body in a protective manner, their hearts beating softly in time with one another. “Oh shut up, you sap.”
“Make me, cutie.” Angel shot back with a wink, his tone sickeningly adoring. “Can I do your nails yet?” the alluring spider asked.
Husk sighed dramatically. “Fine, fine. But no pink glittery shit, you hear me?”
Angel grinned and gently pushed himself off of Husk.
“Got it, babe. I’ll be right back!” he said, running upstairs to his hotel room to go fetch what he needed. His therapy pig, Fat Nuggets was dozing gently in his little pet bed as Angel grabbed his tools of choice. Nail files, hand moisturiser, nail clippers, a buffer, a clear base and top coating for the actual nail painting bit and some cleansing wipes in case Angel made a mistake and needed to quickly correct it.
Angel hurried down the grandeur stairs to the lobby and hurried back into the room, his heeled boots clicking softly. Husk was there waiting, his claws on display. A bit overgrown and a bit dulled, no doubt from lack of care. But Angel would have them looking gorgeous in no time.
Angel knelt down on the floor and took Husk’s left hand, immediately starting to remove the cuticles and buffing each claw carefully. His slender fingers grazed over Husk’s paw pads. Normally, Angel wouldn’t have even noticed, but the choked down giggle and barely repressed squirming from Husk made Angel’s focus break.
“Pfft- Huskie, what was that noise?”
“Shut it, Legs. You know what you’re doin’…” Husk responded grumpily, trying to gently tug his hand out of Angel’s grip. But the spider sinner turned his palms up, letting Angel see the paw pads and the toe beans on both of Husk’s hands.
“Oh my fucking God…” Angel murmured, looking to Husk like he was a precious treasure. “You have fuckin’ BEANS!”
“T-They’re my paw pads, not beans!” Husk tried to explain, but Angel squealed loudly in sheer cuteness overload. His boyfriend just kept on surprising him every damn day, and Angel grinned. A whole new part of his Husk to love, right along with the rest of him.
Now that Angel knew Husk had ticklish little paw pads, he tried his best to continue on with the nail treatment, enjoying Husk’s laughter. Angel didn’t think he’d ever seen Husk so… content, and the domestic scene was sweeter than sugar.
“So this is why ya never let me hold ya hand out in public~! Your little paw pads are so ticklish, ya can’t even handle me holdin’ your hand. That’s adorable, Huskie!” Angel teased, his fuzzy fingers sweeping gently over Husk’s palms.
“Hah, fuck! Angel, thahahat fuckin’ tihihickles! Ya prihihick, cut that ohohout!” Husk demanded, the annoyed effect he wanted completely diminished by the honey-sweet giggles that left the grumpy cat’s lips.
“Ohh, this tickles? Damn, I wonder what’d happen if I just, y’know, did this.”
Before Husk could protest, Angel pressed his lips to the paw pad and blew a gentle raspberry. And I shall throw my hat down and say with the utmost sincerity to you, dear reader, that Husk fucking snorted.
“HAHAHA, JEHEHESUS! FUHUHUCKIN’ STAHAHAP! AHAHAHANGEL, I CAN’T-!” Husk wailed, his tail whacking against the armrest of the sofa where he sat, another loud snort leaving him as Angel simply did the same thing to the other hand this time. And when Angel pulled away, the spider sinner snickered before he fell into laughter himself.
“Hahaha, dihihid you fuckin’ SNORT? You sure you’re a cat, Huskie? Maybe you’re a piggy on Old McDonald’s farm. With a snort-snort here, and a snort-snort there and all.” Angel teased, an almost evil smile on his face.
“E-I-E-I-Oh, go fuck yourself.” Husk joked right back, laughing along with his boyfriend, both from his own response to Angel’s quip as well as the tickling happening on his paw pads. He did not remember his hands ever being this ticklish while he was alive.
Eventually after what felt like literal centuries but was probably only a couple hours, Angel managed to buff Husk’s nails into a better state, and filed the overgrowth away, leaving his nails much more catlike and slender.
Angel pulled away at last, and Husk flexed his new nails. Damn, they were near unrecognisable. They looked… good.
“Do ya like ‘em?” Angel asked. Husk found himself smiling.
“You did great, my dove.” Husk murmured, before he got quite a fun idea. He slowly let his mouth tick upwards into a cheeky grin, looking at Angel.
“U-Uh? Huskie? Why are ya lookin’ at me like that? Unless ya, heh, see somethin’ ya like~?” Angel asked, trying to tease Husk a little more.
“Oh, there’s a lot I like seein’ when it comes to you, little dove. But I think my claws would just looooove to meet those cute little sides of yours.” Husk crooned, his aforementioned claws wriggling slightly.
Angel gulped. Uh oh. He got up and started to back away from Husk, but the cat was quicker and simply tugged Angel back sharply. Angel stumbled over his fashionable boots and Husk caught him, one hand gently guiding the alluring arachnid to the floor, as Husk straddled his waist and smirked.
“H-Huskie, plehehease! Dohohon’t!” Angel begged, already seeing those nails. Oh Christ, that was gonna be crazy ticklish if Husk got his hands on him.
“Aw, why not? My claws just wanna meet the person who took care of them so well~ don’t be shy, little dove. Come say hi to them. There’s only ten of them to say hi to!” Husk responded.
“Ooh, look at this. My claws are sooo close to saying hi! They’re just dyin’ to meet ya, Angel. Just sooooo close to those little sides, and hips. Can’t wait to tickle ‘em all I want, and have ya giggling like the lil cutie you are~!”
Angel whined through his laughter bubbling past his lips. “F-Fuck… Huskie, plehehease! Gehehet it ohohover wihihihith!” Angel begged.
“Your wish is my command, you adorable little arachnid.” Husk crooned, before his claws met Angel’s sides, the tickling finally starting, which was both a blessing and a curse for the poor ticklish spider. Being left in anticipation for so long, Angel had no damn chance to ever resist. He fell apart instantly.
“NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!” Angel cackled, squirming for all he was worth. Husk snickered at the over-the-top reaction.
“Goddamn, you get more ticklish here or somethin’?” Husk asked, his claws not letting up even once.
“Stop? Oh hell no, I’ve just gotten started. Tickle, tickle, bellissimo ragno!” Husk cooed, still tickling his sides happily.
Angel’s blush brightened at the Italian words rolling off his lover’s tongue, and Angel responded in kind.
“F-FaHAHAHAHA! F-Fa il solletico, Husk! Per favore! Abbi pietà!” Angel begged, laughter overtaking him as his legs kicked out behind Husk. Husk’s ears twitched as he heard Angel out and snickered.
“Mercy? You want mercy, eh? Is my sweet spider too ticklish? Is he?” Husk enquired, those damn ticklish claws not once letting up. Angel would have lasted much longer… if it were not for the fact that Husk’s claws were scratching gently at his hips, and it basically drove the poor spider over the edge.
“Yes! Yes! I’m too ticklish! Please, Huskie! Enough! I give up!” Angel babbled, his laughter going silent as he went limp.
Husk slowed his claws, settling for just tapping them gently on the spider’s hips, allowing Angel to take a breather. Angel gasped and slumped against Husk, the back of his hand pressing against his mouth to muffle the leftover giggles he still had.
Husk ran his claws through Angel’s hair. Angel sighed and laid in Husk’s lap, enjoying the feeling of Husk fussing with his luscious white and pink locks.
“Feels so nice, Huskie.” Angel murmured, struggling to keep his eyes open.
“Yeah, I know. Go to sleep, little dove. I’m not goin’ anywhere.” Husk murmured, still raking his soft hands through his beloved’s hair.
“G’night, Huskie…” Angel whispered, feeling his eyes close.
“Goodnight, Angel. Ti amo, bellissimo ragno.” Husk murmured. Angel couldn’t help but smile, mumbling the last word as he fell asleep in Husk’s arms.
“Anch'io ti amo, Huskie...”
Husk smiled. Maybe this was what happiness looked like.
The End!
Mi corazon - my heart (Spanish)
bellissimo ragno - beautiful spider. (Italian)
Fa il solletico, Husk! Per favore! Abbi pietà - It tickles, Husk! Please! Have mercy! (Italian)
Anch'io ti amo - I love you too. (Italian)
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fizziepopangel · 8 months
“Hey, whatever means I can keep crashin’ here rent free… crack is expensive.”
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Angel Dust's pet pig is so important to him because he manifested Fat Nuggets into existence by accident and he's afraid he won't be able to do it again if something were to happen to him & the comforting little pig companion is almost the spitting image of his favorite childhood stuffed animal.
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Despite his line of work, Angel is actually demisexual and hasn't been genuinely attracted to someone sexually in a long, long time.
His love language is touch and words of affirmation but both of those things are hard for the demon to accept and believe are genuine because of the abuse he’s suffered in his line of work.
Angel absolutely hates spiders. He threw an absolute fit when he realized what his demon form was in hell, and had a slight breakdown when he realized he would only look more arachnid-like as he learned to change into his most powerful demon form.
When he was alive, Angel hated being a part of his family’s mob dealings and did his best to stay out of it all. Being forced to participate was what prompted him to start using drugs as a teenager.
Unbeknownst to everyone but Husk, Angel has tried to unalive himself multiple times in hell. He was pissed when he kept respawning.
Husk became the person Angel trusts most to keep him company when he's feeling down. The cat demon isn't sure why since he doesn't find his own presence very comforting, but he often finds himself listening to the pink spider demon vent at the bar or sitting in his room letting Angel dress him like a doll so he'll feel less down. Angel sometimes pretends to be sad so Husk will let him dress him up.
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While Angel was an addict when he was alive and did die of an overdose, his overdose was due to the drugs he purposely bought being laced with fentanyl, causing the high dose he usually did to achieve his desired high to become deadly.
Upon his arrival in hell, his family did attempt to take him in, assuming he would be more of a willing participant in their lifestyle. He was not.
Despite his overly cocky and his overly sexual demeanor, Angel actually prefers physical intimacy that isn’t necessarily sexual at all like cuddling or cooking with someone he cares for, even in a platonic sense.
Angel’s favorite item of clothing is a pig onesie that he got as a birthday gift from Alastor. He hadn’t expected much from the radio demon, so the snuggly onsies was a pleasant surprise and he often wears it at the hotel to decompress and relax.
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Fat Nuggets has a little set of spider themed pajamas that were gifted to him by Charlie and Angel absolutely loves having his little piggy pal wear them.
Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk are the only ones Angel trusts enough to have check in on Fat nuggets when he’s at work. He has candid photos of all of them doing cute things with the little demon pig hanging on the wall above his bed.
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If given the option between coffee and tea, Angel will choose tea, but he only drinks chamomile-vanilla tea with extra sugar.
Because of his drug use, Angel developed an eating disorder. While he’s in recovery and eats relatively well now, Angel has gotten into the habit of checking in with his friends to make sure that they’ve all eaten as well, even going as far as to make small meals to bring to them to ensure that they eat enough.
Angel started taking a regimen of anti-depressants and attending therapy soon after he began staying at the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie is the only one who knows about it and she often reminds him to take his medication and encourages him to continue therapy.
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Finally finishing and editing Angels chapter of Friendship blooms. The Ao3 curse it real I swear.
Sneaky peeky below of what’s to come
Angel decides to cook and steal from the bar queue disaster ending with therapy pig Fat nuggets to the rescue via Alastor
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*still curled up on the sofa. They are scared, but also a little teary because of Charlie's words. You might get the impression that they haven't experienced a lot of kindness in a long time *
Do you think I could talk to Alastor.... Later? I meant it when I said his mother sent me. It's a bit difficult to explain, but... Back when I was in Heaven, she was very kind to me. We... *they quickly look around * We... Managed to keep a little bit of contact. I might be able to help him heal *they take out a tiny locket with a small lock of hair * This is a focus for my magic to be drawn to him. That's why I could open the portal. And I believe I can strengthen his magic.
- 🦉
Angel leaves the room abruptly
Charlie: "I guess so, but we really should wait until the doctors give their okay. And until dad talked to him, okay?"
Angel quietly comes back, fat nuggets in his arms, putting him close to Ceres, but not too close in case they're scared.
Angel: "I think Nuggs got his work cut out for the day. He's a therapy pig, ya know?"
The little piggy carefully moves closer.
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xinkypotatoechipsx · 3 years
Angel Dust Headcanons
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So I decided to write some stuff that nobody asked for again. These are also kinda all over the place and tbh I couldn't really care less at the min haha
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Depression, Anxiety and some mentions of drug use
~Now I believe when Angel ended up in Hell, he miraculously came across the porn studio and decided to join and therefore sell his soul to Val in return for fame, popularity and over all attention or Val ended up finding him on the streets and saying that Angel would be perfect for the Porn studio.
~I believe that Angel Dust felt uncomfortable with the job at first but then slowly became more used to it, especially with all of the money and fame it came with it.
~However over time I believe that Val became more greedy and started to demand more money (the money given to Angel from clients) and only letting the spider demon keep a tiny bit so he could afford an apartment.
~And by apartment I mean tiny shitty apartment that is surrounded by violent residents.
~I think that Angel ended up forming a form of depression again or just started to due to him prostituting himself 24/7 with money that not even 50% of the profit goes to him.
~I also headcanon that Angel has always had anxiety, especially when he was human and because of his family's business and was scared of them getting caught as well as him being disowned because of his sexuality and in Hell well it's pretty obvious for those who have seen some comics Vivziepop has released as well as some parts in the pilot.
~A reason why I think he also may of had depression in his human life is because a) his father was abusive, b) because he had to hide who he truly was, meaning he couldn't dress in drag, he couldn't have a boyfriend and had to constantly act like someone who he just wasn't.
~Now returning to the point of his father being abusive, his mother may of died and his father started abusing him, Molly and Arackniss.
~His mother may of went to heaven and that's why we may not see her in any of Vivzie's work of the family in Hell or the siblings are adopted. Molly and Angel may be twins but Arackniss could of been in the same shelter as them or something like that (but I find this highly unlikely).
~Now returning back to Hell, Angel and Molly still stay in touch and are no longer in the drug business (selling it and what not but still consuming it) but Arackniss is still in the business as well as him not keeping in contact with the 2 any longer.
~When Angel Dust adopted fat nuggets, I think he found him in the streets and decided to take him in because of his convenient size and cuteness and decided to use him as a therapy animal or Valentino got him the hell pig to bribe him to stay in the porn industry or whatever.
~When the Happy Hotel opened and Charlie and Vaggie asked him to stay at there (there's a whole comic on it) and he did he only did it for shelter, food etc
~As this is canon, I think another reason why he took advantage of this was so he could be protected from Valentino. As the two demonesses provided protection from him, it would mean that he couldn't be harmed by the 3 V's and they couldn't find him at all therefore him being safe along with Cherri.
~Cherri is also his only friend (or true friend) and only person (demon) who can comfort him and talk him out of really bad decisions.
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banqbanqbaby · 5 years
Kit looked up at angel with a small smile being 4'11 wasn't easy "angel? Could I play with fat nuggets?" His ears gave a soft twitch with his tails curling back and forth in happiness
Who the fuck was this? A new patron, a pause and he twitched a bit, glancing down concerned, and backing up.
How the fuck did they know about his therapy pig too? Nugs stayed in his room mostly like a good boy.
‘ I don’t know no fat nuggets and I don’t know yous. So, sorry, can’t fufill your request, busta. ’
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void-occupation · 5 months
I love therapy animals, and I show this by giving one to all of my blorbos - because they desperately need them.
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