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nerdsworld · 4 years ago
The Mandalorian Exclusive 💥
The upcoming issue of Entertainment Magazine takes a sneak peak,into season two of The Mandalorian.
"The new season is about introducing a larger story in the world." Jon Favreau tells the magazine, "The stories become less isolated,yet each episode has it's own flavor,and hopefully we're bringing a lot more scope to the show."
Check out the two exclusive covers in EW's Fall TV Preview in the October issue of Entertainment Weekly now online,or at your newsstands beginning Sept 18.
Tuesday,September 08 2020
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nerdsworld · 4 years ago
Watch "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Official Teaser Trailer" 🔥🔥
Dropping "game" trailers like they are hot last week and we ain't mad at them.
Tuesday,August 25 2020
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nerdsworld · 4 years ago
Now that the Summer of 2020 is OVER‼
Over the weekend we learned that Jason Momoa aka "Aquaman" 🐋🐟🐳🐡 isn't "fond" of the heat 🔥wave they are having in California.
Labor Day 2020
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nerdsworld · 6 years ago
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As another San Diego Comic Con has come and gone,The Nerdy Venoms rehash how the Marvel Studios has LITERALLY,dropped the HAMMER on EVERYONE for the next decade!
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Natalie Portman is passed the torch.
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Anthony Mackie gets fitted at his home,for his “Captain America” uniform and Tessa Thompson basically says,”Screw that,I’m looking for my Queen.” as she takes on the next phase of the MCU which is planning representing everyone,no matter race,creed,sex,or sexual orientation.
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We also dip our toes in the Area 51 pool and try to explain why you should save your coins,to that trip in Vegas,unless you plan on purchasing a Kevlar helmet and a bullet-proof vest.
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 It would be safer to just plan a trip to New York Comic Con, the following month or ACE Comic Con and spend that money on an ALien cosplay outfit.
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This is military installation and you will become,as we called it on the range,”Fast Freddy”.
Do not be “Fast Freddy!”
Wednesday July 24,2019 L.George
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nerdsworld · 6 years ago
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Most embarrassing episode ever!! In this week’s episode we divulge our most embarrassing,and shocking television or movie pleasures.
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As well as, if you can’t remember the last time you had to go to the movie theater and actually pick up your “pre-sale” tickets because the movie apps on your phone and laptop crashed the minute the Avengers:Endgame, on sale announcement was launched!
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Wednesday April 3,2019 L.George
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nerdsworld · 6 years ago
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On this week’s podcast of The Nerdy Venoms,we go back to behaving like children, as we go and back and forth with why can’t we just have the MONSTERS fight,in the next movie installment of Godzilla.
Why are there so many humans in this movie? Why are they talking so much? We don’t care about any “history” of the monsters because you can’t even pronounce Ghidorah name properly,even after it was pronounced twice for you.
Why are you humans still talking and no one cares,that the mad scientist (entitled) woman wants to bring them back to balance the world’s overcrowding.
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Why is Ghidorah stuck in ice when he’s a space monster,he would have flown back into space,not get stupidly stuck in an ice pack. Why is Mothra and Godzilla a “love thing” in this movie? These two monsters HATE each other!!
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Even down to the babies......
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We just wanted to see the monsters fight,a simple mindless movie with just them and what happened to Gigan,Gamera,Megalon,Gorosaurus,Hedorah,Biollante?  There was one scene that was so dark,that I couldn’t tell if that was Anguirus coming out of the ground and there were no hairy,Mammoths as any monsters in any Godzilla movies. This weekend isn’t looking to promising,with Dark Phoenix in theaters starting today. But it can’t be any worse than the re-doing of the characters from Fantastic Four.
Friday June 7,2019 L.George
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nerdsworld · 6 years ago
This week’s sleeper movie hit has to be the new horror movie,Bright Burn brought to us by the one and only Director James Gunn (and his brothers).
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This horrific,new horror take on a super villain,whose ship falls from the sky and probably started off as adorable infant until he hit puberty and than all hell breaks loose.
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I saw two trailers on this movie,so of course you immediately think what if Clark Kent wasn’t “Superman” but something more sinister,sent down from the galaxy to take over earth.
But HOLY CRAP....not this damn sinister,this movie is dark and extremely GORY,I think the last horror movie that made me squirm like this wasn’t even a horror movie.
But somewhat a collection of real life videos and pictures of people dying,dead,in accidents,being executed and that movie would be “The Faces of Death”. I’m not even sure if you can purchase it anymore,only copies I know that were existence were only available on the VHS format. But that is how gory Bright Burn is,so horror fans you will totally enjoy this movie,with your twisted,lovable self's.
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Side note to folks,when an alien spaceship crashes in your backyard,and a sweet adorable infant is inside.Kill it with FIRE!! Do not hide the spaceship in the family barn and raise that alien as your child because IT’s NOT HUMAN!!!! Go See Bright Burn!! Thursday May 30,2019 L.George
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nerdsworld · 6 years ago
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In this week’s episode of The Nerdy Venoms,we go all out in our own little war,of where each Marvel movie in the cinematic universe lines up,who’s in the top ten,who’s in the bottom five,at least we can all agree..spoil the Endgame,get a punch in the face.
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This weekend was one for the ages,the Avengers finally coming to the end and the Game of Thrones going from barely being able to see a damn thing on the screen,to the GOAT of all characters in the end. But who would have thought that literally,folks were getting “hands put on them” for daring to open their mouths and spoiling the end for Endgame?
From people waiting on line to get into the theaters,when some blabbermouth in China came out yelling the end of the movie.Fans took not kindly to this and left the line and commenced on whooping that ass,to the Domino employee who started blabbering over pizza and also was met with fist to face by his co-worker.
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It’s not that serious you say,Doctor Stranger would beg to differ. 
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Than to us,The Nerdy Venoms who came close to a knock down,drag out over which was worse, Iron Man 3,Thor:Dark World or Avengers:Age of Ultron. Wednesday May 1,2019 L.George
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nerdsworld · 6 years ago
This week on The Nerdy Venoms we dip into the world of Demons,Vampires and comic books all wrapped into one, with David Crownson and his latest creation,”Harriet Tubman:Demon SLayer”.
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We also go into how to protect your rights as an artist and hold onto your rights of your creation,whether that be scripts,comic books,books.
Wednesday February 13,2018 L.George 
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nerdsworld · 6 years ago
We're back! This week we discuss the surprise box office smash that is Crazy Rich Asians and what does it mean for Hollywood's recent pursuit of diversity. Plus a review of Matt Groening's new Netflix series Disenchanted and the Action News! Don't waste your money on a Sex Doll Hotel straight out of a Cronenberg film! We're ready to entertain you!!!!   THIS WEEK'S THEME SONG: Sally Yeh -- 'Material Girl (200 Du)' (P. R. Brown/R. Rans) 
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Thursday August 30,2018 L.George
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nerdsworld · 7 years ago
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and that’s not all that was falling apparently in this one.
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Click the Episode #9-->Links to The Nerdy Venoms Podcast
Wednesday June 27,2018 L.George
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nerdsworld · 4 years ago
It’s “RE-CAP” Tuesday on last week’s episode of The Nerdy Venoms, we continue making things up as we go along,as just a handful of worthy nerd subjects have cropped up.
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Stay for the duration or skip towards the end,for the first review of HBO’s LOVECRAFT COUNTRY........................on The Nerdy Venoms.
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Tuesday August 25,2020 L.George
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nerdsworld · 4 years ago
Watch "TENET - Final Trailer - Warner Bros. UK" on YouTube
Unfortunately, some will see this movie in the theaters while the rest of us,might have to rely on good,old-fashioned "bootlegged" version.
Tuesday August 25,2020
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nerdsworld · 5 years ago
Catch up with the last episode before the 4th of July podcast break. The Nerdy Venoms dip into how successful Black Hollywood actors/actresses,came into the industry with their “authentic” self and made a difference.
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Issa Rae in HBO’s “Insecure”
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Donald Glover in FX “Atlanta”  Tuesday July 14,2020 L.George
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nerdsworld · 5 years ago
Last week on The Nerdy Venoms.........all of us are still on the Coronavirus World Tour and we would like our money back.
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Have a safe and awesome Fourth of July 2020
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Tuesday June 30,2020 L.George
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nerdsworld · 5 years ago
On last week’s episode of “CELL BLOCK  COVID-19″ 
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The Nerdy Venoms discuss social distancing,seriously folks STAND OVER THERE!! Also,we or the one person in the group,that actually saw The Invisible Man in the theaters,before the lock down of non-essential stuff and people.
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  Also,we discuss on how not to get cabin fever,even though it’s only been a few days of the lock-down,but I am pretty sure this week,everyone will be un-hinged.
Tuesday March 31,2020 L.George
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