#then you get your weed
mwagneto · 2 years
sorry idk but the way the world is so fast and the people in it still want it to be faster is sooo annoying to me. people groaning while standing in line for 3 minutes people being mad the train ride is gonna take 2 hours people complaining that the bus is a few minutes late people being angry that construction work is taking months even though it used to take decades. don't you see the world is already so so so fast in every single aspect can't you understand that being mad will do nothing and just make your mood worse. enjoy the moments of stillness you're given. just stand in line and look at the people around you. sit on the train and watch the scenery. you'll get there.
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lucabyte · 19 days
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[ ] like a body my same size
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+ textless alt
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wu-does-art · 1 year
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will probably had a very interesting talk with mike later.
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sysig · 6 months
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Those wacky skeletons ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Handplates#You can tell because of Sans' gloves lol#Getting-used-to-them-again doodles as well as just expressing Feeling <3 Happy towards them! Want them to be happy too!#It might seem silly for these - how many sets in now? - to still be getting used to drawing them again lol but it's because they're adults!#Their clothes and the way they hold themselves - but also especially Sans lol I dunno why I have such difficulty with him at times#He's got a cute face and I still find myself like ????how your face#Other than that tho it's just silliness hehe ♪ My favourite lads :D#I feel the need to make the distinction: I do actually have different favourites based on the AU lol#Like for example in classic I still love Flowey just a tiiiiiny bit more than Papyrus but it really is constantly neck and neck#Whereas in Handplates it's no competition even a little bit lol - Papyrus is just my Very Favourite#But Gaster is my favourite Handplates-specific character since he's unique to the AU! It gets a bit in the weeds lol#Sans isn't far behind at all of course the trio are very important! The duo even moreso imo#Going back to gloves tho I did carry over one of my quirks from my original UT doodles about Papyrus' gloves lol#I initially envisioned them as combination mitten-gloves with a free index finger and all the rest together#I still rather like the design! But it is admittedly not Handplates accurate lol#The occasional dip into self-indulgence who me? Lol#Sleeping on each other is important to me as well!! It is such a favourite hehe#Honestly I just imagined Papyrus getting so exhausted that he fell asleep in the snow lol poor lad#Sans teleported in but it's also funny to imagine him just walking up like ''you good? yeah he's fine'' *flop* haha#Silly lads <3 Do love 'em ♪
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anotherpapercut · 11 months
genuinely so many of you want to be leftist and "punk" and countercultural soooooo bad but you refuse to become comfortable with the concept of people taking drugs for fun because they like it and not because they were somehow tricked or forced into it without knowing what they were getting themselves into
you'll be like "addiction is a disease!!" but think you're better than those degenerate stoners because you only drink energy drinks and white claws and would never touch "illegal drugs"
many if not most drugs CAN be consumed completely safely with almost 0 risk to the user and even if that werent true and all drugs were extremely dangerous you still wouldn't be better than those of us who love doing drugs recreationally
lighten up and grow up. get offline, talk to real adults, and stop being shocked to discover that they enjoy doing stuff that adults do like have sex and do drugs and even listen to rock and roll
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Shape do you see my vision bad would be about to ingest a perfectly normal weed brownie and missa would spot it an go OH NO HE'LL BREAK HIS FAMILY FRIENDLY RULE and rush to eat it. And then bad would be like oh missa!!! And as he likes to do with missa he Just lies to him. Yeah we've got everyone coming over better be ready to act normal forever. And missas just like
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i see your vision
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localcryptic · 27 days
the LD Rangers team is the nightmare blunt rotation. argent is intentionally trying to freak herald out because its funny. herald keeps floating higher and higher because he can't help it. steel's paranoia is through the fucking roof. ortega is the ONLY one having a good time. don't even get me started on sidestep
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beatcroc · 6 months
hi. vore on main. no that's it that's the post this is straight up genuinely and unironically voreposting on main. mostly just a lot of cutsey dumb goofy shit, but monsterfucker brain did get ahold of me for a bit there so there's also a handful that are uhhhh Spicy. nothing explicit, but like, It's Vore Dude, so if you look under the cut that is YOUR problem ok? ok.
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ok listen before i move on i have to put it out there look i KNOW i drew the funny rat skeleton comic with this guy but that was ONLY because it was funny. thats not my real belief, he doesn't have any organs at all he is just a sack of gunk. he is harmless. it's basically just the same inside as on the outside but slightly more damp since it's not exposed to air to give him that drier 'skin' layer.
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also i already typed this out in my friendserver so im pasting it here now too. my stance on fp re: horniness is i really can't see him as a 'sexual' being, per se, especially with how non-biological he is, but also he really really really likes physical intimacy so if you are giving him permission to be weird and touchy on you in any context, let alone one both parties would enjoy, i mean. he's not gonna say no. this Could be about sex or w/e if someone wanted to fuck him but more relevantly here yeah it's about vore. i think that's categorically about the Most you can be touchy/in contact on a guy so yeah thats always what he's going to go for. tangentially he just thinks it's fun to make peppino* flustered so since pep does not particularly Enjoy being vored, fp has other options to Get Up In There for something else pep might enjoy *spoken generally for whatever theoretical partner, just peppino is the one that's readily available here and fun to use
also while im here id like to say. no peppino is not a monsterfucker are you kidding me. he is not going to ever go out of his way for weirdness. weirdness really has a way of finding him though, and he's shockingly tolerant of it as long as he doesn't clock it as a threat. anyway what im saying is if you got a big clingy beast around and al up in your business all the time shits just gonna kinda Happen sometimes. he's certainly not going to Encourage it but if hes already in that situation, might as well at that point.
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shima-draws · 5 months
Writes a full blown essay about why Mary On A Cross is THE Sanlu song to me ever,
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sylladextrous · 2 months
Isn’t the point of relationship anarchy and most poly stuff that no one is put first (and by proxy also not put second)? /genq …
I mean the way I understand it (and the way it works for me and my relationships at least) is that I give priority to my girlfriends when it comes to time and effort (i.e. if something comes up with them I'm more likely to choose that over something else).
beyond that the relationship anarchy aspect of things for me just means that there's no strict labels or limits for any of my other relationships. I have friends I kiss and fuck and friends who call me "my love" and "babe" and other terms of endearment usually used for dating relationships.
idk, there's a lot of people who will tell you that RA and poly HAVE to be this way or that way or whatever, but as long as you and your partners/friends/whatever are happy, consenting, and on the same page, who cares?? you can do whatever you want forever
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dayurno · 8 months
on the topic of kevin smoking weed…what do you think his first time was like. do you think he got scared or do you think it completely mellowed him out for once?
HE GOT SCARED 🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽 i think kevins first time smoking weed was in the nest because they were college aged after all and breaking the master’s rules is survival at one point or another. i don’t think riko was involved (imagine that) and that made kevin’s paranoia skyrocket, so when he does smoke he gets really afraid and anxious and it’s a total vibe killer. i can see kevin and jean smoking in the nest and immediately fucking like rabbits about it though
his Second time he does mellow out. the second time is with the monsters and andrew’s close supervision so when kevin does smoke he is well fed and hydrated and lying comfortably which makes the experience much better even if their weed is considerably cheaper. i dont think he does much then!!! nothing besides giggling at the ceiling and lying his head on andrew’s or nicky’s laps. for some reason i can see him trying to teach the monsters japanese nursery rhymes and accidentally making them all have children’s songs stuck in their heads for weeks
the REAL deal is when neil joins them though. neil’s overall anti drug behavior is very quickly put to test by a high as balls kevin day performing every increasingly ridiculous exy trick neil can come up with on court. an eye opener experience for neil
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calliemity · 4 months
craziest thing about going to a good dentist for once is finding out that i have been getting overdosed on laughing gas my entire life, and the symptoms i thought were normal were overdose symptoms. so now i have to reevaluate what orin's experience on nitrous would be like, because APPARENTLY feeling like youre floating and like your hands are made of static means you are getting way too much. insane
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midweastindigo · 28 days
midwest indigo can be so personal
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bloodfueledmachine · 8 months
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day 28
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hiatus-queen72 · 3 months
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I’m really hoping I don’t look this confused all the time. I took these without posing to see what I look like and now I understand why people talk to me the way they do.
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worstloki · 3 months
HYDRA kidnaps Loki but all the goons look up to him and think he’s the coolest guy and keep kissing up to him because they really really want him to join their ranks
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