#i love you kevin day i need to give you drugs
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dayurno · 1 year ago
on the topic of kevin smoking weed…what do you think his first time was like. do you think he got scared or do you think it completely mellowed him out for once?
HE GOT SCARED 🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽 i think kevins first time smoking weed was in the nest because they were college aged after all and breaking the master’s rules is survival at one point or another. i don’t think riko was involved (imagine that) and that made kevin’s paranoia skyrocket, so when he does smoke he gets really afraid and anxious and it’s a total vibe killer. i can see kevin and jean smoking in the nest and immediately fucking like rabbits about it though
his Second time he does mellow out. the second time is with the monsters and andrew’s close supervision so when kevin does smoke he is well fed and hydrated and lying comfortably which makes the experience much better even if their weed is considerably cheaper. i dont think he does much then!!! nothing besides giggling at the ceiling and lying his head on andrew’s or nicky’s laps. for some reason i can see him trying to teach the monsters japanese nursery rhymes and accidentally making them all have children’s songs stuck in their heads for weeks
the REAL deal is when neil joins them though. neil’s overall anti drug behavior is very quickly put to test by a high as balls kevin day performing every increasingly ridiculous exy trick neil can come up with on court. an eye opener experience for neil
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wilhelminyard · 2 months ago
compilation of nice/sweet things the foxes said to neil because even though they're a bunch of assholes who insult anyone in their vicinity they all just love him so damn much - except aaron - (part 3) :
"I said I would keep you alive this year. you make it infinitely more difficult for me when you actively try to get yourself killed."
"the next time someone comes from you, stand down and let me deal with it. do you understand?"
"you were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs" "I'm not a hallucination" "you are a pipe dream."
"what would you give me?" "don't ask questions you already know the answer to"
"this isn't yes. this is a nervous breakdown. I know the difference even if you don't. I won't be like them. I won't let you let me be."
"I've never understood why he likes knives" "he will lose his taste when he has one in his gut"
"kevin is a fool whose style is numbers and angles. formulas and statistics, trial and error, repetition and insanity. all he cares about is finding the perfect game. a junkie like you can't be that cold."
"last summer you made me a promise. I'm asking you to break it." "no." "you said you'd stick with me if I kept kevin south, but kevin doesn't need me anymore. he chose us over the ravens because as a whole we're finally worth his time. there's nothing else I can give you in exchange for your protection." "I will think of something."
"spring break's coming. we could go someplace" "where and why?" "anywhere. anywhere at least three hours from campus. there's no point in going someplace closer than that. it won't feel like a vacation. the only trick is figuring out how to pry kevin away from the court" "I have knives"
"no one's said a word to them since they said we couldn't see you"
"if you tell me to leave I'll go" "you aren't going anywhere"
"I have to go. I don't trust them to give you back."
"ready?" "waiting on you"
"can I really be neil again?" "I told neil to stay. leave nathaniel buried in baltimore with his father."
"andrew could break our deal and let me go or break things off with neil" "he chose neil over you?"
"your close calls are getting old. I thought you knew how to run" "I thought you told me to stop running" "survival tip: no one likes a smart mouth" "except you"
"I can't believe you trusted david to patch you up" "I was careful with him"
"you're a hundred times better now than you were in may. don't sell yourself short."
"go easy for a few days, would you?"
"are you okay?"
"neil asked us to leave the authorities out of this. I respect him enough to allow that"
"didn't I tell you not to worry about it?"
"I'm making you vice-captain next year"
"didn't you notice? they're uniting around and behind you. that's something special. you're something special."
"look me in the eye and tell me if you think I care who you used to be. hm? I care about who you are right now and who you can be going forward. I'm not asking you to forget your past, but I am telling you to overcome it."
"neil. talk to me. what do you want?"
"giving up on neil now goes against everything we are."
"I'm sorry. I should've told you but I couldn't" "don't worry about that right now."
"we'll wait for you, all right? as long as it takes, neil"
"I should be thanking you. you told us last night you intended to end the year dead or in federal custody. you could have shut everyone and everything out and worried about yourself this year. instead you agreed to help dan fix this team. you're saving the two I thought we couldn't reach, and you're a living example for kevin to follow. he never used to watch you but he's had eyes on you since december trying to figure out how you stand your ground."
"they told me to call them as soon as you returned. have you returned?"
"neil is a critical member of my team. you can ask any person on my line-up and they will all agree : we would not be where we are today if he wasn't here with us."
"I want to break his face in six places. if he ever comes within a thousand yards of you again-"
"you okay?" "I'm fine" "for the record, I don't believe you"
"neil? we're here when you want to talk about it"
"neil? you good?"
"we're all legal adults here. we've made our decision. unless he wants to stay with you, you'd better bring neil back to us when you're done with all your questions
"hey, coach made us promise to leave you alone but are you okay?"
"they will get rid of me" "you're not serious"
"things could have gone much worse. I'm glad they didn't. you want anything, you need anything, you let us know. okay?" "okay" "I mean it" "I know. I'm done lying to you, matt. I promise."
"did andrew really choke kevin?" "took three of us to pull him off"
"we can't replace you"
"neil? if you want to talk about any of it, or anything, or... you know we're here for you, right? whatever you need."
"kevin knew about this didn't he? he knew what riko was going to do to you and he let you go anyway. the next time I see him-"
"don't do this to us. don't sit here and lie to our faces. we're your friends. we deserve better than that."
"you told the truth. it's not your fault they don't like it."
"are you sure you're okay, neil?"
"go. but come back to us as soon as they're done with you, okay? we'll figure this out as a team."
"you're not playing. you think coach will let you on the court when you look like that? I'll sub in for you, neil. renee can help allison out one more time, right? trust us to hold the line. you focus on healing so we can use you in semifinals."
"kevin called me yesterday morning when he couldn't get a hold of you. he wanted to make sure you were okay."
"don't you dare tell me you're fine. I can't hear that from you today, okay?"
"you can't have neil. he belongs with us"
"neil isn't a real person. it's just a cover that let nathaniel evade authorities. it's past time to let him go." "neil or nathaniel or whoever. he's ours, and we're not letting him go. you want us to vote on it or something? bet you it'll be unanimous."
"don't worry. andrew will protect you."
"hey, you good?"
"it would have neen better if you'd come to the store with us. it doesn't matter. I bought out the entire row."
"I'm sorry" "shut up. no you're not. you're not. have you forgotten who has to paint you back together every morning? if you'd let them steamroll you yesterday after all this I would hate you"
"it is not safe for [neil] here anymore and it sure as hell isn't safe for you. it is better for everyone if he disappears." "what part of 'go to hell' do you need us to explain to you?"
"so those knives he brings everywhere are yours?" "were mine. he was right; I don't need them anymore. if you need them, he will give them to you, and I will teach you how to use them"
"if you want to talk more later, you know where to find me"
"will you be all right here?"
"kevin is very analytical whereas you're passionate."
"what do you need from us, neil?"
"I can do it." "I know you can. but perhaps it's easier if someone helps you."
"sometimes I think this job is going to kill me. seeing what people have done, what people continue to do, to my foxes. I wish I could protect you but I'm always too late. all I can do is patch you up afterward and hope for the best. I'm sorry, neil. we should have been there for you"
"let me take a look at you"
"it's over. it's over. you're going to be okay. we've got you."
"I dropped my gear in new york" "andrew found it while he was looking for you"
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frank1nsaint · 1 year ago
Franklin Part 1.
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You look around the crowd of people, slightly overwhelmed by the turn out at the fair today. It was a Saturday night after all anyone who wanted to enjoy an ounce of fun weekend before work/school on Monday was here. Unfortunately for you crowds weren’t your thing since a fight tended to break out and nowadays a gun would be pulled quickly. 
“Damn! he walks like his dick is heavy” you hear 
You start coughing choking on your cola
“What?!!” Wanda comments
“She must be talking about Franklin”  Lashay adds as you all now looked towards where she looked, Franklin’s crew walked towards them mostly because of Leon but still they made their way towards you 
There’s a light laughter between you girls “Girl you crazy!” your best friend who just happens to be your cousin Harmony adds to the discussion 
“Oh shit they coming this way yall straighten up!” Tasha snaps quickly adjusting herself clothes  
You groan internally you didn’t want to deal with Franklin and his men. You were around them from elementary to now, and right now mentioning Franklin and his men was like mentioning the grim reaper and his minions. After Kevin's death and Franklin’s release, it was like they were untouchable, and anyone who crossed them ended up dead. Franklin didn’t have that innocent aura about him anymore, you couldn’t describe it he was different confident
“Ladies!” Mike Mike greets bowing his head
“Hey y'all” Lashay greets
“What y'all doing here?” Leon asks
“We are at the state fair duh we are here to get some drinks food and have fun” Wanda responds
“The questioning is what are y'all doing here?” Harmony asks
“Shit y'all can’t be the only ones having fun!” Jerome comments
You hang back as the group merges and moves through the fair. You would integrate, often joining the discussion, but for the most part you kinda just chilled in the back and watched as the couples (Tasha/Franklin, Wanda/Leon, Harmony/Sean Louie/Jerome) cupcaked while the rest of you walked at a distance from them. 
“Girl Sean talking about making me his girl” Harmony comments as you two finally made it back to your rented out home 
“Oh nice!” you say removing your shoes
“You had fun tonight?” 
“Yea!” you smile 
“Good see it was fun” she says in a “i told you so” mocking tone 
“Yea yea whatever!” you wave her off before retreating to the kitchen. You two spend the night conversing before heading off to sleep. 
Life goes on and not much can be said about trying to survive and make it in a world that wouldn’t allow you to. 
“No,” you look at your cousin with a dead face
“Why do I” you point to your chest, “need to go? Tasha, Lashay, Bri, CiCi they are all going” 
“Because cousin, it's a christmas/new years party, damn you wanna be the only bitch in south central staying home on new years eve??”
“You know i don’t like crowds” you argue “and you know damn well that house is about to be packed” 
“When will you get to experience partying at a drug lords house again?” she counters 
“I would hope never Harmony”
She fake cries “come on girl pleaaassseee” she begs as she hugs you
“Franklin said bring all your friends you know I cant show up without you” 
“Why not?” 
“Because you are part of the package” 
“Just go with the girls” should 
She turns you to face her “Y/N! why don’t you want to come?”
You sigh “i already told you!” 
She gives you a light push “Fine, be boring, have no social life, have no love life, just  survive, Work, school, home, bills thats it???” She throws her hands up when you give her a blanks stare in return 
You roll your eyes as she walks away. What she said got to you eventually, you didn’t want to only survive, you wanted to live just not around Saint and his men, it's like a body dropped every time he was around. 
You ponder for a few days before approaching her, what could hurt a one time party never to be mentioned again at least you could counter if she ever asked you to leave again. 
“Whats the dress code?” you ask as you stand by the kitchen counter 
“What?” She asks as she mixes the rice on the stove
“For this party” you clarify 
She turns to you with a stunned face, mouth a jar wide grin quickly taking over, “you coming?!!!” she asks softly, when you nod she screams and throws her arms around you “OH MY GOD!!!! AHHHH! YES GIRLLLL YESSSS WHAT MADE YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND?”
“Okay calm down!”
“Sorry” she takes a deep breath “I’m just soo excited” 
“Yea yea whats the dress code i mean can i show up in jeans or?” 
“Jeans girl really?” you shrug “You can or you can get a nice pretty dress stand out, get your hair done, nails?”
“So dress up is the dress code?” 
She shrugged “he never said just you know dress nice”
“I can dress nice in jeans”
“In a dress!” she stresses
“Fine” you weren’t going to argue your way through this party 
“Ooh girl, I can't wait to go shopping, let me call the girls and then we can plan to go out together!” she comments before returning to the stove.  You groan already regretting agreeing to go to this party.
The night of the party approaches quickly and you feel your stomach doing flips, it was too late to tell Harmony you changed your mind, you two were looking for a parking spot in the neighborhood, it seemed like half of south central had already showed up to the party. 
You don’t even know how time flew by so quickly, one minute you're in the chair getting your hair done, next thing you're putting on your lipstick, perfume, shoes, now walking towards the door. Watching as people poured in and out of the party. 
The chilly LA evening weather was much appreciated as you were not trying to arrive at the house with a thin layer of sweat on your body. Not after you've primped and primed the entire day. 
“HEEEEYYYYY!”  Harmony greets as you two walk in 
“MY BABY IS HERE!” Sean yells on top of his lungs
You stand back as you watch them greet
“Y/N?” you hear your name 
You turn to face one of Franklin's men “I’ll take your coat”  
“Oh you shrug off your trench coat.”
“I missed you baby” you hear harmony whine in a baby voice you can’t help but laugh 
The house was sorta full, you could still see across the room and make faces you knew that wouldn't be the case in the next hour or so. You just know the party was bound to get shut down
You step further in securing the coat check in your clutch. 
“Hey”  you greet Franklin
“Glad you could make it Y/N” he greets giving you a half hug, you quickly inhale his cologne he smelled good you make a quick note to yourself 
“Thanks for the invite, we brought you this” you say handing him a gift bag
“Oh shit you didn’t have to” he smiles at you
You shrug “well my mama said never show up to a person's house empty handed you know” 
He nods “what yall get me?” He asks trying to move the tissue paper around 
“Oh uh really good wine” 
“Expensive wine”  Harmony adds
“And some Bourbon” 
“Expensive bourbon” 
“Okay Harmony!” you look at her incredulously causing Franklin to chuckle
She chuckles “I’m fucking with you girl but”  she turns to face Franklin, “my cousin went around turn looking for the best wine for you”
“Oh word?” he turns to face you a bright smile on his face 
You feel yourself getting flustered “No I just” you feel yourself blushing “It's a gift and I  like to give good gifts” you defend, you don’t even know why you were blushing 
“That's true you ever want a good gift you ask her she’ll find some good shit” 
You smile “I’m gonna say hi to the girls and boys”  you say walking away from them
“Awkward ass” Harmony comments causing Franklin and Sean to burst out laughing. You throw your middle finger at her and keep walking
It wasn’t that you were purposely trying to impress Franklin, it was just a gift. What would it look like showing up with cheap wine and liquor when you kept hearing about the thousands he was moving weekly.He would probably be offended, you heard about his temper. 
1 hour you say to yourself as you made your way around the room, thats it thats how long you were staying 1 hour. You eventually find a small group of girls to talk to, avoiding Harmony and the rest as they were either in the circle with Franklin or right near it, in the center of the house. When you turn to look at that area you catch a glimpse of Tasha on Franklin's lap, with a flash she gets up and other women take a seat on his lap, you shake your head internally before returning to the conversation. 
The next time you look down at your watch you realise 2 hours had passed. It was already past 11pm and you should have been home by now. 
You quickly chug the water you have been drinking, (you weren’t gonna take risks drinking and driving) you slowly push your way through the massive crowd avoiding anyone from that group spotting you. Unbeknownst to you Franklin had his eye on you the entire night. He watched as you stood in the corner and talked to the girls, then back to the kitchen, bathroom, he even saw you spill water on yourself, he smiled slightly before returning to his conversation, no matter where you were tonight he made sure his eyes were on you. 
At one point you two make eye contact but you smile and quickly look away. Plus the comment Harmony made awhile back about him looking at you a certain way had you nervous being around the man, you can’t explain it you just wanted to get out of South Central unscathed and gaining the attention of Franklin wasn’t a plan. 
“Yea I’m leaving,”  you chuckle nervously while handing them the coat check
“Damn before New Years? it's gonna happen in like 40 minutes” 
“I know but I kinda wanna start getting home before traffic you know” you explain��
You already knew Harmony was gonna be with Sean tonight at his place you begged her to go to his instead of ruining your night with their sexcapeds gladly for you she agreed
He nodded in response “Yea that makes sense, LA traffic can get crazy” 
“Yea it can” You open your clutch to pull your keys but find nothing, you frantically push things around to see nothing, your lip gloss, napkins, mints and your wallet
“Shit” you say to yourself as you think back to the night? Did you leave them in the car? Are they with Harmony? Did they drop and you didn’t hear them? Your mind races trying to trace back the night. 
“Here you go” he says handing you your coat 
“Leaving so soon?”  you hear close to your ear from behind you, 
You instinctively tilt your head away, “Huh?”  as you continue to check the pockets quickly turning around slowly
You release your breath as you feel the keys in your coat pocket, you look up and see Franklin looking down at you smiling
“FUCK!”  you curse internally  “Heyyy” you smile quickly turning to glance at where he was to see if anyone else noticed. It was so packed now you couldn’t see past the sea of bodies now
“Leaving so soon?” he asks again pulling his hands behind his back 
You giggle nervously “Oh yea I don’t wanna get stuck in LA traffic”
He tilts his head slightly confused “But you just got here” 
“No i got here 2 hours ago” 
“I didn’t even get the chance to talk to you tonight” You make a face, he chuckles in response “I’m saying i wanted to catch up with you” he shrugs “we ain't really talked since highschool” 
“Oh” you shrug “nothing much going on with me” 
He smirks “Nah you more interesting than that, I aint even get the chance to tell you look good tonight yet,” You look down at your semi formal sweetheart dress, you were actually glad you agreed to dress up as many women were and you didn't’ want to be the odd one out actually even Franklin was dressed up suit tie the whole shebang
“Oh” you smile “thank you Franklin, you look good too clean up nice” 
He removes the coat from your hands gently “how about you stay a little longer?” he bargains
You chuckle nervously this could not be happening “Noo” you reach for the jacket but he puts it behind his back. “Franklin!”  you scold 
He smiles looking at you “comeon girl you can’t leave right before new years!” he argues 
“I don’t like driving at night. You know how the cops are? And its new years too!?” You catch his eyes drifting lower to your cleavage before making their way up to yours. You use that to your advantage and reach around but he quickly moves the jacket the opposite way
“Franklin!” you look towards where he was seating in the center of the house and see a very ugly mug on Tasha’s face and the other women seemed to share the same sentiment glaring in your direction 
“Come on its" he looks down at his watch, "only 30 more minutes, that can’t hurt” 
“No! Plus looks like Tasha is gonna kill you” you comment
“Tasha?”  he looks at where you tilted your head
“Oh shit!” he laughs “I don’t care about Tee” 
You cross your arms on your chest “Aren't you two dating?” 
“Mmmm well you might not be but she believes you two are and I need my coat Franklin” you open your hand out for him to give it to you
“I’ll take you home” 
“No how are you gonna get back here plus it's your party don’t be ridiculous!” 
“RIdiculous?” He guffaws  “I'm not the one leaving a new years party 30 minutes before new years that's the point of the party!” 
You huff and look up at the ceiling. You need to find a solution. You would leave the coat but it has your keys! He moves closer smiling at how flustered you were getting (“I just wanna go home”) you think to yourself, this shouldn’t be happening he should be dating Tasha. Why isn’t he? Weren't they over each other at the fair and tonight? What was this some freakyshit they were into or what?
“What is it?” He asks softly bringing your attention back to him, that damn smile, those dimples, nope no Y/N you need to go home
“Franklin I would like to go home please” 
“Y/N I told you I’ll take you home” 
“What about Tee?”
“Tee can get a ride home, why you keep brining her up?”
“I’ll take you home. I promise”
“Right after the celebration is over!” he smiles slyly 
You frown “No thats like at 6am!” 
He chuckles you caught on quick “No give me till 1am at least” 
You contemplate no way you were getting the coat back that was for sure
“Fine you promise?” 
“I promise ima get Dreads or Mikey to take you”  You scoff “what?”
You  reach around and snatch your coat shocking him in the process
“No you said you were gonna take me home so you needed to take me home not punt me off to your men” you complain as you throw on your coat quickly 
He smiles at your brattiness “okay okay i will” he reaches for you
You move away from him “Nope i’m going home goodnight Franklin!” 
He sighs, “can you at least let me know you made it home safe?” 
“Fine i’ll page Tee” 
He  groans and you chuckle, he bites his bottom lip as he watches you walk away defiantly 
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pineappleciders · 2 years ago
ayo can i request a male (or gn if you prefer) adult reader adopting tweek, butters and kenny? bc i love those kids but they all deserve much better parents than the ones they have in canon.
masc adult reader adopting tweek, butters, and kenny (and a bit of karen)
A/N: i've never gotten to do a male reader b4 so i'm glad you asked!!!! these r kinda separate to keep it simple, also reader is referred to as dad :)
TRIGGER WARNING: SA and abuse mentions, drugs (obviously)
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tweek tweak
first things first, you start weaning him off the coffee. you still give him smaller doses for awhile just to keep him stable and with no withdrawal
if you send him to rehab, he'd definitely be a little scared. so you pack his backpack and lunch and pat him on the head and send him off, telling him to text you if he needs anything
he's always coming into your room in the middle of the night gripping his pillow and pulling his hair.
"dad, the gnomes! t-they're back, AGH!"
"tweek, i thought we went over this..."
it can be a little difficult to calm him down sometimes, so you two practice breathing exercises in case you aren't there to help him
he carries around a little card keychain that you made for him with comforting words and grounding techniques. he carries it everywhere and attaches it to his bookbag!!
you put the coffee pods on the highest cupboard shelf so he can't reach them. he hasn't tried to reach them (as far as you're aware)
you try to smooth down his hair and brush it out but it somehow always pops back up. also his hairline is fucked. so are his teeth. he's a little fucked up in every way but you love him anyways
butters stotch
with butters, it's apparent that negative discipline is not the route here. you instead opt to use positive reinforcement when he obeys and does stuff right
you're not a pushover by any means, but you are a lot less strict than his biological parents.
he gets a little confused sometimes when he doesn't get shouted at or blamed for something he didn't do. like he walks in the door expecting to get yelled at but you just hug him and ask how his day at school was
he's really glad he can actually have friends over now. his friends are always commenting on how cool his new dad is compared to his old one
butters has learned to not talk about his trauma and past. he was always taught to bury it deep down and never mention it to anybody. so when he randomly blurts out how his uncle molested him at dinner, he's confused when you look horrified
he loves to play sports in the backyard with you!!! his old dad never really spent time with him, so he has the absolute time of his life playing ball with you. it becomes one of his best core memories
he likes to draw with crayons a lot so he always draws pictures of you and him like under a rainbow or something and you always hang it up on the fridge. you're quickly running out of room for his art
kenny mccormick
as soon as he gets home and you give him the OK to eat he is eating everything in your house
turns out it's really difficult for a 9 year old to properly grow on a diet of frozen waffles and dust bunnies. you're shocked when you're preparing his bath and he's a lot skinnier and shorter than the other kids
honestly if u adopt him then you have to adopt karen too. and kevin if you want. but preferably karen.
nothing makes kenny happier than knowing she's sleeping in a warm bed with a full stomach. it's just a bonus that he is too!!
like butters, he loves to play sports with you. specifically catch and baseball. he also forces you to play barbies with him and do a high-pitched girl voice
loves to fall asleep in your lap/in your arms. like he'll fall asleep mid-piggy back ride and just snore on your shoulder
always flexing on cartman that now that he isn't the poorest kid that cartman is now. cartman hates u for it
always wants a sip of your morning coffee and waits for karen to finish her food before finishing his. it's a force of habit and it's kind of sad but also really sweet
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codename-adler · 8 months ago
6 and 12 for aftg ask game bc I am obsessed with character foils
6. A non-canon ship you love?
Obviously per the last ask, Kevaaron. So I'll speak on others.
I sincerely love Jean/Aaron. It works. It so works. Trust me. Might have a little wip on them... also, this fic by @merceyca was gifted to me and it's absolutely bonkers amazing: Bury Me in the Glow
Jean/Neil. Forever misplaced partners... Even before TSC, the intimacy they share and the worse they see of each other but still do the best they can to protect the other...
Renee/Allison. To me atp they're just canon fr. like, ofc they work.
Kevin/Andrew/Neil. Duh. That includes Kandrew & Kevneil. At times too painful for me, but the proofs are all there. So.
i'm probably forgetting to many bc the possibilities are infinite so, last but not least:
Katelyn/Thea. Yes. Mangum Opus of mine. Good ol' switcheroo genius move. Give it a try. It'll stick. I need more people with me in the boat. Pls i'm lonely.
12. Favorite narrative foil?
I have already touched on Jean vs Neil here, and I could go into heavy details because oh my god these boys. these boys. but i can't really bc it hurts too much!!! yippee.
so instead I'll mention Kevin vs Seth. (bc they are soooo much less painful right...) Not! Talked! About! Enough!
Seth "His life is not more important than mine just because he's more talented" Gordon
Kevin "One of us has to make it, Mom. It wasn’t going to be Neil. It was obvious he was too stupid to survive without his mother if he let himself get into messes like this. But maybe Kevin could do it. Maybe he’d get through this somehow, riding his talent and Andrew’s psychotic obsession and Wymack’s fierce protection. Maybe he’d get through this season on the Foxes' roster and be sage. He’d recover and he’d be free. Neil couldn’t leave until he knew Kevin would be okay" Day
And especially how they're foils of each other in Neil's opinion, not just objectively from a reader's pov.
Also something about Kevin's alcohol addiction being treated as a necessary crutch others allow, make fun of, purposefully utilized, while Seth's drug addiction being treated as dirty, shameful, sinful, problematic, a hindrance, his own fault entirely. Andrew forcefully making Matt and Aaron clean, but letting Seth be. Andrew actively encouraging Kevin's alcoholism. Seth dying of his own addiction, murder or not. Kevin living despite his.
Seth not getting his chances. Kevin getting them all.
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kiwiaok · 1 year ago
aftg is eating up my brain so badly, I have a constant stream of ideas and I’m shit at actually writing them but I need to get them out of my system bc it’s suffocating, so:
• an au where king and sir turn out to be shapeshifters so andreil magically acquire two spoiled kids
• andreil saying to each other ‘IU’ instead of ‘I hate you’ or ‘I love you’ or anything else. they use it in every kind of situation bc it’s the testament of how much they feel about each other and that’s more important to them than anything else. they’re fighting? IU (I hate you, I’m scared for you, I’m scared of how much power you have over me, I still want you to stay) they’re having sex? IU (I trust you, I love you, I’m going to take care of you, I’ll make you feel good) they’re breaking down? IU (I’ve got you, I’m here, I’m going to stay, I’m going to help best I can)
• a fic where neil dies in baltimore and we see the aftermath told from his perspective as a ghost: introspection, character study, cannibalism, polaroids, inspired by strangers by ethel cain:
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• neil taking great pleasure in buying andrew expensive things and seeing him use them, not out of possessiveness but bc he truly just wants andrew to be happy and taken care of. and andrew learning to accept those gifts bc neil never wants anything in return, not even gratitude
• neil getting drugged at eden’s by some stranger and proceeding to glue himself to andrew’s side. the next day andrew is frustrated by that show of trust and he asks how neil could know that it wasn’t him doing the drugging. to which neil replies that he didn’t know that, but he knew that andrew wouldn’t drug him or let anyone touch him without a good reason. so it was okay, he just needed to trust andrew’s judgement and stick by him. and then andrew realising just how much faith neil has in him and having a breakdown about it
• after neil’s bad days, andrew spoons neil and keeps his hand wrapped around neil’s throat while they’re sleeping. it makes neil feel safe and grounded and makes andrew drunk on trust and control (bonus scene: foxes witnessing this one day and completely failing at understanding their dynamic)
• neil getting into a habit of spitting after his time at the nest bc riko used to spit into his mouth and make him swallow it as a power play. whenever neil remembers it the thought of any spit in his mouth, even his own, makes him sick. so he spits
• whenever aaron is on the edge of relapsing instead of telling anyone he just trails after andrew 24/7 bc he knows his brother won’t let him destroy his life
• tlou au where andrew is traveling the world in search of his twin brother and he’s hired to transport neil somewhere. meanwhile, they fall in love with each other and they find out andrew was supposed to deliver neil into his father’s hands (andrew promised neil safety and he refuses to break his promise so this becomes the first job andrew ever failed)
• andreil breaking up and neil desperately trying to prove to himself that he can move on so he takes the page from andrew’s books and starts sleeping around, but he only succeeds in hurting himself and feeling miserable (they get back in the end bc I need them to be happy)
• OH MY GOD HORNY KANDREIL CLASSICAL MUSIC AU!! kevin (and neil?) playing violin and drew being freakishly good at playing every instrument he ever touches but especially the piano. kev giving a performance and andreil sitting in the first row, neil getting a hard on bc kevin looks so good in his suit, with slightly greying hair combed back and passion burning in his eyes. andrew discretely edging him on, palming neil’s dick through the fancy suit’s material and keeping eye contact with kevin the whole time
AND SO MUCH MORE AAAAAA. this is insufferable, I’m writing fics in my head to fall asleep and then I’m waking up literally quoting aftg (genuinely happened last week, I felt like a lunatic) and then I’m going to uni and I spend every lecture thinking about how I can use my degree to better write about those stupid murderous college athletes. what kind of crack did you put in this series, nora?????
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achillesinagaypanic · 1 year ago
I will add myself to the AFTG clutter, well after the trilogy is done:
Currently on TRK after finishing TFC in 2 days, I am hopeful to continue my quick reading. Some notes on my read so far:
I am having a hell of a laugh reading out all of Jean's dialogue with a french southern accent because peuchère il est marseillais le peutchi
I am also crying at the littlest things, like the showers in the first away-game against the terrapins (which I was surprised to discover is apparently a turtle??) But big events leave me indifferent (like Seth, but I think that was meant to be seeing as Neil had about the same reaction) or numb and in shock (like learning Neil BELONGS TO THE MORIYAMAS??? HELLO???? I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING????)
I should be doing homework. I am not. I will get in trouble. But at least I'll know how this all ends. I love theatre but the power of Adhd hyperfixation is stronger than me </3
I am VERY AFRAID to interact with fandom because I don't want to get spoiled (looking at you, dr who hyperfixation where I know way too much because of AO3) but I will be glad to update to you all my reactions through text as I read through this (though I will slide over most of the "I wish I could go in there and hold/punch him/her"s and "Omg he's so fucking hot"s)
Every character of the team is so fucking attractive and I was 100% shaming myself for my reaction when Kevin full-body-pinned Neil against the wall. 1/2 of my thoughts and reactions are "when is it my turn" or "omg let's switch places".
I was extremely worried when Neil woke up in Nicky's arms after having been drugged because like ???? Did they do anything ????? But then realized that Nicky would do no such thing, despite repeatedly talking about it.
The girls have all my love, seriously, Dan is wonderful as a captain AND as a friend, Renee is so nice I aspire to have her self-control, Allison needs a hug.
ALSO!!! IN THE SHIPS!!! (Because I did discover this off of a gay edit between Andrew and Neil "Yes or no Neil? / It's always yes with you") I fucking love that I can ship Andrew, Neil and Kevin interchangeably. Like, Guard dog and Hurt runaway? Fuck yes. Famous but kept captive and Underdog but free? You got it. Anxiety ball and Dangerous but somehow reassuring? Give me all of it.
OKAY now I need to let my newfound knowledge sink in because wtf was that conversation (Neil and Kevin about the whole lore thing), thank you for reading my thoughts as an excited first-time reader
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dvrcos · 11 months ago
Ive been bothering everyone I possibly can by dropping asks abt Aaron in their inbox soo it's ur turn now
Any Aaron hcs? Your opinion on skater boy Aaron?
And because I love Kevin too, any Kevin hcs? I feel like people tend to forget that Kevin likes photography too canonically besides exy and history
Skater boy Aaron is real and true and canon (to me at least)
He is the poster boy for the early 2000s skater aesthetic
Part of the reason he continues skating in college is because he enjoys the heart attack it gives Kevin
Kevin doesn’t want him getting hurt and jeopardizing the team and his wellbeing
So Aaron makes sure he finds time to skate everyday
Aaron is a lover of pop culture and is just a fucking nerd dude
He loves Lord of the Rings and read Harry Potter as it came out (and also very actively hates JKR in the modern day)
Aaron Minyard is a chronic migraine girly
He’s a med student and athlete who gets very little sleep so his head constantly hurts
And yaknow what he’s a little bitch about it too
He is constantly complaining to Katelyn and using it as an excuse to be an asshole
(I love him so dearly)
I also think he is constantly cold and has terrible blood circulation
His hands and feet are always freezing
Years of drug use and constantly needing to take Advil for his headaches has just shot his cardiovascular system
So he’s constantly cold and doesn’t run a lot because his stamina is shit
He has a raging addiction to caffeine and his vice is RedBulls
His sleep schedule is absolutely wrecked from both Exy and school so he’s rarely ever without a RedBull in hand
I don’t think he cares a lot about his diet but he does try to keep it pretty nutrient packed bc he knows the benefits of it
But he also has a sweet tooth (not as strong as Andrew’s but still strong) and he favors baked goods like cake and banana bread and pastries
His vision is bad and it just keeps getting worse over the years but he doesn’t wear his glasses often
He usually resorts to contacts but has to switch to his glasses late at night or when his head is hurting extra bad
He loves tea
Like has an extensive tea collection and will spend the money to buy teas from around the world
He also has a mug collection (the Foxes start gifting him mugs every holiday when they find out about it)
His favorite mugs are his vintage Trojans mug, a “history is not boring” mug the Foxes gave him when he graduated, and a Hogwarts mug Aaron gave him
(they read the series together :P)
Kevin’s favorite areas of history to study are Ancient Rome and the history of Ireland
He’s fascinated by the Roman Empire and studying Ireland makes him feel more connected to his mother
I think he continues school on the side and eventually gets a doctorate degree and teaches a bit after he retires from Exy
He always tries to sign with teams in or near the cities the other OG Foxes are in because he doesn’t really know how to function without the familiarity of his people
Kevin works a lot on undoing his Raven dietary habits and since he’s surrounded by people who can’t cook he grows a love for frozen food as well as caffeine
I think he takes a few art classes and really enjoys it even though he doesn’t think he’s that great at it
He’s actually not bad at all and makes a lot of really cool pieces
Kevin exclusively wears 5 inch inseam shorts
Anything longer is blasphemous
He has basically zero sense of style and just kind of mimics what the others are wearing
Until Allison forces him to go to the mall with her and they spend hours building him a real wardrobe that is him
Most of his closest still consists of PSU and USC merch though
And truly would this even be me if I didn’t put kevaaron headcanons? No
Kevin is basically a human radiator, especially after practice
And that is a blessing directly from God in Aaron’s eyes
Kevin comes back from night practice and Aaron just clings to him, absorbing all of his heat as they fall asleep
Aaron is a chronic clothes stealer like he just has sticky fingers when it comes to Kevin’s wardrobe
They spend a lot of time together in the library
They’re both in quite intensive and workload heavy majors so they study together a lot
It happened more as an accident tbh like Aaron was heading to the library to study for a midterm
And basically all of PSU’s student body had the same idea so there was no open tables
But low and behold there was Kevin, alone at a table tucked in the back corner, typing away at his laptop
Aaron joins him without asking and it kinda just becomes their thing
Kevin joins Aaron at the library between regular and night practices
They spend most of their weekends there and bring each other caffeinated drinks and snacks
Eventually they’re not even studying half the time, they’re just talking and spending time with each other outside of Exy and the other Foxes curious glances and prying comments
Aaron takes a history class with Kevin but Kevin refuses to take any science class outside of his required credits
He’s not a science person so Aaron doesn’t take it personally
Kevin can never properly wrap his head around how strong Aaron actually is
It just doesn’t compute for him, like how can so much strength be packed into such a small body
But he is most definitely not complaining, especially not when that strength is so clearly but on display or used against him
Kevin is practically drooling anytime he watches Aaron body check a striker twice his size and send them sprawling onto the floor
They become each others partners/marks during practices and it is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen
They’re just excessively flirting while tripping each other and fighting with their racquets
The other Foxes comment on their “weird and disturbing foreplay” every chance they get
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pinkrifle · 2 years ago
HEY, I loved your post about being Kyle's big sister, could I ask for one with Kenny , Karen and Kevin?? I just want to hug those kids and take care of them 😓😓🩷🩷
OF COURS!! i love them too don’t even WORRRYY 🫶
n i’m so happi i’m finally getting requests LETS GOOOO
— being kenny, karen and kevin’s big sister!!
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despite kevin’s relentless protests that he wants to fight his parents if they get too loud for karen and kenny, you always put those 3 in a seperate room and deal with carol and stuart yourself!!!
sometimes your friends give you money,, n you spend it on things you know your siblings would like!! karen: coloring books/stuffies, kenny: secretly likes stuffies aswell/accessories for his mysterion or princess kenny costume, kevin: sports related things/those flavored water pack things
and when carol/stuart give allowances, you always split yours with the 4 of you!! kevin’s always the happiest he gets more money.
always keeping an eye on kevin to make sure he’s not doing drugs or drinking alc, trying to rehabilitate him and or calm his addiction down.
you know that kenny dies a bunch, and always remind yourself of it, but can’t bring yourself to not cry when kenny dies infront of you. like BAWLL
during thunderstorms you always huddle your siblings into a blankie with yourself even tho they say their big kids and don’t need your cuddles!!
always babying kevin, and he gets upset because he’s supposed to be the oldest 🤭 but your little brother is too cute!!
for my kevlly ppl… when kevin brings shelly home you fangirl!! teasingl bringing them roses and candles and such, as they just BEGGG for you to go away..
keeping an eye on kenny when he’s hanging around with his friends,and if cartman dares to say anything about your financial situation you’d verbally beat his ahh 🫶
once again, the main 4 fight for your acceptance/you liking them, and you love all of them the same!! well cartman a little less.
always buying the weirdest shit for them and they jokingly hate you for it,,,,
cleaning kenny’s room and finding his playboys results in a strange look from you to kenny, but putting it back and saving the cleaning for another day
you and kevin always used to fight when u were kids, but you baby and cuddle him all the time now even if everyone thinks it’s cringe ❤️
always carrying karen bridal style and doing dramatic plays with kenny as princess kenny, you as a queen, karen as another princess and kevin is a knight, kevin loves it sm but attempts to act like he hates it
always helping kevin when his braces hurt his teeth and he ends up sobbing, ruffling his hair and feeding ice or popsicles into his mouth!!
occasionally getting fast food once a month for your siblings, trying to hide it from your parents. (they wonder where all your allowance is going,,,)
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sorry this is kinda short!! i’m working on chubby mysterion x reader hcs rn 🫶 I LOVE THE MCCORMICK SIBLNGS ANON ILY
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the--blackdahlia · 10 months ago
Split Chapter 4
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Split Chapter 4
Summary: Lucy Blair met FBI Agent Scott Hall one fateful day at her work. After hitting it off, pretty quickly, Lucy and Scott fell in love. But then Lucy meets Razor Ramon. Is Scott undercover? Or is something more at play, something that will drag her into a dangerous world of the war of drug lords in 1980's Florida?
Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, more to be added as the fic goes on
3 Months Later
After quickly hitting it off after their first date, Scott and Lucy became inseparable. Scott stopped staying at the office late into the night, sometimes even running out the door right at quitting time so he could make the 30-minute drive to Clearwater to see Lucy.
“Why don’t you two just move in already?” Kevin asked Scott as he worked on paperwork for evidence they had just gotten.
“I don’t want to rush it,” Scott shrugged, scribbling away at the papers.
“Oh come on. You two act like more of a married couple than Tamara and I. And we’ve been married for quite a while at this point.”
“Maybe I’ll bring it up when you and I get back from Virginia,” Scott clicked his pen.
“Not if I don’t bring it up tonight over dinner. Got the babysitter squared away and Tamara is excited.”
“Don’t you dare,” Scott stared down his best friend. Kevin chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “God, you are annoying!”
“Yep,” Kevin smirked before getting up. “I’ll see you tonight.”
Lucy had just finished getting ready when Scott arrived at her apartment. He walked in, smiling as he heard her singing a Bon Jovi song from the bathroom. He made his way towards her, smiling as he watched her dance in front of the mirror, the song playing on the little radio she kept in there so she had music while she showered. He had never seen someone as beautiful as her before. Every time he looked at her, especially in these moments when she was carefree and happy, made him fall for her a little bit more.
“Who needs to go to a concert when I have you?” He asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. Lucy squeaked and jumped before turning around to glare at her boyfriend.
“I swear to god Scott, you have got to stop scaring me like that!”
“Where’s the fun in that?” He walked to her, smiling as he looked down at her. “You look beautiful.” He was satisfied when he saw her blush.
“You’re such a sweet talker,” Lucy stood on her tiptoes to place a quick kiss on his lips.
“Ready to go?”
“Yep!” She grabbed her bag. They made their way back out to Scott’s car. He opened the door for her, allowing her to safely get in the passenger seat. He drove to the restaurant, singing as he drove and earning giggles from Lucy. They pulled up at the restaurant just as Kevin and Tamara arrived. They got patio seats and put in their order.
“So, what do you do when Kevin’s gone?” Lucy asked Tamara as she sipped her drink.
“Basically what I do when he’s home. Clean, cook, take T over to his friend's house,” Tamara explained. “However, I’ve had more experience with this. I’ve been with Kev since he was in the military.”
“And it’s just a week,” Kevin shrugged. Tamara shot her husband a look. This was Lucy’s first time since dating Scott, that he wouldn’t be around for a week.
“You can always come hang out with T and me if you get bored,” Tamara told her, giving her a comforting smile.
“I might take you up on that,” Lucy felt Scott hold her hand under the table, giving her a gentle squeeze. She smiled at him, feeling so at ease as he held her hand.
Dinner passed quickly, and Kevin kept dropping hints about Lucy and Scott moving in together, getting side-eye looks from Scott. But, he thankfully didn’t come right out and say anything.
“Well, we’ve got to get home and pay the babysitter,” Kevin and Tamara stood by his Mustang. “We’ll have to do this again when Scott and I get back home.”
“That sounds great! I’d like that,” Lucy gave Tamara a hug before she and Scott headed to his Chevelle.
He drove the streets of Clearwater back to Lucy’s apartment, parking in the lot, but just sat in the driver's seat, looking forward.
“Scott? Are you ok?” Lucy asked, watching her boyfriend.
“Lucy, I’ve gotta tell you something,” His hands were trembling a little.
“What is it?”
“I…I love you Lucy,” Scott didn’t dare look at her. The last time he told a woman he loved her, she rejected him hard and left him. So he didn’t see the smile that spread on Lucy’s face.
“I love you too.”
That snapped Scott out of his funk, making him look over at her. Before he could do much else, she leaned forward and kissed him, helping to chase away his nerves. After a moment, she pulled back, smiling at him.
“Would you like to come in?” She asked.
“More than anything.”
“So, what are you up to tonight?” Janice asked as she leaned over Lucy’s desk, watching her input information into the computer.
“Probably just gonna go home, watch some TV, eat some ice cream.” Lucy shrugged.
“You and me are going out girl,” Janice patted the desk. “There’s this club down at St. Pete I’ve been dying to go to. And you know there’s no way Randy will let Liz go with me without him tagging along. And he’s not exactly a club guy.”
“I’m not big into the club scene either,” Lucy looked up at Janice.
“Oh come on. Scott would want you to go have fun instead of waiting at home like a sad little puppy,” Janice stared Lucy down, making her sigh.
“Okay. Fine. But I don’t want to be there super late. Carol thinks Kelly will be in tomorrow, but you know how reliable that girl is.”
“We are going to have so much fun! Maybe we can convince Randy to be our DD.”
“Oh, I bet he’ll love that…”
Lucy, Janice, Liz, and Randy walked into club, loud music playing, the smell of cigarettes drifting through the air. Randy led the girls to a table on the side, where a waitress quickly came over and got their drink order.
“It’s loud,” Liz commented. Lucy nodded in agreement.
“Not much of a club person,” She took the drink from the waitress.
“Neither am I,” Randy added, taking the beer that he had ordered.
“Well, I want to go dance. Come on!” Janice grabbed Lucy and dragged her to the dance floor. It took a couple of songs, but finally, Lucy was relaxing enough to get into it. Neither her nor Janice noticed golden brown eyes watching them.
Thick, jet-black ringlets of hair rested on created a mane for the bronzed man who was watching Janice and Lucy dance. Golden brown eyes watched their moves as he chewed on a toothpick. He had a five o’clock shadow accenting his strong jaw. He had a pink and purple shirt on, but unopened to show off his muscular chest. Gold chains rested around his neck, including one with a golden razor blade attached. To his sides were four other men, two on each side of the table. They all had their own drinks and were watching the crowd.
“Diesel, who’s that?” Razor Ramon asked the man to his right, with exactly dark hair and matching goatee. He slid down the sunglasses he was wearing to look at the two.
“Which one? The tall one or the short one?”
“Everyone’s short to you,” The guy across from him, who went by Rocket, laughed. Diesel shrugged and nodded.
“The short girl,” Razor explained.
“I dunno boss, but I can find out.”
“No need,” Razor drank the rest of his whiskey, somehow not losing his toothpick. “Kid, go distract the tall one.”
“Oh, I’m not very good at doing that,” The scrawnier of the group replied. He didn’t look like he was old enough to be in the night club, let alone trying to talk to a girl. If someone had just glanced, they would’ve thought he should’ve been at home working on his science project.
“Perfect chance to try,” Razor smirked. Kid took a deep breath and nodded. Luckily, Janice was easy enough to distract. Once he had her away from the others, Lucy headed to the bar to get another drink. Razor stood from the table and made his way to the bar.
“Add her drink to my tab,” He grumbled.
“Sure thing, Mr. Ramon,” The bartender nodded, knowing that Razor’s tab would never come due.
“Oh, thank you,” Lucy glanced at Razor before quickly doing a double take. “Scott?”
“Mmm, no,” Razor took her hand and kissed it. “My name is Razor Ramon.”
“Sorry, you just look like my boyfriend…”
“Lucky man. Where is he?”
“Oh, he’s out of town,” She said before she could stop herself, making Razor smirk.
“Well chica, if I were your boyfriend, I wouldn’t leave you out of my sight,” He watched her sip her drink.
“Is Razor your real name?”
“Depends. Are you a cop?”
“Far from it,” She laughed a little.
“Do you have a name?” Razor asked, dodging the question about his real name.
“Oh, I’m Lucy.”
“Well, Lucy, it’s great to meet you.” There was something about him, his aura was full of confidence, borderline smugness. He knew he was the most important person in the room, and people seemed to bow down and move out of his way as he walked around.
“So, uh, what do you do?” Lucy asked, not really sure what he wanted from her.
“Importing and exporting of… commodities,” Razor was sizing her up. He wanted to know if she was a threat. “What about you, Ms. I’m-not-a-cop.”
“I work at a doctor’s office.”
“Hmmm, guess I should get sick more often if doctor staff looks like you,” Razor all but purred. Lucy was starting to get hot and bothered. It had to be the alcohol going through her system.
“Hey boss,” the fourth from Razor’s table approached. He went by Mr. Perfect, and he sometimes considered himself the best out of the organization. “We’ve got visitors in the back.”
“Go get Kid. I’ll be there in a few,” Razor dismissed him before turning back to Lucy. “Too bad our meeting was so short, but I’ll see you again Lucy.” He kissed her hand again before whispering to her, “I bet you’d look great in purple.”
He was gone then, disappearing through the crowd. Lucy stood there for a moment, not sure what had just happened. Janice and Liz walked up to her then.
“Did you guys see that?” Lucy asked. “I swear that guy was Scott.”
“Oh girl, you’ve just got Scott on the brain,” Janice dismissed her claims.
“Yeah, maybe…” Lucy looked back at the way Razor had walked off. Maybe it was all in her head. She took her drink and blended back into the crowd on the floor with her friends, but the encounter lay in the back of her mind.
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violetsixx1981 · 2 years ago
Kevin, We Need To Talk! Part 3
Word Count 773
Discussion of Abortion
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For the next several weeks, you avoided Kevin like the plague. Which proved to be exceedingly easy, as he appeared to be avoiding you too. You didn’t know what to do with the knowledge you now possessed. Did you even have it in you to report what you knew? You weren’t entirely sure. Despite everything, you still loved Kevin deeply. Even if you could bring yourself to turn him in, who would you even tell? Would they even believe you? Surely Kevin had disposed of that notebook by now. God, you missed him. You missed the way his biceps flexed whenever he wrapped his arms around you. You missed the smell of his shampoo. But most of all, you missed the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t paying attention. You caught him staring at you in that manner a couple of times at school, but each time you looked at him, he looked away.
You were practically killing yourself with worry, wondering if each day would be the day that Kevin would show up to school and enact his plans. Between that, school, and your part-time job, you didn’t even notice when you missed your period. It wasn’t until the third month that you'd missed your period that realized you something was wrong. You’d been rifling through the medicine cabinet in your fathers bathroom, looking for something to help with the rampant nausea you’d been dealing with. You had knelt down to check under the sink, and there was your unopened box of tampons. “OH SHIT,” you said out loud. You began taking note of all the little changes in your body over the last two months. Nausea, sore breasts, fatigue, and back aches. All things you had blamed on being stressed. But all of that coupled with 3 missed periods…
The room felt like it was closing in on you, but you knew you couldn’t break down. Not before you were 100% sure. So with every last bit of your remaining strength, you pushed yourself off the bathroom floor, grabbed your car keys, and drove to a drug store two towns over. You wanted to be sure you wouldn’t see anyone you knew. You couldn’t risk this getting out before you knew for sure. You decided on the Clearblue digital double pack. That way, you could test again if it came out negative. Just to be sure.
When you got back home, you locked yourself in the bathroom and began reading the instructions. “Why is this so complicated,” you asked out loud? After reading the instructions 3 more times to ensure you had absorbed them, you grabbed one of the paper cups from under the sink and ripped open the foil packaging on both tests. You peed into the paper cup and dipped both tests into it before replacing their caps and setting them face down on the counter. You set a timer on your phone for three minutes, sat down on the side of the tub, and began biting your nails.
“Y/N, are you home sweetheart,” your dad yelled from his bedroom? “Yeah dad, I’m just in the bathroom,” you replied. “Okay, well there’s money on the table for pizza. I have to head in for my night shift. I love you, I’ll see you before you leave for school tomorrow,” your dad said before you heard his footsteps descending the stairs.
The three minutes felt more like three hours, but the alarm finally went off. Mustering all of your courage, you stood up and walked over to the counter. You closed your eyes and flipped over both tests. Taking a deep breath, you opened your eyes.
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You felt like you couldn’t breathe as you sank down onto the bathroom floor. What the fuck were you going to do? On top of having no idea where you and Kevin even stood with your relationship. Your dad would be so disappointed in you. He worked double shifts 5 days a week, so he could give you every opportunity possible. And you went and threw it all away. How would Kevin even react? Would he want to be involved? Would he tell you to get an abortion? Did he even still love you? Did he ever love you? No matter what he needed to know. After all it was his child too.
You decided to get up early the next morning and go to his house before school. You knew both his parents and his little sister would already be gone for the day. And the last thing you needed was people at school overhearing your conversation.
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wwemcumuscleslover · 9 months ago
A Bloodline Fate chapter 3
Dear Diary, another day begins for me in Chicago and in the best way possible, with my favorite sound, my boyfriend's deep voice. I feel him pull my hair, exposing a part of my neck and thus starting to kiss the entire length from the base of my ear to the beginning of my shoulder.
- good morning Baby...
I opened my eyes and there were the most beautiful brown eyes in the world, shining warmly...
- Good morning Sweety!!!
- Sweety? – he repeated the compliment with that cute smile.
- Yes, you're a sweetie... - I replied while holding her face in my hands.
- The Bandits disagree with that!
-That's their problem – I exclaimed as he started to get out of bed.
- Get dressed, let's get coffee on the way to intelligence. – Hank took my hand and helped me stand.
- I need 20 minutes! – I threw my arms around his neck.
- I'll wait downstairs.
I turned towards the bathroom and at that moment, I could only feel a light slap on my butt, Voight just looked at me with that expression that was a mix of cuteness and naughtiness..
I took a shower and started to get ready, in the middle of the process, I came across some purple spots on my body, I couldn't contain my smile, he was very good in bed, the kind of intense and accurate love. I had to use a lot of foundation and concealer to cover the marks, not to mention a turtleneck.
After finishing everything, I went downstairs and found Hank waiting at the door.
- I'm going to meet with an informant before going to intelligence. – he notified. – Are you going to do something while I work…
- I don't have anything scheduled for today.- Suddenly my cell phone rings, I pull it out and see the photo of my uncle Elliott.- just give me a minute!
- one day they will need to know. – said Voight.
- But not now! – I said, touching his face.
Hank took my hand and kissed each of my fingers.
The conversation with my uncle was peaceful, although I identified some attempts to extract information beyond the typical concerns, my uncle used to be more paranoid than my father, I think it was the work of raising my 5 cousins that left him like this, to say the least. work too...
- Tonight, we have dinner with the mayor.
- We have? – I asked in surprise.
- if you want to go! – Hank pulled my hand and kissed it – and where is your ring?
Damn it! I must had taken the ring off before taking a shower and left it on the bathroom table. I asked the time for dinner and he told me it would be around 7 pm, I was also instructed on the location, the Chicago City Hall ballroom, it would practically be the first event we would be at as a couple. Which made me think about the press, but I was quickly reassured by the information that it was a closed event.
The conversation with the informant was very quick, according to Voight there was an active drug ring, reports from Chicago Med put the police on alert, many deaths due to overdose, not to mention the high rate of deaths due to territorial control among the gangs they command this medium.
The plans to first go to district 21 were changed with an emergency call about a shooting downtown.
- This is Sergeant Hank Voight, I'm 10 minutes away from the scene.
We arrived at the location and Voight recommended that I stay in the car. I suggested that I find somewhere to buy coffee, he agreed and so we continued with our tasks.
I got out of the car and soon saw a bakery, went in and ordered two simple coffees with milk and two natural sandwiches.
After paying, I made my way back to the car. Hank appeared soon after.
- Hungry? – I asked ironically.
- of food and of you! – He grabbed my chin and gave me a kiss that was abruptly interrupted.
- Hey Sergeant, sorry. – said Atwater. – a clue came up, I'll check with Ruzek and we'll go back to the district.
I started laughing at the whole situation. Kevin's expression was as amused as possible, I looked over at Hank and there was that mischievous smile.
We headed towards the district, and in the meantime I had to be kind enough to feed Voight, while he was driving
In short, the morning was a little more focused on data analysis. I sat in his office, reading a book I brought, as well as answering some text messages in particular from my cousin Kathleen, which made me think it was a strategy from my uncle.
My father was more good, he was calmer, I think that after living in a chaotic home, he preferred not to repeat the patterns.
- Hey Baby, I'm going out to investigate a suspect, I managed to wait. - he said.
I answered his question affirmatively. Being alone in that silence was a bit maddening, the phone would break the ice within a few hours, but other than that waiting for them to return was not easy, especially when I had previously learned that the case of the day was a file burning. Today's victim was a key witness in a homicide and these things are twice as bad
I will summarize the day here, the person responsible for the murder was arrested, as well as the Trial linked to the victim occurred as expected, the investigations into the drug cartel remained open, it would still take some time to conclude this story..
It was 6 pm when we returned home to get ready for dinner with the mayor.
I opted for a long red dress. I needed more time than usual on makeup to cover some of the purple marks that Voight had left on my neck and above my chest and speaking of him, he wore his typical police attire, which my goodness, nothing looked bad on that man. I put on my ring and went to find him again at the door waiting for me.
- Sorry for the delay, I don't have dresses with a high collar. – I pointed to one of the perfectly covered areas.
- There was no need to cover it – he covered my lips with his and kissed me intensely.
It took us about 15 minutes to get to city hall with his calm driving style.
Nothing compared to a winter night in Chicago.
At the scene, Voight got out of the car first and came to help me out of the vehicle, I linked my arm through his and we went up the stairs.
I wasn't surprised when Hank introduced me as his girlfriend. And I became more apprehensive when an FBI agent apparently knew my uncle.
I loved that man. YES! But one of my insecurities was the fear of Judgment and there are still those who don't believe in healthy relationships between people of such different ages.
I met with Chief Bodem, leader of battalion 51, accompanied by his wife. I spent a good part of the night talking to her, while our loved ones talked to the city's main leaders about daily things.
At one point, some people were looking at me and then at Hank, and I knew exactly what was going through their heads. Probably the worst things were coming to their heads.
I excused myself and went to a balcony, so I could breathe a little.
- any problems baby. – Hank hugged me from behind, which left me free to lean my head on his shoulder.
- I needed a little more air.
- you are a terrible liar!
- I'm fully aware that people don't look favorably on one of the most important men in this city dating someone so young.
-That's none of their business-he whispered in my ear.
His voice entered the system and every part of me heated up to the point where my coat was unbearable.
- Can you help me face this? -I asked in a pleading tone, looking deep into his eyes. - Please..
- always my Baby Girl...
At that moment I placed myself face to face and simply presented him with a kiss.
I was loving this city and this man, I catch myself thinking that if he had the idea of finding an open registry office, I would accept his name.
Elisa Stabler Voight
This seems to sound better than all the symphonies written.
Genuinely I would do that..
Well My Diary, that was Today. See you tomorrow
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@yezzyyae @chicago-pd-is-weird @ofmulti-fandoms
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zombiebcit · 11 months ago
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norman reedus. 50. cis man. he / him. ― i see you meet WILLIAM "WILL" GRIMES, huh? they are around for… well, it will be 1 AND A HALF YEAR, now. time flies when you are busy and as part of THE MILITIA, they are. if you want to meet them, they live in B1A2A, i think. people say they are ADAPTABLE + PROTECTIVE, but don’t piss them off, okay? because they can be also UNTRUSTING + UNREPENTANT, so be safe.
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⸻ FULL NAME: William Daniel Grimes
⸻ AGE: 50
⸻ GENDER: cis man
⸻ PRONOUNS: he / him
⸻ SCARS / TATTOOS: many scars & tattos along whole body ;
⸻ OCCUPATION: before: many things ; now: militia ;
⸻ FAMILY: tba grimes ( child, wc ) ;
⸻ PLAYLIST: apologize by grandson ; i come with knives by iamx ; f.w.t.b by yonaka ( grandson remix ) ; 20 precent cooler by ken ashcorp ; devil by shinedown ; play dirty by kevin mcallister + [sebell] ; kill our way to heaven by michl ; devil's backbone by the civil wars ; follow you by bring me the horizon ; no one but you by every avenue ; ;
⸻ INSPO: carol peletier ( the walking dead ) , michonne ( the walking dead ) , ada wong ( resident evil ) , chris redfield ( resident evil ) , tess servopoulos ( the last of us ) , morrigan ( dragon age ) , flemeth ( dragon age ) , zaeed massani ( mass effect 2 ) , urdnot wrex  ( mass effect ) ;
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STORY tw: child neglect, drugs, alcohol, discussion of abortion, mention of starvation, allusions to prostitution ;
will's parents didn't cared where he is or what he is doing at all. thye might not have raise their hands, but they didn't loved him either ;
it wasn't a surprise when will got caught up in the wrong crowd and everything that follows one - wild parties with poping whatever was there to just shut his mind off ;
and then, it happened. barely out of the magical line of finally legal age, will's one-night stand, a nice girl from good family who just wanted to have a go at the bad boy came to him with a positive pregnancy test ;
the easy way, the ' right ' way for them would be to go and end it. damn, will even said that to her face and sadi he will pay for it & drive her there.
and he did, but siting there, waiting and see her flinching at every little sound... looking at her stomach and thinking ' there could my kid grow ' made him feel weird.
so will blur out quick ' wait, just wait ' and they had a long and heavy talk about this all ;
she didn't wanted to get rid of kid, but didn't want to be a mother too, having to care about child when she just "started" her life and will... will wanted it now ;
so for the next months, he did everything to get clean, to get better, to find job, any job, and save a little for his kid ;
and then he hold his child in his arms for the first time and that was it. he was a parent.
it wasn't easy, even with the money the girl shoved in his hands few days after brith, with a quick ' just tell them i died. ' ;
he did his best to be a good father, remember what his own father did and did the opposite - care about his kid, telling them he loves them often, showing interest in any littlie thing they showed him ;
he was jumping from job to job, going hungry more often than not just to make sure his kid wasn't, that they had anything they needed ;
working as bartender, he began getting offerts and at some point, he started to accept them. a quick bj there and there was enough to put the food at the table and while he wasn't proud of it, he wasn't ashamed either ;
and then will meet him ;
will know the name man give him was false, he was too clean, tooo charming to be honest ;
but the job offer was too good to pass on, the money could get them out of the shoebox apartament and put his kid in college if will would be smart about spending ;
so he took it and then it was 'take this packcage there', ' keep this person save for evening ' , ' make this person talk ' ;
will did thing, clean out whatever was on his hands - blood more often than not - and go back to being loving father ;
he never told his kid what he did, now or before, just made sure they are as happy as they could ;
he was so proud of them, watching them groing into young adult and starting their own adventure in life ;
and then, the fucking apocalypse happened. at the start, he tried to call, desperate to get in contact with his kid, then he traveled to them just to find them gone ;
rationally, he knows they might be dead, but refuse to acknowledge it ;
it was hard for will to get used to safety of the domus spei, still is. but anytime he is out there, he is still looking ;
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child. ( main wc ) open. will had them very young, a result of one-night stand when he was 18-20yo, and he raised them alone. at the time when apocalypse happened, they were separated & will spend years looking for them without success. i would say they had pretty good relation but i am open to suggestions. this muse would be here for max 1-2 weeks.
⸻ more tba.
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megamangx · 1 year ago
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happy holloween mega fgans time for 3 dark storys to making youmr blood blow up.
pepkin pippa was vtube and knowed govments where bad "listan chat the cia might be to kill me soon be safe" she smid and went to bed but then mask tatcal swat man comed in with machine guns "get here shes sleeping" they said and took her into an area 51 helcopter.
sher woke up and was drugs and there was color houses like edwardscisor hand and everyone was stepford and she was wering a housewife outside "i feel drugs what did they do to me what is this place" poippa asked and her husband george come "you are wife now you can not leave cia stepfordvile now come give me kiss" he said and she tryed to run but then a big bubble like prisoner one flyed after her "noooooo" she said and it gotted her.
afgter the lobotomy she was a happy wife and loved george "i love stepford ville and the cia" she smiled not without soul becuse she knowed too much and if you know too much the cia might send you to stepfordvile BEWARE!
the end
it was a boring day as jon ahd takened a holday to greek "look garfald i buyed a boat now we can get away from america and have a holday at sea" jon said and garfield sighed "i hate the sea" and they got on the boat and it went to sea
but odie notced something was wrong as boat was a water boat "this is not right" said garfield and jon screamed "GARFIELD I CAN NOT DRIVE THE BOAT ITS DRIVING ITSELF" and they found out IT WAS A DEMON BOAT IT WAS A POSSAED BOAT "we are trapped get us out" said garfield but the dark boat laughed "no you will be at seat forever" the boat said
"no" said garfield "yes" said the boat
jon got an axe and tryed to smashed the engijin ",fucking boat die" said jon and he axed the boat but it was driving without engins "we have to fight" and garfeld gotted into the vents to find the boats heart and punched it and the boat drived them back to shore and left them but out there the dark boat was waiting for new victims "well that was a day i'm hungry lets get lasgane" said garfield.
my name is billy kevin and i lived with my mum and loved sonic the hedgehog so i went to car boot sale and finded game with eggman called straved "i not do know what this sonic game is" i said and the man smiled "it is not rare game you have never seen from sega 1999 witch was company that got shutted down in cut backs in 1999 you need to buy this gaje" and i buyed the game and takened it home.
i played it but eggman was there but he had red face and was eatring sonic "i love sonics face" said eggman and he ated more FLESH and the flesh eated good "thuis is scary i do don't lkike it" and i turned it off but it did not turn off "I CAN NOT BE TURNING IT ON!!" i saw words on screen YOU ARE MY NEXT DINNER
i runned down stars to find mum "MUM THE GAME IS EVIL WE NEED TO STOP IT" but i saw a smell and MUM WAS IN THE OVEN BEING COOKED TO DEAD "no MY MUM NO!!!!" i cryed and then straved eggman was there your mum is decious hahaha and you will be delious too" said straved and he takened out a knif and fork and i tryed to run away
i locked myself in my room as straved bang door "i need to stop him" so i read the wikipedia and it said UNLIKE SONIC.EXE STRAVED IS JUST HUMAN and I got idea as I takened out my shotgun and he kicked the door down "DINNER TIME" and then i got him in the face and he die of shotgun becuse he was human "SO HUMAN CAN DIE FROM GUN!" i was happy becuse now i knowed some horrors and .exes can be kill but i was sad too becuse mum was dead.
the end
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exrocist · 2 years ago
tag game: 3 books, 3 movies, and 3 songs
that changed your life or you just love.
Tagged by @zhabk4, thank youuu U__U <333 I don't usually do these (though it always makes me happy to get tagged!) but I was like. nnrrghhh must talk about Earthsea. soo.
(lots of rambling below the cut little bit embarrassed!!!!)
The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin ; Nothing I say about this book (this series!) can do it justice honestly everyone on the Earth should read Earthsea. like really really read it patiently and intensely and with a savor because you will never encounter reality so closely and clearly ever again. everything about it is real to me but this book particularly struck me just because. well. lebannen. a force undeniable. I didn't know I was capable of loving so deeply and profoundly until I knew him. he is the best. I love you Lebannen 💥💥💥 I love everything about these books honestly. immense grace aside that shit also inspired perhaps the most intense and creatively demanding period of my life & broke down a lot of the mental partitions that I had constructed around what my hands are capable of. And I am still really bobbing through the wake of even now. Hopefully more marvelous things to come. There is much more strength to be drawn from this place yet if I can stomach it. sighs.
Death with Interruptions by José Saramago ; My words are failing me here but like. Saramago's voice and style have become real fixtures for me. I need to read a Saramago at least once every few months or my life loses its musicality. This is where I started with him so it gets to be on the list but Cain is also a great one for many many many more reasons that would be toooo much talking. for me to post.
I feel like by law I have to put Plato's Republic here which like. honestly not the most philosophically valuable work or even my drug of choice these days but was a thirteen year old's first inquest into the field that would become his only scholastic passion. so ! (He didn't even know he would have to read it seven times during his undergrad 😭) but if we want another novel to put here maybe We Need to Talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver (mostly because of one sequence but also Shriver's great at writing in the voice of wry & cerebral women whose sentimentality is kind of shielded by their overt insight it gives them real internal lushness).
Honorable mention also to Isaac Asimov's I, Robot and subsequent novels of Asimov's future chronology which are currently fucking me up beyond measure. My recommendation here is read I, Robot (Or The Complete Robot!) and maaaybe Caves of Steel (tightly written marvel with only forgivable weaknesses of unprobed psychologies) and then stop. Just don't keep going okay. I've also had um Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore still swimming around in my mind despite having finished it a good while ago.
Uhhh I don't w.atch. errr. Movies I can think of that I've watched just at all of my own volition: Raw (2016). good experience but didn't move me hugely taboo-pushing which is awesome conceptually but not in the right ways for me idk. not a bad movie at all though definitely some kind of stupid elements at play as well.
Spent Gladiator 2 - The Mountain Goats ; I know I know I'm sorry I'm so trite and pedestrian but like. song with a non-negligible influence on me NOT killing myself <3
Wait List - All Get Out ; song with a non-negligible influence on me actively killisdukydhkuhldfhuik
I/m Not Here [missing face] - The Twilight Sad ; idk is this even a song I could live without. could I have the strength to do anything if not for this five minute dronefest. they need to start creating standardized ritual/ecstatic behaviors for the tracks off this album.
Honorable mentions: San Fermin's The Woods (if you were to ask me about artists they would most definitely be very much up there... Mr. Ludwig-Leone's artistry has been cradling me for a very long time), Say Yes to Everything by We Cut Corners (best band ever ever ever!!!), Topography by Civilian, Dump Your Dreams by A.S. Fanning (i love music).
I did badly at this but I think I made up for not having any movies by talking so much elsewhere. ermmm.
Only tagging @twilitfossil (Jesse Pinkman voice) do it bitchhhhhh also @ataliaf but only if you want to n__n <3333
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castle-dominion · 2 years ago
castle 5x18 the wild rover
plot heavy episode, at least backstory heavy for ryan. I was SO excited during my family watch when I realized this was the episode. I'd seen gifs & read fics & I was stoked. I'll only be able to watch part of it today since I need to leave for work.
Me, a baker: Nice! The crime scene: Me: Not nice!
HOW did he say the name? Jordan can be a man... KB: Castle, I know nothing. Nothing is a dear friend of mine and this is not nothing.
He is SO defensive lol sleep interrogations XD KB: Who says I haven’t already?
Lots & lots of fabric EW CASTLE CRIME SCENE NOT EVEN DEAD MAN'S CUPCAKE BUT BLOOD SPATTER even tho there was likely none there
11.30 or 23.30? Good for him knowing his cars Haha dough. I thought esposito made that pun intentionally Quick maths? (why did I pluralize it?)
Only twice a week? Oh yeah lol this guy has access to all sorts of products & chemicals & machines as a baker.
Hey we get to see ryan's apartment! Jenny (O'Malley) Ryan: Which means you should probably … Me: *confused* Me: *FIGURES IT OUT AFTER I REMEMBER WHAT SORT OF DOCTOR THEY ARE GOING TO* It wouldn't be your fault hun, even if it is your problem. These two are so so cute. Ok I'm clipping that.
RC: I'm going to ignore that Maybe he was planning a new location
Ooh irish mob, remember finn rourke & detective slaughter & the previous episodes where anything was mentioned Ok so the way we count syllables is weird. Irish gaelic (gaelge) has two letters because it gives buffer room between consonants. S is often sh usually when followed by an e or an i or smth, & mh or bh are just like th or ch, it changes the way it is pronounced, usually to a v, sometimes to a w depending on where u are. It is pheonetic! Just a different language! This is the part of the episode I realized what we were watching!
She only knows his as jimmy the baker. She looks so anxious here.
Ryan is back good for him. RC: How did the thing go … with the uh, you know. Do the thing with the thing and give the thing to the doctor. I could clip that lmao ESPOSITO SHUT UP Clip this now His eyes He is not even really kissing her *slaps him twice* THIS WAS .. FUN Edit: someone has it already
lots of clips now heheheh
*asks esposito bc obv he would know*
Love the b plot "this is normal" Man looks mad Only sees bobby s now instead of earlier when he looked at the murder board FRIENDS BACK IN THE DAY? WHAT KIND OF CREW?
UNDERCOVER!?!?!?!?!?!?!? RC: I love complicated!
Why wouldn't you want to leave tho? for her? or for more? Clipping that too "cop"
"just the wife" bro? gay.
Of course he's heard of kevin ryan, even tho it has been 7 years, this is his case! They're impressed & esposito is mad that he didn't tell him
Why would you write down all your illegal stuff like that? I've met ppl who /want/ to make spreadsheets but don't, & ppl who write their stuff but in code Ryan acting like he still knows her, acting like he's still in the mob like "she wouldn't snitch"-- in fact it was weird how she kissed him like girl it has been seven years of COURSE he has moved on You left & she fell on hard times!? Oh no now he feels guilty/ Another jimmy who is a rat? She can... You only found her bc of phone records YOU walked away ryan He is protecting her Wow that's messed up a bit Like with the Ben kid, doesn't want to send someone in unprotected
SOD: Look at you, telling the truth. >:(
You? You are not on the crew bro Yeah BACK THEN not NOW Ryan ryan my dude careful, you don't know if your oconnell cover is still good
Clipping this quote: How long has law enforcement been after that bible? Fifteen? Twenty years? Huh? These guys are drug dealing parasites. When are you going to get another shot to wipe them all out? Look, you want the bible. We want Bobby S for murder. Siobhan wants to keep breathing. Everybody wins. I can do this.
not this one tho SOD: What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? KR: I was Fenton. I can be him again. SOD: Don’t get yourself killed on my account. KR: All right, yeah, you hate me. I get that and I deserve it. But do you want to be put in Witness Relocation or not? Yes or no? SOD: nods. Agent Walker: Detective? Were you serious about that offer? KR turns to him. He thinks for a second & then nods.
Yeah 7 years is a long time bro, he's right course there's a new heirarchy thats how things work they change over time like seven years Martha acting lessons Sad, his wife won't kiss him goodbye Castle & esposito & beckett too watching him in there getting an ID card Nooo they are cutting his hair Wow ugly hair but hey nice outfit, even if it doesn't look like smth he usually wears But I legit cut my own hair a few days after this episode & we actually have similar hair again XD The "I am fenton o'connell" lines throughout that was hhhh I am clipping this right now right now lsdjfskdfj but I have to get ready for work in 15 minutes edit:
I clipped it but I didn't have to
Love how esposito is the taxi driver lol also question: what if he was walking down the street one day & saw someone from the old crew? What then? I mean it's new york nobody looks at anybody but still Of COURSE you don't like it
JE: (sighs) I don’t like this, bro. You don’t have a wire. No locator. ((but u have a cell phone that they can track right?)) KR: If I did, Bobby S would find it. This is the way it’s gotta be, man. ((I haven’t mentioned yet but I like how they call him bobby s, maybe there is a bobby r or a bobby m somewhere)) JE: What’s the name of Agent Walker’s informants who’ll vouch for you? KR: The Mason brothers. Matt and Tony. JE: Where did you do your last stretch? ((interrogating him lol, but r u allowed to know this?)) KR: Elmira, for man 1. Can even tell you my cell number. I know what I’m doing, okay? JE: isn’t convinced. JE: What about Siobhan? KR: Our plan is solid. (he nods like he’s convincing himself, too) I got this. KR: hands him so cash to keep his cover. KR: See you on the other side, partner. JE: Mm-hmm.
Called Kelly's but Siobhan owns it lol also, nice place, must actually run nicely, owning a bar or restaurant takes a lot of work
Tbh it looks like nobody recognizes him. Like he expects to be recognized (after seven years) & ppl are like "what are you standing there for?" not "do I know you?" Oh & NOW people are recognizing him
Siobhan meeting again but pretending it is the first time in years lol. Clipping the punch As long as she keeps her hands off of me
Pushes him back a bit & trying to touch her Maggie got married since u knew her (so siobhan maybe "fenton" got married since you knew him, why would you assume that you can still kiss him after all this time?) How much of that was acting? bc they've already met each other again so they can't just "be" themselves they need to meet each other & then they can be who they are. also funny how she is literally an fbi informant & she was mad that he was a cop
Finally back & able to finish this after like a week ugh & it's already 11.30 bc I couldn't wake up
JE: I’m telling you, man. He’s not the Ryan I know. And I’m not just talking about the haircut and the clothes. It’s like he’s a different dude. ((That's the point)) RC: That’s what he’s supposed to be. He’s in character. He’s Fenton. That’s good. JE: Yeah, but what if he’s not good enough? After seven years he’s gotta be rusty. And these Staten Island boys are no joke. ((That is a good argument...)) Don't want to clip this, but I COULD
Define Yonkers what if it was NOT bobby s tho?
So valid bestie (not clipping it but yeah I NEVER take my phone in when I go to confession. But why was it on when he handed it to liam?) "What'll the missus think?" you know what? I WILL clip this. he's such a Different Person
Bobby is SO pissed at fenton He knows... btw what is up with the accent? I can't tell but it's def there Who's Ben Gideon? Ah & there is where the mason brothers come into play
Wild Rover from the song he was always a rat lmao btw my man has some weird glass sculptures that are shaped like guns & it is,,, something alright Prodigal son? Irish catholics my beloved this is going to be clipped right here Liam SO wants to lol HOLY CRAP trust, brotherhood, fuck-ed-up-ed-ness, this is great. He looks so "hhhh" once he hugs him & liam is just there & omg sdjfah
That wink he gives to siobhan, I could clip that if I wasn't low on time
Clippin this tho If I wasn't watching this with my family I would have literally pulled out my bible from my jeanjacket pocket to find this verse but I knew what it was going to be. But seriously who has them memorized? I only have, like, three verses memorized IF that. this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it psalm 118:4 & the lord said "let there be light" & light was made genesis 1:3 Only the wicked run when there is no-one chasing them; the righteous are as bold as a lion proverbs 28:1 except I didn't know the corresponding verse for that last one. & ofc everyone knows the corinthians one about love, 1:13, & that one from John (I had to look it up bc I didn;t know the quote nor the verse but thankfully it is famous enough that I got it) 3:16
Check it out, as you should.
What's between these two? Oh wait yeah it is the problem with Jordan. RC:Ah. Perhaps Bobby S had an accomplice. A cold-blooded, murderous sheep. 14 grand? wowie. Yeah THAT was too much fiber, it was DEF planted.
How do you communicate?
Also it has been a night already at least, where is fenton staying? where was he staying before he waltzed into the bar? transcript is incorrect, it is "you know" not "yo" but w/e. Also ryan my man why take off your hood now? Man could use a hat, probs one of those hats that all my irish canadian shetland canadian french canadian ukranian canadian metis fiddle friends wear, it would fit in fine
Esposito hkhjdfkghfjh reminder to myself: talk about the clip when u post it bc there is too much to talk about jshskdjfhskjdhfsjkfhs
He loves her, honestly. But don't kiss her He got her a toy at a ring toss uwu "unlike you" but don't kiss her oh thank goodness
lmao he says waceway not raceway ALL OF THE METRO CARDS!?
I like how they are all old-style phones EXCEPT for his who's fast eddie? Also Liam just standing there (man looks good tho, I like his shirt) & btw when DID ryan learn to play such good pool? (I feel bad for the audio director battling with the visual director over the pool balls) These two REALLY ARE friends who's keane? Also why is liam allowed his phone? & keane just said there WAS a rat, he might have said "u got a rat but you were wrong abt who it was" bobby's eyes what went ALL the way around, was that on purpose? bc that's heck of math there hit the head? Is that another version of hit the hay?
walking right in, I thought For Sure someone would be there NO WHAT IF IT IS THE WRONG SAFE OH NO THE MONEY IS WRONG HE'S GOING TO NOTICE oh thank goodness he didn't look over to see if the bible was there, but he KNOWS smth is up
*o'connell leaves from that same room* who calls someone sport except for dads? Take a ride? Jesus carrying his own cross Ok THAT was sus af, but I mean, if I was a drug supplier then I would also be scared, even if I was not an undercover pig.
(I thought that was the time he did the thing, you know, got the thing off of liam & made the connection, but in the next scene esposito is calling him, calling ryan's phone ofc but still)
Why did Jenny come here? Did they call her here? Love, my dude. Ah yes, not one single reason, many of them Ah HERE is esposito on the phone
I realized this the other day & didn't have access to tumblr & I wasn't even watching but Ryan/fenton Asks Liam Out Loud
fenton/ryan is so short compared to liam also I was SO excited seeing this scene bc I had seen it before in gifs & stuff
Ok so she got nabbed by the cops two days ago so fenton has only been back for two days? they totally could have made this a two part episode. Anyway my point was two days ago & suddenly fenton oconnell shows up mysteriously again & is talking with siobhan, of COURSE they know he's in on it
Oh to PROVE he knew nothing heck man this is a heck of a story (also if he pulled it out of his waistband u know he had no bullet in the chamber & safety on, so you SHOULD check the gun.)
My man would shoot bobby s? a man fenton considered to be a friend even if ryan was trying to take him down? Is that... legal?
Siobhan saying that is not helping his case (& he cocks the gun but he really should not, JUST IN CASE it was already cocked & had a bullet in the chamber, you could have just clogged the gun.) & the music is so good
So... so shoot him yeah lol ofc it was empty
Why r u just giving away your full name lol b'y idk if u can place em under arrest when it is liam, keane, bobby s, & some other ppl too & then also reverse pick pockets? voice so deep when he yells, love it, & calls him javi, I've seen a clip of this so I know it exists & I don't need to clip it myself but I'm tempted to. Maybe later if I don't have to give back these CDs as soon as I thought. Edit: found a clip
that moment of fear,,,, hoo
esposito's gun lol He just knows she's on the other side? Castle just there lmao
ngl I half expected ryan to kiss bobby s. Judas betrayed jesus with a kiss. (& for the last time, judas did not want jesus to die, he just wanted to get jesus away from this town bc there were problems brewing, judas was the finance guy of the disciples, he got mad about mary maggie using perfume on jesus's feet instead of selling it & giving the money to the poor, judas was not the evil double crosser ppl make him out to be) ryan looks almost sad sending bobby away & seeing siobhan. edit:
Also is it freaking dawn? Lucky ryan, changing back into a suit, not only that but a matching three piece suit. He is going overboard in that direction to feel more like himself instead of going no vest just tie or no tie just vest, or jeans no dress pants, or dress pants with a random jacket, this man wanted it to be on the far end of his style spectrum.
Castle & the football reminds me of that time castle Did Not catch the baseball & it crashed into smth & nobody acknowledged it
No like it-- what was it? What (from the diner) are you specifically apologizing for? The tone? not listening? What specifically was the apology in reference to?
Lady macbeth lol & that's why liam was so loyal even after this
No what is jordan ABOUT? Bro I thought james bonde & your dad's book inspired you to be a writer. Markiplier moments. Holding her <3 He remembers his name bc you told him bro
SOD: I was hoping you’d come. KR: I wanted to say goodbye this time. SOD: Goodbye makes me feel like I’ll never see you again. KR: You won’t. ((OOF)) *her face falls, but she knows it has to happen* KR: Tomorrow you’ll be in a new city. Have a new name. You’ll get to start over again. SOD: Why did you do this? Risk your life for me? KR: You know why. SOD, nodding sadly: This Kevin Ryan guy? I wish I would have met him sooner. KR: laughs She leans in to kiss his cheek. He knows he has to leave, and he doesn’t look back when he does. She sighs heavily before she gets back to packing
Also his coat with the collar like that? nice
Finally back home! lmao the music sdjfhsjdfskldfklsdjf clipping this now this is great & fun She's pregnant I'm so happy for them! I am afraid of the passage of time but I am so happy for them! hsdjakhsdkjhfjdh & they are so adorable
What a great great episode! It totally could have been a two-part-er imo, but the alexis kidnapping one took precedent & tbh that's valid. I just really enjoyed this one. As did most of the fandom.
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