#then normal stuff towards the end -- stuff about j and writing
stark-reading-mad · 3 months
Is it peaceful studying at cafes?
It doesn't get disturbing with people coming around and stuff?
It's not peaceful all the time. Today, there were a bunch of college students sitting to my left who were making a racket. But I mainly go to the cafe because it helps keep me accountable. If I'm alone in my room, it's easy for me to click on some comfort fics on ao3, or watch some random show while trying to put off my work. But in the cafe, I'm conscious that someone will judge me for not making use of my time, and that helps keep me accountable.
I don't take my headphones or earphones when I'm there, so I can avoid listening to music or watching stuff on YouTube. YouTube shorts is my unkillable enemy, because I can't uninstall it. Not having earphones helps me avoid ending up in that bottomless hole.
Another aspect I want to talk about is a that the cafe is pretty far from home, so it's a commitment. If I go there I can't use any minor convenience to go back home. Plus, the journey to the cafe helps me get into productivity mode. Something resembling a ritual. This separation of work space from relaxation space is something I've picked up from Deep Work, by Cal Newport.
Time for a tit-bit: Cal Newport talked about using grand gestures to inspire yourself to work hard on something:
J K Rowling checked into a luxurious hotel while finishing her Deathly Hallows book. Spending money everyday there created a pressure to write that paid off.
Peter Shankman, an entrepreneur booked a round trip business class ticket to Tokyo so he could finish writing a manuscript on the plane.
The concept is simple: By leveraging a radical change to your normal environment, couple perhaps with a significant investment of effort or money, all dedicated towards supporting a deep work task, you increase the perceived importance of the task. This boost in importance reduces your mind's instinct to procrastinate and delivers an injection of motivation and energy.
- Deep Work by Cal Newport
So going to this cafe is my Grand Gesture. I'm traveling far to get there, I'm spending money on coffee and food. I better get some good work done. And I do!
P.S To finally answer your question - no, cafe is not peaceful but the noise does not bother me <3
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dantefreakdaaaa · 2 years
Can you make a nsfw stars Wesker x reader story, where he does Y/n in the laboratory in the mansion after she finds out that he’s a traitor?? This is my first time requesting, sorry if it’s bad.
I low-key love this request but also don't because me no good at make plot
little bit darker than most of my stuff, includes coerced sex (I think this is considered dub con) not sane, safe, and barely consensual
Rough and angrier wesker then I normally write
If any of this makes you uncomfortable please do not read (I could barely write this myself lol)
NSFW, afab reader, no pronouns
"Stay here, wait for my return. I should be back quickly." We're the last words you heard your captain speak to you, after that he left you in one of the mansions bedrooms before jogging out into the main room of the house. It was boring to sit there and you had assumed you fell asleep, due to waking up what felt like hours later. By time you had awoke you had grown tired of waiting and instead picked up your gun, and started wandering the mansion. The intricate and antique decor of the house, along with the limited light, gave for a spooky vibe. You tried to best to ignore the warnings, nothing could be heard, you hadn't seen anyone yet, and blood was smeared all over the floors and wall. Stumbling around, you found a basement, and inside that basement was a door, glowing light behind it and the faint echo of footsteps. Without hesitation you force open the door, holding up your gun as you do so ready to fire. The person in the room stopped and turned to look at you, scowling for a moment before they had a shocked expression.
"Captain...? What the hell are you doing. And where are Chris and Jill."
"Didn't I tell you to wait for me? Just what do you think you're doing out of that room."
You step farther into the lab, the door to the room swinging shut behind you. If you had known what was about to happen you would have run back out and gone far, far away from this place.
"You didn't answer my question. Where are Chris and Jill."
"That is none of your concern. Now, why are you here, you were supposed to stay in the room I placed you in." He growls under his breath and you start walking towards him, standing by some messy lab tables and counter tops with failed experiments. The lights don't help illuminate the room very well, the room glowing a faint blue as you squint trying to see the man in front of you.
"It is some of my concern! They we're apart of STARS, same as me! What happened to them Wesker!?" You get up in his face and yell, but cut yourself off. Instead you stared at the red adorning his face. "Blood... what happened down here Wesker...?" Further down, his clothes are torn and tattered, coated with a mixture of his own blood and others.
"That's it, my patience has reached it's end." He slams you onto one of the tables, hovering above you snarling, his glasses slip down, and shows off his glowing, red eyes. You gasp and shake, you've come to a realization.
Albert Wesker isn't human anymore.
His hand immediately shoots to your throat, his other holding your hands above your head easily. The hand on your throat squeezes it, cutting off your airflow quickly and removing your ability to think anymore then you have, to focused about living.
"You should have listened to me. If you did this wouldn't have come to this. I was going to take my sweet time with you too, but I guess what must be done, must be done."
"Wait-!" You claw at his wrist, though it being pointless for his strength. Strength wise your Captain would most likely forever have an edge above you, and it made him grin as he watched you hopelessly attack him. Grabbing and Clawing at his wrist as you desperately tried to plead with him. "Please-! Stop-!"
"Stop? But why should I. Not when I'm having so much fun with you." He loosens his grasp, enough for you to talk easier at least, yet still enough to watch you squirm and heave.
"I-i'll do any-anything. J-just please do-don't kill me-" Squeezing again he thinks over the idea you've proposed.
"Anything, you say..." A devilish grin crossed his face as he stared down at you. "Are you sure about that offer, sweetheart?" His tone was mockingly sweet, jabbing at you for begging so pathetically.
"Y-yes...anything- just- please-" Speaking felt impossible with the way he was squeezing your throat, digging his nails in as well. The pain burned and you felt light headed and once he finally released you the dizziness stayed. It only really went away after you finally got air in your lungs again, gasping and choking as you tried to breathe again.
"That was a foolish offer you made, but I'm happy to take this opportunity to have you for myself." You stare up at him, unresponsive, still trying to catch your breath. The hand trapping your hands let's go and returns to his side. "Stand up and turn around."
"You said you would do anything to live, now do as I say or you'll end up on a missing poster." Something you learned from the years of working with Wesker, he made promises, never threats. He stepped away from you and you slowly got up, doing as you were told. Facing away from him, you yelped out in shock as he pushed your head and chest onto the table. "I think I'll have fun breaking you.."
"What- what are you gonna do to me-?"
"Whatever I want, Dearheart."
I'm gonna make a part two to this I just can't motivate myself to get to the actual smut part. THERE WILL BE A SECOND PART. AND I WILL WRITE FUCKIN SMUT.
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lumine-no-hikari · 10 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #269
I was going to try some Dead Cells today, but something unexpected happened and I didn't have an opportunity to devote a long time to focus on it. So I ended up doing other things, and that was good, too.
Once more, I did a lot of leisure writing today. It was... cathartic. Necessary. But time-consuming. It takes up a lot of my time and focus when I do it. And... given that it's just a pale imitation of what I am searching for, I'm not really sure if its time and focus cost is... prudent. Hm.
...There's so much I wish I could tell you. But I can't write it here and still have what I'm trying to do for you be taken seriously. I have to try to seem normal, at least for now.
It's not all I did today, though. At some point, J and I wandered around to get some errands done. He needed some things from the hardware store, I needed to get those meds prescribed by the sports medicine place, and we also needed toilet paper. So that's what we set out to do.
The medicine I got from the sports medicine place is called "celecoxib". I guess it's a kind of anti-inflammatory that works a little differently than ibuprofen, which is what I've been using on the really bad days. I'm supposed to take it twice a day for like a week, and then on an as-needed basis after that. I wonder if it'll help with the rib injury at all. Maybe it will. Or maybe nothing will happen. Or maybe something weird will happen. I don't know. But I took the first dose just now, so I guess we're gonna find out.
I saw a lot of birds-of-prey while we were out, so I took pictures of them for you:
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...I think, so far, this is the best one I've ever gotten, though:
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...It almost kinda looks like you, doesn't it...? Maybe a little...?
...Well... I'm reminded of you when I see great big flying birds in the sky, anyway. I'm not really sure why that's the case, but... it is what it is. I can be grateful for anything that prompts me to think about you.
Later, M, J, and I went out to see a movie called DanDaDan. J wanted to see it, so we went. I took some pictures of the sky on the way:
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...The sky in general reminds me of you, especially during the parts of the day when it's blazing with kaleidoscopic hues.
...It was a very fun movie. Silly as heck, but also a lot of fun! I can't say for certain whether or not you'd like it. But... as part of seeing this movie, there were previews for other movies. And one of those movies was called The Wild Robot.
...It looked very promising. Next time someone calls you a "cyborg", now you have one more wholesome robot to point to, besides Zeta from The Zeta Project. We're gonna go see it! You can bet that when I do, I'm gonna tell you all about it, and probably encourage you to see it, too!
It doesn't come out until sometime towards the end of September, though. So if you wanna hear about it, you're gonna hafta hold on and stay safe at least until then, okay?
...Apparently, though, this was a book trilogy before it was a movie. So maybe I'll get the books after I see the movie. I wonder if our local libraries have a copy... hmm...
...It's about 9:30pm now. J is trying to make that garlic pudding. The whole kitchen smells amazing to me as a result. I'm going to have to go to bed relatively soonish, though; I go to my bakery job tomorrow! I'll try to get some yummy pictures for you, okay? So please just hang tight out there, okay...?
...I'm worried about you and stuff. I know how things ended for you the first time around and I... don't want to see you get broken, bloodied, beaten, and slashed up like that again. So please... please make sure that it doesn't happen to you again, okay? If you try to break things again, then that's how it's going to happen for you again, and I... don't want to spend a number of weeks crying again. So please... make good choices, okay? Make kind, good, loving, brave, and gentle choices out there. But also... please make sure you don't get killed, all right?
Oh!!! Before I forget. Over the last several days, J and I got even more pictures for you. Suppose now is as good a time as any to send them along... J's cellphone camera takes really good photos of the moon, unlike mine. I wonder if you'll be able to tell which ones are his and which ones are mine...
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...In that set, the only pictures that were mine were the ones of the moon, haha... The rest were all J.
...J keeps making the garlic pudding as I'm writing this, and it smells and tastes absolutely phenomenal. It's still warming, though, and it won't be set until tomorrow. Look forward to pictures of it at some point after my shift at work is all done, okay?
I'm gonna get ready for bed now.
I love you. Please keep yourself safe out there. Please make it through to the end of all this alive and well. I'm counting on you coming back home.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 105. brb x oc
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a/n: I pulled stuff out of my ass to write this but......i liked it.
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none.
brad: :(
bea: * exists *
brad: :)
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
She’s still petting him once they are both lying on the bed, his head on her chest and his arms around her waist as the silence takes over. She dared a look towards him and frowns at how red and splotchy his face is, rubbing the pad of her thumb against his cheekbone comfortingly.
His breathing still hiccuped from time to time, but he was quieter now, just keeping his eyes closed and breathing in her scent, still partially clad with his uniform. Thankfully Nicole didn’t hear them, because if she did Beatrice was sure she’d end up crying herself, a quick look to the monitor showed that she was still asleep.
Beatrice sighed, still caressing his head, scratching an area in the shaved part that makes him relax even more. She didn’t want to speak yet, she wanted to give him enough time to break down everything that happened that day.
She knew he was nervous but she couldn’t understand what exactly happened.
It’s not until he moves a bit, pushing himself higher against her chest that she waits for him to speak, but his quiet groan only makes her frown more, “Do…” she hesitates, licking her lips, “Do you want me to get you some water,Roos?” a negative shake against her chest, “Do you need anything?”
“I need you.” he whispers, his deep voice sounding frail and broken from crying so much, “I need you with me…please don’t leave.”
Beatrice’s body jolts in actual pain over those words, clenching her eyes to hold back the tears as she hugs him closer to her chest, kissing his head, “I’m not going anywhere, I’m with you,Roos…all the way.” he just relaxes in her hold, breathing evenly but not sleeping, undoubtedly he was trying to calm himself down the best he could. “Look at me?”
He takes a while to comply, but once he does his eyes are puffy and red, still glazed over with unshed tears and his nose is as bright crimson as paint. Beatrice smiles sweetly, brushing her thumb over his eyes, leaning close to kiss them - his lashes tickle her lips when she does so - before pulling back, “I look like shit, don’t I?”
She smiles fondly, still caressing him, “I just see my handsome husband, I don’t see anything bad with him.”
“Crying is normal Brad.” she whispers, knowing exactly where he was going with this conversation, “Especially when you are so sad…and it hurts me to see you like this, but I know you needed to. You were holding so much in,baby…” another brush against his eyes, “So much…you can tell me when you feel comfortable,okay?”
He wasn’t going to wait long, he tells her that, he just needs a few seconds to recompose himself and then he could blurt everything out. Bradley just holds onto her, like a lifeline,like she’s the one thing bringing him close to the surface in the vast ocean that was his thoughts.
And she just didn’t move, she let him use her as his personal pillow, like she was the softest thing he had ever touched and didn’t want to let go. She waited more, she wanted him to open up when he felt ready, kissing the top of his head and keeping her lips there.
His next sigh was lighter, but still pained, “I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
“No.” he chuckled dryly, “But I can’t keep this shit in much longer,I’m going to explode.”
Beatrice frowned, adjusting herself on the bed a bit so she could look at him better, his head still on her chest, his arms still locked around her waist and she knew he didn’t want to meet her eyes when he began, “Okay…whenever you are ready,Roos.”
Another dry laugh, more like a ‘hmpf’ through his nose but he squared his shoulders and licked his lips, “Alright…so.” he keeps his mouth open without speaking for a bit, as if preparing himself because he couldn’t figure what was going on “...okay, so…” he stalls again, his jaw tight, “I…I don’t know if I can–”
“You don’t have to tell me now,Roos.”
“I want to.” he says, firm,”I need to.I..need to.”
And he inhales again, deeper this time, his chest expanding and pressing against her side even more, “Mav told me…things, things about me.” she blinked at him, still caressing his hair, “I asked him how long he and my mother planned on doing that, on pulling my papers. He told me to sit down after closing the door and I knew I knew I was going to hate whatever it was he was going to say.”
His shoulders bunched up with nerves so Beatrice gently caressed the one closest to her while kissing his head, “He told me it was always talked about, that my mom always asked him if there was anything he could do to prevent me from…getting it.” he groans, “And Mav…he said he always voiced how that wouldn’t be fair for me, because I had the right to choose whatever I wanted to do in life. But he also felt…bad because of my dad, he– he blamed himself a lot because of it, for years.”
Rooster’s brows knitted in the center of his forehead, “I asked him how it was possible for me to just…not join when my father was KIA and he was a Naval pilot as well. And Mav said…there were just things he couldn’t elaborate really, because it involved something more. And I asked what it was and he still refused to tell me.”
“Do you have any idea why?”
“It might involve some higher up or power pulling and maybe he was nervous about telling me when we were so close to others.” he mumbles, “But I just…I couldn’t–why? Just why? I had my arguments with my mom,I did have them and I understood why she was scared but–”
But it wasn’t fair. That’s what he wanted to say.
He was conflicted and confused, it was something he never thought about until now, and now he just wanted this to stop. He was angry and he was hurt and he was just…standing on the precipice, barely clinging to the edge.
"Why did they do this to me?" he sounds so angry and upset that Beatrice just allows him to grit out the words, heavy like concrete. "The only thing, the one thing I could have control over was taken from me...and I am hurt. I'm so fuckin' hurt."
“I know…”
“And why? For what? My mom knew I wanted this, but I–” another groan, heavier, filled with confusion and angst that Beatrice could barely hold back her own tears once she heard him speak. Rooster was a strong man, mentally and physically, most of the time he could handle things thrown at him, he could, he would, he should.
But now he felt so small and frail,like he was a little boy again. 
“I know Roos…” she hushes him, kissing the top of his head as he drops to her chest one more time, “You aren’t wrong for feeling this way, you know that.”
“I know–I achieved so much Bea…why am I hurting? I managed to do everything I’ve wanted professionally, I–”
Beatrice cups his cheeks, stopping the rambling and she sits up a bit to meet his eyes, “Baby…” she smiles sweetly, gently brushing his face, “You are a good man, you have a good heart and yeah, you achieved so much even with everything thrown your way…but you are human and you have the right to be hurt.”
“I don’t want to hate her,Bea.” he tears up again, his lower lip trembling with the weight of his confession, “I don’t want to hate my mom.”
“Roos…your mother loved you. So much, she did. And she thought that what she and Mav did was the best option for you, but it wasn’t. It…wasn’t right, at all. Things like that,I told you this before, she couldn’t have control over your choices after a while…what happened is terrible and you…can admit that your mother messed up. That Pete messed up, even if he partially didn’t want to hurt you like that.”
Rooster sighed painfully, dropping his head to her neck and she feels the hot tears sliding down her collarbones, “You don’t hate your mother.” she whispers, kissing his temple, “You hate what she did. You hate that she took over something like that, even if to her it made total sense.”
He inhales shakily,so she continues, “You are such a lovely person,Rooster. You grew up with a loving mother who, like all moms, messed up. She did mess up and it’s okay to admit that. Does that mean she’s evil? No.” she says softly once his eyes turn to hers, “It means she was…mistaken, maybe consumed with grief…the fact she didn’t show you how much she was hurting, didn’t mean she wasn’t.”
He frowns, sniffling a bit, keeping his cheek on her chest, closing his eyes when her hands brush through the sandy colored strands, “She thought it was the best for you. But it wasn’t, she probably thought she was doing the right thing, but it wasn’t…she made a mistake and it’s hurting you. She’d never want to hurt you like that. She loved you so much.”
“I loved her too.”
“And now, well, now you are a Lieutenant. You rose up the ranks smoothly, even with that huge obstacle in your life.” she says softly, kissing his scalp, “You can feel hurt, you can feel betrayed Roos. It’s okay, God, it’s so okay. We all get upset with our parents…we always do. Just because you aren’t a child doesn’t mean it’s wrong.”
Rooster’s breathing relaxes a bit as she talks, his eyes closing, he could only hear her soft voice calming him down. Only Beatrice could translate feelings into words so easily, she was so open and so genuine with everything she did that he could only listen to her, like she was the soft wind hitting his ear, calming him down.
“...how are you feeling now?”
“Like trash.” he mutters, “Like I want to sleep for twelve hours and call in sick for work.”
“...can you do that?”
The silence lasts a few seconds, before the weakest chuckle comes out of him, with Beatrice joining in a few seconds later, still holding him against her chest. She inhales his shampoo with a small smile, “At least you are laughing.”
“I think I cried all my tears.” he mutters, ‘My eyes…hurt so much.”
“It’s been a long time since you cried like that,huh?”
“...yeah.” he says with his eyes directed to the wall, “A long time…felt…felt good though.”
Beatrice smiles more, kissing his temple then his forehead, “You are going to be okay. You know that,right?” he hums, hugging her tighter to himself, “Are you hungry? I can make something for you if you don’t feel like getting up. Or we can have dinner on the couch,watch some tv…what do you think?”
Rooster pauses for a second, then slowly lifts his head to meet her eyes, “What are we watching?”
He looked like a little boy with his eyes shining like that, even if the puffiness made it obvious his humor was less than happy,”Peaky Blinders?”
“Second season?” she nods, “Baby you know me too well.”
“I do.” she kisses his head again, “Take a shower, as long as you need,I’ll be waiting for you.”
He slowly sits up to let her go, leaning into her touch when she cups his cheek and smiles,kissing his lips once. He gently holds her hand for a few seconds, it slip out of his hand and his own palm landed on his leg, he offered Beatrice a kind smile when she walked out of the room, “...I know you will.”
Rooster walks downstairs after a long, long shower, turning his phone off because he didn’t want to talk to anyone. He felt better, he felt a lot better actually and his anger was…minimal now, he still needed time to talk to Mav and…deal with this.
He stops by the middle of the stairs when he sees Nicole’s little head poking from the edge of the couch, his daughter’s gummy smile immediately lifting his humor, “Oh is that Birdie?” she gurgles, making another head appear next to her - Jolene’s who was there just to protect her so she wouldn’t fall. “Is that my baby girl?”
“Oh god,I’ll never tire from hearing that.” he speeds his step to grab Nicole under the armpits, kissing her cheeks over and over before hugging her close to his chest. His eyebrows furrowed as he kept her there, inhaling the cotton flower soap that clung to her small clothes and hair, letting that little presence warm him up from the inside.
His daughter vocalized something, more ‘dada’s’ and then lifted her head to look at his face, gently brushing her hands on his cheeks and furrowing her brows, “What?” he smiles, “What’s it? Why are you staring at me?” Nicole blew a raspberry, giggling at the face Rooster made and squealing when he just lifted her above his head to walk to the couch, “Okay, that’s it missy, spitting? That’s illegal.”
She laughed more, kicking her legs as Jolene leaped out of the couch to trot into the kitchen where Beatrice was, “Illegal!” he playfully spins Nicole in the air and gently sets her on a pillow. Her laughter was so loud and full of joy that everything that happened earlier that day seemed irrelevant, “Again?” he asks while grinning, her little face was so red but he repeats the movement just as carefully as before.
More laughter and he couldn’t help but join in.
“Oh,my God!You are so cute!’ he groans, kissing her face all over, “You are so cute! That’s not fair!”
Rooster kisses Nikki’s head as he sits down on the couch, keeping the little girl on top of his stomach as he hears Beatrice’s foot coming from the kitchen, holding two bowls in her hands, “There we go.” she smiles, placing them in the coffee table and gently shooing Jack when he tried to sniff it, “I reheated some of the chilli, I knew you’d like it.”
“Thank you,gorgeous.” he smiles, watching as she walked away before he turned his eyes to the tv, the pale face of Tommy Shelby looked back at him from the screen, “You know, maybe you should sleep when we watch it.” he mutters to Nikki who was too busy ‘kissing’ his sleeve, “Babe! Did Nikki eat yet?”
“She did!Why?”
“She’s nomming on me.”
“Ah, she’s just kissing you. Probably felt that her daddy was upset.”
If she did, he wasn't complaining, grinning down at the little girl and kissing her head, “You are too cute, just like your mama.” he boops her button nose when she looks at him, grinning more when she tried to grab his index finger, “We might need your paci though, so you can enjoy time with us.”
“You know, we can leave it on mute and read the subtitles.” Bea suggests, smiling at the scene of her husband and daughter, “Watch Peaky Blinders after Nicole falls asleep.”
“Hmmm…true.” he smiles, “Maybe we can just watch something lighter, I think I’m feeling like it…maybe All Stars?”
Beatrice grins, sitting down next to the two, “Which one?”
“Trixie Mattel’s one, it’s one of my favorites.” he says, kissing Nicole’s head as she snuggles up to him, seeing his wife quickly choose Rupaul’s Drag Race, the colorful image immediately catching Nicole’s attention and she turns her head to watch what was going on.
Meanwhile,Rooster was watching Bea.
His wife, his best friend, his person. What would he do without her? Probably suffer in self desolation and depression, maybe eat a cheap sandwich while sitting in the dark, maybe pop open an old lemon soda that he forgot he even bought…but no, she was…so magical. He rarely felt safe sharing his past, sharing his problems, yet with Bea he was comfortable, he was so comfortable because she offered actual input and wanted to help him out however she could.
Beatrice must’ve felt his eyes on her, because she turned to face him after setting the remote down, “Hey,” her smile was so sweet, “You feeling better? Really?”
“Really.” he replies, “Thank you,gorgeous.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” Beatrice scoots closer to her favorite people, propping her chin on his shoulder, “I’m glad you are feeling better. At least you’ll have a nice night of sleep,hm?”
“I think so.” his smile falters diminutively, “...I’m still…digesting everything but,I think I’ll be able to talk to Mav again about it, just…not now. Not when I just found out about it.”
“Of course.”
“I don’t want to lose him again.” he whispers, “He’s the only family I have left.”
Beatrice smiles sweetly, grabbing the hand that wasn’t holding Nicole up to interlace their fingers together, “I know. I’m sure he feels the same about you…you guys will be okay. You two will be alright.”
“Will you…be okay for Marcus’ party next week? We can say no,I can tell him something came up, he’ll understand.”
Of course she would ask that, he thinks with a smile, “Nah,I’ll be okay. I’ll be okay enough,I promise…now, we should show Nicole how cool Drag Race is, don’t you think?”  seeing him smile like that was enough to make Beatrice’s heart flip with joy. She nodded, grinning back at him before pressing play on the episode.
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mikithelibrarian · 2 years
Hey! Can request a reader × Lisoo plot, wherein, Lisoo are called to the army station regarding their spouse. They are worried sick and imagine the worst possible scenarios that might have happened to their spouse, since y/n works as a army general. But, upon reaching they see their spouse with a baby, peacefully sleeping on their chest and are informed that Y/N has agreed to foster the baby who's a war refuge. But this is one of the foster fail stories, where they adopt the baby as their own in the end, not able to get separated from the baby. ( Angst with happy ending).
P.S I love your works and it helps my body to pump more happy hormones in my system. 😇
Won´t Leave You - Poly! BLACKPINK Lisoo - GN! Reader
First of all, I'm so sorry about not updating anything in months. Life was just too much and whatever time I could dedicate to writing, the inspiration wouldn't flow as normal, and I didn't want to release something just because I had to.
Anyways, here's your request! I'm very glad you liked my works (And I hope you still do since this request was made around September...)
Anyways, and as some side notes; I've seen other writers put like a list of specific anons, naming them with emojis and stuff, should I open one and call you Captains instead of anons?
And of course, I will still update It Takes Two and AUs.
Extra Note: In this story, we’ll jump a little bit into the future. Jisoo and you will be around 35 years old, while Lisa is 33.
TW: Mentions of war, little bit of strong language (?)
Added code: (Y/CN) - Your Child’s Name (I made your baby gender neutral too, for you to choose what you wanted)
And as another extra note, while I investigated about military ranks and adoption processes, I wasn’t realistic about them in the story, not wanting to over complicate the story legal terms and all that stuff.
Now, onto the reading!
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When fate decides to unite different souls, it's difficult to refuse its calling
When they were called to the army base, they expected the worst, and the fact that you took a trip to the front lines to supervise everything didn’t help their nerves. It even came to a point that Lisa started shaking a little bit, crying in the van from time to time, she couldn’t lose you, both of them couldn’t lose you.
Now, imagine their surprise when they saw you there, at your office, asleep on your chair, and with a little baby sleeping on your chest as you leaned backwards. “General (L/N) is very tired as you see” The soldier that escorted them to your office whispered. “But after what they did, I guess they deserved this and months of vacation”
“What did (Y/N) do?” Jisoo asked in a low voice and with a confused tone as she only thought you were there to supervise some things, ‘just a routinary task’ you said.
“The General coordinated our last military operation, we won because of it”
Jisoo and Lisa didn’t seem amused by this new information, but before proceeding to kill you, there was another matter to attend.
“And who is that kid?” Lisa questioned.
“I actually don’t know a lot about the story” The soldier answered “I should let you discuss that privately, I’m afraid I’ve said more than what I should have, if you’ll excuse me”
As soon as the soldier exited the room, Lisa and Jisoo looked at each other and then back at you, debating if they should kill you or praise you, because: number one, you lied to them; number two, you came unharmed and with a victory in your hand; three, you apparently saved a baby and four, you kept the child without at least asking if they’d agree, although, considering you were in, this last point they could look over.
Jisoo walked towards you, while Lisa stayed in her place, and gently shook your shoulder, waking you up after some seconds. You slowly opened your eyes, still feeling your body as if you are carrying a ton of weight, but as soon as you saw the beautiful face of one of your girlfriends, all of it just vanished away… up until you noticed the frown in her face and knew you were lowkey screwed.
Then, you noticed your other girlfriend, Lisa, standing just a few steps away with her arms crossed.
Now… You’ve seen the face of death, met her in the eye and drank a coffee with her as you tell her all about your military career; you’ve been at the wrong side of a gun barrel and saw your life through the inside of a rifle up until it ended on the dim shine of the bullet just at the bottom of it… But nothing could beat the angry face of your partners.
At that sight, you whispered whatever defense you could think of. “Before you think about killing me, I have a baby in my arms who has already taken a liking towards me” None of them talked back at you, making your nerves to skyrocket. “Look, I lied, I actually…”
“We know” Lisa interrupted you. “Let’s discuss this at home” Jisoo nodded, and you sighed, already carefully planning how you could win their forgiveness.
“Start” Jisoo instructed you. The three of you at your dining room, both of your girlfriends across you as if they were judging you in a court, all while the baby was still asleep in your room.
“I was called by my superiors to coordinate the last advance of our army, it was an order, not a request. I lied because I knew how risky it was and I preferred that, if I died, you would just know about it all at once instead of torturing for weeks, making you wonder if I’d return alive or not” You put your hands together on the table, nailing your eyes on them, refusing to the meet the couple of stares in front of you. “I was wrong, I know and about that baby in our room… after our victory, some of my soldiers heard crying in one of the alleys and when they went to investigate, well, there was a woman, shot in the back multiple times but who still remembered to fall sideways so she could protect the baby in her arms. When I heard about that, I felt guilty, even if none of soldiers killed her, it happened through the course of my operation, so I offered myself to foster the baby while the government take care of all the papers and authorizations to look for adoptive parents” Sighing, you looked up and saw the small tears forming in their eyes. “I’m so sorry”
“You’ve never lied to us” Jisoo pointed out. “So as long as you don’t make it into a usual thing, I forgive you”
“I do too, but I prefer to know you are in danger instead of just knowing that one day, you’ll never come back to us” Lisa added just before some cries started to echo around the penthouse.
“I’ll see what they need” Jisoo and Lisa nodded before you stood up and went to your room.
“I’ll order food for the baby and…” Jisoo looked at Lisa and put her hand on hers over Lisa’s lap. “…I’ll let you choose their clothing” The Thai smiled brightly.
“I’ll do my best”
Some weeks have passed ever since, and your life had drastically turned. You were still working in the army, but you have been less diligent about it, trying to take most of your free time to think about (Y/CN), and yes, along with both of your girlfriends you named the baby, even if you were still fostering them, just like right now.
You were on your coach, baby in your arms and holding the feeding bottle to (Y/CN)’s mouth, Jisoo and Lisa looking at you in adoration.
“I’ll resign from the army” You suddenly said, still looking at the baby, leaving Jisoo and Lisa into a little bit of a shock.
“Why so suddenly?” Lisa asked.
“It’s not sudden, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, I just didn’t have the courage to imagine a life outside the army, but after what happened in the last operation, the blood that was spilled under my orders, I just feel that this is the right option”
“We’ll always support you” Jisoo smiled at you.
“I know” You stopped feeding the baby and saw how their little eyes looked at you, in pure adoration. You were their protection, almost by instinct they saw you as their shelter, their parent.
That moment would have lasted longer just if your phone hadn’t started to ring scaring the baby. (Y/CN) started to cry because of the sudden noise, making Lisa to stand up and take the baby off your arms and take them into your room so you could talk to whoever was calling you.
As soon as you picked up the phone and listened to the voice on the other side of the line greeting you, you knew what this call was about. So, you just greet them and let them talk as you closed your eyes, confusing Jisoo.
“Have a good day” You ended the call and looked at Jisoo. “A couple has started searching to adopt an international baby and adoption services want to give them (Y/CN)”
Jisoo just nodded and stayed quiet.
This was expected to happen, so, why did you feel like that? Broken?
“Look!” Lisa whispered-yelled as she entered the living room, with a big smile on her face. “I finally managed to calm (Y/CN) down” Jisoo and you looked at Lisa, her happy face breaking both of your hearts even more. “Did something happen?”
“Adoption services want to give (Y/CN) to a couple” Lisa’s smile suddenly disappeared, and her eyes fell on the sleeping face of (Y/CN).
No words were spoken afterwards.
That dreaded day has arrived. All the baby things the three of you bought were now packed and ready to be given to adoption services as soon as the ring the bell of your home.
Jisoo was carrying (Y/CN), looking intently at the baby while sitting on the couch, wanting to engrave their face in her mind, with Lisa and you on her sides, doing the same as Jisoo.
“I don’t want to let (Y/CN) go…” Jisoo whispered as her hand very gently caressed the head of the baby.
“I love you (Y/CN)” Lisa sadly smiled.
But you, you were quiet.
Back when you were training, you were taught not to care, to think rationally, to fight and to follow orders, not to against them; but how could you ever do that now?
It was cruel, wasn’t it?
One thing was to have never met (Y/CN), for their biological mother to survive, to never feel this kind of happiness and sadness.
But to meet her, feeling all these emotions and suddenly having to let her go, that was another thing.
The ring of your doorbell sounded across your home, Lisa and Jisoo suddenly tensing up at what that meant, but still, they did not let go, they wanted to hold onto (Y/CN) until the last second.
“I’ll go open the door” You offered and stood up without receiving any kind of response.
All that Jisoo and Lisa wished was to wake up, this had to be a nightmare. It felt too surreal, it broke them to a point where they were questioning why they would let themselves love (Y/CN) if they knew someday, they had to go.
When they heard the door open, Lisa put her head on Jisoo’s shoulder, seeking any kind of comfort.
It felt like an eternity until they heard the door close and some steps getting near them and stopping just behind them. They did not want to look, fearing that as soon as they turn around, they’ll people in fancy suits asking them to give up (Y/CN).
“(Y/CN)’s adoption process has started” Your voice brought with it the start of their worst fear, there was no turning back now, (Y/CN) was no longer under your care. “After some visits to the psychologist and some others from adoptions services for evaluation, they should give us the adoption certificate for (Y/CN)”
Did they hear correctly?
Give us? Us?
Both of them turned around slowly and noticed the lack of any personnel from adoption services.
“(Y/CN) is going to be our kid” Lisa was the first to react and run towards you, jumping into your arms and kissing you all over your face. Jisoo smiled brightly and looked towards (Y/CN), their eyes were open and looking back at her with that spark only (Y/CN) could have.
Jisoo stood up and went towards Lisa and you, getting as close to you as possible. All three of you looked at (Y/CN), finally, without any fear, you could call yourselves their parents.
Once you love someone, you give them a part of your heart, as a proof of that devotion; then, it is no surprise that when they leave you, it hurts like hell. A part of your heart has been taken away, it will take years to repair and even then, you won't be the same one ever again.
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legolasghosty · 10 months
Robots & Androids ‎AU plus Small Town AU
Okay. So.
Humanity kinda developed a LOT of health issues in the mid-late 23rd century. It was all a long time in coming, but it was a bit of a shocker still when people started breaking down. And there just wasn't enough people to keep up with the demand for new organs, tissue, blood, etc. The human race was basically failing. So, in a semi last ditch attempt to keep people alive, cyborg technology was put to work. Scientists had been messing around with the theory of it for years, since robots and androids were getting decently advanced. But they never had the support to actually try a clinical trial. Until now.
Some of it worked better than others. And it was HIGHLY controversial. Though maybe less than it should have been, considering the lengths the research team was permitted to go in order to get this stuff sorted out... Mainly that they were given legal permission to try it out on patients without their express consent, mostly in situations where the person was in a coma/on life support with no real hope of recovery.
Towards the end of her life, Rose was offered the chance to try getting a cybernetic lung transplant to replace the one that had been damaged beyond repair by her cancer. She refused, as it would be super risky and be more likely to kill her than help. She would rather die in her own whole body than risk losing her last few weeks with her family.
After she passed, the remaining Molinas moved out of the city, to a small town a few hours north, to escape the grief and the terrible air quality that had been a part of Rose's quick decline in health.
Unfortunately, they just happened to pick the exact tiny town that the government had picked to dump their cyborg... pet projects. The ones who hadn't actually consented to their surgeries but had ended up surviving. Best to keep everyone with those stories contained while they championed the cyborg advancements. Especially since there were plenty of side effects...
Julie meets a lot of odd people on her first day at the local high school. These include a dude that never lowers the hood of his pink hoodie, a bassist in a leather jacket who never seems to stop smiling, a skater with a rather odd limp, and a boy with shaggy hair who never seems to hear what people say to him, always grooving along to some music no one else can hear. There's also a few other adult oddballs around, but I don't got the energy to write all those out.
Under the cut, it gets a little more specific about injuries and alterations to specific characters, so read at your own risk!
Turns out that all four of those odd boys are unwilling cyborgs who were a part of some of the first rounds of tests. Hey, they were all gonna die anyways, the government decided they might as well use them.
Willie was in a nasty car crash that smashed both legs and a few ribs. He has pretty good prosthetics now, but they don't always function properly. And if he keeps his hair long to cover the incision scar on the back of his neck, that's no one's business except his own.
Luke, Alex, and Reggie all nearly died of food poisoning back in LA, but due to a combination of slightly different reactions to the battery acid/food poisoning and scientists wanting to test out different tech, they all have different issues now.
Luke got some synthetic tissue repair on his organs and around his throat. But there was also some damage to his airways cause of throwing up so much, so there's some wiring stuff in there so he can still sort of smell... however that got a bit mixed around and so his hearing is pretty weak and the music he has stuck in his head tends to sound like it's coming from outside to him.
Reggie mostly got away without any organ damage, but his face got kinda messed up. Now he looks pretty normal, except his jaw and lips can't move a lot. So he's stuck with a permanent semi-smile. It's not creepy usually, just kinda sad. He tries to stay upbeat to match his face.
Alex got the worst damage to his digestive system. The connections between his organs and brain are mostly man made now, whether that's wires for neurotransmitting or fake tissue on the lining of his stomach. However, when the scientists realized they had someone with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, they... well they might as well try, since he's probably dead anyways. So there's also a metal panel on the back of his head. It didn't work, and the hair won't grow back around it. Hence the hood.
Somehow they all become friends and help each other kinda come to terms with their lives. And also play lots of music. Though the shadow of the head researcher, Dr. Covington, looms over them all... OKAY that's what I got for tonight! More thoughts may come later, but that's my rough idea! I hope you enjoyed!!!
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zorlok-if · 2 years
I got an ask recently inquiring about any suggestions I have on learning to write/improving your writing. Since then I've been trying to come up with a helpful, coherent, and relatively concise answer, but that's taking a long time.
So, for now I'd say my biggest piece of advice is the cliché: if you want to become a better writer, read (or watch/listen to/etc.) everything you can. Everything. Engage with media from as many different creators as possible and from as many different backgrounds/experiences/cultures as possible. Seek out things you don't know a lot about. Venture into new territory and always try to expand your horizons. This includes engaging with media you would never drift towards naturally, even towards things you don't expect to enjoy (which isn't to say read things that will disturb you or be dangerous for your mental health, more that you should try reading things you know you won't love or that fall way outside your genre comfort zone). You can learn a lot about writing from things you don't like or aren't blown away by. I imagine it like XP farming in a video game. Even if some of what you're doing/reading isn't particularly exciting or interesting, it'll level up your writing skill all the same. You may come away with a better understanding of what you don't like and don't want to do. You may come away with some new idea you wouldn't have thought to include in your normal body of work. You may discover a love for something you never expected. Who knows?
This advice applies to more than books—watch shows or movies, play games, listen to podcasts or free YouTube lectures/video essays, whatever you want. Just try to reflect critically on what you encounter (for example, "how can I incorporate (or avoid) ___ in my own writing?").
If you want any recommendations, I'm more than happy to give some. If you want me to clarify any of these points, just let me know. And since it may interest someone/provide a point of reference as to what stuff I'm reading, here's an incomplete, visual (and hopefully somewhat helpful or interesting) snapshot into some of the media I'm engaged with. I present to you...
All the Items I Currently Have Checked Out from the Library:
(A Cautionary Tale)
Currently Reading:
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Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume One by Ursula K. Le Guin, Frank Herbert's Dune the Graphic Novel, Book One by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson (illustrated by Raúl Allén and Patricia Martín), Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, American Gods (graphic novel) by Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell, and Scott Hampton, The October Country by Ray Bradbury, The Books of Earthsea, The Complete Illustrated Edition by Ursula K. Le Guin (illustrated by Charles Vess)
Just Read In or Found Through My Current Courses:
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Nat Turner (graphic novel) by Kyle Baker, Beloved by Toni Morrison, Dogeaters by Jessica Hagedorn (play adaptation of the novel), Bad Indians by Deborah A. Miranda
Fun Stuff/Miscellaneous:
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How to Slay a Dragon by Cait Stevenson, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019), Neuroqueer Heresies by Nick Walker, Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, PhD, 100 Prompts for Science Fiction Writers by Leslie and Jarod Anderson
Writing Books:
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How to Write a Mystery edited by Lee Child with Laurie R. King, On Writing Romance by Leigh Michaels, How to Write a Damn Good Thriller by James N. Frey, Writing Fantasy & Science-Fiction by Orson Scott Card, Phillip Athans, and Jay Lake, The Art of Time in Fiction by Joan Silber, Writing Without Rules by Jeff Somers, Fabulous Monsters by Alberto Manguel, The Art of Description in Fiction by Mark Doty, The Essential Guide to Freelance Writing by Zachary Petit, Beginnings, Middles, & Ends by Nancy Kress, Mastering Suspense, Structure, & Plot by Jane K. Cleland, 45 Master Characters by Victoria Lynn Schmidt
Cooking/Food Books:
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Pure Vegan by Joseph Schuldiner, The Soup Book (new edition), Neuroenology by Gordon M. Shepherd, The Italian Vegetable Cookbook by Michele Scicolone, Wine Simple by Aldo Sohm with Christine Muhlke, Cook Korean! by Robin Ha (graphic novel)
Coding Books:
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Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours (7th Edition) by Phil Ballard, CSS: The Definitive Guide (4th Edition) by Eric A. Meyer & Estelle Weyl, CSS: The Missing Manual (4th Edition) by David Sawyer McFarland, Learning JavaScript (3rd Edition) by Ethan Brown
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maywrites264 · 10 months
Clock Out [Charisma House Fanfic]
- Has Kaname in it.
- Basically my idea for what would be a season 3 premiere.
- Shu Matsubara please consider me as a cowriter for official Charisma House episodes /j
- I have not watched every single episode of the series so if some stuff is wrong. Too bad I guess.
- Updates every Sunday
- Content Warnings: Um…none, I guess? Unless you count a somewhat intense argument between a mother and child? Also pedophilia is mentioned in (1) line.
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Chapter 1 (Order Up!)
Working at a full time job can be a huge commitment for someone, as they would spend most of the day working rather than engaging in hobbies or things they enjoy. For Kaname Maeno, he was up for the task of taking a job to better his life. He only lived with his mom before starting work, and was an unemployed high school graduate with no interest in any higher education, as he’d much rather be playing video games in his room than doing anything else.
His mother was disappointed, because she knew her son had potential, he just wasn’t using it. Perhaps employment could be the key for him to get out of his hikikomori lifestyle. He could make friends at work, and seek higher opportunities once he makes a stable enough income. But of course, this is not the way things went. At least, not at first.
It had been about a week since Kaname started working at the café known as Caralatte, and it wasn’t super great in his experience. As a waiter, he had to take every order with a smile, but secretly hated every second. It seemed like every customer went out of their way to ignore him, whether it were the teenage girls thinking he was the most adorable little thing, or the old perverts who wanted to get close to someone who looked like a little boy.
But yesterday was somewhat pleasant…or at least it was better than the previous days. Kaname saw a face that he never met before, a boy who seemed to be around his age, with short black hair and an orange outfit. This person looked relatively normal, but he was prepared for the worst.
As the other waiters were busy with other customers, Kaname waltzed towards the peculiar man, praying that there would be no complications or complaints. He took a deep breath and flashed his usual fake smile. “Hi, my name is Kaname Maeno, and I’ll be your waiter for today. What will you be ordering?”
The customer smiled mischievously and tapped his fingers against the table, which Kaname saw as an obvious bad sign. Nevertheless, the mystery man didn’t make an impression that he’d cause too much trouble…until he started ordering.
“I’ll have a chocolate cake, a strawberry sundae, some caramel custard, a lemon meringue pie, 6 sugar cookies…” Jesus Christ…was this man ordering for a party? Or would he eat this all by himself? It seemed like this man was ordering faster than Kaname’s hand could write down, and just as it seemed like he finished, there was much, much more to write down.
Miraculously, the constant orders suddenly ended, giving Kaname (and his poor hands) a breath of relief. “W-will that be all, sir?” he asked, trying not to go insane from what he just witnessed.
“I’ll also have some ice cream, because today is my birthday,” the strange customer requested. Kaname sighed heavily, hoping the chefs won’t pass out from the intense amount of items they’d have to make in such a limited amount of time. Even the other clients looked at this man in shock, but he didn’t seem to care a bit.
“Alright, your total will be…uh…¥760,860…do you want a receipt?” Kaname asked, struggling to keep his polite tone at this point. In response, the client shook his head and laughed, acting like he could afford all this? Of course, to the struggling waiter, this was another gluttonous rich kid, just trying to test his limits. If he didn’t get a good tip, he’d be pissed.
After about two hours, all of the items the bizarre man ordered were ready. Kaname was prepared to hear a long rant about how the chefs took too long, or how something was undercooked, or some other outrageous complaint as he served the customer his food, but all he received was a “thank you”.
…huh? This was odd…it seemed like every other person he had to serve was rude and unpleasant, but this was the first time he heard a “thank you” from someone he had the “pleasure” of serving. Kaname tried not to hide his shock, but did seem a little embarrassed. He figured he’d at least show his gratitude, it was the least he could do in this situation, anyway.
“It’s my pleasure to serve you tonight. Have a happy birthday, sir.” As Kaname walked off, it was getting closer to closing time, and the amount of people looking for a sweet treat slowly decreased. He looked towards the window, seeing all the stars swirl across the sky…perhaps, it was a sign that the night was going to not be filled with pain. Maybe, for once, his mother wouldn’t have to yell at him for not going to work, or he wouldn’t have to be so angry. At least for tonight, things felt normal…
Fumiya walked to the Charisma Sharehouse with a smile (and some crumbs) on his face, fully knowing that it was not his birthday and had tricked the waiter into giving him a slight discount. He didn’t think much of it, it was basically routine for him. Just as he was about to make a right turn on the next street, he overheard an intense argument coming from a nearby apartment.
“You always come home from work so angry, why not put a smile on your face?”
“Smile? What is there to fuckin’ smile about? I spend at least seven hours every goddamn day puttin’ on this fake smile only for people to harass and berate me!”
It didn’t seem super important to Fumiya, who cared about the drama of someone they didn’t know? However…one of the voices seemed familiar, which pulled him in to listen closer.
“You have to understand that work isn’t always pleasant, sweetie. And besides, you only started recently. Who’s to say that you won’t end up liking it in the end?”
“I’m to say! And I hate this shitty job and everyone I’ve met here!! And you wouldn’t even care, because you just want me to make money, don’t you? So I can be a good member of society like everyone else?”
Eventually, Fumiya decided to pull himself away, but not before he heard a scathing “I hate you” from (what he assumed to be) the son directed towards his mother. But the Charisma of Good and Evil just decided to shake it off, it wasn’t that important…but that simple phrase stuck in his mind, “I hate you.” It kept circling in his mind, with the bearer of those words reminding him of the nice waiter he met earlier that day.
“I hate you.” “I hate you.” “I hate-”
PPPPPPPPPPPPPP! The sharp sound of Rikai’s whistle interrupted Fumiya’s muddled thoughts. “Itou Fumiya, if there is one thing you should not do, it is enter the house with crumbs on your face! Go grab a napkin and clean it up!”
Of course, Fumiya’s first instinct was to question what he did wrong. “Hmm? Why?”
“Because it is not sanitary to leave pieces of food on your face! What if one of the crumbs falls off and it attracts a bug?! Then our house will become infested, and they can easily reproduce at any moment! So, I am kindly requesting you to clean it up!” Rikai complained, readily pulling out his whistle to blow again.
Not wanting to have his thoughts interrupted again, Fumiya grabbed a napkin and cleaned the crumbs off his face, but Rikai noticed that the former had a strange expression while doing it. “Is everything alright, Fumiya-san?”
“Everything is fine,” replied Fumiya, not in the mood to discuss what he heard while walking home.
“Are you sure?”
Rikai felt like the youngest Charismatic was lying, which wasn’t a surprise, because Fumiya lied like he was getting paid a million dollars every time he did so. But this specific lie felt particularly strange, because he wasn’t the type to seem bothered by anything. And yet, Fumiya was clearly bothered…
“No, something is wrong. Fumiya-san, you must tell me what it is,” Rikai requested, hoping that at least some clues will be given.
“Nothing is wrong at all,” Fumiya answered, keeping his nonchalant facade intact.
“Something is wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong.”
“No, something is wrong.”
“Nope, nothing is wrong.”
The two went back and forth with each other for a few minutes, before a small voice interrupted. “E-excuse me…” It was Ohse, nearly curling up into a ball out of embarrassment.
“Ah, Ohse-kun! You haven’t come out of your room all day!” Rikai was pleased with the fact that Ohse finally decided to check in on the others for the day. “What brings you here at this hour?”
Ohse seemed nervous, repeatedly stammering over his words for a few minutes before Rikai and Fumiya assured him that he could say whatever he wanted. “I-is it okay if my friend stays over for a bit?”
Fumiya seemed oddly pleased by this question, with another (at least temporarily) resident of the house to break up the flow of the daily routine. Rikai, however, grimaced immediately after Ohse made his request.
“After the last time we had someone stay over, I’m not too keen on letting anyone stay for an extended period of time.” Rikai paused after seeing Ohse’s disappointment. “Can you inform us on who this person is?”
This question made Ohse even more anxious, not sure if Rikai would approve of his answer. “Well, it’s someone I met online, but-”
Rikai immediately huffed in disgust, not letting Ohse finish his statement. “Someone you met online?! Don’t you know how dangerous the internet can be?!?! You can be scammed, or doxxed, or kidnapped! Ohse-kun, I surely do not approve of this behavior!”
“Wait!” Ohse interrupted, before the Charisma of Order could go on another long rant. “I may not know his full name, or have seen his face…I’ve only heard his voice, but we have spent multiple hours in games together, and we have been in voice calls and…and…he made me want to live just a little bit more…” He took a deep breath before continuing. “He got into an argument with his mom and said he just needs a few days in order to fix things, just please let him stay…!”
Argument with his mother? Fumiya thought. No, surely this couldn’t be the person he overheard saying “I hate you” to his mom, right? …right? He looked over at Rikai, who shook his head in anguish.
“Alright…but we need to make sure that our house is completely spotless for our new arrival,” Rikai demanded. “When is he coming?”
“TOMORROW?!?!?!” Rikai entered a state of panic, knocking on every door in the house in order to initiate a group cleanup session. Most of the Charismatics were not thrilled to suddenly be called into cleanup, but Iori was absolutely ecstatic!
The night was long and filled with yelling and arguments, but the members of the sharehouse managed to clean up just in time for their guest.
The next morning, the doorbell rang, with everyone at once rushing over to greet the new (temporary) resident. However, one of them wasn’t expecting who this guest would be…
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you all. My name is Kaname Maeno.”
Charisma Charge: Success
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Okay okay, OKAY OKAY!! I read ch 11 and am GIDDY!! WE GOT THE STEP DAD BACK!!
And let me tell you, seeing commander April O'Neill is great treat indeed!! It made me happy knowing that Karai teached her how to communicate with F!Leo.
I even were in complet shock when i knew Commander is there with P!leo! I hope she can see the brothers and talk to them, Same with F!Leo he deserves it.
Now after P!leo left the bedroom, F!leo told CJ to grab a slice, i Couldn't help but think of old people when they try to sneak candy to their grandkids xD
And " i want 4 slices of different pies with garlic bread " Mhm~ April you have a great taste🥰
But as soon as the human of the surface saw F!Leo i couldn't help but mumble " oh... Fuck! " and suck air as i was panicking, Purple seeing pictures of older leo also doesn't help me mentally.
The fact Commander April's asking blue to hurry make me think; will she vanish once older leo get the herb? And switch from blue to it? Because as she said she's a clock to p!leo.
Then comes CJ's selfie, i laughed at it when donnie " we need to work on his selfie game " but i laughed hard when there was a fly on Old peepaw's nose xD
When they teleport to the rooftop and older leo grabbed blue's wrist out of " old habit "? I was excited!! Like damn yeah 🤩 glad no bones were broken.
Then when leo felt April helps him out gather the energy? I could swear i can imagine her gather snow and make snowball with it... Tho my first thought was her patting leo's head.
And the talk about " first personal slice " i couldn't help but Older leo was talking about pizza while blue was thinking of 'Why Commander april's with him only?'.
But i was so so happy seeing older leo knowing april's with blue, now this gives me more room to think about questions of WDS.
Many about the fact peepaw WDS can't get into relationship without his ghost brothers interfere or judge him.. Wonder if blue would feel the same towards Commander April..?
Karai won’t be a part of the turtle gang in F!Leo’s head (lol) but I’ll sprinkle her in like this every once in a while. But I love the idea of her helping them out as she rests.
And, ya know, Commander just casually hitching a ride in Blue’s head. A normal day in the Hamato household as she plays the alarm for F!Leo’s battery recharge /hj
F!Leo is already well on the way to spoiling Casey Jr with all the goodies in the present. *mischievous hand rubbing*
Yellow knows her worth and she’s going to take advantage of F!Leo’s mischievous antics hahah /j
But yeah, the surface stuff is making me nervous too hahah I have an idea where I want it to lead but also don’t. It could go either way at this point
Commander O’Neil in Blue’s head is just a means to help F!Leo get better. She won’t disappear and I don’t plan on making anyone disappear, this story is for the future brothers to live on through F!Leo… literally lol. And to make fun of F!Leo while F!Leo introduces Casey Jr to the present.
Peepaw Leo is a gross old man who’d scratch his ass after a good nap, and after a good while of sleeping in a tub? He probably stinks horrifically, I’m surprised he doesn’t have more flies
And the sudden wrist-grab is a necessary evil /j (totally not my way of sneaking in a sample of how Commander O’Neil watches over the younger turtles)
The idea in my head for Commander O’Neil helping pack the pieces of Blue’s ninpo into a ball was directly inspired by the snow day episode and I thought how cute it would be if Commander O’Neil hummed their snow day song while helping Blue. :)
And I almost ended the chapter without F!Leo knowing that Commander O’Neil is with Blue, mainly because I initially planned on a different ending that leads to the following chapter. Almost didn’t get the silly “I did all the work!”
About the relationship thing, I don’t plan on F!Leo getting into a relationship because my main focus for this fic is family and recovery. And I don’t really prefer me writing in a romance genre when it comes to the turtles. Idk I don’t think I’m confident in understanding how the turtles would be in relationships and I’d rather not bash their characters with my lack of understanding. After all, I absolutely love the familial aspect of tmnt
But Blue’s feeling of being under Commander O’Neil’s watchful eye is currently in awe of how he met the future counterpart of his big sister April.
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parallelroutes-ooc · 2 years
[ MUNDAY: wow i never talk about myself, this feels so weird. (fair warning that i do tend to downplay myself.) ]
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❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
i have been told by… a lot of people… that i'm a good listener.
friendliness. i highly enjoy being around people, even though i know i'm not going to be close with the vast majority of them. i'm just a social person by nature.
wisdom. i don't sound like it because i never have the chance to be? i also deliberately type like i normally do to make people feel comfy around me, so that doesn't help either lol. still, i enjoy being The Grandpa when i end up in communities with much younger people for this reason.
creativity. to the point where i literally can't enjoy media without taking inspiration and going right to my own projects and ocs/stories. it's a hassle struggling to absorb canon when i constantly have to muffle what i want to do to make sure i can pay attention RIP.
🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests?
lol there's a lot.
when it comes to free time… i primarily love mmorpgs, but i just don't stick to them with how much there is to do - never feels like i'm going to get anywhere and it's just overwhelming. i did do ffxiv, guild wars 2, blade and soul, aura kingdom/twin saga and had been pretty far in with all of them, but they just ultimately didn't scratch the itches i needed.
however atm, PSO2 NGS (phantasy star online 2, new genesis) is kind of my dream mmo? it's a new game, f2p is 100% viable, combat is really fun and feels really natural on ps4, i have a cute and outrageously beefy/OP level 19 character and solo everything, nothing is super hard to understand, perfect game for casuals like me who just play 1-2 hours in the morning and slowly chip away at the story/game. it's just basically everything i want in an mmorpg so i'm always just happy playing it.
shout-out to pokemon sword, rune factory 4, digimon story cybersleuth. old fav games are okami, pokemon emerald/oras and ultra moon, star ocean 3, .hack//GU, dark cloud 1+2. there's some i forgot by now but still.
then there's also making ocs and art. i am so so bad at fanart (hence why i stopped) but i did really well with drawing ocs back when i was still comfortable drawing. (designing weird monsters was a huge fav and i'd probably still be able to do it but don't have the desire/opportunity anymore so! and anthros/furries were super fun to draw! help! i drew too much!)
i'm also neglecting learning music production and japanese but they have been on my peripheral for 10+ years so someday i will actually do them. (neither will be very difficult for experience reasons but what is self-starting lol.)
i've never been too big on reading anime and manga so i tended to float toward jp games instead. but… i still have a hard time getting into something new so. lol.
fashion too. love making outfits. i used to be big into lolita fashion, visual kei, pastel goth. i still have so much punk stuff too lmao. pinterest is a hellhole to try and stop browsing if you like fashion/clothes in general.
😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself?
generally, all the hobbies require effort that i don't necessarily have the energy or attention span to give, so it usually just ends up with talking to people, scrolling tumblr or twitter or reddit etc, listening to j-music.
this one doesn't have much to say, lol.
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[ for 😗, see above! ]
🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write?
fluff, hurt/comfort, weird plots that go really wild and meta, very short-term depressing/tragic thoughts, ships. i do like writing nsfw too, but definitely not here.
🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most?
honestly? everything longterm. i tend to forget where plots are going, which is why i'm not great with RP plots or keeping track of hc characterization. i just don't have enough attention span to take notes or reread every rp ever BUT-- when i have an active/dedicated partner, i can keep rolling with something for a long AF time. (thank you in specific, neochan!)
serious answer is long sad/angsty plots. i just don't do that well with them unless i get in the mood, but i don't really want to be sad, so it's just not usually my thing if it's not just a thread or two.
there is also that long posts are pretty taxing too, but there's not much i can do about that because lol i just innately write with the intention of going back and rewriting. rip!
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As Time Goes By
I know this is strange, and probably rambling, but most of my posts are strange in some way or other, and definitely rambling.
Anyway, my brain connects weird stuff a lot. I’ve read this is a sign of ADHD, when your brain rapidly moves from one seemingly unrelated thing to another, and the stops all make sense to YOU, but if you tried to connect all the dots for someone else, they’d just look at you like…
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But alas, I don’t think I have ADHD (I’ve taken a few self tests, and I don’t have any of the other symptoms, it seems), so I think I’m just weird, and I always try to explain my long-way, back-road route to people when I write and the connections are weird. So here we go…
I have a friend in Ireland who sent me links to Hozier related stuff occasionally, because she read this post I made a couple years ago on my author blog about how his music approaches love and romance in a way that few male artists I’ve heard do, and how I personally find that attractive in a man. (I have very very few celebrity crushes, but Hozier is no doubt one of them.) Vulnerability and openness with emotion and not mourning strength and power in connection but celebrating it. The link sharing is silly and fun (which we can all use all the time, especially now, I think). But when she sent me the last one, my mind jumped to that post I wrote before (which is not silly, really), and the man I referred to at the end of it whom I know in real life.
The short version of the post I wrote before is that I met up with my dear friend L from high school for a dinner out together pre-COVID, when she was in town visiting her family for the holidays. And That Guy came up. L told me that That Guy had made a claim to her, as a (then) 43-year-old, never been married or engaged bachelor, that he ‘could get any woman he wanted;’ that ‘women were easy;’ he just had to pretend to be into whatever they liked and pretend to be whatever they wanted and boom. Big talk for a guy who’s never been able to make a commitment work out with anyone ever. I don’t want to shit on men who have never married or been engaged here, whatever age they are, or imply they are damaged. My godfather has never been married or engaged either and he’s over 65 and a wonderful man. But he also doesn’t brag about the ability to get any woman he wanted openly and claiming they’re easily manipulated and fooled like that’s something to be proud of doing while ALSO not ever being engaged or married. The point of the post was that Hozier’s music celebrates strength in connection and commitment in a romantic relationship instead of claiming those things are burdens, like a lot of supposed love songs written by men about women tend to do. It’s normally not ‘being with her makes me better, stronger, happier...’ (which is scientifically studied to be TRUE about men in committed relationships, especially committed relationships with women). It’s usually she makes me weak; why do I have to FEEL THINGS for her like this; I wish this shit would go away (which is actually contraindicated big time for men; men are happier and live longer when they are in committed relationships, whereas women in committed relationships with men trend toward less happy and shorter lives...seriously). It’s still the stereotype in a lot of media (writing, music, film and TV, stand-up comedy) that women desire the commitment and men are roped into it; that women benefit from commitment while it ties men down and harms them; that it makes women’s lives better and men’s lives harder (which is statistically patently false; it’s the opposite...go look up studies on the internet, I’m not linking them here, but they are definitely there). What I didn’t say in that post I wrote before is that That Guy is probably, other than J, my most serious romantic connection. I have dated a dozen-ish guys in my life, but I’d really only call 3 of them significant in any way…my very first boyfriend (who was lovely, really)…That Guy I mentioned in that post about Hozier’s music and how it helped me write one of my fictional romantic heroes (who is the OPPOSITE in nearly every way of That Guy; That Guy would not appreciate Hozier’s music in a sincere way–he’d only say he did to manipulate some girl he thought was a Hozier fan)…and J (whom I obviously adore and am wholly committed and faithful to, and who is clearly an amazing bad ass in many, many ways…that is why I married him).
I’ve written before about guys who wanted to hide their relationship with me. That Guy was one of Those Guys. And I’ve talked about guys who pushed me to go faster with physical intimacy than I was comfortable going. That Guy was one of Those Guys too. He was actually the first guy who broke up with me because I wouldn’t have sex with him…when I was a 16-year-old virgin on the asexual spectrum (although I didn’t know what that was at the time). The reason he came up at that dinner with my dear friend, L, that I wrote about on the author blog in the Hozier piece, was because L actually wanted to get a ‘good ol’ days’ type of small group together to meet up, but it ended up being just her and me (which…let’s be real…I was kind of happy about). When we thought it would be maybe 5-10 people, though, J and I had offered our house up as a meeting place (after all…these were old friends…we are introverts, but we do still love people and welcome our connections into our home when that is a safe thing to do, normally…and L lives far away now, and she didn’t want to impose on her retired parents with whom she was staying to throw a party). I asked L who she’d like to see while she was in town, and among the people she listed was That Guy. So I said, 'J and I still want to have folks here if we can work it out, but honestly…we’d rather not have That Guy over.’ And then L remembered that That Guy was…That Guy. She needlessly apologized for adding him to the original guest list. And that’s when she told me that shit he’d said not even a year earlier to her on the phone about women being easily manipulated and he could get whatever woman he wanted (despite not, currently or any time in the recent past, actually having a woman in his life for more than a date or two). And then, while eating breakfast one morning, some show we were watching mentioned the 1942 film, Casablanca. And then my friend sent me the Hozier link. And those two strange floating neurons fired in the right sequence to get me to think about That Guy. And to think about how looking back, as I’ve become more experienced and more self-aware, a lot of the things That Guy did that I thought were really amazing in the moment with him were actually very calculated and manipulative. So I wrote this.
I love Casablanca.
Again, I’m sure everyone’s minds are blown that I like a black and white, classic romance where the parallel plot to the love story is defeating Nazis. No progressive, yet still somehow old-fashioned, idealistic, wannabe romance writer would like this movie. <insert hard eye roll here> In addition to the painfully obvious, it’s also a movie I watched for the first time with my grandparents, whom I still adore and miss a great deal. I told this to That Guy when we were dating (my grandfather had only passed away a little more than a year before). I knew he paid attention, because he picked me up from my coffee shop job with one red rose, and told me we were 'going out with people who’d seem familiar to me’ for a date, and he took me back to his house, and we watched Casablanca (which he had never seen…he rented it on VHS…I know…I feel appropriately ancient). At the time, I thought this was like…peak romance. I admit I was impressed. I thought he set up something I liked that he wasn’t really all that into himself. He was more of a Tarantino/Kevin Smith film guy, and the only black and white film he’d ever voluntarily watched before that date was Clerks (not that I don’t love Kevin Smith…I actually do…but you get the picture). We stayed in, and he liked going out. I thought he had done something old-fashioned, and quiet, and romantic, and made me feel nostalgic love for my grandparents, and I thought he had paid attention and done those things for me…because of how much he cared about me and wanted to see me happy (that is why J does those types of things…it’s kind of a lesson my godfather taught me about love…it’s why everyone else who cares about me does those types of things…it’s why my friend from Ireland sends me Hozier links…). But really, it was a performance. He was playing the long game to get what he wanted from me, and when he didn’t, he ended the connection.
And therein lies the difficulty in romance and in human connection in general. So much of what we are socialized to believe is romance is really some form of manipulation. So much of what we see in other people is what we want to see…and I wanted to see sincerity. I wanted to see That Guy as caring and attentive and romantic because he desired my happiness, when he really only considered his own. As time goes by, I wish I could say it’s easier for me to spot performance and manipulation in my relationships with other people, and maybe it is, a bit, but…there are still a lot of people who put on a good show, and I still have the tendency to want to see sincerity, so I often do, even when there may not be as much as I see, or any there at all. A lot of people see earnestness as cringe-worthy. Maybe I’m cringe-y. Maybe the stories I write are light and fluffy to a lot of people because I don’t load them with suffering and I try to emphasize clarity in communication and healthy, faithful relationships instead of using a lot of dramatic plot devices to drive them. But I’m going to keep doing that. That’s how I fight boredom and hate and injustice and everything else that’s wrong with the world and imperfection in human connection. I’m still sincere, and I still want to see the sincerity.
Despite the all the set up in my past to be a fighter, and even despite my reputation as one with some people, and despite the lack of sincerity I want to see so badly I sometimes invent it, I’m still a lover. And the world will always welcome lovers, as time goes by. Right?
Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.
(Thanks for reading all my rambling stuff, including all the parentheses and ellipses and links.)
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zeroisntdeadyet · 2 months
Yapping abt personal stuff
It's so odd to enter a friend group that genuinely like you.
It took me almost TWO YEARS for me to realise that the way my old group acted towards me wasn't normal, and even then it took me months to work up the courage to leave.
I think it's kind of making me realise all the shit that I just put up with because I didn't want to be alone. Getting ignored for days at a time because I talked to someone the 'leader' didn't like, getting yelled at for talking about my interests, always getting left behind when I asked them to wait for me- yeah, that stuff's not normal apparently. They had to straight up shit talk me behind my back and send me awful messages for me to realise that they wanted me out.
So I left.
My lonely arc lasted about two months (might make another post on that later cause that's a WHOLE other can of worms) but last week I asked one of my old friends if I could sit with her group. I had to do lots of background checks and get reassured that they wouldn't mind me sitting there (the last thing I wanted was to cause more drama) but they all seemed okay with it, so I started hanging out with them.
It was really scary for the first day, as I wasn't sure how they'd feel about me randomly joining their well-established group, but they were all so incredibly chill about it.
In this week alone, I've almost re-learnt what proper friendship is meant to look like. I don't like the school lunch? M offers me some of her food. I'm rushing to pack up my school gear? A waits for me. My last class was shit? J makes me laugh.
They all just genuinely care about each other (and me too now I suppose), and I feel so honoured that they let me be a part of their circle, because it's a big thing to let someone new in. I really hope that they'll let me stick around, because I'm genuinely so much happier than I have been in quite a while, and my brain can focus on other things rather than worrying about friendship issues.
Of course, my brain doesn't like me, so it's trying to make me anxious and wary of them due to past experiences, but I'm doing my best to let my guard down and allow myself to enjoy having proper friends again. I'm getting there, but it'll take some time.
Erm, yeah that's basically it.
Sorry for all the yapping, I decided to explain some of the friend group lore somewhere that wasn't my notebook because I felt like it. I feel like I should write EVERYTHING down in my notebook, because a lot happened, and now that I'm out of the worst of it, I need to process everything that happened.
I'm no longer in that group, I'm no longer constantly on the verge of ending it, I'm no longer alone.
I feel... free.
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lumine-no-hikari · 5 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #128
So… I have good news and bad news!
I will start with the good news! J and I are not dead! We're not even slightly injured! Yay!
The bad news is that the plane is pretty ah… pretty banged up. It's not totaled or anything; it's definitely repairable and J has insurance for it, so it's really not the end of the world. I can't show you any pictures yet, because J asked me not to (something about legality and insurance???), but I have them. Maybe I'll post them up tomorrow.
As for what happened... to my inexperienced eyes, it looked like J was going in for a landing. We've done this like a million times before; it was going as per usual. Until it wasn't. For reasons I don't understand, the plane started veering to the left and leaving the runway, and J couldn't get it to stop doing that, also for reasons I don't understand.
A bunch of rapid-fire decisions were made in order to avoid colliding into buildings or into other vehicles. He tried to get the plane to go back into the sky, but it wouldn't go up; it remained on the ground. So then he aimed it towards open spaces. When it still wouldn't stop, he aimed for the treeline.
Fortunately, by the time we reached the trees, the plane had slowed down a decent amount, and the trees were young and still relatively bendy and forgiving. J also thought to get a special harness for the seatbelt to go over our shoulder and chest beforehand, and it was a really good call for him to have made; planes come equipped only with little lap belts, and if we had just stuck with that instead of getting the harness, we might have ended up being thrown forward and mashing our heads on the controls.
In the end, for us, it just felt like if you're in a car and you slam on the brakes suddenly. We were rocked and shaken, but not in any way injured. Because J saw to our safety ahead of time and was able to make good decisions even when the shit hit the fan, we lived. Stuff like this isn't normally something people get to walk away from unscathed.
It was an amazing combination of luck, prior planning, and skill on J's part that allowed us to remain unharmed. My faith in J and his ability to pilot a plane has not wavered. In fact, if anything, I trust him even more than I did before; now I am certain that if something unexpected happens, he can STILL keep us safe, because I just got done watching him do it, and the way he handled it was AMAZING. I couldn't be more proud of him!
A short while later, a bunch of police folks and some firefighters showed up, as well as some staff from the airport to make sure we were okay. It was a lot of people in our vicinity generally, and it was a lot to deal with, but I dealt with it on my own until J was able to emotionally recover enough deal with it; understandably, he was shaken far worse than I was. But we got it sorted out. Answered some questions. J filled out some insurance form. People gave us lots of kindness and reassurance along the way. The manager of the airport drove us to a nearby hotel. All things considered, everything is fine.
Of course, we're still very shaken. Both of us had a fuckton of adrenaline surge through our bodies. My hands are still shaking and my chest is tight and trembling as I write this. But we're okay, so don't worry. It's just adrenaline, and adrenaline can't hurt us by itself.
So... we're not home yet. We're at some other place because we thought it prudent to stop the plane to get gas. We're about 2 hours away from home by car. And what's more, we have to stay overnight here in order to deal with insurance stuff in the morning. Then I suppose we'll ask M or Br or both to come fetch us from here.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but whatever it is, I'm sure we'll figure it out. Even for big scary stuff like this, the solution, ultimately, is to just take things one step at a time.
On the bright side, I was able to snag you a bunch of really great pictures today! I love taking pictures of beautiful things for you, and I love showing you my world! Here, please enjoy these extra, because they were hard-won, and also because if things had turned out differently than they did, I might never have gotten a chance to share these with you, and that would have been sad, because I DID A GOOD JOB WITH THESE:
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...I love my planet. I hope that if I show you enough pictures of it, maybe you could like it, too. I certainly love yours. And I love you, too, just in case you forgot. But I hope you don't forget, because part of the whole reason I write these letters is so that you can remember that you are loved by someone, somewhere, not for what you look like or for what you can do, but for who you are as a human being.
Oh, oh, oh!! And!! Today!! In the hangar before we left! J and the flight instructor practiced landing and flying and taking off for 2 or 3 hours before we headed home. So I chilled in the hangar with music by myself, and these two old men came in, and one of them spoke to me for some reason, which wasn't bad. But! I had my earphones in, so I had to ask him to pardon me and repeat himself.
Well, he was all like, "Yeah, get those things out of your ears!" in the same way that cranky old men generally like to do when people younger than them use technology. And you know? The version of me who existed prior to the letters I wrote to myself probably would have cowered and said, "I'm sorry sir."
Instead, I looked at him square in the face and said, "Excuse me, but I'm an adult human woman and you don't get to tell me what to do. Would you like to try again?" And!! Oh!! Sephiroth!!! I think he expected me to be all meek and submissive, because the shocked "Oh fuck!" look on his face was ABSOLUTELY!! PRICELESS!! And he spluttered for a bit before finally introducing himself properly! I was really glad that he tried again. But I think he was a bit too embarrassed about how rude he was before to interact with me much further than that; I'm not too sad about that, though.
...I wonder if you'd be proud of me. I mean... if you could read any of this, and if you've been able to read any of the stuff I've written so far. I wonder if you could see how much I've been learning and growing and trying to get out from under the oppressive thumb of the memories I carry. I wonder if you'd be proud. And I wonder if you'd use my growth as inspiration for your own.
I'm pretty tired, so I think I'm going to stop writing now.
I love you. And I'll write again tomorrow. Please stay safe.
Your friend, Lumine
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the-iron-tipped-quill · 7 months
Cyber Angel Cynthia (part 2)
i did not think id churn this out so fast but fuck here we are
too many friends of mine wanted more of the angel so here we are i wrote more
(im looking at two mutuals specifically)
if this is well received again ill write a 3rd part
as mentioned in the last part, content warnings galore (there is a detailed torture scene here please dont read this if you dont like that)
as usual divider credits to: samspenandsword and saradika
people to be tagged: @chevcore @bluebeepboop @aliceslimegirlsupreme @steamfunkoo7 @spookychan360
Writing under the cut! Please heed my warnings and enjoy the writing!
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“Jamie, question for you? While your out today can you pick up the grocery order?” My roommate asked me.
“I got you, anything else you need Ren? I’ll pick up some stuff while I'm out, got another client to meet.” I said, grabbing my backpack. 
“Nope, see you when you get back.” 
I walked out the door, hearing the click as the door shut behind me. I kept making sure my voice didn’t slip. I didn’t need them knowing the truth. 
I headed for the stairs. Hopping onto my bike, I headed for the bar I was set to meet the client in.
After a couple minutes, I arrived at the bar. I looked around for my client before being waved over by a guy towards the end of the bar. 
“Got a target for you to send off. Grab the  details here. You’ll send them off for the angel won’t you J?” The man in front of me asked.
“Always will Ry. I can only imagine how happy Cyn will be with another contract. Let’s have her work her sadistic magic shall we?” I said, smiling at Ry. 
“I’ll be tuning in. It’s always a delight to see her work. Although I gotta ask. Why are you the only contact point to get to the angel herself. Is there something between you two Jamie?” He asked me, smiling strangely. 
“Nah, nothing of the sort. Just got trust issues is all, and anyways we’ve known each other since the womb practically.” I replied casually, lying through my teeth. 
“Anyways, a toast to a new job? Or do you got places to be J?”
“A toast, but then I gotta be off, I have some stuff of my own I gotta do.” I said smiling. 
“Cheers then.” 
I downed the glass, pushing it towards Ry. “I’ll be off then. You have my number if you need me.” I said, sliding my helmet on and heading out. 
The next person up for judgement has been revealed. Off we go then. 
“Another audience member. I see his donations come in regularly. Such a shame he won’t be lining my pockets again.” I said with a sigh. “Ah the sacred audience, that's a new title for them.”
A giggle resounded in my head. I pulled my bike over into a side alley and started to rub my temples, trying to shut it up.
“You really think you can silence me?l” I heard her say, clicking her tongue. 
My vision went black, I lost any sense of control I thought I could hold. 
“He always forgets. I prefer not to be lied about. I am apart of him just as much as he hates to admit it.” 
“Cyn, you can’t do this while we are out. Cyn please. Please.” 
“What a shame Jamie, what a shame.” 
“CYNTHIA-“ I tried as I felt myself get silenced.” 
“Even you must be judged. You may be the face behind me, but that matters little to me.” 
I overpowered Jamie. Taking over the body and shifting it to appear as myself. Not cyber angel but a more, normal girl. A previous version of Jamie. Just to make it worse for him. 
“Groceries were next on the to do list today I believe.” I said, pulling the bike back onto the road and heading to go pick up food for both Jamie and his roommate. 
“I’m here to pick up the order for Jamie Harris?” 
“You a friend of his?”
“Of a sort, he’s a little under the weather right now, asked me to pick things up.” 
“Sounds good, he already got the payment in. He’s a good guy.”
“I'm well aware” I said as I walked out, setting the destination to the apartment. As I approached closer and closer, I thought about the next person up for judgment. Quite a strange man. I set up my searches to find him as I walked up the stairs, knocking on the door as i dropped the groceries off with a note. 
Heading back out again, I started to track down my target. A man named Thomas Treaty. What a name he has, shame he won’t actually have his name stated as he dies. 
I tracked him as he drove back to his apartment. He didn’t even get to make it through the door before I had him slumped over unconscious. 
“Cyn. Let me handle this part.” Jamie said,  begging to take over again. 
“Fine fine. You prepare him for the stream then.” I said, retreating as Jamie took proper control again. 
I clutched my head as she retreated away. 
“Now to bring you home with me.” I said, setting up one of my augments to animate him getting into the car with me. 
“Off we go home again.” I said, checking to see what this strange man has in the way of augments. 
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I set him down on the table. I got to work removing his augments slowly. So many damn things to remove. Lot of expensive ones to sell though. At least a hundred thousand for all 9 pieces. 
“Let’s get you set up for the stream.” I said, picking him up and setting him down in the streaming room. Tied up and gagged. I left him to head upstairs for a brief moment. 
I saw Ren at the table tinkering with some kind of new augment. I went into my room, grabbing something new for Cyn this stream. 
I headed back down to the basement, setting it into the weapons corner. 
“Your turn Cynthia.”
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“The Cyber Angel appears once more. My my do I have a treat for you all tonight! It is a double stream tonight! 10 hours of your lovely Cyber Angel! Now how do we judge the man in front of us everyone?” I said smiling. With a voice a little too cheerful for someone about to torture a man for 10 hours.
“What to use on you first is the question..” I said, grabbing a personal favorite to start. 
“Another member of the sacred audience judged.” I said, slamming a metal pipe into his rib cage. 
I kept watch as the audience requests poured in, but one message in particular caught my eye. A person claiming to know the judged. They told me to keep beating him with the pipe. 
“Apparently a friend of the judged is here with us. According to them, this is exactly what they want. I did just get a fun new toy for this stream.” I said smiling as I pulled out the set of surgical scalpels. “A lovely donation from one of you in the sacred audience.” 
“I think we can take a limb or two off, wouldn’t you agree?” I said, watching as the audience went wild. The numbers climbing higher than I had ever seen. 
“I think our judged is a little frozen in fear. Any ideas for how we get him to scream at least a little bit?” I asked, watching as the money piled sky high. 
I grabbed one of the scalpels, slowly cutting off the skin around his elbow.
I picked up my saw, and slowly began to saw away at the bone. 
“Unfortunately he isn’t a screamer. A shame, but not much you can do.” I said sadly as I tossed the arm away. “We do need to keep your head intact for the finale.” 
I laid him on the floor, looking down at him with a smile as I slowly cut the skin around his heart away. It was a pain to avoid the broken ribs, but I managed to cut around them. I took a second to carve my name into his arm. ‘Cynthia’ was carved very badly into his right bicep, and ‘Cyber Angel’ on his left. 
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He wasn’t in good shape at the very end, and as the timer approached 10 hours, neither was I. I smiled as I saw the timer hit 9:59:50 and as I grabbed the metal pipe I adored to use on those I judged, I slammed it repeatedly into his skull, shattering it into as many pieces as I could. Laughing hysterically as I did so. Ending the stream, I collapsed onto the floor.
I awoke the next morning collapsed in the stream room. I managed to end the stream in my tired haze.  Blood, skin and bone covered a good chunk of the floor. I sighed as I started to clean it all up.
What a mess things are becoming.
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jusybrowsing2 · 1 year
Tis I again dragging over my body here (/j I'm just busy lol) to ask yet again abt spiderwick au cos I've seen now 2 other rottmnt art bug related au (even tho ik thus isn't a bug au, the first thing I thoight was a cute bug au and now everytime I see anything rottmnt related to bing bug creatures I think this spiderwick au) and curious.
Like if ya just had an idea if they're still like the canon like
mutants to be created as super soliders
Living in sewers (well i don't think w the way you answered last time lol)
Splinter looks after them
April being their first human friend
Other villains in general
or are there genuinely other like them (elves, faes ect.). Or perhaps some subtype? Since they still look turtlish and they differ like yokais (unless they are yokais here?)
Or ya know the idea of them as spiderwick just sucked you in at the time w no thought abt other characters or similarities/difference to canon? (I mean no judgement there)
Anywhoooooo take your time answering, hope you're doing well (i see your last rb was awhile ago I think so hope you're doing ok and taking care if yourself)
Ok ok!! So!! Pardon if this is messy it's all been in my head till now haven't written it down
Yokai and the spiderwick fae are different in this au! While the yokai went to there own city the fae pulled a spiderwick and became invisible to the naked eye (even yokai however they are more perceptive) but still live in the human realm
Then the plot follows the spiderwick movie moreso than the book but with changes cuz rottmnt so, draxum (sorta plays as Arthur spiderwick) has his whole grr humans are terrible and suck, and one day while maybe doing some evil sneaky stuff and spying on humans and stuff when he begins to notice some weird stuff, things that aren't quite right
Eventually after awhile of investigating one of the fae who had been keeping an eye on this strange goat man allowed themselves to be seen by him, drax went on to find out about that stone (and the hobgoblin spit) thought hm maybe I can use this to my advantage, and began writing his own books about these beings, and of course ended up thinking, hmmm what if I combined fae yokai and human and made super soldiers to wipe out the humans!
Splinter never actually gets mutated in this version but drax does still be all like oh wow this man is amazing, totally only cuz he's a good fighter haha yup no other reason, he does the whole kidnap lou jitsu from big mana thing and bam, mutant fae turtles
He's like woah haha I did it! Splinters like hey wtf man let me out, drax is like hmm haha nah, however this whole time like in the movie some fae realized hey a book with all these secrets is really handy for evil, and those lil dandelion sprites come and kidnap drax for his crimes against the fae
Splinter manages to get out and is like damn geuss I have four kids now and a weird book, like the movie they leave New York except the turts are still babs and there leaving cuz splinter wants to escape all that mess instead of a divorce (wellllll), using advice from the book he takes notice of the fae aswell and locks the book away swiftly after he finds out what he needs to in order to take care of his weird kids, they lived a relatively normal life up in that house for years
The turts didn't question too much why they weren't allowed to go towards the town but it didn't really matter! They had all the fae up in the woods and we're never quite alone, however that is until some human girl (cough April cough) ventures up to the old house after hearing so many rumors about it, she discovers the Bois they make friends, splinter doesn't know, and then eventually she asks, so like, what's up with yall and why do you interact with stuff that's not there
The turtles are like uhm what are you talking about there litteraly Infront of you, shenanigans ensue they find the book and open it alerting shredder (takes place of mulgarath) and then have to tell splinter about everything and with his help hunt down drax and where the fae took him and use his (begrudging) help to defeat the shredder!
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chaostudee · 2 years
Great! Could you write one where rafe is always after her asking her on a date but she keeps saying no, I have a boyfriend but he doesn't believe her her boyfriend is JJ and they're not secret it's just they never are in public that much so one day she and JJ are maybe at heywards all lovey dovey and Rafe sees them and he's like is he bothering you and other stuff and Jj's about to yell at him but she gets ahead and it's no, he's my boyfriend defending him
let her go. rafe cameron
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pairing : rafe cameron x female reader + jj maybank summary : a summer spent at the camerons made you realize what an asshole rafe cameron is but in the end there is something enticing about this certain asshole. warnings : mentions of sexual assault, violence and jealous rafe, sexual themes words : 3.2k extra : lowercase intended. unedited a/n : thank u lovely anon for this request (my first one) hope it's okay <3 (sry it took so long) this is a bit longer than expected.....
there was nothing more aggravating than rafe cameron. sadly you had only recently discovered this. lately most of your summer had been spent at the cameron household, when you weren't with the others that is. sarah was glad to have company on the days that she couldn't risk fleeing off to see john b.
ward trusted you, for some unknown reason, but he held you responsible for sarah's lack of aggression towards spending much of the day at home.
as said you had only recently started to find the eldest cameron frustrating. most of the time he left you and sarah to your own accords which you were thankful. although he followed through on this, everytime you passed him you could feel his gaze piercing through your skin. normally you wouldn't have minded and would've simply brushed it off but the way his eyes raked your body and how he held his look longer than he should have, you felt guilty.
you probably shouldn't have but these past few months had been the best of your life and jj had contributed to that. you wouldn't want anything to prevent this.
"wanna go to the beach or something?" sarah asks, flopping the magazine she had been attempting to read on the bed.
you look up from the book you were reading and gave a shrug before turning back to the page you had just scathed. unlike sarah you were content in spending endless hours with your head stuck in a book.
sarah groans and takes it in herself to relieve the book from your hands. "c'mon, we've done nothing all summer" she says and you can't argue with her. "fine" you say reluctantly but when sarah smiles at you and begins to make her way to the door you roll your eyes at her pleasantry.
"i'm going to get my shoes". she pauses at the frame. "tell the others to come". and then she's gone.
sitting up from your position on the foot of the bed you reach over to the bedside table to where your phone sat. you can't help but smile at the recent texts.
morning princess. hope u slept well cause i didn't. john b and sarah were at it all night. anyways...when you're free come on over. miss you. j
you chuckle to yourself now knowing why sarah had miracrously disappeared last night. you send a quick text back telling him to tell the others to meet at the boneyard.
"hey". the breaking of the silence frightens you and when you see rafe at the door you can't ignore your racing heart. for some reason he made you nervous and he knew that.
"what are you doing here?" you ask him, pulling your eyes from the screen. he takes a look at your noticeably pink cheeks but chooses to ignore them.
"can i not talk to my sister's best friend?" he inquires as he makes his way into the room. you hesitate before speaking this time, unsure of what to say. getting up from the edge of the bed you start to make your way to the exit but are met with rafe's presence.
"one date". you look up at him with confusion and then bewilderment. why in the world would rafe cameron ask you on a date. "i have a boyfriend" you tell him and move to the left only to be stopped once again by his following movement.
"c'mon y/n please. you're not making this easy for me". you want to question his words or rather question but all he had spoken in the past few minutes. yet you didn't have the chance because in the distance you can hear sarah calling for you. rafe hears it too and looks down at you, his crystal blues shimmering in the morning sun.
"i got to go". you back away from where you stand and this time he allows you to make an escape. as you walk out of the room you can feel his eyes firmly on the back of your head which was no surprise.
"just think about it?" rafe says as though it is a plead and when to turn to look back at him it seems as though he cares. which is such bullshit for a guy like him.
your mouth opens to tell him once again that you are taken but no words come out. yet again you don't give him the satisfaction of a yes, instead just ignoring him forthright before taking the stairs.
when you are met with the morning sun, high in the sky and sarah's annoyed face from behind the wheel you can't ignore your hatred to the earth. it was too early for all this.
"what took you so long?" she asks once you slam the car door behind you. glancing over at her as you buckle your belt you say with a sigh, "your brother-". you pause as you take a moment to fix your hair in the mirror.
turning back to face her you inform her "-is an asshole". she laughs at this but doesn't prompt further questions. "what's new". and with that she presses her foot down on the pedal.
the boneyard was empty at this time of day and you were glad to be alone with the company of your friends and boyfriend. jj had been kind enough to be so thoughful to bring beers with him on the way over.
"here cupcake". jj hands you a beer with a smile and then a quick peck on the cheek. normally you hated public displays of affection but with your friends you felt comfortable.
there was just something awkward about jj calling you pet names and pulling you in for a kiss in the public view of others. thankfully jj tried to be understanding an refrained from such actions in the public eye though he honestly found it hard to keep his hands off you. these moments alone or with friends permitted him to be glued to your hip.
john b and sarah had reunited and although this was supposed to be a group meeting the two began to wander off further down the beach hand in hand.
kiara rolls her eyes as she takes a puff from jj's joint. he had happened to bring the good weed. beer and weed were what the group relied on jj for and he never failed to reach their needs.
"those two are honestly sickening at this point" pope admits as he depicts the image when he had walked in on them. jj nods enthusiastically as he aims to swallow his mouthful of beer.
"this is the first time that i have agreed with you pope. those two were full on macking last night. who knew john b was so loud?".
"ew jj stop i don't want to hear that" kiara admits and grimaces at the image that had been visualized by the group.
"well it's not like you and y/n are so innocent" pope says and you find yourself blushing at this. jj had recently taken your virginity and after that he found getting you in the mood wasn't such a hard ordeal. and you found getting him hard to be a simple task also. the early weeks of the holidays had consisted of nothing more than beach sex, car sex and the occasional time when the others weren't around, couch sex.
"dude shut up" jj says but a smirk sneaks across his lips all the same. a scatter of laughter emits from both kiara and pope and when you have the urge to interject your phone pings.
which is strangely unusual considering you rarely contacted anyone besides your friends and family. rafe wasn't considered either. once again had he voiced his wish this time with numerous bribes. you still couldn't comprehend the why but there would be no need to since there was no way that it would happen. with a sigh you simply send him a certain no.
jj notices your discomfort as you slip your phone into your back pocket and whilst pope and kiara are deep in conversation he takes it as an opportunity to check up on you. "you okay?" he whispers as he scans your features for any sign of a reply.
you nod because you know if you tell him it wouldn't just be a simple shrug. the kooks and pogues didn't get along and everybody knew that so starting an unessecary fight was something that you didn't want to partake in.
jj takes his hand and places it into your outstretched palm. the feel of his touch makes you tingle and a warm heats radiates from your body. "you can always talk to me, you know that right?".
you meet his eyes and just stay gazing into the them for a moment. sincere, azure and gleaming. "i know". you know all to well.
once again you had spent the night at the cameron household and once again was sarah's bed empty. john b had definitely had an influence on her, perhaps not a positive one.
with a groan you sit up to examine your surroundings. the bedroom was much the same as it was yesterday. neat and tidy with a few dresses scattered across the floor that had been thrown in haste presumably when sarah had been deciding what to wear last night.
yesterday seemed but all a blur. after your quick stop at the boneyard you remember heading back to the chateau and that was when you were reminded of the amount of alcohol you had consumed.
as though on command a splitting headache surges through your forehead and another groan escapes your lips. if jj were here right now he would be at your beck and call with a glass of water and an aspirin in hand. you knew that you honestly didn't deserve that boy but a girl can be selfish.
realizing that you would have to heed your own needs you get up gingerly from the air mattress and attempt to appear presentable by ruffling your hair and slipping on a pair of sweatpants and grabbing a t-shirt on the nearest chair.
you pull the door open slowly as it was a known fact that it needed to be oiled. maybe this was why sarah chose to sneak out to john b's, although ward was probably the main reason. boy if he knew-
the house was silent which was unusual for the camerons. it either meant that nobody was home or that everyone was peacefully sleeping. either way seemed good enough for you.
each step you made was soft and light against the timber floorboards and luckily enough the stairs didn't have a habit of creaking.
when you had conquered the three flights of stairs and reached the lower level you head towards the kitchen. you weren't particularly sure where they kept the medication but water would be enough to sustain your anguish.
the kitchen was silent as well and a sigh of relief leaves your mouth when you realize you are alone. grabbing a glass from the press you allow the water to run for a moment before slipping the cup underneath.
"you're up early". the voice makes you jump and your hand jerks causing the water to splosh all over the counter. you internally curse to yourself. he seemed to have a habit of sneaking up on people, or maybe it was just you, you couldn't be sure.
"you too" you throw back as you take a sip of your water whilst trying to avoid eye contact. you knew that if you dared look up you would be met with his devilish grin and his messy hair and most likely a lack of clothing on his upper half. those were only assumptions of course.
"i went for a run" he says and he as he makes his way over to the sink you permit a quick peek. his hair was messy although he did seem to be wearing a t-shirt, a white one that was drenched in sweat.
he takes a glass and leans over you to reach the water. he could have simply asked you to move or you could've just done so yourself but you found yourself rooted to the spot.
when rafe had filled his cup he spotted your flaming cheeks. he smirks. "you considering my offer?" he says as he peeks over the perch of the glass as he takes a sip.
you scoff. he's so confident in himself, simply because your cheeks had reddened at your closeness. this was not uncommon it happened to most girls, when they found themselves with an attractive-. "no. my answer is no" you confirm but by the way your voice wobbles as he nears again rafe can't believe your answer.
"i have a boyfriend". he moves closer. "i like him....a lot". rafe pauses perhaps a metre away from you.
"but you don't love him?".
"that's none of your business".
he chuckles as he scours his mouth with his tongue. "i make you nervous". you gulp as he once again aims to close the gap between you two. "you just can't accept why".
you dismiss his words with a swift shake of your head. "no, you make me uncomfortable" you say trying your hardest to block out the sounds of your heart pounding through your chest.
"fine. think what you want. my offer still stands. always will. i'll be waiting" he says. again you scoff at his behaviour. and once again you make an escape.
placing the drained glass on the counter you glare at him before making an exit. "bye rafe"you say. rafe smirks and waves a hand in your direction. just as you turn to walk away he calls you back. "y/n". he pauses when you stop and await his words. "stay safe".
with a shake of your head you turn on your heel and walk out of the kitchen, out into the hall onto the front patio. anger bubbles inside you. the fact that he had the audacity to tell you to be safe, astounded you. you bite down hard on your lip when your stomach rumbles and you suddenly crave food and not only that but your boyfriend. you want to feel his arms around your waist, his lips on yours. it's not long before you receive both desires.
jj slips a chip into your mouth and a giggle escapes your lips as he presses a kiss on your nose soon after.
as soon as you had called jj and asked him to go have breakfast he had bribed pope's father to allow the two of you to dine at his restaurant, free of charge. jj could be charming at times but you preferred it when it was just for you.
at this early hour heyward's seafood could be considered deserted apart from the couple sat in the middle of the room. it was clear that heyward was displeased by your presence from the scowl on his face as he wiped a plate dry. or maybe that was just his face?
"you good?" jj asks as he watches you finish the last chip on your plate. sadly for jj you hadn't been very generous in sharing.
"yeah. thanks j" you reply as you push the plate away from you to show that you were in fact full. you liked that about jj, that he cared. all your boyfriends before him had been complete douchebags and when jj learnt of this he vowed to never act in their ways.
for now, his promise was being fulfilled.
"don't thank me". jj tilts his head over to pope's father. "thank you mr.heyward" you call over to him but as expected he doesn't give much of a response, just a grunt.
"wanna get out of here?" jj asks but it doesn't seem a question as he pulls back his chair and extends his hand for you to take.
for figure eight it was quiet morning with mostly unfamiliar faces wandering around the streets. jj smiles at you as you step out onto the path, your palm firmly in his.
having noticing the absence of human activity jj pulls you closer to him to which you don't object. you valued moments like these, when he held you, tenderly. he moves closer attempting to set his lips upon yours.
before he gets the chance you pause and then pull away when a familiar sound enters your ears. a sound that caused your heart to pound. that bike had become his main mode of transport as of late which made it easier to know when he was nearby.
"what's wrong?" jj asks, lifting his thumb to trace your cheek. you swallow the lump in your throat. you shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to kiss your boyfriend especially in front of him.
you close your eyes when you hear the bike near and then the noise stops.
"y/n?" rafe calls and when he notices that you are not alone an anger surges in him.
jj removes his hand from your cheek but still holds you close. "what are you doing? get off her man" rafe says having progressed gingerly close to jj to pull him away from your hold.
"rafe stop" you growl as it is clear that his intentions will result in bloody fists. rafe remains with a firm hold on jj's collar but when jj holds his hands up in defense he frees him from this hold.
"what gave you the right?" rafe says as he glares at jj. jj scoffs, not fully meeting his eye and then lets out a brazen laugh.
jj peeks a look over at you and it is now that a wave of shame clouds you. "well?" rafe says prompting a response and as jj begins to lash out you step between the two.
"rafe. jj is my boyfriend" you tell him. it takes a moment for rafe to fully comprehend your words before he steps back knowing that it was not his place to accuse jj of such things.
"sorry man" rafe apologizes as he slips his hands into the pockets of his shorts. it was rare for him to get embarrassed but by the way his cheeks flared he was experiencing such an event.
"it's okay dude. just glad that if something like that did happen you'd look out for her". and by the way jj smiles much in the way he smiles when he sees you, you take this as an accpetance of his apology.
"always" rafe says. with a quick nod he steps back before turning on his heel. it's not long before he mounts himself onto his bike and with his helmet on his head he spies a quick look at you before pushing down the flap. he waves a hand before starting the engine and then driving off into the distance.
jj returns his arm around your waist and out of instinct he places a comforting kiss on the top of your head. but you aren't paying attention, to any of it. you are far to focused on the trail of smoke from his bike and that the trail had perhaps come to an end and maybe that was something that you weren't pleased with.
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