#then mc was like awww my baby
weirdraccoon · 1 year
Tom 6yo: I want a little brother.
MC, Sebastian, and Ominis:
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Sebastian: I mean...
Ominis: Sebastian, no.
MC: Perhaps we could adopt Harry.
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romance-rambles · 2 months
[from lars' te1] mc being a hater early on is so funny to me.
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like ouch, poor him. objectively speaking, though?
girl, me too. i'm surprised you didn't kill him.
i mean, exhibit a:
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exhibit b:
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exhibit c (never mind the fact that this is essentially exactly what she does once they start dating. minus the autograph):
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exhibit d (this one is particularly embarrassing to me):
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exhibit e:
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exhibit f (this one is on mc, but. but i think we should pick up the pitchforks anyway):
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tsukii0002 · 11 months
I really want i skit where mc’s friends just meet the demon brothers, I think it’ll be really funny.
Yep that's will be amazing 😂😂, there is so much options,.
Mc'friend 1: Mc...
Mc: Yes?
Mc's friend 2: There ... There is a very angry blonde guy next to you.
Mc: Oh!! Yes, he's Satan.
Mc's friends: ...
Mc: You know the demon, the biblical creature, Satanas.
Mc's friends: *paling*
Satan: *to mc* I don't like that name.
Mc: Awww, sorry baby *kissing his head*
Satan: *happy demon noises*
Mc's friend 1: Do... Do you need help? Havr you been trapped or...?
Mc: Nah, they are my family.
Mc's friend 2: They?
Mc: Yep, there are another sis demons... Wait, nine, another nine demons.
Mc's friends: *sweating* Should we call an exorcist????!!!
Satan: They are starting to annoy me.
Mc: Nah, don't worry, I also know angels.
Mc's friend 1:... I think we should go...
Mc's friend 2: yeah, to the crurch or something...
The two of them run away but bump into someboy.
Mc's friend 1 : Sir you have to run, there is a demon!!!
Mc: *from afar* Oh, that's Lucifer!!!!
Mc's friends:... *fainted*
Lucifer: ??
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extremely self indulgent: btm and tssw ros reactions to a seemingly shy and skittish mc being attacked and said mc panicking and Immediately knocking out said attacker with a single karate chop to the head out of reflex (while still panicking) before the ros can even react. my btm mc is like this and i feel like hilarity ensues.
Morkai: mouth drops open and he stares between the fallen enemy and the MC incredulously. "What am I even here for?" he asks after a moment with a snort and goes to kiss the MC silly. Is secretly proud.
Straasa: eyes widen in surprise for a second, but he immediately clocks that the MC is still panicking so he rushes to take them in his arms and comfort them, rubbing their back and praising how good they did. "You are so brave, my heart. I know how scary it must have been."
Daelynn: makes an awww of disappointment that she didn't get to kick the enemy's butt, then she realizes that her shy MC was the one to knock them out and starts laughing in delight. "You are full of surprises, aren't you, darling?" Then she pounces.
Eledwen: has a moment of surprise, but she is more concerned about the MC panicking, so she rushes over with a frown of concern to make sure they are okay. Might kick the fallen enemy out of the way. "It's okay, they're gone, they cannot hurt us."
Manerkol: stares in disbelief for a second, then he chuckles as he prowls his way to the MC, enveloping them in his arms and peppering kisses on their face, neck and ears. He teases, "Are you going to be the one protecting me from now on?"
Zach: pauses in disbelief, then they grin predatorily, absolutely into it. They open their arms in invitation. "That was so sexy, baby. Come and get your reward." Once they securely hold the MC, their hands and lips start roaming.
Cy: immediately flashes a feral grin, delighted and aroused. "Hell yeah, babe." They are in the MC's space within the blink of an eye, crowding them against a surface and growling as they ensure the MC can focus on nothing but Cy's body against theirs. Cy never doubts the MC's competence in anything.
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envy-of-the-apple · 7 months
Hello, first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! I hope you had a happy birthday today !
I recently read your recent fic (The Sun eats the Moon) and the writting was amazing. But I have some question in my mind like :
"After that maybe 'Reader' could take contraception in secret, no ?"
"Is she (or they) gonna end up married to him, and forced to be a housewife or just following him where he goes ?" honestly I think her destiny is tragic no matter the result.
"How did he react to her disappearance, did he tried to find her (honestly my question was why he didn't ask her parents or search where did she goes, but honestly its a good thing that he didn't search) ? And during 10 years, how was to him ?" Maybe the only thing we can say "good" about him is he will only looking toward her and not any women after THAT day...?
And last question, I was wondering what will happen to them after THAT day like I know fr that in the media there will be news, but honestly I think the conclusion is well writting, the fact you first introduce the concept about the Moon and conclued with the detailed about the Moon and how tragic the ending is for them (Moon and 'Reader'). And if you are going to a Geto's it's will also be interesting because he was there to.
Sorry for the long message (eng isn't my first language) and thanks you to read that ! Have a nice day or night !
Thank you!!!!!!All great great great questions! I'll try to answer them as best as I can before giving tooo much away lol:
Why cant Ms.Moon take contraception?
yes Ms.Moon (that's my nickname for the mc now lol) could definitely try to take contraception in secret but I don't think it'll be a good ending if Gojo finds out. In the comments of the fic, many ppl were pointing out that Gojo was intentionally trying to get Ms. Moon pregnant back when they were "dating" buuuut it was sort of an afterthought for him. His logic was 'oh well it doesn't matter either way. you're staying with me regardless' but now that he's seen that Ms.Moon is 100% willing to leave him his next course of action is 'k well can't do that if you have a kid'. It's really not about Ms.Moon having a baby, rather it's insurance that bestie won't just dip again. He cares about you more than any kid you'd make together (awww thats so....sweet???)
Will Gojo force Ms.Moon to get married?
Probably, he's a romantic at heart teehee. But also he loves the attention. Part of the reason he was so effective in "keeping" Ms.Moon (in high school) was largely due to public pressure. Now, where he's basically a celebrity, his obsession with the spotlight has only increased. He's gonna be on talk shows and never shy about your relationship to the press. Gojo will definitely describe your relationship as 'newly reunited highschool sweethearts'. People at work will definitely bombard you for the details, and you were never one to be defiant so you'd probably just mutely agree with him (that's why he loves you so much: you're so agreeable). He'd make sure your wedding is the biggest celebration of the year. And then he'd drag you to Aruba or something for yalls honeymoon:)
Why didn't Gojo try to find Ms. Moon?
He did! When you dipped (graduated early and left for college) he went ballistic. I totally forgot to add this in, but Gojo is a huge reason why Ms.Moon doesn't talk to family anymore/anyone in that town. You didn't even tell your parents what college you were headed off to. I bet Gojo harrassed your family for a bit, because he's Gojo Satoru, but when it's clear you just disappeared I bet he was depressed. As terrible as he was, he did love you. It was also a pride thing for him. No one's ever 'won' against him, and you technically did. He'd greatly underestimated you and you got away. I bet he'd be a little impressed at that. I think in the fic it was greatly implied that he was searching for you buuuut eventually he forgot because he got so busy with his life. He still thought about you, but its was probably more along the lines of 'damn, can't believe i lost that bitch' And then you unceremoniously fell from the sky. Surprising, but he's grateful. It was fate to meet you again or was it? *cackles in omniscient author*
The Aftermath
Yeah, you're not living a normal life after that ever again. You're moving in with him, he's getting that marriage certificate ready bye bye freedom. I don't think he'd lock you up, buuuut having a security detail on you at all times, putting a tracker in your phone, and constantly calling/texting you is pretty close to life in prison right? EVENTUALLY, he'd limit your social network, then not-so-gently encourage you to quit your job. By the end of it, you'll be his little housewife but I think he'd be nice about it. (kind of)
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choccy-milky · 2 months
Their kids are so cute omg i'm gonna dir of adorableness
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lewis: then die LMFAOO NO BUT FRR THANK UU IM GLAD U THINK SO🥹🥹💖💖💖all the love for them (esp lewis) gave me the idea to draw him deflecting all the attention so ty for giving me the excuse to post it....we luv our aloof distant boi🥰
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its funny bc i was JUST talking about this recently, but i dont like pet names at all BAHAH, hence why seb and clora dont call each other anything, not even nicknames.... seb calls her the light/princess/a bird sometimes as playful and teasing jokes, but doesnt actually address her like that. and clora always calls sebastian by his full name as well, bc i was basing her dialogue/my writing off the game dialogue...bc for as close as anne and ominis are to seb, both of THEM call him sebastian in full, so maybe it was a victorian thing that nicknames werent really common? plus clora's so proper that it just feels like its in her personality to always call seb "sebastian"... i feel like if she ever DID call him "seb" he'd do a double take and be like ...HUH? who are you???......are you polyjuiced? LMAO. i do imagine seb calling clora "love" when they get older tho (not in hogwarts) bc i like how simple it is, and imagining him saying stuff like 'careful, love' makes me🫠🫠🫠🫠
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aw TYY💖💖 honestly i didnt give the victorian setting TOO much thought, other than making clora more modest/not used to wearing trousers etc. like the actual victorian courting process was that youd ALWAYS be chaperoned by at least 1 other person and you wouldnt be able to kiss or anything, so the fact that our mcs are in a co-ed school with free reign already ruins that, so i wouldnt worry too much about it. a lot of it you can just wave off with the excuse that wizard society is more advanced than muggle society, which is true anyway LOL. i just kept the parts that i thought were fun/made it feel victorian ENOUGH but got rid of the stuff that was too annoying (one big example being the amount of clothing they wear....i said it in the notes for one of my chapters, but i wasnt about to make seb go through like 5 different layers just to touch cloras titty LMFAO) and no i didnt have 1 specific website i used, id just google "blank in victorian times" and look through all the articles and resources i could on that subject, and take little bits of it. SO YEA i wouldnt worry about it too much, just take what you want if you think it could enrich your story, and leave stuff out if its annoying to deal with BHAHA. and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING!!💖💖
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BAHAHA yeah sebs bark was defs bigger than his bite when it came to actually having kids/getting clora pregnant LOL. he defs loves the pregnancy part, but i feel like seeing her go through the actual labour was super hard on him/made him feel guilty bc he hates to see her in pain, let alone bc of HIM. not to mention that i imagine he would still work even once they have kids, so to leave clora with like 6 kids by herself isnt something he would have wanted to do LOL. once both lewis and celeste are in hogwarts tho i actually imagine seb and clora still doing curse breaking as well (albeit less dangerous jobs/not as far away) BUT YES having a third kid that looks like seb and is sassy like anne would be SO CUTEEE...a happy accident is a good idea too, tho i kinda like the idea of it being cloras idea.....like, she gets baby fever again now that the kids are kinda growing up and sebs like no i dont wanna put u through that again... but obvs seb wouldnt be able to resist if clora was begging seb to put a baby in her LMFAOOO its already as good as done at that point😇😇 AND THANK YOU, and im glad you liked it!!!🥹💖💖💖
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@the-kcm-muggleborn AWWW ur right thats so pretty.....ty for showing me!!🥹and im glad it make you think of clora...SHE WOULD APPROVE OF THESE STUDIES👌⭐🌙
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Hey there! I know I know, I just asked you for a request*, but this idea hits so hart today >.< My request number two: Reaction of Students and Professors if - how in Merlins name could this happen?! - some photographs from MC as a baby/toddler/child circulate around Hogwarts....some really cute and really embarrassing pictures from their first years. Awww! I would love it, I'm giggling alone in my dark room at the moment... Your blog is beautiful and I hope so is your evening! *I still request it, but just if you like^^
A/N: this is hilarious! Lmao
A spell mishap and Peeves interference had MC frantically running all over Hogwarts trying to collect the photos but they just kept multiplying and flying away.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He entirely entertained watching MC run around like a chicken with its head cut off to collect all the photos. He doesn't really understand what they're freaking out about anyway, they're cute pictures. Especially the one where MC wears a pair of trousers on their head.
OMINIS GAUNT: To him the whole thing sounds like someone left a door open and a bunch of leaves were blowing around inside. It's only through the surrounding students that he determines that they were photographs of an embarrassing nature. Heh, He's glad it's not him.
ANNE SALLOW: She stows one away. One of MC proudly holding a bored looking cat like a teddy bear. It was too cute to let it fly away. She'll give it back eventually.
IMELDA REYES: She laughs at MC expense and walks away. This is their problem to solve, she has flying to do.
NATSAI ONAI: She's running around with MC trying to collect the photos. She can't help but stop every once in awhile to admire a good one, though. MC was a really cute baby.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He was eating lunch when one smacks him in the face. He looks at it, chuckles and then goes back to eating. He holds it up for MC to snatch when they come barreling through the Great Hall.
LEANDER PREWETT: He casually goes through the photos that fly to him and he admires them. Not just how cute and funny some of them were but seeing where and how MC grew up. Photos tell a story and he was very interested in it.
AMIT THAKKAR: He tries to help with summoning spells. He collects a few at a time but the photos are multiplying faster than they can catch. They're jinxed!
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's sneaking away from the situation. He was practicing the duplication jinx and accidentally hit MC's photo album. He doesn't even remember why they had it with them. Just that Peeves showed up after the photos burst from the book.
POPPY SWEETING: She just watches the chaos. She's sure jobberknolls hopped up on accelerant potion would be easy to collect. She does see a few photos that settle near her. MC eating cereal out of an expensive looking vase is her favorite.
ELEAZAR FIG: "Peeves! Stop this at once!" Peeves drops the pile of duplicating photos and flies off with a cackle. He nullified the jinx and helped MC clean up. He sees a few photos and smiles to himself. He'd have to ask if he could see them proper some day.
MATILDA WEASLEY: "Aresto Momentum!" With a powerful wave a magic, all the photos stopped dead in their tracks. She looks at MC with slight disappointment. One spell could have fixed all this instead of panicking. "Clean up this mess, I'll handle Peeves." She storms after the poltergeist.
CHIYO KOGAWA: "Well, that's unfortunate." She finds one photo of MC drinking water from a puddle next to the family dog. "Kids..." She chuckles and hands the photo to MC when they run past.
AESOP SHARP: He's mid sip of morning tea when he walks in on the situation. Peeves has done worse. He turns around and walks away from the pandemonium.
ABRAHAM RONEN: He laughs as he joins MC in the chase. "This is fun!" He exclaims like it's just one big game. He will adore MC's pictures, they'll have a hard time getting them away from him without explaining them.
MIRABEL GARLICK: "Peeves! You absolute scoundrel! Stop tormenting the students!" She shoos away the poltergeist and helps MC collect the photos and cancel the jinx. She checks if MC is actually alright. These photos may be embarrassing but they are more than that. They're precious memories.
MUDIWA ONAI: With a wave of her hand, all the photos come to her. She gives Peeves a stern look, which he returns with a loud raspberry, and she hands the photos back to MC. "You should be more careful with these. They may be embarrassing moments now but they are wonderful memories to hold on to. Would you like to see Natty's?" She chuckles.
DINAH HECAT: She sighs and wordlessly waves her wand at Peeves. He stops, drops the photos, and dives through the floor in hast. No one knows what she did but she is one of the few people at Hogwarts Peeves is actually afraid of.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He watches Peeves fly by. He sinks through the floor to the dungeons and finds the Bloody Baron. "He's at it again." The Baron zooms off to do unspeakable things to Peeves.
SATYAVATI SHAH: She quietly collects a few photos after Peeves had his fun and gives them back to MC without a word.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: He's just annoyed by the interruption of his day. The poltergeist, the students, they're all so annoying.
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Hello!!! Back to request a Dom!Felix/Sub!Reader. Where reader has a Voice kink and absolutely cannot cum without Felix’s guidance.
The Voice
Felix x Female reader
Word count: 2.3K (of absolute Felix filth)
Synopsis: When your boyfriend is out of town, there's only one rule. DON'T touch what's his, but when he's gone and you get needy, your man gives in to you just this once. The trouble is you need his voice to get off.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! This from start to finish was a whole ass ride! 🤭 @cessixja I hope this is everything you wanted and more and I hope this sooths the sting from the last 2 thick reader stories for everyone! If you all like this please give it a reblog, like, comment, lose it in my asks whatever! Love the feedback it FUELS ME! lol! As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, LOTS of dirty talking, masterbation (m&f), guided masterbation, Felix dom/MC sub dynamic. Cum play (a little), sext pictures, I think that's it really but if I missed something let me know and I'll add it asap!
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When you found out your boyfriend’s performance in Paris was going to be televised you told yourself to record it and watch it later. You knew if you watched it live what would happen. The same thing that always happened when you saw Felix preforming on stage. Seeing him dancing, hot and sweaty, lifting his shirt and showing his abs, millions of people screaming for the man that you got to have. It made your pussy throb with want but Felix had one rule when he was out of town. No touching yourself. So you were going to record it and watch it with him when he got home, that way when your juices soaked through your panties Felix could fuck your brains out.  
That’s what you were going to do but when you clicked the tv on to set the channel to record, it had already started. Suddenly flashing across your one hundred- and twenty-inch tv that Felix insisted on buying for gaming, was the man himself, thrusting and gyrating his hips on stage, sweat dripping down his face. The boys all turned doing the choreo for Charmer and Chan, Innie and Felix all lifted their shirts showing off their abs. You only cared about Felix, zeroed in on the hard lines of his body that trailed and disappeared into his pants that hung low on his hips. You pressed your legs together already starting to feel your sex throb with want but you didn’t dare touch yourself. Not without Felix’s express permission.  
Then the lights went out and red spotlights flooded the stage. Oh fuck. Not Red Lights you said to yourself, anything but Red Lights. Sure enough the boys all walked forward with their collars on and you knew you were fucked! You wanted to rub your pussy over your silky pajama shorts so badly, but you liked being a good girl for Felix just a bit more. The reward outweighed the want... to an extent. You knew he was on stage and wouldn’t be able to answer right away, that was okay, you had to ask. You pulled out your phone and texted Felix. You started by sending him a pic of your cute lacey pajama set you had on. 
You: Lixie baby... I accidentally saw Charmer and Red Lights when I turned the tv on to record. I’m so wet! Can I pretty please touch myself tonight? Just this once? 
You set your phone down and patiently waited for a response while your cunt refused to stop oozing for Felix. You had dozed off on the couch a little bit until you heard your text alert go off a couple hours later. You woke up quickly grabbing your phone, the ache between your legs still present. 
Lixie: Those are cute jammies angel. I thought you weren’t going to watch until I was home? You know the rules baby. That pussy is mine. NO touching. 
You: I know Lixie, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I’ll be a good girl. I won’t touch it. 
Lixie: Awww angel, you’re always such a good girl for me... 
Lixie: Okay, just this once I let you play with what's mine. You just make sure you send me an audio clip of your sweet moans to cum to angel. 
You: REALLY!? You mean it Lixie baby?! I can play with it?! 
Lixie: Yes my love, you can play with that cute little cunt just tonight and only fingers, no toys. Understand me? 
You: Oh yes Lixie! I do baby! I’ll be so good! I’ll finger myself and scream your name when I cum and send it to you. 
Lixie: That’s my good girl. Have fun angel. 😘
You: ❤️🥰😘 I love you! 
Lixie: I love you too sweet thing. 
You rushed to you and Felix’s room, slid off your silky shorts and got comfortable on your bed. You pulled up the recording of the performance and watched your man dancing as you started to run your hands over the silky material still covering your breasts. You pinched and played with your nipples before running your hands further down your body tracing your fingers through your wet cunt, collecting your arousal and spreading it over your clit with two fingers. You kept your phone close so when you came you could record it and send it to Felix like he’d told you to. You teased your clit and pushed your fingers inside yourself trying to climax, trying to cum, but you couldn’t. You were so used to hearing Felix’s deep voice as he teased and fucked you that without it, you couldn’t get off. You huffed out a frustrated sigh and picked up your phone to text Felix again. 
You: I’m sorry Lixie no matter how much I play with it, I can’t make it cum without you telling me to. I miss your voice baby. 
Lixie: Awww angel, you poor poor thing. Is your pussy throbbing for me? Hmm? Does it hurt? 
You: YES Lixie I want to cum so badly! 
Shortly after you hit send on the text your phone rang and the cute picture of you and Felix kissing on the love bridge popped up. You answered quickly excited. 
“Lixie?!” He cooed at you on the phone. 
“Awww angel, it does hurt doesn’t it, I can hear it in your voice.” You whined and you already started to feel your body responding to Felix’s deep demon like voice. 
“It does Lixie, what should I do?” He hummed thinking.  
“Hmmm, why don’t you start rubbing your clit for me hm?” You let out a deep breath just hearing his voice was already helping you relax. 
“Okay Lix...” You started teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves with your wet fingers and it already felt so much better than it had before. 
“How does that feel angel? Is it getting better?” You let out a soft whimper. 
“A little...” you whined 
“Push a finger inside baby let me hear how juicy you are for me.” You held the phone closer to your cunt and pumped your finger inside yourself, a loud squelching came from your dripping hole. You put the phone back to your ear. 
“I’m so fucking wet for you Lix... fuck!” He hummed and his breaths were starting to come out faster, more labored, he was touching himself and it only made the want between your legs worse. 
“Fuck... you are angel. I wish I was there to lick you clean... fucking love the way you taste baby. Put another finger in and fuck yourself harder, I want it to sound like your pussy is in front of me. Go on.” You put the phone close to your sex again and added a finger pumping it into your tender cunt faster and harder. Your juices squishing and oozing from you.  
“Fuck! Fuck! Oh god Lixie it feels so good, I wish it was your fingers inside me, your thick cock... mmm. I know you would make me cream on it and clean it up. Fuck I wanna clean your cock so bad for you baby.” Felix’s deep voice rumbled through the phone as he got more excited. 
“You’re absolutely right angel, I’d fuck my hole wide open until you juiced all over my dick, and then I’d make you choke on it. Would you like that baby? You wanna gag on my cock?” You were getting more worked up every time his thunderous voice told you what he’d do to your wet pussy and what he’d make you do to him. 
“Yes Lixie FUCK! FUCK! Wish you were here baby, wish you could fuck my throat. You always call me a good girl when I let you fuck my throat, it makes me so wet for you Lix.” He hummed and you could hear the wet sound of Felix jacking off on the other end of the phone. 
“MMmmm You are my good girl, let me take the holes I want to take, cum where I want to cum. MMMmmm want you to start teasing your clit while you fuck that cunt with your fingers... add a third one I wanna hear you screaming for me angel. Fuck! I’m so close!” You heard wet fapping moving faster. You put your phone by your ear on your pillow and you started to tease your clit again, adding a third finger inside your hole just like Felix said to. 
“Fuck! Felix!”  
“That’s right angel say my fucking name while you finger fuck yourself.” You moaned louder, his deep voice sent vibrations through your body the dirtier the things he said got. 
“So full Lixie wish it was your fingers, your cock...” You whined as you felt the coil in you tighten. 
“I know angel, I’ll give you my cock good and hard when I get home but now I need you to cum on those fingers for me, fuck that cunt good I wanna hear it...” You were pumping your fingers inside your slick pussy so hard the wet sound of your palm slapping against your cunt was loud enough to hear without moving the phone closer. 
“Fuck yes angel, hard, finger fuck yourself hard for me fuck!!!” Fap fap fap fap and Felix’s heavy breaths were all you could hear in between the wicked demonic sounding words that came from his lips. 
“Are you gonna cum Lixie?” You moaned and he grunted, tugging on his cock faster, harder. 
“OH FUCK YES! I’m gonna cum angel and you’re gonna fucking cum with me, spit on your fingers, press four of them against that clit and rub it like you mean it, like you’re gonna drip down my dick baby.” You spit on the fingers that had been teasing your clit and did as Felix said, pressing your four fingers against it hard and rubbing fast as you fucked yourself with your other hand. 
“F-F-Felix! Fuck! Tell me I can cum baby! I need to hear it! Need you to give me permission, need to hear your voice!!!” Felix was moaning and panting just as much as you were. 
“Uhuhuhuh fuck angel cum.... you hear me? FUCKING CUM!” His voice growled through the receiver and you started to cum on your fingers. 
“FUCKFUCKFUCK! OH MY GOT LIXIE YES! OH FUCK YOUR VOICE DON’T STOP!” He didnt’ he kept saying the most deliciously dirty things to you. 
“Oh fuck oh fuck yes, cream for me baby, let me hear that pussy gush! Fuck it! Fuck it! Yes slap your clit angel let me hear you scream!!!” You started slapping your clit hard working your fingers inside you, prolonging your orgasm. Smack smack smack and then you started coming again. 
“FELIXFELIXFELIXFUCKFUCKFUCK!” You heard Felix spit in his hand, fap fap fap fap the wet sound of his hand squeezing and jerknig his cock to the sounds of your sweet screams of his name. 
“OUuuughhhh! FUUHHHHHUCK! UHUHUHUH! MMMMMM! ANGEL YOU’RE SUCH A DIRTY GIRL FOR ME! FUCK I'M COMING ALL OVER MYSELF FOR YOU ANGEL!” Felix squeezed and pulled on his cock until every bit of his seed spilled on his tummy. He was breathing heavy after his orgasm. 
“Whew... huh... uh... we’re not done yet here angel I wanna hear you cream one more time. Now slap that cunt and fuck your fingers like you have my cock.” You were panting a layer of sweat glistening on your body. 
“I-I-I don’t know if I can Lixie...” He cooed at you. 
“Awww angel you can and you will. Now be my good girl. Slap that pussy and fuck that hole open real good for me, cum for me and I’ll send you a picture of the mess I made for you.” You slapped your cunt and fucked your fingers and when you heard Felix’s deep voice promise a picture of his cum covered abs you came on the spot. 
“MMMMMMMLIXIELIXFELIX FUCK DO YOU HEAR IT BABY?” Slapping and squelching is all that could be heard as you came for a third time. You were panting, fucked out and out of breath. 
“Such a good girl, fuck, my angel, rub it out baby, nice and soft, smear those juices around good for me cause I want a picture of that sopping wet pussy. I know it’s so fucking creamy I can practically taste it.” You gently ran your whole hand over your cunt spreading your slick all over, making a mess. You took a picture of your glistening fingers parting your pussy lips that were coated in your cum showing Felix your fucked out hole leaking your juices. You sent it and when Felix opened the picture you could hear him take in a sharp breath. 
“Oh angel, you did so good. Almost looks like I pounded that hole open. SUCH a good girl.” You suddenly got a text notification and you opened it to see Felix’s defined abs, his crotch, his hand that was stroking his softening cock, all of it covered in his cum it was such a big load. You moaned softly knowing you had the same effect on him as he did on you. 
“Lixie SO much cum! You made such a mess baby. I wish I could clean it up for you. I’d lick every drop. You always taste so sweet.” He hummed satisfied and starting to get drowsy post nut.  
“I know you would angel. Be a good girl and get some rest. I’ll be home tomorrow and by the time I’m done with you baby, your gonna be so full you’ll squeezing my cum out of every hole. Would you like that?” You hummed also feeling the post nut sleep pulling at you. 
“Mmhmm. Promise?” You could hear the smile in Felix’s voice 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @jisuperboard @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @svintsandghosts @the-sweetest-rose @alice05280 @3rachasninja @m0ri-apeuda @eastleighsblog @linoification @mlink64 @smally97 @fun-fanfics
“Oh I promise angel, I promise.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
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Aka- One of my new favorite mobile games of all time.
I love it so far, the battles are so much more addicting tbh, and the type of challenge I love!
Now onto the MC!
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Ngl, I live for MC to be an absolute smartass during Nightbringer. The whole
"Aw, shit. Here we go again" additude 100%
Their relationship with Lucifer being 100% enemies to business partners to "Maybe I like you slightly" HES THE NEW TSUNDERE, SORRY MAMMON
Mammon being once again their first man even if he doesnt realize it yet. And MC is just already soft on him, like "Baby? BABY!" I can just see Mammons surprise in MC's obvious favoritism in him. Then not knowing how to react-
MC finding Levi to be 10000% more adorable while hes on the side freaking out of him just being glanced at- like DID YALL SEE THE FIRST SCENE WITH HIM- He called MC an "It" while freaking out like a dog meet its first opossum on the fence. Then just turned soft at Ruri-chan then said sike with a threat.
Poor poor Satan. "We all took turns teaching him different things-" Bitch, you shoved him into a lock and called it a day. MC showing up like "Not in my not-house" Satan, let me show you cats.
Asmodeus being more or less the same. Just more outward worry for his bros. MC just vibing with him like any other Tuesday. "Aw, so perfect" "MC, he threatened a flower" "So perfect" Take that how you will.
Awww man! Thank goodness for the apprentice job. MC having chapter 1 flashbacks when hearing Beel talking about eating them so casually. "I promise Ill try not to eat ya" Ya better hope so, I dont think your future will be happy at all if ya did- "Heres some snacks- ANYWAY LUCIFER YOU BRAT-"
....So how much did Belphie hate humans after the fall again? .....Alot? Like with his whole existance? ....Enough to want to erase the whole Earth realm practically?....*Scared Hidden human noises*
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Also Battle chibi MC :D
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thedivineflowers · 1 year
Had a funny thought but imagine RSA meeting middle school!reader, and seeing how absolutely feral they are.
But some see past that, and see just a child and immediately go to pick them up and hold them like a stuffed animal saying:
"Awww look at the little baby!!!"
❤ anon
Apparently selected students of RSA were allowed on a field trip to NRC.
And you being one of the most popular students at NRC Crowley said that you'd be giving the students a tour. You of course couldn't go against Crowleys word or else you wouldn't be eating for the week 😔.
You had to wait in the mirror chamber for the RSA students to come through and when they did you had introduced yourself. "My Name is Y/n, I will be giving you all a tour of the school, and after that I will lead you to where you all will be staying for the next three days." You said, trying to stay professional like Crowley said so he doesn't take your allowance.
Before you couldn't say anything else the student named Neige Leblanche had tilted your head up so he could take a look at you. "Aww! When I heard Vil talking about you he showed me a picture of you and you look even cuter in person!! You have to see this!" Neige squealed as he squished your cheeks and showed you to the dwarfs
That's how it was for the whole tour, even when you got into a small fight with a Savannaclaw group Neige squealed over you.
"Oh, look at how brave you are! I'm sure Vil is so proud of you! I seriously wish I met you sooner!" Neige said as he hugged your head. Dawg his hands were so soft and warm it took you everything in your being to not sob and cry in his arms right there.
And when you lead them to ypur dorm where they were staying Neige was CONCERNED FOR YOU.
"Oh, so you stay here by yourself?" Neige asked. "I stay here with a Cat named Grim, I'm sorry about how dirty the dorm is. Crowley left me on a short notice so I could only clean three rooms decently." You said calmly to Neige. "Really? I've taken care of a cottage by myself but not a whole dorm building! That must be so tiring for you to clean so much!" Neige said with a concerned face. "I'm used to it. Anyways I have to go make dinner for you and the others." He looked at you with a shocked face as you walked into the kitchen.
10/10 would recommend but he insisted that he go to have a conversation with Crowley with how he treated you. In the end you got him to stay and he gave you cookies. His dwarfs also are the bestest of friends with you and have given you flowers to press in a book that Neige gave you for the inconvenience.
You and him immediately locked eyes and smirked. Y'all are the bestest of the silliest of people. Literally you can tell when he is with you that is how close y'all two are like fuck.
You were dubbed as Chen'ya's younger sibling with how you two will mess with people by the RSA students who went on the trip
And genuinely he like cares about you that he refuses to let you sleep on the couch while he slept in your room he had to roll you up in blankets and place you on the bed while he slept in the room you cleaned for him.
Even when you got into a fight with the Savannaclaw group he backed you up and scared the students away with you.
During the tour he gave you the most randomest things that he claimed to have found lying around. You ended the day with 1,000 more madol in your pocket.
If you're seen as feral on a normal Tuesday then wait for when Chen'ya appears. Riddle and Trey will be jump scared so much by the two of you you were so close to being burnt by fresh tea and getting hit with a whisk.
10/10 outta pocket fella and you two harassed Crowley into giving you more allowance. (MC has magic after their own overblot) He even taught you how to appear and scare people the way he does using your magic.
My Spotify was fucking up and I got annoyed but I genuinely liked writing this even if it seems to not have any energy to some people.
I would've added prince Rielle but I don't know anything about little man but if I find out more about him to be able to write him I will do it.
I might write when you met them for the first time maybe. 🧍‍♂️
Anyways here you go my ❤️ anon pookie ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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notquitebunnie · 7 months
Please welcome my baby, Remiel
Context: @2af-afterdark made a God!MC au, so I took that concept and made my God!MC revive the Seraph that Gabriel killed. He's an old, one time, OC for a collab, but he's perfect for this so I decided to bring him back
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Nation: Heaven
Epithet: The Eater of Devils
Idiosyncrasy: Forced Orgasm
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 185cm
Weight: 77kg
Length: 27cm
Confidence point: Eyes
Favorite food: Hot pot with broth made from the bones of devils
Favorite accessory: His lyre
Favorite weather: Cloudy day sky and clear night sky
Habit: Flicking his wings
Hobby: Cooking
Ideal type: God himself
Ideal target: People who are reactive
Ideal body type: Soft and squishy bodies
More infos ⬇️
It's a long one
Likes: Feeding heavenly pets devil meat, eye-care, wing-care, Collecting devils' horns
Dislikes: Bright flashing lights, serious people, rain, Avisos(too bright even at night)
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@2af-afterdark wanted to know
What is his favorite dessert?
• His favorite dessert is Peach Crumble
Is he a morning person or a night owl?
• He’s a night owl, he have 12 eyes so he’s very sensitive to light
What is his worst "bad habit"?
• His worst “bad habit” is hoarding devil corpses, he cooks some of them but the rest go bad before he can get to them
What is his love language (not exclusive to the main five if those don't fit)?
• His love language is Words of Affirmation, he loves being praised, bombard him with it and he’ll drown you with praises as well
What is the most mundane thing that brings him pleasure/joy?
• The most mundane thing that brings him joy is people/creature watching
Can I give the most gentle butterfly kisses to all of his eyes and hold his hand?
• Yes, yes you can, he would love it. Careful when you’re holding his hands though, he have an eye on each
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• He have 12 eyes
• He can control each individually or as a group
• 4 on his face
• 2 on his shoulders
• 1 on his chest
• 2 on his hands
• 3 that line his back
• He usually have them closed cause it can be disorienting sometimes
• Only used when he lost track of his opponent
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• He likes to tease people he knows, but if his teasing doesn’t work, he’ll try again with a different topic
• He teases Gabriel every time he receives attention from God
• Ex: “Gabriel~ guess what~? God praised my singing again~”
• He teases Michael every time Michael decapitate anyone
• Ex: “Don't waste their heads, Michael, would you mind gathering their heads for my dish?”
• He teases Raphael every time Raphael’s covered in blood
• Ex: “Awww, their blood would’ve made for some delicious broth…actually, Raphael, wanna come sit in this cauldron for a while?”
• He have one devil friend
• Her current whereabouts is unknown, ever since he got revived he has been trying to find her
• She used to be a resident of Gehenna, she left not long after his death
• Teased her about her love life
• Ex: “No luck with devils? How about I hook you up with an angel instead?”
• He treats anyone he doesn’t know coldly
• Ex: First meeting with God!MC he said “Who tf are you?” With a poker face (which then led to Gabby smacking Remiel across his head; Gabriel: "Disrespecting our (new) God? Not on my watch")
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• He sang while playing the lyre for God often because he have a beautiful singing voice
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• Have tried to cook every single body parts and organs of devils
• Have a notebook of how to and how not to cook certain parts
• He likes to gently nibble something or someone
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mini-hc abt the M6 reacting to their kid using MC's nickname for them? for context my mom calls my dad Love all the time to the the point that i usually hear her calling him his actual name like maybe twice a month, and when i was a baby my dad used to travel a lot for work. pair these two things together and you get a story abt how when i was a year or so i heard the lock turning when my dad came home and, according to my mom, I raised a little finger and said "Love is here!" bc i thought Love was my dad's real name jsrhihsrlehflijr
The Arcana Mini-HCs: When M6's kid uses MC's nickname for them
~ that's one of the cutest baby stories I've ever heard and I love it XD thanks for the prompt @buticaaba! ~
Julian: caught completely off guard, and then plays completely into the bit, making up his own related but silly nickname for his kid
Asra: the happiest laugh. Immediately tosses their child up in the air to make them giggle too, keeps remembering it all day and smiling
Nadia: thinks it's the sweetest thing, but starts to overthink it and worry that it means her child doesn't want to call her "Mama"
Muriel: pauses, breaks into a grin, and says it back to his toddler: "You're right, [nickname] is here." picks them up for a hug right away
Portia: squeals from cuteness overload: "awww, baby!! C'mere!!" chases them around the house for tickles and cuddle attacks
Lucio: Takes a second to register it because he was already talking on his way in. Stops, does a double take, then doesn't shut up about it
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mcx7demonbros · 6 months
Unexpected Sight
Ft. The Demon Brothers, especially Lucifer, Lucius (MC's kid) (Lucius is some months old in this fic), Klein (my MC)
Warning: none except that I'm not a parenting expert
Summary: the brothers went to the kitchen at night for different reasons, and they were greeted by an unexpected sight
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The sound of footsteps could be heard in the corridor of the House of Lamentation at the time that is equivalent to midnight in human world. A certain orange-haired demon was walking towards the kitchen, where the fridge was.
However, upon coming close to the kitchen, Beelzebub realized the light was on and he could hear small crying sounds.
(Is someone in the kitchen?) Beel thought before peeking inside.
"Lucius, your food is nearly done." Lucifer said as he was patting the baby Lucius in his arms.
"Waah waah" Lucius seemed to take no heed of his father's words and kept crying.
Lucifer was tired but he looked at his son with soft and caring gaze before grabbing the kettle and poured the hot water into the bottle.
"Let me hold Lucius." Beel came over and offered his help.
"Thank you, Beel." Lucifer nodded at his younger brother and handed the baby to him.
"Stay with your uncle a little bit while I finish making the food for you." Lucifer said softly again to Lucius.
"Waaaaaaaaah" Lucius didn't seem to care and kept crying.
While Beel was tending to the baby, Lucifer put the powdered formula into the bottle, put the teat and the cap on before shaking it.
Just as Lucifer was shaking the bottle to get the powder to dissolve into the water, the two members of Anti-Lucifer League stepped inside the kitchen while discussing among themselves.
"Lucifer wouldn't expect it." Satan said with an evil grin on his face.
"I could imagine his grumpy face right now." Belphie replied with a laugh.
Both Satan and Belphie stopped when they saw Lucifer's grumpy face, it seemed the eldest had heard everything they were discussing. However, the fact that Lucifer was shaking a milk bottle in his hand made him look less scary, hilarious even, to the point Satan and Belphie almost burst out laughing, and they would have if they hadn't known for whom Lucifer was doing this.
Ignoring them, Lucifer checked the bottle again to make sure all the powder had dissolved. Then he checked the temperature of the formula with his wrist. The eldest then put the bottle under cold water to cool down the hot temperature.
"Waaa-" Lucius's cry stopped immediately after Lucifer got him back into his arm and put the bottle into his mouth. The baby opened his deep pink eyes to look at his father, as if he was innocent and didn't cause his father any headache or fatigue just a moment before.
Lucifer didn't say anything but smiled at Lucius.
Suddenly, the secret door to the kitchen opened and Asmodeus emerged from it.
"Why are you guys he-... Awww, what a wholesome sight!" Asmodeus immediately took his phone out and prepared to take a picture.
However, Lucifer turned away, blocking Lucius from Asmo's phone's camera.
"C'mon, Lucifer, just one pic, I won't post it on Devilgram. I'll share that pic only to Klein."
Only with the conditions Asmo promised that Lucifer turned around, letting the fifth-born take a picture of him feeding Lucius.
Right after Lucius finished the formula bottle, Lucifer pat on his back to help him digest his meal.
"Now that you are full, let Dada put you back to sleep." Lucifer said after his son let out a large burp, with Asmo and Beel smiled to the wholesome scene, while Satan and Belphie rolled their eyes.
"Why is everyone here?" Mammon said loudly, almost like shouting, when he entered the kitchen.
"Are we having a midnight snack scene like in the anime?" Levi said with a laugh.
Hearing the loud noise, Lucius's eyes that were preparing to close for sleep opened wide again.
"Dada's here, Dada's here..." Lucifer tried to pacify his crying son as he glared at his two loud brothers.
"You guys are done for." Belphie whispered to Mammon's and Levi's ears.
"N-no way" Mammon and Levi wanted to cry like Lucius.
Meanwhile, at the human realm...
It was already past midnight when Klein finished his Overlord works, which required for him to be present himself. As the Overlord returned to his room inside his Fortress, he took out his DDD and saw a message from Asmodeus in the group chat of the House of Lamentation members.
It was a picture of the Avatar of Pride feeding his son, who is like a copy version of himself. Klein reacted with a heart emoji before messaging "I'll be home first thing tomorrow" before getting to bed, exhausted but looking forward to tomorrow.
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This is my self-indulgent fic, I hope you guys like it :3
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hanafubukki · 4 months
So I keep having this scenario pop in my head and thought I'd share it since it won't go away.
So Mc is holding Grim like a baby because he is sleepy and to help Lil' Grim fall asleep Mc sings to him. The thing is the song Mc sings to Grim is "Once Upon A Dream" (aka the song the boys of Diasomnia get sung to) and one day this super loving scene happens in front of Diasomnia and before Grim fully falls asleep he says "I love you mommy/daddy"
Hello Raven 🌺🌻💚
Awww that’s so sweet 🥹 The scene is so soft and tender. A song so dear to all of them being sung. And then to be called so lovingly such a title?? It would melt anyone.
…I can also see your fave dia boy thinking about their future with you. You’re such a loving parent 🌺🌻 having a big family has always been their dream 🥰🥰
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albywritesfiction · 11 months
I’m just imagining any child of MC and Ædric’s being the king’s favorite grandchild and barely acknowledging Helene and Ædan’s kid, very House of the Dragon- the King and the Duke just fawning over MC and the baby like “yay we’re grandads!!! 🥰🥰🥰” and Helene pops out a little goblin and the king like “oh. Great I guess 🤷‍♂️” then MC and Ædric naming their firstborn after Lucia for that extra tenderness factor 🥹.
Also on that note, I’m sure the king is absolutely thrilled when he sees Ædric and MC getting closer and sees MC become romantically interested in his second son. Just imagining him writing to the Duke like they’re two old biddies gossiping like “HANG ON WE COULD BE IN-LAWS AFTER ALL!!!”
Hello Anon!
Awww this was such a fun and sweet ask!
Helene pops out a little goblin and the king like “oh. Great I guess 🤷‍♂️”
Please I laughed way too hard at this 🤣🤣🤣
then MC and Ædric naming their firstborn after Lucia for that extra tenderness factor 🥹
🥹 My heart can't take the sweetness
Just imagining him writing to the Duke like they’re two old biddies gossiping like “HANG ON WE COULD BE IN-LAWS AFTER ALL!!!”
LOL if they had telephones, I can imagine that they'd be talking at all hours of night, to the point that Lucia would kick Ærick out of their bedroom because she can't sleep with all the noise 🤣🤣🤣
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Grey Asmo
These are my HC
All of the characters would be polygots - like they can change languages and accents depending on moods.
Like Levi would defo Speak Japanese and ramble in Japanese when he is nervous.
Lucifer would speak in a thick british accent (posh) when serious (at meetings)
Asmodeus in a Manhattan accent and french when trying to seduce or flirt.
Belphie would mumble in many languahes
Beel would speak the Angel tounge when he js depressed.
Mammon would sometimes mix Russian or German.
Diavolo would sometimes try to mimik Lucifer
Barbatos would speak Japanese when serious, spanish or arabic, when trying to be purasuasive.
Thirteen would swear in many languages she also is learning
Mephio wouldnt speak in any earth toungge but know the languages of the demon realms, but would speak MC language when talking to them, talking about them he woukd switch to demonic language.
Mc would learn and pick up on phrases in demonic and or angelic languages.
I totally love language headcanons.
But omg Barb speaking Spanish or Arabic, I'd probably lose my whole mind. I already lose my mind when he speaks at me in Japanese from the app lol. I don't need to know what he's saying, I just like to hear his voice... oh no my simp is showing, sorry.
I think it makes sense that they'd all speak multiple languages, considering how old they all are. And I like the idea that they just kinda switch around to whatever works best for the situation at hand.
I never really thought about Mephisto before, but it kinda seems like he might think of it as you know beneath him to speak human languages lol. I mean he obviously has to in order to talk to MC, but it's interesting to think he speaks in some demonic language most of the time.
I love the idea that Thirteen swears in all the languages lol. That feels right for her.
Diavolo just trying to sound like Lucifer awww.
And even though it's kinda sad, I like the idea of Beel speaking angelic when he's depressed... poor baby.
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