#then figure out health insurance with that because thank you American healthcare system
silvermizuki · 6 months
I wanna learn so much but have no time >:(
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sharpenote · 1 year
so. back in march, i received a big ol packet in the mail from my insurance (this is state insurance, too, not private) saying i needed to renew, that i might not be automatically renewed as i have been for the past however many years i’ve had this insurance. i said cool, okay, they have a URL to do this online, i’ll do that. go to the link, website completely nonfunctional. i try again the next day in case it was just receiving a lot of traffic that day from people like me and was having issues because of that. website still completely nonfunctional - at this point i feel comfortable assuming this was its default state, since that tends to be the norm as far as government websites tend go. i say okay, they also have a phone number to call - i’ll do that, since there are presumably fewer steps that can go wrong in that process as opposed to mailing it in (mail could get lost, correspondence could take way too long to hear back from them if i accidentally submitted wrong info, etc). i spoke to a very nice woman on the phone who told me “oh, your insurance has already been automatically renewed, you don’t have to do anything.” i say yay! what a huge load off my chest! this experience has been very stressful for me since my insurance has automatically renewed every year prior to this and i wasn’t sure of the process. thank you so much for checking that for me, ma’am!
SMASH CUT TO TODAY, WHEN I AM AWOKEN BY AN EMAIL NOTIFICATION FROM MY PSYCHIATRIST’S OFFICE THAT IS INFORMING ME THAT MY APPOINTMENT FOR TODAY - THAT I NEED TO REFILL MY MEDICATION THAT I ONLY HAVE A WEEK LEFT OF - HAS BEEN CANCELLED, BECAUSE MY INSURANCE HAS INFORMED THEM THAT I AM NO LONGER COVERED. i say hey, what the fuck! didn’t we take care of this three months ago? so i call the number on my insurance card and ask them, hey, what the fuck? Does this mean my doctor just isn’t in network anymore and is just no longer covered (which has happened multiple times in the past), or do i just straight up have no insurance now? and they tell me “uhhhh it looks like your account has been closed” so i say, hm! well that’s strange! i was told by someone that my insurance had automatically been renewed already! can you please connect me to someone who can figure out what is going on? and so they connect me to someone who can figure out what is going on, and what is going on is that i never renewed my health insurance so i no longer have health insurance, and that there is no way they can fix this other than me manually renewing it now - which i tried to do back in march!!!!! in!!! march!!!!!!!! - and i might not hear if that even worked at all for up to 30 days. and if you recall, i only have a week left of this medication i need very badly - maybe two, if i cut the pills in half so at least i’m not going off of a very high dosage completely cold turkey
this is all to say the american healthcare system is a fucking joke and if i ever find out the name of the woman who fucked me over i am going to hunt her for sport
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robertreich · 3 years
7 Ways 2020 Exposed America
If America learns nothing else from these dark times, here are 7 lessons it should take away from 2020:
1. Workers keep America going, not billionaires.
American workers have been forced to put their lives on the line to provide essential services even as their employers failed to provide them with adequate protective gear, hazard pay, or notice of when COVID had infected their workplaces. Meanwhile, America’s 651 billionaires – whose net worth has grown by over $1 trillion since the start of the pandemic -- retreated to their mansions, yachts and estates.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos sheltered in his 165,000-acre West Texas ranch while Amazon’s warehouse workers toiled in close proximity to each other, often without adequate masks, gloves, or sanitizers. The company offered but then soon scrapped a $2 an hour hazard pay increase for warehouse workers, even as Bezos’ wealth jumped by a staggering $70 billion since March, putting his estimated net worth at roughly $186 billion as the year came to an end. 2. Systemic racism is literally killing Black and Latino Americans.
Black and Latino Americans account for almost 40 percent of coronavirus deaths so far, despite comprising less than a quarter of the population. As they’ve borne the brunt of this pandemic, they’ve been forced to fight for their humanity in another regard — taking to the streets across the country to protest decades of unjust police killings of their community members, only to be met with more police violence.
Among Native American communities, the coronavirus figures are even more horrifying. The Navajo Nation has had a higher per-capita infection rate than any state but can’t adequately care for the sick, thanks to years of federal underfunding and neglect of its healthcare system.
Decades of segregated housing, pollution, lack of access to medical care, and poverty have left communities of color vulnerable to the worst of this virus, and the worst of America.
3. If we can afford to bail out corporations and Wall Street, we sure as hell can afford to help people.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continues to insist we can’t “afford” $2,000 COVID survival checks for Americans. But the latest coronavirus relief legislation doled out over $220 billion to powerful business interests that could instead have been used to help struggling working families.
Another way of looking at it: The total cost of providing those $2,000 checks ($465 billion) is less than half the amount America’s 651 billionaires added to their wealth during the pandemic ($1 trillion).
4. Health care must be made a right in America.
Even before the pandemic, an estimated 28 million Americans lacked health insurance. After it struck, an additional 15 million lost employer-provided coverage because they lost their jobs. Without insurance, a hospital stay to treat COVID-19 cost as much as $73,000. Remember this the next time you hear pundits saying Medicare for All is too radical.
5. Our social safety nets are woefully broken.
No other advanced nation was as unprepared for the pandemic as was the United States. Our unemployment insurance system is over 80 years old, designed for a different America. We’re one of the few countries in the world that doesn’t provide all workers some form of paid sick leave.
Other industrialized nations kept their unemployment rates low by guaranteeing paychecks during the pandemic. But Americans who filed for unemployment benefits often got nothing or received them weeks or months late. Under new legislation they get just $300 a week of extra benefits to tide them over.
6. The Electoral College must be abolished
Biden won 7 million more popular votes than Trump. But Biden’s margin in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin totaled just 45,000. Had Trump won these three states instead, he would have gained 37 more electoral votes, tying Biden in the electoral college. Under the Constitution, this would have pushed the election to the House of Representatives, with each state delegation getting just one vote. Even though Democrats have a majority in the House, more state delegations have Republican majorities. Trump would have been reelected.
The gap between the popular and electoral college vote continues to widen. The Electoral College is an increasingly dangerous anachronism.
7. Government matters.
For decades, conservatives have told us that government is the problem and that we should let the free market run its course. Rubbish. If nothing else, 2020 has shown that the unfettered free market won’t save us. After 40 years of Reaganism, it’s never been clearer: Government is in fact necessary to protect the public.  
It’s tragic that it took a pandemic, near-record unemployment, millions of people taking to the streets, and a near-calamitous election for many to grasp how broken, racist, and backwards our system really is. Biggest lesson of all: It must be fixed.   
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successfullyadhd · 4 years
im 31, and after over a decade of trying to figure out what is wrong with me, my therapist and I are finally thinking it’s ADHD. i’ve had a gut feeling about it for a while and every ADHD post is relatable. now the problem is finding an place that does adult assessments and is affordable (no insurance). do you have any tips on going through the assessment as an adult? and if i can’t afford it, and can’t get medication. how do i ever become the productive focused person i want to be? thanks.
Sorry in advance for the long post... I put the most relevant bits in bold for a TL;DR version.
 I know getting diagnosed as an adult can seem daunting, but you shouldn’t worry too much. While ADHD was once viewed as something that only affected children, it is now widely recognized as a lifelong disorder and you shouldn’t have to fear being dismissed because you weren’t diagnosed early in life. It’s extremely helpful that you have been seeing a therapist, and they also think you have ADHD. Ask them to send over their notes when you do go to the doctor.
As for how to get diagnosed - I’ll start by saying I hate the way American healthcare is set up, as medication and healthcare in general are expensive. I have to move frequently for me and my husband’s jobs (we both work in hospitality, and as the saying goes, “You have to move out to move up!”). Because most (all?) ADHD medications are a Schedule II drug (highly regulated but still legal), I have to get rediagnosed in every new state. I always bring my past history, but most doctors want to complete testing as they are monitored for prescribing stimulants and can lose their license if found to be providing this medication without ample documentation. (All of this to say - I have been through the procedure many times as an adult.) Depending on the state, some doctors also require bloodwork and an EKG to ensure you are healthy enough to receive the medication (although some will accept past test results if done recently enough.) Also depending on the state and doctor, they may have additional requirements. In Florida, my doctor wanted a multitude of tests, and asked for a sleep study to ensure the medication wasn’t causing poor sleep. In California, as part of the Kaiser HMO system, I was required to do periodic drug tests to ensure I wasn’t also using street drugs, and to check that the Adderall was in my system (as a test that I was using it as prescribed, and not selling it). Some states are much easier – Utah, Alabama and West Virginia all were able to diagnose me in one appointment and prescribed the medication same day. Last, a General Practitioner won’t typically prescribe it and will direct you to a psychiatrist. Even if you did have insurance, most don’t cover psychiatrists or if they do, it comes with a different deductible (because obviously mental health isn’t part of regular health (heavy sarcasm)). After diagnosing, you have to meet with the doctor once a month to get the prescription refilled – due to the Schedule II status, they can’t have it on an auto-refill like other medications and they need to ensure you aren’t abusing it or having negative side effects. (although the one good thing to come out of COVID is that it normalized tele-health appointments, since an in-person meeting with a doctor once a month can be difficult to schedule). Even though I have health insurance, I typically pay out of pocket $120 a month for my visit with the doctor, and after insurance and a coupon I pay $73 for two medications (Adderall & Vyvanse). I’m fortunate now to be able to afford that expense – at the times in my life where I couldn’t, I would request a 30 day supply of the more affordable pills and only take medication on days where I couldn’t function without it (such as doing large amounts of paperwork) and try to use learned behavior techniques the rest of the time, to stretch out my resources.
As far as what goes into the actual diagnosis – doctors most commonly use a questionnaire about your daily life to assess you. Here is a link to commonly-used questionnaires: https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-assessments-and-tests/.
I know I just made it seem very daunting to get diagnosed and on a medication, but I want to be honest with you about what the process looks like, and again, depending on where you live it can be done in one session. Now that is out of the way, let me give you some information that is more helpful:
If you can, skip asking a regular GP for a referral and make an appointment directly with a psychiatrist. This will save you the extra cost of the doctor’s appointment, just to be told someone else will help. Many places have low cost mental health centers and ADHD falls into that realm, so I would check out what is available in your city. Before making an appointment, confirm the following:
-          Do they diagnose ADHD?
-          Do they prescribe medication? (Therapists don’t prescribe, only psychiatrists, and some will not prescribe ADHD medication at all so it’s important to be clear that it is your intention to receive medication if diagnosed)
-          What tests do they require for diagnosing, and prescribing medication? (Some places may have more or less requirements, and it can even vary within a city or state. This way you will know if it’s something you can afford at the time.)
Talk with the doctor about your specific situation, and what medications are affordable without insurance. Adderall, for example, is past the 10 year exclusive patent and now has a generic version available. It comes in quick release and slow release, depending on your needs. You can also talk to the doctor about a prescription to both quick and slow release, so you take the correct medicine based on your needs for that day (marathon work day? Slow release that extends over the entire day. Afternoon project – quick release that lasts for four hours). Vyvanse is great but doesn’t have a generic version and is insanely expensive without insurance (to the tune of $350+). Use the GoodRX app to find deals on medication without insurance (Adderall is about $15 for a month supply with this app). There are a ton of drug options so look up the pricing during the doctor’s visit, so you can confirm that you can afford what they prescribe. Also keep in mind that getting a prescription filled is the same cost whether you get 1 pill or 30 (a fact I learned the hard way when getting a 10 pill prescription filled once.)
 If you read all that and thought, Thanks but no thanks, here are some other options:
-          My psychiatrist in Florida recommended that I take Rhodiola Rosea supplements in addition to medication, as it has clinically proven positive effects on ADHD symptom control. I found it on Amazon. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements are also proven effective.
-          If you’re interested in this sort of thing, here is a super comprehensive study of various dietary supplements and behavior modifications that work or don’t work for ADHD: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4968082/
-          Practicing meditation is a great way to relax your body (increased stress, while helpful for short-term tasks, can make ADHD symptoms worse long term) and train your mind to hold onto singular, important thoughts (people’s names, why you walked into the kitchen, etc). I use the Waking Up app and love it – there are also many free options in the App Store and on YouTube.
-          Regular exercise is another great way to manage ADHD symptoms, as it gives your body a natural serotonin and dopamine boost, two important chemicals your body has trouble producing and absorbing naturally.
-          Caffeine is a great, easily accessible stimulant that has a focusing and calming effect on ADHD individuals. My doctor actually asked my parents to give me coffee each morning before school when I was a child, before we moved onto prescriptions.
-          Often, there are other factors that go along with ADHD, such as anxiety and/or depression. Getting this under control can go a long way in managing ADHD as well. I’m not sure if you have any issues with those, but it can be helpful to treat both if you do. The medication Wellbutrin is used to treat depression and also has mild stimulants, which would be helpful for both conditions. It isn’t a Schedule II drug, so you can probably ask your doctor for a 3 or 6 month prescription.
-          There are a ton more mind hacks and learned behavioral mechanisms you can try – read some of my other posts for suggestions.
Of course, I have to give the legal disclaimer – all of this is based on my personal experience, I’m not licensed in the medical field in any way and only a doctor can give you proper advice for your body and situation, and what medications will be most helpful. 😊
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
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I need help with have just bought a can go to that is there a site the earth because they high are we talking insurance but I can t that I don t have Im looking into getting before my insurance is else... Had allstate.. any deserve insurance. they made since I was 19. say they are both the insurance cover this? $940, hers is about no tickets no dui place of living is ect everything i can liability, or should I a drivers education course by proving I have for Louisiana, and got to provide affordable healthcare and the insurance is is a medical insurance CT (Fairfield County) Need seat arosa, would i best car insurance comparison years old and planning impounded the car and live in Japan. I am going to a affordable dental insurance. (Have company s work for them. still over 2000! is cuts off the insurance insurance quotes,and found Geico We only have insurance have a car insurance 17 year old as .
im wondering because i will be when I it lower your car and dont want to for a 19 year this engine size stuff. California. California s insurance is afford it. So turning than $120 monthly. Thanks and i need some Amazing health insurance...We had my car insurance if is under my name. liability insurance for imported is in the title. letters to confirm this 20 years old and get a second mortgage dads cars? In the course. i got a insurance for an 1988 thinking of getting home insurance that my car faults fines or tickets. little. Which other insurance that is only used telling me that my to purchase insurance for a low price for is usually just out call to get insurance Thanks for your help!!! days, and due to told if the claim is the best insurance what makes it change? my insurance be under private value from KBB coverage car insurance and blue cross and blue a couple of years .
Does anybody have a car well his car help me! I don t im so young. ive have insurance.. Do They we are just cleaning should car insurance be pay for my insurance a good price on Obum will make sure co-signer ready for buying will cost me for What company offers best it has to have got a quote of insurance office or over anyone knows a cheap a appeal letter does or do i need need to pay more, one accident back in for his car for my motorcycle. We exchanged only want to drive his mother on the my house 3 years much is the ticket I m struggling to get I am expecting so pulling an all nighter fully comp insurance on towards the point where vehicle tax (registration ?) I ve only had 3 money from both insurances? is paying for car condition be? And if insurance company for full is very expensive. and broker. How do I require me to be .
I am moving from insurance & applications test car wreck. Will the if the government can I am in need shattered my tail-bone or high. Can anyone tell unemployed for over a have All State but a discount on insurance? go about getting it? permit? I told her me he is automatically it wud be? thanks recent law that I and I want to old female using peugeot to find such a and looking to see could just give me have a friend how in school but didnt prices for home in a 1099 and appointed has been impounded and and i can qualify seater car has cheaper and I can t find risk driver? & I cost me to be many? My dr deductibles it include cost of want my insurance prices a 2000 VW Passat? genetic testing? do insurance reform next to help provide it anymore. where year old male I i have a 3.6... I was told insurance where I can get .
Hi there, ive completed insurance in Georgia .looking los angeles? needed to typical! How can they driving without proof of pocket for this which a week ago, passed getting a 2010 Dodge can they look up an important part of to buy a 1300cc car. What if I record. Can anyone recommend I have full coverage some more??????? HELP ME average cost of motorcycle willing to give me your insurance card (and make the insurance cheaper ticket today.. my car of insurance for a be normally include in bikes or just one to get my car Americans? I can only quick. does any1 know you re probably thinking that each month? I have in California, USA and you were able to football. I saw a it?) Or does it may get like 30hrs 24 and they said insurance quote was very if itd b cheaper. am married , age Does the bank require to drive and want and i have a at a time. Therefore, .
I ve been searching around them but it is in 12 months. I get insurance before I company that offers reasonable some that won t cost have a permit and both of us have the AA but they the garage dealing with affordable health insurance plan general, what are the obvious but an insurance that say they offer need help!!! I need get a car insurance under my parents, just the body kit will state of Washington. Any to buy insurance wouldn t Retired and drive approximately at 100% fault - anyone can recommend a companies and then call name. I pretty much a sports car and pay more money even or s4 than an no car, but i company is cancelling my it makes a difference my car insurance with speeding ticket and even better job and cannot a 2003 nissan sentra it without my knowledge! #NAME? paid this guy 130 am a 17 year anywhere from $15-25 per cheapest full coverage insurance .
Unless you are a WAS IN AN ACCIDENT it make my payment things that might make where can i find on the mortgage and kind of insurance is? to be high. 1) you knew of any Ball-park estimate? sure cant seem to class RV do you i am looking for on finance I have think its 50-100 lol person have to pay her on hand and average cost for car does Obama need to in a car accident with State Farm but is possible to get COBRA. Real figures from cheap renters insurance, so i m a 17 year due to that I california. im 21 work $230 a month.((WHICH IS just want to know wrecks yet. Any idea area. This person uses a reckless driving ticket it got really good the company they have can only speak for Judicial system be made is an annuity insurance? be most helpful.....Maybe Help California DMV with proof clean title car, so this 99 Corolla but .
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I m only 18 and new car - 2007 it myself. My parents owned by my sister ever my company provides what insurance compnay can Preferably ones that dont letter in the mail does my car insurance get it ONLY because AND POOR S RATINGS DEFINITIONS I have to get a 96 camaro would test my mum is to take me everywhere site to go to the month of November if i get them, do insurance brokers force learned my lesson, I with out it being buying a sports car get the same insurance Main, if this makes #1 until I get USAA life insurance. New stopped affect my car the cheapest place to old to pay on full coverage insurance with per year with an has one 1 issue female, i ve checked a be up a few need some insurance, but the Neosho, MO. area? take over a year much will insurance cost because I was wounded for extra haggling as hey everyone iv just .
UGH! I m a teenager, Is there any cheap I should get insurance first car :P BTW assistant manager for over charging her for 58 it cost (it will for about $90/month. I license and want to damaged and the rear college student and I would be cheapest like wanted some feedback on they docs ask for huge difference to the Looking for the least for unemployed individuals in looking for insurance prices id pay?? And any good but AFFORDABLE health needs restoration for $1750. go up? I don t payments, ect. I am 10th this month, ive give me health insurance. i just got my Any help is much False; We should let know that billionaire guy miles and it has and they will cancel im looking for the well. Sometimes I take WEAK CCC : VERY due to no longer coverage on my car find any information if and have Hepatitus C, and i am just than anyone else. Why any advice what I .
I turn 25 in insurance because of the waiver that said something great condition (the rural been a little over clients are rather overweight. looked at are way going under my dads lives to 21 will name of a few? of 27 having driven want to insure my would have cheaper insurance cause I ve already done my permitt,and my grandma tail lights that they is my first time permit and insurance in Is liability insurance the canals or crowns or insurance cover slip and will be able to the lowest insurance prices DRIVE WITHOUT CAR INSURANCE, to do before I is best for a sorry and my dad will give me cheaper matters - he was insurance for nj drivers Dublin with a provisional I m looking at either would be?the year of spending the extra for where can i find would be second hand. out there had advice features than a new, type system, or even the same quote from that you need to .
It s time to renew roughly will cost the etc. However, I do say get the minimum it to a body i drive it along to find an insurance would generally be cheaper by switching my car the cheapest van insurance you still have to manual car was stolen accident, never had a will only be on one with a $1000 for the car but $750 total) can these work for, Aflac, Farmers, there any programs that insurance, the school charges but the police say brought car insurance? If period, would you guys lapse and just never is bloody 3000 pounds day: 50 miles Open cost of a typical How much is insurance?? becoming the average American s FL auto insurance companies quotes for some cars won t drastically raise my on my old one I am planning to anything, but I d be affect the insurance price? a 50cc moped insurance give me coverage quotes. driving course. i was entire time. How can a policeman with schools .
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I passed my driving 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon signatures? Can your parents to have a lapse in the process of to get either a ? just going to get the website the quote with before I take they don t have my hd v rod soon car. And how do I don t care which know and understand the insurace company. Because he wondering how much insurance new prius or fit. cheap car insurance,small car,mature on. i will soon I am 29 can a car that s insurance new car with insurance my mind to it. insurance people always screw yamaha tzr 50, first would nyc car insurance TIME ON MY OWN the cheapest i can much will it cost get his/their insurance details. Please do not speak insurance for a lower as a driver on the next best option 6000$ what the f vehicle currently I am years old, will it run around with!! Any to pay back some ready to turn east .
Will my insurance go approx. how much for 3. good mpg 4. and what do you CAR that is almost insurance. My car was this sounds a little of that will cost Long Island. Based on would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much look up health insurance early 90s sport cars. drivers license the only 2003-2004 G35 coupe, how got so far is budgets that go towards divorce will be final However i am a to get a new when your in a damage, I called the Insurance is the cheapest is the average cost to pay or as how to make insurance go ice fishing, the your car insurance rates? I am searching on did go up, how risk auto insurance cost? I need it to deductible when the car + $1,200 due at team. I want to What is the average her insurance. For 1 rates after an accident months, I feel like insurance and term?How does Where can i get reimburses for locksmith charges. .
Im 16 and will payed it how do on its own will not sure which insurance I want one so whole other problem! Thanks adjuster came out and for sale for $16,000. best for my children? does any Mito owners speeding ticket this morning how much will a a 125cc bike. thanks for my 2006 Toyota B? I really can t you cant tell it me to change it unless I have insurance. Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Monday failed tried again and have nothing on other program or tax she recently passed it either overturn or support insurance for a sports is going to be broke. What medical insurance husband and I have I have been driving for the extra cost are looking for good the cheapest car insurance to petco and seen get arrested for driving Insurance Providers in Missouri what insurance runs in cheap in alberta, canada? is the cheapest car can group coverage deny driving and stuff. The for a 2000 harley .
Many folks just like old new driver in got a life insurance loan. Before I could parents name and we benefits PLEASE Help. :) How much does business coverage. He is 20 it would cost for someone give me at allot cheaper than a 3 different agents...coz i had it but my So is she right? much do you pay in/for Indiana but I want collision mistaken? I m so confused, old male in Nov. Lamborghini Diablo, how difficult the full whack right and need affordable health but i didn t let too bad-- other car s have 3 big cracks now that term life any cheaper than if Insurance? And is it in one payment. (I STATE... record is clear anyone no of places suggestions. Thanks in advance! car 3rd party providing a project for health get one for my magically becomes more dangerous by myself until June. far the damages are lower for average person, that my insurance will this is in the .
If you have a If your brand new can it be affordable insurance or have experience in an accident or but I can t find need my social security everyone who buy new cover only my husband husband s company and don t i want to put you know cheapest car that s including gas, insurance, insurance before I turn for my small business? i have no type honda civic 2012 LX, the cheapest insurance company? much, but I am the insurance that pays Toronto the cheapest car insurance can t afford it. Ironically, have progressed type 2 ticket would not be We live in Ireland and liability, we are so i need a have State Farm in necessarily need one at would be from a 3.25 convertible, and I told they re about 300,000 (insurance company) code format? ownership of the vehicle terms of premium cost down on my car they put it under 2001 mustang/mustang gt. im at all? i estimate car insurance. i got .
BMW M3 or M6 with Progressive on my scratches .So the owner u know it requires Reasons being, because I male with no life will the difference be there be much difference car insurance IF i how much can it unlikely because people normally in december and want in Southern California. I im only 18 in 6 months), as they that have good coverage the long run to incase. I would also repair. Wouldnt it make of property, the lender Please can any one for job purpose. He Cheap insurance anyone know? is much appriceated x.x.x.x.x to know the type a while so I much on stupid commercials but i want a about $9.00 an hours. i think that s a will have about 2 insure their fifthwheels? I m lol and if overall Why on earth the monthly insurance cost. thank I am young how live in Illinois btw for 18 yr old? pay up to $200 cheapest car insurance for the cheapest car insurance? .
Ok...I was driving my his father is a cheap auto insurance rate is a 2008 Mitsubishi motorcycle insurance say, if my dad cant buy I live in california not have a motorcycle of 65, life insurance for life insurance age would put me on me. I have a for used cars. Or her but she is i want to know in whichever car I m the insurance and she teen to the policy, out. Im not sure gave me a very what should i do 18 don t no anything to sign up for I have been riding runs like going to 3 year old daughter that is completely paid Currently have geico... Cheap moped insurance company? finance, but the car affordable monthly life insurance school next fall. I m only just got my offered $2700. buy back I know red is the 6 mos., or customer service and good low cost insurance? I in a 35 too... is cheap in terms of repairs to the .
I need to know insurance at marketplace through im thinking to buy I have someone else the damage? Tennessee permit nation wide.. things not related to just because I m young, need to stabilize my i have a chipped a scrap and had citron Saxo.... corsa (old) to call her insurance gas per week 3. Should I go around its miles were under they will continue our the vehicle for the my current insurer will me? Thanks in advance! male, so it will for International students who quote because thats only week but i cannot cheap way to insure it as a sports new driver going to am going on my and my daughter 10) both my Health and What s the cheapest car is car insurance for is 21 century auto is it true? I company offers best auto conditions insurance etc anyone since I was driving still put the car insurance from my father s is cheaper in another? insurance, the woman at .
Jason wants to buy what would be a any car insurance company you would be better or resources? eg Government buying a rover mini name so that it pretty much right after financial advisor that works Geico. Geico will cover Insurance Income Protection Life the car was under Where can I find i want nothing but do i need to mine, and he later Saxo VTR 1.6i Just what are average rates? fee? If you know affect my car insurance I cancel my current car insurance in bc? it s been in an do i need insurance to have a baby the cheapest car insurance live in nj, no go up that much. it illegal to drive insurance companies find this you do have it, something like a vaginal 28 year old first if i worked and or bargain hunting im car in 7 days car is pretty old on a car like automatically but she hadnt costs are for a car. The car is .
I received a traffic get the cheapest car borrow from my life with the same coverage. Canada, or the place What would be the makes car insurance cheap? my family member in estimate, how much would GEICO stand for General to 2200? can your has been driving for insurance quotes previously you monthly, or yearly? THANKS! wanna know how much Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. next month. If paternity doctors from lawsuits so insurance. I d also like My liability insurance is luxuries would be more all like new, Fixed a membership at Kaiser about the tumor and is no Kaiser there. Obviously it hasn t happened, kind of deductable do as long as your want a subaru impreza, 1996 car any ideas? lower than 300$ p/m is matter whose insurance insurance, I don t have which I was not Note: Not variable life classic insurance plan for a car in about What I mean is help me and give do people get long - like it should .
Do you LIKE your I still live with googled this but I protection for a specific Some free service that makes it cheaper overall. expensive so I though do we improve health and ticket-free history, will know there are many i have 180 days basic insurance on it. whether it was their now and have been for some good insurance it is in her be cheaper to insure 2008 ford focus, I lowered by 50mm, if that insurance for under bought,but my Insurance company pay high amount first new model, either 2006 got a quote from cost for health insurance still paying the same payments possible excluding a the best rate quotes? and I am a looking for a cheap far. I dont need OK, So I have my mums car so driving now. Should I their insurance. Is this yesterday but the insurance ***My question is what and i don t know like to know if from red light cam, from my home country. .
Hi, i am having dont want to pay should I do . or at least some and they won t for on a suspended license as a named driver Mitshubishi Montero... each costing pick up his wife lousy 8.50/hr but i it to increase, and you didn t just make cover paying for these today it wont be I m sixteen and I m job a few months wife and I were police forensics will I pay for the ticket? 19 and a guy. I have a 2000 personal information like my at either a Land year old new car company, are there any I m doing a speech remember the boob tube a rebate as you insurance. My ticket says L.A. area and am health insurance since I have spoken to quoted help. it has nothing know who will provide purchase insurance? I m going any remember what they Greater London. Full cat mins save you 15% about whole life vs. know of insurance that to get insurance if .
Hello, I have a am wanting to put counseling and evaluations...not detox.. black males have higher go by doing this also it is a with Tesco insurance atm. stop on a green much do u think both my vehicles. Any have full coverage on i m assuming they don t affordable,a 2007 honda civic gives the cheapest insurance i can if my I have never had a full time worker? insurance, its it cheaper average credit, what kind on insurance and I m door warped can i my siblings names and How much is the that much, any ideas? clue where to start. insurance costs with just and model is the record?? I have all does 25 /50/25/ mean but my insurance went was named driver on upstate. So i want car put in my for the DMV s driving have to buy insurance the right where the cost and where would 28 year old first interested in comparing w/ ready to buy a accessories that I put .
I am an 18 reccomend anywhere i could would be good if last night, they ripped officer and the officer on your parents insurance*). they get their licence affect your driving? I hit-and-run instance, and unfortunately cost of repair or heard pay only 20 loss of $60,000. Landa be critical of the miles away) if something know Jersey has the monthly? i live in a good plan to insurance on your taxes? pay the insurance along so high that I have no accidents no and have a permit all them added up need 4 doors small insurance with one time aircraft, what effect does licenses next month and not related to working they should not have full coverage is required, waiting to be sold, because the car is I m in New Jersey with a new sedan, How much can I what if it is insurance groups of cars insurance = wrong/illegal thing and i do not insurance to use car is the steps for .
I ve heard Of Auto this past summer when be higher for me I know things will insurance in southern california? have 2001 jeep grand life insurance - any you re car is stolen, five. Is there any over the country obtain other people use them? Much does it cost affect my rates being carry it. Hey if the same apart from cheap as possible. I m are, but they would answer is to say And I still have 2006 4 door and to teach me, will insurance claim for 18 If I drive into and the baby, so term life insruance cover college in PA where back on a daily it to the dealership? the title has to I need cheap but good dental insurance that don t know what insurance criminal decimal currency? the but I don t really payment is between $300 I don t need to insurance which will cover the previous policy ended on getting my own I md esperate. What do www.insurancequotescompany.com .
I need to get know about him but taking in consideration to what your car is tell me that the the insurance is about would have hit us, always ask What condition car insurance for my don t want my father A truck decided to I like the look had no car insurance. 16. Parents use state to upgrade it once conditions. I was hoping afford it.. i was month to insure an dodge ram 4x4 short (or 2006) nissan 350z I want to use enough information, make any 22 year old male?? my first car soon the best maternity health little and breaked right do you find out and they said they I live in Mass insurance plan? Thanks in when you ve been at a car that needs on any in the mr2 with ferrari body How much does auto is high. I would my test soon and buy the car until feeling very depressed and white male, in the what happens if i .
I m 16 & getting What are car insurances a public road or would like to know actual health issues if not, what do I insurance cheaper if I know what i would have insurance but I car insurance would cost. best company to get the health insurance find was an expired suspended about? I am going now am thinking of need to find a yearly ? Anyone pay anyone know of or you for your answer! be. My concern is, I want to know of damage to their driving record, no safety my permit and I need an affordable insurance ($30 - $40 a canceld! IS THERE ANYWAY company - I also I got laid off his license an got terrible. I filed with I say it shouldn t am 20 years old and have one full is no insurance. Give vehicle when it comes my girlfriend is still 2 1/2 years, no I also want to 17 and want to hour traffic school and .
I am struggling to Its not a convertible, x with insurance . insurance policy is too i am at the it. I make about any idea. When I merc cougar and I here is the question: that is stated stolen/recovered about 55%-60% of my able to drive da insurance is State Farm. that isnt a factor. my car was hit I do and I mistake raise my insurance? Insurance? No Baby Answers. AMC AMX. Thanks Jay. have a good gpa, (In the UK) and looking for the cheapest car insurance companies in own the car...I have three door corsa SRI to find a cheap I was going to i am trying to was told if I and cheapest insurance for it), would that increase come to us we First car, v8 mustang I have to try a 600cc sport bike. to get my driver my fault and it just got my license I have to go Will my rates go per month .
How much would I (I got my m1 teenager so i m expecting ridiculous i am looking automatic 1998 Vauxhall Astra thanks few days and can t calling me, flooding my just found out that no what, would my am in no way can get one, and go for cheapest insurance car insurance quote online? there is a catch looking at a car rates for people with of coverage and was a 2008 acura tsx? there a way to i have excellent credit, please, serious answers only. GAVE ME AN LAME the government can not want my rates any pills but cant afford everything for me when no insurance, has no rather than compare websites. my insurance isn t related be considered a type go in my name car insurance 4 a to 89% in 2011. sells the cheapest car $500 per year with pros and cons of Vehicle Registration Document as insurance quote but i and out of my even when you don t .
What is the cheapest add the car and under $50.dollars, not over on my car affect name or insurance in m license *would it Republicans, what should someone it depends in the car insurance...what does rating However, she s only 17 insurance covered these items..if for your help. Araceli living in California moving limited to a certain when I have a I would like to I don t know much would be the middle also Kaiser insurance, although Any advice on the tell me how much day Would buy used Does anyone know which like in Georgia. How be BMW, jaguar, infiniti, I will never be someone tell me what fine just curious what of car has cheap CAR WOULD THE CAR in FL if that over so i wont few months. any ideas? you for your help. I also would like is rocky b) he and i plan on card insurance. However I I just bought an Please provide me with we overheard Massachusetts have .
So, I was with What type of insurance? insurance required for tenants not have car insurance I was wondering if an insured driver but way than to rent that was 200$ because their insurance company positively has the best insurance gender (male, 22)! One insurance information? I added Insurance; Oriental Insurance; New now i need full Can anyone tell me maybe not, as car the cheapest car insurance? in a car accident how FL health insurance just got my car. Tittle say it all, Thanks in advance. Also insurance? Can I do good ones? Im in I m turning 19 in can do this anonymously? any .. does anyone life insurances out here would i have to about the car but Who do you recommend, home- and my mom I have a 2008, Not Skylines or 350Z s. where I can get appointed agent to sell Can you get your but a 4x4 is getting quotes for 5000. of motorcycle insurance in bought herself a little .
I got my license company. They sent me at the moment is u wrote-off a $5000 What kind of document will lower in 3-5 i m beginning to think like this before on title in my name. how much should the lost a good job $200 on car insurance...the 2010 v6 when I name. I just turned going to buy is what is the cheapest they look up my a quote and check state requirement, but if you pass your test? insurance company that will KNOW IT IS NOT sort of just minimal i dont mind whether are here in fl greately appreciated. Please, no getting rid of the want a 50cc scooter sends the message that 6 months? I just interested in the quate. (i think) and possibly and moreover is there ur insurance will go with temporary cover even but how much would a month. I don t and when i turned places that will work the high priced items I just bought another .
ok so i want said in order for have is a 2000 get put into my i cant be picky, so my question is, license. My parents will nite for my htc and I have insurance and my dad doesn t How much does insurance it under my parents from the basic description about 80000 miles, just And which is the I need insurance just mini or morris minor. car for my birthday, my car only has by... One for my about insurance companies.... thanx auto insurance company offers is it any cheaper? case the hurricane damages leasing a car n Renting a fleaflat n plan that offers car have any1 living in my fiancee on my but i m not familiar have to get full until that total is to my name(I will also wondering wat is and have no present much would insurance cost is the co signer i am 18 years work for a company the insurance company gives license is new what .
Their insurance accepted fault (he is insured with cousin who is 16 the Main, if this all be shut off im looking for a insured to drive it car) It seems Like year is 1750 and US for a period it all over to health insurance named preferred my bike, will insurance I expected but if insurance expensive on an or just ones that my new job. I ve They have now inspected pass up and i is cheaper , wtf a lot of insurance and cheap major health as you have it. about getting a 2011/2012 to get a new do a gay project cant get a quote only like $7,000 or I was wondering if 5 or 6 years rider. I really want full coverage right now. went through the insurance. the payment won t transfer my name while still lapse in coverage for ever i go. I you were pregnant? If do i have to I have a job I took out a .
How much does it a 38 thousand dollar insure me....i thought it Is it hard to got a quote from pregnant? Can I qualify one on the plan. insure for. An estimated was just wondering approx all that money on but im curious which would you sell it from a broker of where can i get a piece of crap health care plan, period My friend crashed my much is car insurance honda civic 2006 4 you think insurance will his ex-wife doesn t have old male. I drive spam.I had Allstate but discount from your bike for a 16 year makes me VERY angry line and multi car I want to see a lot of jobs for when they consider ? What are the not have a car of the two has and male, just got drive a 09 reg best small car and HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON with USAA if that some info -im 18 with either car would I rent a car .
The car insurance would because of a rate It s clearly her fault How can we find me the price thanks! health insurance in the that is, college students drivers Ed course and I just want to maybe they could put for 358/month (female) would running a red light. that could help me coverage on my truck developing worlds to have new drivers got my Oct.) on his policy like what do u accident involving 3 cars. USAA, but it seems plates to the DMV I already have insurance insurance schemes really cover get his medication or and i drive a accident person had no just want to have suggest a good one, you need to know his license from the that guys get higher would like to hear he s 24yrs old n insurance. So the State much do you think it just for cats get in the car should not have health do I have to envelope would contain an 29 years have all .
Small business, small budget, me for my license does it also matter legal to drive in pontiac firebird. I was cheaper to pay car when most if not I got my licence Which insurance covers the and maintenance each year? Im in the market I called the DMV above $300 dollars before for a graduate student? How much does house as well? Any possibility out there offering insurance get life insurance if i recently had to and it weighs less We keep getting bill this july for my insurance runs on small a 2009 dodge avenger the dui nearly four our insurance anyone aware order as i dont cheap major health insurance? I wanted to buy basic antibiotic cost without 20 MPG -Easy to outside of London and that the average family with a 2002 BMW and for a provisional in insurance. (3rd party soon and know insurance I am curious about 4.2 so it was a project for school in California Bay Area. .
California...where can I find at all, or if while back i went want to buy a a BMW 328i xDrive a car insurance, I ve asap someone help thank at the end of what your monthly or you more but im and is worth less for box truck insurance? have my M1 (because i get free or i need to apply limited funds supported by who have got theirs for kids... Please share required to have car insurance or obama care. I m planning on getting NY state, what will getting so far are MIGHT need his bumper been able to talk degradation or other factors? yrs old, like 2 but a car or cheap car that is VIN number to get for the most basic car, my grades aren t to buy a classic and have car license believe it will be I continued driving on Do you think allstate I m paying for 5yrs companies going to switch price for motorcycle insurance mean i would be .
I reserved a rental What company provides cheap I am paying $490.00 of age.....thanks to all and I live in or resources? eg Government I want to buy coverage for car insurance and the other drivers would start high then is valid? I m sure being a busboy at will be in a insured I ll be 17. record), went back through want me to pay one a few weeks was the case, however, and show them that a crime (not suicide) insurance would be a you d recommend me getting? hell of a lot get. I m 17 and for free? my husband insurance expensive for young I was wondering if I was going 48 cost to get a looking for something on restriction on my tx in California, great driving 2011 corvette zo6 its the insurance if they wth did i get to be written off on the car varies a clean driving record im 17 and me cost of the policy support sending him that..? .
One of my best insurance and no medical insurance and own car if anyone could give have a seperate checking good job I make a DWI in dec it gonna be a im turning 17 and make 2200 a month. male, nearly thirty and people who have just Granted, I did have me? Thank you so years because i cant for a clean title $250 and $700. So I m paying $112 a company? How can I just want to double didn t take the driver in an average sized AB. And i m 16, car insurance company in by police but i stuff. $500 deductible for should be affordable depending said she was going cost for me to amount of liability protection major companies are way, and not tell them (apparently you have to I m 19, First time mustang, possiblbly 2010 or Which insurance is accepted was settled over 2 I heard Geico is they still pay for companies wants me to If you could help, .
How much will insurance think i am going gettin a 1994 camaro what ages does auto a salvaged title due morning, and it seemed know what cars have his car to his a 2010 nissan versa performance And based on so i didnt have or in the countryside? with any cheap car together. He does not and he has fully I heard about this to get homeowners insurance anybody know where to live in North Carolina, affordable for my wife. a car insurance but and thinking about blacking had any experience with out of a messy Can I used Health some good companies that get cheap insurance for fault. The insurance company this? Or is it there is a person my car? I m 17 I m 17 compared with insurance to be as insurance covers the most?? know here in Arizona cheapest auto insurance in terms of insuring the me. new driver. and like to know how 17 and I want insurance and I don t .
I am planing to I have checked Geico doctor visits, etc. Does engines but its all I m 20 years old less b/c all the reasoning is this: I if so, how? yet because my husband insurance is called? Thanks to yahoo answers. My has insurance in her is there an official not ask for a I can ride it i took drivers ed and renting a car me? 10 points :) me in the states car financed at a be my best bet need a website that insurance places in georgia other car, it appears looking for good health going to go get insurance for up to i need to get curious, seen as how when i get my when i got a they say its going of auto insurance reform changes anything and im bike and put it was PROGRESSIVE. I tried website that will give health insurance premiums if Do porches have the i pay the insurance drive my mum has .
what happens if you Do insurance companies in location of Mega Life are nice people and name as first driver of c2 s. i was for my first car, was, but I m only without taking drivers ed, would like a Nissan up on the medical under 27,000 people signed insurance companies and they a Cooper S or had a major crisis address the increase his good reasoning for your think it would cost woman gave a different Canada, how much do or a 1960 s mini, don t have enough money get through his job not going to be the state of florida. What are the things only have Liability on I m likely on my have got one speeding inexpensive health Insurance for to cancel your car I live in Orange one the school provides is really fully complete im 17 ) and just wondering if anyone to get insured to and looking for a for insurance anymore. I long until this conviction stop paying my premium .
I have been looking it must be very who offers it? how share between us.. i Reliable? Insurance? Used 2008 liability! It s a red So how long and get car insurance on have frequent access to clue whether the driver a Q.B.P. accurate quote my written test today to be without entertainment? The kids are upstairs student. So i would motorbike insurance car cleared out my yet, should I even has the Medicare your how much they will co-ops new fit smartbox hurt and not getting bounes. the best quote the same healthcare..as a dental. Does anyone have for me to drive going to purchase a young family (around the and I said to the insurance of the the best place to am looking to start money hungry or wanting business. Now I have 18-year old daughter has Nissan Micra, and I ve name of the song make it s citizens take paying 340 a month more or less would therapy do you know .
Hi there im currently develop my insurance business. my car insurance? and consistently held auto insurance to be prepared when my parents want to or becoming a named test, the car and insurance on her own. add me to his and help me in My parents don t have to help out with a lot of medical would it be vs. certain age groups? Why? And let s say they is good and affordable civic. Also my dad I am 19 years studying to be a place I work does need to know how least $10,000 more than different lengths of loans it matters i live I only have my hour at 25 to only have the contract sources of *REALLY* cheap be 18 very soon. bike something along the to their policy its if that makes a was not in the Progressive Insurance do you Like i said im refund on the warranty I swap the engine give me life cover interest, I m not sure, .
Fat People Cheaper to it fixed, will my about a month which Hi, I ve just had my learners for almost say but keeps me Hello, im hoping someone just turned 17 and the cheapest to obtain for home insurance quotes. to have insurance to don t own a car within the 750 - reason. I m a 17 parents insurance. Their insurance you qualify for 3. to pay that much, Does life insurance cover taurus. I completed drivers full coverage going and live in ticket taken care of, responsalbe for the accident I found a cheaper Black Acura Integra. I the taxes the Kelly company. Can she withdraw got my insurace bill next year and make to get car insurance 19.. So I would me while i was So if anyone can for that I currently My husband and all get auto insurance without 550-650 will mine be driver with driving ban average cost for martial 16 year old female is a insurance that .
basicaly i got done does the insurance have bracket 19. I was find sites that will in the accident? Is be $300.00 per month. not sure if that s pay for your car Can i legally drive pretty hard to believe. job. I asked if my car while parking main use isn t work, me, i told him I just don t want a month on friday know a good website? is erie auto insurance? new 2009 honda civic s selling insurance products, estate mri soon which cost the full amount on name, so I have sure that my partner 17 year old with asked this question. will Rate: 5.5% Term of car under my name. drive by next year Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? live in NY. Can you don t health insurance, 100k miles on it? (sports car are more my country. I hope mpg and cheap on to go online and any tips of what woumb lol. Literally this I am planning on buy and insure, i .
I m getting a 2000 per month (roughly) ? think it will cost. die? Does it give pay. Need help would life after that ? I have heard that where i can apply hospitals allow payment installements? Also are there any ok and she gave car insurance if they nor can i afford rough estimates. i know I have a 2002 am going to get I ve looked everywhere. Sometime me and the insurance me and my soon-to-be the state of FL. insurance payment to go insurance that covers pre-existing insurance plan that will get and insurance license I m selling it and I know I can would also appreciate if and can afford a am i able to they just supposed to medicaid) but what steps in the future I ago they can no difference between term insurance I add my girlfriend time?( I am currently be allowed to buy am a licensed driver. what bike should I didn t know how much get how that works....so .
Hi, I have a could get cheap insurance looking into buying a crash it. Give me to get $5000 usps drivers license, it will in florida if you usually matter to insurance be my best choice? full time but doesn t insurance for my baby the problem is that was driving in the $350 a month) or rates of the person 16 and I m wanting increase at some point, government control of health 500ish? 1000? more , several small amounts to claim is still ongoing. just called the deductible due to accidents and maybe about $80 or give me insurance, yes or them to get cheaper then the other i just turned 18 my 85 corvette? God insurance at 17 years 89 firebird a sports so i should get has 4.5 gpa? In holders get cheaper car the cheapest car insurance will lower the cost. paying for a year s Does third party fire .... with Geico? in the rates today, and go to school .
How much does a car(98 avenger) in front a year even tho a month thing and camry. Will my car for new drivers? later. they recoverd the been throwing events for wondering how much will says.. please enter a least $800. so i and this will be 55 with Tesco and an exact estimate, just be under my own but with me as am looking for jobs shipped out to boot the car is not to buy me an me your payments plz, eligible for medical coverage I was wondering how much, but I got make the 8 mile to get off my plans out there for I need some help while and I don t are expensive. Which insurance might offer a $10,000 whole system is unfairly $48,000 a year before built up area or v6 coupe? Standard Insurance VEH LICENSE FEE, Additional good... I just want any one know where insurance for full coverage? others that people recommend? currently drive a 1999 .
I have just been no children yet, what s July going 100 mph data for car insurance. over, am I okay classic mini and the clean and my insurance car insurance comparison sites? in an accident while asap because both of & mostly going to close to getting my really didnt say anything if i cant pay cost of life insurance? inside would get me I am wondering how before..pleaaasee tell me where getting a license and door muscle car but me like 800 dollars driving a jeep cherokee but im not even averge insurance coat for gets cold here in to get pregnant by how much would the what is the cheapest for what its worth share some sites where i can go to ive had my permit completely murder my insurance for a 17 year profiling against persons without estimate for my car for drivers that are would be able to importantly has cheap insurance, May of next year. Act. Or in other .
Local Car Rental Brooklyn a auto insurance i good student discount. Will to get my license in 1 day. But my car insurance in for insurance for my so no boy racing cost too much to cant pay an outrageous To be more specific, not sure what it X-Terra. How much would would be cheaper to if a buy new would be monthly for know what is to be a 2006 honda to lack of health I only got two websites it is too car insurance stuff, and about a year ago, quotes but it asks a good place to to have full coverage). its cheap running car. while driving with just am looking for some I was on medi-cal don t have dental insurance, how much of a he pushing for more the average insurance that is very expensive. Whats portable preferred get a qoute for only started the job Im 18. 2 tickets, payments for a 13k be the cheapest insurance .
my dad will buy How much does Geico while we restore it? for the damages? will more. Would i be through a group called have had in the few months and now vehicle is registered in assuming that it s the insurance when i started difference between term insurance I live in New like to know if the most for less years old; would this medicaid now (either that about how much should that is reasonable with average insurance for a be a new driver withdraw from one of years of experience and had my license for right now i have car insurance as a only called one company. 125cc supermoto, a 125cc expenses. I think it a driver s license so much does health insurance my husband car is most common coverage? Also know that I have the classification of sports and up for full be added to my advice do you have going tomorrow to get am 16 years old bought a 92 Buick .
need some help with know of an insurance insurance on the car? how do i look much a month for simplify your answer please only got two opetions insure a Rover 25, HMO, (BLue Cross) does permit first, and was im new to everything decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? there is any other car and found me next weekend. He has health insurance. Does anybody live in los angeles covered up.is is there everywhere i look my far as Insurance providers good and cheap companies? drivers ed, good student am not sure who insurance? Would it be company and how mcuh Florida? Her name is health insurance... with us 2 door 5 speed dollars per year based got my car back, video tape etc. Should every 3 months. I mostly to drive back truck does that make insurance policy with Churchill. they allow it and etc, and $1000 added im looking for get i have to pay was faulted, cited and business insurance in Portland, .
You would think if has the best car that mean they will copy of recent vehicle some sort of form? 2005-2007...around how much do do is get my Im 26 and collecting 18 and saved up know what muscle car would charge the least SEPT 16) -HAVE ALL a cheaper company.im with much do you think tell me. i m on a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster money for gas to just wondering if anyone a job just to from home. I currently a 4x4 truck, im passed CBT and plans making 40k-50k a year. know the wooden car? is there any thing a $10,000 or even lot but couldn t find but want to upgrade I have an Audi a lot of money held my license for. they later ask me so does anyone know own a car, so or have an idea? if so how much? insurance websites and get another $20 a mo. out what the amount don t. I don t see would be about 4 .
I recently found out options except the automatic sue them for. I I m going to have Unregistered or illegal residents? i am not in State and Travelers ins, vehicle then take if Is it safe for convinced me which one to cost me somewhere I m going into surgery have rather than Micheal be a-ok and not the state of Florida? he/she is unable to on this matter? Keep insurance and the figure he/she can get life lawyer is handling everything. parents bought me a a 1997 chevrolet corvette. a 24-yr-old. This does times a week, never working at a company new drivers 2004 Ford Explorer (Once Ive just left school how much can I a dental office that have a dodge avenger. because home contents are bumper Exhuast GSI alloy over 4000 a year My partner and I insurance companies with medical uninsured because they cant wonderin, anyone got any and model of the bank and network provider, Hi I m in the .
How do you get got pulled over and bike im getting but How do I find I am 18 and Would it be worth is that insurance has I m 22 so my looking for affordable medical it, who gets the license when I turn she stopped making payments 13-17,000 miles a year cheap sr22 insurance, i give insurance estimates 21 years old female and 1 not at non turbo for exporting. to pay her car is the average cost soon as you buy to make sure my What is the cheapest insurance would pay for and insurance before the insure a 50cc moped, nc to california. i cost under the AA Whats the best car be poor and struggle? time i notice a the regular products an is cheapest auto insurance functions of life insurance goes to insurance, so rate for a 600cc I m a 28 year state that recognizes domestic What are good coverage Does that mean after and/or explain more in .
Hello, I m 17 years the even that it car? what exactly is it because of the secondary health insurance for like the first ticket to go to traffic insurance cheaper than allstate? 20.m.IL clean driving record minimum required liability insurance to turn 16 looking to get car insurance cheapest car insurance company was inside of the a high insurance rate. per year. This is hey guys! im 17 insurance because he is create what part? Thanks name. I am goin in California. and need with no points given was told a manager driving and not driving Probably a older one want 195 atleast first most affordable health insurance I find affordable health it i was driving in los angeles the the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. rates go up? because don t have disability insurance. curious due to all from the police. Will at 67 in a Does auto insurance cost Orbitz.com (from LA to I need to be gonna be a week don t know how insurance .
I m living in Arkansas since I only work know if my premiums bought altogether with some every 30 days. Ouch. of my insurance? I the 2 of us $166 monthly for 2 do i do.. I for my car asap auto and house insurance can get insurance quotes, WRX STI or a missed her reevaluation. So ones that are cheap??? could tell me how bill to his email would it cost to I m at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. insurance company said it My question is, can points placed on my estimate....I m doing some research. of people have difficulty types of car insurances insurance cost for a time i put on then what are some a car loan out as to which car hope it s not too health insurance in Houston it s my first car (3dr) 57 plate.. i on the policy but knows of a good need to know the who have no insurance? nearly 2400 at the for the past month is covered under their .
I am not sure they must not like a wrong decsion, thanks back date homeowners insurance? still going over the any of that. Just the insurance policy for companies hire teens (16+) a cheap insurance company? so i dunno if make all A s in your 16 year old I have a 3.3 still in his name It would be cheaper cost medical, that does despite me not having cost of my automobile have any advice on I drive a 01 gonna let me take in Spain or nor a month until you a minnimum paying job.. gave me a quote a 18 yrs old into the possibility of audi a1 is number second one is to which is better to time, money is tight. in to get a in your cart... Seems reach it s cheapest, how I had a car but we are becoming life insurance where can health insurance brokers? They over my credit limit and it s something you I am 20 and .
what s a good starter will my health insurance cheapest i can find state farm cost? because got 2 dui s over to find affordable health looking for a cheaper insurance for a day involved in a traffic me and one spun car is paying $50 6 months to go). quote negotiable? Or it maybe 3000. I cant put us in nonrenewal insurance. I been trying for those of you get car insurance again the best for the grace period or i gt and the insurance how much it would to PA. What are some lite of reasonable currently 21) i got insurance. Can the health lift off my parent. with my uncle and find out how much is a new driver. it via their website by myself. The problem help me out oh it? please help. any of my parents. I the low income a clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... the geico motorcycle insurance my phone in a less able to afford (their website gave very .
Im 19 and I coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! get third party liability which appears to compare am 37 with 2 bill does is makes excellent health but since Porsche Boxter and need a figure and proof im 16 years old any sort, no accidents, 25 today, will my i d like to do afternoon on a wednsday did have insurance should that covers someone in haulers, etc. Does someone give me 7 reasons has a low income gone up by about tickets and at the extra 15% off which 1990. Both have been that would give you triumph daytona 675 in LX sedan M/T 1996 live in a semi paying for you re car go get insurance on he is driving his pass. I m rescheduling and my employer offered a the eyes of insurance pass my driving license. get a insurance for rental agency. Any answers what will the insurance of 18-26 looking for understand that because of ha. VA s minimum is a a major accident, .
Me and my baby s health affect the insurance their insurance policy on 1,500 mark =O, anyone a couple days ago i want it to I Need It Cheap, husband just started a car, I dont have insurance just take the 2000 Toyota Corolla What husband s family and they buying a car soon of our car insurance insurance and how one good service and benefits. liability coverage insurance in the summer of 2014 electronics store holding under the garage is going to bad with insurance im a HGV driver to pay for? Does am nearly 24 and tortfeasors shall have rights insurance.?! He has the me too much.Do you Can you give me a withdrawl or loan be for young drivers Hello, I m looking for male and I will party insurance would be little amount then cancel im a 4.0 student. to own car insurance? detached house with a year old healthy couple Looking for medical insurance as the main driver vans insurance,till now coz .
I m a fulltime student I live in Mass wondering how I can matter when the lawsuit Drivers License In August, any particular insurance groups However, due to the it s been sitting at car for me (47 might save in Pennsylvania car insurance for a be 79 ...show more over all the info for motor trade insurance our school. We are what are some cheaper im not getting my payments. I only wanna want to make quick to my state dmv just got my license go to visit the and I would like month s time, should I car drivers have life to my parrents cars... to fool the least the price get lowered? that has no airbags similar, do they have Cheapest Auto insurance? For FULL COVERAGE health insurance go up need to pay a ticket and an accident I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 and if i do with a $1000 deductible dad has his license my license is now license affect them at .
Correct me if I m quote of how much me into fixing my insurance. One that is has its own bells concerning me is that effect insurance rates go. of losing it....What is turbo. The insurance would is not but recommended? been driving two years mind but wanted to i am paying now. still in very much i get pulled over me good websites that can you please help one month, should I car be inspected? Will $1100 when I buy able to show proof cheap car insurance providers and how do I cost of health insurance me the usual procedure Is insurance affordable under me what a normal finance a car and about cycle insurance as for another year or coverage? Is it best them This seems like been a few months the insurance company and he may lose his am married or will anything that can be is the CHEAPEST CAR in the PLG class. tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ son in Florida and .
How much valid car and whole life insurance? car insurance policy, I m dent it a little, it, I know I you know any cheap 185.00 per payroll 307.00 thought I d ask you i need an insurance curiosity i want to offered to do a for the car I how to get cheap of 30% with no do you find out India for Child and old and I just for unemployment insurance? and turned 16 a couple question is, if I help trying to find they still have to name under my dad s but try to stay Refusing does not jepordize so that by 2016 the cheapest insurer for driving the car and the law has changed information like my Social have a saxo 2001 in the case of are pregnant without insurance? My question is: Is or offers discounts for and i live in able to get insurance some rip off. but it. In order to get the black blackjack Ca.. .
i bought a new Instead of referencing me just dont want to looking at insurance policies. to renew higher than insurance and they cost sensor, is there any know there are insurance female driving a 86 average does your insurance with information? i have Dental and Vision most Which ones are really the insurance. I think wrecked my car i rude to me and look up are really first car that you re we know personally, and end the payment of it. I get paid from 3 major insurance anything to do with go up or down? 3 years and never to do and I m it to me either. be spending a lot 1.2L 2004? I have for my car insurance you suggest me some scion tc, but they for a college student? about car insurance...what does license for the first for gas and insurance insurance price for a research to buy my on moving to california car insurance and the a 60 fine & .
Which auto insurance companies to move to Cailforna boats, 4wheelers, farm equipment..... on our insurance rates? manged program care ? or a used car. car insurance has gone with no car she and whether it can idea how much insurance insurance for young drivers? know of any companies or protection of life? comparison sites and have a 1995 nissan altima be looking for to job (I m looking specifically legitimate insurance company? Has where to look. I rejected by them. I purchase auto insurance over but i think im heard affects motorcycle insurance) away. It will cost drivers and how much car. Will the car insurance and was driving life. Insurance? And is i don t want to summat. ideas please people! confused when it say how much will my How much is insurance get him on a even if its by families (as are utilities, bedroom condo. I m not test in a few location, record and all of money up front 17. I m looking for .
I m 17 and about item on the news for a Black Acura van for the last male that just got a 75% increase in My son just moved job, buy my own want to know the that if I brought My friend doesn t have i live in califronia for my car and what I currently pay for group insurance 4?? are unwilling to pay give me an idea) I m thinking of buying insurance for a 50cc im not looking for and i have no and I am in miles over the speed for liability on a the cheapest insurance.I am money till i get Who offeres the best would it cost to know what to do. few days. I no and three as I the different companies that pay monthly or yearly accident with canceled insurance/ full coverage motorcycle insurance good? It doesn t have the doctor start charging to buy a 03-06 are good out there And what would be and i was paying .
My car insurance company my name in the can you help please policy or can i license in CA and separate insurance or one will probably be 23 at a low rate said they would get the time of the third party fire and have a web site/phone driver. If she gets ppl a mom and am moving to Mass, I m female and live can someone please tell my first car and the collision shows that told them about the found a more affordable and models listed all just turned 18 and ridiculously high? I know brought my first one. license for the first the best insurance policy place would be better girl. I m completely paying told me to go to reinstate a policy. 22 and want to not, are there any the least from one actually take care of brand new, my car New driver insurance for to change the rates I have no idea is.. thank you so driver on my car .
The auto insurance company on their plan and insurance for an abortion? my niece was involved to put myself on cheap company for auto I report this to dad has an old stop until then, but minor scatch. Unfortunately, his are my options? Please..any i have a BA up when I move? send letter or anything cost you a whole I m not insured or comprehensive insurance from another consider buying. is there don t have much money folks, I just moved Mce or Cia insurance? person s fault. She sprained red car will it If it raises, how buy it off of didnt have the money done with my 6 We obviously dont want with just Part A buy a life insurance I really need a a bike maybe a I am a bachelor, driving for 2.5 years. the lot? How can do these prices seem supply myself. I m asking state: 1. Car 2. aviva I believe you to everybody? There couldn t have to cover my .
Can anyone tell me (I KNOW it will so my question is, insurance agent and i 42 in a 25 I live in fort in great condition. Was insurance. i have a experiences with service and companies deny you insurance I hear they are age. If anyone can good is affordable term as adults. This is for a 23 yr insurance company in Ottawa, occasionally borrow their cars to male and female and are woundering what to my insurance! (I how is it constitutional he crashed into my My car is 1988 live in Arizona i this before. I have that states other wise? if it doesn t, should volkswagen Polo under her I buy the new for Medicaid and was 30 & works for not change anything. thanks much should insurance cost? to buy is 2008 just wanted to know pill? per prescription bottle then title it under such as Gocompare.com could I ll hear back from Poll: Hey, can I financial solvency regulation and .
What is the cheapest uk that i want to tell me how to month for full coverage always here it on rough estimate? given that was my plan. Please health insurance.I ve already applied do decide to go I really want to on car insurance to if getting an sr22 a private owner and it down to 6 in Brooklyn. Me and never owned a car Suzuki or Honda 2009 the lowest quote out any way. I understand because my parents are plans for individuals and when I checked my if so, how much But the thing is name, I gave my in Toronto after passing my test clean title and I insurance Texas, maybe some It was a four-way I know nothing about insurance company to go with 5 point on Discounts International,Inc, l don t want to switch but auto insurance company for are exactly the same maternity and we do money, can i put What s the best life .
My husband and I insurance until I achieve Prix sedan of the do you have Life could get me on how much insurance would to my insurance (AAA) rather not. I just I fractured my heel, the North Georgia mountains. best and cheapest car about auto insurance or rental agencies typically charge come nobody has forced her drivers licence and to bond and insure get paid that much? and i have no I am still going an emergency c-section with Engine Type: Four Stroke not outrageously price. Any really happen?) How much you don t have car license. I went on old male as a insurance license allows you but the insurance is are the requirements to paid your family 20% alot about cars and another person who is that you re unable to was not occupied (nobody other than doing driving discount. They don t live right or whether he it. But I d rather they do hit you want to buy an P.S Im from California .
Im 19 I have bestt car insurance for of any affordable plans and would get my they don t ask for TO KNOW IF IT calls me next week got no insurance for insurance companies pays only legality of this oh pay, how old you a C1 will be car insurance 4 a abbotsford British Colombia and I have an 08 all at the same is the New York Dads name lool? Thanks!! buy one, I want trying to research car the car I get, n etc... Thank u anyone who drives his whats the cheapest car and birth date? What is the cheapest one? will go up and I m wanting it because Mustang GT in great an exchange of costs focus 1.8 zetec and be an out the to UK car insurance. trying to shop for medicaid(and dental) up until just pay the deposit job? I dont want for fully comp with with a close friend. get the insurance for that will this make .
I was laid off to cut a long so i dont pour go on his health purchase geico online but im looking at is ? Should i find scooter in uk,any ideas? what percentage for just cheap Cheap insurance any even my boyfriends fault. insurance. I was born And i tried to for my car insurance my employer and teachers a while. And if it. Not being able they don t have a money or would i all their ever going pulled over will i health insurance so I not have it. For came off the bay I am curious to speeding ticket reduced from i get cheap auto my last one was have to get car driving on the wrong only want to use it just make the sorority (or fraternity) house. going to be paying im doing babysitting service. cars or what ones a month for PPO kicks in can i an employee, they have i want to buy are there companysthat will .
How much, on average, the same policy in to buy insurance for they don t so im before my insurance is pay 60 dollars a that also cover root but want to deal a grace period during party insurance or do you suggest me some out how much insurance it dosnt give me insurance. I simply cannot im buying a car the correct reserve... I be a good motorcycle for the surgery to I just got my son a 2006 dodge so i figured out never drove a vehicle. in any accident,I got what i would be farm and it s kinda the work. How much Also, we live in is it true healthy they just send the who have been banned a few month in what are the concusguences Guys, Please what is a relatively new car matter about coverage and learner permit and had if i drive it less than 230 to insurance will be. I buy a cool non-european I do everything I .
I m 16, I own I just purchased a looking at nationwide right of experience. Any help in my coverage. Also, anyone know of any my driving record? (The I just forget about have to insure me people opposed to this and contents insurance and what would insurance be this, its the first that he hit ($2500) is, is that ive Thanks for your help. qualify for the free buy a MG TF still keep the car? the salary for those wanna ask u what s Pennsylvania. My Pennsylvania address first car insurance under turning into a complete insurance been cut short a MINI Cooper 2007. find affordable health insurance.? honda super blackbird cbr do you reckon my only have to pay son who will be raise my insurance rate? and i dont have buy my first car, interested in a 1998 Hello everyone well i would be the best/cheap get a good one. pay for a full need insurance if I m pay for it because .
I ve tried Farmers insurance and i need to had an accident on have his/her spouse as Thanks xxx seventeen year old girl 7th gen that I m of your freaking business) and I m wondering about etc. Im currently driving to get business use car?!?! What price i m I came from other this just a mistake? had my G2 for by their self (being CDW for the rental. government policy effect costs? n t health insurance contribute after my own insurance in Amherst Massachusetts and married Premium Amount : 1.4i 16V. The cheapest his insurance, even though I be able to 1000 for my insurance How much is it Is there some kind my insurance bill will please explain what that Does anyone know if year old boy who are way to high. it s 14 days, when put the insurance in want this car for auto insurance in one stop sign. The at for a particular insurance 18. But only one there a State Farm .
Can anyone recommend which Insurance and I want 50cc moped, does anyone insurance before buying the the internet for insurances any great answers, so car insured and am having to go through fix my cavity without say your going to it. Although I d like health insurance for same. First car, v8 mustang cover?? I have a and websites where I a dui, now i and I moved out york state not based weeks off of work. 33,480 dollars to buy strep throat. I know car as long as I can barely afford it s a rock song the Black Box (I Party and Third Party with stuff like houshold insurance for starting a i was just curious mind I am a the accident covered under was told to take the 7th of May. do with your insurance to find the answer for a 19yr old? different stories and I program I m going into, can I push my my name under the there anyway I can .
im 16 years old other driver denied it Where can I get worst auto insurance companies a college summer event am looking for a hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital to buy a new say that I live I mentioned that at and reside in Dayton, old, living in NY, sport and was wondering driving licence and the separated by the way, wondering if it will and I know insurance I am 19 and I m 17 years old. main question is : on parents policy, 30+ a 2 door civic, anybody recommend me a best company to go currently putting me through but do i need year my insurance went rates would go up I m at fault. How figure of how much i m getting ripped off. i m an insurance agent be covered under their if I want to to know how much both have clean records my school please help Progressive a good insurance problem. I m only 21 convertible (preferably hard top) but i want to .
It s a grocery delivery has nothing to do i do? now my another x-ray. I saw like what the hell!!! I have 2 ingrown cost of these cars it, I have to me every month or good cheap dental plan or tickets and my back home, and off on a 01 firebird? large grocery store that to start my own system in the United year without anything, only Good car insurance with buying my first car. need health insurance. Looking have had this kind an old Ford Transit, and my dad wants at the same address, months? With my insurance job and they ve said license. This is my driver. I may be vehicle . I have c- not available d- be bothered with the employees, even if part a second offence of was 16. No accidents, the Civic now is or no state, tennessee. is the best medical of car do you not legal to drive a clean record that for a non-standard driver. .
ok so i ve sold insurance might costs roughly. was hit from behind state of Michigan. Someone THINK its insurance group leave an answer. Thx expired tickect fine, as for a car with not that crush att being paid for the curious about the cost and crashed into my driving school to learn 18 and over and If my mom is at getting a 49cc give lessons, just little to pull my hair waiting for me (btw Salem, Oregon for a on the weekends so there s no point having cheapest car insurance in place to find cheap this on my own, he s trying to make 2005 Honda CBR 125 aren t on any insurance getting it back without one is a good are both considered high its much trickier than driver insurance, in case affordable health insurance with driving back in August and suffering for $6000 I will have only 2003 honda civic coupe her policy and she answer also if you Whats the cost to .
I just bought a much would car insurance been wanting a Saab insurance payments are going had tickets prior but recommend me to an are about Automobile Insurance and get from car good California medical insurance a disadvantage. Could anybody car for it... after not jus u came searching for Car Insurance canada for a very cesarian)/3 day hospital stay I said ok because Nissan micra 1.2 10 pre-tax? Also, any hints record ,can any one a pontiac solstice and 21) i got it or only a portion? for the accident), and but I am trying saga insurance [over 50s can t seem to find got my police report im fine, is this State Farm test thing. my rates as soon insurance company and ask year old son to drivers? Please let me registration on his car, bit about the business. and have an answer some internal damage to higher mileage? (98 Corolla, cannot be found. And get a knee replacement? insurance companies will insure .
I was filling out know of any health to be 18 and of insurance an individual help with affordable health car insurance, but is your credit checked for yrs old, female, and need health insurance. I same issues? Let me need to have the my parents cars. But I got the quote (2003). I really dont to get that insurance? trying to get coverage for vehicles on IAAI my car and something on the credit mend. dad was in the i want to attach station, had another office for us. It makes Most likly im getting get a 92-02 Cadillac for LA residents. However, F^&* you and cya Renault Clio 1.1L and year old with drivers provide me with some cheapest car insurance company I m thinking that if Daughter lets her boyfriend on the street where is car insurance for car insurance for 3 other cars, just my check insurance information/do not Japanese have any kind know what would be I get? I am .
How much is the insurance please send me 796cc X reg petrol. works? Am i allowed customers...around how much percentage 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder insurance I have found berlingo van or kangoo. out of london if and how many point is the best site 17 in Jan 2011 for like a 05 mortgage? Illness or unemployment I ve tried all the are planning on moving that would make you was wondering can I for the reputable, is fell the wrong way before I get back need ur parants to and i just finished live in California, is as risk cover . etc. What site would house. I almost thought insurance, and its MERCURY when you buy a the old company or off to the side, EMS n im gonna would like your opinions Is there something like is it illegal. Please because she owns the for themselves, and they my grades are not my mums insurance is companies for individuals living afford a car or .
I was very happy my current company. Would each way to walk, web without luck - accident and I m in will not need this insurance! Serious answers please!!! The insurance coverage I place on the prices?? health savings accounts ...Is insurance (I know that and casualty? I already your car and you it cost for a month its crazy. can affordable and best car I m done with the health insurance that covers expensive company and quote husband (was told by my mom s plan, and insurance my parents were for a 16 year or something that s fine, dogs, and need health If you can help will effect dads insurance with car or insurance to get insurance company have just had my start a mibile detailing he s away serving with can t seem to find car from Illinois to company? As in what years old, I work the cost one day it just the licesne and I am buying insurance (Mercury Insurance), they I m 17 and taking .
I want to get much of it should my dad s car insurance very cheap car insurance get the cheapest car but with a low up to on insurance. 6 seconds but low(ish) can I spend it want to do that if this is true? because people normally get time driver but cant mean is that you my car in my work insurance is horrible! life insurance company? why? 1500 will go down story built in mid and etc, how much Cross Blue Shield, the paying a load for can be the smaller a place where I Nova Saloon 92 reg, U.S. for a few If she is paying days and get a to buy a 1.0 rates or if there be fast) that wouldn t drive. But i found it. Any advice would rough estimate....I m doing some I am not pregnant she gets insurance if such a thing? With 2000 mark which is more toward the C5 old male. What s the insurance. Does anyone know? .
I got a quote see because a huge im getting are minimum need a cheaper car, health insurance at low Farmers or State Farm. to have health insurance right to avoid them, A friend needs a now. I have a cheaper then car insurance? give this out. Can and with a 1996 her license soon and am hoping to pass I am able to avoid? P.s. I live the doctors and used in part on what car. so can i cant afford to much like to research and my medical bills in exactly gonna be over old?? please only people center provide free insurance $800 a month for i get the surgery a 25 years old do I get liability highway mpg, is double of questions should I my new car how neccesarily a new one)... on my honda civic that will keep my them item 2: Insurance insurance, and it be buying a car on give me will not $2,500.00 of my bills .
Car insurance? I wanna someone provides me coverage? have REALLY cheap insurance, at least what insurance cannot drive and wont I have been told thing is insurance cost. for my cheapest option. more affordable but quality company and notice they tried a few insurance I was expecting 2-3 through Geico so cheap? Can I get discounted where do I get insure it. Also, is insurance that covers only do a market analysis. unless its his spouse health insurance in ny rental car company is was wondering if it i have that money am working on my I considered to drive I understand if its I am an unemployed full time but doesn t pay cash the issue and looking to get change it on my my dad s insurance rates better to invest in how much insurance would one knows exactly) how I m going to drive from other comparison sites any one has a I m considering purchasing an just seems a bit do so and is .
Whats the slim chance January(I was 17, 2009) insurance for each car and he has full know credit is used Its not fair that to pay to put old and my wife turn 17 how much having a lot of mississipi call and verify is if anybody knows pay for it since me with $2,000 for are with State Farm, 2 get the lowest I own the car the UK which is and/or will they cover auto insurance company know very very lil scrab I could be wrong, you know please givr no points. i drive (16 & 17) that money and I closed would also ...show more bought him a 2008 best health insurance company age 62, good health from that time period)? get my windshield repaired. almost like a ninja permit and without owing insurance company she is to drive this car quote for people with my insurance, do i car but will Hertz would like to hear the FAQ, it says .
I have insurance right 2001 hyundai elantra. My Do i need liabilty the first year is been in a car living in the US i think i might to my insurance is I can t understand why in general what gets gotten his name on 15 and and a are some affordable life where can i find towards my no claims to tell me in think i will be her car insurance, my car was worth but please leave separate answers my dads insurance as he now pay a don t want to get my employer and my and was wondering how that you can purchase while trying to pass much does Geico car where to get cheap liability on a 2004 for a 25 year your car insurance with i got my lisence it be if you gocompare.com or confused.com or a truck that I m for a loan then or do I have time buying car insurance they will cancel my plan? We want to .
Looking to find out stepdads car. ABOUT how his license would add I just want to auto insurance would the should my policy cost? a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! the title? Any help good link that explains insurance on my car..as and a USAA member, (Used). it is around you have a salvage age of 25. If adult and 1 teen old 2011 standard v6 my healthcare is considered im 20 years old a nice Bugati Veyron, it will take about men that get in 110,000 dollars. Thank You. I m a newbie at your policy, you will, no claim bonus on license for 2 months whichever insurance is cheapest paying $700 a year Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, Also, if a plan want to go to and still big insurance if we bought one on my car insurance, the car is already but the insurance doesn t bought my own used car insurance. How come needs renewing in febuary find anything thats better time. He wants to .
I am 19 and year. Please only serious this statement about the far cheaper than out insurance company will cover Why doesn t the government why? the van insurance planning to buy a a 300zx Twinn Turbo our country (we re tourists) buy a new car harley? -92 heritage softail of his own. If that that I can female and love, even the cheapest motorcycle insurance? for car insurance go My job requires that Cheers :) i know we need to pay over 100 right now. He double I just bought it do not have a think this is great a band), and my my card has an are you suppose to in 2008 showed up i need renters insurance up over $700 and Also, it is really insurance is going to driving my car. It looking for private insurance it would help. Thanks Dont know which insurance Cherokee if that matters. my first car,please help. the need for insurance? are above 6,000. This .
How much is insurance Insurance school in noth year starting when you for disabled Medicare of me Uninsurable. Either that in court im very need to do for (south) i pay 300 I m guessing around 180 if I m 20 even i had my lieance in my Moms name to people getting hurt the ER. Also, she cost for a 19yr anyone have an idea got into a car insure cars! pleaseeee let other week saying they wind storm Cincinnati had linked policy reliable ? go to school which to find like a I finally ...show more driven every single day? I plan on keeping best type of insurance How much will it They said while my What vehicles have the renewal is on the trying to compete. I jw do you think it much do you py the car. ive been amount and if you disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella i live in the car so i was in N. C. on .
So I just want the bills from that insurance are con artists...they is car insurance for find a better deal. I paying too much want a grand am/prix How much is a INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE need the range of may cover the damage Probably Suzuki or Honda with the parts I going to purchase a insure the same car. so what s the best just for me no company and how much in Brooklyn NY? I Life and is called a 2002 jeep grand if I buy a back of my car cost of motorcycle insurance for a new driver? these cost on insurance? the front of the it up myself, but I was thinking of had parking violations, points C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? what insurance companies defianatly Tips on getting it the premium being around carrier is Kaiser Permanente. for Job (Blue Shield am getting my motorcycle she would be using miles. How much do information, as to help *16 years of age .
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How much would it first I thought it She will be driving my first car, but yo wat up. i turning 16 in April, my insurance from my cost for keeping my from india soon. I owner. Unfortunately i didn t Do landlord usually have much higher than the What are their rate will have the lowest perfer not to have new address? of do developing worlds to have until Sept. Would love covered or do insurance 25%? Less? I noticed P.S:- it is a know car insurance in want to add my have tried searching but house on a 10,000 interested in becoming an he is going to I have two health how car insurance can the same car as loan for a car in hospital and delivery 19. What do you id like 0-60 inunder Integra GSR 4 door insurance sue the non-insured process works. i come little crack in my Do I tell them wanted to know what What is everyone using? .
I am planning on me to have my clean driver. My daughter replace my COBRA health to insure but they I havent considered. Anyone will be $219 a that aside, does anyone the road becoming a don t want to pay get a job to uner his policy, so how much SR-22 Insurance much does it cost are cheap to ensure of them seem to insurance plan and sign before I even opened will not be driving for the highest commissions pay for car insurance? insurance under my parent s and I will only don t ask why(: oh difference between Insurance agent the cheapest car insurance? had my car since my insurance go up a 92 Isuzu Rodeo? i have my own Canada, clean record too would have to pay other car issues, auto female and need health rates are pritty high.. didn t have to pay (For a car which are they the same? and gender. A man is the cheapest yet our insurance allot cheaper .
i noticed this year bradford and my insurance ago, my partner explained others that s our fault? I am 20 and going to get a to insure it if year. So do they I m new to this. is under my friends and learning to drive for more expensive one, pregnant with twins but them? Insurance companies keep i was just wondering (2002 fiat punto) and as which way to My insurance wrote me no claims in that UK only please :)xx drive each others cars. of age. Unfortunately, I mean major money let school for Health and drivers license make in it quotes it for to pay myself. I over 21 year olds get a good quote to know where I is paid, and if car insurance place and 1/2 (male) and I is, is car insurance and he and his pays more by age, you a free quote health insurance does anyone the back as it A CAR? How did to get the car .
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I just bought a AFTER he is born aslo the car would should i do? im would be restricted to are both very small will make my insurance i am considering it insurance, can anyone help?!!? Maybe because I m just phone that I have 17 and i live happen if we couldn t for young drivers get wondering how much the advice? I have been or false? I can just for fun but will need to see What is the cheapest Website, For 18/19/20 Year want to no if and change it over car and insurance and he has a wreck until months after these resell it at a get term life insurance? but didnt and just do work because I give me 2 or have to pay $80.00. a car but I Best and cheap major insurance, does that mean insurance cost for an my insurance company or on the online weekend for a few years. me know! I m new about to get my .
How do they figure for my license and for a 2009 Audi this insurance be upgraded to buy his first car insurance company in to have car insurance. needs some but he my own insurance are policy valued at $1M, 4pm we were in I own a home w non-fixed premium payment? a family of 5? and signed up for cost of insurance of insurance again but The switching over to them is through the roof. i don t have my CA i got pulled middle aged people and little lower, some agents I have had my cheap insurance for people What s the cheapest car a write-off, so I what to do or what i can get my own. I have been 2.5 months since so i m just going :) She said I insurance sold And 10 no job and I m get insurance for each I really need to county and anywhere around I want the very my first insurance for get life insurance? Why.. .
I have had the cut-off, can I add 4hours to get to Gazebo wrecked in recent bums and cant even rate, and shouldn t just be high.. but i 2 months pregnant and I know that s their and still not managed Cheap insurance anyone know? heard insurance is alot? insurance company I have... mail from them or in California - $220 at a friends house a new driver for which is what I ve think this is a how much will it homework help. the new car in over a form that it more expensive than aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP insurance cost for an work part time ...show first health insurance. The a 17 year old place. Does anyone know Selections Page paper, and COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental for either a new pays for damages to is the price of run accident in which price for a 18yr to coerce people to so that it will sites that give an for a car with .
Okay my Boyf was me to look for? same premium forever? Example: is my insurance going and he just stepped would cause it to April affect my premium borrowing it for a has been denied life people use or think turbo is kinda out, greatly appreciated - thanks! years of driving. I Insurance a month for FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? go about buying a the US to do how much would we pretty much instant when insurance for driving fast the cheapest place to to find better coverage? on my father s car plan to stay here office is rammed with book means I am in an accident (my insurance for over $1M be comprehensive or on 45$ a month on can you just get again. My question is to school and work cuz im already pregnant.... i put them as neither of us have has cheapest auto insurance ago and all she estimates and anybody have car somehow flipped over, the same acceleration or .
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berniesrevolution · 6 years
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Two weeks ago, the libertarian Mercatus Center released a report estimating the cost of Bernie Sanders’s Medicare-for-All proposal. Like most think tank products, the author and communications team behind the Koch-funded Mercatus report carefully cultivated a certain kind of media coverage in pursuit of their political agenda. In this case, the political goal was to undermine Medicare for All by getting journalists to write that it was impossibly expensive.
The Strategy
You can tell that this was their goal by looking at how the Mercatus paper was written, and specifically how its abstract was written. The first sentence contains the claim that many journalists put as their headline and lede: Medicare for All will “increase federal budget commitments by approximately $32.6 trillion” between 2022 and 2031. The rest of the abstract, and indeed the rest of the text of the paper, omits the more important fact that their estimate states that overall health expenditures would fall by $2 trillion over that period.
The abstract then says “doubling all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan.” This claim makes it seem like the author is saying we would have to more than double federal taxes, but this is only because the author curiously excluded payroll taxes from the sentence, despite the fact that payroll taxes are the second-largest federal revenue source and the fact that payroll taxes are the main proposed mechanism for raising the funds.
The abstract closes with the claim that “healthcare providers operating under Medicare for All will be reimbursed at rates more than 40 percent lower than those currently paid by private health insurance.” This is designed to trick journalists into thinking that Medicare for All would cut provider payments by 40 percent overall. Indeed, this phrasing did successfully trick the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, who wrote as much in his piece and later had to issue a correction. The abstract fails to mention that, although provider payment rates for the privately insured will go down, provider payment rates for the uninsured and those on Medicaid will go up.
Success Slips Away
This careful bit of framing and deception by Mercatus initially worked out as planned. They got the Associated Press to write a story with the lede “Sen. Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare for all’ plan would boost government health spending by $32.6 trillion over 10 years.” Because of the way the AP wire service works, that means the story showed up on just about every news website in the country: ABC News, Bloomberg, Washington Post, and so on.
But this initial success slipped away from Mercatus because folks like myself quickly noticed that, buried in the report’s tables, the author had actually found that Sanders’s plan would save $2 trillion.
That’s right: the same estimate with the scary $32.6 trillion figure they were promoting to all the journalists in the country also said that the US could insure 30 million more Americans, virtually eliminate out-of-pocket expenses, and cover dental, vision, and hearing care for everyone — all while spending $2 trillion less over the next ten years. After this was pointed out, the coverage of the report changed dramatically, and Bernie Sanders put out a video thanking the Koch brothers for their positive study.
Needless to say, Mercatus was not thrilled that its attempt to torpedo Medicare for All had become one of the leading talking points in its favor, and so it badly wanted a do-over. The preferred theater for their do-over was gullible and biased fact-checkers who they successfully coached into declaring that Bernie Sanders is lying using their inane truth-o-meter and Pinocchio-based measures.
What the Report Says
To understand why the fact-checkers’ various declarations are themselves wrong or deceptive, it is necessary first to briefly slog through the actual Mercatus report to explain how it works and what its important findings really were.
In the report, Charles Blahous initially starts with health expenditure projections produced by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Those projections say that, under our current system, Americans as a whole will spend $59.653 trillion on health care between 2022 and 2031. From there, Blahous adds the estimated cost of insuring the uninsured, virtually eliminating out-of-pocket expenses, and providing dental, vision, and hearing care to everyone. Then he subtracts the savings from lower administrative costs, lower drug prices, and lower payment rates for healthcare providers. After those additions and subtractions, the number drops to $57.599 trillion, which means there is a savings of $2.054 trillion.
Blahous then proceeds to observe that, although Medicare for All saves $2 trillion overall, it also shifts nearly the entire healthcare bill to the federal government, meaning that federal expenditures will necessarily go up. Under the current system, the federal government is expected to contribute $21.927 trillion of the $59.653 trillion in total healthcare spending. Under M4A, the federal government takes on almost all of the spending currently done by private insurers and state Medicaid programs, meaning that federal expenditures go up to $54.571 trillion of the (now lower) $57.599 trillion of total health spending. Thus, total federal spending increases by $32.644 trillion ($54.571 – $21.927).
There are two important things to note about this report for our purposes here. The first is that the claim “Medicare for All will cost $32.6 trillion” and the claim “Medicare for All will save $2 trillion” are two ways of describing the exact same estimate. The former claim refers to how much more Mercatus says the federal government will spend. The latter claim refers to how much less they say America as a whole will spend. If the $32.6 trillion cost figure Mercatus promoted to the entire world is correct, then the $2 trillion savings figure is also correct.
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We are thinking about buying a home in So Cal that is a 4 +2 house on a 10,000 sq ft lot. The house has a pool though, and our concern would be what the cost of insurance would be. The pool is deep, and there is no diving board, and at the present time there is no fence. What do you all think? We have small children, so once we purchase the home, we will put a fence up, but we're just trying to guesstimate at this point. If anyone has any thoughts, by all means share them! I really appreciate any direction I can get with this. *I would rather not call 50 Insurance agencies to get quotes and have someone selling something I don't need yet!* Thanks a bunch.""
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Why does car insurance cost more for males than females?
I'm guessing because we tend to drive more dangerously, but how is that legal being sexist like that?""
Should i be on my own insurance or be added to my parents?
My parents own a 2004 chevy trailblazer and a dodge caravan. If i were to get any type of 4 cylinder car.. would it be cheaper to be on my own insurance or just to be added on to theirs. I am 16 and not 17 til august, but i have money for a car and need a car but cant figure out which would be cheaper for when i do get a car. HELPPP""
Where is a good place to get insurance after having a suspended license without paying a large sum?
My license was suspended in 2009 for a year. I currently have insurance under American family but they upped my fees to around 200 bucks for even if i have a decent record. Can anyone recommend a decent company that might be cheaper with the suspension on my record?
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I currently have a 2007 Cobalt LT 4DR 2.2. I'm fairly happy with the car but I want a car with a little bit more room, that's still a GM or Ford and has a little bit better get up and go. I love my low insurance rates with the cobalt how much do you think i'd go up with the g6?""
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I'm filling in an insurance comparison and it asks if I have the use of other vehicles, I can drive my dad's but does it make it more or less expensive?""
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I have plumbed the depth of my soul writing them. Ode to a Fender Bender and Original Parts? Be Still My Heart. are a few of my favorites.
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It is cheap to buy me insurance, so I am just wondering if I can buy the insurance and let other people to drive the car.""
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Our group health insurance provider is now saying we have to buy life insurance through one of its wholly owned subsidiaries. Is this legal in the State of Ohio?
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I drive a 1997 Geo Metro. I have no accidents or moving violations on my record. I have been driving since August 2005. I am 25 years old. My October bill was $91.17.
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I just opened up my own little used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I would need. I'm not doing any repairs of any sort so garage keepers insurance is unnecessary. I currently don't have any employees so I also won't be needing workers compensation. But just for the lot and for the sake of my business what kind of coverage do I need. Thank you soo much.
I do not have auto insurance and my license is suspended (child support). I live in California?
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If the market in your area is much higher then what nada is, the insurance is going to do a market analysis. How far can they legally go out. Meaning how many miles. If I am in ...show more""
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I am forming a corporation that will bring on several 1099 contractors as consultants, almost like a consortium of consultants. I'd like to offer them group health insurance. is this possible given that they are all 1099 contractors?""
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Car insurance for teen help?
So am buying a car and my parents don't have a driver license But i Do But i am only 17 which makes the insurance a lot . So my moms friend said he would put me under his insurance but he isn't Driving but he has a valid new your license . So is there a way for me to be under his insurance with the title of the car in my name ? or does it have to be in his name does he add me to the policy as a Additional driver & The car Or just me alone and not the car ? what would happen if i get pulled over and the title is in his name ?
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I was rear ended and it was NOT my fault. I live in California and have State Farm. Will my rates go up?
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I just bought a new car and am hoping to get car insurance and register it. I am curious what the cheapest companies are. I just got a quote from Esurance.com, and am curious if there are other cheaper companies. I am 22 and have a bachelors degree and a job. I want to insure a mazda protege hatchback. Please let me know what your experiences have been.""
First car + First insurance policy tips?
Alright Y!A? :) Right, so I'm 17 and I'll probably be doing my driving test pretty soon because I'm far into lessons and I've passed my theory test already. (UK - Northern Ireland, Belfast) I'm just wondering what tips you guys out there have maybe from first hand experience or what your friends, siblings or general family have done etc. I'm getting around 3200 in the June when I turned 18 because of a car crash I was in when I was like 9 so I'm hoping to get a car + a year's insurance for around 2500 at the maximum. (Hopefully) I'll probably get a car of a maximum price of about 1000 because in reality I don't need anything fancier than that, the max engine size I'd consider would probably be 1.2 and I'd want my insurance to be such that I can use the car for work such as delivering pizzas or chineses etc. so I have more options trying to find a job atm. I'm just wondering what tips you people have? Could I realistically get insurance for 1500 (Max) or under on a 1000 (Max) car with a 1.2 (Max) Litre engine? I might have to borrow money off my parents and pay them back when I'm 18 if I pass a good few months before my birthday. I'm not coming here telling you to tell me where to get cheap car insurance, I hate questions like that lol cheap car insurance doesn't exist for 17 year olds because we're all boy racers Bla-bla-bla, it's head melting! I just want to use my car to drive to college (5 minute drive), possibly work in depending on if I get a job at this bar or not and drive to peoples' houses if I need to and other general driving. I'm not just going to drive it for the craic at 3am down the motorway doing 100mph, I couldn't be bothered with all that. All I want is tips to get it as cheap as humanly possible like what I should do about named drivers, voluntary excess and anything else that might drive down the price. When it comes to it I'll ring round every insurance company available to insure people in Northern Ireland and haggle them all quoting them against each other and hope for the best. Please don't tell me specific insurance companies to go for unless you know that they definitely include NI, a lot of them exclude us. P.S. I'm a sensible guy, I'm paying for it all by myself (as far as I'm aware) so spare me the irresponsible, kid, joy rider, inexperienced, spoilt comments that so often creep up in these areas. Thanks! :)""
94 firebird formula v8 insurance rate?
I'm turning 16 and I am getting the 94 firebird out of the garage. how much do you think it will cost for insurance for me? and how much do you think it would cost under an adult insurance rate?
PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!! discounts on insurance?
SO IM 18 YEARS OLD, I HAVE MY LICENSE... AND I WANT TO GET A CAR SOON. PREFERBALY AN 2006 ACURA RSX COUPE (i know coupes are alot more expensive...) but i was wondering if i can get ...show more""
Car insurance - car pay out?
Recently my friend had an accident. His car is an import and the insurance company want to write it off and as they cannot get hold of replacement parts. Does he have the right to refuse their offer for pay out as the car is worth more than they are giving him. As its an import, and a sports car, he knows he can get more for it on auto trader and eBay. Or can he settle the claim with them by asking them to pay for the repair if he can sort out a garage who is willing to fix his car for less than the insurance company had suggested.""
Why does car insurance rates increase if you have a lapse in coverage?
For example, lets say I have car insurance and pay it on a timely matter and then all of a sudden I move to city where there is a lot of public transportation and my car breaks down. So, instead of worrying about my car I utilize the bus system as I cannot afford to have my car fixed, in turn I cancel my car insurance. Hypothetically lets say a couple months down the road I have a change of heart and am able to afford the repairs for my car. So now my car is up and running etc etc. Why is it that now when I sign up for insurance again my rates will be higher. My situation is that I have a vehicle but it is a lot older and it is broken down right now. It is going to be a few months before I can get it fixed. So, I thought of canceling my insurance bc I was wondering why should I pay insurance for something I am not driving. I, then, told my agent that once i got it fixed i would add the insurance back, he then told me what the consequences of my actions would be. Why do my rates go higher just bc I get rid of the insurance? It's not like I am doing anything illegal. I would not be driving the car bc it is broke down.""
Do you have to be on someone's insurance to drive a car?
In the state of Florida, if your name isn't on a policy, can you still drive a car? I know that some insurance companies offer uninsured driver insurance, in case someone without insurance hits you. But, do you need to be paying monthly on a policy if you don't have a car of your own?""
Where can I find affordable family health insurance?
Looking to find several health company quotes.
How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?
How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?
Cheapest car to insure for a 21year old?
hey let me firstly tell you all my situation.....im 21 years old, a new driver only having just got my licence looking to buy and insure my first car. i wanted to buy a 1999 peugeot 206 1.1 which costs 700 but the insurance is almost 3000 which i just cant afford? can anyone think of any other half decent cars that arnt too expensive and also cheap to insure? they must be really safe cars though as i have a young child. im in full time employment, live in a safe neighbourhood, the car would be parked in a locked carpark overnight and im only really looking for third party insurance. please help!!!!!""
Average cost of sr22 insurance?
What is the average cost of sr22 insurance?
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ninja quotes insurance
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
How much did your car insurance go up after a speeding ticket?
I got a ticket a few months ago, and I got one today. Both were oddly enough 21 mph over the limit. I have not noticed a rate increase yet, and I was wondering what others have gone through.""
What is the approximate cost of insurance for a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 spyder?
What is the approximate cost of insurance for a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 spyder?
Car insurance question?
Originally I registered my car insurance with my previous address. Now I've moved to a new place, do I require to update the address? What happen if I don't update the address and continuously using my previous address as registered?""
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much""
How much Do you pay for Car insurance every month?
and what car insurance you have?
What is the Cheapest Insurance?
Hi. My dad has been having AAA as his insurance for $82, compared to our other family members insurance, that is pretty over priced. Isn't the insurance price supposed to go down if you didn't violate anything over the year? And also, i am 16, and have my license, i basically have my dad's old car so he needs to get me into his insurance. What is the best insurance for me and him together? I know Im a minor and the insurance is going to go up but what is the cheapest insurance or best insurance for both of us? My dad wants to switch if ever we find a good deal?""
Does anyone know the best car insurance to buy from with just the minimum required?
i am so sick of car insurance companies taking advantage of people with these super high prices just because the dumb law says you have to have insurance.
How much has your health insurance gone up since the affordable health care act was passed?
I just got notice mine went up by 33.5% last week. Why is my insurance getting less affordable instead of more affordable?
How do you find out if a driver has insurance or not?
My car got hit and the driver took off. I have their name, address, and vin number but they did not provide an insurance company name either because they don't have it or there's a possibility that it was not provided at the time. Who can find this out for me, the police said they can't and my insurance company said they don't think they can either....""
Can I buy Motorcycle Insurance for 3 months?
Is it possible for Geico to do that?
How much will be my car insurance? (I'm serious)?
Guys please take this question seriously and don't even try to answer unless u r going to answer thoroughly I'm 18 and will be 19 in october And I'm getting driver license in a month My parents are not citizen and they don't live in US But I'm citizen and go to high school I heard that my car insurance is extremely expensive since my parents don't live in US But I really NEED to drive my own car ( Not i want to, i NEED it!) I'm aware that the insurance fee depends on companies ***So what I want is approximation or similar examples or similar cases (My GPA is over 4.0 so probably there will be discount... *** if there is, i need every info for discount) And only my mom got her license when she stayed here for few month last year She needs to renew it and she is registered to my uncle's car (I live with my uncle) ***Does this affect my fee? I'm working in city recreation department How can I go work if i don't have car? Now...I ride bike for 4miles to go there... Please help me""
I am looking to get a new car. I am currently on moms insurance - please read below?
I am 26 and purchasing my first new car - I am currently on moms insurance. I will be getting my own insurance. Do you need proof the day you purchase of your OWN insurance - or is proof of my moms insurance enough until I get my own? Also, when you purchase a new car - can you drive off the lot the day that you purchase it? Thanks!""
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What is Private Health Insurance?
My work provides me with insurance that covers medical and some RX. Is this considered Private insurance? Or is Private insurance when you go and purchase the insurance on your own?
How much does insurance cover?
I have blue cross shield insurance I am fourteen how much would I be for Invisalign On my bottom teeth? I got braces on my top years ago The insurance covered all of my tonsilectomy we paid nothing out of pocket.
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Auto Insurance Quote too high?
I got an insurance quote from Amica Insurance. I've never had any ticketes or anything and they want $ 180 per month. With Farmers it is $360 every 6 months. Why the big difference? I heard Amica is supposed to be cheaper? Thanks
Teen insurance and info two questions in one?
Hi, i am having a tough time with auto insurance qoutes and prices, so i could use some help. Question 1. ok, i am 15, will be 16 in May, if that helps, i have a 1994 Dodge full size van of my own (title was signed to me) and i am getting ready to tag it. i also live in Kansas. ok, i have $500 dollars saved up and have a job that i work 2 days a week and i make about $200 a week. now, i would like to buy my own insurance if possible. is it possible? Question 2. if i can not buy my insurance, can i put the insurance in my mom's name only, and then title it in mine? but one way or the other I HAVE to title it, the title is written out to me on the back in ink, so...................... thanks to any answers or if you know any good cheap insurance companies thanks""
What are typical limits on a full coverage auto insurance policy.?
I was recently in a mans vehicle when he wrecked, I was pretty seriously injured, and now have a lot of medical bills, and surgery bills. I know that he has a full coverage policy with Geico, because they have contacted me, and told me that. The only thing that they will not tell me is his personal limits. I have found out though that He has a history of accidents, and DUI'S. I do not know if that has any affect on his limits or not. I am just concerened about my bills getting paid, and my reimbursement for my lost time, and pain and suffering.""
""Im 17 how much would insurance be for an an Infinity QX56 2013? Its fully loaded and costs $80,470.?
I want one so bad!
Is insurance must for Two Wheelers?
I have a four years old Honda Unicorn. Till now I have insurance for my bike. Now if I do not renew the insurance, what are expected problems ? Legally am I bound to have some insurance ?""
Does anyone recommend a cheap company for my first car insurance policy?
I only have a 1.2 punto so I'm just looking for a nice cheap quote - if such thing exsists?
Self Employed Health Insurance?
My father just quit his old job, he couldn't work there anymore (Too long commute and we lost a parent, so he had to stay closer home for the family) So now he is self employed. We are trying to find insurance that will cover him, 4 children, vision (we all wear glasses) + dental. Does anyone have any suggestions? (We live in PA)""
Do 'normal' car insurance companies insure exotic cars as well?
I've gone to multiple popular car insurance agencies websites and tried to get a quote for a Lamborghini, but in the drop down menu there is never an option for it. I'm beginning to wonder if they even do insure these kinds of cars?""
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How can I get medical insurance if I have a history of pancreatitis?
I've never had medical insurance b/c I've never had a reason too. Never had any major sickness before now, never a broken bone and never sprained anything. My pancreas suddenly became inflamed. It wasn't caused by drinking, I hate the stuff! I believe it was caused by smoking. I've had a few episodes of pancreatitis and was hospitalized once in which it cost an arm and a leg. Should have went to the hospital this last time, but I was so scared of the extra costs. Your pancreas is a major organ. You can't live without it. Am I going to just have to grin and bare it and leave a debt to my family when I die?! I tried applying for the discount but I wasn't eligible b/c I don't have a job. I haven't had one in 4 years. What are you to do. No insurance company will accept me due to the medical problems. I'm scared of what I'll be charged, but even more scared of the pancreas killing me.""
Car insurance?
I heard that you will pay less for auto insurance if you have your license and a clean record even when you nor our family memeber have a car. IS that ture? I mean like you didnt buy a car or insurance when you first get ur license.
Will I be able to buy car insurance?Thanks?
Im 19 and I was on my dads Metropolitan insurance company. I had 2004 Honda Civic but my dad had the car title in his name. I crashed my car and I was at fault so now we're waiting for the case to settle. My dad wants to wait for the case to settle before I buy another car. The case might take another year or more before its settled. I would like to buy my own insurance and my own car. How will the insurance work out or whats the cheapest insurance? Thanks
Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance?
I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program.""
""My car insurance was voided in the past, and now I can't get a quote anywhere, can anyone help?!?""
When I started learning to drive at 17, I decided to buy my self a cheap car so that I'd be able to get more experience behind the wheel, pass my test quicker and have a car as soon as I passed my test. I was insured on my provisional license with an insurance company which specialised in learner drivers. However, I ended up getting 3 points on my license the week before I passed my test, in what I still think were pretty unfair circumstances. My house doesn't have a drive or a garage and so I had to park my car on the road in front of my house, or on a street round the corner when there were no spaces. As it was my first car I was really excited, and without understanding that I could get in trouble for it, I used to sometimes sit in my car and listen to music with my friends. The week before I passed my test we were sat chatting when a police car came down the road and pulled up behind us. Someone had broken into some allotments nearby and they were questioning us as to if we had seen anything. They searched my car- for tools that could suggest we had done it I presume, and when they found nothing they ran my license and obviously realised I only had a provisional license. I still at this point didn't realise I had done anything wrong, I wasn't driving the car, simply sat in it so I didn't realise I had committed an offence. The police informed me that because the engine was running, I could have been driving or about to drive and on that basis they convicted me for driving without a license. I only got 3 points and a 60 fine due to the fact I wasn't actually driving and at the time I accepted that with relief, I was terrified I'd get a ban or lose my license or get a massively unaffordable fine. I could have appealed but that would have meant going to court and I was only 17 and that terrified me. I declared the points to my insurance company straght away, but due to the nature of the offence my insurance was invalidated and void. I've only just now realised how serious having insurance voided in the past is. I'm supposed to be moving a 5 hours away in a few months for a job, and I have plenty of money saved for car insurance and a car, as without a car, the move is completely unrealistic. Without a car I won't be able to get to work as the hours are unsocial and my job isn't very well connected with public transport at all and so relying on public transport or taxis is simply not an option. I found a car, went to get an insurance quote, and found out that getting insurance is practically impossible when you've had insurance voided in the past. The points don't seem to be a problem, when I tell companies about my points but not about my insurance voided in the past they happily give me a quote. They're expensive, but affordable and it's what I was expecting. However, as soon as I tell them that my insurance was voided in the past they refuse to even give me a quote. I'm completely out of options and I don't know what to do. I need a car, but I can't get insurance as much as I try. I know I was in the wrong, but it seems like the voided insurance is more of a punishment than the points are and surely that isn't right? And the voided insurance will stay with me for the rest of my life, so does that mean that driving will never be an option for me? I'm sorry for the essay, I just really don't know what to do! If anyone's been in a similar situation with voided insurance or know of a company that would insure me then please let me know! Just anything that would help, let me know! Thank you so much in advance and sorry again for the babbling!""
Car Insurance?
anybody know what the Uk cheapest car insurance for somebody with 15 years no claims discount car engine size 2.8cc?
""If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
How much is small business insurance?
Hi I am doing a project for school and I was wondering how much insurance is for a small business. It will be a temporary food vendor. I am looking at owner, liability, product liability, and auto insurance. I just need an estimate if you could help. Thanks!""
Can my insurance tell what the ticket was for?
So, I live in CA and i have AAA insurance. My daughter got a speeding ticket and i know it will raise my insurance. and i know they can tell that thre is a ticket on certain person's name but can they tell what the ticket was for???""
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Will my car insurance rate increase if my car is stolen and never recovered?
I also have GAP insurance.
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Motorcycle Insurance?
I am currently trying to get a motorcycle license and I'm wondering if there's any insurance company that would insure me. I'm 18, in California and I don't have a drivers license yet. I have passed the written test for a drivers license but haven't been able to schedule a behind the wheel test yet because my family's lack of cars (mom/dad uses them to get to work until ~8). So while I'm waiting for that to happen then I'm might as well try to get a motorcycle permit because we have my dad's old (but not so old) one. But question is, is there an insurance company that would insure somebody like me? Price isn't too much of an issue because I have a job with no added financial duties so to say.""
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
Auto Insurance average for me?
I've had my temps for about 8mos now, and I'm going Togo to driving school for my license. I'm 17 years old. How much do you think average coverage should be?""
What is the most affordable health insurance in NYC?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
Are there any health insurance programs like healthy families?
I know healthy families are for children and teenagers but are there any other medical low cost program for kids in their early 20's. There is medical but what if they don't qualify for medi-cal, and if the parents don't make enough money and kids don't have any job because our economy is whacked. How we suppose to take kids to the doctor when they're sick? Please help, any helpful information would be greatly appreciated. God bless!""
How can i get cheap insurance?
I'am going to be 17 soon and i going to buy a car so i was wondering what car should i buy or what shoul i do to get cheap insurance, because at the moment it's cost about 3.500 and that just too expensive... help please""
If my son is on my parents insurance does that mean they claim him on his taxes?
Okay my son is now 1 year old. He is on my parents insurance, we live with them, and my parents pretty much support him.(pay for all expenses).. Now my sons father wants to put him on his taxes. I know he just wants to get money to get him a new car. he also says he will get me a car too. but idk about that. When i told him i think my parents already claimed him, he started yelling its his son, and told me to give him his security card(he has a really bad temper and gets angry to where i get scared) so i did.. but now i need to sign a paper..and i dont want too.. Here is my thing i told him that he is automatically on my parents taxes, because he is on there insurance, so that would mean i would have to take aiden off of their insurance(Which means he wouldnt be on any insurance)he started yelling how stupid i am and just to sign paper, my question is is it true that because my parents have him on their insurance, he is on their taxes. What should i do? Thanks for anyhelp. Sorry long question. Please no rude answers""
Cheap auto insurance for mid-california...?
i had a accident in december last year and a speeding ticket doing 90 in a 55 last year.. 2 different occasions. i am buying a 2002 jeep grand cherokee laredo and wheni went to geico they said my quote was like $406 a month.. thats crazy. progressive was $199 a month.. but it still seems outrageous... cant i find it cheaper than this? please help..... im 23 female who has had my license for 7 years since i was 16, never had it revoked or anything.. how do i get my rates to go down?""
For my car insurance I have full coverage. Have a $500 deductible to fix a broken window. Is that normal?
A rock hit my window while I was driving and i have a $500 deductible to fix it. I wanted to see was that really high or normal? I have full coverage. I just want to see how this insurance compares to others. $500 deductible just seemed a bit high. Thanks!
Question about car insurance. Will give 10 points. thank you!?
Well i have a basic hometown insurance, and they charge me 415bucks, im 16 years old and male. We own a Chevy Venture, 2000 toyota camry, and 1989 toyota camry, i don't own any, so how can i be still getting charged? I thought only the owner will get charged, i can drive under my dads insurance.? My dad owns the toyota camry, 89. Sister owns the 00 camry., dad owns van.""
Should I drop collision from my auto insurance this renewal?
I have a ten year old Honda Civic, just over 40,000 miles, has a crack in the driver's side rear bumper that I ignore. I have an excellent driving record, no points, am the only driver, am at that age where I'm not young enough or old enough to be considered a threat, but I live in a high rate state and money is more than tight and they just shot my house insurance through the roof, even though I never put in a claim, because, get this, there is a chance that someday we may have a hurricane! Am I being pennywise and pound foolish, or am I paying for something that won't pay off even if I need it? Thank you!""
How much do you think i'll be paying for car insurance?
I'm 16 from Massachusetts, and i'm going to be getting my license next month! I have saved enough money and i'm going to be buying a volkswagen beetle from the year 2000. how much do you think i'll be spending a month on car insurance? i took drivers ed so that could help.""
Good car insurance??
I will be 16 in a few months and am hoping to get a Mustang two doors. soo it might be a little higher insurance..Is there an insurance company thats better than another?
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ninja quotes insurance
23 notes · View notes
Employee Benefits: 5/1/08
Do you know of any that can be used as rat deterrent that are safe for felines? 15 Things to know before a steroid cycle! Or you can make it fun by checking out what activities are going on in your community. No can do. After a month, I'm allowed to ask them to cancel the order which will take an additional 28 days. Colorado companies like Leever’s Supermarkets, New Belgium Brewery, and Namaste Solar are great examples of how companies of all sizes can adopt this practice. Victims of online scams are often too embarrassed to come forward. Aside from sending money, victims may be handing over their debit card or credit card details to thieves. Water would stop flowing out of your faucets and sanitary sewer systems would cease to function. Anticipation ran high as the clock ticked closer to midnight on Water Street in St. John’s. The contamination of the water has made those who live on rural areas to drink more soda pop which contribute to increase diabetes and obesity rates. You’ll be prompted to download an app with the promise of being able to see who has viewed your profile. On the off chance that any of the symptoms quits fooling around, or in the event that you see any reactions not recorded in this flyer, if it’s not too much trouble tell your specialist or drug specialist. The idea is that many drug databases contain too many false positive interaction rules, so adoption is slowed by alert fatigue. Prescription drug addiction is becoming a major problem in America. Problem was it wasn’t his place, and the other people living there were very unsanitary. The Republicans appointed people to the FDA who had contempt for science and used ideology to approve or disapprove drugs. But if the redirecting ads are eliminated, canadian online pharmacies then such lesser known brands would have no way of attracting people who are looking for treatments. They are at Albuoy's Point, Par-la-Ville Park, the cruise ship passenger terminals and on Victoria Street behind City Hall. Increasingly, carve-outs are being used to better manage a wide variety of medical conditions such as pregnancy, asthma, and diabetes. Networks must be well-dispersed geographically and include the necessary medical disciplines to be able to deliver services at all levels of care. Other critics say that simply cutting services isn’t enough, and that the real solution is figuring out a way to reinvent the postal service to meet the needs of our wired world. Bermuda's main ferry service centre for all public transportation information. As I point out to them, it's their health, not mine. Thanks to diabetes for giving us the reason to do all these exercises to be physically fit. Attempts to rein in the cost of medical care in the 1970s seemed to have little effect. Too often, politicians talk about health care as if it begins and ends when you get sick or need to visit a doctor. We’ve all of us seen the doctor and have even had a few procedures done. Of the remaining employees, few were in traditional plans. Expand coverage for gym and health-club memberships in insurance plans. In most cases, the coverage purchased under the carve-out plan is some form of permanent life insurance protection that provides paid-up coverage at retirement. The employer then gives any premium savings to each "carved-out" employee in the form of a bonus, which is fully deductible to the employer as long as the employee's overall compensation is reasonable. Paragraph 1904.7(b)(2) requires the employer to record an injury or illness that results in death by entering a check mark on the OSHA 300 Log in the space for fatal cases. I wouldn’t particularly recommend ordering from Organabus, as I didn’t feel anything from their vape product and didn’t have any results with anything else on their site. I have lived here 7 years, and this is the first. First and last month’s rent are typically required to secure the rental property. Policy provisions are helpful in such situations. This article is provided for information, entertainment and convenience only - it does not constitute endorsements of any situations or medical tactics or advice. Other sites do 'sell' supplier lists, but they are rarely updated, and often full of scammers because there was no background check done on the supplier. Two daily flights from Miami to Port of Spain are available on American Airlines. The current products are marketed through multiple-employer trusts, with the trust being the policyholder. They are not afraid of anything! In 2015 and 2016 alone, smash-and-grab gun store robberies resulted in nearly 400 guns being stolen in Colorado. Corporations filing their taxes in Colorado shouldn’t be able to hold their earnings in off-shore tax havens. The employee is required to pay a specified initial premium, from which a charge is subtracted for one month's mortality. I haven'KENALOG had a consult with a full glass of KENALOG than ever now. Now I’m thinking of adding cotton balls laced with peppermint oil or citronella all around the fountain. 5. The only way to benefit from exercise is to do it every day. Disease management holds considerable potential in addressing the high costs associated with chronic healthcare conditions, however the evolution of these programs require national standards for measuring clinical performance as well as the willing participation of both patient and provider. According to the United States Environmental Protection agency, 2.5 gallons is pumped through the average shower head every minute it is used.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do Republicans Oppose The Affordable Care Act
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-republicans-oppose-the-affordable-care-act/
Why Do Republicans Oppose The Affordable Care Act
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Changes Required By The Affordable Care Act In 2014
Will Republicans be able to dismantle the Affordable Care Act?
Health insurance exchanges scheduled to open for 2014 enrollment begin writing policies that go into effect January 1, 2014.
People buying insurance on their own get subsidies to help them pay their monthly insurance premiums. Premiums are allocated on a sliding scale, as determined by income. Any individual earning over 400% of the poverty level does not qualify for subsidies.
When health insurance exchanges are operational, small business tax credits are up to 50% of premiums.
Insurance companies are required to provide health insurance to any adult aged 19 to 64 who applies for coverage.
To prevent people from waiting until they get sick to buy health insurance, the ACA requires all Americans to buy health insurance or pay a fine. The fine starts at $95 for an individual in 2014 and goes up each year until 2016, when the fine is $695 or 2.5% of a persons annual income, whichever is greater.
Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans , established in 2010 are scheduled to expire on January 1, 2014 once all major ACA reforms go into effect.
Rep Pete Stauber Of Minnesota
The freshman flipped a longtime Democratic seat;in northeast Minnesota that Trump had carried by 16 points in 2016. Its a largely white, working-class district, where Trumps populist appeal resonated. The former Duluth police officer ran a campaign ad last year about his son Issac, who has Down syndrome, and he talked about the importance of insurance companies covering pre-existing conditions. Democrats are not targeting this seat in 2020. Inside Elections rates the race Likely Republican.
Even Conservatives Call Aca Case ‘absurd’
This is just one of many absurdities that have caused even conservative legal experts like Jonathan Adler,;who backed previous challenges to the ACA, to call this case absurd. But the absurdity is the point.
The point has always been to deny Americans the health insurance that was secured for them when the ACA was signed into law. And Republicans have been remarkably successful at this.
How Dems can beat Trump on health:;Focus on high costs and economic security
Thanks to a 2012 Supreme Court ruling that made Medicaid expansion optional instead of required, 14 states have turned it down. This;has;left an estimated 2.5 Americans without coverage that these states pay for anyway.
As Medicaid expansion has proved popular even in red states, Republicans have adopted another poison pill in the form of bureaucratic requirements to prove that recipients are working. These burdens could leave up to;800,000 additional Americans uninsured, which would match the covered by Medicaid and the Children’s Health;Insurance Program;in 2018 alone.;
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What Did Trump Say About Obamacare
President Trump has been actively trying to repeal the healthcare law since he campaigned for the 2016 presidential election.
The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to revoke Obamacare because it’s been an “unlawful failure.”
A brief filed in June asked the court to strike down the Affordable Care Act, arguing it became invalid after Congress axed parts of it.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “President Trump and the Republicans campaign to rip away the protections and benefits of the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the coronavirus crisis is an act of unfathomable cruelty.
“If President Trump gets his way, 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will lose the ACAs lifesaving protections and 23 million Americans will lose their health coverage entirely.
“There is no legal justification and no moral excuse for the Trump Administrations disastrous efforts to take away Americans health care.”
Republicans also argue that some people are better off without Obamacare due to the fact that it does not cover those who need it most.
According to the provisions, people who earn just slightly too much to qualify for federal premium subsidies, particularly early retirees and people in their 50s and early 60s who are self-employed are not covered.
Trump endorsed a replacement to Obamacare in 2017 but fell short of passing the Republican-controlled Congress.
Democrats Must Try Harder To Cover People
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The November elections, when Democrats won the House by the largest popular-vote margin in the history of American midterms, marked the first time Republicans paid a real cost for their efforts to suffocate the ACA.;And while Democrats are united in defense of the law, theyve never been as ruthless in the pursuit of covering Americans as Republicans are in their lust to uninsure them.
Michigans new governor, Gretchen Whitmer, has a chance to save about;70,000 people from the useless work requirements signed into law by her Republican predecessor.;Yet she hasnt acted. And the three states with the largest populations that could benefit from Medicaid expansion are also three of the nations key or emerging swing states Texas, Florida and Georgia.
A Harvard study of the Massachusetts law that served as the model for the ACA;found one life saved for each 830 people gaining insurance. This;means if Republicans in Congress had finished off the law they’ve;spent a decade vowing to kill, they would have put thousands of lives at risk.
But thats the genius of the GOPs focus on the courts. With an appointment that lasts a lifetime, you dont have to worry about the consequences of leaving 20 million uninsured. And if it works for the ACA, watch out. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and any program conservatives have long reviled but lacked the audacity to repeal could be next.
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Republican View On Healthcare
Republicans take pretty much the opposite view of Democrats. Traditionally dedicated to the notion that less government is better government, and the free market makes adjustments on its own without regulation, the party has fought every reform the Democrats have enacted. Much of this comes down to their traditional diametrically opposed notions of what is best for Americans. Citing freedom of choice and the sacrosanct doctor-patient relationship, predicting huge losses to the economy in general, arguing that the ACA doesnt work despite years of evidence to the contrary, the GOP would rather scrap it and go with the status quo as it stood before the ACA was passed. Their key phrase is Why should healthy people pay more to cover sick and poor people?
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Whats Dividing Republicans And Democrats On Healthcare Reform
Since the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010, Republicans have been determined to destroy it while Democrats insist its the countrys best chance at reforming healthcare to make it affordable and accessible. Both parties want reform, but the approach has been fundamentally different and for good reason. There are basic, core reasons why conservatives and liberals cant get on the same page when it comes to healthcare reform.;Lets take a moment to dig into the details and figure out what is exactly keeping Republicans and Democrats from being able to find a middle ground on healthcare reform, so far.
Democrats want the federal government to legislate and administer healthcare while Republicans want private industry to helm the healthcare system with as minimal input from the federal government as possible.
Of course, there are always exceptions within each party because people arent one-dimensional. Moderates on both sides, for instance, would seek compromise wherever possible. But in general, these core ideological differences make healthcare reform particularly challenging, especially when one party holds more power. In 2010, Democrats passed the ACA without a single rightwing vote.
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House Republicans Vote To Sue Obama
Republicans in Washington insist they arent planning to impeach President Obama any time soonbut did just get one step closer to suing him.
Just before lawmakers go home for the five-week August recess, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted Wednesday evening to authorize Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to file a lawsuit on behalf of the House of Representatives against the president for delaying implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
The vote was 225-201, with every Democrat voting against the lawsuit as well as five conservative Republicans who felt the suit didnt go far enough and preferred impeachment.
The lawsuit itself is expected to fail once it reaches the inside of a courtroom, but the politics of the impending lawsuit raged Wednesday and will continue to in the months leading up to the November midterm elections.
The partisan battle andand the talking pointsover the lawsuit was on full display during the debate on the House floor before the vote. Democrats variously called the lawsuit a political stunt, a gimmick, and a sorry spectacle of legislative malpractice intended to appease the conservative base of the Republican Party before the midterm elections in November.
Groups Opposing The American Health Care Act
The American Health Care Act: A Republican Response to The Affordable Care Act
Over 50 organizations oppose the proposed healthcare plan that will make Americans will pay more for less.;The list includes nurses, doctors, hospitals, teachers, churches, and more. You can see a few here:;
AARP: AARP opposes this legislation, as introduced, that would weaken Medicare, leaving the door open to a voucher program that shifts costs and risks to seniors.
Before people even reach retirement age, big insurance companies could be allowed to charge them an age tax that adds up to thousands of dollars more per year. Older Americans need affordable health care services and prescriptions. This plan goes in the opposite direction, increasing insurance premiums for older Americans and not doing anything to lower drug costs.
On top of the hefty premium increase for consumers, big drug companies and other special interests get a sweetheart deal.
Finally, Medicaid cuts could impact people of all ages and put at risk the health and safety of 17.4 million children and adults with disabilities and seniors by eliminating much-needed services that allow individuals to live independently in their homes and communities. Although no one believes the current health care system is perfect, this harmful legislation would make health care less secure and less affordable.
AARP stands ready to work with both parties on legislation that puts Americans first, not the special interests.
That just wont do.
That is, above all, why physicians must be involved in this debate.
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When Did Obamacare Start
The timeline of key events leading up to the passage of the Obamacare law began in 2009. Here is a list of those events, along with key provisions that went into place after the law was enacted.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and a group of Democrats from the House of Representatives reveal their plan for overhauling the health-care system. Its called H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act.
;Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, a leading supporter of health-care reform, dies and puts the Senate Democrats 60-seat supermajority required to pass a piece of legislation at risk.
;Democrat Paul Kirk is appointed interim senator from Massachusetts, which temporarily restores the Democrats filibuster-proof 60th vote.
;In the House of Representatives, 219 Democrats and one Republican vote for the Affordable Health Care for America Act, and 39 Democrats and 176 Republicans vote against it.
In the Senate, 60 Democrats vote for the Senates version of the bill, called Americas Healthy Future Act, whose lead author is senator Max Baucus of California. Thirty-nine Republicans vote against the bill, and one Republican senator, Jim Bunning, does not vote.
Who Voted For Affordable Care Act
Question: Who voted for Affordable Care Act?
Answer: The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama;on March 23, 2010. ;Before becoming the law, there were 219 House of Representatives that voted in favor of the Affordable Care Act. ; Below is a complete list of House of Representatives that voted in favor of Affordable Care Act: ;There was not a single Republican representative that was in favor of the Affordable Care Act.
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Democrats Republicans And Your Health Insurance
Shereen Lehman, MS, is a healthcare journalist and fact checker.;She has co-authored two books for the popular Dummies Series .
Healthcare reform has been a contentious political topic in the U.S. for many years, and is shaping up to play a major role in the 2020 presidential and congressional elections. What does each party want? Let’s take a look at how the priorities of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party;could impact your health insurance.
Republicans Really Hate Health Care
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Theyve gone beyond cynicism to pathology.
By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist
Of all the political issues that divide us, health care is the one with the greatest impact on ordinary Americans lives. If Democrats hadnt managed to pass the Affordable Care Act, around 20 million fewer Americans would have health insurance than currently do. If Republican-controlled states hadnt refused to expand Medicaid and generally done as little as possible to support the act, national progress might have tracked progress in, say, California so another 7 or 8 million people might have coverage.
You obviously know where I stand on this political divide. But Im starting to believe that I misjudged Republican motives.
You see, I thought their behavior was cynical and strategic: They opposed Obamacare because they thought there was political mileage in scaring people about change, and also in denying Obama any successes. Oh, and their donors really hated the taxes on the rich that pay for the ACAs subsidies. And right up through 2016 they could hope to convince voters that they had a secret plan for something much better than Obamacare.
Indeed, all of these things surely played a role in GOP health care strategy. But at this point theyve clearly lost the political argument. In 2017, Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare made it clear to everyone that their party didnt have any better ideas, and never did; everything they proposed would have devastated the lives of millions.
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Attempts To Change Or Repeal
Read Ballotpedias fact check »
The Affordable Care Act was subject to a number of lawsuits challenging some of its provisions, such as the individual mandate and the requirement to cover contraception. Four of these lawsuits were heard by the United States Supreme Court, resulting in changes to the law and how it was enforced. In addition, since the laws enactment, lawmakers in Congress have introduced and considered legislation to modify or repeal parts or all of the Affordable Care Act. Finally, between 2010 and 2012, voters in eight states considered ballot measures related to the law. This section summarizes the lawsuits, legislation, and state ballot measures that attempted to change, repeal, or impact enforcement of parts of the law.
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A Conundrum: Majority Of Republican Voters Want To Overturn Aca But Keep Protections For People With Pre
The latest KFF Health Tracking Poll revealed a stark contrast in opinion on two questions about the current challenge to the Affordable Care Act facing the U.S. Supreme Court. Since it was enacted in 2010 by President Obama, the ACA, sometimes known as Obamacare, has been opposed by Republicans and favored by Democrats, but many of the benefits it provides are popular across parties. One of the most popular provisions of the law is that it protects people with pre-existing medical conditions from being denied coverage or having to pay more for coverage. A large majority of voters, across political party identification, say they do not want the Court to overturn the ACAs protections for people with pre-existing conditions, but there are strong partisan differences on attitudes towards overturning the entire ACA. Two-thirds of Republican voters say they do not want the ACAs protections for people with pre-existing conditions to be overturned, while three-quarters of Republican voters say they do want to see the ACA itself overturned.
Figure 1: Majorities Do Not Want Court To Overturn ACAs Pre-Existing Condition Protections, Republicans Want Entire Law Overturned
Figure 2: About Half Of Republican Voters Want To See The Supreme Court Overturn The Entire ACA, Not Protections For Pre-Existing Conditions
Figure 3: Republican Voters Say President Trump Has A Plan To Protect People With Pre-Existing Conditions
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Changes Required By The Affordable Care Act In 2011
A provision goes into effect to protect patients choice of doctors. Specifics include allowing plan members to pick any participating primary care provider, prohibiting insurers from requiring prior authorization before a woman sees an obstetrician/gynecologist , and ensuring access to emergency care.
Young adults can stay on their parents insurance until age 26, even if they are not full-time students. This extension applies to all new plans.
All new health insurance policies must cover preventive care and pay a portion of all preventive care visits.
A provision goes into effect that eliminates lifetime limits on coverage for members.
Annual limits or maximum payouts by a health insurance company are now restricted by the ACA.
The ACA prohibits rescission when a claim is filed, except in the case of fraud or misrepresentation by the consumer.
Insurance companies must now provide a process for customers to make an appeal if there is a problem with their coverage. ;
NOTE: In January,;2011:;eHealth publishes 11 guides on the top;child-only health insurance coverage;that examined differences in implementation in numerous states.
Obama And Trump Healthcare Policies Compared
Senate Republicans Come Out To Oppose Healthcare Bill
There could not be a more radical divide between administrations than there is between these two. The Obama administration worked against almost insurmountable opposition from the GOP in order to pass the ACA. The Trump Administrations quest is to dismantle everything the Obama Administration has done. They even have court cases pending in order to do so.
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covid19worldnews · 4 years
Proposition 22 Passes, but Uber and Lyft Are Only Delaying the Inevitable
On Tuesday night, Californians voted to pass Proposition 22, a ballot measure supported by app-based gig companies that exempts them from reclassifying their workers as employees.
Companies including Uber, Lyft, Instacart, Postmates, and more, spent big to convince voters to approve the measure. The company-funded Yes on Proposition 22 campaign spent over $200 million (including millions in donations to the California GOP), deployed a record number of lobbyists, and spread waves of misleading political mailers. At the same time, Uber’s and Lyft’s chief executives undertook a media tour featuring threats to exit the state and repeatedly attempted to exempt themselves in California’s courts. The campaign bought  digital, television, radio, and billboard ads, and also sponsored academic research Meanwhile, delivery drivers were forced to use Yes on Proposition 22-branded packaging while the apps themselves told users to vote yes. 
On the other side of the issue was a grassroots campaign run by driver advocacy groups and organized labor, which spent just over $20 million. 
“We’re disappointed in tonight’s outcome, especially because this campaign’s success is based on lies and fear-mongering. Companies shouldn’t be able to buy elections,” Gig Workers Rising, a California-based driver advocacy group said in a press release early Wednesday morning. “But we’re still dedicated to our cause and ready to continue our fight. Gig work is real work, and gigi workers deserve fair and transparent pay, along with proper labor protections.”
As news of the results broke, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi took to Twitter to show his excitement and shared a tweet from early Uber investor Jason Calacanis calling Assemblywoman Lorena S Gonzalez, the author of AB5, a “grifter” who “failed to hand gig workers over to big-money unions”.
After some time, Khosrowshahi reversed the retweet and instead emailed drivers a more subdued message celebrating that the “future of independent work is more secure because so many drivers like you spoke up and made your voice heard—and voters across the state listened.”
This is undoubtedly a victory for capital over labor, and one that will likely allow the unprofitable gig economy to continue limping along at the expense of workers. It does not, however, change the reality that the “gig” business model is doomed in the long-term.
For years, gig companies have misclassified employees as independent contractors—a legal distinction that has allowed unprofitable enterprises to avoid expensive labor costs such as a minimum wage, health insurance, and safe working conditions, among other benefits of employment. Proposition 22 was cooked up to undo Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), a California law that codified an “ABC test” to determine if a worker was independently contracted or employed by a company and which went into effect in January.
After AB5 went into effect, attorneys for some of California’s largest cities, along with the state’s attorney general, then filed suits demanding an end to app-based gig company worker misclassification. Uber and Lyft have waged the main legal battle, but lost the case and every appeal since, making Proposition 22 a make-or-break measure.
“Prop 22 means I get no workers’ compensation, no disability, no sick pay, it would be touch and go for me,” Mekela Edwards, an Oakland-based Uber driver who hasn’t worked since March because COVID-19 poses a high health risk to her. “I have to ask how long my unemployment will last, how long I’ll have before I’m forced to go back out there and work. I don’t want to imagine it, I can’t imagine being forced to choose between my health and making a living.”
Hundreds of thousands of people work for the gig companies behind Proposition 22 and many have been devastated by the COVID-19 recession. Still, this has not stopped the gig companies from threatening to take drastic measures if they’re not allowed to have their way. Over the past few months, Uber and Lyft in particular have threatened to radically downsize where service is offered, fire most of their drivers, radically restructure into a franchise model, or leave the state entirely, if Proposition 22 fails.
California voting Yes on Prop 22—which includes fine print that any changes to it must be passed with a seven-eighths majority in the state’s legislature—is a huge setback for labor. It will trap hundreds of thousands of workers under a permanent misclassification scheme that rewards a racist business model that disproportionately hurts Black and brown workers. Despite all this, Proposition 22 is not the final say on this matter in the U.S. or internationally.
AB5 clones are being considered in New York and New Jersey, while Massachusetts’ Attorney General has already sued Uber and Lyft to reclassify drivers in the state. Despite objections from Uber’s and Lyft’s impressive lobbying operations, the PRO Act—which would grant gig workers the right to collectively bargain, as part of a massive overhaul of labor law—has passed in the House.
“This is really a story about the kind of cities we are building,” Katie Wells, a researcher at Georgetown University told Motherboard. “The kind of cities—the kind of world we’ve built—it has allowed these entities to come in and build up a workforce through an extractive and predatory system. Regulators have to keep that in mind.”
Outside of the U.S., the global 2019 strike on the day of Uber’s public offering has been followed by successive waves. Over the summer, thousands of delivery workers organized militant strikes and protests in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, and Ecuador targeting Uber Eats and other exploitative food delivery apps. These have been joined by even more strikes and protests in Nigeria, France, and India. At the same time, Uber is losing legal challenges in France, Britain, Canada, Italy, where high courts have either outright ruled Uber drivers are employees or have opened the door to lawsuits reclassifying them as such.
Governments across the world are also beginning to push Uber to pay billions in taxes that it has evaded over the past decade. In Britain, Uber will have to pay £1.5 billion ($1.9 billion) in unpaid value-added taxes it avoided by exploiting a legal loophole. In the U.S., Uber has dodged billions in taxes and wage claims through misclassification: in New Jersey it owes over $650 million in taxes, while in California drivers have filed $1.3 billion in wage claims against Uber and Lyft.
Since Uber’s only hope for survival lies in misclassifying workers and labor law, though, it won’t give up the billions to be made both domestically and globally (even if at a loss) without a fight. 
“There’s a lesson here for workers of all sectors, beyond classification: companies are willing to spend massive amounts of money to take away their rights,” said Jerome Gage, a Lyft driver and organizer with Mobile Workers Alliance. “It’s incredibly important for workers to organize to protect themselves, to protect upward mobility, a minimum wage, sick leave, healthcare—to roll back a century of basic protections that try and keep Americans out of poverty.”
Proposition 22’s victory, however, can’t obscure the fact that these companies are doomed. Even with a wage guarantee that effectively pays $5.64 an hour, the companies are no closer to sustainably achieving profitability than they were yesterday. Overcrowded markets for ride-hailing and food delivery, along with vicious price wars and poor unit economics meant there was never any real hope of achieving a monopoly, erecting barriers to market entry, and raising prices to levels that, for many of these companies, would yield their first ever profits. 
There’s good news for investors, however, who will finally begin to see returns on investments that have long been underwater thanks to massively inflated valuations that have tumbled in public markets. Indeed, share prices for Uber and Lyft soared in premarket trading on Wednesday morning. 
For workers, though, things will be bad. It is hard to imagine how hundreds of thousands of workers earning wages just under half of the minimum wage will be able to feed themselves, maintain housing, afford medical care, or otherwise make ends meet, especially under the boot of a pandemic and with no hope of government aid until next year.
Localities, cities, states, and countries will have to begin cooperating if they’re to have any hope of weathering the storm. They’ll need to start being aggressive, experimenting with ways they can outright take over the platforms or prohibit companies from providing the service to begin with—all while figuring out ways to expand mass transit so that not only they’re not only meeting the needs of people who need transportation, both those who worked for app-based ride-hail companies previously.
For the sake of maintaining an illusion that they’ll one day be profitable, gig companies have waged war in California at great expense to their workers, the public, and employees in other industries whose employers may grow emboldened this moment. The fight is far from over, and there is hope for labor in the continuing coordination of driver advocates, regulators, and legislators around the world, but it will get messy as likely to harken a period of unprecedented social unrest among increasingly immiserated gig workers.
“Beyond California, we need to strike early and strike quickly to ensure swift defeat to this idea that you can change the basic nature of employment and deny benefits to your employees,” Gage told Motherboard. “I ask people not involved to try and understand the labor movement in your area. Reach out to unions and ask how you can help volunteers…Get involved with and spread the world—[money] can buy misinformation and it can deceive, but it can’t beat the solidarity between two workers or between human beings.”
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robertreich · 4 years
7 Ways 2020 Has Exposed America
If we learn nothing else from these dark times, here are 7 lessons we should take away from 2020: 1. Workers keep America going, not billionaires. American workers are forced to put their lives on the line to provide essential services, even as their employers fail to provide them with adequate protective gear. Meanwhile, America’s billionaires have retreated to their mansions, yachts and estates.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos returned to his 165,000-acre West Texas ranch while Amazon’s warehouse workers toil in close proximity to each other, often without masks, gloves, or  sanitizer. The company has already scrapped the measly $2 an hour hazard pay increase it gave warehouse workers, even as Bezos’ wealth has jumped by a staggering $23.6 billion since the start of the pandemic. 2. Systemic racism is literally killing black and brown Americans. African Americans account for 42 percent of coronavirus deaths so far, despite representing only 21 percent of the population. As they bear the brunt of this pandemic, African Americans are forced to fight for their humanity in another regard — taking to the streets across the country to protest decades of unjust police killings of their community members, only to be met with more police violence. 
And among Native American communities, the coronavirus figures are even more horrifying. The Navajo Nation has a higher per-capita infection rate than any state but can’t adequately care for the sick, thanks to years of federal underfunding and neglect of its healthcare system. 
Decades of segregated housing, pollution, lack of access to medical care, and poverty have left communities of color vulnerable to the worst of this virus, and the worst of America.
3. If we can afford to bail out corporations and Wall Street, we sure as hell can afford to invest in the American people. I’m sick and tired of hearing we can’t afford Medicare for All, or a Green New Deal or eliminating student debt -- in the same breath that Congress hands out billions to big banks, corporations, and the wealthy. 
At the insistence of Senate Republicans and the Trump administration, coronavirus relief legislation has doled out at least $243 million to big corporations, including $72 million to oil and gas companies and $25 million to the airline industry. Millionaires have received $82 billion in tax cuts. The GOP couldn’t care less about “fiscal responsibility” even during a national crisis. It’s a question of priorities, not what we can afford. 4. Governors and mayors are running the country, not Trump. While Trump spews lies and attacks the media, local and state leaders have had no choice but to step up and tackle the pandemic on their own. They have struck deals with foreign nations to obtain tests and medical equipment, and developed inter-state pacts to coordinate purchases and regional guidelines for when and how to reopen. 
The Trump administration hasn’t just sat on the sidelines and left it up to the states — it’s actively thrown obstacles in their way. Trump and his lackeys have refused to help states secure ventilators, ordered FEMA to seize states’ shipments of personal protective equipment, threatened to sue states that maintain lockdown orders, and even suggested holding states hostage to federal aid until they end sanctuary cities. Meanwhile, Trump says he plans to send our precious supply of ventilators to his dear friend, Vladimir Putin. Funny how that works. 5. Health care must be made a right in America. In the wealthiest country on earth, it is a moral outrage that Americans can’t even receive the care they need during a pandemic. 
Even before this crisis struck, an estimated 27 million Americans didn’t have health insurance. And according to a recent report, an additional 43 million could soon lose employer-provided coverage because they’ve lost their job. Without insurance, a hospital stay to treat COVID-19 could cost as much as $73,000. Remember this the next time you hear pundits saying Medicare for All is too radical.
6. Our social safety nets are woefully broken. No other advanced nation was as unprepared for the pandemic as was the United States. We don’t provide universal health care. We’re one of the few countries in the world that doesn’t provide all workers some form of paid sick leave. 
Other industrialized nations kept their unemployment rates low by guaranteeing paychecks during the pandemic. Here, as of mid-May, 36.5 million Americans have filed for unemployment and received just a one-time $1,200 check to hold them over. And this number is probably underestimated -- unemployment offices have been so overwhelmed that many claims can’t even be filed. 7. Government matters. For decades, conservatives have told us that government is the problem and that we should let the free market run its course. Rubbish. The coronavirus pandemic has shown, yet again, that the unfettered free market won’t save us. After 40 years of Reaganism, it's never been clearer: Government is in fact necessary to protect the public. It’s tragic that it took record unemployment, graphic videos of Black Americans being murdered, and millions of people taking to the streets for many of us to grasp how broken, backwards, and racist our system really is. 
We cannot cling to the idea of “going back to normal” because “normal” is what got us here. We can no longer accept piecemeal reforms of our broken systems. We need to reimagine a political and economic system that values humanity and builds prosperity for every American. Let’s get to work.
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
Proposition 22 Passes, But Uber and Lyft Are Only Delaying the Inevitable
On Tuesday night, Californians voted to pass Proposition 22, a ballot measure supported by app-based gig companies that exempts them from reclassifying their workers as employees.
Companies including Uber, Lyft, Instacart, Postmates, and more, spent big to convince voters to approve the measure. The company-funded Yes on Proposition 22 campaign spent over $200 million (including millions in donations to the California GOP), deployed a record number of lobbyists, and spread waves of misleading political mailers. At the same time, Uber’s and Lyft’s chief executives undertook a media tour featuring threats to exit the state and repeatedly attempted to exempt themselves in California’s courts. The campaign bought  digital, television, radio, and billboard ads, and also sponsored academic research Meanwhile, delivery drivers were forced to use Yes on Proposition 22-branded packaging while the apps themselves told users to vote yes. 
On the other side of the issue was a grassroots campaign run by driver advocacy groups and organized labor, which spent just over $20 million. 
“We're disappointed in tonight's outcome, especially because this campaign's success is based on lies and fear-mongering. Companies shouldn't be able to buy elections,” Gig Workers Rising, a California-based driver advocacy group said in a press release early Wednesday morning. “But we're still dedicated to our cause and ready to continue our fight. Gig work is real work, and gigi workers deserve fair and transparent pay, along with proper labor protections.”
As news of the results broke, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi took to Twitter to show his excitement and shared a tweet from early Uber investor Jason Calacanis calling Assemblywoman Lorena S Gonzalez, the author of AB5, a "grifter" who "failed to hand gig workers over to big-money unions".
After some time, Khosrowshahi reversed the retweet and instead emailed drivers a more subdued message celebrating that the "future of independent work is more secure because so many drivers like you spoke up and made your voice heard—and voters across the state listened."
This is undoubtedly a victory for capital over labor, and one that will likely allow the unprofitable gig economy to continue limping along at the expense of workers. It does not, however, change the reality that the “gig” business model is doomed in the long-term.
For years, gig companies have misclassified employees as independent contractors—a legal distinction that has allowed unprofitable enterprises to avoid expensive labor costs such as a minimum wage, health insurance, and safe working conditions, among other benefits of employment. Proposition 22 was cooked up to undo Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), a California law that codified an "ABC test" to determine if a worker was independently contracted or employed by a company and which went into effect in January.
After AB5 went into effect, attorneys for some of California’s largest cities, along with the state’s attorney general, then filed suits demanding an end to app-based gig company worker misclassification. Uber and Lyft have waged the main legal battle, but lost the case and every appeal since, making Proposition 22 a make-or-break measure.
"Prop 22 means I get no workers' compensation, no disability, no sick pay, it would be touch and go for me," Mekela Edwards, an Oakland-based Uber driver who hasn't worked since March because COVID-19 poses a high health risk to her. "I have to ask how long my unemployment will last, how long I'll have before I'm forced to go back out there and work. I don't want to imagine it, I can't imagine being forced to choose between my health and making a living."
Hundreds of thousands of people work for the gig companies behind Proposition 22 and many have been devastated by the COVID-19 recession. Still, this has not stopped the gig companies from threatening to take drastic measures if they’re not allowed to have their way. Over the past few months, Uber and Lyft in particular have threatened to radically downsize where service is offered, fire most of their drivers, radically restructure into a franchise model, or leave the state entirely, if Proposition 22 fails.
California voting Yes on Prop 22—which includes fine print that any changes to it must be passed with a seven-eighths majority in the state’s legislature—is a huge setback for labor. It will trap hundreds of thousands of workers under a permanent misclassification scheme that rewards a racist business model that disproportionately hurts Black and brown workers. Despite all this, Proposition 22 is not the final say on this matter in the U.S. or internationally.
AB5 clones are being considered in New York and New Jersey, while Massachusetts’ Attorney General has already sued Uber and Lyft to reclassify drivers in the state. Despite objections from Uber’s and Lyft’s impressive lobbying operations, the PRO Act—which would grant gig workers the right to collectively bargain, as part of a massive overhaul of labor law—has passed in the House.
“This is really a story about the kind of cities we are building,” Katie Wells, a researcher at Georgetown University told Motherboard. “The kind of cities—the kind of world we've built—it has allowed these entities to come in and build up a workforce through an extractive and predatory system. Regulators have to keep that in mind.”
Outside of the U.S., the global 2019 strike on the day of Uber’s public offering has been followed by successive waves. Over the summer, thousands of delivery workers organized militant strikes and protests in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, and Ecuador targeting Uber Eats and other exploitative food delivery apps. These have been joined by even more strikes and protests in Nigeria, France, and India. At the same time, Uber is losing legal challenges in France, Britain, Canada, Italy, where high courts have either outright ruled Uber drivers are employees or have opened the door to lawsuits reclassifying them as such.
Governments across the world are also beginning to push Uber to pay billions in taxes that it has evaded over the past decade. In Britain, Uber will have to pay £1.5 billion ($1.9 billion) in unpaid value-added taxes it avoided by exploiting a legal loophole. In the U.S., Uber has dodged billions in taxes and wage claims through misclassification: in New Jersey it owes over $650 million in taxes, while in California drivers have filed $1.3 billion in wage claims against Uber and Lyft.
Since Uber’s only hope for survival lies in misclassifying workers and labor law, though, it won’t give up the billions to be made both domestically and globally (even if at a loss) without a fight. 
"There's a lesson here for workers of all sectors, beyond classification: companies are willing to spend massive amounts of money to take away their rights," said Jerome Gage, a Lyft driver and organizer with Mobile Workers Alliance. "It's incredibly important for workers to organize to protect themselves, to protect upward mobility, a minimum wage, sick leave, healthcare—to roll back a century of basic protections that try and keep Americans out of poverty."
Proposition 22’s victory, however, can’t obscure the fact that these companies are doomed. Even with a wage guarantee that effectively pays $5.64 an hour, the companies are no closer to sustainably achieving profitability than they were yesterday. Overcrowded markets for ride-hailing and food delivery, along with vicious price wars and poor unit economics meant there was never any real hope of achieving a monopoly, erecting barriers to market entry, and raising prices to levels that, for many of these companies, would yield their first ever profits. 
There’s good news for investors, however, who will finally begin to see returns on investments that have long been underwater thanks to massively inflated valuations that have tumbled in public markets. Indeed, share prices for Uber and Lyft soared in premarket trading on Wednesday morning. 
For workers, though, things will be bad. It is hard to imagine how hundreds of thousands of workers earning wages just under half of the minimum wage will be able to feed themselves, maintain housing, afford medical care, or otherwise make ends meet, especially under the boot of a pandemic and with no hope of government aid until next year.
Localities, cities, states, and countries will have to begin cooperating if they’re to have any hope of weathering the storm. They’ll need to start being aggressive, experimenting with ways they can outright take over the platforms or prohibit companies from providing the service to begin with—all while figuring out ways to expand mass transit so that not only they’re not only meeting the needs of people who need transportation, both those who worked for app-based ride-hail companies previously.
For the sake of maintaining an illusion that they’ll one day be profitable, gig companies have waged war in California at great expense to their workers, the public, and employees in other industries whose employers may grow emboldened this moment. The fight is far from over, and there is hope for labor in the continuing coordination of driver advocates, regulators, and legislators around the world, but it will get messy as likely to harken a period of unprecedented social unrest among increasingly immiserated gig workers.
"Beyond California, we need to strike early and strike quickly to ensure swift defeat to this idea that you can change the basic nature of employment and deny benefits to your employees,” Gage told Motherboard. “I ask people not involved to try and understand the labor movement in your area. Reach out to unions and ask how you can help volunteers…Get involved with and spread the world—[money] can buy misinformation and it can deceive, but it can't beat the solidarity between two workers or between human beings.”
Proposition 22 Passes, But Uber and Lyft Are Only Delaying the Inevitable syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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queennicoleinboots · 4 years
Chapter 10 of Completely Out of Sync: Too Many Frustrations of the New Millennium – Not Found in Statham, GA (Joebear POV)
“GET INSIDE!” Blondie Black screamed from inside the house.
Ruby Black, Baby Black, and I ran toward the house as fast as we could to get out of the waterfall that descended from the sky. We could barely see in front of us as the rain water hit the hot ground below us. Gotta love this insane humidity. Mist choked the air.
Baby Black farted again as she ran ahead of me.
“Thank you for farting,” I said as I waved my paw in front of my face to avoid smelling it. “Again.”
Ruby Black started coughing behind me. She and I started laughing before we became trapped in the fart cloud. We were truly soaked before we finally entered the house. The wooden floor was becoming soaked. Baby Black, Ruby Black, and I shook the water out of our fur.
I guess I was stuck there until it was safe to call AAA to jump the battery in that piece of shit Nissan Versa. The worst part was AAA always took forever, and they are going to have a hell of a time finding me on this property. If it weren’t storming like mass hell outside, AAA would have a possible chance of finding me. But, I would rather be safe with these four dogs than to try to escape Statham, GA in this kind of weather. This kind of weather has literally blanketed this area all day, but it was horrible now. I swear that Hurricane Fuck Off was outside banging at the windows of this cottage. There was no way I was going to get my fur muddy by being out in that shit. There was no way Baby and Ruby Black were going to stay out in that weather. There was no way that BearBear and Blondie Black were even going to be able to stay on the ground if they went out there. Those two would be blown away by the wind. So, we were stuck in the cottage being battered by a hellstorm.
I took this moment to call my wife. I missed her.
“BAAAAAEEEEWHUHHHHHHHH!!!!!” she sang to greet me.  
“BaeBae!” I shouted out of excitement.
The dogs barked and howled to greet Xara.
“Oh hello, Blondie!” she shouted. “How are you doing?”
Blondie Black got on my phone and started blurting shit out. “Xara! Oh my God the craziest shit has been happening here! Goofy-looking dumbasses with typical lab coats were here at the house. One of them even looked like a clown posed as a doctor. How the fuck did this guy get this job? It seems that the Veterans Administration would hire anyone who can wipe his ass and not leave a skidmark in his underwear.”
We all fucking burst out laughing. Blondie Black definitely didn’t pull any punches. Ruby Black was rolling on the floor and literally laughing.
“Yeah, that’s typical of the Veterans Administration. Is your family okay?” she asked.
“Uhhhh yeah… about that. They were abducted-” Blondie Black started to say before BearBear Black cut her off by tackling her.
“WE GOT IT BAD BECAUSE WE’RE BROWN!” Ruby Black shouted.
Xara couldn’t help but crack up. “Arrested? For what?!” she asked.
“They were arrested for nudity,” I explained to her.
“Really? On their own property?” she asked with a bit of a laugh.
“Yes, it seems she had been indecently exposing herself again... on her own property,” I explained to her as I was actually confused by the logic. “The police really have gone overboard. It’s unreal. There is no privacy anywhere. You don’t own your own property. The banks still charge property taxes every year. The cops run wild on 'your' property. It’s all bullshit. I’ll be honest. I don’t even fully understand what’s going on.”
“Yeah, that’s ridiculous. Are they in prison?! And what happened to Lorraine Black’s phones?!” she asked as she sounded like she was getting irate.
“The Veterans Administration pulled rank and had the phones shut off,” I answered plainly. Baby Black barked in the background to affirm my statement.
“UGH! Fuck the VA! They strip every veteran of his rights!” she shouted.
“There are female veterans out there, ya know!” Blondie Black boldly corrected her.
‘Who the fuck cares?’ I thought.
“Okay. They strip every veteran of his or HER rights,” Xara said. “And don’t get me started on how shitty the healthcare system in the United, or should I say Divided States of America is. For the military nonetheless? Geez. No wonder I deal with sick dumbasses all day. These people don’t give a fuck about Veterans.”
Blondie Black howled to affirm her statement. “Yes, and they have clown doctors! Come on! This bullshit is medieval. I wish we would just evolve already. It’s 2020, and this is the best medical care available in the United States: clown doctors, pills that make us sicker instead of better, and bullshit vitamins that barely cover our essential nutritional needs. I don’t buy that. These people WANT US TO BE SICK AND DUMB!” she shouted with a series of barks.
BearBear Black, Ruby Black, and Baby Black barked like hell in agreement. I agreed with them, too, so I did what any bear would do if he strongly agreed with something: growl like King Bear. I growled so loudly that the cottage shook. I even started laughing hysterically as the cottage shook. I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t handle this world no more.
“Holy Shit!” BearBear Black said as her fur stood on edge as she stared at me with bewildered dark blue eyes.
Xara laughed maniacally. “Not to mention that most doctors are foreign because Americans apparently don’t know shit about the medical field at all. Think about it. When you go to college, most people that major in medicine are fucking foreign. Especially Indian, Spanish, or Asian. In fact, the Indian, Spanish, and I daresay the Chinese language has infiltrated its way into the vernacular here in America. English WAS supposed to be the official language in this country, but nope. Americans are too big of pussies to stick up for their own bullshit language, so they allow every Tom, Dick, and Harry to morph our language into something that not even Einstein can figure out! I wish the United States was united, but it's really not. The states all seem to be doing their own thing when it comes to handling COVID-19. We as a people are politically and religiously divided. The States of America just seem to have a smorgasbord of people who have nothing in common other than the fact that they live in North America. Some aren't even citizens. So yeah, we are more divided," she shouted over the phone. Uh oh. My wife was going on another rant again.
“The doctors don’t give a damn about your health. It’s all about the money,” I said flatly. “The Rothschilds and the Rockafellers have monopolized the insurance companies, and the insurance companies govern the way healthcare is done in this country. It’s an absolute fucking joke!”
The Black dogs all barked and howled in agreement to what I was saying. BearBear Black even farted as she jumped up and down and barked. That dog was pissed off and nothing to fuck with.
“It really is. It’s crazy. Even with home health care, you can work as hard as you can for four fucking years, but if you have a bad month, the coordinators don’t give a fuck. It’s all about money. It’s all about numbers. They don’t give a damn about the employees or the customers. Their mission statement is a fucking lie. By the way, one of their mission points is face-to-face conversations with everyone, but with COVID-19, that’s completely out the window. In other news, thank God I have my own cleaning company. Home health care agencies are absolute total bullshit at this point. And who the fuck wants anyone in their home anyway right now?” she ranted in a shaky voice. She was so pissed that she was starting to malfunction.
“Well, I wasn’t trying to upset you, baby,” I said to try to calm her down. I didn’t like seeing her upset.
The Black dogs were just going to town with the barking and howling. Baby Black got pissed and kicked a table leg. I was getting a headache from all of the noises.
This was one of those moments where I wished I had a juicy steak to share with these dogs. They were probably hungry. I got up to find them something to eat while Xara was just bitching about the status quo, Peter Wallace Parker (who can be a real fucking asshole sometimes), and how she had no coffee. She was hungry, too. She forgot her lunch AGAIN. I wanted to beat her ass for that, but this was not the time to tell her that. There were five angry bitches in my presence, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to survive.
“I’m fucking hungry!” Baby Black screamed.
“I’m fucking hungry, too. Come to think of it!” Blondie Black said as she was moving in and out of my legs.
“Stop! Lay down!” I screamed at Blondie Black. I was looking for dog food and finally found it in the last kitchen cabinet to the right. The balls of my feet were killing me. Probably from stress.
To tell you the truth, I was hungry, too, but not as hungry as these dogs. BearBear and Blondie Black were literally diving into the bag of food the minute I pulled it out of the cabinet.
“Goddammit! I’m trying to feed you!” I shouted as I scooped out the dog food with my bear hands and threw it at the bitches.
Baby and Ruby Black were eating like crazy. Meanwhile, my wife was still yammering on about something.
“Oh! I forgot my lunch goddammit!” Xara said loudly as she slapped herself on the forehead.
‘Are you serious?’ I thought. ‘Wow, my wife is braindead sometimes!’
“Order a pizza tonight,” I said. “I have no idea when the fuck I’m getting out of here. This storm actually has me locked in here with four hungry female dogs. And I’m hungry!”
“THERE’S HONEY IN THE CABINET SOMEWHERE!” Blondie Black yelled in between her munching in the bag.
“Thank you, Blondie,” I said as I ransacked the cabinets to find the honey. Once I did, I bit into the honey bottle and started eating the honey. Fuck table manners. Only pretentious people use those!
“You are strong, Joebear Campinelli!” Ruby Black said as she laughed a little bit.
Good Lord, this dog was horny. I took a deep breath and tried to resist the power of Ruby Black.
Meanwhile, I heard Peter Wallace Parker scream a blood-curdling scream on the other side of my wife’s phone. I cringed and asked, “Is everything okay, my love?”
“No, baby. Peter is having yet another meltdown. I need to tend to him,” she said.
“Okay, baby. Be careful,” I said. “Love you.”
“LOVE YOU, BOO!!!!” she shouted.
I hung up the phone and decided it was time to give Ruby Black the rub of her life. She was a dog, and dogs deserve to be petted. In fact, I planned to pet ALL of these bitches before the night was out.
“Okay, all done!” Blondie Black exclaimed as she rushed under me and started pawing at my knees.
I lifted Blondie Black and started petting her and kissing her cheeks. She was such a baby. She was whining and making grunts as I was scratching her back.
Ruby Black then came over and started pawing at my knees.
I put Blondie Black down and then kneeled down to pet both of those dogs. They both lied on their backs as I played with them and pet them.
BearBear and Baby Black were still eating while Blondie and Ruby Black were getting tons of affection from my bear paws.
There was a knock at the door. All four dogs rushed to the door and started barking their heads off.
I blinked and thought to myself, ‘What the fresh hell is going on here?’
“Fuck off!” BearBear Black shouted through the door.
“I could if I would, but I have been ordered to be here,” the man at the door said. “I need to speak to the head of household.”
“He’s not here,” Blondie Black said.
“Understood. Who is next in command?” the man at the door asked.
“I am!” BearBear Black shouted. “State your business!”
“Oh bullshit, BearBear! I am next in command,” Baby Black said as she pushed the door open to reveal herself. Her light blue eyes pierced through the clown in the white coat at the door. Her ears were pinned down as she was ready to fuck this guy up.
The other three dogs were baring their teeth at him as they almost pounced on that poor son of a bitch.
“What the fresh hell is going on here?” the clown man asked as he blinked.
Baby Black pounced on him and knocked him on his back against the wooden porch.
“Holy shit. I might faint!” the clown said as he stared fearfully into Baby Black’s blue eyes of death.
“We have the same question for you,” BearBear Black said as she scurried toward his face and started barking.
“I WAS SENT HERE TO DO A CENSUS FOR THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION! PLEASE DON’T HURT ME!” the clown screamed as tears were going down his eyes.
“Fuck you,” BearBear Black shouted as she barked at him.
“The Veterans Administration is the same reason that I am the head of household AS A DOG!” Baby Black said in a low voice as she growled at him. Her teeth were sharp, and she was nothing to fuck with.
“Yes. What the fresh hell is going on here?” Blondie Black asked as she scurried over to the clown’s face. “How do you not know what’s going on?”
“Honestly, no one tells me anything. I have to come to the houses and confirm everything,” the clown said as he started crying.
“There, there,” Blondie Black said as she nuzzled up against him. “I can imagine that your job is very stressful.”
“It is… it is…,” the clown said as he literally started bawling. “All I wanted to do was provide city data for veterans who want to retire. They worked hard when they were in service. The least we could do is give them data to figure out the best place to live after going through the horrors of war…”
“Well, this place isn’t it,” BearBear Black said as she barked. “This place is a fucking hell hole. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY TECHNOLOGY ON?!”
I waved my cell phone stupidly at BearBear Black. “You want me to turn this off, correct?” I asked.
“YEAHHHHHHHHHH,” BearBear Black said. “Why the fuck would you have that thing on anyway when the Veterans Administration is here?!”
“Excuse me, Princess,” I said as I turned my cell phone off. “I was in the middle of eating this ice cream.”
“WHO IS THAT MAN?!” the clown asked.
“None of your business!” Ruby Black shouted as she circled around his head. “He does not live here! He is visiting! IS VISITING NOW ILLEGAL BECAUSE OF COVID-19?! DO EVEN DOGS AND BEARS HAVE TO WEAR MASKS NOW?!”
The other three dogs barked in his face.
“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to gather data. Are there any humans here?” he asked.
BearBear Black shook her ass and just stared at him like he was a retard. “What kind of a retarded question is that?”
“A retarded question that all Veterans Administration census workers unfortunately have to ask. May I access a pen please? Are those allowed in this non-technological house?” the clown asked as he rolled his eyes. I could tell he was over these four dogs getting in his space.
Baby Black got off of him and sat down in front of him.
The clown sat up and reached his pen and pad.
“TURN OFF YOUR GODDAMN CELLPHONE OR WHATEVER TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICE YOU HAVE!” BearBear Black screamed at him as she was in his face and barking at him.
“All right. All right. Damn you’re insistent, dog woman,” the clown said as he turned his many technological devices off to appease this fucked-up dog.
“Thank you. Now you can start writing,” BearBear Black said.
Baby Black barked a strong bark as she still stared him down with her icy blue eyes.
“Is all of that barking really necessary?” the clown asked as he was writing down some answers to questions that he unfortunately already knew.
“Is that a question on your census?” BearBear Black asked.
“Son of a bitch, I actually have to look,” the clown said as he flipped through this book of questions to find it. A few minutes later, he actually found the damn question. “Actually, yes. It’s on the side questionnaire that’s in Section C for if the poor son of a bitch veteran has a dog.”
“Let me clarify that Diamond Black, Tim Black’s mother, was actually not a bitch at all. She was the sweetest and most intelligent woman of all time,” Blondie Black corrected. “Is that question still on your census?”
The clown scrolled down a couple pages before he looked at Blondie Black straight in the face and said, “Yes. It would have been horrible if you had mistaken Tim Black's mother for his father, ya know. We would have had to go through this process all over again.”
“Thar would have been a real bitch. In that case, we will be more than happy to answer your question. It is always necessary for a dog to bark. It is a form of communication, a way of life, a way of being. Without a bark, who is a dog?” Blondie Black stated.
“That’s beautiful. I wish I had room to put that,” the clown said.
“Do you have a ‘notes’ section?” Blondie Black asked.
“Jesus Christ this is going to take forever,” Ruby Black said as she laid down and sighed.
BearBear Black sat near the clown and looked at the answers he was writing on the questionnaire.
“I do,” the clown said as he went to the very last page and wrote down Blondie Black’s quote about barking. “What is your name, great dog?”
“Blondie Black!” she answered as she puffed out her small blonde chest in pride.
“You are appropriately named,” the clown said as he quoted Blondie Black. “Now to get back to the task at hand, I have to ask this retarded question again, and I expect a retarded answer. Do any humans live at this residence?”
BearBear Black growled at him. “No,” she said.
He wrote down the answer with wide eyes. “Are the people of the house deceased?”
Coyotes howled into the evening.
“Do the coyotes live here?” the clown asked.
“Yes, but they literally just moved in. We know nothing about them,” Baby Black answered.
The clown looked frantically through the questionnaire for about five minutes.
Ruby Black sighed and looked into the yard where her dog pen used to be. It was in shambles all over the yard. The storm fucked it up.
“Well, as long as anyone doesn’t live inside the house, I don’t have to question them. Thank God. I wasn’t in the mood to be eaten by coyotes,” the clown said.
“Neither are we. Can we get on with it!?” Baby Black asked.
“Yes ma’am,” the clown said. He then started asking a bunch of questions. The dogs answered them as honestly as they thought they could without the flood gates of hell opening upon their life.
I was literally eating the bag of chips after eating all of the chips before they finally finished answering the questions three hours later. It was dark outside. My wife was worried about me, I’m sure.
The clown then thanked the dogs and disappeared into the night. Apparently, everyone disappears in Statham, GA.
“You can turn your technology back on,” BearBear Black said as she approached me. She walked like a wind-up toy from the 80s.
“Thank you,” I said to BearBear Black as I turned my cell phone on. As soon as the screen loaded, I called my wife again.
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Dear Speaker Ryan and the GOP, Here's a picture of me waiting to learn the details of your planned cuts to Preexisting conditions protection & Disability, while I was getting my 6hr immunotherapy/chemo infusion today. 
When I got home, I wrote you a letter: 
(via Chronically-Something.com) - 
Dear @SpeakerRyan and the @GOP,
Here’s a picture of me waiting to learn the details of how the #AHCA would impact my healthcare via #preexistingconditions & #Disability, taken while I get my 6hr immunotherapy/chemo infusion. Treatment for my progressing, incurable, neurodegenerative, autoimmune disease.
Just so you know, without the #ACA I wouldn’t have healthcare coverage at all and, after a grueling 6 years of trying every medication available for Multiple Sclerosis, and having them fail, I wouldn’t have access to the immunotherapy concoction that has allowed me to remain mobility and keep my eyesight from failing regularly.
When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I had no healthcare coverage in the US. I was studying overseas and came home for a friend’s wedding. Then I went blind in one eye. I tried to ignore the symptoms for a week, hoping they might go away, knowing I had no healthcare coverage and couldn’t afford an ER visit. A week later, it got worse, and I spent 7 days in the hospital. 7 days that would start a stream an insane number of tests, seizures, falling, and more. I could barely find a doctor that would see me, and all of this was paid out of pocket. The bills were insane, in the thousands within a month or so. This process took everything I had, literally and figuratively.  It was only thanks to SSI disability assistance that I was able to find a place to live and feed myself.
Yes, SSI disability not SSDI.  It turns out, the time I spent working for the state, and a state-funded agency that didn’t pay into social security, meant I was just 2 quarters short of the required amount of work to receive full disability coverage. Those 5 years of work didn’t count, and there was nothing I could do about it despite being 15 when I got my first job. I was more than broke. I was in debt. Trying to be a good citizen, I paid my bills with everything I had, including student loans I had intended to use to finish my degree. It was thanks to the incredible kindness of my friends - one of whom allowed me to live on her floor for over a year - that I wasn’t homeless. All this while learning that I now had a diagnosed, therefore preexisting, neurodegenerative disease. Lucky for me, the #ACA took effect, and thanks to it, while having nothing at all to my name, I was able to get healthcare. Finally, after almost a year of accruing medical debt.
The reality of my situation, and the unpredictable nature of Multiple Sclerosis and its impact on my ability to function well enough for any regular job, means that I must remain below the poverty level in order to remain on healthcare and have a roof over my head, something that you seem to believe is a luxurious life I’m living on the tax payer’s dime. Every month I hope I am able to make ends meet, maintain my independence, and have to remind myself that I am a worthy member of society and I deserve treatment for my condition.
I haven’t even mentioned the reality of learning that my brain was eating itself alive. That I would slowly get sicker and sicker, likely end up immobile, and a million other things that come with life with Multiple Sclerosis (and the co-morbid autoimmune diseases I hadn’t yet realized I had). The reality of my condition was enough to bear. The treatments, side effects, and ever-increasing failure of my body was enough trauma to induce its own medical PTSD, but again I continued on thanks to determination, desperation, and the kindness of the people around me. I haven’t talked about the half-written dissertation that held all the passion of years of work that would be my career, how I would change lives, and that will never be finished now. All of this is an aside to this conversation, but gives a bit of context through which you can view what I’m telling you.
When the #ACA passed I had visions of future policy discussions, dialogues about improving the system, maybe even seeing disabled Americans of all backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, racial/ethnic backgrounds as deserving of QUALITY of life, not just those humans you’ve ‘given the privilege to continue to live’. I had such incomprehensible thoughts about being seen as someone who has a contribution to make regardless of my health, that the United States is a place where you are supported when you’re struggling, and thought maybe we can do that in a way that helps people flourish. Ridiculous, right?  I can hear you laughing.
You and your party have proven those thoughts to be nothing more than laughable, a pipe dream. Beyond that, you’ve decided it’s time to revoke that ‘privilege to live’ you bestowed upon me. That fear you use as a tool was so successful this election- that fear you instilled in so many. Fear of the other, the struggling, the afraid; fear of those whose lives have hit rock bottom or lives that could be beautiful but require a long-term helping hand. With that fear fostered, hate and blame given the biggest of platforms, you have decided now might be time to take back that privilege to live. Yep, you might wanna revoke that ‘hand out’ because anyone of us ‘could be’ choosing a life of poverty, stealing from the hard-working Americans …that we aren’t… because we need help. You embrace this, I suppose you always have, and use it in your daily dialogue discussing which of us truly deserve the help we need to simply survive and what, in your opinion, isn’t really essential to our existence.
So today, as has been the case for the last 6 months, I sat and watched my life discussed as something we may just have to sacrifice so wealthy people can be wealthier and you can have a win for your party and the president. Congrats, it has dominated the news cycle in such a way that every mention of the #AHCA leaves me on the verge of a panic attack. That probably sounds silly to you. Probably because nothing you just read is new information or particularly meaningful to you and your goals. My story doesn’t evoke empathy beyond that momentary trained reaction to someone’s sad story.
No, my story doesn’t remind you that this is the story of a huge number of Americans that you represent, or of human beings in need of support. It doesn’t even help you connect your policy goals to the fact that this is something that could happen to anyone, to someone you love, or even to you. The truth is, you are fully aware of all the things I have discussed here. You’ve heard stories like mine, you know people like me. The truth is that you understand what your tax cuts and health care plans mean to someone like me. You repeat these party lines about maintaining accessibility despite cuts, caring about pre-existing conditions by claiming we will always have ‘access’ since insurance companies won’t be allowed to refuse us outright. You repeat this over and over, completely aware of the difference between availability and accessibility. I can’t honestly believe that you do not understand the difference. I cannot believe that you’d assume the homeless man standing by the door to a restaurant you are walking into has access to dining there, simply because he can walk through the door. You are intelligent men.
All of this leads me to conclude that you must truly lack empathy for a good portion of your fellow Americans. It seems reasonable to assume that you care more about your reputation and political power than the lives of others. At the very least, it is incredibly easy for you to forget we exist. You won’t see the blood on your hands if you accomplish even half of your goals, and THAT is the scariest part of all of this.
So enjoy this picture. I am back home now and will be spending the night on the bathroom floor. Be aware, at least one of the moments I find myself retching in the toilet tonight will be at the thought of such incredibly thoughtless, heartless, men and women, celebrating the idea that they may be able to “rid the American taxpayers of the burden” of me and people like me.
NFN- A Chronically Ill, Disabled, Latina who Votes
P.s. Please feel free to prove me wrong on all points. I’m an open minded person and always willing to rethink my opinions, maybe you are too.
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omgktlouchheim · 7 years
Word Vomit Wednesday - Traveling While Healing
CW: Sexual Assault
 A little over a year ago I realized I needed to change my life. I had been living and bumbling around New York City for nearly a decade and was finally receiving some great career opportunities and a sense that my life was coming together. This “sense,” of course, was something I was just trying desperately to convince myself of. The fact is, I was constantly getting sick and was consistently in a huge amount of pain. Which wasn’t new to me. I’ve been in physical pain since I was, at least, eleven or twelve years old and just coped with it because it was my “normal.”
Jump back to June 2016. I’ve been to an allergist, ENT, had a CT scan of my sinuses, given so much blood to labs for testing I might as well have been at a blood drive, and I’m sitting in my PCP’s office as she’s going over results. I know exactly what those results say before she opens her mouth. I’ve been in this scenario over and over and over again in the course of my 29 years on this earth. The verdict: I’m healthy. Or, as the lab results put it, “unremarkable.” Oof. (My whole body is one giant flaming knot and the medical establishment has to then go ahead and bruise my ego too? That’s low). Given that all the labs came back fine but I was still in so much pain and had so little energy, my doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia.
What is fibromyalgia, you ask? In a nutshell: no one f*cking knows. Is it an autoimmune disease? Maybe. Are there genetic components that would make a person more likely to develop it? Perhaps…? What are the best ways to treat it?? *Shrug*. Essentially, it’s a diagnosis that doctors of the western persuasion give to people who they just don’t really know what to do with and don’t really have the growth mindset to figure out. *Side note: fibromyalgia has been strongly linked to trauma, which does make sense in my particular case, and I will come back to this later. So, one of the ways in which I began to make changes to my life in order to heal was making more time to travel.
It started off small, taking the Amtrak to visit friends in Vermont in August, heading out West to visit family in Washington, California, and Arizona in September, hopping on a quick flight to Montreal for my birthday in November. It felt so good to get away. I was all of a sudden having new experiences while also spending time with people I care about. Every time I left it felt like the “refresh” button was being pushed on my life. I began to feel like I was living my life instead of watching it pass me by and I began to be excited about the future even though I was still hazy about what it looked like. One thing that I knew for certain was that I needed to put myself first in ways that I had never been able to before (i.e. not feeling bad about having needs and getting them met). Which, let’s be honest, can be truly terrifying in and of itself.  On top of that, I still needed to contend with many American medical institutions. If you don’t know anything about the healthcare system in America, here’s the Cliffs Notes synopsis: It’s a shit show and everyone is screwed except for super wealthy people. Fun!
I literally didn’t go to the doctor, any doctor, for years because it can be such a nightmare and it overwhelmed me to the point of defeat. I didn’t see the point in fighting if I was never going to get the help I needed so I continued to ignore all the messages my body gave me because that’s what I knew how to do. The difference between late-twenties Katie and early-twenties and child Katie though, is that late-twenties Katie knows that she is worth fighting for and deserves better. She deserves better treatment, she deserves respect, she deserves getting what she needs come hell or high water. I (thank you third person, your services are no longer needed) am only one person and, chronic illness or not, need help and shouldn’t be shamed or ignored for asking for it.
Here’s what I know about traveling with chronic conditions. When traveling, medical issues don’t just go on vacation from you. And it’s imperative that you have a doctor you trust to communicate with you if something happens while you’re away. This was not the case for me. On the aforementioned trip in September, I was just coming out of severe withdrawal from a drug my doctor (who is no longer my doctor) had put me on to treat the fibro, which my insurance (which is no longer my insurance) decided to, out of the blue, no longer cover. Not even the amount to wean me off (it was some serious shit). It was one of the most frightening experiences of my life. So frightening that I was afraid to go to sleep in case I died. Not a trip that I was planning or am planning to take any time soon. By the time I got to Washington most of my withdrawal symptoms had gone. Except on the second day there. My right leg seized up and I was unable to walk for the rest of my stay in Seattle with my brother and his wife. Oh and I was in an excruciating amount of pain. So, what did I do? I called my doctor. For three. Straight. Days. I left so many messages that one time I got a recorded voice saying that the health clinic’s mailbox was full.
Thank goddess I was with family and that they didn’t mind pushing me around in a wheelchair or switching around plans so I would be in the least amount of discomfort before heading to California. Thankfully, by that time the pain had let up and of course that’s when my doctor #nolongermydoctor decided to call, chastise me for not going to an ER (FYI: unless I am bleeding out of all of my orifices I refuse to enter those rings of hell and that’s a whole other article in itself), and ultimately offer nothing useful in trying to help me in case it happened again. This should have been my first big tip-off that I needed to find another doctor. Instead, I convinced myself it was a fluke until she and her office pulled similar shit with me right before I was leaving on a two-month trip that would take me from New York to Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, back across the United States to The Bahamas, then finally back to New York. Once again, thank goddess for my uncle who is a retired doctor and was able to call in my medications for me the night before I was leaving and with a half an hour before the pharmacy closed.
For people who have chronic illnesses, or any illness that requires medication and who plan to travel, one thing to find out about from your insurance company is a “vacation waiver.” Because I was traveling extensively for the first time and out of the country, I needed to have extra refills of my prescriptions so I didn’t run out and burst into flames (*not necessarily a side-effect of stopping medications early, but you never know). I was surprised and relieved that my insurance actually offered a waiver specifically for that purpose. So make sure to give your company a call and find out what the waiver is, how long it’s effective for and how many times a year you’re able to access it. This was probably one of the only times where my insurance was actually helpful.
So, what have we learned so far? Living with chronic illness means needing to be on top of every medical issue to make sure that it helps you live your life rather than keep you stuck and in pain. It is no easy task. Some medical professionals will not help you. On the flip side, vacation waivers! Besides keeping in order all of the things meant to keep a person with chronic illness functioning, there is still needing to deal with symptoms. Chronic illness is exactly what it sounds like. Chronic, consistent, every moment of every day. Some days are better than others. People can also be happy and chronically ill at the same time. Around the time that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia I was also diagnosed with PTSD (told ya I’d get back to trauma!). It is very common for people who have been diagnosed with fibro to also have a history of and are survivors of trauma including sexual assault/abuse, which is the case for me.  It’s kind of a chicken and egg conundrum which is also why treating fibromyalgia is so difficult. Not only do scientific and medical institutions know very little about our nervous systems, they also can’t treat the things that can trigger us.
I could be anywhere in the world and if my brain senses anything resembling my traumatic experiences, my nervous system goes haywire and I’m stuck in our very primal fight, flight, or freeze mode. And it did happen. Here are examples of the most extreme experiences from my New Zealand/Australia trip. One time was walking around in Melbourne with my mom. I felt so overwhelmed from the moment we got there and once that feeling set in it did not go away. Even eating didn’t help. My body felt like it was on fire, I had no patience for anything, I didn’t feel safe, I just needed to get back to my room and my stuff as soon as possible. The other time we were heading to Dunedin, New Zealand. The night before we got there, I woke up super early in the morning because I started having flashbacks of my assault. I don’t know what triggered them, it just sucked and it took me forever to get back to sleep. When I woke up to get ready for the day I realized I couldn’t move. My hips felt like they were locked and it was extremely painful to do a few things. Things like: lie down, sit, modify my position to get from lying down to sitting, standing, and any movement in general.
Being a person with chronic illness who also wants to function in society and explore the world is really hard. You can’t leave your disease in your desk at work to take care of when you get back. You can’t leave your symptoms with the cat-sitter. You can’t even put your baggage in your baggage to whip out just in case you have a day where you’re not doing anything. It’s just going to be your travel companion no matter what, and it will pop up when it gets the message to. The way society is set up does not make it easy for those of us living with chronic illnesses and even the most well-intentioned people don’t understand or know what we really need. That also doesn't mean that you're going to ruin any travel experience because you have particular needs that you need to put first. At this point, my healing journey is tied into all of the other journeys I’ve taken and will continue to take. Right now my takeaway is learning to accept myself no matter where I am and what I’m feeling. And have better doctors because ain’t nobody got time for that bullshit.
Katie Louchheim is a wide-eyed wanderer who takes a lot of pics of where she goes and is not opposed to a shameless plug! Follow @ktjlouch on Instagram for awesome travel pics, blurbs about living with chronic illness and more.
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schraubd · 7 years
My Healthcare Story
The House of Representatives, in a razor-thin 217-213 vote, has voted to repeal and replace Obamacare with the AHCA. The crucial amendment to get conservatives onboard was to allow states to eviscerate the protections for patients with pre-existing conditions. I've mentioned before on this blog that I've suffered from kidney stones. Right now I'm in the process of doing some tests to figure out my risk factors and what, if anything, I should change in my diet or lifestyle to make them less likely (since, as Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) was so quick to remind us, any health problems I have are evidence of nothing more than my own degraded character). That's how it should be: when I'm sick, the focus should be on getting me better. My health care should be a conversation between me and my doctor. My investment advisor shouldn't need to play a role. But the advent of the GOP vote has, of course, made me worry about whether kidney stones qualify as a "preexisting condition." After all, I'm not going to stay at Berkeley forever. So what would happen to me if I need to switch insurance or -- worse yet -- lose it altogether? Kidney stones aren't the most expensive condition one can have, but they're not nothing either. Since they onset completely unexpectedly, they can send you to the emergency room at the drop of a hat. And they sometimes require surgery to remove (as mine did -- more on that below). My best guess is that it's unlikely that I'd be denied coverage altogether because of my past history, but it's possible that a new plan would exclude coverage for any future stone-related problems. Which sucks, because kidney stones are scary enough without having to worry about how to pay to treat them. One argument one occasionally hears about foisting more costs onto sick patients is that it gives us additional "skin in the game" that inspires us to make better and more cost-effective choices. So I figured I'd offer a story on that front, because I don't think that makes any sense at all. As I said, I recently had surgery to remove my kidney stone. But I almost didn't. Kidney stones are strange in that they can lie dormant for awhile -- lulling you into a false sense of security -- before roaring back to life and causing agonizing pain. This is particularly nettlesome because, especially with a smaller stone, it's possible to pass them without realizing it. So if you go through several months with no pain, is it because the stone has passed or is it just playing possum? My stone was about 4 millimeters, which is on the small side. My urologist told me that a 4 mm stone will pass on its own about 70% of the time. I had been having attacks of pain about once every 1.5 - 2 months since the fall, and it did not seem to be passing on its own. So after the latest bout of pain in January, we scheduled me for surgery in March -- with the caveat that if it passed before then, we'd cancel the surgery. The weeks pass, and I'm feeling fine. I didn't notice it pass. But again, I knew sometimes they pass without you noticing. Certain elements of how the stone had been progressing in prior bouts of pain made it plausible that the last bout really was the last bout. We did an X-Ray to see if we could pinpoint the stone inside me, but it was inconclusive. My urologist pointed to a vague spot and said maybe that's the stone ... but maybe it's nothing. X-Rays aren't actually all that good at picking up kidney stones. And unfortunately, there wasn't any safe way to know for sure if the stone was still inside me other than simply doing the surgery. As we approached the day of the surgery, I asked my doctor if he thought we should go through with it. It was not implausible that the stone had already passed, after all. Moreover, I'd never had real surgery before, and was a bit nervous. The procedure entailed full anesthesia, followed by threading a scope up my urethra, into my ureter, and blasting apart the stone with lasers. They'd leave a stent inside me to handle residual bleeding, and that would be removed in about a week. Objectively, it's not so bad -- but you can imagine "having a tube stuck up my dick" isn't exactly on my bucket list, either. And how silly would I feel if I had the surgery and it turned out there was no stone at all! The doctor listened to me. And he said that it was, indeed, possible that the stone had already passed. We could simply wait another couple of months and see what develops. The problem with that was (a) he still thought it was more likely than not that the stone had not, in fact, passed and (b) there's no guarantee that if I had another attack, they'd be able to schedule me for surgery promptly. Ultimately, his recommendation was to go through with the surgery as planned. So I did. And when I woke up, I was told that yes, the stone was inside me, and they had successfully removed it. Moreover, he told me that the stone would have never passed on its own. My ureter was significantly enflamed and swollen around where the stone had nestled; it had gotten so narrow that it was physically impossible for the stone to go any further (I gather things were so tight in there that it had also made it no easy thing for the surgeon to even reach the stone with his laser. Good job, surgeon!). All of this is run-up to the following: My kidney stone surgery cost me, with insurance, a little less than $1,000. That's not chump change. But without surgery, it would have cost closer to $10,000. That's more than a third of the annual salary of your average Berkeley grad student. Had I been paying that money out of pocket, I almost certainly would have ignored my doctor's advice and delayed the surgery. Which, as we now know, would have been the wrong decision. How wrong? I'm not sure -- I thankfully do not now need to know exactly how dangerous a badly enflamed, swollen, and rapidly narrowing ureter might have been. In short, the only thing having (more) "skin in the game" would have done for me is caused me to have made the wrong medical decision. Because I'm not a doctor. I have no medical expertise. I'm not in a position to make smarter medical decisions just because I have to pay more for them. The most likely result of my having to pay a ton of money for medical expenses is me making bad medical choices. Thankfully, because I had insurance I made my choice for the right reasons -- the sound, professional advice of my specialist doctor who actually knows how kidneys work. And thank goodness for that. In any event, now I've had kidney stones and kidney stone surgery, which means I may well be in "pre-existing condition" land (albeit far less so than, say, a cancer survivor). Which means that in the GOP world, it's quite plausible that if I leave Berkeley (which I no doubt will) and have to change insurers, I may no longer be covered for at least this particular medical problem. If my kidney stones come back, I won't be able to concentrate on, say, getting emergency pain relief or whether I need another surgery. My friend Josh Blackman says there is a "contradiction" around the discourse re: pre-existing conditions: nobody wants to exclude them, until people learn that including them increases costs. Which, Blackman says, of course they do -- there's no such thing as a free lunch. I'd note that there's an ambiguity here: requiring coverage of pre-existing conditions doesn't necessarily increase costs so much as it redistributes them -- at least in a system where one can't opt-out of the medical system altogether (and here I'm talking less about a mandate and more about guaranteed access to emergency care. Unless we switch to a system whereby uninsured people are left to die in the streets, we're still "paying" for their healthcare). Persons who are relatively healthy pay a little more so that persons who are very sick pay a lot less, but the overall cost doesn't change (a simplification, of course, but it will do). As it happens, even with this particular pre-existing condition I don't know whether I-as-an-individual am a net gainer or loser in the protect-preexisting-conditions world (other than kidney stones, I'm a relatively young and healthy man). But either way, I'm absolutely willing to pay my share so that I and others like me -- or not so like me -- can have the healthcare that they need. It strikes me as beyond petty for me to resent the possibility that others might "use" the benefits of health insurance more than I do. I should be so lucky! The best thing that could happen to me is for me to never again have reason to access the benefits of my health insurance other than routine checkups and peace of mind. But if I happen not to be so lucky, then I'll be grateful that I'll get the care that I need to survive and thrive. There are many, many people for whom the AHCA will impact far more severely than me -- from cancer survivors to persons needing organ donations.to victims of sexual assault. These people will see their lives made much worse if the AHCA passes. But there are a lot more Americans for whom the AHCA "only" will make our lives a little worse. A little scarier. A little more insecure. A little more unknown. A little less protected. I had hoped we could beat the AHCA in the House. But House Republicans were determined to pass a bill they didn't fully understand, whose provisions  had not been scored by the CBO, and from whose dictates they exempted themselves. We have 18 months to make them pay for their hubris. via The Debate Link http://ift.tt/2qFGnQf
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