#their nicknames are their title which is based on their powers
fever-project · 3 months
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It’s my Links Meet AU and I can have AlttP Link be AlbW Link’s dad if I want to. Therefor, the other two Totem Heroes-and Ravio!-would also be his kids. Why is Ravio only half a kid? Because I thought it would be funny lol.
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yanderecxre · 2 months
Yandere!Retired Colonel headcanons
You only knew him by his nickname, "Saint", beyond that you knew nothing about him. But oh, did he know everything about you.
You, sweet and young, fresh outta college and working at the base he was stationed at before he decided to retire. You who took care of the daycare on base, who didn't even bat an eye at the insanity that the children you took care of looked like.
Saint even adopted a kid from the dumb program just to have an excuse to talk and see you, little Henry was a pain in the ass, literally and figuratively. The brat always clung to you, crying he didn't wanna go home. Making Saint look like a terrible grandfather. "Listen here you little brat, I'm trying to make sure they can't just up and leave, so start acting like I'm the greatest grandfather alive before you scare them off!"
Sweet, young bleeding heart little you. Always talking and smiling at him like he's some regular guy and not a powerful Colonel who could (and would if you ever tempted or forced his hand) ruin your budding little career before the hour ended. Of course though he'd never do that, not with how often he sees you now, at drop off, pick up, sometimes you ask guardians to help around the daycare, he's there every time.
Saint, who once he decides you're his, immediately gets to work implementing himself in your life, both personal and professional. Using little Henry as an excuse, poor boy getting used as an excuse for why the two ran into you everywhere you seemed to go. "Oh, hello Henry, Saint! What brings you two to the library?" You smile and ask as you hold a small stack of books, unaware that Saint was scanning the titles so he could ask you next time which was your favorite. Saint smiles and holds Henry's shoulder, laughing slightly. "Poor boy practically cried and threw a fit demanding we come to the library because he wanted to read and play in the kids section!" You were far too busy to see Henry glaring at Saint, his eyes darkening as you smiled and talked to him.
Saint, who finally asks you out on a proper date (you don't know of course that the date will be your last in a while, he already has your room set up in his cabin. Henry helped him pick everything out, the kid loved you too much to let his idiot of a grandfather make you feel unhappy.) When you accepted he smiled and offered to pick you up, you spent the rest of the day smiling and giggling as Henry clung to your leg pouting.
That night, you had a lovely date, perfect in every way, Saint was the perfect gentleman. Letting you order whatever you wanted and asking about your interests and life. He even insisted you call him by his actual name, Nicolas. He loved the way it rolled off your tongue, could only imagine you moaning and whimpering it as he went down on you later on-
You felt woozy during the last bit of the date, had you drank more than you thought, no way... you couldn't have, you looked up over at him, Saint looked perfectly fine, not like you. You stumbled slightly out your seat, he was there, holding you steady. "Oh dear, poor thing, let's get you home yeah sweetheart? You had lots to drink, I'll get your dessert to go." He murmured in your ear, holding you closely to his side his large hand firmly on your hip, keeping you near him.
The last thing you remember before passing out was Saint, helping you to his car. Hand on your hips as he assured you everything was alright, that you were just tipsy. Something in his voice made you feel weird but it got overshadowed by your head muddling as you whimpered softly and promptly passed out. You never knew that he drugged you, he wasn't a monster. He just needed you woozy enough to get you to his cabin.
"Don't look at me like that little brat, they're just unconscious. What? You gonna sleep by their bedside to protect their virtue?" "Yeah, because I don't trust you, grandfather." "You little fucker- Jesus! Did you just bite me?!"
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yerrmar · 2 months
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Luke Castellan x Daughter Of Apollo Reader
warnings: strong language, parental death, no use of y/n instead the nickname star is used a lot.
summery: it was time to come back to camp for summer, but during break it’s like your body finally decided to mature and it’s hard to ignore.
title is the song Uptown Girl by Billy Joel. Fic is heavily based on the kissing booth on netflix.
if you want to be removed from the tag list let me know.
2.1k words.
YOU AND CHRIS RODRIGUEZ have been best friends since being in the womb, literally. Your moms were BFFs before people even used the term BFF. So you were raised like twins and you’ve been pretty much inseparable ever since. Not even the Gods could tear you apart, turns out both of you are demigods and were sent off to Camp Half-Blood at the age of 8.
You don’t remember a lot at the starting days of Camp, but a lot of stuff has happened between now and then that you do remember. First week at Camp you got claimed by Apollo, Chris didn’t in fact it took Hermes quite a while to claim his son but at least he didn’t have to move cabins!
You learned that archery is harder than it looks even if you are a child of Apollo, but the Infirmary was much easier, and that’s where you learnt you had the power of healing!
You and Chris tried all different activities together, one of those activities being sword fighting where you almost cut off his foot and he sliced a huge cut on your arm. That was before he accidentally let his sword fly out of his hand and hit an older Ares boy on the back. He came storming over to you both ready to attack, but then you got protected by one of Chris’s older brothers, Luke, who scared him off. Chris had to pay protection tax though, and got a huge wedgie that he was walking funny from for a week.
You watched Chris finally get claimed after 5 years, but he wasn’t too excited about it. You also watched Luke get into his first fight, he won. Participated in Capture the Flag for the first time with the Hermes and Athena cabin, you won but had tons of patients afterwards.
You found out that your mom was sick, you went to visit her at the hospital for the first time and at 13 you decided that you didn’t need to stay at Camp all year round, summer was enough. You tried to get used to being at home without Chris and all the other friends you made, but what was especially hard was not being able to talk to anyone about your mom being sick, nobody knew, not even Chris. You just didn’t want anyone to worry or treat you differently, so you just kept your mouth shut.
When you got back during summer your first conversation with Chris was an argument over who was the best fighter, so to show him where you punched him in the face, which he stormed off because of. So to make up for it you gave him your desert that night.
You also got into a fight with Luke for beating up Chris, and made up with Luke by letting him help you with your sword fighting game. He’s so good at sword fighting.
You finally got the hang of archery at 15 after shooting a lot of stray arrows that were never to be seen again. And when you got back home you had a tough talk with your mom, sat with her a while and tried to help her put makeup on like when your where little and used to just look at her in full awe. But this time, you weren’t much help. And when she fell asleep, you held her hand a long time, you only ever cried when she was asleep.
When you got back to Camp you tried to score your first kiss with some random Demeter boy till a ball knocked you unconscious, wasn’t exactly a love connection.
You saw Luke for the first time with his new scar and the best swordsman in 300 years attitude, which strangely made him so much more attractive to you. Then you watched Luke get in another fight, and he won.
Watched Luke teach younger kids how to do some basic training, and watched Chris try to help out but Luke used him as a training dummy and he got knocked out.
You learned that girls can be really mean, especially the ones who pretend to be your friends just to get to Luke.
You played 7 minutes in heaven! But it turned out to be a big fail when you both butted heads, so maybe you weren’t ready for your first kiss yet, that’s fine! Though you did go through a big rabbit hole of wondering why you hadn’t had your first kiss yet, or even gone on a date.
You realised you had a crush on Luke after losing focus on whatever Chris was rambling on about and just stared at him for what seemed like hours as he practised fighting. But you got over it, mostly.
Then at 17 the last year you would ever spend at home, you said goodbye to your mom. You had a lot to say, and told her a lot about Camp, especially about Luke.
I think that’s about it, because you were about to enter Camp again as a year rounder. Which is gonna be hard to explain to Chris. When you walk into Camp all of the worries you had disappeared when that wave of excitement hits you, and so does a ball.
“Ow!” you hiss as the ball collides with the side of your head, you quickly spin around to catch the culprit, and that’s when you laid eyes on your best friend grinning like the devil. “Chris! What the hell, that hurt!”
“Yeah, it was supposed too!” Chris scoffed and ran over to you snatching the ball out of your hands, then he whined “You’re a week late, where the hell have you been?”
“Decided to stay a little longer, it’s no biggie, I’m here now.” you roll at how dramatic he was being.
“Woah. What the hell happened to you, did you have like a body swap or something. Like when did you get hot?” Chris’s eyes widened as he looked you up and down. Over break, it was like your body finally decided to catch up with your age, but the only disadvantage of that was none of your old clothes fit anymore, either your jeans were too tight or your shirts were now crop tops.
“Hey, I’ve always been hot.” you pout and swatted Chris’s hand away when he started to poke you. Your head moves from your best friend in front of you as he starts to ramble on about something that you couldn’t care less to hear about.
Camp has always been breathtaking, on a hot, sunny day, the forest came alive with the brilliance of summer. The beautiful green trees, standing tall and proud, formed a lush canopy that provided a much-needed respite from the sun's fierce rays. Their leaves, vibrant and full, shimmered in the golden light, casting playful shadows on the ground below.
In the heart of this verdant haven, children’s laughter rang out like a symphony of pure joy. Barefoot and carefree, they dashed across the soft, mossy floor, their energy boundless and their spirits high. Some played tag, their gleeful shrieks echoing through the trees, while others wove daisy chains and told stories under the shade of the ancient oaks. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine and the earthy aroma of sun-warmed soil.
Amidst this lively scene stood the huge vintage cabins, timeless guardians of this enchanted place. Their log walls, weathered by years yet sturdy and strong, told tales of countless summers gone by. Each cabin, adorned with hand-carved details and wide porches, exuded a rustic charm that invited campers to step back in time.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm, golden light over everything, the cabins seemed to glow with a quiet radiance. Their presence was a comforting constant amidst the laughter and play, a reminder of the simple, enduring joys of life. The children, unaware of the passage of time and the dangers of the outside world, continued their games, their laughter mingling with the soft rustling of leaves and the distant call of birds.
It was nice to be home.
And then there he was, Luke Castellan, walking out of the woods and over to the Hermes cabin. The sun seemed to follow him like a spotlight, making the sweat that laced his forehead glisten like glitter.
Chris snapped his fingers in front of your face, “Star, you listening?” your best friend huffed as you hummed staring at him with a blank expression. “Sure you were. As I was saying, this summer I’m going to actually do it. I’m going to”
“Chris,” Luke spoke up behind Chris making the boy jump “You seen my towel?”, he had a smug smirk plastered on his face as he smoothly looked you up and down. The action made your face feel hot as his smirk grew wider when he locked eyes with you again.
You hated yourself for how easily the boy made you feel so weak in the knees, especially since you and Chris had a strict list of friendship rules. And Chris was responsible for rule number 9, which specifically states siblings are totally off-limits.
You didn’t think was fair at all because he’s had the same crush on the same ares girl ever since he made that rule, so it was mainly a rule for you to follow.
“Yes asshat, I used it after my long and hard, sweaty training sesh.” Chris sarcastically nodded rolling his eyes, making you giggle.
“Hey, Star.” Luke smiled his voice reeking of cockiness, he was the one that came up with the nickname that everyone at camp just loved to use, you couldn’t remember how the nickname started you just remember that it was during your first camp party. But then again you can’t remember much about that night anyway.
“Hi, Luke,” you replied in the same cocky tone, he laughed lightly at your attempt to mimic him.
“When did you get the boobs?” He asked pointing at your chest making Chris laugh. You looked down at your chest before crossing your arms and covering them, if your face wasn’t red it definitely was now. You scoffed at him and tried to snap back, but no words came out.
“Whilst she was back at home learning how to get a boy’s attention so she can get her first kiss, it’s almost like you were on human growth hormones or something!” Chris spoke between laughs, really getting a kick out of your frustrated and flustered face.
“Chris! Rule number 2, please!” you snapped at the boy, your nostrils flared and your face hot. Rule number 2, never share our secrets with anyone else.
Chris brushed your displeased face off as he turned back to his older brother, “Whatever, listen. We’re gonna have a party on Friday night if we win capture the flag again, it’s gonna be our 10th time in a row. Don’t invite any jackasses.” Luke sternly pointed at Chris before he started to walk off.
“Does that include you?” Chris asked smugly, and you oooohhed in reply to back up your best friend. Luke stood still for a moment as if thinking about what to do next before he asked a kid who was running past to borrow the ball he had in his hands. Then he lunged it straight at Chris’s head, sending him flying to the ground.
You burst out laughing as Chris cried out in pain, rolling around on the floor and gripping onto his head. “Nice to see your back, Star.” Luke nodded at you, before turning back around and walking away.
“What an ass,” Chris whined standing up beside you, leaning on your shoulder for support as he tried to get find his balance.
You stared as he walked away, your eyes fully worshipping him, “I know.”
“Hey. Hey! Heyyyy. Rule number nine young lady!” Chris pointed at you, shaking his head in disgust as he noticed how you stared at his brother like he was some sort of god.
“Oh come on!” You gasped, denying what he was implying. “As if!”
“Yeah, well you uh, you got a little bit of drool right there on the corner of your mouth.” Chris joked pointing at the corner of his mouth pretending to wipe drool away.
“Oh, do I? Right here? Right here?” You pointed at the same spot he was before quickly picking up the ball from the ground and lunging it into the boy’s stomach making him crawl into a bawl on the floor whilst he cried out in pain.
It was good to be home.
taglist: @rafslytherin @laylasshiftingtonight @lgversrock @1800-love-me @polli05927 @glittervame @ineedrickgrimes @lunemai
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writerofjourneys · 8 months
The Regent King of Hell
A/N: Just an interesting idea I thought to try. Not sure I want to make this a part of my fandom list as it’s not my cup of tea to write but I wanted to give this a shot regardless.
Fandom(s): Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Magne/Morningstar & (Twin)Fem Reader
Lucifer Magne/Morningstar & (Daughter)Reader
Summary: As the 2nd Princess of Hell, you were given the reigns of ruling over the Ring of Wrath as a King of Sin, then eventually Pride as regent for your parents in their crumbling marriage, soon breakup and your father’s inactive state. You became one of the most, if not above all the most feared ruler out of the Rings of Hell, leaving you to be quite a contrast to your sheltered optimistic older sister, but you loved each other all the same.
Content: Fluff, family, Reader is nicknamed Satan, sister relationship, father-daughter relationship, platonic relationships, demons & angels, morality, afterlife, based on how Satan isn’t introduced yet and the circumstances of Lucifer’s role after physically stepping down from ruling aside from his title as King of Hell.
Warnings: None.
Main List
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As children growing up, you and Charlie were always joined at the hip. It was rare for anyone to find one of the Morningstar Twins without the other.
You had very fond memories of your family together, spending moments like any other happy human ones. Having your father display his angelic powers in beautiful imagery to you and your sister’s delight. And your mother singing you songs and lullabies.
Your father would take you on trips to his Lu Lu World theme park. He also wasn’t hesitant to show his bitterness to Loo Loo Land. He forbade you and Charlie to ever go there, and that hasn’t changed even now. But you have been to Hellsney, you heard the human world had something similar to the name.
Ironically, you don’t actually like apples. By themselves they’re okay, but even though it’s your family’s main symbol, you find it tolerable. You hate apple themed food, though.
Though it became apparent that you and Charlie began to take different personalities and views as you got older. Whereas she was optimistic, naive, vibrant, and mild; you were stern, calm, intimidating, and calculating. The denizens of Hell sometimes pondered over the differences between you.
You seemed to take more after your mother and Charlie your father, you still loved them both, but when their relationship began to fall apart you mostly chose to stay by your father’s side. Taking up the duties of learning to govern over Hell more than ever.
But even before that, you took to your responsibilities as an heir more highly compared to your twin, who wasn’t all that interested, instead pursuing a different path.
As you grew up, you even took to taking on a more demonic form, like leaving your curled horns rest on your head, sharp fangs, and having similar wings to Lucifer you inherited that you left out. Though the rest of your features did match with Charlie’s. But you have the ability to shapeshift and change to a number of things, even a more monstrous form.
You displayed more powers in comparison to her, though, having even used them to ‘discipline’ anyone who tried to step out of line, thinking you’d be as dismissive as your sister.
For your capabilities, your parents had given you the opportunity of ruling over the Ring of Wrath, making you a member of one of the Seven Deadly Sins, leading to the demons to then give you the nickname famously known as Satan. Which, funnily enough, had humans and sinners tending to mistake you for your dad, Lucifer.
You found amusement in others speaking your stage name in forms of expression.
You became the embodiment of Wrath for your power and dangerous influence, finally filling the missing spot for the Seven Deadly Sins.
And like your dad, you also detested sinners. You knew many of humanity’s history and their continuous behaviours throughout the centuries. Humans are as cruel as they are loving. They could be even more monstrous than hellborn demons, for all their fragility and short lifespans.
Naturally, you took to them also being something of ants or specks of dust. Though you do get experiences being on earth and getting involved with humans. For being what they are, they did fascinate you for their unpredictability.
You even carried an exception with a level of respect for the intelligent and influential mortals.
When Charlie and Lucifer grew apart at the time of your parents separation, having the misunderstanding of how one didn’t want to see the other, you continued staying close to him. Spending time with him, listening to him talk about his hyper-fixation projects, flying together, and then visiting him among your time ruling over the two rings.
You were pretty much emancipated with your parents’ separation being a Sin.
When Lilith left, stepping down from her royal duties, you and Charlie both didn’t have any contact with her for the past 7 years to now.
You had grown apart from your mom just before that. You weren’t the fondest of her at the moment.
You didn’t know how long Lucifer would remain inactive from ruling the Pride Ring, so you continued acting as regent.
While Charlie had her cat Keekee, and goat-toys-brought-to-life, Razzle and Dazzle, you had your hellhounds, actual terrifying beasts who intelligently understood your orders, but different than the other sentient hellhounds in Hell.
As King of Wrath and now Pride, you were usually busy. Jumping between the two realms and overseeing the majority of Hell in your father’s stead. Sometimes meeting with the other Kings of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Out of all of Hell’s hierarchy, you have the most experience with humans and earth.
Shapeshifting is an ability you inherited from Lucifer. Meaning animals.
You turned into a duckling and a snake for him when you were little. He couldn’t stop fawning how cute you were. He was pretty proud.
Being the embodiment of wrath meant some cause for destruction. You’ve had a hand in a some earthly/hellish disasters.
It also made you the most warlike and combative.
Lucifer had had his worries of how fast you’ve grown. Being mature and doing your own thing ruling a ring of Hell.
Having been sheltered from the lives of humans on earth, Charlie carried the benefit of the doubt for the sinners. Which honestly exasperated you.
You didn’t have any animosity towards your twin, you cared for her, but you wished she carried more of a backbone. Having only the title as the 1st Princess of Hell to go off on and hardly using her powers, the denizens could never take her seriously.
So when she presented her ideas of redemption to you, as family and ruler, you considered it hilariously absurd, though not to her face. You had agreed that while there are sinners who didn’t deserve eternal damnation for their particular situations, not all of them deserved peace.
Humans already had their chances of change and different livelihoods, what was the point of doing it now when they already passed death? They had made their choices and harmed others in the process, to redeem now when their lives were already over felt pointless.
So you were rather indifferent to Extermination Day. You didn’t really know if Lucifer was actually in agreement to it anyways, even for his own distaste in sinners, but your father wouldn’t have had a choice in it regardless. Heaven was the one to force him to be the King of Hell after all, it isn’t a surprise that they could exterminate without his permission. And the Exorcists who were once mortal came down tended to have personal vengeance over the sinners who made their lives hell in the first place.
You weren’t interested in getting involved with Heaven if you could help it.
Seeing how passionate and serious Charlie was, you agreed to support her, regardless of how farfetched her goal looked. But you made to note that while Charlie shouldn’t focus on the inhumane sinners in particular, you advised that her future patrons should at least be remorseful to try and reach Heaven. That was the biggest point of redemption after all.
You did know her girlfriend, Vaggie, the three of you occasionally hanging out for things like lunch. She did tend to be nervous in your presence. All you cared about was her having a good relationship with your sister.
Charlie’s ex, Seviathan and his sister, Helsa, would’ve had their heads torn off of their bodies by you if your twin hadn’t convinced you otherwise. You detested that family.
You rarely did get to see Charlie as she created her ‘Happy Hotel’, but you did drop by to visit when you had time. And upon hearing the Radio Demon’s involvement as her co-owner, changing the name to ‘Hazbin Hotel’, you were obviously suspicious, since you were acquainted and familiar with the Overlords, but since he hadn’t done anything yet and Charlie saying she could take of herself, you left her to it.
While you weren’t sure how these events would fold, you hoped things would work out for your family and getting the time to be together again like you used to be.
So, how was this..?
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felucians · 1 month
un bisou
Fandom: Marvel X-men | Gambit/Remy LeBeau x Reader
Reader is gender neutral with no physical descriptions. Rated PG-13 because Gambit would be the type of guy to grab anyone's ass during a kiss, he would test the boundaries and we all know it. Reader is a mutant with celestial Sun powers - technically based on my OC's powers which manipulates the Sun, specifically it's fire.
Summary: Takes place during Days of Future Past in the original X-Men series, where Bishop accuses Gambit of an assassination that destroys the future, reader is the only one to believe him. Pre-established relationships between Rogue/Gambit, Reader/Gambit and Reader is a member of the X-men team. Title is French for "a kiss". Wordcount: around 800 words.
"Don't nobody trust Gambit, eh?"
Rogue can't meet his eyes, her gaze downcast and guilt etched onto her features.
Gambit won't look at you, at your eyes glazing over in tears as your shared family denies him, believes that he could be the assassin. He didn't hear your whisper of "I do" as he loudly announces to the room, "Then Gambit don't need nobody."
He stalks away, glowering as his trench coat flows behind like a cape, and then the room is silent as his footsteps fade.
The lights black out and you're finally unfrozen, "How dare you? All of you? Not trusting one of our own, our team. Who are we if we cannot trust each other? What kind of family is this?"
The Sun hesitantly flickers through the windows, as solar flares begin radiating from your arms, anger burning through your body.
Rogue is first to speak, "Calm down, Sugah—"
"Calm down? When you all just turned your backs on him?"
Jean fixes you with a soft, understanding gaze and whispers "Go" in your mind - your chair hits the wall, leaving a dent with flashes of celestial energy trailing behind.
You don't even realise your feet carrying you through the hallways, yelling his name throughout the mansion, praying to anyone listening that he's still here and you find him before he leaves here, before he leaves you.
He's standing, paused at the doorway to the X-jet, breathing heavily with angry mutters of Cajun creole - blurring English and French seamlessly. Gambit looks up at the sound of your footsteps, a flash of vulnerability in his eyes that left in a second, replaced by a harsh piercing glare, "Porquoi êtes-vous ici, Dulcinée?" (Why are you here, sweetheart?)
The nickname is spat out, venom seeping out from the endearment that would usually bring a soft flush of heat to your face. You try not to flinch. Emphasis on try, because you do, and his face somehow looks even more pained at that. Words evade you as your throat dries, refusing to respond, so you take a deep breath and a soft gulp before you respond, grateful that you could understand his mother tongue.
"I'm here because I trust you, Remy."
He falters, searching your eyes desperately to spot any falsehoods, any inkling that you were spying on him for Charles - he doesn't find any. He finds pure raw love, the kind you knew you felt but could never truly verbalise.
Everyone on the team could see your soft spot for Gambit, and he knew it too. Sure, he flirted with every woman he came into contact with and he couldn't stop thinking about Rogue - but there was something about you that left the Cajun torn, as if he also loved you but didn't dare bare his heart to anyone, as if his shield crumpled, then his world would collapse and destroy everyone he cared about with it.
But here, with only you left, dangerously close to him in the enclosed space of the doorframe's entrance, he couldn't remember why he kept those walls up. He allowed his eyes to flicker to your soft lips, watching intensely as you involuntarily catch the bottom one in between your teeth. Your heart is hammering in your chest and before you can think to pull away, to move down the hallway or into the next room, his big hands are splayed on your soft hips, your spandex suit in bright terracotta separating your skin to skin contact.
He's surprisingly soft, as his lips meet yours and he tastes like spice and tobacco. It infiltrates your senses, enveloping you in a blanket of warmth and desire while you gasp, allowing him to deepen the kiss further, to let Remy explore your mouth, your taste, your emotions. His gloved hands grasp around your waist as the other dips down to your ass, giving it a small squeeze. His smirk brushes his stubble against your cheek at the soft breathy moan you let out from his actions - you would swear Jubilee was in here with the amount of fireworks lighting up your veins, the passion and love igniting your whole body in flames.
Gambit pulls away, and his face is almost unreadable and then it's sad. It's a goodbye kiss, you realise as he walks past you through the door to the X-jet - and you almost let him.
He's so lost on his own emotions and thoughts from the kiss that ghosts his lips that he doesn't notice you slipping into the darkened room after him, only to be blinded by the harsh lights as Bishop and Wolverine reveal themselves, entirely unaware of everything that just transpired between you both...
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sleepycat63 · 12 days
artificer's pups in my AU!
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(the name of the collector was given to me by @ok1237! hope you don't mind the tag, it just felt right to give credit)
their story + more rambling under cut
Before I go into the characters' stories, I feel like I should add a bit of background to how I believe(or head-canon) the cycle works.
Basically, every creature is immortal until ascension (or other method of permadeath: ex. Rot). This means no matter what age, how you died, when you died whatever, you will wake up in the next cycle. There are no alternate timelines for each creature, if someone dies, it is never permanent. You die, you come back unharmed (physically, mentally however... yikes). Simple as that.
^^^ Less intelligent creatures, such as slugcats, are usually unaware of this fact. Specifically, Artificer is not aware of this. As far as she knows, her pups are gone.
The toll attack plays out as it does in the game. Blue pup is impaled and killed on impact. Arti and Green pup try to get away, but are hit by an explosive that blinds Arti, and stuns Green pup.
As explained earlier, Blue pup, nicknamed "Pearl" by Artificer, inevitably comes back in the next cycle, now separated from their family.
Green pup, nicknamed "Leech", does not drown. She escapes the leeches by stunning them, which is also the first appearance of the abilities she inherited from her mom. She tries to find her mom, but is forced to seek shelter before the rain kills her.
Within the following cycles, all three have parted ways. Pearl, now terrified of the Scavengers, flees the Garbage Wastes and finds himself in Industrial Complex. Leech finds herself in Waterfront Facility, still searching for her mother. Artificer.. well, we know where she is.
Pearl, inspired by Industrial's previous state as a factory, ends up learning how to craft items of their own (With help of the "fire spit" they inherited from Arti). They gave themself a title based on their love of the items they found, The Collector. He never lost his grudge against the Scavengers for separating him from his family (at this point, he believes them to be dead), only keeping peace with them for trade and convenience.
Leech, on the other hand, is still desperately searching for her mother. They're uninterested in anything but having their family back, and this makes an impact on their health (mental and physical). She lives off of only meat, favoring the Scavengers. She earned her title "The Parasite" from the Scavengers spreading word about her tendencies to target them. When they eventually give up on finding their mother, they stay in Subterranean, mindlessly feeding off the creatures there, only motivated to keep living from hope she will someday find her mother.
Other info:
> Both pups inherited some of Artificer's powers, but being half natural slugcat, they're dulled down significantly.
> Collector got her bomb jump, crafting skill, partial explosion immunity, and water sensitivity. They have a normal omnivore diet.
> Parasite got her bomb jump, parry, maul, partial explosion immunity, and carnivore diet.
> As of right now, only Collector is aware of how the cycle works. He is aware his mother and sister are out there somewhere, but he's terrified the Scavengers will attack and kill him again.
> Parasite is partially aware, as she has died and woken up again, but she doesn't know this applies to other creatures.
> Artificer is not aware. In her eyes, her pups were murdered in cold blood thousands of cycles ago.
> Everyone hates the Scavengers. Collie is afraid of them, Para eats them, Arti murders them. Family bonding!!!
that's it!! it's a work in progress as of right now, some details will be worked on and given more thought later on. feedback is VERY appreciated!! i am not a writer (these are some of the first OCs i've created and taken seriously ... ever) so i dont mind constructive criticism as long as you’re nice about it :))
btw....... if you’re interested in my OCs..... you should totally check out my askblog..... @ask-sleepys-slugs.... i've been trying to flesh out a story for my OCs and people asking questions reallyyy helps my creative process, so i'd appreciate it 🙏🙏
anywayyy byee :]
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wings-of-sapphire · 10 months
I watched Wish twice (once on early screening day and once on the offices release date) and I fuckin loved it. But I feel like while this was a great movie, it was Disney’s 100th anniversary one and it needed like twenty minutes more or so to develop the characters and make it a truly spectacular celebration of 100 years of Disney.
I recently read about the concept pictures for Wish— Asha being the daughter of Magnifico, Star taking a human form and having a relationship with Asha— and I liked the idea of changing up the “quirky main character” idea as well. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with girls like Rapunzel or Mirabel. They’re fun, they’re optimistic, they’re hardworking and determined. Buuuuut as more of a pessimist myself I found my favorite character to be Gabo. The short pink sarcastic side friend based off of Grumpy. Yes, the friends are based off of the seven dwarfs. But ANYHOW— I thought maybe a return to the Classic Disney Princess attitude would be nice. So I chose Kusco. Because he’s the best Disney Princess out there.
I’ve been rambling long enough. Full rewrite under the cut! Will explain more in future posts! Ask any and all questions you’d like! Now, presenting my Wish rewrite~
💫 Asha is the princess of the kingdom of Rosas. Her parents, Magnifico and Amaya, built Rosas after Magnifico’s old kingdom was burned by greedy Wishers who used magic to give them whatever they wanted, which led to their own destruction.
Asha grew up in her kingdom learning that because her father kept the magic in check and only he granted wishes, Rosas could stay safe and happy. Asha gives tours of the city to people who sail in, and as they give their wishes to Magnifico, Rosas grows stronger and safer.
Welcome to Rosas
(Though she’s on carpets and stuff and there’s servants swarming her and she’s comfortable while giving the tour— we see Asha being kind to the child of the tour group)
Asha puts on a happy face for the tourists. But the people of Rosas say they know the “real” her. They hate their princess, truthfully. But they love her parents.
Asha doesn’t really have friends. She’s above that. She’s a princess and her parents founded this kingdom that literally granted people’s wishes. Sure, she sometimes lingers in the kitchen to hang out with Dahlia, the head chef. And sure, sometimes she wished wanted to hang out with them. Dahlia and her six friends whom Asha could never remember the names of. She calls them nicknames based on their characteristics. Easy and efficient. Dahlia is Doc, since she always patches her friends up. She said Asha couldn’t call her friend Stoner, so his name is Dopey (Dario). There’s Happy (Hal), Sleepy (Simon), Sneezy (Safi), Bashful (Bazeema), and Grumpy (Gabo). They’re all close-knit and trust each other with everything.
Asha doesn’t have that.
But she’s their princess. And she remains that way. Untouchable. Unbreakable.
Until one day, Grumpy Gabo says she’s not above them for any reason other than her title. That if ranks were stripped away, she’d be talentless and left behind.
Of course Asha can’t have that.
Soooooo she sneaks into her father’s study to get some of his magic.
What? He has a ton of it.
But then stuff goes awry. Asha tampers with Magnifico’s forbidden books and… nothing happens.
Grumpy laughs at her and Asha threatens to have him imprisoned if he doesn’t treat his princess with respect. Dahlia and the gang stand up for Grumpy and Asha storms off.
Amaya tries to comfort Asha when she runs to her room and throws herself on her bed and cries, princess-style, and Amaya and Asha talk about how Asha dreams of a group of friends she can have fun with and trust, and Asha says her brain knows what her wish was, and it was to become the most powerful sorceress princess in the lands just like her papa. Amaya says that a dream is a wish your heart makes, and Asha’s heart didn’t want to be the untouchable princess of Rosas. Her head may tell her that, but everyone needs connections.
 It’s Magnifico that ends up cheering Asha up by bringing her to see the wishes of Rosas again.
At All Costs
Asha calls Magnifico “Papa” and Amaya “Mama” by the way
That night, Asha tosses and turns, and we see the magic swirls from the book start to gather around her, then shoots into the sky as she shoots up, panting.
Turns out she accidentally ripped a star out of the sky. Asha runs after the giant comet fall, where a young man is floating in a crater in the forest.
The star had taken the shape of a young man. Who can fly. And bring objects to life for a bit.
He’s glowing yellow and wears a dark teal-blue velvet cape and his glow turns pink when he spots Asha.
When Asha freaks out and grabs the boy— she’s calling him Star— and hides his glow with her pajama cloak, and asks how the heck did this happen?
Star shrugs and says he was just chilling in space when the force of someone’s dream pulled him down to land.
Asha quietly excitedly stims, saying she can’t wait to rub Star in Grumpy’s face, and Star is like please don’t rub me in someone’s face, sweetheart.
Asha glares at Star, who smirks.
Asha exclaims that anyways— she knew she was a powerful sorceress, and Star says he senses no magic on Asha.
Asha says she must’ve had magic in her, or else how could she have ripped a star from the sky?
Star says people can learn magic but right now, Asha was inexperienced. It was probably because of her connection to the stars.
That means—
No, it’s not just you. All people are connected to the stars.
You’re a Star
Asha takes Star back to her room and says they can’t let her dad know she used his books to summon Star— but maybe Grumpy would need more proof. Maybe she could sneak a peek at his book again, and summon more stars to prove to Doc and the gang that she has talent and she was sooooo qualified to be their fr— sorcerer princess.
She tells Star to stay put in her room, and she’d sneak out and take a quick look.
Star asks if he can come with.
He just got ripped from the sky and needs some more exposition than “I don’t know.” And he’s too impatient to wait for Asha to come back.
Asha says he’ll have to learn and Star magically locks the doors until Asha explains something about how he was brought here.
“You made trees dance the hula and we rode here on a singing deer.”
Star gives Asha a look.
Asha pinches the bridge of her nose and explains that her papa’s whole family was killed because of the greedy wishmakers. With him in charge, he gets to choose, and people are safe.
Star says that the people deserve more, and Asha snaps that get family decides what everyone deserves because they’re the rulers of Rosas.
Star smirks at her and says she’s adorable when she’s mad. But, she’s wrong. The people deserve a chance to get their wishes returned so they can become dreams that can be achieved by pure hard work.
Asha says they’re the same thing, and Star shakes his head. “A wish you give away. A dream you keep with you to work hard and achieve your heart’s goal.”
“Wow, you have a great personality.”
Asha rolls her eyes and says Star can come, but he has to be quiet.
In Magnifico’s study, Asha sees Star heading to the wish room, and before she can grab him, he opens the doors and sees the wishes of Rosas.
Star is amazed and Asha sighs and walks up next to them. She looks up and closes her eyes and bathes in the feeling.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
“Yeah… they are.”
Star quickly turns to look at the wishes above them, his glow pink.
They end up arguing again because Star wants to return the wishes to the people so they can become dreams once again and Asha says her father worked hard on protecting them
Out in the hallways, Asha ends up shoving Star into a nearby room when she hears Doc and her friends come by
Asha smooths down her skirt and holds her head high as she walks by and calls to Grumpy. She smirks and says unfortunately, they were incorrect about her being talentless. In fact, she was so powerful, she ripped a star from the sky.
She opens the door (which turns out led to the chicken coops) where Star was chilling in the sunlight where his glow looked normal.
“You brought us all here to check out your boyfriend?”
Asha rushes to explain that no, Happy, he was the star. She orders Star to step out of the sun.
Star crosses his arms.
“Excuse me?”
Dahlia and her friends all gasp and start planning Star’s funeral.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I’m a star. If you ever want your dream to come to fruition you have to be nice to people you want to befriend. Go on. Apologize and then ask me nicely.”
Dahlia and friends are now forgoing that funeral, there will be no remains left to bury.
But then Asha flares her nostrils, taps her foot, then glances at Doc. She averts her eyes and mutters, “sorry for being mean to Grumpy. Star, can you… can you please show them?”
Jaws: dropped. Wigs: snatched. Princess Asha of Rosas, apologizing and saying “please”? Sure, she cared for her people. But she never apologized if she accidentally ran into someone for walking in their way! It was her way! She was the only one who’s way mattered!
Star smiled and thanked Asha, then steps out of the sun to reveal his glow.
Jaws: even dropped-er. Wigs: even snatched-er.
After the initial “ooh”s, [something something]
Asha tells everyone that because she’s a star, she was able to be this powerful. They should all be impressed.
Star then corrects her by saying everyone was made of stardust and therefore had a connection to the stars and magic.
When Gabo laughs, Asha throws a fork at him and tells him to do that to himself.
Magnifico is calling Asha for a family meeting, and she says it’s probably about tonight’s wish ceremony. Dario’s Sabi who’s turning 100 today wants to get his wish picked. He doesn’t remember what it is as all wish-givers forget, but he knows it has something to do with his sickness. Asha tells everyone else to keep quiet about Star, or else. And with that, she leaves the room.
Star opens his arms and asks which of the group wants to help him commit a crime.
He wants to break into Magnifico’s study and return the wishes to the people of Rosas.
Gabo snaps at him that they can’t just steal from the king and queen, and everyone else agrees. But Dahlia purses her lips. “Why?”
Dario asks if he wants to betray his girlfriend like that, to which Star turns pink and rolled his eyes saying they were not dating, in fact, they were enemies! She was uptight and didn’t care about anything but her title, scoff!
“Uh huh. Sure, buddy.”
“Gabo, stop talking.”
“Yes Bazeema.”
Star explains that losing people’s wishes made them lose a part of themselves. The most beautiful part, their heart’s dream. He tells Simon that his heart is sad.
He asks that if he returns Simon’s wish back to him, and it does make him whole again, then would they believe him?
Dahlia shakes her head and says they wouldn’t be part of this. But… they wouldn’t mention anything to Magnifico or Amaya. For the time being.
Star thanks Dahlia, and she says this was for Simon. And if Asha also changes her mind, then that’s a bonus. Then she smiles. “Good luck, kid.”
Magnifico called Asha to talk with her and Amaya about a threat that’s happened to the kingdom. Last night, someone harnessed the magic of a star and ripped it from the sky, which disturbed the wishes and his magic. Someone has threatened him, and this was a warning that something was to come. He couldn’t let that fire happen again.
Amaya and Asha calm his worries, and Magnifico says he doesn’t want the people to lose faith in him. Amaya says she will explain to the people about the giant light last night since they were asking questions, but they shouldn’t let it worry them.
“Thank you, darling.”
“You’ve got this, papa. I’m sure whoever bashed that light meant you no harm.”
“Thank you, Asha.”
Star asks Asha to spend the day with him, to which she agrees until the wish ceremony that night. The two have a day in Rosas, Tangled-style. Romantic montage, beautiful moments, Star sneaking glances at Asha when she isn’t looking and Asha doing the same for him.
Star shows Asha how to be messy and see the beauties of life while Asha shows Star how she actually does have good in her and cares for her people, truly. Star gives Asha a small wand to practice some small magic as a gift. While she shows him the study, he sneaks into Magnifico’s office and steals Simon’s wish.
Star returns to the seven and gives Simon back his wish. His dream was to become the kingdom’s best knight— and now he could achieve that! They show Asha how much happier Simon is with his whole self again, and while Asha is happy for Simon and that the seven are being kind to her (after she’s been kind to them), she asks Star to promise not to steal stuff from her papa without running it by her first.
“I promise, sweetheart.”
Safi asks Asha if she can get her papa to grant his Sabi’s wish, or at least return it so he could have a chance at fulfilling his dream like Simon now can. Maybe it would reveal a way Sabino could live longer.
Asha hesitates.
In her room, Asha paces. Her papa said that if people kept their wishes, they’d be dangerous and bring another fire to burn down their kingdom. But Simon seemed so happy. She didn’t know what to do.
Later, in the wish ceremony, all her friends are happy and excited for Safi’s Sabi. Sabino only has a few weeks left to live, and if this month his wish is granted, Safi can keep his Sabi with him.
Asha did talk to Magnifico but Amaya reminded her of the dangers of people chasing wishes in the wind. They showed Asha that Sabi Sabino’s wish was too dangerous, his heart’s dream was live forever. Sure, he was sick now, but once he gets better from that, who knows what immortality will do? Magnifico revealed the true story of their home using magical glass shards—
Backstory details that’s tragic and sad
Basically a king wanted to be immortal and it led to him going insane which led to the destruction of his kingdom
He sent his son away before the whole place burned to ashes
Magnifico was that son
A Wish Worth Making (?)
Asha agrees with him that that can never happen, and Sabino’s wish must never be granted and only the royal family can keep Rosas safe.
At the ceremony
Magnifico doesn’t grant Sabino’s wish and Amaya makes a public statement about how wishes were kept with him to stay safe and anyone who tried to oppose that rule was a danger to everyone in Rosas and a traitor to the crown.
Star calls them out for this and while Simon hides his glow with his huge body, the seven create a ripple effect through the crowd with questions that question the king and queen’s authority. They bring up how Amaya reassured them but this contradicted her words. Magnifico ends the ceremony and storms up to the royal master room with Amaya.
Asha and Star have an argument, with her saying her parents were good people and him saying that Safi’s Sabi will die because her parents were scared, and with that Asha flares her nostrils and says that she is the princess, and as their superior, they should watch their tone before something bad happens.
Safi is heartbroken. Without that wish, his Sabi will die.
Dahlia comforts him, and Star steels himself.
Star tells the group that they’re going to steal all the wishes. And return the dreams of the people back to them. Especially Safi’s Sabi.
“But Asha—“
“I’ll tell her when she comes back. We need to do this now.”
Back at the castle, Magnifico is pacing angrily in his room with Amaya. How dare these people question them? They’re doing everything in their power to prevent that (points to a burned tapestry of young Magnifico and his family) from happening again!
This is the Thanks I Get?!
Amaya also joins in
Cutscenes of the seven + Star breaking into the wish room again
Meanwhile, Asha goes back to talk to her parents. Maybe talk to them about Sabino again, maybe tell them everything, who knows—
Wait. There’s a noise in the wish room.
Asha uses her magic wand to open it and sees Star using his magic to lift the roof open to free the wishes. But it isn’t enough. They need more people; the roof is too heavy.
There’s a small magic scuffle with Asha and her wand against Star and his magic, and Asha ends up beating Star (much to his surprise and he’s totally not turned on by this which is why he’s bright red he’s not at all attracted to powerful women). Her heart breaks and she yells at him and all the seven and says if they ever show their faces around her again she’d banish them from Rosas.
“Don’t call me that name! Just— just go!”
“Asha, please. Safi’s Sabi—
Star stays and says he’ll be back to free the wishes and return them to the people. Sabino’s sickness has gotten worse, and he can’t wait another month for Magnifico to turn him down once again.
Asha snaps and yells at him a lot and blames him for everything that’s happened lately, the chickens, and the chalk drawing, and the dancing in the city square, and especially that sticky feeling in her chest when Star’s giving her those sad looks. So she doesn’t want to see him again.
She goes to snitch then sees the Epic Celestial Villains her parents had shifted into. Both of them used forbidden magic in the other section of the book Asha used. She asked if she had forbidden magic in her too, but they tell her she wasn’t powerful enough to handle this magic.
Their magic swirling fog is telling them via shapes that Asha was the one that ripped a star from the sky.
They’re acting different— they barely acknowledge Asha and demand that she tells them where Star is.
They crushed wishes to give them power, and Asha is of course horrified.
She saw how happy Simon was, and now those people…
Her parents weren’t survivors.
They were just power-hungry.
And now this forbidden magic was changing them.
They demand Asha tells them where Star was so they could siphon his galaxy magic and become the supreme rulers of Rosas— no one would never question them again.
Asha tells them she doesn’t know, and Magnifico uses his magic fog on Asha to make her tell them that Sleepy, Grumpy, Happy, Dopey, Sneezy, and Doc probably did know.
Amaya tells Asha she was grounded. She says Asha should sit down in her room and wait for the new era to rise.
Asha runs back to her room and cries, princess-style, and speaks out to the sky, to Star, that he was right. He was telling the truth, her parents weren’t good. And now she didn’t know what to do.
This Wish
Yeah she says she’s the first to stand in line but she’s been told that all her life okay
Magnifico makes an announcement to the people of Rosas that the entity that came from the sky was named Star, and he, along with Simon, Gabo, Hal, Dario, Safi, and Bazeema were conspiring to commit treason. He says to find them all and get him Star’s powers do he can grant all of their wishes!
Asha runs after the seven and sees them arrested by other citizens, with Gabo cursing everyone out. Magnifico waves his hand and mutes Gabo. Asha commands the soldiers to give her the satisfaction of imprisoning these traitors and interrogates them in the carriage driving them to the prison with guards posted by. 
She asks all of them where Star was, and they refuse to listen to her. They’re cold because she sort of beat them up with her magic. She says as their princess, they have to tell her.
“You all are underneath me. I am your future queen. Tell me where Star is. This is important.” She turns to the shortest in the carriage. “My parents are looking for him. Gabo, if you know where he is, you have to tell me.”
Gabo’s eyes flicker up at her saying his actual name. He glances at Dahlia, who sighs. She says that even if they wanted to, they couldn’t hand Star over, because he was already gone. He was at the place Asha first starting falling in love with him.
The guards raise an eyebrow at Asha, and she says the fools were so simple-minded that they believed her lie. Then she tells Sabi to shut up and stop sneezing.
She says the forest was where she first found Star, and Magnifico creates a dark fog horse to ride out and find Star.
Once she’s sure he’s gone, Asha whips out her magic wand and blasts the doors open. She apologizes to the seven and says nothing could make up for imprisoning them and lording her title over them, but she needed their help to help Star.
Asha and the seven run back to the Rosas town square where Star is rallying the people and telling them the truth about Magnifico and Amaya. The crowd gathers to help pull open the roofs to free the wishes.
Knowing What I Know Now
Asha joins in and leads the people
Asha apologizes to Star for yelling at him and he apologizes to her for going behind her back. He says she deserved to know. Before they go, Asha tells Star to wait.
“That… feeling. That I mentioned before? I think… I think they’re feelings. For you.”
Star’s glow slightly turns pink. “Like, do you mean…”
“Yes. Feelings of affection. I just… wanted to let you know.”
“Sweetheart, you should know I feel the same. Have since I first laid eyes on you.”
“I am pretty beautiful.”
“The beautiful-est.”
Asha laughs. “That’s not a word.”
“She’s right, it’s not,” Dahlia quips.
The two pull back and laugh awkwardly.
The seven lead the people of Rosas to help lift the roofs, but Amaya catches them and there’s a magic battle where Amaya turns into a dragon a la Malifacent. Star helps Asha suck out the evil magic, and Amaya falls to the floor. The roof is opened, and the wishes began to flow out.
Then Star is grabbed from the back by a fog hand and Magnifico tuts, telling Asha he’s disappointed in her. But now that he has the power of a Star, no one will ever question him again.
He ties down every single person and closes the roof, draining Star’s essence into his magical staff.
Asha yells and uses her magic wand against him, and the two have a giant blast of magic against each other, but the energy is draining Asha while Star’s is giving Magnifico more strength.
Star weakly whispers to Asha to remember where she came from.
Magnifico snarls do Asha that she is nothing, and Asha remembers.
“We… are… stars.”
Asha’s blast of magic is battling Magnifico’s but he’s still stronger.
Asha cries out a plea to the people, these stars just like her, and Dahlia responds.
This Wish (Reprise)
The strengths of these stars give Star enough energy to break free from Magnifico’s staff and fly over to Asha’s side, and the magic blast shines bright and blasts Magnifico back, burning away the evil magic.
When the dark clouds clear and the night sky is sparkling once again, Magnifico isn’t moving. Amaya and Asha run to him, and Amaya cries over his body. She apologizes to Star for what they did, and asks if she can help her husband.
Star sadly tells her that his powers weren’t strong enough for that.
Amaya cries, and kisses Magnifico’s lips. Then, her star soul orb thing in her chest glows bright, and Magnifico’s does too. His body glows that shimmering yellow and he’s lifted into the air and the last bit of evil magic is burned away.
Asha asks Star what he’s doing and Star says he’s not doing anything!
Suddenly, Magnifico’s eyes open and he gasps, then falls.
Amaya and Asha rush to catch him, and Magnifico asks what happened.
Star shrugs and says some sort of True Love’s Kiss.
Magnifico and Amaya walk up behind Asha and address the people of Rosas. They apologize for what they did and they know nothing could ever make up for it. But… they promise to keep working to be the best king and queen they can be. If the people will still accept them. Also, they should have what’s rightfully theirs.
Magnifico uses his magic to lift the roof and release the wishes of Rosas back to their people. Amaya tells them that now they have a chance to fulfill their dreams, and she and Magnifico will be behind them every step of the way.
Dahlia steps foreword and thanks them for apologizing.
Basically they can still remain king and queen but they start a council of representatives where people can address them directly about problems and stuff
Then, Asha turns to the seven and says she has to apologize to them. For treating them all so poorly in the past.
They forgive her, and when she asks how they can do something like that so easily, Dahlia smiles. “It’s what friends do.”
“Do you have a hearing problem, or something?”
“Sorry, Bazeema!”
Asha laughs and turns to Star who spins her around.
“I have friends!”
“You have friends!”
Meanwhile, Gabo whispers to Simon how they ever feared the princess. She was just a sad, lonely, friendless girl.
Asha turns to her wand and discovers it broken in half when she was blasted backwards.
Star restores her wand, and she says she’s going to be the most powerful sorceress in the history of ever and Gabo says she looks like a stupid fairy.
Asha glares.
“A fairy godmother,” Gabo smirks.
Star laughs and says that sounds amazing and Asha groans and bites back a smile.
Star smiles at the family, but he looks sad still. Asha holds his hands and he rubs her thumb.
“You have to return to the sky, don’t you?”
“If I had a choice, I’d choose to stay by your side.”
“I’ll keep on wishing on stars. I’ll find a way to bring you back.”
He tells Asha that they’ve learned that sending your greatest desires into the universe in hopes that they’ll be answered doesn’t do anything. It didn’t work for Magnifico, and it didn’t work for Asha. Instead, the people of Rosas should work to achieve their dreams.
Asha says she’ll work to achieve a way to find him again, then. Since she was going to be the most powerful sorceress—
“Fairy godmother~”
“Shut up Gabo.”
—she’d find a way.
Star smiles and says she’s his dream girl, and Asha jokes that’s he’s got to work to achieve her.
Star flips his cape and says it’ll be easy since he’s so absurdly handsome, and Asha snorts as she pulls him down and raises an eyebrow at him. Star turns a bright pink, then rolls his eyes as he smiles and pulls Asha up in the air with him by her waist, and the two kiss.
When they finally separate, Star is vibrating happily and he accidentally shoots out a magic blast at a nearby chicken, which makes it grow big and lay a giant egg on Gabo.
Star winks at her and returns to the sky.
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nordickies · 3 months
what's your headcanon human names for all 5 of them? :0
I think the Nordics have used various names throughout history! But they're probably all just variations of the same "base name," which has just changed with culture and current trends to keep up with the times.
Denmark: Magnus / Magni, Mange, Magne Magnus ("great") is a latinised version of the Old Norse name Magni ("mighty"). Various Scandinavian kings have been named Magnus, so the name has long been associated with the region. Mange is a Swedish nickname for Magnus, and Magne could be Denmark's alternative alias if he needs one Sweden: Björn / Bernwald Björn ("bear") is an Old Norse name still popular in Sweden. Perhaps in the Middle Ages, he may have used the name Bernwald ("bear" + "ruler") to fit in better with the German-speaking estates of society and have more of an international reach. Because his name means "bear," he can be teasingly referred to as Nalle, Bamse, or Baddi, all meaning "teddy bear" Norway: Sigurd / Sigurðr, Siward, Sjur Sigurd is a younger form of the Old Norse name Sigurðr ("victory"+ "guardian"), perhaps most notably associated with the Germanic legend of the dragon slayer. Siward is the English equivalent of the name. Sjur is the shortened form of the name Sigurd, so it may be his alternative alias Finland: Timo / Väinö, Väinämö Timo is a Finnish version of the name Timotheos ("honoring God") and perhaps a name he had to pick for himself after the introduction of Christianity. I like the idea of Väinö ("calmly flowing river") being his former first name and present middle name since it has the same origin as his canon surname Iceland: Eiríkur / Eiríkr, Erik Eiríkur is an Icelandic name, the younger form of the Old Norse name Eiríkr ("forever rich/powerful"). When in contact with outsiders, his name probably got simplified as Erik
Their surnames are not set in stone, and I rarely find myself needing them anyway. I don't think the Nordics would feel quite as attached to their surnames, as surnames in Nordic countries have traditionally been patronyms (and these guys don't have families in the traditional sense). Perhaps back in the olden days, the "surnames" they introduced themselves with were based on what was the most fitting and useful in a given situation - making up family associations, basing it off of their profession, or picking a surname based on where they lived (southern farm, northern bay, etc). But nowadays, they probably have preferred surnames they use for symbolic reasons; like Iceland going by "Ingólfsson" (based on Ingólfur Arnarson, the assumed first permanent settler of Iceland) or Denmark preferring the name "Andersen" to be associated with the most famous Danish author
Plus, I feel like their country names are actually more like honorary titles, and they don't really use them between each other (unless it's a nickname, like Sve, etc.). It's very much their culture. Nordic people tend to call their bosses, teachers, doctors, etc., by their first names, too. It's probably based on the cultural belief that this makes people more equal and cancels social hierarchy (Jante Law effect), so I have a hard time seeing the Nordic using honorary titles between friends and family
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isiscelestia · 4 months
The Ashlesha Nakshatra, the Snake Princess, and Amazon Lily🐍
‼️Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking ‼️
Based on: One Piece, Amazon Lily Arc (episodes 408-421). “Island of Women”
Hello everyone! I just want to say that I am NOT a Vedic astrologer, however I have been researching my own placements. I’m an Ashlesha lagna, so of course I saw the similarities in the Pirate Empress and this arc. This is my analysis on the connection between the Ashlesha Nakshatra, Boa Hancock, the Kuja Pirates, and Amazon Lily.
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“Snake Princess”: Snake symbolism on the island and in this arc are very prevalent. You can see this with the Gorgon sisters (Boa’s younger siblings), the use of snakes as weapons, and the use giant of snake monsters to travel. The Jolly Roger of the Kuja pirates pictures a skull with nine snakes. Snakes are connected to Ashlesha because it ruled by the Nagas (divine serpents).
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The Kuja tribe also has qualities like a snake. Their island, Amazon Lily, rests on the Calm Belt. This makes them a fairly isolated island that is hard to travel to. Ashlesha is known to be a guarded and private nakshatra.
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Boa Hancock: Boa Hancock has two nicknames, the Pirate Empress and the Snake Princess. Her first title comes from being the ruler of Amazon Lily, which also makes her the strongest person on the island. She possesses a “devil fruit” called the mero mero no mi (aka the love-love fruit). This fruit gives her the power to turn people into stone when they become enamored by her beauty, and sometimes lust after her. She is also known as the most beautiful woman in the world, which makes her power even more potent. The snake princess has her own snake weapon named Salome, who is a giant snake. There is currently debate about what nak is connected to Medusa symbolism and I think it is the Ashlesha nak. You can especially see this in Boa’s character arc. She has a hard, intimidating appearance to protect herself and her tribe. However, on the inside she is the complete opposite.
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Gorgon Sisters: The Gorgon sisters are Boa Hancock’s younger sisters. They both ate the hebi hebi no mi (snake devil fruit), but they possess different models. The middle sister, Boa Sandersonia, ate the anaconda model. The youngest sister, Boa Marigold, ate the cobra model.
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Over-sexualization: Amazon Lily is only inhabited by women, thus it catches the attention of predatory and perverted men. The island is an almost impenetrable fortress and with the help of the Kuja warriors who also protect it, predatory behavior is a reason why. Boa Hancock and her younger sisters were also victims of human trafficking and sexual assault (SA has been speculated but fans believe that this is what the anime was alluding to). Not only is this nak heavily sexualized in real life, this trope is seen many times in film and television with characters played by Ashlesha women. You can see this further explained in Claire Nakti's Youtube video about Ashlesha.
Claire Nakti Ashlesha Youtube Video:
Since I am on the Claire Nakti video, I would like to also include one very specific thing she talks about here. Claire talks about how Ashlesha women are attracted to people they cannot dominate, people who have more control over themselves. Boa Hancock falls in love with the main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, because he didn’t immediately lust after her. They believe that strength is tied to beauty and the more strong you are the more beautiful you are, and Luffy is one of the strongest men in the world. Once she realized he was genuine with a good heart she immediately fell in love.
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The Kuja tribe are very skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to poison and medicine. When Luffy first landed on the island, he ate poisonous mushrooms. Some Kuja members rescued him and healed at a river. The Gorgon sisters also fight with poison, which they used to fight Luffy. The Ashlesha nakshatra has a strong connection to alchemy, poison, medicine, and chemistry.
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Also, it’s funny how Ashlesha is ninth in the order of the nakshatras. Kuja means “nine snakes” and their Jolly Roger has nine snakes.
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tashigi1006 · 2 months
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Okay everyone focus here yes as you can see Bohancock and Nami have a relationship with imu Yes they are celestial dragons
1In Japanese numerical representations I have explained this before that Japan is known for translating names into numbers.
I will give an example
.The name "UMI" (ウミ)
ウ (u) = 3
ミ (mi) = 13
The total digital representation of ウミ is 3 + 13 = 16.
So, the name ウミ (Umi) gives the digital representation of 16 directly.
As for the name UMI In Japanese it means sea
yes but if you reverse the name it becomes IMU
IMU He is the one who established the world government.
I'll make it clear. Look at Doflamingo.
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He said the word 16, this is a secret word for the owners of the Celestial Dragons.
Well I think we're doing well now.
But more clearly Nami has a big relationship with imu-sama. Okay now let's go to the mission.
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Yes, as you know, the Shimotsuki family has a very strong relationship with imo
Look at the word breakdown
Sh ( i) (m) (o) ts (u) /ki
What do you look for in the middle of the word yes word Imu
I will explain this more through what Oda does in the manga which are digital representations with names.
To convert the name "Shimotsuki" (Shi Mutsuki) to a numeric representation using the katakana system, we write it as follows: シモツキ.
To convert each letter to a number based on the order of the letters in the traditional Japanese etymology table:
- シ (shi) = 16
- モ (mo) = 14
- ツ (tsu) = 21
- キ (ki) = 11
So, the numeric representation of the name シモツキ is 16-14-21-11.
Yes, as you can see, the first number is 16.
And what Do Flamingo said 16
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Well yes Tashigi is one of the Celestial Dragons so laugh or whatever it doesn't matter and this is clear from the title of Shimotsuki's chapter and that this is a family with a great king a powerful family yes
For the chapter number 1033, what do you think about combining the chapter?
10+3+3=16 Someone tell me it's a joke, definitely not.
Now let's go to Tashigi's name.
Certainly! Here is the translation:
To apply the numeric encoding system to the name "Tashigi" using the kana characters in the Japanese writing system:
"��" (Ta) is the 3rd character in the katakana chart, so its number is =3
. "シ" (Shi) is the 6th character in the katakana chart, so its number is= 6.
. "ギ" (Gi) is the 7th character in the katakana chart, so its number is= 7.
Adding these numbers together, we get:
3 + 6 + 7 = 16.
Therefore, the name "Tashigi" can be represented by the number 16 using this system.
Yes, and definitely it carries the number 16.
Also, I said before that Tashigi is a princess and her nickname will be Sakura because Hiyori was named Kuromosaki which is a purple flower.
Tashigi is also the remaining princess of the Shimotsuki family, who is perhaps the last member of the original family. Perhaps the reason for their escape from Wano is not freedom, but rather Kozuki's plot against Shimotsuki. He took the position of ruler, but the family acted quickly and escaped.
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This confirms that she is also a princess like Sanji when he wore a hat.
As for Nami, I will talk about her next time, and I am sure that each one of them is a queen.
Imu aims to subjugate them to their authority 4 There is a dog in the middle Between Tashigi and Nami, I think it's Emu
His goal is to subjugate them. There are 4 of them. So far, we do not know about the Flemingrad family, to which Ota belongs, the Bohancock family, and the Nami family, but Tashiji Oda confirmed that she is from the Shimotsuki family, given the cover of Chapter 1033.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Jason Todd's relathionship in my DC self-insert's verse for his birthday because i'd feel bad not making a post for him
Dick:They were close during the Robin and Discowing days but Dick dosen't take his shit as Red Hood so that allows them to actually repair their relathionship since Jason needs to not be coddled and Dick needs to be himself
Tim:Bros do NOT along but they do love eachother!!Just....less than they love literally everybody else lmao
Cass:Jason's stopped killing(with the exceptions of fascists and abusers)so they slowly settled into getting along for Stephanie's sake and now their relathionship is pretty good.They go out for Batburger and Dairy Super bi-monthly and Cass is the (Bat)man in charge
Duke:THEY'RE SO BROTHERS SOULMATES BY CHOICE IN EVERY UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!Duke is the 5th Robin and was officially adopted by Bruce when he was 11 and his Year One went well but then he got into a fight with him that scared him so badly he ran away in the dead of night and was found by Jason as the kickstarter to Rhato volume 2.There's official 18 Outlaws with a subset called The Kid Outlaws so he has friends his own age(including black friends!!)but Jason's the Outlaw he's closest to and Jason earned it by working his ass off to be his number one bro so Duke did his best to return the favor.Duke also stopped the N52 from happening with his powers and by in every universe and by choice,i mean fate is stacked against them but there's tons of Duke and Jason Variants across the DCverse who're just as connected as them
Stephanie:Transmasc4transfem found siblings fr fr.Stephanie is the fabled female-coded Jason Todd but actually and she's black like him(jamaican-korean to his afro-dominican)and they were both mentored and caretaken by Talia as Robin so that gives them even more reasons to be close on top of all their personality similarities and poor kid solidarity.They met during Batgirl 2009(66 issues)but didn't interact much until No Laws,Just Us(90s Young Justice,which Stephanie is a member of/The Cooler Rhato crossover mini)
Damian:Him and Stephanie are just a scrich behind Duke on 'Batkids Jason is closest to' and met when they were both sneaking into Summer's apartment at the same time during The Bird and The Dragon(Summer and Damian mini).They were forced not to fight by him and became close as time passed on and their size difference is frequently used for comedic gags,such as Damian sitting on Jason's shoulder to reach his food.Jason,Summer,Stephanie and Damian form up the 'Dead Sidekicks Force' as a moniker and a full on team title in an au run
Bruce:Very bittersweet as Jason decided to not move back to Gotham specifically to keep away from him for his own sake and bluntly told him that to his hurt but he understood where he was coming from so he let him go.They don't cut ties though,he still visits on holidays and say 'I love you' since they do and nothing could ever change that
Talia:They were intergenerational friends and that naturally led to them viewing eachother as mom and son so post-Lost Days,Talia manages to legally adopt Jason and he calls her 'Mamí'.Afrolatino/Brown cultural sharing abound because transracial adoption is beautiful and show helps out and even stays with The Outlaws sometimes from Taliacorp(reinvented Lexcorp,she took it over and turned it into a solarpunk chain in her own run)and in The Fortress,their base
Eddie:Childhood besties who got to see eachother regularly thanks to the inclusion of Summer,who's half Kryptofang(kryptonian dragon with the addition of telepathy),who flew himself and his two best friends to and inbetween Gotham,Metropolis and Hollywood with his wings.Eddie was Jason's bi awakening too,at 13 and them and Rose are the og Outlaws Trinity while them and Summer were The Magic Trio
Clark,Lois and Jon:Jason used to babysit Jon and grew up around Clark and Lois due to being best friends with the eldest Superkid(Summer)so they think of him as another kid of their's and nicknamed him 'Argonauta' and 'Curita' respectively because of his namesake.Obviously things were strained as of/post Utrh but they patched things up and he lives in Metropolis post-Rhato so he's kinda impossible to avoid(and vice versa!).Jon however never thought of him negatively due to his youth and they're eternally brotherisms
Rose:Instead of the weird vague ex-dating history we haven't expansion on in over a decade since it was established,Rose is SUMMER'S ex-girlfriend from his teenage dirtbag years and her and Jason are bitchy goth besties and supportive of eachother in everything no hesitation(even if the thing is bad and i mean for them,not vingilanteism)
Kyle:Another ex from Summer's sweet sixteen and kryptonian dancing queen(sorry LMFAO)days and he's been a Green Lantern since he was a teenager not for Jason's sake but because i think it makes him all the more interesting and tragic.Their dynamic is pretty much the same as in canon but longlasting and developed and explicitly attraction.Latino4Latino Jaykyle=The only valid Jaykyle
Artemis:Also starts off as a teenager in her debut for the same reasons as Kyle and her and Jason are again canon accurate because Outlaw!Artemis(which Kyle also is!!)was canon Rhato's only w but ambigious on wether it's romantic or platonic to the point of in-universe confusion from them so they settle on queerplatonic and find it fits and Jaysummtemis as in Jaysumm + qpp Jaytemis + Summtemis is real if you want it to be(*Jason voice*I love tall women)
Thad:That's his dad you bitch /ref /lh.Thad is one of the aformentioned Kid Outlaws and the Flashfam is black/white mixed because Candice Patton Iris >>>>>>>>>>>> and he has the relathionship with Jason people want from him and Mia but well-written and respectful of both characters.Goth punk audhd grumps duo!!
Raven:At the request and brilliant writing of my lil bro @bigblackeyesbitch,ressurected Raven is an Outlaw and they bounce off eachother comically even when she started off as an arc villain and are another m/f Outlaws qpp
Tam:Tam's an honorary Outlaw because my lil sib @insomniac-jay added her to one of my post's and it inspired me to add her to the cast to make up for her Red Robin 2009 fridging.Her and Jason are pretty much honorary siblings like we are🥰
Kory:Robin!Jason was a huge Starfire fanboy(and not a Wonder Woman fanboy because that hc's ooc and performative asf)so he freaked out when they met in a good way and Kory was flattered and amused and kept him as her lil cat.Jason is a Dickkory stan and says fuck Dickb*bs btw
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locke-writing · 26 days
Semi-canon concepts that have not been officially written in + Web lore:
The Collective is considered an offshoot cult of entities that are vaguely tolerated by the Cult of the Web due to their connections with HABIT and rejection of the Web's initial directive. It's giving creepy uncle at the family reunion.
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HABIT is considered a "byproduct" of the Web's early attempts at creating entities and, upon enacting his free will in the worst way possible, they immediately tried to kill him and continue to keep eyes on him as a liability. HABIT didn't like getting swept under the rug, so he fucks up their day on the regular.
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"Slendermans" appear on earth as vessels of the Web hivemind and are the result of human mutation from being possessed by pieces of such a creature. Their bodies warp from having to contain something so incredibly massive. It's very Alternate-like.
Jack "Eyeless Jack" Hayes is a failed cult sacrifice as a vessel. His body is semi-warped, and his mind is... fragile, now.
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It's rather grotesque, but if his possession were successful, he would have had that blank, smooth appearance familiar with Slenderman.
The Web's true form (hivemind) looks like this:
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In reality, that web-like structure is a part of it's body. Billions of neuron-like receptors that can reach out at a psycho-electronic wavelength and fuck your entire day up. Here's a more accurate, zoomed-out look at the Web:
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Other Slendermans are comprised of the Web, but it works more like this:
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It dedicates pieces of its own "brain." They are isolated and function like separate consciouses of their own. Major pieces go to its vessels, which, in themselves, are separate entities with their own goals, but it's more like an isolated piece of its whim that all leads back to this giant thing.
Same thing goes for proxies and entities. Dedication of computing power.
Entities, at their base, are personas of the Web. A personality that has been in service long enough to stave off their deletion from the hive mind. Their consciouses are woven into existence from the Web itself, often forming in the Other Plane (Red World) as abstract amalgamations of forest foliage, fungus, animals, bones, limbs, pure energy, shadows, etc. that control human hosts. It's sort of like a ladder of hierarchy with human hosts at the very bottom.
The Web's wrath > Entity designed to kill > Violent possessed host
Entities never have a name, just opting for titles that others tend to stick them with, such as "Habit" being a nickname from Evan's mother, "Jingles" from his clown-like appearance, or "Beldam" because she's a huge bitch.
So that's how I explain different slendermans in different series and their interaction with some major characters from other slenderverse. It's not all that canon at all, but it's how I would write it if it were the case.
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himboblackdragon · 4 months
Catalog of LBFaD drama name origins
Mythology -> book -> drama
Dongfang Qingcang / 东方青苍: The origins of this name are hotly contested, and to be honest the only hypothesis I remember is the Azure Dragon of the East. East being "Dongfang," and the dragon itself being alternatively called "Qing long" and "Cang long." (x)
Haotian Tower / 昊天塔: The tower where DFQC was imprisoned in, in both media. There's no Haotian Tower in mythology, but "Haotian God" is one of the names of the emperor of heaven. (x)
Ninth You / Jiuyou / 九幽: One name for the mythological netherworld, the capital city of the Moon Tribe in the drama. The capital city of the devil tribe in the book. (x)
Sansheng / 三生: The name comes from the "Three Lives Stone" (sansheng shi 三生石), which represents a lot of things in Chinese tradition, but probably the most salient being a rock in the underworld near the Oblivion River. In the novel universe, the rock is graffitied with the names of the ones the dead passing by wished to see most. The stone seems to have transformed into human form in the first book of the series, succinctly titled Sansheng, which tells the love story between Sansheng and Moxi, the novelverse God of War. (x)
Siming / 司命: A folk god, and usually male, who oversees human fates. In the CLJ novel she is responsible for writing the Fate Books. (x)
Xirang / 息壤: Mythological self-expanding-and-growing soil. Although it plays a key role in the book, it only appears in a throwaway line in the drama, when Changheng suggests building XLH a new body out of it. (x)
Mythology/literature/history -> drama
Chengying Sword / 承影剑: One of the ten famous swords of China, in historical and literary tradition. From the Spring and Autumn Period. (x)
Chonghua / 重华: Chonghua is the given name of a legendary emperor of China. (x)
Haotian Matrix / 昊天阵: "Haotian God" is one of the names of the emperor of heaven. (x)
Hellfire / 业火: A Buddhist concept, the fires of karma. (I'm pretty vague on what it actually is and where it exists.) In the book, DFQC's powerful fire is usually just called "raging flames" (lieyan 烈焰), and it's red instead of blue. (x)
Liyuan / 澧沅: Li and Yuan are two of the four big rivers that flow through Hunan. Coincidentally, also the names of two of the four rivers that flow into Shuiyuntian, that flooded when DFQC broke the pearl. (x)
Love Tree / Seven-Emotions Tree / 七情树: The name "seven-emotions tree" comes from the phrase "seven emotions and six desires," (qi qing liu yu 七情六欲). The exact emotions and desires this refers to differ based on school of thought. (x)
Lord Dong / 东君: A deity often paired with Yunzhong-jun as one of the two primordial gods. Seems to be a sun deity. His name literally means "Lord East." (x)
Lord Yunzhong / 云中君: A god from mythology, often paired with Lord Dong as one of the two primordial gods. Sometimes interpreted as a woman. (x)
Oblivion River / Wang Chuan / 忘川: A river in the land of the dead. To cross it, you must first drink a soup that makes you forget your past lives. (x)
Qu Shui / 曲水: Literally "winding waters," the name of Xiao Run's pageboy might come from the upper-class drinking game "Qu Shui Liu Shang" 曲水流觞, in which players "wait by a winding stream and compose poems before their cups full of rice wine float down to reach them." His nickname Ququ'r is phonetically very similar and means cricket. (x x)
Return to Ruin Realm / Guixu Zhi Jing / 归墟之境: "Guixu" was a place far to the east, that every body of water eventually emptied into. The characters break down into "return (to)" and "ruins." The "Zhi Jing" makes it "Region of Guixu" or "Guixu Area." (x)
Tai Sui / 太岁: A folk deity, but not necessarily evil. (x)
Xuanwu God / 古神灵玄武: Xuanwu is a constellation representing a tortoise-snake spirit. (x)
Xunfeng / 巽风: His name most likely comes from the "xun" trigram of the Eight Trigrams, of which the element is wind, or "feng." (x)
Yingzhao / 英招: Legendary creature that has the body of a horse, the face of a man, stripes like a tiger, and wings of a bird. Not like our waddling ball of fur at all. (x)
Yunmeng Lake / 云梦泽: One of the largest lakes in China in ancient times, now mostly nonexistent. (x)
Book -> drama
Bone Orchid / Gu Lan / 骨兰: It has more of a dried-vine aesthetic in the book.
Chidi Nüzi / 赤地女子: The god of war of the heavenly realm, in both media. DFQC's nemesis and the object of A'Hao's obsession.
Dayu Battalion / 大庾兵: Only mentioned once in the drama, along with the Tieyu Battalion 铁羽兵, as forces that Shangque has mobilized in response to Xunfeng's insurrection. Dayu's the name of DFQC's adorable (to me) pet sky/sea serpent.
Destruction of Heaven / Ruins of Ten Thousand Heavens / Wan Tian Zhi Xu / 万天之墟: A formless place where Siming can be found, in both the drama and the book. The book series further specifies that the Destruction of Heaven sits above the Three Realms and the Endless Desolate City (无极慌城 wu ji huang cheng) below.
Dieyi / 蝶衣: Ronghao's loyal right-hand woman is also present in the book.
Fairy Execution Platform / Zhu Xian Tai / 诛仙台: Where Changheng is to be executed after talking back to Yunzhong. In the book this was a platform over a mass of the book equivalent to evil qi/suiqi, which XLH was cast off from, almost getting eaten alive by the evil qi.
Fate Books / Mingbu / 命簿: The combination of these two characters seem to be an invention of the novel, and are records of the destinies of living people collected and administered by the land of the dead.
Fate Tree / Mingge Shu / 命格树: "Mingge," in both the novelverse and in the Love You Seven Times drama, are the stories high immortals (in CLJ's case, Siming) write to direct the fate of mortals. I'm not clear on the distinction between mingbu and mingge in the CLJ book.
Lucheng / 鹿城: In the book, a militarily important city of the Jin Dynasty, although the drama has styled it more into the Tang Dynasty, some thousand-plus years later.
Ronghao / 容昊: In the book, the wheelchair-bound master of the demon commerce city who's later revealed to be Chidi's obsessed student. We're not given the first character of his name in the book; it only ever calls him A'Hao.
Shangque / 觞阙: The name of the prime minister of the devil realm in the book, horrified by DFQC's erratic behavior while his body is being partially controlled by XLH. Show!Shangque's personality likely came from Dayu, Book!DFQC's overpowered flying serpent who follows him around like a loyal dog.
Shuofeng Sword / 朔风剑: "Cold northwest wind" sword, it's Chidi Nüzi's weapon in the book and the drama. It stays in sword form in the book, but becomes a geographical feature and a seal in the show.
Thousand Dreamland / Thousandfold Illusion / 千重幻境: A realm of endless very similar illusions that Ronghao/A'Hao tries to trap DFQC in to prevent him from finding XLH, in both media.
Xiao Lan Hua / Orchid / 小兰花: Our heroine!
Xie Wanqing / 谢惋卿: One of Chidi Nüzi's mortal incarnations in both media. However, in the book she is a general who's betrayed by the man she loves, an ordinary mortal, while XLH and DFQC watch.
Changheng / 长珩: Changheng's not in the book, but the book does have a troublemaker by the name of Changming 长命 who is DFQC's biggest "love rival" (he's like ten years old), and I wonder if the "Chang" part of Changheng's name comes from Changming.
Flying Fairy Pavilion / Life-Ending Pavilion / 飞仙阁: A reference to Xie Wanqing's real identity as the Fairy God of War. Also a euphemism for death.
Haishi / 海市: Conceptually, comes from the demon/nature sprite city, yaoshi 妖市, in the book. For the drama they got rid of the demon part and called it Haishi, Sea City.
Tongyun / 彤云: Xie Wanqing's maid, and an actual word that refers to red clouds or "dark clouds before snow." (x)
Xiao Run / 萧润: I'm not sure the Run part of his name is a reference to anything, but the Xiao is probably there to make the Xiao-lang wordplay work. (x)
Yannü 盐女 and Cangyan Sea 苍盐海: The "yan" is the same as in "Yannü." Which came first, I wonder? (The "cang" is the same as in Dongfang Qingcang.)
Sans Data
I do not know any special origins of, or was too lazy to look up:
Black Sash 黑杀斩, Bone-Devouring Spikes / Frost-Salt Nails 噬骨霜盐钉, Cangyan Sea 苍盐海, Changle Street, Cloud Shadow Mirror 云影镜, Danyin 丹音, Dark Pine Forest 暗松林, Dream of Nine Serenities / Jiuyou Dream 九幽一梦, Eternal Flame 长明火, Evil Qi / Suiqi 祟气, Firefly stone 奇幻流萤石, Fountain Palace 涌泉宫, Four-Water Pearl 四水宝珠, Fuju Cave 弗居洞, Glazefire 琉璃火, Granny Tie 铁婆婆, Green Flame Wine 绿焰酒, Hall of Divine Waters / Shenshui Ting 神水厅, Heart-Hidden Pin 藏心簪, Hidden Treasures Shop 藏珠斋, Jieli 结黎, Jinling, Jingyiya Teahouse 静逸雅轩, Karma Jail / Karma-Spanning Abyss 渡业渊, Liufang Pavilion 留芳阁, Night-Stream Building 夜溪楼, Northern Sea / Beiming 北溟, Primordial spirit 元神, Qingchuan 青川, Ranxi Flower 燃犀花, Shaking Light Peak 摇光峰, Shuiyuntian 水云天, Shuyu Forest 漱玉林, Silent Moon Palace / Jiyue Palace 寂月宫, Silver Lake 银湖, Soul Transformation Cauldron 化魂鼎, Soul Transformation Grounds 化魂墟, Southern Fairyland / Extreme South Fairy Continent 南极仙洲, Spirit Lock Gate 灵锁门, Spirit-Shattering Abyss 碎灵渊, Spirit Stones 灵石, Tianji Mirror 天极镜, Universe Pills 无极乾坤丹, Wind Prison 风牢, Wind Warriors, Wuqi 巫芑, Wuxian Clan / Witch-Salty Clan 巫咸族, Xilan 息兰, Xingluo 星落, Xishan 息山, Xiyun 息芸, Xuanshuang Whip 玄霜神鞭, Xuanxu Realm / Mysterious Realm 玄虚之境, You Jade Ring 幽玉戒, Yujing 玉京
Much thanks to sassybluee's Reference for Fic Writers.
This post is subject to change. Additions, corrections, and discussion welcome.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
@f4nd0m-fun here (I hope they allow us to ask with secondary blogs soon)
Just how wild do you like your Batfam cryptids? I've got ideas for days.
One is a wing fic where all the bats essentially end up half demon. Thomas and Martha make a deal with Alfred to help fix the city and clean up the curses and everything, and. Alfred asks for 'the souls of your descendants' at the point, not caring much for humanity but hoping to get ahead of those pesky demons in his soul collection (so and so said he has Constantine's soul but that's only a piece! What about a bunch of souls that have been tainted by the spirit of a city that has never had reason to hope? Now those are some rare and dark souls).
The Waynes were hoping he'd take their souls instead but he refuses (maybe they're too full of hope or something) but, over time, he grows attached and ends up giving Bruce a shard of his power, allowing him to transform into a demonic winged form based on an animal for his protection after his parents die. When he's young the form is a snowy owl, but once he come back and became Batman his wings have changed. Each of the babies is the same way. As Robin, they gain their baby wings, but, once they move to a new name, their wings evolve.
'The Demon's Head' isn't just a fancy title, the Al'ghul's are demon descended, so Damien is at least a quarter demon even at the beginning, but Alfred's power can't be passed genetically like they thought, so he was born grounded. In this, he shows up sooner, Talkia asking Jason to take Damien with him to his father since she knows her father will kill him for being wingless.
Tim, poor baby. He couldn't fly as Robin because his wings were a shattered mimicry of Jason's Robin wings. He felt like he was in the shadow of the previous Robin, making the 'replacement' nickname sting even more, but, eventually, he grows into the wings of a cardinal and learns to fly.
I'm not sure if Alfred marks Barbara as his person, but if not, maybe he regrets not doing so, thinking that she might not have ended up paralyzed if he'd given her power. But also she's not really considered a 'Wayne descendant' life the kids Bruce adopted, so he'd have to directly make the deal with her. Maybe he does this with Stephanie when she comes along, still thinking about how Barbara might've been better off with a deal. Also, he keeps trying to hold off on gathering their souls because he's grown attached. I figure he'd probably end up wanting to turn them into proper demons too tho when they eventually die but, for now, until the city has been restored (if it ever will be), the Batfam is essentially immortal, and Alfred might be pulling some strings so no one realizes the Waynes are as well. As a side note, I debated Alfred x Lady Gotham for this story.
Then I had a dpxdc version of this where the wings were still demonic in origin but basically Scarecrow and Bruce are many many family lines removed cousins from an ancestor who was siblings with Jack Nightingale. On top of that, Danny had wings but they got charred when he was electrocuted. This one also has Clock x Pariah and they have wings due to something to do with ghosts, Danny gets a cloak made out of their feathers while his ghost side slowly grows its own wings (but he'll never have wings as a living again).
Sorry for the long send, I got a bit carried away, but if you want I can dig up my AU again and share what I have for the wings at least, not sure what else I've got written down.
#colony of bats AU
Honestly I love both of these ideas, but what if they were say, combined.
Alfred gifts Bruce a shard of his power- everyone knows the Waynes have wings, even if in most cases too small to fly. But the wings are feathered, usually bright and flashy for the men who inherit the trait.
Which means they're very identifiable. But like you said, Alfred gets (ugh) attached to this little mortal. He's practically raised him and honestly thinks it's adorable watching him manipulate the other richfolk at galas into thinking he's such a "polite young man." Bruce is practically his baby!
So he gifts him a bit of his blood (which we know via Constantine can extend ones lifespan including giving them a bit of healing) and an itty bitty piece of his own power. Just enough for Bruce to be able to willingly call upon it. Just enough for him to disappear into shadows. Just enough for his eyes to gain a hint of an unholy glow. Just enough for a hint of claws. Just enough for feathered wings to shift into jagged mimicries of his own.
You know what could be an interesting thing? The wings are Realms in origin. We know the FentonNightingales separated into the Fentons and Nightingales some time after Jack, so whose to say that the Nightingales didn't get into magic. Perhaps they were given a gift to thank them after a bit of protection or assistance. And the infinite realms are well, infinite. It attaches to all worlds, including say the more demonic ones. But whose to say none of the Fentons made a deal or three in the generations following. They were witch hunters after all, perhaps they need something to keep up with the "traitors" of their bloodline.
Perhaps a deal which resulted in those matching wings.
Now, how could they find out their relation with the Fentons? While there could be the adoption route, what if instead it was right after Danny's accident.
He died screaming, visibly got electrocuted, his wings are torched, there's no way they're not taking him to the hospital. Which means things like blood tests, maybe even a donated organ or two because someone doesn't get blasted with that much electricity without consequences.
Which, it's the batfamily, they definitely have alarms set up for any sort of family pings for both themselves and their rogues. Just in case.
Also had no idea where to put it but if this includes demons and ghosts feeding on fear, or emotions in general, then Scarecrow could be instinctively attempting to feed and grow his wings. Also he deserves raven or rook wings. Maybe a jay's if you wanna go for color.
Oh my gosh, even if Alfred and Gotham don't get together, they definitely have tea together and spar. They're definitely co-parenting either platonically or romantically, it doesn't matter this is their specialist lil boy. Who then brings even more of the specialist lil ones ever!
God I love the implications of Clockwork and Pariah creating a cloak of wings for a ghostling for them to use as their feathers slowly grow back. Love what that implies for the culture of the ghost zone. Love the idea of it maybe having an influence on Danny's wings in ghost form since a ghost's appearance is influenced by their image about themself.
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iridiss · 1 year
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(Edited vers, cause this is actually a wonderful opportunity to share my thoughts on laurmau pet names) Based on the headcanon that, once Aphmau unlocks her Irene powers, Laurance starts to call her “dove,” after her white wings. It’s a much more personal and private nickname than “my Lady,” which is technically a formal, literal official term of respect from a soldier to a female Lord, like calling her “ma’am” or “sir.” It’s still very sweet and affectionate, and technically the military respect inherent in the title only makes the pet name more reverent, honoring, and respectful, but Aphmau is literally his Lady. It’s like a bow of the head to your General or Baroness, and as her hired right-hand-guard, it’s stating how he literally belongs to her (something that means a little more than usual given that he originally belonged solely to Meteli and their army). It means a lot because Aphmau knows that Laurance means a lot when he says it, he’s not saying “ma’am” to be socially correct in his formalities, he’s saying it because he MEANS it. All of the emotional subtext within the title is emphasized tenfold, which contrasts other characters of high status being referenced more stoically. Like Zane is called “Your Grace,” “Your Holiness,” “Your Eminence,” “Your Excellency,” list goes on, by his soldiers and followers because he’s feared. If you don’t refer to him with the highest (solely) formal respect, he may actually kill you. Laurance says it with his heart, not his head
So therefore, “my dove” is a much more intimate alternative that he uses in more private, vulnerable moments, since it cuts straight past any sort of formalities, disregarding their business, work, or titles, and addresses her purely affectionately as someone very dear to him. It’s like “My Lady” says “I revere you” but “my dove” is reserved for “I’m speaking purely as your friend and closest, dearest ally (and probably lover) when I say this/you mean a lot to me PERSONALLY/etc” etc. etc. it goes straight to the heart, from the heart. I don’t think anyone else but Garroth, Aaron, or Cadenza would even know about it, it’s that intimate and rare
(He also calls Void Paradox Aphmau “Blackbird” exclusively, to help distinguish between the two of them)
Anyway, this comic would take place in the au after Garroth traps himself in the Irene Dimension, but before they get him back. Both of them were hit very hard by losing him, and are desperate to get him back. Sometimes to the point of insomnia.
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minecraftbookshelf · 9 months
In the Marriage of State au what are the naming traditions for the different empires. Like in some cultures people are named in a set way or set time after birth and I was wondering considering the different lifespans, way of life, (and with the sea folk) way of birth, and varying different religions how that would go with the different empires
So for most of the empires I actually haven't really thought of How Names except for the ones that I have where I have thought about it In Detail.
(This is mostly the fae/adjacent people and the sea-folk)
For the Sea Folk my main thought is that, if they are the variety that only have one or two eggs at a time, they give names to the eggs once they pass a certain point in development. These names are formatted like nicknames, but are considered the infants first, official name and older family members will often refer to the individual by that for their entire life. (Lizzie's nickname for Jimmy does not translate well at all. In most surface languages it more or less directly translates to "small damaged egg" which leaves out the Oceanic connotations of "beat the odds and lived"). Some Sea Folk have much larger clusters of eggs, and a much lower survival rate of said eggs. These children generally aren't named until well after they've hatched, when they've demonstrated they will likely be surviving. Jimmy and Lizzie are actually technically closer to the second option, though they aren't quite either. However Jimmy was the only surviving egg out of the entire God Roe, so Lizzie named him partly out of spite and partly out of desperate loneliness.
I talked a little bit about Names and Titles in Katherine's How To Become an Emperor for Dummies post. The Fae collect names their entire lives, the core of which is their True Name. (Katherine's is Katherine Elizabeth). Fae are not named when they are born, they discover their names themselves. They spend their childhoods going by various nicknames, usually called different things by different people. Based off the relevant relationships. Once they discover their name they "stabilize" and it becomes very obvious to other fae that they have figured out Who They Are.
I have a sort of vague idea of Mezaleans earning a new name after passing through the Mother Tree but nothing concrete there.
Rivendell...Rivendell names are another thing I've adapted from Tolkien's work. It isn't exact but is very, very much based off of it. Elves are given one name at birth and one name before they leave the home for the first time. Their first name is usually given by the parent who carried them and is name given using Foresight (of the vaguely prophetic variety) about Who The Child Will Be. This is not a name that is shared outside of the immediate family, everyone else during this time when it is the only name the child has refers to them as "son/daughter/child of [head of household name]" (They do keep the patronyms as well, though those aren't usually used outside of official documents, once this phase of life is finished) Before they leave the home for the first time, their other parent (or one of their other parents, if relevant) gives them a name based off of observations of who the child is now. This will be the name by which they are introduced to society and the world at large. (These names are often shorthanded as Mother/Father names, though it is worth noting that these terms are more related to roles as opposed to genders, culturally speaking) Of these two names, their Mother/First name is kept private their entire lives, and functions much the same as a True Name, carrying with it a lot of the same power. The Father/Second name is less integral to their identity as a person. For example, Scott Smajor. Scott is his Mother Name and Smajor his Father Name. So Smajor is how most people know and refer to him. Xornoth is actually a bit of an outlier here, and is also the reason i have such settled world-building. Because Xornoth is not their mother name or father name. It is a name they gave themself. Their first two names are, culturally, dead names; in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with gender and everything to do with expectations and perceptions.
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