#their initial dynamic as children was fun
hihello-idraw · 3 months
My indecisive ass can't choose what person to ship Kakashi or Naruto with so! Polyamory it is then!
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shorthaltsjester · 4 months
the thing is that the “laudna or delilah” debate i think actually misses the complexity of laudna as a character — which i think actually gets magnificently illustrated when marisha talks about and chooses her actions as laudna. like in the game, she tends to act comfortably as laudna even in those delilah filled moments once the initial indication has been made by matt that laudna feels that presence particularly in a given way. but the vehicle of a ttrpg as the medium in which laudna exists and interacts means that there is intractable ambiguity in the “did laudna do this or did delilah?” because the answer is always at the same time that both of them chose it as it is that laudna did, because matt always brings in delilah as a reaction to the choices made, either by laudna in the narrative or by marisha as the creator orienting laudna’s choices. like tonight, marisha certainly didn’t say I’m Looking At This Sword Appealing to Delilah, but she did have laudna who was traumatized by that sword engage with it while also engaged with an action she has pointedly and continuously accounted as a coping mechanism from years of solitude with nothing but the voice in her head. laudna didn’t choose to have delilah in her mind, but she did choose to ask for more power, she did choose to act without orym’s input, she did choose to use her form of dread, whether or not she chose the form which it took. especially with the the indicators that this is a storyline alluding to addiction (something i’ve long suspected but has now been affirmed by marisha in the cooldown), it is extremely compelling that laudna is both insistent of her own responsibility when it comes to intentions but is absolutely avoidant to the point of absolute denial when it comes to consequences. this was especially apparent when imogen asked if laudna’s choices and actions were all her own and laudna insisted they were, but then ended the episode with a form of dread the image of delilah briarwood fading from around her as she repeated “i didn’t mean it.”
it is particularly interesting when she is alongside imogen because i think the thing that is the most compelling to me about them right now si something that laura (iirc) alluded to in the cooldown about how imogen has chosen a significant turn away from predathos at the same time laudna has leaned in hard to delilah. in a lot of ways imogen has been very like laudna when it comes to the importance of intentions vs. consequences, at least insofar as her experience with her powers led to a different kind of isolation than laudna’s but still led imogen to experience situations in which she was confronted by the cruelty of thoughts much more expediently than she was with the cruelty of actions. and while laudna has experienced the cruelty of actions, she ties those intensely to bad intentions as well — cruel actions come from cruel thoughts. i mean, that’s what fun scary refers to — in that first interaction with those kids, we get a clear though undoubtedly unintentional insight into the perspectives that laudna and imogen both have on the cruelty that the world contains. laudna sees no harm in the fear she instills in those children because she loves kids, her intention was fun, her actions can’t be truly harmful if she never intended it. and interestingly, imogen disagrees that laudna is fun scary at all, she actually points out that laudna is scary scary, but in a good way.
and so we have this dynamic between two characters who have been the balms to one another’s solitude — which, as has been expressed in other posts, in both cases emerged from their commitments to their outlooks: laudna continued to appear as a witch on the outskirts of town, likely engaging in haunting behaviour if her actions throughout the campaign have been any indicator, and continued to run until, interestingly, someone who could read her mind was the first person to truly realize she meant no harm. imogen isolated because she was inundated with thoughts and turned misanthropic because of how often those thoughts were negative and cruel, until someone (who partakes in actions that can very easily be considered at least appearing to be negative or scary) had thoughts that were good. and they fell in love — with a confession scene where laudna raised concern that she might be a bad person, because she herself had ill intentions in reaction to bor’dor (absolutely mediated by deliliah, but her own emotional reaction that prompted that mediation). and imogen’s rebuttal isn’t a reference to laudna’s choices or her actions but to the thoughts she’s had that imogen has been witness to.
except. except it’s been months and imogen has a mother who had the best of intentions to start with . intentions that look a lot like imogen’s own, but now she stands at the side of a man willing to risk the entire world so that he can (ostensibly) no longer have to deal with divinity. imogen’s mother who allows the murder of countless people, of every member of the hells themselves except imogen, of oryms family, to get the answers and the solution that imogen herself is looking for. and as imogen has gotten further in the journey, the role of thoughts and intention has become apparent in its limits. because it’s true that they are important, it marks a difference between ludinus and liliana absolutely when it comes to likelihood that they might have a path for redemption, but it doesn’t mark much of a difference for the lives lost. and imogen has become much more concerned with this, i think maybe most clearly in her decisions around her last few predathos diving dreams because her hesitation hasn’t been that they need to consider the sides more, it’s been that, regardless of her intent to come back to the hells, to get information for their mission, her will might still lose the fight against the pull of predathos and if she’s forced to be this vessel which might allow it free, it might not matter as much what her intentions are when she dreams.
and at the same time. laudna has been confronted with the same evidence that her worldview might not paint a complete picture, but she’s still looking at that incomplete image as the whole. as is clear in her reaction to liliana, where she sets up her position to imogen by referring to her own love for her — for laudna, liliana must not actually love imogen, couldn’t possibly if the outcome of her actions is imogen growing up without her mother and liliana aiding and abetting (even if occasionally Maybe limiting) exandrias mage criminal of the decade. except, as imogen who has started to be checked on her flawed thoughts > actions perspective points out, that inconsistency isn’t one that laudna is immune to — laudna loves imogen and the hells and undoubtedly wants to see them live in a world they can thrive in, but she’ll also give up pieces of herself and make decisions without their input that have implications for those she chooses to exclude as evident in her choice with the sword,
and so tonight’s everything was delicious . when marisha’s interparty conflict beam hits it hits and it did tonight but the conversation between laudna and imogen was truly truly fantastic and so compelling because you get both laudna so locked into the familiar comforting behaviour that thinking that her intentions are all that matters is and being confronted by the fact that right now the consequences seem so enormous that the comfort is cold and imogen realizing that the thing that she’s been struggling through with her mother — and don’t get me started about imogen’s response to her mother saying she’s made her choices for imogen and the fact that laudna’s first explanation of why she chose this was a similar appeal to protecting imogen — is the same thing that has a hold of the woman she loves, though in different forms. and god, not to add another unnecessary sidebar, but laura is truly so good at coming up with heartwrenching prompts? dialogue? i dunno what to call it but the way that taliesin is insane with one liners, laura is like that with setting up conversations and then eventually spiking them into my heart because jesus the “i just watch. [as she plunges a dagger into her heart]” “i’ll always love you, i just don’t know what to do with it” “i didn’t mean it” “i know” because that’s the thing, that’s the struggle . ethel cain voice directed at laudna and liliana. imogen temult loves you but not enough to save you. because it doesn’t matter how much anyone loves laudna if she still believes in the necessity of delilah, it doesn’t matter how much anyone loves liliana if she still believes her presence at ludinus’ side is a requirement. and that’s not to reduce the degree to which they both have undoubtedly been trained to believe those things, but it is to say that both in the text and in the real world situations to which people love to refer when reducing agency to make characters more girlboss or whatever — it’s actually explicitly the role that laudna ascribes to her own emotions and choices and value that will lead her to a life where delilah does not have full reign.
the ambiguity and complexity is that as long as laudna wants (which translates to a need for her) her power, she wants delilah and whatever words that delilah will feed her to validate the need for and/or increase that power, which means that her actions are always her own, and the consequences are always hers to bear. the messiness is her continued insistence on separating intention from consequence — because laudna never means harm, for her it’s about protection, even power doesn’t seem to be power for its own sake. even with orym tonight it was about protecting orym from the sword, but also of course about finding power for delilah so that deliliah might also grant her more power so that she can help save imogen and the hells and the world. but that means when she explains to others she can make claims like i didn’t mean to, or that the choice was all her own because as incorrect to anyone else, laudna has completely committed to her founded belief that intentions matter more than anything else when it comes to the judgement of someone and their actions.
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weebsinstash · 10 months
hey, can I have more husband and wife family dynamics with thragg? maybe more about her pregnancy or the kids' childhood/baby time?
Sure can! It's been pretty fun writing about potential scenarios where this monstrous piece of shit can actually feel love. First and foremost I was watching a video on YouTube going over this scene again and uh Comic Readers KNOW How Fucked This Man Is. um, out of context vague spoilers but, I'm assuming people asking about Thragg have read the comics or are curious about the comics but like yall Need To Know how he treats the kids of his enemies
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I feel like I need to share/remind people of this scene because like, this man can be kind of hard to pin down. He's from this loveless society that sees kindness as weakness and he's like King Dickhead but there are still times when he can be quite courteous, even apologetic, sarcastic, whatever. I think at the end of the day he's just a very selfish, explosive, emotionally impulsive man but revisiting this scene was a little surprising for me since I forgot he was even like, capable of "small kindnesses" like saying sorry or whatever. Like. Is him wiping her tears while smearing blood all over her face a well intentioned accident or is he like waging psychological warfare on this like, i think she's literally 5 years old. What is the purpose of him apologizing to a child for splashing blood of her family member on her when he intends to kill her or leave her for dead in front of her dying parents anyways. I'm still trying to get a feel on this man
THAT BEING SAID, moving on, we're talking about a yandere Thragg today and thankfully that comes with perks
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- it's pretty obvious but like, you are his favorite mate and your children are his favorite children. I like to think of concepts with Reader being Ursaal and Onaan's mother or even the previously mentioned triplet idea with Mark being their sibling (otherwise I'd have to invent new characters and that doesn't, resonate the same, and I also really like Ursaal actually and I feel like there's some real story potential in Ursaal discovering more of her humanity through her mother's kindness and wanting to protect her mother from her father)
-can you imagine like. I still think about the idea where you're actually Nolan's mate but one day you mouth off to Thragg and he "puts you in your place" in front of Nolan as a punishment to you both and like a month later you find out you're pregnant and, I imagine abortions are only done on Viltrum if the fetus is too weak or defective, so you're forced to carry it and you and Nolan are lying that it's his and then one day Thragg just, passes by, sees your swelling tummy, takes one sniff of you, "it's mine" and demands a paternity test. And you'd think, "oh surely he'd just take the baby" which is what you'd prefer but, no it becomes a pretext for him to steal you from Nolan altogether
-you're fed incredibly nutrient dense, protein packed, ultimate pregnancy food because Thragg wants those babies as healthy as possible. Thragg has probably had other alien kids before but these are his first hybrid or nearly fully Viltrumite children and that makes them special. New dad Thragg holding up these little absolute mammoths of newborns with all their chunk and pudge and rolls and he's just so proud, "look at how robust these children are! Surely they have inherited my strength! Fine additions to the Viltrum Empire were born on this day" and you're like half awake in bed and he just, pets your hair
-ok just. Ok just picture it like. You're pregnant and upset and so stressed out because you didn't want to be Nolan's mate after he helped conquer Earth but at least you had known him and liked him initially. You're just constantly stressed out and angry and watching every single word you say around Thragg because you don't know him or what he's capable of, but I imagine a sort of scenario where he's taking you to the doctor and running tests and procedures and just, you know prenatal checkup stuff, but the doctors are all speaking to Thragg instead of you, you aren't even being told your own test results, and the two of you finally arrive back home and you just break down crying and kind of tear into him, "I'm sure YOU have had lots of kids before but I'VE never had a baby before and I don't know what to expect or what's going to happen or- or -" and you're just bawling because, it's not a lie you're scared. You're having a baby and you're gonna be a new mom and it's entirely against your will, out of your control, and that's incredibly stressful. And this becomes a moment where Thragg actually shows some humanity by sitting you down and discussing the doctors visit with you, and that's one of the first times the two of you actually have a civil, extended conversation
Thragg thinking he's so fucking big and tough and then he sees you this little fragile fleshy untrained civillian with the big teary boo hoo eyes with your shaking hands on your little belly as you cry about being scared about giving birth to his baby and he's just, "shit I DO have feelings" and immediately feels the overwhelming need to comfort you. He'll comfort you under the guise of "stress isn't good for the children" which is true but, it's him blanketing his own concern and masking it under an excuse
-I kind of feel like that hypothetical event would be like, a footnote in your relationship. He starts treating you differently, attentive in new ways, more... emotional ways. He'll stop by while he's working on a break or something to check on with you and the assigned caretakers he has guarding you (because the very second you're confirmed pregnant you have 24/7 security) and he'll awkwardly grunt out questions about, have you eaten yet, are you experiencing any pain today, any discomfort, any new symptoms. He'll check in with your guards/nannies privately about if there's anything you're doing that he needs to know about, give tou a nice husbandly shoulder touch and then (reluctantly) getting back to work
-to be blunt part of me questions if he even has sex to create children or if he uses something akin to IVF and I only say this because of the absolute ASSEMBLY LINE he sets up on Thraxia. Trust me though he beats the kitty up with you CONSTANTLY
-I actually think after giving birth is like the ONE time you're allowed any birth control because apparently if you have too many pregnancies in too close time frames it actually sucks the calcium out of your bones and can give you osteoarthritis and Thragg wants you healthy, "for more future children obviously" which is such a lie because let's say you have your miracle birth of giving him twins or triplets or whatever but you hemmorage and become infertile or whatever. Mf is STILL keeping you around. When you think about it he technically doesn't even need you to help raise his children, he has people for that, but he forces you to be part of the process anyways
- tbh I kind of like the idea of Thragg developing some weird fucking like complex where he discovers he feels comforted cuddling you, like man gets hit by oxytocin like a fucking freight train, and it becomes him literally being unable to sleep without you in his arms. You could be in a yelling screaming argument with this man and he suddenly like, just completely shuts you down, "ENOUGH!! I require rest and I won't tolerate anymore of your childish whining!" And you could be spitting mad at him and he's just, picking you up just physically picks you up and drags you to bed anyways. Hooks his arms around your waist as the big spoon and buries his face in your hair even as you spit insults about how you hope he kills himself
Like I think I've mentioned this idea with other characters before but imagine Thragg waking up on the middle of the night IMMEDIATELY PISSED because the bed beside him is cold and he finds you on the couch, on the couch, maybe even without blankets and visibly uncomfortable, because yeah he WILL wake you up to drag you back to bed with him.
- Thragg being this warrior who literally watched people be disembowled and tortured and conquered races but suddenly you're in labor and he's in the delivery room (he refuses to wait outside) watching you literally scream in pain and he just, takes your hand and tells you to squeeze, and that it'll be alright, and he sees you so vulnerable and scared and emotional and you're looking to him for some kind of help but he can't, even with all his strengths and feats he can't help you right now, however this pregnancy goes is up to fate and the doctors and he feels like an actual visceral HUMBLING sense of helplessness that just makes him, even more obsessively protective over you
- deadass if it becomes a "he can only save one: you or the children" life-threatening pregnancy scenario, he chooses you. Says you can always try again but even if you wind up infertile and "useless" to him, he's too attached to you at this point, it doesn't matter if you "don't serve a function" or whatever bullshit Viltrumite mindset he may have had with previous mates before. You're different to him, and you're making HIM different as a person
- You're just half alive on the couch because Giving Birth is Hard and here's Thragg doing shit like personally bringing you water, feeling your forehead for any fever, monitoring your condition, aggressively interrogating your guards for extra info, sitting beside you with your babies in his arms. He lets you rest after giving birth and nearly bends over backwards
- I feel like at some point you're forced to accept a lot of real fucked up stuff and especially if you are a hybrid Vultrimite yourself and thus will be with Thragg for, basically forever, like some real "mate, do you have any cravings today. What do the children require" "ummm... at the ceremony last month, there was that... blue, little.... crab thing?" "A Florkian. They are incredibly rare" "oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know-" " -and since I observed that you were fond of the taste when you were consuming them, I went ahead and conquered their homeworld and farms have been established. I can have the slaves prepare a dish for you right away" "oh, thank you, ive been craving it ever since i ate it but i didnt want to bother by asking 🥰" "as your mate it is my duty to provide for you. Do not keep any of your desires from me"
- your children are getting trained as soldiers the second they develop powers and that's something you'll have to get used to. If your little babies get their powers at 5, they're still learning combat, getting knocked around, near beaten, "toughened up". Thragg will conceal the full extent of how they're treated from you because the way he sees it, you weren't raised on Viltrum and you're simply ignorant of their culture. He doesn't need you to accept how things are. Your kids will come home with black eyes and bruises and bloodied noses and he'll growl at you not to make them too soft as you weep over Ursaal missing a chunk of her hair because an opponent grabbed her by it and she had to break away and some was ripped out at her scalp, like. The psychological damage of asking your small child how their day with their father went, "it was excellent mother, I made my first kill!!" And then gleefully describing to you in detail how while their father was fighting an enemy soldier, the soldiers child attacked yours, and, your baby killed another kid. Like. That's the sort of thing you have to be raised with to block out of your heart. Going to hug your child who may not even be 10 years old and they have literal blood on their hands
-personal headcanon but also semi canon but I imagine Ursaal is the most competent of your twins and is Thragg's favorite. She just has a better tactical mind on her shoulders and isn't, uh. As horribly sadistically violent as Onaan. Like say your kids become platonic yandere or whatever, or, you have your own kids with thragg and the twins are separate but still attached to you. Onaan is the kid you find killing cats because he's jealous they get more attention than him while Ursaal is like, giving her father incredibly detailed reports and her own insight into what you've been up to, how you're feelings, things you say and do when Thragg isn't around
-so I know y'all see that image I posted with Thragg and his twins. I tried to censor, The Cape last time but I realized like, even with censoring the head it's still super obvious who that is, there's only one white furred creature in this entire show. I imagine after Thragg gets his Beast Drip that, once Throkk's daughter comes for revenge, she is also slaughtered, and her pelt becomes YOUR cape. Or maybe Thragg offhandedly mentions to you that BB Jr has vowed vengeance and you're casually flipping through a book, "is she as strong as her father, like if you had to rate it 1 to 10 with her father being 10 and 1 being a human. If the daughter is at about a 7 or below, Ursaal should be able to handle her, get herself a nice coat to match her father" and Thragg feels this warmth in his chest to hear you're actually observant of his/your children and their prowess, especially to hear you praise Ursaal in such a uh violent context, just casually suggesting his daughter could turn another sentient humanoid creature into a pelt to wear. This is another example of "living the viltrum life will eventually dehumanize you and rob you of certain empathies"
- I don't think you would actually have a title but could you imagine if Thragg decides you're like, officially his true mate, like the mate above all others, like you're the Empress in his little harem of concubines and ladies in waiting. I hc that your official title is something like Grand Duchess or perhaps if this is the twin/triplet scenario something more vaguely historical sounding like The High Mother or Regent Mother or, you get the point
-I still think "Reader turns out to be an incredibly late blooming hybrid" is a neat concept but I also don't know how they would miss that since during your pregnancy and all you're receiving medical care out the ass but like. Thragg personally training both you and the children as a family. Would be kind of humiliating honestly because it's kind of vaguely implied you should learn things before the kids do and if you struggle, here's Thragg, telling his kids in private they have to protect you and keep an eye on you and report any problems back to him
- thragg would definitely be training you in hand to hand but suddenly finds he can't bear hitting you in the face or hitting you at a certain strength. Like. Absolutely 100% you're gonna have a lot of scenarios where you're brawling or wrestling and he pins you and it swiftly transitions to you getting rawdogged from your high on adrenaline husband. Tbh that sex would probably be his favorite, where he has to defeat you in combat and then rewards himself. Can probably border from hatesex to consensual to noncon, not that he has a problem doing THAT to you either
- probably has portraits done of you and him. Idk do you think Viltrum has like enough art culture for portraits to be a thing? Most fascist tyrants have portraits. He would have several done: you and him, just you, you while pregnant, him and you while pregnant, you holding your babies, you and him holding your babies, and family shots as they grow up. Say you conquer a planet together as a family and one day you're revisiting and there's some sort of museum set up amd you find like a wall length portrait of, you and your children soaked in blood tearing carnage through the fire and flames and Thragg is beside you just nodding in approval, "they captured your image rather well"
- goooooddddd imagine you're just a normal human and you progressively start showing signs of aging. You start getting more wrinkles. Your body starts working in different ways, popping, cracking, aching. Onaan, Ursaal, and Thragg all notice and they're like FREAKING OUT HONESTLY. The children don't want to accept that their mother is actually going to be a speck on the timeline of their entire lifespans. Thragg doesn't want to accept that he has to let you go and you're never coming back. They all become obsessed with finding ways to keep you young, keep you alive, fuck it they'll clone you and transfer your consciousness into a new body if they have to! This is comic book world and these are obsessed aliens and they have OPTIONS
- something something "what if Reader isn't a viltrumite hybrid but is still like super-powered or a mutant or whatever and this isn't revealed until you like are fatally injured or even DIE die and suddenly you, pop back up". Cause I feel like this "close call" would drive any yandere literally insane because, what if there's no second chance, what just happened, can you still die, they can never never never never never allow you to get hurt ever ever ever again
Thragg just walks into the kitchen and you have the stove top red hot and you've just got your palm resting on it and you look to him kind of just shocked, all, "look... nothing happens... I just feel some of the warmth" and Thragg just puts his fist through your oven anyways, "you could've gotten hurt" and immediately picking you up and carrying you to some sort of perceived "safer place"
- this is like a specific scenario but like, can you imagine as a mom you like to brush and comb Ursaal's hair and you idly suggest she could always grow it out more and you could help braid it and things, but once it starts getting longer Thragg objects and says it could get grabbed during a fight and orders her to cut it but you step in and say she shouldnt have to, it's HER hair, and you two get into it, and one day Ursaal is brought home by her father and he's all but shaved her head after she had actually grown it out to a decent length. You and Thragg are at odds over how to treat rhe children and Ursaal begins to realize that many of the restrictions her father instills on her are because of a way of life she may not fully agree with, a life filled with violence and bloodshed with no room for love or kindness or creativity. She probably helps you from going over the edge too, honestly. If anything else through this life with Thragg, in your darkest places you may still find yourself thinking you have to keep going to try and help your children
- with others, Thragg is the kind of yandere where he's standing in the same room as you and you're both doing completely different things and he suddenly says, "so I noticed during the meeting that your eyes kept lingering on my mate" and without further warning he's beating up someone on the accusation they were lusting for his wife, no discussion, just fists , and he'll do shit like this a lot to the point people don't feel comfortable being around you and you're just further socially isolated
- I feel like Thragg would have some weird like fondness slash fetish for watching you breastfeed. Like, awww here's his cute little wife with his chubby little babies and you're giving them their nice milk, what a good mom, providing for the babies he put in your belly ❤️ part of me is convinced if you're a viltrumite or hybrid or whatever that you uh. Eventually wind up with a lot of babies. A LOT of babies. Do you think he would want a specific amount or its just vibes. Like you're over 300 years old and you've already got 50 kids with him but he sees you teaching one of your youngest sons how to throw a punch and suddenly he wants another
- all I'm saying is if he ever catches you self harming or attempting to hurt yourself he's gonna have a real extreme reaction. Like he finds you cutting yourself with a broken glass and you're immediately restrained and taken to a hospital, completely stripped, inspected for other wounds, and if there are any and especially a lengthy history of them, you're in such trouble. But I also think it would be extremely difficult to hide this from him since as time goes on you two are constantly having sex or he's inviting himself into your shower to bathe with you. You accidentally bang your arm on a counter or something and get a tiny bruise, this man will know about it and wants a detailed report on where it came from
- even when you guys aren't super familiar with each other and you've "just met" he's already protective and all that. Like you've just been brought into his home and you barely even know him still and he may even act mean and angry to you and then one day he sees you have a large bruise on your arm, "what is this?" ".... it's nothing, Grand Regent" "I asked you a question and you'll answer me: where did this come from" "... I spoke out of turn with one of your advisors and turned to leave without permission, Grand Regent" "And so they grabbed you?" "Yes Grand Regent" "who" "it was my fault, I-" "WHO" and the second you give a name or description he's wordlessly leaving the room and shows up again HOURS later with visible blood on him, "it has been handled. You are not to be harmed or punished without my permission or instruction"
- in some scenario where you leave the kids behind and try to run away, like... he isn't just gonna throw up his hands, "well I already got children out of her, she has served her purpose" and leave you the fuck alone. If anything this man would track you down just to tell you off for having the fucking nerve to disobey and defy him! I can picture an actively captured wife where you are constantly kept on some kind of restraint or have a bracelet or collar or even a LEAD THAT HE HOLDS and you're IMPRISONED rather than "I'm being monitored but otherwise I have my own agency". Thragg will make himself a throne that you can be chained to if he has to. He'll have restraints made that are decorative and complimentary of your features. Imagine he's making some sort of public appearance and while he's speaking he's got an arm around your waist and you're pulled up against him and meanwhile you've got. A bar gag and cannot speak
- really, truly, in a way, you become a symbol, but one of all different kinds. There are Viltrumites who see how their mighty Grand Regent treats his mate and they are viscerally disgusted (Kregg and Lucan comes to mind), like people who really start to question the society they are living in, questioning if it really must be so selfish and devoid of empathy, questioning if they really want to keep living this way and for their children and their children's children to live like this. Then there are others who see the way the Grand Regent controls his mate and see its as a sign of strength and permission to treat their own mates the same.
Mostly, though... the only thing that will take you away from Thragg is death. Until the day one of you dies, you're stuck with him, and there's basically no one around who's stronger than he is, period. You might as well cozy up and get friendly with your new husband, since you're going to be together for a long time and spend lots, and lots, and LOTS of time together ❤️
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Thoughts about Heroes of Olympus and how it could have been better.
Sometimes I think about what would have made HOO a better series. And I'm not talking about the obvious 'too much focus on romantic relationships' and the lack of usage of certain characters or the dumb ending.
I mean the little things that would change so much (mainly character dynamics but also worldbuilding i.e. Camp Jupiter and Gaia's reasoning)
Some of the points are inspired by @crisisreading and their posts. They are the first I saw raise some of my own points so! part 2
Make the ages vary more in the main cast, trust me
Let Percy, Annabeth and Grover get older by 4-5 years. Let them become adults and find themselves outside the godly war. Let them even finish college, I wouldn't get mad. Let them do anything beside being teenagers.
I promise this would make the dynamics more interesting. Percy and Annabeth will be more mentor figures, than fellow comrades. This would create some distance between some of the them, but ultimately create something fun. Piper would come to see some aspiring female figure in Annabeth (I think this would ether be positive or negative, depending how Annabeth changed as a character over the years, but I tend towards negative). Leo would potentially have someone older to exchange ideas with. Jason would possibly feel intimidated by Percy's vastly superior age, prowess and experience, instead of being able to clash heads with him.
Hazel would have not one, but two that people that would play parent to the others' reckless behavior. (go snort your harmful stereotypes up your ass, Riordan.) Frank, when telling Percy and Hazel about his stick, would possibly find in Percy a kind hand (not that he wasn't kind already, let me explain) and Percy would probably share with him this feeling of vulnerability - not dump it on Frank - about having your life tied to a specific thing. I mean his Achilles heel, with which he would have lived for far longer.
And a whole lot more.
2. Add Grover into the series as a perspective character
You have a new trio dynamic introduced in the first book of the series. Let the original trio interact as main characters and let us see how their relationship has changed.
Grover's opinion on the conflict between the gods and Gaia would be important. He is the Lord of the Wild, and Gaia is the literal personification of the Earth. Let us see his struggle between the loyalty he has to the gods and his friends and his powerful feelings towards protecting nature.
Also, he would act as a protector for the demigods. Because while I enjoy Hedge, he is not enough to keep them safe.
3. Throw the bullshit about Gaia getting revenge for Kronos' defeat out of the way
Gaia, as mentioned before, if the personification of the Earth. One of the first gods to emerge from Chaos.
Gaia can, of course, keep her resentment for the gods defeating the son that freed her from her pain (caused by Ouranos initially). But she is a mother goddess. She should want obliterate humanity because humans are slowly killing her. Painfully. She wants to survive and the only way she sees how if by killing all the humans. She wants to save her children, aka animals, insects, nature, and the only way she sees is bloodshed. Gods are not rational in their anger, no one is. So let her be angry and vengeful and out for human blood.
DO NOT MAKE HER A FUCKING VILLAIN, MAN! Make her an antagonist, but someone's whose ideals are worth taking in and adapting. Kinda like Luke about the demigod and minor god recognition. Where have the themes of the original series gone? Remember, an important theme in BOTL was protecting the environment. It was one of the most important moments when Pan faded. Do not let that go to fucking waste. Especially not now, in the world we live in.
4. Show the effects the war had on Camp Half-Blood. Hint it at Camp Jupiter, when Percy does not have the memories to corelate it with
We've had years since the end of the Second Titan War. How did the gods change the course of events ? (the victors write the histories) How much of Luke's reasoning for starting the war was erased. (hint, all of it.) Show us how much the perspectives were shifted and how much the people that fought in it were made into martyrs and villain, basically becoming caricatures.
Let us feel how much this hurts Percy, Grover and Annabeth. How it had impacted and impacts their trauma, grief and utter horror. The younger, newer campers see them as wonderful, all-just and loyal heroes of the gods. The way they hate it.
Good moment to implement the new cabins for the gods and let the new ones forget that it wasn't always this way. Let Percy's demand to the gods be forgotten, shoved under the rug. The tragedy unfolds, use it.
Since in Camp Jupiter none of the main characters have fought, let us see the subtility. Let the older legionnaires be ragged, scarred. Older and weary, with eyes glassy and suspicious. Have younger recruits have this heavy air around them. They know what happened, what killed most of the older people in the legion.
Have Jason, Hazel and Frank see these things in Annabeth, Grover and Percy too. They realise that oh. oh. these three have fought in the war, of course they would. Show them gain respect for the trio. The same kind of respect they have for the veterans back home.
5. Cut one of the Seven from the prophecy.
I know this seems radical, but it is a symbolism thing, which I think would be more interesting in a world based on Greek mythology.
It is established in PJO that three (3) is an important number: 3 Olympian sisters (Hera, Demeter, Hestia), 3 Olympian brothers (Hades, Poseidon, Zeus), 3 Fates, 3 quest members, 3 Furies, 3 godly realms (the Underworld, Olympus + the sky, the seas). Use this.
Give us six (6) prophesized heroes. It is, after all, the second most used number in the series and a multiple of 3.
I suggest Annabeth. Why? because she has her quest from Athena. Let that be her top priority, while hanging out on the Argo II to get to Rome. Let her bond with the younger demigods and have her possible death be always on her mind. Bring her hubris into play and she would think herself the chosen one, the one demigod child of Athena to survive. This would make her falling into Tartarus with Percy not letting her go more taxing on her psyche.
Show us how she hates herself because she took one of the principal quest members to certain death. She feels like she'd jeopardized the whole saving the world thing.
Cut the Seven to Six and let Annabeth die in Tartarus. Show us why a single-man quest is a death sentence. Why three (3) is such a valuable number.
Jumping straight off the last point.
Change why Annabeth would end up in Tartarus. Make her ignore the string around her ankle because she thing that nothing bad can happen to her now. After all, Arachne is gone, right.
Let this be her undoing. I do not care how she dies, but make her choices, her hubris, be her undoing. Do not let her death up to a chance, a mistake or miscalculation. Show how toxic Tartarus is, because we do not see it enough, but make it Annabeth's idea, the plan by which she dies.
Do not make it Percy's fault. Let him try to do everything to keep her alive, but still failing. Attack his sense of loyalty, his self-esteem. Show how the experiences and her death affect him.
Bring the trauma from the last war back in those chapters, in a place where demigods leave something behind.
To less drastic things - let the others get hurt. Permanently. Show how this life affects and damages people physically, too.
Have one lose an eye, another get horrific scars. Lose a limb, a part of themselves. Do not make it seem like any other could have gotten the same wound.
Tailor them to their character, their pride and their skill. Hit them where it hurts most and let us see how it changes them.
Also, about Leo. Kill him too. The fact that he ended up alive is a deux ex machina. He should have suffered the consequences.
Also also, bring back the fatal flaws. They are missing from the series. Play with them, show why they are important parts of their characters. Bring back ancient Greek fatal flaws, and new ones that make sense in a modern world.
Hurt them because what hurts them is part of who they are. Show us why the Greeks invented tragedy.
7. Age up the target age. Go more young/new adult
I understand that PJO was made for middle schoolers. But the target audience had grown up alongside the characters, and as such they have matured.
This is why I said to age Percy, Grover and Annabeth up further. Leave some distance for the old and new readers to get up and personal with the new main characters. Have them find common ground with the new demigods but have their anchor in the old ones.
Make the readers work to understand and refamiliarize themselves wit the older demigods. Because they've changed.
Targeting a more mature audience allows exploring n. 6. The realistic consequences of living with the fear that something will come and eat you. How just a little mishap could change you for life. (or what has been left of it)
Please do not go grim dark. Show that despite this all, their purpose has not stopped existing. A life exists outside of your appearance or disability still exist, and while it would be hard, do not lose hope.
8. Hope, or lack of its importance in the Heroes of Olympus series
Alongside other callbacks and reinforcements of PJO's lore, where is Elpis (hope)? Why doesn't she appear as a larger theme in the books? I don't know.
Elpis is still in the jar, having been used as a threat of defeat. But now Kronos is gone. Have Gaia use it as s symbol for her own cause.
Make hope Gaia's argument. The most important part of why her cause stands. Gaia is waking now because there is no hope for the betterment of the planet while in human - and therefore godly - grasp. She wants to save the planet, but they, the destroyers, are opposing her.
Hope is what she wants to bring back. The hope that death will not be the end of life, but further evolvement and betterment of all species.
This argument is what the counterargument should unravel. All species? Why are humans considered irredeemable, unworthy of becoming something greater?
Why can't they not coexist and why can't humans learn how to care about the world surrounding them.
Make hope for humanity and for the environment not a question of if they are capable to coexist, but how we can manage that. Humanity and nature are not mutually exclusive, but two halves of the same whole that need each other to sustain their longevity. Yes, nature can exist without humans, but humans can't.
This does not mean that the best way forward is to kill all humans.
There is no need for hope in HOO because there are no greater questions being asked about topics that require hope, because otherwise we would descend into nihilism and fatalism.
9. Give the gods reason to act the way they act, or a look at a greater narrative problem in the series
I may be generalizing, but the gods act erratically and make choices convenient for the plot, as it is, to happen.
Hera: how, specifically, does she know that Gaia is rising and what her plans are. Why is she against Gaia, when the older goddess has a track record of helping the Olympians on different occasions in the myths. Why does she decide to act when she does, how she knows that the king of the giants (whatever his name may be) is coming after her right then.
We don't know.
Athena: we understand why she wants the Athena Parthenos back. Why not force the Romans to give it back. After all, she is a goddess, even if the Romans don't respect her as the Greeks did, she has power and sway over them. Why send her children, a supposedly important part of what brings her glory, to a near-certain death. Is it misguided vengeance, an obsession to get the statue back at all cost, or simple cruelty. These reasons could apply very well to sending the Romans, yet she doesn't.
Zeus: why lock down Olympus? Paranoia, which fair, but you are a King, why wouldn't you look after your subjects? (bc Riordan chose to ignore part of his characterization in the myths and part of his godly domain) (I know kings aren't perfect, but after the last war, one would think he would do everything in his power to stop another one before it begins) Why not seek justice for Octavian's lies, that affect their ability to win the war, and kill/imprison him? Justice is part of his domain, as Zeus Nomius.
I know that we wouldn't necessarily need these answers, but without some of them, some choices left hanging seem to be there only to add to the drama and danger of it all.
All in all, I have many problems with the 'Heroes of Olympus' series. Some of them are nitpicks and personal preference as a high fantasy reader in my free time. Some of them would really add to the story and continue the themes of PJO.
Please ask me if something wasn't clear to you. I'll happily explain further.
If you find something you don't agree with, let's discuss. I'm open to changing my opinions.
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nonsensology · 1 year
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So I've had these Grunkle Stan crackships on my mind for almost a year now. Could be interpreted as platonic, but I think there's great and fascinating potential if interpreted fully romantic. Full musings and explanations below (Warning: very disjointed and random).
Uncle Chan from Jackie Chan Adventures
Maybe Ford and Stan stumble across the Chans on one of their globe-trotting adventures. Both groups fight off the same supernatural threat and surprise each other with their ease and familiarity with the weird and fantastical.
I feel Uncle is kind of a weird in-between of Ford and Stan. He is knowledgeable but not a nerd like Ford, is generally cranky but doesn't get into trouble like Stan does, although he does have a level of disregard towards authority if it gets in the way of his goals. He's quick to do research instead of impulsively charging into a situation.
I think Uncle's dynamic with Stan would be hilarious. They would argue a lot on how to deal with a threat, but once they agree to work together, they could kick ass. Once he gets past his initial annoyance, Stan would probably enjoy Uncle's quips, even more so when he realizes that Uncle does not say them to be funny, he's just naturally snarky.
Uncle is never shown having any romantic interest or relationships, so I kind of headcanon him as ace, but I think it would be really interesting to see what kind of queerplatonic relationship he and Stan could form.
Jade and Mabel would probably hit it off immediately, and while Jade isn't as studious as Dipper, she also has an enthusiasm for the supernatural so she'd probably get along decently with him. She'd also probably think Stan and Ford are super cool, especially considering their lax attitude toward giving children weapons. Though they do still take the kids' safety very seriously.
Jackie is doubtful of Stan, much like he was with Viper, but seeing Stan look out for the kids would probably endear him a little. Ford might also help ease his worries, and maybe they both could have fun discussion about archeology.
I think Tohru and Soos could get along decently, though Tohru would find Soos' eccentric musings odd at first.
Additionally, Uncle's shop is in San Francisco, practically next door to Dipper and Mabel in Piedmont. The kids would easily visit each other every weekend.
Bruno Madrigal from Encanto
Stan has been to prison in Colombia, so I don't think he'd willingly travel there for fun, and Encanto Valley seems relatively closed off from the rest of the world, so I imagine their meeting is accidental, maybe a result of the Stans getting caught in a storm or something. They stay for a while in the valley while repairing their boat.
Stan might initially be outraged at the idea of the Madrigals not charging anyone for the use of their gifts, but perhaps lightens up when he sees how close-knit the community is. He'd still come up with ways they could show off their powers Mystery Shack style, probably butting heads with Alma in the process, lol. He might encourage Bruno to adapt a more showman-like approach to his seer abilities to make it more presentable and less intimidating.
Bruno and Stan connecting over their shared feelings of isolation from family is definitely what drew me to these two together in the first place. If they ever got serious about their relationship, I can imagine the biggest hurdle would be deciding if they should continue a long-distance relationship, since neither is keen on asking the other to be separated from their family.
Yuuko Ichihara from xxxHolic and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
Major spoiler alerts for both series. It's been many years since I've read them, and Tsubasa had so many plot twists that even CLAMP (the writers) admitted they were confused by the end result. I also might be misremembering some details, so bear with me. Factoring in the plotlines for both series and Gravity Falls would make for an incredible AU fanfic that I unfortunately am not qualified to write.
Due to Yuuko's shop being in Tokyo, a whole ocean away from Oregon, I like to imagine some timey-wimey space mumbo jumbo allowing Yuuko and Stan to meet in the dream realm. Maybe at some point, Yuuko's shop would obtain a door connecting it to the Mystery Shack.
Stan and Yuuko both have a mischievous side, though Yuuko is generally more reserved. They could start out as drinking buddies, though I imagine Stan would probably favor a light beer, while Yuuko loves sake.
They also both use aliases (it is never revealed what Yuuko's real name is), but Yuuko would likely be upfront about it. As their relationship progresses, Stan would probably feel comfortable telling Yuuko his real first name, even after she tells him the supernatural dangers of giving your real name.
While Stan scams his customers, he generally sells harmless entertainment and trinkets, whereas Yuuko grants wishes and operates strictly on an equivalent exchange basis. To quote the wiki, "All of Yuuko's customers must pay a price in order to grant their wishes, which can be no more or no less than the one demanded, or else harm will come to one's way. She is not one to tell the customer the most direct way to solve their problems because in the end, it can only be solved with that person's own realization and resolution to change themselves... Her abilities are not unlimited and may almost seem like a curse as it appears that she is unable to do anything for anyone or grant any gift (other than feelings) without it becoming a binding transaction." 
When Stan finds out just how powerful Yuuko is, I think he might react with a mixture of hesitation and awe, especially when she reveals she knows about his past, and Ford being lost in the multiverse. I am on the fence on whether Yuuko would use her powers to bring Ford home sooner, or let Stan continue working on the portal because he's already close to completing it and this would be significant in defeating Bill.
I found that the main villain of Tsubasa, Fei Wang Reed, surprisingly parallels Stan. Both endanger reality to bring back someone who is lost, but while Stan does it out of love and devotion to his family, Fei Wang Reed only did it in an arrogant plan to prove himself a powerful sorcerer. And in Fei's case, the person is already dead. CLAMP's universe establishes that the dead cannot be brought back to life, and Fei's wish to do so would cause the universe to be destroyed. I wonder if Bill would factor Fei as part of his plans.
Stan also surprisingly shares a lot in common with Fai D Fluorite. Both use their twin's name (Fai's real name is Yuui), and for much of the series Fai's tragic backstory regarding his twin is unknown, and he hides his trauma under a laid back exterior. I think Stan would empathize a lot with Fai, after he finds out his backstory.
Kimihiro Watanuki is revealed to have been created to fill a void left by Syaoran after the latter wished to turn back time. I remember Watanuki's character arc involved realizing that people cared about him. "Don't disappear", "Continue existing". Stan would probably take Watanuki under his wing, much like he did with Soos. Watanuki might find life with the Pines family far more chaotic than he's used to, but slowly warm up.
Yuuko is revealed to have died a long time ago and has basically been in magical stasis due to Clow Reed's unintentional wish. When time finally moves forward again, Yuuko eventually passes on. She doesn't return in the canon series, but Watanuki is stated to have also suspended his time to wait for her return. In this AU, maybe she reincarnates in the past and reunites with Stan and the Pines in the present day.
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prying-pandora666 · 11 months
On Alucard and Maria
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Are there actually fans advocating for Alucard to be written as Maria’s father figure in the new season of Nocturne? Like that would be a good thing and not infinitely creepier? I don’t think they’ve thought this through.
Alucard is the single most popular character in the franchise. He’s also probably the most shipped character. And yet he has only had one canon love interest in the decades since he’s existed. It’s Maria. And you’re telling me that you think that because he’s 300+ and she’s 17-18 when they started living together in the games, that it would be grooming. However, somehow him inserting himself into her life at age 16 when she’s just lost both her parents wouldn’t come off like grooming!?
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Does this man look like he should be picking up random children!? He’s literally terrified of his own cursed blood. Maybe LISTEN TO HIM.
I’m convinced fandoms have forgotten what that word means. Grooming has specific features. It doesn’t just mean “older guy and younger girl.” A relationship with an age gap or an uneven power dynamic can be exploitative or abusive without being a case of grooming. Grooming specifically refers to the process of forming a relationship with a child with the intention of leveraging that relationship and trust to train and prepare (aka brainwash) your victim for the harmful activities the groomer wants to normalize. The relationship Alucard and Maria have in the games is in no way grooming. You know what would be grooming though?
Coming into a 16 year old’s life when she’s vulnerable, traumatized, and recently orphaned only to insinuate yourself as a new father figure. This is so highly inappropriate and a huge red flag. Consider what you’re actually asking for here. These characters do not exist in a a vacuum. They have a long history together as each other’s only canon love interests. You cannot fully extract them from the games, art, interviews, audio dramas, animations, and more where they’re depicted as a couple. There are decades of this precedent and you are asking Netflix to knowingly take the characters with an established romantic dynamic that the audience is already primed to see as romantic and instead portray their meeting as him trying to be her new daddy?
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“Oh look! Alucard and his… daughter? Yikes.” This is an official advertisement btw.
THAT is grooming! Think about the optics of this! It would be abysmal! No it would NOT fix the problem of their age gap to make him act like a groomer and get in good with her as a dad. You just cannot completely extract them from the legacy of their relationship in the source materials. It will be incredibly creepy and textbook grooming if you get your way.
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Is this really what you want to associate with an “adoptive father Alucard”? Because the art we create doesn’t exist in a vacuum. All the old content—official and fanmade—is still going to exist.
What is so objectionable about the original dynamic anyway? It’s a pretty fun subversion of the tired and problematic vampire trope of “vampire man stalks teen girl and coerces her into being his”. Instead in their original relationship, Maria is the one who pursues Alucard! It’s the young woman who takes initiative and is given the agency to go after what she wants. She courts and woos him. That’s part of the fun!
Yes, Alucard is 300+. He’s also a fictional creature that doesn’t actually exist IRL and stays eternally young. There are no actual people who will ever have his problem of staying 20 forever so it’s rather silly to say he can’t date any humans because of course he will have an age gap with any of them.
The only real problem I have seen people bring up is Maria’s age, but from what I can tell, the show’s already fixed this. Check it out.
In The Games
Rondo of Blood: Maria is 12. She and Alucard do not meet. Richter is a brother-figure and not romantic.
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There is then a 5 year time skip.
Symphony of the Night: Maria is 17. She and Alucard meet to save Richter. At the end, Alucard says his goodbyes and intends to return to a life of solitude. Maria goes after him because she has developed feelings for him and doesn’t want him to suffer a life alone.
Maria is given agency to pursue what she wants and prove herself even against Alucard’s resistance and hesitance to let another person into his life.
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They spend a year together before we get the audio drama.
Nocturne of Remembrance: Maria continues to try to get close to Alucard. They end up saving each other’s lives and in the end he finally confesses his romantic feelings for her. She is an adult and perfectly able to make her own choices. She chose him. He admits he returns her feelings.
How fandom can look at a story about a young woman subverting the trope and chasing the vampire to get what she wants—basically an anti-Bella Swan—and still find a way to disempower her just so they can pearl clutch? I couldn’t tell you.
So now let’s look at what the show did.
In The Show
Nocturne S1: Maria is 16. She’s been aged up from 12, probably to give her a more active and believable role. But this also means she’s within a normal age to start feeling attraction and expressing her wants. Within her society, she’s even considered of marriageable age. However we are spared the discomfort of our modern values clashing with her contemporaneous ones because Maria in this season isn’t interested in romance. She’s interested in revolution, equality, justice. They’ve portrayed her with so much love and strength. There is no indication they’d betray her by writing her as the child victim of a male suitor. In fact she only meets Alucard in the final few seconds of the season and the two do not even speak a single word to one another.
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Now let’s remember the games had a five year time skip. The show only needs two years to get Maria to the adult age of 18, but assuming the follow through with the timeline and go for the full five?
Maria will be 21.
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Fan concept for adult Maria. Credit:@esp-art
Are you telling me a 21 year old woman is not old or mature enough to make her own decisions? How is this not a total infantilization of women? Do you think a 21 year old badass vampire hunter needs protection from the ace depressed dhampir boy who just wants to sleep and has in no way tried to pursue her until after she expressed consistent and persistent interest in him?
It is not “grooming” to meet someone when they were younger and then meet them again years later as an adult. That’s a thing that happens! In real life! Adults can still make decisions for themselves! It is only grooming if Alucard behaved in a way that would manipulate teen Maria and put her under his control and authority before she can consent. There is no indication that Alucard in the show is going to do this. And yet the fandom is basically demanding it by saying he should make her “his baby girl”?
And what of Maria’s feelings in all this? She just lost her mother and was betrayed by her father shortly after discovering he even existed. She has lived her whole life without a father. She is in no desperate need of a new one. And if she does need a family member, she already has one! Richter is 19 and is her trusted adoptive brother. Why wouldn’t she go to him over a total stranger she just met and who is half vampire - literally a predator creature that feeds on humans!?
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Yeah, hi, Richter Belmont still exists. He and Maria consider each other family. Why would you want her relying on a strange man she just met as a “father figure” rather than her trusted and loving brother?
Have none of you even considered how Maria would feel if Alucard even tried to fill the paternal role? He’d have to force it on her through manipulation and coercion. No way she would want to view him that way. Especially considering she is 16 and likely to be as attracted to the sparkly 20 year old looking sculpted marble beauty as anyone else!
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Don’t mind the beautiful eternally young man who looks made of pure porcelain and light. No teen girl has ever been attracted to this, right? No way it could be exploitative and creepy for him to present himself as her new daddy, giving himself authority and influence over her as his child to mold as he wishes, right? Oh yeah, this is MUCH better than Maria pursuing him of her own volition once she becomes an adult, right guys?
We are truly in the stupidest dark timeline.
Frankly, I don’t care if Netflix has them get together or not. They would work just fine as friends too. I just sure as hell hope they’ll ignore the fans clamoring for a creepy daddy/daughter dynamic. Dressing it up as “concern” won’t hide that for some it’s a fetish, and for others they’re just useful idiots who haven’t thought it through.
I implore you to think it through.
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cokoweee · 18 days
OH wow! Two updates in 24 hours! Okay I really wanted to dig into this, because there were so many things on just the writing and dialogue and I LOVE it!
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These two panels were fun, because there is something soft in Kendra’s face. Nostalgia, affection…also the wet beads of water coming off her hair, since she climbed out of the bath….but I’ll continue this rant later…
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This is interesting….We have seen Donnie borderline catatonic so this could be Draxum’s latent parental instincts not wanting to push Donnie just yet. (Or worried that Kendra might be a trigger?)
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Though funny that this was what pushed Casey to reach out….I included a snippet from Replica…but…lol both you and Kat having Casey very particular about her male family members helping her out, is understandable
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Heh…that’s rich, considering you are gonna have your own lizard children Kendra…not that you know that, I guess… Still this feels like a “tempting fate” line/foreshadowing. Mostly, because Casey insisted that the father is human. (I think?) But likely a jab at how Kendra calls her “Beast” all the time.
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Ohhh…what is this trinket?! <_<
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This is the face of someone who is either gonna pretend to be a toy or a child if Kendra gets pulled over XD
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Okay this brings me back to my thoughts after the first image…Kendra likely had been thinking about stuff since her initial talk while fixing Yuichi’s arm the first time. However the “event” and Raph’s chat with her possibly had her start really mulling over it. We know Kendra has been struggling with her identity in the way of not belonging. She accepted she was an outcast…and possibly still considers herself an outcast. However with everything she has been doing: the training, modifying the jetpack, upgrading Yuichi’s arm…it certainly is setting this precedence. If Kendra doesn’t fit in this group’s mold by default, she is gonna make some changes so she does.
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The past Kendra would never adjust to accommodate others. She is unapologetically herself. So why is she going through the trouble to make little changes…why does she want to properly ask Donnie if she can stay with him? Because when you love someone, you accommodate them. And not in the way, that you should change yourself for someone. However if there are traits that are holding you back, and it benefits you both in the long run, sometimes little changes are necessary. Kendra is changing, because she wants this. She may not know how her dynamic will change, but she wants it to get better.
And…I forget how I planned to wrap this up, but…. It is an organic way to bring happily ever after that much closer, and in a way that doesn’t compromise Kendra’s identity. Again, your writing and dialogue are amazing, and the way you pair it with your drawings makes some great storytelling.
Oof writing is such a struggle but considering I do hours of acting out dialogue both irl and in my head certainly do help. NOW TO ANSWER SOME OF THESE LIL SNIPPETS U SEPERATED but under a cut cause this is a bit long lol
Draxum is a weird dude to write for me but for me he’s another that lost almost his whole fam. He doesn’t wanna risk losing the last one that’s there even if they aren’t how they once were.
That lil TrInkEt will be helpful later :D (I think. Please I haven’t fully thought this plan through)
You point out that she never would accommodate for someone else and yuh you’re right. Bitch would make others accommodate to her. This tho
“Because when you love someone, you accommodate them”
Idk how to word this, it’s pretty difficult to conjure up in my head words for this. For her it’s. She can’t see those feelings. Define them. It’s a case of extra caring without knowing why and it’s irritating. Like a fly u can’t kill. Or a butterfly. Pretty and you don’t want it to leave but also don’t want that big bitch flying all up in your face
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sillyyuserr · 1 month
Chapter 117 analysis (WE’RE SO BACK) obviously spoilers for chapter 117 and chapter 114
i cooked with this one trust
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Everyones looking for them yadayadayada terukane
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Yk im pretty sure this is meant to be lore heavy but LOOK AT THEM
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I don’t know how to word this correctly but since chapter 115/116 between akane and teru there seems to have been something that happened in which they stopped being freaky?? 😭 like ykwim hold on
in chapter 114 this happened
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completely ruined almost everything they had, but in the span of a few days, shit still going on, they havent had their deserved break yet like they got on chapter 96-97 and somehow in the midst of all this teru’s forgiven(?) him and just moved on?? Really not sure but based on what we know ab the red house the next chapter may answer some of our questions
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Also, this is so little i didn’t see it the first time reading but teru goes to the drink machine thing to get one and mixes like 4 of the sodas,
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takes one sip decides its shit and switches with akane’s already half drunken out of tea. Indirect kiss guys wait
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Also this is JUST like the date they all went on when aoi was gone. Again, aoi is gone here too 😭 my girl getting left out of everything is acc crazy
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She comes in later tho and finally gets caught up for the first time in forever MAN aidairo must hate her😭
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But also
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We find out mitsuba and kou are going there TOO so for the first time i think ever we have the whole gang in one spot 🤥 alot of firsts this chapter smh
ALSO an honorable mention to this i saved best for last
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Sir stay away from my children
ok but fr i have no fucking clue what to say ab this cus this is either ‘teehee im right ur wrong!!~~♡’ type shit which he does alot, or genuinely like what we all think it is, which considering outside context may, in fact make it make sense trust let me explain
teru says shit like this ALL THE TIME its kind of his ACTUAL personality aside from his fake shit, like the way he is only around akane and sometimes kou (at least what we’re shown) so you’d think he’s used to this, but his initial reaction is more of a ‘um. what.’
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ALSO— backround MATTERS, the backround in this one, is pure black, which is only shown during stuff LIKE THIS (important stuff) example:
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Black background either means its dark, or its something important, something meant to be remembered, or something like that (probably)
and that panel had a BLACK BACKROUND
Why is this important you may be asking, it has a black backround— so it must be, right? If this was a silly little ‘teehee you can’t do this im better than youuu!!!~~♡’ then it probably wouldnt even have a half panel it’d be another one of the mini panels, but it not only had a whole panel for just this, a black background ;blocking LITERALLY EVERYTHING OUT ASIDE FROM THIS AND WHAT HE’S SAID, but also, pay attention the contents of what he said.
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(a different translation, this one is easier to read)
‘you are not in any position to oppose me, are you, aoi? ♡’ could mean, A LOT OF THINGS so i’ll put them in a bulletin here because any of them make for an interesting path we may be taking on ‘this’ reality😭😓
Number 1: he could be impliying, and or reminding akane, that he’s still engaged to aoi, and that if akane still thinks they shouldnt change this reality, he should reconsider, CONSIDERING he is engaged to aoi, as aforementioned. (Most likely this one)
Number 2: the power dynamic, yes akane is a school mystery with the ability to control time itself but also, teru is an exorcist, a skilled one at that— and could probably easily overpower akane in a 1v1 (lowk hyped to see this happen pls let them fight) teru may be poking fun, or reminding akane, that teru is in fact powerful, more than he seems to keep fresh on his mind — them having SO MUCH to do
Number 3: maybe instead he just felt like teasing akane and i wasted time+space for nothing and was looking way too into it (this is supposed to be the terukane option😪)
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Never once has he used this before??? Obviously you cant talk in symbols but the heart kind of implies the user of this symbol is talking in a playful/slightly flirtatious tone, hence, the reaction:
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Okay okay point is i think teru is still madly in love with him
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WAAAHHHH just look at him pooks who else does he do this with smhh 😓 NO ONE
which i think may be PARTIALLY true but also not entirely because mayb im just a tweaker
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Me when i when i ehen you whrn you when
This may make no sense at all, or alot of sense man idk its 3:12am i go back to school in like 2 weeks i am not ready for sophomore year gn
terukane will be real one day trust, also i have a twitter i post on sometimes @/silly_evvvie <3
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shadowgasps · 2 years
Some initial thoughts and feelings about the Wizard the Witch and the Wild One (as well as the childrens adventure) now that I've heard all three of the Then & Now sneak peeks.
The Wizard- This was one hell of a first introduction. I sobbed, and I'm not exaggerating. I was gross and snotty and red eyed within the first thirty minutes. Aabria's description's of Suvi's parents and Suvi herself was such a gut punch. And then the time jump happens and my desire to protect this child perfectly morphed into the desire to see this young woman, this young wizard, succeed.
The Witch- I can't say it better then the cast already did, the two genders, Trauma and Joy. I went into this preview bracing myself for more crying. Instead what I got was just so charming and delightful and funny and cute. It really made me so excited for the Witch class as a concept. The birds and the bees moment especially, it really made it feel different from other magic user classes. I can't wait to see what Erika does with it.
The Wild One- The beginning of this preview was wonderful in the most base sense of the word. It inspired wonder. Just the image of countless little spirits running around and weaving between the legs of one giant powerful bear spirit will live with me forever. I want to be there. The tenderness too was overwhelming. Eursulon as a little cub, and the love Lou clearly has for that character, just flowed out through him. It was great to see a snippet of all our main characters interacting in the end. Just getting a sense of what their dynamic might be like was so fun.
Overall I am so extreamly excited for both the main campaign and also (maybe even more so?) the children's story. The sound design was amazing. It really added so much to the experience. It made it more of an auditory theatrical experience more than just a podcast. The world already feels so rich and real and lived it and we haven't even gotten the first real episode. I already feel protective of and in love with these characters and I can't wait to see the epic adventures and journeys they go on. March can't come fast enough.
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Prompt: How I think a relationship with Simeon and Barbatos looks like <3
Pairing: Barbatos × Gn!Mc × Simeon
Genre: Fluff, headcannons
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AN: I'm having thoughts about these two, so suffer along with me lol. If I think of anything else later I might add <3
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You being in a polyamorous relationship with Simeon and Barbatos is basically three tired caretakers taking care of each other. Doesn't matter if you're a chaotic little shit (affectionate), just being around these two will bring out their nurturing side.
You three bring out the best in each other and your children, and yes, by your children I do mean Luke, Diavolo, Solomon and the brothers.
Your relationship often includes making sure Barbatos doesn't overwork himself, that Simeon is not just putting up a smiling facade, and that you do not burn yourself out due to the various shenanigans the brothers get into.
Tea time is a must, at least twice a week. Barbatos needs the time to unwind with his most beloved darlings. It's usually held at the Demon Lord's Castle, and everyone else knows better than to disturb you three when you're having tea time together unless it's life-threatening.
Not much pda in the relationship, unless you initiate it. Both Simeon and Barbatos are the kind of people who don't see a reason to flaunt your relationship, unless they are jealous or want to make a point, but neither are opposed to giving you the affection you want. Simeon is comparatively bolder in public, often pressing his lips against your forehead or cheeks in a chaste gesture of affection before you have to leave for class, while Barbatos is more reserved, opting to place a guiding hand on your lower back when you walk alongside him. Even with each other, they are the same way; very subtle in their affections.
They are very affectionate in private though. Within the privacy of Simeon's room (because yours is basically the HOL's living room now, and Barbatos' room just has... doors), expect to be utterly drowned in their affection. So, so many kisses they shall bestow upon you, make sure to give some back to them. Also, both of them are big fans of ganging up on you, but with enough of an incentive, one of them (usually Barbatos) can be convinced to betray the other(usually Simeon) and help you bully him <3
Barbatos is the biggest tease when he wants to be. He'll spend the entire day giving you and Simeon just enough fleeting touches and soft affection that by the end of it you will have gotten permission from Diavolo to steal his butler for a few hours, while Simeon would have made arrangements at Purgatory Hall for the three of you to spend time basking in each other's presence and love.
Picnic dates! Where Barbatos chooses the spot and you and Simeon make the food! And you guys make flower crowns for each and talk for hours or just sit in comfortable silence.
Also, your relationship dynamic is very domestic. Like yall have been married for years. It especially shows when the three of you cook together. As rare as it can be, it's always fun, with gentle and soft kisses exchanged as you work in the kitchen seamlessly. Anyone watching the three of you in the kitchen will feel like it's a carefully choreographed dance, with the way you all move around each other, each one working on their task while stealing glances at their lovers.
Simeon loves watching you and Barbatos interact. Especially when Barbatos knows exactly which buttons to push to get you flustered and has made it his life's mission to make you blush as much as you can. He also thoroughly enjoys himself when you turn Barbatos' subtle flirtations against him and fluster the ever-composed butler instead. Also gets ideas to base the main characters of his next works off of you two, but always ends up liking what he's written too much to share with anyone else.
Barbatos, on the other hand, likes to make Simeon flustered himself more than watching you fluster him. Simeon has the cutest reactions, and so whenever he gets the chance to, Barbatos makes sure to fluster him as much as possible.
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Luke sees you as his parent, no doubt about it. Solomon is a little shit who likes to tease you, while Diavolo is positively ecstatic for the three of you. Lucifer and the brothers, despite trusting Simeon and Barbatos, are almost comically overprotective of you.
Barbatos is more accepting and open about his possessiveness over the two of you, but Simeon will be a little more reluctant to act on his possessive tendencies. But you best believe that Barbatos will coax him into acting on his desires a little more.
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mswyrr · 5 months
The reason why lucy/max initially feels so youthful together so far, like kids with a first crush, and why they don't have sex yet, is that they're both "maidens" in a narrative sense:
The Maiden Arc is the fundamental coming-of-age story. It is the story of a character who has left behind the Child archetype (which we will discuss later in the series when we reach the Flat-Arc or “resting” archetypes), but who has not yet individuated away from her family and into her own autonomy. The Maiden represents sexual awakening and conscious burgeoning. Hers is that fraught period—recreated in so many YA novels—when the person is learning who she will become and, perhaps most poignantly, what she is willing to risk to become that person. [source]
They're starting to break away from authority, but they're both still obedient to authority & brainwashing when they meet and start to fall for each other. They're going to separate to dance with their shadows (Lucy with Cooper and Max with the Brotherhood/Dane) and figure out who they truly are - then meet up again.
To be clear, I'm not saying they're in any way actually "children" - they're both adults! But their relationship to authority and community continues to be that of "maidens":
There is no guarantee she will accept the risk. As with all of the arcs, there is no promise she will fully commit to and complete her arc. Although we all grow up physically and assume adult responsibility, the inner arc may remain uncompleted long into our lives. The obstacles the Maiden confronts are vast because true individuation is often perceived as a threat by the tribe in which she exists. [source]
They didn't have sex because it wouldn't have been as their sincere selves? They don't know who they are yet! They're still trapped in a "youth" phase - and now moving into fully incorporating their shadows and knowing themselves & what they want phase. They're only going to get together after that.
And as I mentioned in a previous post, this show (so refreshingly!!) actually includes sex and povs on it as part of characterization - so the fact that they're both "virgins" in a way due to brainwashing--Max doesn't even know his own body let alone what sex is! And Lucy was brainwashed to think of "breeding" as her obligation and purpose - she's only done that and casual sex, never fallen in love and "made love"--plays into why they haven't had sex yet and that, once they're more fully formed as their own people, they will come together in that way.
It's a well written romance arc. A bit of the dynamic where a "childhood crush" couple meets, are separated, and then meet again and falls in love as adults who know themselves and what they want - but in a sped up timeline because they're both on parallel coming-of-age arcs. IMO in the final lyrics "my echo, my shadow, and me" - the shadow is Cooper for Lucy and the Brotherhood for Max and they are echoes of each other - with both similarities and differences.
Side note: even when a canon is writing a romance well... it's still valid and fun to play in non-canon ships because art is for playing and exploring! And I am a multishipper, so please don't bring negativity toward any ship to my post.
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ladyofthebears · 7 months
I am genuinely, consistently confused by people who are team green solely based on the argument that Rhaenyra should have saved Alicent. Not only because the dance of the dragons is meant to directly parallel the Amethyst Empress and the Bloodstone Emperor but also because it seems their arguments are built on this very shakey ground of “Rhaenyra should have stopped her father from marrying alicent and everything that happened after that was because of her inability to act.”
Lets take a second and look at it from both a book and show stand point.
In the book, Alicent is much older then Rhaenyra and consistently has beef with her 8 year old step daughter. Perhaps she was coerced into marrying Viserys, perhaps she was abused in the book, but what was a literal child meant to do about it? A child who just lost who own mother to be placed on the knee of a knew women who tells her to call her “step mother”.
In the show, Rhaenyra and Alicent are at a similar age. In the show, both of them are being taken advantage of and changed by older men. Unfortunately, Alicent is being taken advantage by two man and ultimately is married to Viserys. Rhaenyra had only lost her mother half a year earlier and whilst Alicent was her closest friend, she very obviously felt blind sided and hurt by the revelation. Perhaps if Rhaenyra was older and not so emotionally fraught, she would have been able to take a step back and realise that Alicent was the victim in that situation. Unfortunately, she was also just a girl, a girl who felt alone and now felt her best friend was abandoning her as well. I am not saying Rhaenyra was right to push Alicent away, I am saying her feelings were valid. I think what further made it worse was the fact that Alicent was so quickly giving Viserys everything he had ever wanted- a son. Ultimately, both of these characters are but girls, they make mistakes, they misspeak, they lash out. Rhaenyra distances herself from Alicent not realising Alicent is a victim, Alicent is forced to bear children and bears a healthy boy and is pregnant with another, Rhaenyra feels discarded and unwanted and becomes even more distant and angry. Alicent tries to offer an olive branch but Rhaenyra indirectly insults how Alicent is being forced to live. Granted, Rhaenyra apologises afterwards but those words had to have hurt Alicent. Rhaenyra, in her ignorance of the truth of Alicents situation, cannot move past the apparent betrayal of her best friend. Alicent tries again to bridge the gap but ultimately stumbles and accidentally brings up the fact she had a male heir with no problems, something Rhaenyras own mother was unable to do. And around and around they go, with Rhaenyra and Alicent both tryingbut ultimately alienating eachother. The breaking point is when Rhaenyra is taken to a pleasure house with daemon. You can argue with me all you would like, but Alicent was a victim to Viserys and Rhaenyra was a victim to Daemon. She famously says that they were meant to burn together, but that is only so because Daemon made it so. From a young age, he favours her, he takes liberties with her, he gives her gifts and makes her feel special and scene. He is TEXT BOOK grooming her. So when Rhaenyras uncle (who has always been so special to her and given her rare gifts and indulged her) invites her our for a night of fun, she says yes. And when he initiates sexual contact with her, she reacts. She feels wanted and seen by him, and she is a 17 year old girl coming into her own, and she reacts to his escalation of grooming. And ultimately, when he once again plays with her emotions to make her desire him as he desires her, she leaves and finds her pleasure elsewhere. I am not here to argue about Criston Cole- they were both consenting and whilst one could definitely make an argument about the power dynamic on either side, I am not that person. During the confrontation, Alicent lashes out at Rhaenyra for having freedom she did not have and seemingly squandering it. She immediately is on the attack accusing Rhaenyra of things loudly and harshly. She insults not only Rhaenyra but also Rhaenyras family which she is now a part of. And in doing so, completely alienates herself from Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra, feeling cornered, tells a half truth and evades Alicent. And when Alicent speaks to Criston Cole, she does so softly and kindly. Looking at the two confrontations, it is no wonder one party was more willing to be completely honest as opposed to another.
At the end of the day, Alicent and Rhaenyra started out loving each other. Ultimately they are forced apart by the decisions and actions of men around them until what they had is so broken and unrecognisable it can no longer be fixed.
Alicent, at her core, was a victim. Unfortunately, her pain leads her to continue the cycle of abuse until she is almost unrecognisable from the girl she once was. She over reaches and abuses the excess of power she has from her husband (and rapists) sickness. She instills fear and hatred into her children, and continues her own parental abuse onto them. She became the abuser she once sought to escape.
Rhaenyra, was also a victim. She was much more privileged than Alicent in many ways, which is what allowed her to not be trapped in a loveless and painful marriage as Alicent was. She manages to make the best out of her situation, loving her husband as a life partner and not a lover. She breaks the cycle of abuse started by Targaryens generations before by not marrying her children at 13, by not picking favourites among them, by loving them and teaching them to be honourable boys. She ultimately is caught in the trap of her groomer and marries him, and he unsurprisingly abuses her. Whilst he fought for her and stood by her side, he ultimately hurt her too. Rhaenyra spent her entire life feeling discarded and alone, first by her father, then by her mothers death, then her friends apparent betrayal, by her uncle time and time again coming and going and speaking ill of her dead brother and taking his egg, by the realm once Aegon is born. She manages to be a healthy and loving parent despite her very obvious abandonment and attachment issues.
Unfortunately, all the children grow under their respective parents cycles, and the dance happens because ultimately, evil men did evil things.
Rhaenyra was a girl. A girl who could not realise her friend needed saving, a girl who felt alone. And Alicent was a just a girl, a girl forced into a widowers bed by her father, a girl who only knew pain until she thought it was normal and expected. They both deserved so much better at such a young age.
But ultimately everyone must grow up and change, and they changed so much and grew so separately, they could never again fit together as they once did.
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Team Green: Sorry your faves are boring 😊🤷‍♂️ Sure you're supposed to root for the Blacks but the Greens are just more fun. Jace is boring I'm here for my angsty disaster mess 💚
You realise that's bad writing, right? This is a family civil war drama. One side of that family civil war shouldn't be populated with blank slates. If no effort is made into making Rhaenyra and Daemon's children as fleshed out as Alicent's children then that is bad writing.
Some people find the Lannisters more fun than the Starks, but the Starks are still fleshed out characters (and considering in the books Jace is 14/15, Luke is 13, Joffrey, Baela & Rhaena are 12, Aegon the younger is 9 and Viserys is 7 - these kids ages almost map straight onto the Starklings so they were so meant to be our Targlings). It didn't have to be a zero sum "you can only have ONE side that's interesting". The show is poorer for it. Game of Thrones was a disaster in many ways, but at least the different sides of the conflict had equal screen time and attention.
How hard would it have been to flesh out Jace, or at least give him a half-decent haircut? He could have been a mirror to Jon Snow (they technically have the same initials). One is a bastard who does not know he's a targaryen prince, the other is a targaryen prince who discovers he is a bastard. In a world that hates bastards, that insists they are 'wanton and treacherous by nature', there was plenty of potential to explore some complicated emotions, to give weight to how he feels about being a bastard. The whispers that would have followed him, the scrutiny he would have felt, the internalised guilt and shame, his protectiveness over his little brothers and wish to spare them the truth. Maybe after Alicent confronted Aegon over the pig there could have been a shift where Aegon turns his bullying away from Aemond and towards Jace (more in keeping with book canon). Maybe Jace could feel anxious about lessons with Criston Cole due to his open hatred of him. Maybe he could be equal parts devoted to and resentful of his mother over his parentage, maybe he could be driven to perfectionism to prove himself worthy.
The show made Jace more violent in the fight with Aemond than in the book, by changing who started the fight (from Aemond to Rhaena and co.), by narrowing the age gap to make Jace more of a match for Aemond, and by having him draw a knife instead of a wooden toy sword. But they didn't earn that moment. How much more satisfying would it have been if both Aemond and Jace were given equal emotional weight in the build-up to the fight? If the hurt and anxiety at discovering he was a bastard had been building and building until it burst out. The entire reason the show changed the age dynamic between Rhaenyra and Alicent to make them peers and best friends was supposedly to make their conflict more dramatic - why would you then drop that approach with their kids? How does it make the civil war story better if one half of the next generation of characters aren't really characters?
They didn't even have to put much effort into Baela, as GRRM already had her brimming with personality on the page, but they just... ignored that and made her a non-entity. Oh she gets one punch in, and there's a blink and you'll miss it background shot of her trying to hit Aegon (at this point I don't think the actors were even directed to do that I think they just took it upon themselves). Meanwhile Baela in the books is wild and fearless and deliberately provocative and quick to anger and fiercely defensive of her loved ones and wrestles squires in the training yard and has a pet monkey and sneaks out in search of adventure and brings home 'unsuitable' friends. Including a legless beggar, a blacksmith's apprentice whose muscles she admired, a street conjurer, twin prostitutes and an entire troupe of mummers. And she alarms everyone due to being 'overly fond of boys' and gets epic lines like this when it is suggested she marry Lord Rowan:
“I’ve bedded two of his sons. The eldest and thirdborn, I think it was. Not both at once, that would have been improper.”
She could have been an absolutely chaotic presence onscreen. Rhaena meanwhile is a little more like Sansa to Baela's Arya, but would have needed more work to flesh her out onscreen. Her insecurities and wish for a dragon seemed promising at first, but they were dropped as soon as Aemond lost his eye. Because that was ultimately the narrative purpose she served - to provide a new reason for the fight to start that wasn't Aemond hitting and pushing a toddler into a pile of dragon poo. She helps Aemond's image by being the one to start the fight instead of him, and from then on she becomes a voiceless non-entity. We watch Aemond fly away victoriously on Vhagar, we don't see Rhaena tearfully watching the last link to her mother vanish over the horizon.
Considering the prominent role of bastards during the dance (especially the dragonseeds), the uninterest in exploring bastardy in Jace makes little sense. Considering the centrality of gender to the story (and considering a certain event involving key players during the dance), the lack of effort into Baela and Rhaena makes zero sense (the show doesn't even bring up their right to Driftmark in an episode dedicated to discussing the rightful heir to Driftmark).
Considering especially that in fantasy black women are so often consigned to minor Missandei roles, the fact that we were robbed of Baela and Rhaena as main characters particularly stings. Baela in particular was an easy fan favourite in the book, and its a role that black women and girls so rarely get to play. If you had told me before the show that Helaena would be a fan favourite over Baela, I wouldn't have believed it. And don't get me wrong, I like that they fleshed out Helaena in the show, like Rhaena she didn't have much of a presence in the book. But it is so typical that the relative non-entity that they kept white gets to be fleshed out, while the more fleshed out character that they made black becomes a non-entity. And Helaena is skinny now, of course (all love to Phia Saban, but I am mourning plump Helaena).
And don't get me started on Kylo Raemond.
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itasasubirthday · 4 months
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ItaSasu Birthday Bash 2024: Prompts and Rules/FAQ
Banner done by @uchihasavior
Dates of posting: June 9th - July 23rd, 2024
Welcome to ItaSasu Birthday Bash 2024! This event is to celebrate Itachi and Sasuke's respective birthdays and content which features either of them. We are more than welcome to the Itachi x Sasuke (ItaSasu/SasuIta) ship, but ships featuring either of them in the dynamic are welcome. Come join us and enjoy the prompt fest. This post has the overview of prompts and rules/FAQ below the cut.
Prompt List
Prompts done by @likorys-shimenawa 
Prompt number, date, and prompt. Pick at least one prompt per day..
🍡 Set 1: Prompts 1-9, June 9-17
1, June 9: Nightmares / Sharing the bed
2, June 10: Uniform / Cross-dressing
3, June 11: First kill / First kiss
4, June 12: Blades / Training
5, June 13: Life or death / Shared mission
6, June 14: Kintsugi / Origami
7, June 15: Summons / Pets
8, June 16: Funeral / Birthday
9, June 17: free prompt day, break and catch up
🍡 Set 2: Prompts 10-18, June 18-26
10, June 18: Keepsake / Promise
11, June 19: Initiation / Embrace
12, June 20: Choking / Cuddling
13, June 21: Separation / Sightseeing
14, June 22: Sensory loss / Blind date
15, June 23: Night terrors / Illusions
16, June 24: Scars / Transformation
17, June 25: Memory loss / Anniversary
18, June 26: free prompt day, break and catch up
🍡 Set 3: Prompts 19-27, June 27-July 5 🍅
19, June 27: Hair cutting / Braids
20, June 28: Ceremony / Sacrifice
21, June 29: Loneliness / Festivals
22, June 30: Disguise / Dolls
23, July 1: De-aging / Growing old
24, July 2: Injury / Recovery
25, July 3: Failure / Promotion
26, July 4: Ghosts / Legacy
27, July 5: free prompt day, break and catch up
🍅 Set 4: Prompts 28-36, July 6-13
28, July 6: Bed-rest / Sickness
29, July 7: Kemonomimi / Storm
30, July 8: Panic attack / Teamwork
31, July 9: Arranged marriage / Soulmates
32, July 10: Paper lanterns / Fire
33, July 11: Butterflies / Needles
34, July 12: Wires / Puppets
35, July 13: Toys / Mind control
36, July 14: free prompt day, break and catch up
🍅 Set 5: Prompts 37-45, July 15-23
37, July 15: Betrayal / Vows
38, July 16: Team effort / Isolation
39, July 17: Children / Reincarnation
40, July 18: Stargazing / Exile
41, July 19: Change of season / Time-loop
42, July 20: White Day / Starvation
43, July 21: Cooking / Poison
44, July 22: Garden / Trap
45, July 23: free prompt day, break and catch up, event wrap up
Please click the jump for our rules/FAQ information. Send us an ask if you have a question. We hope you have fun!
Event Period
ItaSasu Birthday Bash 2024
June 9th - July 23rd, 2024
The event officially begins on June 9th and ends on July 23rd.
The Event
What is the event?
The event is an Itachi/Sasuke ship inspired prompt fest month style of event with a birthday theme. It is respectively for Itachi and Sasuke's birthdays on their own as well.
Do I have to sign up somewhere?
No. You can create works and post works at your will.
Is this a low stress event?
Yes. No pressure. Just posting Itachi/Sasuke or Itachi and Sasuke based content for everyone to enjoy.
How did the event start?
The members on the ItaSasu Discord server decided on the dates and put together a list of prompts. Prompts were randomly chosen and their dates. Originally, the idea of the birthday month fest was to celebrate ItaSasu during the time in between Sasuke and Itachi's birthdays. This year, we have opened things up for not only ItaSasu / SasuIta content but content that features either Itachi and Sasuke. This choice was made to give more options for creating works.
Where are all the places the event will be held I can follow?
Click here for our Tumblr.
Click here for our Twitter.
Click here for the ItaSasu Birthday Bash AO3 collection.
The ItaSasu Discord server
Server Discord link: https://discord.gg/sZAmmTMSDt
Do I have to be on the ItaSasu Discord server to join the event?
You do not have to be on the server. Anyone who isn’t using Discord can join in on the event and fill out the prompts. Participate in the way you want to participate.
I have a question that isn’t answered here!
Feel free to send an ask to this account or join our ItaSasu Discord server for questions you need answered for the event. In #events on the server you can discuss your work or ask questions.
What types of media are allowed?
Anything you want to create is allowed. Fic, art, comics, icons, edits, moodboards, manips, headcanons, physical crafts, media, video, audio, etc.
What does “birthday” mean in the context on this event?
Birthday can mean anything from singing a cheerful happy birthday to receiving a wonderful present. It can mean something fluffy and sweet with characters coming closer together. It can be sad feelings someone forgot their birthday, or life isn't going quite right on a birthday. Birthdays can be full of memories. It is a nostalgic time of the year. Birthdays naturally lend different moods or surroundings as the year pass and things change overtime. Itachi and Sasuke have a relationship which hits these changes with their age and experience, so you can hit whichever side of the changes you want to tackle.
Do I have to use the birthday theme in my work?
It isn’t mandatory to use a birthday theme as a central focus alongside your prompt. But in the same vein as the theme, you can make your work completely birthday-themed with the listed prompts so it does take place during the birthday occasions, or you can give your work nods to a birthday theme in spirit. We are flexible on how this is done and how you want to handle your prompts.
Are OCs allowed?
Yes. Put your OCs in your work in any way you want.
Can I create works for just Sasuke or Itachi on their own?
Yes. You can create works for them separately.
Which ships are allowed?
ItaSasu / SasuIta content is of course allowed! Ships that include Itachi and Sasuke in some way are allowed as well. For example, you can create Itachi/Shisui or Sasuke/Naruto if that hits your fancy.
Are polyamory/threesome ships allowed?
Poly ships which include either Itachi or Sasuke or both of them somewhere in the relationship dynamic are allowed. For example, a poly ship could be Sasuke/Naruto/Sakura or Itachi/Sasuke/Shisui.
Can there be background characters and ships?
Yes. You can include background characters or ships that don't have Itachi or Sasuke in them. Itachi or Sasuke focused content or a ship with them should still have some type of content in your work.
Besides Naruto, can I include works with Boruto, AUs, or crossovers?
Yes, you can include them in your works, or other fandoms.
What will not be tolerated?
Hateful, offensive, or inflammatory content aimed towards other participants or the subject of the event. As long as content doesn’t bash or insult other participants for the content of their work (e.g. ships, characters, choice of tropes) and stays relevant to the atmosphere of the birthday bash, you can create for it.
How many prompts do I have to use a day?
At least one prompt. We have only one prompt per line this time, so this prompt should be the one that is used in some interpretation.
Can I do more than one work per day?
Yes, of course you can!
Is there a length requirement?
No. You can create a work of any length.
Can I mix the types of content I want to create?
Mixing media types for separate prompts, or for the same prompt, is fine. You can write a fic for one prompt and create art for another prompt.
Is NSFW or trigger content allowed?
Absolutely! Do what you want with NSFW tropes, kinks, or triggering content. We do not have specific content restrictions or ratings for what you can create, so any type of ratings is fine to create.
Should I tag my work for sensitive content?
We ask you to tag your work appropriately for content like violence or sexual themes across the platform you post your works on. Warnings for triggers and NSFW count. Redirect to other sites for NSFW content that can’t be posted on Tumblr, give warnings in tweets, or put cuts on content that might need a cut, etc. The ItaSasu Discord server has NSFW channels for NSFW content.
Does my work have to be new for the event?
Ideally, your work should be a new work for the event so your work can properly focus on the prompts we have provided here. All content should stand as a full work for the event and does not need other works for the content to make sense. However, if you want to draw inspiration from another work, you can use WIPs you haven’t posted yet or separate the entry into a unique and standalone work.
What should I do on the free prompt/break day option?
You can use any trope, kink, or idea you have in mind that otherwise appeals to you for a prompt of your choice. This day is helpful if you aren’t interested in the other prompts on the list or you want to work on something that might not fit the themes for ships or characters. You may work on prompts you need to for other days as well, or you can take a break from working on prompts. This day is very lenient.
Where can I post my work?
Anywhere you want! Tumblr, Twitter, AO3, FFN, Dreamwidth, etc. You can add your works to our ItaSasu Birthday Bash AO3 subcollection.
Can I submit my work to the Tumblr blog?
You can submit your work on the blog. You may send a message to us after a few days if we don’t post your work and make sure we received it, but we will do our best to post your submission as soon as we can. Submissions might close after the prompt period is finished and you won’t be able to submit anymore, so you’ll have to post those work entries without submitting them if that happens.
How can I make it easier to share my work?
Tumblr: Long posts can go behind cuts so it’s easier to share it. Put event tags in the first five tags. Submissions with NSFW content in the post may not be possible to post on the event blog since Tumblr doesn’t allow posting NSFW content, so please host that elsewhere and share a link to that content.
Twitter: Put warnings of important content in the first tweet of your thread, or at least somewhere that can be found easily if you post it in another tweet.
General: You should have content tags in place that can be seen.Include links to your works or tags. Art can have crops if you want to exclude NSFW in an image, and fics can have descriptive information like a summary or notes.
Where can I tag the event so my work will be retweeted/reblogged?
Tumblr: @ itasasubirthday​  
Twitter: @ itasasubirthday​
Post on the ItaSasu Discord server in #events or separate NSFW channels.
What tags should I use?
AO3: ItaSasu Birthday Bash, ItaSasu Birthday Bash 2023
Twitter, Tumblr, elsewhere: #ItaSasuBirthdayBash or #ItaSasuBirthdayBash2024
You can tag the prompt day such as #ItaSasuBirthdayBashDay1
Can I post early?
Please don’t post your works too early. Start posting works at whatever time is June 9th in your timezone. Or another timezone. Close enough.
Can I post my work late?
Late submissions are perfectly acceptable and encouraged even if you do them months after the event. We will still happily reblog/retweet your work as long as we see it after the event. We may see your works in the tags for the event at some point, but the best way for us to see your late work is to tag us directly.
Tags for @faneventshub
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cdelphiki · 2 months
so i read jason and the three terrors a couple weeks ago and it sent me down a spiral of binging all your other works and so far i think all of them have made me cry. i just finished life happens, and initially i saw it and thought “ok this will be a fun concept with some good brother bonding with tim and damian!” and i should have known better than to underestimate you. i have not cried that much over a fic in over a year, the end absolutely ripped my heart out and then put it back together and left me sitting in the wreckage in a state of absolute shock and post fic depression. i’m still recovering.
you have a way of taking every story you write, each concept and AU and making what seems simple so so complex and dynamic. i don’t know how you do it, but the way you weave your stories and the progression of all the characters you write is so flawless and beautiful, it has literally brought me to tears at least three times. i know this is like just basically me waxing poetics about your writing, but genuinely every story i’ve read so far has left me feeling such a deep ache in my bones for the characters you’ve written.
jason’s progressing relationship with the children, damian and tim’s relationship, the way you wrote all the little moments building up to the trust and love they all eventually have for each other, it’s all so so beautiful.
i’ve always wanted to write my own stories since i was a kid, but i’ve never been able to give a story the life or the complexity and nuance it needs to be what i want it to be, but you achieve that with every fic. i just wanted you to know the way you write is so so profound and beautiful and i know this is just a very long winded rambling, but i just don’t think enough authors get to hear how deeply they’ve touched their audiences. you deserve to know that sharing your stories with people, while not always a pleasant experience, has made an impact and i wanted to just say thank you <333 tim and damian’s story will stay tucked in my ribcage next to my heart forever :) 🖤🖤
🥺😭 I read this last night and saved it so I could read it again today. Especially with Life Happens I tried to weave in a theme and “moral” to the story, and it was one I was learning to live in my own life so it was deeply personal to me and it always always touches me when someone reaches out to say they saw the complexity and everything I worked so hard on. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my work, your ask really made my day yesterday and it’s made it again today. ❤️ Writing is a passion of mine, thanks for making me feel good about it. ❤️❤️
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portrait-of-a-moron · 2 months
Hear me out, I’m over analyzing Jays Lore again.
Libber and Cliff’s relationship reminds me so much of Loretta Young and Clarke Gable.
Loretta and Gable were well-known actors in the 30s, and at the time that Loretta got pregnant, were working on a romance film in 1935. She hid the pregnancy because it would cause too much drama within Hollywood at the time, and she saw no other option. Judy Lewis (the daughter) was born late in that year, and was given up to orphanages for the first few years of her life before Loretta adopted her, later privately disclosing that she was her mom.
Libber and Cliff had Jay, but Libber ended up giving him away to Ed and Edna because of Cliff’s absence, and because she just couldn’t take care of him on her own. Cliff the chronic womanizer can’t keep a stable family dynamic, clearly.
This was essentially the same case with Loretta and Gable, since he was married at the time, and their daughter was not conceived consensually. He was not present in Judy’s life except for one time, where he went to visit Loretta and ask how Judy was. Judy had no idea Gable was her father then.
Cliff didn’t keep contact with Jay at all, but as seen in Skybound, he did keep up with his life, collecting like photos of him and his zx suit I think (don’t quote me on the suit thing I haven’t watched skybound in a bit).
Gable and Cliff both consciously chose to keep up with their children without ever telling them that they were their father.
Also, totally not proving my point but I do think it’s fun that the initials match too. J and J, CG and CG, L and L.
Idk!!! I just, I’m nerding out about history shit and Lego shit all at once it’s autism extravaganza over here. I know it’s not what inspired it but it just reminds me so so much of it.
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