#their friendship to develop over the years so its more meaningful!!
aurorangen · 2 years
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I'm in love with you Leilani ❤️
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lurkingshan · 2 months
Knock Knock Boys: The Unexpected Delight of the Summer Season
Who would have thought that this little under appreciated pulp would come in and steal the Thai BL summer season with so many bigger, shinier, more expensive shows on air? Not me! But here we are, and Knock Knock Boys is going down as one of my unexpected favorites of 2024.
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I liked this show from the start, with its premise of four men, each dealing with various Life Situations, coming to live together in a shared home and developing natural friendships and romantic attachments. Each episode begins with a cold open that puts us squarely in the middle of their latest shenanigan and then we jump back to work our way there over the course of the episode. The writing is clever, the directing and editing is zippy and fun, and the whole thing is founded on queer and sex positive themes. I expected it to be a sexy, comedic romp with a sprinkle of mystery as we learned more each week about what these boys were running from.
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And it is that, sometimes. But it is also a surprisingly touching story of queer friendship and finding yourself and your tribe and building courage to live an authentic life with the support of your loved ones. It's a story about making the effort to understand and giving each other space to figure ourselves out. It's a story about the importance of communication and giving others a chance to come through for you. It’s a story about how true friendship and patience and empathy can empower someone to change their life.
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And it's also a touching romance, times two. Latte and Almond were the favorites all the way through for most of us watching, and seeing them go from friends to something more to proper boyfriends was so lovely. What I loved most about their arc together is how gently it advanced; despite Latte starting the show as our resident sexually experienced pansexual, he was also clear that sex and relationships are meaningful to him, and we saw that in how he pursued Almond with utmost patience. Almond was completely inexperienced and fixated on another guy when they met, and Latte was his genuine friend in helping him sort through his feelings and move on from Jumper before he was a prospective love interest. When Almond became more aware of the attraction between them and they began dating, it all felt natural, as did the progression of their physical intimacy. They are precious and their relationship has such a strong foundation that it's easy to believe they'll stay together long term.
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Perhaps most surprising to me is how much I ended up loving the Peak and Thanwa romance, as well. Peak's journey, and the way it ultimately landed, is what sent this show into the stratosphere, and it's where that theme about patience that I mentioned above comes through most strongly. For much of their story, Peak and Thanwa were caught in a frustrating cycle of constantly misunderstanding each other, and it was mostly down to Peak's failure to communicate about his family situation and the way it was restricting him. These two kept missing beats, refusing to talk, and hurting each other because they just couldn't get it together to clear the air, and that can be hard to watch episode to episode. But once we have the full picture, Peak's behavior becomes understandable, both to Thanwa and to us, and we can only join his friends in rooting for him and giving him strength to be brave. And he was, in one of the most satisfying and heartwarming scenes I've seen in bl this year.
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I just can't recommend this show highly enough, and I've kept things somewhat vague above because I hope more of you will watch it now that it's over and available for a binge. This show is not perfect, but it's so heartfelt and you will be rewarded in the end. You can find the show on Gaga and the small but mighty crew of us regular viewers screaming about it every week in the tag. You don't want to miss it!
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
Do you think there’s any hope of Tim getting a transition story anytime soon?
If so, what would you like to see?
Depends what you mean by transition.
In terms of Tim getting a new hero identity? I suspect the order of events there consists of "someone pitches something that DC likes, that they think will sell, and that fans won't overreact to", and then title sells well.
Because they got burnt during Young Justice 2019. Whether or not you think 'Drake' was a terrible idea for a new identity, the fandom reaction to it made it that much less likely for Tim to get given a new ID.
Because I guarantee for you that no matter what someone proposes, there will be people who kick back against it, and for it to work, it's going to need to be woven into DC mythology in a meaningful way.
This is where I'm going to point out that MOST Bats are running around using legacy identities. Nightwing is a legacy Superman-related identity, that Clark gave to Dick as part of their friendship, that goes back to the 1960s. Red Hood is a legacy identity, that Jason took from Joker and turned into his own as a take that. Batgirl is a legacy identity, that traces to Betty Kane and to Barbara, which is actively used by Steph and Cass. Robin is a legacy identity that belongs to Dick. Red Robin is a legacy identity - it was developed for Dick in Kingdom Come, and it passed through Jason to get to Tim. Kate Kane is Batwoman BECAUSE Kathy Kane was Batwoman, and Batwoman and Batgirl were deliberately designed to be feminine legacies of Batman. Azrael as a mantle is explicitly a legacy mantle that JPV holds.
Yes, Steph as the Spoiler and Duke and the Signal work and were accepted by the public as solid hero names, but those were both their first proper identities, and they were new characters without a significant weight of backstory.
Oracle works as an identity for Barbara because John Ostrander and Kim Yale spent the time and worked up a backstory for Barbara's transition into becoming Oracle, and made it full of joy and promise. She seized something new and created it for herself out of the ruins of where she'd been left as a character.
This is why I hate when people just throw out suggestions for random bird names for Tim to have a new identity. It has no depth to it. There's no point in calling Tim 'Blackbird' or 'Raptor' or whatever unless you invest in storytelling for why Tim would find that a meaningful name to represent. Why does he attach more meaning to it than being Robin (or Red Robin). It's lazy storytelling.
You can rescue it from an Elseworlds or another Earth. It doesn't have to be a direct "I am giving you my ID" like the transfer of Robin. But it needs to have history to it as a name for it to feel right as an identity for Tim Drake, a legacy character who has been around for 35 years, and who is fiercely associated with the concept of belonging to a team. It needs to speak to who he is as a character, and what his goals are in using that identity.
This is why Tim!Nightwing during the Ric Grayson period would have worked - Nightwing has that meaning, and if you wrote Tim and Dick working on finding a 'graduation' name for Tim through that story you could have stuck whatever nonsense you wanted as it, because then you would have built in the meaning (that it was a Dick and Tim project together).
So yeah, that's what I'd like to see for a Tim with a new identity. Someone who's put in the work to choose something meaningful from the back catalogue and develop an argument that Tim would use it. Because they're going to have to sell fans on it.
If, however you mean transition in terms of 'Tim is trans': no. I do not think it is likely that DC are interested in writing that for Tim, and I am really reluctant to see it as it would only get him pigeonholed even harder as 'the queer Robin', to be pulled out for use out of obligation for Pride.
Also they just got burnt over that Kon story and its reaction, and I think DC are currently more interested in working on their development of trans characters who are trans from creation (see Nia Nal, who's getting a boost in the current events).
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veenotes · 1 year
i have to rant about this or i might cease to exist. 
for one, i love queer ships (canon or not) but i also like to stay true to the show i’m watching, and i personally don’t have a big problem with sylki (just a little underwhelmed with it if i’m being honest). but the more i look at loki and mobius’ relationship, the clues and that damn song, the more it feels actually plausible that this could turn into something real.
i’m going to somewhat rank these from 1 downward, 1 being its probably coincidental, down to this is too spot on to be nothing. all while i sip leisurely at my tea.
1. “i’ve studied almost every moment of your life..”
it kind of speaks for itself. its a pretty simple bit of dialogue, and most likely doesn’t mean all that much, but what is mobius’ fascination with loki variants? this is higher on the list mainly because mobius has been assigned this case, he's a detective and its his job to dig deep, he's consumed by his work, therefore it isn't strange for him to know so much about loki's life on the sacred timeline.
2. the tie adjustment scene
trust me, i'd love to put this lower on the list, but theres one thing that makes me believe this is-- albeit disappointingly-- a coincidence. it was improv. maybe that, for some people, is more of an indicator of canon lokius, that tom hiddleston felt that that scene was being led in such a flirtatious direction, however, this scene was more his following along owen's playful presence on set, which just makes it kind of sweet. but this is one of my favourites scenes, regardless of the intention behind it. loki will always be a flirt, after all.
3. loki's bisexuality
as much as i would have loved to see more on loki's sexuality-- perhaps slightly more explicitly given his status as the god of mischief-- i'm not going to hate on sylvie and loki, because that would simply erase the existence of bisexuality, hetero-presenting relationships exist and to deny so would again, erase the meaning of bisexuality. however, the ending of season 1 does raise some questions. loki and sylvie's separation sets up the future of marvel, it needed to happen, so this might not mean much at all and we now know that season 2 will focus on loki searching for sylvie through timelines. but how purely queer would it be for loki to realise some stronger feelings toward one agent mobius, and perhaps loki and sylvie's relationship was something that was meant to stay platonic, who knows? this is considerably more fanon than my other theories, but i had to include it, given that to me, its a reasonable arguement. lgbtq+ characters need to be introduced and this was kate herron's goal from the beginning. she also said that she hoped marvel went further with this new information and explored more thoroughly. forgive me for this more outlandish inclusion, but it has been on mind for awhile now.
4. the presence of the dagger / "love is a dagger..."
we all know this one, we've all screamed over it and we all hope it means something more than just a coincidence. with marvel's history of in-depth attention to detail (comic references, foreshadowing years prior to a movie's release), it feels a little too purposeful, doesn't it? again, i'm trying to keep rank these into something somewhat believable with viable evidence, so something i will mention is that loki has lacked any close friendships his whole life. gaining a relationship like this would hold deep value to him, and parting ways would likely pull forth some deep bittersweet emotions. platonic love is arguably more important than romantic, the need to be understood without judgement and that is what both mobius and loki have given each other. the tears in loki's eyes during this scene is a clear indicator of their care for each other, but whether that goes deeper is unclear.
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my thoughts fluctuate on this one. for one, its simply so beautiful and meaningful to loki's development (and mobius') that whether its meant platonic or with an underlying romance, feels like it hardly matters, because it holds as much meaning either way. "love is a dagger", it appears in so many forms throughout the series: mobius giving loki his daggers, only for them to be taken away by B-15 a second later, this hug scene and loki and sylvie's fight in the citadel. its so prominent in this scene, its hard to dismiss, yet marvel fluctuates so much with their details that its hard to tell if this was intended the way i'm seeing. regardless, its beautiful and definitely a worthy inclusion.
5. the lokius song / mobius' apparent jealousy
lets get one thing straight, natalie holt is an amazing composer and i will back that to no end with my spotify wrapped this year, trust me on this. so when i first started listening through the second album, like a true neurodivergent kid, i was memorising every song name and i have to say, i lost it a little when i saw the name of this song. natalie confirmed that sif and loki had a 'thing' during the point that the time loop scene was set, so one cannot dismiss the possibility that she could know a little more about the prior scenes than we realise. i was skeptical when i first saw people's impressions of these scenes, after all, they had all reunited after loki technically betrayed mobius, so it was understandable that mobius wouldn't exactly be pleased with the circumstances that they're meeting again. but something about the way he looks at loki and sylvie when he's leading them down the hall, he just looks kind of heartbroken and disappointed. again, this could have been the result of loki's betrayal, if the way he calls him a bad friend is anything to go by, but the substance of this scene holds so much in it. and his little rant about loki and sylvie's "twisted romantic relationship" breaking his reality, hits a little hard. maybe this wouldn't have meant much if it hadn't been with that bloody song, because tell how just an angry, hurt mobius = lokius? it can be jealousy regardless of romantic feelings, friendships feel it too, but this feel a little more substantial.
worthy inclusions:
sylvie's "he cares about you" comment in the void, and loki's near dismissal of it.
loki falling asleep in the archives, he trusts mobius.
am i the only one that finds it cute how loki hangs out at mobius' desk while mobius is off doing other work?
look, i'm going to be honest here, i grow sceptical of my own arguments at times. these are very minor things, and i didn't even realise they were pushing loki and sylvie in the direction they were until they kiss (in other words, i'm a little oblivious), so i want you all to take this with a grain of salt. i like to stay true to the actual characters and their makers, i don't have unrealistic expectations and i am no director, actor or screenwriter. i am not saying how i think the next season should go, i just wish it could go to in this direction to some degree. i have my doubts, but my hopes too. regardless, i'm just happy to see these characters at all!
this is what so many seem to forget. there may be restrictions (cough cough disney), but everyone working on these shows and movies have put their hearts into it and i want to appreciate that for what it is! this doesn't mean you aren't entitled to your own opinion, of course you are! but just remember the show/characters you've fallen in love with and if you didn't have them at all. i'm overjoyed to see loki with a close friendship after so many years of watching him being proverbially kicked while he was down. ultimately, loki and mobius' friendship (and possible romance) is what technically saved loki and that's something beautiful in and of itself.
I don't think its impossible! but i keep an open mind for both directions their stories could take.
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1dcommunityficrecs · 8 months
Happy Singles Awareness Day to all my single pringles out there! Enjoy the half-price leftover chocolate, you deserve to treat yourself. And while you do, please enjoy the third community-sourced reclist, full of fics that AREN'T all about dating and love and sex and romantic happily-ever-afters (those stories are also great, but they can have the other 365 days of this leap year to be celebrated).
Please, leave a kudos, a comment, a reblog, a bookmark, whatever way you like to show your platonic love for these wonderful creators. And then, get ready for the next category -- community-suggested and community-voted!
That's The Way Love Goes by red_panda28 (8800, Not Rated, Louis Tomlinson & Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson & Niall Horan) - fic post
Liam is going through a break up. Louis remembers his own break up in the past
Reccer says: at its core it's a Larry fic, but the main focus is on Louis friendship with Liam (and Niall)
There's Nothing In Our Way That Can't Be Moved by LiveLaughLoveLarry (2770, General, None)
Based on We Made It from Walls. Louis reflects on the people who have stood by him through thick and thin, and how far they've come.
Reccer says: This fic reminds me how proud I am of Louis and everything he's fought to accomplish -- and I'm so proud to be able to support him and watch him flourish.
Pals and Confidantes by yeah_alright/uhoh-but-yeah-alright (2500, General, Niall Horan & Liam Payne & Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Golden Girls AU - Older OT4 friends sitting around eating cheesecake and sharing their worst date stories
Reccer says: I love that it's all dialogue - written like a script. So fun and funny! Great golden girls vibes with so many fun 1d tidbits sprinkled throughout!
Virginia is for Lovers by haztobegood (1700, General, Niall Horan & Harry Styles) - fic post
Harry and Niall go hiking in the Appalachian Mountains.
Reccer says: A short and sweet canon compliant fic
For One of the Least of These by LadyLondonderry (6500, General, Horan & Zayn Malik & Liam Payne & Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
The one where Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn are witches and Louis is the fox with a curse.
Reccer says: This fic has excellent banter and hilarious hijinks as the boys try to break a magical curse
Housewives of Our Lives by homosociallyyours (500, General, Niall Horan & Zayn Malik & Liam Payne & Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson)
A Girl Direction ficlet where ot5 gets together to watch The Real Housewives of New York together. Because it's gay and they're gay and why the heck not?
Reccer says: This fic is proof there should be more girl direction ot5 friendship fics. Their dynamic in this fic is incredible!
Rising to the Occasion by LadyAJ_13 (3800, General, Niall Horan & Liam Payne & Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
OT4 participate in the Great British Stand up to Cancer Bakeoff
Reccer says: The friendly competition of GBBO combines with the playfulness of 1D for this wholesome treat of a fic!
bad luck to talk on these rides by wordsnnotes (10430, General, Liam Payne & Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: mentions of aphobia
Liam just started dating Zayn and is desperate to make a good impression on Louis, his best friend. But things are off to an awkward start.
Reccer says: The friendship that developed between them became so meaningful, and I loved the platonic love that grew between them.
A Special Bond by Neondiamond (1110, General, Harry Styles & Niall Horan) - fic post
Niall and Harry take Harry's daughter Lilah out to see the Christmas lights over London.
Reccer says: It's very cute and sweet, both Niall and Harry dote on little Lilah. The linked pictures add a neat multimedia element as well!
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mr-ame · 2 years
I think, this event is a sweet opportunity to tell more about my apprentice and put them finally on the spot. They are pretty developed, but in my head only, because I was not... well secure enough? to give them more credit.
Thanks to @ghoulfriendfangss for such an inspiring prompt list!
So, meet now Robin, my apprentice
Day 1 - Introduction
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Pronouns: they/she/him
Familiar: Carrot the european robin
Birthday: 25 may
Height: 5'6,5''(169cm)
Favorite color: ochre
Favorite season: autumn
Fashion sense: boho baroque
Sexuality: Demisexual
Self-insert level: aprox 35%
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Robin is a confident and friendly magician. Curiosity and need to be interested, entartained and involved are their key qualities alongside with how stubborn they are. However they find it hard to read people and get attached to them. That never helped making a lot of connections. It leaves Robin having a lot of familliar friendly faces around the district, but very few close friends. Robin is hardly ever bored, they enjoy keeping their aunt's magic shop and providing townspeople with whatever household magic tricks they need.
Resurrection made Robin change from the way they used to be. They lost colors in their appearence and became less loud and superficial. They feel urge to remember themselves again, to get all the pieces connected, but they are also afraid of failing to connect to their past self. Robin became a quiet observer seeking to find hidden truth in details.
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Robin likes: nature, traveling, playing on words, working as a shop keeper, doing any sort of fortune telling, learning and discovering new ways of magic, collecting trinkets of all kind; calm people, hot drinks, sunsets, abandoned empty locations like ruins or dead cites; finding traces of ancient or hidden magic in places and objects; music and dancing.
Robin dislikes: too many rules and prohibitions; being told what to do in a humilating way; having somebody make important decisions for them; people who are mean and fast to judge; not being able to find a solution; giving up on people, ideas and objects.
Day 2 - LI and their relationship
Asra is Robin's one and only love interest. I could only see the rest of the routes as friendship routes for Robin.
Their relationship is sweet and caring partnership in crime.
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Their connection grew slowly throughout time. Journey from strangers to close friends took them a number of years. Robin was surprised to see Asra coming back to spend time together over and over again, but it was a pleasant surprise obviously. They found themselves the most relaxed around Asra. They bonded over their light playful tempers and shared fascination with magic and it's mysteries.
Asra was the first person who choose to be near all the time and Robin welcomed him naturally. Being on their own was fine to Robin. But finding a friend like him made them realize how meaningful connections can be. Robin started to care more about townsfolk and neighborhood habitants to the point that when the plague came, Robin could not stay a bystander.
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After resurrection Robin only saw Asra as a friend and teacher. While appreciating his supportive and patient attitude, Robin desired autonomy. They were eager to learn doing everything by themselves. Asra made everything for Robin not to feel like a burden, but they still wanted to do better, to feel better and to make him proud.
By the timeline of the game prologue Robin started to feel mixed feelings. They were proud of their own progress. Never since they remember themselves they felt as confident as now. And at the same time they noticed Asra distancing himself a lot (I believe it happened because the more mc became resembling the old self, the harder it was to contain his emotions but its my tiny little hc). That was the first time Robin realized that instead of needing Asra's help, they missed his company. Now that they did not need to hold his hand to stand and walk properly, Robin realized that they missed the sensation of his palm in their in a different way.
So they started making steps towards Asra, completely unaware of his true feelings. The way how eager he met them midways was another surprise for Robin. And slowly uncovering his secrets through the route made them fall harder for this person.
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randomnameless · 10 months
What are the odds of, 20 years from now, IS releasing a 3 Houses remake but with:
most of the “uwu” moments removed
Edelgard being constantly and explicitly portrayed as a villain with characters calling her out on her actions
Massively reduced recruitment options
deeper worldbuilding for Almyra and Adrestia
Claude explicitly adressing that Almyra's just as much at fault for it's bad relations with Fodlan as the other way around and swearing to work to get them to stop pillaging and taking child slaves
TWISTD not being so story-breakingly OP
CF not existing at all, or at least being rewritten from the ground up and being fully finished instead of a glorified reskin of another route
Dimitri's friends, especially Dedue, supporting him and being important for his character development instead of just Byleth
Byleth being fully-voiced and having a very clearly-defined personality and beliefs, being an Avatar only in the fact that the player can choose a different name for them but otherwise being a normal FE protagonist
Rhea's S-support being erased from existence, along with her getting new supports with her family and friends and more plot relevance post-timeskip
Sothis' S-support also being erased, especially if CF still exists, and having her be rewritten so that she only gets her memory back right before fusing with Byleth, apologizing to her children for leaving them alone again but refusing to let Byleth die, staying unambiguously dead for the rest of the game
I highly doubt any of this will ever happen, mind, but if it did, 3H might just jump multiple spots into being one of the best FE games lol
Oh, anon :(
I'm afraid this will never happen lol
FE16's main appeal is the uwu factor, you have to feel bad for Supreme Leader who is sekritly the red emperor, even if she does red emperor things.
That's the basis on which FE16 was built, a lot of parasocial pandering towards Supreme Leader, which will make the player feel "sad uwus" when they will have to fight her, always wondering if they couldn't have picked her route instead.
(I say "sad uwus" and not "feel bad", because Fates made the player feel bad, by having characters react to Corn's choice, and Corn, in turn, reaction to all the salt and shit thrown at their face, as the result of their actions).
And while we could think FE16 is also a story meant to challenge the players, and have them realise they're interacting with biased narrators so it's up to them to find the truth and make their own opinion about the world - imo this reading, while a thousand times more interesting than "uwu be sad uwu" is, imo, not the one the devs prioritized, hence the constant supply of Hresvelg Grey.
As I ultimately came to realise (when nopes was released lol), no Fodlan game can circle around and ignore the uwu factor. Uwuing about Earl Grey and always being a carpet to some lord characters is part of Fodlan's DNA - the faves will always take precedence over the world/lore's coherence.
Clout wonders about Fodlan's isolationism and if it has any relationship with Seiros's tenets? No one, not even Hilda, will tell him that Fodlan might not like its neighbours because said neighbours are always trying to invade them (as she could speak for Almyra). Leonie and Claude wonder if they will get some sort of retribution for saying out loudly they don't believe everything good in the world comes from Sothis... when the Alliance is later revealed to be a place where no one really gives a fuck about religion, and when no line, on-screen, has been thrown around that could justify their doubt and worries (not even a random NPC dissing people for being students in the officer's academy even if they are not particularly religious).
Supreme Leader is another can of tea lol, but you get the meaning.
This is also why, I believe, we will never get WoH meaningful content (and not Epi wanting to use the power of friendship to help his genociding fwends!) because we can't uwu about it -
Much like every story centered on the Lions (even if AM got the Parley scene...), a plot hax has to happen to make you forget everything about the red emperor emperoring because now she's a puppet and nothing has ever been her fault and what is even agency and accountability ?
So we got the general "good old academy days" that Engage tried to push, and the recent Heroes alts -to avoid talking about post TS Fodlan, because IS doesn't want to talk about post TS Fodlan.
I mean, if you're not in FE16 with the various "Rhea maybe BaD bcs Nader raids Fodlan every monday to show everyone how large his penis is" and unable to meaningfuly interact with that world, all the "Crust System + IdEaLs" nonsense just sound like Ashnard's battle convo, and while Almedha still seems to be fond of him, she's the only one on Tellius who still has positive feelings about Ashnard as a person.
Tl:Dr : Fodlan's DNA is "Supreme Leader uwu" + "Rhea BaD" + "don't ever question the characters and nod when they say something ridiculous".
If you remove even one of those core principles, FE16 crumbles, so at that point, it wouldn't be a remake that would be released, anon, but an entire AU to the game.
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mbti-notes · 2 years
Anon wrote: Hi, I’ve been reading your blog and so far it was very helpful for me. I am an infj and I’ve realized that I don’t do things for the sake of myself. For example, skin care or basic chores. I can of course motivate myself if I frame it like “if you don’t do your skincare, you’ll look bad in front of people”. And then I would do it of course. But I don’t want to do anything for my own sake. I have a good morning routine of 3 habits that I do regularly, but after that, I don’t want to do anything. I think I am stuck in pleasure-pain worldview.
I’ve read your post in which you said that self-development should come from a place of love and care for ourselves. Even though I’d like to think that I love myself, my actions tell me that I don’t. I understand that following this path won’t bring me to good places. But if don’t care, what do I do?
I can expect that you’ll say to utilize Fe, but I don’t have good close friendships to lean on. For over a month I’ve been inviting my friends to meet and spend time together, but out of 6-7 people nobody had time (or desire) to meet me. I meet people at the uni and talk, but these aren’t close relationships. I am trying to figure out a trajectory out of this, but I get into a loop, often reading your posts lol. I woke up from years of thinking that I’m doing great when in reality I had poor social skills and was basically isolated. I do well on weekdays, but weekends get tough.
You say reading my blog is helpful for you, then you say after reading you get into tertiary loop. Doesn't make much sense. I don't really follow your reasoning. Who is the one afraid of looking bad? Who is the one seeking pleasure and avoiding pain? Who is the one feeling isolated and seeking companionship? It is you, isn't it? You are the person directing all of this thinking and behavior… and for what? For yourself. For satisfying your needs, desires, and goals.
As far as I can tell, it is indeed true that you don't do things for the sake of your SELF (you may also call it "Spirit" or "Soul" if you want). When one does things for the sake of capital-S Self, one's decisions are motivated primarily by integrity and well-being. Such decisions can sometimes feel difficult, but one knows that the long term costs of denying the Self are exponentially more difficult. Everyone already has within them the necessary tools for proper self-care. Anyone can, at any time, get in touch with the Self and allow it to lead them toward a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
But if you're not doing things for the sake of the Self, what are you doing things for then? Short answer: Ego. What are you? Are you and your ego one in the same? Do you identify as a weak, broken, or flawed person? Do you identify as a special, exceptional, or underappreciated person? All of these labels relate to ego. Whatever superficial label you identify as, when you are confronted with evidence to the contrary, the ego reacts negatively. Ego is about propping up a false self-image, protecting and defending it against violation, and constructing the kind of life that is necessary to validate and justify its continued existence.
When you are identified with ego and do things for the sake of protecting the ego, you are actually choosing a solipsistic, short-sighted, and superficial way of life. It is solipsistic because the ego knows nothing beyond personal comfort and desire. It is short-sighted because the ego is too easily distracted and led astray by immediate pains and pleasures. It is superficial because the ego only reacts to symptoms and has no deep insight into the root cause of problems.
Propping up a false self-image comes at the expense of your integrity and well-being, and it creates cycles of self-sabotage. As long as you appear okay on the surface, who cares about the deeper truth, right? Wrong. How is Ni supposed to be healthy, i.e, to have a clear vision and set the right aspirations to strive for in life, when you do not prioritize the truth and do not always act in service of the truth? You can't be a person of integrity and live a life of integrity as long as you can't face down the truth about yourself.
What is the truth about you? How did you get to the point of living in total denial? The truth is that you have unfulfilled needs? The truth is that you didn't really want to be aware of your unfulfilled needs because you were afraid of the change that would be required of you to fulfill them? The truth is that this deep-seated fear kept you making poor decisions that led you away from proper self-care? The truth is that it's hard to feel motivated to care when doing so would interfere with denial?
My blog is meant for people who are ready and willing to change, so maybe it's not appropriate for you. Are you actually ready when you're still claiming that you don't care? Someone who truly "doesn't care" doesn't have any will to live. They would neither seek change nor ask for help. Your actions indicate that you do indeed care. But because you care more about ego than Self, you don't get good results. This leads to a sense of failure that erodes motivation.
When people say they have trouble caring, they're telling a lie of sorts, but they cling to the lie because it's an ego defense mechanism that helps numb the pain of unfulfilled needs. Apathy just masks a deeper emotional problem with boredom, fear, disappointment, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, or even anger. But apathy cannot hide the truth of your neglected needs forever and it, too, will eventually become painful. No one can make you care, convince you to care, or beat you into caring. It is a choice you make when you finally realize the alternative path of spiritual death is far too painful to bear.
Like it or not, human beings are cooperative and social creatures, born with the drive to connect and care. Denying your true nature only leads to despair. It's good you're starting to recognize the real extent of your isolation and the need for more connection. While I appreciate that you're trying to learn from others through my blog, beware of misapplying ideas. Someone else's solution might not work for you when your underlying problem is different from theirs.
Many INFJs suffer Ti loop due to poor social skills. But different INFJs are bad at socializing for different reasons, so have you figured out what YOUR reasons really are? You seem to lack self-awareness probably due in large part to poor emotional awareness (something to work on), so you still haven't gotten to the bottom of what's really ailing you. It's very important to grasp the root cause(s) of the problem before you try to apply a solution, otherwise, you could end up with a string of negative results that only exacerbate apathy.
You need more connection, but when you try to connect with people through ego only, the relationship dynamic only ever revolves around the ego's many insecurities. The lower the level of ego development, the more insecurities a person tends to suffer from. Many people are at low levels of ego development and it means they're not "relationship-ready" because their insecurities too often become obstacles to connection. While the majority of people out there are decent humans, decency isn't always enough to make a person a great candidate for a close relationship. The question is: What makes a great candidate and are you one, with the ability to spot and attract other great candidates? Even when you meet the right people, you'll always have a hard time forming close relationships as long as you're not relationship-ready yourself and haven't properly addressed why.
What is the best way to fulfill the need for more connection? For most people, it is through interpersonal relationships. However, what you have yet to learn is that the most important relationship you need to attend to first is the one you have with your Self. Only when you are emotionally connected with your Self and honoring your spiritual needs can you have the right frame of mind to form meaningful connection with others. When people are emotionally connected with the Self, interpersonal relationships get easier, because the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of them are freed up to love and be loved wholeheartedly. The kindness, empathy, and perceptiveness that is needed for socializing successfully come out much more naturally when the Self has been released from the constraints of ego and its compulsion to control. Are you ready and willing to let go of the pretense and denial and finally allow your authentic Self to come to the fore and lead the way?
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cavehags · 1 year
bear w/ me bc i have been defending my choice to watch s1 to ppl all day and like…. i think the characters felt like people? like ted yelled at people (nate & jamie) everything was a clusterfuck and it felt… real? and now maybe two characters feel like real people, the rest are NPCs with weird dialogue. we have “main characters” and i couldn’t tell you what any of their storylines were at this point. what is ted even doing. everything is unmoored in a bad way
totally - i think s1 was really well constructed and mature and, as you said, invested in developing its characters as flawed and complicated people who are struggling to express and communicate and find support. roy and rebecca's arcs were fantastic in season one and it's sad to discover that those were the best their arcs are going to get... s1 roy was this genuinely tragic figure, a career athlete facing the end of his life as he's always known it and very nearly suicidally depressed over the thought of it coming to an end. opening his heart to keeley and to ted's coaching philosophy is the first time he's dared to crack himself open in a very, very long time. and s1 rebecca was so magnetic and fascinating, newly divorced and bitter as hell about the wasted years, trying to define herself by how she'll get revenge on her ex without realizing what a wonderful opportunity she has to add new connections and challenges to her life. those are good fucking stories! dark and heavy with the promise of hope. then add to that how pleasantly surprised i was by keeley and rebecca's friendship, how they help each other out by sharing the wisdom of their respective generations. and, yes, the foil relationship between roy and jamie felt fresh and exciting. i loved how the show wasn't precious with its characters - it let them fuck up - and it balanced comedy and drama well in those blissfully short episodes. using sports as the easiest metaphor in the world for success and failure, it got to the heart of these characters without ever feeling like it was trying to do too much.
unfortunately, since the second half of s2, it seems to me it's really been struggling to keep the focus on those small and personal stories. this season is worst of all because you can just tell the scripts are burdened by the pressure the writers are under to meet expectations for the conclusion now that the show is a monster hit. expanding the cast and allowing episodes to bloat to an hour just gets the show further away from those tight, intimate stories. and with the more scattered focus, the characters are becoming less themselves. roy has had zero arc this season and his reasons for his breakup with keeley - the most important thing to happen to him in two seasons - have only ever been implied. the lines that are coming out of his mouth are getting more and more shock-value disturbing, and while i think everyone has always enjoyed roy's violence, that was because its impact was tempered by how kind he was, too - he was a teddy bear with a gruff voice. this season, it feels like we haven't seen him do much but threaten to break into people's homes and beat them with a rope. i miss my guy :( and same goes for rebecca, whose fixation on this psychic feels like borderline bimbofication. why are we not advancing a meaningful story for her organically? why do we have to teach her a lesson about believing in fantasy? does it have to involve the promise of a husband and a baby? for a million reasons, i feel like the show has totally lost its way, and maybe these next four episodes will make me feel better about it but for now i miss the simple good writing of season one. fucking rip :(
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tech15 · 2 days
India and Israel: A Strategic Partnership Forged in Diplomacy, Defense, and Innovation
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India and Israel are that interesting international diplomacy story wherein two nations, at least on the surface level, are unlikely partners that have crystallized a meaningful strategic alliance. Starting off with being a little more doubtful and consequently a bit detached, the two have come a long way, proving patience indeed is what diplomacy teaches you. The India-Israel relationship is more than a formal partnership shake; it is indeed a friendship of mutual respect, common interest, and the shared need to counter common challenges, particularly in defence, intelligence, and technology. This collaboration has become critical for the security of India and strategic positioning on the global stage; hence, it would be essential to talk of how this partnership emanated and why it is significant today.
Here is the first half of this blog series, titled "The Evolution of India-Israel Diplomatic Ties: From Tension to Strategic Partnership," wherein we'll take a deeper dive into various aspects of this alliance and how it affects India's defense capabilities, its infrastructure for intelligence, and technological innovation. First, we'll be discussing how India-Israel diplomatic relations have evolved with time. India had not indulged openly in embracing Israel because it has been so close to the Arab world and a sizeable population traces back to Islam. But as the changing trends in global geopolitics, India's position too changed. In the early 1990s Indians decided that Israel was a wonderful partner for the modern defense technology. Relations warmed up considerably since then, culminating in the historic visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2017-the new direction in the diplomatic relationship.
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Throughout this blog series, we will explore the key milestones marking the growing friendship between these two nations-from establishing formal diplomatic ties in 1992 to signing multiple defense agreements, thereby maturing the relationship into a full-fledged strategic partnership. Bilateral cooperation in the relationship is characterized by deep cooperation in military collaboration, intelligence sharing, and other advanced technology transfers. In light of the emerging global threats lying ahead, the horizon of development on the part of such bilateral diplomatic as well as security cooperation seems endless. Hence, this partnership assumes crucial importance in India's defence architecture as both the nations align their respective interests towards making a complex geopolitical climate stable.
Military cooperation is the greatest component of the India-Israel relationship. From holding joint training to billions of dollars in defense deals, this cooperation has made India's defense pillar significantly stronger. These are some of the precious relationships India shares in the history books which have been consistently providing it with the latest defense technologies, including surveillance systems, drones, and missile defense. Major acquisitions like the Spike anti-tank missile and Phalcon AWACS systems have already strengthened India's defense preparedness. Going forward, we will see how this military cooperation will expand across the spectrum, especially into cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, which shall constitute the future of warfare.
The other important aspect of this strategic partnership is in terms of intelligence sharing and counter-terrorism cooperation. Both countries have a history of grave security threats across borders, from cross-border terrorism to international extremist networks. Over the years, India and Israel developed an extremely effective mechanism for intelligence sharing which has turned out to be indispensable in countering terror. Though many of their operations are successful, a lot of information remains classified. However, one thing is clear: the experience of this partnership has both the countries learn more about how to improve their position against terrorism. As the technology becomes more developed, this intelligence-sharing agreement is going to be that much more crucial for the country in the face of terrorism.
We will focus on collaboration in technology in national security. Israel is the world leader in defense technology and innovation, and its great offerings have helped India immensely. The benefits India has obtained from Israel are so radical that now it is giving the country some of the most critical technologies it has, from cybersecurity solutions to advanced drones. Joint research and development initiatives with Israel have brought in tremendous change in areas such as missile defense and unmanned aerial vehicles. This technological cooperation will not only build a strong security infrastructure for India but also open future prospects for the country in sectors like artificial intelligence and space technology-an area where both countries look to deepen cooperation.
In this blog series, we will be covering all these aspects of the India-Israel relationship, showing how the partnership has journeyed from being an instance of hesitant diplomatic cooperation to one of the most crucial strategic partnerships in Asia. Military collaboration and intelligence sharing is of course, followed by advanced technology transfer. The significance of this relationship will be unpacked, especially concerning its future prospects. So, by the end of this series, we hope you would have a better understanding of why the partnership between India and Israel is not all about defense and security, but shaping the future of global geopolitics.
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lizseyi · 20 days
How Travel Can Open Your Eyes to New Experiences - The Road Less Traveled
At The Road Less Traveled we are passionate about providing young adventurers with life-changing experiences. We believe that travel is more than just visiting new places—it's about discovering new perspectives, building empathy, and growing as individuals. Today, we want to share how RLT teen travel programs can open your eyes to new experiences and why it’s so important, especially during your teenage years.
Discovering Diverse Cultures
Traveling introduces you to a variety of cultures, each with its own traditions, languages, and lifestyles. By immersing yourself in different cultures, you gain a deeper appreciation for the world's diversity. Imagine participating in a traditional dance in Bali, sharing a meal with a local family in Peru, or learning about ancient customs in Greece. These experiences will enrich your understanding and respect for cultural differences.
When you engage with people from various backgrounds, you learn that despite our differences, we share common values and emotions. This understanding fosters a sense of global citizenship and empathy, crucial for building a more inclusive and connected world.
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
One of the most rewarding aspects of teen travel is the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s navigating a foreign city, trying exotic foods, or trying to communicate in a new language, these challenges teach you resilience and adaptability. Embracing the unfamiliar helps you develop problem-solving skills and confidence in your ability to handle unexpected situations.
For middle and high schoolers, these experiences are particularly valuable. They provide a safe yet challenging environment to explore independence and self-reliance. The skills you gain from traveling, such as critical thinking, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, are not only essential for future success but also for personal growth.
Gaining New Perspectives
Traveling allows you to see the world from different viewpoints. It broadens your horizons and challenges preconceived notions. By witnessing different ways of living and confronting global issues firsthand, you gain a deeper understanding of the world's complexities and the importance of sustainability and community.
Volunteering through service work during your travels can amplify this perspective shift. Whether you’re helping to build community infrastructure in rural areas of Costa Rica, conserving wildlife habitats in Maine, or teaching English to local children in Thailand, these experiences show you the impact of service and the interconnectedness of our global community. They inspire a sense of responsibility and a desire to make a positive difference in the world.
Forming Lifelong Connections
The friendships and connections you make while traveling can be some of the most meaningful in your life. Shared experiences, adventures, and challenges create strong bonds that often last long after the journey ends. These relationships provide a support network and a sense of belonging, even if students come from all over the country.
At The Road Less Traveled, we emphasize group travel experiences that foster camaraderie and teamwork. Working together on service projects, exploring new destinations, and sharing daily life helps build trust and lasting friendships. These connections are a testament to the unifying power of travel.
Inspiring Personal Growth
Travel is not just about discovering new places; it’s about discovering yourself. It offers a chance to reflect on your values, goals, and passions away from the pressures of everyday life. This introspection often leads to significant personal growth, helping you understand who you are and what you want to achieve.
For teens, this period of self-discovery is especially critical. The experiences and insights gained through travel can shape your identity and guide your future choices. They inspire you to pursue your dreams with confidence and a broader perspective. You can learn more about how you can reflect on your travelling experiences in one of our previous RLT blog posts.
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nancycastrogiovanni · 23 days
Preparing for Our January Performance at ICP English Theatre Club
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As summer winds down, I am getting more and more excited about the new season at the ICP English Theatre Club. We’ve just wrapped up the draft of our script for the upcoming musical, set to debut in January. While I’m keeping the details under wraps for now — no spoilers! — I can tell you this project is shaping up to be one of our most ambitious yet. We’re all filled with anticipation for what’s coming.
This year is particularly special because it marks our first-ever musical performance since the ICP English Theatre Club started. Each year, we explore different types of performances, and this time we’ve taken on the challenge of a musical to engage our audience even more. It’s an exciting new direction for us, and I’m eager to see how it all comes together.
We’ve also been fortunate to welcome some fantastic new talent to our team. It’s inspiring to see how people from such varied backgrounds come together, each adding something unique to our creative process. You can already see how their different perspectives are enriching our work.
Honestly, that’s one of the things I love most about theatre — how it brings people together in such a meaningful way.
Starting on September 7th, I’ll be away for a few weeks, but I’m leaving the group in Kamila’s capable hands. She’s one of our seasoned actresses, and she’ll be leading the rehearsals while I’m gone. Kamila has a keen eye for detail and really understands what makes a performance resonate, so I know the group will be in great hands during this crucial stage.
This production, like every show we’ve done before, goes beyond memorizing lines or nailing choreography — although those are important, of course. What really excites me is watching the actors dig deeper into their characters and make them their own. The process of taking a script and turning it into something that feels alive and genuine is what makes theatre such an incredible art form.
I’ve always believed that the real magic happens when actors start to connect with their characters on a personal level, and I can already see that happening as we prepare for January’s show.
Beyond the stage, what makes this club truly special is the friendships and bonds that have developed among the members. Over the summer, I’ve been delighted to see people meeting up for drinks in Prague’s pubs, attending opera and theatre performances together, and just generally spending time outside of rehearsals.
It’s wonderful to see how theatre has become a way not just to create art, but also to build lasting connections and community. This sense of camaraderie is something I hold dear — it’s what turns the hard work of theatre into a truly rewarding experience.
Of course, no production comes without its challenges. Creating a musical, especially for the first time, requires careful planning and constant adaptation. We’ve had moments where things didn’t go quite as planned, but that’s all part of the process.
Watching our initial ideas evolve into something real, something that feels like it’s truly taking shape, is one of the most satisfying parts of this journey. Every rehearsal brings us a little closer to our vision, and that steady progress is something we’re all proud of.
As we move toward January, I’m excited about what lies ahead. There’s still plenty of work to be done, but the enthusiasm and dedication from the team are contagious. I have no doubt that by the time January rolls around, we’ll have something truly special to share with our audience.
For now, our focus is on rehearsing and refining our performance. I invite you to follow along on this journey with us — I’ll be sharing more updates as we get closer to opening night. Whether you’ve been a loyal supporter of the ICP English Theatre Club for years or this is your first time hearing about us, this production promises something for everyone.
Ultimately, what makes this experience so fulfilling isn’t just the final performance — it’s the journey of working together to create something meaningful.
The friendships we’ve formed, the challenges we’ve faced, and the small victories along the way are what make this process so special. I feel incredibly fortunate to be on this adventure with such a talented and diverse group of individuals.
Originally Published At: https://www.nancycastrogiovanni.com/preparing-for-our-january-performance-at-icp-english-theatre-club
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volunteerinbali · 6 months
Bali Bound: A Volunteer's Handbook to Meaningful Travel
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Are you considering a journey to the breathtaking island of Bali? Are you looking for more than just a typical tourist experience? If so, you're in the right place! Welcome to "Bali Bound: A Volunteer's Handbook to Meaningful Travel." In this guide, we'll explore how you can make the most out of your trip to Bali by volunteering your time and skills for a meaningful cause. So, let's dive in and discover the incredible opportunities awaiting you as a volunteer in Bali.
Volunteering in Bali offers a unique and enriching experience that goes beyond traditional sightseeing. It allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture, contribute to community development projects, and make a positive impact on people's lives. Whether you're passionate about education, environmental conservation, healthcare, or community development, there are numerous volunteer programs available in Bali to suit your interests and skills.
One of the most rewarding aspects of volunteer in bali is the opportunity to work closely with local communities. By engaging directly with locals, you'll gain valuable insights into their way of life, customs, and traditions. You'll also have the chance to forge meaningful connections and friendships that can last a lifetime. Whether you're teaching English to children, assisting with marine conservation efforts, or participating in sustainable agriculture projects, you'll be actively contributing to the well-being of Bali's people and environment.
As a volunteer in Bali, you'll have the chance to explore the island's natural beauty while making a difference in the lives of others. From its stunning beaches and lush rice terraces to its vibrant cultural festivals and spiritual temples, Bali offers a rich tapestry of experiences waiting to be discovered. Whether you're hiking up Mount Batur at sunrise, snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters of Nusa Penida, or attending a traditional Balinese dance performance, you'll have plenty of opportunities to create lasting memories during your time off from volunteering.
In addition to its natural beauty, Bali is also home to a dynamic and welcoming community of volunteers from around the world. By joining a volunteer program in Bali, you'll have the chance to meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for making a positive impact. Whether you're bonding over shared experiences, exchanging cultural insights, or collaborating on volunteer projects, you'll be part of a supportive and inspiring community that transcends borders and backgrounds.
When it comes to volunteering in Bali, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're interested in teaching, conservation, healthcare, or community development, there's a volunteer program out there that's perfect for you. From short-term projects to long-term placements, there are opportunities available for volunteers of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels. Whether you're a student looking for a meaningful gap year experience, a professional seeking to give back to the community, or a retiree looking for a new adventure, volunteering in Bali offers something for everyone.
So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards a meaningful travel experience by volunteering in Bali today. Whether you're passionate about education, environmental conservation, healthcare, or community development, there's a volunteer program waiting for you. Embark on a journey of discovery, adventure, and personal growth as you make a positive impact on the lives of others and create memories that will last a lifetime. Bali bound, indeed!
In conclusion, volunteering in Bali offers a unique opportunity to combine travel with purpose. Whether you're passionate about education, environmental conservation, healthcare, or community development, there's a volunteer program in Bali that's perfect for you. So, pack your bags, open your heart, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as you embark on a journey of meaningful travel in the enchanting island of Bali.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
ClockDVA put out a new album this year, Noesis - here are a couple tracks from it
CLOCK DVA / ADI NEWTON (sonics): NOESIS – BEYOND THE HAUNTOLOGY OF THE PAST WE CAN CREATE ANEW. It’s of no real value to feel that everything as been done, if we are overcome by the past or believe there is nothing new. We can only express in this moment, to create and express in this present time which is NOW what we think and what we feel. It is impossible to escape an Hauntology but by imagination we can create anew once more. “The future influences the present just as much as the past.” – Friedrich Nietzsche. CLOCK DVA / TEZ MAURIZIO MARTINUCCI (sonics): NOESIS – I grew up in the 80s and 90’s with Clock DVA as a pillar and beacon of inspiration for what the FUTURE could look and sound in the NOW. It was 12 years ago that I received an email from Adi Newton informing me that Clock DVA was to be “re-activated” and that he would have been pleased if I joined the group for an upcoming combined live gig with The Anti Group in Leipzig (Gothic Treffen). Of course I accepted and I’ll be eternally grateful to Adi for allowing this union of souls to happen. We worked really hard (with Shara Vasileva too) to put up an incredible “spatial” show featuring Ambisonics sound and a 4-sided video projection cube with us “hidden” inside to perform in humble secrecy. Ever since I committed with honor and passion to my active collaboration with Adi on both projects. Other more esoteric (and neoteric) bonds have linked our respective destinies to push the boundaries of our art and visions beyond the ordinary. Always with great reciprocal respect and spirit of sacrifice we’ve worked on NEW ideas that would reflect our current feelings rather than a nostalgic glory. I have always admired this in Adi and we both committed to always challenge the present rather than rely on the past. NOESIS is a mature work that aims at showing the current progress of Clock DVA in line with the pure spirit that has animated this project from its very beginning, an exploratory ghost that transcends the present moment and expands over time and space, limitless and fearless. I am proud of having co-created this album with all my soul, my mind and my love. CLOCK DVA / GABRIEL EDVY (visuals): NOESIS – I’m delighted to be a part of the newest Clock DVA release “Noesis”. Not in sound, but in vision, via the artwork in the album. It is based on the visualisation of sound and mathematics – which seems fitting. Anyone who knows me knows how much of an inspiration Clock DVA has been. At a young(er) age in the 80s and 90s, they changed my sonic, visual, and aesthetic landscape – their art was so unlike anything else, so far ahead, world-building, and a doorway to so much else. Other artists tried to capture the same vision but no one could do it like DVA. They were another lightning bolt from the sky-but again, so far away they weren’t just on the moon, they were in another dimension. As I learned more about them, I discovered the rest of the catalog, other projects, and the art that was spiraling out from the mind of Adi Newton. It all left a very deep imprint on my DNA. Through good fortune (and a determined will), I met Adi in 2015, and from there we developed a great friendship and great working relationship. It’s been an honour and a pleasure to photograph, document, and create with Adi and Tez. Having my artwork now part of the history is very meaningful to me.
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eventproducer · 2 years
Network of Nitin Gursahani
Nitin Gursahani (born on 10 October 1983) is the director and founder of the company Kiren Australia Pty Ltd. He has earned 14 years of experience in the field of Business Entrepreneur & Marketing professional proficient and initiated the company's first venture in 2007 as a liquor store with a franchisee of Cellarbrations; after that, in 2010, Kiren Australia opened up a Wholesale Distribution of Liquor. My sole aim had to establish a marvelous and versatile Indian-origin company in Australian territory. For me IMPOSSIBLE means "I Make Possible" and that’s how he believes in his potent business ideas that turned his company into a unique model in present reflection. He precisely acknowledged the versatility of modern market needs and created multiple successful services in event management, brand recognition, and import & export. He immensely encouraged various organizations to overcome challenges to obtain long-term profits.
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Nitin Gursahani has been a phenomenal business intellectual whose passion is to build a network of entrepreneurs' personalities supporting each other. And it is their nature to make their partner a truly loyal friend.
On the journey to destiny, you meet so many people, some walk with you, and some just leave, so here are some constant people working with Nitin Gursahani. We are partnered with the Aussizz Group since 2015, It is a group of registered migration agents, who does educational and entertainment migrations and recently I have done more than fifty visas only in 2022. Our next affiliate partner is Cricket victoria and Manhari Metals: The king of recycling metals, which partnered with NG in 2020. Nitin Gursahani sponsored them into boxing test matches, BBL(Big Bash League) cricket, and (WBBL) the Women Big Bash League in 2022, and recently with the victorian women’s cricket team.
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Nitin Gursahani maintains his business relations more like friends with Dj Rink the Indian disc jockey, and Dr. Jai Madaan the Lady of fortune, astrologer & Vastu shastra (the science of architecture) expert. Nitin Gursahani made Dr. Jai Madaan a brand ambassador of Nanche Homes, the group of experts to build and design your home in Australia. Gursahani’s journey of strong beliefs and hard work is remarkable and continuing today, and this journey will remain continuous…
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In the business world, it's not uncommon for people to view their relationships with others as purely transactional. But Nitin Gursahani takes a different approach. For him, maintaining strong business relationships is more like cultivating friendships. This doesn't mean that Gursahani is overly familiar or chummy with his business associates. Rather, he genuinely cares about their well-being and works to create an environment of mutual support and respect. This attitude has served him well over the years, helping him to build a large and loyal network of entrepreneurial friends.
Gursahani's approach to business has its advantages. When you treat your business contacts like friends, they are more likely to reciprocate in kind. This can lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships that can be beneficial both professionally and personally. Of course, there are also potential pitfalls to this approach. If you're not careful, you may end up crossing boundaries or sharing too much personal information. But if you strike the right balance, treating your business contacts like friends can be a great way to build strong, lasting relationships.
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It's not always about finding the best deal or making the most money. Sometimes, it's about building relationships and developing a network of friends who can support and help each other. Nitin Gursahani understands this better than anyone. For Nitin, business is about more than just transactions; it's about developing relationships with people. He treats his business partners more like friends, and as a result, they are much more loyal to him. This loyalty has helped him build a strong network of entrepreneurs who are passionate about supporting each other. Nitin's approach to business is unique and refreshing. His focus on building relationships rather than simply making deals has made him a phenomenal business intellectual. His passion for helping others achieve their goals is evident in everything he does, and it is this passion that has made him so successful.
Nitin Gursahani has been in the business world for over 20 years and has seen it all. He's made friends and enemies, but he's always maintained his business relations more like friends. He believes that loyalty is the most important thing in business, and he's always been quick to help out a friend in need. Nitin has always been interested in networking and building relationships with other entrepreneurs. He believes that it's important to have a support system of like-minded people who can help you through the ups and downs of business.
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He's quick to offer advice and assistance to anyone who needs it, and he's always happy to introduce people to each other if he thinks they could benefit from a connection. Nitin is the kind of person who goes out of his way to make sure everyone is happy and taken care of. He's always looking out for the best interest of his friends and business associates, and he's never afraid to lend a helping hand. If you're ever in need of advice or assistance, Nitin is the person you want on your side.
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
saturn through the houses
saturn in the 1st house: there's an ability present here to make friendships very quickly due to your dependable nature. you keep your word and your promises no matter what. the insecurities and inferiority complexes you felt in your childhood give you the push to pursue your ambitions and work hard; you never want to feel that way again. you put a lot of pressure on yourself to be better. loyal to your core. spontaneity comes hard to you because you're extremely calculated in the risks you take. be careful of how much stress you're inducing yourself with in the name of hard work. very sarcastic!!!! and mature. you have trouble expressing your true self and your original nature. there might be childhood memories you're repressing that are causing this fear of expressing yourself + your opinions. you're characterized by a lot of independence that makes it hard for you to ask others for help. there's a love for contemplation that enables you to achieve wisdom + deep knowledge. 
saturn in the 2nd house: saturn here sets a clear mission on developing self-worth and self-confidence while not tying it to material gains. you may have suffered a period of poverty in your childhood that led you to truly understand the importance of money and how its lack can affect everyone's mental and physical health. now, there's an underlying anxiety about losing stability once again and going back to that dark place. you feel weird whenever you have too much money to spare because your parents might've been very stingy and didn't allow you to buy anything more than the necessary. because of that, you deeply value everything you buy. saturn here teaches you the importance of not obsessing over gaining money while working hard - and most importantly, with integrity - to attain worldly achievements. you shouldn't let greed obscure your morals nor should you feel worthless for not being rich yet - you're worthy of love no matter what. 
saturn in the 3rd house: you're very anxious about your intelligence; you've spent the majority of your younger years believing your intellect to be inferior. you believed yourself to be dumb as a reflection of others' perceptions of you; your parents might have been very hard on you and you struggled to meet their impossibly high standards. saturn here gives you a mission of shedding yourself off of your fears or not being skillful and smart enough, and as you grow older, you begin to understand how impressive your capabilities truly are: you have a highly analytical and perceptive yet chaotic mind, understand things with great depth, and you're extremely strategic. you must also deal with your fear of criticism and learn to express your opinions more bravely. there’s a tendency for shyness. great listener. you hate superficiality of any kind; there's a dislike for small-talk present here, you much rather learn and talk about your various interests. 
saturn in the 4th house: from a very young age, your parents placed a duty on your shoulders of being highly responsible, as if reversing the roles: you were expected to play the adult, being forced out of your childhood so you could be the one to provide stability. you might not have received much attention nor affection from your parents, which gave you a sense of feeling abandoned. to compensate for the lack of attention you received as a child, you want to overcompensate by being extra dutiful and responsible, and by being extremely caring and protective of those around you. your restrictive childhood now makes you fearful of expressing emotions + recognizing your emotional needs, and you fear that you'll never achieve happiness and a sense of fulfillment. you feel like it's your duty to speak the truth and stand up for others. very reserved about your personal life. more than anything, you want a place to feel like home; a place that you can retreat to and heal and be at peace when everything gets too much. 
saturn in the 5th house: you might feel like your light has been dimmed by a parental figure from a very young age. one or both parents might've been very harsh and insulting towards your capabilities and personality, making it hard for you to recognize your potential. there's an underlying anxiety every time you're supposed to feel happy because you fear it might be taken away from you at any moment. saturn here makes it your mission to recognize the words that were thrown at you in your childhood as them projecting their own insecurities, and for you to rebuild your sense of self through self-love and pride in yourself. even if you feel anxious whenever you're having fun, you're incredibly playful and you yearn for a lot of attention. you're very spontaneous and sociable, and you always manage for others to have a great time when around you. there's a tendency to ignore your inner child as a way of acting responsibly, which in return makes you feel a block in your creativity; and exploring your creative side is very important. you can work extremely hard, please remind yourself to take a break from time to time. 
saturn in the 6th house: you strive for perfection in everything you do. you work so hard to try to achieve it, but more often than not, you feel like you can't meet the high standards you set for yourself, which can cause a lot of frustration and self-deprecating thoughts, like believing you're not enough. this can be severely damaging for both your physical and mental health, and induce a lot of stress and overthinking. it's like you're constantly on this battle to one-up yourself, to always improve and be better. saturn here communicates the urge to understand that perfection is an ideal and not something you should strive to achieve because it'll kill your enjoyment of whatever it is that you're trying to be better at, and you have a mission to be gentler with yourself, to work on your self-critical nature and to feel proud of yourself for everything that you've achieved instead of criticizing yourself for not doing better. there's also a need to take care of your health, to keep healthy habits and not neglect your physical needs. 
saturn in the 7th house: you’re one of the most loyal people ever, you take relationships very seriously. you love consistency and understand that it's very important to nurture a relationship daily in order to keep it strong, so you're very dependable and you expect that from the people in your life too. saturn here indicates the importance of cultivating a healthy, reliable source of self-love so that your relationships with others will also remain strong. but the problem with being so committed is that you might stay in a relationship that no longer makes you happy for much longer than you want to - please remember to put yourself and your happiness first. you might also constantly wonder if there's anyone out there for you who will love you as deeply as you love others and who is as committed as you. love and forming meaningful connections might come very hard to you; it's like you're constantly putting walls between yourself and others due to your fear of vulnerability + difficulty in trusting others. 
saturn in the 8th house: you're a hard worker and very patient, extremely loyal when it comes to relationships, and disciplined. there's a tendency to fear change here, to avoid it at all costs as something painful. saturn here gives you the mission to learn to accept transformation as not only inevitable but necessary to your growth as an individual. this placement indicates a fear of abandonment due to what you've experienced in your childhood + your past relationships; now, you have difficulty trusting others because you fear being betrayed, which also causes you to be very secretive and to fear opening up to others, and to feel deeply hurt by things that others would consider insignificant. this can cause a lot of issues in your relationship with intimacy, money and your unconscious, affecting your mental health and making you indulge in unhealthy coping mechanisms. deeply spiritual, but this is something you might fear. transformation leaves room for enormous growth when it comes to wisdom. 
saturn in the 9th house: even in your day-to-day life, you're constantly concentrating on profound issues, thinking about your beliefs, philosophy, religion, etc. if you were forced into adopting a religion when you were younger, there's a chance you might discard religion now, adopting an atheist or nihilistic point of view. you're very skeptical of others' beliefs, preferring to stick to your own because you're not so impressionable, which can work to your detriment. saturn here gives you the urge to practice more open-mindedness, to broaden your perspectives with extensive learning, specialization in an area, intellectual debates and traveling. saturn also teaches you discipline. you might have a fear of expanding your horizons because you understand how harsh and cruel the world can be, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from satiating your innate curiosity. you always advocate for what you believe in, even when all others are too scared to do it, and that's your strength. as the world evolves, so do your personal beliefs and morals, which you continuously work on. 
saturn in the 10th house: you feel a very strong urge to accomplish greatness and achieve success, and you might deal with a lot of fear and anxiety because of the burden you've placed on your shoulders. the truth is: you're terrified of failure. you're a hard worker and perfectionist by nature, wanting to be in control of everything. with saturn placed here, you must learn that to fail is to be human and that there's plenty to learn from committing mistakes. you might take more responsibilities than you can handle, resulting in added stress, so you should learn to ask others for help whenever you need it. you're determined to be successful at the same time that you fear achieving everything you want and still feeling like it wasn't enough. you must learn to stop doubting yourself, and the confidence you will build throughout life will be necessary because you truly are destined for greatness, not because of destiny but the drive and zeal you possess makes you so. remember to take a break from time to time, and to cherish what you've already achieved. 
saturn in the 11th house: you have a lot of acquaintances, but only a few close friends that you trust. you're attracted to mature, serious people who have a clear life purpose, and most of your friends might be older than you. you hate superficiality of all kinds and don't want anything to do with dull people, and you take your friendships very seriously. sometimes, you might take your friendships too seriously, and they can start to become a burden to you. you need a lot of alone time for introspection and, when you’re wanting to ecape your own mind, you might fluctuate between isolation and spending entire weeks going out (even if you feel more alone than ever in the middle of a crowd). there's a clear sense of justice here, a necessity to do what's right. more than anything, you're terrified of losing your identity, of being seen as normal and ordinary, or just as a part of a crowd, and that feeling constantly nags at you whenever you're interacting with others. there's a clear mission here to not let your restless feelings take away your passion from life and to drown out your immense potential. you must be brave when determining what you want out of life, when finding the right path for you. the efforts you take into helping the collective help you grow wiser and more mature. you're very strict about who you surround yourself with, and saturn here urges you to work on accepting the differences between everybody and on your tolerance, and to ease your necessity to be in control. 
saturn in the 12th house: you feel things very intensely, and you often feel completely overwhelmed by your emotions. very sensitive, you can be fearful and insecure and often doubt yourself. here, saturn urges you to fight against your inner demons: this placement represents the fear of the unknown, the fear you feel when dealing with the uncertainty of spirituality, your deep feelings and darkest thoughts. you might fear how complex you are, and feel this sense of guilt about everything without knowing where it comes from. you might need a lot of alone time to restore your energy - but even though you tend to use isolation as a form of escapism, you yearn to become a part of the collective because you have great healing and communicative energy. the problem is that, even though there's a war going inside your mind, you don't want to ask for help because you don't want to be deemed weak or like you depend on others. you might spend a lot of time having discussions with yourself as you escape reality. you should learn to trust others and learn to face your demons instead of locking them away. the lesson here is to accept yourself for who you are. in this house, spirituality would help you achieve great wisdom. there's a potential for great talent in the arts. 
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