#their dynamic in this season is killing it
lexirosewrites · 2 days
Due to trauma Steve presented very late. And when he did present,it was in april of '85, as a duel dynamic. Alpha and Omega. It's extremely rare,and messes with his hormone levels in such a way he is constantly going into pre heat/rut, and feels sick nearly all the time. Not only is it debilitating, he's so nervous about anyone finding out, its very taboo rare thing to happen., and he's terrified his parents will find out he's not just an alpha and will kick him out. Only people who (know until he tells Robin on the mall bathroom floor) are his doctors and himself, He no longer sleeps with anyone until he can sort things out. During the summer of 85 his doctor has come up with a plan of action, they believe a bitching will solve his issues,cornering him into being an omega should help fix things a bit. They think the process may need to be stretched out so it'll stick. He'd still have his alpha cock and his hormones should balance out and he'd feel exponentially better, though he'd still have to take medication for the rest of his life to prevent himself from becoming duel again, and possibly help him from being infertile, because that's also up in the air much to Steve's dismay. Trouble is he doesn't know any alpha he could trust to help him, it's such a HUGE daunting favor and he wishes he already had a mate to help him. He would ask Nancy but the history and the fact that she's with Jonathan is definitely not a good idea…and Robin can't help with the sexual aspect of it of course, though being around her makes him feel a bit better,and calms him a bit, but she's not the alpha he needs.
After the events of season three Steve gets worse and Keith, who didn't want to hire Steve to begin with, keeps threatening to fire him, because he keeps needing to take off work just to to rest. So he starts bringing in doctors notes to get him off his back and then rumors finally start flying. His parents even hear about Steve hiding some big illness and are horrified when he tells him the true reason, and want him to become a full alpha instead, which isn't possible for him. An attempt could kill him while becoming a full omega, while still dangerous, is the more sensible decision. They make it clear to him that they will not support him in that. All the drama makes him feel even worse and it goes on for months, he's even confronted with the whole FRIENDS DON'T LIE spiel and tells them "I'll eventually be okay, don't worry." He cant really tell them what needs to be done but that's all he can say.
85 ends and Steve still does not have an alpha that can help him, until he meets and befriends Eddie,during the nightmare that is the events of season four. They become friends and are there for one another during the healing process after the bat attacks and even as they get better from those injuries, Steve just keeps getting sicker,and his body feels alight when Eddie is around. He wants to ask Eddie, but he also doesn't want this new special friendship to implode because it's such a HUGE ask, that's one hell of a favor to ask from a friend (and crush!!!). During a particularly bad round of illness Eddie swings by to check on Steve and Steve finally tells him whats gotten him so sick, And Eddie immediately, without hesitation, volunteers himself. Tells him "I'll do it Steve. You take care of everyone so well, let me take care of you. Let help you."
eddie wants to take care of him 🥺😭💕
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rosewaterandivy · 3 days
iii. starlit night
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summary: it's either fate or a cosmic joke.
pairing: s.h. x werewolf!reader
w.c.: 5.3K
warnings: blood, bloodlust, blood drinking, guts, gore, possessiveness, supernatural elements, quasi-mating rituals, exhausted best friend!eddie, no a/b/o, angst, mild dubious consent, amateur wound care, power dynamics
a/n: consider this my warm welcome to spooky season, happy autumnal equinox y’all! monsters need love too 🐺
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Eddie gave nothing away, and neither did you which was more than a little infuriating for Steve.
After the incident with the impromptu dog sitting and tire tracks on his lawn, he hadn’t seen hind nor hair of you. No daily runs in the woods, or in the crowd at Corroded’s Tuesday night shows, and certainly not frequenting Family Video.
The balm of summer has settled upon Hawkins, humidity sticking like dew to his skin no matter how long he lingers beneath the spray of the showerhead. He’s sweated through his shirt and vest by the time he clocks out to leave for the day, muttering his goodbyes to Robin as she reminds him to pick her up at closing tonight.
For as much as Steve loves the languid drip of summer days, he positively loathes the heat. Can’t stand feeling sticky and damp with no reprieve. So it’s really a no-brainer that he elects to waste the afternoon in the swimming pool, waiting for the a/c to cool the house to a respectable 68 degrees, utility bill be damned.
He’s driving back from Family Video, Robin in tow, as night falls. The streetlamps had a dull and ineffective glow which only partially illuminated the edges of the road. Steve took the back roads to Robin’s house, one of his many shortcuts through a town in which nothing ever happened.
Robin’s gasp, and spastic pointing are enough to startle him from fiddling with the radio. Eyes slicing to the road, he sees an animal darting across the pavement, and swerves to miss them. The front corner of the car wings left as it grazes the animal with a loud thud, following by the shrill screech of wheels skidding to a stop.
His right hand splays against Robin’s collarbone and chest, pressing her back into the seat. He can feel her frantic breaths heaving from her lungs as she sucks in paltry breaths.
“Are you alright?”
She nods, fingers fumbling to release the seatbelt. She’s shaking a little from the shock of it all— Steve hitting an animal with his car on the edge of the greenbelt. Her mind is spinning and she can only imagine how he’s feeling, if the slight tremor in his hand still affixed to her chest is anything to go by.
“Is it—?”
He clears his throat and unbuckles his seat belt and opens his door quickly. “Just stay here, I’ll check it out.” The hazard lights click on as Steve steps out to approach the animal.
It’s lying at the center of the road, the poor thing’s chest rising and falling in slow succession. It’s still moving, hazily coming to in the still summer evening. Head turning toward him and eyes blinking away the fear in a flash of milk glass.
Oh fuck. Oh shit.
Suddenly spurned into action, Steve moves with a speed that even Robin finds shocking. It’s a moment she’ll never forget. In an instant he heaves the large dog into his arms, shouting at her to open the back door in a panicked voice.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.”
She wonders why her best friend is profusely apologizing to an animal that seems, at first glance, none the worse for wear. Steve slides it into the back and jumps into the driver’s seat, peeling out so fast that she barely has time to get into the vehicle herself.
“Steve, what the ever loving fuck is going on?”
Turning to him for the first time since the slapdash animal rescue, Robin’s mouth falls open in thinly veiled terror. Steve is drenched in blood and debris, remnants of fur and skin stuck to his gray shirt, slowly staining itself maroon and perfuming the air with a metallic tang. It’s too much blood to be from the accident, right? The animal was already injured when they clipped it; it had to be.
He doesn’t reply, electing to simply speed back to his house and run a bloodied hand through his hair frantically.
Robin faces forward and blinks.
She catches a flicker of something in the rearview mirror.
Wrong noises are coming from the backseat, terrible growls and low whines. The sound of joints popping in and out of place, muscles shifting and pulling taut beneath skin. Teeth scraping and grinding against one another.
It’s the pain that brings you to consciousness— knifing through your skull and making you want to vomit. Swallowing back bile and blood in your mouth, you want to rip yourself apart and keep ripping until there’s nothing left. Your jaw is moving unnaturally so, everything is wrong and you want to scream. Piping hot and burning, you’re sure you’ll spontaneously combust any second now when a hysterical shriek rends the air.
But not from you.
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Steve is wholly unequipped to deal with his best friend’s nervous breakdown and a very naked what he can only assume werewolf dipping in and out of consciousness and bleeding out on the tile of his bathroom.
Between Robin’s blubbering and your soft murmurs, he can really only think to do one thing:
Call Eddie.
And that seemed like a good plan half an hour ago when he laid you in the bathtub and swaddled Robin in a smattering of blankets on the sofa downstairs.
But now, he’s not so sure.
Because Eddie strides into his house like god sent him to settle a score, wearing fury on his face in a way that could be considered cuttingly alluring, if not for the broken glass bottle digging into the skin of Steve’s neck as his back hits the wall.
“Give me one reason not to spill you guts all over your Nikes, Harrington.”
It’s more of a snarl than a request.
And what is there to say, really?
Sorry, I hit your werewolf best friend with my car after snooping around because for some ungodly reason I’m drawn to her and unable to control myself.
His hands and temples are covered in dried blood, dark and foreboding, crusted on his skin and hair and nails. To say nothing of his shirt, plastered to his chest and emanating a startingly metallic odor.
As if suddenly realizing this, Eddie blinks and loosens his grip on Steve’s shirt, palm coming away tinged in blood.
“What did you do?”
And, to be frank, Steve preferred Eddie’s rage to whatever this was, dread, he supposed.
“It was an accident.”
They both turn to the pile of blankets on the couch that is Robin. Only her face is visible, pale and dazed.
Eddie turns back to Steve with a look that could turn most people to stone, and yanks him up the stairs to the bathroom.
Greeted by a warm wall of steam, Eddie shoves Steve toward the sink with gruff instructions to find a first-aid kit. He crouches in front of you and murmurs in a soft voice. Languorously, you turn your head toward him with an easy smile, lips bloody.
“Hiya pal.”
Your voice is a croak, rough and jagged as it edges up your throat.
Eddie says nothing, rolling his lips between his teeth as his hands close in around your face turning it this way and that as gently as he can. The spray of the hot water has matted your hair impossibly at the back of your skull, rivulets coming back a translucent red on his palm. A large bruise blooms burgundy against your hip, splotchy and livid.
He leans you forward to survey your back, brushing away the rocks and dirt embedded into your skin and mindful of the raised red road rash. But none of that goes to explain the blood swirling down the drain— where is it coming from?
Steve stands awkwardly behind, red and white box in hand.
Elbows resting on your knees as Eddie continues his perusal of wounds, you shoot him a sleepy smile before your head falls to your forearms. The mad fluttering of your eyelashes as you battle to stay awake.
“She can sleep damn near anywhere,” Eddie mutters as your body goes lax in his arms, “Long as she knows she’s the deadliest thing in the room.”
“Is that, uh, safe?” Steve asks, handing the kit over as Eddie extends his hand.
“Safe enough. Help me turn her on her side, will ya?”
Both men let out a jarring gasp at the sight of the bite to your side. A festering and weeping thing, blood almost black as it skitters down your stomach and back. Steve’s mouth fills with saliva as he steps back and vomits. Eddie’s nostrils flare as he breathes steadily in and out, trying to piece out who or what could’ve done such a thing to you.
Steve spits a few times for good measure before gargling some mouthwash.
“I told you not to go in the woods.”
It’s about as subtle as a grenade, Eddie’s pointed accusation.
But that doesn’t make it any less true. If Steve would have just minded his own business, heeded Munson’s warnings, you wouldn’t be bleeding out in his bathtub right now.
“I-I know. I’m sorry.”
He leans back on his heels, a ringed hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose as Eddie methodically begins setting out bandages, antiseptic, and gauze.
“Can you thread a needle?” He asks around a wisp of silver clenched between his teeth and hands the needle and spool of thread to Steve.
“Yeah, sure.”
“And find her some clothes.”
“Uh huh.”
He hands the threaded needle back to Eddie with trembling hands, absolutely terrified at the gray pallor of your skin. The surface wounds stitching themselves closed, as blood seeps from mangled flesh curving along your side.
Steve haphazardly grabs a shirt and shorts, tossing them to the side as he’s hauled back toward the bathtub. In the few minutes of his absence, Eddie has worked quickly. Your wounds are scrubbed clean and bandaged, and he’s angled the showerhead to hit just beneath your wound having cleaned it prior.
“Okay Harrington,” Eddie begins, grabbing a switchblade from his pocket and pouring the antiseptic over the blade as it flicks open. “Here’s how it’s gonna go: the wound is too severe for a simple bandage and she’d bleed through it anyway. The only shot in hell we have is you staying close and using your blood to jumpstart her system. We’ll have to be quick—”
“Wait, what?”
“Because I’ll have to disinfect the bite before her were instincts kick in and she starts healing on her own. S’like jumping a car, no big deal.”
Stupidly, Steve doesn’t pull back his palm from Eddie in time, as the wet slice of the blade pierces his skin. It burns as the blood wells up from the cut, bright red and cascading down his hand. Eddie yanks Steve’s hand toward your partially open mouth, eyelids fluttering in your uneasy sleep.
He presses the heel of Steve’s palm to your lips until you subconsciously latch, the tips of your fangs grazing his skin. It’s horrifying, Steve thinks, how easily your tongue laps at the ruby red rivulets weeping from his broken skin. You hum contentedly, swallowing over and over again until he realizes that he’s gone all slack and whimpering.
Well, now that is just embarrassing.
“All right, champ,” Eddie says, pulling you off of Steve and he mourns the loss of the warmth of your lips.
You tip back against the porcelain and howl as Eddie pours antiseptic onto the wound that is rapidly stitching itself together on your side.
Steve falls with a thud against the wall, cradling his cut palm to his chest as he watches in holy terror as you magically revive before his very eyes.
“Blood of your blood.”
Eddie says this as if it could possibly explain anything.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Steve can see the blood— his blood— as it warms your cheeks and lips, pumps life back into your muscles and arteries. And you must be a living nightmare torn straight from the depths of his mind, more wild than the wilderness skirting the edges of town, a cursed thing surely there to kill them all.
“She’ll be weak for a few days,” Eddie says, leaning back against the wall after he cuts off the water. “We’ll just keep her hydrated and fed and she’ll be right as rain in no time.”
Delirium must be setting in, because Steve finds himself nodding along to Eddie’s instructions. Allows himself to be tugged forward by the lanky man as he slices a near-identical cut into your palm.
“Drink, it’ll close up soon and you need your strength.”
Steve doesn’t even think twice about it, sinking his teeth into the meat of your palm and sucking. Every time your body tried to stitch itself back together, he draws forth another pull of garnet blood, precious droplets cascading down his jaw and neck, failing to stifle the noise trying to break free from his throat.
The room doesn’t so much as spin as it shifts, blurring out in haze and lights bursting like stars behind his eyelids. He tongues at your lifeline, gasping, slurping, and moaning until—
“Okay Romeo, slow it down there.”
Eddie grips the scruff of his neck like he’s an overexcited puppy and jerks him backward onto the cold tile floor.
“‘Kay,” He blinks lazily, mouth slick and painted a violent shade of red as he slumps to the floor.
Eddie eyes him warily, “Ya with us, Harrington?”
“Feel high,” Steve replies, still woozy and buzzing.
Before he can reply, you shake yourself awake and shudder in the cool air. You look around, everything too bright and smelling like you’d huffed the entire contents of a janitor’s closet. Someone tosses a shirt and shorts your way, and you slowly worm your way into the clothes. Skin feeling too tight and something smarting at your hip.
“Fuck,” A dazed voice says, sending a shiver down your spine. A hand gently touching the side of your face, blood smearing against your cheekbone as he turns your head. “Goddamn, you’re beautiful.”
Eddie scoffs from somewhere near, as your lips kick up in a smile. His thumb grazes the full of your lips, skirting against the pearly white of your fangs. And it’s only when you take in a lungful of Harrington that it all falls together.
Tearing yourself from the surging desire to nuzzle into his open palm, you bare your teeth and train your eyes on Eddie. Snarling to say:
“The fuck did you do.”
Because there was absolutely no way this human was somehow halfway to being your mate.
Not when you’d told your Guardian, who was smirking down at you now, that under no circumstances would that be happening.
He barks a laugh and shrugs as if to say, you were dying, what could I do?
You shakily stand, ignoring the crestfallen expression on Steve’s face, and amble out of the bathroom.
Life must have been some cruel joke, only to serve Steve Harrington, of all people, up on a plate and wave him in your face as something you could ever afford to keep.
A cutting slice of tragedy to give him some kind of forever, when you couldn’t even take care of yourself, much less a pack.
The words of the only father figure you’d ever known pounded in your skull as you hurried down the stairs and out into the balmy night:
This is a gift, it comes with a price.
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You’re gone for what feels like days.
A span of time that finds Steve shaky and pale, nearly biting off the heads of everyone currently invading his house instead of answering their inane questions, until a voice in his head warns, Easy now.
Robin’s somewhat functioning, though not entirely recovered from the shock of the century; the revelation that werewolves exist. And that her best friend is fated to be with one.
She just about lost her mind when Eddie sat the pair of them down to explain things.
“Mates. What does that mean?”
She’d done most of the talking, since Steve hadn’t said a word since you left.
Eddie sighs and his eyes dart back and forth, as if he’s second guessing himself in sharing this information outside the pack, as ramshackle as it was.
“It’s like, having partner, I guess. But it’s predetermined biologically? We don’t really know how or why it happens, and it’s rare when it does.”
“So… not every werewolf gets a mate.”
“Well, I mean they can date and be with whoever they want, just like us. But if there’s a mate and the circumstances align just so…” He trails off and glances at Steve, guilt etched on his face. “It makes being with anyone besides your mate difficult.”
“How so?”
“Kind of like a bad break-up, but you both want to be together? There’s no physical ailment, but you just feel—”
Eddie swallows and nods.
“And she just—”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” He cautions Robin. “She could come back, we don’t know. But, to be fair, I did kind of fuck it up.”
“Wait, hold on.” Robin extricates an arm from her swaddle of blankets and grabs Steve’s hand, “So you’re saying that she didn’t reject this whole thing?! She just ran out of here like a bat outta hell! How is that not a rejection?”
“It’s more complicated than that.”
“Okay,” she drawls, “And?”
Eddie sharks his head, “I really can’t say more than I already have.”
She scoffs, “That’s a fuckin’ lie and you know it.”
Eddie’s eyes cut back to Steve as he lets Robin run his thumb across his bandaged hand. His eyes almost looking through Eddie, far off and distant. It’s spooky, how quickly the light left him as you slipped out of the front door that night. How Steve could tell the instant it happened, jerking upright on the tile floor and Eddie watched as his body tensed, muscles coiling with adrenaline and no way to rid himself of it.
He scrubs a hand down the tired plane of his face, letting loose a beleaguered sigh.
“Look, I’m a Guardian, not a Scrivener alright?”
“Like we’re supposed to know what that means!” Robin hisses in reply, thumb worrying across Steve’s lax palm.
“I just gotta make a call, okay?” He says, rising to stand and roll his neck. “Stay with him until I get back.”
“Yeah,” She calls as he walks to the phone in the kitchen, fingers punching in the familiar set of numbers. “No shit, Sherlock!”
Eddie drums his fingers against the wall and hopes to God she picks up, because if he has to talk to her mother one more time—
“Hello, Wheeler residence,” She chirps down the line.
Eddie lets out a sigh of relief, his forehead resting on the cool wood paneling as he says, “Hey Nance, we’ve got a bit of a situation. Can you make it to Harrington’s place?”
It takes all of ten minutes for Nancy Wheeler to come barrelling in, her arms laden with books and giving Eddie a look that would strike lesser men dead on the spot.
“I could kill you Munson.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He says with a lazy wave of his hand, “Join the club Wheels.”
“I get first dibs,” Robin pipes up with her first smile of the evening.
“Guess I’ll settle for sloppy seconds then,” Nancy huffs, dropping the books on an ottoman. “I can’t believe you did this, going against not only her express wishes but Steve’s as well? Bet you didn’t even tell him what all this entailed and now look at him!”
Steve, for all the talk about him, says nothing. His face radiating heat and steadily becoming a vibrant pink.
“Is he,” Eddie begins, stepping closer. “Blushing?”
“Nah,” Robin says knowing best and laying a cool palm to his forehead, “That’s no blush, that’s a fever.”
The thing about Steve is that he rarely, if ever, gets sick. Had perfect attendance all through school, until he got caught skipping, because he’d never gotten the crud. So when he emits a full body shiver, Robin has no choice but to act.
His teeth are still chattering even after being hauled upstairs and smothered beneath blankets. And saying that Steve feels ill, or under the weather or even is inching toward death is a massive understatement.
He grunts beneath the sheets and blankets, socked feet sliding against the rumpled fabric. He aches from the top of his head to the toes of his feet, somehow his fingernails hurt. What is up with that bullshit?
And yeah, he’s supposed to stay in bed, he knows that. But he can’t see the door from up here and what if you come back, what then? What if you and Eddie get into it again and you storm out?
He’s not warming up any more up here than he would down there. At least, that’s what he tells himself as he thrashes beneath the covers and hobbles down the hall.
What Steve is not anticipating however, is to find his living room filled with the likes of Chief Hopper and his daughter El, a lanky older man that he doesn’t recognize, the Byers family, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Max, Billy fucking Hargrove, and finally, you.
So, it’s not all that surprising when he slumps to a heap on the landing of the stairs.
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Alright, okay, he passed out a little bit. What gives?
Well, in your opinion (which really is the only one that matters at present), Steve fucked up is what.
Not only did he get out of bed and drop like a sack of potatoes at the sight of what can only be described as a pack of people? Werwolves, who knows—in his house, but on the way down, he managed to knock his head on the banister and come to with someone half-shouting at him and half-shouting at everyone else in the room.
“If anything, this is Munson’s fault.”
“Shut the fuck up Hargrove,” Eddie sulks, “No one asked for the opinion of a drop-out meat-head.”
“That’s rich coming from you, super senior.”
“I swear to god—”
“Boy, you better settle down!”
“C’mon Wayne, I’m just—”
A low, warning growl cuts through the room.
Everyone has the common sense to look abashed, tail between their legs, and even Hargrove stubs out his cigarette.
“Cut that shit out.”
Angry eyes greet Steve as he groggily comes to. Irises bleeding milky white as you struggle to contain your baser nature.
“Are you alright?”
Each word is bitten and harsh, your teeth set in a tidy row against your plump lips.
He nods, wincing at the pain blooming in his temple. You continue to glare as you sit him upright, “You.”
Steve flinches, pain thudding dully in his skull, all too aware that there will be an audience at his execution if your expression is anything to go by. He opens his mouth to apologize, the sibilant ‘s’ on the tip of his tongue, until your eyes slice to his and stun him into silence.
“Don’t you even start.” With a sigh, you join him leaning back against the railing, hand falling uselessly between you. “This is all my fault. You wouldn't be in this mess if I had any lick of sense.”
It startles a laugh from him, how quickly you rush to accept the blame.
“Well, I did hit you with my car.”
“Oh, right,” You snort, “That.”
“Can I um,” He says haltingly, “What happened?”
Your head knocks once against the wood banister, “You were supposed to stay in bed.” Pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, you shrug. “Best I can guess is you were worried and got up. Only to be greeted with the shock of a lifetime by having a buncha weres in your living room.”
His lips form a silent ‘oh.’
“We’re not a pack,” You’re quick to clarify, “At least, not officially. And they’re not all weres, just most of ‘em.”
A comfortable silence falls between you, and Steve is placated, for now.
“Hey, boss?”
Though, he still can’t get over that Billy motherfucking Hargrove is in his living room and deferring to you. You merely turn your head before he says something about some vital information being left out of the welcome packets for tonight, and you sigh with a roll of your eyes.
“Sure Hargrove, lemme get Steve settled and we’ll get into it.”
You stand up pulling Steve with you, and he sees Billy nod before lighting up another cigarette and turning toward the window.
He’s insistent that he doesn’t need a babysitter, but that does nothing to stop Dustin from inviting himself into Steve’s room when you go down to sort things out with the not-pack. He feels marginally better, and maybe Eddie was right when he said proximity helps. He doesn’t feel as wrecked as he was earlier, and if anything, it’s getting a bit hot underneath all the covers on his bed.
“Don’t smother him, Henderson,” You grunt, sticking out your chin as you lean on the doorjamb an hour or so later, while Dustin continues piling blankets on Steve. “This isn’t Mommy Dearest, kid.”
Steve thinks it’s cute, the slight drawl in your voice as you scold him. It’s probably your not-pack voice, the lower register, and gruffness of it. Packmaster-mode, Dustin had called it, even though the title is technically Alpha. But no one calls you that to your face, something about not liking the moniker or responsibility of it.
“Alright punk, scram.”
Dustin does as he’s told, begrudgingly so.
“Y’know,” He says, pausing at the door, “You’ve got to work on your people skills.”
Flicking the hat off of his head and shutting the door in response, you turn back to Steve looking ready to throttle the pipsqueak.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” You sigh, slumping down on the bed.
“It’s his ego, right?”
You blow a raspberry and let out a humorless laugh, “Eddie says it’s his tone.”
“Hmm, yeah. That too.”
Steve shuffled over to make room on the bed and peeled the covers back in a huff. You’d kicked off your sneakers and snuck one leg under the sheets next to his, the other propped with your foot resting on the mattress.
“Oh my god, you’re so warm.”
“Yeah, we run hot. It’s a were thing.”
Steve doesn’t sag against you exactly—it wouldn’t make any sort of physical sense—but he feels like he does it metaphorically.
“Ugh, that must be brutal in the summer.”
“You’re tellin’ me.” You give him a small smile and let your arm graze his thigh. “But it’s not all bad.”
Steve picks idly at the fraying hem of his shorts, fingers itching for something, anything to do. He’s not mad, well, not exactly, but he is kinda keyed up.
“Can hear you thinkin’ in there.”
You crack an eye open, and he turns back, a blush dusting his cheekbones.
“It’s just—” He starts to say, falling silent as you sit up beside him, the legs of your shorts, which are unfortunately boxers he grabbed without looking, rise up to reveal the soft skin of your thighs. And your skin is the only thing soft about you, from what Steve can tell.
“You didn’t even give me a choice.”
The light in your eyes snuffs itself out. Your face falls as you take in what he’s just said.
You clear your throat, “It’s not much of a choice,” Voice soft and small, “Not really.”
Steve nods, rolling his shoulder and chewing on his lip.
“Look, I’m really sorry Steve, truly. And if there was a way I could go back and undo all of this, I would.”
A momentarily panic flares up in his chest. No, that's not what he— he didn’t mean it in that way. He frustratedly runs a hand through his hair, recalling how Nancy pointed out that communication had never been his strong suit.
“No, hold on. I didn’t mean—”
“It’s all fucked up now,” You admit, “Eddie knew how I felt about it and he went and did it, anyway. He claims it was done in my best interest, but he’s a smarmy motherfucker when he wants to be.” It all rushes out of you in the span of a breath, but now you’re on a roll and can’t stop, no matter the defeated expression on Steve’s face.
“He just like, dove straight in and started the Blood Rite without either of our consent, and now we’re stuck in this labyrinthian limbo from hell because you’ve had my blood and I’ve had yours. So how are we ever gonna know if any of this,” You wave frantically between your bodies as if it’s somehow proof, “Is a legitimate and purposeful choice or the result of fucking werewolf nonsense?!”
Well, Steve certainly wasn’t expecting any of that.
He looks at you, so directly it’s almost a challenge, the muscle in his jaw working steadily and you have to will your need to dominate deep down like the slumbering beast it is. But he’d look so pretty laid out and begging underneath you.
Ahem, another time maybe.
“You don’t wanna do this.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“No, but it’s what you meant.”
“Steve, no—”
“Heavily implied.” He spits, turning toward you and shifting up on his knees. “I’m not stupid, y’know.” Steve says, and seeing you caught off-guard like this has set something into motion that he just can’t get the precise nature of yet.
You swallow and drag your hand down your face, letting it settle across your lips as you study him. Keen eyes, a predator’s eyes following every movement as he spreads his legs wide, nearly straddling you but not quite.
“A part of you wants me.”
You're staring at the ceiling fan now, but your face has gone tight with frustration and something else.
“More than you should.”
One hand distractedly pushes the hair from your face, your mouth falling open to argue.
You swallow, pushing yourself up straighter. “I should go,” You say carefully, eyes rapt on Steve’s face. Responding more to the tone in his voice than anything else, and you chafe under the ease with which he wields it.
He doesn’t back down, which only stokes your ire. Steve’s close enough to touch, but remaining just out of reach, taunting that part of you that howls for him.
Well, two can play at that game.
Desire uncoils in your gut at a lazy pace, taking its time to pool beneath your navel. It shakes you alive, prompting you to disentangle yourself from the sheets wrapped about your ankles. Rising to your haunches as if readying yourself for a chase, Steve feels himself prickle hot all over just at the sight of it.
He licks his lips, and he’s so close that you can feel rather than see the slight shudder of his body. If you pushed just a bit harder, took in a little more atmosphere he’d fall like a house of cards.
And then, to the victor go the spoils.
Steve shakes his head and sighs, it’s such an infuriatingly him gesture that you’re nearly taken aback. But his gaze remains steady, just as his hands and heart do, the comforting da-dum, da-dum, da-dum of it drawing you closer and closer.
Normally, you’d find it endearing. So familiar that you can paint it with your eyes shut, but not tonight, not when you have the moon and him singing in your veins, emotions a bit fraught and not entirely your own.
Walking on your knees across the bed as if it’s a desert, and you’d spent hundreds of miles repenting, Steve stills.
Baring your teeth to smile wide and wild, “C’mere honey,” You croon, saccharine sweet. “I’ll play nice.”
He breathes your name, there’s no other word in his head.
Some things are fated, destined, and mapped in the stars, but nowhere is it said that these things need to be kind.
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giildedgold · 2 days
can you yap about ro more pls i love him too :3333
anon i love you, I absolutely can omg
honestly I have so many thoughts on Ro but I will offer you a piece of my mind on him. specifically duality and how they've changed through season 4
duality duo both change in the story and it happens specifically during the castle arc. for ro, I just want to study him on why he changed and how it happened. I know it was during that time but I keep feeling like I miss a vod where it's shown. for mapicc it's a bit more obvious to me
during the confrontation of team awesome's disbanding as zam destroyed their god shulkers, it's roshambo who wants to keep zam around and he genuinely tries to have all three of them stay together.
( "We're a team, Zam. Team Awesome. You can trust us." | "What do you mean? He's part of the team. I'd trust Zam with my life." | "I still care about him." )
and here it is mapicc that quite literally responds with "he doesn't care about you." to the last one. mapicc mentions multiple times that he just wants to get it over with and get to the fight already. he clearly wants to get rid of zam
the part of mapicc wanting to get rid of zam kind of shows through the castle arc as well. we're constantly wondering when mapicc is going to kill zam, because we all know it is coming eventually. but it doesn't and it doesn't (excluding the accidental ban).
until princezam's final stand arrives. (iirc, oops?) and there he fights against duality. obviously, he loses. but that isn't exactly what interests me. what is interesting to me is the way ro reacts to zam's invitation:
"I'm not stopping until I'm banned, so you can come finish it at my castle if you want." / "I'm down."
here, in my eyes, we see the shift in duality. it is ro who is oh so willing to come and finish zam, to put him down once and for all. he almost does. he gets zam to two hearts while mapicc is telling him "ro, stop." and "leave him alone."
eventually, ro does stop. but i don't think it's because he wanted to spare zam. I think there's something about the sentence "we're Gods, not demons." that makes him change his mind. he says it like it's a reminder to himself before he leaves zam. like he needs to remember that to be god, he must be merciful. he's not going to be a demon like the rest are. he's better than them.
then there's this interesting part that still connects to their shift in dynamic. during the team awesome meeting, ro says that it's his duty to keep mapicc in check and to contain him. to make sure that mapicc doesn't destroy everything. he blames himself for the destruction that mapicc caused in his absence, as he wasn't there to keep him under watch.
and once again, during the castle arc, it is mapicc keeping ro back from banning zam. it is mapicc who managed to get through to ro and keeps him from killing him.
this is shown again when mapicc betrays ro during the utopia part. it's his way of keeping ro in control, to keep him from being destructive. and what better place to keep ro in than the dimension where there's no one but him?
because while mapicc destroys the world, ro destroys its people.
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
They literally rode a bicycle built for two how can I not ship them
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fmayyy · 6 months
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Lucifer is so Michael Scott coded…..
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kyrup · 3 months
one of my favorite scenes from nsbu ep 3. i cannot get over ally switching from breaking at every other word that rekha says to being entirely seriously in-character and attentively holding their many many shirts
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okay so King Harrow (father of Ezran, adopted father of Callum) killed the king of the dragons (Father of Zym [adopted brother of Ezran]). in revenge, Runaan (adopted father of Rayla [girlfriend of Callum {adopted son of King Harrow}]) kills King Harrow (father of Ezran, adopted father of Callum).
I need someone to make a chart because Runaan's family life got real complicated in the two years he's been gone
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ofswordsandpens · 9 months
honestly I'm cool with the show amping up the derision towards the gods, but still, I can't help but wonder why exactly we're speed running the entirety of annabeth's disillusionment of the gods and her mommy issues over the entire series in the very first season...
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t4t4tclethian · 7 months
enamored with the potential of xbeans btw. they could be "love my beautiful wife who wants to kill me so bad" or they could be wile e coyote and the roadrunner. romantic or platonic it dodsnt matter. joel keeps trying to kill xb and xb dodges the trap expertly going "nice try hehe ^_^" and not holding a grudge
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Din and Bo-katan are such siblings it's SO funny. Din shaking his head as he left her Palace like he's been dealing with her pessimism all his life instead of like two instances. "I toLd you😡I wanna be left aLo- Where's your dad😐He's in trouble? Let's go." Saves Din's life, "it's honestly adorable you believe those children's stories🙄". Teasingly gives him a tour of the Waters, immediately jumps in to rescue him when he falls in. Come on
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darcyolsson · 1 year
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is this too niche
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earlgodwin · 1 year
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"I’ve always imagined like Cesare having a little Juan dressed as angel on one shoulder and a Juan dressed as a devil on the other, sort of egging him on, so who knows." (x)
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seralyra · 1 year
I’m internally screaming about Grians last episode. The ultimate betrayal was stabbing Scar in the back. Grian didn’t think twice about shoving Joel off Skynet, when he got a kill and went back to green. When they were still in that yellow craze. He was sorry for killing Jimmy. But he never thought about any of that as a betrayal. Just good fun. Or an accident. He said to Jimmy that there are no rules in this game.
And yet here he is, saying he is betraying Scar. When they barely even had an alliance this season. Even though Scar had attacked him before with the intent to kill.
And Scar was so shocked by it, too. Because the two danced around each other all season, no matter where their overall alliances stood. They chatted and teased and mildly antagonized each other. And Grian would swipe at Scar with a scolding tone “Are you really trying to take me on?”.
Grian had never been a real threat to Scar.
Out of the two of them Scar probably killed Grian the most because of the AFK session. And even then it had a playful ring to it and didn’t count because “Grian wasn’t really there, so it didn’t happen.”
It wasn’t the Bad Boys Grian reunited with after death, either. Scar was the one waiting for him in the end. Scar was the one cheering him on with “Cuteguy!” as a ghost.
I just can’t believe that in the end, Desertduo still somehow won. I love their absolute mess of a relationship. The push and pull. How they antagonize and support each other.
Martyn and Scott are such an amazing mirror to Scars and Grians ending, too. Scotts last words ring true for Grian and Scar, as well: “He betrayed me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
It echoes Grians “You’re such a monster! I’m so proud.” from the beginning of season 9, when they are together in the End.
They are the epitome of “I can make him worse.” and I’m absolutely loving it.
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shannonsketches · 2 months
you know what I take back my vegeta schitts creek headcanon, I think he's david around goku and alexis around everyone else
in my most comedic soul though he is just masc gina linetti
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bitchthefuck1 · 3 months
you know what, I actually will talk about this because it's bothering me. The issue with focussing so heavily on syd and carmy's potential for a romantic relationship isn't that there's something inherently unintellectual about romance or whatever, it's that a lot of people seem incapable of doing that without immediately flattening the story and ignoring or intentionally misreading any and all nuance for the sake of that romance. Every scene suddenly becomes about how it impacts their relationship, every analysis is done through a romantic lens, every frame or line of dialogue becomes about finding some easter egg or hint that "proves" these people should start dating. Their dynamic is absolutely a fundamental part of this show, but if you can only see it as a will-they-won't-they, you miss so much of what the story is actually trying to say with these two.
There are good versions of this story where their relationship is romantic and there are good versions of this story where it isn't, but as soon as you decide them being together is "the point," you lose the ability to actually judge the story for what it is, not what you want it to be.
#like so much of their dynamic (esp but not exclusively in S3) has been about showing the ways that carmy's trauma and dysfunctional#attitude in the kitchen impacts other people and how even though he cares about syd and wants their partnership to work he keeps self#sabotaging and setting himself and by extension her and the restaurant up to fail and replicating the same toxic environments that#he grew up and trained in and this is very much consistent with his character and a natural continuation of the conflicts they've been#having since S1 but because him being shitty with her runs contrary to them getting together suddenly its 'ruining the story' and#out of character and only happening bc the writers just hate to see this ship winning and like. if you really think that i genuinely don't#know what show you've been watching bc it sure as shit wasn't this one. like it hurts to see him do this because you know#they could do something genuinely great together and that he's ruining a really good thing but this is also the reality of where he is rn#if he was just a good and supporting business partner and not deeply dysfunctional it would be wildly out of character#the problem w S3 wasn't that it 'ruined' their relationship it's that it had no clear focus overemphasized carmy's arc at the expense#of the other leads deprioritized the supporting cast while failing to give them their own arcs gave more screen time to#unecessary and uninteresting new 'comic relief' characters and let conflicts stagnate without resolving them or#letting them evolve over the course of the season.#this isn't exclusive to the bear this is a general trend ive noticed where as soon as the 'shipper' part of people's brains get activated#it's like they lose the ability to read the story any other way and it stops being about what's good for the narrative and starts being#about whether or not these two people kiss and anything that gets in the way of that is bad and anything that brings it closer is good#and it's usually whatever but it's really frustrating when the story ppl are doing that to is this good#it also makes people fundamentally incapable of treating any 'obstacle' to that romance in a way that isn't wildly meanspirited and#gross (esp bc those characters are usually women) which is exhausting. like no claire isn't evil or a 'pick me' or 'bad' for carmy#or a useless addition to the story or whatever other nonsense you guys have decided must be true to feel okay. she's a perfectly normal#character and their relationship is exploring some of the ways that carmy's inability to deal with or actually address his trauma#impacts the various relationships in his life. she doesn't even have to be a monster or a narrative mistake for him and syd to be#'destined' for each other or whatever. this isn't a middle school wattpad fic.#im definitely gonna get killed in the street for this but ive been looking for a good reason to spend less time on here so might as well#the bear#sydcarmy#sydney adamu#carmy berzatto
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afacelesschampion · 4 months
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