#theatre and the plague
faitsansorganes · 4 months
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Antonin Artaud, Theatre and the Plague
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real-odark · 5 months
you gotta die sometime circus music because gay men/the aids crisis wasnt taken seriously not even by the president and involved the queer men being seen as a circus act in their troubles....
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erriga · 4 months
Omg the pathologic dlc looking so good
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little-lovett · 9 months
i’m not a fan of the possessive, self righteous i-know-the-show-better-you’re-a-fake-fan energy up in here i see sometimes. we’re all here because we adore this show. that is a beautiful thing!!!! we love something SO MUCH collectively that we have a little community to be crazy about it together. so why bring in all that gross dividing energy? sweeney todd is a piece of art and a very complicated one at that. we are allowed to interpret it a certain way and still respect different interpretations. let us have our messed up ships. let us have our stupid headcannons. let us have our favorite actors/actresses. no one’s changing the objective story or manipulating characters beyond recognition. we are watching and analyzing and learning new things about these characters and this story we all love so much. i understand the deep passion and appreciation for the original story and production of sweeney todd. i share that. i also love geeking out about sweenett and josh groban and annaleigh ashford. two things can be true at once. i think a lot of this division comes from differing feelings about the revival. first of all, can we be happy this incredible musical is THRIVING on broadway and getting thousands of new fans? so many people have been pulled into this delicious, dark rabbit hole only because of the revival, myself included. of course some things in the show were adjusted for modern audiences. mrs. lovett reads sexier and sweeney a bit softer because people like that shit (also modern audiences are dense and cannot pick up very subtle messages.) i believe the original production intended that dynamic between sweeney and lovett as well. stephen sondheim The Creator has indicated such himself. this one is just more upfront with it so audiences can understand explicitly and get the most out of the show. people love dark, sad romances and evil hot girls. and the show is doing AMAZING. you can have your harsh criticisms on the current production and actors. you can be boring and hold a hateful grudge against the revival. fine!! you’re missing out!!! but don’t make it the problem of people who love it and are having fun. please stop ostracizing people and giving yourself a medal for having a closed mind.
happy new year xoxo
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seagullcharmer · 11 months
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he's my favourite disney princess
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futurewife · 1 month
I kinda needed that movie on a personal emotional level
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hawyeer · 2 months
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Would y'all still love me if I told you I listened to You Spin me Round(like a record) but the Alvin and the chipmunks version on repeat as I made this😔
Oh also I ship Terrence and Gomer but wtv
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probablyapinecone · 2 months
I was recently in a heavily shortened version of Romeo and Juliet cut down to an hour, and out of curiosity (since school never made me read Romeo and Juliet), I looked up the original.
Well, turns out they didn’t just cut out a lot of lines, but they also shortened many excellent speeches. I was playing Mercutio and was robbed of the word “Zounds!” During my death scene.
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(The line in the shortened version was simply: “Tis enough! Twill serve! Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. A plague o’ both your houses! Why the devil came you between us? I was hurt under your arm!”)
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fitzrove · 2 months
If anyone needs me I shall be
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laku-incarnate · 7 months
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real-odark · 6 months
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parolles at some point during the first half of act three of all’s well that ends well
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drjohnwatson · 2 years
‘Rest before the measure's over Hold the beat for just one day‘
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plague-vulture · 9 months
i miss acting :(
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roaringheat · 1 year
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The Narrator
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I don’t know if I would have ever counted as a theater kid exactly because I couldn’t sing/wasn’t really interested in musicals and was too shy to ever really fit the stereotype or hang out with people who would’ve been considered theater kids but I did do theater as a hobby over a lot of years while in school and I still have a lot of fondness for theater as a medium and I wish it got more appreciation for what it can do and how it’s different from movies/tv. It makes me sad that people’s primary association with theater is typically like broadway musicals or Shakespeare (which I do tend to enjoy) and whatever their school picked to be the play every year when they were in school because I don’t feel like those represent very well what the medium has to offer in terms of being an innovative art form. People have this perception of local niche artsy community theater being kind of cringe and poorly made and sure some of it’s like that but honestly the performances that have stuck with me the most have been at those places and I think people often seriously underrate how much talent and ingenuity exists at a local level and the amount of legitimately great plays out there by current play writes that you’ve never heard of even if you might have to wade through a bit of stuff that’s not as good
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