#classical music nerd meets theatre nerd
hawyeer · 2 months
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Would y'all still love me if I told you I listened to You Spin me Round(like a record) but the Alvin and the chipmunks version on repeat as I made this😔
Oh also I ship Terrence and Gomer but wtv
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Hey, I'd love a matchup for Castlevania, if you're up for it (was not the person who wrote you those ask anons btw, although I appreciate them clearing things up).
I’m a heterosexual cis woman, although I’m starting to suspect I’m on the asexual spectrum. So, I'd prefer a male matchup. Also not super sure I'd be down with polygamy.
I'm a premed student (no time for irl dating unfortunately 😭). I also work as a volunteer EMS on weekends. Outside of my school and work my hobbies are singing (musical theatre and classical mostly), theatre (backstage work as well as performing), skiing (the only sport I’m any good at) and TTRPGs (was this close to getting my group to play a Castlevania campaign 😔).
I’m also a big nerd about history, American comics, and folklore. I’ll rant for hours about my special interests if nobody stops me. I’d describe myself as ambiverted. I'm socially awkward, but also very loud and expressive. I’m a bit oblivious, I’ll admit lol, but I do my best. My MBTI is ESTJ, and while I doubt MBTI's accuracy, I agree I’m very Type A. When it comes to the things I’m good at, I’m a major perfectionist, but I’m proud of how hard I work. I think my greatest weakness is probably thoughtlessness, but my greatest strength is humility.  My giving love language is acts of service, and my receiving love language is quality time. I'm verbally affectionate towards friends but I freeze like a deer in headlights if somebody flirts with me. Also: I know appearance isn’t super important, but I think it’s important to know I’m only around 5’0 tall. As my friends say, "headpat size."
A/N: Okay for you my PreMed Student Anon (that’s amazing, congratulations by the way!)I have two potential matches in mind. You said you’re heterosexual and would prefer male results, so I chose two from that gender because I honestly couldn’t decide which would please you best. For you, I’m thinking either Dracula or Alucard would be your perfect romantic matchups! (It really does just come down to which man you’d like better: father or son, lol.) 
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Dracula (Vlad Tepes), as terrifying as he may be when he decides to enact justice on the human population, is a very reserved and intellectual man. He’s introverted and devoted much of his life to learning about anything and everything from medicine to history to poetry. 
In this instance let’s pretend he’s either never met Lisa or he did meet and fall in love with Lisa but she either lived a full life and died of natural causes, or Dracula was able to overcome the anger and blame he held for humanity following her murder.
Dracula is a patient man. Being immortal means he understands that you must dedicate much of your time to your studies and your volunteer work. So long as the few moments you do get to spend with him are uninterrupted and meaningful, I believe he’d be understanding, and even supportive of your academic endeavors. He was more than happy to aid Lisa in her quest to learn more about biology, so I have no doubt he’d do similarly for you. Any questions you have, he’d gladly answer them. Any resource he has in his castle, any book or scroll, any record of any kind is yours to inspect. He has no doubts that you’re going to make a very accomplished professional one day, and he has every intention of doing whatever it takes to help you get there.
Along with that patience comes an understanding that sex is not the end all be all in life. Sure, it has its place for either pleasure or reproduction but it doesn't need to dominate relationships. If sex is something you're hesitant about, or against having, it doesn't make much difference to him. Dracula would be fine without sleeping with you, so long as he can have you in other ways. Holding you close, holding your hand, sitting next to you in front of a warm fire- those things are what make him feel close to your heart. 
Dracula also enjoys how animated you get when you go on rants about your special interests. He’s very versed in history and folklore as well, although not American comics, so he would listen intently as you teach him all you know. 
As an ESTJ, you would be very grounding for him (an INTJ), while still having a great deal in common. The both of you value an intellectual connection in a relationship while your more empathetic, extroverted side would help push him to see the truth of humanity where he may previously have only seen things in shades of black and white. You both strive for the best, and that suits you just fine with your perfectionism, but do be warned, there may be times you don’t see eye to eye. What you hold as most important in an issue or debate may be different than what he holds. Remember to be patient. INTJs are prone to stubbornness, but being a Type A personality, I do not doubt that you’ll be able to handle any contrary moods of his just fine. 
Your thoughtlessness can also be a source of discourse within the relationship, as Dracula is bound to worry about you. You’re human, you're fragile and under so much pressure. He cares deeply for you and does not want to see you hurt. The one advantage you do have, however, is your humility. It keeps you from being both arrogant and thoughtless which is a much more dangerous combination. So long as you are aware enough of your limits, and keep your wits about you the best you can, Dracula promises to trust you enough to let you come and go as you need to, so long as you’re willing to admit when you need help. But with your best trait being your humility, that shouldn't be a problem. 
Dracula is so touched by your acts of service. Being such an ancient and scary vampire no one ever thought to make him tea or ask if he needed help with anything. He feels so fortunate to have a partner who does not see him solely as ‘Dracula’, Lord of Vampires, but as Vlad Tepes, a man at heart. 
Not to mention your size difference is too adorable for words. He’s so tall and you’re so tiny… He always kneels whenever you ask for a kiss, he’ll never ask you to step on a stool or climb a ladder to reach him. He’s more than happy to come to you. He loves you. You are his new light, his new reason to believe in humanity. 
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Alucard (Adrian Tepes) could also be a good match for you! He’s an ambivert like you, although he may not admit it. He’s the son of a scholar and a doctor, so he’s very understanding when it comes to your education and career. And his empathetic nature makes him extremely compatible with your considerate one. 
As Alucard is a dhampir and immortal, this matchup could work in either medieval times or modern times. For the sake of this matchup, imagine whatever you might prefer. 
Alucard hasn’t always had the best experience when it comes to sex. Granted, you can’t judge every potential future experience based on one horrible one, but he’s not the kind of guy who jumps into bed easily. He has reservations and feels very insecure about the whole act. Should he ever engage in it, he’d need a partner who’s very understanding, or just as nervous as he is about the whole thing. In hindsight, I don’t think Alucard would mind not having all that much sex: for him, your continued company means more than any sexual endeavor could. 
Alucard is very impressed with your decision to go into pre med. He knows how much work that means you’re going to be undertaking, and he’ll do whatever he can to support you, either in your studies or in your personal life. He’s very well-read and rather educated on biology as his mother was a physician, so feel free to ask him any questions or have him quiz you before exams. He’s also a bit of an obsessive lover. When he decides he likes someone, he makes a point to memorize that person. (Recall the Trevor and Sypha dolls?) He wants to know what you think and why you think it. That way, he can anticipate your thoughts or needs. 
And he does quite enjoy it when you sing to him, especially if you sing him to sleep. Sleep hasn't always come easy to him, but with your presence and your lovely voice, it’s as if an angel is singing him a lullaby. I also believe Alucard would absolutely thrive playing TTRPG: he’s sarcastic, smart and strategic. I really think he’d dominate any campaign he set his mind to. Plus, it’d be great socialization for him besides you. 
As an ESTJ you’re fairly compatible with Alucard’s INFJ. You’re just extroverted enough to pull him out of his idealistic daydreams, but grounded and predictable enough not to shake his confidence or trust in you/your relationship. The only possible issue is that INFJs can sometimes get caught up in the fantastical destiny of it all: it’s about people and purpose. Whereas ESTJs tend to be a bit more practical- you value reality and stability a bit more than potential and daydreams. But I don’t envision this to be a huge problem, so long as you push communication with Alucard. He internalizes a lot. He’ll need to be reminded to share his inner feelings. So long as you do that, I don’t see any major discourse between you two. 
Alucard may be a little disappointed in your moments of thoughtlessness, but at the same time, he finds them endearing. You try so hard: you’re a perfectionist like he is, and even though you’re only human, you strive for the same greatness. It’s rather admirable. He likes that about you. 
Alucard would also be very touched by your acts of service, mainly because he often finds himself doing the service for others. It’s nice to be taken care of for a change. And he is very happy to spend quality time with you. He’d follow you everywhere if you let him. So long as he’s near you, he feels complete. He’s always leaning down to give you soft forehead kisses whenever you’re around. You’re so precious to him. 
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eggs-machiavellian · 2 years
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A somewhat new Simblr!
Long-time listener, first-time caller. (Kinda.)
I've been bumbling around on Tumblr for a bit trying but I figured it was time I make a proper introduction post.
I'm 30ish, started playing Sims around the time the first one came out. I love these stupid pixel dolls so much. I am entirely too into custom content.
On this blog you can expect CAS challenges, possibly lookbooks and a bit of gameplay if I can ever stick to a legacy!
I am super friendly, super nerdy and super clutzy. Please feel free to message, comment, send an ask etc whenever. I adore meeting new people and would be so stoked to find some mutuals. I've never really been embedded enough in an online community to have many (or even any).
Because I'm kinda old for Tumblr (shock horror 30s!), my blog is 18+. I always try to make sure anyone I follow is over that age as well.
Thanks for reading, and I hope to chat with you guys soon! My inbox is always open.
(This post got way too long, so I've put some non-essential info under the cut!)
More about me:
🐱 I am a cat person (I have four).
🎲 I love playing and watching D&D (especially Critical Role).
🎮 I'm huge into gaming in general (PC, PS4, Switch – some faves are The Last of Us, Horizon, God of War, Sunless Sea, Divinity Original Sin 2, Kentucky Route Zero). I pretty much just post about TS4 though.
📚 I'm a classic literature nerd, although I love contemporary books too. The last few years I've gotten really into audiobooks.
🎶 I think the theatre is a magical place. I love musical theatre, especially.
🧠 I'm hugely passionate about psychology. I hope to make a career change to clinical psych one day. I just think brains are neat and weird and there's so much to learn, and I've been through a lot of bad mental health myself so getting to help others the way I've been helped by therapy before would be amazing.
So basically that's me. Thanks for reading the extra stuff if you did!
– M
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jgroffdaily · 3 years
Man About Town interview
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On how he spent COVID
Lockdown was kind of life-changing. I got a house right before COVID right near my dad's horse farm. My dad trains and races horses for a living. I knew I wanted to always go back to Pennsylvania at some point in my life to be near my family. And when I was living there with my friend Katie during COVID, I had this dream in the back of my brain through the years that I wanted to turn my dad's horse farm into an artist retreat. Being there and re-falling in love with the Amish landscape and the stars and nature fast-tracked this whole thing. It was a huge realigning moment for me. I also did a movie club with my friends where we would watch classic movies and we did it for an entire year. Bertoluci’s 1900 was a very polarising movie. I remember there was some members of the group that really went with that, and then there were others that were not going with it. 
On how his upbringing shaped his acting career
It's a combination of growing up in this idyllic, natural environment where the summers were spent with my brother and our friends putting on plays in my dad's barn. I was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz there and we were running through the fields and it was very free, open and creative. Then on the flip side, I understand how much doing community theatre and high school theatre. Acting was a culmination of joy and at the same time, it was great kind of therapy and an outlet for self-expression so growing up in that conservative area allowed me great freedom and creativity, but it also was quite repressing in certain ways, which I think is why I reached for acting. 
On finding out he’d been cast inThe Matrix Resurrections It was total disbelief. I was doing Little Shop of Horrors off-Broadway, playing Seymour, such a musical theatre nerd character. And I had gone on my day off to meet Lana and audition for her and talk to her. A couple of weeks later she called me and said, “Hey, so we'd like for you to be a part of the film and just wanted to check in and see if you'd be comfortable with learning Kung Fu as it's going to be quite physical.” I was like, “Yeah, I have absolutely no experience but count me in." We hung up and I felt like, well, this isn’t happening. Then I put on my glasses and my nerd outfit and sang my songs and it felt very distant. Then slowly, I got a trainer in New York while I was doing the play. I'm training five days a week to get ready for the fight training then two months later, I land in San Francisco and walk into like the training tent and the first person I see is Keanu doing high kicks. I was like, “Oh my God, where the fuck am I?” I just totally fell in love with the training, it was like learning dance moves in a way. The physicality, learning the choreography, I was super into it. Then before I know it, I’m doing a fight scene with Keanu Reeves. It was like a state of disbelief all the way up until we were actually shooting and doing it. And it was the most surreal, incredible experience. 
On first meeting with Lana Wachowski
We met in San Francisco for my audition at the Fairmont Hotel and as I was walking through the hallway, there’s this poster of Looking because we shot in that hotel. So I went up to the room where she was doing auditions and her wife was there and we had a creative personal heartfelt dialogue before we did the audition material. I talked about San Francisco and I talked about Looking and I talked about identity and owning identity. She has a lot feelings and experience in that so funnily enough, Looking and San Francisco was a real part of my connection with Lana initially.
On playing Agent Smith
I didn't go to work thinking about the legacy of The Matrixand the legacy of Agent Smith... as Lana made it clear that it was new programming. She didn't want an impersonation of Hugo Weaving. We were looking to explore different territory and have fun in doing that but there were still elements of the brutalism so I would go home to my hotel room in San Francisco and put on The Matrix movies and I would have it kind of subconsciously playing in the back of my head because I wanted it in there. But then when we got to the moment of playing the scenes and playing the moments of the beats of each particular interaction, I had a blast exploring the way in which the people we work for, like the character that I am in the beginning. The first line that I have in the movie plays with this idea of the corporation that we work for and inhabiting that energy and inhabiting that smooth, cynical, but seemingly warm capitalist vibe in a suit, that this is kind of a version of what an agent is now to us in our world and living in that headspace and then getting to express what in many ways is the kind of brutal quality of those people as it's articulated in what ends up becoming a connection to the brutalist energy and physicality of the Smith that we know from the former programming. Jonathan Groff stars in The Matrix Resurrections. The full interview and shoot will feature in Man About Town's SS22 issue. 
Photography: Ben ChabanonStyling: Erica CloudGrooming: by Melissa DeZarateInterview + Editor: Mike Christensen Art director: Jeffrey Thomson Photography assistant: Will Colacito Editorial director: Huw Gwyther .
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We All Need Saving Sometimes - Kaz Brekker x male! Reader
A/n: I don't even know why this took me so long to write because this was so fun! Anyways sorry it took so long!
Warnings: Violence? + Language (it is me you should expect it at this point!?
Request: Hiiii, I just discovered your account and I love it! I've been searching for shadow and bone x Male readers but there aren't that many so I figured I could request one 😅 I was thinking about a Male reader x Kaz Brekker, maybe the reader is like a vigilante and saves Kaz or something like that. Just do whatever you want with it :)))
(The reader is kind of like Nightwing btw)
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The blood rushed through his veins as he swung around and smashed the crime boss in the face. Adrenaline courses through him as the man stumbles back and he takes a few steps forward.
"I- Please, I-I'll do-do anything! Please!" Y/n just rolls his eyes and cuffs him to the pole on the top of some random Ketterdam building with his special handcuffs. Although this thug isn't very skilled at pickpocketing much less pick locking so he really didn't need to use it. Either way, the man wouldn't be able to leave till the stadwatch could come to get him or he would die from dehydration.
Well, he did say Ketterdam.
He jumped from the building still hearing the pleas of the older crime (failing) boss. Some considered him a hero, some did not. He was kind of in the middle, he would kill (like he said this is Ketterdam for ghezen sake!) But sometimes he would let them go. Most of the time his vigilante persona - Inferno, was just so he could keep the innocent children out of the way of the crime schemes that happen in this totally lovely city.
The thing with Y/n was that his superhero persona, Inferno was a tad bit different from himself normally. Inferno could be described as calculative, cool, and intellectual.
When he was just the L/n boy though... He's clumsy, anxiety-ridden, and what some would call a classic 'nerd' case, to name a few. Trust Y/n when he said this; he wasn't a mental case it just both of the sides were him but... Not always completely him. Inferno and L/n were two sides to him that only really did have two things in common; their terrible corny jokes, and never ever doing something without thinking about it first.
So he didn't know why he did it. Why he jumped off that building landing headfirst in a fight to help some strange teenager with a cane. All he knew was when he took one look at the teen he didn't even think he just did.
A man tried to swing a weak left hook at Inferno but he just rolled his eyes and dodged gracefully and judo flipped him onto his back, his face letting out a satisfying CRUNCH! As his foot put all its pressure on the man's disgusting face. While the man scream's out in pain he turns his attention to the two others. The teenager seemed to have one all he had to do was get the oth- WAIT IS THAT KAZ BREKKER?!!
A punch is delivered to Inferno's face and he feels rage build up inside him. Fuck this shit he's done. He goes full in and tackles the other man that's not attacking the Brekker boy and with his rage the man's dead in seconds. Welp, he would just have to add that to the number that he can't remember how many people he's killed.
The answer would be a lot, but hey! He did say protecting the (innocent) children and teens were off and on, apparently, it was on today.
He hears a giant wack! And he turns around just in time to see the other attacker fall to the ground and for the boy to withdraw his cane.
"I didn't need your help."
Inferno roll's his eyes and nods sarcastically; "Sure Brekker, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"Who says I sleep?"
"Well, we're on the same boat for that one buddy!" I laugh and I could feel L/n slipping through Inferno almost like they were finally coming together after meeting this young criminal. But why?
"Don't mention this to anyone or I'll have your head." The Brekker boy says threateningly, well it would be to anyone else if they weren't so entranced by him. (Cough, cough, Y/n.)
"Hey, I saved you!"
"I thought you only saved children?" Then at that moment, their eyes meet and Y/n can see right through his soul. His eyes are cold, but they're so hypnotic and they make him fall for this bastard of the barrel. They both seem to come closer till there almost chest to chest, it was like an invisible magnetic force was pulling them together.
"We all need saving sometimes, Brekker," Y/n whispered and Brekker turned his head away probably trying to recollect himself.
"Call me Kaz please." Y/n knew that Dirtyhands wasn't polite nor did he beg. But this wasn't Kaz Brekker neither was it Dirtyhands. This is a scared boy who was peaking out and Y/n was holding out his head and he thinks he just took it.
"I Have an offer for you. Meet me at the Waffle House near the fountain. of Crows at six."
Y/n raise's his eyebrow and a slow smile crawls upon his face. "Oh, it's a date then Brekk- Kaz!" He jokes.
Kaz rolls his eyes. "Just remember who I am Inferno."
So Kaz hasn't figured out that Y/n was Inferno, give Brekker about a day and he would probably figure out his identity. But an unusual feeling spread across Y/n's chest and he observed it wasn't panic that Kaz would find out who he really was. He couldn't place what the feeling was just yet but he discovered that he trusted Kaz.
And that was more terrifying than any villain.
"Just count yourself lucky you don't owe me anything after saving your ass!"
Kaz just rolls his eyes at the statement and starts walking away from Y/n but pausing midway just almost out of his line of vision.
Without turning his head Kaz yells; "You Better not be late for our date L/n!"
Y/n's eyes widen and any confidence that might have been there was wiped away with just a few words and he's left in a flustered mess. Not even realizing that he had already figured out who he really was outside of his superhero persona.
He's frozen, going through Brekker's words over and over again trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.
Holy fuck he just got a date with Dirtyhands.
Fate must have been up to something but whatever it was he was ready and with a grin, Y/n took off into the night.
"This way sir." A petite but kind lady walks him towards a table where there it was - the bastard of the barrel, someone who he could be himself and join his two half of himself together without pressure was there.
He was actually there.
And he, Y/n L/n was late.
He carefully slid into the booth seat on the opposite side of Kaz examining the boy in front of him. He was holding a newspaper, his hat was drawn forward enough so it could cover his eyes and he didn't even acknowledge him.
Just at that moment he place's the newspaper down and raises an eyebrow at the L/n boy.
"Your late L/n."
A sly smirk plays on Y/n's face as he remembered what Kaz had told him before hand in there last visit. Fate really did have a funny way of doing things.
"Oh Please Kaz." He leans forward so now they're both eye to eye.
"Call me Y/n."
Words 1217
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover
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tothemeadow · 4 years
hewwo my dear! may i please request sfw and nsfw hc's with Hantengu and Nakime please?
Hello, goose mom! For Hantengu, I’m going the morphed hot version of all of the clones (Zohakuten) because his wrinkly self ain’t cute 👀 Also I hope I get this right since I’ve never written for Hantengu or any of his forms
Hantengu & Nakime SFW/NSFW HCs
Hantengu (Zohakuten form)
so, so angry, but that much is obvious
stubs his toe? angry. rips off a band aid? angry.
literally takes the term “sour puss” and makes it his life’s motto
despite being an angry boi, he’s quite self conscious and thinks about what others think of his other forms/clones
suffers from an inferiority complex despite being an Upper Moon
“Muzan is love, Muzan is life”
likes dogs
smells like pine
can’t eat spicy food to save his life
“it’s not a phase, Mom, GAWD”
no matter form he takes, Hantengu is a bottom bitch
he might be angry, come off as dominant, whatever, he’s a bitch in bed
whimpers a lot whenever he’s close to cumming
super into bondage 
10/10 loves shibaru and hogtying
despite being a bottom, he curses and degrades you (and sometimes himself)
“I’m your little bitch, you motherfucker”
dry humping is a thing
like having his tongue yanked when you fuck him but refuses to admit it
book nerd
100% cat lady
presses flowers and partakes in insect taxidermy
in a modern setting, she dresses mostly in sweaters, long skirts (almost a dark academia meets librarian vibe)
has a very soft voice when she speaks
holds down liquor easily
super into classical music yet likes heavy metal
possibly a theatre buff?
the type of person who wears a lot rings on her fingers
I honestly can’t decide whether she’s a switch or a soft bottom
like, she’s blunt and somewhat strong-willed personality wise, but I feel she’s very gentle in bed
likes holding onto your hands or caressing your face while you fuck her
likes giving oral
bath sex is niiiiiccceeee
mostly quiet in bed, but when she’s close to her orgasm her breathing gets heavy and she gasps and pants a lot
has a praise kink uwu
once in a while she’ll dom, but I mostly have the feeling she likes feeling loved and comforted during sex
I wouldn’t say she likes being bossed around - she will put up a fight if you start acting like that
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arcadialedger · 3 years
Blogs Masterpost
Hi, my name is Ryn and I’m a nerd! I’m just coming back onto Tumblr, and if you’re in fandom I would love to get to know you/ be mutuals.
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If you’re in fandom and looking for mutuals, come give me a follow on any of my blogs or comment and I’m follow you! I’m always looking for new friends and accounts in my fandoms.
Likes and reblogs are always appreciated, as I am just coming back on!
Blogs List:
Main: @arcadialedger
Avatar: @waterbenderkat
Tales of Arcadia: @commandingdaylight
Dragon Prince: @lettersfromxadia
Disney: @theblueeyedbelle
Over the Garden Wall: @theboyandthebluebird
How to Train Your Dragon: @trainerofdragons
She Ra: @starsofetheria
You absolutely do not need to follow all of these blogs, but I love getting to meet new people in my fandoms and any/ all support is appreciated!
I’m also in the following fandoms, which I post here on main:
- Harry Potter
- Percy Jackson
- Lord of the Rings
- Doctor Who
- Star Wars
- Narnia
- Marvel/ MCU
- Sherlock
- Merlin
- Game of Thrones
- Stranger Things
- Owl House
- Anime/ Ghibli
I also post about animated shows and films in general, mg/ ya books and fandoms, classic lit, mythology/ fairytales/ folklore/ legends, Shakespeare, musical theatre/ Broadway, and love history, culture, theology, linguistics, and more!
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yournameyn · 3 years
Feeling Deeply
Genre: Fluff so much fluff. Arranged Marriage fic.
Pairing: Namjoon x OC
A/N: Aaaaaa this is the first fic I'm posting ever ever. It's basically a way to follow the red thread of my desires. OC is named Brishti. She's Indian. She's Bengali & curvy & an introvert. This whole fic is 90% going to be a slow burn fluff fic about two introvert nerds getting to know each other. Seriously there's like hardly any real angst, maybe slight angst about okay when are these two going to bang - if you look very carefully but basically its just slooooow fluuuufff. Hopefully you all like it. Please let me know what you think. Current Chapter: This one is loooong. Remember this is all happening in the 1960s. OC & Namjoon are both really well off first gen immigrants. In this chapter we have our couple coming closer together - talking about some issues they've both had in their lives. Also this is the chapter where you'll get to know one of my favourite Namjoon songs and like why the OC is named what she's named. Also just a reminder because im a bit paranoid - Rim Jhim (referred to as Rim) is our OC Brishti. Its a pet name that's introduced in this chapter. And Namjoon being the wordsmith that he is makes it shorter, with the korean meaning of the word.
Previously in Feeling Deeply: Preface-ish Chapter 1
Chapter 2
And so it went for the next few days, the two of them quietly discovering each other. They were finding out the normal, casual, small things - how he didn’t like mint chocolate, how she loved bitter black coffee. Since both of them worked, they decided to split the chores at home. It worked out great because Namjoon liked to sweep & Brishti loved to do the dishes. They both struggled to cook but they decided to learn how to cook each other’s cuisines. So she was learning how to make kimchi (the green onion one) & he was learning how to prepare daal (the yellow one). They split the rent & decided to create a separate bank account for their savings. Talking about money increased warmth because they discovered that neither valued it excessively.
Slowly, they began talking about things a little more intimate. Meanings of names were revealed. She was impressed that his name meant genius. And he loved that hers meant rain. Pet names were introduced. He called her Rim - an even shorter version of her daak naam Rim Jhim. He told her to call him Joon. She looked away, smiling, then - silently telling him they’re not there yet. What he didn’t tell her was that he was already making up a fairytale about Joon, the genius & Rim, the brilliant jade that makes him so.
They spoke about books the most. Between them, they had half the globe's literature covered. She had read Indian authors & Russian & Spanish ones. He loved Korean authors, Japanese literature & all the Greek Classics. He geeked out about philosophy & poetry while she nerded over nature writing & music. They spoke about how they might take a look at other European writers & musicians together. To that end, Namjoon brought home a book of love poems by Rilke.
He hadn’t told her that he wrote poetry too. He hadn’t mentioned anything because it seemed like an indulgence of the past, poetry. But that night everything changed. After a late dinner, Brishti had asked to read aloud from the book he’d brought. As she read ‘To Music’, Namjoon saw tears float in her eyes. Secretly, something inside him had wept too. And just like that, he knew he would begin writing soon.
Each week the two watched late shows of classic hollywood musicals in a nearby theatre because they’d decided against a tv in their home - opting, instead, for a record player. Meeting for a movie each of the two Fridays they’d spent together so far was an experience both looked forward to - not only for the movie. In the darkness of the movie theatre, they experienced the first glimpses of intimacy. Soft smiles, whispering, silent glances, hands caressing each other. He loved how she laughed with abandon. She loved that he would tear up during the emotional scenes.
Her smile was getting wider, warmer toward him, Namjoon noted everyday. He’d been sleeping separately since their wedding night because he wanted her to feel safe. He was mostly okay with that except if he thought about it… If he thought about a time when he would get to touch her - Namjoon almost felt dizzy with feelings.
This happened the most when he saw her read by the window, he ached to touch her. That was her - Brishti - that was who she was at her core. Reading, running her fingers through her short hair, staring out the window, thinking, looking at clouds & then going back to reading. She was still quiet, but less so. She spoke about the rain and the trees and when she was happiest, he learned, when she really trusted that no one was going to judge her, she spoke about the moon. It had happened twice in the last few days.
He couldn’t stop looking at her. As though that needed reasoning, he thought about it at the office too. It wasn’t the only answer he could come up with but Namjoon had never seen a body like hers. She didn’t seem brittle or delicate, the way most women looked - or were “supposed to look”. She didn’t care what a body is supposed to look like, at least, it seemed that way to him. Brishti’s curves were not subtle. She was short and while almost everyone was shorter than him, Brishti was just… sexily so. She’d do these things… seemingly normal, everyday things but they would quickly, embarrassingly, inspire an arousal in him. Like, that thing she did, when she stretched after waking up or even if she stretched her arms or her neck… for some reason that turned him on so much, he’d have to hide… or excuse himself. His breath hitched, everytime he thought about how he hadn’t still actually seen her body.
Brishti, too, enjoyed looking at him from afar. Sharing, creating a living space with a man was never something she thought she would enjoy. They had exchanged the basic stories of how they had reached each other.
Namjoon had said, “I’d met a couple of women… girls… but they just seemed either plastic or porcelain… you know? I mean, not all of them could have been that but that's how they… presented themselves? You… I saw your photos in a pile that the matchmaker labelled ‘rubbish’”
“Yeah… I’m sorry but it’s actually a compliment to be labelled ‘bad’ by a matchmaker. That’s why I was looking in that pile in the first place… when I heard you wanted to keep working… Honestly I was so relieved...”
She smiled, “At least you got a look at me… I didn’t even know what you looked like till we met. I had no choice at all. A boy had agreed to marry me - despite… me… so that was the end of it. That was the bargain with my brother… otherwise I wouldn’t have been allowed to work either.”
“Wow… I’m so sorry, Rim. That’s really… really unfair.”
“Hmm yeah… I just figured if I can keep earning & the man turns out to be wrong, at least I can leave.”
“That’s… thanks for not leaving...”
Brishti smiled, “I got lucky...”
Namjoon understood, then, that Brishti might be an introvert but that did not mean she was shy. She made him blush & laugh. She made him speak without inhibition. The more time he spent with her, his feelings poured out.
“Thanks… It’s been really nice to share this home with you. Just to have you to talk to… My life was not going that great...” he said.
Brishti nodded, even though she already knew this. Whatever he said, strangely, she could see a deeper melancholy behind it. They spoke about being strangers in a strange country. She told him how she had to fight at the library for Tagore to be considered classic literature. How she was slowly but surely, being accepted in the oddball group that ran the library. She was not the only non-english person there, so things were easier for her. Besides, true readers had always been more accepting of the different.
Something made her regret sharing her happiness about this because his struggle in this foreign land was far more intense… she could sense pain behind the words he used. Namjoon did not enjoy his job the way she did. He worked overtime most days and came home bone-tired. Kim Namjoon was in many ratraces at the same time - races Brishti felt he didn’t want to participate at all. Being a lawyer, being an asian - the ‘model minority’, being a slightly well-off Korean in a sea of white men, in a sea of less fortunate asians who were being treated much worse than him. Trying to create a name, an identity of his own was wearing him out... chipping away at his soul.
Brishti sometimes saw him and saw a great banyan cutting itself down, trying to be a shrub just to fit in. When she asked him how his day was, he always smiled. It was real, the smile and yet it couldn’t hide the sadness in his eyes. Something that was beginning to bother Brishti more and more, these days. He... had begun to matter more and more these days.
Now, about two weeks into their marriage, she was experiencing butterflies about the smallest things; Things like watching him sleep on the fold out, bringing him coffee in the morning. She felt a pull deep inside her take over when he would come out of the shower in the bathrobe, skin glistening from the shower & musky man-scents launching her body in a fantastical arousal & her mind in overdrive. Somedays, Brishti even went for a shower after he’d been, just so she could soak in his essence & bathe in a trance she had never felt before.
On their third weekend together, Namjoon didn’t have to go to work the whole weekend. He’d spoken to his superior at the firm to let him have weekends free - after all, he was married now. Post lunch that Saturday, Brishti and he kept unpacking, organising while talking (well, later on, it was just coffee & talking) into the early hours of Sunday. They spoke about things they loved, people they had loved. About fictional crushes and real ones. Both of them spoke about their past relationships. Something Brishti was delighted about - especially since Namjoon told her he was not the type to hold someone’s past against them.
Brishti couldn’t believe it when Namjoon had correctly guessed, “It was the photographer, right?”
“What-?! How- Where- How did you…?” Brishti couldn’t even form a question.
“Your photos, at the matchmakers… something was different. All the other pictures women give out for arranged matches seem... fake. Yours were… real… private. You looked comfortable… looked like you were being teased...” What he didn’t say was how much it seemed in those pictures like she was with someone she truly liked… maybe even loved.
Sat on the ground opposite Namjoon, Brishti kept her gaze on him. It unnerved Namjoon that she could really see him. She unnerved him further when she said, “You should say what you aren’t saying… or… asking?”
“Did you love him?”
“Not really… it was just... a different kind of friendship… ended almost as soon as it began. But I- I don’t regret it. It wasn’t the kind of love-” she trailed off. She looked away, smiling but trying to hide it. The same way she had in the photograph.
He pressed further just to tease her “Kind of love...?” Namjoon was intrigued because she was blushing now & he wanted to plant a thousand pecks on her. Instead he said, “So you can just… stop what you were saying? Mmm. Okay. I see.”
She looked at him then, “I’m feeling… a lot… of… different things these days. Especially because of a couple of dimples...”
Just like that, she turned the tables & his dimples appeared. He blushed, “Yeah… same. I mean… you don’t have dimples but I’ve-”
She nodded to let him know she understood. And then asked, “Uhm... Have you… had sex?”
Namjoon bit his lip, “Yeah… yes. I... had a girlfriend in law school. It… uh… wasn’t serious… for her.”
Brishti looked away nodding, as if stopping herself from saying something.
He looked at her… knowing what she probably wanted to say. He wanted to hug her but he only said, “It doesn’t matter, does it? For me it doesn’t. Doesn’t matter if you’ve had sex too… I know how people can be about virginity… I- honestly… it's just another way to control people.”
She looked at him with a mixture of emotions. She took a minute to compose herself & then said, “I’ve never met a man like you… and it's a little confusing and annoying… Not that you are annoying… not at all. It’s just the world is annoying because this is how low the standard is for a man. A man accepting that the woman has a past makes him… forward…? But of course the woman has to… because, well, he’s a man and he has needs. We’re all told that… Shirley... who works with me… she knows it too. Women just aren’t supposed to talk about their pasts. All women.”
She paused & got flustered further because of how dedicatedly Namjoon had been listening. It really seemed as if he was taking notes. The serious expression on his face, it made Brishti's ears feel hot. Almost as a distraction, she went on -
“It's crazy but that seems to be the only thing THE WHOLE WORLD has agreed on - they can’t agree on one way to make bread but they all agreed that women are inferior. It’s such a basic thing to just let me work… because I want to… but it's annoying that it makes me feel lucky. My best friend had to go through hell because she thought she could trust her husband with the truth about her past… so it makes me feel lucky that… you won’t…”
Namjoon could see the pain in her words. Maybe that’s how she could always sense the pain in his words, he thought.
After a calming silence passed over them, he spoke - “I won’t. I don’t really know what it’s like for a woman. And… maybe you won’t like to hear this, but… I was the same, Rim... I was the man my society had trained me to be. Everything changed when I came here. When, for the first time in my life, I understood what it’s like to be treated inferior. Since then, I just… I cannot be the cause of a feeling like that within anyone... So… you’re right. I’m not doing anything everyone shouldn’t already do. All of this should be normal. Expected. Hopefully the world learns a bit faster…”
Brishti smiled at Namjoon. She chuckled when tears pooled up in her eyes. He instinctively reached out for her & placed a hand on her leg, just below her knee. A jolt went through Brishti and she looked surprised. He did too. Namjoon retracted his hand immediately & looked away, blushing. That’s when Brishti laughed out loud. She stood up. And asked him to stand up, silently.
He did. It always made Brishti’s heart flutter just how gorgeous and tall he was. Someday, she would tell him. Someday, she would show him. For now, she couldn’t help feeling bashful as she asked, “Can I get a hug, Joon?”
This was the first time she’d used the pet name that he’d asked her to call him by. This was what his family called him. And her using this name assured Namjoon of just that - she was becoming family. Her question had made his heart flip. He moved without really thinking, because this is what his body had wanted since the day he saw her. He pulled her up in his arms. He felt like he was melting. She was soft. Warm. Beautiful. And in his arms.
Brishti gasped a little when Namjoon had scooped her up in his arms. She was on her toes, literally & figuratively. She held onto him, less as a hug & more as support… at first. Then, she felt his arms… the strong arms that she had been ogling at, around her. It was as if a knot came undone, within her, suddenly. And in its place, the softest silk suddenly flowed through her body.
She closed her eyes and breathed him in. The same essence that she’d been soaking in after he had showered, that she had been breathing in whenever he would pass by or reach past her. The essence that she had now become so hungry for that she had been secretly sleeping with the shirt he’d worn from the laundry basket. That essence was now all over her. Her chin turned up, resting on his shoulders, her cheeks touching his, her hands - on their own - reached the nape of his neck and began to play with his hair.
When she did that, Namjoon held her tighter, pressed her on to him. He felt her body react to his. One hand reaching her shoulder around her back, he moved the other closer to her waist, so his hands could fold over her curves. He could feel her breath hitch when he did that.
Brishti was revelling in the feeling of his hands, his fingers, feeling his fingertips press into her - that was a feeling she could never have imagined making her so... so... drunk. She was drunk. She ran her hands up and down his vast back, all the way up to his hair. All of a sudden she could feel herself overcome with emotion. Tears began pooling in her eyes again. And she said, before it was too late, she said, “Thank you, Joon, for everything… thank you.”
When he heard the tremble in her voice, Namjoon pulled away, just so he could see her. Brishti quickly retracted too - to wipe off her tears, trying to laugh off the silliness, apologising. Namjoon replied, “It’s okay… I understand… I… Thank you, Rim. I hope you… you know what I mean...” What he wanted to say, what he hoped she understood was that she was what was helping him come alive. But being unable to, Namjoon knew someday he would. Someday soon.
Brishti nodded to say she understood. Namjoon tried to lighten the atmosphere, saying, “You’re not… just anyone, you know? So… maybe you should tell me something I could do which is… not just basic decency, but something that can be considered truly feminist, you know. I’d love to do that for you.”
Brishti smiled and nodded. She suddenly felt tired & almost of its own accord, her body stretched into a yawn. She said, “I’ll think of something. We- I should go now… Do you want- anything?...” Brishti was delighted about how drunk she had gotten from one hug. It was exciting that she knew she’d be sleeping with the sweater he had tossed in the laundry basket tonight. She decided to take a bit more time to enjoy being intoxicated without a substance, together and alone.
Later that night, as Namjoon laid on his fold out sofa, alone, he thought of how great it had felt to have Brishti in his arms. To have someone who wanted to know about his day. To feel her heartbeat, like raindrops, knocking on his chest like it was a window pane, almost as if asking to be let in…
Thoughts like these, they made Namjoon reach for the notepad & pen that he always kept close by. He wrote. He wrote of being world weary and suddenly having a friend. Suddenly feeling like the world wasn't rushing him, that he didn’t need to run, that he could take time, be slow, be a poet. His heart tugged at his pen as it wrote lines about what it felt like to have someone cry for him. To have someone be full of feelings for him, to have someone to embrace his weary body. He wrote about how he missed that embrace and yet it was okay… as long as she was still here, maybe not just next to him, yet. Maybe someday. It was okay because she asked how he was every day and Brishti was here, forever. Namjoon felt tears run down his own face, as he titled the first poem he’d written in almost five years - Forever Rain.
Oooooh god you read it?! Thank you so much! Please please let me know what you thought! Get into my messages about it! I would love nothing more than to hear what you felt about this!
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queenmolina · 3 years
Do you remember singing little (sometimes religious) songs at the beginning of every primary school assembly?
Now imagine, as the boys get older, them just going all out for those songs (especially when they get to be on the benches at the back of the hall) and actually singing their hearts out instead the half-hearted singing the rest of them do 😂
this just unlocked a memory oh god, i used to be ‘dj’ during assemblies and me and my friend would sit by the cd player and play entrance music for everyone (usually the joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat soundtrack because i’m a theatre nerd shut up /lh)
anyway yes
flynn was in charge of the cds
their favourites were ‘this little light of mine’ and ‘if i had a hammer’ and the ‘cauliflowers fluffy’ song i forget the name
‘jetplanes meeting in the air to be refuelled and the things i love so well so i mustn’t forgettttt’
sitting on the benches in year six was a right of passage and the boys were so excited and kept gloating about it (julie sulked for a week because she’s still year five)
the whole gang still belt the old classics
luke unironically rewrote some of their favourites to be a bit less religious and tried to get the band to cover them
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Okay, fellow Jekkies, let’s talk about an off-Broadway show called The Toxic Avenger, which has one of my favourite jokes in musical theatre and is catered specifically to us.
The plot is simple and classic, in a Little Shop of Horrors kind of way - a nerd loves a hot girl but is too shy to ask her out, his life in a polluted New Jersey town is awful, then BAM - he gets thrown into a vat of toxic sludge and basically becomes The Phantom of the Opera meets The Hulk. He saves the girl, who is blind, and pretends to be someone else so they can date but makes sure she never touches his face. It’s funny and heartfelt and angsty and all those good things.
But then there’s the villain - the mayor responsible for the constant influx of pollution and, well, toxicity to the town. She’s played by the same actress who plays Toxie’s (yes, that’s his nickname) mother.
Throughout the show, I noticed something odd and a bit suspicious: little photos of D*vid H*sselhoff popping up in the set. In Toxie’s home. On the mayor’s office wall next to her favourite politicians. And then, finally, in the hair salon where Toxie’s Mom has an appointment. Then the stylist announces the mayor is here to see her, and the actress comes out wearing a hybrid costume to sing THIS SONG (it’s 70% swearing so be aware), with choreography near-identical to Confrontation.
My friend, who knew of J&H but hadn’t seen it, had no idea why I laughed so hard. A joke so obscure you had to have watched the (admittedly not the best-known) musical it’s referencing to get it, and it came out of nowhere. I absolutely howled.
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Hello love!! Could I get a male HP ( any era ) stranger things and sherlock ship? I’m 19 years old and a hufflepuff. I’m 5’1” with short reddish dirty blonde hair. I’m curvy and very pale, I have been doing musical theatre for nearly nine years and dance for eleven years. I’m quite a nerd, i keep to myself but once you get to know me I’m really bubbly and weird and sometimes wild. I enjoy making others laugh. I have pretty bad anxiety so I tend to be nervous and paranoid. I put others needs before mine. Thank you so much my dear! Lots of love! Oh! Also I’d I already sent you one of these I’m so sorry I honestly can’t remember
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I ship you with Remus Lupin!
The two of you would make such an adorable couple! One of the first things he noticed about you is your kind nature. Remus is not someone who cares majorly about physical appearances, preferring to get to know a person before he likes them. Being from Hufflepuff, kindness and loyalty is almost second nature for you, and he noticed. Looking out for the younger years and fellow peers around Hogwarts and helping classmates during classes was something the definitely gained his attention. It was only when the two of you were paired up in class together when you started really talking. Getting to know each other, he thought it was now or never. He shyly asked if you wanted to join him on his next trip to Hogsmeade, just the two of you. You of course accepted. 
As your relationship progresses, he starts to see your more bubbly side. You are initially shyer when it comes to meeting new people, which he can definitely relate to. The first few dates consisted of the two of you blushing and him fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater. However, as time went on, he started to see the real you. Hanging out more and more you realise you share the same sense of humour, letting your weird side out. He remembers the first time you made him really laugh. The two of you, sitting by the lake, talking complete nonsense as the sun began to set. Both of you giggling with tears in your eyes after something you just said, and when he regained his composure he couldn’t help but look at you in awe. Only the marauders have done that to him, he smiles at the memory. 
Speaking of the rest of the marauders, they love the effect you have on Remus. Whenever he comes back to the Gryffindor common room he is beaming, excitedly spilling to them what the two of you had gotten up to. James and Sirius teasing him as he rambles on. He was at first hesitant to introduce you to the rest of his friends, knowing how you do have a few walls put up before you get to know someone, he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. He honestly didn’t have anything to worry about though! After inviting you to the Gryffindor table to eat, you all get along like a house on fire. James, Peter and Sirius telling you embarrassing stories about Remus whilst he buries his head in his hands, the three of you laughing. He is surprised at how quickly they welcomed you into the group, making you feel as welcome as possible within the first few hours of you all meeting. You better believe the boys want to sneak into your common room and get up to some kind of mischief, much to Remus’ dismay. He often has to remind them all that you are his girlfriend, they can’t always tag along and that sometimes you need time alone!
Nights in the Gryffindor common room can go both ways. When it is just the two of you the night is more calm. You draped over him with your head on his chest as he absentmindedly combs his hands through your short hair. Both discussing various things that happened during the day, him listening intently and not interrupting, offering input or funny remarks when they are warranted. But when the rest of the boys are there? You bet you’re in for a night of not stop banter. Talking over one another, trying to get a word in edgeways, plus the boys trying to quiz you on your relationship. You don’t mind for the most part, but if it gets too personal, Remus is always there to tell them to back off. 
The song I associate with the two of you would be ‘Young Love’ by Mystery Jets and Laura Marling.
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I ship you with Jonathan Byers!
Both of you would be so good together! 
He loves nothing more than driving absentmindedly with you, his hand resting on your thigh, soft music playing through his stereo. You often catch him glancing over at you, loving the way your short hair falls around your face as the wind from the open window blows it. You glance back at him with a small smile, telling him to focus on the road instead of you. He is usually very particular about what music he plays in his car, usually sticking to rock anthems of the 70s and 80s, but he has a soft spot for you. He allows you to put a few soundtracks to your favourite musicals on, smiling when you get excited about a particular favourite of yours. He definitely made a joint mixtape for the two of you to go on long car journey with. The perfect mix of classic rock and musical theatre to accompany you on your journey. 
The two of you are both slightly introverted, you prefer to enjoy each others company rather than going to a huge house party or bar. He loves nothing more than spending quiet nights in, just the two of you. Discussing what movie you are going to watch and curling up on the sofa together is his idea of heaven. Feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest with his arm wrapped around you, feeling safe and secure in the others presence. This is often how Joyce finds you when she comes home from work, turning the TV off as the credits are rolling down the screen, grinning as she knows her son has found someone who compliments him so well. After these events, the Byers quite literally welcomed you to the family. Inviting you to various holidays such as Christmas and New Years Eve, insisting that it is no trouble at all. She loves the way you interact with her son. Even if Jonathan is slightly embarrassed by him mum’s hands on approach, he is grateful that you feel so at ease in him home and around his family. 
If you have a spare day together, you often find yourselves in the local record shop. Loving the way his face lights up as he finds the latest album from his favourite band, excitedly turning it over and reading the track list. His family doesn’t have a bunch of money, therefore he often has to wait a few weeks before he can afford to splurge on a record he really likes. But if you have the spare cash, your kind nature often wins over, quietly buying it without him noticing. When you get back to the house you leave it somewhere in his room with a note for him to discover later. He always says that you should save your money for yourself, he can wait a few weeks until he has the right amount of money to buy it for himself. You always remind him that it is no problem, it’s your money and you wanted to do this. Whenever he puts the record on he is reminded of you, cheeks blushing as he smiles at the thought of you. 
He often finds you dancing in the kitchen in the morning, before he has woken up. You have taken dance for a considerable amount of time, therefore you are a natural. Softly dancing around the kitchen, making breakfast and coffee for the two of you. He leans on the door frame, completely enthralled by your simple moves, coming up behind you and snaking his arms around your waist. Resting his head in the crook of your neck and muttering a good morning. You can feel he is still slightly groggy from recently waking up, you can’t help but chuckle and lean into his sleepy embrace.
The song I associate with the two of you would be ‘Ivy & Gold’ by Bombay Bicycle Club.
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I ship you with Sherlock Holmes!
This match would honestly be so good! You meet him whilst working on a case, after a brief meeting you find yourself running into him more and more. He is honestly surprised that you are more observant than most of the other people around him. You find yourself being dragged along on various cases, you find him looking at you expectantly, valuing your input on the confusing aspects. You were nervous at first, I mean, it was Sherlock Holmes you were working with. Your responses would only sound juvenile to him, you thought. But as you begin to work closer with him, he is glad to see you start speaking up more, offering your more down to earth explanations. He doesn’t mention it at the time, but he keeps your inputs in the back of his mind, deciding you are more useful around than not. 
There is definitely a height different between the two of you, Sherlock finds this especially amusing. When he is a rare goofy mood he will tower over you. Smirking to himself as you have to crane your neck to see him, chuckling at his antics. He can’t help but smile at you, its at one of these moments that he begins to fall for you. 
As time progresses you both begin to open up to one another. he will often call you late at night, rambling about his recent findings on a case, obviously restless. You honestly don’t mind and find it rather amusing, grateful that you are someone he thinks of getting in touch with. He only realises that it might be slightly inappropriate when he mentions it in a passing conversation to John. And, after being promptly scolded by him, telling him it is generally impolite to call someone at 3am, he offers you a rarely heard apology. Sometimes you still miss those phone calls. 
He always knows when you are feeling too overwhelmed or paranoid in certain situations, in fact he sometimes recognises the symptoms faster than you. Even if he is in the middle of cracking it, he often calls you a cab to take you home if you are stressed. Opening the door for you and putting you inside, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, telling you to wait for him until he gets home, promising he will be back before dinner. 
You two rarely argue, but when you do, it’s generally about your safety. At first he never minded you coming on the more mundane cases, but as soon as he started getting more national attention, the cases become more challenging and even dangerous. Your will to put others first is both a blessing and a curse, he admires you for it greatly, but not when it comes to him. He can easily see you putting yourself in harms way in order protect him or even John, the thought itself scares him. He often gets very heated in the moment, demanding you to go home, leave him. It’s only because he is scared for you. When you are alone he will allow you to comfort him, telling him that you’re ok, you will always be safe and here for him. 
The song I associate with the two of you would be ‘1901′ by Phoenix!
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ask-lady-blue · 5 years
Color Squad Headcanons!
Vicky Schmidt:
- She’s Puerto Rican, her parents both having immigrated into the U.S.
- Her and Oz have been best friends since Vicky was a young, living child. She just kind of found them and took them in. They’ve been together ever since.
-She has ADHD and has to take some medication for it. If she’s off her medication she’ll get easily overwhelmed in public and too hyper-focused on passion projects in private.
- She died in a car crash and out of desperation, Oz convinced a mad scientist to bring her back via reanimation.
- At first, Vicky was sort of a mindless corpse, much to Oz’s despair, but overtime she regained her memories and her personality came back with them.
-Vicky loves all forms of art. Her favorites are: painting, music, theatre, sculpting and cinematography
-Vicky is a borderline genius and a tech wiz. Imagine her excitement when she learns that one of her classmates is a computer!
- Oz has been alive since man has felt the sense of fear for the first time, so they’re reeeeeealllyy old.
-They lived in a different dimension where time works different, so it’s like 1,000 years on earth is one year over there. Still, Oz is old.
-They came to Earth out of curiosity on how life is like there. They were only going to stay for a couple of years, but then they met Vicky and decided to just live there with her.
- Such a book worm, they are such a book worm! Oz loves all kinds of books. Their favorite are the classics like “Lord of the Flies,” and “1984,” because it gives them a better understanding of how human culture was shaped because of these stories.
- This is is a surprise to literally everyone, but they’re a bit of an unintentional anarchist. They don’t mean to, but they just happen to bring chaos and destruction wherever they go. They have fun though, nothing wrong with a bit of anarchy in their eyes.
- Oz never had a crush before in their long life..until they met a certain purple vampire in the late 90’s, but things never went anywhere and they parted ways only to meet each other again in Spooky High.
- Oz doesn’t have a last name but when one is needed they just use Schmidt cause they and Vicky did grow up together, and they’re practically siblings.
Brian Yu:
-Brian has no memories of his life before he died. It’s just this blur of events all mashed together. His death is also a mystery, not having a single clue how he died.
-He has narcolepsy, a common disorder among zombies. He’s required a study hall, so he can take naps at school. There are still times where he sleeps in class, and it’s gotten him in trouble.
- He joined football to help with his depression. The exercise helps, and it gives him something to do after school. (Also Scott is on the team, which is a mega bonus)
-Brian is a furry. He used to have a crush on Valerie and is now pining after Scott sooooo...
- He’s not open about it, but Brian is such a superhero nerd. He has a book shelf filled with comic books, and you bet your ass he cried like a baby during End Game.
- The man gives real solid advice. For someone severely depressed and slightly self destructive, he knows what to say in order to lift someone’s spirit, or help them with a crisis.
Amira Rashid:
- Amira comes from a large family of djinns. She had to share a home with three sisterss, two brothers, her moms, and cousins who had nowhere else to go.
-Her lifespan is connected to an artifact (probably a necklace). If it was destroyed then she will die, but as long as it’s intact then she will continue to live.
- I know that some of you guys like to stick with the idea that all of the characters are bi/pan, but Amira gives me strong lesbian energy. My blog, my headcanons. Cool? Cool.
- She is quite the music fanatic. Her tastes range from jazz to rock to folk. It was actually her idea for the group to start a band.
- Amira is very family oriented and holds the belief that a family is one of the most important group of friends that you can have. This includes honorary family, and she’ll sometimes call her closest friends “bro” or “sis.”
- Her fire hair can actually change color to blue when she’s REALLY mad. You know you fucked up when you start seeing some blue flames.
- She actually has a reputation at school for being one of the cool girls, ironically. She’s able to put on this cool girl act, but she’s actually stressed like 24/7. Listen, a large family, a chaotic group of friends, and dealing with the drama of high school can really put pressure on a girl.
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Match Up Requests: CLOSED Please read the pinned rules before requesting
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Match up for: @ happythoughtfulstarfish
Okie dokie. I match you with...
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Peter Parker/Spider man!
First of all, girl, you're very pretty :). Just thought that I would say that. Right. On to the match up.
Like, from appearances alone. You two would compliment each other so well. 🥰
With heels on, you'd most likely be taller than Peter Parker. 
Like. How dare you! He would do his best to one up you.
You occasionally catch him standing on his toes to try and match your height. And you look over at him like "???"
Cue mumbled excuses and awkward laughing
Then one day your heels go missing. And as you're looking around, you notice Peter is standing surprisingly tall. Upon further investigation you notice that he put on your heels. 
Would this guy actually steal your own heels just to one up you? He'll, yeah he would. It's all in fun and games though and he isn't too serious about it. 
But personality wise? Even better.
You are both serious nerds
It's not technically official but I head-canon that Peter Parker is a theatre nerd as well. I could just be Tom Holland seeping through but he gives off those theatre kid vibes.
You know how I mean.
He'd be wholly supportive of your hobbies. He would love to go and spontaneously buy random tickets to musicals on Broadway, even if you two don't get the best of seats. 
Just be prepared to watch a lot of cult classics with him.
Like. A lot.
Especially Star Wars. You two will watch those movies so many times. And every single time he will be dramatically (poorly) mouthing the lines along with the film because let's be real- he has all of the movie scripts memorized. 
He would also love to learn how to play an instrument from you. He'd be really bad at it. Honestly, he would be playing horrendously with this puppy-like jubilation that makes up entirely for his horrible pitch. It's adorable, really. 
Your morals also align perfectly and that works out very well because the both of you are incredibly stubborn and steadfast in your resolve. You both strive to see the best in people, even if it puts you in jeopardy. Critics would call it gullibility. But you would be able to keep each other in check.
You would be a massive headache for those in SHIELD or anyone assigned to manage you.
I can imagine Peter roping you into one of his elaborate schemes after getting hyped on caffeine and the two of you raising hell together. With the best of intentions, of course.
Like, "no. You cannot kidnap an ice cream truck and drive it to the orphanage for the kids. That is called theft and that's illegal."
"I don't care if it will make the children happy!"
You both have an incredible drive to help others. Peter's just manifests in a way that is a lot more... potentially lethal. Whereas you are content enough to simply volunteer your time. 
Just. Don't ask to go with him on one of his super hero missions.
Trust me.
Peter has already lost people in his life. The poor boy would never forgive himself if he lost you as a result of his ineptitude on a mission. 
Don't put him through that
Because he is awkward as well, you two would do very well to motivate each other and encourage one another to step outside of your comfort zones.
Meet to new, make new friends
Honestly, you’d be perfect together
You probably met Peter's sophomore year of College.
It's a funny story actually. 
You volunteered with a charity service who was hosting a musical, "The Adams Family" The ticket revenue collected during the performances would be put to relief and conservation efforts in foreign countries.
Everything was extremely low budget. All of the cast members were volunteers and very few actually had much theatrical experience. 
But you did not mind too much. You were cast to play the role of Morticia. So no complaints there!
The venue you were performing in was actually lent to you for free. It was on a college campus, and the auditorium was actually decently sized.
The previous performances went off rather smoothly. The turn-outs had been decent as well, thankfully.  
It was closing night. Your final performance for the night. The audience was slowly filling into the room, that was when it happened.
One of the crewmembers on hair and makeup, completely new to the theatre environment actually asked out loud: "Wait, why can't we say 'Macbeth' again?"
Dead Silence 
So quiet that the muted chatter of the audience could be heard from behind the heavy oaken doors of the female changing room.
The shit storm that followed would have been absolutely hysterical if everyone were not so panicked.
Those in the cast who actually had experience in theatre arts were whisper-shouting at the offending crewmember.
The others looked on, an expression of complete confusion plastered onto their brow
It's not like you could have sent her out to run around the entire college campus. You were on in 5.
Collectively,  you all decided to let it go.
It was just a legend after all.
"We'll be fine."
At least, that is what everyone told themselves. 
The night, surprisingly, went off without a hitch. There were a few technical difficulties with the lighting (the spotlight "affectionately" named Big Bertha refused to fully open its iris) and a few missed cues, but otherwise, the performance did not terribly fail as many feared. 
You and the rest of the cast were now hurriedly darting back from the bathrooms after intermission. It was a frenzied sprint around the back of the building to avoid the audience catching a glimpse of you. 
That was when you heard something that caused you to peel off the rest of the group.
It was this peculiar scuttling sound, followed by a darting figure.
You initially thought it was an audience member who had lost their way and turned down the winding path.
The narrow road itself was completely innocuous and actually just led to a dorm site. However, under the dark of the new moon, illuminated by few stray streetlamps, it felt kinda ominous. 
Having to remind yourself that you weren't actually in a horror movie, you continued down the path towards the figure, asking him if he were all right.
Then he stepped into the flood of light from a lamp, his movements kinda janky and angled.
This "person" was not a person at all. Rather it was a humanoid beast covered completely in rippling grey fur. Like 'Cousin It' jumped right out of the play and appeared on the street. But this wasn't your cousin. You knew the little girl who played him and she was much... much shorter. This thing cleared 213 centimetres! 
You wisely decided to run. 
And it gave chase, scuttling after you like some malformed beast.
So here you were, still in complete costume, being chased down the street but a Cousin It lookalike and screaming your lungs out.
You didn't get really far because Morticia's sprawling mermaid dress did little to help you move your legs. 
Cousin It caught up to you, a clawed appendage swiping against your ankles.
With a loud rip the dress tore and you fell. Pain flared through your elbows made contact with the grated pavement. 
Rolling onto your back,  you gazed up at the creature. Its purple fur glowing dimly under the backlighting of the street lamp.
For the first time you noticed its eyes, multiple gleaming plates meshed together to form one bulging eyeball,  like a fly or moth. Its mangy hair, overgrown and matted, reeked with a permeating stench you can only describe as rotting eggs. 
So maybe you were in a horror movie. And the horror movie was 'Mothman'... or maybe the curse of Macbeth was here and this creature was coming from retribution.  
Regardless of the reason, you did not have too long to think about it as the creature took a lumbering step towards you.  Then another... and a third... then it paused. 
It pulled against something, like a dog heaving against its leash. But it couldn't move another step 
"Stay where you are, Mothra." A trilling voice called. 
Blinking, you noticed a figure perching on the top of the lamp post, hanging upside down from a glistening web. Another web was attached around the creature's waist, preventing it from advancing. 
The blue and red was unmistakable. 
This was spider man! 
But why is he here? 
Cousin it gave a roar of complaint and swiped for the spider. He nimbly dodged out of the way, laughing the entire time. 
It was not long before he had Cousin It wrapped up in a thick cocoon of webbing, and was absently dialing something on his phone. 
You heard him mumble something about how much of a nuisance "A-Chiltarians" were. 
What was that supposed to be?
Spiderman seemed to notice you for the first time, and apologetically offered to escort you back to the play.
Which was practically ruined as intermission was over and no one seemed to be able to locate you
The audience was beginning to get antsy
To make up for lost time, Spider man grabbed you round your waist
Before you knew it, the two of you were flying 
Swinging from tree to lamp as you glided across the ground back towards the theatre. 
He dropped you off, literally dropped you, onto the stage, just in time for your next scene. 
You could hardly act through the confusion of WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED TO ME
The rest of the night, you were understandably preoccupied 
After the performance, the cast stood along the hallway, allowing the audience to meet and greet with them and pass out gifts.
A young man garnered your attention in particular 
With hazel eyes and mousy hair, he introduced himself as "Peter" and handed you a bouquet of flowers
And you find yourself looking at him like "Do I know you?"
He seemed rather apologetic for whatever reason and praised your performance 
Getting suspicious, especially after the events of that night, you had a feeling that he knew something he was not letting on to.
So you asked for his number.
And to your complete shock, he actually gave it
So. Over the course of one night, you were saved by the legendary spider man and got the number of a cute boy.
Maybe the curse of Macbeth is not so bad after all
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1, 15, 30?
1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Reading would hands down be The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. That book covers the topic of grief over a parental figure beautifully and how we express it. Since I lost my dad unexpectedly when I was little and struggled a lot with that grief, this book has really been the only one I’ve connected to with that subject.
Watching is Parks and Recreation because it pretty accurately depicts how working with the public is in a government setting (And I’m very similar to Leslie Knope in personality and work obsession). It’s ironic because I’m a librarian and they hate the library (which is an actual feud thing in my area), but those town meetings and people getting mad at you for the STUPIDEST of reasons (Currently it’s masks! Wheeeeee!) are too relatable. (Specifically the scene where the woman saw a sign not to drink the water but made tea anyways with it and now she has a rash. I can quote that entire scene) It’s also my type of humor and character growth.
Listening...Wicked. For many reasons: it introduced me to musical theatre, which I LOVE; it has a focus on female friendships at its CORE; it has strong women; the music is so dang catchy; The Wizard of Oz is one of my all-time favorite movies; and I love fairytales. So so good! 
15. Five most influential books over your lifetime
The Hunger Games because it’s stuck with me the longest out of many books I have read and brought back my love for reading and analyzing literature. And Everlark being pure and just great great characters (Peeta and Katniss are two favorite literary characters of all time). 😭
Percy Jackson and the Olympian series because I learned I loved fantasy and mythology-based stories through it. Plus I learned Greek mythology from it and Percy and Annabeth are such great characters (and more favorite literary characters of all time!). 🥺
Gone with the Wind because while I understand and see its obvious racial issues, this honker brick of a book gave me the confidence to start tackling other literary classics. I felt so proud finishing it. Scarlett O’Hara and Melanie Hamilton are two of my favorite literary characters of all time.
The American Girl series because I would not be the history nerd I am without these books. Specifically Kit and Felicity. SO MUCH of what I read, watch, and write today is in thanks to these books. Huge huge HUGE influence.
Little House on the Prairie series because again, I understand and see the racial issues of these books, but I was OBSESSED with these books as a child. I wanted to be a pioneer so BAD and this phase went on for almost 5 years. These books influenced me greatly as a reader and I absolutely played Little House on the Prairie with my neighbors; I was always Mary and Ma.
30.  Pick one of your favorite quotes.
I am the absolute worst with remembering quotes, but these two quotes stick to me: “She believed she could, so she did.” ~R.S. Grey 
“What doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me. So fill me up for just another day.” ~”Just Another Day,” Next to Normal
Thank you for asking! :) 
Identity Ask Questions
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what-if-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the family, ALY (she/he/they)! Your application to BLAINE ANDERSON was accepted. I am really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! I can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Blaine Devon Anderson


OCCUPATION: Broadway Actor and Singer

FACE CLAIM: Darren Criss

HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Born in Boston, MA. Lives in New York City, NY. 


RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Separated from Kurt Hummel

POSITIVE TRAITS: generous, passionate, gregarious 

NEGATIVE TRAITS: naive, emotional, controlling

CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end. 

Blaine has always been the man with a million interests. Of course, theatre and performing are his main interest, but in middle and high school Blaine played different sports, read prolifically, watched nerdy movies, and joined many clubs. Painting himself into a corner had always felt a little silly to him. He never wanted to be defined by any one thing. He’s gay and he loves nerd culture and follows football. He listens to record upon record of classic rock, but can belt all the latest top 40 hits. He can play a wide spread of instruments because just one was never enough. It’s helped him never fall into niches. He has friends from a wide spread of backgrounds and interests and he feels that that makes his life a whole lot richer than if he picked a lane and stayed in it. Maybe that makes him a little all over the place, but he’d rather that than be average in any way.
Because of being bullied in school for being gay, Blaine is a huge advocate for anti-bullying and protecting queer youth. He knows that he was extremely lucky to have parents who could afford to send him to private school when the bullying was too much. A majority of LGBT kids don’t have that luxury. He tries to volunteer as much as he can and makes sure that a portion of all his paychecks go to organization doing work to make the world a safer place for kids like him who struggled finding a safe place to be their authentic selves. He feels like that is the least that he can do with what his life has given him. Paying it forward.
Blaine has performed in six different Broadway shows in his time since leaving school. Finding success, even in the smallest of parts, really solidified for Blaine that this is what he wanted to do with his life. He was born to be on stage. Sometimes it’s stressful never knowing what the next job will be or if his luck will someday run out, but he has faith that he’ll always get to keep making art and helping people, even if Broadway doesn’t last. Plus, he always has his music and singing. It’s not really a career as much as a hobby, but it helps to fill in the gaps between shows. Most recently, Blaine is between jobs, auditioning around and performing his music at clubs and cabarets.
Blaine is adopted. After struggling so much to conceive Cooper and then trying again for over a year to conceive a second child, the Andersons eventually decided that going down the route of newborn adoption was better for them as a family. They were eventually paired with a young woman in Boston and just a few months later, they were receiving the call to come to the hospital and meet their son. Blaine was the name that the Andersons chose and his birth mother chose Devon. The adoption would be closed, but they all thought it was important for the baby to have a piece of where he got his start. Growing up, he always knew he was adopted. His curly hair and easily tanned skin reflected his birth mother’s Filipina roots, which Pamela Anderson had tried to make sure Blaine grew up connected to.
(new, to be added to the existing ones)
THE ANDERSONS (Parents): While Blaine’s childhood was certainly nothing where he wanted for anything that money could buy him, that didn’t mean that it was perfect. Blaine was the younger son with a big brother who he looked up to for everything. Part of that, though, translated into his young mind as a need to be as valuable in the eyes of his parents as he perceived that his brother was. With his mother, Blaine knew that she and Cooper were very close and, of course, the baby sibling instinct was always to look for her affection. Once Blaine was older, in school, and had friends of his own, he stopped being so clingy. She was the kind of mom that gave Blaine his space to explore himself and what he wanted to do, but who was always there if he needed her. When it comes to his father, Blaine always tried to do what he needed to do to earn his affection. He kept good grades. He was polite and charming. Especially when Cooper was old enough that he left home and it was the three of them in their big house in Lima, Blaine felt like he had to live up to his dad’s expectations.
When he came out at 13, it was clear that was not what his father wanted to hear. His mom and, of course, Cooper, always supported him, but Blaine wanted that love from his father, too. He did whatever his dad wanted. Fixing cars like he’d done with Cooper. Toning his personality down. Whatever it took. He knew his dad loved him, of course. When Blaine went through a hate crime at a Sadie Hawkins dance at 14, his father’s first response was to get him transferred to Dalton Academy with its rigorous anti-bullying policy. Still, Blaine couldn’t help but feel like being gay was something to do quietly in their house. Now, all grown up, his relationship with his parents is a more stable. It took time and work, but now that he’s an adult and has a child of his own, Blaine feels secure in the love they feel for him and that he feels for them.
COOPER ANDERSON (Brother): When Blaine was little, he idolized Cooper. Their shared love of music and acting - something that Blaine was sure Cooper inspired in him - meant that they always had something to talk about. The tension in their relationship mostly came after Cooper left home. Sometimes Blaine felt like all he did when he got to see his brother was listen to criticism. He tried to remember that his brother loved him and wanted him to succeed, but he missed the times when things felt more like encouragement than feedback. Still, there is nothing that Blaine wouldn’t do for Cooper. Getting older and having their lives and families and careers grow definitely repaired a lot of the issues in their brotherhood. At the end of the day, Blaine knows that Cooper has his back and hopes that Cooper feels the same way about him.
SERENA HUMMEL-ANDERSON (Daughter): Serena is, without a doubt, the center of Blaine’s world. He’d always loved kids, cradling baby dolls and playing school as a child. If he hadn’t gone so fill tilt into performing, he knew he’d probably have become an elementary school teacher or something like that. What wasn’t negotiable, though, is that Blaine would be a father. It felt like an inherent part of his destiny. With he and Kurt married and happy, welcoming a little life into their family felt natural. Meeting Serena was the happiest day of his life. Of course, with their marriage falling apart, their little family was changed, but what never would differ is how much Blaine loves his baby. It’s hard to not get to see her all the time, but with joint custody and the flexible schedule of a performer, Blaine tries his hardest to be the best dad that he can be. And he’s so proud of the little girl she is becoming.
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catharrington · 5 years
Been dreaming of a small Au. Older Steve who forgoes college to work at a local zoo or sanctuary around Indiana. They are not big but they have their own share of animals including goats for a petting zoo, a donkey and horse that was rescued from a circus, a whole area of outside bird cages with eagles and owls, some local reptiles that schools love to visit and teach about, and a small pack of wolves.
Steve decides that he wants to take care of others but was never one for the gore of nursing, so he applied to be a keeper and was given the job of cleaning the wolf enclosure. He cleaned it diligently while listening and learning from the keepers who took care of the wolves.
Eventually he gets a promotion? To start helping feed the wolves more hands on. Cue Steve struggling with buckets of meat lol.
Steve realizes he loves and feels a want to protect these wolves just like how he babysat the kids and it makes him so happy to have found something he cares about that he can do for a living.
Billy is still living in town as a struggling musician playing gigs as he can get them. Thankfully with his Camaro he can travel out of town and into larger cities so he isn’t without work. He just doesn’t get paid or tipped for shit.
Steve and Billy because friends after Billy was released from the mind flayer and rescued by El and Hopper. Yeah he’s not dead thanks. They relate with the struggles of living in a shitty small town and dealing with fighting monsters.
They don’t see each other much and that’s okay because Steve has to hide how he likes likes Billy ;) but Billy visits when he is in town. He knows to come to the wolf enclosure. And even tho he won’t tell Steve he loves to watch him at work. Mutual thirst and not saying anything because what he’s not gay that’s weird to ask.
Robin is still Steve’s friend so she’s been very helpful in realizing that he’s bisexual and that’s okay but also don’t force yourself on straight people, dingus.
Jump to the conflict I’d love some big wig marketing company coming down and trying to rebrand the sanctuary into something it isn’t. They want to remodel it only for children and make it more hands on about learning and models and charts.
Steve questions does that leave room to actually see the animals? And the big wig says some animals are not great for children. They want to condense and focus on their strengths.
Aka the big animals have to go.
Like the wolves.
Steve is taken a back. These are all rescued animals that have no where else to go you can’t just pull the plug on them because a kid can’t pet them? The big wig says they will release them into the wild where they can live their life fully. But these wolves have never been in the wild they don’t know how to hunt or mate like a wild wolf they would die for sure.
Steve tries to tell everyone but they all don’t listen because sure the wild sounds like it would be nice. There is the older man who taught Steve all about the wolves who agreed it’s dangerous but he has no fight and just lets them decide without him.
I’d love to see Steve hopping around to the sanctuary owner, the wolf keeper, and the big wig getting flustered and stuttering but demanding to be listened to. It all falls on deaf ears tho.
Steve is meeting up with billy for drinks one night and he jokes about kidnapping the wolves and taking them to a better place but it’s a joke. Billy sees that this means so much to Steve so he tries to come up with something else.
Billy tells Steve about he heard that the land might be up for sale and that’s why the owner is rebranding so they can get enough money to not go bankrupt. Steve is confused about how Billy heard of that but he takes it at face value.
They look into it with Hopper who is still sheriff and for sure the sanctuary is almost upon foreclosure, they haven’t been paying their bills and Hopper knows about it because some people have reported that they haven’t been paying their workers.
Steve is heartbroken. He thought the place was heaven but not so much. Steve gets another idea to buy the sanctuary out from the owners and run it much better. But that would still cost thousands of dollars and Steve doesn’t just have that laying around.
Firstly he tries to get it from his parents and that doesn’t work because his dad says he should be working harder if he wants that money. And these wolves are just dogs just pets who cares what happens to them.
That makes Steve angry but he doesn’t know what to do. Even with loans and his stashed savings he doesn’t have half the money. He asks around the sanctuary and no one can donate much. And some people are hateful and don’t want to donate.
Some people even report to the big wig uUgh cue this ass hole being mean to Steve and pushing him around, gross old man get your hands off me and shit.
Steve just won’t give up tho he has to fight for his wolves!
Billy has his own plan to get money for Steve. He has some savings and plans to get money with a show dedicated to the sanctuary. But Billy has a secret. He’s got a sugar daddyyyy
This older man who books gigs for a bar outside of Hawkins promised Billy steady work and good pay for a good time. Billy agreed be sure he needed the work and the man isn’t bad looking. Salt and pepper hair and he takes care of himself but almost to an egotistical way. He reminds Billy a little of how he doesn’t want to turn out.
Billy mentions it to him that he would like to do a fundraiser instead of a typical gig and the man shoots it down. Saying that’s some kid friendly crap no one would care about. It wouldn’t make money.
Billy gets angry and says that it’s not about making money. The sugar daddy says isn’t it all about that, that’s why they are together for the money. Billy jumps to cutting their relationship off. He tells him to shove it and shove his shitty bar.
In hindsite Billy is pissed at himself for cutting it off but it was about time. If he was serious about his music he couldn’t have anything holding him back. Except who he wanted to grow with and help. That’s Steve baby.
Billy reaches out with the kids who are now much older and organizes a show for raising money for the sanctuary. They rent out the movie theater that is almost extinct and get all of Billy’s equipment and a small stage set up inside.
Steve is taken aback with how much the kids and Billy, who until then Steve thought still hated them, have worked to make this great.
Now they just needed the people. And they rally the town like Joyce to hand out flyers at the store and Hopper to go around and hang posters. The kids plaster the school with posters and even tho they are nerds Billy is just popular enough of a musician that other kids agrees to go.
Omg now it’s epic show time. The kids suggested the movie theatre because it’s old and cheap but also with the classic projecter screen they recorded and clipped together some film of Steve and the wolves in the sanctuary. Mostly the wolves but we can’t help but to film cute Steve with such a bright smile. What if Billy confessed his love for Steve after the last song right behind the big red curtain uwu
The raise lots of money and buy the sanctuary and pay all the workers and keep all the animals and shit it’s a happy ending.
Ugh I might write this thanks for coming.
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