#the white cat's divine scratching post
nemainofthewater · 5 months
Best character surnamed: Qing
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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zimtameise · 6 months
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I started reading the novel The White Cat's Divine Scratching Post a while ago and tried drawing Mo Tianliao.
Second pic ist him according to Lord Kitty xD
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bellaroles · 10 months
This is so cute beyond belief! I've longed for a plot like this for a very long time.
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Lmao not him pinching someone else instead of himself 💀
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Webnovel Carrd Links [Part 1]
I usually use Novel Updates, but Carrds are great to support the author, find translations not on NU, find Content Warnings, and learn more about the story / other adaptations. If there's a novel not here, it can be helpful to search the name of the novel + "carrd" or "novel updates"
Library Carrds / Carrds with Multiple Novels
Completed Baihe Carrd (click the sunglasses)
Baihe Novels Carrd 
Baihe Support 
Novel Carrd Library (Danmei & Baihe)
Aelia’s Library (Modern & Historical Danmei)
Unlimited Flow Danmei Carrd 
Danmei Recommendations List
Underrated Danmei 
Modern Danmei 
Twitter Thread with Danmei Carrds 
Author Carrds
(These authors have more works - I just listed the most popular ones/the ones I knew)
Cang Wu Bin Bai - author of Golden Stage and Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Cyan Wings - author of Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know, High Energy QR Code, They All Say I’ve Met a Ghost, etc.
Feitian Yexiang - author of Dinghai Fusheng Records & To Rule in a Turbulent World
Huai Shang - author of the Sword Named No Way Out
Jiang Zi Bei - author of PUBG: Online Romance of the Century, I Can Do It, and I’ve Liked Your Boyfriend for a Long Time
Liu Bing Jie - author of The Wife is First, Peach, and The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post
Man Man He Qi Duo - author of Those Years In Quest of Honour Mine 
Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat - author of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun
Meng Xi Shi - author of Estranged, Peerless, Thousand Autumns, The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua, etc.
Mo Chen Huan - author of The Earth is Online and the Villain Has Something to Say
Mu Su Li - author of Panguan and Copper Coins
MXTX / Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - author of MDZS, TGCF, and SVSSS
Please Don’t Laugh novels - author of FGEP, Ruzhui, and JQWS
Priest - author of Guardian, LHJC, Can Ci Pin, Mo Du, Gumen, Liu Yao, etc.
Shui Qian Cheng - author of Wu Chang Jie 
Tang Jiuqing / t97 - author of Qiang Jin Jiu & Nan Chan
Wu Zhe - author of Unbridled, Sa Ye, Antidote, etc. 
Zhichu - author of Fanservice Paradox
Danmei / BL
2ha / the Husky and His White Cat Shizun (1, 2)
Bat / Bianfu 
Can Ci Pin
Carven Jade / Zhuo Yu 
Cold Sands
Copper Coins 
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Dinghai Fusheng Records
Di Wang Gong Lue / The Emperor’s Strategy 
Don’t You Like Me? 
Encountering a Snake 
Everyone Thinks That I Like Him
Fake Slackers
Fanservice Paradox 
Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual / FDCM 
Global University Entrance Examination / QQGK / Global Examination 
Golden Stage 
Green Plum Island 
How to Survive as a Villain 
Jun You Ji Fou / How is the Gentleman Feeling? 
Lie Huo Jiao Chou / LHJC 
Little Mushroom 
Liu Yao (press the 3 circles) 
MDZS / the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (1, 2, 3)
Mist (CW: glitch effect, flashing lights)
Mistakenly Saving the Villain / MISVIL
Mo Du / Silent Reading 
My Junior Still Hasn’t Killed Me
Nan Chan 
[Part 2]
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atsukawolfcat · 10 months
Genshin SAGAU Idea... again
HELLO HI HOLA LONG TIME NO SEE!!! I really missed posting stuff here (I don't count reblogs!), so much has been happening that I had to go into a hiatus without warning 🥲 Anyway, back (for now) with a real quick idea.
Extra note: This was made quickly during work on my phone, will edit and clean it up later
Have any of you read or heard about that story where there was a beautiful woman/person with many suitors, and she had made a challenge of "I have a cat who will have the key to my home, whoever can take it from them will be the one I vow myself to!" and shennanigans ensue where in the end someone befriended the cat, who turned out to the woman/person in question, and got the key and they married happily ever after? Yes so this is basically my idea.
Imagine a Creator!Reader or even a Isekai!Reader with their bff being the Creator, giving this same challenge to the people of Teyvat (out of boredom or another reason). I will lean into Creator!Reader here.
Tales of old told stories of the beutiful Creator and their many friends. One being, a beautiful cat with sharp gold eyes, galaxy fur and their mittens in silvery white. The cat has many times showed to be the closest friend to the Creator, but no one has seen them is recent history. Both the Creator and their beloved cat had disappeared, and the world was quiet since then. Until now, that is.
The sightings first began in Inazuma, which then continued in Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru and currently in Fontaine. The beautiful feline creature had been travelling from place to place, and many citizens claim that the cat has human curiousity in its eyes. So people have dubbed the cat, Creator's Eyes. The cat ran around in each nation, and after some time would disappear whilst leaving a note behind of its mission.
Oh, people of Teyvat. I see through my darling feline's eyes that there are many things amiss in the world; however, my wish is to help. If you would like to gain my guidance, my mind, or my heart, all you need to do is catch my dear friend and from their fur obtain the key of my abode. I bid you good luck, to those who wish for my presence. Signed, Creator.
P.S Please be kind and respectful, although I am sure this warning is not needed.
As soon as people read the note, a clock had appeared before them, translucent and seemingly untouchable, and it started ticking. In their minds, instructions appeared.
As so many of you wish to participate, I will give my dear companion some time to reach the other nations so all of you can participate. If you are impatient, the clock will vanish and you will be disqualified.... good luck!
The people immediately felt inclined to follow the instructions and left the cat alone and watched the time tick down to give the feline the time they needed to travel across Teyvat and get more people into the game. Finally, after all the people have been properly informed and good portion of them have been disqualified, the clock striked 0 and the game started.
The golden feline fled to all sorts of places, quickly lowering the number of people included in the game. Some people had received shocks of warning after manhandling the cat or were scratched that brought on a fever after being treated roughly. Of course, Vision bearers had an easier time and most had agreed to work as a group to catch up to the golden furred creature.
Soon, there was multitudes of people after the cat, but to their dismay none could catch up to it. It would weave and dodge expertly from their grasp and since they didn't dare harm the divine familiar, their Vision powers were useless. There was one person however, who was watching... waiting while observing the patterns. They shrugged and had gotten some food and sat down near the cat after the rest had gone back to their homes.
They didn't make a single move towards the cat, and just ate away while keeping an eye out. The cat peeked at them, and meowed at the smell of food. The individual heard the meow, and gently moved some food towards the cat and kept a respectful distance. The cat casted a suspicious look at them before revealing itself and went towards the food, giving it a sniff before taking a bite.
So now, this individual felt a bit bad for the feline and shoved a water bowl towards it. The cat came closer and drank from the bowl before looking up at staring at the individual. The allogene just shrugged, and went back to eating their portion. Suddenly, they felt the soft fur of the feline rub against them and they carefully pat the cat. As soon as they gave a few scratches and the cat was satisfied, a window appeared.
Congratulations! You are the winner to the Creator's Abode. Use now?
Their shaking hand touched the key that suddenly appeared around the affectionate cat, which seemed to be enough of an answer as bright light covered their vision. For a moment, nothing could be seen from the light but it soon dimmed to nothing and they found themselves in front of a humble living quarters in what seemed to be a log cabin. The cat ran from the individual and leaped up to the seat that was in front of them. They blinked and suddenly saw a beautiful person sitting elegantly, and giving them a soft smile. Soon, they waved the person over and spoke.
"Why, hello there. Of course it was my favorite Vision bearer to be the first to visit me successfully. You were the first to show me kindness, hence I deemed you the perfect first candidate. What is your wish?"
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dragons-bones · 1 year
FFXIV Write Entry #29: Spices and Contraband
Prompt: contravention || Master Post || On AO3
Ehll Tou burbled happily to herself as she trotted through the bustling crowd of passengers and porters along the Ishgardian airship docks. She had been awaiting a shipment of fresh herbs and spices and potions from Ul’dah for a fortnight, and today was the day they should arrive!
Soon enough she had arrived at the correct pier, and she waited mostly patiently near where the cargo was being unloaded from the Cinnamon Cloud. A few of the crew waved to her, and she waved back excitedly. If she had the time later, she would come back to see if any of them had new stories to share of their travels.
The cargomaster came over, his smile white against the dark brown of his skin. “Hello, Sky Lady!” he said. “Awaiting a package?”
[Yes!] Ehll Tou said, jaw dropping in a smile. [From Frondale’s Phrontistery; was it in this shipment?]
“I believe it was!” the cargomaster said, and laughed as she hopped up and down in excitement. “One moment, my lady, let me go check.”
She kept hopping as she waited, far less patient now. She had projects to finish, some new cooking recipes to devise and items to finish enchanting with the proper infused lacquers. Soon soon soon!
The cargomaster returned shortly, a crate in his hands, and Ehll Tou cheered.
A check of the crate’s inventory against the Cinnamon Cloud’s cargo manifest and Ehll Tou’s own receipt from the Phrontistery—the cargomaster was kind enough to pry open the crate for her so that she could check, and she trilled happily at confirming everything was present—and then a collection of her signature, and Ehll Tou was off back to the Firmament with her crate in hand. She whistled a traveling song as she skipped through the city, though at the gentle clink of the glass bottles against one another, she slowed to something more sedate.
Once back in her warehouse, Ehll Tou headed for her primary workroom and set the crate on the table. She fetched a crowbar and reopened the lid, the cargomaster having nailed it shut to ensure nothing spilled on her way back from the docks. Setting both lid and crowbar aside, Ehll Tou carefully reached inside and began removing her new treasures.
The potions were each neatly labeled: essences of fire, which would be perfect to imbue fine cotton or wool for warmth since sewing fire shards wasn’t practical, and assorted growth formulae in different grades for her to use practicing imbuing wands and staves for Ishgardian conjurers. Ehll Tou wasn’t yet proficient with alchemy to make her own, and the ingredients were expensive and difficult to come by, too. Hmm, perhaps she should write a polite request to her…how would men call the degree of relation between them? A great uncle? That sounded correct. She should write a polite request to Great Uncle Vrtra, and ask if she might come to study with his alchemists for a time. At some point, there was no rush with many centuries still before her.
Potions gently set aside, now Ehll Tou retrieved the rest of her order. Fresh saffron and laurel and aloe, from Southern Thanalan, grown and harvested by the residents of Little Ala Mhigo. Prickly pears from Central Thanalan, bright pink and smelling utterly divine to her nose even through their thick skins. And, carefully wrapped in waxed paper, a trio of huge black truffles that Ehll Tou almost fond herself cooing over. Ohhh, she would make many delicious foods with these truffles, yes she would!
The food items she brought to her kitchen, and then she returned to her main workroom to gather up the packing straw from the crate. It would make for good kindling for her stove.
Her claws scratched against the bottom of the crate, and they caught on something. A knot in the wood? But as Ehll Tou drew her hands back, the bottom of the crate lifted away entirely, and she startled.
In doing so, her claw worked free, and the bottom fell back again. Curiosity wasn’t a trait exclusive to cats, however, and Ehll Tou poked her head into the crate, running her claws along the wood until she felt them hook again. Deliberately now, she raised the false bottom and set it aside, then peeked into the crate again.
[…Oh, dear.]
[Who would dare do such a thing?!] Ehll Tou growled, fighting the urge to stomp around her workroom as one of Commander Handeloup’s Temple Knights gingerly transferred small, overstuffed bags from the crate’s false bottom into a small, sturdy iron chest. [Use MY goods to smuggle SOMNUS into the city? The audacity! The insult!]
“Unfortunately, not uncommon,” Commander Handeloup said, tone soothing. “Chances are your order was merely the only one traveling to Ishgard from the Phrontistery within the smuggler’s window of opportunity.”
Ehll Tou crossed her arms with a huff, a lick of flame briefly escaping her nostrils before she reined her temper in. Just because she was angry did not mean she should be rude. [And someone on this end was supposed to take out the somnus before I picked up my crate?]
Handeloup nodded. “That’s the most likely scenario, and we can at least assume the Cinnamon Cloud’s cargomaster isn’t involved in the scheme, considering how readily he retrieved it for you upon your arrival at their pier. I’ll have one of my men approach him quietly and ask about any unusual behavior among his crew.”
Ugh. At least she wouldn’t be looking at the cargomaster suspiciously the next time she placed an order from an Ul’dahn business.
[A fine shadow over my day,] she grumbled.
The Temple Knight’s Second Commander chuckled and reached out to gently pat her shoulder just above the wing. “Hopefully, you will be able to look back in the near future and feel a sense of pride at assisting in however small a way at breaking a smuggling ring,” he said.
Ehll Tou cocked her head thoughtfully. [It would make for a good song…]
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BPP I have been thoroughly wrecked by Yoongi. HIS VOICE? HIS CHARISMA??
My god. He's been your bias since debut?! You're strong woman. How did you do it?? One concert and I'm ready to bear kids for him. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ask 2: I'm sorry!!! But look at this!!!! twitter com/sujimschim/status/1652517741226790913 looolll I think army's gonna be okay (pun intended lol) Sorry I think I'm having a post wlive high right now. lol Also did you hear about that insanely lucky army who got Yoongi video on their phone AND got to sit next to Jimin during the concert?! Like WOW. I'm amazed. Isn't that harder than the lottery?? lol Ok I'll really stop. Have a good night!!
Ask 5: I love how Yoongi sticks to his first iteration of Sorry for being cute choreo. That choreo is becoming a lore of its own. yoominforlife lol Also OMGGGG his concert haegeum performance is gonna be LIT. I personally really love the name of the song and all the word play that's hidden inside it
Ask 6: i want to fuck yoongi till the paint peels off the walls i need to suck his thick fat cock clean empty, gobble his midas balls till i gag and after that read him my deontological critique of neitzche's assertion that god is dead. because god is well and truly alive and i just sucked his balls dry. i was lost and stupid in the wilderness of my ignorance of his divine hotness. i doubted your mind for your esteemed love for him. i was foolish but he has made me a believer. i want to be shoooshed by yoongi. then fuck him till he blacks out. consensually.
sorry. pls don't hate me bpp yoongi just drives me so fucking insane.
Ask 7: D-Day tour setlist is INSANE. Banger after friggin baanger Bpp! Have you tried to rank Suga's songs before? All his solo songs too can you rank them Bpp?
Hi Anon(s),
Anon in ask 2, your link. And yeah, that person was super lucky. 💜
I need to confess to y’all. I caved and got myself an earlier ticket. Usually, I buy my tickets for later in the tour to give myself time to calm down and adjust. I’d have spoiled the setlist for myself, listened to it ad infinitum till the lyrics were ingrained and my hormones were in equilibrium. But this time I couldn’t wait till the Cali dates, (still going). I had to see Yoongi tonight.
And Christ, I have ascended.
I know I will not be coherent, I’m already trying to self censor as I write , but I want to get this out here because many of you have sent me asks about him, some I know I can’t post ever, so I’m hoping someone else gets it whatever it is I’m tying to say.
Yoongi is so beautiful.
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Yoongi is a rock star, and I mean that in a literal sense. He makes rock music, thinks like a rock star, and sings like a rock star. His live renditions of Amygdala are the perfect example of this. Pairing screamo rock in the chorus with the guitar solos in the outro, everything about Yoongi's vision for that song is centered around liberation, a value that's inherent to a rock star.
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(Yes. That’s the objective correct answer.)
I laughed reading all your asks btw. (Anon in ask 6, I see you, I get you, and I don't judge you.) Ranking Agust D's songs is impossible for me. My personal taste is screamo rock and dirty trap or drill, I like songs with distinct percussion, lots of guitars, and/or distortion, voice cracks, autotune, etc. Artists like Nirvana, ONE OK ROCK, Kendrick Lamar, Twenty One Pilots, and Jimin give me bits and pieces of that sound, but no one in BTS knows how to scratch that itch for me better than Yoongi.
He’s just the right kind of insane to speak my language.
The duality that shimmers around Jimin like a mirage and is central to his magnetism, where you can’t be sure of who, what, exactly you’re looking at - man, woman, child, king, snake, panther, cat, metal, silk, fire, ice - all in one. That duality, lives in Yoongi’s music.
It’s elsewhere too, but it lives in his music. Even underneath all of that, he just makes some of the best music around.
That beat change at the end of Shadow? That's music tailor-made for me. Cypher Pt 3, AGUST D (the song), What Do You Think?, Trivia: Seesaw, the live performances of HUH?! and Amygdala are a revelation. All his music sounds perfectly made for me.
I honestly have no choice but to love him.
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(I have no words when it comes to Yoongi.)
I won’t exactly rank his music here. I’ll discuss some of my favourites based on things like production, message, flow, feel, etc. Maybe.
This song is criminally underrated. I mean it's a crime more people aren't screaming from the rooftops about how crisp this track is. Listening to 724148 was the first time it really hit me how brilliant Yoongi is as a producer.
So Far Away ft Suran
You need to listen to this song on good speakers. It will change your life for the better. Do that, then come back here and tell me how you feel.
Burn It ft MAX
You know, when I heard the live performance of this song, I called a friend to help me re-calibrate my speakers. To recreate that feel. The production on the song is insane. Not to mention Yoongi's flow in the second verse.
The guitars are placed and layered perfectly. I love how forward the drums are in the mix. The autotune is one of my favourite things about it too. The entire song is perfect.
Am I the only person who hears the same static in the song intro that continues faintly in the foreground for the entirety of the song? As though you're entering a glitch. It's so sick. The main/central beat doesn't vary much, all the texture comes from Yoongi's adlibs. And he does an excellent job elevating it to something more.
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(It truly embarrasses me that I cannot allow myself to talk about him. He’s that… much.)
Flow / Delivery
You've all seen me go on and on about Jimin's vocals. About how much Jimin's voice is the catalyst for ecstasy when I listen to BTS's music. But Yoongi's voice affects me just as strongly, if not more, in a very different way.
I’m a sucker for the kitten. That insane high pitched thing he does drives me to the limits of my sanity. But he’s also a natural baritone. A nasty one at that. You can hear it in the music he makes. And that’s my kryptonite.
Have you listened to HUH?! Like, really listened to it? Do you hear his flow from 1:08 - 1:15?
Do you hear how disgusting this brat is?
Let’s just move on.
Some favourites where his flow, delivery, switch-ups, is frankly ridiculous:
Burn It ft. MAX
HUH?! ft j-hope
Cypher Pt. 3
Aside, the instrumental of this track, along with Cypher Pt. 4, Dionysus trap remix, Danger MMA 2019 version, and We Are Bulletproof Eternal, is incredible.
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Making a list based on pure vibes, Honsool has to show up. Yoongi captured the unmoored, untethered feeling of drifting through haze, distilled and crystalized into Honsool. Genius.
Give It To Me
What Do You Think?
HUH ft j-hope
Tony Montana ft. Jimin
I'm a sucker for the grit in their voices in this song. The live version specifically.
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(He’s such a problem for me y’all…)
Not to get into this, but he also does sweet, poppy songs too. Some faves being That That, Amygdala, People, Trivia: Seesaw…
He is a true artist.
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And nothing is hotter than that.
I started writing this long paragraph about the themes in his music and stopped because I’ve really gone on long enough. I’m barely keeping it together here. I just saw him lose his mind with happiness at the ARMY who disguised her iPhone as a Samsung. That wide smile on his face is still replaying in my head. I’m happy he’s happy, because he’s made me so happy.
Anyway, some fave tracks I reach for, for their message:
5 - Strange ft RM
4 - UGH
3 - Snooze ft Ryuichi Sakamoto & Woosung
2 - Amygdala
1 - People
In a class of its own, I have to mention The Last. That song is a reckoning and wake up call. It's everything and I'm forever proud of Yoongi for making it.
Have y’all imagined what the concert will be like in 2026? Have you really sat down to think about what it could look like? Because I have. And it looks like pure bliss. No matter what is happening in the world at that time, I must see BTS.
It’s a decision I made last June, but Yoongi on this tour has breathed fire into that desire. He’s made me want him, crave his sound, daydream of his music playing in my head…
If I could I would’ve sued this man already.
Anyway, Anon in ask 1, welcome to getting wrecked by Yoongi. He is layer upon delightful layer of loyal, creative, tortured beautiful genius hovering just on the edge of insanity. I’m hopeful that he completes his tour as planned, enlists as planned, serves as planned, and is discharged and back to BTS as planned.
In the meantime, I’ll fully enjoy the time he’s spending with us and the music he’s making for us. I’m happy y’all are joining me in this too. 💜
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astarab1aze · 5 months
“   Hungry? Eat the government. ” // hydre and mogget
unhinged comedic relief
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"You can't eat a concept. Besides, why eat some tightasses in suits when I could just eat you instead? Never had 'divine cosmic cat' before... How many lives you got? How many could you lose to ichorus stomach acid?" The hydra actually wasn't spectacularly starved, hardly even interested in feasting on the flesh of this or that, human, demon, shifter, or whatever. He was much more interested in conversing this time around, plucking the strange-but-amusing creature from his post by the pits. Mogget was infinitely smaller than him in his furrier form, wasn't he? Bite-sized, preying upon his fondness for animals, directly or not. This only went to show that, even in circumstances of mindnumbing mundanity, he was not to be underestimated. Hydre could respect that, even find it cute.
Sure, sure, he could play a game or two, curiosity guiding his interest in the place of hunger and bitterness. He shifted his grip, having had his fun, and held Mogget properly, going so far as to give his precious little noggin a playful scratch or two. Maybe he enjoyed it, maybe he didn't, but he hadn't turned to gnawing on him yet. Even so, he carried him away, conjuring all manners of things as he went, bursts of icy magic left in his wake. Glacial crags, the steady accumulation of wintry snow on blackstone mountains, a sea of white and pine giving way to endless sheets of ice- The air stung, like thousands of tiny needles piercing the skin - fingertips, nose, ears, lips bruising from the chill. But this was how he remembered it.
Agonizing, unforgiving, brutal, punishing, every inch of skin beginning to frost, lungs icing over- It made him smile. This was as it should be. Miraglas was an unfriendly place where only the strongest could have survived; If the temperatures weren't enough to kill you, then the wolves, golems, hydras, dragons, wraiths, and all the other things would - and it was his favorite in all the world. The indifference of the world beyond one's home, the natural recurring violence as a consequence of living, countless hardships stubbornly withstood, eating only when one can spare the resources, surviving on the cusp of death in harshest winter-- persisting in spite of that. Defying nature, defying fate, defying it all and proving Nocturne and the rest wrong from up on high. It was unerring suffering, but it was freedom, in a sense. A ripe fuck you to the gods themselves, to the other natural order.
Hm. Maybe that tied into what Mogget was saying.
Nevertheless, he carted him away down winding ice tunnels still glittering with enchanted lights, vain flickers of bygone opulence in carven whitestone and frost-laden tapestries, banners adorned in white gold and draconic regalia, stacks upon stacks of scrolls and books littering the halls, the faintest traces of children playing in central courtyards bubbling with spring water and mercantile trade, Viostran, Kavastan, and Myrrdinian banners strewn about as each and all brought forth their wares. There used to be so much life in these now empty, lonely caverns.
Hydre didn't have much more to say, as he wandered the halls and corridors of palaces that no longer existed, all illusions of old memories that couldn't quite replicate the people that used to thrive there. Nothing more than ghosts in the mind of a being that may soon forget.
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askdrzinasia · 1 year
A blonde moment for a white lion
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White lions are rare and highly appreciated, often considered divine and royal.
And sometimes you caught them strike a pose like a blonde diva.
These White Lion (Panthera leo) are not albinos, they are a rare mutation of colour in lions. And it only occurs in one area of the world: In the Kruger-to-canyons Biosphere in Southern Africa. The otherwise tawny prides here carry the gene, and even if the cubs are caught or killed, there are still white lions being born.
Careless care
Unfortunately, lions in South Africa are no longer considered threatened, meaning the trade in everything lion-related has increased. From trophy hunting to bone-trading for "medicinal" purposes.
This includes trading with white lions, even though they are pretty rare. For a time, they went extinct in the wild, but were reintroduced in the hunter free Kruger National Park in 2014.
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In Thailand after the closure of Bangkok Dusit Zoo, there are white lions spread out to seven other zoos as late as 2018.
Passable conditions for big cats
The lion enclosures was each comprised of an outside spacious area and also a hidden den or night room at the back end of the enclosure.
The animals had a pond or a moat for bathing all filled plentifully. It was plentiful of grass and natural vegetation. The big cats had natural enrichment, scratching posts and pulley systems for food enrichment. Facilities had caves and some platformed areas to climb.
Health conditions of the animals was observed as good. No overcrowding, good body conditions and none visible injuries. By way of mental health, there was none observation of nervous, dissatisfied pacing. The cats performed in natural positive behaviours such as scent marking, sniffing, patrolling territory, sleeping and eating were all observed. The lions appeared relaxed and at ease with surroundings, as its stated in an animal welfare report, based on three inspections over five years until Dusit Zoo was closed down.
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cantalooprat · 1 year
The White Cat's Divine Scratching Post
What I Liked
a nice little comfort read, it's a kind of? relaxing? cultivation slice-of-life with a side of sect battles as is normal when it comes to cultivation stories
sweet devotion between a white cat and his scratching post. master cat is tsundere but he rly rly does love his scratching post!
dual cultivation as a plot point. i rly like the excuse of "let's cultivate and heal each other" as an excuse for some sexy time
the dragon/phoenix side-ship <3 interesting that the phoenix's last name is also dan
What I Disliked
it's...overall p mid. idk what exactly is abt it but it just seems p mid. nothing wrong with the story but also it didn't particularly make me want to read it faster...
that one noncon scene that kind of goes against how much the gong loves the shou like sure he regretted it after but i was just kinda like... but... but u love him, right...... don't do that.........
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bellaroles · 7 months
The way Lu Ye Qian He wrote about these animal shapeshifters are so cute! As always I got hooked because of the cat's cuteness overload again 😆
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Lmao I need to see an animation of this
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Webnovel Carrd Links [Part 2]
Danmei / BL (Cont.)
Of all the Transmigrations, Why am I a Prisoner?
Peach / Hantao 
Peerless / Wushuang (hit the picture of the two characters) 
Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic Disciples / PISDD 
Qiang Jin Jiu 
Qing Kuang / Bloom of Youth 
Qi Ye / Lord Seventh 
Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of Our Marriage 
Seizing Dreams 
Sha Po Lang (1, 2, 3)
Shenshang / Estranged 
SVSSS / Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (1, 2)
TGCF / Heaven Official’s Blessing
The Earth is Online (CW: glitch effect)
The Governor is Sick 
The Ultimate Blue Seal / Zhongji Lanyin 
The Villain Has Something to Say 
The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful 
The Wife is First / Qi Wei Shang 
The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post 
Those Years in Quest of Honor Mine 
Thousand Autumns / Qianqiu
Tian Ye Ke / Faraway Wanderers
Till Death Do Us Part & Living to Suffer
Transmigrating into a Mob Character to Rehabilitate the Villain Plan 
To Rule in a Turbulent World / LSWW 
Unbridled / Xiao Zhang
Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love 
Where is Our Agreement to Be Arch-Rivals? 
Wu Chang Jie / Impermanence Calamity 
Xia Niangniang / Blind Concubine 
Youyi / Itinerant Doctor
Yuwu / Remnants of Filth 
Baihe / GL
Clear and Muddy Loss of Love / JWQS
Couple of Mirrors (originally a drama with a novelization & manhua)
FGEP / Female General and Eldest Princess
Matrilocal Marriage / Ruzhui 
My Wandering Spirit Lady 
Purely by Accident 
Debut or Die 
Lout of the Count’s Family 
ORV / Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (LinkTree)
Return of Mount Hua Sect / Return of the Blossoming Blade
The King’s Avatar 
You Fei / Bandits (Drama: Legend of Fei)
[Part 1]
83 notes · View notes
deimevena · 3 years
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angieloveshua · 3 years
“Baby,” Mo Tianliao held his shoulders solemnly, “In order to save my life, we have to seize the time to dual-cultivate and give birth to little tigers. ”
Qingtong looked at him quietly and slowly raised his hand.
“Ow, ow, ow, it hurts!”
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