#the way this behavior literally reflects what kind of person they are too
newtmastime · 4 months
the exhaustion over being around someone judgemental is on a whole another level. i can keep up with physical activities to an extent but having to hear someone endlessly yap about something that doesn't concern them and judge literal strangers they've met on sidewalks for an assumption, drains the life out of me completely.
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
what i learned during my reflection period⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧖🏽‍♀️🎀
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as you may or may not have noticed, i've been hiatus for most of the month now. and i disappeared because of personal reasons, and one of those reasons being that i felt i needed to reflect. here are some things that i've learned and realized during my reflection time.
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this is quite personal to me, but i wanted to kind of have a heart to heart with you guys and im sure that someone is probably struggling with what i mention in this post so i hope this is comforting...💬🎀
i was literally doing the most and it felt like such a chore at the time. i would force myself to affirm in ways that felt unnatural, i was letting myself get bullied by the 3D, even though i KNOW i dont have to do a thing. i was putting way too much effort in the wrong way.
i took a step back and RELAXED. i did what felt natural again and enjoyed manifesting again and because of that i've had success story after success story...💬🎀
i wanted to take a second and expose toxic behaviors and patterns that i noticed i exhibit and that have started to affect not only my physical but my mental in a very very negative way.
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i'd been struggling with regulating my emotions and managing them so i was a walking ball of stress 💀. a beautiful ball of stress but stress nonetheless. i just felt so stuck.
i went through the motions and after having a total meltdown and doing a bit of journalling i released everything, giving myself a completely clean slate once more.
i did a bit of a refresh and did miscellaneous things to make myself feel like im starting again. things like self concept work, changing the theme of my phone, taking an everything shower + bubble bath, having a pinterest makeover and getting a trim on my hair.
i forced myself to drink more water, and go for long walks not only to get some sunlight but to get my heart pumping and push myself out of the depressive rot that i had been in for months internally, but had pushed itself out as soon as summer started.
i got really attached to this boy 😭 but he was such a piece of work. like he did that hot and cold shit, but i rly rly liked him so i ignored the obvious red flags. but i got to a point where i just felt used and embarrassed. upon further reflection i think i didn't wanna let him go because he was so fine 💀, like 6'5 muscular kind of fine.
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no matter how handsome a guy is if he has an ugly personality or if he just treats u badly then hes not fine at all...💬🎀
i went no contact. thats like the easiest way to get over someone i think lol. i went no contact and i just manifested better things for myself. like being asked out by a bunch of guys and wingstop to comfort myself 🧋
also i focused on what i got out of the whole thing. i got the redirection that i wanted, PLUS i was filled with inspiration for my song writing.
i want war (BUT I NEED PEACE) - kali uchis
eternal sunshine - jhene aiko
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let you go - clara la san
needy - ariana grande
i wanted to include this section as a reminder that everyone goes through shit. things happen. its okay to be affected by it and its okay to be sad. the most important thing is to not dwell on it too long. remember that you are not a victim and remember how amazing you are BECAUSE YOU ARE. you are amazing and no matter what happens, regardless of anything your gonna be okay and your gonna be in a much better place, it starts with putting one foot in front of the other...💬🎀 (love honey)
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 7 months
Say things about Kuma
boy, will i say things about kuma.
i was reflecting yesterday on how we don’t see kuma’s eyes, i don’t think, at any point before bonney’s flashback. even in his appearances at thriller bark and sabaody, when he still retained his consciousness, we only see his blank glasses, which creates an impression of him as inhuman, detached, menacing, and emotionless.
kuma is a completely different character, visually speaking, when we can see his eyes.
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the depth of kuma’s kindness and selflessness as revealed to us in his flashback is staggering. it contextualizes a lot of the care we see borne for him earlier in the story by characters like ivankov (at marineford) and bonney and sabo (at reverie)- he’s revealed to us, finally, as a deeply gentle and sweet person who was deeply loved by those around him. once we see what he was really like as a person, we understand absolutely why his loved ones care for him so deeply.
we realize, in egghead, that despite him recieving focus at several points before this, our view of him has been limited to what the strawhats, and the rest of the world, saw, and we have been barred up until this point from any real deeper understanding of his identity and personality. we never got to see his eyes. we got no indication of what he might be thinking or feeling. and this is the violence done to him; the eradication of his person.
it’s clear that kuma is defined by selflessness in the same way that luffy is defined by his selfishness. we see that for his entire life, starting from when he volunteered to be the decoy for iva’s god valley escape plan, that he has constantly endangered and sacrificed himself for the sake of others. kuma is a heroic character, one of the most straightforward we’ve seen in one piece. and this is, ultimately, tragic.
kuma is selfless to the point of self-destruction. he is a gentle and kind and heroic person- and he is that way because of an immensely traumatic childhood that led him to view his own life as having no value except to the extent that he can use it to help others. it’s both understandable and commendable, but it’s also very sad. it’s very clear that, because of his strength, he does not see himself as someone who can expect to be, or who deserves to be, saved by others.
kuma, like a true revolutionary, is unwilling to accept that there is anything he cannot change, but he also only knows how to deal with problems by throwing himself into the line of fire; he will always give of himself and never ask anything of anyone else. notably, this exact pattern of behavior, putting one’s own life constantly on the line but being unwilling to draw anyone else into it, is the same thing luffy lectured vivi for back in alabasta, because it’s ultimately not a healthy or realistic course of action, and will inevitably get one killed.
and we see this, because kuma’s ultimate act of selflessness is him quietly consenting to be literally taken apart, the obliteration of his self. could there have been another way to save bonney? a way to circumvent or fight against saturn’s insane demands? maybe. but kuma sees no value in his life except in the giving of it for others, and so he accepts the deal without a fight because he has always been too willing to throw himself away.
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httpskuzuu · 19 days
Yandere!Chuuya x Reader
English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes
summary: Chuuya is not a good person, and neither are you.
tw: angst¿, mention of murders, toxic relationship, low self-esteem, reader is not the best person
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Day 4.
Night began to fall, and you saw yourself reflected in the windows of your favorite convenience store. To say you looked dead would be too kind. Your hair was in disarray, as if you had never combed it before, not to mention your dark circles and vacant eyes. If you were mistaken for a homeless person, you would understand.
This time with Chuuya was…. Well, difficult. Now you feel like a bit of an idiot for letting yourself be fooled, you should have been more careful. You're not oblivious to the bad people in the world, you just didn't think Chuuya would be one of them.
You were dating a mafia executive! And you didn't even know it. You only found out recently, when you saw those blood stains on the shirt you were going to wash. You wished it had all been a misunderstanding, that you were exaggerating and it had all remained an anecdote to laugh about in the future. You wished you hadn't trusted this bastard so much, but now look at you, half a year of your life down the drain. No home, no job, no money.
And you still miss him. God, you feel pathetic. You shouldn't have moved in with him soon after you started your relationship, nor should you have quit your job because he could support you. You try not to be hard on yourself either because, come on, the man “of your dreams” had offered you a life of luxury for literally nothing, you didn't even have to do housework because he was willing to do it so you could live like royalty.
Oh god, how you miss him.
You get out of the store before you get kicked out of there and go back to your friend's house, who you were stealing practically all the money from.
Day 7.
After your long day of looking for a job in all the existing stores, and having no luck in any of them, you arrive at your friend's house to find several policemen at the door. You fear the worst, and it is the worst.
Your friend is dead, or rather murdered. You are told that the scene appears to be the work of the Port Mafia and your blood runs cold.
After half an hour, the police call you because the Armed Detective Agency wants to talk to you, but you're already in a bar, and you don't want to talk to anyone. You hang up directly, even though it could get you in trouble.
Do you feel sad for your friend? Not really. You didn't have much of a relationship, he was a good person who had to get involved in your misfortune. Do you feel guilty? Hell yes, of course.
You know about Chuuya's questionable attitudes, you noticed them from the first moment. You weren't blind. As soon as someone flirted or even hinted a modicum of interest in you with your boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend, you remind yourself) present, you never heard from that person again. You always ignored him, what's more, you were flattered because, if he was that possessive of you, that meant he really loved you, right?
And who else would love you the way you are.
It was a bad idea to leave Chuuya, it was a horrible idea. You should have foreseen this situation, you didn't know specifically that it killed people around you, but that doesn't exclude you from your responsibility. Innocent people died for getting close to you.
If you had talked to Chuuya from the first day you noticed his behavior, maybe things would have been different.
You have another drink to take your mind off that part of you, hidden in the darkest corners of your head, that keeps feeling flattered by him. You'd like to say that thought is small and because of the alcohol, but you'd be lying to yourself.
Chuuya, the man you've loved the most, has killed for you. Sounds like the characteristic that any teenager with hormones going through the roof would wish for when thinking of my ideal boyfriend or girlfriend. Someone who will kill and die for you.
Chuuya would do it, without thinking about it.
No one has loved you like the redhead did. No one has treated you like royalty, nor cared as much about you, nor treated you with as much delicacy and love as he has.
Do you really care about the innocent lives he takes, or are you just faking concern to make yourself feel better?
Day 10.
It's foggy and cold. Perfect weather for the occasion.
You're on your way to Chuuya's house, all dressed in black. You have just left your friend's funeral. You still can't understand why his family invited you.
Your feet are heavy, and you feel that at any moment you will vomit up the nothingness in your stomach. The subject of barely having enough to eat because you spend most of your money at the motel where you are staying is not pleasant. You feel weaker and thinner, you remind yourself to weigh yourself on the scale in the bathroom at Chuuya when you arrive.
You miss the comforts your boyfriend (ex-boyfriend, for now) offered you. You put morals aside, you were never the best person anyway. The people who pointed you out as someone who is selfish and only cares about himself were right, they were so right.
You should have realized your nature earlier, instead of trying to focus on grief and guilt.
Sooner than you thought, you were planted in front of your man's door. You didn't want your hand to shake so much when you ring the doorbell, but it does.
Not even 10 seconds pass before you finally see Chuuya. As perfect as ever, with that captivating gaze that managed to distract you from any subject in just seconds. You regret not dressing up more for him.
He also has slight dark circles under his beautiful eyes. You feel relieved to know that you weren't the only one suffering from the breakup.
“Y/N?! How come you're here, I-” He interrupts himself with his own words, and you can't help but smile at the scene.
His hands want to touch you, to hug you and know that you're real, but he seems to regret it before he even touches you. Oh, if only he knew that you have the same desire to feel his hands again.
Chuuya gives a sigh and nervously averts her gaze, then returns it, her expression more serious and determined.
“Look, I'm really sorry for everything. I should have been honest with you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, and you don't know how much I missed you, and-” You wonder if he's practiced his speech. Before he can continue, you pounce against his body to kiss him with your mouth open.
Chuuya doesn't take long to keep up with you, to trap you in his arms. It's clear to him, he won't let you go again, no matter what he has to do to stop you.
Oh, how you had missed him.
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I thought about it ending up in something nsfw, but my asexual ass was afraid of success.
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penultimate-step · 7 months
Love, Lies, and Romance: The 3 Ships of Oshi no Ko and 3 Thematic Resolutions
Oshi no Ko is a series deeply concerned with what it means to love and be loved. Ai's wish to love is what starts off the series; her love for her children, and their love for her in return, form the emotional fulcrum upon which the whole manga turns.
Romantic love, too, is a type of love. Aqua's three possible romantic relationships each represent three different interpretations of how to love, and how those relationships are treated is a reflection of how the series views those kinds of love.
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For organization's sake, I'll go down the list in order of what I judge as least to most likely to occur in the manga itself.
Ruby - Love is Lies
I've already written a longer meta about this, but to summarize the relevant parts: Ruby, as depicted in chapters 77 to 142, doesn't understand Aqua, nor Gorou. She instead loves him for the image she's constructed of him in her head, for the way he makes her feel - but this has very little to do with the man himself. Her view on Aqua is, in my opinion, a direct parallel to Aqua's view of Ai - she puts him on a pedestal, idolizes him, but that same impetus is what has her mentally keeping a distance from his real self. You can see this all the way back in chapter 77. When she thinks of him, she first thinks of how he made her feel:
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Now, this isn't on it's own a red flag, but it is contrasted directly afterward: when asked to predict his own actions and feelings, she's hilariously off:
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I think many readers kind of wrote this off as a joke at the time, but this kind of thing lines up perfectly with her behavior in the movie arc. Not only is she inventing a backstory for him (does Gorou ever show romantic interest at all? Why would she assume he was in trouble with girls?) but more importantly she interprets his kind rejection as a tease, and his care to a friend and patient as romantic intent.
A version of the story in which Ruby is Aqua's love interest would literally validate Ai's famous quote, that lies are love - that the person doesn't matter, only how they make them feel does. And that is directly contrasted by, uh. The whole rest of the manga. But to pick a specific scene, see C9:
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The kind of love where one person projects on another, the manga has shown us again and again, the kind of love that is lies, results in this. It cannot end happily, for anybody. If Ruby and Aqua end up dating for real, my next bet is that the story ends in tragedy, because that's the only end for that kind of love in Oshi no Ko.
Akane - Love is Lying
To Akane, love is an act - a lie. But hear me out, this is markedly different from Ruby's position. Akane, I think, is actually the closest of the main characters to Ai's mindset. She doesn't feel that she understands love, but she wants it, so she actively cultivates an image of herself that can show love. We know this well, of course, given her actions at the end of LoveNow. She creates a persona of love in chapter 28, much like Ai describes in 4.
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And believes that regardless of the artificiality of it, she can keep up the act forever: to earn love through the act is to earn it in reality.
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So you may be asking: what is the difference between what Akane is doing, and what Ruby is doing? Well, the difference is in the intention. It is not the lies that are the important part, but the lying - neither Akane nor Ai felt they knew how to love, but their desire to love, their care for others, that was all real love. The performance they put on for others was not an impersonal pedestal, but an active effort done for another's sake. It may be lying, but it is an act of love nonetheless.
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If Aqua/Akane was the endgame ship of Oshi no Ko, it would be a simultaneous validation and rejection of Ai's worldview. Yes, if you care enough, lying can be love, if you are willing to forge that connection. But, in this paradigm, Ai's mistake was lying one-sidedly, to a faceless crowd. The crowd cannot return your love, not in a way other than idolization, and we discussed how that turns out in Ruby's entry. Akane's relationship, on the other hand, is much less one-sided and unhealthy, because she lies for Aqua's sake alone, and doesn't hide that she's doing it. As such, her performance can be recognized and appreciated as such, and he can reach back and return her love.
As such, while the lying is a performance, their relationship isn't a lie. The two of them start to see each other's real selves. The dynamic of two people who don't really understand love or how to love, performing a relationship together until they can learn how to do it together, is a sweet one. I could actually totally see this as the main relationship of Oshi no Ko.
But the actions of the characters make clear what the issue is in this kind of love. The seeds of this breakdown are set in chapter 72, which is ironically one of the ones that sets the dynamic up - even as they are trying to create an equal relationship, Akane decides to lie to him for his own good. After all, their relationship has already been established on the basis of lies. To lie for someone else's sake is inherently a one sided choice, and while in chapter 28 we can see it as a cute start to a relationship, it comes back around in a much more harmful way here:
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which pays off in their grand breakup in chapter 98. Akane is willing to one-sidedly make the choice to kill Hikaru for Aqua's sake. Aqua, in return, refuses to let her make that choice, tracking her position, then stopping her and cutting her off for her own safety. While Akane is the one who calls him out for this, neither of them are treating the other as someone with agency, and both are making choices for the other. As such, in Oshi no Ko, lying cannot be love - you cannot impose your love on another.
Kana - Love is Sincerity
Kana, differently than Ruby and Akane, is defined in her moments of honesty and sincerity. She is an actress, yes, but even her acting is a kind that emphasizes her true self. There's too many pages to post here, but chapters 60-63 talk all about this directly - her modern acting is about hiding herself in order to aid others, but her best acting is when she ignores everybody else and acts to her heart's desire.
This same sincerity is what forms the basis of the Aqua/Kana ship. Unlike the two above ships, which are on some level founded on artifice, many of the moments between Kana and Aqua are focused on moments where they are each acting as their truest selves. Chapters where they interact, like 30 and 117, show that they both have an easy rapport, acting thoughtlessly and honestly. Chapter 40 points this out directly: Kana has the ability to draw Aqua out of his depressed and overthinking mindset, letting him be his unrestrained self.
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This is similar to Ai's own actions in chapter 4. Though she normally puts on a facade and acts out love for the cameras and crowds, the one moment that she is truly recognized as smiling is the moment she accidentally lets slip, and shows true love for her children:
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As such, Aqua/Kana serves as a complete repudiation of Ai's mindset. She was wrong that one can lie to love. The only way to love is to be honest, the only time she was able to honestly express love was the moment she died, when she was able to tell her children she loved them. If you aren't sure how to love, you must reach out honestly and you will find it. No act or performance can be love, no matter how well meant.
If this is the ship the manga ends on, which it could be, the message would be that love is in baring oneself to others. Hiding from others with lies, even when well intentioned, like Aqua does to Kana before chapter 107, is a mistake, and to love truly you need to face up to your own feelings and see the other person directly.
So, what does this all mean? It means that the romantic love demonstrated in the three ships are unavoidably intertwined with the story's ideas about love as a whole. However, his isn't necessarily a foolproof prediction of what the author plans to do next, or what ship the story endorses. Though obviously I think some of these are much more supported by the series than others, until we reach the end it is still possible that things will change, and it could go with any of these, or none of them. This is merely the lens in which I interpret the romantic interactions in the text.
In fact, it's entirely possible that the series ends with no romantic resolution at all, rejecting all three above views on love. After all, while the romantic relationships are undeniably important to the narrative, the love that started this whole story was Ai's familial love for her children - thus, I wouldn't be surprised if platonic love between family and friends will be the most important in resolving it. In any case, the question of how to love is a key part of the series, and will have to be resolved by the story's end.
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
Do you think Superman ever found out about Superboy trying to drown himself?
so this is one of those thorny questions that rises out of the way dc editorial was like, well superboy and superman are separate books and we don't want superman all over superboy's story all the time. because in the text, there's absolutely no acknowledgment of it from clark, even when mae shows up and rips the s-shield patches off kon's jacket for misrepresenting what superman's crest stands for. if mae's heard of what's going on, surely clark should have heard about it too, right? but that never actually is shown to have happened anywhere in the aftermath of knockout arc.
it goes back to the attitudes prevalent in karl kesel's writing (and in general at dc in the 90s, i mean), with stuff happening to kon that SHOULD make any adult with a degree of common sense and responsibility go "hey! wait a minute!" but that has no real impact because karl kesel as the writer thinks it's nbd. like in superman jr and superboy sr, when clark is written as thinking kon and tana dating is just fine.
like, it's a discrepancy. because superman, the character whose entire thing is like. caring about everybody ever, and who IS shown to care for kon even before they're as close as they get later, ostensibly should have heard about superboy getting tangled up in something with a villain, and gone to investigate, and the fact that he didn't is entirely because editorial didn't let him, and because karl kesel didn't think this was a predatory situation. like yes knockout was written as manipulating and abusing kon, but not in a predatory way - just in the "manipulative and evil woman takes advantage of kind and naive boyfriend who wants to believe her" way. which is insane because she's also written calling him jailbait and all sorts of shit, but. that's just how kesel thinks sexual women are, and that's what he thinks teen boys fantasize about, etc., so it's not written in a fashion that even remotely condemns that behavior as Maybe Not Great.
because like. the thing is. if superman heard that a kid who fights crime wearing the crest of his house got manipulated into defending a villain and then tried to kill himself to take her down, of COURSE he would step in and say something or do something. in annual #2 he literally shows up just to talk to kon about how he's feeling about the paul westfield revelation - the idea that he wouldn't step in re: the knockout situation is absurd. it's completely out of character for him.
so like, no, i don't think he knows. it's the only way to explain him not showing up at any point. which is still hard to actually reconcile with the fact that mae did know, but... when working within the confines of what we're given with by a flawed canon that reflects its authors flawed views, we kinda have to bend stuff here and there a little, right? it's kind of impossible to make sense of, otherwise.
my personal interpretation of events is that clark was kind of avoiding too much news about kon in the early days because he needed some time to process the whole "being nonconsensually cloned while he was dead" thing, but also was in denial that he was upset or feeling violated at all, because he knew it wasn't kon's fault and because he was already fond of kon, and felt quite guilty for having any hangups about how kon came to be. it still takes a little fiddling (for instance, his appearance in annual #2) but it's the best way i've found to keep clark in character while having kon's story remain as it is. (i do find kon's narrative of exploitation and suicidality compelling. he's so kind and so full of joie de vivre and so independent. and at the same time those traits keep getting him taken advantage of. he's a vulnerable child in the spotlight. ough.)
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sonicphobia0601 · 1 month
It's time I spoke about Ludo.
Specifically, how he treated me. After the cock cluster in June (I think us older fans would remember how someone exposed him. Wasn't me and I can't find the blog that did. Awkward), I made it clear that I was willing to help him in the fandom and gave him a nudge. I also made it clear that I would show Tumblr what he is like. He didn't take it and thought I was joking. On that same day, I wrote Chapter 17 of Death and Autism after blocking Ludo. I thought it was the last I saw Ludo. Obviously not!
I write Chapter 18, publish it and thought nothing of it. That was a big mistake.
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This shows several things. @kingludoavarius has a gigantic ego (which is worrying). And the way he worded my chapter was quite rude. "Your little rant". As if he was talking down to a child. And that is the equivalent of basically calling me the R slur because I'm autistic. Also, the next part showed that Ludo has obviously learned NOTHING. And to show that it was egotistical, he waited until Chapter 18 to say something even though he wasn't mentioned. (And I draw inspiration from people and include them in fanfiction all the time with permission).
This rubs me the wrong way because of multiple things. This proves he was closed off to suggestions, narcissistic and bigoted. Heck, if he wrote Billie in a queer platonic friendship with Seve he wouldn't be looking like an ass to the entire community and would be perfectly fine as is.
But no, he stuck to his guns and continued his egotistical behavior which evolved into flat out bullying. And it got worse.
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Shit got so bad that he had to dragged someone else from the Harry Potter fanfic part of AO3 to bully me. I wasn't being a judgemental prick. This guy acts like queer platonic relationships do not exist (and if someone from the official Billie Bust Up Tumblr says that Katie is in a queer platonic marriage, then this backs up my argument. Do not @ the official Tumblr please. They have already dealt with Ludo).
Things got so bad that @bbu-fan-blog had to step in and basically tell Ludo they're the asshole. To the person running the fan blog, you are definitely going places. Good places too. Here is what @bbu-fan-blog had to say:
"Since BBU is a very personal project, and many characters reflect the devs' personal lives and experiences, changing the LGBT+ identities portrayed in the game, changing sexualities can potentially come off as insensitive. While experimenting with changing characters' sexualities in many fandoms or movies/books/games isn't seen as big of a deal, for BBU its personal nature implicitly asks fans to apply some awareness about the LGBT+ element in it." (a reblog, 2024)
And there are many fandoms that allow LGBTQ+ ships. Harry Potter and Supernatural are not special. The problem is that these fandoms have canonically straight characters and leave interactions between characters open for interpretation (With Destiel, if you didn't know Dean was straight, it could be a cute little relationship between him and Castiel, who is a literal angel. And Harry Potter? Pfft, I have a headcanon where Harry is trans only out of pure spite towards JK Rowling who bullied an actual woman to the point of getting herself into a lawsuit on top of her disgusting transphobia).
And since the characters in Billie Bust Up are tied to real people... Such as Barnaby and Fantoccio having AUTISM for example... I think treating them with the same level of kindness is the best way to go about it. Like there's literally nothing to fix with them. Billie having undiagnosed ADHD is another one. Since the devs wrote them a certain way and have real world ties, their sexualities and queer labels are not open for interpretation. Like let me be honest and raw. Barnaby has a very fruity voice. And I definitely wouldn't change Barnaby even if I was paid a shit ton of money to do that. Seriously, listen to Barnaby in his intro cutscene or listen to this:
I definitely imagine Barnaby dating a guy and singing this to him after he died. And... Uh, spoiler alert, from what I can tell, Barnaby is gender fluid. I definitely need to learn how to write gender fluid characters. Like it's fun but I find myself getting confused. And I'm gender fluid myself.
So Ludo, if you are reading this from an alt account or something like this, congrats. You just bullied a queer autistic adult who is YOUNGER THAN YOU. Scratch that, since if memory serves me right, Ash is autistic and younger than you. So congrats on being a giant bully not just to the autistic side of the fandom but also to the younger fans and fans who are LGBTQ+. Also congrats on actually bullying the developers both to their faces and behind their backs. We DO NOT NEED FIXING.
And one more screenshot.
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I read the comments here. The person who wrote the fic in question realized they made a few mistakes and showed that they're willing to listen and change their tack. And what does Ludo do?
Tried justifying pro shipping.
So yeah. Ludo needs to stop being on his computer. It's becoming clear he is chronically online and trying to justify LGBTQ erasure and pro shipping. Which is again, a form of pedophilia.
The writer themselves didn't know (and from what I hear, the writer is a minor). In fact, I don't think they researched. They probably saw Barnaby, Billie, Scrimshaw or Fantoccio, said "Ooh! Cool thingy that looks fun!" And jumped right in without doing research. Which is an oops any new fan could have made.
I can't stress this enough. RESEARCH. RESEARCH. RESEARCH.
So, yeah. TL; DR: Ludo bullied an autistic queer person for simply working with what they do know with info provided by devs and voice actors.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. And Ludo, my pronouns are he/him for you if you are reading this.
Blogger's note: These comments are deleted. So the original screenshots are the ones I provided to talk about my unfortunate experience. These screenshots show Ludo's true colors.
Another thing to note: Billie Bust Up is considered a creative view to the lives of actual people and it would be rude to say nothing. The characters from Billie Bust Up are loosely based on actual people and their stories and struggles. Erasing their sexualities to fit your narrative is basically slapping and bullying the developers themselves. A fine example of this is Billie Bust Up themself because they're loosely based on Katie, who is aroace and is in a QUEER PLATONIC MARRIAGE by the appearance of things, Fantoccio and Barnaby are both loosely based on Ash, who is bisexual and is on the spectrum (their sexualities are probably from actual people on the developer team). The next time I hear "But they're fictional mimimimimimi" just remember that the characters are indeed based on real people and should not have their sexualities changed to fit your narrative because the fandom would see this as a form of bullying the devs and fans alike. Some characters are autistic (A REAL DISABILITY THE BLOGGER HAS) and having disability erasure on top of that would be actively bullying autistic people indirectly by trying to erase the thing that makes these characters so relatable in media (and no, Sheldon Cooper and Jeffy is the worst examples of representation since they only showcase one emotion, which is misinformation in my own humble opinion).
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kindheart525 · 10 months
unpopular opinions on the fim show?
I’m not entirely sure how many of these opinions are unpopular in the fandom as a whole, but they seem kind of uncommon compared to what shows up in my feed so here goes
Pinkie’s family is not abusive or toxic. I know they are portrayed as extremely old-fashioned and strict in their lifestyle, based on what is probably a surface-level understanding of Amish communities. This makes it easy to compare them to similar communities irl who engage in practices like shunning. But the Pies’ behavior in the show and especially Pinkie’s attitude towards them seems to make clear that they have not shunned or abused her despite her “leaving the community.” In other words, I think there are key differences between the Pies and some of the real-life people they were meant to emulate, so it’s inaccurate to say that abusive Pie headcanons have any real basis in the show. I wrote more on this opinion here.
Zephyr Breeze is not nearly as likely to be a deadbeat dad as some might think. He was shown to be on the road to being more responsible by the end of his own debut episode, so I highly doubt he’d be the same pony he was at the beginning of the episode by the time he would become a father. Not that I don’t think he could be at least a little bit irresponsible as a dad; I just don’t think he’d leave his child or not love them. I wrote more on this opinion here.
Amending Fences was a missed opportunity for a very important friendship lesson, one that the show never dared to touch. Which is that sometimes people are incompatible and sometimes your old friends won’t forgive you. Instead, Moondancer was written in an extremely exaggerated way (her whole life was ruined by one rejection??) yet this wasn’t regarded as an overreaction at all. It was weirdly handled at best. I wrote more on this opinion here.
Rarity gets a bad rap from the fandom. I don’t know if it’s her mediocre taste in stallions or if there’s something about her ultra-feminine nature that some people don’t care for, but I think her maturity and intelligence are severely underrated. Of course she can be a drama queen, but so can Twilight and Pinkie and pretty much every other member of the main cast. Rarity had a breakdown over getting a fashion piece critiqued, but Twilight blew up at her friends over having a late paper; the two scenarios really aren’t that different.
Just because Rarity has multiple crushes on mediocre stallions (Blueblood, Trenderhoof) doesn’t mean that she would sleep around or have a tumultuous love life. Haven’t most people had celebrity crushes? Multiple celebrity crushes, in fact, and also multiple crushes and relationships involving people they actually know before finding “the one”? I’m sure a lot of people have also been disappointed to find out the celebrity they fancied is actually a terrible person, like Rarity has. It’s part of the human experience for many, and Rarity’s TWO moments of poor judgment are not a reflection of her whole character or even her full palate of romantic taste.
Along with being a drama queen, Rarity can have moments where she’s materialistic and selfish, like the time she convinced Spike to give her his fire ruby. That was not a good moment for her. But on a bigger picture, materialistic and selfish is not her usual state. She is literally the element of generosity!!! She made Gala dresses for all of her friends FOR FREE! She has also shown herself to be a leader among her friends, at times taking charge and coming up with plans in Twilight’s absence much like Applejack does sometimes. One example is Castle Sweet Castle; the whole premise of the episode was Rarity’s idea! To help Twilight feel more at home! It’s clear that her generous spirit informs her actions through most of the show, unlike Rainbow Dash who’s only truly loyal when the plot needs her to be.
Yes Rarity is flawed, but all her friends are too. Her flaws are not objectively worse than the others. In fact, Rarity was literally under mind control once and still regarded Spike as a genuine friend, while Rainbow Dash sold one of her best friends into indentured servitude completely sober (among a long list of other things). Twilight yelled at her friends that she didn’t need them, also with an unaltered mind. Rarity has had her own hurtful blowups ofc but hers aren’t any worse than the others. Give her more credit y’all.
Speaking of Rainbow Dash, I’ve seen a number of opinion posts about how she and Applejack should switch their elements (so RD is honesty and AJ is loyalty), but as I started rewatching the show myself I’ve come to disagree. Rainbow Dash may be honest, but her brand of honesty is extremely rude. There’s no integrity behind it, not like AJ’s honesty. Rainbow Dash in general is extremely rude. There are a lot of points where I’ve wondered if she even likes her friends. There was also that Secrets and Pies episode which establishes that Rainbow Dash has lied prolifically to Pinkie over something that meant a lot to the latter, so RD really isn’t that honest either. I do agree that AJ would deserve the element of loyalty if she didn’t already have honesty. But you know who else is loyal? Spike. The elements of harmony would honestly make more sense if RD were just removed from the group entirely and Spike replaced her as loyalty /hj
I promise I don’t actually want to remove Rainbow Dash from the show, I just really wish she was written better. That’s what fan fiction is for I guess 😂
I have mixed feelings about AppleDash as a ship. I really like the fandom portrayals of it which is why I reblog quite a bit of AppleDash art, but canon alone doesn’t seem to show the good side of their dynamic very much. All they do is argue. Applejack is normally mature and levelheaded, but around Rainbow Dash she’s much less so. Dash really brings out the worst in her sometimes. It’s much different from the loving bickering that people write for them in fan works, which I think is a better spin on the dynamic. If I went off their canon interactions alone, I could see them being exes or on-and-off lovers at most, not a stable, long-term married couple.
This would only be unpopular in very specific circles, but I think it’s pretty stereotypical to insist that Rainbow Dash and Applejack are lesbians primarily based on their tomboy interests and the former’s rainbow mane. It’s one thing to headcanon them as such just because you want to, and that’s perfectly fine! I write Applejack as a lesbian too. It’s another to insist that it’s canon based on xyz evidence from the show or think it’s wrong for anyone to ship them with stallions. Even if you consider AppleDash canon, one or both of them could be bi or pan for all we know. Canon tells us very little about their sexualities so there’s a lot of room for different headcanons. I wrote more on this opinion here.
(More specific to the next gen community) Just because Fluttershy is good with animals does not automatically mean she would be a good mother. There was a whole episode (Stare Master) about how she couldn’t handle babysitting even though she thought her animal caretaking skills made her qualified. Obviously she was shown to be much better with kids later in the show (becoming very popular among the School of Friendship students), but again that’s teaching, not parenting. This isn’t to say that I think Fluttershy would definitely be a bad mom, just that her being good with animals is not a solid reason for her being a good mom.
I definitely have more opinions about the show, characters, and fandom of mlp, but I don’t think many of them are so unpopular. Like for example:
I don’t think the Apples would be queerphobic just because they value tradition and are coded as Southern US Americans. The word “tradition” doesn’t automatically equate to conservative politics, and even if it did, these ponies have been shown to learn new things all the time. But all the trans Big Mac positivity I’ve been seeing tells me that a lot of people agree with that sentiment.
I don’t think most of the popular/generic ships of the fandom (like FlutterCord, FlashLight, and SoarinDash) are necessarily bad or devoid of positive chemistry, they’re just way too often written in extremely boring and generic ways. But I’ve also seen such ships written in unique and interesting ways so I think there a lot of people who also understand that sometimes all they need is a more creative approach.
Episodes like Over A Barrel, Bridle Gossip, and She’s All Yak (among others) were horribly handled and should not have been written. I don’t even consider them canon. I don’t know about the larger fandom, but most of the next gen community that I interact with feels the same way.
I think Starlight’s backstory was stupid and contrived, but it seems like the whole fandom thinks so too. We’re all rewriting it lmao
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dmbakura · 8 months
Would you say AA has this sense of thinking he /needs/ to be like Cazador, because that's "what works" and what's "safe"? Like this is who he has to be, and nothing else is viable? That's how I interpreted AA's masking (especially during his sex scene, it seems very insincere and more like what he thinks he needs to be than what he wants) and I can't really make it work with Neil's statements honestly.
I also think he's very much capable of cruelty but the way AA acts is something else entirely to me because it's so goofily a Stereotypical Cartoon Villain Big Bad Sexy Vampire which doesn't really come across as honest in the way, let's say, Gortash's antics seem honest from what we know of the character. Maybe I'm misinterpreting what masking means, idk. I'm definitely not saying it's not honest that he wants to do all that power-hungry shit and that he's secretly a pure tortured soul because that's a lame ass reading that contradicts canon but everything about how he carries himself is so uncanny and all those underlying themes of being really fucking afraid and unable to face what happened/running away from it don't lead me to believe he's living an authentic life, more like he's trapped inside himself.
I don't really see how this contradicts anything Neil said. He never says AA is Astarion's most authentic self at all, or even that he's healthy and confident, only that he stops masking with theatrical deflections.
You also have to account for the supernatural element here too. In dnd lore, most true vampires basically succumb to personality rot and become paranoid and obsessive scheming freaks. I know the 'vampire ascendant' is a new thing and bg3 plays with the lore a bit more but considering this is alluded to by Astarion AND Cazador and heavily reflected in AAs behavior, I'm willing to believe that the vampire ascendant is literally just that but on steroids. Hence the cartoonish behavior lol
Astarion's a complex character. A lot of his arc is a question about how trauma can shape a person and what remains (if anything) after they've gone through something inconceivable, and if they can move past it and reclaim an identity for themself. I don't think it's a coincidence that his background is mostly vague and we don't actually know the kind of person he was before he was turned (unlike *those* fans, I also don't believe 'corrupt magistrate' means he was 'always destined to be evil' or some nonsense like that.) So much of his character is informed by the choices made in the game and how the experiences shape his worldview. He's by far the most dynamic character in the game and people want there to be a simple answer to his character (whether that be 'he's a poor uwu baby who did nothing wrong' or 'he's always been irredeemably evil and is incapable of change') when the reality is there just isn't one.
All this to say, same as what I've been saying from the beginning, both endings for him serve a purpose. They're two sides of the same coin for his character. They are both true to Astarion and his development and they're meant to contrast in ways that make you think deeper about him and his story. They absolutely cannot be taken in a vacuum and I am just so annoyed with people not engaging with the story on this level and wanting there to be simple moral platitudes to everything because they're uncomfortable with complexity.
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 1 year
Coroika Gorai headcanons
Rider had typically been more closed off about his sexuality, for reasons he decided to keep to himself as they mostly originate from insecurities, but also because he actually hadn’t known he genuinely likes guys the way he thought he liked girls for the longest time in his life. It wasn’t until he was 15 in a half, and having gotten to know Goggles a lot more at the time did he realize that he likes guys in more ways he initially thought he did. It didn’t help when the devastating realization came to him that he had a crush on a specific blue idiot boy… a hard crush as a matter of fact. Like, I’m talking head over heels kind of stuff, Spiderverse Gwen syndrome. Mans is tripping on his own feet because he can’t stop thinking about that scatterbrain for the life of him. Goggles is in every corner of his mind, he’s in the reflections in the windows of the subway, his bubbly laughs can be heard through the soft breeze like bird song. Rider always looks at the Pilot Goggled buffoon’s empty hands, willing everything in himself not to take it and intertwine their fingers together like thread sewing fabric, and he clenches his own hands into tight fists whenever he’s away from him and the thought of hand holding comes to mind. He’s so in love, he wants to kiss that stupid little weirdo’s face it’s making him look like the biggest dumbass that’s ever been born-
Sorry I got a little too into it there I guess. Whether you wanna take all that seriously or not is your choice of poison.
Anyways, yeah, once Rider finds out he’s literally in love with the squid who deadass flashed him to the public during their first match back in the Plaza, it’s not going so well for him. Why in the world would he start getting all blushy and feely for that absolute moron? What possessed him into developing feelings for that over-ecstatic boy with tentacles as blue as the shining sea? With a goofy smile so bright that it rivals the very sun? With such inspiring optimism that Rider can only dream of possessing-
Oh, who was he kidding.
What makes it worse is that his crush on Goggles actually started back when he was teaching blue team how to train to fight against Skull, hence adding onto his seemingly territorial behavior on Gogs when Skull eagerly said he wanted to fight team blue again. Jealous much? Lmao. It gets even funnier when he and Goggles both end up crushing on Skull too BAHAHA (I believe in fixing love triangles/squares with the power of POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIPS. SKULLAMIGORAI FOR LIFE✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻)
For the longest time he tried to repel what he considered were “intrusive thoughts” of Goggles. He’d try gaslighting himself that he’s someone Goggles would never find that kind of interest in; maybe he already has someone else, like a guy or girl, he’s bi after all, isn’t he? He and Goggles would never work anyways, Rider’s personality was too serious to match with Goggle’s boisterous and colorful character even though he’d be willing to undergo any more bullsquit imaginable if it meant he’d get to spend the rest of his days with the blue buffoon. He doesn’t see him that way, they wouldn’t mesh well together, Goggles deserved to have someone nicer than he was, etc.
This kept going on for a little while, until eventually Aloha finds out—it’s a long story—and accidentally rats Rider out to his sister and momma—that’s an even longer story, and they both enthusiastically try to coerce him into confessing from there.
Aloha: “You should write him a song and play it for him-!”
Rider: “Bitch heeeeell no”
Rider’s mom: “why not make him something? Like bake a cake or a pie for him as a gift”
Rider: “did you forget what happened last time? what happened to having me banned from using the oven???”
This was all meanwhile Goggles was actually having a secondary crisis of his own. Not the extent Rider had, but all through the Turf War and Ranked Battle Tournaments to his journey with Sheldon to find the treasure, he’d been quite distracted needless to say.
Compared to Rider, Goggles was plenty more laid back and wasn’t shy about his sexuality, though he didn’t ever tell anyone his sexual/romantic orientation that much, so it lead to everyone believing that he was a gay squiddo—though he was really bi and had an equal preference for both boys and girls. There’s still not a lot of people who know he’s bi because he never tells anybody, and if he ever does it would be like discovering rare dialogue in a video game. Even though he has little interest in pursuing a love life, he still kinda had some hope in finding that special someone that he would get to spend the rest of his life with. He tried one time with a girl back in Inkopolis plaza (before the events of the manga) but it ended kinda rocky and he kinda tried to distance himself from relationships for a while until he moved on and kinda just went like “if it happens, it happens.”
Again, his crush was more mellow compared to Rider’s, or at least it started out mellow before eventually growing into a deep sweet longing for his companionship. Goggle’s crush started off typical, thinking that Rider was all handsome, strong, total dreamboat kinda guy. After they’d gotten to know each other some more, and upon moving to the Square did Goggles really have a thing for him. Even the rest of the blue team began to notice. His interest in him peaked when Rider stopped him before his battle against Team Emperor and told him “watch the next semi finals match closely. Because you’re gonna be facing against me in the finals.”
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Can you tell that these are my favorite panels because ho mine gosh
Goggles wasn’t as insecure as Rider was in terms of self esteem, but he also came up with the thoughts that Rider wouldn’t see him like that, too. He even worried that Rider would’ve been disgusted if he told him 😭. He wanted to at least keep their friendship together so he was just like “I like you a lot and I admire you to no end but I understand that it may never really come to that so I’ll just support you and admire you for all your grace from afar. 😁”
Hope you enjoyed this cuz now I’m eepy and I’m gonna take a nap. I’ve got college now and I didn’t get enough sleep last night because my adhd will never love me.
(Edited a few things in here. Hope you like the changes better!)
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msnihilist · 8 months
ahh pleaseee share that essay about bevin and gwevin with us 🥲we won't be bored we love those kind of things we would love to read it !
This is mostly just going to be me vomiting up various thoughts, but here we go.
Ben and Gwen, I think, represent Kevin's past and future, respectively. Through UAF, Ben is consistently the one who calls Kevin out on his bullshit — most notably in "In Charm's Way," when Ben and Kevin talk on the beach at the end of the episode...
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KEVIN: Where's Gwen?
BEN: Went home. You hurt her pretty bad.
KEVIN: I hurt her? I'm the one who looks like this, and she hasn't done a thing about it.
BEN: You are a giant, rock-faced jerk!
KEVIN: Yeah, whatever.
BEN: Not "whatever." She's spending every spare moment going through every magic book she can find to try and help you. She's been doing it since the accident.
KEVIN: She... She never told me.
BEN: Should she have had to?
...and again when (past) Ben snaps at Ultimate Kevin in "The Forge of Creation."
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ULTIMATE KEVIN: I deserve that power. I'm the one who gets turned into a monster. I'm the one nobody ever trusts or cares about!
GWEN: That's not true!
ULTIMATE KEVIN: Face it, Gwen... Whatever I look like, I'm a freak!
YOUNG BEN: You're a jerk. You've always been a jerk. People try to be nice to you, but you can't ever see it. You're too busy feeling sorry for yourself.
Ben is consistently the only character to hold Kevin accountable like this. (Granted, Kevin doesn't have a wide circle of friends, but still.) Gwen and Kevin don't fight much (when they do, Gwen usually leaves the situation), and she tends to be the softer voice, encouraging Kevin and reassuring him. ("You know I don't care what you look like," etc.)
Ben has been calling Kevin out since they were kids, since the day that they met — quickly clocking Kevin as a bad person and saying as much. He continues to do this through the OG, like in "Grudge Match."
MUTATED KEVIN: It's payback time, for turning me into a freak!
BEN (as Diamondhead): You were always a freak, Kevin. It's just now the ugly's also on the outside.
And, later...
MUTATED KEVIN: This is all your fault!
BEN: How can this be my fault?
MUTATED KEVIN: I don't know... It just is!
In this episode, Kevin blames Ben for them getting stuck in the ship. He blames Ben for his mutation. He attacks Ben for going against him even though Ben literally saved both of their lives not a minute before.
Kevin isn't in his right mind, sure, but he continues to display this trait in UAF: refusing to accept accountability.
Nothing is ever his fault — it's always someone else's. Kevin is emotionally immature and he struggles with self-hatred. He lashes out and blames others because if he didn't, he would have to look inside of himself and recognize that maybe something is wrong with him.
And that's a hard thing to do. It's hard for most adults, let alone a child who's struggling with powers he doesn't understand — powers that alter his mental state.
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If Kevin is a boat being tossed around in a wild ocean, then Ben is like an anchor. He forces Kevin to look inward and to reflect on his behavior.
... Which is where Gwen comes in.
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(Admittedly, I have less to analyze here, since Gwen and Kevin are rather straightforward, comparatively.)
Without Ben around, Gwen and Kevin's relationship would not work. Gwen is reactionary. She was as a child, and she still is as a teenager. Her first instinct when she and Kevin argue isn't to problem-solve, it's to get defensive. Their relationship wouldn't go anywhere with both of their attitudes like that.
Ben gets Gwen away to destress and take her mind off of Kevin. Ben is honest with Kevin in a way that Gwen can't (or won't) be.
He's not a third wheel. He's their counterweight. Their balance.
What does this have to do with past/future?
Well, Kevin spells it out in "Perplexahedron."
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KEVIN: I like the Kevin that Gwen sees when she looks at me. And I like that you gave me another chance, even after I messed up all those other ones. I guess I'm saying I owe you guys for changing my life.
He refers to "the Kevin that Gwen sees" — someone he could be. And he thanks Ben for giving him another chance, referencing his past mistakes.
Ben helps Kevin look back and learn from his mistakes. Gwen gives Kevin something to look forward to, and a goal to strive towards.
Gwen and Kevin wouldn't work without Ben, but Ben and Kevin would be shaky without Gwen, too. Gwen is motivation. She's an incentive. She's the light at the end of the tunnel.
Without her, I think Kevin would have a hard time knowing what, exactly, he's trying to work towards. He would have a harder time opening up to Ben.
Ben is the medicine, and Gwen is the spoonful of sugar.
Kevin needs both of them to be the person he's always wanted to be. And they need him, too.
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After all, 'Ben and Gwen' by themselves don't look nearly as cool <3
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system-of-a-feather · 8 months
You know, I honestly do think people would greatly benefit from taking some time to deeply reflect on the known idea that "one of the key point ways to radicalize into a dangerous, harmful, bigotted, and sometimes fascist (NOT CLAIMING THAT IT IS INHERENTLY, JUST THAT WE KNOW IT PLAYS A ROLE IN RADICALIZING FASCISM I DO NOT PISS ON THE POOR) is to create an 'us' vs 'them' way of thinking." Like this is tumblr dot com, yeah there are some people who don't know that and/or disagree with that, but I'd like to think the sensible majority of us who are on the trans gaysex website have heard that be said and have at least mostly agreed with it.
And yet, even then, we have some of the most pointless discourse that is fundamentally built on this "us vs them" ideology. The same "they are ACTUALLY [emotionally and morally charged claim] and are DANGEROUS to live and let be". "[Insert Group] is ACTUALLY a [insert claim that generates fear] because [semi plausible claim and/or over generalization of a few people]." "[Insert Group] wants us dead / gone / silenced and will not stop until this or that and can not be trusted when they say otherwise"
Like, I'm pretty sure this is in queercourse / LGBT discourse, proship related stuff, and all that general way too online internet discourse, but the one I'm most familiar with is syscourse so I'm going to use that as a reference and talk specifically to that audience.
If you are reading this and go "Oh you are vagueing XYZ of [this group] because they literally say those things", I'm sorry to tell you this literally had at least half of the regular syscourser names in my mind - from BOTH sides.
Honestly, I feel if we just really stopped using labels to put OURSELVES into us-vs-them categories that people can immediately box us one place or another, it'd do everyone a lot better in having productive conversations cause you'd actually kind of need to, ya know, talk to a person before you inherently decide that they are the "enemy who wants to take things away from you and silence you."
Nine out of ten times, people just want to live, want to be able to exist and have human decency, and are just generally scared. I'm sure there are some bad apples out there that explicitly do want to actively cause harm to other people for no good reason other than its funny, cause yeah, they obviously exist - but I've come to find most people, even the most aggressive and vocal people, are scared and often isolated and thus trapped in this cycle of discourse.
There is a lot of benefit to be found by taking time to sit, pull off all the assumptions you've made about a person, and just genuinely give space and time to have a genuine, best faith, private discussion about what matters and drives them. If there are people who you think you know their opinions, thoughts, and reasons for doing and saying what they do from just their online public presence, you are honestly probably humorously wrong.
And that isn't to say I'm exempt from it, cause I liberally block at the slightest annoyance which - while minimizing negativity on my dash also happens to shut down any room for any deeper understanding of a person - is good because no one is entitled to you going out of the way to understand them and their perspective, especially when they are actively putting things out that make you feel stressed, annoyed, and/or concerned.
It also isn't to say there is any reason or internal dialogue that fully excuses toxic behavior on it's own. No one is entitled to your forgiveness either, especially if they don't make amends on their own effort.
It's all just to say that I think people would benefit a lot from sitting down and spending some time thinking to themselves what it means, why it is, and how it appears chronically in social communities the "us vs them" mentality and how that ends up causing unhealthy and toxic behavior.
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river-of-wine · 1 year
I read your post about the Resident Evil 8 villains and I agree with you about everything, especially about Donna. Her characterization in fanon is particularly frustrating to me. Honestly, I hate to say it, but I think it's because of a particular kind of ableism. It's like people saw the dolls and read the files about her mental illness and immediately went "oh she's just a poor baby who doesn't know what she's doing!!!" And completely woobified her. Which does not at all reflect her canon characterization. Like, mentally ill people can be tragic and complicated and still do really fucked up stuff. I think another element that often gets ignored when it comes to Donna and Lady Dimitrescu in particular is their wealth and status. Dimitrescu clearly comes from a long aristocratic bloodline, as she literally lives in a castle and makes repeated references to "the bloodline of House Dimitrescu." She had a position of power and influence even before she became one of Miranda's lords. She very likely already viewed the villagers and her servants as beneath her, and from there it was a very small step to treating them as livestock. While Donna isn't aristocratic, she still lives in a mansion and clearly comes from a family of some wealth and position, especially since she had servants too. She is a twisted take on the wealthy orphan trope. We know she's alone and her whole family is dead by the time she's infected, the gardener's files say as much. But she views other people as dolls, playthings for her to use and throw away once broken. The mannequin of Mia, the dolls hanging from the trees that were actually bodies, etc. She is detached and sees herself as above others in a way that is very different from Lady Dimitrescu, but present all the same. Wealth, power, and privilege also shape those two characters and create important context for who they are and what they do. (I could go on about how Moreau and Heisenberg represent different forms of toxic male behavior, but this ask is already really long.)
I have to also agree with you about Donna. Her and Heisenberg’s characterisations frustrate me the most because from what I’ve seen, their personalities and motivations get the most warped by the fanbase. The fact that Donna in particular is made out to be an innocent little baby who just didn’t understand what she was doing despite her being a grown woman who has done this before and is intentionally showing Ethan hallucinations that target his specific fears about protecting his family. Given the fact that Donna is the only lord who is to have specified some kind of mental illness in her file in another Miranda’s lab as well as, like you mentioned, her thing being dolls and those being considered a childish interest, it does feel particularly ableist for people to reduce her to that. The dolls honestly to me feel more like that frightening spin on childhood and fatherhood than anything, especially because Ethan has a daughter. Dolls are typically associated with young girls, and the fact that the dolls and Rose herself, or at least the hallucination, is what is attacking Ethan seems very thematically relevant.
Very good point about Alcina and Donna’s wealth and status! I hadn’t actually considered that about Donna, but I think a huge thing with Alcina is exploitation. Vampirism has often been used as a metaphor for exploitation of some kind, and her obviously wealthy status even before Mother Miranda only furthers this. She also seems to be quite high up in the hierarchy within the cult itself. The lords all have power over the villagers, but Mother Miranda seems to value Heisenberg and Alcina more than Donna and Moreau. The obvious thing is the maidens. She’s using her - presumably unpaid - workforce as a source of food, and she brutally takes what she wants from them and leaves their corpses to shamble around aimlessly. I think a lot of people forget how horrifying this concept even is because of how many people ship maiden ocs with Alcina.
There is also the matter of her daughters. I left this out of the original post because it’s more up to interpretation than the rest, but Alcina has never struck me as the caring mother a lot of people make her out to be. She does not, while her daughters are alive, show any motherly affection to them, and aside from her “how dare you talk about saving your daughter, when you’ve murdered mine?” voice line that she says during her boss battle, she never seems that upset? She has those remarks about the daughters after they die, but she seems very detached and unaffected. Even after finding out Bela is dead, she makes a phone call to Mother Miranda where she is remarkably composed for somebody who just learned of her daughters murder. She does nothing to protect Cassandra and Daniela, even sending Cassandra after Ethan purposefully, and her reaction to Cassandra’s death as well as her placing the same amount of anger in attacking Ethan for killing Bela as she does in breaking into her castle and trying to steal from her. Her daughters are not really children to her, at least how I interpret things. She’s using them to do her dirty work, going after Ethan despite the danger even going outside would present. The girls are swarms of flies, but she is lacking that connection she outlined in the files about the experiment that made them. She’s again using others for her own gain.
Obviously Alcina herself is also being exploited, but I think that adds an interesting angle. While a victim of Mother Miranda, she is taking advantage of her own swarm of victims.
Excellent point about Donna - it didn’t even properly occur to me that she had staff, and VERY TRUE ABOUT HEISENBERG! Moreau I’d have to think more about, but I’ve always noticed that about Heisenberg and people always seem to ignore it. His language towards Alcina and Mother Miranda is quite intentionally misogynistic. He’s a bit too fond of the word bitch. That and the fact that he’s dressed like a cowboy, such a classically masculine trope.
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gaykey · 5 months
I think these people are convinced you, a singular person, have Key's popularity on this website in a death grip or some shit lol
Like they keep going on and on about "idols are just in their bubble blah blah it's not that deep" but it's like how did they get to be on that insular community to begin with? I mean the path there is significantly a lot of hard work but celebrity is absolutely reliant on relevance, on how many people are tuning in, how many people are following that person's career. Its not as simple as oh well it's their world why show it any criticism lol like the general public literally keeps them there by tuning in, it's how the system works.
Like all you're saying is for people to be conscious of the behavior/action this person with significant reach and impact compared to the rest of us is choosing during a genuine period of crisis and who's career is directly putting money in the hands of people who are dealing with the parties responsible for these crisis. And this selling out and prioritization of what serves HIM (and frankly other celebrities who take these jobs, I think even the Hyun4 shit is BOTH a reflection of that "celebrity bubble of friendship" and pr) and his belief in aiding his relevance by doing these deals comes at the expense of the persona of caring and kindness he had previously built on top of its financial affect in these times.
If you're not happy with that it's easy as tuning out and saying your peace about it hoping others will listen. And if you are fine with the moral implications of that, that's on you; keep tuning in but it shouldn't surprise you when you're supporting decisions that do matter in the bigger picture and which reasonably bothers anyone who's paying attention to the way celebrity is also a reflection of some of the issues we are having now in the grand scheme of things.
Like you, making these issues known shouldn't be percieved as a threat to this mans career or frankly any idol who's selling out in the exact same way clearly, but soooo many people are bent on defending this behavior or not saying a peep about it when we could collectively be using this energy to push their hands to at least make CAREER choices to NOT aid the capitalism that fuels genocide or industry complacency with abusers. But fuck them I guess, I'm glad to follow you and know you care <3
P.S. Sorry for this long ass essay Asher saimdjfjcndkks
hello z, no need to apologise! you said everything that i've been trying to sorta say across various asks, only better.
i was starting to think i was overreacting tbh, but you're so correct.
thank you, i needed this. i don't even have any other intelligent input lol.
i'm glad i follow you too <3
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bnhaobservation · 5 months
How do u feel about Endeavor being back on the battle field? I'm all cool for a good fight, but I thought it was a bit strange since his biggest flaw was prioritizing hero work over his family. I mean, I get why Shoto and everyone else is there, but he just sticks out to me. Granted he is the number one hero, but my point still stands. Seems counter productive given literally everything his arc is about.
As someone who has written a fanfic in which Enji takes a period of leave from work to stay with his son and support his physical and psychological healing you might picture my first reaction to ‘Enji goes back on the battlefield while Touya is taken away to receive medical care’ had me think “NO! I WANTED HIM TO STAY WITH HIS SON! I WANTED HIM TO PROVE TO HIS FAMILY THEY MATTER MORE THAN WORK!” but the problem is, of course, I’ve a western mentality which prioritize family over work while in a Japanese story at most you can judge them of equal value or prioritize work (in the past you would have to prioritize work now things are shifting so you can archive a balance).
Part of the HUGE problem we have with the Todoroki family is that it is a family with some strong Japanese views which clash a lot with western ones so that we often end up disappointed with what’s going on with it when it’s actually much better than what it looks to us.
Now this is also the moment in which I make a PREMISE. While I’ve a general understanding of Japanese beliefs due to reading and researching on it and know how those beliefs are represented in manga and anime (often in an excessive, over the top way to deliver a point and not in a perfect reproduction of how they are in real life), most of those beliefs are changing and, anyway, I’m not Japanese so don’t take me as 100% reliable. What follows is what I managed to learn and understand as well but I’m just a person and I don’t own The Truth so I might have made mistakes.
Also this is complicate and would require a much longer meta. For simplicity sake I’ll try to summarize things so I apologize in advantage if things come out unclear. Feel free to ask again if something really sounds too messy to be understandable.
I’ve discussed about it in another post but in the ’70, ’80 a father like Enji would be considered a model father in Japan. This kind of view is shifting so BNHA actually criticizes what Enji does, but not as hard as the western audience would like because… it’s a recent shift so, while Enji has to prove he’s going to be a better father… for the Japanese audience he doesn’t have to put as much effort as the western audience feels he needs to put in it (never mentioning sometimes the manga forgets that what Enji did is bad and has other characters do the same without criticizing them at all…).
There’s another problem in addition to this.
Chap 302 and part of the chapters that followed disappointed many because while the family reflected on their behavior… they didn’t seem sorry enough for what they did to Touya, they talked about fighting him, stopping him but not about saving him, were focused on apologizing to Hawks, to society but they hardly felt like they were understanding his pain. They don’t try to reach for him emotionally, showing him empathy and understanding. Enji claiming he’ll look after Touya after he wins All for One is more an Enji claiming he’ll make sure he’ll take responsibility for his son, will make sure he won’t trouble society further than that he finally will give him the emotional attention Touya needed. Enji will understand he has never looked at Touya (as in paid attention to him, tried to understand him), that he has to apologize to his son only short before he’ll realize his son will try to nuke Japan and Rei will also do so when she’ll see them both about to explode.
That’s because for a Japanese audience the biggest sin Endeavor committed isn’t abusing his child to the point he did what he did… but to have a child who did what he did. As Shouto said Dabi is their family’s crime/sin, meaning the family isn’t supposed to see him as a person they’ve mistreated, but as a sin they’ve committed against society, a sin of which Shouto too, Shouto who, poor kid, had no hands in Touya’s mistreating, is blamed by society (I’ve discussed about this in another post), he is punished for it by having to fight Touya (chap 352). And also note how Horikoshi expresses the change in views.
While having Shouto (and Enji) fight and kill Touya as a punishment for what Touya did to society would have been perfectly fine in the past, Enji makes clear he can’t kill his son no matter what and class A expresses sympathy for Shouto, they find unfair the fact he has to fight his brother, even the journalist who wanted to demand the head of the Villains cut herself off when she realizes she’s asking Enji to kill his own son.
So it makes sense Horikoshi had to absolutely send Enji (and Shouto) back to fight All for One.
It’s not because Enji has to play Hero again, but because he and his family are considered directly responsible for Touya’s crimes against society and therefore they have to atone by giving their all to save society even when this is asking a lot from them.
While most of the western audience want Enji to atone toward his family (and some don’t even believe at this point there’s something he can do to be forgiven), the Japanese audience want him to atone also toward society for the damage Touya caused.
And note how Horikoshi went at it by having Natsuo, the one who was the most vocal critic of how Enji neglected his children and caused Touya’s ‘death’, be the one who tells his father to go fight, to leave them behind, that it’s better if he does because he would be of no use to them there, his family having suffered enough heat already so he can go fight. Enji goes to fight after having ‘permission’ from his family, represented by Natsuo only merely because we know differently from Rei and Fuyumi Natsuo resented him for his neglect so if Natsuo says it's okay if Enji goes we as readers are meant to assume it is since for Enji's family it's okay if he goes (the fact that we ultimately agree or disagree though remains up to us).
Anyway the message here is that Horikoshi is trying to archive balance, to have Enji give equal importance to his family and his work but, at the same time, have Natsuo also accepting that what Enji does as Endeavor is important.
Enji being willing to die to be with his son and Natsuo accepting his father can’t stay with them (even if they’re seriously hurt) but has to go back to fight because his work is important too because if All for One wins they’re all lost are two faces of how Horikoshi is trying to archive balance between ‘work is important’ and ‘family is important’.
In a western story, we probably wouldn’t content ourselves with this sort of balance. We had to see Enji neglect his family for too long in favor of his work, to have emotional ‘balance’ we would now need to have the story allowing Enji to neglect his work in favor of his family because the lesson here would need to be he should always have prioritized his family and never neglect it.
If he were to do something like leaving his family to go back to work, no matter how important that work is, we’ll expect him to be punished by, for example, losing his family which he has neglected one too many times.
Think at the movie “Devil’s advocate”, when Kevin Lomax neglects his wife for his works he ends up losing it. Choosing his work over her is represented as selfishness, caused by his sin of vanity, not as the right action because work is important.
In “Baby boom” J. C. Wiatt’s choice to leave her old work to spend more time taking care of her adoptive daughter is pointed as the right one. In doing so she’ll manage to start a better activity and even find love.
In “Kramer vs. Kramer” Ted Kramer’s attempts at taking care of his son which lead him to neglect and therefore lose his job and end up with one that pay him less is rewarded as ultimately he’ll be the one who’ll get custody over his child.
In “The family man” a man is lead in an alternative reality to learn that being with the woman he love and having a family with her is much better than having a work that allows him to gain millions.
We generally make movies in which work is less important than family, that neglecting work in favor of prioritizing family will lead to a reward and the opposite will lead to punishment.
In BNHA instead the goal is to have Enji view his family and his work as equally important… which is a BIG step forward considering in the past a Japanese father wasn’t expected to care for his children and nurture them (that was a mother’s job), that his duty was just to work and bring money at home and cultivate relations with his boss and coworkers by drinking with them in the evening and manga and anime tended to remark this depicting stories in which the children were learning to appreciate how it was right their fathers would neglect them in favor of their work, because their work was surely more important than be with them.
Even when criticizing the father’s actions the story would go out of its way to depict the father’s work as fundamental for the salvation of the universe and the son would ultimately forgive the father for the neglect. As I said it’s an over the top representation. Plenty of fathers in real life don’t have a work that requires them to fight for the survival of the universe and could genuinely spare some time for their kids but stories presented them as doing as such so as to pass the message fathers’ jobs are important and growing up means accepting this and loving them anyway and putting aside the fact you felt neglected.
Of course I’m not Japanese, I live in a country that recognizes a child’s need for attention from both parents as one of the child’s primary needs, that if this need isn’t satisfied the child can face psychological damage and the father is considered neglectful. The ‘but he’s saving the world’ doesn’t cancel or excuse the fact with his neglect he’s harming his child.
So back to the topic at hand… I understand why Horikoshi sent Enji (and Shouto) back to fight All for One, and I understand why Natsuo had to be the one who sent Enji to do so, basically giving Enji the pass to leave his family behind. I understand the way Horikoshi is trying to represent this represent a positive shift from a past view that was much, much worse… or, if you prefer much, much more different from ours.
Does it make me happy?
Honestly, despite understanding why Horikoshi chose to handle things in this way… I WANTED TO SEE ENJI BE WITH HIS FAMILY, FINALLY PRIORITIZING THEM. Actually I wanted all the Todoroki be together, which means Shouto too. I wanted them to have a moment a little longer than what they had for a reunion.
But maybe there will be time for this later.
Actually it’s possible even Touya will go back on the battlefield (as well as Himiko, Spinner and Compress) because, although All for One had told Tenko/Tomura he chose nothing, Tenko/Tomura actually chose the League. They were his friends, the ones he wanted to protect and be a Hero for. So it’s possible it will be up to them to call Tenko/Tomura back, to also BE THERE as ‘Heroes’ who’re there to save Tenko/Tomura.
If the League were also to be involved in defeating All for One (and therefore indirectly protecting society) it would probably easier for them to have a better ending. After all it’s a shonen trope that if a bad guy/adversary joins forces with the Hero against the main enemy then they’re kind of absolved from their crimes.
It is, of course, as unreal as it can get, but in manga it has always worked just fine (think at how in a big classic like “Dragon Ball” the enemies that change side are easily accepted and no retribution for their past crimes is demanded [okay, sometimes they die first and then get resurrected because “Dragon Ball” had always been big in its resurrecting policy]) so Horikoshi might decide to deploy it here as well. We’ll see.
In the end, as much as I’m more involved in the Todoroki family than in the rest, this isn’t the Todoroki family manga and the battle against All for One has to take precedence.
But hey, if Horikoshi or someone else were to decide to make a spin off about the TodoFam I would surely buy it!
Said all this I apologize if it felt confusing, I remind everyone this is just my opinion and since I'm not Horikoshi it has the same worth as everyone else's opinion and I thank you for your ask!
I love to talk about the Todofam so thank you for giving me the chance to do so!
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pixelkip · 5 months
Curiosities of Lotus Asia ch. 35 has an Aibo in it and I'm gonna be a nerd about it.
Ok I have no idea just how many touhou fans are aware of Laika, Rinnosuke's robot dog introduced in CoLA ch35 but if you're not aware, he finds this robot and it causes all sorts of chaos and wrecks his shop, and they eventually find out its possessed by a puppy spirit. If you're at all curious, go read it on the touhou wiki if you haven't already.
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How do I know for sure that it's an Aibo? Well, on top of the fact it definitely resembles one, Sumireko suggests naming it Aibo and in BAiJR Aya literally says it's an aibo. This is one of the few things she probably didn't lie about in this book bc how the hell would she otherwise even know what an aibo is TO be able to lie about it.
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(Side note, the official name is just "AIBO", im not sure why she calls it AIBO buddy here, maybe bc aibo is a pun on the japanese word meaning buddy but why tack it onto the end? Idk)
Ok for those who don't know what an aibo is, it's a series of robot dogs Sony made, there were several models released between 1999-2006, and later had the ers-1000 in 2018 which is still available (and I personally have an ers-111 :3)
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Pictured: aibo models ers-310, 220, 110, 210, and 7
Ok, so, what kind of AIBO is Laika then?
This is where it gets.. confusing.
this line from sumireko would imply it's an ers-110, as it was the very first model of aibo ever released.
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But.. laika doesn't look much like a 110
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Ok the way she's drawn doesn't look that close to ANY real model of aibo, but the drawing makes her look more like a 210, with the (probably) white coloration, visor shape, and upturned ears.
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(110 vs 210)
It's also possible she doesnt resemble any model too closely to avoid copyright issues, but even then she visually resembles a 210 much more than a 110.
Other than that ch35 doesn't give us much else to determine her model, she doesn't display any particular behaviors that would indicate it, rinnosuke says her expressions can't be read implying her eye lights are non functional, and that she's completely silent. Aibos LOVE to make noise, and usually communicate through music and tones, so it's likely the animal spirit is simply pup-petting (hehe) a nonfunctional aibo body. Rinnosuke also mentions that it's begun to actually listen to him, which would imply a 210 or later (110 and 111 do not have voice recognition) if it weren't for the possibility that again, it's just the puppy controlling it.
So there's a few possibilities here.
- zun didn't depict her to be any particular model to not get smited by sony's lawyers
- she is a 110 but for whatever reason, be it a miscommunication or just zun or the artist deciding it didn't matter that much, that isn't reflected in the art
- sumireko is wrong, and she is a 210
Or maybe she's just a 110 with some cool customization, like paint and custom ear pieces. Then again, she did pass into gensokyo meaning she's been totally forgotten, and that seems less likely if someone took the time to customize her.
So now im curious. Given the evidence, what do YOU think laika is? Even if you didn't know shit about aibo before this post, hell, ESPECIALLY if you didn't, what do you think?
Personally I kinda like to think she's a 210 bc I think they're neat. Maybe even a gold 210, since the yellow tinge in the cover art makes her look like the very pale gold of the pale gold 210s. But as an existing aibo enjoyer I'm a little biased
I really hope laika gets to come back at some point, I have a little bit of hope since beast spirits as a plot point have become a lot more significant. She seems like a very good doggy :]
If you for some reason read all of this thank you for indulging my insanity
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