#the way he looks at her like a proud dad oh my god
loveesiren · 2 days
Doing It All For Us (Pt. 5)
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary: Midsummerrrssss and sex :P
Warnings: Smut, language, alcohol,
Word Count: 4.5k+
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Midsummers had finally arrived and you were ecstatic. Courtney had been telling you all about it for years and it always sounded so amazing. The fact that you'd be walking in with the Cameron's made it even more exciting.
In the short amount of time you'd been on the island, you'd become the official Kook Queen. People feared you and that fueled your fire. Even though your dad was never around, everyone knew who he was and respected him.
You'd made a reputation for yourself. You weren't one to fuck with. You were loyal to your friends. And you and Rafe were a packaged deal. When it came to him, you were a lioness, ready to protect him at all costs. He did the same for you.
"You look amazing!" Courtney gushed as she looked over your dress. It was light blue, to match Rafe's suit. Floor length and silk, it hugged your body just right. Slits coming up both sides, dangerously close to exposing you. Your breasts pressed against the fabric perfectly, showing just the right amount of cleavage.
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"Thanks, Court! So do you!"
You and Courtney sported matching hair. Straight and long. Simple, but the two of you made it look breath taking. You decided against your regular gold body jewelry and opted for the silver necklace Rafe had gotten you. A diamond studded R hung from the simple chain and it was absolutely gorgeous. You were proud to wear it. Proud to make it known that you belonged to him.
"So, are you nervous to meet his family?" Courtney asked.
"Yeah, kind of," You admit. "I just hope they like me."
"What's not to like?"
"I don't know, maybe the fact that I'm a violent junkie who's richer than everyone on the island, including them." You say, anxiety coating your voice.
Courtney sighs. "Listen," She starts as she picks up your brush and runs it through your hair. "You're strong and smart as hell. You hold your own and you'd do anything for Rafe. Just be yourself. They are going to love you."
You smile at her in the mirror and nod. "Okay," You agree.
"Y/N?" You hear Rafe call from downstairs.
Your stomach drops. "Fuck, I'm not ready for this."
"Here," Courtney says, pouring you a shot and handing it to you. You throw it back quickly and ask for another. She pours you one and you drink again. "Now go be the bad bitch you are!" She says, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You and Courtney make your way downstairs. You stop in your tracks when you see Rafe. Holy shit. His hair was slicked back, blue suit and bow tie, flowers in his hand. You swear you'd never seen a more perfect person in your life.
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Courtney ran and jumped into Kelce's arms. You snapped out of your trance and walked over to Rafe. You could see a nervousness on his face.
"Oh my God," He said. "Y-You look like an angel."
You bit your lip, looking down to hide the red glossing over your cheeks.
"You don't look half bad yourself, Cameron." You said with a nervous giggle.
"What are you two like in the fourth grade?" Kelce asked. Him and Courtney laughing at your nervous exchange.
Rafe shot him a look.
"We're gonna head out," Courtney says, pushing Kelce towards the door. "We'll see you guys there!"
"Uhm, these are for you," Rafe said as he handed you the bouquet of pink and black roses. Your favorite.
"They're beautiful," You say with a smile. You walk over to the kitchen and grab a vase. Setting the flowers up in the middle of the island.
"Baby," Rafe says as he walks over to you. "You look so fucking perfect."
Before you could say anything, his lips were pressed to yours, kissing you hungrily. You knew you were going to have to fix your lipstick but you didn't care. You brought your hand up, running your fingers through the back of his hair and you pulled him deeper into the kiss.
"Hands where I can see them," You heard your dad enter the room.
Rafe backed off quickly, holding his hands up in surrender.
"Dad," You hissed. "What are you doing here?" You hadn't even heard him come in.
Your dad just laughs. "Don't worry, son," He says, placing a hand on Rafe's shoulder. "I don't own a shot gun."
Rafe relaxes with a nervous chuckle. "Good to see you again, Mr. Y/L/N."
"Please, call me Elliot." He says with a smile. "I assume you are taking my daughter to Midsummers?"
"Uh, yes sir. We were just about to head over to meet my family."
"Dad," You interrupt. "What are you doing home? I thought you were gone this week."
"I head out again in the morning," He said. "But I have a few business strategies to run by some folks at Midsummers tonight. Including Mr. Cameron." He says as he looks to Rafe again.
"I-I'm sure my dad would appreciate that, Sir." Rafe says with a smile.
"Okay, well, we have to get going," You say as you pull Rafe towards the door. "See you tonight, dad!"
"Drive safe!" He calls after you.
Once you reach Rafe's truck, he pulls the door open for you and helps you in. Once he's in the drivers side, he lets out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry. I had no clue my dad was going to be home."
"It's okay, baby girl," He said, placing his hand on your thigh. "Just, caught me off guard is all."
You smile at him. "You look so handsome."
He looked away as his cheeks turned bright red, making you giggle.
"Let's go," He said, starting the car. "Rose will kill us if we're late."
"Wow," You said as you pulled into Tanneyhill. "This is beautiful."
"Yeah, uh, Rose works really hard on the garden."
Rafe goes to get out of the truck but you stop him. "Rafe?" You ask, a tinge of fear in your voice.
"Yeah, baby? What's up?"
"Uhm...What do your parents know about me? Do they know about the...uh...the overdose." You ask disappointed in yourself.
"Y/N, baby," He starts, cupping your cheek and brushing his thumb across your skin. "Look, I have no idea what they've heard but I know they will love you. And we are both clean now. That's what matters."
You smile at him. You always got lost in his ocean eyes. The way his eyes could change from a calm sea to a hurricane in an instant was one of the many things that turned you on about Rafe Cameron.
"You ready?" He asks.
You shake your nerves away. "Yeah, I'm ready."
Rafe comes around and helps you out of the truck, being careful of your dress.
You cling to his arm as he walks you up to the front door and into the house.
"Dad!" He yells as you enter the home.
You swallow your nerves and put on your confident front.
"You're late," A young girl scolds at she enters the foyer.
"No, we're not, Wheeze."
"Who's this?" She asks, looking you over.
"Wheezie, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is my youngest sister, Wheezie."
"Nice to meet you," You beam.
She offers you a small smile. "You too,"
"Wheezie, go tell your sister it's time to go." A tall blond walks into the room, fiddling with her earring. "Ah! You must be Y/N!" She squeals as she comes over and hugs you. You were taken aback but returned the hug. You watched as Rafe rolled his eyes. "I'm Rose!"
"It's really good to meet you!" You say with a big smile. Happy that his family was taking to you well.
"Ward! Y/N and Rafe are here!" Rose yells. This makes your stomach turn slightly. Rafe has told you all about his father and you know how badly he wants his dad to accept him.
"Coming, honey," Ward says as he steps out of his office. You could feel Rafe tense up at the sight of his father. You brush your thumb over his, reminding him you're there. "Son, good to see you," He says as he approaches you and Rafe. Then he turns to look at you.
"Dad, this is Y/N." Rafe says without hesitation. "She's my girlfriend."
Ward gives you a kind smile. "Y/N Y/L/N," He says. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm looking forward to meeting your father tonight."
"He's looking forward to it as well, Mr. Cameron." You say, confidence filling your voice. You knew your dad had influence over the island. Whether Ward really liked you or not, he was going to respect you. And seeing the way you clung to his sons arm seemed to make him almost proud. The fact that his son was now dating you gave him an instant in to doing business with your dad.
"Y/N! Rafe!" You heard Toppers voice cut through the moment.
You turn to see him and Sarah descending the stairs. "Hey, Y/N," Sarah says. Offering nothing but a glare to her brother.
Topper approaches you and gives you a hug and dapping Rafe up.
"Are we all ready to go then?" Rose asks, impatiently ushering everyone out the door.
"I'll drive Y/N, Topper, and Sarah." Rafe offers.
"Okay perfect. We will meet you all there." Ward says.
Rafe helps you into his truck and Topper and Sarah climb in the back. Sarah seems less than happy to be here but you couldn't care less.
"Y/N," Topper says, leaning forward and offering you his flask.
"Oh thank God," You say as you take the flask and begin to chug.
"Hey, Top?" Rafe says as he backs out of the driveway. "Don't get my girlfriend wasted." He scolds.
"Just gonna get a little buzzed," You promised your boyfriend before handing the flask back.
Rafe smiles at you as he drives. His arm rested on the center console and you ran your fingers over his open palm.
"They like you," He said, grinning from ear to ear.
"They like her dad's money," Sarah scoffs.
"Sarah," Topper hisses.
"What was that?" You turn and look at her.
"Oh you really think you're anything special? Rafe's just dating you so my dad will let him back into the house." Sarah spits.
You feel Rafe's hand on your chest, pressing you back against the seat as he slams on the breaks.
"What the fuck, Rafe!" You hear Sarah yell.
Rafe turns around and points his index finger in her face. "Don't you EVER say some fucking dumb shit like that again, Sarah!" He says, chest heaving. "You don't know shit about me or my relationship and if you wanna keep running your mouth I'll kick you out right here and you can walk your sorry ass to the club."
You smile, loving the way Rafe stands up for you.
He turns back around and places a kiss on your cheek before settling back into his seat and driving off.
You can hear Sarah and Topper bickering in the back seat as Rafe clutches your hand tightly. You run your fingers over his skin in attempts to calm him down.
As much as you didn't want to believe it, Sarah's words lingered in your head.
When you pulled up to the club, it was already packed with people. Sarah and Topper got out to meet up with Rose and Ward. You began walking with them but Rafe grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.
"Y/N, listen," He said, his eyes following Sarah as she walked off. "I don't know why Sarah is being such a bitch but I need you to know what she said isn't true."
"I know, Rafey," You said as you reached up and fixed his hair.
"Baby, whether my dad says I can come home or not I really don't care. As long as I have you I'm happy. There is nothing I want more than you."
You smile up at him. You believe every word he says. Sarah hasn't liked you from the beginning and you know her and Rafe had never been close. She was just trying to get under your skin.
Rafe cups your cheek and pulls you into a kiss. You smile against his lips as you savor the moment.
"Rafe!" Wards voice cuts through the air.
You pull away from each other quickly. Your cheeks turning red as you'd been caught for the second time today.
"Coming, dad!" Rafe shouts back. He holds out his arm to you and you link yours through it and smile up at him. "Shall we?" He asks.
People began clapping as the Cameron's entered the party. Rose and Ward walking in first. Rose's golden head piece making an instant talking point.
Topper, Sarah, and Wheezie just behind them.
You and Rafe walked in last and all eyes instantly fell to you. Rafe stood tall and proud knowing he had the islands prettiest girl hanging on his arm. You took confident strides, smiling and waving at people as you walked by.
"What an entrance," Courtney said as you approached her and Kelce. You flipped her off. She chuckled and handed you a glass of wine. "So, how was meeting the family?" She asked as she pulled you slightly away from the boys.
"It went really well for the most part," You said. "But Sarah..." You said as your eyes trailed to where her and Topper were arguing.
"Yeah, she's always been a bitch."
"She said Rafe was only dating me for his fathers approval." You confessed.
Courtney snorted. "That's a load of fucking shit. Rafe's been drooling over you since the second he saw you."
You smiled at her words. You knew deep down Rafe really loved you.
"I think...I think I'm going to do it. Tonight."
Courtney's eyes widened. "Really?! Oh my God I'm so proud of you!" She said as she brought you into a hug. "Are you positive you're ready?"
You nod your head excitedly. "I love Rafe so much. I want it to be him."
Courtney gives you a genuine smile. "I'm really, really happy for you, Sunflower. Rafe's a good guy. I like him."
You beam up at her. "Me too."
You feel Rafe's arm snake around your waist as he pulls you close and kisses the top of your head. "What are you ladies talking about?"
"Oh, just girl talk!" Courtney shrugs.
"Greeeeat," Kelce intervenes. "They're probably talking shit."
"Exactly." You confirm with a shit eating grin before sipping your wine.
"Man, fuck this shit!" Topper said as he approached your little group. He stole Kelce's drink and downed it quickly.
"Alright, alright, guess we're getting shitfaced." Rafe laughs.
"Your sister's a bitch man," Topper snarls.
"Tell me about it," Rafe says, taking a sip of his beer.
"She's cheating on me. I know it."
"Fuck Top, I'm sorry." You said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You deserve better."
Topper laughs. "I, uhhh, I'm pretty sure it's John B."
"What?" Courtney asks. "She's sneaking off with a fucking Pogue?"
"Why can't they just stay on their goddamn side of the island?" You add as you glare over to where Kiara and Pope were standing.
"Come on," Courtney says dragging you to the dance floor. "Let's have fun!"
You were smiling up at Rafe as you swayed to the music. Feeling lost in the moment when people started clapping again.
You look over to see your dad entering the party. You sigh and lean your head into Rafe's chest.
He smiles and runs his fingers through your hair. "We should probably go say hi." He says.
You nod in agreement. "Fine,"
You make your way over to where your dad and Ward were talking.
"Ah, there they are!" Ward says as you approach. "He places his hand on Rafe's shoulder. Beaming with pride. "Elliot, this is my son, Rafe."
"We've met!" Elliot smiles. "Spends more time at my house than I do," He laughs.
Rafe smiles uncomfortably.
"You two seem to have gotten really close," Ward smiles at you.
"Yes sir," You respond. "Rafe's been really great to me since I moved here. Your son is really special, Mr. Cameron." You smile up at Rafe, lacing your fingers with his.
He glows at your words. "I love you," He mouths.
"I love you, too."
"You help your father out with the business, Rafe?" Your dad asks.
"I, uhm, I-"
"He does!" Ward interjects. "He's been on a bit of a break, you know, to be there for Y/N. But now that she's doing better I think he's ready to get back to work."
Your father looked at you, slight disappointment in his face at the fact that the island knows about your overdose. You bite your lip as your eyes fall to the floor.
"Well thank you for being there for her," Elliot says. "It's nice to know she's in good hands when I'm away."
"Of course, sir." Rafe says. "I'll always be there for her."
"You kids go have fun," Elliot says. "Ward and I have a lot to discuss." He smiles.
"See you later dad, Mr. Cameron." You nod in their direction before pulling Rafe away quickly.
"My dad wants me back at work," Rafe said with a smile.
"That's great, babe! He seems proud of you."
Rafe gushes, smile wide on his face and it makes your heart swell to see him so happy.
Courtney and Kelce come stomping over to you. "JJ's here," Courtney announces. You glare in JJ's direction as you see him pass something to Sarah.
"You know? I could go for a drink. What about you Kelce?" Rafe asks.
"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit thirsty myself." Kelce responds.
You and Courtney watch as the boys head off in JJ's direction.
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"When will they learn?" Courtney sighs.
"RIP to JJ," You laugh as you watch the boys take off after JJ and chase him through the club.
"So," Courtney says as she turns to look at you. "Did you tell Rafe you wanna do the dirty tonight?" She teases.
"No. I want it to like happen naturally."
"Are you nervous?"
"Kind of. I mean yes and no. I just want to make him feel good."
"Remember what I taught you," Courtney winks.
Topper approaches you, drink in hand, wearing a look of irritation.
"What happened, Top?" Courtney asks.
"Saw Sarah talking to someone. When I asked her about it she denied it but it's so fucking obvious."
"You can do better, Top. If she wants to be a Pogue then she can go live on the Cut." You say.
"I'm sorry for what she said in the truck," Topper says.
"It's not your fault she likes to run her mouth, Top."
"Yeah, but she's wrong for that. I was there the night Rafe saw you for the first time. If that wasn't love at first sight then I don't know what is. He hasn't shut up about you since."
You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face.
The three of you turn to look at the commotion that suddenly started. JJ was being dragged from the club by security.
"Hey baby," You heard Rafe say from behind you as he wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your head.
"What'd you guys do?" Courtney laughed.
"Just told him where he belongs," Kelce said as he stood beside her.
"Safe travels back to the Cut!" Courtney yelled as the four Pogues walked away from the club.
You turned around in Rafe's arms and wrapped your arms up around his neck. "What do you say we go back to your place?" You suggest, giving him lustful eyes as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
Rafe smiles down at you knowingly. "We're gonna head out guys," He announces, not taking his eyes off yours. "We'll see you tomorrow," He begins to usher you out of the party before you could even say bye to your friends.
"Subtle," Kelce chuckles.
Courtney smiles as she watches you walk away, skipping happily alongside Rafe as the two of you hurry out to his truck.
The ride back to Tanneyhill was full of sexual tension. You were both quiet for the short drive back but you could feel yourself getting more aroused with each passing second.
Rafe helped you out of the truck and led you inside. The rest of the Cameron's were still at the party so you had the house to yourselves.
The second the door closed behind you his lips were on yours. Kissing and nipping at your lips down to your neck. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around him. He gripped your ass tightly as you went at each other hungrily.
"Take me to your room," You breathe. Rafe did as you asked, careful not to trip up the stairs as he carried you.
Once you were inside his room he put you down. Still keeping his lips locked on yours as he ripped his jacket off and threw it to the floor. He brought his hands up to cup your face. "I love you," He whispered between kisses.
"I love you too, Rafey." You smiled. You reached behind you and unzipped your dress. Rafe watched you as it fell to the floor. Staring at you intently, taking in all of your beauty.
You stood before him in your bra and panties and bit your lip. He loosened his bow tie and unbuttoned his shirt, adding it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor before picking you up and carrying you to the bed. He let out a moan as you sucked at the sweet spot on his neck, leaving as many marks on him as you could.
He unhooked your bra and pulled it off of you slowly. He kissed his way down your neck and chest before sucking on your left nipple, palming the other one as he did.
"Fuck, babe." You moaned. You could feel his erection growing against your core.
"Is this okay?" He whispered against your skin.
"Yes, baby, please keep going." You beg.
Rafe kisses you down your stomach, running his fingers over your clothed pussy. You squirm beneath him, silently begging for him to do more.
He places kisses up and down your thighs. Feeling his breath on your skin sent shockwaves through your body. You felt him tuck his fingers under the hem of your panties and pull them slowly from your body. You were completely exposed to him now.
"So fucking beautiful," He says against your skin. "I want to make you feel so good."
Before you could say anything his tongue was exploring your folds. "Holy fuck!" You cry out at the sensation. Your fingers found his hair and you grasped onto him for dear life as he tongued circles around your clit.
Your legs were over his shoulders and you were afraid you were going to suffocate him as you climbed to your high.
"Oh...my god," You moan. "I'm gonna...I'm-"
You couldn't even get your words out as you reached your orgasm, your body vibrated as you squirted on Rafe's face.
You gasped and clamped your hands over your mouth, completely embarrassed at what you'd just done.
Rafe looked up at you wide eyed and smiling. "Holy fuck, that was hot." He panted.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know I could do that!"
Rafe crawled back up your body and pressed his lips to yours. "Do NOT apologize. You're fucking amazing." He says as he licks his lips. "You taste so fucking good."
You smile and pull him in to kiss him again. His hands run freely up and down your body and you can't deny that you want him. Need him.
"Rafe," You whisper. "I need you."
Rafe pauses for a moment, lips hovering over yours as he looks you in the eyes. "Are you sure, baby?"
You nod eagerly. "Yes. Yes, please." You find yourself begging again.
He smiles and quickly stands up, ridding himself of his pants and boxers.
You bite your lip with both nerves and excitement as you take in his size.
He climbs back into the bed, pulling you under the covers with him. He places kisses all over your face as his hand strokes your hair.
"You really want this?" He asks, unsure of himself.
"Yes, Rafe. I'm in love with you. I want it to be you." You respond.
He presses a kiss to your forehead. "I'm in love with you too." He says. He positions himself between your legs, running his tip through your folds. "It's going to hurt for a second, babe." He told you.
"I know."
"I'll go slow,"
"Okay," You nod, clinging to his biceps.
He lines himself up at your soaking entrance and slowly pushes into you.
"Ow, ow, ow!" You cry as your fingers dig in to his skin.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No, keep going." You demand.
Once he bottoms out he stays still, smiling down at you. "Are you okay baby?" He asks as he lets you adjust to his size.
"You're fucking huge," You laugh.
Rafe smiles and kisses you again. You run your fingers through his hair as you enjoy the feeling of him inside you.
"Do you want me to move?"
You nodded needily. "Yes, please."
He pulled out slowly and pushed back into you again. The first few thrusts hurt but as he kept going it began to feel good. Really fucking good.
"Go faster," You breathed.
You kept your hands tangled in his hair as he rested his head against your shoulder, thrusting into you faster. He brought his thumb down to circle your clit and and your breath hitched at the sensation.
"Fuck, baby, I'm close." He whispered in your ear.
"Me too, oh my God."
You wrapped your legs around his body as you climaxed together.
His thrusts got sloppier as he released himself inside you. Your body vibrating under his.
Rafe was still inside you as you both fought to catch your breath.
"That was fucking amazing," You sigh.
Rafe pulled out of you and laid on his back beside you. "I'd do fucking anything for you," He admits, eyes closed and a smile wide on his face. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"
"A little bit." You admit. You run your hands over your legs, feeling the wetness that lingers there. "Fuck, I'm bleeding." You say as you bring your hand up to examine it.
"That's okay. That's normal, baby. Let's go take a shower." Rafe says as he gets out of the bed.
You scoot towards the edge of the bed but Rafe picks you up and carries you to the bathroom.
"I'm sorry," You whisper as Rafe sets you down and starts the shower.
"Sorry for what, baby?"
"I'm bleeding everywhere." Your eyes begin to water.
He turns to you and cups your face, forcing you to look up at him. "Sweetheart," He begins. "You were a...a...you were a virgin. Bleeding is normal."
"I just don't want to make a mess."
"D-do you regret it?" Rafe asks, his voice almost pitiful.
"No!" You say without hesitation. "No, I don't regret it, baby. I'm just...overwhelmed." You give a small laugh.
"Let me take care of you, pretty girl." He says as he pulls you into the shower with him. He sits down and pulls you back against him.
You lean back and rest your head on his shoulder as he slowly spreads soap over your body.
"Do you realize how perfect you are?" He whispers in your ear. "I'm the luckiest man in the world."
"I can't remember what life was like without you," You confess. "Please don't leave me."
"Leave you?" He scoffs. "I can't live without you, Y/N." He reaches down and takes your hands in his. Rubbing his thumbs over your fingers. "One day I'm going to put a ring on your finger."
You smile at his words. "Endgame baby."
"Endgame." He promises.
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nearisqueer · 1 year
once more i am spreading awareness for my favourite musical theatre video of all time.
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juniestar · 3 months
Oh my god one last thing my ex took me to outside lands and when we tried to watch lana del rey he laid down on the grass and had a “panic attack” (this was after months of him talking about how he didn’t like her) so we went to see foo fighters after a bit and he was FINE
#LANA i know his sister works for you BUT TRUST MY WORD AND GIVE ME A FREE TICKET PLEASE…#MY FIRST TIME SEEING YOU WAS RUINED GIRL… she was so good too like i was saving her songs to spotify that night#im reliving all this because i found out a lot of his exes and ex friends hang out together and two of them invited me so it was me an ex an#d an ex friend just swapping stories and first of all. he said he got cheated on by this girl and she NEVER DID IT (HE would have emotional/#angry outbursts at HER though) (allegedly he’s acknowledged to her that the cheating never happened too) and 2. this is obviously making me#mentally rehash everything again. i feel so bad for his current girlfriend and also for the person i ‘’stole’’ him from though i really hesi#tate to blame myself after hearing about his patterns. first of all he wouldve done this with anyone who was vulnerable around him and secon#d i was the only reason he was at all honest with them. he was fully planning to gaslight this ex and me and his dad had to convince him not#to. they look like theyre happy now and im very happy for them over that. oh my god that man was evil he told me for WEEKS about every time#his then partner had talked shit about me while i made clear that i didnt care and wasnt very interested but he kept going. god i cant belie#ve this was my life a year ago.#the one thing i can say is that i out freaked him because throughout our short relationship i made him so insecure that a week after i told#to never speak to me again he called me asking if he really was ugly.#I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAD TO TEND TO A GROWN MAN WHILE LANA DEL REY WAS RIGHT THERE BECAUSE HE WAS SO OPPOSED TO BEING AROUND HER. LANAAAA#times like these i get so mad i dont know what to do but ultimately remembering that he has not achieved any of his goals because he refuses#to face himself really helps me. god man IVE achieved some of his goals and i wasnt even trying to#a really awful part of all of this was all of the friends who knew him taking his side. because they didnt know him well enough to know what#he was actually like.#i was talking to my ex friend of four years and she was like not to blame you but he was probably really vulnerable from his time with [ex p#rior to me]’’ because he’s been going around alleging that that ex was abusive. and she was implying i took advantage of him. so i had to go#into detail about what an awful awful person he was and the sort of state i was in when this relationship took place. hannah lee you are#not seeing your little jehovah’s witness heaven.#anyways redirecting this energy im very happy with the way my life is and the way i am now. and im grateful for it i would not have ever bee#n able to imagine having the sort of peace and motivation i feel now. life feels like it can and will change for the better and it keeps pro#ving that right all the time#it just hurts sometimes having that as my first experience and not even being able to vocalize what was wrong bc i just didnt know hurts#oh i forgot one of his besties can see my account bc we’re sort of mutuals. i doubt he’s looking he did the whole unfollowing the ex bc she’#s allegedly amoral thing after the breakup but if he is hi isaac#he did on rare occasion show me selfless kindness but ultimately your best friend is a creep. i don’t want to be involved with anyone from#our school but I hope you know this and I hope you’re proud
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Birds Of A Feather
Rating: Teen Pairing: No Outbreak Joel Miller x Female Reader Words Count: 5,320 Summary: Your four hour flight home to Philadelphia turns into a 24 hour trip where you're marooned in the St. Louis airport thanks to a snowstorm. You and Joel Miller, the handsome man you just met on your flight, keep each other company. Warnings: fluff, like the amount of fluff inside of a 7 foot tall stuffed bear fluff, snow storm, pov switching, cinnamon rolls and apple juice, flight anxiety, comfort, kinda soulmate vibes, good dad joel, proud dad joel, sarah's in college, reader is an interior designer from philadelphia, the whole one bed in the hotel room trope as well, nothing bad happens to joel miller in this house, lying for a ticket.
A/N: This was written for @burntheedges' Roll A Trope Challenge. I received snowed in and thanks to the always lovely @maggiemayhemnj she helped me with suggesting snowed in at an airport. This is very very soft and cute, I hope you enjoy! ❄️💕
Early morning flights are your favorite. The TSA line is usually short, coffee from the kiosk is fresh, the magazines in the newsstand are in order, and the airport is quiet in an early morning hush versus the roar of the afternoon crowds. You stop at the newsstand to pick up a magazine and a cinnamon roll before heading to your gate. You stuff your customary travel treats in your backpack looking forward to enjoying your newest Architectural Digest and sugar rush once you’re in the air.
A deep throat clear grabs your attention while you watch the tarmac crew prepare the plane. A broad man stands before you in the aisle, clad in a flannel and faded gray shirt taking up most of the tight space. Instant panic bubbles inside when you realize this gorgeous man is who you have to share a tiny cubicle with for the next four hours. 
“Hey, uh,” he stammers, a hand brushes the back of his neck in a nervous stance, “s’alright if I take the window? It’s… helpful to me.”
His voice is deep and husky with one of those famous Texas drawls, of course his voice is just as attractive as him.
“Not at all, I can take the aisle,” you say, awkwardly bending over to grab your bag. 
The handsome stranger attempts to back up as much as he can yet your body still brushes against his, he tenses before moving into the row and sits down with a big huff; if you thought he took up a lot of room in the aisle, the room he takes up in the cramped business class seat is something else.
He adjusts his shoulders to try to give you more space and fails miserably. He lets out a grumbly sigh while attempting to find a more comfortable position. His arm bumps into yours before you angle your body towards the aisle, trying to give the large stranger more room. At least he smells just as good as he looks… mint, coffee and burnt wood. There’s way worse looking people to be packed in like sardines with. 
The flight attendants walk the aisle and do their pre boarding steps, checking seat belts and doors before going into their safety spiel. Your seat neighbor shuffles nervously, tapping his fingers against his thighs. He’s a nervous flier, you can spot them a mile away. 
“Why are you headed to Pennsylvania?” you ask, turning towards him trying to cut through his nervous tension. 
“Oh, uh, to visit my daughter, she’s a freshman at UPenn. Wanted to spend the holidays with her,” he cracks a smile at the mention of his daughter. God, he’s handsome.
“That’s nice, it’s beautiful in Philly for the holidays. I’m from there, so if you need any tips on where to go and what to do, I can help.”
“Thanks,” his fingers still tap against his lap. “Guess you’re going back home then?” 
“Yep, I just finished a job and I haven’t been home in a month, just hoping to beat the snow.” 
“Here’s hoping… I’m Joel by the way,” he reaches his large hand out to shake yours. You grab his calloused and overworked hand then give him your name, he nods softly and repeats it. His deep voice echoes through your head, sending a shiver up your spine. 
“It’s nice to meet you Joel, even if it’s in this cramped airplane cabin.” 
“S’nice to meet you too,” he lets go of your hand, placing it back on his thigh, you notice that it’s no longer nervously tapping. 
Flight attendants, prepare doors for departure and cross check.
Joel lets out a big, deep sigh. 
“Nervous flier?” you ask.
“You could say that,” he grumbles. “Never liked giving up control of my life to someone I don’t know.”
“I understand that, but this happens to millions of people a day, you only hear about the bad.”
“I get that,” he chuckles, quickly stopping as the plane begins to roll on the tarmac. “Still don’t have to like it.” 
“Well, I fly all the time,” you reassure, “I’m sure everything will go smoothly.” 
“Here’s hoping,” he sighs, sinking deeper into the seat. 
You are the opposite of your seatmate, you love how the engines rumble as the plane picks up speed, the way your stomach drops when it lifts off the tarmac, the brief thud underneath when the wheels are tucked into the plane. Flying has never bothered you, it’s always been exciting and a means of getting to new adventures. 
The plane speeds across the pavement preparing for liftoff, your stomach drops before the wheels leave the ground... Joel’s hand grasps yours. Golden, thick fingers cover your hand squeezing tightly. You turn to him and your heart breaks a little at the sight, his eyes are squeezed shut with his nostrils flaring as he puffs deep breaths out. There’s something so heartbreaking watching this large, strong man look so scared. 
“Hey, you’re alright, it’s quick, very soon we’re going to be in the air and all we have to do is wait,” you try to sound as gentle and comforting as possible. It’s easy to take fearlessness for granted, especially when someone as large and seemingly intimidating as Joel looks so helpless. 
He nods, his eyes still tightly closed before swallowing a thick gulp of air.
Your free hand reaches up and opens his air vent before angling yours toward him. 
“Can you look at me Joel,” you whisper. His hand still clasps yours tightly. It hurts like hell, but you don’t mind; if it makes him feel better, he can clasp as hard as he needs. 
His brown eyes open wide and focus on you. 
“That’s good, Joel, can you take a deep breath for me? Iiiiiin and ooooout. Very good,” you encourage with a grin on your face holding his eye contact. “This is worth it, you’ll get to see your daughter, tell me her name and what she’s like.”
“H-her name’s Sarah, she’s uh, studying to be a doctor, sh-she’s way smarter than her old man, sh-she plays on the soccer team, got a scholarship for it ‘n everything, she loves music and going to too many damn concerts. She’s going to go deaf like me if she ain’t careful.”
“She sounds awesome,” you smile.
“She is, don’t know how I got so lucky.” 
“What do you do for work?” you keep him talking, making sure to distract Joel’s anxiety. 
“Contractor, I own a contracting service with my brother, we specialize in retail and office buildings.”
“Oh, that sounds like hard work, but it’s nice you get to work with your brother.”
“Could be better, could be worse,” he shrugs. 
“Hey, I’m an interior designer, we’re both in similar fields. How many carpenter pencils do you have? I probably have three floating around in my purse right now.”
He chuckles, his face loses its tenseness, Joel doesn’t attempt to take his hand from yours, and you don’t move to do it either. You work with contractors all the time, you’ve never seen one as gorgeous as him.
“My daughter always tried to get me to let her use ‘em for school work because they were a different shape, kept on having to take them away from her.” 
“She sounds tenacious.”
“You don’t know the half of it,” he muses.
Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I'd like to welcome everyone on Flight 86A. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. We’re going to try to avoid the snow the best we can, we’ll keep you updated in case anything changes.
You’ve been entertaining Joel so much both of you didn’t notice you totally missed lift off and your ascent into the sky. 
“Would you look at that? We’re in the air, you only have four hours until you get to see her.”
“Thanks for that,” he says, moving his hand from yours. “I feel ridiculous.”
“No need, I’m happy I could help,” you shake the tenseness out of your hand after the twenty minutes of being in Joel’s vice grip.
“You alright? Did I hurt you?” his eyes round in guilt under his furrowed eyebrows focus on your hand. 
“No, no, it’s okay,” you reassure. “You just have a strong grip. Must be all of that contractor business.”
He sends you a shy, crooked grin, “M’sorry.”
“I’ll survive, just like we’ll survive this flight together, Joel,” you wink.
He looks at you, his brown eyes turn darker and his tongue darts out to lick his lips. “You’re quite someth–”
“May I offer you a drink?” the flight attendant interrupts. Worst fucking time.
You order an apple juice. Joel orders a black coffee. 
“Apple juice?” he asks. 
“Yeah, it’s kind of a tradition I have. I always get a cinnamon roll and apple juice every time I fly in the morning. Tastes kinda like apple pie when they’re together.”
“Hm, I don’t know about that,” he scrunches his nose and shakes his head. 
“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” you shrug before pulling the cinnamon roll out of your bag.
You ask for an extra cup when the attendant brings yours and Joel’s drinks before ripping off half of the cinnamon roll and handing it to him. “Here.”
“No, no, it’s yours.” 
“Yeah, but I want to share,” you urge, “I got you a cup for apple juice too.” 
“If you insist,” he obliges, taking the soft pastry.
Half of your juice is poured into the extra cup before you hand it to him and raise your cup up to cheers. 
“To four hour flights and apple pie” you quip. 
“Cheers,” he says, gently shaking his head with eyes lit resembling something akin to affection.
You both take a drink of the sweet juice before picking up the cinnamon roll and taking a bite. 
“See?” you say, still chewing the sweet pastry. 
“Mmf,” he shakes his head and swallows. “Not apple pie, but pretty damn good.” He wipes the errant crumbs off of his mustache, you wonder if his lips taste like cinnamon and apples. 
“I’ll take pretty damn good,” you muse, picking up your magazine and settling into your seat. 
Joel glances towards you every chance he gets. He’s a realist, sometimes too much of one, he knows why he’s so calm during this flight– your comforting presence. He’s hated flying his whole life, his father never understood his fear, always telling him ‘I flew on planes bigger and louder than this all through the war, kid, buck up.’ Thanks dad, that’ll surely help the terrified eight year old crying and clutching to his mother. Sarah damn near broke his heart when she met him at the door excitedly waving the acceptance letter to a school 1,700 miles away. How could he crush his little girl’s dreams because her old man hates being in the sky? He got to bide his time, driving her in the moving truck to her new school, but now– with her first Christmas out of state and unable to fly home due to work– Joel was forced to step on the scary metal tube. 
He could hardly believe his luck when the pretty girl gazing out the window ended up being his seatmate; the excitement over being so close to you helped shield a bit of his trepidation over his first solo flight and then he went on to embarrass himself. You didn’t shake your head or shun him, you accepted and supported him. He can still feel your soft hand wrapped in his and hear your gentle voice coaching him down from a panic attack. You’re a complete stranger, and yet you’ve shown him more kindness than he’s allowed himself to accept in years. 
You adjust in your seat, your elbow brushes against his, little do you know he bunched up the sleeve of his flannel so he could feel the touch of your skin. 
He doesn’t know why you affect him the way that you do, it’s only been a couple of hours in the sky next to you, but he’s already trying to think of a way to give you his phone number. 
Ladies and Gentlemen, Captain Scott has informed us that we will be diverting to St. Louis due to the weather conditions at Philadelphia. We will be landing in approximately twenty minutes and will keep you advised about the continuation of this flight to our destination as information becomes available. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are aware that many of you have connecting flights departing Philadelphia. Our ground staff will work with you to confirm you on the next available flight to your destination. Thank you for your patience.
“Well, shit,” you sigh, placing your magazine down, rolling your neck and stretching your arms. “Had a feeling this might happen.”
“Shit indeed,” he sighs.
“How are you with landings, Joel?” you softly question. “Can I do anything for you?”
His heart skips, he hasn’t felt this feeling in years. Sure his little girl steals his heart every second of the day, but for a woman to make his heart race the way it is now making butterflies flutter through his stomach… that hasn’t happened in two decades. 
“No, I should be okay, thank you,” he says, feeling a bit foolish. 
“I’m here for you, okay?” The gentleness of your voice void of any judgment helps soothe his shame.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into St. Louis. Please turn off all portable electronic devices and stow them until we have arrived at the gate. In preparation for landing, please be certain your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened. Please secure your carry-on items, stow your tray table, and pass any remaining service items and unwanted reading materials to the flight attendants. Thank you.
His breathing turns rapid, he feels the phantom of fear rearing its ugly head 10,000 feet above the ground. He’s seen far too many videos of planes spurting flames and panicked passengers escaping down blown up slides. He remembers Captain Sulley and the miracle on the Hudson… that ain’t no miracle. Joel Miller is a realist, how about everyone almost died in the Hudson? He tries to breathe like that weird lady on TikTok Sarah showed him… make a square with every breath? Or make a line and then breathe? Christ, he can’t remember. His lips part to inhale more stale pressurized oxygen trying to calm his pulsating heart. This time your hand grabs his, he looks over at your face set soft with a reassuring smile, a wash of calm runs through him. You’re so beautiful.
“You’re alright Joel, I’m here with you,” you gently lilt.
He focuses on the soft back and forth of your fingers against him, centering himself and making the phantom back away. He loves the way your soft skin looks against his. Your nails are painted a light blue, it reminds him of the bright Texas morning sky. 
The plane descends as you hold his eye contact with that same beautiful and assuring smile lighting up your face. 
“We’re almost on the ground, you’re doing so good,” fear and veneration perform a duet in his heart making it pound against his chest. 
The wheels hit the tarmac, he lets out a huge breath of relief. Your hand still holds his, even as he visibly relaxes. He watches the light blue of your nail polish swipe back and forth against the top of his hand. 
Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to St. Louis. The local time is 9:45 AM. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle clear until we are parked at the gate. The Captain will then turn off the “Fasten Seat Belt” sign, indicating it is safe to stand. Please use caution when opening the overhead compartments and removing items, since articles may have shifted during flight. We thank you for your patience, rest assured our staff is here to help you.
“Well, I know it’s not home, or Sarah… but we’ll make the best of it,” you say, pulling your bag out from underneath the seat. He loves how positive you are, he needs someone like you in his life.
Three hours of being stuck in the airport have slowly ticked by, at least you have the company of your new travel partner. You check your weather app for the millionth time, no change at all… snow still falls all along the tri-state area.
“Anything?” he asks, looking up from his Sports Illustrated. 
“No luck,” you shrug, “I’m starving.” 
“Come on,” he points his head towards the restaurant near the gate, “my treat.”
You follow him, wondering why you feel so excited over this impromptu lunch date. You can’t deny your attraction to him, an inkling inside of you makes you believe Joel might feel the same. Yeah, you might be stuck in St. Louis, your return to your comfortable bed and bathtub postponed due to the falling snow, but at least you have your handsome flight partner with you. 
The restaurant is nice, a typical Concourse B type place full of simple people enjoying a hot meal, simple menu, a simple design inspired by of all things– airplanes. 
Joel asks for a table near the window, the hostess obliges, leading you to a table in a quiet section of the restaurant. He pulls the chair out for you, southern manners and all. 
He takes a seat with a humph, mumbling how tight his back is from all of the damn sitting. You order a hot tea, he orders a coffee. 
You’ve known him for a grand six hours and yet you’re going to remember this usually milquetoast adventure for a long, long time. 
“What’re you thinking?” he asks, perusing the menu. 
“Turkey sandwich and soup,” you answer, mouth already watering at the idea of your meal. “You?”
“Burger ‘n fries. I’m hungry though that half of a cinnamon roll sure did satisfy,” he sends you a barely perceptible wink. 
“So, do you have any plans for you and your daughter?”
“She says she has an idea or two for us, she’s a planner, I’m just there to see her, this is the longest I’ve been away from her.” His voice drops, a slight hitch in his breath appears, you can feel the sadness radiating off of him. He must be such a good dad.
“Sounds rough,” you empathize, wishing you could recreate what happened on the plane and put your hand over his while telling him everything will be okay.
“Yeah, it’s been difficult, it’s just been me and her since forever. I know she’s happy and fulfilled, that's all I can ask for.” 
You wonder where Sarah’s mom went, why it’s just the two of them, and most of all if he’s single. How can you be falling for this almost stranger and his big heart that sits below his broad, flannel covered chest?
“I moved far away for art school and it was the best decision I ever made. I'm so thankful for my parents letting me have that experience. You should be proud of her… and most of all you should be proud of you.”
He looks over the brim of his coffee mug, takes a drink, and places it down on the table before grabbing your hand.
“You’re so– I’ve never met anybody like you before,” he says, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles. 
The restaurant and airport disappear from your periphery, it’s only you and this man from Austin on the way to your hometown to see his daughter. This has never happened to you before… a spark of something you have no clue what to call shared between the two of you. 
“I could say the same thing to y–,” you're interrupted by the waitress’s arrival, Joel’s hand retreats from yours; the physical and emotional connection between you and Joel is broken by your food being placed on the table. 
“So, what’s the plan?” Joel asks as he grabs the Tabasco bottle and shakes a smattering of drops over his burger. 
“No clue,” you sigh, “I wish I could take a nap. What did your daughter say when you told her?”
“Oh, she was fine, disappointed but she told me she’ll still get over a week with me once I get there,” he shakes his head, his face lifts with a doting grin. “She’s always the glass half full type.”
“And let me guess, you’re much more of a ‘the damn glass is half empty’ type?” 
“Mm,” you nod, before taking a bite of your turkey sandwich. 
His heart beats harder against his chest as he watches you approach him from the ticket counter. 
“Any new update?” he’s nervous, he hasn’t felt this nervous in years. He never realized how much he missed this type of emotional tension that pulls his back to stand straighter. 
“The storm hasn’t let up, all airports in the area are on a ground stop, and now with the storm here, I think we’re screwed,” you close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. You look exhausted, spending all day in a packed airport has obviously taken its toll on you. He wants to wrap his arms around you, carry you to whatever destination you need to go to and never let go. He can’t believe he’s thinking like this, he doesn’t even know your favorite color or movie. “I’m sorry Joel.” 
He hates watching your face drop, you’ve done nothing wrong. “Hey, none of that,” he takes a tentative step forward, he’s worried to overcross a line, but your sunken shoulders and defeated posture pushes him forward. He wraps his flannel clad arms around you, pulling you into a hug. Your body instantly molds to his, finding the perfect spot on his chest to rest your head against. A sweet and grateful sigh breathes out of you, radiating through his whole body. 
“Looked like you needed this,” he says against your hair, breathing the feminine scent of you in. He hasn’t been this close to a woman like this in years. Sure he’s had some hookups here and there, but a real honest to goodness connection with someone after only half of a day spent together? Never happened. He feels lucky.
“I did, thank you,” you breathe out. He still holds you, making zero attempt to let go. You imagine to the average passerby you resemble a couple in love, standing in the airport terminal, holding each other. 
“Are you hungry?” he asks, still holding you tight. “I think there’s a pretty good restaurant here.”
“I am, a real nice guy once took me to lunch there,” you pull away. “It’s my treat this time.”
Joel stands at the ticket desk, it’s now his turn to see if there have been any changes. It’s been twelve hours of being marooned in this airport, you should feel more miserable at this point, but the constant support the two of you trade back and forth to each other has helped alleviate the ugliness of stress. 
“Any luck?” you ask, perking up when he stands in front of you.
“Actually, yeah, they have a 9 AM flight to Philly tomorrow afternoon,” he says, tucking his ticket into his pocket. You can’t look him in the eyes, if you do you’re going to think about how much you’re going to miss him… this man you’ve only known for a grand total of twelve hours. “There’s two seats left… and I got one. The lady at the desk is waiting for my fiancee to go get her ticket.”
Your eyes widen at what he implies.
“Oh, ohhhhhh,” you grin. “Clever man.”
“Yeah, I need your help, since I’m a nervous flier and all…”
Your knees feel weak from the doting smile Joel gives you. “Thanks love,” you stretch and kiss his cheek before heading to the ticket counter.
He can’t keep his eyes off of you as you walk over to the counter. He can still feel your lips against his cheek, there’s a foreign feeling in his heart. He’s already thinking about introducing you to Sarah, what the hell is this? 
The airport worker laughs at something you say, of course they’re charmed by you, you’re such a sweet thing, like cinnamon rolls and apple juice. 
You turn, a big smile lights your face when you walk back to him, waving your ticket in the air. 
He chuckles out a nervous snicker when you skip over and wrap your arms around him.
“The agent pulled in a favor and got us a room at the hotel attached here, she said she has a softness for ‘lovebirds’ like us,” you pull away with a mischievous glint lighting your face. “Plus, she thinks my fiance is handsome.”
“Uh… okay,” he’s not sure what you’re implying, you’re far too special to him already for a one-night romp in a hotel room. 
“No funny business Joel,” you wink as you grab your bag. He can’t believe how well you read him. “Now, let’s go get our luggage and check in.” 
You enter the keycard into the door thanking that lovely ticket agent for access to a comfortable bed. And it’s just as you feared… a bed…  just one, singular bed that greets you in this average airport hotel room. 
“I can take the chair,” Joel nervously says.
Part of you wishes he wouldn’t have offered.
“If you want, but the bed is big enough for both of us,” you shrug out of your jacket. 
“S’okay, wouldn’t feel right.”
It’d feel just fine to you, but you don’t say anything, instead you open your luggage and fish out your toiletry bag and your pajamas. 
“It’s almost midnight, I’m going to get my shower and get ready for bed.”
His foot nervously taps against the carpet, goosebumps prickle along his arms when he hears your sigh reverberate against the shower tiles. Why is he so anxious? It feels like prom night all over again; he’s just a shy boy waiting for the beautiful girl to give him a sign, any sign, that she likes him. The last time he felt like this Sarah was born nine months later.
He grabs the TV remote trying to find a reprieve from his anxious thoughts, flipping it to the news. The anchor drones on about the great holiday snowstorm. In a way, he’s thankful for the blizzard– sure it means even more time in a flying panic tube, but at least he met you. He vows to not let any type of temptation get in the way of what feelings are developing between you two. No matter how much he thinks about your naked body in the shower and how good your body wash smells. 
You emerge from the bathroom, clean and fresh in your pajamas. 
“Should’ve figured you’d be an Eagles fan,” he says, smirking at your oversized and faded sleep shirt.
“Let me guess, Cowboys fan?”
“Forever and always.”
“Oh, well, you’re my enemy now.”
He laughs, “I’m sure I am.” 
You tuck yourself under the covers while Joel takes his shower, quickly falling asleep to the sounds of whatever generic late night host is cracking jokes on the TV. 
He quietly opens the bathroom door, the hotel room is bathed in the dim glow of the television. You're already fast asleep, cuddled under the white duvet, you look like an angel surrounded by clouds. Of course you're beautiful when you sleep. He tries not to stare too long, and yet he's planted in the threshold of the bedroom admiring you. He feels lucky at this moment, being able to watch someone as pretty as you slumber peacefully, while trying to silence the fact that tomorrow you both will go your separate ways. He doesn't want to say goodbye.
A bassy groan and shuffle in the dark floats through the air waking you. The clock reads 1:45 AM. “There’s enough room in the bed for you, you know?”
“I know, just don’t want to overst– I’m still a stranger.”
“No, you’re my fiance, remember?” you shuffle the sheets on the other side of the bed down, “Joel, please, I insist.”
He sighs when he stands and makes his way to the bed. The mattress dips under his weight, you can feel heated tension radiating off his body, the strong specimen of all man lays insecurely next to you. 
“Joel, relax,” you whisper before placing your hand on his chest feeling the rapid beat of his heart. 
“I’m okay, I-I just– haven’t done something like this in so long.”
“What? Laid in bed next to someone you’ve known less than a day? I’ve actually never done this.”
A quiet laugh rumbles in his chest. “No, just haven’t met someone as real as you in a long time. Is it real?”
“It’s real,” you say, shuffling closer to him, replacing your hand with your head. He wraps his arm around you as you listen to the pitter patter of his heart. “Goodnight Joel,” you whisper, closing your exhausted eyes. 
“G’night,” he purrs, you feel the ghost of his lips against your hair as you drift to sleep. 
He lays awake most of the night, too afraid to fall asleep and disturb your beautiful sleeping form. He wishes he could record the cute sounds that emit from you as you slumber and dream, he’d listen to them forever if he could. He can’t believe he’s thinking this way, what should’ve been a terrifying and lonely standard trip to see his daughter has turned into an adventure of a lifetime with a woman he’s already crazy for. 
Sure, he’s shared a bed with others since Sarah’s mom, he’s had a couple of flings here and there, but he never allowed himself to cuddle or care for them. They were never good enough for him… or most importantly Sarah. He thinks Sarah would adore you. 
The red digits on the alarm clock read 3:00 AM, he’s known you for a grand total of twenty hours. Meaning he only has about eight hours left, he’s already dreading saying goodbye. 
Your groggy eyes open, you move to silence the alarm but you quickly realize you’re trapped under a heavy weight. Joel. He groans against you, with his arms held tight around your stomach and his face nuzzled into your shoulder. 
“Joel, it’s time to get up.”
He tenses against you and quickly unwraps your body from his hold.
“Sorry,” he sheepishly says, reaching across you to turn the alarm off. 
“It’s okay,” you want to tell him you didn’t mind it all, that you haven’t slept that well in years, but you stay quiet. 
“I’m just going to… get ready,” he stands, stretching and wiping his tired eyes. You try not to focus on the glimpse of his stomach remembering what it felt to have the soft swell of him against your back. “Don’t think I’ve slept that well in years.”
The bathroom door shuts as you flop back into bed, welcoming the fluttery feeling inside your body. “I feel the same way,” you confess to the empty hotel room. 
Flight attendants, prepare doors for departure and cross check.
“Well, we’re back to where we started, it’s been quite an adventure,” you smile.
“It has,” he clears his throat, reaches for your hand and sends you a soft smile. “I have ten days in Philadelphia, I was wondering if you have any good suggestions for a nice, romantic place to take someone I really like to?” 
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hypnos333 · 8 months
My Heavens
Lucifer Morningstar x Ex Wife Reader Gabriel x Wife Reader
Pt 1- left her behind
Synopsis: You moved on and had a kid with another archangel
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You gave birth throughout those centuries to twins, Caelum and Kailani. A boy and girl both have your color hair and eyes but your husband personally a shyness. Also both archangels.
You happily watch them grow with you husband as you both teaches them how to guide people into hopefulness and into following God.
Now they’re one hundred and ninety five years old in age and you are proud of them even though there still kinda of teenagers. You and gabriel were still proud but now with the extermination coming up you had to put your family first no matter the cost.
During the meeting with Charlie Morningstar that’s when you started feeling under the weather making you children go with their father instead of you going sick.
Charlie went up to your daughter mistaking it as you, “Woah Dad was right you are beautiful but you looks so young, Oh Right i’m Charlie you must be ___. My dad has been talking about you nonstop” Charlie rambled making Kailani raise her eyebrows.
“Sorry to burst your bubble but ___ is actually my mother” Kailani stated, “Both of our mother” Caelum add making Charlie look at the twins in shock.
“W-What?” Charlie asks as Vaggie approaches her.
“Yep sweetheart, we’re twins, Shocked? You are the only one that is” Caelum said rolling his eyes the princess stupidness. Kailani slapped her brother on the back of his head before laughing it off.
“Haha ignore my brother, it’s just your the only one who doesn’t noticed our similarities” Kailani said more kindly.
Vaggie pulls a still shock Charlie back to there seats but before they even made it Gabriel landed in front of them. “A-Ah Charlie, Vaggie I see you have met my children, my apologies about them they’re about bit of a hand full like they’re mother” He joked making Charlie gape at him.
“You and ___ had kids???” She questions him trying to get answers for her dad.
“Well of course married and have a new child on the way” Gabriel chuckled making Charlie feel bad about her dad not having this future with his first love.
“Ah I see well congratulations” She faked a smile as she congratulated him and his family.
“Thank you Miss. Morningstar and I hope you have the future you want” Gabriel said before flying away to his children.
After the meeting, Lucifer waited impatiently to hear the news from Charlie.
“What did ya hear Charlie? Did she accept me back to her life?” He asked his daughter hopefully making her looked down before grabbing his hand and slowly putting her wedding ring back into his hand. His smile drop looking at his daughter in fear.
“I’m so sorry dad but she’s married to another archangel named Gabriel and had twins the same age as me with another one on the way” Charlie explained to him.
Lucifer tried to hold into his tears but couldn’t as he sobs falling down to the floor. Charlie hold her dad as he sobs in her shoulder. “I-It’s all my f-fault” He cries out making Charlie console him.
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81folklore · 17 days
robin - CL16
pairings charles leclerc x fem!singer!reader (fc: gigi hadid + pinterest)
summary fans get a look at charles’ family
warnings a baby + pregnancy (the baby is the entire plot point and one pregnancy mention) poorly translated french, some taylor swift songs are used as readers songs. HUGE TIMESKIPS (sorry lol)
notes we are BACK!! for the time being at least,, sorry for being gone again😣 also im using gigi again because i had this one specific photo in mind of her pregnant!!
notes 2 kind of short but i want to try and gain some more motivation buuuut in my absence from writing ive created a rec blog so i can show you all my favorite works by all the incredible writers on here! @81folklore-library
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yourusername • may 2020
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton and 1,283,693 others
(im)patiently waiting to meet you tiger 🐯🩵
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charles_leclerc you are glowing mama🌟
yourusername charlie🥹
lewishamilton cant wait to meet the little one, you’re doing amazing yn!
yourusername thank you lewis💜
user44 you are gorgeous omg
user23 i can’t believe charles is going to be a dad soon
user2 it feels like its flown by
user17 i love that they call their baby tiger☹️
user6 me too!! i hope it sticks as a nickname
arthur_leclerc lunch again soon?
yourusername of course art! let me know when🤍
yourusername • january 2021
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liked by charles_leclerc, lorenzotl and 3,930,519 others
our little tiger blessed our lives a few months ago and we couldnt feel more overjoyed to have her. we want to thank those around us for their continued support during our first months of parenthood
tiger, we cant wait you grow into a beautiful young girl and we are already so proud of you🐯🩵
tagged charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc so happy i get to be a dad with you🩵
charles_leclerc i love you so much im so proud of you
yourusername i love you charlie, thank you for everything
lorenzotl toi et charlie êtes de merveilleux parents 🩷🩷 (translation you and charlie are wonderful parents)
yourusername merci! revenez bientôt, vous êtes toujours le bienvenu! (translation thank you! come back soon, you are always welcome!
user55 theyre parents🥹🥹
user80 oh im sobbing this is so lovely😭😭
user17 they still call her tiger☹️☹️
user49 im confused is that the babies name?
user17 no they just call her tiger in public, we dont know her name! they started calling her tiger when they found out they were going to be parents and it seems to have stuck!!
liked by yourusername
user32 i was listening to never grow up when i saw this post🥹🥹
user47 congratulations guys!!
yourusername • september 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, olliebearman and 5,291,649 others
happy birthday little tiger, it has been a joy to watch you grow into the wonderful girl that you are (please stop mama cant handle you getting bigger🥹)
you are so incredibly loved and i hope you feel that every day, i hope you have a wonderful day today and everyday baby!
happy birthday love mama and papa🐯🩵
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charles_leclerc happy birthday angel, we love you🐯
olliebearman happy birthday tiger!!
yourusername see you soon darling🩷
lewishamilton i can’t believe she is already four🥹💜
yourusername time really flies by🥹
user5 right?! i remember when yn posted her on charles back☹️
user52 these pictures are so cute oh my god😭😭☹️☹️
user60 actually my favorite family ever🥹
user21 i feel so emotional knowing ive watched this family grow
user19 is anyone else sad charles hasnt posted the annual story?
user37 theres no way he just stops,, she has so many more songs☹️
user66 wait im new what are we talking about?
user37 because charles and yn write the birthday captions together, charles started posting a picture of tiger with a song yn has written about children or babies etc (example: last year it was never grow up!) and she has so many more songs that would fit but he hasnt made one this year :(
yourusername & charles_leclerc • september 2024
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liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly and 6,280,740 others
tiger its your birthday surprise; Robin out now🐯
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yourusername📌 ps robin is not tigers name🩵
charles_leclerc thank you for letting me on a song🫶
yourusername always baby
charles_leclerc we love you tiger🐯
charles_leclerc added to their story
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[song used: Robin by yn text: way to go tiger🐯🩵]
seen by yourusername, pierregasly and 1,279,940 others
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sukunas-wife · 9 months
Sealed 3
Part: 1 2 4
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“Lady Y/n please settle down. You’ll make yourself sick if you-” Mori paused hearing the lullaby playing throughout the sound of the Hospital. You turned to Wasuke he didn’t look to please, he sat arms crossed over his chest staring blankly at the floor, his eyes flickering up to meet yours.
“Well, he’s alive.”
You waited eagerly until a nurse came to guide you all in, over time you wormed your way into the Itadori’s life making a point to become good friends with Kaori and Jin in the brief time before her due date. You know one thing you’d never trust her, Kenjaku to be exact, which is why it surprised you when she asked Jin if they could assign you as a God Mother if anything happened. Jin suggested maybe after Wasuke, you didn’t have a problem saying you were a neighbor if they ever needed you, you were next door.
Walking in the room you rushed over to Kaori seeing your son, except in this life he lacked the little marking on his forehead that matched his dad perfectly, but he was crying painfully loud. “Oh Kaori he’s precious, a little crying prince.” You tried to laugh it off before you squeezed her in a hug and she smiled “My little Yuji.” She tried to rock him Your heart skipped when he let out a loud cry hands shaking face reddening, you smiled at her with a loss of air “Yuji?”
She nodded at your question explaining it was a decision made for them. It didn’t feel right to name him anything else, you smiled and looked at his little round face, “hold him, you’ll be in his life as long as your around. Maybe he’ll calm down.”
She tried to offer Yuji, you hesitated looking at Wasuke and Jin, they were talking. You looked at Kaori, she smiled weakly and you nodded, as soon as you placed his head on your chest he feel into place the way he had once. Your teary eyes mixed with how quiet and calm he became when his little fist took hold of your shirt called attention. “Look at that.” Wasuke say elbowing Jin.
You smiled at Yuji’s little scrunched up face before turning to smile at Kaori, she smiled at you while trying to move around in the hospital bed, “He’ll be lucky to have you in his life, it seems like he likes you already.”
You spent the day with Kaori in the hospital when Jin and Wasuke left to bring her some take out and get a few things ready. You were sat by her bed holding Yuji who took hold of your finger, he was holding for life, you moved him around seeing that star mark of your binding vow. You looked over at Kaori, she was smiling but looked tired, “Take care of him y/n, if anything happens make sure he knows what it’s like to have a loving mother.” With a soft laugh you nodded, “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’re going to both be fine. You’ll get up, take him home and have a happy little family.” Your smile would’ve been reassuring if it actually reached your eyes, but your eyes held the trace of faint tears. Tears of the memory when Yuji was Born screaming, when Sukuna was so proud to see his boy being held up to show he was the first heir. The tight grip he held on Sukuna’s finger, the way Yuji was quick to nuzzle into your chest and not let go. How Sukuna didn’t leave your side for weeks wanting to take the first few weeks to admire his wife and first born son. Back when Sukuna had a sense of Humanity still. Now you could feel it, the evil that was slowly seeping into the world as the seals that held Sukuna captive weakened. Kaori had fallen asleep when you kissed Yuji’s forehead, running your thumb over his cheek when he yawned.
“Sleep little prince, I’ll be here always.” Nuzzling your forehead against his he cooed before he briefly opened his eyes, his little brown eyes were golden in the light of the afternoon soon. You held onto him while he slept until Jin and Wasuke returned. Mori stood to the side, watching it all. Wondering how different you were before you picked him up out of the scum he slept in every night. How could the tyrant he learned to be Sukuna have been your husband? Was he not the cruel King of Curses everyone had logged and preached him to be? Were you as cruel of a monster before the sun set on the Golden Age?
“My condolences” was all you said as you bowed to Wasuke before entering the shrine room to pay your respects. It hadn’t been long after Kaori and Jin came home, they found her dead, details hadn’t been shared but seeing the split on her skull at the mortuary you had known well enough what it was. Jin followed soon after leaving Wasuke with his grandson. Kaori had made it know that she trusted you completely with Yuji, which lead to you signing the legal documents for becoming a Godmother. That was one decision Wasuke agreed with entirely.
There you sat on the floor of Wasuke’s living room, cooing and playing with Yuji not to long before his first birthday. Pressing on the bottom of his feet while he kicked back, “Look at you little baby” you wiggled his legs and he giggled, “Getting all ready to walk! You’re growing up so fast!” Yuji cooed before sitting up with a baby grunt and staring up at you, you let him crawl into your lap and sit there before you squeezed, “Aw my little Yuji.” Kissing his head and squeezing him in one more hug you let him sit in your lap, clapping along to whatever was on the tv. “Mm your grandpa’s taking a while longer than expected, wanna eat and get ready for bed?” Yuji cooed mindlessly watching the tv until you pulled him up with you, he squirmed turning to look at you, his little chubby hands on your cheeks trying to squish your face, “baaba.” “Mhmm, Baaba, Bottle.” He kept cooing until you gave him a warm bottle.
“Well, has a cold so it you and I.” Yuji was still drinking out of his bottle laying his head on your shoulder. The other hand squished between both your chests, his eyes looking up at you. “You still look so much like your daddy… speaking of him, his presence is stronger I wonder if something really is changing…”
Yuji had fallen asleep against your shoulder, soft breaths as he barely held onto the bottle. Slipping it out of his hand you made your way to your room, Morí was finishing setting up a bassinet cushion on your bed.
“Everything’s ready Lady Y/n” you smiled “Thank you Morinozuka.” He bowed before leaving and you laid Yuji down, tucking him in with a blanket. Running your fingers over his little fists to uncurl his fingers, leaning down you kissed his forehead and he whined, “Good night little prince.”
Soon you were walking a young Yuji to school and back. Watching how he ran and jumped on playground before you got to the school. He purposely woke up early to be able to play, “mommy!” Your eyes snapping to Yuji when he cried sitting on the stairs to a slide. Rushing over to him you knelt to see him cradling his knee. “What’s wrong did you get hurt?” He sniffled little cheeks getting red as he puffed them out.
“my knee.” You pouted with him when he moved his hand, “Don’t worry baby, I’ll fix it right up.” Pulling Yuji’s back pack off your shoulder you opened a little tin, it had bandaids you’d infused with cursed energy. Pulling out a bigger bandaid with a smiling chibi tigger your laid it over his knee, and he sniffled flinching, “Don’t worry, when you take it off you’ll be okay again.” Taking his face in your hands you kissed his forehead and he tried to hug you “thank chu.” He placed a wet kiss on your cheek that you wiped off when he wasn’t looking because you didn’t wanna hurt his little feelings.
“Alright! Let’s get you to school, I gotta buy some groceries for later.” You took his hands and he swung them back and forth, “Can we have noodles?”
He looked up at you starry eyed with a little bit of drool, you nodded, “Noddles with rice and fried egg?” He nodded excitedly “yeah!”
“Alright Yuji’s specialty to Start off the week it is.” You swung your hand with his and smiled looking ahead, stopping outside the schools gate where a teacher was waiting, “Bye mommy!” He hugged your side before rushing in, you waved at him when he turned back, “you didn’t say bye!” He screamed running back, “Bye Yuji,” he nodded running back before stopping again, “You didn’t tell me have a good day!” The teacher giggled when you smiled at her “Have a good day Yuji!” He nodded before you called him to come back, he was walking back and started running when he saw you kneel with open arms, when he ran into your hug you shook him side to side and he giggled. He leaned back from your hug “I love you Yuji, be good ,play nice and have a good day okay?” He gave a single nod, “Okay!” “Bye mommy love you!” He took off running, waving back at you with a closed eye smile.
“He’s very cute, everyone loves him and he’s very easy to make friends with.” The teacher smiled at you, “Yeah? That’s good, at least I know I don’t have to worry about him. Thank you.” You bowed your head to the teacher who brushed you off, “Please the pleasure is ours, Yuji is a little ray of sun on rainy days honestly.”
“Wasuke.” Was all you could say when he told you what he knew, “Yuji’s mother Kaori was a curse. It wasn’t hard to tell but I knew my son couldn’t handle it. I’m old in age and you might think I’m crazy, a loony old man. I failed to save my own son, I let him get taken by a curse, I could have saved him. But I was a coward, I saw that woman with her skull split open, she was dead and she should’ve stayed dead. But that thing living inside her…” you placed a hand on his.
“I understand what you mean Wasuke, I couldn’t save someone precious to me long ago to a curse. I could see them as long as I’ve been alive. That’s a world so cruel I wouldn’t wish for anyone to have to live through it…” your blank stare on his hand as he turned his hand over, “Who did you lose y/n?” His stare was fixed on you.
“I should tell you, it’s the only parting gift I have to give. Yuji was my son in what would be his previous life, his Father was a powerful man. One day a group sorcerer’s turned on him, sealing him away. His presence is strong in this world still, he’s alive. Yuji was our only son, and they took him from us dealing him in time to be reborn in a time distant from our. It was a mistake on their part. I was locked in a box called the Prison Realm, a place where Time stands still and you’ll lose your sanity before you die. A man following an ancient tale found that Box where our capturer’s died. I haven’t the slightest idea how he did it but he set me free in exchange I bless his wife with a healthy pregnancy, I did and for years I built a following. Before that, on the day of the attack Yuji and I made a binding Vow that I would find him again, it’s why he has that star shaped mark on his forearm. When I tell him this same story and he understands completely the Vow will be completed, and they’ll disappear.”
Wasuke looked at you, thinking over your words while staring at your arm where you had rolled up your sleeve, it was the same mark as Yuji. He started laughing head thrown back into his pillow “They could say I’m crazy. But they would label you insane, but at least we’d both have middle ground on the truth here.” He squeezed your hand weakly and you squeezed back, “Take care of Yuji, your son, my only grandson.” You nodded, “I will, I’ll do anything to make sure i never lose him or see him get hurt again. For what felt like endless nights I relived the same memory of him crying, screaming and reaching out, and I’ll be damned if I ever let that happen again.”
Wasuke nodded before patting your hand, “He’ll be getting home soon, you should be there for him, especially today.” You felt his words deeply, the ache in your chest, he was predicting his own death. You nodded before bowing at his bed side, “Thank you for everything Wasuke Itadori, I pray you find peace in the afterlife.”
He snorted waving you off, “find peace in this life or you’ll never have it. Now go.”
You were at home, it was quiet, the sound of boiling brother, the window cracked open letting the sound of crickets and bird coo’s fill the kitchen. Yuji had moved in with you when Wasuke was moved into the Hospital. Morí was at the table filling out a book from your old shrine. You had started shrine work here while Yuji was at school making sure to keep it private.
The sound of scribbling and your slicing of vegetables stopped when you looked out the window. It was setting, the sun, everything was quiet when you felt a sense of dread and a wave of cold wash over you. Scribbling stopped when the phone line began to ring, you knew what it was. “Hello, am I speaking with l/n y/n?”
“Yes, this is her.” A shaky breath, “Wasuke Itadori has passed away, I offer my condolences. Yuji Itadori is here and filling out the necessary paper work. We’ll give you a call when all the necessary preparations have been made.”
Thanking the nurse you hung up, trembling slightly as you tried to keep slicing vegetables. “Wasuke..” it didn’t take long for your noodles and rice to finish.
“Where’s Yuji? He should be home by no-” your entire body shook as you gasped, your heart thrumming in your chest, “ Ryomen…”
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@needsleep3000 @lunafrisk303999 @ang3lz-lov3 @christinerose380 @dl-yum @yumieis @bellinghambby22 @samatokisunfinishedcigarette @amitiel-truth @kundere20000000 @r0ckst4rjk @maybe-a-bi-witch @kouyoumarryme @wannabewolf @lunaizhere @futureittomainn @raiiny-night @3ve88 @sakuxxi @mercymccann
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satanxklaus · 1 month
♥︎ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 | charles leclerc x reader smau
✦ pairing : charles leclerc x fem!wife!reader ✦ summary : in which charles is a proud soccer dad and he got too enthusiastic during his daughter soccer match ✦ content warning : use of yn, badly translated french, attempted humor, crack fic ✦ faceclaim : girlies from pinterest
a/n: henlo !!1! idk why but i just feel like charles would be that type of soccer dad who gets too competitive and heated for no reason. had this idea randomly popped in my head while i was at work lol. lemme know what u think! enjoy~ (requests are open)
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liked by charles_leclerc, pascale.leclerc.355, scuderiaferrari and 187,937 more.
yninstagram not to be that soccer mom, but look!! fleur's already a star player!! xx
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charles_leclerc ✓ ma fille! ma fierté et ma joie, regarde-la!! (my daughter! my pride and joy, look at her!!)
❤️liked by yninstagram
user1 fleur is not even my kid but im crying,, shes so cute in her little soccer jersey 🥹
user4 wow the talent in sports must run deep in the family
❤️liked by charles_leclerc ✓
scuderiaferrari ✓ Fleur Leclerc for the next AS Monaco Football Féminin's star player 🙌🙌
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*time skip to thursday*
charles_leclerc posted a story
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user7 replied to your story ⤷ shes growing up so fast
maxverstappen1 ✓ replied to your story ⤷ thankfully you're not the one playing ⤷ one leclerc that can actually play football 😂 ⤷ charles_leclerc ✓ bro get off my page fr
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liked by pascale.leclerc.355, yninstagram, maxverstappen1, scuderiaferrari and 2,454,387 more.
charles_leclerc ✓ the sport genes truly does run in the leclerc family 😏😉 so so proud of my fleur, you will always be my number one champion 🫶🏻
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maxverstappen1 ✓ yes she gets the genes from yn. certainly not from you 😂😂
⤷ charles_leclerc ✓ you do not want to play that game with me, mate. ⤷ maxverstappen1 ✓ is that a threat??? hello?? ⤷ user6 😭😭 soccer dad charles is not playing any games w anyone
user8 yall saw that vid of charles beefing with a 5 year old over a damn soccer game?? LOL
⤷ user34 he was serious abt it too LMAOO
⤷ charles_leclerc ✓ oh no we gotta go.. 🏃‍♂️💨💨 ⤷ user34 nahh aint no way ur getting away with it bruh 😭
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charles_leclerc ✓
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liked by yninstagram, pascale.leclerc.355 maxverstappen1, scuderiaferrari and 4,769,387 more.
charles_leclerc ✓ in all seriousness, i apologize for the misunderstandings i have caused and the video that has been circulating around on the web. after hours and hours of apologizing to my beautiful wife (im forgiven thank god), i just wanted to say that my fleur and yn are both the greatest gift i've ever received in my life, no championships can ever compare. Papa sera toujours fier de vous deux et sera votre plus grand fan jusqu'à la fin des temps. (daddy will always be proud of you both and will be your biggest fan till the end of time)❤️❤️
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yninstagram je t'aime, mon monde entier 😘🩷 (i love you, my whole world)
⤷ yninstagram papa, je t'aime mais s'il te plaît, ne viens pas au prochain match de football - fleur xx 🩷 (daddy, I love you but please don't come to the next football game) ⤷ pascale.leclerc.355 les amours de ma vie 😂❤️ ⤷ charles_leclerc ✓ 😭😭pleurer et dormir sur le trottoir ce soir (crying and sleeping on the curbside tonight)
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⚠ 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 ⚠ : 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞.
© 𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘅𝗸𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰. 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱. 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆, 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗳𝘆, 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗮𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗼𝘄𝗻
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world0fmadness · 3 months
max verstappen x horror nepo baby! zombie! reader
featuring: lots of love from lewis because ever since i saw that picture of him wearing a cannibal holocaust t-shirt i’ve been convinced he fucking loves horror movies and lando being annoying in a friendly way
faceclaim: assorted but mainly sherri moon zombie
୨୧ max won the vote so here you go! there are some inaccuracies like rob zombie didn’t make the silent hill film, house of 1000 corpses came out in 2003 and stuff but hey, it’s fanfic, let me live <3
reading music recommendations: living dead girl by rob zombie - house of 1000 corpses by rob zombie - what? by rob zombie
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ynzombie: throwback to when little me was in my first ever horror movie ( and movie in general ) dad had me doing child labour for free because i’m his daughter… so sad 💔
robzombie ✔️: little liar, i paid you with candy and put money into your pre adult account 🖤
❤️ liked by ynzombie
maxverstappen ✔️: you were adorable liefde ❤️ though how you were in movies like this so young, i don’t know…
> ynzombie ✔️: thank you maxie moo <3 the horror love just runs in my love babe, you know that
ynlnhorrorqueen: a horror icon was born the day this movie came out…
> zombiesloveynzombie: a horror icon was born the day the world knew she existed lmao 😭
landonorris ✔️: you were a funny looking kid
> ynzombie ✔️: get the fuck OUT of here oh my god 😭 i genuinely might get my dad to cast someone who looks like you as a victim in his next film (spoiler alert: you will NOT be a final girl, you’ll be the dumbass who falls over a pinecone and gets decapitated)
❤️ liked by maxverstappen
> landonorris ✔️: 😟
lewishamilton ✔️: fucking hell… i saw this when it first came out! and you were a baby then and you’re a grown up now… feel well old now! so nice seeing how far you’ve come love ❤️
> ynzombie ✔️: you are old, practically a fossil at this point! thank you lewis
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ynzombie: house of 1000 corpses came out in theatres yesterday… did you guys love it? i know i fucking LOVED filming it and my dad LOVED making it ❤️
lewishamilton ✔️: loved it! incredible work yn, definitely a new favourite
> ynzombie: thank you lewis! i NEED to bring you on set next time
❤️ liked by lewishamilton
robzombie ✔️: no cursing
> ynzombie ✔️: i… dad have you seen the i do in your movies? i think you should be okay with cursing 😭
> robzombie ✔️: i’m kidding honey, curse all you want, you’re sure as shit old enough
zombiesloveynzombie: this movie… oh my god! yn zombie you should be imprisoned for making me obsessed with a character like baby firefly…
❤️ liked by maxverstappen
> maxverstrapon: max liking this comment lmao? sir can you even watch this movie?
> iluvf1: let him be 😭 he’s just supporting his gf
maxverstappen ✔️: so proud of you liefde ❤️
> ynzombie ✔️: i’m so proud of YOU for sitting through it without gagging at a nasty scene <3
> maxverstappen ✔️: i try, for you
❤️ liked by ynzombie
ynzombiehorrorqueen: i love how since yn was born and old enough, rob has basically never made any project without her being in it 🥺 he loves his daughter so much
landonorris ✔️: you’re a funny looking adult too actually…
> ynzombie ✔️: hope you die
> landonorris ✔️: maxverstappen come get yn she’s acting crazy again
> maxverstappen ✔️: i’m on her side this time, sorry mate
> landonorris ✔️: “ this time ” you’re ALWAYS on her side, she could skin me alive and roast me over a fire right in front of you and you’d be on her side
> maxverstappen ✔️: sounds like a you problem
❤️ liked by ynzombie
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ynzombie: finally took max to meet daddy dearest! he only sat in the car shaking for about 20 minutes ❣️
robzombie ✔️: he’s an alright kid, your mother loved the flowers, bring him around again soon hon 🖤
> ynzombie ✔️: for sure <3
danielricciardio ✔️: how’d you get him out of the redbull gear?
> ynzombie ✔️: told him my dad HATES redbull
> zombiesloveynzombie: LMAO 😭
maxverstrapon: bringing her mom flowers, helping her mom in the kitchen, opening the wine, wearing something not redbull related… this man wants to be parent approved SO BAD LMAO
maxverstappen ✔️: it wasn’t so bad, thank you for convincing me to come liefde ❤️
❤️ liked by robzombie and ynzombie
> ynzombie ✔️: i’m just glad you were comfortable maxie ❤️ love you lots
> iluvyn: she needed to convince him to come? omg…
> oldf1lvr: to be fair if my girlfriends dad was a horror director and i knew nothing about horror and could barely even sit through them i’d be pretty scared too 😭
> iluvf1: not to mention that her dad is just ROB FUCKING ZOMBIE? how was he not supposed to be scared? lmao
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ynzombie: sneak peek at mine and my dad’s new project! won’t be out for a while but i wanted to feed you guys ❤️
lewishamilton ✔️: can’t wait for this one yn! looks great already
> ynzombie ✔️: can’t wait to hear what you think when you see the full thing :D
❤️ liked by lewishamilton
> iluvf1: yn and lewis’ friendship will never not be adorable to me, they’re so close 🥹
> loveuyn: i mean, he LOVES all of her dads movies so it makes sense that they really easily befriended each other when max brought her to the grid for the first time
zombiesloveynzombie: yn playing another psycho ass bitch that i’m going to be obsessed with… I CANT WAIT
❤️ liked by maxverstrappen
maxverstappen ✔️: i think this one might be my favourite…
> ynzombie ✔️: because i kill characters who wanted to fuck my character?
> maxverstappen ✔️: yes :)
> maxverstrapon: max sitting through his girlfriends movies despite hating horror will always be SO CUTE to me, he lovesss her
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maxverstappen: she’s a 10 but she’s got a bit of a big ego ( she’s rewatching all of her own movies ) ❤️
ynzombie ✔️: hm… okay then
> loveuyn: max is so going to regret saying this… i just know it, we all know how petty yn can get, even over a joke lmao 😭
❤️ liked by ynzombie
landonorris ✔️: 🫣
lewishamilton ✔️: oh mate…
> maxverstappen ✔️: what? what’s happening? what have i done?
danielricciardo ✔️: 😶
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ynzombie: according to my lovely boyfriend, i have a large ego… i don’t know guys… anyways here’s some pictures from our weekend ❤️
maxverstappen ✔️: yn i’m begging you delete that first picture before your father sees it
> ynzombie ✔️: this is what you get for saying i had a big ego
> maxverstappen ✔️: i was KIDDING, liefde, please i beg you, delete
> ynzombie ✔️: i’m not deleting it
robzombie ✔️: yn, hon, would you ask your boyfriend to go into another room and call me? 🖤
> ynzombie ✔️: sure will dad!
> lewishamilton ✔️: maxverstappen good luck mate 👍
❤️ liked by ynzombie
maxverstrapon: the picture of him helping her clean the fake blood out of her hair… i want what they have 💔
> iluvf1: max is about to face the wrath of a father and you’re talking about that???
> maxverstrapon: ITS A CUTE PICTURE 😭
⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ ˚ NEW ADDED BONUS ˚ ୨୧ ⋆。˚ ⋆
the aftermath of a call from a concerned father
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marksmelodies · 10 months
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nct dreams reactions to meeting your baby who looks just like their dad for the first time
dad nct dream x fem reader
warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex and pregnancy
minors dni
note: i went crazy on jaemins part bc he’s so girl dad coded
“they’re here” mark looks at you
today was the day jae was going to meet some of his uncles, getting yourself situated on the couch holding your baby, mark let the guys in, immediately they all stand around in awe at the sight of yours and marks child
“woah he looks just like mark” chenle says
“well isn’t he the cutest thing ” jaemin gasps
“you wanna hold him?” you look to chenle as he seems completely indulged at the baby in front of him
“yeah of course” he says as you stand up handing him your child
“hi jae it’s your coolest uncle chenle, im gonna spoil you so much” he smiles as the baby looks up at him with his big brown eyes that look exactly like his fathers
“yeah right he’s going to love me more” haechan whines
one by one the boys carefully pass jae around
“mark your genes are strong, hes literally your spitting image” jeno says
“yeah man that’s my mini me” mark laughs
as the boys all get the chance to hold him you place jae in his crib, not long after he starts crying, mark picks him up slightly rocking him side to side calming him down
“isn’t he already the best dad ever” you say to the guys
“i remember meeting mark when we were kids and now he’s all grown up and a dad” jaemin says
“yeah man it’s really emotional seeing you two start a family together, it’s beautiful really” renjun states
“i still claim the credit of setting you two up so technically you all should be thanking me” haechan laughs
“oh shut up i would’ve ended up with her whether you were there or not haechan” mark jokes
you and mark look at your baby in awe
“we did good” he whispers as he kisses your head
“yeah we really did”
after buckling your baby boy into his car seat you walk to the passenger side getting into the car “all set” renjun asks before leaving the driveway
you and renjun were going to introduce the guys to Chaoxiang, as you pull into the parking spot you get chaoxiang out of his seat before placing the binki into his mouth
“babe you have everything?” you ask renjun who’s carrying the baby bag
“yeah we’re all good” he says heading to the dorm, a few seconds after knocking an excited mark opens the door
“hey come in, we blocked off apart of the room and baby proofed it” he says leading you to the area
“thank you guys” you say as you place the baby carrier onto the counter
renjun taking chaoxiang out of his carrier caused him to cry due to the sudden movements but renjun quickly calmed him
“oh my god he’s adorable” they say in unison as renjun gives the baby to mark
“he’s definitely renjuns kid” mark laughs
“he has all of his dads features” you say
“even the eyebrows are the same” jisung laughs
as the boys are all talking to renjun about fatherhood mark sits down next to you
“i bet this month has been rough on the both of you” he says
“yeah it’s definitely a big change but i wouldn’t have it any other way” you sigh
“you have a beautiful family y/n i cant wait to watch it grow” mark says
“thank you mark”
renjun walks up to you giving you a quick kiss
“they’re already asking when we’re trying for another one” renjun laughs
“oh god i don’t even want to think about being pregnant again for the next 3 years at least” you laugh
“you’re doing such a good job mama, i’m proud of how strong you’ve been” he gives you another kiss
“thank you jun, you’ve been so helpful and supportive throughout all of this, i love you so much”
“i love you more sweet girl”
you were currently at the dorms watching a movie with your boyfriend and his members
as the movie plays as jeno lays next to you rubbing your pregnant belly, feel yourself getting thirsty, looking over to jeno his eyes are focused on the screen
“i’m going to get some water” you say getting up and walking to the kitchen, chenle was standing by the microwave making popcorn as you tip toe around him to get a cup from the cabinet
chenle was facing you as you put ice into your cup, all of a sudden you feel liquid tricking down your leg and onto the kitchen floor
“oh my god” you lock eyes with chenle
“my water just broke” you say as chenle eyes go wide noticing the pile of liquid on the floor
“JENO” chenle yells on the top of his lungs
jeno quickly gets up from the couch walking into the kitchen, he knows exactly what happened by the look on both yours and chenles faces “ baby we need to go to the hospital” he says walking into his room quickly grabbing the bag you packed for when you went into labor
the boys are now up from their spots in the living room standing around the kitchen anxiously
“i’m sorry clean it up” you say looking at the liquid that’s still on the floor, grabbing some paper towels
“are you kidding y/n don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault, don’t worry about it” renjun says grabbing the towels out of your hands
“alright i think i got everything, let’s go meet our babygirl” jeno says to you as you head to the hospital
after hours and hours of painful contractions it was finally time to push, jeno standing right beside you as you squeezed his hand with every push
“you’re doing so good one more big push for me” the nurse says
finally the cries of your babygirl are heard as she enters the world
you look up to jeno crying as he smiles wider than you’ve ever seen, tears rolling down his face as well “you did such a good job, i’m so proud of you” he pushes the lose hair sticking to your sweaty forehead out of your face, placing a kiss to your head
the nurse looks at your baby in her arms and then to jeno and then at you“oh she looks just like her dad” the nurse smiles and handing the baby off you you “here she is mama you’re beautiful babygirl” the nurse says
“she’s so tiny” you stare at her in awe as tears continue to stream down your face
after spending one on one time with your daughter you give her to jeno as he takes her small frame into his arms “hi baby it’s your daddy, i can’t believe you’re finally here, you look so much like me” jeno giggles
after resting for a while the boys came to visit shortly, all standing in the hotel room looking at the baby in your arms
“jeno she has your nose” jaemin smiles
“and your eyes” chenle adds
“she has your lips and eyebrows too” renjun says studying the baby’s face
“she’s so incredibly beautiful, just like her dad” you say looking up at jeno as he kisses your lips
the guys get a chance to hold her, they all feel an overwhelming sense of love for her
“you’re already so loved” mark whispers to her
“we all promise to protect you sweet girl” jaemin says once the baby is in his arms
chenle takes the baby into his arms as he looks at her and all of her beauty, trying to blink the tears forming into his eyes he quickly hands the baby back to you before walking away wiping his tears
“awe chenle why are you crying” the boys tease him, he takes a minute wiping his eyes that are now red “ she’s just so precious, im so happy to be her uncle” he scoffs and shakes his head at himself for being so emotional
“she already loves you so much” you say to chenle as you and jeno try to hold in your tears
“you guys are going to be amazing parents” they all say
“such a beautiful family, im so happy for you both” haechan says
“hey sweet girl” haechan says as he holds his baby in his arms as she looks up at her dad with big eyes
“what time are the guys coming over” you ask your husband
“they should be here anytime now” haechan says
the doorbell rings and the boys pile through the door waiting to meet their niece, haechan walks in either the baby as they all coo at the sight of her
“wow shes gorgeous” renjun whispers
“just like her mama” haechan places a kiss to your lips
“she looks a lot like me though” haechan stands proud
“yeah she does, she’s literally your twin” mark laughs
you all let them hold her and talk to her while you and haechan sit on the couch together
“we should let them come over more often, free babysitting” he jokes
“all jokes aside im really proud of you and everything you’ve done for our family, i love you” he says kissing your temple
“thank you babe that means a lot”
you continue talking to the guys as they finally hand your baby back to you
“i’m gonna feed her” you look to haechan before going into the nursery, as you finish up you hear the guys talking about you
“she’s incredible honestly, i could never have gone through what she did and the fact that i didn’t hear her complain about the pain she was in once, she’s literally the strongest woman i know” you husbands voice echos through the house
“she’s such a good mom already, you found a good one haechan im really happy for you and your new family” mark says
you walk out of the room acting obvious to the conversation you overheard as you burp your daughter
“hey love i can do that, why don’t you get some rest” haechan says taking the baby from you as he puts her over his shoulder patting her back
“okay yeah i think ill lay down for a few, i love you ” you say going in for a kiss
as you lay down in your bedroom your mind begins to wonder how lucky you are for such an amazing husband, you knew no matter what life brought to you, as long as you were with him everything will be okay
jaemin sits on the couch with his toddler on his lap watching cartoons
“layla baby come get dressed your uncles are coming over to see you and your sister” you yell to your daughter
“coming mommy” she says running to her room
once you dress layla, brush her teeth and style her hair you let her play in her room making your way to you newest addition to your family min-jun changing and feeding her, you speed walk to the kitchen to clean up the breakfast table and do the dishes before you can get yourself get ready, as you approach the table all the dishes have been cleared and the table has been wiped down, looking to the kitchen you see jaemin scrubbing the dishes in the sink
walking over to him you hug him from behind
“everyday you remind me of all the reasons i married you, thanks for cleaning up babe” you say leaning your forehead against his back as you take in a deep breath, he wipes his hands dry before turning around engulfing you into a hug “ you don’t have to thank me, you’re not responsible for doing everything around here” he kisses your lips
“oh i would so have sex with you right now if i could” you say laughing
“those days of having alone time are long gone” he jokes
“yeah i love my little cockblockers though” you say as layla comes running into the kitchen
you and jaemin look at each other trying not to laugh
“speaking of the devil” jaemin says picking her up ticking her stomach causing her to laugh
“i got it from here babe go get ready” jaemin says, you nod walking into you and your husbands shared room
taking a shower, getting dressed, styling your hair and doing your makeup all the span of 25 minutes is a new power you attained since becoming a mom
“layla come in mommy and daddy’s room really quick” you say as jaemin joins you walking to the bedroom
you both sit on the bed with her as she looks up at the two of you
“mommy am i in trouble” she asks
“of course not sweetheart, daddy and i wanted to talk to you really quick before your uncles get here”
“now you know mommy just had your sister a little over two months ago” jaemin asks
“yup” she smiles
“well your uncles haven’t met her yet they are going come over today to meet her” he continues
“even though their attention might be on your sister that doesn’t mean that they don’t love you just as much, the same goes for mommy and i, today we have to make sure your uncles are careful with your sister because she’s not a big girl like you are yet, she needs a little more help from us” jaemin says
“okay but will daddy and uncle haechan still play dolls with me” she asks
“of course honey, we wouldn’t miss it for the world” jaemin says kissing her head before letting her run off
you lay your head on your husbands chest for a moment taking a deep breath
“you were made to be a dad, it comes so naturally to you” you say kissing his lips
“i can say the same about you, you’re the best mommy i know”
you latch your lips onto jaemins as you stratal his hips, jaemins hands immediately going to your side and your ass
“fuck baby” he hisses as you grind yourself onto his clothed dick
“i want you so bad ” you moan as you nibble on his ear
“what’s up- oh shit” haechan says bursting through your bedroom door
“jesus christ” jaemin says as you two practically jump off eachother
“who the fuck let you in” jaemin says trying to palm the boner in his pants
“my sweet angel layla” haechan laughs
“i thought we told her not to open the door” you say looking to jaemin
“yeah for strangers, sadly this idiot isn’t a stranger” he says
“daddy uncle haechan is here” layla says running into jaemin arms as he picks her up
“yeah baby i can see that, why don’t you, mommy and uncle haechan go wait for the others to arrive, daddy has to take care of something real quick” he says as she runs off again, jaemin stares at you and then at haechan letting out a deep sigh before rolling his eyes heading into the bathroom
you cant help but laugh as you bring haechan to see min-jun
“she’s beautiful” haechan says staring at her
“yet again another mini jaemin” you say laughing
“she looks exactly like him” he says
“you said the same thing about layla” you chuckle
hearing a knock on the door you open it as the rest of the dreamies come flooding in
“uncle jeno” layla runs up to him as he picks her up, after layla says hello to all of her uncles they follow you into the nursery
“layla let’s go play in your room” haechan says
“oh my god i feel like i’m looking at jaemin” chenle says as he hold your daughter
the guys pass around your daughter as jaemin comes into the room
“how come every baby she pushes out looks exactly like you” mark laughs
“my genes are strong what can i say” jaemin shrugs his shoulders
haechan appears in the doorway of the nursery
“i wouldn’t be surprised if next week jaemin comes into practice saying y/n is pregnant again, i walked into them nearly making baby number three today”
“someone should definitely babysit tonight” jaemin says as he wraps his arms around you
“oh stop it” you say smacking his arm
“daddy” layla yells from her room
“coming princess” he yells back before leaving the nursery
“i pray everyday that min-jun doesn’t turn out to be another daddy’s girl” you laugh
the boys stay for dinner as layla sits between haechan and jeno, you excuse yourself early to feed min-jun, jaemin walks into the room as you’re feeding her
“my mom said she’ll watch layla tonight” he says excitedly
“why?” you ask
“i told her we desperately needed some alone time and she offered to take her for tonight”
“jaemin you seriously just admitted to your mother that you want to have sex” you say disgusted
“i mean you are my wife i don’t see what the problem is”
“geez you’re too open and honest sometimes” you sigh “ i mean if layla wants to sleep over there then that’s fine i guess ” you say
returning back to the table you hear jaemin asking layla about the sleepover
“a sleepover with grandma?!” she says excitedly
“yes sweetheart after dinner we can go pack your bag”
“yay i’m so excited” she says
“oh me too” jaemin laughs as the guys just stare at the both of you
“he’s absolutely ridiculous” you roll your eyes
“baby number three let go” haechan jokes
“oh don’t worry he’ll be wrapping it” you say loud enough for jaemin to hear as the guys nearly joke on their food
the boys all say their goodbyes to your girls as they head out
“oh thank god min-jun is asleep and layla almost packed” jaemin says walking back into the living room
“ i’ll drop layla off at your moms” jeno says
“really, that would be so nice of you” you say hugging him
“yeah no problem, enjoy your alone time” he says smirking as he pats jaemin on the back
“layla are you almost done picking out what plushie you want to bring” you husband yells
she comes out of the room with her big backpack on
“uncle jeno is going to take you to grandmas okay” you say your goodbyes as jeno carries her out of the house
closing the door you take a deep breath
“let’s go run a bath sweetheart, i’ll bring the baby monitor” jaemin says
as you lay in the bath together, jaemins arms wrapped around your waist “i didn’t know i genuinely needed this tonight but i definitely did, thanks babe” you say
“just wait till we get into bed, i’ll be giving you something else you definitely need” he says kissing your neck
backstage after the performance you text chenle to come meet you in the hallway of the dressing room he walks out kissing both you and his son jiahao
“good job today lele you did amazing” you kiss him once more
“oh my goodness what does his shirt say” chenle notices your sons shirt
you hold jiahao up so that chenle can read what is printed onto the shirt
“you think you’re cool? well my dad is zhong chenle” he reads aloud
“haha i love it babe” he laughs taking jiahao from you kissing your lips
“let’s go see your uncles huh?” he says bringing you and your son into the dressing room
“oh my god”
“he so cute”
“let me hold him”
the boys all yell from inside the room
“calm down you’re gonna scare him” chenle rolls his eyes, handing his son off to renjun, the boys all take a good look at him
“chenle hes your carbon copy” renjun laughs
“yeah he’s got your big head” haechan says
“yeah chenle had the easy part in the making of him yet here he is, after being inside of me for nine months looking exactly like his daddy” you joke
“and you love it” chenle kisses you head
“yeah i do” you nod
“gosh he’s so cute” jisung says looking down at the boy
“of course he his he’s my kid” chenle jokes as jisung rolls his eyes
“sit down my love, rest for a little” chenle says to you, chenle joins you on the couch
“i’m so proud of our little family” he says as you rest your head on his shoulder
“i am too lele, thank you for being such a good dad ”
“i’m only half as good as you are babymama” you slap his arm playfully
“i hate when you call me that”
“i know” he chuckles
you and jisung were laying comfortably together on the couch until your daughter ha-yun started crying from her crib
standing up you walk over to her taking her out of her bed, sitting back onto the couch with jisung you take the binky out of her mouth as you pull your shirt down replacing it with your nipple
jisung smiles at the two of you as he places his arm around your shoulder
“i love my girls” he says pressing a kiss to your temple, once you finish feeding your daughter you pass her to jisung so that he can burp her
“i think the boys should be here anytime soon” he says getting up placing the baby over his shoulder as he pats her back
you get up and head to the bathroom making yourself look a little more presentable
“babe” you hear jisung yell across the house
“what” you yell back
“ha-yun threw up all over me and the boys are on their way up can you take her for a second” he says
you can’t help but to laugh a little bit
“yeah i got her go get cleaned up”
as the boys arrive you open the door for them telling them that your daughter is in her crib as
they all stand around her
“you can pick her up and hold her if you want” say sitting back on the couch
jeno picks her up rocking her back and forth
“holy shit it’s literally a girl version of jisung” haechan says looking at your daughter
“speaking of jisung where is he?” chenle asks
“ha-yun threw up on him right before you guys got here” you say chuckling
“good girl” chenle coos at your daughter slightly shaking her foot
“i heard that” jisung says walking back from the bedroom
“she’s so adorable” renjun says
“she’s jisungs twin” you respond
“i cant believe our little jisung is a dad now” mark says
“he’s all grown up” he adds
“i still remember the day jisung called me freaking out about him knocking y/n up” chenle laughs
“i wasn’t freaking out” jisung defends himself
“i’m pretty sure you were, i didn’t even get the chance to say hello before you were like ““ holy shit i got my girlfriend pregnant”” chenle uncontrollably laughs
“yeah well it doesn’t matter now i have my beautiful girls, my lovely little family” he kisses you
“you guys really did make a cute baby i cant lie” renjun says
“thank you” you smile
“i still refuse to believe my little innocent jisung helped make this baby” haechan jokes
“innocent is crazy, how do you think babies are made haechan” jisung laughs
“ew i really don’t want to think about you two doing it” chenle makes a face
“you corrupted him y/n” haechan laughs
“guilty as charged” you say kissing him once again
“i have a feeling that this is one of many babies to come into the park family” jaemin laughs
“we’re already talking about trying for another one next year” you say half joking half not
“geeze jisung, make sure to put a ring on it before the next one at least” renjun laughs
“y’all are gonna be real busy” haechan makes a grossed out face
mark hits his shoulder
“shut up dude you’re so annoying”
“i meant busy with two babies” haechan defended himself
“no you didn’t” chenle laughs
“enough about our sex life” jisung says
“you all will understand one day when you meet the one” you smile to jisung
hope you enjoyed, this was so fun to write!!
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misspygmypie · 28 days
Meet & Greet... and more? Pt. 10
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader Words: 2434 Click here for Part 9
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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Lando and Y/N stood in the Norris family living room and Y/N felt her heart racing as she looked at Lando. They had discussed how they would share this countless times, yet now that it was happening, the magnitude of it all was overwhelming. Sensing her nervousness Lando squeezed her hand, reassuring her in a silent way.
Adam and Cisca sat across from them on the sofa. Cisca, always intuitive, had sensed that something significant was about to unfold. “So what’s going on?” she asked with a curious smile. “What’s the big secret?”
Lando exchanged a quick, comforting glance with Y/N before crouching down beside Noah. The 5-year-old had been busily playing with his toy car but he knew it was his moment to shine. Lando leaned in close and whispered, “Are you ready to tell Grandma and Grandpa the special news?”
Noah nodded eagerly, his small face lighting up. They had practiced this moment together and now, with Lando by his side, he felt confident. With a little nudge from the young man Noah stepped forward, clutching his toy car tightly in one hand.
The room grew silent as Noah looked up at Cisca and Adam, who he started calling his grandparents a while ago, his eyes wide and bright. “Mummy and Lando are getting married,” he announced proudly, his voice carrying across the room.
For a brief moment the room was still, the words hanging in the air. Then Cisca gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as her eyes filled with joyful tears. “Oh, my God! That’s wonderful news” she exclaimed while Adam’s face split into a broad grin and he immediately stood up to embrace Lando and Y/N. “Congratulations, you two,” he said warmly, pulling them both into a tight hug. “We’re so happy for you.”
Cisca quickly followed, wrapping Y/N in a tight, heartfelt embrace. “Y/N, we’re so thrilled to officially welcome you to the family,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion and sincere. She then turned to Lando, her eyes shining with pride. “And you, Lando, we couldn’t be prouder.”
Lando felt a wave of relief and happiness as he hugged his parents. He had always known they would be supportive, they both loved Y/N and Noah already, but seeing their joy firsthand was overwhelming. He looked over at Y/N who was smiling through her own tears and felt his heart swell with love.
Meanwhile Noah, basking in the praise and attention, grinned proudly. He had done exactly what Lando and Y/N had asked him to and seeing the joy on everyone’s faces made him feel like the hero of the day. Cisca noticed and knelt down to his level, wrapping him into her arms. “And you, my little love, you did such a great job telling us,” she said, kissing his cheek. “You’re going to be the best ring bearer ever.”
Noah giggled, nodding enthusiastically. “I’m gonna carry the rings,” he declared, making everyone laugh.
“You’ve got yourself a great little family here, son,” Adam directed at Lando, “We’re so proud of you both.”
Lando felt his throat tighten with emotion as he looked at his parents. “Thanks, Dad. It means the world to us to have your blessing,” he said, his voice thick with feeling.
As the initial excitement began to settle they all moved to sit together in the dining room. Cisca, ever the hostess, hurried off to the kitchen to bring out the dinner she had prepared and soon they all sat together enjoying the meal.
“So, have you two thought about any wedding plans yet?” Cisca asked, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “A date? A venue?”
“We have a few ideas, but nothing’s set in stone yet,” Y/N said, feeling the butterflies return at the thought of all the planning ahead.
Lando nodded. “Yeah, we’re thinking of something intimate, with just close family and friends,” he added. “But we wanted to share the news with you first before making any big decisions.”
Cisca smiled warmly. “Whatever you choose, I know it’ll be perfect,” she said. “And if you need any help with the planning, I’m always here.”
Adam nodded in agreement. “We’re just happy to be part of this journey with you,” he said, reaching over to squeeze Y/N’s hand. “And Noah, too,” he added, ruffling the boy’s hair. “You’re going to be a very important part of this wedding, young man.”
Noah beamed, clearly pleased with his role in the family’s plans. He was already imagining himself walking down the aisle with the rings, feeling both proud and a little grown-up.
After the hearty meal Noah, tired from his big moment and the excitement of the evening, began to grow drowsy. He had been sitting on the floor by Lando’s feet but now, as his eyelids drooped, he climbed onto the sofa and snuggled up to Lando. Without a word Lando gently lifted him onto his lap, wrapping an arm around the boy as Noah rested his head on Lando’s shoulder, his toy car still clutched in his small hand.
Y/N watched them with a soft smile, her heart full as she saw the bond between her son and Lando. It was a perfect moment, one that captured the love and warmth they shared as a family.
Eventually, with Noah fast asleep on Lando’s shoulder, Y/N and Lando decided it was time to head home. They exchanged final hugs and goodnights with Adam and Cisca, who were still beaming with happiness. “We’ll start planning soon,” Lando promised as he carefully stood up, cradling Noah in his arms. “But for now, we just wanted to share this moment with you.”
Cisca nodded, her eyes still shining with tears of joy. “We’re so glad you did, darling,” she said, giving them both one last squeeze. “You’ve made us so happy.”
As Lando and Y/N stepped out into the cool night air, with Noah softly snoring against the young man’s shoulder, they both felt happier than ever. The night had been perfect and now, with the blessing of Lando’s parents, they were ready to start planning the rest of their lives together.
“We did it,” Lando whispered to Y/N as they were walking to the car, leaning in to kiss her temple.
Y/N smiled up at him, her heart full. “We did,” she replied, glancing at Noah. “And Noah was amazing.”
Lando laughed softly, nodding in agreement as he carefully placed Noah into his car seat. “Didn’t expect anything else,” he said, watching as Noah stirred slightly but remained asleep, his small face peaceful.
During their drive to the hotel Lando squeezed Y/N’s hand, his eyes flickering to her with nothing but love. “Thank you,” he said softly. “You and Noah are my everything.”
A few weeks later Lando stood on the balcony of his apartment in Monaco, gazing out over the Mediterranean Sea. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the city. It was a perfect evening, one he had carefully planned but his mind was filled with thoughts and a bit of anxiety as well. He had been with Y/N for over a year before getting engaged two months ago and tonight he was going to ask her and Noah to make a huge decision.
The three of them were spending the weekend in Monaco together. It was the first time Y/N and Noah had visited since their relationship had gotten more serious and Lando wanted to show them why he loved it so much here.
They had explored the Old Town, visited the nearby beach and even took a boat ride around the harbor. Noah had been particularly fascinated by the yachts, his eyes wide with wonder as he asked Lando all sorts of questions about them.
He loved them both more than anything but he knew this wasn’t just about them. It was also about Noah. The little boy had his life back home, friends, a school he liked, a neighborhood he was comfortable in. Lando had seen the joy in Noah’s eyes when he played with his friends and the last thing he wanted was to take that away from him. But Lando also knew that Monaco could offer them a wonderful life, one full of new experiences and opportunities.
Y/N walked up beside him, leaning on the balcony railing. She looked out at the view, a soft smile on her lips. “It’s so beautiful here,” she murmured, her voice calm yet thoughtful.
Lando turned to look at her, his heart starting to pound. “It is. And it could be our home.”
Y/N glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. She had a feeling where this conversation was heading but she stayed quiet, letting Lando find his words.
“I’ve been thinking a lot,” Lando began, taking her hand in his. “About us, about our future. I love you, Y/N and I love Noah like he’s my own son. These past few months have been the happiest I’ve ever been and I want more of that, every day, for the rest of our lives.”
Y/N smiled, her eyes softening as she squeezed his hand. “I love you too, Lando. You’ve been amazing to us.”
He took a deep breath, his nerves getting the better of him for a moment. “I want you and Noah to move here, to Monaco, with me. I know it’s a big change and I know Noah has his friends and his life back home but I believe we can make a beautiful life here together. I want us to be a real family, all of us under one roof. No more traveling around just to see each other for a few days or hours. We can be together all the time, I would come home to you two instead of having to travel to see you.”
Y/N’s smile faltered slightly as she thought about it. She had always known this conversation would come but now that it was here she couldn’t help but feel the weight of it. “Lando, I love you and I love the idea of us all being together but I’m worried about Noah. He’s still so young and his friends mean the world to him. He’s just started to really settle in at school. What if moving here is too much for him?”
Lando’s expression softened as he saw the concern in her eyes. He had thought about this a lot and he understood her fears. “I know it’s a big change,” he said gently. “But I think Noah’s stronger than we realize. Kids are adaptable and I’ll do everything I can to make sure the transition is smooth for him. We can find a great school here, one where he can make new friends. And I promise I’ll spend as much time with him as I can, making him feel comfortable and at home. We’ll visit his old friends whenever we can and they can visit us too. It’ll be different but it doesn’t have to be hard.”
Y/N bit her lip, still unsure. She wanted to believe him but the thought of uprooting her son’s life was daunting. “But what if he feels lonely? What if he struggles to make friends? It’s such a big move, Lando.”
Lando cupped her face in his hands, his eyes filled with love and determination. “Y/N, I’ll be here with you every step of the way. We’ll do this together, as a team. I know Noah will need time to adjust and there will be challenges but we’ll face them together and I’ll make sure he never feels alone.”
Y/N looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and the love in them. She knew Lando was serious about this and he was ready to do whatever it took to make sure Noah was happy and comfortable in their new life.
Before she could respond they heard the sound of tiny feet pattering toward them. Noah came running out onto the balcony, his face lit up with excitement. “Lando, Lando! Can we go see the boats again tomorrow?” he asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.
Lando grinned. “Of course, buddy. We can see the boats every day if you want.”
Noah’s face lit up even more, his joy contagious. “Really? Every day?”
“Yep, every day. And you know, if you lived here, we could see them all the time.”
Noah’s eyes widened with surprise. “I could live here?”
Y/N watched as Noah’s excitement grew, her heart caught between her love for Lando and her concern for her son. But seeing how happy Noah was at the thought of living in Monaco, she began to wonder if maybe, just maybe, Lando was right. Maybe they could make this work…
With a deep breath, Lando decided it was time for a little extra persuasion. “You know what else would be fun?” he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “If we moved here, we could get a dog!”
Noah’s eyes grew even wider, his mouth forming a perfect “O” of surprise. “A dog? Really?”
“A dog?!” Y/N chimed in as well, clearly surprised at the suggestion.
Lando nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! We could go to the shelter and pick out a puppy together. It could be your new friend in Monaco. What do you think?”
Noah bounced with excitement, his little fists clenched in glee. “I want a dog that can play with me!”
“Lando, you’re only suggesting this because you want a dog,” Y/N shook her head.
The man chuckled. “Guilty,” he exclaimed and placed a soft kiss to her temple.
Y/N chuckled, her heart warming at the sight of Noah’s excitement. She turned back to Lando, seeing the genuine happiness in his eyes. “A dog would be a big responsibility but I think it might be a great idea. Noah would love it.”
“We’ll make sure it’s the perfect dog for us,” Lando’s smile widened, and he pulled Y/N into a gentle embrace. “And it will give Noah a new friend to help with the transition.”
Y/N looked at her son. She saw the joy in his eyes and the hope that Lando’s proposal had ignited. “Okay, let’s do it. Let’s move to Monaco and get a dog.”
Lando’s face lit up with pure joy as he scooped Noah up into his arms, spinning him around with laughter. “Thank you, Y/N. I promise you, we’ll make this the best adventure ever.”
Stay tuned for Part 11! Sorry this is late, I'm coming down with sth and I'm not happy lol
Tag: @barcelonaloverf1life @remmysthings @poppyflower-22 @vickykazuya @hadids-world @ririyulife @deafeningunknowntyrant @lexiecampos @littlegrapejuice @eloriis @yawn-zi @landossainz @taliya8346282844eliviahdgdajs @casuallyeating @jaydensluv @destinyg237 @il0vereadingstuff @lnchicagosreads @alana4610 @hc-dutch @cherry-piee @wisestarfishbouquet
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
Book Club - Part 6
pairing: Lance Stroll x Reader, Grid x Reader
summary: you and lance have a talent for traumating the grid *insert emotional damage meme here*
requests open masterlist
It was safe to say that that you and Lance were still very much in your honeymoon phase when you got to testing. Both of you very tan from your weeks spent on the beach.
“Y/n! You surprised the world when you announced your marriage and name change, Anything you want to say about it?” One of your favorite interviewers asks you as you walk hand in hand to the paddock with Lance.
“Sure, yeah. Lance and I have been together for a long time, so getting married was just the natural next step. It was a small wedding with close friends and family. Regarding my new name, alittle over a year ago, Kimi offered to mentor me and we forged a very close bond. He is basically my father and his kids are my siblings, so with the blessing of the family I wanted to honor the relationship the best way I knew how. Racing under the Räikkönen name is such a huge honor and I can’t thank my dad and family enough for the honor,” you beam, more than happy to talk about your family.
“How did Kimi react when you told him you were taking his name both legally and when racing,” she asks, your joy infectious.
“He was so happy, I told him at the wedding, yeah. We are such a tight family, I can’t thank them enough for bringing me into their family and allowing me to take their last name. And Lance has been wonderful about it, he actually suggested hyphenating the names,” you tell her. Usually you are pretty tight lipped, but you with happily talk with her.
“Alright, onto what actually matters. How are you feeling going into testing with Red Bull?” she asks and you take a step back into your normal interview style.
“Good. I certainly miss Checo here, but the car feels good. We will see how testing goes and work from there,” Lance gives you a look that says you will be late and the journalist notices.
“Thanks for chatting, and congratulations,” she says and you nod in thanks before walking away.
“You look very hot today, Mrs Räikkönen-Stroll,” Lance says kissing the side of your head.
“Maybe so, but nothing compares to you post race,” your cheeks flame a little. Lance pulls you into a small alley between motorhomes. You are pressed against the wall as Lance kisses you, hands tangled in each other’s hair.
“OH MY GOD!” you hear Daniel shriek.
“MY EYES!” Valtteri screams. Lance quickly pulls away from you as the four of you look at each like deer in the headlights. Daniel and Valtteri quickly walk away, leaving you and Lance giggling like school kids.
The club atmosphere was off when you walked in, taking a seat beside Logan. Valtteri can’t look you in the eyes while Daniel isn’t sure whether his is proud or scarred for life.
“Fernando, I was not aware of your taste in books,” Nico says, a little flushed thinking about what they had to read.
“Yeah, a smut book? We do have innocent eyes here,” Kevin looks at you and Logan.
“Innocent?” Logan asks, a breathy laugh behind it.
“The beach scene?” Lewis suggests you all start on.
“The writing was phenomenal, the author really captured the emotions and sensations. It read so raw, so lifelike. It was one of the few times that art imitated life. She captured every intimate thought and feeling that a woman gets when she is having sex. I remember during the honeymoon when Lance and I did something similar on the private beach and wow, the author really nailed it,” you say, not quite realizing what you had just revealed to the group.
“Damn, Y/n, I didn’t realize you and Lance were freaks like that. Respect,” Daniel says, never being one to shy away from sex. Your face twists in mortification at what you unintentionally revealed. The guys look at eachother mortified as well.
You were an adult, they knew that, but in their subconscious mind you haven’t done anything more than kiss a boy. That’s how you end up following them as they storm across the paddock.
“Logan! Help me stop them,” you look at him with panic in your eyes as the group nears the Aston Martin garage.
“Hell no, this is so funny,” he says and you huff. You see the guys cornering Lance.
“YOU RUINED OUR DAUGHTER?!” Fernando yells at his teammate. You just want to sink into a corner and die, similar to how Lance appears.
“Our precious, innocent, child. What’s next? Logan has slept with a girl?” Valtteri says.
“HEY!” Logan yells in offense. The guys’ faces drain of more color.
“You too? This isn’t ok,” Kevin says and you spot Max and Lando trying not to laugh, the two of them having seen the commotion and wanted to check it out.
“I think you guys are forgetting that the three of us are consenting adults, we aren’t kids anymore,” you say softly, Logan and Lance standing by you, the latter still scared.
“Tell that to Kimi,” Nico chuckles and you groan at the mention of your dad.
“Alright, stop harassing my teammate, we have meetings,” Max breaks everyone up, leading you away.
“Thanks, Maxie,” you let out a breath of relief.
“Do I want to know?” he laughs.
“No, I don’t think so,” you return his laugh. You just hope that your book club meeting will be smoother tomorrow morning.
The next morning, you walk into the room happy and perky as usual.
“You okay, Fernando?” Logan asks when he notices Fernando on his third cup of coffee and the tiredness in his eyes.
“The hotel has thin walls. My hotel room shares a wall with Lance’s,” Fernando says, giving you a look that makes you blush in embarrassment, wishing the earth would open up and eat you whole.
“It is natural. They are young and in love, maybe we will have a baby Stroll soon,” Lewis says and your eyes light up.
“We will!” you say, quickly pulling out your phone. The older drivers hearts sink, all slightly panicking. “Oh my god, I’m not pregnant guys, we are just getting a puppy,” you laugh at their faces.
“I would like to make a motion to kick Y/n out of the book club due to the amount of emotional distress she has given the members this weekend,” Valtteri says, and your jaw drop.
“Alright alright, but you don’t understand the almost of trauma I went through having rooms that neighbored all of you during my first year here,” you point your finger at all of them.
“Motion denied,” Daniel sighs, knowing he was probably one of the main culprits.
“So, this dog?” Nico says, changing the subject.
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since I’m too young to have a baby (according to the club) here is my baby holding our baby, Milo Stroll ❤️🐾🐶
logansargeant look at how big his paws are! he’s gonna be a big boy 😍
y/username his favorite uncle 🥰
danielricciardo @y/username I take offense to that
user1 y/n really had me in the first half
nicohulkenberg she had us too the first time she brought up Milo in conversation
lancestroll what a hot mama 😮‍💨
y/username nothing compared to the absolute DILF holding my sweet puppy in the picture
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fallstaticexit · 4 days
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Prev / Next / Beginning / Pillowfort
TW: Sim Spice / Violence
DJ Plays: I Get Around- Tupac Shakur
Transcript under the cut
Nancy Narrates: [When church and prayer stopped providing solace, I felt lost, just as the cards predicted. Thoughts of Vanessa continued to consume me, leaving me hollow and desperate to feel anything at all]
Becca: [whispers] Is this seat taken?
Nancy: [whispers] The bench is kind of full, Becca-
Becca: [whispers] It’s ok! I’ll just squeeze right in!
Geoffrey: [whispers] Oh. Hey Becca.
Becca: [whispers] Hii Geoffrey! Looking very handsome in your sweater!
Geoffrey: [whispers] Aw, thanks! Nancy dresses me. [chuckles]
Becca: [whispers] She obviously has such great taste.
Becca: [squeals] Go Geoffrey!! Woooo hooo!
Becca: Nancy! Nancy, did you see that? Oh, he is so athletic! No wonder, I mean he has the perfect physique for it.
Nancy: [sighs] Trying to study, please.
Geoffrey: [panting] Hey! Are you hungry?
Becca: I could eat!
Geoffrey: Oh! Well...I was kind of asking-
Becca: Oh! So, there’s this diner that I can take you to. I mean, the both of you! I’ve gone there since I was knee high and it’s sooo good! The best key lime pie you could eat and more. We’ll go after your practice, Mr. Hungry Man.
Geoffrey: [chuckles] Ok? Yeah, then it’s a date, I guess. Gotta get back to it. I love you, Nancy.
Becca: [sighs] Can I ask you a question?
Nancy: Sure?
Becca: Are you still a virgin?
Nancy: [hisses] Excuse me?! That’s personal, don’t you think?
Becca: [giggles] I’m not asking to be nosy, sister! I’m asking because I marvel at your strength in resisting temptation. Geoffrey is beautiful but your love for God is strong. I’m still pure too, by the way. I’m sure other girls struggle with those desires. Not us, right, Nancy?
Bob: I’ll leave you love birds to it. This eagle got a hot date with a cutie pie named Eliza. Don’t wait up.
Nancy: [snorts] Go get ‘em tiger!
Geoffrey: Be home at a decent time young man! No funny business!
Bob: Ok, dad! See you guys!
Nancy: So. Becca sure is your biggest fan, isn’t she? Always giving you eyes and pushing her big chest in your face. Is that what you like?
Geoffrey: [laughs] What? Where’s all this coming from?
Nancy: [rolls eyes] She’s always there, waiting for the right moment to jump on you. It’s infuriating.
Geoffrey: [laughs] Aw, come on, Nance. She’s just- being Becca. It’s nothing like that.
Nancy: So, I’m making it all up? Is that it?
Geoffrey: [softly] Hey. I only ever want to look at you, Nancy. You’re all I see.
Nancy: You promise? You’ll never leave me?
Geoffrey: I promise.
Nancy: Do you forgive me?
Geoffrey: [frowns] What-
Nancy: Just say yes, please. Say you forgive me.
Geoffrey: I forgive you.
Nancy: [breathlessly] I need you.
Geoffrey: I thought you wanted to wait? A-are you sure?
Nancy: [shakes head] Your mouth. Use your mouth. Hurry. Please..
Geoffrey: Ok. [swallows nervously] Ok, I’ll take care of you.
DJ Plays: I Get Around- Tupac Shakur
Back to get wrecked, all respect To those who break their neck to keep their hoes in check
‘Cause, oh, they sweat a brother majorly And I don't know why your girl keeps pagin' me
She tell me that she needs me, cries when she leaves me
And every time she sees me, she squeeze me—lady, take it easy!
Hate to sound sleazy, but tease me I don't want it if it's that easy
Eliza: [laughs] How do you survive being around all these dumb boys all day.
Nancy: It’s alot easier than it looks.
Teammate: We’re running low on ice!
Teammate: Make the freshmen get it!
Geoffrey: Ok, ok! I’ll get it!
Becca: Hi Geoffrey.
Geoffrey: Oh, hey Becca! What’s up?
Becca: You had such a great season. I bet you’re really proud.
Geoffrey: I’m just glad I finally found a sport I don’t suck at it.
Becca: Can I help you bring up the ice?
Geoffrey: Ahhh, sure! More the merrier.
Geoffrey: 4 should be enough, right? What do you think?
Becca: I think so too. You know, I was hoping to get some advice, if that’s ok.
Geoffrey: You want my advice?
Becca: I do. One thing this campus lacks are sensitive, beautiful men like you. Only you would understand how I feel.
Siobhan: Enjoying yourself, Nancy? One of the many perks of being a Theta are our legendary parties. Have you thought about pledging?
Nancy: I don’t know. Being around a bunch of women? I wouldn’t enjoy that.
Siobhan: Honey, there’s nothing more empowering than being around women, especially strong women. Look, we are hosting a charity fundraiser this weekend at the art gallery. You should come. We’ve invited all our alumnae as well.
Nancy: [stunned] My mother will be there?
Teammate: [snorts] He‘s probably being preached at by that church girl.
Eliza: Oh, yeah. I saw her follow him out. Bella? Brianna?
Nancy: Becca?
Geoffrey: Whoa! Um, w-what are you doing?
Becca: Do you struggle with resisting temptation?
Geoffrey: Resisting- Huh??
Becca: I ask because, no matter what I do, I still want to look extra pretty just for you. I bought this dress with you in mind. Do you like it?
Becca: Do you like the way it hugs my body?
Geoffrey: Um...you know I’m with Nancy, right? She’s my girlfriend.
Becca: What do you see in her anyway? She’s so cold and detached from you. I never see her smile when she’s with you. She never looks at you the way I do. I noticed the way you smile when you look at me though. I think we’d be so good together.
Geoffrey: Ok, stop! Becca, I don’t feel the same way!
Becca: [frowns] You don’t? But you’re so nice to me. Don’t you like me?
Geoffrey: You’re a really nice girl, Becca. I know you’ll make some guy so happy one day, but I can’t be that guy for you. I love Nancy. She’s complex but that’s what I love about her. I always will.
Geoffrey: Wait- don’t cry! Please don’t cry. Look, let’s forget this ever happened and just grab the ice and- Nancy?
Nancy Narrates: [I don’t know what came over me]
Nancy: Touch him again, I will fucking kill you.
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clockwayswrites · 10 months
A Broken Sort of Normal, Part 18
WC: 1565, Masterpost
“Here to bring me to a debrief?” Danny asks the shadow lurking in the doorway. He swears that Batman almost looks chastised at that. “It’s fine, Batman, I know how these things work.”
“The core Titans are insisting on being there, for moral support,” Batman rumbles. “If you aren’t comfortable with that, they’ll be sent away.”
Danny chuckles; that really is like them. “No, I might as well only go through it all once. Besides, that’s sweet. Can I at least take the time to put on real clothing?”
Batman narrows his eyes at Danny. “You’re still injured. Loose clothing only.”
“Gods, how does no one see what a dad you are,” Danny teases.
Batman smiles, just for a moment, before he turns to sweep over dramatically out of the room. “I’ll send in Flash with some approved clothing.”
“That better be my Flash you’re sending in!” Danny calls after Batman. When the doorway is free of the luring hero, Danny lets himself fall back against the pile of pillows.
A debrief. How is he supposed to explain any of this? So far he hasn’t been allowed to explain things, really. Part of it is that he’s spent most of the last several days asleep. When he has been awake, it’s to a rotating cast of heroes; all heroes that he was close to and knew behind the mask. With every able bodied hero busy with clean up, no one has been able to stay long. He sees Barry the most, what with the other’s leg, but even Barry is busy helping coordinate the recovery efforts.
(Danny’s also pretty sure that they’re using the chance to visit him as a way to make people take a break.)
While the heroes are with him, it’s been mostly Danny getting updated on everyone and whoever is with him getting information to update everyone else with. They won’t even let him work, but they do pass on information about his crews at least. It’s Wally who’s with him the most. Wally was there the first time Danny woke and as Danny breathed through panic attacks and to patiently reply to the endless stream of messages for Danny.
Speak of the devil… Danny’s phone chimes again.
He can’t look at it.
He hasn’t been able to look at it since the first message from Jasmine came in. Since they all remembered.
Wally hadn’t asked. He had just let Danny shake apart in his arms and has handled Danny’s phone from then on. ‘This is Danny’s boyfriend. He’s alive and will recover. He’ll contact you at a later time.’
“I thought we put that thing on silent,” Wally says with a glare at the phone as he steps into the room.
Danny makes shameless grabby hands at the clothing. “So did I. Who is it?”
Danny’s proud that his voice doesn’t shake at the question.
Maybe it’s fair that they’ve all been avoiding the big big questions. Maybe it really is obvious that he’s still only hanging on by a thread. He certainly feels less like a live wire and more like the one, stubborn fuse still humming in the circuit breaker.
He certainly feels weak.
“Jasmine again.”
Danny sucks in a staggered breath and lets it out slowly. “Just… just tell her that I’m sorry, but I can’t yet.”
Wally presses a kiss to Danny’s temple. “I’ll remind her that you’re healing too. You just worry about getting dressed.”
“What, don’t want to help out with that part?” teases Danny as he undid the tie at the base of his neck. The Watchtower might have pretty nice quality, but any medical garb was going to be a little scratchy, and Danny is glad to have it off. He’s careful with his taped over IV port as he slides on the plain white shirt and then the well worn hoodie. It has a faded Nightwing logo and smells like Wally.
Something in Danny’s chest relaxes a little as he buries his face into the fabric and it nearly makes him sob.
Danny just shakes his head.
“Oh, babe, it’s okay, I’m here. I have you.” Wally tosses the phone onto the bed and wraps Danny up into a hug. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been around—”
“Don’t, you were saving lives,” Danny says and tucks his face against Wally’s neck. “It’s what you needed to be doing.”
“Yeah, well, I’m here now. I’ve officially been pulled off duty. My job right now is you.”
“I don’t want to take you away from anything important.”
“You aren’t. Babe, you’re why we’re all still here. Let yourself be cared for, okay? I promise if anything comes up that really needs my help I’ll go, but let me make you my priority,” Wally urges.
Danny closes his eyes. “I told myself I’d never ask that of you. I know what you are.”
“You aren’t, I’m offering. Please, babe, let me make you my priority.”
He wants to. Gods does he want to. He wants to go back home to their apartment and have Wally with him and just let the other take care of everything, just for a little bit, just until it stopped feeling like his insides were hollow. Just until he could be okay enough to lie and say that he was fine.
Just until then.
“Okay. I— yeah, okay. I think I need that right now,” Danny manages to admit.
“Thank you,” Wally whispers like it was Danny doing him the great service. “First act, let’s get you out of those pants.”
“You cad,” Danny gasps dramatically.
Wally rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling now so Danny counts it as a win. “And get you into the sweatpants.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to debrief in sweats,” Danny says as he lets Wally help him finish changing. He’s a little less balanced in his feet than he’d like to be.
Okay, a lot less balanced.
Wally doesn’t even let him walk to the debrief, instead he insists on pushing Danny there in a wheelchair. Danny knows there’s no shame in needing a wheelchair, but it doesn’t help him be less frustrated at the way he feels weak down to his bones. Hell, he feels weak down to is core. At least he gets to move himself to a regular chair once they’re inside the conference room.
"Thank you for being willing to do this, Danny,” Wonder Woman says. She’s leaning forward, arms resting on the table, and offering a smile. At the table is a selection of other top tier members: Batman, Superman, a Green Lantern (Hal Jordan in this case), John Constantine, Zatanna, and, right next to Danny, Barry.
The Titans are off to the side, slightly behind the Dark members, in chairs that were obviously dragged into the room. Garfield gives Danny an enthusiastic thumbs up that almost makes him laugh.
“Of course. I get why there are questions,” Danny says instead.
“There are,” Superman agreed. “Now, as you aren’t a Justice League member and are in no way under any sort of investigation, this is going to be a bit informal. We’re just trying to make sure our report on recent events are as clear as possible.”
Danny huffs out a breath of air. His gaze darts over to Wally before dropping. “It’s a big more than that, isn’t it?”
“Kid?” Barry asks gently.
“You all want to know what I am, which is fair. If I could have, I would have told you.” Danny looks back at Wally again and gives a half hearted smile. “Sorry I couldn’t.”
“Why couldn’t you?” Batman asks, though the rumble of words isn’t unkind.
A sour smile twists Danny’s lips. “Curses are like that. Aren't they, Laughing Magician?” Danny hears Constantine and sucks in a breath and steels himself to look up at him. “How much do you know about her? About Desiree?”
Constantine shakes his head. “Not much. It’s not wise to go digging into the affairs of a member of the Infinite Realms, even an ended one.”
“Speak normal for the rest of us,” Hal says. “A who of what?”
“Infinite realms. That means a sodding ghost,” Constantine snaps.
Barry scoffs. “Ghost’s aren’t real.”
“Boo,” Danny replies. His smile is slightly too wide.
“Not funny, Danny.”
Danny shrugs. “Not trying to be. I’m half ghost.”
“How is someone half ghost?” Hal asks.
“I’m like Schrödinger’s Cat,” Danny explains. He can’t help for for his gaze to flick over to where the Titans are sitting and find Wally’s eyes. “I’m still in the box, basically. I’m half alive and half dead. Both and neither. A balance.”
“A myth.” Constantine leans forward. He taps the butt of his unlit cigarette against the table. “Or so we always thought. You telling me that you’re a halfa?”
The question pulls Danny’s focus back to the main table of heroes. “Yep. One of three. Me, my godfather, and my clone.”
Superman clears his throat. “Ah, your clone?”
Danny just gives another shrug. “Shit gets weird when you’re a teenage vigilante.”
“Danny,” Batman says, and Danny can’t help but smile again because the man is clearly one step away from pinching the bridge of his nose like he does as Bruce when one of his children is driving him mad. “Start from the beginning. State your name for the record.”
“Danny Jasper Fenton.”
AN: Vote was in favor of splitting it up. I've got a chunk of the next part written, so hopefully I can get it finished up next week! Sorry if there are lots of issues, words and me are struggling atm.
Poor Danny is really struggling with things as his world has once again changed. And what will everyone think of him now...?
I no longer tag, instead you can subscribe to the masterpost.
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syrma-sensei · 1 year
→ Rugrats, Pool, and Grilling Techniques.
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pairing: soldier boy x wife!reader.
rating: smut, fluff.
warning: domestic soldier boy, dangerously smitten ben (oocish), established relationship, daddy ben, breeding kink, dirty talk, daddy kink, non-canon complied.
word count: 2k
summary: soldier boy is surprisingly an amazing family man.
tagging: @zepskies
→ masterlist | ao3
“Ready. Go!”
As soon as your husband's whistle blows into the air, a loud splash follows when Jamie and Maggie hopped into the pool. Inheriting their father's super stamina and endurance, the two swim swiftly and with the agility of dolphins, while your husband's voice encourages them both. However, out of your twins, Maggie is the faster swimmer, whereas Jamie is quicker on land.
Bathing in the sun beam, you lay on the sunlounger next to Ben's, watching the trio having fun together in the pool. You plan on joining them in a bit, but you let them play on their supe level before you hop in, because after all, you're just a human. For the time being, you're sufficed with your feet dipped in the water at the rim of the pool.
“Haha, that's my girl!” Ben's face beams with a wide smile when Maggie, as expected, beat her twin to the other side of the pool.
“Cheater!” Jamie yells at his sister whom sticks her tongue out at him.
“No, you're just slow, Jay,” She retorts haughtily, a trait she caught from her dad.
He rolls his eyes, “See you on land, sis, 'coz you'll be dragging your ass behind me there,”
Ben bursts out laughing but he stops when you throw him a berating glare with a chiding tilt of your head. Your husband clears his throat.
“Oh, woah, manners young man,” Ben scolds, “You better watch that mouth, you don't speak to ladies like that.”
“Like she's one!” Jamie grouses, propelling his hands into the water, “She took on three children at school the other day.”
“Because they're bullies, and they had it coming!” Maggie replies heatedly.
Once again, a proud grin stretches Ben's lips from ear to ear. You shake your head hopelessly at him.
Maggie swims towards her father, saying, “Bullies are bad, aren't they, Papa?”
“That's right,” Ben agrees, stroking a strand of Maggie's hair away from her face, “You go kick their asses, kiddo.”
“He said it!” Jamie gasps.
“For the love of God, Ben, watch your language in front of the kids!”
He ignores you, “Our daughter, my daughter here is going to be a badass chick.” A grin is plastered on his mouth before his kisses her cheek.
Maggie giggles at her father, “What does badass mean, Papa? Is my butt bad?”
Ben hurls his head back with a laugh, “No, cupcake, your butt ain't bad. It means you're cool as f—hell.” He glances at you momentarily, then he corrects again, “As heck, cool as heck.”
Jamie swims towards his sister, slyness contorts his face, in that moment, you're in stupor at the way it resembles Ben's visage.
“Cool or not, Dad's not gonna allow you to go out with boys,” Jamie says, “Are you, Dad?”
One would expect Maggie's eyes to widen, to look horrified, and her to look at her father urgently, silently begging him to deny what James just said. But the little one swims to her father and wraps her tiny arms around his neck. “I don't need boys, Jay.” She replies with sass, “I'm daddy's little princess, right, Papa?”
While you swoon at Maggie, you smile amusedly as Ben grows a bit perplexed at the sudden affectionate admission from Margret. So, you decide you rescue your husband by climbing down into pool.
“Of course, sweetheart,” You say, swimming towards the three, “Daddy's always gonna be here for you,”
Maggie tilts her head and kisses her father's temple. Ben's grin falters; you can read the uneasiness written on his face.
“Love you, Papa,” she whispers.
“Love you too, princess,”
Maggie's giggles warble around, and Jamie rolls his eyes again.
The four of you play together in the pool, swimming and tossing the ball, after you've divided into two teams; you and Jamie against Ben and Maggi.
During the game, you pick up on the lethargy of his moves. He's not being himself at the moment, for normally, his competitive spirit would more eager to win, even if it were a mere game. You frown a bit when you hurl the ball to the other side of the pool only for Maggie to catch it with dexterity. She throws it back with her supe strength to your side, but Jamie baulks it with his supe speed.
“Close enough, sis, but you're being sloppy,” He teases.
“You wish!”
Jamie flings the ball to the other side again, and Ben blocks it with one large hand.
“Uh oh.” You hear Jamie whisper when he sees his father's smirk. Ben draws his hand backwards then darts it in Jamie's direction. It dashes through a blurry, white flash before it bashes into the water by you, the bolt makes your hair sway.
“Nicely-done, dad!” Jamie cheers.
“Hey, what side are on, Jay?!” You frown, grousing.
Your son only shrugs, “But it was awesome!”
“Ah, cut the kid some slack, would ya?” Ben makes an amused sound, raising his hands in a gesture, “Not my fault I'm the favourite parent here.”
“We' shall see about that, Mr. Gilman, we shall see.” You squint, lips puckering up in a playful curl.
The game ends with a draw; James and Margret aren't so crazy about the result. And they start to squabble about it when you decide to call it a day in the pool and climb out of it.
After having a quick shower, and wearing fresh clothes, the four of you embark on preparing lunch. You and Maggie are to prepare the table, and Jamie is to help his father with the grilling labour.
While Ben teaches Jamie the grilling technics (which you originally taught Ben, because the man didn't know to cook shit when you first met) you chopped the vegetables that Maggie rinsed for you into the salad bowl. The meat odorous smell tickles your nostrils and makes your mouths water.
In the evening, you take another shower, but more thoroughly this time. You don't want the smell of barbecued meat and the reek of coal to stick to your body when you go to bed.
When the plates are laid out and the meal is ready, the four of you encircle the table, and enjoy what you made together with the spirit of your extraordinary family.
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You step out the bathroom with a fluffy towel wrapped around your body after thirty minutes. You find Ben sitting at the foot of the bed, his brown hair is still drenched from his shower. He's wearing a grey shirt, and a matching grey sweatpants, with a towel on his head.
His gaze instantly softens when his green eyes land on your figure, a tender smile visiting his lips. You smile back at him, taking the spot next to him on the bed.
“Today was great,” You say, your hands on his strong arm, massaging his muscle, “Thank you, Ben.” Again, he freezes when you reach out to kiss his temple.
Ben nods, the he draws his head back to gaze at you, his large hand cupping your cheek. “No, thank you, baby, for giving me all of this.”
You tilt your head, chewing your lower lip, “Well, you're most welcome, Daddy.”
You see something wicked swirl in the green of his eyes, and the sly smirk on his lips makes your heart skip.
“I was thinking...” Ben scratches his beard with a drawl, eyes predating your body, “The twins are seven now.” He reaches out a hand to tip your chin up, his lips are dangerously close to yours, “What do you think of a third one? Fuck, third and fourth and fifth too.” He thumbs your lower lip gently, “I want to make children with you as many as possible. I want our place to be full of those rugrats.”
A fierce blush rises up to your neck as his breath fans your face, and the flesh between your legs twang in delight. You like it when he talks like that.
Your answer comes as a crushing kiss, and a moan from your throat. Ben's hands trail down to your sides and he lifts you up to his lap. One of his hands roams down your back and loosens the towel, and you're gorgeously naked for him.
“Atta girl,” He praises, “Ready to take what I want to give her.”
He kneads your breasts just right, pinching and caressing where you like, and his lips leaving open-mouthed kisses on your neck. You moan his name, and you feel his cock beneath you coming gradually to life.
You grind your bare cunt on his nourishing cock, and his hand grasps your hair to pull your head. “Behave,” he warns with a chuckle, “Fucking eager, aren't we?”
“Ben, please,” You roll your hips again, your arousal is already glistening on his crotch, “Give it to me, fuck me please, please, please, Daddy, make me carry your babies, please make me your breeding slut.”
You can hear his breath hitch before he sears your lips shut with his, hands resting on your buttocks, his blunt nails digging on the flesh of your crack while you cup his bearded cheek.
Ben hoists you up sharply and flips you, splaying your body wide on the bed beneath him. Quick as the supe he is, he takes off his clothes and graces you with his naked glory. He grabs one of your legs and pulls you down impatiently. You giggle playfully.
“Oh, baby, you have no idea,” He cups your mound with a possessive hand, his thumb flicking your clit “How much I want to fucking breed this slutty cunt full,”
You spread your legs further for more friction, “Please, Daddy, please, I want your cum, I need your seed.”
“Fuck, baby,” He grumbles, “Needy, little whore...” Your toes curl at the word, more arousal oozing out if your cunny.
His hands grip your thighs, while lining up to your pussy. You yelp and laugh sporadically at the vigour of his thrust. His hands reach out to yours on either side of your head. Your fingers entangle as he paces up his moves.
Your back arches, and words spilling incoherently out of your mouth as he fucks your brains dumb. You hear him swear and spit in the most vulgar language you've ever heard, and it makes you squeeze him more.
You like that dirty tongue of his, how it makes you feel a flagrant whore yet an unstoppable queen.
“Ben, Ben, I'm so close!” You cry, closing your eyes shut.
“Come to me, baby,” He says, bringing his thumb to your clit.
You hang your arms on his strong back as you feel it coming. Your nails graze his flesh when your orgasm sweep over your being. Your inner drawers clamps down on his cock in a tight hug.
Ben growls in your ear, animalistic and primitive, as he twitches sharply inside of you, painting your insides white.
You take your time to calm down. Breathing gradually placating to normal before he rolls on his back beside you. You snuggle up to his chest, and he holds you close with his arm. You feel his seed leaking into your thighs, and your cunt still throbbing through the throes of your orgasm.
You close your eyes and relish in the moment in silence.
“You're a good dad, Ben.” You say after several minutes, looking up at him.
He gazes down at you, hand playing with your hair, “I try not to be like my old man.”
You smile, “I know you do, and you're nothing like him. The kids adore you.”
His Adam's apple bobs up and down, sneering, “Well, that's good to hear. Not to be a fucking disappointment in someone's eye.”
You peck his lips, pride flourishing within your chest; it took you ages to convince Ben that opening up and expressing his feelings to someone he trusts doesn't equal being a sniveling pussy.
He might be the greatest supe, the hero of heroes, an asshole to some and a god to others. But to you, Ben is just Ben, a doting husband, and a perfect father. And you'd stand against the world for him.
Kissing his forehead you say, “You never were one to me, Ben.”
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sukunas-wife · 8 months
YOU NEED TO MAKE MORE DAD!SUKUNA😭 It’s just soo good!!!, I’m literally obsessed with Dad!sukuna🫶🏻
lol here’s a little snippet to start the day, in other words I had a domestic dream 🥺🤍
Jujutsu Teacher Sukuna AU
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Somewhere in another time line Sukuna became a not so dedicated teacher at Jujutsu high school still after having turned himself into a curse, even 1000 years he landed a spot on the higher up’s board it hilarious when they try to execute someone and he completely disagrees.
They learned quickly is Sukuna disapproves of their actions agree with arrimen Sukuna. Don’t go behind his back and try to do it either. He’s not afraid to kill everyone and replace the entire board of Higher Ups
Then one year he met you, you came in from the sister school to be teacher. Usually he tried not to mess with staff they only last so long anyways. But maybe it was that time he saw you banging your head in the drink machine because you used your last bills to buy a drink and it got stuck. Or maybe it was that time Gojo and Toji surprisingly decided to team up against you and you managed to hold your own.
It was when YOU started to pursUE HIM he became really intrigued. At first he became annoyed because not to far behind the corner he could hear the snickering and “Oh she’s really doing it!” “She’s a brave woman to try and flirt with him…” “What are you idiots do- oh, this could be interesting.” “shhh, I can’t hear what he’s saying!”
You didn’t notice when he flicked his wrist, but you did hear your coworkers panic and the rushed steps. Looking back confused you were more confused when you looked back at Sukuna and he was leaning forward getting face to face with you before squishing your face in one of his hands. “You do understand you proud Jujutsu Sorcerers don’t live very long, so give me one good reason you want my attention.”
You wanted to badly to look away from those demanding red eyes, to pull away and breath the God given air, instead here you were getting dazed off his musk and cologne. Feeling his warm hand squish your face, nails lightly pressing against your skin. Smash- swallowing you had one chance to do this right. Don’t stutter, don’t fear, breath, don’t rush, don’t show him WEAKNESS.
“I J- ahem” ah.. I messed up already, “Wait let me restart- Okay I’m ready, I’m not gonna stand here and promise happiness smiles and endless love, praise and worship. I’m not gonna lie to your face and tell you everything you want to hear and pretend it’s all sunshine and rainbows. When I go on a mission I’m not gonna say I promise to always come back that would be a fools move. But at least in my last moments I’d have to privilege to remember you and all those wise words you used to tell me like. “Dumbass that’s why you keep more than two dollars in your wallet.” Or “Living to please others and dying with regrets if no helping everyone is vain, Live to please yourself at least in your final moments you’ll have some sense of fulfillment.” So like it or not I’m here to please myself if you say No and tell me to fuck off and send me on my way. I won’t regret having asking. If you say yes, well I won’t lie I wouldn’t really know what to do or say I came in expected to be rejected and humbled.” Finally your eyes left his, you were oblivious to stare he had. He wasn’t completely amused but he wasn’t bored of your words either. “Look at me.” You did, “you didn’t bore me entirely with your little … speech so I’ll give you one opportunity. Sunday, I have an early mission, meet me here at 4 in the morning and I’ll tell you with me. After I finish you can have the rest of my day or until I get bored.”
He didn’t get bored… it turned out you amused him so much more when you weren’t surrounded be suits.
And that’s how you ended up here.
“Yuji don’t say something stupid love can’t protect anyone.” Nobara rolled her eyes, “Yuh huh, your words can’t hurt me because my mom and dad’s love protects me.” He puffed his chest out crossing his arms and smiling with closed eyes, missing the book Nobara was throwing at him. A solid sound was made, Yuji was wide eyed, the all to familiar wrist holding the heavy book just in front of his face, “Careful Miss.Kugisaki it’d be a shame if you caught extra missions for disabling another student from completing his own.” Yuji smiled proudly, “See, protected.”
Sukuna rolled his eyes, “Get to class Fushiguro was on your ass last time for being late to class.” He nodded his head at Yuji who just smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, “Alright.” Of course the Trio ran past you greeting you with “Hi Mrs.Sukuna!” Good morning Mom!” “Morning Y/n Senpai.” You watched them all keep running until your husband stood next to you offering you the Coffee Cup he had been drinking. You were distracted by one thing “Why do you have our photo album?” Sukuna felt his eye twitch, “Damn brat.” Was all he mumbled tucking it under his shoulder, “Your son believes your love protects him.”
You laughed, “OUR son believes OUR love for him protects him. Considering your holding that book Im assuming Kugisaki tried to throw it at him or you were reminiscing on that time you had to save them from a Special Grade ambush and when you had to carry them all out Yuji was sniffling how he knew he could count on you to be there for him.”
He looked away, “Higher ups are lucky I only wiped out half of them.” You rested your head on his shoulder pulling the album from him. “Aaww this is Yuji’s baby album” you cooed seeing the picture of Sukuna holding Yuji next to a bouquet of “It’s a Boy!” Balloons. In the background you could see the blur of Geto smacking Gojo on the back of the head.
Sukuna is secure as a man and father 🥹
So it’s not a surprise to you when you come home late from the school and find true form Sukuna threatening to break the sofa under his weight coddling 15yo Yuji 🥹
As much of a brute people have him to be, Yuji might be his only son, and he might call him brat and roll his eyes a lot. But he’d be damned if he were truly a bad dad. In a whispered conversation he told you about everything that happened on Yuji’s mission. How the mission was purposely miss graded and they basically walked into a special grade curses domain. Sukuna had no doubt in his mind that if wouldn’t have been the one over seeing their mission the first years wouldn’t have walked back out alive.
Yuji was alright the entire ride but when he got home he broke down crying, speechless gasping for air. That’s when Sukuna pick him up carrying him over the sofa, coddling Yuji wasn’t as easy now that they were almost the same height, so he turned to his true form. And let Yuji cry, scream and hold onto him. Rubbing his back, holding his head against his shoulder, just talking to him to comfort him. “Do you remember that time we went to the park, and you wondered off to far chasing a duck.” Yuji nodded still sniffling, “Your mom was scared shitless when she couldn’t find you.” He laughed and Yuji laughed lightly, “y.. yeah I remember I jumped into the pond and then you and mom started screaming and then jumped in…” sukuna laughed louder, “Y/n was so mad but she couldn’t stay mad when she saw you with that little duck.” He patted Yuji’s back resting his chin on his head. Soon Yuji fell asleep.
It led you to find him this state. You asked him to go lay him in his bed, he did. He came to help you make some comfort food, it was hilarious when you asked if he could use dismantle on vegetables and it turned out he could. Now over the table in the wall is a sign that says “Malevolent Kitchen.”
The house that night was filled with the soft sounds of cooking, you and your husband talking about whatever came to mind. The Golden pot boiling with whatever broth you made. Sukuna was fighting the rice cooker while you tempura fried some shrimp and rolled some noodles to cook
It was well past 9 when you heard Yuji coming, both of you turning to see him walking yawning and rubbing his eyes. Bare feet padding along the kitchen floor. “Come sit down Yu you gotta be hungry.” you fixed him a large bowl of noodles with Tempura shrimp. On the side were the massive Onigiri Sukuna had made, he even tried to use the nori stamp to put little faces on them. More often than not they have 4 little crooked eyes that looked mad but it squeezed your heart how he laughed to himself saying “Yuji’s going to love these.”
He did, you watched as he bit into it rice sticking to his face. “These are good dad what did you fill them with?” “Nitamago we forgot to pack em for lunch so.. improvise I guess.” You both sat down with Yuji talking and eating. Just enjoying the free time you had together before Sukuna would go commit another crime against the higher ups 🤍🤍
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Yeah 🥹
Im here 10-1 in the morning 🤍 It took all day to type this out 😭😭
Also a lot of my co workers walked out today 🥹 it was rough
Tag List: @sad-darksoul @cyder-puff @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @sakuxxi @mercymccann @simpforyoubitch @certainduckanchor @domainofmarie @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare
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