#not seeing your little jehovah’s witness heaven.
juniestar · 3 months
Oh my god one last thing my ex took me to outside lands and when we tried to watch lana del rey he laid down on the grass and had a “panic attack” (this was after months of him talking about how he didn’t like her) so we went to see foo fighters after a bit and he was FINE
#LANA i know his sister works for you BUT TRUST MY WORD AND GIVE ME A FREE TICKET PLEASE…#MY FIRST TIME SEEING YOU WAS RUINED GIRL… she was so good too like i was saving her songs to spotify that night#im reliving all this because i found out a lot of his exes and ex friends hang out together and two of them invited me so it was me an ex an#d an ex friend just swapping stories and first of all. he said he got cheated on by this girl and she NEVER DID IT (HE would have emotional/#angry outbursts at HER though) (allegedly he’s acknowledged to her that the cheating never happened too) and 2. this is obviously making me#mentally rehash everything again. i feel so bad for his current girlfriend and also for the person i ‘’stole’’ him from though i really hesi#tate to blame myself after hearing about his patterns. first of all he wouldve done this with anyone who was vulnerable around him and secon#d i was the only reason he was at all honest with them. he was fully planning to gaslight this ex and me and his dad had to convince him not#to. they look like theyre happy now and im very happy for them over that. oh my god that man was evil he told me for WEEKS about every time#his then partner had talked shit about me while i made clear that i didnt care and wasnt very interested but he kept going. god i cant belie#ve this was my life a year ago.#the one thing i can say is that i out freaked him because throughout our short relationship i made him so insecure that a week after i told#to never speak to me again he called me asking if he really was ugly.#I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAD TO TEND TO A GROWN MAN WHILE LANA DEL REY WAS RIGHT THERE BECAUSE HE WAS SO OPPOSED TO BEING AROUND HER. LANAAAA#times like these i get so mad i dont know what to do but ultimately remembering that he has not achieved any of his goals because he refuses#to face himself really helps me. god man IVE achieved some of his goals and i wasnt even trying to#a really awful part of all of this was all of the friends who knew him taking his side. because they didnt know him well enough to know what#he was actually like.#i was talking to my ex friend of four years and she was like not to blame you but he was probably really vulnerable from his time with [ex p#rior to me]’’ because he’s been going around alleging that that ex was abusive. and she was implying i took advantage of him. so i had to go#into detail about what an awful awful person he was and the sort of state i was in when this relationship took place. hannah lee you are#not seeing your little jehovah’s witness heaven.#anyways redirecting this energy im very happy with the way my life is and the way i am now. and im grateful for it i would not have ever bee#n able to imagine having the sort of peace and motivation i feel now. life feels like it can and will change for the better and it keeps pro#ving that right all the time#it just hurts sometimes having that as my first experience and not even being able to vocalize what was wrong bc i just didnt know hurts#oh i forgot one of his besties can see my account bc we’re sort of mutuals. i doubt he’s looking he did the whole unfollowing the ex bc she’#s allegedly amoral thing after the breakup but if he is hi isaac#he did on rare occasion show me selfless kindness but ultimately your best friend is a creep. i don’t want to be involved with anyone from#our school but I hope you know this and I hope you’re proud
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kilobaxis-blog · 7 months
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I wanna talk about lucifer. I'm not religious at all, but I grew up Jehovah's Witness, and I do have a fascination with religion and religious texts. I just think they're neat and creative little stories. One thing that is always consistent is that lucifer ruined EVERYTHING. Yes, even in the Hella verse. I'm not sure what his "ideas" or "dreams" were, but whatever it was, it ruined the state of the world, and his disobedience created sin. I think the seraphim wanted every human to just come to heaven with them when they die, but now, after lucifer, your soul will be judged. He was banished to a hell of his own making, probably because of his pride. It doesn't matter how adorable or chill he is depicted in these fictional stories. I still see him as the devil we all know from the original story. But at the same time, I'm torn because I love Hella verse lucifer. He's cute and quite literally my favorite character. But I understand why he is where he is, even in the show's cannon. To me, that's what makes him a complex and compelling character.
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life-of-dia · 10 months
They go in their man made buildings to worship god, I go to nature and thank the stars.
I’ve always felt so lost and alone because I always thought differently than everyone around me. One thing for instance was religion. I never agreed with one religion or the other I always believed that each religion has some truths and good lessons to take from it but that at the end of the day there isn’t one right one. My mothers side of the family has generations of jehovah’s witnesses they told me all the time that if I didn’t commit to the religion that god wouldn’t love me and I wouldn’t go to the kingdom of heaven with them. Despite their constant efforts it just never sat right with me and I never wanted to commit to the religion for this I paid the price of black sheep of the family. I saw many problems in my family all having to do with the religion how they’d threaten each other with the religion and get into fights and not speak to each other how many tears were shed because of a religion they must’ve thought I was blind to not see that or they must’ve been blind themselves but I wouldn’t commit to such or any religion as I’ve always had an eye for the corruption that exist everywhere on earth. What has always called to me and my soul is Nature that which god created. My parents did a phenomenal job at keeping me away from nature they kept me all the first 18 years of my life inside the four walls that were our homes. We moved around a lot never letting me establish any friendships which could only be done at school since I was never allowed to go to friends house or them come to mine. Today I am 26 and things have started to get a little better and a little clearer and a little less lost. I realize now that my religion is nature. I suspect I have some connection to taino Indians I feel very spiritually connected to them but I’ve just started to learn about them nothing was ever really taught about them there’s just one little museum exhibit about them in Cuba but I don’t remember it having any information just statues. Now I am learning that their religion was also nature. They worshipped the sun, moon, water, earth, wind the elements that are necessary for our very possibility of life. They worked with them singing songs about them. The women and children lived in one community and the men in another. That’s all I’ve learned so far I hope to go deeper and learn those songs and practices. I’m not here to convert you to any religion like the rest just to open your eyes to what is already to what we can see and feel that god created. They go in their man made buildings to worship god, I go to nature and thank the stars.
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seahgreenhorn · 1 year
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(via A 'Preview' of Earth's Glorious Future)
A 'Preview' of Earth's Glorious Future"The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." 1 John 5:19. But: "By this the love of God was revealed in our case, that God sent his only-begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him. The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, (so as to be repaid) but that he loved us (first) and sent his Son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:9, 10. (Yet to be horribly made...) So, if one has tragically sold their precious souls to Satan for fame or for gold, now is definitely the time to 'rethink' this deal thought 'fabulous, yes bold'. Appeal to a 'higher' power for 'strength' to 'repeal' this death-dealing decision. For this Devil's 'power' source does not exist. On 'lessened' force, though, still forceful, soon to desist swiftly; for unplugged as a fan, he and his demons became from a 'dynamic' energy, when they slandered Jah's name: "He gives power to the tired one And full might to those lacking strength. Boys will tire out and grow weary, And young men will stumble and fall, But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not tire out.”" "“Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing." Isa. 40:29-31, 26. Thus, as said to his 'once' beloved 'nation' Israel we today whole-heartedly proclaim to the nations for 'Jehovah of armies': "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove your evil deeds from my sight; Stop doing bad. Learn to do good, seek justice, Correct the oppressor, Defend the rights of the fatherless child, And plead the cause of the widow.”" Look straight ahead! "“Come, now, and let us set matters straight between us,” says Jehovah. “Though your sins are like scarlet, They will be made as white as snow; Though they are as red as crimson cloth, They will become like wool. If you show willingness and listen, You will eat the good things of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, You will be devoured by the sword, (Michael's) For the mouth of Jehovah has spoken it.”" Isa. 1:16-20. Yes!... Christ and his associate 'rulers' are soon to reclaim the earth and its subjects. By 'righteousness' led... Satan and his 'third' soon to be imprisoned. Their power contained: "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for 1, 000 years. And he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not mislead the nations anymore until the 1, 000 years were ended. After this he must be released for a little while. And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. Yes, I saw the souls of those executed for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had not worshipped the wild beast or its image and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand. And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for 1, 000 years." "This is the first resurrection. Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, (Immortal, they be...) but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and they will rule as kings with him for the 1, 000 years." Rev. 20:1-6. Until earthly 'perfection' is attained: "And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.” Rev. 5:9, 10. *** “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever". Dan. 2:44. *** “I kept watching in the visions of the night, and look! with the clouds of the heavens, someone like a son of man was coming; and he gained access to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him up close before that One. And to him there were given rulership, honor, and a kingdom, that the peoples, nations, and language groups should all serve him. His rulership is an everlasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom will not be destroyed." Dan. 7:13, 14. *** O Jehovah, who may be a guest in your tent? Who may reside in your holy mountain? The one who is walking faultlessly, Practicing what is right And speaking the truth in his heart." Ps. 15:1, 2. Not by 'lip-service' hypocritically shamed... "For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome, because everyone who has been born from God conquers the world. And this is the conquest that has conquered the world, our faith. 1 John 5:3, 4. *** "Shout for joy, you heavens, and rejoice, you earth. Let the mountains become cheerful with a joyful cry. For Jehovah has comforted his people, And he shows mercy to his own afflicted ones." Isa. 49:13. "For look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be called to mind, Nor will they come up into the heart." Isa. 65:17. If 'we' individually 'faithful and obedient' endure-- Everlasting we'll 'remain'... “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." John 3:16.Photo credits: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNEVoX5m2gyQ&psig=AOvVaw3_GPsLiQA_OQVcqLbfKS7X&ust=1689865321057000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCIClnY2Fm4ADFQAAAAAdAAAAABAN https://www.eapein.com/wp-content/uploads/Mountains-1200x750.jpg © 1 hour ago, Lucretia McCloud   hope • love • teen
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trustcash · 2 years
Revelations chapter 3 seven spirits of god
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#Revelations chapter 3 seven spirits of god trial
The Spirit in diversified governmental action as distinct, yet in conjunction with Jehovah and Jesus Christ, seems the thought intended in Revelation 1:4 while in Revelation 5:6 the perfection of power and fulness of spiritual intelligence, exercised governmentally by the Lamb, is the force of the expression there used. But in the apocalyptic phrase “seven Spirits” are taught the fulness, completeness, and diversified attributes and actions of the one Holy Spirit. In the epistles of Paul the unity of the Spirit, “ one Spirit,” is a cardinal truth. ” “The seven Spirits of God” is a perplexing expression to some. “ He that has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. The Reformation was a partial recovery in the west for the east there has been none it is apostate from God and the truth.ġ. The enforcement of the lofty and impious pretensions of the papacy in the seventh century was Satan’s scourge of the west, while the rapid development of Mohammedanism at the same period equally blighted the east. The Reformation was a turning point in the history of western Christianity. In the first three epistles are described consecutive states of the Church as a whole. The one overlaps the other, while both run on concurrently till the end, the Coming of the Lord. In Sardis Protestantism is before us in Thyatira the papacy. 2:26 20:4) I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.In this epistle to the angel we have the general state of the Church after the Reformation, as in the previous epistle we had a sketch in word and symbol of the Church before the Reformation. # Luke 12:36, 37 John 10:3 If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, # (John 14:23) I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 20 Behold, # Song 5:2 I stand at the door and knock. 19 # Job 5:17 As many as I love, I rebuke and # Prov. 5:3 white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 13:44 to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich and # 2 Cor. 4:8 ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’-and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked- 18 I counsel you # Is. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 3:1 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. 1:15) the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 # Rev. 1:5 3:7 19:11 the Faithful and True Witness, # (Col. 2:17 22:4) And I will write on him My new name. 21:2 comes down out of heaven from My God. 14:1 22:4) I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the # (Heb. 2:9 a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall # Ps. 12 He who overcomes, I will make him # 1 Kin. 2:25 Hold fast what you have, that no one may take # (Rev.
#Revelations chapter 3 seven spirits of god trial
2:9 I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon # Luke 2:1 the whole world, to test those who dwell # Is. 10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, # 2 Tim. 45:14 49:23 60:14 I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. 2:9 those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie-indeed # Is. 16:9 an open door, and no one can shut it for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 1:18) He who opens and no one shuts, and # Job 12:14 shuts and no one opens” : 8 # Rev. 23:5 “He who has the key of David, # (Matt. ‘These things says # Acts 3:14 He who is holy, # John 14:6 1 John 5:20 Rev. 10:32 Luke 12:8 I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. 19:8) shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not # Ex. 4 You have # Acts 1:15 a few names even in Sardis who have not # (Jude 23) defiled their garments and they shall walk with Me # Rev. 16:15) as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. 24:42, 43 Luke 12:39 Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you # 1 Thess. 6:20 Remember therefore how you have received and heard hold fast and # Rev. 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. 1:4, 16 has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.
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fruityyamenrunner · 2 years
i think it is remarkable how little treated the image of the Resurrection is. Not the Resurrection of Jesus, but the General Resurrection. The one on Doomsday when this age will pass away into the age of ages.
Eternal life is frequently pictured, of course, but it's almost always Heaven - clouds, St. Peter, and so on. There is also mawkish "rainbow bridge" new age stuff, good examples being furnished with the late queen being sent into a white void along with various animal psychopomps. She is dressed in lizard green.
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The two main exceptions that come to mind are
a) The Jehovah's Witnesses.
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I like the "Babylon is Fallen" imagery in this one
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But they are too Jovo. I think the Muslim picture is much clearer:
"Our master the Prophet stated, 'Everybody will be assembled unclothed, naked, and uncircumcised.' However, if one has died having no clothes on at a place far from one's homeland, one will be clothed with the garments that will be brought from Paradise. Martyrs and those who live by Islamic commandments and prohibitions and die in this state will not be naked, for a hadith-i sharif says, 'Make the shrouds of your dead people ample because my community will be assembled in their shrouds. Other communities will be naked.'"
Or Revelation 7
9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
11 And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,
12 Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.
13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
which has the same message, but not so plain: on Doomsday you will be raised naked, unless you take up the robes given to you by Christ. The Jovos miss this entirely and dress the resurrected all up in Jovo clothes.
b) Stanley Spencer's Resurrection
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This is my favourite painting in the Tate Britain, and but apparently it reliably disturbs people. They are expecting, I think, something more like the Jovo's, something anodyne and more like the familiar sentimental celestial family portraits, but what they get are the dead raised in grave clothes or none, at the very moment of resurrection, each person beginning to see eternity and their position in it for the first time and, as you would expect, not reacting to this vision with a uniform bliss.
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missbaphomet · 3 years
Hey! I saw your post about antitheism and I just want to give another perspective. I believe antitheism targets marginalized groups, and is not a good outlook. My specific example is Judaism and antisemitism, since Jewish culture is very much tied to religion. I’ve noticed a lot of antitheists were raised evangelical Christian in Christian societies, and in response they treat all religions like they’re just a different form of Christianity, which is ignorant at best, harmful at worse. Especially when they assume all forms of religious trauma they experienced are analogous to all religions.
A wonderful perspective to bring up, thank you. Unfortunately I can only really speak for myself and how I interpret antitheism, but what it means to someone else may be totally different. Let’s start with the definition as a baseline.
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This is the definition I and most of my peers subscribe to, and I would be willing to bet it is the most popular one seeing as this is how it is defined. On the surface, that’s all it is— being against the belief in a god or gods.
In order as to not mince words, I will quote you directly.
I believe antitheism targets marginalized groups… [Especially] Judaism, [because] Jewish culture is very much tied to religion.
Before I really dig into this, a couple of things need to be established just as context into who I am as a person and my knowledge on the subject
I am not Jewish and know regrettably very little about Judaism, though I would love to learn more.
I was raised and baptized as a Catholic, but denounced my faith officially at around 16, though I had considered myself faithless since around 12.
My expertise on the topic of religion largely revolves around cults (eg Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Heaven’s Gate, Jonestown— here you will notice a large overlap in my interest in true crime) and, I suppose fortunately, I am unaware of any cults based in Judaism. I say this to reiterate that I am by no means an expert on religion, much less Judaism.
Back on topic: I would say that antitheism as a movement targets no religion any more harshly than any other theistic religion— I am just as opposed to the Christian god as I am to the Muslim god, the Hindu gods, the Nordic, the Greek, the Celtic, etc. The VAST majority of people who identify as antitheist are against a god or gods as a collective. To put it in my own words to describe my own viewpoint, I don’t believe in a god, and I honestly don’t believe anyone should.
Tangentially, there is a difference between god and religion. I can absolutely respect the traditions and history involved in a particular religion (even if I don’t necessarily agree) and still be antitheistic, the only prerequisite is that I am opposed to the belief in god(s).
That being said, there are absolutely going to be assholes who demand that people give up their religion because “there is no god”, but that’s just an asshole who more than likely would consider themselves anti-religion (note the difference in terminology— “I am opposed to the belief in a god” vs. “there is no god”) and yeah, those people are just fucking assholes. Tell them to shove it where the sun don’t shine and move on.
Moving on to the final bit, again, I was raised Catholic in the Bible Belt— I know more flavors of Christianity than I know what to do with. I am not qualified to discuss trauma sustained from any other religion that is not notably Christian. I don’t really have an answer or rebuttal here, and I’m not ashamed to say that. I absolutely could learn more about this, but as it stands, I just don’t.
I guess to tie it all together in a pretty little bow, I don’t think antitheism has any tendency to target anyone over another, it is simply a statement of one’s personal stance: I am against the concept of a god.
Sorry if this is really disorganized, it’s late af and I’ve been gaming all day. Feel free to leave another ask or message me directly, anon.
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
“I can tell you’re upset. Do you need anything right now?” for (platonic) Alex and Reggie?
cuddle dialogue prompts  ( accepting!! )                                        ( read on ao3! )
Alex’s friends don’t come over to his house anymore.
It’s a weird change, because they used to. Bobby’s garage has always been home base, but the boys used to go over to Luke’s or Alex’s just as often; and when things at Luke’s started to get weird, tense, like a powder keg on the verge of erupting, Alex’s doors were always open. His parents were friendly, if a bit overbearing. They didn’t even seem to mind the mess his friends brought with them, or the noise, or the inevitable chaos; they just liked seeing Alex hang out with other “boys his age”. Their cabinets were always well-stocked with Girl Scout cookies, and Alex’s little sister (the aforementioned Girl Scout) was a pest, in a way he didn’t really mind. 
The guys seemed to...  like it at his house, for some reason — and yeah, that filled his chest with bubbles and made him feel like coming off the high of a drum solo. Alex liked to be liked. He liked that his place could be somewhere his friends felt safe... even if they all conscientiously toned down the casual physical affection when Alex’s parents were around.
Ever since he came out, though... things have changed.
Everything’s changed, and his friends not coming over anymore is the least of it.
The biggest change is, he’s no longer welcome at church. Pastor Hamilton made that very clear with his final sermon — a fire and brimstone rant against the ‘sins of sodomy and perversion’. Alex sat there for an hour, boiling in his own skin, as the eyes of the rest of his congregation bore into him. He couldn’t get out of the building fast enough... and after that, swore never to go back. He wouldn’t be welcome, anyways.
There was no chance of his parents missing the yearly church retreat, though — and Christina has been looking forward to a camping trip for ages, so Alex doesn’t resent how eagerly she clambered in the family station wagon. She barely waved goodbye, too busy cramming her bags in the trunk; his parents, predictably, didn’t say anything at all. They trust Alex not to burn the house down in their absence, at least, so he’ll consider that a compliment.
Alex almost wishes he was bothered. If he were — if such blatant rejection from his family actually stung, if he could stew in his own hurt feelings and resent how quickly they pulled out of the driveway — then maybe it would actually matter. (Maybe it’d mean he’s a good son after all.) 
Alex is a lot of things, though, but he’s never been good at lying to himself.
An entire weekend home alone, with no one but the dogs to keep him company? Honestly, it sounds like heaven.
By nine o’clock at night, he’s well and truly deep in this teenage rebellion thing. He’s got Sixteen Candles queued up on the DVR, has his legs up on the sofa, a bowl of popcorn in his lap, and an entire bottle of Fanta threatening to stain his mother’s precious white carpet. There’s something to be said for living on the edge; he relishes every second of doing something forbidden, fueled by the thought of his parents’ faces if they could see him. Just imagining their horror is sweet; almost as sweet as Molly Ringwald’s bubblegum-pop fashion statements. 
The night stretches before him like a promise, calm and comfortable. He’s free to be himself in his own home. It shouldn’t feel as amazing as it does, because it shouldn’t be a novelty... but considering nowadays, Alex feels more like an intruder, he’ll take what he can get.
His first sign of anything amiss is the sound of barking from the front hall. Alex sits up, dislodging the bowl of popcorn from his lap. He scrambles to catch it before it can go everywhere. After a few more seconds of fumbling, he pauses the movie, and springs to his feet.
“You guys! I swear —“
As he trudges into the foyer, he’s thoroughly unsurprised at what he finds. Zoey, giant maniac that she is, is literally bouncing off the front door. She hits, rebounds, and is immediately back at it, scratching at the wood and barking her head off. A few steps behind her, Cooper hovers, his tail hung low. When he spots Alex, he lets out a relieved whine, and paces a circle around the foyer. Alex — who gets it, really, weird noises at the door are even more nerve-wracking than surprise phone calls — gives him a soothing scratch on the head. Cooper glues himself to his side, and Alex keeps one hand on his collar as he steps towards the door.
“Someone out there, girl?”
Zoey hurls herself bodily against the front door. She hits like a wrecking ball. From the other side, Alex hears a noise — somewhere between a gasp and a  “Whoa!”
He knows for a fact he didn’t order pizza; the neighbors are the “keep to yourselves” types; and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are like reverse vampires, never seen outside of daylight hours. There shouldn’t be  anyone at the door. A shiver of anxiety runs down Alex’s neck… but it’s drowned out by irritation at just how loud Zoey’s being. “Hey, hey,” Alex exclaims, hauling her back as she makes another jump towards the door. “Cut it out! Get outta here!”
He’s too busy wrestling with the dogs to be nervous when he throws the door open. (Worst case scenario, he can just let go of their collars, and sic them; let the dogs drown any potential burglars to death in kisses.) The face that greets him on the other side is… unexpected.
“Heya!” Reggie pulls his hand back from the doorknob, and offers a tiny wave. “What’s up, man?”
Zoey answers the question with a running leap.
Reggie’s ready for her. He hits the deck, arms open wide — and when she barrels him over, his whoop of delight rings through the quiet neighborhood. Alex grits his teeth, glancing anxiously around the street. His neighbors mind their own business, but that doesn’t mean they want to be disturbed in the middle of the night; this isn’t Reggie’s neighborhood, where sirens and bonfires are raging at all hours. Of course, though, Reggie has no concept of quiet… and he loses all self-control whenever dogs are involved. He’s too busy rolling around on the porch, ambushed by two giant golden retrievers, to notice anything else.
Alex leans against the doorframe, taps his feet, and sighs. He’s just starting to examine the calluses on his palms when Reggie finally emerges from the literal dogpile. “I know it’s late — I woulda called first, but — aaah, Zoey, that tickles!”
His screeches ring out like sirens, and Alex’s neighbors are  definitely going to call the cops if this keeps up. Alex has to cut in. Wrestling one dog back inside, and then the other, he hauls Reggie to his feet just as swiftly. “Come in then, quick,” he mutters. “Did you come here exclusively to steal my dogs?”
“Alex, I swear, you’re the one I wanted to see the most. Stealing your dogs is just... a fun side quest.” Reggie strides in like he owns the place. As the door closes behind him, he glances around the foyer. “Home alone, huh?”
“Yeah,” Alex replies. “It’s been fun.”
“I bet.” Reggie dodges another jump from Zoey, nearly tripping over Cooper. The dogs both recognize him, even though it’s been ages since he was last here;  animals and Reggie get along like pizza and pepperoni. If he really wanted to steal the Mercers’ dogs, it wouldn’t be a challenge. Thankfully, Reggie’s parents have a hard and fast “no pets” rule, and stick to it. (Reggie was able to hide an injured squirrel in his closet for a whole  three weeks  before anyone caught on — after it got loose, chewed through the wires of the family TV, and wreaked havoc in the kitchen. His parents still don’t know how it got in the house, but Reggie spent weeks mourning the loss of his “Beloved Frank”.)
As Reggie hits the ground on his knees, enthusiastically petting both dogs at once, Alex tucks his hands into his pockets. He’s not used to feeling nervous around his best friends… but suddenly, he’s on unstable ground, unsure of what to do. It’s just Reggie… but it’s Reggie in his house, where Alex’s friends, Alex’s life, are no longer welcome. It’s just Reggie showing up in the middle of the night, without any warning… and he’s acting fine, sure, but this also isn’t like him. Alex’s instincts are thrumming with a sense of wrong, wrong. He can’t help frowning as he steps back, watching his friend play.
Reggie feels his gaze. He ignores it.
“Who’s a good girl? Oh, yeah, you’re the  best  girl, yeah —“
Alex clears his throat. Reggie ignores that, too.
“Come on, Cooper, gimme a kiss — there you go! Did ya miss your old pal Reggie? I missed you!”
Enough is enough. Alex turns to the switch on the wall. The foyer is suddenly flooded with bright light, sparkling through the crystal fixtures overhead. Reggie falls back and blinks rapidly, entire face scrunching up against the glare. When his eyes adjust, he finds Alex crouched at his side.
“Not to be all ‘what are you doing in my house, Reg’, but…” Alex reaches over and pats Cooper’s head. “What are you doing here?”
Reggie’s blank stare lingers on him for a beat too long— a quarter of a second, but still, it’s the only giveaway Alex needs. 
“Just visiting! I knew you were home alone… figured you might want some company.” His friend grins, like everything’s normal, just another wild antic in the life of Reggie… but Alex knows better.
“Okay, that’s real generous, but…”
He drags the word out for a few seconds too long. Somehow, his brain gets stalled on Reggie’s face; the strain at the edges of his smile, the dark circles under his eyes. His eyes are a little puffy — he’s been crying. He holds onto Zoey, not just like he’s happy to see her, but like he needs her — needs something soft and comforting to ground him.
Reggie rode his bike all the way to Alex’s house in the middle of the night. He wouldn’t have done that without a good reason.
Alex sighs, and scratches behind Cooper’s ears. When he looks back up at Reggie, his smile is small, but Reggie’s clearly reassured by it nonetheless. “Yeah, you’re right. Things were getting pretty lonely around here.” Alex nudges his shoulder. “You feel like some popcorn?”
Reggie bounds to his feet. “Always!”
“We can finish watching the best John Hughes movie, and then I’ll generously  give you next pick…”
Reggie’s no fan of the classic 80s teen romances, but he’ll suffer through them for Alex’s sake. Alex, in return, has seen Star Wars fourteen times.  He honestly couldn’t care less about defending the galaxy, or whatever Mark Hamill’s trying to do with the long stick and the gross robes… but it makes Reggie happy, and for that, it’s worth it.
So he’s surprised when, instead of insisting on  A New Hope, Reggie buries his face in Alex’s most comfortable blanket, and murmurs something Alex barely catches.
“What?” Reggie doesn’t answer. “Dude, you’ve got to speak up, I can’t — did I not tell you to keep the popcorn in your mouth?” He snatches a few kernels out of Reggie’s lap before they can fall into the cushions and get lost forever. When he looks up again, Reggie’s cheeks are bright red. Alex nudges him in the shoulder again, prompting him to speak up.
“It’s just — uhh—“ Reggie shrugs. “Don’t really feel like Star Wars tonight.”
Alex’s brows shoot up. “Oh… kay. What do you want to watch, then?”
Reggie clears his throat, and studiously doesn’t look Alex in the eye. “Could we watch the Wizard of Oz maybe?”
Alex stares at him; after a few seconds, he snorts. Reggie’s head snaps toward him, indignant in a second.
“It’s a classic, okay? Iconic cinema! You can’t get any better than Judy Garland, and tell me the Wicked Witch didn’t scare your pants off as a kid! And, and, and the flying monkeys are crazy cool, and—“
“You’re such a dork,” Alex scoffs. 
Reggie’s cheeks flood with heat; he looks down again, picking the blankets with his chewed-up fingernails. “Am not,” he mutters — and that’s Alex’s third clue something’s really up.
Second clue: Reggie will never pass up a chance to watch Star Wars. It’s always his top pick… so, for him to choose a kid’s movie instead, he must need something familiar. Something comforting. Something where the ending is a foregone conclusion.
And a Reggie who doesn’t bounce back from Alex’s sharp edged comments like a rubber-band ball is clearly in one heck of a bad way.
Alex’s smile slowly fades. He leans forward on the couch, elbows on his knees, and studies Reggie sideways. When his friend refuses to look up, he nudges their knees together. When he still avoids him — as stubborn as Cooper at the groomers, god  — Alex inches closer to him, pressing their shoulders together.
“Okay,” he says, “what’s up?”
Reggie finally looks up at him, but it’s no victory. His eyes are wide and guilty. “Wh— what?”
“What’s going on, Reg?”
Reggie shrinks back from him… but there’s nowhere to go. Caught between Alex’s body and the couch, he settles for burrowing further into the blanket. He looks like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar… who’s expecting to get spanked for it.
“Nothing,” he mutters. “Nothing, man.” The way he hunches in on himself gives the game away, even if his miserable face didn’t. Alex’s stomach twists. “I just wanted to hang out, I just thought — didn’t want you to be lonely, I mean, it gets quiet here, in a big house all alone, and I know you get nervous, so I just thought maybe, but if you want me to go I’ll g—"
His voice breaks through the tidal wave of thought, somehow. Reggie goes still and silent, frowning down at his lap. When Alex lays a hand on his shoulder, he reluctantly looks at him.
“I can tell you’re upset, that’s all,” Alex says… and, as a flicker of something absolutely exhausted passes through Reggie’s eyes, the decision is made for him. “I’m not gonna press. I don’t need you to tell me anything, Reg, but I don’t want you to go.” He pauses, considers, and rubs his hand over Reggie’s shoulder. “Do you need anything?”
“I—“ Reggie exhales a shuddering breath, and shakes his head. “No. I’m, uhh, I’m… good.”
It’s hardly convincing… but Alex suspects it's the best he’s going to get.
Which is okay, because Reggie’s right here. They have the entire house to themselves for the night… and Alex has the Wizard of Oz on cassette tape.
Alex’s house can be a safe place, just for tonight, and that seems like what Reggie needs most of all.
Alex digs the movie out of their cabinet, and pops it in the VCR. As he sits down on the couch once again, curling up at Reggie’s side, he considers his mother’s suede couches — the pride and joy of their living room, which she dotes over and vacuums religiously every Tuesday. The Mercers have a lot of house rules, but Rule Number Two (after No Gays Allowed!) is Don’t Mess Up The Couch.
Alex glances at Reggie, raises his brows, and taps the leather couch three times in quick succession.
“Zoey! Cooper! Up!”
They don’t even have time to brace themselves. All at once, Alex and Reggie are buried under twin lumps of golden fur… and Reggie’s laughter might be the sweetest sound Alex has ever heard.
As the movie starts, and the dogs settle down — Cooper with his head in Alex’s lap, Zoey flopped practically on top of Reggie — a quiet contentment settles between them. The anxiety humming underneath Reggie’s skin quiets so much that Alex can’t hear it anymore… and, in turn, Alex’s own nerves find some peace.
“I’m glad you’re here, Reg,” he says softly, tucking an arm around Reggie’s shoulders. 
“I’m glad you are, too,” Reggie murmurs,.
It might not be exactly what he needs — him, and dogs, and cozy blankets and comfort movies — but as Reggie curls into him with a sigh, Alex hopes it’s enough.
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chaozeaphoenix · 4 years
I don’t know if I ever posted such a thing like this before, but here goes nothing. Here’s to hoping I touch a life of someone else who is in a similar situation like I am. (Warning! I will be using explicit language and the visuals you will have in your mind, are from conversations I would have had in the past).
On October 4, 2002, I came out of the closet to both my parents. I figured I couldn’t keep who I was a secret, and the amount of anxiety attacks I would have from keeping a secret like that from them, bugged the shit out of me. When I told them, I wasn’t told, “I know” “we still love you” or even “everything is going to be okay.” Instead, my father sat in silence while my mum told me that if I was gay, that meant, “You will get fucked up the ass and die of AIDS before the age of 21.” For a bit, I was in denial, because at the time, I didn’t discover pornography on the web, and I didn’t know people could be a top, bottom, or even versatile. However, I remember going to bed that night crying because I wasn’t believed by my own parents. Day after day, I resented the fact I told them, and I didn’t have a friend to confide in at school to tell them what went down when I came out of the closet. I always already bullied for being different, and rumors would go around about me being gay, but I never dared to tell anyone. I was too scared to. I mean, wouldn’t you? My school was a little over an hour away from home, but I didn’t even have friends in my neighborhood to confide in about me being gay either. Looking back, there were a couple people I would chat with from time to time, and they gave me the impression they were either gay or they would have been okay with me telling. However, I kept who I was a secret. The bullying in the neighborhood was so bad, that one time, a bunch of kids on their bikes, without wearing a shirt, asked me if I wanted a piece of their ass. I never found out who they were, they were much farther from me as I was walking my dog, that I didn’t get a good glimpse of who they might have been. For a couple years, my father tried to scare homosexuality out of me by telling me “gay horror sex stories” about what would happen to a guy’s ass if they got fucked entirely way too much up there, while my brother and mother were being very homophobic. Today, in 2020, my mum doesn’t remember ever telling me that she used to say things like, “there is no place in heaven for you” or “you are going to hell.” 
After my affair with a married man when I was at the age of 22, my father brought me home from the hospital because I had an anxiety attack on Easter Sunday in 2011, because my mum told me I couldn’t see my friend anymore because she claimed I was making him gay. I remember telling her, “you either are, or you aren’t. There is no in-between.” I was however, worried, she was going to find out I lost my virginity to this man and decided to go to the emergency room and I remember crying in front of the hospital’s social worker and the doctor why my anxiety was so bad. They didn’t tell me it was okay to be gay, they just sat there and listened. I remember telling the nurses that if my mum comes to the hospital asking for me, I do not want you to let her back in the emergency room with me. She did however come, and they told me they were getting ready to the call the police on her. I went out there and told her to go home and I don’t want to see her ever again. That night though, my dad did come to get me and he brought me home. I remember to this day that he patted me twice on the leg and said, “It’s okay to be gay, as long as you are safe and careful, but please don’t ever have another affair. Don’t ruin someone else’s marriage.”
Fast forward, eventually my brother came around and in 2016, my mum sort of came around. I remember reading a doctor’s note that mentioned how sorry my mum felt for not being the mother I needed when I came out. I also believed that my mum finally came to terms with who I was. Needless to say, I was wrong. And as of 2020, I found out.
See, last year, around April or May, I came out to my parents as non-binary, my mum believed I needed a diagnosis of that, while my father said I was telling himself he already knew. However, I said “I wanted to tell you guys instead of you assuming I might be transgender, or even something else just based upon you guys doing your own research.
About a month ago, my mum and I had a heated conversation about the fact that I had accepted the fact she is an alcoholic and I accepted the many consequences that followed suite. She claimed I really didn’t, but I told her I did regardless of what God told me to do. I also said, “it is just like you accepting that I am gay and non-binary.” She told me she doesn’t accept those things because it is a sin and her God says it is wrong. She also left it with a statement by saying, “I accept the fact that you are my child, and I know I cannot change you.” That really hurt, because after four, almost five years, I really thought her logical thinking of me being gay was different, however, I was very wrong. This is where I am going to say what I have been wanting my soul focus of my blog to be about.
In the Bible, John 13:34-35 to be exact says, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” Jesus never said to love your neighbor until that person is drunk, a prostitute, gay, Muslim, etc. He just told us to love each other as He loves us. Let me tell you something quick about me, from the very beginning of time, I have always loved people and accepted everyone despite their differences because someone might have it a whole lot worse than me. I grew up until the age of ten as a non-believer in Jesus. Sure, I went to the Kingdom Hall for two weeks, every summer when I went to see my grandmother until she couldn’t drive anymore, but knowing she is a Jehovah Witness, but I wasn’t a full believer and church goer until I was ten. But even then, I still loved and accepted everyone despite their differences, because someone in my circle at church, might have it worse than me. Eventually, when I was taught that scripture of John 13:34-35, I was all like, “well, that’s something I have always done and I guess I am already following a command from God that I didn’t know about. My boyfriend pointed out earlier this week, that there is a passage in the Bible that talks about us doing things without even knowing that there is scripture about it, the passage is Romans 2:14-15 “Even Gentiles, who do not have God’s written law, show that they know his law when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it. They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.” I bring this up because I have always loved my mum and even when she told me she was an alcoholic, I still loved her, sure at first, I hated that she kept going downhill instead of getting better, and the blaming of me day after day, but at the end of the day I still love her. I still love her to this day even after last week her telling me when my boyfriend comes down for Thanksgiving, that he and I do not talk about us being gay to the guests at our table for Thanksgiving because they are Southern Baptists. I know everyone has a different take on homosexuality when it comes to the Bible, some are full of love for everyone without pointing out the sins of others, while others point out sins and think they are doing it out of love. But here is where I am going with this. It is in MY HUMAN NATURE, to love everyone despite their differences and ACCEPT THEM because they have it a lot worse than me. I do not need the Bible to tell me that. I never have and never will need it. If my mum is choosing to just ‘ACCEPT THE FACT THAT I AM HER CHILD AND SHE CAN’T CHANGE ME’ she will have to answer to God for that, not me. But I will never stop loving my mum the way God loves her despite her alcoholism and her addiction to it. It is like I told my therapist this week. I can’t change who I am because of me knowing this who I am and I was born this way, but my mum can change who she is to be a better person and she refuses to do it. 
I know I talked your eyes out and for that I am sorry. If you like what you have read, give me a follow, like my post, because by 2021, I am going to try and get better in blogging and video logging every other day. Happy Holidays!!
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Sunday Afternoon Session
Oh Say What is Truth
Softly and Tenderly
 Henry B. Eyring
“Of course it’s hard! It’s supposed to be! Life is a test!”
We are being proved to see if we will do what God has commanded
They love you..Your success is Their success
God has the power to make our way easier
He knows that we must grow in spiritual cleanliness and stature to be able to return to Him
In all things the Saviors example will be our guide
When you remember how much pain you can endure well, Remember Him. He suffered what you suffered so that He would know how to lift you up.
1 way will be to invite you always to Remember Him and Come unto Him
Feast upon His words
Faith unto repentance
Baptized and then keep covenants with God
D&C 58:4
When we lift another’s burden even a little our burdens are lightened
We must notice the suffering of others and try to help
Jeremy R. Jaggi – seventy
The day dawn is breaking, the world is awaking, the clouds of nights darkness are fleeing away
Count it all joy (James 1:2-4)
Let your trials work for your good
Of all the zealous social, religious, and political endeavors of our day, let ‘disciple of Jesus Christ’ be our most pronounced and affirming affiliation.
When we exercise patience our faith increases. When our faith increases, we have joy.
Where we make sacred covenants, the temple, is closed. Where we keep sacred covenants, our homes, are open.
“Be of good cheer” is the commandment from the Lord, not be of good fear
Hear, hearken, and heed the voice of the Prophet
Gary E. Stevenson
is something the Lord gives us to help us grow
God wants us to know that He will never abandon us, he will always be with us
We can help each other know that we can be blessed during adversity
Temple ordinances we have missed seem sweeter than previously imagined
Go forward and not backward and on, on to the victory
Acknowledge the afflictions in the course of our days, while also acknowledging that we are God’s children
I believe that one day, each of you will look back at the canceled events, the sadness, disappointments and loneliness attendant to the challenging times we are passing through to see it overshadowed by choice blessings and increased faith and testimonies.
He is my Savior, my redeemer, my hope, and consolation
Milton da Rocha Camargo – Sunday School 1st counselor
His impressions are really
He who seeks will find
We seek because we trust the Lord’s promises
Communication with our Father in Heaven enables us to sort through what is true and what is false, what is relevant to the Lord’s plan for us and what is not
To knock is to act in faith. When we actively follow Him, the Lord takes notice
I am here. I love you. Go on, do your best. I’ll support you.
He may not answer all of our questions or solve all of our problems right away; rather, He encourages us to keep trying. If we align our plan with His, He will guide us
 Guide Us O Thou Great Jehovah
 Dale G. Renlund
Salvation is not earned
We can never do enough or be enough by ourselves. The good news though, is that because of Jesus Christ and His atonement we can become enough
We can be redeemed and stand pure and clean before God
Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before God (Micah 6:8)
Do justly is a practical application of the two greatest commandments
Broken heart and contrite spirit entice us to joyfully repent
God delights in mercy and does not begrudge its use
 Leviticus 19:18
Always dealing well with others is part of loving mercy
When you become a physician you work to heal people, if you do otherwise you do not deserve to be here
Loving mercy means that we do not just love the mercy God extends to us, but also the mercy He extends to others
You shall not esteem one flesh above another Mosiah 23:7
Treat everyone with love and understanding regardless of characteristics such as race, sexual orientation, religious affiliation etc (I missed the rest ahh)
When ye do these things, you are on the covenant path
Kelly R. Johnson – seventy
What power and knowledge are you endowed with and will yet be endowed with?
Power of God is the power to do more than we can do by ourselves
Burning microwave ahahahahaha
Those who have faith and the word of God deep in their hearts will be able to absorb and overcome the fiery darts which the adversary will surely send to destroy us. Otherwise, our faith, hope and conviction may not endure, and like [an] empty microwave oven, we could become a casualty.
His power diminishes in our lives only if we fail to keep our sacred covenants
et a clear unchanging course in your life
There is no expiration date associated with the power God bestows upon those who make and keep temple covenants, or a restriction from accessing that power during a pandemic
Jeffrey R. Holland
Why the delay of help to come?
while we work and wait together for the answers to some of our prayers I offer you my Apostolic promise that they are heard and they are answered though perhaps not at the time or in the way that we want it but they are always answered at the time and in the way an eternally compassionate parent should answer them
he who never sleeps nor slumbers cares for the happiness of his children above all else that a divine being has to do
He is pure love gloriously personified and Merciful Father is His name
yes God can provide miracles instantaneously but sooner or later we learn that the times and seasons of our mortal journey are his alone to direct
for every infirm man healed instantly as he waits to enter the pool of Bethesda someone else will spend 40 years in the desert waiting to enter the promised land; for every nephi and Lehi divinely protected by an encircling flame of fire for their faith we have an abinadi burned at the stake of flaming fire for his; and we remember that the same Elijah though in an instant called down fire from heaven to bear witness against the priests of baal is the same Elijah  who went through a season when there was no rain for years and who for a time was found only by the skimpy sustenance that could be carried in a raven's claw -  by my estimation that can't have been anything we would call a happy meal
he point is that faith means trusting God in good times and bad even if that includes some suffering until we see his arm revealed in our behalf
one’s life cannot be both faith filled and stress free it simply will not work
Christianity is comforting but it is often not comfortable. the path to holiness and happiness here and hereafter is a long and sometimes rocky one it takes time and tenacity to walk it but of course the reward for doing so is monumental (taught in Alma 32)
a call for diligence and patience in nurturing the word of God in our hearts, waiting as He says with longsuffering, for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you
when will these burdens be lifted? well the answer is by and by and whether that be a short period or a long one – it is not always hours
by the grace of God the blessings will come to those who hold fast to the gospel of Jesus Christ
those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and shall Mount up with wings of Eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint
Russelll M. Nelson
the Lord wants you to feel we live in a glorious age foreseen by prophets for centuries. this is the dispensation when no spiritual blessing will be
the Lord would have us look forward to the future with joyful anticipation
let us not spin our wheels in the memories of yesterday the gathering of Israel moves forward
The Lord Jesus Christ directs the affairs of His church and it will achieve its divine objectives.
the challenge is to make certain that each of us will achieve his or her divine potential
turn your heart mind and soul increasingly to our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ, let that be your new normal
daily seek to be increasingly pure in thought, word, and deed; minister to others; keep an eternal perspective; magnify your callings
whatever your challenges live each day so that you are more prepared to meet your maker
Tarawa, Kiribati; Port Vila Vanatu; Lindon, Utah; Greater Guatemala City, Guatemala; Sao Paulo East, Brazil; Santa Cruz Bolivia
as we build and maintain these temples we pray that each of you will build and maintain yourself so you can be worthy to enter the holy temple
I bless you to be filled with the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. His peace is beyond all mortal understanding. I bless you with an increased desire and ability to obey the laws of God. I promise that as you do you will be showered with blessings including greater courage, increased personal revelation, sweet harmony in your homes
 God Be With You till We Meet Again
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mybiblestudyapp · 3 years
Justification by Faith (Part 1)
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I’m currently studying what the Bible teaches about meeting God’s standard of judgment through faith and this is part #1 of my Bible study notes for this topic.
According to God’s standard of judgment how many can be justified?
In the following passages, the writer is telling us that no man living can be justified. To be justified, or to stand in the sight of God, essentially mean the same thing.
“And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified." Psa 143:2.
“If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?” Psa 130:3
But, What exactly is justification?
Webster's definition of the word “justify” is - "To prove or show to be just, or conformable to law, right, justice, propriety, or duty; to defend or maintain; to vindicate as right; to warrant." "To pronounce free from guilt or blame; to absolve; to clear."
So how exactly can we be pronounced free from the guilt of sin?
Isaiah tells us that by the knowledge of Jesus, whose goal is to bear our iniquities, is to justify many.
"By his knowledge shall My righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities." Isa 53:11.
As I read this verse, the word "many" stood out to me, so I looked into it a little deeper and found the following verses all referring to Jesus' position as the head of the family of God:
many H7227
The pictograph is a picture of a head and a picture of the tent representing the family. Combined these mean "head of the family". Each family has a master that rules all cases, trials, conflicts, and contests. This person was the representative for the whole tribe, one abundant in authority and wisdom. (see Exodus 18:25).
His righteous servant, Jesus, is the head of the family. (Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18, Christ, the head of the church, Chief. Col 2:10, Christ, the head of all principality and power.)
“Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.” John 13:13.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:23-24.
What’s “grace” G5485?
Favor with God. Read Luke 1:30, Acts 7:46 for examples.
“And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” Acts 20:32.
Why can't we be justified by the deeds of the law?
We find an explanation to this question in Romans chapter 3. Essentially, anyone who tries to justify themselves by the deeds of the law is a legalist.
“For by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:20.
Read Romans 3:20-28 for context.
The doctrine of justification by faith in Christ: “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.” Romans 3:20-28.
What's the law of faith?
What is the law? Doctrine. The unalterable precepts of Jehovah's decalogue, which are as immutable as Jah’s throne.
To the Law and to the Testimony: It has ever been the effort of the enemy of righteousness to lead men to disregard the claims of the law of Jehovah. And through his prophets, God has ever sought to bring men to a realization of the binding claims of his eternal and unchangeable law. Of his ancient people, it is written: “The Lord testified against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers, saying, turn ye from your evil ways, and keep My commandments and My statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by My servants the prophets.” 2 Kings 17:13. In this our day, when there is manifest a widespread tendency to throw away the restraint of God's law, Mrs. White has firmly and fearlessly endeavored to bring to the consciences of men the sacredness of the divine requirements. The immutability of that law, and the vital necessity of obedience, through the power of Christ, to its every requirement, including the fourth commandment, has been constantly urged in her public work. Of the relation of the law to the gospel, she has written: “In the life of Christ the principles of the law are made plain; and as the Holy Spirit of God touches the heart; as the light of Christ reveals to men their need of his cleansing blood and his justifying righteousness, the law is still an agent in bringing us to Christ, that we may be justified by faith. ‘perfect, converting the soul.’ “‘Till heaven and earth pass,’ said Jesus, ‘one jot or one tittle shall in nowise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.’ The sun shining in the heavens, the solid earth upon which you dwell, are God's witnesses that his law is changeless and eternal. Though they may pass away, the divine precepts shall endure. ‘It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.’ The system of types that pointed to Jesus as the Lamb of God was to be abolished at His death; but the precepts of the decalogue are as immutable as the throne of God.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, 308.
Comprises of the following:
“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.” Psalms 19:7-11.
1 John 5:9-12, the record that God gave of His Son.
Revelation 19:10, The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
John 5:39, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”
Acts 10:43, “To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.”
Statutes, Commandment:
Deuteronomy 4:5-6, Ezekiel 36:27, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Psalms 12:6.
Fear, Judgments:
Psalms 119:128; Nehemiah 9:13; Isaiah 11:1-5; Proverbs 9:10; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 16:6, by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.; Job 28:28,“…Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.”
The purpose of the law is to show us our sin that we may, through faith in Jesus Christ, be converted.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Layers Layer 1: The Basics
Name: Stephanie. Age: 31. Birthday: July 28th. Gender: Female. Zodiac Sign: Leo.
Layer 2: Your Family
Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have two brothers. Do you have any pets? I have a doggo. Do you still live with your parents? Yep. Do you have any stepparents? No. How many cousins do you have? Like over 50. Only two of them are from my dad’s side.
Layer 3: Your Friends
Who is your best friend? My mom. Who have you been friends with the longest? -- What do you like to do with your friends? -- Do you have more friends online or in real life? -- What is a good way to make friends with others? *shrug*
Layer 4: Your Home
Do you live in a home, apartment, duplex, trailer, etc? A duplex. How many rooms are there in your house? 2 bedrooms. Is your home large or small? It’s small. What is your favorite room in your house, and why? My room. It has my bed and all my stuff and I spend majority of my time in here. Do you prefer having people over to your house, or would you rather go to theirs? With friends I preferred going to theirs. I don’t like playing hostess.
Layer 5: Can You
Can you fold your tongue into the taco shape? Nope. Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? No, cause I’m a paraplegic. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? Nope. Can you hold up your end of a physical fight? I’ve never been in one, but I’m still going to say no. It wouldn’t go well for me. Can you do any yo-yo tricks? I haven’t played with a yo-yo since I was a kid, but I never could get the hang of any tricks. I couldn’t even get it to go back up easily.
Layer 6: Who
Who inspires you the most, and why? I haven’t felt inspired in a long time. :/ Who helps you maintain your sanity? Uhhh. Who do you go to most often for advice? I don’t ask for advice very often to be honest. Who knows you better than you know yourself? I don’t even know myself anymore. Who is someone that you would die or put your life on the line for, no questions asked? My mom and brother.
Layer 7: Do you
Do you still eat sandwiches without the crusts? Yeah. I’ve never liked the crust. Do you typically finish your meal at a restaurant, or need to take a container home? I don’t finish my meal completely ever because I get full fast and I’m such a slow eater that everyone is done for awhile and I feel bad having them wait. Depending on what it is I might take the leftovers home, but honestly I usually don’t. Do you pull an Oreo apart in order to eat it? Yep. Do you read a lot of gossip magazines? I haven’t read a magazine in several years. I used to all the time as a teenager. Do you make friends easily? I don’t have an issue getting along with people, but I don’t develop friendships with a lot of people. I don’t really try either to be honest. Especially not these past few years. I haven’t tried or wanted to make any friends.
Layer 8: How Many?
How many people live in your house with you? 3 people and a doggo. How many pets have you had in your lifetime? A couple hamsters, 4 doggos, and a fish tank full of fish. How many tries does it take you to become successful at something? Uhh. I don’t know. I don’t think I’m all that great at anything. How many meals do you eat a day? Usually just two. How many people can you honestly tolerate? Just a few people at a time.
Layer 9: How
How do you typically get to school or work? I’m done with school and I don’t have a job. How do you deal with a breakup? Not well. How do you like to help others? I used to try and help people with what I could when I could, but admittedly I haven’t been very helpful or useful to anyone, including myself. How do you know when you’ve found “the one”? I guess I don’t know because I truly thought I did with Ty, but that went nowhere. How do you sleep in bed? I sleep in the middle slightly turned to my left with my head propped up.
Layer 10: What
What do you think happens when we die? I believe in heaven and hell. What do you do if there’s no toilet paper left on the roll and you’re already peeing? At home I call for my mom and ask her to bring some or I have to just get up and get some more from the bathroom pantry. What do you eat most often? Wingstop and ramen. What toys did you enjoy most as a child? I was obsessed with Barbies. What do you do if you witness someone being awful to someone else? I don’t know what I would do.
Layer 11: Where
Where is your favorite place to eat out? I’m more of takeout gal, even pre-COVID, which now takeout is all I do, but anyway I love getting Wingstop and breakfast from this local place. Where is the place that has the best ice cream in your area? I’m not a big ice cream person and haven’t had any at all in years, but apart from the common places like Baskin Robbins and Cold Stone, I know we have a few trendy, cool ice cream places in town I haven’t been to thatI hear are really good. Where did you meet your current or last significant other? We met through a mutual friend. Where can you be found at 7 PM. typically? Here at home, most likely in bed on my laptop. Where can you find the best French fries? This local place has delicious beer battered garlic fries.
Layer 12: When
When did you find out the truth about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy? I don’t remember exactly when I found out about the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy, but I stopped believing in Santa when I was 8. I feel like I stopped believing in the other two prior to that. When do you typically fall asleep? Around 6 or 7AM. When was the last time that someone paid you a compliment? I don’t remember. When do you feel most comfortable? When I’m lounging in bed. When did you last go to the bathroom? A couple hours ago.
Layer 13: Why
Why do you enjoy taking surveys so much? I’ve enjoyed taking them for so long now it’s hard to imagine a time where I no longer do them. I mean, here I am at 31 and see no stopping in sight. I think they’re good distractions and give me a place to vent and ramble as well when needed. They’re like my diary entries. Why do people gossip so much? They’re bored and other people’s lives are either more interesting or they serve as a distraction from their own. Why can’t humans fly? We don’t have wings. Why aren’t you doing something else right now? I want to be doing this. Why is the sky blue? Cause that is the color God intended it to be.
Layer 14: If...
If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on? I’d pay of mine, my parents’ and my brother’s debts first, then I’d buy us a bigger house and furnish/decorate it, do some other shopping, travel for sure, and then I’d have to be smart and careful and save as well after having some fun. If you found out someone was cheating on you, would you ever take them back? I honestly don’t know. It would depend on a lot of things and if I did, it would take time and work. If you found a wallet with cash in the street, including identification, would you turn it in? Why or why not? Yes, absolutely.  If you could have any food right now, what would you like?   I just had ramen so I’m good right now. If you found out that the world was going to end tomorrow, how would you spend your last day? Freaking out? ha.
Layer 15: Firsts
When did you lose your first tooth? Like 5 or 6. Who was your first teacher that you ever had? I don’t remember my preschool teacher’s name. When did you first learn how to ride a bike? I didn’t. When was the first time you had sex? I haven’t. Did your first birthday have a theme to it? I’d have to ask my mom.
Layer 16: Lasts
Last person you texted: My brother. Last drink you sipped: Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink. Last time you rode a bike: -- Last time you swam in a pool: Like 8 years ago. Last person you hugged: My aunt.
Layer 17: Favorites
Favorite Color: Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow. Favorite Season: Fall and winter. Favorite Shape: Hearts and stars. Favorite Letter: I don’t have one. Favorite Number: 8.
Layer 18: This or That
Pepsi or Coke? Coke. Movies or Television? Both. Phone or Tablet? Phone. Fruits or Vegetables? I like some of both. Animals or Humans? Animals, ha.
Layer 19: Which
Which Poke’mon is your favorite? Let’s go with Jigglypuff. Which day of the week is your favorite? I don’t have one. My days all blend together. Which birthday celebration was the most memorable for you? Various ones throughout my life. Which holiday is your favorite? Christmas. Which shoe do you put on first? I think my right.
Layer 20: Love Life/Relationships
What is the name of your first love? Joseph. How many times can you honestly say you’ve been in love? Twice. Have you ever been in a relationship before that was abusive in any way? No. Have you ever been engaged or married before? No. Do you have any children? Nooo.
Layer 21: Jobs, Dreams, & Goals
What did you want to be when you grew up (as a little kid)? I wanted to be a teacher. What do you aspire to be now? What interests you? I have no idea. :/ What is the most recent goal you’ve achieved? I haven’t achieved any in a long time. What is a goal you are still striving to reach? I should be setting some, but... Have you ever won any sort of awards before? If so, for what? Honor roll certificates and award from school clubs I was in.
Layer 22: Opinions & Beliefs
Pro-life or pro-choice? Pro-choice. Were you raised with any sort of religious background? If so, then what? Both sets of grandparents were the ones who tried to influence me in that way and they were of different religions, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christians. It made things very confusing and complicated and I struggled with what I believed for a very long time. I went through phases of being atheist, agnostic, and then slowly started to open up towards Christianity. Democrat, Republican, or Independent? I don’t want to get into that. For or against the death penalty? It’s very complicated. Thoughts on assisted suicide? That’s a very touchy, sensitive subject.
Layer 23: Currently/Today/Present
What day is it? Saturday, March 6th. What’s the weather like outside? It’s currently 46F. What have you eaten? So far just ramen. Did you run any errands? It’s only 5:21AM, but I won’t be going anywhere today. What time is it? ^^^
Layer 24: Yesterday
Did you have a work shift? I don’t have a job. Did you eat out anywhere? I had breakfast delivered and then got Wingstop takeout for dinner. Was it snowing? No, it doesn’t snow here. Who did you last say goodnight to? My mom. Did anything unusual happen? No.
Layer 25: Tomorrow
Do you have to go to school/class? Nope, I finished school back in 2015. Does this day have any sort of significance to you? No. What is a chore that needs to get done? I don’t have anything I need to do right now. Will you hang out with friends? I don’t have any friends. I’ll hang with my family at home. What time will you be expected to be awake by? Like 4 or 5PM most likely.
Layer 26: Have You Ever
Performed a magic trick successfully? Nope. I dabbled a little bit with card tricks when I was a kid, but I was never any good at it. Sat or laid on a rooftop and looked at the stars? No. I’d be too scared to do that. Walked around with your underwear on inside out or backwards all day without realizing it? Probably. Touched a snake? Nooooo. Been bitten by an animal? If so, what animal? Nope.
Layer 27: School Life
Are preschool and kindergarten mandatory where you live? I’m not sure if preschool is, actually. I went to preschool.  Were you or anyone you knew homeschooled? I was for a brief periods of time after some long hospital stays in 5th, 6th, and 8th grade. Did you attend public or private school? Public. Were you bullied in school, popular, or somewhere in-between? I wasn’t bullied and I most definitely wasn’t popular. What is the highest level of education that you completed? I have my BA in psych.
Layer 28: Your Appearance
Eye Color: Brown. Hair Color: A mix of red and my natural dark brown. Height: Like 5′4. Weight: Somewhere in the 70s (pounds), I think. I haven’t been weighed in years. Do you have freckles. moles, beauty marks, or birthmarks - and where? I have some freckles, some moles, and a birthmark.
Layer 29: Electronics, Internet, & Social Media
How much time do you spend on the internet per day? It really varies. Which social media platforms do you belong to? All the big main ones. When’s the last time you replaced the batteries in your television remote? I don’t recall. Are you more likely to stream movies and shows on your laptop, or cast them to your television? I prefer to on TV. Do you have an e-reader, or do you prefer actual books? No, but I do use the Kindle app on my phone.
Layer 30: Are You
Are you still in school? Nope. Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community? No. Are you looking forward to anything coming soon? There isn’t anything coming up that I’m looking forward to. Are you dreading anything coming soon? Upcoming doctor appointments.  Are you gullible or naive? I wouldn’t say I’m a gullible or naive person, but I can be gullible and naive at times.
Layer 31: Does
Does your workplace make you feel like you can never take a day off without feeling guilty about it? -- Does someone currently hold the key to your heart? Myself. Does anyone out there hate you? Probably.  Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Yes. Does crying make you feel less strong? Sometimes I do feel like that because I’m just so sensitive and moody and feel like such a baby sometimes. I don’t think crying makes you weak, I’m just hard on myself and feel like I cry too much and over ridiculous things at times. I’m like seriously, you’re crying again?? Or wow, you’re crying over this??
Layer 32: Would You
Do the Polar Bear Plunge? Helllllllllll no. Ever try to walk across a room blindfolded? I’ve done that. And with just my eyes closed. Swim with sharks? Noooooo. Go into outer space, given the chance? Noooooo. Go out in public, looking how you do right now? Ew, no.
Layer 33: Pets/Animals
Do you have any pets? If so, what type, and their names... Yep, I have a 4 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix named Princess Leia. If not, what type of pet have you always wanted? -- What is your favorite animal? Dogs and giraffes. Do you think it is cruel to have circus animals? Yes. How often do you walk your dog, if you have one? How often do you scoop the litterbox, if you have a cat? I don’t walk her because it would be too hard for me to do, but my dad does a few times a week.
Layer 34: Food
What is your favorite breakfast item? Scrambled eggs, biscuits, and hash browns smothered in country gravy, scrambled eggs with spinach, garlic, and green onions, breakfast burritos, and breakfast sandwiches. What is your favorite kind of dessert? Cheesecake, brownies, cupcakes, muffins, donuts, cookies, Little Debbie snacks. Do you eat all three meals everyday? Nope. I usually just have two. What’s the longest you’ve gone without food? Ever, like 2-3 days because I had just had surgery. Otherwise, just a day without any food at all. I’ve gone days with very little when I’m really sick or having appetite issues. What do you like to eat when you are feeling sick? I don’t like to eat when I’m sick, which becomes a problem. I have to try and at least eat buttered toast and soup.
Layer 35: Past
Does your past ever come back to haunt you at times? I’m always dwelling on my past. What is one of your favorite memories of the past? Childhood memories. What is something that you used to do in the past, but no longer do? I used to have somewhat of a social life, but now I don’t have one at all. If you could have a meal with someone from the past, who would it be, and what would you ask them? My grandmother. I’d just want to spend time with her and catch her up on the past 15 years as much as I could. Which historical time period would you like to go back to and check out? Hm. I don’t know.
Layer 36: Future
Do you think you will ever get married one day? Honestly, no. I really don’t see it happening. Do you plan on ever getting a different job in the future, or are you happy with the one you’ve got? I don’t have a job currently. What age do you plan to retire at? Or do you plan on working til you’re dead? I don’t know what my plans are in regards to work.  What is something on your bucket list worth mentioning? One that pretty much everyone says, but traveling.  If given the opportunity to see how your future plays out, would you take it, or no? The future terrifies me, so no I don’t think I would. It could possibly end up being encouraging if I saw things turn around for me in a good way, but I’m afraid it would just show more problems and things getting worse. :/
Layer 37: Hygiene
How often do you shower? Every couple days. How often do you brush your teeth? At least once a day. Do you actually iron any of your clothes? I’ve never ironed my clothes. How often do you do laundry? It gets done about once a week. How long do you use a bath towel before switching it out? I only use it once.
Layer 38: Clothing, Makeup, & Style
Do you wear nail polish? If so, how often do you paint your nails? I haven’t painted my nails in almost 5 years. How would your describe your sense of style? Super casual? ha. I live in leggings and oversized graphic tees. Are there any popular trends that you do not find appealing? Of course. Where do you typically buy your clothing from? Boxlunch and Hot Topic.  What sorts of accessories do you wear/use? I haven’t worn any accessories in awhile. I used to be a big accessories person, like I stuff to match all my outfit and my arms would be full of bracelets.
Layer 39: Hobbies
Do you still color, even as an adult? Yep. I love that adult coloring books became a pretty big thing a few years ago, I love ‘em. Do you/would you like to crochet, knit, cross-stitch, etc? Nah. What’s the last thing you crafted all by yourself? I’m not an arts and crafts person. Do you use Pinterest at all? I do. What’s the last thing that you cooked or baked? Ramen, of course.
Layer 40: Dislikes
List some of your pet peeves here. Eating sounds is a big one. What are some things that annoy you about yourself? Oh jeez. Many things.  Is there anyone out there who you actually hate? Who? Myself? What is a feeling that you dislike? Feeling sick. Do you get some ugly road rage while driving? I don’t drive.
Layer 41: Random
Have you ever successfully pogo’ed on a pogo stick? No. Not sure how that would work with a wheelchair, ha. Have you ever mastered the jump rope? Again, kinda hard to do, but I’ve kinda jumped rope before. Not the actual jumping part course, but did the movements while just wheeling over the rope instead and continuing to move forward. It’s kinda hard to explain, but yeah. Do you know what it feels like to be truly happy? Uhhh.  Is it winter in your part of the world right now? Yes. What’s your favorite type of survey, and why? I enjoy themed ones like this and ones with random, interesting questions that allow me to elaborate more than just simple yes and no. I don’t mind some of that thrown in and some basic questions, but I want more.
Layer 42: Music
What are some of your favorite genres of music? I like variety. What are some music genres that you can’t stand? I’m not into dubstep.  If you had a blank pair of concert tickets, who would you hope to be going to see? Hm. I’d have to think about that. Do you still listen to music on the radio from time to time? It’s been like 4 years since I’ve listened to the radio. iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, or YouTube? Spotify.
Layer 43: Books
What were some of your favorite books as a child? How young are we talking? Like around 4th grade I started getting into Goosebumps, Nancy Drew, The Baby Sitter’s Club, Ramona and Beezus, and choose your own adventure books.  What genre of books do you typically read most often? Well, for the past couple years now I’ve just been reading murder mystery and psychological thrillers. Apart from those, my favorite genres are fiction, YA, and NA. What are some of your favorite books as an adult? I have several favorite murder mystery series.  What is a book that you were required to read for school that you actually enjoyed? One of them was A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Do you read any newspapers or magazines anymore? I haven’t in years.
Layer 43: Around the World
Where’s the best place you’ve taken a vacation and/or day trip to? My Disneyland trips are definitely some of the best. Where is somewhere that you’d like to go someday, assuming you have the funds to do so? There’s so many places I’d love to visit. Where do your family members originate from? Most are from here, but some from different cities and states. What is your favorite type of ethnic cuisine? Italian. What is something that is typically representative of your own culture? Hm.
Layer 44: Would you Rather...
Drink apple juice or grape juice? Ew, neither. Wear pants or shorts? Pants. I don’t do shorts. Be taller or shorter? Taller. Go to a zoo or an aquarium? Zoo. Visit an art gallery or a museum? Museum.
Layer 45: Movies
Do you remember what the first movie was that you saw in theaters? No, but the first one I remember seeing is The Rugrats Movie. What are some of your favorite movies you’ve seen? There’s so many. What genre of movie do you typically enjoy? Horror, psychological thrillers, drama, superhero, fantasy and sci-fi, romcoms.  What is a movie you’ve seen that you weren’t expecting to like, but were pleasantly surprised? I didn’t think I’d love Star Wars and the superhero movies like I do, honestly. I got into them late, but once I started I was hooked. How many movies do you own? Are they all DVD’s, or do you still have some VHS ones left? I have like 10 DVDs in my personal collection. I also have my Disney VHS tapes stored away.
Layer 46: Personality
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? I’m an introvert all the way. Are you more easygoing and laid back, or anal? I think I come off as easygoing and laid back to people who don’t know me, but I am not. I mean, in some cases I am, like when it comes to traveling I’m pretty much down to do anything and I’m cool with just chillin’ and checking things out.  Are you kind to everyone who shows that they deserve kindness? I believe so. Describe your sense of humor. I honestly don’t know. Like, I like corny, punny, cheesy jokes, but apart from that I’m not sure how to describe it. People will show me stuff they think is funny and they can be dying of laughter and I can be straight-faced or just give a little chuckle or blow air out of my nose, ha. So yeah, it’s hard to explain. Random stuff will just really strike me as funny. And even if I do think something is amusing, it doesn’t always mean I’m laughing hysterically ya know? I haven’t had a good laugh in a long time. Do you tend to over-share? In surveys I do sometimes.
Layer 47: Celebrities
Which celebrity has given their child the most unique name, in your opinion? Meh, I don’t know. Are there any celebrities that you keep tabs on/read articles about often? Not as much as I used to, honestly. I used to be wrapped up in celebrity gossip and entertainment. I still like that kind of stuff, but I don’t know I just haven’t been following it as much. Who is/are your celebrity crush(es)? Alexander Skarsgard. Have you ever personally met someone famous before? If so, then who? Jamie Lee Curtis and Drake Bell. Who is a celebrity that you’re getting tired of hearing about all the time? Hmm.
Layer 48: Emotions
When was the last time you cried? A couple days ago. What are some things that you’re afraid of? Losing loved ones, dying, never getting better/getting worse... What is something small that makes you happy? That first sip of coffee. Who is the last person that you were angry with, and about what? It’s been awhile since I’ve been angry with someone. Are you typically a shy or outgoing person? I’m very shy.
Layer 49: Digging Deeper
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? I don’t drink. How old were you when you got drunk for the first time? 21. Do you smoke? Nope. Have you ever taken and sent naked pictures of yourself? No. Have you ever done any drugs other than marijuana? If so, which ones? Nope.
Layer 50: Games
What are some of your favorite video games? Mario Bro games. Do you have any computer games that you play regularly? I go through phases with The Sims where I’ll play all the time and then go years without playing. The last time I played was 3 years ago. What was your favorite board game, growing up? Sorry!, Trouble, and Life. How about your favorite card game? Growing up I liked playing Uno and Crazy 8′s.  How good are you at solving puzzles? (such as a Rubik’s cube, word puzzles, or putting together a jigsaw puzzle) I love word searches and such. I used to enjoy doing actual puzzles when I was a kid. I’ve actually been wanting to do a puzzle lately.
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The sinners will be finished off from the earth and as for the wicked, they will be no longer. Raise your hands in holiness and bless Jehovah. May Jehovah bless you out of Zion, He the Maker of heaven and earth...
And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he hurled him into the abyss and shut [it] and sealed [it] over him, that he might not mislead the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After these things he must be let loose for a little while.
And I saw thrones, and there were those who sat down on them, and power of judging was given them. Yes, I saw the souls of those executed with the ax for the witness they bore to Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had worshiped neither the wild beast nor its image and who had not received the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand. And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years.
Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let loose out of his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Ma’gog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea. And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. But fire came down out of heaven and devoured them. And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet [already were]; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
And I saw a great white throne and the one seated on it. From before him the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. And the dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds. And the sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Ha’des gave up those dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. And death and Ha’des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. I saw also the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also, he says: “Write, because these words are faithful and true.” And he said to me: “They have come to pass! I am the Al’pha and the O·me’ga, the beginning and the end. To anyone thirsting I will give from the fountain of the water of life free. Anyone conquering will inherit these things, and I shall be his God and he will be my son. But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and fornicators and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second death.”
And there came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls which were full of the seven last plagues, and he spoke with me and said: “Come here, I will show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.” So he carried me away in [the power of the] spirit to a great and lofty mountain, and he showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God and having the glory of God. Its radiance was like a most precious stone, as a jasper stone shining crystal-clear. It had a great and lofty wall and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names were inscribed which are those of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. On the east were three gates, and on the north three gates, and on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. The wall of the city also had twelve foundation stones, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Now the one who was speaking with me was holding as a measure a golden reed, that he might measure the city and its gates and its wall. And the city lies foursquare, and its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs; its length and breadth and height are equal. Also, he measured its wall, one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to a man’s measure, at the same time an angel’s. Now the structure of its wall was jasper, and the city was pure gold like clear glass. The foundations of the city’s wall were adorned with every sort of precious stone: the first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chal·ced’o·ny, the fourth emerald, the fifth sar’do·nyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrys’o·lite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrys’o·prase, the eleventh hyacinth, the twelfth amethyst. Also, the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one of the gates was made of one pearl. And the broad way of the city was pure gold, as transparent glass.
And I did not see a temple in it, for Jehovah God the Almighty is its temple, also the Lamb [is]. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God lighted it up, and its lamp was the Lamb. And the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. And its gates will not be closed at all by day, for night will not exist there. And they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it. But anything not sacred and anyone that carries on a disgusting thing and a lie will in no way enter into it; only those written in the Lamb’s scroll of life [will].
And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of its broad way. And on this side of the river and on that side [there were] trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees [were] for the curing of the nations.
And no more will there be any curse. But the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in [the city], and his slaves will render him sacred service; and they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. Also, night will be no more, and they have no need of lamplight nor [do they have] sunlight, because Jehovah God will shed light upon them, and they will rule as kings forever and ever.
And he said to me: “These words are faithful and true; yes, Jehovah the God of the inspired expressions of the prophets sent his angel forth to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. And, look! I am coming quickly. Happy is anyone observing the words of the prophecy of this scroll.”
Well, I John was the one hearing and seeing these things. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel that had been showing me these things. But he tells me: “Be careful! Do not do that! All I am is a fellow slave of you and of your brothers who are prophets and of those who are observing the words of this scroll. Worship God.”
He also tells me: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the appointed time is near. He that is doing unrighteousness, let him do unrighteousness still; and let the filthy one be made filthy still; but let the righteous one do righteousness still, and let the holy one be made holy still.
“‘Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is. I am the Al’pha and the O·me’ga, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Happy are those who wash their robes, that the authority [to go] to the trees of life may be theirs and that they may gain entrance into the city by its gates. Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone liking and carrying on a lie.’
“‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star.’” 
And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: “Come!” And let anyone hearing say: “Come!” And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.
“I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.
“He that bears witness of these things says, ‘Yes; I am coming quickly.’” “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.”
[May] the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ [be] with the holy ones.”
-Revelation 20-22, NWT
CARRYING ON A LIE: Unicorns, Narcissists, and Hillsong Worship (It’s NOT That Deep)
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akumadeshitsumon · 6 years
*Jehovah witness knocks on the door* Good sir, are you aware of your natural connection with the Divine father and what potential lies in your hands as His child? What, do you believe, is the significance of your existence in the greater scheme of things?
London, 1889.
It was a grey and rainy afternoon in London, as was so often thecase. Today the rain did not pour, but rather camedown from the sky in a dismal drizzle that did not look like much,but nevertheless left any that spent more than a few minutes in itsoaked to the bone. Animals and humans alike hurried along thestreets, and even though darkness had not yet descended onto the citythere was a distinct grey tone to the light that made it to Earththrough the thick layer of clouds. Sebastian noticed allof this through the townhouse’s kitchen window, which was coveredin hundreds of tiny drops of water. This made it rather hard to seeoutside, but only a glance was needed to know what the situation waslike. It was very fortunate that his master’s plans for the afternoondid not involve any outside activities, because Sebastian was notkeen to expose himself to the cold and the wet. It would not make himsick, of course, but even so it was deeply unpleasant.Therewas a knock at the kitchen door, distracting Sebastian from hismusings about the weather. It was quite common for deliveries to bemade around this time of day, so Sebastian did not think twice aboutopening the door. What he saw there was not quite what he hadexpected. Instead of an unhappy delivery person carrying heavy cratesor riding a cart stacked high with barrels, he found two bedraggledlooking humans in bland grey clothing, looking entirely too cheerfulfor people who had so apparently spent all afternoon in the rain.Water was quite literally dripping out of their clothes, and when oneof them shifted position Sebastian could have sworn he heard waterslosh in their shoes. Before he could ask the pair whattheir purpose was, one of the men launched into a speech atastonishing speed. It was impossible to get a word in edgeways, soSebastian was forced to listen as the man expanded on the history ofChristianity, the true Christian faith, and most of all why joiningtheir movement would apparently save Sebastian’s soul from the firesof hell and lead him to salvation. It was such a torrent of wordsthat Sebastian was momentarily stunned, which was most likely theeffect that the man had intended. As soon as he realisedwhat was happening, it took most of Sebastian’s willpower not to rollhis eyes. Terrific. Religious fanatics, who had ironically chosen theleast likely household in all of London to pitch their story to.Sebastian had heard stories of suchnew and audacious groups coming over from the colonies, but this wasthe first time he had encountered them in the wild. They certainlyseemed persistent - the front one was still talking, clearlypassionate about the topic of divine salvation, while the one at theback nodded emphatically at every definitive statement. The topic ofhell also came up,though it was not described in avery favourable manner.Sebastian almost laughed out loud at the inaccuracies in the man’sstory about hell, but managed to keep his face straight until the manended his impassioned plea with some questions. “Goodsir, are you aware of your natural connection with the Divine fatherand what potential lies in your hands as His child? What, do youbelieve, is the significance of your existence in the greater schemeof things?” Sebastian’s lip twitched, but he managednot to smile. Despite his annoyance he could not help but be amusedat the irony of this entire situation. “I am very aware of myconnection to your Christian God,” he replied, showing but themerest hint of a smirk on his face. “As for the significance ofmy existence, as a mere butler I rarely have time to contemplate suchmatters. Now if you would excuse me, I have some work that I have tocomplete.”He made to shut the door, but the man whohad not yet spoken had the audacity to stick his foot between thedoor and the door frame. There was a thunk and a grunt of pain, butthe man did not remove his foot, forcing Sebastian to open the dooryet again. “Good sir, please reconsider! The well-being of yoursoul is more important than any earthly work.” A hand was thrustthrough the half-open door, holding a rather soggy pamphlet entitled’Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence’. Aquick glance revealed it to be moreof the sameclaptrap.Thesepeople were really getting on his nerves, but they would not go away.The louder of the two was now quoting passages from the pamphlet inSebastian’s hand, attempting to keep Sebastian from fully shuttingthe door. His efforts were, of course, entirely futile, as Sebastianwas much stronger than any human being could hopeto be, but these humans werequite persistent. Sebastian had a feeling that even if he were toshut them out they would not give up, and so he decided on amore extreme countermeasure. So far Sebastianhad been keeping the door half-open,blocking the two men from entering the house,but now he flung it wide, which took both men completely by surprise.The one whose foot had been blocking the door took a step backwards,and the other one who had been holding the doorwas forced to let go in a hurry. Hestumbled and almost fell, butsomehow righted himself again just in time.Sebastiandrew himself up to his full height in the doorway,which grew inexplicably darker with every passing second.Without saying a word he held up the pamphlet, stared the loud mandead in the eyes, and lit the soggy paper on fire in his hand. Theman’s face blanched. Sebastianwinked. “A word ofadvice,” he said, as the two men seemed momentarily frozen infear. “You might wish toproperly inform yourselves onwhom you are speaking to about heaven and hell before you start yourlittle lectures. A moment or two of reflection may serve you well inthe future. Have a good evening, gentlemen.” As he closed the door he heard thetwo men scramble down the steps and take off down the street,frantically chanting their prayers in ever rising voices. Sebastianshook his head. Honestly, he should probably not havedone that, but it might befor the better. He was reasonably certain that these people wouldnever come back to this house after that display, and they wouldprobably warn their colleagues in the city as well. Sure, therewas a very slim chance that theywouldreturn to perform an exorcism, but Sebastian had experience with suchoccasions. In fact, he almost hoped that they would try. It would probably be very amusing.
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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The Triple Novena to Join Padre Pio’s Spiritual Children
“I have made a pact with the Lord: when my soul has been purified in the flames of purgatory and deemed worthy to be admitted to the presence of God, I will take my place at the gate to paradise, but I shall not enter until I have seen the last of my spiritual children enter.”
—St. Padre Pio, from a letter to his spiritual daughter, Antonietta Pompilio
With a promise like that, how could anyone resist the desire to become Padre Pio’s spiritual child? And yet, there’s even more encouragement from this dear father, for he also said:
“I love my spiritual children as much as my own soul, and even more . . . Once I take a soul on, I also take on his entire family as my spiritual children . . . to my spiritual children, my prayers for you will never be lacking.”
And finally,
“If one of my spiritual children ever goes astray, I shall leave my flock and seek him out.”
And yet, desire as we might to become St. Pio’s children, we might wonder how exactly to forge this relationship. I know two very easy ways, and I won’t delay in sharing them with you.
Just Ask
First, just ask. Here is a prayer that gets to the heart of the matter, and like a little sacrament, effects what it signifies:
Dear Padre Pio, I recall your promise to the Lord, “I will stand at the gates of heaven until I see all my spiritual children have entered.” Encouraged by your gracious promise, I ask you to accept me as your spiritual child.
A Triple Novena
You can’t get much more direct than that, but you may want to share this treasure of Pio’s spiritual fatherhood. That brings us to the second way to become his spiritual child, which is by participating in an unfailing Triple Novena that began on September 6, but in virtue of its three phases, allows for jumping in mid-stream. The following prayer will suffice:
O Blessed Padre Pio, holy bearer of the wounds of Christ, accept us this day as your spiritual sons and daughters and keep us always on the Little Way by your intercession. And do thou, O our Spiritual Father, relieve our suffering and the suffering of those we love, and then stay there at the Gates of Heaven, as you promised, until all of your spiritual children have entered through, even and including us and all those we love.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
That’s it, you’re in! You are now, without question, a beloved child of Padre Pio. And if you were hoping, also, to have your prayer intentions answered, you’re in luck there too. By reading these Padre Pio prayers, you are now officially part of the first annual unfailing Triple Novena. Moreover, you’re in for the long haul even if you don’t remember to say another single prayer for the duration. How can it be this easy?
How Does It Work? The best way to explain it is by telling you this is the Calvinball of novenas. Do you remember Calvinball? In it, Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes) plays a rowdy game with ever-changing rules that evolve to meet the needs of Calvin and his friend Hobbes.
This Triple Novena won’t knock anyone’s block off, but it will knock your socks off, because one of its first rules is that anyone can join throughout the course of its 26 days, and even learning about it is enough to count one in. This is the Novena to end all Novenas, and like St. Thérèse’s Little Way, it is easy, new, and guaranteed to quell perfectionism at the get go. Here’s how it works:
Starting on September 6, a select group who stumbled upon my blog, Miss Marcel’s Musings, began a triple novena after discovering that nine days (a single novena) would end on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Furthermore, if we made it a double and began another novena the following day (Our Lady of Sorrows), we would end on St. Padre Pio’s feast day, September 23. But when it comes to prayer, the more the merrier (especially regarding participants and intentions), and we saw that by making it a triple novena and beginning again on September 23, we would land smack on the Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, October 1.
The consequence? A triple novena!
Different Novenas
You probably already know that novenas come in all shapes and sizes. One of the secrets of a great novena, though, besides some variation on the number nine, is that the days (or minutes) it takes to say the prayers have an almost miraculous relationship to one another.
Take, for instance, the 54 day Rosary novena. Did you know that if you start it on August 15, Our Lady’s Assumption, you will end, 54 days later (after three novenas of petition and three of gratitude) on October 7, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary?
Or take the mini-novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe (a sneaky three-day novena, hence “mini”) — it begins on Juan Diego’s feast, December 9, and ends in time for Our Lady of Guadalupe’s day on December 12.
Then there is Mother Teresa’s emergency (or “flying”) novena of 9 Memorares said in a row with a tenth in thanksgiving. My friend Maura wrote about it here, and as she explains, you will discover in this quick novena a way not only to calm your fears, but also to get your prayers answered lickety-split.
Our triple novena is akin to Mother Teresa’s novena and the mini-novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, because although it is longer than most novenas, covering as it does 26 days (you can do the math later), it also answers the needs of our hearts without demanding a long attention span.
Start Today
Are you reading this after September 6? You must be, unless you’re in 2020 already. This is an ideally suited novena series to cure perfectionism, as well as to answer prayers and cover your needs—and I do mean to include the needs of all those you love as well. It’s likely you didn’t start praying this triple novena at the outset, but as I mentioned already, joining it anywhere in the middle, you’ll still get full pay, like the workers in Jesus’ parable.
This is our certainty. More importantly, we can count in everyone who runs across the path of our novena. Those two lovely Jehovah’s Witnesses who just rang my doorbell and shared with me 1 Peter 5? They may not realize what happened, but they are even at this moment being commended to Our Lady and the Saints!
Other Prayers
The only thing left to tell you, then, is the rest of the prayers this Triple Novena employs. You already have your choice of Padre Pio prayers, but here is what you may have missed in the first novena, and what’s coming up in the third. First, An Old French Prayer for Friends:
Blessed Mother of those whose names you can read in my heart, watch over them with every care. Make their way easy and their labors fruitful. Dry their tears if they weep; sanctify their joys; raise their courage if they weaken; restore their hope if they lose heart, their health if they be ill, truth if they err, and repentance if they fall. Amen.
And last, our prayer to St. Thérèse. For the short version, we suggest that perennial favorite: “Little Flower, in this hour, show thy power!” But if you like something a little more formal, you might try this prayer from the Carmelites of Lisieux:
St. Thérèse, you who promised to make fall a shower of roses, see what confidence I put in you and receive my intentions. Ask the Lord to grant my prayers and obtain for me the grace to always love Him and make Him to be loved. Amen.
God knows all of our intentions, and what a gift that He has promised: “Ask, and you shall receive.”
If you feel so inclined, add your special requests in the comment section below, but above all, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Not only that, but Padre Pio promised to have your back (and the backs of your loved ones) all the way to Heaven, so rejoice, little one, for your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom.
From: https://www.pamphletstoinspire.com/
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mariekattaylor · 2 years
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The Bible says this about faith: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1, NASB). The dictionary says faith is “confident belief in the truth.” These are great comments on faith. But, sometimes faith is best defined as “Just plain ole’ hard!”
Have you ever been in a situation where your faith is really tested, I mean REALLY tested? Or have you ever wondered where God is in the mist of your difficulties even though you’ve been crying out to Him for deliverance and have seen none? Have you ever found yourself with nowhere to turn, no real answers, no light at the end of the tunnel? Have your heart and mind been filled with both anguish, doubts, fears, and commotion, and faith seems more like a distant concept then present reality? I have, and if you have been a Christian for very long, then you probably have too.
Why does God allow us to go through these desert times of the testing of our faith? Well, James tells us plainly, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing,” (James 1:2-4). James knew what it meant to live by faith and he knew what it meant to have his faith purified. That’s right, purified.
It is easy to have faith in God when we are sitting in our easy-chairs, in our air-conditioned homes, with our remote controls in one hand, and a bag of chips in the other. That kind of faith is easy. However, it leads nowhere — except to the easy-chair. But, take it all away and you will find out what kind of faith you really have. Take away your comforts and your security and then what kind of faith will you have in God? You will quickly find out what you are really made of. Will you bemoan your circumstances and whine at God or will you turn to Him in the midst of your trial and, by faith, praise His name and continue to trust Him even beyond your ability to understand?
Real trials provide for us a rare opportunity to actually praise the Lord of Heaven when life is difficult. It is THAT kind of praise and faith that is pleasing to God (Heb. 11:6). And, it is that kind of faith that builds your character (James 1:2-4).
Now, here is a little heresy for you from Matt Slick: Faith does not save you. Got that? FAITH DOES NOT SAVE YOU! Faith is not a substance that you put in a jar or detect with a meter. Faith isn’t a cream you apply to protect you from something. Faith is belief, trust, etc. The key to understanding faith lies not in faith itself but in the OBJECT of faith: God! Faith is only as good as who you put it in. Faith in a false god (i.e., Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, etc.) is useless and it doesn’t save you. But faith in the TRUE God DOES save you. Do you see? Faith is only as good as who you put it in. Faith in the true God results in salvation (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8). Faith in a false god results in damnation.
Finally, faith “works” because of who it is placed in. It is not a thing that depends upon you for its vitality. It is not made real by YOU. It is made real by WHO YOU PLACE IT IN; that is why true faith in the true God is independent of your circumstances. Romans 12:3 says that God gives a measure of faith to everyone. Okay, so what do you do with this measure of faith? During trials and tribulations do you withdraw it from your spiritual walk, whine and complain, only to be faithful again when things get more comfortable? Or, do you continue on in faith (because it is in the Creator of the Universe), in spite of your circumstance, and do exactly what the Bible says: “The just shall live by faith,” (Hab. 2:4)? To live by faith means that you continue on trusting God because your faith is in HIM and not in your comforts, your health, your needs, your emotions, or your intellect. To live by faith means that you trust the Lord in all circumstances. In this, God is glorified.
Do you think that the God of Glory who died on the cross and rose from the dead is going to leave you or forsake you? He cannot. Therefore, your faith in Him is well placed. But remember, His perfecting of your faith sometimes requires you to actually live by it. Keep your eyes on Him and remember that His love and commitment to you was proven on the cross. That will make it easier to endure the times of perfecting your faith. 🫶🏻🤍✝️
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