#the way I spent 1h+ on this
typinggently · 2 years
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@ishtarssideblog — I put them into the Butchlander no powers enemies to coparents to fuckbuddies to lovers au. 😶
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radiates-confusion · 1 year
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I would've given this depiction of Day 22: Mercy a full rendering (such as actual shading) but I need to get two and a half v1 poster designs done technically today to be on schedule, so instead you're getting idk... art lore? Maybe? I just kinda had this idea of the backstory of this image as I was drawing it. Also, I fealt bad for how bad yesterdays drawing was, so I had to shoot for the stars here
Ok, Ok, assuming that works how I think it does, not everyone will be having to deal with my random rambles!
I imagine Lady mercy came to be as the concept, the idea of a strength within a person in a rather brutal fashion. I imagine she begged for others to have with her what she had with them. Mercy. I imagine that this one time of showing mercy was considered a time too far by those around her, and so she was struck down. Not out of mercy, but out of anger. Hatred. Fear.
In her final moments she pleaded and begged, wondering why she could not be shown this basic kindness even for something that deserved so much more. Her answer, unfortuantely, would be found without said mercy. Upon waking up she finds, how could one have shown her the mercy she deserved, when it was not there to be found, when she is the one filling the hole left in her predecessors place.
Many will find themselves presuming that mercy is pure, untainted by death. For that is how many percieve mercy in the actions they could take. They would not always be wrong, as letting someone live on can quite often be a mercy. They are not always right, however. Sometimes mercy is giving a person a purpose, whatever the kind may be, sometimes it is helping someone enact a revenge, and sometimes it is even to simply end a beings sorrows in the quickest and nicest way possible. Yet even that has its derivations.
Mercy will often return to her throne, built from the gratitude of those affected rather than those effecting, with the hint of a smile on her face, and eyes that see beyond what is infront of her. She is content, in her new life, whistful of her old one.
Mercy is not pure, or untainted by death. She is often working right beside them, when she sees fit. Mercy is determined to remain where she is, protecting those that beg and scream as she did. Stubborn in her want to not leave someone as she was left, by a selfish choice of leaving, of ceasing to exist. This Mercy will remain as long as she sees fit, till one who passes both full of and with mercy can suitably do as she did.
She will not get that wish, secretly she knows this as her own ascension to this position shows as such, but she hopes and wishes and wonders none the less.
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
#diary#personal#mn. i sent an email today like planned. how nice. honestly it took me 1h and 30 mins or so....#which honeslty isnt half bad for me. in the end i just clicked send bc if i didnt i would keep tweaking it for hours#which then turns into weeks and months.... and ive already put this off for basically 2-3 months now#honestly im just impressed i sent it at all in the end. i was hella stressed n shaking and i had to doodle to calm myself down lmao#im sorta spent now. im like kinda dreading having to send emails back n shit if i gotta.#i. dont know how long i can keep up the fake professionalism lmao#and i just know im gonna get all wrapped up in things.#its always funny tho bc distractions like this sorta help with my just. overall meltdowning.#haha. bc i go from wanting to cry to like. just researching how to fix *vaguely gestures* this all#and i find that sorta calming ig? idk. im rly tired now#i usually go to bed earlier than this. well. no i dont. but i got up at six so i should be asleep by now.#well either way i guess i did well enough for today. time to sleep. not like imma be getting an email back today#now begins the anxious wait for a message back. how fun. how often do you think ill check lmao. probably like every few hours#mn. i should unwind maybe but i wanna sleep. idk. either way im fucking off. bye bye yall (i say to no one in particular)#(maybe theres a cricket im saying by to? hes important yknow lmao - but hey. this is just rly my diary anyways. bc im too lazy to keep one)
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uyuforu · 3 months
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Boda Persona Chart Analysis I
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Boda (1487) is an asteroid discovered in 1938 by Karl Willhelm Reinmuth in Germany. It was named this way after Karl Boda. Boda in Spanish means "wedding", so it was natural for this asteroid to represent that. Boda is an asteroid we look at when we want to know more about what kind of wedding one will have. The Boda Persona Chart also means the same thing, and it gives more details about one's special day.
One of my loved one is getting married soon, and I thought it would be nice to make predictions about her wedding. So this post will be based on her Boda PC. Another Boda PC Analysis will come soon :)
All pictures were found on Pinterest
Other posts you could like:
જ⁀➴ Boda in Signs, Houses, Degrees
જ⁀➴ Boda Aspects
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₊˚⊹♡ Sun 1H: the wedding will be focused on you, you'll feel like the main character. You will feel beautiful, even more if it is in Libra or if there is a libra degree to it (7°, 19°). It could also mean the wedding look exactly how you wanted it to be, and with those degrees, very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun 1H could also mean the wedding takes place where you live or where you were born. Where you grew up too but you see what I mean.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Mars could mean the energy of the wedding is very strong, and there is a lot of movement, a lot of things going on. It can also mean fights could more happen since Mars is a planet about arguments, strong and heavy energy. The wedding will be sure a day to remember.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Pluto means the wedding will transform you. You could realize something during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon 10H: colleagues could be invited to your wedding, they could be proud of you. Could also mean a lot of people will get invited to the wedding, and many people will be proud. Depending on the sign and degree, this placement doesn't make people highly emotional.
₊˚⊹♡ Natal Sun conjunct Boda PC Chiron: you will have a deep wound by the weeding, something will hurt you, and it can also mean you will not have a good time as much as other people.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon conjunct Jupiter could mean you feel like it's a lucky day, and it's a good wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon squares Mars mean arguments will def happen.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon Virgo: you could be very stressed because of the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ 2H Stellium could mean you will spend A LOT of money on your wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon squares Mercury means you could cry a lot during the wedding and there could be many disagreements or misunderstandings.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury 2H: People could comment a lot about how much money you spent on the wedding or how much it looks expensive. People could talk about how it looks and how you decorated it. People could also comment the food often.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Mercury: many people will talk to you during the wedding. You will not feel lonely for sure!
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury conjunct Mars: A lot of chatting in the wedding! People will keep talking and talking, it will not be boring. Yet, you could also have some disagreements during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury Sagittarius could mean you could invite foreigners and they could speak in another language than you. People could also talk about a lot of different subjects, and probably also talk about life, their experiences, and share their opinions very freely.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury conjunct Briede could mean people could talk a lot about you (if you are the bride). If it conjuncts Groom, then they talk much about the groom.
₊˚⊹♡ Scorpio Rising could mean you will act shy or reserved, you will not talk much, and if you happen to have arguments with people, you will hold grudges and prefer to stay in your corner.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus 11H could mean the wedding will feel very friendly, it will be a good vibe and it will feel very welcoming. It could be unique, and very avant-garde too. You could received friendly gifts or very unique gifts too. Gifts could be related to traveling too. Best part of the wedding will be about your friends and how fun it is.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus sextile Mars could mean the wedding is very fun and people are putting a lot of energy in it. It means pretty much everyone will dance and have fun.
₊˚⊹♡ Jupiter 10H is another sign the wedding will be expensive, but it will be worth it. The wedding could bring you a lot of opportunities. It can mean a lot of foreigners or people from different religions, social classes could be invited too. Popular wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom 8H: Groom could be shy and reserved, Groom could also hide something, or not tell something. Groom could prepare a surprise or could also hide some secrets. Groom's energy could be heavy.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom conjunct Vertex in 8H: Groom could reveal a secret during the wedding. Something about the Groom could be revealed during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Boda Capricorn means a wedding which is very expensive looking, and a lot of money will be spent on it. A wedding that was planned carefully and meant to look perfect. Parents could be very involved in the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Briede opposite Groom: Groom and Bride might not spend a lot of time together during the wedding, they could also not be in good terms.
₊˚⊹♡ Neptune 2H means the fact that the wedding looks good and expensive will hide the real feelings of people. You could have the illusions that as long as the wedding is big and expensive, it will be a good wedding. Materialistic wedding.
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₊˚⊹♡ Uranus conjunct Neptune: truth about your illusions will happen during your wedding. Something sudden will happen which will make you face your illusions.
₊˚⊹♡ Part of Fortune 29°: A very popular wedding. Will be remembered for sure!
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury conjunct Briede could also mean the Bride will be one talking more during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Briede 2H: Bride controls the wedding and could make most of the decisions.
₊˚⊹♡ DSC Taurus makes the spouse being laid back, chill and just enjoy the party as it is. Probably will eat a lot lol. Spouse could also be romantic and sensual.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun quincunx DSC: Spouse will not feel very involved in the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Pisces IC: your parents will cry, be very emotional about the wedding. They could feel hopeless romantic about it.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn 3H means arguments will happen during the wedding. It can also be communication problems.
₊˚⊹♡ Capricorn 3H means people could see your wedding as a well organized and perfect even. They could see the money you spent on it.
₊˚⊹♡ Aries 5H means the wedding party will be wild, people will dance a lot, there will be a lot of energy and movement. But it can mean fights and confrontations could happen too.
₊˚⊹♡ Taurus 7H can also make your guests chill, enjoying the party, some could flirt a lot, and they could enjoy the food too.
₊˚⊹♡ Cancer 9H makes your In-Laws emotional too, and the Mother-In-Law could be very emotional. They could also nurture you a lot.
₊˚⊹♡ Chiron 9H could mean In-Laws could also see some problems with the wedding, they could also be the cause of arguments too.
₊˚⊹♡ Capricorn 3H means the wedding will happen on the ground, surrounding by nature. No water will be in the surroundings.
₊˚⊹♡ Chiron 9H could also mean there is a spiritual lesson to learn about the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Libra 11H could mean the guests will be lovely and have a good time. There could be a lot of flirting too, much more if Venus is also there. You could create a lot of new couples because of your wedding. Love is in the air!
₊˚⊹♡ Juno 3H: A lot of flirting could happen at the wedding. Someone could propose at the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn conjunct Juno: You could feel like there are no much romance in your wedding related to your relationship with your spouse.
₊˚⊹♡ Juno opposite Chiron: lack of romance, this could also mean you could heal something related to your relationship during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus trines Juno: Romance will be there at the wedding. And depending on the other aspects, this could be in your relationship, but also between the guests.
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Thank you for reading!
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love-toxin · 1 year
but what if--what if Leon--if he--with Luis--what if--
(cws: fem!reader, switching pov (r to luis), threeway, double penetration (1h), squirting, overstimulation, mentions of free use, established friendship, dirty talk, pet names, mild size kink, passing mention of piss, friends to lovers)
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Leon's such a goddamn tease it's unbelievable. Criminal. He walks around like he doesn't notice his own features, or how those slim hips and strong thighs command so much attention, yet he has the nerve to turn to you and call you "sweetheart" and push his hand down your skirt the moment you're alone.
But Luis is no better. You came from the same village, spent the same summer days playing in the heat as children, and he's pined for you ever since you were young. So because he knows you better than anyone else, he knows exactly the buttons to push and how to work you into giving him the affection he's always wanted from you.
"Look at you," He pants into your neck, grinning like a lovesick fool as he hovers over your back. "Riding our American friend like a professional. Showing him our hospitality, eh?"
You might have the strength to smack him if you weren't being stretched out twofold; with Leon buried deep in your guts with your back to his chest and Luis eager to join, prodding your sweet cunt from the front with the tip of his own cock. You've been so good for them since this all started--letting each of them have turns with you when they needed to blow off steam, always there for one of them to kiss, grope, and fuck with their fingers up your skirt as they hid from the hordes of enemies coming their way.
"Shut up Luis, I--nnh!"
The squeak that escapes you falls into the background of the deep, wet squelch that suddenly radiates from between your legs, your childhood friend having pressed your thighs further apart to push so hard he finally slips completely inside. A string of Spanish curses spill from his quick mouth while moans resonates from Leon's chest, vibrating against your back as his hips buck on instinct and you're rendered speechless as the breath is punched right out of your lungs. They're so deep, stretching you so wide, your brain can't even catch up and it feels like they're all the way in your stomach. For all you know, they might be.
"Shit, shit--too much? Talk to me, mi vida, tell me to stop," Luis' breathy tone isn't that of mockery or sadism but of genuine concern, his eyes flitting down to your precious hole swallowing two beasts at once. But his brow softens when you shake your head, tears flicking off your cheeks as you beg him to please don't stop, you don't want it to end, you don't want to be empty. His grin returns full force at that, and although Leon's been holding your legs back to keep them out of the way, he shoves the American's hands aside to slide his own up underneath your knees, pinning them almost completely to your chest to grant you a slight burn down your thighs.
"I can't wait to make you beg for more." He whispers, and when he moves this time, it's completely with purpose. Luis thrusts slow, just slow enough to make sure he drags it all out, but never stops short enough not to press against your womb--meanwhile Leon pumps into you with short, sharp bucks, the weight of his hips shaking you with each one and churning your insides into one creamy, sloppy mess. If you could see how much precum dribbles out the tip of that swollen, flushed cock in your current state, you'd probably be making a fool of yourself by licking it all up and sucking it off his sack--but instead it's going to use by lubing you up so much you swear you can hear each shift of your walls as the two of them reshape your pussy to fit them perfectly.
"L-Leon!" Your squeals draw the older man's attention, his eyes dropping from the way your tits bounce so adorably to see a hand blocking your clit--and when he watches the movements as he keeps humping you, a pleased sigh slips out as he realizes Leon's putting those devilishly skilled fingers to good use. A glance over your shoulder lets him commit that determined face to memory; with Leon fondling your chest in one hand while the other coaxes all that delicious wetness out of your sweet, hot-as-all-hell pussy. In the moment, he can't help but wonder just how intoxicating it would be to watch Leon be set loose with his mouth between your legs....that's a thought he'll have to tuck into his back pocket for later.
"You feel like a squirter," Your American hero pants with that rough voice in your ear, lewdly giving the shell of it a lick with little regard to how hard you're clenching down on both of them. He clearly isn't going to go easy until he gets what he wants out of you, which is thankfully the same thing Luis knows you want. You're just too cute and shy to say it confidently. "You wanna squirt for me, sweetheart? Let it all out. Make a mess."
"I-I wanna--d-don't wanna let it-"
"Shhh," He soothes those half-uttered worries in a heartbeat, his fingers coming down hard like a makeshift paddle on your sweet, sore clit, and ripping a deeper moan out of you that sounds almost guttural in the moment. "I wouldn't care if you pissed on me, but you're not. You're gonna squirt all over my cock like a good girl."
He punctuates those words with a two-pronged assault on your senses; in one handful he squeezes your breast and massages it in a tender rhythm, while he uses the other to press the pads of his fingers right into the hooded space above your clit, pressing down just hard enough for you feel an aching burn and jerk forward at the sudden spurt of fluid that leaks out of you. Your cheeks burn at once as he makes it happen a second time, and even Luis is enthusiastic about seeing that satisfied smirk cross Leon's face--especially when he does his own part, and slides out just enough to angle himself right into that special spot inside you, and plunges his cock into it with purpose to make you wail out both their names in earnest.
"Like that, there we go--oh, good fucking girl, that's my good girl--" You're barely even there as your orgasm rushes over you, hips wiggling like you want to get off their cocks but your cunt clamping down around them like you forbid them from ever pulling out. And everything that's been building up inside you breaks loose all at once, your nails digging into Leon's arm and Luis' hip as an incredible flood of sweet-smelling fluid just gushes out of you. One huge wave at first that takes them both by surprise, but then you're subjected to several smaller ones as Leon keeps furiously rubbing your clit, fingers completely drenched and slippery but only getting faster with every spurt of clear cum you reward them with.
Your juices soak him from the stomach down and mat down his impressive coat of hair, but sticky pubes are about the lowest tier on his list of concerns when your cunt is spasming around him like he can't even believe. Each iota of motion has you squirming and squeezing down on both cocks occupying your heat, and with every bump against your clit or that soft, rubbery spot inside you you're releasing yet another gush of clear slick to drench both of their laps.
"So good...fuck, you're an angel. Keep leaking for me, princess." Leon murmurs, tweaking your nipple with those rough fingers to drag your spacey attention back to him.
"I didn't know you could do that, mija." Luis chuckles breathlessly, the awe clear and glimmering in his dark eyes. And you say nothing, just look up at him with that pretty pink tongue hanging out of that sweet, soft mouth, and pull him in by the lapel for a kiss that just sweeps all other sensible thought from his mind.
It's unbelievable how much he wants you. How he's already cresting over the brink and cumming so deep in your belly, yet even then, even as his back arches into those shaky thrusts and his vision whites out for a second, he can't stop drilling his overstimulated cock deeper inside. Leon must be the same way if those pulses and frantic twitching as he grinds against him are any indication, and how he growls into a mouthful of your shoulder that he sinks his teeth into to muffle it. If it were with anybody else he'd be embarrassed about such a brief performance, but with you, it still doesn't end there.
If he knows himself, and he knows Leon, it probably won't end for a few hours at least. You've got time to kill, a relatively secure place, and over a thousand miles between you and anyone you know that might actually care about such an unconventional coupling. And while part of Luis still selfishly hopes Leon goes home alone when this is done so he can have you to himself, there's part of him that notices his heart fluttering whenever his American friend meets his gaze over your bruised shoulder--and when it happens, he kinda gets how you must feel when he's feeling you up like he is. He just hopes that's also how you feel about himself. Those kisses you can't get enough of seem to speak volumes, though, especially when you whimper their names so sweetly in between each one.
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soleius · 1 year
🏹 sun signs as i see them;
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happy valentine day my loves!
heres a lil something i’ve been working on for awhile as i’ve hit 100 followers (now 300+ >w<)
a feel good post w/ intentions to get ya to smile <3
i appreciate you all so much
lots of love, daisy
aries/1h sun: you’re the embodiment of ambition, that glorious spark of motivation. you’re the image of when dawn breaks, that fiery red hue. you’re who i look at during times of desperation, the light of perseverance in a room full of hopelessness. the feeling of full marks after sleepless nights of frustration, my most prized possession, a taste of satisfaction.
taurus/2h sun: you're the sight of freshly baked goods on display children beg their mothers for a taste. you're a warm cup of coffee enjoyed in the streets of paris, a garden of fresh flowers tended to for several hours. you're my stubborn moments in time where i know im wrong, but i'll still fight. you're the image of precious gifts i buy despite being shy, to express my love.
gemini/3h sun: you’re days of endless conversations, where there seems to be no end in the best possible ways. you’re moments of self realization, times when self discovery is at its best. you are what it feels to be learning new ideas from someone else, a fresh perspective when you’re so introspective. you’re my best friend in moments i needed someone the most.
cancer/4h sun: you’re the feeling of listening to my favourite music from several years ago. the remnants of innocence i still carry as child, a memory so distant it almost feels like a dream. the sounds of happy chatter amongst loud clatter. you're the comforting hug from a mother, that friend that says everythings all right. you're the reassurance in times of doubt.
leo/5h sun: you're my warm summer's day spent looking at art pieces on display. an appreciation card filled with love and adoration, crafted with much consideration. you’re the epitome of loyalty, a light of positivity. the true embodiment of confidence, a genuine compliment given at random. you’re the feel good moments in life when giant smiles are shared amongst us.
virgo/6h sun: you’re long conversations of areas i want to improve in life, where we share each others plans and feel that surge of motivation to be better when we’re with each other. you’re those moments in life people consider mundane, but i call it comfort. a cup of freshly brewed tea and a lingering scent of lavender laundry detergent.
libra/7h sun: you're my days of self care, and a genuine breath of fresh air. you’re what i imagine gentle smiles in a crowd full of people, a charming stranger one hopes to meet again but never will. you're what ideal relationships seem like, the genuine thought of falling in love. a star amongst the dozen, one that shines brightest although all so similar.
scorpio/8h sun: you’re the embodiment of deep conversations held between two lovers. a secret kept for eternity maintaining sweet serenity. you’re the deepest depths of my mind meant for no one, a sweet indulgence made for someone. you’re a puzzle to be uncovered, but only by those you allow to discover.
sagittarius/9h sun: you're my late night drives blasting music without a care. the feeling of an impending adventure, the type of conversations with friends people would have to censor. you're the embodiment of luck and an absurd memory of winning a green duck. fun is wherever you go and that’s something you’ve always known.
capricorn/10h sun: you’re moments in life where all eyes are on you, centre of attention without meaning to. you’re the embodiment of authority and chic elegance, an air of admiration others fawn over from afar. a moment of silent confidence and unwavering determination. you’re the taste of sweet satisfaction among bitter hearts.
aquarius/11h sun: you're my outta pocket conversations held between friends i'll treasure forever, sounds of undistinguishable cackles-borderline cries. you're my otherworldly discoveries in the deep depths of my mind, the feeling of insanity in a crowd full of none. a scientific discovery meant for humanity, a founder of innovation among your collections.
pisces/12h sun: you’re my iridescent hope in a room full of despair, my childish inner thoughts in a world full of adults. you’re impossible to grasp, an illusion i dream. you’re the image of the moon glimmering over an watery scene. you’re who sirens fail to imitate at night, because you’re just so one of a kind. a piscean child, neptune’s pride. a sweet daydream during my loneliest of nights.
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© soleius 2023 all rights reserved. do not copy, paste or repost my content anywhere. reblogs are fine :)!
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emobutterfly9 · 2 months
Comfort Shows & Comfort Person...
As you all know I've been talking a lot about 12H synastry as of late. I was rewatching my fav comfort show for the 100th+ time & it dawned on me....
Look to the synastry you have with your favorite show!
To pull a chart for a show/movie, look for the month & date it was released in your region & if you remember the air date or can find it, perfect!
This is the Synastry I have with my comfort show....
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Sun, Merc & NN in my 12H- I feel seen & completely understood. This show has more depth than a lot of ppl tend to realize. Sometimes I felt like this show was speaking directly to me, I know it was, & i love that for me! All the songs are songs that I can put to my real-life situations (if you'd like more details, i got yall). I literally light up everytime i talk about this cartoon. If you watch the whole series, you can better understand me at a deeper level. Which i don't allow ppl to do (scorp asc).
Moon in my 1H- Moon plays as a light/beacon of hope & comfort for the house person. I feel the most emotional comfort when watching this show. I could be having the worst day & I turn this on & suddenly my day is going great. I wouldn't say this show "raised" me, but it's been around for majority of my childhood until now. I feel like the characters read my mind & they display feelings that i feel & gives me a better way to cope with them. I have a lot of deep memories & nostalgia here. a lot of self-reflection also happens here. I feel more open emotionally & childlike. Have a reflected some of the positive coping mechanisms in this show? YES! usually when i feel emotionally overwhelmed i come here.
Venus in my 2H-sets a strong foundation, which is why I will never everrrrrr lean off this show. & I have spent money to buy merch.
Moon trine my Moon-showing a soothing nature between the show & I. Enhances emotional understanding & clams nerves.
Nevertheless, The moral of the story is to keep someone who makes you feel how your comfort show does, most times, if not all, you'll have the same synastry you with ur show, with them. I have most of these synastry placements with my forever person!
Also, if you want to get a closer look into the hearts of ur loved ones, ask them about their comfort show!
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
230328 Jimin Live Stream
Jimin is such a cutie and a precious soul. I'll mostly just focus on the jikook moments/comments though in this post rather than talk about everything/break things down. Not necessarily in order either, just me throwing down the major plot points in a post. Lol
Jimin started a live on his way home titled thank you. He mentioned that he noticed that JK did a live yesterday or technically the same day too since it went past midnight. Lol and that JK spent the live Watching all his videos. “I saw Jungkook-ie watched a lot of my videos yesterday hehe. Ah! a live 1h 40m long” he is so cute I swear. Lol knowing he watched JK Missing him like that 😭🥺
And then JK popped up in the comments and then proceeded to spam the chat the whole rest of the live. Lol it was ADORABLE. Here are good threads of just all his comments
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The way JK asked jimin what he was thankful for and Jimins first confusion before remembering that he named his live "thank you." Lol but the way JK said it in very informal language and tone. You'd only ever speak to your hyung that way knowing it's okay and that he was okay with it. It's just consistent with them since always and speaks sooo clearly of how close they are.
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The way ARMY threw JK under the bus so fast, sharing about his weverse photo change. It was only there for a minute! Lol
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He can't NOT gush about them. It's so cute
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Finally going to get to spend more time together after promotions are over 😭😭
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No because he really said, when I'm less busy, I'm coming over asap and you will cook for me. Cook ramyeon for me. And JK just immediately gave us that "anything for you" attitude. I MELTED. I TELL YOU
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The way he giggles and talks to JK while replying to his comments 😭 my heart!
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Trans of the above with JKs comments added in too
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It's the way he says it's been ESTABLISHED that im your fan. For me. Yes, we all know that Jungkook is Jimins BIGGEST fan and he has made it very clear. Especially with his little 100 minute live dedicated to said hyung right before this. Lmfao
And the satoori. Because it's them, talking to each other. You know they slip into that all the damn time together. And getting all informal.
And the way Jimin laughs and lightly scolds him for not sleeping when sleepy but instead dancing his choreo and being silly and JK just screams his name (informally) in the chat. Hyungs biggest fan indeed!
And the way that Jimin told us indirectly since it was really just him reassuring JK who was pouting about missing going to any of Jimins prerecorded shows with him that he had been to Jimins rehearsals so it was okay. And I'm just 😭 WE TOLD YALL that they were clearly Still spending some time together, as much as they could. And yet because they are so busy with solo promotions too, it's CLEARLY NOT ENOUGH TIME. They got too used to living in each other's pockets and still want that. Lol I love them.
And the way that Jimin all softly told us that it felt like he could hear JKs voice when reading his comments. IM GOING TO CRY. They love and miss each other SO FREAKING MUCH it's insane. These busy schedules are killer!
And ending with this person's added observations because HONESTLY YES. JK isn't the only one who indicates their closeness and intimacy with how he talks to and about Jimin.
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The way K jkkrs were losing their shit yesterday. So many talk spaces titled "no, they are really dating for real" after these lives. Lmfao. Just... they way they talk to and about each other is so wonderful to get to witness every so often. I love them so much it hurts.
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nico-esoterica · 5 months
The Pluto in Aqua Survival Guide For Millennials and Gen Z 🚀
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Part 1: Pluto through the Houses (Below) | Part 2: How The Generations Will Be Affected + Advice // Long Post Ahead++ If you’re reading this in February 2024, Pluto hasn’t officially transited into Aquarius yet but it WILL spend most of the year in it. This is giving the same vibes as 2008, the year of the US recession and subsequent global economic crash—but was, interestingly enough, when Pluto previewed Capricorn. It wasn’t exactly stable yet carried a smorgasbord of influence. In the 5 months and 2 and a half weeks it spent in the water goat’s sign, billions of charts were affected in ways we’re still studying to this day. So I consider this ‘preview’ worth studying as well because history can be cyclical.
But I think a doom and gloom perspective is redundant. We’re used to hearing how we can’t do something or how insurmountable the odds are because we typically associate Saturn with austerity. ‘The economy’s down’, ‘we can’t afford this,’ ‘climate change is worsening by the day,’ ‘10 tips to stop yourself from doom scrolling,’ including whatever well-meaning anxieties your parents reminded you of this week while you’re panicking over whether or not your Uber Eats tip is going to overdraft your account. Where Aquarius differs from Capricorn is that it prefers not to compromise its ideals over its survival. The latter are like the Millennials who project their neatly compartmentalized boomer inflicted trauma onto their subordinates because they’re from a generation where Uranus and Neptune’s dreams of job security on the horizon became lofty and farfetched by the recession. It hit when those born from the mid 80s to mid 90s would’ve been entering middle school or finishing university by that time (11-23yo). That means that those on the cusp of adolescence and at the beginning of our stages of realization in early adulthood weren’t catapulting into the abundance promised if they ‘worked hard enough’ but straight into an echoless void. But under Pluto in Aquarius, we can expect hopefuls to pick up the debris left strewn on the ground from the failed system and repurpose familiar ideas into more promising and sustainable fabric. If we think of the typical Aquarius, they’re usually a person who had to adapt to a negligent environment using a unique form of genius which subsequently separated them from the rest. They’re shrewd and strategic and have a sixth sense for building their world view around what makes sense to them—even if they’re the odd ones out yet again. Because what they don’t tell you about the water bearer is that no matter how embittered it becomes, somewhere under the weeds of the pain and disappointment its grown to expect, there’s an idealistic child selfishly clinging to hope—they’re lovers masking as misanthropes. That’s why Leo, ruled by the Sun, is its sibling. Through its opposition, we learn to always keep our standards for ourselves and the world around us sky high. If the system benefits from us underestimating ourselves, we must invest in shameless self belief.
Dates are a rough estimate and will hypothesize what Pluto in Aqua (and other slow moving transits) have in store for those born between 1984-2007. Pluto in Aqua (themes): Recycle/Upcycle, Renew, Radicalize, Reject Key: • Saturn = Consolidation and attitudes towards structure and foundation (how they systemize/structure themselves esp when they need help or avoid it) • Uranus = Innovation and drastic sudden changes personally/circumstantially • Neptune = Personal zeitgeist and attitudes towards social trends and moods which deal with the topic of that house • Pluto = Aggrandizement of power, resources, and gains and losses of scale through the process of (slow and deeply sewn or festering) upheaval/uprooting, death, decay of the topics of the house it occupies, catalyst(s) for personal transformation Aries 1H: (Pluto in 11H) - friend groups, networks, the internet, and community service, (theory—ruler = social capital and clout) —Expansion (or) creation of friend groups and networks who share what matters most to you and finding community support amongst an unexpected group of people who’ll radically change your mindset. You may go through a period where everyone seems to ‘fall off’ right before you find the right people (they’ll probably be outliers or unique). Industry wise, this can mean being more tapped into what’s next tech and internet wise especially if you have placements here. Some of you may go off the grid entirely and live in a co-op in the woods/mountains to be honest.
But you and Gemini Risings need to watch Midsommar twice at the least. But this transit will also put many of you in places of leadership. You’re going to become the main protagonists in these tribes or circles of new ideas, especially with Uranus trining from your 3rd and Neptune creating a blazing soul fire in your 1st. Since Jupiter generally joys in the 11th, that Pluto/Neptune on your 11/1 feels like many of you may adopt a belief system or reject the notion of mainstream spirituality entirely for something more grounded and personal to you. Just be mindful of ideological rabbit holes and potentially isolating yourselves by accident. Taurus 1H: (Pluto in 10H) - social status/public image and career direction and its honors and great achievements, bosses and people in high positions of power, public recognition (and the pursuit of it) —Thought leader and People’s Champ—See what’s happening with Megan Thee Stallion where the entire internet shifted to support her after years of bullying and targeted harassment (she’s a Taurus Asc). The ambitious will benefit heavily from this transit while the unambitious (but who want to live well) will gain attention, credibility, and opportunity for surviving all this time, esp if you’re marginalized w/ a platform (if you don’t have one, get one NOW). People will uplift you for the more authentic you are.
But you’re going to have to learn to accept that others will see the greatness in you that you’ve been afraid of believing all along. With Uranus moving through your 2nd and Neptune in your 12th, you’re going to feel like you finally have autonomy with your finances and life path. But it’s going to call for you being comfortable with advocating for yourselves and setting clear boundaries because the former outers in Aqua hitting your 1st from your 10th can mean you spent a period being disrespected and feeling adrift by male or authority figures and it leading to you questioning yourself and your life potential. You’re used to people not believing in you—but the tables have turned. Stand on top of the business of yourself. Gemini 1H: (Pluto in 9H) - higher education, government, long distance travel and foreign culture, and organized religion and traditionally taught spirituality, politics, and publishing (large scale, corporate), teaching —Many of you may drop out of school (or find niched but polarizing niches within it), travel the world permanently, or may be radicalized by spirituality, politics, or education in a very BIG way that’ll be unique to this era. Please avoid Scientology and cults like the plague (or starting them) because there’ll be a strong ‘itch’ to find a sense of purpose w/ this transit. Because it’s so deep and aggrandizing, you’re going to feel like your entire life revolves around something larger than yourself and while this is a GOOD thing, you can get lost if you don’t have an internal compass.
The answers are within YOU, not something else. But this will be a very big ‘finding yourself’ transit to get to that conclusion. Similar to my advice to Aries Risings, these outers are hitting major identity shifting houses for you—The difference with you, Gemini, is that your ideals will be more solid but your concept of ‘yourself’ will undergo several transformations which will compliment your politics. Your framework for life will experience a new barrage of ‘what ifs’ and the current way you think will not be the same as it was a week, a year, ten years, 20 years into the future. You love change but with Uranus squaring a Pisces MC for some of you (or planets there), it’s important that you remember who you are versus what the world may want from you. Don’t get lost in the sauce. Cancer 1H: (Pluto in 8H) - shared resources and boundaries, inherited trauma and family karma [5th from the 8th] (and material inheritance) and trauma cycles, and coping mechanisms, shame and denial, loans/taxes, supernatural experiences, death, and the occult, sexual entanglement and taboo —You’ve already had three outer planets run amok in here and this will be the continuation of what Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have prepped you for. Having terrible boundaries (too thick or thin) and other people’s baggage you feel like you have to shoulder or inherit is not gonna be it this time around. But the theme of this for some of you will be a HUGE taking-back-your-power-from-other-people era.
It’s taking ownership of something in your life that others thought they were entitled to. But it usually comes with a molting, shedding, and releasing process. This period can also be about transmuting grief, shame, or guilt into power. Others may fall down the rabbit hole of metaphysics (esp via NDE, astral travel, etc) and there’ll be a pocket who’ll (this sounds wacked but ima say it) experience alien contact and communication due to Uranus/Pluto being in air signs in psychic houses for you. But oof—The era of the people pleasing because people made you think being assertive is a ‘bad’ thing is over. Leo 1H: (Pluto in 7H) - contracts, serious relationships and marriages, relationship dynamics and what is projected onto you and from you, enemies you know —Similar to Cancer Risings, you’re used to having your boundaries compromised because conditioning taught you not to have them (or to make them steep). During this next cycle, your rebellion and rejection of what’s expected from you in your relationships will most likely send you down several rabbit holes where you experiment with different relationship styles and there’ll be a sense of ‘anarchy’ to everything.
Uranus transiting your 10H has been amplifying this already so you’re at the point now where you’re too far gone to appease and bow out like usual. But you’re also committed to radically setting boundaries now or letting them dissolve—if you’re ready for it. If not, Pluto transiting here can create spores of abandonment issues to infect relationships if the core causes aren’t uprooted—but having any natal Aqua placements will provide clues to learn what’s there. Being vulnerable and intimate means letting people know what hurts, where it hurts, and how they can care for you to accommodate it. Virgo 1H: (Pluto in 6H) - service industry, day jobs and short-term employment and trends with employment, overall job market and how you fit within it, work ethic, everyday health and routines (and health concerns), and pets (small domesticated animals) —You are so DONE with the way you’ve been treated or felt ‘afloat’ with your everyday life over the past several years (and longer). With Uranus about to transit your 10H for a while with Neptune in your 8H are going to push you (externally and internally) to take charge of your life in a way you can control. You’re very good at following orders because it’s sensible but suck at taking charge because honestly?
Neptune transiting your 7th for so long gives me the impression that you have a hard time saying ‘No’ when people need things from you. For the contrarians in the audience, relax—It just means your environment taught you to placate it. But life path wise, or just for right now, Pluto will force you to take your dreams and goals more seriously by thrusting you into situations where you’ll feel like you’re being called to act on your deep soul urges at last. Especially with the North Node transiting here in a few years—You’re going to know you’re doing what’s ‘right’ for you if it feels like you can finally be yourself. Libra 1H: (Pluto in 5H) - pleasure and recreation, the arts (esp those which feed the inner child), children, and more serious hobbies or deeply felt/consistent ones (passions), romanticism/addictions/vices which become necessary for recreation or to feel creative inspiration, what inspires you and how deeply it hits/affects —In a professional or creative sense, you’re about to tap into some serious inner child healing where you take those years you’ve neglected the more artistic part of yourself and devote yourself to nurturing it (at last). Relationship wise, many of you will be reconsidering having children later on than you originally planned because you value stability. Others will be abandoning it all together.
This will also be a period, calling it now, where a good portion of you will be more open to polyamory if you weren’t already. In a non-romantic sense, you’re going to be more interested in non-hierarchal and more communal relationship dynamics where your world has the robust support system you needed as a child. The focus overall will be finding sustainable ways to repair the damage/trauma you most likely experienced from having Pluto in Capricorn hit your angles for so long, especially for cardinal signs. But it’ll feel strange and even dizzying at first—You’re not used to shamelessly choosing yourself and your inner world and desires therein. Get comfortable by letting people be uncomfortable with this shift. Scorpio 1H: (Pluto in 4H) - family and origin, family secrets and history, bought and inherited real estate/material wealth, one’s sense of security and privacy and the private self, family legacy and drama, roots and family patterns and obligations and how we react to them —There’s some childhood wounds that need to properly scab over that you’ve been picking at for the last several years or more since Saturn entered its home signs and conjoined Pluto. Not all of you have family problems, but the other three outers transiting here lets me know that the concept of ‘safety’ will be a sensitive topic. Did you feel completely supported? Did you experience neglect? Were there issues with boundaries?
Gen Z/illennials with outer planets here will not be able to skirt around facing their core issue of fearing being vulnerable. Uranus in Gemini trining this house from your 8H will expedite this after it’s done squaring it from Taurus in your 7th—which just made things more awkward and chaotic than better. This house also dealing with family legacy with Pluto here may present…unexpected rewards for your suffering that were long overdue. Material rewards and those that can only be measured with the heart. You will be gaining this time instead of losing. Sagittarius 1H: (Pluto in 3H) - early childhood experiences, siblings, neighborhood and local community affairs, communication and publishing (written and digital—usually small scale), everyday rituals and hobbies, creature comforts which are ritualized, short distance travels, habits which are taught or gained/inspired, mundane everyday activity or obligation and how you feel about it/go about it —With Pluto leaving your 2H, you’re experiencing a titanic-level mindset shift. Depending on the rest of your chart, what you can anticipate is that your everyday life will carry a new level of intensity. Everything will have additional weight and purpose. But your well-being is moving out of a place of operating out of constant survival-mode to prioritizing what you think about what your life ought to look like.
Pluto transiting from your 12H to your 3H, depending on your age, means that the underpinning of your life has revolved around what your role is within a conglomerate of people where the focus isn’t on you but what you can contribute or you acting out in defiance of that or having an existential fear, that’s usually impressed on you by a parent, of losing control. With the outers beaming from your 5th and 7th, this is going to be about you going back to the beginning—what makes you genuinely happy? What makes you feel good? Who do you like having around you? Who’s important and why? It’ll feel like learning to walk again and rediscovering your core interests, passions, and love styles but without worrying about who you’re performing for. Because fuck them. Kindly and unkindly. Capricorn 1H: (Pluto in 2H) - personal resources and finance, attitudes about material security and said resources, the different ways in which material comfort can ground us and reflect in what makes us feel the most secure in our lives on a day to day basis, love of the material and/or fear of it, conditioned attitudes about money —You’re in a unique position where you’re going to begin valuing yourself outside of what you can tangibly provide—and for you this is a big deal because that’s how you’ve perceived yourself until now. Pluto settling in your 2nd means that for some of you, your ideas will become your black card (your perspective on the outside looking in or the inverse) and any community you tap into will provide you with its resources.
For others, you’ll be experiencing ego deaths where you’ll either want to detach from the system entirely and start growing your own food, sourcing your own materials, etc, anything to make you into the resource instead while the opposing camp will turn their corporate trauma into winning underdog success with new industries (and opportunities) that’ll open up. There’s going to be a death somewhere with all parties involved regarding how you see yourself. It won’t be about what you can do for the world but how it will pivot to work for you. But it requires a perspective shift—Are you ready to kill off the part of yourself who’s been taught wind, storm, and turmoil are required to live a comfortable life? Haven’t you suffered enough? Aquarius 1H: (Pluto in 1H) - vitality and life force, core identity, the lens you see your life through (esp w/ planets here), how others see us and how we present ourselves consciously and unconsciously, appearance/style, the circumstances life brought you into and themes which play out around it (has more to do w/ parents and family dynamics) —You’ve been a lone wolf for a hot minute now—With so many outers hitting your angles for decades, you’ve found a bit of schadenfreude in the world waking up and realizing how fucked up everything’s been. But in a strange turn of events, said world’s now standing awkwardly on your doorstep, especially for those w/ other placements in Aquarius. You’re being recognized and vindicated for what’s been denied to you.
But if you’ve been sabotaging all this time, you may take any life or behavior adjustments you’ve felt prompted to make as an invitation for more rejection and ridicule. Because Pluto’s going to energize any generational planets you have here (or have transited), all of your actions have radical potential—but it’ll be up to you to decide if they’ll aid or hinder you. If they’re moving you forward (w/ Neptune in Aries hitting your 3rd), you’ll be able to transmute your self-consciousness of feeling othered into self-actualized power. If not, you’ll truly be rebels without a cause—feeling more lost than ever before. Especially for those of you w/ Scorpio placements. Pisces 1H: (Pluto in 12H) - what’s hidden from us and the unseen (including enemies), the unconscious, hospitals/mental institutions/jails and hidden but very present structures of life, isolation and sanctuary, foreign lands, spirituality, sabbaticals, unconscious wounds, where we undo ourselves, large animals, circumstances before birth which affect the native in unseen ways or were present —You have the opportunity to set things right but it’s going to require you do a little forgive and forgetting, wiping the slate clean, or whatever necessary to heal the wounds of alienation and scrutiny many of you have experienced w/ the Aquarius outers transiting and/or occupying your 12th. Because this is the house of self-undoing and unearthed psychic trauma, there’s a lot you’ve been processing. Many of you have a bad habit of wearing your wounds without tending to them properly or detaching and letting them fester in private—And the first new and full moons in Aqua over the next several years will help you realize just how debilitating that’s been. You don’t know who you are unless you’re impaling yourself on something–because deep down, you may find suffering to be necessary or it gives you purpose. 
But your 12H in Aqua being hit with transformative Pluto is going to make you aware of how much this cycle is the result of you being emotionally neglected in some way, shape, or form. Especially for those with personal or generational Aquarius planets, it means that you found refuge in alienation and being on the outside looking in. But Pluto here can operate as a catalyst for rich and profound spiritual and emotional growth. But this planet here is double edged—Either you’re going to learn that you have an identity outside of the outsider or you’ll let it push you further into the void of detaching and expecting the worst because the worst is what you’ve always had to endure. Don’t do this anymore.
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venusvxen · 1 year
Astrology And The Law
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I’m an astrologer. I got my start in astrology. My introduction into the spiritual community so to speak was through astrology.
I’ve spent the past year or so really pondering how astrology plays into the law. Because it’s called a Law.. i had to unlearn the idea that “Mercury RX means don’t manifest ____” or “I’m saturnian so I have to work for my things not manifest them or else they will blow up in my face!!”.
I let astrology control my life and the things I could or could not manifest for soooo long. If I was “working” on a manifestation, I would check transit charts or my SR chart to see the possibility of when it could “happen”. I literally tired myself out retweeting those dumbass “444” “Taurus will receive something special on saturday” “Capricorn this week is extra special. Manifest!” posts. I was always looking outside of myself because I needed something to hold my hand and tell me I was on the right path because I didn’t really trust myself to be honest.
It wasn’t until I really got deeep with the law and strayed away from the bullshit that is A/P and learned more about the inner man that i realized how dumb this was all along. Astrology/Tarot cannot come in the way of a manifestation or hinder anything because the law is a LAW. Just like no force on or off earth deny the existence of gravity… it’s the same here…
So.. How does astrology apply?
When I’ve started to take the concept of fulfilling your inner man serious and really running with that, I noticed a consensus between my deepest darkest desires and my birth chart… You see (to me), the birth chart is a map of the soul (chart for the inner man), not for the outer self.
I’ve already gone on about how the outer self is a shadow so I won’t touch on that too much, but i always found it uncanny how the things I would call myself delusional for even wanting were spelled out in my birth chart, almost as if “the stars” were pushing me in the direction of desiring it to begin with.
The birth chart, instead of hindering you, can actually be used to understand You. Not the one reading this but the one within. Because all desire comes from within and the birth chart speaks to everything you truly desire/want. Your deepest darkest secrets/wishes/hopes/desires.
The more I would go towards the things that I deemed impossible in the past the more I noticed myself growing more content and happy on the inside. And I found that alllll of these things were spelled out in some way in my chart. For example, I spent so much time denying the fact that I crave power and the spotlight on me but the more i fulfill myself with that in imagination the happier I’ve been within. Almost like I’ve freed myself from a cage I put myself in. Like I’m dancing on clouds inside imagination. What does my chart have to say about it? 11H pluto, 11H ruler being my 1H Aqua Mars, Pluto Opp. Saturn. These are just a few aspects but I could really go on.
I would feel embarrassed and ashamed to want people to think of me a certain way until I looked at my chart and realized that this is how I (inner man) truly want to be seen and so I should give it to myself with no restrictions because if I want it then it’s meant to be.
This discovery has taken “if you desire it it’s meant for you” to a whole new level for me because if you think back to all the desires you bury under a rug and try to brush off, you’ll probably find something in your birth chart encouraging you to sail in that direction.
This has also emphasized the importance of leaving no stone overturned as well. In any case that’s all i have for now
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chaoticstudyprincess · 4 months
30 DAYS OF ROUTINE: DAY 18!!!!!!!!!!
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march 7
i did very few tasks but i was soooooo productive!!! im so so so happy!!! <3 also i remade my dopamenu!!! im very happy about this too ^___^
according to my dopamenu, one of my way to relax is watching animation series or anime. today i finished watching scott pilgrim takes off! i liked it & i liked the idea that this anime promotes :] ramona flowers is my fav character!!!
usually i set a timer for 60 minutes when i do homework, but i realized that at the 50th minute i start to feel like a squeezed lemon. today i tried to set a timer on 50 minutes and its working better!
also today i set up notifications for starting to do homework, hair washing & going to sleep! & they're really working!!! im going to sleep now!!! good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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🧸 i slept 6h 30min!
⏳ my screen time was 10h 20min, of which 1h 35min i spent on tiktok!
📓 i did ~12% of my homework! (2/17 tasks)
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
rating as many hw anime projects as i could find bc i have no life
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spoilers? spoilers~~~
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the nacchan movie
it was o k. it had a pretty standard and rather unremarkable storyline tbh. but that nacchan confession montage was pretty funny. though i wish we could’ve seen more of mochiaka. easy 6/10.
the shower/bath montage was very much unnecessary though.
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the hina movie
as a standalone movie by itself, 4/10. confusing characters (arisa), messy and rushed plot (the middle school flashback sequence was way too long for a 1h movie), and the main couple of the movie (koyuhina) barely interacted. heck, hina spent the majority of the movie running away from yukki. rip tbh :(
as part of the series as a whole, 2/10.
reading the heart no shuchou novel should be a pre-requisite to watching the movie, as it explains why arisa was so darned weird during her interactions with yukki. and speaking of arisa, they got their portrayal of karen completely wrong (rip). granted, otome domoyo. came out after the movie, but still—
though, while we’re on the topic of ✨continuity✨, the fact that there were lxl promos in the burger joint despite lxl having not even debuted yet at that point in the timeline is just. very questionable in hindsight.
also!!! koyuhina interactions where??? gardening club trio w h e r e ??? for a movie with koyuhina focus, this movie was remarkably not about koyuhina.
seriously, just read the ima suki ni naru. prologue manga instead. it’s p much the same story, but it flows much better (like, the setoguchi siblings’ terekakushi shishunki scene takes place at the end of the manga post-rejection instead of how it has occurred right smack in the middle of the movie with no explanation). and there’s no continuity-breaking burger joint scene either s o there—
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the midosena short
it was kinda cute, but it also isn’t anything you haven’t already seen in the midosena mvs. 7/10.
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the harucouple anime
it’s remarkable how unremarkable it was. the best part of the anime was tokyo winter session tbh, and that was the ending theme.
miou’s character kinda sucked in the anime ngl, with her blaming herself for chiaki’s death, distancing herself from haruki, only to slap him for wanting to give up on his dream following his existential crisis that had resulted from said distancing.
also, needs more mochiaka.
anime-haruki deserves better. 3/10.
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the lxl mvm
fruity, while both remaining (kinda) canon-compliant and establishing aizo as the male protagonist of gen 3. plus, sena was really cute in the romeo mv scenes, so she gets points of her own too.
bond girl yujiro (as seen in the pic above) was pretty funny though ngl. 8/10.
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the lxl movie
fruity, but canon-breaking, as it completely disregards both the romeo mvm and the romeo novel. plus, the timeline clearly wouldn’t have worked out??? i mean c’mon. you’re telling me that these two complete nobodies managed to get popular enough to fill a live arena over the span of less than half a year just from a pocky collab? if you told me it took them over a year to get that far, sure, but.. they haven’t even filmed their romeo mv yet in the movie… so?? i???? lol???
also, this only further confirmed aizo as the protag (rip yujiro; boy wanted to stand onstage to be seen for himself and his talents, only to be completely outshadowed by his own partner who dances like a 🪳). the anime had dai moments though, so that alone brings the total score up to 6/10. thanks dai. ily <3
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the [redacted] anime
i think i’ve made my stance on the [redacted] anime very clear in my way too many posts. in comparison to the other anime projects though? 1/10.
at least the other anime projects kept their characters (or, at least, most of their characters *cough* harucouple anime miou *cough*) relatively close to their original counterparts, instead of completely butchering each and every single one of them. like, seriously, no one was spared. not the main leads (hiyori and lxl), not the side characters (gen 2), and even tamura, uchida, and ft4 were nerfed smh.
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droughtofapathy · 2 months
"Welcome to the Theatre": Diary of a Broadway Baby
Mary Jane
May 3, 2024 | Broadway | Samuel J. Friedman Theatre | Evening | Play | Original | 1H 40M
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In a heartbreaker of a play, Rachel McAdams makes her Broadway debut as a young mother struggling to cope with her son's mounting medical problems. Played brilliantly by a cast of phenomenal actresses, and not a man in sight, this show is stunning from start to finish. A continued series of mostly two-hander scenes, with the titular character never off-stage for more than a few moments, playwright Amy Herzog has fully redeemed herself for me after the dreadful A Doll's House adaptation of last season. Here, family hardship is everything from tragedy to inspiration to hopeless devastation.
Mary Jane is a pillar of steel as she navigates life with a disabled son whom she loves more than anything in the world. Under three, he requires round-the-clock medical care from a system stretched too thin to accommodate everyone. His mother works a low-pay job that eventually lets her go after too many missed days spent instead taking her son to hospitals and doctors. Through everything, through every new hurdle, Mary Jane remains calm, optimistic, and even buoyant. When she finally snaps, it is painful and incredible to watch.
This is a show that hurts in the best ways. There's an exhilaration that comes from walking out of a theatre after a well-written gut-punch of a show. A release that I keep chasing show after show in the hopes that I'll end up mentally and emotionally facedown on the floor of whatever theater I happen to be in that day when it's done.
Verdict: Why I Love the Theatre
A Note on Ratings
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horrortraumas · 4 months
Can you stand the horror scenes?
Horror videogames are the best tool to get a trauma 
In this society there are some mortals which are called “fearless”. Those who can stand watching plenty of horror scenes. I wish i had that talent too… by the other hand, there are “fearful” ones, those who are bothered by his friends, because they can't see a horror scene by accident because in the night they will pee on their bed and cover all their body with the blanket thinking of whatever scary thing is passing on their minds. And unfortunately, im one of those.
When I was a child, I had a group of friends who got in trouble frequently. We used to go outside at night and spent a lot of time in really dark places, like abandoned houses or open fields in the neighborhood. Everytime we started our “adventures”, I was the one behind the group. Why?, my imagination. I always thought that a clown or a spirit would get in our way, and that made me vulnerable by getting bothered by my fear. But that only happened when i was out, in my home, when i was in bed, i used to sleep without lights, and dreamed with luxury things, cars, money, etc. My fear only came when I was outside in darkness.
I often got inside of a friend’s house to enjoy weekends, playing some video games, and watching some YouTube. But he suddenly got attached to horror games. One night, he told me if I could play with him a game called “Five Nights At Freddy's”, I didn't agree, but he somehow convinced me to play another game while he played on his own. The problem was that he was playing the game on the tv, and I couldn't resist taking a look sometimes, even if I was scared. After some minutes, in a glance, my heart stopped for a second. I watched “jumpscare”. A scene that I still cannot forget describes how horrible it was in my childhood.
After my experience, my nights were not the same. Everytime  I thought about that scene, to sleep, I kept my blanket covering every part of my body, and a rosary in my neck to keep calm. I spent at least 1h focusing on positive things for severe nights. It was a completely traumatic experience, I forgot about clowns and spirits, and now animatronics tormented me every night. My fear of darkness was bigger than ever. Days passed, the only method I found effective to sleep was going to my parent’s room or to my brother's bed. I kept repeating this suffering for almost 2 months, until I finally overcame my fear, and I stopped thinking about animatronics every night.
I could highly recommend being aware of playing or watching any horror experience. It might be funny for fearless people, but trust me, for fearful ones it's not the same ending.
In conclusion, my addiction to video games lead me through a traumatic experience in my childhood, i was not ready yet to watch any horror scenes, but i never thought a videogame could lead me through 2 months of insomnia and living a extreme darkness fear, i wish nobody live this experience, and continue their innocent dreams for a long time..
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siss-dream · 7 months
Enough, I want to be me, I want to be Lexie <3
OK enough is enough. I discovered the world of sissies over 5 years ago and I've been fighting it every day since.
At first it was fantasy. Excitement like I'd never felt before. Little by little I immersed myself in this world, and I feel like I've sunk into it, body and soul now.
At first, I hung out on tumblr, then reddit. Little by little I discovered blogs and online mistresses. Then a lot of pornographic games. Almost every day I watch porn videos of this kind: sissy, hypno, femdom, prejac, brainwash, CEI, JOI, BBC, Beta, bimbo, ...... and so on. At first, I was shy, no more than 10min, all activities included... then 1h, then 2 then 3, then 10.... Now I don't count the hours. I no longer count the number of missed workdays, the number of weekends spent entirely on this...
I've explored and am exploring this world more and more. I started shyly with fantasies, then sex toys, then underwear and clothes, make-up... Then, as time went by, my behavior changed...  When I see a pretty woman, I imagine her as a mistress, feminizing me, humiliating me, using me, and I'm on the verge of begging her to do all that to me... When I see a man, I see myself submitting to him, all of me... I wet myself instantly...
I've created a character, a double life for myself over the last 5 years, Lexie. And I have the impression that this person, this self that I thought was a fantasy, looks more and more like my true self, the ideal that I should be.
I'm tired of fighting every day to hold her back, fighting not to give in to Lexie. But she takes over most of the time now. I can't work anymore, I spend hours changing, getting ready, making myself beautiful and sexy... then I masturbate my clit frantically or fuck my ass all day in front of all this sissy and feminization content. In fact, I now spend most of my time wearing feminine underwear, a plug in my butt, videos/photos/captions in my computer background and brainwashing soundtracks/audio in my headphones. My role models have changed, I fantasize about female and trans pornstars not to fuck them but to look like and obey them. How I long to look like them, to be them... My life is getting pinker and pinker. I'm becoming obsessed with this color.
I'm tired of fighting my sexuality. Heterosexual pleasures no longer suit me. I need toys in my anus, my chastity cage, to eat my sperm, I need to obey and be degraded, to please and only to give pleasure to the other... My first anal orgasm was a real revelation... It sealed my fate I think.... Before that I began to be obsessed over JOI, Hypno and CEI content, the ultimate fantasy. It took me a while but I can't go without sperm anymore... I organize myself to eat my sperm every time and just thinking about it makes me hard and produce precum. I've done it in every way possible and unimaginable and cumming on my face, in my mouth and especially playing with it excites me and makes me cum blow after blow.... I even began to obey all the goddesses and mistresses I saw; I can no longer resist them...
I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired, I don't feel like resisting anymore. Several times I've got scared and tried to stop everything, to throw away all my feminine clothes, my toys and to stop looking at this content on the internet... in vain, each time I start again and I start even harder.
So, it's decided, it's enough, I give up, I surrender to these desires. I think I have to be Lexie, once and for all. I've just made the biggest order I've ever made, the whole lot, several wigs, dozens of items of underwear, clothes, shoes, beauty products, sex toys, ... everything, everything that made me fantasize. I'm thinking of quitting my job to have more time to explore this life... I'm taking the plunge; I'm diving into this unknown ... If ever people are ready to help me blossom, I welcome them with pleasure and greed (sissy, mistresses, guides, models ...) I want to get there, it's my life goal, my future.  Whether it's to chat, share advice, messages, photo and video content, orders, exercises, .... I want to get a little further down this rabbit hole and if you want, we can go together, I'm open... I just want to get there as soon as possible and enjoy this life as Lexie...
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mostlikelynothuman · 1 year
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HTSAB: Just Missed The Cut | Side A
A collection of songs that just missed the cut
Recommended listening: Songs in order, Side A first
Side B Here
How To Share A Body here
Listening time: 1h 34m
Listen on: Youtube | Spotify
Birth Marked - Oceans Ate Alaska
Hush little baby don’t you say a fucking word You make my skin fucking crawl
The Forges of Ire - The Wise Man’s Fear
For a thousand years may your eyes never find rest May the rest of your days be spent running from the past
Pessimistic - The New Age
Hope for everything to change You’re wide awake but you’re barely breathing
Pull Me Under - If I Were You
A fire burning under my skin It's not supposed to end this way
Hypochondria - Dragged Under
Vision getting blurred, brain leaves rational behind Out of sight, out of mind, losing both, mad and blind
Starving to Death in the Belly of a Whale - Hands Like Houses
There's no injection for this, the aching in your lungs So bite down, but even vipers mind the venom lacing their tongues
Feel So Empty - Dream On Dreamer
Rising up from the inside, self-destructing again I’m desperate to pull myself out but I keep falling in
Wasting My Days - The New Age
I can't believe what I've never seen I can never hear what I mean
Alleviate - Imminence
Tell me what you see, I see fire burning desperately Don’t let me, don’t let me down, silence the, silence the sound
Pittsburgh - The Amity Affliction
It’s like there’s fire in my skin and I’m drowning from within I can’t take another breath, please tell me I am not undone
Enslaved - Imminence
Arrows in the dark, everything falls apart Wish that I could undo all the damage that I’ve done
Feels Like Forever - Of Mice & Men
Say you’re okay, I’m afraid that tomorrow is just too far away Fight the pain, it just feels like forever is crashing down on me
Take It All Away - RED
I tried to find the answers in my fears But what was found is lost again as soon as it appeared
Hunger - The New Age
We are creatures, we'd give up all we have Just so we don't surrender to the monsters in our heads
Eat Your Heart Out - Outline In Color
So eat your heart out, I guess you were right I'm just not cut out to save my own life
Left Behind - Secrets
When will this end, when will I finally begin to push Past all the problems I've been drowning in
The Moonless Night - The Wise Man’s Fear
But now the clock has turned, I guess the lesson learned Is that the heart of stone shatters into the most pieces
Me In My Own Head - Beartooth
If there's a problem then go and fix it It's such a simple phrase but I can't grasp it
Salt - Bad Suns
Look in the mirror and tell me what it is like to be free How do I grasp reality when I don't have an identity
Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
Who, who are you really, and where are you going I got nothing left to prove, because I got nothing left to lose
Upstairs - The New Age
There lies a problem, the calm before the storm Loud words without warning, these thoughts you can't ignore
Vitality - The Wise Man’s Fear
Wake me up, wake me up, I'm far too dead to die I can't remember how long it's been since I last saw sunlight
A Tale Of Outer Suburbia - Hands Like Houses
Is our skin to keep the world out or our bodies in This doesn't look like home, this doesn't look like home
What Did You Expect - Alive Like Me
So pick your head up and change direction While you still recognize reflections of yourself
Monster In The Mirror - Outline In Color
I'm going to make it out I swear, and maybe one day I won't see this monster in the mirror
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