#the video is funny because my name is also jinx
karis17love · 1 year
Just Dance 30 Day Challenge Thread:
Credits to @Achillean_Koi [From Instagram & X (Twitter)]! <3
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Day 1
My opinion changes all the time, but at the moment it's "Bloody Mary" and "Boss Witch". I love the mystery in both of these maps.
Day 2
"Dark Horse" from Just Dance 2015! Uuu, that's such a good map! I remember that me and my cousin had a problem with setting up the ps4 camera and we choose this one as a test, because "it looks easy!". Well at that time - it wasn't for us, lmao
Day 3
→ Cover - "Boss Witch", duh! This is the best cover that JD Team has done in their entire career, imo
→ Official Song - idk, but I think "Paca Dance", I mean - it's so goofy and funny, so cute *-*
Day 4
Since JD has lore, it's Jack Rose and Night Svan - I'm just so curious about their story and aside from them I adore Mothigan.
Day 5
Just Dance 2015, because it was my first JD game ever, it has amazing songs and I feel nostalgic in general - ahh memories!!
Day 6
Uuu, nice question... I think, it's Eternyx and Carnivallium. Eternyx - I love dark atmosphere, songs and maps & Carnivallium - because I'm very curious about it + I like all these lights on maps, lol
Day 7
Just Chacarron... This explains it all... Like this whole Chaccaron vs Zooby Doo thing?! Also these one from JD's account & a few of mine
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Day 8
Definitely "Animals" extreme - it's fast, it has a lot of wild (?) moves, it's intense and gosh, that flip on the floor, but still - it's one of the best extremes in this game, imo
Day 9
This was my second time getting "all perfects" in a song (I don't remember the first one, so I don't count it) so yeah... I'm honestly very proud of it❤🥰
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Day 10
→ "Bloody Mary" - JD 2023
→ "Freed From Desire" & "Boss Witch" - JD 2022
→ "Summer" Classic - JD 2015
Day 11
→ "Me And My Broken Heart" - JD 2015
→ "The Way I Are" - JD 2021
→ "Gibberish" - JD 2016
→ "Rock Lobster" - JD 4 (yes.)
Day 12
Guys, why are ALL trios in this game so good!?!
→ "Jopping & Black Mamba" Extreme - JD 2022
→ "Get Ugly" - JDU (2016/2017?)
→ "Wannabe" Extreme - JD 2023
Day 13
Just Iconic!
→ "Drum Go Dum" - JD 2021
→ "Boombayah" Extreme - JD 2022
→ "Best Song Ever" - JD 2015
→ "I Was Made For Lovin' You" - JD 3
Day 14
Good question! Hmm, I definitely love the Showdown season, it was so good and unexpected that I hope it will appear again in the future, also Astral & Versus are perfect
Day 15
These ones are amazing! But I think all fanarts in this community are incredible! <33
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Day 16
Honestly all the avatars in this game are just beautiful, unlocking them (like from all the rewards) gives me the most joy!
My favorites: Red So, Jinx and Felicia!
Day 17
Just Dance x Eurovision for sure
Day 18
"China" from JD 2022. The map is just too long...
Day 19
Redoo, T.Dancer and JAMAA are just so incredible and talented!
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Day 20
→ "Rabiosa" & "Hangover" - JD 2016
→ "On The Floor" - JD 4
I used to play them many times as a teenager, as well as now
Day 21
I don't have a favorite, but I really like the second gold move in "Get Busy"
Day 22
Honestly, I try to watch every creator of the community, discover new channels etc. However, it was Littlesiha and TheFairyDina who helped me the most, I learned a lot by watching their videos, they brought back my passion for dancing. So if you don't know them, I really recommend checking out their channels:
Littlesiha ↓
TheFairyDina ↓
Also check these amazing people ↓ TeamCenterStage
Day 23
... "Get Down" - JD 2021
Day 24
I don't know what it means, but the best moment for me is waiting every year for new previews and the game, I love this feeling of excitement...
Day 25 & 26
Underrated / Overrated
"Radioactive" - JD 2023 / "Kiss Me More" - JD 2022
Day 27
→ "Happier Than Ever" - JD 2022
Day 28
Liza Friday from Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - JD 2022
Mainly, because she's shy like me
Day 29
Every Rihanna's map! Please, bring back, our queen
Day 30 & The Last
Well, I don't have a specific one I'd like, but any Jann's song would be awesome, but also for a long time, I've wanted any Tini's song. It would be nice if there was a phonk song or another polish (good) song added - because it's in my language🤷‍♀️
Okay, that's all! Thank you for reading this thread! <33
6 notes · View notes
dreamerstreamer · 4 years
Slip Up
Pairing: Dream / Clay x f!reader
Summary: One literal slip up leads to another and, well—it isn’t pretty.
Warning: includes depictions of anxiety as a result of exposure
Word Count: 5.0k
A/N: requested by an anon who wanted something about a secret relationship! i hope you enjoy! on a more serious note though, don’t harass your creators and the people they care about. seriously, don’t.
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With one last click, Clay let out a sigh, grabbing his headphones and setting them down on his desk. He leaned back in his chair, staring at the still clip on his monitor with a hint of a frown tugging at his lips.
After two long hours, he was officially tired of listening to George’s screams ringing through his ears. Sure, they were funny in the heat of the moment when he was recording, but having to listen to the same screams on loop while editing?
He shivered.
No thanks. He needed a break.
Grabbing his phone, he pushed open the door to his studio and headed for the stairs. I wonder where [Y/N] is, he thought to himself as he climbed the basement stairs two at a time. It’s been a while since I last caught a glimpse of her.
Surfacing on the first floor, he stuck his head into the living room, glancing around for a brief moment only to deduce that you weren’t there. With a huff, he spun on his heel. If she’s not there, he thought, his strides confident and full of purpose, then she’s definitely in—
He stepped into the kitchen, his gaze landing on your figure half-tucked behind the open fridge door almost instantaneously. He smiled. Bingo.
Slowly, he crept forward, slipping around the kitchen island to silently walk up to you. Before you even noticed he was there, he leaned down next to your ear and whispered.
Letting out a sharp yell, you whirled, your wide eyes practically drowning in the amusement filling Clay’s emerald gaze as he let out a long wheezing laugh. “Clay!” you gasped, holding a hand over your heart. “You scared me, oh my god.”
His wheezing only grew louder in volume as he slapped his knee, still cackling at your distraught expression. Puffing your cheeks in a pout, you turned your back to him, staring back into the fridge. “Meanie.”
Struggling to regain his breath, Clay leaned in to wrap his arms around your waist in a hug from behind. You could feel his chest shaking against your back with laughter, beginning to slowly die down with each passing second. A moment later, he dipped his head down to press a kiss to your cheek. “Sorry,” he hummed. “I just thought it’d be funny to make you jump.” His eyes glinted with mischief. “I was right. It was.”
“Not for me,” you grumbled, and he let out the tiniest of wheezes next to your ear. 
“Alright, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said, kissing your neck. “How are you doing? I haven’t seen you all morning.”
You relaxed into his warm touch, melting into the feeling of his soft lips on your skin. Sending him a tired smile, you closed the fridge door and focused your attention onto him. “I’m alright, but I’m feeling kind of tired,” you admitted. “You get kind of sick of working on an assignment after the third, you know?”
He snuggled closer to you, smiling into your neck. “Well, I mean, I wouldn’t know, but I understand your point.”
You rolled your eyes at him, leaning back into his figure. “Right, I forgot that you didn’t go to college, Mr. Streamer.”
Clay laughed at your words. “You’re just that much smarter than me, then.” He poked at your cheek affectionately. as he cooed, “Look at you, my super smart college student girlfriend.”
You turned in his arms to face him, frowning at him. “Clay, you say that like you aren’t considered to be one of the best, if not the best Minecraft player in the world. Give yourself some more credit.”
He brushed a stray hair away from your face, his gaze fond as he held you a little closer. “Okay, but only because you told me to.”
You snorted, sinking deeper into his arms. “If your followers could see you now, I’m sure they’d be spamming ‘simp’ in chat.”
He chuckled. “They already do that whenever I hang out with George—I can’t even imagine to what extent it would increase if they knew about you.”
You offered him a smile, but it felt forced. The question had been swirling in the back of your mind for a little while now, and it was just sitting on the tip of your tongue, now. You had to ask now, or it would devour you alive.
“Hey, um, Clay,” you said, your tone shifting as you fidgeted slightly in his embrace. “Do you—do you think we’ll ever tell people and your fans about, well—” You gestured to the space between the two of you. “—about us?”
He paused for a moment, then let out a soft breath. “I want to,” he said. “Oh man, you don’t know just how badly I want to share you with the whole world and show them you’re mine.” You felt your cheeks grow warm, your lips instinctively curling up at his words.
“But I don’t think they’re ready for that just yet,” he added in a wistful tone. He pulled back, sending you a crooked smile. “How about we cross that bridge when we get there? I know that when we do get around to it, they’re gonna love you as much as I do, I promise.”
You bobbed your head, feeling the anxiety in your gut disintegrate. “Okay. Thanks, Clay.”
He reached up to ruffle your hair, cooing at the small whine you let out. “Anything for you.”
Knocking his hand off your head, you grinned at him. “On another note, what have you been up to? Instead of sleeping in late, of course, you lucky butt.”
He swayed back and forth, bringing you along with him. “I spent a lot of time editing some videos that are still in the works. I’m gonna be streaming for a few hours in a bit, though. If you need anything, you know where you can find me.” He grabbed your hand in his, fiddling with your fingers with a slight squeeze. “Are you still gonna be working on your assignment later, or will I be allowed to bother you?”
Your mouth twitched at his pouty tone, and you squeezed his hand back. “I actually might go out to the grocery store. Patches’s cat food is on sale, so I might stock up on that, and I kind of wanted some snacks for studying. Was there anything you wanted while I was gone?”
He hummed, thinking for a moment. “Not really, to be honest.” Slipping his hand into yours, he began leading you to the front of the house. “Here, let me see you off.”
You felt your heart swell with love as he handed you your bag from where it hung on the coat rack while you laced up your shoes. Clay was always so attentive to you and your needs, never failing to make sure you had everything you needed at the drop of a hat. You were really too lucky to have him.
“Do you have your mask?” he asked when you stood up.
With a nod, you fished it out from your pocket, waving it in your hands. “Mhm.”
He smiled. “Awesome.” Opening his arms, he pulled you in for one last hug, inhaling the scent of your flowery shampoo before swinging the door open and watching you step outside, car keys in hand.
“I’ll be back soon!” you cried, waving to him from the driveway.
He waved back, leaning against the doorframe. “See you!” he called back. “Take care out there.”
“I will!”
His viridian gaze trailed after you and your car as you sped off down the road, knowing all too well exactly which radio station you had inevitably turned on. Well, no matter. He supposed it was time to stream, now. Locking the door behind him, Clay strode down to the basement, sliding into his desk chair with his hand on his mouse. Slipping his headphones over his head, he rolled his shoulders and opened up Twitch. 
Taking one last deep breath, he grinned and pressed the ‘start streaming’ button. 
“Hey, guys!”
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You grunted as you pushed the front door open, sliding your shoes off as you heaved the last sack of cat food onto the ground with a loud thud. 
And that’s all three. Finally.
Pushing the door closed using your foot, you placed your hands on your hood in determination.
Now, to get them downstairs.
You grimaced, glaring down at the offending bags. This was going to sooo much fun.
Some things never ceased to amaze you. Like how smart Clay was, even as dorky as he could be. Like how fast he blown up. Like how much you loved him.
And like how much cat food Patches managed to eat without getting fat.
Seriously, you thought to yourself with a grumble, how does she still look the same even though she goes through a whole bag of cat food in like... two weeks? It’s just not fair.
“I wish I had your metabolism,” you muttered, shooting a glare at the feline in question.  “You suck.”
Patches was perched on the stair railings a few feet away from you, grooming her paws. The moment you spoke her name, she lifted her head to look at you, her ears flicking. You stared at each other for a few seconds before she let out a soft meow, jumping down to rub against your leg.
“Oh, who am I kidding?” you murmured to yourself, your heart swelling in your chest at the feeling of her nuzzling her small head against your calf. “I could never hate you. You’re too cute.”
You turned your attention back to the three sacks of cat food you now had in your possession. Patches’s domain mostly consisted of the basement, where you kept her toys and costumes. Consequently, that’s where the cat food was also stored, albeit out of sight so that Patches wouldn’t get any ideas. Like her owner, she had a penchant for mischief, but you loved them both anyways.
The main problem here was getting the cat food down the stairs. 
I’m a strong independent woman, you thought to yourself with a small smile. Also, Clay is streaming, so I can’t ask him for help even if I wanted to. Bending over, you hoisted the first sack into your arms. That’s okay, though. A few stairs can’t stop me.
Taking a deep breath, you trudged toward the basement, carefully taking the stairs one step at a time down. The last thing you wanted was to trip while carrying the cat food of all things.
Unfortunately, it seemed that you jinxed yourself.
Everything went fine for the first two bags, each sack having safely made their way onto their proper spot on their designated cabinet shelf. Each time you tread down the stairs, you would take a quick peek over at Clay’s recording studio, smiling to see him amicably chatting with his viewers while completing another speedrun. With a smile on your face, you climbed the stairs once more to come face to face with your final obstacle.
You grinned despite your arms aching from having done so much heavy lifting. Last bag. Let’s go.
Rolling up your sleeves, you began the same process you had been running with for the past two trips: pick up the bag and head down the stairs, making sure to step carefully. 
What you hadn’t accounted for, though, was Patches’s presence.
You were just about halfway down the stairs when Patches darted in front of you. With a soft yelp, you stepped back to avoid her, letting her bounce down the stairs ahead of you. A brief breath of relief escaped your lips, but it was short lived. 
Just then, your sock’s grip on the floor gave out, and you felt gravity wrap a hand around your ankle.
Oh, crap.
A shout tore its way out of your throat as as you tumbled forward, landing on the ground with a resounding crash. Beside you, the bag of cat food smacked into the wall and landed with a loud crunch. 
That can’t be good, you vaguely thought, your mind fogged up by a cloud of pain.
Just a few rooms over, Clay froze mid-stream, his mouse coming to a halt as his entire body went stiff. Without even thinking to mute himself, he tore his headphones off his head, your name flying from his lips in a flurry of worry as he rushed out the room.
“[Y/N]! [Y/N], are you okay?”
On the ground, you winced, pain shooting up your side as you pulled yourself forward. In an instant, Clay was on the ground by your side—one hand on the small of your back helping you sit up, the other brushing your hair away from your face.
“[Y/N],” he breathed, panic seeping into his face as his eyes scanned every inch of your face for harm, “are you good?” You nodded, but it did nothing to ease the worry in his expression. “Tell—tell me.” He held three fingers in front of your face. “How many fi—”
“Three,” you replied immediately. You offered a pained smile, stifling another wince as you did so. 
He leaned in closer to your face, brushing his thumb over your cheek. “How badly are you hurt?”
You shifted your spine, trying to gauge the pain. The ache was dull at most, minimal at best. “Only a little.”
He pressed his forehead to yours, his breathing ragged. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You let out a small sigh, sending him a reassuring smile. You appreciated his protectiveness, you really did, but sometimes he really did go the extra mile. “Clay,” you said softly, “I’m okay, really. I promise I’m okay. I just tripped and fell.” Then you glanced behind him, letting out a deeper sigh. “The cat food, on the other hand? Not so much.”
The bag must have ripped open when it fell, its own weight having collapsed on itself and tearing a hole right through the bottom. The individual pellets of cat food where strewn all across the floor, littering the ground like pebbles. And of course, Patches was already starting to nibble away. Pesky girl.
Clay stood up, reaching a hand out toward you. “Here, I’ll help you clean up.”
You took his hand, shaking your head as he pulled you to your feet. “No, no. You should get back to your stream.” Your brows knit together. “I interrupted it, didn’t it? Your followers will be waiting for you. You should go back.”
He shook his head, his expression resolute. “Contrary to popular belief, [Y/N],” he said, “you’re more important to me than just one stream. I’ll probably just end it when I’m done here, anyway.” He squeezed your hand, his gaze kind. “Let me help you. Please.”
With your heart fluttering in your chest, you squeezed it back. 
Clay grabbed the two of you a dustpan as you began to clean up the mess of cat food you had made on the floor. You whined about how you just wasted a sale by tripping down the stairs while he poked fun at your frustration, passing you Patches with the request of keeping her away from the food as he swept. In practically no time, you had nearly forgotten what had transpired at all, just happy to spend some time with your wonderful boyfriend next to you.
If only you knew just how much your little fall was going to blow up in your face.
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You ran your tongue over your chapped lips, your gaze focused on your laptop screen as your mouse finally hit the submit button. Letting out a sigh, you finally let the stress seep out of your body as a small smile overtook your features.
Finally handed it in. Now, you didn’t have to worry about it anymore.
With a groan, you stretched your arms out above you, cracking your back. You’d been working away for a couple of hours now, but at long last, you were free for the weekend. Humming to yourself, you picked up your phone. You had set it to ‘do not disturb’ a while back, since it hadn’t stopped vibrating at one point. You hadn’t bothered to check why at the time, but you supposed you could spare some time for yourself before dinner.
Swiping your phone open, your thumb instinctively tapped on Twitter, a blue glow enveloping your screen before fading to dark. You hummed as you opened up the trending page, curiosity pawing at your backside. You had your bets on some trend going viral, but knowing the internet, it was probably some weird, random crap.
There were a handful of political memes topping the charts, as well as a #TGIF. You stifled a laugh as you scrolled a bit lower. Twitter sure was a weird place.
That was when a tag caught your eye.
Your thumb stopped, hovering over the screen. What? Explain what, exactly?
Then there—just few lines below that.
Your heart came to a screeching halt in your chest.
That was your name. 
Trending. On Twitter.
Panic shot through your veins.
What the actual hell happened?
With a heavy feeling of disbelief sinking its claws into you, you tapped on your name, watching as hundreds of tweets shot past your eyes.
Who’s [Y/N] and how can I be her
dream explain?! oh mygood what was that !!!!
is [Y/N] Dream’s girlfriend or something
um ??? dream said the name [Y/N] on stream today then went afk for like 20 mins ??? then the stream just ended ???wtf ???
what’s @georgenotfound gonna do omggg nooo!!! his boyfriend!!!!!!
You felt sick to your stomach.
Oh god.
They knew who you were.
You wanted to throw up.
Stumbling to your feet, you made your way toward the kitchen where you knew you would find Clay, your phone clutched in a death grip between your fingers. 
He turned from where he was leaning against the counter, a smile lighting up his face at the sound of your voice. “Hey!” The moment his eyes landed on your face, his smile vanished. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“Have—” You swallowed, your palms beginning to sweat. “Have you checked Twitter recently?”
“Nope,” he hummed, pulling his phone out from his pocket. “What’s trending this time? Did some politician say something or—”
“I am,” you said ever so softly.
He froze, his phone going slack in his hand. “What?”
You glanced up from your feet. “I’m trending, Clay.”
A beat of silence. “What?!” he repeated, louder this time.
You felt an odd sense of weightlessness sinking onto your shoulders, and you felt yourself begin to ramble. “Crazy, right? Little old me, trending? Wild. Insane. Like, just wow.” 
With each new phrase that leapt from your lips, Clay’s brows furrowed further. You could see the wheels in his head turning at full speed. Then, they stopped, and realization set in. Then came the horror.
Oh, dear god.
“[Y/N],” he whispered, taking a step toward you, “oh my god.”
“You’re also trending, by the way,” you continued, barreling ahead as your hands began wildly gesturing. You swallowed down the panic rising up your throat at full throttle. “It’s a shame that I’m not higher than you, but I guess we can’t win them all.”
“[Y/N],” he said again, “this is serious.”
You nodded, your expression still blank. “Oh, I know. I’m—”
Something in you snapped.
You sucked in a ragged breath. “Yeah, I’m—”
And out came the waterworks.
You collapsed to the ground, the sobs escaping your throat in uneven bursts. Clay’s arms were around you before you knew it, his hand cradling your head for the second time that day.
“Clay, Clay, Clay,” you choked out, your entire being dissolving into him. “Clay, they know who I am. They heard you.”
His grip tightened on you, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear. You sobbed harder, your tears soaking into his hoodie.
There was nowhere left to hide.
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You hadn’t touched your phone in days. It hardly took more than a few minutes for your Twitter feed to have absolutely blown up with messages about you. Some positive, some negative, some neutral. While you appreciated the kind ones, you only had to read a handful of the not-so-kind ones for you to turn off your phone and hide it in a drawer. It wasn’t like you were going to even use it properly, what with its cracked screen.
The more time passed, the more acutely aware of the public’s knowledge of you became.
Your name was everywhere, supposed drawings of you were everywhere, you—you were everywhere.
You felt like you were suffocating in your own skin.
Clay knew that the slip up had been rough on you, and he didn’t blame you one bit. He had asked you what you needed, if you wanted him to take a few days off to spend more time with you. You had declined, sending him a tired smile.
“I... I think I just need some time to myself to think things over.”
He didn’t push you anymore than that, instead holding you close and pressing his lips to your cheek. For the next couple days, he vanished off of social media—no tweets, no streams, no videos. Nothing. While you busied yourself with class work, he focused on editing and planning ahead for the future. You both knew you were stalling, but right now, you just needed time.
A knock came from your door, a soft voice following just after.
You rolled over on the bed you shared, your eyes flickering up to see Clay standing in the doorway. The book you had brought in with you laid untouched on the nightstand next to you. You haven’t been able to properly bring yourself to enjoy something without thoughts of doubt seeping into your head.
What do they think of me? Do they like me? Will they approve of our relationship? 
You were terrified out of your mind.
Clay approached the bed when he saw you move, gently sitting down next to you. “Are you doing any better?” 
He patted the space on his leg, and you twisted your body to settle your head on his lap. “Sort of,” you murmured.
A moment passed as he took in your words. “Have you eaten?”
You nodded, your head just barely moving. “Yeah. Ate some leftover pasta.”
You fell quiet once more, simply listening to the sound of his breaths next to yours. Despite having been hearing next to nothing but silence for days now, you felt better knowing he was next to you.
“Hey,” he said softly, grabbing your attention once more. You turned your head towards him, his hand stroking your hair. His emerald eyes bore into yours, focused and sad. “Tell me what’s on your mind. You seem so distant, right now.”
Your gaze trailed up to the ceiling as you opened your mouth, trying to connect the mess of thoughts in your head into coherent sentences. “It’s just all so overwhelming,” you admitted. “All they know about me is my name and that I fell down the stairs, but it already feels like it’s way too much. I didn’t even spend that much time scrolling online, and I already know that there are more than just a few people freaking out.”
You looked up at him, your sad gaze mirroring his. “I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to have everyone begging you for a face reveal.” 
The sadness in his eyes only seemed to grow deeper, and you felt something warm and watery wrap around your heart. “It’s my fault,” he whispered, pressing a hand over his eyes. “I should have muted myself. I shouldn’t have been so reckless. I just moved without thinking and—”
You pulled yourself upwards, turning to sit face to face with him. “Clay, don’t say that.” You reached out to grab him arm, pulling it away from his face. His gaze was watery, and you wished you never had to see him with that expression. “It’s not your fault, not at all. When you heard me fall, you thought of me right away, and I appreciate that.” You held his big hand in between your smaller ones, interlocking your fingers. “That just shows you care for me. Please don’t beat yourself up over what happened.” You offered him a timid smile. “I know that I’m not taking this all too well either, but we’re in this together, right?”
His lips twitched to mirror yours, but his tone was still tinged with a low sadness. “I know, it’s just... I hate seeing you like this, like you can’t live your life normally anymore because of me.”
Your hand reached up to stroke his cheek. “Hey, it’s alright,” you crooned. “Remember, they only know my first name—not even my last name—and that I tripped. They don’t know what I look like.” Your lips twitched. “Heck, they don’t even know what I sound like. I think I’ll be able to live my life just fine. It’s just a little bit... much to begin with.” You shot him a goofy smile. “I might have to use Twitter less, but you know my screen time usage is way too high anyway.”
A chuckle slipped from his lips, his eyes curving into two crescent moons. You felt your expression shift to mirror his almost naturally, but then the smile slowly crept off your face. “And, um, Clay,” you added, fidgeting slightly.
“These past two days, I gave what happened some more thought,” you began, “and I think...” You gulped. I think I want to introduce myself.”
His eyes widened, and suddenly his hands were on your face, his gaze focused intently on your face. “Are you positive?” he breathed. “You know you don’t have to do this, [Y/N].”
You nodded, feeling your resolve harden like a stone in your heart. “I know.” You offered him a bold smile. “It’s scary and kind of hard to think about, but I don’t want to leave everyone in the dark. I want to be by your side through thick and thin, no matter what.”
He paused, then pulled his hands away from your face. That sadness in his eyes had returned, and you felt your heart crack at the sight. “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” he said quietly, almost remorsefully. “I know that being with me is already a huge commitment, and this is just taking another huge step...”
You leaned forward, pressing your forehead to his shoulder. “Clay,” you said, staring down at your knee. “I’ve been here with you from the beginning, and I’ll be here until the end. I’m here with you for the long haul, okay?” You raised your head, shooting him a wicked grin. “You won’t be getting rid of me too easily.”
Just like that, his smile was back. “Oh, alright. Only because I love you so much, though.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair with a weary grin. “Well, if there’s anything that I’m sure is going to happen,” he said, “it’s that my fans are definitely going to call me a ‘simp’ even more than they already do.”
You flashed him a teasing smile. “Are they wrong, though?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners.
“No, they’re not.”
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Swallowing, you stared long and hard at the microphone sitting in front of you.
You can do this.
“Are you ready?”
You sucked in a deep breath, feeling your hands shake in your lap.
“I—I think so.”
Clay pressed a kiss to the back of your neck, his left arm wrapping itself around your waist to pull you closer on his lap. With his right, he reached for the mouse. On his screen, he had his stream loaded up, with only a single mouse click standing between you and tens of thousands of viewers.
Feeling his eyes on you, you turned to look at him. With a small smile, he dipped his head down to press his lips to yours in a soft kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling back. Pulling back, he leaned his forehead against yours lovingly.
“You know, this is only about half as stressful as when I met your family,” you joked.
He snorted, the rumbling of his chest running along your back and into your thumping heart. “And they loved you just as much as I do. Once the rest of the world meets you,” he murmured just for you to hear, “they’re going to love you just the same. I swear it.”
You let your eyelids flutter shut, breathing in his scent of fresh linen and citrus. “I hope so.”
He shot you a cheeky wink. “Oh, I know so.”
You rolled your eyes at him, turning around to look at his monitor once more. “Cheese ball.” You didn’t have to turn to know that he was still grinning. Snuggling further back into his chest, you said, “Let’s start the stream, yeah?”
With a nod, he clicked the ‘start streaming’ button. Almost instantaneously, thousands of people joined the stream. You briefly glanced at the chat and felt yourself stiffen when you caught a brief glimpse of your name. Almost immediately, Clay’s hand was on yours, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb while you relaxed once more.
Sending you one last loving glance, he leaned towards his mic and began to speak. “Hey, guys! I know it’s been a little while since I last did a stream, and I know you guys have some questions. But first, there’s someone I want you guys to meet.”
His gaze flickered to you, and he gestured toward the mic. Taking a deep breath, you mustered up your courage and leaned forward. 
“Hi there. My name is [Y/N].”
You felt his hand squeeze yours. 
With a smile and a deep breath, you squeezed back.
“And I’m Dream’s girlfriend.”
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Part Two. Jackbox Shenanigans
warnings: swearing word count: 2.6k (not including pictures) behind the screen (irl dream x reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
Y/n flinched awake, startled by the sounds traveling from the kitchen. Once again, the frosty air pricked her skin, trying to convince her to not move, to stay in bed under the warm blankets. Despite the feeling pulling her into her bed, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, grabbing her phone from her nightstand. Texts from Karl flooded her screen and she replied as she took her comforter off her mattress and wrapped it around herself. She pattered to the source of the noise to find her roommate was making food.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Naomi asked, eyes wide with concern as she looked at Y/n. "I dropped a pan."
Y/n, who was observing the world through one squinted eye, shook her head and she sat at the counter in the kitchen. "No, I should be awake anyway."
"You're usually awake much earlier. Late night?"
Y/n nodded. "George streamed and we all talked for a little after."
"Oh, yeah, I watched his stream this morning..." she started, eyes focused on the food in front of her but Y/n still caught the mischievous glint in her roommate's eyes.
"Of course you did," Y/n laughed through a yawn. "That's your lover."
Naomi rolled her eyes. "Maybe if you gave me his number he would be."
"He doesn't give it to many people. I just barely got it and I've been friends with him for a year. I'm pretty sure Karl doesn't even have it."
Naomi groaned, though Y/n knew it was a joke... for the most part. She got another text from Karl, and consulted Naomi for a second opinion.
"Should I post this?" Y/n asked, lazily holding up her phone with a picture on the screen. Naomi squinted as she looked back over her shoulder. "Karl keeps yelling at me too."
"Yeah! That's a cute outfit. Make sure to credit Karl or he'll yell at you for that as well."
"No chance I'm doing that."
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Incoming FaceTime... karol <3
Y/n hit accept and held the phone up to make a face at Karl. He mimicked the position. "Hello, sir."
"Hello, ma'am."
"What are you doing?" she asked him, walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth, her comforter dragging on the floor behind her as it continued to protect her from the cold.
Karl got distracted and started messing with something out of the camera view. "Um, trying to figure out what to do for my stream tonight. What about you?"
"I'm waiting for you to give me a fit check!" Y/n yelled. Karl quickly looked at the camera and smiled. He set his phone down on his desk and ran backward so his whole body was in frame. He posed awkwardly a few different ways before running back and resuming his position.
"Yes!" Y/n hyped with a mouthful of toothpaste. "Let's go, Karl! Karl with the old man sweater!!"
He giggled. "You're the one that told me to buy it."
"Because it's sick. Doesn't mean it didn't belong to an old man before you."
Karl pouted before his face lit up. "Guess what. I met a girl."
"Oh?" Y/n cooed. "Where? Do you have pictures? Is she cute?"
"She's Jimmy's new cameraman. Camerawoman. I don't have pictures, and yes. She's very cute." His cheeks turned red and Y/n smiled, flipping off the bathroom light and heading to her closet. She threw her comforter back on the bed and tried to pick out an outfit.
"Come on, bud, elaborate. What's her name? Have you asked her out yet?"
"You don’t get to know her name, I don’t want to jinx anything. Plus, you’ll just look ‘Mr Beast crew’ and find out anyway. Also, no, I haven’t. I'm pretty sure she thinks I hate her because I have not said a single word to her. I get so nervous when she's around I freeze up and just like... act weird. And then as soon as she's gone, Chris freaking roasts me so bad."
"Aw, I can teach you how to flirt if you want!"
"Yeah, okay," he scoffed, sarcasm dripping from his words.
"What's with the attitude? I'm great at flirting."
"No, you're not. I watched Gogy's stream last night."
"What does that have anything to do with anything?"
"I heard the way you spoke to Dream."
"You have zero game, Y/n. Absolutely none. Zilch, if you will."
"Yeah, because I wasn't flirting with him?"
"Not successfully, at least."
"Karl, what?" Y/n laughed but she was so confused. "No part of me was trying to flirt with anyone in that stream."
"Oh, come on," Karl groaned. "Don't do this again. Don't pretend to not like a guy and then cry to me when you're wack ass attempts don't win him over."
"Karl," Y/n started, looking directly at him. "I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. I wasn't flirting with him. I do not like him."
"I'm just saying, you talk about him a lot. Like, you always panic when he interacts with your posts because you're scared he's going to DM you right after. And you gush about him a lot."
"I do not gush. I admire the hard work he puts into his videos but I talk the same about him as I do with George and Sapnap. The only difference is I'm friends with them and not Mr. Minecraft. He's intimidating, that doesn't mean I have a crush on him."
Karl stared for a moment, trying to read Y/n's expression to detect any lies. "You'd tell me if you did, right?"
"Karl, I tell you everything. I'd tell you if I murdered your family." They both laughed. "It's impossible to hide anything from you, you're my best friend."
"Okay, sweet, but please don't murder my family, just to be clear."
"I won't. I love your mom too much."
"Well, how was meeting Dream, then? Despite apparently not being in love with him?"
"It was cool. Terrifying because it felt very forced but the four of us hung out on the call after George ended his stream and he was much more relaxed."
"That's true. Aren't we all?"
"Not you! You're the exact same person on and off camera. Just a little ball of giggles."
Karl giggled which made them both laugh more. Suddenly, as if he completely forgot until that moment, Karl sat up quickly and yelled, "What am I going to do for the stream?"
Y/n shrugged. "See if anyone wants to play Jackbox. Chat always loves those and it's relatively easy to throw together last minute. You just need to find people that are free to play."
"Genius. Who should we invite?"
"Yeah. It was your idea, you have to play."
"But, I've never played! And I barely know all your friends so I wouldn't get half the inside jokes. I'd be a boring addition."
"Please? They're your friends too! You just talked to Sapnap and George for four hours yesterday and George was the only one playing anything. That's friendship if I've ever seen it."
"But... others.... like literally everyone besides Sap and George...."
"Things like this are how you get to know them better. Besidessss, you're never boring."
"Fine, I'll play."
"YES!" he shouted. "Okay, who should we invite?"
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Y/n huffed and scooted her chair closer to her desk. She pulled up Discord and hovered over the voice chat everyone was in. An overwhelming number of voices chaotically spoke over each other as soon as she joined.
"Oh no," she mumbled.
"AYYEE!!" a voice yelled, the green bubble lighting around Quackity's name confirming her suspicions.
"Aye," she said back less enthusiastic. "Hi everyone."
"She's here!" George cheered.
Y/n could hear Sapnap huff. "Finally. Geesh."
"This isn't even your stream, calm down." Y/n's eyes scanned the names on the left to read who else was involved in tonight's games. She had suggested a few people to Karl but wasn't sure about the final list. Besides the boys who had already greeted her were BadBoyHalo and Dream.
"Hello, Bugsy! It's nice to meet you! I'm BadBoyHalo."
Y/n smiled widely at his voice. "Hi, BadBoyHalo! Nice to meet you too."
Her eyes slowly traveled to the last name on the list, which had yet to greet her. She wasn't bitter, but she was curious why he hadn't said anything yet. The boys hyped up him talking about her so much but she had yet to feel that energy from him. She picked at the bottom of her hoodie, eyes darting between the names as they lit up when someone spoke.
"Is Dream still AFK?" Sapnap asked.
"I think so," Bad replied.
Maybe that's the only reason he hadn't said anything. Y/n felt stupid for thinking it had anything to do with her.
"He's probably coding something or something like that," George teased.
"Haha nerdy ass man," Quackity cackled.
"Don't you also code shit, George?" Sapnap called out. "You're probably helping him test something after this, huh? As Quackity said, nerdy ass man."
"You know what, Sapnap? I'm not sure I like your attitude all that much."
Y/n smiled. Despite feeling nervous, she was already having fun just listening to everyone talk. The real nerves would kick in when they were live in front of tens of thousands of people and she would have to be funny.
A message popped up in the general chat, notifying everyone that Karl was joining the voice call soon so they shouldn't say anything bad.
"Everyone say something weird," Quackity directed.
Discord dinged and Karl's name joined the list on the side. "AAAHHHH-!" he started yelling over everyone to let them know he was here in case they were saying anything bad. With his luck, they were going to say stuff anyway to mess with him.
"So, yeah, that's how I lost my virginity," Quackity said as if he just finished a story.
"To a prostitute?" Sapnap added quickly. "Wow, I never thought you... oh Karl!"
"Language!" Bad gasped.
"What the..." Karl laughed loudly. "What did I just join?"
"Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry," Quackity apologized, which was hard to make out since he was laughing so hard, surprised at what Sapnap added to his joke.
"Bad, you can't say language about a prostitute," Sapnap defended. "That's really rude of you. Maybe it's a little unconventional but they're just tryna make some money the best way they know how."
George laughed with Quackity as Bad sputtered. "I-I said language about what Quackity said!"
"What, virginity?" Karl asked innocently and Bad yelled again.
"Bad hates people who have had sex!" Y/n called, causing Quackity to laugh loudly.
"Bad! How could you?! That's so messed up!"
"Wait, guys, is everyone here?" Karl asked.
"Dream isn't. We don't know where he went."
Karl groaned and started typing something, presumably yelling at Dream to join.
"Let's goooo! We're popping off!" Quackity started saying, stalling. "We're popping off!" George joined him, becoming absolute fools to keep the chat entertained.
"Okay, he's here!" Karl said. "Everyone's here!"
"I'm here, I'm here, sorry. I was... yeah, sorry," Dream stuttered out.
"Welcome back, Dream!" Bad chirped.
"Hello!" he replied. Unexpectedly, his next greeting was directed at Y/n. "Hi, Bug."
Y/n instantly got shy for no discernable reason. She blamed it on his voice and its ability to manipulate emotions any way he wanted. That and she was getting attention from someone first. "Hi," she squeaked back, hoping the contrast of her icy hands would cool her face enough to focus on the game.
"Bugsy, you are adorable," Bad stated simply.
"Sapnap! What did you just send me?" George asked loudly, and just like that, the attention was off of her and she could breathe again.
"What?" Sapnap feigned innocence.
This was going to be a long game.
"Let's play!" Karl decided. "Should we warm up with some Quippy?"
Y/n focused intensely on her answers, silently hoping the others would find her funny.
"Oh my gosh," she mumbled as everyone else finished writing. "Y'all, I'm about to get Quiplashed so hard. Don't make fun of me."
"I seriously doubt it," Dream said. "You can't possibly be worse than George at this game."
"Shut up, we always-  it's like 3 am my time. I can't, like, think of things 'cause my brain isn't functioning."
"Yeah, that's why," Sapnap teased.
"Surreee," Dream said.
The first round wasn't too bad. Y/n was in 5th place but she got quite a few laughs so she didn't care too much about where she stood. She got a notification from Dream on Twitter as everyone laughed at one of Quackity's answers.
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Y/n looked back at her screen and saw the new prompt and answers. She read them quickly as everyone was laughing and with a few seconds left to choose, voted for the one on the left. It was funnier anyway.
She loosened up substantially after another round, and she knew it was mostly because Dream had reached out to her. Something about him comforted her and made her feel safe, which warmed her heart.
"Bugsy! What the hell, that's so messed up. You're so messed up," Quackity yelled, laughing at the answer on the screen. They were playing Survive the Internet and her comment got taken way out of context, just as the game intended.
"Oh my gosh!" Karl cackled loudly. "Bugsy, I didn't know you felt that way. Oh my gosh? They're just kids?? Bugsy out the gang?"
Y/n hid her face in her hands and laughed. "Noooo!! Wait I never knew- I didn't know I was ever in the gang?"
"She really said, 'infant children? slaughter them all'," Sapnap joked.
"You know, I think you'd get along really well with Technoblade," Dream added. "Though his specialty is orphans, as it appears."
"No, no, no, whoever wrote that heading is SO messed up!" Y/n defended, rereading the heading that made her comment look bad. She knew it was a game but all the attention on her was making her embarrassed. "Who would think to put that?"
"Everyone cancel Busgy!" Karl yelled.
"Karl, no! You're supposed to be my best friend!"
"I don't know how I feel about my best friend killing children..."
"Nooo," Bad protested softly. "I like Bugsy. Don't cancel her."
"Everyone vote!"
The article with Y/n's name turned out to be Dream's. "Dream! What the hell is wrong with you?" she yelled, causing him to wheeze loudly.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I wanted point."
The whole night ended up being like that. Y/n had a lot of fun and by the end, she felt a lot more comfortable with all of them. Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap were loud and very high energy while George and Bad were quieter. Dream was half and half, sometimes matching Quackity's volume and sometimes going a while without saying a word. Overall, Y/n had a lot of fun and hoped to let back in the gang in the future.
A/N: WOOO PART TWOOO!! Hope you guys enjoyed this part! Also thank you so much for all the love on the first part!! I did not expect it to get as much attention as it did!!!!!
we clearly haven’t got to dream and yn being close yet bc they literally met the day before this but i added a small little dream/yn moment :] pls let me know how you liked this part!!!!!!!!!!!! 
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan
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ashsurixsachiki · 3 years
Proceeds to send my OCs tickle sheet first time i’ve ever done this- its fun, but also requires a lot of thinking anyway here take them
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This is KAROU-999, but usually goes with Karou. He was a human but suffered through an accident, but, since his father was skilled in engineering, after 3 years he’s basically an android. So, now he’s in college living with his annoying roommate-- drum roll please! Fun Fact; *His favorite anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion and his favorite music artist is MafuMafu [I have no idea what happens in NGE, my friend just loves it a lot so that just came in mind-] *Never call him “Robot Boy.” In other words, it’s a trigger word
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Jinx Uso!! A funny guy he is, but really nice too and uh, you would think Karou is babysitting Jinx but half of the time it’s the other way around-- But anyway, he wasn’t originally born with a name because his parents died- his mother died from his birth and while his father drove to the hostipal he uh, crashed and um, died- So, the orphanage caretakers knew his last name but as Jinx got older, he was asked what he would like to be called as his first name because obviously as a child he wasn’t mature enough to properly think about it. ‘Jinx’ came into his mind because he liked saying that word a lot and well, that was his name now-! Funfacts; *Video Game lover, UnderTale? Definitely! Little Nightmares? Heck yeah! Pokemon? OF COURSE!! *Definitely gives his friends nicknames that are merged with pokemon characters *He has a best friend named Yuki Alla [I might introduce her!], which also explains his necklace since they made necklaces for eachother. [Also nicknamed her “Yukichu”] -- If you couldn’t tell, I ship these two so uh-   I hope you like them ahah- Also, they have an entirely different plotline but for this blog, I used my RoomMate! AU for them. Maybe I’ll introduce the original plot, but it’s difficult to explain, more or less it’s basically a superhero vs thief storyline. 
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harmoni-me · 4 years
hello it’s me again! thank you for fulfilling my request i just loved it. can you please do a continuation? like- reader starts receiving these anonymous love letters and gifts, this drove the boys (and the reader) to confess their feelings in the end. angst to fluff
Wow, thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! This one is even longer than the last, so please have fun reading this one!
Nagito Komaeda x Sweetheart Reader x Kokichi Ouma Pt. 2
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Huh? What in the world-
Last time you remembered reaching into your school duffle bag, all you had in it was a comfy change of clothes for when gym activities rolled around, and a wet bottle of water that was dripping with condensation, but…
You didn’t remember an envelope, not in the slightest.
A nervousness started to boil over from your head to your heart, face heating up as quickly as hot coals on a cold evening. Is this… what you thought it was?
You’re stomach dropped at the realization, plunging into the depths of your being, as a realization struck.
This…this was probably not who you thought it was from.
In retrospect, the sting would only sink in deeper if only a single letter was given.
You weren’t satisfied, and that made you feel like you were scum, too dirty to even bother to be dealt with.
Even feeling a great amount of resentment to the silly thing, it’s not like you weren’t going to open it. You weren’t heartless when it came to the topic of possible confession. I guess you could say that the author of the letter made you feel something you haven’t felt in a while.
It’s was pure, unbridled, bitter jealousy. Jealousy that engulfed your vision, clouding all sense of realism.
Why could someone so anonymous have more guts about dealing with their crush than you? This person, who you didn’t even know, had the heart of a lion to sit down, write out something deep and personal, and somehow get it to you.
You were jealous, because you would never have the heart to do the same.
Once the bell rang to signal the last period of the day, you begrudgingly stood from your desk, knowing what you had to do. You had to open it, it would be extremely inconsiderate if you didn’t.
While you were walking in the hallway to somewhere slightly more secluded, you slipped the letter out of your bag. It was pure white, and it wasn’t made out of anything fancy. The opening was sealed by a simple piece of clear scotch tape, and when turning the message over, on the back was large, red letters that spelled your name in delicate cursive. You really wanted to get this over with.
“OH MY GOD-“ You jumped out of your skin, dropping the envelope in your hand, causing it to flutter to the floor.
“Nehehe! I got you so good!” A purple-haired brat giggled at your jump of fright, rounding the corner he was hiding behind. His eyes then wandered to the envelope that was laid flat on the tiled floor, his eyebrows rose, and a smirk slowly carved his way onto his face.
“Oooo, what’s this little thing, hm? An invitation? A secret message?….”  Kokichi knelt down to pick up the letter, fitting the paper between his middle finger and index finger. He got up all in your face, an evil smile plastered on his face, reaching all the way up to his eyes. He got closer to your ear, voice dropping, and his breath hot against your ear.
“Maybe…a love confession? Aww, how sweet…” Kokichi hummed, pleased by the steamy expression your face turned when you were embarrassed. Then, as suddenly as the actions before, Kokichi hopped backwards, grasping onto the letter with both hands, raising it aggressively high in the air.
“Ahhh! The anticipation! What’s inside, what’s inside, what’s inside?!” Kokichi kept on blabbering, waving the envelope all over the place, as if he was a child on Christmas Eve, shaking a wrapped gift to see if they could guess its contents.
When you saw the best opportunity, you quickly snatched the letter back from the naughty boy’s grubby little hands, huffing with a blush on your face once you retrieved what had been addressed to you.
You leaned your back against the hallway wall, which had now been abandoned. Slowly, you sunk yourself down to the ground, not once taking your eyes off of the red lettering that spelled your name in flawless cursive. You noticed upon close inspection that the lettering was a little smudged at the ends, most likely from Kokichi’s roughhousing with it.
A rough thump rang out next to you, making you look over with not much interest. Kokichi, in all of his nosy glory, had sat right up next to you against to wall, head shoved all in your business.
“Come on! Open it already! The suspense is killing me!” Kokichi was vibrating from waiting so patiently....to what extent Kokichi could be patient, that is.
You sighed, giving up. It was most likely anonymous anyway, so Kokichi won’t even know who to target ruthlessly on for the next month.
You let the tip of your finger slide into the opening of the letter, breaking the tape to the prized information. You carefully slipped out the neatly folded piece of paper, which was a thicker, almost card stock like texture.
Even before opening it, you could feel the emotion that radiated out of the paper. You suddenly had an image turn in your mind, of a person looking to be your age, carefully writing every word down as perfectly a flawed human could. Though, you could imagine them also grasping at their hair, crumbling up previous attempts, over and over again, as if disposing of their emotions, yet rebirthing it to be conveyed better each and every time.
It made you feel that much worse, knowing  that the writer’s feelings are in no way reciprocated. You couldn’t, because the feelings to give back were already stolen in their entirety. By two other people, none the less.
Ironic how one of your two fattest crushes you’ve ever had in your life was basically huddling into you right at this moment, wanting so desperately to know what the paper read.
When finally did unfold the letter, you were met with beautiful, curvy handwriting, not a spelling error or smudge could be found.
. . .
To the one who my heart yearns for the most,
I’ve lost track on how many times I have written this letter. For reference, the bin next to me is now filled to the brim and was completely empty just two hours ago, but that’s not important, is it?
Let’s get the obvious things out of the way, shall we? I adore you. Though I’m keeping this anonymous, I want you to know that my heart has grown ten times it’s size ever since the day I met you. Every single attribute about you I hold as a precious keepsake within my mind. Every time you do anything, say anything, I want to keep it all to myself. I want to lock the sound of your voice, and keep vivid pictures of your smile fresh within my memories.
You, (Y/N), have made me feel things that I  thought I had become numb to. I was unapproachable. A man that was blinded by his own psychotic desire to be used, that’s what I was.
You might think I’m exaggerating, but I believe you’re my guardian angle, sent to be due to God’s pity. Now that I’ve written it down, that was stupid, but I’ll keep it, because it’s the truth.
You saved me from myself, causing me to unsurprisingly fall in love with the one who made me realize I was a human, standing among other flawed humans, all having different lives, hopes, talents, aspirations...
Your kindness, no, your everything gave me so much room to simply breathe, and realized what I was doing to myself and to others.
Now that that’s out of the way, I would like to mention something I’ve...conjured.
I’m not very great at using my words, so that’s why I’ve poured everything into this letter, but you deserve to know who I am.
I’m scared, and if you do see me, I might not be able to get a good amount of words out but
In two days from now, after school, I want to meet you. I was thinking on the school rooftop? If you decide to come, I’ll be there waiting.
. . .
Who...who was this guy? And why...
Your eyes were brimming with tears, glossy from such words. This could be anyone, yet, what did you do? You were friends with many people, but not like this...you don’t think?
You suddenly felt something warm wiping away your now falling tears, gliding over your cheeks to brush away your liquid sadness.
“Hey, don’t cry...it’s not a good fit for you.” Kokichi then used his bandana to gently dry your puffy eyes and crimson cheeks. You looked up at the boy, who had the tiniest smile present on his face. It was almost as if that was how far the smile could go.
The sun broke through a window across the hallway, landing on Kokichi and his facial features. You looked into his eyes, but something was off.
Those eyes, they reflected a lot more light than they usually did, as if they were simply water in a pond. Was he-
“Well, that sure was something, huh?” Kokichi turned around, rubbing his eyes with his sleeve, trying to be discreet. You noticed though, but decided to not say anything.
. . .
When you thought things couldn’t get worse, you had totally jinxed yourself the next day.
You wanted to get your water bottle out of the your school duffel bag during class, because humans have to drink every once in awhile, but when you did...
What...what even was that?
You honestly didn’t even want to bother until the end of the day with how you were feeling right now.
You were slumped, once again, in an empty hallway, browsing your phone and looking at funny cat videos to raise your vibrations. At least they made you smile.
“Is there a kitten nearby?” A voice had pierced the atmosphere. You looked up, it was Nagito standing over you, a face of half wonder and half concern delicately painted on his features.
You looked downcast, and you hated hiding your emotions, so it was plainly evident to Nagito how you felt in that moment, and he was heartbroken.
He placed his belongings next to you, along with himself, comfortably hugging his knees into his chest. He turned to you frowning a bit.
“You...only watch cute animal videos when you’re sad. Is... there anything wrong?” Nagito questioned, wanting to help you as much as you’ve helped him.
“It’s kinda personal, but your company already makes me feel better, so it’ll all be fine.” You gave the white haired boy a little smile, showing just how genuine you were.
Nagito hummed, nodding in understanding. He was playing it cool in front of you, but he really wanted to punch the person that made you feel like this.
It’s funny, because he probably has an idea of who...
“Oh, yeah, the thing...” You mumbled, reaching over to dig around in your duffle bag. When you felt the crunchy texture, you pulled it out, revealing something something that you honestly weren’t expecting.
It was a large pink lollipop, and it was in the shape of a heart.
It was probably as big as your head, and there was a clear, wrapper-like foil around the treat, preserving it for the consumer.
“Where did you get that?” Nagito raised a brow, because it was quite ridiculous how absurdly large this lollipop was. It was a funny sight though, seeing you side to side with with a sweet that could easily cover your whole face.
“I... think someone game this to me?” You thought, smiling a bit at the silliness of the situation.
But your mind wandered... was it the same person who wrote the letter? Then again, you didn’t think it would make sense with someone like him getting, well, this. Especially after writing something so deep and personal. This just kinda seemed incredibly random.
Either way, you started to unwrap the lollipop, wanting to eat some of it, even though you were most likely not going to finish the thing.
Resuming the cat videos, you repositioned the phone between you and Nagito. The boy took a glance, watching as he saw a fluffy white kitten get scared from playing a note on a piano, making him chuckle.
“You wanna watch somethin’ else, Nagi?” You asked Nagito, making him perk up in attentive nature. His smile conveyed so much care for you, as if you were his most prized gift he had ever received in his life.
“I’m bound to enjoy anything you would like, (Y/N)! Please, pick whatever you would like!” Nagito waved his hands, signaling not to worry about him, after all, you were the sad one out of you two for the moment.
“Ok! We’re watching Gordon Ramsay yell at people!” You promptly spoke, grabbing the phone and setting up the Hell’s Kitchen episode.
“Don’t mind me asking, but who is that?” Nagito questioned genuinely, making you gasp in surprise. How?
“He’s one of the best chef’s in the world, but he’s super strict with his employees, so it’s kinda entertaining. You’ll see!” You exclaimed, scooting yourself closer to Nagito, propping up the phone. You leaned into his side, taking a little nibble from your lollipop.
Nagito’s eyes kept on darting from you to the screen, having trouble with containing his emotion with you simply leaning on him to watch a show about...a vulgar-mouthed chef.
“Hm? What’s the matter?” You looked up at him, face inches apart from his. He didn’t respond, too nervous to trust his mouth. Lucky for him, you cut in.
“Oh! You want some?” You stuck the untouched side of the lollipop to Nagito’s mouth.
His brain and heart were on fire, and not a lick of logic was left. He pressed his lips against the candy, and sucked on a small portion.
It was your favorite flavor...he liked it way better than artificial grape soda, by a long shot.
After licking to his satisfaction, Nagito locked his teeth into the part he had been abusing with his mouth, biting off a piece for to-go.
“I need to go to the restroom, ok? I’ll be back.” He said, getting up from his seated position, making his way and entering into the boys bathroom at the end if the hallway.
You don’t know if he knows, but boy, you were blushing up a storm. He literally just gave you an up close and personal presentation on how his tongue did it’s work. Now, you didn’t really care for dirty thoughts, but after witnessing that, you couldn’t help it...
You looked down at the lollipop, now with a small chunk of it gone missing from the main snack. You examined it, and realized something so blatantly obvious, it was embarrassing.
Rapped around the white stick of the lollipop was a piece of yellow paper, and without much thought, you unraveled it.
It was a note, but it was short, and written it blue colored pencil.
. . .
Found this at a candy store, and bought it because you looked sad the last time I saw you. Seeing you sad makes me sad and stuff so yeah. I’m not signing my name here or anything, cuz that would just give away the surprise! But I’ll confess to you properly in person, cuz I’m better at talking. Meet me tomorrow after school, on the roof!
. . .
Was this...the same guy? No, no it’s really couldn’t have been. The handwriting was different, the spelling was off, and they seemed a lot more laid back. Also, the author of the letter clearly stated that he was better at conveying is precious feelings by writing, while this one said they were more than happy to spill their own feeling with their voice.
So, you’ve got two secret admirers now...and both of them want to meet at the same place, and the same time.
Maybe this was all just some twisted, elaborate trick by a group of thugs, wanting to lure you in, then gang up on you like street cats when they found a lowly mouse to pray upon.
You’ll never know, unless you sucked it up and went tomorrow.
. . .
Well, there you were, on the roof after school the next day.
No one was there.
The sky was as clear as your blank mind, which you had forced to stop thinking about the world around you, and what you were doing. The breezed tickled your face, as if the wind tried to replicate the feeling of tips of grass grazing on ones cheek.
The only noise was the muffled chattering from students below, creating the perfect background noise to just...relax.
Until you heard yelling.
It was coming from the stairwell that lead up to the roof. You didn’t move a muscle, it was probably just loud, rambunctious students.
But it just kept on going, and going, on and on like a hyper parakeet who had a shot of expresso.
Well, since your admirers haven’t shown their faces for the past fifteen minutes, there’s nothing better right now than to snoop on the possible drama rumbling around in the stairwell. Might make a good story to tell someday, you never know.
You made your way into the stairwell, only to be met with very familiar voices, but you quickly made your presence unknown to them, hiding behind a wall.
“Kokichi! I told you not to not to get yourself involved!” Nagito raised his voice a little, but not to the point where it was just pure anger talking. Kokichi stood, fists balled up in pent up frustration.
“I know you did! And it was stupid that I did, but-“ Kokichi yelled, desperation in his voice.
“Then WHY? You knew I wrote that letter, hell, you were there helping me write the damn thing, but you go and do this?!” Nagito’s heart was the one talking at this point, because you’ve never heard his voice twinge in such genuine emotional pain.
But now you knew who wrote the letter, it was Nagito.
That didn’t sink in as hard as it was supposed to, until-
Wait, Nagito?
“Y-you don’t understand!” Kokichi responded, clenching his teeth from emotional agony.
“I do understand, and I just want to tell you that you’ve went way too far on this sick joke-“
“IT’S NOT A JOKE!” Kokichi cried out, a rasp in his voice becoming evident.
“Then what is it, Kokichi? Spill it. You know how important this is to me, and I don’t like yelling at you.” Nagito was stern, his voice dominating the purple-haired boy.
“Because...I-I...” his voice broke in sadness and so, so much regret. He suddenly huffed, opening his mouth to wallow out.
“B-BECAUSE I LOVE THEM TOO!” Kokichi sobbed. Thick, wet tears rolling down his swollen cheeks. Nagito was shocked, not saying a word. Nagito’s frown deepend because of the wallowing boy in front of him that he cared so much for. Yet, like always, he could never find the words to wrap Kokichi in warmth and apology. The thought made Nagito’s eyes begin to water.
Look what you did, you hurt him, you absolute scum.
“B-but *hic* I-I-I’m s-so *hic* s-selfish...I...” Kokichi hiccuped, trying his absolute best to get his words across.
“I’M SO FUCKING SELFISH, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU TOO, NAGITO KOMAEDA....y-you b-b-big jerk...” Kokichi wailed, a river of tears poring, falling to the concrete floor; the droplets staining the ground in a darker shade of grey when they landed.
“O-oh my god...K-Kokichi...l-“ Nagito started, hands shaking violently. This was bad, this was really bad.
And you knew that.
So you ran. You ran so fast out of your hiding spot, down to the two people in this world that you cared about the most.
And before you knew it, you harshly brought the both of them into your arms, causing the three of you to to collapse onto the ground.
You let it all out. You bawled into their arms, letting out your cries. Whether it was just from sadness, or of relief, that didn’t matter. You cried, until your eyes went dry, and all of your tears were soaked into the boys’ shirts.
. . .
After a bit, all was silent, except for the breathing of you three all mixing together. Your bodies were intermingled, assuming the best position for comfort and care.
You needed to say something, anything. You needed to tell them, or else everything will fall apart.
“I can’t choose.” You put it simply, the two other boys perked up, tear stains prominently showing on both of their faces.
“(Y/N)...” Nagito mumbled.
“I desperately need the both of you. So badly. I want to love you two so much I want my lips to hurt from kissing you two so much by the end of each day. I want my hands to cramp from holding both of you two’s hands so much.” You proclaimed, letting out everything that has been building up in your heart.
“I want to wake up with the warmth of two. I want to spend my days and nights with all of my love coming from two. And...I want to try each and every new thing life brings me, with the love of two.” You gasped for air, sighing out of your mouth, regulating your breath to its normal pace.
“I understand if you don- mphf!” You were promptly shut.
Kokichi had placed his lips on yours, causing a jolt of passion to ignite your soul. The feeling was delicate and new, but it was incredibly lovely  You promptly kissed back, feeling a joy you’ve never felt before in your life.
The two of you parted with the kiss when the both of you felt soft lips gently peck both of your foreheads. It was as soft as a feather, yet it made the two of you go so incredibly soft.
You and Kokichi looked up to see Nagito, a small smile on his face. One of his hands reached up to your left cheek, while the other hand made its way to Kokichi’s right. He then lovingly dragged his thumbs across both of your cheeks, smile growing wider, while his face became rosy.
“There’s...so much I want to say but...I hope my actions can at least convey how my heart wants to treat the two of you.” Nagito said, his voice dropped, but in a more of a endearing tone than anything. The boy was still smiling like this was the happiest day in his life.
“I think it would be fun if we all had a slumber party as our first date.” Kokichi giggled, nuzzling into Nagito’s long, slender fingers.
“That sounds like fun, I think it would be delightful.” Nagito playfully pinched Kokichi’s cheek lightly, causing Kokichi to giggle, smiling wide.
“But we do have one thing to take care of first...” Nagito glanced over to you, chuckling.
You were fast asleep within the palm of his hand. It made him fall in love all over again, to be honest.
Nagito and Kokichi worked to untangle themselves from your limbs, trying not to wake you. They then promptly proceeded to place you on Nagito’s back, in a comfortable position so you could keep on sleeping soundly.
“You up for taking our little Cutie back to her place?” Kokichi snickered.
“Of course, love. Only if you would accompany me? Nagito stuck out his hand, waiting for the warmth of another.
“You’re lucky I really like you, clover.” Kokichi hastily grabbed his hand, weaving their fingers together.
As they began walking out to the main exit gate, Kokichi spoke.
“You know, I said a lie earlier I didn’t like. I don’t just like you...I actually really love you. The both of you. That’s something I could never lie about.” Kokichi pledged, the evening orange sky bouncing off of his face. Nagito squeezed the shorter males hand lovingly.
“I love you too, Kokichi. And not just you also, but the both of you. My heart will be forever loyal to the two of you until I rest in my own grave, remember that.”
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jjsjuiceboxx · 4 years
REQUEST FOR: @tweedlydumbtweedlydoo
SUMMARY: you’re in a secret relationship and another cast member flirts causing jealously
⚠️WARNING⚠️: cussing, jealousy.
A/N : i think I might want to do request/ scenarios with character/ cast of obx in one post so like example first kiss and then everyone be under it so you can read who you want I’ll also do this for your requests. Happy reading :).
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You’re apart of the obx cast you play a character who has just moved to the outerbanks you and your family are not rich nor poor, neither a kook or a pogue. You’re still currently filming season 1, this being your first acting gig ever you’re nervous and excited Drew having more experience has been helping you which causes you guys to get very close and start dating.
The relationship is still new so the rest of the cast don’t know yet, it’s very hard for you to hang out with everyone and not have drew hold you close but you both decided it was best to keep it a secret while you guys still figure everything out.
You are all at cookout after a long day of filming you were all planning on ordering in but when you found out Austin has never had cookout you all instantly decided you were going there and force the man to eat, you were squished between Madison and Deion all waiting for your food discussing the day.
“Dude that scene we did today was INSANE” Rudy said happily
“I can’t believe we pulled it off in one take man, usually takes us forever” chase said shocked
“Only reason I didn’t mess up because I was starving and the sooner we get it done the sooner we can eat” you said feeling your stomach growl
Just then the waiter with your food came out passing everything to everyone but you all didn’t eat waiting for Austin to eat his food and see his reaction
“What ? Why are you all staring at me ?” Austin said with wide eyes and confusion
“We are waiting for you to shove that hamburger in your face to see your reaction duh” Madison stated as if it’s the obvious thing in the world after she said that everyone else started saying duh which led to Austin rolling his eyes at everyone being dramatic
Austin was about to take a bite when drew stopped him, “wait someone needs to take a video of this moment, yanno to catch some history”
“I’m already ahead of you” you smiled over at him from across the table with your phone at the ready to record.
Drew sent a wink your way which made you blush, Deion seemed to have noticed the small interaction and scooter closer to you but you brushed it off because he was on the edge and you didn’t want him to fall off.
“Ok Y/N get your camera ready cause I’m going in” Austin said bringing the hamburger closer you hit the record button and watched as everyone went silent and moved closer to Austin who opened his mouth wide and took a bite you all watched and waited in anticipation
“that... was.... SOO GOOD” Austin exasperates eyes wide and a content smile on his mouth before he went in for another bite.
You all laughed you hit the end record button and held the phone out for everyone to watch the master piece you just caught.
The video ended and you all busted out into laughter “his face when he realized how good it was is hilarious” madelyn said trying to catch her breath you felt a tap to your right to look at Deion
“I would say send that to me but I don’t have your number” Deion stated with his phone out to you before he continued “which is odd that I don’t have a sexy girl like yourselfs number” Deion said in a deep voice staring at you. You didn’t even have to look up at Drew to know his face was red as mars you could feel the heat the was radiating off the man
You laughed Deion’s attempt at flirting with you off and took his phone putting your number in then handing it back to him instead of a thank you he kissed your cheek you froze completely still not knowing what to do while everyone else stared confused.
JD opened his mouth about to say something when all of a sudden the styrofoam cup drew was holding incredibly tight broke in half which allowed his soda to spill all over the place.
“Bro you good?” Chase asks drew who was still holding the cup and his hand was shaking he was sooo mad he was staring at Deion with soo much anger. You reached your foot over to Drew’s and started to stroke his leg with yours in a way to calm him down without the others noticing.
He looked at you and you slowly nodded at him in a way of saying it’s ok calm down he got the message.
“Yeah man I’m good, they really need to switch cups they’re flimsy” he said still sorta Mad
“The cups are fine man you just hulked out on it” chase laughed
That seemed to brighten his mood up and he laughed as well the night continued on smoothly after that you all ended up in chase and Rudy’s apartment hanging out while they all goofed off you were sitting next to madelyn while drew and Rudy hoped on one foot sayin flamingo up dude in a weird voice which made you fall on the floor crying it was soo funny.
“Hey y’all imma head out see ya tomorrow” Deion hollered over the music he was about to open the door when suddenly “OH I ALMOST FORGOT” he yelled running over to you picking you up and spinning your around kissing you in both cheeks “I have to say goodnight to the cutest girl i know” he exclaimed madelyn was about to say something but was cut off by a very pissed Drew.
“OK THATS IT ! I know what we agreed on Y/N but I’m sorry I can’t take this anymore it’s torture acting all cool while I watch someone FLIRT WITH MY GIRL AND I JUST HAD TO SIT THERE, Deion man I love you but she is taken by me” Drew said grabbing your arm and pulling you to him kissing the top of your head “and I love her man” Drew finishes staring down at you sweetly.
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You found out about the roll of a character named Emma Dean In the show outerbanks from your friend Austin North who was planning on auditioning for Topper when he read Emma’s character description and personality he thought of you and told you about it, you and Austin decided to practice and rehearse with one another. It was a great day when you both got the rolls and were sent out to Charleston, South Carolina.
You knew you were going to make life long friends who soon became your family you knew you would have great memories with everyone apart of this project, but what you didn’t know was that you would find love Among one of the cast members. Everyone in the cast was very attractive no doubt but one blonde with blue eyes caught your eye the most none other then Rudy pankow who played JJ.
You being Jake short’s twin sister have known Austin for years, you guys were very close but you didn’t have a brother/sister relationship so you were not surprised when you would get asked occasionally if you two were dating fans have asked that for years and no matter how many times you denied it the fans didn’t believe you. But what surprised you was one night at the club you and Austin had been dancing for a considerably long time you went to get grad a drink and Rudy followed you “hey um are you and Austin a thing ?” Rudy asked nervously scratching the back of your head.
You busted out laughing “oh my god no not at all we’ve known each other for years but we get asked that ALL THE TIME” you said emphasizing the last part
“Oh thank god” Rudy sighed relieved “well with that out of the way I just wanted to say that you’re very pretty and a great person and I was just wondering if I could take you out sometime? Chase and ate at this great brunch cafe and all I thought Of was taking you there” Rudy stated
“Aww Rudy I would love too that would be great” you smiled hugging him, over the past few weeks you and Rudy would go out to eat places or just hang out at the beach his place, yours. After about the first month he asked you to be his girlfriend of course you said yes.
Well that was 2 months ago you and Rudy were still happily dating, the cast had no idea it wasn’t a secret at all it just simply never came up you being cuddled into Rudy wasn’t out of the ordinary for you or anyone the cast just thought you guys were very close and flirty.
They knew Rudy loved you but thought he was too afraid to tell you but didn’t push it either, Rudy, chase, you, and Jd were all at Austin’s house hanging out.
“You know what we should play?” You asked the group all of them following asking what you snapped your head over at Austin smiling at him mischievously he smiled back already knowing what you were going to say.
“JUST DANCE” you both screamed at the top of your lungs you sprang up out from beside Rudy jumping into Austin’s arms saying jinx, everyone laughed at how well you and Austin knew what the other was thinking except for Rudy who was still in the sleeping bag being quiet.
Austin plugged his wii in and started the game up while everyone stood up getting ready taking off shoes and jackets and anything that could ruin their chance of winning.
“I’ll go get drinks and snacks for everyone” you said walking to the kitchen picking up everyone’s favorite snacks and grabbing water bottles heading back into the living room.
“Ladies first” JD said passing the remote to you. “Ok fine but this is how we are going to play” you said about to continue your spiel you saw Rudy smirk and smile at you you winked at him knowing he loves when you get bossy and controlling.
“We are only doing the duet dances” you said but was cut off when Rudy and JD ran to each other hugging already teaming up.
“No no no not how this works” you said pulling them apart, “ladies first I pick my person to dance with and whoever has the high score stays up and he next person goes and so on and so forth, got it ??” You said more as a statement then a question eyeing the two boys.
“Yes maam” JD said going to the snack table to get his Welch’s snack things you went to walk to the center of the room but was stopped when Rudy grabbed your ass squeezing it and whispering into your ear “I love when you take control over situations it turns me on it’s soo hot” he said softly to only you while his lips brush against your ear “watch out what ya wish for babe” you said seductively turning and walking off
You took the remote and clicked on a song/dance Austin saw what it was and stood up so fast it startled chase who was sitting next to him
“You just gave me a fucking heart attack man” chase whined
“Oh my god Y/N this is our song !!” Austin cheered Rudy who was staring you down after turning him on and walking off being a tease which he loved but also got on his nerves but it always ended up being ok in the end because it made the sex 10x better, clenched his jaw and fish while sucking his teeth and shaking his head at what Austin said Rudy doesn’t like that fact that his girl was so close to another man that was not him he isn’t controlling or anything of that sort, there is just a line and Austin crosses that line multiple times a day and it drives the man nuts.
“Hell yeah it’s our song and I’m going to beat you” you turned to Austin and poked at his chest telling him you’re going to beat him.
“We’ll see Y/NN, we’ll see” Austin said confidently you clicked start and got ready for it to start playing so you could dance and beat Austin at his own game ( literally ).
“Ahaha I told you I’d win !” You cheered jumping up and down, “yeah yeah congrats, but for the record I let you win I always let you win” Austin said with his hands up
“ oh suck it up buttercup” you said going to grab water. “Ok whatever love bug” Austin said laughing at your face when he used the nick name your brother calls you.
After Austin said that Rudy sped walked out of the apartment and slammed the door shut you all got up and followed after Rudy. “Hey man wait up” chase said catching up to Rudy who was already making his way out to his car.
“Rudy wait, what’s wrong?” You asked concerned. “Nothing is wrong I’m just peachy” Rudy said smiling the fakest smile you’ve ever seen he ripped his car door open with so much force you thought he would have broken it off completely.
“Woah bro calm down you’re gunna break your car” Austin said slightly amazed at how strong he was. “Yeah that won’t help bro you never tell someone who is upset to calm down” JD stated
“Rudy let’s talk please tell me what’s wrong, I want to h-“ you were cut off abruptly by Rudy kissing you very hard with lots of lust but also passion and last but not least....love you could tell how much he loved you from that kiss you have not said those three little words yet but the both of you knew it he knew you loved him and vise Versa the both of you knew that by the tiny little things you did for the other.
Austin, JD, and chase stood back all sharing smiles happy about the cute little scene playing out in front of them. Rudy finally pulled away first and rested his forehead on yours smiling at you with so much adoration.
“I love you Y/N I love you soo fucking much” Rudy whispered to you but loud enough for the others to hear.
“And I love you more so much more” you smiled with tears in you eyes you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him so hard he held you even tighter.
“Ok now that that’s over, what was up with you having a hissy fit?” JD questioned amused
“I got jealous Austin and y/n being soo close and all the cute little nicknames just made me mad man” Rudy said running his hands through his hair.
“Wait seriously? You were Jealous of me and y/n? Austin questioned “yeah man I was am sorta” Rudy said Austin just looked at you and bursted out laughing
“This isn’t fucking funny” Rudy said getting mad again “yeah it is man bro really don’t worry about it y/n and I are just friends, best friends that’s it that’s all it is all it will ever be man” Austin assured
“So you don’t love my girl?” Rudy asked shyly
“Of course I love her Rudy, but not in that way it’s purely platonic. Don’t worry man I’m not trying to take your girl away” Austin said kindly
“That’s it that’s why you’re mad? Wait are y’all even together?” Chase asked confused
“Uh yeah we are we have been for 3 months now” you said smiling up and your boyfriend Rudy “it wasn’t a secret by the way we just didn’t want to be weird and announce it and no one ever asked” Rudy shrugged chase ran over to Rudy and picked him up and jumping up and down.
“My man” chase cheered happily putting Rudy down “ok ok can we go now?” Rudy questioned everyone “yes yes we can” you said getting in the passenger side.
“Drive to yours fast it’s closer” you said buckling up your seat belt
“You like when I’m bossy and taking charge and I guess I like it when you get possessive over what’s yours and jealous so take me home and show me I’m yours” you said kissing his neck
Rudy slammed the gear shift In reverse and drove y’all to his house so fast.
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shemakesmusic-uk · 3 years
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Wallice has shared her subversive new single 'Hey Michael'. 'Hey Michael' amplifies her blood-thirsty nature, a revenge anthem that finds Wallice turning into a worse villain than her erstwhile love interest. A song about toxic tendencies and how they manifest in our lives, 'Hey Michael' twists and turns around American Psycho imagery. Wallice labels "a revenge anthem for anyone who has encountered a gaslighting, manipulative person. It’s what I wish I would have said to all the ‘Michael’s’ I have met in my life. It can be substituted by many names, we all know or have met a ‘Michael’ though. Somehow the world revolves around them and they just can’t catch a break, because they never do anything wrong and it’s usually your fault. You should have listened to your gut instinct and swiped left on this Michael. This isn’t a man-hating song, it’s just something many people can relate to. Sometimes it’s embarrassing to admit just how bad a friend, date, or romantic partner was and a lot of the time, I would just smile and laugh off stupid remarks but when I think back, I wish I had told them off. But at the same time, my persona in the song is not the best person either. I literally say: I think I want to start a fight, which one is your girlfriend? The whole song is funny because I am so focused on how shitty Michael is that I don’t even think about how shitty I might be as well." Directed by Phil Stillwell, the video takes place at a house party, with Wallice interacting with various 'Michaels' before her behaviour spirals into something much, much worse. [via Clash]
In the same vein as Massive Attack’s suburban groove and social commentary in the mid 90’s, KITA have captured the rhythm and heartbeat of suburban Pōneke; a city abuzz with a vibrant music and dramatic performance scene in their brand new track and official video, ‘Private Lives’. Weaving together elements of vintage rock, pop and soul, and warm hints of synth, KITA have created a skin-prickling piece of magic with ‘Private Lives’, a deeply beautiful track penned in 2020’s lockdown, that delves into the unknown of what happens when the blinds are shut – the parts of life that are unseen by others. "Standing from my kitchen window during lockdown in Aotearoa, sinister thoughts entered my mind about what could be happening behind closed doors for people”, says front-woman Nikita 雅涵 Tu- Bryant. The video tells the story of a father and daughter’s relationship amongst snapshots of everyday life and its monotonous anonymity, while things aren’t always what they appear on the surface. Late at night the father can finally reveal his true self, adorning makeup and sequins, only to be spied by his daughter. The two then share a special moment of dressing up and dancing together, a true celebration of individuality, self-love and the beauty of self-expression.
'Just Chemistry' is the third single from Dance Lessons, a London-based, female-fronted and produced trio, creating what they define as Serrated Pop. 'Just Chemistry' is a delicate hymn to the unspoken. Dance Lessons return with their signature sound – minimal production, sleek vocals and intricate arrangements. Ann says: “'Just Chemistry' is about the over-complication of our relationships. It’s about the things that are left unsaid in-between the awkward text messages and conversations, and how the absence of knowing can be misinterpreted as doubt. Last year was a difficult one. For a long time, I felt at the mercy of my emotions. I doubted where things were going. I lived in the future and found it hard to commit to the present. But these moments of not knowing can be equally thrilling and beautiful. And that’s what the song is about: finding beauty in the unspoken. In most cases, it’s chemistry that makes us fall in love. Things end, all is temporary. Let’s not go to war with one another over it.” Nat says on the video: “A friend told us about this weird and wonderful house in North London that feels a little like stepping into an acid trip. We obviously wanted to check it out. It’s completely surreal, all over the place (in a great way) and generally eclectic, which felt inherently us. We instantly wanted to do something there and asked the owner for permission to shoot a music video. We filmed during lockdown and were let loose embracing all the oddness of it. Ann also designed and created the outfit she wears in the video, something she does with most of her wardrobe. It was shot, directed and edited by our hugely talented friends Ben Hanson and Simon Frost from Borderland Studios.”
Returning with her first offering of the year, North London’s rising star Laurel Smith is ready to reveal her anticipated new single, ‘Out the Cage’ accompanied by an action packed and thrilling cinematic style music video directed by Jeremie Brivet and Jai Garcha. Sticking to her winning recipe of moody, dark, electro-pop production paired with effortlessly edgy tales of narrative lyricism, ‘Out the Cage’ is the next huge single from the young, innovative artist that is sure to follow the same trajectory of success as its predecessor, ‘Game Over’ released late last year. A songwriter and recording artist, Laurel Smith has been writing songs since the age of sixteen. With each single she’s released, Laurel has continued to adapt her sound and aesthetic, consistently honing her craft and evolving her brand. She has carefully carved out her place in an ever crowded industry and proceeds to turn heads at every corner. “‘Out The Cage’ is a song about breaking out from your constraints, both physical and mental. Although it can be interpreted in any way, when I wrote it I created a story around a bored housewife, falling out of love with her husband, she fantasises about tying him up and leaving him to be a badass assassin in a video game type world, roaming the city at night and living a life of unpredictability and excitement”.
Hailing from the Philippines, singer-songwriter Laica is coming off a breakout 2020. Now the 21-year-old is gearing up for the release of her debut album I’m so fine at being lonely. The first single off the project, 'love u lately' is here, accompanied by a music video directed by Cooper Leith. 'Love u lately' is a relatable and infectious track. The song revolves around dating, understanding mixed signals, and the confusion that surrounds that world. Lyrically, Laica walks us through her experiences here, voicing her thoughts and frustrations about someone who she just can't seem to read right. Production-wise, the track is carried by a pulsing synth and a groovy bass. Together, the track feels upbeat. The vibe created by the production stands in contrast with the more emotional lyrics, making the track complex and interesting. The music video takes the concept of 'love u lately' to the extreme, in a fun and playful way. Laica is seen capturing her dream boy and attempting to use witchcraft to finally win him over. The video has a very DIY feel, which could serve to add to the reliability of the track. It’s a great extension of the track and taps into everyone’s most fantasy-driven realities. [via Earmilk]
At first, Emily C Browning wasn't sure what to think. Spurned, rejected, and cast aside, she was angry, furious, and - at times - utterly bereft. Usually she'd utilise songwriting as a vessel for her emotions, but when she was so conflicted, and feeling so negative, that it just didn't enter her mind. The Christchurch, New Zealand artist needed to take a step back, and when she located some perspective, she was ready to act. New single 'I Wasn't Into You Anyway' is a soaring slice of revenge, one that finds Emily C Browning taking full control of her music. Her first solo production credit, its reminiscent of those surging, empowering Maggie Rogers bops, while also containing similar DNA to Sharon Van Etten's work. Lyrically, it's absolutely her own creation, with Emily leaning on those often-hidden feelings. She comments... "Everyday for a month I wrote in my journal: I want to write a song about feeling rejected. But I couldn’t figure out how to keep it light and funny, it can be quite a painful topic and I didn’t want to sound too heavy. But I kept working on it everyday and came up with this song. I then spent another month recording it, trying to capture a sound that stayed upbeat and playful. I put so much time and energy into the song that I ended up completely forgetting about the person who rejected me in the first place (honest, I swear)." [via Clash]
Alt-pop force Holly Humberstone returns with new single 'Haunted House'. The songwriter's potent debut EP Falling Asleep At The Wheel was a sensation, racking up more than 100 million global streams. A bona fide phenomenon, Holly returns with a single that displays a more nuanced, reflective side to her work. 'Haunted House' digs into childhood, and looks at the way memory can frame the way we construct our identities. She comments: "I wrote this song about the old and characterful house I grew up in. The house is such a huge part of who I am and our family. With my sisters and I moving out and living separate lives, coming home feels very comforting and one of the only things keeping us all connected." Playing with concrete imagery and no small degree of invention, 'Haunted House' connects art to life in an enchanting fashion. She adds: "The house is almost falling down around us now though, and we’ve realised that pretty soon we’ll be forced to leave. There’s a cellar full of meat hooks and a climate so damp mushrooms grow out of the walls. Loads of people have probably died here in the past but I’ve always felt really safe. It’s like a seventh family member. It’s part of me." [via Clash]
In 2019, the Boston-born and Brooklyn-based indie rock album Crumb released their debut album Jinx. Crumb haven’t yet announced plans to follow that album up, but they’re definitely working towards something. Last month, the band came out with a one-off single called 'Trophy.' Now, they’ve followed that one with two new tracks, and they’re both winners. The new songs 'BNR' and 'Balloon' both fit nicely into Crumb’s comfort zone. The band’s sound is a rich, sophisticated take on psychedelia, with blissed-out lead vocals from Lila Ramani and with some great funky drum action. The band co-produced both songs with Foxygen’s Jonathan Rado, who’s done great recent work with people like Father John Misty and Weyes Blood and the Killers and who knows how to make oblique ’70s-style pop sound good. But Crumb themselves deserve a ton of credit for coming up with a sound this layered and weird. They’re the rare circa-2021 band who might remind you of Broadcast. In a press release, Ramani says, “‘BNR’ is an ode to my favorite colors. I had a weird obsession with those colors in winter 2018-2019 and felt like they would follow me around everywhere I went." 'BNR' also has a cool music video. Director Joe Mischo starts the clip off as a hallucinatory reverie, but he turns it sharply towards horror at the end. [via Stereogum]
Last year, Limerick poet/musician Sinead O’Brien released her debut EP, Drowning In Blessings. It was a unique work, a handful of songs featuring O’Brien’s sing-speak over spindly, post-punk guitars. It garnered O’Brien a bit of buzz overseas, and it left you wondering where she might take her music from there. Now, O’Brien’s back with a new song called 'Kid Stuff.' “‘Kid Stuff’ shows up all different tones on different days,” O’Brien said in a statement. “There’s something alive in it which cannot be caught or told. It is direct but complex; it contains chapters. This feels like our purest and most succinct expression yet.” Like Drowning In Blessings, 'Kid Stuff' found O’Brien working with Speedy Wunderground mastermind Dan Carey. Musically, it hints at a level up moment for O’Brien. There was something alluring and jagged about Drowning In Blessings, but 'Kid Stuff' places her usual approach over a song that is surprisingly groovy — maybe even a little danceable. It comes with a video directed by Saskia Dixie. [via Stereogum]
Das Beat are made up of German actress and vocalist Eddie Rabenberger and Agor of Blue Hawaii. The pair have just shared their first single 'Bubble' online now and are set to release their debut EP Identität on June 4 via Arbutus Records. Born in Berlin during 2020’s legendary lockdown, Das Beat seeks to blast both boredom and boundary. Dabbling in German New Wave, Italo Disco, Indie & Dance, their sound is unified by vocals from Eddie Rabenberger, sung in German and English. Amidst playful lyrics one finds a strong underlying pulse (das “beat”), pinning down the duo’s meandering atmospherics, dreamy synths, guitars and percussion. The duo is half-Canadian and half-German. Agor (of Blue Hawaii), moved to Berlin from Montreal in 2018. Eddie is a theatre actress originally hailing from a small town in Bavaria. Together they find a strange but alluring symbiosis - like Giorgio Moroder meets Nico, or Gina X Performance meets The Prodigy.
St. Vincent has fully embraced the ’70s aesthetic for her retro-sounding new record, Daddy’s Home. Now, she’s diving headlong into the animation styles of the era with the video for 'The Melting of the Sun'. Presented as a “betamax deluxe release” rip from “Candy’s Music Video Archives,” the clip blends live action shots of St. Vincent herself with the wavy, intermittent animation frames any Schoolhouse Rock student is familiar with. The psychedelic lines fit a song called 'The Melting of the Sun' perfectly, as do the drawings of the legends mentioned in the song’s lyrics like Nina Simone, Joni Mitchell, and Tori Amos. St. Vincent co-directed the clip with Bill Benz, while Chris McD provided the animation. [via Consequence]
Bay Area slowcore trio Sour Widows have released a new single, 'Bathroom Stall,' from their forthcoming EP Crossing Over, which they announced last month with its title track. The song’s build-up is subtle and poignant like Sufjan Stevens, but Maia Sinaiko’s evocative, sweeping vocals are one-of-a-kind, and the lyrics are graphic and tragic: “Do you remember it like I do?/ Your lips turned blue I had my fingers in your mouth/ And I couldn’t get them out.” Sinaiko said of the song: "This song is about a relationship I had with someone who struggled with addiction, who very tragically passed away three years ago while we were together. It’s about some moments we shared, and how it feels to walk around carrying that person and those experiences with me while the world stays normal. I wrote the song because I wanted to preserve and document what happened to me. to write out the scary stuff and just let it sit there forever. I think its funny that its called 'Bathroom Stall' and that it has that image in it: the song goes from heavy and dark to ordinary and totally pedestrian in a sentence, which feels absurd. And that’s kind of what it’s like to grieve. That’s kind of what’s hard to explain about grief, how absurd it is. Part of you goes to a different planet and part of you stays walking around like an alien on Earth, going to the bathroom and looking at the moon and shit." [via Stereogum]
As JUNO-nominated singer Kandle Osborne prepares to launch her new project, Set The Fire this spring, she shares the album’s third single, 'Misty Morning.' From being penned on a napkin while abroad to a Vancouver studio, 'Misty Morning' is a sonic journey that echoes soulful vulnerability and an honest reflection of realizing true love. For the video, Kandle reconnects with 'Honey Trap' director, Brandon William Fletcher, to create classic 40s noir-inspired cine-magic, filmed along the Vancouver coastline and within the lush landscape of Stanley Park. Kandle says: “‘Misty Morning’ is my first real love song, captured on a napkin while in Ischia, Italy when I was truly happy. My songwriting usually comes from a place of turmoil and catharsis, but this was simply a snapshot of a perfect, vulnerable moment. In recording it, I wanted to hide behind lush orchestration, but my producer/ best friend Michael Rendall had other ideas. He wanted to strip it down to just piano & a single vocal to take me out of my comfort zone and re-capture the open-hearted feelings I had while writing it. The song and the recording both hold for me a time when I dropped my guard for pure authentic love in spite of all my flaws and failures. In that moment, I felt my true value as a whole person for the first time.”
On 'Vertigo,' Alice Merton’s first single of 2021, the 27-year-old describes the long road from uncertainty back to self-confidence. It emphasizes the unrest that seizes her again and again, the thought: “Why can’t I just let it go?” These contradicting thoughts and emotions that are so familiar to all of us sum up to an overwhelmingly positive effect - 'Vertigo' leaves you empowered rather than anxious: A powerful indie pop arrangement with distorted guitars, plus Alice Merton’s crystal-clear voice. The result is reminiscent of the British Invasion, with no air of self-doubt. With its energetic live qualities, 'Vertigo' feeds an appetite for summer festivals and concerts that will definitely return at some point. Largely responsible for this is the Canadian producer Koz, a multiple Grammy nominee, who has worked with Dua Lipa ('Physical') among others. Here, too, he adds on to what has already made Alice Merton stand out from the crowd in the past - her classic pop appeal - with an uncompromising and indie attitude. This enables Alice to take another big step: She equally encourages a shaken generation and herself that there will be easy summers again. That you can dance again and lie in each other's arms. That it is absolutely fine to have many facets, to not always be clear, and that strength and weakness are not mutually exclusive.
Canadian artist Olivia Lunny's new release 'Sad To See You Happy' is a shamelessly poppy track centering an acutely relatable break-up narrative. The Canadian artist follows up her breakthrough success with a bouncy cut to soundtrack 2021’s long-awaited spring. There's a relatable tale of break-up at the heart of the gloriously poppy new single, belied by percussive instrumentation that creates a warm, nostalgic feel. [via Line Of Best Fit]
After sharing the single last month, Charlotte Adigéry is now revealing the brand new video for ‘Bear With Me (and I’ll stand bare before you)’. The first new music since her 2019 debut EP Zandoli, Charlotte says of the video, “The video is about being confined thus confronted to the way we live. The cruel irony of having the privilege of standing still, questioning and observing my life in all safety while others are fighting for theirs. On the other hand, the video is about trying to stay sane while feeling that the walls are closing in on you. Embracing boredom and finding joy in the little things in life.” Director Alice Kunisue adds, “When I listened to Charlotte’s song and what it meant for her and Bolis, I wanted the video to visually encapsulate that feeling of being stuck inside and confronted to our deeper selves while paradoxically sensing the chaos going on in the outside world without being able to do anything about it. Choosing to film an apartment room from one single angle was a way to reflect that narrowness of thought that we all experienced, but also a constraint that allowed us to explore and develop visual ideas within a narrow system, in a way having to think only inside the box, which artistically was a fun challenge.” [via DIY]
Millie Turner has shared a video for ‘Concrete Tragedy’. It’s a cut from her upcoming mini-album Eye Of The Storm, set for release on May 16, which also features a rework of breakout song ‘(Breathe) Underwater’. “This video is a visual representation of dancing on your own,” she says of the clip. “Combining the many parts of who we are when we’re by ourselves, I wanted it to feel like you’re entering a world of imagination that comes alive when we express ourselves.” [via Dork]
Doja Cat and SZA have come together for a new single called 'Kiss Me More.' When the song was announced Wednesday night, the internet flipped out, which is to be expected with these two — especially Doja Cat, who is regularly going viral these days for all kinds of reasons. When it comes to collaborations, she always finds the best people. That includes Saweetie, who appeared on Doja’s recent 'Best Friend' but then claimed that it was released against her wishes. Given SZA’s long history of public frustration over TDE Records holding back her new album, she is probably happy to have any new music out. Despite recent single 'Good Days' hitting the top 10, her restless fanbase is still awaiting a follow-up to 2017’s iconic Ctrl. 'Kiss Me More' is the first single from Doja’s new album Planet Her, scheduled for release this summer. It returns to the disco vibes of Doja’s #1 hit 'Say So,' this time with no apparent resemblance to any Skylar Spence song. [via Stereogum]
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Principles You Can Use From Rowling’s Philosophy of Writing 
by Ruthanne Reid
If you’re like me, you loved the Harry Potter series. Maybe you watched the movies or even visited the theme park, and you wondered about JK Rowling’s writing process and the strategy she uses to write her best-selling books. If you’re like me, though, you’ve also been deeply hurt by things Rowling herself has said. On Twitter, on her website, in interviews, and more, Rowling has promoted harmful views of trans people, and you might be one of her many readers who find it painful, or even impossible, to return to the Harry Potter books you once loved.I understand. Before I dive into the wisdom we can draw from Rowling’s writing process in order to write our first draft (or others), allow me to share a principle with you. Death of the Author: Or, How to Love the Book, Not the Author In 1967, a French literary critic named Roland Barthes wrote an essay called La mort de l’auteur, or Death of the Author, in which he states that any piece of writing should be separated from the author that wrote it. In other words, he believed in judging the written work completely on its own merits, without involving personal beliefs or actions of the author in question. Sometimes, this is possible to do. Sometimes, it isn’t, and we readers have to apply discernment to what we read and the lens in which we view things.I have two examples for you. HP Lovecraft First, HP Lovecraft, whose incredible work literally created today’s modern horror genre. Do you enjoy any kind of tale with Elder Ones, or chaos gods, or even just good old Cthulhu? (I know I do!) His work was so creative, so new, that you’d be hard-pressed to find any horror story that doesn’t show at least some of his influence.Unfortunately, Lovecraft was also an extremely xenophobic racist. Now, I enjoy a good chaos god, and I’ve made the decision to separate his xenophobia from his writing. That means, of course, that I must view critically anything he wrote that implies white English people are somehow the pinnacle of humanity.It means I purposely do not allow his racism to infect my way of thinking. By doing so, I am practicing la mort de l’auteur. JRR Tolkien Here’s a second example: JRR Tolkien, whose work defined modern fantasy. Do you enjoy anything with elves and dwarves or made-up languages? We owe Tolkien for that. He redefined and polished the fantasy genre so well that everything from movies to MMORPGs still use his templates. Unfortunately, he also described his orcs as “squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.” Yowza. Now, was Tolkien a racist? Not exactly. In fact, according to the standards of the time, he was absolutely liberal and anti-racist. So then what do we do with this bizarro and racially horrifying description? We see it and choose to discard it. Generations of artists and authors have done exactly that, turning orcs into anything but“least lovely Mongol-types,” and aiding this genre.Again, it’s important to see the problem so you can avoid letting it influence your work. We enjoy the good parts while consciously discarding the bad, rather than being influenced by it. So What About JK Rowling? She’s not dead. In fact, she’s still saying harmful things, even as we speak. Instead of listening to her readers, who (at least initially) approached her in love, trying to help her understand, she doubled down, rejected their experience and their words, and in the process, caused an unbelievable amount of pain. Here’s the thing about la mort de l’auteur: it is entirely up to you whether to apply it to what you read, or to simply discard the whole thing and find less troublesome authors. Both roads are valid. In no way do I condone her attacks on the trans community, or her persistent sharing of misinformation. I choose to apply la mort de l’auteur for the simple reason that I benefited from the good things she’s written, and I wanted to share them with you. However, if you aren’t comfortable doing that, you are absolutely welcome to walk away. In fact, I’d suggest these writing articles instead: Neil Gaiman’s rules of writing, or how to create your own rules of writing. Okay. Awkward stuff done. Ready to dive into the process stuff instead? Let’s go! 9 Rules From JK Rowling’s Writing Process Over the course of her writing career, Rowling shared a lot of solid writing wisdom, and in my opinion, eight writing rules stand out—along with a ninth we can apply from her choices since. Whether or not you’re writing your first book like Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone) or last book in a series (like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), I think these rules speak to Ms. Joanne Rowling’s philosophy on writing.They are great writing tips for you to reflect on in your spare moments and then apply to your writing process, for short stories, novels, bestsellers, or even the first time you’ve ever attempted a book. Rule One: Protect your writing time “Be ruthless about protecting writing days, i.e., do not cave in to endless requests to have “essential” and “long overdue” meetings on those days. The funny thing is that, although writing has been my actual job for several years now, I still seem to have to fight for time in which to do it.” This is especially hard for those of us with family. Our loved ones come first, and while that is important, our loved ones also need to understand that we need time to write. Setting reasonable boundaries is a crucial step for a writer—even if they’re as simple as, “Mommy needs fifteen minutes of quiet time, okay?” If you have trouble setting boundaries with loved ones, try setting a reasonable boundary for one week. See how it goes. If it’s too much time or too little, tweak it. Establish a routine that signals to others that it’s your writing time, but also lets them know that outside of your writing space, you’re there for them. Not only will this teach the importance of flexibility and discipline to others, but also that your writing is valuable. It’s your work, and your dream! Needing quiet time to write doesn’t mean that you don’t love your family. Your writing deserves your time, too. Open communication about this can help everyone understand and respect that. Rule Two: Treat your writing like a job “You’ve got to work. It’s about structure. It’s about discipline.” It’s easy to forget that writing is a job. We don’t always feel like doing our job. We certainly don’t always feel inspired. To be writers, we must train ourselves to sit down and write even when we don’t feel like it. Those moments are the ones that really matter, even more than the shining, flying, muse-kissed moments.Writing when we don’t feel like it is what turn amateurs into professionals and rough drafts into polished manuscripts. “The muse works for you. You don’t write at her beck and call—you train her to show up when you’re writing. “ Rule Three: Believe you ARE a writer “I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.” Yes, writing is possible with another job. Yes, writing is possible with other responsibilities. Are you a writer? (I know your inner critic snarled no, but I also know a tiny candle-flicker of unquenchable hope in you whispered yes with so much longing you could cry.) You ARE a writer. That means you write. A runner runs. A painter paints. A cook cooks. You are a writer. You write. Accept this, fight to believe it, and be amazed at how far that takes you. Rule Four: Write what you know “Write what you know: your own interests, feelings, beliefs, friends, family and even pets will be your raw materials when you start writing.” This doesn’t mean you need to experience aliens in order to write about them. It means that all good stories have universal application. A great example is this Google Doodle. (Trust me. I’m going somewhere with this.) Take two minutes and thirty-six seconds to watch this: Halloween 2017 Google Doodle: Jinx’s Night Out It’s adorable, right? Without a single word, this video told an effective story. You felt for the little ghost, both when it was sad and when it was happy, right? News flash: you’re not a ghost. That was universal application. It doesn’t matter what culture you’re from or what language you speak; all human beings know what it is to be lonely, to feel left out, to be frustrated, determined, and to finally be with friends. That story works because the creators used their interests, feelings, beliefs, friends, family and even pets to tell this story. (I’m fond of the kitty, myself.) I’m greatly oversimplifying, but here’s the gist: you already know how to tell a moving story because you live one. If you’ve ever had emotions, ever responded to anything, then you already know what universal application looks like. Listen to the people around you, and apply empathy. You don’t have to be a ghost to write a good ghost story. Rule Five: Read “I always advise children who ask me for tips on being a writer to read as much as they possibly can. Jane Austen gave a young friend the same advice, so I’m in good company there.” Read. Read. Read some more! The more you read, the bigger your arsenal of words will be. The more you read, the better your grasp of metaphor, poetry, beauty, passion, and empathy will be. The more you read, the greater you will be as a writer (and probably human being). It’s like learning more dance moves or impressively difficult notes on an instrument. The more you learn, the better you’ll be. So read in your genre. Read outside your genre. Get in the habit of finding time to pick up a book instead of your phone (unless it’s to open up another book.) You DO have the time to read. Even if that’s just ten minutes a day. Any time counts. And the more stories you read, the more likely you’ll start to implicitly develop the skills you need to become a great writer. Rule Six: Persevere “Perseverance is absolutely essential, not just to produce all those words, but to survive rejection and criticism.” This is one of those unpleasant truths about publishing: you’re gonna get rejected. A lot. I wish there were a way around this. Harry Potter was turned down again and again because that’s just the way it goes sometimes. And it isn’t only publishers: when you get published, and your work is out there, you’ll get bad reviews, too. Mostly, they’ll just be people who don’t understand what you’re doing. Intellectually, you’ll know that. Your heart, on the other hand, is going to break into a thousand pieces. But here’s the secret: you can’t stop writing because of push-back. You MUST NOT stop writing because of push-back. Keep going. Don’t stop. When you get rejected, pick up your pen and keep going (and use the way you feel to put more universal application into your work). And when you’re feeling really discouraged? Remember that when someone doesn’t like your book, they might also just not be your ideal reader. That person just wasn’t your target audience.If your book isn’t to someone’s taste, that’s all right. It will be to someone else’s.Keep writing your book, because your ideal readers need it. Rule Seven: Bring your whole self to the page “What you write becomes who you are … So make sure you love what you write!” Writing is a little like a Mobius strip, in a way: Your beliefs and experiences and feelings all help craft your writing. However, your writing clarifies, corrects, and often reveals your beliefs, experiences, and feelings. As you write, you’ll discover things about yourself. You’ll clarify things, too, because it’s only as you come to write them that you realize they needed clarification in the first place. Now, understand: this means that if you haven’t given yourself a good look to find your biases (we all have them), you will bring those to the page, too. It’s important to see who you are as you bring your whole self to the page. Writing is a brave, bold venture, and life-altering discovery is part of the journey. Rule Eight: Accept that failure is part of the process “Failure is inevitable—make it a strength. You have to resign yourself to the fact that you waste a lot of trees before you write anything you really like, and that’s just the way it is. It’s like learning an instrument, you’ve got to be prepared for hitting wrong notes occasionally, or quite a lot. I wrote an awful lot before I wrote anything I was really happy with.” Failure is normal. Also, it is okay. You’re going to write a lot of crap. You’re going to push past those things and write more crap. It may take you twelve years. It may take you a million words. If it does, then you’re on the right path—the same one your favorite authors walk. Accept that it will take time, and that sometimes, your pencil won’t be your friend. If you accept it, then when it happens, you won’t throw in the towel and set the house on fire. Instead, you’ll be able to go, “Well, dang; that sucked, didn’t it? Knew it would happen. Time to write some more.” Rule Nine: Respect Your Reader Sadly, this rule doesn’t come from writing advice she’s given, but in a way, it’s the final conclusion of the previous eight. This involves bringing your whole self to the page. This involves empathy and universal application. This involves perseverance, never quitting, and willingness to tackle your writing troubles. If your readers value what you created, they will listen to what you say. Your words have the power to uplift or hurt others. None of us can ever really know where someone else is coming from, and it’s essential that both our stories and our interactions reflect respect. Respect yourself enough to be a better person. Respect your readers enough to hear what they have to say. This sounds scary, I know, but I promise you, it’s worth it.
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breakingsomething · 4 years
the fall part thirteen - the storm (part one)
basic summary: an unnatural storm rolls over brighton.
trigger warnings: descriptions of torture and seizure
tagslist: @synonymsforzombie @spicydanhowell @skyewardlight @dreaming-of-stories-and-stars @cest-mellow @graveyardlettuce @lower-your-expectationss
they'd fixed the gate. and not only that, but they'd put bloody barbed wire on the top of it.
all anti could do was stare numbly. there had been a hole in the fence behind the bushes for years. it was how dapper had gone in and out when they'd stayed in these very waterworks, so long ago. now it was fixed. and anti couldn't glitch inside.
he walked around the whole perimeter of the building, but couldn't find any other way in. ok, so he'd have to climb. no big deal. he'd been tortured basically every other day for five full months. he could take a little barbed wire.
five minutes later, with hands cut up and bleeding, frustratingly still on the same side of the fence, he realized maybe he couldn't take a little barbed wire.
but what were his other options? growling as much as he could with his ruined voice, he shook the fence desperately, ignoring the sharp, throbbing pains in his palms. he was absolutely going to track down every fucking council worker who'd done this and tear their throats out. he was. but for now, he had to go somewhere. preferably somewhere sheltered. a quick glance at the sky told him it was oddly dark, and it looked like it was going to rain.
anti had lived on the streets for a full year after he left jack, and then for a few months before red had caught him. well, he had discovered the waterworks and claimed it for his own a few months in to his first time alone. but he'd still basically been homeless, still fighting against the elements and people going into his territory on the daily. he was used to this. all he had to do was go find some shelter and get away from the oncoming storm. no big deal. he could handle that.
he started off down the hill, through the trees and towards the road. not many people around. just a shopkeeper closing up for the day. he looked up when he saw anti, raising his eyebrows at his shivering form.
"there's due to be a huge storm," the man told him in a thick scottish accent. anti watched him lock the doors and swing the keys on his fingers. "weather warning. everyone's to stay inside, that's why i'm closing up early. better get home quickly, son. wouldn't want to get caught in it."
anti paused, then gave a quick nod before bustling past and speed walking down the pavement. the rain had started, very light at first, but continuously getting heavier, drenching him through his hoodie and shirt to his skin. his teeth chattered, and he numbly thought that at least there was no possibility of biting his tongue now. that was something.
his tattered trainers splashed through rapidly forming puddles as he walked, rubbing his arms with his bleeding hands to try and warm himself. all he succeeded in was getting stains on his blue hoodie. the sky was getting even darker, the sheet of rain coming even closer together, and then there was the sudden, inevitable crack of -
"- thunder, do you hear?" red was saying. he'd grown more comfortable with what he was doing now, anti could tell. there was more of a swagger in his step, the grin on his face less forced and more confident. he crouched in front of anti with an upturned smirk, victory sparkling in his blue eyes. "from outside. i don't know how well you can hear, actually - we are deep down, and i can barely catch it myself. but it's definitely raining. listen, anti, listen."
anti chose to squeeze his eyes shut instead, ignoring red's words. it was a pathetic act of rebellion, but it was all he could do in this situation. he almost flinched as something touched his face; a hand, warm skin against his. he hadn't experienced that for months before now. "oh, anti," red crooned softly. "what's wrong? not feeling up to it today? is it one of your off days?"
fuck you, fuck you, anti chanted in his head. the dishrag that had been shoved in his mouth stung the stub of his tongue that was left, causing more blood to well up down his throat. the makeshift gag was no more than a humiliation, obviously. and it hurt. not the kind of hurt anti ever inflicted on himself; this pain was constant. and not only that, but the withdrawl of his carbamazepine was starting to kick in, and red had taken great pleasure in mocking his constant seizures as a result.
"no biting remark?" red laughed. he slapped anti's face, gently but just hard enough that it stung. "come on, you're antisepticeye, the eternal puppetmaster, the ceo of glitches, the - what else did jack call you in that one video? the malicious gamer!" red cracked up, snorting into his palm. anti took the brief reprive to organize his thoughts, trying to keep a poker face while the bastard was still in the room.
red noticed. "oh, well. if you're gonna be boring, that's fine by me." he sat back on his heels, making a show of considering something. "so, anyway. i was talking to henrik this morning, about the weather actually, and i mentioned you. just casually. he joked that he hoped you'd get struck by lightning. well, that got me thinking. you're a computer glitch, right? or something? what would happen if you got struck by lightning, or something close to that?"
red pulled something out his hoodie pocket; a small black device with several switches on the side. "can you guess what this is, aiden?" again with the name. anti wished he knew how he'd gotten it. red suddenly slapped his face again to get his attention. "it's yet another updated prototype of that extremely powerful electrical shock device. the one i made myself, haven't tried or tested this version yet. i suppose you'll be my first and probably only subject, won't you anti?"
anti felt the haze of an oncoming seizure already, his head spinning in a cold daze. his arms, unnaturally tied back with zip ties all the way up to his elbows, screamed in agony as he tried to lean back, away from the pain he knew was coming. "cowering away so quickly?" red laughed. anti burned with hatred. "so eager to inflict pain on others, on my brothers, even, and you don't think you can take one little shock?"
red leaned in, suddenly very close. "you know, all the switches and dials on this thing are all for show," he grinned. "it only has one setting."
and fuck, fuck, the instant pain was so excruciating that anti almost passed out immediately.
fire. fucking red hot flames being injected into his bloodstream, his body heating up in an instant and jolting entirely out of his control. like a seizure, but worse, far worse, because his seizures were more predictable - he knew how long they lasted, knew how painful they usually were. this was just agony. his tied up limbs convulsed wildly, bashing against the wall and the pipe and the floor. he couldn't even scream. all he could do was make silent cries that tore up his throat, his vision blurring, stomach roiling with what would have been vomit if he had eaten at all in the past few days. as it was, bile rose in his throat, and he choked it back, letting the current pass as his body glitched to pieces.
"there," red said once it had passed. "that wasn't so bad, was it?"
anti was shaking so hard he couldn't even look straight at him, but he could hear the smug smirk in his voice. fuck, but he hated him, more than jinx, more than the doctor, more than jack, more than everyone. he'd never been this weak and humiliated and low in his entire life and even through his agony, he found the strength to glare at red, eyes black with rage and loathing, trembling as he heard the low rumble of -
- thunder, rolling across the sky like a blanket. the sound filled his ears, his head. he hadn't realized he'd stopped dead in his tracks, frozen, eyes wide with the fucking curse of remembering.
keep going, keep going. just walk, don't think, just walk. eyes facing forward. don't think. just walk.
he knew where he was going. he didn't realize he knew until he was there, right on the doorstep, right at the pale purple door that was identical to all the others on the street. soaked through, shaking for more reasons than one, mind so muddled he wasn't even sure of his own name. but he knew this door. he knew the sound of a knock, bloodied hands ruining the paint. and he knew thunder, blocking out the sound of everything but his heartbeat.
chase had felt warm all morning.
maybe it was because he'd been getting out a lot more lately. he'd been getting exercise, drinking water, even eating healthier. that was partially marvin's influence - chase knew how much he'd scared him with his gun, and was making an effort to push down his intrusive thoughts and appear better so no one would worry. in doing that, he had actually picked up better habits, which hadn't been intended but he supposed was definitely a bonus.
maybe it was the fact that he'd made another friend. chase was an extrovert, but didn't actively socialize with one person more than the others, usually. lucas was different. he was really sweet, really funny, and was genuinely super interesting to talk to. chase had been texting him all of last night, until almost four am. neither of them had even noticed the time. that was something chase had missed; the wanting to stay awake so he could continue a late night conversation, having someone to talk to when he couldn't get to sleep. it was a good feeling. he had missed that.
no matter what the reason was, chase was in a good mood the morning he heard someone at the door.
he fully expected it to be marvin and henrik. they had went shopping, which chase was sure was also an excuse for the two of them to talk privately about some of the current going ons they were involved in. he didn't mind. however, there had been a storm warning issued about half an hour ago, and chase was hoping to see them home soon.
he wasn't expecting to see a soaking wet, shivering anti at the door.
"oh, fuck, shit!" chase yelped, and slammed the door shut. he didn't know what else to do. anti had been missing for almost two weeks, what the fuck was he doing on their doorstep? a quick glance out the window told chase he was still there. anti noticed him looking and quirked an eyebrow at him, clutching his arms and smirking despite his disheveled demeanor. chase closed the curtains.
he immediately called marvin. "hey, chase," his brother said as soon as he called. chase could hear the faint pattering of rain. "we're just about to check out, we got the text from the council and we'll be home soon. strange storm, isn't it? is there anything you need? we've got fuckin', uhh, tissues, mac and cheese, handwash -"
"anti's here," chase blurted. "he's standing outside the door."
there was a pause. "i'm sorry, anti's what?" marvin shouted, loudly enough that chase had to pull the phone away from his ear. "that bastard, what is he doing? are you hurt? i'm gonna kill him. i'm gonna -"
"he's not hurt me, no," chase interrupted before marvin could contemplate murder any further. "he's just standing there. i kinda, uh, shut the door in his face before i could find out what was up."
marvin sighed deeply. chase could hear henrik yelling something in the background as marvin spoke again. "ok, well, he can't get in anyway. kazuki protected the place, but she gave me the key to her spell. basically, with protection spells, they can only be unlocked by another magician if given the - you don't need all the details. point is, we'll be back - henrik, quiet - we'll be back soon. is he… hurt or something?"
"can't tell," chase said. he paced the kitchen as he talked, tapping his thighs nervously. "i'll - try and talk to him. please come back soon." he paused. "also, get me an irn bru. i'll pay you back."
when marvin had hung up, chase slowly opened the door again and peeked outside. anti was leaning against the wall, hood yanked over his head, rubbing his arms to warm himself. he glanced round when chase stepped out, a look of slight surprise crossing his face as chase shut the door and stood next to him awkwardly.
he didn't know what to do with his hands, so he pulled out a lighter and a pack of sterling cigarettes, popping them open and putting one into his mouth. anti watched him light it, saying nothing, and chase silently tipped the packet towards him as an offering. anti paused before taking one, lighting it quickly and passing the lighter back to chase. chase took it, then flinched in shock when he saw the state of anti's hands.
"fucking hell, what did you do to yourself?" he exclaimed. anti quickly hid his bloodied hands back in his shirtsleeves, wrapping his arms back around himself with an eyeroll. he didn't give an answer. not that chase would have expected one even if anti could talk without using his hands. chase exhaled loudly, already regretting coming out here at all.
"so what are you here for?" chase asked. he plopped down on the steps, at the very top mostly out of the rain. anti slowly followed suit. "where have you been the past little bit anyway? everyone's been looking for you."
anti unfolded his left hand to sign with. "so they can lock me up again?" he said, shivering. "fuck off. i'm here cause it's raining and i'm barely coherent and this bloody sickness means that i experience temperatures much more extremely. i'm probably susceptible to a common cold now, actually."
chase frowned. "you've been living on the streets this whole time?"
"water works," he signed, as two separate words. it took chase a second to translate that in his head. "there's barbed wire on top. i'm not sure why i came here either, to be quite frank."
chase watched his hands, but barely took in anything he was saying. wordlessly, he stubbed out his cigarette, stood up and went inside. he came back out a couple minutes later with a bottle of water, a washcloth and some bandages. "for your hands," he said simply. he didn't look at anti's face as he went to grab his wrists and turn him towards him. anti yelped and pulled his right arm away, holding it against his chest. chase looked up again, confused.
"is there something else wrong with that arm?" he said. anti didn't answer, but pulled his other arm away too, glaring. chase sighed. "fine. if you're gonna be a bitch, treat your own wounds. or don't. i'm going back inside."
anti said nothing as chase did exactly as he said, shutting the door behind him. something darted past the kitchen door, making chase smile. "jaffa, jaffa," he called. the black cat stopped to come smell chase's hand before racing away again, leaving him alone.
it was ten minutes of internal debate before chase came to a decision as to what to do. in his mind, he knew anti was an awful person. abusive, manipulative, a man who thrived on schadenfreude, as henrik had said. and yet. and yet. there was a part of chase that could never stand to see others hurt. he was a high empathy person - always had been, even in the few memories he had from being a kid. it was why he was so determined to believe that jackie couldn't be too far gone, that chase had to be able to save him. he felt other's pain, and always wanted to be able to help. even anti. even anti, of all people.
all he could think of was connor and louise and their three weeks away from home while anti pretended to be him. they'd been in london the whole time. fucking london. like a fun little holiday while chase had a breakdown in a jail cell because he was a suspect for kidnapping. then anti had returned them, and chase still didn't understand why. they kids had been fine. chase had gone free. everything had gone relatively back to normal, except for the fact that the kids were going to private therapy in case there was any underlying trauma from the incident. none of it made any sense to him.
then there was henrik and his two months away. that time period had been hell for chase, and he knew it had obviously been a lot worse for his brother. henrik had never fully told him everything anti had done to him, but he knew it wasn't great. he'd seen henrik's reactions to nightmares and flashbacks. although, henrik had once joked that anti was the absolute worst at torturing people. he had laughed, and chase to this day had absolutely no clue if he was kidding or not.
on top of all that… jack. just jack. chase honestly didn't want to think about jack at all.
he went and sat back outside as far away from anti as he could while sitting on the same step. anti barely looked up. he seemed half asleep, the side of his face pressed against the fence leading up to the door. he had cleaned up his hands, but left the bandages unused. he was also still chewing on the end of his cigarette, which seemed to have somehow gone out.
"you know you don't eat the cig, right?" chase asked. "you smoke it. have you never smoked before?"
anti flipped him off. "i have. bitch. but it's fucking cold and i can't be bothered."
chase rolled his eyes. "well, then why did you accept it?"
"because it was free. i'm fucking poor, and cigs are hard to steal."
chase was about to ask something else when he glanced down the road and saw his brothers walking up, holding bags of shopping. he leapt to his feet and raced down the steps and the pavement, splashing through the puddles and grinning weakly at henrik and marvin as he approached. "heyyy, so. anti's at our door."
"he's not coming in," henrik said immediately. he was shaking with rage, eyes blazing. his fingers were white as he gripped the handles of the plastic bags. "that fucker is not getting anywhere near -"
"relax, hen, we know we're not letting him in," chase said. he turned to marvin, suddenly uncertain. "right?"
marvin had never been good at hiding how he was feeling. "uh, i," he articulated. chase took a bag from both him and henrik while marvin stammered, lifting them in his arms to carry. "i - well, we can't just -"
"are you fucking serious?" henrik spat, whirling on marvin. marvin's shoulders shot to his ears, eyes widening. henrik took a step away from him. "after all we've been talking about, this whole time we've been out -"
"i just feel it's inhumane!" marvin protested. his diamond shaped pupils had shrunk to thin slits, like a cat. "this storm is bad already and it's barely even started, i wouldn't want to just leave him -"
"well, he can drown for all i care," henrik snarled. they'd arrived at the base of the steps now, and henrik immediately stormed up, past anti and into the house. the door slammed shut behind him.
chase sighed. "that went well." he shot marvin an apologetic glance. "i should go talk to him. get inside quickly. storm's due to get worse."
marvin nodded. chase bounced up the steps, not looking at anti as he went by, and dropped the bags on the kitchen table. "henny!" he called. "are you ok?"
henrik was sitting on the living room couch, fuming. he had taken his wet jacket and shoes off, but hadn't changed anything else. his short hair dripped over his eyes. "you should get changed," chase said softly. "you'll catch a cold or something."
henrik yanked his hoodie over his head, angrily tossing it to the floor. "i cannot believe that bastard had the fucking gall to come here," he raged. "and marvin's on his side - do you know, while me and marvin were out, i practically poured my heart out to that fucker, i told him a ton of shit i haven't told anyone else - and he still - ugh!" he stood and paced round the room, kicking the leg of the table. "fuck, i don't know. anti can rot out there for all i care."
marvin came in a couple minutes later. "i'm sorry, hen," he said meekly. he ran his fingers through his hair. "i didn't think."
"whatever," henrik mumbled. "is he still outside?"
chase looked through the window. "yep," he confirmed. "he doesn't have anywhere else to go, apparently, so he came here."
"no doubt to piss us off." henrik went into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on. even that one motion was somehow angry. "can we call someone from hecate or something to come take him back? kazuki, or someone else?"
"weather warning, remember," marvin reminded him. "it's too bad out for even magicians. well, i suppose not, there are weather related mages, and i suppose kazuki does have aerokinesis - still. i don't think they can."
they were all very quiet for a moment, listening to the booming drum of thunder outside. the dark room lit up with a flash of lightning, and the wind roared, knocking the trees against each other with piercing whistles. the rain pounded against the front of the house, and all three men looked at each other, thinking.
"i feel henrik should be the one to make this decision," chase said eventually. "he's the one who's been most badly hurt by anti."
henrik flashed him a quick, grateful smile, rubbing his shoulders unconsciously. "i don't think i want him here," he mumbled. "this is the one place we're safe. or… was, i guess. since jackie's boyfriend got in."
"no one will again," chase promised, patting his arm. he glanced at marvin as he spoke. "kazuki fixed this place herself. we're definitely protected."
both he and marvin knew that was a silent threat.
"we wouldn't want you to feel unsafe," marvin said softly. "i'm sorry if you feel that way." he let out a shuddering sigh, tapping his fingers against the table. "so… what do we do now?"
"i don't care," henrik said suddenly. he smacked the table and got up to march over to the fridge, throwing it open to look. "someone go tell anti to fuck off or something."
marvin bit his lip and looked to chase, who sighed and silently went to the outside door. the sheet of rain hit him in the face instantly, almost blinding him. "fuck," he spat, covering his eyes with his arm. anti was still sitting right where they'd left him, head in his arms. chase swallowed. "uh. henrik told you to fuck off."
anti lifted his head and shrugged.
chase tapped his socked foot against the doorway. "are you seriously gonna stay here?"
"well, what else do you want me to do?" anti said angrily. he was shaking, and chase could barely see his signs through the rain, but he got the general idea of what he was saying. "i can't go anywhere else. might as well stay here and piss off the doctor, if nothing else."
chase went back in and shut the door. "he says he's staying here cause he can't go anywhere else and also to piss off henrik," he announced. his brothers looked at chase, shirt soaked from just a minute or so outside. marvin made a face and left the room.
half an hour passed like this. they went into the living room and turned the tv on, flipping through the same shows and movies on netflix. marvin paced. henrik didn't eat the food he'd made. they were all very aware of anti outside, waiting for the storm to end.
"we might as well throw him to jackie," henrik mumbled at one point. this comment had been completely unprovoked, but they all knew what he meant. "maybe then he'll he satisfied and stop trying to kill people."
"i'm not giving anti over for my brother to torture," marvin snapped. "no matter what. i wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing i'd participated in helping him do that."
they went quiet. another ten minutes passed, and chase tried to calm the bouncing of his leg and think about anything else.
then he snapped. "ok, i don't know about you guys, and i - i know this might make me a horrible person, but i feel awful knowing he's just sitting out there looking like a kicked puppy."
marvin nodded, wringing his hands together. he'd changed into a baggy white tank top, his hair down around his face. "yeah. i - yeah."
henrik didn't answer for a bit. he was curled up in the corner of the couch, staring at the wall. eventually he turned to see chase and marvin looking at him. "what?" he snapped. "are you expecting me to change my mind?"
they both turned away again. the tv suddenly cut out without warning, and the rest of the lights in the house followed.
"great. an outage." chase flipped his torch on to see around the room. "well, that's fun."
they were definitely all thinking of anti now.
"he can't survive without electricity, can he?" marvin asked uncertainly. "that's why jackie kept him in that room."
chase hummed in agreement. he felt sick.
henrik suddenly let out a loud yell, and chase could see his silhouette leap up and march across the room. "fuck! fuck, fuck, fuck, i hate the lot of you! let's just get it over and done with, ok, because as much as i fucking hate the bastard i don't wanna go out in the morning and find a fucking corpse on my doorstep! fuck!"
marvin and chase stumbled to their feet. "we're - we're doing this?" marvin asked disbelievingly.
"apparently so." henrik walked purposefully towards the front door, chase and marvin in tow. he hesitated when he reached it and closed his eyes tight. "fuck, marvin, just let him in before i change my goddamn mind."
marvin opened the door once more. anti was curled up so close to the door that he almost fell inside, blocked only by kazuki's protection spell. chase watched, amazed, as marvin muttered a few words and then stepped outside, taking hold of anti's shoulders. "help me," he ordered chase, who obliged, trying to help lift him into marvin's arms. it seemed that anti had gone into some sort of shutdown, unmoving and limp but still breathing. henrik's breath hitched when marvin carried him inside, setting him on the floor with great difficulty. anti moaned softly, shivering and glitching out of place.
"oh god, oh mein gott, i can't do this," henrik fretted, and covered his face with his hands. chase got off the floor and pulled henrik into a soft, reassuring hug. he didn't need words to communicate what he was thinking.
"he's unconscious," marvin said. he sat anti up, pulling his sopping wet hoodie off over his head. "i'm, uh, not an expert on this stuff. but hen, i can absolutely understand not wanting anything more to do with this. i'm honestly not too pleased with it either. but, for what's it worth - thanks for letting him in."
henrik just nodded. "yes. hm. i'm going to - i think i am gonna go lay down. i don't feel great suddenly, how very odd…" he left the room, mumbling to himself.
anti coughed, trying to sit himself up with marvin helping him. "stay still, you bastard, god." then he frowned. "blinding christ, what is up with your wrist?
anti's right wrist was extremely bruised, jutting out at a slightly odd angle. "what the fuck?" chase murmured, bending down to look. "i thought he got the cast taken off cause it was healed, how could they have missed that?"
anti's eyes suddenly opened. for a moment he looked shocked, grabbing at his arms, looking back and forth across the room. marvin waved a hand in front of his face. "anti, hey. you're in here for the time being. i'm - chase, can you go get him some new clothes? he's soaked through."
anti shook his head rapidly. "no, no, i'm fine," he signed. "i'm fine, i'm fine…"
he clutched at his stomach, waving marvin off as he tried to help. "fine, fine, fine," he said frantically, looking like he was doing a repeated thumbs up. he was still shivering as chase left the room, wincing at the sudden pain in his temples. one of the signs of an oncoming migraine. how fantastic.
he got another alert on his phone. "all brighton residents to stay inside until further notice," it announced. and the storm didn't look like it was letting up anytime soon.
this was gonna be a long night.
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daysswithyou · 5 years
See you
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Characters: Young K x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, Christmas themed!
Word count: 5.1k
Description: It's such a pity to part just like that, so I'll hope to see you again
Credits: @splendorten​ for giving me inspiration! And @hoodedsuns​ for the feedback! Also partially inspired by some events that happened to me this semester ^^
Prompt: Write something based on the last text you sent – was planning to meet a bunch of people after I got back from my trip to Japan and hence, “see you” :)
Author’s note: For the dearest @younghyuns-babygirl-24​, (Belated) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! This is my fic – for you – for the Christmas fic gift exchange. As requested, Young K x reader with lotsa tooth-rotting fluff! XD I hope you enjoy this fic and in the new year, I wish you all the best in pursuing your dreams and let’s love the boys more together!!!
You don't fancy night flights. At all. Sitting in a cramp seat with little leg room for hours on end and waking up to sore shoulders and dry eyes was not the ideal way for you to spend the day leading up to Christmas. But...here you were anyways, trying your best to get comfortable in your seat with your bag nestled between your feet. You send one last selfie to your cousin as a rain check, letting her know that you’re safe on the flight, and that she should expect you in a few hours’ time.
You lift your eyes to observe the hustle and bustle of the aircraft as the crew gets the passengers ready for take-off; securing the overhead cabin, handing out hot towels and attending to the comfort of the passengers. You would have enjoyed this all a lot more if it wasn’t a night flight. You watch as an air steward makes his way down the aisle to do his final check, before stopping right beside you and addressing you fully in Korean. You gulp as he carries on talking, finding it hard to grasp a opportune timing to interject and let him know that you don’t understand a single thing he just said. You have zero knowledge on the Korean language and the best you could manage to convey your lack of understanding was to shake your head at the air steward.
Very slowly, you said, “Sorry, I don’t understand anything...”
You bow your head apologetically as a sheepish smile makes its way into your face and the air steward matches your equally puzzled expression as he sucks in a breath, a little lost as to how to proceed when he couldn’t communicate with you in a language that you understood. A few more moments lapse as both of you stare at one another, the silence now heavy and awkward.
Just then, a soft voice comes directly behind you and you feel your chair tilt backwards slightly, most likely being used by the person behind to hoist himself up. You cannot comprehend whatever the fellow passenger said (in Korean once again) but it must be good news to the steward as he immediately bows, a smile breaking out on his face, stepping back to invite the fellow passenger to take the spot beside him. You look up to observe the tall guy from your seat and you were met with pretty almond shaped eyes that were gazing down at you, the sides of his eyes crinkling slightly as the corners of his lips lift up; a small smile as a greeting.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind me interjecting but I’m here to help as a translator since I assume you don’t speak Korean and the air steward is having a hard time explaining due to the language barrier. May I?”
“Please do, and thank you.”
After listening to the air steward for a short while, the mysterious male breaks out into a smile as you continue watching both of them in bated breath; did you do something wrong? Were you about to be kicked off the flight?
Your fellow passenger turns his attention towards you now, a warm smile lighting up on his face as he rests his clasped hands on the seat in front of you.
“Miss, there’s nothing to worry about. He just needs you to place your bag in the overhead compartment for the take-off.”
“Oh… oh! Right, of course.”
You scramble to unbuckle your seat belt so that you could stand to place your bag in the overhead compartment, not wanting to bother the air steward and your fellow passenger any longer. Yet, he immediately reaches out for you with his hands, keeping you in your seat as you lift your eyes from the dull grey of the seat buckle to meet his chocolate brown eyes again.
“I’ll help you, since I’m already standing.”
He gently extricates your bag from its place near your foot before placing it carefully into the overhead compartment, shutting it gently with a click.
“Enjoy your flight!”
“You too.”
Your eyes follow him as he makes his way back, and you stay staring at him for a couple of seconds more as he settles back into his seat, your breath catching in your throat as you contemplate getting his name so that you can thank him properly. But your shy nature eventually wins over and you shut your mouth tightly, turning back to face the unlit black screen of the in-flight entertainment system. The screen lighting up to life pushes the last lingering thoughts of the helpful and friendly passenger out of your mind, bringing your attention back to the safety video currently playing on the small screen.
You wake up just in time to see the hazy orange cabin light up brightly with white lights as the captain makes the landing announcement and you see the same air steward walk down your aisle again to do a safety check. When you catch his eye, you bow your head slightly, your face heating up slightly from the embarrassment just a few hours ago. The landing and disembarking proceeds smoothly and on your way out of the aircraft, you get your first good glimpse at Seoul. The sun is shining brightly onto the grey concrete tarmac of the airport runway and staff continue to rush around to ensure a smooth flight – even more during the holiday season. Despite the early morning, the sun never misses its shift and continues to shine its radiant rays onto Earth, warming the cold Seoul in winter just slightly. The streaks of sunlight are so brightly that even through the tinted windows, you were forced to squint your eyes to protect your eyes from the glare, and you eventually had to rip your eyes away from the sun, white spots dotting your vision now.
Soon, you found yourself walking past the glass walls of Incheon Airport’s arrival gates and very quietly, you whispered to yourself – “Welcome to Seoul Y/N.”
Eyes glued to your phone screen and luggage in tow, you hadn’t realised that you had walked into someone, rising your head to quickly apologise – but – you didn’t have time to get a word in before the person you bumped into immediately started selling his taxi services to you. You shook your head politely to decline but let’s just say that he was rather… persistent… You were almost about to give up and just follow him but a presence stepping up to stand beside you stopped you in your tracks, your focus now on the newcomer.
It’s him again.
After another round of fluent Korean, the taxi driver finally got the hint to back off and he immediately turned his attention to the next potential customer, leaving you to deal with the friendly stranger from the flight once again.
“You weren’t really about to take the taxi, were you?”
An embarrassed smile shows on your face for him to see in plain sight as you shake your head at yourself, finding it hard to meet his eyes.
“I really was. If you had came a moment later, I would be on the taxi now.”, you said as you jabbed a thumb towards the black sedan parked just a few metres away.
“It’s really expensive if you take a taxi from the airport to the city. I know a cheaper way and I could guide you if you’d like me to. Where are you headed for?”
“Oh! What a nice coincidence, I’m headed there too. Here, I’ll lead the way but, ladies first.”
With an open palm, he gestured to the escalator on his right. With a soft smile and slight bow of your head, you took a step in that direction and he soon fell into a comfortable pace beside you, initiating conversation again.
“I still haven’t gotten your name yet.”
“Y/N, it’s Y/N. What’s yours?”
“Younghyun or Brian – I’m fine with both so take your pick.”
“Well then, Younghyun, thank you for helping me out. Twice.”
“No problem! First time in Seoul Y/N?”
“Yup, here since my cousin recently moved with her family and as part of her housewarming plus annual family Christmas gathering, she invited the entire family over to celebrate.”
“You came during the right season – every city always seems more magical in winter, and especially so during Christmas. Puts everyone in a good mood, mostly.”
“I agree with you on that.”
Eyes glancing down, Younghyun catches sight of both yours and his luggage and he chuckles, catching your attention.
“What’s so funny?”
“I just realise that we have the exact same luggage, it’ll be really funny if we mix them up later.”
Swatting your hands in front of your face, you make a face as you exclaim, “Nah we won’t, let’s not jinx ourselves!”
“I shouldn’t have said that.”
Younghyun pats his cheeks as a “punishment” and you have to stifle your laughter behind your palm because that was such an adorable sight to see. Both of you continued your walk and even during your short walk to the airport express, you could already feel the Christmas vibes. Christmas songs were playing over the public announcement system and almost every inch of wall or glass was covered in colourful Christmas decorations. Wherever your eyes wandered, you’ll catch a glimpse of the familiar fern green as cherubic Santa’s and cute deer nestled within them, the colourful Christmas bulbs and fairy lights serving as the final pieces, completing the decorations to truly bring forth the festive season. The warm fairy lights bathe Younghyun in a golden glow, making the mood very comfortable and soon, both of you were engaging in conversation with ease. You managed to find out that he was home for the holidays, being a foreign student studying overseas in Canada for his undergraduate degree. His days are mostly packed meeting friends and family that he hasn’t seen but he’s given himself some free days to explore the city that must have changed since he’s been away. You try extra hard to focus on Younghyun as he attempts to speak louder over the roar of the train travelling through the underground tunnel, going closer sometimes just to hear him speak. The train rattles violently just before it exits the tunnel with an extremely loud whoosh and in a split second, sunlight floods the entire cabin, lighting up everything instantly, bringing Seoul and all its colours into sharp clarity. Your attention on Younghyun is broken as Seoul’s cityscape vies for your attention – your eyes are naturally drawn to the buildings coming in various shapes and colours, bare trees – though void of leaves – that line the pavements as they continue to stand tall. All of these zoom by before you can fully take in their details, your eyes capturing brief glimpses into the lives of Seoulites – children dressed in the same colour code obediently following their teachers, elderly walking their pets, and adults still rushing to work despite the frigid winds that are currently ruffling their hairs and outfits. You could almost hear the familiar click of heels against the tarmac in your head. As you continue admiring Seoul with your sparkling doe eyes, Younghyun leans his head against the metal pole of the cabin, silently observing you with a sweet smile, thinking to himself: I’d love to show her around the city. It’ll be a privilege to see her face shine with awe at this city.
You sneak a glance at him from your periphery, feeling the slow burn of his gaze on you. Nervously, you let out a chuckle as your voice dropped to a whisper, “Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face? Must be the flight, my skin is dull and dry now.”
“No, you look fine Y/N. It’s just really nice seeing you enjoy Seoul so much.”
After hearing his statement, you crack a smile as you shyly meet his eyes, glad that he wasn’t staring just because you looked ugly and you watch as Younghyun gives you a grin so radiant that it could rival the blazing sun – showing neat rows of teeth and all.
The Myeongdong stop arrives much too quickly for either of your liking and the pair of you had to drag your feet out of the train carriage, both equally reluctant to leave the other. Younghyun wrecks his brain for more ways to buy time with you and even though the solution he comes up with is one that is so extremely cliché, it’s the only thing he can do.
“Hey Y/N, are you in a rush?”
“No, not really, why?”
“How about we get drinks? Neither of us has eaten anything since the flight.”
“Sure. What place do you have in mind?” You reply him almost immediately, and you had hoped dearly that he didn’t catch onto your overly enthusiastic response.
“Holly’s Coffee. It’s a chain store in South Korea, thought you might like to give it a try. Consider it a beginner’s introduction to Seoul.”
“I would love to.”
And that’s how you found yourself in a neat coffeeshop with a handsome black wooden décor, the smell of peppermint, roasted marshmallows and hot chocolate all blending to form a sweet smell and adding to the homely vibe of the place. You watch the Styrofoam “snow” rain all over the snowman in the decoration on display right beside the cashier, completely mesmerised by the neat white beads falling down in unison. You feel a light tap on your shoulder, turning your head to be met by Younghyun’s eyes.
“What would you like?”
“Oh! Oh gosh I completely forgot to order, sorry about that. I’ll have the peppermint mocha please.”
“Really getting into the festive season now huh?”
“Yup! I truly do love Christmas.”
“Me too.”
You’re about to open your mouth to make another comment but your phone buzzing in your pocket steals your attention away from Younghyun again.
[Mom]: Where are you? Your cousin is asking for you already.
[Y/N]: Holly’s Coffee in Myeongdong grabbing a drink. I’ll make my way to her apartment later.
[Y/N]: Sent live location
[Mom]: Your cousin says she’ll come and get you. Order your drink as a takeaway.
You chew your bottom lip, feeling conflicted at the sudden news. You felt bad leaving Younghyun alone, but you also knew that the rest of the family was probably waiting for you to start the party.
“What’s got you looking so nervous?”
“Sorry Younghyun, but my cousin is coming to pick me up so I don’t think I’ll be able to sit and talk. I’m really sorry at the sudden change of plans…”
Younghyun wasn’t going to lie – his heart sunk at the thought of you having to leave so early as disappointment thrummed within him like a dull ache. Yet, he didn’t want to make you feel any worse than you already did so he gave you a big smile, just to let you know that it’s really alright.
“Hey no worries, I knew you were here for a party so I assume the entire family is waiting now.”
“Most likely…”
“Don’t frown, it’s really alright! Smile a bit.”
Using his index fingers, Younghyun gently pushes the corners of your lips up, only retracting his hands with an even larger grin gracing his face when he finally sees you crack a smile. The barista calls for your number and the right at the moment when the cold drink reaches your hands, chilling your freezing hands further, you hear the jingle of the doorbell and the familiar call of your name by your cousin.
“Y/N! Let’s go!”
You whip your head back to look at Younghyun all flustered, not expecting your cousin to arrive so soon which gave you much lesser time with him. You couldn’t even give him a proper goodbye or exchange numbers, not with your cousin standing expectantly by the door, waiting for you. Likewise, Younghyun faced the same struggle. Your cousin was standing and waiting by the door – does he make her wait longer as he gets your number? Or let you go now with a quick goodbye? He doesn’t consider for long and he lets instinct take over, going with the latter. Snaking an arm around your shoulders, Younghyun pulls you in gently into his side – a quick half hug as a parting greeting. Albeit shocked, you quickly recovered your senses to drape an arm around his waist, drawing him close by hooking onto his waist.
“Bye Y/N, it was great meeting you and enjoy your Christmas party!”
“Bye Younghyun and you too! Erm… whatelsedoiwanttosay… all the best for your studies in Canada and enjoy your trip home! See – ”
You catch yourself just before the word slips out of your mouth – were you ever going to ever see him again? Thankfully, Younghyun doesn’t seem to have heard, and the conversation flowed naturally again.
“I will.”
You quickly detach yourself from his side, cheeks burning now, aware that your cousin is watching this interaction with a teasing glint in her eyes. You’ll have to deal with that later in the car but for now – you content your heart by taking one last good glance at Younghyun’s face, not knowing if you’ll ever see him again. Hands clasping onto the cold drink tightly, you turn around to face your cousin, wheeling your luggage behind you as you leave Younghyun behind. After you get strapped into the passenger seat and the car moves off down the streets of Seoul, the expected barrage of questions come from your mischievous cousin seated right beside you.
“So… who’s Mr Handsome? Spill the beans honey~”
“His name is Younghyun. Met him on the flight here and he also brought me safely to Myeongdong via the subway.”
“OHHH~ Love is – ”
“No no, don’t get your hopes up in the air, nothing is going to happen. I’m just a tourist in this land.”
“You never know~”
You roll your eyes at her statement, she’s still ever the idealist with her head up in the clouds, dreaming of the impossible. But – why – does your heart sink a little when you shot down her idea of getting together with Younghyun? Were you really considering dating him when you had just met with no way to contact him? You stare at your open hand as you contemplate that thought – the same hand that wrapped around Younghyun’s waist just minutes ago – and warmth floods your cold body in gentle waves as your fingertips tingle, sending a light shiver down your arm. Your chance encounter with such a bright and friendly individual made the cold frigid winter warmer now.
If fate will allow, let’s meet again Younghyun.
You collapse onto the bed in the guestroom face first, not minding the fact that you were still wearing the same dirty clothes for the past 24 hours. A long flight, being passed around from relative to relative for small talk and a couple of glasses of beer, wine and dessert wine later, you were all ready to pass out. Blinking your eyes to clear away the tears from your umpteenth yawn that night (or should you say morning), you catch sight of your turquoise luggage. Leaving it unpacked was irking you out, so with much effort and a loud groan, you pushed yourself out the bed before shuffling over to unpack your luggage. When you first opened the luggage, you didn’t think much of the contents until you began pulling out clothing that were much too big for your body.
Did my clothing magically expand?
Flipping on the room lights, you finally were able to get a good view of the contents and your eyes widened to the size of saucers, eyeballs nearly popping out of your sockets. The luggage was full of male articles – belts, sweaters, pants and a shaver all sitting in plain view further confirmed your suspicions – you had really switched luggage’s with Younghyun; likely on accident during your haste to leave the coffeeshop. You immediately sifted around his clothing, searching for any way to contact him and – thank the heavens! – you found a small piece of paper in one of the zipped compartments bearing his name and number. You dialled the number quickly with nimble fingers, chewing on your nails nervously as you brought the phone up to your ear, desperately hoping that he had not changed his number. After 2 rings, the call finally got through and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“Hi, this is Y/N, right?”
“Yes. Younghyun?”
“Yes, you got the right man. I was wondering when you’ll call me about the luggage mix up.”
“Sorry it took me so long, I only realised now as I unpacked. When would it be a good time to meet tomorrow? Or do you need the luggage now?”
“Tomorrow would be fine – I rather not have a lady like yourself travelling the streets alone at such a late timing. Where would it be a good place to meet you?”
“Oh, I was planning to tour Apgujeong, would that be alright for you?”
“Apgujeong sounds good! Does 12pm sound good?”
“That sounds fantastic, thank you Younghyun.”
“Welcome Y/N. Rest well, you sound tired.”
“You’re absolutely right. Have a good rest too Younghyun. Nights.”
“Nights Y/N.”
A few more silent moments pass over the phone, neither of you wanting to be the first to end the call. You hear his slow and steady breathes over the phone and it sounds calming. A sense of peacefulness washing over you, a welcome respite from the whirlwind of activity that you’ve experienced today. Your eyelids start to flutter close, and you think you might be able to fall asleep listening to the sound of his breathing if the call drags on any longer. Younghyun finally breaks the silence with a chuckle, his next words bringing to mind the conversation from earlier today.
“I really jinxed us, didn’t I?”
“Jinx is too strong a word, I’ll just say you accidentally spoke it into existence.”
“I really did, silly me. So… goodbye for now?”
“Goodbye – for now.”
Younghyun ends the call first and you’re left listening to the dial tone before you put down the phone, placing your head in your unoccupied hand as you chuckle to yourself. Fate really does have a sense of humour, bringing such a twist to your wish to see Younghyun again. Glancing to the open luggage beside you, you sigh at yourself for making a mess of his belongings, standing up to pack his clothes neatly. Lifting one of his coats up, a piece of paper flutters out of the black pocket and upon closer inspection, you realise that it’s a ticket – for the lighting festival at the Garden of Morning Calm. Dated for 27th December. The date and place sparks off a thought within you that has you scrambling for your wallet, lifting the ticket out to confirm. You bring both tickets up to the light to compare them side by side, you realise that you were right – Younghyun and you had brought tickets to the same event on the same day. You didn’t know what you should do with this new-found information but if you could be brave tomorrow… something good might blossom.
You tuck both your tickets neatly into your wallet, praying for the heavens to grant you some bravery tomorrow.
Ever since 11.50am, Younghyun had been waiting outside the Apgujeong station, nervously tapping his feet against the pavement. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous to see you again, but a part of him was also happy that he got to meet you again – although he wished it had been under better circumstances. A soft tap on his shoulder brings him out of his thoughts, and the moment his eyes land on you – the one he has been thinking of since yesterday – his cheeks naturally lift up, showing off the round apples of his cheeks. He blinks earnestly, taking a good look at you. Your cheeks are tinted a soft rosy pink – most likely from the cold – and you’re wrapped in a beanie, scarf and winter coat that made you look like a snug and warm dumpling. Younghyun has to try his hardest to stifle the squeal that threatens to escape him because of how absolutely adorable you look. How can someone have such an influence on him when he barely knows you? Your cheeks change from pink to red under his adoring gaze and wanting to no longer be the centre of attention, you whip out his luggage from its hidden spot behind yourself before presenting it to him with a “Tadah!” Younghyun lets out a hearty laugh at your antics – can someone get any cuter than this?
“I made sure to pack everything neatly into your luggage, nothing will be amiss when you open to check today.”, you said, patting his luggage to emphasise your point.
“Aigoo, thank you for packing them neatly for me. Rest assured, your things are in good condition too. How was the party?”
“Oh, not too bad – the usual you know. Being passed around, getting questioned about life and my relationship status, and too many cups of alcohol. I’m still a little woozy now, not sure if you can tell.”
Younghyun makes a hum of acknowledgement at your words before silence falls over both of you again – this needs to stop happening so often.
What do I say to her?
Do I ask him now?
Aish let’s just do it now!
Both of you open your mouths at the same time, then it became a mad scramble to let the other speak first.
“Ladies first.”
“No no, you first!”
Both of you fix the other with a pointed gaze but Younghyun eventually relents, going first.
“Ok ok, I’ll go first. Y/N, could I get your number? Just to… stay in contact you know?”
“Sure.” You sound confident with your swift answer but your shaky hands that take over the phone from his hands betray you and he watches as you punch in your numbers wrongly a couple of times, having to redo it again and again but he doesn’t mind – he gets to see a different side of you – albeit a clumsy one that he finds endearing. Once you’re done, you hand his phone back to him as he brings the conversation back to you.
“What about you? What did you want to say just now?”
Your face heats up instantly, the two thin tickets sitting in your wallet weighing a ton now as your palms start to sweat despite the freezing temperatures. Carefully, you take his ticket out and pass it back to him but you don’t let go, even when he’s holding onto it. Your tongue darts out to moist your lips, inhaling a deep breath to let the cool air numb your nerves and thoughts. If you didn’t think so much, you might be able to work out the guts to actually ask him. It’s now or never Y/N. Go for it!
“I realise that you’re also going for the lighting festival on the 27th. I am too… and I was just wondering if you would like to go together? It’s completely fine if you don’t want to – ”
“If you would like me to be there, I would be absolutely delighted to go with you.”
Your eyes widen at his statement – he was actually willing to go with you! Your eyes light up like the star on top of the Christmas tree, shining radiantly for him to see.
“For real? You’re not joking right?”
“No, I’m not. But I’ll go on one condition…”
“Oh… what condition?”
You wait in bated breath as Younghyun lowers his face towards, going so close that your noses are almost brushing.
“I get to call that a date.”
You let out a puff of laughter at his statement, the fog emitting from your mouth brushing over his lips as they pull back to reveal pearly whites behind that hazy curtain.
“Is that ok with you Y/N?”
“Yes, that’s alright with me. For a moment I got scared there, I thought you were going to ask me to give you my first born or something.”
“I would make a joke now but I’m afraid of scaring you away.”
“Come on, hit me with it.”
“Really, you don’t want to hear it.”
“Yes, yes I do want to hear it Younghyun.”
“Ok here goes, but don’t dump me after you hear it! I was going to say that you wouldn’t have to give me your firstborn because it would be ours anyways.” For good measure, Younghyun winks at you and your hands immediately fly to cover your face, trying your best to hide the massive blush that was now bursting across your face and muffle your rambunctious laughter.
“See! I said you didn’t want to hear it anymore! Are you afraid of me now? Come on, show me that pretty face please?”
His hands come up to gently wrap around your wrists, tugging at them softly until you’re willing to put them down.
“You’re not afraid of me now, are you Y/N? I’m still seeing you, tomorrow right?”
“No, just mildly shocked. But I must say, that was a pretty well-timed joke. And yes, you’re still seeing me tomorrow Younghyun. You’ll need more than that to scare me away.”
“That’s good. So… I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Yes, see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll call you again to settle the details.”
“I’ll be sure to pick up.”
It seems like the conversation has ended but once again, neither of you make the move to leave first. You shuffle your feet, twiddling your gloved fingers. Likewise, Younghyun was also working up the guts to do something that he’s been waiting to do since yesterday – but it’s just so hard to break through that barrier. You share one last shy glance with Younghyun before deciding it was time to leave, hands reaching out to grip the luggage handle – this time, the right luggage. Seeing you make a move to leave jolts Younghyun into action, and he surges forward to gently catch onto your wrists, pulling you back to face him once more.
“Before you leave, can I give you a hug? I want to do it properly this time.”
You smile as you nod, opening your arms slightly to let him and this time, Younghyun’s arms wrap around your shoulders properly, bringing you close against his chest as your hands hang onto each side of his waist.
Softly, he whispers into your ear, “See you tomorrow Y/N.”
“See you too Younghyun.”
Despite exchanging greetings, his and your hands still remain locked around the other, both of you gently swaying together as the first snow falls over Seoul, the perfect start to your winter love story.
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kaikiky · 4 years
Tagged by @baaloues Thanks! ^^
Tag ppl you want to know better!
Name: Ky (or K, which is what I mostly go by irl)
Gender: agender
Zodiac: Virgo, and Snake in the Chinese zodiac
Height: 5′4″ (i’m so short asdfghjklkj it sucks ;___; )
Myers-Briggs/Hogwarts House/Enneagram/etc: I’ve taken the MB test several times and the results vacillate between INFP and INFJ. I don’t know what Hogwarts house I’d be in, maybe either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff since I’m not particularly brave or ambitious, even though I love the SNAKE imagery of Slytherin. I don’t know what Enneagram is...
Favorite animal: SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (second place goes to owl, manatee, and bunny)
Cats or dogs: ehhhhhhh . . . . I mean, I don’t want either one as a pet, but I like watching funny/cute videos of both I guess
Blankets you sleep with: a black bed cover and a weighted blanket on top (omg weighted blankets are amazing??)
Reason for URL: “kaiki” (怪奇) is one of my favorite Japanese words, it means “bizarre; strange; weird; mysterious ”, and it’s got K’s in it which goes with my name really well, so I put them together and I think it sounds good
Hopes for the future: hard to say, it’s hard to feel any hope right now with things the way they are, and saying any hopes out loud feels like it’ll jinx them, so....
When & why I made this blog: I started in 2011, and I think I did because I had originally found tumblr as a place with cool yugioh art, but then I also found vegan and asexual content too, so I decided to make an actual account rather than just browse around.
Tagging: @thebleeding-heart @taiyo-tenebris @yugirl-with-dragons @animeauthor987 @aaah-lenn  (but I mean honestly I’d be happy to learn more about any followers so consider yourself tagged if you like doing these things)
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simblrbreezycakes · 5 years
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siblings interview tag with lena + omar | tagged by @pixeldemographics​
thank you sweet bean i love youuuuuu. tagging anyone else who wanna do this!
1. which one of you is the older sibling?
lena: "we’re twins does it really-”
omar: “me, i’m the oldest. I’m the superior sibling.”
lena: *rolls eyes*
2. what do you like about your sibling?
omar: “Ohhhh i love her sense of style, her love of the environment, and that she keeps her house freezing cold.”
lena: “I love the fact Omar is really into films and is like, really good at analysing them. He’s fun to see movies with.”
omar: *blushes*
3. what annoys you about your sibling?
lena: “where do i even fucking start-”
lena: “i don’t think this is any magazine...anyway. i get annoyed when he doesn’t stick up for himself or say what he wants and goes for it. he is a big softie on the inside it’s like pulling teeth to get him to be open and-”
omar: *tears welling up* “I am not *that* closed off. Which, it annoys me when Lena acts like I don’t stick up for myself because I do! When it is important to do so! Which is seldom! So! There!”
lena: *stares into the camera like its the office*
4. describe your sibling(s) with three adjectives
omar: funny, impatient, loving
lena: smart, compassionate, isolated
5. what is your sibling’s/siblings’ biggest talent(s)?
omar: easy, gardening. even our boss, michelle, says so and that’s a huge deal because michelle doesn’t compliment anyone outside her kid(s) so...
lena: it’s not *that* big of a deal
omar: yes it is...
lena:...anyway. omar is really good at writing. he writes reviews for video games and movies and they’re amazing he’s like...the only critic i read.
omar: because you have to?
lena: no i do not....
6. what is(are) your sibling(s) really bad at?
lena and omar at the same time: taking a compliment
lena and omar at the same time: JINX
lena and omar at the same time: you owe me a soda
7. do you have nicknames for each other?
omar: i call her lena bo-knee-nuh sometimes. she hates that one-
lena: i surely do-
omar: but i also call her horne because she was named after lena horne and she likes that one-
lena: i sURELY DO!
8. what’s one thing you can do that your sibling(s) can’t?
lena: write
omar: sing
lena: HAHAHAHAH you are goddamn right. he sounds like that seagull from the little mermaid... what’s his name? shuttle?
omar: next question please....
9. did you get along when you were younger?
lena: yeah! as much as any set of twins can. it wasn’t always roses and sunshine but we were really close.
omar: we still are :’ )
10. what is your funniest childhood memory of your sibling?
omar: ohhhhh my god so one time at school, this guy lena was totally in love with asked her if she wanted to sit with him at lunch while she was walking and she got so embarassed and flustered she tripped over her feet and knocked ME over which knocked my friend over who bumped into the teacher and she looked back and saw lena standing there and gave her silent lunch for a WEEK!
lena: *vein twitching on her forehead* that isn’t funny...
omar: well it is to me you should’ve seen your face. you should see your face now. ha,
11. are you closer now or when you were younger?
omar: i think we’re closer now. you know high school was kind of hard for me and lena always had my back and that’s important for sure, but it has been nice to get to know each other as adults with minimal drama or familial obligations. just you know, as friends?
lena: :””””””””) yeah, uh rt on all of that, oh for sure, yeah. *wipes eyes*
12. did you compete with each other?
lena and omar at the same time: absolutely-
omar by himself: NOT!
lena and omar staring at each other:
13. which one of you is more likely to turn out like your mum or dad?
lena: i’m definitely more like daddy and omar is definitely all ma.
omar: truuuuuuuuuu
14. which one is most likely to have a big family?
omar: definitely me.
lena: oh 10000% i’ll be doing well to make it out of this reality show with a partner lmfao. meanwhile omar is like halfway to a chapel and already pinteresting baby names and nurseries and shi-
omar: shutupshutupshutupshutupwhatifhereadsthis
15. what is one thing about your sibling(s) that has changed as you’ve gotten older?
lena: omar for sure. like i said, he’s never been one to defend himself or go for what he wants but lately i’ve been seeing a fire in him i didn’t even know he was capable of, no ah fence.
omar: none taken, i guess i can concede to that statement.... plus you’ve always been a bad ass. i think it took my ass sometime to ripen. good and bad now.
lena: *facepalm*
16. who’s better at maths?
omar: neither of us
lena: HA. you’re right. but i do ring up customers more than you so...
17. who is more pessimistic and who is more optimistic?
lena: i don’t think either of us are pessimistic but omar is definitely the eternal optimist. 
omar: nothing but facts. lena is more....realistic with a tinge of romantic. but i’m all sunshine and daisies over here. there’s always a silver lining somewhere.
18. is there anything you don’t like doing together?
lena: i wouldn’t say there’s anything we *dislike* doing together but there are a lot of things we do alone.
omar: yeah i spend most of my time listening to music and writing and i mean hypothetically she could be there but like...for what.
19. which one of you do you think will get married first?
lena and omar staring at each other for ten minutes:
lena: omar....
omar: me.....
20. lastly, how often do you argue?
lena: at least once every 24 hours. rarely serious arguments but....arguments
omar: she starts every single one of them
lena: *smiles proudly*
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bnrobertson1 · 5 years
Best Tunes of ‘19
10. Squid- Town Centre - 4 songs, the first of which is a mood-setting throwaway. But the rest- especially the one-two punch of “Match Bet” and the funk by way of Parquet Courts of “The Cleaner”- make it easily one of the most exciting debuts in recent memory. I look forward to their LP- and obsessing over this band for years to come. (Song: “Match Bet”)
9. Weyes Blood- Everyday- Alternating between lush and orchestral Sufjan-isms and quiet and direct, well, Sufjan-isms, this album makes a definitive statement of the boundlessness of Blood’s talents.  (Song: “Everyday”)
8. Malibu Ken- S/T- The matching of Aesop Rock’s hyper-verbose lyrics and TOBACCO’s warped soundscapes proves alchemic, especially for two artists known for their eccentricities. (Song: “Acid King”)
7. Thee Oh Sees- Face Stabber- If you don’t like them, 22-minute jam “Henchlock” won’t convince you. But for us knuckleheads, there are few things as life-affirming. (Song: “Fu Xi”)
6. Crumb- Jinx- A surprisingly underloved debut, I (think I) hear in this neo-psych-soul group what others do the XX. (Song: “Nina”)
5. Fountaines DC- Dogrel- Seeing these intense Irishmen live I had no idea their album would have the nuance it does (both verbal and sonic), all-the-while never losing an ounce of that hypnotic feral focus (Song: “Boys in the Better Land”)
4. Nolan Potter’s Nightmare Band- Nightmare Forever- I’ve gushed about this band to anybody who’ll hear it but the record itself is far more convincing. (Song: “Seahorse Retreat”)
3. Purple Mountains- S/T- While it’s impossible now to listen to it without thinking “suicide note,” it’s still about as beautiful a send-off from this mortal coil as could be written. (Song: “She’s Making Friends, I’m Turning Stranger”)
2. DIIV- Decider- In many ways the yin to Purple Mountains yang, Smith & co. dealt with similar demons by changing styles (yet again) and reaching for Guitar God glory (they achieve it: see “Skin Game”)
1. Mike Krol- Power Chords- Every decade needs its own Blue Album and the ‘10s finally got theirs with these eleven tunes of rowdy, joyous heartbreak. (Song: “Left For Dead”)
12. Rolling Stones- Reliant Stadium (Houston)- It wasn’t without disappointment (“Heartbreaker,” indeed), but they hit the highs when they needed to, and their scorching “Midnight Rambler” made you debate buying tickets for their 2039 tour now. 
11. Iron Maiden- AT & T Center (San Antonio)- What can you say about a concert that featured Bruce Dickinson sword fighting a 15-foot tall skeleton? (Besides “awesome” about 100 times, as a I did) The show that made me debate burning all of my clothes and exclusively buying tight black jeans and white high top 80s Nikes. 
10. Bob Seger- Frank Erwin Center- Not the coolest concert by a long shot, but easily one of the year’s best. MAGA Hats were present (not a problem per se, just noticeable to someone who mostly attends shows that could be subtitled “Fuck Donald Trump”), but so was the fire inside the 73 year old Seger’s soul. A small aside: my personal favorite part of the show was the kind of uninteresting anecdotes he’d tell during songs. Example: “Against the Wind” is about how he would literally run against the wind in high school track. That’s it.
9. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard- Stubb’s- These Australian rockers have been permanent fixtures in my headphones since I first saw their name 6/7 years ago. This was the live show where it all really came together to me (even if many of the attractive people there were confused/ intimidated by the thrash of their newest album). 
8.  Peter Hook and the Light- Emo’s- A concert I almost skipped after a weekend full of Levitation, this set full of New Order songs (including a front-to-back of their classic Technique) was the best Monday show I’ve ever attended.  
7. Nolan Potter’s Nightmare Band- Hotel Vegas- a nine-piece psych band fronted by a polymath flutist, this band is for lovers of 70s Rock (any/ all of it). Their live show, faithfully captured on their debut album, feels like the past and future simultaneously in the best way possible. 
6. Thee Oh Sees- 2nd Night- Hotel Vegas- No song touches “I Come from the Mountain” as an opener in its effectiveness to make your blood vessels turn into the autobahn.  
5. DIIV- Mohawk- It felt like a triumphant exclamation point to their newest album. Also, “Under the Sun” remains one of the prettiest songs ever written. 
4. Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Moody Theater- Entered drenched with rain, left drenched with sweat.  
3. Chemical Brothers- Bill Graham Arena (SF)- I’ll spare you the specifics but had a spiritual epiphany with “The Private Psychedelic Reel.” The best combo visuals/ music I may have ever seen?
2. Stereolab- Paper Tiger (San Antonio)- The first of three shows, I’ve been working on a larger piece to discuss the entire experience, but I’ll say that crowd members were profusely thanking the band in between songs- I’ve seen thousands of concerts and never seen that happen before.  
1. Beak>/ TOBACCO - Empire Control Room (Levitation Fest)-  I’ve long dug their music videos, but I had no clue Beak> was that fantastic live. A minimal mix of krautrock and trip hop, I vividly remember looking around for about 25 seconds when they started “The Meader,” (featuring the best baseline of the young century) making sure I wasn’t hallucinating this moody masterpiece. (I wasn’t). “RSI” is as good a song as anything Neu! wrote. On a personal note, I saw this show the day after getting some rough news and it reminded me of music’s curative powers, full stop (”RSI,” man, “RSI”). That said, I hope there is little footage of the concert because to say I was dancing a fool would be an insult to fools everywhere. Plus, I got to meet the incredibly friendly, funny Geoff Barrow, an experience I’ll forget about as soon as I forget the concert (read: never). 
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In the erasermic age swap au, would they be friends with Class 1-A's parents? Like Mitsuki? Because every fic ageswap I've read doesnt have her in it and revolves around Enji and Toshinori Haha! And what is Aizawa's relationship with his parents like? Love your blog:)
AWWWWW Thank You!! I’m glad you like my blog~
Mitsuki Bakugo attends UA as student of the business/hero management class. she is the result of a one night stand Katsuki had after graduating High school. Her mother never wanted her, so Katsuki filed for full custody and won it pretty easily. Eijirou has always been in the picture even before the two adults started dating when Mitsuki was 5. he helped Katsuki with babysitting, parenting classes, school, cooking, and anything else a child needs. Mitsuki loves her dads, and is fiercely independent. she has an aggressive technique to making friends. she has her eyes Masaru, who attends a nearby high school. He works in a coffee shop, saving up for university. Mitsuki goes there everyday!
Inko Midoriya lost her parents at the age of 3, and Izuku immediately took her in. Inko calls Izuku dad, and the two get along really well. though Inko sometimes gets doubts about her worth, with her uncle being an amazing pro-hero with such a powerful quirk and her quirk being so weak. she started gaining confidence when she met Mitsuki around elementary school. the two immediately gained a connection. Inko is attending UAs Business/hero Management class, while studying medicine/emergency services. she is debating on what to do as an adult, but UA has amazing options. she is also crushing on the hero-student Toshinori Yagi, but the boy gets so tongue tied around her...maybe shes doing something wrong?
Rei is also a UA student in the Business/hero management class and is in no way related to Enji or Shoto Todoroki. not much is known about her past, but she is quiet and kind, with a fierce sense of protection. 
Enji Todoroki is the biological son of Shoto Todoroki, and is a good kid. but having a dad who is a famous pro hero with essentially two quirks and he just has one... it has led to a lot of insecurities and anger problems. Shoto tries to help where he can, and with dating Izuku, the other pro-hero lends aide where he can. Enji loves his dad...but has a problem expressing it. Rei has brought out a softer side to him and has given him a new goal. Rei agreed to go on one date with him, if Enji learned to control his temper and asked her out nicely. 
Shouta Aizawa and His Family!
He kept his biological parent’s last name to 1. prove that genes do not define you, 2. for safety reasons due to his fathers pro-hero status.  Adopted at the age of 6 years old by his biological Uncle, Hitoshi Shinsou. Aizawa’s mom was Shinsou’s biological sister…although the two never grew up together, they just share the same genes and were raised in different foster homes. Once Hitoshi found out he had a nephew, he raced to the courthouse and adopted Aizawa on the spot. Aizawa’s biological mother and father are in jail for a life sentence due to…undisclosed reasons.
Shouta Loves his fathers, and would never trade them for the world, even if he has a hard time expressing it.
Denki is the fun and “cool” dad, as Eri once described him. Denki is always there to crack a joke, or to interrupt a stressful time with a funny movie or a new video game that just came out. he is loud and embarrassing. Shouta often wants to bury himself in a pillow when his pops overdose it with his quirk and looks like a burnt outlet. but Denki is also the parent that is always there when Shouta has to cry or scream, unusual for him...but needed sometimes. Denki is a lot better with dealing with emotion and feelings. he’s fiercely protective of his family, zapping anyone when they make a comment about his adorable family. 
Hitoshi is the serious and mysterious dad, always pushing for Shouta to look outside the box, and to never rely on his quirk alone. he taught Shouta everything he knew about fighting, with and without a quirk. he gifted Shouta his capture scarf a few months before the UA entrance exam. Hitoshi is the one to push Shouta to be his best and never take no for an answer. he also taught Shouta that there is no such thing as a villain’s quirk. every quirk is dangerous and has pros and cons. its how you use them. 
when Shouta first came to live with them, Denki and Hitoshi bought him a cat to make him feel at home. and that is how Jinx the black cat came into our story.
The first day of class, Shouta wanted to disappear and scream at the same time when his dad, Hitoshi, came through the door. announcing himself as class 1As homeroom teacher. his dad definitely did that on purpose, if his evil smirk was anything to go by.
it was his pops though, that first noticed his crush on Hizashi. boy was that a chaotic day in their home, with Denki swooning over Shouta’s first crush, hitoshi being very confused, and Shouta struggling to use his capture weapon to shut denki up. 
((thanks for the ask!! feel free to send more, or ask for a plot bunny or anything else!
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inyournightmares97 · 6 years
What about got7 made you like them so much
Oh, dear. This is a heavy question to wake up to and I will not be able to go about my day unless I do justice to this, so here you go lovely anon. GOT7 was not the reason I got into K-Pop, GOT7 was the reason I stayed and if any of this makes it sound like I’m bashing other groups, take my apology now. These are purely my personal opinions and I love EVERY single one of the groups I mention here.
(Please stop reading if you don’t want to read a long, lengthy rant about my love for GOT7 and shit.)
Here we go. Five Reasons I Love GOT7
1. Around 2016, I was at a point where everything in K-Pop was starting to seem rather boring and manufactured. The same practiced answers to the same questions, the same stupid games on every variety show, the same mildly problematic attitude towards sex, skin tone and everything else; this is something which you wouldn’t notice if you stick with a single group but when you’re multi-fandom and you watch so many groups go through the same routine… damn if it doesn’t feel staged after a while. If somebody handed me a mic, I think I could do a standard stage greeting, explain my title song and my ideal type just as well as any idol could. 
Honestly, at that point, Jackson was like a breath of fresh air. Every word that came out of his mouth was so different and I love the casual way in which he questions things the Korean industry takes for granted. If you haven’t seen Hitmaker yet, you must. Jackson tore Doni and Coni a new one, and I had a newfound respect for him. Yes, Jackson Wang is the reason I initially started following GOT7. Most foreign members of rookie groups keep their mouths carefully shut during early debut years because they’re scared of messing up but Jackson’s foray into the Korean industry as a foreigner felt so relatable because the moment something would happen to make me think… well, what was that? Jackson’s loose tongue would be asking the same question in a funnier way than I could have. 
This might sound odd because so many I-fans consider Jackson problematic, but damn, if I don’t think he is the most unproblematic thing as far as K-Pop goes. (More on this later)
2. Damn, if they’re not funny. Yes, a lot of groups are funny and have their moments, I’m pretty sure you could find any idol group saying hilarious things at some point or the other. But GOT7 are the most consistent with their humor. I’ll say it here; I’ve NEVER found a GOT7 video boring. (Let’s not count V-lives. Those drone on forever and are often awkward) These guys were made to entertain. They really were. 
Their interviews are also amazing to watch. Nobody gets MCs flustered like GOT7 does. (One of my favorites is this episode of Idol Battle Likes because the MC, Eunwoo, was a rookie idol and you can see the horror in his face as he tries to salvage the interview yet also the admiration because damn, these guys just do whatever the hell they want to). And this isn’t just Jackson anymore because there are interviews where Jackson isn’t around and they still manage to be hilariously funny. (Case in point: this episode of Global Request Show where Jackson is absent and Jaebum’s unprompted opening line is - “If we lose, Bambam is going to get hit in the forehead by all the members and the MCs” to a flustered baby Bam (who probably did something to piss JB off earlier) and also the classic JJP recreation. 
Not that there aren’t other idols who are also funny. The best example is BtoB, those guys are constantly on crack but their humor is a little different from that of GOT7s, lmao, it consists mostly of me crying at the screen - no, why are you doing that with your pretty face? GOT7, on the other hand, is extremely witty and I am constantly entertained. They couldn’t make us laugh more if their jokes were scripted. 
3. I feel like their relationship with each other is extremely honest. And by that, I don’t mean it’s perfect. I mean it’s honest. Listen, I don’t want to sound like an old veteran or something since I’ve only been into K-Pop for like 3 years or so, but groups are not as close as they seem. (Please don’t take this as me bashing other groups, I love all these guys, but I’m just pointing out examples). Did anyone forsee all the EXO members who left? No, because they all acted really close and tight and loyal until the last moment but now they pretend as if those members never existed. (Yes, I know SM is a snake and is probably making them do that. It still bothers me.) I’ve honestly never heard EXO talk about major fights they had. Infinite, who was my first and for a long time, my ultimate group? I did not see Hoya leaving. When I heard the rumors that a member wasn’t resigning, I was positive it was Sungyeol to go take on an acting career. Hoya doesn’t even seem to talk to the other members much anymore. I was wrong about their friendship, and that shows that there are so many things these idols hide so well from their fans. 
I think GOT7 is relatively one of the most honest groups, and that’s why Jackson keeps saying it. I firmly hope and believe that GOT7 will never spring something as horrifying as a member leaving without a proper explanation. (Not saying that nobody will ever leave. They might choose to take a different path. But I hope and believe it’ll be done the right way, not with radio silence and deflections of awkward questions. Like how Sistar disbanded in such a cool way, writing handwritten letters to the fans explaining their decisions and having an amazing last stage). 
I have also never heard a group talk so freely about the fights they had. I mean, dude. Mark breaking the AC and throwing a laptop at Bam? Jackson and Jaebum fighting over the chicken? I know this sounds funny right now but those were probably extremely serious fights at the time they happened and it’s a testament to their relationship that GOT7 are constantly telling stories about their past fights. I don’t see other groups that tell stories about real fights so often. I really don’t. (Except for totally veteran groups that have been around for like a decade, but guys… I think Seungri and Heechul make up half the stuff they say for entertainment, lmao). 
4. They deal with so much unnecessary hate. Raise your hands if you’re never heard the phrase GOT7 is problematic. Like, wow. There are idols out there who’ve gotten caught doing illegal drugs, have DUIs to their name, participated in financial scandals and harassing fans but GOT7 who have literally never hurt a soul or broken the law are the problematic ones, okay. Sure. 
God, I just hate when people think they’re racist. Guys, open your eyes. GOT7 are the most inclusive group out there. They might be a little stupid at times but they have their hearts in the right places. (HAS NOBODY SEEN THIS VIDEO OF WHEN THAT ASSHOLE HYUNMOO SAID NAMJOON SPEAKS BLACK ENGLISH AND JACKSON SHUT HIM DOWN IN 0.5 SECS?) Don’t get me wrong, Namjoon is my bias in BTS, but I never heard anyone bash him for how problematic he was in his early days. He apologized and people are okay with it but somehow GOT7 still gets pulled up for the dumbest shit. 
Like fuck, guys, half the people who bashed Yugyeom have probably consumed alcohol underage too. Bambam is a little stupid at times, but he’s not racist. Give Mark a break, he’s been in Korea for years, when do you think the last time he hung out with his American friends was? People change, give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m not responsible for the shit my childhood friends get up to. Jaebum was joking with his fans. You can’t say that an idol is so cool for being savage with his members and then suddenly backtrack when he gets savage with you, lmao. Just be savage back to him. It’s banter and I love it. It’s much better than hearing meaningless ‘oh you all mean so much to me’ only to find out the idol fucking leaves the group without a word 2 months later. 
So yeah, I have a protective instinct over GOT7. If one of them actually ever does something problematic then they’re getting called out for it, but come on. Let’s not just make them victims all the time. We know how that feels. I was going through a bad time when GOT7 was getting hate and I connected with them personally. 
5. Finally, GOT7 are the underdogs and I always root for them. To me, they’re that group that has amazing potential and while they’re not completely underrated, there’s this feeling that they’ve gone up to a certain point and now it’s hard to go further. It’s pretty clear from the way the members talk, especially Jackson, Jaebum and Jinyoung, that they’re worried they’ve hit their peak. (Have you guys heard of the 5-year jinx?) I think it’s extremely admirable how they’re putting in all their efforts towards making sure that doesn’t happen because listen. They have money, they have comfortable lives and they can sort of relax and do that thing idol groups do where they half-heartedly put out an album every 12-18 months just for the heck of proving they haven’t disbanded yet. But they’re not, they’re still doing multiple comebacks this year because they want recognition and that is something that resounds with me. 
It’s one thing to be stuck at dirt bottom and give up. It makes me cry to see all those idol groups from underrated companies that die out and never make it, who end up quitting and looking for other options in life. The ones who struggle despite not even making a lot of money. That’s terrible. 
But you know what else is terrible? That feeling that you haven’t lost completely. No, you’re not at the bottom, you did pretty well for yourself but you’re not there yet. You can’t turn back and quit completely, but you also have that last mile left to go and that honestly, that last mile is the hardest. I personally relate to that feeling. It’s the feeling that you’re somewhere up there but you’re not at the top and it’s not hard work or determination or talent that matters anymore, it’s just fucking luck. 
I hope and pray that GOT7 cross that last mile to reach the top in their careers and when they do, I want to be there with them so they can inspire me to cross my own barriers. 
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The Not-So-Easy Road to Parenthood
Author: http://boulevard-of-broken-yeets.tumblr.com
Recipient: http://canadiantardis.tumblr.com
Summary: Being in a six-way polyamorous relationship has its ups and downs, and who knew that adopting a kid would be the bumpiest ride of them all?
Warnings: n/a
WordCount: 3,402
“I’m just saying, maybe we should think about this more?” Jack asked one of her partners, “I mean, we had to pull teeth just to get married. Should we go straight into getting a kid so soon?”
“Jack, I know you mean well, but shut the hell up,” Geoff chuckled, slicing a cucumber and putting it in a pot. “We all agreed that we wanted to adopt a kid. You don’t have to worry, we’ll figure it all out.”
“I just worry, Geoff. What with our... pasts...” She trailed off.
“Hey, we left Los Santos years ago. We’re in an entirely different country; no one from our past is going to come for us. We’re safe.”
“I don’t know, Geoff. There’s just a lot of uncertainty.”
“I swear on my life that things will work out. Have I ever led you astray before?”
“How long do you want to sit here?” Jack joked. Geoff turned and playfully glared at her.
“Watch it, Pattillo. I used to be the leader of the strongest crew in Los Santos.” He smirked at her, and she rolled her eyes back at him.
“And it was me who saved your ass on many occasions.”
“Really? I don’t recall.”
“Do you need me to make a list? I don’t think there’s enough paper in the world for that.”
“Shut up and help me peel these potatoes.”
Jack laughed and walked over to her husband, helping him with dinner.
It had been 5 years since they lived as the Fake AH Crew, 5 years since they faked their own deaths and moved to France. Jack, Geoff, Ryan, Michael, Jeremy, and Gavin all managed to fall in love during their time together, and they wanted out of the gang life so that they could live long, happy lives with each other. Geoff spent years using his connections to get them all legally married, and now they were moving on to the next step: adopting a kid.
“When are Ryan and the lads getting back from the store?” Geoff asked just as the door to their cottage opened. The four men came inside, holding an ungodly amount of bags.
“Sorry we’re late, Jeremy here got sidetracked at a pet store, and We had to stop him from adopting two of the cats.” Ryan chuckled.
“They were so cute! Can you blame me?”
“You know Gav’s allergic to cats, Jer. Wouldn’t have worked out.” Jack laughed, rushing over and grabbing some of the bags and helping to put things away.
“As soon as I find a good sphinx cat, that shit is mine. I’m getting a god damn cat, especially since we’re getting a kid. They gotta have something to play with.”
“Did we decide if we were going to adopt locally or go back to the states?” Michael asked.
“Actually,” Geoff started, “I was thinking that we could go adopt a kid from Los Santos.”
Everyone stared at him in silence, all with varying expressions on their faces. It was Jack who spoke up first.
“Geoff, adopting from Los Santos may be the most dangerous thing we could possibly do. According to almost anyone there, we’re dead.”
“Exactly, which is why we won’t be going as ourselves.” Geoff explained. “I’ve pulled some strings at the orphanage in Los Santos, and we’ll be able to safely go and get our new little one. They don’t know it’s actually us, but I... requested that this be on the down low. Money buys a lot of things, you know.”
“So, we’ll be disguised?” Gavin asked. Geoff nodded.
“Disguised in every sense of the word, other than physically. We won’t be there for more than two days; I figured that would be enough time to find a kid. We’re booked at a hotel about an hour from the city, so don’t worry about that.”
“So when are we leaving?” Jeremy asked.
“Tomorrow morning.”
“I have a horrible feeling about this, honey.” Jack muttered into Geoff’s ear as they all piled into a rental car.
“Relax, Jackie. It’s going to be fine. You know where the orphanage is, Haywood?”
“Yep, should be there in about 15 minutes.” Ryan responded. Geoff nodded and grabbed Jacks hand.
“I know you’re worried for our safety, Jack, and I understand. But please know that I took every precaution known to man to ensure that we all leave safely with our new son or daughter. Nothing is going to happen.”
They all sat in silence the rest of the way, all of them praying to every deity known to mankind that Geoff didn’t just jinx them. As they pulled up to the orphanage, Jack immediately recognized the area and harshly slapped Geoff on the arm.
“Geoff! This is like 2 blocks from the penthouse!” She cried out. Jeremy, Michael, Gavin, and Ryan all looked around in alarm. It was true; they could see their old home from where they were parked.
“Listen, it’s fine. Nothing is going to go wrong. Now, let’s all quickly but calmly walk into the orphanage and get our new kid, and then we’re getting the fuck out of here.”
They all did as Geoff said, and rushed into the orphanage. They were decently shocked at who they saw when they walked in.
“Mica?!” Jack yelped, rushing up and giving her a hug.
“Holy shit, you’re back! You’re actually back!” Mica said excitedly, returning the hug.
“Just for a few days at most, Mica.” Geoff clarified. “Also, why do you work at an orphanage?”
“Hey, we gotta make a living somehow since you guys ‘died’.” She stated, putting quotation marks around the died. “Holy shit, Kdin! get in here!” She called out.
“What have I told you about cursing in front of the little ones?” Kdin scolded as she walked into the room. She widened her eyes and ran straight for Jack. “You’re back!”
“Hey, Kdin, how are you?” Jack giggled, hugging her friend tightly. After around 15 minutes of Kdin and Mica asking every possible question known to mankind, Geoff finally got everyone talking about why they were there.
“We want to adopt a kid, and I thought that if we could save even one kid from this shithole, we should.” He explained. Mica clapped happily.
“Of course! Come on in and meet the little ones! Oh, Geoff, theres a little girl that you’ll just love...”
The fakes wondered around the large home, meeting each and every kid they could. Jack, not surprisingly, bonded easily with the little ones. She played with as many as she could as she made her way through the house. Michael and Gavin bonded easily with a specific kid who had an affinity for fighting anyone in his line of sight (Gavin would never admit it, but the kid had a pretty good hit). Ryan and Jeremy stood awkwardly to the side, watching kids run around them. Neither of them really knew what to do. One kid, a little girl, walked up to Jeremy.
“You’re short.” She pointed out. Jeremy grumbled in response. The kid shrugged her shoulders and ran away, chasing after her friend.
Mica led Geoff upstairs to the nursery, where there were three infants, all asleep.
“Their parents left them on our doorstep. Issac and Jamie had notes, but this little one didn’t.” Mica said sadly, bringing Geoff to the small crib. The child was probably only a few weeks old at most, maybe a month, but she looked pretty healthy for her small size.
“What’s her name?”
“Erica.” A voice said from behind them. Geoff turned to see a little boy, around 9 or 10 years old.
“Erica?” Mica asked, perplexed. “How do you know her name is Erica? I’m not even too sure we gave her a name yet...”
“Because that’s what she smiles at when I play with her.” The boy said quietly. Geoff turned and squatted down to get on eye level with the boy.
“Hey, I’m Geoff. What’s you’re name?” He asked, giving the boy a warm smile.
“I’m Sean. Are you gonna adopt Erica? ‘Cause if you are, you gotta know all the things she likes, and I’m the only person who knows what those are.” Sean told him. Geoff sat down on the floor, confusing Mica a bit.
“Well, what does she like?” Geoff asked. Sean looked shocked, like he wasn’t actually expecting to be asked.
Sean told him all the little things that Erica liked, such as toys and funny faces. Mica quickly left the room to get the others so that they all could meet Sean, already seeing a bond forming.
“Wow, you got a huge family. Erica is gonna love it. She loves bein’ with people.” Sean told them with wide eyes as the Fakes all piled into the room. “I’m Sean, by the way. You guys better be nice to Erica, ‘cause she’s the only family I got, ‘ven if we aren’t really brother and sister.”
“What do you like to do, Sean?” Jack asked him kindly. Sean looked taken aback.
“Oh, uh, I really like to draw things. Sometimes Ms. Kdin’ll sneak me some drawin’ stuff so that the other kids won’t mess with it.”
“You like any video games?” Michael asked him.
“I’ve don’t really get to play ‘em myself, but when I was on the streets I’d see some people in the arcade playin different things. One time, someone had a game with a guy in a green dress on it, and I really liked that one.”
“Legend of Zelda?” Michael perked up a bit. Sean nodded.
“Yeah! I wanna play it myself someday, it looked like a lot of fun”
“Hey Sean, why don’t you go get some of your art to show us, hm? I’d love to see it.” Geoff asked. Sean nodded excitedly and ran out to get his drawings. “Alright, so I think Sean and Erica are our kids.”
“Geoff, we’ve been here for 10 minutes-“ Jack started, but Geoff interrupted her.
“I know, but you guys have to have felt the connection. That is the sweetest little boy, and Erica is the sweetest little girl. We can’t take one without the other, because that would just be cruel. I really think Sean and Erica are our kids.”
“I agree.” Michael spoke up. “Sean’s got a fire in him. He’d be perfect for us.”
“I like the kid. I think he likes us, too. I say we go for it.” Jeremy added. Ryan and Gavin nodded in agreement. They all then turned their attention to Jack.
“Well?” Geoff asked, hopeful. It didn’t take long for Jack to respond.
“I guess we have two kids to adopt, then.” She smiled.
“Why don’t some of you take Sean out, get him a burger or something? He doesn’t get to leave here much, and I’m sure he’d love to see some of the city.”
Jack was just about to protest before Ryan spoke up. “I’ll take the kid. No one in this city has ever seen my face and lived to tell the tale, so there’s no way I’ll be recognized.”
“You sure?” Jack asked hesitantly. Ryan nodded in response, and soon found himself holding the kids hand as they walked around the city, looking for something to do.
“Y’know, it’s pretty mean to take me out like this without adopting me.” Sean said as they were walking into an ice cream shop. Ryan looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh? How so?” He questioned, curious.
“You’re just gonna give me hope before pickin’ someone else. It’s happened before.” Sean mumbled, walking up to the counter. “What am I allowed to get?”
“Anything you want, kid.” Ryan responded. Sean turned and looked at him with wide eyes.
“Really? Usually the people who take me out only let me get the borin’ stuff. Thank you Mr. Ryan!” Sean said brightly. Ryan simply smiled as the boy ordered, but his smile soon fell as he heard a familier voice in the shop.
“No, you moron, they’re dead. Of course they aren’t in the city.” Burnie Burn’s voice rang clear as day. Ryan stiffened, but didn’t dare look around.
“I got a sundae!” Sean cheered.
“Nice choice. Why don’t we head on back now? It is starting to get late...” Ryan trailed off, not even waiting to hear a response. He felt bad hearing Sean’s sad groans of protest, but he kept them moving. If someone saw them, they needed to leave. Quickly.
“Ryan, you were gon for like 20 minutes. What’s the problem?” Geoff asked as the two came back inside the building.
“Someone saw us. I heard Burns while we were getting ice cream; he doesn’t believe we’re alive, but someone did see us. We need to leave tonight.” Ryan said quietly, though loud enough so both Mica and Geoff could hear. Mica nodded and immediately turned her attention to Sean.
“Go pack up your things, Sean, you and Erica are going home today.” She smiled at Sean’s wide eyes.
“You... you don’t mean...” He trailed off, looking at Geoff with hopeful eyes, who smiled back at him.
“You’re coming home with us.” She said gently, full of love. Sean all hit squealed as he rushed upstairs to pack, ready to move in with his new family.
After a bit of rushing and hasty goodbyes, the former-fakes found themselves on a plane again, getting the hell away from Los Santos, with two extra passengers.
“I ain’t ever been on a plane before.” Sean said excitedly to Jack, who was sat next to him. “We’re so high up!”
“You really are the perfect kid for us. How’d we get so lucky?” Jack thought out loud, causing Sean to blush. He turned around to look at Jeremy, who had headphones in. Sean snapped to get his attention, and Jeremy looked up.
“So where’re we goin’ anyway?” He asked. Jeremy popped his headphones out.
“France, little guy. The six of us have a nice house on the countryside.”
“France? Where’s that?” Sean asked.
“Europe. It’s across the whole ocean; i’ll be sure to point it out to you once we get to the ocean.” Jeremy smiled and Sean smiled back. He then turned around, announced very loudly that he was going to the bathroom, and walked away as those around him chuckled.
“He really is a good kid.” Geoff murmured, holding Erica close to his chest. She wouldn’t stop crying unless he held her, and he was more than happy to oblige.
“You you think he understands that he has 5 dads and a mom now?” Michael asked.
“Probably not. We an explain it once we get back.” Jack responded.
“What’s he gonna call all of us?” Gavin questioned. Everyone looked at him.
“What?” Ryan said, tilting his head in confusion.
“Well, he’s got 5 dads and a mom. Who’s going to be dad, papa, that shit.”
“I... I honestly never thought of that.” Jack admitted. “I guess I really wouldn’t, since I’m the only mom.”
“Well I’m obviously dad.” Geoff announced.
“Well why do you get to be dad?” Ryan asked, crossing his arms.
“Because I’m the leader! Who else would be dad?”
“I have spent the most time with him so far...” Ryan mumbled.
“I connected with him by talkin’ about video games.” Michael pointed out.
The five of them quietly argued about that for a few minutes before they saw Sean returning. They didn’t want to have that conversation with him before returning home, so they all shut up about it.
Sean was more than excited to see the ocean, and then a whole new continent while he was on the plane. The 6 of them soon found themselves back in familier territory, and we’re more than happy to show it off to Sean and Erica.
“Welcome to your new home, little ones!” Jeremy cheered, swinging the door to their cottage open.
“Woah.” Sean said quietly, his eyes full of awe.
“You like it, little guy?” Ryan asked, ruffling his hair. Sean nodded.
“I do! It’s so big! Can I see my room?”
“Sure can! Michael, why don’t you and Gav show him his new room while we all make dinner?” Geoff asked. Michael nodded, and he and Gavin both picked up Sean, the three of them giggling wildly as the sprinted upstairs.
“He really is going to fit in here, isn’t he?” Ryan chuckled, bringing in the last of the bags.
“If he isn’t too weirded out by having 6 parents, he will.” Jack said nervously.
“Jackie, it’ll be okay. He’s a good kid. He’ll understand. Now, let’s make some lasagne; Mica said that’s his favorite.”
Meanwhile, Sean was ecstatic to find that his room was full of different video game things, all centered around The Legend if Zelda. There were Zelda posters, a Link bedset, and the walls were painted a nice green.
“How’d you manage to pull this off?!” Sean squealed in delight.
“We made some calls before leaving and had this all done before we arrived. You like it?” Gavin asked, smiled at the small kid.
“I love it! This is so cool!”
“Oh, just you wait, Seanie Boy. Let’s go to the best room in the whole house.” Michael smirked as he sprinted out of the room, hearing Sean and Gavin laugh as they chased after him. He came to a sudden stop, and Sean barreled into his legs at full speed, causing him to fall.
“Oh, sorry, Mikey!” Sean giggled. Michael felt his heart warm at the name.
“This,” Michael started as he got up, “is the game room.” He opened the door, and Sean’s mouth dropped.
“It’s like an arcade in here!” He squealed in delight.
“Once we finish dinner and everything, we can come play some games. You can start playing Legend of Zelda.” Michael told him.
“Are you two gonna play with me?” Sean asked. “I really want you guys to play with me, you’re fun!”
“Of course, we’d love to.” Gavin answered, smiling. Michael nodded in agreement.
The three of them hung out for awhile before dinner was ready. After they all ate, the 8 of them sat down in the living room.
“Okay, Sean, we need to talk to you about something.” Jack started.
“You wanted to tell me about how the 6 of you are dating or married or something and that you’re all my parents?” Sean stated bluntly. Jack nearly fell off of the couch.
“How’d you know?” She squeaked.
“You guys are really loud; I heard ya all the way from the bathroom on the plane! You got quieter after a bit, but I get that you guys are all my parents. I think it’s cool! I went from no parents to 6. How many people get that lucky?”
“Did you also hear us... arguing...” Geoff trailed off, and Sean rolled his eyes.
“About what to call you guys? Yeah, and you guys really overthink things, you know that? I already know what to call all of you, if you’ll let me...” He trailed off.
“You can call us whatever you’d like. It can be a variation on dad, or it can be our names. Whatever is most comfortable for you.” Geoff said quickly.
“Well, Jack’s either momma or Jackie, because both fit her really well.” Sean started, causing Jack to blush. “Michael’s Mikey, Gavin’s Gavvy, and Jeremy is JJ. Ryan, you’re papa, and Geoff, you’re dad.” Sean finished. “It just feels the most natural.”
“Oh come here, you little rascal!” Geoff said happily, picking up Sean and spinning him around as they both laughed. “I’m dad! I’m dad!”
“Mikey is the best name, I coulda never thought of that.” Michael smiled.
“Gavvy is so cute!” Gavin told him.
“So’s JJ.” Jeremy added.
Sean let out a big yawn as they continued talked, signaling his jet lag.
“Ready for bed, Sean?” Jack asked gently. Sean simply nodded in response, his eyes closed and already falling asleep. She picked him up and took him to his room, tucking him in to bed and planting a light kiss on his forehead.
“Goodnight, Sean. We’ll see you in e morning.” She said quietly.
“Goodnight, Jackie. Thank you for bringing me and Erica into the bestest family in the entire world. I think things are gonna be really great from now on.”
Jack, as well as the others, couldn’t have agreed more.
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