#the thing is. kokichi believed he deserved it.
kokitschi · 2 years
kokichis death still fucks me up. he chose to go out like that. can you imagine the amount of self hate you need to have to do that to yourself.
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harukamitsuki · 2 months
I need Bakugou stans to realise that it's not that I hate him as a person. It's that I hate him as a character.
A lot of my favourite characters are unrepentant assholes, or assholes who are set to or have already been redeemed. Vegeta from DBZ, Ouma Kokichi from DGR: V3, Dio from JoJo, Laxus from Fairy Tail, Greed from FMA: B, Bill from Gravity Falls, and the list that goes on.
If a character is a terrible person, that's fine by me. But if the author tries and fails to redeem them, yet still acts as though they are suddenly this amazing person, that's when I have an issue with it.
Bakugou was originally written to be a minor antagonist, and that would have been fine, if Horikoshi didn't suddenly go "I drew him crying so imma fix him".
Redemption is such a complex yet simple thing to do. So when you try to do it and fail spectacularly, um, yeah, I do not enjoy that character or your writing.
That is my main issue with Bakugou. I do not think he deserved any redemption, not because he's a bad person, but because there is nothing to convince me that he could change.
He gets one scene where he goes, "boohoo I lost and everyone is stronger than me" then cries, and that's supposed to be enough for him to become a better person? That is nowhere near enough.
There was no moment that made me believe he genuinely regretted and took accountability for the abuse he put Izuku through in middle school.
"He changed!" That's not my issue. I don't care that he's changed. I care that I don't believe in it. If there was a plausible reason as to why he changed, then I would be fine with it. Maybe I'd even enjoy him!
The fact that he's changed doesn't mean shit if it's not believable.
"That was in middle school!" Okay. This one pisses me off the most. That was a year pre-canon? Oh, wow, I guess that's completely fine! It's not as if characters are the way they are based on their past. Oh, Itachi killed the Uchiha clan before canon! Okay, maybe comparing a massacre to bullying is a bit unfair. Still, just because it happened a year ago, it doesn't mean it never happened. It doesn't mean that he's changed considerably.
"Izuku doesn't have any lasting damage and forgave him!" And? Just because your friend forgives their bully, it doesn't mean you have to forgive them. And, again, I do not believe Bakugou's apology was good in anyway. He was trash-talking Izuku, blaming All Might for Izuku's behaviour, and didn't accept any culpability for what he did to him. He didn't tell anyone else what he did to Izuku. Also, if Izuku really didn't have any lasting damage from the bullying, then why did Bakugou's apology make him calm down? If he didn't care about the bullying, then why is he so relieved by the apology? BECAUSE HE WAS AFFECTED.
"Bakugou was being abused!" ... NO HE WASN'T!! Mitsuki is not abusive. Yes, she hit him round the back of his head. After he threatened her. Anyone with Asian parents can tell you that her hit does not hurt. Not only is it somewhat normal in Asian families, but it also doesn't hurt. We have no evidence that she is abusive. Horikoshi knows how to set up abusive families, as seen with the Todorokis. This not that. Either way, even if she was, being abused doesn't mean it's okay to abuse others. You can hurt without hurting others.
"It's the school and teacher's fault!" No, it's not. Part of the fault lies with them enabling him, but Bakugou is already fifteen when the series starts. His mother clearly doesn't agree with his attitude. The school is only partially to blame. Bakugou should have learned by himself what is right and what is not. In fact, he clearly does know considering he doesn't want any of that stuff on his records in case U.A. rejects him.
Again. I don't care if he's a terrible person. I care that he's a terrible character.
So the next time someone says that I'm stuck in Season One, take a moment and think about what you're saying. Bad people in fiction are entertaining. Bad characters are not.
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lampochkaart · 9 months
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I can never stop thinking about how many parallels they have, including opposing ones. For example, their deaths.
Kaito died in peace, with hope in his heart. He was confident that his friends would be able to win and get out. He believed that Shuichi would be able to reveal the truth. He believed that Maki would be able to find the strength in herself and move on, that she would be able to love herself. Also, even though Monokuma tried to make him suffer by destroying him with something he loves, he unwittingly granted Momota's wish. Kaito went into space, as he had always dreamed of. He died before the execution was completed, thus depriving Monokuma and the audience of enjoyment. He died with a smile on his face.
It’s impossible to say for sure about Kokichi, because the retelling of events is how Shuichi imagines what happened. However, judging by the meager bits of information (and the very fact that Kaito seemed a bit reluctant when he talked about what happened), it is unlikely that things were any fun.
Kokichi died in despair and hopelessness. He didn't know whether his plan would work or fail. He couldn't know how well Kaito could (and would) carry out the plan. He couldn't even be 100% sure that Kaito wouldn't just throw away his plan as soon as he died. Of course, judging by the fact that he already had an entire script that just needed tweaking for the current situation (and I think, he prepared script in advance), he was planning on using Kaito for this plan. But still, everything happened unexpectedly, quickly and they were very limited in time. He couldn't be sure that anything would work out. He put everything on the line because he simply had no other choice. Possibly he died believing that he deserved such a terrible death. Or maybe he didn't believe he could ask for more from Kaito, so he gave him the easiest way to kill - press the button of the hydraulic press. Kokichi died with no hope of salvation and no certainty that what he did would make any difference.
+ sketches because i liked how they turned out
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thelyingjoke · 4 months
having loadssssss of gonta and kokichi thoughts now...obsessed with them The Besties Ever.........
it gets me because their friendship is both about trusting Each Other. and trusting Themselves. like. in those summer camp interactions. it’s gonta repeatedly putting his trust into kokichi. because that’s his Friend. everybody else says that he shouldn’t. kokichi says that he shouldn’t. but gonta trusts him anyway. not because kokichi is tricking him. but because he’s using his own judgment. instead of following what others say about kokichi and what kokichi says about himself he instead looks at him from his own point of view…and comes to his own conclusion to trust him. and i think that is So Sweet. gonta’s a Lot more intelligent than he gives himself credit for!!! his own conclusion—that kokichi ends up always doing something to make people laugh—is accurate!! he can read him well! that’s where the trusting Himself part comes in. because he’s so convinced that he isn’t smart. that other people inherently know better than him. and yet, even when everyone tells him kokichi’s just trouble—he makes his own decision. he has faith in himself to put faith in kokichi. he is confident in this, which i think is so very important for him
they both kinda see something in each other that the others don’t!!! gonta seeing into kokichi’s better intentions where other people wouldn’t, trusting him despite everyone’s insistence that he isn’t trustworthy, including from kokichi himself. kokichi realizing gonta’s intelligence in a way that others don’t, despite others’ and gonta’s own dismissiveness towards that.
like…aughhhh i have so many thoughts but they aren’t entirely coming out into words correctly. kokichi doesn’t think he deserves a friend like gonta, if the utdp graduation event didn’t make that clear. he almost can’t believe someone could like him as genuinely as gonta does, to the point of accusing gonta of lying about being sad to see kokichi gone. and then in summer camp he keeps saying how gonta trusting him worries him. for kokichi it’s about learning to have faith in someone else to know when they want to hold faith in him. about having faith in himself to trust someone else. If that makes sense.
and then in the main game. It’s So Painful. because everything falls apart for them when they don’t have that. gonta had known what the motive video plan was and had agreed to it. but kokichi’s paranoia got the best of him, which led to gonta’s lack of belief in himself getting the best of him, and they didn’t work together again until chapter 4 at which point both of these issues had gotten Worse.
because the whole thing started with gonta now being so caught up in the need to protect everyone else and the belief that that’s all he’s good for. he goes with everyone’s distrust of kokichi and that’s exactly what kokichi uses to get him to do what he wants. while later kokichi becomes distrustful of gonta because during the trial, it seems like gonta is lying, and lying very well. I hope that i explained this in a way that makes sense my brain is foggy right now and i can’t seem to get the Exact Right words out
i just think they’re neat…i loveeeee the existence of the official non-despair AUs because they’re really cool insight. these two could be So Friends. basically i think they’re like this image:
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theamityelf · 7 months
I also would like to hear about Makoto also being kidnapped because if dr1 is anything to go off of he would be put into a bunch of dangerous situations for the sake of finding clues or taking down the mastermind and come back alive.
Also the prospect of Kokichi lashing out because he thinks he's lost the one person who believed in him and Makoto wanting SO BADLY to comfort him or make him understand but can't during this situation. Then later when he gets kidnapped when there is time, Makoto tries to make him understand that he has NEVER stopped believing in Kokichi he just thinks he crossed a line but he NEVER EVER hated him. Despite all of Kokichi's efforts Makoto has never hated him and I would like to know if he breaks down (from relief or grief that he doesn't think he deserves that kindness surprise me) or if it's just a small but meaningful consolation while he dies (because Makoto would never just LET Kokichi die no matter how much he did) that someone cared. It makes me go FERAL.
Absolutely! I'm right there with you, lol.
Okay, I can imagine it going down a few ways.
First of all, I can imagine Makoto starts asking too many questions when Kokichi says he's the mastermind, to the point that Kokichi realizes Makoto will undermine his "big reveal" if left unchecked, so he goes ahead and grabs him when he grabs Kaito, to make sure the group's reasons for questioning him are pulled out of play.
Alternatively, I can imagine that the whole "everything Kokichi does to mess with someone else ends up affecting Makoto by accident" thing that gets repeatedly set up earlier in the AU comes into play again here, in that Kokichi truly meant to only grab Kaito, but the Exisal accidentally grabbed Makoto, too, and rather than look like he made a mistake and isn't fully in control of these things, he plays it off like he meant to do that and takes Makoto with him.
Either way, Kaito is locked in the bathroom by himself and I imagine Makoto being kept elsewhere. If I'm being self-indulgent (which I am 😁) Makoto is kept in the big main area with Kokichi, to facilitate all that conversation and hurt/comfort.
(The bathroom has a window, and it's fine for Kaito to talk to people outside, since Kaito is buying into the idea of Kokichi as the enemy, but Makoto can't be allowed to talk to anyone and spread his belief that Kokichi is lying.)
And at that point, it becomes such an "I'm not trapped in here with you; you're trapped in here with me!" situation. Sorry, Kokichi; you can't run from him now. He's here, he believes in who you demonstrated yourself to be in your best moments, and he wants to have a genuine conversation with you. Makoto is using all the information he's gathered over the course of the killing game to contradict Kokichi being the mastermind, and Kokichi is doing his best to demoralize him as a last ditch effort to not have to deal with him. Maybe invoking Gonta as a kind of, "Do you want to be the next fool who believes in me until it's too late?" But Makoto's resolve doesn't shake.
Kokichi's smug mask falls and it devolves into a shouting match where Kokichi is pulling out every low blow he can and insisting that he's an evil supreme leader (Panic Talk Action, anyone?) and in the end Makoto just says, "No...that's wrong." And the last facade shatters.
I want Kokichi crying into Makoto's shoulder, wailing, "I really liked Gonta! And I really liked Miu!"
And then, because he can't help himself, once he's done crying, he sits up with a brittle smile, like, "Wow, did you really fall for that again?" (It's so ineffective, because he literally just went through the full process of sobbing to shuddering to sniffling to just breathing, and it was very gradual and peaceful, and then he just sits up like "lol jk".)
And Makoto replies, "Yeah. I did."
"Stupidhead. Obviously I was lying. You're so naive, it's a wonder you've made it this long. Maybe I'll put you out of your misery."
OR, if I'm being suuuuper self-indulgent, maybe Makoto actually gets hurt in the accidental Exisal grab and Kokichi can't do any of the posturing because as soon as they're locked in the hangar and the Exisal lets them go, they realize that Makoto is bleeding profusely and he and Kaito have to rush to give him emergency first aid. They're bickering the whole time.
Kaito's blaming Kokichi and Kokichi is blaming Makoto, like, "Why didn't you tell me you were bleeding, idiot?!"
Kaito's like, "Why would he?! You said you never cared about any of us!"
And yet Kokichi is so serious about making sure Makoto's okay, it occurs to Kaito that maybe that was a lie, too.
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Official Miu Iruma Post
[contains debate about the 4th case & trial of v3, post-game irouma, a dating show au with saiouma & kiiruma, talk about her abandonment issues, parental HCs and toxic yuri, just the normal way conversations in the Pit go, I simply cut out some of the screaming, distractions and put displaced replies closer to what they're replying to]
Hina: Kokichi’s Chapter 4 plan right It’s to do two things: Save him from Miu Make himself the villain Right Cause if that’s the plan WHY PUSH MIUS BODY OFF THE ROOF Clown: That was gontas idea!! Hina: No I’m blaming Kokichi for this fuck you Ves: i think he actually meant to kill everyone but that's an unpopular opinion sndhsgfgfh Hina: THEN HE SHOULDVE LET MIU KILL HIM IM SORRY MIU HAD THE BEST MURDER PLOT IN V3 AND SHE DIDNT EVEN GET TO USE IT BECAUSE KOKICHIS A FUCKING MINDREADER Apollo: LIKE HOW DID HE KNOW? WHAT. SHE WAS ACTING WEIRD SO HE CHECKED THE COMPUTER CODE? [yes. I assumed that this was just. canon] Sini: HE COULDN’T LET MIU KILL HIM Ves: NO?????????? THAT WOULD BE FUCKIGN STUPID???????????????????? Hina: No but if his plan was to kill everyone, Miu probably could’ve gotten everyone killed Ves: "i COULD convince the strong one and the detective to help me and carefully manipulate the trial til the end, but why don't i just throw it all to the wind instead-" miu was VERY OBVIOUSLY gonna kill someone dude Clown: MIUS SO BAD AT HIDING HER INTENTIONS BUT ITS OKAY I LOVE HER
Hina: Okay no I’ll give him that But Kokichi makes a lot of assumptions Like the “He’d be frozen in a touch” thing That’s a big assumption to make Ves: NO IT IS NOT THAT IS JUST ASSUMING MIU ISN'T COMICALLY STUPID IF SHE DIDN'T THINK OF THAT SHE WOULDN'T DESERVE TO BE CALLED A GENIUS if miu has control over the virtual world, then of course she'd add some way to stop him from resisting. that's an educated guess Clown: He didn't think he was going to be frozen but I think he assumes Miu was smart enough to make a fail safe!! She needed to do something to make him killable. I don't think he knew what it was but he knew she did something! Especially since she's openly telling everyone that she took away all dangerous objects and diminished their strength?? What are you scheming queen?? Apollo: I get he's smart but can he even read code because I doubt it was just written 'freezes when Miu touches' [with what monokubs pulled up for them. it was kind of written like that] Hina: No code is usually written very fucking simple Me: It wasn't an assumption? He knew. Because he looked into what she was doing.
Apollo: I still think he should have just 'decided to piss her off' and not show up to the meeting on the rooftop. Either that or he acts real sus so someone follows him up and sees her about to murder him Clown: I think he did act kinda suspicious! Like actively making a show of needing someone to watch him or clearly getting pulled off to the side so Miu could talk to him. Chee: He was being more sus than usual and that made V3 think “someone needs to watch him” Idk why they sent Gonta over when its Kokichi actually Clown: I like to think he gave her a chance to back out. If Miu had seen him act this way and still proceed with her plan. Well that that was that. Again. Probably not what they were intending BUT LET ME BELIEVE THEY WERE FRIENDS AT ONE POINT SOBS Chee: DUDE NO I ALSO LOVE THINKING THEYRE FRIENDS THEY FUCKING WORKED TOGETHER FOR FUCKS SAKE Tehyre friends to me fuck whatever canon goes against that!! Ves: she picks him because he's one of the only people who would conceivably go to a secluded place with her and that Hurts me Me: With his views on killers he most likely thought that Miu will go for a kill no matter what and will do something else if she's not forcefully stopped. Plus, he was pissed off first, she betrayed him and he was especially cruel when talking about her after that, some elements of the plan were going out of the way to say "fuck you" to Miu (and using that to draw more suspicion to himself, but that was not necessary to do that), I think he wanted Gonta to be the winner, as somebody who stayed on his team, making it his victory, but then Gonta wasn't following the plan, meaning that he must have betrayed him too, and then Kokichi lost it
Sini: OOOOH! You mean the interpretation of him killing everyone… Let’s be real, if that’s the case, then yeah, he was dumb. Cause even with what Ves said, HE STILL FUCKED UP! FUCK REVERSE PSYCHOLOG! WHY TF WOULD YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH SM YOU DUMB BITCH!? YOU’RE GIVING OUT MORE EVIDENCE He was so dumb for it, idc. Bro, stfu….Saying Gonta is the culprit!? WHY!?!? SHUT UUUPPPP I get the logic but fuck man! It’s so risky and stupid! Why would you do that!? Ves: OH I DON'T THINK THAT WAS PART OF THE ORIGINAL PLAN CAN YOU IMAGINE LMAO that's BEYOND "risky and stupid" sini did you think i thought this the whole time HE'S BETRAYING GONTA AT THAT POINT I- Chee: YEAH I THINK THAT WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN Me: It definitely wasn't part of the original plan, that was the moment he snapped Sini: Oh. I knew that too but I forgot how you interpreted it. But he does similar shit even in the beginning of the trial. I just….I think it’s dumb. This is part of why I don’t think he planned to kill everyone Oh yeah, I know that. I just wasn’t sure what they meant, there are many ways you can interpret this theory. But yeah, I agree that he thought there would be no reasoning with her and she would kill him regardless. While he could’ve let Miu kill him, keeping Miu alive is good in case the plan were to ever fail. Her plan was really good, even Shuichi noted that without finding out about the secret of the virtual world that they would’ve been fucked. She could’ve very well won had he just let her kill him, but still, it’s better he have control over the situation than potentially die for no reason while the game continues. I get that. But like….What did Gonta do to not follow with the plan? From what I remember, by the time Kokichi outed Gonta….He didn’t do anything?? No one suspected him until he brought it up. Gonta became suspect because of him. Why would he do that? Are you saying he got so pissed that Gonta was good at not being sus that he changed his mind? Cause I honestly find that ridiculous. It is literally essential that Gonta not be suspicious so that they win…. Was it a method to make Gonta not suspicious by making him suspicious? But again, why? No one was ever suspecting him and he should know that most of everyone would never suspect him as the culprit at that point because it’s Gonta. Yes, they’ve suspected Gonta plenty times before and you could say they only reacted that way cause Kokichi was the one saying it, but…I feel at that point everyone grew closer to Gonta and would have that genuine bias. Kokichi outing Gonta just led to him spewing more evidence that got them fucked even before he snapped at him. He was basically giving hints since the beginning of the trial. I always read it like he was doing what he usually did until Shuichi and the others pissed him off. Then Gonta pissed him off by denying everything and everyone believing him despite the evidence. Ves: it's not that gonta didn't follow the plan, it's that he followed it too well. you have to remember that kokichi had no way of knowing about the cord mixup; from his perspective, gonta was just lying his ass off. and he was lying so well kokichi wouldn't've been able to tell if he hadn't seen him kill her. even in an interpretation where he planned to betray gonta from the beginning, i think that would've freaked him the hell out
Sini: But he wasn’t really lying before…. He wasn’t doing anything. He was barely present in the trial until that point. Ig that’s a form of lying, maybe Kokichi expected him to be all nervous and shit?? But….Is that good enough reason to out him and abandon your plan??? I see some people say how he could’ve suspected Gonta as the mastermind, but I can only see him suspecting that after he outed him. And even then…If he was the mastermind…Why would he follow his plan in the virtual world in the first place? Surely Kokichi must’ve thought of that. To think he’s the mastermind based off of good lying alone, while understandable, is also a bit of a stretch. Kokichi knows there is more to Gonta than what people see, he’s seen him lie before. It’s just at that moment where it’s taken to a whole other level that even rivals his own (at least that’s what he thinks). But still…I just….He said that unprompted and I can’t think of a good reason as to why he’d do that after planning all this out There is Gonta debating Shuichi before I think but that’s still not enough to do something like call him the culprit I feel…. I just don’t understand it. Maybe I’m giving Kokichi too much credit, but it’s weird. Ves: gonta has repeated that he doesn't understand over and over in a very convincing (because it's true) way by that point tho idk ch4 doesn't make a lot of sense to me without the idea that kokichi was originally planning to follow through TBF though it's the clearest example of kokichi being a microcosm of v3; it's meant to be up to the player to decide what they believe, and that means there's evidence both ways. it's definitely a weird way to write a character Sini: But again, Kokichi knows he isn’t stupid. He must know he can probably pull off just saying “I don’t understand”. Not to mention, I don’t think he’d do something like this at all. Chapter 1 he acknowledges how if they die, they can just bring in new people and the games will continue. While everyone dying is a unsatisfying ending, it’s not enough to end the game. It has enough entertainment value and not enough scandal where it could do that much damage. Kokichi must still think this is all a show even if at that moment where he believed what he saw in the vault was real. Is it really winning the game and bringing justice to those who died if he follows the rules practically to a T and kills everyone? It’s not that much of a satisfying ending for him either. Ig he could’ve not known what else to do and was overwhelmed with despair, but I personally don’t think he’d want things to go that way. But that’s just me. I agree that it’s written in a way where you don’t really know what’s the truth. I understand the theory and I think the idea is cool, with enough evidence to support it. To me though, it just doesn’t jive
[I just got hit in the face with a crack theory: What if he made it so it looks like he gave in to the motive and wants to kill everyone so the mastermind doesn't intervene before he gets to flip the switch on them?] Ves: that's a totally fair interpretation!! i haven't asked - do you think he believed what he saw at the end of the tunnel :o? oh and also. i think believing what he saw would undo his ch1 belief about them just bringing more people in..? where would they get them from Clown: I guess that's assuming he'd believe the world really did end. But thats vauge too, how much did he believe it? How long? Did he even believe it in the first place? WHO KNOWS Ves: i think he did believe it. i mean, he was THERE. he saw the broken world stretch out to the horizon, he felt the air leave his lungs that's very different than a flashback light Sini: Well, that’s the thing. I feel like he believed what he saw but soon afterward started to doubt it given everything else he witnessed. Why things are the way they are…It only makes sense if it’s a show. Kokichi himself acknowledges that in Chapter 5. The flashback lights….There’s so many things to not be trusted here. If they can pull off crazy rooms, executions, and robots, could they fabricate what he saw and experienced? Maybe it is real but there are survivors out there. I think Kokichi was in constant conflict about it Ves: it could be a show for just one person. i think that'd haunt him and yeah i agree about him being in constant conflict Clown: I do think he believed it for a good while!! It's hard not to. It probably effected him more than he realized. But at the same time the world around his is changing in completely unnatural ways, he acknowledges that it feels as though they're following a script sometimes. So that gave him room for doubts. But he couldn't really be sure Kodaka was a coward for not giving us a bonus unlockable scene where ouma sees the world end, BY HIMSELF, ALL ALONE, and just implodes in on himself for a little while I wanna see how he reacted!!! I wanna see why he even managed to get up again!! Ves: MAYBE I'M ALSO A COWARD JESUS Sini: I’m fine with not getting anything. The whole point is that he’s a mysterious character. The way we see him is supposed to be somewhat similar to how Shuichi sees him, constantly questioning wtf he is up to and how he feels But that would be cool tho Clown: I can agree with that! I do love that there's so much room to theorize about him This is entirely self indulgent askshjdh WHERES THE POV SWITCH KODAKA?? WHERE?? Sini:Yeah, same. I indulgently want a Kokichi Ouma novel but writing wise that’s a shitty idea Clown: Yeahhh, unless their willing to break away from the embodiment of a lie thing, at least a little, than i wouldn't have high hopes Or they could evilify him more thats also something that could happen
Hina: Me writing a whole Kokichi Miu fight scene be like Chee: no dude I actually enjoy that BC THERES NO WAY AFTER ALL THAT HAPPENED IN GAME THEY WOULDNT FIGHT Im just still praying theyll be friends after the fighting or something [sob emoji]
[conversation went into detail about how fucked up Kokichi novel could turn out to be if we got it (and so it's best it doesn't happen)] Clown: Miu and kokichi get an explosive divorce Ves: okay no i want this actually that sounds HILARIOUS Sini: That already happened in V3 tho Me: they are SO divorcecore <3 /pos Ves: they are the OPPOSITE of the "i don't argue with beautiful women, my wife hits me with a hammer and i walk it off" tweet Me: and I love that for them! frenemies irouma is nice, but they could take that to a higher level Ves: IT IS romantic iruma is just so inherently hilarious that "higher level" is divorce court Sini: “My wife tried to hit me with a hammer, that bitch got strangled” Clown: It's like the ending of one of those shows where they try and pair everyone off into couples but they explode as a result Maybe literally Miu puts a bomb in oumas cereal Sini: It’s their love language, dw Clown: They only got married because the people of their affections also got hit with the straight people ray and they're mourning together/hj Shuichi should marry maki to make it worse Ves: they're all cheating on each other Worst Suburb Of All Time Me: this gave me a VIOLENT flashback to that one hamilton songfic (Say No To This? I think) where Miu wrote Saihara a threathening letter bc Ouma was her husband and saiou was having an affair
Sini: Salmon Mode: Love is Blind edition Ves: hold on i've got a better one the ultimatum …actually hold on maybe i'm NOT joking an ultimatum au would kinda slap… are saiou in preexisting relationships or did they come together shuuichi issuing the ultimatum to kokichi would be TASTY but so would them falling in love and leaving their unhappy relationships for each other,,,, one person in a couple wants to get married, the other isn't so sure. they go on the show where they pick another person to be in a 'trial marriage' for a couple weeks, then go back to their original partners, then decide 'the ultimatum' is 'marry or our relationship is over' Clown: Oohh man I dunno. Them as a preexisting couple is ANGST AND PAIN and ✨️ drama ✨️ But them coming together is [teary eyed cat emoji] Hina: Okay but that's so good if they're preexisting in a relationship Me: the "getting back together" energy (despite there being no break-up and only a threat of it) is definitely up your alley and it could be neat, but them getting paired up for a few weeks fake relationship that's not intended to last should be injected in my bloodstream immediately or I'll die Ves: they're meant not to last, to be a test before they go back to their Real partners, but they find themselves happier than they ever were AUUUUUGH Hina: If we're being realistic though wouldn't Kokichi bail the moment Shuichi offers an ultimatum like that? Ves: IF WE'RE BEING REALISTIC NEITHER OF THEM WOULD GO ON REALITY TV IN THE FIRST PLACE THIS EXISTS SO I CAN HAVE FUNNY SAIOUMA COUCH ASIDES AND ENDGAME SMOOCHES Clown: Can't remove brain from shuichi giving the ultimatum because ouma is a flighty nerd- NEED THERE TO BE A SWEET SCENE WHERE GONTA AND KOKICHI BOND BECAUSE OF THEIR SIMILAR CIRCUMSTANCES BUT ON OPPOSITE ENDS. Gontas straightforward point of view seems illogical, it doesnt even take into account how much could go wrong, but its suprisingly comforting. Maybe ouma shouldn't focus on the fail safes… AND HE GAINS PLUS 1 BUDDY OLE PAL [I skipped a big part of the conversation suggesting other couples, but one of them was Gonta and Kirumi] Ves: gonta and kokichi come out Best Friends he's the best man at the saiou wedding unsure if kokichi gets this privilege also because. kirumi. but STILL Clown: She doesn't want his greasy face in the wedding party thats understandable If you wanna add some ✨️ drama ✨️ maybe shuichi is just a tad jealous over seeing ouma so genuinely connect with someone. After such a short time too?? Shuichi goes "this is fine" as if he isn't iron gripping the table Ves: he thinks kokichi's left him for bigger tits greener pastures meanwhile gonta is patting his back while he wails drunkenly about shuuichi inevitably leaving him he's NOT jealous he is a responsible partner he does not feel Bad Emotions he does NOT- he's not coping and seething that gonta is better at protecting kokichi from spiders
Ves: who is shuuichi's partner. rantarou is Not Allowed it hurts my brain Hina: Wow smh Miu/j Ves: he'd never pick her but GOD it'd be funny Clown: MAYBE KIIBO, FOR THE EXTRA LACK OF BRAIN CELLS Did Miu drag kiibo there?? Ves: love hotel abandonment issues flashbacks Clown: She would vent this in a completely public scandalous way I love that for her Miu iruma the walking disaster beloved Ves: why doesn't kiibo want to get married? is it just bc miu's being Like That about it or does he have his own issues Hina: What if their relationship is still fairly new Like less than a year Clown: "We aren't financially stable and the average expectancy of dating years before marriage is 4-6 years, we haven't yet to agree upon how many kids we would have because 8 is illogical. I think we should wai-" and Miu is throwing a tantrum Ves: i don't think i've ever seen kiiruma as anything but a fluffy side ship this is spinning in my brain oughhh miu iruma you are the worst gf of all time i love you messy bitch she's gonna key his car they are neurodiverging in opposite directions kiibo's autistic robot ass is planning things out according to nothing but logic meanwhile miu is traumatized and brain damaged and putting beans in all his shoes he doesn't Get why she's so sensitive about this he's said he's not going to leave her, and he's never proved himself a liar, so why doesn't she believe him??? actually on that topic. why do u guys think miu is Like That?? she apparently has very severe abandonment issues but they're brought up ONCE and NEVER EXPLAINED it bothers me i need to fill that gap with hc
Sini: Miu [handshake emoji] Kokichi Crippling trust/abandonment issues. Your love? They do not see Ves: and that's why they make such inch resting friends :) Sini: I hc her mother left her and her dad. Perhaps she also had a childhood friend who abandoned her since in the Love Hotel she sees you as one Ves: i'm inclined to say someone (a parent?) just BOOKED it while she was in the coma Clown: Oohhh!!! Similar hc!!! I also think she was raised by a single dad. Mom was too focused on her career Ves: i gave her a single mom LMAO does she just radiate Divorced Kid Energy??? Sini: SHE DOES HONESTLY What if they left after her coma? I can imagine it going like that…. Ves: i mean her personality was probably different by then maybe they just…didn't like her anymore…… Clown: Ahsgshwhs, I just think part of her sense of humor comes from the fact that her father was like…one of those drunk uncles who gives you shittiest dating advice and has been divorced 3 times and is not at all a bad person but has clearly made far too many mistakes. And he's her MAIN caretaker. And so he talked to her more like a friend than a daughter and so she really was craving some sort of bond she considered unbreakable, someone to take care of her. AND WHATS THAT?? ON TV?? YOUR ROMANTIC ENDEAVOR WOULD DIE FOR YOU?? YES PLEASE??? Ves: SHE JUST WANTS SOMEONE TO OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR FOR HER, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK Sini: Men these days, smh Hina: Easy, don't date men Ves: WOMEN WILL NOT FIX HER ISSUES HINA Clown: WOMEN COULD MAKE HER WORSE, TOXIC DOOMED YURI WHEN Ves: her and ouma, if you're not a COWARD Sini: Toxic doomed yuri fem!Kokichi/Miu. 100k words- Me: where [and I still don't see a fucking link] Hina: Ever female Kokichi I've seen scares me So yes I am a coward Me: multigendered Kokichi then, it can still be yuri and that's my preferred hc anyway Ves: kokichi's already a girl to ME. multigender queen Hina: I mean Big boobs Heterosexual Female Kokichi Sini: The big boobs are a red flag Me: I can excuse heterosexuality, but I draw the line at Kokichi with boobs /ref Sini: YOU EXCUSE HETEROSEXUALITY!?
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Birds of a Foreign Land Must Fly.
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*Shuichi, hiding out in Branch 2's Head Office, curls up into a ball and rests against the wall, burying his head in his arms and contemplating everything that happened...
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'Cause life sucks buddy boy. Especially for omniversal immigrants like us.
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*He almost falls over as a voice sounds out from near his desk.
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K-Kokichi!? When and how did you get in here?
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Well, considering you were devoting your eyes and ears to sobbing and crying, I doubt even your detective instincts could have noticed me when I just walked through the door.
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...Are you here to cheer me up...?
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Hah! Who do you take me for? That is NOT my thing!
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Hehe...I guess not...
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But even still. I'm DEFINITELY super curious. Whatcha crying about?
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We won! Zetsubou are gone, Shirogane's toast, and the world gets to live on another day! So why the soppy face?
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The way you ask that implies to me you know EXACTLY why I'm crying. Don't toy with me; now is not the time for your sick ideas of jokes...!
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Yeah...Yeah, I figured...I heard about what happened.
*Kokichi runs his fingers across the desk.
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Rantaro is permanently dead with no hope of being resurrected...Himiko is stuck as a mechanical-humanoid puppet and has to live out the rest of her life like that...and Tenko's such self-loathing moron that she ran away with her hair twirls between her legs...
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That is three additional piles of shitness on top of everything else that you don't deserve to be burdened with.
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It's nothing I can't handle...or at least...nothing I can't handle if I sit on it for a bit...
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Aw, poor Shuichi...He's doing a ME!
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Wh-What? Doing a...What?
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What I always do to stay upbeat, positive, and strong in the face of adversity:
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Lie to myself and say that everything is gonna be okay, even though I know it's not.
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I told you I don't want to hear it! Rrgh!
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Okay, I'll shut up now! Promise!
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Kokichi...This is probably a really stupid question that you're gonna get mad at me for, but I have to ask...
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Do you think...mngh...Do you think it would have been better for everyone if we'd returned to the universe we came from?
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...Why are you asking this...?
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Lately, I've had a lot of thoughts on my mind, but throughout all of them, just one as been really prevalent. And that's the thought that no matter what I do, or how much I think I've done, our existence in this world only makes things worse...
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This world was perfectly safe and peaceful until WE showed up...! The Future Foundation had everything covered, but the moment we arrived here...The moment Uchui dragged us into this world and out of our own...THAT'S when things started to go wrong.
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So...I've been stuck thinking lately that maybe I'm the problem. That our arrival here was some kind of mistake, and now...now I've just let Shirogane go free! I know as much as Uchui wants to believe it that she's gone for good, but I KNOW she's not dead!
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She's still out there, and she's going to hurt so many more people! And because I didn't kill her when I had the chance-!
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chickensoup1025 · 6 months
Kaito and Kokichi in the hangar drabble
TW: Suicidal Ideation, Death
Kaito had his hand on the stair railing but stopped and shook with grief. "I-I can't..."
"You have to Kaito. You have to kill me." Kokichi wasn't looking at him, just standing next to the hydraulic press, looking sadly at it and running his fingers along the fabric of Kaito's jacket. The hole in the sleeve from the poisoned arrow hurt to look at. Kaito was shot because of him. It doesn't matter if he tries to blame Maki. It's his fault, too.
So much was his fault.
Kokichi didn't realize tears were falling down his face until a teardrop landed on his outstretched hand. "You have to."
"No one deserves to die." Kaito would've normally put much more effort into his words but his sickness made even walking hard. He turned to the smaller boy. "I don't want to kill you..."
"I want you to."
It felt like cold water was thrown in Kaito's face. "You- what?"
Kokichi's face crumpled into one of anguish and he dropped to his knees.
Kaito rushed over, sinking to the ground as well and awkwardly hovered his hands over the other. "When you say you want to- are-"
"Yes, Kaito. I- I-" Kokichi could barely speak through his sobs. "I want to die..."
"No- no no no no no- Why!? I thought you were so obsessed with surviving the killing game! What happened?"
Kokichi tried to catch his breath but only barely could. "Remember G-" another sob racked through his body." "Gonta- his trial?"
Kaito frowned deeply. He would never forget that trial. Anger started to bubble in him from just remembering it. But the tears he watched stream down his rival's face doused the flames somewhat.
"Well, do you know why there was even a trial? Why I didn't just sell out G- him at the start?" Thankfully it didn't seem like Kokichi was looking for an answer as Kaito wouldn't have been able to give one anyway. "Because I wanted our plan to work. I wanted him to survive the trial."
"What?" Kaito breathed out.
"I agreed with his reasons. They were my reasons. Mercy. I believed you would all rather die not knowing the true despair of the outside world. That you all deserved to stay ignorant like I wish I could have. But. In the end I backed out of the plan and Gonta was executed. I was a coward. I was a coward when I asked Monokuma to execute me as well.
"I tried to run away without doing anything or finishing any of my work. I feel like a coward now for asking you to do this but this is the only way. And at least I can help you all, too. I don't want to die, Kaito," their eyes met and Kaito's heart broke. "But I also want to. Really really want to finally stop all this. And I deserve to die. I deserved to be executed instead of Gonta. Because I kept hurting all of you, saying it was for the greater good but the killing game is still happening. I tried to kill all of you so I deserve it-!"
Kokichi couldn't talk anymore as Kaito pulled him into a strong hug, mindful of their injuries, and he couldn't stop his tears. Kaito felt his own eyes burn and his gaze go blurry.
After a few minutes, Kaito coughed loudly and harshly enough to remind them that their time was running out. Kokichi wiped the snot from his nose but didn't bother with his tear stained cheeks.
"I'm s-" Kaito started but Kokichi interrupted him.
"Don't say you're sorry. It's all true. And it won't matter soon anyway." He glanced up at the hydraulic press then met his eyes again. "It's time."
Kaito took a deep breath. "Okay."
When Kaito was up, ready with the camera and control panel, he saw Kokichi climb underneath. The last thing he saw of Kokichi before he was reduced to an explosion of blood was an expression full of fear, but also relief.
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starstruckserenity · 1 year
hello! i’d like to request an imagines of kokichi x reader that has quiet bpd. sorry if this costs you research on the bpd subtype, i was just really curious on this dynamic. you can either make them platonic, romantic or a little bit of both! idm ^_^
btw, your blog looks really cool! definitely interested in seeing more of your writing. /gen
hello!! ^^ thank you so much for your request. this request in particular stood out to me, as i can relate to what you may be going through. i truly hope you are feeling okay. you are VERY loved and very very important. you may not know me, but i love you. /p please remember that you are worthy of care.
thank you so much, again!! you really are so, so sweet <3
general trigger warning ; implications of suicide and s/h, deprecating thoughts and actions
*if you are triggered by any of these topics, please refrain from reading this! if you are comfortable enough, you may read under the cut. thank you! please take care of yourself!*
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Kokichi tried to convince himself he didn't care about anything or anyone, forcing himself to laugh at others' misfortune. He practically blocked every important person in his life out, discarding them like needless waste. He was utterly selfish. He made himself believe no one deserved his precious time, much less his pity.
But how could he ignore you when you were struggling so much? When it was so blatantly obvious that you needed someone, anyone?
Ouma had always kept an eye on you from afar. He hated the feeling of utter worry you evoked into him. You two had barely exchanged any complete sentences to each other, your conversations merely consisted of Kokichi greeting you in the halls. You considered him to be a casual acquaintance. To all of your classmates, you seemed like any normal person. Sure, you were a bit shy, but isn't everyone a bit quiet from time to time? But Kokichi could see right through you.
There was something about you that made him feel the need to watch you. When you were alone, you were constantly nervous, constantly quiet, constantly deep in thought. He had this weird sort of mental complexity that made him feel he had the duty of protecting you.
It was a quiet morning, and you were sitting by yourself in the courtyard. It was cold, and you were sure no one was awake yet. You enjoyed the quiet, but in all honesty, you wish you weren't alone. You desperately wished you could speak to others, but when given the chance, you instantly backed out. This was such a common experience to you, that with every new person you meet, you instantly expect the worst to happen. You braced yourself for the most horrible outcomes possible.
You felt as though you didn't deserve someone to hold onto, they would just leave you in the end. They all did. As much as you wanted someone to talk to, you couldn't risk getting hurt again. You were sensitive. You didn't know what you would do if you got hurt again. Your heart has been ripped apart over and over and over and over again. All that is left is a painful, lump of muscle that ached and throbbed in your chest. The only thing you could feel was the slow, gentle beating that ricocheted from your chest and throughout your body.
Why did you have to feel like this, anyway? Why can't you just be normal? Happy? At the very least, why couldn't you be okay? Did you do something to deserve this?
Yes, of course you did. You deserved to feel this way. You obviously did something to disturb the peace of the world with your mere presence. You were a burden to every single individual you came into contact with. You couldn't handle the guilt anymore. You couldn't handle the pain you had to endure with every breath you took. You had to do something, and quick. You should just go to your room and do what you've done so many times before. Fuck. You should just end it all, no one would miss you anyway---
You suddenly felt the weight of someone sitting beside you. You panicked, struggling to wipe the fresh tears dripping down the sides of your face. You attempted to compose yourself, slowly lifting your head up to see who you were dealing with.
"You look rough." Kokichi muttered.
You tried your best to not let his snide remark hurt you, so you just stared at him with a bewildered expression painted across your face. He had never really talked to you beforehand, so why? Why was he here now? ...Was it fate? Oh god, is he going to make fun of you? Another tear slipped and made its way down your cheek, the fear of being tormented was contaminating your thoughts. You wanted to run, but you were stuck to the bench.
"I'm... so sorry that you have to see me like this." Was all you could stutter out. It took all of your willpower to not burst into tears again.
Kokichi's expression softened. "Hey, hey. It's alright. I'm not gonna hurt you, or anything."
Was he lying? He had to be. As much as you liked him, you knew he was a liar. You gazed at him intently, looking for any signs of insincerity but was left with a blank stare. So he really was being truthful, huh...?
"...Since I'm already here, you might as well tell me."
"Huh?" You questioned.
"Tell me... how you're feeling. I guess." He said, shifting uncomfortably. He knew he probably sounded so fucking stupid right now, mentally cursing at the fact he absolutely embarrassed himself in front of a person he liked.
"I'm fine." You said through clenched teeth, your heart beating quickly. You shook in surprise at the amount of attention he was giving you.
"Come on, don't be silly. I know you're not okay. Uh, even though we might not... know each other very well... yet... I'm willing to listen to you. So don't waste this opportunity, alright? It's one you may never get to experience again." He joked around, trying to be careful with his choice of words.
And after he spoke those words, you caved in. You did something you haven't done in so long. Something so terribly selfish in your eyes. But you were so desperate. You confided in him. You let out all of your thoughts, spilling your feelings onto him like a running faucet that refused to stop.
You got so lost in your passionate ramble, screaming broken sentences and profanities into the palms of your hands. And he just sat there and listened. He listened until you were still, until your tears dried and left wet patches across your face and clothing.
Once he knew you were calm, he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in close.
"I'll be here for you from now on," He whispered in your ear before slowly helping you out of your seat. "Don't worry."
And so, you began talking to Kokichi every day. Since he was already aware of your situation, he decided to take the time to inform himself on ways to provide a helping hand whenever you suffered through a breakdown or anything of the sort. Your friendship grew stronger with every conversation you had.
If you were feeling angry, he let you ride out the anger until you felt satisfied and helped you work through the conflict as a pair. If you were feeling shameful or unusually quiet, he would implore you gently into telling him how you feel, so that he could reassure you that you hadn't done anything wrong and that everything you were feeling was totally valid. If you felt vulnerable, he would be there to hold you for as long as you needed.
He constantly made sure to tell you that you were more than enough. And when he finally, finally confessed his love for you after, he promised that he would never leave your side. And it is a promise he is more than willing to keep.
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okthatsgreat · 1 year
can you do one for nagito? the "why is everyone mean to nagito, he never did anything wrong" except he did and deserves that everyone treated him like shit.
the fandom definitely treats all three antags quite differently but one of the similarities between how people treat nagito and kokichi is that they are both victimised in crimes that they had very intentionally committed. like i said in my previous post, in the fandoms pursuit of finding meaning and sympathetic reasoning behind these characters actions they are reducing them to character traits that do not embody them at all, which leads to the fandom getting angry at the OTHER characters for being mean or expressing fury over the antag's actions. ive seen this more frequently with kokichi but it ABSOLUTELY also happens with nagito
with characters like nagito it becomes a very fine line between understanding that he has a reason behind his actions and believing he is entirely justified in what hes done. there is a difference between a character having a motivation and a character having a justifiable excuse-- neither of these are "better" from a narrative standpoint necessarily, but it is important to discern when examining a character. nagitos ideology of hope has become so radicalised and overzealous that he is willing to hurt himself AND (more importantly in this argument) other people just to reach this.
kokichis true motivations are never reeeaalllly laid out simply (mostly because its impossible to tell if kokichi is lying or not), which leaves a lot of room for the fandom to create sympathetic explanations for why he did the things he did. nagito is a bit different in that he makes his motivations extremely clear from the beginning, and explains that he is intent on hurting others if it means finally reaching his goal. whether or not he believes it is for the "greater good" does not change the fact that he is intentionally placing his classmates in harms way. he gets people killed and he doesnt express much visible remorse about it, and is willing to do it again. he places BOMBS ON THE ISLAND???? it is ENTIRELY reasonable for the other characters not to like him. there is no reason for them to be patient with him when he is an immediate threat to their safety and wellbeing.
there are elements of nagitos story that are supposed to be sympathised with, absolutely. but using those sympathetic elements to portray nagito as a character who never wanted to harm others is reducing him to a person he really never was in canon. its unfair to expect the rest of the cast to be extremely patient with him and forgive him all because he has a few sympathetic reasons as to why he did the things he did. nagito still intentionally and deliberately hurt other people. having a reason for why he hurt other people doesnt mean the other characters are not allowed to react negatively to being hurt, and it sucks that some of the fandom thinks that theyre all dickheads for it lmao
nagito is an extremely fascinating character but he NEEDS to be analysed for his good and bad parts. his willingness to hurt others in the sake of hope is frankly what makes him so compelling. and please for the love of god he doesnt have to be this completely blameless victim for him to be your favorite character, APPRECIATE HIS FLAWS !!!!!
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andromebaa · 1 year
Okay so, I’m currently brainstorming ideas for one of my DanganHorror stories. It’s going to be focused on Yasuhiro and I’m deciding if I want to make it romance adjacent. It’s probs going to be one of the least romance-centric stories out of the trilogy. Only issue is I have no idea who to pair him with lol.
The story is going to be a timeloop with some humour but I’m planning to take a few dark, horrifying turns as well.
Also I’m not fussy, I’ll accept basically anyone from the three games (it’s gonna be an au so anyone goes). The only ones I probably won’t choose will be the main characters from the other DanganHorror stories (Kaito, Kokichi, Leon, Sayaka) just because I want to try writing other characters.
The ones I’ve listed below I’m planning to have appear in the story, but feel free to suggest others!
Extra context:
Byakuya pairing amuses me endlessly. That’s literally it. He would hate every second of this. Just the Two of Us has gotten me into enemies to lovers so hard. Probs my fav rare pair currently.
Aoi/Yasuhiro because I think Hina would be like, one of the only people who would believe if he was stuck in a timeloop. Banter would be fun. Also a guilty pleasure pairing of mine lmao
Fuyuhiko/Yasuhiro is ridiculous but I have plot points that make sense in context. Another potential enemies to lovers thing. Fun fact I already have a NSFW scene ready to go for this. It’s really funny.
Chihiro getting roped in because they can’t say no. Also tech wizard stuff idk might help with plot things maybe. Big potential for wholesome romance.
Shuichi because he’s the goodest detective. He just wants to help. Also wholesome romance stuff.
Junko is kind of interesting because depending on where the plot goes it might get a bit crazy. Yasuhiro is scared of her the entire time. Very chaotic.
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d4y-0f-judg3m3nt · 1 year
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Lust: Mikan Tsumiki.
Reason: It's implied she fakes all of her weird ecchi poses and suggestive "accidents" for attention, something Hiyoko calls her out for. She believes it's better to have negative attention than no attention at all.
Chastity: Gonta Gokuhara.
Reason: Gonta is best gentleman. Also, when you play as Kaede, he'll mention casually that he sleeps naked and then vow never to do it again when she says it's not something a gentleman would do, then proceeds to ask what else he shouldn't do.
Gluttony: Kokichi Ouma.
Reason: You'd think this would go to a food-lover, but gluttony is just "overindulgence", which he does a lot. He overcompensates for everything he lacks with lies, and he goes very over-the-top with a lot of his "scary" expressions. Plus, he's got one of the loudest and most obnoxious personalities because he never shuts up, and he loves to tease.
Temperance: Rantaro Amami.
Reason: He dies early, but he's overall the most "tame" Danganronpa character, a bit "boring" by nature, but he also seems like the type to advise moderation with things like alcohol.
Pride: Hiyoko Saionji.
Reason: Heiress of the Saionji clan, she is a bully who tears down others to assert herself as capable and deserving of respect.
Humility: Shuichi Saihara.
Reason: This role almost went to Nagito, however, unlike all the other true protagonists, Shuichi is the only one with an actual talent and doesn't *show* it with his demeanor. He's quiet, timid, and meek, unlike Nagito's fervent display of snobbism toward non-Ultimates.
Sloth: Himiko Yumeno.
Reason: Himiko is just... generally a lazy person. This role would've gone to Sakakura for shirking his responsibility, but I'm gonna go with a game character, and Himiko fits it the best.
Diligence: Kirumi Tojo.
Reason: Kirumi, being the Ultimate Maid, is expected to complete her work thoroughly, and she's often taken advantage of for that fact and forced to do things like massaging Tenko and being Kokichi's "mother". Even her dislikes have "Taking Days Off" written in it.
Envy: Tsumugi Shirogane.
Reason: She spends the whole game talking about how plain she is. Unlike humility, however, she says it in a tone that suggests she wants to be better than she is and like everyone else. Also could've been Nagito, but he already feels above non-Ultimates, so it doesn't work here. Tsumugi also envies others so much that she'd rather be them than herself, especially Junko.
Kindness: Sayaka Maizono.
Reason: She's a pop star with a sad home life. She'd have every reason to become a stuck-up snob, but she still goes out of her way to be polite to non-Ultimate characters like Makoto or characters who are generally "beneath" her, like Celestia, considering she's a criminal (gambling is illegal in Japan). You'd have to assume this was genuine, because this was before the Killing Game was introduced, and plus, she even spent her final moments trying to clear her framee's name, before she even know failing to convict the killer would result in execution (she never found out the consequences).
Greed: Celestia Ludenberg.
Reason: She's the only killer to kill for a genuine "selfish" reason (although I suppose it depends on what you'd consider selfish), that reason being money. She's a true sociopath who only cares for herself and those close to her (like her cat).
Charity: Komaru Naegi.
Reason: She has every reason to want to *kill* the Warriors Of Hope, but instead, she decides to put a stop to their antics and believes they can be reformed and are just hurt children, and she welcomes Kotoko with open arms when she joins the team.
Wrath: Maki Harukawa.
Reason: Maki not only forced a man into a position where he'd have to choose between either poison or crushing, but also tried to get everyone else killed to kill him on the off-chance he *did* survive and kill her love interest (who she also forced into the same position by mistake).
Patience: Chiaki Nanami.
Reason: She's incredibly kind and gentle toward almost everyone, even Nagito. She spends the entire game dishing out advice, and her patience seems to be limitless, only slapping Akane Owari for the purpose of calming her down.
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Kokichi only gained Gonta's trust just to use him.
Even the Ultimate Kokichi Stan/theorist, oumakokichi on Tumblr, said that Gonta and Ouma's relationship is inherently abusive. WHEN THE ULTIMATE KOKICHI STAN/ANALYST SAYS THAT, AT LEAST TRY TO PAY ATTENTION.
"Gonta is someone who trusts others implicitly, always tries to see the best in people, and is kind, gentle, and compassionate. Throughout earlier chapters, but especially in Chapter 4, Ouma comes down hard on him, insults him, and tells him to "stop moping" or "focusing on what he can't do" and while these things are likely the same kind of act that he put on in order to force Himiko to confront the promise she made to Tenko, it still doesn't change the fact that he says pretty awful things to Gonta in order to achieve these results."
"To try and ship Gonta and Ouma in a romantic fashion or anything similar is just...really not good. Gonta doesn't deserve to be put in any kind of shipping dynamic where he's going to be seen as anything less than equal, and there's really no way to deny that Ouma doesn't see him as an equal, but as a piece to be moved on a gameboard. This is something really important to be remembered with most ships, in my opinion, but with this one in particular I'll just say that it does really make me uncomfortable that people would want to make this kind of treatment into something "cutesy" or "shippy" when it's really not supposed to be, and not portrayed as such by the game." (Lunarin64art: "This sign can't stop me because I can't read".)
"An undeniable part of why he relies on Gonta probably comes down to the fact that yes, he does see him as one of the more easily manipulated members of the group. As one of the only characters whose reaction is to trust even Ouma implicitly, rather than to assume that he's lying, Gonta and his sweet, trusting disposition mean that whenever Ouma does have a plan that needs being done, he always has a pretty accessible, physically strong member of the group to rely on. This is pretty evident with the fact that he knew Gonta looked large and intimidating enough to round up all the members of the group into the entomology lab while Ouma himself was off trying to collect evidence."
In any good Virtual Simulation AU everyone is alive and well except Kokichi, because Miu, Maki or (the best option) Gonta put him off life support before he could wake and that fucker died as he deserved. Everyone was happy he died and absolutely no one mourned him.
You REALLY thought Kokichi would ACTUALLY INFORM Gonta about the Bugvac? When Kokichi NEEDED to keep Gonta's self-esteem as low as possible so that he would be easier to manipulate. Of course he wouldn't show Gonta anything that could make him believe in himself. What a stupid pile of filth you are.
"He never treats Gonta the way he did on chp4 on any other part of the game." 
Okay, how about Kokichi telling Gonta that if he keeps being so gullible it would get him killed while PLANNING to get him killed since Day 1, being a shit to Gonta in their pre-Free Time Events in Chapter 2, manipulating Gonta into kidnapping everyone by telling him that his classmates hate bugs (Which was a part of Kokichi's plan to get rid of Ryoma and Kirumi by letting Kirumi kill Ryoma, so Kokichi basically made Gonta indirectly cause two people's deaths)? Kokichi telling Gonta "nothing good ever happens when you try to help" in Chapter 3? Kokichi constantly calling Gonta an idiot?
" I also find it strange how there are still people who actually think that Ouma didn't care about Gonta. That was legitimately one of his most obvious lies in the entire game. His end talk with Kaito wouldn't make any sense otherwise, nor his interactions with Gonta on TDP and DRS." 
His interactions with Gonta in TDP and DRS don't show that he cares for him in the slightest. Aside from Ouma's graduation event, where he slightly regrets abusing Gonta for three years, there's literally no indication that he, in any way, cares about Gonta. Where's it? When he tells Gonta that he's going to kill someone by playing volleyball (TDP)? When he banters with Junko while Gonta just stands here as a prop - he only came to see Junko, who is his bestie, not to protect Gonta from her or stuff, Gonta was never the main objective here (TDP). Two neutral interactions with Gonta where he just farts around without doing or saying anything that would imply he gives a shit about Gonta? (Summer Camp) And two more interactions with Gonta that feature Gonta mostly serving as a mediator between him and the other characters without Ouma ever once doing anything in return for Gonta? (Summer Camp) His every single interaction with Gonta is abusive. Gonta cares about Kokichi and tries to put actual effort into their "friendship". Kokichi just uses him for his own benefit and doesn't give Gonta anything in return.
ok. and? I'm not replying to your other 6 anons. you're putting way too much energy into nothing. it's almost like Danganronpa isn't canon IN canon. and anything can happen. idc what a Kokichi expert says. just because one person puts on a big boy hat and does amazing work to analyze the character doesn't mean I need to care. like they are right. I've never said it wasn't abusive. i like that blog and they are right on many accounts but im allowed to have my own perspective on the characters and plot. people are allowed to do that. but you, the anon, the one using another person's words to justify, clearly have no nuanced takes and a deep-seeded hate for kokichi. if you think JUNKO has any emotions that Kokichi somehow lacks and that he DESERVES DEATH then anything else you said is null to me. maybe you should listen to the kokichi stan about why they stan them. because you're clearly just using another's words to fuel your hate. danganronpa isn't real. irl or in canon. none of it matters. let people ship what they want.
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Nanami Anon: I believe I promised I'd dump my Kokichi Characterization Thoughts into your inbox at some point? Well, anyways, buckle up. The thing I'm trying to write is going slowly rn because I'm in a big clump of some of those connector/establishing scenes that are only satisfying once they've paid off so I may as well do this and be about as productive as I was gonna be anyways.
Ok. So. Kokichi and Kiibo wake up the same room, we think. They're certainly in the same one when Kaede and Shuichi find them, and it's very similar to the one that pair woke up in. Neat, this dude's a robot! Still, it's kinda freaky to wake up somewhere you've never been before. Who's responsible for that? We dunno, nobody seems to know, best be on guard. Don't look vulnerable. Nobody else's skill in combat has been established, so Kokichi can't be sure he can defend himself. Oh, everyone's being told that they have to get away with murder if they want to go free? Double down.
Rantaro dies. The game truly begins. If he wasn't stressed before, he is now-- everyone is. Don't look vulnerable. So he keeps up the cheerfully immature facade. Keeps lying. Keeps pointing out that he's lying, not so that people look past it but so that they ignore it when the act breaks.
Kaede dies, because she killed Rantaro. She didn't want him dead, sure, since he wasn't the one who brought them all here, but that's what she got. The person who put the most work into keeping the group pointed in the same direction is dead. Because she killed someone. There's no point in really trusting anyone. Is there?
Everyone's snippy because they're stressed, but some people are still nice enough. Kokichi does wind up bonding with certain people. Him and Kiibo and Miu like snarking at each other, it seems. He and Gonta make a pretty good tag team, honestly-- I've already talked about how, if you act at the right time, you see Gonta fully aware of the motive video viewing aspect of the insect meet and greet, but that's not the only thing. At one point, Gonta mentions he thought he saw a bug for a moment, but couldn't find it after; because of this, Kokichi at some point asks Miu to build the bug-vac. There's clearly a certain amount of mutual respect between all of these parties, if you know where to look for it.
Ryoma dies. What happened before wasn't just a one time thing. Ryoma is dead because someone thought they deserved to leave more than he deserved to live. No pretense of belief it was his fault everyone is there, since he'd offered his life to free someone before. Something intentional, if well intentioned.
Kirumi dies, because she killed Ryoma. Kirumi, who cared for them, all of them, was willing to let them die for her own goals. Willing to kill them all for her own goals. And, sure, perhaps they are noble goals. Who else has noble goals here, that they might find worth killing for?
In Ch3, Miu's lab with the big ass computer opens up and she begins working on a project involving it. This becomes instrumental in what we eventually learn to be her plan to kill Kokichi. We don't know when he finds out about this, but it's probably sometime during Ch3, since most of Ch4 is dedicated to the NWP. Miu is his friend, which is not something he's sure he can say about most everyone else here. Possibly, she is even his best friend. He was helping her put together this place for everyone to be away from the killing game, at least for a little while, and it was all so she could kill him?
He is a liar. He knows this. Everyone around him knows this. There is no one he can tell, who he can trust to believe him, to help him keep himself safe. Is there?
Angie and Tenko die, because there is malice in this place. Why else would Tenko be dead, if not for malice? Angie, one could have claimed, died for freedom. But Tenko? There was no reason for her to die. Angie was already gone. Kokichi picked the lock to find her body himself, was one of the first people to see her dead. And then Tenko dies, too. Killed right in front of him, even if he didn't see.
And then, while he's investigating an empty room (maybe because he thinks something might be there. maybe because he just needs some space to think.) he falls through the floor. He knew this place was shittily made, but-- No, lying under the floorboards with his concussion and looking up at the cause, he can see that this was quite intentional sabotage.
He is a liar. He knows this. Everyone around him knows this. There is no one he can tell, who he can trust to believe him, to verify what could become a crucial piece of the puzzle. But he does have a bleeding head injury. That's got to count for something. Perhaps there's something easier to convince people of, than the fact that he cares. (Perhaps people want to believe more in the idea that he's so opportunistic about messing with them, that he'll use his real ass head injury to play dead just for a reaction.)
Korekiyo dies, because he killed Angie and Tenko. Because of his malice. Kokichi watches him, and knows that one way or another someone will be following him all too soon.
Maybe he realizes Gonta doesn't remember, when they get out of the NWP and he's acting the same as he did before they went in. Or maybe he doesn't. But he does cry, when the voting's done. Even if he walks it back afterwards, even if everyone thinks he's a horrible person for walking it back too far. He does cry. Whether it was real or not. But what reason would he have to pretend? To fake a vulnerability he immediately denied? Kokichi broke that day, I think, the snapped wing of his downward spiral finally shattering against stone with the rest of him. Don't look vulnerable.
"You're alone," someone he respects (likes) (appreciates) (believes in) (loves?) tells him. "You're alone and you always will be."
And with a nightmarish grin on his face, Kokichi leaves everyone else behind, his mind made up. His course of action decided. He is going to die for these people. And he is going to do so as a villain, because there is no other way left.
And then he does.
holy SHIT this got long
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Confession Angst
what if an AU where this classic saiou angst happens and Saihara thinks Ouma's confession is a lie, but instead of things resolving smoothly after that when he realizes he fucked up Ouma is still hurt by it and doesn't accept Saihara's apology or confession so despite both having said their feelings they're not dating and the dynamic gets reversed because now it's Shuichi that has to try to earn Kokichi's trust and win him back
DeepoftheSea said "there's this meme in Spanish when we say "si os gustáis pos besaos" that translates into "if you like each other, then kiss" So they clearly like each other, they've stated that to each other, everyone knows but they... they're "fighting"?? and everyone is like "??????" pride (Kokichi) and prejudice (Shuichi)"
that's a good and funky flavor of it, but I was thinking of a more angsty flavor, a "I don't know if I still want to date you after this" flavor to be exact
DeepoftheSea said "Maybe Kokichi is so tired actually of being perceived like that, and he's so mad at Shuichi because him of all people chose to believe that"
I love me some recognition of the fact that Kokichi also has feelings and can be hurt, and yeah, he's been confusing Shuichi on purpose, but if they're at a point where they have gotten close enough for him to confess he'd expect Shuichi to be able to recognize when he's genuine & be upset if after everything Shu still makes an assumption about his intentions being no good
DeepoftheSea added "I love the concept of maturing/more relaxed Kokichi, where he's still playful and joking around, but he's a bit less of an asshole in terms of biting back and being defensive around other people and Shuichi, who's supposedly very understanding, he still assumes, after having even known Kokichi for quite a long time. Kokichi is so offended; he would say "you know, I went through a lot of trouble with myself to come to terms with my feelings, to feel that I deserve to have those happy thoughts and feelings and once I do that AND I have the nuts to say it to you, you play it like a tasteless joke. That's what you think I am, what I can amount to, a tasteless joke?" and fuck does Shuichi then cry back at home and feels like an asshole"
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toriliashine · 9 months
Why are you shipping an abuse victim with his abuser that sent him to the worst, most drawn out and gruesome death in the Danganronpa series? Literally WHY? It’s like some people in the Witch’s House fandom shipping Viola and Ellen, you know, the person who exploited Viola’s trust and kindness only to betray her in the worst way possible
Except Ellen HAD TO drive Viola to despair to ensure that she dies and wouldn’t try to come and take her body back in the future (witches in the witch’s house universe can only die when they completely lose their will to live) while Kokichi had a million ways to avoid dying to Miu without driving someone to homicidal despair and making them kill her. And I don't know where did you get the idea that Gonta and Kokichi were in any way friends, Gokuhara didn’t even trust Kokichi because of how he tricked him into gathering everyone in chapter 2 by saying that they didn’t like bugs.
And Gonta asked everyone to forgive Kokichi before he was executed because he has serious problems with being angry at people, even when they did everything to deserve it. One of Gonta’s flaws was that he had too much empathy and compassion in him, even to the people that absolutely didn’t deserve any compassion or sympathy (like Kokichi).
It wouldn’t be that big of a stretch to assume that part of the reason behind Gonta’s declining mental state was because HE WAS BEING ABUSED, with Kokichi messing with his perception of reality and already fragile sense of self-worth, making sure to make Gonta feel even more useless that he already felt, leaving him as nothing but an empty shell. By Chapter 4 Gonta was feeling that he is useless by nature, that there was nothing to do about this, BECAUSE HE WAS BEING EMOTIONALLY ABUSED by Kokichi, who did this in order to make Gonta desperate enough to be willing to do anything in order to make himself useful. Because he has planned to drive Gonta to murder since the start.
And surprise, I actually believe that Gonta isn’t an innocent child that can’t think for himself. He isn’t a moron in the slightest, despite what he might believe. BUT. He still was a victim of abuse, and this shouldn’t be glossed over, like you Kokichi fans do.
girl this is the funniest thing i've seen all day. aint giving u a direct answer bc if you've been snooping my blog you'll def find my reasons that i've fleshed out on and discussed with near obsessively. saving this on my blog to have something to smile at when i get bored XD
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