#the thing is that im usually just fine when my parents get off my back and let me live my own life
celestialmancer · 1 month
5 years or less...
That's the most time I have left to scramble everything together despite also struggling w my own health & everything I already struggle with. & That's assuming nothing happens in the time span before then that accelerates everything at a rate faster than I can maybe handle
Bc with the unpredictability I seem to live in constantly, with how common it is for me to have shit strike out of nowhere? When I've never even known stability in the first place so I can't even trust that that 5 years won't suddenly be accelerated to less than 2 years or far less than that? Esp when last year was the start of sudden "yeah so we are becoming rly unstable & idk how well we're going to be able to live here for the next x months/years" that was dropped on me out of nowhere?
...I don't know.
#there's just a ton more pressure i feel compounded onto me now if im to want to get away from here before i get shoved into.#the role of the new head of the family & having to be everyone's stability IN FULL. not just emotionally anymore but in every way possible.#i cant. handle that. im sorry but i cant.#i NEED to get away from both parents.#i cannot. be saddled w the responsibility that theyre trying to shove onto me. not when im trying to get away so i can heal.#ig the only other way i can possibly think. of escaping. is through heading back to uni or applying to a uni that ain't in my city.#bc then i can live far away from home. & even if its w debt id still be working towards goals i have anyway & also just. be. away.#from them. id ontknow. obvs not the smartest move so i just.#need to sit down & think what my own plan of action has to be.#i need to start setting up an emergency backup plan.#preferrably one that isn't me doing something drastic or running away w/o a second thought & then shit just getting worse.#i wanna kinda set up a gofundme thing or just have ko-fi links promoted more so i can have some sort of just.#safety net in case of anything. idk. but i dont know how to feel abt that & usually it doesnt rly work for me i guess. idk.#im rn just focused on trying to get things w pharmacy tech stuff dealt with. but. yeah.#im sorry im so venty lately btw. im just.#i dont know what to think or feel anymore.#im going through a lot constantly & it just i cant find it in me to directly reach out constantly to ppl anyway i hate it.#this is def gonna be deleted later bc i hate leaving my mess for anyone to see & i hate anyone seeing im not fine lmao.#but i dont really know where else to really just go off ig idk
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luveline · 2 years
Hi! I seriously love the way you write parental relationships with kids. Not really sure if you’d be interested in this idea but would the reader ever need to pick up Roan from daycare when Eddie has to stay late at work?
hi! im so happy you do baby, thanks so much for your request! this was a great idea, you're a wonder ;) this one got really long by accident it's not my fault ♡ girl dad eddie x fem!reader
It's a desperate phone call. You just got home from work and you can hear the landline ringing as you open the door.
"Hello?" you ask, hooking the red plastic receiver between your cheek and your shoulder.
"Hey, it's Eddie!"
You could tell from the grinding sounds in the background. "Hey. Working hard or hardly working?"
Usually Eddie would laugh at your bad jokes. He might look all frosty and cool on the outside but he's not so tough on the inside, a veritable goodball through and through. It's easy to think of him blowing raspberries on Roan's tummy, their matching happy smiles.
"Did you hear me?" he asks.
"I asked if you'd do me a favour."
"Sure thing," you say immediately. You ease your shoes back on. "What do you need?"
"Could you pick Roan up from daycare?"
You drop the phone and scramble to pick it up where it's swaying left to right. "Is everything okay?" you ask worriedly.
"Everything is fine! Well, everything sucks, but it's fine. They need my hands for something, 'n usually I'd ask Wayne to grab her for me but he's tied up." You blink. "It's okay if you can't," he adds. You think he might be saying, It's okay if you don't want to.
You grin. "I can get her no problem. Will they let me? Do I need to be on, like, a list?"
"I can call them first. You're sure you don't mind? You can bring her here-"
"Where? To the garage? Can't she just come watch movies with me?"
He clears his throat. "You want to?"
There's lots of things you could say here. Eddie, I adore her. Of course I want to. Or even, Eddie, I'm pretty sure I adore you, so I'd do it even if I didn't love her to pieces.
"I'd love to! We can have a princess party, and-"
"That sounds great, baby. Thank you." His tone is a tad strained.
"Oh, right. Finish your thing! I'll get in the car as soon as you go," you assure him.
"Thank you," he says again, and hangs up.
You let yourself in through the first door and approach the desk.
You drive down to the daycare and can't help thinking about how excited you are to see Roan. You hope she'll be excited in turn, and then you tell yourself off for entertaining the idea. You're not her mom, you're not her anything. You're barely Eddie's anything.
You're really hoping you will be.
"Hi, I'm here to pick up Roan Munson," you say, nervous to talk to this lady you've never met before.
She squints up at you assessingly from behind a pair of bifocals.
"Eddie said he was gonna call."
"Nobody's called me," she says, monotone. "What's your name?"
You tell her your name. She says, "Uh-huh," like she couldn't believe you less and then clicks through a struggling computer, green light illuminating her face.
You twiddle your thumbs. You can hear the sound of kids playing behind the door but don't want to try peeking in case the lady thinks you're a freak.
Maybe Eddie's gonna call any second now and save you the awkwardness.
You open your mouth to reiterate when she hums. "Alright. I'll buzz you in."
She buzzes you in.
You're on the list. Eddie put you on the list.
You walk through the second door and spot Roan instantly, already dressed in her shoes, a chunky pair of black mary janes, and a sparkly red nylon jacket. Her curls are in frizzy braids, one hanging dangerously close to what looks like a pot of dirtied paint water.
The toes of your shoes hit the baby gate. The sound draws lots of attention, a bundle of kids all excited to see their parents and go home. Among them is Roan. Her eyes get wide and she smiles her lovely baby smile, hands paused where she'd been drawing a picture.
"Hey, princess," you say, not too loud as to disturb the workers but more than enough for her to hear you clearly. "You coming home with me?"
Rhetorical, obviously, but amazing to get to hear her say, "Yes! Yes, I'm come with you."
She strides to the babygate and lifts her arms. It's familiar now; while you haven't gotten any better at picking her up, you do it without thinking. You've barely wrapped your arms around Roan when a young man is passing you her backpack.
"Thank you," you say emphatically, not sure what to do with it. In the end you shrug it over your own shoulder.
Roan gives you a hug right there and then. She's all short limbs and extreme enthusiasm as she does, the paper in her hand smashed to your neck and the flyaways from her braids tickling your nose.
She so heavy. You can never get used to how heavy she is. You give her a great back-rubbing squeeze and then set her down. She isn't happy, but she doesn't get too mad, only pouts.
"You look like daddy when you do that."
"Where is daddy?" she asks.
You smooth down the lapels of her jacket. "He's at work with Uncle Wayne. But he sent me to come and get you. Does that sound okay?"
She shrugs. You shrug back at her because she's funny, and it makes you laugh.
"Yeah? I figured we'd go buy some candy and have a princess party." You whisper the last bit and watch awe slacken her face.
It quickly tightens. She screams and jumps at you, almost knocking you over in her rush to hug you.
It's a great feeling. You can tell why Eddie loves this part as much as he does.
You don't have a car seat for her so you decide you can walk the half an hour to your place. It feels long. You take pity on her little legs dragging halfway in and politely ask if you can carry her. She rests on the moving bump of your hip and answers questions about her day as best as she can, her drawing now safely tucked away in her mini backpack.
You stop at the small corner store on the way and let her fill a basket with drinks and chips and candy. All pink or purple, of course. Your princess party needs appropriate catering. There's a cheap tiara and wand set hanging on a rotating rack in the back and you add it as inconspicuously as you can to a growing heap of things so as not to spoil the surprise.
Carrying her and a grocery bag full of things is hard work but you don't mind, not when she's having such a great time. All she's done is chatter about princesses and her dad and you in varying arrangements and with varying passion.
"This is my house," you announce outside.
You let yourselves in, help her out of her shoes, and hold her hand as you climb the stairs together. Roan takes them one at a time. You don't suppose the trailer has as many.
"Good job, baby," you praise.
She gives you one of her more shy smiles and gets noticeably closer to your leg, almost clinging to you as you show her where the bathroom is and then your bedroom.
You don't quite have a princess bed, but you do have a lot of soft looking pillows. She squeals.
"You want to lie down?" you ask her knowingly.
Roan nods. You smirk and pick her up, rocking her back and forth as you count, "1, 2, 3," and toss her into your sheets. She lands with a roaring bubble of giggles and a poof of silken sheets.
You throw yourself down beside her.
She lolls her head to look at you. You share a private smile.
When Eddie finds you, it's in the living room. He'd knocked a couple of time and got no answer, had almost turned around to leave when he heard the TV playing a familiar princess song.
"Girls?" he asks, shocked at your sleeping figures.
Roan wears a cheaply made plastic tiara. Her shoes and socks are gone, her small legs and feet pushed out straight in front of her on the couch cushion. You have your legs kicked up on the coffee table and are surrounded by snacks, a plastic wind in one hand and Roan's hand in the other.
He weaves around discarded shoes and things and perches carefully on the coffee table next to your legs, freshly scrubbed hand reaching out to clasp your calf, rubbing up and down the length of it until you rouse from your dozing. Your hand tightens around his daughters. She's the first thing you check when you wake up.
His heart aches in the best way.
"Hey," he says, still rubbing your leg slowly.
"Hi, Eddie." You rub your face and sit up with a sigh, flopping over until your back is hunched.
Eddie chuckles under his breath and applies a little more pressure to his massage.
"That feels nice," you say through a yawn.
"I bet it does. Did you walk all the way here?"
You wipe your eyes with one hand and look at him through parted fingers for a moment. "Yeah," you confess sheepishly, dropping your hand. "I don't have a car seat."
His turn to be sheepish. "I'm sorry."
"No! Don't be, we," — you hold her hand like a trophy; his heart aches worse — "had a really good walk. Great arm workout. That's my exercise for the year."
He holds his hand out for your empty one. You pass it to him. "Mm," he hums skeptically.
You blink owlishly. "It's okay."
"Seriously, I had a great time. Um, Roan might be out of commission for a bit though. She did some intense jumping on the bed earlier. Oh, and I'm totally forgetting the best part, she..." You fade off as Eddie brings your hand to his mouth and kisses the back of it.
"I'm sorry you had to walk. I didn't think."
Eddie kisses the same spot and then let's it fall, rubbing the invisible mark with purpose. "Poor girls. I'll make it upto you," he promises.
"That's okay." You mean it. "I had a great time. She's- she's really awesome."
"Gets that from me."
"Sure does. Same as her bottomless pit of a stomach, and her moods, and her-"
"Okay, that's enough."
"-lovely good looks," you finish, eyebrows raising at the starts innocently. "What did you think I was gonna say?"
His laughter finally wakes Roan. She stretches out and mumbles dispassionately, grumpy to be pulled from sleep.
"Hey, princess," he says gently.
Though he feels bad for stealing your nickname, he can't not call her that when she's soft with sleep and wearing her cute crown. The fake pink gems shaped like hearts set in silver painted plastic adorning her inky curls may as well be real jewellery for how pretty she looks.
"Daddy," she cheers weakly, fatigue scratching her throat.
"Poor baby needs a drink," you say.
You're on your feet before Eddie can stop you. He watches you go. Roan climbs into his lap with a self-satsified noise, digging her face into his chest. He looks down at her and drops a handful of dainty kisses against her head.
"Did you have a good day?" he murmurs into her hair.
"Good day, daddy," she says agreeably, already falling back into sleep.
"Best day ever!" you say from the kitchen.
He tries not to feel too jealous and fails.
more of eddie and roan
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captainaikus · 1 year
I love your work so much and it has been like 2 hours since i discovered it aghhh ><
(Nsfw) ik you're on hiatus but just a quick idea(thought it was cool sorry TT). Itoshi rin as a butler and the reader as royalty, reader initiates things by teasing rin but rin rejects because of their differneces in class but eventually give in and lets out his inner yandere 🙏 they have sex secretly with rin degrading reader for being such a whore even though shes royality🤦‍♀️ (you can write it in any way you want ill be satisfied anyways) please ignore if you dont like it im not trying to force you to write this 🙏 love you hope everything's fine!
tysm doll 💜 i'm glad you enjoy my works :p
wc : 1.0k, not proofread.
warnings : dark themes, mentions of nudity, rin has a temper, degradation, mentions of sadness, y/n having a break down, fingering, mentions of alcohol and use of poison, intended for murder. based in victorian period.
Rin is the butler of the house and has been your childhood friend. Considers himself to be distinct from you, he makes his bed on mornings, getting into his suit. Over the years it was the same routine, making your bed, telling you your schedule for the day, reminding you to dab the corner of your mouth when you ate something, giving you a glare when you picked up the wrong fork or when you were crass, even telling you to sit up straight when you slouched.
He is a strict disciplinarian, going harsh and hard on you, sometimes even pushing you to the verge of tears yet he was also the shoulder you cried on certain nights, finding solace in his stiff posture, not daring to touch you. He knew the two of you couldn't be in the same world. You were the princess while he was your butler. A gentle hand like yours wouldn't want his scarred one, he would think, staring into his glass of wine on the kitchen counter. little did he know that you liked him and had found adoration for him over the years.
Just when Rin couldn't seem to shake you out of his head, things got worse. Your bed was messy than usual - taking him hours to spread it over. Your behavior became more crass and you became more defiant, shooting back at him.
the last straw was when you demanded that he bathe you, extending a foot towards him, your breasts covered with the milkiness of the soaped water in the large bath, the sunlight reflecting off your skin making you look tempting to man. "Go on. Clean me, Rin." you tempted, waving your foot of at him.
Throwing the sponge on the ground, he had had enough, getting into the water with you, his shirt becoming soaked and transparent. Holding you by the throat, he leans in menacingly towards you. "I can tolerate having to do chores. But what I won't tolerate is you disrespecting me. Try that again and I'll make sure that you are punished. I might be a mere butler, but remember. I know you like the back of my hand and these years of experience have given me enough knowledge about you. The next time you disrespect me, I will make sure to take you over my fucking knee. Are we clear about that princess?"
You don't talk to him for weeks, while he adjusts to you until he was in the courtroom, summoned by your mother the queen. "Make sure that she fits into the finest of gowns you can find and that she attends to the tailor to have her measurements taken." she commanded. "She has to impress her suitors." The dreaded instance. You were in your early twenties, bound to be married. He was upset that night, going to town once the sun went down to drown his sorrows in his glasses of wine for he hated beer. As the week passed by, he noticed instances of your courtship with the prince of a neighboring kingdom whose name and face he did not bother to remember.
It wasn't until one bold night he couldn't hold it in anymore, watching you give him lust and desired filled glances despite the fiancé of your parents choosing giving you attention with lavish gifts. He came to your chambers that night demanding answers.
"You just love pushing my buttons, don't you princess. What kind of a whorish upbringing did you even have to start behaving like this?" he taunted you as he thrust two fingers into your soaking wet cunt. "Do you just love seducing men and then not giving them what they want? Do enjoy torturing me?" He watched as you turned your head from side to side, refusing to meet his eyes. "Can't even see me. Aren't you even the least bit ashamed of yourself?" he prodded further. You refused to answer, your lips sealed.
Getting on top of you, he grinds his knee into your pussy, making you moan, his hands firmly holding yours above your head.
"Tell me princess, do you like driving a man to the verge of insanity ? Making him watch you with your future husband yet letting him fuck you in this bed ? Just how low has your dignity fallen princess? You're not even worth a common whore, in fact you're worse." he sneered, gathering your hands into his wrist whilst the other was holding the flesh of your thigh. "What other choice do I have?! My parents want me to marry someone of royal stature, yet they care less about me. You've seen how ruthless my kin can be, marrying off my sisters to gain more lands. You think I'm happy ?! huh?! Do you ?!" you cry. He felt nothing more than to make your anguish disappear. Words of love were exchanged that night. "I'm here." "I'm not leaving you." The usual gruff and strict disciplinarian of a butler had turned into a lover, giving you words of affirmation with every thrust, moaning into your ear and kissing every part of your body that his lips could reach, losing his sanity over and over again as your drew him into your warm welcoming arms. The thought of you being with someone else being pushed into the back of his mind replaced with how good you were clenching around him while your nails drew lines down his back, his hand swiping at your clit to give you your release. Lying in the same bed with you he kissed your forehead while his hand pet your hair a sign of a short goodbye as he was to leave early the next morning.
He watched as you pretended to be interested in the talks your fiancé was giving, with the occasional smile you gave him along with a playful tap. Looking into the tray of wines, he knew the prince's glass, slipping a poison into it. You would weep perhaps from shock and sadness over the loss of a life. But in the end,
you would always turn to his shoulder for solace just as you had in good old days.
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ale-nose · 3 months
“He doesn’t have time for me anymore”Pt.1
Quackity x fem! reader
check out the second part: 💕
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I’ve been dating Quackity since June. The first couple of months were amazing, It was full of joy, love, laughter. But now since the QSMP has been blowing up and with him adding all these people and upgrading the server. I’ve rarely talk to him anymore. I don’t even feel him laying in bed with me anymore. I don’t speak to him anymore. I don’t even come across with him all day. He doesn’t even have time for me anymore. He’s always in his office phone call after phone call, stream after stream. I’m tired of this.
“baby” I say while walking into the office. “mhm” quackity mumbles. “i missed you. When are you going to come out of your office?”- i say. “i don’t know y/n please leave me alone im kinda busy if you didn’t see” - he says in a different harsh tone. “okay”- i say while giving him a peck on his cheek. I honestly didn’t know what else to do but to clean. I started with putting on my headphones and doing the laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, rooms, living room, kitchen. It was around 7 pm when i finished. I decided to shower and order food. I wanted to order mcdonald’s since i’ve been craving their fries like usual. I decided to ask Quackity if he wanted some. let’s see if he actually wants to talk to me nice.
“mi amor do you want mcdonald’s? im about to order some”- i say. “can you get me fries please?”- he responds. “okay” i respond. After i placed the order i decided to lay down in my nice clean sheets. After they dropped off the food outside, i decided to place it on the table and yell out Quackity name. He finally comes out of his room. He looks exhausted and he had bags under his eyes. After we finish eating i decided to ask him
“baby why don’t you talk to me anymore?”- i asked
“y/n you know i have a lot of things going on. not everything is going to be about you” - he responds while getting up from his chair and on his way to the bedroom
“but still you don’t leave your office at all, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep, you rarely talk anymore especially to me, i mean honestly baby your killing yourself, you need a break for a day”- i say while following him
“i said everything is not about you and stop being in my business why do you care if im not talking to you anymore. you don’t do anything. ”- he yells while hitting the wall.
“first of all don’t yell at me and second of all i clean, i cook, i wash your clothes every day, im the only one buying and doing everything here”- i respond to him yelling.
“you know what maybe it time for you to go back to your parents for a while. maybe leave me alone for a while”- he says while going into my closet and throwing all my clothes and suitcase on the floor.
“no i don’t want too i wanna be with you. I just want to clear things up with you baby. I love you quackity can’t you see. I’m deeply in love with you”- i yell while crying.
“well tell to that to somebody who actually cares. maybe find somebody who actually cares about you. maybe find somebody who actually wants to be with you. maybe find somebody who is better and hotter than me”- he yells
“wait so your saying that you never wanted to be with me? so everything was a lie Alexis?” i respond crying even harder than before.
“yes y/n it’s the truth. I don’t want to see you anymore. I don’t want you. I want to find a girl better than you. A girl who actually respects what i’m doing and what i’m going through in life y/n. Gosh you’re so blind. It was so obvious that i didn’t want you around anymore”- He responds
“alright fine then i’m leaving fuck you because all you did was treat me like shit for no reason when all i did was love and cared for you. You’re so fucking blind Alex: You would never find any girl like me because in this generation girls only want you for money.”- i respond while putting all my clothes in suitcases. I left all the necklaces and rings he had given me. All the portraits we had together. Everything was done. Everything was fake. The boy i thought I’ll married and have kids with one day was dead to me. I fucking hate him. I hated everybody.
I booked the next plane ticket out to my parents house. I was so done. I got on the phone with my mom and told her everything i broke down. I couldn’t breathe anymore. it hurts so bad but that’s life. I put all of my suitcases to the door. I see Quackity on the couch staring into space.
“Baby”- he says while approaching me. “baby i’m sorry i didn’t mean any of that. Please baby please i still want to be with you”- he says with his shaking voice. I wanted to give in but this was for the best. He was hurting me so bad. This cycle was going to repeat again and again.
“leave me alone Alex. you don’t want me here anymore and i respect that. fuck you alex you fucking hurt me so bad. you fucking jerkoff. i’m leaving either way. i don’t want to hear your bullshit anymore or your shitty excuses”- i say.
I was back with my parents. I missed them a lot. It was better here than with Quackity. I had gotten a message. My heart dropped..,
*new message*
I opened it.
y/n can we talk?
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certifiedstarrr · 5 months
After Party ✧・゚: ✧・゚: Chris Sturniolo
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warnings: swearing, alcohol, mentions of not so great home life, mentions of drugs, and smut.
if you don't like smut, find smth else to do.
she/her pronouns will be used!!
pink = y/n
green = lia
blue = matt
orange = chris
purple = nick
Word Count: 858
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b/n: sorry if this sucks ass, first fanfic ive ever written.
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Shit. I missed 7 calls from my mom. She's going to fucking kill me. I was supposed to be home by 10pm and it's quarter to 12pm. While I was at my bestfriends's house Lia, we were talking about our classes because we were supposed to be doing the same major in college, not cause we wanted to be with eachother all the time, but its because we both found interest in it.
We ended up talking about many other things, except our classes.
"Lia I'm screwed." "She's gonna fucking kill me; her and my dad."
I loved Lia from the day I met her, every breakup, every zit, every party, every boyfriend, every ex, everything that ever happened; we were in it together. As she pulled up in the driveway she wished me good luck knowing how my mother would act.
"Love you y/n, good luck."
"Thanks Lia."
I opened the front door and there my parents were waiting for me to come home. I could feel all the anger radiating straight off them, I certainly wish I was anywhere else but my own home.
They yelled at me for a good hour and I yelled straight back, defending myself. They hit me, and I was done with their shit. I went up to my room and I burst into tears, never understood that I'm not like them at all. I already was struggling with my classes, my room was a mess, my parents weren't helping and this nothing else could go wrong. Right?
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"y/n you got to love yourself and be you. not whatever your parents want you to be. fuck that."
This was why my Lia was my number one. My bitch from day one. She never liked how my parents treated me, she was just like me. Except she was stronger, never cried and had it like this: Me before her family. I told her over and over that I'd be fine, but she knew me better than myself. I was facetiming her for help.
"I know liaaaa! but how am i supposed to be myself when i have to be home at 10pm???"
"do the opposite. forget about the fucking rules. you'll find another side of yourself that you never knew you had."
"you're right fuck their shitty rules, and just to get on my parents' nerve I'll go to a party; drunk teenagers and all."
"Yes girl im coming with! Noah is throwing a party this weekend, we should totally go!"
"we are going to the fucking party. its time to let go."
"yes ms. badass we're goinggg!!"
Friday was 2 days away. And I was ready.
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I'm grounded for 2 weeks. Forget that, I'm still going to Noah's party. I was walking to 3rd period with Lia planning our night out. The plan is I have to sneak out of my window and Lia is gonna pick me up, the party starts at 11:30pm and I'm usually asleep by 10pm so my parents will also be asleep. I climb down my tree and hop into her car. Voilà!
"His house is only 15 minutes away so its fine if we're around 5-10 minutes late."
"I'll also climb down my tree barefoot so I won't damage my heels on the way down." "This is so excitinggg!!"
"I have the perfect dress for you y/n!!
"Whatever it is fuck it im wearing it"
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From Lia:
You ready for tonight??
Read 2:30pm
To Lia:
Read 2:30pm
To Lia:
im coming over to see the dress and go over the plan one more time.
Read 2:31pm
From Lia:
okay cool see you in 5&lt;3
Read 2:32pm
I told my parents I was studying for a test with Lia that is Monday and of course my parents believed it I drove over to Lia's and of course her parents were welcoming me in. I went up to Lia's room and she showed me the dress a black dress that pushed up my boobs, and that barely covered my ass. It was perfect. Lia was going to wear a red dress that complimented mine with sparkles, we tried them on and we looked sexy.
"We are going to be the life this fucking party."
"Yes the fuck we are."
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧
a/n: if u have tips for me i'd love to hear em!! also my introduction page will be out soon!!! just ask to be on the taglist part 2 of AP (after party)!!
You are my biggest influencer, ilysm<333 (ur r now the first person for the taglist of AP!!
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Everyone wants my mom! PT. 1
Summary: Y/N is a widow and the mother of smiles morales, all she has now is her son and his uncle. While she knows smiles and his uncle are getting money for the apartment she isn’t sure how but when she sees someone that looks exactly like her son mysteries and obsession are soon shown.
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,GOOGLE TRANSLATE IS USED AS IM A NO SABO KID! IF THERE IS ANYTHING THAT WILL HELP ME GET A MORE ACCURATE TRANSLATION PLEASE SEND IT TO ME!!,Reader is Earth 42!Rio,Reader is unaware that her son is the prowler,Reader needs therapy,very out of character characters,this is a series,Her family is keeping secrets from her,Reader is feels out of place sometimes,reader has anxiety which is based off of me,Reader takes the Role of Earth 42!Rio but can look like however you wanna look like so you don’t need to stick with being Rio just an FYI,A ‘I 💙 your mom’ photo is used because I couldn’t find SHIT for Earth 42 Rio and it works since like almost every spider adult wants her,Rearer knows about the spider society and the multiverse because of Ben Riley/Scarlet spider,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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You love your son, that was very obvious from anyone who saw you knew your son meant the world for you but you knew every child will hide something from their parents. It’s natural for that as kids aren’t forced to tell their parents every little thing but all you wish is for him to be safe. After the death of your husband, Miles and his uncle Aaron became more overprotective of you but you also became a single parents and became the basically only income yet if it weren’t for whatever job Aaron does you and Miles would’ve been in a different place.
Miles joins his uncle at his job which makes you happy as he can have someone to look up, you just needed someone else to help you with Miles. He’s not a bad kid it’s just..you wanna make sure he has someone else to look out for him if you aren’t around. “Mom” You turned to your son smiling. “Sì hijo?” “I’m going with uncle Aaron, just telling you before leaving” you sighed and continued to smile as you hug your son. “Okay…be safe, Te amo” “Te amo mom” Miles hugged back and smiled. He knew you wouldn’t like it if you found out he was the prowler as he gets hurt and gets the money in a bad way.
Everything he does is for you, he promised his father that he’ll protect you and he’ll make sure to do that. You kissed his forehead then hugged him again. “Just be safe..both of you” “of course mama, we’ll be safe” you smiled then let him go as he went to uncle Aaron’s car. You sighed and laid on the couch as you decided to watch some random show as there wasn’t chores needed to do yet so just relaxing is what you want until the window was knocked so you looked up to see Ben Riley. “God fucking damn it Ben!” You got up and opened the window then yanked him in so you could shut the window.
“Ow” “I don’t care! I just laid down! I’m not cooking as I’m to tired!” “I’ll cook” you stared at Ben and he smiled sheepishly but you sighed knowing it’s better then having no food. “Fine…but don’t fucking kill me” Ben chuckled and nodded as he went to the kitchen while you laid back down on the couch. You met Ben awhile ago and learnt about his group named ‘Spider society’ and learnt there are more Spider-Man or women and more universes. It’s very confusing but in easy way..your basically not alone and there is a timeline where Miles has his dad.
It was comforting to have someone at home with you when Miles went to hangout with his uncle as you aren’t left alone with your thoughts but sometimes the occasional ‘Miles is hurt, call him now’ or ‘check the whole house so that no one will get inside’ or ‘what if Miles and Aaron are hurt as well!? You don’t wanna lose your whole family!’ will creep in but usually you’ll find a way to soothe them. “I made tamales” “oh thank god, your tamales actually taste good” “hey I make good food!” “Your other ones need more working on” Ben dramatically gasped while you chuckled and got some tamales…it feels like your husband is still alive with you.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Hello! May I request caine x reader (platonic) where the reader used to be the lead developer of the digital circus so when the reader enter the circus, caine immediately become a little protective over them since caine sees them as his creator (how he found out about it? Idk either)
Also I really love your work! :]
TADC caine x developer!reader (platonic)
oooo this ones going to be interesting because wouldnt the reader still lose their memories, unless they knew a loophole before getting stuck in the circus and used it? shrugs... ooooh but admins trope of "characters who loved each other (platonically and/or romantically) finding each other in a new world, unaware they know each other, finding their way back to one another" oooooouuuuugh rolls around this one may be a little short, my apolocheese anon </3
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i think it would be neat if neither of you two explicitly knew about your history as his creator, but still feel this instinctive draw towards one another... but maybe thats because of the trope i listed above still being one of my favorites.... hmm...
usually when i write caine interacting with readers, hes very up in their business and hanging around them; trying to spend as much time as he can with them and perhaps can even come off as very clingy... but he just loves his dear reader; and i think this would remain true in a platonic setting!
before he would just dive into an idea for an in house adventure, but he finds himself running his ideas through you, for guidance and corrections that may need to be made for the IHA
and perhaps, sometimes he makes them in your favor/your vibe
though, if you both know you created him, i think he would playfully (but also... not fully playfully...?) call you his dad/mom/parent, which might earn a few looks from the other circus members... actually if any of them realize hes kind of being serious, it may cause issues, especially for those who arent too happy with their current position in the circus... ooo the drama, but i dont have the brain power to come up with anything for that so im going to leave this open for you guys
i think, if he knew you were the one who made him he would ramp everything up in order to try to impress you, i mean its like when you want to make someone you look up to proud... and sure caine was already doing fine before and he was aware of that; its a whole different thing when the person literally single handedly responsible for your existence is there... add that in the fact hes a ringmaster in the circus and how whole thing is to entertain and keep things running.. can easily boil over into chaos, i think.. not maliciously, of course, but sometimes he can get carried away
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winterrrnight · 6 months
hi bestie!! i love you and im so proud of you!!
can i get meet me in the hallway with zach & prompt 16 🤭
ahh thank you sm bestie!! I loved writing this and I hope you like it too!! ❤️❤️
he isn't you
PAIRING: zach maclaren x gn!reader
SUMMARY: you tell your best friend what you feel about him.
WARNINGS: nothing, reader has a boyfriend, and reader also cheats on said boyfriend but we want that to happen guys 😏
EDITH SPEAKS: im back from the dead!! what a way to start with the new year honestly. I feel a bit rusty so this may not be as good as the rest of my stuff, but I think its pretty good :) I hope you all enjoy! please vote & comment if you enjoyed <3
PROMPT REQUESTED: "he treats me well-" "okay good for you." "- but he isn't you."
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You kick your shoes off your feet as you close the door behind yourself, sighing out loud with the tiredness basically crushing you underneath itself. You had a pretty tiring day at your university today; classes at a longer stretch and much more boring than usual.
You hear the doorbell of your apartment ring before you can relax on your couch and take a proper breath. You walk back to the door and see your boyfriend River on the other side, smiling. 
“Oh hey River,” you give a tired smile. He leans in to press a kiss on your cheek. 
“You sound tired, you okay?” He asks, as you finally get to sit on your couch. You groan as you stretch and prop up your feet on your coffee table. 
“I'm fine, just a long day of classes today,” you say, yawning. You look up to see him standing next to you. “You're not going to sit?” 
“Uh, I was actually wondering if you'd want to spend the evening out, there is this art exhibit only for today and I really thought you'd like to go,” he says sheepishly. 
“Oh River,” you say, getting up, “I wish I could but I'm just so so tired, and the amount of assignments and readings I have to complete isn't helping at all,” 
“So you're just going to blow me off again?” 
His words take you by surprise. “What do you mean?”
“Last week you missed our date-”
“That was because I had to urgently go to my parents home, I told you that,”
“And the week before you didn't come to the carnival with me,”
“It was during mid terms week and I was really behind,” 
“And what about that one time I was planning to take you to this French restaurant but you didn't come?” 
“Zach was sick! He was at the hospital River, and that was the night his situation had gotten so much worse!” You say, completely exasperated. “This is too much right now, I've always had a reason to not come to our dates. What about that one time I wanted to take you to a dinner with my family and you blew me off and never even told me where you were?” 
“Wait that time I-”
“And do you even remember when you told me you were busy to have a movie night with me and then a friend told me you were actually at a party? Huh? I never avoid our dates if I don't have a big reason to miss them, but you miss them and don't even care to explain why you didn't come?” 
That shuts him up, because he's looking everywhere but you, his jaw clenched tightly. 
“I'm sorry River but I can't come with you today. I would like to rest and have an early start to my day tomorrow,” 
You can see he wants to say something; a lot of things actually - give you an earful, but he opts for the smarter choice and doesn't say anything, silently making his way out of your house. But he still needs to display the extent of his anger, so he slams the door loudly on his way out. 
You plop back on your couch, wanting to distract yourself with some movie. You get your tv remote and start to scroll through Netflix, trying to find something which attracts your eye, but your doorbell rings again, agitating you. 
You wonder if it's River again, but much to your surprise it's Zach, holding two completely filled take away bags. 
“I saw you leaving uni really late when I was at my football practice so I thought you may need these,” he chuckles. The brightest smile pulls your lips and you instantly hug him, catching him off guard but he hugs you back. 
“That's exactly what I needed right now,” you say, taking one bag from him and letting him in. 
You proceed to your kitchen to get plates and rest of the cutlery, but Zach stops you right in your tracks. 
“Ah let me do that, you go and sit,” he insists, taking the bag back from you. 
“Are you sure-”
“Yes yes, I know my way really well around here,” you giggle and go back to your couch, continuing your search for the perfect movie. 
In the meantime Zach brings the food and places it all in front of you, the aroma wafting up to your nose and making you feel hungrier. But you still haven't found what you want to watch. 
“Why is nothing attracting my eye?” You say, your mouth now full with food. 
“Why don't we just talk?” Zach suggests, and you ponder over it for a moment, realizing it is the better thing to do right now.
“Well, what do you want to talk about?” You ask, turning to face him as you fiddle around with the food on your plate with your fork. 
“Well, feel free to not answer this question,” he starts, “but I've been wondering about this for quite some time and I just want to let it out; I haven't seen you with River lately, usually you used to be hanging out with him so much, always on dates and uni’s football and basketball matches, but I just, I haven't seen you with him often,”
Your focus is completely on your food, the way each vegetable is placed on your plate suddenly becoming the most interesting thing. 
Zach wonders if he's messed up asking this question when he sees you completely shut off and silent. “I'm, I'm sorry, I don't want to ask you something you don't want to discuss, but I just need to know if you're happy with him or not. Nothing matters more than your happiness,” his voice reduces to a soft mumble, which only just relaxes you instead of making you feel anxious on having to discuss such a heavy topic. 
“It's, it's okay, I guess. I don't know… we've been trying to make plans but one of us usually has some other more important place to be. I always make sure to tell him why I can't come, and it's always something unavoidable, but he, he never cares to tell me why he won't be coming. It's just always ‘oh I'm sorry babe I just had to go somewhere else.’ Where? I never know. 
“And it's not just that. He always gets offended when I cancel on him but that's never the case when it's the other way round. His focus on us, it isn't, it isn't the same, and he isn't as understanding as he was before.”
Just as you finish speaking, you feel like a big load is lifted off of you. Your mind has been bothered by it since days ago, and it was starting to affect your everyday activities. But talking about it, letting it all out makes you feel relaxed. 
Zach looks at you with a soft look in his eyes, not knowing what you've been going through all this time. 
“But, he's also there for me, you know? That one time I fell down from the stairs, I called him and he came so quickly, and I know I can count on him to get me anything I need at any time,” you continue, feeling so torn about what you're actually feeling about him. “I just, I don't know where we are leading to right now. I think I may need some time away from him, just being with myself and not seeing him as often as usual,”
You look at Zach whose focus is entirely on you and your words. Sometimes you wish he's the one you're spending your time with. He gets you in a way no one can, not even River even if he tries for a billion years. When you feel sad about something, you prefer to call up Zach than River, because he listens to you better, and makes you feel important. 
“I think it would be nice for you to spend some time with yourself, to do some things you've thought of doing but couldn't, starting with new hobbies, or the ones you haven't picked up in some time,” Zach starts. “It'll help you introspect more into your personality, and generally just make you feel better. Maybe he's going through a difficult time right now, and being apart for some time might help him too,” 
“You're right,” you say, “maybe being apart will do us some good. I mean, he treats me well-”
"okay good for you,"
“- but Zach,” you look up at him as you cut him off, your eyes sinking into his, “he isn't you.” 
The last words come out as a whisper, getting lost in the air around you two. For a second you're worried that he didn't hear them, because you think you can't muster up the courage to repeat those words. But the widening of his eyes, him breaking your eye contact, and his sped up breathing makes you think differently. 
“Zach, you mean so much to me than he does. You listen to me better, you understand things in a way he doesn't. I will always prefer you to talk about things than him, because he tends to shut me off but you never do. What we have is so special to me,” you let out. 
It's the last year at your university, and you've been feeling this way about Zach since the very start. You've wanted to admit it all to him, but before you could, River came into the picture. And for a while there, you felt as if you didn't need Zach. River seemed perfect; everything you could've asked for. 
But now, you finally have the chance to develop something with Zach you've always wanted. 
Zach calls out your name softly, your heart beating faster with the way your name falls off his lips. “You mean the whole world to me. I’d take you in my arms and protect you from all the harm in this world if I could. I've never liked River anyways, he seems stuck up and doesn't give you the attention you deserve. He should treat you like an angel, not the way he actually does,”
He moves closer to you, his hand now resting against your cheek. 
This feels so right. 
You lean in, and he does too, meeting his lips halfway as you allow yourself to get lost in him; in his smell, his taste, his lips. 
Oh, his lips. 
Soft and sweet as nectar; nectar which can make the flowers bloom and just set everything in your life right. 
His arms, wrapped around your waist as he pulls you closer to him, yours around his neck as you close even the smallest distance between you two. 
He pulls apart from you, your forehead resting against his as you breathe a little heavily. 
“I think,” you whisper, “I think I've fallen for you Zach.”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
hi! can i please send in a request for a severide imagines where the reader is jay and wills sister and her and severide have been dating and the reader is a firefighter and gets stuck im a building. Thanks
Yes of course!
Kelly Severide- Stuck
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Most people would think that our parents would be proud. Having one child as a doctor, one a police officer and one a firefighter, but no. Our mom died while I was young. Our dad, well we didn't have the best relationship and then he passed away. My brothers Will and Jay are my rocks and I love them so much, so telling them I am dating Lieutenant Kelly Severide was very nerve racking, especially because Kelly and Jay are such good friends. However when I did tell them they just had the usual 'you hurt her and I'll hurt you' kinda talk.
We’ve just had a call about a house fire, possibly arson so Jay and some of the other at intelligence will be there.
When we arrive I see my Jay and Erin waiting for us
“What have we got?” I ask walking over to them
“We think at least 2 people are inside. Just need your guys to do their thing so we can go inside to look” I nod my head at Erin
“Ok” I turn around
“Hey YN” Jay calls my name
“Be careful, we don’t know if the arsonist is inside. Could be armed”
“Well if you hear me scream then you know we have a problem” I say
“Don’t even joke about that” Jay scolds. I give him a quick hug and run back over to truck
“Halstead your with me” Matt says putting his helmet on. I nod getting mine. Kelly then takes my hand in his and gives it a little squeeze. Some thing we do when one of us is going on a job and we still need to be professional. I followed Matt and we both walk into the burning building
“Fire department call out!” I shout scouting the room. I follow behind Matt up the stairs. We open one of the doors to check in
“Fire department call out!” Matt shouts. I then notice a woman on the floor
“Casey” I say walking over to her. I feel for a pulse. It’s faint but it’s there. I take off my oxygen mask
“What the hell are you doing!”
“She will die if…”
“YN, Matt you need to get out, buildings unstable”
“We can’t leave her” I cough feeling the smoke starting to get to me
“Ok” Matt starts to drag the woman out while I hold her feet. Suddenly the floor under me collapses
“Halstead! You good?” Matt shouts
“I think so”
“Damn it” my alarm starts going off “Boden Halsteads gone down, permission for squad”
“Permission granted” that’s when my arm feels stuck
“Casey?” I call
“I think my arms stuck under the wood” I cough out
“Ok hang in there. Squad are coming in now”
Within a few minutes Kelly is hanging over the hole in the ground. I can’t stop coughing as I keep inhaling the smoke
“How you doing down there”
“Struggling to breathe” I chock out “arm hurts”
“Ok let’s get you out of here. Can you grab my hand?” I reach up but can’t get to Kelly “ok I’m coming down. Cruz get the rope and a spare mask” it’s getting even harder to breathe “just stay with me ok?” I give a little nod. Kelly drops down with a mask and places it around my face
“This is probably going to hurt like hell, but I need you to pull your arm out when I say”
“Ok” I breath out. Kelly lifts up the wood trapping my arm. The pain is excruciating as I pull my arm out and that’s when it all goes dark.
I wake up the the sound of beeping machines. Great I’m in the hospital. Slowly I open my eyes. My arm feels heavily. I look down and see it in a cast. Kelly immediately stands up gaining my attention
“The woman?” I croak. Kelly chuckles as he helps me take a sip of water
“Always putting people above yourself. She’s fine. Just smoke inhalation” I give Kelly a nod “your brothers are here. Want me to send them in?”
“Yeah” in walks Jay and Will
“How you feeling?” Jay asks walking over to me looking worried
“Like I’ve got some sort of throat infection”
“You’ll have a bad throat for a day or two” Will tells me
“I know the drill. Remember this isn’t the first time I’ve inhaled smoke”
“That’s not a sentence any of us want to hear” Will says sitting at the end of bed
“When can I go home?”
“Well since you have such a loving caring brother who’s also a doctor..” I give Will a kick with my foot “ok ok. Tomorrow, just have to watch you overnight. Now I need to get back to work. I’ll see you later” Will kisses my forehead before leaving me
“You both need to go back to work as well” I tell Jay and Kelly
“You going to be ok on your own?”
“Kel I’ll be fine. Seriously it’s just a broken arm and sore throat and anyway I’m sure April and Maggie will pop in to see me. Go”
“Ok. Love you”
“Love you too” Kelly bends down and kisses my lips
“Alright move away before I throw up” Jay pulls Kelly back making us chuckle “see you later” he also kisses my forehead. Jay then pushes Kelly out the door
“Love you!” I shout to my brother and Kelly trying not to laugh. I’m so lucky they all get on, I don’t know what I would do if they didn’t.
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AITA for calling my dad homophobic?
I (18f) identify as an asexual queer girl, and i live with my parents. My dad (52m) as well as the rest of my family are all devout mormons. surprisingly, my mom (47f) took my coming out fairly well. there was a phase of her telling me we could fix it and a phase of her avoiding the situation altogether, but ultimately she’s grown a lot and has become a huge ally over the past two years since i came out to her.
my dad was a bit more of an issue. he took the coming out with a grain of salt, and has since admitted that he thought i was just trying to be rebellious, and he completely brushed me off when i told him i was leaving the church, telling me and i quote “i don’t care if you leave because i know you’ll come back”, which always irritated me but i brushed it off. he’s also gotten a lot better at being respectful and while he still makes tasteless jokes sometimes, he usually seems to respect my identity and love me for who i am.
flash forward to a few days ago. i get home from work and i end up chatting with my parents as i usually do. the conversation turns to sexuality and my dad mentions how accepting he and my mom are, and i raise my eyebrows and remind him how uncomfortable they were when i first came out. i wasn’t upset at this point, rather just poking holes in his story. i mentioned how awkward he was when i came out as asexual, and my mom (who has found herself to be a bit on the asexual spectrum as well) and i chuckle about it for a second, before my dad defends that he wasn’t weird about it.
i reminded him how he COMPLETELY brushed it off when i first told him, and he told me that it means im not gay. i asked what he meant at the time, and his response was that “i consider the definition of gay to be having sex with someone of the same gender”. my sister was in a serious committed relationship with a man at this point in time, but (being mormon) they hadn’t had sex, so i asked my dad if i had that same level of relationship with a woman, if he would consider it gay, and his response was no. i proceeded to ask him if i married a woman and spent the rest of my life with her, kissing and sharing a bed and everything, would he consider it gay? he kind of scoffed at me and said “well, if you’re sleeping in the same bed, then EVENTUALLY you’re going to have sex”. that really upset me at the time, but he had only just learned about asexuality, so i cut him a break.
flash forward to a few days ago, i bring this up and rather than shrug it off and cringe the way he and my mom had been at other behaviors of theirs, he scowled and began to defend himself. he said that it didn’t make any sense to him, and why should it matter if he thinks that? i pointed out that learning to respect other people even if you don’t understand them is important, and he got a bit huffy. i mentioned the not considering me gay thing, and asked if he still felt that way. i expected a no or some sort of explanation, but instead he said “well if you’re not having sex with another woman then you’re not doing anything wrong.”
that immediately made me upset, and i responded with “are you saying that being gay is wrong?” and my mom jumped in and accused me of twisting his words. i left the room and eventually he came in and gave an awkward apology without really saying anything just before he went to bed (one of those “im sorry you got upset because of what i said” apologies rather than an actual apology), and i reluctantly told him it was fine, but i still don’t feel fine about it. i feel like he’s invalidating my identity and pretending like he did nothing wrong, but i don’t want to confront him about it if i’m actually just making a big deal out of nothing. aita?
What are these acronyms?
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gavi4me · 7 months
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7 minutes in heaven
Part 1 Part 2 part 3
Warnings - sexualization of both characters, cursing, bit of angst, (lmk if there are more)
Only song I listened to while writing this 😭
When you finally arrived home, you collapsed onto the couch. Contemplating what had happened the past hour.
First off you went to some party hosted by ansu with zero heads up on who was going to be there. Then you bumped into Pablo and was awkward and non-speaking for the most of the night. On top of that, while playing the stupid “7 minutes in heaven” you got picked to go in together. You had expected to not do anything and for it to be awkward but Pablo, your life long bully and foe had confessed his love to you, saying that all the bullying was just him trying to get rid of his feelings since he knew it was wrong to love you.The cherry on top was all your “friends” walked in and started laughing at the two of you. You were disgusted by everyone who played the stupid game and who attended that party.
Though at the end of the day, you still remained without pleasure or a smile, even though was the whole reason you played the game.
You took a ‘shower’, or rather just standing under the stream for 30 minutes, just..thinking.
The water was turned on high, the little droplets feeling like little knives attacking your skin and burning yourself. But you didn’t care. You wanted to feel each and every droplet touch your skin. The room was like a sauna, or rather a Turkish bath. You took a deep breath before turning the shower off and stepping out in a towelish-robe.
You dried yourself down and collapsed onto the bed. You took a look at your clock. ‘00:03’. You usually went, or at least tried going to bed much earlier than that. Like per say 20:00. It was reasonable for you to be so tired.
The rain started and bounced off of your balcony, creating a sound that brought you back to your childhood. When you were younger, your room had a little balcony, overlooking the Seville streets and when it would rain, it would create the same sound. You had hated it your whole childhood, complaining about it keeping you up, often leading you to sleep in my your parents bedroom. When you turned 12, the rain stopped being an annoyance and rather a soothing device. You gained a fondness of rainy nights and usually fell asleep quicker with it. Now whenever it rains in Barcelona, you get reminded of those days in your childhood.
As you were drifting into a deep sleep, you heard a loud knock at your door. You checked the alarm again. ‘01:56’. You became curious as the knock’s continued as you hadn’t opened the door yet.
Sleepily, you got up and turned on a light in the kitchen so you could see.
More and more knocking followed. A knock every 5 seconds. Jesus, can they have a little patience at 2?
You looked through the little peephole noticing a big black shirt leveled with it.
You creaked the door open a small bit before realizing who it was.
“Pablo?” You asked, still keeping the door crooked a little.
“Let me in.” He said firmly.
“And why shall I?” You argued.
“Because I said so”
“That isn’t a valid reason!”
“Just open the door for me…please?” He asked.
“No!” You said annoyed that he had woken you up for such nonsense. Why couldn’t he just drive home?!
He suddenly shoved the door open, causing you to almost fall but before you could meet the floor, you felt him stabilize you with his arms.
You finally got a good view of the boy. His hair and clothes wet, causing his shirt to stick to his chest and arms, creating a scene that seemed straight out of a movie or rather a fiction. (Oh wait-)
He starred at you with a glimmer in his eyes and asked again. “Can you let me in, Por favor”
“F..fine” you said, coming out his grip and dusting your shirt down with your hands.
“Dios! You made me wet too!”
He leaned down to your ear and whispered, “im not assuming, I know your shirt and shorts are not the only thing wet..” he said before licking your ear and smirking at you before pushing you to the side and kicking off his shoes.
“That’s not true!”
Yes it was.
No matter how much this kid loved you, he’d always be the same old Pablo.
He went straight to the fridge, having not eaten since noon and starving.
“If you told me you had no food, I would’ve ran to the market!” he said while scanning the fridge. “A pretty girl like you should always have plenty of everything..”
“Why are you here?” You asked abruptly, ignoring everything he had just said.
“It’s too late to drive all the way to my place. You were the closet person I knew from the party and I figured you’d be awake.” He said sighing before closing the fridge.
“Well i actually was asleep thank you very much.” You scoffed. “And I think it’s time for you to leave.” You said before walking over to him in order to guide the kid to the door.
“It’s far to late to leave. Besides, I’m tired too. Just let me sleep here and all will be good.” He said while crossing his arms. His biceps flexed, making veins poke through and making him look much bigger and intimidating. All of your confidence you had the second before washed off right away. (I fan girl so hard over his quads. Something about fit quads are just so hot to me 😍)
“Like..where though?” You asked puzzled. Your house wasn’t that big. A one bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment with a medium sized living room and kitchen.
“We can decide that later..” he slid past you and made his way to your master bathroom, which you hadn’t cleaned up, too tired to care about it. Things like your clothes, feminine products, and stuff were on the floor or messily scattered around the bathroom. You followed behind, wondering why he was going into there.
When Pablo entered the bathroom, he crouched down and picked up the mirco sized underwear you had been wearing.
“If I had known you were wearing this, I would’ve bent you over in that moment..” he said smirking. He put it into his pocket and stood up so he could look at you. The guy might be 5’8, but still you only met his shoulders.
A smirk fought against your lips.
“How do you know I was wearing that for you and not pedri?” You winked.
“I’ll tell you this now. Out of the two of us, I’m longer.” He smirked back.
“Proof?” You smiled.
“Wouldn’t you like that..” he said with a laugh at the end.
You walked over to gavi slowly, giving your lips a little lick while starring deep into his eyes.
You put a hand on his chest and started to grope his pecs, moving your hand down slowly to his abs, feeling around all 6 of them, before moving your hand close to his thigh.
He grabbed your neck into his hand, making you unable to move your heads giving him full access to your lips.
You started at each other unmoving. It seemed like he was waiting for the moment your hand made contact with his now erection.
Before you could make the move to grab it, you heard your phone start to wring
He let go of your throat and you flattened out any crease and fixed your shirt before going to your bedroom to answer it.
“Y/n? Hello! I hope it isn’t a bad time.” It was pedris brother.
“No, no your fine. What’s wrong?”
“Do you know where pedri is? He hasn’t arrived home and I’m becoming worried. I know you were at the same party as him.”
“Oh-uh I don’t know. I left early. Sorry. But ansu might be a good option to ask.”
“Okay thanks. Have a goodnight.”
“Bye..” you hung up and turned to the boy in your bathroom.
“Who was it?” Pablo asked.
“Pedris brother”
“What does he want?”
“Pedri didn’t come home I guess and he was wondering if I knew where he went.”
You both didn’t say anything after that, keeping eye contact, observing each others facial features.
Suddenly, Pablo stripped his shirt and turned to face the shower.
“W..what are you doing-?” You asked, trying to sound as confident as you could, but it was no use.
“I’m gonna take a shower..so leave. Unless you want to watch the show th-”
“IM GOOD” you held your hands up in a way to block your eyes as you turned away. You left and shut the door loudly, hopeful you didn’t wake up the neighbors.
“Hmm and is that the y/n from a minute ago speaking?” He called out.
“Sensible y/n!” You yelled back.
You heard a little laugh come from the bathroom and a minute later the shower start to run.
You started to feel anxious and nervous at the thought of it. Pablo. Your life long enemy, or lover or whatever you want to call it was just a wall away naked, in your house, likely using your products. You sat on your bed, waiting for the white, steel doors too open.
At las, you heard the shower turn off and became red.
Five minutes later, of what you assumed drying his body down, the boy finally came out. The towel rested low on his hips. His v line leading to whatever was under the towel. His happy trail, which would always catch your eye in full display. Finally, your eyes made contact with the thing poking through the towel. It wasn’t much. Just a bump resting against it.
“My eyes are up here bebé..” he smirked as he noticed your eyes were exploring all of his lower half.
You quickly moved your eyes back up before standing up. “Well you need to change so I should probably get out of here..” you awkwardly laughed. Without another word you ran out and fell on top of your couch.
A minute later, he came out in the same clothes that he was wearing previously. (Disgusting 🤮)
“As I told you, I want to sleep now. I don’t want you to sleep on the couch. It is far to uncomfortable. Just..sleep on the floor in my room,” you mumbled. “I’ll get you a few blankets and pillows, just don’t get too settled in. Your leaving right as we wake up tomorrow morning” you continued.
“Oh I can tell you right now, I will not be getting comfy.” He said sarcastically. (That boy def is sassy)
“Oh really, I’ve been told that I’ve had some really comfortable floors, thank you very much!” You argued back.
“Yeah yeah okay and are those all men that apparently on their knees for you?”
“Yes actually! “All those men” happen to include you big boy. Just proving my point.” You tsked and walked away.
You did as you said, going into your linen closet and taking a couple of your blankets and pillows out, making sure it would be some what comfy for the boy.
“I need to change now too by the way,” you said while feeling the wet parts of your shirt. “You made me all wet..”
Pablo smirked at you.
“Not like that you weirdo!” You threw a pillow at him before heading off into your closet and laying your new pair of pajamas onto the bed. Pablo was leaning up against the door frame, as if was waiting for something.
“Can I help you?” You asked.
“I’m waiting for you to change..”
“Yeah..but can you leave?” You asked firmly, though you knew deep down inside you wanted all but that. You wanted him to see you in your most vulnerable. Naked, or very minimal clothed and have him push you against a wall and fuck you like the good girl you were until your legs fully gave out and he’d have to hold you while he mercilessly thrusted in and out and out of you, making your brain go blank and unable to control the loud strings of moans escaping your mouth. You wanted that.
“I was thinking maybe..I could help you change….” He said while walking towards you.
“Yeah wouldn’t you like that.” You laughed before his also smiling lips met with yours.
You both took deep breaths at the touch of each others lips, you both seeming anxious.
The kiss was messy and needy - him deepening the kiss quite quickly. His tongue swiped over your bottom lip, followed by his tongue being added into the mix, allowing you to suck on it. Pablo let out a few groans in between kisses as you began pulling on his hair.
“Funny how not even 6 hours ago you didn’t even want me to be around you..” he mumbled between licks and bites and kisses.
You didn’t respond. It was all so embarrassing, but you didn’t care in the moment. The only you wanted was for Pablo to do as he had said. ‘Help you change’
Okay! I wanted to post before thanksgiving for Americans but I knew I wouldn’t finish the smut part in time so I have like half of part 3 written down, it’s just a matter of when I decide to finish and post, likely this weekend. Sorry about the cliffhanger! Thank Joaooofelizx11
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I would love to hear your opinions on Beej and Charles' relationship... Its always so fun to explore
dont mind me answering this two years later. i don't have an excuse im just a lil slow. it got long so it's under a readmore!
i like to think things are super rocky right off the bat. charles distrusts been the most in the beginning, after all, when he looks at the demon all he can remember is how he tried to marry his daughter, drove her and subsequently him to the netherworld, tried to kill delia, adam, and barbara, and made a mess of the house and their lives. so he isn't exactly please when beej is unceremoniously dumped onto his literal front steps. he is... cordial to the demon, not wanting to accidentally set Beetlejuice off and cause another Incident.
beej avoids charles a lot in the beginning. he has Mommy and Daddy issues, mainly from juno being, well, herself and his father not being around. (and honestly beej isn't sure if his father left him or was eaten by his mother, but he still holds out hope.) so another parent, especially someone who is genuinely angry and distrustful of him, and not in a 'god you're so annoying' way but in a 'you are a threat to my family way'. like, delia gets spooked by him easily, but she was probably the least affected by his outburst, and he helped her realize otho was a scam artist. the maitlands aren't exactly threatened by him, and quickly come to realize he's kind of... harmless. and lydia still considers him her best friend, even after the whole sham wedding/trying to kill everyone/killing him ordeal. but Charles? he's the only one who is not willing to deal with beej and his antics, nor does the man seem willing to move past the, well, past.
so, yeah, things are tense between them in the beginning. both of them feel threatened, and while beej is prone to lashing out when he feels threatened, charles is the quiet, calculating, take no shit. unstoppable force, immovable object. the few times they interact one-on-one doesn't go well, usually ends up in an argument, or worse, and the threat of sending beej back to the netherworld hangs heavy.
but, charles sees how beetlejuice acts around lydia, how he acts around the maitlands, hell, how he acts around delia. he's completely different than when charles originally met the demon. he's actually... more like a person than the mindless killing machine that charles thinks he is, and while he loaths to change his mind about the being who caused so much havoc and pain for his family, charles starts to doubt that he may have been wrong about beetlejuice. and then when delia implores that he just try and bond with beej, he really isn't so bad, they have a lot more in common that charles would think, he finally gives in and tries.
likewise, beetlejuice sees how charles acts around the rest of the household, the easy coparenting routines that he and the maitlands have developed regarding lydia. the calm discussions in the morning and the shared tv times in the evenings. he sees how charles is with delia, the gentleness and the love that's visible even to beetlejuice, eugh. the willingless to play along with her ideas and life coaching. he sees how charles is with lydia, the near desperation in his actions to make his daughter feel seen, feel loved, feel like he will always be there for her. how he begrudgingly builds her a dark room and allows her to paint her bedroom walls black. and he'd never say he was jealous, not if his undead life depended on it, but, honestly, he is. he wants so badly for charles to like him, hasn't what he's done to atone enough? hasn't he changed enough? but, fine, if charles won't like him, he can play along and make the man's life a living hell with pranks and comments and toeing the line of what is and isn't allowed.
and then charles finds out that despite being over 1000 years old, his age roughly correlates with that of a young adult, college-aged, even. charles, honestly, isn't sure that beej would even be of age for drinking, if he were human. he realizes that the demon's lashing out and acting up around him wasn't because he hates charles, its because he's a shitty young adult who has no idea who he is other than how others perceive him, who obviously got little to no parental love and guidance, who is fiercely protective of lydia, has taken her under his wing and would do just about anything in his power to make her happy. charles notices him eagerly playing along with delia's beliefs, never shutting her down or making her feel like she's crazy, but instead encouraging her to life her life how she wants to. he sees how beetlejuice had toned down the sexual jokes and innuendos at their behest, how he's done a complete 180 when he realized that they didn't enjoy his advances. he wants to be included but has stopped pushing and prodding for their attention.
and its when charles realizes that beej is basically just a hurt, scard, kind of angry yet doubtlessly kind kid that beetlejuice gets himself into some deep shit, and charles has to go save his ass. and its not for lydia's sake, well, at first it was, he'd hate to disappoint his daughter by letting something happen to the demon she's basically adopted as an older brother, but when he sees how genuinely hurt and upset beej is, something changes in their dynamic.
charles stops being so closed off to beej, starts including him in things, talking to him of his own accord, trying to be there for the demon like he is lydia. after all, he's no longer a freeloader, a dangerous demon on a hair trigger to charles anymore. he's just a troubled 20-something who just happens to be a demon. this doesn't exactly go well, beej isn't quick to judge, and the sudden change is so offputting to him that he thinks that charles is Up To Something.
because whenever juno started being nice to him, well, she either wanted something from him, or was about to make his life a living hell and fuck him over one hundred and one ways. so charles, someone he's lowkey started to think as a surrogate father even if he won't even admit it to himself let alone anyone else, suddenly acting like he wanted beej around, like he likes the demon? no he doesn't trust that. so he ups his antics tenfold, trying to piss charles off, trying to make things go back to how they were before.
and then this fic happens and, well, beej has to admit that charles does like him, and is trying to show it, and isn't out to get him, or kick him out, or kill him. its hard for both of them, but its a lot more positive than it had been before.
all this to say, i think they have a kind of father-son relationship, though not at first, and not for a hot second. both of them are resistant of getting along until both internal and external forces make them change, and even from there charles trying to kind of mother hen beej doesn't go well at first. but they figure things out
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athielive · 2 years
Consider: Mischa x an absolute sweetheart reader who's the biggest "good kid" who snaps and goes batshit when something major happens between Mischa and his 'parents' and he comes over to reader's house for support.
thank you for this idea im really excited to write it :)
You finished tidying your room and sprawled out across your bed as you picked up your phone and began scrolling through texts.
The choir group chat had been spammed in the few hours you were away from it, mostly just Noel and Ocean arguing over which songs to do at the next performance.
Usually you can end these arguments in a mere minute, but since you were offline Ricky had to try sort it out- you can’t say no to him.
You clicked off the group chat and saw the text Mischa sent you five minutes ago:
‘They kicked me out again I’m coming over.’
He knew he was welcome at all times, you’re family understood the problems with his home life and were happy to take care of him when his adoptive parents failed to do so.
You rushed downstairs to let them know, of course it was fine by them, then ran to the snack draw to get his favourite sweets and some chocolate milkshake. (it can help fix anything!)
The doorbell rang and you hurried over to let him in. You greeted him with a smile and he quickly went through to thank your parents for letting him come over then he followed you up to your room.
He laid down in your bed watching you pace around collecting random blankets and pillows before chucking them on the bed.
Almost immediately he grabbed his favourite one and threw it over himself, holding it up so you could join him under it. He rested his head on your chest and hugged you as if you would disappear when he lets go.
“Do you want to talk about it Misch?” You asked, playing with his hair.
You could feel him nodding as he sighed.
“They brought up my mother again. Said I was useless like her. All I did was defend her and they kicked me out.” He sounded like he was about to cry, you knew he would in a matter of minutes so you checked your tissues were still on your desk.
The one thing that really pissed you off was when they brought his mom into it. They surely knew it got to him and that’s why they did it. Fucking psychos.
“They can actually fuck off.” You said, causing Mischa to get up and look at you.
“They’re lazy dickheads who take all their problems out on an undeserving kid who they’re supposed to love and care for. And then they have the nerve to kick you out as if you did something wrong by defending the only parental figure you’ve ever had. I hate them so much.” You shouted, ranting on and on oblivious to the shocked boy beside you.
He knew you hated them but he had never seen you this mad, talking this badly about people. Part of him was proud knowing that some of this was probably due to his influence.
“I wish I could just get you away from them forever.” You said somewhat calmly.
He rested his head down on your pillow facing himself towards you. “It’s okay my love.”
“No it’s not! They never even gave you a chance. I just want someone to give you and chance and see how caring and perfect you really are. Fuck everyone.” You snapped, finally realising how much you had been holding in.
There was so much built up anger you had towards them that you had never really got out. You usually only comfort him but today you ended his ‘parents’ which in all honesty helped him more.
It became one of the days he looked back to for proof that there are people out there who really care for him.
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spacedlexi · 5 months
Wait, people think Carver is the best TWDG villain?? I always thought he was basic as hell, and the fact that he was beefing with an 11-years old girl... Now Stranger on the other hand was great, he was super intimidating and off-putting and I was genuinely so scared he would hurt Clementine. I also liked Minnie for the same reasons (she was so creepy/off-putting), but I still think Stranger is the best villain bc he had a great setup while Minnie was kind of a secondary villain. But going back to Lilly/Carver, I also definitely prefer Lilly over Carver even though neither are my favorite... And now I'm kind of curious how you would rank the rest of the TWDG villains? 🤔
carver being the best villain is a sentiment ive heard for years 😭 im sure its coming from the "S2 is the best season" crowd tho which i also dont agree with 💀
the stranger is an effective villain. hes not exactly the typical villain type people expect. but hes very unsettling and him stalking clementine for who even knows how long through the walkie talkie is 🤢 he really makes me feel sick. she was using that talkie to deal with the loss of her parents, and this fucking creep took advantage of that so hard he was able to convince her to trust him. ugh he makes me feel so gross. and think of all the guilt clem must have about that situation. trusting this freak to help her find her parents, when if she had just stayed then lee wouldnt have gotten bit looking for her, and her parents were already dead the entire time anyway. oof. theres no way that isnt one of the biggest regrets of her life
carver is fine. i definitely think his character wouldve made more sense if they put kenny in that role instead. that way theres less "i am a grown man beefing with an 11 year old" and more "this is a child i helped look out for once, and im gonna make sure shes raised Right". but i agree that carver as he is is just over the top. overly villainous to the point of it being a little comical. like when villains are all tough like that my reaction is usually "god i WISH youd fucking kill me already so i dont have to hear your bullshit anymore do you know how GOOFY you sound??". if it was kenny in that role i definitely think they wouldve been able to tone it back a bit, and him "having a good side" wouldve been way more believable. as he is carver is kind of one note
joan.... definitely the weakest of the bunch. i dont really have much to say about her. david isnt even technically a villain but i definitely saw him as the better antagonist for the season. i mean hes definitely a villain in clems eyes. and is a constant semi-antagonist towards javi throughout the whole season. joans just kinda.. there.. doing things behind the scenes to cause conflict until the final confrontation. and then she can just disappear... okay
i like the way the antagonists work in S4. theres more of a discussion around what actually makes someone a villain and the difference between a person who fucked up and made (very horrible) mistakes, and a person who is straight up a threat. and i like that it connects back to the idea of lee and his murder of that senator. did he do something horrible? yes. did he destroy his relationship to his family? yes. does he regret what he did? i think so. and he definitely has guilt about his fucked up relationship with his wife. in S1 they mention how non-guilty people got sent to prison all the time. while lee is Definitely a murderer, we get to see over the season that hes a good guy who just wanted a family and in a moment of rage and betrayal did something he can never take back. this is why i never hated marlon. did he fuck up and do horrible things? of course. but he was a scared fucked up teen leading a group of other scared fucked up teens. he knows he fucked up, and continued fucking up to cover for his previous fuck ups lol. but he can be talked down. its a shame it ends the way it does, but i really like being able to teach aj the difference between people like marlon and people like lilly
lilly takes that kenny/carver idea and applies it to a clementine that has grown up and has been looking out for herself (and baby aj) for years now, instead of the 11 year old trying to figure shit out she was in S2. shes too old for lilly to be able to sway her in a way she couldve been more susceptible to in S2, and when lilly finally realizes this she just turns her attention to aj instead, seeing the potential in him (a potential clem does NOT want aj to live up to, wanting him to get to be a kid and not just a survivor, let alone a killer). lilly is fun because you can see in her that she WANTS clementine on her side, and throughout the season progressively realizes that its just never going to happen. both lilly AND clem come to the realization that this person they once considered family is beyond reason, their views too different, and so the fighting begins. their fight at the end of EP3 really feels like a "so its finally come to this" moment for both of them, their final fight. i always shoot her.
whats interesting about minnie is seeing her evolve from secondary antagonist in EP3 to straight up primary villain in EP4. the things shes done, the way shes been broken. she becomes her own downfall, seeing herself as someone beyond redemption. that this is just who she is now, its how things have to be. because if they didnt have to be this way? well then theres a lot more guilt she'd have to deal with. yelling at her in EP4 to just STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS ANYMORE but she has been changed (in her eyes) so irreparably that she cant see any other option. and she progressively sees clem as the one who fucked everything up for her, instead of accepting that it could all finally be OVER. after killing sophie, the delta was all she had left. it cant have all been for nothing. and so she blames clem for taking it all away from her, even tho clem is just trying to protect her family. the family that used to be minnies. and so in her rage she gets bit. something else that she couldve avoided. but shes just too lost to her own downward spiral, unable to be reasoned with. by that point she just wants it all to be Over. and she wants to take tenn with her so she can finally pretend things can all go back to the way they used to be. her, sophie, tenn, and their parents all together again, where no more bad things have to happen to them. shes super tragic and i love her for that. and i love how she holds this dark mirror up to clem. clem struggles to let go of her past too, and the guilt she has over the things shes done and people shes hurt. and that if she cant learn to let go and move on she could get lost to it the same way minnie did. theres a reason clem is so quick to accept her fate, but shes finally able to leave that guilt holding her to her past behind in that barn. and she returns to ericson a much happier and lighter person, so much weight finally lifted from her shoulders. its finally over for her too
so yeah. my fave villains are definitely the S4 ones due to their nuance and layers. then the stranger, then carver, then joan. if i had to put david on this list he'd probably be above carver. but thats mainly because he has more nuance than carver ever did
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hiddleswiftt · 10 months
invisible string. (inspired by the taylor swift song “invisible string”)!
mo (jonah hauer-king character) x fem reader!
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you had finally moved into your apartment that you were living in with him. your friend mo. you’ve known mo since forever, but you finished college about three years ago with him, your other friends tiff and maia, and you thought that you should move out of your parents house.
good for you, you already had a job, and now somewhere to live and some company, which was mo. mo was and has always been good to you, all for the good reasons. you both always have had a soft spot for each other. tiff thought you two were seeing each other or hooking up at one point, she thought that was the reason why you wanted to move in with him.
“yes and no”, you thought, as you moved in the last thing into the apartment with mo, continuously thinking about what tiff said. you did love him, but you probably thought he would be seeing other people.
it was nice being in mo’s company. he was slightly messy and you were neat but you didn’t mind it. whenever tiff would come over to talk about her breakup with her ex boyfriend justin, she’d always pick at mo’s messiness and compliment you for your tidiness. you’d laugh at this and nudge his arm. he’d smile at you widely with his dimples always showing. you loved his dimples. it was one of your favourite things about mo.
there was one day that you were both sitting on the sofa together, not quite snuggled up to each other yet, but you would usually do after a few glasses of wine you would.
one day in particular this happened but you both seemed more sober after the same amount of glasses of wine. you both were sitting on the sofa as you would usually, cuddled up together watching something, with his hand around your waist. that was a new addition to the whole pattern, which you liked and didn’t stop him from doing it.
you felt comfortable. you felt loved.
you needed to get up, just to process what happened. “want another glass, mo?” you ask, moving to get up. he nods but instead he gets up, getting the drink and one for himself for you.
you sat on the sofa as jonah gets another glass of wine, covering your mouth with excitement. your mind goes blank. so when mo walks back in, he just spots you staring blankly at the wall.
“you okay, y/n?” he asks you, holding the glasses of wine. you both know you’re both probably going to get a little drunk tonight. you nod, turning back to him, admiring his gaze. “yeah. yeah, im fine!” you say, excitedly.
mo is just about to sit down with you again. he sits a little away from you at this point, he was about to say something but you end up saying something before him. “mo?” you ask, admiring his face lovingly, “can we talk?”
he looks at you, “are you okay, y/n?” he asks you, making sure you’re okay. he holds your arms for protection. you look at him. you think about blurting out what you’re gonna say but mo ends up saying it first: “i know.”
you look surprised. does he know what you’re thinking? “i love you too, y/n” mo says, now holding your cheeks lovingly. all of a sudden your heart starts racing and your cheeks heat up.
all you can say is: “really?”. but all mo does is lean in to kiss you. you take his hands off your cheeks and you put your hands on his cheeks instead, embracing him in a long and passionate kiss, where in the end both of you end up laying on top of each other and then in each other’s arms.
you sat back up, admiring his face. “you know, i think i fancy my flatmate?” you say, playing with his hair as he lay next to you on the sofa, now examining your face as you did for his. “do you know him?” you continued, smirking at him, “he’s a cool guy…”
he laughed and smiled at you. yet again, his dimples were showing. “is that so?” he asked you. all you could do is nod and laugh. “very..” you answered him, giving him a small peck on the lips.
“i love you, y/n” mo tells you, smiling at you as you lay back into his arms. he put his arm back around you.
you smiled at his words and snuggled back into his side again, finally happy that you finally convinced yourself to share your feelings for mo. “i love you too, mo..”
you always knew there was an “invisible string”between you two. but here it was. tying you to him.
please don’t copy my work! <3
(let me know what you think of this fic by giving this post a like, follow and a comment!)
— h4uerkings
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nwjn-z · 1 year
candy hearts [smau]
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You close your phone just as the bells ring. You take a deep breathe before making your way up to Kyle,
“Hey” you say with a smile in attempt to conceal your nerves.
“Oh hey! Follow me I’ll show you were my car is.” he says returning your smile while you follow him out of class.
“Thanks again for helping me with my notes I really appreciate it”
“No problem it’s my pleasure”, his words make you feel a heat rise to your face but you pretend not to notice.
“So uh I heard your going to my friends party? Stan’s that is.” Kyle states,
“Oh yeah, I don’t usually go to things like that but I want to be there for my friend so…”, you trail off feeling more nervous than usual, was it always this hot?
“That’s nice, and plus it’s a good way to get familiar with everyone.” he says.
As Kyle leads you to his car you start to feel a lot more nervous than before, the reality of the situation sinking in.
You were about to be driven home by a boy.
When you reach Kyle’s car he opens the passenger door for you
“Thanks.” Is all you’re able to muster before getting inside. Kyle just nods and makes his way to the drivers side.
“Dark Meadows right?” Kyle asks when he gets in the car.
“Y-yeah” you stutter, was this really happening?
“Gotcha” he states.
The drive to your house was quite lengthy considering your neighbourhood is on the other side of town from school.
During the drive you couldn’t help but notice the way Kyle kept looking at you, you’d be a liar if you said it didn’t make you anxious.
“Is he judging me?”
“Do I look weird?”
“Maybe I smell bad! Oh god what am I gonna do?!”
“Hey we’re here.” Kyle’s words snap you out of your thoughts and back to reality.
“Oh uh follow me.” You step out the car and make your way up to your door step. Kyle does as told and follows along.
“Woah nice house” he says in awe of the large abode.
“Thank you” you say in response as you unlock the door and lead him inside.
“Your parents still at work?” He asks
“Oh I live alone my parents are back in my hometown.” You state blankly as if was the most normal thing ever.
“WHAT?! I’m sorry I mean what do mean you live alone, you’re just in high school that’s kinda crazy.” Kyle says, being bewildered by what he’s hearing.
“Yeah well my parents think it will be good for me besides even when I did live with them it always felt like I was living alone anyway with my parents being so busy working and all.” You say matter a factly.
“Wow I’m sorry, if you don’t mind me asking what do your parents do?” He asks
“Both of them are business owners and are often overseas for work.”
“And do you have any siblings?”
“Yeah I have a younger brother and we were close when we were little, since we kinda only had each other, but we’ve drifted apart.” You say feeling sullen over not being as close with your brother.
“I’m sorry, I have no idea what it’s been like for you I mean I wouldn’t know what to do without my parents.” He tells you with the upmost sincerity.
“It’s fine plus it’s nice having my own place and not having my parents tell me what to do or my brother annoying the hell out of me is pretty nice.” you say lightheartedly.
“Tell me about it, you know I have a little brother too and he can be such a pain” Kyle responds with a chuckle.
You can’t help but giggle as well, “But you can’t help still loving him to death”, you say with a warm smile
“Of coarse” he says returning your smile.
You make your way up to your room and pull out your notes and textbooks on your desk while Kyle does the same. You sit down and wait for him to start, stomach fluttering as you watch him roll up his sleeves as he is about to begin.
“What about the notes are you having trouble with?” He asks.
“Im not sure which parts of the passage we are supposed to take notes on, she never specified.” you respond.
“Oh okay let me show you.” He shifts closer to you and start flipping through your book to find the page to show you. You can smell his cologne. It smells nice you think.
“Here it is.” He tells you, face mere inches from yours.
“All of the passage is important really but you only need to write down key sentences from paragraphs one, two, five, and eight.” He explains.
You listen attentively as he guides you on how to determine which parts of each paragraph are the most necessary. You pick up quickly and begin writing.
“Wow you’re a fast learner.” He tells you with a small smirk that makes your face flush with embarrassment.
“Well you’re a good teacher.” You respond innocently not realising how flirtatious your tone was. Now Kyle’s own embarrassment matched yours as he stutters out a thank you.
Kyle’s confidence dwindles as the minutes go by being so close to you. The close proximity of you two has let him further study you in a way he was unable to before that made his heart skip a beat.
He noticed the way you bite your lip when concentrated, how you lean into him when asking a question, and the way you bat your lashes while looking up at him waiting for a response. He became more obsessed by the second.
“Hey what time is it?” Your words snap Kyle out his trance “Oh it’s 6:25… HOLY SHIT ITS 6:25?!” Kyle blurts out, “Oh god I was supposed to be home an hour ago!” he says as he looks at all his mothers missed calls and texts freaking out.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry I kept you here so long!” You say worried it was your fault for him loosing track of time.
“Oh no you’re good it just completely slipped my mind but I do have to get going now…” he says.
“Okay! But before you go thank you so much again for helping me.” You state
“Don’t sweat it you can ask me for help anytime.” He says with a reassuring smile.
You bid your goodbyes until the next day and he makes his way downstairs to head home. But as he heads to the front door he noticed a sparkling orange outfit sprawled out on your couch. “Is that a broncos cheer uniform?” He thinks. After a couple of second he realises what you have the costume for
Stan’s party.
In that moment his face turns beat red thinking about you in the skimpy outfit.
His drive back home was spent with an uncomfortable tightness in his pants.
“Oh god I’m just like Kenny!” Is all Kyle can think for the rest of the day.
@c1rice , @cyberrmishh , @ja3s3sin4life , @lacunaanonymoused
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