#the summoner; abigail
adventurersdelight · 4 months
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"It really would be just my luck to summon a Fiend with that attitude..."
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characterdelights · 8 days
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I could also mix Abigail into Elizabeth, overlapping casters. Sure, Elizabeth won't be a pure summoner like Abigail is, but I think the groundwork is there and that Abigail isn't as popular a muse as Elizabeth.
It'd be importing Abigail's shenanigans of miss-summoning onto Elizabeth, potentially expanding it beyond summoning mishaps to general magical mishaps.
I could also graft Abigail's background onto Elizabeth's, making her a member of a wealthier family, who still ran away to pursue her arcane interests.
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tariah23 · 6 months
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King of the Cavern Monte Cristo (5* Avenger) ascensions are gorgeous!!!
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I simply feel that Annabelle McAllistair and Abigail Pent would have a lot to talk about
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jacqcrisis · 6 months
Walking up to the cloister under the House of Grief, Shadowheart stops the party. Points out the amounts of Sharrans in the room and how, no doubt, once they see Shadowheart, they will turn on them to be rid of her. She wants to find her parents, but even this seems like overwhelming odds for them.
Ronan takes that into consideration. Turns to Gale to be sure he has some kind of better invisibility spell on hand, which he proudly says 'oh yes' as he readies it. Then the cleric looks to Astarion, who's pretending like he wasn't expecting this, as he feigns ignorance and asks if there's something Ronan needs.
"Impress me." Ronan tells him as Gale casts greater invisibility, the vampire disappearing before thier eyes.
As they walk down to the chamber, Shadowheart follows Ronan's lead, withdrawing her shield and weapon. Viconia is saying something, but it's drowned out by a scream as one, two of the Sharrans fall dead in the stands. The mother superior tries to salvage it, but half of her cohorts are listless and confused, swinging at each other under a wizard's spell and the other half are fighting a losing battle with two clerics and a vampire they can't seem to hit as a holy sunlight keeps the darkness as bay.
After, Astarion saunters over to Ronan, a smug little smirk in place as he asks if he's impressed. Ronan looks over his bloodied face, snorting before he shakes his head, tells him he only got two before the rest of them had to step in. What follows can loosely be called an argument, more accurately blatant flirting and Shadowheart remembers why she doesn't come along for battles anymore.
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dmsr-art · 1 year
i know youve drawn magnus/palamedes, but have you considered abigail/palamedes 👀
whoa....... i have not.... omfg
ABIGAIL FEMDOM!! she would peg the shit outta that nerd. i see it.... i have the vision
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butchdykeorpheus · 1 year
also noticing on GtN reread all the ways cytherea sabotages the murder investigation is fun
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iplay37 · 1 year
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I'd say I'm pretty unlucky
I'm f2p and just started
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plushee-cant-draw · 2 years
no new doodles today, I was going to draw Wormwood but I got distracted learning console commands so I could see if I could trap Abby in walls or not.
so far she seems to just go through the walls.
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burnthoneydrops · 4 months
Language of Flowers (b.b. x fem!reader)
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: classism, use of "miss" and "y/n", stubborn mc
a/n: class differences in historical fiction have my heart and what better man to write them for than benedict! hope you enjoy and requests are open!
For all your years helping run your family’s flower shop, you could not remember a day as memorable as this. You were in the back of the shop, cutting stems and bunching bundles of similar flowers together when you heard your little sister gasp from her spot in the doorway. Though gentlemen callers were not entirely uncommon, as flowers were a typical house gift when men went to call on their chosen lady, this one seemed to have caught her by surprise. 
“Who’s there Abigail?” you asked without turning around. “Abigail?” you asked again when she did not respond. It only took one look at the familiar chestnut head of hair to understand why your sister had gone as silent as Mayfair during the ton’s visits to the country. There stood a Bridgerton. Abigail had been obsessed with them ever since she got one of the printer apprentices to give her a copy of the gossip column the ton had been infatuated with. Anything that was ever written about them, Abigail had saved and regaled you when you were both in bed after a day’s work.  
“Y/N! I believe your expertise might be required,” your father called from the front of the shop, where he stood with parchment and a pencil, jotting down people’s requests. 
Abigail had not moved from her spot in the doorway, effectively blocking you out. “Abigail, I need to get through,” you waved a hand in front of her face but she did not move. She was utterly and entirely captivated, so you resorted to picking her up by her waist and moving her to the side. The perks of her being your little sister meant that moving her came easier to you than moving you did to her. 
“I was summoned?” You looked at your father who nodded at the man standing in front of him. “Yes sir, how can I help you today?” 
“I am here to buy flowers for a lady-” 
“What a novelty,” you muttered under your breath, glancing at the sheet your father had been working on moments before. 
“Pardon?” The man asked, clearly not expecting to be cut off in such a manner. 
“Apologies, good sir, you were saying?” 
“I am buying flowers for a lady. You see, my brother has crossed his wife and wants to apologise, but has no time for such an errand so he has sent me-” “He has truly no space to make time for apologising to his wife?” You interrupted again. 
“Do you interrupt every customer in this manner?” 
“Only the ones with ridiculous stories,” you countered. 
“I can assure you, despite how ridiculous it might sound, I speak nothing but the truth,” he looked at you, hoping you would change your mind. When you said nothing, he continued, “Now, I mentioned to your father earlier that I would like to gather flowers that mean an apology or makes it clear that the sender knows they have done some wrong-” “Ah, so you are keen on the language of flowers? I take it this has happened before then?” You interrupted yet again, raising a brow. 
“Apologies for my sister, my lord, she has been working long hours lately,” your older sister Jeanine stepped in. She gave you a harsh look as she finished her sentence, nonverbally telling you to scoot out of the way. You huffed and pushed the sheet of paper with the man’s order on it towards her before making your way to the back of the shop to finish the arrangements from before. 
It took Abigail no time at all to meet you back there, desperate to know how your interaction went. When you disappointed her with the fact that you had absolutely no thrilling news to report back, she smacked your arm and grabbed some flowers from the vases in the corner, complaining that you should have done a better job. 
“Well perhaps if he was not exactly like all other men who enter this shop then I would have something interesting to share with you,” you responded, grabbing some baby’s breath to add in. 
Jeanine came to greet you both with the sheet of parchment in hand, “something with an apology and sorrow but also suggesting forgiveness,” she muttered, looking at the selection in front of her. 
“White roses, forget-me-nots, and pink tulips,” you commented without looking at her. 
“If only you could do your job that easily in front of the customers”. 
“If the customers were not all so alike and insufferable perhaps I could”. 
“That poor Bridgerton did nothing to you and you know it,” Jeanine tried. 
“He irked me, is that not enough?” 
“Not when we are trying to keep a business afloat, no,” Jeanine replied as she stepped back onto the main floor to have Mr. Bridgerton pick the colour of ribbon with which the bouquet would be tied together. “Now there you are Mr. Bridgerton, and if I could grab a first name to keep our records in order and for possible future transactions?” Jeanine asked as she handed over the bouquet. 
“Do I truly look so similar to my brothers that you cannot tell us apart?” Mr. Bridgerton jested, at least you hoped he was jesting. 
“It is that arrogance that irritates me to be sure,” you muttered to Abigail. 
“It is merely a formality my lord,” Jeanine laughed lightly as she looked at him expectantly. 
“Benedict then, Benedict Bridgerton,” he placed the pound notes on the counter and picked up the bouquet, wishing Jeanine a pleasant day before scurrying away. 
So the annoyance finally had a name.
A few days had passed, and it felt like you had pushed the interaction successfully out of your mind, when the universe decided to spite you once again. You had already been at the front of the shop this morning, but you wished to do nothing other than sink to the floor or send one of your sisters in your place. 
“So we meet again,” Benedict announced, overly joyful.
“Well you did just walk into the shop my family happens to own-”
“I was hoping to make your acquaintance once again-” “At least one of us seems happy about it,” you conversed over each other, making it appear as if the dialogue had no point of breath. 
“I firstly wished to inform you that the flowers worked wonders and greatly aided my brother in his apology-” “Wonderful, now if that is all there is quite the queue forming behind you-”
“And that I have a plan to get you to change your mind,” Benedict finished his thought and it struck you silent. You must have done two or three big, slow blinks before what he said fully sank in, leaving you only more confused. “I must say, it is much easier to think when you are not constantly fighting back at me,” he smiled and you wanted to reach over the counter and smack that smile clean off his face. 
“Change my mind? On the flowers? I thought you said they were a great success?” 
“Oh no, not about the flowers,” he waved his finger back and forth in front of you, “about me”. 
“About you?” You questioned with raised brows, a scoff of disbelief escaping past your lips. 
“Yes. I noticed the other day we left off on quite the wrong foot and I would like to change your mind”. 
“And why do you think that is Mr. Bridgerton?” you bent your elbows a little and leaned closer into him from your spot over the counter. 
“Well I was not entirely sure, but I figured if I could get 10 minutes alone with you, your opinion of me would be much improved”. 
“Has anyone ever told you they do not like you Mr. Bridgerton? Has anyone, especially someone below your status, been honest enough with you to display how they truly feel about you? You might consider that notion and find the root of our problem there. I know you do not care much for your high society Mr. Bridgerton,” you noticed his ears prick up, so to quickly shut him down, “and do not think too deeply about my knowing of you for Lady Whistledown has printed much more than I cared to know, but as soon as someone is off with you, you suddenly become interested. Your ego is much too inflated to reason with the fact that some people just might not like you, present company included, and you cannot stand it”. 
Now it was Benedict’s turn to blink slowly, as your speech had halted all his energy to a standstill. “Good day, Mr. Bridgerton,” you shooed him out of the shop with your hand, waving forward the next customer who had been waiting very awkwardly a few paces behind this encounter. You sighed deeply, mentally resetting yourself back to your more demure customer service appearance.
Mr. Bridgerton had not been back for at least two weeks, not that you were counting of course, and though you claimed you were not thinking about him, you hated to admit how much that man had taken of your mental space. It did not help that Abigail was insistent that you two were fated to meet again somehow, even though you had explicitly told her you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Jeanine was upset that you had lost a valuable customer, but the money that he could have possibly brought in was the last thing on your mind. The season was usually a high reward time for your family’s shop anyway, you were sure one lord would not be such a loss. 
On an afternoon that felt uncomfortably reminiscent of your first meeting, the bell above the front door rang as you were arranging a bouquet in the back. Abigail gasped from her spot in the doorway, and you did not even want to turn around and guess what caught her breath this time. “Oh my god,” Jeanine muttered, joining Abigail in the doorway as a pair of frantic feet made their way to your father at the counter. “Good afternoon, I should like to ask for a moment alone with Miss Y/N”. 
You nearly dropped the flowers in your hands and stood staring at the wall while the heads of both your sisters whipped around to look at you, mouths dropped and eyes wide. Your father did not really know how to comprehend the situation, to be honest none of you did, but one nod from him and Abigail was grabbing the flowers out of your hands while Jeanine pushed you forward through the entryway. Your feet were cement, standing in front of the man that definitely had not been occupying your mind for days on end, his arms stuffed with different boxes and trinkets. 
As if taking advantage of the silence, Benedict started, “I come bearing gifts. It occurred to me that I had no idea what your preferences were and with the safe answer of flowers obviously gone I got,” he dropped some of the goods on the counter, “these”. There were chocolates and pieces of jewellery and perfumes and accessories. You stared in awe at the collection before you, admiring the beauty of them all before you snapped back into reality. Benedict Bridgerton had come to spoil you in an attempt to win you over and you could not stand for it. 
“If you think gifts are going to magically change my mind then you are-” 
“Oh they are not for you. Well not exclusively anyway, I believed some of them to be for your family”. 
It took your sisters absolutely no time at all to rush over to the counter, rummaging through all the items present and claiming their picks before your mother and father came to join you on either side. With a quick scolding from your mother and a muttered thank you to Benedict, your sisters were off, resuming their position in the doorway. “I hope I am not interrupting any major, I just wished to spend the afternoon with your daughter,” Benedict glanced between your parents, silently asking for permission. 
“Well I do not see why not,” your mother replied, putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Mother!” You hissed, surprised she would respond in the affirmative so quickly. 
“What? It is not like you get out of here much anyway!” Your father piped up, making you tilt your chin down in embarrassment and kick his shin under the counter. Benedict stifled a laugh, and you could sense his eyes on you as you kept your head down. “The pleasure is all yours,” your father looked at Benedict as he and your mother stepped back, laughing between themselves. 
“I figured a walk would do us both some good,” Benedict put his hands behind his back as you looked up at him, suddenly very aware of how much he towered over you. 
“What makes you think I have the time to just step out and walk around with you? In case you were not aware, I am currently working-” 
“Oh for god’s sake! Just go!” Jeanine yelled from the back, her and Abigail having given the two of you some privacy. You huffed, crossing your arms in front of you and mentally squaring up Benedict before rolling your eyes. “I suppose one afternoon wouldn’t hurt, but if you try anything I swear-” His hands shot up in defence, “You have my word, nothing nefarious will take place. I simply want to walk”. 
“A walk it is then,” you nodded, making your way around the counter and into the main section of the shop. 
“I promise, you will not regret this,” Benedict commented, clearly happy with himself as he opened the door for you to walk through. 
“Let’s not go making promises we’re not certain we can keep”. 
“I feel pretty certain about this one”. 
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lemonwisp · 1 month
Brief little idea of what should have happened in season 4
First up: what they should have made Allison wish for in the reset
• getting Claire and Ray back
• bringing Dave back (because she was miserable without Ray and she knew about Klaus’s heartbreak)
Instead of like a 6 year time jump it should have been a year or two. So we can see them still settled in but also still struggling to get a normal life, some are doing better than others Liz
I think Ray should have died instead of leaving Allison.
Klaus would still be living with Allison and Claire but Dave would also be there and helping Klaus through sobriety as well as comforting Klaus when they have a hard time because they are still a germaphobe.
Sparrow Ben still goes to jail, Luther still becomes a stripper, and one day Sloane walks in and they fall in love all over again. Viktor still has a bar, and Diego and Lila still have Grace but they are struggling as new parents and maybe that would put a strain on their relationship, and Diego would be a cop.
Five wouldn’t be working for the CIA, he’d probably be still freaking out about an impending apocalypse that may or may not happen.
We see them all walk away from the park or whatever then we’ll meet again starts playing we get a little montage of their lives and having issues because they don’t have any ids or anything and just basic domestic life, Diego and Lila at the hospital with their baby, Allison and Claire at Ray’s funeral, a game night with Allison, Claire, Klaus, and Dave. Five having a little cabin and there is a string board thing and writing all over the walls, he’s passed out and a cup of coffee is spilt on the table. Viktor is playing the violin at a pub in Canada. Ben is getting arrested for the crypto scam.
Anyway they come together for the birthday party and that sorta stays the same after Klaus has the marigold they still wander off but of course Dave follows after him and Klaus relapses and after Klaus yells at Claire Dave stays with Claire and Klaus gets drunk then comes back home and Klaus and Dave have an argument about Klaus yelling at Claire but Dave also feels bad for Klaus and it causes an internal conflict as he wants to help Klaus and Claire, while Klaus and Dave fight Claire runs away and gets kidnapped by the Jean and Gene.
Jennifer thing still happens but how Ben died in the original timeline was that his powers killed him and he gets like ripped apart by the tentacles (because that is more shocking then Reggie who obviously wouldn’t hesitate to kill one of the kids)
Five and Lila still get trapped in the subway but there is no romance, and they run into brelly Ben (cause yk that scene in season 3) and there is a big face off between the two Ben’s and brelly Ben wins because he’s an icon but Jennifer also dies as a result of the attack.
After that Ben is like covered in blood but klaus still runs up to him and hugs him when they reunite and klaus cries and gets emotional and then ben
Allison is on a mission to get Claire and realizes that her daughter is more important than being famous
Luther and Viktor talk to Reggie
Everyone thinks they are going to die, Dave proposes to Klaus with the dog tags they find in ep 1.
Then idrk im not a writer, but they all get to live happily ever after (maybe Abigail dies and klaus summons her so she can tell Reggie that she didn’t want to be alive again) and they still have their powers but they can control them now and occasionally team together to stop bank robberies and such
Klaus and Dave get married because that’s what I want and then group dancing
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adventurersdelight · 4 months
👀 What are some of Abigail's favorite summons?
Making an Honest Living
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"Has to be Elementals! I couldn't tell you why, but I've always thought that the beings of pure fire, earth, water, and air—and mixes of those groups—have always been very stylish. Not only that, they're incredibly reliable at what they're good at! Masters of their trades, if you would. I don't know, I've simply found them quite cool."
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twola · 11 months
Sorta got carried away with the prompt list…(I must be ovulating because DAMN the pregnancy prompts got me going)
But #161, 154,151,140,125- where the reader is preggo and miserable walking around camp so the gangs giving out ideas (sexy time) and Arthur’s like ;) then later on the reader is like ya know what get over here.
Do with it what you will.
You do the best with anything you type!
Oh - trust me, I am into this.
I'm also eight months pregnant myself so I am SUPER into this. Am I projecting something here? Perhaps…
Pain Relief
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI, Pregnancy Sex, Breeding Kink
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
You are very over it at this point. Really. Very over it. It’s a struggle to get yourself out of the cot that you and Arthur share. 
The morning sun beats down on the worn canvas of your shared tent, and you know it's by some divine providence that Miss Grimshaw hasn’t summoned you to work yet. Or maybe it was Arthur snapping at her when he saw you struggling to carry a basket of laundry.
That must be it.
But a laze you are not - even now, when your swollen stomach makes any kind of movement difficult - when your sleep is nearly non-existent and the pains and swelling and overall discomfort are driving you crazy.
Pushing yourself up, you huff, annoyed that seven months ago you were chasing down bounty hunters on horseback and now getting up out of a cot makes you lose your breath. 
God, this was terrible. Finally getting around to standing up, you glance at yourself in the small mirror Arthur uses for shaving. Your chemise stretched taught over the swell of your belly. The dark circles under your eyes from lack of quality sleep. Sighing, you run your fingers through your long hair to tame it, or at least attempt to. After fighting with the fabric of your dress to cover your frame, you shove your feet into your boots and breathe out heavily as you sit back on the cot to tie the laces. God damn everything is a struggle with how swollen your belly is.
By the time you make it out of the tent, the midmorning sun beats down, and you shield your eyes for a moment before you feel a small tug on your skirts. You look down to see Jack give you a toothy grin, one small hand fisting the cotton of your skirt and the other clutching the most recent toy Charles had carved for him.
“Auntie, you’re so big! You look ready to pop." Jack pipes up excitedly.
You laugh as you hear a cluck of disapproval as Abigail follows in her son’s footsteps, “Jack - that’s very rude of ya - shouldn’t make comments about ladies like that.”
“It’s alright, Abigail,” You smile at her as she frowns down at the boy, “I do feel ready to pop.”
“Y’look like the baby’s dropped… ain’t long now.” Abigail’s eyes trail down to your belly as she shoos Jack off to play elsewhere.
“Too long in my opinion.” You roll your eyes and Abigail chuckles in return.
Susan Grimshaw’s voice cuts through the peace of the morning. Abigail’s gaze looks past you to where the sharp disappointment came from, and you frown as you hear footsteps stomp ever closer before the camp matriarch pushes into your view.
“There’s laundry to be done,” Susan eyes you up and down, “You can certainly sit and still do the washing. C’mon, get to it.”
She waves her hands at you dismissively, Abigail rolls her eyes and starts to head over toward where the other women have started doing the day’s wash.
You scowl at Grimshaw’s retreating figure, rubbing your aching lower back as you too make your way over to the edge of the camp, where the large tub is filled with soapy water and the pile of men’s shirts seems to be overflowing. You sigh tiredly, finding the stool 
Mary-Beth places her hand on your back slightly over your own, massaging gently as you sigh in a moment of temporary relief. 
"Try walking, I hear it helps. Tilly and I will cover for you for a few minutes.”
You thank her quietly and slowly make your way to the woodline of camp, taking a few minutes to walk back and forth before giving up and sitting down on the stool, letting out a long, labored breath as you wince in pain.
You open one of your eyes to see Karen across the tub, a mischievous look on her face. Cocking your eyebrow, you wait for her to continue.
Karen smirks, "You should try having sex."
Well - volume was never her strong suit. Across the camp, the men’s conversation falls silent as several pairs of eyes glance at you.
You flush from your hairline to your chest as you dunk a shirt into the tub, trying to ignore the stares you know you're getting as Karen merely chuckles.
“Aye, Arthur- sounds like you're needed elsewhere.” Javier chuckles and you're mortified.
You spare the quickest glance up in his direction, the man who got you into this mess in the first place. You can see Arthur’s smug grin from under the rim of his hat.
You silently scrub at the rest of the laundry load, handing shirts to Tilly for her to wring out and hang on the line.
“Don’t let her get to you, you know how Karen is. Tilly places a hand on your shoulder and squeezes gently to assure you before returning to the laundry. You sigh, taking another shirt and dunking it into the water.
A pair of boots land in your vision before a hand reaches down toward you. You look up to see Arthur ready to pull you up to stand, a gentle smile on his face.
“C’mon now sweetheart.” 
You sigh and take his hand, secretly grateful for the assistance to stand up. He steadies you before pulling your hand to his lips and pressing them to your knuckles.
“How’s about you lay down for a little.” He offers, holding his arm out to you as you wind your own around it, letting him walk you slowly to the tent, holding back the canvas for you to step inside. 
You let out a long breath, bracing your lower back with both hands for a moment before sighing. There was just no getting comfortable at this point.
“C’mere, let me help you.”
Arthur stoops down on one knee and loosens your bootlaces enough that he can pull them from your feet one by one. You let a breath out once both boots are off, unable to deny it felt good to get your swollen feet out of them.
“Better?” He looks up at you for a moment and you nod, your hand moving from his shoulder that you were balancing on to your lower back again, idly rubbing at near-constant ache that has settled there. 
Arthur stands up and places a kiss to your forehead before turning around and taking his hat off, placing it on the small table where he kept his shaving kit.
Karen’s suggestion echoes in your mind as you watch him run his fingers through his short hair absentmindedly.
You roll your palm over your distended abdomen, frowning.
“You don’t have to lie and tell me you want me.” Your voice cuts through the silence and Arthur swings around to look at you, puzzled.
“Darlin’, it ain’t a lie. It’s never a lie.” He responds softly, taking a step closer to you.
“Really? Lookin’ like this… it does something for you?”
Arthur blushes before looking down at his boots. “Well, I… uh... Yes?”
You quirk your eyebrow, placing your hands on your hips, “I’m a goddamn watermelon-”
“You’re pregnant-”
“Literally swollen up like a damn cow-”
“C’mon now darlin’-”
And damn, if you can’t hold back the tears from collecting on your eyelashes as you spin away from him.
His broad arms wrap around your swollen waist, pulling you back half a step and against his large frame. One hand spreads wide over your belly as you feel him press his lips to the top of your head.
“I… ain’t the woman you was chasin’ after anymore.” You admit with a cracking voice, the tears spilling down your cheeks as your hand falls upon his over your belly, “Who knows when I’ll be able to ride or shoot or do anythin’ like that again.”
His lips move from the top of your head down to your earlobe, where he nips gently. Arthur’s low voice rumbles in your ear, causing a delightful shiver down your spine.
“Whole world knows you’re mine -” He pulls you another half backward and you gasp as you feel the long, hard line of him against your rear, “Christ, you’re the most beautiful thing alive, all big with my child.”
“A-Arthur - ” You whine as one of his hands cups a swollen breast through your blouse.
“Have half a mind to keep you like this.” Arthur continues, his other hand moving downward to slide between your legs and the needy sound that escapes your throat is loud enough to make him shush you as he presses at your core through layers of cotton.
Your hands fly to grasp his forearm as he gently gropes at your breast, and you turn your head up toward his and he greedily pushes his lips upon your own, tongue pressing inside your mouth as you moan into his.
You have no idea how long it is you spend wrapped up in his arms - your hips pressing back into his, his hands groping at your breasts and cunt, your knees shaking as you pant into his mouth. 
Those damned hands of this, they keep you under his spell as somehow, he unlaces your skirts and they fall to the ground in a heap around your ankles. He spins you around in his embrace, and his lips fly to your neck as he opens the buttons of your blouse. You let him pull the sleeves down your arm, leaving you in just an old cotton chemise stretched tight over your belly. The seam of your bloomers, soaked, chafes delightfully against your cunt.
It’s only another moment before he’s shrugging your chemise down over your shoulders to free your breasts.
“What’s gonna be the best for you?” Arthur whispers into your ear, his warm, somewhat rough palm engulfing your breast, squeezing it gently.
Your head tips backward as you lean against him, a high and flighty moan bubbling up from your chest. “On- on my side-”
Your chemise flutters to the floor, along with your bloomers, his hands pushing the cotton down of your body.
“Go on, get in the cot and get comfortable.” Arthur nips at your ear again and gives a playful swat to your rear.
You nod, eyes falling from his face to his hands as he pulls his suspenders down his arms and begins unbuttoning his work shirt. You back up two steps to the cot, slowly sitting down upon it, your gaze refusing to leave him as he strips himself down.
With the speed of a man on a mission, he rids himself of his boots and the rest of his clothing and stalks the few steps to the cot.  You turn yourself over to lay in it, burdened by your stomach as you let out a long breath as you finally settle down on your side, facing the wagon that makes up the side of the tent.
Arthur slides into the small cot next to you, that warm, big hand finding its way to your belly as he situates himself behind you, pressing all six feet of his frame against you, his body hard, hot, and wanting.
“You tell me what feels good, darlin’.” He mouths against your neck as his hand retracts behind your hip to stroke his cock.
You moan lowly and press your hips back against him, you can feel his smile on your skin as he guides himself to your entrance. The blunt head of his cock presses into the rim of your cunt, and his hand moves to sling your thigh back over his, opening you to him more.
“Mm, that feels good.” Your voice strains as he slides himself deeper into you, a deep, satisfied rumble coming from his chest when his hips press fully against your rear, fully sheathed in your cunt.
His arm swings across your hips, pulling your thigh backward even more as he languidly rolls himself into you. His fingers find that small bundle of nerves as he nibbles on your earlobe.
You mewl aloud at the stimulation, panting as he continues to press himself into you. His low, rough voice whispers in your ear, vacillating from sweet nothings to filthy utterances. The slide of his cock into your cunt is the constant, grounding thing as his fingers that rub at your clit speed up and slow down.
“A-Arthur-” you pitifully whine, gasping as you huddle toward that precipice. He grunts into your ear as he slightly picks up the speed of his hips rolling into yours, still gentle. He pinches at that nub and you’re gone, your legs shaking and hips seizing as you meek through your release, your slick glossing his cock and dripping from your body, even with him filling you.
“Tha’s my girl…” Arthur slurs as his hand moves up to cup at your lower belly, “Christ, I ain't ever gonna be able to stop fillin’ you-”
His murmurs fade into a groan as he presses forward one final time, burying himself deeply in your warmth as he shudders his release into you.
You sigh in contentment at the feeling, warmth blooming from your joined hips. His lips touch the back of your neck as his large hand rubs gently at your hip as he catches his breath.
Arthur gently pulls out, you gasp slightly at the feelings of the loss of his flesh and the dripping of his warm spend from your body. He shushes you with a kiss over your jaw, rubbing circles over your swollen belly.
“Feelin’ any better?”
Your hand covers his over your belly as you lean back fully into his embrace.
“Much better.”
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katakaluptastrophy · 11 months
Last night I saw a comment on a cosplay video about how different John Gaius and Abigail Pent are as characters and this has been floating round my head like a screensaver, so have some jumbled thoughts.
Obviously, yes, Abigail and John are hugely, hugely different.
There's a superficial link, to Harrow: they're the two people her parent trauma specifically latches onto in HTN. You know, the mother and father that were willing to pay a terrible price and break the apparent laws of nature for love of the Ninth? This will be important later. Harrow fixates on Abigail's hands, and the only memory we get from her of Pelleamena is of her hands guiding young Harrow's as she learned necromancy. And when Jod tries to touch Harrow, she immediately links it to her memory of her father (and of being handed a noose...).
But on another level, there's something else. Academics whose research brought them into a position of ambiguous heterodoxy? Notable in a peer group of matched sets for being the one that doesn't quite fit the norm? Active collectors of found family? Yes, but let's think back to Harrow's parents now. Who were willing to pay a terrible price and break the apparent laws of nature for love.
Abigail Pent risked the total and final destruction of her own soul, and while dead herself and without blood or offering summoned an impossibly ancient ghost through the sheer force of someone else's enthusiasm, despite the fact that, in her own words: "it shouldn't have worked." And all to help a frightened teenager that she met once at a dinner party.
John Gaius sacrificed the whole of humanity and the solar system for what he tells himself is his love for the earth. And continues to funnel the whole machinery of empire towards revenge for the earth.
There is, of course, one fundamental difference: Abigail put herself on the line, John anyone and anything but him.
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jemichi90 · 2 months
okay OP, in your recent art you mentioned that "you will explain if needed" and gave a detailed explanation of what might have happened (to Charlie and Maxwell).
I'd LOVE to hear more of your thoughts, and the "explanation" that you said you'd provide (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
ps i really like your art.
Oh! Hello there! 👀
And yes indeed I did. Alright then, get ready for the brainrot. xD
For a long time I've thought that Charlie died and came back wrong, and in the recent updates there have been several things hinting at it.
Here is a list of the ones I can remember right now:
Maxwell says ”There's a story behind that...” when inspecting a touch stone.
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After the recent update, the ”dark side” Winona can sense traces of Charlie on the touch stone, confirming it's related to her (the quotes vary).
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In the Encore animated short, there is a brief flashback of Charlie with the Ancient Fuelweaver behind her, and then her Chess piece is seen falling and sinking inside a black square on the board - some heavy symbolism there, sparing us from the gory details, I guess...
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In Charlie's stageplay, the doll that represents her breaks, but she's brought back to life by the Mirror (Them?) - alive but different, as she says.
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And then there are things that fall more into the headcanon territory, until more evidence comes up that either proves or debunks those ideas entirely, but I'll explain those as well, since they heavily influece my art inspiration.
I subscribe to the idea that the two characters in the ancient murals represent Maxwell and Charlie themselves in their early years in the Constant (but depicted by the locals that were unfamiliar with human anatomy). Time moves differently in that world so it could have been thousands of years ago, but the two made contact with the locals and briefly improved their life through the use of Their magic – until it backfired and the entity that must have been sealed for a reason broke free. Assuming the character with the torch really is Charlie, she died protecting Maxwell from the consequences of his own mistakes. In the final mural image, only her cracked head can be seen.
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Another headcanon I have comes from the fact that one of shadow Charlie's arms seems to be entirely made of shadows (curiously, there are also arm bones attached to the touch stone, although they could have belonged to a pigman too, like the heads), so I think that whatever happened to her basically shattered her to pieces, and some pieces may still be missing - like that arm. But details like this are only a headcanon for now.
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This also falls in the time period between 1906 and 1910-ish, when apparently some crazy stuff happened that Klei hasn't showed us much about – yet (according to their own post some years ago). ^^
So based on all this, my idea is that Maxwell summoned the Fuelweaver (as seen in the murals), but he messed up big time and Charlie got caught in the crossfire trying to protect Maxwell. She died a gruesome death (that may have torn her to pieces even more brutally than in my drawing). Maxwell in his desperation made the touch stone in a hurry (which is why it looks so rough compared to all his other constructs), carried what was left of Charlie there, and made a deal with Them to bring Charlie back to life no matter the cost. And they did. They just didn't bring her back exactly like she used to be, and she would probably fall to pieces and die instantly if she was separated from the entity that she now shares the body with...
I think Maxwell had been able to move freely in the Constant (maybe even out of it, based on his disappearances earlier) until then, but deals like that come with a price, so he lost his freedom and became Their tool (sold his soul to save Charlie?). Or something like that anyway.
There are also the parallels between Charlie and Abigail with their connection to their special flowers, as highlighted in the newest animated video. Charlie just might be another ghost inside a flower herself, but thanks to Them, she got to keep her body, or at least a form that resembles her body.. But I prefer to think that her actual broken body is still a part of the deal, as messed up as that is. We already know that They can keep a body that should have died a long time ago alive for an eternity, thanks to Maxwell. When he was released from the Nightmare Throne and time caught up to him, he didn't just die, he turned to a skeleton that crumbled to dust in an instant..! That's some old corpse, but he'd been conscious all that time because They wouldn't let him die.
So yeah, these happy thoughts inspired that piece. I might draw more about that if I still feel like it later. :D
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spongek-squidge · 6 months
My Headcannons for which bachelor(ette) is the most intimidating on first meeting
90% self indulgent headcanons 10% canon, let me have my fun~
#1 Shane
We all expected this one
Gruff old alcoholic man is not a very trustworthy or comforting persona
Also he’s rude when first meeting people so that doesn’t helps
Only reason he doesn’t completely scare people off is cause he’s baby faced (this fact annoys him greatly)
#2 Sebastian
Emo boy who lives in his mums basement, smokes and owns a motorcycle?
He’s literally the kid everyone’s parents told them to avoid
No matter if you love that bad boy persona or not there’s still that intimidation around it, ya gotta admit!
#3 Haley
She’s very mean
Literally comes off as everyone’s Highschool bully when you first meet her
She’s also just intimidatingly pretty on top of that so…
Pretty much a tie with Sebastian tho, I only put her lower because pritty gurl
#4 Alex
He a buff mysoginstic boi!
He’s like chill when you meet him but the bias leaks off him like the sweat when he’s exercising in his bedroom
Literally just a highschool jock, you move into town and think Haley and Alex are gonna be the biggest asshat powercouple
In reality they’re just some confused queers with dual mummy and daddy issues
#5 Abigail
Goth gfs are inherently a bit intimidating ngl
Also she just has a lot of energy and an urge to fight, that’s a fairly intimating combination-
Also if she could drive a car she would have biggest road rage, she got those vibes about her
#6 Harvey
Okokok hear me out
Ik he’s a big sad wholesome man but he’s also a doctor and anyone who sticks with the education system that long is a bit intimidating ngl
Also he’s a very tall boi and if you combine that with my head canon of him being dad-shaped it can give off an unintentionally intimidating aura!
Also people just don’t like going to the doctors so that won’t help
#7 Leah
She works out and it shows
It’s hot af but also a bit intimidating ngl
But she’s too chill for that to put her further up the list so here she be!
#8 Elliott
He uses big person words that I don’t understand
Big people words intimidate me
Words are powerful
But also I could easily beat him in a fight so he’s lower down than Leah
#9 Maru
One of her favourite objects is radioactive ingots
Need I say more?
Most of her intimidation comes from Demetrius being an overprotective cockblock tho, so it’s not as much her as her father
#10 Emily
She gives off chill aunt/cousin vibes
However she is also high as a kite 24/7 and that level of zoned out can be a bit freaky, especially when she zones out staring at you
She’s fine tho, would never take drugs that make her act up in a negative way
#11 Sam
He is a golden retriever and you can tell from the second you meet him
Big smile constantly and no thoughts behind those eyes
Only intimidation he could ever possibly have is the skater boy stereotypes, but other then that he’s got no negative vibes whatsoever
#12 Penny
I’m sure we all saw this coming, but she’s really not intimidating at all
She’s a shy woman that just wants to teach kids and read her romance novels and I love that for her
If she needed to intimidate someone she’d have to summon her mum to do it for her, no chance she’s scaring anyone herself
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