compactuscorp · 8 years
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compactuscorp · 8 years
I (Raphaëlle) was part of the class game which consisted in picking a piece of paper. On this paper was written the name of somebody in the class. The rule was to speak about this person’s future life (ten years later). I picked myself during the game.
After an awful career in audiovisual archiving, I will be spotted by the greatest modelling agency in the world. More than just a anonymous model, I will be an icon for the next young generation. I will be invited to all the VIP parties in Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Milan, but not to Paris because it is really too popular and vulgar.
I will have the chance of getting married to a marvelous multimillionaire who has made his fortune in oil. One of my house will be so big that I will have to move inside on my roller-skates.
I will then realize that modeling is really futile, and I will start a singing career in Rock’n’Roll. I will meet a disrespectable man, and fall into many bad situations with involving drugs. After three stays in rehabs, I will then become a vegetarian and travel to Tibet to find the meaning of my life. I will find my own peace and hope that everybody else will do the same.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
Mathilde Rouquet : a life, a destiny.
After her graduation from InaSup Mathilde managed to find a great position in an important audiovisual institution in Paris. She had succeeded in her work but her life in Paris weighed heavily upon her and as time went by she felt like something was missing in her daily life. She needed to recharge her batteries. So one day she decided to take a break and return to the precious land of her childhood: Brittany.
On a cold and rainy evening as she was watching a TV replay of Les Bronzés font du ski, she was wondering what was that one thing that was bothering her. Then came the famous scene of the “crepe with sugar”. When she saw Gigi presenting her “crepe Gigi” she finally had a revelation. Brittany was the thing she was missing. Then she thought: “Everybody loves Brittany. Everybody loves crepes. Here we are in 2026 but crepes are still underrepresented in our society and especially in the audiovisual sector.” She stayed up all night; a million ideas ran through her mind. That was it! She would be the first person to create an audiovisual collection of crepes archives.
Over the next few days she began working on her project. After she found a couple of partners she began to travel the entire length of Brittany searching for some hidden treasures. From Roscoff to Plöermel she spent several months on the wet but sunny roads of Brittany until the day she finally opened the ACBC: The Audiovisual Center of Breton Crepes. Very quickly the ACBC became a meeting place where passionate, audiovisual professionals and simple crepe-lovers could come together to discuss the history of crepe-making and its future. The popularity of ACBC first spread across the borders of Brittany, and then those of France. And today the center is an honorary member of the International Congress of Crepes Lovers, with alongside the Pancake National Institute in Toronto and the Crepes Mille Trous Museum in Tanger.
Flush with this success and the international recognition of her center, Mathilde was wondering what she could do to expand the collection of the ACBC. Then she thought that the only thing better than crepes is crepes WITH CIDER! So she began looking for audiovisual archives of cider. But one morning she received a letter from the Norman Film Center of Cider (NFCC) that threatened to sue them for plagiarism. Mathilde was disappointed. But finally after several hours of negotiations a compromise was reached: the Norman Film Center of Cider agreed to accept ACBC’s competition but only on the condition that Bretons finally recognize that the Mont St-Michel is Norman.
After days of reflection and many public discussions with local Bretons, historians and regional politicians the verdict was announced: after all these years of battle for the host of the Mother Poulard, Brittany finally agreed to admit the Norman origins of the Mont St-Michel.
A few years after this event who hit the headlines, the director of the NFCC shocked everyone by declaring on Ouest France (after drinking too much cider) “the Breton cider is really better than the Norman one”. Following this declaration and after many apologies, the NFCC teamed up with the ACBC in a peaceful co-existence and Mathilde became the symbol of the reconciliation between Normans and Bretons.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
Arthur Crazy Bucket Hats
During my shopping at Franprix last week, I bumped into Arthur. I was excited and curious to find out what he had become. Between the stinky cheeses and flavored yoghurts of the supermarket shelves, we chatted about our lives. After five minutes, he announced something unexpected: he had quit archiving five years ago. I asked for an explanation.
After finishing school at Ina SUP, he did an internship at La Cinémathèque Française. It went really well and Arthur was hired as an archivist. It was a great opportunity for him. Indeed, during our classes at INA, I remember he kept saying how much Henri Langlois, the Cinémathèque founder, was like a god to him.  Arthur seemed to have a successful career there and was respected and well-known in the professional world of archives. But, one morning, out of the blue, he decided to quit and finally follow his dream.
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                             Photo: Arthur wearing his favourite bucket hat.
So, with bravery and ambition, he created and opened his own bucket hats company, Arthur Crazy Bucket Hats. The company has developed rapidly, it’s now based in Paris and Berlin. Everyday Arthur and his team are designing colorful, striped and woolly bucket hats. His company is now a leader in the French bucket hat market. The future is bright. I promised him I would drop by the Parisian store, and so will Rose Durr. I know she is a huge fan of bucket hats.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
Fanny rock star
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Fanny was interviewed by the GinTama newspaper . Here are her answers to their questions about her star career. Exclusive interview.
Jean: "Hello Fanny and thank you for agreeing to answer our questions. "
Fanny: "Hello! I'm verry happy to be here. "
Jean: "Unless I am mistaken, you started at a dazzling career 3 years ago with your J’encule Godard tube. "
Fanny: " Which was number one in the rankings for a year and that which particularly pleased the inhabitants of the planet B-3621 and Turolos. I want to thank them again for their support. "
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                                              Videoclip  of J’encule Godard 
Jean: "I can understand. You have conquered the galaxy as a rock singer, it's not nothing! Can you tell us how it all started?
Fanny: "It was a little over 3 years ago when I happened to become what I call " be a born rock singer "
Jean: "be a born rock singer? "
Fanny: "Yes, yes! I was at a Pete Docherty concert. And, as I was sitting in the front row when I asked him for his autograph. I'm not sure what happened but I took a the microphone. That's why I was "be a born rock singer"
Jean: "An original story, thanks to which we are fortunate to have you. Soon after that therefore came success. Then several albums and lately you have just completed a concert tour to more than 100 planets. What will you do now? "
Fanny: "For now, I do not think I will go back to do any concerts immediately. I’d prefer to invest myself in other projects, including a surprise that I’ve reserved for my many interplanetary fans. "
Jean: "A surprise? Can you tell us more? "
Fanny: "If I do, it will not be a surprise ;)".
Jean: "All right then. I think the fans are awaiting impatiently for this famous surprise. I must now conclude this interview. See you soon I hope! "
Fanny: "Bye, bye"
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compactuscorp · 8 years
On the moon!
 Lisa likes sport, especially football. So she likes sports clothes. But one day, she will not have anything more to do with that. No! She will travel through the galaxy, in the space. Yeah! She will wear new figure-hugging spacesuits because she likes fashion and she thinks that today’s spacesuits are an insult to fashion lapses. Then she will invent a new machine to go back in time, because her dream is to enter Neil Armstrong’s astral body when he walked on the moon in 1969.
 But because she is ambitious, she will do what he never did: invent some electric flying suit to fly without any plane, with an integrated radio which will broadcast Paradise by Coldplay, GPS, etc… With all these devices, she will challenge the inventiveness of the NASA and why not taunt his spacecraft. It could be funny no? The astronauts would better behave themselves, particularly because she will land on Mars without any difficulty! She will of course be well protected against the low temperatures.
 We  won’t know how, but she will create some robots in order to put on some acapella shows like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW5czKqT05A. So she will develop her musical talents and produce for the first time a reality show on the red planet.
 Then she will come back to Earth to meet her millions of fans, see her friends and family and do normal things because she will miss her social life and she will still be very humble.
On the moon!
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compactuscorp · 8 years
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006), Tom Tykwer
Directed by Tom Tykwer in 2006, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a German film based on Patrick Süskind’s 1985 novel Perfume.
The film tells the story of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille (Ben Whishaw), born with an olfactory genius and of his homicidal quest for the perfect scent. Born in Paris, 1738, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is raised in an orphanage where he grew up until the age of 13, then he is sold to work in a tannery. One evening, he is attracted by the scent of a young woman who sells fruits and begins to follow her. But he accidentally kills her and her smell disappears forever. He decides this very evening to keep every odors. Grenouille manages to get hired as an apprentice to the master perfumer Giuseppe Baldini (Dustin Hoffman), thereby profiting from his genius of creating new fragrances. He discovers the technique of distillation and the secrets of the manufacturing of perfumes, but his only obsession is to know the technique to retain every odors like the odor of the Baldini’s cat, the glass or the copper. Then, Baldini sends him to the town of Grasse, where he will learn the how to “enfleurage”. One day, he discovers he hasn’t any scent himself, which he believes is the reason why he doesn’t exist to other people. Grenouille begins to kill young virgins to compose the “perfume” that allows him to exist and to be loved by all the people. His last victim will be Laura Richis (Rachel Hurd-Wood), the daughter of the richest man in Grasse, Antoine Rishis (Alan Rickman). As he reaches his goal, Grenouille is arrested and tortured. In front of the torturer and the crowd, Grenouille applies some his perfume he had carefully hidden on himself and that is when all the people, rich and poor, fall in love with him, then follows an orgy scene. Although he holds the power of love, Grenouille realizes that he never be loved for who he really is. After that, he returns to Paris where he was born. The young man pours the rest of the perfume on himself and disappears inside the mass of people congregating around him in order to devour him.
Grenouille and his first victim in spite of him...
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The novel has inspired music, like Nirvana’s “Scentless Apprentice”, Kurt Cobain’s favorite song, and the single Du riechst so gut (German for “You smell so good”) by the German Neue Deutsche Härte band Rammstein, and finally “Herr Spiegelmann” by the Portugese metal band Moonspell, in which the singer cites a passage from the novel. The character of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille has also inspired other filmmakers. The French director Roman Polanski made him the main character in Pirates (1986). In Season 6 of the series Criminal Minds directed by Jeff Davis, a Los Angeles taxi driver kills young women to steal their perfume to cover the nauseating smells of the city, and in season 4 of the series Fringe directed by J.J. Abrams, a man steals married men pheromones to attract women. The sets of the film were made in the Musée Miniature et Cinéma in the French city Lyon.
This is the official video “Du Riechst so gut” by Rammstein
In my opinion, the movie was a revelation and I hadn’t read the book before. I think the director succeeded brilliantly - through the decorations, music and light and obviously the performance of Ben Whishaw - in giving the viewers a virtual sense of smell. All along, I had the impression I had Grenouille’s nose and I realized just how much smell is an important part of who we are. Later I read the book and it was also a revelation as the writer describes any odors and any emotion. The book as the film is an olfactory sensory experience.
Here is one of the reconstituted decors of the Musée Miniature & Cinéma (Lyon, France)
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compactuscorp · 8 years
You think you have achieved your dreams ? Let me tell you that Anissa has done better !
It's not because Anissa is always the last person to send her English blog that she won't have a terrific destiny. God no! Actually it's quite the opposite… You'll see … In two minutes you will be really jealous … Ready? Hey ho, let's go!
Remember Anissa? Soft voice, always eats her cheese with butter, keen on glasses, specialist of Moundir… I'm sure you do! How could it be any different? During my two years of studies at Ina Sup, I have been jealous of the splendor of her PowerPoints. Every time Anissa was making a presentation I was feeling inferior when faced with her computer genius and sense of aesthetics.
But what about Anissa today?
The last time I saw her she was doing an internship in film restoration at the Bologna film festival, Il Cinema Ritrovato. She was in charge of the restoration of the Buster Keaton short-movies. Her job was great, she is a real perfectionist, and her restoration was close to perfection. Soon, Anissa became the mascot of the cinemateca. Sometimes old Italian mamas talked to her in the street and offered her some cheese. Because of her shyness, Anissa had a problem saying no: she was given so much cheese that she could have fed a poor country with it. She didn't know what to do with all the cheese she's got. Her fridge what full, she decided to take some cheese to the cinemateca. Unfortunately, one poor boy who was working in the laboratory, stole her cheese and ate it sitting above the tank of perchloroethylene where  the new restored version of The Trip to the Moon was being cleaned. The film was damaged. The poor boy accused Anissa, and despite her popularity, she was found guilty (unfortunately for her, she had just  eaten some cheese – as always).
Fired, Anissa had to get back to France. Heart-broken, she forgot her problems by  losing herself in her favorite activity : creating PowerPoints. She earned some money creating original PowerPoint presentations about film restoration. It was quite a success. But Anissa was bored: she needed to find a new job. Thanks to her passion for glasses and her technical ability, Anissa found a job in glasses' spectacle restoration. One day, her manager saw one of her PowerPoints. I can tell you he was very impressed by her level sense of aesthetics and beauty. He asked her to deals with look after the store communications. Anissa created beautiful posters to promote the beauty of eye-glasses. They were so beautiful that she became famous in the artistic world of art and design. She mixed photography, archives and advertising’s references. I'm sure Don Draper would have asked her to be his head graphic ! They were pieces of art … Some of her work were even exhibited in the MoMa. The director of the Found Footage Film Festival fell in love in front of one of her posters while he was visiting the famous museum. He asked her to work for the festival's communications. With her talent, Anissa could  have made the poster for the Festival de Cannes…  But you know… Heart Love before money! The director of the Film Found Footage festival soon discovered her talent in film restoration. Soon after, Anissa took over as the head of the department. She is now the director of the festival. Well done Anissa! I  should say: Moundir would be proud of you!
Jealous huh? Come on reader… I'm sure your life isn't that bad !
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compactuscorp · 8 years
Flora and the Kirghiz Horses
We are in 2026. Flora now lives in Bishkek, Kirghizstan. After her end-of-study internship in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, where she helped create an important communist archive center, she decided to stay and live in central Asia and to go to Kirghizstan to discover the wonderful horses they have. There, she fell in love. Not literally (in fact, yes, but that's none of our business), but with the fabulous Kirghiz horses. So she decided to dedicate her life to them. She started working with the Kirghiz Ate Foundation whose mission is to preserve and promote the Kirghiz equestrian tradition as cultural heritage. Given that, except for their beauty, she knew nothing about those horses she offered herself as an archivist for the foundation. It was the only way for her to approach them.
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At first it was hard for her. She hardly spoke Kirghiz. It was her good fortune however that she speaks Russian, this was a huge help for her. Thanks to her Russian she learned, met people, started her new life.
Kirghizstan and its Kirghiz horses is like a new Quebec for her. Taking after Charles de Gaulle’s speech “Vive le Québec libre!” she’s preparing her own “Vive les chevaux libres!” speech that she’s going to give at the Kirghizstan embassy in France in a few days time. This speech is a great opportunity for her. With it she could become the most famous horse heritage archivist in the whole world!
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compactuscorp · 8 years
She’s not a terrorist
Léa is now 38. Apart from a tiny comma-shaped wrinkle in the middle of her eyebrows, she still has the same ingenuous brown eyes. She has cut her hair because this makes it easier for her to run in the mountains. Léa worked for a few years as an employee in a multimedia library in Lyon. Then, she created her own start-up as an archivist with a scientific friend. After ten years, they invented lots of new ways to preserve footage and datas of many kinds. Her last invention had forced her to live in a far removed cottage, in the middle of the mountains, next to an Italian village named Crissolo.
One day, while eating a juicy orange, Léa activated the 'day' function of the house on her home remote-control. The curtains opened slowly and a few white rays of light entered the room. Her fantastic kitchen robot began to prepare tofu with green peas, because she had become a vegetarian like half of the European population. On the wall, a picture-screen started to show some images of various plants – a water lilly, a bolete, an olive tree – and for each picture, a table indicated some scientific information such as temperature, humidity rate and chlorophyll-development speed.
She walked over to her hanging desk and asked her tablet to switch on the French radio station 'Planète Compactus'. The voice of Adrien Robin was starting to speak about new technologies. Léa walked down to the table where the robot had just put down her breakfast plate. Léa asked it to add some marrow seeds and a touch of curcuma, well-known as a great source of energy for the human body. She had eaten half of her plate when she heard Adrien's voice talking about an experiment that enabled data to be hidden in mushroom bulbs' DNA.
'What a jerk!' she whispered. 'He was supposed to keep it a secret!'  Immediately, her phone rang and she heard a deep male voice speaking English with a strong Bulgarian accent. 'Léa Germain? Today plan B begins. Please destroy all the mushrooms after the operation. Léa asked her phone to hang up, took a look at the bolete picture on the screen and started to think about a new life form to exploit. The Grass was too common and too risky: it would be too difficult to pick out the right one. Chicken? She did not like it and besides they required too much attention. The olive trees were already reserved, as were the wisteria, the water lilies and the bamboos. Far away, Léa heard a goat bleating. Goats? She had always wanted to have some... she loved goat-cheese. Yes, she would choose goats. There were many of them in this region, so it would definitely be unnoticed. It would take approximatively a month to transfer the Bulgarian datas from vegetal to animal DNA, but she loved challenges. Léa smiled. With a few goats eating the fresh grass, her garden would be perfect. And she was the only one to know how special and fantastic her garden really was.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
I feel like I have been here for two months. Has nobody even noticed my absence? “Hey! Can anyone hear me?!” I'm getting bored. I think everyone has forgotten me. I'm all alone. I want to get out of here! I continue my investigations. I have nothing else to do. Digging around all these dusty old archives will be the death of me.
I take a folder.
Janet Jackson, 2004: “Nipplegate”
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Difficult to outdo Madonna. Janet Jackson then. Meh, I especially know his brother. You know, Jermaine. It was during the Super Bowl XXXVIII February 1, 2004. Let's have a look.
It was a duet between Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. At the end of the song, Justin snatched a part of Janet's bodice and revealed her breast with a strange looking nipple-shield. It was very fast. Just a breast on television. In front of 85 million viewers, true. It was enough to trigger a disproportionate media storm in the U.S. Journalists and politicians pointed to the decline of American culture. It's the fifth scandal I have analyzed. I still wonder about American Puritanism. What's wrong with them? After the show, the ABC decided to broadcast the Oscars with a 5-minute delay to avoid any other outrages. God, I'm tired...
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I'm getting angry. I need to distract my mind. Hum... Miley Cyrus? I'm not sure this is a good idea...
Miley Cyrus, 2013: “The Tongue That Licked The World”
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I can't decide about Miley Cyrus. I've always imagined her as a Disney icons going bananas. Do we have the new Britney Spears?
The most successful performance in Twitter history. On the stage at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, Miley sang We Can't Stop in a flesh-colored bodysuit. After that she performed a duet with Robin Thicke on his song Blurred Lines. It was at this moment the tragedy happened. Miley twerked in front of her co-star and simulated masturbation with a giant foam finger. SCANDAL ! Okay, but déjà vu. Madonna had that done before. 20 times.  
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I don't know what to think about all these files. Must one be provocative to change the world? Yes, I think so. Scandals have done more to help to change attitudes than any policy, particularly in terms of women's liberation and sexual liberation. But I feel that today's stars create scandals for the sake of scandal, political discourses has been replaced by the buzz. Modern times, I guess.
“Adrien! Adrien! Where are you?!” Oh! They've come to rescue me (although I'm not in danger...). “What are you doing here ?” They are my colleagues. “We were looking for you everywhere! We are starting the draw for writing our blog articles. Want to participate ?”
Too late.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
On the moon!
Lisa likes sport, especially football. So she likes sport clothes. But later, she will not have any link with that. No! She will travel in the galaxy, in the space. Yeah! She will create new figure-hugging space suits because she likes fashion and she thinks that current space suits are fashion lapses. Then she will invent a new machine to go back in time, because her dream is to enter into Neil Armstrong’s skin when he walked on the moon in 1969.
 But because she is ambitious, she will do what he never did: create some electric clothes to fly without any plane, with integrated radio which will broadcast Paradise by Coldplay, GPS etc…With all these devices, she will challenge the inventiveness of the NASA and why not taunt his satellite. It could be funny no? The astronauts would better behave themselves, particularly because she will land on Mars without any difficulty! She will of course be well protected against low temperature.
 We don’t know how, but she will create some robots in order to create some a capella shows like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW5czKqT05A. So she will develop her musical talent and produce for the first time a reality show on this planet.
 Then she will come back on earth to meet her millions of fans, see her friends and family and do normal things because she will miss social life and she still will be very humble.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
On a cold and snowy night of 1999 my mom allowed me to watch Shivers with her, a classic horror movie from the seventies. I was 10 and ever since then I’ve been a huge fan of this Canadian director, David Cronenberg.
Cronenberg is a specialist in creating movies that include liters of fake blood, suffocating music and unwelcome creatures. His movies are full of fleshless bodies, pushing us to believe that beauty is definitely on the outside. What’s especially fascinating is the constant struggle between gore and the ridiculous, that creates a strong emotional impact in most of Cronenberg’s films. So, to such an extent that in the dark of the cinema, some have screamed, some others have laughed.
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In the eighties, taking advantage of a price drop in American farming land, he bought a huge farm for a nickel. Near Winnemucca, Nevada, he spent days taking care of his  pigs and hundreds of ducks while he kept working on his personal work projects and filming. I am pretty sure that this environment has inspired his creations. Indeed, throughout his horror films, animal behavior is a recurrent subject of analysis.
Last weekend, one of my friends who works at the Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital called me, very excited. Cronenberg was at the Hospital, in intensive care. He had been hospitalized last Friday, with majors burns on to his body and deep multiples cuts on to his back. I had the chance to meet my idole thanks to my friend Mickael. He was doing better and agreed to explain what had happened to him.
Apparently, that Friday morning, Cronenberg had been feeling really hungry. He decided to cook fresh homemade fries for lunch. Unfortunately, caught up in the writing of his new horror scenario, Cronenberg didn’t see that the fryer was on fire. Sweating, panicking, he threw a bucket of water on it. A bad idea - as it created a major explosion. He was thrown 2 meters away as a result and was stabbed  in the back by his set of kitchen knives. Fortunately, his wife was there to help and support him to get through the pain until 911 arrived. Because, as surprising as it might be sound, even after all these injuries, Cronenberg was still conscious. Finally, watching me with his unblinking red eyes, he confessed that this crazy story might inspire his next scenario. And then, he tried to give me a wink, but the pain of his burned face made it impossible. I just hope he will play the main role. The interpretation would be perfect.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
Hello! Today I'm going to talk about the influence of the famous celebrity Kim Kardashian in the fashion world. Kim Kardashian is a superstar who has a lot of talent, with the exception of taking selfies.
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She was  born  in 1980 in Los Angeles, and she still lives there. She is the daughter of Robert Kardashian, a wealthy lawyer who defends rich personalities. The media took note her when she became friends with Paris Hilton; but it's  her sex tape with the rapper Ray J filmed in 2003, and published online four years ago, which gave her more celebrity. From 2008 till today, their family was the subject of a TV reality show called Keeping up with the Kardashians. In this program, we can see the tears, screams and laughter of the family; the trips of Kim and her sisters to New York or Miami; the wedding of Kim and her rapper husband; record producer, fashion designer and entrepreneur Kanye West; the birth of her child daughter named North West…
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She was reported to be the highest-paid reality television personality, with her total earnings exceeding US$53 million. She has released a book Selfish in 2015 composed of selfies of her, family photos and swimsuit shots previously posted on Kardashian's social media accounts.  In 2016, she published her application store of emojis which express her universe: her rounded buttocks, luxury cars, bills... This application shows that real imagery of Kim Kardashian does exist.
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Today, Kim is an icon for many teenagers and young adults. She is very present on the social networks. There are 71.4 millions subscribers to her instagram account. She is the second most followed person after the singer Taylor Swift. Her photos on Instagram create new trends. For instance, she once posted a photo of her naked with black bars hiding her breasts and her vagina. A challenge called #KimKChallenge then appeared: full of girls also posing naked on instagram.
She has participated fashionably in the bubble butt with Nicky Minaj and others. She has popularized plastic surgery in order to have a perfect face and body. Her sisters have also benefited from this miracle of the twentieth century. Today, Kim Kardashian evokes the perfect body. There are not only girls who want Kim’s body but also some boys: Jordan James Parke has spent more than $156,000 on plastic surgery to look like his idol.
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Jordan James Parke
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Kamilla Osman: Another doppelganger. (Kamilla to the right, the real Kim to the left)
Kim Kardashian has also an influence in the way women dress and use make up. She started the fashion of the contoured makeup look. This beauty technique consists of putting differents colours (white, beige and brown) in contours to design, sculpt, define and highlight your face. There are so many tutorials on youtube to learn this method, like "Contouring & Highlighting- Kim Kardashian's Makeup secret!'' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dLSy75M46o).
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Kylie Jenner, Kim's little sister. Before/After surgery procedures
Kim Kardashian has created the fashion for the color beige, latex, skin-tight clothes, mid-length skirts, dresses which playwith the transparent look. We also owe her trends to her fashion-designer husband, Kanye West. She wears his creations, and she posts many pictures of her  showing them off. You only need to walk in the street and see all the girls with plaits to recognize how much she has brought this hairstyle back into fashion, one which reminds us of the hip hop style.
Her influence proves  that stars don't need to have much talent in our Western societies. The most important thing is to have money. Money makes you beautiful, important and glamourous.  
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The perfect Kim Kardashian panoply
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compactuscorp · 8 years
The Apple of her Eye
Selma works in a factory where she presses metal. Through the lens of a handheld camera we discover her as a lonely person, confined to a bubble: she sings, smiles, dances like a child excited by the approach of Christmas. When she turns her head to look around, her odd glassy look makes us imagine she lives in a world made up of unicorns and rainbows. Actually, through her glasses, Selma is really short-sighted, and even worse, she knows that she’s  being slowly condemned to blindness, to the point that she has to hide this handicap to keep working. But that childish personality is only a lure, because behind her big glasses and her black dress Selma looks more like a Czechoslovakian grandmother than a candid child. In fact, it’s embarrassing to have no choice to choose. Sometimes she’s like a teenager that blushes when Jeff offers to drive her home. Sometimes she slaps her son in public, when he plays truant, and she takes back her role as an adult. The truth is that the bubble we can see her inside is a massive armour protecting her. Her juvenile demeanour is a clever way to hide the most important thing, according to her: to save her son who’s also facing blindness, because it’s hereditary, but he’s the only one who’s not condemned. So she keeps working harder and harder to save money for the operation, for her little boy. Gene, no matter how discreet he can be, is a primary piece in the movie, probably the cornerstone of it. The ultimate question bears down on him, when Selma hangs to a rope: what’s gonna be his lonely future? He has eyes to see, but nobody to show him where to look, or what to think. By the way, I forgot to tell, this movie I’m talking about, this movie, it was made by Lars Von Trier, and it’s called Dancer in the Dark. I don’t know if it’s mighty film, but even after all these years, I keep thinking about Gene.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
I have been here for two or three hours, I don't know how long. I'm beginning to lose my marks bearings, my sense of time. This place is dirty. I'm cold. And hungry. What's more, I've heard rumors about a murder committed by one of these Compactus shelving units in this storage area. I don't want to be crushed here! Definitely, I'm not comfortable. But I don't want to leave this section, all these scandals fascinate me. Would I be a tabloid journalist if I denied himself?
I continue my investigation.
Donna Summer, 1975 : “Love To Love You Baby”
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Disco music was the best thing that happened to contemporary music. Seriously. When you love to dance, like I do, disco music is just perfect. The rhythm, the beat, the feeling in the stomach your belly, the sense of freedom... I think Donna Summer was its greatest diva. I listen to the old cassette tape.
17 minutes... Surely the most erotic song in pop music history. At the instigation of the two record producers Pete Bellotte and Giorgio Moroder, they turn off the lights in the record studio while Donna Summer records her moaning. The song was released in 1975 as a 3-minute single in Europe and it wasn't a chartbuster. In Britain, the BBC banned the song for its groans and heavy breathing. For the U.S. market, Donna Summer recorded an extended version (17-mins) of Love To Love You and the song became Love To Love You Baby. At its release, it was a huge success. Donna Summer said that the record upset her mother who refused to believe that those were her daughter's moans and gasps on the radio. With her 22 orgasms, the song made Donna Summer the “Linda Lovelace of pop music”. The Reverend Jesse Jackson condemned the sexually content as “garbage and pollution”. His attack advertised the song even more. It put people in a trance such as the time, during a performance, three couples had sex in the concert hall. Scared about that such behavior, Donna Summer removed the song from her show. With her orgasms, Donna Summer gave birth to disco with the first piece of music especially composed for dancing.
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That's it, I'm on top of the world. I want to smoke. I continue to have a look inside the case. “Oh! Oh God! Madonna! MADONNA!!!”
Madonna, 1990: “The Blond Ambition Tour”
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Madonna. Just Madonna. I don't have anything else to add, she is the best. Ever. The Queen. She knows how to create a scandal. It's difficult to choose one. Let us look at this one.
Everything is here. The show takes place during her international tour in 1990, the Blond Ambition Tour. On stage, Madonna sings her greatest success Like a Virgin on a bed between two dancers. The stage direction is explicit. At the end of the song, Madonna simulates the act of masturbation. The scandal breaks in May 29, 1990. She prepares to take the stage for the third night at the Toronto's SkyDome when Canadian authorities arrest her. The Canadian District Attorney judges her show as a salacious and immoral live performance. Then, the Queen of Pop claims she's “not changing [her] fucking show”. Religious groups such as the Church of England and the Catholic Church's Pope criticized her performance and call on their communities to boycott the tour. Madonna, speaking of her fans, says that the show “is for open minds and gets them to see sexuality in a different way”. Actually, she wasn't the first performer to simulate masturbation: in 1979, the punk singer Nina Hagen showed her Austrian television audience how to masturbate effectively and created a scandal too.
Madonna says it's free speech. With this performance, Madonna opens the gates for the future pop star to shock and awe on stage. Definitely: bitch, she's Madonna.
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To be continued.
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compactuscorp · 8 years
The CIA makes available finally open up their archives about … UFO’s !!!
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For their return to the new season of X Files released in February 2016, the two famous FBI agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, have an unexpected ally. Indeed, the CIA have been putting their archival holdings about UFOs online since January 2016. The declassified documents cover the period from 1947 to 1978, with testimonies of flying saucers gathered from all the world (including Germany, the Belgian Congo and the Soviet Union) and dating mostly from 1952. There are also the minutes of the meetings of various commissions of inquiry, detailed instructions as to on how to observe UFOs and amateur photographs like those of the schoolboy Alex Birch from 1962, showing us a fleet of UFOs above Sheffield in England. To create a buzz, the intelligence agency has even tweeted its support for the TV series by publishing a guide on how to spot UFOs.
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In 2011, the FBI declassified more than 2,000 secret documents from the 40’s, accessible via "The Vault" link on their website, offering free viewing. The memo of the FBI agent Guy Hottel, written in March 1950, which he said he found flying saucers and their inhabitants, is the most consulted archive on the platform with more than a million visits.  It is also the most broadcast story most relayed by the media. In order to make public their exasperation, the FBI wrote a blog post "UFOs or No?" designed to cut short the rumors. Since 19 January 2016, it is now possible to see exactly 129,491 pages of documents previously classified secret by the US Air Force, referring to over 10,000 UFO cases of reported sightings listed in the US between 1947 and 1969. Thanks to extraterrestrial enthusiast John Greenewald and his website “The Black Vault” it is possible to view declassified archives called "Project Blue Book" in reference to one of the US Air Force UFO study projects in the 50s which aimed "to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security", and "to scientifically analyze UFO-related data ". The project team was based in Dayton, Ohio, covered all the phenomena UFO sightings reported from around the world and detected 12,618 anomalous phenomena in over twenty years, with 701 of which are still to this day unexplained and inexplicable by the Americans. The US Air Force finally decided in 1985 to abandon the project concluding that "no UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of a threat to our national security" and that "there was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles ".
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This is one way to put an end to conspiracy theories such as the mysterious flying objects in Area 51 in Nevada, which turned out to be top-secret spy planes according to an official report declassified by the CIA. None of the declassified documents will provide evidence to prove the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs however, because most of these stories don’t contain sufficient evidence to initiate a scientific study. They are a real headache as John Greenewald observed on CNN. This is a nice buzz during the broadcasting of the new episodes of the TV series X-Files. According to the British magazine “The Mirror”, the publication of UFO documentation came just three weeks after the promise made by the Democratic candidate for the US presidency Hillary Clinton to " get to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon" if she were to win the election. Indeed, research into UFO’s has been abandoned for the lack of evidence and these declassified documents suggest or assume that there never has been any. Yet, UFO’s have always aroused the curiosity of enthusiasts and ufologists. "The truth is out there" as so said the two famous fictional FBI agents. Maybe the truth is can be found in those documents?
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