#necromancer types summoning spirits
I simply feel that Annabelle McAllistair and Abigail Pent would have a lot to talk about
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apostacism · 2 months
the thing about blood magic is that it's kind of two different things that have gotten conflated because of regular overlap. and this is an in-universe phenomenon as much or more than it is a fandom one.
like the most basic form of blood magic is literally just breaking and entering. a mage gets too tired to access the fade the regular way so they cut a hole through the wall like a burglar who knows the sturdy, deadbolted door is set into cheap plywood siding. this is how the basic blood magic mechanic works in da:o and da2: you turn it on and you can cast all of your regular spells using your health as a resource, but you can't be healed.
(incidentally, this is how jowan's ritual works too. whether it's one mage casting using isolde's life force or six mages casting off of lyrium, it's the same spell. it's just the path you take to meet the power threshhold for it to work.)
and then there's the Freaky Spirits Stuff, summoning demons and taking over people's minds and all. its somewhat unclear to me how much this is actually blood-powered magic by requisite and how much this is blood-powered magic by convention, because the addition of blood so greatly diminishes the power threshold necessary to attract spirits' attention.
the inquisitor's necromancer spec, for example, is very clearly doing untoward behaviors with spirits (cole is unhappy with you because of this), while not using blood as a source of power. most southerners would consider a type of magic that makes corpses get up and walk and fight at your behest unequivocally blood magic, dorian doesn't, and it's part of the cultural fabric of nevarra such that whether or not it's blood magic there probably depends in part on how rich you are.
also, magic isn't even necessary to thin the veil. it just takes a lot of blood/death. solas says that spirits are drawn to sites of battles and press against the veil there, weakening it. we see this numerous times throughout the games, the weakening of the veil and the crossing of spirits in places which have seen heavy bloodshed, regardless of whether that blood was spilled for magical purposes or just in regular old indiscriminate slaughter. is that, then, blood magic? no one summoned the spirits which became the sylvans of the brecilian forest, but they were only able to do so because of the damage done to the veil by the numerous conflicts in the area.
blood magic isn't a precise or technical term, it's a political one. there's clearly a relationship between blood/the veil/spirits, but the use of "blood magic" is more about creating a grouping of broadly related things than about clearly defining a specific theory or practice, and as such it refers to theories and practices which may only be related in a general sense as if they're one coherent thing.
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dawnholde-if · 9 months
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Hello, and thank you for applying to the Dawnholde Institute, located in Solador, Land of Eclipses. We're pleased to offer you acceptance to the Institute as a first-year student. During your time here, you'll strengthen your specialty magic, as well as branch out to other types to diversify your skill set. We boast the top magic programs in the land for students, with fulfilling extracurriculars and a competitive environment designed to help every young mage and magician thrive, as well as students from a variety of backgrounds as a testament to the diversity of our world.
We look forward to your arrival, and hope that your years with us will be filled with enlightenment.
Praise be to the Sun,
Eruless Chromavere, Head of Magical Studies
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You are the firstborn child of the Monarch of the island nation of Sparia, located in the treacherous Sacred Sea. You're set to inherit the throne once the current Monarch has passed on, but you could want nothing less. Becoming the greatest mage in the land is your end goal, so one night you flee to Solador, home to the Dawnholde Institute for the Arcane, the best magic school in the realm. It's been your dream to go there ever since you were young.
Keep your identity hidden to stay out of prying eyes and out of the way of your parent's spies trying to bring you back. Make allies and enemies while keeping up with your studies, join a club (or not), and... fall in love ? That's not part of the plan, but things happen, just don't let it distract you.
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Play as male, female, or nonbinary and choose your pronouns
Decide which magic to specialize in, be it elemental, healing, object manipulation, or a number of any other kinds.
Meet 6 RO's, 3 of which are gender selectable
Take lessons in various magical subjects on your quest for greatness
Academic Rivals to Friends (to Lovers ?)
There is a dragon guy :)
Summon one of 4 familiars
Avoid the drama that plagues all schools
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Name: Finch K. Lorelai
Pronouns: They/Them Heritage: Half-Elf Magical Specialty: Necromancy Year: 2nd Brief Description: Finch comes from a long lineage of necromancers, is widely considered one of the only child prodigies to come out of that field, and possesses the ability to speak to the dead. They're ambitious and your self-proclaimed academic rival. They don't like sharing the top spot and is antagonistic towards you, even more so if they learn your true identity. The lines between disdain and affection are very fine, however, and there's the possibility to sweep their feet out from under them when they least expect it.
Name: Desily Bramblecove
Pronouns: She (default)/They (selectable) Heritage: Faefolk (Pixie) Magical Specialty: Shapeshifting Year: 3rd Brief Description: Desily is a difficult spirit to pin down, often doing what she wants when she wants to. She loves playing hard to get and causing general uproar, then slipping away to let others deal with the aftermath. She's fickle, even for a fae, but obsessive. If you're not careful, you may fall into her grasp without even realizing it. If you so choose to spend time with her, be prepared to partake in any schemes she may cook up.
Name: Merrick Midae
Pronouns: They (default)/He/She (selectable) Heritage: Merfolk (Anglerfish) Magical Specialty: Light Manipulation Year: 1st Brief Description: A shy, not-very-little merperson who came to land to study all manners of magic. A jack of all trades, Merrick is a little good at most magic, but they wanted to learn more about what was beyond the sea. They're not the bravest, but they'd do anything for a close friend. Perhaps they'll take a liking to you.
Name: Caidrith, Ruler of Rime
Pronouns: He (default)/She/They (selectable) Heritage: Draconic Royalty Magical Specialty: Ice and Temperature manipulation Year: 4th Brief Description: Caidrith, or simply Caid, as you know him, is the only person at Dawnholde who knows of your past. Caid is the second-born to the rulers over northern dragonkin. Though his chances of accquiring the throne are low, it's better to be safe than sorry. He enrolled in the school to learn self defense, then stuck around for the people. You've known him since childhood, as your parents often had strategy meetings together. He can be stoic, but you know Caid cares for you, though maybe not in a way you know of.
Name: Rycharde, Knight of the Tainted Lands
Pronouns: He/Him Heritage: Catfolk Magical Specialty: Protection and Healing Year: 3rd Brief Description: Rycharde hails from a plague-ridden kingdom on it's last legs. Catfolk are usually able to use magic due to distant Fae ancestery, but Rycharde has no innate magic. Instead, he draws on the patron deity of his city for his power, making him a magician instead of a mage. He's proud of his failing homeland and devoted to his city, but that's not the only thing he could turn his attention to. After all, temptation is one hell of a motivator.
Name: Cere Quicrow
Pronouns: She/Her Heritage: Manifested Air Elemental (Birdfolk appearance) Magical Specialty: Divination Year: 1st Brief Description: Cere takes the form of a birdfolk, but is a manifested elemental in reality. She takes great pride in her appearance and is quite vain, but hates being the center of attention and keeps to herself. She's flighty and a perfectionist, leaving herself conflicted on what she really wants, be it freedom and impulsive decisions or to finish her "secret project." Maybe she'll let you in on it if you're nice to her?
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andtheyreonfire · 6 months
"came back wrong" but with g/t. bringing someone back to life--or finding someone you thought long dead--but in a far different form. i need the desperation in either party not recognizing the other. the fear that comes from realizing this isn't the person you lost, either because they're too massive to be anything but monstrous or too tiny to be anything but inhuman. i need the conflict that comes from trying to figure this out, or from accepting the person you've lost is forever changed.
on the giant side, like--imagine watching someone you know being frankensteined back to life, only the "ideal form" the team of scientists have chosen is impossibly massive. in some fantasy setting, imagine finding a lost party member claimed and given "new life" by some natural spirit. but--be they claimed by the fae, an odd type of infection, or the will of the forest itself--any humanity has been completely stolen from them, including their new, towering size. imagine a ritual to bring a loved one back gone wrong as they are transported back in an inhuman state--or you are transported to the realm of the spirits, and are given a painful awakening of the true scale of what lies outside our world. from the giant's perspective--either from a fantastical scenario or just an i-died-and-came-back-with-size-shifting-powers thing--they're either pleading with the person grieving for them, going hey, look at me, i'm here, i haven't changed at all, please look up. or, they're simply wondering why this tiny, chittering thing at their feet is so adamant that they know them, if they regard them peacefully at all.
on the tiny's side, there's perhaps even more of a sense of loss, as the revived is faced with a loss of power. someone's soul could be shucked into a homunculus doll, brought back either at the request of a loved one, or simply cursed into this form. maybe said loved one doesn't even recognize them, simply curious as to why this shop has a perfect replica of their deceased on a dusty shelf. some clause could exist for ripping people's soul from the beyond, one that forces any revived person into a smaller, weaker form. be it the laws of balance, the size of a sacrifice/summoning circle, or any other magical mishap, the necromanced is left with all the size and life of a broken action figure. in some tamer scenario, the only heartbreaking change could be the revived's own fear. it doesn't matter if they're not physically a doll, or if their soul is bound to an object. they don't want to be manipulated. there's a terror in suddenly having power, losing your life, and coming back with absolutely nothing. their loved one simply wants them to stop looking at them as if they'll harm their re-gifted life.
be it an actual necromancy, or just a shift or transformation, give me the fear of change. the loss of identity. an external threat exacerbating an internal. fear of power, or lack thereof. yeagh
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
Premature burial (Mary Goore x g/n reader)
Summary: Papa orders to bring someone back from the dead. As his skilled necromancer, you obey.
Tags: Rated T. Description of corpses, rituals, necromancy, a bit of blood. Mary Goore being a weirdo. Around 2.3 K words.
Disclaimer: I’m not a qualified necromancer, please don’t try this at home.
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“Bring him back."
Even after time, Papa's words still resonate loud inside your ears. Rummaging through the old wood box he handed you, a small piece of paper catches your eyes. The black ink is faded, porous paper having absorbed most of it years ago. Still, the name scribbled on it is relatively easy to decipher.
Mary Goore.
There are a few droplets of ink around the name and the lines are unclean, as if whoever had written it was in a hurry or holding the pen with poorly contained anger. For a moment, you wonder what could Papa need from this person, what kind of connection he had with the Clergy.
It doesn't matter how much you think about it, there's no answer to your questions inside the box. One leather jacket, an almost empty packet of cigarettes, a guitar pick, and an old cassette booklet is all you find. "Spawn of Pure Malevolence," the black and white artwork says. It doesn't ring any bells inside your head.
As the sun falls down behind the horizon, languishing golden rays barely peeking between the dying autumn leaves, you prepare all the necessary tools to perform the ritual.
The moon is high in the night sky when you first set foot on the sacred grounds of the cemetery. The dusk spreads all over the long forgotten place, from one corner to the other. Years into studying the occult have taught you that death is not a still, unmoving force. Instead, it expands like a disease, penetrating the ground and dyeing the grass of a pale, brown color.
The wood box is sturdy between your hands, old yellowish paper resting on top of it. "Mary Goore," it says, and your mind repeats it over and over again like a chant, like an invocation.
You're calling for him tonight. And he better answer.
Necromancy is not an trivial task. It took you years to learn it, even more time to gather the courage to perform the rituals alone. The dead are in a state of rest and, in most cases, they do not wish to be disturbed for menial reasons. Some of them are nothing but the empty shell of the person they used to be. Some others hold only the rage or fear they felt during the final moments.
Not every person can be brought back in both body and soul, you recognize it.For a long moment, you wonder if Mary Goore is someone capable of standing the shock of the magic, if he'll be able to do whatever Papa needs him to or if he'll be, instead, nothing but a hollow puppet.
Sadly, most of your rituals fall into the second case. You can bring someone back, order them to perform a task and then go back to sleep again. It is rare for them to be sentient, conscious or communicate beyond a few words.
And, of course, it’s truly time consuming. These types of ceremonies can last hours, days, or even weeks before the spirit finds its way back. Besides, it mostly depends on how long the person has been dead. Necromancers prefer to summon the recent departed, since they still retain some lucidity.
In general, that timeframe is limited to twelve months following the death of the physical body. Mary Goore has been gone for more than a decade. Whatever Papa needs, it might be too difficult to find here. Most of your success will depend on the circumstances around Mary's demise.
According to the ancient scrolls, it is believed that in the event of a premature or violent death, the corpse retains part of that unused vitality. If Goore died before his time, then he should still have some energy inside of him.
It is only a matter of carrying on with the ritual and discovering it.
Setting up your energetical barrier, you begin to draw a circle in a desolated spot of the graveyard. This will protect you from the anger of the deceased and other lingering spirits. The talisman required to enhance the protection hangs from your neck, a stable and comforting weight over your chest.
Now, you need a sacrifice and a connection. Sitting on the humid ground, you begin taking out the elements from inside the box. Placing the guitar pick, the cigarettes and the cassette booklet on the dirt, your hands stop when they come into contact with the cold leather of the jacket.
This will do. One arm after the other, you put on the jacket. It looks big on you, and the material is too rigid, creaking with every little movement, but it doesn’t matter. Wearing the clothes of the deceased will help you get into the right frame of mind, allow you to begin with the conjuration.
Before performing the sacrifice, you light up the chosen herbs: a bit of hemlock, mandrake and opium. Taking a deep breath, you let the smoke fill your lungs. The adrenaline is so high you barely feel the sharpness of the dagger in your skin, poking at your finger until the blood tricks down, falling into the offering you laid out on the ground, staining the artwork and the cigarettes.
Closing your eyes, you begin chanting the spell, those old rhymes and words that will serve as a guide for the soul to come back. Over and over again, you call that name into the night.
Come back, come back, come back…
As the time passes, you begin to think this will take more than one session. Yet, you realize that’s not true when the smell hits you. It comes from beneath the ground, a bit of sulfur and smoke, sweet and sour at the same time.
Then come the maggots and the earthworms, rising from the dirt and infesting the grass around your protection circle, climbing up from the tombs. The air feels freezing on your skin, too cold inside your lungs as the temperature descends and descends.
This is new. You’ve performed quite a few necromancy rituals during your time serving the Clergy, but you have never obtained such an aggressive reaction before.
Who is Mary Goore? Why does his presence evoke such chaos around the graveyard?
The answer to those questions is closer than what you expected. A low, horrid growl coming from behind your back makes your whole body flinch. You turn around, hand clutching the protection sigil around your neck.
Goore is standing there, immobile, right at the edge of the circle. He’s covered in blood, face obscured by the remnant of some old black and white paint. It reminds you of the Papal face paint, except this one doesn’t seem to be so detailed, so curated.
Upon sensing your eyes on him, Mary’s head rises and you’re staring right into the darkness of his pupils. Those lifeless eyes are set deep in his face. He jerks his head violently, dirt and insects flying off his hair.
It worked. Mary Goore is back, from the dead, from beyond the grave.
“That’s my jacket.”
The sound of his voice is raw, raspy, barely audible over the beating of your heart. This shouldn’t really be possible. Goore has been dead for too long to have retained consciousness like this.
When you don’t reply quick enough, he continues. “Give it back, you thief.”
Swallowing doesn’t undo the knot inside your throat. Mary stays still, body swaying in place. He’s wearing dark pants ripped at the knees, a gray battle vest full of patches. The toe of his combat boots toys with the salt that forms your circle, not touching it by a few centimeters. It’s like he’s testing his limits, analyzing how far he can go before your magic stops it.
Again, you think this shouldn’t be possible. The hair stands at the back of your neck when he locks his gaze with yours, not a single light behind them. It’s such a morbid scene. It makes you feel as if you have accidentally unleashed an unknown force, resuscitated some kind of ancient evil that takes the form of a long dead rockstar.
Whatever the case might be, you have to take the reins. “Mary Goore,” you begin. “I’ve brought you back to the world of the living. From now on, you obey my will.”
A deep, slow chuckle is all the answer you get. He takes a step to the side, beginning to walk around the circle searching for any crack, any weak spot. It reminds you of a predator stalking a prey.
You will not allow it. “Don’t try me. I have power over you.”
“Do you, Necromancer?”
Goore doesn’t seem intimidated by you, not one bit. If anything, there’s a glint of amusement in his eyes. “I can undo the spell that binds you to this realm,” you warn. It doesn’t work.
“Is that so? Do it, and then you’ll have to drag my dead body all alone back to the grave. I’ve been told I’m heavier than I look.”
As Mary lets out another series of short, breathless chuckles, you go over the ritual in your head. Every little part of it was performed perfectly, with all the caution required. You made no mistakes. Then, how is it possible for him to have such independence, such freedom?
When Goore leans farther ahead, the energy coming from him strikes you right in the face, right through the barrier. Even if there are no holes in your protection, you can feel the raw energy exuding from his pores, the crude anger that causes you to falter.
There has to be an explanation. “Tell me how you died,” you command. He stops laughing, staring at you through long, dark eyelashes. After a moment of consideration, Mary indulges you.
“Oh, you know. The usual,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “Fell asleep during a bad flu, woke up inside a coffin, mouth sewn shut and so fucking cold.”
“You were buried alive.”
In the middle of the gloomy graveyard, Goore’s pupils shine like two lanterns. The moon reflects on them, filling the dead scleroid with light. “Yes, I wouldn't recommend it honestly. Those dumb motherfuckers thought I was dead. Or maybe they just couldn’t wait to get rid of me.”
Again, the energy hits your body like a wave. This man was trapped in a premature burial, and now his spirit is full of anger than cannot be tamed. He was kept for years in a prison underground and now, he’s prepared to let it out.
A demon. You’ve unleashed the devil.
Never stopping his stalking around your circle, Mary continues. His voice becomes louder, harsher.
“Do you know what happens when they bury you alive? You feel like your joints slowly freeze, how your body begins to decompose even if your heart is still beating. And no matter how loud you try to be, it’s always nothing but a silent, voiceless scream,” he says, fingers running through his hair.
After a few seconds, he continues. “It’s so dark inside that fucking box. A boring place to spend all eternity. It makes you wish you could die faster, so you can finally burn in hell.”
Under the pale moonlight, he does look straight out of hell. A beautiful, scary sight that has put you under a spell. This man is evil, full of resenting and hate, someone who only wishes to expand doom on this earth. A profane saint, born under the midnight sky, hugged by the shadows and the chaos.
Maybe you’re beginning to understand why Papa wanted him back. He could be good for the Clergy, a new influence for the Ghost project.
Ignoring your inner turmoil, Goore stops right in front of you. He’s still outside the protection barrier, staring right ahead with a tilted head. When he notices you’re watching him up and down, a small smirk tightens his lips. “Well, at least I was an attractive corpse. Can’t complain about that one.”
“That's enough,” you stop him. “I’ve brought you back following the orders of my boss, the head of the Church of Satan. You’ll meet him tonight.”
Again, there’s a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Satan?” He inquires. “Whatever. Can I at least have my jacket back or some cigs? It’s freezing out here.”
It’s useless to try to remind him he’s dead, and he can’t feel the heat. Your fingers trace the metallic zipper of the jacket, following the shape of the sharp teeth. Slowly, you remove it from your body, those dark eyes never looking away.
“Try anything, and you’re back underground.”
“I’ll behave nicely,” he promises, but there’s not a single clue of honesty there. “Come on, I just fucking want it back.”
Inch by inch, you get closer to him. Mary doesn’t move. Body tight and muscles tense, he stays put in place. You’re not even certain he’s blinking as you stretch out your arm, jacket hanging by the tip of your fingers.
Gradually, Goore lifts up his arm in your direction. You feel his energy grow steady, like the background noise of an engine. As your hand exits the barrier, the rumbling becomes an energetic growl when he grabs your wrist, yanking you out of the circle.
Violently, your body hits his, the smell of wet dirt and blood filling your nostrils. This is the first time you realize his eyes are a blue light color, and not just dead, black pools.
Fuck no.
This has never happened in the past.
Before you can fully react, the leather jacket is on his shoulders and you’re on the ground, wet grass under your fingertips. You hurry to your feet, debating whether or not you should reverse the spell or try to regain control.
It’s useless. Mary turns around, fingers fidgeting with one cigarette. “Now, none of that doe-eyed bullshit. Let's go. You said someone important wanted to meet me.”
Leaving the cemetery behind, you follow him into the night.
PD: Mary Goore, what a (hot) weirdo. Just keep my lifeless body away from him and we're good.
It's my fist time writing him, so I hope it was good! This was supposed to be less than 1K words long, but I got carried on. Ask box is always open if you want to say something ♥
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floatingcamel23 · 7 months
categorizing mobs
hello travelers. are you to gain knowledge on mobs? well your in luck. this post will categorize mobs on what they are, how they look and there purpose. it will add mobs that were scrapped, spin off games, lets jump in shall we? the first category is the simplest. these are the undead. creatures that burn in the sun with rotting flesh or no flesh at all! some have abilities like hunger and poison! the following are these. undead: zombie, husk, drowned, lobber, bouldering skeleton, wither skeleton, bogged, wither, mossy skeleton, stray, frozen zombie, jungle zombie, wraith, phantom, red phantom (pet mob in minecraft dungeons), zombie piglin/pigman, armoured zombie/skeleton, zoglin, zombie pig (pet in minecraft duongeons), giant, zombie horse, skeleton horse, vex, necromancer, sunken skeleton, tower wraiths, vanguard, zombie villagers, bone spiders, skeleton wolf, skeleton horse traps, zombie rabbits, nameless one, wretched wraith and finally the wither storm (?).
some of you might ask why the wither storm is on the list. it is a command block corrupted version of the wither. therefore, undead.
next one has a wild range of mobs. known to be the main villains in the game and have been the center of theorization and fanart, i give you, the illagers. these lovable gray psychos inhabit the world and raid villages. plundering and thievery are there main skills. whats interesting is that some are known to have powers. lets take a look.
illagers: vindicator, pillager, evoker, witch, ravager, illusioner, iceologer/chilliger, tower keeper, guildsmith, powersmith, uniquesmith, enchanter, geomancer, mountaineer, rampart captain, pillager captain, royal guard, tower guard, vindicator chef, wind caller, pillager/vindicator raid captain, giant royal guard, warrior, giant royal guard, mage, arch illager and finally the viler witch.
this category is one of the famous ones. creatures that will help in battle and more. presenting, the golems! (yay!) this category consists of mobs that can be made or summoned. magically and manually.
golems: iron golem, snow golem, love golem, wither, wither storm, copper golem, tuff golem, agent, glowing abomination, jungle abomination, glowing ministrosity, mini abomination, redstone ministrosity, squall golem, redstone cube, corrupted cauldron, redstone monstrosity, redstone golem, tempest golem, mooshroom monstrosity, obsidian monstrosity, jack o lantern (unused minecraft doungeons mob) , mob of me (minecraft earth), furnace golem, melon golem, cobblestone golem, grindstone golem, stone ministrosity, mossy golem, plank golem, first of brick, first of oak, first of diorite, first of stone, key golems, (from now on it will be the minecraft story mode golems) golem in a box, icy golem, magma golem, prison golem, prismarine soldier, larger icy golem, giant magma golem and prismarine collosus
the last one does not have a name yet. lets call this category the sprite/spirit category. some may be undead and others living. its a mixed bag.
sprites and spirits: allay, vex, blaze, breeze, glare, wisp, guardian vex, soul wizards, wraith, wretched wraith, wildfire, build and gather allays.
ok heres a bonus one. a very small category that has one mob only. introducing, the sculkoids.
sculkoids: warden. thats it. this is part 1 of me categorizing mobs. next one will be: animals (uh oh. a lot of them-) insects (cool) and finally, amphibians! (AMPHIBIA VIBES GIVE US SEASON 4 MATT BRALY-)
if you have a suggestion for a theory, feel free to type it in the comments and i will make a post abt it! camel out!
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nekoannie-chan · 11 months
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Title: “Undead”
Ship: Nico Minoru & Alex Wilder (Friendhship).
Word count: 542 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: O4 “Necromancer”.
Summary: A necromancer can’t be a problem for Nico, right?
Warnings/Tags: Necromancer, spirits, talking to the dead.
Fandom: Marvel, Runaways.
A/N: This is my entry to @marvelrarepairbingo​  @marvelrarepairs​ MarvelRarePair Bingo Round 2 2023. Annie MRP-066.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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Also, my entry to @multifandom-flash Halloween, Annie-5017 & square 2: “Talking to the dead”.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​  @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​ @navybrat817​ @angrythingstarlight​ @shield-agent78​ @charmed-asylum​ @caplanbuckybarnes​  @sapphire-rogers​ @nana1000night @talia-rumlow​ @writingshae​ @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare​ @endlesstwanted​  @chemtrails-club​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm​ @patzammit @kmc1989
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After being chased, the group had to split up in order to escape; halfway there Alex and Nico found themselves, having no idea where to go, they decided to enter an old and abandoned cemetery in the city.
As they wandered among the tombs and mausoleums, a dense fog began to surround them. In the distance, they heard an ominous whisper that seemed to catch their attention. Following the sound, they came to one particular tomb. Attempting to read the inscription, it proved impossible, it was too old.
They were startled to hear a familiar voice behind them, with a great slowness, Nico turned around, she feared she was hallucinating, but no, there was the spirit of her sister, she knew it was her spirit because it didn't look corporeal.
She tried to hold her breath, the last time they saw each other... a greater danger appeared. Although this time Amy looked very different, on her face was a vacant and gloomy look. Her voice echoed in their ears, full of sadness and despair.
Amy warned them of an even greater danger ahead. Said danger was planning to summon an ancient, demonic being that would bring destruction to the city.
When Nico wanted to ask her more questions, Amy's ghost was gone, yet she knew that somehow, her sister would guide her.
Following the clues left by Amy, they entered a dark and mysterious forest.
Moving further into the cemetery, they found an ancient mausoleum hidden in the shadows. They needed to know if this was where the ritual Amy had told them would take place. Cautiously, they approached and peered through a small crack in the door.
What they saw took their breath away. Calypso Ezili, was surrounded by candles and dark symbols. Her eyes glowed with a malice as she spoke words in an unknown language. The air was filled with an evil energy that made Alex tremble and Nico alert.
Determined to interrupt the ritual, Alex and Nico searched for a way in. It was then that they noticed a small opening in the back of the mausoleum. They decided to slip through it, their hearts pounding with fear and excitement. As they advanced, they encountered traps and supernatural creatures trying to stop them, thanks to the Staff of One.
Inside the mausoleum, they found a dark passageway that led them to the center of the ritual. Every step they took, the air became thicker and more oppressive, breathing became more and more difficult. As they got closer, they could hear the screams of pain of the tormented souls that Calypso used in his invocation, and it seemed that he was talking to someone, perhaps it was one of the spirits or one of the dead.
Suddenly a chilling noise alerted the boys, Alex peeked through the small window that was in the place.
“We are in trouble," he whispered.
“I have the Staff... "
“No, Nico, you don't understand, you need to see this."
Nico looked out, Alex was right, the Staff wouldn't help, he didn't even know what to do to avoid what was happening, the dead were starting to rise, and come back to life, but they weren't alive.
“We need... PRIDE," they said in unison.
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nerdylilpeebee · 11 months
I have a story idea.
I'm kinda rewriting my story "Pandora" because I kinda didn't find as much enjoyment in what I was writing as I wanted to, and I just honestly got a really cool idea in my head that I wanna roll with. I would like to write it down here, both for y'all's opinions and so I have it written down somewhere.
So, this story is about vampires. Specifically, it is the story of a new vampire.
A young noble girl, named Thalia, is born in a society that treasures magic-users. It's a society as advanced as our own, but magic has been an integral part of it for thousands of years, so it is a bit different than our own.
And she, on the day of her 18th birthday, is to finally go through a ritual all mages must endure to discover what their true magic affinity is. Some can know this even before the ritual just due to the nature of how their magic manifests, but Thalia's magic has always been... Odd. No one could quite tell what type it was. She could cast the most novice spells like any budding spell caster, but her magic energy always gave anyone who could sense it this... Uneasy feeling and the color of her magic energy was a deep violet, an incredibly uncommon color.
Masters of magic and scholars of history had only ever seen the color before in the pages of history books, and always on a figure who would bring great calamity. A necromancer. However, despite the color, Thalia had never shown any real indication she was a necromancer. She was kind, she never harmed anyone with her magic, she could even heal minor wounds on people. Granted it never looked like any healing spell anyone had ever seen before, but there was still nothing but the color indicating she was a necromancer.
But then came the ritual. Mages must cast their magic energy into a magic circle. What happened as a result would reveal their magic type. Some had the circle produce a gout of fire, some an icy structure, some a column of water. Etc. Thalia's... Produced a spirit. But not just any spirit. Rising from the circle as if summoned straight from hell was a being Masters of Magic knew well from their studies. A being that had long been gone from this world. The first Vampire, Lilith, rose before them in spirit form, powerless to harm them, but a clear sign that Thalia was, indeed a necromancer.
Many wanted to kill her right then and there. But ultimately, it was decided the High Council, a group of master mages that advises the emperor, should decide what happens to her. Thalia's family was, after all, very important and influential and held a seat on the council. Killing their daughter without their consent, even if it was, from their perspective, to protect the world from another Calamity would provoke an all-out civil war.
Thalia, of course, receives no explanation. Didn't know what she was seeing or who the spirit was, nor what it meant about her magic. She just witnessed their terrified expressions around her as the spirit appears, and is forcibly detained within the ritual tower. Some time passes, and she realizes she can speak to the spirit she summoned. Tho she doesn't really have anything to say to Thalia, seemingly refusing to converse with a human.
Lilith, who's name is more a title than her actual name, which she abandoned long ago, can see where this is going and frankly doesn't care much to warn Thalia or try to prevent it. In her eyes, there is no point to it. And besides, if they kill her, she is sure of one thing: the calamity they fear so much will come to pass. She's seen it all before, after all, the rage and resentment of an innocent person being condemned to death. That rage resulting in the one thing humans should fear most but are too ignorant to know of: a Lich. And Lilith is eager to see mankind's folly result in their own destruction.
And just as Lilith suspects, the rest of the mages return, taking Thalia from the ritual tower. She is guided to the bottom floor and out to the grounds, where her family awaits. She is grateful to see them, but begs for clarity. What is going on? Why were they so afraid? Why was she locked in the tower? And very quickly, she gets her answer. For awaiting beyond her family is a large stone pillar, surrounded by an awaiting pyre. To the horror of both Thalia and Lilith, who watches from the top of the tower, Thalia's sentenced is the same as all practitioners of the dark arts: death by fire.
Thalia resists of course, but she has no real power. No strength. She can't escape and is dragged to the pyre and tied to the stone, each wrist restrained by rope. She does as all innocent people do as they are told they will die for no wrongdoing of her own: she cries. She asks her family for help, her mother, her father. But they only answer her with cold, unfeeling eyes.
The high council declares Thalia a threat to the natural world, and declares she will be cleansed by fire. A formality of course, as all present already knew the sentence. As the wood beneath is set alight, Thalia's eyes lock with her parents'. She asks them for help one last time, but is again met by silence.
The fire rises, and Lilith smiles, sure now that she will become a Lich, and humanity will regret this day for the rest of eternity. She can almost feel it coming, the anger, the pain... But as she watches Thalia's head lowers, rising moments later to look her parents in the eyes again... instead of rage and resentment at being abandoned, Lilith sees... A smile. Thalia, with death closing in, says she doesn't understand what is happening or why she needs to die, but if her parents wish it then it must be for a good reason. Her final words are the last thing anyone was expecting, least of all Lilith: "I Forgive You."
No one has time to process this. Thalia's smile is quickly replaced by screams of agony. The fire quickly consumes her, engulfing her entire body.
Lilith looks on disbelief. For the first time in a long time, she began to feel it; empathy for a human. Absurd, she thought. Why should she feel sorry for a human? Humans had exterminated vampires a long time ago. They had shown no mercy, not even to their own. Why bother feeling for beings that did not even seem to feel for each other? She tried to force it down, to stop this rising emotion, but as Thalia's agonizing screams began to fall silent, tears began to fall down her face. And she made a decision. Maybe there would not be the hate required to produce a Lich, but this crime would not go unpunished. She would not let it.
The fire raged until nightfall, Thalia's body being reduced to ash. Lilith, now free from the circle binding her to the tower, quickly makes her down to the now-burned-out pyre. The crowd once surrounding it had long dispersed, a sole priest left behind to cleanse the ashes and lay her to rest. As she looked upon the evidence of mankind's folly, of yet another attrocity committed by mortalkind, she raised her hands before her, channeling all of the dark magic she could muster.
"hear me, innocent one," she cried, smiling as the life essence of the Priest, who only just noticed her presence, was drained by her spell. "Unjustly killed, unfairly judged."
The stars in the sky begin to flicker out and die as she speaks.
"Forced from this world by this worthless sludge. Hear me now in your slumber, death cannot contain such a worthy grudge."
The moon begins to shine a blood red.
"Rise from your ashes, as nightmare to all. Rise in darkness, Nosferatu, and bring about humanity's fall!"
Her voice echoes through the night, magic swirling around Thalia's ashes. A skeletal hand rips out from the remains, grasping at the earth around it. Slowly, the skeleton of what once was Thalia begins to pull out of her ashes, its muscle reforming itself around her.
She gasps for air as her lungs reform, pulling herself further out of the ash until finally her entire body was free. Her teeth began to sharpen as her regeneration reached it's final stage. Her skin reformed around her, then her hair, fingernails, everything reformed until finally Thalia was whole again. Breathing deeply, trembling on the floor as her psyche struggled to recover from the agony she had experienced.
Lilith waited with a smile, relished the dark magic permeating through the air. She knew it wouldn't be long until the humans reacted to this darkness, but it didn't matter now. A new Nosferatu had been born.
As Thalia's eyes finally opened, glowing blood red in the crimson moonlight, Lilith's smile became almost manic. Finally, her kin walked the earth again. Finally, the vampires extinction was overturned. Finally...
The wheel turns upon all human-kind.
I honestly may try writing this in third person, but yeah, this is my story idea. It's basically the prologue to what's going to happen. It's obviously gonna take place over several chapters, and since Thalia's the main character it will be told from her perspective. I'd love any and all feedback. :3
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aller-geez · 8 months
Get to know: Zilya Faê
( @thekinkyleopard owns)
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27 (700) // Non-Binary He/They // Pan-Demiromantic // Elven Vampire
Full name: Zilya Fae
Nickname:Z, Zilly, Zil
Date Of Birth: Doesn’t Remember
Big Three: Gemini
Physical Appearance —
Age: 27
Eye Color: Faded albino pink
Hair Color: White Locs with Pink highlights
Weight: 132 pounds
Height: 6’0
Race: Elven Vampire
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: Septum, loc charms with dangling crystals, beauty marks under their eye, nose and by their mouth, 3 claw slash marks across his face from his master, Elven ears fully pierced, pentagram with crescent moons on each side “tramp stamp” lower back branding from captivity, bite mark scars all over their body, easily covered with long sleeves, long coats and pants.
Personality —
Greatest Strength: Their historical and fictional knowledge, intelligence and innate ability to remain calm under pressure
Greatest Weakness: Their loyalty and fear of being alone
Soft Spot: Nocturnal creatures, dogs, children and Tass
Mannerisms: Amazing posture, speaks in broken old English dialect, socially awkward, either makes too much eye contact or not enough, “Fun Fact” type of MF
Miscellaneous Trivia —
Zilya used to tell stories to the younglings of their coven, it used to bond them together and it gave them a sense of belonging and comfort. Every night they would create/write a new story for the vamplings before they’d go to bed.
Zilya thinks that technology is rotten and has been the biggest downfall to all creature-kind. It creates blocks and obstacles in one’s mind and finds it to be a waste of time. Doesn’t have a cell phone. Refuses to get one even when Tass begs them.
Zilya once helped a human to freedom, one that was captured by the coven set to be drained, and to save her from such a fate, they helped her break free. It cost him a large scar across his face when his master found out, was also often starved as punishment.
Zilya is a plant parent; loooooves plants, loves herbology, loves potions and crystals, anything that comes from Mother Earth is viewed as magical and useful to Zilya.
Zilya is a necromancer, they can talk to the dead, possess a recently deceased body momentarily, reanimate a recently deceased body for as long as they can keep concentration on the spell, and summon the God of Death (can bargain if Death is in a good mood) loves to go to grave yards to speak with the deceased. Both the spirits and Z find it comforting
Sneeze Content —
The Sun! They dont burn like they used to when first turned, they actually wound up making a potion for themselves but mixed a very important ingredient incorrectly and a huge side effect of the potion is they can be in the sun but it causes them severe fits; the ingredient having made them allergic to sunlight
How severe are they?
Severe. The sun causes them uncontrollable fits until they’re back within the safety of the shadows
Do they get sick often?
Not too often as they’re immortal but can catch whatever Alistar, Kanai, Perry and any demon can pick up. Whatever can get past Hellion immune systems can also effect the Vampire
How bad is it usually?
They hate it, it’s not nearly as bad as what everyone else experiences but typically they hide away in their coffin when sick
Do they stifle?
Yes if they can help it, because they fear the mess it’ll make if they don’t (hates their own messes but loves when their partner is messy)
How loud are their sneezes?
Stifled, soft & airy
What do they sneeze into?
They have a little kerchief kept on their person at all times just incase
How often do they sneeze?
Not terribly often unless induced or exposed to the sun
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
It’s a drawn out build up usually when induced, but in the sun it’s almost instantly a fit
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
In the sun it’s sudden and instant, when it’s induced, takes a minute to build up
Do they sneeze in public?
No!!!! They have the fet and it’s extremely embarrassing for anyone to hear them sneeze unless a trusted person
Some examples of their sneezes?
Backstory —
Zilya was born into a hard working family of wood Elves, but their family was starving to death, and the youngest children were sure to waste away. Without realizing what he was giving up in exchange for some comfort and wealth, Adonis had to trade away his most valued asset. Not realizing it would be his first born child, Zilya. Along with losing their eldest child the family would also lose their memories of Z ever having belonged to their family in the first place. Zilya was then whisked off to a small community of goblins that used Zilya for all their dirty work.
For 14 years, from the time they were 13, Zilya did manual labor, child care, and otherwise whatever the hell the goblins wanted. Until, a vampire by the name of Vindicus came in and slaughtered the entire village, noting the young Elven slave, seeing potential, Vinny took the captive and brought them back to the coven, deciding to try something he had failed at many times, but this time was different. Half turning someone by only completely the process by 75%. Normally, Vindicus tries with humans, goblins, or shifters, but never an Elf. Being his first success, Zilya became Half immortal.
For the next 573 years Zilya was used as a feeding bag for the coven of 15. They would feed from places that could be easily hidden, case they ever needed to send the captive out. Zilya was capable of consistently supplying blood, human blood, but there was never a limit as they were partially immortal. It couldn’t kill them to loose blood, no matter how much, as their body just produced more. Making them the perfect backup for laying low, and sparse hunting seasons. They could go in homes uninvited, live forever (within reason) produce unlimited blood, have all the charisma and cunning of a vampire. It was excellent was it not? Not really. He was soul tied to Vinny til one of them died, the sun wasn’t deadly, but it certainly didn’t feel good, and they were nauseous (as well as delusional) all the time from consistently being fed on and starved out. Another thing they couldnt do, drink their own blood. Relying on their master for the mercy to drink from him when teetering the edge of life and starvation.
Zilya was never regarded for having emotions, feelings, personality or truly even existing. When the spawn wasn’t feeding one of their coven mates, they were writing children’s stories, reading books from the library, reading their stories to the vamplings. Zilya always did have a softer spot for children. Their family may have forgotten them, but Zilya remembers their 3 younger siblings almost as clear as the day they were last back at home.
Zilya lived a very lonely life, often reminded they were disposable, that Vindicus cracked the code and all they needed to do was find more like Zilya. Vinny’s ultimate goal to have a feeding fleet.
However, they were infiltrated by Vindicus’ ex lover and competition, Armin. The two had become vampires together, out of love to save Vinny from an illness and have eternal life together. Yet, Vindicus couldn’t control the urges for power and the two wound up becoming enemies. Armin wanting to remain good, Vindicus wanting to take over with a coven army. Armin wound up being able to take down the entire coven. Zilya had begged and pleaded for mercy, explaining they weren’t apart of the coven but a slave to it.
Armin took pity on the spawn, and brought them back to his castle, realizing turning the spawn would be a better decision than leaving them a vulnerable experiment. Together they lived in Armin’s large castle, the elder teaching Zilya about controlling their urges, and resisting the need for power. Armin could see that Z was different than Vinny and had the potential to put forth more good than evil amongst society. For the next 50 years things weren’t so bad, quiet even. Zilya discovered a love for crystals, magic, potion making and herbology.
They were just starting to heal, and get used to the idea that their Master was more of a friend, than someone in charge of them, but Armin was suffering silently. After having killed their lover, their entire existence no longer mattered or made any sense. They’d become a monster to save the one they loved, to preserve the passion and love they shared, only for it to end anyway. Armin leaves one night and turns himself into a monster hunter and never returns to the castle, Zilya left to fend for themselves.
Zilya tries to live amongst society, but their craving for blood never allowed them to stay long before getting chased out for killing too many live stock. Eventually, returning to the castle, only to find it having been worse for ware from environmental tragedies. Doing their best to fix what they could, a little dog, a black papillon finds its way on the property one day when Zilya is out mixing concrete. Immediately Z falls in love with her, and names her Abyss. She is their first company since Armin’s death, and very quickly becomes their most treasured companion, realizing that Mother Earth presented them their very own familiar. Zilya cherishes her. Very soon after Abyss, comes someone that changes Zilya’s existence for all of their eternity. Tassian.
Reference Sheet —
(Coming soon..)
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heart-aflame · 6 months
i am VERY interested in this necromancy thing - the way its brought up in summoning circle makes me think its like an ability set, for want of a better time? curious as to what that may include 👀
It could be called that I guess! The first thing that should be known about it though is that it's extremely rare now, because magic and living people having abilities has kind of died out along with the belief in the supernatural as more than just superstition or fantasy.
Necromancers used to be more common a long time ago when people were more believing of things outside their own lives, the modern world has made the power become lost, even if a person might have had it, they aren't aware of the potential and it can fade. People might see a ghost and not even know, and eventually if its ignored and unused long enough the person wont have the powers at all.
Its a common misconception as well, but a necromancer can't make zombies or bring people back to life! They can however sense death energy and have some amount of power over ghosts that could be considered control, depending on who you ask. How well they can see and interact with various types of ghosts depends on the person honestly, but they can always sense when a ghost is around even if they don't see one.
The handbook has a warning about necromancers still, because of this. The netherworld does not have a favorable opinion of living people who hold these abilities. They don't want someone with 'control' over them to find their way into the netherworld. The handbook might have some lies included in the warning to make them scarier.
Being a necromancer also includes having a ghost familiar, and the specifics for that are that it's the first spirit that the necromancer has summoned. In the past, that usually meant a small animal like a cat or a bird spirit, if they had a teacher training them properly.
I'm still working on some specifics of how it worked in the past, and when it started becoming more rare and how someone with the powers can lose it, but it includes a lot of fun stuff. Please keep asking me things, I'd love to talk more about it!
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grootficguy · 1 year
On the subject of utilising AI as a ghostwriter, I’d like to comment on a particularly rough patch of writer’s block, and how AI helped me bypass that writer’s block in a way you won’t expect.
I struggled with the direction of my WIP novel for about four months. Mostly due to working on my Masters and juggling my 8-4 job every day. While I had an idea of where I wanted the novel to start and end, and I knew how to fabricate the mystery element of the story throughout the narrative, there came a point where I was stuck. It seemed like none of the characters had any motive to advance the plot, and there was no way to actively advance the plot without summoning a Deux Ex Machina to do the dirty work.
A friend of mine told me to put a plot outline into ChatGPT, alongside a fuzzy outline of the direction the novel will take. I was apprehensive, as I felt like this was a real-life Deus Ex Machina. Regardless, I asked my little literary robot friend to finish off the story, and I detailed the characters: Charlie, a 16-year-old Necromancer stalked by a dark spirit, Danika, a 15-year-old genius with the power of mind control, Kagemaru, a 17-year old Demonologist who uses his magic to hunt demons, and Ben, a 16-year-old Warlock who manipulates shadows to become a deadly assassin.
After five minutes of beep-boopery, its digital brain cells whirring in the bottom left corner, the AI produced the next three chapters of my novel, bridging the gap between my writer’s block and the scenes I had already planned in my head.
And it was such utter dogshit, I was inspired by nothing but pure, white-hot hatred for authors with AI ghostwriters that I furiously typed out four more chapters, had dinner at midnight and passed right out.
If God of Lies ever gets published, please buy it to spite these robocucks.
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butterfly-winx · 2 years
Hi!!! I'm another anon also working in my self insert for you au!!! Could you give me more info for the witch/er classes; Bloodwitch*er (is this the healer one?), Potionmaster, Conjurer, Summoner, Spellcrafter, Cursebreaker (??), Medium (undead magic could be here or in bloodwitcher, maybe Darkar??), Mindwalker/Dreamwalker, Artisan (like Artificer in D&D?). What about transmutation or nature (or that is covered by other fields)???
Hi, I'm sorry this took literal ages to respond to and hope you are still having fun crafting self inserts >.<
Witch*ers can be categorised in two ways: either by the price they predominantly use to fuel their magic, or by historical profession. Some of these categories overlap, let me get into some details below.
Price based categories
I have mentioned many times that witchcraft is a pay-as-you-use style of magic and each spell has an established price for which the Flow will actually execute it.
Most written witchcraft spells have a set price, a pre-defined method of payment that guarantees best result - or so many generations a witch has found it and why it has been immortalisied in a spellbook.
These are general spells that anyone with talent in magic can perform, even people who haven’t intensively studies magic. There are also high level spells with fixed prices written in spellbooks held by covens and passed on to their descendants. For these you need to be proficient in witchcraft (and be close enough to that coven to be entrusted with the tome).
Then the other class is the aspect innate magic that the witch*er makes up for themselves. Usually these are specific spells, trades that the witchcraft user negotiated with the Flow themselves. Here the witchcraft users preferred method of payment comes to shine and often defines the strength of their spells. The same outcome can be evoked by five medium level payment spells as one large one, but tell me which one is going to look more impressive?
A witch*er can of course also choose to pay with their preferred method for a generic spell, but why bother doing the maths when you can just rely on what is set out before you? It can be practical though, if the general price object is not around.
Here is an incomplete list (bc I always come up with more):
Bloodwitch: blood
Kinaestesiochore: movements, before or during casting of spell
Psychoplast: memories/ knowledge
Bonesmith/Necromancer: cultural difference in name, some bonesmiths truly only use bone; in some cultures Necromancer means they do raise the dead and is not considered a payment type
Spirit witch: spirits of living things
Chronopractician: time, steal others time or simply use up time by preparing spell
Heartbender: emotions
Mineralwitch: minerals
Herbetic: herbs and plant matter
Energy witch: any form of energy eg heat
Decomposers/Vulture/Materialophage: cultural difference in naming, decaying matter
Nocipion: pain, emotional or physical
Dragon: anything in value emotional or physical, usually used by witch*ers in service of others
With that in mind, certain Price-Aspect connections just don't make sense. Griffin is the Bloodwitch of Seismology:she pays for all her spells with blood and innately can affect seismic movements. Shilly, who is the Witch of Blood in my AU however would never become a Bloodwitch (not just because Griffin wouldn't teach her). Her Aspect influences blood, how stupid would it be to use it up as a resource for her spell, when that is the exact object of her innate magic? No, she focuses on potionology, which is a different expression style,
As another example for non-spellcasters, Lucy is also focused on potion based magic, in which she prepares tinctures to deliver enchantments, blessings&curses 1, remedies&maladies. SHe uses them for most of her general spells, however when interacting with insects, as per her Aspect, she gets by with what most people with an animal Aspect do, called Law of Good Husbandry. It just means they respond to her because she is nice to them and gives them food.
[1 Footnote: "spells" are magic with short term effect, "enchantments" are magic performed to alter characteristics of an object; and "blessings&curses" are the same, magic with a long-term effect, divided whether the afflicted gains a benefit or suffers from the effects of it]
The second option is to be defined by what trade the witch*er practices, which can be much more simples, since most people practice a combination of any of the above techniques.
Oracle: predict future
Medium: interact with ghosts and spirits
Psychonaut: interact with brain of person, really in-depth neurologist essentially
Artificer: creates objects with magical charge/effect
Medicine woman? (ok listen I have no idea what the medieval profession of "old woman sells me st johns wort is called in english, but basically that)
Freelancer: they roam the lands and you can contract them to conjure a calamity to morally educate your people
Fabricator: creates material
Spellcaster: make spell or uses mainly spell
Potionmaster/Chemist: potions, again cultural difference
Several of these classes aren't even exclusive to witchcraft: anyone with magic sensitivity can perform them (most Oracles aren't even formally trained for example), just many are usually performed by witchcraft users and as such associated with them.
And as my final magnum opus: what everyone's combo is within butterfly AU:
Icy: Kinaesthesiochore of Ice (it's always a combo of movement and time with her)
Stormy: Bonesmith of Storms (using bones is her way of honouring her heritage, but she also does a great deal of kinaesthesis)
Darcy: Dragon of "Darkness" (it is waterpane divination, but darkness sounds edgier; she also uses spirits, psychic prices and pain regularly)
Griffin: Bloodwitch of Seismology
Shilly: Chemist of Blood
Lucy: Potionmaster of Insects
Mirta: Mineralwitch of Emotional Illusions (before switching, she didn't officially adopt this, but was mostly using rocks and crystals)
Helia: Artificer of Fine Dexterity Arts
Bloom: Energy witch of Emotions
Valtor: Bloodwitcher of the Dragon's Last Ember
Belladona: ??? of ???
Lyssis: ??? of ???
Tharma: ??? of ???
Selena: Herbetic of History, tho she is a historian by profession as well so...
Duman: Psychoplast of Animal Transmodification
Anagan: Kinaesthesiochore of Speed (in his case the double thing works out, he moves to be fast makes sense right?)
Gantlos: Spellcaster of Decomposition
Ogron: Nocipion of Energy Manipulation (nasty sadist)
Luna: Energy witch of Reflected Cosmic Light
Bittersmoke: Potionmaster of Eidetic Memory
Ediltrude: Mineralwitch of Astrology
Zarahustra: Mineralwitch of Religion (not every, just a subset)
Krystal: Herbetic of Healing
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So it's my turn now to ask on hydromancy:
Is it related to necromancy? How does it work?
Man, Hydromancy.
It's a Generational Magic from a family in the East. It started as plain elemental magic, but as the generations went, more necromatic things started getting added in in the bloodlines, though not as heavy or as strong as pure necromancers.
Hydromancy is one of the magics from the current generation of that family.
Hydromancy in itself is not a complicated magic to learn, though not as versatile. The Hydromancy magus with it has turned it into a more offensive and crowd control type of magic with the use of a sword (a katana, in that magus's case) as a primary magic focus.
Kenjutsu & Iaijutsu
Not magic, but martial arts
You'll be needing to learn this if you want to handle a katana properly without injuring yourself. Plus, learning how to quickly draw your katana is gonna be a big help, especially in combat situations or in surprise attacks
Helps to know this, in a situation where you can't use magic, you still have a way to be able to defend yourself when needed.
You get a free enchanted katana
The ability to summon huge bodies of water out of thin air and overwhelm your enemies
Heck, swing your katana and you might conjure a fricking 30ft tall wave
The conjured water doesn't affect you though. You're either standing on it or it's parting its way for you like Moses
It can also be used to deal heavier swings, especially with heavy, rushing water pushing your katana forward
It doesn't strictly have to be katana only. You can use other parts of yourself to conjure water, a simple wave of a hand will suffice as well.
Since water has no permanent form, you can manipulate it to do whatever you need it to be: transporation, shield, a giant ass wall, drown machine for your enemies—
I did mention that this magic dabbles in exorcism to a degree
It's besides holy-fying the water you conjure, but under this magic you will learn some basic exorcism and protection charms that use the water rune.
The charms are usually embedded to the katana or on paper slips
It's not as strong as the necromancer's exorcism, but it's enough to banish unwanted spirits or cleanse them from a room
This type of exorcism doesn't gain the Visitant's Vision nor Second Senses from the necromancers
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inaaontheskyways · 1 year
Got some fun facts y’all can learn about both my Ravenwood and Shatterhands OCs, and see just how quirky(tm) they can get, lol!
[Ravenwood students]
she only uses her Isle accent around her fathers, everywhere else she speaks more posh
her favorite color is actually pink as she only wears black to keep up the necromancer aesthetic
she actually has weaker spirit energy than many of her peers, so summoning & communicating with the undead would drain her much more quickly than normal
she can use her magic to either synchronize or even swap with another person’s soul, but the duration is very short or else going on any longer will make her collapse out of exhaustion
if she hadn’t chosen modeling as her main career option, then she would’ve liked to become a baker with a shop of her own
she’s won a ton of trophies from both her pageants & cheerleading competitions
when she feels really comfortable around someone, she’ll end up talking their ears off about all the latest gossip
she likes to assist her fathers with their cases, even if most of the work she does is write & organize paperwork
most of her posh attitude actually comes from trying to imitate & fit in with the noble children around her
she used to have really bad nightmares about her mother’s death to the point where she’d wake up screaming, but they’ve gradually lessened over the years thanks to extensive therapy
in spite of her prefect status, she lets Zhongmin sneak her out of class just to play hooky
she has a habit of mindlessly scribbling “Mrs. Sunthief” along the margins of her notebooks, much to her own embarrassment
he has a large dragon tattoo on his back that he gained from when he used to serve in his father’s triad
his left arm is disabled due to reckless hand-casting, so he has to wear a brace & take daily medication to alleviate the swelling
his magic is actually incompatible with wands & staffs, seeing as it’s mostly centered around anatomy, so the next best thing he can use are blades
his magic enables him to give off a certain scent that life spirits find attractive, which is why he’s often followed around by particularly the sprites in Unicorn Way
he’s an expert in detecting & making poisons, & is even immune to a majority of them as he often tests the effects on himself
he keeps a secret journal full of poems he wrote & is highly protective of it, & doesn’t want anyone (not even his own friends) to know that it exists
he has a habit of sleep-walking & would be found murmuring in Mooshian & trying to look for either his mother or Iridian
he believes strongly in the ‘red string of fate’ story, to the point that he has a habit of rubbing his left pinky & envisioning a red string there that leads him to his fated person
he’s insecure about his looks as he not only bears a striking resemblance to his despised father, but also the fact that his mother would often mistake them for each other during her episodes
he continues to make contact with his mother, albeit indirectly, by sending her medicine & homemade sweets through Khurel & Uyanga
he & Iridian would sometimes bicker in multiple different languages just for the sake of showing off
he often gets into fights with Iridian’s bullies on their behalf & would’ve already gotten expelled had it not been for Professor Wu’s help
there’s a scar on the right side of his forehead that he got from the accident that killed his brother
he rarely goes without his signet ring as it signifies him as the head of the Rubypyre clan
since he uses fire to enhance his strength & senses, he’s able to not get burned at all
if he tries hard enough, he can use his special ability to turn his whole body into flames
he always brings his notebook wherever he goes in case he suddenly makes a new finding or has an idea for his next experiment
his favorite types of photomancy to do are still-life & landscape
surprisingly enough, he actually can’t handle eating spicy foods
while he’s not that good with a sword, he’s actually really skilled with a lance
he was preparing himself to be a magic scholar before his brother’s position was pushed onto him after his death
he still feels regret over his brother’s death & often wonders if it’d just be better if the roles were reversed instead
he sometimes has Aroha assist him in his experiments, usually by describing to him what the contents seem to be like to her
he’ll make up random zodiacs with Aroha just to see what sort of bizarre creatures they can come up with
aside from ice, she’s also made up of all 3 astral magics: solar for her core, lunar for her movement, & stellar for her magical energy
they have a built-in feature that allows them to connect with Celestia’s frequency no matter where they are in the Spiral
when she reaches the full extent of her powers, she turns into a humanoid crystal
the reason for their blindness is due to pieces of debris directly striking their sight functions during Celestia’s fall
she has a habit of forgetting people’s names & using a completely different one for them
their favorite place to nap on is Bartleby’s branches
she likes to predict other people’s zodiacs by using their behavior & speech patterns to base her guesses on
in spite of their apparent laziness, they have daily kōauau sessions with Kahurangi so as to get back into the habit of practicing after a millennia of sleep
she barely has any memories of Celestia even before its fall as she was just a new creation at the time
sometimes, they have vague dreams about their short life back in Celestia & the scientists who had built & raised them
surprisingly, she was the one who not only confessed but also initiated her & Vaino’s first kiss
due to them lending Vaino their stellar energy to heal his wound, their auras end up intertwining & letting them sense each other’s feelings
she has a habit of trying to look for her glasses while they’re still on her head or in her hand
she knows how to switch into what she calls her ‘business voice’ & usually uses it when she’s participating in a school bake sale to bring in a lot of customers
she needs to have a clear image of a homunculus’ looks & purpose before she can even begin to summon them
she can use sigils to take control over other homunculi, but the same can’t be said for organic summons
a lot of the figurines she builds are made sentient as she simply doesn’t want her house to feel too empty & lonely
she’s pretty selective about who she shows her blueprints to as she’s afraid of someone potentially stealing & claiming them as theirs
she keeps a secret folder of all her family’s information just in case she needs to use it as evidence & refute any wrong claims made against them
she’s actually gotten into quite a number of public confrontations over seeing other people getting bullied
when she was a child, she’d always be given samples of new toys first before they’d be released to the public
some of her designs would actually to go on to become their own toylines
Gabrielle owns a lot of her homunculi as she’d use them to send her gifts & lovey-dovey messages
her older brother, Samuel, secretly gave Gabrielle some of her baby photos during their brief visit to her home
he can’t go a day without spiking his hair as he thinks simply putting it down will make him look “lame”
his form of magic actually doesn’t require him to wield a wand since he just uses water as a conductor anyway
his new shadow magic would often fill his mind with intrusive thoughts, most of which are often very violent & disturbing
now that his special ability is corrupted by the shadows, he’s able to use them to make sea creatures
he likes to constantly quote crystalnet memes, much to his friends’ chagrin
he knows the language of flowers due to his mama’s gardening hobby
he likes to compete with members of his clique over who can throw the ‘sickest’ parties amongst themselves
in spite of his usual party-going attitude, he’s actually a pretty strict captain who’ll get on his teammates’ cases if they make even the slightest mistake
he used to be bullied as a kid due to the rumors surrounding his mom’s underworld connections & the work she did as the “black pearl of the skyways”
as much as he likes Wizard City way more than his old home, he’s still embarrassed about his family’s situation of being refugees
he used flower language to confess to & ask Tāne out, knowing that he’d understand the meaning behind the bouquet’s arrangement
Tāne likes to attend his team practice sessions just to watch him spar & would always bring him extra drinks & snacks to consume in between breaks
[The Shatterhands]
he never goes anywhere without his favorite red coat as he considers it to be something of a good luck charm
while he’s known to be one of the most handsome, charming men in Skull Island, it’s also said that his mere intimidating presence is what keeps people from pursuing him further
thanks to his expert speed & stealth, he’s able to seamlessly insert himself into a crowd without anyone noticing him until the last minute
the taps he has a habit of making are an indicator of how he’s feeling at the moment; fast taps are when he’s relaxed & content, while slow taps are when he’s impatient & pissed off
he tends to mutter about the composition & structure of a song to himself whenever he’s listening through his records
he’ll sometimes perform card tricks for the kids of Jonah Town
he treats his ship preciously & has even secretly nicknamed it his ‘baby’
he’ll help cut & style his crewmates’ hair whenever they ask him to
his actions against his father’s assassins guild were so brutal, he came to be nicknamed the “scourge of Scrimshaw”
after the Clockwork War, he buried his mentor’s body without her head as he severed it to show proof of her death to the masses
he’s taken up gardening ever since he & Ariele moved into their new villa so that they can grow their own food
he proposed to Ariele with a set of gimmel rings that have stones of each other’s hair & eye colors
her name is actually an alias composed of one of her middle names & a family name she made up after her actual one, Alexandrou
she’s a lover of piercings & so has multiple types all over her ears & face
she always ties a long sash over her leg brace to keep people from staring at it too long
she has a habit of writing tally marks on her wrist as a reminder of when to take her medication
surprisingly, she has a sweet tooth & her favorite type of candy is sesamous
she has a shelf full of poetic & philosophical works she collected throughout her travels
she usually starts her day by taking early morning walks, mostly in order to alleviate last night’s hangover
some of the roots in the jungle will try to trip her up wherever she walks, & the cause is simply a spiteful nature spirit she unceremoniously dumped in the past
she’ll occasionally feel homesick & miss her family despite her estrangement from them
she still never forgave herself for being fooled into helping Antinous betray their own family
she has a fun little game with Bella where she’ll try to count every single one of her scales
she’s honestly a little envious of Bella’s relationship with her dads as she’s always longed to be as close to her own family as them
his childhood nickname was Blue as it was simply based on the color of his hair
the scar on his face is something he gained from a sparring accident back when he was an Admirality trainee
he always makes sure to mask his face every time he goes out just in case the Admirality happens to be within the same vicinity
he has a habit of wandering around & checking up on the crew in the middle of the night
he wrote a personal cookbook that’s full of his crewmates’ dietary habits & favorite foods
his favorite type of puzzles are mechanical puzzles as the concept of putting things together simply feels calming to him
he’ll sing sky shanties under his breath while he’s hard at work
there’s a long-running joke amongst the crew that they’re really just his groupies, much to his chagrin
there are wanted posters of his younger self all over the buildings of Port Regal
if he’s in a particularly bad episode, he can be found writhing on the floor & crying out, “I killed him,” over & over in agony
he’s often being blessed with gold & good luck charms thanks to his contract with Pio
he keeps a box full of positive notes that Pio would write to cheer him up
if their eyepatch gets removed, a large gash can be seen in place of what used to be their left eye
they always take great care of their hair, making sure that it's smooth & untangled before they put it into a ponytail or braid
they have a habit of smoking & always carries around a cigarette pack in their pockets
when they get seriously angry, they’ll start to curse in a mix of Biuan & Pollish
they’re usually the one who hunts for food due to the survivalist skills they gained as a kid
they know a bit of sewing so that they can fix up their eyepatches if they look like they’re getting worn out
they like to leisurely fish on the docks of Jonah Town
they have a side hustle as a weapons dealer in Skull Island’s black market
had they not joined the Wild Bunch with Donato, they would've gone on to be an engineering apprentice as originally planned
there’s a rule amongst the rest of the crew which states that they should keep them from taking on bets under any circumstances, as the possibility of losing will trigger a traumatic episode for them
they own a great amount of blankets as they were gifts from Nina’s mother
they often sleepover in Nina’s cabin to stay up all night eating snacks & watching movies with her
there are a bunch of very thin yet long scars across her body, which are actually incisions that she gained from the surgeries Manchu forced her under
she’s always surrounded by these little blue sparkles due to the excess amount of manna her body produces
the excess amount of manna in her body can be overwhelming for her at times, so she meditates daily to regulate it
magical beings are often drawn to her aura as it has a strong enough pull on them that borders on addictive
she has 2 side hustles: a style coordinator & a magic item-dealer for Skull Island’s black market
despite how much she organizes the whole ship through magical tools & teruteru-bōzu helpers, her own cabin is actually messy & out of place
she often fusses over her crewmates’ appearances by helping to coordinate their outfits & clean up their hair & nails
she’s known more by her nickname, “Nightingale the Nightflower,” due to her notoriety of dating only rich men
she used to be nameless due to her status as a criminal’s child, so she named herself after the wind as she found it to be the only comfort in her life
she always dreamt of being a loving housewife because it was something that ‘good, normal girls’ would usually be
she’ll help Emil go on robbery sprees for super-rare grimoires or magical artifacts
she likes to drag Emil into doing all these concept dates with her & her most favorite are the costume ones
his ears tend to wiggle whenever he’s curious or happy about something
there are track marks all over the crease of her elbows, so she often wears long sleeves to cover them up
he & Pamina can telepathically communicate with each other through his shadow
if Pamina feels like it, she can use her shadow to control her movements however she pleases
a majority of the illustrations he makes usually deal with fantastical concepts & narratives, which are inspired by the fairy tales that he loves to read
her motivation for learning multiple languages is so that she can read foreign fairy tales in their original text
he likes to design clothes for his loved ones, so the rest of the crew all have at least one piece of clothing made by him
she’s now become infamous in the casinos of Gullet due to her frequent wins in table games
he was the source of rumors about the left wing of the Trianon Palace being haunted, as his distant cries were thought to be from a ghost who died there
whenever Kane forced her to accompany him to parties, she’d be presented as the clockwork, Scacchi, his most favorite ‘creation’
he’ll help Julien out with his piano practice by singing along to his playing
the Frogfather would walk her down the aisle for her & Julien’s future wedding
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Grave soil
Grave soil is a common reagent found in the laboratories of both sorcerers and necromancers alike. Common grave soil is used in numerous rituals usually involving summoning and communicating the spirits. Certain rituals will require more rare types of soil, perhaps from the grave of a particular person or from a specific place.
In those cases getting the rare grave soil can be a difficult and dangerous task often forcing the sorcerer to enlist the aid of professional tomb raiders, mercenaries or antiquarians.
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mahvaladara · 1 year
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Born from the Sea of Stars, Starlings are spiritual entities made out of Star energy and Spiritual Shards. Starlings are sentient, but have no will of their own and no emotions, but they are aware of their own existence.
Starlings used to be created to be servants for Valash'Tyr, helping him control the flow of Stars and the birth of spirits. Starlings also arranged the constellations and helped Valash map out the Sea of Stars. Many starlings were created by Valash to actually teach and play with the god Sinn and Pheles when they were children.
Starlings are made of glass and crystal, and break very easily. This is the main reason why they tend to look like either toddlers or young children, has people feel less tempted to attack and harm a Starling that way. Starlings are, however, extremely dangerous if ordered to attack by their master. Starlings are known to break both their arms and legs to impale and stab their targets with. They can also command small level star magic to throw meteorites and light beams at their enemies.
Starlings are called a "perverse mimicry" of a child. Starlings seem to be directly connected to star magic, and can often be found around Fateweavers, Oracles and Spirit-Healers as they are drawn to these people. As starlings don't have an actual will, they need 'puppeteers' to command their actions, otherwise these little fellows just stand around like dolls. Some starlings can also be found around Necromancers, but these are different and are easily identified by their black hair and often stained in blood and Rot. These type of Starlings are often called Darklings and look more like dolls.
Most humans, when met with a Starling, they often react with agression and chose to break starlings, to release the spiritual shard back into the Sea of Stars, as it's believed, this shard that made a starling will eventually become an actual spirit and be born a child.
It is believed Starborn children were once a Starlings whose shard became full stars.
Arlo often uses Starlings. He uses Starlings for a myriad of reasons. Often as distraction and for attack. His Starlings are Darkling variety and they can possess corpses.
Despite being aware they are sentient, Arlo uses them in fights, but he knows when broken and shattered, Starlings feel pain before they dispel into stardust. As a result, Arlo only uses starlings to aid him in battle if he cannot summon something else instead or reanimate a corpse. He knows they have no will of their own and without someone to pull their strings they're basically dolls, so despite feeling bad for causing that shard unnecessary pain, he was always capable of pushing that back.
That was until he summoned "Dusk" and what happened during the Incident at Artava.
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