#the struggle of being an oc artist is very real
lunarlilygarden · 10 months
The hard thing about having ocs is to not overdump a lot of the lore to your audience from the get go
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And the high possibility of people ignoring your ocs
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ihopesocomic · 20 days
I honestly used to use Character AI as a form of coping mechanism with my loneliness and while I do think a concept similar to this can be helpful- I don’t think AI is the way to go. Especially, since I have seen so many cases of character theft within the website. Even people using other people’s artwork, even stealing other users’ story settings, and the things people do with it is just awful. This is just as harmful as the other forms of AI.
I am just removing it from my life because I made close friends and I found other ways to beat my loneliness. Also- it was very hypocritical of me to be against AI while using it. If anyone is reading this and is trying to do the same; I found that video games- mainly visual novels, text-based games, any form of interactive game- is a good way to replace this form of AI. You’d also be supporting creators, developers, and artists of the games- real people who made them. While I know is it hard to find real people to roleplay with- I learned to just keep looking. I have anxiety and lack of social skills so it is difficult for me as well but I eventually found friends of my own- some I met years ago and still talk to today.
It may seem tempting but in my experience, it led to an unhealthy attachment that caused some struggles in my life. It’s not a healthy or good solution- trust me.
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Yep, what these two anons have to say. I'm especially sorry to hear about your experiences, first anon. That sounds incredibly rough. I saw somebody mention how these things kinda encourage and feed into unhealthy obsessions/fantasies and yep, I can concur that this is exactly what they mean.
tbh I could picture this being a hole I would fall into if I was a lonely kid in school nowadays and I think that's why I'm so vehement that it's not good for anybody. Unfortunately, you do need social interactions and relationships in order to get by in life. These character AIs can't be with you when you've had a rough day and/or you need emotional support. An AI bot can't develop and/or display actual empathy. And yes, I'm aware I sound like a character from a Terminator movie. lol
Also, yes to the part about people getting upset over the bot not behaving how they want it to behave. I feel this is part of the reason why they're eager to use OCs that people on the internet have poured a lot of thought and time into vs. something mainstream because it's easier to gather information and 'train' the character AI with.
Like Cat said, this is why we don't do in-character questions. - RJ
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shinesurge · 5 months
i was talking with an art friend about how i sometimes feel REALLY weird about getting "omg me frfr" on my art but DON'T feel weird about people relating to phineas so much they cosplay as her or even took her name, and I've always had a really hard time explaining the difference but i think i cracked it. the Good Kind of reader connection feels like somebody coming up to me, relating to my work, then clasping hands with me about it; the Bad Kind feels like they're taking the work from my hands, pinning it to their own shirt and wandering away with it
like it gets complicated and nuanced no matter what, but it's easy to see in the case of straight up personal work. ANOTHER art friend struggling with this did an autobio strip that ended up triggering it for them, and I related a lot to their comic about their real life experience! In my mind the process was "wow cool, it is cool that this person feels this way and i understand it myself, they communicated an idea and i recieved it." But once it broke containment they were struggling because the response completely removed them from the equation; people were tagging their OWN oc's or saying things that indicated they had no respect for the fact that this lived experience belonged to someone else, like the art had spontaneously sprung from Social Media just for them. it seems like the internet as a whole really encourages cutting off the second half of the Art Response; you go "this is ME" without acknowledging that another human feels the same way, enough to make the thing in the first place. It feels like once you share art you aren't the artist anymore, people don't go "this art came from another human who feels the same as me" they go "this art came from Instagram and now it's mine to use how i like."
i have a lot of thoughts to sort through about this, i feel like i could explain it better but i just wanted to get it written down for now. I also don't think this is like, a thing to be fixed by Engaging More or anything? And I don't think anyone is doing this intentionally, it's very much a product of social media turning Art into Content; the human element being removed from art is just the logical outcome of removing the human element from things in general. You don't have to go out of your way to comment or contact anyone about their work, but i guess! next time you see some art that makes you feel Seen, take a second to consider that another person made it, what might have compelled them to make it? maybe even go check out their other work, if one thing spoke to you they might be saying other stuff you'll like too
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softcitrus2345 · 7 months
Hii!! This is the first time I have ever reached out to someone in this community because I am very scared of being 'found out' and I find it hard to accept myself for what I like 😓 But your account feels very safe, and ur art is so gorgeous bsjsbdj!!!. I read ur tips from a while ago about how to start an account and I would rlly like to share my art out there and connect with likeminded people, and present all my ocs to the world that I have hidden in a folder on my procreate HELP. If this isn't too personal of a question, do u have an tips on self acceptance when it comes to this niche?
Oh man, I totally feel you there, I'll do my best to help ya out!
I completely understand the struggle with self-acceptance with this niche, so many spaces both in the internet and real life have stigmatized this kind of niche and made it out to be something disgusting and perverted, and something to be ashamed about..
I struggled for years with myself, feeling guilty for being into these sorts of things, and for "tainting" my characters with these thoughts, and the occasional drawing I would make in a notebook and promptly rip out and hide somewhere out of shame-
It took me a long time to finally understand why I felt the way I did, and what specific things about this niche appealed to me.
The thing that has helped me the most with the self-acceptance aspect is having a sense of community. Whether it be with just one person, or with a small group, having other people with similar interests that you can talk to and feel comfortable with helps a ton.
Around the same time last year was when I started to get more comfortable with this niche. I joined the server of an artist who's chonky art I really liked, and I got to meet new people and explore that part of myself more. But the best thing for me was finding out that one of my closest friends was also into the same things I was. It was just such a huge sense of relief when I found out, and once I started talking with her about it and sharing ideas back and forth, it became a lot easier to talk about, and it helped me get a lot more comfortable engaging with these interests of mine. A few months later, I found another one of my friends also liked this stuff, and then a few more months later, I found even MORE of my already close friends were into this
I guess the universe was just on my side, I'm so fortunate to have such kind and understanding friends that I can share this stuff with, and explore my interests with
Without them, this account wouldn't exist, and I wouldn't be making this kind of art that I share here, so I will always be grateful for that.
The best advice I can offer you is to find that sense of safety and community, whether it just be one person or several
Joining servers of artists who's work you enjoy is always a good way to meet new people, as well as interacting with artists you admire or other people in the community!
It's never easy to start, and don't get me wrong, I still do struggle with this stuff on and off, but I promise you it does get easier. Try to be kind to yourself
Think of it this way. It's SUPER normalized in society to be into like. Buff guys, or big boobies or butts or whatever, right?? Well being attracted to fat can also be seen that way if you really think about it-
Not saying that fat people should always be objectified in that way but I'm just trying to put that into perspective-
Hopefully that makes sense lol
Also, I am so glad to hear that you can find comfort and a sense of safety in this blog, because that's exactly my intention to have a safe space for people to explore their interests without fear of outside judgement
It means the world to me that you like my art so much and that you felt comfortable asking a tough question like that. I hope my advice can bring you some hope and clarity involving your situation 💖
I sincerely wish you the best, anon, I hope you can find the confidence to share your art with the world someday! I'd love to hear your ideas and see what kind of stuff you put out there!
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nerdyanimefan · 3 months
isnt whump inherently proship? jacking off to violence???
haha. I can see where you can get that confused. But rarely does Whump invole proship themes.
But first let me explain Whump: Whump is a genre or trope in fiction where a character is put through physical or emotional distress, suffering, or hardship. This can include injury, illness, captivity, or other forms of trauma. The focus is often on the character's struggle and eventual recovery, providing intense emotional experiences for both the character and the audience. It DOESN'T always inclued sexual themes but sometimes it does, like non-con and r@pe but some do. I'm just not into those ones.
People can ship the Whumper (the one doing the hurt) and Whumpee (the one being hurt) but i am not into that. Actually MANY whump artist and writers aren't. Very few do. I prefer Whumpee X Caretaker (the one that does the healing/ helping). There is also BAD CARETAKER (when the caretaker has no intrest in helping whumpee)
Not all stories invole bad themes aswell like the ones with JUST caretaker and whumpee.
I also prefer the Whump stories with happy endings, not many do though. Also unlike many proship Whump is very rarely incluiding minors in the stories. People mostly use OC's aswell all adults. But people do write with already existing characters.
Also unlike proship that accepts/ respects al forms of ships. NOT ALL FORMS OF WHUMP IS ACCEPTABLE. like stories and art involing minors and r@pe and non-con involing said minors.
Even though whump is like proship in it being completly fiction and we DO NOT incorage this stuff in real life.
There is also alot of other themes and tropes but it will take forever to write it all
Long read i know but its true.
Edit: also whump fans/ creators very rarely feel sexual desires from it and if they do... they need help 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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zephyr-bazaar · 2 months
Hi! My name is Draconia and this is my BokuMono Blog (TM) I like and follow from @octahyde!!
Bokumono is my all time, number one favorite series with absolutely zero exceptions. It always has been and always will be the one single most important media to me in my entire life. I got into the series in 2007 and have played almost every game since. This series is such a comfort that when I’m struggling my therapist literally prescribes me to play one of these games.
The only games I haven’t played are the GBC games (I own one of them though), 64, Back To Nature (played every ver of the mineral town games besides it), Save the Homeland/Hero of Leaf Valley (I have the latter but don’t have a good psp. Tfw. I know this makes my pfp very ironic but listen what me and Dia have is So Real.) and Sunshine Islands because I was less than fond of IoH.
I have played every other game in the series besides that! Of those, the only games I actively dislike are Pioneers of Olive Town and Island of Happiness (besides Pierre). I’m good to talk about literally any other game in the series though!!
This series is what got me to draw, write, make plushies, AND cosplay. Igusa Matsuyama to this day is my biggest artistic inspiration.
As for some more info:
My favorite games are Magical Melody, Grand Bazaar, and Trio of Towns.
Of those three, Magical Melody is my favorite. It was the first game in the series I ever played, and will always be the most special to me. No matter what. Thanks to a very cherished person in my life, I even have a disc signed by Yasuhiro Wada himself framed in my apartment. It’s probably my most prized personal, non heirloom possession.
My favorite bachelorettes are Dia, Vivi, and Agate.
My favorite bachelors are Ivan, Nadi, and Chase.
My favorite ship in the series is Jamie/Tina. Babby’s first queer ship…
My favorite crop is tea leaves. Idk if that one is random but my farms are like 95% crops and like a sheep or two so I feel like I should say it becausef I go all fucking in on crops. It’s insane how hard I go on crops dude. I like minmax crops.
I also have a beloved OC X Canon ship The YuzuWren. They have over 100 hours in my copy of 3oT. I’ll link to a post infodumping all about them when I write it!!
I also have an OC x Canon ship in SoS1 (The MistLand), but that one isn’t as special even if it’s just as developed (also they haven’t gotten married yet when The YuzuWren have. Roland’s taking it slow.) I’m also considering making an OC x Canon file in ANB for Felicia just to round out the 3DS games.
My only real DNI is please, for the love of god, do NOT bring up Stardew Valley to me or on my posts. I never have, and never will have any desire to ever play it, and I am exhausted for it being brought up every time someone discusses a series 20 years older than it. Also while minors are fine to follow here, please do not follow my main account. It’s nothing personal, I just don’t want minors on that account. Tumblr is the only social media I talk to people under 21-22 to begin with.
Other farm sims besides Stardew are okay, though! I will likely also discuss Fields of Mistria and Snacko on here! I’m also in desperate need to play Cult of the Lamb, but that’s more fitting for my main blog than here, lol.
I think that covers everything!!!!
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In North to the future, is Oc aegons first love since he has been moving all the time or were there others before her
Greetings Anon!!! Thank you for this great question 🥰 Aegon and Appletini do reference this briefly on a few occasions throughout the series, but it's not explored in detail.
Aegon got a girlfriend (or, often, girlfriends) in every town he ended up in, but before Juneau these were always casual arrangements that looked more like friends with benefits than "real" relationships. Aegon typically hung out in crowds of people like himself: aimless, troubled, artistic, broke 20-somethings who struggled with addiction, and so his usual girlfriends weren't looking for (or capable of) stable, long-term commitment. Aegon didn't have strong romantic attachments to any of these former flings. He purposefully resisted getting emotionally enmeshed (he knew he'd eventually be leaving, after all), and more than once ghosted them by packing up and catching a ride to the airport in the middle of the night to avoid any dramatic scenes.
Appletini is not the sort of person who Aegon ordinarily meets, likes, or has anything in common with. Juneau being so small kind of forces them into close proximity and causes their social circles to overlap. If the setting was one of his prior destinations - San Diego, for example - they almost certainly would never have met. And Aegon was more shocked than anyone to realize he had, for the very first time in his life, fallen hopelessly and helplessly in love 🥰💜
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orphanheirs · 4 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag, @transthadymacdermot!!
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
The characters. They existed as deviantart ocs that I used to roleplay with in chatrooms before any semblance of a story existed. This was back in high school.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'll give a few examples here because there's a lot of songs I think fit the vibe of the story (I have a 4-hour long playlist of "soundtrack" songs)! All of these are based on pure vibes, not necessarily lyrics. For a TV show, I think a folk revival type song like "Over Again" by Stick in the Wheel or "Cannily Cannily" by Maddy Prior and Tim Hart would be sick. If it was a short instrumental intro song, an eerie tune like "More Bones to Sort" from the OTGW soundtrack or this song would work well. To get more general Rasputina is an artist whose overall sound is something that would work great for the story. If you don't know them they're a band that makes rock music with cellos and is very weird and goth about it.
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I love them all, but right now I have to admit my favorite is Tristan. It's definitely partially because he's the most developed right now, but also because he's the reason I revived the story after dropping it almost 10 years ago. I remembered him and thought he had potential and fell in love with him all over again. Coming up with ideas for his arc and his backstory got me excited for the overarching story again, and I changed him from a side character to a main character. I have a lot of fun with his personality and I relate to him a lot on a personal level.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, Over the Garden Wall, Labyrinth, possibly Interview with the Vampire? and people who grew up with things like Hocus Pocus and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Maybe fans of Neil Gaiman? It's kind of hard to say though; I have no idea how the story would be marketed because it's..pretty weird lol.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Not sure what the biggest of them all is, but my big three I guess would be plotting, research, and actually writing. I feel like I'm hitting my head on a wall when I try to outline story beats or whatever, so I think I'll just have to fly by the seat of my pants and plot as I go. Research also feels like a hurdle I need to get past because I want to base the story itself on actual mythology and folklore, and root the "real-world" parts of the story in the real historic regency period. Right now I know enough to share fun facts in a conversation, but in reality I don't know shit. I have a lot of work to do in that regard. Actually writing has been a challenge due to a combination of annoying factors including having very little free time in my life, executive dysfunction, and being? scared? of writing? because what if it comes out bad? Which I know is silly but it blocks me from writing a lot of the time nevertheless.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Right now I'm thinking Crispin has a pet bat named Sparrow. Crispin named the bat Sparrow because he literally thought it was a sparrow, that being the only flying creature he knew of at the time. Now he knows better, but Sparrow is still Sparrow. I haven't thought much about it, but I think Crispin's keeping of a pet is one of the things that indicates he's different from his family/species, i.e. he experiences empathy and longs for companionship. The demon Tristan summons can shapeshift, and takes the form of many different creatures throughout the story.
How do your characters travel/get around?
Considering the time period, the options are limited. There's a lot of walking in this story, but also getting from place to place by carriage or cart. There's likely to be some horseback riding as well. In terms of the supernatural, Crispin can "teleport" himself from point A to point B using magic--but not very far. I still need to figure out the specifics of that though. Tristan is greatly aided in getting around by the demon he summoned, who transforms into a flying black steed Tristan can ride on.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Right now I'm bouncing around and writing snippets of scenes that come to mind/interest me most. I'm considering everything experimental at the moment, and not committing to anything actually being in the final novel. This is helping me get over my fear of writing, and I like it because sometimes I end up liking what I write more than I thought I would. I also *might* write the story in novella form first, try out some things with that, learn from it, and then expand and/or rewrite it as a full novel. Other than that I'm researching and brainstorming and drawing (which is part of my process)!
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Hmmm I think the fact it's a dark fantasy/horror story and the fact it's set in the regency period will attract people. The regency period and fantasy are both really popular right now (as far as I can tell). Also the fact that it has found family, which seems to be a popular trope. The fact it has queer characters might be appealing too. Other draws might be the Halloween aspect, and the deal with the devil trope. And if anyone likes enemies to friends and twist villains. There's also heavy use of gothic tropes and subverting them/combining them with folk horror tropes. Regency media (cough cough Jane Austen) tropes will also go under the knife of subversion.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I hope to make it a published novel! Ideally traditionally published, but who knows if that'll happen lol. I also want the book to be illustrated, and to illustrate it myself. Besides that, I'd love to do some comics featuring the characters and maybe even short animations. (She said as if she had endless free time...)
Tagging: @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @finchmomentwrites, and @kaylinalexanderbooks !
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vampstel · 2 months
Out of your favorite designs you’ve redrawn or has drawn who do you enjoyed working on the most?
As a character designer myself, I can’t help but love all my ocs equally, and learning from you actually helps me expand upon my stories. You’ve helped me so much writing a story for Victoria (She’s a princess vampire who is generations after Dracula (Temporary name because some details are being worked on) in my universe I don’t think this made sense but hopefully it does?) and I actually took some inspiration from your video in order to fully develop her.
I also love it when you diversity your work. It makes me really happy seeing all sorts of characters with real life details? If that made any sense. I like learning from you and I wanna try to understand more about details. Mainly because I suck at drawing details and idk how you do most of your stuff by hand. (I usually try to find brushes on IbisPaint on Pinterest for my work)
What kind of advice do you have for any upcoming artists who’s struggling with character designing?
Do you start with the character and then work on the story or is it the other way around?
This is going to be a VERY long response so it’s all gonna be under the cut…
I don’t really have a favorite design honestly... It’s hard to pick favorites when your characters have different aesthetics to them. It feels unfair to me to compare them because of that LOL so I try my best to avoid that.
That being said though, I can definitely say I had so much fun redesigning Elliot and making her her own person rather than a character who’s meant to represent me. She doesn’t have a full body render yet but… I think she’s neat :3
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She’s just got all the things I love in one design and since she’s so personal to me, I guess you could technically say she’s my current favorite design out of all my OCs so far. Minus Rei, of course…
But yeah I can definitely relate to loving all your characters equally!! Victoria sounds cool and I’m glad my content helps you out ^_^
As for the last few questions… Details are really hard to draw especially if your art style is more on the cartoony side. There’s nothing wrong with using brushes or patterns online to help out the process but if you want to practice without them, it’s good to try out how to simplify details!!
Not everything has to be crazy complicated. So long as you get the general idea or silhouette of something in your art, it translates pretty well in the end results. Lots of artists simplify things to make it easier for the eye and it’s a hard skill to master but as you get used to it, you’ll become way better at it. Try and be fluid with your line work. That’ll help a ton!!
For advice on character design: I’d say the most important part to designing a character is making them feel alive by having meaning to their physical appearance and attire. A lot of beginner artists tend to forget that which results in a boring or un-relatable character.
We all have some sort of history with our appearances and it’s good to try and figure that out with your OCs. I usually do that during the design process but it’s fine if you do it after or before it. Before it is more ideal in a professional setting though!!
Go insane with designs. Mix and match aesthetics if you want and use LOTS of references and inspiration. That’s the second most important part. It’s why I have tons of pins saved on Pinterest and tons of reels saved on Instagram. But remember to always ask yourself questions like:
Would this character dress like this? What do they think about their clothes? Do they dress traditional, medieval, or modern?
Would they like this sort of thing? What sorts of fabrics and textures do they prefer to feel on their skin? Are they comfortable with revealing attire or do they prefer something more formal?
What sort of history does their clothes have? Was it a gift from someone, did they buy it from a thrift store or did they make it themself?
Do their accessories have sentimentality or are they completely irrelevant and something they use just for aesthetics?
Is there a way to incorporate things from their backstory or their current story to their appearance? Like scars/marks on their body? Maybe even accessories from a loved one or no?
Can you explain why they have specific physical features? Why are they skinny? Or muscular? Do they work out and eat healthy or do they barely take care of themselves?
It’s a lot to consider but when you can answer these questions, your character becomes much more lively and unique.
I personally tend to start the design of the character first but as I go through the drawing process, that’s when I flesh things out like their story and such. I don’t recommend this process to beginners since it’s SUPER messy but do what makes you feel comfortable! Hope this was helpful and thank you once again for the sweet compliments <33
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misseviehyde · 1 year
This is a tribute story to one of my favourite artists and online friends. Ashley Hacksaw whose OC Vivian is a sexy slime Goddess. Please check out her work at @hacsaw8 on Twitter. Vivian is her character and I have posted this with her permission.
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Billy cowered and whimpered as he listened to his bully Josh tearing up and down the corridor outside the computer room looking for him.
"You can't hide for long nerd, my mates have the exits blocked. I'm gonna tear your fucking head off when I find you. Come out!"
Hiding behind a row of computers, his palms sweaty and his heart pounding, the computer nerd had no intention of complying. Billy was small and weak, Josh powerful and strong. The muscled quarterback was the biggest bully at school and had put people who crossed him into hospital, so perhaps hacking into his social media accounts and sending nudes of Josh's huge cock to every girl at school (including the female teachers) to get him into trouble hadn't been such a good idea.
No one had known it was him of course, but Billy hadn't been able to resist the temptation to brag about what he'd done and now the whole school knew after someone had blabbed. It didn't matter really who had got him in the shit, as soon as he told one person it was inevitable the secret would get out.
And now he was dead.
There was no way out of the computer room and this section of the school. The exits were blocked and Josh would find him soon. What was he going to do?
An amused female voice, sexy and confident with a mischievous and slightly malicious catch to it was laughing near his head. He nearly jumped out of his skin until he realised it was coming from one of the computer monitors.
"What the hell?" he gasped as he lifted his head a little to look at the screen.
A strange... creature... was looking out of the screen with a toothy white grin, breaking the fourth wall and regarding him with big hypnotic eyes. She was clearly female... VERY DEFINITELY female, with curves in all the right places and huge round breasts. Her body was entirely black and her skin looked strangely latexy, as if it could stretch and flow at will. Magnificent red hair cascaded down from her head, flickering and flowing like it was alive like the flames of a fire. Pointed ears swept back from a beautiful perfect face, with full firm lips and the cheekbones of a Goddess. She tapped her face thoughtfully with long sensuous nails... or were they claws?
Hello Billy. I'm Vivian.
Billy backed away, terrified beyond his wits. Was this some prank? An AI accidentally left loaded on the computer, or just some youtube video left open? But no... it.... SHE... had spoken to him. It seemed like her voice was being projected directly into his head. Like she was rooting through his mind.
Oh dear Billy. You're really in the shit aren't you? I like to flow and surf through the web looking for fun and I was drawn by the drama of this situation. You're a weak, pathetic little boy about to be destroyed by a strong powerful Alpha. I really don't see any hope for you and I thought it would be fun to watch. I can really cum hard to something like this.
"This... this isn't real. I'm having a fucking mental breakdown," whimpered Billy - his troubles with Josh forgotten. "What the fuck are you?"
Ohhhh, I'm lots of things. A void creature from another dimension, an all powerful slime Goddess, a sex obsessed little slutty bitch - I'm so fucking much that reality struggles to contain my power. I have to spend most of my time existing here, though I like to pop into reality from time to time. This situation is kinda intriguing. How about I pop through now and say hi.
Billy's head felt fuzzy and he thought he was going to faint as the screen began to bulge. Then with a pop, a sexy head with a crown of dark flames and long red hair pushed through. Moaning and grunting, using her clawed hands to drag herself forward - Vivian pulled herself out of the screen with a hot wet gloop. Her body slid out till with a plop she landed on the floor in front of Billy. She smelled delicious and being near her, Billy felt a strange dusky pheromone rising from her body that made him unbearably horny. Her body... her skin... her hair. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to feel that body.... to know what it was like.
Vivian was tiny, she stood at full head height with her lips at his crotch. For some reason that made his dick twitch hard and the thought of what she could do from that position made him groan with lust. He noticed now for the first time that her hair was so long and thick it was like a tail. It swished behind her like a cat. He wondered how it would feel to grab onto it, to use it to pound her harder. What the fuck was wrong with him?
Her hypnotic eyes held his gaze and she tossed her amazing hair sexily with another wicked grin.
"Like what you see? Unfortunately for you, my scent drives losers like you wild. You're already falling under my control. You see... I can't manifest long in real life without a host. I need someone inside me... I need someone to BECOME me. So I wanna make you a bargain. Get inside me Billy. Become me and I'll protect you from that nasty bully."
As if summoned by her words, Billy heard Josh laugh in triumph from outside. "There's only one place you can be loser, I'm on my way to the computer room."
Jumping up onto the computer bench Vivian spread her legs wide and giggled. Between her wicked thighs Billy could now see a tight slit, a hot wet pussy that was already dripping with lust.
"Fuck your way inside me Billy... get your dick inside my slot and let me flow all over you. Thrust and fuck your way into Goddess until YOU ARE me."
Vivian's obscene scent was blotting out all thought. Her body seemed to ooze power and the thought of mounting her, pushing into her, becoming her was getting too hot to resist. As Vivian he would be unstoppable and safe from the pathetic bully. By allowing her to possess him, Billy would never be weak again.
"Yesssssss," he hissed eagerly as Vivian grinned happily.
"Oh I love it when guys get horny to become me. Hurry up and get inside, I wanna feel you inside me."
Dropping his pants, his cock hard Billy advanced. Vivian eagerly slid forward to meet his cock, moaning as he pushed into her for the first time. "Yessss that's it baby, TAKE ME!"
"Oh my GOD!" screamed Billy. He was a virgin and had never fucked a pussy, so not only was Vivian his first but he had never felt anything so good. Her legs wrapped round his waist, dragging him in even deeper as her hungry pussy seemed to suck and pump him in with every thrust.
"Give yourself to me Billy," hissed Vivan. "Become my boy-host."
"Ohhh my God, I want to become you so badly, take me!" groaned Billy as Vivian's grin nearly split her face and with a laugh she began to melt and ooze all over Billy. Vivian turned to sticky black goo, Billy melting inside and it closing up around him as he jerked and pumped with desperate thrusts.
His cock began to erupt, sperm blasting out everywhere as Vivian absorbed him inside her body, her hair coiling around his head and rooting into his scalp. He felt her claws spring from his fingers, her breasts greedily suck onto his chest. Her face closed over his and he gave her his soul, becoming a willing passenger in his own body as Vivian took full control.
Vivian giggled, her red hair moving as if it had a mind of it's own. She was bigger now - temporarily human sized now she was on a host, and her breasts were even bigger. With Billy inside her, she no longer needed to concentrate on holding her form and now all her powers were at her disposal.
Vivian raised an eyebrow and laughed as she saw that Josh had finally found her. He had stormed halfway into the room expecting to see Billy, but now as his eyes drank in the monstrous, yet alluring creature in front of him - it was clear he didn't know what to do.
"Hello baby," laughed the slime Goddess. Raising her arms, she levitated slightly into the air and floated across the room towards Joshua... his mouth dropping open as he beheld her true power.
"Wh... what the hell are you?" he gasped in confusion.
"Call me Vivian. That little nerd you want to destroy is inside me, so unfortunately you can't touch him anymore. What he doesn't realise though is that I LOVE a mean bully Alpha. I want you to fuck me Josh. His tiny dick barely satisfied me, but I know you have more to give me."
Josh groaned, Vivian's proximity making him horny and unable to resist. This creature was like no woman he had ever known before, yet somehow she was the sexiest and most wicked creature he had ever beheld. She was making him horny in ways a mortal woman never had.
"My pussy is tighter... my body better than any bitch you've ever fucked baby. I can make you cum so hard you'll be pumping cum into me until your balls run dry. And best of all - all that cum will be going into Billy as well. Just think of him - deep inside me, absorbed but still conscious of every feeling. Helpless to stop you breeding me with your Alpha bully cum until he is addicted to the taste."
Sinking to her knees, her hair whipping out and dragging down Josh's pants, Vivian opened her mouth and slid her thick wet lips around his cock.
Glug, glug, glug.
Joshua moaned as Vivian's sucking mouth slurped and worked up and down his throbbing cock. She didn't appear to need to breathe, so the suction was constant and perfect. Her claws played with his balls, tickling them as her perfect goo like body sent shivers of pleasure into him.
Josh gasped - he'd never had a blowjob this intense, this perfect before. It was like being sucked off by a greedy hoover desperate for cum. It was too much, and with a heaving groan he began to cum.
Vivian moaned happily, gulping down thick loads of hot white cum. Deep inside her, Billy groaned as it flowed into him - his own bullies semen flowing into his stomach.
"Mmmmmh more," she gasped pulling her head off his cock and laying back. Her hair whipped out and dragged Josh in and he groaned as his massive cock slid effortlessly inside her pussy. He had only just cum, but the feelings were so intense and so good that in moments he was horny again.
"Yessss fuck me Joshua," groaned Vivian. "You're such a fucking stud, so much better than Billy. Pump more cum inside me. Pump it in my pussy, my ass - cream me so he's drowning in your semen."
Joshua was only too happy to obey. He groaned as he erupted again, and Vivian screamed in happiness as cum blasted deep inside her and within her perfect body Billy was pumped full of more and more.
"I can't believe I ever considered using Billy as my host," laughed Vivian as Joshua remained buried in her pussy - her legs wrapped round his waist. "It's time to upgrade. Become me Joshua. You know you want this body. Take me from Billy."
Joshua wanted it. He wanted Vivian's body, her power for himself. "Yes bitch, give me your fucking body. Make me into you!"
"Yes Joshua, take it - I'm yours!" screamed Vivian and he began to pound and thrust into her. Each sucking pump of his huge cock now caused Vivian's body to flow and melt, sucking backwards and over his skin.
"NOOOOOO!" screamed Billy as Vivian was ripped off him by his bully. Joshua laughed triumphantly as Vivian flowed all over him - her oozing black slime eagerly attaching to his superior body.
Standing up, the last of Vivian merging with her new host - the slime Queen looked down at her body with glee. Joshua's huge cock still jutted from her crotch. His muscled body meant that she was now over six feet in height and muscled and toned.
She looked down at Billy whimpering below her. He had cum oozing out of his mouth, his ass - it was all over his face and in his hair.
"Look at how pathetic you are Billy," she giggled. "Did I forget to warn you - I'm really bad at sticking to bargains. I just take what I want when I want it. Merged with Joshua, now I'm even more powerful and he LOVES being me."
Grabbing Billy's hair she dragged him up. "Thanks to your little stint inside me, you're now addicted to Joshua's cum. But don't worry, I can give you plenty more."
Moaning and grinning with her wicked toothy smile, Vivan gasped as she slid her huge cock into Billy's eager mouth and he began to suck.
"Good boy, you're my personal cumslut from now on."
Vivian felt herself relax nicely as Billy sucked her off. She was going to enjoy manifesting in this town. She'd spend a few weeks here corrupting and fucking everyone she pleased - then perhaps she'd leave and dive back into the net.
Afterall - there was always another loser looking to make a bad bargain with her.
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etinceelle · 5 months
Hell yea, it's cool to see another french artist! I'd like to say that I really like your art, it's super nice and soft to see, and your OCs are really cool and interesting!
And I can only say - GOD, I absolutely feel you on being annoyed by fandoms and how toxic they can be, especially when it comes to ships. I have been struggling a lot recently because a ship I enjoy a whole ton has very negative views online and it just hurts me. It's seriously annoying to see that people you never spoke to will go "wow, how dare YOU having fun and enjoying something that I DON'T?!" and start to make assumptions on you based on literally fictional characters you like...
Even tho I'm not familiar with RWBY, I still wish you luck with all of it, and all your personal struggles - if it ever goes too far, know that you can still take a break, not reply to anyone and just focus on taking care! Your well-being should be what matters the most to yourself ❤️
That's super nice of you thank you !! Thank you so much for liking my art and my OCs ! I also took the time to check your work and I love your artstyle and characters as well ! (team baguette ouais ouais o/)
As for fandoms, gosh I regret so much how things can turn so bad and toxic and how people can be so aggressive, I'm sorry you're struggling with that. This whole debate on fiction and ships completely drained me these past few months with the RWBY fandom so I can understand how exhausted that can make you. It's all fine to be uncomfortable about something and to want to say away as far as possible of it, but attacking real people over fictional characters is just insane to me (I'm not talking about illegal stuff, but about stuff people are subjectively not fine with or don't like).
I wish you luck with this as well, I don't know the ship you like but I hope you find peace with all of that ! And thank you for the support, I make sure to take some distance with socials now even if I still post a lot. It helps, I appreciate the advice ❤️
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thatpikmin · 2 months
Artfight is over
With Artfight over I’m posting all of the drawings I did for my first year starting with my first drawing
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I decided to start with a silly bunny since
1. I love bunnies
2. I thought it would be nice to start in a familiar place, FNAF
It was a simple start but it was very fun and relaxing!
Second drawing is for @patchworkfox01
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When I discovered that 2 of my friends were on the opposite team, I knew I had to draw them, but I don’t want it to be simple so I added a cute background. They have a very cute oc
Third drawing is for @sages-shack
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I had a toon cat oc (which I didn’t finish their ref in time for Artfight 😔) so I went with the next interest in my live, rubberhose cartoons, and came across this guy!!
Originally I was going to add a shadow of my oc, Maxwell, being the one opening the door but I didn’t have the energy, I already struggled enough with the floor perspective and shadow
Next is
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I wanted to draw some humans so I went through dangaronpa ocs and saw this sweetie, originally I wanted to add a more detailed background and more chibi drawings of little Oliver but quickly got bored of drawing them and had no ideas for background, I’m super proud of the moth charm and braid, tho I struggled a lot with the bangs
A double whammy for
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My thirst for cartoon characters was not over, I was originally going make one then the other in different art pieces but I realized that they were made by the same artist so I combined them both to a bigger piece. I wanted to try something new with the tree textures in the background but not sure if they worked, I struggled a lot with perspective for them but I think it looks nice! just don’t look at the bricks too hard
My first ever revenge drawing with @beansmakinbooks also known as @boyswhowawa
And was curious if I could also attack another user, @witchyeevee
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I’ve been yearning to draw some of their pokemon designs from a RP server with foxes so to be attacked and having a change to do a revenge I knew I had to do them. While looking through the description I noticed that if ever drawn to be drawing with Temilly (the pokemon next to jolteon) I had to not do shading due to so many details (it was a matter of time before the month was gonna end)
My last piece being for @kolawy
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I don’t know how many times I drew their characters, so seeing their rivulet being up for attacks I had to strike. This attack was planned since the beginning of the month and never got to it till 2 or 1 week before it ended but it’s always worth it
Artfight is over, with 2 drawings not being completed before the month ended. I hope to finish the ref sheets for the remaining 3 ocs for next year which might be posted here on tumblr once I reach 100 followers
It was very fun drawing others ocs and has been years since I’ve last done this and was wonderful drawing others ocs. I hope to get to do this again next year.
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thedeafprophet · 8 months
#1 and #7 for the art asks? (from @neathyingenue btw ;D)
1.When did you start creating art?
I would argue that everyone, always, and forever is making art in their own invidual unique ways. while we may have certain perspectives on various art forms, i think to create is simply part of being human.
....if u wanna know when i started drawing i would say maybe around 13/14 was when i frist started sketching? I was never one of those kids who's been 'drawing since they could hold a pencil' or whatever. I never really had any natural inflication towards drawing - as a younger kid i spent more of my creative time building structures out of popsicle sticks and whatever else i got my hands on.
When i was in my preteens/early teens, i mostly started trying to draw because my friends at the time were all doing it and i felt left out 😅😅 it was a bit of an uphill climb starting from a place with less experience and no natural talent for it.
I sorta clawed my way up from there, trying and failing since then. The real skill of an artist isn't drawing in my mind; its continuing to work at it even when you feel like it sucks.
I only really have my digital art saved back to when i was 18, but i started doing it a bit before then. And it was only in the last few years that I really feel like ive gotten a handle on how I draw, where i've ever felt solidly good about things i create, even if i still struggle with self esteem. Its funny what having a muse, so to speak, in your own characters will do for your art.
hmm. this. turned into a ramble. apologies lmao
All that is too say: For awhile and with determination to not back down from it.
7. Who are some artists that have inspired you?
So when I was 13 I was like, really really into Skyrim. Like. A lot lmao. (And one of the first things i really tried learning how to draw was my skyrim character. )
Anyway, the point of this is that my biggest art influence when i was a kid was Kayla Marquez/thewickwheat on tumblr, who used to do a lot of skyrim oc art, and was very inspirational for me learning how to draw. I feel you can probably still see remenants of that past in the way i draw now. I still seriously recommend checking her stuff out, her character design and linework is phenomoinal to me to this day.
I would say one of my current inspirations, of which im sure is no surprise, is J.C Leyendecker. Specifically in the way he draws clothing. While we obviously have quite different styles, i found our form when it comes to cloothing folds to feel somewhat similar, so i find using his stuff to be very inspirational when it comes to how i approach clothes now, especially suits and shirts.
Beyond that its like... so many artists. Honestly i'd need a whole seperate ramble of a poss just for that alone, and i've already rambled. I have hundreds of photos done by various artists i like saved and sorted across different artstyles on my computer to look at and Be Inspired By. I would say now adays i take a lot of inspiration from Edwardian and Victorian era paintings in general, as im drawing the topics of those contents quite a lot.
Ask Game From Here!
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askpokeeosin · 1 month
Has this been killed and subsumed by Ask Quarantined Redheart?
Okay, I do feel like this does need to be addressed. The short answer is not quite but Ask Poke Eosin specific posts continuing forward are going to require a major change in the blog. Keep reading for the very long, probably rambling answer.
When I started the blog, I was on my holiday break after my first semester of my first year of medical school. My mental health wasn't quite in the toilet but it was getting pretty close. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I was struggling to get my studying flow down while still maintaining my hobbies, especially drawing. Couple that with getting depressed/burned out right at the end of that semester while binging Firestarter Spitfire/The Sunjackers and the decision to make this ask blog came about mid-ish December 2022. So I have this blog to thank a lot for helping to make my drawing hobby more consistent.
Now comes the part where I have to take an honest look at what I meant for it to be and where I'm at now. The original intent of the blog was to be this sort of educational blog about the current state of evidence based medicine and stuff that happens/happened to me during medical school, training, and onwards. That second part is the biggest problem. Poke is essentially me, the mod. The "Clinical Quiz" arc from a year or so back is something that happened to me and the way I (mostly) present it is how I tell the story to people in real life. While I doubt any of my colleagues care enough to dig deep for this blog, I still am dancing a little too close to doxing myself with the way the blog is currently.
Perhaps most importantly, I started my third year rotations back in the beginning of August. Pretty much the culmination of all the basic science lectures from the first two years, finally seeing actual patients! I soon realized, though, that I can't present these patients to the masses of the internet, even if they've been redrawn as cute technicolored magical ponies. Not just because of HIPAA issues but just because of the fact that just by going to the doctor and having a medical student like me asking them questions that they'd never answer in any other context. They are vulnerable and I feel like it would be unethical to present them as entertainment. I wouldn't necessarily be against drawing patient presentations but I would seriously need to figure out how to do it without revealing too much.
And finally, perhaps a more selfish reason: I feel like folks like Quarantined Redheart more. The project got its inspiration from a pharmacology lecture about tuberculosis medications during my second year. The fact that TB patients are required to quarantine for at least two months, Rifampin's red/orange body fluid quirk and it causing certain drugs to be metabolized faster, and a third plot point that I won't reveal just yet all came from that lecture. Originally, Quarantined Redheart was supposed to be a side project. The more I worked on it and the more that I fleshed out the plot and its characters, the more I came to love working on it to the point that I'd hesitate to call it a side project anymore. It also gave me the opportunity to say some stuff about the current state of healthcare that I feel like I couldn't do with what is essentially a self insert OC. Seeing that people really do seem to like the story that's being told made turning Quarantined Redheart into the main project a little easier. Is that a great reason to focus one's attentions on a project? Probably not. But it's also the curse of the artist: I draw what I want but the Notes notifications on my dash also lets serotonin stay in the synaptic cleft a little bit longer.
So is Ask Poke Eosin dead? I'm hesitant to say "yes" on that. I think there'll be more shitposts and random educational stuff than any of the full blown patient care stories that I originally thought I'd be doing. But I need to figure that stuff out for sure. Is Ask Poke Eosin dead? Nah. It's just hibernating right now.
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Heyyyyy might be stupid but I'm struggling to figure this out
Tw: Self-harm mention, nothing in-depth
Looking for: Advice
So, I've adopted drawing flowers on my arms as a favorite s/h prevention technique, and the first time I tried it my mother really admired it. I saved a picture and it made me feel really nice and good about myself while still successfully shaving off the urges peeking up.
The issue is, my mother also saw it and said I should "look into being a tattoo artist" (fine, she's made comments like that about things she thinks I'm good at before) and "I should get a tattoo like that". I said okay, but maybe not with this one as it was the first time I was trying that as a prevention method and didn't want to look at something permanent on my mother and get hit with memories, shame, anything like that. So I said I'd draw her something specifically.
She asked why she couldn't use the first one and I kinda skirted around it with like "something personal" because she doesn't know about the s/h thing and she's already proven she cannot be trusted with anything that dark about my mental health (not that she invalidates it, but that she panics and start yelling at/shaming me which then makes it worse).
Fast forward a couple weeks later, I've drawn flowers on my arms whenever I was bored for the practice so I can make my mother something, and I got something I actually kinda like. I figured I'd send it to her (as I'd sent/shown her a couple smaller ones), and she apparently took this as it being the one that I wanted her to do. I explained that no, I was just showing it to her, and she said if I don't make one she's just gonna pick from the ones I'd sent her and send it to a tattoo artist to clean up. I panicked a bit and said fine, but not the first one, and since she didn't know what that one was I told her to send it to me first so I knew if it was okay or not. She said she'd send it to a tattoo artist and send me the clean-up, and when I firmly said no, send your choice to me first so I can check it, she got all tense about it and I don't clearly remember what happened until I said "just don't use the first one" and when she asked me why she couldn't, I couldn't come up with anything. I've tried simply "I don't want you to" before, but she hasn't accepted it without a reason for me not wanting her to.
This isn't the first time she's taken control of how my art is used in some way (when I was younger she told me to sell some of my art of Eevee evolutions and didn't let me keep the originals because the whole point of selling them was to get the original art, and even though they were all friends and supportive I hadn't wanted to, and recently when I showed her a drawing of my OC she said I should draw her and when I tried to explain that I'm bad at real people/don't really like drawing real people, she kinda just went "yeah that's fine whenever you get to it"), and she's been doing it more often lately. I've been trying to be better about standing up for myself including in my art and with my mother, but it's very hard to try to figure out how to explain why I don't want her using the first flower drawing without giving her details. I overshare, it's hard to cut the fluff for me sometimes and see how to tell people things without details.
Another thing is the more this goes on the less inclined I am to let her use any of the art, because it feels less like an adoration and respect of me/my creativity and more like a pretty object of mine that she wants for herself. It doesn't feel like she respects my art or the emotion that goes into it, and while originally I was super happy and pretty excited to work on drawing flowers more to make her something now I just want to stop drawing them altogether despite their effectiveness because I know every time I do she's going to bring up the tattoo thing or save it as a possible drawing to use for the tattoo regardless of if she has my permission.
I would talk to her about it but she's been under a lot of pressure lately and hasn't been handling it great, so all I'm going to get is either a guilt trip or some sort of argument about it. (I'm talking from over a decade of experience, not anxiety or paranoia). If she gets a tattoo of something I drew, I want to be able to look at it with pride and joy that she admired it that much, not the shame or resentment from s/h or her lack of listening.
And I know I freely agreed to make her something originally, but she seems to be ignoring that and acting like she's entitled to any of the flower art I send her because she wants it and I said I'd make her something. Maybe entitled is too strong a word, I don't know. I just hate that this idea that brought me so much joy to start is now just another source of stress and shame that I can't get rid of. I know this tangented about a bunch and I'm sorry, it's late and emotions can be like that 😅
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been going through. It sounds like your mom is emotionally abusive to you and belittles your boundaries. It's possible that her entitlement might stem from her perceiving you as an extension of herself. Please know that not wanting to is a valid reason. It might be best to stop sharing your art with your mom knowing the way she treats you and what you make.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
In true tradition, here are my thoughts on my drawings, because it was in fact: 7 AM
Okay so Fernando I is, as stated, super ostentatious. Why? Because it fits him but also because it's based on the real life guy. In all the paintings I could find of Philip V, in most of them he is wearing at least some kind of armor, and if not, is dressed pretty dramatically imo. And I will not be drawing a full set of armor, but it felt a bit weird to leave it our entirely so. Also historically I do think it's so interesting he was portrayed this way, since he was described as someone who was "only interested in outward decorum and brave only in battle."(again: how fernando coded hahaha)
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See! Super dramatic! Also I made this meme that is only comprehensible to me
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Seriously, why is he pointing in half of his paintings???? I couldn't find a concrete answer so I will give my personal analysis 😤 I like to think that it's symbolism for how he's always moving forward, like "here's will I go will go next!" ....or the artists just couldn't figure out what to do with his hands, I feel the struggle.
Oh also important to note!! His heels!! I am obsessed with this fashion detail from the time:
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Nandopoleon is super important to me, it's why @sweatyflytrap and I became friends in the first place 🥺🥺🥺 so it felt very surreal to draw him because I've been thinking about him for a while. I want to make an actual web weave with quotes lined up with Fernando's career, or stuff comparing their personalities. Or draw him recreating one of the iconic paintings(probably the one with Napeoleon crowning himself emperor, I think it's fitting.) But to draw him in that classic pose, im very happy :)
And as I said already, Hussars are very fun to draw because it is such a general AU. The joy of it is more about figuring out how to incorporate the details of the real life racesuits to the uniform. If I didn't only primarily love to draw Fernando and Seb, i would be like "request a driver for the Hussar AU!" But I don't know how well that would go 😭
Anyways end of post. I think the reason why I've been feeling a lot more creatively driven and passionate is because it's a lot easier to draw so much when you know other people will be interested/want to discuss it with you! I used to have a friend that I would talk a lot about my OCs with, and guess what, back then I drew a lot more of them than I do now. It's not that I need outside validation to draw, I draw plenty for myself, but more that it makes me feel more happy about it, because I know that I'll get to talk about it with other people and see other people's thoughts, rather than just me being the sole participant. As you guys know, I like to talk. A lot. So it's very nice for it not all to be in my head(I am crazy) 😭😭 So thank you to everyone for your continued interest <3 you sustain me 🥺🥺
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