#just by the way
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x-men-reject · 1 day ago
Oh! Sweeet. That cake won't know what hit it.
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Ahem, because apparently we never actually got divorced
@imnotmyst @therealquicksilver @theincrediblenightcrawlerr @bobby-icy-drake @vines-and-ghosts @scottsummers-xmen @hankmccoyhere @thebesttelepath @xaviers-student-union @nottheoneurelookingfkr and anyone else!
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z-oot · 6 months ago
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Aftermath of a heated argument
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zarvasace · 4 months ago
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Day 20: enemy to caretaker, kinda? Image desc under cut!
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Page One
Panel one: We return to the Four-like figure lying on the ground from the last page of the first part. There are swirls of red on the ground around him.
Panel two: Wild, lit in white, looks worried and has his slate out. He says: “He’s in a puddle of Malice… that can’t be good. …where did it come from?” Time stands in the middle of the panel, one eye open, holding the Biggoron sword and looking fierce. On the right of the panel, Twilight turns back into a human with black flecks, and looks worried as he looks like he’s running. He says: “I got him!”
Panel three: This panel takes up the rest of the page. At the bottom, Twilight kneels in the puddle of Malice to pick up the Four-like figure, saying “ow ow ow” the whole time. There are a few speech bubbles to show a conversation, with little names to show who’s speaking.
Twilight says, “—ow ow ow—”
Wild says, “Twilight, get out of the Malice!”
Twilight says: “We gotta get him out! ow ow ow—”
Warriors says: “Do we? It came out of shadows…”
Twilight says: “Doesn’t mean he’s evil, look at me—ow ow ow—”
Legend says: “Then hurry up and stop burning yourself!” “idiot.”
Page Two
Panel one: We see the inside of a stable and a few of the Links gathered around. All of the characters have white highlights in their hair and eyes from now on unless specified. Twilight lays the Four-like figure down on the bed, and we see from the way the body moves that it behaves like a normal body, with the same bones and everything. Hyrule leans up against one of the bed posts, frowning. We see Wild in profile, holding his slate and also looking pensieve. We see the back of Warriors’s head, and he has a hand up to his chin and a hand on his hip. Hyrule says: “So what do you think?” 
Warriors’s reply overlaps the panel break. “I don’t know yet. A dark shadow of Four can only be trouble. Right?”
Panel two: We see the Four-like figure from above, laying on the bed with one arm over his waist, eyes closed. All the other characters are shown from the tops of their heads. Twilight says: “He doesn’t look much like trouble.” Warriors replies: “Yet. Hopefully he’ll know a bit about whatever happened to Four.”
Panel three: Hyrule holds his hands out for Twilight, whose forearms have red streaks on them to indicate that he got some Malice goop on them. Hyrule says: “I don’t like that the Malice burned Twilight and NOT the shadow Four. I can’t help get it off. Sorry.” 
Page Three
Panel one: A closeup of Shadow’s face (it is him. He is drawn with spikier hair than Four’s blunt bob, and his hood is constantly moving.) He is frowning and says “mmm…”
Panel two: Shadow sits up suddenly, and his eyes are red. “LINK?” he says. Hyrule and Twilight, both standing nearby, look startled. 
Panel three: Warriors stands on the left, arms folded. He says: “What do you want with him?” Wild passes, holdling his cloak over his arm, and says: “Good grief, Wars, this isn’t an enemy interrogation.”
Panel four: We see the world from Shadow’s point of view, down the bed. Hyrule looks over suspiciously. Twilight leans on the bed post, saying: “You’re safe here. Who are you to Link?” Warriors looks suspicious. Wild just looks curious.
Page Four
Panels one and two: Shadow stands up on the bed and declares, “I’m his SHADOW. duh.” In the next panel on the right, he looks up at the ceiling and speaks some more. “I know who you guys are. Obviously. I see everything.” His eyes are black, and the shines in them are white like everyone else’s.
Panel three: We see Shadow’s head on the left and repeated on the right. He looks more and more concerned as he speaks. “I could almost touch him… —finally— But something got in the way…”
Panel four: Shadow, standing on the bed, starts to twist around to look at his own shadow on the wall behind him. His hood is shaped like a sharp lightning bolt. He shouts, “LINK! If you’re in [underlined] my shadow, give me a sign!!”
Panel five: A speech bubble from someone unknown makes Shadow calm down: “That isn’t where he is.”
Page Five
Panel one: We see the bottom of the bed again, but just Twilight on the left and Warriors on the right this time. Legend stands in the middle, holding the Four Sword. He says: “He was possessed by something and left this. You don’t happen to know what got him, do you?” and then Legend adds: “also, you’re scaring the stable people. Get down.”
Panel two: This is just part of Shadow’s face. His mouth is open wide, and so are his eyes. He has fangs in his mouth. He shouts: “You let him get POSSESSED?!?!”
Panel three: Shadow has his hands in his hair, and his hood is straight. He looks insanely worried. He says: “What are we doing here, then?” 
Panel four: Shadow starts to get off the bed and says: “We gotta go get him!”
Panel five: We see the bottom of the bed again, but the camera shifts right to show us Legend on the left, Warriors in the middle, and Wild on the right. Warriors says: “That’s the problem—we don’t know where he is. Or if we can trust you—” His words are cut off by a large exclamation in the corner from an unknown speaker: “THE VILLAGE IS ON FIRE!!” 
A tiny speech bubble under that is labeled “Shadow” and says “Found him.”
Page Six
Panel one: We see the bottom of the bed again, but this time from the other side. Warriors holds up a hand and says: “Wild, Legend, with me, we’ll check it out—” But Shadow appears on Twilight’s other side with a very wide-open mouth. He says: “I’M COMING TOOOoooooo…”
The “too” extends down and winds down until it’s just a wobbly line connecting to Shadow’s next speech bubble in the next panel.
Panel two: Hyrule, worried, catches Shadow, whose cheeks are shaded, by the armpits. Shadow says: “ooh, I don’t feel so good.”
Panel three: Warriors says: “Yeah, no. We don’t even know you. Stay here, rest. If it [underlined] is Four, we’ll get him.” Shadow says: “But saving Link is [underlined] my job…”
Panel four: Warriors on the left and Twilight on the right, both in profile. Twilight says: “I can help, too.” Warriors says: “Not with that on your hands, still. Get the Malice off and then we’ll talk. Doesn’t it hurt?” Twilight responds: “Well, yeah, but—”
Panel five: Shadow, looking slightly more aware, looks up. He says: “Malice? The goopy dark stuff? I can help.”
Panel six: Shadow walks over to Twilight with his hands extended. He says: “Lemme see. Gross.” Twilight holds his own red-streaked hands up with a frown. He says: “Kinda stings…”
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ropebuny · 4 months ago
always wet and needy for dad
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andoutofharm · 2 years ago
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g3othermal3scapism · 1 year ago
been forever since i drew these losers but i listened to this song again and had to rewatch it
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ibroughtyoumybullets · 1 year ago
hey uh btw. art is the weapon against life as a symptom defend yourself art is the weapon your imagination is the ammunition stay dirty and stay dangerous create and destroy as you see fit embrace your originality the aftermath is secondary you can and should do anything
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shinesurge · 9 months ago
i was talking with an art friend about how i sometimes feel REALLY weird about getting "omg me frfr" on my art but DON'T feel weird about people relating to phineas so much they cosplay as her or even took her name, and I've always had a really hard time explaining the difference but i think i cracked it. the Good Kind of reader connection feels like somebody coming up to me, relating to my work, then clasping hands with me about it; the Bad Kind feels like they're taking the work from my hands, pinning it to their own shirt and wandering away with it
like it gets complicated and nuanced no matter what, but it's easy to see in the case of straight up personal work. ANOTHER art friend struggling with this did an autobio strip that ended up triggering it for them, and I related a lot to their comic about their real life experience! In my mind the process was "wow cool, it is cool that this person feels this way and i understand it myself, they communicated an idea and i recieved it." But once it broke containment they were struggling because the response completely removed them from the equation; people were tagging their OWN oc's or saying things that indicated they had no respect for the fact that this lived experience belonged to someone else, like the art had spontaneously sprung from Social Media just for them. it seems like the internet as a whole really encourages cutting off the second half of the Art Response; you go "this is ME" without acknowledging that another human feels the same way, enough to make the thing in the first place. It feels like once you share art you aren't the artist anymore, people don't go "this art came from another human who feels the same as me" they go "this art came from Instagram and now it's mine to use how i like."
i have a lot of thoughts to sort through about this, i feel like i could explain it better but i just wanted to get it written down for now. I also don't think this is like, a thing to be fixed by Engaging More or anything? And I don't think anyone is doing this intentionally, it's very much a product of social media turning Art into Content; the human element being removed from art is just the logical outcome of removing the human element from things in general. You don't have to go out of your way to comment or contact anyone about their work, but i guess! next time you see some art that makes you feel Seen, take a second to consider that another person made it, what might have compelled them to make it? maybe even go check out their other work, if one thing spoke to you they might be saying other stuff you'll like too
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loulooser · 2 months ago
I hate him so much what is WRONG WITH HIM
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fnibbit-fanart · 2 years ago
I hope my favorite human characters appear in the spin-off show of mutant mayhem :)
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eesttm · 2 years ago
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bossfight-messages · 6 months ago
//think im getting new followers here so uhh hi :DD
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spiritawe · 1 year ago
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patronsaintofgirls · 2 years ago
as someone who lives in a state passing anti trans bills i do think it’s safe to assume that everyone is aware of it to some degree and if you’ve got the fucking nerve to make posts contributing to the alienation and demonization of trans women you are no different than these bloated power hungry state legislators
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oca-rinn-a · 2 years ago
the less people there are, the more space and other resources will be available for every individual.
that's a baseline fact. corruption is a separate issue to solve.
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