#the squire
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fallloverfic · 2 years ago
New "Nimona" movie clip!
The webcomic/graphic novel by ND Stevenson has been adapted into a movie that premiered on June 14, 2023 in France, began releasing in select theaters starting June 23, and will be up for streaming on Netflix on June 30! The movie was originally developed by Blue Sky Studios, but cancelled a few years after the studio was purchased by Disney. It was revived and completed by DNEG, and produced by Annapurna.
(More info on the movie here)
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 2 years ago
Thinking about the Squire from Nimona rn
Imagine being in possession of the sole proof that the Director of the FBI assassinated the President and framed your celebrity crush for it
And proceeding to do absolutely fuckall about it
Like Pedro Pascal is being hunted down by the authorities and you (and you alone) know he's innocent and have video proof of a MASSIVE conspiracy and your attitude is just "I don't get paid enough to care"
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ostiviawrites · 2 years ago
As less sad stuff have some Nimona memes I made from random character templates I found on Pinterest
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iamalivemaybe · 1 year ago
you know I get Ambrosius and the Squire (aka another ballister love post)
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Like come on, who wouldn't want a wet cat friend in their life
(I have a Black cat girlfriend, but that's unrelated)
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years ago
Details I noticed in Nimona pt 2
In the opening narration, when we first see Gloreth in the scrolls there are words behind her that read "Salva nos" which translates to "save us." When she stabs the monster there are words that read "mori" which translates to "Death."
One of the newspapers on Ballister's innocence wall reads "Black Heart Out There"
When Nimona bangs on the tower door you can see her shadow under the door
The first time we see the circular saw in the tower it's off. Then it turns on just so Nimona can lean on it. Then it's off again
Nimona wears a black pair of glasses when she asks Ballister about the job while reading the newspaper. She drops them on the table but wears them again as an otter after the second fight at the Institute
When Ballister is screaming "Murder him, murder her, murder everyone!" Nimona sees Ambrosius first. She looks between Bal and him a few times before Bal notices
Back at their hideout, when Bal looks over the couch to see Nimona cooking, he looks around like 'uhhh...' a few times
The item Nimona classified as most deadly was a HUMONGOUS chainsaw. The chainsaw gets moved around the tower a bit but ends the movie on a top shelf in the alcove
In the top left of Nimona's updated murder wall, there's a drawing she did of a design for Ballister's arm. It's shooting fire and is labeled, "Literal firearm." Next to it is a self portrait she did
When Nimona suggests maybe there's nothing outside the wall before they go to the market, Ballister blinks and actually considers it for a second before deciding that's wrong
Nimona's right (our left) fang is bigger than the other
The sign in the subway projecting the train arrival times said that the C to Marketplace arrived in one minute, the Q to Castle Cross arrives in six minutes, and the 6 to Victory Ave. arrived in ten minutes
When Ballister tries to convince Nimona it's "easier to be a girl" during their subway ride, there's a poster behind him that says, "Put Your Faith in the Institue." I love how unsubtle they were with their subtext in this movie lol
When they go up into the subway air vents to escape Ambroisus, Nimona beats her chest once in gorilla form
The highlights in the squire's eyes are pentagons. I know ppl have done metas abt what the eye highlights mean but idk how pentagons fit into there
While trying to stuff the squire's unconscious body into their trunk, Ballister drops him. On his head
The bandage that Bal uses to heal Nimona's knee is the bottom of his cape, we see him tear it off while she's talking. Also the bandage has increasing amounts of blood on it as he wraps it. It's still not very much but it does increase the longer it's on there
After coming back to the tower from the second fight at the Institute, Nimona almost hits Bal in the face with the door but he catches it at the last second
On top of the wooden case where the Director was hiding Ballister's real sword is a huge old book. It's in a glass case that she rests her hands on while talking to "Ambrosius." Again, I love how obvious they were being with this movie; she's hiding the weapon that she used to kill, frame, and exclude people to preserve oppressive tradition under smth that looks exactly like a medieval Bible. They were not subtle lol
When "Ambrosius" dies, there's blood on his armor and the sword. Not very much but you can see it
One of the citizens watching the news about the Director's confession is an old lady. She's got a couch, a tv stand, and two framed pictures of chickens on her wall. That's it; the rest of the room, like behind the TV (which is in the middle of the room for some reason??), is completely empty. I just thought her chicken pictures were funny lol
When Bal and Ambrosius are arguing in the Antlered Serpent, Bal says, "You know what? You are so full of-" And then he gets cut off by the waiter, so we'll never get to hear him finish that sentence
Also in that scene, there's a portrait of the Queen behind Ambrosius but nothing behind Ballister. Again, they're using the environment/background to show where characters' loyalties lie
Nimona's got a little pink and white circle on the bottom of her boots. You can see it when she wakes up on the couch and when she jumps off the balcony in the Director's office. I can't get a good image of it but I'm guessing it's some kind of logo
In the flashback with Gloreth, Nimona is pretty shy and reserved until she can use her shapeshifting. Then she's chatty, she's fully engaged in the games, and she just looks so much happier. She knew she could trust Gloreth and wasn't worried about hiding a key part of her identity. She shapeshifted and then she was free (ignore me crying)
When Nimona turns into the big shadow monster at the climax, the initial transformation destroys the well where she met Gloreth. I'm sure there's some symbolism in there but I'm leaving that for someone else to figure out lol
When Todd crashed his hoverscooter, he went all the way through the billboard. I thought he just hit it but no, he made a giant hole
When Ballister shows up to the city for the final sequence, the "A New Era of Heros" billboard is burning behind his right (our left) shoulder. Again there's probably symbolism in there but I'm leaving it to someone else
When Bal's sword hits the ground after he drops it off Gloreth's statue, it turns off. It's the first time in the movie where it hasn't been glowing. It really drove home that he's done with the Institute. He's not carrying it, it's not even on. He's helping Nimona
Ambrosius tries to carry an unconscious/severely injured person off the wall as Nimona's flying at it but he puts the person's full weight on his injured shoulder. Bc he's big brain like that
The scene where Bal and Ambrosius kiss is actually on top of the wall. Maybe that was obvious, but it took me forever to realize. They've turned it into a park and have made it accessible to the public. Also it looks over the entire Kingdom and it's HUGE! I've seen people worrying about how they fit all those people in the walls but it's actually ginormous
pt 1, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
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momachan · 1 year ago
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"It's time, Oracle. Contact them all. Activate the European Aliance of the Bat."
Batman: The Detective (2021).
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thelaughingmagician · 23 days ago
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Batman: Battle For The Cowl #1
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demonbones · 2 months ago
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rabbitfics · 8 days ago
Till The Bed Breaks
Did you know birds keep fucking if they fall?
Aka aftercare from something else turns into more sex, because why not.
[Techza, bottomblade, animal instincts, soft sex, rough sex, birds are weird, mating instincts, feeding, aftercare, aftercare turns into sex, choking, dubious consent, anal, fingering, wing stuff, breaking furniture]
    The door opened with a creak, and Techno didn't even bother to pretend his ear hadn't twitched towards the sound. He knew who it was already.
    “Hiya mate,” The man said, the feathers of his large, pitch-dark wings brushing the floor as he walked in, shutting the door behind him. Soon he was at the edge of the bed, a soft hand running along Techno’s side where he lay and crouching to set down the tray he carried. Techno jolted almost imperceptibly as it clicked against the stone floor, being soothed quickly with hushed words and gentle touches.
    Phil reached up to free his hands from the rope tying them to the bed above his head, smoothing his hands down Techno’s arms as he turned the younger man over to lie on his back; Followed by gently sitting him up.
    “Open, Love, you need some water.” The avian instructed gently, picking up the cup of water and moving it to Techno's lips. He opened them willingly, swallowing down the slow trickle of water as the cup was tilted.
    “Good boy, very good…” The crow breathes fondly before pulling the cup away when it was half empty. He set it down, standing with the small plate of gapple slices in his hand instead. He gently moved Techno’s legs to make room for him to sit on the edge of the bed and set the fruit beside him.
    He gently maneuvered Techno into his lap, the other man limp and pliant in his hands despite how his stiff arms protested. It had been a few hours in that position, naked and alone on a bed in a near-empty room. Now there was a slice of fruit being pressed to his lips, and Techno took it without protest, chewing slowly and swallowing.
    He relaxed in Phil’s hold, letting his eyes slide shut as another slice was placed in his mouth. Slowly, gently, he was fed the shining apple, the food alleviating his fatigue as well as the soreness pervading his body. Once the meal was devoured, Techno slumped forward, leaning heavily on the avian’s chest and burying his face in the crook of the other's neck.
    “Good boy, you did so good.” The older man cooed, running his fingers through long pink hair, “Such a good boy…”
    Techno whined, turning his face as if to hide it against Phil’s neck, and tried to ignore the hardening cock he could feel against ass.
    “Always so good for me, pretty boy.” Phil said softly into his ear, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head. The hand not combing through his hair moved to Techno’s hip, pressing him down lightly to grind against him. He repeated the motion a few times before pushing the tired man back lightly and bringing the hand up from the other's waist, fingers pressed lightly to his mouth.
    “Open please.” He said sweetly, softly, making a pleased noise when Techno complied without question, tongue running sluggishly over his fingers in an attempt to make the next part easier.
    Once he deemed the digits sufficiently lubricated, Phil dropped the hand again, this time moving them further downward. He stretched Techno slowly, taking his time in the name of being thorough; Scissoring two and then three fingers gently and brushing just lightly against his lover’s prostate on every pull out until Techno was trembling, arms thrown around Phil’s shoulders like he needed something to hold onto or he’d shake apart.
    Phil murmured a few more praises, quickly undoing his own robes and pulling his reddened cock free, gently lifting the piglin to line up, pressing the head in and letting his soft smile twitch into something more prideful at the jolt and whimper the action drew. After a moment of consideration, Techno adjusting his grip on Phil’s robes- right between his shoulder blades, the fabric around his wings shifting the slightest bit- and pulled out just to push back in again. Two, three, four times, each pop causing the man in his hold to whimper just slightly higher.
    “So cute, my good boy…” The avian whispered, his grin surely audible, pressing gentle kisses to Techno’s shoulder. “Such pretty sounds…”
    Techno could feel tears spring to his eyes, trying to focus on the visible shift of Phil’s feathers. They puffed a bit every time he tensed, whined, whimpered, or shivered.
    Then Phil pressed in, not waiting for a second, to the hilt, and hit that spot in him dead-on. He couldn't take it- Techno moaned, hand shooting out and unintentionally brushing his claws through soft black feathers. The reaction was instant: Phil’s back arched, wings stretching out and beating twice, before they settled back into a relaxed position in a noticeably fluffier state.
    The movement ground his cock deeper, punching a high, startled noise from his partner that tapered off into a moan as they both breathed deeply for a moment. Techno was still shivering, his grip tightening on loose fabric as he felt the other man’s length throb against that bundle of nerves.
     Then, suddenly, he was on his back, black wings above unfolded to fill the room with night, and he finally saw the dark, hungry look in Phil’s eyes; Though only briefly, as he didn't leave a second to waste, pulling Techno’s legs apart with more force than necessary and starting a rough pace.
    “AH- Phil, Phil, Phil-!” The Piglin keened, breath knocked out of his lungs with every thrust, and whined when sharp nails dug into his thighs. His eyes crossed as the avian towered over him, one of his hands curling into a fist on the mattress next to Techno’s head to support him as he bucked his hips harder, shaking the bed with the force.
    “F-Fuck, too hard!” The warrior whined in small punched-out noises, clawing at the older man’s back as sparks of painful pleasure shot through him. He could hardly hear the bed start creaking over their own obscene noises. 
    Techno was struggling to contain sharp whines, pleas and shouts of his companion’s name, his breath coming in quick, audible gasps for air as it was continuously fucked out of him. Phil was growling and groaning, hissing little praises and short, obscene sentences; His eyes were distant but sharp, like a wolf that's caught it's long-hunted prey, the adrenaline of the chase burning through its veins.
    Without warning, he leaned forward, eyes closed and hand shifting to Techno’s throat, pressing him down into the mattress and cutting off his air. Techno choked, shaking and twitching, quickly starting to see spots in his vision, and the angel above him moaned as the soft heat around his cock tightened.
    Phil thrust harder, wings quivering and  as he chased his release, wings quivering before he finally shouted, finishing hard and deep. Techno tensed beneath him, nearly cross-eyed at the feeling of warm cum leaking out around the other’s length as he fucked through his climax, and almost lost consciousness as his own dick covered his stomach in milky fluid.
    Then, a splintering sound, and the pair were tumbling slightly as the bedframe collapsed. The posts at two of the corners twisted, the mattress hitting the floor with two consecutive thuds.
    As the shock and post-orgasm haze faded, Techno looked around them, seeming only annoyingly inconvenienced, before he was being pulled back into a passionate kiss.
    “I'll replace it.” Phil said dismissively, already moving his hips again. Techno sighed, but let himself be pushed back down. This was going to be a long night.
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egodb · 1 year ago
There's just something inexplicably funny about saying to the face of someone you're planning to blackmail that you would be blackmailing them. Like, not only grabbing the bull by its horns but also mocking it with a "mooo".
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heroesriseandfall · 8 months ago
Beryl is saying hello to America today. Say hi to the Squire!
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unstablem8 · 2 years ago
At the beach-
Ambrosius: *Chilling on a beach chair*
Nimona: *Playing in the water (As a shark)*
Diego: *Forgot to put on sunscreen and is now sunburned and sitting under an umbrella next to Ambrosius*
A few minutes later
Ambrosius: "Can you shut u-....."
*He and Nimona look to see a huge pack of seagulls attacking Todd*
Ambrosius: *Looks at diego (The Squire) * "What's going on?"
Diego: "Ballister somehow managed to befriend an entire swarm of seagulls and commanded them to attack Todd."
Nimona: "Metal."
Ballister: "It's true."
*They turned to see Ballister covered in seagulls whilst holding a sandwich letting them slowly pick at it*
Diego: "Do we?"
"Nah." *The three say in unison as they watch the seagulls attack Todd mercilessly*
The next day-
News reporter: "Yesterday the infamous Thoddeus Sureblade was attacked and ganged by a pack of seagulls, this occurred because of none other than Ballister Black- Boldheart. So, Sir Boldheart how do you plea?"
*He asked shoving the microphone in his face*
Ballister: "It was funny."
News reporter: "And would you do it again?"
Ballister: *Looks over at Todd who is covered in beak marks and tallon scratches*
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rjdg-fanatic · 2 years ago
Cross-posting from Twitter, but one of my favorite character design details in Nimona is that Ambrosious bleaches his hair to be more in line with the image of Gloreth everyone wants him to be.
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And you can tell that this was very intentional by the difference in color between his natural hair from the sides/facial hair to the top, and most visible, portion.
This is even more striking when you notice other characters like Nimona and The Squire don’t.
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fandomfaeofveryfewf4cks · 2 years ago
"He wants blood!"
Something about the way the squire asks that tells me EXACTLY what kind of Ballister x reader fics he has and has not been reading.
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appsartstash · 1 year ago
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Been having varying levels of Rain World brain rot for the last while, so a good chunk of what I've been drawing lately are slugcats. Most of these are my own ideas because I've gotten more attached than I intended. I'll yell about them under the cut.
First is an attempt at a Hunter design featuring a slugpup I've been calling the Squire. My main idea is that before the end of Hunter's campaign, they leave Squire with Gourmand's colony, and Squire ends up acting as a guard there when they're older.
The second image is of the Cathode (green) and the Chameleon (black and white). They're both purposed organisms from a different group of iterators than those in-game. Cathode is resistant to electricity and can store electric charges to stun attackers, and they were made to help maintain a damaged iterator can. Chameleon is the obligatory part-lizard scug, being made with white lizard traits by a different iterator than Cathode. Chameleon was frequently overshadowed by their creator's other slugcat, though, so they end up leaving and being taken in by Cathode's creator. I imagine Cathode and Chameleon end up as a bonded pair and are pretty much inseparable after the Chameleon arrives.
The last is the Scholar (or at least my take on that idea, I've seen the title used by others). They'd be post-Saint, purposed by an iterator to investigate why communications have gone quiet. Design-wise, they'd be closer to Gourmand's build but very fluffy, and the darker fur around the eyes was meant to resemble glasses, but I realized it looked a bit like a raccoon's mask, resulting in the tail stripes.
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little-cereal-draws · 1 year ago
Calling all Nimona fans!!!!
I followed up with Troy Quane, one of the directors of Nimona, on Linkedin today after I saw him at an event earlier this week and I asked him if I could ask him a question about the movie. He said yes and I want to try to limit myself to only one so I don't overwhelm him or overstep. But it's hard to pick only one!! So:
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