#the sounds of the rain reminds me of toads
pink0lamby · 11 months
positive vent (ig?)
it's raining
it's pouring
the old man in snoring
he went to bed
and bumped his head
and didn't wake up in the morning
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aylen-san · 25 days
Memories of tropical days
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The tropics are another world, full of life, color and sounds that fill the heart with joy. When I first came to these places, I was struck by how the air here was heavy with moisture, as if every breath filled my chest with sweet nectar that gave me strength. The forests, tangled with vines and strange tendrils, seemed like living creatures shrouded in a mist of green and color. Huge trees spread their branches, creating a vault of leaves overhead, through which the sun's rays broke, turning into golden streaks like rays of hope in the thickest forest. On the branches of these trees lived monkeys, jumping deftly from one branch to another, their cries and laughter filling the forest with life and movement.
The birds here sang in ways I had never heard before. Their tinkling trills, melodious and varied, seemed to blend into a symphony that filled the air. I could spend hours listening to them sing, their bright feathers flashing in flashes of color through the dense green, like gems hidden in the shadows of the forest. Even the insects that fluttered and buzzed among the flowers seemed to be part of this living orchestra, each sound like a note in a melody created by nature itself. Huge butterflies, painted in unimaginable patterns, flew from flower to flower, making it seem as if nature itself was painting colors on the canvas of the air.
And the smells... The tropics are filled with scents that are impossible to forget. The sweet scent of ripe fruit, the spicy notes of flowers growing in the shade of trees, and the moist, rich aroma of the earth after rain all combine to create a dizzying cocktail. Mango, papaya, guava - their juicy fruits, so warm from the sun, seemed to contain the very essence of the tropics. I tasted each of them, and each time the taste was like a new melody, giving joy and sweetness of life.
The water in the tropics is also special. The streams that flowed through the forests sparkled in the sunlight like liquid crystal, and the seas that lapped the shores shimmered in every shade of blue and green. The waves were warm and gentle, as if the waters themselves were filled with life and light. I often stopped at the shore to listen to the waves gently touching the sand, humming an ancient song about the infinity of time and the power of nature. The coastline, lined with fine white sand, stretched into the distance, and the palm trees, their crowns leaning toward the water, provided shade to hide from the midday heat.
But perhaps the most impressive sight was the tropical night sky. As the sun set and day turned to night, the stars lit up the dark velvet of the sky with unimaginable brightness. They seemed so close you could reach out and touch them. The moon illuminated the earth with a soft light, and the jungle was filled with the sounds of nocturnal creatures - their rustling and cries creating an atmosphere of mystery, as if the forest were whispering its ancient secrets. Giant fireflies lit up the night trails like floating stars, and the deep, bassy voices of toads were like ancient incantations lurking in the shadows of centuries-old trees.
The tropics reminded me that while nature can be harsh and cruel, it can also be incredibly generous and joyful. These places were full of life, joy, and boundless energy, and even in their heat and humidity I found peace and inspiration. In every leaf, every flower and every sound, I saw and felt the greatness of Arda, its unquenchable longing for life and light. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight gilded the treetops, I greeted the new day with gratitude, feeling that the tropics had not only given me shelter, but a new music, a melody full of joy, life and love for this wonderful world.
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
I've noticed that much of my confessions here are... well, a bit depressing, so I suppose I should talk about something more lighthearted.
In my canon, I believe I was autistic (there wasn't really a word for it in Outworld, but I'm almost certain I was), and one of my focused interests was frogs. Unfortunately, I can't remember a lot of the species found in Outworld, but thankfully there are plenty here in Earthrealm that are just as fascinating. Here's a few of my favorites:
The Purple Indian Frog. Of course, it's purple, which is obviously my favorite color, but it also looks very strange... Its large nose (which it uses to burrow into the ground) looks like a pig's, and it sounds like one too.
The Coqui. It reminds me of the frogs that would gather around the pond in the Hanging Gardens, and its sounds are quite endearing.
The Dyeing Poison Dart Frog. Poison Dart Frogs in general are a favorite of mine, but the colors on this one are the most beautiful, in my opinion.
The Desert Rain Frog. No, it's not just because it's called a "Rain" frog. Rain frogs are very unique as they do not start off as tadpoles, they crawl instead of hop, and they cannot swim. That, and I just find them adorable. They squeak like little toys!
The Purple Harlequin Toad. Yes, I know that this is not a frog, but I still find it very interesting. Unfortunately I can't find much information on it, and it seems to be critically endangered, but it is certainly a beautiful creature.
The Hairy Frog. This one is just bizzare, but I can't help but love it. Males have hair-like appendages on their hind legs called dermal papillae that help them absorb oxygen underwater, and they can also break their toes in order to create bone "claws" to defend themselves from predators. It reminds me a lot of Havik and his... unique abilities. I'm sure he would appreciate the comparison.
I know this has very little to do with fictionkin, but I just thought I would take a moment to be more positive. It's very nice to be able to discuss simpler things such as this.
-Rain (Mortal Kombat 1, #💜🌧)
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alan-duarte · 1 year
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TIMING: A few weeks ago. Before nice™Alan. LOCATION:  A construction project, west of Wicked’s Rest PARTIES: Alan @alan-duarte & Alex @letsbenditlikebennett SUMMARY: Alan and Alex meet in one of the realtor’s construction projects. Barking ensues. CONTENT WARNINGS: Parental death (mentioned) 
Gatlin Fields were not nearly as developed as the rest of the town, and though a lot of people enjoyed this endless expanse of grass and wheat, the rural smell of manure, or driving behind cattle heading back to the barn (Alan included), Wicked’s rest needed to expend, especially with the Serpent’s flat covering now a fifth of it. 
He had bought a large lot of land up there, and the city council had agreed to the construction of over two hundred homes. The local taxes would bring a lot of money to their pockets, Alan, in the meantime, would get even more with each plot he’d sell to buyers. That was, if defenders of the toads (this still irked him to no avail), finally decided to fuck off from the bog and let the servicing of the land happen. 
Parking the Maserati on the side of the road, he had gone to the trunk to trade his italian leather brogues with rubber boots and put on his colorful Cotopaxi rain jacket, a birthday present from his sister that while it clashed with his aesthetic, was too pretty to stay in the closet. 
Walking up to the lot of protestors, who, he had no doubt, would reek of cheap marijuana and alternative bathing methods, the man ignored the booing and crossed his arms over his chest. “Who is in charge?” His stern, no bullshit tone, he hoped would deter them from being sassy. All he wanted was to get back to the car before it started to rain. Those dark clouds couldn’t be announcing anything good. 
As Alex looked over the signs she’d stayed up all night painting with a couple of classmates looked great, but the last minute effort had left her feeling especially drained as she twirled the cold brew coffee in her reusable around before she took a gulp. Some of the other students came to show her their signs and she smiled in kind. “Looks great,” she laughed, “and we have a pretty good turn out.” 
It was about time to gather everyone to pep them up and remind them why they were here, but Alex could hear footsteps approaching that were heavier approaching. The voice that followed caused her features to harden into a glare until she faced the man who sounded ready to lecture her. “That’d be me,” she responded as she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked the older man over, “Let me guess, you’re the connard in charge of building the tacky houses.” 
“Alan Duarte,” he gave the girl a smile, smoothing out his tie against his crisp white shirt before crossing his arms again. The French bit was intriguing. Québec or France? He wouldn’t have been able to tell, but still, he wondered. Either way, he wasn’t really gonna let that impress him at all. Of course, there wasn’t much that impressed him. Alan had worked hard to make sure he’d always been one step ahead, and these people… Certainly he did not have to look so jaded about them, but weren’t they the fucking cliché. What a sorry pathetic bunch of hemp cultists, the businessman thought as he turned his attention back toward her. “This is a private property. You’re all trespassing and I’m going to kindly ask you to leave,” of course, more booing would follow. He felt as though he was talking to toddlers in their no stage (he could thank his siblings for knowing what the hell a no stage was). “This entire area has been purchased by myself and my clients, and you’re delaying a lot of people’s life projects here with your self centered attitude,” he didn’t need to drag them, but it wasn’t like he cared for their feelings, or their opinion. These people would never be owners. 
Everything about the man was polished in a way that had Alex on the defensive. No matter how much she tried to put on the part of a put together young adult at school and dressed according to her bright spring color palette, she still donned almost an entirely thrift store wardrobe. She loved her pale blue button down blouse and dark wash jeans. When she looked in the mirror that morning, she knew she left no crumbs with this look, but people with money always seemed to look at the world with a whole different set of standards. “Alan,” she smiled with a false sweetness that could very easily be read for what it was, “I’m Alex Bennett. Event planner for UMWR’s Conservation Club.” 
The way he carried himself made it more than apparent he couldn’t care less about the ecological impact of misplacing this species of toads from the bog they called home. Alex had spent countless sleepless nights reading up on them in preparation for the protest. They were one of the few species of toads that could eat some of the supernatural bug species in the area. Something about the venom in their saliva and ph that went a little over her head, but she could understand the implication in the big picture of it all. “I don’t think you’ll be building anything here after the next town council meeting,” she retorted, matter of factly, “And people’s ‘life projects’ are hardly more important than protecting local wildlife that has a significant impact on the whole town.” 
Overhead, the sky lit up with a crack of bright white lightning that sent a roll of thunder in its wake. Alex crossed her arms over her chest, seemingly unfazed by the incoming storm. A little rain had never bothered her even if it did leave her smelling vaguely like a wet dog, but something told her Mr. Maserati wasn’t the type of guy who liked ruining his business attire. “You better get back to your car before it starts coming down,” she said condescendingly, “would hate for you to ruin your hair.” As if on cue, a few drops of rain starting falling from the sky and she donned a shit-eating grin that dared him to test her.
Denim and pastels. She was the shining, stunning picture of the mainstream, cradled with the illusion of a better world, where everyone's voice matters. Alan welcomed her sight, and her introduction with a sonorous yawn. “Event planner?” Was that supposed to be a job? He had some doubts about it. “You sure know how to pick a venue,” he ironized, a crooked smile appearing on his face as he glanced around. The bog was quite the stinky, unwelcoming place, but once he dried it up and built over it, it would house one of the loveliest pieces of real estate in the area, all thanks to yours truly. 
“The local wildlife is going to be relocated,” he flatly replied. As for the next town council meeting, Alan wasn’t worried about it. How many of his projects had been approved in the past? How many were rejected? The scales were tipped in his favor. It was near comical that she thought her bunch of pot smokers over there even stood a chance against him. Those frogs brought nothing to the town, other than their loud croaking disturbing the peace of the neighbors. Alan offered to move them someplace else, as a gesture of good faith, and bring in wealthy taxpayers in exchange for those freeloaders. The math was easy, it revulsed him that college level kids couldn’t manage that. 
The sound of thunder brought a frown to his face. Great, he was going to smell like a fucking wet dog, again. Pulling his hood over his head, the realtor put his hands in his pockets, shaking his head at her as she taunted him about the state of his hair. It did look like he put some effort into achieving that look. “It won’t get ruined, I use olaplex,” he explained, with a smile so wide it could have belonged to his lupine half. 
The fact this man had suggested something as simple as rehoming the wildlife, as if it was that easy, only made Alex grow more frustrated. She rolled her eyes and let out a scoff. “Right, because that’s just such a simple thing to do for a species that has very specific habitat needs,” she spat, “And the location is important, so I’d say I did a good job. If you move these toads, you’re gonna have some parasitic insect species overpopulating the area.” It’d serve the man right to end up with eurynomos or eintykara swarming the likely overpriced homes that Alan wanted to build. 
As if to add dramatic effect, a bolt of lightning lit up the cloudy sky before it was followed by a deafening crack of thunder that made her grimace. Despite the fact Alex had wanted supernatural hearing growing up, she wasn’t so fond of it at that moment. Or any moment really, since the enhanced senses had nothing to do with the ranger lineage of her family. The clouds in the sky overhead were a dark, smoky gray and she already dreaded the eventual downpour. It was one thing to smell like a wet dog at work, but she was surrounded by peers and a far too arrogant businessman. “Don’t think olaplex will save you from looking like a drowned rat, princess,” she shot back. 
On cue, the torrential downpour started and Alex knew she was the one out here probably looking like a drowned animal considering she was an animal of sorts, if monsters could be classified as animals biologically. There wasn’t really a place in biological domains and kingdoms for the supernatural though maybe that was a project she could start. The others had already been wearing the ponchos she’d stolen from the Dollar Store for everyone, but she hadn’t been quite as prepared for herself. She could already pick up on the wet canine smell, but there was something else that wasn’t entirely her. Her eyes widened when she realized the other dog-like smell was coming from Mr. Olaplex himself. “Y- you’re,” she rambled nervously, “Like me?” She pointed to her nose, hoping it was enough for him to pick up on. If he made all that money, Alan had to have some common sense, right? 
“If they can only survive in this specific bog, they might not be fit for survival, don’t you think?” It never ceased to make him roll his eyes, people fighting nature. By design, humans were conquerors, aiming for the top of the food chain. Alan knew he didn’t wait for the bite to make that come true. Sure, turning into the big bad wolf helped him a lot, but he got rid of business opponents without it, and he was certain he would have made it without his lupine friend. 
“You’re just delaying the inevitable,” he pointed out. Slipping his hands in his pockets, Alan sighed. What was she even talking about? “What parasitic insects? Mosquitoes?” Those weren’t even parasitic. 
He wouldn’t be the one living here. What would he care? If it was worse than he anticipated, he’d just find a hunter and grease their murderous hand with a stack of money. 
There was an age when he wouldn’t have budged in the face of tonitruant thunder, but those days were gone. His shoulders tensed, and the man cringed in distaste. “I’ve been in Afghanistan, I think I’ll live,” he didn’t seem so convinced about it, but hoped his words would do the job of conveying this idea : don’t fuck with me. 
He wiped the first drops of water from his cheek, but that damn smell would be there soon. It came from her before it did him. Fuck. Alan’s eyes darted from the dark menacing clouds back to her. He hadn’t met another wolf in a few years. Though he had put a few hunters in their grave in that span of time, the wolf population had dropped enough it made meeting new folks complicated. “Oh God,” had to be a fucking hippie. Shit. And he could already feel his heart shifting, disdain being replaced with the sort of affection that came with a sense of belonging. “I… Who…” He had been a lot more eloquent before. “Really?” 
The man was not budging and the willful obtuse manner in which he spoke about simply rehoming wildlife still ground her gears more than Alex cared to admit. Her purpose had been all but swept from underneath her feet the night she was bitten. She’d never be able to protect the world by fighting monsters. Even with how much time she spent in the gym, her strength would never match Andy’s or Kaden’s. But protecting the environment and the planet? That was something she could still do, though the way Alan continued to shoot down her efforts made her doubt she could even do that. 
“If you say so,” Alex relented, not really wanting to ask why he was in Afghanistan when she was pretty sure she could deduce as much. Her mind was more wrapped around the fact he was a werewolf like her and what that could mean. A wave of anxiety ran through her. Despite spending most of her life as a werewolf, it was still hard to forget everything her parents had drilled into her brain from the time she could understand words. That didn’t go away overnight, not that she was sure it went away at all. She struggled living with what she was most days and she hadn’t actually gotten to know another werewolf. 
“Really,” Alex answered as she swallowed back the lump in her throat. There was a swirl of different emotions that she couldn’t bring herself to parse, but she found herself not backing away as she normally would. Most of the others had cleared out with the last bolt of lightning, but she found she was stuck in place, unsure of what to do or say. The man was still irritating but there was a certain pull there too. One that made her more inclined to crack a joke despite the fact they’d been arguing only moments before. “Didn’t exactly pick out wet dog as my choice of perfume,” she attempted, but it fell flat, because of course now that they shared something in common, she was practically desperate for approval. 
By this point, Alex was soaked to the bone and the lightning was getting dangerously close. She knew as much, had to clear people out of the park far before this point, but she couldn’t leave. “How long,” she asked.
“Well shit,” Alan wasn’t a skilled liar. He could argue his way through most things, but lying was never his forte. He would have made quite the shitty actor, this was for certain. “Fuck,” it had been a bit since he last saw another werewolf : those he had met were either dead or out of town for good. It wasn’t a good thought, not when faced with such a juvenile face. His gaze dropped to the floor, shielding his head from the rain, and himself from her inquiring eyes. Her joke did make him crack a small, sad smile, but one only he would be aware of. 
Wiping his nose dry for just a second or two, he glanced back toward the young wolf.
“It’ll be eleven years on the 14th of July,” the thunder hit his ears once again, more forceful than before. The storm was getting closer. “Look Alex,” under other circumstances, Alan would have called her the wrong name, and he certainly wouldn’t have said that : “we need to get out of here,” the lightning lit up the dark sky again, as if to punctuate his words with one final definite period. If he was right about what he perceived from her, then she was as eager as he was to keep the conversation going, which certainly was just fucking ironic, considering how little he wanted to speak with her just moments ago. “You could come with me, tell them to go home, say that we’re gonna have a chat, you and I.” Which wasn’t to say that he was going to give up on his plans for this place, but this had bought her a whole new level of credibility. 
“Eleven years,” Alex repeated, thinking back to how long it had been for her, “13 years for me.” Her voice quieted, trying to push out images of the night and the blood that splattered their campsite. Her hand instinctively went to the place the scar on her left hip was, the one that forever marred her and brought up a concerned furrow of brows of every girl who had ever seen it. It almost seemed to have a dull ache as she pushed the memory away, but she was certain that it was her imagination. That wound, at least the physical aspect of it, had long since healed.
Alex looked over to the staggering students who had covered up under ponchos and nodded. She approached them quickly, wanting to be sure they made it somewhere safe as quickly as possible. “Everyone, get out of here. The lightning is getting close and it’s not safe. I’m gonna take to the Big Wig and keep y’all posted,” she explained. There were a few reluctant nods, but most seemed glad to get somewhere warm and dry. 
There was a pounding in her chest as she approached Alan again. In all this time, Alex had avoided getting to know another werewolf. She was taught to hate them, afterall. If she couldn’t shed that hatred when looking in the mirror, how was she supposed to approach another werewolf with understanding? But the complicated web her logic had woven was getting more tangled together. Everything her parents had taught her was challenged daily by the fact Alex herself had never killed anyone. Then she spoke to Teagan, who had kindly released her from a bind without prompting. And Alan, well aside from being a rich jackass, didn’t look like a monster and his gaze had softened to a degree that made it even more difficult to make that correlation despite the fact they now both reeked of wet dog. 
“Where to,” Alex asked, still reluctant as she looked at the overpriced vehicle. There was a whole whirlwind of questions in her mind, but Alan was older and had been a werewolf nearly as long as she had. Maybe he had a trick or two up his sleeve… and maybe there was something in his age that made her yearn for the approval her father never showed her, but that was neither here nor there. “Guessing you have some fancy pants office or something?” 
“Thirteen years?” That made her both the youngest and oldest werewolf Alan knew at the moment. She must have been terribly young when she got bitten, and the mental image of a child being attacked by the sort of enormous beast they now turned into, that image made his stomach churn. How did she survive that? 
Her court of poncho clad hippies took their leave, and Alan couldn’t help but find irony in a good shower being the downfall of these folks. Stereotypes sure had a long time ahead of them before they’d ever disappear. But, as funny as that thought was, the thunder was a dreadful reminder of his condition. Fucksake. 
At least they’d be leaving this goddamn place now. He certainly wouldn’t be mad to see it disappear underneath concrete or to never see it again. 
 “My den in the middle of woods of course,” he smiled to himself, if only to appear like someone who had his shit together. Where to… He had his office, he had his house. The latter had towels and dry clothes, because he didn’t feel like showing up and letting his employees get the idea that he smelled exactly like a wet dog. The way they’d been standing in the pouring rain, it would take days to let the stench leave his car, which was already bad enough to him. “I’m taking you to my house. I’m not going back to work with that stench on me,” and her. “It’ll be a much better place to talk,” opening the car for them both, the wolf hurriedly rid himself of his raincoat, tossing it in the trunk before going to sit behind the wheel. He didn’t move for a second, contemplating what meeting her could possibly mean. Even if they belonged to different generations, different social classes and had different beliefs, perhaps they could make it work, stay alive, together. Lightning struck in the distance. Alan remained quiet, reaching for his phone to send a message of reassurance to a friend he knew wouldn’t be having a good time in this weather. “Coffee and a chat sounds good to you too?” 
The look of sad perplexion that the older wolf tried to mask was one Alex was familiar with. There was a reason the young werewolf didn’t go around offering up information about herself without thinking it through. She was young, she knew the picture that came to mind when she said thirteen years was one of a small child being attacked by a monster. It would pull at anyone’s heart strings and the big shot realtor was no exception. But would that same soft spot still be intact if Alan knew why she’d been in the situation in the first place? That she was supposed to be trained to kill monsters like the both of them? It left a spinning feeling in her stomach so she simply nodded in response. 
But then something hit her. Something akin to… kinship? Alex wondered if there was some universal appeal of the woods to werewolves, some sort of comfort in the quiet oasis it provided to they’re overactive myriad of senses. Maybe there was some sort of supernatural biological programming there though she wasn’t sure how much the principles of science really came into play with supernatural beings. It stood to reason that even supernatural creatures had instincts and roles in the local ecosystem just as any other species. She smiled softly once the group cleared out. “I’d expect nothing less,” she responded, “Mine is too… Well, more a really run-down rental cabin, but the rent is stupid cheap. Pretty sure the owner is a vampire and is just really out of touch with the current rental market.” 
Her words were intended to lighten the moment a bit and maybe there was some small hope that they’d help with bridging the gap created by the very wrong foot they’d gotten off on. Alex had a whirlwind of complex feelings about what she was, but something in her still craved the older werewolf’s approval, and if she was being honest with herself, maybe even his guidance. For so long, she’d put off connecting with anyone like her because well… how could she reason with herself that she was a monster, but stay open to the idea that other werewolves weren���t monsters? Maybe she was tired of never feeling good enough, tired of trying to live up to the idea of being someone her parents would love if they could see her today. Another crackle of thunder rumbled the ground below them and she readily agreed to go with him to his house, a show of trust uncharacteristic of the young wolf.
“Coffee and a chat at your place it is,” Alex agreed more eagerly than she had meant to, despite the air of nonchalance she desperately wanted to portray. Her own father had always faulted showing signs of emotion. Something about giving your opponent an advantage and she had already decided Alan wasn’t an enemy, but how put together he was reminded her of her own father in a way, which made the show of excitement feel like a sign of weakness– a reason for him to write her off the same way her father had seemed to. “Spare you coworkers the stink. They’re already working weekends,” she joked, as if it brought back that air of cool she wanted to wrap herself in, “Hope you’ve got oat milk.” 
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lunarludicrousy · 5 months
Another Dream. I Think I've Done Something Wrong.
I don't know how to feel. Everything felt so clear yesterday, I felt good even. Last night though, I had another dream. This wasn't like the last dream... Well, it was but it was almost backwards. I felt so lost in the first dream, so confused and scared but then the wolf appeared and everything was okay. I thought they were telling me I was doing okay, that I was doing the right thing. I haven't changed anything, but the wolfs message has.
I'm sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me explain what the dream was actually about first.
At first there was darkness, I felt warmth enveloping my body. It felt like the safety and comfort of home, the safety and comfort of the pack? I Guess... I was warm, and safe, and comfortable and I didn't have to open my eyes, but I did. I found myself in a large cave, the rocks were smooth. The opening was wide, streaming in shafts of moonlight from the sky above.
I could smell... Blood, meat, flesh - but it didn't disconcert me. It reminded me of food, of knowing the fridge was full and I'd for certain have dinner on the table. The warmth around me, I found, to be the sleeping bodies of wolves surrounding me. One was underneath my head, and I could hear it's heart beating in time with my own. Their gentle breathing mixed with the subtle shuddering of trees in the wind. The sounds of leaves, of cicadas singing their sound, of the nearby toad croaking. I wish that it could have lasted forever, this moment.
But then I heard the gentlest sound of tapping. It sounded like the pitter-patter of rain against stone, slowly building into a restless cacophony. I remember even in my dream state, my first thought was to glance outside. The night was as cool and peaceful as it was before.
There was the gentle hoot of an owl, before it was consumed by the gentle pattering becoming a strong tapping. It sounded like a thunderstorm savagely building, yet the trees outside only tussled gently in the wind.
It was slowly that my ears adjusted, and I recognized the tapping as not random, but rather set to a rhythm. It built into a loud, hideous thumping. It only grew louder, and I shifted the wolves off me in order to cover my ears. They ached, they ached. It was so dizzying, the world spun as I tried to rise to my feet. It almost sounded... Like music strangely. The type of thrashing electronic nonsense they'd blast during a rave, only turned up to max. He could feel the beat vibrate in his chest, rattling his teeth as he stumbled over soft bodies. His foot caught on the head of one wolf, only for him to suddenly jerk forward and trip to the ground. The wolf was hard as stone. If it weren't for the incessant noise, I would have heard the crack. I felt something trickling down from my ears. I looked back, and the wolves were cold, hard stone. The one I tripped over had broken, cracked. As though the rock itself wheezed for death, the shell crumbled into... Ash. Again, ash. The other wolves followed suit, like dominoes. As if my error had the gravity to cause the entire pack to dissolve into nothing but ash.
The once comforting cool breeze turned brittle and freezing. It made my fingers numb. The once comforting walls of the cave now stretched upward, smooth stone hardening further into cold, dull metal. The walls stretched up into skyscrapers, and the ground flatted into a featureless scape of silver. The music was still there, oh it was still there. Thrashing, overwhelming, nauseating. Dark shadowy blobs of what seemed like the human form passed by me, through me. I felt as though my entire body was turning to ice. It was too loud. Everything is too loud.
Even the forest, seems loud. Now. Thumping, thumping music every hit of the beat slamming into my eardrums. It almost felt like pure pressure, assaulting me. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. I couldn't even think.
I've never woken up so afraid.
Please tell me what I did to anger you so much, I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I'm sorry ImsorryIms orry Im so fucking sorry you're scaring me
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : fushiguro megumi from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1427
| published : 22 december
| synopsis : just you and fushiguro in his dorm room before you ask him to teach you his hand gestures that he uses to summon his shikigamis - because why not?
| barista’s notes : hey hey hey~ i hope you all are okay? today it’s fushiguro megumi’s aka my husband’s birthday today!\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/so i had to give you guys something that was i was planning to write for another time, but i realise that this was the best time to post this little imagine that i had planned ʕᴥ· ʔ i hope you all enjoy this cup of classic black coffee that i had made for you all guys ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ don’t worry, it’s on the house ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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Staring down upon his reading book, Fushiguro couldn’t help but hear the small but noticeable sound of shuffling coming from the lower end of his bed that was to some degree distracting him from his reading session. Drifting his emerald eyes from the page on to the person that was sitting on the floor right beside his bed, Fushiguro found you cutely concentrating down on your hands trying to do some gestures that he didn’t seem to understand until you suddenly and casually place your right hand on top of your left between the gap of your thumb and index finger before moving your right thumb ever so slightly towards the direction of your body.
“Mimi, it’s like this right?” you then quickly asked your boyfriend, as you swiftly turned your body to face towards him with your hands staying in the position to where he would summon his divine dogs. Smiling gently down at you, Fushiguro placed his book upside down on the bed before steadily reaching over to your hands to carefully separate the fingers from your left hand - as if you were made out of glass that he could easily break - to create the ‘mouth’ of the dog before nodding at you.
“Nearly there,” Fushiguro stated, as he looked down at you with the most gentle expression on his face - contrasting his usual stern and irritated face when he was outside his dorm room especially on missions when both of you were with Gojo, Itadori and Kugisaki. “Can you teach me the rest of them?” you curiously asked causing Fushiguro to give you a surprised expression before you quickly explained, “I think it’s really cool how you are able to summon your Shikigamis without the use of a charm and instead use shadows,” to which then you looked down upon your hands and randomly place your hands together as if that was going to do anything.
“Don’t you think your curse technique is also amazing though?” Fushiguro asked, as he leisurely moved from his seat on the bed to sit on the space next to you on the floor before leading back onto the framing. “You’re able to cast many advanced level spells with your curse energy without the use of an incantation and you can also create your own and manipulate any right? Shouldn’t you be more amazed at your own technique? You are the first shaman to have that sort of technique, it even surprised Gojo since there is no history to it,”.
“Yeah, but you have cute companions by your side, Mimi,” you quickly countered Fushiguro before continuing whining with, “like who wouldn’t want a cute dog at their beckoning call?” leading to Fushiguro giving you a weird-out look before quickly stating, “you know, my divine dogs are not pets right?”
Letting out a light giggle, you quickly nodded before asking once again if he would teach you all his hand gestures to which Fushiguro couldn’t refuse you the second he heard your laugh - it was like a sweet melody to his ears - as well as the endearing smiling you were presenting him at this moment in time. Slowly turning his body to face you directly while crossing his legs, you did the same before Fushiguro tenderly took your hands in his and moved them into the next position that he wanted to teach you.
After interlocking your thumbs, Fushiguro then moved his hands away - taking his warmth with him, that nearly caused you to whimper from the loss of it as well as his touch - before observing if he had placed your hands in the correct position. “This one is for Nue,” Fushiguro expressed, causing you to lift your hands up to see the gesture yourself. “That make’s a lot of sense since they do show wings, but it could also mean a butterfly,” you comedically suggested, before playfully bending your fingers on both hands to make it seem like they were flapping wings leading to your boyfriend to look at you once again with a weird face before a smile slowly appeared on his face. 
Fushiguro couldn’t help but find the sight of you learning his hand gestures for his curse technique really adorable, it was as if you were like a child copying the movement of their parent to learn something new, yet you also looked like someone that had done something amazing and was excited to show their achievements to someone. You looked extremely happy that he was teaching this to you, it was as if you wanted to be more connected with him somehow.
“Teach me the next one Mimi!” you cutely demanded as you lean closer to him, causing the green-eyed shaman’s face to slowly have a light rose hues being painted on his cheeks before he grabbed your hands once again to show you the next hand position he was going to teach you next.
During this little lesson time, you wouldn’t help but quickly notice the feeling of your boyfriend’s hands. Of course, you have held them before and many times before this, but you couldn’t help but notice how smooth they felt upon your skin, yet so rough due to some of the calluses that were stubbornly on his hand no matter how many times you could moisturise them with your hand cream. Apart from that, one thing you always noticed was how warm his hands were no matter where he was. Wherever it was in rain or the snow, Fushiguro’s hands were somehow always warm allowing you to steal some of that heat whenever you were freezing or just needed to be reminded of the sense of home, his warmth was something that you loved so much.
“And that’s the last one,” Fushiguro mentioned in a soft tone, somewhat sad that this little session came to an end, as he watched you look down at your hands with sparkles in your eyes before you raised your hands and kindly asked him, “is this Gama, Mimi?” since you remembered him using this gesture one time during a mission to summon the toad that you strangely adored so much to which Fushiguro nodded before noticing you had widened your eyes as if you had realised something - to which you had.
“Ah! So when you combine Nue and Gama, you get the technique that you used on Todo that day right?” you excitedly question, before doing both the hand gestures in order to show Fushiguro what you were talking about to which then you were looking at your boyfriend with shiny eyes as you waited for his approval, causing the linger rose hues on his face to become redder at the adorable sight of you.
“Yeah that’s right, you're a quick learner, ain’t you Y/N?” Fushiguro asked, only for you to smile brightly at him before saying, “well, I am learning from the best,” leading Fushiguro to somehow maintain his composure to not break down in pride down in front of you after you had just complimented him. 
“Can I teach you something?” you asked the shikigami user leading him to nod before it was your turn to take his hands into yours, surprising him somewhat, but allowed you to do what you wanted since he was relishing the warmth that you were now providing him. Fushiguro felt both his thumb and index finger being placed together before you angled them slightly to then showcase what you did. It was a finger heart to which then you then curved your fingers with your thumb at the bottom before placing them together to make a heart.
“Thank you for teaching me and I love you, Mimi,” you said with a bright smile, causing the green-eyed shaman to look at you with complete shock painted on his face before he quickly leaned forward and buried his face on the crook of your neck to hide his extremely red tomato face from you, causing you to laugh before placing your hands on the back on his neck as well as around his back before using your fingers to lightly run them along his back while gently playing with his long strands on the back of his head to help him calm down lightly.
“I love you too Y/N,” Fushiguro quietly replied, before burying his face even further if he could, causing his erratic hair to lightly graze itself upon your cheek, tickling you slightly.
You had him there, he couldn’t lie.
The heart was the best hand gesture you had shown him in today’s lesson.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 4 years
Ungodly Hour: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: Suguru doesn’t know the meaning of “relief”, and neither will you. 
words: 1779
tw: nsfw (light smut) 
Your head hits the desk - well, more accurately, the book on the desk - and you jolt back up, hoping no one heard your head crack against the pages. Shoko eyes you over the divider in the carrell, frowning deeply. 
“Are you getting any sleep?” You don’t answer, giving her a sheepish glance before looking back down at the shapeless words. “You need to tell him to stop keeping you up so late.” 
“Huh?” You look back up at the brown eyes still staring at you and roaming around your high-necked sweater, looking for any evidence to use against you. 
“Suguru. Don’t be afraid to tell him to let you sleep once in a while.” Shoko chuckles, then closes her book and stands. “Anyways, we should get back to the dorms. With those two dimwits off campus right now, maybe you could get some sleep.” 
You walk back to the dorms in silence, taking in the fall air with appreciation. The crisp smell of falling leaves and fresh rain settles over you like a warm embrace, and you think of the long, black haired sorcerer who resided in the back of your mind at all times. You used to think that Suguru was like the spring: fresh, and energizing. But now, he felt like the fall… comforting, warm, and familiar. The furnace for your fire. The threads for your sweater. The cup for your tea.
“Hey,” Shoko nudges you when you get to her room. “Draw that line, girl.” You laugh a  little at her cheesy words, then walk the few hundred feet to your room.
Silence greets you when you open the door and walk to your bed, which is neatly made from the previous week. You never really spent time in your bed anymore; Suguru liked to sleep with you in his arms, in his room, under his sheets. You thought you would feel a deeper sense of longing when he was gone, but your body reacts only with relief as you collapse on the bed. You need to shower the day off and wash your face, but the exhaustion drags you down and soon, you’re asleep on top of the covers, arm tucked comfortably under your head. 
When you wake, you realize dreams elude your memory. It had been like that for some time - this dreamless sleep. You were grateful for the lack of dreams, because it also meant the lack of nightmares. You hadn’t yet mentally recovered from the incident with the special grade curse, and neither had Suguru. One month wasn’t enough to wipe away the foul smell or the taste of blood out of your mouth, and you were sure that your hyperfixation on your studies would only drive your ability to deal with the trauma into the ground. 
But you couldn’t help it. 
You watched Suguru throw himself into the books when he couldn’t figure out a solution, so you did the same. When you went out with him on any given night, you two would get drunk or high (or both) and then fuck each other’s brains out. Deep down, you know it’s not the best way to cope with things, but the inherent toxicity of the cycle only draws you deeper. 
The second thing you realize is that it’s impossibly dark. 
A glance at the digital clock on your nightstand informs you that it’s eleven seventeen, which means you slept through dinner and possibly even Suguru’s return. You roll onto the edge of the bed to reach into your backpack to fish out your phone. There are no messages on the empty screen you note. He must not have made it back yet. 
As you sit up and rub your eyes, the thought to shower comes back to you. Ignoring your grumbling stomach, you step off the bed and take two steps in the direction of the bathroom, the trip over something hard and large laying on your bedroom floor. 
As you precariously hold on to the edge of your desk, you hear a groan and a figure shifting up from the floor slowly. Taking two books off your desk and yelling, you toss the thick volumes at the rising figure and grab another book to throw, the previous makeshift weapons thumping to the ground after hitting their mark… at least, you think they hit their mark. 
“Y/n, it’s me!” The sound of Suguru’s voice first shocks you, then enrages you. Gripping the third book in your hand, you flick on the lights and see Suguru tenderly picking up the volumes you tossed at him. 
“Your dictionaries? Really?” You’re not sure if you throw the third book out of embarrassment or anger, but Suguru picks it up after it hits his chest and stacks them on your desk anyways. “Sorry for scaring you, kitten.” 
“Don’t ‘kitten’ me!” You huff, running a hand through your hair out of frustration. “What were you doing sleeping on my floor?” 
“You looked so peaceful, and I didn’t want to wake you. So I thought the next best place to be near you would be the floor.” Suguru grunts, rolling his shoulder. “In hindsight, I should’ve sat in the chair instead.” You squint your eyes at the sorcerer, frowning, but choose to leave the argument where it is and go into the bathroom. You leave the door open while you wash your face and brush your teeth, letting Suguru eye you over the dictionary he had picked up out of boredom. “Yeah, the mission went well,” he finally called out over the sound of running water. “Thanks for asking.” 
“I didn’t,” you reply, turning the shower on and taking off your clothes. 
“I would like to shower, too.” The dictionary thumps back onto the desk, but you turn to kick the door closed before Suguru can even enter. Sighing, you run a hand under the warm water then step into the shower, feeling your muscles relax. Despite your obvious rejection, the door opens, and you hear the rustling of clothing. Suguru entered into the shower behind you, his spindly fingers trapezing around your body without a care. You instinctively relax into his grip, and his lips find your neck, pressing into the wet skin tenderly. 
“Su…” You whine, but he doesn’t relent. “Suguru, please…” His hard length rubs against your ass, and for once, you pray that he’ll give you just a few moments to shower before railing into you like a sex-starved man. 
“You need to be taught some manners, sweetheart.” The way his lips trail past your earlobe and across the minefield of hickies makes you shudder and lean into the hand cupping your neck. “Luckily for you, I’m the perfect disciplinarian.” You jerk at the feeling of his hand running across your stomach and to your ass before lifting it. But instead of smacking your flesh, he grabs your bar of soap and rubs it between his hands in front of you. 
“Sh-Shoko said I need to get more sleep.” You rush out, and Suguru pauses. 
“Oh?” His soft tone doesn’t betray his true feelings, but you know he’s tabulating all of the times he’s kept you from sleeping. “Why did she say that?” 
“I fell asleep in the library while I was trying to study,” You admit, feeling heat rush to your cheeks. “She noticed the hickies, too.” At this, Suguru gives a derisive snort. 
“Who doesn’t notice them?” You had to admit that he was right; the purplish-blue splotches are his way of marking you as his, warning the other snooping males to stay away as if you were a poisonous toad with yellow and blue coloring. As if to prove his point, he makes another one, this time running his teeth along the previous markings. 
“Seriously, Su.” Your voice makes him straighten up behind you and his soapy hands rest on your shoulders. 
“I’m sorry, y/n. I should’ve been more mindful of making sure you aren’t kept up too late.” You look over your shoulder at his face- which is serious, unflinching, and with a tinge of red around the cheeks - and he presses a feather-light kiss to your cheek. “Let me clean you up and get you back into bed.” 
Surprisingly, Suguru kept his promise, only touching you if he needed to reach past you or help you with the tangled mess that was your hair. As you climb into bed, Suguru tucks you in and presses another kiss to your forehead before turning on the small lamp at your desk.
“Goodnight, y/n,” he murmurs, then takes his familiar place at the desk, hunched over one of his books. 
That next morning, the warmth of Suguru’s body envelops you comfortably, and you wonder how he climbed into bed without waking you. Feeling unusually refreshed, you slip out of his arms and press a hand to his cheek, kissing the skin in thanks. Once in the bathroom, you stretch and yawn, hearing your bones crack - early in the morning and not late at night, for once - satisfied you deeply. You turn away to reach for your facial soap, when you hear it slide open unceremoniously. 
A very alert Suguru leans against the doorway, observing your unclothed figure with a sinister look in his eye. 
“Early bird gets the worm.” And that’s how you found yourself staring at your reflection with Suguru’s hand holding your shoulder while he plowed into you from behind, his other hand rubbing circles on your clit. 
“You thought I’d let you get away…” he breathes into your ear, kissing your earlobe. “If not late at night, I’ll make sure you’re satisfied before you leave for class.” You can only moan his name, looking at your wanton reflection. “You look so perfect, kitten…” he groans. “All worked up so early in the morning for me…” 
“So, did you do it?” Shoko asks later, smiling widely when you nod slowly. 
“If I don’t want to be late, I have to get up earlier,” you mention, feeling the slick between your thighs that reminded you of how the morning had ended with you rushing out of the door. You barely had enough time to clean yourself up, which made for an uncomfortable two hours of squeezing your thighs together so Suguru’s seed wouldn’t stain the seat beneath you. The lecture was completely lost on you, you realize with acute self-consciousness. 
“Huh? Why?” Shoko eyed you carefully, then realized what you meant a second later. “So much for trying to help…” she muttered, looking away from you, embarrassed. So you walked on to class, and Shoko never suggested another thing when it came to Suguru.
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frogsandmagic · 3 years
Julie and the phantoms characters as frogs!
Julie: Desert Rain Frog
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These frogs are considered the ‘world’s cutest frog’ because of the sound of their croaks. I personally think that Julie Molina is both the cutest ever and deserves to be recognized for her fantastic voice <3
Luke: South African sharp-nosed frog
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These frogs are known for having the biggest jump, and as we all know, Luke is bouncy
Reggie: Ornate Horned Frog
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Known for their insatiable appetite (because half of their body is their mouth) just like Reggie and his love for Meatball subs and pizza
Alex: Horned marsupial frog
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These frogs have a big pouch on them! Like,,,like Alex’s Fanny pack,,,(I’m so sorry)
Ray: Darwin frog
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Known for the unique way dads take care of their young
Carrie: Beelzebufo ampinga
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These frogs are nicknamed “devil frog” “devil toad” and “frog from hell” which reminded me of my fav demon :)
Flynn: Glass frog
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These frogs are literally transparent and it reminded me of how much Flynn values honesty and transparency??? (Yeah this ones weak but I couldn’t think of anything else) (also I decided against a picture where you could see the frogs organs in case that’s not something you want to see)
Carlos: Paedophryne amauensis
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These are the smollest frogs :D
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the moment | timothée chalamet
moved blogs - @erodasghosts
practically a spinoff thing for perfidy by @peeterparkr and reading perfidy would help make this better. To read as a stand alone fic, just picture “Tom” as someone y/n used to like but he hurt her.
Description: where we get to see a little bit of y/n’s relationship with timmy
Word count: ~4,600
Warnings: none
A/N: the rain part is heavily inspired by chapter 8 of perfidy where y/n describes when she knew she loved timmy. Also heavily inspired by Nancy’s moodboard of dates with Timmy. I loved writing this so much, I hope you enjoy!
“Okay, okay,” you rested your hands on the table, “tell the story again?”
Timmy let out a soft chuckle, “Really? Didn’t you save the video?”
“I just… need to hear you say it in person.” You smiled widely, “It’s too cute.”
He couldn’t help but smile with you. Something told him you just wanted to hear the story again just to tease him, no harm to come of it though. He couldn’t blame you, he had even teased himself about it and found it rather silly.
“Alright,” he sighed dramatically. “So, I found this toad the other day, right? And it was missing a leg. So… I watched it for a bit before going back inside and going to bed.”
Timmy was a dramatic story teller, it was rather entertaining. The theatrics of it didn’t always come from the words he used to describe stories but the amount of time he spent telling it. To end it short would only leave people with questions. To draw it out longer would give people more to consider. He made stories last regardless, giving people opportunities for questions and any random thoughts. It seemed to be a way of letting everyone feel more involved so it wasn’t so one sided. He didn’t like to focus on himself too much, he was much too interested in everyone else.
“Oh, that’s it?” You raised a brow, “ It didn’t happen to be two in the morning? And you didn’t happen to cry because the toad was missing a leg?”
“Well,” Timmy pursed his lips as if to consider your words, “now that you mention it… I might’ve been a little tired when I found it, and possibly a small bit upset when I found it was missing a leg.”
“Small bit? Tim, you cried.” You brushed some hair behind your ear, “Like, actually cried. I saved the video!”
Quickly, you pulled out your phone to watch the video of a teary eyed Timotheé. Everything about the video was chaotic, it only made the story better.
“Okay, I— this is so bright— I just found this toad,” he held it to the camera, “I was like, ‘Oh! Neat! A little toad!’ But then, then I picked it up and…” He nearly choked on his words, the camera moving sloppily and never focusing on just one thing. “It only has three legs! Y/n, y/n it only has three legs. Are you seeing this?” He held it to the camera again, “Imagine how much harder traveling must be for him. The poor thing.”
“Do we have to finish watching this?” Timmy was grinning boyishly, “I mean, you’ve already seen it and I lived it.”
You gently hushed him before looking back to your phone screen, “Shh, shh, it’s getting to the best part.”
He gave a melodramatic frown to the toad before looking at the camera again, “I just, hmph… I had to show him to you, I love him so much. Okay, say goodbye to him, wish him the best.” He stroked it with his thumb, showing the camera one last time before setting it down and waving goodbye. “I know you’ll live a good life. I’ll miss you, visit anytime.” The camera turned back to Timmy who now had tears swelling, “Can you believe it? Such a darling boy… I hope he gets to be happy.” With a sniffle, he dried his eyes. “Okay, that’s all… you just had to see him. I’m sorry, it’s late and I’m crying…” he laughed and shook his head. “I hope he lives a happy life… well, goodnight… or morning?”
The video ended with Timmy lazily struggling to stop the recording, his eyes red and his hair a complete mess. You couldn’t help but hold the biggest smile and he did his best to hide behind his curls. His fingers curled into his palm, resting his hand on his chin and elbow on the table. Part of him was slightly embarrassed, only because the video was played in public. He couldn’t care less about the fact that you saw him practically breaking down over a toad, he only cared that strangers heard him breaking down over a toad.
“I think…” you began, “Well, you know how you asked me when I knew I loved you? I think that when I first saw that video… I just, I knew, you know?”
He held back a laugh, “Ah, that’s the moment, hmm?”
“Yes! Absolutely, one thousand times yes! It was just mind blowing,” you exaggerated with your hands. “I had never seen you like that before and, honestly, it just really pushed me to my realization.”
“It’s fair, really. I mean, had you sent a similar video I have no doubts that it would be the moment I knew I loved you.” He took a sip of his tea, keeping his eyes on you.
Timmy was playing along with your game, it was back and forth teasing. He couldn’t help but wonder, though, when had you fallen in love with him? He had asked before but you seemed to avoid the question and he didn’t push. Maybe you hadn’t yet, and that was okay. It did make him worry no matter how much he reminded himself it wasn’t like you would fall in love in the exact same moment as if your lives were a book. But still, at times his mind would wander.
“When was it?” He licked his lips and placed his cup back down.
“Hmm?” You fiddled with your pastry, avoiding eye contact.
He rephrased, “When was it you actually fell in love with me?”
Crumbs fell to your plate, it gave you something else to look at rather than him. He never intended to make you nervous, so he soon regretted ever asking. The thing was, there didn’t seem to be a defining moment yet. There were so many things about Timmy that made you stop and think about how amazing of a person he is. From his gentle words to his grand gestures. You could say that to him, but it didn’t sound real. If you were going to answer him you wanted it to be something more concrete.
Part of him craved an answer. He wanted you to take your time, for your relationship to take its time too. And Timmy wasn’t someone that needed constant validation but he couldn’t help himself at times. He knew you cared for him, that’s what mattered most. Really, he wasn’t sure why he was so insistent about knowing. Well, maybe…
He tried his hardest not to be the jealous type, and normally he wasn’t. He trusted you and the two of you were always able to openly talk about things, but… something about your relationship with Tom made him second guess himself. He couldn’t even figure out why, other than it was painfully obvious that Tom liked you and you couldn’t even see it. The issue was, Timmy knew that the “enemies” thing was an act, even if it was just one sided. He knew that you didn’t like Tom, at least not anymore, but a part of him couldn’t help but wonder if you did.
“I’m sorry,” he interrupted his own thoughts. “You don’t have to answer that.”
You awkwardly kept your eyes on the crumbs now scattered around your plate. If only he knew, and if only you could tell him.
“If you keep doing that you’ll hardly have any left.” He smoothly took the pastry from your hands and bit into it. “Hmm, it’s delicious.”
Letting out a small laugh you straighten your posture, “You’ve got a little filling on you.”
“Oh?” He sat it back on your plate, “Could you get it for me?”
You nodded, sitting on the edge of your chair to get closer. Slowly, you reached across and lightly wiped the filling off with your thumb. Timmy’s smile never seemed to fade away. He was always so warm and gentle, even in the toad video from two in the morning. It was like with him any moment could be put on pause to just sit back and admire it for what it was. With him it was like you could breathe. Like, even if it was temporary, the air around him wasn’t so stuffy and thick, but it was clear.
Your hand seemed to linger, not that he minded. He simply took your hand in his own, pressing a kiss to your palm before resting both of your hands on the table. His thumb faintly skimmed over your knuckles as he watched the wheels turning your head.
He tilted his head slightly, “Something on your mind?”
“I always have something on my mind, you know.” You timidly pulled your hand away to put your phone back in your bag, “We should probably get going so we can beat the rain.”
Tim cleared his throat and began gathering his things. “I wouldn’t mind getting stuck in it, sometimes the rain is nice to just step into.”
His words brought another tender smile to your face. Most people would be canceling the day’s plans because of a chance of rain later that evening, Timmy just pushed through and even hoped the rain may come earlier than planned. You liked the rain too and didn’t mind going out in it from time to time, it was relaxing in ways.
“I’d rather be home when it starts, I think.” You held his hand as you both started your way home.
He nodded, “I can understand that. But, would it be so bad if it started before then? It would be like a movie scene.”
The thought made you grin, he was right. One of the biggest clichés in the book and you nearly forgot. Part of you longed for a movie moment like that, you had them all the time with Timmy though. It was nice, you wouldn’t lie. At the same time, a huge part of you just wanted to smoothly make it home, no movie moment.
“I guess that part of it would be sweet. Almost like a frozen moment in time.” You moved closer to him, “I’d take any chance to be frozen in time with you.”
His lips curled into a smile at your cheesy words before pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “Maybe we’ll get the chance again.”
“Hmm, I wish. I’m not exactly dressed for a downpour though, especially not with my camera out,” you held it up.
Timmy took a quick glance, you were right. Your sneakers would be soaked within moments and your jacket wouldn’t keep you warm for long. Timmy wasn’t dressed much better though, having on sneakers as well, and jeans that would easily stick to him when wet. He could stand it though, it wasn’t a bother, and he would gladly help to keep you warm with his own body heat.
He recalled that you loved walks in the rain, no matter how soaking wet you may get. But lately something was off, he could tell. He kept brushing it off, chalking it up to overthinking. Of course you didn’t want to get caught in the rain that day, it would be freezing and your camera could get ruined. Normally, though, you still wouldn’t mind. It was like you were running from something.
“We can put the camera in your purse, it should help keep it dry. As for the rest, well,” he let your hand go before wrapping an arm around your waist, “I’ll help keep you warm as we make our way home.”
You chuckled, leaning into his side. “In that case, I look forward to the rain,” you half joked.
“See?” He smiled, “Simple solutions. I’m glad to be of assistance.”
Once again, he let go of you to give a dramatic bow. You laughed, watching as his hair fell in front of his face. He even tucked one foot behind the other, adding to the drama of it. He did what he could to make the relationship feel the same, to help you find the beauty in small moments like that again rather than pain.
“Ah, thank you for your kindness,” you gently bowed back towards him.
“Of course, of course. Anytime, you know.” He took your hand in his, gently swinging it as you continued the walk.
You walked in silence for a few moments, just taking in the busy sounds from around you. There were fewer people out that day, due to the expected rain, which gave plenty of new picture opportunities. You loved pictures full of life, whether it was crowds of people or a field of flowers. But, you loved pictures that seemed empty, or even more serene in a way, too. Overall, you just enjoyed taking pictures of life. From the most crazy and crowded moments to the most calm and seemingly boring moments.
“Let’s get a picture here really quick?” You stopped at a shop window, gently tugging Timmy’s sleeve to get his attention.
He stepped back and stood beside you, “Of course, it’s a nice opportunity.”
You held the camera up, ready for the picture. Timmy put one hand in his pocket, the other rested on the small of your back. He placed a kiss on the top of your head, freezing there for a moment as you took the picture. Instinctively his eyes shut too, allowing him to easily slip into his thoughts for a moment.
He loved that you took pictures of moments like this, he knew it meant a lot to you. To be able to hold a memory in such a way was incredible and it helped to better remember. It wasn’t just a picture, it was a memory. Even if it was only a memory of going for tea that morning, it was a memory. One he knew that you’d both find yourselves dwelling on.
You both seemed to find such pleasure in the smallest of things. The rain, tea, toads, anything. Unlike Tom, who seemed to have to make everything into some huge attention grabber for it to be even slightly memorable. Timmy couldn’t stand that, it was like it was a show for everyone else. Timmy didn’t need to prove to anyone that he loved you with grand schemes, what mattered to him was the little things that you shared between the two of you.
“Alright, got it,” you smiled.
His eyes opened back up, snapping himself out of his mind. “You’ve gotten a lot of good pictures today.”
“With most of them having you as the subject, I’d agree,” you grinned up at him.
“It’s your talent with photography that makes them so good,” he chuckled.
“Maybe, but you definitely add to it’s perfection.” You kissed his cheek, “Even if I know you cried about a frog at two in the morning.”
“A toad,” he corrected. “And what kind of monster wouldn’t cry about a toad at two in the morning?”
“It’s just a toad,” you began walking again with a small smile on your lips.
“Just a toad?” He joined your side again, “I don’t think so! He was special, not just like any other toad.”
You teased, “You’re actually defending a toad?”
“Maybe I am. You were attacking him.” He played along, lightly nudging your shoulder.
Your hands went into the air in a mock defense, “My greatest apologies for attacking him. I hope I didn’t offend too greatly?”
“Hmm,” he raised a brow and stroked his chin as if he was deeply thinking. “No, nothing you can’t make up for.”
“Make up for? In what way?” You were already grinning as you looked up at him.
His arm made its way back around your waist, his fingers landing on your hip. Your pace slowed a bit, only slightly, as you synced your steps.
“Dance with me when it rains,” he said simply. “It would make up for it a thousand times over.”
You chuckled, “I’d dance with you anytime, Tim.”
He inhaled, holding his breath for a moment before saying, “I know, but I’ll take every chance I get.”
“I would too, plus it’s a simple enough way to pay you back for the frog insult.”
“Right,” you laughed, “toad.”
He hoped it would rain. Before he simply looked forward to the rain because he was expecting it anyway, now he was waiting for the rain as if he relied on it. He needed the chance to be with you closer, longer. He needed a reason for the day to be memorable for more than just tea. Timmy knew you’d adore that day for the rest of time, even if it ended in this very moment, but it was like he needed to be sure of it.
Lord, he was becoming Tom. Couldn’t the day be lovable enough as it was? It already was. There wasn’t a moment through the day with you where he didn’t seem to have butterflies in his stomach, other than moments like this where he couldn't help but think of Tom.
No. No more Tom. Timmy was still far from Tom. His gestures, like wanting to dance in the rain, was for just the two of you, not anyone else. Tom needed everyone else’s approval, Timmy was only focused about the happiness between the two of you.
“Guess you should get ready to dance,” you spoke up, quickly tucking your camera into your purse.
Timmy glanced at your movements before looking up to the sky, seeing how dark it had suddenly gotten. He couldn’t help but smile as he saw the rain approaching.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” he held both of your hands and pulled you to a wider section of sidewalk.
He wasted no time, beginning to dance with you the moment a raindrop fell. You wouldn’t deny it, even though you were previously dreading the coming rain you were happy it was there now. You had forgotten how much you missed it. You missed that moment in time where it was truly like nothing else mattered. It was just you and Timmy, frozen in your own movie moment.
It was clear that the wheels in his head were finally taking a pause, he too was just enjoying that moment. Normally, Timmy wasn’t one to get lost in his thoughts so frequently. He spoke openly, sharing his thoughts so he could talk through them with someone. You understood, even admired it, but there was a part of you that wanted to hold certain things to yourself. There were some things you wanted to process on your own before even thinking about sharing with anyone else, and there were other things that you just wanted to ignore forever. Timmy knew this and he never wanted to make you feel pressured to talk but he just couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t want to share, to just talk through your pain and memories. But, he respected it.
You wanted to share, truly, but you weren’t even sure where to begin, and, you didn’t even know if you actually could bring yourself to talk. Timmy swore that there were things between you and Tom that were unsettled that you needed to talk about, and maybe he was right, but you couldn’t see it. You felt like you were stuck in a spot that had no way out. It felt like you had no words to share, and, while no one was trying to make you feel that way, you felt pressured to talk. It felt like Timmy deserved more. Like he should have an explanation, like he should get to know his moment, the one where you knew you loved him.
You had no answers to offer anyone though, not even yourself. You didn’t know why people were expecting you to explain so much. Why did people need you to explain why you never liked Tom? Why it didn’t matter if Tom ever liked you or still did-- though you would assure people he didn’t-- because you were over him. Or were you even over that?
Tom was cruel. He was careless, inconsiderate. And, sure, you had a crush on him for a while, but that’s all it was. That’s all it could be. He hurt you, how could you possibly still like him? And, you loved Timmy so none of that even mattered anymore.
You knew you loved him, with or without that defining moment. Maybe this could be it. The rain, his fingers intertwined with yours as you danced and laughed. No, this wasn’t it. It couldn’t be, not when you had let your mind wander so far. So much for staying frozen in the moment.
Still, you danced with him and acted as if you were still focused on only that. His mind may have stopped for a break but it seemed yours had just kept going. He noticed, you were like an open book at times with him. But, you were both deciding to push it aside.
“When was the last time we even got to do this?” You laughed as he dramatically spun you.
He smiled, “Too long, I guess we’ve just been waiting for the rain.”
“I’m glad it’s finally here, even if I’m freezing cold.” You waddled closer to him, wrapping your arms around him and continuing to sway inplace together.
“Hmm,” he rested his chin atop your head and curled his arms around you, “I did say I’d keep you warm.”
You closed your eyes, resting a cheek on his chest and breathing in. The metallic and earthy smell of him brought an instant peace. You could feel and hear his heart beating slowly, calmly. Heat was somehow radiating off of him still, even through his cold and wet clothing. It was nice, just his presence and being was calming and felt nice to be around. It was now that you were really being pulled into the movie moment, your mind now filled with nothing but thoughts of how being around Timmy was like going out after a storm.
It was like walking out, feeling the sun hit your skin as it was slowly beginning to warm everything up again after a downpour. Like inhaling that musty yet sweet smell of the ground as it was soaking up the rain, reclaiming it after it’s fall and working with it to help return to earth. The smell wasn’t just coming from the rain either, it was just how Timmy was, and you couldn’t get enough of it. It was the serenity after the storm that people so rarely talk about.
“Can’t we stay this way forever?” His words were muffled, mixing with the sounds of raindrops seemingly falling harder.
You were still slightly swaying together, earning looks from those rushing by you in a hurry to escape the rain. Neither of you could be bothered by it though, you were in your own world. Admittedly, it probably wasn’t such a good idea to be staying out in the cold rain. The two of you couldn’t care less in the moment, though you’d probably regret it later, because it was like you had only been standing there for a minute, but at the same time it was as if it had been an hour even if it was only about ten minutes.
The rain was coming down harder and harder, preventing you from being able to stay out much longer.
“I think it’s time to stop dancing,” you smiled, looking around for any form of shelter you could find. “Look, that shop has a shade we can use.”
Without hesitation you ran off, ready to get out of the downpour. You hadn’t noticed at first but he hadn’t followed, only a few steps away from where you were both standing just a second before. He was slowly making his way over, not seeming too focused on actually making it though.
“Timmy,” you called out, “what’re you doing? C’mon, it’s too heavy.”
And then you heard, music playing from someone’s balcony. It was gentle and steady, sounding almost like a recording but it was clear that it wasn’t. Timmy’s eyes were locked onto that balcony, right above the shop you were using for coverage. His shoulders were relaxed, his head slightly tilted as he listened. He was too focused on the music to care about how hard the rain was or how cool the air was turning. You were focused on watching him, slightly taken aback by his actions.
“Come see,” he beamed, “it’s so peaceful.”
You were grinning, watching as he smiled ear to ear, being so happy watching them. His gaze went back to them, eyes twinkling in the light shining from their apartment. His curls were dripping, messily scattered about and some sticking to his face. He looked like he was in a state of tranquility, completely free of all the worries he had been dealing with. It was soothing enough on its own just to see him so, it was like he was able to share with you how it made him feel simply through one look.
Taking your camera out, you took a picture of him as he looked up to the balcony, wanting to keep that moment with you forever because that was it. A few weeks ago when Timmy had asked you when you fell in love with him you gave some silly response, too anxious to think about it. He brought it up again earlier that day, and you still couldn’t give an answer. Now the answer was standing right infront of you, finally it was something worthy of sharing, not just something random and laughable.
You put the camera back in your back, quickly joining his side. “It sounds beautiful.”
“Doesn’t it?” He leaned into your shoulder, “The rain just adds to it all.”
“It does,” you agreed, wrapping around his arm. “But, we should go before we get sick.”
Timmy laughed as he slowly pulled himself out of his trance, “That sounds like a good idea.”
With looped arms you began your walk home once more, feeling somewhat more lifted by what had happened. All it took was that one moment, that moment of proof and reassurance. You were reminded of what a kind and gentle person Timmy was, not that you had ever forgotten. He did his best to enjoy life for what it was, cherishing every moment he could no matter how small. You tried your best to do the same but found yourself slipping at times, it was a reminder to enjoy things more. To take that step back and make yourself the main character of a story, even if it was temporary. Timmy helped you to do that.
He loved to see you so relaxed again, free from your mind. You were both too wrapped up in too many what-ifs and were worrying about things that were out of your control. The rain was what you needed, to help pull you back to earth. It was that moment, where he was able to put life on pause and you were able to come back into that serenity.
The awkward tension from the cafe was gone, truly gone, not just shoved aside. Timmy wasn’t craving to know the exact moment you knew you loved him because all that mattered to him was that you did. You didn’t feel like you owe anyone an explanation for anything anymore, whatever you had with Tom was in the past now and you knew Timmy’s moment. It really wasn’t a permanent solution, these feelings, at least the untouched one’s about Tom, would likely arise again. But, at least for that moment, you could go without confronting them.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Remus struggled for a moment to make himself reach for the book, to keep going in a perfectly normal tone after their worst fear had nearly been realized and Sirius' fate had been silenced in this future. The worst part was Sirius looking at him expectantly, like he was waiting for Moony to start prattling on about bowtruckles again. He couldn't do it, the words burst out of him like fire, "Sirius, would you please at least look at this like you would a mission for the Order, and stop treating your personal safety like an extra quill."
Sirius puffed up his cheeks, but still refused to look around at all the concerned faces as he stated, "and what, worry my tail off like the lot of you? Exactly what good would that do? I'll be fine, that toad doesn't scare me, and I'm not ever going to give up talking to Harry out of fear!" He finished with a hard look at Remus.
Remus looked like he'd been slapped and quickly turned away, while James scrutinized the two, trying to understand why Sirius thought that was the reason for Remus' silence since he'd left school...and then not being able to think of an idea against it.
Harry hadn't even registered the exchange; his mind was a pain filled buzz as the memory he'd just been given felt like the worst omen yet. Something about Sirius, and the fireplace, Umbridge's office-
"Now get on with it and read Moony, there is just no sense sitting around talking about what ifs." Sirius finished with a hint of an apology in his voice. He'd regretted the words as soon as they'd slipped out, he'd been determined not to have a go at Remus for his future anymore than he wanted to sit around thinking about his own.
The tone had caught Harry by surprise, instantly taking away whatever he'd been thinking to look over at the Marauders and realize he'd missed something, but he didn't get a chance to ask for what as Remus began around a tight throat.
Hermione was trying to convince Harry his mail was being read, it was the only explanation, and Harry drew the conclusion it was Umbridge who'd attacked Hedwig.
"I'll kill her," Harry said flatly.
James eyed his son with worry. Not that he didn't agree, but he found his son with some pretty bad self-esteem issues that it took the maiming of his pet to want her dead, while his being tortured had been played off by him.
  Then she quickly pointed out for Harry his frog was escaping.
Remus did a double take at that, trying to figure out what Harry was doing.
Harry summoned it back to him without much thought.
"Magic can make you so lazy," Sirius chuckled, "I'd have much more enjoyed chasing it about the room."
They were having this conversation in Charms, one of the best lessons in which to enjoy a private chat;
"Always true," Lily agreed.
"Be careful someone's keeping an eye on Flitwick though, he's been known to sneak up on you," James said absently, he still hadn't been able to take his worried eyes off Sirius, and now kept glancing at Remus in concern he was reading so despondent. Clearly what Sirius had said struck him deep, and James was getting worried, he hated watching his friends argue.
there was so much noise going on with the rest of the class no one paid any attention to individual groups. Today it was extra noisy, as rain was pelting the windows and the room was filled with croaking frogs and cawing ravens, which they were supposed to be silencing.
Hermione was still saying her idea she'd been suspecting something like this since Filch's attempt to get Harry's mail, it had seemed rather feeble to make it out as a prank.
Harry scowled shamefully for himself not having put more thought into that at the time, he could have saved his family heart failure if he'd put a little more thought into that moment rather than letting Cho distract him. He felt like a failure, all he'd done was cause them worry since his arrival here.
Then she'd realized the whole point was an excuse for someone to read his mail, and Filch had no true reason for this, so what if Umbridge had put him up to it?
"That's so foul, and yet it makes a despicable amount of sense," Remus said in disgust.
She then informed Harry he was squishing his frog.
Harry glanced down and saw the bulging eyes popping out of the head he was clenching his fist around it so hard, and quickly released.
Remus frowned lightly at the pages, thinking Hermione should quit sharing this kind of information when Harry was holding live creatures. That was twice now he could have done one a serious harm by not paying attention.
Harry saw the look and sheepishly defended, "I may have honestly got the two swapped in that moment."
Sirius at least snorted at the joke.
Hermione kept going with her own line, wondering if Umbridge even realized how close she'd come, before using the Silencio charm.
"I still can't imagine, I mean how would she-" James struggled to put into words all the fear and anger that moment had caused.
"She more than likely doesn't know it's actually me," Sirius reasoned out. "The Floo network would have put together for her Harry was meeting up with someone outside the castle, and she was trying to snag them, but I can't imagine how she'd put my name into the equation when everyone still thinks I'm a mass murderer."
The bullfrog fell silent mid croak as Hermione finished her thought if Umbridge had succeeded, but she broke off so Harry finished Snuffles would be back in Azkaban by now.
All five of them shivered hard for that ever having to be a thing again, not to mention because it would be the first step in the worst outcome.
Hermione was still worried about the now, how they had to warn him not to come again, but there was no way if their mail was being watched.
Ron defended Sirius wasn't so stupid, he realized he'd almost been caught and wasn't likely to come back again after that.
Lily tried hard not to smile at the subject change, but she'd be happy to sit around all day and hear of Harry's lessons rather than picturing anything happening to Sirius. She already wanted to hug him any time she had to imagine him being in that dark house by himself at all hours, now he was officially cut off from any communication as well. She'd be surprised if he didn't go mad in there and burn the place down by holiday break.
He tried his own attempt at the charm, and his raven let out a derisive caw in protest.
Hermione corrected he wasn't using the correct wand movement, it was more of a jabbing motion.
Ron snapped back birds were harder than frogs.
Hermione offered to swap him then, and put her frog in front of him while snapping away his raven.
"Why were we using two separate animals anyways?" Harry asked just to keep up the subject change. "They've always had enough of the same animal before."
"Honestly, I think he just likes to mix it up for fun now and again, remember the class where we were practicing charming animals to hum, he provided a range of birds so we could hear the different effects. Maybe he did something similar here, though the idea doesn't work as well on silencing two well known animal noises," Remus trailed off as he still seemed puzzled at his own answer, but Harry grinned and seemed satisfied enough to wave him on.
Hermione went again, and though the sharp beak opened, no sound came out.
"What exactly did he think was going to happen?" Sirius rolled his eyes. "I'd be more stunned by this point if she didn't pull it off."
She was praised for her work by Flitwick showing up then, causing them all to jump.
"Yep, there it is," James grinned for that old times feeling.
He then asked to see Ron give it a try, which only resulted in his jabbing the toad in the eye as the croaking grew even louder upon the desk.
"I don't even blame it," Lily frowned in sympathy.
Both he and Harry were then given the homework to practice.
"At this rate, I'd be more surprised if we weren't given additional homework," Harry threw his hands up in exasperation.
Sirius gave him an understanding look, keeping the thought to himself how funny it was Harry was doing extra studying for a class that was offering him the least amount of work this year.
They spent their free period in an empty classroom on the first floor with a large majority of students rather than brave the storm outside, but had chosen a room that Peeves was floating around in aiming ink pellets at students.
"Why didn't they all just move to another classroom?" Lily frowned, she knew she wouldn't have tolerated that and would have started cursing Peeves the moment he hit her or her friends.
"Because he'd just move with the herd, best to try and show disinterest in his being there and hope he goes away," James shrugged.
"Never worked on you," Lily smirked, causing James to open, then close his mouth without response.
Angelina arrived soon as well to inform them she'd managed to get permission to reform their Quidditch team.
"Oh thank Merlin!" All four boys cheered with relief while Lily rolled her eyes indulgently and hoped this chapter would just skip to that match already, she was already sick of hearing it.
Harry and Ron cheered at the idea as she told them they were having a practice that night. She managed to walk away in time to avoid getting pelted by Peeves, who instead hit a first-year.
The smile vanished from Ron as a crack of thunder lit the downpour outside.
"Best get used to that," James's smile didn't dim in the least at the reminder of the weather, "Quidditch holds for no storm."
Sirius winced in remembrance of the last storm Harry played in, and couldn't decide if he was rooting for Snuffles to make another appearance, though at least there wouldn't be dementors this time.
Ron voiced the hope that would begin to lighten up by practice, but Hermione gave no indication she'd even heard him.
Harry asked if she was still thinking about Snuffles?
"Not that I'm not intensely flattered I consume so many of her thoughts-"
"Your point's sharper the sooner you get to it Padfoot," Remus rolled his eyes.
"-but why was that your first thought?" Sirius finished as if he'd never interrupted.
"It was on my mind, I tend to get a little panicky about such things when my godfather was nearly captured less than twenty-four hours ago," Harry said so sharply Sirius dropped the joke at once.
Hermione said slowly she was more wondering, that they were doing the right thing.
"Regarding?" James prompted when Remus trailed off.
"Nope, that's where she stopped," Remus shrugged.
The boys exchanged a look before Ron stated he was quite glad she'd been clear on that, it would have been annoying if she'd been vague or something.
"Honestly, I don't know how you can stand her," Sirius grinned in agreement.
Hermione finally looked at them and admitted she was having doubts about doing the right thing with this Defense group.
"It was her idea?" Lily balked in confusion. "What's she playing at?"
"She certainly wasn't acting like this even after the bill was passed, her precious laws," Remus agreed with a confused scowl for this abrupt change.
The boys were shocked at her as she twisted her fingers and began admitting that after talking to Snuffles- Harry interrupted to remind he'd been all for the idea.
Hermione looked guiltily out the window as she admitted this was what was causing her doubts.
Sirius had yet felt more insulted by anyone, but Hermione just kept managing to hit him with the hardest blows lately, and this is one he'd give her a good snap for. He hadn't argued the point when she'd accused him of being insane, he half believed her no matter how terrified it made him. He'd given in to Molly helping him to look after Harry, Merlin knew it would be foolish to turn down anyone willing with all the trouble his godson was clearly going to get up to, but this? Was Hermione really saying if he'd told the lot of them off she'd be even more gung-ho for the idea? It was of the utmost insulting to his pride that his encouraging Harry along with something now was putting Hermione on the ropes!
Sirius' silent fuming was nothing compared to the other fours outburst of Hermione's line of thinking on this one. She'd said some pretty nasty things about their friend, and she continued to do it without a care for anyone, clearly not Harry. His one vague parent in his life and Hermione was saying they should no longer do something because he'd given the okay for it?
The only good thing Hermione's snide comment had done was fixed the Marauder's problem aside if for a moment. Watching Remus tersely mutter a few things about Hermione gave James and Sirius a nice firm reminder their Moony had yet to ignore Harry or anyone in any sense, and Remus forced himself to keep going after a moment just in hopes Harry might put a dung bomb in her face for the comment.
Harry snapped in outrage Hermione no longer thought her idea was a good one just because Sirius thought so as well?
Hermione asked how well he trusted his judgment, and Harry said without a doubt. An ink pellet chose that moment to strike Katie, and Hermione took her time in responding by watching the girl throw curses at the Poltergeist.
"First the twins, now Peeves, does someone have it out for Katie?" Lily couldn't help but frown for the poor girl.
It was a few moments before Hermione spoke again and it sounded as though she was choosing her words very carefully.
"Not carefully enough as she's still saying them," James hissed in disgust.
Asking if perhaps Sirius wanted them to be reckless as a way to cope with where he was stuck at.
"He rode off the back of an executed hippogriff thanks to her illegal help, and she's got the nerve to call him reckless!" James spat. "Honestly, sometimes I swear I question Hermione's sanity."
Harry was not going to come to his friend's defense on this one, that was a low blow against someone who meant the world to him, he could not see Hermione's point on this in any way.
That he might be trying to live through them by egging them on? He would love to be forming secret societies right under the Ministry's nose and so would be encouraging anyone else to do it for his own amusement.
Lily chewed on her tongue for a moment as she considered her words before ungraciously saying, "She's half right on that at least, certainly got the motive anyways, though I still can't see that last part as his real intention. He's bored, but would never do something to really get Harry into trouble if the cause wasn't worth it."
James frowned heavily at her, but didn't bite her head off as she hadn't exactly said anything explicitly wrong, though it rankled him she wouldn't just be as mad as the rest of them for this.
Ron told her she sounded like his mother.
Sirius made a deep throated noise that might have been a laugh if he wasn't scoffing in disgust.
Hermione bit her lip and did not answer. The bell rang just as Peeves swooped down on Katie and emptied an entire ink bottle over her head.
"Fitting," Sirius murmured, his tone more distant than ever. He didn't agree with Hermione on this one, not one little bit, but if anything, he was starting to feel a touch of hope again. If Hermione could be so wildly inaccurate about this, maybe her own mind was exaggerating whatever she'd seen of him over the summer. Still though, could both she and Molly be so wrong? They did seem rather similar, and no one else had paid that comment any mind of his unstable mind, perhaps he'd read too much into it? After all, as had been proven several times now, Hermione didn't know everything.
Ron's hope was not fulfilled, as seven rolled around the boys all trounced down through the downpour to that evening's practice, coming into the locker room to find Fred and George muttering to each other about trying to use one of their Snacks to get out of practice.
"Wouldn't she know it was a ruse though?" Sirius asked at once with absolute enthusiasm, he really hated all the sour looks around him all involving him, he was supposed to be the one to keep those looks away and Sirius did not fail at his job. "The twins haven't been subtle about them to the student body, so if they randomly get sick for no reason, I imagine she'd call them out on their bull."
James hesitated, but his mind was now caught on the issue and he couldn't help but respond, "honestly, I'm a bit insulted they're trying at all, come on men, they could be playing their game in this weather, this is keen practice you can't fake."
"The both of you should be hospitalized," Remus grumbled as he flipped the page.
Fred wasn't on the idea, saying she'd know what they were doing since he'd tried to sell her a Puking Pastille yesterday.
Sirius grinned pompously for thinking exactly like the twins, and was honestly disappointed no one pointed it out for him, so he'd just have to bask in his own glory.
George offered the Fever Fudge, as no one had seen that one yet.
"Nah, still the same idea," Sirius wouldn't let his moment go, "randomly sick, she'll know they're faking it."
"Hey look, I was right about a fever pill," James grinned.
Ron asked if they'd share a bit of that, and the twins confessed it wasn't on the market for a reason yet, it caused boils they had yet to be rid of. Ron looked at his brothers in confusion, saying he didn't see any boils on them, and Fred stated it wasn't on an area they commonly displayed, George agreeing it made sitting on a broom a right pain in the-
"Place they get their boils?" Lily finished helpfully as all four boys winced. Honestly Lily found it a miracle broom riding persisted at all, for as uncomfortable as it seemed to be riding on sticks of wood with only your legs to support you, it must be ten times more uncomfortable for lads. She'd never ridden on a horse or a motorbike, but she imagined a combination of the two on something even smaller just would not make for a pleasant experience no matter what her husband tried to tell her.
Angelina chose that moment to enter, saying she was aware how bad the weather was, but as these could be the very conditions of their first game it was an excellent training opportunity.
"Your team's already got the advantage for this anyways!" Remus cheered slightly at the thought even if he was still shifting a bit uncomfortably at the twins' predicament. "The Slytherin's opted out of that one like the cowards they are, you've already far more practice with this weather."
"Ah karma," James and Sirius grinned.
Then she asked Harry about what he'd done to his glasses during that rain?
"Is that really not a common spell anymore?" James seemed mystified these upperclassmen didn't know it, then again as he thought back, he couldn't quite remember who'd taught him that spell either. It may have actually been his dad, and like the cleaning spell, only been passed down from word of mouth so he supposed it was possible none of the others would know this, though now he was curious who would have mentioned it to Hermione. Perhaps Flitwick if Hermione was asking for even more extra work at the beginning of the year?
Harry showed them the spell Impervius.
"Look at you passing on useful wisdom already," Remus grinned. "You'll be a natural at this."
Harry grinned sheepishly even as he did jitter with excitement to get to his first Du- err, Defense meeting. His brain fizzled a bit as he tried to understand for a moment what else he'd been fixing to call it, but the idea was gone the moment he'd thought of it.
The whole team performed the spell as well, but it helped nothing by the time they were in the open, it was clear very soon no one had much clue what anyone else was doing, visibility was nonexistent.
"How on earth do the Chasers communicate in that set up?" Lily couldn't stop the intrigue creeping into her voice for this idea.
"A lot of practice in these conditions, learning silent and very subtle signals from each other, having to stay close enough to keep up those communications but also still at a far enough distance you're keeping tabs on the other team's Chasers. I actually set up this routine where every time I slapped at my shoe the partner on my right, you remember Bishop, she'd toss the ball as high as she could and it was always Pessins job to snatch it away as a quick diversion tactic-" James eagerly launched at once into some of his own spins on this.
Lily actually watched with some interest for a moment, as she'd never put much into the game even while dating him during seventh year, but suddenly she realized she'd never really bothered to listen to him either. She admired when he got so intense over the subject, but the actual techniques had always been lost on her as she'd never intended to hear these details.
It took the other three a moment to realize Lily wasn't going to cut James off, for once, and Remus cleared his throat loudly to do it for her as he was delving into an intensely detailed account of the effects of wind per hour on the tailwind that could be created in the right circumstances. Lily gave herself a little shake and looked back to him in surprise, almost as if she'd forgotten there was an audience, as he continued.
Angelina finally called it quits after an hour, Fred and George having to hobble back to the changing room, Fred hissing about how his had ruptured. George told him he was lucky, his were still throbbing and had grown bigger.
Remus experienced intense pain on a monthly basis, and he was still managing to read that with a wince of horror upon every word for the poor twins' circumstances with this.
It was Harry though who cried out in pain as he pressed a towel to his face, as his scar had seared more painfully than it had in weeks.
Lily's teeth sunk into now familiar scars upon her lower lip with nerves, her eyes resting protectively on her boy as he rubbed at his scar with remembered pain, his face screwed tight as he forced himself not to acknowledge what about these had his mind spinning with the most intense emotion he'd ever experienced.
The team asked what had happened, but Harry quickly fibbed he'd just poked himself in the eye. As everyone was leaving though, Harry caught Ron's eye and he hung back.
"I'm sure that was as subtle as could be," Sirius shifted anxiously at this happening again. He wished it would stop, it made him clench with such unease he could have his own boils.
Ron guessed it had something to do with his scar, and when Harry confirmed this, Ron looked back towards the entrance with worry You-Know-Who couldn't be here now.
James felt his stomach churning in a panic, already his hand itching for his wand in fear of his son ever being back around that monster again, wasn't three traumatic experiences enough? Yet somehow, on the grounds of Hogwarts, would still cap them all.
Harry said that wasn't it, he was angry.
"Like he was when Crouch got away last year," Remus muttered, his mind racing to try and understand this. "So not a new experience like with Umbridge, in fact I'm now convinced she isn't connected to this. Voldemort was angry at that exact moment as well."
"Isn't there something he could do to block this though!" Lily yelped, fear vibrating so much from her being it had its own tangibility. "Harry has his own anger to be dealing with, he really doesn't need to know when Voldemort is as well."
Harry looked around hopefully, but the only answer any of the Marauders could have offered was Occlumency, and they weren't even sure if that would solve this problem. This...connection Harry had with Voldemort wasn't like anything they had come across, certainly nothing they understood enough to speculate on to even begin offering a cure, let alone some aid to help in stopping this.
When Lily realized the only answer to her own rhetorical question, she couldn't bring herself to mention it either, why instill false hope for even a second, and so spoke to him with the only thing she could offer, "in anything that happens dear, at least I know you'll get through it."
"You've such confidence," Harry sighed. He wished he could agree with her, and the distance he was forcing himself to have from his memories at the moment to not understand a painful answer was helping him towards believing her, which was the only way he could wave Remus to keep going with any semblance of looking okay.
Ron sank down beside him on the bench as Ron asked how he knew that, but even Harry wasn't sure. The words had slipped out of his mouth with no knowledge of where they came from, but he kept going in this same way, something Voldemort wanted done, and it wasn't happening fast enough.
Their worry for this happening to him remained at its highest level at this news, and yet they were all forcing themselves not to panic as if this were new again. This was just like Harry's dreams from last year, only now he was getting this information without having to be asleep, and it was hurting his scar less, at least he wasn't screaming in pain...yet. However, with every new development Harry continued to contract from Voldemort's feelings, the harder it got to pretend there even was a solution out there.
Remus wondered if Harry could even start exhibiting these problems in this time now. After all, a Voldemort with a body did exist currently, though he had yet to curse their Harry, so perhaps that would continue to prevent his future counterpart from experiencing this ever? He could only hope, and even if not, they still had time to find some kind of solution. Voldemort had his body back for many months before Harry's problem started exhibiting symptoms this bad.
Ron asked how Harry could know this, and Harry admitted he had no clue. Then Ron asked if this was what had happened before around Umbridge, anger?
Harry thought back to that moment, assessing it now from a distance, and realized that moment of swooping in his gut had been joy, but he hadn't known it for what it was at the time because he'd been so miserable himself in that moment.
"Okay, so that one is new," James groaned as their only solace was torn from beneath their feet.
"Was happiness a new one?" Lily at once tried to keep a single wall up. "I think we can count Crouch's escape and subsequent owl saying he was dead as both, don't you, so I think we can still say this is, well not normal, but not new," Lily's voice was breaking at the end with the strain of holding onto her own hope.
"Yes Lily, I'm-I'm sure that's it," Remus forced himself to agree past the lump in his throat, all eyes both trying to avoid Harry and watch him with deep worry all at once. This never got easier to hear about.
Harry explained the difference, he'd been pleased last time, but right now he was very angry.
He looked up to meet Ron's eyes, and found him gaping at him before saying he could take over Trelawney's job.
"Now is not the time for insults Ronald," Lily said tartly while Sirius forced a laugh he didn't feel.
Harry corrected he wasn't making predictions. Ron took a moment to agree, Harry was in fact reading You-Know-Who's mind.
Harry felt a tingling sensation at the crown of his head. Something about that, regarding Voldemort's mind, he truly should remember- then Remus muttered something under his breath Sirius genuinely laughed at, and Harry was looking to his parents who were sharing a fond smile as they always did whenever those two quietly snarked at each other, and Harry refused to let that pain be his undoing when he had them around him for support.
Harry tried to say it was more like getting flashes of his mood, Dumbledore had warned this was happening last year when Voldemort was near or angry, well now when he was pleased too.
Sirius could not seem to get the message to his brain, or never bothered trying, that this was a bad idea as he began mocking, "can you imagine if you got his whole range? Peckish, depressed, smug, horn-"
"Padfoot," Remus pleasantly informed him, "not in front of the kid," he happily indicated the infant on the ground, and Sirius clipped his mouth right shut as Remus moved along.
Ron saw this as an opportunity to again tell Harry he should go say all this to Dumbledore, but Harry refused at once, saying he'd just said Dumbledore knew this was happening, there was no point.
Harry crossed his arms definitively, waiting for someone to tell him he was being an idiot again, but to his surprise no one did.
James wasn't happy about it, but he told Harry, "I wish you'd think about this decision a bit more, this isn't just about you and Dumbledore's problems, Voldemort is a threat to the whole world and any news about him should be kept up to date with the man who's got the best idea on how to stop him, but it's not as if anyone can force you to send this along. You didn't ask for this job of being Voldemort's antenna."
Harry winced anyways, the message had come across clear enough. Harry suddenly did feel petty, and his worry he was constantly trying to bury lately was rearing full force in concern that his stubbornness was going to get someone killed.
Ron still said Dumbledore would want to know this, but Harry just shrugged,
"News pertinent to the fate of the world, and our young Harry just shrugs it off," Remus muttered for Sirius alone, who smiled absently in agreement.
before reminding they had Charms homework to get to.
"Never thought he'd put homework above stopping the villain of all evil, seems Hermione's got his priorities sorted for him," Sirius whispered back.
Harry was thankful the subject did not come up again as they headed upstairs, but his own mind wouldn't shut off as he thought for the first time in many months what Sirius had told him his first night in Grimmauld Place. Voldemort was searching for something, like a weapon, something he didn't have last time.
They all shifted in unease as Sirius' words came floating back like that. Like a weapon that he didn't have last time...but the endless possibilities of what that could be without any kind of information was no more helpful now than it had been when Sirius first passed that information along. Remus still felt like clocking him and himself for not having said the answer already, it was maddening.
Harry hadn't even speculated on this in ages, too busy dwelling on the Ministry interference.
"Honestly neither have I," James agreed, "I found the issues going on at our school just a bit more current and pressing, I still trust the Order to be handling whatever my friends are being cryptic about."
"So glad you have," Lily grumbled, "my brain's been going crazy keeping track of everything I want to be keeping track of, and that's currently a very top concern."
James ran his hand lovingly through the fiery hair, and then began playing with it helping her to relax for just a moment.
Harry now wondered if Voldemort's anger was connected to this weapon. Had the Order thwarted him in getting it? What was it? Where was it? Who had it now?
"All excellent questions," Remus heaved a heavy sigh.
He was forced back to his surroundings by entering the nearly empty common room. Thankfully Hermione had gone off to bed so he didn't have to hear the same advice twice, and instead he tried to get to work on his Charms work. Ron still kept giving him anxious looks as he began their assignment, but sadly Harry's mind was so distracted, he'd hardly written a word by the time Ron called it a night.
Even being very low on her list of worries, Lily still shot Harry an anxious look, though in understanding. Homework wasn't exactly something helpful to take your mind off your problems.
Midnight came and went while Harry was reading and rereading a passage about the uses of scurvy-grass, lovage and sneezewort and not taking in a word of it.
"Well it's no wonder you weren't making any progress on your Charms homework," Lily suddenly snorted in surprise as Remus reread that to make sure he had it right. "Those are potion ingredients love."
"Maybe that's why Ron was looking at you anxiously," Sirius wasn't trying very hard to fight off a grin, "you were in the wrong book mate, and he was too afraid to correct you."
Harry actually gave them a bemused smile for the odd slip, but it was better than that worry line that had yet to leave his face for any length of time lately.
Phrases from the book kept leaping out at him about the effects of these plants causing recklessness...
"Urgh, who'd have thought reading about Voldemort's emotions would still be more interesting than listening to this nonsense," James grumbled.
but then his mind would trail off as he remembered Hermione calling Sirius reckless...
and back and forth it went as Harry kept reading passages and still wondering about all his problems, like how his connection with Voldemort had never been explained satisfactorily by Dumbledore.
Lily couldn't help but smile though, finding it fascinating as Harry linked such ingredients together with his real world problems, that truly was a good studying techniques if he'd actually been taking it in.
...the wizard is desirous . . .
"You don't have to remind me of how desirable I am Moony," Sirius preened, while Remus flicked him in the nose before loudly moving on.
and all Harry wanted to do was sleep...
which produced hot-headedness...
and his chair was so comfy, and the fire was warm as if all around him...Harry was walking along a long, dark corridor with a door at the end of the passage that had no knob...
Harry'd had many moments so far where he'd understood without knowing how the importance of something, and this was by far the worst of all. Something about that door, it would mean something to his future, something terrible, and yet to put this into words, to make that fear tangible and real, would be a pain his mind could not cope with, he understood this better than ever of himself, and that scared him most of all. What happened in there that finally he wasn't willing to look ahead and see?
The worst part was when Harry forced himself back out of his mind and realized his moment had not gone unnoticed. They were all as tense as when his connection to Voldemort had been spoken of, yet they did not understand, how could they? It must simply be a dream with no other meaning, what terrible thing could be causing Harry the pain they'd seen on his face from some simple restless sleep he'd been having for months?
Harry was sharply awoken by Dobby saying right in his face he had his owl for him.
"Dobby's back!" Sirius cheered far too loudly, startling Harry enough he gave a small attempt at a smile for the distraction.
"With Hedwig, oddly enough," Remus agreed fondly as he pictured how this could have come about, though now Harry was all but relieved he finally could have his pet safe again.
Harry was practically wiggling with happiness at this development, not only because he was getting his owl back good as new, but he had a funny feeling Dobby would be of much help this night.
Harry had to gaze at him through sleep thick eyes before focusing on a peculiar sight. The elf's features were quite disfigured until Harry realized his feet were not in fact enlarged but covered in every sock Hermione had knitted, along with all her hats perched on top of each other right up to Harry's height where Hedwig sat on top, hooting happily to see him again.
James blinked slowly as the image was painted, before declaring, "I have questions."
"Yeah, why was Dobby the one to return Hedwig?" Remus frowned.
"No," James rolled his eyes at his friends one track mind, "what was that bit about Dobby wearing all the hats?"
Remus reread that bit while Sirius started giggling at the idea. He'd been imagining an overflowing bin full of lost and found items, but this was even better if Dobby had decided to keep them all for himself, and he now wondered if the little elf made a regular habit of this.
Dobby had volunteered to bring Harry Potter back his owl for him, while Hedwig happily hopped perches to Harry's shoulder. He began stroking her contently as he kept eyeing Dobby, asking if he'd taken every one of Hermione's items?
Dobby said no, he'd been sharing with Winky.
Lily grinned happily at the idea, Dobby had always been shown to care for others and it was such a sweet thing to see this continued even while not having a master, it truly did just seem to be his nature.
Harry asked how she was coping, and Dobby's ears drooped as he explained no better than he'd last seen, she still rejected the garments he offered and drank in shame. The other house-elves of the school found Gryffindor Tower just as insulting a place now with all the hidden clothing.
"Oh dear," Lily frowned in concern, she'd never thought of that.
"I can see it though," James shrugged. "I guess if it did continue to happen and they realized what someone was trying to pull, yeah I can see this."
"Poor Dobby though." Remus had never heard such sympathy for the kindness in Sirius' voice as he said that. "Imagine how much work goes into one common room alone."
Remus just hoped Harry told this to Hermione, hopefully making her realize she was in fact doing the opposite of what she'd set out to do and only making one elf work harder.
"Technically her idea was working though," James couldn't help a teasing grin on his face. "Gryffindor tower wasn't being cleaned by a slave, Dobby was being paid."
"Har, har," Lily said dryly.
Dobby cleaned the whole place by himself now, which he was happy to do of course, for now he got to see Harry Potter on this night! He then mentioned Harry Potter had been muttering in his sleep, and Dobby asked if he'd been having bad dreams?
Harry rubbed at his eyes as he muttered he'd had worse.
"There's the bright side," Lily tried for a grin that didn't quite meet her eyes, as her son at once began rubbing in agitation at his scar for the reminder.
The elf surveyed Harry out of his vast, orb-like eyes. Then he said very seriously,
"I'd take Dobby over Kreacher any day, was that an offer?" Sirius said with hope, and was ignored.
if Dobby could be of any help to Harry Potter with anything?
Harry smiled and thanked him even as he declined the offer, while bending down to pick up his dropped book, deciding he'd have to finish his Potions essay tomorrow.
"I continue to realize just how sleep deprived you were," James went back to laughing at that. "You fell asleep practicing Charms and at some point accidentally switched to an even worse assignment."
As Harry closed the book the back of his right hand was illuminated in the fire light, the results of his detentions with Umbridge still leaving the scars visible.
Remus managed to read that as if actually throwing burning knives that landed on no one in here. Sometimes Harry managed to forget how scary the lot of them could be until something like this came up.
Then Harry turned slowly back to Dobby as he said maybe the elf could know something helpful.
"What's this you're on?" Sirius asked eagerly at the happy smile curling across Harry's face. If anything could erase that lurking feeling from before it was focusing on his group, and he had a good feeling of where this was going that had more to do with Dobby.
Did he know a place where twenty-eight people could practice Defense without anyone, especially Umbridge, knowing?
"That's, brilliant!" Remus gaped in shock before turning wide eyed to Harry. "The elves know more about that castle than anyone, if there is such a place than they'd know."
"I wouldn't think they do though," James was pouting a bit, mostly because this idea had not crossed his mind, and he'd be even more sour if the elves really knew something about that school he didn't.
Harry expected Dobby to say he'd look but not to get his hopes up, but instead the elf gave a happy little clap and a squeal of excitement.
"This elf is ruining my childhood," Sirius declared, though there was nothing but a smile on him for seeing Dobby clearly thought he did have an answer, "knowing something about that castle we don't."
"I don't understand how really," Remus was thinking about this reaction and still thinking of their map in his head and still no area was coming to mind.
Harry wasn't going to let them wallow long, he was waving Remus very eagerly on for the answer to this already, he just knew the Marauders were going to love it.
Dobby at once began telling of a place only the schools house-elves knew of, known as the Room of Requirement.
"That's it!" Harry pumped his fist, looking so giddy he may have rediscovered another Quidditch Cup win. "The Room of Requirement, I know that!"
"But we've never heard of that," James wouldn't let that one go. "Not from anything in the school, the ghosts or paintings..." then he trailed off with a further pout as he suddenly realized who they never had tried to get information from in that school. Stupid really now that he realized his mistake, but none of the Marauders had ever bothered to learn a single house-elf name in their time in school, but what if they had? What if this was purely a house-elf knowledge secret.
Sirius wouldn't let him pout long, now practically screaming in Remus' ear, "well get on with it man! Can you believe this, Harry's now found two things in that school we never have, and I want to get to hearing about it!"
"Hopefully this one does not contain a killer snake," Lily muttered even as she kept watching curiously to find out more as well.
Harry asked why it was called that.
Dobby said seriously, because it was a room a person could only enter
Sirius opened his mouth again but stopped surprisingly quickly at just a warning look from Remus, he wanted to hear this too much.
if they had real need of it. Dobby used it to put Winky to sleep when she drank too much, and the room provided a nice elf sized bed for her. Filch had been known to randomly come across it and find extra cleaning materials-
Harry finished for him if it could possibly fill up with chamber pots, a conversation from his day at the Yule Ball coming back to him.
"Oh my wand!" Sirius yelped in further excitement. "This is magnificent, even Dumbledore doesn't actually know about it, but it was mentioned ages ago! This is brilliant."
"He could have been lying," Remus said with a bemused smile as he remembered the snorted in goulash. "Just didn't pass along to Karkaroff the full story."
"Nah, this must be something people stumble across," James said as he was now thinking back to every passage in the school and trying to think if they could have actually stumbled across it without realizing at one point, and hoped Dobby would tell details of where this place was soon.
Harry eagerly asked how many people knew about this place, and Dobby said it was very much a secret, hardly anyone who found it realized how to get back again. Harry asked if he could be shown where it was right now, and though Dobby agreed at once, Harry wavered on his own decision as a Hermione like voice reminded him of the late hour.
"And?" Sirius' eyes were about to fall out of his head with wonder at this new treat being hovered above him. "Priorities man, this is far more important than getting your beauty sleep, which is a lost cause on you anyways."
"Thank you Padfoot, my son always wanted to hear you making cracks at him like that," James snorted.
At first, Sirius just smirked, but then it quickly faltered as it clicked in his head, was that what Hermione and Molly were hearing from him at Grimmauld place? Him wanting to make old cracks about James but now about Harry? Sirius had been perfectly clear headed in aiming that jab at his pup, he couldn't resist with their similarities and though he could only imagine how painful it must be for him to be without Prongs in the future, was this really the reason for their worries? If so, then they seemed almost as laughable as James had tried to tell him they were...
With regret Harry did not have Dobby show him, but rather decided he wanted a plan before going.
"Planning to get through the halls?" Remus demanded of Harry faintly. "Honestly, you've traveled through plenty of times, now you're just getting paranoid and letting Hermione rub off on you."
Lily rubbed at her temple and wished her son had one good male influence who didn't constantly egg him into breaking school rules, but then she realized she'd hardly spoken up herself against the idea and quickly stopped with a faint smile.
Instead he asked for exact details on where and how to get into this place.
Classes the next day were miserable, hardly anyone could hear Professor Sprout in the greenhouse with the bullet like rain drowning out her words, and Care of Magical Creatures had been canceled altogether. Even Angelina conceded there'd be no practice tonight.
Harry told her good,
"I've never heard such a blasphemous sentence in my life," James said flatly, while Harry stuck his tongue out at him.
because he'd found a place for their first meeting. Tonight at eight, go to the seventh floor opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy being clubbed by trolls.
Bad mood instantly gone, James snapped his fingers in glee and shouted, "we do know that place!"
"Oh yeah," Sirius nodded to himself, "that was a secret entrance out of the castle for us though. We only used it once, because it was so bloody hard to pin down how to figure out it's switch."
"We stumbled across it one day while um, while we were trying to discuss some easier methods of sneaking out into the Shrieking Shack," Remus offered. He paled, hesitated, but saw no point in not recounting this for Harry no matter how badly it hurt his soul, the problem was he couldn't think how to say his name without biting his tongue off, and he just hoped Harry understood the implications. "Someone tripped over a stray brick suddenly peaking out of the wall, and we pulled it and it opened into a low earth tunnel that let out right on the perfect edge of the Forest, just far enough away from the Willow we could slip in without being seen while not being so close the tree would come right up and get us."
"We only used it that one time though," James sighed, "as Sirius said, we couldn't figure out how to activate it or what we'd done to get it to work. Never even added it to the map as it was of no help if we couldn't use it."
"So this tunnel you wanted out of the castle popped into existence because you had need of it," Lily worked out.
"Apparently it'll create anything you have need of," Harry agreed, that smile yet to have fallen off his face.
"But how does it work though!" Sirius demanded, bouncing slightly in anticipation. "Clearly it must be easier than we ever realized, we tried all manner of things to break that door back open, even paid a ghost to go through the wall for us and there was nothing on the other side! How does Dobby manage to get it open on a regular basis for Winky?"
Harry merely pursed his lips though, a smile still pushing through as he refused to answer, saying, "don't want to jinx this and my head to start hurting if I tell too soon."
"Now you're just being cruel," James groaned, knowing full well Harry was messing with the lot of them with that excuse, but no one argued the point, much.
Remus turned back to the pages very eagerly, feeling sixteen again and trying to tackle on the Marauders latest project.
Angelina agreed she'd tell Katie and Alicia, while Hermione was frowning at him again.
She asked if he really trusted Dobby to help with this? Last time he had, all the bones in his arm had left for a day.
"Technically a fool did that, Dobby was trying to take your head off," James reminded with almost amusement this time, the instance got funnier the more he grew to like Dobby, and what the little elf had just done for his life certainly helped with that. He wasn't even that put out anymore he hadn't discovered this on his own, all he'd ever wanted for his son at school was to discover his own adventures and this was certainly the best one yet in his opinion.
Harry lightly fibbed Dumbledore had once mentioned it to him in passing as well, and Hermione then raised no more objections.
Sirius couldn't help his expression souring for a moment over her. He truly disliked her moments where she decided just because someone like Dumbledore said it was okay made everything peaches with the girl. If it wasn't for making friends with Harry, Sirius was now confident from that statement alone Hermione would be in line with the Ministry if it wasn't for that troll so many years ago.
The rest of the day was spent making sure all members had gotten the message, and though Harry was disappointed to learn Ginny had found Cho first,
Harry suddenly hoped topic of this new room never ended, as it was the first time the Marauders hardly gave his crush a passing thought they were too eager to hear of this new place.
by dinner Harry had a full count everyone knew where to go. At half past seven the trio left for the place early, Harry clutching an aged parchment, and looking around nervously about being caught on their way.
"You lot honestly disappoint me with how shifty you can get over the silliest things," Sirius muttered under his breath, still watching the pages with burning eyes.
As their portrait hole fell out of earshot, Harry rapped his bit of parchment and said 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.'
While Sirius and James preened at the mention of their map again, Remus thought back in confusion and asked, "when did you get that back from Moody, err, the fake Moody?"
"Oh, I snuck up there and filched it from his office soon as I was let out of the hospital wing," Harry shrugged. "Didn't even occur to me till now that wasn't mentioned." He kept thinking on it as he added, "all of Moody's stuff had already been emptied out, I've no clue where, so I was really worried for a moment I wouldn't find it, but I went through his desk and there it was, practically the only thing left in the room." He finished with a vaguely happy feeling this wasn't an accident on someone's part.
The Marauders Map came into existence, revealing the location of everyone on the premises of the school. Filch and his cat were floors below, and Umbridge was in her office, giving them relief to go along to the corridor and follow Dobby's instructions. He'd told to walk past this bit of wall three times, concentrating on what was needed.
Lily burst out into full blown laughter at the look on her boys faces.
"That's it!" James spluttered in disappointment. "We got detention for three months trying to blow up that wall to get back behind that, and you just had to walk around asking it?"
"That's so, Ravenclaw," Remus crinkled his nose at the idea. "Oh just ask for help, someone'll come along."
"Actually, that's not a bad idea Moony," Sirius suddenly nodded to himself. "Remember how Lily said all the Founders supposedly did something for the school?"
"You were listening?" Lily raised a surprised brow while Sirius ignored her.
"What if this was Rowena Ravenclaw's idea, seems her type of thing."*
"I wouldn't bet against you," James nodded serenely at the idea.
"So Ravenclaw both found the location for the school, and put one of the most fascinating rooms in it," Lily grinned, which only stretched wider at all the confused faces. "If you lot had bothered to ever read Hogwarts a History, you'd have found the passage that mentions how Rowena Ravenclaw apparently found the location for the school from a dream where a warty hog led her there."
"Good to know the woman who created the house for the intelligent was so barmy," Sirius rolled his eyes. He'd never questioned how his school had got its name and been happier not knowing it came from such a silly place.
Remus impatiently tried to keep going for more information about this splendid bit of the castle they were going to be exploring for the first time.
Harry's thoughts were centered around the simple request of a place they could learn to fight. On his third pass, a brass handle appeared on the wall.
Every word was being taken in by all with the highest concentration, though for two different reasons. The four graduates were stoked for something new, another layer to the castle they'd never had the pleasure of discovering, but now Harry had! Harry was confident this room meant something great to him, something very significant for his life for far more reasons than just a secret meeting place.
Once pulled, a door swung open to reveal a large magnificent room, the walls were lined with wooden bookcases
"Wonder who was asking for those," Sirius couldn't help but snip under his breath.
the floor was plush and full of comfortable cushions, and on a shelf sat a range of Dark detectors Harry could identify as belonging to the fake Moody last year.
"How on Earth did that stuff end up in there?" Lily yipped in surprise.
They all sat there for several long moments as they struggled to figure out why, before Remus said slowly, "maybe, it was the house-elves? If they were told to clean out Moody's office, and the real Moody didn't want his things back, perhaps the elves put his things into the Room of Requirement as a sort of storage? Dobby did say the elves used it for different reasons instead of just hiding away the drunk ones."
"I can see where you're going with that," James nodded, Harry honestly hoping he'd keep going, the idea appealing to him there was just a whole room full of junk things hidden away over the years...
Ron prodded a cushion with his foot happily as he said how much good these were going to be when practicing stunning spells.
"You mean he doesn't miss falling to the hard ground while Hermione told him to aim?" Lily giggled.
Hermione ran to the nearest book shelf and began running her thumb over the numerous titles with glee.
"Oh yes, a magical room appears to you, and you ask for a second library! Brilliant," James mocked.
She looked back around at Harry, who saw for the first time she really believed in this room, in this idea.
"Was that all it took!" Remus clapped himself on the forehead.
She at once pulled a book from a shelf and sank into the nearest cushion to begin reading it.
"Well she'll be out of your hair for a good, what do you say Prongs, two weeks to read the lot?" Sirius stated.
"He said a hundred," James thought in his mind, "I want to say at least a month."
"You're forgetting this place can now conjure up whatever book Hermione pleases," Remus reminded, "I'm thinking we could lock Hermione in there and she wouldn't notice for far longer than one school year."
All three cracked up laughing while Harry and Lily exchanged amused smiles at imagining Hermione scowling at the lot.
Before long there was a knock on the door as the Gryffindor group arrived, and Harry waited until everyone arrived before going to the door and turning a key in the lock, the sound resonating through the room. Hermione marked her place and set it aside to look around.
"I think I won right there, Hermione clearly can be distracted," Sirius snickered.
Harry began nervously that they'd found the place.
"You're off to a great start with this teaching thing with such eloquent words," James chuckled.
Cho said how fantastic this was, while Fred was looking around in mild confusion, saying he and George had hidden in this place once, but it had been a one way broom cupboard.
"How on earth did the twins manage to run past this place three times while hiding from Filch?" Remus paused in confusion.
"Maybe it doesn't have to be three consecutive walk pasts, but they were leading him in a circle," James offered, thinking of a hidden nearby secret passage they could have been jumping from into another on the way to this place.
"Then what about Dumbledore, or Filch?" Remus persisted this new idea. "They know the castle well enough they'd have no reason to walk past the same place three times accidentally while going to something."**
"It's not like anyone in here can answer all that Moony," Sirius sighed with disappointment. "Boy do I wish we had Dobby here now, I'd interrogate the little bugger all day about that and more."
Dean jumped in to ask Harry what all those instruments were?
"Makes me wonder what Seamus thinks is going on," Remus questioned. "The two are such good friends, how's Dean sneaking off for so long without his friend questioning where?"
"Secret girlfriend?" Sirius offered with a shrug.
Harry briefly explained they were dark detectors, good for keeping an eye on your enemies, but turned dismissively away saying all your trust shouldn't be put in them. Then he paused in confusion as he saw a raised hand.
"Naww," Lily cooed before giggling just a touch at Harry's blush.
He asked what Hermione needed, and she said they should elect a leader.
"Naw gone," Sirius rolled his eyes, "is Hermione playing at a power trip?"
"Give her a chance," Remus waved him off, as he couldn't imagine Hermione setting Harry up like this only to pull something like that.
Cho snapped at once Harry was leader.
"You've certainly got a girl there who's not shy," James grinned which Harry happily denied acknowledging as his face went more red.
Hermione continued, unperturbed, that they should still vote him as such, it would give him authority and make it official. Saying everyone who thought Harry should be leader should raise their hand.
"Ah," Sirius acknowledged. "Yes, alright fine, that one made sense."
The whole group did such, even Zacharias.
Harry thanked her and tried to move on, but stumbled to a stop again as Hermione waved her hand eagerly through the air until she was called on to also say they should vote on a name, to promote team spirit.
"Team spirit?" James snorted. "We don't name the different Quidditch teams further than our houses."
"You lot gave yourselves a name," Lily rolled her eyes at him.
"That's different," Sirius said, looking wounded she'd compare such a thing, but his face blanched as did all the Marauders as that was too difficult to talk about considering what one particular member had done to them.
Harry did not force them to linger on the subject no matter how much he'd have liked to poke fun at them in that moment thinking they were so special.
Angelina said the Anti-Umbridge League.
"Bit on the nose," Remus grinned.
While Fred said the Ministry of Magic are Morons Group.
"Though that one had merits for life," James chuckled.
Hermione frowned at the suggestions, saying it should be something more covert they could say outside this room.
"Well that second one's still a winner then," Sirius smirked.
Cho offered the D. A., the Defense Association.
Ginny liked the initials, but said it should instead stand for Dumbledore's Army, as that was what the Ministry feared most.
"Well would you look at these two working together," Sirius' eyes gleamed in a whole other kind of laughter as he turned attention on Harry. "Best be careful pup, or Ginny and Colin's fan club may gain another member."
Harry struggled hard to hold a scowl on him even while he was far too happy in this moment. He'd rediscovered the name of a very special group to him, that alone caused him to smile without restraint, but there was something genuinely amusing about Ginny and Cho going back and forth like that he couldn't quite place a finger on.
There was a large amount of appreciative laughter for the idea, while Hermione took another vote and majority ruled, the motion was passed.
"Who decided this was a democracy?" James couldn't help but chuckle. "Harry could have wanted a benevolent dictatorship."
"I'm thinking Hermione would start a revolt against that, best let her pretend she's calling the shots while I'm the head piece," Harry said good naturedly.
Hermione even wrote the name down on the slip of parchment with all their names and pinned it to the wall. Harry finally began addressing them on what they'd be doing here, getting to practice. He wanted to start with the spell Expelliarmus. While basic, he'd found it useful-
Zacharias cut in what the point of such a spell would be against You-Know-Who?
"Open foot, insert mouth," Lily said darkly for this arse bringing up memories of her son having to survive that moment again.
Harry said coldly it had saved his life that night, but if it was beneath him he could leave.
The room went deathly silent, though Zacharias did not move. Harry went back to addressing them all with a bit more dry mouth as he said they should divide into pairs to practice.
It was odd for him to be giving instructions, but even more odd for him to watch them being taken.
"Good of you to start with something simple, in instructions and spell work," Remus praised the idea. "Work your way up to that benevolent dictatorship slowly," he finished with amusement.
Neville was left odd man out, so Harry opted to practice with him as he counted to three and everyone shot off the spell, to varying results. Harry pegged Neville first, who's wand shot across the room and he went to go fetch it. Harry then turned to watch the others, and was happy he'd started with something so basic, as a lot of shoddy work was going on.
Harry's own wand went flying then, as Neville had returned and shot the spell at Harry.
"Proving once and for all Neville's as skilled at magic as anyone," Lily said grimly, her thoughts still on how Snape treated him for his rather faulty work in potions. A little encouragement and he was already managing to strike Harry with the spell, he'd build up the speed necessary for a proper fight.
Neville shouted with joy what he'd done. Harry agreed it had been a good shot, deciding to keep to himself in a real duel the other person would not be gazing across the room, wand held loosely in hand.
"That's probably for the best," Remus agreed mildly, "encouragement first, constructive criticism when it's needed later."
Harry then told him to start rotating with Ron and Hermione while he went and gave the others some advice. He went over to Zacharias first, where something odd was happening. Every time he raised his wand to fire the spell, his own wand shot away though he didn't appear to be doing anything. Harry quickly spotted the source, Fred and George taking turns to practice the spell on the Hufflepuff.
"Technically, they weren't not following your choice of words," James began defending at once as if his son would start scolding the twins.
"Yeah, they're pairing off and practicing, just, you know, not on their partner," Sirius beamed with pride while Harry didn't bother hiding his laughter at any of this.
The twins quickly stopped their actions when they were caught though, and Harry went along to Ginny and Michael Corner, the later of whom either would not, or could not seem to bring himself to jinx her.
"One rather sad of such a simple spell, the other very sad of his mind set," James scoffed.
"You've never tried to jinx me," Lily reminded.
"I would if we'd ever been paired to practice together," James shrugged without remorse. "I know better than to try and go easy on you, you'd send something far worse than a disarming charm at me."
Lily smiled pleasantly without bothering to deny such a thing.
Ernie was using too much flamboyant wand movement and his partner was getting in under his guard more often than not, the Creevey brothers had terrible aim but good enough power and tended to send objects flying rather than wands as they missed. Luna's work tended to be patchy, occasionally cursing Justin's wand away, or else making his hair stand on end but nothing else happening.
Remus was reading all of this with pure fascination. One of the many reasons he loved teaching was to watch and learn all of the very different ways children could learn, and here was a wide variety of a group of students. He found himself making little notes in his own mind how he'd offer help with the mentioned problems, and then quickly tore that to shreds, refusing to acknowledge he was still entertaining the idea of going back to Hogwarts for this reason.
Harry tried to call for them to stop, but all the shouting mingled with his left him unheard. He wished he'd brought along a whistle, and then spotted one on the nearest shelf.
"This is the best room in existence!" James squealed. "Do you think it even has limitations? How many dungbombs could fill that room?"
Lily frowned at her husband, in times like these genuinely wondering if he'd suffered brain damage in his life for having such a one track mind.
He gave it a whistle and everyone desisted, Harry offering a few critiques before they all tried again. Harry watched as the general performance improved, walking around all pairs twice before deciding he couldn't avoid her anymore and heading towards Cho and her friend.
The moment she saw him coming over, she began garbling the spell, calling out Expelliarmious, no Exepllimellius!
"I think she should wait a few sessions before trying to improve upon or make up her own spell, best stick with it until you've got the basics of the spell down," Sirius pretended to patiently critic until he turned to Harry and finished flamboyantly, "then she and Harry can-"
Harry clapped his hand over his mouth while looking him right in the eyes, and Sirius responded by licking the digits, causing Harry to recoil in revulsion. While Sirius' nose was scrunched up with distaste as he stuck his tongue out and tried to look at it, Remus quickly kept going.
She apologized to Marietta for catching her sleeve on fire, while the girl put it out and glared at Harry as if he'd done it.
"Well technically you did," James was all for continuing while Sirius was temporarily distracted, "how dare Harry come in the vicinity and distract her with his mere presence."
"I will pay you to stop," Harry groaned.
"You can't pay me with my own money," James' smirk widened while Harry groaned louder.
Cho told Harry he'd made her nervous. Harry tried to tell her she'd been doing well, but at her look, he admitted she'd been doing it fine before he came over here.
"Least Harry keeps things straight," Remus chuckled.
Cho laughed while her friend's expression grew more sour. Cho told Harry to ignore her, she was just mad Cho was forcing her to come along. Marietta's mother had expressly forbidden her from doing anything to get on Umbridge's bad side as her mum worked for the Ministry.
Harry asked about Cho's own parents, and she agreed she'd been given the same advice, but she wasn't just going to sit around and not fight after what You-Know-Who had done to Cedric.
Causing both boys humor to dissipate at once from mocking Harry.
She stopped there and the two stood awkwardly for a moment before Harry was distracted by Terry Boot's wand flying past Harry's ear and hitting Alicia in the nose.
"Does someone have it out for the Gryffindor Chasers?" James demanded, slightly amused those two girls seemed to keep getting random injuries.
Luna walked over though, clearly having been eavesdropping and continuing the conversation about how her father would be encouraging the idea if he could after the number of things Fudge had done to goblins. Of course he also used the Department of Mysteries to poison those who disagreed with him,
"Honestly, I'd believe that one by now, Harry really should be watching what he's eating," James grumbled.
and used Umgubular Slashkilter-
Harry muttered at Cho not to ask while she opened her mouth, causing her to giggle.
"But I want to," Sirius pouted, long since knowing he'd have a hoot of fun with Luna if given the chance.
Hermione called for him then, asking for the time, and Harry was stunned himself to see an hour had already gone by. Harry called for silence again, telling them they'd all done very well for their first time and same time same place next week.
Dean wanted this to happen sooner, but Angelina cut in they had Quidditch practice to consider.
"I swear I keep expecting that girl to move down and live on the pitch," Lily rolled her eyes while James nodded for Angelina keeping that upfront.
Harry repeated next Wednesday, and they could add on more at that time if they could. The group dispersed into two's and three's again, Harry watching them all from his map to make sure everyone got back to their common rooms before curfew before the three left themselves for the Fat Lady.
Lily's face puckered with disappointment. It hadn't occurred to her till now, but had none of them really found a single Slytherin they could trust to bring into this? She'd spotted a dozen opportunities now, but none so wasted as this one to prove once and for all there was nothing wrong with the whole house, and if even one student had branched out and just tried to offer some help and support from that house it would have meant so much to her.
Ron and Hermione were already bickering over the night's events of who'd gotten whom more, Hermione saying he'd only officially managed one and she'd gotten him loads more.
"Was this argument really needed?" Remus frowned. "They were supposed to be getting each other, Hermione should be happy he pulled it off on his first day trying."
"I'm thinking Hermione's competitive side is smarting if Ron got her before she did," Sirius chuckled.
Ron said it was at least three, while Hermione snipped back if he was counting the time he'd stumbled forward and knocked the wand out of her hand-
"How did he even?" James full blown laughed at the imagery.
"I don't know what she's talking about, that still sounds like a point for Ron," Sirius agreed with chipper.
They argued about it the rest of the night, though Harry didn't hear a word, he was too distracted remembering he'd made Cho nervous.
"Time for dinner I think!" Harry said at once, looking pleadingly to his mother to back him up on this, who graciously agreed and pulled Harry into the kitchen with her to avoid the now very rowdy boys who were still chatting happily about all the ideas this room had given them.
*I actually have headcannons of what the other two founders did for the school, but I'm saving those for later, for now I'd love to hear your own ideas.
**I'd love to hear some ideas on this one, because I find it really hard to believe so many people who should know the castle well enough not to get caught accidentally walking past the same spot three times get into this place.
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Now let the day just slip away so the dark night may watch over you Like a child asleep, so warm and deep you will find me there, waiting for you
You don’t have to wonder why Just come and dream the night with me
She felt weightless and drowsy, despite having allowed herself to close her eyes only for a few seconds against a steel bird’s beam of light when it had come to survey the torn corpse of the giant apartment building. Ciri had stood on the elf’s feet and he had turned her away from the light, into the soft darkness that unfurled behind his tall form. Until the noise subsided, until prying eyes left them alone. White light had framed him, highlighting his contours and setting him between light and dark, where devils liked to play.
Where she had placed her feet on top of his boots, glistening red clung to earth. The Sage stood in it and held her above, away from the rivers of red.
Light and dark. Good and evil.
Ciri had closed her eyes and sunk into the night.
The music had stopped.
It was quiet, apart from the city’s ambiance and the rain. Fingertips roamed the seams on her back, moving faintly, from the tips of her hair come loose to where cotton left the skin undefended. Everything felt subdued like she was diving underwater, and with every breath she became increasingly familiar with the owner of the arms around her. Somewhere above the surface, in the back of her waking mind, she could still hear the trills of the flute playing its song of storms to the billowing green clouds that ate at the tallest of steel spires before drenching the concrete earth with dusted glass. No matter what the Knowing One played, Ciri couldn’t stop hearing the longing melody she had heard him perform once in a key-nosed boat on Easnadh; a long, long time ago, it now seemed, in the beautiful world of terrible elves.
The rain kept falling.
She felt herself losing sense of time.
Time does not matter.
Supple leather brushed against her jawline and she stirred against the momentary loss of warmth around her. Until a cool, inert wave spread across the base of her skull where long fingers had begun gently massaging, preparing her for magic that cocooned her mind in a feather blanket. It instilled calm and let the susurration of rain inside her, where always a fire or two raged. Aches and spasms too, which she hadn’t even been aware of, seemed to release their hold on her at the touch of knowing fingers. It felt incredibly soothing and unearned. At the thought of being given something for free another little fire kindled in her thoughts, but she was quickly persuaded to abandon the thought when another wave rolled across the taut muscles of her neck. A little rest, a little respite. It helped to remember that they were both drifters now; strangers at the end of the world.
In the warm, secure darkness of his shadow, Ciri barely registered when the thumbs of his hands began caressing her cheeks, pushing wisps of ashen hair out of her eyes. Carefully avoiding dipping against her scar, which often ached. Lately, he had begun suggesting he could heal it for her completely, though the woman was not sure if she should accept the offer. Looking at it reminded her of what was real.
Was it?
What was it that was more real about suffering than about happiness? Wouldn’t ridding herself of the harrowing reminder help her grow past it? Didn’t she want exactly that – to become someone else? She, who was singular and yet so often, in the abyss of space and time, no one. Ciri didn’t know; the spirit of truth often deceived her.
Whether due to the ministrations of magic or out of her own volition, or both, she felt her mind tarry at these thoughts, her muscles slackening further. It was difficult to resist the forgetfulness and dreams that tempted her when dark night could be this gentle.
Why focus on disturbing and unpleasant things now?
There was a tentative brush against her lips, a slow, circular, exploring motion. It quivered lightly, as if fearful of response. Ciri didn’t mind. Against the subdued tranquillity that had enveloped her, the touch felt distinct and singular, and she brushed her lips against its attentions. Lowering her lip, the tip of a thumb pushed forward against the wet inside, grazing her canine thoughtfully; and then made its way inside her mouth. An unexpected sweetness hit her tongue at the first slow stroke. Then again, but a little less; then less again, but it didn’t matter. If devils played here, then they were not the worst hosts.
A low sigh.
‘That’s good. That is very good, luned.’
Her eyes snapped open.
Why did she look so startled?
He had always secretly adored her like this – so candid and accepting, letting him take care of her every need. Trusting him to bear her burden with her. Who else, if not him?
But it had been so long. He didn’t know if he felt the same way anymore. Had she not abandoned him, had she not let herself be ensnared... Yet, here she was. Where had she been hiding all this time? Didn’t she know how terribly he had missed her? Last time they had seen each other, those eyes had pleaded with him, full of tears and remorse; how they had hurt each other on that day.
Brilliant emeralds, blown wide in alarm and bewilderment.
You are mine. And I am yours.
He smiled bitterly.
‘What – what did you do?’
‘I gave you moon flower,’ he replied without hesitation. ‘It’s a mild anti-inflammatory and relaxant.’
Those accursed eyes widened inexorably. ‘No. No, no, this is not what I meant...’
You’re not a toad, my darling, he thought. You’re the hope of the worlds.
She had grown a lot in the time she had been on the run from them. Sadly, she still hadn’t learned how to phrase her requests so no one could take advantage of them. Oh, he couldn’t stay mad at her for his own outlandish expectations. Circumstance, both ill and fortunate, had nurtured this human girl so she had learned to focus all her efforts into her unfaltering will power and nothing else. Through that she had to carve out every new day better than the last. No matter who her sword happened to cut down, no matter the millions whose fate she irrevocably altered in the process. He was far beyond moralising. Like tonight, for example. His little, dancing Swallow.
‘Stop hiding behind your witchcraft.’
Hiding? Did she not realise –
She kissed him.
There were many ways in which Ciri could have made her life tamer, more predictable, and less overwhelming. Unfortunately, these somehow never looked like the best options in the moments before she unleashed something.
His lips were dry and fine, and unmoving.
For a heartbeat, she tasted nothing but herself and the sour fruits of her temper and clenched the front of the elf’s robes hard enough to leave tiny abrasions on the ball of her thumb. She refused – absolutely refused! – to believe she may have, once again, fallen on her own sword. She had liked how unrestrained he had been around her, his face unusually enlivened when he had circled her in dance tonight. He, too, must have felt it – that same call of possibility that had moved Ciri’s heart like strong gusts of summer wind in the steppe. Or he wouldn’t have entertained her to a look of astonishment when she’d broken through the spell of his tender darkness. He wouldn’t have...
A glacial bucket of dread washed down her back.
‘Who are you to dare abuse me with such miserable charity?’
Who was she? What was she doing?
In anger and humiliation, Ciri was about to retreat that very second, until she felt the sorcerer’s lips move against hers.
So, she stayed for a little longer.
Holding her jaw, the elf investigated her with a velvety touch. His answers, each increasingly demanding, ran a smarting hunger that sent writhing warmth pooling in her stomach as it sought satiation. Her heart raced, her frustration dissolving into cinders of surprise, whereas she had been hoping for the pleasure of vengeance. An “aerial vehicle” zoomed past in the rain, flashing bright lights and sounding its alarm. It fell on deaf ears. She felt his hands settle around her ribs, pulling her forward, again onto his feet. And up, higher, closer – from her vantage point to his.
Ciri sought air.
Small, even teeth briefly grazed the sensitive tissue, drawing her breath from her, and his taste and scent filled her mind with cotton wool. A fox from a ruthless fairy tale, whom a human girl had led in swallow circles, weaving her own notes into his music, heel and toe, spin and bow, at the end of the world. Strange, old, and powerful; and secretive. So secretive. So deceptive. Never one thing, always only who he chose to appear as from moment to moment. How could he expect this to be enough for her? Who was he to her, really? Who did she want him to be? Would he show her something real for once? When she tried him with the tip of her tongue, his arms moved more securely around her, locking her in, and Ciri sighed.
I do not get lost.
I do not!
And yet, I feel lost now.
The knowing smile an indigo-haired beauty had given her by the fires of protest and justice flashed in her mind’s eye – the heady excitement of losing herself to the blasphemy and electricity of sensation. As with Iskra, as with Mistle... in a different time and place. Because, at the end of the day that was what she liked to do, wasn’t it? In this alien time and place, a call she could not explain had drawn her away from the fires until she had found the sorcerer giving himself over to his music in the shadow of ruin, waiting. Much like he had once waited on the shore of a green lake, smooth as a mirror, underneath a bird cherry blossom. Effortless and exciting were the shadows of the Night City – one of which had waited for her to bring the moments destiny was made of to him and had proceeded to watch her lose herself in them. In secret, with only the elf’s own eyes to witness it.
Ciri felt heat rising to her cheeks.
Why do you continue to allow yourself to become ensnared, stupid?
He stepped forward on instinct when she tried pulling away, carrying her on his feet effortlessly like a doll. Ciri caught a glimpse of the look in his unusual aquamarines. It brought her to a halt. Had it been anger, mockery, or sadness, she would have understood, because she had felt and seen all of these in him. Not, however, this haunted, ardent desire – this greed – with which the elf watched her now. It made her wonder whose shoes she was walking in tonight, and if she could fill them.
And it frightened her.
‘Where are you going?’ he whispered when she finally managed to take a shaky step back.
‘Away. Or... I don’t know. It doesn’t matter, does it?’ she managed an unsure laugh, attempting to compose herself and indicating to the marred luxury of the place. ‘Or is this to be our new home, or what?’
He gave her another one of his strange looks.
Well, let him. It was all he ever did, anyway.
Ciri swallowed nervously against his taste. She needed to clear her head; this wasn’t...
Blood pounded in his ears.
In a stream of flickering neon light, Crevan saw green eyes studying him, growing ever more distant by the second. Her breath, slightly sour under the sweet notes of the physalis liqueur, lingered against his tongue and he felt very raw.
‘It’s alright!’ he called after her retreating form.
That made her stop.
He licked his lip; a small bruise. No matter. But where had all that impromptu joy disappeared to? Obstinately, she avoided looking him in the eyes when he drew near. How adorable she was, he thought; twilight lent her a beautiful sense of vulnerability that he so often chose to overlook. Uncertain, yet fierce; defiant against her own emotions to the last. Against feeling a little lost. He could understand that. Truthfully, he felt a little lost too at the moment.
It was only natural for her to feel lonely in this world – in all the worlds – despite making acquaintances easily. Acquaintances; nothing more. The worship of the unknowing could not survive when days slipped away and she had to return to the eternal night. When her hair was pulled by the stars again. How could they understand her – her story was outlandish and out of this world, and people saw her only for who she became to them. Yet, Crevan had known her longer than she had known herself. He and his people were of the same eternal night that called to her at the end of the day.
He lifted his hand to the nape of her neck, brushing her ashen hair, but the girl flinched and there was no laughter in her anymore.
Why are you hiding, little Swallow? Do you think, perhaps, that I deceived you somehow? Do you think my witchcraft has made this happen? Oh, sweet girl, if only you knew.
‘What is alright?’ she asked.
Was she scared of him? Ridiculous; she didn’t have to be afraid. He was not angry; no-no! How could he be? She had returned to him. She had found him, as destiny desired.
‘It’s alright to seek comfort,’ he repeated slowly, tasting each word as if trying them for the first time. ‘I forgive you.’
The elf witnessed her shoulders tense and a switch flick before she reversed course and cut at him with her deadly emeralds. The oscillation was so abrupt he took a full step back, noting with delay the Force that had jumped to his fingertips.
‘Have I asked for your forgiveness?’ she exploded. ‘What would I have to ask it for!? For letting you play with me? For responding? I don’t know if you are aware, but it takes two!’
His eyes narrowed and a cruel smile broke on his handsome face at the impending rupture he had invited and, somewhere deep inside his soul, pleaded for.
How we hurt each other on that day, Lara; how unforgiving and unforgivably stupid I was.
The girl leaned as close up to him as possible without touching, exuding heat and fury, crackling like ball lightning, and whispered: ‘You want me; and you cannot stand it.’
Crevan had temporarily lost track of himself in what followed.
He remembered that what she had told him she had said with such offensive bluntness, such ignorant presumption, self-importance, and arrogance as if only she had been privy to the childishly obvious, and that he, a Knowing One, a scientist, an artist, a musician and a poet, and the voice of her miserable destiny, could not have possibly understood. That at the heart of it all, everything seemed to come down to the banal matter of irrational, irresistible desire that trampled under its feet the good, the beautiful and the right, and spat on faith, hope, and love only to be sated there and then. That he wanted what he was promised, that despite everything, he wanted her, and so much more. That at wanting all this, he was as lowly as the creature due to whose selfish whims elves, futures, and worlds burned.
He remembered that he had wanted to gouge out the beautiful eyes in her face. And that he could not help seeing red.
 When Crevan came to it was to the sound of his own name. An untidy sound, but not yet the prayer he desired it to be. Not yet uttered with awareness of what she tempted him with. He looked at her from above, to monitor the swirl of emotions that coloured her features. Her unfortunate, mesmerising features that were dear to his dark heart.
We both have fantasies that hide behind our lies.
It distracted him, the look of her in his hands – he could do anything with her – and, displaying her special swiftness she used it. He felt fingers hook in his hair and deliver a maximally painful punishment. Crevan howled. How nasty, unruly, and underhanded she was: like her callous ancestor; not at all like the princess she was born to be. Zireael cried out when he squeezed her wrists in retribution, sealing them above her head with a command, and the elf greedily swallowed the sound off her lips.
Do yours play with mine? Only for tonight, let’s say?
Her chest moved against his like the tide then and, against charred wall, he held her captive. Oh, she was furious with him, and rightly so. Though she was not entirely innocent herself. Had she wished so, she could have run from him even now. But with her indulgent thoughts laid bare and her lidded eyes on the kitsch murals above, his pupil’s mouth fell open, gasping for the pittance of air he generously allowed when he focused on tearing whimpers from her as from a beloved flute – with a torment of kisses left in ashen hair, against a slender, white neck.
Is this how you imagine it? When you follow my music. When you say you hate it.
Weaving the silvery tresses around his fist, he yanked, and she bent against him like a spring branch, a cherry blossom. Young flesh tightened like a bow string and blood rushed under pale skin in red blooms, flushing where it would bruise later. Her heart beat furiously against the stroke of his tongue.
Not everything is as pretty as it looks; not everything. You wish I indulged myself. Do you know what that means?
So close, so small. So striking in her choice agony. Wanting without knowing, giving without thinking, taking everything – without mercy to him, or herself. Oh, the indestructible optimism of youth! With his palms clasped around her head, Crevan taught his baby midnight what was at the heart of him and her: however much she gave, it would never be enough for him; whatever he did for her, she would never forgive him. Was this any way to live?
Will we play together, O Swallow?
He let his hands wander under her layers, stroking and caressing taut flesh which, though roughened with scars, remained so impossibly soft and responsive he couldn't stifle a violent groan and wedged his knee in-between her legs. The girl cursed vilely and the elf kissed the tip of her nose in delight. What would it have gained the Sage to hide his perversion in this god-forsaken world? From whom exactly? Why bother? Lifting the human girl on his knee and causing sweet frictions, he offered her a chance to use him and take some more from him as he watched. Instead, she stiffened in response to his avarice and held her own admirably against the shudders his charged touch was designed to bring on. Oh, was something the matter for his lustful little dh’oine?
'Go on. Move a little.'
Gradually, he felt her starting to offer resistance to his grasp and stared at her furiously.
‘What happened to the “you”,’ she breathed, ‘from the good old days?’
The elf bit down on her neck, smothering her cry with his hand.
How can I disarm you?
‘It’s “You”, not the informal “you”,’ he reprimanded her softly in Ellylon. ‘Be polite.’
Her fingers scraped paint from the wall above.
How can I make you accept me?
‘Does my playing not please you?’ he murmured. ‘Does it not please you to know that you have my undivided attention?’
And then it was his turn.
Crevan’s breath hitched in his throat; his eyelids drooped. A small, pink tongue wandered against the inside of his palm. With strength at first, with a hint of teeth, until he gave it more leeway to wander. Then carefully and with thought behind its actions, drawing small fine lines of lightning along the creases of his palm and tasting him, circling gently against the ball of his thumb.
Bottomless green pupils stared at him defiantly. They arrested him on the crumbling edge of the pool of yearning that had been filling up drop by drop ever since insolent, intoxicated eyes had feigned apology for making a mess of things and left him, laughing, when the woman who lived inside their depths had responded to a call of happiness he could not compete with. Until he had given in what felt like centuries after the fact; until he had gone after his lady of the lake.
Avallac’h wavered on the edge, and fell in.
Impulse propelled her and need ground the grains of fear and hope to the raging of an excited heart in her throat. When the Sage’s hands had wrapped around her face with inhuman strength and her back had hit the wall, Ciri had considered leaping, as foul memories had returned: of hands like steel-pinchers, capable of both good and great evil. Yet how exactly had it been her fault this time? And now... now she tasted Power on his hands, at once bewildered by the sensation and amused at the elf’s own reaction: he trembled against her. Absolutely nothing seemed to line up tonight.
Only blasphemy and madness in the shards of broken mirrors.
Avallac’h hadn’t even noticed when the looking glass broke, but she bet it hadn’t been made 700 years ago either.
Closing her eyes as he shifted his palm so she could slide her tongue in-between his fingers, she felt his warm, uneven breath hit her cheek and wished above all for him to feel exactly how he made her feel – addicted and overwhelmed. She could not command magic like he did, but she would make it fair, damn it! Therefore, when he suddenly pulled away from her and set her back on her feet, Ciri didn’t know what to think, say, or do. Everything was changing too quickly.
The elf gave her a playful look.
‘A sorcerer’s hands, O Swallow, are their most prized property; after their mind,’ he said. ‘Through them, he becomes a bridge between Chaos and Reality – a shield or a sword, if you like, or anything else he can only imagine. They are very sensitive; I ask you to tread with care.’
‘Figures,’ she muttered, burning up at the memory of having suckled on long fingers, as if under a spell.
He raised an eyebrow, and she had to make an effort to not look like she cared.
‘Then do not use them to restrain me like this!’ she continued. ‘I do not appreciate being muzzled like a mule.’ Listing the least of his offences as if it were the worst; well, she didn’t have the entire god damn list ready anyhow.
‘You’re right. Often you say very many interesting things I would just hate to miss. Before you act in most peculiar ways.’
She stared at his mouth, its edges darkened by her teeth marks – a mouth she often wanted to punch. A mouth she wanted to press against herself.
‘I’ve found that a little bit of restraint, while sometimes simply necessary, is even more often sweet,’ he eyed her with a secret smile. ‘Perhaps you’ll learn it too one day.’
Ciri reached out, eager to continue on the path of madness until it lasted. She wrapped her arms around his neck, lifted a thigh and placed it on his hip to pull him toward her, and she saw shadows move behind his eyes at that, but in the end, the elf did not react. Only watched her, breathing deeply and evenly. The contrast to less than a minute ago was so incredible that the woman pinched her aching hand to make sure she had not fallen asleep. She grimaced, falling back on her feet, feeling rejected and confused – not a dream at all.
A circus!
He reached for her wrist which she had been shielding against her chest after the magical bindings had dissolved. Cooing softly, when she made an attempt to repel him, he lifted it against his lips and blew on it.
‘You dance beautifully,’ he said. ‘Relentlessly, you dance for the beginnings that one starts to miss long before the end.’
Ciri snorted and was about to say something acutely acidic, but the elf wasn’t done.
‘You with whom the world has so often treated cruelly. Viciously, until you yourself retaliate with equal ferocity. Without allowing a moment’s relief for discovering what brings you joy or for what keeps you awake at peaceful nights when dreams are easy to touch and feel soft as down feathers. Many in whom you’ve sought comfort, many who’ve claimed to love you, have hurt you. Without care for what brings you pleasure. And without patience to recognize how willingly you will learn and how quickly and completely you throw your lot in with good causes – if only shown kindness and understanding. A little love, Ciri.’
She did not know why her eyes had begun to prickle with tears; she just knew the tears were angry and yet, not entirely. It seemed that they couldn’t be one simple thing, however much she wished they could. And it hurt a lot more that way.
He doesn’t have the right to talk to me like this.
‘I enjoyed our dance earlier very much,’ he said quietly. ‘My child of destiny, you always prepare for the worst, yet are still ever eager to rely on moments’ fleeting blessings all the same. You desire to lose yourself in your archipelago of moments, knowing how impossible it really is for you. And so, you’ve learned to seek your freedom in the erasure of yourself, though aware of the acute loneliness that greets you every time you try. Now you will try the same with me, yet I cannot allow this to happen. Will you believe me if I say it is for your own good? Do you understand how important it is that you do not lose yourself in our dance, in the night? No matter what I do.’
Why was he saying these things to her? Why did he pull at her only to spit her back out – to... to what? Lecture? Negotiate? Ponder!?
Her gaze fell on the state of the sealed-off accommodation: the signs of an explosion and a fire, the smashed glass, the red on the floor. The red she had put there in her self-abandonment, he had waded through, and they had danced in together before the elf had held her away from it inside a mirage of peace. How simple and effective, and how stupidly she had fallen for it. Avallac’h was still himself; as if he had not contributed gallons of pain and blood in the name of saving what was dear to him.
Why did he care why she did what she did?
Shouldn’t he have been delighted to get this chance to rendezvous with his dead love? No matter that a meagre and poor copy. He would still get what he wanted – Ciri knew what it was. She had always known, somehow. After having been forced to spend so long together, after having born the weight of his strange looks and moods, the knowledge had solidified. She was aware this arrangement, this retreat, did not come for free – nothing ever did. Did he still think her stupid enough to not know that things were often not how they seemed? That Ciri could not really be happy and he could not be free, and hell, that even vice versa it held true, didn’t it? Why did he have to ruin for her the fantasy that the opposite could also be true, if only for a night?
A little love? She didn’t need love.
She wanted to see that self-forgetful, raw emotion in his eyes again and to feel him tugging at her hair until it hurt. She wanted his lips to spill the truth inside her mouth, mocking and bitter, and then take from her until her debt had been paid. She was so tired of being unable to either claim her freedom or disappear forever. More so, of being denied even a moment’s possibility to imagine.
Avallac’h drew her forward and embraced her. Ciri heard his heart beating in his chest, as fast and powerful as before, and not slowing down despite his mercurial change of manner just then. His hands, she realised, were shaking.
Her tears of wrath quickly ran dry against his robes.
‘This is not how I want you to see me. This is not who I wish to be for you. Believe me. You do not know nor want to know what I want, but one day I will tell you. I promise,’ he kissed the crown of her head softly, his voice changing. ‘Sweet girl, you deserve so much. Allow me to show you!’
Before Ciri could realise what was happening, the elf had clasped her around the waist and lifted her up like a sheaf. The world spun. She could only squeak when, in a couple of long steps, he had moved them both across the room with ease. In his arms she weighed as little as a kitten – as when she had first discovered this, it still infuriated her. Ciri thought she heard the Sage give a short laugh and glared.
He sat her down on the edge of a large round table.
Then something pale flashed in the corner of her eye; a doily? Where he had produced it from, Ciri had no idea.
‘Are you laying the table?’ she asked when he set it down behind her.
The sorcerer’s eyes widened briefly. Quaint and disorientating – perhaps that alone had been the point? Slowly and deliberately, he loosened the silver hasp of his collar and began removing his belt, indicating for her to do the same. He was in no hurry and smiled easily at her. Ciri swallowed. Her fingers clenched and her heart beat faster. If only she had not smashed that bottle earlier...
Desiring to watch and let the distance grow between herself and the woman whose shoes she had decided to wear tonight, she began only once the elf stopped half-way through, having revealed inked skin underneath the enchanted fabric. Avoiding his searching eyes, she touched him curiously, thinking, of a sudden, about everything.
A finger tipped her chin.
‘Come then.’
She sought his mouth.
Questions fled.
Throughout, he kept threading his fingers softly through her hair, discarding the pins and letting the ashen locks fall over her collarbones. Until it became all undone. She stretched her arms out over her head – the shirt fell on the floor – and caught him admiring. The work of his hands? The past? The present?
Why is it me?
For a moment she thought she saw infinite tenderness in his pale eyes, though it may have also been the dark, the poor lighting, or her own wishful thinking. In the shards of broken mirrors, who knew what really was and what wasn’t?
To hell with it!
Ciri pressed her lips against the elf’s chin, against his face, against the sharp curve of his ear, listening for the sharp intake of breath and enjoying the twinge it sent between her legs. She drew him onto her, letting warm palms undo the rest. What if we never leave? We could simply stay – here, at the end of the world. Then she would rather act; wrongly or rightly, may that be revealed later. Lean, yet well-built, he ran hot against her front, bending over her and spreading her thighs. She remembered having forgotten herself and having let her eyes wander over the stretch of his shoulders in a different world, when he hadn’t been aware. Or if he had, he had not minded – Ciri had discovered quickly that very little embarrassed the elf, despite his enduring, snide reproval of her manners. He had not minded enough to call me on it or... Hypocrite! Yet even so, the prospect of being able to uncover something he would rather wish to hide excited her. Everything buzzed once more and the rain could not put out the fires. Offering her belly, her ribs, her hips and her chest, she arched, letting her head fall back, and gave herself over to the cool night air.
Distant lights of the alien city blurred in her eyes.
A moment’s fleeting blessings... an archipelago of moments.
A wet kiss slipped down the side of her neck, wrapping around the beat of her heart, sucking her flesh into a hungry, waiting mouth. She felt her breast being taken into the palm of his hand, weighed and squeezed carefully and, if she hadn’t shivered uncontrollably just then, she would have thought also somewhat clinically. Ciri jerked back, pushing at his hands and pursing her lips against the desire to sigh, to make noise. Goose bumps ran along her limbs and she ignored them exactly like she defied the touch that stroked her back from top to bottom, circling the lines of her spine, waist, and hips. A touch that slipped in-between the waistband, shifting her trousers aside, and pulled her toward him – until she could feel the elf’s desire and realised once more how deceptive her perception of him could be.
Her breath soughed as fingers dipped into the heat that had flooded between her legs.
‘That's it, my dear.’ He kissed her slowly. ‘Just so.’
She fought to retain hold over the faceless and the nameless – the familiar. With her eyes closed, she managed to imagine for a moment that the shameless touch stirring her pleasure had appeared at her own beckoning. That this night would not be that different from the many nights before when she had let go. When she had succumbed to the desire to touch and be touched, to see, but above all else, to be seen, and had thus brought herself joy. Ultimately always alone in the end.
A tiny vibration passed through the sensitive tissue, inviting her to lift her hips toward the fingers that infiltrated between her lips without hindrance. A touch of magic. Her eyes flew open, her hands seeking to ground herself against the convulsion that shot through her.
‘Too much?’
Avallac’h was watching her peacefully, almost as if in a trance, the corner of his mouth tugging slightly at meeting her gaze. Probing, teasing – charting her, with practice. She could hear herself lap against his long fingers. Scraping heat rose inside her chest, flooding her neck and cheeks, mingling with fleeting irritation.
‘A little.’
Another lighter wave followed. Every charged brush seemed to attune seamlessly with the intensity of the emotion that prevailed in her imagination at the moment and gradually, he eased her into a comfortable rhythm of slow torture that nurtured her arousal on a knife’s edge.
And if he takes hold of my soul – what for?
It felt good. That was all. Closing her eyes, Ciri tried to follow the sensations inside that she knew led her somewhere familiar and safe – to a kind of home within herself. It was a fragile construction, made of star silences and ceaseless movement, of leavings and returns. It was fleeting, and every time she arrived there she re-arranged it just in case, though she loved it always – she loved living, moving, and leaving behind shards of her intoxicated heart. Perhaps somewhere, sometime, they’d take root and call her back.
He encircled her by the waist, dipping her off-balance onto white lace and she felt a single finger penetrate her; followed, shortly after, by another. Caressing adoringly.
‘You deserve so much.’
Soft laughter escaped the woman’s lips and flew off, into the night.
Crevan relished the sensation of her mouth filling with saliva, her sparkling laughter withdrawing inside her when he instructed the tide to recede once more. Tiny eruptions sprinkled the steady rise and fall of the curve of her chest, raising little hair on lambent skin and making her fingers clench around his bicep. It did strange things to his mind, witnessing her be this keen and receptive. How quickly she filled up with desirous, nervous energy that made her burn like a copper sparkler! Magic, which the girl stubbornly claimed to have forsaken, rushed under her perspiring skin, sweet and electric against his tongue. The sorcery of the Alders.
The elf decided this was not nearly enough for him. Or her.
He leaned over her breasts, kissing and biting gently and savouring the flavour that was unmistakably hers, while attempting to quell the childish disappointment that bothered him eternally – like a disgusting little horsefly. She was... different than he remembered. How so? He knew her. Perhaps he simply needed to take a closer look? Patiently, one at a time, he nudged the rise of her nipples with his tongue, smiling and stopping his fingers deep within her when she gave a drawn out moan, full of need, trembling so hard he had to press down on her for restraint.
Why do you give yourself to men? Why do you love them so much? Men, who do not love you, or care about your sacrifices. Men, who defile, destroy, and forget even their own.
‘Please, will you just... help –’
The elf didn’t listen to the end of her plea, instead hearing in his head the words uttered centuries ago. Doleful, harsh, cruel words that had ended in fire. He couldn’t convince her back then. Withdrawing and ridding her of breeches entirely, he pushed himself down, leaving a trail of kisses along the honed curve of her abdomen until his hands settled on her hips and he came above her aching centre. He heard his own heart beating then and, running his hands under her hips, squeezing and lifting her toward him, he gave the Swallow a small kiss. One. On the slick softness of her flowering lips.
Will you stay this time? Will you stay forever? Will you cross the great divide? Back to us. Back to me.
She gave a stifled lament, and became very still.
Reigning in his breathing and heart, he bestowed small kisses on the insides of her thighs, tasting her core a little at a time to remind and reassure that he would not neglect her. He would be so very good to her – he would help her find her way. For a moment, his eyes lingered on the rose tattoo that looked out of place somehow, until he recalled the blond-haired girl she did not want to talk about with him, though she often remembered her – sadly, with a complicated sense of longing.
Is your poison that different from mine?
Her eyes, he saw, had opened, but she wasn’t availing him of their beauty; blinking rapidly and gazing off into distance, at the far-off lights of the world of artificers around them. Their “new home” where might had draped itself in the appearance of magic. She liked it here, of course. So ugly and fake and... at liberty – to call itself whatever it wanted. So below them both, and yet –
A lot like this rose.
He was no common butcher, bandit, or cur, yet a part of Crevan wanted to rip down the veneer of this illusion of freedom she had been building in secret and crush it under his heels alongside the artificiality this world infected her with. Part of him, however, liked to watch hope kindling in her, even if it risked dragging her away from him one day.
Into the arms of the faceless and the nameless, the unknowing, who run their tongues with banal promises of happiness that they cannot bring and that will not stay.
Who comb your beautiful hair in admiration of their own nerve and prowess after having you – once, twice, as many times as you like; when they should be kissing your feet as you pass.
Her back arched, her hands snuck into his hair, and she pulled. Brushing aside the indignation – the jealousy! – in his heart, the elf pushed inside her with his tongue: his dancing swallow, precious and sweet, the first of spring, abandoned in his hands.
Dance for me!
Hungry for her taste, he kissed her intensely and attentively, completing what his fingers had begun. Warmth rolled off her in waves as her thighs strained against his hold, her body spasming, and her voice breaking into ever tenderer whimpers. Calmly, he let her drive herself against his face, smearing him as he suckled and kept swallowing her quivers, one after another, until she fell back against lace covers on chrome, pulsing, sweaty and so very soft.
Dance, Zireael – ensnared in Time’s cold cathedral. Like taking scissors to the skies, your flight slits through fear.
Climbing onto the table he lifted her legs onto his shoulders, not caring at all to let her go yet. Continuing to caress her warm and thirsty flesh with his tongue, Crevan laughed lightly when she complained, her voice small and dissolute and cracking under the weight of her own desire. Her young and ardent body intoxicated him, and he had never denied being greedy. He wanted more of her honesty and delightful agony, and, feeling the familiar press of desire in his groin, he wanted to feel what it would be like to get inside her tonight.
If it were to end in fire, let it all burn down at once – wasn’t this her philosophy?
Again she trembled, murmuring his name in the way he liked to hear it, straining and struggling until she had finally wrung herself out of his hands. Let that be that then. He licked his lips, breathing heavily, and felt, for the first time in a long time, utterly undone. Leaning over, he looked on her heaving shape: her long ashen-hair spread around her head like a halo. His beautiful, scarred nightmare. Would you like me to show you how you appear in my dreams? A moment, Zireael. I will, in a moment. Looking for her mouth, he shifted a lock behind her ear – her round ear, hidden in ash.
Do you see this, Lara, my love?
He gathered her in his arms. Glass crunched under his boots.
What madness! Do you see what exquisite punishment fate delivers on me? On your behalf.
‘Did you like it?’ he whispered, cradling her. ‘How do you feel? Do not be shy and tell me.’
But Zireael did not appear to share in his elation, her gaze lost somewhere he could not follow. She gave a thoughtful smile, resting her arms around his neck. Not embarrassed at all at tasting herself off his lips, it seemed.
‘What is it? Hm?’ he touched her nose. ‘Talk to me.’
Small, impassioned, and alive.
If she had asked anything of him right now...
‘It’s nothing. I just –’
Who knows what she would have told him in the end. When he linked their minds, he almost dropped her due to witnessing the contrast between what she was thinking and what she, in fact, did - the heat of her action, the coolness of her thought.
‘– would like a rest... yet you call me irresponsible for wishing for it. Always in conflict, always between two worlds – I would like to be at peace one day. To choose a nook, make a final choice – my own...’
Running her tongue along his index finger, she sucked him into her mouth, observing him with languid, evil eyes. She didn’t like it when he read her, but to his credit he kept his violations discreet, and thus rarely dismayed her.
‘Me en'ca minne, please...’
‘If you insist like this –’
‘Will you come?’ her eyes narrowed enchantingly. ‘On top of me?’
Crevan may have laughed, or groaned, but then she had placed her hand against his chest and he had obeyed, lost in the boreal greens that defied time and hatred and death; that coalesced above and beyond, in the archipelago of moments, and laughed at him from beyond the grave.
Falling back onto a couch the elf pulled the girl into his lap and hugged her until she squirmed under his hands. Her lips, shameless and burnt with love, moved against his with sweet timidity, devoid of the swagger she wore on herself like a shield at all times against further hurt and abandonment. The tenderness this instilled in his heart aroused him tremendously. He imagined clasping her wrists together and tying them with a gentle, secure knot, and also finding something for her calves... silk, scarves – anything that would not intimidate, that would set her at ease with him. It had to feel as soft as herself. But he would make the bindings firm to ensure she would not fly off, that she would struggle while in his power, feeling safe and adored, until white, hot pleasure had claimed her – repeatedly. Because once would have hardly sufficed; he never taught half-heartedly.
Until you will open your wounds, and make them a garden.
Listening carefully – to her heart, his own, to time and the ghosts – he pressed her close, and penetrated her.
‘A-ah! Slower-slower...’
‘Shh-shh-shh, it’s alright.’
‘It hurts a little.’
‘It’s alright,’ he rasped, slowing, eyes dark with desire. ‘It’ll be alright. I’m sorry. I could wait no longer.’
Yet his movement elicited another contorted sob from her and it gnawed on his soul like dry ice how she sought to subdue it. Touching her soaked inner lips with his fingers, the elf rubbed softly where he'd entered her. What exquisite pain ate at him below the kidneys – she was so narrow, so wet and hot. For him and only him... Tonight and always. Isn’t that right, my beautiful girl? Only for me. For a while, he thus tried to soothe her, caressing her with his hands and tongue, despite everything in him boiling and cracking with frightful hunger. His little Swallow demanded gentleness and deserved all the care and patience he could extend her. He had given his word.
What will we do to each other? What will we become?
At the touch of his magic the girl yelped and stared.
He felt very happy.
‘After you.’
Aided along by soothing touch, the witcheress sunk on him slowly while he watched, like an artist appreciating his creation. Her tangled hair stuck to her neck, her lips parting for a wail that faded into an indulgent sigh as she allowed him inside, little by little. Dripping on him, sticky, sweet. Her thighs hugging his sides. Her fingers spreading across his chest, touching down on his heartbeat. And though he couldn’t help looking inside her thoughts out of caution and habit, he needn’t have. Every anxiety, bliss, and sensation revealed itself at once, and the elf struggled at the sight of pliant flesh stretching around his length, swallowing him and his sanity whole.
Perhaps he should have let her go, but could he really?
In daytime, nothing would have been easier – it sufficed to press on her unrefined soft spots, of which she had many, and the illusion Crevan laboured under would have instantly shattered into so many smithereens. Now? Now he wished to drive her to exhaustion, until she whimpered brokenly and begged him, until she cooed in her sleep, sweaty, found and taken care of, and wrapped tightly around him. Not once considering leaving him.
He realised the enchantment wielding its power over him. It had begun working on him long before her birth, turning into a compulsion when he had met her, and into an addiction when he had first felt acute anger pierce him over the thought of someone else’s hands touching her. So long ago it now seemed, when she had been to Tir ná Lia. He had understood nothing at the time, yet he had understood one thing that applied equally now as it had long ago: he had never been free to choose. And neither had she.
The honeyed warmth of her womb enveloped him, dragging him in a spiralling descent that dizzied and revealed. No more discomfort or regret on her face; only self-abandonment and delicious distress. He wound his fingers in her hair and tore her neck back, disrupting the pace she had chosen – more comfortable for her than him – and, when she was able, she paid him back in kind with her teeth. An animal and an angel. His black diamond who tames the night itself and makes it dance to her tune. The thought ate at his spirit, his will, his heart, and he groaned into her mouth. Greedily, her hips rolled in tandem with his, her skin gleaming with effort, until the pleading, distressed sounds gushing from her lips began losing their coherence, becoming increasingly vulnerable as she continued to sit on him.
Good girl. Trust me. Take from me. What took you so long? What kept you?
Over and over, he squeezed into the ardent body. And when exhaustion began settling in the woman’s thighs, he seized her around the waist and slid on top of her, penetrating to the end. Feeling her arch her back he regretted only that he could not keep gazing freely at the desperation building inside haunting eyes. He would have liked to linger, to take her slowly. Have her crumple the sheets in exasperation and experience the torture Crevan had felt every time she had innocuously coiled around him during their travels. Yet, he did not dare to tempt fate again.
‘My sweet child. My joy, my darling... I waited for you. So long, I waited,’ he murmured in-between thrusts. ‘How I missed you. Terribly. How I searched – now you will stay. Won’t you, my love? You will stay, for Dana help me, how I do not want to let you go... never, Ciri... never again...’
Make your final choice. Want what I want. Stay...
When he changed the angle and she moaned around the fingers between her lips, he wondered if uncovering his secret felt worth it to her yet. You cannot run away from knowledge, Swallow, once you decide to pursue it. When she attempted to stretch out her spine, away from him – in opposite to how he guided them – the sorcerer sunk on her small form and drew her tightly against himself, denying her all reprieve. It always comes – at a price.
‘Give me your word, luned. Promise me, you will stay.'
‘You’ll have to put a spell on me. Make me.’
He ground against her, desperation and anger choking him once more at her thoughtlessness. It hurt her.
Fingers gripping hair – his, hers – hot breath against the temple – his – an arm squeezing around the ribcage, leaving red welts behind on pale skin – hers.
It hurt him. Her childish flippancy. She should not invite him, tempt him. She didn't know he would pull her very soul from her to ensure she stayed.
Faintly though, he then heard the girl speak.
‘Don't lose me. Don’t leave... please. Don’t leave me alone again.’
And Crevan promised. He would see her through to the ends of her earth, where only oblivion yawned. Like a yellowed aspen leaf, he felt her writhe in distress, trying to recede into herself and away from the promise shared with her, and he refused to let her leave.
‘Look at me. Open your eyes and look at me!’
He bowed before her wish. Bending his back, he leaned his forehead against hers and kissed away the salty wetness beside her beautiful eyes. No pain, little one. She’ll never be alone again. He’ll fill her. He’ll make her see what he sees. She’s something more. Feeling her buck fruitlessly against his hips as she convulsed around him, he revelled in the trembling contractions that pulled him deeper into the secret warmth of her – where innocence lay. He would not allow her to fly away. He would not have time repeat itself in vicious recurrence when hope had finally bared itself on the palm of his hand.
Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive...
Her eyes, when she opened them again, were pure witch fire.
His restraint broke.
Overcome by a need that terrified him, he loosened his hold around her to move faster and deeper into warm flesh, deaf and blind, uncaring of her quivering. What he told her then was at once mellifluous and obscene. Her skin stuck to his, the smell and feel of her sucking onto his every thought, every memory like a vicious leech and he felt as if imprinting onto the face of a bold human girl with beautiful emerald eyes, intersected by a scar on her cheek. No other, just her. Just her... his Swallow, the first of spring.
He crashed on top of her, pouring into her at the end of his lust.
At some indeterminate point in time, the elf stirred – to the curious absence of the patter of rain, as it were. Shifting, he felt his seed spill out of a cooled body and Ciri gave a quiet moan, tightening around him imperceptibly. He looked at her for a long time.
Then he extracted himself from night’s embrace, gathered the woman against him, and got up.
 Avallac’h stirred the concoction one last time – with a straw in the shape of a giraffe, because the kitchen, to his great misfortune, had been wiped out by the fire, and thus this novelty lab had to do. He had remembered too late how asinine this half-baked alchemy was – after he had already prepared two thirds of his precious ingredients. He didn’t have to waste resources when there already were alternatives in this post-biological nightmare. It served as some amusement to him that humans in this world had taken to contraception out of sheer hedonism, yet it didn’t quite make up for the daze in which he operated this morning.
Incinerating the straw and wiping the surface of the round table, the elf pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. His gaze fell on a broken piece of simulacrum tech in the corner. Mechanical thought patterns were what stood between humans and paradise.
What he'd gotten up for had also been... mechanical.
They were on the run. The timing wasn’t right: the roots between them were still shallow, and her trust in him fragile, to be nurtured at all cost. The fabric of the fate he had foreseen was delicate, and this time he wanted to be absolutely sure.
And yet...
‘What if we never leave? We could simply stay – here, at the end of the world.’
There were many spheres, many times and places, moments through which fate branched, forked, and twisted.
Crevan covered the cup with a saucer, left it, and went to wake the Swallow, walking across the shards of a broken mirror barely a quarter of a year old. He wanted to take another look and think. Before what was meant next...
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elleonmybeloved · 4 years
Field Day
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Title: Field Day Author: PinkPerfume Fandom: Shall We Date? Obey me! Pairing: Asmodeus/MC Rating: Teen & Up Chapter: 1/? Tags: Demon & Angel Blood AU, Demons are slightly larger than in cannon by about a foot or two each, Secret Crush, Awkward pining, Asmodeus is hoe-rny as usual, Flirting, Leading up to that explicit rating in the second chapter cause you know me Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25145122/chapters/60926767
Once a week, the human exchange students, accompanied by the seven demon brothers as well as Lord Diavolo and a few of his subordinates make a trip to a rocky place out in the wilderness of the Devildom to conduct physical testing on the humans’ developing abilities. Mary-Catherine and her fellow once-humans aren't sure why Lord Diavolo injected them with the demon and angel blood that gave them their abilities, but participation in the testing is mandatory. But if you forget the part where they're being tested like lab rats, it feels a lot like a fun school field day! Complete with packed lunches and a friendly sense of competition.
“I hope you’re ready to eat my dust this time. I’ve grown two inches since last week.”
“Don’t get a big head. You got dog demon blood, not speed demon. Besides, not being able to spit acid at obstacles in your way is gonna slow you down.”
“I’d really appreciate it if you stopped doing that. Just because you look a lot more like a snake now doesn’t mean you need to act like one.”
“- Demon cobra. Not just a snake.”
“I know you’re proud of that, but honestly, I’m more jealous of the girl who got hawk demon blood. You know she has wings now, right?”
“What?! They shouldn’t let her participate in the race, it’s totally not fair.”
“It’s not actually a race, you guys.”
“Just because they’re testing us doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun with it. Lord Diavolo encouraged us to be competitive.”
Excited chattering and the rumble of the vehicle’s engine made for a charged atmosphere that Mary-Catherine was enjoying listening to, leaning her head against the glass of the window to hide her amused smile at the antics. Choosing to survey the odd shapes of plants and pigmented rock passing by outside as she listened, she angled her head so that the small tightly curled horns at her forehead weren’t scraping against the glass.
Once a week, the human exchange students, accompanied by the seven demon brothers as well as Lord Diavolo and a few of his subordinates made the trip to a rocky place out in the wilderness of the Devildom to conduct physical testing on the humans’ developing abilities.
Piled into some kind of all-terrain vehicle with such ridiculous ground clearance that Mary-Catherine had needed assistance to haul herself up into it, they were shuttled to the testing site. The vehicle was huge and had several rows of seats, so everybody just called it “The Bus.” Before them on the long straight road, the Demon lord’s sleek black limo - driven by Barbatos - led the way down the path.
Turning off on the dirt path, they pulled up to the site. As the passengers - twenty-five strong, counting the brothers - filed out of the vehicle, they cordoned off into groups like a separation of oil and water.
Mary-Catherine confidently placed herself next to the people she knew best. Donte - a young man with horned-toad demon blood who she’d never seen not dressed up in attractive punk outfits that suited his dark brown curls and yellow-green striped horns perfectly. Despite all the purple dust out here, she had yet to see any of it attach itself to his outfit.
Meanwhile, both her thick cargo pants and her usual red tank top already had a few purple smudges.
To his left, Emma, a curvy young woman in all black whose sharp feline teeth glinted against her dark lipstick, and though the pair of furry black ears at the top of head twitched invitingly, you’d have to be stupid to touch them - or any part of her - without her explicit say so. Her claws were just as sharp as her eyeliner and stung quite badly.
Mary-Catherine had never heard her give anyone that say so. Only repeated threats to anybody who would listen about just exactly the kind of dark apocalypse she would continuously rain on Diavolo and the demon brothers & co. until they returned her cat Lucy to her, or vice versa.
Standing aloof with a familiar thoughtful expression to her right, a picture of elegance and maturity that M-C only hoped she’d one day achieve, was Annika. The blonde witch had a silent strength and seemed the least phased about her residency in the devildom of all the humans Mary-Catherine knew. She even stood up to Lucifer on a regular basis.
Mary had to avoid flinching like a startled lamb every time he looked in her mere direction. In her defense, she was part sheep now, and she had no reason to believe demon sheep were any braver than those in the overworld. Though as recent months had attested, they had the same urge for salt and were about 5 times faster than a regular one running at full tilt.
Once given their instructions, and oddly-shaped “evaluators” to attach to their D.D.D.s, the four of them plus a few she was less familiar with made off for the climbing ground. As usual, the groups moved around three areas in a rotation. A rock-littered circuit of road for testing speed, agility, and endurance, a level field of purple grass and several small, dead-looking trees with painted orange Xs on them that served as a combat ground for testing offensive abilities, and a large outcropping of porous green rock to test their ability to scale rough vertical terrain.
Something of a makeshift security team, the demon brothers spread out to stand their usual guard over the three groups. Considering their powers and how each demon towered at least a foot over any regular human even in their “human” forms, on their very first outing Mary-Catherine had foolishly assumed none of the other occupants of this realm would dare try to attack the group.
Grimacing as she tied up her hair and prepared to climb, she tried to blink away the image of the explosion of goop and gore and the charred remains that had been left of the few dissenting demons who’d scarcely touched her human companions before Satan had reduced them to pulp. Though unsure of how Lucifer had torched the ones who’d gone after his group, she was pretty sure she’d never get the image of their blackened skulls out of her mind.
“What’s with the long face? You’re still the reigning champion of this rock, goat-girl.”
Looking up, she recognized the self-proclaimed “cobra” guy from earlier on the bus. Despite his competitive statement, the grin on his face was friendly. His curly black hair and olive skin tone made for a vivid contrast against his vertical pupiled green eyes. She’d seen him a few times at breakfast and wasn’t certain but she thought his name was Kevin?
“Oh nothing. I was just wondering if they were going to make me lick more rocks today. Kind of reminds me of when I used to chaperone church summer camp and all the kids would collect rocks and dare each other to hold it in their mouth for twenty seconds or eat a worm.”
Mary-Catherine paused, “-But my horns alone would’ve been even more scandalous than the time one of the adults caught someone with a Harry Potter book sooo I guess it’s not really that similar!”
“Oh trust me I doubt my mamá would be happy to see what I look like now, but that doesn’t mean I would say no to a chance to become spiderman.”
“Hey, if anybody is becoming spiderman, I think it might be me.” Donte spoke up from behind them, looking incredulously at his hand which was pressed against the wall of rock. “Check this out.”
He then demonstrated how with an odd suction noise, his hands clung to the rock of their own accord. Prying them off and then repeating the motion, he got better at the detachment process with each press.
“Maybe poisonous demon frogs can stick to things?” Mary-Catherine mused. “I watched this discovery channel episode on tree frogs once that explained how their secretion of toe pad mucous-”
“-Mucous?!?” Donte scrutinized his hands in dismay, but after finding no such secretions he breathed a sigh of relief. “The only thing getting on my hands is this rock while I climb it’s ass. See you at the top!”
Pressing the start button on her evaluator, she climbed up after him, hearing Kevin start his descent as well. She’d gotten a bit of experience with this sort of outdoors stuff at previously said church-camp, but that was nowhere near her current condition, as she easily overtook both of her human companions with no regard for the steepness of her path. Back then, she’d needed a hardness and ropes. Now, she sought out each handhold instinctively like the top of the rock was calling her.
“At least I’m not bleating.” She sighed, and from below her Kevin barked out a laugh.
“I imagine it would come out sounding more like a warbled growl.” He said. “I’ve seen the pictures you know.”
“Hey- don’t go looking at a girl’s demon pictures!” A girl lower down on the rock called up to them.
Mary-Catherine blushed and hastily pulled herself up the remaining few feet of the rock and rolled to the side as she clicked stop on her evaluator.
“Not her pictures, the pictures of whatever they injected her with!” Kevin complained, but M-C could hear the mirth in his voice.
Walking over to a smoother patch of rock, she sat down to wait for the rest of them to finish their climb. Gazing at the ground far below her, she noticed Emma and Beelzebub talking next to a couple of camp-chairs.
She had noticed before that as an act of cat-less mutiny, Emma often refused to take part in the tests, but as M-C watched her speaking amicably with the demon beside her, who was eating… something round and dripping a brightly colored liquid she could make out from here, Emma gestured towards the rock several times with a wistful expression.
Rising to get a better look, Mary-Catherine began absent mindedly stretching, catching her ankle and bending her leg with a gentle pull.
It was a bit too far for her to make out exactly what they were saying - though some of her genetically enhanced fellow humans probably could - but M-C imagined that Emma was saying something along the lines of how much she wanted to climb the ‘actual shit outta that rock’ but wouldn’t budge an inch until they gave her back her precious Lucy. Beel seemed to nod sympathetically and despite not halting in his eating process, continue the conversation.
And then he moved to grab another of whatever it was he was eating, revealing the other demon who had come to watch over the climbing group. Having used the absolute swole unit of his demon brother’s body to provide him with shade, the Avatar of Lust reclined elegantly in - well it wasn’t really a camping chair, but it looked like it could be collapsed and relocated - his seat, meticulously painting his nails.
Freezing awkwardly midstretch, both arms clasped high above her head, she was for the hundredth? thousandth? time struck by just how gorgeous of a man Asmodeus was. Not a man, she reminded herself, a demon. Good Lord in Heaven, those arms… he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows to avoid getting nail polish on his shirt, and it exposed the beautiful lean muscle of his forearms. Burnt amber eyes focused intensely on his handiwork, his pale perfectly shaped lips pursed in concentration… he had an angular face that made him look like both like the dangerous being he was, and a sculpture of an angel at the same time.
As if aware he was being ogled, he paused his preening and turned his head, looking up her way at the top of the rock. Panicking, she hastily looked elsewhere, pretending to continue her stretches as if she hadn’t been meaning to glance in his direction…
Nothing to see here!
Soon the others joined her at the top of the rock, and with the protection of anonymity, Mary-Catherine risked another gaze his way.
Oh good, he’s back to working on his nails.
Getting caught looking at people was so awkward, hopefully he hadn’t thought anything of what he saw of her brief gaze. She was pretty sure she was safe, it was unlikely he was that interested in any measly humans anyways.
“So what was your score?”
Mary-Catherine spooked so hard she jumped, turning to give Kevin a wounded look.
“You’re a jumpy one, huh? Must be those prey instincts. Well, what was it?”
“A minute and forty three seconds.” Mary-Catherine said, wondering what kind of predator hunted sheep demons. Probably had lots of teeth.
“Guess I just need to be a minute and fifteen seconds faster next time.”
“I’m sure you can do it.” She said, giving him an encouraging smile. “If they ever decide to hand out a prize, you’ve got it in the bag.”
“Now there’s an idea.” Donte piped up, moving into step beside them as the group began to descend the smooth sloped side of the rock. “I already know what I want as a prize.”
“What do you want?” She couldn’t really think of anything a demon would have to give as a good present. She’d seen their food. And the mall. They had weird taste.
“Not telling.” Donte said in a cheeky tone that even she could read as being… salacious in nature. Annika gave him one of her disapproving mother looks and it just made him sprout a mischievous little grin.
“I’ve had my eye on a spellbook in Satan’s library I would very much like to have.” Annika said, as if trying to steer the conversation off the downhill path it was otherwise going. It was a good thing Emma wasn’t here or that’d be a moot effort.
“Uhhh, boring!” Kevin crossed his arms. “Come on guys, we’re practically in hell. I want a weapon or something with strong dark magic powers.”
One of the other girls agreed with him, and began a very enthusiastic conversation about swords and axes and other sharp pointy things. Mary-Catherine considered the question herself for a few moments, but the only thing she could think of was for Lucifer to give her her Bible back. He’d taken it away a couple weeks ago after she’d done something he hadn’t approved of and used it as an excuse to confiscate the book. She wasn’t even sure how he’d known she had it, but maybe he’d been under the false impression that she was religious?
Normally she wouldn’t have been upset about such a thing, but even though she was no longer the good devout Catholic girl her parents had raised her to be, her grandmother had given her that Bible. They’d been quite close before she passed away five years ago to lung cancer. She was much too terrified of the fallen angel to even try to get it back though. Regardless, as far as prizes go that was a bit more personal than she was comfortable with sharing.
“I think a week off school would be nice!” She said instead, and was met with a resounding murmur of agreement from the crowd.
“How about a whole month?”
Under the protection of Belphegor and Leviathan this time, Mary-Catherine and her group took turns sprinting on the track. Unsurprisingly, Kevin’s dog demon-blooded friend blew all competition out the water. Once that guy got started he was like Usain Bolt on steroids. Though she put in the effort expected of her to avoid getting chided, M-C didn’t bother to run full tilt. She didn’t really like this part anyways. It was the most like a test, grueling and repetitive instead of fun, and reminded her of how she was here against her will.
She was grateful when they broke for lunch, gathering around a few hastily erected plastic tables. Taking the brown bag and two water bottles, she found a somewhat shady spot to sit under a scary looking tree and redid her sagging ponytail, lamenting the state of her side braid. She downed a whole bottle of water before getting into her food.
It was kind of funny, it was the same typical sandwich chips and apple combo she was used to on outdoor events like these, but the meat was purple and the lettuce that poked out at the sides was bright red. The fruit looked like an apple, but tasted like an orange and was the color of a banana.
She’d learned to just trust Lord Diavolo to know what humans could eat, and didn’t ask what everything was anymore. One of the transfer students had been curious at breakfast and as a result she had become aware of the fact that on several occasions she had ingested eggs from a reptilian demon species called an angiphore which looked like a cross between a platypus and one of those monstrous looking fish that lived really deep in the ocean.
The thought made her choke on her mouthful of water and most of it escaped out her lips down her throat to soak into the fabric of her top above her breast.
“Oh, gosh darn it.” Of course she had nothing to dab at it with. Well, at least the cool water felt kind of nice dripping down her neck, as hot as she was after such rigorous exercise.
“Oh my, looks like someone overestimated how much they could swallow~”
Mary-Catherine scarcely had time to process that someone had managed to approach her so silently before, bending elegantly at the waist, Asmodeus himself was already pressing a handkerchief against her neck with a chiding tut.
At her stiff reaction, he smiled, looking very much like the cat that ate the canary. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of sweetie, you’re not the first one to do such a thing.”
Mary-Catherine flushed and searched for a sufficiently indignant reply, realizing he was making fun of her. But before she could come up with something, he moved in closer, dragging the cloth against her bottom lip. It was such a shamelessly demanding motion, silencing her with ease.
“You must’ve been thirsty, poor thing.” He crooned, and M-C decided to swallow her pride and just enjoy the opportunity to get such a close up look at his gorgeous face. At this angle, she could see how long his strawberry-blonde eyelashes were as they brushed the smooth, immaculate skin of his cheeks.
“It’s… pretty hot.” The words were already on her mind, so unfortunately that’s what came out of her mouth instead of denying such an obvious trap.
It was worth it for the delighted, full-teeth grin he made. “I agree.”
His fingers skirted the hem of her tank top, and with a gentle pluck, he lifted the fabric to dab a few times at the wet top of her breast. But instead of lingering, with a simple wink, he retracted the handkerchief and stood up before she could even begin freaking out about it.
“Thanks.” She said when her brain caught up, as he started to leave.
“Any time, honey.~” He replied without turning back, and was soon out of sight.
Mary-Catherine gave a dry swallow and reached for her water bottle.
The rest of the afternoon proved uneventful. Oviumalum, or the certain species of demon sheep blood she’d been injected with, apparently had the ability to rapidly elongate and thrust out their 4 sets of horns in front of them like some kind of projectile impaler. Their horns were also a key ingredient in a certain type of hallucinogenic drug, when ground to a powder.
The meager set of horns on Mary-Catherine’s forehead was sharp, and made of the same components, but so far showed no signs of developing any projectile abilities. As such, she simply had to hold still while they took a sample of her horns, ears, and tail and then was free to sit on the sidelines for most of the hour.
Lucifer had handed her a textbook about the properties of various demonic plants and encouraged her to study during the downtime.
“Like many here, you would do well to improve your academics. Here.” He’d said in that aloof tone, like she was some filthy human bug under his boot.
“Oh…” She’d said. “Well, actually, that’s-”
“You’re welcome.” He’d cut off her attempt to decline with a glare. “I hope I see an improvement in your grade reports soon.”
Mary-Catherine couldn’t help but shut up after that and bitterly open the book in obedience. His crimson stare, like the blood she was sure he was not hesitant to shed, was just too frightening. But, more interested in watching the increasingly bizarre developing abilities of her fellow humans, she’d just skimmed the pages and pretended to read.
Beside Lord Diavolo’s delight at Donte’s newfound ability, nothing else of note happened. It was amusing to watch Emma claw several inch deep scores into a variety of materials she’d never assume could even be scratched, so that’s what she’d done until they’d blown their whistle to announce that it was time to return to the House of Lamentation.
Now, she was trailing after the gaggle of tired, test-tried students, thinking about whether she was going to bathe, sleep, or eat first when they got home.
“Heeyyy, M-C!”
Looking up from where she’d been zoning out staring at her D.D.D, she glanced around. Had somebody called her name?
“Mary-Catheriiiine!!” A girl was jogging towards her, waving a hand to get her attention. It took her a moment, since it wasn’t someone she was very familiar with, but she connected the face to a name before the girl reached her.
“Yes? - Um, Hoya, right?”
“Yeah.” The girl said, smiling with a - ah. Shark demon blood. - large set of teeth. “Can I ask you a favor?”
“Of course! What is it?”
“I lost my ring up on the rocks.” Hoya said, pointing to the climbing wall. “I can see where it is but I can’t reach it myself. Can you get it for me?”
“Sure!” May-Catherine chirped, but then bit her lip. “Uh, did you tell Lucifer? It’s time to go and I’ll be fast but we’re going to make them wait…”
“Don’t worry, I told him. He said it’s fine as long as I hurry.”
“Oh. Okay!” M-C said, but couldn’t help squinting a little skeptically.
“...He said they’re leaving in ten minutes with or without us.” Hoya admitted. “But it won’t take us that long!”
Mary-Catherine was already moving. “Oh gosh, well I hope you didn’t mention my name…”
Hoya jogged next to her, long smooth grey tail wagging oddly like a dog. “Uh, I did. Sorry!"
Mary-Catherine groaned and high-tailed it to the rock.
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sparrowstrikewrites · 4 years
Flaming Oven Character Study Part 3
Naruto Uzumaki (age 26, basically canon compliant)
This time it’s a microwave on fire.
Long work days+old habits=secret instant ramen stash in the hokage’s office
Secret ramen stash+exhaustion=no water in the ramen
No water in the ramen=smoldering ruin of styrofoam and burnt noodles
He tries his best 
By the time Naruto officially received the title of Hokage at age 25, he had a pretty good idea of what he was in for. Kakashi had let him get pretty hands on the last couple years. Naruto knew the volume of paperwork that day to day life in the village generated. He understood the intricate rituals of niceties that dealing with clan elders and the daimyo’s representatives required. He knew when to lean on his reputation, when to call in favors, and when to put his foot down and a scary face on (that last one he learned from Yamoto-sensei).
Naruto went into the job fully aware of the mental challenge the job presented and the physicality of it. Hokages these days weren’t leading their village on the battlefield, but peace didn’t make the job easy. 
Naruto became one of the primary leaders in a new and vast global economy. In peace, a web of intricate and delicate political ties grew into place through marriages, friendships, trade routes, and tourism. To Naruto, this new and fragile world order was a thing of beauty. It was something he knew would require active protection and lots of late nights at the office.
So, a couple days into his tenure as Hokage, Naruto tucked a case of instant ramen in the bottom drawer of his desk. Sure, he could afford to have Ichiraku delivered, but there was something nostalgic about the styrofoam cups. 
Instant ramen saw Naruto through the academy, through the chuunin exams, through years on the road with Jiriya, and he would forever associate them with both a hard day’s work and success.
To Naruto, they were as much a reminder of how far he’d come and how anything really was possible with enough guts and dedication, as they were a nostalgic and easy dinner.
The new trade treaty with Kiri was giving Naruto a headache. He’d ready it half a dozen times and Mei’s swirling cursive looked less and less like words each time.
Naruto ran a hand through his hair and groaned. Outside his office the sun had set over an hour ago. 
At lunch, Naruto had sent a clone home to tell Hinata he wouldn’t be back until late. 
With a weary sigh, Naruto fished a styrofoam cup out of his desk and picked his way around piles of history books and half drafted missives.
The hokage’s office was on the 6th floor of the administrative building. On the fourth floor, there was a kitchen and a breakroom.
The only other person in the kitchen was an anbu in a bird mask. 
The anbu was making a mug of coffee. 
Naruto studied the anbu carefully, trying to figure out if he knew this one. They were a bit shorter than him and had dark hair cut at their shoulders. Under the cloak, it was hard to guess if they were a man or woman.
“Coffee?” the anbu asked and offered Naruto the coffee pot.
Naruto didn’t recognize the anbu’s voice. They sounded like a woman and like they were on the young side.
Kakashi had imposed age limits on the anbu. At the youngest, she could be 19. 
Naruto mentally berated himself. When did 19 suddenly sound so young? I must be getting old.
The anbu was still waiting for an answer. 
Naruto shook his head. “No. No thank you.” He held up his instant ramen as an explanation.
“Long night?” the anbu asked. Naruto and his 10 cent ramen were a well known combination.
Naruto nodded. “Yeah. Sorry about that. I know you guys are stuck here until I go home.”
“No need to apologize. This is a good job. We’re all happy to take turns doing it between away missions.”
Naruto blinked in surprise. 
“It’s a nice break from sleeping rough and eating nutritional supplement bars in the rain,” the anbu added.
Naruto snickered. “You just get off a mission somewhere in water country?”
“Escorting a representative from their academy home. He was here for the Global Academy Restructuring Conference.”
Naruto smiled at that. The Academy Restructure was something Kakashi started. Naruto was pretty sure he’d called in a lifetime of favors and possibly pulled a knife on a couple of clan elders to get it off the ground here at home.
With the new curriculum and minimum age requirements in place, every graduating class was more prepared for the real world than the one before it. By the time Kakashi handed off the hat, there was no longer a shortage of medic in Konoha, genin casualties were lower than any other time in recorded history, and the rookie mission records spoke for themselves.
Convincing the other countries to consider adopting similar changes was Naruto’s first big win in office.
The conference had taken almost a year to organize, mostly because convincing foreign powers to share any details of their education system was like wrestling a greased toad in a mudpit (especially since those education systems functioned primarily as feeders for the military).
Naruto realized he’d spaced out, grinning like an idiot at the anbu, and winced. “Sorry.”
The anbu tried to disguise a snicker as a cough. She raised her mug in a small salute and headed for the door.
Naruto raised his ramen in reply and she didn’t pretend to hide a snort that time.
With the anbu gone, Naruto turned back to the task at hand. His stomach was growling and hopefully some food would clear the fog from his mind.
Naruto cracked the lid, put the ramen in the microwave, and set the timer for 3 minutes.
As the cup spun in lazy circles and the machine hummed, Naruto’s mind drifted.
He remembered Kakashi pulling him aside after the Global Academy Restructuring Conference. 
Kakashi put his hand on Naruto’s shoulder and met his former student’s questioning stare. Both of them privately wondered when they’d become the same height.
Kakashi opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t seem to find his words. “Thank you,” he said at last. No more child soldiers. No more kids growing up on the battlefield. No more Obitos, Rins, Hakus, Zabuzas, Itachis.. No more people like me.
“I’m just finishing what you started,” Naruto said with an easy smile.
“I’m proud of you.”
Naruto held that memory close on the days the job was at its worst. He had the family he always dreamed of, the friends he’d never dared imagine, and the power to do real good. 
The microwave beeped that it was done.
Naruto shook off the memories and reached for the door. He stopped short and it took his sleep deprived brain 3 precious seconds to realize what was wrong.
The microwave was full of black smoke and it was beginning to seep out around the door and through the vent in the back.
Naruto’s mind flipped into overdrive like it was trying to make up for lost time. If the smoke alarm went off, he’d interrupt Shikamaru and the Fire Daimyo’s representative negotiating border guard contracts, a clanhead meeting that was already running 3 hours over, and kami knew how many other important and time sensitive things.
Naruto grabbed the microwave and ran. 
Elevator’s too slow. Alarm on the fire escape. Have to take the main stairs.
Naruto kicked the door to the staircase open and charged down the first flight of stairs. Smoke hung in the air behind him and the microwave plug bounced off the concrete steps.
The jostling seemed to be helping more smoke escape. It stung Naruto’s eyes and he ran faster.
Naruto vaulted over the railing, falling the last story and staggering out the door.
The night was quiet. The moon hung low overhead and the stars glittered.
Naruto burst out laughing and raised the microwave in triumph.
At which point, the fire alarm went off behind him.
Konohagakure’s administrative leadership, the Fire Daimyo’s representative, a visiting dignitary from Kumo, and a handful of anbu found the hokage standing on the front sidewalk holding a still smoking microwave.
Other than the fire alarm and the distant sound of sirens as the fire department headed their way, it was oddly quiet.
From the edge of the evacuated crowd, Shikamaru motioned for Naruto to put down the microwave.
Naruto frowned, trying to figure out what Shikamaru was miming and then glanced down at the microwave. 
Naruto took a deep breath and set down the microwave inorder to buy him time to figure out what to say.
The smell of burned styrofoam was acidic and sharp. It burned Naruto’s throat and he coughed.
Everyone just watched.
Naruto swallowed hard and then blurted out, “Sorry everyone. I tried, but I wasn’t quite fast enough.”
The silence stretched.
Shikamaru sighed and buried his face in his hands.
Someone laughed. 
Naruto caught a glimpse of an anbu in a bird mask doubled over giggling and just like that the tension broke. 
Naruto did his best to laugh with everyone, but it felt a little too much like his academy days. His smile was a little too forced and the familiar ache of loneliness settled in his chest.
Naruto sat on the curb beside the no longer smoking microwave while the fire department cleared the building and turned off the alarm.
Several of the meetings and negotiations broke for the night or relocated to one of the nearby late night restaurants. Nothing like a pre-dinner show, good food, and a bit of sake to ease the way for treaties.
Naruto cradled the black lump that had been his dinner. The soot stained his fingers and the smell of it made his eyes water, at least he told himself that was it.
Naruto glanced up. 
The bird anbu was standing somewhat awkwardly in front of him. She shifted from foot to foot, like she wasn’t quite committed to standing her ground. 
“My replacement showed up a while ago, but I don’t really have any place I need to be and I thought you might be hungry so I grabbed you some hopefully more edible ramen,” the anbu slung her bag off her shoulder, pulled out a familiar takeout container, and held it out to Naruto.
Naruto blinked in surprise and took the container with smudged fingers. “Thank you.”
“You know it means a lot that you tried.”
Naruto raised an eyebrow.
The anbu ran a hand through her hair and tried to choose the right words. “I know that probably sounds like I’m just trying to suck up to my boss, but seriously. It’s the little, unconscious things people do that show who they really are. Like taking the time to talk to a literally faceless new hire. It proves you really mean all those grand things you say.”
Naruto’s shoulders relaxed and he shook his head. “I’m pretty sure all I proved was the accuracy of my knuckleheaded reputation.”
The anbu shook her head. “How many other Kage would have worried about interrupting everyone else’s meetings or keeping people late? How many people in power do you think would give a shit about inconveniencing everyone else, especially when they’re hungry and working overtime on thankless paperwork? You tried. You cared. You’re still here, waiting to get back inside and finish said thankless paperwork. That matters.”
 Naruto wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and smeared soot across his forehead. “The bar really is low isn’t it.”
The anbu groaned. “Take a compliment and eat your ramen,” she snapped.
Naruto smiled and popped the lid off the container. 
The anbu nodded, a single sharp movement, pleased. She turned and started down the street.  “Next time just chucked the microwave out the window.”
“My luck it’ll explode when it hits the ground and then we’ll all be locked inside all night over a bomb scare.”
The anbu just laughed and slipped into the shadows.
For 3 months, everytime Naruto stayed late a bowl of Ichiraku turned up on his desk.
Then Shikamaru set the copy machine on fire twice in the same week and Naruto lost his status as office fire hazard.
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cavendishtogopls · 5 years
White Roses and Witches [whiterose x diakko]
[I just want my daily dose of fluffy WR and diakko so I decided to make my own]
It was a lazy day for both Diana and Akko. Even with all of Akko's craziness and excess energy, it was pouring outside. Not just pitter patter on the window pane but it was almost as if it were hail droplets hitting the roof. And as much as Diana would love to get some of her anatomy homework out of the way, it was hard to do so with her so called girlfriend begging for her attention one way or another.
Diana found herself sitting up against the headboard of her bed, wearing one of Akko's hideously bright orange sweater that she wouldn't be caught dead in and mostly wore it for the brunette's familiar scent, said brunette tucked comfortably in her arms, wearing Diana's Cavendish Medical Group sweater a tad oversized for her.
Akko was happily shoving popcorn by the mouthful and Diana only rolled her eyes in distaste, tired of reprimanding her stubborn girlfriend. Akko, after discovering that Diana has yet to watch a Disney movie, took it upon herself to reminisce Diana's childhood or her lack thereof. Diana thinks Akko just want to watch Disney movies but obliged since there's no use arguing with her girlfriend anyway. Diana doesn't want to admit it's because she likes the way Akko's eyes light up when talking about something she likes. Even if it's about a clownfish getting lost at sea and traveling across the world, which seems preposterous to Diana as clownfish weren't genetically suited to travel such lengths even though she has to admit tears were shed.
Oh how the mighty Diana Cavendish has fallen. God, if her cousin Weiss would see her now, that little white haired devil would make her a laughingstock. Andrew wouldn't be any better.
"Princess?" Akko turned to face her when the credits start rolling, probably catching the small frown she as.
Akko was almost too happy to cuddle up to the crook of Diana's neck, breathing her in, sending tingles on Diana's spine. Diana run a careful hand through Akko's messy hair, getting rid of that ridiculous ponytail she seems to love so much.
"Is something bothering you, love?" Diana whispered softly. Akko hummed in response.
Akko was almost half asleep now, she opened her eyes to look at cerulean blues gazing lovingly at her. Akko lazily smiled back.
"Nothing, princess. You look deep in thought" Akko touched the crease on Diana's forehead, the way Diana would flick hers when she gets into all sorts of trouble.
Diana doesn't get tired of hearing Akko call her that stupid nickname from their first year in Luna Nova that started as an insult and ended up being the brunette's permanent nickname for her. To her credit Diana does not know she would fall for Akko in the first place. Diana smiled, Akko seems to know her best even after only coming into her life in just a few years. To be honest, if you told Diana she would be in a relationship with an irresponsible witch with the semblance to attract trouble like magnets and the same one who declared war on Diana the minute she set foot on Luna Nova, well to say you would be turned into a toad would be an understatement.
Akko placed a soft kiss on Diana's lips. She was about to pull away when Diana pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, capturing Akko's lips between hers, savoring the sweet salty tang of the caramel flavored popcorn. Akko found herself sitting up on Diana's lap. How that happened, Diana doesn't know. Akko looks right at her, crimson eyes searching.
"You're distracted today, what's up?" Diana smiled and kissed Akko's forehead.
"Nothing, love. Reminiscing our first days in Luna Nova. If you told me you'd be my girlfriend then, I would've turned you into a frog then and there." Diana laughed softly.
Akko gulped.
"Uhh... Diana you kinda did." Akko laughs nervously. Diana frowned.
"Really? Whatever for?" Diana's eyebrows furrowed.
"Well, remember when you had those night patrols when you were still a prefect. I was out late practicing my metamorphosis spell when Finnelan showed up and instead of dragging me somewhere to hide like a normal person, you turned me into a frog." Akko grumbled poutily. It's not like she could get mad at Diana. She did save her an earful of and detention from Finnelan.
"It was your fault for being out so late, Akko." Diana laughed. "I was trying to save you from trouble"
"By turning me into a frog!" Akko pouted and got up from Diana's lap. Diana secured her before she could get anywhere, peppering kisses over Akko's face and neck, tickling the brunette, making her giggle.
"Dianaaaaaa... It tickles. Stop." Akko says through a bunch of giggles.
"Forgive me?" Diana put on her best innocent look that always made Akko falter.
"Okay, princess." Akko relented. Diana smiled. "BUT, first you have to buy me ice cream." Akko grinned a toothy smile at her perplexed girlfriend.
"Ice cream? In this weather?" Diana looks at her girlfriend's best puppy look, threatening to make her crumble.
"Yup." Akko said popping the p sound. Diana was helpless against it.
"Akko, it's pouring outside." Diana shook her head. It's just like Akko to do this. Diana shouldn't even be surprised by the amount of times they went out late at night just to satisfy the Japanese witch's cravings. Diana Cavendish, Heiress to the Cavendish legacy a mere helpless chauffer to her very convincing girlfriend.
"Pleaseeeeeeeee Princess. Pretty please?" Akko's puppy eyes intensifies. Diana sighs. There goes her last shred of dignity and honestly Diana doesn't care. She'll do anything to make the brunette happy even if it means battling the weather to get her girlfriend her damned ice cream.
"Okay, fine. Anything for you, love. Get dressed. I'll fetch the car keys." Akko grinned brightly and gave Diana a smack on the lips before pulling her up along with her.
"Thanks, princess. I love you." Diana rolled her eyes, knowing she probably has to stop spoiling Akko so much. But who cares, it's her job as Akko's girlfriend.
"Where do you even get all the energy?" Diana pockets the car keys and puts on her coat.
"My love for you Miss Cavendish" Akko returned playfully earning her a blush and an eyeroll from the blonde.
"Well, aren't you getting dressed?" Diana's eyebrows raised seeing Akko not making a move to change out of her ridiculously short shorts. It's got to be freezing out and no way in hell is her girl going out dressed like that.
"What for? We're going to buy ice cream Diana and we're taking your car to the nearest convenience store" Akko shrugs. Diana hates to agree but for once her lovely dork of a girlfriend has a point. Be that as it may, apparently Akko has no idea how incredibly attractive she is. Diana makes a note to remind her of that everyday.
"Love, there are people there. Checking you out." Diana says sternly. Akko walked in front of Diana, locking her arms around Diana's nape, tiptoeing to lightly kiss the space between her girlfriend's creased eyebrows, making the blonde sigh.
"And they'll know I'm yours, princess. I'll kiss you in front of anyone who dares to stare. I promise." Akko reassures the blonde heiress. "Come on, I want my ice cream." Akko pulled at Diana's hand. Diana could only follow her girlfriend's lead. She's that whipped for her. And she isn't even complaining.
The rain was pounding against Diana's pristine white Mazda6, making her extra careful with driving since the road tends to be slippery around these parts when raining. They stopped at the first store they found, Akko bolting from the passenger seat without even bothering for an umbrella. Diana had to race after the dork, chiding her when she caught up to her.
The moment they reached the ice cream fridge, Akko was at an impasse. Reese's flavored ice cream, strawberry shortcake flavored and blueberry cheesecake flavored.
"So, which one do you want?" Diana was about to take out a tub of blueberry cheesecake when another pair of hands reached for it.
Diana looked at the hands of the the ice cream thief, trailing up to the face, to meet curious silver eyes looking at her. Diana has never seen someone with silver eyes before.
"Wow. You're like an angel" the silver eyed ice cream thief giggles. Diana can't help the blush from her cheeks at the honest compliment. "Sorry, do you want that?"
"Oh no, it's alright. You can have it." Diana rejects the ice cream being handed to her and smiles at the girl. She had red tipped raven hair, a cute puppy smile very much like Akko's and was wearing a gray sweater with the Schnee Dust Company logo embroidered on the left chest side of it.
Diana was about to ask if the girl knew of a certain white haired heiress when she found herself enclosed in the arms of a certain Japanese witch. Diana turns to look at her girlfriend, only to see the girl wasn't looking at her but was glaring daggers at the girl in front of her, who was squirming under Akko's glare.
"I turn around for 5 minutes. 5 minutes Ruby Rose and you're already nowhere to be found, you dolt." A white haired girl stormed over to them, bearing a huge bag of chocolate chip cookies.
"WEISSSSSSSSS" Ruby threw herself in the arms of the white haired heiress. Weiss rolled her eyes at her partner's antics.
"Weiss?" Diana spoke after getting over the initial shock of seeing her friend here.
"Diana?" The white haired heiress looked their way, puzzled.
"Akko!" Akko grinned feeling much better seeing as she doesn't feel so threatened anymore as the Ruby girl was with someone after all.
"Excuse her, Schnee. She's a dork" Diana grins softly at her girl. "This is Akko Kagari, my girlfriend. I didn't expect I'd meet you here in such circumstances. And is that who I think it is?" Diana smirked at Weiss. Hearing enough of the silver eyed girl from her childhood best friend. Weiss only rolled her eyes playfully.
"Oh please, Cavendish. It's not like you're any better with that girlfriend of yours. Glad to make your acquaintance Miss Kagari, if you must know, Diana here talks an awful lot about you." Weiss held a hand out to Akko, to which the brunette shook gleefully.
"You do?" Akko grins happily at her blushing girlfriend.
"If you must know, the conversation we have about you is minimal" Diana glares at her friend, Weiss only laughing it off.
"Amazingggg, Weiss. You even talk like each other" Ruby giggles and turns to Akko. "Is that a rich person thing? I'm Ruby Rose by the way, Weiss' partner. I swear I'm not trying to make a move on your girlfriend." Ruby tries to explain which earned her a hand on pinching her ear.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Weiss is holding Ruby by the ear.
"Oh no, it's nothing really, Weiss. She just called me an angel, that's all." Diana teased the white haired one further, knowing the full brunt of Weiss' anger and jealousy.
"Ow, but she is." Ruby pouts. "Look she has cute cabbage hair" Ruby points out, to which Akko just laughs at her girlfriend's expense.
"Ruby! That's rude." Weiss chastised her partner.
"Akko, why are you laughing and not defending my honor?" Diana raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend expectantly, to which the brunette just laughs.
"She has a point, princess. You do have cabbage hair." Akko ruffles said hair much to Diana's annoyance.
"Well, you could say she's your Cabbage-dish" Ruby giggles and Akko laughs alongside her.
"Good one." Akko high fives Ruby to which the other obliged.
Diana and Weiss' gaze met and they simultaneously groaned. Now they remembered why they didn't even talk about meeting together with their girls even with Beacon Academy being a small distance away from Luna Nova, having not one but two sugar induced hyperactive beings such as Akko and Ruby in mere vicinity of each other is chaos in the making.
"I can't believe they met." Diana groans, watching the two animatedly talk to each other about God knows what. "Weiss what have we done."
"Knowing Ruby, it's a miracle they haven't broken anything yet. What are you here for anyway?" Weiss took the tub of ice cream, Ruby held earlier.
"Akko just wanted ice cream." Diana reaches for the strawberry shortcake flavored tub. "I assume Ruby as well?"
"Not exactly, we ran out of cookies and Ruby refuses to live in a cookie-free environment for a long time." Weiss sighs.
"Never imagined you'd be with someone like Ruby" Diana snickers at how much her childhood friend detests being disturbed when studying, if Ruby was anything like Akko, she could only imagine how it was like for the two as well.
"Oh, we're not together-together." Weiss comments. "She's my partner."
"Right, tell me again does this partner relationship involves cuddling a lot and buying them ice cream and cookies?" Diana teases and was rewarded with a blush.
"Well, not exactly. But you're one to talk seeing as how you're with Akko" Weiss turned the table.
"At least I'm already dating Akko." Diana smirks.
"Yes, she is!" As if on cue, Akko appears next to her gf and kissed her on the cheeks.
"Hey, love. Got your ice cream." Diana smiles at Akko.
"Thanks princess. You're the best."
Weiss was not impressed at this obvious powerplay Diana was clearly winning when she was wrapped in a warm embrace from her partner. Weiss glanced back at the slightly taller girl.
"What on earth are you doing, you dolt?" Weiss raised an eyebrow but Ruby doesn't seem to be intimated, Weiss made no move to get away from her partner anyway.
"Akko-senpai told me that she and Diana does a lot of things similar with what we do. except they're dating and we're not." Ruby's eyebrows were creased looking at the other couple completely lost in each other's presence. Then Ruby turned to look at Weiss with the warm, curious silver eyes, Weiss seems to love about her.
"Weiss, why aren't we dating?" Ruby asked curiously.
"Y-you dolt- do you even know what you're saying" Weiss blushed and stuttered through her sentence, Diana, who was listening in can't help the small smile on her face at her friend's pitiful state.
"I mean they're dating, why not us too?" Ruby asked seriously, Weiss gulped in nervousness. She can't possibly be serious.
"Diana and Akko like each other, you dolt. I'd go even as far and say they're in love with each other." Weiss pointed out, Ruby let's go of her partner momentarily as she moves in front of her.
"I don't see any problem with that. I like you. Don't you like me?" The hurt in Ruby's voice made Weiss flinch.
"O-of course I like you, you're my partner." Weiss stutters, trying and failing to hide a blush.
"Weiss... you know what I mean." Ruby sighs.
"Yes" Weiss mumbles. Ruby didn't seem to hear so repeated more loudly. "Yes, I like you. Not just as a friend or a partner, happy now? you dolt." Ruby takes Weiss' hand in hers.
"I'm not sure about love, Weiss. I've never really thought about it but what I'm sure of is that I care about you a lot, you're easily an important part of my life and I want to make you happy, if you'll let me." Ruby shyly rubs a hand on her nape, a gesture that usually tells the younger girl is nervous and shy. "So what do you say to going out on a date with me, partner?"
Weiss smiles, taking Ruby's other hand in hers, lifting it gently to her lips as she places a barely there kiss on the back of Ruby's hand. "Partners" Weiss breathes. "In every sense of the word."
"You sure they're going to be fine?" Akko asks, she couldn't pick between the Reese's and strawberry ice cream.
"It's Weiss Schnee, love. We grew up almost in the same limelight, being pitted against each other. Only Weiss and I ended up being good friends after we got over our high horses. At one point, our parents thought we were dating." Diana laughs at that.
"yeah no, you two are too much alike that'd be weird. You could totally pass as sisters too" Akko shakes her head.
"In a way we are, I was without siblings and Weiss' sister was already in Atlas Academy as she was growing up."
"How come you never mentioned you were friends with a filthy rich heiress with white hair and a cool scar!" Diana coughs and raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend.
"Jeez, Diana. I only mean like how could you not let me know about Weiss if you're such good friends." Akko defended much to Diana's amusement.
"So you don't find her attractive or anything?" how Diana was enjoying this.
"Of course I do!" Akko says much too quickly. "I mean... Uhh... I don't! But she has a cool scaaaaar!" Akko whines pitifully under her girlfriend's icy glare. "You were pretty taken with Ruby earlier too" Akko pouts in accusation.
"It was the first time I saw silver eyes." Diana says dismissively but Akko was relentless.
"I bet you think the red hair was cute too" Akko grumbles, stomping over to the cashier holding both the tubs as she couldn't decide.
"It was." Diana admits, Akko's jaw dropped. Diana stole a quick kiss, shutting out whatever it is that Akko would've said next. "But you're way cuter, love. Stop grumbling like a child and let's get everything. I want to cuddle all day with my cute girlfriend."
"You're silly, Diana" Akko laughs and pulled her down for a mind numbing kiss. Her nose and lips cold from the harsh weather outside. Akko pulled away, leaving the blonde breathless.
Akko was in her sweater, hair messy from being in bed the whole afternoon. Yet in that moment Diana knew she wouldn't want to do anything in this world but to be with this girl in front of her. She knew she could never love anyone the way she loved Akko in their past years of being together, the way she loves Akko at this exact moment and the way she's going to love Akko for every day of her life. Diana knew she's going to fall deeper in love with the brunette everyday and she wouldn't have it any other way.
They were just looking for ice cream but it seems to Diana she found the person she could spend the rest of her life with.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Self-Promo Sunday: Looks Like Love
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This is my second fic I will be deleting from my needtobreathe series.
Summary: What if Killian found Emma first in 4x8, before Henry found her in the woods? Killian, of course, would assure her that he'll always be there for her.
Rating: G
Words: 1,000 and some change
On Ao3 until Sunday, January 5th, 2020
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells​ @kmomof4​ @xhookswenchx​ @welllpthisishappening​ @distant-rose​ @let-it-raines​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @stahlop​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @teamhook​ @bethacaciakay​ @thislassishooked​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @snidgetsafan​ @optomisticgirl​ @spartanguard​ @tiganasummertree​ @hollyethecurious​ @branlovestowrite​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @jennjenn615​ @winterbaby89​ @scientificapricot​  @shireness-says​ @carpedzem​ @wellhellotragic​
Take another step Don't give up on me just yet We could take a chance We could find a child's romance At least we'd love until we can't
I won't run when it looks like love I won't hide beneath the fear Of how my past has come undone
I won't run when it looks like love I can't spend another night alone Regretting what I've done So, I won't run
The breeze can only be When she overcomes the heat Our hearts can only shake When there's risk that they could break Yeah it's a chance that I will take
Raise your head It's time to say Those words that I have left unsaid I've slept through the sunrise And I turned Away every time it got bright
 The wind blew across the water, causing the boats to bob up and down where they were moored. Emma didn’t know if it was residual magic of Elsa’s or her own fears, but the breeze and the slight salty spray it carried caused her to shiver until her teeth chattered. She hugged her arms across her chest tightly. She felt as if she were in that ice wall again. Trapped. Magic tingled across her finger tips, and she tightened her fist until the nails dug into her palm.
Emma squeezed her eyes shut tight at the sound of his voice. She shouldn’t have come here. She should have known he would find her here, of all places. Ever since he sauntered into her life, she had found solace here. The smells of saltwater and seaweed combined with the creaking of wood and the slapping of sails in the wind like a balm to her soul, long before she knew (or would admit) that those sensations were associated with a person. Who, as he had once said, read her like an open book.
“Emma,” he said again, softly, as he neared her.
“Killian,” she managed to stutter through shaking lips as she turned to face him, “you shouldn’t be here. You have to go.”
She took a few steps back as he reached his hand out for her. A lopsided grin filled his face as if he were greeting her with a casual good morning at Granny’s. “Nonsense, love, you would never hurt me.”
“Yeah, well, Elsa’s sister said the same thing and she ended up an ice sculpture.”
“You’re not Elsa.”
He was inching closer, and she didn’t have the heart to back further away. She simultaneously yearned for the comfort he offered and feared hurting him.
“That pole almost hit you,” Emma argued, and the fear flared up stronger at the memory. She took one step back.
“Well,” Killian joked with a quirk of his brows, “it was meant for your father, so I’ll overlook it.”
“This isn’t funny, Killian!” Emma cried, letting her arms swing free. They sparked with magic, and she quickly hugged her middle again. Tears stung her eyes as Killian came closer. Like a moth transfixed by the flame that can singe it, Emma lacked the willpower to back away from him. “I can’t control my magic! I have no idea what damage I might do! I told you that I can’t lose you, and if it were my fault –“
“Shhh,” Killian soothed. He had reached her now, and his hand and hook rested at her shoulders. He ran both down the length of her arms, then back up again, rubbing the cold away. “You won’t lose me, Emma, I swear. And no matter what you face, I plan on being right here beside you. You can turn me into a toad for all I care. I’m not going anywhere.”
As he spoke, he drew her closer until she gave up and dropped her head to his shoulder. She chuckled at his last joke, and she felt his own lips quirk into a smile against the top of her head. His arms encircled her and pulled her closer. His hand rubbed comforting circles on her back. She sighed and melted into his embrace.
He held her like that for several minutes. The shaking stopped, the sparks stilled, and calm fell over her. His embrace and the sea around them carried her along to a deep, inner peace.
Then she made the mistake of looking up into his eyes. The tenderness she saw in his gaze, the complete faith and understanding, lit her up inside far more than if she had seen desire there. She inched up and forward, pressing her lips to his, and he responded with the fervor and passion they had always shared, even in Neverland. The problem was, like Regina had said, her magic was tied to emotion.
At first she ignored it, too lost in his kisses. A spark against her palm; heat at the nape of her neck. But then Emma noticed the sounds all around her intensifying: the waves slapped loudly against the docks, the buoys all began to ring out, and the wind tugged against the ends of her hair, swirling upward. She gasped and pulled away from Killian, shoving him gently backwards.
“See?” She gasped. “You have to stay away from me!”
Before he could protest, she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. As soon as she was gone, the wind ceased, the waves stilled, and the ringing stopped. Killian sighed and ran a hand wearily through his hair. Didn’t she realize that he had gone into this with eyes wide open? He knew she had magic. Hell, he couldn’t be more bloody proud of that fact. And he had nothing but faith in her.
It also seemed that his Emma had no idea of the fears deep inside his own heart. How many times had he turned away from what was good and right in the world in favor of his revenge?
“I love you, Emma,” he whispered, “and no matter what you say, no matter what you do, I won’t walk away. Because you’re the brightest light I’ve ever seen in this world.”
He gazed out upon the water, a tiny smile lifting the corners of his mouth as he thought of the way she sought solace here, just like him. The sun was just coming up, tinging the sky and water pink. It reminded him of Emma. It reminded him of everything that he still wasn’t sure he deserved. But even if he had to face hell itself, he wasn’t turning away from the light.
Not this time.
I won't run when it looks like love I won't hide beneath the fear Of how my past has come undone
I won't run when it looks like love I can't spend another night alone Regretting what I've done So, I won't run
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azaleablueme · 5 years
M for the minifics! Btw that V one was so heartwarming, made my night!
Thank you so much!!! Sorry, this came so late but I still hope you enjoy it! 
M: When it rains/snows/storms (prompts)
Ron had been really looking forward to that particular Hogsmeade weekend. That was until, the obnoxious toad handed Harry a detention the very last minute, putting a dampener on all their plans. The poor bloke had been eagerly looking forward to stepping out of the castle, having missed the previous Hogsmeade weekend as well. All because of that … 
“Do’ya think we can feed her to the Giant Squid?” he asked, gritting his teeth and wringing his hands, picturing himself strangling the pink toad while a teary-eyed Harry cheered him on.
“I doubt,” Hermione replied in utmost seriousness. “Moreover, Hagrid will be devastated if we poisoned the poor creature that way.”
“Yeah,” he intoned as they walked on, their feet taking them towards their favourite pub automatically. But just feet away from the door of the Three Broomsticks, he stopped short.
“Hermione I-”
“-don’t feel like going in when Harry’s missing it? Me too.”
He looked at her, his anger melting away slowly at her sight, and grinned. He loved these moments when she seemed so in tune with his thoughts. There seemed to be rather a fair few of these recently. 
“So?” he asked, suddenly gripped by the insane urge to hold her hand. He scratched the back of his neck nervously instead and looked around, worried that she’d read his secret thoughts if he met her eyes.    
“Will you mind if I drop in at Scrivenshaft’s and then, I don’t know, go back to the castle?”
He shrugged casually and she nodded once and pulled out a small parchment from her sling bag. Hermione bought herself some parchment, a few quills, a couple of books(seriously?!) and other tidbits while Ron lingered around the shop. Once she was done, they took the cobbled road running through the middle of the village, slowly making their way back to the castle. Now that he thought of it, he’d have rather liked to spend a few hours alone with her. But he had already agreed to her plan before and honestly, he didn’t quite know how to suggest a change. 
What if she asked what he wanted to do instead? 
He could, under no circumstances, tell her what he wanted. It wasn’t like the two of them hadn’t visited Hogsmeade all by themselves, they had,  and they’d enjoyed it a lot too. But back then it was different- back then, he didn’t know how much he fancied her. His heart gave that same sort of tumble again, the one that made his insides feel all empty. She was his best friend. 
What if his stupid desires cost him her friendship as well?
 “I don’t know how we’ll take our O.W.Ls this year with this- this-”
“Treacherous toad, bumbling baboon’s backside, stinking dung bomb…” he provided easily. 
“Yeah, her,” she agreed. “I’m worried she’ll ensure Harry fails!”
“Nah, she won’t- can’t rather. They’re overseen by ministry officials, a separate department altogether,” he replied as they walked on.  
As they crossed the cobbled road and reached the narrow alley that bent and turned after a few cottages and led up to the school, Ron’s steps began to slow down. This was one of those conflicting moments when a part of him felt nervously excited about spending some alone time with Hermione, while another bit of him that was unquestioningly loyal to his best mate, wanted to kick his own arse.    
He realised that he had absolutely no clue what she had been saying, mesmerised as he was watching their feet walk side by side. Her steps were much smaller, and he had somehow managed to match her pace.
“You weren’t listening, were you?” she asked, stopping and turning at him suddenly. A loud clap of thunder roared above them at that very instant, saving him. She let out a shriek as the skies seemed to open up and drench them in the sudden downpour. 
“My books!” she screamed, cradling her bag and holding it against her chest, while Ron looked around helplessly for shelter, but they seemed to have reached an open spot; even the nearest tree was many meters away.
“Hold on!” he shouted and pulled off his cloak and held it over their heads. It was a good thing she was so much shorter than him, it worked pretty decently as a makeshift umbrella. As he grinned and turned to her, his heart gave that same tumble again. She was really, really close now, and drenched and had water droplets trickling down her curls. 
She looked up and he could see her smile. There was the rare twinkle in her eyes that always made mad things happen inside his chest. “We should keep walking!” she yelled over the sound of the pouring rain, and he nodded.
His cloak- though huge when compared to hers- wasn’t still big enough to cover their feet, and they splashed and slipped on the muddy road until Hermione decided that she wanted to wrap an arm around his waist. 
“Can’t risk falling down!” she stated, and Ron nodded once again for her proximity and water-drenched state had turned his brain into mush, wiped off his vocabulary until he was left with gibberish or Troll language. 
With one hand holding her bag to her chest, the other wrapped snugly around Ron, Hermione guided them towards the castle while Ron ensured he kept them relatively less wet (as the cloak was practically soaked and dripping on them, but she didn’t mention it and neither did he). His hands ached- the walk wasn’t a very short one- and they were walking treacherously slow, but he couldn’t care less. Hermione was as close to him as she’d ever been, and he knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime scenario anyway. He wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Finally, they reached the school gates and once within Hogwarts’ boundaries, Hermione pulled her hand away, leaving him feeling strangely lonely. It would be barmy if she held on, he knew. The others would see and make assumptions. A small part of him reminded that he wouldn’t actually mind…
While he was caught up in his own head, however, Hermione had gotten down to work. A blast of hot air from her wand warmed him right through before she cast the same on herself.
He pulled down his soaking cloak and hung it on his arm and cleared his throat, hoping to say something witty. But Hermione was pouted to herself now, after unsuccessfully trying to dry her hair, and got busy tying it in a knot instead. Ron looked on, unable to tear his eyes off her.
She’d notice him and hex him into next week! He knew it, but bloody hell, she looked insanely adorable… 
“Ron?” she asked with a hint of a smile, bringing him back to his senses and he scratched his neck again while she eyed him curiously as she adjusted her bag. 
Ron cleared his throat again. “Yeah?” he managed somehow.
“We should get something warm to drink,” she suggested and he voiced his agreement with a muffled ‘hmm’. His mind was still in a daze, her soaking image still etched in his eyes. For many nights now he knew, he’d dream of those water droplets trickling down her curls, remember in great detail the moisture that clung onto her lips and lashes, remember her slightly shivering form and feel her arms around him.
He noticed they were walking back to the dorm and for some reason, she’d grown quiet too.
Hermione came to an abrupt stop in a lonely corridor and he followed suit, just about to question her. But then she looked up and he forgot what he was going to say. He found himself wishing really hard that he knew Legilimency; he desperately wanted to know what she was thinking as she met his eyes. 
But any and all thoughts drifted off to a hazy bliss when Hermione stood up on her toes and kissed him softly on his cheek. “Thank you, Ron,” she whispered and smiled nervously before looking away quickly and walking away.
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