#the sound design alone is off the charts
helimir · 8 months
can’t go to work today got my brain exploded by midst
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simmingnate · 7 days
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"We got to The Love Shack after dark, and the chef had already left, but we didn't care. We didn't have time to eat with everything else that we wanted to do! I made sure Johnny knew I was the only meal he'd ever be needing - and I'd always be on the table."
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"I wanted to do something wild - so I convinced Johnny to go skinny dipping! I'm not shy, and I was impressed by Johnny's carefree attitude. It was amazing to be out there with him, all alone, just us and the water. Plus, I figured that Love Shack bed must need a break."
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"Then it got a bit chilly, so we went inside and continued our intimate date on the couch. Like I said - there's no way I'm going near that bed. I don't mind what Johnny did with the other girls, but I don't need to partake in anything they left behind."
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"What else is there to say? You saw just how hot it is with me and Johnny. The chemistry is off the charts! Not to sound like Tits, but I've been with male models, photographers, designers, musicians… and nobody can compared to what I have with this dorky comedian. It's magic!"
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"I'm still recovering from those three days of dates, and wow! What a way to finish! Ebele is an incredible woman, and we have the wildest connection. It's like if a volcano and an atomic bomb had WooHoo. Loud, kinda scary, and Earth-shattering. She's unbelievable!"
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"And there you have it! Three dates down, and the whole competition has changed! How will this affect the ladies' chances going forward? You'll have to stay tuned to find out! More #JWAW coming soon… and it's about to get EVEN juicier! This is Matt Rimony, signing off."
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ivycorp · 2 years
Day 6: Culture | On Cybertron
Continuity: Transformers Armada
Relationship: Alexis Thi Dang/Starscream
Agreeing with some of the Autobot ideals was one thing - working with them was another.
After ages spent under Megatron's… particular style of management, it wasn’t easy to let go of the deeply ingrained habits - none of which could be applied in this environment without someone acting crazy. Starscream knew the decision to change sides was a good one, but there needed to be a period of adjustment; nobody should have been surprised that he couldn’t just switch everything about himself so it would align perfectly to the bizarre set of characteristics that he was sure had to be at least partial signs of insanity.
He was a Decepticon. He knew crazy like the back of his servo.
When they delegated him to monitor duty, he grumbled a bit, but ultimately bowed to the circumstance. At least this way he could possibly find a moment to deal with the doubts that were still plaguing him.
Not to mention the stray comments about him. It seemed each army was filled with gossip, but this time around he could not deal with them in the most obvious way. No, he'd have to endure it until they trusted him. He eyed the dashboard in front of him, silent as it remained since he began his shift.
It was so boring, but he could not allow himself to leave and do literally anything else - he could be responsible, and he would not let them think he was unable to perform such a simple task.
“A quiet day, huh?” came a question from his side, very close to the floor. He flinched, but turned towards a familiar figure of one of the humans that gifted him with the odd organic piece of cloth before. What was the designation.. Alexis?
“Yes, it appears so,” he replied hesitantly, unsure what sort of relationship dynamic was between the bots and the humans. How do they factor in the chain of command? Is he expected to speak with them or can he safely ignore them?
He blanked for a moment, ignoring the sounds coming from the girl, deep in thought:
Where does he stand in the chain of command? Who does he report to? Was he at the bottom of a ladder now, as a newcomer, or did they recognize him enough to grant him some higher rank? Maybe there was a chart somewhere so he could learn who not to disrespect by accident…
Just how hierarchy-oriented the Autobots were?
“Starscream? Everything alright?”
His lack of attention did not go unnoticed. The human was lightly touching his pede, and he only could thank this gentleness from not triggering his reflexes and shaking her off - it would most likely injure her and then there would be even more gossip about him being dangerous and untrustworthy. He really didn’t need that.
“Apologies, got distracted for a moment,” he confessed, deciding to for now stay civil and hope it would be enough.
“It’s okay, all of this must be a bit weird for you,” Alexis replied, keeping her expression pleasant. She eyed the console he was sitting by and looked up back at him, smiling.
"Would you mind giving me a hand? It would be easier to talk if I was up there," she asked, motioning up, and Starscream decided that at this point, he might as well comply. The human was light, making the endeavor feel like holding a fragile crystal or a damaged minicon. Setting her on top of the dashboard, he had to hold her swaying form to prevent her from slipping and crashing from the considerable height.
Alexis thanked him and sat above the screens, legs dangling over the edge.
"Well, since you aren't busy, I thought you could use some company - you are new here and first days are always harder alone," she said, looking disapprovingly at the other Autobots who were keeping their distance, only watching the jet with suspicious optics. At her glare, they turned around, chastised.
"It is… very kind of you?" He answered, unsure how to deal with yet another nice gesture coming his way.
"Don't mention it," she assured. "I might have a hidden agenda here, you know," Alexis added, smirking at the alarm and wariness show on Starscream's face.
"What do you want from me?" the mech said, crossing his arms.
"I want to gain very important piece of intel from you, obviously," she stated, face blank, mouth twitching slightly.
"What sort of interrogation practice are the Autobots employing, using children to do their dirty work," he muttered, and the girl decided to use that as a moment to state her opening question:
"What sort of music do you like?"
Starscream stared, unsure if this was a genius move meant to confuse him or his time around the Bots had already rubbed on his processor, driving him insane.
"E-excuse me?" he stuttered, and watched the human start laughing earnestly.
"Oh god, you look so confused - Star, I was joking about the intel, I just want to get to know you better," she explained, holding on her stomach as the pain of the laughter caught up to her.
"'Star'?" he whispered to himself and took a moment to consider the girl and the question. She was smiling openly, projecting innocence, but he would be watching her more closely - she was intriguing. He supposed he could humour her for now.
"I don't really have any particular music preference, and the pieces I listened to before the war are already lost and forgotten," he supplied, thinking aloud.
"Have you listened to anything on Earth at all?" Alexis prompted, pleased the mech was actually feeding her curiosity.
"No, it wasn't on a list of my priorities," he admitted, then brightened a bit, remembering something.
"However, now that you mention it, there was a piece Cyclonus played for a while, I think I still have a sample on the short term storage…" he grew quiet for a moment, and finally smiled.
"Here, it was all the rage at the base for at least a month," he said, letting the recording play out loud.
After a few seconds, Alexis shifted from being surprised to full-blown crying laughter.
Starscream didn't understand the reaction at all, bewildered, as the bots far away also nodded along to the sounds, and he found himself humming along to it anyways.
"This is better than I could have imagined," she wheezed, trying to stop convulsing from amusement. The mech waited patiently, and when the recording faded away, the girl finally calmed down.
"You are aware this is dial-up sound, right?" Alexis inquired, wiping away the tears that gathered in her eyes. When the bot shook his helm, she smiled affectionately.
"It's not exactly music, but you know what, to each their own - if you like it, then that's enough for me to know," she added in compromise.
"What kind of music did you mean, then?" Starscream asked, leaning slightly forward, embarrassed by an apparent blunder.
"I honestly don't know - nobody told me what sort of tunes they listen to, so I was honestly prepared for anything from pop to death metal," she admitted, shrugging her shoulders.
"Death metal sounds… intense," commented the bot; the image his processor supplied at that did not look pretty. Alexis grinned, getting up.
"It is, but probably not in a way you may thing it is - still, I noticed you bobbed your head to the recording, do you dance? Are there Cybertronian dances?" she pressed on.
The mech nodded, answering with:
"Yes, to both. Hadn't had much chance to practice, though, so I'd be a bit rusty if you wanted a demo."
By the astounded look and fervent nodding, he knew she would definitely want a demo. And somehow, he found it in himself that he didn't mind that. The curiosity was actually refreshing. Starscream started getting up, startling other bots, but for once, he didn't mind the attention.
He was quite a dancer, or so he was told - he was sure he would recall how the major dances went soon enough…
The blip on the dashboard showed up, startling them both.
"I might need to postpone the grand show, I need to check this out," he muttered, disappointed. The girl nodded in understanding, letting him pick her up and put her back on the ground.
"I'll hold you to that promise, Star," she shouted, waving after his retreating form.
"I intend to keep it, Alexis," he shot back, bidding his farewells.
Hopefully whatever showed on the radar was nothing major and he could come back soon enough to show them how a mech should dance.
Sixth entry for @heartsandsparksshipweek
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ejzah · 2 years
The Other Shoe, Part 8
Deeks spent a day in the hospital to get his potassium and other numbers stable, and make sure they stayed at an acceptable level, before being released home. With his latest hospital stay came a whole new set of care instructions and semi-weekly appointments for potassium infusions. Deeks wasn’t exactly thrilled to find out he’d be spending even more time at the kidney care center.
He stared out the window now as Kensi drove him in for his appointment. On the surface, he’d been calm all morning, keeping any
negative reactions at bay. The only signs of his true thoughts were the staccato tapping of his fingers against his thighs and the tension in his jaw.
Overall, he looked infinitely better than three days ago in the hospital. His skin wasn’t gray (just pale) anymore, the darker shadows beneath his eyes had faded some, and he didn’t seem quite so weak.
“You know, I don’t mind staying with you,” she offered. Despite her objections, after the first few sessions, he’d insisted on Kensi going home or to work after drilling him off. “Since this will be a longer one.”
“Eh, I’ll be fine,” Deeks said with a stiff shrug. Absentmindedly, he twisted his forefinger and thumb around either wrist, wincing slightly. Kensi pulled eyes back to the road, very purposely not watching his movements. He found the muscle fatigue and aches particularly humiliating.
“Are you trying to get rid of me, Martin Deeks?” she asked, deciding to go the route of teasing instead of admitting she was a little worried about leaving him alone. He insisted he felt fine, well fine for his new baseline, but the thought of him passing was a new constant fear.
“No. I’m trying to save you from an afternoon of boredom. I’ll probably sleep most of the time, anyway, and I’ve got my book, work, and snacks if I don’t.”
He reached across the consul, squeezing her hand, his fingers a familiar and reassuring pressure against hers. He winked at her, offering a playful smile that had her grinning back despite the conversation.
She took their designated exit, arriving at the frenesic center a few minutes later. Deeks grabbed his messenger bag with his supplies as she pulled up in front of the entrance, zipping up his hoodie even though it wasn’t particularly chilly out today.
“I’ll call if anything goes wrong,” he promised, leaning over to kiss her. Kensi cupped his cheek, extending it for several seconds until someone behind them honked. Deeks pulled back with a wistful glint in his eyes. “See you later.”
“See you,” Kensi murmured. She watched him go, blinking against a sudden stinging behind her eyes.
When Kensi onto their street 45 minutes later, there was a blue beetle she didn’t recognize parked in the driveway. Its owner became apparent as she parked alongside the beetle, and saw Nell sitting on the front porch. She hopped up, tucking a blue encased tablet into her shoulder bag, waving as she hurried over to hug Kensi.
“Nell, what are you doing here?” Kensi asked, even as she squeezed the younger woman tight.
“Uh, like I was going to leave you to read the HLA Typing results all on your own,” Nell replied, putting her arm around Kensi’s waist and guiding her towards the front door. “Eric would have come too, but he had to take a business call.”
Kensi suppressed a sigh; she’d seen a notification in Deeks’ online medical chart the day after he collapsed, but hadn’t told anyone besides Nell.
“The only reason I didn’t tell Deeks yet is because I don’t think he needs the added stress.” She unlocked the door, making a beeline for the kitchen. She needed something calming to drink. A beer sounded perfect right now, but she didn’t want to get in the habit of managing her stress with alcohol. Instead, Kensi started brewing two cups of peach tea.
“Riiiight,” Nell drawled from behind her, leaning her back against the opposite counter. “You know how Deeks feels about a transplant from one of us. I love the man like a brother, but damn the man is stubborn.”
“Tell me about it,” Kensi muttered in agreement. Said stubbornness was one of the aspects that made Deeks such a good investigator and man. It also turned out to be a thoroughly frustrating trait when it came to situations like this.
“Which is why you need to find out the results now so you have enough time to plan how to manage Deeks’ reaction.”
Kensi heaved a sigh, handing Nell one of the steaming mugs. She led them back out to the couch, sitting cross-legged while Nell tucked her tights-covered legs beneath her.
“We’re supposed to wait to discuss this with Deeks’ doctor.” Despite her protest, Kensi felt her resolve wavering.
“Then why would they send them to his account?” Seeing Kensi was about to speak, Nell forged ahead, holding up a purple tipped finger. “Kensi, if Deeks is annoyed that you checked before him, it won’t matter in the end. All that does matter is that he lives a long and healthy life.”
Nell was right. Closing her eyes, Kensi set her tea to the side and grabbed her laptop off the coffee table. “Ok.” She opened the lid, typing in her user password. Nell gave an encouraging nod. “But you cannot tell anyone else about this for now.”
“Understood. Now check the damn tests already!” Nell said, getting Kensi to crack a tiny smile.
Shaking her head, Kensi logged into Deeks’ medical account and pulled up the newest reports. “There’s only three,” Kensi murmured, opening each one and scrolling until she found the bolded results at the bottom. After a minute, she closed the laptop and sat back, pressing covering her mouth with her hand as tears flooded her eyes.
“None of them are a match,” Kensi whispered, completely devastated.
“None?” Nell repeated, grabbing the laptop and opening it again while Kensi grabbed a Kleenex. “Not even a partial?”
“Mine was,” Kensi said, which somehow felt ironically cruel and worse than if she’d been a complete mismatch. “Not enough to be a viable match though.” A fresh wave of tears filled her eyes and her throat tightened.
“Oh Kens.” Scooting closer, Nell wrapped her arms around Kensi’s shoulders. “Hey, those are only your, Rountree, and Callen’s results. There’s still hope we’ll find a match from the team. Plus, Deeks is already on the national donor list and I found a couple specialists who are doing promising experimental treatments.”
“Thanks, Nell.”
“Of course. We got this, lady.”
Kensi chuckled wetly, pressing her damp face into Nell’s shoulder.
“God, I need something stronger than tea,” she said.
“Triple scoops of brownie craze it is,” Nell decided, squeezing Kensi one extra time before she let go. “I’ll grab my keys.”
A/N: I don’t know if lab results like these would be available in an online chart like this since another person is involved. Feels like it might be a HIPPA violation of some sort, but as usual, we’re going to let that slide in the interest of the story.
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ichaisme · 2 years
Colossal Wonders
[Comes back from the dead with a BATIM fanfic I wrote months ago and only now finished.]
Bertrum Piedmont is at the height of his career, and when Joey Drew wants something made, he seeks out the best. Bertrum, meanwhile, doesn’t know what to make of the wet ray that appears after hours in his office.
AKA I needed to make a fic of how they met. The song ‘The Other Side’ from The Greatest Showman demanded it of me.
The man who had appeared in his office from seemingly nowhere looked disheveled and rain-soaked, clutching a briefcase like his life depended on it. Bertrum raised a brow, calmly glancing around the man towards the exit even as he considered calling the police. His late caller looked towards the carefully pinned charts and diagrams adorning his walls, seeming to (wisely) decide against shaking off the wet and instead choosing to step forward. 
“I know it’s late, but this is important! I have a business proposal!” He exclaimed, holding out the briefcase. “Before you go, I have some great ideas, and I just need another great man of action to help me execute them.”
“Sir,” Bertrum sighed softly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Joey Drew, Mr. Piedmont.”
“…Mr. Drew. I am a very busy man. I do not have the time nor the patience to field inquiries from every man that hauls themselves out from the gutter. In your case, it seems literally.”
Where Bertrum expected to see offense, Joey replied with an increased determination. “It’s a serious proposal!” He replied, pulling the briefcase back to himself to fumble with the lock. “I had my accountant draw up the numbers, and I have some preliminary sketches, AND reviews from the media to show we’re on an upward trend of popularity. We’re going to be big, and I promise you, the idea I have is sound and profitable. I want to build a park based on my cartoons. A theme park!”
“A theme park.” Bertrum’s flat reply matched the deadpan look on his face as papers were thrust into his hands. Joey just grinned at him.
“Bendyland!” He proudly replied, “Catchy, isn’t it? Just imagine, a theme park based on the comics and cartoons of the little devil darling. There’s already interest because the show is on air, the comics on shelves. Bendy is a hit, and with Bendyland, you could meet him in person! You could partake in rides based on the existing world, take them even further!”
The park designer had to admit, his interest was piqued. He kept it quiet, but when he glanced down at the papers again, he gave them an actual, serious glance. The man had a knack for ideas, and a lot of them. The way Joey spoke, it was like the park already existed and was popular beyond their wildest imaginations. He let him prattle on while he flipped to the numbers drawn up for the proposal by a Mr. Cohen, most likely the aforementioned accountant.
The scoff silenced Joey immediately.
“Mr. Drew, I do admire your vision— you’ll go far with it I’m sure— but I do not work for peanut shells. An animator’s budget may work in your industry, but it does not in mine.” He offered back the papers, watching him flush dark with embarrassment. 
“Well… that was-“ Joey stumbled over his thoughts, only taking back the numbers paper, leaving Bertrum awkwardly holding the sketches. “That was just a preliminary idea. You of course would get better than that!”
The man turned away from him, fumbling with more paper. Bertrum sighed, tapping the back of his fountain pen against the wood of his desk. “If we’re quite done here,” he began again, startling Joey from his search, “I do wish to be home at a reasonable hour.”
An uncomfortable moment of silence passed once more before either of them spoke.
“I get it,” Joey chuckled. When he turned back to face him, the change in expression caught Bertrum off guard. “This is a challenge to take on. Amusement is a hard business to be in, let alone thrive in for as long as you have. You are world-renowned for thriving in it, in fact. You get theme parks all the time. But this? Bendyland? It’s different, I promise you.”
He set down one last sketch in front of him, a potential design for a sign for the park. “Bendyland… is another world entirely. It will entertain children and adults alike, with all the joy that entails. Humor me a moment, Mr. Piedmont. Imagine your youth. Imagine all the little things that seemed larger than life to young eyes and pure hearts. Capture that wonder and put it on a page. Then, tell me what you see.”
Bertrum rolled his eyes, but there was something in the earnest stare directed his way that kept him from bidding another firm goodnight. He obliged him, closing his eyes. 
“Give me one memory. Any memory. One thing that still sticks with you is all I ask. A little bit of magic.” 
The man noted the distinct scratch of pencil on paper, most likely to take notes. 
“...The Chicago World’s Fair,” he quietly replied, letting the rhythmic sounds of the pencil drift turn the clock back decades. “I was 15. It was… beautiful. Art and Architecture, innovation and celebration, all in one place. The river was dotted with ships of all shapes, sizes, and designs. I remember being entranced by the buildings more than anything. Grandiose. Awe-inspiring. Historic elegance melding with the trappings of modernity in breathtaking harmony. I knew then and there that I wanted to be an architect. Turning that ambition to amusement soon followed, but first… it was the love of the buildings.”
When he opened his eyes again, a new sketch replaced the sign, and Joey watched him for his reaction with a soft smile. It was a ride, that much was obvious. Joey had taken the liberty of titling it, ‘rivers of progress’. Buildings lined the waterway, each a different, beautiful style progressing through the ages. A child sat in a small boat, taking in the beauty with wonder in his eyes. How he managed to capture so much in so little time, he could not fathom.
“What is a dream but a loving rendition of a memory, Mr. Piedmont? You’ve captured your wonder with your parks. I’ve captured it with my cartoons. I think together, we could make something truly incredible. A colossal wonder, if you will.”
Under Bertrum’s slightly stunned gaze, Joey gathered his papers. Even with the haphazard way he collected them, there was a strange reverence to the way he put them away.
“But I guess I’ll leave that up to you. Thank you for your time, sir.” With one more nod and smile, he left.
Despite Bertrum’s insistence on leaving not 15 minutes earlier, he slowly sank back in his chair as the door clicked shut. His gaze drifted down to the sketch left behind, lingering on the little added details far longer than he cared to admit. Then, he spotted it. In very small print next to the man’s signature was a series of numbers, presumably the studio’s phone number. He scoffed once more at the cheek, at the assumption that he’d be looking so closely at the sketch that he would even notice that number. Still, he had to admire the brazen confidence the man had in his vision. 
Joey startled from sleep to the sound of ringing from the corner of the room. He pushed away any papers that had stuck to his face (the unfortunate side effect of falling asleep at work), and quickly answered the phone. The voice on the other end offered no greeting and no introduction. 
“...I’ll be over tomorrow for further negotiations.”
Bertrum thankfully did not hear Joey’s celebratory noises when he hung up. 
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gaylittlewizardcat · 2 years
So!!! I watched the UK international tour!!! In Sweden, on two different performances, and I have many thoughts about it. So here is a big post in which I’ve tried to make my brain’s incoherent screaming somewhat understandable <3 the problem is I forgot I was making this post and it is now months later ._.
This is less of an analysis and more just me cramming together everything I remember from the show into one monster of a post lol
The overture was incredible! It was so loud my entire chest was vibrating, and I know that sometimes makes people uncomfortable but I love it. I can’t point to anything specific that made the overture great, maybe it was actually hearing it live, but I loved it!
Tugger makes an entrance, even in chorus form. You know at the very beginning of Jellicle Songs when a few cats silently get on stage? Chorus Tugger hits the wall super loudly and startles the other cats when he arrives
Munkustrap has a pretty dark voice in this production and I’m a big fan <3 And at first I thought Cassandra did too, cause both times I watched it, when she says “Were you there when the pharaohs commissioned the Sphinx?” it sounds like she does, but not really during the “Jellicle cats have moonlit eyes” line. Idk much about voice types so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I did really like her voice (I really love international tour Cassandra so much so I’m definitely biased but her voice was great <3)
On Thursday Electra got the “When you’re walking alone” line, but she later swung on as Baby Griz, however on Saturday, Baby Griz got the line and Electra randomly appeared during the Jellicle Ball. I’m a bit confused about it but it was nice to see my girl Electra :D
During Jellicle Songs and The Naming, Cassandra and Mungojerrie were near each other and interacting with each other a lot, so I now have no other option but to headcanon them as friends <3
Misto and Cass were next to each other for like a second so Cassoffelees is canon because I said so
I love the mysic twins. Not for any specific reason I just do <3 this tour is the best thing to happen to the short haired cats’ wigs ever, I love their ears
In the first performance there was no boot that fell, so they just kind of awkwardly stopped singing and the audience started clapping a tiny bit before they picked up again, but it did fall the other time so idk what was up with that
I LOVE int tour Vicky, her design is so cute! You couldn’t really see her toasted marshmallow-iness because of the lighting but I’m assuming that’s intentional. She looked great though, and her solo was so !!!!
Ok so I know Vicky and Misto dance the invitation together in like all productions but please understand the severe chokehold monochromatic siblings has on me, them dancing together brings me much joy
Gumbie Tap is already one of my favorite parts of the show and this tour knocked it out of the park, Jenny’s “Smile!” in the middle of it is so good, it really gave the perfect vibes for my interpretation of her character. Her voice is amazing <3 the vibes were off the charts
I’ve made a note that Tugger’s voice was really good, I don’t remember exactly what it was that made his voice so good but like. Dude trust me, he’s got a good voice
Misto got the terrible bore line and really dragged it out like “Teeeeeeribel bore” it was great, afterwards he just sits on the car boot with Jelly and Skimble while pretending to ignore Tugger
When Bomba says the “curious beast” line she positively growls his name, a huge W for Tuggerlurina shipper
Casslonzo moment at the end of RTT, what better way to bond with your babe than thirsting over the guy you both have the hots for together
AND THEN GRIZ OH MY GOD Gunilla fucking killed it holy shit that voice oh my godddddd she’s a powerhouse and she puts so much emotion into her voice I was blown away every time she stepped on stage
I wrote “Bucket Boy stop being a bitch” and it doesn’t really add anything but I think it’s funny so I’m leaving it in. Munku steps in and stops Bucket Boy from being a bitch btw
Demeter looks like she’s reaching out to Griz before Bomba stops her??? my heart oof
I don’t mind the straight Griz wig for Gunilla. I think a lot of the time it makes Griz look to young, and can often, to me at least, contradict important parts of her characterization, but Gunilla’s vibes were just too amazing and she looked great, one of the few times I’ve seen a Griz with a straight wig and thought “Wow, yeah that’s really Grizabella how she should be”
Jenny is Jerrie and Teazer’s mum canon, she acts very Mum to them during Grizabella, they’re used to being trouble makers but this isn’t the type of trouble they like
Bustopher and the kittens have a bunch of cute interactions <3 example he scritches Carbucketty’s head its so cute
So Misto admires this man. He also does NOT like rice pudding at all. Blergh.
Bustopher knights Skimble with his spoon lol Also this Skimble is such a funky fella, he’s on all fours as much if not more than the kittens hehe
Teazer’s laugh is so cute <3
Misto’s voice when he asks the twins if it’s Old Deut </3 HE SOUNDS SO UNSURE OF HIMSELF
Misto spends a significant amount of the Jellicle Ball on the tire. He’s definitely played as a bit older than a lot of other modern productions, more like early London rather than 1998, he has a similar role to Munk so I guess that could be a reason? Either way it’s something I noticed I thought was interesting
You know after the white cat lift when they’re all on the ground? Tuggers mane is so big he sticks out so much it was kinda funny cause it’s this calm pause in the middle of a huge number and all I can think is “hehe Tugger is so fluffy”
Cass stops Vicky from touching Grizabella after the Ball???? Make of that what you will, but it was certainly A Moment for me
Here in my notes just praise Gunilla’s voice some more. It was just really good okay
She’s in the background during the Moments of Happiness and sings along with the chorus in Moonlight and it broke my heart like CAN’T YOU SEE SHE’S THERE AND SHE’S HURTING AAAAAA
Jelly <3 her voice is so good <3
Gus <3 he really embodies someone who’s mental energy exceeds his physical energy in a really heartbreaking way :( He keeps doing these movements like he’s preparing to do a scene but he’s too tired :(
The background of Gus’ number said Jemtoria rights btw
I’m in general not a big fan of new Pekes and Polls, I think it removes a lot of the fun in it even though I like the whole “Gus is doing theatre again” aspect, but despite that I enjoyed the number immensely because Munk and Gus’ voices are just SO GOOD like WOOOOOOOOOOOO
Tugger helps Gus change back from Rumpus Cat to his old coat btw. I thought that was important <3
OLD DEUT AND GUS HUG OMG I ALMOST STARTED CRYING THEEMMMMMM <3 Old Deut hugs are literally always amazing just because he’s big and fluffy and it looks so safe and comfortable but this had the added aspect of breaking my heart because Gus <3
Skimble!!!!!! Old Deut starts singing Skimbleshanks cause Rumpleteazer is upset and he wants to cheer her up :(
Skimble’s number is never not good <3 I had the train light shone in my face which was fun and Misto gave a lil wave to someone in the audience
My note here was “Hehe Mungo in da tube” which means that Mungojerrie was the one holding the chimney of the train, and when it all fell appart he was standing inside it laughing, it was great
Also! The feline staircase was Mungo and Munk, and Tugger was the one holding his hand. I think this version of Tugger is a lot more mature than a lot of other versions, but he kinda fades into the background? Idk, he seems much more like friends with the older cats which I think is really nice :]
In this one it’s more explicitly shown that Macavity is mind controlling the others when he kidnaps old Deut, they all fall asleep after he waves his hands at them
APPARENTLY THEY HAVE MULTIPLE PEOPLE IN MAC COSTUMES WHICH CREATES THE ILLUSION OF HIM TELEPORTING OMG I don’t know if this is new or has been a thing for a while but I didn’t know about it so when I saw it I was like :0 it was so cool
⚠️Warning, we now enter the “Nate has no clue what to say so get the unfiltered notes I guess” zone⚠️
This Demeter ough <3 is SO good. I love her.
Tbh? Macavity (the song) wasn’t as sexy as I feel like it should be. Don’t get me wrong it was fucking AWESOME and OMG THEIR SINGING but idk. Someone who doesn’t know anything about the show wouldn’t care (but I do <3)
THE FIGHT OMG the bass was so strong it was like I could feel my heartbeat /pos and after he fails to kidnap Demeter he goes after Bomba for a hot second??
The twins (I don’t remember if this is referring to the mystic twins of the chaos twins lmao) making sure Munk is okay after the fight <3
Tugger’s silhouette caused by the train lamp when he starts talking is so cool
I love,,,, him face <3 I need to make a “which Misto makeup design am I gonna be not normal about today?” post about him cause,,,, ough <3
He high fives Tugger, this production gave me very bro vibes for them <3
I love the way he moves, he is very cat <3
Cassoffelees canon the Everlasting Herself told me
Teehee he whispers in Tugger’s ear
Griz :0
Her voice <3 love her it’s AMAZING
When Griz falls all the cats sort of reach out to her as if to help her but stop themselves [cries]
Tbh just the slightest bit disappointed at the climax of Memory, she held that One note a bit shorter than I feel is necessary for the full effect BUT OMG HER VOICE OUGH
Hehe when Griz goes to the heaviside layer she just. Floats. Bye bye.
Here are some more general notes I don’t really know where to put
Right at the end of intermission someone was looking at their phone and Skimble stood super close to them and got super startled when they noticed him and a lot of the people who saw it laughed
THEN right after someone else was glued to their phone and Munkustrap rubbed his head against them and startled them and a bunch of people laughed again it was amazing
Cassoffelees is the most canon ever, during the bows they did a little spinny thing arm in arm <3 I think about them so much constantly
Misto also does these really precise chaînés across the entire stage and I thought it looked so cool it was awesome
Also. Cassoffelees as Victoria’s parents. Something to think about (I am Thinking about it)
And still. Gunilla is a fucking powerhouse. She’s up there with my favorite Grizabellas, like on par with Eleine Paige and Betty Buckley
In conclusion: Cats are excellent little creatures
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I'd love to hear what's appealing to you about Jedi Survivor. :)
Ohhhhhhhh my good friend. So much
The appeal of Jedi Survivor includes, and is not limited to:
Visually, it’s stunning. Buggy graphics upon initial release aside, it’s so pretty to look at. And HUGE. So much bigger than Fallen Order in every way imaginable. Also on the cosmetic side, the sound design is -chef kiss-. There’s a particular part of the environment that has a sound sequence that is on par with that sonic bomb from Attack of the Clones, imo
The writing. It’s fairly simple, but effective, and the banter is so fun and natural. It feels like I’ve been engaging in so much media that has the typical “quippy” humor that has become so popular these days, but it works in Survivor, because at the same time it doesn’t hesitate to really lean into its darker aspects. The lighthearted stuff is a nice balance, and makes sense for the characters without invalidating the heavy parts of the story and characters. For some of the character motivations you kind of had to squint and tilt your head a little bit to see it, but it wasn’t so obscene that it ruined the experience.
BD-1. That’s all.
There is a fight/platforming sequence around the end of the second (?) act that is PHENOMENAL. The gameplay is engaging and fast paced. It’s very similar to Fallen Order, and also introduces new mechanics. It builds off the foundation of Fallen Order pretty well. But yeah there are some sequences that are off the charts unreal
Cal Kestis pretty
Maybe it’s been explored in other Star Wars media, but this was my first exposure to a story that actually explores the inherent trauma of being a Jedi Knight, let alone a Jedi who survived Order 66. And Survivor sets it up right at the beginning. Within the first hour of gameplay I thought to myself “this is going to be a corruption arc” and Survivor didn’t shy away from that. It leaned into it so hard. And I love me a good corruption arc. It was just. So refreshing to watch it unfold when so many stories these day will introduce an idea like that and then back off without giving those concepts proper attention
The pacing at the end was phenomenal. For me, I struggled a bit early game with how it was paced, but by the end I was hooked. I stayed up way too late Sunday night because the final act hit and I couldn’t put the controller down until I died. Overall pacing was a weak point for me, but the ending made up for that
Did I mention Cal Kestis is pretty and I would do anything for him?
Was it a perfect game? Absolutely not. Was it fun and did it tell the story it set out to? Hell yeah. I want to replay it again already
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peachsukii · 5 months
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✿ fluff // ✩ comfort // ✶ angst // ♡ nsfw
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✿✶ hollow heart ⇢  pro-hero!bakugo x pro-hero!reader // 33k [ in progress ] The dynamic duo of Dynamight and Deku are unstoppable, climbing the hero charts like they always dreamed of as kids. Reports have noted people going missing, specifically with rare quirks, and with plenty of other heroes being unavailable, you’re chosen to tag along with the duo for the night operation. Everything is going according to plan until the villain lands a surprise attack, resulting in the your kidnapping and whisking you away through a mysterious portal. It’s been a month since your disappearance with no help of the hero agency. Bakugo and Midoriya take it into their own hands and are determined to get you back - no matter how long or what it takes.
✿✶♡  ink & rhythm ⇢  music au: drummer!bakugo x artist!reader // 2.4k [ in progress ] Distortion is the hottest band in town, making waves in the underground scene with their unique sound. Led by your college best friend and music prodigy, Kyoka Jiro, alongside her misfit group of friends, they’ve been playing shows every weekend for the last few months and have gathered a decent following. You’re whisked into the whirlwind of their rockstar lives when Jiro commissions you to design a band logo for their merch, reconnecting with her and meeting the members of the band. Your eyes immediately gravitate to their powerful drummer, Katsuki Bakugo. Fresh out of a nasty three year on/off relationship, he’s not looking for anything or anyone while shutting out the world around him. He’s focused on the one thing that keeps him sane; music. You’re six months free of a breakup as well, looking to repaint your world with new colors and experiences, but turns out it’s more tumultuous than anticipated. Explosive fights, newfound fame, clashing egos, dive bars, stolen kisses, black out dreams, messy exes and hard lessons; but somehow, love finds a way to bloom like a flower in the desert - deep in the hottest, driest wasteland of two broken hearts.
✿✩ 50 first dates ⇢  movie au: marine vet!bakugo x art teacher!reader // 0.k [ coming soon! ] Katsuki is a dedicated marine veterinarian at Wavecrest Haven, rehabilitating native animals and living out his island life dreams to the fullest. The catch? He only dates tourists to avoid any serious commitments, easily able to bounce from one fling to the other without repercussion. That all changes when he’s forced to wait for a tow truck at a local café after his jeep breaks down, running into a beautiful art teacher sitting alone. He admires her from afar, assuming she’s local and not breaking his “No Locals” rule, only finding himself breaking that rule moments later. He asks to join her and they form an instant connection, agreeing to meet up the following morning for a breakfast date. There’s just one problem - she doesn’t remember anything about Katsuki the following day, insisting they’ve never met before.
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✿✩♡ tangled hearts ⇢  modern au: kiribaku x reader [ ongoing mini-series ] Set in the japanese country side, Bakugo and Kirishima are happily married in their 30s. Bakugo’s a successful fashion designer while Kirishima is a personal trainer and owner of the local gym, as well as a volunteer firefighter. They’re content in life until the day you show up at Kirishima’s gym - a new face to town that he doesn’t recognize.
✿✩ caramel & champagne ⇢  in universe: pro hero!bakugo x support tech!reader [ ongoing mini-series ] Being one of the top heroes isn't an easy feat, especially when it comes with a celebrity status attached to it. Navigating the pros and cons of it all is easy when you have each other to lean on! Welcome to the newly established dynamight agency - a place where things can get explosive in the blink of an eye beside the best of the best.
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✩ operation: shut down ⇢  senior year of UA // 2.6k Bakugo experiences his first ever “failure” on a supervised patrol during his senior year internship and you’re there to comfort him.
✿ accidental damage ⇢  pro-hero support!reader // 2.8k You’re looking forward to movie day with Bakugo when he gets called on patrol, so you go out shopping instead only to get caught in the middle of a villain attack.
♡ sticky heat ⇢  senior year of UA // 3.1k You & Bakugo are studying for senior year exams when you gets frustrated - he has the perfect solution.
♡  behind closed doors ⇢  bakugo x fem!reader x deku // 2.0k You come home to a surprise one night of Deku and Bakugo making out in your bed!
✿♡ unexpected treasure ⇢  pro-hero!bakugo x ex pro-hero!reader // 2.9k When Bakugo gets caught up in the office after his patrol, you decide to send him some spicy semi-nudes in your hero suit with one sentence - “bringing you a surprise, stay in your office.”
♡ insatiable ⇢  pro-hero!bakugo x pro-hero!reader // 3.7k Bakugo’s been away for an entire month on a mission and comes home early as a surprise, but little did he know just how much you missed him.
♡ cruel compulsions ⇢  senior year of UA // 2.4k As a new transfer from a neighboring hero academy to UA, class 3A welcomes you with open arms. You fit in with the class seamlessly, with the exception of one person - Katsuki Bakugo. He doesn’t give you the time of day, ignoring you any chance he gets since he views you as an “outsider.” At least, that’s what he projects and not how he truly feels.
✿ unbreakable bonds ⇢ no quirks au // 3.0k A collective of family bonding and little moments between you and Katsuki.
♡ on the rocks ⇢ pro-hero!bakugo // 2.6k Your week couldn’t get any worse. Between a screw up at work and getting dumped out of the blue, you needed to desperately let off some steam. Thank goodness the girls were more than happy to take you out for the night in the city and spoil you with a good time. Everything’s fine until you receive a text that spirals into an unpredicted hookup.
✿✩ this pain wouldn't be forever more. ⇢ support tech!reader // 5.7k It's your final year of UA High, an achievement that should be celebrated and joyous, but you couldn't believe just how much has changed in such a short amount of time. One thing you never thought you'd have to deal with is the potential of losing your best friend and being powerless to stop it.
♡✿ drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar ⇢ college AU // 2.2k It was one time…until it wasn’t. You and Bakugo were both single, what’s the harm in sleeping with your best friend?
♡ in the heat of your electric touch ⇢ tattoo au // 0k Bakugo comes into your tattoo shop to talk about his next piece when things quickly get heated between during the consultation.
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♡ last updated; 09/05/24
✩ if you’d like to be tagged when shorts & fics are posted, message/comment to be added! ✩
all tags; @/slayfics @/maddietries @/starieqq @/liluvtojineteyam @/jays-adventure3 @/simp-plague @/napbatata @/Yoyolovesdaiki @/catsoupki sfw tags; @/queenpiranhadon
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bankinglong · 2 years
Solid silver coins for sale
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Secondly, when investors do rush to take delivery, there will not be enough silver to go around. First there is a noticable disconnect between physical market supply and paper pricing. Our research revealed a similar situation in silver futures, which creates comparable problems. This means that for every ounce of gold promised there are 293 investors who will be left empty-handed if they try to take delivery. In 2016 reported that the COMEX had promised out 294 times more ounces of gold on paper than they were able to deliver. When you take a close look at the futures market as it pertains to precious metals, then the issue becomes very clear. In most cases, when the contract ends, the buyer doesn’t actually take delivery of the silver but either liquidates the position or takes out another speculative contract. You see, today’s silver prices come directly from futures contracts. While this is most often the case with equities, we firmly believe this to be the case with silver prices today. Just because something may trade for a certain price on a given day, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what it’s really worth. If there is one thing investors have learned over the past few decades, it’s that financial tides can move quickly. Clearly, off the charts investor demand shouldn’t cause lower prices, particularly since silver has fallen in value 70% since 2011 highs and 12% last year alone. Most mints around the world are experiencing the same insatiable investor demand for physical coins and bars. We’re not the only country reporting record production, either. Mint reported over 2.7 million Silver Eagles sold in the first day of sales alone! This is a staggering number considering that during the 1990s there were entire years where only four million coins were issued. Mint struck and sold over 47 million Silver American Eagles, an all-time record. Newcomers to the silver market are surprised to learn that while prices have been falling the past few years, investment demand for physical silver continues to set records around the globe. It’s an irreplaceable component of the modern age with new uses being discovered every year. Silver has been considered sound money for thousands of years and is the only commodity you can buy today for less than it was in 1980. In our opinion, silver is the most misunderstood, mispriced, and undervalued commodity on the face of the planet. If you have any questions regarding what silver bullion to own please call or email a Gold and Silver Bullion Advisor at Austin Rare Coins & Bullion… we are always happy to help with your goals and objectives. Further suggestions are Silver Canadian Maple Leafs, Australian Koala & Kookaburra Silver Coins, Buffalo Silver Rounds, China Panda Silver Coins, Silver Austrian Philharmonics, & Silver Bullion Bars with various designs. You can also add world silver coins and silver bars for more diversity. One of the best silver coins to own, The Silver American Eagle, is the most popular silver bullion coin in the world today and it has been struck every year since 1986. We also believe the key is owning private, physical silver coins or bars that you control and hold in your own possession. Today, more than ever, we view silver as a solid store of value and a prudent investment to any properly balanced and diversified precious metals portfolio. Silver remains the most misunderstood of all four major precious metals and appears to offer an extraordinary amount of value at current levels. When starting a collection or adding to your precious metals holdings we will always recommend diversifying with private silver coins.
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mercityart · 2 years
---------------Ch.7 How you meet pt.2----------------
All art and writing is mine, do not steal. View my art on other socials too. To understand the characters backstories pls view my character design/info charts. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
Tw: these characters are mentally unwell individuals who don't typically have the means for therapy or medication, they aren't meant to be perfect, and just like so many other ppl they can be toxic and exhibit bad behavior such as self harm, possessiveness and so much more.
BIG TRIGGER WARNING!!!! This chapter brings of SA, SH, Su8c8de, drugs, alcohol, kidnapping, torture, and more. Please proceed with CAUTION!!!!
Please read some of the bios in regards to my version of the slenderverse characters to understand a bit more.
-------------------HOW YOU MET---------------------
Hobo Heart- You had been walking around in the middle of the night, stress having taken over you earlier so you had chosen to take a late night walk. Thankfully the town you lived in wasn't the most crime ridden so you weren't too awfully worried in regards to being at risk of anything, oh how wrong you would be. There you had been, calming yourself down to the best of your abilities, well, trying. Life hadn't been the kindest to you as if late and you were at your wits end.
The slightest of stressors setting you off with ease. As a matter of fact, the straw that broke the camel's back had actually been you accidentally spilling a little bit of your drink earlier. Now here you were walking the silent streets of the town you had been staying in on a chilly night. Now that you think about it, it was a little too quiet. You had stopped for a moment, something felt off, it was like you were being watched by someone. This clearly wasn't ideal and so you slowly began walking again, this time with a destination in mind; there was a small gas station not too far away, hopefully you can go there and grab a drink or/and snack along with a pocket knife they tend to sell up at the cashier counter.
That's when you began to realize you were being followed: a few meters behind you were the sound of footsteps, not just one but five sets of feet and they were picking up their pace. You try your best to keep your calm as you walk but they were gaining ground and fast, your fight or flight was desperately trying to kick in, taking all of your willpower to not panic and start running. Then the owners of the pounding footsteps spoke up, catcalling, grunting out disgusting comments as they tried to gain your attention in their clearly drunken stuppors.
You simply ignored them, entirely focused on reaching your destination that you could see not too far away from you, glowing neon lights beckoning you to safety. This was a fatal mistake however, the men had caught up to you and the supposed 'leader' of the group had grasped roughly into your wrist to the point it was painfully tight. Whipping around you tried to yank yourself away, the men circling around you as they jumped and hollered like idiots, now that you got a closer and unwelcome look at them they appeared to be college guys, no older that twenty-five and clearly were not just drunk but also coming down from a high judging by their tweeking, scratching at their arms a bit, twitching and fidgeting quite a bit, sniffing harshly at the air.
They were violent and unkind with how they treated you, jostling you around, shoving you to one another: they were inspecting you, gripping your face in cold callused hands as they spat grotesque comments in regards to your body. You were now in full panic mode, trying to remove their hands, screaming for them to leave you alone, to which they broke out in cackling laughter. They were quickly shoving you towards a alley close by, shoving you to the ground; you tried to scramble to your feet however two of the men had grappled at your arms and dragged you deeper into the space, your legs kicking wildly in front of you as you swing yourself in a panic, staring up at the night sky. As the men closed in on you a large midnight black feather drifted down in front of your face.
Suddenly the pressure of the men holding you and atop you were gone, the men were scrambling back in fear as they stared towards the entrance of the alleyway, the only way out. You didn't care only wanting to curl into a ball and disappear however your gaze instinctively searched for the source of the mens horror. There you spotted him. A figure stood atop a lamp post staring down at the men, you couldn't see what they looked like but you did see the humongous raven colored wings that stretched out behind him. The figure simply stepped right off the lamp post, touching the ground delicately as though it was as simple as walking down stairs.
Then you noticed the men backing up towards the wall behind you, tensing up as though readying for a fight, screaming at the large figure. Whoever it was didn't falter in their steps. Suddenly everything was moving fast, one if the men lunging forward like a rabid dog just to hit the ground in a heap. The initial shock of the action had you confused then there was so much blood and shattered ribs. The stranger had barely moved, but it was clear they had killed man, a bloody human heart set in their grasp, only staring down at the man that was dead. The other men were screaming in terror and rage, snapping the person back to their senses; stepping closer everything moved far too quick for your understanding, the men around you were all laying in a pile unsconcious, but not dead.
You stare in silent confusion and shock, the person wasn't in sight that is until you scooched back a tiny but and felt something hit your. Looking up there stood the stranger, vibrant almost glowing baby blue orbs staring back at you. That gaze took your breath away and suddenly you felt safe within them. The man had leaned over you as he seemed to be inspecting you; self-conscious of your current state you covered your aching body with the scraps left of your clothes that were strewn beside you. The man stepped around you to stand in front of your shaken form, crouching down to get closer to your level as he reached out slowly to take your hand in his, being extremely careful and gentle as though you were made of very delicate glass that was ready to shatter, wary of how you flinched at the initial movements. He helped you sit up a bit and he kneeled before you, removing his hoodie and wrapping it around your shoulders, zipping it up to hide your body. That's when you noticed his skin and hair.
He had pure white messy hair and dark skin that was almost black, however there was white bone markings all over his body, pure black wings neatly folded behind him as he watched you with those glowing blue eyes. He's beautiful. You watched him with wide shocked eyes, but you relaxed slightly with him, you felt the need to trust him as he helped you up. You didn't remember much, only coming fully back to reality as the red and blue lights of police cars and ambulances surrounded you, a officer stood before you as you were being patched and checked for any severe wounds that couldn't wait till the hospital. You were incredibly confused, holding tightly onto to front of the hoodie you wore. Wait- the hoodie. You were still wearing his hoodie.
You looked around only to see your savior in the trees watching from a distance before giving you a nod and disappearing into the night.
Nathan the Nobody- You were in quite the situation, dangling from the ceiling by your wrists bound together, each leg chained tightly to corners of a steel panel. You were exhausted, no clue how long you had been there or when the last time you had anything to eat or drink but you were starving, barely capable of staying conscious, both your mental and physical being having been torn to absolute shreds. You simply hung there, waiting for the next time those men would walk through the doors. You had been kidnapped, walking to work only to be dragged into a tinted out black vehicle and knocked out only to wake up where you were.
They had stripped you, shaved everything but your head and branded you. You still have no idea what the room you were in looked like, having been blindfolded and gagged, only being allowed to speak when they wanted you to respond to them. You had known though that you hadn't been alone in the room, key word, hadn't. For a while you knew there were at least eight others, being able to hear the distinct hums, grunts, cries and moans from them. Eventually however, the room grew more and more quiet, one by one the others had grown silent, and now no one will respond to your sounds.
You don't know if they were incapable of making sounds now or, if the worst happened as you hear the sound of something being hit when the men came, sounding like a body but... The sound has started to get more like hitting something stiff and hard, this thought made your stomach churn with nausea. Soon however, your head perked up slightly, hearing loud banging from outside the room, unsure of what was happening but it was getting closer. You tensed, keeping your head hung low as you waited, expecting the men to enter the room to use you for their sick and twisted games, whether that means them waterboarding, hitting you with a baseball bat, stabbing, hitting,
punching, or even worse things when they were in that mood. Something was off though, the men were screaming, something wasn't right but you couldn't do anything considering your current state. Then everything grew eerily quiet before the door was slammed open making you flinch. There was a audible quick gasp by a voice you didn't recognize, making you raise your head a little bit in confusion before footsteps rapidly approached you causing you to tense in preparation for being hit, but the pain never came. There was the jingling if metal and then a click, one leg free, then another, you soon were being lowered to the ground however your legs were too weak to hold you whatsoever.
The person stepped in front of you, large scarred and callused hands unlocking the last restraint. Your body immediately collapsed forward, being caught delicately in strong arms, carefully being hoisted up to be cradled against his chest. You were far too broken to fight or complain, grateful for the kindness being offered to you. Then the gag was removed from your mouth to be replaced by a bottle of water. The man crouched down to support you against their legs as he helped you drink a bit of water, not too much though as it'd be dangerous in your fragile state. Then came the blindfold, you blinked against the dim lights that filled the room, eyes extremely sensitive however the person holding you prevented you from looking around.
"You don't want to do that, it's not worth it." Their voice was deep but very gentle, looking up you found yourself face to face with a person who had heterochromatic eyes, one being blue and the other green. You felt confusion bubble up within you, who was this person, what is happening, why do they not want you looking around? He seemed to notice your confusion and sighs, standing tall with you in their arms, that's when you got a glance at what he didn't want you to see. The room you resides in was covered in dry blood and fecal matter, a wall dedicated to objects of torture, mutilation and violation and there before the wall was nine square metal panels. You went limp in his arms as more shock settled into you, unable to even cry at the site.
The eight people you had listened to, had hummed to, had bled with were all hanging on their panels rotting away, rigor mortis having settled in a while ago. Organs, limbs, genitals and even muscle tissue were missing from them, it was absolutely horrific, and to make things worse, every single panel had a tally and counter. There was a section for blunt force, stabbing, drowning, shooting, burning, violating and more. You saw that out of everyone you had been there the longest at a total of 563 days. It was a wonder how you were alive, how you had all your limbs, when you get out you are definitely going to need intensive therapy.
The man looks away from you whispering a quiet "I'm sorry..." As he excited the room. Outside there was carnage, the men either being chained up by strange people or dead. "Oi, Nathan! Thanks for the tip. Wait- what... What are you holding...?" You stare as what looked to be a detective approached the man holding you, Nathan, before panic settled in around the detective.
"We need a medic!!!" Immediately you were bombarded by paramedics, nude form being covered with a blanket while they stabilize you as quick as possible, putting a IV drip in to hydrate you. The entire time however Nathan never left your side.
Puppeteer- It was a very sad day when you met him, you had been struggling for a long time. You were so tired, so so exhausted and just wanted to rest. You didn't want to die, no one really does, but it was to the point that it felt like the only option. So there you walked in the dead of night, mind so full and loud but also so full of nothing, emotions chaotic and scattered by yet you also felt so numb at the same time.
There was a constant state of numbness, incapable of feeling much else, only knowing that you were feeling a shit ton of feelings yet they were being overshadowed. You simply counted the days as the passed you by, putting on a smile for all to see as though you were the background character to your own play. You felt as though you were watching yourself from afar, incapable of shaking or slapping yourself out of the daze you were in day by day, but also far too exhausted to try, spending all your energy on your act, only to get home and immediately have the numbness take over full force, it was oh so cold in your chest even if you sat beneath the scalding water of your shower.
Soon though you found yourself staring at the busy roads of the bride you stood upon, back of your thighs resting against the concrete wall of the bridge as you stared up at the night sky. Everything around you felt like it was in slow motion as cars sped by, the world sounded so hushed when you were standing beside a bunch of vehicles speeding 75mph on a windy, became rainy, night. It was peaceful, you felt as though you could just let go, slip awake from reality into the blissful void of the moment, and you try.
You began to lean backwards, only supported by your thighs against the short concrete barrier, closing your eyes you fall back expecting to feel wind rush around your body as you fall but that doesn't come. You hover a little above the ground and your eyes snap open only to stare in shock as they meet a glowing golden gaze, matching golden strings wrapped securely around your body.
Suddenly the world was beyond loud and you felt so incredibly broken, bottom lip quivering. The man pulls you close and the strings remove themselves from you as the two of you collapse to the ground, him holding tightly to your sobbing form, finally allowing your emotions to spring free along with your tears. He held onto you the whole time, saying nothing but had hummed a sweet melody, lulling you to rest in his arms beside the road.
X-Virus- You were at the library when the encounter took place, searching for a particular book you had read as a younger teen. You paced up and down the aisles, you probably would have found it with ease had it not been for the library completely redoing the placement of everything and the computers being down. This you were stuck getting lost in the large expanse of bookshelves, meticulously trying to find what you had came there for, however you just only found yourself getting more lost, brows furrowed in confusion as you tried to make sense of the layout of shelves to hopefully find a section it would reside within.
As you stood there calculating a hand reached out, lightly tapping your shoulder to gain your attention. Upon turning to the hands owner you found a individual with messy straight hair and choppy layered bangs, wearing a large array of buttons, pins, patches and other accessories. "Oi, sorry to bother you doll, just couldn't help but notice a sweet thing such as yerself looking lost. Whatcha lookin for, if you don't mind me asking of course!"
The scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, cheeks dusted a light pink. He was clearly trying to put on a flirty tough guy act and failing, but he's cute so he gets the points. You can't help but chuckle a tiny bit at his attempt and smile, his confidence and energy was almost contagious to be completely honest, who is this guy? "Well, seeing as you are being so graciously generous," smirking at him you can't help but notice the shy look he's giving you, dang he's a cutie. " I'm looking for a specific book, but this place for all turned around and I can't find shit. Would you happen to have a clue on where (f/b) is?"
He immediately perks up at the mention of the book, almost excited as he bounces on his heels. "Aw man I love that book!!" The young man freezes up and anxiously fidgets in place. "Sorry... Uh, I got too excited. I know where it is, um, follow me." You felt bad that he got so upset at himself for getting excited so you reached out and tugged gently at his sleeve, making him stop in his tracks and look back at you in confusion.
"You know... It's ok to show you're excited and happy. It was nice seeing you like that! You should do it more often, I certainly don't mind it, it's sweet." His cheeks erupt into a pink hue and looks away in embarrassment, thanking you shyly as he led you to the book you were wanting, discussing it with you as you walked, finding out a bit about him, and that his name is Cody.
Jason the Toymaker- You were simply trying to find something to comfort yourself with at that moment, driving around in the rain aimlessly as you cried, blaring music, trying to find some sense if comfort; you had just been broken up with, over text nonetheless! Your coward of an ex had been caught cheating on you with a close friend of yours and you didn't want to talk, you just wanted to go home and process everything. In retaliation your ex had dumped you over text and left anything you gave them at your doorstep. You were exhausted mentally and physically, it was cold and rainy and you were beyond stressed prior to the breakup. So what did you do to cope?
Search for comfort items, some if your favorite treats, a nice new blanket and comfy hoodie along with a few bath bombs. As you drive you stumbled upon a store, you had heard about it before as it was quite popular thanks to the high quality toys, candies, stuffies and more. You turned into the parking lot and shut the vehicle off, checking yourself in the mirror but sigh considering you looked a mess, like a middle schooler who had their heart broken for the first time in a Disney film. There was nothing you could really do about this though so you just get out of your vehicle and walk to the entrance, getting soaked from the rain but frankly you couldn't care less, your chest felt so cold and numb from heartbreak the rain didn't bother you near as much as it should have.
Upon entering the store you could see it was lined top to bottom with all sort of knick knacks, a few toy air balloons dancing around the ceiling on a track just above a intricate train track that chugged along the shops perimeter. There was a rather large ferris wheel in the middle of the store that spun with a few stuffed animals. The walls were lined by toy type, color and stuffed animal species, the wall behind the cash register looked like something out of Willy Wonka; however, even with all these bright colors and happy vibes coming from the shop you were still so cold, sniveling softly as you looked around, trying to find something that would be perfect to cuddle up to or keep your mind occupied.
As you looked around hugging your shivering soaked form you didn't notice the opening and closing of the door behind the register and the shops owner making his way behind you, towering over you with his ridiculously tall form. He watched you, glancing at a few toys that moved to give her signals and glances, informing him of the sad disheveled soul that had wandered into her domain. You simply did not notice her whatsoever that is until you here a melodic voices from behind you coo, "Do you need any help my dear?"
You whip around, jolting as you looked upwards at the giant individual. He removes his hate and gives a polite bow, one hand behind her back as the other held the hat to his chest, standing up straight she reveals a beautiful Lily of the valley and hold it out towards you. "Now why the tears dove? A precious thing like you shouldn't be so distraught." She lightly placed the flower into your hands, leaning down to inspect you, tutting softly. "Now this just won't do at all. Come come, I know just what you need." He tugs you along to behind the counter, pulling out a tea set and already brewed chamomile tea from beneath the counter, pouring some into each cup, bringing out a jar of sugar cubes.
"How many precious?" He trills out sweetly. You hold up the number of cubes you want and he plops them into the cup, putting three cubes into her own and hands you your share. "Now sweet thing, what has you so glum, hm? Surely a darling like you has a lover to lean on in such trying times?" With that you sip the tea, shaking your head as tears began to cascade down your rosey cheeks, sniffling out, "Not anymore..." This automatically put her into protective mode, standing up straight. "Oh you poor sweet dove, how could such a tragedy happen?!
You poor poor dear, no wonder you have the eyes of a sad puppy, your little heart is all shattered. What criminal could do such a thing to you?" She leans down to your height, brows scrunched up in concern, a hand reaches out to your cheek and dabs away your tears to no avail as they won't cease their exiting your tear ducts. "T they cheated on me with my friend and- a and dumped me over t text..." He frowns and tugs you close in a comforting embrace.
"shhhhhhhh... It's ok. It's going to be ok little angel. You cry all you need, here, I have just the thing." He pulls away for just a moment, walking to the opposite end of the store before returning with a weighted human sized stuffed cat. "You need a companion to cuddle with. And no worries, simply enjoy a bit of tea with me till the rain slows and it's free, that's all I ask. Now, what's your name, love?"
Kagekao- You were at home late at night during a thunderstorm, the town's power had gone out due to the lightning so you were holed up in your room with a flashlight as you shuddered beneath a fort of blankets, sheets, pillows and more. What could go wrong? It was simply a thunderstorm, you were safe within your fort of comfort and solitude, thankfully you had a almost fully charged phone in hand as well, surely nothing terrible would happen, right? That was your logic, of course,
until a loud crash if breaking glass came from your living room. You were completely and utterly alone; weighing your options you slowly grabbed a dagger and creeped your way to the room in complete silence and darkness, the only light being from the street lights outside and passing vehicles. You peeked around the corner, body tensing to strike if need be but to your surprise no one was in sight. You don't relax but you do allow yourself to walk out into the open, surveying the damaged window that let rain and wind  pour in. "Did... Did something hit the window..? A branch???"
You were confused and anxious, unknowing of the entity sitting on your couch behind you. "私は雷雨が好きです、あなたはどうですか?" Freezing up you turn towards the distorted voice to see the being sitting there, his mask seemed to be smiling at you but you felt less than safe in that moment. "I... I'm sorry but.. I don't understand much Japanese..?" This simply made him laugh at you, a cackle that sounded like the screams of the damned. "Kekeke, あなたは非常にかわいいとハンサムな男の子です。 恥恥恥恥。You simply are such a entertaining little human. Hmm~" He rested his head against his gloves hand,
the other twirling a glass of what appeared to be wine. "Uuuh... Thank you? Wait- did you just call me cute???" You stare at him incredulously, is this guy for real?? Sighing you find it best to humor the being sat before you and so you walked over and say beside him, bat set beside you as you lean against the couches arm. "So you going to kill me or what man? I would rather sooner than later ya know. Or are you here for money cause if so welp- I ain't got none." This took him back for a moment it seemed as he grew quiet. "Hmm... No. You are funny, I like you キューティー. I think I'm going to keep you around for a little bit till you aren't so entertaining~"
his voice was light-hearted but the message made shivers go up your spine, you were dazed only to be snapped out of it once he offers you a glass of the wine. You take it carefully in your palm but when you go to thank him he's gone, only the glasses of wine and the broken window proof he ever was there. You felt you were in for a long bumpy ride.
Jay- Oh goodness what a cliche. You had been going for a nature walk, taking in the sights as you traveled. You had been wanting to move and explore for so long and you finally had, you'd been traveling all across North America and some other nations around the world and had decided to find a place to try and find stability in.
You remembered the views of Alabama and the prices, sure it wasn't a great place in terms of acceptance but you thought it'd make a great place to get a bit of experience for a temporary amount of time. It's not like it's be forever, and so you had rented out a cabin in the woods not too far away from Rosswood Park. You decided to start taking nature walks as you worked from home and made a surprisingly good amount of money but you desperately needed fresh air and changes in scenery so what better place than the woods of Rosswood?
The area was a relatively safe place, rarely anything bad happened in the town, save for the recent events of a few people going missing. Little did you know you were going to stumble upon one of the individuals caught up in the drama. You had been walking for some time when you had stumbled upon a odd cabin like area, there stood a person in their mid to late twenties filming, they looked rather anxious so you being the person you are you approached them.
"Hey! You ok? Are you lost?" This made them jolt up in surprise, they were clearly panicked and paranoid. You found yourself walking straight up to the side of them. "Hey, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you. It's just uh... You look a bit freaked dude, wanted to make sure you're ok, if you need anything or something."
They nod quickly in a repetitive motion as they stumbled over their words. "Uh! Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm good I'm ok, yeah uh, thanks but uh, you should really not be here, like reeeeeaaally shouldn't be here. So if you could just uh-" their gaze was wild, looking around in a frenzy, unable to focus for very long as they spazzed out a bit. "uuuuuh, yeah no. You clearly aren't doing so hot dude. I am not leaving unless you're coming with me, unless of course- you want me to call the cops and have them check on you?" You stick your hip out with your hand on it sassily, raising a brow at them.
"You... You are really stubborn." You laugh at this, "oh you have no clue dude. Come on, let's get you a snack or something, you're shaking like a leaf dude." They sigh as they follow you out of the park, all the while observing the area as you walked, they were extremely paranoid. They did however allow for light conversation as you walked. You did want to mention something to them but decided to keep your mouth shut in regards to the tall man In a suit considering how paranoid and anxious they were
 Alex- It was your freshman year of college and to be frank you had always loved theater and films, however you came from a really small school that didn't ever really cast new people in their plays so you stuck to band. This year though you wanted to try something new, you wanted to have fun. There were rumors going around about a guy wanting to create a movie and was having auditions for it during after school hours. This made your excitement grow a bit, you honestly didn't care if you got a role or not you just wanted to help out in any way, it sounded like a lot of fun, so you quickly made up your mind. After school you headed to the room that was on the flyer you found in regards to the film.
You saw a man with sweet puppy dog eyes and some cool sideburns, surprising considering little to no one can pull them off nowadays, standing outside the door fidgeting. You saw someone was in the room likely auditioning and so you waited out in the hall. After a bit the guy waiting out in the hall, Tim you think his name is walked into the room, being talked to by two other individuals you think. A bit later two men walk out, Tim and, Brian? Yeah, you think that's his name, a rather popular and social guy. He gives you a smile and nod as he passes and you lightly knock on the door, it was opened soon by a rather large man with glasses and a pouty lip, his facial structure rather soft and long, thick brows and light ashy brown hair that swooped. "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you Mr... Kralie is it? I um, I'm here in regards to the auditions and stuff.? I if you are to busy I can go or if you want I can come back another time! I-!"
He quickly raises his hands, laughing a bit. "Woah there, c'mon in it's no problem at all. Tell me a bit about yourself, excuse the camera, I'm recording auditions if that's alright." "Oh! Yeah, I don't mind um.." you follow him in, door closing behind you and you take a seat at the table anxiously fidgeting. "Alright, now, give me a bit of background on you. What's your name, who are you as a person, ok?" You nod, looking up at him, cheeks dusting a light pink. "Well.. my name is (y/n), I'm (y/age)." 
For more scenarios and characters pls simply comment or send me it privately as an ask or message.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 years
She sees what she's getting into from a mile away, but she welcomes it because Bruce's kids are a part of him, and she loves all of Bruce.
The kids all see it coming too, and while some (Damian) take longer to warm up to her, she's welcomed into the fold with open arms.
Selina's got a heart as big as her partner and while she's not always perfect, you can see how much she cares.
As a former foster child herself, Selina understands Duke's unique experiences and traumas from the foster care system, so whenever he needs to talk, she's the first one he goes to. Sometimes he doesn't want to (or need to) talk, so they'll watch boxing matches or she'll teach him little bits of Mandarin. If the kitchen isn't busy, they'll try their hand at new TikTok recipes, and film themselves either succeeding or debunking the original poster.
Being raised in isolation to be a human weapon meant Cass missed out on a lot of the things daughters typically learn as children/teens. The evening of Cass's first gala, she didn't know the first thing about doing her own hair and makeup. She's braved assassin armies, but her self-made disaster of bobby pins and eyeshadow nearly drives her to tears. Selina swoops in, wipes Cass's face with gentle reassurances, and walks her through step-by-step.
Selina considers it a privilege to have watched Dick grow from the spunky little Robin to the man he is today. Even though he's taller than her, she still ruffled his hair when he does a good job. She also keeps the first ever birthday card he gave her, which includes a pop-up bat signal and scented stickers, and remembers all of his favorite radio stations. Also, when Bruce does something, Dick goes tattling to Selina.
For a while, Carrie mooched off of her siblings' Netflix profiles, but everyone got tired of her messing up their algorithm and she was forced to make her own. She soon realized how much freedom she had because no one could see what she was watching. Selina caught on to the power trip and started researching and watching snippets whenever a new show comes out. That's how she stopped a bunch of preteen girls from watching Squid Game.
Tim often gets overlooked as not just the middle child, but the child who appears put-together and regularly takes on adult responsibilities. Selina, however, remembers that he's still a teenager. She regularly checks in and gradually teaches him that it's okay to let go and act his age. Selina encourages him to call his Young Justice friends outside of missions and take small acts of rebellion against Bruce. When Tim and his boyfriend snuck out to a famous lover's lookout, Selina gave them the car keys and covered for them.
She noticed that Jason really enjoys hanging out with Harley Quinn, bonding over not just Joker trauma but other shared interests like music taste. After Harley turns to the antihero side, Selina discusses with Bruce and they start inviting Aunt Harley and Aunt Ivy to dinner. The first time they do that, Harley is so excited that she baked a three-layer cake just for Jason. Literally, in strawberry frosting, it said, "THIS CAKE IS FOR JASON ONLY." Finding someone that Jason can relate to remains one of Selina's proudest accomplishments.
She's trying her best, but she makes mistakes too. For instance, although Wayne Manor has plenty of kitchen space, Selina does her cooking at Harley and Ivy's because Ivy can offer her fresh plant-based ingredients that suited Damian's needs. When Alfred's not available, she sends Damian to school with healthy, flavorful vegan lunches shaped into Cheese Viking characters. One time, she was tasked with bringing brownies to a PTA meeting. Incidentally, Harley was simultaneously baking a... different kind of brownie for a block party (you can see where this is heading). When an angry superintendent demanded to know who was responsible, Selina wisely kept her mouth shut and thankfully, so did Damian.
Cullen loves concerts, but he's a huge introvert who gets anxiety when he's left alone in a crowd. Selina becomes his concert buddy, and she'll go as all-out as he does. Sometimes that's showing up to a garage band dressed-down in hoodies and sunglasses. Other times it's painting their faces and looking like they just came out of a Hot Topic blowout sale. She even listens to the discography beforehand so she can blend in. Selina learns a lot about Cullen through this, because nothing says more about a person than the music they listen to.
Harper, though looking rough around the edges, turns into a giddy little kid at interactive science museums. During one of these trips, Harper got distracted by the giant Newton's Cradle so she didn't notice a fourth grade field trip sweeping up Selina. When they reunited at the gift shop, a chaperone had given Selina a school t-shirt and she was put in charge of grading ten kids' assignments. Harper laughed so hard that she spewed lemonade on the museum owner. Neither of them will let the other live that day down.
Selina and Barbara openly talk about guy stuff, and Selina is more than happy to offer advice in times of need. They're both pretty liberal talking about that stuff, and one time they did a tier ranking of all the Gotham Rogues based on how effective their gimmick is (Joker was the only S-tier). They then proceeded to get into a debate on whether or not Man-Bat and Killer Croc should qualify for the list, which led to them staring each other down at dinner while the other family members sat around them confused.
Steph's school offered a Mother's Day breakfast. Although Crystal Brown was doing her best and wanted to make it, she was scheduled a double-shift that the breakfast fell right in the middle of. Selina reached out to Crystal and with permission, went in her place. Afraid that Steph would publicly reject her, Selina sat in the parking lot for ten minutes as Bruce amped her up over the phone. Steph, thinking that no one would no up, was ecstatic and said that she couldn't have thought of anyone better. They enjoyed stacking up waffles and making the girls who bully Steph envious.
Long before she and Bruce got married, Selina made it clear that she would not be relegated to the gender-typical role of a homemaker, and Bruce happily concurred because it's 2021. They knew that to give Alfred a break, they'd have to take on some chores themselves. Instead of dividing up a boring old chore chart, they find ways to make cleaning fun and collaborative. They'll dance around the halls in mop slippers, play "guess the stain", and race their roombas. The kids see this and start modeling the behavior in their own ways—Dick swings from high places to dust them, Damian trains his pets to pick up garbage, and Cass and Duke compete to see who can clean the most bathtubs.
Some parts of the Manor are due for redecorating, so Selina and Alfred make a day trip out of interior design sketches, flipping through furniture catalogues, and looking at paint swatches. It sounds boring at first, but the menial tasks meant they had plenty of time for conversation, and she finally understood why everyone respects him. They also made room in the afternoon for a stroll through the park and afternoon tea, where he told her and her only the secret to a perfect scone.
The other Justice League partners welcome her into the group too. Whenever Selina's in Metropolis, she joins Lois and Ma and Pa for Sunday brunch where they share what their kids have been up to. Iris shows her life hacks to cooking large batches of food in a short time. Selina and Dinah discover an online store dedicated to selling vigilante gear and go on a Cyber Monday spree for their whole families. Steve Trevor, Diana's partner, teaches Selina how to fly with the invisible jet so she can surprise Bruce with the batplane.
After overcoming their initial conflicts, Selina and Talia hold a high amount of respect for each other. Talia sees Selina as not just a capable combatant, but a worthy partner to her former beloved and stepmother to her son. Selina, after spending all that time with the kids, understands the motherly love that Talia holds for Damian and makes it abundantly clear that she would never try to replace Talia in the boy's life. Regardless, looking after all those kids is hard, so they are very much open to the idea of co-parenting.
(Selina doesn't know it, but all this makes Bruce fall in love with her all over again.)
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after-witch · 3 years
White Room White Walls [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Title: White Room White Walls [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Synopsis: He’s going to come back soon. When he does, you’ll be waiting. 
Prompt: Overhaul + “No live organism can continue for long to exist under conditions of absolute reality.”
Word Count: 1939
Notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, starvation/malnutrition, implied character death
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He’s going to come back soon. When he does, you’ll be waiting.
Waiting for what is a little difficult to decide. Waiting for his praise? Waiting for his attention? Waiting for his mere presence, something to break up the monotony of the days that you’ve been in this room, all alone?
Four walls, all white. Decorated with a few hard-earned personal touches, tiny pops of color that make you far more grateful than you’d ever imagined they could. Your bathroom is adjacent, thank goodness, but quite sterile; he didn’t want bacteria building up on the pictures you’d asked to hang up against the white walls.
Every morning starts the same: you wake up to the sound of your alarm, you make your bed as neatly as possible before showering and changing into something clean.
It’s very important to be clean. Overhaul told you so.
Though, it’s a shame your room doesn’t have laundry facilities; after a while, with no clean clothes left in your drawers, you realized that you had to wash them by hand. Then you threw them over the curtain rod in the bathroom to drip dry. Some of them smell a bit mildewy now, but it’s nothing that another rub-down with your scented strawberry shampoo can’t cover up, right?
After you’re clean, you can officially start the day. Your schedule is blocked into exercises for your body and mind. Reading time and puzzle time and journaling. When Kai gets back, he’ll probably want to read your journal, so you keep it up even though there’s not much to say anymore. You’re running low on books, but it’s all right; you limit yourself to a chapter a day to stretch them out and, in any case, when he comes back he’ll surely agree to buy you new ones.
He has been gone longer than he originally said he would be, but you try not to mind. You try not to let it wheedle at you. He is so busy, after all. And he’s trusting you to take care of yourself while he’s gone. You don’t want to disappoint him.
In addition to schedule blocks for entertainment, you’re expected to keep up your health. This means eating and exercises on time, every day, and getting to bed early.
It used to feel good to exercise, but lately all it does is make you feel dizzy. Probably the stale air, you think, when you’re bracing your hands on your bed and waiting for the wooziness to pass. Once, you thought about skipping your exercises, thought that maybe it would be better not to use up the extra energy, considering--but the thought was quickly smoothed over when you remembered that he expected you to do it and you’d better stick to the schedule he laid out for you.
Besides, he was coming back soon, and you’d be able to ask him about the dizziness. Maybe he’d know what was going on. He liked to give you check-ups, even though you once insisted that he wasn’t a doctor, you learned to let him touch and poke and record numbers in the chart pinned to his clipboard without a fuss.
You hope he’ll give you a check-up when he gets back, because you just aren’t feeling like yourself lately.
It’s not his first trip away from you. It’s not the first time he sat you down and told you in his patronizing way that he was going away for a while, that you needed to be good until he got back.
But it is the first time you were given so much responsibility all for yourself. Before, there was always someone else who came in to bring you food and take your laundry and anything else you needed.
But this time, no one showed up the next morning. He told you someone was coming, but they didn’t.
It took you a while to realize that it was clearly a test. Kai wanted to know how well you could take care of yourself, how well you could follow routine, without him there to hover over you for most of the day.
If you want to pass, you need to keep going. Stick to the schedule. Stick to his expectations and everything will be fine.
Today, your alarm didn’t go off. The batteries must finally be dead. But it’s okay, you woke up at just the right time, anyway. Old habits and all.
You grab one of the least mildewy day dresses from your drawer and head into the bathroom.
The mirror in the bathroom is all white, muddy-streaked with soap so you can’t actually see yourself. The sight is startling, but only for a moment. Silly you. You must have forgotten to rinse it off with water while you were cleaning it, that’s all. But the thought of wetting down a rag and wiping it away makes your stomach clench--it always feel clenched, lately, tight and hurting--so you walk by the mirror and prepare to step into the bath instead.
The shower is cold. But you like cold showers. They’re the only kind you’ve had for quite some time. It’s another thing you’ve added to your list, to tell Kai when he gets back--hot water’s broken.
You have to remember not to make it sound like you’re complaining, though. You don’t want to seem ungrateful. Especially now that you realize just how much he does for you. You understand now what he meant when he called you ‘spoiled,’ the last time you acted out. You were spoiled. Now you know how hard it is to be without Kai, to be without his direction and guidance and overbearing need to keep you going.
But it’s not all bad. You still have your favorite shampoo. It’s been watered down a few times now, but there’s no more left in the cupboard and you have to make do. You’re resourceful; another way for Kai to test you, right? To see how you can keep yourself clean without all the pampering.
Besides, in a way, you like it watered down: you’ve noticed less of your hair on the bottom of the tub now that you’re not lazily rubbing thick gobs of strawberry shampoo into your hair every day. It doesn’t seem to stop the hair from lining your brush after you comb it dry, but that’s fine, you’ll take the little victory.
For a moment as you scrub yourself with your thinned bar of scented soap, you think too much about your body. About how strange it looks as you scrub your skin red. Certain parts are just too pointy now, hollow even. Like your stomach and the space between your hips and--you toss the soap back in the little dish and let the cold water run over you. You think about how you get dizzy when you sit up too fast or do your exercise or sometimes for no reason at all.
Then you remind yourself to stop thinking about those things.
Best not to think about silly things like that at all. Best to just get clean and get on with your day. When Kai gets back, he’ll figure out what’s going on with your body. Probably a cold or a flu or something. Or maybe your vision is a bit wonky, and that’s what you’re seeing when you glance over your stomach, your hips--maybe your depth perception is off and you need glasses. Kai will know.
After dressing, it’s breakfast time, so you pad back into the bathroom with your water cup and fill up the glass as fully as possible.
Gingerly, you carry the full glass back to your table and sit down. You glance at the clock and wait for it to get to just the right time before you take your first sip.
Water from the tap is cold but refreshing. You have water for breakfast and water for lunch and water for dinner. Sometimes, you mix in paper from one of your journal pages and stir it around the glass with your finger. It’s mushy and pulpy but paper is tree bark, isn’t it? And tree barks have some sort of nutrients, you think, so you’re doing the best you can to stick to your schedule--three healthy meals a day--with what you have.
Will Kai be mad that you’re drinking paper smoothies instead of normal meals? He’ll understand that you couldn’t exactly get a fork or spoon from thin air. He’ll understand that he forgot to put food in your room for your test, so you had to make do.
When he comes back, you’ll just have to explain that you didn’t have any other options.
Though, you confess… you are eating much quicker than the designated blocks for meal-times that he generously created for you. It’s not that you want to deviate from the schedule. But eating too slowly makes you miss the meals you used to have, mounds of steamed vegetables and freshly cooked fish and so many things that get your mouth watering and your stomach growling. It makes you worried that you’ll spend another night in the bathroom, stomach cramped and pain, crying out into your hands, begging for the pain to stop.
You won’t tell him about these things when he returns, except maybe the bathroom stuff, because you would like for something--a pill or special diet or treatment--to make that go away. You wish knew what was causing it. But that’s why Kai’s the expert and you’re just you.
So you sip quickly and grab a book from the shelf as soon as you’re done, and curl up on your bed to start reading today’s chapter. If you focus hard enough on the story, you can forget a lot of things.
You can forget that you’re so, so hungry. You can forget that it’s been days and days and days and he still hasn’t come back, even though he promised he would. You can forget that one of the light bulbs in your ceiling went out a week ago, and one day they’ll all go out and you’ll be here in the dark. You can forget the deep, deep fear that one day you will turn on the bathroom faucet and nothing will come out.
If you try hard enough, you can forget all of that. And when reading time is over, and your bleary eyes glance at the wall, you can focus on the next thing to help you forget: journaling.
You sit up, slowly, carefully, to avoid feeling too dizzy. But instead of grabbing your journal from the shelf, you make your way to your bed and pull back the warm, slightly musty covers.
The strap of your gown falls down your shoulders as you go to lay down. They keep doing that, lately. You had to stop wearing pants altogether, because they just wouldn’t stay up. You like the billowy gowns more and more, because they cover up all the parts of your body that make you uncomfortable, lately. You feel okay when you wear them. Just as long as you don’t look down in the ever-widening gaps created by the loose fabric on your chest.
It’s true that there are no naps on your schedule, and Kai might not like you inserting your own decisions into the fray. But you’re just so tired lately. 
Wouldn’t it be okay if you napped, just sometimes? You’ll write in your journal tomorrow. You’ll confess that you eat too fast and you worry too much and that you hope Kai will come home soon, because this test he’s putting you through is confusing and hard and you might be losing. 
You feel dizzy again. Must be the air. Or maybe the book was too exciting. It’s just too hard to figure out. 
He’s going to come back soon. If he does, you’ll be waiting.
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
broken beauty | k.bakugou
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⇝ pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
⇝ word count: 2.1K
⇝ rating: for everyone.
⇝ genre: pro hero!au, model!au, angst.
⇝ summary: katsuki bakugou had never given you a reason to feel insecure, but when the distance between your worlds finally dawns on you, you feel yourself begin to break.
⇝ warning(s): please read ! heavy angst, no happy ending, mentions of insecurity, self doubt, emotional distress and bakugou cursing again.
⇝ author’s note(s): hello everyone, i hope you’re all doing well and keeping safe during this time, this one-shot is a request from @yourlocalbabybird​​​ !!! i hope the angst is heavy enough for you heh, i tried my best so i hope you enjoy. thank you for all the love on my blog. also i tried a new banner style which i like a lot :(
with everything going on recently i’ve found this carrd to help us all stay educated and mindful of others <3
⇝ masterlist | requests
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bakugou had never given you a reason to feel insecure.
through your entire relationship, all you’d ever received from him was love— while it might not have been through grandest if gestures and shouting it from the rooftops, he showed you through lingering touches, soft kisses— dates on the rooftop and under the sunrise with hazy eyes and linked fingers. you were his world and he was yours, no relationship you’d ever had, felt as tight and secure as the one yourself and katsuki shared.
but that didn’t mean, you didn’t feel insecure by your own accord.
‘it’s just a modelling gig, nothing more, nothing less.’ is what you have to remind yourself while you sit behind the scenes on the set of bakugou’s latest shoot. your boyfriend is not a model per say, but fashion designers love a pro hero with good looks and a popular rank amongst the people; not only does it boost their brand but it’s often a good PR move on behalf of the heroes. a win win situation for all, including your boyfriend. bakugou is hot, you know that, he knows it and god so does the rest of japan— so it’s only natural that the top brands would want him splayed out on the cover of next month’s vogue magazine.
you’re proud of him, really, with your boyfriend right on track to become the next number two— you’re happy that he’s got the chance to experience an opportunity like this...but you can’t help but watch with burning eyes and a strained heart as he poses for the camera with her. ochako uraraka is no more of a model than your precious katsuki; but she is also sweet,  gorgeous and a pro hero like himself. and unlike you, they had known each other since high school, being on the same hero course and all— but being a hero wasn’t an option for you, growing up quirkless you had forced you to choose a quieter route in life and whereby you opened up your own little cafe, so it was by chance that you’d even met your boyfriend.
everything was by chance. meeting bakugou, falling for bakugou, loving bakugou. but the world would never know of you, having a quirkless girlfriend could severely damage your lover’s reputation and rank on the charts— so of course, ochako would have been the next best choice to replace you by his side on the cover.
at the time, when plans for the shoot had first been revealed, you had been okay with it. bakugou had made sure of that, he would never do anything you weren’t comfortable with or that exceeded the bounds of your relationship, and the fairytale theme certainly didn’t bother you back then. but now; upon seeing the shirtless dragon king and barley clothed princess set up they had going for the two, you fee bile rise up in your throat and uncomfortable churning in your stomach— a sense of jealousy directing itself at the girl who had her hands all over your boyfriend, merely for the purpose of a photoshoot.
you hate the way they look at each other, as if they belong together— ‘it’s just acting.’ you tell yourself as bakugou lifts the brunette into his arms behind the camera, her dainty fingers splayed out against the caramel of his chest and the look in her eyes writes words of love. you shouldn’t be mad, upset or angry. it’s just his job, but you can’t help but feel that maybe bakugou would be better off with her instead of you.
ochako and bakugou, yn and bakugou. your mind had made itself up, it knew which one sounded better—the one where you weren’t included. the two would make sense together, both stunning pro heroes on the way to becoming the top, while you were just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. clutching at your chest, you give bakugou a weak smile while he waves to you between pictures, blinking away tears you didn’t realise had formed.
“okay,” the shoot director claps, fixing the cape drapes neatly across the blonde’s shoulders. “i want you guys to look at each other; like you’re about to kiss— can you do that? and it’ll be the last shot for the day.”
your heartbeat stops in its tracks while blood rushes through your ears, the sound tuning everything out but that of katsuki’s voice. “i think we can do that.” is all you manage to make out before you jump to your feet and make a dash for the bathroom. you can no longer take being in a room with them both, the insecurities in your mind eating you alive.
you don’t bother to look back when you hear bakugou call your name, you don’t think you can handle seeing them together for a moment more.
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“yn, baby...are you in here?”
chewing on your bottom lip, you do your best not to make a sound as the door to the bathrooms slams open so hard it almost hits the next wall. you knew it’d only be a matter of time before bakugou started searching for you, but then again you’d only been hidden away in the toilet cubicle for about fifteen minutes.
without a response, katsuki starts to check each cubicle next— growing more and more desperate by the second. you know he hates seeing you sad, it lifts your heart, only just, to know that the cares but the way you feel can’t be helped and couldn’t be for the longest time. you paw at your cheeks where tears have seared a pathway down them, trying to cover up any evidence of your emotions as your boyfriend approaches your cubicle.
the explosive blonde stops right outside of yours, his boots appearing in your view just underneath the door. “yn, i know you’re in there,” he mumbles simply after attempting to push open the door, voice so quiet you would have missed him if you weren’t hyper aware of his presence. it’s locked, of course. “come out and let’s talk, yeah?” 
“can’t,” you whisper, moving to hug your knees whilst sitting on the toilet seat, as if that’s going to hide you away from the world.
“baby is this about the last shot? i swear i wasn’t thinking about what the director said— just wanted to get us home, you’ve been waiting for me all fuckin’ day...”
you hear bakugou sigh and lean against the door, an attempt to gather his feelings and words before talking again. you hate that you’re so insecure, at no fault of bakugou’s but simply because of your nature— you hate that the way you think could cause such a rift between yourself and the man you love. that’s why you had to do this.
but your lips move before your mind can catch up, whispering the questions that plague your thoughts and make you feel sick to the stomach. “would you have done it? kissed ochako for the shoot if i hadn’t been there?” the raging green of jealousy and fear swirl in the depths of your head, practically swallowing you whole throughout katsuki’s silence. was she prettier than you? did he like her too?
“fuck no... baby, god no—where is all of this coming from?”
you ignore his question and answer with another. “then, are you attracted to her?”
“not in the way that i am to you, yn there’s no one fucking else for me except for you. shit. will you tell me what’s going on now? let me in.” katsuki practically begs through the closed door, you can tell he’s leaning against it from how close he sounds. deep down, you know that everything you say hurts the blonde just as much as it hurts you— you don’t want him to be in pain alone and yet you’re not quite ready to face him. so instead, you slip to the floor and hold your hand out from underneath the door, waiting for your lover to take it. it’s not long before your palm is engulfed by a familiar hold and sense of warmth, and you almost smile at how quickly the pro is to grab your hand. “please come out, honey bear. tell me what you’re feeling. is it ‘cause of the shoot?”
you shake your head once before realising he can’t see you and squeeze his hand instead— milking the silence for a moment more, in order to think. to think about how you’re going to tell your charming,  wonderful, amazing boyfriend that you can’t be his girlfriend anymore. that you’re from two separate worlds, in which his beats you down and makes you feel so insecure that you can’t stand back up without his help. how do you tell him without blaming him? how do you try without hurting him? “it wasn’t the shoot, katsu...” you start, that your voice trembles from the get go. it was never about the shoot. “katsu... you know i love you right?”
“of course, i love you too.” i hope you do.
“then, please understand...” i’m sorry.
“understand what, yn?” that i can’t stay.
“please understand why i can’t be with you anymore.” you breathe, leaning back against the cubicle wall as the sob that’s been building up in your chest finally breaks free.
for a second, you think bakugou will yank his hand away, tell you that he’s relieved and leave you there heart broken but to your surprise; he grabs onto you tighter— pressing himself against the cubicle even more as if he could phase right through and pull you into his arms. “you want to leave me—?” the explosive hero asks more so to himself than to you and you hate to imagine the pained confusion that now sits heavily in his vermillion eyes. “yn, please wait—“
“katsuki,” you cut him off with a heavy sigh and watery eyes, every fibre in your being is telling you not to do this— but for the sake of both you and your lover, you really have no choice. you need to get better, you want to start feeling good about yourself again but to do that you need to let go of him and your relationship so you have room to grow. “baby, i just want you to know that you’ve never done anything to make me insecure about this relationship or about myself; but when it does happen— when i do get insecure...i feel myself begining to break...” you turn your head to press it against the door; feeling bakugou’s warmth radiate through it. “we’re from two different worlds, katsu; and i simply don’t have a place in yours... you’re a pro hero and i’m the quirkless bland girlfriend who can’t be seen with you because of who you are—“
this time, the blonde interjects— slamming his fist against the door so hard that it makes you jump. “then...then fuckin’ be seen with me, i don’t give a crap about what my publicist says. not when you feel like that about yourself,” you see bakugou’s resolve crumbing even when you physically can’t. you don’t know what hurts more. “i need you here, with me, please—“
another squeeze to your hand, another silent plea. “katsuki, i’m so tired of looking down on myself too, i don’t want to feel bad because of the worlds we’re in and who we are but...” you falter as you hear you boyfriend finally crack through the shaky breaths he exhales on the other side. “but, i need to get better, for me, for both of us...i have to let us go.”
silence crackles through the air in the bathroom, heavy with pain unlike the usual comfortable ones you share together— where nothing else matters on the world aside from the love you have together. prying your hand from bakugou’s death grip, you stand up to wipe at your tears stained cheeks and sore eyes before unlocking the door to your cubicle. the blonde sits on the floor opposite you, still in the outfit the stylists had spent ages dressing him in hours before. only this time he’s there with a dark storm cloud sitting heavily over his precious heart.
vermillion eyes find yours, tired and broken beyond belief and you figure that you probably look the same. but still, bakugou smiles and opens his arms out for to ease your way into. “you’ll come back to me, right?” he almost whimpers when you finally relax into his chest, clinging onto his arms as if he’ll disappear. you know he understands, he doesn’t want to see you suffer anymore.
“i always will.”
you don’t know how long you spend holding each other from that moment on, in a quietness that speaks volumes of goodbyes and i love yous. all you know, is that your heart will always belong to katsuki bakugou long after this day; a broken beauty and all.
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some more helpful links about recent events:
educate yourself carrd
issues going on in the world carrd
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netherworldpost · 3 years
After a lot of physical and emotional pain I've come to the conclusion that I have, in your words, "veered off the chart entirely". There really isn't a space for me, and unfortunately I've never felt any joy from discovering this, either. If anything, it makes me feel more isolated. As much as I want to take fierce angry pride in being a monster, it's difficult and lonely, and I'm tired of fighting. I guess I'm looking for some words of encouragement, if you have any. Thanks.
With the disclaimer of "I'm not a therapist and ergo a good next step would be to talk to one," it sounds like you are describing non-binary or perhaps agender. And/or if you are talking about sexuality, somewhere on the ace scale.
A few things that spark: First of all, you're not a monster. It feels more like you are someone with a need for answers and without the resources to find them.
This is a frustrating place to be. I hope I can help point you in some directions.
Without above said therapy training + sessions + etc., I can't say what you're feeling (and I would not presume to speak for you). I am comfortable saying that all human emotion and experiences exist with overlaps (some large, some tiny and some near, some far) with how other folk have lived their lives.
Most modern societies, and many modern families, and some modern friend groups, present a pretty strict set of designated options. You are BOY or GIRL. You are STRAIGHT or GAY. And some really specific clear directives: Have sex, don't have sex (etc.)
If you fit into one of these categories without friction, there is a significant chance you don't think outside the possibilities. Sometimes this causes negativity when encountering someone from outside said experience -- and in my personal experience, it creates as much (or more) casual dismissal.
I specify "casual dismissal" because, without malice, a lot of folks will encounter what you are trying to figure out and not appreciate the weight of difficulty and emotion behind it.
Because they do not deal with it, it is hard for them to understand the scope of it.
Their ability to learn the size of this difficulty greatly influences how they react to you, whom is experiencing friction, over time. Which influences how your desire (vs. various levels of need) to continue to experience life with them.
Let's move on to you.
What do you want? Literally, what are you looking to know about yourself? How do you, personally, learn and experiment and grow?
Do you want a community to chat about with the things you are going through?
Do you want a flag or a marker that you can pinpoint and say "I am not alone here" but with less community reach? Just a validation?
Do you want this to become a large, resource-intensive journey?
Do you want someone to browse journaled feelings and say "ah ha I think you should explore xyz identities?"
How are you comfortable learning and exploring? Alone, in books, in video, in chats with folk going through something similar? With experts who can help pinpoint, with folk currently processing so you can bounce ideas?
These are not mutually exclusive nor is this an exhaustive list, but I hope it gets you started.
There is nothing in the universe that is so outside human understanding that it cannot be researched.
We have orbital observation towers who are looking into the depths of space and literally seeing back in time as folk with massive brain power figuring out how all of this began.
We have therapists and authors and sexuality researchers and gender researchers and writers and artists and ceramicists and fanfic writers and bloggers and knitters and tailors who are sitting in offices and homes and coffee shops and bedrooms and libraries doing the same thing but inward. For themselves and publishing their work for others.
The bad news is you are not falling along popularly defined lines.
The good news is you are neither alone nor unknowable to the extent you wish to be known.
The best news is the price for the ticket for this knowledge is simply to exist, so your purchase price has already been paid, it's time to get your money's worth.
The bonus news is there isn't a time frame. You don't need to figure out who you are by 25, or 35, or 95. The journey of life is a process of continual discovery and evolution and growth. See above "best news" for criteria of worthiness.
This part is going to get a little off-kilter but bear with me.
In every experiment and research project, be it personal or academic etc., we are trying to separate out the known, which is a narrow set of specifics, and the unknown, which is an infinite number of specifics. The unknown is not a permanent state. It is the beginning state.
We have to loop into what areas of comfort you are looking for.
Incomplete criteria:
Are you looking to become more comfortable with your physical appearance? Start building mood boards, clip images that spark joy. Outfits, makeup, accessories, individual pieces of clothing. How they fit, their color, style, shape, material. Skirt, pants, leggings, shirt, dress, suit. Formal, informal, casual. Bright. Dark. Simple. Elaborate. (etc).
Are you looking for a partner(s)? Bit trickier because we're now involving other people, but realistically this is just another dataset to consider. If you want your relationship to be sexual, address that. If not, address that. Friendly or romantic, both, inbetween. Loud or soft, both. Etc.
It sounds like you're seeking a named identity. For example, "non-binary somewhat femme presenting bisexual with pronouns they/theme, smallest possible priority to pronoun, introvert with occasional extrovert tendencies..." etc.
As I say above it sounds like you are looking to know your place in the sea of human experience and a name to attach to it.
If you catalog your experiences, you'll be be able to better direct, shape, consume, and create the media that represents what you're looking for, and the communities you wish to join or build.
There is nothing in the universe that is so outside human understanding that it cannot be researched.
The pain and confusion arise because you were presented a limited menu of options and none address what you want and need. The driving nature of inclusivity is to reduce this pain and confusion in an increasingly larger population by growing the menu.
Ergo: your discoveries, public or private, increase the scope of knowledge of human experience and reshape the world into a better, more inclusive place, by influencing your actions to yourself and others, with an emphasis on every time someone sees you and themselves feels seen.
Which as you might have guessed is why I personally ramble about all of these things, and for proof of advantage, is what brought you here, now, and going forward to anyone else who reads it.
I wish you the best of luck!
May you find answers, comfort, and joy.
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sky-berrie · 3 years
How do you think the batboys (+ possibly Bruce) would react to a male SO having an inappropriate emotional response. Specifically laughing as a reaction to pain/extreme emotions. Not being able to control it and seeming hysterical. - ⛓
Hi there!
Thanks so much for the ask! I hope you enjoy this 😊
When you and Bruce first start appearing in public as an official couple, Bruce’s public relations (PR) manager will probably voice their concerns about your relationship. His PR manager might feel that you are not good for his public image. “If Y/N has a fit of laughter at the gala, you’ll be the laughingstock,” argues the PR manager. Bruce will fire them on the spot. It’ll probably blow up into a big scandal in the tabloids.
If you happen to read the stories, it probably plants a seed of doubt in your mind. You might start to feel like you don’t deserve to be with Bruce. However, don’t bother trying to be noble and break up with him to preserve his public image. He won’t let you go unless you truly don’t want to be with him.
Bruce doesn’t like it when you use self-deprecating humor. If you say something like, “Your PR manager isn’t going to be happy with me. You’ll probably have to give them a raise for all the damage control they’re going to have to do,” Bruce will immediately shut that down. He refuses to let you talk about yourself as if you’re a burden, even if you are half-joking. He reminds you that, “laughing isn’t something you can control and that’s okay.”
If you’re nervous about attending an event, Bruce helps you prepare by scoping out the building and figuring out where to stand and mingle so that you always have a quick escape if you start to feel overwhelmed or need to take a break.
If people are gossiping about you, Bruce will confront them. He doesn’t use threats. He’s composed and professional when he insinuates that they’re insolent ignoramuses for being judgmental. That usually leaves them feeling embarrassed and Bruce is satisfied with that.
Dick is a former entertainer so he enjoys making people smile and laugh. He doesn’t see your uncontrollable laughter as a negative trait. If you need some cheering up, Dick will tell you how much he adores your laugh and how lucky he is to hear it. Of course, he understands how uncontrollable laughter might cause you distress, so during those times, he will likely hold you and tell you that everything is going to be okay.
Dick won’t force you to go out in public if you’re anxious about having an uncontrollable reaction in a social setting, but he will strongly encourage you to try. He doesn’t want you to miss out on life and he also just really loves your company. Some days are good and you challenge yourself to get out in public while other days are harder and you don’t feel up to doing anything outside. Dick will let you know that it’s okay to take the day off. If you’re skipping an event (e.g., graduation, a concert, a party), Dick will do his best to bring the event to you. He’ll decorate your home appropriately for the festivity and make sure you have a great time.
If an episode of laughter occurs in public, Dick will find you a safe and comfortable place to calm down. If people are sincerely concerned for you, Dick will politely explain if you are comfortable with him telling people. If people are being obnoxious to you, Dick will tell them to mind their own business. If you are getting harassed, Dick will pull out his badge and become Officer Grayson. He’ll give the douchebags a warning and will make arrests if necessary.
When Jason witnesses your laughing fit for the first time, he’s genuinely worried about you. He doesn’t know what to do and feels useless. He’s not sure if you want physical contact or space so he just hovers around, waiting for a hint. If you want comfort, he will hold you in his arms and rub soothing circles on your back. If you want alone time, Jason will busy himself by making you your favorite snack so you have something to eat when you’re feeling better.
Jason absolutely hates when you feel ashamed of your emotional reactions. If you put yourself down and say, “I laugh like the f*cking Joker! I’m as screwed up and damaged as him!” he will immediately tell you otherwise. “You are nothing like the Joker. You’re kind and compassionate and selfless. Living with inappropriate affect doesn’t change any of that. And I don’t want to hear you say you’re damaged ever again. There’s nothing wrong with you. Got it?” he says sternly.
If someone else dares to compare you to the Joker, Jason will go berserk. Even if he doesn’t intend to seriously hurt the person, he will by accident because his strength multiplies by tenfold when he’s beyond furious. Sometimes Red Hood’s foes will mock you because it never fails to get a rise out of Jason. Anyone who knows Jason’s story knows that the depraved clown is still a major sore spot for him. Having been mercilessly beaten and murdered by the supervillain and being forever haunted by his maniacal laughter, Jason’s hatred for the Joker is probably justified. Jason refuses to let others disrespect you like that.
If you are distressed by your inappropriate emotional reactions, Tim will do everything he can to help you manage them. He will suggest therapy and doctor’s appointments and will offer to take you there. He will even ask to attend a meeting with you so he can learn how to best support you. If your therapist recommends using an emotion chart to practice labelling your emotions, Tim will constantly remind to use it throughout the day. He’ll even print out the chart and hang it on the fridge so you have the option to share your feelings with him if you are comfortable. If your doctor prescribes medication, Tim will make sure you take it properly (e.g., at the right time, with/without food).
If you are feeling down about yourself, Tim will use logic to try to convince you that you shouldn’t be ashamed because it’s not something you can control. “Would you tell a person with allergies to be ashamed of themselves? No, that would be ridiculous because they have no control over it.”
Tim, like the rest of his family, is treated like a celebrity in Gotham. Naturally, the public is interested in his dating life which means you are also a target of the paparazzi. If you are worried about experiencing a laughing attack in public and having it captured on camera, Tim will get you “anti-paparazzi” clothing. It’s made out of a reflective material which causes the flash from the camera to reflect back and completely ruin the photo. It’s common for celebrities to wear an anti-paparazzi jacket, but Tim will get you all sorts of custom-made clothing pieces so that you can still be stylish. For example, if you are attending a gala, he will have some fancy clothes designed for you.
If kids at school are cruel to you, Damian will stick by your side and act like a personal bodyguard. He’s witty and often has a snappy comeback for the taunts and teases that you endure. You might be hysterically laughing and a passerby shouts at you, “You sound like a donkey!” and Damian will retort, “Your native language, I presume?” He won’t engage in physical fights unless it’s necessary for your safety. For example, he will intervene if someone is shoving you around or stuffing you in a locker, but only using enough force to stop their harassment.
Damian is overprotective which can make things worse for you. He’s always fighting your battles and that’s just one more reason for bullies to pick on you. They prey on you when you’re alone, “Hey chuckles, you going to man/woman up and fight me like a big boy/girl today? Or should I wait for your nanny to show up?” If you mention this to Damian, his first impulse is to confront the bully about their behavior. You have to remind him that would only prove the bully right. Damian will grumble something about injustice but will leave the situation be as per your request. He makes an effort to respect your independence and let you stick up for yourself, but he often slips up because it’s his instinct to protect you.
If you must leave class because of an episode of uncontrollable laughter, Damian will accompany you. The teacher might tell him to sit back down because he doesn’t have a hall pass, but he doesn’t care. He will walk out of the room without a second thought. He’ll stay with you and help you calm down in any way that he can. He’ll also offer to work on the homework with you so that you don’t fall behind.
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memeadonna · 3 years
Anything for You, Baby
Hello everyone! This is a short little thirst story I wrote for @sendhelpimstupid featuring Sugar Baby Kirishima. The stunning art can be found here. Please visit her page and show her some love! 
This story is 18+. Minors DNI 
Warnings: Sugar Baby/Sugar Mommy Relationship, Premature Ejaculation, Cross-Dressing, Sub Kirishima, Unprotected Sex, Breeding Kink, Mild Choking, Scratching and Biting Mentioned, Vaginal Intercourse, I wrote this in like 3 hours sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes
Word Count: 2,562
Of all the things you were thankful for in life, people were always surprised when you mentioned Kirishima's expensive taste. Your entire relationship had started because he hadn't noticed how much money he'd been spending until one day he was overdrawn. He hadn't added up the totals of his expenses in his head, hadn't realized every time he swiped his card that money left his account. He liked the finer things in life, and how was he supposed to know that his bank account was meant to last him all of his first semester? His parents had told him "figure it out", so he couldn't even ask them for help. 
Being at a hero school was tough already – he could barely even enjoy the city nightlife since he was stuck at the dorms between classes doing homework. He didn't even have enough time to get a job outside of school hours. Maybe he wasn't cut out for university, let alone at a prestigious hero school. 
You had noticed Kirishima's state of panic, and when he confessed to everyone in the dorm that he was out of money, people (Bakugou and his other friends) had made fun of him. Uraraka and Iida had stepped in immediately, chastising them for mocking him. He tried to play it off as no big deal, that he'd figure it out, and the conversation shifted elsewhere. 
You'd been born into a wealthy family like Iida and Momo, and on top of that you'd had your own job throughout high school, so you'd saved up lots of money already.  "I could hire you," you told him after everyone had left for the night. "Pay you to do things for me." 
"I don't need your charity," he'd snapped back. "Did Bakugou put you up to this?" 
"I just thought I'd offer to help you since we're friends," you answered calmly, before getting up and heading to your dorm. That night you'd sat up late regretting ever asking him if he needed help. 
Early the next morning he was at your door. "What kind of things?" was the first thing he asked, as you rubbed your eyes and blinked up at him blearily. You made him repeat himself twice because the words didn't stick in your brain this early. 
"Clean my room, do my laundry," you'd finally told him, offering what you hoped was a kind smile. "Other things when I want them." The blush he gave you at those words more than made up for his harshness last night. 
You'd started slowly, of course. You gave him rewards for handing in assignments on time, taken him out to dinner when he got good grades, and little treats for random things. "Do I always need a reason, baby?" you'd asked him one night as he examined the concert tickets, you'd just given him. You'd been delighted to accept the ticket he gave back to you and had secretly smiled to yourself as Denki had whined and complained that Kirishima had promised to take him! But that was back when Kirishima was spending his money on everything. Now he was just spending it on himself. 
One day, half-joking, you'd gifted him a French Maid outfit to clean your room in. It was just a little too tight for him (he couldn't even do the zipper up!), but it was the creamy white stockings and cute little heels you were interested in. He tried his hardest to clean your room, but after the third time he rolled his ankle, he ended up with you in his lap, and let's just say that your relationship changed from there. 
You'd pushed him back into your bed and felt him up beneath the skirts and ruffles. You left a smattering of dark hickies over his neck and collarbones, moving down his body with clear intent. He was beet red, sitting up and panting as he watched you with wide eyes. Your hands slipped below his skirts and trailed up his legs, and you watched him squirm. "Aw," you teased, revelling in your victory. "What's wrong, does the baby like getting dressed up all cute and ravaged?" 
He stammered with a reply for a moment, but you dipped under his skirt and the breathy gasp he let out as you began to kiss up his thighs was more than worth it. A part of you wanted to pull back out and apply lipstick so you could leave more evidence of your kisses, but there was no way in hell you were going to back down now. You settled for more hickies and a few bites, and by the time you reached your prize, he was hard and throbbing. 
You were the only person with a dorm on your floor (luck of the draw), so you didn't dare tell him he should quiet down his moaning, especially not as you slid the lacy panties reverently down his thighs. 
It was clearly his first time, and he was squirming in your grip as you gave him a teasing lick. A part of you wanted to pull back and tease him some more, but this was too good to pass up. He threw an arm over his eyes and slipped his other hand into your hair. He arched his back as you raked your nails down his thighs, and let out the sweetest noise you'd ever heard, blowing his load directly in your face before you could even get him into your mouth. After you'd finished laughing and wiped his spunk off of your face, you'd given him the sweetest kiss on the cheek. He'd gone beet red as you laughed, and hadn't said no when you promised him a shopping spree because he was just so good for you. 
The sales lady at the lingered store had been surprisingly accommodating when you'd asked her if they carried up to a 3X. 
He'd been your sugar baby for all of first year, even after he got his own allowance from his parents. He'd been your boyfriend the rest of your university career (of course, you still liked to treat your spoiled baby), and a few years out of school he'd asked you to marry him, with that same sweet expression he always had when he told you he loved you. 
The world saw Red Riot as a strong, manly hero that took shit from nobody. They also saw him as hopelessly in love with you (or with Dynamight, depending on which magazine you read). He was a real Man's Man, always on the covers of fitness magazines or advertising sports drinks and protein powders. He advocated for always being chivalrous and brave, but that Manly Men also took the time to be vulnerable and compassionate. 
One thing that hadn't changed since your days in university was the fact that your Eijirou loved to be spoiled. Shopping sprees, private chefs, weekends away… his eyes always lit up no matter what you surprised him with. You were both similarly ranked in the charts, and both made a lot of money, but he secretly adored the fact that you had a bank account you filled up every month just for him. He'd buy whatever he wanted with it, whether it was designer clothes or handbags (for either of you), or any number of things (he particularly liked buying new gym equipment that the two of you most certainly didn't need). 
Today had been a hard day. You'd been overusing your quirk and your muscles were sore, not to mention you'd been working with one Lord Explosion Murder God which meant that you'd been ordered around all day.
When you got home, a note from your husband was laying on the counter. Eijirou would be home a little late, and you could order whatever for dinner. Grumbling to yourself, you refused to take yet another order from yet another person and reheated leftovers in the fridge. Take that, loving husband! 
You ate standing at the counter in your uniform, and after you'd put the dishes away you marched up to your bedroom, already peeling your costume off. You left it on the bathroom floor as you hopped into the shower, and just let the hot water scald your aching muscles. You used Eijirou's body wash because you missed his smell, and changed into your pyjamas while you combed your hair. 
You crawled under the covers and scrolled on your phone for a while, wishing your husband would just hurry up and come home already. You wanted to fall asleep in his arms, hear him tell you all about how he would protect you from the bad things in the world. 
The sound of footsteps ascending the stairs woke you from a restless sleep, and you sat up in bed. How long were you asleep? Was that your Eiji? 
The door opened, and what greeted you took your breath away. Your husband stood in the doorway with a sheer robe, trimmed with red faux fur. It was tied with a ribbon around his waist and accentuated his hips beautifully. He was wearing red lacy thigh highs and nothing else beneath the robe. He completed the look with a set of Louis Vuitton stilettos, which you noticed in passing due to the stunning everything else the Adonis before you was showing off. 
"Hey," he purred. "Heard you had a rough day." He smirked at you as your eyes trailed up and down his body. "Can I make it better?" he took a few steps into the room, undoing the ribbon around his waist teasingly slowly. He opened the robe, letting it fall off his shoulders and rest at his elbows. He had filled out a lot since university, and he was a healthy 7'6 and twice as wide as you. He could lift you with one arm and toss you like a football if he wanted, but as he dropped his robe to the floor and elegantly clicked his way across the room towards you, he had no intention of tossing you around tonight. That thought made sparks dance around your core, and you felt your panties starting to soak. 
You sat up on your knees for a better look at him. He ran his hands over his body, shamelessly showing off for you. His dick stood proud and tall and was already leaking for you. You smiled at him as you slipped into your role. "Did you buy that to look pretty for me?" you asked ever so sweetly. "Sounds like you want a reward." 
He walked right up to the side of the bed with a breathy "Yes,". You leaned up for a kiss and enjoyed the feeling of him smiling against your lips as he took his time with you. 
His hands gently explored your curves, squeezing the plush of your thighs and the soft skin beneath your breasts, and as you pulled back to lick your lips at him, "Anything for you, Baby," felt like the most natural thing to say. 
He crawled into bed, careful not to kick you with his knife-shoes, and placed his wrists at the headboard. You attached the restraints with all the care in the world, and ran your hands over your baby's chest, admiring all of the scars that years of hero work had marked him with. "You're beautiful," you told him, leaning down for another kiss. 
You painted his chest with kisses and hickies, not caring if they'd be visible the next day. Let people stare. Let people know who your man belonged to. 
"I love these too," you ran your hand over his new stockings. "You know lace is my favourite." 
"Always the best for mommy," he purred back, pleased with himself as you explored his body. It had become familiar to you; you knew everywhere he was sensitive. You knew how to get him going, how to slow him down, and how to drive him wild. You shrugged off your own pyjamas and he let out a noise of approval, eyes taking in your curves. "You're stunning." He offered, looking absolutely awestruck. If his hands were free, they'd be all over you, but now was not his turn for control. 
You slid off your panties and tossed them off the bed, eyeing his body up with increasing lust, before suddenly straddling him and sinking down onto him with a small noise of discomfort. He let out a sharp noise of concern and pleasure, gasping. "You've gotta prep yourself!" He hissed, half-drunk on the tight squeeze. 
"Shut up," you answered, and picked up a brutal pace. He let out a strangled noise and arched up into your touch, gasping and whining and looking up at you with eyes clouded by lust as he gave harsh thrusts up into your welcoming body. His hands hardened and unhardened within their restraints, along with a line along his forehead. You wrapped your hands around his throat, and he tilted his head back to bare it to you. His moans crescendoed as you began to put pressure on him, canting your hips faster and faster. 
He was drunk off the lust singing in his veins and bent one of his knees to give you better leverage. You freed one of his hands from its restraint and it immediately flew to your hip to help you ride. His tongue was lolling out of his mouth, and his breath came in desperate gasps. "Gonna cum!" he whined, blinking desperately up at you. "Please mommy! Please let me fucking cum I want to cum so bad!" he babbled, blinking his pretty crimson eyes up at you. 
You gently caressed his face and smiled down at him. You leaned in closer, giving him a deep kiss. "So do it," you growled. "Knock me up." 
His hips faltered and the absolute roar he let out at your challenge sent a pleased shiver through you. He ripped the other restraint right off of the bedframe (along with a chunk of the frame itself) and flipped you onto your back, all without pulling out of you. He kissed you ravenously, his hands squeezing every inch of you. He grabbed one of your tits in one hand as he reached his other down to play with your clit. He threw you over the edge, and as you came around him, his thrusts changed. They were sharp and purposeful as he poured everything he had into your body. 
"Mine," he growled out, sinking his fangs into the tender meat of your shoulder. He didn't dare move as the two of you came down from your highs but rolled the two of you back over so he didn't crush you. You laughed a little and cuddled into his chest, enjoying the warmth of a womb full of his cum and the delicious stretch of him inside of you, not to mention the feeling of utter safety that having his arms around you brought. "I love you." He purred, giving your forehead a kiss.  
"I love you too," you answered back, smiling up at him with tenderness. 
"Did you really mean it?" he traced his hands over your back, massaging your tender shoulders. "You want to start a family?" 
"Mhm," you nodded tiredly, before looking back up at him once again, echoing your earlier promise: "Anything for you, Baby." 
Taglist: @malicealieness (If you would like to be added to the tag list, please send me an ask requesting it)
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