#the smile us wonky but whatever
3idiotsandarainbow · 1 month
Day 15: Psychobilly
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Listened to Dial Z for Zombie by Mad Mage and got inspired ( ◠⁠␣ᴖ)
- irra
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sol1loqu1st · 1 year
idk if it's dysphoria or just regular ol insecurity or if maybe i just have a more Autistic Face/Body Language than i realized but when i see pictures of myself smiling there's like a 90% chance i look at them and kind of flinch. i've never seen a picture of someone else smiling and thought they looked bad but i feel like i look like a huge dork in pictures when i'm just candidly happy and it makes me really sad that other people just sort of effortlessly look good in photos and no matter what i do i look like the Bullied Social Reject Who Gets Asked To Prom By A Popular Kid Who Wants To Come Off As Kind And Empathetic
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femonologue · 6 months
Many years ago, I was wandering around downtown Ottawa with my best friend. We ran into a friend of his who offered us some hash (it sucked), then said there was a really good house party nearby if we wanted to go. We were like, yeah, sure. So that's how we ended up at some completely fucking random person's house.
I look around to ask if my friend knows anyone here and he's simply gone, as is his friend. And this isn't some red solo cup hangout; this is a party. There's people counting out pills on the kitchen counter. I am clearly neither as cool nor as drug-savvy as the kitchen people, so I back away and instead wander aimlessly into the living room, which seems to give off more of a chill vibe.
A bunch of people are seated in a circle on the floor. One of them is fiddling with a big wad of newspaper or something. A really cute grunge girl with piercings and tattoos scoots aside to make room for me, so I sit down.
"What's that," I ask her, gesturing at the newspaper wad.
She gets a really big smile on her face. You know the smile. It's the I'm About To Watch This Innocent Soul Get High As Fuck smile. "You've never smoked a tulip?"
"What's a tulip?" I ask.
"It's like if a joint was also a bong," she replies. "You gotta try it."
"Alright," I reply, a little uncertainly. This will not be my first encounter with weed. I am more comfortable with the janky newspaper bong than I am with whatever the fuck is going on in the kitchen. Besides, this girl is really cute and I would like to have a friend here now that my existing friend has turned into vapor or been transported to the Upside-Down or whatever the hell happened to him.
I watch as one person holds the newspaper joint-bong upright and holds a lighter over the top while another gets beneath it, tilting their head back to take a puff. Apparently smoking this Cheech & Chong monstrosity is a two-person job.
"Oh," I say, looking at the fist-sized knob at the top of the wonky newspaper joint. "Yeah, it does kinda look like a tulip." Grunge girl smiles at me.
I watch as the tulip is passed around the circle, along with the lighter, and hits are cooperatively taken. It reaches grunge girl, who takes a huge puff and holds it for an extended moment before exhaling an impressive blast of smoke. She smiles expectantly and holds the tulip up for me, preparing to spark the gigantic meteor of dank that makes up its tip. By this point I have completely forgotten about my missing friend. I only care about making a good impression on grunge girl. I tilt my head back and hit the tulip like a smokestack.
It is the following morning. I am sleeping between a couch and a wall. I'm not positive that this is the same house I was just in. My memories are gone. Someone is yelling at me: "dude! Dude! Wake up, dude!"
I sit up. My mouth tastes like cigarettes. I do not smoke cigarettes. "Wha," I ask the yelling man, who I am quite confident I have never met before in my life.
"We're going on a quest," he tells me, gravely. "You have to come with us."
I look around. Neither my friend nor his friend are anywhere in sight. I also do not see grunge girl anywhere. I shrug helplessly. "Okay."
We embark from this house. I learn that the destination of this quest is Tim Horton's. This is a relief to me, as coffee and a donut sounds really fucking good right now. Somehow, the route to Tim Horton's takes us past the Governor-General's residence, which everyone else in the group loudly heckles on the way past. I do not know what the Governor-General has done to raise their ire, nor do I particularly care. I trudge along with my hands in my pockets, pleased to note that I still have my wallet, phone, and keys. I fervently wish that I could remember anything about last night. Maybe I talked to grunge girl. Maybe she's why my mouth tastes like cigarettes. The tulip tasted nothing like cigarettes.
I am asked about my politics. I voice my frustrations with corporate corruption, the pay-to-win electoral system, the lack of transparency and accountability. This is met with great approval. The guy who was yelling at me claps me on the back. I get the impression that we became friends last night. I don't recognize his face. I do not know his name and he definitely does not know mine. I behave as though we're friends anyway. We are comrades on a quest.
By the time we make it to Tim Hortons, the gaggle of stoners I'm walking with have all run out of energy and/or attention span. People order snacks and break away in pairs or solo, to call for rides or plan the day's events or just vegetate and wait for the drugs to leave their systems. I look around and find that my nameless friend has also gone to the Upside-Down. As I wash the cigarette taste out of my mouth with coffee, I unsuccessfully try to remember whether I saw grunge girl smoking tobacco at any point. I remember nothing. That tulip was so fucking powerful that it instantly sent me a whole day forward in time.
Alone in the city, I try to call my best friend and get no answer. I walk to the nearest bus stop, catch a bus most of the way home, and call up my parents to ask for a ride back. They ask where my friend is. I tell them that I have no idea; we went to a house party and I don't remember anything else.
When they pick me up from the bus station, they ask me some very safe, nonspecific questions, and seem to relax when I describe what little I can remember. It isn't until years later that I realize they were probably terrified I'd gotten rufied or something, and were so relieved to learn otherwise that they didn't even bother chiding me for smoking myself unconscious in an effort to impress a strange woman. In any case, they were probably happy to find out that I did, in fact, like girls; I suspect they had been privately wondering whether I was gay.
After getting home, I finally manage to get my best friend to answer his phone. I discover that he tried the kitchen pills, spent most of the night crossing the entire city on foot, and crashed at his cousin's house. He sounds like shit. I tell him that he should have tried the tulip, instead. He fervently agrees with me.
I never see grunge girl again.
That's okay, though. She got to see a clueless stranger get fucked the entire way up on some ungodly strain of giga-weed, and I got smiled at by a cute girl, and then I got to go on a quest. Wherever grunge girl is, I hope she's happy. I hope she's smoking the fattest fucking blunt and smiling as some kid passes out behind a couch.
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brideofbriar · 4 months
You're lucky I love you
FT:: Leona Kingscholar A/N:: This is my first time writing an x reader since 6 years 😭😭😭 lemme know if anything is wonky or ooc
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"I need to go study"
'"I don't care"
"I will literally fail"
"Not my problem herbivore"
You sighed. What your boyfriend didn't understand was that not everyone could afford to fail as not all of us were rich royalty. There was no point of arguing back though since nothing could make him budge. You could've just walked away, but you knew that Leona would simply turn his back away and sleep and then ignore you for a week. You simply shook your head before plopping down beside him. He pulled you closer to him, tightening his grip on your body and laying his head on your chest.
"You're lucky I love you," you grimaced. He scoffed, "yeah yeah whatever now go to sleep." Slowly, you started drifting off, but Leona simply observed your sleeping figure. He though about how after evrything, you still deciede to stay with him. Even after his overblot you still loved him. To you he was Leona, not the prince, not the lazy second-born but himself. He saw how he truly was like and decided to stay by his side. Never once have you shown proper distaste towards his actions or attitude. He smiled to himself, a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he began to fall asleep. Perhaps he was lucky.
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storiesforallfandoms · 6 months
looks of a princess ~ eleventh doctor;doctor who
word count: 3736
request?: no
description: after travelling to medieval times, a flirtatious king takes interest in the doctor’s companion, and the doctor is a little jealous
pairing: eleventh doctor x female!reader
warnings: swearing, jealousy, use of y/n
masterlist (one, two, three)
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“I hate when you don’t tell me where we’re going,” (Y/N) muttered as the TARDIS lurched again. “I always feel like I need to prepare for whatever is going to happen.”
“You don’t need to prepare for anything this time,” the Doctor insisted. “Just let me surprise you, we’ll have fun!”
“Remember last time you said you would surprise me with fun? We ended up surrounded by Daleks and narrowly escaping their attacks.”
The Doctor moved away from the controls and cupped (Y/N)’s face. “This one will be a fun surprise. I promise.”
He kissed the top of her head, then went back to the controls. (Y/N) wanted to argue further, but she knew there was no use. The Doctor had a very different definition of “fun” than most, and it was nearly impossible to convince him when he was wrong. And she had to admit, the Doctor never went looking for trouble. Trouble just found him. Besides all that, it was also just impossible to argue with the Doctor when he was showing her affection, which they were both well aware of.
She braced as the TARDIS began making a noise that indicated they would be landing soon. As usual, the TARDIS landed with a rough thud and would’ve thrown the two of them to the ground if they hadn’t been prepared. The Doctor was smiling his big, goofy smile as he rushed to the door and threw it open with a flourish. (Y/N) looked around him at where they were supposed to be. “A forest?”
The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS and looked around. “I could’ve swore I had our coordinates to land at the castle.”
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks and looked at him. “Castle?! You were planning to crash land in front of a castle?!”
“Well, I wasn’t planning to crash land. But, the surprise is ruined now, so yes. I brought up back to medieval times so you could see a real castle, and real knights. Maybe even a king or a queen.”
She walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck. “That’s so sweet, if not a little scary because I’m sure we would’ve been thrown into a dungeon if we crashed that close to the castle.”
The Doctor chuckled and put his arms around her waist. he was pulling her in for a kiss when they both heard something. They paused to listen. It sounded like heavy thumping against the ground, slowly getting louder and closer. They were pulling away from each other just as a group of men in metal suits of amour, some riding horses, broke through the trees and into the clearing where (Y/N) and the Doctor landed.
Knights with pointy weapons aimed at them.
The Doctor pulled (Y/N) close to him, protectively. “Gentlemen, we mean no harm.”
“Who are you?” the lead knight demanded.
“I am the Doctor. This is my...associate, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. Years of dating (exactly how many years was still a bit wonky because of timey wimey stuff), and the Doctor was still weird about calling her his girlfriend.
“We’ve come to visit your beautiful land,” the Doctor explained.
“We heard sounds like an explosion,” the knight said, eying the two of them suspiciously.
“That was just...our...carriage?”
The knights shared a look before the lead said, “You’re coming with us to the king.”
Two knights tried to approach to take them, but they assured the knights they’d come willingly. (Y/N) bit her tongue to keep in an “I told you so”. She knew this wasn’t what the Doctor had planned, but it really did just prove her point that there was never an uneventful tried with him.
The two of them were marched to a castle that wasn’t too far from where they had landed. (Y/N) marveled at it as they got closer. It looked exactly like the castles from fairy tales and medieval shows and movies. It was huge with a moat around it. The drawbridge lowered as they got closer, someone obviously watching for their arrival. The group led the two inside, but only three knights ended up bringing them to the king.
He was a younger looking man, surprisingly. (Y/N) was assuming he was going to be an old man, but he was close to her age, and quite handsome. He looked down at them as they approached. When they stopped, he was still watching them, expectantly. It took the Doctor a moment to realize what he was waiting for. “Oh! Bow!”
They moved simultaneously to bow.
“Who are you?” asked the king.
“I am the Doctor, this is (Y/N).”
He raised an eyebrow. “You are a doctor?”
“Well, no. It’s like a...um...a stage name!” The king still looked suspicious. The Doctor turned to (Y/N) as if looking for backup, but she looked just as confused. “We are traveling...magicians. That’s why we have such funny looking clothes, and the loud noise you heard before. We were, um, practicing a trick! Went a bit wrong. We sincerely apologize.”
The king’s gaze turned to (Y/N). His expression seemed to soften greatly when he did, which definitely did not go unnoticed by the Doctor.
“Is this true, my lady?” he asked. “Are you two magicians?”
She nodded quickly.
“We were traveling to see your lovely castle,” the Doctor explained.
The flattery seemed to work, on top of the presence of a beautiful lady, the Doctor was sure.
The king stood from his throne. “It seems there has been a misunderstanding, then. I would like to apologize and offer you both lodgings in the castle for the night.”
The Doctor looked over at (Y/N). Her eyes were shining with excitement at the offer. As much as he wanted to say no and leave, he couldn’t when she looked like that. He plastered on a smile and agreed. The answer delighted the king, who stepped down from his throne to shake their hands. He grasped (Y/N)’s hand very warmly. Even she seemed startled by the gesture.
“My name is King Harold Evergreen,” he said, to both of them but definitely mainly to (Y/N). “I am honored to have you both here.”
(Y/N) was still marveling at everything hours later. They were shown to the room they would be staying in, which was huge as well. She only got glimpses of the halls and other rooms as they were guided to their room, but King Harold promised an actual tour later on. (Y/N) felt like she was living in a fairytale.
The Doctor, however, was not taken with everything. He had been at first, until they had met the king, and until the king started to show clear interest in (Y/N).
There hadn’t been many times when the Doctor felt such strong feelings of jealousy. Mainly because he never expected for any of his companions to be around for long. Something always happened that made him lose his companions eventually. He always told himself not to get too close or else he’d end up hurt again, and every time he was right. But (Y/N) had stuck around. He let himself get close; he let himself fall in love. And she was still here with him years later.
So, yeah, he didn’t love that a king was taking interest in the woman he loved.
(Y/N) looked over at him. While she was taking it all in, he was sat on the bed with an expression that could only be classified as a pout. She giggled and moved towards the bed. She climbed onto it - literally since the bed was so high up.
“Geez, you could fit, like, ten people in this,” she said. When the Doctor didn’t so much as crack a smile, she poked his side. “Awe, what’s wrong? I thought you wanted to see the castle.”
“I did,” he said. “But now we’ve seen it, and I think we should leave.”
“We can leave in the morning. When will we get the chance to stay in a castle again?”
“We could try again in a few years, when King Harold already has a wife.”
He muttered it, but (Y/N) heard it. An amused smile crossed on her face as she moved closer to him.
“Is someone jealous?” she asked.
The Doctor scoffed. “No, of course not.”
“No, totally. You’re just here literally pouting and being broody because that’s what you do. Of course.” She sat next to him and leaned in so her shoulder was touching his shoulder. “You don’t need to be jealous, you know. We won’t be here for long anyways, and I’m sure his interest in me is just because I am a woman he hasn’t met yet. I’m sure he’s already betrothed to marry someone.”
“Not all kingdoms did betrothals. There were plenty of instances in history where the king was allowed to court whatever woman he wanted and propose to her.”
“Then I’m sure that’s what he’s already done. From what little I know of history, kings his age are supposed to be popping out heirs by now. He probably has a fiancée, and the second we leave he’ll have forgotten about me completely.”
A knock came at the door. (Y/N) got up from the bed and went to open it. Stood there was one of the castle’s maidens with something large in her hands. She curtsied to them both, which caused them to share a look that was a mixture of confusion and amusement.
“Hello, lady (Y/N),” the young woman said. “King Harold has requested I bring this to you. He says he would like for you to wear it when you join him for dinner tonight.”
She passed the object she was holding to (Y/N). As (Y/N) took it, she realized it was a dress. A big, poofy, princess looking dress. If the fabric had been blue or yellow, it would have looked exactly like Cinderella or Belle’s dress. Before (Y/N) could ask anything, the maiden had left. (Y/N) nudged the door closed with her foot and turned back to the Doctor, who looked positively fuming.
“He’ll forget about you completely, hm?” he said.
There was no arguing this time. He had sent her a beautiful gown, and made sure she knew he expected to see her at dinner, but there was no mention of the Doctor joining them. Of course, he was going to anyways, but it was hard to ignore the fact that King Harold was making it very clear that while the Doctor was a guest of the castle, (Y/N) was his guest.
(Y/N) almost refused to wear the dress, but the Doctor convinced her it would be best to put it on.
“You don’t want to offend him in his own castle,” he reminded her.
Upon seeing her in the dress, the Doctor was able to set aside his jealousy for a moment. She looked absolutely beautiful in it; like a princess. Even though she was trying to hide her delight for the sake of the Doctor’s feelings, he could see that she was ecstatic to be wearing something so beautiful.
He took her hands in his and pulled her close to him. “You look wonderful, my love.”
She beamed at him. “Thank you. Do you think we’d be able to sneak this out tomorrow morning?”
The Doctor chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. While he would rather not carry around the reminder of another man trying to woo her, if (Y/N) wanted to keep the dress, he would make sure they kept it.
Another knock came at the door. (Y/N) moved to answer it again, expecting it to be another maiden. She was surprised to see King Harold stood there instead.
“Your highness,” she said, quickly bowing before she could forget herself.
“No need for that,” King Harold told her. “You are here as my guest. No more need for formalities. I just came to see if you got the present I sent for you.” His eyes wandered over her in a way that made the Doctor’s hands curl into fists. “I see I have gotten my answer.”
“Yes, it’s very lovely. Thank you so much.”
“I’m glad it fit. We have so much clothes laying around the castle from former kings and queens, I was sure there would be something to fit you.”
(Y/N)’s eyes went wide. “This...this belonged to...to a queen?”
“My great grandmother, in fact. The first woman to rule the kingdom on her own. She was near the end of her reign before she met my grandfather, a widower with four children. She married him and took in my grandfather and his siblings.”
It was a lot to process. She was wearing the gown of a former queen. A queen who ruled the country on her own, at a time where that was likely unheard of. She knew the dress had to belong to someone in the castle, but she never even entertained the idea that it belonged to one of King Harold’s ancestors.
She wanted to turn and face the Doctor to share her disbelief with him, but King Harold offered her an arm before she could. “Shall I give you that tour I promised? Dinner will be ready soon, but there is plenty to see between here and the dining hall.”
(Y/N) wasn’t thinking when she accepted the king’s arm. But the Doctor certainly was. He glared at their connected arms as King Harold led (Y/N) from the room. Neither of them had invited the Doctor to come along, but he did anyways. He wasn’t about to leave the two of them alone when it was very clear that King Harold had intentions to make (Y/N) stay in the castle forever.
The king was right in saying there was plenty to see between their room and the dining hall alone. Every hallways was lined with portraits of King Harold’s ancestors. There were official portraits of the rulers themselves, then family portraits of them with their spouses and children. There were many of just the children as well, some looking very professional and some that were obviously painted while the children were at play. King Harold made sure to stop at the pictures of him with his parents.
“I am an only child,” he told (Y/N). “It was very rare. My father had seven siblings himself. And it did not happen due to a lack of trying. Many say that my parents were just not lucky enough to be blessed with a big family.”
There were a number of more health related explanations on the tip of (Y/N)’s tongue, but she knew that was all modern stuff that the king would never understand now.
They finally made it to the dining hall. Just like everything else in the castle, it was a giant room. Probably just as big as the throne room they had been brought into when they first arrived. The table was big enough to seat at least a dozen people, and there was a large stone fireplace set up behind one of the heads of the table - King Harold’s seat, if (Y/N) had to guess. The table was set just for the three of them, with (Y/N) and the Doctor seated across from each other, King Harold in the middle at the head.
I suppose that’s better than being seated on the other end, the Doctor thought to himself.
They took their seats as food was brought into the room. (Y/N) had some struggles to sit, but finally figured out how to arrange the poof of her dress so she could sit comfortably without it being up in her face.
“Are we the only ones dining?” she asked.
“We are the only ones here, besides my staff,” the king responded.
“Your parents aren’t here? Or...or a wife?”
King Harold let out a booming laugh. “No, my parents no longer live here since my father stepped down from being king. That is another rarity, but I would much prefer them to step back and enjoy their older years as opposed to running themselves to death like other rulers usually do. And there is no queen currently. I had yet to pick someone to be my betrothed.”
(Y/N) glanced up at the Doctor. They both noticed King Harold’s choice of word: had.
The meal went on in silence. Or rather, in silence from (Y/N) and the Doctor. King Harold spoke plenty about himself and the history of the land. (Y/N) listened politely, while the Doctor continued to stab at his food.
“Tell me, how does one get into the business of magic?” Harold asked after a while. “It cannot be a profitable line of work for the two of you.”
“Oh...um...” (Y/N) started, trying to come up with a convincible story. “I believe it was the Doctor first who found out he was able to do small tricks. He...well, he met me and I was intrigued enough to follow him in his...journeys.”
The Doctor looked up at (Y/N) and they shared a small smile.
“Yes, but is it truly a fulfilling life?” King Harold asked again.
“I believe so. I have traveled to so many wonderful places that I never would’ve gotten to experience had I not met the Doctor,” (Y/N) said. Quickly she added, “And doing magic, of course. That’s...that’s always...fulfilling.”
“But do you believe you could be happy doing something else? Something more than being the assistant to a traveling magician?”
(Y/N) didn’t like where this was going.
When she didn’t speak, King Harold continued. “See, I have been looking for many years for someone to rule this kingdom by my side. I have met countless princesses and duchesses from other kingdoms, I have met common women from the town, but no one has caught my eye just yet. I am getting to an age where my time to find a wife and to have children of my own is starting to run short, but I am not one to marry just because it is expected of me. I want to marry for love, the way my great grandmother did.”
When King Harold reached for her hand, (Y/N) was too stunned to stop him.
“I believe you would make a perfect queen for this land, my lady,” he said. He started to raise (Y/N)’s hand to his lips when the Doctor suddenly stood, knocking his chair over and the crash putting an end to the moment.
“We’re leaving,” the Doctor said to (Y/N).
“I beg your pardon?” King Harold said.
“I will not stay in this castle for another second and watch you try to proposition my girlfriend.”
“Your what?”
“My love! She is my princess, or queen, or whatever you want to call her.” The Doctor moved around the table to take (Y/N)’s hand and pull her from her seat. “We’re going.”
(Y/N) was nervous that the king would send his guards after them, or at least he would send them after the Doctor and take him away so that King Harold could make her his queen without distraction. To her surprise, he called for someone to show them out. When she looked back at him as they rushed out the door, he seemed genuinely upset for them to go.
The Doctor led (Y/N) through the woods, which had gotten much darker during their time in the castle, and found the TARDIS with ease. He rushed both of them into it and slammed the door behind him. He was muttering to himself, cursing the king and calling him all sorts of names that would’ve gotten his head chopped off if he had said it while they were still in the castle.
After the shock had finally wore off, (Y/N) found control of her body again. She approached the Doctor and put a hand on his shoulder. He instantly fell silent and looked at her.
“I would never say yes,” she said.
“To his proposition. I hope you know I would never have said yes to him.”
The Doctor was silent. He looked away from her to face the controls. She realized then that it wasn’t just jealousy that he was feeling.
“Were you worried I would’ve said yes and married him?” she asked.
He didn’t speak at first, but finally he said, “He gave you beautiful clothing, he gave you his undying attention, and he would’ve given you a title that anyone could ever dream of. He could’ve made you a fairytale princess.”
“But he is not you,” (Y/N) said. “Why would I want to spend my life with a man I only just met just because of what physical things he could give me? That is not love. Love is following a man in a bowtie into a police box and letting him take you anywhere in time and space for many years. Love is the willingness to do that again and again and again, because you can’t imagine a life without him anymore.”
There were tears welling up in the Doctor’s eyes. He quickly pulled (Y/N) into an embrace, causing her to laugh as she rested against him.
“I love you,” she said, her voice partially muffled by his tweed jacket.
“I love you, too,” he said.
“And, for the record, maybe you should start calling me your girlfriend when we meet new people. That way they won’t get the wrong idea going forward.”
The Doctor chuckled and pulled away to nod. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
She pulled him in for a kiss.
As they were finally coming down from the high that the trip had brought them, she realized that she was still wearing the dress from King Harold.
“I told you I would figure out a way for you to keep it,” the Doctor said, with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Yeah, all it took was you risking life in a medieval prison,” she teased.
“The things we do for love.”
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 2 months
dave mustaine realizing how strong he is compared to the reader, and always displays this during sex, especially while fucking her against the wall or using his big hands to do whatever he wants with her body
A/n: I can’t even count how many times I tried writing this and just couldn’t think of anything, I still feel like I could’ve written it better but I hope you like it nonetheless <3
Warnings: smut, size kink, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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It all started when you needed help opening a jar.
It was jam, the lid was stuck and you were tired. Dave was home so after a few seconds of trying you gave up and called him over for help. He opened it with ease and you moved on with your day, but Dave didn't.
He grew this obsession with proving how weak you were, or rather how strong he was. Can't reach the top shelf? Don't worry, Dave's right around the corner to lift you up. Need help carrying the groceries in? Not a problem, he can take them with ease, carrying more bags in fewer trips.
You didn't mind it, he was always looking for more ways to help you so why would it be a bad thing?
You were making dinner and Dave was sitting not far away watching you. He wasn't saying anything, not talking about his day or asking about yours. He was just staring at you with a wonky smile.
You were looking at the ingredients. "Hey, Dave, can you get the milk for me, please?" You asked, not taking your eyes off the cookbook.
Dave got up and got the milk, bringing it over to you, though he didn't go back to his seat. Instead he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder. "You're adorable, you know that?" He asked, placing a few soft kisses against your neck.
You paused for a moment and looked at him. "Yeah? Why's that?"
Dave gave your waist a gentle squeeze. He hid his face in the crook of your neck a moment, deeply inhaling your scent. “Your so tiny.” He said. “Could just pick you up and fuck you wherever I want.”
Your cheeks flushed a deep red and you tried to stay focused on the food.
A few minutes passed and Dave didn’t let go of you, still holding you close, kissing you occasionally.
“Think about it.” He said suddenly. “I could fold you in half right now, pin you against the wall and have my way with you.” You couldn’t deny the heat pooling at your cunt, the way your thighs pushed together in search of any amount of friction. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Being used like my own fucktoy?”
You took a deep breath in an attempt to clear your mind. You took the knife off the counter and started cutting a carrot before Dave stopped you and took the knife from your hand. “Enough with the hypothetical.” You turned your head to look at him and in an instant his lips were on yours, kissing, biting, tongue slipping past your lips to explore your mouth.
He picked you up just like he said he would and carried you to the bedroom, ignoring your weak attempts to protest. He got you out of your clothes, quite literally ripping your panties off and tossing them off somewhere.
He kissed down your body, starting at your neck and working his way down, playing close attention to your reactions, which spots were most sensitive, what felt best for you.
You twitched and moaned underneath him, heavy breaths leaving you as his big hands trailed over you. He dwarfed you. Everything about him made you small. From his hands around your neck to that bulge in your gut every time he has you to himself.
He moved back over you, kissing you sweetly before getting out of his own clothes.
“You’re so perfect, sweetheart.” He said as he crawled back over you. “All hot and ready for me, hm?” You let out a soft whine and Dave took it as an invitation to spread your legs.
He had a hand on either of your knees, slowly moving them up to your chest. “Look at that.” He mused. “Don’t even need any prep, hm?” You smiled proudly up at him. "Good girl." He mused as he lined himself up and pushed into you.
You let out a drawn out moan at the feeling, how he stretched you out so good. He gave you a second to adjust to his girth before he started rolling his hips to meet yours.
"Oh, fuck, Dave, just like that." You moaned out. Your hands moved to his back, lightly clawing at his shoulders. He let out a low growl as his hips snapped into yours.
You couldn’t take your mind off of his dick and how each vein dragged against your gummy walls. “Fuck, you’re so small, so fucking tight.” He groaned, leaning down and biting your earlobe.
He sat back, holding your hips in place on his lap, your legs still hooked over his shoulders as he pounded into you.
Your eyes crossed and your tongue lulled out, your body bouncing up and down the bed with every thrust.
Dave’s hand came down hard on your ass and you squealed in pleasure. His hand moved from your hip to your abdomen, he pushed down and you gasped softly. “Look at that, sweetheart,” he mused, “can see just how big I am inside you.” You looked down, eyes narrowing on where a bulge came and went, showing just how deep he was hitting inside you.
He kept pushing on your stomach and your eyes rolled back, a loud moan ripping from your throat. “Oh, fuck, squeezing me so good.” His own head fell back.
Dave’s movements stopped for a moment and he wrapped his arms around you. He lifted you up and carried you off the bed. “Look at that, I can fuck my perfect doll just like this, huh?” He asked, still snapping his hips into your as he stood.
You clung to him like a koala, moaning out in his ear how good he made you feel. “Davie-! Ngh, Davie, please.” His hands gripped your hips, guiding you on his dick.
“Please, what, sweetheart? ‘Oh, please, daddy, make me cum on your big cock’?” He asked in a mocking tone.
“Yes, daddy, please!” You whined. Your mind was racing with his cock, the bulge it made. His big hands over your body, carrying most of your weight, the way he bounced you on his length.
“Be good for me then and cum.” You didn’t need to be told twice, his words resonating in your body and pushing you over the edge. “Oh-oh, fuck!” Dave groaned. “Oh, god, you feel so good when you cum.” With a few more thrusts he was spilling into you, groaning in your ear.
He sat back on the bed and lifted you off of him, watching his own cum drip out of you. “Hmph, fuck.” You breathed.
“Don’t think we’re done yet, do you?” You chuckled and shook your head. “Good girl,” Dave hummed, “not done until my doll can’t walk.” He pushed back into you, your mind racing all over again.
I just wanted to show this bc I thought it was funny
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wihellib · 1 month
Mammon was voted #1 in the Favourite H Scene poll here. Not really surprising. His H scene was quite good. Satan was 2nd and Foras was 3rd. I am surprised by Foras. I think there might be a bit of recency bias in this case.
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Under the cut is my completely biased, quickly-written, kinda summarized opinions on each of the H scenes.
Satan staring at you without blinking while kissing and sleeping still throws me off.
I like that Satan reassures you that he’s doesn’t just like you because you’re the descendant of Solomon.
I don’t like hair pulling or strangulation, so not very fond of this scene, even though I like Satan a lot.
The CG is nice. I like how he’s grinning and the glow of his eyes.
Only features a little bit of spanking even though that’s his kink.
It’s mentioned that we’re feeling the pleasure that Satan’s feeling. This is done in several scenes. I’ve never liked it. It feels like a cop out.
The scene ends abruptly with you blacking out. I much prefer when there a bit of follow up/pillow talk afterwards.
Sitri gives you tea to calm your nerves that makes your heart beat a lot faster and louder because of the caffeine… but I don’t think caffeine works to this extent, so creative liberty I guess.
His kink, hearing heartbeats, features prominently in this scene. Keeping his head near your chest, mouth on your chest, feeling your heartbeat through your intimate connection, and moving in time with your heartbeat.
You’re feeling turned on because he’s turned on, similar to Satan’s scene, still not a fan.
You feel more aroused as your heart beats faster and you think it might explode… I don’t see what’s arousing about that.
CG was good again. I liked that he’s showing a lot more emotion than his normal sprite usually does.
He calls you Solomon throughout, which is annoying, but does call you by your real name at the very end (the only time he’s done so).
Some pillow talk at the end which is nice.
Zagan blushes and turns away when he sees your naked body, which is cute.
He’s quiet like usual, but does speak when you ask him why he wanted to help you, and says he wanted to do it with you and give you devils energy, while blushing. Very cute.
You get to take a bit more of a lead, be a bit more assertive, in this one, you’re not just manhandled around, which is refreshing.
I like that he seems to have a praise kink.
He tries to increase his muscle use, get a better workout, increase movement, which is his kink, which arouses him more, which arouses you. Fine whatever.
The CG is fine. Your foot looks wonky with its finger-like toes but Zagan looks good.
Some pillow talk again. Zagan has been mostly silent, but does say it was a good workout and he wants to do it again at the end.
Leraye is completely overwhelmed by pleasure from hearing thunder, which is his kink. He basically tackles you onto the bed and glues himself on top of you.
I’m pretty sure this is the first time one of them play with your genitals during foreplay.
You are getting aroused from the thunder too, so we’re keeping the trend of whatever the guy likes you also like inexplicably.
MC comments he’s more like a growling wolf and not his golden retriever self.
I really like this CG. He’s completely on top of you, pressing you down on your stomach, while covering your eyes and biting your neck. His presence is overwhelming.
The thunder goes away and Leraye comes back to his senses. He’s so happy that it wasn’t a dream, smiling, lays down next to you, wishes you good dreams and kisses your forehead. I very much like this wind-down to the scene.
We go to Paimon’s room instead of ours for this scene, which is a nice change of pace. His room is full of mirrors, which feature heavily in this scene. His kink, which is blood, isn’t included at all.
We’re also not naked right at the very start, which I much prefer. I like the undressing phase.
Paimon rubs your genitals and forces you to look at what he’s doing to you in the mirror, which he continues throughout the scene. I was surprised how dominant Paimon was in this scene, but I wasn’t against it.
Paimon says he loves pretty things and looking at pretty things from multiple angles. He says that you’re pretty and a devilish human.
He makes you brace your hands against a wall mirror and stuffs your shirt in your mouth.
The CG is good. For the first time we are shown a different angle than us on a bed. Paimon’s face seems a little off to me, but overall it’s good.
Paimon throws the mirror on the ground, so you’re forced to look at a different, more revealing angle.
Just a little bit of pillow talk. Paimon kisses us and tell us to come him when we want to play more.
Back in Minhyeok’s room unfortunately. Mammon comes out swinging by immediately commenting on how skilled we look in accepting devil’s energy.
Mammon says that it was obvious since he first met you that he had to have you, but he also realized that he would just be one of many that would try that tactic. So, he decided to do something he’s never done before and let you have him. You will be his first master. He also reveals that he wasn’t as close to Solomon as the other Kings. You ask if he only likes you because you’re the descendant of Solomon and he replies that he just fell in love with you at first sight. This affection is clear throughout this scene, which increases its rank a lot for me.
Mammon’s kink is all about bottoms, and this scene reflects that. You’re both grabbing each other’s butts and getting more aroused.
Mammon picks you up and holds yours buttcheeks open while you wrap your arms around his neck. I like that Mammon is showing off his strength here.
I do wish that they had spent some time on Mammon using his fingers or tongue to prep you to take him. He is very large, evident by the fact that your first thought when he entered you was, ‘I am going to die’, so it would have been nice to see him care about making sure he doesn’t hurt you. He does hold himself still at first to let you adjust, but I still would have liked some prep beforehand.
The CG is good. No complaints.
Mammon flips you around, so you’re in a standing 69 position, showing off his strength again, and you give each other oral.
Longer pillow talk. He lays you on top of him, it was very nice.
Bimet changes his tune about you real quick when Mammon declares you to be his master. He kneels before you and informs you that you became the being that arouses him the most with that declaration. He cannot covet Mammon, but now he can covet you, the only one who owns Mammon, and he is ecstatic about that. He wants to serve you. Bimet’s kink is wealthy people and you’re the wealthiest of all.
I do not like Bimet and I do not like his reasons for favouring you. It is shallow and fragile. He would be back to contempt for you the moment Mammon lost interest. I’m not a big fan of this H scene simply because I don’t like Bimet.
He licks your toes, which no thank you. He does oral on you and puts his conniving tongue to good use.
CG is good. I like how wet his mouth is because of you.
Some pillow talk. He gives you the first thing he truly owned himself, a coin from Solomon, and tells you to give it back to him if you choose him. I would have preferred if the first thing he owned wasn’t from Solomon.
You go to wrap your naked body in a blanket like you usually do, but Belial stops you and says you’ll end up taking it off anyways. The immediate assertiveness was surprising but interesting.
Because of his throat injury, Belial talks very little and Jjyu is not there to help him, so he communicates with you by writing on your naked body, which is his kink. It is a very good, intimate solution. He writes lots all over your body while fingering you.
You are against the wall, facing Belial, while he penetrates and writes adorations on you.
The CG shows that everything he’s written is glowing red on you. It’s a nice picture, but I could have done without him licking your armpit. I think I would have preferred a kiss in the lips instead.
Some pillow talk, you fall asleep with him inside of you.
We have moved on from Minhyeok’s room, which is great. I felt it was much too restrictive, and caused repetitiveness.
Valefor reassures you and you tell him he is kind and reminds you of Mammon, which he approves of. When you see that he likes it, you lean more into the comparisons. Valefor is turned on by being compared to Mammon because he respects him greatly. You talk about Mammon a lot, but I wish it was a bit less, because this is supposed to be Valefor’s moment, not Mammon’s. His kink is supposed to be hearing explicit narratives, so I don’t think this really relates to it.
Valefor praises you for how well you know how to please a devil. And tells you to run away if you want to only know him as the kind relaxed Valefor.
Then we start going into exhibitionism territory, with him leading you to the closed door, where Bimet is just outside keeping watch. This is also not his kink.
Bimet leaves to check something, so Valefor increases the risk factor and opens the door while you’re both naked and penetrates you.
The CG is fine. The way you and he are positioned are a bit odd. It’s hard to tell whose body part is whose.
Valefor basically taunts you asking where Bimet is, then puts you in an even more embarrassing position.
Some pillow talk. He lifts you up, kisses your forehead, and you admire his chest.
Levi decides to give you devil energy even though he doesn’t like you. He hangs you and insults Minhyeok in an effort to make you mad so you hurt him, which will arouse him. So that’s what happens.
The CG is my least favourite of all of them. You start stomping on his lap and dick. Your toes are oddly long again and you have an oddly muscled thigh. Levi is not even naked. This is the only CG that doesn’t take place during some sort of penetration.
You straddle him and start strangling him and enough clothes have been taken off at this point that he penetrates you.
Then you kissed him for so long that you were both feeling oxygen deprived. He is in awe that you showed him there’s another way to suffocate. He thinks you’re talented. Only very little pillow talk.
I don’t like Levi. The way he acts and talks to you. I don’t like it at all. I also don’t like breath control, his kink, or anything to do with strangulation/choking, or beating people up. So this H scene was not for me at all.
Glasy’s kink is necrophilia, and they include his kink in the H scene by making you as limp as a corpse after kissing him. Oh boy. I’m not fond of Glasy and I don’t like the idea of not being in control of yourself and unable to move at all. So this scene ranks very low for me.
He licks your toes, not a fan. He plays with your chest and nipples. He spreads you open and just stares, then performs oral on you, while keeping you spread open.
He makes your limp hand jerk him off, then uses your slack mouth. This is the second time you performed oral on a demon. This is what the CG shows, though I would have preferred if they picked something else.
Then he manhandles you into position to penetrate you. He cums inside you. Then he moves to your throat again and comes there too. This is the first time the guy has come twice in an H scene.
There is pillow talk. He wraps you in his cape, holds you and kisses you as the limpness wears off. He tells you he’ll fetch you when you die, but it’s good you’re alive now.
You realize you need devils energy, but none are around you right now, so you start masturbating. You hear the door open, but don’t see anyone. Foras is invisible, which plays into his kink.
He starts playing with your genitals while invisible. You realize who he is and call out to him, but he ignores you.
Finally he tells you to take off your clothes, pose embarrassingly, and just sit there in silence while he watches while still invisible. The dominance he’s displaying is unexpected, but fine.
Foras puts his dick near your mouth and you suck him off.
He penetrates you, again while all the while being invisible, so it looks like you’re being fucked by a ghost.
The CG could be better. His expression looks a little wonky and you’re clothed in it even though you’re supposed to be naked.
Foras informs you that he was there for every H scene. He really liked that you never noticed him.
He doesn’t let you see him afterwards, which I think he should have. He gets your permission to keep watching you having sex. Then he inexplicably cums on your face after you fall asleep. No thank you sir. And for some reason you don’t even comment on it after you wake up.
I liked Leraye, Mammon, Belial, Zagan, Paimon, and Valefor H Scenes the most.
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donutz · 2 months
Shrimpo confession + Headcanons!!
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You might not read this bcus its Shrimpo, but like... He's adorable..
— Shrimpo warms up to you, suddenly not hating burgers anymore..
Warnings: Bright colors; That's all I think
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^^This is you(If you'd like to look that way)
"Does this mean I'm a girl?!" No, if you remove the eyelashes
It's kinda wonky but I did my best ^_^
When you two met, you were a newbie. A lot of the toons surrounded you, wanting to see who you were.
Of course, you were shy. There’s 17 different toons looking at you. One of them is looking at you with a frown.
You jumped a little, because of his sudden abrupt voice.
"That's Shrimpo."
“He’s kinda mean.”
“Kinda is an understatement. Also it’s kind of, not kinda.”
“Potato potato Rodger.”
After Shrimpo’s hateful statement, you just stared. You two made eye contact, and he looked away first! So you won!
You smiled at him, and he looked away again.
A day after that, you thought—
‘Maybe Shrimpo could be my friend?’
You hung out with Shrimpo, a lot. He couldn’t understand why you weren’t going away.
Why don’t you hate him like everybody else?
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As days passed, he tolerated your presence more and more. Like not yelling at you as much. Somehow managing to be less of a hater, and him continuously losing ‘staring contests’.
You could convince him to do arts and crafts. Convince him to hang with the other toons, convince him to not bang his head on the machines. Say, why does he do that?
“... I DON’T… Know..”
Oh okay.
The other toons noticed obviously! Have you seen how calm Shrimpo was around them? Only when you’re around though. When you’re gone it seems like he’s more angry compared to before meeting you.
Dandy was walking around, looking for you and Shrimpo.
He was walking around, with his hands on his hips.
‘Where did those gremlins go?’
He looked into a smaller room, seeing you.
You were facing Shrimpo, the both of you sitting on your legs. With you holding his hands.
“Why.. Do you like me so much?”
“Well, it’s just that I was hoping for you to not hate me. So it resulted in me hanging out with you a lot. Then the more I hung out with you the more I started to like you.”
“It led to love, I guess. The other toons might not like you but I do. I like you a lot actually.”
Looking up from his hands, you two make eye contact.
“I love you, Shrimpo.”
You heard a gasp, but it wasn’t Shrimpo’s.
Sensing who it was, you got up, walking over to…
"Hey you..!! The toons sent me to look for you guys!" (That’s a lie, he did it himself)
“Oh wow really! That’s nice, it’d be more nice if you left!”
"... Yeah alright, just meet up with us in less than five alright?"
Dandy walked away. Mainly happy because his theories are right, you two do love each other! He thinks…
You turn around, looking for Shrimpo.
You could see his little feet hiding behind the wall.
“Aww, silly.”
You came back to him, holding his hands once more. There he was, red as ever.
You’d think that if he got any more red he’d cook himself.
“So..? Do you love me back?”
“...YES. LET’S GO” 
He quickly got up and dragged you over to where the rest of the toons were.
Yells at everybody, except you
Of course he still yells at you, but not as much when it comes to the others
He’s actually started to stop banging his head on the machines, or tries to
You’re very important to him, just your presence can calm him down
That’s one of the reasons Dandy suspected he liked you
Because of how calm Shrimpo was acting around you
All of a sudden he likes burgers.. I wonder why..
Minus burgers, if you’re any type of thing, food, anything really, he’ll like whatever visible trait you have
Like if you were a tape type of character then he would suddenly like tape
PDA is a no no, it’s not like an ego thing or like embarrassment thing(That’s another lie, he gets really embarrassed) he just feels off about public displays of affection
He gets pretty cuddly in private, probably the little spoon, but wouldn’t mind switching it
He’s soft around you
It took some time to get him to smile, it happened when you gave him multiple kisses on his face
He was slightly functioning, then blinked away his non functioning self
Before he knew it, he was smiling
You quickly took a picture
Surprisingly, for the rest of the day he was smiling more, not in front of the toons, but just in front of you
He was really clingy too, he hadn’t realized that those kisses were all he needed to be happy and smiling for a day
It’s hard for him to communicate his feelings, you really gotta reel it out of him
He’s very vulnerable in that moment, so try to not make any jokes or else he’ll be mad at you for the rest of the day
One little giggle and he’s out!! Is what he says
Your first kiss was adorable, it was on his birthday!!
Publicly and sneakily!!
He was trying SO HARD to not blush
He started shaking
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I don't even care for Shrimpo that much
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mustainegf · 11 days
This is a crazy sad idea I had the other night
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I wake up to the pitter of rain against the windows. The air was dead, with the smell of old wood and the remains of cigarette smoke from the night before. The house held its breath. Lying there, in sheets that smell of memories, the leather and aftershave smell with the damp air and cleaving to everything in this room. His room.
James has left his space this way ever since, the mess of records that he insists have some sort of order, utter chaos to anyone else. Guitars leaned against the wall, scattered papers on the desk. Hard to tell, really. A few half empty beer bottles remained on the nightstand, one of them with the label peeling off where his fingers had unconsciously picked at it.
I sit up and blink away fogginess in my head. My body is heavy, I'm trying to move underwater. Really, I don't want to get up. I want to be wrapped in the warmth of this room, in the memories that lean against me from every corner. But I know I cannot stay here forever. The guys will be up soon, and we'll all gather in the kitchen, making laugh, eat whatever we can find, making plans for the day. It's 1987, and life moves fast. Even if I don't feel like keeping up.
Lately, James has been different. Quieter. Or maybe I'm just noticing things that were always there. The way he sometimes stares off into space, his fingers tapping out rhythms for his own ears. The way he lingers a little too long in doorways, expecting something or someone to appear. He doesn't talk about it, though. None of us do. We just keep going, acting like everything is okay.
Maybe he's downstairs already, fiddling with his guitar, a low hum of his voice humming along to whatever song's in his head. I smile at the thought. James Hetfield. My roommate, my best friend, and sometimes... I don't know what. Something more, maybe. Or something less. It's hard to define what we are.
I drag myself out of his bed and into my jeans,the necklace around my neck is getting heavier with the days. The little locket inside, the one I never take off, a picture of him. I rarely open it. I don't have to. I can pull up his face on the screen in my head anytime. Those diamond cut blue eyes, that wonky smile capable of illuminating the whole damn room.
I trudge softly down the stairs, trying not to make any noise. I used to joke this place was haunted, maybe the ghosts of musicians still waited here, looking for their chance at popularity. James would laugh at me for it, calling me ridiculous, but sometimes. Sometimes, I truly wish it were. And maybe it is.
But it's still an empty kitchen. No James, no one else. Just the light patter of rain, the ticking of the clock on the wall. My face droops immediately. He's probably out in the garage, messing with his guitar, or he went for a drive. That's what he sometimes does when his head needs clearing. I'm fine. I'll see him later.
I sit at the table, running my fingers over the grain of the wood in an absent circle. The house is too quiet. Too still. I shut my eyes and try to recall the last conversation we had, but it's all hazy, reaching for smoke. My mind drifts and for one moment, I might have sworn I heard him, his voice calling my name up the hallway. I snap my eyes open and my heart's racing. But there's nobody.
Just the house. Just me.
I shake my head, feeling pathetic. Need to stop doing this, stop waiting for things that aren't there. I'm not some little girl anymore.
But still… I was hoping the house was haunted.
I lie later on his bed, gazing up at the ceiling, the Scorpions poster on his ceiling boring an image into my skull. The rain has calmed. I have no idea why I am in here. I should do anything else, do something else. Instead, I draw his pillow closer to me, inhaling into the now-faint scent of him that still clings to the fabric. I know if i keep breathing it in, it'll only smell like me. And that's no good.
I simply wish that he would just come back now.
I heard the opening of the door behind me, and my heart leaps half a second, hoping it is him, but it isn't. It's Cliff.
He steps inside, his eyes soft as they land on me, knowing exactly what's going on. That's always been him, kind and patient. He doesn't say anything, not for a minute or so, just walks over and sits on the edge of the bed, his weight sinking into the mattress.
And then I don't know why, but I just start crying. It's out of nowhere, tears spilling down my cheeks before I can even attempt to stop them. They soak into James' pillow like a hello. It's kind of really embarrassing, actually. I'm not a crier. But here I am, sobbing into James's pillow like some sort of broken thing, and I have no idea why.
Cliff says nothing more, but reaches out and gently brushes my hair from off my face, and I imagine his touch is James'.
"He loved you, you know," Cliff says in a voice soft enough that it caresses my slow heart.
My body freezes up. "What?
"James," he says, his fingers still moving through my hair, soothing me like I was a little girl. "He was crazy about you."   I shake my head, a bitter laugh escaping my lips. "You don't have to say that, Cliff. I know you're just trying to make me feel better."
But he doesn't laugh. He doesn't even smile. He just looks at me with those sad eyes of his, chestnut hair falling slightly in his eyes.
"He was gonna tell you," Cliff whispers. "After the tour. He had this big, stupid plan. He wanted to take you out to dinner, make it all special, you know? He was nervous as hell about it, too."
Why is Cliff saying this? Why now?
Again, Cliff says, "He never had the chance." Cliff's voice is no louder than a murmur. "But he loved you. Really did."
I wrap myself into a tight, clinging ball with his pillow. "But he's still here," I choke. "James is… he's still here, Cliff. He's just… he's just out somewhere, right?"
There's such a long pause, when Cliff speaks again, his voice is full with a sadness that I don't want to recognize. But I do.
"He's gone, sweetheart."
I shake my head wildly, eyes refusing to believe what I already know is true. "No. No, he's not. He's coming back. He's just—"
"He passed, remember? Last year. The bus."
I stop breathing as the room tilts, heavy with fog, pushing against my skin, promising to smother me. I remember, yet I don't want to. I don't want to think about that night, the phone call, a feeling of my love slipping away.
"I saw him," I whisper, my voice shaking. "I swear, Cliff, I saw him. He was right here."
Cliff doesn't argue, won't try to reason with me. He just pulls me into his arms, holding me as I break apart. He strokes my hair, whispering soft words that I can't quite make out, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that James is gone. He's been gone for a year, and I've been living in this house, waiting for a ghost that will never come home.
Cliff lays me back down, tucks James’ blankets around me as if I am some sort of child. He doesn't leave, though. He stays beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder.
"He really did love you," Cliff says again, much softer this time. "More than you know."
The house isn't haunted. At least, it isn't haunted the way I wish it was.
I still wear you in my locket, James. I always will.
And maybe someday I'll find you again.
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thewulf · 2 years
Unexpectedly || Aaron Hotchner
Request: The reader is a member of BAU, but nobody knows her dark past. She's running from her abusive ex. Once he hurt her so bad (fractured skull, several severe injuries) he left her to die in their apartment. Nowadays she keeps that past hidden, as good as she can... See rest here
A/N: This was SO much fun to write. Took me a little bit to get used to the writing style but once I did it flowed so well. There is A LOT going on in this one (make sure to read the full request!). Timeline is a little wonky – Season 3ish but we’re pretending George Foyet already happened, and Haley has already passed. I also just made reader 28 years old – you can pick whatever age you want!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 10.1k + (Probably should've made this 2 parts)
TW: Abuse. Both physical and mental. General Criminal Minds TW – talk of blood/gore/death/stabbing etc. AGE GAP between reader and Hotchner, reader is implied to be younger 25-35.
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Life was good, great even. For the first time in a long time, you felt free, like yourself again. You weren’t sure how, but you managed to convince the BAU that you’d be a good communications liaison while JJ was out on maternity leave. Speaking in front of people never bothered you, it came naturally to you. So, when your manager mentioned an opening in the BAU for your exact job all the way across the country it piqued your curiosity. It piqued your curiosity so much that you ended up applying, interviewing, and accepting the job within a few days. On Monday you were an FBI agent stationed in Los Angeles and by Friday you were meeting your new team.
Hoping to make a good impression on your first day you brought in bagels and coffee just praying they would like you. You met your ridiculously good-looking boss that Thursday night after his team got back from a difficult case, his words not yours, and he showed you around the office. He had given the team the weekend off to relax. Something that wasn’t terribly common around there you had picked up.
Laying out the bagels on conference room table you were so in your own head you hadn’t heard the door open and close
“Well, what do we have here?” A smooth male voice came from behind you breaking you right out of your thoughts.
Spinning around on your heel you took the man in. Tall, handsome and had a devilishly cute grin across his face. Was everyone that worked here hot as hell? If that were the case you might be in trouble, “Oh hi! I’m Y/N. Agent Y/L/N. I’m covering for JJ while she’s out.” You flashed him a nervous smile hoping he wouldn’t be able to read you as easily as you thought it was. See, you never worked with profilers before this. Sure, you’ve worked at the FBI for years, but profilers made you nervous. Profilers seemed to know more about you than even you knew about yourself. And profilers at the BAU? This team was the best of the best. Better than any team you’ve worked on, that’s for sure.
He shot you a ]smile that would’ve taken you out in a previous life, “SSA Derek Morgan. Are these for the team?”
You nodded feeling his eyes surveying you, profiling you, “They are, if you want them.”
Nodding his head slowly he took a step forward to grab one, “Are you trying to butter us up?”
Giving him a small laugh, you continued, “Depends, is it working?”
His smirk grew into a full-on smile now, “Yeah, you’ll fit right in newbie.” He pulled out a chair for you to pop a squat next to him, “They’ll be in soon. Just slow on Friday mornings.” He commented after seeing you look out for anybody behind him.
Sitting down next to him you were sure you looked like a nervous mess. You were confident in your role. You knew you were damn good at your job too. But who wouldn’t be nervous walking into a room of profilers for the first time? Especially ones that could read you like an open book so quickly, “Thanks,” You gave him a quick nod, “You must be good at your job.”
Derek set his coffee mug on the table turning towards you, “We are. But that’s beside the point. You’ll learn quickly.”
Before Derek could continue the door opened again revealing your stern looking boss who gave the two of you a nod before taking a seat at the table.
“Bagel?” You offered.
With a quick look up and a quick head shake he continued scanning whatever he was looking at. Looking over at Derek curiously he just gave you a tight-lipped smile shaking his head. Deciding to just drop it you waited patiently for whatever the hell was about to happen. Hotchner briefly went over your responsibilities when he walked you through the BAU, so you were flying blind.
Slowly the team started trickling in making sure to give quick intros and thank you’s for the bagels. You sat back and observed what was going on. A quick conversation around the weekend turned to a squeal as on overly pink dressed woman came bounding into the room with a very big smile.
“You must be Y/N! It’s so nice to meet you.” She clapped her hands grabbing a bagel for herself, “Don’t worry honey I only read your file. I didn’t go digging. I’m Penelope but this fine human specimen calls me Penny.” She gave Derek’s arm a squeeze.
“Or baby girl.” Derek through her a wink. A few others walked in quickly introducing themselves to you. Each team member more kind than the next welcoming you with open arms.
At Penny’s comment you felt you blood run cold. Of course, the bureau would have somebody like her on the team. It was stupid to think that this team wouldn’t have one. They needed her. Sitting in a room full of profilers who were watching the exchange was a bit unnerving too. Every expression on your face being hyper analyzed to profile you.
Raising your eyebrows in curiosity you could only ask, “Digging? What for?”
She giggled taking a seat next to Derek on his other side, “Anything dear. I can find any secret if it’s been on the internet. Maybe some that haven’t been.” She laughed.
Your heart started racing knowing she could figure you out completely. It was easy enough to get your file cleared of your past life once you changed your last name, but this? This was a problem. You couldn’t bury police and court records. Those would live for forever.
Smiling and trying to play it off as cool as possible you nodded your head along, “Noted. That’s a nifty little skill you have their Penny.” Her face lit up as she agreed with you. It wasn’t often she got complimented for her skills, so she took it when it was given.
Cool. You had to play this cool. You couldn’t let your emotions expose you now. This scenario ran through your head a hundred times before you came. You knew they were going to ask about your past. It’s not like anything was in your file other than you being from the middle of nowhere Colorado. You made sure to have it scrubbed before you came.
Hotchner cleared his throat letting the team know he was ready to go, and that work was what was important, not you at the moment. Silently thanking the man, you turned your full attention to him.
“Now that you’ve met Penny and the team has met Y/N, let’s get started.” The man was all business as he nodded to Penny. She passed out the case file to each team member, including you. Visibly fighting back your reaction to the pictures in the file it dawned on you how fucked this job was going to be. Shit, what in the hell have you gotten your sorry self into?
“Dayton, Ohio” She spoke after taking a seat again, “Four young women have gone missing and found dead near Eastwood Lake just north of the city. A fifth just went missing last night.”
“They went missing from local bars?” Spencer asked as he set the file down.
Penny nodded, “Each one from a different spot but all within a 5-mile radius downtown.”
“Ligature marks around the arms indicate being chained up or bound for some extended period of time.” Spencer rattled off studying the pictures. Taking a shallow breath, you looked back at the pictures of the young women. You’ve seen some fucked up things working with the FBI, but this was next level. These women were clearly tortured before whoever finally decided to kill them. The bruises, cuts, blood, and broken bones were not a sight many people could handle. A sight that reminded you of your past.
Acutely aware you were around profilers you lifted your head up to listen to the conversation that was unfolding around the table. You watched how they bounced ideas off of each other so effortlessly. How each idea was taken into consideration. They worked so flawlessly as a team. It was something you had yet to come across in your time with the Bureau.
“Lacerations to the left cheek on all of them.” You vaguely heard from Rossi as they all continued to converse. You watched in awe as the team did their thing. No wonder they were so well regarded. This felt like magic. They knew each other so well.
“No racial preference either. Seems to be targeting age. 25- to 35-year-old women in the Dayton and Beavercreek area.” Spenser’s voice chimed in again.
“Cause of death, asphyxiation to all the women. Possibly getting off to the torture?” Emily spoke up.
“What time did they go missing?” You asked skimming the file unaware that they all stopped their chatter keying in on you, “What? Did I do something wrong?” You asked noticing the silence.
Derek shook his head with a little smirk, “Hardly.”
You looked back down not enjoying the attention, “Okay.” You were sure your face was beet red.
“Okay.” Hotchner brought his team back on track, “Jet’s leaving in 20. Y/L/N stay back for a moment.”
“Sure.” You nodded waiting for the team to disperse. Swiveling your chair back and forth you felt overly nervous to talk to the man. You’d heard the rumors about him before you got the BAU, and they seemed scarily accurate for the man. A hard ass that expected a lot from his team but would have your back in an instant, no questions asked. But what everyone failed to tell you was just how handsome the damn man was on top of it all. He was striking to you, exactly your type with his chocolate eyes and dark hair. It made talking to him a very nerve-wracking experience.
Just don’t think about how attractive you find him, and you’d be just fine. Easy, right?
When Penny walked out you turned to him, “What was that about?” You asked your boss as he took a seat next to you.
He gave you a look you couldn’t figure out before continuing the conversation, “It’s not often that somebody comes in and contributes right away. Much less a communications liaison.” You knew he wasn’t criticizing you for not being a profiler as everybody had their roles, but it felt like you’d overstepped.
“Oh, I’m sorry…”
He shook his head interrupting you, “No, we need every idea out there. That’s the difference between brining somebody home to their family or not.”
You scanned his face quickly, hoping you weren’t caught studying him. But he was the infamous Aaron Hotchner of course he would notice. You needed to get your stupid brain in check, but damn did he have a nice jawline. A nice everything really.
Giving him a small smile, you nodded, “Gotcha.” You wanted to call him Hotch, but it felt too soon, like you were trying to be a part of a team that you weren’t apart of just yet.
He gave you a curt nod before standing, “Grab your go bag and follow me.”
Following him out to the jet you couldn’t take your eyes off him. His suit tailored to his body in all the right places was sending you into overdrive. You should not be having these unsavory thoughts of your fucking boss that you’ve known for less than an hour of your life. But you had to give credit where credit was due. He was fine. Far too fine to be your boss. You were just thankful that he didn’t have eyes on the back of his head.
You quietly followed him onto the plane spotting Derek and Emily sitting on the couch. You opted to sit across from them running fast from your boss. He was fine as hell but boy was he intimidating.
“Y/N.” Emily nodded, “Welcome to the team glad to have you. Even if you’re like… twelve years old.” She sat back smirking, proud of herself for that one. You weren’t giving much up and this was her solution to that. Get under your skin. She knew nobody could resist.
Derek snorted quickly placing a hand over his mouth, “Hey! I’m 28.” You shot a glare at Derek already feeling far too comfortable around the man. But that was just Derek, open and welcoming. An easy-going great man.
“I told you she was over 25!” Emily pointed at Derek.
He shrugged, “I was off a little.”
You stared at them with a wide-open mouth, “I’m sitting right here.”
Derek turned towards you, flashing you that brilliant smile, “That’s a good thing Y/N. Younger than you look.” He threw you a wink.
“Shut up pig.” You crossed your arms over your chest blankly staring at him.
Emily laughed happily at that. She loved when women shot Derek down. So often they were throwing themselves at him that it just caught her so off guard.
“I’m going to close my eyes over there.” You nodded to the back of the plane where the curtains were drawn. Making it a bit darker than the rest of the plane.
Derek looked at you with a slight glare, not a fan that you were bowing out so quick. He wanted to get to know the new girl, “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a headache.” You gave him a small smile, “Happens sometimes.” You tried to give him as little information as possible. As soon as you opened the can of worms you knew you were toast. You were walking a literal tightrope right now. One little slip up and the entire thing would come crashing down on you.
“Alright, new girl. Go rest up. We aren’t done talking about you though.” He raised a brow as if to challenge you. Emily nodded glancing up from the magazine she decided to pull out a few moments prior.
Nervously laughing you stood, thankful that these guys didn’t really know you just yet or they’d see right on through you like the profilers they were, “I’m not that interesting Derek.”
“Au contraire.” Rossi spoke up setting his book down. Spinning in the seat from not that far away. This caught Hotch’s attention. He looked up from the files he was studying to see what the commotion was about. Damn, they really were always listening, weren’t they? “The less you say the more we want to know.” Rossi finished spinning back towards Hotch. You watched as they seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes.
You felt your heart rate pick up speed, why didn’t you think of a better cover? “I promise you both, I’m kind of boring.” Was all you could think to say. Just digging yourself into a deeper hole.
“So, you think.” He picked his book back up not sparing a glance back in your direction.
You found a seat that butted up against the airplane wall that let you close your eyes in peace. It felt like a jackhammer was pounding into your head. The stress of the situation raised your blood pressure which meant your head was more susceptible to the piercing migraines that were new to your life. What you didn’t see was your boss watching your every move in quick glances, not going unnoticed by his confidant Rossi.
Ever since the attack you got headaches and migraines all the time. When you were stressed, or your blood pressure started to increase the migraines hit almost instantly. The doctors told you it was due to the increased blood flow to that area of the brain that will likely never heal completely. This was something you just had to live with.
The migraines you could deal with. What really sucked was the bouts of dizziness and nausea that often followed a severe migraine. It got so bad on a case once you ended up fainting from the dizziness that clouded your eyesight. You just had to keep your stress under control. That’d be easy to do at the BAU right? Sure.
You opened your eyes when the plane started to descend into Dayton. A bit shocked you actually fell asleep. Often you struggled falling asleep on a plane or in a car. Instead of joining in on the conversation between teammates you opted to listen in, instead of contributing. The migraine was faint but still there. Maybe this wasn’t the best switch for you. Maybe coming to the BAU was a mistake.
The team exited the plane quickly getting into the escort vehicles taking them to the police station. Enamored with the entire process you zoned out as the team did their normal routine. This was all so novel to you. The jet, the escort, the prestige of it all. You came from a low budget office in the high budget city of LA. This was nothing short of fascinating.
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The day you had to ran started just like any other one. Your boyfriend of a few years was off to work early in the morning. He was a detective at the same police department you worked at working as the communications lead for the precinct. You went to work, did your thing before coming back to the shared house. When you walked through the front door it was eerily quiet. Seeing your boyfriend’s truck in the driveway you knew he was home though.
“Honey?” You called out while setting your bag down careful not to make too much noise as you knew he didn’t like it.
“Kitchen.” Your heart dropped out of your chest hearing the tone of voice that came out of his mouth. It was his ‘you fucked up you’re going to pay voice’. Looking down at your hands you noticed that the trembling had already started.
You felt so weak. You couldn’t stand up for yourself, defend yourself. You tried to get away, but he found you. You tried to get the people you worked with to understand what you were going through but they didn’t see it, they didn’t get it. They didn’t want to see it. They wanted to protect him. Your very own coworkers, literal police officers, wouldn’t even help you. You were stuck with him. You knew you had to get out you just couldn’t figure it out. He was going to kill you if you didn’t.
Walking slowly, you peeked your head through the entryway spotting your boyfriend sitting down at the table. You knew you were in trouble for something you just hadn’t a clue what set him off this time, “How was work?” You spoke up knowing this was happening one way or another.
He stood walking over to the sink, staring right at you, “It was great until I got home and found a fucking dish in the sink.” He nearly growled, irritation coursing through his veins.
Fuck, did you really forget to put your glass away? What a dumbass mistake, “I’m sorry I…”
“What did I fucking tell you about the dishes Y/N? Or are you just too fucking stupid to understand what I’m saying?” Raising his voice he took a step towards you, toying with you. Your whole body was trembling now. He was so terribly scary when he wanted to be and right now, he wanted to scare the living daylights out of you.
“No. I’m sorry I just forgot.” You looked down knowing it wasn’t a good excuse. Nothing was a good excuse when he wanted to hurt you. You knew he loved it. The sick bastard that he was.
“You forgot?” He laughed. A deep belly laugh that sent a shiver rippling through your entity. Feeling your hair getting pulled from above you let out a small yelp as he forced you to look at him, “Like the dumb bitch you are.” You felt the pain before it registered in your head what had happened. He threw a punch to the side of your face dropping you to the ground almost instantly. Feeling blood trickle down your face you couldn’t bear looking up at him. That’d leave a nasty bruise.
He placed his boot on your abdomen pressing down a little too hard. “Pathetic. Can’t even stay standing? Hmm?” His boot connected with your rib cage. A nasty crack and the immediate searing pain started radiating immediately. A small whine emanated from your mouth as you tried to take a breath, but the pain almost felt too unbearable. He definitely cracked a few of your ribs.
“Going to remember to put your fucking dishes in the dishwasher next time?” He let out a low chuckle. You were in trouble. This was different. He normally stopped before it had gotten this bad. He knew he couldn’t hurt you to the point you couldn’t work so that usually meant your face, arms and legs were off limits. Yet, he went for it this time. He never dared to used such force that bones actually broke.
“Yeah.” You mumbled out finding it hard to even breathe at the moment. Not that he would take that as an excuse.
“What was that?” He grabbed you by the hair again pulling you to your feet. You were sure he took a chunk of hair out as he did so.
“Ow, fuck!” You cried feeling your vision start to blur from the force of the pull. The cuss word just slipped out, but you knew better than to use that ‘language’ in front of him as it wasn’t ‘lady-like’ at all.
A look crossed his face that you were sure you’d never seen before. One that looked like he wanted to kill you right then. To get rid of you, “That’s it. I’ve tried with you. You’re hopeless.”
He grabbed you by your shoulders grasping down hard making sure it would leave marks, “You are nothing Y/N. Absolutely nothing.”
“Then why won’t you leave me?” That might have been you’re biggest mistake to date with him. A slight twitch of his nostril made you realize just how fucked you were.
“Don’t you ever talk back to me.” Another punch but right to the nose sent you backwards into the wall. Black dots started dancing in your vision as you tried to stay upright. Blood started flowing down your face coating your shirt in the bright crimson.
“Then leave me.” You tasted the metallic blood that was pouring down your face. You were begging him now. It was now or never for you. He was either going to kill you or leave you. You couldn’t keep doing this.
Forcing you up against the wall with his hand around your neck he leaned in hard, making it hard to breath, whispering into your ear, “I’m never leaving you Y/N.” If you had any energy left tears might have rolled down your face but there was nothing left. You could hardly breathe from the kick to the ribs. He was restricting your airflow and you were starting to get faint, “You’re mine for forever, my dear.” He let his hand go from around your neck holding you up by the chest now. You sucked in a big breath only to be met with the excruciating pain radiating from your ribcage.
“Please.” You managed to look at him. Hoping to see any form of humanity behind his eyes. A small sob erupted when you realized how dark he had become.
Shaking his head he grabbed your upper arm, “No.” He squeezed forcing another short whine to escape your mouth, “Now, Y/N. You need to learn to not talk back to me. Do you understand me?”
You nodded your head trying to reserve talking for only when it was needed as it hurt, “I asked you a fucking question!” He yelled in your face continuing to clamp down on your arm. Your hand began to tingle from the lack of blood flow.
“Ye.. yes.” You mumbled out feeling yourself about to slip into unconsciousness.
“Good girl. Now, time for your punishment.”
Eyes widening a bit you couldn’t comprehend it. Wasn’t this the punishment? Before you could speak up you felt him pull you away from the wall. Completely at his mercy you didn’t even have the strength to stand anymore let alone try to argue with him. He was literally the only thing keeping you standing as you moved away from the wall.
He didn’t think it all the way through this time though. When he threw his last punch to your abdomen, he didn’t account for you not having any strength to stop yourself. So, when he punched you, you went flying backwards right into the corner of the kitchen island countertop. The back of your head connected with the stone instantly knocking you unconscious instantly.
Waking up in a puddle of your own drying blood was something you wouldn’t have wished on your worst enemy. The metallic stench of the drying liquid sent chills down your spine as you took in your surroundings. Blinking rapidly a few times you realized it was eerily quiet again as you regained consciousness. The house was dark. Too dark to see anything.
A shallow breath in brought in pain which caused you to wince opening up the raw head wound that had sealed itself shut. Rolling onto your stomach and holding yourself up with your palms you saw how bad it really was. Blood spattered the white cabinets while there was a literal pool of blood that came from your head. It was a miracle you were even alive.
It felt like every nerve ending in your body was on fire as you attempted to stand only to be met with jelly legs. A quite cry broke from your chest realizing just how bad this really was. He just left you for dead. He didn’t even call an ambulance. He was just gone.
He never took it that far in the past. He had an appearance to uphold at the police department and you showing up with any sort of visible bruises would shatter that illusion. It was usually just slaps across the face or shoves into furniture. Never had he actually made you bleed like this, on the brink of death.
The worst thing about all of this was that in the beginning of your relationship he was one of the best partners around. You loved him with your life. Then the stress and the cracks started to form. At first, he found other outlets like video games or going to the bar. Then it became you. The hitting only started a few months prior. But this, this was exceptional. This was a crime scene.
Thanking your lucky stars that you never took off your jacket, your phone was still in the pocket. With your very last ounce of strength, you dialed 911 before succumbing to the darkness again.
Instead of actually finding him, the cops said he ran away. That all they could do was put some feelers out. You used to think the world of these guys but then you realized he was their priority. They would protect their brother before you. You were just a woman. He was their brother.
After spending a week in the hospital due to fracturing your skull you were immediately transferred to another department about three hours away. That was all they offered, a measly transfer. With a head raging of migraines that never seemed to leave you decided you’d have to take matters into your own hands. Coming across a Bureau job in Los Angeles you jumped at the opportunity and was hired almost immediately. You opted to hide your past from your coworkers, changing your last name was the easiest way to do so Sure, the FBI knew about the incident but not your co-workers. The less it was brought up the less you had to think about it.
You were running from your past and you didn’t really give a damn. It made you realize just how fucked up the situation you were in really was. You weren’t anything to anybody at that police department. Just a woman who happened to be in a relationship to one of their police brothers.
Lucky for you, you loved your job at the Bureau. And you excelled at it quickly. Often picking up extra work for your coworkers. When the job at the BAU opened up you jumped as quick as you could. The BAU was coveted in the FBI. If you could make it there you could make it literally anywhere.
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The case was tough on you. Just yesterday they found the fifth victim. It was only a matter of time until the sixth was taken. The killer was picking up speed at an alarming rate. Going from once a month down to every other day. You were doing a decent job keeping your stress down and your migraines somewhat at bay. But any of these women could be you on a given night. It hit you like a truck when the fifth woman was found in a park. She was wearing an outfit you would’ve worn to go out with friends. She was out living her life twelve hours prior and now she was just gone. How sick life was.
Time for the worst part of your job, telling the police and the public in a press conference. Even though it sucked it needed to get done. The more that young women knew that this was happening the more alert people would be. You gave the profile during the press conference that the team had come up with. White male, in his early 30’s, likely of shorter and heavier build with deeply rooted emotional trauma due to growing up without a mother or mother like figure. His mother probably left him when she was in her early 30’s thus the reason for the victim age range. So typical. How often you ran across cases like this. This guy was just a little sneakier. Not as dumb as your typical run of the mill criminal.
You sat in the conference room studying the white board with all the victims posted across with all the fine details of their short lives. The rest of the team stepped out for lunch, but you just weren’t hungry. Not after delivering that news to the Dayton Ohio area.  Opting to just lose yourself in your thoughts instead.
You weren’t given much time to lose yourself before you heard a chair scrape the ground next to you. Looking up you were surprised to see your boss sitting down next to you with a snack in hand.
“No lunch?”
“No, not hungry.” You gave him a half smile trying to knock yourself out of this mini funk. You thought you were prepared. You read all the case files. You talked to all the experts. But damn, when you were middle of doing it, it was like nothing you could’ve expected.
Feeling your personal phone buzz, you looked down while the two of you sat in comfortable silence. Opening your phone and clicking the little messages icon you frowned not recognizing the number that texted you. Your mouth immediately ran dry as adrenaline started pumping through your body. One text. One fucking text you never ever wanted to see.
‘I know where you are.’
Your heart rate sped right up which would lead to inevitable migraine. Fuck. There was a chance it wasn’t him but who else could it be? He loved to do this kind of shit to you back when you were together. Completely fucking with your mind.
“Everything okay?” You heard your boss faintly ask as you couldn’t rip your eyes away from your phone screen. Blinking rapidly, you had to remember where you were. You were working. You couldn’t worry about that right now. This was a later problem. Block it and move on. Besides, it was getting embarrassing how many fucking times the team had to ask if you were okay. You needed to knock it off and soon.
“Y/L/N.” You heard more sternly this time.
“Yes?” You locked the screen shoving it into your pocked. Out of sight out of mind. Right?
“What’s wrong?”
You shook your head trying to play it off as cool as you possibly could, “Nothing Hotch.” You finally felt comfortable enough to call him that. I suppose when you hunt killers and study dead bodies you tend to bond faster than you would in any other job.
He gave you an exasperated look, “You do realize I profile people for a living.”
A sigh escaped your lips, “It’s nothing. They’re just so young.” You pointed your head towards the white board. You couldn’t let him know about your past. It was almost too fucking embarrassing to admit. You thought you were strong. Clearly not strong enough to leave him before he nearly killed you. And Aaron Hotchner just might be the strongest person you have ever met in your life.
In the brief time that you’d known him you’d learned all about his past from his coworkers. How he was stabbed, lost his ex-wife and was still here doing this damn thing as a single father. His strength was unparalleled to anything you had known. So, to admit your past to him was something you were far too scared to do. The worst thing would be to be seen as weak to Aaron Hotchner.
He nodded looking you over. Something he seemed to do far too often that made you feel things you really shouldn’t be feeling, “Is that all?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded refusing to look at him but instead at the victims. Hoping you were selling yourself well enough. He didn’t believe you. He was a profiler, a damn good one at that. He knew something was on that phone. Something you were refusing to tell him.
“It’s tough.” He admitted setting his cheese crackers down turning his body towards you, “This is not and will never be an easy job Agent Y/L/N. It’ll probably be some of the most gruesome work that you’ll be in the thick of. But let me tell you something. When you get to save one of those girls or any innocent victim it changes you. You know you saved them from something so horrific, something that no innocent human should go through. And that makes it all worth it. I can promise you that.”
A little shell shocked that he dropped that bomb on your lap you took a moment to collect your thoughts, “Thank you Hotch.” Looking up to him you continued, “Really, thank you. This is… brutal. I thought I knew what I was signing up for.”
“You can step away at any time. There wouldn’t be any judgment, but we really did hire you for a reason. I wouldn’t have if I didn’t think you could do it.”
Those damn butterflies erupted in your stomach as he looked you over to make sure the message really sank in, “I can do it. I just have to adjust.”
A small smile formed on his face. You had to assume that was a rare sight for the team as it caught you off guard. He looked so damn handsome with a smile on his face. Something you wanted to see far more than you already had in the few days you’d been on the case with the team.
He stood grabbing his crackers, “Good. If you need anything. Really. Anything. Please, don’t be afraid to ask. Alright?”
You nodded rapidly, “Got it Hotch. Thank you.”
“Sure. I need to go talk to the chief. Try and grab some food?”
“Yeah, sure.” You threw him a smile as he walked out of the room. God, you were fucked if this was how we was going to treat you. Already so attracted to just his physical appearance and then he pulls that out? What’s not to love.
Deciding to listen to him you grabbed an apple and a snack from the vending machine to suffice his request. Sitting back down you opted to refresh your conference notes, getting prepped for your next press conference. You needed to get in contact with the latest victim’s family for Hotch too. Spending the rest of lunch, you decided to knock out your needed tasks to make him happy. To let him know that he did hire the right person. You could do this.
“How was your date with Hotch?” Derek asked as he and Spencer walked back into the conference room after they got back from lunch. Completely interrupting your silence that you were enjoying.
Rolling your eyes, you knew he was only trying to work you up. You quickly learned that Derek was the type to tease you. His form of love.
“What are you on about?” You gave him a quizzical look. Hoping to come off as dumb as possible.
“Don’t play dumb.” He sat in the chair right across from you.
Cocking your head to the side you only looked at him curiously, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Derek.”
This time Spencer spoke up, “It is uncommon that Hotch stayed back. But you are brand new. He could have just been checking in on her.”
“See,” You raised your eyebrows to let him know Spencer was the right one, “Dr. Reid is correct. He was just checking in on his new employee.”
Derek rolled his eyes this time, much more dramatically than you, “Sure, whatever you say Y/L/N.”
“Although,” Reid spoke up again. You snapped your head around in a panic. He was not supposed to say anything further to egg Derek on, “He has been watching you quite a lot. I noticed it when we were back at Quantico. Then when you were asleep on the jet. And really during this whole case…”
“Boy genius!” Derek laughed clapping him on the back. Spencer just looked back and forth between the two of you knowing he said something you didn’t like as you gave him a less than impressed look. Derek was grinning ear to ear, eating all this shit right on up.
You shook your head, “Because I’m new!”
“And oh, so pretty too.” Derek’s smile only grew wider, if possible, when you blushed a bright shade of tomato red. You just loved how your body exposed you of your emotions.
“Shut up. Does not. Drop it.” Grumbling, you turned away from both of them.
Spencer leaned back silently observing Derek’s picking on you. He didn’t really think much of it at first. But once he saw Hotch’s wondering eyes over and over again, he had to make a mental note of it. He didn’t act this was when he started or when Penny started. It only seemed to be reserved for you.
Spencer had a silent conversation with Rossi as he caught Hotch staring at you when you were sleeping on the plane. Rossi only smiling. Rossi knew something.
“Seems like you might have a little crush too.” Derek made a kissy face. This was a nightmare. Sure, you may have a small little crush, but he was your fucking boss. Hell would have to freeze over before anything could happen between the two of you.
“Do not.”
“Yeah see,” Derek leaned forward, “I don’t believe you.”
“That’s fine. You don’t have to.”
Derek only smiled, “We’ll be watching.”
“Go for it.”
Your personal phone buzzed in your pocket. Not thinking much of it you pulled it out of your seeing that same number from earlier pop up again. Opening the message your heart might’ve stopped right then and there.
‘You can’t hide Y/N. I know where you are and I’m coming. Virginia? Really?’
You forgot the two of them were sitting there as you read the text over and over again. Burning the God forsaken image into your mind. How? How could he have found you. Why now? Why almost a year later? You wanted to block the number, but you knew he’d just find another way to get ahold of you. You also knew you needed to show the police and fast. But then that’d expose you completely. Open up everything.
“You good Y/N?” Derek asked ripping you right back into the present.
“Yeah, just thinking about those girls.” You lied hoping you were a good enough actor to get you out of this one.
He nodded, “it’s hard. To view them as both human and try and distance yourself. You’ll figure it out. We all did. It might be tomorrow. It might be in a few months. But you’ll get there.”
“Thanks Derek.” You sighed fully accepting their fate. That you could move on from. But the horror of being stalked by your ex unfortunately loomed in the back of your mind.
Spencer smiled enjoying the interaction between new friends. He liked you. Derek seemed to like you. Hotch seemed to like like you. And Rossi was bound to adore you if Hotch did. Emily of course would hate you at first and then grow to love you. You were in.
The rest of the team worked tirelessly until the sun went down. Hotch ordered the team back to the hotel demanding a good night’s sleep. You knew it wouldn’t come. It hadn’t come in the almost week you’d been in the horror show.
After tossing and turning for what felt like forever you knew you had to get out. Get away for a moment. Everything felt so suffocating. You guys couldn’t do it. Weren’t able to save the fifth girl. She showed up that morning and you knew that night he’d probably have another. Fuck, why was the world so cruel?
So, you might’ve done the dumbest damn thing that you’ve ever done and called an Uber to take you to the bar down the street. You knew you shouldn’t of. Or at least let somebody know where you were going but you just needed to get away. One or two drinks couldn’t have hurt.
That was until you were sipping on your third drink feeling a little too good. You were people watching enjoying the music that was pumping throughout. Eyes on the group of young women having a good time you didn’t see the man come sit next to you.
“Come here often?”
Turning to your right, the man sitting on the barstool next to you waited for your response. Giving him a quick once over you knew something was not right with him. Your gut was screaming at you to turn the other way.
“No.” You tried your best to ignore him, but he just kept talking. Not taking your silence as a no.
“That’s a shame. So pretty.” His slimy eyes trailed your body. A small shiver went down your spine. Trust your gut. If there was one thing you were taught, it’s to always trust your gut. You took a peek at the man. Young man who was short, fat and creeping on a young girl at night? The same night your unsub would be hunting his sixth victim? Could it be him? Could you be so lucky?
“I’m not interested.” You kept your eyes forward carful now. You had to figure out if it was him.
He really didn’t know how to take no for an answer, “Don’t be so harsh beautiful. It’ll only age you quicker.”
“Look I don’t need some guy with mommy issues telling me how I should live my life. Please just go away.” Moms made him mad. This had to be it.
He gave you a sickening smile, “I didn’t have a mommy. So how can I have mommy issues dear?”
This was your unsub. Had to be. Trust your gut, right? Of all the fucking people in the world to get approached by it was him? Jesus. It then hit you that you were his next victim, or so he thought. He targeted you to take down. Damn, what were the odds of that?
“That’s exactly the problem.”
“Oh, come on beautiful. Let me buy you a drink. It’s free and if you want me to leave after I will.” You needed to keep him talking. If he was talking to you that meant he wasn’t talking to another girl.
“Sure, let me just go freshen up really quick while you get the drinks.” You gave the creep a half smile deciding this would be the perfect time to call Hotch. The longer you took his attention the better chance that he wouldn’t escape. It had to be him. His profile down to his absent mother was nearly perfect.
Hands shaking you begrudgingly typed in Hotch’s number. He was going to absolutely lose it. But you were sure, this had to be the guy. He was short, stalky, and talked like the most misogynistic fuck you’d ever been around. It had to be him. You so wished you weren’t three long island iced teas down though your brain felt a little hazy. Hitting the call button, you knew it wouldn’t be long before he answered.
“Hey.. hey boss.” You sucked in a breath knowing how awkward you sounded. Fuck, why was this so hard?
“Agent Y/L/N.” He sounded more alert now. You glanced at the time only to curse that it was already one in the morning. You’d been out far too late, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m at a bar and…”
“You’re what?” He sounded pissed raising his voice only a little. Oh well. This was more important.
You sighed and continued. Letting him know you were irritated that he interrupted you, “I’m at a bar. I needed to clear my head and I think the unsub might or might not be trying to take me home. If you know what I mean.” You wanted to giggle but you knew that’d set the overprotective man off. You weren’t feeling so hot.
You heard rustling in the background. He must be getting up, “The unsub? What? Stay there. Send me your location.” He was trying to process all this information as you so casually told him what was going on. How were you so calm? Were you fucking with him?
“Yeah, okay. I’m in the bathroom, I…”
“Stay there. Stay on the phone.” It sounded like a growl. He was pissed. More than pissed. You didn’t even know the man that well and you knew he was going to lay into you for this.
“Okay.” You felt the alcohol kick it into high gear now. At least, you’d hopped it was only alcohol that was making it hard to concentrate. But this didn’t feel like an alcohol buzz. This felt like your body slowly shutting down.
“Y/L/N!” He yelled on the phone. You must have spaced out. Fuck. Maybe he did put something in your drink. You weren’t usually so spacey.
“Yes, sorry?”
“I asked you how you know it’s him? The unsub?”
“Oh, uhm yeah.” The walls started spinning. Trying to regain your focus only to be met with a splitting migraine, “Shit.” You groaned. Your head felt far too heavy for this just to be alcohol.
“Y/N. What’s going on?” He sounded a bit panicked. You felt horrible for doing this to him but boy were you glad he was on the other end of this phone call right now.
You sat yourself down on a toilet locking the door in front of you hoping this would pass soon, “Hotch, I think he drugged me.” You were so good with your drink though. Never letting it out of your sight. How in the hell could he have slipped something?
You heard some muffled sounds from the other end of the line. It only sounded like him though, “I’m three minutes away. Are you in a safe spot?” His panic ridden voice almost sounded like it was going to break. You’d only known the man for a week now, but you’d grown somewhat close to him. You probably talked to him more than anybody on your team, being the communications liaison and all. Not only did you guys just click it felt so natural and normal to want to be around him. To push his buttons in the best way.
“Yeah, yeah,” Your head began slumping against the stall feeling heavier than it really was. Fucking fuck. What in the hell, “Locked in a bathroom stall.” You mumbled knowing you weren’t going to be terribly coherent here soon.
Moments felt like a lifetime. Then the bathroom door flew open. It didn’t feel right though. Didn’t feel like Hotch.
“Who in the hell is Hotch?” That voice from the bar rang out. Eyes wide you knew you didn’t have much time or quite frankly any strength to fight this guy off. Even if you were the same height.
“What are you doing in here? Get out!” You managed to spit out. The brain fog seemed to momentarily lift in the sheer panic of the situation you managed to find yourself in.
“I thought you ran off on me. It’s time to go.” You heard the door handle jiggle back and forth. Pulling your legs to your chest you sat all the way back on the toilet seat. Fucking hell. How was this your life?
“I’m not leaving with you.” You tried to sound confident, but it came out sounding weak and afraid. Just like you were. Terribly weak. Horrifically afraid.
“Oh honey. But you are.”
“She’s not.” You heard your bosses voice and the click of a loaded gun, “You have the right to remain silent…” Hotch went off on his spiel only for you to lose yourself to your thoughts again. Taking big, ragged breaths it hit you just how close to death you were yet again.
“Y/N, can you open the door?” It was him. Hotch. Thank God.
You weren’t too far gone just yet. Lifting your head from the stall door you managed to stand on your own. Slowly you unlocked the door. Hotch nearly kicked the door into you as he was eager to check you over. He needed to confirm that you were okay. He knew he had to reprimand you for this behavior, but it wasn’t the time. You looked petrified. Scared. He knew you’d never really be the same. How could somebody be once they know they were the target of literal murder? Hotch just didn’t know you’d been through this before though. That this wasn’t even the craziest thing that had happened to you this year.
After checking you over and not saying a damn word he ushered you to the ambulances that were lined up outside. You felt a disgusting wave of embarrassment knowing they were called for you. If there was one thing you had hated it was being the damn center of attention. Fucking hell. You had to talk about this in a press conference too. Your job just got a whole lot more interesting.
“Come on, let’s get you to the hospital.”
“Hotch, I don’t need to go…”
“Not a word Agent.” He shut you down so quickly and harshly you shut right on up. The man of very few words was giving you even less than you were used to. You royally fucked this one up. Hopefully you had a job once you got back to Quantico.
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Your hands trembled before you knocked on his office door. Hotch had asked you to hang back and meet him in his office after the jet had landed. The team gave you sorrowful looks as they exited. You knew you were in trouble. But damn, did they have to look like they were going to your funeral.
You heard a faint, “Come in.” Only to be met with a stoic Hotch sitting at his desk.
Quickly, you sat in the chair in front of him just waiting. Fuck. This almost felt worse than disappointing your ex. Hotch actually meant something to you.
“What were you thinking?” He asked far too calmly.
“I wasn’t sir, I…”
He stood up not daring to look down at you, “I told you all to go to bed. To get some sleep. And you go to the bar? What the hell were you thinking?” He undid his tie. Already frustrated
“But sir I..”
“I’m talking.” He raised his voice a notch. Enough for you to back down. Not daring to look up to him your heart began to race. How awful this all felt. It was one thing to upset you ex but to disappoint Aaron Hotchner.
“I’m sorry... I”
He raised his voice, a little too loudly now, “You disobeyed direct orders Agent! Do you know what that means? That means you could have died out there. Do you understand me?”
You shrunk within yourself brining yourself right back to that night. God how you wish your brain didn’t work like this but here you were. You weren’t in Hotch’s office at the BAU nope, you were in that kitchen. The night you almost died. The night your ex tried to kill you. You heard those chilling words.
“Now, Y/N. You need to learn to not talk back to me. Do you understand me?”
Bringing your knees to your chest you couldn’t stop the stupid fat tears that raced down your face. It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know. But God damn did it hurt. Your ex said those same damned words right to your face.
“I’m so…” You tried to breath, but you couldn’t. You took short rapid breaths just trying to fucking breath. What in the hell was happening to you? It felt like your lungs were collapsing in on you.
Aarons eyes softened as he saw the tears begin to flow. He didn’t mean to make you cry. You were so different than the rest of the team. The rest of the would have brushed him off or rolled their eyes. But then you broke down. You looked panicked. Like you were in a different world.
“Y/L/N?” He asked hoping to bring you back to this planet. But you were gone.
He walked over to you crouching down, “Y/N.” He knew he couldn’t speak to loudly. That seemed to set you off the first time. He had to go about this differently. He began to reach out to touch you only to met with the panicked version of you he’s seen.
“Don’t touch me!” You jumped out of your chair somehow finding your breath after all of this. You couldn’t let him get near you. He’d hurt you. Just like your ex. Just like the guy at the fucking bar the other night.
“Y/L/N.” He backed off putting his hands above his head as you sat down against the wall, “You’re having a panic attack
“Just stop!” You covered your face with your hands bringing your knees close to your chest. It felt so hard to breath.
Aaron took a few steps closer careful not to overstep but when you saw him you about lost him. He wasn’t Hotch he was your ex coming to take you out for good this time.
“Please.” You put your hand up to stop him. He noticed your trembling hand that asked him to stop. This was a response he never had expected. You’d been so guarded he hadn’t a clue what this could be from. Aaron was used to trauma. That was his field. Trauma and more trauma. It saddened him to know that you’d been through something that could make you so blasé to the fact that you’d almost been kidnapped, tortured, and murdered the other night. Whatever it was he had a sneaking suspicion that this was a response to that same trauma.
“I’m sorry.” He stopped again sitting on the ground. He watched as you struggled to breathe. He wanted to wrap you in his arms so desperately it hurt. It was painful to watch you struggle. God, he wanted to be there for you. He shouldn’t have felt this way about a subordinate. About one his employees. About somebody so much younger than him. But he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. Ever since you came in for that damned interview he was hooked.
He wasn’t mad at you more so the situation. He knew the odds of that happening were one in millions. But of course, you were that one in a million chance. He knew how gorgeous you were. It wasn’t a surprise per say but the thought of actually losing you after not even getting the chance to know you hurt him. He only scratched the surface of you, and he was enamored. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to get to know the real you.
All you saw was him. Your stupid ex sitting there taunting you. Waiting for you to slip up. You just kept trying to fucking breath, but it wasn’t happening.
“Y/N.” He spoke again.
Shaking your head you couldn’t take it, “Please don’t hurt me.”
“Oh, Y/N.” He frowned letting himself become small now, “It’s me. Aaron. Aaron Hotchner.”
Your eyes flicked up to him as you cowered against the wall. He was Aaron. Not your stupid fucking ex. He wouldn’t hurt you.
“It’s me. Can I please come closer?” He begged sitting there waiting. Waiting for the second you would let him.
You nodded continuing your short breathes. Aaron Hotchner. He was a friend. He was okay. God damn. You couldn’t believe you were reacting like this. It just happened. You didn’t even have a thought to stop it. Your mind took yourself back to that kitchen a year ago.
Slowly he scooted closer reaching out to you, “it’s okay. I promise. Try and take a deeper breath, okay? On the count of three?”
You nodded waiting for him to continue.
“One. Two. Three.”
Somehow, someway he was able to get you to calm down. With slow counts and patience, you eventually managed to get your breathing back to normal. Taking long slow breaths you couldn’t bear to look up to the man. How fucking embarrassing was all of this.
“I’m so sorry.” You barely spoke.
“Nothing to apologize for Y/N. Can I touch you?”
“Yeah.” You still couldn’t look up. So ashamed.
Feeling his arm wrap around your back you closed your eyes letting him take you in. He pulled you into his chest wrapping his arms around you. Squeezing tightly, he dropped one hand brushing your hair out of your face.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered into your hair trying to make you feel a bit better. He couldn’t imagine the agony you must be in. He wished he could just take it and throw it all away for you. He was in far too deep. He couldn’t seem to stop himself.
“It’s okay.” You replied softly letting your head fall against his chest. Whatever embarrassment you felt washed away as you breathed him in. He just felt like comfort.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“But” you paused taking another breath. Whatever, he should know why you were as fucked as you really were. So, you told him everything. All the nitty gritty details. He listened. Squeezed you when you were slow to continue. To encourage you.
Once you finished, he paused taking everything in. He was shocked the world could be so cruel to someone as gentle as yourself. How could anybody be so awful. How could they not see how wonderful you really were?
“Thank you for telling me.” You nodded, “Sure. Just don’t think any less of me?”
“Never. Come on, let’s get you home.” He stood reaching his hand out to you.
You nodded letting him pull you up, “Thank you Hotch.”
“Jack’s gone for the night. Stay with me tonight in my guest room? I think you’ll sleep better.” He asked which came out more as of a demand.
You could only nod letting yourself fall into him, “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
“Can you walk?”
You smiled softly, “Yes, Aaron. I’m not inept.”
He chuckled softly, “That sounds nice.”
You turned towards him with a big cheesy grin feeling stupidly giddy all of the sudden, oh how this man got you so quickly, “Oh yeah?”
He nodded reaching for your hand, “Come on now.”
“Sounds good, Aaron.” You took his hand happily.
Part 2
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@senjoritanana @ssaddyhotchner @realdirectionx @mojo366 @2234world @tonys-bitch @gspenc @life-of-music3 @topguncultleader @whyislenaluthorsohot @givemeth @alex-1967s-blog @montyfandomlove @roastyyytoastyyy
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hello, Dillo! Could I possibly get some headcannons or scenario (whatever you feel like writing) of a very bubbly, sweet, and awkward s/o that just- refuses to acknowledge they like Dally because they believe he'd never in a million years like them back? Like I'm imagining one day they're chilling with Pony and Johnny and they're not being as funny or playful like usual and the boys ask why and they just whisper "I wish I was Dally's type". So could I possibly just have something with Dally's reaction to it all?
if it's too specific or if you just don't feel like it, don't worry! <3
Not Into You
A/N: Hey, hey! This has been a long time coming, and I think it turned out sort of wonky and weird, but I'm kinda happy with it so I hope you are too! Please enjoy!
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“They said what?”
Johnny just shrugs and looks over at Ponyboy, shoving a few more fries in his mouth. The plate in front of him is almost empty already, the small pile of ketchup he’d squirted out almost gone too. Ponyboy shrugs too and takes another sip of his coke. They’re both acting way too calm for what they’ve told Dallas.
“I’m serious,” Dally repeats. “They said that? You’re not kiddin’?”
“Why would we lie about that?” Pony runs his finger around the rim of his glass, pushing the straw around as he goes. “Y/N told us they thought you could never like ‘em back because the two of you are so different.”
Dally chews thoughtfully on his own straw and leans a little farther into the corner of the diner booth. Johnny and Ponyboy look unfazed on the other side of the table, the latter doing his best to steal fries off Johnny’s plate without being caught. It doesn’t work and Johnny sends him a small glare. Ponyboy backs off and takes another drink of his soda.
“You’re bein’ serious, right?” Dallas asks again. “Cause if you’re not, I swear, I’ll kill the both of yous.”
Ponyboy rolls his eyes and Dally has half a mind to reach across the table and smack him upside the head. “We told ya we weren’t, alright? They told us yesterday when we were hangin’ out.”
Sighing, Dally stays in his seat and thinks over what to do next. Stark blue eyes trace the lines of the table and the logo on the side of his drink as he weighs his options and works on making up his mind. When he finally does, he stands up with a smug smirk.
“Where are you headin’, Dal?” Johnny asks. He swats at Ponyboy’s hand without looking away from Dallas when Pony’s fingers stray too close to his fries.
“To find Y/N,” he says simply. “I gotta tell ‘em they were wrong.”
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He finds them in the lot, kicking around a can that has definitely seen better days. They look smaller than usual. Shoulders drawn in, head down as they mutter softly to themselves. Dally starts to jog a little to cross the street and that’s when they look up. Their eyes find his and they seem to shrink a little more.
“H-hey, Dallas,” they stutter. One corner of their mouth quirks up in a smile that’s all too forced. “What have you been-,”
They’re cut off as the New Yorker reaches out for them, one hand landing on their hip, the other cupping the side of their face as he brings them close together, his lips landing on theirs. Y/N makes a surprised noise into the kiss but doesn’t pull away, so Dally counts that as a win and doesn’t let go. He’s pleasantly surprised himself when he feels their hands rise to the back of his neck, tangling in his hair and keeping him in place.
When they finally break up, they’re both smiling and breathing heavily.
Y/N looks a little lost, eyes wide and confused as they stare at Dallas, so he figures he ought to try and fix that. He leans in again and they meet him halfway and then they’re kissing again in the wide-open lot.
“You gonna explain somethin’ to me now?” Dally asks after pulling back. His thumb smooths over their cheek and Y/N leans into the touch faster than Dally thought they would. “Why in the world did you think I wasn’t gonna like you? And why did you tell Johnny and Ponyboy instead of talkin’ to me?”
Blushing, Y/N looks down at the ground but Dally gently nudges their face back up with a finger under their chin. He raises an eyebrow expectantly and the action gets a small laugh out of them.
“I just thought,” they started quietly, “that you wouldn't like me. We’re so different, y’know? I’m not really the kind of person you usually go out with. I figured you wouldn’t be into me.”
Dally rolls his eyes and pulls them into a hug, tucking their head into his shoulder. He rocks gently and squeezes them tight before dropping a kiss on their hair.
“You ever think about how none of the people I go out with ever stick around? You ever think that maybe since we’re so different we’d do well together?”
“I guess not.”
“We’ll maybe you should’ve, ya idiot,” Dallas chides without any anger or annoyance in his tone. “Maybe then I could’ve taken you out earlier.”
Y/N looks up at him, wide-eyed and shocked. “You wanna take me out? You’re serious?”
“You don’t wanna go out?”
“No! No, I do, it’s just that- you’re serious, you’re not jokin’?”
Rolling his eyes again, Dally leans in to kiss them again, pausing to talk before he connects his lips with theirs. “I’m gonna take you out. Promise. But right now, I’m just gonna kiss you.”
295 notes · View notes
fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen braid their s/o's hair
requested by anon: Hiiii can I request a svt reaction to you asking them to braid your hair?
notes: this is sooo cute omg. also bc reader's hair is getting braided, they have long hair
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does his best! he's a bit fumbling, and he has to follow along to a youtube video very, very slowly while he does your hair but it looks very pretty. he's smiling at his finished product, kissing the top of your head and telling you that you look utterly beautiful (and no it's not just bc He was the one who did it shh). asks if he can braid your hair another time bc it was vv fun and in the future he'd love to be able to do more of these things like this for you 
actually sucks. he's never braided someone else's hair before, you know? it's difficult, okay, don't look at him like that. he doesn't even know where to start. takes a while, but he does manage a decent-looking braid even though it's only his first time. clicks his tongue at it, annoyed with himself, and asks if he can braid your hair more often. you're still yet to discover if this new fixation you've instilled him with is going to turn out to be a good thing. 
hidden pro. whenever jeonghan has his long hair, joshua is one of those people that he always looks for to complain about how annoying it is, so shua's kinda been forced to learn how to braid hair just so jeonghan will stop irritating him. works deftly and quickly, and gives the finished braid a quick pat before kissing your ear and telling you he's finished. goes "of course you love it, i did it" when you tell him how pretty it is, but he has that bright, satisfied smile on his face
does his best, but it ends up being a little bit wonky. so he does it again. and again. probably braids your hair several times, on and each attempt there's something just not quite right, so in the end he gives up with a sad smile. it's okay, though, because it's perfect in your eyes (and better than what you could have done, but he doesn't need to know that) and you praise him so so much for it that it makes him giggle and blush profusely and his adoring expression is totally worth the wonky braid
does it super duper fast and with a super duper amount of care !! okay maybe not as much care, but he is careful not to tug on your hair too hard. and it looks good, very pretty and neat, but… the hairtie he uses is one of those little stretchy clear plastic ones and god knows how he actually tied your hair with it in the first place, but halfway through the day the hairtie snaps and your hair falls all into your face. it's okay, though. the braid looked nice for all of the two hours it was able to actually stay up as a braid
works very quietly, very calmly on your hair. it's so relaxing that you don't realise he's actually been struggling for a rlly long time, watching a video with his airpods in with his fingers holding strands of your hair, utterly lost on how to do the french braid in the video that he'd clicked on. ends up doing something very simple, and he's a bit disappointed that he couldn't do something prettier for you, but don't worry. you're already planning to ask him again and again bc you can see how much he wants to learn this for you
another hidden pro. have you seen this man's fingers?? you approach him with a video of this complicated-looking braid that you want to have done in your hair, and while he does pretend to grump a little bit, he sets down whatever he was doing and follows the video efficiently, finishing your hair and asking you if this is what you wanted? it looks good, like really good, and so now whenever you want your hair done in a style that you can't do by yourself, you always go to your boyfriend who (tho he denies it) is always willing to help
very good. spends a great deal of time just running his hand through your hair, and his fingers are so careful and soothing that you almost fall asleep before he can actually get to brushing your hair, let alone properly braiding it. it's only a simple braid, but it's incredibly neat and perfectly done. smiles when you kiss his cheek in thanks, and shyly asks if maybe, if you're okay with it, can he come up to you and practice doing other and more complicated braids? 
hesitant but also eager at the same time, in the way that only mingyu can be. watches like half a video before making grabby hands at your hair and asking you to come over to him. restarts maybe five times? the end result that he shows you looks like some sort of weird braid that isn't exactly a braid but still kind of is. it's nice, and mingyu's proud of it, but it's certainly going to be a pain to untie at the end of the day when you wanna wash your hair. 
can only do a very simple braid, but can do that very simple braid very, very well. gathers up your hair very well in those long fingers of his, tongue slightly sticking out as he ties up the end of your hair at the end. smooths out the braid with his fingertips, smiling and telling you that he's done a great job and you're allowed to praise him endlessly now. won't be leaping at the chance to braid your hair (can't you run your fingers through his hair instead?) but he certainly loves doing it for u
he's good! very good, in fact, and a little bit insulted that you asked him sceptically if he knew what he was doing when he had brandished his brush in the direction of your hair and attempted to tackle this new mission you've given him. does something oddly complicated that has him hmming and hissing at your hair in annoyance for a good half hour or so, but when he's finished it looks utterly beautiful and he laughs as you hug him tightly, playfully scolding you and telling you not to damage the braid so early on
uhhhh. you want him. to braid your hair? sure babe but you gotta understand it might not look that great. and so you end up browsing youtube videos together for a good half an hour to find a video that hansol feels like he can follow. it takes him a while, but he finds that he kind of likes doing it? he doesn't wanna try anything fancy any time soon, but if you wanna have your hair braided again then just come to him and he's more than willing to attempt to get it done once more
whips out the hair ties around his wrist and beams, telling you that he's been Waiting for this for so long. is so good at it that it's actually insane, and you have a sneaky suspicion that he might have begged jeonghan to let him practise on the elder's hair once or twice before. looks at your hair for a long moment before his eyes light up and he rushes off and runs back in with butterfly clips to place all over your hair. it's beautiful. he loves it. you love it. it's the best hairstyle you've ever had ever. 
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @butiluvu
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merotwst · 2 years
· drabbles
⇝the moment they knew it was you and had always been you.
[ n: ellie stop writing things whenever she listens to taylor swift challenge ; not proofread very wonky ]
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riddle rosehearts ‹ heartslabyul ›
riddle knew you were the one on the night he came back to his dorm, extremely exhausted. it was around the weeks leading up to the VDC festivities and riddle was in charge of the event. it frustrated him that things weren't going as smooth as he wished. there was just too many things to do at the same time and he was only one person. he was grateful for the help trey and other students would give him, but in the end, most of the responsibility still fell on him and he was tired. the housewarden opened the door to his room, the feeling of fatigue creeping into every last muscle of his body. he stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing by his bed and fluffing up his pillows. you turn to look at him, acknowledging his presence with a lovely smile, "welcome back. i let myself in, i hope you don't mind," you said as you turned to a table that had a tray of prepared tea, biscuits and his favorite strawberry tart, "take a break, riddle." and that was when he absolutely knew it was you.
ruggie bucchi ‹ savanaclaw ›
"what are you doing?" ruggie asked one night, emerging from your bathroom at ramshackle with a towel lazily draped on his shoulders to keep his hair from dripping onto the shirt he just changed into. you were sat on the floor of your room counting pennies and thaumarks sprawled in front of you. the hyena padded across the wooden floorboards, hearing the old wood creak under his weight before reaching the area you were seated in. you leaned against the bed as he squatted down to further observe you and whatever it was you were up to. "352 thaumarks in total." you said and it made him perk up. his expression contorted into a smirk and ruggie cheekily grinned, "is that all for me? i won't say no." he wasn't expecting the excited grin plastered on your face when you looked up at him, expression bright and eyes twinkling with excitement, "it's for both of us." no words could express how his breath caught in his throat when you pulled out a savings jar with the words 'ruggie + y/n's after graduation funds'. that was the very moment ruggie knew he didn't want to spend his life with anyone else but you by his side.
jade leech ‹ octavinelle ›
the vice-housewarden was no stranger to working overtime. mostro lounge was a busy place and jade always seems to have everything under control whether it be a sudden unprecedented influx of customers, or floyd's random bouts of mood swings—you could count on jade to smooth everything out so effortlessly. well, not like jade minds as much. he likes his job, even if sometimes he ends up all alone at the kitchen and finishing up cleaning the last of the plates at 10:05 in the evening after another busy day of serving, not only students, but visitors from outside NRC. after all, it was the annual inter-dorm spelldrive competition again so this was to be expected. what he didn't expect however, was to see you on one of the seats at the lounge. your eyes were droopy and your head was bobbing up and down, desperately trying to stay awake. jade gently placed a hand on your shoulder, making you jump a little in surprise and eliciting an amused chuckle from the moray, "may i ask what you're still doing here? i was under the impression you'd already made your way back to your dorm." jade stated and you let out a yawn, "i wanted to wait for you." you stated drowsily. it was such a straightforward answer, but one jade didn't get as often. he was used to people going on ahead like floyd or azul. he didn't mind letting then go first on almost anything. jade leech was like a shadow who preferred to sit and observe rather than to do. and so when you gave him the response that you did, he didn't know what to say. he always stayed back alone, on his own accord. and now, knowing that you didn't want to go on ahead—that you wanted to stay and wait with him cemented you a special place right in the middle of his heart for all of his life.
floyd leech ‹ octavinelle ›
we all know floyd leech didn't like anything boring. anything mundane would just annoy the living fuck out of him which inevitably results to him acting out and getting himself into trouble because in his little screwed up moray mind, trouble is equivalent to fun. the day he saw you emerge from the cafeteria with a piece of bread in your mouth and grim by the collar while you ran for your life being followed after by half a dozen savanaclaw jocks who did not look pleased, everything went slow motion for him. you looked absolutely majestic running for your life. what did you even do? steal their bread? did someone put you up to this? whatever, it doesn't matter. whatever it is you're doing looks fun. and when you were about to rush past him and you grabbed his wrist, inevitably getting him involved in the whole situation, floyd was dead set head over heels for you and at that moment, he wouldn't trade you for anything else in the world.
azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
the day azul realized you were the one for him was on the day he got sick. he cursed his stupid frail human form for making him miss out on more potential profits that day. and normally, jade was left in charge in his absence but not today as these were one of the days jade took time for himself. he would be nowhere to be found on flat ground as he would be on some mountain doing god know what with gathering whatever mushroom he finds. the housewarden wasn't a fool. he knew when to take a break, but he couldn't very well leave floyd in charge. that's just asking for trouble. when you walked in just in time, the relief that washed over his whole body was so obvious that it offended floyd. the rest of the day was him staying in bed, trying to get his mind off the lounge, completely entrusting it to you. he didn't appreciate floyd banging on his door going, "you gotta see what they're doing!". the panic that overcame him suddenly morphed into butterflies as he watched you take charge. your voice, strong and you knew exactly what to do and what to say and it looked so flawless that he was mesmerized. shut up floyd. he wasn't staring. but he was definitely thinking up ways to propose to you in his mind someday, that was for sure.
jamil viper ‹ scarabia ›
jamil didn't have a lot of free time. but if he did, he would either be found spending it for himself, or with you. one of these nights in particular was a bit tamer than most because kalim had a packed day of doing whatever is is kalim liked to do. the heir seemed quite tired upon returning back to scarabia dorm and jamil, being the sly, scheming motherfucker he is, took this opportunity to get his master to bed early so he could have more time for himself. fortunately, kalim didn't really have much qualms on the matter and was out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow much to jamil's pleasure. the vice housewarden returned to his dorm room where he last left you and the sight of you holding one of the maps he kept greeted him upon his arrival, "what are you looking at?" he asked as he closed the door. you looked up from the map with a grin, "let's make a travel road map!" you exclaim, grabbing his arm and pulling him to sit on the floor, "for when you're going to travel someday. i'm surprised you don't have one made yet." you said and he was dumbfounded. sure he'd thought of making on himself, but that could always wait another day. he didn't want what rare time spent together you had to be spent on his own silly dreams. you didn't budge. and as you uncapped the marker in your hand and opened up one of his many travel guides, his heart was overflowing with every positive emotion he could think of. whenever you put him first, it just always feels like he's some sort of champion. you were one of the best things that happened in his life and he will never let you go.
kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
kalim falls more and more for you everyday and that's no secret. but the day that really sold it for him was when he came back to his room after a rough day. kalim had a hard time admitting it, but he had his insecurities as a housewarden and sometimes he felt those negative emotions just creep in and he falls into a bit of a gloomier-than-usual mood. he's still a bright ray of sunshine, but of course, there's a significant change to his tone of voice when you talked. the way the boy's eyes lit up when he saw the whole blanket fort you built the second he entered his room. his smile reached all the way to his eyes as he dove right into the pile of pillows, giggling and smothering you with kisses, hearts practically bouncing off both of you. you were an angel. and unlike the others, he'd be the one to verbalize what he's thinking and say, "i'm gonna marry you someday."
silver ‹ diasomnia ›
the day silver realized you were the one for him was the day he fell off his horse during equestrian practice. dozing off on situations like that can tend to send someone to the infirmary. and as if the earful sebek had given him wasn't enough on the field, sebek wouldn't stop talking even after silver is already laying on one of the beds in the infirmary away from the horses. he didn't want to be rude and tried his best to stay awake as the other diasomnia student kept talking about something along the lines of honor and waka-sama, he didn't know. everything was starting to get jumbled. when you walked into the infirmary, rushing to his side and gently asking simple inquiries about his situation and what events led up to them, sebek still tried to butt in the conversation. silver didn't really mind it as much since he was used to his dormmate acting this way, but you weren't having it. all the drowsiness left his body when he watched you practically drag the first year by the ear and kick him in the hind out the infirmary door, "had enough of your bullshit, sebek!" and normally, he'd say that wasn't a very nice thing to do, but when you made your way back to him, switching onto a more gentler tone and kissing his forehead and telling him to get some rest, he couldn't deny the fact that it felt good to be one of the only few people you were this soft to. the way you were so gentle with him made him feel like he could lower his guard around you. he felt safe around you. you weren't afraid to stand your ground either or stand up for others and he respected that. silver was in love with you and would never want to lose you. his only other wish is you to be more nicer to sebek as well...
©merotwst 2022
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itsrainingbubbles · 5 months
Thinking about love potions so what if a devil fruit eater 'made' law fall in love with Luffy
The hearts and strawhats are together fighting an enemy, then suddenly a blinding pink light appears and when it's gone there's a girl standing in front of a passed out law
They try to get her but she gets away and so they have no choice but to hope whatever she did to law isn't permanent
When law wakes up he swears he feels perfectly fine and he does look fine but chopper insists on running some tests on him which law eventually agrees to
Word gets around that law woke up and people drop by to check on him which is fine, as far as they can tell law isn't in critical condition so visits are okay. They're okay until luffy comes to visit
As soon as law spots Luffy his heart rate speeds up and it's shown via the machine law is attached to showing his vitals which panics chopper and he looks up at law all worried but when he sees him he has literal heart eyes and his heart just keeps getting faster while Luffy comes up to him and talks to him about how worried they all were
Halfway through their conversation law turns to chopper, who has just been standing there shocked at what was happening, and he says something along the lines of "there's nothing wrong, yeah? I'll be leaving now" and then walk away with luffy
When chopper comes to his senses and goes out to follow law he finds law giving Luffy a ride on his shoulders while Luffy points excitedly where he wants to go which is freaking out everyone nearby because law is smiling
They manage to convince law to let chopper run more tests and everything looks normal again until luffy comes wondering in again and that's when the results get all wonky
He shares his findings with the crews and they immediately piece it together that the devil fruit made law fall in love with Luffy, as they say this they're all staring at law who's hugging Luffy from behind and resting his chin on Luffy's head
They do research on devil fruits and find that the effects will wear off on their own in a couple days or weeks depending on how much power the devil fruit user used so they decide to just leave it since it isn't too bothersome, just weird
Besides the crews don't mind sailing together for a bit while law is under the influence of the devil fruit and refuses to go their separate ways
They get used to it, to walking onto the deck and seeing luffy on laws lap while law plays with Luffy's hair, law staring at Luffy from across the room with hearts in his eyes, law taking Luffy to eat and paying for him everytime they land on an island
Eventually it becomes normal and they don't even bat an eye, but before they realize it weeks have passed and law is still acting more or less the same
They give it some more time, maybe he just got an extra large dose. But then 2 months pass and laws still acting the same
That's when they start to worry and start running more tests on law, that's when they realize law no longer gets heart eyes when looking at Luffy, not literal ones anyways
Law is perfectly fine, just in love with Luffy, and judging by Luffy's behavior he loves law back
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kazoohaa · 1 year
Headcanons for Dan Heng, Gepard, Serval, and March with a gn s/o that bakes? Please?
𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐒 & 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒. honkai star rail
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— notes. i know like nothing about baking so i actually had to search up baked foods LMAO 😭 i’m sorry i didn’t include dan heng, i ran out of ideas :(
— details. gepard, serval, march x gn!reader (separate). fluff.
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you bake?? he thinks that’s pretty cool!
and it makes him so indescribably touched whenever you gift him some things that you’ve baked yourself before he has to go on duty, like in the mornings before he has to patrol, or in the afternoons and evenings when the day’s work is done and over with
it’s something tasty to munch on (bonus points because it’s made by you!) and a snack that’s easy to bring around with him
(the other silvermane guards don’t fail to notice every time they see him walking around with some little baked treat in hand, and a tiny smile on his face)
(the silvermane guards are your no.1 shippers actually 💯)
gepard hasn’t really tried cooking, baking, etc, but it’s been something that he’s been interested in learning for a while
once tried his hand at baking because he wanted to give you something back — cupcakes should be simple enough? he tried his best, he really did!! it didn’t turn out as well as he’d hoped, but he tried to decorate them as pretty as possible for you
in the end, he made little smiley faces on the cupcakes. they’re a bit wonky, but he’s got the spirit
he got really embarrassed when he eventually gave them to you since they felt sub-par, especially compared to the things that you can make. sheepishly, he suggested that maybe the two of you could have dates where you can bake together, so that he can learn from you..? if you’re fine with that, of course..!
it always brightens her day every time you drop by her store and gift her a pastry! the food itself is definitely delicious, but the thing that really makes her happy is the fact that she’s seeing you &lt;3
serval actually likes your baking a lot, and she’d probably try to bribe you in order to get you to make some more for her lmaoo
“hey, i really liked those biscuits you gave me the other day — do you have any more of them?? aw.. c’mon, i’ll play you a free song if you make me some moreee.... haha, i know i already do that anyways, but..”
her favourites are the types that are good to eat on the go, just something easy to grab while she does something else. since she’s usually spending her time tinkering with different sorts of mechanical contraptions or random instruments in her workshop, it’s convenient to have something either bite-sized or easy to finish while she works
march 7th
super interested in your hobby!! she’d really like while you bake, probably trying to join in at the most fun parts like making (and testing) the icing
march also becomes your (self proclaimed) unofficial photographer for when the food’s all ready to eat! right after it comes out of the oven, she’ll be taking so many photos at different angles and making sure the lighting looks good — so that even though she can’t preserve the taste of the things you’ve baked, she’ll remember how delicious they looked!
as well as using the photos to show off how good her amazing s/o is at baking LMAO
march also slips in a few snaps of you during the baking process, or would poke flour on your nose and then take a silly selfie of you
she’d also pretend to be a professional food critic when she tastes what you’ve made — but she always loves whatever you make, so the rating always ends up being the highest she could give you every time
“your favourite professional gastronome march rates thiiis... five stars!! huh? what do you mean i say that every time?! cute girls like me are experts in rating good cuisine, so i’m speaking the truth!”
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owo-shenanigans · 2 years
Hello can I please request kokichi, nagito, Gundham (separately ) with the ultimate hairdresser.
 I'm obsesd with their hair (ever since I started studying to be a hairdresser I loved their hair even more I just want to style it and treat it all the time )
Good luck with school! I haven’t played DR2 in a WHILE so while I still have Gundhams character down decently I’m wonky with his vocabulary.
Kokichi, Nagito, and Gundham dating the Ultimate Hairdresser
Kokichi Ouma
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He took a while to notice you beyond that of his other classmates; perhaps Tsumugi levels of interest. Decent enough to make fun of, but there were better targets.
However, when he could feel your gaze on the back of his neck, and carefully pick out the sound of your pencil scratching against the paper, he realized how intense your interest in him appeared to be.
So he took the initiative and rolled up to your desk after class, swiping the notebook from your hands before you could slide it into your bag.
"Hey, whatcha been drawing?" He snickers as he flips through the pages. The majority is notes of varying quality, which he dismisses as immensely boring. Once he gets to the doodles, his rapid pace slows to a stop. It's of him and his classmates; however, it's only recognizable through the hair, the heads having the barest of details laid into them.
"You all have such interesting styles," you confess as you attempt to snatch the notebook back. "It's really nothing-"
"Oh?" He says, pulling the notebook from your reach. "What's this? A new style for our dear Miu?" In the notebook was a sketch of the girl, original hair drawn next to other cuts.
"Yes! No! I mean- just stop bothering me!"
"Only if you give me a haircut! I wanna feel special too!" He rejects the notion out of hand, but whatever keeps the fun rolling.
"Really?" Your tone shows that you believe him whole heartedly. “I’ll find you after school, you’ll look great!”
And with that, his fate was sealed.
Nagito Komaeda
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You didn’t take an interest in him for how nice his hair was; you took interest for how awful his hair was.
You had asked to give him a trim to practice your ultimate and he agreed immediately, always happy to be able to help his ultimate classmates.
The prewash was where you grabbed him by the shoulders, making direct eyecontact with him.
“Nagito, what the fuck have you done with your hair?” Your tone was incredulous and distressed. The appointment quickly shifted from a trim to you piling product and shampoos and conditioners and post shower lotions into his arms, all the while explaining in great detail exactly how to use and combine them all for maximum effect.
He smiles, nodding along with your words, and shows up to class next with hair dripping with lotion. Your classmates check outside for a sudden downpour that affected only him.
After that, you took over care of his hair personally. You figure it’ll work as a thesis statement.
Gundham Tanaka
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He came to you, actually.
It was late at night, and you were on your way to bed when a knock on your door interrupted you.
Opening it showed you Gundham standing there, hair wrapped in a towel and shirt plastered to his body with water.
“I greet you upon this cursed evening.” He said, but whatever effect his form of speech had on you usually was nonexistent, considering the circumstances.
“Yeah….? What’s up, Gundham?” You looked him over and he deflated immensely. His explanation as he stepped in was half of his usual nonsense and half genuine worry- his hair bleaching had gone terribly wrong, and he had no idea how, and you were the first solution to come to mind, so if you could do anything to help he would be extremely grateful…
You could already tell where he had messed up and your hands were itching to fix it, so you agreed to help as you led him to your bathroom, pushing his head over your sink as you began damage control.
After that, you two became close friends and you became his trusted hair worker. In turn, you got to spend hours with his animals and him whenever you wanted, so you considered it worth it.
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