#the slender mansion
askthehouse · 3 months
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sins-slender-mansion · 6 months
Entry 0: Slenderman and the Mansion
It has come to my attention that the man himself, the big boss, the operator, the most evil creature alive, has not been properly observed and detailed since [redacted] . As a result I have brought it upon myself to make a detailed entry on his existence, to warn others of him and hopefully deter them from seeking him out in the near future.
Slenderman Status: Alive Age: Unknown Species: Unknown Danger: Lethal, DO NOT APPROACH Appearance: A very tall, thin humanoid creature, capping at about 14 feet, with a featureless white face. It appears to be wearing a tuxedo but that may just be the way his skin patterns appear. It grows tentacles when angered or threatened. The creature seems to be as old as evil itself. It can manipulate people by breaking into their minds and planting fearful ideas in their brains. You know that it is nearby due to the static it emits, and sometimes it can even mess with depth perception and cause other visual problems. If you are ever left alone with this creature, you should stay quiet, avoid 'eye' contact, and appear as small and as meek as possible. It hates when people talk back, and is not above torturing someone simply for getting on his nerves. Its origin is unknown, however its purpose is. It exists purely to destroy the creature known as ZALGO. Slenderman exists to build an army to destroy Zalgo once and for all. It will go through as many proxies, as many killers, as many soldiers as it takes to build the proper army to take down Zalgo. It is unknown what happens after Zalgo is defeated. For now though, all that matters to Slenderman is that it gathers as many weapons as it can. End entry 0
Entry 0.5 04/03/2024
The Slender Mansion (Wisconsin Location) Status: Slightly damaged, still standing Age: Unknown Species: N/A Danger: Safe Appearance: A very large mid century gothic mansion built in the middle of a massive clearing found deep in the mid Wisconsin forests. It is huge, meant to house upwards of 25 people at a time. The interior seems to change and twist but that could be the effects of its inhabitants. If you stumble onto this mansion, give up. You can't leave now, they already know you're there. The interior, usually, consists of 3 floors, a basement, and an attic. The bottom floor holds the kitchen, living room, den, and library, as well as two small emergency medical rooms. There are three bathrooms, usually used for post mission clean up. The middle floor holds most of the bedrooms that the residents reside in, as well as two full bathrooms, one on each side of the floor. The top floor holds Slenderman's quarters, Tim, Brian, and Kate's rooms, as well as 'the safe', where all guest data and files are stored. The bedrooms on this floor have their own attached bathrooms as full closets. The basement is where hazing and body storage is, as well as emergency resources. The attic is for extra storage and extra guest facilities. The mansion, or manor, or house, depending on who you ask, did not exist until Slenderman needed it. It was built under mysterious circumstances by an unknown crew, and there are 6 others just like it scattered across the country, but remain unoccupied at the moment. They are used as emergency escape routes, and nothing more. A backdoor in case someone contacts authorities. The Wisconsin Slender Manor, its technical name, has a barrier created by Slenderman that protects the house and residents from outside authoritative forces. It's like a blank mind field. Once someone who is not connected to the Project enters and exits, they do not remember what happened in the time they were there. However, once that field is left, if something happens outside of the property, it can be recorded and identified by police. This mansion is extremely important to the Project, as it houses the man himself and all his little minions. Use EXTREME caution when going anywhere near its location. End Entry 0.5
"And it was I that brought you here, but it was you who chose to stay."
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imalovernotabiter · 3 months
Toby getting his ass handed to him 4k
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This was just supposed to be a shitpost but i got too carried away
Og pic if you want this silly pose:
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devilboy8 · 2 months
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steiiaoctangula · 4 months
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happy birthday slender fella
like the idea that he has no sinister intentions hes just a guy who lost his art in the woods and is also like 9ft tall with no face in a 3 piece. to each their own, though.
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probablybadrpgideas · 1 month
Put the Slender Man in your campaign.
Look, I know, he's old news, but have a heart! He last got work like ten years ago, and he just needs one solid gig to get him back on his feet. He can still do the static thing, you know! Remember that? That was so cool in 2009! Everyone loved the static thing, right?
He doesn't have to be the Big Bad or anything, he'll settle for being a mook or random encounter. He spends all his time rewatching Marble Hornets and crying these days, just give him a cameo or something. One last hurrah for the guy who used to be the Big Name of internet horror. What do you say?
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dangerbizz · 2 months
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Jeff the Killer and Ben Drowned,, mordecai and rigby type beat
They’re going to Burger King after killing a guy
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eelfishez · 25 days
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So proud of the pasta joke please laugh
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v4ampbabe · 12 days
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edogaii · 1 month
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slender-man mandated besties in my mind jack is a juvenile/teenage demon and toby is his bff. toby found jack sopping wet on the side of the road one night and gave him some of his spare clothes and they were inseparable ever since.
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morca-orca · 7 months
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HOLY SHIT IM CREEPYPASTA POSTING AGAIN??? I deleted my creepypasta side blog awhile ago but I never stopped loving it :3 this is a redraw from something I drew like a year ago!
I love Nina and Jack’s friendship. They are so cute and silly and they go ugugugugug around my brain :)
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sappy-detective · 2 months
ashamed to say the early creepypasta fandom trained my brain so when i think of slenderman interacting with his proxys all i imagine is him holding a tin of cookies wearing a pink apron as he reprimands the children
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imalovernotabiter · 3 months
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Not entirely happy with how it came out, just wanted to get it done
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bunclops616 · 2 months
y’know what time it is…
Now walk off 😎
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fattuccini-afraido · 24 days
Y/N: This is too hot, I can't eat this.
Jeff: You're too hot and that doesn't stop me from eating you.
Helen, chokes:
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sootrootdoot · 2 months
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jeff discovers fan fiction lmk if u cant read my hand writing lmfao
ben is like eh its 'fiction' but also because he likes reading them too LMAO
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