#the silver dove
delicourse · 8 months
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i miss them a little if im gonna be honest
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"How do you read so many books??" I am simply trying to avoid reality, what are you doing
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One of Us is Guilty; Chapter 3
Three are now dead, but the killer seems to be caught ... but this night is not over until the room is found.
Characters; Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Silver, Cater Diamond
Content; Unreliable narrators, murder mystery
Content Warning; Death, murder, blood, anxiety, kidnapping, overall dead dove content warnings
Word Count; 1.1 K
Find this content triggering but still want to participate? Link to the Google Form to vote!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue (Part 1) | Epilogue (Final)
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The body count had risen to three; Dire Crowley, the Ramshackle Prefect (whose blood still stained the floor, the iron scent permeating the air), and now, Divus Crewel as well, the latest victim. One minute the professor was alive, shaking from anger that one of his students was killed on his watch and that he was the prime suspect of the killings. But now he was sprawled out on the ground, killed in an instant.
The remaining students — Vil, Rook, Azul, Jade, Silver, and Cater — were silent, processing what exactly had just happened. The lights had flickered only for a minute, and in that minute, the killer had struck. But the silence was broken by a deafening clap of thunder, lightning illuminating the windows, and bringing everyone back to the present, to their laughably horrible situation that they had found themselves in by sheer chance and bad luck and timing.
Silver sat down on the staircase, and put his head in between his legs, taking deep breaths. Despite his training, he did not consider that he would be witnessing death so soon. The small part of his brain that had a sliver of hope that his friend had survived their gruesome injury, but he was just lying to himself; no one could survive that.
Vil was pacing, hands clasped behind his back, and he was muttering to himself. He thought he could read people, what with being raised amongst the stars that hid behind too-sweet smiles that belied venomous words. What was there to gain from any of this?
Rook was cracking his knuckles, and then rubbing his eyes, trying to think of why this was happening. While he could appreciate the hunt, this was something entirely different. Yet, it also reminded him of several books; one being a murder mystery, and the other about the deadliest game, of hunting a fellow person.
Azul was shaking and biting his nails, his resolve long gone. Had he made himself the enemy of one of his peers? Was he going to be next? He was supposed to just be perfecting a potion recipe for the next test, yet he found himself way above his head.
Jade looked at Azul, taking in that his house warden and friend was shaking more than the leaves outside in the howling wind. He too was disturbed by the night's events, sick to his stomach even, but he couldn’t show weakness, especially if he wanted to see it through.
And Cater? He was paler than a ghost, a cold sweat glistening on his forehead, and he felt like his heart was going to leap out of his throat. His cheery smile had left long ago, and now panic was fully starting to take control. Why? Why? Whywhywhy? WHY?! Yet he stayed silent.
No one spoke, but they eyed each other with caution. Every time that they had went to the mirror and they voted through it, someone died. Was it the mirror? No… no, that didn’t make sense… None of this made any sense though. 
“No more votin-” Silver whispered.
Cater cracked his head around, green eyes judging every move the underclassman made. “And why’s that, Silver?” His voice was shaky, but Cater wasn’t trusting him or anyone for that matter. “Afraid that-”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Vil barked, commanding everyone’s attention, eyes all on him. But he was used to eyes being on him, and he stayed cool, despite how this may damn him into being guilty in their eyes. He didn’t care at the moment though, all he cared about was no one else dying. “Look at what being suspicious of each other has brought us,” his eyes wandered to the dark clotted blood that had now gone cold. He swallowed the bile that had risen in his throat, keeping the calm mask up. “I agree with Silver though; voting through the mirror only ends up with someone… dead.”
“Then how do we proceed, Roi du Poison?” Rook asked, falling to his house warden’s side. His eyes looked over everyone, picking up their behaviours, emotions, and any tells.
Azul’s head snapped up. “The potion-” he started muttering to himself, before clearing his throat and gaining his composure again. “A truth potion, but one that shows the truth about the situation, we can use that to find the killer.”
Cater looked at Silver, and offered him his hand; a peace offering. Silver took it, and brought himself up on wobbly knees. A truce.
Jade placed his hand on Azul’s shoulder, offering him a bit of comfort that not everyone was out to get him. “Was that what you were working on?”
Azul nodded, and he started making his way towards the alchemy lab, where hopefully they could put an end to the killer’s little charade once and for all.
Vil helped Azul make the potion, and both students kept a keen eye on the other, but they made it without incident. And to show the others that they hadn’t tampered with it at all, they took it first, with the others shortly following suit.
“What about the room?” Silver asked.
“We can figure that out once we find the killer,” Jade countered.
Everyone looked at each other, taking in any minute details, but everyone was calm; the potion apparently did wonders to calm the nerves… but that in itself was a dangerous effect, since now everyone’s guards were down, making them easy targets.
Vil took in a breath and released it. “Who killed Dire Crowley? Why did you then kill the Prefect, and then Professor Crewel?” 
But no one spoke up.
“It isn’t me,” Vil said confidently, hoping that his speaking up prompted the others to follow suit.
Cater was to his left, and he spoke next. “I didn’t do it.”
Then Silver, “Or me… I couldn’t do something like this…”
“I did not do it either,” Jade offered.
Azul’s eyes went wide, and he eyed the next person in line. “The killer isn’t me.”
All eyes fell on the last person left in their little circle; Rook. With all of them but him left, that only left him.
He let out a throaty, quiet, chuckle. “I suppose this game has run its course,” he tipped his hat to them, green eyes glinting dangerously in the dim light. “As for why? Hmmm,” he hummed, and the hairs on everyone’s necks stood on end. There was something off about Rook, this wasn’t Rook. 
“You’ll find that out when you guess the room.”
Everyone took a step closer to each other, away from Rook, and they whispered amongst each other, voting on what room Crowley’s murder took place in.
“Alchemy lab,” Cater spoke for the group, trying to keep his resolve as Rook seemed to stare into the very contents of his soul, like he was searching for something.
Rook stepped forward, still smiling. “Ah, désolé Monsieur Magicam,” the whites of his eyes started turning black, “but you would be wrong.” The lights flickered again, and in the seconds of darkness, Rook was gone, and so was Cater.
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GOOGLE FORM (voting will end Wednesday, October 18th at 9pm EST)
- Silver; the kindhearted knight with a mysterious past, is it just for show?  (Plum) - Vil Schoenheit; the actor who is always pigeonholed into the role of a villain (Scarlet) - Divus Crewel; the alchemy teacher with a penchant for fashion, Crowley’s co-worker (Peacock) DECEASED - Rook Hunt; the enigmatic hunter who always has a hunch of what’s happening (Mustard) MURDERER - Azul Ashengrotto; the owner of The Mostro Lounge, a businessman with dubious morals (Green) - Reader; the ‘house-keeper’, a role that was imposed on them by the late Headmage (White) DECEASED - Jade Leech; a student enamored by fungi and seems to have a foreboding presence about him (Orchid) - Cater Diamond; the preppy beau of Heartslabyul, but his smile seems forced (Peach) MISSING
- Main hall (eliminated in Chapter 2) - Teachers’ lounge - Cafeteria - Kitchens - Lecture theatre - Botanical garden - Alchemy lab (eliminated in Chapter 3) - Library - Crowley’s office (eliminated in Chapter 1)
WEAPON: MAGIC (found in Chapter 2)
To be continued
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suntails · 9 months
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💙 best friends 💛
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yaksha-lover · 9 months
have you ever thought about how the fourth year of nrc is an independent learning year? like they’re learning off campus (abroad maybe?)
malleus has basically marked you to become the next queen of briar valley. when he first realized his feelings he asked you to marry him, but instead you suggest just dating first. “think of it as betrothal, just in modern times.” but all he heard was “we’re betrothed.”
so when he and lillia are off their forth year it’s up to silver and sebek to make sure you and the dumbass trio don’t get into too much trouble. but thanks to the shenanigans of grim, ace, and deuce both your ‘guards’ have a lot on their hands. especially cause they can’t say no to you since they don’t want to make you upset. malleus would be displeased. (that’s just an excuse sebek uses but it’s okay you can tell hehe)
Yess, I love the idea of Silver and Sebek being wrapped up in Yuu’s shenanigans once Yuu becomes entwined with Malleus. And maybe it starts off reluctant; they don’t really know you, and you’re certainly different from their prince, but they’ve sworn to protect you so it doesn’t matter.
Silver is patient and able to keep a handle on his exasperation at the various things you’re dragged into by Ace, Deuce, and Grim, but Sebek is another story. He feels blasphemous for even thinking it, since you’re Malleus’ choice, but he truly can’t see why Malleus would have anything to do with you. His lord is intelligent, sophisticated, graceful, and the other day he watched you pull Grim out of a peanut butter jar after he got his head stuck in it.
But slowly, things begin to change. Sebek doesn’t get so worked up at seeing what you’ve gotten yourself into anymore, and the rest of you try to be on your best behaviour. It’s not so much a chore as it is part of their lives, when Silver and Sebek come to check on you. They find themselves choosing to spend time with you and your group. Sebek finds that his classmates may not be entirely undesirable as he once thought.
They sit at your table at lunch now, instead of one a few meters away to watch you. They’ll stick around to watch movies with everyone, settling in on the couch instead of just returning to their rooms when they can. And when Malleus returns to relieve them of their duties…they find themselves missing having someone to watch after so closely, someone they consider a friend.
Good thing for them, you’ll be around Briar Valley for them to protect soon, another addition to their unconventional family.
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littlealienproducts · 11 months
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Tiny Dove Earrings - silver hoop earrings by BobsWhiskers
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monards · 1 month
white haired characters whose motive is just being so incredibly gay i love you
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the thing about Cyrus is that he's supposed to be likeable. Cyrus Wyvernwind is supposed to be that himbo npc that is funny and charming and gets you attached. I don't know what it is about him but I don't buy it. Not that I think he's faking it. I know he's profoundly stupid.
I just don't think he's charming enough. I don't think hes sweet enough. I don't think he's fun enough to justify everything he put people through.
He shows up, scaring the shit out of Dorian. He's trailing Bells Hells (badly) to the point that everyone was on high alert. THEN he asks for Dorian to separate from the group. While they're on a stake out. While they know someone's trailing them. And Dorian goes, putting everyone even more on edge, and himself in danger. Then he has the audacity to be bitchy about it.
And I don't know if I'm remembering wrong? But he's not even happy to see Dorian? Like he doesn't give him a hug. Hes not stoked to see his brother after so long. Hes defensive and guarded. And Dorian is forced to know that his brother followed in his footsteps, badly, and now has a bounty over his head bigger than anyone's ever seen.
He then proceeds to be the fall guy AGAIN because he was so desperate to prove himself. So desperate to fix his mess himself.
But Cyrus does not seem grateful for everything his brother and his brothers friends have done for him. These are people who could have turned everything around for him. For the bounty, for the connections they had to Hexum. Cyrus could have been a part of Bell's Hells. He could have become another important member to the team. They could have all been family.
He makes a bigger mess of his life and then drags Dorian down with him. He drags Dorian down with him and he doesn't even seem grateful. He seems embarrassed, ashamed, sure.
Instead he was too proud to let his brother help. He was too proud to let his birth family help. He fumbled and failed and he never learned.
Abria said at the top of the Crown Keepers interlude that he was still level six because he never learned a lesson.
And I think that's what gets me about that mother fucker. He allegedly wanted to do this all on his own. He wanted to fix it himself, right? BUT HE NEVER LEARNED. HE NEVER GOT STRONGER.
Dorian and the crown keepers went up seven levels. They kept up with Bell's Hells. That means they were doing dangerous shit to survive because they were on the lamb because of cyrus and he didn't do a damn thing to help. This man didn't even do anything during the heist. He didnt join in at all. Even when they were all 6th level. He was just as capable as the rest in that moment and he didn't do shit.
Then he didn't improve. He didn't get stronger. He didn't do anything remotely helpful for months. When most of this strife started with him.
So now he's dead. After everything Dorian went through to save his life. After everything everyone did for him.
Dorian is adorned in gold and has a weight on his shoulders that should have never been his. He is left with a feeling of failure because he could not save his brother. His brother who did not try to save himself. He could have been such a prize. A prince who came back so much stronger and worldly. To rule as a king well and true and fair because he had seen the world beyond.
So Dorian will return that heir. Because his brother was not fit.
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a-secretkey · 5 months
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peacerisendove · 3 months
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Making my dreams come true and I am currently playing around with an adult/future design for Match. I've always wanted to reincorporate his original white hair in his design, so I'm toying around with that too.
In particular I'm fond of the designs that shows his clone degradation on his skin. I think in the future he would have a handle on the deterioration of his body via a version of the serum used in Suicide Squad 2021 comics, but it doesn't hide it. Not that Match cares or even minds since it's his skin and a part of him.
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necrotic-nephilim · 25 days
What do you think about the fab five polycule
(Dick x donna x wally x garth x roy)
i'll be SO honest i wish i had like. insightful interesting opinions on them but i've always been a Young Justice kid and sort of. breezed past consuming Fab Five Teen Titans content-
but of what i *do* know, from the few comics i've read with these characters is this is one of the best ships for Dick, honestly. it always deeply annoys me when fanon content breezes past the Titans as if they're just some distant teammates and not some of Dick's closest friends, if not a second family. *especially* the Fab Five. for most, if not all of them, it's the first time getting to actually connect with other teen heroes. so there's something fun about how sort of terrible they are at it, at first. they all care about each other a lot. but they're kind of chucked into the deep figuring out how to work with each other and get along with *very* different personalities, so it's fun to see where the conflict comes.
as a ship, i do really love it. the Titans are a family. like we call a lot of teams found families, but for the Fab Five, that shit is the truest. they depend on each other and trust each other. when Dick and Bruce are on outs and Bruce fires him, he goes to the Titans.
i also enjoy how, to an extent, all of them are outsiders of some kind. Donna is alone in a new world she's never experienced, the same as Garth. Roy is still new and awkward to living the rich life with Oliver. Wally doesn't connect to his parents well. and of course, Dick has lost his parents and only has Bruce, who isn't the most emotionally available. of course they're going to cling to each other, as the first people they can really develop connections too. they're very clingy with each other and i think that's both cute and *fun* to explore like, codependency issues with them. how protective they can be of each other, how they default to trusting each other over their mentors, etc. it's all very interesting for a polycule, especially since for most of them, it's their first real relationship. i'm a big fan of "none of us know what dating looks like bc we've had such strange childhoods so we don't understand the Rules very well. we're all just going to date each other bc why would i date only one of you. do teamups count as dates now." vibes with teenage polycules. and the Fab Five just. have that on lock. they each fulfill a different "niche" in the group. Garth is the softer, more emotional one you can go to if you're upset. Donna is the one for planning bright fun trips and making sure you don't wallow. Roy is protective and can pretend to be suave, but he shows affection through gift giving and grand gestures where words fail him. Wally can cheer any of them up with jokes and distractions. and of course Dick is the logical one who makes sure they all keep their heads on and don't drown in the responsibility.
overall i think it's a really cute ship and i do wish i just. knew more about them to be able to write them/read fic of it because i do love their dynamic. and i'm just a firm believer in the Titans being Dick's family, just as important to him as the Batfam. they're a disaster and for that you gotta love them.
#necrotic answerings#fab five#ty for asking!!#i love getting asks liek this even if on things i don't know a ton about#i think the only real comics i've read of the fab five are world's finest: teen titans and teen titans: year one#and some of the silver age stuff but only ever for the plot not for those characters specifically#so like. i know enough to vaguely understand the characters#but i did have to approach it from the perspective of dick bc obviously i know him the best#i am interested in reading more about garth. he's a little cutie. i love him.#he seems very easy to whump. you could do a lot of dead dove things to that boy.#also this is darker in concept#but i find the way bruce dislikes the titans and dick working with them pretty fascinating#bc the reasonable answer is it's the first time dick is operating outside of bruce and it just gives bruce anxiety#but the *fun* answer is: brudick vs fab five polycule#where bruce is hyper possessive of dick developing other potentially romantic bonds#or just bonds in general#so he tries to come in between it#if i ever wrote a fab five polycule fic#that's the route i would take personally. very dark controlling brudick with the titans slowly taking notice and growing more concerned#otherwise tho i leave this ship to be written by ppl who understand them more#bc i know next to nothing about a lot of them#dick and roy i understand#garth i'm interested in#couldn't tell you much about wally or donna tho#and i prefer wally as flash when i do read him. bc he's a disaster man.#i really haven't read much titans content in general i fear#i've read some new teen titans for like. slade content and whatnot#and some of the 2003 run but besides that. i was always on the yj side of the fence#that said i will say *as* a core four truther#the fab five are *always* going to be closer as a team than the core four.
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mchib · 1 month
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Didn’t know what to do with the empty space so there’s a heartfelt message for my favorite spicaze game enjoyer
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black-salt-cage · 5 months
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Dovewing (Warriors) stimboard ☽ - ✰ - ☾  ☽ - ✰ - ☾  ☽ - ✰ - ☾
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One of Us is Guilty; Prologue
Eight people, nine rooms, seven weapons. One person is guilty, and until they are found, no one is safe; from the perpetrator of the crime, or of being accused.
Characters; Vil Schoenheit, Divus Crewel, Rook Hunt, Azul Ashengroto, Silver, Jade Leech, Cater Diamond
Content; Gender-neutral reader, unreliable narrators
Content Warning; Death (not described), murder (not described)
Word Count; 1.3 K (includes guide on how to participate at the end)
Find this content triggering but still want to participate? Go to this Google Form! <- form is now closed, thank you to the people who voted!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue (Part 1) | Epilogue (Final)
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You were making your way down the main flight of stairs, ready to go crawl into your bed after the long day.
“Attention! Attention!” Crowley’s voice echoed over the PA system, still annoyingly chipper despite the late hour. What was he even still doing here? “Due to the weather, all remaining staff and students are under orders to stay inside the building until morning!” And the PA system cut out.
You groaned, “Seriously? It can’t be that bad–” A loud crack of thunder sounded directly above the building, causing the chandelier to shake. “Okay then,” you huffed, plopping down on the stairs, “I get the message.”
Of course, you would get stuck here for the night, guess that’s what happens when you stay back to study and work on assignments.
But you weren’t the only person stuck in the desolate halls of Night Raven College; seven others were in the same boat as you.
Vil was in the lecture theatre, reviewing his notes for the upcoming performance that the Film Research Club would be putting on next week. He too heard Crowley’s announcement and pushed his hair back, massaging his temple. He would not be getting a good night’s rest tonight.
“Tch, no use lamenting over it,” he sighed to himself. Carefully, he put the notes and suggestions away in their designated folder, and he made his way to the main hall. If anyone was still here with him, they might be there; at least he would have some company for the night, and not be alone in the empty hallways.
Professor Crewel was grading papers in the teacher’s lounge, and getting a migraine from it as well. “Have those pups learned nothing from me,” he grumbled.
He would much rather be at home in his finest pyjamas, scratching the chins of his dogs, but no, he was stuck here, and would be stuck until the storm passed or Headmaster Crowley got back on the PA system saying it was safe to leave. But knowing his employer, the man had transported himself home, leaving everyone stuck at the college oblivious.
I ought to wring his neck if he did.
Rook was in the library, perusing through various books, just looking for something to pass the time. He knew earlier that day that a storm was brewing, he could tell by the clouds and the faint smell wafting on the breeze. He also knew that Vil would be staying late, and he wasn’t going to leave Roi de Poison alone.
After going down a few aisles, Rook finally found a book to his liking. “Hmm, this is new. Ah, how interesting!” Tucking the book under his arm, Rook made his way to the lecture theatre, as that was where he had last seen Vil.
Perhaps un meurtre mystère would make for a good plot for a future performance?
Silver had fallen asleep in the cafeteria, apparently he had slept for most of the day. He had only woken up because of Crowley’s voice echoing loudly in the large, empty room.
Did they not notice? Silver rubbed his eyes and yawned. If he was here, there was a possibility of others also finding themselves stuck in the school for the night. The least he could do was make sure others were staying calm, and staying safe. Even outside of his duties he was ever still the protector, and far too kind.
“Hopefully no one got hurt…” he murmured to himself. There was something off, a dark presence of sorts, and it wasn’t just the dark clouds hurling down rain, hail, and lightning outside.
Something doesn’t feel right…
Azul was in the alchemy lab, perfecting the most complicated potion that was in his textbook; he had a reputation to upkeep after all, and didn’t want anyone usurping his rank at the top of the class.
There, I just need to add some belladonna and— the suddenness of Crowley’s overly loud voice coming over the PA system caused Azul to add too much, and the potion evaporated. Azul gritted his teeth, but took a step back. Perhaps a walk would help calm him down… he was going to have to replace all of those ingredients tomorrow…
“So close,” he hissed, and he started making his way down the hall, still muttering to himself.
Jade was washing the dirt from his hands, having just come back from checking on his fungi in the botanical gardens. He already knew before Crowley made his little announcement that he would be spending the night, which didn’t bother him all that much. Perhaps he could see what was in the kitchen, since he did have that new dish which looked and sounded to be divine.
But that could wait, Azul was most likely still working on that potion of his, and knowing the house warden, he had fumbled with the ingredients at the sudden noise and probably sulking… and Jade could use some amusement at the moment, and a sulking and slightly peeved Azul would do the trick.
Cater was in the kitchen, retrieving something for Trey since they were all out in the Heartslabyul kitchen. Of course it was something sweet, but Cater would rather be here than see the outcome of the freshmans’ antics. Sorry freshies, you’re on your own!
But now he was stuck here for the night, and having nothing better to do, and boredom starting to creep in, Cater brought out his phone and started recording. 
“It’s Cay-kun here!~” He gave a peace sign to the camera and stuck out his tongue. “Let’s see who we can find!” And he started chatting to the camera and walking towards the main hall.
Eventually, everyone had made their way to the main hall; you, Silver, Vil, Professor Crewel, Rook, Azul, Jade, and Cater. But there was no sign of Headmaster Crowley.
“Have any of you pups seen the Headmaster,” Divus asked, turning up a brow, and looked at his students with suspicion.
Everyone shook their head no. Divus sighed, and turned around the corner, in the direction of the Headmaster’s office, but he stopped in his tracks.
Curious, you looked to where Professor Crewel was staring; lying in the middle of the floor was Crowley, and he wasn’t breathing.
Dire Crowley was dead, murdered. And everyone was a suspect, including you.
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About this Event
That's right folks, a classic murder mystery in the style of the board game Clue and some inspiration from the book And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie.
At the beginning and end of each part, I will be including a link to a Google Form where people can vote for who they think is the murderer, what room the murder took place in, and the weapon that was used. There's also an optional question where you can explain your answer, just do know that everything was randomly chosen by a spinner.
The form will be active for at least 72 hours; it may go on for longer if I'm busy. A new form will be added with each part, just with the suspect, room, & weapon that was voted in the last part being removed if they were incorrect... and may take some inspo from the book I mentioned.~
In future parts there will be dark content, as this is a murder mystery; all of the content warnings will be included at the beginning, and also tagged (ie. cw death). Because of this, I will not be tagging people in future parts just as a precaution.
Now, let the investigation begin!
Link to Google Form
- Silver; the kindhearted knight with a mysterious past, is it just for show?  (Plum) - Vil Schoenheit; the actor who is always pigeonholed into the role of a villain (Scarlet) - Divus Crewel; the alchemy teacher with a penchant for fashion, Crowley's co-worker (Peacock) - Rook Hunt; the enigmatic hunter who always has a hunch of what's happening (Mustard) - Azul Ashengrotto; the owner of The Mostro Lounge, a businessman with dubious morals (Green) - Reader; the 'house-keeper', a role that was imposed on them by the late Headmage (White) - Jade Leech; a student enamored by fungi and seems to have a foreboding presence about him (Orchid) - Cater Diamond; the preppy beau of Heartslabyul, but his smile seems forced (Peach)
- Main hall - Teachers' lounge - Cafeteria - Kitchens - Lecture theatre - Botanical garden - Alchemy lab - Library - Crowley's office
- Revolver - Rope - Dagger - Wrench - Candlestick - Lead pipe - Magic
Tags; @afunkyfreshblog, @aqua-beam, @azulashengrottospiano, @eynnwwyjth, @hisui-dreamer, @hydra-sea, @identity-theft-101, @inkybloom-luv, @ithseem, @krenenbaker, @leonistic, @lucid-stories, @officialdaydreamer00, @ryker-writes, @savanaclaw1996, @silvers-numberonefan, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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suntails · 1 year
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you’ll love me at once ♫♪
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yaksha-lover · 8 months
guess who’s back again🫵🫦
(continuation of the ramblings i’ve been leaving in your inbox that i should probably turn into a full length fic but suck ass at writing and ik damn well will never actually finish)
so i just learned that the draconia family can choose their own retainers when the time comes. ie, lilia for the queen that i always spell the name of wrong, malleus picked silver and sebek, etc.
which kinda sucks because your little baby brother sebek can’t be your retainer😔. actually, you don’t really know who to pick cause you don’t really know anyone.
well, except for ace and deuce that is… ☺️
so you’ve picked ace and deuce as your retainers! what could possibly go wrong? it can’t be that bad if your trio has never had good grades before, or not gotten into trouble every five seconds, or not been put into any immediate danger ever, or not loud mouths who play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
and—close your mouth sebek your gonna catch flies—besides having two human retainers in a court full of fae not too far after a human fae war shouldn’t be that concerning. so what if they were already upset that malleus was marrying a human? (and maybe looking into ways to extend your life to match his but don’t tell anyone it’s a surprise for you) it should all be fine, right lilia? silvers here ain’t he? even if the court won’t bow to your will as easily as they do malleus they don’t wanna make him upset by making his queen upset. which means you can pick whomever the hell you want (🫵spoiled)
and for the record this decision was 100% made in pure logic and totally not because the thought of leaving your two beloved idiots made you tear up instantaneously!
hey! pls ignore that i took forever getting to your ask things have been super busy lol
adeuce as your retainers who end up someone getting you into more trouble than if you’d just had no guards at all (it’s not their fault! they really try to be good for you, but they somehow always attract chaos!)
not to mention their incredibly mediocre fighting skills (both magic and physical) when compared to the other fae who work as royal guards. even silver has been trained practically since birth to be a great fighter, so he holds the respect of the fae, unlike adeuce. but what they lack in skill, they make up for in effort and care. because who’s going to go above and beyond for you like your best friends?
at least, that’s how you rationalize choosing them instead of the many previous royal guards who offered themselves up for your service, only for you to turn them down for your friends (adeuce definitely get glared at in the hallways). sebek practically begs you for weeks to try and change your mind, but he folds when he sees how happy having your old friends around makes you.
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