#the second time the party was in a new city for a festival that was essentially day of the dead
I'm watching Adventuring Academy and Brennan and Murph are talking about when you become a DM, be prepared to only DM and never get to be a player and then he said "If you want to DM for me, hit me up in the comments," Brennan I've never been a DM but its my dream to learn, you don't know the lengths I would go to to DM for you PLEASE
#ive played dnd twice. both were one shots#and they were so so fun#the first was like. our party wound up at a circus and went into a fun house#and suddenly we were trapped and could only escape by solving puzzles and defeating a terrifying clown at the end#i drank poison on purpose and almost got eaten by an alligator. it was so fucking cool#and i got to live my tiefling bard dreams#the second time the party was in a new city for a festival that was essentially day of the dead#and there was a ghost in the river of a woman who had been drowned there#and we had to find out who killed her. and turns out that same person was killing children in the town#at the end we solved the mystery and reunited the dead woman with her dead children but there were still a bunch of orphans#the dm intended for it to be a pretty bittrsweet ending#but we decided that we were going to pool all of our money together and give it to the apartment manager wed met earlier#and get all of these orphans set up in the apartments to be watched over by the apartment manager#and both times ive thought 'this is such a cool fucking story. we are having so much fun.#i want to be the person that creates the stoey and facilitates the fun' like being a dm is my dream#and i know it would never happen but brennan if you see this#brennan i will dm for you. i will make time. we can get a long term game going. you can play to your heart's content#like both of the dms i played with created an amazing world and story. gave us that sandbox for us to play in#i would love to have players to take my stories somewhere!#and in this episode they said that if youve watched a bunch of d20 then you can dm. you dont need to have played#so im going to look more into like. learning to dm#i have the dm handbook bookmarked on my laptop so ill get there eventually#but brennan i will learn so fast. i will dm for you just give me a chance
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mariacallous · 17 days
BERLIN — For the first time since the Nazi era, a far-right party in Germany has won the largest piece of the electoral pie in a state election.
Mainstream politicians and Jewish leaders are expressing alarm following Sunday’s elections, in which the anti-immigrant, Eurosceptic and pro-Russia Alternative for Germany party came out on top in the state of Thuringia, with 32.8% of the vote.
The 11-year-old party also earned second place to the traditional conservative Christian Democratic Union party in the neighboring state of Saxony. Both states are in the former East Germany.
“No one can brush this off as a ‘protest’ vote anymore,” Charlotte Knobloch, head of the Jewish community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, said in a statement late Sunday.
“Exactly 85 years after the start of World War II, Germany is in danger of becoming a different country again: more unstable, colder and poorer, less secure, less worth living in,” said Knobloch, a former head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany who herself survived the Holocaust in hiding.
The election came just over a week since a Syrian refugee was arrested after a deadly stabbing spree at a festival in the city of Solingen, and only days after Germany resumed its program of deporting refugees convicted of crimes. The knife attack, in which three people were killed, reignited popular anxiety about social unrest connected with the more than 1 million refugees admitted to Germany since 2015.
AfD stresses isolationism, takes an anti-EU and pro-Russian stance, and is accused of fomenting anti-Muslim sentiment. Some of its most extreme representatives have also belittled the Holocaust, saying that Germany has paid enough penance for the sins of an older generation.
Mass protests against the party took place earlier this year following revelations that the party had held a secret meeting at a lakeside villa to discuss plans to deport foreigners, including those who had become German citizens. Prominent neo-Nazis attended the meeting, according to the news organization that broke the story, inducing painful echoes of the gathering of Nazi leaders at nearby Wannsee in 1942 to devise a plan to deport and then murder Jews.
But while support for the AfD dipped in polls at the time, it soon rebounded and then accelerated. Now, it has achieved breakthrough results in state elections and raised concerns for next year’s national elections.
The party — whose Thuringen leader, Bjoern Hoecke, has been convicted twice of using a Nazi slogan to boost his party — is unlikely to form a ruling coalition in either state, since it is shunned by other parties. Still, it will have additional seats in the state legislatures and will have the numbers, particularly in Thuringia, to interfere with some governing decisions.
A far-left party, Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance or BSW, also produced notable results, coming in third in Thuringia with 15.8% of the vote. Last month, the current head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, warned that the party, which has accused Israel of genocide in its war in Gaza, was “fueling hatred of Israel in Germany.”
The new election results bode ill for Germany’s future, Schuster said on Sunday.
“Can we recover from this hit?” Schuster wrote in a column in the Bild newspaper. “Our free society must not fall, especially in the face of Islamist terror. Unvarnished truths — honesty and sincerity — are needed, not populist pseudo-answers from radical parties.”
In Thuringia, the mainstream Social Democratic Party barely squeaked in, with 6.1%. Several parties, including the Greens and Free Democratic Party, received so few votes that they will not have any seats at all.
BSW also came in third in Saxony, with 11.8% of the vote, following the AfD with 30.6% and the CDU with a narrow win at 31.9%.
Younger voters overwhelmingly favored the AfD in this week’s elections, according to an NTV-Infratest exit poll.
“The survivors are asking themselves: ‘Didn’t we do enough to teach, to tell, to show?” Christoph Heubner of the International Auschwitz Committee, told the Guardian.
Some Jewish leaders say German politicians would do well to address the concerns apparently expressed by voters this weekend.
“The election results in the German federal states of Thuringia and Saxony are a clear wake-up call to the centrist parties in Germany to listen to the real concerns and fears of the people,” Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis, said in a statement. “When half the population votes for parties on the extreme fringes, their problems must be addressed openly and honestly.”
Sunday was an “insanely sad” election day, German Jewish journalist Samira Lazarovic wrote on Facebook. She said her 96-year-old father compared the outcome to the opening salvo of World War II, exactly 85 years ago.
Lazarovic said it was is urgent to reach out to younger voters. “It’s not that we know better than they; but we should shape the future together.”
Obviously, it wasn’t enough to take to the streets and protest against the far right, she added: “Populists all over the world have one thing in common. They mean exactly what they say and do everything they can to turn their words to deeds.”
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mustainegf · 1 month
Thoughts about reader celebrating new years eve with the band, and james confesses and they share readers first kiss together?
This is so fucking adorable, i tweaked a few things so I hope it lives up to your expectations!!
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It's New Year's Eve, and I find myself sitting on the front porch with James. The night is a bit chilly around the edges, but his warmth makes me warm. I've got one of James' leather coats on, which he insisted I wear because of the cold.
Kirk, Lars, and Cliff are out partying, but I was feeling sick earlier tonight, so I stayed back. To my surprise, James decided to stay back with me, not wanting me to be alone on New Year's.
"Do you ever get tired of all the noise?" I ask, looking over at James. He takes a sip of his drink, his eyes thoughtful.
"Sometimes," he admits. "But I think it's more about who you're with than what you're doing." he shrugs lazily as he looks out into the dark street.
I smile at this, feeling the sudden flapping of butterflies inside my chest. "Thanks for staying with me."
"Hey, someone's gotta make sure you're not alone to ring in the New Year," he says, flashing me that charming horse grin that always makes my heart miss a beat.
The city festivities feel so far away, it's like another world. Here, we are together, and that's it.
I feel the calm before midnight, its almost 1985. Surely enough, there's a sense of excitement, despite James and I's sweet silence. James leans back, looking up at the sky.
"You know," he says, his voice soft, "I've always liked fireworks. They're like.a burst of magic into the sky... My mom used to bring me and my sister to this little field, back in Downey. And we'd watch the fireworks." James fondly recalls the memory, looking into the stars.
I look at him, touched by his words. "That's sweet, how old were you?"
He thinks back, his face drooping a bit as he thought. "She first took us when I was 10, we did it every year until... you know, Mom was gone..." He mumbles, a bittersweet look on his face. The face of acceptance.
I scoot close to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. He'd gone through so much, surely more than he deserved. He was strong, and that was one of the things that made me love him. "I'm sorry, James."
A first firework suddenly bursts into the sky, a brilliant, colorful, bright illumination. We both look up to the display. More fireworks follow, bursting the night sky with glowing and shimmering trails. The year is born anew.
"They're beautiful," I whisper in surprise.
"Yeah," agrees James as he gazes toward the sky. "Really beautiful."
Another firework goes off, lighting up his face in a soft, yellow colored glow. He turns to me, his eyes sweeter than I'd ever seen.
"You know, it's tradition to have a new year's kiss," he says, his voice a little awkward but entirely sweet.
I can't help but smile. "Is it now?"
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, it is. Thought we should, you know, follow tradition."
We both laugh, and the awkwardness snaps away in a second. There's a hesitation, then a space, which I diminish. The lips meet, and it feels like the world falls away. Overhead, the fireworks keep bursting, but the only pressure I feel is that of James's lips warm and soft on mine.
Finally, when we pull back, we're both giggling. My forehead leans against his. "That was..."
"Yeah," James agrees, his voice breathless. "That was."
We just look at each other now. The idea of what exactly just happened seems to settle into our chilly skin. "James," I begin softly, "I... I think I've loved you for a really long time."
His eyes widen a moment before his lips stretch into a very real, honest smile, making my heart swell. "You know what I think?"
"What do you think?" I laugh, cupping his cheek as the fireworks continue to burst above us and momentarily light our faces.
He kisses me again, this time a little deeper, his hands gently cradling my face. When we finally break apart, both of us are grinning like idiots.
"That I love you. That's what I think."
"Happy New Year," he whispers against my lips, his voice warmed with love.
"Happy New Year, James."
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yeehaw4yoongi · 2 years
Iced Americano | JJK
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Pairing: jk x barista female reader
Rating: 18+ | minors dni | nsfw
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: drinking alcohol, kissing, some swearing, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, fingering, mentions of cum, titty play, mentions of food/eating, mentions of milk (but literally just milk nothing nasty is being done with the milk), shower sex, dom-ish jk
Genre: fluff, smut, non-idol au, strangers to lovers, some angst
Summary: You wake up thinking today would be like any other day but you were wrong.
A/N: Hi tumblr! This is my first stab at writing any kind of fanfic. I'm new to all the warnings, categories, and abbreviations so please bear with me. Thinking about doing a part 2 since I feel like there is so much build up in this half, so if you enjoyed it, please comment, reblog, and like!
Today started like most of your days do. The alarm yanks you out of your slumber at 4:30AM and you drag yourself to the shower. You have about half an hour to get to the bus so you can make it to work at 6:00AM. You sprint to your stop and make it just as the bus pulls up. You won’t be late today.
As you ride down the dark city streets you make a list of everything that needs to be done to open the cafe by 7:00AM. You take inventory of everyone out and about already hard at work. Street sweepers and stall keepers mill around setting the scene for the world that has yet to wake. Despite the start time, you love the opening shift. It’s where humans on different paths cross as night transitions into the morning. Party people with pupils the size of the moon and 9 to 5’ers alike find themselves convening in the queue for coffee. The day goes by as usual. Taking orders, making light conversation, steaming milk, and cleaning up empty cups make the morning go by quickly, and before you know it’s nearly time for the shift change. By now the freshness of the morning ceases to exist. You’re covered in coffee grounds and sweat has taken its toll on your makeup. You switch out the till drawer and head to the office to count the morning’s takings. Once you finish, you collect your bag and head back into the bustling cafe. It’s a small space so you weave your way through the crowded shop. You stop by the counter on your way out to bid your workmate adieu and that’s when you notice him. 
His tall slender frame leans against the counter as he orders an iced americano. He reaches for his wallet and you notice the tattoos on his hands. You don’t allow yourself to keep looking. Instead, you push passed him and the other people queuing and head for the door. One of your workmates shouts behind you “see you tomorrow!” and as you turn around to wave you meet eyes with Iced Americano. For a split second, your heart plummets into your stomach. He looks down at his phone and you’re released from his grip. He seems unfazed but the depth of his glance has shaken you. Walking down the street toward the bus you brush off the interaction. This city is full of attractive people. You serve them every day. What made him different? 
“Never mind,” you tell yourself as you climb the steps to the top deck of the bus. You have errands to run and a friend’s birthday dinner to go to tonight. As the afternoon wanes you forget about Iced Americano and go about getting ready for the evening’s festivities. You make your best effort. The restaurant you’re going to for the party is one of the nicest Italian places in town and you want to look the part.
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The city sparkles as you make your way through town in the cold. You see the restaurant down the road. The warmth practically flows out of the windows. As you enter, you’re met with a scene of beauty. Peach-colored light is defused through sheer fabric dressed around each of the fixtures that hang from the ceiling. They reflect off of the polished brass glass rack hanging above the marble-top bar and bathe the marble walls in a rose gold hue. Vintage mirrors hang above a row of pale blue booth seats that run parallel to the bar and give way to the dining room. You stand at the door and take it all in. Scanning the dining room you realize you’re the first of your group to arrive. The maitre d’ pulls out one of the plush mint green bar stools and motions for you to take a seat. You order yourself a glass of wine and pass the time looking through your phone. As you wait, the bar fills up around you. Your phone buzzes and it’s your friend saying they’re nearly there. You motion to the bartender to close out your tab. He places the bill on the bar. When you look down you see something familiar out of the corner of your eye- a tattoo and more importantly the hand it belongs to. How long had Iced Americano been there?  Your eyes never leave the tray the receipt is on as you slide it towards you. That’s when you hear his voice. “What wine are you drinking?” You mess up your signature but decide there’s no way he was talking to you and so you push the tray back toward the bartender and place your card back in your wallet. It’s when you get up to tell the maitre d’ your group has almost arrived that you meet Iced Americano’s gaze. Turns out he was talking to you. He looks at you with an inquisitive brow as he awaits your response. 
“I, I uh, it’s the Cabernet” you manage to blurt out through your shock. The bartender nods at Iced Americano and he orders the Cabernet. “Thank you,” he says with a wide smile. You stand there looking up at him for what was probably only 2 seconds but feels like much longer. Just then your friends swan in and swallow you up in their hugs and kisses of greeting. You look back at Iced Americano and smile and give him a small wave as you head to your table. 
Your seat at the table faces one of the mirrors hung on the walls. You and your friends order two bottles of wine and some small plates to start. You’re wrapped up in the comfort of their company. Everyone is sharing the highlights of their day and listening as the birthday girl lists off all of the presents she’s gotten. As the server brings the wine and serves a sample to your friend you look up into the mirror. Sitting at the table directly behind you is Iced Americano with two others. His seat at the table gives you a clear view of his face in the mirror’s reflection. You try your best to stay engaged in the conversation happening at your table but the image in the mirror pulls your gaze back to it. His face is kind and his eyes are soft and doe-like. The curve of his jaw is sharp. Even through the vintage mirror, you can tell his bone structure resembles that of a statue. You’ve lost yourself in his image and he must have felt you staring because his eyes look up to meet yours. You’re rendered breathless but you don’t divert your eyes. The server pours your glass of wine and you refocus on the table. 
Several food courses and drinks go by before the bill inevitably arrives. Your party wraps up and as you collect your things to leave you steal another glance at Iced Americano in the mirror hoping it won’t be the last. You make your way out with your group and wait with them as each of their cabs arrive. Standing alone on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant you watch your Uber get closer and closer to picking you up but you’re not ready to go home yet. You look behind you through the restaurant window and see Iced Americano sitting at the bar. You decide to throw caution to the wind and cancel the Uber.
The liquid courage running through your veins makes it easy, a little too easy, to take the seat directly next to the man that has captured your attention. You don’t say anything to him as the weight of your decision begins to hit you. It’s too late now, and when the bartender asks what you would like you say, “He and I will have an espresso martini,” and motion to Iced Americano sitting next to you. He looks at you with a surprised look and you grin. “Did you order that for me?” he asks with a chuckle. You nod. “What’s your name?” you ask. He responds, “My name is Jungkook. It’s nice to meet you.”
You sit at the bar nursing your drinks and talking. He’s in town working for a couple of days. You mention being a barista but don’t mention where. You talk about traveling and the places you’ve been, comparing notes on cities you’ve both visited. He is incredibly well-traveled and regales you with stories about his time spent on the road. As you chat the restaurant starts closing down. Eventually, the bartender makes the last call and Jungkook asks if you’d like to take a bottle of wine to go. The idea sends a tingle up your spine. You initially thought the espresso martini would be the nightcap but your shift doesn’t start until the afternoon the next day, and why wouldn’t you get a bottle of wine to go? You answer him, “I’d love to. I know a place we can go with it.”
When you step outside the cold air hits your lungs and the warm blur from inside the restaurant sharpens. You are greeted by the sounds of cabs passing by and people chatting and laughing as they make their way to the train station. The city lights shine and wrap you up. You feel safe under them. The libations from dinner and the impromptu nightcap make your mind feel light and optimistic like anything could happen. As though somehow this moment is the beginning of your life. 
You start walking down the road and turn to see if Jungkook is following you. He’s still standing at the door holding the wine and thanking the staff for a wonderful meal and exquisite service. Waiting for him a few paces along the sidewalk you take the opportunity to admire his whole form. He’s tall with broad strong shoulders. His turtleneck hugs his arms and chest and his slacks are perfectly tailored - a statue. As he walks toward you he asks, “Where do we go next?”
The two of you make your way through town passing the theatre district down to the river. You find a bench along the bank and take a seat to watch boats pass while lights on the other side twinkle in the background. He had the forethought to ask the bartender to uncork the wine but you both forgot cups. He playfully pulls the cork and takes a swig straight from the bottle and then hands it to you. It’s cold out but you don’t feel it. Maybe it’s the wine? Maybe it’s him? Either way, you never feel uncomfortable. You talk with him about what brought you to the city and how you love being there. He listens intently and seems to hang on to your every word. Time flies as you take turns drinking the wine and before you know it, the bottle is empty. You sit there with him in the dark a bit longer looking out over the water. The silence between you is pleasant. You can feel his arm up against yours and you fight the urge to take his hand at that moment.  
He looks at his phone and breaks the silence, “Let’s walk back to where I’m staying and I can get you a cab back home.” By now, you know that even if you didn’t desperately want to walk him home, you’ve had so much wine that there’s no way you can get into a vehicle without walking it off a bit. As you stroll up to the beautiful historic hotel, you see there’s a town car parked in the front. “This is for you,” Jungkook says with a smile and motions to the car. Going home is the last thing you want to do but you don’t want to force anything. You thank him for the ride and tell him you hope he has a great remainder of his stay in town. As you turn toward the car, Jungkook takes your hand in his and pulls you toward him into a hug. You breathe him in and he smells like clean fresh laundry. “Thank you for showing me around,” he says releasing you, “I had a great time.” You go to respond but don’t get the chance. He leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you around,” he whispers in your ear with a sly smile and you stand there stunned. He notices that you’ve been caught off guard and walks to the side of the car and opens the door. That’s your cue. You get into the backseat and he closes the door behind you, giving a small wave as the car pulls away from the hotel. 
Your whole body buzzes as you ride through the city. When you get home you realize you never exchanged numbers. As you sink into bed you replay the events of the evening in your mind. Every look, every word, every brush of his arm against yours. The kiss cycles over and over. Even if it was just tonight, it was worth it. 
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The next day you have a slow morning. By some miracle, you aren’t hungover but the booze has made you feel sluggish. You think about Jungkook as you get ready for work that afternoon and while heading to the bus stop. You think about him as you ride through town and as you walk to the cafe. You can’t shake him and you don’t want to. Deep down you tell yourself not to get your hopes up. What are the chances of you seeing him again? Despite you trying to manage your expectations, you watch the cafe door your entire shift hoping he’ll appear there. Patron after patron comes in. No Jungkook. Finally, you give up hope that he’ll come in but that doesn’t stop you from thinking about the night before. You spend the rest of the shift on autopilot, stuck in your endless daydream. You close up the shop and head back home. You have to open up the next day and can’t afford another late night. Riding the bus, your mind drifts to last night. It remembers the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. It remembers the feeling of his lips pushed against yours and the feeling of his breath on your ear. 
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Once again, your alarm startles you awake at 4:30AM. Another day, another shift. You’ve accepted the idea that your evening with Jungkook was only a brief encounter and one of the many perks of living in the city. You never know who you’ll meet and what will happen. The memory will live fondly in the back of your mind for a while until time inevitably reduces it to a blip on the timeline of your life. The shift goes by as normal and you greet and serve the first arrivals into the shop. The morning is peppered with the regular corporate types and rave stragglers. You spend your time chatting, catching up with them, and listening to what they have planned for the rest of their day. As the lunch rush starts to pick up, the queue for service extends to just outside of the door. You’re nearing the end of your shift but there’s still a lot to do, so you move from the till to behind the coffee machine to help your workmate with the influx of coffee orders flooding in. 
As you steam the milk at the end of the counter, you grow tired and the awareness of what’s happening around you disappears. It’s just you and the milk pitcher. You watch the milk swirl around in the jug making sure not to burn it. With your focus on the upcoming orders you never see Jungkook enter the cafe, but now he is standing at the end of the counter and says, “Hi” breaking your focus. When you look up and see who the greeting comes from, you almost don’t believe your eyes. The chances of you meeting again seemed slim and yet here he is. You realize that you’re fully staring at him, mouth agape. You try to respond like someone who has spoken before but your “Hey! How are you?” comes out as more of an abrupt shout. He doesn't skip a beat and tells you that he was meant to leave town the day before but that he still had some things to wrap up and extended his trip a few days. You’re delighted by this news but you do your best to stay cool and nonchalant. His drink is a few places behind others in line but none of the other patrons matter anymore. You make each drink and just slide them to the end of the counter as you and Jungkook chat. He didn’t know you worked here and mentioned how he was in the cafe a few days ago. You pretend not to remember. Finally, his drink is up. Unlike the coffees before his, you take extra care and gently slide the drink directly toward him. He asks you for a lid and as you go to put it on, there is a brief fumble. He doesn’t anticipate you putting the lid on for him and reaches to secure it as you place it on top of his cup. His slender fingers and soft palm land directly on the top of your hand. You both look up at each other and giggle. He takes a sip of his drink and thanks you for making it just right. You swoon and he notices. He says that he’s been given tickets to a show later that night and asks if you’d like to go with him. You exchange a glance with your workmate standing to your left. She has completely stopped making espresso shots and is waiting for you to respond to him while nodding her head as though to say, “Say yes, fool!”. You quickly turn back to face Jungkook and tell him, “sounds great”. Noticing that the number of people waiting for their coffee has caused a crowd to form, he takes a pen from his bag and writes his number on a napkin, and hands it to you. “Send me your address. I’ll pick you up at 7.” 
As soon as you finish work you text him your address. [See you soon.] he replies. You race home and start the process of getting ready. No task is spared as you prep for a night on the town with quite possibly the most beautiful man on the planet. You try on all of your clothes and then all of your roommate’s clothes before finally deciding on what you’ll wear. You put on the designer perfume your grandmother gave you for your birthday. Promptly at 7:00PM your phone buzzes. You give yourself a last look and take a deep breath. When you open the front door, there is Jungkook sitting on the street in an Aston Martin. He gets out of the car and goes around the other side to open the passenger door. He’s wearing black combat boots, fitted black trousers, and a knit charcoal grey crew neck sweater over a white collared shirt. You walk toward him and he takes your hand to help you into the car. He gets into the driver’s seat but before he puts the car back into gear, he looks over at you and says, “You look amazing.” You thank him and reciprocate the compliment even though “amazing” doesn’t even begin to describe how gorgeous he looks. He is fucking hot with his black hair combed in a way that exposes a bit of his forehead. You fight the urge to lick your lips as you watch him wrap his tattooed fingers around the steering wheel. 
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You arrive at an elite member’s only Burlesque club in Soho. The hostess shows you to a cozy private booth with soft cushioned upholstery and oversized pillows that line the back. As the two of you settle in, the manager stops by the table to drop off a complimentary bottle of champagne. Jungkook smiles when he sees her and stands up to greet her with a hug and cheek kiss, as though they’ve met before. He introduces you and she winks as she greets you. She says, “Any friend of JK is a friend of mine. If you need anything at all, just ask for me.” A server comes by and takes your drink and food order just as the lights in the club dim and the spotlight flicks onto the stage. Jungkook makes sure your glass never runs dry as one beautiful woman after another takes the stage. Each one of their performances is glamorous and sensual. As the show goes on, the two of you inch closer and closer to each other until he takes his arm and puts it over your shoulder. You allow yourself to let your guard down and lean your head to the side to rest it in the nook where his chest meets his shoulder. You stay there until the show is over. 
The club isn’t far from his hotel and as you stroll down the street it dawns on you that that’s the direction you’re heading in. You brace yourself for another town car. When the hotel is just within eyeshot, Jungkook makes a random but smooth turn onto a narrow alley and points out some street art on the wall. As you follow behind him trying to see what he’s talking about he turns around and slowly walks back toward you until you’ve backed yourself onto the wall opposite of the one he was looking at. He walks right up to the point where you’re nearly touching and then stops. You turn your gaze upward to look him in the eyes and he says, “I’m just kidding. I wanted a private place to kiss you.” He leans in and lays a small kiss on your lips. And then another. You kiss him back as you slowly wrap your arms around his waist and draw him in closer. For a few moments, the two of you stand there entwined seemingly suspended in time. It feels like you’re levitating. He opens his mouth and slides his tongue into yours, triggering all the butterflies in your stomach to a frenzy. Pulling back, he lays a few more small kisses on your lips before bringing your arms up around his neck and wrapping his arms around your back to pull you into him again. You stand there in silence breathing in unison. As you stroke the hair that grazes the nape of his neck he leans into yours and kisses it softly. Kissing your neck he says, “Do you,” another kiss, “want,” another kiss, “to come up,” another kiss, “with me?” You reply into the night sky as your head rolls back, and his kisses drift further down your neck,  “Absolutely”.  
Your heart pounds as you walk through the hotel doors but you aren’t nervous. Facing the front of the mirrored elevator doors, Jungkook stands behind you. He admires your reflections for a moment and you watch him as he drapes his left arm over the front of you while using his right hand to caress the left side of your face and turn it up to the right to meet his for a kiss. The doors ding open and you walk into the elevator. He pushes a button near the top floor and the doors close. 
You are standing on opposite sides of the elevator and with each floor that passes the tension between you grows. It takes everything you have not to throw yourself on him but you test the waters and ask, “Why are you all the way over there?”. His demeanor shifts and when his gaze meets yours, you see a fire burning in his eyes. He takes the two steps across the elevator, looks over at the buttons, and smashes the Emergency stop. The elevator halts. Facing you, Jungkook raises his hand and places his thumb on your lip, applying some pressure while moving it carefully and with purpose until your mouth is slightly open. He starts to lean in, slowly sliding his thumb and index finger down to the tip of your chin, and lifts your face until your mouths meet in a deep and passionate French kiss. Your face rests gently in the palms of his hands. The way he kisses you feels like he needs you to breathe. “Can I touch you?”, he asks, his voice nearly a whisper but not quite. As he waits for your response, once again you find yourself answering into the sky but this time you’re met with your reflection in the mirrored ceiling of the elevator. You look yourself in the eyes as they roll back into your head and you whisper, “Please”. 
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When the elevator doors open Jungkook slides his fingers out from your now-damp underwear and leads you into an immaculately decorated suite. He flicks on a lamp and then another and you stop at the end of the entryway to take in the space. 
As you admire your surroundings, Jungkook asks if you’d like a glass of wine while he pulls back a heavy curtain to reveal a private terrace with a breathtaking view of the city. You walk over to where he’s standing by the window and look out. The city lights twinkle in a panorama. He asks you again if you’d like some wine but you are too distracted by flashbacks of the elevator ride up when he slid his middle and ring fingers inside of you as he rubbed your clit with the bottom of his palm to notice Jungkook waiting for your response whilst you look out over the city. He clears his throat and you are suddenly very aware of him waiting and see him looking at you out of the corner of your eye. 
You turn toward him and say, “I think I want something stronger,” as you move your hand over the front of his trousers to find what you actually want. You land on the task at hand and you feel him twitch slightly under your palm, as he begins to harden at your touch. Looking up at his face, his eyes are closed and he lets out a soft moan as he exhales. You keep your hand where it is for a bit longer before moving it up toward his waist until your fingers are touching the bottom of his sweater giving it a light tug to signal that it’s time for him to take it off. He crosses his arms over his torso, reaching to where your hands are resting near his waist, and pulls the sweater up and over his head. While his arms are still mid-air, you reach up and start unbuttoning the white collared shirt. You lay a kiss on the skin that is exposed with each undone button. He is breathing heavier now. You only get halfway through unbuttoning his shirt before he takes you by the waist and turns you toward the window. He puts his hand on your back and presses you into it just enough to indicate that he’s the one in control. His hand moves down your back to your hips and guides them into place. His other hand is busy lifting your skirt and resting the fabric on your lower back to expose your ass. “If you want something stronger, that’s what you’ll get”. You hear his zipper coming down and his belt clink as he unbuckles. The glass is cold against your palms and arms. The city continues to glow in front of you as you feel him slide your panties down. 
The anticipation begins to bubble over and every part of your body throbs and screams out for him. You let out a whine when he starts teasing you with his tip, before slowly and gently sliding every inch of him inside of you. You both moan softly and relish the first moment your bodies fully meet each other. Jungkook pulls out nearly leaving you but slides himself deep inside you again. He repeats this a few times and then proceeds to slowly and steadily fuck you from behind. Each thrust is deliberate and forces you to feel all of him as he strokes your g-spot. You can feel the pressure inside of you starting to build and he can too. He gradually quickens his pace remaining consistent with the depth and cadence of his strokes. Your head gets cloudy as your orgasm continues to mount. “Fuck!” you exclaim as Jungkook starts to hammer into you with a rhythm where you cease to see straight anymore. You try to regain your composure but all you can do is plead with him not to stop- never stop. “I won’t,” he barks through gritted teeth. You come so hard that your legs nearly give out and he’s quick to catch you with one arm around your torso to keep you from buckling. He never misses a beat and the waves of your orgasm keep crashing over you. 
When he feels you reach the other side of pleasure, he pulls himself out of your warmth and gently rubs the head of his cock across your ass cheeks as he releases onto them. You feel the warm trickles of his cum roll down as he steps back to admire his work. Still bent over and facing the window you look back at him over your right shoulder and see him standing there with a naughty smile stretched across his face while he pulls up his trousers. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says. In an effort not to make a mess of your skirt, you unzip it and bring it up over your body and head. You drape it over one of the armchairs and hear the shower turn on in the other room. As you walk toward the sound you remove your top and drop it onto the floor. 
Entering the bathroom you are met with a fully naked Jungkook. The form that you’ve admired through turtlenecks and fitted trousers is now on full display. He has a striking physique and you can tell that he takes time to maintain it. He is lean but still muscular. He’s strong but has made an effort not to overdo it so that it looks almost effortless. You can see all of his tattoos now and you’re surprised by how many there are.  
Steam spills over the top of the walk-in shower and he opens the door and beckons for you to get in. He takes the sponge hanging on the wall and squeezes some soap onto it. The scent of gardenia wafts through the steam as he creates a lather and drags the sponge along the different parts of your body, paying particular attention to your ass making sure to remove whatever is still left of him. He wrings out the sponge and hangs it back on the wall. As the warm water continues to cascade down, you turn to face him and wrap your arms around his waist to pull his body close to yours. You rest your head on his chest and feel him breathe. Still captured in your embrace, Jungkook turns the two of you as a unit so that you are facing him as he slowly sits down on the banquette that is built into the shower. You continue to stand. You place your hands under his chin and tilt his head so that he’s looking straight up into your eyes. You lean down to kiss him. He kisses you back gently and when you move your head to change angles you catch a peek of his face through your partially closed eyes. His brow is furrowed as though he is savoring every second of this kiss. His expression is soft and sincere. It makes you feel like at that moment, you belong to each other. Like you want to take care of him. To protect his heart. To make sure he always feels cherished. You start to lose yourself in your head as you continue to caress him. The emotions rising into your throat border on heartbreaking. You know this is a fleeting moment. Nothing is promised after tonight. 
You pull back from the kiss and start to straighten your stance, while he glides his mouth down your neck and chest until he has one of your breasts in his mouth. You feel his tongue circling your nipple as his hand takes your other breast into it. He rubs his thumb over your other nipple while using his free arm to keep you close to him. Gently, you comb your fingers through the wet hair on the back of his head and hold it as he transfers his mouth to your other breast. You reach down between his legs as he continues to suck on your tits and find that he is hard. 
Jungkook adjusts so that he is sitting on the very edge of the banquette to make it easier for you to straddle him. As you lower yourself down onto him, he pulls you in so close that it’s hard to tell where he starts and you stop. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your face is pressed against the side of his. Once you feel that he is completely inside of you, you start rocking your hips back and forth slowly. He moans when he feels your core grip around his cock. Breathing in unison, every slight movement becomes more gratifying than the last, transporting you to an alternate realm. Nothing else exists as you allow yourself to surrender to the intimacy of this moment. No one can see you. No one will ever know the energy exchanged here tonight. It belongs solely to the two of you. “Give it all to me, baby,” Jungkook coos in your ear, as though he’s cheering you to the finish. Your ears pop when you come and for a moment you are totally paralyzed as you let out a silent scream and throw your head back while palpable bliss courses between you. As you slowly grind on him you bring your face to his eye level and kiss him while he comes inside of you. Even after he’s finished you stay connected on the banquette while the water continues to run so you can stay in this moment as long as possible.
Dawn starts to shine over the city skyline as you climb into the big hotel bed. Jungkook pulls the heavy curtain across the window and the room descends into nearly pitch darkness. He crawls into bed next to you. You’re both still naked and your skin is warm and clean. The two of you lay in the darkness talking for a while. You talk about how beautiful the burlesque dancers were at the show and about how delicious the food was. Your conversation wanders aimlessly as you curl up into the nook of his neck and he reaches down to pull your leg over him. He holds on to the bottom of your thigh to keep it draped over him. His breathing starts to deepen and you are lulled to sleep by every inhale and exhale. You smell gardenias as you doze off.  
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Summer Isles - Modern!Aemond x Reader | Chapter 1
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: After two years in the Summer Isles, Aemond returns from his international stay during his doctorate ready to be with the girl he left Westeros for.
Tags:  Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Emotional Hurt/ Comfort/ Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: Not at this moment, maybe later :P This is the best I can write these days, sorry :(
General Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know):  @thedamewithabook @bluevxnus @hiddencurator
Author´s note:  Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Word Count: 3.5K
The sunlight had disappeared two hours ago. From the large window of the office, you could see how the yellow lights of the streetlights illuminated the deserted streets of that old industrial estate. Normally, at that time, there would be a multitude of operators and porters working in the warehouses that surrounded the modern, newly built building in which you worked. But, that autumn afternoon there was not a single soul. From the second floor of that building that broke the skyline of the place, you could see a paper bag rolling alone along the sidewalk.
You sighed, trying to gather strength for the next email you had to answer. You always sat next to the window, as if that could cheer you up during the at least eight hours you spent at work. The head of the service, in a show of trust and invented friendship with you, always placed you in the last shift of that customer service of the large multinational for which you worked. Although it may sound strange, it was the simplest and most complicated shift at the same time. Few clients with very big problems. Brilliant.
A new email popped up on the screen and you sighed right after replying to the last one. You grabbed the back of your head and closed your eyes, tired. Well, it could be worse, you thought, you might have to take a call. That thought crossed your mind when you saw your colleague Cristof closing his eyes tiredly while he explained for the last half hour to a client that the delay of her wedding dress was a problem of the transport company, that a claim had been opened and that we would try to give her a solution first thing tomorrow morning, not then, in the last shift.
“This is an idiot,” Cristof turned on mute just to talk to you and make you smile. You frowned and shook your head at him as he laughed again. "Yeah. Of course, I'm still here and I understand your situation perfectly, right now there is a team of five people working to get your dress to you first thing tomorrow morning, Mrs. Thyrosh” he completely changed the tone he had used with you, showing the best side of the service. That's what your job was about, showing your best possible face, or rather, your best possible voice.
“Is Aegon finally coming to look for you today?” Irmis, sitting right next to you, was also typing quickly to answer a customer who had decided at the last minute to change his expensive order for shoes from a famous brand. When they had offered you that job at a prestigious clothing brand, you never thought it would be like this. Five years in design school practically thrown away.
You shook your head as you looked ahead, ready to respond to that email. “No, he can't. You can see the fireworks from his house and he has organized a party with his friends to watch them from there” you responded completely naturally, although it had really hurt you that he didn't come for you on the same day that the local festivals were inaugurated. That was the same reason why not a single soul could be seen in that place. All private businesses closed earlier so that people could attend with their friends and family at the beginning of something that marked the beginning of autumn in a city as small as the one you lived in, but you work for a multinational. That small group of five people must have closed the shift. You were all unmarried or single. People who, according to the head of service, nothing happened if they did not attend the event. After all, what did it matter if you were missing? You sighed as you read what the last client who had written to you wanted. “I'll take the bus and I'll be there in an hour,” you explained to Irmis while she kept her eyes on the screen.
“If you want, I can take you” Roy stuck his head out of the cubicle that was right in front of you. With his headphones on and the smile he always had when he saw you, he continually offered to take you home or to Aegon's house.
"No. Don't worry, I'll go on the bus” you smiled at him with your best smile and as always Roy returned to his seat calling himself stupid. The truth was that you didn't like him taking you home. You knew he had a slight crush on you. Whenever you argued with Aegon, he was always there to listen to you and bring up all the many bad things Aegon had as a partner. You didn't want to raise his hopes. Aegon wasn't perfect, but he was the one you had chosen to be with, right?
“Well, it's cold today to be waiting for the bus.” Marga turned around in her chair right behind you. She was much older, a woman who had dedicated her entire life to customer service. She never said anything, but you knew she didn't like Aegon for you.
No one seemed to like Aegon as your partner. The five of you always closed the service, so you had ended up being a family, in which everyone knew everything about the other. You were grateful to have companions like that, but you didn't like that they interfered so much in your life.
Your cell phone vibrated. At that time, none of the bosses were still in the office, so you looked at him without any qualms. You couldn't help but smile while the others commented on whether or not it was advisable to wait in the autumn cold for the bus.
You saw Aegon at the party, being silly as always. He had sent you a photo in which he said that they were waiting for you. You continued typing and answering emails until the departure time was given. You grabbed your shoulder bag ready to leave that place for a whole weekend. You always loved Fridays. They meant not having to put up with one more customer.
“Let's go have something to drink tomorrow?” Cristof asked as you passed the security cards to exit the building. All dressed in your jackets to avoid the cold, you waited for him to close the door. It was your obligation to close the building as you were the last to leave it.
"Impossible. I have to take socks to the vet,” Marga answered.
“It's not going to take you all day.” Cristof narrowed his eyes in amusement while Roy laughed right behind him.
“Y/N?” He asked you, almost hoping that you would say yes. You were a motley group that would never have gotten together if it hadn't been for that job.
“I can’t,” you laughed, not wanting to explain much more. Really, you couldn't and you didn't want to. You were especially excited about what was going to happen the next day. Seeing the look on Roy's face, you repeated again, “Not really. “Aegon’s brother is returning from a stay in the Summer Islands and we are all meeting up for lunch” you responded happily.
Aemond had always been your best friend. You hadn't seen him for two years, almost a little after you started dating Aegon. He had gotten a scholarship to do an international stay during his doctorate and he had accepted it without a second thought, without looking back. You couldn't help but miss him, but you were happy for him. That's what was going through your head, it wasn't as if... you had always been friends, since high school. He had never hinted at anything and neither have you.
“Is that the one who is missing one eye, has long hair and is always smoking?” Marga asked, shrugging her shoulders.
“Marga, don't be rude,” Irmi reprimanded him when she saw the same sad and confused face that you had made, as if it had been a low blow to define him as the guy who was missing an eye.
“If there is one like him there,” the woman said while pointing with her head, right behind you. You turned around while your heart was going a mile an hour, while you didn't think that her words could be true, but you felt like your world stopped, right at the sight of him.
He was there.
Aemond Targaryen.
After two fucking years, he was just there. Leaning against his car, the same one you had seen during those two years parked at the family residence. He was just blowing out the smoke from the last puff he had just taken. Always dressed in black, from head to toe. His black leather jacket, his turtleneck sweater of the same color. Aemond had never been one to change his style, but you could see how in those two years he had stopped wearing his tall military boots and was now wearing black shoes that cost the same as your entire month's salary. A very expensive and new rolex on his wrist… otherwise it was him. It was just him.
Your companions stayed behind you as you ran to hug him. You couldn't see it, but the corners of Aemond's lips curled into a smile. The smile that his always stoic face had wanted to give you but had never dared. “See you on Monday,” you heard one of your workmates say while the others said goodbye to each other, but you didn't care. He was there. He was there.
“But, what are you doing here?” You smiled at him sincerely, because in those two years not a single day had passed in which you hadn't missed him. He was your best friend. It always had been. “You were arriving tomorrow. You were arriving tomorrow” that stupid smile did not leave your lips. Your hands patted his chest affectionately and he smiled. His single purple eye fixed on yours.
“The flight was early,” he lied. Aemond had never heard of a flight coming forward. Just that they were late, but he had taken the first one that was available. A feeling of indescribable warmth filled his heart, as nothing had filled it for two years. You punched him in the chest again as you hugged him again. Aemond could feel you close your eyes snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. His aroma of coffee and cigarettes mixed with that perfume he always wore filled your nostrils, bringing back memories of a time that had undoubtedly been better than the one you were living in then.
“Yes, but what are you doing here?” You laughed again.
“Waiting for you to come out,” he shrugged with a smile you had rarely seen on his face. A truly genuine smile. “I arrived at Aegon's house and you weren't there. Helaena told me you were still at work” he sighed “So, do you work here?” He asked with a shrug, looking at the spot where you had ended up. He would never be the one to say it out loud, but you didn't deserve more. You had studied for much, much more. However, it was the job you had decided to have. Aegon had gotten you the job. All his influences had reached that place and you had accepted it gratefully because you needed the money, not for anything else.
“Have you come to look for me?” you asked in disbelief, ignoring his question. In two and a half years of their relationship, Aegon had not gone a single day. In truth, you had always fantasized about him coming for you. Up in his car, sunglasses on and ready to take you anywhere you want. However, it had never happened and you had told yourself that it was simply because he was tired from work, or that it didn't matter... or that you didn't deserve it... But, Aemond had gone. He was there, like you had always dreamed that your boyfriend would do.
“You wouldn't make it in time to see the fireworks if I wasn't here,” he said, trying to make light of the matter. He opened the passenger seat door in an almost theatrical manner and you got in. Just as he closed the door he told himself that this was going to be the big night. He needed to do it. He had been needing it for two and a half years. Since the same day he had taken that flight to a foreign university that had little or nothing to do with his field of study.
“It's not something that fascinates me either,” you sighed, exhausted and tired after such a long day. You fastened the seat belt and Aemond opened the driver's door, just after he had nervously stubbed his cigarette against the sidewalk. Frankly, fireworks didn't fascinate you. They had never done it. As a child you had been terrified by the roar that stirred in your chest every time one exploded. As an adult you had been bored by the always repeated pattern of the same in that small town near the landing that had so little to offer.
“I brought you something,” Aemond smiled. You weren't used to seeing him smile so much. Those two years away from home, away from everything he knew, must have been good for him. He took out two small packages that he placed on your lap. “Open it, please,” he finished as he watched your eyes light up. In the middle of that industrial estate, was that the best place he had found to give you his gifts? He martyred himself. Nothing was going as he had planned, but he had also imagined you in a completely different scenario.
“You shouldn't have bothered,” you replied. You chose the smallest of the packages first and opened it delicately. Aemond heard you laugh as he started the car engine. His face showed a grimace of relief. At least He was still thanking you for those nonsense. “How did you remember?” you laughed as you held up the fridge magnet he had brought you.
“I remembered the refrigerator at your parents' house,” he lied. He just remembered how you were always amazed at the refrigerator in his family's house. Full of the magnets of the places they had traveled to. Aemond knew you never spoke it but you had always been envious of those who could really travel. As far as your best friend knew, you had never left the small town where you lived, except on the occasional occasion to see or visit King's Landing. “I guess you can put it in your new refrigerator” he tried to smile, but it didn't come naturally. He didn't dare look at you. He had seen Aegon's new apartment before he came to find you. He had imagined which side of the huge bed in the bedroom you would lie on, how you would cook dinner with his brother while you smiled at him and he did something stupid... he had imagined how you would make love anywhere in it... without any ties... and then he had died of jealousy.
“What refrigerator?” You asked, completely confused, and he simply looked away from the road for a moment, as if hope was returning to his gaze again.
“The one in the kitchen of your new house?” Aemond wanted to affirm, but it all came out simply as a question.
“Oh, that.” You said pursing your lips in an embarrassed manner. “Aegon is going to become independent, but he hasn't told me anything about living together so…” you looked ahead. You didn't want anyone to see the pain that situation caused you. Your boyfriend had bought the apartment of his dreams, but you had not entered into the equation for a single moment. You had thought that the topic of living together would come up during the renovation, then you had imagined it would happen while you were helping him choose the furniture and then you had expected it during the first night that you had dined there alone, the two of you. He hadn't shown up and you had simply closed the topic with a sheepish smile every time someone asked you about it. Because you, like the others, knew that the normal thing would have been for you to go live with him. You could have told her, but saying things was never in the plans of a girl who was too shy and complacent.
Aemond ignored the comment. He thought it was best not to pick at the wound, but he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. So you and Aegon were not as well off as he had assumed. At that moment, a small part of himself hated himself strongly. What kind of friend was happy because things weren't right between you and his brother? Well, he was the kind of friend who had had a crush on you since high school, the kind of friend who had taken the scholarship that took him as far away as possible from the girl he liked and who had decided to date his lazy older brother, the kind of friend who hadn't texted you in two years under the guise of being busy but had sought you out in every woman he'd ever been with. He was that kind of friend.
“I'll put it on the blackboard at the job” you smiled, trying to recover from that blow. “I have a whiteboard full of notes in the cubby and I always have problems with magnets,” you smiled. Always grateful. How could someone like Aegon take down a girl like that? You opened the shoulder bag and put the magnet inside, but not before wrapping it so it wouldn't break.
“There is another one,” Aemond told you without giving it importance. However, he was dying of shame. That gift did make him feel indescribable. He didn't know what he had been thinking while choosing such a gift. It had been a simple impulse at a summer night market. While he was drunk, more than he had ever been in his entire life. He was lying. In those moments he was lying. Of course he knew why he had taken it. It was for you. At that time he had only thought about spending a couple of months clarifying his ideas on the island. He had only dragged it out because he didn't dare come back and see you and Aegon. It was beyond his strength.
He heard a small gasp just as he finished listening to you open the other small package. He smiled while not taking his eyes off the road. “Aemond, it's beautiful,” you replied in a sigh. A blue beaded necklace rested on your lap. All blue. Sapphire blues, just the way he liked them, but there was something about the patterns on the necklace that made your heart sing. That was what you always liked about traveling, bringing things from the place. Not just a souvenir, this was much more, much more than Aemond would ever confess to you. It was everything that the woman who had sold it to him had explained to him.
“I'm glad you like it” he finally stopped the car. He had found parking in front of Aegon's house. He had already reached his final goal. Now he would start pretending that he was happy for you, for his brother, for your relationship...
“How does it look on me?” You woke him up from his thoughts, you had just put on the necklace with a smile and your eyes looked at him lit up while you smiled, a wide, perfect smile.
Aemond could not speak. He was only able to swallow saliva. His single eye scrutinized you silently. You were beautiful. You had worn his necklace. His necklace. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, almost as if he were going to destroy it. His knuckles white. His fists tense. He looked at your lips. He was going to kiss them. He had had that one thought every night for two years. He was thinking of bowing. Close his eye and savor you...
Someone banged on the window of his car, breaking him out of his own fantasy. His sister Helaena and his boyfriend, Cregan Stark, were both out. “Heyyy” Helaena greeted, completely happy and excited to see her brother. Aemond watched you unbuckle your seatbelt excitedly and you got out of the car. He did it too, although in a much worse way. He closed the door rudely and Cregan looked at him, raising an eyebrow questioningly while you greeted Helaena. Aemond knew what his sister's boyfriend thought. There the boy with anger problems from high school came to light. Aemond already controlled any attack like that, but the memory of everyone who had experienced it was still very present among them.
“Aem,” his sister greeted him again, as if she had not seen him in those two years when she had been the only one along with her mother who had visited him on the summer islands. Furthermore, he had already seen him when he got off the plane and he was the one who had taken him to the family home after the trip. A small part of Aemond hated his sister's meddling.
“It looks like she hasn’t seen you in decades,” Cregan laughed and Aemond released his sister from his neck. Cregan shook his girlfriend's hand and you remained in the discreet background. At that moment, Aemond also wanted to hold your hand, intertwine his fingers with yours as you headed to watch the fireworks. But, you weren't his girl, you were Aegon's girl.
The four of you walked to the portal of that luxury building in the middle of the city. Helaena kept asking Aemond about his trip, but he couldn't help but glance at how now all your attention had returned to your mobile phone. You half-heartedly checked your social networks. You didn't seem very excited about the prospect of seeing the fireworks. In reality, you were too tired during the day and having to share the end of it with Aegon's friends you couldn't stand didn't help the outlook.
“My God, that's me” you laughed half-heartedly when you saw yourself in the elevator mirror as you went up to the 20th floor of that luxury building. The last one, from where you could see the entire city and where Aegon now had his new dream apartment, in which you were not going to live.
“It's normal that you are tired. I don't know how you put up with that job” Helaena commented while Cregan nodded his head. “I don't know what Aegon thinks letting you stay in a place like this,” your boyfriend's sister shrugged her shoulders. “He has enough money to support you both and a good job…” he began without any malice, but then Cregan whispered in his ear.
“Hel, we've already talked about this a thousand times,” her boyfriend commented, a whisper that you barely heard, but that set off all of Aemond's alarms. He also wouldn't have let you be in a job that was obviously destroying you, not with all the money they enjoyed. He would take care of you. That's what was said...
“I just prefer to be financially independent,” you smiled again, in a polite manner. You didn't want Aegon to pay for any of your whims. Absolutely none, but it was true that the Targaryens had always seen it differently. Helaena had stopped working the same day she had gone to live with Cregan and their mother, Alicent, you doubted that she had ever worked in something other than taking care of her children. They were traditional. Everyone had very marked gender roles and… that's why everyone had expected that you and Aegon would have lived together, but that wasn't the case. Sometimes you thought about whether you and Aegon had some kind of...future.
“You're beautiful,” Aemond whispered in your ear and you smiled at him again. Helaena looked at you out of the corner of her eye. It was obvious that you were dating the wrong Targaryen. But, Aemond had never been brave enough to confess in all those years during high school, not even during university... the elevator finally stopped, but Aemond continued with his only eye fixed on you. You laughed as the door opened and you walked away from him, but that grimace with his lips half open and a mischievous smile showed Helaena that Aemond had not returned with the intention of just being your friend.
You were the one who pressed the bell, waiting for Aegon to open the door, and Helaena watched as Aemond stood right behind you, placing his hand on your lower back, in a protective movement. You didn't say anything. You were always too polite, but you weren't single. When you and Aemond had been in high school you hadn't minded gestures like that, in college neither, you had even appreciated them, but... now you were with Aegon.
Aegon opened the door, as always with a drink in his hand, inside you could already see a large crowd of people that Aegon called friends and the noise of the music was already strident. “My dragon girl” he smiled seductively at you, ignoring the others. Aemond entered the house rolling his one eye in annoyance and Helaena and Cregan followed him while you continued with a silly smile looking at him. The truth was that whenever he looked at you like that and used that tone of voice you fell apart just for him. Attraction. That was the only thing that had kept that relationship afloat. It was what you feared. “Are you staying over tonight? “To ride your dragon?” Aegon whispered to you. His breath already smelled of alcohol and Aemond pursed his lips as he left his coat on the coat rack in the hall. Was that his brother's best way to seduce you?
"Do not be silly. Of course I'm going to stay the night” you smiled at him, hitting him lightly on the chest, with an embarrassed smile. Aegon smelled of sweat and alcohol, but that didn't seem to matter to you. You had gotten used to it and took the lazy mood of the eldest Targaryen as normal.
“How pretty.” Aegon ran his fingers over the necklace Aemond had brought you. Just getting on his younger brother's nerves. His fingers handling each of the beads, without any shame. “Have you been to the stands at the fair?” He smiled at you. He was so drunk that Aemond doubted he could stand much longer, but of course he could when it came to partying, Aegon could always stand.
“Aemond brought it to me from the Summer Islands” you smiled and saw how Aegon smiled a superb smile. Of course he brought it to you. He turned to look at his brother, who at that moment took his one eye away from the two of you.
“Thank you, little brother. It's very nice what you brought for my girlfriend” he laughed cheekily, marking his territory. It seemed that the only one who didn't realize that Aemond was crazy about you was you.
“Hmm” was all you heard Aemond say as he turned and disappeared into the party. Aegon left too and you closed the door to Aegon's new house. They had both left you alone. Alone but surrounded by people. Helaena looked into the distance. Aegon was stupid to leave you alone, but Aemond was even more stupid. His pride got the best of him and he just missed a brilliant opportunity to be alone with you.
That night, Aemond Targaryen planned to confess, because the only thing that was clear to him in his life was that he could no longer hide what he felt for you.
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laurensjournals · 3 months
The Runaway
“Have fun, everyone!” Elain called as her sisters and friends headed out the front door of the apartment. It was another time for celebration in the snowy city of Velaris, the native holiday bringing festivity and cheer to all who sought it. The Inner Circle planned to spend their night having perhaps too many drinks at Rita’s—everyone except Elain. She claimed she wouldn’t be joining them due to a “horrible stomach ache” caused by her cycle, the cramps supposedly too debilitating for her to enjoy the party. At least, that was her excuse. When she told Feyre, her sister raised an eyebrow dramatically but chose not to press the matter. Thank the Cauldron, Elain thought as she watched Feyre grasp her mate's hand and whisk out into the night, dressed to impress.
In truth, Elain’s stomach felt perfectly fine. Her cycle wasn’t even due for another week. The real reason lay in the elaborate plan she had set for herself, a plan that was to take place exactly… now. She waited approximately sixty seconds after her friends left before racing up the stairs to her room, where a small bag of her most important belongings sat hidden in her closet. No one suspected for a moment that she had any intention of leaving Velaris, not even her fated mate, Lucien, who was on his way to Rita’s with everyone else. He had offered to stay behind to care for her and her aching stomach, but she had convinced him it wasn’t too serious and insisted he go enjoy the holiday with the rest of their friends.
Elain grabbed her bag from the floor of the closet, loosening the rough strings to check for the fifteenth time that everything she needed was inside: money, clothes, food, and the elixir she had purchased from one of the potionmasters of Velaris. According to the seller, once she drank the elixir, she would have the ability to winnow to anywhere within one hundred miles—but only once. After that, her only mode of transportation would be by foot. She didn’t bring a lot of money, not wanting to appear suspicious if her family noticed her withdrawing a large amount.
Elain had thought long and hard about where in Prythian she would go, and after much consideration, she decided on the Day Court. Its bustling city would provide ample opportunity to hide and find work, allowing her to become someone else—at least for a while. The warmer climate also enticed her, promising a respite from the chilling months that had put her gardening on hiatus.
Elain had spent nearly a month deliberating over this decision. She vividly remembered the night Azriel had almost kissed her, how desperately she had hoped he would. That is, until Rhysand appeared, looking absolutely furious, and whatever had existed between them that night was abruptly put to rest—at least on Azriel's end. She knew it couldn't have been willingly, given the way he still looked at her, thinking she didn’t notice. Or maybe he did, considering the way she looked back at him with the same longing in her eyes.
Her attraction to the shadowsinger frustrated her endlessly. Why was it so difficult to reciprocate Lucien's feelings for her? Had their paths crossed before she met Azriel, would her heart have been swayed differently? Despite her efforts to form an attraction for the red-haired fae male, her thoughts always seemed to return to the man with dark hair and hazel eyes—the one who stirred her emotions like no other. He was the catalyst for her racing heart and the electricity that surged between them.
Ever since that night, Azriel has kept his distance at the House of Wind, playing babysitter for Nesta and Cassian. And when he’s not there, he’s off on his own, doing whatever shadowsingers do best. But he’s never near her - not anymore. It makes her heart hurt in a completely different way than when she lost her father. Or when Nesta grew cold and distant. No, this pain was new, and felt just as bad, if not worse. It was the pain of losing someone before she ever had them. She can sometimes feel the ghost of the necklace he gave her on the night of the solstice, the warmth of his hands as he had put it on her. She never intended on giving the necklace back, but after realizing what Rhysand had probably said to him that night, it was for the best. She missed it more than ever now.
She pulled the drawer of her wooden desk open to reveal the note laying inside. Pulling it out, she read over it one more time to ensure that it said everything that needed to be said.
Feyre -
I assume you’ll be the one to find this note. If you’re worried about my whereabouts, don’t be. You won’t find me within the city of Velaris.
I’ve made the decision to take some time for myself, to figure out who I am and what it is I want. Everyone has a place here, and as happy as I am for you all, I simply don’t feel like I belong. Not right now.
There is nothing any of you have said or done to push me away, so please don’t let that be what you believe. I want you all to continue on without me for now, and allow Azriel to come back to his friends, his family. You are a part of that too. Take care of him please.
Tell Lucien that I am sorry. I know he tries, and I wanted to try too. But I can’t think of my mate when all I can see is the Illyrian that stole my heart. I need to get away from here and be by myself. Please don’t follow me. I love you and I’ll be ok, so don’t worry.
It wasn’t the best written letter, but it got the message across. Elain read it over once more before laying it on her bed. She pulled the hood of her cloak over her head before shouldering her pack, creeping down the stairs and slipping out the door.
The biting cold of the winter night sent shivers down her spine, tiny pinpricks of frost forming on her exposed skin, turning her cheeks a rosy hue. She drew in a deep, steadying breath, feeling her heart quicken its pace in her chest. She prayed none of her friends would notice her absence until the festivities had ended. She knew the odds of slipping away unnoticed were slim, yet with a determined head start, she just might be able to evade them a while longer.
She headed to the outskirts of Velaris to ensure her elixir would get her as close as possible to the city within the Day Court. She wouldn’t be able to winnow all the way there in one fell swoop with the potion, but she’d be close enough that it should only take a three day journey on foot.
With a final glance at the twinkling lights of the city, Elain uncorked the glass bottle, not hesitating to swallow its contents in one swift gulp. The liquid burned fiercely as it coursed down her throat, contorting her face into a grimace. Almost immediately, a tingling sensation surged from her fingertips and flew upward through her limbs. It felt as if the magic had always been within her, dormant yet familiar. With a focused thought, she willed herself to winnow. In an instant, she disappeared into a swirling vortex of black mist, propelled toward the sanctuary she had needed so desperately.
Azriel sat amongst his friends in the musty tavern that they tended to frequent these days. His glass sat empty in front of him, his fourth… maybe fifth of the night? He lost count after he had decided to get himself drunk to ensure his mind stopped wandering to the girl who incessantly plagued his daily thoughts. He had met his friends here from the House of Wind since he didn’t come by the apartment anymore. He hadn't in weeks now. He thought Elain would be here with them, and couldn’t help the anticipation of laying eyes on her flawlessness, especially when it had been so long. He should’ve known in the end she wouldn’t be here tonight. Assuming Rhysand had something to do with her absence, he found himself staring into the bottom of the crystal glass for the majority of the evening, listening to his surroundings that were filled with the sounds of endless chatter and bellowing laughter. If the High Lord had truly kept her from coming out tonight because of him, then his night was definitely going to be spent feeling like shit. However, he doubted the male would make her stay home instead of him, which left him wondering about her absence. Why was he allowed to be here tonight?
His thoughts had officially run rampant thinking about the Archeron sister, beginning to sober up before Feyre had mentioned she hadn’t been feeling well, and couldn’t make it out tonight because of a terrible stomach ache. His ears had instantly perked to that, and had him going from wondering about the girl to worrying for her. His first instinct was to go to her, to care for her and get her back to good health. His chest ached at the knowing that he’d never be permitted to do so.
So he waited. He watched as his friends downed drink after drink, losing their composure more and more. It had been a few hours since the start of their festivities now as he waited for the perfect moment to slip away. Once even Rhysand was falling from his usual composure, he muttered about a need for the restroom before faking a stumble from his chair. He snaked his way through the crowd towards the restroom before darting to his right and out the front entrance instead.
Even in the bustling crowds of the street, the nip of the chilled air had him clenching his jaw. Or was it his impatience to seek out the girl he so badly wanted to be with right now? He didn’t pay it a second thought as he found a pocket of space within an alley to spread his leathery wings and take flight into the winter air.
Within minutes he found himself staring at the front door of the apartment he had spent so much time in until recently. His hands somehow felt balmy even in this weather that should have them feeling borderline numb by now. He contemplated turning around and heading back to the House of Wind with the knowledge that the decision he was about to make might be the last decision he ever makes. Don’t you dare, he said to himself. It will only come back to bite you in the ass.
Even knowing the consequences, he couldn’t stop himself from striding forward and pulling open the front door within seconds. The house seemed eerily quiet - too quiet. He crept through the foyer before peering into the living room. No fire crackled, no candle burned. His gaze swept the kitchen as he walked back down the hall. There was no smell of baked goods in the oven, nor a kettle on the stove. Turning into the hallway once more, he peered up the old, creaky stairs as his pulse quickened. “Elain?” He asked into the darkness. No response.
His heart started beating faster, out of control. Something wasn’t right. His whole body grew a mind of its own as he ran up the stairs, yanking open her bedroom door to find nothing but a cold, empty space. All that was different was a piece of paper placed carefully at the foot of her bed. He took the few needed steps to the large four-poster before grasping for the note that held her beautiful, dainty handwriting. He realized he had never seen it before, but gods it was definitely hers. It matched her essence perfectly.
He read the note over, his heart skipping a beat when he saw his own name scrawled towards the end of the short letter. Her words lit a fire in him that hadn’t been there in months. He had stolen her heart? She had it backwards - she was the one who had stolen his. And he never once hoped for her to give it back - it was hers for the taking.
He blew out a deep breath, running a hand through his hair in stress as he realized what she had done tonight. She had run away from her friends. From him.
His blood started to boil at the realization. How could she do this? How could she put herself in danger like this? She could’ve gone anywhere. He scrambled to think of how she could have even left Velaris on her own. She must’ve visited the district where the potionmasters resided. I’ll kill them all for this, he said to himself. He couldn’t stop the rage that was boiling over within himself, and without thinking he let his fist fly into one of the posters of the bed, caving it in completely and causing the canopy to come crashing down onto the soft mattress. His breathing became ragged as he thought over his options. Where would she have gone? Certainly not to the Spring Court, nor the Autumn Court. That still left several options. He found himself pacing in the small bedroom, losing all composure as his brain ran a million miles a minute. She always complained about the cold here, always struggling when it came to her gardening. She wouldn’t go to the Winter Court knowing that, and couldn’t have gotten that far anyways.
So he had settled on where he would look first, the place that was far warmer than Velaris, the only place she could’ve gotten to with one of those shitty elixirs.
He would be paying a visit to the Day Court. Immediately.
Ten hours had passed since Elain had winnowed herself as close to the Day Court as her abilities allowed. She materialized in the midst of pristine fields, untouched and breathtakingly beautiful. For a fleeting moment, she entertained the idea of making camp there, living off the land by hunting and drinking from crystal-clear streams.
She knew it to be impossible, though. Feyre was the only sister in their trio who could’ve pulled something like that off. With no skill for hunting, she would likely starve within days when her short supply of food ran out.
So, she started her journey towards the coast that lay to the East. If she kept pace, she would reach there within two days. She desperately wished she had winnowed a horse alongside her within hours, however. Her lack of muscles left her feeling drained by nightfall.
Somehow, by the grace of the gods, she had stumbled upon a small fishing village that lay alongside a river as the moon began to crest above her head. The lanterns dotting the small town acted as a beacon in the dark, and she quickly found her way into a horse stable where she made due with a patch of hay in one of the empty stalls as her bed. Despite the weight of her coin purse, she made the decision to conserve her funds for the journey ahead, opting to use the hay as her bed for the night. “It’ll have to do,” she murmured to herself before curling herself into a protective ball, seeking solace in the warmth of her own embrace until the first light of dawn.
As the first rays of dawn filtered through the wooden beams of the stable, Elain stirred from her makeshift bed, feeling her joints protest as she stretched and rose to her feet. The stillness around her hinted that she had awoken earlier than the village people, a fact that spurred her into swift action. Gathering her scant belongings, she prepared to resume her journey, eager to put distance between herself and the small town.
Just as she neared the stable door, poised to slip away unnoticed, a soft, unexpected sensation brushed against her shoulder. Startled, she recoiled, almost hitting the back of her head into the opposite stable in her surprise. A small mare stood beside her, her gentle eyes fixed upon Elain with a mixture of curiosity and trust.
Elain hesitated, torn between her desperation to move swiftly and the unforeseen opportunity before her. She chewed her lip, weighing the risks and consequences of what she was about to do. "To hell with it," she muttered under her breath, her resolve hardening. "I'd rather take my chances as a thief than endure the rest of this journey on foot."
With swift decisiveness, she reached for the reins hanging nearby, silently motioning the horse to cooperate as she attached them to the mare's bridle. Pressing a finger to her lips in a futile gesture for silence, she whispered urgently, "Shh, girl. Let's go." The mare, seemingly sensing the urgency in Elain's actions, stood calm and compliant, ready to embark on this unanticipated venture with her newfound companion.
Luck was certainly on her side today, as the horse remained silent whilst she led it out of the stables and into the woods behind it. The horse was small enough that she was able to get on its back by standing on a nearby fallen log, however it wouldn’t be a comfy ride without a saddle. Elain’s morals kept her from stealing the one that hung from the wall of the stable, the shiny leather giving away the fact that it was worth a pretty penny. She knew it was silly to leave it behind considering she was already stealing a horse, but she figured she would keep the thieving to a minimum.
Her afternoon was spent clutching the neck of the mare as she led it through the woods and down a dirt road that she found as the trees cleared into more fields. Her thighs ached terribly as she struggled to remain atop the animal, but she figured it was better than walking for miles and miles. The breeze lifted her hair to flow behind her, the smell of the pines bringing comfort as she took in the nature that surrounded her. This is what Elain missed so much whilst living in Velaris - the sound of the birds, the butterflies that floated by. Raw, undisturbed life.
The sun was beginning to set when the horse brought her atop a hill, where the view that lay beyond made a smile break out on her face for the first time in what felt like weeks. The city that lay alongside the coast was like nothing she’d ever seen before. Large white buildings sat clustered together in what she guessed was the city center, smaller ones with royal blue roofs spreading away from it in various districts. Light seemed to glow from the city itself, like an aura. As she grew closer she could see the beginnings of farmhouses with rows and rows of thriving crops stretching beyond them.
As she passed the farms, she spotted people here and there ending their day’s work on the fruits and vegetables that most likely kept the entirety of the city fed. The smells of the city markets soon wafted over her, where she finally hopped off her newest companion and walked her alongside herself, though she practically limped with how her legs ached. The city was absolutely teeming with life, even with the beginning of nightfall, and she found herself getting lost in sightseeing before she stumbled into a market district closer to the city’s center that had the smile on her face dwindle into a confused expression.
Women were standing along the walls in clothing that left her utterly speechless. Men were swarming them with coins in hand, getting far too close to their faces with grins that were anything but innocent. She assumed the women would force them away - that is, before she watched them bat their eyelashes and pull the men even closer. Their dainty hands quickly snatched the coins from the dirty hands of those they drew in. And then, those dainty hands were gripping the men and pulling them into the nearby buildings that looked like they could collapse with a simple breath.
Elain then realized where she had found herself. Realized she should leave this market immediately. But before she could do so, she felt the strong grip of someone’s hand on her waist, spinning her around to face a fae male who was missing half his teeth and had a breath that could’ve knocked her and the horse out.
“And how much do you cost, pretty thing?” the male slurred. His mouth pulled into a sinister smile that sent chills up her spine, his eyes dropping to examine her chest.
She quickly yanked his hand off her waist, throwing it back to his side with a glare. “I am not for sale.” She declared before turning to walk away.
The male’s expression immediately fell to a look of pure annoyance, reaching out to snatch her by the collar. Her instincts helped her to duck out of his grasp, causing him to lose his balance and fall into the dirt. “You little bitch!” He roared as he struggled to get his hands under himself, to rise once more. Without waiting to see if he would pursue her further, she pivoted on her heels and sprinted down the narrow street, leaving her temporary companion behind. Her heart raced with a mix of fear and adrenaline as she fled. She trusted that the villagers would tend to the mare; surely someone would give the horse a good home, providing the care that Elain knew she couldn't afford.
For now, her only worry was where she could find a new place to call home within the city. She sped through various streets, keeping her cloak up now knowing what kind of people lurked between the buildings. She eventually found herself in front of a tavern that also served as an inn on the second and third floors from the looks of it. Not taking a moment to think it through, she pushed through the front door to find a smoke-filled lounge dotted with a few patrons drinking their sorrows away, or whatever plagued their thoughts in the night. She walked to the counter where a barmaid was polishing glasses that looked to be a decade old.
“You must be lost,” the maid drawled. “We don’t typically have women frequenting this bar. Especially ones that look like you.”
She stood tall, at about six feet. Elain peered up at her, feeling awfully intimidated as she took in the tattoos littering her from head to toe, the piercings that dangled from her lobes to the tips of her pointed ears. She had never seen a female quite so… domineering. Yes, that was the word.
Despite her initial unease, Elain squared her shoulders and cleared her throat, summoning a steadiness to her voice that surprised even herself. "I'm not lost," she declared firmly, meeting the maid's gaze. "How much for a room for the night?"
The barmaid took her time looking Elain up and down, chewing loudly on the piperoot in her mouth. “Five-hundred silver marks.” She replied after a moment.
Elain's eyes widened in dismay. Five-hundred silver marks was a princely sum, nearly a third of what she had managed to stuff in her bag. Panic surged within her as she contemplated the prospect of spending so much in one go. Gathering her resolve, she blurted out without thinking, her hands gripping the edge of the counter, "Is there anything I could do to make it fifty silver marks instead?"
The barmaid's response was unexpected and cutting. She threw her head back in a boisterous laugh that reverberated through the dimly lit tavern, drawing amused chuckles from the patrons around them. "For fifty marks, I'll let you sleep in the dumpster out back!" she quipped between bouts of laughter, her demeanor unyielding in the face of Elain's sorry state. The sting of embarrassment and helplessness washed over Elain, leaving her feeling smaller than ever.
She racked her brain feverishly, searching for a strategy to persuade the barmaid to grant her a room without depleting her meager savings. The thought of parting with a third of her silver on the very first night gnawed at her like a relentless hunger. She knew all too well that such a hefty expenditure would swiftly drain her resources, leaving her vulnerable and penniless in a city that offered little compassion to those without means.
Then, an idea dawned on her, one that she sensed could haunt her in the days to come. It felt like grasping at straws, but in her circumstance, any lifeline seemed worth the risk. Despite the gnawing feeling of impending regret, she forged ahead with her proposition. "What if I started working for you tomorrow? I'll tackle any task you throw at me," she offered, her voice tinged with a mixture of hope and trepidation.
She was keenly aware that her proposal reeked of desperation, a scent she was certain the seasoned barmaid could detect from miles away. Yet, she pushed aside her pride and clung to this last-ditch effort, driven by the urgency of her situation. The prospect of earning her keep through hard labor seemed daunting, but the alternative—facing the cruel streets with dwindling resources—was far worse.
The female took a moment to ponder the idea, tapping her ragged nails upon the counter. Elain kept her eyes steeled as she waited for a response. Please, she thought to herself. Just give me a chance.
Then, the barmaid let out a sigh. “Considering this is likely your only option, I’ll give you one chance.” She stated before grabbing something from her pocket and tossing it to Elain. She barely reacted quick enough to catch it, unfurling her fist to lay eyes on the small metal key in her hand. She gasped in surprise, looking back up at the barmaid who now smirked at her. “Up the stairs, last door on the left. It’s yours until you inevitably prove to be a lousy barmaid. Be back down here at sunrise. You’ll start by mopping the floors.” That was all she said before turning back to the glasses that still needed polishing, though it didn’t seem to be making them look any better.
Elain looked back down at the rusted key resting in her palm, smiling to herself before pocketing it and heading up the stairs to her right and down the hall to the very, very unimpressive bedroom that was now her new home for the time being.
Finding the last door on the left, she inserted the key into the weathered lock, the mechanism protesting with a rusty groan before yielding to her touch. Pushing open the door, she stepped into the modest room that was to be her sanctuary for the foreseeable future. Dust particles danced in the light filtering through the grimy window panes, settling like a thin veil over every surface. Cobwebs adorned the corners, their delicate threads a testament to the solitude that had maintained in this space for far too long.
Brushing aside the disheartening sight, she squared her shoulders and shrugged off her worn bag, its contents nearly spilling onto the threadbare carpet. "Well," she murmured to herself, her voice echoing faintly in the stillness of the room. "Here's to a new adventure, I suppose."
This place smells like pure shit, Azriel thought to himself as he walked down the cobblestone streets of the Day Court city.
It was day four of his relentless search for Elain, and with each passing hour, his frustration grew. The city district he found himself in was a labyrinth of narrow alleys and grimy streets, where the pervasive stench of decay mingled with the everyday hustle and bustle. The noxious odors, a stark contrast to Elain's delicate fragrance, seemed to mock his efforts to track her down.
His own shadows, skilled though they were in the art of reconnaissance, had yielded little in this urban jungle. They flitted through back alleys and dimly lit taverns, eavesdropping on whispers and rumors that dissolved into nothingness as swiftly as they surfaced. No credible leads had emerged, leaving him to rely on the unreliable word of the city's denizens.
Despite his best attempts, no one he questioned seemed to have any clue about her recent whereabouts. The few individuals who claimed to have seen her gave vague descriptions or outright lies, hoping perhaps to gain favor or coin from his desperation. A handful of unsavory characters even offered their assistance in exchange for a promised reward—albeit one far more sinister than gold.
His temper flared at their audacity, their leering insinuations tarnishing the memory of Elain with their crude expectations. He may have let his fists do the talking in those moments, leaving a trail of bruised egos and broken bones in his wake. Yet, each encounter left him more disheartened and weary, the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon him like a leaden cloak.
The evening breeze did little to cool his skin, which grew hotter as his frustration began to rise once more. He took in the sight of various women selling themselves along the sides of the streets, the men who flocked to them like bees to honey. He couldn't help but scan the faces of these women, praying silently that Elain wouldn't be among them. His heart clenched with each passing moment, fearing that she might have already fallen into circumstances that compelled her to sell herself. The thought of her enduring such indignity gnawed at him, fueling a surge of determination to find her before such a fate could befall the girl.
He searched every market, every tavern and shop as his hope grew dimmer and dimmer that he would soon find her. Perhaps she had not wound up here. Should he have started in the cities on the western edge of the Day Court? Did she even make it here, or was she lying injured somewhere in the outlands? Was she currently crying for help?
His mind spun out of control, his breath following in suit. He couldn’t take this agony of not knowing if she was okay. His hair had become a mess from the fingers that constantly ran through it, a habit he could never seem to kick.
Once he felt his anger start to boil over again, he made the executive decision to calm his nerves with a drink before continuing his search. His eyes fell upon a run-down building that held three stories, the first being a place he knew he’d find a drink for himself in. He was surprised he hadn’t made it to this one yet, feeling as if he’d looked in every single tavern by this point. With a drawn out sigh, he pushed the half-rotted door open and was instantly hit with a scent that knocked the remainder of his breath from him.
The tavern was at full capacity, fae males sitting at every beat up table with cards and liquor in front of them. Even in the haze of the mirthroot smoke permeating the room, he could identify that flowery scent anywhere, the one that could only belong to one person. He often thought about it when his hand found his cock late at night, when his desire was impossible to ignore.
He scanned the crowded room, his gaze finally settling on a figure that seemed out of place amidst the rowdy patrons. Elain stood diminutive and nervous, clad in a scanty barmaid's gown that left little to the imagination. Her hair was pulled back, emphasizing the delicate lines of her face as she maneuvered through the tables, delivering frothy tankards of ale with practiced efficiency. Yet, her unease was palpable, evident in the slight tremble of her hands as she completed her tasks. His heart clenched with concern as he watched her approach a group of men, her movements brisk yet wary. His worst fears materialized when one of the patrons, emboldened by his drunkenness, reached out and seized her by the laces of her dress, pulling her into his arms. His hand reached around to run over her ass before slipping his hand under the draping fabric to her thigh, squeezing tightly.
Azriel was officially seeing red. His shock kept him standing there, however, watching as Elain struggled to shove herself away from him. She ripped her dress from his hands as he continued to grope at her, muttering something to him that he couldn’t decipher through the dozens of voices shouting throughout the bar.
Elain smoothed the edges of her dress down with a huff, tugging it towards her knees as if it would do any good to cover more skin. Impossible when she knew everyone could slightly see the curve of her rear peeking out of the bottom. Her jaw had practically hit the floor when the barmaid lifted the so-called “uniform” up from behind the bar, tossing the scrap of fabric to her with an expectant gaze that said “either wear the dress or find another place to work.” She’d never worn anything so revealing. Her thoughts had quickly run to the thought of how she would pick something up from the floor without showcasing her entire backside, and in a place like this she knew that sight would only bring trouble.
Even without an occurrence like that happening, trouble had found her at every turn in the past few hours. She had probably ripped the hands of men off of her skirts at least five times by now. One man even tried to get on all fours and peek up the dress, which ended with him being tossed out by the collar of his tunic by the barmaid who appeared to have used little effort to do so.
Huffing in frustration, Elain deftly pried another man's fingers from the fabric of her dress, suppressing the urge to lash out as she scanned the crowded tavern for empty glasses. Her nerves were frayed from the continuous unwanted advances, her patience wearing thin with each lecherous gaze and groping hand.
Her eyes darted around the dimly lit room before they suddenly locked onto a figure standing in the doorway that made her release a choking sound. The winged male’s hazel eyes were ablaze with an intensity she had rarely witnessed, even in the heat of battle or the depths of despair. The sight of his unwavering fury sent a shiver down her spine, goosebumps prickling across her skin despite the warm, smoky air of the tavern. Her heart skipped a beat, caught in dread at the circumstances of their reunion. How had he found her so swiftly? And why now, in this humiliating moment, when she felt so vulnerable and exposed?
The thoughts circled her head, giving her no time to breathe. She felt the panic rise as his hands balled into fists and his jaw clenched with unrelenting anger. Her eyes darted to any possible escape, looking towards the female she now called her manager in a silent plea for help. She was too busy draping herself over the counter, batting her lashes at the men that practically threw their silver marks down the bodice of her dress.
Her next move might’ve been the dumbest thing she could think to do, but it was her only idea in the sheer panic that consumed her.
She ran away. Again.
The tray slipped from her trembling hands, the crash of metal against wood echoing through the tavern as she spun on her heels and bolted for the staircase leading to her meager room. Each step felt like an eternity as she sprinted, heart pounding in her chest with a mix of fear and urgency. Her mind raced faster than her feet, replaying the humiliating scene with each stride.
Her breath came in ragged gasps as she ascended the creaking stairs, willing herself to move faster despite the burn in her legs. The weight of Azriel's intense gaze lingered like a shadow, urging her onward. She couldn't bear the thought of him seeing her in such a compromised state, her dignity sullied by the hands of strangers and the leers of drunken men.
Her breath was running ragged as she sprinted for the door at the end of the hall. She shook as she slipped the key into the lock, nearly dropping it before throwing the door open and slamming it behind her. She locked it once more, heart pounding wildly as she backed away and stared at the wooden barrier that was the only thing that stood between her and the last person she wanted to see right now.
She screamed as not even a second later a force flew into the door, slamming it into the wall with a cloud of dust. The air around her seemed to thicken as leathery wings unfurled in the doorway, casting ominous shadows across the room. Azriel stood framed by the wings, his figure imposing and menacing, every line of his body taut with fury that radiated like heat from a forge.
Elain's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she backed away from him. Her hands trembled uncontrollably, her fingers curling into fists at her sides in a futile attempt to steady herself. She could feel the weight of his gaze upon her like the stare of a predator cornering its prey.
As Azriel advanced slowly into the room, his movements deliberate and calculated, Elain retreated until her legs met the edge of the bed. She sank onto the worn mattress, crawling backwards until her back pressed against the headboard. Panic surged through her veins, urging her to find an escape route, however temporary or painful it might be.
In a frantic attempt towards freedom, she turned towards the window, her hands fumbling with the latch in her haste. The cold metal resisted her trembling fingers, the latch sticking stubbornly as she struggled to open it. Outside, the moon cast a silvery glow over the rooftops, a tantalizing glimpse of freedom that seemed just out of reach.
Azriel's steps echoed ominously behind her, drawing closer with each passing second. The urgency of her situation heightened, pushing her to redouble her efforts. With a final desperate tug, the latch gave way, the window swinging open with a protesting creak. The rush of cool night air brushed against her face, carrying with it the sounds of the city. Her hopes of escaping died quickly, however.
"Oh no you don’t," Azriel growled, his voice low and menacing. Suddenly, Elain felt strong hands wrap around her ankles, yanking her off balance. She squealed in surprise, kicking fiercely as he swiftly flipped her over and gripped her jaw firmly.
"Stop fighting me." His words came out in a near shout, filled with a mix of frustration and urgency. His grip tightened slightly, not to hurt her, but to emphasize his command. His hazel eyes bore into hers, his face a mask of determination and concern, strands of his dark hair falling forward in disarray.
Elain's heart raced in her chest as she struggled against his hold, her mind racing with fear. She could feel the tension radiating from him, his fingers pressing into her skin, urging her to comply. The room felt stiflingly small, the air thick with unresolved emotions and the undeniable proximity of their bodies.
Her breath came in shallow gasps as she searched his eyes for any sign of relenting, any flicker of understanding. But Azriel's expression remained resolute, his features etched with an intensity that both frightened and compelled her.
"I-I’m sorry," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. She struggled to find the right words, her mind racing with uncertainty. Never before had she felt so utterly speechless.
Azriel let out a weary sigh, the tension in his fingers easing slightly as he released his grip on her jaw. He bowed his head briefly before meeting her gaze again with a mixture of frustration and concern. "I don’t care for an apology," he replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "I’ve simply come to bring you home."
Elain's eyebrows furrowed, a flicker of defiance sparking in her eyes. "Well, good luck with that," she retorted. "Because I’m not going back."
His eyes flashed with renewed determination as he locked gazes with her once more. The fury that had momentarily softened now resurfaced, his lips pressing into a thin line. "I don’t remember asking if you were okay with it," he replied tersely. "Rhysand and Feyre are worried sick - everyone is. You’re coming back with me, right now."
He glanced down between them, his eyes darkening at the sight of her. "After you change," he added, his voice sounding rougher, a touch of an emotion she couldn’t identify evident in his eyes as he considered her current state.
Elain's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she glanced down at herself. Her breasts threatened to spill out of the tight bodice, the skirt riding up to reveal her white cotton panties. With a hurried motion, she tugged at the edges of the skirt, pulling it down to the tops of her thighs—though it was clear it wouldn't cover much more. Her hands instinctively rose to her chest as she tried her best to conceal herself from Azriel's intense gaze. The heat of her blush deepened as she realized how exposed she felt in this moment under his scrutinizing stare.
“You can tell Feyre I’m fine.” She said sternly. “I am unharmed, housed and fed. I have a job already, and no one knows who I am. They cannot use me against you all. Now leave.”
Azriel laughed at that, only making Elain more infuriated. “Unharmed? How many men have tried to put their hands on you in the last few days? And housed? This place is a fucking dump. I don’t even know how you can sleep with the sounds of the rats skittering in the walls. Now get up and change because we’re going back to Velaris. I’m not arguing with you.” He slipped his hands under her elbows to pull her up, but was taken aback as she slammed her palms into his chest and pushed him away.
“No!” she yelled, stepping in front of him. “I will not go back there. Not while you suffer in silence and I serve no purpose. At least here, I’m doing something. And so what if the men touch me? It’s none of your business.”
Azriel stilled, his wings twitching. He cocked his head to the side. “None of my business?” he repeated slowly. He stepped forward, his chest almost brushing her face due to his towering height. “You know damn well it is far from being none of my business.”
She glanced away. “Yeah, well, not anymore it’s not. You made sure of that.”
His frown deepened, fists clenching at his sides. “You have no idea the position I’m in. Rhysand will have my head if I so much as lay a finger on you. Lucien too.”
Her head snapped back to look at him, frustration boiling over and spilling into every part of her being. She was tired of everyone making decisions for her. No one controlled her. Not Rhysand, not Lucien, not anyone. She hadn't felt in control of her own life in what felt like an eternity.
For years, she had been denied the ability to make her own choices. She remembered the countless days spent confined to their home, forced to stay behind while Feyre ventured into the woods to hunt, each outing a painful reminder of her own perceived uselessness. Then came the harrowing experience of being forced into the Cauldron, an act that stripped her of any semblance of autonomy. And even after all that, when she thought she might finally find some measure of peace, she was confined to the townhouse in Velaris. There, she lived out her days in stifling insignificance, her every move watched.
Her life had become a series of forced submissions, each one more suffocating than the last. She was tired of the constant oversight, the feeling of being trapped in a life that wasn’t her own. She yearned for freedom and the ability to make her own choices and carve out her own path. The pent-up frustration, the anger—it all surged within her, making her feel like she might explode.
She was done with it. “And what if I want you to lay a finger on me?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
His nostrils flared, the energy between them nearly palpable. “I cannot,” he replied. Turning away, he faced the bedroom door, running a hand through his dark hair. “I will not. Discussion over. Now, let’s go. Grab your things.”
“Then you can see yourself out. Perhaps I’ll find a male’s touch elsewhere. Maybe even downstai—” Elain was cut off as Azriel whipped around, taking two long strides until he once again stood in front of her.
“Say that again,” he growled.
Game on. She tilted her head back, glaring up at him defiantly. “You heard me. Now if you’ll excuse m—”
Once again, she was cut off mid-sentence. But this time, it wasn't because he had interrupted her with words. No, this time, she found herself unable to speak because he had closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, gripping her chin with a firm yet almost desperate intensity. His eyes, dark and intent, bore into hers for a split second before his lips came down in an aggressive, dominating kiss that left her breathless. She gasped in surprise, the sound muffled against his mouth, but quickly recovered from the initial shock. Feeling the unspoken need behind his actions, she responded in kind, tugging him down closer to her level and wrapping her hands around his neck, her fingers threading through his hair as she pulled him deeper into the kiss. The world around them seemed to blur and fade, leaving just the two of them locked in this powerful, electrifying moment.
She didn’t even remember moving as her back met the unforgiving surface of the wall. His hands were on her waist, strong and possessive, pulling her closer as his lips continued to mold against hers. The heat rose rapidly within her, starting at her neck and radiating down between her legs, a molten ache that made her knees weak. His tongue pushed into her mouth and claimed her with an urgency that sent shivers down her spine. She let out a low, throaty moan as the sound of her desire filled the small space around them. Surrendering completely to the moment, she allowed him to explore her, their tongues twining together in an intoxicating dance. Every touch, every movement was a new sensation that sent waves of pleasure and anticipation coursing through her, making her feel alive in a way she hadn't in a long time.
“Holy Gods,” he muttered between kisses, “You taste like honey. Pure fucking honey.”
Elain felt an intense blush tingle her cheeks before her fingers found his hair once more, pulling him impossibly closer as she pressed her mouth back to his. She couldn’t get enough, her body craving more with each passing second. Never in her life had she been kissed like this. The memory of Graysen, her first and only lover, flashed briefly in her mind, but there was no comparison. Not once in their time together had they shared a moment that felt this raw, this electric, this overwhelmingly passionate. With him, it had always been gentle and predictable, but now, with every touch and every kiss, she felt as if she were on fire, ignited by a desire that consumed her entirely.
Azriel’s grip shifted to the back of her thighs, his hands strong and confident as he lifted her effortlessly off the floor. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on tightly as their bodies pressed together. She clung to him, her fingers digging into his shoulders for support as he pushed his tongue back between her lips, curling it expertly around hers. Acting on impulse, she bit his lower lip gently but firmly. The sound of his groan, low and primal, sent a thrill through her, and she felt a surge of satisfaction as he pulled his lip back, a playful yet possessive gleam in his eyes. His gaze locked onto hers, piercing into her very soul with a look that spoke of both desire and something deeper, something that made her feel seen in a way she never had before. His mouth stayed open, breaths mingling with hers.
“You will be the death of me, Elain.” He muttered.
“Well I best make sure that your death is as mind-blowing as possible then.” Elain replied, leaning forward in an attempt to catch his lips with hers once more. But she never succeeded as he turned his head away, a frown settling over his face.
“I can’t do this with you. If we continue, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.” His voice sounded strained, like it was physically tolling to keep himself from touching her.
Elain’s feet met the floor again as Azriel pushed himself away. He made to distance himself, but she quickly grabbed one of his scarred hands in hers. “Please,” she begged, “please don’t stop. I want this. You want this.” Her eyes looked up at him in a pleading gaze that made his pants tighten around his cock. “Stop fighting it.”
He looked down at her, eyes roving over her every detail. She was absolutely stunning. A perfect rose in a garden of thorns. There was nothing more he wished to do than claim her in every sense of the word. He wanted to kiss her until he couldn’t breathe. He wanted to feel the softness of her nipples against his calloused fingers and the sensation of her coming on his tongue. He knew there would never be a feeling that would surpass the moment he finally sank into her tight heat that he could scent from where he stood. The sweet aroma made his mouth water, and his eyes threatened to roll back. His cock felt impossibly hard as he continued to lose every last thread of control keeping him from acting on his desires.
“I can’t,” he said as he gritted his teeth. “I’m trying so hard to control myself right now. You have no idea the trouble that will follow if we do this.”
"I don’t care," Elain replied firmly, her voice tinged with defiance. She spoke the truth; in that moment, nothing else mattered to her but standing her ground in that room, where the tension between them crackled like lightning on a stormy night. She could see the struggle in his eyes, the restraint he imposed on himself. And then, in a surge of unexpected confidence, she decided to challenge the boundaries he had set. Her hands moved to the sleeves of her dress, fingers curling around the fabric before she boldly pushed them off her shoulders.
“No,” Azriel seethed. “Don’t you dare.”
She ignored him as she untied the laces on the back of the dress, letting the top half of it slip past the peaks of her breasts to pool around her waist. A ragged groan escaped Azriel’s lips at the sight, a primal sound that echoed the longing in his eyes. He fought against the urge to reach out, to touch her, to feel the warmth of her against his skin.
"Oh, Gods," Azriel practically whimpered, his voice thick with desire and conflict. His eyes remained locked on her newly revealed flesh, unable to tear away from the intoxicating sight before him. His refusal to act on his needs was painful, but he still made no move towards her.
And that wouldn’t do.
Elain’s thumbs hooked into the spot where her skirts hung on her hips, pushing the band down until the entirety of the dress had met the floor. She stood before Azriel in nothing but her cotton panties, their soft fabric hugging her hips and accentuating the gentle curve of her waist. The faintest hint of lace adorned the edges, adding a delicate touch to the otherwise plain garment. Her skin, bathed in the soft glow of the room, bore a warmth that invited his touch, every contour of her body tempting his gaze further. Her legs extended from the panties down to the worn shoes she then kicked off, leaving her in socks that matched her undergarments down to the laced edges.
Azriel’s restraint officially snapped. His fists unclenched along with his jaw, blowing out a breath before declaring “to hell with it.”
Without another word, he closed the distance between them in quick strides, his gaze never leaving Elain's exposed form. His hands, rough and scarred from years of battle, hesitated for just a fraction of a second before gently cupping her face. His touch was surprisingly tender, contrasting sharply with the intensity of his gaze.
Elain's heart raced in her chest, anticipation and desire mingling in equal measure. She could feel the heat emanating from his palms, a stark reminder of the fire burning between them. Despite the whirlwind of emotions and the gravity of the moment, she stood her ground, her eyes locked with his.
"Are you sure?" Azriel murmured, his voice low and gravelly, betraying the depth of his longing.
She nodded, her own voice barely more than a whisper. "Yes."
In one fluid motion, Azriel lifted her thighs around him once more, cradling her against his chest as he carried her towards the bed. The fabric of her panties brushed against his front, a sensation that sent a jolt of electricity through both of them. His eyes squeezed shut as he willed himself to not take this too fast. As much as he wanted to ram his cock into her until she was screaming his name, he knew he had to be gentle for their first time. As he laid her down on the sheets, he hovered over her, his eyes searching hers for any hint of hesitation.
Finding none, he leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss that was both fierce and tender, a culmination of months of unspoken desire and restraint. The world outside faded into insignificance as they melted into each other, breaths mingling and hands exploring. Azriel’s shirt soon found the floor beside Elain’s dress, her hands immediately running over the planes of his chest. His muscled figure made her squeeze her thighs together as a fresh wetness seeped into her panties.
Azriel’s nostrils flared again as her aroma met his senses. His cock twitched in his pants before his lips pulled from hers to coast down her neck, sucking at the hollow of her throat. Her moans only made his aggressive need to claim her more desperate. Soon enough, he drifted lower to her breasts, taking his time to admire them before clamping his mouth around her right nipple and sucking fiercely.
“Azriel!” Elain cried, her fingers rushing to his hair. She tightened her grip on his head as he sucked and nipped at the sensitive flesh. He almost seemed to be drunk on her, his eyes remaining closed as he stuck his tongue out and flicked at the peak before pulling it into his mouth once more. His other hand pinched and pulled at her left nipple, not seeming to get enough of the feel of her. He squeezed hard before pulling himself back to suck on her other breast, switching hands so that neither of them went untouched for more than a breath.
“By the Cauldron, Elain,” he breathed, between his tormenting, “you’re fucking perfect.”
His hands left to find her hips, and he kissed his way down her stomach, biting softly at the flesh there which elicited another breathy moan from her. His fingers teased the hem of her panties before they dipped under, dragging a line across the material. His eyes stayed locked on the covered area between her legs, as if he could see straight through the cotton.
“This,” he said to her pointedly, “this is what truly will be the death of me.” His thumb reached out and pressed at her most sensitive spot at the apex of her thighs over the material. She immediately responded with a squeak, pressing her thighs together. He chuckled as his hands then sprawled across her inner thighs, spreading them as far as they could go. He brought his face forward until his nose was pressed where his thumb had just been, breathing in her scent. “Fuck, this is addictive.”
Her face flushed an impossible shade of red, hands covering her eyes. “Don’t do that!” She squealed in embarrassment. Never in her life did she think she’d have a man going out of his way to take in the scent between her legs. Especially not Azriel.
“Are you kidding me?” Azriel laughed. “This is what I’ve dreamt about a thousand times over. Your scent,” he breathed in again, “is intoxicating.” He had never wanted somebody more. His eyes moved upwards from her most sensitive area, drifting up to peer at her covered face. “I’ve also dreamt about doing this.”
Suddenly, Elain felt the sensation of a warm, wet touch pressing against her clit through her panties. She cried out louder than ever before, hips shocking off the bed on instinct.
His tongue simply pressed harder into her warmth, moving relentlessly as she squirmed beneath him. He let out a guttural sound as he took in the taste of her through the cotton. She tasted better than he ever thought possible. If he thought her scent was addictive, this was pure opium.
He couldn’t help himself as he gripped either side of the cotton and ripped, watching as her sex became exposed to him as the undergarment tore in half. She gasped in complete shock, curling upwards to stare at the damage he’d just done.
“What are you do- oh Gods!” Elain was cut off as Azriel’s tongue once more came down to press against her clit before wrapping his lips around it. He flicked his tongue with no mercy, smiling as he felt her fingers rush to his hair and pull without restraint. It didn’t even pain him, the taste of her blocking out any other sensations.
His tongue traced circles over the sensitive bud, over and over as she squeezed her thighs around his head. “You like that?” Azriel asked between flicks. “Like my tongue on your little clit?” He felt absolutely drunk on her now. He closed his eyes once more as he dipped his tongue into her entrance, thrusting it in and out as groans fell out of his mouth.
Elain’s breath grew more and more ragged, each exhale a soft moan escaping her lips. This sensation was entirely new to her, an intoxicating blend of desire and vulnerability that she had never experienced with Graysen. Azriel’s touch was a revelation, each swirl of his tongue igniting fireworks behind her closed eyes. Her fingers tightened in his dark hair, strands slipping through her trembling grasp as her back arched involuntarily off the bed. It was as if Azriel had unlocked a secret chamber of pleasure within her, one she hadn't known existed until this moment.
Suddenly, she felt a pressure growing in her molten core as he continued to lick and suck. “Azriel,” she moaned, “I-I think I’m close.”
“Go ahead baby, come on my tongue. I want it.” He replied as he lifted a hand towards where his tongue continued to work. She gasped as she felt his finger at her entrance before he pushed it in, slowly stretching her. Gods, he knew what he was doing.
She continued to feel the pressure build up at a fast rate, struggling to keep still as he worked her towards a sensation she had only ever reached on her own. Graysen had never checked to see if she climaxed, finding his own release and stopping at that.
The pent-up sensation came to a head as Azriel pushed in a second finger, all while continuing to lick at her clit. The pleasure was almost unbearable, and she gripped his hair impossibly tight, squeezing her legs around him as she let out a moan so loud that every resident of the inn probably heard it. Stars danced across her vision as she came, her legs shaking and toes curling as wave after wave of the most intense pleasure she had ever felt crashed over her. Her hips rolled into his face, and he groaned in satisfaction as her essence spilled on his lips.
Azriel was relentless, his tongue replacing his fingers, softly pushing in and out of her entrance as his jaw hung open, enthralled by her taste. His desire for her only grew stronger with each passing second. The way her body responded to his touch, the way she completely surrendered to him, was driving him wild.
“That,” he finally voiced, pulling back slightly to look up at her with eyes darkened by desire, “was a religious experience. I think I can die happy now.” Elain giggled at his words, a sound that was both sweet and breathless. Azriel traced kisses up her sex towards her navel, his lips lingering on her skin, savoring the connection between them. He planted a kiss on each of her breasts before finally finding her lips and brushing them together in a kiss that was both tender and passionate.
“You are a drug,” he murmured against her lips, his voice filled with awe and adoration. He kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth with a need that matched her own. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the rhythm matching her own racing heartbeat. The world outside ceased to exist as they lost themselves in each other, their connection deepening with every touch, every kiss, every whispered word of affection.
Elain wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as she kissed him back with equal fervor. She could taste herself on his lips. Her body was still tingling, every nerve ending alive with the aftershocks of her orgasm. She wanted more of him, needed more of him, and she knew that he felt the same.
Azriel's hands roamed over her body, caressing her skin with a touch that was both gentle and possessive. He wanted to memorize every curve, every dip, every inch of her. She was his, and he was hers, and nothing else mattered in that moment.
Elain, still coming down from the high of her climax, looked down between them at his groin. His pants had tightened so much it looked painful, the hardened length of him threatening to burst through the fabric. She bit her lip, the sight of his obvious arousal fueling her newfound confidence. With a determined look in her eyes, she pushed at him until his back met the mattress, her hands steady on his chest. She climbed on top of him, her knees hugging each of his hips.
Azriel pushed out a breath at the sight of her sitting atop him, her hair covering parts of her breasts as it hung down between them. He smiled as his hands gripped her hips. “What do you want, Elain?”
“I want this,” her hand came down to stroke up his length, causing him to hiss between his teeth. “I want you inside me.”
“Fuck,” Azriel groaned. He pulled her hips up until he had enough room to unbutton his pants, the metallic clink of the buttons giving way to a quiet rustling as he tugged them down his muscular thighs with urgency. "I'll give you what you want then," he murmured, his voice husky with desire as he met her gaze, dark with desire and determination.
Elain’s breath caught in her throat as Azriel revealed his proud length to her. His cock was, to say the least, enormous, standing tall and rigid beneath her. A mix of desire and concern flickered across her face as she stared down at him, her eyes widening slightly. "Azriel... I-I don't think you're going to fit," she managed to say, her voice a mixture of awe and uncertainty. Her fingers twitched nervously against his chest, unsure of what to do next as she felt a flutter of apprehension mingling with the desire that pulsed through her veins.
He chuckled at that. “That’s why I stretched you out, baby. It’ll be fine. I’ll go slow.”
His cock was not only considerable in length, but the thickness of it also gave Elain pause. She couldn't help but worry that it might feel like when she lost her maidenhead all over again. Despite her apprehension, she remained still as Azriel gripped himself firmly, pumping a few times to prepare. His other hand guided her hips to position her above him.
“You ready?” Azriel asked, his voice low and husky, his eyes locked with hers under heavy lids, a close-lipped smile playing on his lips. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down her spine, and she nodded slowly, her breath catching in her throat. The anticipation and nerves mingled within her, but the desire to feel him inside her outweighed any hesitation she might have had.
She gasped again as she felt the tip of his length pressing against her entrance, her breath hitching in anticipation. His strong hand pressed down gently on her hip to guide her with a deliberate slowness as he began to sink her onto him. Every inch that slid inside her elicited a whimper from her lips, the sensation both overwhelming and intoxicating. He groaned deeply, the sound reverberating through his chest as her wet warmth enveloped him. The feeling of her tightness around him was almost too much to bear, and he clenched his jaw to maintain control, savoring every moment between them.
He only managed to get halfway inside her before she gripped his wrists, her fingers digging in with urgency. Azriel’s eyes shot up to meet hers, his gaze filled with concern and a touch of tenderness. His body was taut with the effort to hold back as he paused.
“I just- need a minute,” she panted, her voice trembling. Her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to steady her breathing and calm her racing heart. The fullness of him was just as she anticipated, each inch stretching her in a way that was both thrilling and intimidating. The sting she felt with every bit he pushed deeper was almost overwhelming.
Azriel's grip on her hips softened as his thumbs gently caressed her skin in a soothing gesture. He waited patiently as she worked to relax. Elain focused on the warmth of his touch, willing herself to push past the initial discomfort.
“You’re doing so well,” he murmured, his voice low and reassuring. His words were a balm that helped to ease her tension. She nodded, her confidence slowly returning as the sting began to dull. She knew she just had to pass this first hurdle to reach the pleasure she craved, to find the rhythm that would turn the pain into ecstasy.
Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and met his gaze, giving him a small, determined nod. “Okay,” she whispered, her voice steadier now. “I’m ready.”
He responded with a slow, encouraging smile, the kind that made her heart flutter and her resolve strengthen. His grip on her hips tightened just a fraction, enough to provide support but not control. She felt an electric thrill as she began to sink down onto him again.
With each inch that sank deeper inside her, the initial discomfort began to transform into a growing sense of fullness and pleasure. She gasped softly, her breath catching as the sensations intensified, sending shivers through her body. Azriel's eyes remained locked on hers, conveying admiration and reassurance without a single word. She felt a swell of pride as she found herself almost fully seated on his length with only a small part of his shaft still visible.
She took another deep breath, feeling her muscles relax a fraction more. Slowly, she began to move, her hips rocking gently as she adjusted to a rhythm. Each movement sent a jolt of pleasure through her, the initial sting giving way to a heat that spread through her core. She had never felt something so good, so right.
“That’s it,” Azriel groaned, his grip steadying her. “Nice and slow. Let yourself feel everything.”
Elain’s eyes never left his, her confidence growing with every passing second, the pleasure starting to eclipse the discomfort entirely. She moved a little faster, her movements more fluid as her body acclimated to the sensation. Azriel’s hands guided her, matching her rhythm, his own breathing growing heavier.
The connection between them felt almost tangible, a force that drew them closer with every shared breath, every soft moan. Elain’s heart swelled with emotion, the depth of her feelings for him overwhelming in the best possible way.
“You’re so tight,” he groaned, his hands squeezing her hips. “So perfect. Just like that.”
She began to ride him with more confidence, her movements becoming more deliberate. Each roll of her hips brought a fresh wave of pleasure, her body responding eagerly to his. Her moans filled the air around them as one of his hands reached around to grip her ass.
“Deeper,” he encouraged, his voice strained. “Take me deeper, Elain. You can do it.”
Elain’s heart raced at his words, her own determination fueling her movements. She adjusted her angle, taking him deeper inside her, the sensation making her gasp. Azriel’s grip on her hips tightened slightly as he felt his self control ebbing away. His groans grew louder, mixing with hers in a symphony of shared ecstasy.
“Gods,” he muttered, his voice a breathless whisper. “You feel so fucking good.”
Elain’s heart soared at his words, her own feelings echoing his. She leaned down, capturing his lips in a kiss that was both fierce and tender, a culmination of everything they had held back for so long. The kiss deepened, their tongues dancing together as their bodies moved in perfect harmony.
“That’s it,” he groaned against her lips. “Just like that. Don’t stop.”
Elain's body arched against his in response. She moved with more confidence, the pace quickening as desire and pleasure mingled in a heady rush. Her hands grasped at his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as she surrendered to the overwhelming sensations coursing through her.
“More,” she breathed against his lips, her voice a plea and a demand all at once. “I want more, Azriel.”
“Fuck,” he grunted in response. His hands tightened around her hips, fingers digging into her skin with a mixture of urgency and desire as he began pounding up into her. Her mouth fell open at the intensity of it, her breaths becoming ragged as he drove into her with relentless determination.
His thumb found her pulsing clit, pressing against it in tight circles that sent sparks of electricity through her entire body. The dual stimulation of his thrusts and his skilled touch had her on the edge, teetering on the brink of ecstasy. Her moans filled the air, mingling with his groans of pleasure as they moved together in a rhythm born of primal need.
“S-so close,” she murmured, eyes drifting shut at the sensation of her climax building.
Her words fueled his desire even more, urging him to take her higher, to push her over the edge they both craved. His own need was palpable as he sought to bring her to the peak of pleasure.
"You're almost there," he growled huskily. "Let go baby. Come for me."
His thrusts became more deliberate, each one calculated to bring her closer to that elusive release. His touch on her clit was unrelenting, a constant stimulation driving her towards the brink of ecstasy.
The tension in her body at last reached its peak, pleasure cresting like a wave crashing over her. She cried out, a mixture of his name and a wordless plea, as ecstasy swept through her. Her muscles clenched around him, her body shaking with the force of her release as waves of pleasure pulsed through her core. Azriel thrust deeply into her, his body tensing as he found his own release. Heat surged through him, mingling with the intensity of her climax as he spilled himself inside her, each pulse of pleasure echoing the rhythm of their entwined bodies.
His movements slowed gradually, the aftershocks of pleasure rippling through him as he pressed his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling in the quiet aftermath. He held her close, his touch gentle yet possessive, as they lay intertwined, bodies still humming with the echoes of their shared passion.
Elain's chest rose and fell with each deep breath, her fingers tracing patterns on his back as she savored the warmth of his embrace. She lifted her head slightly to meet his gaze, her eyes soft and filled with a mixture of contentment and adoration. "That was... beyond words." She said.
He kissed her forehead tenderly, his lips lingering against her skin. "I've never felt anything like it," he admitted, his voice a quiet rumble against her ear. "Being with you... it's different. In the best possible way."
Her brow furrowed slightly. "Different how?"
Azriel shifted slightly. "With you, it's not just about physical pleasure," he explained softly. "It's like... every touch, every moment, it's meaningful. There's this connection between us that goes beyond anything I've ever known."
Elain's eyes searched his, her fingers gently tracing the line of his jaw. "I feel it too," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Being with you, it's like… finally coming home."
Azriel's expression softened at her words, a warmth spreading through his chest. He leaned down to capture her lips in a tender kiss, pouring all his unspoken emotions into the gentle caress. They lingered there, their bodies pressed together in silent understanding, as the weight of their shared intimacy settled around them like a comforting embrace, his length sitting fully inside her still.
Elain felt a smile creep onto her face at a thought that came to her. “I will admit, you were a terrifying sight when I saw you down there. It almost looked like you were going to punish me yourself.” She stated.
Azriel's expression darkened slightly at her words, his jaw tightening. "Elain," he began, his voice low and strained, "you shouldn't have run away. It's dangerous for you out here, away from Velaris."
Elain met his gaze steadily, her smile fading into a more serious expression. "I had to, Azriel," she replied softly. "I couldn't stand seeing you avoid us, avoiding me. Rhysand's threats shouldn't keep us apart like this."
He sighed heavily, running a hand through his dark hair. "You don't understand the risks," he said, frustration lacing his words. "Rhysand made it clear what would happen if we continued... this." His eyes flickered over her, a mix of desire and apprehension swirling in their depths.
Elain reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against his arm. "I don't care about the risks," she insisted, her voice earnest. "I want to be with you, Azriel. I've never felt this way about anyone before."
Azriel's resolve faltered as he looked at her, his expression softening despite the turmoil in his eyes. "Elain, you're mated to Lucien," he reminded her, his voice pained. "There are consequences..."
She shook her head, her gaze unwavering. "I don't love Lucien," she admitted quietly. "I never have."
Silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken fears and desires. Azriel squeezed her hand gently, his resolve crumbling as he pulled her into his arms. "Gods, Elain," he murmured against her hair, his voice thick with emotion. "I've missed you."
She nestled against him, feeling his heartbeat against her cheek. "I've missed you too," she whispered. "Please don't stay away from me."
Azriel pressed a kiss to her forehead, his arms tightening around her protectively. "I can't," he vowed softly. "I won’t."
For a moment, they held each other in silence, the world around them fading into insignificance. Elain breathed in the familiar scent of him, her fingers tracing gentle circles on his back as if to reassure herself he was real.
Then, Azriel pulled back slightly. His gaze held a mixture of tenderness and a hint of something darker. "Now," he murmured huskily, his voice sending shivers down her spine, "back to the part about punishing you."
Elain looked at him with wide eyes as the words sank in. She felt a thrum of anticipation course through her body as Azriel’s hands squeezed her ass. “What do you mean?”
He grinned up at her with a predatory gaze. “You know exactly what I mean.” He said.
She suddenly remembered that his cock was still buried in her, and was quickly hardening in her warmth. She looked down at the space between them as she felt a new rush of wetness course over her.
He took his time pulling himself from her, causing her to squeak in surprise at the sensation. His hands traveled from her waist to her jaw, clutching it between his fingers as he pressed his lips to hers. “I want to show you what will happen if you run away from me again.” He declared.
Elain's breath hitched at his words, a mix of fear and excitement swirling within her. His intense gaze never wavered, and she could see the dark promise in his eyes. "Azriel, I won't—" she started, but he silenced her with a deep, demanding kiss that left her breathless.
He pulled back, his thumb brushing over her lower lip. "You will never run from me again," he growled softly, his voice vibrating through her.
“Never,” she replied, eyes hooded as her core throbbed, waiting to see what he’d do next.
Azriel's hands tightened around her waist, his grip firm but not painful as he lifted her effortlessly. He positioned her on her stomach and stood behind her at the edge of the bed. His movements were deliberate and controlled, exuding an air of dominance that made her heart race. He lifted her hips and angled her so that she was on her knees with her upper body pressed into the mattress. The position left her feeling exposed and vulnerable, a sensation that both terrified and thrilled her.
The anticipation thrummed through her veins in a way that made her pulse race. She could hear Azriel's steady breathing behind her, feel the heat of his body so close to hers. His hands began to roam over her skin, exploring every curve and contour with a teasing touch. His fingers traced the line of her spine which sent shivers down her back, before moving lower to squeeze her hips and thighs.
His touch was maddeningly gentle, building the tension until she thought she might scream from the sheer need of it. When his hands finally reached her ass, he caressed the soft flesh, kneading it with a firm, possessive grip that made her gasp.
Then, without warning, he delivered a light smack that sent a jolt of sensation through her body. She cried out in surprise, the sting of his hand mingling with the heat of her arousal. The sound echoed in the room, sharp and startling, but the sensation that followed was even more shocking. A rush of warmth spread through her, and she felt her body respond with a flood of wetness.
Elain's mind raced. She felt as though she should tell him off, should protest, but the words caught in her throat. Instead, she found herself arching her back slightly, presenting herself to him even more. The realization that she liked how he spanked her—no, loved it—took her by surprise. The mix of pleasure and pain, the feeling of being so completely at his mercy, awakened something deep within her.
Azriel noticed her reaction, a dark chuckle rumbling from his chest. "You like that, don't you?" he murmured, his voice a low, seductive growl.
She shivered, her body trembling with a mix of desire and anticipation. "Yes," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I do."
He felt his cock twitch at her admittance. His hands continued smoothing over her skin, appreciating her ass that now held a tint of pink on one side. The sight of her, so willing and open to him, stirred a fresh wave of desire in him. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the reddened spot, his lips soft against her heated skin before his teeth nipped at the flesh. The cry she let out at that only helped to make him impossibly harder.
Azriel's hands then rose up to tangle into her hair. He gently pulled, tilting her head back so he could see her face. "You're beautiful like this," he murmured, his voice a mix of admiration and possessiveness. "And you are mine."
Elain's heart raced at his words, her body responding to the commanding yet tender tone in his voice. She felt a deep sense of belonging, of being exactly where she was meant to be. "Yours," she echoed, the word slipping from her lips like a vow.
Azriel's eyes darkened as he released her hair and moved back slightly. His hands gripped her hips, positioning her just right. He paused for a moment, letting the anticipation build, before slowly pressing into her. The sensation was intense, each inch sending waves of pleasure through her body.
Before she knew it he was sunken to the hilt in her. She hissed between her teeth at the burn as he stretched her again, his cock hitting every spot imaginable.
“Do you feel that?” He asked her. “You feel how full you are with me inside you?”
“Yes,” she moaned back. “You feel so good.”
He grit his teeth as his hands squeezed around her pelvis, pulling out ever so slowly before slamming back in with no warning. The scream that came out of Elain had him feeling like he was on cloud-fucking-nine.
“That’s right,” he mumbled. “Take it like I know you can.”
Elain's senses were ablaze, every touch of his driving her wild with a primal, almost feral hunger. The sensation of him inside her, stretching her, filling her, was not just overwhelming but exhilarating, igniting a fire that consumed her whole being. She bit down hard on the pillow beneath her, unable to contain the raw intensity of her pleasure, her body responding eagerly to his dominant presence.
His movements were powerful and commanding, each thrust like a declaration of his control over her pleasure. He teased her mercilessly, pulling out slowly to prolong the anticipation before slamming back into her with a force that stole her breath away. The impact reverberated through her, making her gasp and claw at the sheets beneath her, desperate for more.
The mattress beneath them groaned and protested. Her moans filled the room, mixing with his guttural grunts of satisfaction, a symphony of carnal need that filled the air around them. His pace changed as the hold on his control dwindled, thrusting into her with reckless abandon that had her mouth hanging open like she was being fucked dumb.
She felt the now-familiar tight coil of her climax approaching quickly with how intense the pleasure was. Every thrust of his had him hitting that spot deep inside her that felt so good it nearly brought her to tears.
"The way you take it, baby," he growled, his voice husky with desire. "So fucking good." His hands gripped her so possessively, guiding her movements to match his frenzied pace. "You want to come? Beg for it," he demanded, his breath hot against her ear as he pushed her closer to the brink.
Her whole body trembled with the impending release, every nerve ending ablaze with the pleasure he evoked within her. "I-I wanna come!" she cried out, her voice echoing in the bedroom, stripped of all restraint and control.
He heard her plea, felt the urgency in her voice, and with a primal growl of his own, he intensified his assault on her senses by bringing his fingers to her clit. "That's it," he murmured, his words a mix of command and encouragement. "Let go for me, beautiful. Come all over me."
And then, in a rush of sensation that bordered on overwhelming, they found release together. Elain's cries of ecstasy mingled with his guttural groans as they shattered into climax. She could feel the hot pulse of his release spurting into her, a feeling she might have loved a little too much.
They stayed like that for a moment as they tried to catch their breaths. She sighed contentedly as Azriel's hand gently brushed the hair off her neck as his lips pressed against the sensitive skin. The gesture sent another shiver of pleasure through her.
“I might have to run from you more often, I think,” Elain murmured softly, a playful glint in her eyes as she turned her face towards him.
Azriel chuckled softly, his voice a low rumble that reverberated through her. “If it results in moments like this,” he replied, his breath warm against her skin, “then perhaps I won’t mind the chase so much.”
They lay entwined, the quiet intimacy between them filling the room with a warmth that went beyond physical closeness. Elain traced her fingers lightly over Azriel's skin, feeling the contours of his body beneath her touch. Every movement was imbued with a newfound significance, as if they were discovering each other anew. She knew there would be challenges ahead, uncertainties to navigate, but in that moment, none of it mattered. What mattered was the here and now, the tangible sense of belonging they found in each other's arms.
Closing her eyes, Elain let herself be enveloped in the warmth of Azriel's embrace, knowing that whatever the future held, they would face it together. Their bond was not just a fleeting passion but a foundation upon which they could build something beautiful and enduring. In the quiet of that room, amidst the whispers of their hearts, they found solace and strength in each other's love.
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lavena · 1 year
Since I am so incredibly desperate for tmnt fic recs, here I am supplying mine. All of these i HAVE READ AT LEAST 3 TIMES
pretty much all Mikey centric and jsyk every one I recommended I reread b4 posting this. Sorry If I repeat any, this took me over a week, college is kicking my butt and midterms are next week, kill me. If you have any you red please lmk either in comments or with rb I need the ficss guys please I am desperate.
On AO3
Train-wreck of thought by halogalopagost
A beautiful 2003 tmnt where Mikey is having trouble meditating and gets some tips from his dad and brothers, he struggles with his ADHD, he over comes it and turns out there is a lot more to this meditating than he thought. he intends to use it to his advantage.
The Legend of the Heiwa no Buki by abz_the_turtle
2012 Mikey is pure of heart and turns out that causes some problems for him, his brothers and a certain bother in blue from the future
exhaust trails through space by SpectrumWriting
2012 B team realizes they really need a break, after a fight between Leo and Donnie, B team pull a few favors and go to visit a few planets, look at some extraterrestrial inventions and get to see a festival of food. Each brother learns new things about each other and finally get to take a few deep breaths.
Surface Pressure by TheKeyBladeMaster1994
Mikey watched Encanto and something abut their family feels familiar. Honest to go so good, it is unfinished and only at 3 chapters but it is 32k words and by god if it isnt one of the best books I have read over 5 times already, featuring mikey being a helpful little brother and managing to stress his big brothers out in the proccess.
Pretend That I Never Left by redstingraven (sirimiri)
2003 Mikey gets taken into the Horizon Zero Dawn universe rather than the superpowered turtle universe in the SAINW episode. Positively glorious, he gets bashed and bruised and comes out the other end with an arrow sticking out of him.
All The Small Things by taizi @taizi
2012 Donnie gets deaged and Mikey gets to be a big brother. Positively adorable, Mikey is an enabler and the poor toaster will never be the same, plus just the right amount of angst to make me squeal.
Underdark by Nekotsuki
2003 Mikey and Leo and stuck in the sewers after a collapse, both are hurt and oh looky here it seems Leo has fainted and Mikey is panicking, it would be great if he could take a full breath to hyperventilate with.
We've been here all along by Taizi
Beautiful 2007 tmnt, Mike gets shot, worries about making Donnie abandon him, Casey says fuck that.
walk with open hands by taizi
Mikey can't get over his fathers death and knows his brothers cant get over it either, and he is going to do something about it, been if it almost costs him everything. Was originally 1 chapter, but a second chapter from Splinters POV makes everything gorgeous.
traveling so far to get there by taizi
different age turtles, 2012 universe, Mikey and Raph gets transported to a post-apocalypses time-line aptly called the after party, no one lives, but Mikey does manage to find himself a monkey companion and Raph really wishes his little brother and him would be back home. Little moment of Mikey and Donnie being twins that is positively adorable and I need more of it ASAP. Its 10k words but reads like 30 in the best way possible, like literally a must read!
Closer by Taizi
adorable human woodyangelo
Problem child by taizi
human AU, Mikey is going to give his big brothers a heart attack, he makes questionable friends, and it seems he has a lot of growing up to be doing
Things You Never Outgrow by taizi
Mikey might just have picked up some less than stellar habits from his family as a baby, and now its coming out to bite him in the butt as his brothers notice.
Know the world in yourself by taizi
Donatello is an aspiring Egyptologist, and close friends with part-time thief and sometimes-scoundrel Casey Jones, who pickpockets an ancient map of the fabled City of the Dead off a young man he stumbles across in the Casbah—a young adventurer, it turns out, and none other than the little brother Donatello hasn't seen in almost eight years
Small spaces by Taizi
After 2012 Mikey gets captured and held by the Kraang, it seems he might just have a new fear, his brothers are not happy about it.
While you're here enjoy the view by taizi
Cute little woodyangelo 2012. They have my heart
Sleepwalking by TheKeybladeMaster1994
Splinter wakes up in a cold sweat and notices that Mikey is missing, and it seems like a dark entity is after his littlest sons light, good thing its just a nightmare, right? A few nights later it seems that is not so. Only 4 chapters but has 30k words and is a positive joy to read, I hope it continues to update.
The Ultimate Weapon by TheKeybladeMaster1994
Mikey is pure of heart and just about everything knows it, including but not limited to an eldritch entity that he swears is just try to make his life hard no matter what it tells you.
Interrogation or Malpractice by Professor_Anxietree
2012 Mikey when he got captured by the triceritons, their mind reading machine doesn't do quite what was intended and it spells out pain and sufferings for the smallest of the Hamato clan. Its pretty much being over stimulated to the max, like your skin feels too tight and you can hear your nerons firing in your brain type stuff, beware if you have overstimulation.
Someone to Protect by Koalagriton
2012. Mikey's big bothers get captured by Hun and Mikey doesn't take it well, that's going to become Huns problem.
Flowers by intomyfireyoushallfall
Mikey meets Tang Shen
The shinobi's garden by taizi
buncha one shots that you have to read, you have to istg 66k words of nothing but amazing.
family sticks together, bruh by hellomyoldheart
Mikey (Bayverse) discovers online shopping and sends it to Aprils place, April gets a package addressed for Mikey O'neil
too bad, but its the life you lead by angelmichelangelo @angelmichelangelo
2k7my beloved. Mikey is having trouble at home, good thing this new cat he found, affectionately named Klunk, can help a little. You will cry, I cried, still have read it four times, but crying non the less, read the tags or it will hit you like a freight train
the dad diaries by angelmichelangelo
pepaw Ronin and the new babies, adorable and angst ( in the form of flashbacks) nuff said
a minute from home by taizi
bteam for the win, I cant get enough, baby don and mikey wonder off and survive 3 months, it changes them
I've been afraid of changing by taizi
2007 Mikey really hates his job, Donnie didn't get that, but now he does
Give up the ghost series by taizi
Mikey can see ghosts, and that means he can see his one and only dead brother too, donnie, it causes problems for eveyone around him. human AU
The Gauntlet by T33la
Mikey and Don have to take a leap of faith, good thing Mikey has complete trust in his big bros tech
Flipbook by T33la
the 2003 SAINW donnie boy planned just in case and mikey finds the first bit of the plan, talks happen
Chronicles of the Cretaceous by T33la
Mikey boy manages to befriend a T-rex because of course he does
Words to be Spoken by Mona_E_Lisa @mona-e-lisa
Soulmate Au with woodyangelo, its got angst, just not for the boys, nd holy shyt I need more
The Silver Sentry by Mona_E_Lisa
2003 Mikey gets a son, and he deffo has some problems with Splinter, and I love him more than words
2088 by Mona_E_Lisa
If you haven't read this you haven't lived and that's all I can say. What are you doing? go read it??? like asap, will change you. Its 6k and this post will still be here when you get back, get going now sho sho
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx @unorthodoxx-page
ATLA x tmnt 2018, everyone thinks they are spirits, donnie boy isn't going to correct them, and mikey ends up malnourished, but it updates this sunday so GO Go Go asap, it great
turning over stone by angelmichelangelo
2012 mikey gets angry, and kami does it suck, but good thing his big brother has experience in dealing with it.
caught in the rip tide by angelmichelangelo
Mikey gets hurt, and it might just be leos fault. 2012 based on the season 4 episode broken food.
yolk by angelmichelangelo
Mikey can't take the fighting anymore, too bad it took wrecking a midnight breakfast for his brothers to notice.
december 18th: raise a glass by angelmichelangelo
Mikey turns 21, and they really should be winding down by now, but Donnie doesn't have the heart. technically tagged with 2012 and IDW, but could totally see it with 2007 if u ignore that raph is in japan
december 15th: a size too big by angelmichelangelo
2007 Mikey was supposed to be bac an hour ago, he is gonna be the death of Donnie I swear.
the Kappas constellation by angelmichaelangelo
bunch a one shots
Honestly just anything by angelmichelangelo or taizi, but you can see that with how often they show up in this list
Its a cycle by GhostiesandGhoulies
Adorable 2007 Mikey being hurt while doing cowabunga car and his brothers looking after him
Clogged drain by Goblin cat KC
Horror, the poor boys were not ready for this one but I adore it. Nothing more I can say than they will have nightmares and all of them will have night lights.
Hero among them by oliviasbizzaremind
2007 gang gets a call after a rough night, its for cowabunga carl, so how exactly does this lady know Mikey's name? Mikey always was a bleeding heart.
If Wishes were Fishes by Taisi (this is also on A03 I believe I just found it on ff.net fist so i figured id share that here too)
Human AU, adorable must read, like I cant stress this enough, you haven't lived without this. And as a former foster kid, damn.
Mikey's truly awful, incredibly sucky, super hella bummer of a day by Orange4Days
Exactly what the title says and you will enjoy this boys suffering and eventual comfort.
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best friends forever <3 ✌️
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***Spoilers for White Rabbit Fest!!***
So far, there have been four hometown events (if you include White Rabbit Fest): In Silk City, we met Najma, Jamil's little sister. In Harveston, we met Marja, Epel's grandmother. In Sunset Savanna, we met Kifaji, the Grand Chamberlin of the country (and Cheka, Leona's nephew that we first saw at the end of book 2, had a cameo). Now, in Clock Town, we've met Dylla, Deuce's mom.
I noticed that of the hometown events, White Rabbit Fest was the only one so far where the SSR boy actually demonstrates a strong bond with Yuu and Grim that extends beyond "they're my classmate". Dylla specifically notes that Deuce talks about hanging out with Yuu and Grim both in and out of class. It kind of makes sense for Jamil and Leona to not be buddy-buddy enough with Yuu and Grim to talk about them with their family + head of the royal household, respectively. Beyond helping them in their respective books + asking for their help in the book proceeding their own, Yuu and Grim did not interact with them much. Even when Leona appears later in book 5, he seemed slightly annoyed at Grim approaching him in his homeroom and acting friendly. As for Jamil, he clarifies to Najma that the guests he has over for the fireworks festival are "classmates, not friends" and that "there is a difference". He clearly draws the boundary between those two labels. Epel is more debatable in terms of intimacy, since Yuu and Grim are most often depicted as being close with the first year group more than the second or third years. There's also a very strong story emphasis on Epel as a part of the group in book 5, as well as parts deep in the main story (Ortho's Fairy Gear vignettes, brainstorming ideas to catch Mickey, being relevant at Lilia's farewell party around the same time rather than being relevant at the same times as their respective dorms) and events (like the party at the end of the first Halloween event) where Jack, Ortho, Sebek, and Epel are also portrayed as being part of the "main" group. However, when Epel introduces his classmates to Marja, Marja never makes mention of Epel talking about Yuu or Grim before to her. She just greets them just the same as the other classmates that Epel brought back with him for the sledding race.
Deuce's mom is the only new character we've met in the hometown events that makes an explicit point to mention that Deuce has actively talked about Yuu and Grim (and Ace) before to her. She's even sort of surprised that Ace didn't join them for the trip to Clock Town for the White Rabbit Fest. Furthermore, other event characters (Silver and Epel) comment on the tight bond between Adeuce, Grim, and Yuu. This further cements the idea that Yuu, Grim, Ace, and Deuce are the "core" group (an idea which was first introduced in the prologue), while the other first years are sort of secondary (still friends, just not as close as the first four are), which makes sense with their less frequent appearances in the main story.
ahjbayodybqer For as much as Deuce and Ace argue, it sounds like he still talks a ton about his rival 😅 That's how you know it's true friendship/j
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Hii there!
Can I request a Mirage x fem!reader, where the reader is celebrating New year with Noah and the other autobots, and the reader was drinking a lot and got drunk, then became sassy and playful to Mirage.
Thx, I love your writtings btw <3
New Year's Resolutions
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ROTB Mirage x Female Human Reader
Word Count: 1400+
Warnings: Drunken Flirting, Alcohol usage, Language
You had been best friends with Noah Diaz since middle school, and remained close while he was in the army. After he was discharged, you often provided him with supplies for his technological tinkering once you scored a job at RadioShack, utilizing your employee discount to get stuff cheap. Noah and his family were like a second family to you, often visiting unannounced at the apartment, bringing snacks and helping Kris with defeating video game bosses. When Noah disappeared whilst on his mission with the Autobots to save the world from being devoured by Unicron, you took care of Kris while his mom went to work. 
After those events ended, you had so many questions for Noah, but he always seemed to give you rather vague answers about a job internship in South America. You knew he was hiding something, but assumed he would tell you when the time was right. Kris was the first to let it slip about Mirage. You chalked it up to a little kid’s imagination, after all Kris played a LOT of video games. 
Then there was the day where you decided to surprise Noah at his shop with the latest tech product Radioshack had released. Since this was to be a surprise, you didn’t announce your presence, instead opting to sneak through the shop. You heard Noah’s voice around a corner, and picked out a second that you didn’t recognize. As you stepped around the corner, you were shocked to find Noah talking casually with a giant fucking robot. Your shock makes you drop the object in your hand, the object clattering on the floor. 
Noah turned around at the sudden sound, clearly not expecting to see you, “Oh shit… Y/N, don’t panic. I can explain.” 
Mirage shot a glare at Noah and raised his arms, “Why are you talking about me like you got caught cheating? Sheesh, that’s the treatment I get, bro?” He turns to look at you, “Look cutie, I’m not gonna hurt anyone here. I’m one of the good giant alien robots.” He winks at you. Mirage leans in towards Noah and quietly whispers, “Where have you been hiding her? Why didn’t you introduce me?” Noah brushes him off, clearly not in the mood for Mirage’s antics. 
While you’re taken aback by the tall, blue robot before you, you’re calmed slightly by Mirage’s chill and somewhat charming attitude. Besides, something about his optics and his dumb smile made you want to trust him. Noah had no choice but to tell you the whole story; how he met Mirage, the deal with the Autobots, saving the world… the works. 
After your initial encounter with Mirage, Noah would go on to introduce you to the rest of the Autobots. Optimus trusted Noah’s judgment and welcomed you into the team, much to the excitement of a certain blue mech. When Noah was busy at work or off with his family, you would find Mirage randomly popping up wherever you were, often claiming he was bored and had no one else to talk to. So over the course of a few months, you and Mirage would spend more time together. You’d get to know Mirage’s dorky sense of humor, and his tendency to want to show off and get attention. Attention would be something you started to crave from Mirage, as you came to realize you may have a crush. 
The end of the year 1994 approached quickly, and that meant one of the biggest holidays in human culture, especially in New York City: New Year’s Eve. With a lot of convincing from Mirage, Noah decided to host a New Year’s Eve party with the Autobots to have them participate in human celebrations in their warehouse base. Of course, you had been invited to the party, and you were curious as to what festivities were planned. As the night began, there was a massive television set on the channel awaiting the ball drop. You assumed it had been supplied by Reek, but didn’t ask questions. 
For the select few human guests, Noah had supplied a small bar with sparkling wine, and other various liquors and mixers. It was New Year’s after all, tradition demanded booze. You started out the night with just one margarita, mixing it yourself at the bar. Meanwhile, Mirage made his way over to you, “Hey Y/N, how’s it hanging?” He had a grin on his face that made you a little weak in the knees. 
“Oh, hey Mirage. I’m doing good. Just making myself a quick drink,” you flashed a nervous smile at him, feeling both exhilarated and embarrassed simultaneously. This is stupid, no way an alien robot would like me that way, your thoughts hung over you as you tried to conceal your nervousness. 
As the night continued, Noah chose to introduce the Autobots to human games. Throughout each game, Mirage stuck close to you, often cracking the corniest jokes in existence. Each interaction causes more butterflies to flutter in the pit of your stomach, in turn triggering you to consume more alcoholic drinks in your nervous state. You did a decent job of concealing your intoxication, until the game of Twister started. As teams were assigned, Mirage volunteered you as his partner, leaving a surprised Noah to pair up with Bumblebee. 
At this point you were tipsy, but you were a composed drunk as few noticed your intoxication as you made your way to the mat alongside Mirage. Mirage leaned down to you, “Have you played this before?” You flashed a tipsy smirk at the Autobot mech, “A few times… As long as you’re flexible and don’t get confused, you’ll win. And you seem very… flexible.” 
Mirage cleared his throat at your reply, his cheeks slightly flush as his gaze turned towards the mat. After a brief reading of the rules, the game began with Arcee in charge of reciting the position and color combos, “Left servo on blue!” All four of you quickly moved your hand onto the nearest blue dot. Easy enough. The game continued for some time, as you were all very competitive, but only one of you was intoxicated. 
After one move, Mirage’s frame hovered over your backside in what could be seen as an… intimate position. In your tipsy state you looked up at Mirage with batted eyelids, “Third base and you haven’t even bought me dinner…” 
Your comment has a direct and clear effect on Mirage, causing him to falter and fall onto the mat. The force of his frame hitting the ground shook you off balance, and you too fell, causing Noah and Bumblebee to claim victory. You briefly came to your senses, realizing what a fool you had made of yourself, you got to your feet and made your way to a secluded part of the warehouse. Waves of embarrassment and shame crashed over you, filling you with the fear Mirage might never wish to speak with you again. 
The sound of familiar footsteps made you pause. “Hey, Y/N. You okay?” Mirage stood behind you, a look of concern on his faceplate. 
You felt yet another rush of heat throughout your body but tried to compose yourself. “...I-I’m fine, Mirage. Just maybe too much to drink,” your words were slightly slurred and you stumbled a bit. 
Mirage approached you casually, before bending down and placing a servo on your back to support you, “Hey, I can’t blame you. It’s New Year’s after all, and you humans go crazy for this slag.” He gently repositioned himself into a sitting position, still supporting you with his servo, “Do you need anything? You look like you need something— not that you look bad, I mean— you look great! As always.”
Your cheeks and entire face flush bright scarlet as you struggle to hold back anymore. “I just need you…” As the words leave your lips, you realize you can’t take them back, and fear rattles through your body as you stare into Mirage’s optics. 
Despite the brief silence, Mirage’s gaze locks onto yours and the mech leans close to your face. As the tension fills the air, both of you can hear the others begin the 10 second countdown to the New Year in the adjacent room. 
You blush madly as you try to comprehend if this moment is real or the effect of tequila and sparkling wine, “Mirage, I’m sorry. It’s almost midnight so you should make your own New Year’s Resolution..”
As the echo of voices counted down: 5…. 4…. 3… Mirage gently pulled you close to him, “Y/N, you’re my New Year’s Resolution.”
It felt as if your heart skipped a beat as the words left Mirage’s mouth. As the countdown continued to its last seconds, you leaned forward. 2… your eyes meet. 1… your lips gently lock together. 
Thank you for requesting! I appreciate you❤❤❤
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tessa-liam · 2 months
Marabelle - 14 -
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Lovers in a Dangerous Time - 14 -
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement)
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo.
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors.
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement
Words: 3434
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Chapter Summary – It’s graduation night for Maxwell and along with Sophie and Daniel, they attend the festivities with family and friends at the University of Cordonia in the capital. Tasked with a diplomatic opportunity, Liam flies to Rome for a summit with Francesco and officials of the Italian parliament.
Music & Title Inspiration: Lovers in a Dangerous Time, Bare Naked Ladies, Ben Grosse
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas and with dialogue for this chapter.
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en route to Rome, Italy
Seated behind his computer screen, Liam scrolled through the files his advisors had given him earlier in the day. It was late into the evening and the plane was quiet. Drake was asleep in his chair, snoring softly, and Bastien was seated nearby, his eyes trained on his book. Rashad, standing for the crown’s legal counsel, was reviewing the proposals that would be discussed and implemented if agreed upon.
The only sound came from the occasional beep of the computer's keyboard as Liam entered the codes that would allow him to access the secure files. Sitting back, he began to read through and analyze the information. After an hour or so had passed by, Liam stopped to acknowledge the flight attendant who set down a late snack and two fingers of scotch.
After taking a sip, he turned to his head guard.
"I hope I'm not interrupting," Liam said quietly as he closed the laptop and set it aside.
"Of course not, sir," Bastien said. "What's on your mind?"
"I just had an interesting chat with a source. There have been rumors circulating in Cordonia that the 'Sons of the Earth' are organizing. The Sons have been out of power since the last time they rose up to oppose the monarchy over a decade ago.”
"They were never a real threat," Bastien stated, his tone confident.
"My source tells me that a new leader has risen within their ranks, someone who is very charismatic, and able to sway the others with his message. I am concerned, Bastien. The Sons were always an extreme faction, and they could prove dangerous if allowed to regain power."
"You want me to find out more about them?"
"Yes," Liam nodded. "And be discreet. If it turns out that this new leader has no real power, we can put this behind us. But if there's any threat or danger, we need to be ahead of it."
"Of course, sir. I will situate agents immediately."
"Thank you, Bastien." Liam's expression grew pensive as he turned back to open the computer. "There is something else."
"This source tells me that the Sons' leader has taken a particular interest in a member of the nobility. It is believed that the noblewoman is being used to gain support among the other houses.”
"Which noblewoman?"
"Duchess Adelaide Amaranth," Liam answered, his gaze hardening. "According to the information I have, factions have been allowed to situate in Krona."
"You want me to investigate her involvement, as well."
"I'd like you to bring her in and question her, yes. And I want a full investigation into her financial records. See if you can uncover any ties between her and the Sons."
"Consider it done, sir."
Liam loved the power and responsibility of his role as the crown prince. He thrived on the challenges and opportunities it provided, and was excited for the day he would take the throne as king.
With his advisor's files securely tucked away, Liam leaned back in his chair, a slight smile on his lips. He was confident in his ability to lead Cordonia into a brighter future, and he knew that with his team of advisors, he would be successful.
He had never felt so ready for the challenges ahead, and he couldn't wait to take his place as Cordonia's leader. He glanced at his ring, the royal seal engraved on it and smiled.
Liam knew he was doing the right thing. He was prepared and would not let his country down. He would protect it, care for it, and ensure that it remained prosperous and safe for generations to come.
He thought back to his father, and the legacy he would leave behind. Liam knew that his father had been a good king, and he hoped to emulate him as much as possible. He hoped that he would live up to the standard his father had set.
But more than anything, he was looking forward to starting a life with Sophie. Their relationship was a secret for now to many, but he knew that their time would come. He had been thinking about their future together a lot lately, and he had an idea of what he wanted to do.
University of Cordonia, student dorms, Candace’s suite
Sophie stood in front of the mirror, helping Candy fix the accessories in her hair. "Candy, you look amazing, and you will definitely be the center of attention at the party tonight."
Candy, who was wearing a long purple dress, smiled and turned to take a satisfied look at her makeup. "Thanks Sophie! I picked this dress out especially for the grad, and Tom will be there, too. It's the first time we've ever been to a formal event like this together."
Sophie smiled with a hint of envy. "It's nice, you two look so good together. Speaking of which, Tom is your third boyfriend at Uni, right? You are always so popular with the guys."
Candy winked mischievously and patted Sophie on the shoulder. "Oh, Soph, don't say that. I'm just looking for the one who really belongs to me."
"Maybe, Candy," Sophie said, shaking her head. "I guess I just haven't met anyone yet. I am just fussy and hard to please," she grinned.
"...and you're almost a graduate. Why don't you even try to get a boyfriend? Maybe you're expecting too much of your future boyfriend, too."
Sophie laughed and waved her hand in front of her. Her relationship with Liam was still ‘under wraps’ with only family and Daniel knowing the truth. "No, it's not that. I have had some bad luck with dating in the past. And besides, I have other priorities."
Candy raised her eyebrows. "Other priorities?"
"Like finishing my education and starting my career." Sophie shrugged.
"Sophie, you know that's not enough to keep a man happy," Candy teased.
Candy's cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Tom. Candy suddenly smiled with joy, picked up the phone in front of Sophia and began to talk to Tom endlessly.
Sophie's sighed and went out on the balcony alone. The sky was now dark, and the stars dotted the night sky. The cool evening breeze touched her face and soothed her heart. As she looked around, the campus was enveloped in a colorful glow. The trees and buildings were decorated with all kinds of colorful lights and decorations. The celebration of the end of the school year filled every corner.
She picked up her phone and sent Liam a quick text and snapshot of the view from the balcony, her fingers jumping across the screen, and finally pressed send. But as the minutes ticked by Liam's response was slower to arrive than usual.
Sophie's eyes flashed a hint of loss, and she put the phone down slowly. She took a few deep breaths and recalled that Liam had said the previous night that he was going on a four-day business trip to Italy with his advisors. Perhaps he is now busy meeting with the Italian politicians. In a few days they'd see each other again, she put her phone into her clutch and smiled.
Just then the balcony door was pushed open. Candy, with a glow of happiness on her face walked quickly out onto the balcony and said excitedly, "Tom is waiting downstairs, we must go. Are you ready?" Sophie nodded and smiled at Candy, happy for her. "I'm ready, let's go."
Outside the building, a young man with a bouquet of flowers stood by the roadside waiting. Upon seeing Candy, he spread his arms in joy and the two embraced followed by a passionate kiss. Sophie looked at their sweet exchange, with both blessing and faint envy in her heart. But she quickly recovered her mood and followed them on to their way to the auditorium.
U. of C. Auditorium
As they stepped inside, the grandeur of the space overwhelmed Sophie. The walls were lined with intricately carved stonework and the ceilings were adorned with ornate frescoes depicting the history of Cordonia.
The stage was set at the far end of the hall, with a large, curved platform flanked by rows of velvet chairs.
The room was filled with the sounds of conversation and laughter, as hundreds of students and their families gathered for the event.
"There you are!" Maxwell exclaimed, as Sophie approached the group. "We were starting to wonder if you were going to miss the ceremony."
Sophie grinned. "No way. I wouldn't miss this for anything."
She reached out to give Maxwell a hug and was surprised to find that he was wearing a tuxedo. "I see you decided to dress up for the occasion," she said, amused.
"Yeah, mom insisted!"
Maxwell gestured to Daniel, who was dressed similarly in a tailored suit, his hair combed neatly. "Squirrel!" Daniel shouted as Bertrand and her uncle Barthelemy looked on in dismay.
As the graduation ceremony ended, the excitement in the auditorium grew as the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the post formal festivities.
The sound of the band started, and everyone's eyes were drawn to the stage behind the dance floor.
Above the dance floor the ceiling was covered with gold tassels and twinkling crystal lights which complemented the colorful balloons and streamers surrounding the parquet floor.
A spotlight illuminated the space where a young man stood in a white tuxedo, a microphone in his hand.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice ringing out through the hall. "I am your host for this evening, and it is my great pleasure to welcome you all here to celebrate the graduating class of 2024."
There was a smattering of applause from the crowd. The host grinned. "It's time for the graduates to strut their stuff on the dance floor. Will all the students please take their places for the first dance."
Sophie laughed as she watched Maxwell and Daniel sashay arm in arm to the center.
Aunt Bethany gently tapped her shoulder. “Dear, your uncle, Bertrand, Sav and I are heading home. Have fun tonight.” Kissing her aunt’s cheek, Sophie turned her attention back to the dance.
“You guys can go dance then and I'll walk around.” Sophia smiled as she told Candy and Tom motioning towards the dance floor. Despite feeling a little lonely inside she wanted to give them some space to be alone.
“Okay, see you later Soph!” Candy and Tom smiled at each other and walked arm and arm into the dancing crowd. Looking at their backs Sophie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Memories of her first dance with Liam flooded her thoughts, seeming to have just happened yesterday. What would happen if you were by your side tonight, Liam? Maybe he would gently take her hand and ask her to dance with him or maybe they would sneak out of the room and find a quiet corner to enjoy some alone time and sweet solitude. Sophie moved through the crowd alone, occasionally greeting acquaintances, but more often she just quietly observed everything and everyone around her.
That is when the mood at the party suddenly turned eerie. The lights began to flicker and then the whole venue was plunged into darkness. The sounds of people began to cry out as they looked for their companions. What is the matter - is there a power outage? Sophie mumbled to herself as she was about to take out her phone for light. But that was forgotten as she heard gunfire in the distance, which instantly destroyed all the peace and beauty of the evening.
“It's a shooting!” A frightened voice broke through the darkness as people started running and screaming wildly. Sophie's heart raced as she pressed against a wall trying to find a safe refuge as the emergency lights clicked on. Out of nowhere, Sophie felt a stinging pain on her cheek and forehead. She touched it with her hand and blood smeared on her fingertips having been cut in the face by shards of flying glass. Being surrounded by a chaotic crowd and the sounds of more gunfire, Sophie never felt more terrified and helpless than ever before.
Sophie looked through the flickering lights and saw strange figures flash through the window. Each of them was dressed in black and wore a black mask showing only their cold eyes. What was even more bizarre was the emblem on their chests. Each had been embroidered with a strange pattern. A picture of the earth with a baby was intertwined. It was unclear and strange who or what this referenced. Sophie took out her phone to film them but then another shot rang out close by which made her jump. In a panic the crowd rushed in her direction and in chaos her phone was flipped out of her hands by a fleeing person which flew several meters slamming into to the ground.
Regardless of the panic she felt at the moment, Sophie quickly took advantage of a few people moving out of her way to run and pick up her phone and placed it into her pocket, the screen smashed. The sound of her name being called brought Sophie's mind back to reality. She turned her head and saw that Tom had been shot in the shoulder in the confusion and his blood was red on the floor and down the front of his suit jacket. Candy was also cut in the arm by flying shrapnel and in pain, huddled on the ground beside Tom.
Sophie, ignoring the pain on her face, struggled to rush to them and used her whole-body strength to help the two people up amid all the chaos and despair. She found a glimmer of strength in the fear she felt for her friend and the thought of Liam. Grabbing a table napkin, recalling the first aid she had learned during her Girl Scouts years, she made emergency bandages for both of them. as she bandaged, she looked around from time to time looking for possible escape routes, but the smoke and the fire blurred her vision, and every step was full of unknown and danger.
Candy knelt down beside Tom and held him tight ignoring the pain on her arm. Her voice crying was pain and heartache Tom's face was pale as paper, but his eyes still flashed with the will to live. “Candy, sweetie ...” Tom struggled to lift his wounded hand and gently wiped the tears from Candy’s face and forced a smile, although his own gunshot wound to the shoulder had nearly knocked him unconscious.
“We have to get out of here, quick.” Sophie had just finished patching up Tom's shoulder and stood up. “Let's go that way ... there seems to be an exit.” She said pointing to a looming door not far away. Candy dried her tears, and she nodded. Together they supported Tom, struggling through confusion and fear, Sophie leads them through the sea of fire and debris.
Rome, Italy
A sleek, black limousine drove through the city, navigating the busy streets until it arrived at a five-star hotel located in the historical centre.
Liam sat inside the spacious interior, his gaze fixed out the window as the scenery rushed past them. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Sophie, her face, her smile. The memory of the softness of her skin, the gentle curves of her body beneath his touch. He was anxiously waiting for her response to his text.
He was going through the days events of the first day of his official business meetings he had today. It was a very productive and busy day of meetings with the prime minister of Italy, the minister for economy, the mayor of Rome and others to discuss international issues, economic growth and cultural exchanges between Cordonia and Italy.
But there was a part of him that wasn't fully focused on the job at hand. His initial plan for this Italian trip was to formally propose, to show his family and country that their future Queen was the most important person in his life.
He remembered seeing the display of jewelry at the Cartier store, he had a ring, a symbol of their commitment picked out for her. Now, inside his suit jacket, that diamond ring was nestled safely next to his heart.
Liam started to become tense and anxious that he didn't hear anything from Sophie.
Rashad watched from the other side of the vehicle with concern. He cleared his throat and broke the silence. "You alright, my boy?" He asked softly.
Liam shook his head and forced a half-hearted laugh. "Sorry...I've got a lot of things on my mind right now."
"Yes," Rashad replied. "A lot of big decisions on the horizon. So how'd today go, if I may ask? I wasn't there at the meeting of the prime minister. How was it?"
Liam straightened his posture and raised his chin.
"I think it went very well. I gave a very encouraging speech and I was able to make him agree with our position about our partnership between the two nations. That should help open more trade deals and increase exports to other countries, maybe even beyond the EU, like China or the UAE."
Rashad nodded proudly. "Excellent."
The two men continued their discussion as the limo wound its way through the city towards the luxury hotel. After a short drive, the vehicle drew up to the entrance.
Drake smiled at the luxury accommodation and turned to Liam. "And the hotel you're staying in is The Ritz, right?"
Liam raised an eyebrow in amusement.
"This is where I'm staying for the duration of the trip, but I did the preliminary negotiating with them before we left so my entourage could get the penthouse floor. But first, my friend," Liam chided playfully, "I have to make a statement for diplomacy purposes."
Liam emerged from the limo as the reporters and press begin flashing their cameras as paparazzi called out for his attention.
'Ecco qui, Nostrand alternative!'
["Over here, Your Highness!" ]
"Your Highness, do you have any comments for the press?"
"Can you tell us what the plans are for the Cordonian delegation while in the city?"
Liam looked at the cameras and responded.
'Il mio governo attende con ansia i nostri dibattiti su come promuovere la crescita economica e le opportunita per i nostri Paesi, affinche tutti i nostri cittadini possano.'
["My government looks forward to our discussions about promoting economic growth and opportunities for our countries, so that everyone in our citizens can prosper and enjoy the benefits of progress." ]
The gathered journalists cheered, and a member of the concierge team opened the door and led Liam, Rashad, Drake and Bastien into the opulent interior of the building.
Before entering the elevator, Liam paused and turned to Bastien. "i need you to locate Lady Sophia. I have been unable to contact her since leaving Cordonia."
"Right away, sir."
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Thanks for reading; please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from this series.
📌perma tags: @bascmve01 @busywoman @kristinamae093 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kingliam2019 @ao719 @alj4890 @emkay512 @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @malblk21 @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia @dutifullynuttywitch @charlotteg234 @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @imjusthereforliam
📌 @selina012 @ @choicesficwriterscreations @irisk12 @walkerdrakewalker @delmissesryanandcassi @mom2000aggie @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @cadybear420 @thosehallowedhalls @moravel @prettyboisteveharrington @imashybish @jared2612
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inside0ut-dotnet · 4 months
Ready, Set, Pride! Last Minute Celebration Ideas
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With only 24 hours left until Pride Month kicks off, it's time to start planning how you're going to celebrate with your fabulous love bugs! Are you hitting up a major pride celebration in a city near you, hosting a virtual pride event, or just keeping it low key with your partner or friends? Whatever your plans may be, get ready to show your pride and spread the love!
Join the Parade or Party
If you're lucky enough to live near a city hosting a major pride celebration, why not join the parade or party? Put on your brightest rainbow outfit, grab some glitter, and get ready to dance the day away with your LGBTQ+ community. It's a time to be loud, proud, and unapologetically yourself!
Mid South Pride (May 2-June 2) in Memphis, Tennessee: A huge celebration including Memphis Pride Fest Weekend, a Drag N Drive event, a Big Gay Dance Party, and a Pride Parade.
Gay Days at Disney World (May 30-June 3) in Orlando, Florida: Over 150,000 LGBTQ+ Disney fans attend this annual event at the Magic Kingdom, featuring parties, a Gay Days Expo, Bear pool parties, and special guest performers.
Provincetown Pride (May 31-June 2) in Provincetown, Massachusetts: Enjoy a Pride festival, Queer Comedy showcase, Feet Over Front Street Pride 5K, and more. This year, there’s also “Reimagining Queer Africa” with art, technology, and outreach from Lagos, Nigeria.
New York City Pride (June 30) in New York, New York: The largest Pride Parade in North America, drawing thousands of participants and spectators in Greenwich Village.
Washington, D.C. Capital Pride (June 8-9): Events throughout the month, including a Night of Queer Expression and a rooftop pool party.
Twin Cities Pride Festival (June 28) in Minnesota: Minnesota’s second-largest festival, featuring LGBTQIA+ entertainment, vendors, and community resources. These events celebrate our collective queer joy, honor LGBTQ+ activists, and provide safe spaces for everyone to express their queerness and sexuality. 🌈✨
Host a Virtual Pride Event
Can't make it to a physical pride celebration? No problem! Host a virtual pride event with your friends and loved ones. Get creative with rainbow-themed decorations, plan some fun activities or games, and don't forget to blast some empowering LGBTQ+ anthems. It's a great way to show your pride from the comfort of your own home!
Pride Summit 2024 by Lesbians Who Tech and Allies:
Date: June 11th - 13th
Description: A week-long virtual summit with thought-provoking discussions, learning experiences, and professional development opportunities.  Speakers include tech luminaries and cultural leaders like Gabrielle Union and Sam Altman.
WorkPride 2024:
Date: June 17th - 21st
Description: A global virtual Pride conference focused on workplace equality. It’s free for professionals, graduates, and inclusive employers.
Brooklyn Pride Virtual Drag Bingo:
Date: June 4th
Remember to check out these events and celebrate Pride Month! 🌈
Keep it Low Key
Not in the mood for a big celebration? That's totally okay! Pride Month is all about celebrating love and acceptance in whatever way feels right for you. Whether you're spending a quiet evening with your partner, having a small gathering with friends, or simply reflecting on what pride means to you, there's no wrong way to celebrate.
Pride Month is a wonderful time to celebrate the beautiful spectrum of gender and sexuality while advocating for equality and justice in the LGBTQ+ community. Here are thoughtful and meaningful ways to celebrate Pride Month at home:
Decorate with LGBTQ+ Art and Decor:
Refresh your home’s interior design by proudly hanging a rainbow flag in your front yard or windows. You can also support LGBTQ+ interior designers by incorporating their art and decor into your living spaces.
Create an Outdoor Cinema:
Set up an outdoor movie night in your backyard or balcony. Choose LGBTQ+ films or documentaries that resonate with you. Invite friends or family (virtually, if needed) to share the experience.
Design a Reading Nook:
Curate a cozy reading corner with books by LGBTQ+ authors. Dive into their stories and explore diverse perspectives. It’s a great way to celebrate Pride while enjoying some quiet time.
Get Creative in the Kitchen:
Use your culinary skills to make festive creations. Bake rainbow-themed cookies, cupcakes, or a colorful cake. Share your delicious treats with loved ones or enjoy them yourself.
So, tell us, how are you planning to celebrate Pride Month this year? No matter how you choose to show your pride, remember that love is love and you are valid, fabulous, and deserving of all the happiness in the world. Happy Pride Month, love bugs!
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aiwokure · 10 months
god hear my plea
Nico Robin x F!Reader
Desc: Robin’s history of abandoning people rears its ugly head full with vengeance.
WC: 5.6k
CW: descriptions of violence, hints of toxic relationships, reader commits murder, mentions of injuries, mentions of death, young Robin is slightly bratty, reader wears makeup, slight suggestive content if you squint, possibly ooc Robin - it is acknowledged though
banner by @/cafekitsune
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“Wow! Look at that island, it’s covered in gold! Cool!” Luffy is leaning against the railing of Sunny, eyes sparkling with the urge to explore. Nami hums in acknowledgment, “This island is Goldenleaf, there’s not much known about it though…” Her eyebrows furrow slightly, based off of the weather it seemed to be an autumn island, a little humid but otherwise perfect. As the ship neared the bustle of life could be heard, citizens unbothered by the newcomers.
Robin peers up from her book at the familiar name, Goldenleaf. “There’s a resort towards the center of the island with amazing commodities. They should also be having a festival currently.” The ginger nearly squeals with delight at the thought of relaxing at a resort. Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy were more intrigued about the festival than anything. Sanji raises his visible brow, taking away Robin’s empty cup before asking, “Did you read about that in one of your books?”
A small smile graces Robin’s lips, but it was tinged with melancholy. “I visited this island once before, a long time ago. It’s fairly safe and the residents are kind.” Her blue eyes began to grow distant, lost in thought - well memories.
As soon as the boat was docked, Luffy and co. (Chopper, Usopp, Brook) take off to partake in festivities and adventure. Nami gives Zoro his allowance, feeling kind after realizing that she would be able to finally relax without having to deal with idiots. Her and Robin walk through the city, Sanji trailing behind to be their bag boy. “Everything here is so beautiful, the food smells lovely too.” The ginger is practically drooling causing Robin to chuckle. “That scent is the Autumn Fruit Tarts if I’m not mistaken, they’re delicious when paired with cinnamon vanilla ice cream.”
Sanji perks up, feeling inspired to make the pastry when they return to Sunny. “Do you know of any other -“ The chef immediately stops speaking, blood threatening to spill from his nose. A goddess, she has to be! (e/c) hues gazed at the passing group, icy and unkind, but Sanji didn’t care, blinded by his rose tinted glasses. The woman walks away, disappearing into the crowd before the blond could follow her in his love tornado.
“Earth to Sanji? Hellooo?” Nami is visibly annoyed by his antics, just barely resisting the urge to concuss him with her staff. “A-Ah yes Nami-chwan?!” “I said we’re going to the hot springs so stop following us, although you were practically about to do that anyways.” Robin is quiet, deep in thought once more. That smell was so familiar… I wonder from where. The archaeologist is well traveled, so naturally while some things may jog her memory, they’re usually overtaken by the new (and admittedly less traumatizing) ones.
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Robin pulls her hat further down, trying to cover her face. She was 17, and while she was used to being on the run now, she was by no means an expert. Rushing through the crowd, she accidentally bumps into someone causing both parties to fall backwards. The raven haired girl panics, eyeing her hat on the ground being trampled. “Keep looking! She can’t be far!” The sound of pirates trudging towards her edge closer every passing second. She had overestimated herself. “Ah… you too huh? Let’s go.”
A[n] (s/c) hand reaches out for Robin, yanking her in a random direction, she barely manages to scoop up her hat in the process. “That fuckin’ bitch, where did she go?” Robin’s heart is racing, but she urges herself to run faster, releasing her hand from the stranger. “This way dummy!” The stranger, another young teen, harshly whispers while catapulting over a stack of boxes and into the alleyway. Robin furrows her brows in annoyance at the name calling but skids to a stop regardless in order to change her direction.
“I’m not dumb.” She states plainly, blue eyes steely with mistrust. Laughter bubbles up from the stranger who raises her eyebrow in skepticism. “Ya sure about that, Miss Nico Robin? At least change your hair color or something.” The (h/c) haired girl is quick to dodge the arms that sprout in an attempt to strangle her. “Woah, easy now, I just saved you from getting captured. Besides we’re kind of in the same boat anyways…” She muttered the last part more to herself but Robin still picked it up.
“Who are you? What do you want? Why did you help me?” “Enoouugh enough, I don’t need a barrage of questions, Nico Robin. Name’s (y/n) (y/l/n).” (y/n) stretches the ache out of her back. “I don’t particularly want anything from you, is it so bad to do a good deed every once in awhile?”
“We’re pirates.”
“No, you are a pirate, Nico Robin, I’m simply traveling.” Robin rolled her eyes, this girl was getting on her nerves, but the banter felt natural, comforting even, in some weird way. “Just Robin is fine. Stop saying my entire name.” (y/n) pretends to contemplate on it before an annoying grin takes over. “Nah, it pisses you off so I like it, Nico Robin.”
This girl was definitely going to get strangled by yours truly.
“Well, you can either come with me to the next island and we split or you can stay here and figure out how to not get caught by that mob out there.” Furrowing her brows, Robin stares at the (s/c) teen, obviously not too fond of her but also not wanting to pass up the opportunity to live another day. Then she recalled the earlier statement made. “You said you were in the same situation as me, how do I know that going with you won’t be even more dangerous?”
“Because I kill all my enemies.”
A chill shot straight down Robin’s spine, she hadn’t exactly killed yet, more like incapacitated and ran. She did what was necessary to survive, if she didn’t have to kill she wouldn’t. “I accidentally missed some stragglers though, but next time I won’t.” (y/n) notices the unsettled look on the raven’s face, letting out a sigh and fiddling with her (h/c) hair. “I don’t uh, consider you my enemy if that’s what you’re thinking. You’re in good hands if you choose to go with me, scouts honor.”
Blue eyes bore deeply into (e/c) ones, (y/n) was fairly easy to read, much to Robin’s surprise. “You must be lonely huh? That’s what you meant by ‘same boat’.” Her defenses immediately dropped upon witnessing the flustered expression erupting on (y/n)’s face as she continues to shout out denials and curses. “I don’t want you to come with me anymore! Stay!” Robin chuckles, lacing her hands behind her back and walking towards the pier. “No thanks, I rather like getting under your skin (y/n) (y/l/n).” She replies cheekily, looking over her shoulder with a smirk. “You coming?”
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The hot spring was relaxing, despite the fact that it was water, for some reason devil fruit users weren’t affected. A phenomenon that intrigued Robin but she figured it was just native to the island. Golden maple leaves fluttered into the spring, some of them landing on the floating food trays. “This is amazing.” Nami moans, leaning against the rocks and sinking further down in bliss. “The festivities should be starting soon if you want to walk around and partake. We have some clothes specifically for the Harvest Festival that you can wear.” The resort hostess informs the lady duo, a gentle smile on her red lips.
Honey brown eyes light up like a child’s on Christmas, so far Nami had been loving the island. She wanted to experience as much as possible before they would have to leave. The log pose resets in 2 days, but the navigator will be sure to buy an eternal one. “Let’s go?” Nami questions with puppy eyes, warming up Robin’s heart. She truly was like a younger sister Robin never knew she wanted. “Of course. Can we see the festival wear?”
Luffy and Usopp were having an apple bobbing competition while natives fawned over Chopper, showing him sparklers and feeding him candied apples. The reindeer was flustered but loved the attention, unable to hide the flowers floating around him with a pink aura. Brook is constantly getting mistaken for a decoration, but he doesn’t mind too much, instead opting to perform with the other musicians.
He briefly stopped playing his violin after an unsettling sensation settled in his gut (not that he has one, so bones?). He scans the crowd, feeling like he was being watched with malicious intent. Fleeting in his peripheral vision was a (color) kimono sleeve, and the discomfort faded. He had just missed the culprit. “Hey Skeleton, is everything alright?” The other musicians look at him with concern etched into their faces.
“Yes, I was distracted by some beautiful women over there, yohohoho!” He lied, not wanting to ruin the vibes, after all Robin said that the island is safe.
Well, fairly.
Nami and Robin are fitted into beautiful yukata with maple leaves printed on them, their hair are placed in traditional buns with different floral pins to hold it up. Once again Robin is fairly quiet and deep in thought, it starts to worry the ginger, but she silences the urge to nag. Nami grabs Robin’s hand, pulling her from contemplation and towards the food stalls. “I wanna try the fruit tarts you mentioned earlier.” On the way, the ladies cross paths with Luffy and Usopp, both drenched with water.
Zoro somehow managed to make his way around, drawn by the smell of grilled fish and the sound of music. Franky is entertaining the children with his hair tricks while Sanji is losing a concerning amount of blood over Nami and Robin’s new clothes. “You both look so lovely, I wish that I could capture this moment forever~!” Civilians stare at the blond warily, not used to seeing such copious amounts of blood leave a human body.
The typical shenanigans ensue, starting with Zoro name calling the cook as Chopper hurries to grab emergency blood bags from his pack. Amidst all of this, Robin felt as if she was being watched. She refused to dismiss it, but when glancing around she couldn’t find anything that would give away her newfound stalker.
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The following day rolls around, Robin is up fairly early and decides to walk around the city. It’s a little chilly and foggy out as she makes her way towards a cafe, wanting to try their morning special, a Maple Pecan Latte. She sits at one of the outdoor tables despite the chill. If her hunch was right, the stalker would take the opportunity she granted to them. About twenty minutes into her book and halfway through her drink does the chair in front of her lose its vacancy.
“Well, if it isn’t Miss Nico Robin in the flesh.” The familiar scent from the day before is back, alongside a whole wave of memories that weren’t really forgotten but tucked away in order to avoid the guilt. “(y/n)…” Robin barely managed to breathe out, placing her book down and staring properly at her old partner in crime. The (s/c) woman no longer wore the mischievous grin with a sly sparkle in her eyes like when they were young. Her eyes were dull, nearly lifeless. A scar decorated her forehead and her jaw was set, clearly Robin was an enemy now.
“You sure are living it up, playing family and going on adventures with those misfits. Flaunting your location without a care in the world now that you feel free. Yet you were so quick to dispose of me the moment you almost got caught.” The archaeologist tried to remain calm on the outside, but on the inside her heart was racing and riddled with guilt and nostalgia. Many years ago she was not the woman that she is today.
She wasn’t nearly as mature, and she knows that she has hurt many people - some who didn’t deserve it at all. When she joined the Strawhat Pirates, she made a vow to herself to constantly be better than she was the day before. Luffy had given her a second chance at life, she wanted to honor that commitment. The things she did would never be erased, but as long as she continued to bring positivity into the world and correct the wrongs, she would forgive herself.
A gentle smile tugs on Robin’s lips, sullen but also full of endearment. (y/n) was still just as easy to read as she was over 10 years ago. Despite how silent she was, deep in those (e/c) eyes were rage, but also the same bittersweet nostalgia. “How have you been? Did you ever accomplish your dream of (insert dream)?” (y/n) remains unchanging, actually more aggravated with the attempt at casual conversation. Robin maintains her smile, closing the book completely and taking a sip of her lukewarm latte.
“Have you come to kill me?”
(y/n) huffs out a sardonic laugh, yet her expression is not amused, “You’re a real piece of shit you know that, right?” Robin licks her lips, taking a breath, “Yes, I know. I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you. I was young and selfish, I didn’t care what happened to those who weren’t of use to me back then.”
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It has been nearly two years since Robin and (y/n) started traveling together. They talked about dreams of the future, what island they’d like to settle down on after chasing their goals. What started off as an unconventional partnership turned into one in which they trusted each other with their lives. Robin was the strategist and the navigator, (y/n) was the cook and the bargainer but also the muscle when necessary.
“I’m serious, you need to put on a mask or something, you’re too noticeable.” (y/n) complained, braiding Robin’s hair into a convenient updo. The black haired woman just hums, soothed by the repetitive motion that lightly scratches her scalp. “Okay I’m done. You wanna look?” Robin shakes her head, “Anything you do always looks good.” They arrive at a winter island, and albeit reluctant, Robin ties a bandanna around the lower half of her face.
(y/n) gives her an approving smile that warms her up inside. At some point they had past the point of friendship but not quite yet lovers. It was something like a puppy love, they would exchange heated kisses and cuddle but never went much further than that, much to (y/n)’s dismay. “How long is it gonna take for the log pose to reset?”
“Just a few hours, enough to get some shopping done.” Robin tries to flutter her eyelashes at (y/n) who is unamused but lets it slide anyway. “We have to do errands first before shopping, okay?” After discussing who would do what and where to meet in case of emergency, the duo split. Robin went to go search for camping equipment, as she entered the store she began to feel slightly overwhelmed.
The shop was dimly lit with flickering lights that made it hard to focus on the task at hand. It was cramped with a lot of people bustling around, looking at different tents or sleeping bags. Hands growing slightly clammy, she pulls the bandana further up her face and begins looking at equipment herself. The constant getting shoved into was rattling her nerves as well as making the bandana slip. A loud crash followed by some screaming had triggered Robin so badly that her world seemed to spin on it’s head. Momentarily, the smell of smoke invaded her nose, clawing down her throat and choking her violently.
It may have been years since the destruction of her hometown, but the trauma still lives deep inside of her. The crash was revealed to have been a shelf collapsing, patrons yelping in surprise at the sudden clatter of camping gear dumping onto them. Having already been run ragged and on the verge of an anxiety attack, Robin rushes out of the shopping district and yanks the bandana down, struggling to get her breathing in order.
“Young lady, are you alright?” Stiffening up, she quickly pulls up the bandana, but the man releases a raspy chuckle. They stare at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time, what could have been mere seconds felt like an eternity. The man pretends to be fixing his coat before pulling out Robin’s wanted poster. Ice trickled through her veins at the sight, of course the moment she lets her guard down she’s found out. “Unfortunately you’re a bit too late, ‘demon child’. Turn yourself in nice and easy if you want to live. You know, you’re worth quite a lot now for an old bounty hunter like me.” She couldn’t budge an inch, just from the way the man stared at her, she knew any sudden movement meant death.
The bounty hunter lets out a vicious grunt, grabbing his thigh which had been stabbed by the edge of a broken glass bottle. (y/n) swings her arm upwards, bottle in hand and aiming for the man’s throat. He takes a step back, teeth gritted in annoyance. “You goddamn-” The hunter braces his arms to deflect (y/n)’s kick, however he wasn’t prepared for the powerful knock back nor the foot that sprouted behind him causing him to trip and fall.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I-” Robin attempted to explain herself as they ran, gathering the attention of pedestrians around them. “It’s fine, we just have to get the hell out of here! Did he hurt you?” (y/n) didn’t look at the black haired woman, focused on finding the quickest path to safety. Before the question could be answered, a gunshot rang through the plaza. The bullet scraped (y/n) on the forehead causing her to gasp in pain.
“(y/n)!” “We’re splitting, go to the meetup spot okay? I’ll see you there.” The crowd grew thick and chaotic, civilians panicking at the thought of being shot. It was only seconds before Robin lost sight of the (h/c) tresses, but she’d never mistake the look in those eyes.
(y/n) was going for the kill.
Deciding to obey orders for now, Robin heads for the designated area. The navy started to go on the move as well due to the sudden disruption, so she had to be as careful as she was quick. A voice in the back of her head bemoaned how problematic everything had gotten. We should’ve never gone with (y/n). What good has she brought us? She wanted to shake those thoughts, but truthfully things had gotten too lively with (y/n) as her partner.
The woman was short-tempered with murderous tendencies. In the few arguments that they’ve had with each other, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say Robin wondered if she needed to be concerned for her life. Even though she swore to do no harm, the look in (y/n)’s eyes felt like staring down a feral beast. Too distracted by her thoughts to fully pay attention to her surroundings, the sound of a bullet whizzing right past her ear is what snaps Robin into reality.
She turns around quickly, trying to assess the situation and to see where she needs to move next. The bounty hunter is crouched on the roof, rifle in hand. Unbeknownst to him, (y/n) is on the roof as well, dagger clutched close to her chest. She creeps silently, waiting for the hunter to get back in position to shoot. Right when his finger is on the trigger and his rifle is steady, she pounces, pinning him down and stabbing him in the side of his throat.
The (s/c) killer grabs the rifle [what, it’s free loot!], slinging it across her back before jumping off the roof and into the alleyway. When she landed, a navy soldier had been in motion to leave until the noises shocked him into combat mode. “W-What are you doing?! Don’t you know there’s… a shooter on the loose…” He stares at the newly gained rifle before quickly aiming his own.
“Already causing trouble for me even in death, bastard.” The navy soldier fires two shots before he’s knocked out by an elbow to the jaw. Naturally the sound of more gunshots attracts surrounding navy soldiers and it isn’t long before (y/n) has a group of them chasing after her that she’s given up on shaking off. As she’s approaching the meetup spot, it’s very evident that a certain ebony-haired woman is not there. ‘Did she get caught? We should’ve never split! I fucked up…!’
(y/n) urged herself to keep running, heading towards the plaza once more. Yes it was risky, but at least she would be able to confirm if Robin got caught by the navy. As she finally enters the plaza, something catches in her peripheral.
Nico Robin sailing away on their quaint little boat.
“Robin! Robin, what the hell are you doing?!” Rage boiled deep within (y/n)’s gut, but unfortunately her stamina had a limit. She does a sharp right turn in order to make a mad dash for the docks in hopes of being able to jump on before it’s too late [and to throttle a certain woman real close to death]. However, a searing pain spreads through her hip, then her foot and another in her leg causing her to collapse. The navy soldiers swiftly put away their rifles and continued pursuit. “Don’t let her get away! Tie her up!” “Yes sir!”
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Robin uses the tip of her finger to graze (s/c) knuckles. A sharp inhale was heard and eye contact was made. “But I’m not that person anymore. I’ve changed and everyday I’m actively choosing to be better than I was yesterday. You don’t have to forgive me, I just want you to know that I will never hurt you like that again. Even if for you that means my death.” (y/n) takes a shaky breath, her resolve wavering before cursing. A bright glint moves across the table triggering her to take action.
Robin is shoved out of her seat, at first she thinks that it’s truly the end of her life until she hears that same word that saved her last time.
“Run! I’ll handle this.” (y/n)’s hand is caked with blood, her other hand digging out the bullet. “With one hand out of commission? I doubt it. Let’s go!” Robin snatches the injured hand within her own, tugging them both towards safety. “Ah fuck…” (y/n) lets out a pained whimper, causing Robin to examine her. Blood is oozing through the (h/c) haired woman’s shirt and staining her pants indicating a gunshot wound to the lower torso.
Just like all those years before, the two women are hidden in the midst of a raging crowd. For a few seconds Robin swears she sees a younger version of (y/n) staring at her with pleading eyes, before it goes back to the current (y/n). Her skin is growing dull and clammy with sweat as she leans against Robin for support. “M’losing too much blood…” She slurs out, causing the archaeologist’s heartbeat to race with anxiety. Taking a deep breath, Robin steadies her voice. “Don’t worry, we have a doctor who can take care of you, okay? So stay awake, you hear me?”
Faintly the sound of Robin’s baby den-den mushi ringing barely pierces through all the screaming and stampedes. She isn’t given the chance to speak once she answers, instead, a barrage of yells could be heard. “Where are you?! We’re heading for Sunny right now, the navy is here ya know!” Usopp is panicking on the phone, evident by the tears running down the den-den mushi’s face. Luffy could be heard laughing in the background.
“I’m close by, please tell Chopper to prepare for treatment. It’s urgent.” Robin glances at her ex-partner, (e/c) eyes unfocused and half-lidded. "Please…"
(y/n) had practically lost consciousness by the time she and Robin reach Sunny. Her feet were dragging, Robin being the one nearly carrying her to the ship. The archaeologist’s hands were caked in blood, face covered with sweat, and eyes drowning in worry.
The rest of the crew was alarmed at the state that they arrived in. Chopper is quick to jump into action, instructing Robin to bring (y/n) to the infirmary where everything was prepped. The air was tense, no one knew what to say to the ebony haired woman. They don't know that this is someone who she's known a long time ago and pretty intimately at that. Someone who knows a side of her that isn't shown anymore. Robin isolates herself in the library, opening a book but not processing the words.
All she could think about was (y/n)'s fate. Would she live? Would she die? Did she want to live? Before her thoughts could take a darker turn, she decided to distract herself with a pleasant memory - the first time she went to Goldenleaf Island.
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"This place is absolutely wonderful! It's like it's raining gold flakes! Take a look Robin!" (y/n) is beaming, leaning on the side of the boat as if it would cause them to reach the dock faster. Upbeat music could be heard playing as soon as they stepped into the pier. Children ran around with kites and sparklers, delicious native cuisine scented the air, making the girls' mouths water in anticipation.
"Welcome to Goldenleaf Island! We’re currently in the middle of our Harvest Festival, so make sure to enjoy the occasion to its fullest. If you head this way, someone will be able to get you the proper festivities garbs." An elderly man beckons the women, a kind smile etched into his face. Robin was wary about the whole situation, deciding to keep her sunglasses on until they were in the dressing rooms.
"Oh! They have masks here, do you want one?" (y/n) offers a clay fox mask to the archaeologist. "It beats looking silly with sunglasses. Are you gonna wear one too?" Robin inquires, a slight pout forming on her lips at the answer. "Hah? No way, I'm not the dumbass that can't hold a disguise for shit. Anyone with a brain cell can see that it's just you with a hat or a different hairstyle."
"Oh, like you're any better?" She crosses her arms in annoyance, the other teen never lets her live down her (bad) disguises. "I am, that's why I don't have a bounty photo. And you can't use the concept art against me because it's outdated." (y/n) grins smugly when Robin closes the changing curtains with a huff.
Grabbing her yukata, (y/n) then slides the curtains back open before closing it behind her. "You can't be in here." Robin gripes, already in her undergarments. "Aww, don't act like that. M'sorry okay?" (s/c) hands creep around her tanned waist, pulling her flush against her partner. A soft kiss trails from her collarbone, up the side of her neck, and stops right behind her ear. "We can do whatever you want at the festival today. How does that sound?" (y/n) bargains, whispering gently in her ear before blowing on it and pulling away.
Robin is flustered, (y/n) knows this because she's quiet and won't make eye contact. The girls finish getting dressed before (y/n) helps with putting the mask on. "It suits you pretty well." The (h/c) teen compliments, doing one last check on her makeup. "We could match, just thought I'd throw that out there." Robin makes one last attempt, but all it does is trigger a laughing fit from her partner.
The days spent on Goldenleaf were ones with no worries. They were able to behave like the youngsters they are, eating til they dropped, playing with sparklers, and goldfish catching. Sneaking kisses in alleyways and watching fireworks hand in hand from the balcony of their hotel room. It was good to forget reality for a bit, moments like these were worth living for.
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A timid knock on the door draws Robin out of memory lane. Not waiting for a response, Chopper creeps his head through the door. "That lady you brought, she's currently stable and is resting." As if a huge weight had been lifted off of her chest, the archaeologist breathes deeply before giving a strained smile. "That's good, thank you." Her voice nearly betrayed her, threatening to tremble with emotion as she willed herself not to cry.
"Luffy does want to hold a crew meeting though, sooner rather than later, preferably." Chopper adds, expression unusually serious. And the same goes for her captain as soon as she reaches the deck. Most of the crew seemed anxious, after all it's rare for Robin to lose her composure. But one look into those blue eyes would tell you everything you needed to know. They didn’t want to pry, worried that she would pull back into herself and shut them out.
However, Luffy is the captain of the ship, and as such he has a right to know who is aboard, which brings the question, "Who is that person? You've been acting strange since the attack, is it because of her?" Robin tries not to show how flustered she is, eyes unable to meet her fellow crewmates. "She's an old friend of mine. We have some issues that I want to work out, now that I know she's going to live."
With a singular nod, Luffy dismissed any negative thoughts and instead broke out into a huge smile. "Well a friend of yours is a friend of ours. She’s gonna get the best treatment possible!" Robin returns the smile
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It takes a few days before (y/n) regains consciousness and is cleared to start moving around. Sanji practically has a heart attack at the sight of her. "My beloved goddess, is there anything that I can do for you?" The blond moves swiftly, pulling out a chair for her to take a seat while flashing her his brightest smile. “Something light is fine…” (y/n) eyes him warily, but relaxes in the chair against her better judgment. Being injured has made her a bit passive. Chopper enters the kitchen as well, checking vitals while the (h/c) woman eats.
“Everything looks fine, but you should still take it easy. Your wound hasn’t fully closed.” A hum of acknowledgment is heard, and Sanji places down a small bowl of fruit. “Something to hold you off for now.” He explained, blue eyes gazing curiously at her wounded hand. The kitchen door swings open gently, Robin walking in with an empty plate. (y/n)’s eyes immediately shoot to her, and the stare is returned tenfold.
The tension was stifling, so much needed to be said, but not for prying ears. Sanji awkwardly clears his throat. “Chopper, let’s give them some space for now.” The reindeer agrees without hesitation, nearly leaving his medical supplies behind in his desperation to leave the kitchen. (y/n) remains still, continuing to stare at Robin despite the raven haired woman breaking eye contact. She places her plate in the sink silently, it was just them now.
“Earlier, you asked me how I’ve been, I haven’t been doing so hot, I’ve been overworking myself so that I could forget the good times I’ve had with you.” Pain was evident in the (e/c) hues, tinging them darker than usual. “I didn’t want to forgive you, even though my heart ached when I tried to convince myself you were no good for me. So I tried to get rid of it.” Robin stayed silent, listening attentively to everything that was said. She took it all in – this is (y/n)’s true feelings. “I never did do (insert dream). I gave up everything for revenge, and I couldn’t even commit to that. I’m tired, Robin.”
The archaeologist creeps closer to (y/n), settling down in the seat beside her. She gingerly links their pinkies together, waiting to see if the (h/c) haired woman would pull away. When she didn’t, Robin began lacing their hands together completely and rubbing her thumb over the bandaged knuckles. (y/n) sighs, silently cursing her body for instinctually relaxing at the touch. “There wasn’t a day where I haven’t thought about you.” Robin admits, inhaling that familiar scent that she adores so much. She leans her head on (y/n)’s shoulder. “Sometimes it would be a little painful, because the guilt would eat at me.” Tilting her head up so that she could get a peek at the mercenary’s expression, Robin continues to speak. “Let’s start over.”
(y/n) makes a sound of mock contemplation, releasing her hand from Robin’s grasp. A slight panic rattled her bones at the disconnect, doubling in size at the poker face given to her. “I don’t really let strangers touch me like this, sorry lady.” Blue eyes widened in disbelief, triggering (y/n) to break her serious facade with a smirk. The duo broke out into a fit of giggles before (y/n) gets stern again. “I don’t want to start over, but I do have a lot of healing that I need to do. It might get ugly, but… I’d like to have you by my side again, and to teach me.”
Robin gently cups her face, peppering butterfly kisses on her nose, cheeks, forehead, all around before finally pecking her lips. She pulls back, making meaningful eye contact. “I will never betray you again, I swear.”
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 4 months
Mature Rated Fics Masterlist (29)
Part 1-Part 19 / Part 20 / Part 21 / Part 22 / Part 23 / Part 24 / Part 25 / Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 /
Created: March 14th, 2024
Last Checked:------
Breathe-Chele20035 (ao3)  Summary: A tragic accident leaves Katniss a precious gift, her niece Abby. Moving back home gives her a new life full of second chances as she meets her old love, Peeta Mellark. Broken Arrow-AnotherSongAnotherMile (ao3)  Summary: You swore to yourself you'd always be there to protect Katniss Everdeen. But it only took a moment for someone to break through that facade. Brokenness-chele20035 (ao3)  Summary: After Katniss wins the 74th games (Peeta was never reaped)... its thirteen years later when a family tragedy breaks her.   Bubbles and Honesty-Alliswell (ao3)  Summary: Katniss and Peeta have sweet heart-to-heart time together while in the bathtub in this outtake of the "Are Those For Me?" Universe. Burnt Around the Edges-HGfanonezillion (ao3)  Summary: A series of one shots that follows Promise I'm Worthy. It includes some scenes from around the time of Bittersweet Dance. It's not entirely chronological. Can I Get There By Candlelight?-authoresskika (ao3)  Summary: AU: To appease his childhood sweetheart, young Peeta Mellark ventures into the magical forest just outside the protective walls of his city to fetch a fallen star—certainly no easy task when the star turns out to be a girl on fire. Catch Me As I Fall-HGfanonezillion (ao3)  Summary: After the devastating news that neither she nor her mother are a match for a bone marrow transplant for Prim, Katniss is hit with the news that she and Prim don't share a father. As she tries to come to terms with the news, she also must come to terms with the drunken mistake she feels she made at a party she didn't even want to go to. All the while praying that her sister gets a miracle. Cheese Buns and Bad Puns-HGfanonezillion (ao3)  Summary: Peeta has as cooking vlog. Katniss has an archery vlog. They are avid watchers of each other's stuff and strike up a friendship over the internet. But could there be more to the friendship? Or is it just their fans' wishful thinking? Christmas In Panem-Alliswell (ao3)  Summary: For 75 years The Capitol suppressed all festivities that could bring joy and hope to the Districts, but with the birth of the Free Republic of Panem, the new leaders are attempting to bringing back the forgotten costumes of the old days, when Panem was known as America. Christmas has caught the eye of one District 12 baker. Clubbing 101-Alliswell (ao3)  Summary: Prompt 144: She has a night of fun before the start of the semester. She meets this guy, they hit it off that they sleep together. But when she shows up to her class the next day, she sees the guy again. But he’s her professor and he’s way older than she originally thought. #olderPeeta
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peskellence · 6 months
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◎ AO3 // peskellence ◎
Multi Chapter
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More Than Our Parts
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Explicit Content 18+
Summary: A lot has changed since the revolution. Crimes against androids are now being treated with greater severity, with many being subject to the same penalties as crimes against humans. While anti-android attitudes are on the decline, transforming the mindset of an entire city is no simple task.
A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner, RK900, have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' prompt a shift in perspective?
Status: Complete (28/28)
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Eventual Smut 18+
Summary: In the aftermath of Detroit's android revolution, Nines grapples with the complexities of his newfound deviancy. As he seeks to establish his place in a newly transformed society, his resolve is put to the ultimate test when he is paired with Detective Gavin Reed—a notoriously volatile human with a well-established hatred for androids—to investigate a series of murders.
While initial impressions of his partner seem to suggest his reputation is well-deserved, the more time Nines spends with him, the more he is forced to challenge his judgments. As they form an unexpected bond, the RK900 is also pushed to examine truths about himself he would much rather seek to forget. Nines POV Retelling of 'More Than Our Parts.'
Status: In Progress (6/?)
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Rule Of Nines
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Graphic Violence, Smut, Non-Con Elements 18+
In a world where loyalty is currency and compromise is weakness, Gavin Reed, a ruthless mobster, lives by his own rules. When an old enemy resurfaces with a deadly demand, his life is thrown into chaos—as his trusted second-in-command, Nines, is put to the ultimate test of allegiance. Will he stay committed to Gavin, or will the loyal guard dog begin to stray? Human Mob!AU
Status: Complete (5/5)
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My Friends Call Me Richard
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Explicit Content 18+
In a bid to improve his partnership (and secret intimate arrangement) with Detective Gavin Reed, RK900 embarks on a noble quest to spice things up. The solution? A new biocomponent. Three Part Comedy Fic.
Status: In Progress (1/3)
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Law & Mistletoe
Pairing: Chen300 // Warnings: Explicit Content 18+
Summary: At the yearly DPD Christmas party, Tina Chen is desperate to find company in someone other than the precinct Grinch. This comes in the form of Jasmine, a charming ST300 who works at reception. Following a kiss under the mistletoe, things quickly begin to escalate - with the night concluding at Tina's apartment. Takes place before the events of 'More Than Our Parts'
More Than Want
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Explicit Content 18+
Summary: After a heat-of-the-moment kiss, Gavin finds himself increasingly preoccupied with fantasies of what might have happened next if his partner hadn't run away. Takes place during the events of 'More Than Our Parts' 
Part Of You
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Explicit Content 18+
Summary: Gavin and Nines have been dating for some time now, but unfortunate circumstances early in their relationship meant that they weren't able to 'push the limits' of their intimate life quite as much as they would have liked. This is about to change. Takes place after the events of 'More Than Our Parts' 
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up in smoke.
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Explicit Content 18+
Gavin couldn't stand parties. Least of all, the ones that were hosted by his pretentious older brother. When the ‘small festive gathering’ he has been invited to turns out to be a networking event, he's quickly left wondering if things could possibly get any worse—and then he runs into Nolan, his former colleague and ex-boyfriend. Modern-day Human!AU
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Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Graphic Violence 18+
Summary: Gavin Reed is a lonely teenage boy - bullied relentlessly at school and kept firmly in check at home by his fanatical mother - but there is a fire inside of him which begs for release. After an incident in the school showers, this fire presents itself as a newfound ability. Will he take advantage of this unexpected change to punish those who have wronged him? Carrie (2013) Human!AU
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stay with me.
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Explicit Content 18+
Summary: After the untimely death of his older brother, Gavin becomes the sole beneficiary of his substantial wealth—as well as his impressive estate. Upon investigating the property for the first time, he discovers that the house is managed by a hyper-intelligent Domestic AI known as Nines. As well as being able to complete any and all domestic duties, Nines goes to tireless lengths to ensure its user feels happy and fulfilled at all times. When you've got things this good, why would you ever want to leave? Domestic AI!Nines AU
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Gavin Reed's Guide to Lowering the Bar
Pairing: Reed900 // Warnings: Explicit Content 18+
Gavin reluctantly embarks on a blind date set up by his best friend, Tina. First impressions of his date are promising until he notices the LED on their forehead. Will he be able to set aside his prejudices for a chance at love? (Or, at the very least, a chance to get laid.) Blind Date AU
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Fail Safe
Pairing: Reed900
Summary: Gavin and Nines are on security duty when an unexpected cyber attack results in the android's synthetic skin being compromised. Despite his worries, Gavin reassures him that their bond runs deeper than the pieces they are made of.
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soleilceirinen · 9 months
Renaissance | teacher!Cillian Murphy x fem!Reader - Part 14
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Summary: you are an Art History student in your last year at university. Cillian is your teacher. A/N: in this story Cillian is about 20 years older than the reader. Everything happens in an alternative universe where he is not an actor or famous, he doesn't have a wife or kids like in real life. English is not my first language, sorry if you find any mistake! Part 13 * - CILLIAN MURPHY MASTERLIST
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Before you realised it, the Christmas holidays arrived and you would only have two weeks before the final exams. It felt strange, how quickly time had passed. It seemed like it was yesterday when you started studying at the university as an eighteen year old girl and now you only had a semester left before graduating and being thrown into the real world. 
But this year was different from others. For instance, you didn’t plan on going back home to spend the holidays with your family. You weren’t ready for your parents' judgemental comments on your studies or the constant comparison between you and your cousins, your aunt never forgets to tell everyone how successful they are. Not to mention your grandmother asking in the middle of the family dinner if you had a boyfriend, because it was time. 
Just thinking of every possible question they could ask you gave you a headache. What could you say? Oh, sure, I have a boyfriend. He’s like twenty years older than me, and my teacher. You could imagine everyone’s reaction. That would definitely be too much. 
So you decided to stay in the city, not going home and avoiding a bunch of uncomfortable moments. On the contrary, Olivia did return home, but she promised to come back on New Year's Eve to go to a party, she didn't stop insisting until you agreed to go with her.
When Cillian found out that you would stay alone, he eagerly suggested spending the festivities together. You couldn’t refuse, despite not being very fond of that time of the year, if you were going to spend the time with him, it couldn’t be so bad, right?
Now you were lying on his sofa, with your legs on top of his while he traced his fingers over your thighs with his eyelids half closed. He had covered both of you with a fluffy blanket and the typical Christmas movie was playing on the TV in the background, none of you really watching it, too full of delicious food to even try to move. 
Looking at the Christmas decorations, you remembered that you had a gift for Cillian. You didn't want to break the feeling of tranquillity in which the two of you had fallen into but it was now or never. You untangled your legs from Cillian's grip and crawled out from under the blanket. A shiver ran through your body as you lost the warmth coming from the microcosmos that you both had created.
Cillian grabbed your hand and pulled you back down with him on the sofa. "Where are you going?" He mumbled sleepily.
"I'll be right back," you replied quietly as you caressed his cheek before running out to the guest room where you had left your coat and all the stuff you needed to spend a few days with him. You grabbed two bags and returned to the living room. Cillian had woken up a bit more, so he stared at you with a raised eyebrow. Suddenly, you were bursting with excitement and that made him smile. 
Sitting next to him, you gave him one of the bags. “For you”, you said nervously, “I hope you like it. I know it’s not much but I thought you might like it.”
Cillian’s face was unreadable as he took out a flat object from the bag, wrapped in gift paper. From the shape of it, it was pretty obvious what it was, you couldn’t help but bite your lip expectantly as he unwrapped it. Then he looked at the vinyl record in his hands for a few seconds in which he remained silent. It was a remastered album by the Beatles, one of his favourite groups, as far as you knew.
You touched his arm when he didn’t say anything. “Do you like it? I think you can exchange it for something else if you don't, I must have the gift ticket somewhere...”
Cillian placed the vinyl record on the coffee table and grabbed your face with his big hands to stop your rambling. “I love it, thank you Y/N” he whispered before pressing his lips to yours. You relaxed under his kiss, letting all the tension wash away. 
You could feel your cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink, it didn’t matter how much time had passed since the first time you shared a kiss with him, everytime he touched you he made you feel like you could burst in flames. 
Cillian cleared his throat and pointed to the second bag. You grabbed it and took out a dog toy. “This is for Scout,” you told him excitedly. The black dog looked at you from his bed next to the window and wagged his tail. “Come here, baby. Look what I got for you “ you moved the toy in the air, catching his attention. 
When he was next to you he leaned his head on your leg and sniffled the toy. Cillian petted his head and turned to you with a soft expression on his face. “I think he likes it” he commented as the dog grabbed the toy and walked back to his bed to lie down with it. 
It was now Cillian’s turn to get up. He headed to the large bookshelves that ran along the entire side wall of the room and started looking for something among the books. When he found what he was looking for, he returned to your side and handed you a rectangular envelope. As you opened it, your hands started to shake a bit. There were two plane tickets to Florence. 
“Cillian…” Your eyes started to fill with tears. Going to visit one of the most important cities of the Renaissance was like a dream to you, and Cillian knew it. He hugged you and pulled you to sit on his lap, where he rested his chin on top of your head. You stared at the tickets, the travel date wasn't until the summer, after the last semester ended. “Will we go together?” you asked, your voice thick with emotion. 
He kissed the top of your head and squeezed you against his chest. “We can go together if you want, or you can give the second ticket to a friend. Whatever you decide, it’s your choice Y/N”.
You shook your head, leaning on him. “No, I want to go with you.” 
Leaning your head back, you kissed his jaw. He tilted his head until your lips met again. You repositioned yourself on his lap, deepening the kiss as you moved your hips against his crotch, his bulge was growing for moments. When you broke apart for air, Cillian grabbed your thighs and stood up. You wrapped your legs around his narrow waist like a python and continued to devour every bit of his exposed skin with hungry kisses. 
He carried you to the bedroom, where he dropped you on the bed and lied beside you. “Merry Christmas, Y/N” he whispered in a hoarse voice as he caressed your hair. You closed your eyes and got lost in the feeling of his hands wandering under your clothes. 
Surely, you couldn’t imagine a better way to spend your Christmas holidays.
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vay99 · 2 years
Nami x f!reader
Ferris wheel by the sea
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Something for my fellow 🏳️‍🌈 who are into woman
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"Where the heck is that dumbass of a captain again?!" Nami yells once you've arrived at the new island. Which happened 30 seconds ago.
"This island is famous for its festivals and food, he's probably somewhere eating." Robin chuckles right before Sanji jumps off the ship.
"Festivals mean that there'll be beautiful ladies!!!" following his captain into the city Sanji keeps calling out for ladies.
"Food and Ladies, shouldn't you run towards that city like a maniac as well (y/n)?" Franky questions as you watch the guys disappear.
"Weren't you the one swooning over this island due to their world famous cola?"
"Look after the Sunny for me I'm off!! Suuuuperrr!"
"And there he goes. Do the men on this ship only have the brain capacity for one focus? Look at Mr always lost over there is fast asleep." Nami comments causing Robin to chuckle.
"They all share one brain cell and Chopper is currently in charge of it." you point towards the reindeer dochter who's mixing some medicine.
"Agreed." Robin and Nami answer in choir.
"I'll just read a bit until the party starts tonight." Robin leaves you two behind.
"I should work on my maps as well. What will you be up to?" Nami asks, playing with a strand of her dazzling hair.
"I don't know yet, but haven't you asked me to cut your hair a few days ago?" you step closer, touching the ends of a few strains.
"Oh, right, yes, if you want to, maybe you could." she scratches her neck, pulling her head back in the process which let's her hair run threw your fingers.
"Your ends are getting frizzy again, let's go."
She sits down on the chair as you lay the coat around her, preparing everything.
"How short do you want them to be? Or just the ends?"
"Just the ends please."
You begin cutting her hair as you both share the room in comfortable silence, which is a rare opportunity since the chaos mostly dominates the ship. You run your fingers through her hair as you take another layer down to cut.
"I know I say it every time but you've got beautiful hair, strong and healthy, a real eye catcher." you compliment her as you move to her bangs.
"Thank you." she whispers, not wanting to move an inch so you could easily cut her hair.
The boys returned after a while and everyone got ready for the huge party this evening. Franky got some nee tools and decided to stay on the sunny and watch the fireworks from there later on. You styled everyone's hair, Sanji is begging you to do that on a daily basis, besides Nami, she's been avoiding you since you've cut her hair.
"We'll head to the party already!" shouted Ussop as he, Nami and Chopper disappeared into the city. You heard them leave, as you run out on deck they were already out of your sight, frustrated you walked back into your shared room.
"So what are you going to do now? Have you missed your chance to ask her out again?" you didn't like the how Robin pronounced 'again', it's not like you don't know that you blew another chance.
"Why don't you help me choose an outfit so I can go after her and ask her? I can't decide whether I should wear a dress or a suit." you hold up your preferred outfits.
"Nami wore a short red dress." Robin didn't have to say anything else because you immediately knew which dress she meant and which outfit would be the best choice.
"Thanks Robin, you definitely got your eyes everywhere." you look at the eyes above the door, before you leave to the bathroom to get yourself ready as well.
"(y/n)-chan in a suit looks absolutely perfect!" the lovesick cook expresses his feelings before he and Zoro go back to bickering once more.
"He's not wrong." compliments Robin, who knew that you'd pick a black suit, with an oversized blazer and a red lace lingerie top. Nami was always a blushing mess when you wore those tops and it fits the suit perfectly. Let's also not forget the rings on your fingers.
*Nami, Ussop and Chopper*
"Why did you not let (y/n) style you'd hair Nami?" Ussop asks, nudging her with his elbow.
"The way she touches my hair, the hair ruffling, how close she was to check the details... I just wanted to melt right there. I know that I couldn't keep it together if we were to be alone right now. I just wanna feel her touch." Nami sighs, face buried in her hands.
Ussop, Chopper and Robin are the ones she told about her feelings towards you.
"We're rooting for you!!" the boys start chanting Namis name causing the navigator to laugh and act as if she didn't knew them, by now everyone is staring at them.
Once you've reached the town you're blown away, the whole city is part of an amusement park, roller-coasters move in between houses, a ferris-wheel that moves you from the city to the shore and cotton candy growing on trees.
"Well that's something." you mumble, eyes searching for a certain navigator.
"Searching for someone special~" Robin chuckles while you just roll your eyes in return.
"She's with Chopper and Ussop so they're probably at some candy booth, I'll just keep an eye out for those." you head off, searching everywhere.
"Wow." Nami stops, eyes widening as she sees a big teddy on a shelf. It reminds her of the one Bellmere once sewed for her, same color with a rainbow heard on the tummy. Ussop and Chopper went further without noticing how Nami was falling in love with the bear.
"You want that teddy don't you?" you ask, glad you finally found her
"Oh no, I'm too old for that." she laughs, slightly startled by your sudden appearance. "But since you're here let's just go onto that roller-coaster!" she grabs your elbow, trying to pull you away.
"I just need one throw, you know that right?"
"For 78 cans?" Nami asks in disbelieve.
"Watch me." placing the money on the table you ask for a single ball, the guy handing it over already laughing.
"Young lady, don't overdo yourself, nobod-" the now speechless men watches the cans fall down... as well as the top shelf.
"Yeah I take this, thanks." you grab the teddy, Namis hand and run off as the men shouts at you for destroying his booth that has a huge hole at the back now as well. After all, you're a straw hat, so what else could he expect?
"(y/n)!" Nami tries to scold you but it comes out with a laugh.
"What? You wanted the Teddy." you laugh back, stopping to flee from a guy who's not even following you.
"I did... Thank you." she hides her face within the Teddy's fur, hugging it closely. Said plushy is the size as her upper body and has the perfect size to hug it.
/I love seeing her happy with the Teddy but I'd love to swap places/ you think to yourself, hoping this night could go on forever.
"What shall we do next?"
"There should be a ferris wheel that takes you to the beach, I'd like to go there." she says, chin resting on top of her new fluffy friend.
"Let's go then." you
"So the carts are open? That should give us a nice view." you comment as you two enter your cart. It is a classic ferris wheel, besides the fact that it's not spinning on one place but rolling over the island towards the beach, in a slow Tempo.
"It's moving!" Nami yelps, startled by the sudden movement, holding onto your arm. You're slowly on the way to the top as the last few people enter before the ride begins.
Once it does you two get an amazing view over the city, the lights dance and there are happy faces everywhere. Nami doesn't notice that she's still holding onto your arm so you slowly intertwine your fingers, feeling how cold they are.
"You're shivering." you state as you remove your blazer, wrapping it around her shoulders. "You didn't have to freeze Nami."
She stays silent but whispers a quite thank you before hugging the blazer and Teddy close to keep her warm. As you keep watching the city she rests her head on your shoulder while your hands find their way back to the other.
"Isn't this a cliché?" Nami breaks the silence after some time, pointing at your blazer over her shoulders.
"I can take i-"
"No!" she hugs the blazer even closer to her body as she sits straight up again. "Forget what I just said."
"I could do that, but you'd have to erase that from my memory." you suggest, daring to go for it.
"And how am I supposed to do that?"
"Why don't you replace it with another instead." one glance at her lips was enough to let Namis heart race and eyes to widen.
"Are you sure?" she asks in disbelieve, fumbling with her fingers.
"I've never been so sure of something in my life." you cup her cheek with one hand as the other wraps around her back. Brushing your thumb over her lips you let your eyes drown in hers. Her brown eyes have never looked more comforting than right now. "May I?"
"Please do." she pleads, answering your kiss by instant. Her lips are as soft as the cotton candy you can taste on her, she wraps her free arm around your neck, not wanting this to end either. Once you parten your lips from another you've both got a love sick expression in your eyes.
"This is more addictive than I thought it would." Nami breaths, forehead resting against yours.
"Then let's be each other's drug." you tug her chin upwards, about to kiss her again. "Want another dose?"
She answered by sealing your lips with hers.
Spending the rest of the ride with kisses and a tiny make out session you've reached the beach way to fast for your liking.
"How did you know??" Namis face bursts into red shades.
"I'm the only one you never ask for money. That spoke for itself."
"I'll charge you for this kiss then." she states with confidence, the red color on her cheeks say otherwise.
"Which one?" you smirk, enjoying her flustered state.
"Y/n!!!" she hit you with the Teddy before holding him close again.
"You're so adorable when you blush, we both know that you'd pay me to kiss you." guiding her lips back towards you with one finger under her chin you keep your eyes locked.
"When I'm with you I don't care about money, so you can have it all if that means I can kiss you again."
Closing the gap between you once more you can hear the fireworks going off at the sky.
"Nami, I love you." you hug her from behind, watching the last fireworks explode, feeling full of life.
"I love you too, y/n."
*Small extra*
"Nami are your legs alright?!" the reindeer worries about her as you two enter the kitchen the next morning.
"I'm fine, just really, really exhausted." she smiles, sinking into her seat.
Robin and you exchange knowing glances, you can't thank her enough for staying at the library the entire night... without having any eyes in the room as well.
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